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Year Level: 7 Perio /Le!!o": 3#4 Date: 14/10 To$i%: Drama Time: 2.00 3.20 Le"&t': 1'r 1(

Lesson Outcomes: Students will be able to/know )*e lea$ to t'e ama+i"& %o"%l,!io" t'at i- t'e. o"/t li0e o,r 1o0e2 t'e. *o"/t li0e ,! eit'er 3 Peo$le are"/t t'i"0i"& a4o,t 'o* .o, loo0 to t'em. T'e./re -ar too 4,!. *orr.i"& 'o* they loo0 to you.5 Students will understand the concept of tableaux and how to create one effectively. Students will cover split action dialogue and create polished improvised plays using both of these techniques built on pre learnt techniques! most importantly having a sense of character. "ssessment of the outcomes: (How will I assess that students have achieved/demonstrated the outcomes?)
#ableux: well thought out positioning including: where and how to stand$sit etc! facial expression and mime %no props in use&. Split action dialogue: Students will choose 'ey moments in their polished improvisations to tell the story and entertain! crisp use of free(ing as an ensemble! use of showing the other side of the coin %an important use of split action&. Sense of character: their wal'! the way they tal' %and$or way of phrasing&! their tic' %bonus&.

6NT7OD89TO7Y P:ASE: Time




6" i%ator

-o over what the 'ids did in 6ce brea'er from holiday brea' 7 ensemble s'ills$listening. the holidays. Let students 'now that next -iving students a circumference from which they will be wee' they will have a wor'ing with in for the next few lessons. lesson to prepare a play %.ust li'e we have been in class previously&. #hey will have half the lesson to rehearse again and then present it to the class which they will be mar'ed on! along with their in class participation! 8istorical context. enthusiasm and ris' ta'ing.

Students interested and answering questions.


#his lesson! one of the things we will be learning about is tableaux: /ho 'nows what a tableaux is0:" group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history1 a tableau vivant.
#ableau 2ivant translates literally as 3living picture4 /hat ma'es a good tableaux0 5eflects what loo's more interesting on stage: levels etc. Show tableaux pictures.


/arm up: standing in circle. #a'e head down to ground one 9ore grown up warm up. vertebrae at a time and bac' up again etc. 2ocal warm ups.


#ableux warm up. /al' around. Students have a little time to thin' of the position and when 6 say free(e they assume the position. 9'ara%ter i"to it; ;oure waiting at the bus stop! the bus seems to be running *+ minutes late. "t the supermar'et "t the beach 6n <aris "t school "t home "t the football .

<ODY O= LESSON: Time A%tivit. 2.3(

-roups of four. =orm a still pose that depicts a story using their bodies and facial expressions. >g: 3#he wedding scene4and you guys may decide that the story is that the best man has lost the ring. So the best man would loo' horrified with the bride and groom angry or sad 7 mum cryuing0 ?+ seconds to come up with their scene then present to class.


6" i%ator

Students should still thin' about ;our characters wal' ;our characters voice 7 hear it in your head. ;our characters quir'$tic'
Scenes: /inning! @hristmas 9orning! 8aunted 8ouse! Late! "irport. "ll groups all five.


-uess the place$tableaux -roups of , Other students turn around. 6n a cafA "t the supermar'et "t the beach 6n <aris "t school "t home "t the football




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