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Questionnaire. This part requests the search for specific info about the play.

You are given some questions; your duty is to look for the correct answers. 1. Who was madly in love with the Queen? 2. What was Dartagnan doing in That Little Caf Down the Road? 3. What is the kings personality like? 4. What are the Three Musketeers names? 5. Who wants to be a musketeer? 6. Why does the cardinal want to get the queen into trouble? 7. How many diamonds does the sash have? 8. Where does the story take place? 9. Whats the queens name? 10. Why is Constance crying in the woods?

1. 1Who was madly in love with the Queen? 2. What was Dartagnan doing in That Little Caf Down the Road? 3. What is the kings personality like? 4. What are the Three Musketeers names? 5. Who wants to be a musketeer? 6. Why does the cardinal want to get the queen into trouble? 7. Who wrote the three musketeers? 8. Where does the story take place? 9. When was Alexander Dumas born? 10. When was the 3 musketeers written?

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