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Year Level: 7 Peri !/Le"" #: 3$% Date: 23/09 T &i': Drama Time: 10.20-11.35 Le#(t): 1)r 15

Lesson Outcomes: Students will be able to/know Mime how to show the audience an action without any props, a character without speaking and a drama without both speaking and Assessment of the outcomes: (How will I assess that students have achieved/demonstrated the outcomes?)

*NT+OD,-TO+Y P.ASE: Time


Let students know that we wi## be #earning about mime $o through the different types of mime One mime can do a p#ay that wi## be understood by a person who speaks any #angague % powerfu# thing &here are three different types of mime: a'ti # mime reca##ing an action from memory and recreating it without props Pre'i"i # 2 m veme#t. ')ara'ter mime ' in(o#(es action mime combined with gestures and mo(ements which e)press the thoughts and fee#ings of a particu#ar character !ramati' mime ' a situation or story is pro*ected, which may in(o#(e interaction between characters Me#ti # Mar'el Mar'ea3 a" t)e m "t 2am 3" mime "ile#t 2ilm"

+eeing what students can con(ey with their body and face Mime is good practice for de(e#oping awareness of the body Let students know how powerfu# miming can be as it trains the body for other types of acting &e## story of my friend the c#own teacher $i(e e)amp#es of miming and how it may #ook o(er the top, but such methods a#ways benefit actors in being ab#e to con(ey so much to the audience where their scripts a, ha(e a break in dia#ogue, b, do not state what it is thats e)act#y going on and c, if you ha(e a different interpretation of the script you can manipu#ate the meaning of the script -an a#ways go way o(er the top and bring it back .hen you are used to acting in a (ery understated way and get up on stage, you wi## shrink into the background and wi## be boring

*#!i'at r

+tudents interested

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Pla/ / 3t30e 'li& 40e/ #! t)e (la"" 0 56

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.hat are you doing0 1rushing teeth

Dri#7i#( 8ater Di((i#( a ) le 9riti#( a letter Drivi#( a 'ar +ea!i#( a 0 7 Pla/i#( t)e &ia# : 3#'i#( a 0a"7et0all
2.hy is this character digging a ho#e0 who writing a #etter to0 3tc4 Angry, sad 5dads making you go to bed ear#y etc, 2 2" -hinese whispers

;A'ti # mime t)e r/< t &ra'ti'e

=i!" t 2a'e 3t8ar!" i# 'ir'le >


6MA$67A89 1ALL +tudents to stand in a circ#e Mime passing a beach ba## around the circ#e &hen a 0 8li#( 0all. A 0a"7et0all A te##i" 0all, etc :oint out how the students use their body #anguage to change the weight and the shape of the ob*ect Ask the students to throw an app#e around the circ#e &hen an a&&le ' re &hen a !ea! m 3"e :oint out how the students use their body #anguage to ha(e an emotiona# response to the ob*ect 3(en if the audience doesnt know what the ob*ect is, they can see how the actors are emotiona##y responding to it, and they imagine what it might be

:ODY O? LESSON: Time A'tivit/ 2.30 +kit rehearsa# 5impro(ised po#ished piece, $oing to the mo(ies and an accident occurs


*#!i'at r

+aying goodbye to a #o(ed one at the rai#way station Making a gourmet dinner for a friend who doesnt show up 5picnic, $etting ready for a big night out with your friends but something happens and you cant go &eaching a dog a new trick and taking them to the show Must be ab#e to see: a change of emotion the creation of an imaginary ob*ect a sense of character

; "" :erform

7e)t week:

-haracter de(e#opment: :hysica#isation :hysica# comedy .a#king through mud Mr 1ean http:<<www youtube com<watc h0(%dLu39=*7=g9 >ueen


*#!i'at r

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