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*PRRBEAP HUME 2007 7 A %.2BH 14H) China Healthcare innovation, July 2007,Vol.2.No. 14 7 RAS BA] BE 1 6 BUI AR SD HT zee (OMe R-AR A ARBAH, FRE A 510180) (RE) AO ARAB RERED SE HE OTH 16 AMARA mR 10H BAGBKE CA NMELAMEMRATM, MIE AMAL Mf aeAh? MEER, Gea) eae ERS (PBARS) R282 COMER) A (MMH) 1673-5552]2007)07-7-02 16 Cases’ s Clinical Study of Olivopontocerrebella Atrophy WANG Min-jian (Depatent of nervous intemal meicineshe ft people's hpi of Guanghou ci, Guangzhou ,Cuangdog 510180) IABSTRACT] Objective To suy the clnices of Olvopontooenebellar atophy (OPCA)Methods 10 analysis the clinical feature and diagnosis of 16 cases. Results 10 cases died after 6 year, 6 cases survived 10 years laterJout their activities were decreased Coneluslon the prognosis of OPCA is poor IKEY WORDS] Olivpntocerebellar, prognosis LEB BARES OPCA)E— HERR LT Ste AM MEARRETR ARERR RM BF LEAL ER DE, FSS MS ECR AL BARE AMA IITT SR. BHR 1996 4 6 A 2006 6 FACIE 16 OH OPCA BAAR 1 a MM OPCA BH 16 91,5) 10 1.5 6 BI. RITTER 51-66 8 ESSER 58.2 9 AREMY 10 Ol.6 PIER OEATA ARES IU SUP 4 ETRE A ERA 2 LEE ROTM, BZ TERA 20 NM OH EERE ORR IR MORES BITTEN 1 OATH EAR SOREN OA HAE SO Bi TE Roeolimo E+) Hotimann (+) ,E RIALGE(e) 1 PH A, mH BML. AARNE 2 ORNS SE RM RRA RE MM ER ARH se, Fa OR TE RARER LIM, AT EA AE AOKH, CENT AMCRMTTA, ALTAR ‘TCT SHRM LSIL HY) 68%. HSIL HH 91%, SCC 9) 100% 3875 TCT STREAM HE, PIB — SOP HEAR. ACK SERLINE A TCT AO MEN RON MTEL 720 193260), A — Bi OAR IB RAY 50.166 61725) BAA Ge=388.62 Pe0.005), AT HE AC A Hf, TLR ROMA E TMNT RATE HOT HANI, REAL, =P RE AT mS AE, 8 AO SAT I A RH. axe [Solomon D.Davey D Karman Ret alThe 2001 Bees Sytem; RACER EAD. CRRA ‘SWAAITA Romberg OE IMAL A IR Be Sear UE. 12 ROPER ALESHA MATE EMR ERED: DARE, “ANT. MARTEL ER, ONT EAE LOL Re EBA AT KANT LAMAR TMI A; OMAHA. 13 BG DORA AE WEAR. 2 BR 10 BUA 6 ES 6 10m BEE (a a F . 3 ite OPA SRLSAOIR A MLNS RE A Rt DMCW RHEIN EE, 1901 FEA Menel Hitt HK MEE OPCA HMM; 1900 5 Dejerine?Thoman 4 T 3 fl Menzel Hit OO REAL ON, EH UHHH T OPCA HM 4 OPCA terminology for reponing rei of ceric cylogy JAMA 2002287 aga. CRT LAM CAF BAMERET TALEO AR UL ie A At 2o016(5):278-281, CREM LATA ERROR ERAT RANTS 98 2001,23(4).309-311 ()Maino Je mont M.Dirct to val experience with AutoCne PREP in + ma New Bnglnd ronal crology Prece Reprod Med. 201 45(4)353-358 {Sllimaye A.Comnor A.Huang Xe al Comparve any of Con- endonal PaPanioioa tna anda did ~bued thinker method} ‘Ach Patel Lad Me. 2003, 1272) 200. WEFK ARARRP OEE eM TAME AMMAR ER ‘AM ,204,20(2)70-71 TARE MARDER APR T HAM TREAD AH (2, 2003,19(3) 137-139. SPEIBT AHS 2007 #7 A 982 AM 14 MH China Healthcare innovation, July 2007, Vol. 2,No. 14 BRERA SRS MRA ABR (MIRE) AOA me GMAIL Rb, Sate 233200) (RE) BO AH SMRATFRETHMACALRRH TAT REA, HE SARUTERETAMEE PRATER TEAM ROD FAM 90-210 4 40 132 9-4, AA HS 0-200)ml, 4H 102m RA MARA AHA! AOR EER RAE ACL, MOI AFM 16 A MART CHE 1K, HH OMRON EKER MIA ALAA OG) KL LOALRRRE AM NERO, (RDM) LAA CARAT ERECT AME (PBARS] R978 COM A (CHME] 1673-5552(200707-8-02 Lymph-vessel Peels the Queen Peritoneoscope Kidney Pedicel Escaping From a Skill Curing Chyluria(Attach to 7 Example Reports) LLU Si-ping, MA QieYANG Da-jon (Anhui Province Ding Yuan County people hospital ropoiesi srgery Anhui Chu continent 233200) [ABSTRACT] Objective purpose Lymph vessel peels the investigation and discussion queen peritoneoscope kidney edie escaping fom a ail curing chylra operation metbod and curve effect Methods Lymph—vesel peels the queen pestnecscopekidey pedicel ecaping fm a ail curing chylua 7 example Results 7 example operation i witout exception succes, opertion tine 90210 minutes, 132 average minutes, bleed inthe skill 30-200 mi 102 verge ml, gave surgery complication happened, been in hospital averagely 9.1 day.Patient urine liquid is clear when leaving hospital, urine second phenol teat al feminine gender, Follow-up 31 example patient rerdeacesaveragel fee 26 moh, fr 16 months, 6 examples have 10 ‘4 relapse.Conclusion Lymph-veasel peels the queen peritoneoscope kidney pedicel escaping from a skill curing chyluria , that the cutive cect in god, the wound is ema recover isto car chute sly, operon method Iaving elle, tiny wound auicty. IKEY WORDS) Chyluria;Queen peritoncoscope;Lymph-vessel peels the kidney pedicel escaping from a skill REE AAO EIR EMM, SA AIR, CLA AMER AACR CORNET LN aE AT REEA, AAO, ARITA WR DATEL. —ARBRIMDeerine Thomas 8) 5% IB FR ARUN SRS ROI LEA iT PAE RR NAS TTA SEAR LN RTE OT MEI A Re Pit Menae MY) JHE OPCA BNR BE A FAIRE NRA MAL BSS PRE, ARTE EE, M DD REO 6211-69013 #0 12923~ 241, SARTRE RTI. SATE 2 LAA? RR CEA AEN EIEN, SA A SLAY Bt SC OI IO, MOOT AM PEELE ARI LURE A AEIOSHLI2- 14a 1 ERS, ARN. SE EMRE, PRK MOREA REA RR. FA CES ALEANGSIMTS REI. SSE ARE OER AE TUR ORLA. CO REER FOOT, CEMENT. Sh 2 ALA He 2A REA EAA MRI MB. AEGEAN 5-100 HIER EE SE SRE ZEA IER ESE. IR ZAUMOO HT. HE 1991 F Bote BURR, A OPCA BARA OAIEIR 200m AEE Sn, 8 HERE MEX ARES. KOOKS MCLE RE ACH. 1999 5 Botes Kit 5 10 UREN, TARA SERRHNT OPCA MH.BKGHE AM, ZERRBENR FP 33 61 OPCA MAR LTTE 10 0 ULL ORR MIE A “ANH. FLAIR SRN MEMES ICI EAA 2 2D RAMS AEA AA AE ORE HEA. OL ARERR = RINE AER ES AR RELIED ARM oar URSA RAHRAS DB EMER, 19, 948 Pore Miter Margaard TMayer Pat al The & resent of ‘plsocenbellr seit + fea and hypothe. Metical Hypothac, 199851)381-34, [sBouer Ml, Young SNBoer Tt aLTreament of heedodegenee asve sai wih amantadine hyroNorde Caran Journal Neuro — Jogi Sciences 199, 186)307-311. Is) Bowe Ml, Boter Mirgurd T, Eke R, et al Amandine Inyrechlrde esament in olvopontocerbelar anophy'2 long {otowyp sly, European Neurology. 199910)212-215, RLS RAEN R EM OMBLON) FEMEMAD 2.199126 apa

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