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Jennifer Lee CURR 318 February 5, 2013

3. Create a Positive Emotional Climate 4. Create an Inclusive Environment DIVERSIFY CURRICULUM CONTENT: 1. Multicultural and anti-racist education 2. different ways of knowing 3. lives, experiences, histories, and contributions of major figures from various traditions and groups 4. use appropriate terms to refer to various groups 5. alternative perspectives on key concepts and ideas 6. process of knowledge construction and validation CREATE A POSITIVE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT: 1. Get to Know Your Students Individually as Much as Possible 2. Create a Physically Welcoming Environment 7. increase students awareness of diversity issues

Be aware of your own attitude towards a particular student or group of students. This impacts the relationship that you will have with them, the entire classroom, and the learning process.


Encourage interaction and participation Incorporate Collaborative Learning Strategies: o o o o Group work Icebreakers and warm-up activities The Carousel (Gallery Walk) Jigsaw activity

Alternative assessment strategies:

Dare to Differentiate Wiki: m Lambton Kent District School Board, Differentiated Instruction Support: y/intermediate/di/strategies.html Guo, Shibao and Zenobia Jamal. Cultural Diversity and Inclusive Teaching. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, London, Ontario: 2007. Metcalf, Debbie. Succeeding in the Inclusive Classroom: K-12 Lesson Plans Using Universal Design for Learning. Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California: 2011. Reid, Gavin. Learning Styles and Inclusion. Paul Chapman Publishing, Thousand Oaks, California: 2005. Smutny, Joan Franklin and S.E. von Fremd. Teaching Advanced Learners in the General Education Classroom. Corwin, Thousand Oaks, California: 2011.

Reading logs Oral reports Panel presentations Group projects Vignettes, small productions, demonstrations Concept maps Slide presentations Collages Exhibits Portfolios Self-Assessment Peer Assessment Conferences Solitary Musical Interpersonal Social

Address diverse learning styles: Visual Aural Verbal Physical Logical Spatial Naturalistic Linguistic Kinesthetic Mathematical

Allow students opportunities for choice and check in with your students periodically to see how they feel about the classroom environment.

Encourage Peer Assistance Encourage students to advocate for themselves Prepare students for what is to come next

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