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Magnetic Force

Science/4th Grade Jessica Scanlon State Standards

I can describe and make inferences about the interactions of magnets with other magnets and other matter. (EP-1.2.1)

National Technology Standards

3. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. How does your lesson address this standard? My lesson addresses this standard by allowing students to use what they learned from the video to take a quiz online to determine their understanding. How does your lesson address this standard? My lesson addresses this standard by having the students demonstrate their understanding of technology by taking a quiz on the computer. Students also had to show understanding of being able to print the results of their quizzes.

6. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.

Lesson Overview (Description)

Resources: -Brain Pop Video: -Chart of magnetic and non-magnetic materials -Question to complete: Why did were the two magnets attracted to each other on one side and repel each other on the other side? Lesson Description: I began this lesson by showing an introductory video on the Brain Pop website in which students learned about magnets and magnetism. After the video, I assessed student understanding by having them individually take a quiz on the Brain Pop website about the video. They were required to print the results of their quizzes after they completed them to turn in for a grade. Next, students were given the opportunity to explore with magnets. They were given a bag which contained two magnets and several materials which were magnetic and several materials which were not magnetic. Students were then asked to

complete a chart which outlined which materials they found were attracted to the magnets, and which materials they found were not attracted to the magnets. Students were also asked to explain in writing why the two magnets would come together on one side, and repel each other on the other side. Assessments: To assess the students understanding of the lesson, I will collect their quiz results, their charts of magnetic and non-magnetic materials, and their explanation of the magnets attracting and repelling one another.

Technology Trends
Technology Used Showing a video class-wide to introduce a new concept. Having students complete an online quiz to demonstrate their learning. Students were required to print their results to turn into the teacher. How are other teachers using this same technology in your grades/content area? In researching the trends in technology in education, I found that it is widely popular to use videos in the classroom. It is proven that using videos in the classroom help students to better understand and be engaged in content. I also found that there are many different ways to use the internet to instruct your students. In doing this, teachers are helping students to expand their learning using different types of media. Teachers are also using the internet to teach elementary students throughout all subject areas. They are using the internet for research, completing online assignments, and finding out new information about news and science.
Links to back up your statements

How can you improve your lesson to include the latest technology trends? Describe how you can apply the latest technology trends to your lesson to improve upon it.

I could improve this particular lesson to include some of the latest technology trends in education. I could do this by changing part of my lesson to the flipped classroom approach. Instead of lecturing my students about the use of magnets, I could have them watch a video of my lecture. While some students are doing watching the video, it would give me the opportunity to work in small groups with other students. Next, I could also use iPads for the students to take their individual online quizzes. The use of iPads in the classroom is a growing trend in technology. I think that by using the iPads, the students would be more engaged and excited about their learning.
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