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Silicon Valley FOP 52

Pensions There is a pension problem! Let me repeat that for those that have been hiding their heads in the sand. There is a pension problem.

But the real problem is a public relations problem that was cleverly geared towards making the public believe that our pensions and benefits have caused the drain on public funds and are the root of all the current economic problems that local state and state governments are experiencing. It was obvious that soon after the collapse of the economy a villain needed to be found to blame for all the economic problems. Major unions and groups were unwilling or unable to see the early signs of the impending attack, they continued to believe that their political power would allow them to weather the coming events. This flawed strategy failed to strike at the momentum that was increasing as news agencies continued to add fuel to the fire. The push back on this attack must include a strategy to first slow the momentum then use the trust that public safety has with the voters to educate them. The public must be convince that the value of their safety is a priority and to demand that city council or county supervisors fund core services first. The opportunity to not only slow the momentum but to actually make gains is the next election. The next election will form public policy regarding the direction cities and counties take for the next generation. While a finale resolution (court decision) will take years and large sums of money as it goes through appeal after appeal the makers of the those policies will be decided in the next election. Associations need to change the image of greedy public employees. Public safety is in a position to lead the push back by mounting a campaign to provide information to the public by using the work our members do as an opportunity to show the value of having the best and the brightest in our ranks. Large businesses grow not by hiring the third best but by hiring the best and brightest available. The focus should bet on San Jose as an example of what can happen if a care is not taken when making extreme changes in benefits.

San Jose has over the years saved money by having a small number of officers police the tenth largest city in the country. The department was always been undersized for the population it patrolled. They developed a model that dictated that they would hire the best and brightest and instill a sense of professionalism to motivate them to excel. They created a police model that was the envy of many cities all over the world. The police work regarding all types of crimes from homicides, assaults and even high tech crimes were examples of what a small core of bright and motivated police officers could accomplished. The question becomes why cant some cities like San Jose afford their police department and adjoining cities can pay some of the highest wages and benefits in the country. What is it about the city of San Clara, Sunnyvale and Campbell that allows them to be able to afford their officers? What associations need to ask is what type of mismanagement may be happening and demand a full accounting and a seat at the table regarding policy changes. Employees cannot be used as a scapegoat for the cities and counties for bad long term decisions made by their employers. What has not been fully reported is the bad investment decisions some government groups have made too accelerate and exacerbate the economic problems we are facing. As long as both sides try to demonize each other we all lose including the public. Everyone loses as officers flee to greener pastures. The officers take with them valuable experience that cannot be easily or financially replaced. The officers that stay have an increased work load and economic hardship as the retirement contributions increase to make up for the officers that left. The level of danger is increased due lack of adequate back up. The problem is national and soon to be global, other countries will jump on the bandwagon of blaming the employees for their problems. The questions is how we fight, not if we fight. The truth is that we cannot out spend the government so continuing the same path will only make attorneys rich, just using the court system is short sighted and expensive. Educating the public (voters) about prioritizing core service and the correct candidates to accomplish those goals is a more cost effect method that will resolve in changes to the system inherent with problems. All of us have an interest in the fair resolution to the situation we find ourselves in. The problem will not go away short of a wind fall of funds and then will return with a change in the economy. The results of the coming election cannot be left to chance. The opportunity to make an impact with the community and educate them of the issues and not rely on the fairness of the press to conduct unbiased news is too important to be left to chance. The association must use this time to take a leadership role in the education or continue fighting a defensive battle as the have been doing resulting in additional take backs.

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