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Theme 1 OUR COMMUNITY Strateg !

1,1 De-e($. a D#*a*ter!Emerge%" Ma%ageme%t P(a% /$r Ba+.(e Arrange meetings with Council and Emergency Services obtain assistance in develo ing an E!"# 1,2 Pr$m$te a0are%e** $/ 1Ne#gh2$+rh$$) Sa/er P(a"e3 "romote $ush,ire Sa,ety "lan -$S". /denti,y and romote 0eighbourhood Sa,er "laces -0S". 1,4 C$mm+%#t meet#%g $% 1B+*h/#re A0are%e**3 1rganise community $ush,ire awareness resentations at start o, each ,ire danger eriod# 1,5 Me)#"a( Ser-#"e* Establish a medical centre and chemist at 2iaro to service inland areas o, the region# 1,6 Am2+(a%"e Ser-#"e* /nvestigate the ability to establish resence o, 4&irst Res onders 1,6 Y$+th A"t#-#t#e* Develo strategies ,or youth activities within $au le including a review o, recreation ,acilities9 investigation o, ,easibility o, youth activity area and in,rastructure $DR% Committee &CRC Disaster !gmt %rou R&S Annually at start o, each ,ire danger eriod 1rganise and schedule Community !eetings# "romulgate widely and romote on community websites# R&S



Target Date
December 201'

C$mme%t* - Stat+*
()& Communications is now located at *1+0 and training ,or o erators organised with &CRC annually# Emergency !anagement "lan to be ublicised and romoted on community web sites#


$DR%A Committee &CRC Disaster !gmt %rou Emergency Services $au le Community $"A $DR%A &CRC Disaster !gmt %rou R&S

Annually at start o, each ,ire danger eriod

1rganise and schedule Community !eetings# "romulgate widely and romote on community websites#


&CRC Allied )ealth )ealth "ractitioners


0o ,urther action re3uired at this time# Doctor surgery in 2iaro not manned but doctor now in $au le#

$"A *ld Ambulance Service Community 5olunteers

0&A 67201'

A meeting was convened Aug 201' at 2iaro by *AS to # $"A advised residents by email# 0o re onses# (nsuccess,ul 8$"A to discuss whether to attem t again in 2014#

All community grou s Community youth &CRC :outh Services 1,,icer

&unding Allocation Re3uired

&CRC to be contacted to determine ,unding status# $"A to convene meeting o, all grou s to meet with aim o, ,orming a :outh Committee Conduct survey and results and recommendations to &CRC


;anuary 2014


Revision 1: December 2014

Theme 1 OUR COMMUNITY Strateg !A"t#$%

1,7 BM8 Tra"' $uild a $!< 2rac= on $au le Recreation and S orts %round#



Target Date
Com leted

C$mme%t* - Stat+*
2he $!< trac= was com leted by &CRC but is unsuitable# 2he $!< trac= is considered unsuitable by many and a "oll o, community youth to determine the ,uture o, the $!< 2rac= on $au le Recreation and S orts %round#



1,9 E-e%t* a%) :e*t#-a(* Continue to su ort and develo community events that celebrate community ride eg $au le $ash

&CRC All local community grou s#

;anuary 2014

$"A to investigate with all sta=eholders additional ossible ma>or events ,or community ie annual C?@ night9 motor show etc "ossibility o, ,unding was raised by Aocal Councillor at last $"A meeting# Raise ro osal as7i, re3uired#


1,; Age#%g C$mm+%#t a# b# c# d# Survey community to identi,y needs o, seniors /denti,y in,rastructure available to seniors Ensure regular contact available to all seniors Regular romulgation o, im ortant in,ormation to seniors

$"A Residents


Called ,or eB ressions o, interest rior to convening C2hin= 2an=Ds# "am hlet at 2iaro Aibrary9 online and emailed to $"A !embers# Aittle res onse# Convened C2hin= 2an=D and a er outlining outcome to %eneral !eeting o, $"A and online# "ro osal "ro osals: "romulgation o, items a,,ecting elderly residents in newsletters and online# Encourage a R(1E cam aign ,or local residents ut to $"A !eeting ,or resolution resented

All community grou s

Se tember $"A meeting 47127201'


Revision 1: December 2014


Strateg !A"t#$% 2,1 C$mm+%#"at#$% a%) C$mm+%#t E%gageme%t Council to im rove its relationshi with the $au le community by giving commitment to ongoing9 o en and honest communicationF a# Ac=nowledge the issues and concerns or ro osed changes to the CD" raised by the communityF "rovide in,ormation to the community about c u r r e n t a n d ,uture lansF and /n,orm the community on the status o, ro>ects identi,ied in the CD"# V$#"e $"A Committee $au le Community %rou s and Re resentatives &e Sta'eh$()er* $"A Committee Aocal Councillor &CRC Communications 2eam &CRC Community Develo ment 2eam $au le Community

Target Date

C$mme%t* - Stat+* 2he $au le Community Develo ment "lan is the overriding document used by the $"A and local Community to monitor rogress on activities identi,ied as im ortant to the im rovement o, the area#

A"t#$% &CRC7$"A

&CRC res onse to a# $"A within month o, submissions !arch 2014 $"A !eetings b# c#

&CRC to ac=nowledge ro osals and issues raised by the $"A acting on behal, o, the local community#


$i8annual meetings to be arranged between $"A Committee and Aocal Councillor re status o, the $au le CD"# $"A resent a Status Re ort at each !eeting on any changes to CD" identi,ied by &CRC# $"A to ta=e lead


2,2 U%#te) Ba+.(e C$mm+%#t

Establish a "rogress Association ,or delivering a community voice ,or $au le with re resentation ,rom all local grou s with an aim o, wor=ing together to create a uni,ied lan7voice -ie larger number o, votersG.

/mmediate and 1ngoing December 201'

2he $au le "rogress Association has been ,ormed but a lot o, wor= needs to be done to gain trust and a wor=ing relationshi # $"A to establish subcommittees with community grou involvement on ro osals that a,,ect more than one community grou #

2,4 C$mm+%#"at#$% *trateg#e* Communication strategies suggested by artici ants included Agree on time line -cor orate !ust have Realistic re3uestsF lans.F oint o, contact7emailF

$"A $au le Community %rou s

/mmediate and 1ngoing

$au le Community %rou s to develo and agree on rotocols ,or communication with each other and &CRC# 2he aim o, this being a united voice being resented to %overnment on matters a,,ecting the $au le community#


1 en ? honest communication both waysF &ace to ,ace meetings with grou s


Revision 1: December 2014

Theme 4<


4,1 Te"h%$($g a# See= Council su ort to lobby the government ,or im roved regional access to technology ,or the $au le Community# !aintain ublic access to the internet at the !useum9 the school and7or !enDs Shed#

Key Stakeholders $"A

&CRC State and &ederal Agencies

Target Date Comments - Status

;anuary 2014 $"A /n,rastructure Subcommittee to call ,or submissions identi,ying otential ro>ects ,or State and &ederal Agencies "romote availability o, internet at the !useum9 the school and7or !enDs Shed on notice boards and internet# !onitor availability o, government grants to enhance or maintain com uters etc ,or the community#





$"A and all community grou s

4,2 P$*ta( Ser-#"e /nvestigate o tions to establishing a ,ull ostal service in $au le# 4,4 S+..$rt#%g L$"a( B+*#%e** "romote buy local roduceF rovide services o, convenience to im rove the 3uality o, li,eF s end money locally or su ort local events and organisations# 4,5 Pr$m$t#%g Ba+.(e a# Develo a 4&raser Coast )interlandH 2rail ,eaturing local attractions and areas o, interest# "romote $au le in regional romotional ublications and on web8 site# Actively see= ositive articles on $au le in media ublications# Re3uest !ain Roads to review signage on highway -north and south. showing $au le by8 ass o,, main corridor# $"A All community grou s &CRC Economic Develo ment (nit


"ossibility o, "ost 1,,ice i, sho

re8o ens# $"A $"A

Encourage residents to write to Aocal !ember and Australia "ost re ,uture o, mail deliveries# 1ngoing $"A to meet with community grou s to identi,y a strategy to encourage establishment o, new business in area# Establish a sub committee to address the issue#

;anuary 2014

$"A Environment ? )eritage Sub Committee &CRC 2ourism !ain Roads

De endant on &unding

$"A to meet with community grou s to identi,y a strategy to encourage ositive re orting o, the area and encourage tourism to su ort local attractions# Establish a sub committee to address the issue#

All community grou s


c# d#


Revision 1: December 2014

Theme 4<


4,6 T$+r#*m a# /denti,y and romote ,ree cam ing area with ,acilities to attract 4%rey nomadsH and R5Ds to detour into $au le# Creation o, cra,t industries -artists collective7galleryF ublic art7eBhibition music ,estival.# Access to and wal=ing trac=s7loo= out on !t $au le# /m roved access to the !ary River# Aicensed recreation -eg hotel7s orting club.#

Key Stakeholders &CRC

Target Date Comments - Status

$"A to su ort !useum with romoting historical wal=ing trac= around $au le and encourage visits to the !useum

All community grou s

De endant on Commercial o erators commercial DER! investment


c# d# e#

4,6 E"$t$+r#*m /nvestigate ,unding o ortunities to em loy an eB erienced environmental7business consultant that could wor= with $au le community to develo the conce t9 underta=e mar=et research and write a business lan# 2his would rovide the community with the tools necessary to attract investors and gain government su ort ,or the ro>ect# 4,7 Pr$m$te C$mm+%#t a**et*

&A02 "rogram Community 2ourism &raser Coast &CRC %rants 1,,icer


All community %rou s 1ngoing

/m rove ,inancial situation o, local community assets by advertising the availability o, venues ,or hire ,or organised and rivate ,unctions#

Aocal advertising in %ym ie72iaro7!aryborough areas on the availability o, ,acilities ,or ,unctions could im rove the ,inancial viability o, local grou s# Contact commercial ,unction organisers and advise o, venues ,or their ,unctions# otential

All community %rou s -$and )all9 !useum9 *1+09 Recreation %rounds etc. to im rove cash ,low#


Revision 1: December 2014

Theme 5<


5,1 E%-#r$%me%t

De endant on ,unding and Develo a ,lora and ,auna centre ,or eBternal reserving and romoting green areas Community sta=eholder and roviding local em loymentF Environment "rogram involvement -CE". Establish $au le as a release oint and Re orts by &eb sanctuary ,or =oalasF EBternal state agencies 2014 Establish an environmental education cam ,or young eo leF "ublicise !ar Commercial 2014 /nvestment Establish a Richmond $irdwing $utter,ly "ar=F @ildli,e Conservation Establish a tertiary level ,lora and ,auna %rou s research centreF De artment Establish rotected wildli,e corridorsF

Key Stakeholders &CRC "lanning

Target Date Comments - Status

An invitation to be made to all interested community grou s and residents to rovide an u date on the status o, any environmental ro>ects# "re are and romulgate a re ort ,or community websites#


/nclude in neBt $"A Review#

Remove weeds and re lace with endemic s eciesF Council to CgreenD areas through community re8 lantingF @or= to reserve local endangered s eciesF and /m roving wildli,e7conservation awareness# 5,2 >#()(#/e "$rr#)$r Aobby Council to establish a wildli,e corridor to roactively reserve land to ensure a connected wildli,e corridor through the region# Community &CRC Environmental Advisory Committee State agencies &CRC "lanning De artment &CRC "lanning De artment &raser Coast "lanning Scheme Aobby Council to establish a wildli,e corridor to roactively reserve land to ensure a connected wildli,e corridor through the region# @ho has been handling thisJ 0eed an u date ,rom them#

5,4 Vegetat#$% C(ear#%g Establish lanning instrument to regulate clearing o, vegetation on lands within $au le#

&raser Coast "lanning Scheme

2em orary Aocal "lanning /nstrument ,or vegetation and ecological rotection# @ho has been handling thisJ 0eed an u date ,rom them#

1I !ARC) 2011


6,1 P+2(#" R$a) Sa/et /m rove a# b# c# d# e# ublic sa,ety by:

Key Stakeholders Target Comments - Status Date December 201' a# Action K 2heme 1 $"A
&raser Coast Regional Council b#


2iaro "olice District Develo ing a disaster management lan Consultative Committee (nderta=ing a Road sa,ety community education rogram Revising s eed limits 2ra,,ic count on local roads9 es ecially during cane season# "olice to monitor s eeding on !ain Street9 !ill Street ? Stottenville Rd and s eed limits generally# $"A &raser Coast Regional Council !ain Roads ;anuary 2014

Co8ordinated by 2iaro "olice District Consultative Committee c# Actioned d# ActionedJ e# $"A to write to &CRC7!aryborough olice re3uesting regular monitoring#

6,2R$a) I%/ra*tr+"t+re Pr#$r#t#e* Council and the De artment o, !ain Roads to im lement action in res onse to residentsD concerns and riorities ,or local road wor=# a# b# c# d# e# 2ar sealing o, !ac=ellar St# 2ar sealing o, road ,rom $au le through to coast# 2ar sealing o, "aine Road -only tar sealed hal,wayJ. EBit strategy ,or bush,ires K Stottenville Road com letion through to !olteno Road# Southern access road to7,rom ,orest view estate#

a# b# c# d#


Raised with &CRC and their ro osal to lace bollards to restrict tra,,ic re>ected# @aiting ,or ,inal decision# @as recommended to CE1 that it could be a ossible ro>ect ,or De,ence# &CRC to su ly outcome# Status re3uired ,rom &CRC# "lan rovided by &orestry showing eBit routes 0SE?@# &orest 5iew residents to establish Ccollection and eBitD oints# &CRC to be as=ed to rovide grader to stabilise road &CRC to be as=ed to rovide grader to stabilise road#


6,4 R$a) Sa/et Cam.a#g% /nvite the 2iaro "olice District Consultative Committee to meet with the community# 2he Committee is an ideal avenue ,or raising road sa,ety concerns9 eB loring o tions ,or im lementing road sa,ety community education rograms and7or revising local s eed limits# 6,5 P+2(#" Tra%*.$rt Conduct an awareness cam aign to residents who may be eligible ,or )ACC services K "romote 2he "owerhouse Community CentreDs community vehicle#

2iaro "olice District Consultative Committee

!arch ? Se tember annually

Community education and in,ormation brie,ing#


&CRC Community Develo ment

Awareness Cam aign

Regular items on community websites and newsletters#

All community grou s

1I !ARC) 2011

Theme 6<


&e Sta'eh$()er* Target Date &raser Coast "lanning Scheme Date 2$A C$mme%t* - Stat+* $"A to re3uest &CRCDs local Councillor to advise a community meeting on the im act o, changes as they a,,ect $au le area## A"t#$%

Strateg !A"t#$% P(a%%#%g reg+(at#$%* "lanning regulations should relaB restrictions on establishing retail business that are less relevant in small communities# &or eBam le the re3uirement ,or retail outlets to rovide ar=ing eight vehiclesF lanning rocessF

&CRC "lanning De artment State %overnment

/ncrease commercial Loning in schemesF S eed u develo ment a roval

/ntroduce %overnment7Council incentives to encourage businesses to move to $au leF and "reserve the large residential bloc=s in town# Aarge bloc=s contribute to the village atmos here that is highly valued by residents#

1I !ARC) 2011

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