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Jenai Lee. lee.jenai@ymail.

Date: Topic:

Lesson Plan (Indonesian) 2013 Time: 40 mins Class/YR: e!"elan#a/Pa$aian

%t&dents P!io! 'no(led)e/ ac$)!o&nd Students practiced constructed roleplays, and performed it to the class in pairs. I focused purely on pronunciation, and explicit teaching on showing encouragement to fellow students. This was to reduce the stress, and increase the value of mutual support in the classroom. (1 lesson ) Students created their own clothing catalogues in ComicLife !ord "ages which included the following information. (#ama To$o % name of the shop, #ama pa$aian % name of the clothing, !arna & colour, '$uran & si(es, )arga & price* +inimum , pieces of clothing. (- lessons* Last 1. minutes of prior class, practice pronunciation of language items on )elp Sheet. 'osa 'ata Lan)&a)e Items Saya membeli Saya menjual Berapa harganya? Berapa ukurannya? Apa warnanya? Reso&!ces Clothing catalogue they created Timin) Teac*e! +cti,ities %t&dent +cti,ities Lea!nin) P&!pose Practice speaking and listening more spontaneously Build confidence in speaking and listening Consolidate prior knowledge Build stronger cooperative learning atmosphere in class

5 minutes Int!od&ction

Settle into class! e"plain that we will be doing Students listen an activity completely in #ndonesian mode $ook% &ou can dob in other students to get points if they speak 'nglish Students prepare for activity ,inish off printing work Ask teacher any last minute phrases they would like to add to their own list Practice using with person ne"t them

() mins +cti,it- 1 #ntroduce activity with slideshow '"plain language modes $and out $elp Sheet*+able sheet

(- mins +cti,it- 2 '"plain activity rules '"plain what organised chaos will look like .usic starts .usic stops /nline stop timer starts http%**www online0stopwatch com*countdown* Circulate! informally assess! model with weaker students ( - minutes beeps! swap ( - minutes then beeps again .usic starts again 1epeat 203 times - mins Concl&sion

Students listen Ask 4uestions if needed Students stand behind chairs 4uietly before starting Students walk around classroom in any direction Students partner up with closest person 5arker hair person acts as buyer first Swap roles Students give each other points

Students return to seats

Jenai Lee.

Add up points! submit work to teacher Students complete online survey about their thoughts of activity oa!d Plan

Lesson .,al&ation Class / Class / were far more engaged, and a0le to underta$e the tas$s. 1ven the wea$er and newer students understood what needed to 0e done. The difference 0eing Class / was actually informed of the structure in the last 1. minutes of class the lesson 0efore. I had also modelled with another student what was to 0e expected from engaging in this activity. Students who were usually passive learners were incredi0ly active during this activity.
Class 2 The very high level students were fully engaged, and understood exactly what to do. I had a num0er of other students completely confused 0y what they needed to do, and as such were not a0le to engage with the activity until later when helped individually 0y me. I forgot to mention what mode of language we were focusing on3 4Listening and Spea$ing4, which I thin$ made a huge difference in outcomes 0etween / and 2. 5nly a few students did not li$e the activity. These were students who made no attempt at spea$ing Indonesian, and needed more scaffolding. / prepared script would have 0een more useful, and given less choices in phrases for these students. 5verall, the unexpected outcomes were that very high level and middle level students were thoroughly engaged 0ecause they were 0eing challenged, and given freedom of choice in how they o0tained their information. It provided a stress%free environment for shy students to practice over and over the same structures and 4'S14 their language. They were encouraged to ad%li0 to create more spontaneous responses. To improve

Some instruction of activity in lesson 0efore 6evelop scripts with wea$er students earlier Clearer instruction of activity In response to there were several students who stated that I needed to 4teach more so they understand4. )owever, these language items were all language they had 0een studying all wee$. I thin$ I need to emphasise how the language can 0e used, connect more to prior $nowledge and what modes are 0eing used.

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