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Nutrition Secondary (6-10) Direct Teaching Style

Dan Sommerville March 22, 2012 PED 240-01 Ingrid Johnson

Nutrition Lesson Plan 1

Lesson Contextual Information

Secondary Physical Education Health awareness Nutrition Related Activity 45 minutes Secondary (6-12)

NASPE Standards Addressed 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

Behavioral Objective -Psychomotor: Student shall be able to perform basic fitness routines such as Jumping Jacks, Situps, Jogging in Place and squats, all while holding a trash bag as a metaphor for ones stomach. (NASPE 1) -Cognitive: Students will learn the dynamics of the effects of an improper diet upon their abilities to perform even basic activities as well as the time it takes to shed the improper portions from their body. The students also will calculate personal calorie a day recommendations as well as BMI. (NASPE 6) -Affective: The student will demonstrate cooperation in sharing time at the computer and the calculator being paitient in order to calculate their Recommended calorie intake and BMI (NASPE 6)

Adaptations/individualized instruction -Hearing impairments regarding the movie portion, have a back computer with headphones ready. -Adjust the basic exercises in accordance to students with physical disabilities. -Challenge students to increase their knowledge, by having them research more nutrition based websites for homework. -Consider making garbage bags in to back packs to allow for their to be a physical weight difference.

Nutrition Lesson Plan 2 Prerequisite Skills or Knowledge Need For Lesson -Basic Training Principles -Health related fundamentals: Basic food groups, calories, carbohydrates, starches, fats, proteins, etc.

Equipment: 20 assessment sheets, 2 computers, 1 calculator, 5 extra pencils, speakers, 10-15 garbage bags, Item portions as seen on pg 61 of Physical Best: 6 tennis balls (fruit), 6 Baseballs (Non-starch Veggies), 7-10 paper cups (cupped hand natural carbohydrates: rice pasta cereal), 5 decks of playing cards (protein), 6 compact discs (pancakes/waffles), 7 rolls of athletic tape (1/2 cup of raw veggies), 6 golf balls (dried fruit and nuts), 6 ping pong balls (butter/ peanut butter). Fats: 8 basketballs, rubber chickens, sand bags.

Management Issues for Unit Equipment set up: trying to lay out all stations as best as possible before class, have computers ready on where they need to be. Organization: Everything should be prepared off to the side before the start of class Split into groups: groups of 5 counted off by numbers to cut down on time management Stop activity: The group watching the video should be in charge of letting the class know when it is finished then the students switch stations.

Nutrition Lesson Plan 3 Safety/Liability Issues - Personal space spread out amongst the gymnasium so that no one is hit with a swinging garbage bag. -Students should hold their bag with the laces wrapped around their arms much like a wii remote so it doesnt fling off. - Personal awareness when moving about the gym so as to not get injured.

Notes: Warm-up and cool down are not as important due to the nature of the lesson being about nutrition knowledge. The most important thing is to move into activities. Stretching is key.

Nutrition Lesson Plan 4

Instruction and Classroom Management

Welcome, Roll call, and overview of day (2 min) Good Morning class, is everyone excited for today? Good. Well first things first Im going to take attendance and then were going to move right into stretching because we need it for the new types of physical activity that we will be experiencing today. CUES: Have students stand aound the south end baseline. Warm-up activity Fitness activity (3 min) Basic stretches and a quick Lap around the gym. CUES: Toe touch, butterflies, arm circles, etc. Anticipatory Set for Lesson Focus (5 min) Today we will be discussing the importance of nutrition and the effects a poor diet can have on one ability to perform physical activity. Discuss for students the idea for proper portioning and types of meals they should be eating within a day. And how it keeps their metabolism going. CUES: Have the students count off 1 to 5 so that they can get into groups Input and Demonstration (5 min) Quick explanation of each stations purpose: the first to determine the daily recommended calorie intake and BMI; 2/3 to show differences of a well balanced diet and one thats out of whack. And 4 to show the dangers of Fast Food. Station1: follow instructions on the website Station 2/3: demonstrate safety for holding bags and perform the 4 exercises for the class to demonstrate how they should be using the bags Station 4: Explain that they will only be watching 3 minutes of the video and when it is done they need to let the class know. Video is Supersize Me CUES: Exercises are squats, sit-ups, jogging, and jumping jacks; Give each student a worksheet that they will need to fill out Skill Drills (20 min) Station 1 (Answering Personal Health Questions) Computer one/calculator Recommended Calorie intake Per day BMI Calculation CUES: website:, graphing calculator for BMI; An example of calculating body mass index using the BMI

Nutrition Lesson Plan 5 formula: Weight = 150 lbs, Height = 5'5" (65 inches) BMI Calculation: [150 (65)2] x 703 = 24.96 Station 2 Good Diet Course Each student gets a garbage bag, which represents his or her stomach. Each student begins next to a meal (pile of items that represent food) that represents a recommended serving (Serving sizes with Food guide pyramid pg 61). Student must eat a meal by putting 2 portions (Breakfast) from the pile in their bag, and then they do 15 jumping jacks and can remove one portion. For brunch add a portion of food to their bag then do 15 sit-ups, then remove one portion once finished, then for lunch add two portions and then jog in place followed by removing a portion then for dinner add a portion followed by 15 squats and removing a portion. Station 3 Bad diet course Follow same instructions just add extra portions to represent fat from fast food to fill up most the bag because with fast food we keep eating till full. So there is same exercises and same removal of portions. Bag should be expanded and full at end of exercises Station 4 Video Start at the 4 min mark. CUES: Teacher lead students through the diet activities and the groups switch when 3 min of video has passed Applied Activity/Cool Down (10 min) Students complete the questions on their worksheet and then collecting around the baseline to move into lesson closure. CUES: Students finish their worksheets and return their pencils Lesson Closure (5 min) Station 1 results: around how much did everyone need to get a day varies based on gender and activity level Station 2 results: Smaller portions throughout the day make simple tasks easy, how many of us eat more than a deck of cards of protein per meal. Station 3: Awkward to do exercise, how slow your metabolism is carrying all that fat. Station 4: What happened to Morgan after eating nothing but McDonalds for thirty days. CUES: Students are asked to research what the number of BMI means. And the next class we discuss the accuracy of BMI

Nutrition Lesson Plan 6

Assessment Plan Worksheet

Station 1


What is your recommended Caloric intake per day? Do you think your reaching this amount or are you over/under?

What is your BMI (Body Mass Index)?

Station 2 Fruit Non-starchy Veggies

Portion Sizing matching Ping pong ball Tennis ball Compact disc Baseball Paper cup Athletic tape Playing Cards Golf Ball

Natural Carbohydrates (rice, pasta, cereal) Protein (meat, fish, poultry) Pancakes/Waffles cup of Raw veggies cup of dried nuts and fruits 1 tsp of butter/ peanut butter

Station 3 What were the noticeable differences from station 2 to 3? What does these differences mean?

Station 4 What happened to Morgans health after he eat nothing but McDonalds for 30 days? Be specific.

Nutrition Lesson Plan 7

Skill Performance Analyses

A: Steps to sit-ups 1. Lie with back flat on the floor, and feet flat as well. 2. Hold bag between your hands right above your chest like a medicine ball. 3. Lift upper body up toward your legs extending your arms with the bag out past your knees 4. Then bring upper body back down into flat position.

Critical Steps 1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3 4. Step 4 CUE Word: Flat CUE Word: Medicine Ball CUE Word: UP CUE Word: Down

Skill Errors Allowing the bag to slip to the side so that the weight isnt challenging the student or affecting the normal excersize

Nutrition Lesson Plan 8


Ayers, Suzan. (2010). The Physical Best Teachers Guide. 3rd edition. NASPE. Print. Champaign, Il. Page: 61.

Free Dieting. (2011). Calorie Calculator-Daily Calorie Needs. Retrieved from:

Teaching Ideas. (2011). PE Warm-up/Cool Down Activities. RM Education. Teaching Websites. Retrieved from

Youtube. (2012). Supersize Me. Retrieved from:

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