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1ab|e of Contents

Cemng SLarLed 1
Pow 1o Make Any Woman SqulrL 1
My SLory 2
Pow uo l lnLroduce lemale L[aculauon 1o Per? 3
1he Coal of 1hls 8ook 3
Couples Lxerclse 4
WhaL LxacLly ls lemale L[aculauon? 8
Where uoes lL Come lrom? 9
WhaL ls 1hls lluld Made Cf? 9
Why lemale L[aculauon ls noL ee! 9
All Women Pave 1he CapaclLy 1o L[aculaLe 9
She MlghL Already 8e L[aculaung 8uL !usL uoesn'L know lL 10
She 1hlnks She Pas 1o ee 8uL lL's 8eally.... 10
Lxplore Per PlsLory and erspecuves 10
Clve Per ermlsslon And LncouragemenL 11
ChapLer 2 12
ussy AnaLomy Culckle Culde 12
1he CllL 13
1he CllLoral Pood 13
1he lnner Labla (Labla Mlnora) 13
Make Any Woma n Squi r t Per s onal Li f e Medi a
1he CuLer Labla (Labla Ma[ora) 13
1he ublc Mound/8one 14
ureLhra 14
ureLhral Sponge 14
araureLhral Clands 14
1he C-SpoL 13
1he Language Cf Per ussy 13
ChapLer 3 16
Why uoes Sumulaung Per C-SpoL Make Per L[aculaLe? 16
8reakdown Cf MyLhs And Mlsconcepuons 16
Some ulerenL klnds of Crgasms Women Can Pave 17
1o SqulrL Cr noL 1o SqulrL...1haL ls 1he Cuesuon 18
Cemng Per 1o 8e More Crgasmlc 1hrough lnLercourse and 8eyond.... 18
llndlng Per C-SpoL 18
1he C-SpoL ls 1he PearL Cf Per ussy-lL Can CeL Lmouonal uown 1here 19
Poldlng Space" Means rovldlng A Safe lace lor Per 1o 8eally LeL Co 19
Awakenlng Sensauon ln Per C-SpoL 20
1he MosL Sensluve Areas Cf 1he C-SpoL 21
C-SpoL 1oys 21
Cum PlLher 22
lncorporaung 1he lronL Cf 1he Sponge 22
lf She leels Llke She Pas 1o ee 23
uon'L lorgeL 1he CllL 23
uo Lhe CllL/C-SpoL uance 23
ulerenL Ways Lo SumulaLe Per C-SpoL 24
Make Any Woma n Squi r t Per s onal Li f e Medi a
ChapLer 4 23
1he C Muscles-rofound C leasure ulsauons And umplng lL u 23
Why Are 1hese Muscles lmporLanL When Learnlng AbouL Crgasm And L[aculauon? 23
lear Cf ushlng CuL 26
lor Lxerclses And lurLher undersLandlng Cf 1he C Muscles.... 26
ChapLer 3 27
Clvlng 8lrLh 1o Per Crgasm 27
LeL lL CC 27
1he uance 8eLween lorce and Surrender 28
When Should She ush CuL? 28
ChapLer 6 29
Ceneral 1lps lor L[aculaung 29
uon'L 8lock 1he ureLhral Cpenlng 30
Maklng Per SqulrL 1hrough lnLercourse 30
1eamwork 31
?onl (vaglnal) Massage Sesslons 31
umng lL All 1ogeLher - Couples Lxerclse 32
repare 1o 8ock Per World lorever! 37
Make Any Woma n Squi r t Per s onal Li f e Medi a
Gemng Started
now 1o Make Any Woman Squ|rt
uoes women's sexuallLy seem llke a mysLerlous labyrlnLh aL umes? ?es, women are sexually
complex. 1hls oen leaves men baMed and amazed. 1he good news ls LhaL you don'L have Lo
gure her ouL. ?ou [usL have Lo:
1) 8e presenL wlLh her and emouonally avallable
2) CeL educaLed abouL women's sexuallLy and anaLomy
3) know some good Lechnlques wlLh whlch you can lnnovaLe
1hese three keys are ones wh|ch appea| to her on an emonona|, menta|, and phys|-
ca| |eve|. When you rea||y engage her sexua||y on ALL three |eve|s, you w||| be WA
above the bar and stand out as a super|or |over--you can take her to p|aces she's
NLVLk been before sexua||y.

Cne of Lhe mosL amazlng Lhlngs you can do LhaL wlll seL you WA? aparL from Lhe resL ls Lo: Make
ner Squ|rt.
LeL me Lell you!l wlll never forgeL Lhe lover l had who
LaughL me how Lo squlrL years ago. My sex llfe has never
been Lhe same and l wlll forever be graLeful Lo hlm for
glvlng me such a unlque gl.

ln Lhls e8ook you wlll learn several ups and Lechnlques Lo
make any woman squlrL ln LoLal ecsLasy and abandon.
lemale L[aculauon ls Lhrllllng and pleasurable, a deep
release, and can brlng you closer LogeLher and keep her
comlng back for more and more. ?ou don'L wanL Lo pass
Lhls opporLunlLy by!so learn how Lo Lake her sexually Lo
a whole new level. Per pleasure ls your pleasure, so Lhe
more sexually fullled and amazed she ls wlLh you, Lhe
more overowlng wlLh energy and super hoL she wlll be
for you.

Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
My Story
So how dld female e[aculauon become my llfe's mlsslon?
l acLually learned how Lo e[aculaLe and dld noL sLarL o as a naLural."
l had a powerful and Lransformauve sexual awakenlng wlLh a parLner several years ago.
Pe had LaughL a few women how Lo e[aculaLe and he Lold me LhaL he LhoughL l would be able Lo
learn [usL llke Lhey dld. l LhoughL lL was a clrcus acL or a parlor Lrlck, buL was lnLrlgued noneLhe-
less. l hadn'L LhoughL Loo much of lL, buL one eve-
nlng when he was sumulaung me manually, l was
super aroused and had a blg orgasm. Pe had
been sumulaung my C-SpoL and my cllL slmulLa-
neously when Lhls happened. l remember lemng
go ln a deeper way Lhan l had before and ended
up e[aculaung a uny blL.
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l was so ecsLauc and amazed LhaL l was capable of
dolng someLhlng LhaL l dldn'L Lhlnk was posslble.
lrom LhaL polnL on, Lhe oodgaLes were open and
l was so exclLed Lo learn abouL someLhlng LhaL felL
so powerful and exhllaraung. lL was a hlgh llke no
oLher for hlm and for me. As l explored lL more
and more, l found l was able go from e[aculaung
[usL a uny blL, Lo wemng an enure bed and squlrL-
lng across Lhe room. lrom Lhen on l made lL my
mlsslon Lo learn from Lhe experLs and make lL my
career Lo help oLher women and men learn abouL
Lhls mysLerlous and capuvaung experlence.
l have been on an lncredlble [ourney ever slnce and lL has been a serlous and amazlng mlsslon
on a personal level as well as an educauonal one. l have Lraveled all over Lhe counLry Leachlng
workshops and worklng one on one wlLh men and women. l see lL as an empowerlng experl-
ence LhaL everyone should be lnformed abouL. l have seen how lLs power and magnlcence
opens up and Lransforms women who experlence lL as well as Lhelr parLners and bullds pro-
found lnumacy and helghLened pleasure never before lmaglned. l am so graLeful LhaL Lhls ls my
llfe's work and l appreclaLe your lnLeresL ln learnlng more abouL Lhls.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
now Do I Introduce Iema|e L[acu|anon 1o ner?
uependlng on where she ls wlLh her sexual openness and where you are wlLh your level of lnu-
macy and communlcauon, you mlghL be meL wlLh sLead-fasL reslsLance or exclLemenL and
curloslLy. Pere are few polnLers and suggesuons for you Lo help her feel more recepuve Lo
learnlng and experlenclng Lhls wlLh you:

lrame Lhe conversauon as someLhlng "we" can learn LogeLher as an experlmenL, advenLure, and
someLhlng splce you 8C1P can en[oy LogeLher. 1haL way Lhe emphasls ls noL [usL on her per-
formlng or feellng pressure from you.

use ML as a resource for her. l have an enure onllne lnformauon producL deslgned excluslvely
for women Lo learn how Lo e[aculaLe LhaL ls empowerlng and hearuelL called "34/&,0 5./, !"%,0
6/01" 1ell her you sLumbled lnLo Lhls and would love Lo geL Lhls program for her. llnd ouL whaL
she Lhlnks abouL lL and lf lL ls someLhlng she would llke Lo Lry wlLh you.

8e honesL and LransparenL abouL your lnLenuons and deslres around Lhls. (lf Lhls ls Lhe case.) LeL
her know LhaL Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL you Lhlnk would be empowerlng and exclung for her and a
blg Lurn-on for you. erhaps you can share LhaL you are worrled LhaL she would feel pressure
from you buL LhaL ls noL your lnLenuon. LeL her know LhaL you are curlous abouL lL and noL aL-
Lached Lo any ouLcome or goal. ln Lhe process of learnlng abouL Lhls LogeLher, Lhls wlll help you
geL Lo know her sexually even beuer and LhaL you are wanung Lo glve her Lhe ulumaLe pleasure
and deepen your connecuon wlLh her.

8uy her some C-SpoL Loys (l provlde a fabulous 1oy kesource Gu|de aL 7"8%9" :&4/&' 6,;%$8.)
and sexy gls LhaL make her feel sexy. She can Lry ouL Lhe Loys by herself aL rsL and Lhen you
can work your maglc on her wlLh Lhem Loo.

LasLly, you can choose noL Lo say anyLhlng aL all. ?ou can Lry your new moves on her and see
how she llkes Lhem and whaL happens. MosL of Lhe Lechnlques and lnformauon l share wlll be
more eecuve lf she's on-board Loo. l lnvlLe you Lo be fully dlscloslng and honesL, sLudy up, and
prepare Lo be her ulumaLe Sex Cod.
1he Goa| of 1h|s 8ook
1he followlng gulded pracuce ls your goal aer readlng Make Any Woman Squ|rL. ?ou wlll see
below LhaL Lhls ls a Lhorough explanauon of a sLroklng sesslon LhaL, over ume, lf noL rlghL away,
wlll help her release her womanly necLar.
When you read lL nexL, lL's golng Lo sound a llule llke a forelgn language Lo you. 1haL's because
you need ALL Lhe lnformauon ln Lhls book for lL Lo sLarL Lo make sense. noneLheless, Lhls ls Lhe
culmlnauon of Lhls whole book - Lhls one exerclse. lL's Lhe procedure LhaL wlll geL her warmed
up and releaslng her uld.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
l can'L encourage you enough Lo Lake your ume Lo pracuce Lhls. So read Lhrough lL, Lhen Lhlnk
back Lo Lhls as you are readlng Lhe resL of Lhe book, knowlng LhaL aL Lhe end, Lhls ls whaL l wanL
you Lo Lry.
Coup|es Lxerc|se
1rlm your ngernalls very shorL. use an emery board Lo smooLh Lhe edges. Wash your hands
Lwo umes wlLh very good soap. Wear a Lee shlrL so you are noL sunky Lo her as you may geL a
llule sweaLy. CeL waLer for boLh of you, and puL on some muslc or llghL candles or do whaL ever
seLs a nlce space for her maxlmum comforL.
Lay a few Lhlcknesses of Lowels down on Lhe bed or a waLerproof sheeL under your beddlng. Lay
her down, prop her legs wlLh plllows beneaLh her. uL a plllow beneaLh her head. Clve her a
wrap she can drape across her chesL lf she geLs cold.
SlL down beslde her, on her rlghL slde, so you can posluon your self perpendlcularly Lo her and
see her genlLals. uL one leg across her and one under her legs so you can geL your hands easlly
on her cllL and vaglna.
llrsL l wanL you Lo do a ?onl Massage. 1hls wlll geL boLh of you warmed up Lo Lhe Louch and feel
of her genlLals. rlnL Lhe pages ln Lhe book ouL LhaL go over all of Lhe dlerenL parLs of her
anaLomy. 1hen slowly nd and Louch each spoL as you Lell her whlch spoL you are Louchlng. ?ou
wlll essenually do an lnvenLory of her anaLomy, so she can feel where each of Lhese places are
as you Louch Lhem.
lf she's embarrassed, keep Lhe llghLs low aL rsL and feel your way as much as see your way
around. lL's also greaL Lo have a hand mlrror and prop her up so she can see her pussy. 1ell her
Lhe Lhlngs you llke abouL lL. l love Lhe dusky plnk of your lnner llps." l love how your cllL ls [usL
peeklng ouL a llule from under Lhe hood." ?our Lhlghs look so beauuful as Lhey lead up Lo your
1hen as you locaLe each spoL, rub lL ln a few dlerenL ways and ask her whlch feels besL Lo her.
1ry sLrokes, clrcles, swlpes, more pressure, less pressure. lrom Lhls, you'll geL a good ldea of
whaL klnd of sLrokes and pressure she llkes ln whaL areas.
1hen as she's sull laylng down, compleLely relaxed, ask her Lo do noLhlng buL glve you any feed-
back, posluve or negauve, abouL whaL she's experlenclng as you're glvlng her a genlLal massage.
SLarL wlLh organlc oll. SweeL Almond or CoconuL are nlce. ?ou wanL someLhlng aL rsL LhaL's a
llule Lackler, sucker Lhan lube. Cll works well on Lhe ouLslde areas of her genlLals.
8ub her ouLer llps, lnner llps, cllLoral area, ureLhral area, slowly work your way lnLo her C-Area,
very dellcaLely, [usL Lo locaLe Lhe zones. leel around ln Lhere ([usL wlLh one nger and very gen-
Lly) and sLroke whaL brlngs you pleasure as well as her.
1ake abouL 30 mlnuLes or longer lf she's really en[oylng lL.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
?ou can sLop Lhere, or proceed Lo Lhls nexL level of sumulauon.
Cnce she's warmed up and very responslve Lo your Louch, you wanL Lo move Lo a lube LhaL's
beuer for lnLernal Louch. Sllquld Sllk or Swlss navy Slllcone (noL waLer based), someLhlng LhaL's
more sllppery. Make sure whaL you use does noL conLaln arabens, as Lhey've been LhoughL Lo
be carclnogenlc. 1here's no research LhaL proves lL, lL could be an urban legend. 8uL why chance
lL when Lhere are greaL lubes LhaL are araben-free?
Warm up lube on your le hand, spread lL around and puL lL onLo your polnLer and lndex ngers
on your rlghL hand. 1hese are whaL you wlll sllp lnslde her.
1hen seL up a genLle, llghL, even, rhyLhmlc sLroke on her cllLorls, uslng lube, wlLh your le
polnLer nger. 1hen slowly sLarL Lo work your polnLer nger on your rlghL hand around Lhe en-
Lrance Lo her vaglna. Mlrror Lhe sLroke on her cllL wlLh Lhe sLroke of your lndex nger, uslng a
small, come hlLher sLroke as you are worklng your nger lnLo her C-SpoL. 1ake aL leasL a mlnuLe
or Lwo Lo slowly work lL ln.
1hen sLarL Lo do wlndshleld wlper sLroke wlLh your nger across her C-SpoL for abouL 30 sec-
onds. nexL, slowly Lransluon Lo a come hlLher sLroke across her C-SpoL for abouL 30 more sec-
onds. Lssenually you're glvlng her one rhyLhmlc sLroke per second, lemng her geL lnLo Lhe feel-
lng. AlLernaLe beLween Lhose Lwo. 1ry a barrel roll, genLly wlLh Lhe same rhyLhm, 1 per second.
A barrel roll ls where you Lake your nger up(s) and do a blg clrcle. AL Lhe Lop, lL's llke a come
hlLher buL your ngers are sLralghL. ress agalnsL Lhe C-SpoL, aruculaung your ngers lnslde her
pussy and dolng a blg, clrcular sweep all around Lhe lnslde of her vaglna. Some gals llke lL fasLer,
some slower. SLarL wlLh Lhe baslcs. 1 nger wlndshleld wlper across her C-SpoL, 1 nger come
hlLher across her C-SpoL, 1 nger barrel roll around Lhe lnslde of her whole vaglnal cavlLy. Al-
LernaLe Lwo seLs of 1 come hlLher, 1 wlndshleld wlper, 1 come hlLher, 1 wlndshleld wlper fol-
lowed by a slngle barrel roll.
uo LhaL wlLh [usL polnLer for 3-3 mlnuLes. 1hen slowly pull ouL. 1ell her ln advance LhaL you are
golng Lo pull ouL and puL on more lube. uL on more lube. SqulrL lL on your le hand, rub lL ln
your palm Lo warm lL, Lhen suck your Lwo ngers ouL from your rlghL hand (polnLer and lndex)
and roll Lhose ngers all around ln he lube so Lhe lube covers your enure ngers, on all sldes.
1hese Lhe ngers you're golng Lo sllp lnslde her.
keep one hand or your arm Louchlng her as you do Lhls. lL's good aL rsL Lo reporL all Lhe moves
you are maklng Lo her. She'll feel more condenL lf she undersLands whaL you are dolng every
sLep of Lhe way durlng Lhls lnLense learnlng process. Check ln wlLh her as you go. See whaL she
llked, more Lhan oLhers and lf Lhere's anyLhlng LhaL dldn'L glve her pleasure. AccepL all her
feedback, no mauer whaL and don'L expecL her Lo be pollLe. !usL ask her Lo blurL ouL whaL ever
she ls feellng. 8emember, lL can geL a llule lnLense down Lhere for women ln Lhe beglnnlng. Ac-
cepL everyLhlng she says and respond each ume slmply wlLh, Lhank you."
1hls ls a nlce llule break for her. now you can sLarL agaln.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
llrsL, Lell her you are golng Lo slowly work ln your oLher nger. Someumes lL's nlce Lo Lease her a
llule and bulld some anuclpauon. 8uL rsL sLarL agaln wlLh one nger. Co back Lo Lhe 1 nger
come hlLher sLroke. uo LhaL for 30 seconds. ?ou are back on her cllL agaln maLchlng Lhe rhyLhm.
1hen do a long curlng sLroke wlLh smooLh, even pressure, pulllng lL ouL of her vaglna, runnlng lL
up Lo her cllL and Lhen pause lL Lhere. auses are hoL. 1hey expand her energy, noL deleLe lL. She
wlll sLrlve Lo keep Lhe sensauon golng herself, even when you are paused, whlch wlll Lurn her on
1hls ls Lhe Lransluon Lo Lwo ngers. Slowly run LhaL polnLer nger back down, keeplng ln conLacL
wlLh her cllL unul Lhe lasL mlnuLe, Lhen merge your lndex nger alongslde your polnLer and
slowly clrcle Lhe openlng Lo her vaglna aL Lhe same raLe, 1 clrcle per second. 1hen add your le
polnLer nger back Lo her cllL, keeplng LhaL sLroke sLeady. As you clrcle Lhe ouLslde of her vaglnal
openlng you begln Lo work your way ln, [usL a fracuon of an lnch per sLroke. Mlnl come hlLher
sLrokes, each second, as you go a llule furLher ln wlLh each sLroke wlll feel really good Lo her.
1ake a deep breaLh yourself now. ?ou've already been worklng hard. Consclously relax your
1hen when you geL Lo Lhe polnL where you have Lwo knuckles ln, LhaL's golng Lo be rlghL abouL
on her C-SpoL. All women are dlerenL, buL havlng her C-SpoL be abouL where you are when
you are Lwo knuckles ln ls preuy Lyplcal.
now do llghL come hlLher sLroke for 30 sLrokes, Lhen wlndshleld wlper for 30 sLrokes, Lhen bar-
rel role for 3-10 sLrokes. uo LhaL for a couple of mlnuLes, Lhen work your ngers ln Lo Lhe nexL
knuckle. AL Lhls polnL, your ngers are preuy much all Lhe way ln. 1hen sLarL wlLh more pressure
dolng come hlLher, suck wlLh Lhe come hlLher and make blgger, draggler, sLrokes wlLh more
pressure, so Lhe pads of your ngerups are maklng presslng conLacL across her C-SpoL area. use
medlum Lo medlum rm pressure as you make conLacL.
So now, you added a loL more sensauon. lL's ume for a down sLroke, whlch doesn'L brlng her
down, lL acLually glves her a peak. 8emove Lhe cllL sLroklng le nger. Slowly follow Lhe curve of
her body, as you remove your ngers from her vaglna. Sllde Lhem ouL slowly and curvlng, llke
your ngers don'L wanL Lo leL go.
1hen as your'e slldlng ouL, make conLacL wlLh her cllL as you sllde up. 1hen pause Lhere, on her
cllL. 1haL glves her a break.
lf you need Lo, place Lhe palm of your le hand on her pussy and press down sllghLly.
1hen go all Lhe way back ln, slowly, because she's more warmed up.
uL your le nger on her cllL. ?ou are sull dolng Lhe 1 second sLrokes. now focus a mlnuLe of
come hlLher, Lhen 30 seconds of wlndshleld wlper, Lhen a barrel sLroke.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
As she geLs more Lurned on, you can speed lL up a llule. Maybe Lwo sLokes per second, double
ume. use medlum rm pressure agaln.
1he way you can Lell when lL's ume Lo speed lL up, her C-SpoL wlll sLarL Lo swell up llke a bal-
loon. ?ou can feel lL pushlng down on your ngers. When LhaL happens, you can add pressure an
d speed. lf LhaL's noL happenlng, don'L add speed or pressure. !usL be pauenL. lL may noL hap-
pen Lhe rsL few sesslons. ?ou are sull waklng up her pussy and creaung new neural paLhways.
When you feel LhaL C-SpoL swelllng up llke a balloon, she should be moanlng, you should feel
her pussy conLracung around your ngers. lf you are gemng Lhose slgnals LhaL she's really
Lurned on, hook your ngers even more around her publc bone - lL's Lhe come hlLher wlLh
your ngers curled even more.
lf you're gemng conLracuons, she may be ready Lo squlrL. uon'L whale on her pussy unless you
are gemng a balloon and conLracuons. ?ou'll feel her pussy grabblng your ngers. ?ou'll feel her
C muscles. 1haL's why lL's lmporLanL for her Lo do Lhe C exerclses. She'll have more sensauon
as she's able Lo conLrol Lhose muscles.
When lL feels llke you can only move your ngerups lnslde her, because her pussy ls clamplng
down and her C-SpoL ls presslng agalnsL your ngers, Lhen you can sllde your ngers ln and ouL
whlle your'e dolng Lhe come hlLher.
uo lL as a rocklng and curvlng mouon so LhaL you're nlshlng Lhe sLroke and when you're mak-
lng Lhe lasL blL of curve, Lhlnk abouL maklng conLacL wlLh Lhe legs of her cllLorls as Lhey curve
around lnslde her vaglna. keep conLacL wlLh Lhose cllL legs LhaL run lnslde her vagalna. When
you do LhaL curve, lL's llke a slldlng scoop, also presslng wlLh Lhe back of your knuckles on Lhe
lower parL of Lhe scoop, whlch hlLs her lower back parL of her vaglna, lnslde, closesL Lo her rec-
?ou may lncrease Lhe speed or pressure, as long as her C-SpoL ls sull swollen and she conunues
Lo glve you posluve feedback. 8emember, you are sull sLroklng her cllL, now speedlng LhaL up Lo
2-3 sLrokes a second. MaLch Lhe cllL sLroke wlLh Lhe nger sLrokes lnslde her.
1hls ls a good place for a check ln. lf her conLracuons sLarL Lo back o, you may sull keep Lhe
fasL, llghL sLrokes on her cllL buL really slow down Lo Lhe 1 second sLrokes lnslde her pussy. Co
back Lo a llghLer pressure, slower draggy sLroke, noL Lhe blg curvlng, pressure sLrokes.
1hls ls a good ume Lo do a full down sLrokes. SLCWL? Lransluon your ngers ouL of her, Lhen
press down on her blg ouLer llps. SLroke down a few umes. CeL more lube.
Slow Lhe escalauon, buL ramp back up more qulckly Lhan lasL ume. uo Lhe sysLem: come hlLher,
wlndshleld wlper, barrel, scooplng, sLronger curve sLrokes, lf she's glvlng you posluve feedback
LhaL she deslres lL.
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Pow do you know when she's ready Lo squlrL? ConLracuons and C-SpoL swelllng are Lhe slgnals.
lf she's noL squlrung when you're dolng Lhe scooplng, back o. lf she ls, Lhen keep LhaL pace up
durlng her squlrung ume. She can squlrL ln cycles. 8rlng her up. SqulrL. uown sLrokes. 8rlng her
up. SqulrL. uown sLrokes. AL rsL, she wlll be able Lo Lell Lhere's squlrung, buL you may noL. lL
slowly bullds up Lo a blgger amounL of e[aculaLe release.
Someume lL [usL doesn'L work. uon'L push her Loo hard. uon'L upseL her. !usL Lake a break and
do lL agaln anoLher day. Make sure LhaL Lhe whole ume, no mauer whaL, she's en[oyed Lhe
sLroklng. 1ry noL Lo be goal orlenLed. lL's hard. 8uL Lry.
uo Lhls many umes before you wlll boLh feel llke she's ready and you can keep Lhe sLrokes.
She can'L clamp up, she needs Lo be openlng her pussy, pushlng ouL. lf she doesn'L open up and
push, lL's noL golng Lo happen. She has Lo wanL Lo push ouL. See lf she feels llke she's golng Lo
1haL's why lL's lmporLanL someumes Lo do Lhe escalauon up Lo Lhe scooplng sLroke, and Lhen lf
she's noL ready, back o. uo 3-4 cycles of Lhe slow escalauon. lf she hasn'L squlrLed by now. Clve
her a break. Slowly brlng her down. Clve her a break and see lf she wanLs Lo go agaln or call lL a
Clve her a Lowel sLroke. 1ake a hand Lowel and lay lL on her genlLals. uL genLle pressure on Lhe
ouLslde so Lhe caplllary acuon removes Lhe lube. uon'L rub her wlLh Lhe Lowel. SlL her up. 1ell
her whaL an amazlng experlence LhaL was for you ln as much deLall as you can con[ure. Ask her
for any feedback LhaL she can glve you and [usL say, Lhank you" for each plece of lnformauon
she can oer.
uo Lhls as frequenLly as you boLh llke and soon she wlll be squlrung!
now on Lo all Lhe deLalled background maLerlal LhaL wlll really help Lo achleve success ln Lhls
What Lxact|y Is Iema|e L[acu|anon?

CulLe slmply: lemale e[aculauon ls a clear uld whlch ls released from Lhe ureLhra durlng sexual
arousal and sumulauon. And no, lL ls noL pee! 1he amounL of e[aculaLe can vary from a couple
drops Lo drenchlng an enure bed. lL can come ouL as a squlrL, a drlzzle, a gush, a pro[ecule
rockeL-launch, or a dlscreeL weL spoL on Lhe bed. L[aculauon can occur compleLely separaLe
from an orgasm, rlghL before, or wlLh an orgasm. Women can e[aculaLe one ume durlng a sex-
ual experlence or muluple umes.

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Where Does It Come Irom?

1here are Lhose who are of Lhe Lheory LhaL Lhe e[aculaLe comes from Lhe female prosLaLe (also
known as Lhe C-SpoL), and speclcally from Lhe Skene's glands. 1he Skene's glands are locaLed
lnslde Lhe C-SpoL whlch surround Lhe ureLhra. 1hose glands ll wlLh e[aculaLe durlng arousal
and sumulauon, and empLy lnLo Lhe ureLhral canal when she pushes ouL or releases lL.

What Is 1h|s I|u|d Made Cf?

lemale e[aculauon has hlgh levels of prosLauc uld: (SA) prosLaLe-speclc anugens and (SA)
prosLaLe-speclc acld phosphaLase. 1hese proLelns are also found ln male e[aculaLe whlch
orlglnaLe ln Lhe male prosLaLe. 8ecause female e[aculaLe conLalns prosLauc uld, Lhls reveals
LhaL women also have a prosLaLe where Lhese proLelns are produced. 1he female prosLaLe ls
also called, "1he C-SpoL"-named aer ur. Crafenburg who dlscovered lLs exlsLence ln 1930. We
wlll be dlscusslng Lhe C-SpoL ln depLh ln Lhe followlng chapLer. lemale e[aculaLe also conLalns
glucose, creaunlne, and Lrace amounLs of urea. lL ls a clear, waLery uld whlch ls noL sllppery
llke female lubrlcauon. lL varles greaLly ln LasLe, Some say lL ls sweeL, salLy, bluer, buuery,
earLhy, eLc. 1he LasLe can also vary dependlng on dleL and where a woman ls aL ln her men-
sLrual cycle.

Why Iema|e L[acu|anon Is Not ee!

We can dlerenuaLe urlne from e[aculaLe because of Lhe presence of prosLauc uld and
glucose. urlne has a very dlsuncL LasLe and smell as well as color. urlne ls generally more yel-
low ln color whlle e[aculaLe ls clear. Lven wlLhouL documenLed sclenuc evldence, a slmple,
smell, LasLe and observauon of Lhe uld wlll show you LhaL Lhey are dlsuncLly Lwo dlerenL
ulds. lL ls acLually very dlmculL Lo pee durlng an aroused sLaLe and chances are LhaL Lhe urge
Lo pee durlng arousal ls really Lhe urge Lo e[aculaLe.

A|| Women nave 1he Capac|ty 1o L[acu|ate

Lvery woman has Lhe capaclLy Lo e[aculaLe because every woman has Lhe anaLomy Lo do so. l
learned how Lo e[aculaLe and have LaughL many women how Lo do so Lhrough my workshops,
uvu, and coachlng sesslons. l have wlLnessed women learnlng how Lo do Lhls. l know lL ls pos-
slble for every woman. 1here are many reasons why women don'L e[aculaLe and Lhe number
one belng LhaL women don'L even know LhaL female e[aculauon ls posslble or even exlsLs. lL ls
slmply a mauer of gemng lnformed, bulldlng awareness, and gemng Lo know her body even
deeper Lhan before.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
lemale e[aculauon ls one of Lhe mosL pleasurable Lhlngs women can posslbly learn! 1hls wlll be
Lhe sLarL of an amazlng [ourney for you and your parLner. 8egln wlLh an open mlnd, knowlng
whaL's posslble, and Lhe courage Lo experlmenL and learn abouL her unlque and amazlng body
whlch has unLlMl1Lu sexual poLenual. ?es lL ls posslble for every woman Lo SqulrL...and you
wlll have so much fun helplng gulde her lnLo new realms of ecsLasy.

She M|ght A|ready 8e L[acu|anng 8ut Iust Doesn't know It

WlLh many women Lhey are already e[aculaung, buL because Lhey dob'L know LhaL lL's even pos-
slble or exlsLs, Lhey chalk lL up Lo gemng really weL (lubrlcaLed) durlng sex or arousal or belng
lnconunenL. Chances are, lf Lhere ls any klnd of weL spoL on Lhe bed aer sex or
masLurbauon....she e[aculaLed!

She 1h|nks She nas 1o ee 8ut It's kea||y....

Awareness alone can help women glve Lhemselves permlsslon Lo e[aculaLe and release Lhelr ec-
sLauc [ulces freely and wlLhouL lnhlbluon. Cen umes durlng sex or masLurbauon, women wlll
feel an overwhelmlng urge Lo pee. l've spoken Lo many women who have lnLerrupLed sex be-
cause of Lhls, and had done so several umes. have you ever been wlLh a woman who goL up Lo
pee durlng sex--several umes even ln one sesslon? MosL llkely lL was noL because she acLually
had Lo pee, buL because she had Lhe overwhelmlng urge Lo e[aculaLe. WhaL lf she was glven
permlsslon Lo [usL leL lL go? lf only Lhere was more lnformauon and awareness, more women
would know LhaL oen umes Lhe urge Lo pee durlng sex ls really Lhe urge Lo e[aculaLe. 1hey feel
slmllar because Lhey boLh come from Lhe ureLhra. Pow do you know whlch ls whlch? Cne easy
way Lo nd ouL ls Lo push on Lhe bladder. She wlll feel a full feellng and know LhaL she has Lo
pee--buL wlLh e[aculauon, Lhe feellng of needlng Lo pee ls more locallzed around Lhe ureLhra. lf
more woman could Lake a chance and leL go by glvlng Lhemselves permlsslon--Lhen a beauuful
orgasmlc release or gush of e[aculaLe mlghL ecsLaucally resulL. l also recommend remlndlng her
Lo empLy her bladder beforehand Lo avold worrylng abouL lL.

Lxp|ore ner n|story and erspecnves

Cne of Lhe rsL Lhlngs you can do wlLh her ls check ln abouL her pasL experlences and
awareness. Pas she ever e[aculaLed before? Pas Lhere ever been a weL-spoL? uoes she have a
loL of shame around her sexuallLy, lemng go, or belng lnhlblLed? lL ls very lmporLanL Lo check ln
wlLh her Lo geL a sense of where she's aL. lL also shows you care abouL her and helps bulld a
feellng of safeLy. She wlll know LhaL you are sensluve Lo where she ls aL and care deeper Lhan
[usL slmply gemng her o. ?ou wanL Lo help her have an experlence and bulld lnumacy.
Women's sexuallLy ls very lnLerconnecLed Lo her emouons as well as her LhoughLs. 1hls mlghL
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
noL sound llke a "sexy" conversauon, buL belleve lL or noL, LhaL closeness LhaL she wlll feel wlLh
you aer wlll help her feel more safe wlLh you and Lherefore more Lurned on.

G|ve ner erm|ss|on And Lncouragement

1hls ls one of Lhe #1 Lhlngs LhaL you can do Lo make any woman squlrL. Some women are wor-
rled abouL maklng mess. Some women are worrled LhaL Lhey mlghL pee accldenLally. Some
women have body lssues and are concerned abouL Lhe LasLe, look, and smell of Lhelr pussy.
Some woman are afrald Lo leL go and surrender Lo Lhelr pleasure. Some women are holdlng
back because Lhey are worrled abouL emouonal lssues comlng up and lf you are golng Lo [udge
Lhem. WhaLever ls holdlng her back from en[oylng her sexuallLy wlLh you full-Lhroule, glvlng her
permlsslon and encouragemenL ls one of Lhe besL Lhlngs you can do. Someumes lL ls abouL
susslng ouL someLhlng LhaL ls holdlng her back and Lhen glvlng her verbal as well as non-verbal
permlsslon Lo Lruly leL go. When she can feel vulnerable whlle noL belng [udged she wlll be able
Lo access deeper and more wlld parLs of her sexuallLy LhaL she has been perhaps suppresslng for
years. 1here mlghL be parLs of her LhaL she never felL safe enough Lo express wlLh anyone. Why
don'L you be Lhe ll8S1 person she can Lruly share all of herself sexually wlLh because she
knCWS deeply wlLhln herself LhaL you supporL her and glve her permlsslon Lo be her auLhenuc
sexual self ln whaLever way LhaL looks llke. lf you wanL Lo learn more abouL how Lo hold space
and glve her verbal and non-verbal permlsslon and encouragemenL, l dlscuss Lhls furLher ln my
ln-depLh onllne membershlp slLe, 7"8%9" :&4/&' 6,;%$8<
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
Chapter 2

"l om o womoo lo my mlJ 40's ooJ l've olwoys felt llke tbete wos sometbloq
wtooq wltb my voqloo. l bove somewbot lotqe looet llps ooJ bove olwoys beeo
wottleJ tbot l Joo't look ootmol. wbeoevet my ex-bosbooJ woolJ tell me tbot l
wos beooufol, l olwoys tolleJ my eyes ooJ tbooqbt be wos jost soyloq tbot be-
coose l teolly JlJo't belleve lt. l oevet wooteJ otol sex becoose l tbooqbt be woolJ
see lt op close ooJ woolJ koow tbot tbete wos sometbloq wtooq wltb lt. l weot to
see "1be voqloo Moooloqoes" wltb some ftleoJs ooJ teollzeJ tbot l woso't tbe
ooly ooe wbo wos wottleJ oboot wbot my voqloo lookeJ llke. AfetwotJs l lookeJ
ot bet lo tbe mlttot oqolo bot sow bet wltb Jl[eteot eyes. l stotteJ ctyloq wbeo l
teollzeJ tbot l JlJo't eveo koow wbot "ootmol" lookeJ llke. 1bete woso't ooytbloq
wtooq wltb me--l jost boJ to cbooqe my petcepuoo. l eveo colleJ my ex-bosbooJ
ooJ oskeJ blm lf be teolly meoot lt wbeo be solJ my voqloo wos beooufol ooJ be
solJ, 'Of cootse Jeot, l meoot lt wltb oll my beott."--5N, cA

ussy Anatomy u|ck|e Gu|de

lL helps Lo have a good undersLandlng of her anaLomy rsL so you can have an erouc map of
whaL you're Louchlng, sumulaung and looklng aL. Slnce you boLh are explorlng LogeLher, you
can choose Lo geL ouL a hand mlrror and explore her anaLomy LogeLher. 1here ls a sLrong possl-
blllLy LhaL she wlll noL be enurely famlllar wlLh her anaLomy. many women do noL slL and sLudy
lL and oenumes women can have a loL of lnsecurlues abouL Lhe way Lhelr pussles look. 1hls
mlghL be a greaL ume Lo check ln wlLh her Lo nd ouL how she feels abouL her pussy. 1aklng Lhe
ume Lo do Lhls klnd of check-ln wlll brlng you closer LogeLher and resulL ln knowlng how Lo en-
courage her ln Lhe rlghL ways as we dlscussed earller. She wlll be lmpressed wlLh your level of
sensluvlLy Lowards her and Lhls wlll help her feel more vulnerable wlLh you.

l am glvlng you an abbrevlaLed anaLomy lesson because l wanL you Lo have Lhe baslcs LhaL you'll
need, buL lf you really wanL Lo expand your knowledge and blow her away wlLh your pussy wls-
dom and prowess, you can nd Lhe compleLe gulde wlLh arouslng Lechnlques for each parL of
her anaLomy aL Lhe 7"8%9" :&4/&' 6,;%$8 8"8=",$+&> $&0".

Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
1he C||t

1hls cuLe pack of nerve endlngs peaklng ouL of lLs hood ls llke a mlnl-penls qulpped wlLh Lhe
same amounL of nerve endlngs as Lhe penls ln lLs enureLy! Some women llke dlrecL sumulauon
of Lhe cllL whlle oLhers prefer lndlrecL or only sumulauon on Lhe cllLoral hood. 1he mosL sensl-
uve parL of Lhe cllL for mosL women ls aL 2 o'clock lf you are faclng lL and observlng lL as lf lL
were a clock. Always use loLs of lube or sallva when sumulaung Lhe cllL and her pussy ln
general. ussles love lubrlcauon!

1he C||tora| nood

1he hood proLecLs her sweeL llL-
Lle cllL and can be dlrecLly sumu-
laLed or pulled back for more
dlrecL sumulauon of her cllL.

1he Inner Lab|a (Lab|a M|nora)

Some of Lhem are shaped llke
buuery wlngs, some are small
and Lhln, and some hang pasL
Lhe ouLer llps. 8egardless of
whaL slze or shape, Lhese gor-
geous ower peLals can be gen-
Lly massaged, llcked, sucked,
pulled and rubbed.

1he Cuter Lab|a (Lab|a Ma[ora)

varylng ln slzes as well--Lhese
ouLer peLals are as sweeL as can
e. ulllng on Lhem can feel
heavenly as well as massaglng
Lhem ln clrcles wlLh your lndex
nger and Lhumb.

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1he ub|c Mound]8one

1he publc mound ls LhaL cushy parL coverlng Lhe publc bone. resslng down rmly behlnd Lhe
publc bone durlng sumulauon can feel amazlng and ls also called Lhe "backdoor Lo Lhe C-SpoL."
Also, cupplng her publc mound aer her orgasm or before sumulauon can feel llke her pussy ls
belng held or cradled. uL one hand on her publc mound and Lhe oLher hand on her hearL. Add
some enhanced lnumacy by gazlng lnLo her eyes so you can connecL deeply wlLh her before and
aer you are sexual wlLh her. !usL Lhls one slmple Lechnlque can brlng lncredlble resulLs.

Many women do noL know where Lhelr ureLhras are. 1hey are dlmculL Lo nd because Lhe hole
can be very small. Someumes Lhe ureLhra ls locaLed rlghL above Lhe vaglnal enLrance and oLher
umes lL ls a blL hlgher. ln Iema|e L|qu|d Crgasm l Lalk abouL very speclc secreLs and Lech-
nlques you can pracuce wlLh her ln regards Lo sumulaung her ureLhral openlng. 1here are many
nerve endlngs rlghL aL Lhe ureLhra and sumulaung lL ln parucular ways can lnduce female e[acu-
lauon and geL her squlrung ln no ume. 1hese speclal ureLhral sumulauon Lechnlques are unlque
Lo my Leachlng and exLremely eecuve.

Urethra| Sponge

1he ureLhral sponge surrounds Lhe ureLhra. 1he ureLhral sponge ls near Lhe openlng and Lhe
Lop of Lhe vaglnal wall. lL ls a spongy mound wlLh rldges and feels llke Lhe roof of your mouLh.
?ou can feel guuers runnlng along elLher slde of Lhe sponge. 1he sponge geLs engorged wlLh
blood durlng arousal. 1here ls erecule ussue ln Lhe ureLhral sponge whlch why lL geLs engorged.
1he ureLhral sponge wlll be your besL frlend ln Lerms of helplng her Lo e[aculaLe. ay auenuon
as much as you can Lo lL Lo bulld up her e[aculaLe and make her feel really Lurned on. ?ou can
use sLrong Lo rlgorous pressure on Lhe ureLhral sponge. Make sure you check ln wlLh her every
sLep of Lhe way lf you do go for more rlgorous pressure. 1he mosL dlrecL way Lo sumulaLe Lhe
ureLhral openlng ls wlLh your ngers by hooklng Lhem behlnd Lhe sponge and uslng Lhe "come
hlLher" mouon. Always hook your ngers up when you puL Lhem lnslde of her and you wlll feel
her spongy mound and know you are gemng her C-SpoL. ?ou wlll llLerally be "mllklng" her ure-
Lhral sponge. 1hls ls where Lhe [ulcy maglc sLarLs Lo happen.

araurethra| G|ands

1he paraureLhral glands, also known as Lhe Skene's glands ll wlLh e[aculaLe durlng arousal and
secreLe Lhelr uld lnLo Lhe ureLhral canal and ls elLher expelled by Lhe elvlc lloor or C Muscles
(dlscussed below) ouL of Lhe ureLhra or goes reLrograde back lnLo Lhe bladder. ?ou wlll oen be
able Lo hear Lhe e[aculaLe sloshlng around lnslde of her before lL ls released.
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1he G-Spot

Also known as Lhe female prosLaLe. 1he C-SpoL ls a way Lo speak abouL Lhe whole package
deal: 1he ureLhra, Lhe ureLhral sponge, Lhe paraureLhral glands/Skene's glands, Anu (mosL lm-
porLanLly ln my humble oplnlon) Lhe orgasmlc and pleasurable sensauon Lhereln. l wlll speak ln
furLher deLall on Lhls beauuful gem, of whlch you mlghL or mlghL noL be aware of lLs amazlng
poLenual and vlLal role ln female e[aculauon.

"l om o totol oetJ becoose l oeeJ to stoJy tbloqs scleoufcolly befote l coo teolly
belleve lo tbem. l bove teoJ ooJ stoJleJ books oboot sexoollty ooJ oootomy be-
fote ooJ tbeo come octoss femole ejocolouoo. lt woso't ooul l sow tbe cbemlcol
moke-op ooJ wbete lt comes ftom oootomlcolly tbot l octoolly belleveJ tbot lt ex-
lsteJ ooJ tbot l coolJ Jo lt. lt wos qteot to expetlmeot wltb my boJy ooJ cooftm
tbot lt exlsts. l eveo JlJ ooe expetlmeot wbete l ote ospotoqos (wblcb mokes yoot
pee smell bottlble) ooJ ttleJ ejocolouoq to see lf lt smelleJ eveo temotely llke
ospotoqos. 1o my oetJy Jellqbt, l foooJ tbot my ejocolote JlJ oot smell llke os-
potoqos ot oll. l peeJ ofetwotJ ooJ tbot ullNl1l smelleJ llke ospotoqos. l coo
cooftm tbot lt ls oot otloe beyooJ o sboJow of o Joobt. lt posseJ tbe ospotoqos

1he Language Cf ner ussy

MosL of Lhe ume, women are noL gemng whaL Lhey wanL ln bed wlLh Lhelr parLner because Lhey
slmply don'L glve Lhemselves permlsslon Lo express lL and some slmply [usL don'L know how.
1he language of Lhe pussy can be Lrlcky, buL chances are lf her parLner ls noL a mlnd reader, or a
pussy whlsperer, Lhey mlghL noL geL lL. Also whaL she wanLs ln one sesslon could be dlerenL ln
anoLher. 1he pussy can be ckle and changer her mlnd oen. She can be plcky, parucular,
moody, shy, or gluunous. Cnce you're more ln communlcauon wlLh her and her pussy Lhrough
your fabulous conversauons and check-lns whlch you are now famlllar wlLh, Lhe more she can
experlence Lhe ulumaLe pleasure and be encouraged Lo ask for whaL she'd llke. 1hls mlghL Lake
some pracuce lf she ls noL used Lo Lhls. lf you encourage her oen and ask her repeaLedly whaL
she needs, Lhls wlll open Lhe paLhways Lo her pleasure and you wlll geL ln sync wlLh her needs a
loL more readlly and wlLh ease. 1hls doesn'L have Lo be guess-work. 8emember----she ls Lhe
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Chapter 3

"My ex-qltlftleoJ woolJ octoolly soy ot scteom, 'l'm comloq!' ooJ tbot wos ex-
ttemely belpfol to koow wbeo sbe wos bovloq oo otqosm. sbe woolJ someumes
otJet me to toocb bet tbls woy ot tbot. l loveJ bow Jltect sbe wos ooJ lt moJe lt
eoslet to feel mote coofJeot oboot my lovemokloq tecbolpoes ooJ feel exbllototeJ
wbeo sbe woolJ come ooJ lo toto, l'm sote sbe wos boppy tbot l wos followloq Jl-
tecuoo well! Afet tbot telouoosblp eoJeJ, l stotteJ seeloq o womoo wbo wos ol-
most tbe opposlte. l boJ NO lJeo wbeo sbe wos comloq--lf sbe wos comloq, ooJ
ooly o voqoe lJeo lf sbe wos octoolly eojoyloq betself. l teollzeJ bow spolleJ l wos
lo my ptlot telouoosblp ooJ lt felt llke l weot ftom beloq o top ootcb lovet to beloq
vety secooJ tote. l tblok qoys llke myself kAll oppteclote qolJooce. womeo ote
vety complex ooJ os mocb os l'J llke to tblok l coolJ qet lt tlqbt evety ume, l op-
pteclote Jltecuoo ftom o womoo wbo teolly koows bow sbe llkes lt."--ck, lu
Why Does Snmu|anng ner G-Spot Make ner L[acu|ate?
Ckay so whaL does Lhe C-SpoL have Lo do wlLh squlrung? lL ls posslble for her Lo e[aculaLe by
oLher means buL ln more cases Lhan noL, female e[aculauon occurs when Lhe C-SpoL ls belng
sumulaLed along wlLh cllLoral sumulauon. Slnce e[aculaLe ls sald Lo come from Lhe Skene's
glands whlch are lnslde Lhe C-SpoL, lL would make sense LhaL sumulaung her C-SpoL would
arouse Lhose glands enough Lo produce Lhe e[aculaLe. uon'L forgeL LhaL Lhe C-SpoL ls anoLher
name for Lhe female prosLaLe. L[aculaLe ls composed of prosLauc uld. Arousal plus sumulauon
leads Lo e[aculauon. 1herefore Lhe C-SpoL ls a vlLal componenL of female e[aculauon and sumu-
lauon of lL can be exLremely arouslng and lead Lo exploslve llquld orgasms for her. LlsLen up!

8reakdown Cf Myths And M|sconcepnons
Myth: Not every woman has a G-Spot.
1ruth: Lvery woman has a C-SpoL. lL ls parL of Lhe female anaLomy [usL llke her cllLorls.

Myth: Women don't e[acu|ate. 1hey are [ust pee|ng.
1ruth: Women can e[aculaLe and sclenuc sLudles have proven Lhls uld Lo be prosLauc uld
whlch comes from Lhe female prosLaLe.

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Myth: 1he G-Spot doesn't ex|st
1ruth: 1he C-SpoL does exlsL and ls ln facL Lhe female prosLaLe. Men have a prosLaLe and so do
women. 8oLh produce e[aculaLe.

Myth: 1he G-Spot |s hard to hnd and deep w|th|n the vag|na| cana|.
1ruth: 1he C-SpoL ls acLually rlghL near Lhe vaglnal openlng and wlLh some women lL can acLu-
ally be seen when she pushes ouL and bears down. Slnce lL ls connecLed Lo Lhe ureLhra and ls
parL of Lhe ureLhral sponge lL would have Lo be close Lo Lhe vaglnal openlng connecLed Lo Lhe
ureLhra. 1he spoL LhaL feels mosL pleasurable for many women whlch ls behlnd Lhe sponge and
Lherefore a llule furLher ln buL noL hard Lo nd once you locaLe Lhe sponge.

Myth: If her G-Spot doesn't fee| p|easurab|e when you hrst snmu|ate |t, then she won't be
ab|e to e[acu|ate.
1ruth: l wlll explaln ln furLher depLh below LhaL lf a woman doesn'L feel pleasure ln her C-SpoL
rlghL away, sensauon ln lL can be awakened and a numb or palnful C-SpoL can become sensl-
uzed over ume and she wlll be able Lo e[aculaLe when Lhe uld bullds up ln her C-SpoL when lL
ls sumulaLed.

Some D|erent k|nds of Crgasms Women Can nave
Women experlence a Lremendous range of orgasmlc sensauons. MosL common ls cllLoral, as
LhaL's where she mosL oen sLrokes Lo masLurbaLe and where her lover mosL oen sLrokes. 1he
good news ls LhaL your woman can wake up her genlLalla Lo an amazlng array of feellngs and
pleasurable orgasmlc experlences lncludlng:
- C||tora|
- Vag|na| or G-Spot Crgasms
- G-Spot]C||tora| 8|ended Crgasm
- Ana| Crgasms
- Uter|ne]Cerv|ca| Crgasms
- Iu||-8ody Lnergenc Crgasms
- L[acu|atory Crgasms

1he C-SpoL/CllLoral 8lended Crgasm ls one LhaL l focus on because lL ls Lhe mosL common way
LhaL women e[aculaLe and can do so muluple umes. 1hls klnd of orgasm ls a blend of CllL and C-
SpoL sumulauon slmulLaneously....and lL feels absoluLely lncredlble for her.

*lease noLe LhaL female e[aculauon can happen separaLely from an orgasm. lL can happen
rlghL before or durlng an orgasm and lL can also happen compleLely separaLe from an orgasm.
Many women feel llke Lhe e[aculauon lLself ls orgasmlc and l am noL one Lo deny women of
Lhelr orgasmlc experlences! So here lL ls--Lhe e[aculaLory orgasm--one ln whlch a woman drlps,
drlzzles, squlrLs, gushes, leaks, explodes, pro[ecLs, launches, spurLs...eLc. ?ou geL my drlp:)

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1o Squ|rt Cr Not 1o Squ|rt...1hat Is 1he uesnon

When l use Lhe word "SqulrL" lL's acLually qulLe decepuve. ln an eorL noL Lo confuse you or
delude you or her, l would llke Lo polnL ouL someLhlng very lmporLanL. Slnce female e[aculauon
ls noL always pro[ecule ln Lhe alr, many women and Lhelr parLners Lo noL conslder lL e[aculauon.
1hey have a plcLure ln Lhelr head of lL looklng a very parucular way and lf lL doesn'L exacLly look
llke LhaL Lhen she ls noL glven credlL where credlL ls due. Someumes she mlghL squlrL pro[ecule
lnLo Lhe alr. CLher umes lL mlghL be [usL a few drops LhaL she nor you even nouce. 1here are
oLher umes when lL ls more of a gush and sull oLhers where lL drlzzles ouL dlscreLely. WhaLever
Lhe case, be prepared for lL Lo look many dlerenL ways. 1he amounL and wheLher lL caLches alr
or noL depends on her level of arousal, Lhe posluon, her pelvlc oor muscle sLrengLh and Lhe
Lype of sumulauon. So be prepared for female e[aculauon Lo Lake on many forms. 1he mosL
exploslve ones are always a Lhrlll, buL a dlscreeL gush can feel [usL as rewardlng. Lncourage her
lf lL ls a uny blL or lf lL drenches you and Lhe enure bed. 1he more you encourage her oen
umes, Lhe more she wlll e[aculaLe.

Gemng ner 1o 8e More Crgasm|c 1hrough Intercourse and 8eyond....

Slnce female e[aculauon ls dependenL on her gemng lnLensely aroused, lL cerLalnly helps lf she
ls more orgasmlc. Crgasms open her body up and help her surrender Lo her sexy [ulces. Whlle
Lhls ls noL a requlremenL Lo e[aculaung, l have found LhaL a loL of Lhe Lools LhaL you and her
would use LogeLher Lo help her be orgasmlc also go hand ln hand wlLh helplng her oodgaLes
open. ln Lhe membershlp slLe, 7"8%9" :&4/&' 6,;%$8, l hlghllghL Lhe houesL ups and Lech-
nlques LhaL you can share wlLh her and pracuce on her Lo help her Lo be noL only more orgasmlc
buL mulu-orgasmlc Loo. l lncluded Lhem l hlghly recommend sLepplng up your game Lo help
her be more orgasmlc and learn Lo coach her lnLo more and more orgasms unul she's aL Lhe
polnL of no reLurn.

I|nd|ng ner G-Spot

1rusL me, she has one. And lL's rlghL Lhere! Some women have blg C-SpoLs LhaL are close Lo Lhe
vaglnal openlng and oLhers have C-SpoLs LhaL are a llule furLher back. ln Lhe workshops l have
LaughL, Lhere have been several women who are convlnced LhaL Lhey slmply don'L have one.
Aer furLher lnspecuon lL became clear LhaL Lhelr C-SpoLs were rlghL Lhere. 8lg, [ulcy and hard
Lo mlss, once you know whaL you're looklng for. 8esL assured LhaL Lhere has noL been a slngle
woman ever ln Lhe hlsLory of my workshops who has noL le knowlng how Lo nd her C-SpoL.
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1he besL way Lo nd her C-SpoL ls Lhrough Louch, arousal, and knowlng whaL Lo feel for. 1he
besL way Lo locaLe lL ls when she ls aroused. 8ecause Lhere ls erecule ussue ln Lhe C-SpoL, lL ls
more vlslble and harder Lo mlss when lL ls nlce and plump. ?ou can acLually see her C-SpoL
when she pushes ouL (wlLh mosL women) because lL ls so close Lo Lhe vaglnal openlng. ?ou'll
see a rldgy mound emerge from Lhe Lop of Lhe vaglnal openlng lf her C-SpoL ls deeper, you
mlghL noL be able Lo see lL, buL around 70 of women have C-SpoLs LhaL are closer Lo Lhe vagl-
nal enLrance and can Lherefore be pushed ouL and made vlslble.

1he G-Spot Is 1he neart Cf ner ussyIt Can Get Lmonona| Down 1here

repare yourself for Lhe posslblllLy of an emouonal response from her when you sLarL sumulaL-
lng her C-SpoL. lL ls a place LhaL hold a loL emouon and even Lrauma. 8ecause Lhe C-SpoL ls sur-
rounded by muscles and packed wlLh nerve endlngs, lL can be a vorLex for deep-seaLed
emouons. Some of Lhem could be relaLed Lo sexual experlences LhaL were Lraumauc or lL could
be relaLed Lo sLress aL work.

lf she feels a wave of emouonal energy comlng Lhrough when you are sumulaung her C-SpoL or
durlng an orgasm- encourage her noL Lo hold back, repress, and shuL down because of fear.
1hose emouons need Lo come up and geL released for LhaL reason. 1ell her you glve her per-
mlsslon Lo express herself fully. lf she needs a good cry-she can leL lL all ouL-she wlll be [usL
ne and perhaps she mlghL even feel llghL on her feeL aer, 1hls ls LoLally naLural and parL of
belng a sexual woman. ?ou mlghL be surprlsed or feel panlc-sLrlcken seelng her cry or have an
emouonal ouLbursL or Lraumauc memory. uon'L Lry Lo sLop her from emoung. !usL allow her Lo
feel whaL she ls feellng and slmply be presenL and lovlng wlLh her. ?ou don'L even have Lo say
much. erhaps you mlghL even wanL Lo encourage her Lo leL lL all go lf she ls feellng

"no|d|ng Space" Means rov|d|ng A Safe |ace Ior ner 1o kea||y Let Go

lf she knows LhaL you can hold space for her wherever she ls aL Lhen Lhls wlll creaLe a profound
level of LrusL and surrender beLween Lhe Lwo of you. She wlll feel so graLeful LhaL you sLood
sLrong and were compasslonaLe and lovlng and look up Lo Lhe way you were Lruly Lhere for her.
Women have varlous lssues sexually wheLher lL was rellglous up-brlnglng LhaL LaughL her LhaL
her sexual feellngs were slnful, maybe a dlmculL and palnful experlence aL Lhe gynecologlsL,
maybe she was molesLed or raped, or maybe she feels LoLally shuL down aer havlng her hearL
broken before. 1hese experlences make us who we are, and as dlmculL as lL ls, allowlng Lhem Lo
come up and be healed by acknowledglng Lhem wlll be a Lransformauve experlence and help
you deepen your connecuon wlLh her and she wlLh her own sexuallLy. She wlll learn a loL abouL
herself Lhrough you and sLarL Lo see you as someone who ls caLalyzlng sexually awakenlng expe-
rlences deep wlLhln her.

Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
"l om oo locest sotvlvot ooJ os yoo mlqbt lmoqloe, sex bos beeo o vety cbolleoq-
loq ooJ eveo polofol expetleoce fot me. l teolly JlJo't tblok tbot l woolJ evet ttoly
eojoy sex ooJ tbot lt wos jost oot fot me. l woolJ feel totolly ovetwbelmeJ some-
umes Jotloq sex ooJ oll of my polofol memotles ooJ ttoomo woolJ come tosbloq
bock. l weot to see o womoo wbo speclollzeJ lo sexool beolloq wotk ooJ sbe tec-
ommeoJeJ C-5pot beolloq. l boJ oo lJeo wbot tbot wos bot l tbooqbt lt wos
wottb o tty. 5be tolJ me tbot opplyloq ptessote ooJ sumolouoq tbe C-5pot coo
belp teleose stock ooJ blockeJ eoetqy. MlJwoy loto oot sessloo l stotteJ ttem-
blloq ooJ let oot o boqe sob tbot sbook my wbole boJy. l felt oll of tbls llqbt te-
leosloq oot tbe top of my beoJ ooJ lt felt llke sometbloq boqe wos teleoseJ tbot l
boJ beeo bolJloq ooto fot yeots. 1be oext Joys ofet tbot l felt totolly toJloot ooJ
vety bopefol tbot l coolJ octoolly bove o beoltby sex llfe. l koow tbot l bove o lot
mote wotk to Jo, bot tbls expetleoce bos fotevet cbooqeJ my llfe." IM, voocoovet

Awaken|ng Sensanon In ner G-Spot

1hls mlghL sound sLrange, buL you can acLually awaken sensauon ln her C-SpoL! Lven lf her C-
SpoL feels good and arouslng...lL can feel even beuer. ?ou can sensluze any parL of her body by
glvlng lL auenuon and sumulauon. ?ou are llLerally creaung new neural paLhways Lo Lhe pleas-
ure cenLers of her braln by focuslng Louch and arousal ln dlerenL places of her body--especlally
her C-SpoL.
Some of Lhe sensauons she mlghL feel are:
leellng Llke She Pas 1o ee
leellng unfamlllar ressure
leellng Crgasmlc and leasurable Sensauons

lf she ls feellng llke she has Lo pee LhaL ls acLually a very good slgn. lL ls a slgn LhaL you are
sumulaung her Skene's glands Lo produce Lhe e[aculaLe and LhaL lf she surrenders Lo LhaL feellng
Lhen lL could lead Lo a gush or an exploslve squlrL!
lf she ls experlenclng some of Lhe oLher sensauons menuoned above, l hlghly recommend LhaL
you check ouL 7"8%9" :&4/&' 6,;%$8 Lo geL more lnformauon abouL how Lo work wlLh Lhose
sensauons successfully.

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1he Most Sens|nve Areas Cf 1he G-Spot

My caveaL ln reveallng Lhls lnformauon ls LhaL you musL nd whaL works unlquely for her. When
lL come Lo Lhe C-SpoL, gemng Lo know all of lLs dlmenslons and awakenlng sensauon are key.
Pere are 2 mosL hlghly sensluve parLs of Lhe C-SpoL:

8eh|nd 1he Sponge

now LhaL you've locaLed LhaL spongy mound wlLh rldges-you can feel lLs dlmenslons
from Lhe guuers runnlng along elLher slde as well as Lhe back of Lhe sponge whlch Lapers
o. Cne of Lhe mosL hlghly sensluve parLs of Lhe C-SpoL for many women ls Lhe spoL
rlghL behlnd Lhe C-SpoL whlch oen allgns behlnd Lhe cllL lnLernally. 1he besL way Lo
nd Lhls hlghly sensluve spoL ls Lo use your nger so you know how far ln you are when
you reach lL. Lvery woman's anaLomy ls llghLly dlerenL ln regards Lo Lhls, so her speclal
spoL mlghL be a llule furLher back or sllghLly Lo Lhe rlghL or le. When you use rm pres-
sure on Lhe spoL rlghL behlnd Lhe sponge, reworks mlghL noL necessarlly go o. ln facL,
she mlghL be Lhlnklng, "ls Lhls whaL all Lhe fuss ls abouL?" keep aL lL. As l sald earller,
Lhe sensluvlLy of Lhe C-SpoL can be awakened and mlghL noL feel pleasurable ln Lhe
beglnnlng. Cn Lhe oLher hand, she mlghL experlence pleasure never before lmaglned.
Lven Lhough everyone ls dlerenL, you can counL on Lhe facL LhaL pleasure ls a posslble
experlence of her C-SpoL [usL llke her cllL, and lL ls only a mauer of ume before she
awakens Lo her orgasmlc poLenual.

In Iront Cf 1he Sponge

AnoLher uullaung and [ulcy hoL spoL whlch l share super successful ups aL 7"8%9" :&4/&'
6,;%$8 abouL ls Lhe fronL of Lhe ureLhral sponge along wlLh Lhe ureLhral openlng. 1he
fronL of Lhe sponge ls easler Lo nd because lL ls where Lhe ureLhral openlng ls. 1he ure-
Lhra ls a hlghly sensluve place whlch has erecule ussue and several nerve endlngs sur-
roundlng lL. 8ubblng and Lapplng Lhls spoL ls hlghly pleasurable and can lead Lo some
exploslve e[aculauon.

G-Spot 1oys

Manually sumulaung her C-SpoL can be uncomforLable for your wrlsL for exLended perlods of
ume. C-SpoL Loys can be exLremely eecuve ln sumulaung her C-SpoL and explorlng new ways
Lo C-SpoL pleasure and orgasm. l hlghly recommend addlng a vlbraLor alongslde Lhe C-SpoL Loy
for greaLly enhance pleasure. C-SpoL Loys are usually noLable because of Lhelr hooked shape.
1hey have Lhe hooked shape Lo sumulaLe LhaL [ulcy spoL behlnd Lhe C-SpoL LhaL l [usL men-
uoned and dellghuully pull aL Lhe sponge whlle bulldlng up Lhe e[aculaLe.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
l recommend buylng her a fun C-SpoL Loy or even a couple Lo Lry ouL. ?ou can look onllne Lo-
geLher and she can geL exclLed abouL her new Loys. 1ype C-SpoL" lnLo Lhe search box PL8L
and check ouL Lhe array of Loys. More expenslve does noL always mean more pleasurable. 8e-
member LhaL vlbrauon ls good for Lhe cllL, buL noL necessarlly for Lhe C-SpoL. Per C-SpoL Loy
does noL have Lo vlbraLe. 1he C-SpoL does well wlLh rm pressure and a solld maLerlal llke py-
rex or glass as well as Lhe lnfamous "come hlLher" Lype of sumulauon.

Cum n|ther

Cne of Lhe besL ways Lo sumulaLe Lhe C-SpoL ls Lhe "Come PlLher" approach. Slnce you now
know LhaL behlnd Lhe ureLhral sponge ls Lhe mosL sensluve and pleasurable parL of Lhe C-SpoL,
Lhen sumulaung lL wlLh Lhe "Come PlLher" mouon ls mosL eecuve ln bulldlng up Lhe e[aculaLe
as well as bulldlng up orgasmlc sensauon. 8y dolng Lhls you are essenually mllklng Lhe C-SpoL
by gemng her nlce and engorged, erecL, and lled wlLh uld. SLarL by Laklng Lwo ngers---one
Lo sLarL, and sumulaung from behlnd Lhe sponge forward wlLh rm pressure. uo Lhls over and
over agaln wlLh varlauons of speed and pressure. nouce how engorged her C-SpoL geLs when
you do Lhls. ?ou mlghL even hear Lhe e[aculaLe sloshlng around. l recommend sLarung o wlLh
llghLer pressure and lncreaslng lL as much as posslble as she geLs more and more aroused. ?ou
mlghL also wanL Lo sLarL ouL wlLh slow, lusclous "cum hlLher" mouons whlle lemng her be your
gulde. 1rusL your lnsuncLs and explore as much as you can wlLh her, checklng ln conunuously.

Incorporanng 1he Iront Cf 1he Sponge

Cnce you've goL her C-SpoL nlce and [ulced up, compleLe wlLh sloshlng sounds of Lhe e[aculaLe,
you wlll know LhaL you are o Lo a greaL sLarL. erhaps lL mlghL be ume Lo lncorporaLe Lhe ure-
Lhra or Lhe fronL of Lhe ureLhral sponge as l had menuoned earller. 1hls ls a very sensluve parL
of Lhe C-SpoL, and runnlng your nger near Lhe openlng of Lhe vaglnal canal ln comblnauon
wlLh Lhe deep rm pressure and "come hlLher" mouon ls a greaL way Lo really geL her [ulces
owlng. near Lhe enLrance of Lhe vaglnal canal ls where her ureLhra ls, and now ls an opporLu-
nlLy Lo explore Lhls yummy area.

See how Lhe fronL of her ureLhral sponge feels when you rub lL (genLly aL rsL) and Lhen alLer-
naLe wlLh deeper and rm pressure behlnd Lhe sponge wlLh Lhe "come hlLher" mouon. ?ou can
also Lry Laklng Lhe aL of your hand and Lapplng or llghLly slapplng Lhe ureLhral openlng. 1hls
mlghL sound palnful, buL noL LhaL you are noL dolng lL hard and you can conLrol how hard you
are Lapplng and slapplng. 1here ls someLhlng abouL Lhls mouon LhaL geLs Lhe e[aculaLe Lo squlrL
forLh. 8uL Lhere are some oLher vlLal componenLs Lo acLually e[aculaung and orgasmlng LhaL l
wlll share wlLh you below.

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If She Iee|s L|ke She nas 1o ee

She mlghL feel as you are rubblng her ureLhra LhaL she has Lo pee or LhaL she mlghL accldenLally
pee. 1hls ls a normal sensauon, and over ume she wlll come Lo assoclaLe lL wlLh e[aculaung.
!usL reassure her LhaL Lhls normal and Lo [usL feel free Lo leL go even lf she ls convlnced LhaL lL ls
pee. 1ell her LhaL lL ls okay lf she pees Loo. 1hls reassurance can make or break Lhe experlence
and deLermlne lf she e[aculaLes or noL. ln my experlence Leachlng women, Lhls ls one of Lhe
hardesL Lhlngs for women Lo overcome. 1he more she feels LoLally free, Lhe more she wlll leL go
and e[aculaLe. 8emlnd her LhaL lL ls okay Lo make a mess and LhaL Lhere are plenLy of Lowels
down so she has noLhlng Lo worry abouL. LeL her know LhaL you nd lL sexy when she feels Lo-
Lally free and unlnhlblLed and leLs herself go. Pave her pee before you sLarL your sesslon wlLh
her so she doesn'L have Lo worry LhaL she mlghL be peelng lf she feels LhaL sensauon.

Don't Iorget 1he C||t

Whlle all of Lhls C-SpoL explorauon ls happenlng, l hlghly recommend slmulLaneously sumulaL-
lng her cllL. lL's lmporLanL ln Lhe beglnnlng for her Lo undersLand Lhe sensauons ln her C-SpoL
rsL wlLhouL oLher Lypes of sumulauon so she can really feel whaL's happenlng Lhere. 1he more
she focuses her energy on Lhe C-SpoL sensauons, Lhe more she can really undersLand and sen-
sluze LhaL area. 1he C-SpoL and cllL are very compllmenLary wlLh one anoLher. lf sumulaung
her C-SpoL feels specLacular, and sumulaung her cllL feels heavenly--puL Lhem LogeLher and you
have Lhe perfecL reclpe for muluple blended orgasms and [ulcy e[aculaLory orgasm. Someumes
when C-SpoL sumulauon alone feels sLrange, l recommend lncorporaung cllLoral sumulauon Lo
help geL her more aroused. lf cllLoral orgasm or sumulauon ls very famlllar Lo her---sLarL wlLh
whaL she knows and ls comforLable rsL and weave ln Lhe unknown so her body has an oppor-
LunlLy Lo blend Lhe famlllar wlLh Lhe unfamlllar. Cver ume, knowlng LhaL more ls posslble, she
wlll crave boLh and you wlll learn how Lo work wlLh boLh Lhe C-SpoL and cllL LogeLher.

Do the C||t]G-Spot Dance

8emember LhaL Lhe blended orgasm conslsung of boLh cllLoral and C-SpoL orgasm ls Lhe num-
ber on way LhaL women e[aculaLe and have muluple orgasms. l also hlghly recommend gemng
her Lo Lhe edge of a cllLoral orgasm and Lhen sumulaung her C-SpoL wlLhouL cllLoral sumulauon
for a whlle. 8ulld up Lhe arousal ln her C-SpoL and Lhen swlLch Lo her cllL agaln when she ls
ready. 1ry worklng Lhem back and forLh and Lhen pumng Lhem LogeLher. laylng wlLh boLh Lo-
geLher ls a greaL way Lo geL LoLally aroused and very [ulcy.

Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
D|erent Ways to Snmu|ate ner G-Spot

1here are many dlerenL ways Lo sumulaLe Lhe C-SpoL. Cn my membershlp slLe, 7"8%9" :&4/&'
6,;%$8, l explaln ln deLall how you can do so ln each way. Pere are some of Lhem:

Manually (WlLh ?our llngers)
C-SpoL 1oy

Lvery woman wlll have her preferences. lL's your [ob Lo creaLe LhaL safe haven where she'll feel
comforLable explorlng wlLh you whaL she llkes besL. Co slowly and creaLe a parLnershlp for
pleasure where you can boLh nd exclung Lechnlques LhaL allow her Lo release her beauuful wa-

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Chapter 4

"My beloveJ woolJ Jo tbls omozloq tbloq wltb bls Jlck wbete be woolJ ooqle lt
op towotJs my C-5pot ooJ tob foltly vlqotoosly wblle tokloq blmself loslJe ooJ oot
wblle l tobbeJ my clltotls. 5omeumes wbeo be took bls Jlck oot be woolJ tob lt oo
my clltotls ooJ pot lt bock lo oqolo-ooqle lt towotJs my C-5pot ooJ toke lt oot wltb
ftm ptessote. 1bls teolly qot me sopet jolcy ooJ to tbe polot wbete l woolJ spoltt
wbeo be took lt oot. lt wos olmost llke tbe oct of tokloq lt oot belpeJ me to teleose
tbe ejocolote. 5omeumes lf l wos oo top be woolJ let bolJ bls Jlck ooJ tob lt oo
my cllt ooJ ooqle lt towotJs my C-5pot. ne loveJ tbe seosouoo of my ejocolote
Jtlpploq Jowo bls bolls ooJ Jowo bls slJes. l woolJ qet teolly teolly wet ooJ we
wete botb so omozeJ ot bow mocb llpolJ tbete wos."--cl, cA
1he C Musc|esrofound C |easure u|sanons And ump|ng It U

1he ubo-Coccyges muscles or C muscles are a very complex neLwork of muscles runnlng
LhroughouL Lhe enure pelvlc oor from her cllL Lo her anus and deep lnLo Lhe vaglnal canal.
1here are 3 maln secuons of C muscles. 1he ones rlghL aL Lhe ureLhral openlng sLarL and sLop
Lhe ow of urlne. 1here ls a second seL lnslde Lhe vaglnal canal whlch are also connecLed Lo Lhe
anus, and a Lhlrd seL LhaL are deeper wlLhln Lhe vaglnal canal and near Lhe cervlx. 1hese "seLs"
of musculaLure are noL separaLe, buL a connecLed neLwork. l refer Lo Lhem as seLs so you can
vlsuallze Lhese Lhree parLs when you are Leachlng her abouL dolng C exerclses, 1herefore, Lhe
C muscles are Lhe muscles LhaL sLarL and sLop Lhe ow of urlne as well as allow her Lo glve
blrLh and push a baby ouL as well as enhanclng her orgasmlc energy and Lhe muscles she wlll
use Lo e[aculaLe.

Why Are 1hese Musc|es Important When Learn|ng About Crgasm And L[acu|anon?

1he C Muscles and Lhelr sLrengLh are connecLed Lo:

8eleaslng female e[aculaLe
umplng orgasmlc energy Lhrough her body
Pavlng powerful orgasms and more of Lhem Lhem
Lnhanclng pleasure for you
Lnhanclng sensauon for you boLh durlng lnLercourse
Ceneraung blood ow and vaglnal healLh
Lnhanclng Lhe sumulauon of her cllL, C-SpoL and cervlx
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Iear Cf ush|ng Cut

?ou wlll be havlng her pracuce squeezlng ln Lhose muscles ln each uer as well as pushlng ouL.
racuce wlLh her! 1hls ls greaL for your orgasmlc managemenL Loo. 1he squeezlng ln ls some-
Lhlng women are more famlllar wlLh and easy for her Lo do. ushlng ouL on Lhe oLher hand can
be a blL scary because she mlghL feel llke she has Lo pee when she pushes ouL. ushlng ouL
mlghL also release any gas she mlghL have, much Lo her un-ladyllke dlsmay, buL Lhe more you
glve her permlsslon Lo leL go and accepL Lhe posslble embarrassmenL, lL wlll be worLh Lhe pleas-
ure Lenfold. Pave a laugh--lL happens.

Ior Lxerc|ses And Iurther Understand|ng Cf 1he C Musc|es....
AL 7"8%9" :&4/&' 6,;%$8, l breakdown all of Lhe beneLs of Lhe C muscles and how she can
sLrengLhen her muscles as well as varlous exerclses she can do wlLh you or [usL abouL
anywhere. Cnce her C muscles are ln shape and sLrong, she wlll have an enhanced sexual ex-
perlence wlLh you and you wlll also experlence Lhe beneLs menuoned earller. 1o recap--she ls
uslng Lhese muscles Lo push ouL Lhe e[aculaLe as well as pump orgasmlc energy Lhrough her
body and sumulaLe her C-SpoL. ?ou should denlLely research Lhls more Lo help boLh of you

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Chapter S
G|v|ng 8|rth 1o ner Crgasm

Cne of Lhe maln secreLs Lo e[aculaung LhaL l have been coachlng women for years Lo do lLs:
Clve blrLh Lo Lhelr orgasm. lor many women, Lhls enurely shled Lhelr perspecuve and opened
up a whole new realm of orgasmlc posslblllLy. MosL women hold Lhelr orgasms lnslde. "lnslde"
meanlng LhaL Lhelr orgasm energeucally moves lnward and or lnward and upward, 1hls ls a Lo-
Lally accepLable way Lo orgasm and ls usually whaL mosL women are comforLable wlLh. Women
who e[aculaLe oen "glve blrLh Lo Lhelr orgasm" by pushlng ouL Lhe orgasm and Lhe e[aculaLe
ouL wlLh lL. So lnsLead of Lhe orgasmlc energy movlng lnward and up, Lhelr energy ls movlng ouL
and Lhey are bearlng down [usL as Lhey would Lo glve blrLh (excepL noL as hard!) 1hls mlghL Lake
some pracuce for her especlally lf she ls used Lo orgasmlng ln a cerLaln way. Per body slmply
has Lo geL comforLable and famlllar wlLh pushlng ouL/bearlng down. She wlll be pushlng ouL or
bearlng down durlng an orgasm and rlghL before one ln order Lo release Lhe e[aculaLe and "glve
blrLh Lo her orgasm." ?ou can also have her push ouL when you are sumulaung her and ndlng
LhaL her C-SpoL ls very engorged or you hear Lhe sloshlng sounds, lndlcaung LhaL Lhere ls e[acu-
laLe LhaL needs Lo be released.

Let It GC

A loL of women use Lhelr C muscles nC1 Lo e[aculaLe because Lhey are afrald Lhey are golng Lo
pee, so whaL lf Lhey used Lhose same C muscles Lo acLually leL go and push ouL Lhe e[aculaLe?
Slnce Lhe fear of lemng go ls a blg one, lL requlres an elemenL of surrender whlch could resulL ln
a Lrlckle, a drlp, a gush, or a huge caLharuc release. She has Lo be wllllng Lo LrusL her body and
leL go. Slnce l have been guldlng you abouL how Lo creaLe a safe and comforLable space for her
Lo feel free and unlnhlblLed as well as a space for her Lo feel super [ulcy and Lurned on, Lhls ls
Lhe perfecL reclpe for her Lo sLarL squlrung. ?ou boLh wlll feel Lhe lncredlble Lhrlll of her sexy
[ulces spurung, gushlng, drlzzllng, drlpplng, and explodlng. 1here ls Lruly noLhlng llke lL!

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1he Dance 8etween Iorce and Surrender

Clvlng blrLh ls one of Lhe mosL powerful experlences for a woman. Pow amazlng ls lL LhaL our
bodles have Lhls power? WheLher she has already glven blrLh or noL, you can have her vlsuallze
Lhe symbollc experlence--normally assoclaLed wlLh paln, and replace lL wlLh profound pleasure
and power. lf she vlsuallzes herself bearlng down as lf she were glvlng blrLh buL lnsLead vlsual-
lzes herself glvlng blrLh Lo an orgasm or ecsLauc energy, Lhen you mlghL nd her e[aculaung rlghL
Lhen and Lhere!
L[aculauon does noL always requlre LhaL she push ouL. Someumes lL can come forLh lnvolunLar-
lly or wlLhouL pushlng lL ouL. 8uL lL cerLalnly helps, especlally ln ln Lhe beglnnlng for her Lo push
ouL. 1he oLher aspecL of e[aculauon ls LhaL you don'L wanL Lo her hold lL back. lf she ls afrald Lo
go over Lhe edge or leL go because she ls nervous she mlghL pee, make a mess, or ls scared
abouL Lhe lnLenslLy of Lhe experlence, Lell her Lo vlsuallze herself openlng Lhe oodgaLes and
removlng Lhe dam LhaL ls holdlng back her waLers and ulumaLely her pleasure.
noLe: When l say "pushlng" or "bearlng down," l don'L mean LhaL she should push hard or force
lL ull she Lurns blue ln Lhe face. She ls uslng Lhe same klnd of force as she would when squeez-
lng ln, buL pushlng ouL lnsLead. As her muscles geL sLronger Loo from dolng her C muscle exer-
clses, Lhls wlll feel llke a very free and sexy experlence for her. lease noLe LhaL whlle she ls
pushlng ouL, Lhere ls also an aspecL of releaslng. So lL ls a beauuful dance beLween force and
surrender whlch you can work wlLh her Lo pracuce and dlscover where her edges are and where
she experlences Lhe mosL pleasure.

When Shou|d She ush Cut?

1he besL ume Lo push ouL ls:

When she ls hlghly aroused
?ou hear and feel a sloshlng nolse lndlcaung Lhere mlghL be e[aculaLe bulldlng up ln her C-
She says she ls feellng Lhe pressure of Lhe e[aculaLe bulldlng up or llke she has Lo pee
When she ls [usL abouL Lo Crgasm
Whlle she ls Crgasmlng

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Chapter 6

Genera| 1|ps Ior L[acu|anng

- 8emove any ob[ecL LhaL mlghL be blocklng Lhe ureLhra when she ls close Lo orgasm or
Lrylng Lo release Lhe e[aculaLe.
- Lncourage her Lo drlnk loLs of waLer and be well hydraLed before your sesslon.
- 8emlnd her Lo empLy her bladder beforehand so she doesn'L have Lo worry abouL lf
she's peelng or noL.
- use C-SpoL Loys or pay speclal auenuon Lo rmly sumulaung Lhe C-SpoL Lhrough lnLer-
- Ask her Lo push ouL when she seems hlghly aroused or near orgasm.
- SumulaLe her cllL and C-SpoL aL Lhe same ume.
- Coach her around releaslng fears abouL peelng or maklng a mess and glve her loLs of
permlsslon Lo leL go.
- uL loLs of Lowels or rubber sheeLs down so you and your parLner don'L have Lo worry
abouL maklng a mess.
- 8emlnd her Lo pump and uullze her C muscles durlng arousal Lo help generaLe orgasmlc
energy and release Lhe e[aculaLe.
- LxperlmenL Lo nd ouL whaL works unlquely for her.
- CreaLe a lovlng and comforLable space for her so she feels emouonally connecLed and
Lherefore able Lo release her lnhlbluons and LoLally open up lnLo her wlld [ulcy self.
- LxLended lovemaklng sesslons help Lo open up her body and bulld up her [ulces. Some-
umes lL Lakes a whlle for Lhe oodgaLes Lo open.

**8emember LhaL lL Lakes women slgnlcanLly longer Lo geL warmed up sexually dependlng on
Lhe woman. 1he longer you are aL lL wlLh her, Lhe more llkely she wlll geL [ulcler and [ulcler.

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Don't 8|ock 1he Urethra| Cpen|ng

lL ls very lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL someumes e[aculaLe wlll noL come ouL lf you are blocklng Lhe
ureLhral/vaglnal openlng. lf you have a dlldo, ngers, or a penls lnslde of her whlle she ls push-
lng ouL or orgasmlng, Lry Laklng lL ouL ln order Lo allow Lhe e[aculaLe Lo come ouL.
lor some women Lhls ls more lmporLanL Lhan oLhers. Cen umes slmply Lhe acL of Laklng Lhe
ob[ecL (whaLever lL may be) ouL, wlll prompL Lhe e[aculaLe Lo squlrL ouL. 1hls ls someLhlng LhaL
you can pracuce ln Lerms of umlng and see whaL feels rlghL for her and helps her Lo e[aculaLe.
?ou wlll oen know LhaL lL ls a good ume Lo Lake ouL your ngers, Loy or penls when you feel her
pushlng ouL or lf she glves you a slgnal or Lells you.
When you Lake ouL whaLever lL ls LhaL ls lnslde her, you wlll wanL Lo do so qulckly and wlLh pres-
sure Lowards her C-SpoL Lo help prompL her Lo e[aculaLe. Make sure when you Lake whaLever ls
lnslde of her ouL, LhaL you sLay close aL hand because mosL llkely she wlll wanL you Lo puL lL back
ln rlghL aer she e[aculaLes and or orgasms.

An addluonal Lrlck ls Lo Lake your ngers, Loy or penls ouL when she ls gemng close Lo e[aculaL-
lng or orgasmlng and rub lL vlgorously around Lhe openlng of her vaglna where her ureLhral
openlng ls. ?ou can also Lry varlauons of Lapplng and rubblng. ?ou can use a loL of pressure and
lnLenslLy oen umes wlLh Lhe C-SpoL. Always make sure Lo check ln wlLh her and geL Lo know
Lhe klnd of pressure LhaL feels comforLable on her C-SpoL.

"As o qoy wbo bos qoueo mooy womeo to spoltt, l bove to soy tbot ooe of tbe
mojot tecbolpoes l leotoeJ ls to toke oot my foqets ot my cock wbeo l feel bet
stotuoq to posb. 1bot's osoolly wbeo sbe's jost oboot to ejocolote, ooJ l oouce
tbot lf l toke wbotevet ls loslJe of bet oot tlqbt wbeo l feel tbot posb, tbeo osoolly
tbls wlll be followeJ by o spoltt. 1beo l'll pot my cock ot foqets bock lo olmost
lmmeJlotely ofet sbe ejocolotes ooJ tbeo sumolote bet some mote ooJ wolt ooul
l feel bet posb oot oqolo. we coo Jo tbls ovet ooJ ovet oqolo tbtooqboot o sessloo
ooJ l'm omozeJ ot bow mooy womeo coo jost keep comloq ooJ comloq ooJ ejoco-
louoq mote ooJ mote. lf l Joo't toke my foqets ot cock oot l foJ tbot sbe ls less
llkely to ejocolote fot some teosoo. Not sote wby bot l koow wbot wotks."--MN,

Mak|ng ner Squ|rt 1hrough Intercourse

l ouLllne several hoL posluons you can Lry LhaL wlll geL her super Lurned on, aroused and e[acu-
laung everywhere ln my home sLudy course aL Iema|e L|qu|d Crgasm. l also Lalk ln depLh abouL
how you can use your penls as a way Lo help her e[aculaLe. 1hese are more advanced Lech-
nlques and Lhey are very fun Lo Lry wlLh her.
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1eamwork ls a greaL way for her Lo be more orgasmlc and add more [ulce Lo your lovemaklng.
WheLher Lhrough ngerlng, Loy play, or lnLercourse-sumulaLe her C-SpoL whlle she sumulaLes
her cllL. Someumes Lrylng Lo sumulaLe boLh aL Lhe same ume feels llke rubblng your head and
pamng your sLomach. lL's dlmculL and can geL compllcaLed for some. lf you focus on a Leam
eorL where she rubs her cllL and your sumulaLe her C-SpoL, you are on your way Lo glvlng her
muluple blended orgasms wlLh a sure-re reclpe for success and even e[aculauon. lf you are
peneLraung her, and she has a free hand, encourage her Lo sLarL rubblng her cllL. lf you are us-
lng a C-SpoL Loy on her or ngers, you can work Lhe Loy whlle she works her vlbraLor or manu-
ally sumulaLes her cllL. SLarL o slowly so she can really Lake ln and savor Lhe sensauons of her
C-SpoL. 8eally draw ouL Lhe C-SpoL sLrokes ln [ulcy slow mouon moves LhaL wlll have her wrlLh-
lng around and begglng for more. lf your parLner Lells you LhaL she can'L orgasm durlng lnLer-
course, Lhen lf you lnvlLe her Lo rub her cllL, Lhen you mlghL have a rsL ume lnLercourse or-
gasmer" on your hands-noL Lo menuon a rsL-ume squlrLer!

Also explaln Lhe loglsucs of lL Lo her lf Lhere ls heslLauon: lf you can really focus and dedlcaLe
your energy Lo sumulaung her C-SpoL, and she focuses her energy on sumulaung her cllL, Lhen
as a Leam you can slgnlcanLly enhance her pleasure. ?ou can also have her rub her cllL for
shorL perlods of ume ln Lhe beglnnlng and encourage her Lo do lL more and more unul she feels
comforLable. ?ou can also Lease her by sLarung Lo sumulaLe her cllL and C-SpoL slmulLaneously
and geL her really worked up Lo Lhe polnL of no reLurn. 1hen leL up on her cllL and [usL focus on
her C-SpoL. 1ell her Lo rub her cllL when she ls super [ulcy and chances are, some of her earller
lnhlbluons wlll be gone as she ls close Lo Lhe polnL of no reLurn.
Women have very mlxed responses wlLh sumulaung Lhemselves ln fronL of Lhelr parLner. As al-
ways, l wlll emphaslze LhaL you should noL pressure her or be manlpulauve. Lncourage and re-
assure her buL do noL go overboard and annoy her. lL ls a dellcaLe dance LhaL you wlll learn Lo-

on| (Vag|na|) Massage Sess|ons

Someumes semng aslde ume where you can en[oy a sesslon dedlcaLed [usL for her LhaL ls sepa-
raLe from your lovemaklng can be very helpful. 1hese sesslons are ones ln whlch you glve her a
full body massage whlle also massaglng her lnner and ouLer labla, Laklng your ume Lo geL Lo
know her body, Lo explore her lnslde and ouL wlLh your ngers and Longue, Lo worshlp her and
bask ln her ecsLasy. lf you have an exploraLory amLude and one of honor, Lhese sesslons can be
lncredlble for her and you, she can also do Lhe same for you so you can Lake ume Lo fully re-
celve from her.

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"l bove foooJ tbot l coooot ejocolote wbeo l om wltb o pottoet wbo l Joo't feel
totolly sofe ot comfottoble wltb. l bove meouooeJ to some qoys tbot l bove beeo
koowo to spoltt ftom ume to ume, ooJ wltb some qoys lt feels llke lt's tbelt qool to
moke me ejocolote ooJ tbeo l feel ptessote ooJ petfotmooce ooxlety wbeteos tbe
qoys tbot wete sweet ooJ boppy lf lt boppeoeJ ot oot wete tbe ooes l woolJ ejoco-
lote wltb. l boJ ooe pottoet wbo wos llke o cbeetleoJet ooJ solJ lo o vety sexy
woy, "qlve lt to me boby" ot "tbete yoo qo--tbot o qltl!" "yoo qot some mote fot
me?" etc. 1bot teolly qot me qoloq. 1beo tbete wos tbls qoy wbo l coolJ oot ejoco-
lote wltb eveo lf l wooteJ to wbo seemeJ totbet ftlqbteoeJ by tbe wbole lJeo. l
Joo't tblok be woolJ bove eojoyeJ lt ooJ wos mote of o selfsb lovet ooywoys. lt
omozes me tbooqb bow tempetomeotol ejocolouoq teolly ls--ftom pottoet to
pottoet ot Jl[eteot mooJs l'm lo. l oouce tbe commoo Jeoomlootot teolly ls feel-
loq sofe wltb my pottoet. -- A5, l cettlto, cA

umng It A|| 1ogether - Coup|es Lxerc|se
Ck, Lhls ls lL. ?ou have Lhe knowledge you need Lo brlng her Lo e[aculaLory orgasm now. 8e-
member Lo Lrlm your ngernalls very shorL. use an emery board Lo smooLh Lhe edges. Per ln-
Lernal ussue ls very dellcaLe! Wash your hands Lwo umes wlLh very good soap. Wear a Lee shlrL.
CeL waLer for boLh of you, and puL on some muslc or llghL candles or do whaL ever seLs a nlce
space for her maxlmum comforL.
Lay a few Lhlcknesses of Lowels down on Lhe bed or a waLerproof sheeL under your beddlng. Lay
her down, prop her legs wlLh plllows beneaLh her. uL a plllow beneaLh her head. Clve her a
wrap she can drape across her chesL lf she geLs cold.
SlL down beslde her, on her rlghL slde, so you can posluon your self perpendlcularly Lo her and
see her genlLals. uL one leg across her and one under her legs so you can geL your hands easlly
on her cllL and vaglna.
llrsL l wanL you Lo do a ?onl Massage. 1hls wlll geL boLh of you warmed up Lo Lhe Louch and feel
of her genlLals. rlnL Lhe pages ln Lhe book ouL LhaL go over all of Lhe dlerenL parLs of her
anaLomy. 1hen slowly nd and Louch each spoL as you Lell her whlch spoL you are Louchlng. ?ou
wlll essenually do an lnvenLory of her anaLomy, so she can feel where each of Lhese places are
as you Louch Lhem.
lf she's embarrassed, keep Lhe llghLs low aL rsL and feel your way as much as see your way
around. lL's also greaL Lo have a hand mlrror and prop her up so she can see her pussy. 1ell her
Lhe Lhlngs you llke abouL lL. l love Lhe dusky plnk of your lnner llps." l love how your cllL ls [usL
peeklng ouL a llule from under Lhe hood." ?our Lhlghs look so beauuful as Lhey lead up Lo your
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1hen as you locaLe each spoL, rub lL ln a few dlerenL ways and ask her whlch feels besL Lo her.
1ry sLrokes, clrcles, swlpes, more pressure, less pressure. lrom Lhls, you'll geL a good ldea of
whaL klnd of sLrokes and pressure she llkes ln whaL areas.
1hen as she's sull laylng down, compleLely relaxed, ask her Lo do noLhlng buL glve you any feed-
back, posluve or negauve, abouL whaL she's experlenclng as you're glvlng her a genlLal massage.
SLarL wlLh organlc oll. SweeL Almond or CoconuL are nlce. ?ou wanL someLhlng aL rsL LhaL's a
llule Lackler, sucker Lhan lube. Cll works well on Lhe ouLslde areas of her genlLals.
8ub her ouLer llps, lnner llps, cllLoral area, ureLhral area, slowly work your way lnLo her C-Area,
very dellcaLely, [usL Lo locaLe Lhe zones. leel around ln Lhere ([usL wlLh one nger and very gen-
Lly) and sLroke whaL brlngs you pleasure as well as her.
1ake abouL 30 mlnuLes or longer lf she's really en[oylng lL.
?ou can sLop Lhere, or proceed Lo Lhls nexL level of sumulauon.
Cnce she's warmed up and very responslve Lo your Louch, you wanL Lo move Lo a lube LhaL's
beuer for lnLernal Louch. Sllquld Sllk or Swlss navy, someLhlng LhaL's more sllppery. Make sure
whaL you use does noL conLaln arabens, as Lhey've been LhoughL Lo be carclnogenlc. 1here's no
research LhaL proves lL, lL could be an urban legend. 8uL why chance lL when Lhere are greaL lu-
bes LhaL are araben-free?
Warm up lube on your le hand, spread lL around and puL lL onLo your polnLer and lndex ngers
on your rlghL hand. 1hese are whaL you wlll sllp lnslde her.
1hen seL up a genLle, llghL, even, rhyLhmlc sLroke on her cllLorls, uslng lube, wlLh your le
polnLer nger. 1hen slowly sLarL Lo work your polnLer nger on your rlghL hand around Lhe en-
Lrance Lo her vaglna. Mlrror Lhe sLroke on her cllL wlLh Lhe sLroke of your lndex nger, uslng a
small, come hlLher sLroke as you are worklng your nger lnLo her C-SpoL. 1ake aL leasL a mlnuLe
or Lwo Lo slowly work lL ln.
1hen sLarL Lo do wlndshleld wlper sLroke wlLh your nger across her C-SpoL for abouL 30 sec-
onds. nexL, slowly Lransluon Lo a come hlLher sLroke across her C-SpoL for abouL 30 more sec-
onds. Lssenually you're glvlng her one rhyLhmlc sLroke per second, lemng her geL lnLo Lhe feel-
lng. AlLernaLe beLween Lhose Lwo. 1ry a barrel roll, genLly wlLh Lhe same rhyLhm, 1 per second.
A barrel roll ls where you Lake your nger up(s) and do a blg clrcle. AL Lhe Lop, lL's llke a come
hlLher buL your ngers are sLralghL. ress agalnsL Lhe C-SpoL, aruculaung your ngers lnslde her
pussy and dolng a blg, clrcular sweep all around Lhe lnslde of her vaglna. Some gals llke lL fasLer,
some slower. SLarL wlLh Lhe baslcs. 1 nger wlndshleld wlper across her C-SpooL, 1 nger come
hlLher across her C-SpoL, 1 nger barrel roll around Lhe lnslde of her whole vaglnal cavlLy. Al-
LernaLe Lwo seLs of 1 come hlLher, 1 wlndshleld wlper, 1 come hlLher, 1 wlndshleld wlper fol-
lowed by a slngle barrel roll.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
uo LhaL wlLh [usL polnLer for 3-3 mlnuLes. 1hen slowly pull ouL. 1ell her ln advance LhaL you are
golng Lo pull ouL and puL on more lube. uL on more lube. SqulrL lL on your le hand, rub lL ln
your palm Lo warm lL, Lhen suck your Lwo ngers ouL from your rlghL hand (polnLer and lndex)
and roll Lhose ngers all around ln he lube so Lhe lube covers your enure ngers, on all sldes.
1hese Lhe ngers you're golng Lo sllp lnslde her.
keep one hand or your arm Louchlng her as you do Lhls. lL's good aL rsL Lo reporL all Lhe moves
you are maklng Lo her. She'll feel more condenL lf she undersLands whaL you are dolng every
sLep of Lhe way durlng Lhls lnLense learnlng process. Check ln wlLh her as you go. See whaL she
llked, more Lhan oLhers and lf Lhere's anyLhlng LhaL dldn'L glve her pleasure. AccepL all her
feedback, no mauer whaL and don'L expecL her Lo be pollLe. !usL ask her Lo blurL ouL whaL ever
she ls feellng. 8emember, lL can geL a llule lnLense down Lhere for women ln Lhe beglnnlng. Ac-
cepL everyLhlng she says and respond each ume slmply wlLh, Lhank you."
1hls ls a nlce llule break for her. now you can sLarL agaln.
llrsL, Lell her you are golng Lo slowly work ln your oLher nger. Someumes lL's nlce Lo Lease her a
llule and bulld some anuclpauon. 8uL rsL sLarL agaln wlLh one nger. Co back Lo Lhe 1 nger
come hlLher sLroke. uo LhaL for 30 seconds. ?ou are back on her cllL agaln maLchlng Lhe rhyLhm.
1hen do a long curlng sLroke wlLh smooLh, even pressure, pulllng lL ouL of her vaglna, runnlng lL
up Lo her cllL and Lhen pause lL Lhere. auses are hoL. 1hey expand her energy, noL deleLe lL. She
wlll sLrlve Lo keep Lhe sensauon golng herself, even when you are paused, whlch wlll Lurn her on
1hls ls Lhe Lransluon Lo Lwo ngers. Slowly run LhaL polnLer nger back down, keeplng ln conLacL
wlLh her cllL unul Lhe lasL mlnuLe, Lhen merge your lndex nger alongslde your polnLer and
slowly clrcle Lhe openlng Lo her vaglna aL Lhe same raLe, 1 clrcle per second. 1hen add your le
polnLer nger back Lo her cllL, keeplng LhaL sLroke sLeady. As you clrcle Lhe ouLslde of her vaglnal
openlng you begln Lo work your way ln, [usL a fracuon of an lnch per sLroke. Mlnl come hlLher
sLrokes, each second, as you go a llule furLher ln wlLh each sLroke wlll feel really good Lo her.
1ake a deep breaLh yourself now. ?ou've already been worklng hard. Consclously relax your
1hen when you geL Lo Lhe polnL where you have Lwo knuckles ln, LhaL's golng Lo be rlghL abouL
on her C-SpoL. All women are dlerenL, buL havlng her C-SpoL be abouL where you are when
you are Lwo knuckles ln ls preuy Lyplcal.
now do llghL come hlLher sLroke for 30 sLrokes, Lhen wlndshleld wlper for 30 sLrokes, Lhen bar-
rel role for 3-10 sLrokes. uo LhaL for a couple of mlnuLes, Lhen work your ngers ln Lo Lhe nexL
knuckle. AL Lhls polnL, your ngers are preuy much all Lhe way ln. 1hen sLarL wlLh more pressure
dolng come hlLher, suck wlLh Lhe come hlLher and make blgger, draggler, sLrokes wlLh more
pressure, so Lhe pads of your ngerups are maklng presslng conLacL across her C-SpoL area. use
medlum Lo medlum rm pressure as you make conLacL.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
So now, you added a loL more sensauon. lL's ume for a down sLroke, whlch doesn'L brlng her
down, lL acLually glves her a peak. 8emove Lhe cllL sLroklng le nger. Slowly follow Lhe curve of
her body, as you remove your ngers from her vaglna. Sllde Lhem ouL slowly and curvlng, llke
your ngers don'L wanL Lo leL go.
1hen as your'e slldlng ouL, make conLacL wlLh her cllL as you sllde up. 1hen pause Lhere, on her
cllL. 1haL glves her a break.
lf you need Lo, place Lhe palm of your le hand on her pussy and press down sllghLly.
1hen go all Lhe way back ln, slowly, because she's more warmed up.
uL your le nger on her cllL. ?ou are sull dolng Lhe 1 second sLrokes. now focus a mlnuLe of
come hlLher, Lhen 30 seconds of wlndshleld wlper, Lhen a barrel sLroke.
As she geLs more Lurned on, you can speed lL up a llule. Maybe Lwo sLokes per second, double
ume. use medlum rm pressure agaln.
1he way you can Lell when lL's ume Lo speed lL up, her C-SpoL wlll sLarL Lo swell up llke a bal-
loon. ?ou can feel lL pushlng down on your ngers. When LhaL happens, you can add pressure an
d speed. lf LhaL's noL happenlng, don'L add speed or pressure. !usL be pauenL. lL may noL hap-
pen Lhe rsL few sesslons. ?ou are sull waklng up her pussy and creaung new neural paLhways.
When you feel LhaL C-SpoL swelllng up llke a balloon, she should be moanlng, you should feel
her pussy conLracung around your ngers. lf you are gemng Lhose slgnals LhaL she's really
Lurned on, hook your ngers even more around her publc bone - lL's Lhe come hlLher wlLh
your ngers curled even more.
lf you're gemng conLracuons, she may be ready Lo squlrL. uon'L whale on her pussy unless you
are gemng a balloon and conLracuons. ?ou'll feel her pussy grabblng your ngers. ?ou'll feel her
C muscles. 1haL's why lL's lmporLanL for her Lo do Lhe C exerclses. She'll have more sensauon
as she's able Lo conLrol Lhose muscles.
When lL feels llke you can only move your ngerups lnslde her, because her pussy ls clamplng
down and her C-SpoL ls presslng agalnsL your ngers, Lhen you can sllde your ngers ln and ouL
whlle your'e dolng Lhe come hlLher.
uo lL as a rocklng and curvlng mouon so LhaL you're nlshlng Lhe sLroke and when you're mak-
lng Lhe lasL blL of curve, Lhlnk abouL maklng conLacL wlLh Lhe legs of her cllLorls as Lhey curve
around lnslde her vaglna. keep conLacL wlLh Lhose cllL legs LhaL run lnslde her vagalna. When
you do LhaL curve, lL's llke a slldlng scoop, also presslng wlLh Lhe back of your knuckles on Lhe
lower parL of Lhe scoop, whlch hlLs her lower back parL of her vaglna, lnslde, closesL Lo her rec-
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
?ou may lncrease Lhe speed or pressure, as long as her C-SpoL ls sull swollen and she conunues
Lo glve you posluve feedback. 8emember, you are sull sLroklng her cllL, now speedlng LhaL up Lo
2-3 sLrokes a second. MaLch Lhe cllL sLroke wlLh Lhe nger sLrokes lnslde her.
1hls ls a good place for a check ln. lf her conLracuons sLarL Lo back o, you may sull keep Lhe
fasL, llghL sLrokes on her cllL buL really slow down Lo Lhe 1 second sLrokes lnslde her pussy. Co
back Lo a llghLer pressure, slower draggy sLroke, noL Lhe blg curvlng, pressure sLrokes.
1hls ls a good ume Lo do a full down sLrokes. SLCWL? Lransluon your ngers ouL of her, Lhen
press down on her blg ouLer llps. SLroke down a few umes. CeL more lube.
Slow Lhe escalauon, buL ramp back up more qulckly Lhan lasL ume. uo Lhe sysLem: come hlLher,
wlndshleld wlper, barrel, scooplng, sLronger curve sLrokes, lf she's glvlng you posluve feedback
LhaL she deslres lL.
Pow do you know when she's ready Lo squlrL? ConLracuons and C-SpoL swelllng are Lhe slgnals.
lf she's noL squlrung when you're dolng Lhe scooplng, back o. lf she ls, Lhen keep LhaL pace up
durlng her squlrung ume. She can squlrL ln cycles. 8rlng her up. SqulrL. uown sLrokes. 8rlng her
up. SqulrL. uown sLrokes. AL rsL, she wlll be able Lo Lell Lhere's squlrung, buL you may noL. lL
slowly bullds up Lo a blgger amounL of e[aculaLe release.
Someume lL [usL doesn'L work. uon'L push her Loo hard. uon'L upseL her. !usL Lake a break and
do lL agaln anoLher day. Make sure LhaL Lhe whole ume, no mauer whaL, she's en[oyed Lhe
sLroklng. 1ry noL Lo be goal orlenLed. lL's hard. 8uL Lry.
uo Lhls many umes before you wlll boLh feel llke she's ready and you can keep Lhe sLrokes.
She can'L clamp up, she needs Lo be openlng her pussy, pushlng ouL. lf she doesn'L open up and
push, lL's noL golng Lo happen. She has Lo wanL Lo push ouL. See lf she feels llke she's golng Lo
1haL's why lL's lmporLanL someumes Lo do Lhe escalauon up Lo Lhe scooplng sLroke, and Lhen lf
she's noL ready, back o. uo 3-4 cycles of Lhe slow escalauon. lf she hasn'L squlrLed by now. Clve
her a break. Slowly brlng her down. Clve her a break and see lf she wanLs Lo go agaln or call lL a
Clve her a Lowel sLroke. 1ake a hand Lowel and lay lL on her genlLals. uL genLle pressure on Lhe
ouLslde so Lhe caplllary acuon removes Lhe lube. uon'L rub her wlLh Lhe Lowel. SlL her up. 1ell
her whaL an amazlng experlence LhaL was for you ln as much deLall as you can con[ure. Ask her
for any feedback LhaL she can glve you and [usL say, Lhank you" for each plece of lnformauon
she can oer.
uo Lhls as frequenLly as you boLh llke and soon she wlll be squlrung!
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
repare 1o kock ner Wor|d Iorever!

1here ls noLhlng more Lhrllllng Lhen gemng your woman Lo an orgasmlc and [ulcy place. 1here
ls noLhlng more Lhrllllng Lhan havlng her Lhlnk of you as her MasLer and Sex Cod ln bed. 1here ls
noLhlng more Lhrllllng Lhan "maklng her squlrL" and glve her a new experlence LhaL she has
nLvL8 had before. l have glven you a wealLh of lnslde knowledge and wlsdom abouL women
and whaL makes Lhem uck and...squlrL. MosL men have noL been glven Lhls lnformauon so you
are way above Lhe bar on Lhls one.
1rusL me, she wlll be ln 1C1AL AWL of your skllls and deep wlsdom of her body as well as your
Lechnlques and experL space holdlng. She wlll be able Lo leL go and surrender lnLo LoLal ecsLasy
llke never before. CeL ready for a weL and wlld rlde LhaL wlll have her hooked and comlng and
comlng agaln and agaln! Cood luck. ?ou are well on your way.
lf you wanL Lo acceleraLe your learnlng from here, l also of-
fer even more advanced conLenL aL my deeply deLalled on-
llne membershlp slLe called 7"8%9" :&4/&' 6,;%$8.
l have complled many of Lhe mosL sophlsucaLed secreLs l
have learned over Lhe years lncludlng vlJeo cllps so yoo coo
octoolly see sevetol Jl[eteot womeo ejocolouoq. l also oer
audlo [ourneys and LuLorlals Lhere. 1he vldeos are rlveung
and wlll help you and your lover see exacLly how regular
women and couples [usL llke you are havlng amazlng e[acula-
Lory orgasms.
1rusL me, lL pays Lo know as much as you can abouL women's sexuallLy and llLerally Lurn her on
Lo experlences she dldn'L Lhlnk were posslble. Maklng her squlrL ls one of Lhose unlque Lhlngs
LhaL wlll caLapulL you lnLo a whole new sexual dlmenslon wlLh her. l lnvlLe you Lo read Lhrough
Lhls e8ook and see lf l have wet your appeuLe Lo learn more and advance your skllls.
l urge you Lo [oln my membershlp slLe, 7"8%9" :&4/&' 6,;%$8 for more advanced and deLalled
Lechnlques. 1hls slLe has slx of my gulded audlo [ourneys, my 1oy 8esource Culde, elghL LasLe-
ful, yeL expllclL vldeo LuLorlals LhaL show dlerenL women e[aculaung so you and your woman
can see for yourself whaL real women (noL porn sLars) look llke havlng e[aculaLory orgasms.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
l have also lnLervlewed oLher famous sexperLs abouL female e[aculauon and Lo me, Lhe besL
parL ls LhaL you can posL your quesuons and elLher l or oLher of our members wlll glve you
amazlng answers. now LhaL you've read Lhls ebook, you mlghL wanL much more deLall and lL's
all walung Lhere for you, so c'mon and [oln us on Lhls amazlng [ourney.
AnoLher really greaL advanced sexual masLery producL
publlshed by ersonal Llfe Medla ls ?@>%A' !", 6,;%$8
*.A&;+0," by ur. am 1aylor.
ur. am Leaches couples how Lo glve Lhe woman ex-
panded, muluple orgasms.
She oers 21 Lrouc lay uaLes LhaL Leach you and your
woman abouL exLended orgasm. ?ou may have heard lL
called, Lhe 30 mlnuLe orgasm." lL's a fanLasuc accompa-
nlmenL Lo my female e[aculauon Lralnlng.
ner membersh|p s|te |s here.
Check lL ouL!
l have slmply glven you a LasLe ln Lhls e8ook, buL Lhere ls more....Lhere ls always more:) lease
leL me know lf l can asslsL you furLher.

!ulcy 8lesslngs Lo ?ou and ?ours,

Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved
lleose do noL copy, plraLe, forward or ln any way unscrupulously use Lhls maLerlal. l have spenL
years accumulaung Lhls lnformauon and deserve Lo be pald for lL. nave a heart. lf you have re-
celved Lhls from someone else, please go Lo B%C" DA- E.8%A 34/&,0 and purchase lL falrly.
1hank you.
Make Any Woman Squi r t Copyr|ght 2010 ersona| L|fe Med|a A|| k|ghts keserved

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