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Chapter 3 The Team * Cenrio: Sala de aula (continuao da lio) Todos sentadinhos e bonitinhos Mrs Ross: Class, What

are you doing? (olha se o class ficou bom?!)(Ningum responde, cricri) Mrs Ross: (virado para Robert: 'Robert, can you tell me what's happening here?' Robert:- Mr Ross, Discipline (De p) Mrs Ross escreve no quadro: 'WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME TEAM' 'WINNERS NEED DISCIPLINE') (Mr pede para eles dizerem todos juntos, eles repetem de p) Mostra a figura da onda: -'This is a wave. A wave is something that's always moving. We'll call our team the Wave' -'This will be our salute' My hard is the wave in the sea (brao esquerdo*, fazendo a saudao) -Class, give our salute! -When you see a Wave member you must salute and say our words (obs: tirei a parte que o Robert faz, se quiser colocar, mas tive que resumir) * Muda o cenrio: Campo de futebol David:- We must be more disciplined. We lose games because we dont play together and were not a team. Estudante 1: - I dont want to lose any more games. David: Were playing Clarkstown on Saturday, And we can win! Estudante 2:-But what must we do? Eric :- David, Tell them about the wave David: - Ok, Listen (olha se tem que ter o sujeito)

Chapter Four Cenrio: Laurie conversando com seus pais Me (Mrs Saunders): - I dontt think I like it, Laurie. I want you to learn history. Laurie: - Mr Ross is showing us something important, were learning discipline and to be a team. Pai(Mr Sauders): - I think its good for the students to think about discipline. He know what hes doing. Me (Mrs Saunders): - Too much discipline is dangerous.

* Cenrio: Na casa do Mr Ross and Christy Ross(que tambm professora) Christy: - How is your experiment going, Dr Frankenstein? Mr Ross: - Very well! I want to see what will happen next. Christy: - You must be very careful, Ben. I'm worried! * Cenrio: No outro dia na escola, andando pela escola (Laurie e David so namorados) David:- We need the Wave for our football team. Laurie:- You need better players. David:- We have good players, but we dont have a good team. The Wave can help us. Laurie: -My mother doesnt like it. David: - Only the Wave members understand the Wave. * Cenrio: Sala de aula com a imagem da onda! Mr Ross: I'm giving these cards for you, they show that you are members of the Wave. Everybody in this room is now a member of the Wave. Now we can work together. Students, do you believe in the Wave? Todos:- Mr Ross, yes! Mr Ross:- You must never work against any other Wave member. Do you understand? Todos:-Mr Ross, yes! Mr Ross:- Now you go and look for new members, But every new member must understand our rules. Todos(fazem a saudao da Wave):- Were all in the same team. Winners need discipline. Mr Ross(pensando):- They were the Wave now!

* Cenrio: Refeitrio naquele mesmo dia na hora do almoo. Brian, Brad, Amy, Laurie and David esto sentados na mesa. Robert Billings est de passagem, ele o estranho David: - Robert, come and sit with us, were all members of the Wave. Robert senta

Laurie said, I think all the things we do for the Wave is very strange. I dont like it. Brian (mostra Member of the Wave carto):- Dont forget that you are a Wave member, Laurie. You mustnt break Wave rules. David:-Laurie isnt breaking any rule. Robert:-But she mustnt say bad things about the Wave Laurie (sorrindo):-.Im happy that youre sitting with us, Robert.. Now were all in the same team. * Cenrio: Laurie est no escritrio do jornal The Grapevine. Laurie(brava):-Everybody wants to see their names in The Grapevine. But nobody wants to do the work. Alex, wheres your story about music? Alex:- Ill do it in next week Lurie: Alex, you need discipline to write for a newspaper! We must work as a team. I want your story tomorrow. Alex:-Are you a member of the Wave? Laurie:-Im in Mr Rosss class. Everybody in our class is a member. Alex:-Everybody in the school is talking about the Wave, write a story about it. Laurie:-Yes. Perhaps I will. Its a good story; we can ask the other students what they think. * Cenrio: sala do director Diretor: - Tell me what this Wave thing is about, Ben. Everybody in the school is talking about it. Ben explica(no sei como vc pode fazer talvez um quadrinho falando com reticncias ou uma legenda) Diretor:- Its very strange, Ben. Are the students learning anything? Ben:- Theyre doing better than before, I think the Wave is helping them. Diretor:-I dont like these Wave salutes and Wave pictures, Its all a game. Im not very happy about this thing, Ben. You must watch it very carefully. Remember that these are young people in your experiment. Sometimes we forget that they are young.

3 observaes importantes: No sei se est bom, aceito criticas (construtivas), eu acabei digitando praticamente tudo, ento deve ter erros(com certeza tem erros), observa se no faltou nada Lembre que o trabalho em grupo, ento se precisar DE QUALQUER COISA, vc deve falar, todo mundo j sabe o quanto HS produes o mximo, no vamos desmerecer seu trabalho ajudando. Eu fiz apenas 3 captulos o que me coube, se vc precisar de mais, ou seja ningum do grupo te entregar, me fala que eu fao, NO FAA SOZINHO, se que vc orgulhoso, mas eu estou disposta a ajudar(eu j no vou ajudar com os quadrinhos) no quero nota nas suas costas(pelo menos no totalmente)

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