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Anna Whaley Topic: Contrastive analysis between Standard English, African American Language, and French Language.

Standards: Grade 3: 3a. Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. 4a. Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. 4c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. Writing: 4. With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. 7. Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. 8. Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories. Rationale: When teaching about these three languages and contrasting them, I want students to understand the differences and the importance. I want to make it clear to students that language is spoken differently according to the speaker, audience, culture, and region. Literature can help students understand language variety. I want students to see and understand the value of language in literature. I want students to learn about native dialects around the world that are/can be represented in our classroom. This will in turn add to the students existing linguistic skills, rather than completely replace their native language. As we read in the book Emergent Bilinguals by Garcia and Kleifgen we learn from the very beginning that One of the most misunderstood issues in PreK-12 education today is how to educate students who are not yet proficient in English. (P. 1) These students are so often marginalized in the schools and really get shafted from the education experience they are looking for. They come to the United States to learn and make a life for themselves, so it is our job as the educators in the school to make sure that they are receiving the level of education they deserve. As the book states, For teachers, working with these students as emergent bilinguals means holding higher expectations of these children and not simply remediating their limitations and focusing on their English learning. (Garcia and Kleifgen, 2010. P. 3) I want the children to know that o All languages are important and should be valued. o In literature, it is so important to acknowledge different languages and come to value it.

o It is important to practice their native language as well as other languages in written and oral form. o Understand and appreciate differences between themselves and classmates. o Learn new things about each other. Learning Outcomes: Students will share one thing about themselves that makes them unique and special. Materials: Computer/Smart board for powerpoint Pencils Paper Come out and Play written by Diana Law Hello World written by Manya Stojic Its Okay to be Different by Todd Parr Professional Resources: Garcia, Ofelia and Kleifgen, Jo Anne. Emergent Bilinguals: Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Language Learners. Fisiak, J. (Ed.) 1981. Contrastive Linguistics and the Language Teacher. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Gass, S. & L. Selinker(eds.) (1983). Language Transfer in Language Learning. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House. Delpit, Lisa, and Dowdy, Joanne Kilgour, 2008. The Skin That We Speak. Ladson-Billings, Gloria, 2009. The Dreamkeepers. Childrens Resources: Procedures: 1.) I will open up the lesson and get the attention of the students by reading Hello World. 2.) After I read the book I will ask, What are some unique and different things you noticed about that book? I am looking for anything the children can tell me. Nothing specific. 3.) Next I will say Have you noticed that just like in this book, we are all different in our classroom? Not a one of us are the same! One of the most obvious differences, other than gender or race, may be the language that we primarily speak. (I will then insert what specific languages are spoken in the classroom.) 4.) Here I will ask a student to come up and teach us a word/sentence in their language. (If any). 5.) Then I will ask Did you see how cool that was? The language sound different in some ways, and in some it sounds the same! Today we are going to learn

about this. I want to talk about the differences between Standard English, African American Language, and French Language. We are going to learn about some rules for specific dialects within the languages and read some examples of them. Before we do lets look at another book that talks about being different. Its called Its Okay to be Different by Todd Parr. 6.) Next I will pull up the PowerPoint and we will go through it slide by slide. At the end I will have the students get a piece of paper and a pencil and we will work together as a class to come up with a sentence and translate it into the three different languages. 7.) The final assignment will be to challenge the students to come up with and write down one way they know they are special and unique that makes them differ from everyone else in the class. I will tell them to do this while I read the book Come out and Play. After I read they will write down their one thing and turn it in to me. Ultimately, at the end of this lesson I want to make class book with these facts about each student. And I want the students to draw a picture that describes what they wrote.

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