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Name: Jayda Zacharias

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy from the Internet.
Your job tit e !be specific"# Multimedia Developer $ob o%er%iew&What they do !'ro%ide a para(raph description of the job. What wou d a typica day on the job ook ike)"# Multimedia Developers create and/or copy graphic animations images sound te!t and video into multimedia programs" #$ten include learning programs video games and interactive %e&sites

Workin( conditions !*ours you can e+pect to work) ,isk of injuries) -ime of day&time of year) Indoors&outdoors) . othin( re/uired) 0tc1"# Many Multimedia Developers are sel$'employed and on a $re(uently $reelance com$orta&le &asis" No certain clothing re(uired may&e depends on %here you are %orking at %hich company" )sually %ork long hours overnight and %eekends especially %hen you have a product under development that has a deadline or a release date"

2a ary !what wa(e can you e+pect to earn)"# *he average annual salary $or a Multimedia Developer is +,- ..." / highly e!perienced multimedia designer may earn around +-. ... or more 3uture out ook !wi this job be in demand in the future) Why&why not)"#

Well %ith the gro%th o$ the World Wide We& and any interactive so$t%are industry the $ield o$ multimedia development should maintain a healthy gro%th" 0lus all the ne% technology coming out such as phones ta&lets or 0C and desktop computers" 'ost42econdary Institute&-rainin( 'ro(ram 56 Centre $or /rts and *echnology 7ocation and name of pro(ram# !Where the schoo is ocated. What is the name of the pro(ram) 8 so te us why this schoo appea s to you" 1ocated in 2elo%na in the 1andmark *echnology Centre" Many programs $it a Multimedia Developer some include /nimation $or Game 3ilm 4 5isual 6$$ects 7D /nimation 4 Digital /rt and Graphic Design 4 We& Development" *his school appeals me &ecause it is located in 2elo%na and has a lot o$ programs 8 am interested in"

.ost# 9$irst year /ND total cost o$ program including tuition &ooks and supplies: 3or the /nimation $or Game 3ilm 4 5isual 6$$ects program it is +7; .,. $or the $irst year and +7. <.. $or the second" *uition is +;= -,. and te!t and supplies vary around +; >,. $or &oth years and student $ees are +?.. per year" 're4re/uisites of pro(ram# !courses you need to be takin( in hi(h schoo in order to (et in9 re/uired :'8" 3ocus on courses dealing %ith computer programming %e& design or digital design" What are ; re ated occupations you cou d take if this one didn<t work out for you !what wou d you do if you don<t end up doin( this career and why)"# /nything having to do %ith ?D animation graphic designing or %e& development" /nything related to those $ields is %hat 8@m interested in" Auch as 5ideo Game programmer or an /nimator" Why are you interested in this career) !*ow on( ha%e you been interested in it) What ed you to wantin( this job) *ow does it suit&fit your persona ity9 interests9 characteristics9 stren(ths9 etc1)"# 8@ve &een interested in these types o$ careers $or (uite a %hile" 8 think the idea o$ creating something then &eing a&le to play it or %atch it or anything is really interestingB like coming up %ith an idea then making it come to li$eC / Do& like this %ould suite me much &etter than something to do %ith sitting in an o$$ice and doing paper%ork"

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