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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Pla ntilla del plan de unidad

Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Otros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad GOOD NU"#$"$ON % &%' "O % (E%)"(' )$*E $N"EG#%"$NG %ND DE O+$NG "(E$# )$S"EN$NG, S+E%-$NG, #E%D$NG %ND &#$"$NG S-$))S. Resumen de la unidad Sara Suira Quintero C.E.B.G Chitra de Calobre Distrito de Calobre era!uas

This unity tries to get the power to make a difference in the lives of my students by teaching them how to navigate the food environment, be thoughtful food consumers, and make healthy choices for themselves. Students should learn and practice making healthy food choices in the classroom and at home, but because the school day is so crowded with other subjects, some students don't receive as much nutrition education as they need. In this unit, you can find activities such as: ideos, !owerpoint and others which provide a great opportunity to teach healthy food decision"making and reinforce the healthy eating messages that students receive elsewhere. #t the end, They will prepare and present their own oral analysis about all they observe from the video and the powerpoint. #lso, they will make a collage to show all the information they got.
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s 1 de 5

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

ENG)$S( Ao y nivel $$, $$$, $3 Tiempo necesario apro imado 1 periodos de 40 minutos !undamentos de la unidad Contenidos
CONCE+"S (E%)"(, NU"#$"$ON, %ND *OOD. )%NGU%GE S-$))S Usin! !rammar in conte5t 6or communicative purpose. 7odals 8Should 9 shouldn:t Short ans;ers #e6le5ive pronouns Conditionals Goin! to Connectors $nte!ratin! vocabulary in conte5t 6or communicative purpose. %""$"UDE Sho;in! interest 6or practicin! healthy nutritional habits. Bein! conscious about causes and conse<uences o6 a bad nutrition.

"#$etivos del aprendi%a$e

To learn about the food pyramid and the different sections of it. #lso for the students to learn what foods they should have the most of to keep them healthy. Identify and synthesi$e nutritional habits using a wide range of print and nonprint te%ts by investigating good nutritional habits, classifying the food groups. &omparing and contrasting foods to understand what makes one more healthful than the other. integrate and develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through their cultural heritage content Indicadores &ogros &ategori$es food groups using a pyramid. Investigates and analyses nutritional habits on print and nonprint te%ts. &reates a chart with nutritional food information and pictures &reates a collage by using nutrional food

Preguntas orientadoras del plan de Pregunta esencial

'hy is important to eat in a healthy way( 'hat nutritional habit we need to practice to be healthy( 'hy is necessary to follow a good diet(

Preguntas de unidad

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Preguntas de contenido

(o; ;e have to classi6y the 6ood accordin! to the 6ood pyramid= &hat 6ood nutritional habits ;e should practice in our houses to be healthy= &hat nutritional 6ood can you mention accordin! the 6ood pyramid=

Plan de evaluacin

Cronograma de evaluaciones

Antes de empezar el trabajo del proyecto

Durante el desarrollo del proyecto

Una vez completado el proyecto .ubrics to evaluate creating and e%plaining a nutritional food chart in an oral way Scale of .ange to evaluate making a collage by using nutritional foods. S,# Techni*ue

)%ploratory *uestions +rainstorming S,# Techni*ue

-ook a video about nutritional food. &hecklist to evaluate Interpretation, analysis and opinions in groups about they will observe in the video. !resent their conclusions about the video

Resumen de evaluaciones
E'A&(ATI") PR"CE*" + PR"P,*IT"

)%ploratory *uestions

0easure prior knowledge of each one about the topic integrating the four skills. 0easure their capacity in the analysis and interpretation of videos and powerpoints in )nglish language. 1et new information that they didn2t know

ideo and powerpoint

&reates and e%plains a &hart about /utrition and healthy choices.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

0ake a healthy food collage using nutritional information

and change of attitude about their nutriotional habits.

Detalles de la unidad -a#ilidades previas $nterpretation and analysis o6 in6ormation 6rom the videos and po;erpoints Con6ection and e5planation o6 a chart about healthy 6ood. Con6ection o6 a colla!e about healthy 6ood.


Inicio: )%ploratory *uestions such as: 'hat do you understand about healthy food( 3o you know the five groups of the food pyramid( 'hat do you have to eat to be healthy( Discuss the nutritional food that we need to eat to be healthy, show a video on food group and choices. Desarrollo: Show a video about nutritional food and compare it with their nutritional food habits. -ook the food pyramid and the nutritional information from a powerpoint. Interpretation, analysis and e%change opinions in groups about they will observe in the video. Investigate more information about nutritional food and the food pyramid. !resent oral conclusions about the video Cierre: &reates and e%plains a &hart about /utrition and healthy choices. 0ake a healthy food collage using nutritional information
Estudiante con necesidades especiales )o .ispano/ parlantes Estudiante talentoso

/o e%iste

/o e%iste /o e%iste

0ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Tecnologa 1 -ard2are >e<uipo necesario? C2mara Computadora>s? C2mara di!ital #eproductor de D D Cone5in a $nternet Tecnologa 1 *o3t2are >necesario? Base de datosA(oBa de c2lculo Dia!ramador de publicaciones +ro!rama de correo electrnico Enciclopedia en CDC#O7
0ateriales impresos *uministros Recursos de Internet "tros Recursos Easy English by John Mactavish English diccionaries Laptop, Data Show.

Disco l2ser $mpresora Sistema de proyeccin Esc2ner "elevisor

C# C2mara de v@deo E<uipo de v@deo con6erencia Otro

Editor de im2!enes Buscador &eb 7ultimedia

Desarrollo de p2!inas ;eb +rocesador de te5to Otro

http8AA;;;.youtube.comA;atch=6eatureDplayerEdetailpa!eFvDGm%1G/DGN& http8AA;;;.teachCnolo!y.comAteachersAlessonCplansAhealthAnutrition

)os pro!ramas de $ntelH Educacin son 6inanciados por la *undacin $ntel y la Corporacin $ntel. Derechos reservados ./001, Corporacin $ntel. "odos los derechos reservados. $ntel, el lo!o de $ntel, la iniciativa de $ntel Educacin y el +ro!rama $ntel Educar son marcas re!istradas de $ntel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pa@ses. IOtros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

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