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Health: 1. Drink plenty of water 2.

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar 3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants . !i"e with the 3 E#s $$ Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy %. &ake time for prayer '. (lay more games ). *ead more books than you did in 2++, -. .it in silence for at least 1+ minutes each day ,. .leep for ) hours 1+. /ake a 1+$3+ minutes walk e"ery day $$$$ and while you walk, smile (ersonality: 11. Don#t compare your life to others#. 0ou ha"e no idea what their 1ourney is all about. 12. Don#t ha"e negati"e thoughts or things you cannot control. 2nstead in"est your energy in the positi"e present moment. 13. Don#t o"er do 3 keep your limits 1 . Don#t take yourself so seriously 3 no one else does 1%. Don#t waste your precious energy on gossip 1'. Dream more while you are awake 1). En"y is a waste of time. 0ou already ha"e all you need. 1-. 4orget issues of the past. Don#t remind your partner with his5her mistakes of the past. /hat will ruin your present happiness. 1,. !ife is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don#t hate others. 2+. &ake peace with your past so it won#t spoil the present 21. 6o one is in charge of your happiness e7cept you 22. *eali8e that life is a school and you are here to learn. (roblems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. 23. .mile and laugh more 2 . 0ou don#t ha"e to win e"ery argument. 9gree to disagree.
Community: 25. 26. 27. 28. 2#. Call your family often Each day give something good to others Forgive everyone for everything Spend time ith people over the age of 7! " under the age of 6 $ry to ma%e at least three people smile each day

&!. 'hat other people thin% of you is none of your (usiness &). *our +o( on,t ta%e care of you hen you are sic%. *our family and friends ill. Stay in touch. -ife: &2. &&. &1. &5. &6. &7. &8. &#. .o the right things /et rid of anything that isn,t useful0 (eautiful or +oyful /2. heals everything 3o ever good or (ad a situation is0 it ill change 4o matter ho you feel0 get up0 dress up and sho up $he (est is yet to come 'hen you a a%e alive in the morning0 than% /2. for it *our 5nner most is al ays happy. So0 (e happy.

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