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Panel Questioning Time: 35 minutes 1.) The coach gives participants three index cards and writing utensils.

(2 min) 2.) Writing on only one side of the card, participants write down one question about the topic of concern, for example the 4-day week. No more than one question per card; participants can write as many cards as the like. (3 min) 3.) The coach collects all cards and randomly passes them to the participants. Each participant reads the cards she has been given and the other participants share their card if theirs is the same or closely related to the one being read. As cards are read, they are collected by the facilitator and posted in groups of like questions. Discussion is limited to grouping the questions according to similarities. ( 10 min) 4.) As a whole group, the facilitator leads a discussion of condensing each group of questions into a single question. The goal is to word a single question that captures the essence of the groups of like questions. Wordsmith the group of like questions into one. (10 min) 5.) As a LARGE group, each table is to select a member to read through their questions. The other groups share if their questions are similar or closely related as the card is being read. The cards will be placed at the center that follow this common question. Discussion is limited to grouping the questions according to similarities. Each group gets a turn to read out a question and the other groups place their similar questions along with it at the center. ( 10 min) 25 minutes will follow with Dr. Fiene, Kerri Eichhorn, and Tammy Vine reading though the top of each stack collected at the center and giving his best answer.

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