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A Guidebook for English Translation

Yrd. Do. Dr. smail Bozta Prof. Dr. Ahmet o!aman "
#i$a Akso$
%e&iride temel sorunlar
T'm!e $a()lar)na g*re d'zenlenmi
eviri rnekleri T'm!eden metin e&irisine
do+ru gelien e&iri $*ntemi Balang, orta ve ileri dzeye
uygun eviri rnekleri Bas)n dili &e dilin *teki kesitlerinden
*rnekler eviride yalnlk, aklk ve tutarllk
,oter- ihale- i mektubu e&irileri 3600 kelimelik Trke-ngilize temel !zlk
eviri zerine Notlar.............................................................................. 7
ngilizce Dilbilgisi zeti........................................................................... ll
1. BLM
Yaln Tmceler....................................................................................... 50
iyelik Yaplar.......................................................................................... 55
Var/Yok.................................................................................................. 60
Ad, Zamir ve Ad Belirleyicileri................................................................ 62
Too/enough............................................................................................ 70
Dnl Yaplar..................................................................................... 7l
Sfat ve Zarflarla lgili Karlatrma Yaplar......................................... 78
Kout Yaplar............'............................................................................ 92
Kiplikler.................................................................................................. 94
Zamanlarla ilgili eviri rnekleri................:.......................................... ll5
Zaman ve Zamanlarn Edilgen Yaplaryla ilgili Kark Altrmalar........ l3l
Koul Anlatan Yaplar............................................................................. l36
Eylemlik Yaplar..................................................................................... l42
Verb-ng ile lgili Yaplar.............,........................................................... l48
-ing ve -ed Sfat Grevli Yaplar............................................................. l52
Ettirgen Yap.......................................................................................... l6l
Ad Tmcecikleri..................................................................................... l65
"Wish" Tmcecikleri............................................................................... l72
Sfat Tmcecikleri................................................................................... l74
Zarf Tmcecikleri................................................................................... l9l
Tmce Banda "it" Kullanm................................................................. 204
Tmce Baglalar................................................................................... 208
zne ve Ana Eylemin Ayrlmas............................................................. 2l7
Dolayl Anlatm....................................................................................... 2l9
Eklenti Sorular........................................................................................ 224
Whatever, etc......................................................................................... 225
lgi - Duyu Eylemleri............................................................................... 228
Devrik Yaplar......................................................................................... 229
Dilek - istek Kipi..................................................................................... 233
Yararl Yaplar........................................................................................ 235
ileri Dzey Tmce ve Metin Altrmalar................................................ 239
2. BLM
eviri Kuram......................................................................................... 254
ngilizce-Trke eviri Metinleri............................................................. 26l
3. BLM
Trke - ngilizce eviri Metinleri (Fen Bilimleri).................................... 286
Toplum Bilimleri..................................................................................... 299
Karlatrmal eviri rnekleri............................................................... 3l4
5. BLM
Basn Dili (Gazete Dili zerine Notlar)................................................... 364
Headlines............................................................................................... 369
Articles................................................................................................... 370
Advertisements...................................................................................... 378
Letters to the Editor................................................................................ 38l
6. BLM
zel Metin evirileri............................................................................... 383
mza yetki belgesi.................................................................................. 383
Mektuplar........................................................................................... 384
hale evirileri......................................................................................... 388
Vekletname evirileri........................................................................... 395
Szleme evirileri................................................................................ 398
Diploma ve belgeler............................................................................... 399
Antlama evirileri.................................................................................. 40l
Trke-ingilizce Szlk.......................................................................... 409
eviri glklerle dolu bir ugratr; kimi kuramclar evirinin olanakszlgn bile ileri srmledir. Gerekten iyi
evirilerin azlg ve iir gibi yazn trlerinin evrilmesin-deki glkler bu dnceyi destekler niteliktedir. Ne var ki
btn glklerine karn eviri yaplmaktadr ve az da olsa baarl eviri rnekleri vardr.
eviri iki (kaynak ve erek) dil arasnda bir edegerlik kurma sorunu olarak tanmlanmaktadr. Bu edegerligin
niteliginin anlalmas evirinin anlalmasn kolaylatrabilir. Kimi benzerlikler olsa bile diller arasnda (akraba diller
arasnda bile) yapsal bir edegerlikten sz edilemez. Akas bir dilde bir szckle anlatlan bir olgu baka bir dilde
bir sz begi ya da bir cmlecikle anlatlabilir. (rn. the baby who is crying: alayan bebek) ya da szgelimi belli bir
dilbilgisi ulam iin bir dilde tek bir biim varken (rn. -ebil) teki dilde birden ok biim bulunabilir, (rn. can, may,
might vb.) yleyse yapsal edegerlikten ok anlam edegerliginden sz etmek daha uygun olabilir. Ancak bu da
yetmez. ki dilin birimleri arasnda kullanm (ya da ilev) edegerligi de kurulmu olmaldr. Bu bakmdan kullanm
baglamnn bilinmesi nem tar. Bilim metinleri gndelik dille aktarlmayacag gibi, gndelik konuma metinlerinin
yazn dili biimiyle evrilmesi de gln olur. Bu nedenledir ki iyi evirmenler genellikle almalarn belli bir yazar,
belli bir tr ya da belli bir konuyla snrlama egilimindedirler.
Bu genel belirlemelerden sonra Trke-ngilizce evirilerdeki kimi sorunlara deginebiliriz. (Bu sorunlar olduka
ok boyutludur, ilerdeki blmlerde yeri geldike ayrntl aklamalar ya!lacaktr.)
Genel sorunlar ngilizce ve Trke'nin iki ayr dil ailesine bagl olmasndan kaynaklanan yap ve anlatm
sorunlardr. (Bilindi"i gibi #ngili$ce %int-&vru!a kkenli bir dildir, 'rke ise &ltay dilleri ailesindendir. te yandan
gnm$de dillerin evrensel $ellikleri $erinde nemle durulmaktadr. (eviri ya!labilmesi de byk lde bu
$elliklerle aklanmaktadr.)
Temeldeki bu ayrlk en belirgin biimde iki dilin tmce kuruluuna yansmtr. Trke tmceler ilke olarak zne-
nesne-yklem ()*+) dzeninde yaplandklar halde ngilizce tmceler zne-yklem-nesne ()+*) dzenindedir.
Bunun sonucu eviriye ilk balayan grencide I go to s!oo" (okula giderim) tmcesi yerine Trke yaplanmaya
uygun olarak I to s!oo" go # I $% to s!oo" go&'g trnden eviri rneklerine rastlanmaktadr. eviri yapan
grenciye ncelikle bu temel ayrntnn sezdirilmesi gerekir.
Bununla ilgili bir baka konu ngilizce de szck srasnn daha kat ve belirleyici olmasna karlk Trke'de
szcklerin sralanmas konusunda snrlamalarn daha az olmasdr. rn.
(o!' )&""*+ t!* "&o' (,ohn aslan ldrd) ile
T!* "&o' )&""*+ (o!' (&slan ,ohn-u ldrd)
tmceleri ayn szcklerden olutuklar halde aralarnda byk bir anlam ayrm vardr. Bu ayrna ngilizce
tmcelerde szck sralarnn degimesinden ileri gelmitir.
Mehmet aslan ldrd
Aslan Mehmet ldrd
ldrd aslan Mehmet.
tmceleri (vurgulama ayrmlar dnda) eanlamldr. Bu tmcelerde szck sralar degitigi halde zne ve
nesne (ii ya!an ve etkilenen) degimemitir.
Trke ve ngilizce arasnda nemli ayrmlardan birisi de ngilizce'de genellikle yaln $+ ,-*.& ya da &"g*/ ,-*.&
(prepositional phrase) ile anlatlan durumlarn Trke'de durum taklaryla anlatlmasdr. rn.
l saw the man (&dam- grdm. &dam- belirtme durumu)
l gave the man a book (&dam-a kita! verdim, adam-a. ynelme durumu).
Grldg gibi t!* %$' bir yerde $+$%01 bir yerde $+$%$ biiminde evrilmitir. Dillerin temelindeki
yaplanmay bilmeyen grenciye artc gelebilecek bir olgudur bu. te yandan:
l saw the man &' t!* 2oo% (&dam odada grdm)
l saw the man $t t!* +oo2 (&dam ka!da grdm)
I saw the man o' t!* 2oo3 (&dam atda grdm)
tmcelerinde siyah yazl sz beklerindeki &'1 o'1 $t1 szcklerinin de Trkeye -de, -da biiminde
evrilmitir; yapsal edegerlik arayan grenci iin bu da bir sorundur.
ki dilin degiik yaplanmalarndan ileri gelen bir baka temel sorun da Trke'nin bitiimli (agglutinating),
ingilizcenin yalnlayan (isolating) bir dil olmasnn ortaya kardg sorunlardr. ngilizce de belli llerde eklerin ard
arda dizilmesi olanag bulunsa bile (rn. care, careless, carelessness vb), Trke'de zaman, grn, kip ve kii
eklerinin bir szckte i ie gemesi zellikle Trke'den ngilizce'ye eviri glgn artran konulardan birisidir.
rnegin (%en$) t$'04t020"%$+0) gibi bir Trke tmcede srasyla tan -(kk), + itelik () + ettirgen (-tr) + edilgen
(-l) / olumsuz (-ma) / zaman eki (-d) ve kii eki (-k) vardr. Bylece bir ayrtrmaya zihinsel olarak alk olmayan
eviri grencisinin glkleri ortadadr. Bunun bir uzants olarak Trke ingilizce arasnda temel ve yan tmcelerin
dizilii asndan da ayrmlar vardr. u rnekleri karlatralm:
D&"-&"&%&' -&2 -&"&% o"+5 . 5 , '* s 6 26 "%*)t*+&2.
0 (yan tmce) 1 (temel tmce)
It &s %$&'t$&'*+ that "&'g5&st&s &s $ s&*'*.
temel tmce (1) yan tmce (0)
D 6 '7$' 0' 758$2"$) o"+5 . 5 -&"&'%*)t*+&2.
1 2
It &s )'o9' that t!* *$2t! &s 2o5'+ :
2 1
Bu rnekler ingilizce ve Trke'de yan ve temel tmce sralarnn birbirinin tersi oldugu kansn uyandrabilir.
imdi de u rnekleri inceleyelim:
. 2*t%*'& +&'"*2 g , 26 '%*s&'* )$2 40 ' !*; 35t-o" %$ /0 ' 0 + 646 ' 6 7o2+5.
1 2
A"t!o5g! !* ;2*t*'+*+ to "&st*' to t!* t*$!*21 !* 9$s t!&')&'g o3 t!*
1 2
3oot-$"" %$t! $"" t!* t&%*.
Bu tmcelerde sralamada bir degiiklik grlmyor. (#ngili$ce de yan tmcenin temel tmceden sonra gelebilir
olmas ayr bir konudur). bu nedenle, ingilizce ye eviri yaparken sondan balaynz gibi genellemelerden kanmak
gerekir. Sfat tmceciklerin-de de iki dil arasnda ayrmlar grlebilir:
Babas +&s&;"&'* &'$'$' bir kimsedir.
1 2 1
<&s 3$t!*2 &s $ %$' 9!o -*"&*8*s &' +&s&;"&'*. 1
1 2
M$s$' 0' 6 =*2&'+*)& )&t$; )$2+* 4 &%&'+&2.
1 2
The book 9!&! &s o' t!* t$-"* is my sister's.
1 2 2
Grldg gibi ad niteleyen sfat tmcecigi (inanan kimse 2 masann $erindeki kitap) Trke'de niteledigi
addan nce geldigi halde ngilizce de addan sonra gelmektedir. Bunun yan sra nitelenin yerindeki degiiklikler
nedeniyle temel ve yan tmce sralanmalarnda da degiiklik ve aralanma grlmektedir. Trke'nin etkisinde
kalnarak dlen bir iki yanlgdan sz ederek bu blm bitirebiliriz. O'5 g*/*' g6' g,2+6% / O'$ g*/*' g6'
2$st"$20%. O2$7$ g*/*' g6' g&tt&) gibi tmcelerde geen -e, -a ve -ya taklar I 9*'t to s!oo" 7*st*2+$7 gibi
yaplardan rneksenerek to kullanlp evrilmektedir; oysa ngilizce !&% (ona2onu), t!*2* / (oraya, orada) szckleri
bu anlamlar ierdiklerinden byle kurulular yanl olmaktadr. M6=&)t*' !o4"$'020%. >$8$4 3&"%"*2&'+*' '*32*t
*+*2&% gibi tmcelerde geen -den, -dan taks iin de ayn eyler sylenebilir. (I like music. I hate war films,
yeterlidir3 from kullanlmasna gerek yoktur.)
Genel izgileriyle degindigimiz bu temel ayrmlara son olarak szcklerle ilgili bir iki glg ekleyelim. En bata
ok anlamllkla ilgili sorunlar sz konusudur. rnekler: evde kalmak (to stay at home), snfta kalmak (to 4ail)3 gz
(eye, dra5er, s!ring)3 durum (condition, situation, state, circumstance) i (inside, interior, stomach, internal) . kat
(4old, layer, story, 6uantity) . oyun (game, !lay, 7est, dance)3 orta (middle, central, mean) dil (tongue, language,
inde8, bolt). Bu szcklerin yalnzca szlk anlamna dayanarak eviri yaptgmz dnsek yle gln rneklerle
yz yze gelebiliriz: "the eye of the table (dra5er)3 "a man of central height (a man o4 medium height)3 "the writer of
a game (!lay5right)" "he speaks two tongues (he s!eaks t5o languages). Bu nedenle szcg szcgne aktarm
yerine Trke ya da ingilizce bir szck ya da sz begi yerine ne kullanldgn bilmek nemlidir. Bu adan
szcklerin birlikteligi nem tamaktadr. rn. kapy almak (to knock at the door), yan izmek (to sli! a5ay),
darda kalmak (to be in di44iculties), dogru kmak (to !rove to be right), dmen krmak (to change course) emek
vermek (to labour) gibi rneklerde grldg gibi birlikte kullanlan szckler iki dilde tmyle ayrdr. Birliktelik
konusu son olarak ngilizce ilgelerin (!re!osition) evirisinde yabanc evirmenin zel bir dikkat gstermesi
gerektigini anmsamamz gerektirmektedir. u rnekleri dnelim: birinden zr dilemek: apologize to (4rom de"il)3
bir eyle beslenmek: feed on (5ith de"il)3 bir yere varmak: arrive in (on, at) (to de"il)3 birey iin para harcamak:
spend on (4or de"il). Ayra iindeki Trke'ye uygun den ilgeleri kullanarak eviri yapmak evirmeni yanlgya
srkleyecektir. Deyimlerin, argo, teklifsiz dil kullanm, yazn dili gibi degiik dil kesitlerinin ortaya karacag
sorunlar ve yerel grenek ve ulusal kltr ynelimli szck ve anlatmlarn karacag glkler de bunlara
zetle Trke-ngilizce eviri almas iki dili, dillerin yansttg dnya grn iyi bilmeyi, diller arasnda
yukarda sz edilen genel ayrmlar ve bundan sonraki blmlerde belirtilecek zgl ayrmlara ka duyarl
davranmay gerektirmektedir. zellikle rnek yap ve aklamalar dikkatle incelenir ve duyarlkla davranlrsa temel
yanlglardan kanmak zor olmayacaktr.
Bu kitabn hazrlanmasnda zellikle her iki dildeki temel yaplar ele alnm ve bu yaplar ieren bol rnekler
verilmitir. Trke'den ingilizce ye olan evirilerde tm olaslklar cevap anahtarnda verilmemi, sadece bizce
istenen yapya en uygun olan birisi verilmitir.
Ayrca kitap hazrlanrken ilke olarak tm 7$-$'0 +&""* ,.2*t&% 7$;$' o)5""$20'1 6'&8*2s&t* !$=02"0)
s0'03"$20'0'1 6'&8*2s&t*"*2&' +&" -,"6%"*2&'&'1 752t +040 g,2*8* $t$'$$)"$20'1 -$')$0"$20'1 +o/*'t"&) 8*
;2o3*s,2"6) s0'$8"$20'$ !$=02"$'$'"$20' 8* -$s0' +&"& 6=*2&'+* /$"04%$ 7$;$'"$20' gereksinmeleri gz nnde
tutularak bu alanlara hizmet amalanmaktadr. K&t$-0' -5 -$s)0s0'$ t6%* 8* %*t&' +6=*7&'+* *)"*2 7$;0"%041
$720$ ,=*""&)"* T62)/*?'g&"&=* /*8&2&7& )o"$7"$4t02$$) /o) 7$2$2"0 o"+5.5'5 +646'+6.6%6=1 s0)"0)"$
)5""$'0"$' s,=6)"*2+*' o"54$' -&2 s,="6) *)"*'%&4t&2.
Byk bir zen, uzun bir alma ve deneyim sonucu meydana getirilen bu yaptn diger yaptlarmzda oldugu
gibi tm okurlarmzn begenisini kazanacagn umuyoruz.
Dilbilgisi genel olarak bir dilin yapsn belirleyen kurallar btn olarak tanmlanabilir. Bu kurallarn tm
ayrntlarn bir zet almada yanstmann glg batan kabul edilmelidir. Hele szl dil, yaz dili, bilim dili, yazn
dili, gndelik konuma dili gibi ayrmlar dnldgnde bu glgn niteligi daha da iyi anlalabilir. Bu nedenle bu
zet incelemede yalnzca yaz dilinin en yaygn kurallar zerinde durulacaktr. Bu bilgilerin test ve eviri almalar
yapacak olanlarla dilbilgisine ilikin bildiklerini ksaca gzden geirmek isteyenlere temel olabilecegi
'g&"&=*+* @$"0' T6%* @$;0s0
ngilizce yaln tmce ile ilgili genel kurallar bilmek, bileik ve karmak tmceleri anlamaya da yardmc olabilir.
nk bileik tmceleri oluturmak iin baglalar (although, because, since, as, 5hile vb.) kullanmak yetecektir.
1C ingilizce de yaln tmce, zne + eylem + tmle dzenine gre kurulur. Trke'de bu yapnn zne + tmle +
eylem biiminde olduguna dikkat edilirse zellikle eviride yaplan yanllarn nemli bir nedeni anlalabilir..
A"& -o5g!t $ '*9 $2.
zne eylem tmle
A"& 7*'& -&2 $2$-$ $"+0.
zne tmle eylem
<* &s $ goo+ -o7
zne eylem tmle
O &7& -&2 /o5)t52.
zne tmle eylem
T!* !o5s* !$s -**' ;$&'t*+ g2**'.
zne eylem tmle
E8 7*4&"* boyand.
zne tmle eylem
2C Yaygn zne biimleri (koyu renk ya$l s$ckler $nedir)
Ad : A!%*t is sleeping now.
Adl : He should drink milk in the morning.
Mastar : To 9o2) is healthy.
Ad begi + ilge begi : T!* girl &' t!* $2 is my sister.
Ula (gerund) : >9&%%&'g is useful.
Tmcecik (clause) : T!$t !* &s "*8*2 is obvious.
Ad + sfat tmcecigi : T!* -o7 9!o &s 25''&'g &' t!* g$2+*' is my brother.
Sfat + ad : A !*$87 s!o9*2 fell yesterday.
iyelik sfat + ad : <&s 3$t!*2 is an engineer.
Ad + aklayc yap : @$4$2 K*%$"1 t!* 3$%o5s 'o8*"&st1 went to Paris.
Ad + ad + ad : Boo)s1 ;*'s $'+ ;$;*2s were scattered on the desk.
3C E7"*%: ingilizce yaln tmcenin ikinci gesi olan eylem, kiplikler (can, could, may, 5ill vb) ve eylemin
kendisinden oluur.
I $% 92&t&'g now.
She 9&"" %$)* a good teacher.
You %&g!t !$8* !*$2+ the rumour.
D* 9&"" !$8* 3&'&s!*+ the book by then.
They s!o5"+'Et !$8* 3o2gott*' their assignment.
Not: Eylemlerin kiplik ve teki yardmc eylemlerle kullanm iin ilgili blme baknz.
4C Tmle: ingilizce'de eylemden sonra gelip eylemin anlamn tamamlayan szcklerin tmne tmle
denebilir. (9ylemden nce geli! eylemi ya da $neyi niteleyen s$cklere niteleyen -modifier' denilecektir).
Belli bal tmle trleri:
Sfat . : Translation is not +&33&5"t.
She looks 5'!$;;7.
Ad begi : A horse is $' $'&%$".
ilge begi : He is in Ankara.
Bu tmle trleri to -* ve ilgi eylemlerinden (seem, 4eel, a!!ear vb.) sonra kullanlr.
Ad begi + ilge begi : There is $ -oo) o' t!* t$-"*.
There were no F2*'! -oo)s &' t!* "&-2$27.
Ad begi (adl) : We saw !&%.
They helped t!* -o7.
Ad begi (dolayl nesne) + ad begi : l gave !&% $ -oo).
Ad begi + ad begi (dolayl nesne) : l gave $ -oo) to !&%.
Ad begi + sfat : He likes !&s o33** st2o'g.
Ad begi + eylem+ad begi : We let !&% go !o%*.
Ad begi + to + eylem+ ad begi : l want !&% to help 5s.
Tmcecik : l don't know 9!*2* !* "&8*s
Ad + tarz + yer + zaman zarflar : The children played g$%*s G5&*t"7 &' t!*&2 2oo% 7*st*2+$7.
He read t!* "*tt*2 G5&)"7 &' !&s o33&* -*3o2* "5'!.
Bu temel yaplar bileik ve karmak tmcelerde de ayn sraya gre bulunur. rnekleri inceleyelim:
<* +&+'Et go to s!oo" -*$5s* !* 9$s &"".
zne eylem tmle bagla zne eylem tmle
A"t!o5g! !* 9$s &"" !* 9*'t to s!oo"
bagla zne eylem tmle zne eylem 'tmle
Grldg gibi yaln tmce yaps teki tmcelerde de yinelenmektedir; yapsal yanl yapmamak iin her
tmcenin geleri ayr ayr eksiksiz olmaldr.
Not: Bileik ve karmak tmcelerin yaps iin $+1 s03$t 8* =$23 t6%*&)"*2& ile ilgili blm inceleyiniz.
='* E7"*% U75%5
1C Tekil zneyle tekil, ogulla ogul eylem kullanlr.
T!* -o7 g*ts up early.
T!* -o7s get up early.
2C A'+ ile birleen iki ad begi ogul ad gerektirir.
Ziya $'+ smail $2* in school now.
3C Topluluk ad toplulugun btn dnlnce tekil eylem gerektirir, yeler tek tek dnlrse ogul eylemle
T!* H527 has been considering the case.
M7 3$%&"7 have decided to move to Ankara.
4C Birleik kavramlar tekil eylemle kullanlr:
Bread and butter &s very delicious.
5C l ve matematiksel eitlikler btn olarak dnldklerinde tekil eylemle kullanlrlar.:
Two and three &s five.
Ten dollars &s too much for this book.
6) There - yapsndaki tmcelerde asl zne durumu belirler; eger There'den sonra gelen ilk ad begi tekilse
"&s", ogulsa "$2*" kullanlr.
There &s $ -oo) and three pencils on the table.
There $2* t9o -oo)s and a pencil on the table.
IC V + &'g ve to + V yaplar tekildir. Swimming is useful.
To get up late is not good for health.
JC Gndergeleri ogul olan sfat tmcecikleri ogul eylem gerektirir:
Those (!eo!le) who are late for work will be punished.
KC Adldan nce gelen adlar or ya da 'o2 ile baglanrsa olaslk sz konusudur:
$C ki ad da tekilse adl kullanlr:
Neither Ali nor Mehmet does his homework.
-C ikinci ad tekilse tekil eylem kullanlr:
Neither the students nor t!* t*$!*2 o%*s today.
C kinci ad ogulsa ogul eylem gerekir:
Neither the teacher nor t!* st5+*'ts o%* today.
1LC u adllar tekildir, tekil eylemle kullanlr:
A'ot!*21 $'7-o+71 $'7o'*1 $'7t!&'g1 *$!1 *&t!*21 *8*27-o+71 *8*27o'*1 *8*2t!&'g1 %$'7 $1 o'*1
'*&t!*21 '*&t!*2 o'*1 'o-o+71 'o o'*1 'ot!&'g1 so%*-o+71 so%*o'*1 so%*t!&'g.
>o%* 8* trevlerinin olumlu, $'7 ve trevlerinin olumsuz ve soru tmcelerinde kullanldklar unutulmamaldr.
11C Bot!1 %$'71 3*91 s*8*2$" ogul eylemlerle kullanlr:
Bot! work very hard.
M$'7 want to go abroad.
F*9 learn French nowadays.
12C M5!1 "&tt"*1 $ "&tt"* ktle adlaryla ve tekil eylemlerle kullanlr
We don't have %5! tea left.
There is $ "&tt"* water in the glass.
We have got "&tt"* money.
13C E$!1 *8*271 *&t!*21 '*&t!*2 tekil eylemlerle kullanlr.
E$! of them &s broken.
N*&t!*2 plan s5&ts them.
14C A""1 $'71 'o'*1 so%* kullanma gre tekil ya da ogul olabilir:
Not $"" food is good to eat.
A"" children "&)* playing.
No'* of the telephones &s#$2* Dorking.
15) Tmcede zne ve eylem arasnda gelen szckler zneyi etkilemez.
The man &' $++&t&o' to his ten children is leaving soon.
The teacher $"o'g 9&t! !&s st5+*'ts is viewing a film.
One of the most enjoyable parties was given by him.
16C Baz adlar her zaman ogul haldedir ve ogul olarak kullanlrlar:
t2o5s*2s1 ;$'ts1 H*$'s1 s5'g"$ss*s1 t!$')s1 s&sso2s1 *t.
His pants are still at the cleaner's.
Your thanks are enough for me.
Fakat M$ ;$&2 o3M veya M$ 9o2+ o3M gibi deyimlerle kullanldklarnda tekil olarak kullanlrlar.
That pair of pants is dirty.
A word of thanks is enough.
1IC MA '5%-*2 o3M ile ogul Mt!* '5%-*2 o3M ile tekil eylem kullanlr:
A number of students were missing from class.
The number of lranian students in class is small.
1JC Bir zaman paras, para, agrlk v.s. bildiren deyimler ekil olarak oguldur fakat tekil eylemle kullanlrlar.
Two weeks &s enough time for a nice vacation.
Ten gallons of gasoline osts a lot of money.
A2t&"*s # T$'0%"0)"$2 N$#$'1 t!*C 8* M&)t$2 B*"&2t*' >,=6)"*2
1C B*"&2s&= tanmlk : $ / $'
ogul yaplabilen (countable) adlarn tekilleri ile kullanlr:
a) Sylenii nszle balayan szcklerle $ kullanlr:
$ book, $ bird, $ historical event, $ university
b) Sylenii (ya$l de"il) nlyle balayan szcklerle $' kullanlr:
$' apple $' hour an ant
c) advice, information, knowledge, money gibi ogulu yaplmayan ktle adlaryla (uncountable nouns) $,
$' kullanlmaz.
2C Belirli tanmlk : t!*
a) Daha nce sz edilen bir ad belirtmek iin kullanlr:
There is a book on the table.
T!* book is not mine.
Belirtilen ogul adlarla da kullanlabilir:
l bought ten books.
T!* books are in English.
b) lrmak, deniz, sradag ve kimi lke adlaryla kullanlr:
T!* Kzlrmak, T!* Atlantic Ocean, T!* Taurus Mountains, T!* United States
c) Dnyada tek olan varlklar niteler:
T!* sun sets in the west.
d) Say sfatlarndan ve en stnlk derecesinden nce kullanlr:
A is t!* first letter of the alphabet.
He is t!* most intelligent student.
3C Belirli tanmlk u durumlarda kullanlmaz:
$C Belirsiz miktar ve nitelikteki adlarla:
Bicycles cost more than they used to.
He likes poetry.
-C zel ad olarak kullanlan kii, cadde ve kent adlaryla:
She lives on Atatrk Boulevard in Ankara. Mehmet is a good boy.
C iyelik sfatlaryla nitelenen adlarla tanmlk kullanlmaz:
Hasan's book, his coat, their garden
+C Kimi yerleik yaygn ilge beklerinde tanmlk kullanlmaz:
go home go by air
to school bus
to hospital car
to university plane
./ M&)t$2 8* s$70 -*"&2"*7&&"*2&
ngilizce de bu amala kullanlan ok sayda szck vardr. Biz bunlardan en yaygn olanlarn rneklemekle
$C %5!1 "&tt"*1 $ "&tt"*1 $ goo+ +*$" o31 $ g2*$t G5$'t&t7 o3 ktle adlaryla (uncountable nouns) kullanlr,
ogul eylem alamazlar: He ate %5! bread. There isn't much salt left. We imported $ g2*$t G5$'t&t7 o3 coffee. She
drinks $ "&tt"* tea every morning.
-C %$'71 3*91 $ 3*91 s*8*2$"1 $ "$2g* '5%-*2 o31 $ g2*$t %$'7 ogul adlarla kullanlr:
A "$2g* '5%-*2 o3 st5+*'ts failed this year..
We haven't seen %$'7 films lately.
A g2*$t %$'7 G5*st&o's have to be answered.
C so%*1 $'71 $ "ot o31 *'o5g!1 'o hem tekil hem de ogul adlarla kullanlabilir:
There is 'o %&") in the refrigerator.
Have you read $'7 novels lately?
We bought so%* English books yesterday.
They have so%* ;2o-"*%s to solve.
There is so%* %o'*7 left on the table.
No5's # A+"$2
Adlar kii, yer, nesne, nitelik, etkinlik ve benzerlerinin gstergesi olan szcklerdir.
1C A+"$2+$ t*)&" 8* /o.5"
Adlarda tekil ve ogul olgusunun bilinmesi, uygun eylem kullanm bakmndan nemlidir. rn.
The boys are in school / The boy is in school.
His thesis was perfect.
lt is 8.30. Here's the news.
The police are searching for him.
$C ingilizce'de en yaygn ogul yapm kural tekil adlara s eklemektir:
book/books chair/chairs boy/boys
-C Tekil ad !1 s!1 s1 O, ya da = ile bitiyorsa ?*s eklenir:
church/churches brush/brushes bus/buses box/boxes buzz/buzzes
C Tekil ad nsz + 7 ile bitiyorsa (rn. -by, -dy, -ty) -7 kaldrlr ve &*s eklenir,
baby/babies party/parties lady/laydies city/cities

-7'den nce nl varsa genel kurala uyulur:
toy/toys monkey/monkeys
+C Sonu ?3 ya da ?3* ile biten adlarda M3M yerine M8*M konur, ?*s (ya da ?s) eklenerek ogullatrlr:
half/hal8*s leaf/lea8*s life/li8*s
shelf/shelv*s thief/thiev*s wife/wiv*s
*C Kuralsz ogullar
foot/feet tooth/teeth goose/geese
man/men woman/women mouse/mice
3C Tekil/ogul ayn olan adlar
aircraft, deer, fish, means, species, sheep, series
gC zellikle bilim dilinde kullanlan ogu dn szcklerin ogullar kuralsz olarak yaplr:
cactus/cacti datum/data fungus/fungi
bacterium/bacteria criterion/criteria nucleus/nuclei
radius/radii medium/media stimulus/stimuli
thesis/ theses index/indices vertebra/vertebrae
!C Grnte ogul, anlam tekil olan adlara dikkat edilmelidir:
linguistics, mathematics, (maths), politics measles, rabies, mumps, rickets
HC Kimi adlar hep ogul olarak kullanlr:
the police, trousers, pants, riches vb.
)C ingilizce de kimi adlar ogul yaplmazlar, bunlara ktle adlar (uncountable nouns) denir. Tekil eylemlerle
kullanlmas gereken bu adlarn en nemlileri unlardr: 9$t*21 t*$1 o33**1 $o%%o+$t&o'1 $+8&*1 -2*$+1
352'&t52*1 g2$ss1 &'3o2%$t&o'1 )'o9"*+g*1 "5gg$g*1 %o'*71 '*9s1 ;2og2*ss1 2*s*$2!1 9o2)1 9oo"1
Bunlarn en nemli zelliklerinden birisi de bir anlamna gelen belirsiz tanmlk ($1 $') ile kullanlmamalardr.
Kimi zaman bunlarla kullanldklarnda anlamlar degiir:
l'd like some white paper. (Bira$ beya$ ka"t istiyorum)
He's going to buy a paper. (* (bir) ga$ete alacak)
1C Birleik adlarn ogullar da dikkat gerektirir:
son-in-law/sons-in-law, man-of-war/men-of-war armchair/armchairs
A+"$2+$ 7*"&)
Adlarn nemli bir zelligi de iyelik eki almalardr.
1C iyelik genel olarak tekil adlara ('s) eklenerek yaplr:
his father's car the boy's dog the girl's note-book
2C Kurall ogul adlara yalnzca (-) eklenir:
the girls' books (k$larn kita!lar)
the students' achievements ("rencilerin baarlar)
3C Kuralsz ogul adlara ('s) eklenir
The children's room / men's wear
4C ilk ad cansz ise iyelik gstermek iin $+ P o3 P $+ yaps daha sk kullanlr:
the leg of the table
the importance of the problem
the cost of the roof
5C -s ile biten zel adlar ngiliz ngilizce'sinde genellikle ('s) alr:
Keats's poems Charles's wife
Ancak Amerikan ngilizce'sinde yabanc ve klasik adlarda (') yeterlidir
Socrates' speech Tacitus' diction
6) Kimi zaman ifte iyelik kullanlabilir:
She is a friend of mv mother's
IC lgeli bileik adlarda ('s) sona eklenir:
brother-in-law's house
mother-in law's complaints
JC Yaygnlk kazanm zaman,para vb. ile ilgili anlatmlarda da ('s) kullanlr:
ten minutes' walk / a year's profit / a day's work
Q2o'o5's # A+0""$2
1C zne adllar: l, you, he, she, it, we, you, they 2'.
l'm hungry. @o5 work hard. <*Es a teacher.
>!* got up early yesterday. lt is cold. We are students.
@o5 are good students. T!*7 are waiting.
2C Nesne adllar: %*1 7o5 !&%1 !*21 &t1 5s1 7o51 t!*%
He often helps %*. l saw 7o5. We gave him some money.
The teacher will punish !*2. You broke &t. He did not see us.
l gave t!*% all the books. Dolayl ve dolaysz nesne birlikte kullanldgnda ad ve adllarn durumuna dikkat
l gave !&% the pen. l gave the pen to !&%.
l gave it to him. l gave him it.
3C iyelik adllar: %&'*1 7o52s, !&s1 !*2s1 &ts1 o52s1 7o52s1 t!*&2s. Bunlar ad yerine kullanldklarndan baka
adla birlikte kullanlmamalarna dikkat edilmelidir:
M&'* is here. This is 7o52s. T!*&2s was a good house.
l don't like !&s. l like !*2s.
4C Dnl ve pekitirici adllar: %7s*"31 7o52s*"31 !&%s*"31 !*2s*"31 &ts*"31 7o52s*"8*s1 t!*%s*"8*s.
$C Dnl adllar zne ve nesnenin ayni kii oldugunu gsterir.
l cut %7s*"3. We dried o52s*"8*s in the sun.
The woman killed !*2s*"3. They looked at t!*%s*"8*s in the mirror
-C Bu adllar pekitirici olarak da kullanlr:
I %7s*"3 repaired it. l repaired it %7s*"3.
-7 ile kullanldklarnda kendi kendine, yalnz bana anlamna gelirler (Burada by kullanmnn edilgen atdan
-!assive- ayr oldu"u anmsanmaldr).
l learnt English -7 %7s*"3.
She repaired the watch -7 !*2s*"3.
5C Gsterme adllar: t!&s1 t!$t1 t!*s*1 t!os*. Bunlarn ilk ikisi tekil, tekiler bunlarn ogullardr. T!&s 8* t!*s*
yakndaki nesneleri, t!$t 8* t!os* uzaktaki nesneleri gsterir.
T!&s is a good book. T!*s* are good books.
T!$t smells nice. T!os* smell nice.
6) Soru adllar: 9!o1 whom, whose, 9!$t1 9!&!. Bunlar zne ya da nesneyi sormakta kullanlrlar:
Who is comming? D!o% did you see yesterday?
D!os* is it? D!$t happened? D!&! do you like best?
IC lgi adllar: 9!o1 9!o%1 9!&!1 t!$t1 9!os*1 9!o*8*21 9!&!*8*21 9!$t*8*2.
Bunlar sfat tmcecigi kurmakta kullanlr.
l know the boy 9!o came in.
She knows the boy 9!o% she met at the party.
l bought a book 9!&! might interest you.
He's the man t!$t sells tickets.
Not: Bunlarn kullanmlar ile ilgili bilgiler iin tmcecikler blmne bkz.
A+H*t&8*s # >03$t"$2
$C Sfatlar adlar niteleyen szcklerdir. Bu nedenle birincil olarak adlarn nnde bulunurlar. (:oyu ya$l
s$ckler s4attr).
%7 book, t!&s chair, *$! student, $ "&tt"* water, $ sto"*' car, $ -*$5t&35" girl.
-C Sfatlar u eylemlerden sonra da kullanlabilirler: -*1 s**%, $;;*$21 "oo)1 so5'+1 t$st*1 3**"1 s%*""
She &s hungry.
She always s**%s cheerful.
He "oo)s rich.
The soup t$st*s delicious.
c) Kimi sfatlar t!* ile kullanldklarnda btn kmeyi anlatr:
t!* 2&! ($enginler), t!* -"&'+1 t!* +*$+1 t!* ;oo2 (yoksullar)
t!* o"+ (yallar), t!* !$'+&$;;*+1 t!* 5'*%;"o7*+ (isi$ler)
s! ya da ! ile biten kimi uyruk adlar da byle kullanlabilir:
T!* B2&t&s! (ingili$ler), T!* E'g"&s!1 t!* F2*'!.
+C L&tt"*1 *"+*21 %$&'1 ;2&'&;$" adlardan nce kullanlr: eylemlerden sonra kullanlmazlar, &""1 9*""1 $32$&+1
$"&8*1 $"o'*1 $s"**; adlardan nce kullanlmazlar.
He looks ill (%e is a sick man)
She is very well ()he is a healthy 5oman)
*C Birden ok sfat kullanldgnda sra yle olabilir:
renk kaynak gere ama ad
black Spanish leather riding boots
3C Kimi sfatlar ilgelerle de kullanlabilir:
$32$&+ o31 &'t*2*st*+ &'1 -5s7 9&t!1 t&2*+ o3 (ilgili blme bk$.)
>03$t"$20' )$240"$4t020"%$s0
1C Eitlik derecesi: $sPs03$tP$s
He is $s t$"" $s his sister (Kz kardei kadar uzun boyludur)
You are $s "*8*2 $s he is (onun kadar zekisiniz)
Konuma dilinde ikinci as'den sonra adllarn nesne biimi kullanlabilir:
You are $s clever as him.
Olumsuz iin 'ot so... $s ya da 'ot $s ... $s kullanlr:
He is 'ot $s o"+ $s l am.
l am 'ot so !5'g27 $s you are.
2C stnlk derecesi (com!arative). ki kii ya da nesneyi karlatrmak iin kullanlr:
a) Tek ve iki heceli sfatlarn ogunun karlatrlmasnda sfat+ ?*2 + t!$' yaps kullanlr:
Ahmet is t$""*2 t!$' Mehmet.
She is o"+*2 t!$' l am.
b) Kimi iki heceli ve daha ok heceli sfatlarn karlatrlmas iin %o2* P s03$t P t!$' kullanlr
The house is %o2* o%3o2t$-"* t!$' ours.
His story was %o2* &'t*2*st&'g t!$' yours.
c) Kimi sfatlarn stnlk derecesi kuralszdr:
good beter
bad worse
little less
much more
many more
far farther
d) t!* P o%;.....t!* P o%; yaps ayn anda olan iki degiimi anlatmak iin kullanlr.
T!* o"+*2 he gets t!* !$;;&*2 he is.
T!* %o2* you work t!* %o2* you earn.
e) stnlk dereceli sfatlar nitelemek iin %5!1 3$21 $ "ot1 2$t!*21 $ "&tt"*1 $ -&t kullanlr:
He is %5! older than you are.
This book is a "&tt"* more expensive than that one.
3C En stnlk derecesi (su!erlative degree)
a) Tek ve iki heceli sfatlarn en stnlk derecesi iin t!* P s03$t P *st yaps kullanlr:
This is t!* !*$;*st book.
He is t!* t$""*st of all.
b) ok heceli sfatlar iin t!* P %ost P s03$t yaps kullanlr.
This &s t!* %ost &'t*2*st&'g book of all.
They bought t!* %ost *O;*'s&8* car.
c) Kuralsz sfatlar da vardr.
o%;$2$t&8* s5;*2"$t&8*
good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
much/many more most
far . farther farthest/furthest
A+8*2-s # Z$23"$2
Zarflar tmcede eylemi, ya da zarflar niteleyen szcklerdir. zellikle eylemlerle kullandklarnda Trke'deki
yapnn tersine eylemden sonra geldikleri anmsanmaldr.
He speaks 3"5*'t"7
She drives very 3$st.
He speaks English very 9*"".
Zarflarn bir ogu sfatlara ?"7 eklenerek yaplr.
s"o9#s"o9"7 G5&)#G5&)"7 $2*35"#$2*35""7
Zarflarn tmcede temel konumu vardr:
1C Tmce banda kullanlan zarflar:
a) Zaman zarflarnn ogu tmce banda kullanlabilir.
@*st*2+$7 he went to istanbul.
I' ($'5$27 it is snowed a lot.
b) Kimi sklk zarflar
O$s&o'$""7 he tries to write poems.
>o%*t&%*s we get up late.
A"9$7s1 '*8*2 tmce banda kullanlmazlar.
c) Kimi yer ve tarz zarflar da tmce banda kullanlabilir.
<*2* comes the bus.
A*'t"7 he examined my eye.
2C Tmce ortasnda kullanlan zarflar;
a) O3t*'1 $"9$7s1 5s5$""71 so%*t&%*s1 '*8*2 gibi sklk zarflar to be eyleminden sonra, teki
eylemlerden nce kullanlrlar.
We o3t*' go to the theatre.
We are o3t*' "$t*.
I was '*8*2 ill at home.
They $"9$7s go home at 6 p.m.
b) Eylemin birka gesi varsa bu szckler l. den sonra kullanlr.
They have $"9$7s lived in that house.
This work will '*8*2 be finished.
c) Yer ve zaman zarflar genellikle tmce ortasnda kullanlmaz.
3C Tmce sonunda kullanlan zarflar
Tarz, yer ve zaman belirteleri tmce sonunda kullanlr;
He came to %7 o33&* $t 3&8* oE"o)
Tmce sonunda birden ok zarf varsa, tarz, yer ve zaman srasyla kullanlr: .
We worked G5&*t"7 &' !&s 2oo% 7*st*2+$7.
tarz yer zaman
Z$23"$20' K$240"$4t020"%$s0
Zarflarn karlatrlmasnda da genellikle sfatlarn karlatrlmasndaki kurallar geerlidir.
a) Eitlik derecesi: $s P =$23 P $s
l can drive $s 9*"" $s you can.
She writes $s G5&)"7 $s you do.
He can walk $s G5&)"7 $s i can.
b) Zarflarn stnlk (com!arative) derecesi %o2* P =$23 P t!$'R en stnlk derecesi t!* + %ost P =$23
yapsyla oluturulur:
She drives %o2* +$'g*2o5s"7 t!$' he does (stnlk)
l can see %o2* "*$2"7 than you can.
He drives t!* %ost +$'g*2o5s"7 of all. (en stnlk)
My friend writes t!* %ost $2*35""7 of all.
c) Birka zarfn stnlk derecesi *2 P =$23 P t!$' ; en stnlk derecesi t!* + =$23 P *st biiminde yaplr.
Bunlar unlardr: 3$st1 soo'1 *$2"71 "$t*1 !$2+1 "o'g1 3$21 '*$21 o3t*'.
You work 3$st*2 t!$' he does.
You came "$t*2 t!$' he did.
He works t!* !$2+*st of all.
They drove t!* 3$st*st of all.
d) Kuralsz zarflar unutulmamaldr:
little less least
badly worse worst
much more most
many more most
well better best
Mo+$"s A'+ A5O&"&$2&*s # K&;"&)"*2 8* @$2+0%0 E7"*%"*2
1C Temel yardmc szckler; -*1 +o1 !$8*. Ortak zellikler:
a) Sorular tmce bana getirilerek yaplr:
ls he ill? Do*s he work hard? <$s he come?
b) Olumsuz yapmak iin 'ot eklenir.
He &s 'ot thirsty. They +o 'ot get up early. I !$8* 'ot finished the book.
BE : Sekiz degiik biimi vardr: -*1 $%1 &s1 $2*1 9$s1 9*2*1 -*&'g1 -**'.
a) Sreklilik anlatan (continous) zamanlar oluturur:
He &s sleeping now. l am writing.
You 9*2* reading while l 9$s playing football.
He'll -* coming tomorrow.
b) Edilgen aty oluturmakta kullanlr.
The door &s opened at 9 o'clock every day.
The radio 9$s repaired two days ago.
c) Asl eylem olarak da kullanlabilir:
He &s a teacher.
They 9*2* at school yesterday.
She &s unhappy.
DO: biimi vardr: +o1 +o*s1 +&+.
a) Geni zaman (the sim!le !resent) ve di'li gemi zaman (the sim!le !ast) tmcelerinde soru yapmakta
He lives in Ankara Do*s he live in Ankara?
They work hard. Do they work hard?
She worked hard. D&+ she work hard?
b) Olumsuz yapmakta kullanlr (im!erative, sim!le !resent 2!ast) Do'Et drink too much tea. I +o'Et get up
<* +o*s'Et g*t early. He +&+'Et see him yesterday.
c) Vurgulama ve direnme anlatmak iin kullanlr:
Do sit down (lt4en oturun). He +&+ pass his exam. They +o speak German.
d) Asl eylem olarak da kullanlabilir, bu durumda be biimi vardr: +o1 +o*s1 +&+1 +o&'g1 +o'*.
What are you +o&'gS I +&+ my homework yesterday.
She has +o'* the cooking in the morning.
Bu durumda geni ve gemi zamanda yardmc eylem olan +o ile birlikte kullanlr.
l +o my homework. Do you do your homework?
He +&+'Et +o his assignment.
<AVE: biimi vardr: !$8*1 has, had
a) Eylemlerin 3. biimleri ve kimi kipliklerle birleerek tamamlanm grnleri (!er4ect tenses) oluturmakta
l have just 92&tt*' a letter.
After they !$+ "*3t school they went home.
They'll !$8* 3&'&s!*+ the bridge by next year.
He %&g!t !$8* -**' blind.
b) be ve +o gibi asl eylem olarak da kullanlr, bu durumda 'sahip olmak' anlamna gelir.
He !$s two brothers.
I !$8*'Et any money. (/ don-t have any money.)
&sl eylem olarak kullanld"nda soru ve olumsu$luklarn do ile ya!mak yaygndr,
Do you !$8* any brothers? I +o'Et !$8* any brothers.
2C Modals / Kiplikler: $'1 o5"+1 %$71 %&g!t1 s!$""1 s!o5"+1 9&""1 9o5"+1 %5st1 o5g!t to1 5s*+ to1 '**+1
Genel zellikleri:
a) Soru yaplrken tmce bana alnrlar:
You can swim. B$' you swim?
He ought to come earlier. O5g!t he to come earlier?
b) Olumsuzluklar 'ot eklenerek yaplr:
She will see you. She will 'ot (5on-t) see you.
You must smoke at school. You %5st'Et smoke at school.
You may come in. You %$7 'ot come in.
c) Eylemin yaln kk biimi ile kullanlrlar:
She $' speak English.
He 5s*+ to play football.
You o5g!t to comb your hair.
d) be, +o ve have'den ayr olarak 3. tekil ahsta degimezler.
He can swim well.
She will come tomorrow.
e) !$8* ile kullanldklarnda have'den nce gelirler, soru ve olumsuzluklar kipliklerle yaplr:
He s!o5"+ have finished this assignment. .
>!o5"+ he have finished his assignment?
We o5"+ have written the letter.
Bo5"+ we have written the letter?
Kipliklerin kullanm ile ilgili rnekler:
Kiplik anlam rnek
$' yetenek/yeterlik He can swim well.
olaslk Anyone can make mistakes.
izin Can l smoke in this room?
o5"+ gemite yeterlik My friend could speak three languages.
olaslk She could be very unhappy at times,
izin Could l ask you something?
neri Could we meet tomorrow?
$%1 &s1 $2*
$-"* to yetenek / yeterlik She is able to type very fast.
$-"* to gemite baarlm i He was able to pass his class.
%$7 olaslk lt may rain this afternoon,
izin May l open the window?
You may open the window.
%&g!t zayf olaslk He might come this evening,
izin isteme Might l use your phone?
gereklememi olaslk You might have missed the bus.
%5st konumacdan gelen
zorunluluk /ykmllk You must be here at 9 o'clock
%5st -* karm He must be ill.
karm (gemi) He must have been ill.
%5st 'ot yasak You mustn't smoke in school.
!$8* to dardan yklenen zorunluluk We have to work from 9 to 5.
!$8* to gerekmezlik We don't have to get up early on Sunday
s!$"" l, we ile gelecek anlatr l shall ring you up at 5 o'clock
neri, rica vb. Shall l open the window?
Shall we go out for dinner?
9&"" geleceklik eki, karar, ngr We will see him tomorrow,
isteklilik, niyet l'll certainly help you.
rica, buyruk, agr Will you open the window, please?
kar kma l will not do what you say.
9o5"+ will'in gemi biimi He said he would come soon,
rica Would you turn down the radio?
gemite alkanlk He would go for long walks.
s!o5"+ shall'in gemi biimi l said l should be there at 6.
gt, grev, ykmllk You should study more.
s!o5"+ gemite yaplmas gerekip
!$8* yaplmayan You should have locked the door.
(kapy kilitlemeliydiniz)
o5g!t to ;should; ile ayn anlamda
("t vb.) We ought to vote in the elections.
daha nesnel olgular anlatr l ought to see her tomorrow.
!$+ -*tt*2 gt, salk verme You'd better drink milk.
(-d better) -se iyi olur. Had we better buy that car?
5s*+ to gemiteki alkanlk My father used to play basketball.
Did you use to smoke?
'**+ gerekirlik She need study hard
'**+'Et (must-n olumsu$u) gerekme$lik We needn't get up early on Sunday.
D$2* cesaret, yeg tutma He daren't go into that building
Dare you interrupt the teacher?
9o5"+ 2$t!*2 (-d rather)
tercih, yeg tutma We'd rather learn English than German.
They'd rather not drink tea at night.
K&;"&)"*2"* E+&"g*' $t0 NQ$ss&8* Vo&*C
$' ;ost the letter. The letter $' -* ;ost*+.
could could
may may
. might might
will will
would would
shall shall
should should
must must
have to have to
ought to ought to
had better had better
Not : rneklerde grldg gibi nesne (the letter) zne yerine alnr, kipliklerden sonra -* eklenir ve btn
edilgen atlarda oldugu gibi eylemin 3. biimi kullanlr. (ki!likler hibir de"iikli"e u"rama$.)
:i!likler !$8* ile birlikte kullanldklarnda edilgen at iin -**' kullanlr:
l can have posted the letter The letter can have been posted,
could could
will will
may rnay
might might
V*2-s # E7"*%"*2
Eylemlerin birincil grevi eitli zamanlar anlatmak iin ekime girmektir. T!* >&%;"* Q2*s*'t 8* T!* >&%;"*
Q$st dnda zamanlar oluturmak iin eylemlerle birlikte yardmc eylem ya da kiplikler de kullanlr. Aagdaki
rneklerde zaman gsteren szckler siyah yazlmtr. (<aman $ar4larna da dikkat edini$.)
T!* Q2*s*'t Bo't&'5o5s
IE% 92&t&'g now. (=imdi-ya$-ya$yorum.)
You $2* 92&t&'g.
<* &s 2*$+&'g a book.
She &s ;"$7&'g tennis.
They $2* "&st*'&'g to the radio.
They $2* s"**;&'g.
The purchasing power of money &s +*2*$s&'g.

T!* >&%;"* Q2*s*'t
l always g*t 5; early. (Ben her zaman erken kalkarm.)
He always g*ts 5; late.
We never +2&') coffee at night.
My friend usually 9o2)s hard.
Do you +2&') tea in the morning?
Do*s she "&)* music?
The scientist 5s*s reliable instruments.
T!* Q$st Bo't&'5o5s
l 9$s going home when l met you. ()i$e rastlad"mda eve gidiyordum.)
She 9$s oo)&'g when you phoned.
They 9*2* s"**;&'g when you came.
While we 9*2* 2*$+&'g1 she 9$s !$8&'g lunch.
T!* >&%;"* Q$st
I 92ot* a letter yesterday. (>n bir mektu! ya$dm.)
She oo)*+ well.
They *'Ho7*+ the party.
D&+ he go to lstanbul?
D&+ you 3&'&s! your assignment?
The cost of living index 2os* 90 % last year.
T!* >&%;"* F5t52*
IE"" 92&t* a letter tomorrow? (?arn mektu! ya$aca"m.)
He'll -57 a car next year.
We 9&"" (shall) !*"; him.
The cabinet 9&"" probably %**t tomorrow.
T!* F5t52* Bo't&'5o5s
l'll be going to lstanbul tomorrow. (?arn #stanbul-a gidiyor olaca"m.)
She 9&"" -* oo)&'g all afternoon.
We'll -* st$7&'g at home all evening.
My friend 9&"" -* 9$&t&'g for you at Esenboga airport.
T!* Q2*s*'t Q*23*t
I !$8* just s**' him. (*nu bira$ nce grdm.)
You !$8* %&ss*+ the bus (*tobs kardn$.)
He !$s 92&tt*' an interesting story.
Many holiday villages !$8* -**' -5&"t in the southern part of Turkey.
T!* Q2*s*'t Q*23*t Bo't&'5o5s
I !$8* -**' "*$2'&'g English since l975. @0ABC-ten beri ingili$ce "renmekteyim.)
He !$s -**' 2*$+&'g for three hours.
She's -**' s&'g&'g for ten minutes.
T!* Q$st Q*23*t
You !$+ 9o2)*+ hard before the exam. ()navdan nce ok almtn$.)
He !$+'Et *O;*t such a thing.
They said t!*7 !$+ 3o2gott*' to bring the book.
The king !$+ +*;os&t*+ a lot of money in the foreign banks.
T!* Q$st Q*23*t Bo't&'5o5s
I !$+ -**' 9o2)&'g hard. ((ok almaktaydm.)
She !$+ -**' t27&'g to understand what had happend.
T!* F5t52* Q*23*t
IE"" !$8* 3&'&s!*+ t!&s -oo) by tomorrow. (Bu kitab yarna kadar bitirmi olaca"m.)
We s!$"" !$8* o%;"*t*+ the school by l989.
She 9&"" !$8* ;2*;$2*+ the meal by 5 o'clock.
T!* F5t52* Q*23*t Bo't&'5o5s
<* 9&"" !$8* -**' "*$2'&'g English for over ten years.
(*n yldan daha u$un sredir #ngili$ce "reniyor olmu olacak.)
We'll !$8* -**' ;"$7&'g for two hours by 6 o'clock.
Z$%$'"$2"$ *+&"g*' /$t0 (!assive voice) ,2'*)"*2&
1C Edilgen atya dntrlebilmesi iin eylemin geili olmas, baka bir anlatmla nesne alan trde olmas
gerekir. Edilgen atya dnrken nesne zne yerine alnr.
2C to -* eyleminin zamana uygun biimi kullanlr (present, am, is, are, !ast3 5as2 5ere, perfect:been)
3C Btn zamanlarda edilgen atda eylemin 3. biimi kullanlr. ngilizce eylemler genelde kurall (5ork,
5orked, 5orked) ve kuralsz (5rite, 5rote, 5ritten) olarak ikiye ayrlr. Kuralsz eylemleri sras geldike
grenmek gerekir.
Et)*' t6%* (active) E+&"g*' t6%* (passive)
The secretary writes the letter The letter is written (by the secretary)
The secretary wrote the letter The letter was written.
The secretary is writing the letter The letter is being written
The secretary was writing the letter. The letter was being written.
The secretary will have written the letter. The letter will have been written.
The secretary will write the letter. The letter will be written.
The secretary will be writing the letter. The letter will be being written.
The secretary has written the letter. The letter has been written.
The secretary had written the letter. The letter had been written.
E7"*%"*2"* 8* =$%$'"$2"$ &"g&"& o"$2$) $'0%s$'%$s0 g*2*)*' )&%& 'o)t$"$2 :
1C ingilizcede kimi eylemler genel olarak ?&'g almazlar. Bunlar srekli (continuous) zamanlarda
kullanmamaya zen gsterilmesi gerekir. En nemlileri unlardr:
$sto'&s!1 $;;*$21 -*"&*8*1 -*"o'g1 +&s"&)*1 +o5-t1 +*;*'+1 +*s*28*1 o'*2'1 o's&st1 o't$&'1 3**"1
g5*ss1 !$t*1 !*$21 &%;2*ss1 &%$g&'*1 "&)*1 "o8*1 )'o91 %*$'1 %*$s52*1 o9'1 o9*1 ;2*3*21 ;"*$s*1
;oss*ss1 2*$"&=*1 2*og'&s*1 2*%*%-*21 s$t&s371 s52;2&s*1 s5;;os*1 s**1 s%*""1 so5'+1 s**%1
5'+*2st$'+1 t!&')1 t$st*1 9&s!1 9*&g!1 9$'t.
2C Kimi eylemlerden sonra ikinci bir eylem kullanldgnda ikinci eylem ?&'g biimini alr.
l enjoyed reading that novel.
He admitted stealing the book.
?&'g ile kullanlan teki eylemlerden en nemlileri:
$+%&t1 $;;2*&$t*1 $8o&+1 o's&+*21 +*"$71 +*t*st1 +&s"&)*1 *'Ho71 *s$;*1 *O5s*1 3&'&s!1 3o2g&8*1 g&8* 5;1
go o'1 &%$g&'*1 )**; o'1 %*'t&o'1 %&'+1 ;ost;o'*1 ;2$t&*1 2*o""*t1 2*s&st1 2*s*'t1 s5gg*st1 sto;1
5'+*2st$'+1 -* 9o2t!.
3C Kimi eylemler ikinci eylemin mastar biiminde kullanlmasn gerektirir.
l advised him to t$)* the exam again.
The teacher allowed us to 5s* a dictionary.
Bu eylemlerin balcalar $+8&s*1 $""o91 $5s*1 o%%$'+1 *'o52$g*1 3o2*1 g*t1 &'st25t1 o-"&g*1 o2+*21
;*2s5$+*1 2*%&'+1 t*$!1 t*""1 9$2'.
4C ilgeten sonra eylemin ?&'g biimi kullanlmaldr.
He went to the cinema instead o3 go&'g to school.
A3t*2 $tt*'+&'g the lecture she went home.
5C Zamanlarla kullanlan zaman zarflarna da dikkat edilmelidir.
l am writing 'o9.
He wrote a letter 7*st*2+$7.
l have been writing a letter 3o2 2L %&'5t*s.
l'll see you to%o22o9.
I'+&2*t >;**! NDo"$7"0 A'"$t0%C
Dolayl anlatm iki kii arasndaki konumann nc kii ya da kiilere aktarlmasdr. 1C D6= t6%*"*2
a) Giri tmcesi t!* s&%;"* ;2*s*'t1 t!* ;2*s*'t ;*23*t 8* t!* 35t52* t*'s* ise zamanlarda bir
degiiklik yaplmaz:
"They are coming", <* s$7s they are coming.
"Your friend is ill." >!* 9&"" t*"" you that your friend is ill.
b) Giri tmcesi g*/%&4 =$%$' ise aagdaki zaman degiiklikleri yaplr:
"They work", (s. present) He said they worked (s. past).
"They are working", (present continuous) He said that they were working. (past continuous).
"They have worked", (present perfect) He said they had worked, (past perfect)
"They worked", (simple past) He said that they had worked, (past perfect).
"They were working", (past continuous) He said that they had been working, (past perfect
c) A+0""$2 +$ )o'54%$'0' )o'5%5'$ g,2* +*.&4t&2&"&2:
He said : "l am doing %7 homework.
He said that !* was doing his homework.
She said s!* was doing !*2 homework.
She said: "l saw the boy."
She said (that) s!* had seen the boy.
He said: "My car is new"
He said !&s car was new.
He said: "They helped us."
He said that they had helped t!*%.
d) Yukarda sz edilen (a) seenegi dnda kipliklerin ikinci (past) biimi kullanlr:
'l $' swim. She said she o5"+ swim.
He said he o5"+ swim.
'You %$7 go The teacher said we might go.
Not: would, might, should, had better, must genel olarak degiiklige ugramaz.
c) Zaman zarflar da degiir:
+o"$7s0= N+&2*tC +o"$7"0 N&'+&2*tC
now then
today that day
yesterday the day before (the previous day)
tomorrow the next day
next week the following week
this that
here there
>o25 t6%*"*2&'&' +o"$7"0 $'"$t0%0:
a) Yardmc eylem ve kipliklerle balayanlar:
Yukardaki degimeler burada da geerlidir. En nemli nokta <* $s)*+ &3# !* 9$'t*+ to )'o9 &3 #
9!*t!*2 gibi bir giri tmcesiyle balayp kipligi dz tmcedeki yerine tamaktr.
'Can you swim?' He asked if l could swim.
'Will she come?" He asked if she would come.
May l open the door? She asked if she might open the door.
Do1 +o*s1 +&+ ile balayan sorularda durum degiiktir.
'Do you speak English?' He asked if l spoke English.
'Does he speak English?' He asked if the spoke English.
'Did he speak English?' He asked if he had spoken English.
Burada +o ortadan kalkar, ya da eylemle uygun zamana dnr.
-C Where, 9!*'1 9!71 9!$t1 9!o1 vb. soru szcg ile balayan sorular iin de yukardaki kurallarn tm
geerlidir, yalnzca if yerine soru szcgnn kendisi konulur:
'Where do you live?' He asked where l lived.
'Why isn't she coming?' He asked why she wasn't coming. '
When will she come?' They asked when she would come.
'What are they doing? l asked what they were doing.
Dolayl anlatmdaki tmcelerde soru tmcelerinin dzgn tmce biimine dntgne, soru biiminin ortadan
kalktgna, soru szcklerinin bagla grevinde olduklarna zellikle dikkat edilmelidir.
;2*;os&t&o's # "g*/"*2
$t $9$71 $2oss1 o'1 o331 $"o'g1 o8*21 t!2o5g!1 &'1 I'to1 o5t1 o31 $t1 32o%1 $-o8*1 -*s&+*1 -*!&'+1 &' 32o't o31
5'+*21 -*'*$t!1 -*"o91 5'+*2'*$t!1 -*t9**'1 $%o'g1 $-o5t1 $2o5'+ 8-.
Yer ilgeci olarak &'1 o'1 $t
&' : in Bursa, in Ankara, in school, in class, in bed, in town, in Turkey
o' : on Atatrk Boulevard, on television, on the radio, on the floor.
$t : at the cinema, at the theatre, at a party, at school, at university, at 25 Atatrk Boulevard.
Zaman ilgeci olarak &'1 o'1 $t1
&' May
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening
o' Sunday
January 25
the first of May
$t 2 o'clock
Durum ilgelerinden kimi rnekler: by bus, by train, by plane, on foot, on a train. lgelerle
&"g&"& )&%& ,'*%"& 'ot"$2:
a) Kimi szcklerle belli ilgeler kullanlr (ilgili blme bkz.) rn. $32$&+ o31 $'g27 9&t!1 "oo) $t1
3o21 %$22&*+ to1 ;2*8*'t 32o%1 $g2** 9&t! vb.
b) lgelerden sonra eylemin ?&'g biimi kullanlr.
B*3o2* go&'g to school, he had his breakfast.
Me is afraid o3 go&'g out in the dark.
c) Trke'deki kullanmnn tersine kimi szcklerle ilge kullanlmaz:
discuss, marry, lack, go home
d) '*Ot1 "$st1 t!&s1 *8*271 *$!1 so%*1 $'71 $"" ile balayan zaman zarflarndan nce ilge kullanlmaz:
next Monday, all night, this Friday
e) Sfat tmceciklerinde, edilgen yapda, 9!$t1 9!o1 9!*2* soru szckleri bulunan yaplarda ilgeler
tmce sonunda kullanlabilir:
That's the house l told you about.
She has already been operated on.
What are they looking at?
Where are you coming from?
Who are you looking for?
B"$5s*s # T6%*&)"*2
A+ T6%*&)"*2&
Ad tmcecikleri ad grevi yapan ($ne yada nesne) kurululardr. tr vardr.
1C $C t6%* P t!$t P t6%*&)
We are sorry t!$t 7o5 $'Et o%*.
lt is obvious t!$t !* &s "7&'g.
He was surprised t!$t I )'*9 A*2%$'.
-C t!$t P t6%*&) P *7"*% P t6%"*/
T!$t !* &s "*8*2 is obvious.
T!$t !* +o*s'Et 9o2) worries me.
T!$t 7o5 !$8* o%* *$2"7 is very good.
2C $C T - 9o2+ P t6%*&) P *7"*% P t6%"*/
D!$t 7o5 o5g!t to s$7 is very important.
D!*2* !* 9*'t is still unknown.
<o9 5s*35" t!*s* s*'t*'*s $2* is quite clear.
-C t6%* P T ? 9o2+ P t6%*&) l don't know 9!*2* !* "&8*s.
l can't tell you 9!7 !* &s 27&'g.
lt is a mystery 9!*' !* 9*'t t!*2*.
We don't know 9!o !* &s.
3C t6%* P &3 # 9!*t!*2 P t6%*&)
He wants to know if I $' s;*$) E'g"&s!.
She asked &3 9* s$9 t!$t 3&"%.
Not: Bunlarn adlar gibi zne ve nesne olarak kullandklarna dikkat ediniz. En nemli nokta soru szcklerinin
bu tmceciklerde bir bagla grevinde olmalardr. rneklerde grldg gibi soru szcklerinden sonra dz tmce
dzeni ($ne / eylem / tmle) kullanlr.
>03$t T6%*&)"*2&
1C D!o: zne yerine, insanlarla ilgili adlardan sonra bagla olarak kullanlr.
The man is a teacher. He speaks fluently.
The man 9!o s;*$)s 3"5*'t"7 is a teacher. (&kc olarak konuan adam "retmendir.)
l saw the boy 9!o 9$s running They helped the worker 9!o 9$s ill
2C D!o%: nesne yerine, insanlarla ilgili adlardan sonra bagla olarak kullanlr.
The woman was ill. You helped the woman.
The woman 9!o% 7o5 !*";*+ was ill. (?ardm etti"ini$ kadn hastayd.)
The man is his uncle. You met the man.
The man 9!o% 7o5 %*t is his uncle.
That's the man 9!o% 9* %*t $t t!* t!*$t2*.
ls that the girl to 9!o% 7o5 "*'t t!* %o'*7S
3C D!&!: zne ve nesne yerine, canszlar anlatan adlardan sonra bagla olarak kullanlr.
The discussion was very interesting.
lt was broadcast on TV. The discussion 9!&! 9$s -2o$+$st o' TV was very interesting.
('elevi$yonda yaynlanan tartma ok ilginti.)
That is the picture. lt caused a lot of sensation.
That's the picture 9!&! $5s*+ $ "ot o3 s*'s$t&o'.
A paragraph 9!&! !$s 5'&t7 will be clear.
Eylemlerin aldg ilgeler bu ilgi baglalarndan nce kullanlabilir:
The chair o' 9!&! 7o5 $2* s&tt&'g is not safe.
(D$erinde oturdu"unu$ sandalye sa"lam de"il.)
The scientist produced a working model o' 9!&! 2*"&$-"* t*sts o5"+ -* o'+5t*+.
The headmaster, 9&t! 9!o% t!* ;$2*'ts !$+ +&s5ss*+ t!*&2 so'Es 35t52*1 advised the boy to
take up journalism. .
4C T!$t: tamamlayc (de4ining) sfat tmceciklerinde 9!&!1 9!o1 9!o% 7*2&'* kullanlabilir.
l've got a book t!$t %&g!t &'t*2*st 7o5.
Do you remember the boy t!$t I 9$s t$")&'g $-o5tS
5C D!os*: iyelik gsteren ilgi baglacdr.
We saw a girl. Her hair came down to her waist.
We saw a girl 9!os* !$&2 $%* +o9' to !*2 9$&st. ()alar beline kadar inen bir k$ grdm.)
Children 9!os* 35t52* 9* %5st s$3*g5$2+ deserve a happier world.
Sfat tmcecikleri arasnda tanmlayc ve tanmlayc olmayan (non-de4ining) tmcecikleri birbirinden ayrmak
gerekir. Bunlarn yapllar ayndr ancak birinciler tmcenin zorunlu geleri olduklar halde, ikinciler tmceyi
aklayc gelerdir, kullanl-masalar da olabilir. zellikle yazl: dilde kullanlrlar ve tmcenin teki gelerinden vir-
glle ayrlrlar. Aagdaki rneklerde l. tmcecikler tanmlayc, 2. tmcecikler tanmlayc degildir:
1C a) His father is a man 9!o -*"&*8*s &' +&s&;"&'*.
b) Aye, 9!o +o*s %7 !$&21 has moved to lstanbul.
2C a) Here's the book 9!&! 7o5 $s)*+ 3o21
b) You haven't seen my new car, 9!&! I -o5g!t "$st 9**).
3C a) Consumers 9!o -57 ;2o+5ts are only interested in the contents.
b) My wife's sister, 9!o% I !$8*'Et s**' 3o2 $ 7*$21 talks too much.
4C D!o*8*21 9!$t*8*21 9!&!*8*21 9!*'*8*21 9!*2*8*21 "kim olursa olsun, ne olursa olsun vb. anlamda
bagla olarak kullanlrlar.
D!o*8*2 telephones, tell him l am out.
You can have 9!&!*8*2 you like.
l won't mind 9!$t *8*2 you do.
Zarf Tmcecikleri
Bunlar zarf grevi yapan degiik amal tmceciklerdir. Bunlarda her bir kmenin baglalarn sralayp birer
rnekle yetinecegiz. Bu tmceciklerin tmce banda, ortasnda ve sonunda bulunabileceklerini anmsamalyz.
Tmce banda bulunduklarnda asl tmceden virglle ayrlmalar uygun olur. Ayrca bata da deginildigi gibi bu
tmceciklerin ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/ gibi tmcenin turn gelerini ierdiklerini, byle degillerse eksik olacaklarn da
Tmce banda:
A3t*2 I !$+ s5;;*21 l went to bed.
Tmce iinde:
My sister, -*$5s* s!* &s ill, will not go to school today.
Tmce sonunda:
l met him as l 9$s o%&'g o5t to s!oo".
1) Yer anlatan zarf tmceciklerinde kullanlan baglalar:
9!*2*1 9!*2*8*21 $s1 $s 3$2 $s
l know a place 9!*2* 7o5 $' -* !$;;7.
2C Zaman anlatan zarf tmcecikleri yapmnda kullanlan baglalar:
9!*'1 9!*'*8*21 while, 9!$t1 s&'*1 $s soo' $s1 $s "o'g $s1 5't&"1 t&""1 $3t*21 -*3o2*1 -7 t!* t&%*1 o'*1
$s1 'o soo'*2... t!$'1 s$2*"7... 9!*'1 'o9 t!$t.
D!*' I got to s!oo"1 the lesson had already started.
3C dnleme ve kartlk (concession and contrast) .
$"t!o5g!1 t!o5g!1 9!&"*1 9!*2*$s1 *8*'1 t!o5g!1 *8*'1 if, $s1 9!o*8*21 &' $s* t!$t1 &' s;&t* o31 &'
s;&t* o3 t!* 3$t t!$t1 +*s;&t*1 +*s;&t* t!* 3$t t!$t.
A"t!o5g! &t &s 2$&'&'g1 we shall go out for a walk.
4C Tarz anlatan zarf tmcecikleri yapmnda kullanlan baglalar: as, how, in that.
He is a disadvantage in t!$t !* $'Et s;*$) E'g"&s!.
5C Neden (cause) anlatan $ar4 tmcecikleri ba"lalar.
-*$5s*1 s&'*1 $s1 s**&'g t!$t1 3o2
l can't go to the concert -*$5s* I have 'o t&)*t.
6C Ama anlatmnda kullanlan zarf tmcecikleri baglalar:
so t!$t1 &' o2+*2 t!$t1 "*st1 3o2 3*$2 t!$t
They got up early so t!$t t!*7 %&g!t 'ot %&ss the -5s1
IC Sonu anlatmnda kullanlan zarf tmcecikleri baglalar:
so Nt!$tC1 so N%5!C... t!$t
She spoke so 9*"" t!$t *8*27o'* $+%&2*+ !*2.
JC Derece anlatan zarf tmcecikleri yapmnda kullanlan szckler :
t!*... t!*1 &' ;2o;o2t&o' $s1 'ot so N$sC... $s.
T!* quicker we walk t!* sooner we'!! get there.
KC ekinme, dlama (reservation) anlatan baglalar.
*O*;t Nt!$tC1 *O*;t 3o2 t!* 3$t t!$t
l know nothing about the accident *O*;t what he told me about it.
1LC Koul tmcecikleri (conditional clauses)
Bunlarn temel biimi vardr. (&yrntlar iin dilbilgisi kita!larna bk$.)
a) &3 P tU%*&) (!resent) P t6%* (!resent 2 4uture)
T6%* (!resent24uture) P &3 P tU%*&) (!reseni)
Bu yap olanakl, gerek durumlar anlatr.
lf you help me, l can do this. (Bana yardm edersini$, bunu ya!abilirim.)
lf he has a car, he will never stay at home.
We shall not get there on time if we miss the train.
He will be pleased if you visit him.
b) I3 P t6%*&) (s. !ast) t6%* (5ould / +0)
T6%* (5ould / +0) &3 P t6%*&) (s. !ast)
Bu yapda gemi zaman eylemi kullanlmakla birlikte olgu imdiki zaman olgusudur; ancak gerek degil
gerege aykr, varsayma dayal durumlar anlatlmaktadr.
lf l were you, l wouldn't take the exam. ()i$in yerini$de olsam bu snava girme$dim.)
lf he had a car, he would never stay at home. (&rabas olsa, asla evde durma$d.)
We would get wet if we didn't bring our umbrellas. lf l had a million dolars, l would take a long
3C T6%* (5ould 2 might 2 could /have / +E) P &3 P t6%*&) (!ast !er4ect) / if + t6%*&) (!ast !er4ect) P
t6%* (5ould 2might2could / have / +E)
nceki iki yap imdiki zamanla ilgili koullar anlattklar halde bu yapda gemile ilgili gerege aykr koullar
dile getirilir. evirilere dikkat ediniz.
lf you had wanted to pass your exam, you would have studied much harder for it. ()navda gemek
isteseydini$, ok daha iyi alrdn$.)
l could have told him what to do if l had known how it worked. (Fasl alt"n bilmi olsam ne
gerekti"ini ona syleyebilirdim.)
lf he had lain quietly as instructed by the doctor, he might not have had a second heart attack.
(>oktorun sylemi oldu"u gibi kmldamadan yatm olsayd ikinci bir kal! kri$i geirmeyebilirdi.)
Not: ok zel durumlar dnda if bulunan tmcecikte 9&"" ya da 9o5"+ kullanmamaya zen gsterilmelidir.
B$5s$t&8* # Ett&2g*' @$;0
<$8* ve g*t eylemleriyle yaplr, zellikle iki rnege gre dzenlenir.
1C to !$8* so%*-o+7 +o so%*t!&'g (birine birey ya!trmak)
l had the boy wash my car. ((ocu"a arabam ykattm)
l got the boy to wash my car.
She'll have the doctor vaccine her baby.
She'll get the doctor to vaccine her baby.
2C to !$8* so%*t!&'g +o'* # to g*t so%*t!&'g +o'*
You can have the thesis typed. ('e$i daktilo ettirebilirsini$).
We are getting the living room painted.
They might have had the locks changed.
3C zellikle %$)* ve "*t bu yapda kullanlr. (9ylemlerin durumuna dikkat edini$.)
That doctor %$+* Ali g&8* 5; smoking.
His father %$+* John go to the dentist.
We "*t him s;*$) at the meeting.
D&s!?t6%*&)"*2& dilek anlatmnda kullanlr. imdiki zamanla ilgili dilek iin 9&s! P s&%;"* ;$stR gemile
ilgili dilek iin 9&s! P ;$st ;*23*t kullanldgna dikkat ediniz.
l wish l were in istanbul. (:eke istanbul-da olsam.)
He wishes he were a king.
l wish l hadn't said that.
We wish we had bought that car last yar. (* arabay keke geen yl alm olsaydk.)
'g&"&=* +* >o25 @$;%$
1C B* (am, is, are, 5as, 5ere) ve kipliklerin (can, may, 5ill, vb.) bulundugu tmceleri soruya evirmek iin
bunlar tmcenin bana getirilir.
l can swim. B$' l (you) s5imG
They will come tomorrow. Will they come tomorrow?
She was at home. D$s she at home?
2C K&;"&) ve -* yoksa +o1 +o*s (sim!le !resent) ve +&+ (sim!le !ast) kullanlr.
We like bananas. Do we like bananas?
He gets up late. Do*s he get up late?
They wrote the letter. D&+ they write the letter?
Bu iki kme sorulara yant vermek iin 7*s ya da 'o ile balamak gerektigini anmsamalyz. Ayrca, +o1 +o*s
ve +&+ ile kipliklerin soru yapmak iin ayn tmcede kullanlmayacaklar da aktr.
3C Birden ok yardmc eylem ve kiplik varsa soru iin birincisi tmcenin bana alnr.
He can have finished it. B$' he have finished it?
lt will have been completed. D&"" it have been completed?
4C Yukardaki kiplik ve yardmc eylemlerden nce soru szckleri kullanlabilir. (5hat, 5here, 5hen, 5hy, vb.)
What are you doing?
When will they go tomorrow?
When did he come yesterday?
How can we help him?
nemli nokta, soru szcgnn yantn aradg geyi tmceden karmaktr:
He works in the library every day.
Who works in the library every day?
Where does he work every day?
When does he work in the library?
5C Soru szckleri zne yerine kullanldklarnda do kullanlmaz.
Who left the door open?
Which is more expensive?
What happened?
6C ingilizce de +*.&" mi karlg eklenti soru (tag 6uestion) yapmak iin kiplik ve yardmc eylemler kullanlr.
Bunlar olmadgnda +o kullanlr. Olumlu tmceler iin olumsuz, o"5%s5= tmceler iin olumlu eklenti
soru sorulduguna dikkat edilmelidir.
lt is cold, isn't it?
She can speak French, can't she?
The meeting hasn't started, has it?
You like apples, don't you?
l gave you a check, did l?
l didn't give you a check, did l?
l am late, aren't l?
They haven't seen me, have they?
They have seen me, haven't they?
She could do it, couldn't she?
She couldn't do it, could she?
Let's go, shall we?
Give me a hand, will you?
Do sit down, won't you?
&'g&"&=* +* O"5%s5= @$;0"$2
1C Yardmc eylem ve kipliklere 'ot eklenerek yaplabilir.
l can swim. l can't swim. (H cannot s5im)
l was cold. lt wasn't cold. (Ht 5as not cold)
We'll come. We won't come / We will not come.
She is running. She is not running.
We have forgotten you. We haven't forgotten you.
2C Yardmc eylem ve kiplik yoksa +o'Et1 +o*s'Et1 7$ +$ +&+'Et kullanlr.
l drink milk in the morning. I +o'Et +2&') milk in the morning?
He drinks milk in the morning. He +o*s'Et +2&') milk in the morning.
They went to lstanbul. They +&+'Et go to lstanbul.
3C Buyruk tmcelerinde +o'Et kullanlr.
Open the door. Don't open the door.
Be rude. Don't be rude.
4C Kimi szcklesin bulunmas tmceye olumsuz anlam verebilir: '*8*21 s*"+o%1 2$2*"71 !$2+"7.
He '*8*2 gets up late.
They can !$2+"7 speak French.
She is s*"+o% at home.
Bu szcklerin bulundugu tmceler ayrca olumsuz yaplmaz.
5C Olumsuz soru yapmak iin yardmc eylem ve kipliklere 'ot eklemek yeterlidir.
Do you speak English? Don't you speak English?
Can they swim? Can't they swim.
Will you see him? Won't you see him?
!s he thirsty? lsn't he thirsty?
Resmi kullanmda yardmc *7"*% P ,='* P 'ot yaps kullanlr.
Does she not speak English?
Have you not visited your uncle yet?
A B2&*3 A"oss$27 o3 Bo22*t Us$g*
1C A, AN (art) Before consonant sounds, use a; before vowel sounds, use $'
They left an hour ago.
l will attend a university next semester.
2C ACCEPT (i) EXCEPT (!re!)
They accepted my invitation.
Everyone except me attended the meeting.
3C ADVlCE (n) ADVlSE (n)
His advice 9$s very useful.
l advise him to buy a car.
4C AFFECT (v), EFFECT (n) The verb $33*t means to influence and the noun *33*t means the result.
Pollution affects everyone.
The effect of the drug is well known.
5C ALMOST (adv). MOST (ad7. !ron) The adverb $"%ost is used with verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs to
mean nearly but not completely. Most means the majority or greatest part.
Almost all students work very hard.
Most students work very hard.
6C ALREADY (adv). ALL READY (ad7). A"2*$+7 means before the time specified; $"" 2*$+7 means completely
The movie had already begun by the time we arrived.
The president was all ready to go on vacation.
IC AMOUNT, NUMBER (n) A%o5't 2*3*2s to non-count items; '5%-*2 refers to countable items.
The amount of money you have is not enough.
The number of students in the program is increasing.
JC BARELY, HARDLY, SCARCELY (adv). These words have a negative meaning and cannot be used with
other negative words.
l could -$2*"7 see him.
>$2*"7 had the picnic begun when the rain started.
KC BESDE, BESlDES (!re!). B*s&+* means next to; -*s&+*s means in addition to.
He sat -*s&+* the pretty girl.
He has a bicycle -*s&+*s a car.
1LC BETWEEN, AMONG (!re!). B*t9**' refers to only two persons or things; $%o'g refers to three or more
persons or things.
There is little difference between the two ideas.
There is little difference among the three ideas.
11) CLOTHES (n), CLOTHE (v), CLOSE (adj, prep. v)
The man was wearing old, dirty clothes.
She lives close to the university.
He has to work hard to feed and clothe his large family.
The store closes at midnight.
12C COMPARED (v, ad7), Bo%;$2*+ 9&t! is used to indicate differences, while o%;$2*+ to is used to point
out similarities.
He compared the crowd with the larger crowds of previous years.
He compared the crowd to a swarm of angry bees.
13C COMPLEMENT, COMPLlMENT (v, n) A o%;"*%*'t is something that completes something else. A
o%;"&%*'t is a statement of approval or congratulations. The related verbs have the same sense.
A subject complement follows the verb "to be.
She got many compliments on her new ring.
The brown walls complement the generally dark effect of the room.
She complimented him on his cooking.
14C COSTUME, COSTUM, COSTUMS (n), Bost5%* refers to clothing; 5sto% refers to a traditional practice
or habit; 5sto%s means the agency for collecting duties, emposed by a country on imports or exports.
She wore a beautiful custume to the party.
Customs differ from country to country.
You must pass through customs when you enter a country.
15C COUNClL (n), COUNSEL (v, n), A o5'&" is an official group. Bo5's*" %*$'s to g&8* $+8&*. The noun
o5's*" means advice.
The city council meets every week.
His doctor counseled him to stop smoking.
His counsel was useful to us.
16C DESERT (n, v). DESSERT (n)
lt is very hot and dry in the desert.
The camp was deserted.
Her favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream.
1IC DlFFER (v), DlFFERENT (ad7). Both words are followed by 32o% and not them.
My current teacher differs in method from my last one.
The ending of the book was different from what l expected.
1JC FARTHER, FURTHER (ad7. ad7 2 adv). F$2t!*2#352t!*2 refers to distance; only 352t!*2 is usd to mean more
time, degree, or quantity.
Let's not walk any farther / further,
l will give you further information later.
1KC FEWER, LESS (ad7. !ron) F*9*2 is used with countable items, "*ss is used with non-count items.
He spent fewer hours studying for the exam.
He spent less time studying for the exam.
2LC FORMER, FlRST (n, ad7) Fo2%*2 refers to the first of two persons or things named. F&2st refers to the first
of three or more persons or things named.
Both Mary and Jane were invited, but only the former came.
Ann, Jane, and Amy are sisters, but the first was adopted.
21C FORMERLY, FORMALLY (adv), Fo2%*2"7 means previously or earlier; 3o2%$""7 means in a formal
Elizabeth was formerly called Betty.
You are too formally dressed for an outdoor picnic.
22C FORTH, (adv), FOURTH (ad7), Fo2t! means in a forward direction; 3o52t! 2*3*2s to the place in numerical
order coming after third.
She rocked the baby back and forth until he fell asleep.
You are the fourth person to ask that question.
23C HAD BETTER, WOULD RATHER (v) <$+ -*tt*2 expresses advisability; Do5"+ 2$t!*2 expresses
l had better study tonight.
l would rather watch television than study.
24C lTS (ad7), lT'S (!ron / v)
The cat drank its milk and washed its ears.
lt's time to go home.
25C KlND, SORT, TYPE (n), These words may be singular or plural. When the word is singular, it is modified by
this or that; when it is plural, it is modified by these or those.
l like this kind of cookie l like these kinds of cookies
He always buys that sort of since He always buys those sorts of shoes.
They enjoy reading that type of book. They enjoy those types of books.
26C LATER (ad7, adv), LATTER (!ron, ad7), LAST (adI). L$t*2 is the comparative from of late, "$tt*2 refers to
second of two persons or things named; "$st refers to the final person or thing.
The movie began later than we expected.
Both Frank and Philip are likeable, but the latter is more intelligent.
December is the last month of the year.
2IC LAY, LlE (v), T!* 8*2- "$71 which means to put or place, can be active or passive and take an object. The
verb "&*1 when it means to repose, is never passive and never followed by and object.
L$7 (laid, laid, laying) He laid the book aside.
L&* (lay, lain, lying) He lay down on the bed.
2JC LlE, LlE (v), The verb "&* meaning to repose had different principal parts from the verb "&* which means not
to tell the truth.
L&* (lay, lain, lying) He lies in bed until noon.
L&* (lied, lied, lying) He lies, cheats, and steals.
2KC LlKE (!re!), SUCH AS (!re!), AS lF (con7), L&)*1 which is followed by an object, means resembling; s5!
$s means for example; $s if means $s t!o5g! and introduces an adverb clause of manner.
He looks like his father. (resemblance J like / noun)
Fruits such as oranges and grapefruit grow in Antalya. (e8am!le J such as / noun)
He looks as if he is tired, (manner J as i4/ clause)
3LC LOOSE (ad7), LOSE (v) LOOSEN (V)
l need a screw driver to tighten the loose screws.
He is losing weight very quickly.
She was saddened by the loss of her wedding ring.
l am loosening the screws.
31C MAYBE (adv), MAY BE (v), M$7-* means possibly or perhaps; %$7 -* is a verb form indicating that a
possibility exists.
Maybe you will find the wallet you lost.
She may be late.
32C PASSED (v). PAST (ad7. !re!)
The car passed the house very slowly.
The boy ran past the house.
33C PEACE, PlECE (n) Q*$* means the opposite of war or other conflict; piece means part of a whole :
Peace came after long years of war.
He sold a piece of his land.
34C PERSONAL (ad7), PERSONNEL (n) Q*2so'$" means private; ;*2so''*" refers to the workers or staff of a
lt is difficult to discuss personal problems.
All personnel must attend the meeting.
35C PRECEDE, PROCEED (v), Q2**+* means to come before something else; ;2o**+ means to go forward
or continue.
The subject usually precedes the verb.
After a brief interruption, we proceeded with class.
36C PRlNClPAL (n, ad7), PRlNClPLE (n) Q2&'&;$" means primary or very important and is also the title given to
the director of a school; ;2&'&;"* means a belief or doctrine.
The principal side effect of the drug is drowsiness.
He has been principal of that high school for many years.
The experiment demonstrated a basic scientific principle.
3IC QUlET (ad7), QUlTE (adv), T5&*t is the opposite of noisy, G5&t* can mean completely or fairly.
After the children left, the house was quiet.
She is quite beautiful.
The film was quite good.
3JC RAlSE, RlSE (v), R$&s*1 which means to lift, takes an object and can be either active or passive; rise,
means to ascent or increase, is never passive and never takes on object.
raise, (raised, raised, raising) They raised the flag.
rise (rose, risen, rising) Prices have risen sharply.
3KC SET, SlT (v), >*t1 which means to put or place, takes an object and can be either active or passive; s&t
which means to seat oneself, is never passive and never takes an object.
set (set, set, setting) She set the flowers on the table.
sit (sat, sat. sitting) They were sitting on the porch.
4LC >TATIONAR@ (ad7), STATlONERY (n), >t$t&o'$27 means permanent, not changing places; st$t&o'*27
refers to paper for writting letters.
After remaining stationery for two days, the cold front finally moved west.
She wrote the letter on university stationery.
41C SUPERlOR (ad7), >5;*2&o2 is always used to compare two persons or things and is followed by to and not
than. lt cannot be qualifid by the words more or most.
Her score is superior to his.
42C THElR (ad7), THEY'RE (!ron / v), THERE (adv)
They left their books at home. Please put your books over there.
They're studying for the examination.
The report was very thorough.
He walked through the room.
44C TO (!re!), TOO (adv), TWO (ad7)
The children walk to school every day.
You are working too slowly.
l lost two books yesterday.
45C WEATHER (n), WHETHER (con7)
The weather is warm in the spring.
He hasn't decided whether or not to go.
46) WHO'S (!ron / v), WHOSE (ad7).
Who's giving the party?
No one knows whose coat this is.
K*7 to $--2*8$t&o's
adj adjective
adv adverb
art article
conj conjunction
n noun
prep preposition
pron pronoun
v verb
1. BLM
IC EO"%$)E (to be) eyleminin (-dir, -tr, -dur vb) Trke'de oldugu gibi ingilizce de de (to be) nemli bir ilevi
Trke'de bu eylemin degiik trden eylemlere eklenen degiik biimleri varsa da, nc ahs biimi (-dr,
-dr vb) zellikle adlara eklenerek ad tmcecikleri oluturur. EO"%$)E eyleminin kullanldg temel kalp
> P BE
a) ='* P olmak (is, $2*1 $%C P $+ ,-*.& N'o5' ;!2$s*?NQC
I $% $ t*$!*2# Ben bir gretmenim.
You $2* a student / Siz bir grencisiniz.
lron &s a metal / Demir bir madendir.
b) ='* P o"%$) P s03$t N> P BE P A+HC
The answer is wrong / Cevap yanltr.
He is not very intelligent / O pek zeki degildir.
Overweight &s bad for health / Fazla kilo saglga zararldr.
> P BE
c) ='* P o"%$) P &"g*/ ,-*.& NQ2*;os&t&o'$" ;!2$s*C
The factor is outside the town (Fabrika kasabann dndadr.)
Are you susceptible to disease? / (Hastalklara kar duyarl msnz?)
1. ingilizce de iki trl ad vardr: ogul yaplabilen (count noun; rn, book, boy, letter vb.) ve genelde ogul
olarak kullanlmayan adlar (rn. money, metal, water vb.) Bunlarn bilinmesi tekil (is) ve ogul (are)
eylemin seimi bakmndan nemlidir.
2. Trke'de o"%$) eylemi kimi zaman kullanlmayabilir (yukarda ayra iinde de gsterilen rneklerde
oldugu gibi) ancak ingilizce de &s1 $2*1 $% kullanlmadan yukardaki kalplarla tmce yaplamaz.
3. Trke'de olmak eyleminin tmcenin sonuna geldigine, ingilizce de ise zneden hemen sonra geldigine
dikkat edilmelidir.
1C T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Mars is a planet.
2 Deserts are dry regions.
3 Soil is an invaluable natural resource.
4 The heart is a cone-shaped organ.
5 The punishment is a cruel act.
6 Rheumatic fever is now a preventable disease.
7 Doctor's bills are an unexpected expense.
8 Childhood is the happiest time of life.
9 Snakes are reptiles.
l0 Blood is a thick red fluid.
ll Transport is another vital factor in tourism.
l2 The sun is the center of the solar system.
l3 Middle-aged men who are overweight and suffering from stress are typical victims of heart
l4 This is the hall where the last meeting was held.
l5 Today is the eighth anniversary of our wedding.
2C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& zne + o"%$) P $+ ,-*.& N> P BE P NQC 7$;0s0 )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Altn bir madendir.
2 Akciger bir organdr.
3 ekirdek atomun merkezidir.
4 Bu bir beceri eksikligidir.
5 Yeni tesisler nerede (dir) ?
6 Az bilgi tehlikeli bir eydir.
7 Ya, kiinin grenimine devam etmesi iin bir engel degildir.
8 iitme cihaz soruna tam bir zm degildir.
9 (O) geleneksel mimarinin gayet gzel bir rnegidir.
l0 Kahve blgenin balca dviz kaynagdr.
ll isizlik ve gizli isizlik belki de Trkiye'nin en ciddi sorunlar (dr).
l2 Birlemi Milletler Tekilat'nn esas amac nedir?
3C ='* P o"%$) P s03$t N> P BE P A+H.C 7$;0s0 )5""$'$2$) T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The retina is very sensitive.
2 The action is legal.
3 Her illness is cronic.
4 His passport is valid.
5 The pain is unbearable.
6 Water is necessary for life.
7 Temperatures in the desert are very high during the day.
8 Poetry is as serious and important as philosophy.
9 From the point of view of health. the town is not comparable with the country.
l0 We are very concerned about our father's illness.
ll Are you content with the quality of the teaching?
l2 This document is important to our case for the defense.
l3 Children's bones and organs are very sensitive to radiation.
4C ngilizce'ye /*8&2&'&=.
l Devamszlk ok yksek.
2 O beyanatn dogrulugu tartmal (dr).
3 lkenizde boanma yaygn mdr?
4 Fotograf makinas ile gz birok ynden benzerlik gsterirler.
5 Bu ila zararldr.
6 Onun grleri benimkilerinden pek farkl degil.
7 Parasz tbbi tedavi hakknz var m?
8 Cesareti en yksek vgye deger.
9 Tifo, paratifo, dizanteri, ocuk felci, viral hepatitis ve gda zehirlenmesi blgede yaygn olup belirli
aralklarla kolera ba gstermektedir.
l0 Dudaktan okuma zor olup, ar dikkat gerektirir.
ll Kurtlar artk hemen hemen yok oldular.
l2 tham yanl ve haksz (dr).
l3 u sra hkmetin ne kadar yetersiz oldugunu sylemek moda oldu.
l4 Yaygn reklam yaplan birok agr kesici etkili degildir.
5C T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The old man is at the point of death.
2 Many industrial accidents are due to carelessness.
3 The lobule is outside the skull.
4 The middle ear is between the outer ear and the inner ear.
5 Today Turkish economy is again at a turning point.
6 Benz's first car is now in a museum in Munich.
7 Are you against children watching TV?
8 ls the weather in the North very different to that in the South?
9 This programme is all about nuclear power.
l0 Dr. Steward is in favour of a low-fat, low cafeine diet for those with oily skin.
ll We are on your side.
6C ='* P o"%$) P ilge ,-*.& Ns P BE P Q2*; QC 7$;0s0 )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Makina bozuk.
2 Saglk durumu iyi (dir).
3 Her ey dzenli (dir).
4 apkalarn modas geti.
5 Savata degiliz.
6 imdi ok gln bir durumdayz.
7 Hepimiz derin bir ok halindeyiz.
8 irket mali sknt iinde.
9 Proje daha planlama aamasnda.
l0 grenci bursu alyor.
ll Kalp, yaklak yumruk byklgndedir.
IIC EO"%$)E eyleminin gemi biimi de (d, du, t, tu vb) ayn kalplarla kullanlr.
$C ='* P o"%$) N9$s#9*2*C P $+ ,-*.& (S + BE + NQC
The writer was woman / Yazar kadnd.
The signature was not $ forgery / imza sahte degildi.
Were you $ teacher? / gretmen miydiniz?
They were scientists / Onlar bilim adam idiler.
-C ='* + "olmak + s03$t (S + BE + A+H.C
I was ill yesterday / Dn hastaydm.
The results were doubtful / Sonular kukuluydu.
Was she unhappy? / O mutsuz muydu?
They weren't successful / Onlar baarl degildiler.
The method was not new / Yntem yeni degildi.
C ='* P o"%$) P &"g*/ ,-*.& (S + BE + Q2*; QC
She was at the university / O niversitedeydi.
You were in hospital yesterday / Dn hastanedeydiniz.
The photographs were not in the box / Fotograflar kutuda degildi.
The employer was at the office / veren dairedeydi.
My friends were in the garden / Arkadalarm bahedeydiler.
IC T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The family were immigrants.
2 Kathy was $ difficult child in many ways.
3 lt was completely my own fault.
4 The interest was thirty per cent a month.
5 He was the producer of several TV shows.
6 Her death was a great grief to him.
7 He was one of Hollywood's most enduring and respected actors.
8 That was the initial response to my question.
9 My last offence was robbery with violence.
l0 lt was just the restlessness that my mother complained of.
JC ='* P 9$s#9*2* P $+ ,-*.& N> P9$s1 9*2* P NQC 7$;0s0 )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Gen adam bir politikacyd.
2 Ben bir Beatles hayranydm.
3 O prensip sahibi bir kadnd.
4 Kaba bir akayd.
5 Benim hatam degildi.
6 Kemer'de ilk gecemizdi.
7 Dn resmi tatildi.
8 Hastalgnn daha nceki gnahlar karlg bir ceza olduguna inanyordu.
9 Kalp at, birka saat, dakikada 20 oldu.
l0 sizlik son seim kampanyas sresince anahtar bir sorun oldu.
KC T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The film was boring.
2 The pillow was hard.
3 She was fluent in Spanish.
4 The venture was not financially successful.
5 The government was responsible to the electrote as a whole.
6 She was pre-occupied.
7 His look was expressive of gratitude.
8 l was not aware of your intention.
9 The teacher was angry with the pupils for talking in class.
l0 This system was extremely economical because it ran on half-price electricity.
1LC ='* P 9$s#9*2* P s03$t N> P 9$s # 9*2* P $+H.C 7$;0s0 kullanarak 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Sonular akla yatknd.
2 Kk kz zihinsel zrlyd.
3 Onun ii her zaman mkemmeldi.
4 Dairesinin kiras hafta gecikmiti.
5 Yapraklar uzun ve dikenliydi.
6 "Fotografn kalitesi ktyd.
7 aresizdim.
8 Siyah gzleri fke ve kstahlk doluydu.
9 Gelir tahminleri ar iyimserdi.
l0 Hkmete olan inancnn son derece sarsldg akt.
11) T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l l was in London at the time of my father's death.
2 The town was under seige for two months.
3 Half of the letter was in English and the rest in French.
4 Robert was in his pyjamas.
5 The trouble was in the electrical system.
6 He was always on at me about the way l dressed.
7 The Pyramids were among the Seven Wonders of the World.
8 All our efforts to rescue him were in vain,
9 None of the royal family were in residence at the palace at that time.
l0 Was your teacher in a bad temper in your last lesson?
12C ='* P 9$s#9*2* P &"g*/ ,-*.& N> P 9$s # 9*2* P ;2*; ;C )5""$'$2$) I'g&"&=?*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Hepimizin nefesi kesilmiti.
2 Marmaris'te tatildeydik.
3 Sergi, Trk-ingiliz Kltr Dernegi'ndeydi.
4 Plann lehinde mi yoksa aleyhinde miydiniz?
5 Hastanede nbetiydim.
6 Sigaramz bitmiti.
7 Bir sre sigortada altm.
8 Proje geen hafta tartlyordu.
9 Madde gndemde yoktu.
l0 ran ve lrak geen yl savayordu.
$C ='* P !$8*#!$s NgotC P t6%"*/ N> P !$8* / !$s got + o%;"*%*'tC
Translation has some difficulties / evirinin baz glkleri vardr.
My mother has got two sisters / Annemin iki kz kardei vardr.
Do you have any brothers or sisters? / Hi erkek ve kzkardeiniz var m?
The company has a reputation for efficiency / irket becerisi ile nldr.
Resmi dilde !$8*1 gndelik dilde !$8*#!$s got kullanlmas daha uygundur.
13C T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l We have a higher standard of living than they have.
2 She has lots of fillings.
3 Television has bad effects on people.
4 Cultures have definite patterns.
5 He has no ear for music.
6 The brain has three main divisions.
7 She has got a scarf over her head.
8 lron and lead have a high density.
9 lt has a volume of approximately 6 cc.
l0 She has less confidence than l expected.
ll Goods have little value unless they are in the right place at the right time.
l2 Veins have thin walls and are inelastic.
l3 The oceans have an effect on the climate of adjacent land.
l4 Both the eye and the camera have a lens.
l5 The lrish have twice as many dishwashers as the British.
14W A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& have/has got )5""$'$2$) ngilizceye /*8&2&'&=.
l iyi bir iim var.
2 Dnyann bir uydusu vardr.
3 Haddinden fazla bo zamanmz var.
4 Atmosfer ortalama l300 kilometre ykseklige sahiptir.
5 ogu bitkinin yeil yapraklar vardr.
6 Nil'in 6690 kilometre uzunlugu vardr.
7 ok yumuak kalpli.
8 Baka seeneginiz yok.
9 Haber spikeri nezleli.
l0 Gelecege gvenimiz onlardan daha fazla.
ll ller pek az yag alr.
l2 Diim fena halde agryor.
l3 Kendisine pek az gveni var.
l4 ocuklar zerinde pek az kontrol var.
l5 Ne kadar atei var?
-C yelik anlatmak iin iyelik sfatlar N%71 7o521 !&s1 !*21 o521 7o521 t!*&2C ile iyelik zamirleri N%&'*1 7o52s1 !&s1
!*2s1 &ts1 o52s1 7o52s1 t!*&2sC de kullanlr. rnekleri inceleyiniz;
My sister is a student / Kardeim grencidir. '
Mine is a teacher / Benimki gretmendir.
He has lost his pencil / Kalemini kaybetti.
Their house is very small / Onlarn evi ok kktr.
15C Trke'ye /*8&2&'&=.
l Her illness is the reason for my coming.
2 Their residence papers are ready.
3 She could feel her heart beating wildly.
4 On the anniversaries of his death, at five minutes past nine on November l0th l938, all traffic steps and
a two-minute silence is observed.
5 lts mountains are full of minerals.
6 His case is being dealt with in accordance with lslamic law.
7 He's done his best.
8 The group held its first meeting last week.
9 The future is yours, don't let them take it from you.
l0 People don't want to tie their money up for long periods.
16C Aagdaki tmceleri iyelik sfat N%71 7o521 !&s1 !*21 &ts1 o521 t!*&2C ve zamirleri N%&'*1 7o52s1 !&s1 !*2s1
o52s1 t!*&2s) kullanarak ngilizce'ye eviriniz.
l Suzan eski bir arkadamd.
2 Onu kendi gzlerinizle grnz.
3 O, kendi kabahatiydi, onlarn degil.
4 Hamilelik esnasnda sigara ien bir kadn ocugunu vaktinden nce dogurabilir.
5 Plan bekledigimizden daha baarl oldu.
6 Ateini ltm ve 40 C idi.
7 gretmenler, grencilerinin nnde sigara imemeye gayret etmelidir.
8 Davran iin zr diledi.
9 Ceketinizin her tarafnda amur yar.
l0 Tom'un arabas benimkinden daha gvenli.
Ms 8* o3M
$C T*)&" $+ ,-*.& P Es P $+ ,-*.& P &s#$2* P t6%"*/ (FK/ E> P NQ P is/are + comp.)
The boy's coat is very old / ocugun ceketi ok eski.
People's feelings are also important / nsanlarn duygular da nemlidir.
A/0)"$%$ :
l. ('s) canl adlara eklenir ve -nin, -nn (iyelik) anlamn verir.
2. Tekil adlara ('s), ogul adlara yalnzca (') eklenir, (s) ile biten adlara ('s) eklenebilir, kimi zaman yalnzca (')
3. Deyimlerde (') ya da ('s) kullanlr: Two weeks' holiday, tomorrow's paper; out of the harm's way vb.
1IC T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The patient's anemia is unquestionable.
2 The mother's condition is serious.
3 The nurse's colleague is on leave.
4 The radiologist's office is open until 7 o'clock.
5 The physician's office is not comfortable.
6 The patient's complaint is not a good sign.
7 My brother-in -law's sister is a nurse at Hacettepe University.
8 Gamze's brother is a student in a secondary school.
9 Bill's suitcase is over there.
l0 Mrs. Browns husband is very good at math.
1JC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& NEsC 7$ +$ NEC 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$) I'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l ocuklarn elbisesi masann stndedir.
2 Bugnk snav kolaydr.
3 Kzmzn ngilizcesi iyidir.
4 Kaynpederimin sekreteri Amerikaldr.
5 Geliimin nedeni erkek kardeimin dgndr.
6 Doktorun muayenehanesi l55 St John Caddesin de'dir.
7 Avukatn brosu ok konforludur.
8 Almanya'da iilerin creti yksektir.
9 Doktorun sorumlulugu byktr.
l0 Atee'nin oglu l2 yandadr.
-C A+ ,-*.& P o3 P $+ ,-*.& X is/are + t6%"*/ (NP + of + NP + is/are + o%;.C
The difficulty of the problem is obvious / Sorunun glg bellidir.
The invention of fire is very important / Atein bulunmas ok nemlidir.
lnvestments of a bank are varied/Bir bankann yatrmlar eitlidir.
The history of mankind is full of wars/ nsanlgn tarihi (nsanlk tarihi) savalarla doludur.
Freedom of speech is an ideal of democracy / Sz zgrlg demokrasinin idealidir.
The details of the study were not clear / almann ayrntlar ok degildi.
EO3V ingilizce de canszlar iin iyelik anlatmada ('s) yerine kullanlr; -nin, -nn anlamndadr. zellikle bilim dilinde,
resmi dilde yaygndr.
1KC T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The invention of fire is an important event.
2 The history of the English language is very important in this department.
3 The quality of the goods is very important in commerce.
4 The needs of people are different from each other.
5 The visual area of the eye is limited.
6 The transport of cars is not easy nowadays.
7 The responsibility of government is very important.
8 Nationalisation of the coal industry is essential in this country.
9 The western part of Turkey is mountainous.
l0 The members of the club are on journey.
ll The witness of the event is in jail.
l2 The life story of the teacher is in the newspaper
l3 The policy of this government is not obvious.
l4 The members of the parliament are in Spain.
l5 The length of the Nile is 6690 kilometres.
l6 The heart of the computer is the central processor.
2LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& $+ ,-*.& P o3 P $+ ,-*.& P &s#$2* P t6%"*/ NNQ P o3 P NQ P &s#$2* + Comp.) 7$;0s0
)5""$'$2$) ngilizce'ye /*8&2&'&=.
l Bu tmcelerin evirisi ayr bir sayfadadr.
2 Aratrmalarnn sonulan raporda yoktur.
3 Komitenin karar onlarn lehinedir.
4 gretmenlerin ogunlugu kararn lehinde.
5 Aratrmann ne hakknda oldugu raporun bandadr.
6 Gelecek snavn tarihi duyuru tahtasnda dr.
7 isim listesi ekmecenin iindedir.
8 Ankara'daki her otelin adresi bu kitabn iindedir.
9 Btn hastalarmzn adlar bu dosyadadr.
l0 Tm grencilerin kaytlar bu dosyada degildir.
ll Dil gretiminde snf dzeni ok nemlidir.
l2 insanlk tarihinde elektrigin icad nemli bir olayd.
l3 Nkleer enerjinin bulunmas agmzn nemli bir olayyd.
l4 Sz zgrlg demokrasinin vazgeilmez bir parasdr.
l5 Hidrojenin atom numaras l (dir).
l6 Demir eksikligi bir kanszlk nedenidir.
21C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l He borrowed a book of mine.
2 A friend of John's was at the meeting.
3 A play of Shakespear's is on the Globe.
4 i have read some of Shaw's plays, but none of Shakespeare's.
5 Some friends of my brother's are pilots.
6 One of their friends is over there.
B l met some friends of Hakan's at the cinema.
8 He didn't meet any friends of mine.
9 Some of his friends are watching TV.
l0 l don't need any of Jane's books.
ll l ran into some of her friends.
l2 We are getting tired of that bad temper of yours.
22C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& Mo3M 7$;0s0'0' 75)$20+$)& )$"0;"$20'$ g,2* ngilizceye /*8&2&'&=.
l Arkadalarmdan biri Londra'da(dr).
2 Onun birka plag bende.
3 Fatih'in bir arkada elektrik mhendisidir.
4 grencilerin hepsi notlarna sevindiler.
5 Toplantdaki insanlarn ogu plana karyd.
6 (Bir) arkadam olmasna ragmen onu i iin neremem.
7 Sizin herhangi bir arkadanz benim de arkadamdr.
8 Btn misafirler Alice'nin arkadalaryd.
9 Bana problemlerinden szetme. Yeteri kadar problemim var.
l0 Babamn bir arkada ressam. Bu resmimi o yapt.
T!*2* P &s#$2* P $+ ,-*.& P N&"g*/ ,-*.&C
$C There are a lot of trees in the garden./ Bahede birok aga var.
There is a lake in the park. / Parkta bir gl var.
There was an accident at the corner of the street./ Sokagn kesinde bir kaza vard.
There is not much bread here. / Burada fazla ekmek yok.
-C There are not many trees in the park. / Parkta ok aga yok.
There isn't any cheese in the refrigerator./ Buzdolabnda hi peynir yok. .
There weren't any children in the school garden. / Okul bahesinde hi ocuk yoktu.
C T!*2* P )&;"&) P o"%$) Pt6%"*/ NT!*2* + %o+*" + be + o%;.C
There 9&"" -* a short test tomorrow./ Yarn ksa bir snav olacak.
There o5"+ -* some failures / Baz baarszlklar olabilir.
There !$8* -**' many new discoveries in the 20 th century./20. yzylda birok yeni bulular olmutur.
There %5st -* a short cut to this problem. / Bu sorunun ksa bir zm olmal.
+C ='* +kiplik X o"%$): N-*CP *7"*% yaplar there P )&;"&) P o"%$) P ,='* X *7"*% yapsna dnebilir.
Ancak l. yapda zne belirsiz olmal ve tmcede o"%$) N-*C kullanlm olmaldr.
1C ='* P *7"*% P '*s'* N> P V + OC
Something must be wrong. There must be something wrong / Yanl birey-ler olmal.
2C ='* P *7"*%P '*s'* N> P V P OC
Plenty of people are getting promotion. There are plenty of people getting promotion./ Terfi eden bir
ok insan vardr.
3C ='* P *7"*% P '*s'* P '*s'* N> P V P O P OC
Something is causing her distress. There is something causing her distress /onun cann skan birey
T!*2* &s1 t!*2* $2* seimi iin bu yapdan sonra gelen adn tekil yada ogul olmasna gre karar verilir. Eger
There'den sonra gelen ilk ad begi tekilse E&sE ogulsa E$2*E kullanlr.
There is o'* g&2" and three boys in the classroom./ Snfta bir kz ve erkek ocuk vardr.
There're t9o 5%-2*""$s and a raincoat by the door. / Kapnn yannda iki emsiye ve bir yagmurluk vardr.
23C T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l There is a long way to go still.
2 There was a hard frost last winter.
3 There is nothing more healthy than a cold shower.
4 There are some people in the waiting room.
5 l don't want there to be any misunderstanding.
6 There have always been wars.
7 Undoubtedly, there is God.
8 There's plenty of housework to do everyday.
9 There may come a time when the western nations will be less fortunate.
l0 There is only one difference between an old man and a young one.
ll There has long been a superstition among mariners that porpoises will save drowning men by pushing
them to the surface.
l2 There is a widespread belief that technology is destructive.
l3 There will be about eight billion people in the world at the beginning of the 2l st century.
l4 There are various reasons for being pessimistic about the future of mankind..
l5 There are many situations in which the ability to handle and analyse large quantities of arithmetic data
according to instructions is of great value.
24C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& t!*2* &s1 t!*2* $2*1 t!*2* 9$s#9*2* 8-. 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l O gnlerde bugnk anlamda sanayi aratrma merkezleri yoktu.
2 Herkes iin yeteri kadar yiyecek bulunacak.
3 Program (i$lenceyi) degitirmenin birka nedeni var gibi grnyor.
4 Yapacak baka birey kalmyor.
5 Onun cann skan birey var.
6 Kyde bir postane var.
7 Ona ugradgmda evde kimse yoktu.
8 Dnden kalan birka sandvi var.
9 Vardgmzda uakta hl birka bo yer vard.
l0 nmzde zor gnler var.
ll Acele etmezsek aya zaman kalmayacak.
l2 stasyonda film yldzn karlamay bekleyen bir kalabalk bulunabilir.
l3 Grnz iin sylenebilecek ok ey var.
l4 Her eyin bir yeri ve zaman var.
l5 O film iin kuyruk olmaz.
1C Z$%&2 P o3 Nt!*C P $+ ,-*.& NQ2o' P o3 Nt!*C P NQC
some of the books / kitaplarn bazlar
most of the boys/ocuklarn ogu
all of the countries/lkelerin hepsi
a few of his friends / arkadalarndan birka
a little of the liquid / svnn biraz
some of the profit / kazancn biraz
most of the energy/enerjinin ogu
A"" o3 t!* &+*$s were interesting/ D646'*"*2&' t6%6 de ilginti.
l met $ 3*9 o3 !&s 32&*'+s #A2)$+$4"$20'+$' -&2 )$/07"$ tantm.
We used up %5! o3 t!* %&")# >6t6' /o.5'5 tkettik.
You haven't considered %$'7 o3 t!* +*t$&"s # A720't0"$20' -&2 /o.5'5 gznne almadnz.
Most o3 t!* *8&+*'* was unreliable #K$'0t0' #)$'0t"$20' /o.5 gvenilmez durumdayd.
25C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Each of the students has his student's card.
2 All of the food is for us.
3 None of them is in the room.
4 Some of these boys plan to go to the U.S.A.
5 Most of the players are still thinking about last week's game.
6 Half of the students are going home now.
7 A couple of men want to stay at a hotel.
8 Both of the stories are pretty funny.
9 Many of the nurses stay in the hospital.
l0 One of the doctors wants to go to England.
ll Some of the campus is beautiful.
l2 Most of his pronunciation is good.
l3 Half of the classes are empty.
l4 All of the books are interesting.
l5 A lot of things depend on you.
l6 Both of them have mentioned having some trouble.
l7 A few of the results were correct.
l8 l didn't use any of your pencils.
l9 l want some of the vegetable.
20 l saw a couple of the new students.
26C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 75)$20+$)& )$"0-$ 57g5' o"$2$) Nso%*1 %ost1 $ 3*9 P o3 P $+ ,-*.&C 'g&"&=*V7*
l grencilerin bir ksm yurtta kalrlar.
2 Geri kalan grencilerin kampus yaknnda evleri vardr.
3 Snf arkadalarnzn ogunu grdm.
4 Mzelerin ikisini gezdi.
5 Onlar sporcularn bir ksmn grdler.
6 Parann byk bir ksmn grmedim.
7 O salatadan hi istemiyor.
8 Di macununuzun birazn kullandm.
9 Yarm sandvi yedi.
l0 Oyunculardan bir ogunu grdm.
ll Bilgilerin ogu gerekli grnmyor.
l2 grencilerin ogu kylerden gelir.
l3 Oyunculardan bir ka bugn ayrlyor.
l4 Antrenrlerin ikisi de futbol oynar.
l5 Hemirelerin ogu doktorla henz tanmadlar.
l6 Her grencinin birer teybi vardr.
l7 Binann her yeri scaktr.
l8 grencilerin ogu bu havuzda yzer.
l9 Salatann yars sizin.
20 Mhendislerden biri burada herhangi bir i bulmay beklememektedir.
2C A+ ,-*.& P o3 P $+ ,-*.& NNQ P o3 + NQC
The history of literature / Edebiyat tarihi
Freedom of speech / Sz zgrlg
The production of raw materials / Hammadde retimi
The study of language / Dil almas
Freedom of speech is an important feature of democracy./ Sz zgrlg demokrasinin nemli bir
You should study the history of literature to appreciate the new movements/ Yeni akmlar degerlendirmek
iin edebiyat tarihi almalsnz.
Not many people are interested in the study of language/ Dil almasna ok kimse ilgi duymaz.
The production of raw materials is the basis of all economies/ Hammadde retimi btn ekonomilerin
2IC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Large numbers of people live in constant fear of hunger in Africa.
2 Freedom of speech cannot exist in time of Martial Law.
3 The policy of the new government is to control public spending.
4 The existence of coal was one of the important reasons for industrialisation in England.
5 The discovery of the bacteria was a most important development in science.
6 The members of the club elected their president.
7 The professor of History was not in when the Dean came.
8 The manager of the factory was a nice man.
9 The production of raw materials has decreased recently.
l0 Dictatorship is an undemocratic form of government.
ll What is today's rate of exchange between the US dollar and the Turkish lira?
l2 The volume of water changes with pressure.
l3 The properties of a metal determine its uses.
2JC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& ,2'*)"*2* g,2* 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l grencilerin byk bir ksm yurtlarda kalr.
2 Hacettepe niversitesi'nde dilbilim grenimini gryorum.
3 Yaznn icad uygarlk tarihinde nemli bir olaydr.
4 insanlk tarihi sava ykleriyle doludur.
5 Byk kentleri aydnlatmak, gnmzde de g ve pahaldr.
6 Komite yeleri salondalar.
7 Tp grencileri snfta degiller.
8 Dnyann dndg besbelli(dir).
9 Firma, henz bu blgede petrol oldugunu kefetmi degildir.
l0 Demokratik hkmetler din zgrlgne izin verirler.
ll Fabrikann gnde l50 arabalk retim kapasitesi vardr.
l2 lgn yaklak hz saniyede 300.000 kilometredir.
1$C s03$t P t*)&" $+ P *7"*% P t6%"*/ NA+H. P NQ P &'g P V P Bo%;.C
E$! child learns in his own way / Her ocuk kendi yntemiyle grenir.
E&t!*2 bock will do / Kitaplarn herhangi biri olabilir.
E8*27 student has to learn this / Her grenci bunu grenmeli.
N*&t!*2 job is difficult / ilerin hibiri zor degil.
-C =$%&2 P *7"*% P t6%"*/ NQ2o' P V P Bo%;.C
E$! told the story in a different way / Herbiri yky degiik biimde anlatt.
E8*27o'* was ready for the exam. / Snavda herkes hazrd.
N*&t!*2 wanted to go home / Hibiri eve gelmek istemedi.
Bu szckler (a) ve (b)'deki rneklerde grldg gibi kimi zaman sfat, kimi zaman zamir olarak
2KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Each student has his own book.
2 Each question is different from each other.
3 Every student knows the answer to this question.
4 Every professional violinist practises for several hours.
5 Every player was on top form.
6 Neither book gives the correct answer.
7 Neither student knows how to borrow books from the library.
8 Neither plan really suits him.
9 Either student can answer this question.
l0 Either pencil will do.
3LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N*$!1 *&t!*21 '*&t!*21 *8*27 8-. s,=6) 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l grencilerden her biri elinden geleni yapmal.
2 gretmenlerden her biri szlemeyi imzalad.
3 Her grenci bunu grenmek zorundadr.
4 Her nite birbirinden farkldr.
5 Adamlardan herhangi birisi ii yapabilir.
6 Trenlerden biri sizi zamannda Polatl'ya gtrecektir/gtrr.
7 Hibir kitap masann stnde degildi.
8 Hibir i kolay degildir.
9 Hibir hasta odada yoktu.
l0 Hastalardan hibiri kansz degildi.
ll Her biri bu durumda ne yaplacagn bilir.
l2 Her birinin bir spor arabas vard.
l3 ikinizden biri onu yapabilirdi.
l4 kisinden biri dogrudur.
l5 Hibiri burada yok (gibi grnyor)
l6 Hibiri tam benim istedigim degil.
l7 Herkes yar iin hazrd.
l8 Herkes dikkatlice kontrol edildi.
l9 Hibiri toplantya gitmek istemedi.
20 Her biri kendi srasnda (srasyla) gelir.
C >03$t P /o.5" $+ P *7"*% P t6%"*/ NA+H. P N;" P V P Bo%;.C
>*8*2$" ;oss&-&"&t&*s can be considered / Birka olaslk dnlebilir.
M$'7 st5+*'ts went to Paris today. / Birok grenci bugn Paris'e gitti.
Bot! %*' were found innocent. / iki adam da susuz bulundu.
A 3*9 to52&sts spoke ltalian. / Birka turist talyanca konuuyordu.
F*9 ;*o;"* can speak Chinese here. / Burada ok az kimse ince konuur.
+C Z$%&2 P *7"*% P t6%"*/ NQ2o'. P V P Bo%;.C
>*8*2$" (students) remained at school after class. / Birka dersten sonra okulda kald.
M$'7 voted for him. / Bir ogu oyunu ona verdi.
Bot! came here today. / ikisi de bugn buraya geldi.
F*9 knew the story. / yky ok az biliyordu.
A 3*9 were from Canada. / Birka Kanadalyd.
*C =$%&2 P )6t"* $+0 P *7"*% P t6%"*/ NQ2o'. P %$ss N P.V P Bo%;.C
A "&tt"* t&%* was necessary to finish the assignment./devi bitirmek iin biraz zaman gerekliydi.
1. blmdeki sz beklerinin 'of kullanlmadan sz begi oluturmalar da olanakldr: rn: some books, most
boys, vb., ancak dogal olarak bu durumda anlamlar degiecektir.
2. rneklerde grldg gibi c, d ve e blmnde kullanlan szckler hem sfat, hem de zamir olarak
kullanlabilirler. te yandan bu szcklerden %$'71 $ 3*91 $""1 s*8*2$"1 $'ot!*21 %ost1 o'*1 'o'* vb. saylabilen
adlarla; "&tt"*1 $ "&tt"*1 %5!1 "*ss1 $ g2*$t +*$" o31 $ "$2g* $%o5't o3 ogul yaplmayan adlarla; so%*1 $ "ot o3 her
iki trden adla kullanlr.
31C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l All the people in the theatre enjoyed the play and clapped loudly.
2 One day you'll be sorry for what you did.
3 Both his legs were broken in the accident.
4 A lot depends on you.
5 A few teachers attended the seminar in June.
6 Several patients were discharged yesterday.
7 Many researches have been done on this subject.
8 One wanted to read, another wanted to watch TV.
9 Much will depend on what he says.
l0 Little was known about his family.
ll Much depends on the type of the tumor in the stomach.
l2 Both were found with stolen money in their pockets.
l3 Several of the students visited the museum yesterday.
l4 All enjoyed themselves.
l5 Few have academic value.
32C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 57g5' =$%&2 7$ +$ -*"g&s&= s03$t Ns*8*2$"1 -ot!1 $ 3*91 3*9 8-.C )5""$'$2$)
'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Btn dnya onun adn duydu.
2 Tm grenciler vard.
3 Her iki adam da sulu bulundu.
4 Her iki grenci de ngiltere'de bulundular.
5 Amerika'da ok az kimse bir yabanc dil konuabilir/biliyor.
6 Mzeyi gezmeye birka grenci gidiyor.
7 Otobs duragnda ok zaman yitirildi.
8 Bu konu zerine birka yntem denendi.
9 O konuda ok bilgi topland.
l0 Bu konuda ok az ngilizce gretmeni sizinle ayn grtedir.
ll ay iinde az gelime gzlendi.
l2 l0 yl nce kanser hakknda ok az ey bilinirdi.
l3 Ocak'tan nce ok kimse fiyatlar artrd.
l4 ok az kimse bunun iin ocugun ana babasn sulad.
l5 Her ikisi de bana ayn derecede iyi grnyor.
l6 Her ikisi de geen yl ngiltere'ye gitti.
l7 Pek az kimse gne enerjisinin nemini kavrar.
l8 Birka Kanadalyd.
l9 Bazlar ansl dogar.
20 Her parldayan (ey) altn degildir.
4C $+ ,-*.& P &"g*/ ,-*.& P N&"g*/ ,-*.&C NNQ P Q2*; QC
$C The difference between the results / Sonular arasndaki ayrm
The cure for this disease / Bu hastalgn tedavisi
The papers on my table / Masamn zerindeki kagtlar
-C The photograps on the back page of the newspaper / Gazetenin arka sayfasndaki fotograflar
The difficulty in the explanation of the problem / Sorunun aklanmasndaki glk
A study of the history of civilization / Bir uygarlk tarihi incelemesi
The difference between the results was significant. / Sonular arasndaki ayrm belirgindi.
They'll find the cure for this disease sooner or later. / Erge bu hastalgn aresini bulacaklar.
l haven't seen the photographs on the back page of the newspaper. / Gazetenin arka sayfasndaki
fotograflar grmedim.
Bu anlatmlarda nitelenen (head) bataki addr, bu nedenle nce ilge begi evrilmeli, ad buna eklenmelidir. ki
ilge begi kullanldgnda (b-deki rneklerde oldu"u gibi) nce ikinci ilge begi evrilmelidir. Bu yaplar eylemden
sonra da bulunabilir: l appreciate the difficulty in the explanation of the problem / Problemin aklanmasndaki
glg anlyorum.
33C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& Trke'ye /*8&2&'&=.
l The workers in the factory are not on strike.
2 The papers on the table are for tomorrow's examination.
3 The market for these goods is in the centre of the town.
4 The book about America is on the shelf.
5 The buldings on the corner belong to the Ministry of Education.
6 The majority of the members were in favour of the decisions.
7 The reasons for their imprisonment was in today's paper.
8 The comprehension questions for the passage are at the bottom of the page. .
9 Everbody approves of the policy of the government.
l0 Democracy, in Lincoln's famous definition, is "government of the people, by the people, and for the
ll All governmental officials in a democracy must serve the needs and desires of the citizens.
l2 Up to now they haven't found a cure for cancer.
l3 The doctor examined the tumor in the lung with X-rays.
l4 l do not agree with the ideas in this article in the newspaper.
l5 Today they have found a cure for some types of cancer.
l6 Preparation for an examination in English is rather difficult.
l7 The list of the names of the patients from Ankara is in this file.
l8 l haven't seen his photographs on the front page of the newspaper.
34C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N$+ ,-*.& P &"g*/ ,-*.& kullanarak) 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Kedeki ti dkkan bir kitap dkkandr.
2 niversite rektr izinde(dir.)
3 Bu sorumun cevab kitabn arkasndadr.
4 Bu tmcelerin evirisi ayr bir kitaptadr.
5 Gazetedeki deme bana ait degildir.
6 Bacaktaki kemikler krlm.
7 imen kesme makinas oradadr.
8 ehrin merkezindeki binaya "Gima" denir.
9 iverenin demeci dnk gazetelerde kt.
l0 ehir iindeki brolar otobs terminalinin yanndadr.
ll Kyn kenarndaki kulbe bir arkadama aittir.
l2 Bu hastann midesindeki rahatszlg tedavi iin bir ameliyat gerekmez.
l3 Hastalk, hastann kanndaki bir maddeden ileri gelmektedir.
l4 Bu hastanedeki hastalarn tm Ortadogu lkelerindendir.
l5 Muhalefet lideri hkmetin politikasn onaylamamaktadr.
$C ='* 4 *7"*% P too P s03$t # 3o2 %* *t.C P I'3 P t6%"*/
This grammar is too +&33&5"t 3o2 $ !&"+ to 5'+*2st$'+ / Bu dilbilgisi ocugun anlayamayacag lde zor.
-C ='* P *7"*% P s03$t P *'o5g! P t6%"*/
<* &s "*8*2 enough to 5'+*2st$'+ all this perfectly / Btn bunlar ok iyi anlayacak kadar zekidir.
C ,='* P *7"*% P *'o5g! P $+ P t6%"*/
l have *'o5g! %o'*7 to ;$7 the bill / Hesab deyebilecek kadar param var.
too sfattan nce; *'o5g! sfattan sonra, addan nce kullanlr.
35C NToo1 *'o5g! 7$;0"$20'$ +&))$t *+*2*)C T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l This exercise is easy enough for him to do without help.
2 He was considerate enough to give his seat to an old lady.
3 She was polite enough to apologize.
4 He was driving too fast to stop in time.
5 Some foreigners speak too quickly for me to understand.
6 My father's getting too old to travel.
7 The path was too slippery to walk along.
8 He's too young to know about such things.
9 She was foolish enough to believe everything l told her.
l0 The fields are too wet to be ploughed.
ll lt was too difficult for workers to find employment last year.
l2 New laws are too vague for the deprived people to benefit.
l3 He is conscientious enough to act responsibly.
l4 Any message in any language can be translated if it is clear enough.
l5 Signs are notices which are too small for partially sighted people to see.
36C Too 8* *'o5g! )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Bu problem benim zemeyecegim lde g.
2 Hasta ameliyat olamayacak lde hastayd.
3 Hesaplar bilgisayar kullanmadan yaplamayacak kadar karmakt.
4 Proje srdrlemeyecek lde pahalyd.
5 Polis hrsz yakalayacak kadar hzl koamad.
6 Bu roman birka saatte okunacak kadar ksadr.
7 Benim evlenecegim kadar iyi bir kimse degil.
8 Aknt yzlemeyecek lde kuvvetliydi.
9 Bir kazak recek kadar ynm yok.
l0 Bir dzine daha insan doyuracak kadar yiyecek vard.
ll Atom gcyle alan istasyon byk kente yetecek kadar enerji retecek.
l2 i alanlar ok sayda alabilecek kadar ucuz olmal.
l3 Kimi lkelerde toprak, zerinde birey yetitirilemeyecek lde verimsizdir.
l4 Kimi insanlar degimeyecek lde yaldr.
l5 Konuma dinlenmeyecek kadar skcyd.
DNYL @AQILAR NR*3"*O&8* ;2o'o5'sC
$C ='* P *7"*% P +,'64"6 =$%&2 P Nt6%"*/C
I "oo)*+ $t %7s*"3 in the mirror. / Aynada )*'+&%* -$)t0%.
She *'Ho7*+ !*2s*"3 very much at the party / Partide ok *."*'+&.
<* o's&+*2s !&%s*"3 a genius / K*'+&'& dahi olarak )$-5" ediyor.
-C ='* P N+,'64"6 =$%&2C P *7"*% P N+,'64"6 =$%&2C P t6%"*/ N+,'64"6 =$%&2C
My friend !&%s*"3 gave it to me. / Onu bana arkadam )*'+&s& verdi.
You must answer the question 7o52s*"3 / Soruyu )*'+&'&= yantlamalsnz.
Trke'de dnl kullanm (:endimi, kendini vb.) denilen durumlarda ingilizce de %7s*"31 7o52s*"31 !&%s*"31
!*2s*"31 &ts*"31 o52s*"8*s1 7o52s*"8*s1 t!*%s*"8*s kullanlr, (b)-deki rnekler ise ayn szcklerin vurgulama
anlamnda (o kimse, o ey, bi$$at kendisi anlamnda) kullanlmalarn rneklemektedir.
3IC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l No one was there except myself.
2 The policeman himself stopped the car in time.
3 The fault lies in ourselves, not in our stars.
4 He worked himself to death.
5 l shave myself at night to save time in the morning.
6 She stood admiring herself in front of the mirror.
7 The heirs quarreled among themselves about the terms of the will.
8 Your success in life depends very largely on yourself.
9 The Minister himself signed the letter.
l0 The thieves quarreled among themselves about the division of the booty.
ll The children are enjoying themselves.
l2 They themselves built the house.
l3 The guests enjoyed themselves at the party.
l4 l told myself there was nothing to be afraid of.
l5 l talked to the Minister himself.
l6 She loves me for myself, not for my money.
l7 The king himself gave him the medal.
l8 l saw the Dean myself.
l9 She made herself e cake.
20 You must do your homework yourself.
3JC A4$.0+$)& tmceleri dnl zamirler (reflexive pronouns) kullanarak ngilizce'ye eviriniz.
l ngilizce gretmek bal bana bir sanattr.
2 Delegelerin kendileri sizi bakan semek istiyor.
3 Kendine bir ie krmz arap smarlad.
4 Kendine bir elbise yapt.
5 Onur, kendine gvenmek zorundadr.
6 (Ben) kendim bu sorunu zemem.
7 Aye kendine ayn soruyu sordu.
8 Hakan ahsen ihtisas yapmaya ilgi duymuyor.
9 Ajda'nn kendisi onu bana verdi.
l0 Yzme havuzundan ktlar ve kurulandlar.
ll Mdrn kendisi benimle konutu.
l2 Hakan ve Fatih kazadan dolay birbirlerini suladlar.
l3 zlem bakann kendisiyle konutu.
l4 Mdrn kendisini grmek istiyorum.
l5 Dn Yldz kendisi bana telefon etti.
l6 Mdr kendim havaalanna gtrdm.
l7 Mert kendisi tam zamannda durdu.
l8 Kendine dikkat etmelisin.
l9 Omleti kendisi iin yapt.
C ='* P *7"*% P '*s'* ?t? o' o'*Es o9' # -7 o'*s*"3
He is very independent so he likes to work -7 !&%s*"3 / ok bagmsz bir kimsedir, o nedenle )*'+& )*'+&'*
almay sever.
She learnt to play the piano o' !*2 o9' / Piyano almay )*'+& )*'+&'* grendi.
The children did the assignment -7 t!*%s*"8*s. / ocuklar devlerini )*'+&"*2& yaptlar.
NOT: Bu kalp yukardaki a, b yaplarnn degiik bir biimidir.
!") A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l He translated that book into Turkish by himself.
2 The little girl travelled from Ankara to stanbul by herself.
3 They live all by themselves in that big house.
4 The baby can walk by himself now.
5 Hakan lives there on his own.
6 He learnt English on his own.
7 l can not learnt to play the violin on my own.
8 l can't draw this picture on my own.
9 Seda did her homework by herself.
l0 He answered all the questions by himself.
4LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& by oneself 8* on one's own )5""$'$2$) &'g&"&=* 7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Kendi kendime ngilizce altm.
2 Seluk btn ii kendi kendine yapt.
3 Bu makine kendi kendine alr.
4 Binann en eski ksm kendiliginden ykld.
5 Burada kendi bama yaamaktan yalnzlk hissediyorum.
6 Aye onu kendi kendine yapmak istedi.
7 Makina kendi kendine durdu.
8 ii kendi bana yapt.
9 Bugn kendi bamaym.
l0 Kendi bama onu tayamam, nk ok agr.
$C O'*1 o'*s1 t!* o'*1 t!* o'*s
We are looking for a flat. We'd like o'* with a garden. / Bir ev aryoruz. Baheli olan yegleriz.
The new designs are much better than the old o'*s. / Yeni tasarmlar eskilerden ok daha iyidir.
O'*1 o'*s bu kalpta adlarn yinelenmesini nlemek iin kullanlmaktadr.
-C O'* cannot succeed unless o'* (he) works hard. / B&2 )&%s* ok almadka baarl olamaz.
@o5 can't succeed unless you work hard. / ok almazsanz baarl olamazsnz.
O'* shouldn't get upset about stupid things. / Sama eylere cannz sk-mamalsnz.
@o5 shouldn't get upset about stupid things. / Sama eylere cannz sk-mamalsnz.
C Q*o;"*1 *8*27o'*1 *8*27t!&'g
E8*27o'* has his own problems / <*2)*s&' kendi sorunu vardr.
The ;*o;"* who live in big cities have their own problems. / Byk kentlerde oturanlarn kendi sorunlar vardr.
E'g"&s! ;*o;"* drink less than they used to / 'g&"&="*2 eskiden oldugundan daha az iiyorlar.
E8*27t!&'g on the table &s mine. / Masann zerindeki !*24*7 benimdir.
E8*27t!&'g1 *8*27o'*1 *8*27-o+7 gibi belgisiz zamirlerin ngilizce de tekil eylemlerle kullanldklarna dikkat
41C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l These ear-rings are very nice, but l prefer the more expensive ones.
2 One can go to Sivas by bus in nine hours.
3 One should never look down upon others.
4 l prefer old students to young ones.
5 There were only hard chocolates left; we've eaten all the soft ones.
6 Have you any books on linguistics? l want to borrow one.
7 l'd rather have a new car than a secondhand one.
8 The two twins are so much alike that l can't tell the one from the other.
9 l like a strong cup of tea better than a weak one.
l0 Everything has fallen out of the suitcase.
ll Everyone knows the answer to this question.
l2 Everyone is coming to the party tomorrow.'
l3 Everybody avoids making mistakes.
l4 Everyone enjoys travelling.
l5 Everything is wrong with your car.
l6 Turkish people have lived in central Asia for ages.
l7 People are very friendly all over Turkey.
l8 These people are waiting for their passports.
l9 Rich people almost had no problems.
20 The people in the village like the new teacher.
42C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& No'*1 o'*s1 t!* o'*1 *8*27o'* 8-. s,=6) &/*2*' 7$;0"$2"$C &'g&"&=* 7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Bir daire kiralamak istiyor, iyi mobilyal birini aryor.
2 Aye bir araba alacak. Siyah koltuklu (olan) birini istiyor.
3 Yeni ayakkablar eskilerden daha iyi.
4 En ok hangi biskviyi seversiniz? zeri ikolatal olanlar severim.
5 Mr. Hutchingson'un eski arabas iyi, bizim yeni olandan ok daha iyi.
6 Biri digerine syledi ve bylece haber etrafa yayld.
7 Bir kimse her zaman elinden gelenden biraz daha iyisini yapmaya alabilir.
8 (Bir) insan ancak elinden geleni yapabilir.
9 (Bir) insan byle meselelerde ok dikkatli olmayabilir.
l0 nsan bunun memleket iin iyi oldugunu bilir.
ll Herkes kendi yntemini begenir.
l2 Herkes haberi gazetede okudu.
l3 Bakan geldiginde herkes salondayd.
l4 Herey ziyan edildi.
l5 Brolarda alan insanlar ansldr.
l6 Herkes Ankara'nn Trkiye'nin bakenti oldugunu bilir.
l7 Evdeki herey yangnla harap oldu.
l8 Trk halk eskiden oldugundan daha fazla bira imektedir.
l9 Yeryzndeki tm insanlar ayndr.
20 ngiltere'nin kuzeyinde oturan insanlar ingilizceyi gneyde oturanlardan farkl bir ekilde konuurlar.
+C No o'*1 'o'*1 $'71 $'7o'*1 $'7t!&'g.
She was not interested in $'7 of them / Onlarn !&/-&2&s&7"* ilgilenmedi.
No'* of us likes him. / Onu !&/-&2&%&= sevmeyiz.
There was 'o o'* at home. / Evde )&%s* yoktu.
l have not seen $'7t!&'g in the dark room. / Karanlk odada !&/-&2 4*7 grmedim.
*C >o%*o'* *"s*1 'ot!&'g *"s*1 vb.
We don't need $'7t!&'g *"s*. # B$4)$ -&24*7* gereksinmemiz yok.
There is 'ot!&'g *"s* to do. # B$4)$ yapacak -&24*7 yok.
This is not my book. lt must be so%*o'* *"s*Es. / Bu benim kitabm degil, -$4)$ -&2&s&'&' olmal.
He wants to see so%*o'* *"s*. # B$4)$ -&2&'& grmek istiyor.
Genel olarak $'7 ve trevlerinin olumsuz ve soru tmcelerinde, so%* ve trevlerininse olumlu tmcelerde
kullanldgna dikkat edilmelidir.
43C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l None of these cars is Richard's.
2 None of us are from Kayseri.
3 None of the rooms in this hotel are very comfortable.
4 None of the boys passed his exams.
5 No one goes to Bermuda for holiday.
6 No one wants to take next Friday off.
7 No one wants to dance with Jane tonight.
8 l am studying English because there is nothing else to do.
9 Peter didn't take Jane to dance; he took someone else.
l0 l don't want to see Jim. l want to ask you.
ll There isn't anything l want to ask you.
l2 There wasn't anyone in the room when l left.
l3 Are you expecting anyone this afternoon?
l4 l haven't said anything to anybody.
l5 There isn't anything for you.
l6 This is not my coat. lt is someone else's.
l7 Has anybody got anything to say?
l8 None of the boys is suitable for this post.
l9 There was no one in the hotel that night.
20 Onur will go to bed early tonight because he has nothing else to do.
44C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N'o'*1 so%*o'*1 'o o'*1 'ot!&'g 8-. 7$;0"$2"$C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Arkadalarmdan hibiri orada degil.
2 Bu kayklardan hibirinin zel sahibi yok.
3 Hibir arkadam niversiteye yakn oturmuyor.
4 Srclerin hibiri kt bir kaza yapmamtr.
5 Kimse bana mutlu ya gn dilemedi. (Kimse dogum gnm kutlamad.)
6 Kimse ekonomiye ilgi duymuyor.
7 Dkknda almak istedigim hibir ey yoktu.
8 Onun syledigi hibir eye inanamam.
9 Baka bir ey ister misiniz?
l0 Sakin bir hayat iin hereyi yapacagm.
ll Bu soruyu baka birine sormalsnz.
l2 Yiyecek baka birey ister miydiniz?
l3 ilker dansa baka birisini gtrd.
l4 Orada hi kimse var myd?
l5 Cesur, bu akam baka birey yapmayacak.
l6 Dolapta baka hibir ey yoktur.
l7 Belki baka birisi onu yapacaktr.
l8 Arabay dn baka birisi garaja gtrd.
l9 Yapacak baka birey yok (tur).
20 Hi kimse Burcu'nun nerede oldugunu bilmiyor.
3C $ "ot o31 g2*$t +*$" o31 $ goo+ +*$" o31 a "$2g* $%o5't o31 $ '5%-*2 o3
A "ot o3 money was stolen from the bank. / Bankadan ok para alnd.
A "ot of people came to the party. / Toplantya ok insan geldi.
A g2*$t '5%-*2 o3 people came to the party. / Toplantya /o) s$70+$ insan geldi.
A "$2g* $%o5't o3 money was found in the garden. / Bahede /o) para bulundu.
A g2*$t '5%-*2 o3 yalnzca ogul yaplan adlarla, $ "ot of her iki tr adla, tekiler ise ogul yaplamayan adlarla
45C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l A lot of my friends are thinking of emigrating to England.
2 A lot of teachers were invited to the party.
3 A great deal of time was spent on this matter.
4 A good deal of money is spent on importing school textbooks.
5 A lot of this farmland is fertile.
6 A large number of books are in the next room.
7 A large amount of meat is preserved in the store room.
8 A large number of these eggs are bad.
9 A lot of information was obtained about the theft.
l0 A large number of people live in constant fear of hunger in Africa.
ll A lot of my friends mentioned seeing you there.
l2 A great number of my students want to become engineers.
46C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N$ "ot o31 $ G2*$t '5%-*2 o31 $ "$2g* $%o5't o3 8-. 7$;0"$2"$C 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Saat 8'de birok grenci burada olmayacak.
2 Doktorlarn ogu oraldr.
3 Konya'dan ok yiyecek gelir.
4 Pek ok bilgi gerekli grnmyor.
5 Birok grenci sogan orbasn sevmez.
6 Dn ok para alnd.
7 ok miktarda para yurt dna gnderildi.
8 Dn hayli para transferi yapld.
9 Misafirlerin byk bir ksm salondayd.
l0 O konu stne bir hayli aratrma yapld.
ll Ankara'da ok kimse bir yabanc dil bilir.
l2 yklerinin byk ogunlugu olduka eglendiricidir.
$C ='* P o"%$) N-*C P as P s03$t t? $s P t6%"*/
They are $s ;oo2 $s we are. / Onlar bizim )$+$2 7o)s5"+52.
Ankara is 'ot so "$2g* $s stanbul is. / Ankara istanbul )$+$2 -676) +*.&"+&2.
She is $s -$+?t*%;*2*+ $s her mother. / O annesi )$+$2 !57s5=+52.
My mother is 'ot so o"+ $s your mother is. / Annem senin annen )$+$2 7$4"0 +*.&".
-C ='* X *7"*% P $s P =$23 P $s t6%"*/
He drives $s $2*35""7 $s l do. / Benim )$+$2 dikkatli araba srer.
She sang $s -*$5t&35""7 $s you did. / Senin )$+$2 g6=*" ark syledi.
We can run $s 3$st $s they do. / Onlar )$+$2 !0="0 koabiliriz.
As...$s karlatrmada eitlik anlatmak iin kullanlr. Olumsuz biimi 'ot so / $s..$s'dir. Zarflarn karlatrmas da
ayn kalpla yaplr ancak eylemin to -* dnda bir eylem olmas gerekir.
4IC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Russia isn't so densely populated as lndia.
2 Melda is not as intelligent as her sister.
3 Burak doesn't speak English as well as her sister.
4 She came as soon as possible.
5 l don't believe that it is as cold today as it was yesterday.
6 l visit my family as often as l can.
7 My daughter doesn't work as hard as the other students.
8 Painting isn't so difficult as papering.
9 She spoke to the teacher as politely as her sister.
l0 Her daughter danced as beautifully as a dancer.
ll The porter went out as quickly as he could.
l2 Tom was dismissed as soon as he had been promoted.
l3 No story is so well known in Turkey as that of Nasrettin Hoca.
l4 No bird is so beautiful as the peacock.
l5 No mountain in the world is so high as Mount Everest.
l6 Yaar Kemal is as popular as Reat Nuri.
l7 The train is just as expensive as the bus.
l8 Unfortunately the news was as bad as we had expected.
l9 Today isn't so cold as yesterday.
20 zmir is as beautiful as lstanbul.
#$) A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N$s P =$23 # s03$t P $s 7$;0"$' )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Japonya Amerika kadar endstride ilerlemitir.
2 Kahire baz kiilerin dedigi kadar byleyicidir.
3 Et, ayakkab derisi gibi sert.
4 O katr gibi inatdr.
5 insanlarn dndg kadar aptal degildi o.
6 Kurt gibi am.
7 ()i$in) kahveniz annemin yaptg kahve kadar iyi de"il (dir).
8 O benim kadar (sk) ok almaz.
9 Ata binmek bisiklet srmek kadar kolay degildir.
l0 Burcu kz kardei kadar boyludur.
ll Mert, Onur kadar hzl araba kullanr.
l2 Fsun, Yldz kadar tehlikeli araba kullanr.
l3 Onlar mmkn oldugu kadar abuk geldiler.
l4 Seda devlerini yapmas gerektigi ekilde hazrlamaz.
l5 Bekledigim kadar erken varmad.
l6 Burak devini kz kardei kadar kolaylkla yapabilmektedir.
l7 Seluk derslere gitmesi gerektigi ekilde dzenli gitmez.
l8 O kz kardei kadar gzel ark syler.
l9 Aye arkada kadar akc ngilizce konuur.
20 Eskiden oldugu gibi mutluca caddeden aag indiler.
c) ='* P o"%$) # *7"*% P t!* s$%* P ad P as P t6%"*/
My brother is t!* s$%* $g* $s you are. / Kardeim sizinle $7'0 7$4t$+02.
Her hair is t!* s$%* o"o52 $s her mother's. / Sa annesininkiyle $7'0 2*')t&2.
dC ='* P *7"*% P $s P %$'7 # %5! P $+ P $s P t6%"*/
l have $s %$'7 32&*'+s $s you have / Benim s&=&' )$+$2 $2)$+$40% vardr.
He has $s %5! %o'*7 $s l have / Onun -*'&% )$+$2 ;$2$s0 var.
Karlatrmay nitelemenin bir baka yolu da say kullanmaktr.
e) ='* P *7"*% # o"%$) P s$70 P $s P %5! P t*)&" $+ P $s P t6%"*/
<* has t9&* $s much money $s l have. / Benim paramn iki kat paras var.
l know t!2** t&%*s $s many words as you do. / Sizin katnz szck biliyorum.
Bu karlatrmalarda %5! szcgnn daha nce belirtildigi gibi ogul yaplanmayan adlarla many'nin ise ogul
adlarla kullanldgna dikkat edilmelidir.
4KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 This is the same food as you had before.
2 Ahmet lives in the same buildings as my brother.
3 Ankara has the same climate as Sivas.
4 This patient has the same illness as that one.
5 Konya is the same distance as Nevehir.
6 My shirt is the same colour as yours.
7 l spend as much money as you do.
8 You can take as many aspirins as you want.
9 She can use as much butter as she can.
l0 You can drink as much whisky as you can.
ll We can give as many tests as we want.
l2 Ankara has as many theatres as lstanbul.
l3 l smoke as many cigarettes as you do.
l4 lstanbul is four times as big as Sivas.
l5 We give as much interest as any bank.
l6 They have half as much money as they need.
l7 l have spent three times as much money as you spent.
l8 We have twice as many students as they have.
l9 Hakan has three times as many girl friends as Orhan.
20 The teacher has twice as many students as l have.
5LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l lker benimle ayn yatadr.
2 Amazon aag yukar Nil'le ayn uzunluktadr.
3 lkbahar yazla ayndr.
4 Bu kitap o kitapla ayn renktedir.
5 Geen defa ki gibi ayn hatay yaptnz.
6 Sizin gibi dnyorum.
7 stanbul'un, zmir kadar gzelligi vardr.
8 zmir, stanbul kadar ok turist eker.
9 Burada her zamanki kadar insan yok.
l0 Dnk kadar (ok) yemek yedim.
ll O benim kadar sandvi yedi.
l2 O benim iki katm (kadar) arap iebilir.
l3 Dr. Kocaman'n Dr. Sava'n drt kat (kadar) hastas var.
l4 O kocasndan misli daha yaldr.
l5 Mr. Brown, Mr. Ford'dan drt misli daha zengindir.
l6 Fuat'n, Grkan'n iki kat kitab var.
l7 Mr. Brown'un Mr. Ford kadar ok paras vardr.
l8 Bankada sizin kadar param yok.
l9 stediginiz kadar su iebilirsiniz.
20 Kocas da kendisi kadar ok para kazanr.
NBo%;$2$t&8* D*g2**C
a) ='* P o"%$) # *7"*% P s03$t P ?*2 N%o2* P s03$tC P t!$' P t6%"*/ N> P be # V P $+H. P *2 # %o2* P $+H. P
P o%;.C
My brother is o"+*2 t!$' l am / Erkek kardeim benden byk'tr.
The Kzlrmak is "o'g*2 t!$' the Sakarya / Kzlrmak Sakarya'dan uzundur.
b) My sister &s more &'t*""&g*'t t!$' l am. / Kzkardeim benden +$!$ =*)&+&2.
This room is more o%3o2t$-"* t!$' the other one. / Bu oda tekinden +$!$ 2$!$tt02.
ngilizce de stnlk derecesinin anlatmnda tek ve iki heceli sfatlarn ogu iin -er....than kullanlr. Bu kuraln
dnda kalan sfatlardan en nemlileri good/better, bad: worse, little: less.
C ='* P o"%$) # *7"*% P %5! # 3$2 P )$24. s03$t P t!$' P t6%"*/ N> P be # V P %5! # 3o2 P o%;. $+H. P
t!$' P Bo%;"*%*'tC
I am %5! o"+*2 than you are. / Ben sizden /o) +$!$ 7$4"070%.
She is $ "&tt"* %o2* &'t*""&g*'t than l am. / O benden -&2$= +$!$ =*)&+&2.
You are 3$2 %o2* to"*2$'t than your brother is. / Siz kardeinizden /o) +$!$ !o4g,26"6s6'6=.
Karlatrmalar nitelemek iin %5!1 3$21 $1 "ot1 2$t!*21 "*ss kullanlabilir N8*27 kullanlma$).
51C T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The patient is better today than yesterday.
2 Pulse rate is usually higher after exercise.
3 Temperature is lower in the morning and higher in the evening.
4 Rose is far more sensible than Sue is.
5 ls the freezer more important than the other items?
6 Truth is stronger than fiction.
7 A city is busier than a village.
8 Electric light is safer than candles.
9 The moon is closer than the sun to the earth.
l0 lron is harder than wood.
ll She is more thoughtful than Rose and has more to think about.
2 The earth is a lot smaller than the sun.
l3 Life in lstanbul is more exciting than in Ankara.
l4 Going to a cinema is much more expensive than watching TV.
l5 Are we really happier than our ancestors were?
l6 The price by air from lstanbul to Ankara is a lot higher than the price by
l7 l have a problem that is much more complicated than that.
l8 You couldn't find anyone who is more difficult.
l9 She is better at it than l thought
20 Steak is more expensive than chicken.
52C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N6st6'"6) +*2**s& 8* '&t*"*7&& )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Jim diger erkek ocuklardan daha sonra ayrld.
2 Bu ders digerinden daha uzun grnyor.
3 Son ders bundan daha kolayd.
4 Trk yiyecekleri ngiliz yiyeceklerinden daha iyidir.
5 stanbul Ankara'dan daha byktr.
6 Bu yaz geen yazdan daha scaktr.
7 Bu k hava geen ylkinden daha ktdr.
8 Sizin arabanz benim arabamdan daha pahaldr.
9 Bu szleme bir ncekinden daha tatminkrdr.
l0 Oya kz kardeinden daha ekicidir.
ll Bu altrmalar tekilerin kimilerinden daha zordur. l2> Bu kitap u kitaptan daha ilgintir.
l3 Benim odam sizin odanzdan daha konforludur.
l4 Betty'nin arabas Jane'in arabasndan daha pahaldr.
l5 Bu kitap ondan ok daha basittir.
l6 Bu yk ondan biraz daha ilgintir.
l / undan ok daha ilgin (bir) kitabm yok(tur).
l8 Fuat, Ylmaz'dan biraz daha sk almak zorundadr.
l9 Onur, zlem'den daha aklldr.
20 Volkswagen Cadillac'tan daha ekonomiktir.
2l Bu problem ncekinden biraz daha basittir.
22 Orada fiyatlar lkenin bu kesimindekinden ok daha yksektir.
23 Benim nianlm seninkinden birazck daha aklldr.
24 nce barsak kaln barsak tan daha uzundur.
25 Demokrasi teki ynetim biimlerinden daha iyidir.
26 Bir turist iin Londra Ankara'dan daha pahaldr.
27 Kzlrmak, Sakarya'dan daha uzundur.
28 Bizim hocamz sizinkinden ok daha arkadaa (biridir).
29 O, annesinden daha ince(dir).
30 Geen yl hasat bu ylkinden daha ktyd.
d) D$!$ $= s$70 7$ +$ %&)t$2 g,st*2%*) &/&' less ve fewer )5""$'0"02. ='* P *7"*% P "*ss P t*)&" $+ P t!$' P
l have "*ss t&%* than you have / Sizden +$!$ $= =$%$'0% var.
<* ate "*ss -2*$+ than l did / Benden +$!$ $= *)%*) yedi.
='* P *7"*% P 3*9*2 P /o.5" $+ P t!$' P t6%"*/
We bought 3*9*2 -oo)s than you did / Sizden +$!$ $= )&t$; aldk.
l visited 3*9*2 &t&*s than he did / Ondan +$!$ $= )*'t grdm.
Not: L*ss saylamayan adlarla, 3*9*2 ogul adlarla kullanlr.
53C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Jane is less clever than her brother.
2 This rule has fewer exceptions than the previous one.
3 The doctor has fewer patients today than he thinks.
4 The patient needed less blood than the doctor
5 l have less time than you.
6 Mumps is less hazardous than cancer:
7 There are fewer leaves on the tree today than yesterday.
8 A Murat l24 uses less petrol than a Renault.
9 A teacher earns less money than a doctor.
l0 Oya is less pretty than Jane.
ll You and l have fewer friends than they (have).
l2 l drank less beer than you did.
54C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N"*ss#3*9*2 P $+ P t!$' 7$;0s0 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Otelin lobisi mzeden daha az kalabalk.
2 Nilfer, Ajda'dan daha az poplerdir (tutulur).
3 Ali'nin benden daha az kitab vardr.
4 Diana'nn benden daha az yapacak ii vard.
5 Dkknda her zamankinden daha az insan vard.
6 Ahmet'e ingilizce Mehmet'ten daha az g geliyor.
7 Snfmda erkekler kzlardan daha azdr.
8 Aykut devini yapmak iin gerekenden daha az zaman harcad.
9 i iin her zaman oldugundan daha az gnll vardr.
l0 Dune gre bugn snfta daha az grenci vard.
ll Bakan geen yldakinden daha az destekleyen vard.
l2 Sizden daha az param var.
e) zne P *7"*% P )$24. P $'+ P )$24. N> P V P o%;. $+H P $'+ P o%;. $+H.C
She is getting 3$tt*2 $'+ 3$tt*2 # A&tt&)/* 4&4%$'"07o2.
They are going %o2* $'+ %o2* s"o9"7. # A&+*2*) +$!$ 7$8$4 gidiyorlar.
A*t ve go bu kalpta 'gide, gide, giderek' anlamnda, srekli degiimi anlatmak iin kullanlr.
f) T!* P )$24. P t6%* P t!* P )$24. P t6%*
T!* %o2* you work, t!* %o2* you'll earn. N* )$+$2 /o) alrsanz o kadar ok para kazanrsnz.
The o"+*2 they get, t!* !$;;&*2 they are. / @$4"$'+0)/$ +$!$ /o) %5t"5 oluyorlar.
T!* soo'*2 you start, t!* *$2"&*2 you'll get there. / N* )$+$2 *2)*' yola karsanz, o )$+$2 *2)*' varrsnz
T!* "*ss you argue, t!* -*tt*2 it will be for you. / N* )$+$2 $= tartrsanz, sizin iin o ,"/6+* iyi olur.
Not: Ayn lde iki degiimin birlikte oldugunu anlatmak iin the + kar. sfat/ =$23 + the kar. sfat//zarf kullanlr.
zellikle deyimlerde daha ksa biimleri bulunmakla birlikte her iki karlatrmadan sonra en azndan zne +
yklem yapsnda bir tmce kullanmaya zen gstermelidir.
55C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l You are getting better and better every day.
2 His voice got weaker and weaker.
3 He ran faster and faster.
4 The storm became more and more violent.
5 Life is becoming more and more expensive.
6 The sooner you start, the sooner you will finish.
7 The longer he stayed there, the less he liked the place.
8 The older you get, the more cautious you become.
9 The less food you eat, the thinner you get.
l0 The harder you work, the more money you make.
ll The nearer a place is to any great body of water, sea or lake, the milder the j climate is.
l2 The higher a place is in elevation, the colder it is.
l3 The more capable a teacher is, the more effectively he can teach.
l4 The faster you drive your car, the more likely you are to have an accident.
l5 The younger the patient is, the safer the surgery will be.
l6 The more students you have in the class, the less effective the teaching ] will be.
l7 The more carefully you read the story, the better you will understand it.
l8 The more bread you eat, the fatter you get.
l9 The sooner you give up drinking wine, the better you will be.
20 The more you spoil a child, the more problematic he will be.
56C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N*?3N+*)& 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Yal adam gittike zayflyor.
2 Gittike ortalk kararyor.
3 Hava gittike soguyordu.
4 Vehbi gittike zenginleiyordu
5 Kz gittike inceliyordu.
6 Deniz gittike sakinleiyordu.
7 Adile gittike annesi gibi daha hogrl oluyor.
8 Ne kadar zengin olursan o kadar rahat yaayabilirsin.
9 Ne kadar erken yola karsan o kadar abuk varrsn.
l0 Ne kadar tehlikeli olursa o kadar houma gider.
ll Ne kadar ok insan tanrsan onlar ziyaret etmek iin o kadar z zamann olur.
l2 Orada ne kadar ok kaldysak insanlardan da o kadar az holandk.
l3 inci ne kadar byk olursa o kadar degerli olur.
l4 Ne kadar ok alrsan dl de o kadar byk olacak.
l5 Yalandka daha az hatrlamakta (dir).
l6 Ne kadar ok alrsan o kadar ok grenirsin.
l7 Hava ne kadar sogursa o kadar ok yakt kullanrz.
l8 Ne kadar gen olursak o kadar ok mit var oluruz.
l9 Ne kadar ok eyleri olursa o kadar ok ey isterler.
20 Ne kadar para yatrrsan gelirin o kadar ok olur.
5IC .2*'&"*' 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$) $4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The straighter a man thinks, the more successfully he will be able to perform his functions as a citizen.
2 One of the most striking characteristics of modern science has been the increasing trend towards closer
cooperation between scientists and scientific institutions all over the world.
3 Scientists believe that intuition is the least reliable of scientific instruments.
4 More and more information has been accumulated about man and the universe.
5 lt is becoming more and more evident that many of the problems affecting the world today cannot be
except by the pooling of scientific efforts and material resources on a world-wide scale.
6 The increasing interdependence of nations have led to international cooperation on a much bigger scale
than hirherto.
7 The star they observed was 200 times brighter and much smaller than a galaxy should be at such a
8 The so-called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is more apparent than real.
9 Liquids which weigh more than water rise less in a vacuum tube.
l0 The pressure that exists at the bottom of the ocean is greater than that of the surface.
ll We behaved worse in our youth than the present generation does.
l2 lnflation was a lot worse last year than this.
l3 They are facing a crisis more serious than any which has come before this.
l4 "l'm getting terribly fat." That's because you eat more calories than you use up.
l5 This year's party had twice as many people as last year's.
l6 There were only a third as many salesmen at the booth.
l7 The room for the party cost four times as much.
l8 This year's budget was only half as big.
l9 So Tom spent twice as much as he was supposed to.
20 The straighter a man thinks, the more successfully he will be able to perform his functions as a citizen.
2l Aluminum bronze contains approximately l9 times as much copper as aluminum.
22 Mechanical Engineering has three times as many students as Electrical Engineering.
23 Patients with a fighting spirit seem to have a better chance of recovery than those who surrender to their
24 Children, it seems to me, are closer to God and more aware of his small miracles than we adults who are
too busy to deserve the wonders of God's creation.
25 Pocket calculators are as cheap as a pair of shoes, as essential to thousands of school children as a
pencil and rubber.
26 Compared with non-smokers the cigarette smoker is about twice as likely to die of a heart attack.
27 Because of overpopulation there is more crime in the city.
28 The bodies of women contain a greater proportion of fat than the bodies of men of the same age.
29 Technology has given more people than ever the means of leading a comfortable and easy life.
30 Man has greater power over his environment than he has ever had before.
5JC T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
Every year measles kills twice as many Americans as polio now does. More children die from measles than any
other common childhood disease. Also, complications of some degree occur in about one child out of six. The more
common complications include pneumonia and ear disorders. Another after-effect of measles (brain damage) is less
common, but it can have such serious consequences that it deserves special attention.
A child may be cranky or a little slower to learn after he has recovered from measles.
Several other childhood diseases cause fever that is just as high, or even higher than that associated with
measles, but they are less likely to cause brain damage.
N>5;*2"$t&8* D*g2**C
a) > + V P t!* P A+H P *st + C
N='* P *7"*% P t!* P s03$t P *st P t6%"*/C
stanbul is t!* g2*$t*st city in Turkey. / stanbul Trkiye'nin *' -676) kentidir.
He is t!* 2&!*st %$' of all. # O *' zenginleridir.
b) > P V P t!* P %ost P A+H P A
N='* P *7"*% P t!* P %ost P s03$t P t6%"*/C
She is t!* %ost s*'s&-"* girl of all. / O *' $)"0 -$40'+$ kzdr.
lt is t!* %ost *O;*'s&8* car in the world. / O dnyann *' ;$!$"0 arabasdr..
c) > P V P t!*"*$st P $+H P B
N='* P *7"*% P t!* "*$st P s03$t P t6%"*/C
<* is t!* "*$st succesful student in class. / O snfn *' -$4$20s0= (en a$ baarl) grencisidir.
Democracy is the "*$st !$2%35" form of government. / Demokrasi *' $= =$2$2"0 ynetim biimidir.
A/0)"$%$ : Sfatlarn en stnlk derecesi, stnlk derecesinde oldugu gibi, tek ve iki heceli sfatlar iin t!* + $+H
+ *st1 daha uzun heceliler iin t!* %ost kullanlarak yaplr. Kural d olanlar: good / best, bad / worst, little / least.
5KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 This is t!* "*$st &%;o2t$'t lesson in the book.
2 This is t!* "*$st *O;*'s&8* set.
3 <* is t!* "*$st !$'+so%* boy in the class.
4 This is t!* "*$st o%%o' pronunciation.
5 Jane has t!* "*$st t2o5-"* with English.
6 Ahmet is t!* 3$st*st swimmer in our town.
7 This is t!* !$2+*st lesson in the book.
8 Nesrin Topkap is t!* -*st dancer.
9 You are sitting in t!* so3t*st chair.
l0 That was t!* *$s&*st exercise in the book.
ll He is t!* 32&*'+"&*st student of all.
l2 Semra is t!* -*st?"oo)&'g of all the girls.
l3 This is t!* !$2+*st lesson of all.
l4 The white Fonda was t!* 3$st*st of all their cars.
l5 lt is t!* %ost &'t*2*st&'g of all his books.
l6 This is t!* %ost &%;o2t$'t meeting.
l7 They chose t!* %ost +*3&'&t*1 plan.
l8 Ferda is t!* %ost ;o"&t* person in school.
l9 That is t!* %ost *O;*'s&8* food (to buy).
20 He is t!* %ost &'t*""&g*'t person that l have ever spoken to.
6LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N*' 6st6'"6) 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l O hayatmn *' %5t"5 gnyd.
2 Kzm kardein *' 5=5' ve okulun *' 7$4"0 ocugudur.
3 Bu, ehirdeki *' *s)& camidir.
4 Ahmet bildigim *' '$=&) insandr.
5 stanbul Trkiye'nin *' ,'*%"& limandr.
6 Antalya Gney Anadolu'nun *' ,'*%"& ehridir.
7 Shakespeare dnyada *' t$'0'%04 yazardr.
8 Deneyim *' &7& gretmendir.
9 Metallerin *' )07%*t"&s& altndr,
l0 Aylin okulun *' /$"04)$' kzdr.
ll Bu imdiye kadar yaptgm *' zor altrmadr.
l2 O grdgm *' &7& filmdi.
l3 O hayatmda karlatgm *' g6=*" kzd.
l4 O izledigim *' &7& programd.
l5 Tokyo dnyann *' -676) ehridir.
l6 stanbul Trkiye'nin *' -676) ehridir.
l7 Agr dag Trkiye'nin *' 76)s*) dagdr.
l8 Aya *' $= ;$!$"0 kitaba sahiptir.
l9 Joe ehrimizde *' $= g6=*" baheye sahiptir.
20 Kpekler *' $= =$2$2"0 hayvanlardr.
d) > P V P t!* s6;*2&1 $+8 P B
N='* P *7"*% P t!* P %ost P %ari P t6%"*/C
My brother drives t!* %ost $2*35""7 o3 all. # E' +&))$t"& (biimde) kardeim srer. (9n dikkatli araba sren
His grandfather walks t!* s"o9*st o3 all. # E' 7$8$4 bykbabas yrr. Zarflarn en stnlk derecesi
genellikle bu kalba gre yaplr.
En stnlk dereceleri sfatlar gibi t!* + $+H + *st kullanlarak yaplan unlardr: 3$st1 soo'1 *$2"71 "$t*1 !$2+1
"o'g1 3$21 '*$21 s"o91 "o5+1 G5&). Kural d olanlardan kimileri: 9*""#t!* -*st # -$+"7 # t!* 9o2st1 "&tt"* # t!*
"*$st1 %5! # t!* %ost1 %$'7 # t!* %ost.
61C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l You are doing t!* 9o2st of all.
2 Zerrin spoke t!* %ost o;t&%&st&$""7 of all.
3 ilker goes to class t!* %ost 2*g5"$2"7 of all.
4 Cem acted t!* %ost 2*s;o's&-"7 of all.
5 He arrived t!* %ost ;5't5$""7 of all.
6 l waited t!* %ost ;$t&*'t"7 of all.
7 The girl behaved t!* %ost &'t*""&g*'t"7 of all.
8 Jack drives t!* 3$st*st of all.
9 Jack drives t!* 9o2st of ail.
l0 This nurse works t!* %ost 2*"5t$'t"7 of all.
ll Tim was educated t!* %ost ;2&8$t*"7 of all.
l2 Akin drives t!* %ost s$3*"7 o3 all.
62C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& Ns5;*2"$t&8* P $+8. 7$;0s0 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* *8&2&'&=.
l Burak !*;s&'+*' 7$8$4 yrr.
2 Taksi !*;s&'+*' (en) !0="0 g&+*2.
3 E' *2)*' mavi otobs kalkar.
4 Burcu !*;s&'&' (en) &7&s&'& yapyor.
5 Oraya !*;s&'+*' g*/ biz varacagz.
6 Meltem !*;s&'+*' 7$8$4 araba srer.
7 O !*;s&'+*' o'52"5 davranr.
8 Ayegl !*;s&'+*' )&-$2 konuur.
K Jim !*;s&'+*' s$"+02g$'$ konutu.
l0 Mehmet !*;s&'+*' %$'t0)"0$ tartr.
*C K$240"$4t02%$+$ )5""$'0"$' )&%& -$4)$ s,=6)"*2: +&33*2*'t 32o%1 s&%&"$2 NtoC1 "&)*1 $"&)*1 5'"&)*.
My approach is +&33*2*'t 32o% yours. / Benim yaklamm sizden farkldr.
He is "&)* his father in many ways. / Birok bakmlardan babasna -*'=*2.
U'"&)* her mother she never loses hope. / Annesinin t*2s&'* hi umudunu yitirmez.
63C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l lrak is +&33*2*'t 32o% lran.
2 Washington, D.C. is +&33*2*'t 32o% the State of Washington.
3 Jim's nationality is +&33*2*'t 32o% Jane's.
4 The country is "&)* a continent.
5 Konya is "&)* Kayseri.
6 His blue Murat l24 is "&)* a racing car.
7 The polished tabletop was "&)* a mirror.
8 Ersin's manner 9$s "&)* that of a child.
9 The climate of ltaly is quite s&%&"$2 to the climate of lstanbul.
l0 Nylon is s&%&"$2 to Dacron.
ll This method &s s&%&"$2 to the old one.
l2 The climates of Antalya and Mersin are $"&)*.
l3 They all talk $"&)*.
14 U'"&)* hjs brother, she has a sense of humour.
l5 Japan's pollution problems and ours are $"&)*.
64C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N+&33*2*'t 32o%1 s&%&"$2 to1 "&)*1 $"&)*1 5'"&)* )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Onlarn -*'=*2 fikirleri var.
2 Onun fikirleri benimkine -*'=*2.
3 Burcu Burak'tan 3$2)"0+02.
4 Jale 5 yl nce oldugundan 3$2)"0 bir kzdr.
5 Bu araba geen hafta srdgnden 3$2)"0 bir arabadr.
6 Onlarn herbiri birbirinden 3$2)"0 bir film grmek istediler.
7 Melda Selda'dan 3$2)"0+02.
8 Deli bir adam gibiydi.
9 Anlayl bir adama benziyorsunuz.
l0 Siz ikiniz dndgmden daha ok benzersiniz.
ll ki karde ok fazla (birbirine) -*'=*2.
l2 Aye babasndan ok 3$2)"0 (ben$eme$).
l3 ki kz karde hi birbirlerine -*'=*%*=1 (tmyle birbirinden ayrdr.)
l4 Kaliforniya'nn iklimi Antalya'nn iklimine -*'=*2.
l5 Japonya'nn cografi durumu bizimkinden 3$2)"0+02.
f) K&%& 7$7g0' ;*)&4t&2&&"*2 +* )$240"$4t02%$'0' '&t*"&.&'* )$t)0+$ -5"5'52"$2:
3$&2"71 G5&t*1 2$t!*21 $"%ost1 !$2+"71 '*$2"7.
<* is 2$t!*2 s!o2t to be a basketball player. / Basketbol oyuncusu olmak iin o"+5)/$ ksa boylu.
The trains to lstanbul are G5&t* frequent but they sometimes arrive 2$t!*2 late. / stanbul'a tren epeyce sktr
ama (trenler) kimi zaman *;*7* ge varrlar.
l am 3$&2"7 confident about the exam. / Snava *;*7* gveniyorum.
The book was 2$t!*2 more interesting than l expected. / Kitap umdugundan /o) +$!$ ilginti.
The performance was quite extraordinary. / Temsil -&2 !$7"& olaganstyd.
The trains !$2+"7 *8*2 arrive on time. H Trenler /o) s*72*) olarak zamannda gelir.
There was !$2+"7 anyone in the audience. / Seyirci neredeyse yok gibiydi.
(%e is very !o!ular) N*$2"7 (almost) everyone likes him. / <*%*' herkes onu sever.
A/0)"$%$: T5&t* olumlu, 2$t!*2 olumsuz anlamda 'olduka' demektir. (rn. 6uite thin, rather 4at.) F$&2"7 beklendigi
lde olmayan olumlu durumlar iin kullanlr. <$2+"7 olumlu tmcelerde olumsuz anlamda (neredeyse, hi, vb.)
N*$2"7 olumlu yaplarda kullanlr.
65C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The little girl is 2$t!*2 quiet.
2 The boy was G5&t* happy when he saw his father.
3 I !$2+"7 know what to do.
4 They $"%ost managed it that time.
5 He '*$2"7 missed the train.
6 They G5&t* agreed with us.
7 We !$2+"7 ever go to the theatre.
8 The young man is $"%ost l60 m. tall.
9 She is '*$2"7 as tall as me.
l0 His wife is 2$t!*2 older than he is.
ll The young lady made G5&t* an effort, but it wasn't good enough.
l2 She has got 2$t!*2 a good voice.
l3 They were '*$2"7 there at 9 o'clock.
l4 l have !$2+"7 any money.
66C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N3$&2"71 G5&t*1 $"%ost1 !$2+"71 '*$2"71 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Ne demek istediginizi (hemen tmyle) anlyorum.
2 Frtna ktgnda yal adam evden '*2+*7s* yeni ayrlmt.
3 Arkadam *;*7* zengin fakat babas olduka fakir.
4 Hava bizim bekledigimizden *;*7* daha ktyd.
5 ocuk '*2*+*7s* yzebiliyor.
6 Selcan !*%*' !*%*' Seda kadar aklldr.
7 Talip'te *;*7* gzel bir film oynuyor.
8 Sylediklerinden sonra kzn sana glmsemesini ;*) beklemiyorum.
9 Kz '*2*+*7s* durdu ve onun ne istedigini sordu.
l0 Oktay /o) s*72*) olarak bizimle gle yemegi yer.
KOYUT @AQILAR NBo22*"$t&8* o'H5't&o'sC
Bot!... $'+ hem,... hem de / gerek... gerek(se)
E&t!*2... o2 ya... ya da
N*&t!*2... 'o2 ne... ne de
Not o'"7... -5t $"so yalnz o degil... o da
Not... -5t o degil...
H5st $s ... gibi... o da
N*&t!*2 Aye 'o2 her brother speaks German. / Ne Aye ne de kardei Almanca biliyor.
My wife -ot! washed the dishes $'+ dried them. /Eim hem bulaklar ykad hem de durulad.
The thief 'ot o'"7 broke into his office -5t $"so tore up his papers. / Hrsz yalnz ofisine girmekle kalmad,
evraklarn da yrtt.
(5st $s we must put aside our prejudices, so we must tolerate their views. / nyarglarmz bir yana brakmamz
gerektigi gibi, grlerine de hogr ile bakmalyz.
They didn't come to help us -5t to hinder us (Bize yardma degil, engel olmaya geldiler) You can either come
with us now or walk home. (Ya imdi bizimle gelirsiniz, ya da yryerek gelirsiniz)
Bu yaplarda nemi olan baglalar izleyen yaplarn edegerli olmasdr/Szgelimi l. baglatan sonra zne
geliyorsa, 2. den sonra da zne gelmelidir. Bu yaplarla devrik tmce de yaplabilir. (>evrik tmce konusuna
6IC T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Since both private industry and government departments tend to concentrate on immediate
there is steady shift of scientists from pure to the applied field.
2 The situation carries considerable dangers not only for pure science but applied science as well.
3 The public should be alerted to both the dangers and economic costs of noise pollution.
4 The drug has neither long term nor short term ill effects.
5 That seat belts save lives is both intutively obvious and also supported by impressive amount of evidence.
6 Both technology in general and technology of communication in particular play a crucial part in social
7 Nuclear energy is not only too risky but it is also too expensive.
8 They expected either devaluation or revaluation.
9 She has found great satisfaction not in scholarly pursuits but in business.
l0 The director neither refused nor accepted your suggestion.
ll He couldn't move neither his arms nor his legs.
l2 Either you eat your spinach or you go without icecream.
l3 The effects of nutrition on health are both direct and indirect as health depends in many ways on the
quantity and quality of diet.
l4 Not only did he send a gift, but he also called.
l5 Both the wind and the sun provide energy.
l6 The government has solved neither the problems of unemployment nor the difficulties of, controlling
l7 He either walks two kilometres or runs one kilometre before breakfast every morning.
l8 l could neither hear the music clearly nor see the players.
l9 l have read it both in the original and in translation.
20 He has neither paid me for the damage nor apologized.
6JC @5)$20+$)& -$."$/"$20 )5""$'$2$) t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Ya herkese ayn creti dersiniz ya da skc i yapan kimselere daha ok deme yaparsnz.
2 Hem Jim hem de ben gereginden ok itik.
3 Dogrudan telefon edebilirsiniz ya da operatrden size baglamasn isteyebilirsiniz.
4 Hem piyano alar hem de ark sylerler.
5 Ne mdre ne de saymana gveniyor.
6 Ne yeterince zamanmz ne de sabrmz var.
7 Ne yagmur, ne kar, ne de tipi, postacy sabrszlkla bekledigimiz mektuplar dagtmaktan alkoyabilir.
8 Arkeologlarn ilk agda insann nereden geldigini anlamalarna yardmc olacak ne tarih ne de efsane var.
9 nemli olan uykunun degil ryann bozulmasyd.
l0 Bilim hem toplumun yapsn degitirir hem de insann evresi zerinde denetiminin artmasna katkda
ll Bilim adam yalnzca bakalarnn degil kendi almalarnn da eletirisini yapar.
l2 Bilim adamnn verileri yalnzca karmak degildir, ogu zaman eksiktir de.
l3 Hem fizikiler hem de mhendisler sk sk elektronik bilgisayar kullanrlar.
l4 Yeni sistemi ne snadlar ne de sorunun anlamlarn gz nne aldlar.
l5 Uygulamal bilimin birok dallar ya tmyle kuramsal ya da deneysel almann pratik uzantlardr.
l6 Sadece sigaray brakmadm, ayn zamanda fazla yemeyi de kestim.
l7 Onu ne sen, ne de ben yapabilirdim.
l8 Bomba sadece oteli harabeye evirmekle kalmad, karsndaki binalarda da ciddi hasar meydana getirdi.
l9 Kazanmak iin ya iyi oynamal ya da ansl olmalsnz.
20 Ya Murat ya da Cem seni havaalannda karlayacak.
1C B**2&1 7*t*'*)1 7*t*2"&)1 302s$t: $'1 o5"+1 -* $-"* to > P Mo+ P V P B N='* P )&;"&) P *7"*% P t6%"*/C
<* $' speak English fluently. / O, akc biimde ngilizce konuabilir.
l could speak Greek (5hen H 5as younger) (Lenli"imde) Yunanca )o'54$-&"&2+&%.
She 9&"" -* $-"* to speak German in another few months. / Birka ay iinde Almanca konuabilecek.
He 9$s $-"* to come on time. / Zamannda gelebildi.
Gemite belli bir zamandaki yetenegi, baarmay anlatmak iin be $-"* to (5as, 5ere, able to) (could de"il)
kullanlr. Bo5"+1 genel, kuramsal yetenegi anlatr; her zaman gemii anlatmaz.
6KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l You can all learn English if you try.
2 How can a fat man lose weight?
3 Were dinosaurs able to fly?
4 Could you hear the answer to the last question?
5 Were you able to swim when you were five years old?
6 Was your great-grandfather able to drive a car?
7 lf a person is far-sighted, he cannot see near objects clearly.
8 l couldn't get through to my father last night to tell him of my plans.
9 l can change you a cheque if you like.
l0 Now that our son is able to walk, we lay ladders flat instead of leaving them
propped up against things; and we shut the garden gate.
ll You can strain your eyes. But still you won't be able to see anything.
l2 What l can't understand is why he refused to answer my question.
l3 They couldn't lay the foundation unless they had some stone.
l4 Although he is short-sighted, the boy is able to read without glasses.
l5 Human beings can locate sound sources by comparing in the brain the sounds which arrive at each ear.
l6 Airships can remain static in the air and are being used by the American navy for observation of icebergs
the Arctic.
l7 Green plants are able to manufacture their own food.
l8 The old man died because he had not been able to spend enough on food.
l9 Being able to type, you will have no difficulty in getting a job.
20 Both the camera and the eye can register small objects and distant objects.
ILC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N$'1 o5"+1 -* $-"* to )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l ekirgeler birka dakika ierisinde (bir) ekin tarlasn harap edebilirler.
2 niversiteyi bitirince kolayca i bulabilecek.
3 ingilizceyi henz akc bir ekilde konuamyorum, ama kursu bitirdigim zaman konuabilecegim.
4 Daha gen oldugum gnlerde, yorulmadan kilometrelerce yryebiliyordum.
5 Drt saat sonra yangn sndrebildiler.
6 iddetli yagmura ragmen 5:30 trenine yetiebildik.
7 nsan dnyadaki btn hatalar dzeltemez.
8 Ayaga kalkn. Yoksa hibir ey gremeyeceksiniz.
9 Ka yanda okuyabildiniz?
l0 Gk grltsn duymadan nce imegi grebiliriz.
ll Affedersiniz, sizi anlamyorum.
l2 Yarasalar karanlkta iyi gremezler.
l3 Baz organizmalar uygun evre arayabilirler.
l4 Kuraklga ragmen kukonmaz yetitirebildik.
l5 Bakm kendim yapabilsem ok para biriktirebilirdim.
2C O"$s0"0)1 &=&': $'1 o5"+1 %$71 %&g!t.
N='* P )&;"&) P *7"*% P t6%"*/C > P %o+ P V P B
A fuller explanation $' / %$7 be found in reference books. / Daha eksiksiz bir aklama bavuru kitaplarnda
Accidents $' happen / Kaza olabilir. You %&g!t have an accident. / Kaza yapabilirsiniz.
This o5"+ be a good chance for you. / Bu sizin iin iyi bir frsat o"$-&"&2.
M$7 l make a suggestion? / Bir neride -5"5'$-&"&2 %&7&%S
B$' l have some more tea? / Biraz daha ay alabilir miyim?
Bo5"+ l ask you a question? / Size bir soru so2$-&"&2 miyim?
A/0)"$%$: B$' kuramsal olaslg, o5"+ geici nitelikteki olaslg anlatr. Bu kalpta o5"+ ve %&g!tE0' her zaman
gemi zaman anlatmadklar unutulmamaldr.
I1C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The chairman said that members might smoke.
2 lf you lost your pen, you could write in pencil.
3 Nobody can leave the country without a passport.
4 She can stay with us whenever she wants to.
5 l may not be able to come with you.
6 We might have a storm tonight.
7 Anyone can make mistakes.
8 May l ask you a personal question?
9 Could you give me her telephone number?
l0 Taking exercise can be time-consuming but the feeling of being fit and healthy makes up for the few
minutes a day it takes.
ll When scientists argued that cigarette smoking may increase one's chances Of developing cancer of the
lung, this was not well received in certain G5$2t*2s.
l2 Even a diet which is quantitively sufficient can lead to disease if &t 9 deficient in vitamins.
l3 Deformities may also be due to drugs taken during pregnancy.
l4 Malaria can result in chronic ill health or death.
l5 A nuclear bomb could kill millions of people and cause disease and deformity in later generations.
l6 There is a book on the table.- That could be mine.
l7 Tom isn't at school today. He could be sick.
I2C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N$'1 o5"+1 %$7 ya da %&g!t )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Doktoru randevusuz gremezsiniz.
2 Silahlanma yar felaketle sonulanabilir.
3 Sigara saglgnza zarar verebilir.
4 O dogru olamaz.
5 Sana Jenny diyebilir miyim?
6 O adam Bill'e benziyor. Belki de akrabalar.
7 Baka bir aklamas olabilir mi?
8 Yagmur yagabilir, ama ben yagacagn sanmyorum.
g Bilimsel olmayan tarm mineral kaybna neden olabilir.
l0 Fiziksel zindelik, daha uzun yaamanza, daha saglkl olmanza ve hayatn glkleriyle mcadele
etmenize yardmc olabilir.
ll Gelimekte olan embriyon, annenin hastalgndan etkilenebilir.
l2 phe yok ki radyasyon yaam iin zararl olabilir. Tbbi amalarla kullanldgnda da hayat kurtarabilir.
l3 Yagl yiyecekler yemek kandaki kolesterol seviyesinde (bir) arta yol aabilir.
l4 Mantksal bir aklamas olabilir, ama ben bulamyorum.
l5 Ev sahibi bizi kartacagn sylerken ciddi olamaz.
3C Zo25'"5"5)1 g*2*)"&"&)1 g*2*)s&="&)1 7$s$): %5st1 !$8* to1 %5st'Et
$C ='* P %5st # !$8* to P *7"*% P t6%"*/
N> P %o+ P V P BC
You %5st study hard if you want to pass. / Gemek istiyorsanz ok almalsnz.
I !$8* to answer all the questions. / Btn sorular yantlamalym.
%5st konumacdan gelen zorunlulugu, !$8* to ise dardan gelen zorunlulugu anlatr.
-C N='* P %5st 'ot P *7"*% P t6%"*/C
> P %o+ P V P B
D* %5st'Et s%o)* at the cinema. / Sinemada sigara &/%*%*"&7&=.
You %5st'Et cross in the red light. / Krmz kta karya gememelisiniz.
A/0)"$%$ :
%5st 'ot N%5st'EtC must'n olumsuzu olarak dnlmemelidir. Yasaklar anlatan bir biimi olarak alglanmaldr.
I3C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The last train leaves in ten minutes. l must leave now.
2 The baby is asleep. We mustn't make a noise.
3 Cars must not travel at more than twenty kilometres per hour here.
4 Most engineering students have to read journals in English.
5 l've heard so much about that film, l really must see it.
6 The headmaster says that we must not talk in the coridors.
7 l have to see the dentist tomorrow. l have an appointment.
8 We deeply regret that we must take this action.
9 We must hurry to make for lost time.
l0 You must get more exercise or you'll become seriously ill.
ll What must you avoid giving heart massage?
l2 We'll have to check out before eleven.
l3 People in developing countries have to work longer to earn the basic necessities of living.
l4 Sugar is considered a luxury in Burma, where the majority of workers have to put in at least thirteen hours'
work before they can earn one kilogram of it.
l5 Each country must find its own solution to unemployment. Equally, each) must find its own way of coping
with inflation.
I4C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N%5st1 !$8* toC )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Daha dikkatli olmalsnz.
2 Yalan sylemeyi brakmalsnz.
3 emsiye almalym. Yagmur yagyor.
4 Ktphanede konuulmaz. / Ktphanede konumamalsnz.
5 iman oldugum iin ikolata, patates ve ekmek yememeliyim.
6 Trkiye'de ocuklar yedi yana geldiklerinde okula gitmek zorundadr.
7 Aye henz kk (tr). Yasalara gre, evlenebilmesi iin babasnn iznini almas gerekiyor.
8 Tm grenciler dzenli olarak devlerini yapmaldr. nk dev kendileri^ ne yardmc olur.
9 Kyde evlenmek istediginiz zaman gelinin ailesine para demeniz gerekir, &
l0 nceden yer ayrtmam gerekiyor mu?
ll Bir lkenin insanlar yasalara uymak zorundadr.
l2 Ekonomiyi dengede tutabilmek iin isizlik artn azaltmak zorundayz.
l3 Babakan istifa etmelidir.
l4 ok yal, bu nedenle kendisine bakabilecegini sanma.
l5 Doktor, haplar yemeklerden nce almam syledi.
I5C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l You '**+'Et go all the way to Kzlay for a new pair of shoes.
2 l don't '**+ to buy a new hat till the old one is ready for the dustbin.
3 Selin +o*s'Et '**+ to change her skirt.
4 You '**+'Et do your homework again.
5 My daughter +o*s'Et !$8* to go to work on Saturday.
6 They +o'Et '**+ to push the piano into the corner.
7 Ahmet doesn't !$8* to go to the dentist this afternoon.
8 They +o'Et !$8* to attend the meeting on Friday afternoon.
9 You '**+'Et answer all of the questions; it will be sufficient if you do seven of them.
l0 We +o'Et '**+ to leave the door unlocked; because Aysel has a key.
ll The students +o'Et !$8* to answer all the questions in the examination paper.
l2 My friend is so rich that he +o*s'Et !$8* to work.
I6C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N'**+'Et1 +o'Et#+o*s'Et !$8* to )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Bu dersi bugn almana gerek yok.
2 Babakann istifasna bence gerek yok.
3 Beni beklemeye gerek yok.
4 grenciler her zaman mrekkeple yazmak zorunda degiller.
5 Umarm uak vaktinde kalkar da havaalannda beklemek zorunda kalmam.
6 ngiltere'ye gidecekseniz vize almanza gerek yok.
7 Her seferinde kimlik kartn gstermen gerekmez.
8 Doktor ciddi bir ey olmadgn sylyor. Endielenmemize gerek yok.
9 Duyduguma gre araba almsn. u halde artk otobsle gitmek zorunda degilsin.
l0 Eminim, durumun ne kadar tehlikeli oldugunu size anlatmama gerek yok.
ll Gerekten tm paran kitaplara harcaman gerekir mi?
C M$'t0)s$" so'5/1 /0)$20%1 8$2s$70%1 t$!%&': %5st -*1 %$7 -*1 $'Et -*1 s!o5"+1 s!o5"+ -*
(it is getting dark) lt %5st -* about 8:30 (%ava kararyor.)
Saat aag yukar 8.30 o"%$"0 (olsa gerek).
He must be ill. / Hasta olmal.
That $'Et -* the postman. (Ht is only M o-clock). ()aat M)
Bu postac o"$%$=.
She %$7 -* at home. / Evde olabilir.
+C ='* P %5st # %$7 # $' P -* V ?'g. P t6%"*/
We %$7 -* moving to zmir next week. / Gelecek hafta zmir'e t$40'$-&"&2&=. (tanyor olabiliri$.)
He %5st -* cleaning the car. / Arabay t*%&="&7o2 o"$-&"&2.
*C T$!%&'1 )$2$2"0"0)1 '&7*t1 $"04)$'"0)1 )$;$s&t* 8-.R 9&"".
Oil 9&"" float on water. / Yag su zerinde yzer.
She 9&"" do anything for money. / Para iin hereyi yapar.
You'll already be familiar with this subject. / Bu konuyu bilmeniz gerek.
3C D&"*)1 ,.6t1 &/ 76)6%"6"6): s!o5"+1 o5g!t to1 !$+ -*tt*2.
You s!o5"+ No5g!t toC read that book. / O kitab o)5s$'0= &7& o"52.
You'd -*tt*2 see a doctor (H4 you are still ill). (9"er hNlN hastaysan$)
Bir doktora grnmeniz &7& o"52.
Btn kipliklerle ilgili genel zellikler:
l)3. tekil ahsta -s almazlar.
2) Soru yaplmak iin tmce bana getirilirler, olumsuz in 'ot alrlar.
3) Eylemin kk (0. biimi) Oe kullanlrlar.
IIC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l You'd better speak to your father about it.
2 l'd better call a doctor because mother has a high temperature.
3 You worked hard today. You must be tired.
4 He left an hour ago, so he'll be home by now.
5 l'd better do it tonight, although l'd rather go out.
6 l think you'd better talk to your parents.
7 lf you heat this ice, it will turn into water.
8 She must be a very social girl.
9 l will stop smoking.
l0 You'd better write my address down in case you want to write me a letter.
ll You will be starving now after your long walk. (= l suppose that you are starving now.)
l2 Why will you arrive late for every lesson?
l3 Why won't you give me a straight answer to a simple question?
l4 lf you post the letter today it should be in London tomorrow.
l5 The journey to istanbul shouldn't take more than seven hours.
l6 lf you should still have reservations about my proposal, don't hesitate to tetf' me.
l7 lt is vital that these facts should be kept secret until the dividends on the shares have been announced.
l8 The doctor has warned father that smoking is really dangerous in view of the present state of his health
but he will have a cigar after his dinner.
l9 lf you go to the south of Turkey in the summer months, the beaches may be very crowded.
20 He must be delighted to have won l2 million on the football pools.
2l You must be exhausted. You haven't had a break all day.
22 She should be delighted when she hears the news.
23 lf vitamin C is lacking in the diet, scurvy will develop.
24 Nancy never listens to pop music. She must not be keen on it.
25 The new television series should be popular.
26 The introduction of new machinery should contribute greatly to better profits next year.
27 The Motherland Party should win the next election.
28 When he has a problem to solve, he will work at it until he finds an answer.
29 The lira in your pocket will buy far less today than it would two years ago.
30 You'd better see a doctor if you're still feeling ill tomorrow.
IJC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N%5st -*1 %$7 -*1 $'Et -*1 9&""1 s!o5"+1 !$+ -*tt*2 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7*
l Ka yanda oldugunu bilmiyorum, ama en az yirmi be olmal.
2 ark sylyor olamaz. Aglyor olmal.
3 Daha saat drt olamaz.
4 Arabas kapnn nnde yoktu. "yleyse darda olmal."
5 Topragn zarar grmesi dogann dengesini bozar.
6 Aradgnz kitap bu olmal.
7 O dogru da olabilir, olmayabilir de.
8 Bir gretmen hogrl olmal.
9 Eger banz agryorsa bir aspirin almanz iyi olur.
l0 Ali'nin deniz rnlerine allerjisi var, bu nedenle balk yemese iyi olur.
ll Zinde degilsin. Daha fazla yry yapmalsn.
l2 Telefona kimse cevap vermiyor. Darda olmallar.
l3 Bu yk gerek olamaz.
l4 ocuklar o kadar ge yatmamal. Sabahleyin kalkamayacaklar.
l5 Oksijen olmadka (bir) mum yanmaz.
l6 Bir ey Cem'in cann skyor olmal.
l7 Byk kentlerdeki yksek kanser orannn nedenlerinden biri hava kirliligi olabilir.
l8 Sana haly sprveririm.
l9 Ktphanenin klar yanmyor. Ak olmayabilir.
20 Akamlar bam agryor. "O kadar ok televizyon seyretmeseniz iyi olur."
2l Evli mi yoksa bekr m dersin? Bekr olamaz, evli olmal.
22 Diim agryor. Diiye gitseniz iyi edersiniz.
23 Son zamanlarda kendimi biraz rahatsz hissediyorum (rengim soluk.)
- Bir doktora grnn. / Doktora gitmelisin.
24 - Ne berbat cereyan (var)! n kap ak olmal.
- Olamaz. eri girdigimde kapadm.
25 Nehre inseniz iyi olur. Balk tutuyor olabilir.
IKC B$'1 <$8* To1 M5st )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
Bilgisayarlar olduka karmak hesaplamalar yapabilirler. Roketin belli (kesin) bir yol izlemesi gerekir. Baka
bir anlatmla, dnyann yrngesinden belli bir anda ayrlmas gerekir. Bunun yannda, ayn yrngesine belli
bir anda girmesi (de) gerekir. Bilgisayar, roketin izleyecegi kesin (belirli) yolu ortaya karmak iin gereken
karmak hesaplamalar yapabilir. Roketin yolunda (ortaya kacak) herhangi bir hatann hemen dzeltilmesi
gerekir. Bilgisayar, roketin ilerleyiini denetleyebilir. Akas, hem yanlglar ortaya karr, hem de onlar
$C ='* ?t? )&;"&) P !$8* P V3 P t6%"*/
You o5"+ !$8* to"+ me you were coming. / Geleceginizi bana s,7"*7*-&"&2+&'&=.
She $'Et !$8* go'* to school. / Okula gitmi o"$%$=1 (it is )unday).
(%e is late) He %$7 have missed the train. / Treni karm olabilir.
The hill is very steep. You %&g!t !$8* )&""*+ yourself.
Dag ok dik, ,"*-&"&2+&'&=.
Bu yaplar gemite olaslg anlatr. Yeterlik anlatmak iin 9$s1 9*2* $-"* to kullanlr.
-C ='* P %5st P !$8* P V3 P t6%"*/
I %5st !$8* 3o2gott*' to set the alarm clock. / alar saati kurmay unutmu o"%$"070%.
Bu yap da gemiteki bir olaslg, varsaym, karm anlatr.
C ='* + '**+'Et P !$8* P V3 P t6%"*/
<* '**+'Et !$8* 2*s&g'*+ / stifa etmese de olurdu (ama etti.)
Bu yaplar gemite yaplmasa da olabilecek bir iin gereksiz yere yaplm; oldugunu anlatmak iin kullanlr.
JLC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 <* $'Et !$8* "*$2'*+ five languages.
2 The girl %$7 !$8* go'* swimming yesterday.
3 The boys %$7 !$8* go'* fishing yesterday.
4 The doctor %$7 !$8* !$+ an accident with his ca:.
5 You %&g!t !$8* $;o"og&s*+ for your mistake.
6 You %&g!t !$8* 9$2'*+ one that the dog was dangerous.
7 The nurse %&g!t !$8* to"+ me that she had changed her mind.
8 She '**+'Et !$8* 3*+ the baby because he wasn't hungry.
9 We '**+'Et !$8* 9$t*2*+ the garden because it rained.
l0 His son '**+'Et !$8* 9o22&*+ about his homework because he had very good marks.
ll He '**+'Et !$8* go'* to meet his mother because she didn't arrive.
l2 She $'Et !$8* to"+ anybody, because her friends don't know where she is.
l3 My girl friend %$7 !$8* +*&+*+ to spend her holiday in Antalya.
l4 Aysel is not home, she %$7 !$8* go'* to school.
l5 Ayhan o5"+'Et !$8* s**' the patrol car, or he would have slowed down.
l6 The plane %5st !$8* t$)*' off at 2:00 p.m.
l7 Unsal %5st !$8* got in touch with his lawyer.
l8 The boy %5st !$8* go'* out for the spare part.
l9 My boss o5"+'Et !$8* sto;;*+ quickly.
20 The clerk at the hotel reception o5"+ !$8* g&8*' him the wrong key.
2l He %$7 !$8* %$+* up that story about the girl.
22 Your friend $'Et !$8* -oo)*+ a room for us.
23 We %$7 !$8* 25' o5t o3 petrol.
24 My brother $'Et !$8* so"+ his car.
25 She o5"+'Et !$8* 92&tt*' the book without her friend's help.
J1 A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& No5"+#$'#%$7 P !$8* P V3 )5""$'$2$)C &'g&"&=* 7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Adam lm o"%$"01 nk nefes almas durdu.
2 Faturay demi o"$%$=1 nk elektrigini kestiler.
3 Tamamen farkl birisiyle evlenebilirdiniz.
4 Onun yatak odasnn lambas yanyor, bu nedenle dar /0)%04 o"$%$=.
5 Erkek ocugu o kzla daha nce bulumu o"%$"0.
6 Eray yurt dna gitmi o"$%$=1 nk pasaportu yok.
7 ok alm o"s$"$2 g*2*)1 nk ok bitkin grnyorlar.
8 Kz mkemmel ingilizce konuuyor, ngiltere'de bulunmu o"%$"0.
9 Evini dekore etmeyebilirdi, nk (evini) bir ay nce dekore ettirmiti.
l0 Deniz sakin o"%54 o"$-&"&2.
ll Taraftarlaryla birlikte yurt dna g&t%&4 o"$-&"&2.
l2 Onlar evde ngilizce konumu o"$-&"&2"*2.
l3 gretmen dn okula gitmi olabilir.
l4 Oya bekr kalm o"$%$=1 evlenmi olmal.
l5 lklar snd. Sigorta atm olmal.
l6 Dolma kalemimi bulamyorum. Kaybetmi o"%$"070%.
l7 Geen gece oglum ok gecikti. Son otobs karm o"%$"0.
l8 Doktor hastay taburcu etmi o"$%$=.
l9 Serpil orada birka gn daha fazla kalacagn sylemek iin telefon edebilirdi.
20 (9rkek) ocugun bir dil okuluna gitmi olmasna/gitmesine g*2*) 7o)t5.
2l Gmlegini ykamasa +$ o"52+51 nk gmlek temizdi.
22 (9rkek) ocugun kz kardei ile yksek sesle konumas g*2*)%*=+&1 nk kz kardei sagr degildi.
23 Acele etmeleri g*2*)%*=+&1 nk ok zaman vard.
24 grencinin gretmeninden korkmas g*2*)%*=+&1 nk gretmeni ok kibard.
25 Oglunuzun sa tra olmas g*2*)%*=+&1 nk sa uzun degildi.
+C ='* P s!o5"+#o5g!t to P !$8* P V3 P t6%"*/
You s!o5"+ !$8* got 5; earlier. / Daha erken kalkmalydnz.
The experiment o5g!t to !$8* -**' o%;"*t*+. / Deney t$%$%"$'%$"07+0.
Bu yapda gemite yaplmas gerekip yaplmayan ya da yaplmamas gerekip de yaplan olgular anlatlr.
J2C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l You o5g!t to !$8* !*";*+ your daughter.
2 We o5g!t to !$8* -**' more careful.
3 You s!o5"+ !$8* 5s*+ the money for paying your debts intend of for a new car.
4 l think you s!o5"+ !$8* to"+ your fianc you were sorry.
5 You s!o5"+ !$8* ;5t part of your salary in the bank each month.
6 You o5g!t'Et to # s!o5"+'Et !$8* "$5g!*+ at his mistakes.
7 The mother o5g!t'Et to # s!o5"+'Et !$8* g&8*' the baby scissors to play with.
8 You o5g!t to !$8* 9$&t*+ till the lights were green before crossing the road.
K You s!o5"+ !$8* t$)*' the medicine the doctor prescribed.
l0 The student o5g!t to !$8* t$)*' those books back to the library last week Now they are overdue and he
will have to pay a fine.
ll The doctor o5g!t to !$8* 2**&8*+ a rise in salary.
J3C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& s!o5"+#o5g!t to P !$8* P V3 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Hastalkl sgrlar halka s$t0"%$%$"07+0.
2 Sadece aka yaptgm $'"$%$"07+0'0=.
3 ocuk itaatsizlikten cezalandrlmalyd.
4 Yanl bir kzla evlenmemeliydiniz.
5 Yol kavagnda sola +,'%*"&7+&).
6 Szck iin szlge -$)%$"07+0'0=.
7 devini geen gece 7$;%04 o"%$"07+0.
8 Babanza konuyu daha nce s,7"*%*"&7+&'&=.
K Geen hafta ona 7$=%$"07+0'.
lP Diiye g&t%*"&7+&'&=.
ll Her adaya yan so2%$"07+0).
*C ='* P !$+ to P *7"*% P t6%"*/
<* !$+ to t$)* the exam. / Snava girmek =o25'+$7+0.
M5stE0' gemi zamanda kullanlan biimi !$+ to'dur. Yukarda da deginildigi gibi %5st P !$8* P V3 gemiteki
varsaymlar anlatr.
J4C A4$.0+$)& t52'*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The children !$+ to stay indoors because it was raining outside.
2 The patient !$+ to wait in the doctor's office a long time.
3 They !$+ to wait a long time for an answer to their letter.
4 As the old farmer's house was burned down he !$+ to live in a small cottage.
5 The maid used to be very poor and !$+ to live simply for many years.
6 The plane was to leave at ten, so, Dr. Trner !$+ to leave home at eight to be sure of catching it.
7 l !$+ to study all the afternoon to finish my homework.
8 As the old lady felt very tired he !$+ to go to bed for an hour.
9 The cashier was dishonest so the manager !$+ to discharge him.
l0 Although Sabri was to meet me at ten o'clock, he didn't arrive till half past ten, so l !$+ to wait for a very
long time.
ll When we were in Antalya we !$+ to lie down in the afternoon, because it was so hot.
l2 Oya !$+ to go away without seeing us as she had no time.
J5C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N!$+ to )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l grenciler tutumlu olmak =o25'+$7+0.
2 Adam polis agrmak =o25'+$ )$"+0.
3 Paraszdm bu nedenle arkadamdan bor para almak =o25'+$7+0%.
4 Kbrs meselesinde politikamz degitirmek =o25'+$ )$"+0).
5 Tm mterileri ile konumak istediginden ingilizce grenmek =o25'+$7+0.
6 rk diim iin dn di hekimine gitmek =o25'+$ )$"+0%.
7 lkeyi terk etmeye niyetlendigi iin doktor derhal evini satmak =o25'+$ )$"+0.
8 Src dn sabah saat 8'de hazr olmak =o25'+$7+0.
9 Babam tm parasn ite kaybettigi iin arabasn satmak =o25'+$7+0.
l0 ngiltere'de iken paramz bitti ve bir arkadatan biraz dn para almak =o25'+$ )$"+0).
ll On milyon TL depozit brakmak =o25'+$ )$"+0"$2.
l2 Bir arkadamzn hasta olmas nedeniyle partiden erken ayrlmak =o25'+$7+0).
3C t*)& K&;"&)"*2"* "g&"& 2'*)"*2
IE+ 2$t!*2 have tea. / ay imeyi yeglerim.
IE+ 2$t!*2 you told me the truth. / Bana geregi sylemenizi yeglerdim.
They 5s*+ to live in Ankara. / Ankara'da otururlard.
We $2* 5s*+ to getting up early. / Erken kalkmaya alknzdr.
You'll soon g*t 5s*+ to living in a city. /Kentte yaamaya ok gemeden alrsnz.
She &s go&'g to graduate this year. / Bu yl okulu bitirecek.
I 9$s go&'g to finish the book last night. / Kitab dn akam bitirecektim.
I 9$s to !$8* started work last night. / ie dn akam balamam gerekiyordu.
The form &s to be filled in and returned tomorrow. / Formun doldurulup yarn geri verilmesi gerekiyor.
The Queen &s to visit Turkey next year. / Kralie gelecek yl Trkiye'yi ziyaret edecek.
We !$8* got to get up early tomorrow. / Yarn erken kalkmamz gerekiyor.
Everyone &s s5;;os*+ to obey traffic rules. / Herkesten trafik kurallarna uymas beklenir.
l 9o5"+ ;2*3*2 living in a village. / Kyde yaamay yeglerim (dim).
Bu szcklerin kullanldklar yap, soru biimleri bakmndan asl kipliklerden ayrlan yanlar rneklerin
incelenmesinde anlalabilir. Kullanmlarnda bu ayrmlara dikkat edilmelidir.
J6C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l it is difficult to understand Americans if you are not 5s*+ to their accent.
2 lranians $2* 'ot 5s*+ to paying so much for a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.
3 You will soon g*t 5s*+ to living in Ankara.
4 l 5s*+ to play tennis when l was abroad, but now l prefer swimming.
5 Mustafa 5s*+ to admire Tom until he found out that he was dishonest.
6 People 5s*+ to think that the sun travelled round the earth.
7 Life is not so easy in Ankara as it 5s*+ to -*.
J IE+ 2$t!*2 you painted the door brown.
9 IE+ 2$t!*2 eat at home than in a restaurant.
l0 We'd 2$t!*2 see a good movie than go to the theatre.
ll They 9o5"+ ;2*3*2 staying indoors when the weather is cold.
l2 My girl friend 9o5"+ 2$t!*2 we didn't see each other any more.
l3 l 9o5"+ ;2*3*2 to leave tomorrow morning.
l4 Alper &s go&'g to take Elif to the dance tonight.
l5 it &s go&'g to be difficult to wake him up at this late hour.
l6 My friend 9$s go&'g to get married in June but then waited until September.
l7 We 9*2* go&'g to give her a big reception but then decided against it.
l8 At first they 9*2* go&'g to put the boy in the elementary class, but later they put him in an advanced
l9 We $2* to have a film show tomorrow night.
20 The actor is to meet the audience here tonight.
2l The old President didn't know that the war 9$s to be declared.
22 The terrorist 9$s to have been murdered.
23 The Minister of Education &s to present the prizes.
24 The beautiful lady 9$s s5;;os*+ to be a widow.
25 The burglar &s s5;;os*+ to stay at his hotel for a long time.
26 The young lady !$s got to pass her driving test.
27 The burglar !$s got to put the money in the bank.
28 The boy !$s got to make an appointment with the doctor.
JIC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& ,2'*)"*2* g,2* 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Sinemaya gitmektense televizyon izlemeyi 7*."*2&%.
2 Taksiye binmektense yrmeyi t*2&! *+*2&%.
3 grenciler ileri snfta almaktansa bu snf 7*."*2.
4 Kz, kk bir arabadansa byk bir araba kullanmay 7*."*2.
5 Haziranda bir snavmz o"$$).
6 Kzlar evde kalp televizyon &="*7**).
7 Ailem yaz tatilini Antalya'da g*/&2**).
8 Size telefon *+**)t&% fakat telefon numaranz yoktu.
9 Dn futbol o7'$7$$)t0) ama yagmur yagd.
l0 Btn yl izmir'de g*/&2**)"*2+& ama paralar bitti.
ll Derhal eve gitmenizi 7*."*2+&%.
l2 Ltfen pazar gn gelmeyin. Gelecek hafta sonu gelmenizi t*2&! *+*2+&%.
l3 Her eyi son dakikaya brakmaktansa, erken balamay 7*."*2&%.
l4 Otelinize kadar btn yol boyunca araba kullanmaktansa hafta sonunu evde geirmeyi 7*."*2&%.
l5 Kz arkadamla saat l0'da havaalannda -5"54$$.0%.
l6 Yarnki partide bahede +$'s *+&"**).
l7 - Arabam satmam g*2*)&7o2.
l8 Doktorun iini degitirmesi g*2*)&7o2.
l9 i adamnn gleden sonra toplantya katlmas -*)"*'&7o2.
20 Doktorlarn saat 5'e kadar hastanede kalmas -*)"*'&2.
2l Kzm l0 yandayken ingilizce )o'5452+5 fakat imdi konuamyor.
22 Cesur iyi bir yzc &+& fakat imdi degil.
23 Gen adam sigara iilmeyen kompartmanda seyahate $"040) +*.&"+&.
24 Di hekimi 5 yldr Londra'da oturuyor, bylece trafige iyice $"04%04t02.
25 Ne isterseniz diyebilirsiniz. Eletirilmeye $"040.0%.
gC ='* X )&;"&) ?t? !$8* P -**' P V P &'g P Nt6%"*/C
The worker %5st !$8* -**' 9o2)&'g hard, ii ok almakta (olmu) olsa gerek.
The nurse s!o5"+ !$8* -**' !*";&'g the doctor. Hemire doktora yardm ediyor olmalyd.
They %$7 !$8* -**' "*$2'&'g English. ngilizce grenmekte (olmu) olabilirler.
Foreign Currency o5"+ !$8* -**' 3"o9&'g into the country. lkeye dviz akyor olabilirdi.
JJC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The runner %5st !$8* -**' 25''&'g for nearly 2 hours.
2 The girl %5st !$8* -**' s5'-$t!&'g on the beach.
3 The Turkish delegation %$7 !$8* -**' 2*t52'&'g.
4 It %&g!t !$8* -**' s'o9&'g in eastern part of Turkey.
5 You s!o5"+ !$8* -**' ;$7&'g attention to what the teacher did in the classroom.
6 Your mother o5"+'Et !$8* -**' t2$8*""&'g in Europe at that time of the year.
7 He $'Et !$8* -**' ;$7&'g all the money back to his friend.
8 You o5g!t to !$8* -**' t$)&'g that medicine every two hours,
9 He %&g!t !$8* -**' 9o2)&'g here last year, but l don't know.
l0 The father s!o5"+ !$8* -**' t!&')&'g of making a living.
ll The children 9o5"+ 2$t!*2 !$8* -**' ;"$7&'g g$%*s.
l2 Veysel 9o5"+ 2$t!*2 !$8* -**' t*$!&'g the children.
l3 Those women o5"+ !$8* -**' *$2'&'g their living.
l4 The parents o5g!t to !$8* -**' *+5$t&'g their daughters.
JKC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N%5st1 %$71 o5"+ P !$8* P -**' P V ?&'g )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Yorgun grnyorsun. ok /$"0407o2 o"%$"0s0' # o"%$'0= gerekir.
2 Kars hastanede iken iftinin yalnz 7$407o2 o"%$s0 g*2*) / herhalde yalnz yayordu.
3 Prens bu odada alyor (olmu) o"%$"0.
4 Hizmeti amarlar 70)07o2 o"%$"07+0.
5 Katil bu otelde )$"07o2 o"%$"07+0.
6 Ayhan arabay )5""$'07o2 o"$-&"&2+&.
7 Arabay soldan )5""$'07o2 o"%$"07+0'0=.
8 Sekreter belki de mdre bir eyler anlatmaya alyordun
9 Babakan geliyor o"%$"07+0.
l0 Kzn nianls Fransa'da ot5257o2 o"$-&"&2+&.
NQ$ss&8* 9&t! %o+$"sC
N='* P )&;"&) P -* P V3C
KLC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The patient $'Et !$8* -**' discharged.
2 Your question $' 'ot -* answered by anybody.
3 All these books and papers %5st -* cleared up immediately
4 You $''ot -* put in prison if you haven't done anything wrong.
5 The visitors 9&"" -* met at the airport.
6 You 9&"" -* laughed at if you wear that strange hat.
7 You ought to be put in prison by the police
8 Lessons s!o5"+ -* made more interesting for students.
9 Such things o5g!t 'ot to -* spoken in public by people.
l0 Hats and coats %5st -* left in the cloakroom.
ll They $2* 5s*+ to -*&'g laughed at.
l2 The girls are eager to -* introduced.
l3 The glasses 9o5"+ 'ot !$8* -**' broken by the maid.
l4 The book you want %$7 !$8* -**' borrowed.
l5 The goods %5st'Et -* sent by sea.
l6 l can't find that letter. lt %5st !$8* -**' thrown away.
l7 When you are making out a cheque, the following points s!o5"+ -* kept in mind.
l8 No one told us how many new words 9*2* to -* written down.
l9 How many sentences $2* to -* translated?
20 They say that the teacher's talk &s go&'g to -* published.
2l The results $2* just go&'g to -* announced.
22 Drinks $'Et -* taken out of the bar.
23 The work o5"+ -* done next week.
24 The article !$+ to -* published in a local newspaper.
25 All the questions !$+ to -* answered by the students,
26 The answers %5st -* written on one side of the paper only.
27 The worker got 3&2*+ yesterday because he used to go to work late every day.
28 Your offer %$7 !$8* -**' accepted.
K1C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N$'#9&""#%$7 P be P V3 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 Kz gelecek yl evlendirilmeyi yegler.
2 Bir gretmen kendini iine adamaldr.
3 Blge insanlarna yardm *+&"*-&"&2+&.
4 Ttnleri iin pazarlar -5"5'$-&"&2+&.
5 Blgede baka bir okul $/0"$$).
6 Eskiden kmrmzn ogu deniz yolu ile tatlrd.
7 Kk ocuk daha sonra bir doktora muayene *tt&2&"%*"&7+&.
8 Resepsiyona davet edilmi olmam g*2*)&2.
9 Doktora durum hakknda bilgi 8*2&"%*"&.
l0 Tanrken o resim !$s$2$ 5.2$+0.
ll Terrist ,"+626"%64 o"%$"07+0.
l2 Ona o hususta bilgi verilmi o"%$"07+0.
l3 Bu kaplar kapal t5t5"%$"0+02.
l4 Onun konumasnn &;t$" *+&"**.&'& iittim.
l5 Man &;t$" *+&"**.&'& dndm.
l6 Benim iznim olmadan oda )5""$'0"%$%$"0.
l7 Doktor hemireye hastann 2$!$ts0= *+&"%*%*s& g*2*)t&.&'& sylemektedir.
l8 Hepsine toplantya katlmalar s,7"*'%*"&7+&.
1K stediginiz szlk /$"0'%04 o"$-&"&2.
20 Tabaklar )020"%04 o"$-&"&2.
2l Bu krk vazo t$%&2 *+&"*%*=.
22 Hastaya uzun bir tatil ,'*2&"*-&"&2.
23 Toplant mdr gelinceye kadar *2t*"*'*-&"&2+&.
24 O ocuga bir ders 8*2&"%*"&.
25 Toplant polis tarafndan +$.0t0"%$"0.
26 (*nun) onu bir daha yapmamas s,7"*'%*"&.
27 Bahsettiginiz kii gelecek hafta hapse $t0"$$).
28 Yntem degitirilmi o"%$"07+0.
Kipliklerin !$8* almadan kullanlan biimleri (can, could, 5ill, 5ould vb.) edilgen yapda -* P V3 alrlar.
K2C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l lt is assumed that the Government 9&"" +o something to relieve the situation.
2 He said his daughter 9$s 'ot to wear silk clothes.
3 The boss said the salesgirl 9$s 'ot to come so early.
4 The matter 9&"" -* discussed later.
5 These books %5st 'ot -* taken away.
6 This door $' easily -* mended.
7 The war o5"+ -* ended.
J The war o5"+ !$8* -**' ended.
9 German 5s*+ to -* taught in this school ten years ago.
l0 Turkish og!t to !$8* -**' taught better in our schools.
ll He !$+ -*tt*2 -* taught maths.
12 <* %&g!t !$8* -***' wounded in the accident.
l3 This difficulty $' -* avoided in several ways.
l4 The boat $'Et !$8* "*3t already, it is not due to go until ten.
l5 I '**+'Et !$8* %$22&*+ Jane, l could only have married someone else.
l6 He !$+ to get punished.
l7 This method $' -* s$&+ to be the best of all.
l8 She !$+ to go straight home from school.
l9 l !$+ to see him when he came back.
20 These calculations 5s*+ to be done by men; now they are done by a computer.
2l This dress $'Et -* washed, it must be dry-cleaned.
22 Tickets s!o5"+'Et -* thrown away by the passangers as their tickets %$7 -* checked.
23 The car 9&"" !$8* to -* towed to the garage immediately.
24 These documents s!o5"+'Et -* left on the desk. They s!o5"+ -* locked up.
25 Articles (5hich have been) bought during the sale $' 'ot -* exchanged.
26 You '**+'Et !$8* 92&tt*' to him because he is coming here tomorrow.
27 He %5st !$8* !$+ a parachute, otherwise, he 9o5"+ !$8* -**' )&""*+.
2J You o5"+'Et !$8* -o5g!t that sweater on Sunday because all the shops are shut on Sundays.
29 You '**+'Et !$8* +o'* all the work because we have a computer to do that sort of thing.
30 This girl o5"+ !$8* %$22&*+ any one of a dozen men because she was a real beauty, but she waited till
her fianc came out of jail.
3l You '**+'Et !$8* -o5g!t a ticket for the baby because babies travel free.
32 He %$7 !$8* sto;;*+ for a drink and got involved in an argument
33 Someone %$7 !$8* +2o;;*+ a lighted cigarette.
34 Someone %&g!t !$8* t2&*+ to hijack the plane and there might have been fight during which the plane
35 This business letter o5g!t to !$8* -**' %$&"*+.
36 The recommendation o5"+ !$8* -**' t7;*92&tt*'1 not !$'+ 92&tt*'.
37 Edison %&g!t !$8* t2&*+ to help his parents more than we know.
38 We o5g!t to !$8* sto;;*+ the machine this morning.
39 She 9o5"+ 2$t!*2 !$8* st5+&*+ science and mathematics.
40 T!*7 9*2* to !$8* -**' %$22&*+ next month but now they have quarreled and the wedding has been
K3C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 Bujileri temizlerken kk bir ege kullanlabilir.
2 Benzin hava ile kartrlmadka yanmaz.
3 Depremlerin kentlerdeki kt sonularnn bir ksm zel binalar yaparak nlenebilir.
4 Radyasyona maruz kalmak, hastalk ve hatta lmle sonulanabilir.
5 Ar sigara ime sonucu akciger kanseri oluabilir.
6 Anlamanz artrmak ve sz dagarcgnz geniletmek iin elinizden geldigince ok ngilizce okumalsnz.
7 Aratrma iin ancak ok az (snrl) bir para vard, ama bir bag saglamay baardm.
8 Nfus patlamasyla ilgili makale okumak zorundaydk; bu da gnmz berbat etti.
9 Mevcut istatistikler de Batnn modem endstri uluslarnn ondokuzuncu yzylda byle bir sreten gemi
olabileceklerini akla getirmektedir.
l0 Mevcut dogal kaynaklar iin yaplan yarmann, bir savaa ve bundan tr de nfusta bir azalmaya yol
amas olas mdr?
ll Yoksullarn getrlerini artrc (artrmak iin) politikalar oluturulmalyd.
l2 Herkes haprdg ya da ksrdg zaman agzn kapamay bir alkanlk haline getirmelidir.
l3 Atletler, yazn yorucu idman yaptklarnda, kaybedilen tuzu karlamak iin tuz tabletleri almaldr.
l4 Para, hkmetleri devirebilir, savalar balatabilir, g ya da yoksulluk yaratabilir.
l5 Bu sorunu zebilmeliyiz.
K4C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l By fairly simple processes, sane and ordinary citizens $' -* induced to deny the plain evidence of their
2 The pilot !$s to keep watch on a number of dials which give him vital information about his speed, altitude
3 Bringing more water to land, improving the soil, providing plant nutrients, teaching the farmer better cultural
practices $''ot yield maximum results unless the plants under cultivation $2* $-"* to respond fully to the
improved environment and practices.
4 Developing countries s!o5"+ follow simple and inexpensive methods which, in the great majority of cases,
are economic and efficient.
5 lt 9o5"+ seem unwise to use insecticides regularly, on a very large scale, unless there is some vital object
to be attained.
6 Acidic or basic solutions %$7 -* neutralized before they are tested.
7 A student of biology s!o5"+ -* familiar with the basic bacteriological techniques, such as the preparation of
culture media, sterilization, culture transferring, maintenance and aseptic technique.
8 To get at the root of traffic problem, we %5st approach it through the social, and economic factors which
determine the ways which activities are arranged in our towns.
9 The engineer %5st solve the problems as they arise and his solutions %5st satisfy conflicting
l0 lnsufficient observations o5"+ easily lead to false generalizations.
ll Strict objectivity %5st necessarily be applied in developing new theories.
l2 Untested assumptions $' produce disturbing effects in a piece of research.
l3 The use of higher octave fuels in internal combustion engines s!o5"+ result in improved performance.
l4 This conclusion o5"+ !$8* -**' due to a misinterpretation of chance results.
l5 A research worker %&g!t &'3*2 that the disease was due to the smokiness of the area.
l6 The greater care %5st -* exercised in order to eliminate errors.
l7 The recording of data %$7 -* subject to emotional interference and s!o5"+ -* carefully checked.
l8 Constant vigilance and greatest foresight %5st -* exercised in order to minimise or eliminate errors.
l9 Errors of measurement %$7 $2&s* through lack of skill in the operator or may be introduced through
defects in the apparatus itself.
20 Some other factors which %$7 &'3"5*'* reasoning are a) faulty analogizing b) the inhibiting
of further research of concepts which have been widely accepted as satisfactory and c) the role of authority
as a bar to the reconsideration of a problem.
2l We $' expect applied science to produce a vast increase in entirely new synthetic products of all kinds.
22 Another result of automation s!o5"+ be to accelerate the accumulation of surplus capital, which o5"+
then be made available for the purpose of assisting the emerging countries to solve some of the problems
of underdevelopment.
23 So long as millions of human beings, the great majority of them in the Third World, are living
on the border-line of starvation, no educational policy, however well conceived, $' by itself
eradicate illiteracy.
24 Systems of education copied from other countries and which do not take into account a nation's specific
conditions and needs can never be expected to come to grips with the basic problems of illiteracy.
25 l !$8* to give a lecture on the disposal of industrial waste to students of engineering.
='* P 76)"*% P t6%"*/ N> P V P Bo%;"*%*'tC
The scientist 5s*s reliable instruments. / Bilim adam gvenilir aralar )5""$'02.
They %$+* an electronic computer. / Onlar elektronik bir bilgisayar 7$;t0"$2.
The classroom &s "*$'*+ every day. / Derslik hergn t*%&="*'&2.
Some complex instruments 9*2* t*st*+ in the experiment. / Deneyde baz karmak aralar +*'*'+&.
Simple present, eylemin l. biimi (go, sit, use vb.) kullanlarak yaplr. 3. tekil ahsta eyleme -s eklenir, (goes, sits,
uses vb.) Edilgen biimi &s1 $2*1 $% + V3 ile yaplr. Simple past tense'te btn ahslarda eylemin 2. biimi
kullanlr (5ent, used, sat, asked vb.) 3 sorular +&+ ile (&id you see himG &id you make an electronic com!uterG)
olumsuzlar +&+'Et kullanlarak yaplr; edilgen biiminde 9$s#9*2* P V3 kullanlr.
K5C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Magellan sailed round the world in the l6th century.
2 Who first walked on the moon?
3 lce melts in hot water.
4 My room overlooks the garden.
5 Did the film we saw on TV seem realistic to you?
6 The solar system consists of the sun and nine planets.
7 She concealed her nervousness from us.
8 Potatoes are supposed to make people fat.
9 Animals depend on plants for their food.
l0 Fatih Sultan conquered lstanbul ln l453.
ll Rehearsals went on all afternoon.
l2 lf legislation is not introduced soon, all the Mediterranean will be polluted.
l3 All the people who lived in that town were affected by the fumes from the chemical factory.
l4 Share prices fluctuate every day.
l5 The cost of living index rose by l0 per cent last year.
l6 lnflation is defined as a persistent rise in the general level of prices.
l7 Food quickly spoils and decomposes if it is not stored correctly.
l8 lnfluenza normally subsides after three or four days, leaving the sufferer limp, washed out and often
depressed for some time afterwards.
0A lf you don't smoke, you are less likely to die of a heart attack.
20 Cigarette smoking causes more than 300.000 deaths from lung cancer every year in the U.K.
2l The patient was given artificial respiration.
22 At what age do you think children need most attention from their mothers?
23 Telephone bills are sent out once a month.
24 A new student feels lonely at first but he soon makes friends.
25 How did you feel when the doctor said you must have an operation?
26 We were each given a different present.
27 He was kidnapped by terrorists but he managed to escape.
28 He got a sore throat from talking too much.
29 Fruit provides the body with vitamins.
30 Fertilizers prevent the loss of minerals.
3l Refrigerators are used for cooling food.
32 Most metals conduct heat better than wood.
33 ln severe cold the human body soon reaches the limit of its endurance.
34 Attendance at lectures in many universities is not compulsory; and names are not taken.
35 Scientific problems arise out of curiosity.
36 The parties settled their dispute in a civilized manner.
37 Penicilin was discovered accidentally.
38 The whole population was successfully vaccinated.
39 lslam forbids murder, cruelty, adultery, gambling, usury, and consumption of carrion, blood, pork and
40 Scientists assume that cholesterol is somehow necessary for the formation of brain cells.
4l The Prime Minister still puts great emphasis on the need to deal effectively with inflation.
42 Normally independent nations recognize one another and carry on relationships through diplomatic
43 About half of the world's population lives in the southeast corner of Asia, on about one tenth of the world's
land, and about one fifth lives in Europe.
44 All key decisions are made by the ministers in the Cabinet.
45 Members of the Cabinet are selected by the Prime Minister, normally from among the leaders of his own
party in the parliament.
46 lt is said that unless an average of one 25.000 ton shipment of grain is received in lndian ports every day
of the year, starvation will occur.
47 The Secretary-General is appointed for a five-year term by the General Assembly on the recommendation
of the Security Council.
48 lt is assumed that doctors earn well.
49 l doubt whether anybody knows how to solve the housing problem in Turkey.
50 lt is alleged that the train crash which occurred yesterday was due to sabotage.
K6 A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Su l00 C 'de kaynar.
2 Banz agrrsa genellikle ne alrsnz?
3 Eviniz nasl stlr?
4 Kennedy"yi kim ldrd?
5 Kalp hastalgna neden olan nedir?
6 Birinci Dnya Sava l9l4'te balad.
7 Arabam sabahlar hi almaz.
8 Telefon Edison tarafndan m icat edildi?
9 Dn gece bir uak daha karld.
l0 Kentteki hemen hemen herkes koleraya kar aland.
ll Atei birdenbire dt.
l2 Transistor l948'de icat edildi.
l3 Beynin sag taraf, vcudun sol tarafn idare eder.
l4 Toprak, bitkilere azot saglar.
l5 Vitaminler, sentetik olarak byk miktarlarda imal edilmektedir.
l6 Hayvanlar ve bitkiler solunum srasnda srekli olarak karbon alp verirler.
l7 ayn yetitirilmesi ve ilenmesinde pek ok kadn altrlmaktadr.
l8 Babakan, basna beyanatta bulunmaktan kanyor.
l9 Trafik kazalarnn ogu insan hatasndan dogmaktadr.
20 Yatma zamannz.
2l Bu ilacn baz yan etkileri olduguna inanlmaktadr.
22 Bu ilacn baz yan etkilerinin olmas bir saknca oluturur.
23 Hasta dn gece hastaneye kaldrld.
24 Ordu isyan bastrd ve skynetim ilan etti.
25 Bu hafta sonuna dogru atekes ilan edilmesi bekleniyor.
26 Bama soguk su dkerek karlk verdiler.
27 Tutuklu sulu bulundu.
28 Son defa ne zaman karnnz agrd?
29 Heyecann bizden gizledi.
30 Sanayicilerin kirlenmeye aldr ettikleri yok. Onlar kazanlarla ilgili.
3l Yutkundugum zaman bogazm agryor.
32 Bir doktor bam dikkatlice sard.
33. Hava kirliligini azalttlar ama tamamen yok edemediler.
34 Bir milyon dolar degerinde stereo malzemesi ihra ettiler.
35 Sigaray yllar nce braktm.
36 Penicilin l928'de kefedildi.
37 lk fotograf l826'da ekildi.
38 l6 Ekim l979'da Babakan Blent Ecevit hkmetin istifasn Cumhurbakan'na sundu.
39 Cumhurbakan istifay kabul etti, ancak yeni hkmet oluup millet Meclisi'nden gven oyu alana kadar
Babakan'n greve devam etmesini istedi.
40 Mttefikler, l922 Ekim'i sonunda hem stanbul ve hem Ankara hkmetlerini Lozan'da bir konferansa
davet ettiler.
KIC A4$.0+$)& ;$2/$"$20 T62)/*E7* /*8&2&'&=.
The heart is a muscle that pumps blood to all parts of the body. lf it stops, the body does not get
the oxygen that the blood carries.
The heart is about the size of a fist. A man's heart weighs about ll ounces and a woman's around
9 ounces. The adult heart is approximately 5 inches long, 3-l/2 inches wide, and 2-l/2 inches thick. A
normal heart beats 70 times a minute and more than l00.000 times a day. l0 pints of blood go
through it every 60 seconds.
lndira Gandhi, one of the great woman leaders of the 20th century, was born in Uttar Pradesh,
lndia. Her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was always interested in politics. When she finished her studies in
England, she returned to lndia and became involved in the fight for lndia's independence from Great
Britain. lndia became independent in l948. She became president of her father's party, the congress
Party, in l959, and five years later she became Minister of lnformation and Broadcasting. After the
death of Prime Minister Shastri in l966, she became prime minister of lndia. Her husband's name was
Ferez Gandhi. She lost reelection in l977 but became prime minister again in 1KJL. She was killed on
October 3l, l984, in Dew Delhi. She had two sons.
Leroy returned to his job, but after a week at work,he came to see me. He complained of weakness
in his left arm. Leroy said that he couldn't hold his arm upright fof very long. When he did so, his arm
began to tremble and he dropped things. His boss wasn't happy with his work. Leroy took too long to
do simple jobs. He was losing money for his boss. Leroy began to get nervous, and his hypertension
increased. His blood pressure became too high; he perspired excessively; he lost his appetite; he
became irritable at work and at home.
We ran tests and took X-rays. No physical abnormality was evident. So here we have one of those
baffling cases - lots of symptoms and no organic j cause. We can treat the symptoms, of course, but
what is the cause?
lt may be the place itself. Leroy suffered a serious injury there. We repaired it. Yet there may be
psychic trauma that we can't U eat. We can't stitch j up a psychic wound.
l don't believe that physical ihcarpy is indicated for Leroy. He is strong' and physically trained to do
his work. But if his decline continues, he may need counseling. He may have to change his
o5;$t&o' - or at least his place of employment. The prognosis at this time is uncertain.
KJC A4$.0+$)& ;$2/$"$20 >&%;"* Q$st T*'s* )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
Eski Msr, Nil'i evreleyen ul .ilanlarndan oluuyordu. Bu blge ilk byk uygarlklardan birinin
merkeziydi. Bu uygarlk tarm retimine dayanyordu. Nehrin kysndaki toprak ok verimliydi. Drenaj
ve sulama byk lde ortak abay gerektiriyordu. Bunun sonucu kent blgeleri (kent yerleimi) ve
merkez rgtlenmesi zendiriliyordu. Daha sonraki yllarda Msrllar gl bir ynetim sistemi
gelitirdiler. Piramit ve tapnaklar yapmaya baladlar, grkemli sanat yaplar ortaya koydular.
>&%;"* Q2*s*'t T*'s* N$t&8* $'+ ;$ss&8*C )5""$'$2$) &'g&"&=* 7* /*8&2&'&=.
Termostatlar ogu su stclarnda kullanlr. Termostat iki metalli bir ubuktan oluur. (P), scak su
tankndaki bir stcya baglanr. Tanktaki su snr. Sonuta ubuk geniler ve bklr. Bunun sonucu
olarak, iliki kopar ve stc kapanr. Bundan sonra su sogur.
>&%;"* Q2*s*'t T*'s* K5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
$ellikle koyu ya$l s$cklere dikkat edini$-
'*1 tohum scak, nemli toprakta imlenir. imlenme srasnda tohumdan bir kk ve filiz geliir.
A7'0 =$%$'+$ tohumun arta kalan ksmlar rr. Daha sonra kk bir bitki geliir ve yapraklar
oluur. Bitkiler geliince iek oluur. iekler rzgr, bcek ya da suyla tozlar ve -5'+$' sonra
oluur. D$!$ so'2$ da iekler lr.
T!* >&%;"* Q2*s*'t N$t&8* ? ;$ss&8*C )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
Nabz, kalbin sol ventrikl kaslp aorta kan pompaladgnda arterlerde ortaya kan gerilme
dalgasdr. Bu, byk yzeysel bir arter bir kemigi getiginde ok kolaylkla hissedilir. En uygun
(hissedilme) noktas radyal arterin radyosu getigi, bilegin arteriyor yzeyidir.
Nabz hz kalp at sklgdr. Bu byk lde degiebilir. Kimi yetikinlerde normal nabz
dakikada 50, kimilerinde dakikada 90 kadardr. Ortalama 72 oldugu sylenir. Bebekte nabz hz l40'a
kadar kabilir. Nabz hacmi, dolamndaki kan miktarnca kalbin atm gcn gsterir. Nabz ritmi
normal olarak zaman ve g bakmndan dzgndr, ancak hastalkta dzensizlikler grlebilir.
Dzensizliklerin grldg durumlarda kalbin tepedeki (a!e8) atm saylr. Tepe atm, sternumun
aag yukar iki u solundan, beinci enterkontral bolukta bulunabilir.
They 9&"" discuss the problem later. /Sorunu daha sonra tartacaklar.
The train "*$8*s at 7 o'clock. /Tren saat sekizde kalkyor.
IE% go&'g to go to lstanbul tomorrow. /Yarn stanbul'a gidecegim.
He &s "*$8&'g tomorrow. /Yarn yola kyor.
He &s to "*$8* tomorrow. / Yarn yola kmas gerekiyor.
A four lane-road 9&"" -* -5&"t between Ankara and stanbul (Ankara ve stanbul arasnda 4 eritli bir yol
Gelecek anlatmnda degiik yaplar kullanlr. Bunlarn en yaygn olanlar 9&""1 be go&'g to1 ve t!* ;2*s*'t
o't&'5o5s t*'s*Et&2. D&""1 ngr (!rediction) iin, koula bagl gelecek anlatmnda : -* go&'g to kararlatrlan,
belirlenen durumlar anlatmada kullanlr, koullu (i4) tmcelerde kullanlmaz.
KKC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l l am having dinner out this evening.
2 Mr. Akta is having a ticket for next Friday's plane to Paris.
3 l will learn English before l go to England.
4 The aims of the government will soon be accomplished.
5 lmprovements in trade will follow the reforms in the system of taxation.
6 The decrease in the incidence of disease will eventually be determined.
7 The attempts of the government to accomplish their policy will immediately be confirmed.
8 Soil will not be removed from the hillsides through erosion.
9 The problems before the government will be solved without incident.
l0 A new government is going to be established by the Republicans
ll New industrial developments are going to be introduced by the new 'Minister.
l2 l hope your cough will not develop into something more serious.
l3 Life is hard at present but everything will be different soon.
l4 Tlin says that she is going to get married when she is twenty, and that she is going to have two children.
l5 l am to speak on behalf of my colleagues next Monday.
l6 The accused is guilty and is to undergo six months imprisonment.
l7 The witnesses are to attend the court every day during the trial.
l8 My father retires at fifty so l take over from him next /ear.
l9 The examination takes place next month as announced.
1P The office is closing an hour later than usual tomorrow.
2l As a result of the bad weather, aeroplanes are not going to take off tomorrow.
22 Some of the students are going to spend their summer holiday in Kuadas.
23 You are going to have a good night's sleep.
24 The orchestra is going to play a waltz. lt is number two on the programme.
25 We are having breakfast very early tomorrow so that we can leave home before light.
1LLC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Gelecek dogum gn 36 (yanda) olacagm.
2 Gezi iin bir minibs kiralayacagz.
3 Toplant 5'e kadar biter.
4 Otobs saat kata gelir (gelecek)?
5 Tren on dakika sonra kalkyor.
6 Pein mi yoksa ekle mi deyeceksiniz?
7 Mutlaka bir ka bilet kalmtr.
8 Snavlarm verecegimden eminin.
9 lk yar saat ikide yaplacak.
l0 Byynce zengin ve baarl olacaksn.
ll Krmz kta geersen, kaza yaparsn.
l2 ' O balg yersen, mutlaka hastalanrsn (hastalanacaksn).
l3 ii bitirinceye kadar size deme yapmayacagm.
l4 Babam gelecek yaz emekli oluyor.
l5 Bu yasann ekonomi zerinde kt (bir) etkisi olacak.
l6 Babakan, ikili anlamalarla ilgili hkmet kararn pek yaknda aklayacak.
l7 iverenler, iiler ie dner dnmez grmelere balayacaklar.
l8 Doktor muayene edene kadar hastaya hibir tedavi uygulanmayacak.
l9 Yeni ynetim Birlemi Milletlerce tannacak.
20 Yasaya gre kk kardeim gelecek yl askere gidecek.
2l Plan heyete onaylanacak.
22 Bu yk eninde sonunda Trke'ye evrilir (evrilecek).
23 yle eletiri yaparlarsa, hak ettikleri biimde aaglayc ilem grrler (grecekler).
24 Babakan gelecek hafta talya'ya gidiyor.
25 Bugn btn hayatm boyunca hatrlayacagm.
26 Yagl yiyecekler ve tatl eyler yemezseniz kilo verirsiniz.
27 Derhal gidip mdr greceksin.
28 Onun fikrini degitirmek zor olacak.
29 Bu gece poker oynarsan, mutlaka para kaybedeceksin.
30 Birka hafta iinde ekmek fiyatlar kesinlikle artar /artacak.
1L1C A4$.0+$)& ;$2/$70 T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
A V&*9 o3 t!* Eo'o%7
lf the lira is weak, Turkish prices will be cheaper for foreigners and price abroad will be more
expensive for Turks. This means that fewer Turks will travel abroad and more foreigners will visit
Turkey. lt also means that more foreigners will buy Turkish goods, so the Turkish economy will
improve and the lira will be strong again.
The engineers $2* +*8*"o;&'g a new type of fuel. /Mhendisler yeni bir yakt tr gelitiriyorlar.
English &s -*&'g t$5g!t for the first time this year. / ingilizce bu yl ilk kez gretiyor/ okutuluyor.
He 9$s %*'+&'g the wall when l saw him. (Onu grdgmde) duvar onaryordu.
The 9$"" 9$s -*&'g %*'+*+. / Duvar onarlyordu.
They !$8* -**' +*$"&'g with the problem for over ten years. / Sorunla on yl akn bir sredir ugrayorlar.
Sreklilik anlatan zamanlarn tmnde V?&'g kullanlr, &s1 $2*1 $% + V?&'g u andaki srekliligi, 9$s#9*2* V?&'g
gemite belli bir andaki srekliligi, !$8* -**' P V?&'g gemiten gnmze ulaan srekliligi, !$+ -**' P V?&'g
gemi iki eylemden daha uzak gemiteki eylemin srekliligini anlatr. Edilgen biimleri &s1 $2*1 $% P -*&'g ?V3 8*
9$s#9*2* P -*&'g - V3 kullanlarak yaplr. !$8* ve !$+ kullanlan srekli zamanlarn edilgen biimleri ok seyrek
kullanlr, bu nedenle rnek verilmemitir.
1L2C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The doctor is telling the patient to quit smoking.
2 The new government is trying to check the prices.
3 The purchasing power of money is decreasing.
4 The company's activities abroad are expanding.
5 The boy is continually making mistakes in spoken English.
6 Most companies are being governed by boards of governors.
7 Turkish children are being educated by Turkish teachers in Germany.
8 The patient is being told to quit drinking wine.
9 The cease-fire is being violated by both countries.
l0 News bulletins are being prepared by journalists.
ll He was sleeping soundly when he was awakened.
l2 She went downstairs to find out what was happening.
l3 Sami was staying at a seaside hotel on holiday when he first met his wife.
l4 Who were you speaking to on the telephone when l brought your coffee?
l5 When l left the airport, Fuat and his wife were still talking to the customs officers.
l6 He had been living in ran for 5 years when the war broke out.
l7 The two men were being taken to the police station when we went out.
l8 The condition of the company was being discussed all day yesterday.
l9 The man was being followed by the police last night.
20 The chairs were being carried into the room by children.
2l While the guests were dancing, thieves broke into the house and stole a lot of fur coats.
22 Mr. Demirsoy has been living in zmir for the last five years.
23 lt has been snowing since l came here.
24 The trial has been going on for two years.
25 He has been hoping for a rise in his salary for six months but he hasn't dared to ask for it yet.
26 They have been talking over business since the meeting started.
27 The police had been trying to solve the mystery for weeks but they hadn't succeeded.
28 Remzi had been asking Ayin to marry him for two years before they were engaged.
29 My father had been complaining of pains in his back, so we took him to the doctor yesterday.
30 The professor had been teaching in the university for 30 years on the day he retired.
3l Shakespeare had been writing for a number of years before he became really well known.
32 We had been waiting for more than an hour but there was still no sign of a bus.
33 600.000 Turks are now working in thirty different countries of the world, mostly in West Germany.
34 lt is becoming harder and harder for people with low incomes to find vacant apartments.
35 When l entered the clinic a woman was being examined by a very young doctor.
36 When they decided to move, the company had been doing business in the same location for ten years.
37 While the scientists were making a study of the behavior of a certain virus, they discovered new facts about
the structure of the cell.
38 Australia and Canada are still encouraging the migration of skilled workers from Europe.
39 The government decided to start a food programme while many people in the rural areas of the country were
starving due to Several years of drought.
40 Jenny has been eating a lot lately. She's put on five kilos.
1L3C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N>62*)"&"&) $'"$t$' =$%$' 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Yeni yol yapmna ok para harcyorlar.
2 Yaam standartlar Avrupa lkelerinin ogunda nemli lde ykselmektedir.
3 Polis cinayeti aratryor.
4 Atatrk havaalanndaki grev yolcularn ok gecikmelerine neden oluyor.
5 ifti iftliginde sgr yetitiriyor.
6 Bahe bahvan tarafndan sulanyor.
7 Arabanz teknisyen tarafndan tamir ediliyor.
8 Hemireye bebegi nasl banyo yapacag gsteriliyor.
9 Sandalyeler baheye tanyor.
l0 Ziyaretilere yeni binalar gsteriliyor.
ll Columbus Amerika'y buldugu zaman Hindistan'a gitmeye ugrayordu.
l2 Hrsz eve girdiginde aile bir televizyon program izliyordu.
l3 ii hastanede yatarken firmas haftalgn her hafta dedi.
l4 ilker televizyonu izlerken hanm masay hazrlyordu.
l5 Mektubu daktilo ederken ok yazm hatas gzme iliti.
l6 zindeyken yeni karm hakknda sorular soruluyordu.
l7 Geen yl boyunca o hususta bilgi toplanyordu.
l8 Brodan eve geldigimde bahe sulanyordu.
l9 Kpr geen yl yaplyordu, fakat grdgmde bitmemiti.
20 Gemi batyor olmasna ragmen hl ate ediliyordu.
2l yldr ingilizce grenmekteyim.
22 Kardeim 5 yldr bankada almaktadr.
23 Petrol fiyat artyor.
24 Dr. nbayrak l975 ylndan bu yana Ankara'da oturmaktadr.
25 Saat 6'dan beri beklemekteyim ve henz sram gelmedi.
26 Ozan, ocuklugundan beri bir eyler krmaktadr.
27 Kendimi yorgun hissettim, nk ok almaktaydm.
28 Doktor bana (bir) hasta muayene etmekte oldugunu syledi.
29 Yolu iki aydr tamir ediyorlar. :
30 Musluk sabahtan beri damlyor.
3l Mektubun geldiginde seni aramay dnyordum.
32 Makine bozuldugunda almakta myd?
33 Birok lke nkleer enerji kullanp kullanmama sorusuyla kar karya bulunuyor.
34 Hkmet blgenin ihtiyac olan tm elektrigi saglayacak bir nkleer enerji program gelitirmeyi planlyor.
35 Asya, Afrika ve Latin Amerika'nn baz blgelerinde nfus patlamasyla birlikte kuvvetli bir milliyetilik
9&"" !$8* P V3 P t6%"*/
Medicine !$s made great progress in the last 20 years. / Tp son ylda byk gelimeler )$7+*t%&4t&2.
The paintings !$8* -**' so"+. / Tablolar satlmtr.
She !$+ s5'g that song before you arrived. / Siz gelmeden o arky sylemiti.
A great deal of research !$+ -**' +o'* in the possible causes of cancer in the past. / Gemite kanserin olas
nedenlerine ilikin epeyce aratrma 7$;0"%04t0.
You 9&"" !$8* "*3t school by this time next year. / Gelecek yl bu vakitler okulu -&t&2%&4 o"$$)s0'0=.
Bitmilik anlatan zamanlarn tm !$8* + V3 ile yaplr. Sreklilik anlatan biimleri de vardr. Tmnn edilgen
biimleri have'den sonra -**' eklenerek yaplr. Sreklilik anlatan biimlerinin edilgen atlar kullanlmaz.
1L4C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Turkey has recently adopted floated rates.
2 A lot of money had been deposited in foreign banks before the king fled the country.
3 Many holiday villages have been built in the western and southern part of Turkey by the Ministry of Tourism.
4 The cabinet Ministers had been received by the President a week ago.
5 The Nobel Prize had been rejected by our famous writer.
6 The man has been stabbed by the thief.
7 By next June l will have written my second book.
8 By the end of the semester the teacher will have taught us to speak English.
9 The politician declared that his party had always stood for social security.
l0 The fire had spread to the next building before the firemen arrived.
ll We were surprised to hear that she had passed such an examination at the age of thirteen.
l2 You ought to have brought her straight home after she had fallen in the river.
l3 l hope this road will have been repaired by the time we came back next summer.
l4 ln two months' time his preliminary training will have been finished and he will be starting work.
l5 By the end of my tour l will have given exactly the same lecture five times.
l6 Most of the houses in this street have been pulled down, but the old shop at the corner has not been
l7 Ozan is convinced that there is gold in these hills but we have searched for six months and haven't seen a
sign of it.
l8 They began widening this road a month ago; but the workmen have been on strike for the last ten days so
they haven't got very far with it.
l9 l have been very patient with you for several years.
20 l have earned my own living since l left school.
2l By next January l will have paid 50 milyon TL as income tax.,
22 By next spring they will have built l00 houses in that field.
23 The cost of living has gone up a great deal since last year.
24 Asl got married again when she hadn't heard from her husband for five years.
25 l have been offered a very good job at a much higher salary.
26 Mr. Bozta had been given a present by his friend before he went to London.
27 The crowd had been dispersed by the police.
28 The proposal had been discussed in detail before they reached a decision.
29 Student dropouts has decreased in the last few years.
30 Since l969, the number of smokers has dropped from 42 percent to about 30 percent.
3l Medical science has proved that animal fats, excessive sugar, carbon hydrate are harmful.
32 Have you been vaccinated against smallpox?
33 Have you heard about the floods in lzmir?
34 She has learnt to stand on her own two feet.
35 Energy utilization has become the modern key to human progress.
36 Syria which is believed to be a heaven for years for Turkish terrorists, has suddenly become more
responsive to Ankara's calls for security cooperation and the prevention of terrorist infiltrations.
37 A security guard found the tunnel after the gang had left.
38 His progress has been retarded by illness.
39 Have you seen much improvement in the housing situation during the past decade?
40 The Secretary General said that the new plan the Russians had proposed was, in most respects, the same
as the one that had been rejected earlier.
1L5C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N!$8* # 9&"" P V3 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=1
l AiDS'in olas nedenlerine ilikin son zamanlarda epeyce aratrma 7$;0"%04t02.
2 Kaza riskini azaltmak iin yeni aralar -5"5'%54t52.
3 Trkiye'de yllarca Franszca ,.2*t&"%&4t&2.
4 Belediyece, yeni metro projesi ile ilgili olarak bir aratrma yaplmasna )$2$2 8*2&"+&.
5 O ark siz gelmeden nce s,7"*'%&4t&.
6 Derslerine /$"04%$%04 o"+5.5 besbelli.
7 Yeni kpr be yl iinde -&t&2&"%&4 o"$$).
8 Firma bu yl iyi )[2 *t%&4t&2# *tt&.
9 Son 50 ylda doktorlar ok ey ,.2*'%&4"*2+&2#,.2*'+&"*2.
l0 grencilerimiz bu dnem imdiye kadar iyi gelime g,st*2%&4"*2+&2.
ll Soguk algnlg iin hi kimse henz bir tedavi (are) -5"%54 +*.&".
l2 Kzm geen gn ayagn )02%04t01 bu nedenle okula gidemedi.
l3 Misafirlerimiz daha nce karlam olduklarndan bizim onlar birbirleriyle tantrmamza g*2*) )$"%$+0.
l4 Yal adam genliginde byk bir gezgin oldugundan, gittigi birok yerin her biri hakknda bir yk
l5 Tren zaten kalkm oldugu iin teki treni -*)"*+&%.
l6 Bir nceki hafta boyunca 7$.%52 7$.%04 oldugundan takmmz o Pazar futbol oynayamad.
l7 Uagnz inmeden telgraf Londra'ya 7*t&4%&4 o"$$).
l8 Yarn gle vakti bin kilometreden fazla yol $"%04 o"$$.0=.
l9 Emekliligim geldigi zaman firmada yksek bir mevkiye 76)s*"%&4 o"$$.0%.
20 Biz ayrlmadan nce kardeim New York'tan g*2& g*"%&4 o"$$).
21 Polise yanl adres verilmi oldugu akt.
22 Pul kolleksiyonum /$"0'%04.
23 Bana trenin iptal edildigi s,7"*'+&.
24 Halihazrda (bir) proforma fatura g,'+*2&"%&4 -5"5'%$)t$+02.
25 Uak indiginde pilot kanatlardan birinin !$s$2 g,2%64 oldugunu anlad.
26 Adam uzun sre hasta 7$tt0)t$' sonra ld.
27 Gelecek ay onun btn mobilyalar s$t0"%04 o"$$).
28 Her yl ona bir ya gn armagan 8*2&"%&4t&2.
29 Biz dndgmzde btn hastalar t$-525 o"%54 olacak.
30 Trkiye'nin ekonomik ve ticari baglarnn agrlk merkezi Bat'ya )$7%$7$ -$4"$+0.
3l Petrol krizinin otomobil endstrisi zerinde nemli etkisi olmutur. Sanayi lkelerini, enerji tasarrufunun
geregini tanmaya ve petrol gelecegin hakim yakt olarak grmemeye =o2"$%04t02.
32 Bir bilimsel aratrma, hava kirliligi ile motorlu tat kazalarnn sklg arasnda dogrudan bir baglant oldugunu
33 Sorularn cevabn, ancak raporu etraflca o)5+5)t$' so'2$ bulabilirsiniz.
34 Bir ogumuz btn inancmz bir tek eye -$."$%040=1 btn yumurtalarmz bir sepete )o7%545=1 artk
hayatmzn dostlarmzdan baka, ailelerimiz ve ilerimizden baka bir zenginligi yok.
1L6C A4$.0+$)& ;$2/$70 T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
Advances in science and technology have brought the world many useful things, made life easier,
and have added to man's health and longevity. But, as is true with many good things, they have
brought new responsibility and hazards along with them. We are usually quick to grasp the good in
things and not so fast in realizing the responsibilities that go along with them.
Probably the foremost example is the invention of the automobile. Last year, 4l,000 people were
killed by automobiles. Citizens and science must find a way to prevent this threat to our safety and life.
Medicine has made great strides in the last century with yellow fever, malaria, tuberculosis, polio,
and many other diseases. So much so that man's predicted life span has jumped from 40 to 70 years
in the past century.
Our use of fuels, electricity, and gas have greatly increased the hazards from fire. Each person has
an obligation to himself, family, and fellow citizens to learn enough about these things to prevent the
loss of life and property created by their misuse.
$C ='* P )&;"&) P *7"*% P &'g P t6%"*/ N> P %o+ P V?&'g P Bo%;.C
D* 9&"" -* 9$t!&'g television tomorrow evening. Yarn akam televizyon seyrediyor olacagz.
The students 9&"" -* st5+7&'g in the library at two o'clock tomorrow. grenciler yarn saat ikide ktphanede
alyor olacaklar.
l 9&"" -* t2$8*""&'g at this time next week. Gelecek hafta bu zaman seyahat ediyor olacagm.
Not*: Bu zaman, bir iin gelecekte belli bir anda devam edecegini, gelecekle ilgili tahminleri veya gelecekte belirsiz
zamanlarda olacak ileri anlatr.
-C ='* P )&;"&) P !$8* P -**' P *7"*% P t6%"*/
I 9&"" !$8* -**' "&8&'g in Ankara for ten years by the summer. Yaz gelince Ankara'da l0 yldr oturuyor /
oturmu (olmakta) olacagz.
My daughter 9&"" !$8* -**' st5+7&'g English for a year by the end of next month. Kzm gelecek ayn sonunda
bir yldr ngilizce alyor/almakta olacak.
Not*: Bu zaman, gelecekte belli bir andan nce tamamlanacak iin srekli
olma zelligini vurgulamaktadr.
1LICA4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l When the bell rings l will have been teaching English for exactly one hour.
2 My wife won't mind the washing up although she, too, will have been working all day long.
3 When the director arrives in London he will have been travelling for more than five hours.
4 On the final examination day l will have been studying English for about seven years
5 We will have been attending English classes for four years by the time the examination is given again.
6 By nightfall we will have been working ten hours without a rest.
7 By June, he will have been working in Ankara for six months.
8 My friend will have been working in a factory exactly five years by this time next year.
9 l'm sorry, the doctor isn't home yet, but he will be arriving at any moment now.
l0 l'm afraid l wont be able to come as l will be visiting a friend at the hospital.
ll This time next week the snow will be melting and skiing will be over.
l2 The coming election will be the main topic of conversation for the next fortnight. The party leaders will be
speaking on TV and the local candidates will be addressing in the constituencies.
l3 The first day of the term will be horrible, for everybody will be talking about their holidays.
l4 My friend will be waiting for you at Esenboga Airport.
l5 When you arrive at the airport an escort will be waiting for you.
l6 We will be working late at the office this evening, so we won't be able to get home till about ten o'clock
l7 My husband will be working in the garden when l get back from shopping.
l8 At this time next month, we will be travelling in Europe.
l9 Tomorrow afternoon at this time we will be flying over the Black Sea.
20 l will be waiting on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow.
1LJC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N35t52* o't&'5o5s # 35t52* ;*23*t )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Eyll'de Ankara'da on yldr oturuyor olacagm.
2 Gelecek yl Haziranda 20 yldr ingilizce gretiyor olmu olacagm.
3 Ziya 45 yana geldiginde,.25 yldr gretmenlik yapm olacak.
4 Bu yl sonunda ayn ii on yldr yapyor (olmu) olacagz.
5 Bu ayn sonunda ordular drt yldr arpyor (olmu) olacak.
6 Gelecek ay bu zamanlar bir plajda oturuyor olacagm.
7 (Bir) yzyl iinde insanlar tatilleri iin Mars'a gidiyor olacaklar.
8 Terristin yurt dna kmas kolay olmayacak, nk tm k kaplar polise gzetim altnda tutuluyor
9 Futbol kulb baz oyuncularn kaybettigi iin gelecek hafta yeni insanlar aryor olacak.
l0 Onun gelecek yl bu zaman ne yapmakta olacagn merak ediyorum.
ll Yarn bu vakitler herkes sizin baarnz okuyor ve her tr insan sizi kutlamak iin telefon ediyor olacak.
l2 Pazara kadar fazla mesai yapyor olacagmdan, ondan nce buluamayacagz.
l3 Sanrm o yine davetiyelerini son dakikada gnderiyor olacak.
l4 Karmn annesi haftaya bugn yaz tatili iin geliyor olacak.
l5 Gelecek Pazartesi kzmn dogum gn oldugundan her zamanki gibi bir parti veriyor olacagz.
1LKC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The thief is being held for further questioning for about two hours at the police station.
2 Each student will be given a sheet of paper.
3 The students are expected to memorize the irregular verbs in English.
4 The manager is going to be served what he wants to eat.
5 Who have these mistakes been made by?
6 My boyfriend had to go home on foot as his car had been stolen.
7 We were not told why our house had been sold immediately.
8 Who will these difficult questions be answered by?
9 Although the climb was exhausting, the view from the top made it worthwhile.
l0 The meeting is expected to have finished by now.
ll The cabinet will probably be meeting tomorrow to discuss the economic situation.
l2 The new regulation probably won't effect foreigners already living in the country.
l3 The number of unofficial strikes in the factory increased last year.
l4 The chairman resigned to make way for a younger man.
l5 l think you already know my views on the matter.
l6 The man in the street expressed his point of view in very few words.
l7 Next month, we will have finished paying off our debts on this house.
l8 l don't know why the meeting was cancelled.
l9 l will find out why the program was cancelled.
20 Have you been told how long this car has been used?
2l l'd like to know how often the president is elected.
22 He probably doesn't speak the language very well, since he only studied it for a short time.
23 Two days after he bought the new suit, the prices went up twenty percent.
24 Who else knows where he works?
25 The young man is doing it only because he has to.
26 Everyone was longing for the term to end and the holiday to begin.
27 Did you manage to finish the work on time?
28 Regulations require the students to produce a valid lD card.
29 The customer handed the money to the tall girl behind the counter.
30 The old man built up the business and his son ran it for him.
3l The country doesn't have enough export to pay for its import.
32 lt is generally known that almost everybody likes swimming.
33 Since Henry Ford's time mass-production methods have become common in industry and have reduced
price of many articles.
34 l hurriedly thanked the woman for the trouble she had taken and left the house as quickly as l could.
35 The police opened fire to disperse the crowd.
36 He has aged ten years in the past four years.
37 The police broke up the demonstration.
38 His children by his first wife live in another town.
39 The army is expected to return to its barracks.
40 They have made a l80 turn in the policy of Middle East.
4l The ruling Motherland Party is expected to win the next general election.
42 Reagan's trip to Moscow gets wide coverage in today's newspapers.
43 General Ertrk is substituting for the commander - in - chief of the armed forces.
44 The Minister of State substituted the offices of Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
45 l don't see any point in discussing this any further.
46 Several people have been detained in connection with the robbery.
47 Nearly two million liras' worth of smuggled cigarettes were seized.
48 l00 people are reported to have been interrogated in connection with the case.
49 The novel is being serialized in a newspaper.
50 lt is expected that murderers will be caught soon.
5l Students who break the rules are generally punished in this country.
52 A six - lane road is going to be built between lstanbul and Ankara soon.
53 Pencils are being sold a dozen for 50.000 liras. .
54 The victims of the tragic accident were taken to hospital.
55 lt is believed that crime is born of poverty.
56 Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily
understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of
expression for their society.
57 We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our
community predispose certain choices of interpretation.
58 His concern is ultimately with the extent to which the structures of myths prove actually formative as well
reflective of men's minds-the degree to which they dissolve the distinction between nature and culture.
59 As a result, words in poetry have the status not simply of vehicles for thoughts, but of object in their own
autonomous, concrete entities.
60 The function of poetic language consists in the maximum of foregrounding of the utterance.
6l Every work, every novel tells through its fabric of events the story of its own creation, its own history... the
meaning of a work lies in its telling itself, its speaking of its own existence.
62 The complexity of his system clearly arises from the fact that, given his point of departure, anything which
can be isolated, then connected with something else and interpreted, can function as a sign.
63 ln fact, the advertising standarts authority was set up by the advertising business to make sure the system
of self control worked in the public interest.
64 The authority which men exercise over women is a major source of oppression in our society.
65 Without television cameras the famine now raveging Ethopia would not have caught the attention of the
well-fed world as it has done; with offers of money and other aid flooding in after every programme.
66 The computer revolution would have been inconceivable without the development of tiny micro-computers.
11LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Konuk devlet bakan havaalannda Cumhurbakan, Babakan, baz bakanlar ve yksek rtbeli subaylar
tarafndan karland.
2 Sonular henz aklanmad.
3 phe zerine kii gzaltna alnd.
4 Soygun zannyla (sulamasyla) tutukland.
5 Bugn elektrik tamamen kesildi.
6 Her iki asker de madalya ile dllendirildiler.
7 Btn eski evler yklacak.
8 lkenin demir yataklarnn ogu Orta Anadolu'da toplanmtr.
9 yk ilgi ile izleniyor.
l0 Kampanyaya katlmak iin yaplan agr byk ilgiyle karland.
ll Venezuella'da btn yabanc petrol irketleri milliletirilmitir.
l2 Sigarann saglga zararl oldugu kantlanmt.
l3 gndr yeni bir proje zerinde almaktadr.
l4 Karar, Byk Millet Meclisi'nin yaptg birleik oturumda oy birligi ile alnd.
l5 Bu olay herkese biliniyor.
l6 Son be yllk kalknma pln l973 ylndan beri uygulanmaktadr.
l7 Fabrikann 9 milyar liraya mal olacag tahmin ediliyor.
l8 Baarszlgnn maddi olanakszlklardan ileri geldigi anlalyor.
l9 Adamn karsn kskanlktan ldrm oldugu iddia ediliyor.
20 Bir eteye mensup oldugundan phe ediliyor.
2l Nehri geerken grldler.
22 Ayrldgndan beri ondan hibir haber alnmad.
23 partinin bir koalisyon hkmeti kuracagna inanyor.
24 Toplant baka bir gne ertelendi.
25 Trkiye kupasnn finali televizyonda verilecek.
26 Bu roman hi filme alnd m?
27 Btn eyalarna el kondu.
28 Araba kim tarafndan bulundu?
29 Acil olarak ihtiya duyulan ey para degil, yiyecektir.
30 Umarm sonunda herey dzelecek.
.3l Birok yl gemi olsa bile senin hayalini kafamdan silemeyecektir.
32 Bu bize evliligimizin 25'inci (gm) yldnm nedeniyle verildi.
33 O baarsn tamamen kendi gayretlerine borludur.
34 Bu oda 200 kiiyi rahat bir ekilde alr.
35 Babam saglk nedenleriyle emekliye ayrlyor.
36 Doktorun nerisi zerine hasta bir ay tatile kt.
37 Hazr bulunan yelerden sadece iki tanesi nerinin lehinde konutu.
38 Ev batan baa arand, fakat hibir ipucu bulunamad.
39 Fiat l0.000 TL'ye indirildi.
40 Aslan payn Leyla ald.
4l Bu iin btn girdi ktlarn bilirim.
42 O hem yksek atlama hem de l00 metrede rekor krd.
43 Onlar Uludag'a kmak (trmanmak) niyetiyle Bursa'ya gidiyorlar.
44 Hrsz tam saati cebine koyarken sust yakaland.
45 O para kazanmaktan baka bir ey dnmez.
46 Henz emekli olmay dnmyor.
47 Havaalan geniletiliyor.
48 Nobel dl, fizik alanndaki almalarndan dolay mehur Sovyet . bilim adamna verildi.
49 Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nde kalp hastalg ylda diger herhangi bir hastalktan daha fazla can almaktadr.
50 Bir komisyon hastalgn en son k nedenini aratrm ve raporunda salgnn nedeni olarak bozuk et (ler)
111CA4$.0+$)& Q$2/$"$20 T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
Now doctors can vaccinate children against measles. For the first time in history it is possible to
prevent outbreaks of measles. lf children are immunized with live vaccine, measles can become a
thing of the past, like smallpox. Measles vaccine is prepared from specially processed, weakened
measles virus. Although the virus has been weakened, it is still capable of producing durable
immunity-durable like the immunity acquired after having natural measles. Booster doses are not
M$7 1K1 1K1K
May l9, l9l9 is the date on which Mustafa Kemal Atatrk landed at Samsun and began the
Turkish Nation's War of lndependence. On the very day that he set foot on the soil of Anatolia, he sent
a telegram to the lstanbul government protesting the Greek occupation of lzmir. ln that telegram he
stated: The nation will not accept this unjust attack. ln communiques issued from Havza and Amasya
to the military and civilian authorities he stated: lt is the determination and decisiveness of the nation
which shall preserve the nation's independence; thus, clearly indicating the fact the national will was
the power on which he relied.
Following the occupation of lstanbul by foreign troops and the dissolution of the newly elected
parliament, Mustafa Kemal convened on April 23 l920 a National Assembly, in Ankara, with
extraordinary powers and representing the will of the nation. He established a government,
responsible to the Grand National Assembly, and determined to defend Turkey's independence.
Mustafa Kemal Atatrk refused to obey the lstanbul government's order to return to the capital, and
renounced the military titles which he had achieved through his many heroic actions. Rather than
abandoning the national struggle, he left his beloved military profession and said that he would
continue the struggle as an individual member of the nation. At the Congresses of Erzurum and Sivas
he gave direction to the national resistance movement and succeeded in bringing order to divergent,
disorganized ideas. He furthermore succeeded in making the decision to struggle for the liberation f
the Turkish homeland lying within the borders established by the National Pact into the common
decision of all of the resistance organizations. He had a Board of representatives elected, and as head
of this board initiated efforts for the mobilization of the entire nation and the military and civilian
resources in Anatolia against the foreign armies which were occupying the country from all sides.
$C ='* P *7"*% P V1 P t6%"*/ P &3 P ,='* P V1 P t6%"*/
Oil floats &3 7o5 ;o52 it on water. / Yag su zerine dklrse yzeyde kalr.
I3 7o5 !$8* %o'*71 you can buy that house. / Paranz varsa o evi alabilirsiniz.
-C ='* P 9&"" X V1 P t6%"*/ P &3 P ,='* P V1 P t6%"*/ I3 P ,='* P t6%"*/ P 9&"" P V1 P t6%"*/
I3 7o5 9o2) !$2+1 you will pass the exam. / ok alrsanz snav geersiniz.
l will take you to the cinema &3 7o5 3&'&s! your assignment / devini bitirirsen seni sinemaya gtrecegim.
I3 7o5 !$8* got a stamp, you can post a letter / Pulunuz varsa mektubu postalayabilirsiniz.
I3 7o5 !$8* toothache, you should go to the dentist / Diiniz agryorsa diiye gitmeniz gerekir.
Should ve ought to bu yapda birine akl vermek, tavsiyede bulunmak iin kullanlr.
l will meet her 9!*' she arrives. / Gelince onunla buluacagz.
l will take my umbrella if it rains tomorrow. / Yarn yagmur yagarsa emsiyemi alacagm.
A/0)"$%$ :
Bu rneklerde "if' li tmce olaslk "when"li tmce ise kesinlik ifade etmektedir.
lf you would kindly wait a moment, l'll see what l can do. / Biraz bekleyebilirseniz ne yapabilecegimi bir
lf you will take a seat, he'll see you soon. / Biraz oturursanz sizinle hemen grecek.
A/0)"$%$ :
Koul tmcelerinde M&3M "& ksmda genellikle M9&""M kullanlmaz. Fakat bu tmcelerde 9&"" # 9o5"+ kibarca bir arzu
veya istek ifade etmek iin kullanlmtr. "Future" anlamda kullanlmamlardr.
lf you 9&"" smoke so heavily, it is not surprising you feel ill. Bu ekilde ok fazla sigara ierseniz kendinizi hasta
hissetmeniz hi de artc degil.
A/0)"$%$ :
Burada "will" kullanm da inat bir direnmeyi, srar belirtmek iin kullanlmtr.
lf Mr. Bozta should come, ask him to wait in the office. / Eger bay Bozta gelecek olursa, broda beklemesini
rica edin.
>!o5"+M + &'3 simple present yerine kullanldgnda bir eyin olma olaslgnn zayf oldugunu gsterir.
lf Seda 9o'Et go to bed early, it is not surprising she always feels tired. / Seda erken yatmazsa her zaman
kendini yorgun hissetmesi artc degildir.
A/0)"$%$ : Bu t6%*+* MI3 s!* 9o't1 E&3 s!* 2*35s*s toM anlamnda kullanlmaktadr.
C ='* P would P V1 P t6%"*/ P ,='* \ V2 P t6%"*/
@o5 9o5"+ ;$ss the exam &3 7o5 9o2)*+ hard. / ok alsanz geersiniz.
I3 I 9*2* 7o51 I 9o5"+ ;5t on a coat. / Yerinde olsam srtma bir ceket alrm/alrdm.
I3 I 9*2* 7o51 I 9o5"+ g&8* 5; smoking / Yerinde olsam sigara imeyi brakrm/brakrdm.
Bu tr tmcelerde "lf l were" birine neride veya tavsiyede bulunmay anlatr.
Bu yaplar da yukardaki a ve b yaps gibi imdiki zaman anlatr. Tek ayrm dsel, varsayma dayanan bir durumu
dile getirmesidir. Trke'de alsan ve alrsan arasndaki ayrm zenle kullanmak gerekir.
112C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l There will still be enough to eat provided we are not too particular about where food comes from.
2 lf you haven't got a stamp, you can't post a letter.
3 lf Seda has an exam tomorrow, she ought to study hard.
4 if you have a toothache, you should go to the dentist.
5 Gamze will lose weight if she goes on a diet.
6 lf the car is too expensive, l won't buy it.
7 lf the weather is good, we'll go on a picnic.
8 lf l saw my wife with another man, l would kill her immediately.
9 lf l were a Prime Minister, l would never be able to sleep at night.
l0 lf the lion should escape, sound the alarm.
ll lf my girlfriend should ring, tell her l'll be a bit late this evening.
l2 lf you won't stop drinking wine, it's not surprising you feel ill.
l3 lf he won't drive carefully, it's not surprising he often has accidents.
l4 lf the weather gets better, we'll go for a walk.
l5 When the train comes, the passenger will get on.
l6 When the referee blows his whistle, they will stop playing.
l7 lf it wasn't for the fact that he is a millionaire, Aye would never marry him.
l8 lf it wasn't for the fact that it is cheaper, they wouldn't travel by plane.
l9 lf l were rich, l would buy a fine house.
20 Ahmet wouldn't know my address unless someone gave it to him.
2l lf Roy should sell his house, he will offer it to me first.
22 lf you had the chance, what famous person would you like to meet?
23 lf my father will give me some money, l shall buy a new car next month.
24 lf Turkey exported enough, she wouldn't have a constant balance of payments problem.
25 lf our teacher didn't explain everything clearly, we wouldn't understand his lessons.
26 lf one wants to visit a foreign country, one must have a valid passport.
27 lf there is a power - cut, all electrical appliances stop working.
28 lf l get a rise in my salary next year, we'll think of buying a house.
29 lf you were asked to name three of the most important people in the world today, which people would you
30 lf there is a shortage of any product, prices of that product go up.
3l lf you are waiting for a bus, you'd better join the queue.
32 lf someone tried to blackmail me, l would tell the police.
33 lf were you, l'd plant some trees round the house.
34 lf l were on holiday, l would go to ltaly.
35 lf l had more time, l would read that article.
36 l would be very grateful if you would kindly sign this document and let me have it back as soon as possible.
37 lf you see Onur, tell him l have a message for him.
38 lf it freezes tonight, the roads will be very slippery tomorrow.
39 Unless Falih takes his library book back tomorrow, he will-have to pay a fine.
40 lf were you, l'd tell my fiancee about all this immediately.
113C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N&3 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Sizin iin sakncas yoksa, son aday girmeden notlar karlatracagz.
2 Treni bir karrsak, gle yemeginden sonraya kadar oraya varamayz.
3 Yerinde olsam, bu snava girmezdim.
4 Atanacak olsa, yardm etmek iin hereyi yapar.
5 Arabas olsa, kesinlikle evde kalmaz.
6 emsiyelerimizi getirmesek slanrdk.
7 irketinizde halen bo yer varsa bavurmakla eref duyarm.
8 Bu arada baka bir neri alrsanz ltfen bize bildirin.
9 Snavn sonucunu en ksa zamanda bana bildirirseniz size minnettar kalrm.
l0 Tartlacak baka birey yoksa, toplantnn sona erdigini bildirecegim.
ll Sigara iilmeyen bir kompartmanda sigara ierseniz diger yolcular itiraz ederler.
l2 Eger gece (boyunca) ok scak gelirse kaloriferi kapaynz.
l3 Eger src slak bir yolda ani fren yaparsa kayar.
l4 Szcgn anlamn bilmezseniz szlk kullanabilirsiniz.
l5 Bak zerinde parmak izleriniz varsa cinayetle sulanrsnz.
l6 Herhangi bir mesaj beklemiyorum, fakat ben dardayken biri telefon ederse saat 5'e kadar tekrar
dnecegimi syleyebilir misiniz?
l7 alma izni alrsam bir yl daha kalacagm.
l8 Evlendikten sonra almaya devam etmeme izin vermeyi kabul ederse onunla evlenecegim.
l9 Parolay hatrlarsanz tehlikede olmayacaksnz.
20 Esenboga havaalannda sis alrsa oraya inecegiz.
2l Fotograflar grmeyi arzu ediyorsanz gleden sonra getiririm.
22 Kitaptan bir kopya arzu ediyorsanz size bir tane alabilirim.
23 Ankara'y havadan grmegi arzu ediyorsanz sizin iin bir helikopter gezisi dzenlerim.
24 Yapmam isterseniz yarn tekrar gelir bitiririm.
25 Baka bir kzla karsa onunla evlenmem.,
26 Btn gece alrsak zamannda bitiririz, fakat tm gece alma niyetinde degiliz.
27 Bakla kavga eden iki kiiye rastlarsam polisi agrrm.
28 Saat 3'de birisi kapmn zilini alarsa kapy amak iin pek istekli olmam.
29 niversite mezunu olsam, bir kede durup gazete satmak yerine imdi rahat bir broda oturuyor olurdum.
30 Eger daha az sigara ise ksrkten kurtulurdu.
3l Onunla ingilizce konusalar, lngilizcesi ilerler.
32 (Araba) kullanabilsem, arabay alabilirdik.
33 Kaloriferimiz olsa, ev daha scak olurdu.
34 nsanlar daha yava araba srse, bu kadar ok kaza olmaz.
35 Daireler aka numaralanr ve kaplarn zerine isimleri yazlrsa, insanlar bulmak daha kolay olur.
36 Yerinizde olsam, tekrar evlenirim.
37 Doktor olsanz ne yaparsnz?
38 Yerinizde olsam trenle giderim.
39 Sagrsa iitme cihaz takmak zorundadr.
40 Banz agryorsa bir aspirin almalsnz.
+C ='* P 9o5"+ P V3 P t6%"*/ P &3 P ,='* P !$+ P V3 P t6%"*/
You 9o5"+ !$8* ;$ss*+ the exam if you !$+ worked hard. / ok alm olsanz geerdiniz.
Bu yap gemite gerek olmayan, tmyle dsel bir koullu durumu anlatmada kullanlr. Koul tmcelerinin
gemi zamanla baglantl biiminin bu yap o|. dugu anmsanmaldr. (would + V gemi anlatmaz). Koullu
tmcelerin tmnde (a, b, c,) if'li tmcecikler temel tmceden nce ya da sonra gelebilir. Tmce bana geldiklerinde
virglle temel tmcecikten ayrlmalar gerekir.
*C Ko45""5 t6%*"*2&' +*82&) -&/&%"*2&
>!o5"+ you see him, tell him to come to the meeting / Grrseniz toplantya gelmesini syleyiniz.
<$+ I )'o9' about it, l wouldn't have let you / Bilmi olsam size izin vermezdim.
D*2* she my daughter, l would not let her go. / Benim kzm olsa gitmesini izin vermem.
Bu yaplar zellikle yazn dilinde yaygndr.
lf she "&)*+ dancing, l 9o5"+ !$8* t$)*' her to a discotheque. Dansetmeyi sevseydi onu bir diskotege
lf l !$+ a car, l 9o5"+ !$8* "*'t it to you yesterday. Arabam olsayd dn sana dn verirdim.
Bu tmcelerde gemi zaman bir ii bir kere yapma yerine bir eye olan srekli egilim ve holanmay ifade ediyor.
lf she !$+ received my letter, she 9o5"+ be angry now. Mektubumu alm olsayd imdi kzgn olurdu.
114C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l lf they hadn't used closed circuit television, they wouldn't have spotted the shop lifter.
2 lf the streets had been clearly marked, it wouldn't have taken us so long to find the house.
3 lf you had lived in a large city like Chicago, and if you had walked through the streets at night, someone
have killed you only in order to get your money.
4 lf he had lain quietly as instructed by the doctor, he might not have had a second heart attack.
5 lf John had wanted to pass his exam, he would have studied much harder for it.
6 Had l been in my brother's position, l'd have hung up the phone in the middle of the conversation.
7 lf l had known how it worked, l could have told him what to do.
8 You would have had to do it if he had insisted.
9 lf you were to have asked me, l would have been only too willing to help you.
l0 Had the programme been interesting, we would have left the TV on.
ll Had the car been expensive, we wouldn't have bought it.
l2 Had he gone to the doctor right away, he might have been alive today.
l3 Were it not important, my friend would not have asked me a favour.
l4 lf he had had more time, he could have finished the exam.
l5 lf you had had opportunity to make the first trip to the moon, would you have gone?
l6 How old would you be now if you had been born on the same day and in the same year as Atatrk?
l7 lf my friend's illness had been diagnosed a year earlier, it might have been cured.
l8 lf my parents hadn't been poor, l could have gone to university.
l9 lf it hadn't been for your help, l really don't know what l would have done in the case.
20 Had l realized what you intended, l should not have wasted my time trying to explain the matters to you.
115C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& N&"g&"& M&3M 7$;0"$20 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=1
l Cengiz cezay demi olsayd hapse girmemi olurdu. (girmeyecekti).
2 Parasz kalm oldugunuzu bilseydim size biraz dn para verirdim.
3 Telefonum saat l0'da almam olsayd halen yatakta olacaktm.
4 zgnm, halen o kitaplar okudugunuzu bilseydim onlar kaldrmazdm.
5 Eger daha nceden bilmi olsalard toplantya daha ok grenci katlrd.
6 Mehmet buz gibi rzgrda bir saattir beklemekteyse, ok kzm olmaldr.
7 Annem evde ekmek kalmam oldugunu bana sylemi olsayd biraz ekmek alrdm.
8 Ona syledigim gibi yerleri ayrtm olsayd, tamamen rahat bir yolculuk yapm olurduk.
9 Babam (sizin) hastanede oldugunuzu bilmi olsayd sizi ziyaret ederdi.
l0 Tren abuka durmam olsayd, kk ocuk lm olacakt.
ll Okulda sk alm olsaydm iyi bir i sahibi olurdum.
l2 Eger o birini ldrm olsayd hapishanede olurdu.
l3 gretmen biraz daha akll olmu olsayd, Aye'nin sulu olamayacagn hatrlard.
l4 Atatrk halifeligi kaldrmam olsayd, Trkiye Cumhuriyeti laik bir devlet olamazd.
l5 Taksi (olmu) olsayd mzeye gitmek iin (taksi) tutardk.
l6 Gmleginizi scak suda ykamam olsaydnz ekmeyecekti.
l7 Src ok hzl srmemi olsayd, kaza bu lde kt olmayacakt.
l8 Zengin adam fidyeyi derhal dememi olsayd, oglunu tekrar sag olarak alamam olacakt.
l9 k kaplar kapatlmam olsayd, insanlar yanan salondan kurtulmay baarabileceklerdi.
20 Seluk suunu kabul etmi olsayd, okuldan kovulmayacakt.
$C to P &'3 P '*s'* P *7"*% P t6%"*/
To &%;"*%*'t the new laws may not be easy. / Yeni yasalar uygulamak kolay olmayabilir.
Aagdaki (e) yaps bunun degiik bir syleni biimidir.
-C to P &'3 P '*s'* P t6%*
To &%;2o8* the situation, the goverment decided to take new measures. Durumu dzeltmek iin hkmet yeni
nlemler almaya karar verdi.
C ='* P *7"*% P N'*s'*C P to P &'3 P t6%"*/
He bought a newspaper to 2*$+ the article. / Makaleyi okumak iin bir gazete ald.
Measures can be taken to ;2*8*'t the damage. / Zarar nlemek iin nlem alnabilir.
(b) ve (c) kalb eylemligin ama anlatmada kullanlan biimleridir.
116C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 To travel abroad is always exciting for me.
2 To understand mathematics is difficult for zlem.
3 To have a bicycle was important for the little boy.
4 To help their children is natural for the parents.
5 To answer the letters is a difficult task.
6 To type a thesis takes a long time.
7 To learn English seems difficult.
8 To be fresh is necessary for the vegetables.
9 To cure this illness, surgery may be necessary.
l0 To examine the patient, a doctor is needed.
ll To perform the operation, an experienced surgeon is needed.
l2 To prescribe a different drug may not be useful.
l3 Most people work to earn their living.
l4 The results must be recorded to prevent mistakes.
l5 The case must be heard in private to decide his punishment.
l6 The secretary left the room to answer the telephone.
l7 This drug is used to prevent the microbes.
l8 My friend bought a story book to read.
l9 He attended Hacettepe University to study medicine.
20 You have to know English to translate the text properly.
11IC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l lngilizcede hata yapmak kolaydr.
2 Kurallar ngilizce aklamak benim iin ok zordur.
3 Yln o mevsiminde kullanlm araba satmak benim iin eglenceliydi.
4 Yabanc dil grenmek ok altrma gerektirir.
5 Orman yangnlarn nlemek iin nlemler alnmas gerekir.
6 naat tamamlamak iin daha ok demir ve elik gerekiyor.
7 Dogru sonular elde etmek iin makinenin iyi durumda alyor olmas lzmdr.
8 Masraflardaki art nlemek iin fabrikalar maden ocaklarnn yaknna yerletirilmelidir.
9 Trke'yi anlamak her zaman zor degildir.
l0 Yaamm kazanmak iin ngilizce gretiyorum.
ll Pul toplamak ok ilgintir.
l2 Tm gece televizyon izlemek skcdr.
l3 Balangta Seda iin ngilizce'yi anlamak gt.
l4 Kzm yabanclarla konumak iin ngilizce grendi.
l5 Tlin'in oynamak iin bir arkadaa ihtiyac var.
l6 Babam kitap almam iin bana biraz para gnderdi.
l7 Bu kapy amak iin bir anahtarm var.
l8 Kk kzn kalemlerini alacak bir kutuya gereksinimi var.
l9 Seluk'un yaz tatilinde para kazanacak bir ii vard.
20 Mert ngilizce grenmek iin ingiltere'ye gitti.
2l Paray iyice anlamak iin tm metinin okunmas gerekir.
22 Problemi (sorunu) zmek iin sk almak zorundasnz.
23 Toprak erozyonunu nlemek iin nlemler alnmaldr.
24 D almlar demek iin daha geni apta d satma ihtiya vardr.
25 Sistemi degitirmek gerekiyor.
+C ='* P *7"*% P to P &'3 P t6%"*/
They want to "*$2' English. / ngilizce ,.2*'%*) istiyorlar.
We decided to -57 a new car. / Yeni bir araba almaya karar verdik.
Bu yapda kullanlan eylemlerden kimileri unlardr: $s)1 +*&+*1 *O;*t1 3$&"1 "*$2'1 ;2o%&s*1 ;2o8*1 2*g2*t1 t271
9$&t1 9$'t1 vb.
*C It P o"%$) P s03$t P t6%"*/
It was difficult to $'s9*2 the question. / Soruyu yantlamak zordu.
lt will be interesting to st5+7 Chinese. / ince almak ilgin olacak.
She was 5;s*t to !*$2 that her brother was ill. / Kardeinin hasta oldugunu grenmek onu zd.
3C ='* P *7"*% X N'*s'*C P so25 s,=6.6 + to P &'3 P t6%"*/
He told me !o9 to g*t to the station. / istasyona nasl gidecegimi syledi.
She wonders 9!o to 92&t*. / Kime yazacagn merak ediyor.
Bu kalpta yaygn olarak kullanlan eylemlerden kimileri: $s)1 t*""1 *O;"$&'1 s!o91 9o'+*21 o's&+*21 3&'+ o5t1
5'+*2st$'+ vb.
11JC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The committee has decided to meet twice a month.
2 They promised to take us to the museum.
3 Julia refused to answer the telephone.
4 The teacher promised to give another test on Monday.
5 All the villagers wanted to know the result of the new election.
6 The witness hesitated to speak the truth.
7 Turkey intended to purchase large supplies of wheat from the United States.
8 They will begin to build a new factory outside the town next year.
9 We decided to cooperate in the new research project.
l0 lt was impossible to arrange a trip to the lslands.
ll lt is important to know the cause of the confusion.
l2 lt was possible to arrange a new course for foreign students.
l3 lt would be easy to arrange additional courses for students from Sudan.
l4 lt will be difficult to explain the situation to the visiting committee.
l5 lt is usually impossible to forget the experiences of childhood.
l6 lt is important to hear that he is honest.
l7 Aye was happy to learn that she won the examination.
l8 The boy was surprised to learn how much he had spent.
l9 The teacher knows how to answer this question.
20 The young girl was wondering whether to stay here another week.
2l fhe thief discovered how to open the safe.
22 Ali taught me how to light a fire without matches.
23 The manager showed the secretary what to do with the keys.
24 Why did the Parliamentary candidate ask the electors to vote for him?
25 The purpose of imposing speed limits is to reduce the number of fatal road accidents.
11KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Yzc sahile ulamakta baarsz kald.
2 Yaral adama yardrl etmek iin kotular.
3 Hasta doktoru grmek istedi.
4 Doktor hastann sabaha varmadan lebilecegini dnd.
5 Yanldgnz sylemekten zgnm.
6 ocuk Amerika'ya gitmeye karar verdi fakat sonra fikrini degitirdi.
7 Onun teklifini kabul etmek iin karar vermeden nce beklemenizi istiyorum.
8 Nihayet hareketlerini kontrol etmeyi grendi.
9 Snf gretmeninin btn sylediklerini anlam grnd.
l0 Szlk kullanmak yararldr.
ll Akamlar televizyon izlemek eglencelidir.
l2 Krkndan sonra ngilizce grenmek zor olacak.
l3 Pul kolleksiyonu yapmak ilgin olacak.
l4 Soruyu cevaplamak olanakszd.
l5 Grevi baarmak genellikle zordu.
l6 Nianlsnn iyi oldugunu duymak onu memnun etti.
l7 Snavda baarsz oldugunu grenmek onu artt.
l8 Akl almak iin kime gidecegimi bilmiyorum.
l9 Ondan sonra ne yapacagmza karar vermedik.
20 Ne zaman konuacagnz ve ne zaman sessiz duracagnz grenmeniz gerekiyor.
2l Bu sorunun nasl zlecegini biliyorum.
22 Aysel hangi dgmeye basacagnz size syleyebilir.
23 gretmen ona mektuba nasl cevap verecegini aklad.
24 Nerede ucuza meyva alnacagn kefettik.
25 Babam sigortay nasl degitirecegimi bana gsterdi.
gC ='* P *7"*% P to -* # to !$8* P V3 P t6%"*/ ='* P *7"*% P to !$8* P V3 P t6%"*/
The form is to be filled in and returned. / Formun doldurulup geri verilmesi gerekiyor.
He &s t!o5g!t to !$8* $t*+. / Onun rol yapm oldugu dnlyor.
Ali 9$s s5;;os*+ to !$8* -2o5g!t the money. / Ali'nin paray getirmesi bekleniyordu.
Aye plans to !$8* +o'* the shoping before five o'clock. / Aye saat 5'den nce alverii yapm olmay
rneklerde grldg gibi bu kalp eylemlik yapsnn edilgen (passive) biimini gstermektedir. to -* + V3 imdi ve
gelecek anlaml, to !$8* P V3 ise gemi anlamldr.
12LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Mustafa was to have taken up his new post at once.
2 The firm undertakes to have completed the job on 27 May.
3 My friend intends to have made a fortune before he is forty.
4 Hakan expects to have paid his debts in two years' time.
5 The engineer was to have left on the five o'clock train.
6 We were delighted to have been able to visit you.
7 l am sorry to have given you a great deal of trouble.
8 Onur was the only person to have seen the accident.
9 The captain was the last person to have left the sinking ship.
l0 l know Ahmet to have been an honest man at all times.
ll We are to have finished typing by l0 o'clock.
l2 The old man pretended to have forgotten the other man's name.
l3 The government was to have reduced inflation.
l4 The application forms are to be sent in by mail.
l5 This dress is to be made fashionably.
l6 l was to see him yesterday.
l7 lf the Government's wages policy is to succeed, they must try to keep prices in check.
l8 The match which was postponed because the ground was waterlogged is to be played next Sunday.
121C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Onlarn Haziran'da evlenmeleri gerekiyor.
2 Dekan'n yeni hastaneyi amas gerekiyordu.
3 Demokratik Parti tarafndan yeni bir hkmetin kurulmas bekleniyordu.
4 Sanayicilerce yeni makinalarn kullanlmas gerekir.
5 dareci onun ii zamannda bitirmi olmasn beklemektedir.
6 25 yanda oldugum zaman dnyay dolam olmay isterim.
7 Otelden Mays'n 30'unda ayrlmanz gerekir.
8 Serap'n tiyatroda yer ayrmak iin telefon etmi olmas gerekirdi.
9 Babamn gle yemegi iin balk alm olmas gerekirdi.
l0 Kardeimin be treni ile gelmi olmas gerekirdi.
ll Kzm gelecek ilkbahara kadar ngilizce grenmi olmay istiyor. .
l2 Paketlerin posta ile gnderilmeleri gerekmektedir.
l3 Doktor, yardmn sabah olmadan gelmesini beklemiti.
l4 Byle iyi bir arkadamz kaybetmi olmaktan dolay zgnz.
l5 Arkadam Avrupa'nn her bakentinde oturmu olmay istemektedir.
l6 Otoban l992'ye kadar bitirilecek.
l7 Oglum geen yl elektrik mhendisligi grenimi iin ingiltere'ye gidecekti, fakat sonunda Amerika Birleik
Devletleri'ne gitti.
l8 Ktphane Babakan tarafndan alacakt ama (kendisi) hastaland.
!C $+ + to + &'3
Pek ok addan sonra eylemlik getirilebilir ve bu yaplarda eylemlikler sfat grevi stlenirler.
The next train to $22&8* (=which arrives / will arrive) is from London. Bundan sonra g*"**) t2*' Londra'dan.
T!* 3&2st %$' to 3"7 (=who flew) non - stop across the Atlantic was John Alcock. At"$'t&) o)7$'5s5'5 !&/ &'&4
7$;%$+$' &") )*= g*/*' kii John Alcock olmutur.
Will you buy me $ %$g$=&'* to 2*$+ ( = that l can read) on the journey? Bana yolculukta o)57$-&"**.&% -&2
+*2g& alr msn?
122C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 The best man to see (who (m) you should see) for your tooth trouble is Mr Aydnlk.
2 The man for you to speak to first is the Dean of the Medical Faculty.
3 The cheapest place to eat at is the cafeteria.
4 The only thing left to consider now is how to get away without being seen.
5 The last problem, to be considered at our meeting, is how to invest the money.
6 The government has been considering means to bring about a redistribution of wealth.
7 The foods to avoid are carbonhydrates and fats.
8 There are more than ten proposals to be discussed at the conference.
9 The worse thing to do is to mend it yourself. l0 The best th&'g to do is to return the form.
123C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Danmanz gereken kii avukatnzdr.
2 Yaplacak en kolay ey tekrar balamaktr.
3 Bu aklda tutulmas gereken bir noktadr.
4 Gidilecek lke Japonya (dir)
5 Telefon edilecek kii su tesisatsdr.
6 Eczac ona gnde kere alnacak tabletler verdi.
7 Aya ilk ayak basan insan Neil Armstrong'tur.
8 Gz rahatszlgnz iin gidilecek uzman Dr. Esenyel'dir.
9 ite beklerken yapabileceginiz bir ey.
l0 Bu sabah snfa ilk giren gretmen oldu.
V ? &'g &"* &"g&"& 7$;0"$2 I
$C V - &'g N,='*C P Nt6%"*/C P *7"*% P t6%"*/
B*$t&'g a child will do more harm than good./ ocugu dvmek yarardan ok zarar verir.
>9&%%&'g is $ very useful exercise. / Yzme ok yararl bir idmandr.
D*st2o7&'g harmful insects is a useful activity. / Zararl bcekleri yok etmek yararl bir itir.
-C ='* P *7"*% P N&7*"&)C P V P &'g P t6%"*/
<* $8o&+s %$)&'g mistakes. / Hata yapmaktan kanr.
Do 7o5 mind my %$)&'g a proposal? / Bir neride bulunmamn sakncas var m?
(a) kalbnda V-ing yaps zne konumundadr. (b) kalbnda btn eylemler kullanlamaz. Ska kullanlan
eylemlerden kimileri unlardr: $8o&+1 o's&+*21 *'Ho71 $'Et !*";1 %&'+1 ;2$t&*1 2&s)1 $'Et st$'+1 ;ost;o'*1
$+%&t1 s5gg*st1 5'+*2st$'+1 +&s"&)*1 g&8* 5;1 +*t*st1 %*'t&o'1 3&'&s!1 $;;2*&$t* 8-.
124C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Watching TV every night is not enjoyable.
2 Building a house here will be a big mistake.
3 Developing backward countries takes a long time.
4 Looking after five children keeps the maid fully occupied.
5 Repeating vocabulary exercises is a good way to memorize them.
6 Getting letters from her brother makes her feel less homesick.
7 Learning a foreign language is not easy.
8 Translating a medical text is difficult.
9 Growing vegetables in poor soil is uneconomical.
l0 Criticising other people is easy.
ll The man denied knowing anything about the event.
l2 The thief admitted robbing the bank at midnight.
l3 The old man detests staying in bed all the time.
l4 l can't help laughing when l see you
l5 The worker delayed taking his holiday until August.
l6 The thief admitted entering the bank by breaking a window.
l7 l deny telling you anything about her being in love with lker.
l8 Do you mind our eating the fish with our fingers?
l9 The girl suggested having lunch at a restaurant.
20 Please excuse my disturbing you.
2l l can't understand his leaving his wife.
22 Avoid drinking too much water with your meal.
23 We considered giving her a book for her birthday.
24 l dislike being looked at while trying to learn skiing.
25 l can't imagine his studying to be a doctor.
26 l am looking forward to seeing you.
27 l object to paying twice for the same thing.
28 He stopped smoking on his doctor's advice.
29 Getting plenty of exercise keeps you healthy.
30 He tried getting a couple of aspirins, but they did not have any effect.
125C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Okumak benim en gzde ugramdr.
2 Fazla ilek caddelerde araba kullanmak zor itir.
3 Sigara imeyi brakmak benim iin ok zordur.
4 Sigara imek saglgmz iin zararldr.
5 ngilizceyi anlamak konumaktan daha kolaydr.
6 Grmek inanmak dr.
7 Tm gn almak zordur.
8 Saat ll 'de kahvalt yapmak kt bir alkanlktr.
9 ingilizceyi iyi konumak ok altrma gerektirir.
l0 Kt kta okumak gzler iin zararldr.
ll Mert geen hafta zlem'i sinemaya gtrmekten holand.
l2 Onun Jane ile tiyatroya gitmesine aklm ermiyor.
l3 Babam eski evi satmadan yeni bir ev almay dnmyor.
l4 Gen adam tiyatroya gitmekten szetti.
l5 Resimlerinizi tekrar grmemizin sizce bir sakncas var m?
l6 Bize glklerimizde yardm etmek istemenizi hepimiz takdir ediyoruz.
l7 Annem pazarlar erken kalkmaktan holanmaz.
l8 Hrsz para aldgn kabullendi.
l9 Aylin kavgalarndan sonra nianlsyla karlamaktan kanyor.
20 Yirmi be yandayken sigara imeyi braktm,
C ='* X 76)"*% P N$+ ,-*.&C P &"g*/ P V ?&'g P t6%"*/
That is a very reliable method o3 52&'g the disease. / O, hastalg tedavi etmenin epeyce gvenilir bir yoludur.
They always talk $-o5t %o8&'g to the country. / Onlar hep krsal alana tanmaktan sz ederler.
+C ='* P 76)"*% P N&"g*/C P -*&'g P V3 t6%"*/ ='* P 76)"*% P !$8&'g -**' P t6%"*/
He felt flattered $t -*&'g o's&+*2*+ the most successful man. / En baarl kimse kabul edilmesi houna gitti.
He denied !$8&'g -**' to"+ to check the engine. / Makineyi gzden geirmesinin sylendigini inkr etti.
3. kalpta grldg gibi (look forward to, be used to, object to gibi kimi yaplar dnda) ilgeten sonra (in, at, for vb)
V-ing kullanlr. 4. kalp edilgen anlamldr.
126C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The man objected to having been criticized by the director.
2 The car was caught after having been chased for more than an hour.
3 This is a reliable method of curing the illness.
4 There is already some legislation for protecting the rights of minorities.
5 This book contains a lot of information about learning a foreign language.
6 There has been some discussion on controlling the outflow of capital from the United States.
7 This instrument is used for measuring the heights of distant clouds.
8 The government must legislate against illegal cutting in the state forests.
9 They saw no reason for not doing as they had planned.
l0 This scheme goes a long way toward satisfying the demands of the local residents.
ll He prides himself on being well dressed all the time.
l2 The teacher decided against introducing the new topic immediately.
l3 My mother decided against not having been operated.
l4 The man objected to being called dishonest.
l5 The little boy narrowly escaped being run over.
l6 The young man resented my being promoted before him.
l7 He denied having been told about the robbery.
l8 There are several methods of teaching a foreign language.
l9 Jane is angry about not being invited to the party.
20 l can't stand being interrupted.
2l The man helped his country by encouraging the people.
22 They got help through talking with their friends.
23 The writer was honored for helping the poor.
24 The young girl started a second school after marrying a fine man.
25 The girl insisted on choosing her own husband.
26 The young man educated himself by reading many books.
27 The woman succeeded in winning the Nobel Prize.
28 Nowadays there is no advantage in being a woman, but in the old days a clever woman could take
advantage of being female.
29 lt is true that radioactive materials have increased enormously as a result of testing nuclear weapons.
30 l'm against television being watched too often, either by children or adults.
12IC A4$.0+$)& 7$;0"$20 ,2'*)"*2* g,2* 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Kazadan sag km herhangi birini bulmak umudu yoktu.
2 Bizi rahatsz ettigi iin af diledi.
3 Hkmet kstlamalar yakn gelecekte kaldrmak hususunda herhangi bir sz vermedi.
4 Doktorum bana sigaray brakmam gtledi.
5 Kzm ingilizceyi iyi konumada glk ekiyor.
6 Kars evini satarak ok para kazand.
7 General belgeleri grmekte diretti.
8 Yn alp satarak ok para kazand.
9 Arkadam hayatn kullanlm araba satarak kazand.
l0 Konumac eski ehrin nerede oldugunu anlatmakla sze balad ve ehrin tarihi hakknda konuarak
szn srdrd.
ll Tom 20 yandayken tutukevine gnderildigini yalanlad.
l2 Terrist pazar gn hastaneye gtrlm oldugunu yalanlad.
l3 Kk kz hi akam yemegi verilmeden yataga gnderilmek suretiyle cezalandrld.
l4 Kzm kklgnde Kbrs'a gtrldgn hatrlyor.
l5 Kasada hi dokunulma izi yoktu.
l6 Src ikili olarak araba kullanmaktan sorumlu oldugundan para cezasna arptrld.
l7 Kz arkadam dar yemege gtrlmekten holanr.
l8 Tlin eski kocas tarafndan grlmekten kanmaya alyor.
l9 ii dk cret denmesinden yaknd.
20 Kadn, o akam adamn evinde grlm olmakla vnd.
?I'g 8* ?*+ # s03$t g,2*8"& 7$;0"$2 II
1C V?&'g P '*s'* Nt6%"*/C P t6%"*/
D&t'*ss&'g the crime, he had to give evidence in court. / Cinayeti grdgnden mahkemede tanklk yapmas
V&s&t&'g a strange city, l like to have a friend with me. / Bir yabanc kenti gezerken yanmda bir arkadam olsun
2C V?&'g P '*s'* P *7"*% P t6%"*/ # ='* P *7"*% P Nt6%"*/C P &"g*/ P V?&'g P $+ ,-*.&
The "&8&'g *""s can be seen by means of a microscope. / Canl hcreler mikroskopla grlebilir.
The bottle must be sterilized &' -o&"&'g water. / ie kaynar suda sterilize edilmelidir.
12JC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Standing by the door, the man shot at the bird in the trees.
2 Needing to keep busy, that man teaches English at a university.
3 Knowing they will appreciate it, lker teaches English to his students.
4 Having no other profession, that man is a fisherman.
5 Opening the drawer, he took out a revolver.
6 Taking of his shoes, the thief crept cautiously along the passage.
7 Being a student, he was interested in reading books on history.
8 Knowing the language, he found a job.
9 Reading the instruction, he made a long distance call. l52
l0 Feeling rather tired, l telephoned and said l couldn't go to the party.
ll Considering everything, it wasn't a bad holiday.
l2 Rising prices are the result of increasing cost of raw materials.
l3 The existing problems of the government are completely financial.
l4 A magnifying device was attached to the machine.
l5 Decreasing exports are the main concern of the government.
l6 We couldn't account for our differing results.
l7 The path of the planet was followed with a revolving telescope.
l8 The police dispersed the crowd with running water.
l9 The names were carved on a revolving door.
20 The confusing factors in the existing situation is the interfering action of the government.
2l Knowing the main reason, you can tell me something about the cause of dispute.
22 Hearing the bad news, he rang up his friend.
23 Being in love, he decided to ask Oya to marry him.
24 Operating on a man, the surgeon got a bad cold.
25 Being a doctor, he is very often called out late at night.
12KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* eviriniz.
l Bir kimse insanlar aldatarak birey elde edemez.
2 Bir kimse toplu tam aralarn kullanarak ok para biriktirebilir.
3 Kz ansn grerek daha ok alt.
4 Grevini sevdiginden bir ilkokulda gretmenlik yapmaktadr.
5 Tm olaslklar dnerek problemi dogru zd.
6 gretmen bir makale yaynlamay arzuladgndan ingilizce bir paray evirdi.
7 Yazar kitabn bitirmeyi umdugundan ok alt.
8 Kitab brakarak pencereye dogru yrdm ve dar baktm.
9 Byk bir kentte yaadgmzdan birok olanaklarmz var.
l0 Dagc (trmanc) bir eliyle ipi tutarak binaya trmand.
ll Bahenin etrafna koruyucu agalar dikildi.
l2 letici aygtlar iyi alr durumda degil.
l3 Teypler iyi alr durumda.
l4 lran ve lrak arasndaki savata artan (ok) sayda asker ldrld.
l5 Yal kadn kaak gazdan zehirlendi.
l6 Parkn ortasndan geerken birok gzel iek grdk.
l7 Okullu ocuklar bir ark syleyerek dzenlice snflarna girdiler.
l8 Anne mutlu bir ekilde glmseyerek bebegi kollar arasna ald.
l9 Adam bir dua mrldanarak camiye girdi.
20 Cesaretimi toplayarak tekrar aslana saldrdm.
3C A+ ,-*.& P V?&'g P t6%"*/ P *7"*% P t6%"*/ NNQ P V ? &'g P Bo%; P V P Bo%;C
The demonstrator, ;2ot*st&'g 8&o"*'t"7 (who protested violently) was led away by the police. / Yogun
protestoda bulunan gsterici polis tarafndan uzaklatrld.
Anybody 9o2)&'g !$2+ (who works hard) will succeed at the end. / ok alan kimse sonunda baarya
A +&*t "$)&'g &' ;2ot*&' (which lacks in protein) can be dangerous for health. / Proteinden yoksun bir gda
rejimi saglk iin tehlikeli olabilir.
Not: 'Progressive meaning' - u anda devam eden bir anlam veren yaplarda "Participle" yap kullanlr. Byle
olmayanlarda "relative clause" kullanmak gerekir.
4C <$8&'g P V3 P Nt6%"*/C P t6%"*/
<$8&'g s**' that movie (As we had seen that movie) we went somewhere else. / O filmi grdgmzden
baka bir yere gittik.
<$8&'g 3$&"*+ to obtain promotion (Because / As he had failed to obtain promotion) he lost interest in his job.
( Terfi edemedigi iin, ie kar ilgisini yitirdi.
5C V?&'g P t6%"*/ P t6%*
F**"&'g rather tired, l went to bed early. / Olduka yorgun hissettigimden erken yattm.
B*&'g unable to help in any other way, l gave him some money. / Baka trl yardm edemedigimden ona biraz
para verdim.
Not: Bu yaplar sfat (2,3) ve zarf (l,4) grevindedir.
13LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The man driving the car was drunk.
2 The woman holding a baby in her arms is waiting to see the doctor.
3 Anyone wishing to leave early may do so.
4 Anyone knowing anything about the crime is asked to communicate with the police.
5 The surgeon operating on the patient is a well - known doctor in the town.
6 The physician examining my brother-in-law is from England.
7 The beautiful girl talking on the phone is my secretary.
8 Choosing his words with care, the speaker made a good speech.
9 Standing in the middle of the crowd, he made a speech about political situation.
l0 Judging from recent events, the Government appears to be gaining in popularity.
ll Discovering his talent for music, the teacher gave up his job to become a professional singer.
l2 Having failed twice in the exam, he didn't want to try again.
l3 Having been his own boss for a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another.
l4 Romeo, believing that Juliet was dead, decided to kill himself.
l5 Having chosen the best course of action, he made his father very proud of him.
l6 Having read the textbook thoroughly, you answered the questions correctly.
l7 Having typed the letter, the secretary gave it to the director to sign it.
l8 Having seen London, l was able to tell everyone all about it.
l9 The woman sitting in the waiting - room wants to see the doctor.
20 Having gone to bed, he didn't want to be disturbed by anyone.
2l Having failed in the examination, he joined the army.
22 Having made a long shopping list, they went to the supermarket.
23 The dentist holding his drill examined the patient.
24 Having eaten their dinner, they asked for dessert and coffee.
25 The politician standing on a chair addressed the crowd.
131C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=. MNB5 7$;0"$20' 2*"$t&8* "$5s* &"* /*82&"%*"*2& +* o"$'$)"0+02.C
l Orada oturan adam aklldr.
2 Snfta devini hazrlayan bir grenci var.
3 Cana yakn grnen kz Amerikal.
4 Kapnn yannda ayakta duran adam benim ingilizce gretmenimdir.
5 Sagda oturan kz seviyorum.
6 Makinada alan adam biraz tehlike bekliyor.
7 Kz paketi sarnca postaneye gitti.
8 Kurs iin gereken belgeleri tamamlam olduklarndan kaydolmalarna izin verildi.
9 Bacagn krm oldugundan hastaneye kaldrld.
l0 Adam zel egitim grm oldugundan ingilizce gretmeye balad.
ll Btn k ok altgmzdan tatil yaptk.
l2 Kz btn olaslklar dnm oldugundan problemi zd.
l3 ocuk snavda baarl oldugundan ingiltere'ye gnderildi.
l4 Konumay dikkatlice dinlemi olduklarndan mantkl sorular sordular.
l5 Londra'da bulundugumdan mzeleri gezme olanagm oldu.
l6 Saat 9:00 da mdr ziyaret ettigimden ehirden ayrldm.
l7 Yeni filmi grdgnden (filmi) ocuga anlatabildi.
l8 Baarl bir gretmen oldugundan tm sorularnz yantlayabilir.
l9 Burcu pencereden dar baktgndan bahede bir hrsz oldugunun farkna vard.
20 Kendini ok hasta hissettiginden doktoru grmek istedi.
2l Trafigi ynelten polis yorgun grnyordu.
22 Mavi arabay sren kz Burak'tr.
23 Sandalyede oturan adam benim doktorumdur.
24 Konferansa katlan insanlarn hepsi mhendistir.
25 Mdr hasta oldugundan birka gn yatt.
26 Kpek kzgn bir ekilde havlayarak caddeden aag kotu.
27 Gen adam ocugu kurtarmak iin hayatn tehlikeye atarak kalabalgn iinde kayboldu.
28 Nehirde takn tehlikesi oldugu iin tm yre halk daha yksek (bir) yere tandlar.
29 Son olaylar degerlendirilirse hkmetin itibarnn artmakta oldugu grlr.
30 Cinayete tank oldugu iin mahkemede tanklk yapmas bekleniyordu.
6C B$."$/ / &"g*/ P V?&'g P t6%"*/ P t6%* NBo'H # Q2*; P V ? &'g P Bo%; P >*'t*'*C
='* P 76)"*% P Nt6%"*/C P &"g*/ P V?&'g P t6%"*/
A3t*2 t$")&'g to her l always feel better. / Onunla konutuktan sonra kendimi hep iyi hissederim.
O' -*&'g introduced to somebody, a Turkish person often becomes friends. / Biriyle tantrldktan sonra bir
Trk genellikle arkada olur.
ln 2&t&&s&'g my work, he pointed out my mistakes. / iimi eletirirken yanllarm gsterdi.-
The government improved the forests -7 2*%o8&'g the old trees. / Hkmet yal agalar ayklayarak orman
lgelerden sonra V?'g kullanldg bir kez daha anmsanmaldr.
IC V-3 + t6%"*/ P t6%* NV3 P Bo%; P >*'t*'*C
Us*+ economically, this box will last for a month. / Tutumlu kullanlrsa bu kutu bir ay gider.
D$2'*+ by his doctor, Mehmet began to exercise. / Doktoru tarafndan uyarlan Mehmet idmana balad.
JC ='* P V3 P t6%"*/ P t6%* N> P V3 P Bo%; P >*'t*'*C
a) The curriculum 5s*+ as basis for teaching is provided by the Ministry of Education. / gretim iin kullanlan
mfredat program Milli Egitim Bakanlg tarafndan saglanr.
-C ='* P 76)"*% P t6%"*/ P V3 P t6%"*/ (S+V +Comp P V3 + Bo%;C
Primitive villages developed into towns s522o5'+*+ by walls. / ilkel kyler surlarn evreledigi kentlere
9) Nt!*C + V3 + N$+ ,-*.&C P *7"*% P t6%"*/
The 2*G5&2*+ material can be imported from England. / Gerekli malzeme ngiltere'den ithal edilebilir.
lmproved methods of education should be introduced. / Gelitirilmi egitim yntemleri getirilmelidir.
Bu yapda V3 aka sfat grevindedir.
132C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The editor of "Cumhuriyet" impressed by Mr Demir's letter, printed his letter on the editorial page.
2 Tired of his work, Aydn still teaches English at a secondary school.
3 The book borrowed from the library was the right one for a reading course.
4 The student dismissed from the school refused to take another exemption test.
5 Given only three months to live, Jane decided to go on a world cruise.
6 Light consists of vibrations generated by the light source.
7 You could see large areas of land exposed to the danger of floods in coastal areas.
8 Energy produced by an atom costs most more than energy produced by coal or petroleum.
9 Some televisions also receive radio signals sent by artificial satellites and rockets.
l0 Electro-magnetic waves emitted by stars are recorded by special instruments.
ll These were the woods inhabited by wild animals.
l2 By cutting the trees, villagers ruined the forest.
l3 The danger of fire is reduced by removing all inflammable material near the forests.
l4 The crop is protected by spraying with chemicals.
l5 Before applying for a job, one should consider his qualifications.
l6 ln studying history, we learn about mankind.
l7 By defeating the invaders, the Turkish Cypriots strengthened their authority over the lsland.
l8 The overloaded lorry had begun to descend the hill.
l9 Bombed repeatedly in l940 and l94l, the City of London has lost many of its famous historical places.
20 Followed by his wife and several children, the landlord came to greet us with traditional courtesy.
2l Attracted by the smell of food, the hungry cats came to the very doorstep for food.
22 The old King, loved and respected by everyone, has done a great deal for his people.
23 The plays of Shakespeare, translated into French during the eighteenth century, had an important influence
on French literature.
24 Many people disappointed with the new scale of salaries, have applied for a transfer.
25 The travellers, beaten mercilessiy by robbers, lay helpless on the ground.
26 The town, served by good roads from four different directions, has become an important market.
27 lnfuriated by the interruptions, the speaker refused to continue.
28 The concert given by the l5 year-old boy was a great success.
29 Born and bred a countryman, he was bewildered by lstanbul.
30 Surrounded by yelling children, the young man got on the bus happily.
133C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=. ('d P (-in) yap*lar*n*n etken, 'd (-ed yap*lar*n*n edil)en
bir yap*dan )eldiklerini an*msay*n*%. +u yap*lar )enellikle s*fat t,mceciklerinin k*sa bi-imleridir.)
l Birbiri ardna gelen frtnalarla dayankllg azalan kpr gvenilir degildi.
2 Gen kadn, kocas peinde, odaya girdi.
3 Ekyalar konusunda uyarldklarndan daga trmanmadan nce degerli eyalarn evde braktlar.
4 Doktoru tarafndan inandrlan ocuk, haplar kullanmaya balad.
5 Konumacnn bir sznden memnun olan bay Bozta 'bravo' diye bagrd.
6 Dinleyicilerin tepkisinden memnun olan bay Kocaman hereyi yeniden aklad.
7 Yresel gazete 'Expres'deki bir makaleden etkilenen bay Aksoy bayazara bir mektup yazd.
8 Bu dergi ll yandan kk ocuklar iin basitletirilmi resimler iermektedir.
9 Trkiye, endstrisi iin gereken tm maddeleri retemez.
l0 Atom reaktr tarafndan retilen enerji ok pahaldr.
ll Milli Egitim Bakanlg yeni programlar gelitirmek iin gereksinim duyulan bilgileri saglar.
l2 Programdan beklenen yararl sonular kurulun raporunda ana hatlaryla belirtildi.
l3 Bar iin kendi arzular ile bir araya gelmi be lkenin temsilcileri vard.
l4 Kimi insanlar yasal olmayan bir ekilde agalar keserek Trkiye'nin bu kesimindeki ormanlar harap ettiler.
l5 Bir bilim adam kuramn deneylerle gstererek kantlamaldr.
l6 Doktorlar hastalgn yaylmasn nleyici nlemler alarak hastalarnn hayatlarn kurtardlar.
l7 alma koullar agda havalandrma yntemleri sunularak gelitirilir.
l8 Bitkiler havadaki karbon dioksiti alarak (onu) temizler.
l9 Deniz suyu damtlarak tatl su elde edilir.
20 Arabay altrmadan nce benzini kontrol ettim.
2l Adam sert davranmadan (huysuz) ocuklara her zaman (yapmak) istedigini yaptrr.
22 Annesi tarafndan desteklenen kz snav kazand.
23 Algn cesaret verdigi kular yiyecek iin iyice kap eigine kadar geldiler.
24 Projektre yakalanan uak ate bcegi gibi grnyordu.
25 ten son derece yorgun dnen gen adam kendini yatagnn stne att.
134C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l To implement the new laws may not be easy, but if everyone does his part we will succeed.
2 To be fair, l don't think he meant any harm.
3 Defining the problem is easier than providing the solution.
4 Convincing them that they are still making progress is hard.
5 Being a mother of five children she understands such problems.
6 Repeating what he had said earlier, the chairman assured share holders that profits would show a distinct
improvement the following year.
7 Having swum two-thirds of the distance across the Channel, Dixon could not give up now.
8 Your having arrived on time saved me.
9 Our having read the book made the movie boring.
l0 Having been recognized, Elvis was mobbed by his fans.
ll Having seen that movie, we went somewhere else.
l2 He lost interest in his job, having failed to obtain promotion.
l3 The newspaper finally ceased publication, its circulation having dropped steadily over a period of years.
l4 Having finished the painting, he gave a sigh of relief.
l5 Having overheard part of their conversation l thought it best to remain hidden until after they had left.
l6 France has been experiencing its hardest winter for years, some areas in the east having lain under five
feet of snow for nearly five months.
l7 Questioned by the police, several witnesses described the robbery.
l8 Warned by his doctor, Jack began to exercise.
l9 Researchers have now proved earlier theories to have been incorrect.
20 Members themselves acknowledge many of their predictions to have been over-optimistic.
2l Tim was supposed to have brought the money.
22 l am sorry not to have met you before.
23 lt is difficult to make both ends meet these days, the taxes being so high.
24 lt is not easy to get into the University, with the examinations so difficult.
25 One of the disadvantages of the lectures is that one does not generally get an opportunity of discussing
with the lecturer any of the points arising from them.
26 He turned down the job he was offered, being reluctant to commit himself to a long contract.
27 He felt flattered at being considered the best man to take on the chairmanship of the society.
28 The holiday being over, we must now get down to some hard work.
29 The meeting was expected to have finished by now.
30 He should have been a little more tactful.
3l Being so rich, he had never had to worry about money.
32 Being the oldest person present, she felt she should take the initiative.
33 Being an engineer, he has a great deal of experience with machines.
34 Having a high protein content, soya-beans are a popular meat substitute.
35 After having been installed, the new equipment was thoroughly tested.
36 After having arrived at the factory, raw silk is carefully washed and dried.
37 Having a lot of oil, Saudi Arabia is a rich country.
38 After having developed a new drug, the doctor was invited to give a speech.
39 Having a bad chest means going without cigarettes.
40 Having lost my watch, l had to buy a new one.
135C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Askerligini yapmadan nce ok daha imand <
2 O hatay yapmas hepimizi artt.
3 Oda mzigi dinleme en byk zevkim.
4 Uzun yolculugun ardndan bitkin dtgm iin hemen uyumuum.
5 Ak seik konutugum iin, salonun arkasnda oturan herkesin beni duymasn sagladm.
6 Yeterli say olmadg iin, toplant ertelendi.
7 Toplum nnde ilk kez konumak korkun bir deneyim olabilir.
8 Fabrikay kapama, insanlar isiz brakmak anlamna gelir.
9 Mdr tarafndan tenkit edilmesine ierledi.
l0 irket ekonomik olmayan fabrikalar kapatmaya karar verdi.
ll Sizi beklettigim iin zr dilerim.
l2 Bunu tartarak boa vakit harcamayalm.
l3 iini kaybettigi iin artk isiz.
l4 e ilgi duyan herhangi bir kimse bavuruda bulunabilir.
l5 Dinleyiciler arasnda bulunan herkes Dr. Emir tarafndan verilen konferans begendi.
l6 Yardma ihtiyacnz olursa, isteyeceginiz kii benim.
l7 Alaska, l867'de Rusya'dan satn alndg zaman yaklak yedi milyon dolara mal olmutu.
l8 Trnaklarn yemek houna gitmiyor ama, elinde degil.
l9 Mektuba abuk cevap veriimiz adam memnun etti.
20 Murat'n bize yardm etmek istemesine ok sevindik.
1C zne+have/get P '*s'* P V3+ t6%"*/ (S+have/get + o-H. + V3 + Bo%;C
I !$8* my hair 5t every month. / Her ay sam kestiririm.
You can !$8* your hair cut. / Sanz kestirebilirsiniz.
l must g*t my shoes ;o"&s!*+. # Ayakkablarm boyatmalym.
2C ='* P !$8* P '*s'* P V1 P t6%"*/ ='* P g*t P '*s'* + to P &'3. + t6%"*/
She !$+ the doctor vaccine her baby. / Bebegini doktora alatt.
l'll g*t him to 2*;$&2 my car. / Ona arabam tamir ettirecegim.
l %5st !$8* an oculist *O$%&'* my eyes. / Gzlerimi bir gz examine doktoruna muayene ettirmeliyim.
l ve 2. kalpta nesne ve eylemin durumuna dikkat edilmelidir.. l. kalpta V3 2. kalpta Vl kullanlmas zellikle nem
tamaktadr. Ayrca ikinci kalpta g*t eyleminden sonra to?&'3 kullanldgna dikkat edilmelidir.
3C ='* + %$)*#"*t P '*s'* P V1 P Nt6%"*/C
The teacher %$+* him +o a lot of homework. / gretmen ona ok dev yaptrd.
My father %$+* me go to t!* dentist. / Babam beni diiye gitmeye zorlad.
His parents didn't "*t him ;"$7 outside. / Anne-babas darda oynamasna izin vermedi.
Bu kalpta kullanlan %$)* eyleminin zorlayclk anlam oldugunu anmsa-maldr. Her iki eylemin (make/let)
nesnesinden sonra kullanlan ikinci eylemin (do, play, go) to almadan kullanlmalar zellikle nem tamaktadr.
4C <$8* P $+ P V3 8*7$ &'3&'&t&8*
<$8* the technician repair the car. / Arabay teknisyene tamir ettiriniz.
<$8* the car repaired. / Arabay tamir ettirin.
136C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l l have my hair cut every month.
2 My brother had his tonsils removed last year.
3 You must have your tooth filled.
4 They had the blood brought from the blood bank for the patient.
5 You have to have your tooth extracted.
6 You must have your car repaired before going on holiday.
7 You can have my appointment cancelled.
8 l had the doctor examine the patient.
9 The man got the doctor to discharge the patient. l0 The police made the thief tell the truth.
ll The patient got the nurse to take his temperature.
l2 We always have the servant wash the dishes.
l3 Have the doctor examine the patient.
l4 She was having Fuat clean the room when you came in.
l5 She ought to get someone mend the radio tomorrow.
l6 l am going to have someone mend the radio tomorrow.
l7 l'd better have the letter translated.
l8 They are having the rooms whitewashed.
l9 Who do you have your hair cut by?
20 Where did you have your clothes dry-cleaned?
2l Who did you have your clothes dry-cleaned by?
22 Who do you think you are going to have your tooth extracted by?
23 When do you think you are going to have your picture taken?
24 The teacher didn't let the student go out.
25 The mother didn't let her daughter watch the movie.
26 Have the interest rates reduced.
27 Have the waiter bring some water.
28 She has had her attorney solve her problems.
29 l want to have this picture framed.
30 She had the dress shortened at the shop where she bought it.
3l We had the roof repaired last week and it cost 750 million TL.
32 You should have hung those trousers up, not folded them. Now you'll need to have them pressed.
33 lt is a bit risky having only one door key. Why don't you have an extra key cut?
34 Making students sit upright in their seats does not necessarily make them more responsive to learning.
35 My bicycle chain is loose. l must get it tightened.
13IC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& NEtt&2g*' 7$;0 )5""$'$2$)C 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 Sanz ok uzun, kestirmelisiniz.
2 Ayakkablarnz K&2"&1 onlar boyatabilirsiniz.
3 Yal adam gzlerini nl bir gz doktoruna muayene ettirdi.
4 Babas John'un diiye gitmesini saglad.
5 Erkek kardeim lastikleri yarn degitirecek.
6 Bugnlerde savata giderek daha ok insan ldrlyor.
7 Btn binay birine badana ettirdik
8 Birisine fazladan bir oda ekletecekler.
9 Pantolonunuzu uzattrmanz gerekmezdi.
l0 Doktor John'a sigaray braktrd.
ll Polis sang haftalarca izlettirmiti.
l2 Gerekli oldugunu dnseler adam izlettirirlerdi.
l3 Hrsz alarmn her yl kontrol ettirir.
l4 Kilitleri degitirebilirdiniz.
l5 Alt aylkken bebegini doktora alatt.
l6 Doktor hastann odada gezinmesine izin verdi.
l7 Filmleri tab ettirdik.
l8 Ahmet dn diini ektirdi.
l9 Anne ogluna odasn temizlettirdi.
20 Tansiyonumu ltrmem gerek.
2l rnekleri laboratuara gndertin.
22 gretmen gnde birka kez tahtay sildirir.
23 Btn pencerelere demir (parmaklklar) taktrdlar.
24 Yarn dilerime baktryorum.
25 Robert en ok sevdigi hocasna kendisi iin bir tavsiye mektubu yazdrtt.
26 Evdeki tamirleri sonbaharda yaptracak.
27 Uyku haplar insanlar uyutur.
28 Sigaralar insanlar ksrtr.
29 Arabanz kime ykatrsnz?
30 Ykatmam. Kendim ykarm.
3l Belediye, pleri niin toplatmyor?
32 Janet veznedara bir on dolar bozdurdu.
33 Getigimiz gnlerde apandisitimi aldrdm.
34 Kapya yeni bir kilit taktrm olmal.
35 Ona her eyi sylettiler.
NNo5' "$5s*sC
1C ='* P *7"*% P t!$t P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/ N>PVP t!$tP> P V Bo%;.C
People believed t!$t t!* *$2t! 9$s 3"$t. / insanlar dnyann dz olduguna inanrlard.
lt is maintained t!$t "&'g5&st&s &s $ s&*'*. / Dilbilimin bir bilim oldugu ne srlmektedir.
Common sense demands t!$t ;2&'&;"*s o3 'o'?8&o"*'* s!o5"+ ;2*8$&" *8*279!*2*. / Sagduyu iddete
kar olan ilkelerin her yerde egemen olmasn diliyor.
2C T!$t P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/ P *7"*% P t6%"*/
T!$t !* 9&"" o%* -$) soo' is certain. / Yaknda gelecegi kesin. (lt is certain that he will come back soon)
T!$t 9o%*' $2* 9o2s* +2&8*2s t!$' %*' has never been proved. / (lt has never been proved that women are
worse drivers than men) Kadnlarn erkeklerden daha kt src olduklar hibir zaman kantlanmamtr.
T!$t t!* 9o2"+ &s 2o5'+ is obvious. / Dnyann yuvarlak oldugu belli. (lt is obvious that the world is round)
3C T!* 3$t P t!$t P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/ P *7"*% P t6%"*/
T!* 3$t t!$t $ !*$"t!7 %$' !$s $ !&g!*2 2*s&st$'* to +&s*$s* is quite obvious. / Saglkl bir kimsenin
hastalga daha byk direnci oldugu aktr. T!* 3$t t!$t 7o5 !$8* 'ot s&g'*+ 7o52 '$%* to t!* "*tt*2
shows that you lack courage. / Mektuba imza atmam olman cesaretsizligini gsteriyor.
Ad tmcecikleri ad yerine geen szck kmeleridir. Bu nedenle adlar gibi, zellikle zne ve nesne olarak
kullanlrlar. 2. kalp ancak -*1 %$)* gibi ok snrl eylemlerle kullanlr. Yine rneklerden de anlalacag zere 2
nci kalp, l nci kalpta "lT"le balayan tmcelerin baka bir ekilde syleniidir.
13JC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l That he isn't interested in world affairs is surprising.
2 That all politicians are honest is not completely true.
3 That he has been very busy lately is obvious.
4 That the girl prefers to be alone is possible.
5 That he doesn't like large social gatherings is apparent.
6 That there may be life on another planet is almost inconceivable.
7 That the conversation was upsetting him soon became obvious.
8 That the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident was due to luck rather than judgment.
9 The fact that our means are limited prevents our development.
l0 The fact that the man has had no experience in this field is the reason for his failure.
ll The fact that you will take the examination will decrease my chance.
l2 The fact that she will marry my elder brother does not concern me.
l3 The fact that he now knows the secret creates a rather difficult situation.
l4 The fact that he is ignorant of the law is not accepted as an excuse for breaking the law.
l5 The fact that you have accepted this job will worry your wife very much.
l6 The fact that he has learned English in England doesn't imply his being able to speak the language
l7 The fact that he Prime Minister was seriously ill at the time of the crisis is now generally known.
l8 The fact that he had been visited by the police in connection with the recent crime was denied.
l9 l can't imagine that he would agree to such a proposition.
20 The police hope that they will solve the crime soon.
2l The Minister of Labour agreed that he would meet the union leaders.
22 The accused pretended that he didn't understand the lawyers question.
23 The commander ordered that his troops should lay down their arms.
24 Many of the audience considered that he speaker had overstated his case.
25 The majority of critics thought that the film was highly original.
26 lt is alleged that the man has killed his wife out of jealousy.
27 lt is clearly stated that no one may be detained without a trial.
28 lt is believed that nothing can travel faster than electro- magnetic waves.
29 lt might be thought that birds flying from the northern to the southern hemisphere every year always follow
the same route.
30 it is supposed that the first plants to appear on earth lived in the sea.
3l lt has been known that green plants have the power to purify the air by removing the carbon dioxide from
32 lt is known that there is a close relationship between Turkey and the Arab world.
33 lt is said that he is very rich.
34 lt is suspected that the murder has been committed by the. young woman on Sunday.
35 lt is retorted that our soldiers are fighting bravely.
35 lt was accepted that changes would not be made in the constitution without consulting the opposition
37 lt is feared that he has been killed by terrorists.
38 lt has long been known that goats were one of the main causes of forest devastation.
39 lt is probable that the Government will resign.
40 The Prime Minister clearly suspects that his party has little chance of winning the next election.
13KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Dnyann yuvarlak oldugu biliniyor.
2 Dnyann bir nkleer savan eigine geldigi (gelmi oldugu) ne srlmektedir.
3 Ekonomik durumumuzun bugnlerde dzeldigi varsaylmaktadr.
4 Bunalmn yaklamakta oldugu gzlendi.
5 Matematigin btn bilimlerin temeli oldugu, say bilimi olan aritmetigin de matematigin temeli oldugu
6 Arkadalarna ihanet etmeyecek olmas onun adna ok onurlu bir davrantr.
7 Onun hi erkek arkadann olmay anne babasn ok zyor.
8 (Onun) yabanc oluu bir i bulmasnda glk yaratt.
9 Ahmet'in nianlsn grmek istemedigi bellidir.
l0 Savan sona erdigi bir sylentiydi.
ll Dekann istifa edecegi dogru degildir.
l2 Yabanc dil greniminin zel bir beceri gerektirmedigi bir iddiadr.
l3 Dikkatli bir incelemeden sonra fiatlarn ykselmi oldugu sizce kolay anlalacaktr.
l4 Yasalarn ogunun uygulanmadg dogru degildi.
l5 Topragn lman iklim blgesinde bulunmas ok eitli bitki yetimesine olanak saglamaktadr.
l6 O blgelerden gelen oylarn geersiz oluu seim zamannda ok glkler yaratt.
l7 Yagmurun ilkbahar ve sonbaharda en yksek dzeyde oluu sel tehlikesini byk oranda artrr.
l8 Disiplin olmakszn, gerek zgrlgn olanaksz olduguna inanlmaktadr.
l9 Herkes, ldrc nkleer silahlarn uygarlg yok etmek iin kullanlmayacagn ummaktadr.
20 Egitimciler dil gretimi yaplan bir snfta en ideal saynn l0 ile l5 arasnda oldugunda birlemektedirler
(gr birligi iindedirler.)
2l Polis ihbarcnn gvenilir olduguna inand.
22 Babakan, partisinin gelecek seimlerde kazanma ansnn ok az oldugundan aka phe etmektedir.
23 Muhabirimiz durumun imdi kontrol altna alndgn bildirmektedir,
24 Zanl, alnan eyalar alm oldugunu kabullendi.
25 Tank, soygun srasnda bankann dnda mavi bir arabann parkettigini grm oldugunu bildirdi.
26 Ekonominin yava yava dzelmekte olduguna geni lde inanlyor.
27 Bana bilgisayar konusunda uzman oldugunuz sylendi.
28 Di hekimleri, her yemekten sonra dileri temizlemenin ve ikolata ve benzeri tatllarla ekerli yiyeceklerden
kanmann di rmelerini nledigini bildiriyorlar.
29 Odasnn dagnk olmas herhangi bir eyi bulmasn engelliyor.
30 ilk kez tm snavlarm vermem ailemi artt.
3l Havaalannda bizi karlayacak kimse olmamas beklenmedigimizi gsteriyor.
32 Bilim adamlar, sigara imenin kiinin akciger kanseri olma ihtimalini artrdgn ileri srdkleri zaman, bu
baz evrelerde iyi karlanmamt.
33 ogu kimse dnya nfusunun otuz ya da krk yl iinde iki katna kabileceginin farknda degil.
1. T6%* P &3#9!*t!*2 P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/
He wondered &3 I o5"+ s;*$) >;$'&s!. / spanyolca bilip bilmedigimi merak ediyordu.
Scientists wanted to find out 9!*t!*2 $'*2 $' be 52*+. / Bilim adamlar kanserin tedavi edilip edilemedigini
grenmek istediler.
lt is a little difficult to judge 9!*t!*2 !* 2*$""7 %*$'s 9!$t !* s$7s. / Syledigini gerekten sylemek isteyip
istemedigine karar vermek g.
2. I3#9!*t!*2 P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/ P *7"*% P t6%"*/
D!*t!*2 9* -57 t!* !o5s* o2 'ot depends on how much it costs. / Evi satn alp almamamz fiatna bagl.
I3 !* 9$s $ t2$&to2 o2 'ot is still unknown. / Vatan haini olup olmadg bugn de bilinmiyor.
l, kalp bu yapnn nesne olarak, 2. kalp ise zne olarak kullanln gstermektedir. 2. kalpta btn tmcecik zne
oldugundan yeni bir zne kullanmamaya zen gstermelidir.
14LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The little boy wondered if it would be possible to see the other side of the moon.
2 Most scientists still do not know if viruses should be regarded as living organisms or not.
3 He wanted to know if l could tell him the time.
4 The policeman asked the man whether he had seen the thief or not.
5 The murderer doesn't know whether he has killed the man or not.
6 Seluk asked whether they were working on the project now.
7 Seda wanted to know whether l had bought a present for Onur or not.
8 l don't know if Monday is Mert's birthday.
9 Whether you do it or not depends on conditions.
l0 lf he robbed the bank or not is still unknown.
ll Whether to fly or sail to England is a question of money.
l2 lf he was a good writer or not is now known
l3 My daughter can't decide whether to study or go to the party.
l4 Whether he will buy a Flat or a Ford depends on his father.
l5 l wonder if l had a chance to stay in the United States.
l6 l wonder if you would mind sitting over there.
l7 Whether we can help you is a difficult question.
l8 We must reach a decision whether we should sell the house or not.
l9 l don't care whether your car breaks down or not.
20 Whether we need it is a different matter.
141C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Gelip gelmeyecegini bilmiyorum.
2 Filmi grp grmedigimi sordu.
3 Gitsem mi, burda m kalsam bilmiyorum.
4 Bana, kahvaltda ay m yoksa kahve mi tercih ettiginizi sordu.
5 Sizi grmek iin vakit bulup bulamayacagmdan kukuluyum.
6 Cuma gn gelip gelmeyecegini soracagm.
7 ngiltere'ye gemiyle mi yoksa uakla m gidecegimize karar vermedik.
8 Londra'ya gidip gitmeyeceklerini merak ediyorum.
9 Kardeinin daha iyi bir i bulup bulmadgn merak etti.
l0 Kz, arkadann yarna kadar bekleyip beklemeyecegini merak ediyor.
ll Bize biraz daha sre verip vermeyeceklerinden kukuluyum.
l2 Polis kazay grp grmedigimi sordu.
l3 Evimi sigorta ettirmek isteyip istemedigimi grenmek istedi.
l4 Birisinin ona bundan sz edip etmedigi belli degil.
l5 Kzla konuup konumamak; ite sorun bu.
l6 Szlemeyi imzalamas ya da imzalamamas eitli faktrlere bagl.
l7 Partiye gelip gelmemesi karsna bagl.
l8 Uagn havaalanna vaktinde gelip gelmemesi havaya bagl.
l9 Yabani otlarn zehirli olup olmadklar artk anlalyor.
20 O arabay satn alacak kadar paranz olup olmamas nemli degildir.
3C T6%* P so25 s,=6.6 P N9!$t#9!*2* 8-C P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/
l don't know 9!*2* t!*7 "&8*. / Nerede oturduklarn bilmiyorum.
Japan provides the most striking example in the modern world of 9!$t t*!'o"og7 $' $!&*8*. / Japonya
agda dnyada teknolojinin neler baarabileceginin arpc bir rnegini oluturmaktadr.
People always discuss !o9 +&s$2%$%*'t o5"+ -* $!&*8*+. / nsanlar hep silahszlanmann nasl
baarlabilecegini tartrlar.
4C >o25 s,=6.6 P ,='* P *7"*% P Nt6%"*/C P *7"*% P t6%"*/
D!$t t!*7 '**+ %ost o3 $&" is money. / En ok gereksinme duyduklar ey paradr.
D!7 !* +&+ so is a complete mystery. / Onu niin yaptg tmyle bir giz.
Bu kalptaki tmceciklerin zne olarak kullanldklarna dikkat edilmelidir.
5C A+ X so25 s,=6.6 P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/ P *7"*% P t6%"*/
The reason 9!7 3oo+ &s s!o2t is obvious. / Yiyecegin neden az oldugu belli.
142C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 The reason why he is late is that there was a breakdown on the railway.
2 The reason why they don't want to help the man is not known.
3 They wanted to know how he had done that.
4 l don't know when my dress will be finished.
5 The boy wants to know where the girl has put his pencil.
6 We wonder why he sings so loudly.
7 He asked me what the matter was.
8 l want to know who she will go to the cinema with.
9 The teacher asked him which book he was taking.
l0 He wondered when l was beginning my holiday.
ll You must not forget what l told you last lesson. Q1 We must decide what we want to do.
l3 l haven't enough time to finish what l intended to do.
l4 Mental ability can not be judged from how much a person knows
l5 What you said was not true.
l6 What is important is the marketing of the product.
l7 What we are concerned with is finding new sources and kinds of energy.
l3 When she will arrive in lstanbul is not known.
l9 How they will solve the problem is not known by everybody.
20 Why they want to go to the United States of America is a complete mystery.
2l lt is unbelievable what lengths people will go to avoid paying their taxes.
22 What they need most of all are some contemporary drawings.
23 What worries me is that we cannot be sure that he is guilty.
24 What you say is often less important than the way you say it.
25 What the speaker said next was lost in the general uproar.
143C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* eviriniz
l Reklmlar, ogu kez insanlar istemediklerini satn almaya ikna ederler.
2 Sylediginizi anlamadm.
3 Postanenin nerede oldugunu bilmiyorum.
4 Vcudun nasl altg konusunda daha ok ey bilmiyoruz.
5 Kz, tekerlegi kimin icat ettigini bilmiyor.
6 Polis bana nerede taksi bulabilecegimi syledi.
7 Nasl yzlecegini bilmek gerekir/bilmelisiniz.
8 Erdem'in (o) agac kesme nedenini bilmiyorum.
9 Fabrikay kapatma nedenimiz belli.
l0 iini kaybediinin esas nedeni sarho olmasyd.
ll Hastann gereksinim duydugu ey ilatr.
l2 Hkmetin nlemeye altg ey anaridir.
l3 Amerika'ya gidi nedeni bilinmiyor.
l4 Nasl seyahat edecegine henz karar verilmi degil.
l5 Bulmaya altgmz ey, kanserin nedeni.
l6 Televizyon ve videonun en ok etkiledigi ey film endstrisidir.
l7 Karar vermemiz gereken konu, egitim biimidir.
l8 Adaya nasl geldigi bir muammadr/srdr.
l9 Kzn zengin bir adamla evlendirmek isteyiinin nedeni imdi herkese biliniyor.
20 lme nedeni tbbi bakmn olmamasyd.
2l Sorunum, yksek atein nasl drlebilecegi (dir).
22 Hasta oldugunu niin sylemedigi sorusunun bu aamada konu ile ilgisi yoktur.
23 Yangna neden olan bir sigara izmaritiydi.
24 Beni artan ey; o kadar enerjiyi nereden aldgdr.
25 Ona sylediklerinize dikkat edin; ok alngandr.
D&s! ? t6%*&)"*2&
1C ='* P 9&s! P ,='* P *7"*% NV2C P t6%"*/
I 9&s! I )'*9 ltalian. / Keke talyanca bilsem
He 9&s!*s he 9*'t to lstanbul. / stanbul'a gelmeyi istiyor.
2C ='* P 9&s! P ,='* P *7"*% N;$st ;*23*tC P t6%"*/
I 9&s! my son !$+ ;$ss*+ the exam. / Keke oglum snavn baarm olsayd.
She 9&s!*s she o5"+ !$8* -o5g!t a house at the seaside. / Deniz kysnda bir ev alabilmi olmay istiyor.
3C I3 o'"7 P ,='* P 76)"*% P t6%"*/
I3 o'"7 we !$+ more money. / Keke daha ok paramz olsa.
I3 o'"7 next week 9o5"+ come. / Keke gelecek hafta gelmi olsa.
Bu yaplarda 9&s! / &3 o'"7E+*' sonra gelen gemi zaman yapsnn imdiki zamanda bir dilegi; ;$st ;*23*t (had
+ V3) zamann ise gemi zamana ilikin dilegi anlattg anmsanmaldr.
144C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 l wish you had told me that before.
2 lf only you would read more carefully, you'd understand what the writer is trying to say.
3 lf only you had acted sensibly, you wouldn't now be in such a difficult position.
4 l wish l were as handsome as he is.
5 l wish my brother visited us more often.
6 She wishes she had been at the seaside then.
7 lf only he had asked my advice!
8 lf only l knew where he was!
g l wish l had written to her.
l0 She wishes she could drive a car.
ll lf only l knew the answer to the question.
l2 l wish l had known his name.
l3 lf only he hadn't eaten so much garlic last night.
l4 lf only he had told you the whole story!
l5 lf only l had seen him l'd have sent you a telegram.
l6 l wish you didn't have to go home now.
l7 We wish the children wouldn't always leave the windows open.
l8 l wish she would speak English better.
l9 l wish l could go to Bermuda for my holiday.
20 l wish Oya could have seen me at the party last night.
145C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Keke Pazar demeseydim. O zamana kadar asla hazr olamayz.
2 Keke onu tamire kalkmasaydm. Daha da kt yaptm.
3 Keke transistrl radyolar hi icat edilmeseydi.
4 Keke enemi kapasaydm.
5 Keke kendimi sigorta ettirmi olsaydm.
6 Ne vard senin nerini dinlemi olsaydm.
7 istedigin arabay satn alabilmi olman isterdim.
8 Keke daha erken kalkabilse. Her gn okula ge kalyor.
9 (Onun) mektubunda neler dedigini bana sylemeni isterdim.
l0 Ne olurdu lmeden nce onunla konuabilseydim.
ll Keke kendime ait bir odam olsa.
l2 O kadar utanga olmamay istiyor.
l3 Kocasnn o kadar ok iki imemesini istiyor.
l4 Sigaray brakmay isterdi.
l5 Ne vard daha uzun boylu olsaydm.
l6 Ne olurdu u ocuklar bu kadar grlt yapmasalard.
l7 Keke daha fazla para kazansaydm.
l8 Birka dil bilmek istiyor.
l9 Ne olurdu yagmur dursayd.
20 Keke dansa gelebilseydi.
1C A+ P &"g& =$%&2& N9!o#t!$t1 9!&!C P t6%"*/ P *7"*% P t6%"*/
The runner 9!o &s 9*$2&'g t!* 2*+ s!&2t is winning the race. K02%0=0 g,%"*) g&7*' koucu yar kazanyor.
The flat bones 9!&! 3o2% t!* s)5"" give protection to the delicate brain Kafatasn o"54t52$' dz kemikler
hassas beyni korurlar.
Yukardaki sfat tmcecikleri, zne grevi yapan adlar - the runner, the flat bones - nitelemektedir. Bu tip
tmcecikleri V-ing (present participle) kullanarak da ifade edebiliriz: The runner 9*$2&'g...... the flat bones
2C ='* P *7"*% P '*s'* P &"g& =$%&2& N9!o1 t!$t1 9!&!C P *7"*% P t6%"*/
We couldn't understand the instructions t!$t#9!&! 9*2* g&8*' &' t!* -oo)"*t. K&t$;/0)t$ 8*2&"*'
aklamalar anlayamadk.
l know a man 9!o s;*$)s 3o52 "$'g5$g*s 3"5*'t"7. D,2t +&"& $)00 -&2 4*)&"+* )o'54$' bir adam tanyorum.
Edilgen yapl tmcecik V3 (past participle); etken olan da V-ing (present
participle) ile ksaltlabilir..... the instruction g&8*' ...... , ...... a man s;*$)&'g.....
3C ='* P *7"*% P '*s'* P &"g& =$%&2& N9!o1 9!o%1 t!$t#9!&!C P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/
Mary is the girl (that/who (whom) %7 *"+*2 -2ot!*2 9$'ts to %$227. Agabeyimin evlenmek istedigi kz Mary'dir.
That's the problem (which/that) 9* !$8* to so"8*. ,=%*%&= g*2*)*' sorun odur.
Bu tr sfat tmceciklerinde, ilgi zamirleri tmcedeki eylemin nesnesi durumundadr ve ogu kere kullanlmazlar.
Ancak belirleyici olmayan sfat tmceciklerinde ahslar iin 9!o ve 9!o%1 cansz ve hayvanlar iin which'in
mutlaka gerekli oldugunu hatrlaynz.
146C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l We must find the doctor who will operate on me.
2 l have a problem that is much more complicated than that.
3 Will all the students who are interested write their names on this list?
4 The river which has its source here flows eventually into the Black Sea.
5 That is one of those fruitful ideas that can carry society forward.
6 The earth is warmed by heat rays that are transmitted by the sun
7 You should leave examination questions that you find difficult to answer until last.
8 He suggested a few changes which enabled us to repeat the experiment in half the time.
9 He is the kind of person that never complains.
l0 Yuri Gagarin was an astronaut who made the first space-flight.
ll The developing countries striving for higher standards of living and modernization have less than one quarter
of the world's production but two-thirds of its population.
l2 Substances which have a definite volume and no shape are called liquids.
l3 A manget may be defined as a substance which attracts certain other substances.
l4 Vitamin K is required for the formation of prothrombin, a substance which is needed for blood - clotting.
l5 Digestion is helped by enzymes which are present in the stomach.
l6 A gas is a substance which has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.
l7 Chlorophyll is the substance which makes plants green.
l8 The surface of a film is covered with silver bromide, which captures the image brought in by rays of light.
l9 Parasitology may be defined as the branch of biology which deals with the nature of parasitism and its
effects on both the parasite and the host.
20 A catalyst is a substance which accelerates a chemical reaction.
2l ln order to be healthy, man needs a balanced diet containing protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and
22 Waves are caused by friction of the wind blowing across the surface of a body of water.
23 Anyone who takes a free day without permission will be sacked.
24 The staff who need training in the use of the computer should see the manager.
25 Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
26 The chair which was broken yesterday is now mended.
27 He's the new teacher they've appointed.
28 Any article left in this bus is taken at once to the Lost Property Office.
29 Presents costing less than ten pounds in all may be imported duty free.
30 Any driver not having a licence ought to be sent to jail right away.
3l Anyone who did not hear that noise must have been stone deaf.
32 Don't believe everything that you read in the newspaper.
33 AlDS is a disease (which is) caused by a virus called HlV, for human immuno -deficiency virus.
34 Agriculture employs a large number of workers who are often poorly paid.
35 Development can be determined by various criteria which relate to poverty inequality, unemployment and
36 The Titanic which was supposed to be unsinkable sank on its first voyage.
37 The United Nations Organization, which works of world peace, has members from many nations.
38 Albert Schweitzer, who was a great philanthropist, worked for many years in tropical Africa.
39 A film which is perhaps amusing for adults can be terrifying for children.
40 The population explosion is a problem which should concern us all.
4l l overheard my brother's telephone conversation which was quite interesting.
42 She took two major subjects and a foreign language which was difficult.
43 Juices (which are) secreted by stomach, liver and pancreas all play a part in the digestive pocess.
44 The candidate l voted for won the election.
45 ln many LDCs agriculture, which is the largest sector, is very inefficient.
46 Economic growth, which is a necessary condition for economic development, is not a sufficient condition on
its own to ensure an increase in economic welfare.
47 lt has been noticed that children (who have been) treated with antibiotics are more seriously ill on
admission to hospital.
48 Dusts and germes which are inhaled from the atmosphere are trapped in the nose and finally swallowed.
49 The girl that won the race also broke the record.
50 The discovery of this drug is the greatest discovery that has been made in the last ten yeas.
5l The match which was shown on TV last night was disappointing.
52 Did he film we saw on TV seem realistic to you?
53 The candidates we interviewed had been very well prepared for the examination.
54 The experiment that was conducted this afternoon will be repeated tomorrow.
55 The earth is warmed by heat rays that are transmitted by the sun.
56 Smallpox, which once killed thousands of people every year, has now been wiped out.
57 This is Mr Dyson, whom you met at last year's seminar.
58 She spent all evening talking about her latest film, which none of us had ever heard of.
59 Marie Curie, who discovered radium, was awarded the Nobel Prize.
60 The nine satellites that revolve round the sun are called planets.
6l Dudley Seers, who has defined development as almost a synonym for improvement, has influenced the
thinking of many economists.
62 Hicks and Streeten, who have analysed four different aproaches to the problem of measuring development,
conclude that there is no viable alternative to using Gross National Product at present.
63 He is married to Rose, whom he met while they were both working as interns in a small town called
Middleford, which lies to the west of London.
64 Do-it-yourself, which began as a hobby, is now turning into a necessity.
65 The function of the General Assembly, which has over l30 members, is to discuss world problems and to
control UN finances.
14IC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Canl yaratklar inceleyen kiiye biyolog denir.
2 skoya'da dogan Fleming, penisilini kefetmitir.
3 Watt, buharl makinay icat eden bir mhendisti.
4 l967'de kurulan Hacettepe niversitesi, dnyann en gelimi aratrma tehizatlarndan bazsna sahiptir.
5 Yazn emekliye ayrlacak olan Dekan, faklte iin byk (bir) kayp olacak.
6 Birlikte altgm btn kzlar kilo vermeye alyorlar.
7 Telefondaki ahs sizinle konumak istiyor.
8 Size gerekli (olan) her eyi anlattm.
9 Hamlet'i oynayan aktr rol iin bana ok fazla yal grnd.
l0 Maratonu kazanan Mehmet Terzi, mstesna bir koucudur.
ll O, gerekten beni etkileyen bir filmdi.
l2 O, ok abuk etkilenen birisidir.
l3 Paray veren ddg alar.
l4 (Bir) Nobel dl kazanan Melvin Calvin, karbon dioksitin artmakta oldugunu sylyor.
l5 Kazanlarn dnen sanayicilerin kirlenmeye aldrdklar yok.
l6 ehirler zerinde biriken kirli havaya sis denir.
l7 Hamilelikleri esnasnda sigara ien kadnlarn bebeklerini kaybetmeleri ya da daha az agrlkta bebeklere
sahip olmalar daha olasdr.
l8 Atatrk'n srekli yineledigi amac, Trkleri "agda uygarlk dzeyine" karmakt. Bu, onun yaam
boyunca srekli olarak kullandg, bugn de onun izinde olanlarn kullandklar bir szdr.
l9 gretmenlerin ogu, ayn dzeyde grencilere sahip olma asndan olduka tutarl bir snf tercih
20 Giydiginiz ayakkablar benim geen hafta aldklarma benziyor.
2l Bir kalori, l gr suyun scaklgn l4.5 C'den l5.5 C'ye karmak iin gerekli olan s miktardr.
22 Yangn sndrme aleti, hafif yangnlar sndrmek iin kullanlan bir arat
23 Sigara ierken grlen herkesten laboratuvar terketmesi istenecektir.
24 4 C'de saklanan kan, ancak hafta dayanabilir.
25 Et, yumurta ve st gibi kolayca bozulan yiyecekler 5 C ile l0
C arasnda bir scaklkta saklanmaldr.
26 Yukarda anlatlan deneylerin neticeleri beni ana sonuca gtrmektedir
27 Atom, kimyasal reaksiyona girebilen bir elementin en kk parasdr.
28 Snavlarn veremeyen grenci zntl.
29 gen kenar olan bir ekildir.
30 Hepsinin de kucaklarnda bebekler olan birka gen anne klinikte sabrla beklediler.
3l Oglum yagda kzartlm patates sever.
32 grenciler, gretmenlerinin sordugu sorulara itiraz ettiler.
33 Btn parasn devlete kurulan bir irkete yatrd.
34 Trkiye'nin eitli mal reten byk endstri kurulular vardr.
35 gretmen, snavda kopye eken grenciyi yakalad.
36 Gen bayan yar kazanan at satn ald.
37 Polis, kamyonu kullanan srcy durdurdu.
38 Hiroima ve Nagasaki'ye atlan atom bombalar 20 kilotonluk bir gce sahipti, bu da 20.000 ton TNT'ye
39 Snava girmeyi dnen herkes bana adn bildirsin.
40 Ak bulunan i konusunda dn bizi grmeye gelen ahs isim ve adresini brakt m?
4C A+ P s03$t tmcecigi + eylem + tmle (N + Adj. Cl + V + Comp)
The teachers 9!o will give t!* test are very young. / Snav verecek ola gretmenler ok gen.
A+ P to P &'3 P '*s'* P eylem + tmle (N + to + inf + obj + V + Comp)
The teachers to g&8* t!* t*st are very young. Snav verecek gretmen ok gen.
Gelecek zamanl sfat tmceciklerinde nesne varsa bunlar to + inf yapsyla ksaltlabilirler.
14JC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The medicine which will be given to the patient must be selected carefully. (The medicine to be given to the
patient must be selected carefully).
2 This is the teacher who is going to teach English. (This is the teacher to teach English.)
3 The teacher who will give the test is a woman. (The teacher to give the test is a woman.)
4 The measures which will be taken must serve the purpose. (The measures to be taken must serve the
5 The teaching method which will be used must be reliable. (The teaching method to be used must be
6 The man who will see you is a doctor. (The man to see you is a doctor.)
7 The woman who will sell the car is a dancer. (The woman to sell the car is a dancer.)
8 The famous scientist who will give a lecture in the afternoon is my teacher. (The famous scientist to give a
lecture in the afternoon is my teacher.)
14KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Ameliyat olacak hasta kardeim(dir).
2 Doktoru grecek hasta oglumdur.
3 Arabay tamir edecek kii becerikli olmal.
4 Yeni kitabmz basacak olan yaync nl biri.
5 Kiralanacak araba (bir) Mercedes olmal.
6 Hastay muayene edecek doktor nl(dr).
7 ingiltere'ye gidecek banka mdr ok gen.
8 Seninle alacak olan polis amiri akll adam(dr).
5C A+ P 9!o% P ,='* P *7"*% P t6%"*/ P *7"*% P t6%"*/
My sister, 9!o% 7o5 %*t 7*st*2+$71 wants to speak to you./ Dn tantgnz kzkardeim sizinle konumak
Our employer, 9!o% 'o-o+7 "&)*s1 works in the next room. / Kimsenin sevmedigi iverenimiz bitiikteki odada
D!o% belirleyici olmayan (non-defining) sfat tmceciklerinin yapmnda kullanlr, kendinden nce gelen adn
insanla ilgili olmas gerekir. Nesne yerine getiginden 9!o% szcgn bir zne izlemelidir.
15LC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The lawyer, whom l consulted, gave me some useful advice.
2 Mr. Aksoy, whom you met at the party, is my music teacher.
3 Mr. Demir, whom l had come especially to see, was too busy.
4 The boy, whom Mehmet shared a flat with, was a student.
5 My teacher, whom you met yesterday, wants to speak to you.
6 My wife's mother, whom l haven't seen for a long time, talks too much.
7 The Prime Minister, whom l had never heard before, spoke on television last night.
8 A gentleman, whom l had never seen before, smiled at me.
9 Miss Gray, whom you heard in that discussion, has worked in newspaper offices for fifteen years.
l0 The poet, whom l mentioned a moment ago, died tragically before the age of fifty.
ll Mr. Demirel, whom l had already met several times before, spoke about his plans.
l2 My stepmother, whom l don't like at all, is not very kind to me.
l3 Your twenty-year-old fiancee, whom l happened to meet just now, is a very beautiful girl.
151C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Dn bizim evde tantgnz insan mslman.
2 Alper'in evlenmeyi umdugu Selda ok ekici bir kz.
3 Son derece gven duydugu kz arkada kendisini terketti.
4 Dansta tantg gen kz ngilizce bilmiyordu.
5 Dn grdgnz kardeim yarn aya geliyor.
6 Dansta grdgmz Aya benimle kmak istiyor.
7 Hi karlamadgnz babam, Sivas'ta dogdu.
8 Yaklak iki yldr (kendisini) tandgmz Ayten'in babas bize yardm etti.
9 Son derece gven duydugumuz doktor geen hafta kasabaya geldi.
l0 Gazetecilerin mlakat yaptklar Bakan, basna siyasetini aklad.
ll Daha nce hi karlamadgnz nianlm dn ngiltere'ye gitti.
l2 Geen hafta sizinle tantrdgm bakan, vergileri yarya indirmeye kalkt.
l3 Holanmadgm kaynvalidem bitiik odada alr.
6C $+P (tmle)+ 9!os*P $+P N,='*C P *7"*% P t6%"*/ + N*7"*% + tmle)
The President, 9!os* "&3* !$s -**' +*8ot*+ to !&s o5't271 deserves his popularity. / Yaamn lkesine
adayan Bakan herkes tarafndan sevilmeyi hakediyor.
Children 9!os* 35t52* 9* %5st s$3*g5$2+ deserve a happier world. Geleceklerini gvence altna almamz
gereken ocuklar daha mutlu bir dnyay hakediyorlar.
D!os* iyelik anlatr. Whose'den sonra bir ad kullanlmas unutulmamaldr.
IC O3 9!&! N... $+ P o3 P 9!&! P N,='*C P *7"*% P '*s'*C
The lecture, t!* s5-H*t o3 9!&! 9$s 8*27 $-st2$t1 was very difficult to understand. / Konusu ok soyut olan
konumann anlalmas ok zordu.
O3 9!&! canszlar iin iyelik anlatmnda kullanlr, 9!os* ise hem canl hem de canszlar iin kullanlabilir.
JC $+ P so25 s,=6.6 P ,='* P *7"*% P P t6%"*/
He would like to retire to the town 9!*2* t!*2* &s %o2* ;*$*. / Emekli olup daha sakin bir kasabaya gitmek
l remember the night 9!*' 9* "o)*+ o52s*"8*s o5t o3 t!* !o5s*. / Evin dnda / kapda kaldgmz geceyi
152C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l l saw a beautiful girl whose beauty took my breath away at the moment.
2 lt was a meeting whose importance the student didn't realize at the time.
3 Alper listened to the records, none of which he intended to buy.
4 l remember the summer when we were together.
5 The village where we stopped for petrol had a beautiful old castle.
6 Selanik, where Atatrk was born, is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
7 The man whose coat had been stolen immediately reported the theft to the police.
8 The teacher whose house is near the school is liked by all the students in school.
9 The workers whose wages are not often raised do not come out on strike.
l0 He only let me have a kilo of tea, a quarter of which l must give to my friend.
ll Westminster Abbey, where many famous men are buried, is a very old building.
l2 The old house, the interior height of which can be increased by raising the roof, should be a modern house.
l3 My ex-wife, whose love letters l still keep in my drawer, sent me. a present yesterday.
l4 ismet nn, whose reign was one of the greatest in Turkish history, died in l973.
l5 He is going to the golf course, where he intends to put in some practice.
l6 The minister whose daughter had been kidnapped was afraid to inform the police.
l7 The judge whose life had been threatened asked for more police protection.
l8 The Browns family moved to a big city where the father soon found a job.
l9 The policeman showed the room where the murder took place.
20 l am looking forward to summer holiday when l can relax after months of hard work.
153C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Kzkardei mzik gretmenligi yapan Seluk'un kendi de piyano gretmeni (dir).
2 Romanlar hl nl olan Dickens, l9 uncu yzylda yaamtr.
3 Arabas alnm olan adam, polisle temasa geti.
4 Kazann oldugu yer buras.
5 Kerkk petrol sahalarndan gelen boru hattnn denize ulatg (yer olan) iskenderun nem kazanmaya
6 Romanlarnda bat Anadolu'daki yaam anlatan Cevat akir, Bodrum civarnda otururdu.
7 Sylevlerini ocuklarn ezbere bildikleri Atatrk, dnyann en byk liderlerinden biriydi.
8 Fatih Sultan Mehmet'in yaadg stanbul, Osmanl imparatorlugunun bakentiydi.
9 Yaar iyi bir izlenim brakt; bunun sonucu olarak da ie girdi.
l0 Kazaklara baktm; bazlarnn stnde etiket vard.
ll st katta fazladan iki odamz var, hibiri yllardr kullanlmyor.
l2 Bana o mektubu ilk defa gnderdigi gn hatrlyor.
l3 Eray'n dogum gnn kutladgmz lokanta, talyan lokantasyd.
l4 Yazar sekseninde birisi olan bu kitap, ok ilgi ekici.
l5 Ortasnda Amerika'nn bir ksmn grebildiginiz bu byk harita kzma ait.
l6 Kzyla evlenecegim kadn budur.
l7 ki yolcunun dinlenmek iin durdugu tepede ahane bir manzara vard.
l8 iimizin az oldugu Haziran aynda genellikle uzun bir tatil yaparz.
l9 Hepimiz klarmz scak iklimi houmuza giden Antalya'da geirmeyi arzu ederiz.
20 Partisine davet edildigimiz Bay Bozta ehrin zengin bir kesiminde oturur.
2l Grevi, raporu daktilo etmek olan sekreter bugn hasta.
22 Birok ifti ilkbaharda topragn scak ve nemli oldugu zaman sebze bahelerini eker (ler).
KC ='* P &"g*/ P s03$t t6%*&.& P *7"*% P t6%"*/
The doctor to 9!os* +$5g!t*2 I 9$s *'g$g*+1 is a close friend of my father's,/ Kzyla nianl oldugum doktor
babamn yakn arkaddr.
The people 9&t! 9!o% s!* 9o2)*+ regarded him as strange. / Birlikte altg insanlar ona garip bir kimse
gzyle bakyorlard.
The interest 9&t! 9!&! $ -oo) &s 2*$+ depends to some extent upon the language used. / Bir kitabn
okunmasndaki ilgi bir lde kullanlan dile bagldr.
The scientists produced a working model o' 9!&! 2*"&$-"* t*sts o5"+ -* o'+5t*+. / Bilim adamlar
zerinde gvenilir testlerin yaplabilecegi ilerligi olan bir model rettiler.
lt is a family of three children, $"" o3 9!o% $2* st5+7&'g %*+&&'*. (O) hepsi de tp grenimi gren ocuklu
bir ailedir.
Bu kalpta grldg gibi eylemlerin aldg ilgeler ilgi zamirlerinden nce kullanlabilir; 9!o ve t!$t bu kalpta
kullanlmazlar, 9!o% ya da 9!&! kullanlmaldr.
154C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The mountain, at the top of which the snow is always present, is a popular skiing site.
2 The Kent Hotel, at which l stayed last week, is comfortable and cheap.
3 This pipeline, through which l0.000.000 tons of oil flow every year, has been called the third river of lraq.
4 Ships, on which Seda always feels sick, seem romantic to Mert.
5 The battle, in which the soldiers died, was fought in the eastern part of Turkey.
6 My girl friend met my mother, from whom she got the news of my marriage.
7 He is a famous politician, about whom many books have been written.
8 Mathematics, about which l know nothing, seems a very dull subject.
9 The science of medicine. in which progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all
the sciences.
l0 My friend Janet, in whom l have great confidence, says l can pass my exam if l work hard.
ll My stepfather, with whom l am living, is not very kind to me.
l2 My old friend, into whose house you were invited last week, has already left the country.
l3 My brother built several houses, none of which are more than 5 kilometers from the heart of Ankara.
l4 l have several friends, all of whom are English teachers.
l5 This car for which l paid 200.000.000 liras three years ago, is now worth about l00.000.000 liras.
l6 ilker wanted to discuss economics about which Erkut knew absolutely nothing.
l7 The elderly man from whose office a burglar stole this TV set is very poor
l8 The patient for whose troubles no remedy could be found was discharge, yesterday.
l9 The doctor, with whom l went to America, was the son of a rich man.
20 The terrist, about whom nothing is known, was seen in the eastern part of the region.
155C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Adamn yarsyla bir ift ayakkab alabilecegi maa, drt kiilik bir aileyi geindirmek iin yeterli degildir.
2 Onlarsz kr bir adama dndgm gzlklerim yere dp krld.
3 ay ve kahvemi satn aldgm bu dkkn saat birle iki aras kapaldr.
4 Mektubun yazldg dilin evirisi zor(dur).
5 iiler ileride izlenecek politikaya karar verdikleri bir toplant yaptlar.
6 Dnya yzyllar boyu yagmur getiren bulutlarla kaplyd.
7 Az nce kendisiyle konumakta oldugunuz karm boanmak istiyor.
8 Yarn hakknda konferans verilecek olan Ankara Kalesi nl bir tarihi
9 Sadece bir ie viski almama izin verdi, onun yansn da arkadama vermek zorundaydm.
l0 imdiki iimi sayesinde elde ettigim gretmenim Mary Bruder, az nce ziyaretime geldi.
ll Hakknda pek az ey bildigi gezi onun iin byk bir macera olacakt.
l2 Yukar katta fazladan iki odamz var; hibiri yllardan beri kullanlmyor.
l3 Pencerelerinde k bulunan ev benimki.
l4 Brosunda telefon olan Bay Erdogdu, evde bir telefona yanamyor.
l5 Her ay ok para dedigim ikolatann fiat artyor.
l6 Hkmet, Bakann aklama yapmasn gerektirecek bir soruturma amaya karar verebilir.
l7 zerinde saatte l50 km'ye kadar hz yaplabilen karayolunda, araba gerek niteliklerini gsterdi.
l8 Bazlarndan oglumun dn para aldg ocuklar ok zenginler.
l9 Aralarnda hi fark bulunmayan bu iki il birbirinin yerine kullanlabilir.
20 Herkesin yalnz kalmaya gereksinme duydugu anlar vardr.
1LC T6%* P s03$t t6%*&.&
She wore her swimming things in the office, 9!&! s!o)*+ !*2 -oss $ g2*$t +*$". / Ofiste yzme giysilerini
giydi, bu patronu akna evirdi.
He has given in his resignation, 9!&! 9$s t!* -*st t!&'g !* o5"+ +o. istifasn verdi, bu durumda
yapabilecegi en iyi eyi yapt.
evirilerinden de anlalacag gibi buradaki sfat tmcecikleri tekiler gibi belirli bir ad degil, btn tmceyi
nitelemektedir. Bu nedenle genellikle tmce sonunda kullanlrlar.
156CA4$.0+$ki t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 She kept thinking about Ahmet, which disturbed her very much.
2 Mehmet had plenty of books, which made his friends envious.
3 The undergrowth was dense, which made travelling slow and tiring.
4 The currents were unpredictable, which made fishing difficult.
5 There was a great variety of seafood, which was a great surprise to the tourists.
6 Something dropped on her head, which made her scream.
7 The boy decided not to complete his university course, which was a great disappointment to his parents.
8 My old friend blamed me for everything, which l thought very unfair.
9 The Minister has given in his resignation, which was the best thing he could do in the circumstances.
l0 Niyazi was ill in bed, which explains why he didn't turn up last week.
ll The dentist bored a hole in my tooth, which was very unpleasant.
l2 My girl friend gave me a bottle of aftershave lotion, which pleased me very much.
l3 Something appeared in the distance, which made the soldiers very happy.
l4 The campers moved on without extinguishing their fire, which was an act of almost criminal negligence.
l5 The girl passed her examinations with honours, which made her parents very proud of her.
l6 l came home drunk the other day, which shocked my daughter.
l7 We had to read three articles, which ruined our day.
l8 l overheard my brother's telephone conversation, which made me feel guilty.
l9 The police told the young woman to move her car from the entrance, at which she became angry.
20 She took two major subjects and a foreign language, which was difficult.
15IC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Dil bilmiyordu; bu da i bulmasn gletirdi.
2 Btn gece keman ald, bu komularn cann skt.
3 Kurbagalar btn gece vrakladlar. bu da bizleri uyutmad.
4 Her hafta tiyatroya gittik, bu bizim tek dinlencemizdi.
5 Be kere sahneye agrld/geldi, bu da grdg ilginin cmerte bir ifadesiydi.
6 Dag eteginde gece geirdiler, bu da denemelerinin en zor blmyd.
7 Her ie Meysu'yu teste tabi tutuyoruz; bu kadar gven duyulmasnn nedeni budur.
8 Herkesi memnun etmeye alyor, bu da olanaksz.
9 Onu drt gzle beklemiyordu, bu durum pek allmam bir eydi.
l0 Bu sabah otobsm kardm, bu da ie ge varmama neden oldu.
ll Demiryolu anlamazlg nihayet zmlendi, bu da her gn iine gidip gelenler iin byk bir ferahlk yaratt.
l2 Genliginde iyi bir grenim grd, bu da daha sonraki yaamndaki byk baarsna katkda bulundu.
l3 ok okuyor, bu kiinin bo zamann en gzel biimde geirme yoludur.
l4 Agalar kesiliyor, bu da topragn anmasna yol ayor.
l5 evre tahrip edilmektedir, bu da yaammz tehdit diyor.
15JC A4$.0+$)& s03$t t6%*&)"*2&'& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l A square is a rectangle whose sides are equal in length.
2 This is the student whose report you wanted to see.
3 This is the room in which Atatrk was born.
4 She tore up my photo, which upset me.
5 We had a meeting the purpose of which (whose purpose) was completely unclear.
6 lt is a family of four children, all of whom are studying medicine.
7 Mexico city, which has a population of over l0 million, is probably the fastest growing city in the world.
8 l think you should stay faithful to the person you're married to.
9 The people for whom we've been waiting do not seem to have arrived.
l0 l've lost the knife with which l cut the vegetables.
ll lf someone buys shoes whose heels falls off in the first week, he should take the shoes back to the shop.
l2 He swam 20 miles, which is quite an accomplishment for a man of his age.
l3 if she ever decides to get married. l'm sure l'll be the last person who will find out about it.
l4 l found my book on the table where l had left it.
l5 Anaemia is a condition in which there is a reduced concentration of haemoglobin in the blood.
l6 The most important nuitrients, a deficiency of which results in anaemia, are iron, folic acid and vitamin Bl2.
l7 l enjoyed reading the survey on "Turkey Today", which was published in the October issue.
l8 l don't think we have much to grumble about in education, which l consider to be one of the most important
criteria for judging a country.
l9 Roger, whose father owns the factory, says the company paid a million pounds to install clean air
20 Ruth, whose son studies physics, is pleased that her father has enrolled at the Open University.
2l Susan's sister, whose husband was killed in an accident, has become a child psychologist.
22 When air. which consist mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, is heated to above ll00 C, oxides of nitrogen,
particularly nitric oxide are produced.
23 Ford doesn't envy his friends, some of whom earn more money than he does.
24 Those who deliberately expose their skin to the sun are always at some risk, which could be avoided by
keeping the body covered.
25 Scientists are worried, which shows that the problem is serious.
26 Proteins are substances which are necessary for the growth of new cells.
27 A barometer is an instrument which is used to measure atmospheric pressure.
28 Food contains the proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins which are vital to life.
29 Kidney machines function on the principle of osmosis. Osmosis is a process by which solids are filtered out
of liquids.
30 Blood banks are built up with the help of donors, people who give their blood for those who need it.
15KC MA+H*t&8* "$5s*M Ns03$t t6%*&.&C )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Babas disipline inanan bir kimsedir.
2 Yalan alkanlk haline getiren kimseye yalanc denir.
3 Gzellik yarmasn kazananlar annemin gelin oldugu zamanki kadar gzel degiller.
4 Az egitim grm, kltrel ilgileri olmayan ve amalar para kazanmak olan bu insanlar, iliki kurmak
istedigim trden insanlar degil.
5 Mal alan reticiler yalnzca ierikle ilgilenirler.
6 Saat ba cret alan iiler, fazla almay uygun bulurlar.
7 ileri dzeydeki grenciler artc lde eitli deyimlerle karlarlar; bunlar ancak altrmayla
8 Eletirmenlerce iyi karlanan en son oyunu byk bir baar saglad.
9 Doktoru iini bir ak hava iiyle degitirmesini nerdi; bu saglgna daha iyi gelecektir.
l0 Kendisini bir yldr grmedigim eimin kzkardei ok konuur.
ll Anne-babann ogullarnn gelecegini tarttklar bagretmen, ocugun mhendis olmasn (nerdi) salk
l2 (Kilitli oldugundan) evin dnda kaldgmz geceyi anmsyorum.
l3 Marthy dn akam kendisine rastladgmz yerde olacak.
l4 Egitim grdg okul 200 yl nce yaplmt.
l5 istifasn verdi, bu durumda yapabilecegi en iyi ey buydu.
l6 Emekli olup genligini geirdigi kasabaya dnmek istiyor.
l7 Btn aile bireysel giriim olanag daha ok olan bir lkeye getmek istiyor.
l8 Geleceklerini gvence altna almamz gereken ocuklar daha mutlu bir dnyay hakediyorlar.
l9 Felsefe yazlar btn dnyadaki felsefeciler zerinde derin bir etki brakan B. Russel l970'de ld.
20 Konusu ok belirsiz olan konumasn ok az kimse anlad.
2l Yangn, hastalarnn ogu yal olan hastanenin birinci katnda balad.
22 Birok planc, herkesin komusuna yakn oturdugu kasabalarn derli toplu yerler olmas gerektigine inanr.
23 Bilim adam, zerinde gvenilir testlerin yaplabilecegi, ilerligi olan bir model ortaya koydu.
24 Bir kitabn okunmasndaki ilgi bir lde kullanlan dile bagldr.
25 Tepesinde her zaman kar bulunan dag gzde bir kayak merkezidir.
26 yan denizlerle evrili olan Trkiye'nin ticaret filosunu gelitirmesi ge rekir.
27 Parasn birka degiik irkete yatrd, bu yolla yatrmn dogal risklerini azaltmay umuyordu.
28 Brown'larn sahip olduklar iki arabadan daha az masrafl olan, hi kukusuz, Plymouth'tur.
29 Gnmzde tketimle llen yaama standardmz bir gn pler asndan llebilir.
30 nemli keifleri hl gnlk hayatmz etkileyen Louis Pasteur, ondokuzuncu yzyln birka byk bilim
adamndan biriydi.
l60) >03$t t6%*&)"*2&'* +&))$t *+*2*) ;$2/$"$20 T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
Our environment
Scientists have recently reported that the polar ice caps are melting, due to a rise in atmospheric
temperatures known $s t!* MA2**'!o5s* E33*tM. According to Melvin Calvin, 9!o 9o' $ No-*"
Q2&=* 3o2 *$2"&*2 2*s*$2!1 the carbon dioxide given off when coal and oil are burned is accumulating
in the atmosphere and causing temperatures to rise. As a result, the ice o8*2&'g t!* No2t! $'+
>o5t! Poles is melting and may eventually lead to a rise in sea levels 9!&! o5"+ 3"oo+ %$'7 $2*$s
o3 t!* 9o2"+1 including New York, London and Tokyo.
The "Greenhouse Effect" is just one of many fundamental changes 9!&! $2* t$)&'g ;"$* &' t!*
*'8&2o'%*'t. Tropical rain forests 9!&! too) 3&3t7 %&""&o' years to g2o9 are being reduced at the
rate of fourteen acres per minute. The world's deserts are growing year by year. Scandinavia's
beautiful lakes are becoming lifeless due to "acid rain" $5s*+ -7 s5";!52 +&oO&+* *%&ss&o's 32o%
3$to2&*s &' D*st A*2%$'7 $'+ B2&t$&'. Many species of animals and plants are threatened with
Trinidad History
The island of Trinidad, 9!&! &s s&t5$t*+ H5st o33 t!* o$st o3 V*'*=5*"$1 was originally part of
the south American continent and broke away round about l0.000 B.C. The original inhabitants were
Amerindians 9!o $""*+ t!*&2 &s"$'+ t!* L$'+ o3 <5%%&'g B&2+s1 because of the number of these
tiny birds 9!&! 8&s&to2s $' st&"" see to+$7.
Christopher Columbus discovered the island on his third voyage in l498 and by l532 $ Spanish
settlement had been set up. There followed a long history of
o"o'&=$t&o' by the Spanish, the French and finally the British 32o% 9!o% T2&'&+$+ $'+ To-$go
g$&'*+ &'+*;*'+*'* &' 1K62. The island has a mixture of races and cultures, including the
descendants of the slaves 9!o 9*2* -2o5g!t &' to 9o2) t!* s5g$2 ;"$'t$t&o's1 and the East
lndians and Chinese 9!o $%* "$t*2. T2&'&dad and Tobago became a republic within the
Commonwealth in l976.
The preservation of food
Why does food go bad?
Food contains the proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins 9!&! $2* 8&t$" to "&3* lt should be
fresh when we eat it. lf it is bad, it can make us ill. There are two m agents 9!&! t52' 3oo+ -$+?
fungi (such as yeast and various moulds) and bacterial. These are micro-organisms 9!&! $''ot
%$)* t!*&2 o9' 3oo+ $'+ 9!&! "&8* $'+ g2o9 o' o52 3oo+. Moulds, for example, arc often seen on
old bread. Yeast can spoil fresh food but it also has some very useful properties. For hundreds of
years it has been used by man in the making of bread and wine. lt acts as a catalyst in the process
ln order to grow and multiply, all these micro-organisms need food, water, warmth and, &' some
cases, air. T!* methods 5s*+ to ;2*s*28* o52 3oo+ $2* intended to make conditions dry and very
cold, unsuitable for the growth and multiplication of micro-organisms.
The great distances 9!&! o3t*' s*;$2$t* t!* ;2o+5*2 o3 3oo+ 32o% t!* o's5%*2 &' t!* 2Lt!
*'t527 make effective food preservation vital. But in most preservation process, many important
vitamins and proteins are wholly or partially destroyed. One of the tasks of food technologists today is
to find ways of preserving without losing these vital substances.
NA+8*2-&$" B"$5s*sC
1C Z$%$'"$ &"g&"& o"$'"$2: 9!*'1 9!&"* N9!&"&stC 9!*'*8*21 $3t*21 -*3o2*1 s&'*1 5't&"1 $s1 -7 t!* t&%*1 $s "o'g
$s1 s$2*"71 !$2+"7 9!*'1 $s soo' $s1 'o soo'*2... t!$'
There is a lot to do -*3o2* 9* $o%;"&s! o52 o-H*t&8*. / Hedefimize varmadan nce yapmamz gereken ok
ey var.
A3t*2 o%;5t*2s !$8* -**' &'t2o+5*+ &'to go8*2'%*'t o33&*s1 there'll be less work to do. / Bilgisayarlar
hkmet dairelerine girdikten sonra yapacak daha az i olacaktr.
l. Zarf tmcecikleri tmce banda da tmce sonunda da kullanlabilir.
Tmce bana geldiginde temel tmceden virglle ayrlmaldr.
2. ngilizce'den Trke'ye eviri yaparken zarf tmcecigi genellikle temel tmceden nce evrilmelidir.
3. so... t!$t1 s5!... t!$t yaplarnda nce ana tmcecigi evirmeli, sonra buna zarf tmcecigi eklenmelidir.
l'll stay in London 5't&"#t&"" l learn English very well. ngilizceyi ok iyi greninceye kadar Londra'da kalacagm.
As l get older, l get more optimistic. Yalandka daha iyimser oluyorum.
U't&" education became a public service, the establishment of schools was left to private sector. / Egitim bir
amme hizmeti oluncaya kadar, okullarn kuruluu zel sektre brakld.
D!*'*8*2 l go there, l always buy a pen. / Oraya her gittigimde daima bir kalem satn alrm.
D!&"* he was mending my watch, l watched TV. / O saatimi tamir ederken ben TV seyrettim.
D!*' you have time, please come and see me. / Zamannz olunca gelip beni grnz.
Fatih will be able to come as soo' $s he has finished his work. Fatih iini bitirir bitirmez gelebilecek (tir.)
My daughter has been working for a company s&'* she left university. Kzm niversiteden ayrldgndan bu
yana bir firmada almaktadr.
The play had !$2+"7 begun 9!*' the lights went out. / lklar sndgnde oyun yeni (henz) balamt.
>$2*"7 had we started lunch 9!*' the door bell rang. / Kapnn zili aldgnda gle yemegine henz
balamtk / oturmutuk.
161C A4$.0+$)& T6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The supply of raw materials must be increased before the demand for these articles can be met.
2 Before computers were introduced into the banks, there was much more delay in business.
3 The patient died after he had been ill for a long time.
4 After l had heard the tragic news, l sent a telegram.
5 When we breathe out, the chest cavity becomes smaller.
6 The committee will submit a report when it has collected all the available information.
7 While l was driving home, something exploded by the side of the road.
8 While l was going out, l noticed a police car in front of our house.
9 My father always goes out whenever he gets angry.
l0 l'll discuss the matter with you whenever you come.
ll She has been studying English since she came to Ankara.
l2 The poor boy has been out of a job since he left university.
l3 He kept on with his work until he had finished it.
l4 The plane won't land until the other planes take of?.
l5 l sat waiting till everything was ready.
l6 As the champion grew weaker, his opponent's attacks became more and more violent.
l7 l hope you'll think of me for a moment as l'm taking my final exam.
l8 By the time that the security guards had realized what was happening, the gang were already inside the
l9 By the time you come home, l'll not be at home.
20 The party will go on as long as we want to.
2l l don't mind where you go as long as you let me know.
22 l had hardly closed my eyes when l began to imagine the most fantastic shapes.
23 lt is long time since his father died.
24 l plan to leave here as soon as my brother comes.
25 No sooner had he turned the comer of the street than he was attacked by a 2l -year-old boy.
162C Z$%$'"$ &"g&"& -$."$/"$20 )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l almaya balamadan nce biraz daha bilgi toplamamz gerekir.
2 Ordular ehre dogru ilerlemeden nce bir gn dinlendiler.
3 Bilgisayarlar bankalara girdikten sonra yaplacak daha az i olacak.
4 Turist, istanbul'u grdkten sonra izmir'i ziyaret etmeyi dnd.
5 Gece s dnce su donar.
6 Nefes aldgmz zaman ggs bolugu geniler.
7 Kocas televizyon seyrederken o bebegi yatrd. .
8 Annesiyle babas tatil tartmas yaparlarken Ozan ieri girdi.
9 Ne zaman istanbul'da olsa, olabildigince fazla yeri gezer.
l0 Ne zaman okula gitsem, kitaplkta alrm.
ll stanbul'a tandklarndan bu yana arkadatrlar.
l2 Amerika'ya gideli nianlmdan hibir haber almadm.
l3 Bu eve tanmadan birbirimizle hi karlamamtk.
l4 Ben gelene kadar bekleme salonunda/odasnda beklemelisiniz.
l5 Yagmur duruncaya kadar evde oturabiliriz.
l6 Polis hrsz otobse binerken yakalad.
l7 Selda okula giderken yagmur yagmaya balad.
l8 zdgmzde problemi anlarsnz.
l9 Ben eve gelene kadar (siz) yatm olursunuz.
20 istediginiz kadar bu lkede kalabilirsiniz.
2l Yaadgm srece sizi hi unutmayacagm.
22 Telefon aldgnda gzm henz kapamtm.
23 Yeni bakan seildiginden bu yana, komisyon hibir toplant yapmad.
24 Elinizden geldigince ksa srede kulbe katlmanz neririm.
25 arab ier imez bagrmaya balad.
2C @*2"* &"g&"& =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: 9!*2*1 9!*2*8*21 $s '*$2 # 3$2 $s
You can go 9!*2*8*2 you like. / stediginiz yere gidebilirsiniz.
They will go 9!*2* you want them. / Nereye isterseniz gidecekler.
l will find her 9!*2*8*2 she may be. / Onu nerede olursa bulacagm.
He drove the car $s 3$2 $s he could. / Arabay srebildigi kadar srd.
3C T$2= $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: $s1 !o91 &' t!$t1 $s &31 N$s t!o5g!C
He looks $s &3 he is going to cry / Aglayacakm gibi grnyor.
Please tell me !o9 you did it. / Ltfen nasl yaptgn bana syle.
Hold this chalk in your hand, $s l told you. / Bu tebeiri sana syledigim gibi elinde tut.
l feel $s &3 l hadn't slept well. / iyi uyumam gibiyim.
The milk tastes $s &3 they have put water in it. / Stn iine su konmu gibi.
4C D*2** $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: as...$s1 'ot so...$s1 t!*...t!*1 &' ;2o;o2t&o' $s1 ?*2#%o2*1 so "o'g $s1 &'
so 3$2 $s
Nothing is so bad $s you think it is. Hi birey dndgnz kadar kt degil.
A car cannot travel $s 3$st $s an aeroplane. / Otomobil uak kadar hzl gidemez.
lf you spoke a little %o2* s"o9"71 l might understand you -*tt*2. / Biraz daha yava konusanz sizi daha iyi
T!* nearer a place is to the equator, t!* hotter it is. / Bir yer ekvatora ne kadar yakn olursa o kadar scak olur.
163C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Our house stands where the three roads meet.
2 We don't want to go where the others are.
3 l meet interesting people wherever l go.
4 We found the people friendly wherever we went.
5 We walked as far as the river.
6 You can go as near as you like to this dog, it doesn't bite.
7 You had better write as l suggest.
8 We were at a disadvantage in that they outnumbered us two to one.
9 You look as if you know the answer.
l0 She spoke as if she were a teacher.
ll lt looks as if it is going to rain.
l2 Nothing is so/as bad as you think it is.
l3 This morning l'm as well as l have ever been.
l4 He did the job as quickly as he could.
l5 The quicker we get there, the sooner you'll be able to relax.
l6 The more l see of her, the more l like her.
l7 The longer the lecture went on, the more sleepy the students got.
l8 The closer you live to a continental plate, the greater the risk of earthquakes will be.
l9 You can stay here as far as l'm concerned.
20 The harder the task the better he likes it.
164C @*21 t$2= 8* +*2** =$23"$20'0 )5""$'$2$) $4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Babam hep dogdugu yerde oturdu (yaad).
2 Seninle ilk tantgmz yerde bulumak isterdim.
3 Komisyon nereye karar verirse orada toplanacaklar.
4 Nereye gidersen git, o seni unutmaz.
5 Gidebildigince uzaga yrd.
6 Bu filin istediginiz kadar yaknna sokulabilirsiniz.
7 devinizi (size) syledigim ekilde yapn.
8 Onu istediginiz biimde bitirebilirsiniz.
9 devini, hayatnda daha nce hi yapmam gibi yapt.
l0 Kz partiden holanm grnyor.
ll Beni daha nce hi grmemi gibi davrand.
l2 Onun kadar hzl koamyorum.
l3 Benim kadar sk almyor.
l4 Sessiz durdugun takdirde burada kalabilirsin.
l5 Bu sorunlar eskisinden daha fazla glk yaratmyor.
l6 Hzl yrme, yava koma kadar ok kalori yakmaz (harcamaz).
l7 Kirlenmeyi ne kadar ok denetim altna alrsak, o lde temiz evreye sahip oluruz.
l8 Ne kadar ok alrsanz, o kadar ok grenirsiniz.
l9 Ne kadar ok para yatrrsanz, geliriniz o kadar yksek olur.
20 Bir gretmen ne kadar yetenekli olursa, o lde etkili gretim yapabilir.
5C N*+*' $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: -*$5s*1 s&'*1 $s1 3o2 s**&'g t!$t1 'o9 t!$t1 +5* to1 +5* to t!* 3$t
t!$t1 o9&'g to t!* 3$t t!$t1 o' $o5't o31 -*$5s* No3C
B*$5s* I 9$s t&2*+1 l went to bed early. / Yorgun oldugumdan erken yattm.
>&'* he is a little boy, he is not allowed to smoke. / Kk bir ocuk oldugu iin sigara imesine izin verilmiyor.
No9 t!$t he has left, there is nothing more to do. / Ayrldgna gre yaplacak birey yok.
As you have been here before, you'd better lead the way. / Burada daha nce bulunduguna gre yol gstersen
iyi olur.
You must finish now, 3o2 it's nearly bedtime. / Yatma zaman yaklatg iin bitirmelisin.
6C A%$/ 8* s$)0'%$ $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: &' o2+*2 t!$t1 so t!$t1 "*st1 3o2 3*$2 t!$t1 &' $s*
l turned off the lights so t!$t I o5"+ s"**;. / Uyuyabilmek iin klar sndrdm.
Some people eat so t!$t they may live. / Bazlar yaamak iin yer.
Others seem to live &' o2+*2 t!$t they may eat. / Bazlar da yemek iin yayor grnyorlar.
The teacher is telling you this rule "*st you should make a mistake.
The teacher is telling you this rule 3o2 3*$2 t!$t you should make a mistake. gretmen bu kural yanl
yaparsnz diye sylyor.
lt is a good idea to carry an umbrella in Britain &' $s* you get wet./ ngiltere'de yagmurda slanma olaslgna
ka emsiye tamak iyi bir fikir.
165C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Now that we are all here, we can start.
2 You can't expect him to know the story when he hasn't read it.
3 You can't expect him to tell you the story seeing that he hasn't read it.
4 The plague stopped the Hundred Years War because it killed so high a proportion of the population.
5 Turkey can produce a large quantity and variety of goods because machines are used.
6 Since communities rapidly increased in size, they became too big to be managed by primitive tribal methods.
7 She took a bus since her husband needed the car.
8 Doctors were unwilling to perform the operation as the patient was suffering from high blood pressure.
9 Owing to the fact that l had no time, l had great difficulty to finish my master thesis.
l0 Due to the fact that loan associations help people to build homes, a lot of people have their own houses in
big cities in Turkey.
ll They decided to stop working, for they were very tired.
l2 Because of the cold winter we are having now, nobody wants to go on a long trip.
l3 Because of the air pollution we have in Ankara, there are fewer tourists here this year.
l4 l think you should write my address down in case you forget.
l5 You should lock your car in case someone steals it.
l6 He was kept apart from school boys of his own age lest they should corrupt him.
l7 He could no longer take the side of any party lest he (should) be defeated with it.
l8 The officer did not let the man see the official paper, lest he should tell his friends about them.
l9 She dresses like that so that everyone will notice her.
20 The teacher raised his voice so that we could all hear.
2l He always puts a little money in his pocket for fear that he should be robbed.
22 Due to the fact that their roots were exposed, some plants died in my garden during the winter.
23 My father bought this piano in order that l could learn how to play.
24 l turned off the TV in order that my roommate could study.
25 Exports should do better now, because the currency has just been devalued.
166C N*+*' 8* $%$/ $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2& )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l (Artk) bydgne gre daha terbiyeli olmalsn.
2 Madem ki hepimiz buradayz, balayabiliriz.
3 Yapacak ok alveri oldugu iin ehre erken indi.
4 O blm zaten alm oldugunuza gre tekrar okumanza gerek kalmayacak.
5 ok vaktimiz olduguna gre, aceleye gerek yok.
6 Nedeni anlalamadg iin enfeksiyonun yaylmasn nleyecek tm yntemler baarszlga ugrad.
7 Arazinin oguna ekin ekildiginden, pek az bir ksmna aga dikilebiliyor.
8 ok scak geldiginden paltomu kardm.
9 Birok bilim adamnn gelimesine katkda bulunmalar nedeniyle teknoloji bugn ok ilerlemitir.
l0 Petrol fiatnn tekrar artmas nedeniyle hemen hemen hi trafik yoktu.
ll Yzmeyi sevdigi iin babam daima deniz kenarna gider.
l2 iinde bulundugumuz ekonomik kriz yznden, hkmet baz kesin kararlar almak zorunda kald.
l3 Karlatklar byk zorluklar yznden daga trmanma fikrinden vazgetiler.
l4 Yavalasanz iyi olur, bakarsnz gelen (bir) tren vardr.
l5 Mikroplu olabileceklerini dnerek yemekten nce ellerinizi ykamalsnz.
l6 Londra'da dar knca slanacagnz dnerek bir emsiye alsanz iyi edersiniz.
l7 Sava kar endiesiyle btn parasn bir isvire bankasna yatrd.
l8 Nezleye yakalanr endiesiyle ocuga kaln bir palto giydirdi.
l9 (ocuk) 20 yana varmadan lrm diye, oglunun grenimini sigorta ettirdi.
20 Unutabilir diye ona adresimi yazverdim.
2l Fakir ailelerden gelen zeki grenciler (bir) okula girme frsatna kavuabilsinler diye, hkmet bir burs
sistemine balad.
22 Adam bir saldrya ugrarm korkusuyla yanna srekli bir muhafz alyordu.
23 Bu polisler (biz) daha emniyetli yaayabilelim diye yaamlarn tehlikeye atyorlar.
24 Fiatlarn ykselmesi yznden baka bir araba alamadm.
25 Boguldugunu sanalm diye elbiselerini plajda brakm.
IC +6'"*%* 8* =0t"0) $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: $"t!o5g!1 t!o5g!1 *8*' t!o5g!1 $s1 &' s;&t* o3 t!* 3$t
t!$t1 &' s;&t* o31 9!&"*1 9!*2*$s1 7*t1 !o9*8*2 P =$23#s03$tR 'o %$tt*2 how...
A"t!o5g! I 9o2)*+ !$2+ $"" %7 "&3*1 l never saved up enough money to buy a car. / Btn mrnce ok
altgm halde araba alacak paray biriktiremedim.
T!o5g! N$"t!o5g!C l was in the same class as Nuren for four years, l never knew her very well. / Nuren'le 4
yl ayn snfta oldugum halde onu hi de iyi tanyamadm.
<o9*8*2 !$2+?9o2)&'g he is, he will never be top of his class. / Ne kadar alkan olursa olsun kesinlikle
snfnn birincisi olamayacak.
E8*' Nt!o5g!C he hadn't eaten for days, he looked strong and healthy. / Gnlerdir yemek yemedigi halde
kuvvetli ve saglkl grnyordu.
He is coming today &' s;&t* o3 t!* 3$t t!$t l distinctly told him l didn't want him. / Ona kesinlikle kendisini
istemedigimi sylememe karn yine de bugn geliyor.
No %$tt*2 whether you agree or not, l'll buy that car. / Kabul etsen de etmesen de o arabay alacagm.
He is never tired, 9!*2*$s l always am. / Onun hi yorulmamasna kar, ben her zaman yorgun oluyorum.
JC Ko45" $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: &3 o'"71 &31 5'"*ss1 ;2o8&+*+ t!$t1 s5;;os&'g t!$t1 o' o'+&t&o' t!$t1 so
"o'g $s1 &' $s* t!$t1 o'"7 &3.
You can buy a car &3 you save up enough money. / Yeterince para biriktirebilirsen bir araba alabilirsin.
I3 o'"7 you had acted sensibly, you wouldn't now be in such a difficult posi. tion. (Keke) mantkl hareket etmi
olsaydn imdi bu g duruma dmez, din.
>5;;os&'g t!$t you told him the truth, what could he do about it? / Tut to ona geregi syledin, bu hususta ne
l'll help you o' o'+&t&o' t!$t you keep your promise. / Sznde durman kouluyla sana yardm edecegim.
You can borrow my notes ;2o8&+*+ t!$t you give them back to me tomorrow. / Yarn geri vermek kouluyla
notlarm sana dn verebilirim.
You can come with us, so "o'g $s you don't make a nuisance of yourself Rezalet karmamak kouluyla
(karmadgn srece) bizimle gelebilirsin.
He will sign the contract $s "o'g $s his wife has no objections. / Kars itiraz etmedigi srece szlemeyi
He will not sign the contract 5'"*ss it is satisfactory. / Tatminkr olmadka szlemeyi imzalamayacak.
lf the patient is overweight, his diet should be restricted. / Hasta fazla imansa diyeti snrlandrlmaldr.
16IC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l He won't do it unless he thinks there is no other way.
2 So long as they had plenty to eat and drink they were happy.
3 Yldz was lively and talkative, whereas her sister was quiet and reserved.
4 l won't lend him the money unless he needs it.
5 l'll be home at 5 o'clock in case you need me.
6 We are enjoying ourselves, although the weather is bad.
7 He wouldn't give me the money, even if l begged him for it.
8 l will let you drive as long as you have a valid driving licence.
9 Supposing that your son had an accident, what would you do?
l0 l will go to America with her on condition that she asks me.
ll Supposing that he asks you, will you go with him?
l2 lf only l had known earlier, l would have bought you a car.
l3 She will consider going with him provided that all her conditions are granted.
l4 ln spite of the fact that it is a long way to go there, an aeroplane can make the journey in one day.
l5 Ziya will be late unless he takes a taxi.
l6 Although Konya has a population of one million, there are several museums.
l7 You should see Sivas even if your visit is a short one.
l8 The food in Gaziantep is excellent no matter how inexpensive the meal is-
l9 The people of Pittsburgh will listen to you courteously no matter how poor you speak English.
20 Unless you leave immediately, l will call a policeman.
2l However fast he ran, his brother arrived first.
22 ln spite of the fact that l warned my brother he didn't stop drinking.
23 However much you earn, you won't be able to buy a house.
24 Cancer can be cured provided that it is diagnosed and treated early.
25 Unless food production can be increased rapidly, a large number of the population will die of hunger.
26 The bank would not employ any more workers unless he had completed his military service.
27 lf all the food in the world is shared among total population, no one will get enough to eat.
28 Demonstration farms can be started in many cities only if generous help is supplied from the government.
29 No matter what you say, l won't believe you.
30 l'll give you the day off on condition that you work on Saturday morning.
16JC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l (Keke) aklnda ne oldugunu bana sylemi olsayd, ona yardm edebilirdim.
2 Onu yapmas emredilmedike yapmayacaktr.
3 Baka hibir yol olmadgn bilsek bile onu yapmyacagz.
4 ay iinde geri vermen kouluyla sana bor para verecegim.
5 Bol bol yemeleri ve imeleri halinde adamlar mutlu olacaklard.
6 ingilizcesini ilerletmedike snavda baarsz olacak.
7 Kaykta hastalanma olaslgna kar bu haplar alnz.
8 Hava kt olsa bile yzmekten holanrm.
9 Acele etmedike trene yetiemeyeceksiniz.
l0 Babas src ehliyeti almas kouluyla onun araba kullanmasna izin verecek.
ll Tut ki bir kaza yaptm, ne yapardn?
l2 Tut ki kayk alabora oldu, ne yaparsnz?
l3 ingiltere'ye gitmedike ingilizce konuamayacaksnz.
l4 Ondan holanmasanz bile yine de kibar olabilirsiniz/
l5 insanlar ne kadar zengin olsa, yine de daha ok para kazanmak egiliminde olurlar.
l6 Tatile gidememesine karn yine de mutludur.
l7 rgp byk bir ehir olmamasna ragmen bir turist iin grlecek birok ilgin yerleri vardr.
l8 En lks olmasa da Dedeman otelinde kalmay yegleriz.
l9 Geziniz ne kadar ksa olsa da Greme'yi grmenizde yarar var.
20 Trkiye'de ne kadar uzun sre kalrsanz kalnz yine de daha ok kalmak isteyeceksiniz.
2l Ne kadar ok alrsa alsn beceremeyecek.
22 ok tutulmasna karn yine de seimi kazanamad.
23 Onu sevmesem bile yine de (onu) sk sk ziyaret ederim.
24 Ne kadar dikkatli araba kullanrsanz kullann muhtemelen erge bir kaza yaparsnz.
25 Koullarn uygun olmas durumunda her canl organizma ogalr.
26 Nfus art kontrol altna alnmadka ok sayda insan alktan lecektir
27 Eger hasta zayfsa oral anti-diyabetik tedavisi salk verilir.
28 Doktor babama sigaray yasaklamasna ragmen, o hl iiyor.
29 Senin yerinde olsam, ucuz olmasna ragmen elden dme arabay almazdm.
30 irketin kazanc (ka$anlar) bu yl ok byk oldu, yine de iiler ikramiye alamadlar.
KC >o'5/1 *t)& $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: so1 so...that, s5!... t!$t
He worked so hard t!$t he became ill. / yle ok alt ki hasta oldu.
The teacher gives s5! clear explanations t!$t we learn a lot from him. gretmen o kadar gzel aklamalar
yapmaktadr ki biz ondan ok eyler greniyoruz.
l hadn't seen you all week, so l decided to call you up. / Btn hafta sizi gremedigim iin telefon etmeye karar
1LC >$)0'$1 s$)0'%$ $'"$t$' =$23 t6%*&)"*2&: *O*;t t!$t1 $;$2t 32o% t!* 3$t t!$t1 *O*;t 3o2 t!* 3$t t!$t
He is a very good man *O*;t t!$t he is a bit miserly. Biraz cimri olmas dnda ok iyi bir kimsedir.
EO*;t 3o2 t!* 3$t t!$t the signing was very bad, it was a good concert. arklarn kt sylenii dnda iyi
bir konserdi.
16KC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The wind blew so hard that her hat flew off.
2 l bought such a good book that l learned English well.
3 The plane goes so fast that you will arrive in Paris'in two hours.
4 She hasn't been to England, so she can't speak English well.
5 ln winter the snow is so deep that birds cannot find anything to eat.
6 The teacher asked such difficult questions that the students couldn't answer them.
7 My teacher talks so fast that we can't understand anything.
8 Cengiz is such a powerful man that everybody is afraid of him.
9 Except that there is not much to do, l think that it would make an excellent place for a holiday.
l0 lt was a nice trip except that l missed out a visit to London.
ll Apart from the fact that it was a little it tiring, it was a good journey.
l2 He showed such great courage that he was elected unanimously.
l3 He earns so much money that he doesn't know what to do with it.
l4 Apart from the fact that he drank too much, he was rude to everybody present.
l5 The sea was so cold while we were there that we didn't go bathing once.
l6 Except for the fact that the car was an old one, l liked it.
l7 He was so angry that he left the room without saying a word.
l8 The meeting became so disorderly that the speaker had to shout into the microphone.
l9 They throw the water away, so that all the vitamins are lost.
20 She asked for so much money that we could not afford to employ her.
1ILC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l O kadar ackmt ki gle yemegini erken yedi.
2 O kadar rzgarl bir gnd ki lokantaya taksi ile gitmeye karar verdik.
3 O kadar dk fiyata verdiler ki iki radyo aldk.
4 Makina o kadar grlt yapyor ki birbirimizi duyamyoruz.
5 Fazla paras yok, bunun iin de ucuz bir otel aryor.
6 Biraz para biriktirmek istedi, bunun iin de her gn ie yryerek gitti.
7 Yiyecek o kadar nefisti ki yiyebilecegimden fazla yedim.
8 O kadar iyi bir frsatt ki (onu) karmak istemedim.
9 istanbul'a bir gezinin olmay dnda sanrm iyi bir plan.
l0 Aktrlerin tannm olmamas bir yana film olduka gzeldi.
ll Lastigimizin patlak oluu yannda firenlerimiz de arzalyd.
l2 Konumas o kadar akt ki her szcg anladk.
l3 Havann soguk oluu dnda ho vakit geirdik.
l4 Otobs duragnda o kadar kuyruk vard ki beklemek yerine yrmeye karar verdim.
l5 Karsna o kadar kt muamele etti ki sonunda kars onu zehirledi.
l6 Bana o kadar fazla para nerdiler ki, reddedemedim.
l7 ylesine kt bir gsteri ki, onlarn halka gitmeleri iin para vermeleri gerekir.
l8 Yeni "Klkedisi" filmi ylesine uzun ki, ocuklarn ilgisini ekmez.
l9 Rol ylesine gzel oynad ki, seyirci on dakika alklad.
20 Kalemlerin kgt zerinde kardklar srekli czrt dnda snf sessizdi.
1I1C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 A3t*2 the critics see the plays, they will, as a result of their experience, and background, be able to judge
which is the more effective and moving.
2 ln the discussion one speaker told that, s&'* we live in a money oriented society, the average individual
cares little solving anyone else's problem
3 My sister can knit a sweater 9!&"* she watches television.
4 They had given up hope of finding their way 9!*' a guide arrived.
5 The last man was emerging from the escape tunnel 9!*' a distant shout signalled its discovery by the
6 O'* published, the book caused a remarkable stir.
7 D!*2* the fire had been we saw nothing but blackened ruins.
8 We always meet him 9!*2* we least expect.
9 D!*2*8*2 she goes, she will take her pet dog.
l0 E8*' &3 he went down on bended knees, l would not forgive him.
ll E8*' t!o5g! there are good reasons for being pessimistic about the world's food supplies, not all experts
share the general despondency.
l2 Our diet will go on being the same, *8*' &3 new techniques are introduced
l3 The teacher did not encourage the student in any way *8*' t!o5g! the boy began to weep when he was
told that his poor marks would likely hold up his graduation.
l4 A"t!o5g! the world's population is rising fast, food production is keeping pace with it.
l5 No goals were scored, t!o5g! it was an exciting game.
l6 Miraculous t!o5g! their survival seemed, it was nothing to what lay ahead.
l7 B*$5s* of the failure of the air cooling system; many in the audience had left the meeting before the
principal speaker arrived.
l8 l lent him money -*$5s* he needed it.
l9 The path 9$s too slippery to walk on.
20 Mo2* accidents occur in the home t!$' n the roads.
2l You spent %o2* money t!$' we intended you should.
22 l took no notice of him so he flew into a rage.
23 We were at a disadvantage &' t!$t they outnumbered us two to one.
24 Bo's&+*2&'g how much it costs, this machine is a failure.
25 No 352t!*2 discussion arising, the meeting was brought to a close.
26 A"" o52 s$8&'gs go'*1 we started looking for jobs.
27 D!*' treating patients with language retardation and deviation of language development, the therapy will
consist, in part, of discussions of the pat ent's problems with parents and teachers, with subsequent
language teaching being carried out by them.
28 A teacher should make his explanations clear and simple so t!$t may understand him.
29 The kind-hearted old man gave the beggar some money so t!$t he might buy some food.
30 They're enlarging the school so t!$t the pupils may have better classrooms.
3l l took the child to the hospital so t!$t the doctors could give her a thorough examination.
32 The policeman held up the traffic so t!$t the school children could cross the road safely.
33 He works hard so $s to give his children a good education.
34 Surely he's not so unreasonable so $s to expect you to work fifteen hours a day.
35 He saves as much money as he can so $s to have a comfortable old age.
36 The news was s5! a surprise t!$t he didn't know what to say.
37 He has s5! a lot of money t!$t he doesn't know what to spend it on.
38 lt was s5! a cold night t!$t they decided to sit at home by the fire and read.
39 No9 t!$t you have finished your work, you can, go out and play.
40 No9 t!$t he has at last succeeded in winning a gold medal at the Olympic Games, he has decided to retire
from athletics.
4l She seems to have lost all interest in life 'o9 t!$t her husband is dead.
42 >&'* candidates have to be under 2l years of age, you are obviously not eligible.
43 As we were tired of waiting, we decided to go without them.
44 As the engine had been repaired, we were able to continue our journey.
45 B*$5s* there had been no rain, the crops failed.
46 >**&'g that they have asked us to be punctual, we ought to start now.
47 l was blamed by everybody 3o2 not sounding the alarm in time and allowing the thieves to get away.
48 They were angry with the boy 3o2 losing the money they had given him.
49 l can't accept your kind invitation to dinner o' $o5't o3 having a friend staying with me.
50 A"t!o5g! he's not a handsome man, women find him attractive.
5l A"t!o5g! his car is twenty years old, it still goes well.
52 A"t!o5g! he pretended to listen to the teacher, he was thinking of the football match all the time.
53 <o9*8*2 "&ttle you may earn, you should try and save something every week.
54 D!$t*8*2 mistakes you may have made, l don't think you need worry very much about them.
55 <o9*8*2 well educated you may be, there is plenty more for you to learn.
56 D!*' he had been assured that his wife was out of danger, he agreed to leave the hospital.
57 D!*' he came out of jail, o' $o5't o3 his reputation he found it very difficult to find employment.
58 As soo' $s the winter was over, the recently-planted trees began to put forth new branches.
59 As soo' $s the warm weather arrived, we left off our woolen underwear.
60 He repeated the words to himself over and over again $s t!o5g! he could not grasp their full meaning.
6l He kept on walking 5't&" he was unable to take another step.
62 He wrote the letter again and again 5't&" he liked it.
63 He bought it 9!*' he had found out the price.
64 John had s5! a strong foreign accent t!$t nobody could understand him.
65 T!* "os*2 a country is to the Ecuador t!* 9$2%*2 it will be.
1C t P o"%$) P s03$t P t!$t NIt P be P $+H. P t!$tC
It 9$s lucky t!$t he wasn't involved in the accident. / Kazada ona birey olmamas bir anst.
2C t P o"%$) P s03$t P 3o2 P t6%"*/ P to + &'3 Nt P -* P $+H. P 3o2 + o%; to P &'3.C
It &s easy for them to criticize. / Onlarn eletirmesi kolay(dr).
Fo2 ile kullanlan sfatlardan kimileri unlardr: -o2&'g1 +$'g*2o5s1 +&33&5"t1 *$s71 *O;*'s&8*1 !*$"t!71 '**ss$27.
T!$t - yapsnda kullanlan kimi sfatlar: *2t$&'1 "*$21 52&o5s1 "&)*"71 "5)71 ;2o-$-"*1 s52;2&s&'g1 t25*.
3C It P o"%$) P s03$t # $+ P 3o2 P t6%"*/ P to P &'3
It &s nice to be with you. / Sizinle beraber olmak gzel.
lt &s time for the Public to know the real facts. / Kamuoyunun gerekleri bilme zamandr.
4C It P *7"*% P t6%"*/ P t!$t NIt P V P o%;. P t!$tC
It 9o22&*+ me a bit t!$t she didn't phone. / Telefon etmemesi beni biraz endielendirdi.
5C t + o"%$) P 'ot P 5s* P N7o51 7o52C P V?&'g P t6%"*/
It &s 'o 5s* 9o2)&'g yourself to death if you never get the chance to enjoy life. / Eglenme frsatn elde
edemezsen lesiye almann hibir yarar yok.
6C It P $;;*$21 !$;;*'1 s**%1 t52' o5t P t6%*
It $;;*$2s t!$t they haven't heard us ringing. / yle anlalyor ki zili aldgmz duymadlar.
It s**%s t!$t they are angry. / Kzgn olduklar anlalyor.
IC lt + t$)* + nesne + ad begi + &'3 + t6%"*/
lt t$)*s them two hours to get to school. / Okula varmalar iki saat srer.
JC B"*3t s*'t*'*s N$720) t6%*"*2C : t P o"%$) P 852g5"$'$$) ,.* P t!$t # 9!o P t6%"*/
It 9$s 7o52 !&"+2*' that threw a stone at the window. / Pencereye t$4 atan sizin ocuklarnzd.
It 9$s M*!%*t who (that) wore his best suit to the dance last night. Dn akam danseden en iyi giysiyi giyen
It 9$s !&s -*st s5&t t!$t Mehmet wore to the dance last night. Mehmet'in dn akam dansta giydigi en iyi
It 9$s &' >*;t*%-*2 t!$t l first noticed it. / Onu ilk kez Eyll'de farkettim.
A/0)"$%$ :
Ayrk tmceler genellikle &t + -* ile balar ve daha sonra vurgulanacak geler gelir. Be'nin en yaygn kullanlan
biimleri &t &s ve &t 9$sE+02. Tmcelerin eylem dndaki her gesi vurgulanabilir. zne vurgulandgnda t!$t yerine
9!o kullanlr. zne vurgulandgnda zamirlerin zne ve nesne biimleri kullanlabilir; rn: It 9$s I 9!o ya da It
9$s %* 9!o. (#kinci biim daha gndelik bir kullanm yanstr.)
1I2C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=
l lt is difficult to understand what she is talking about.
2 lt is interesting that you should like him.
3 lt is essential to book in advance.
4 lt is not easy to get him to change his mind.
5 lt is probable that we'll be a little late.
6 lt is pointless to go there on Friday-there is a holiday.
7 lt is customary to tip hairdressers.
8 lt was really astonishing that she refused to talk to you.
9 lt is interesting to see different cultures and ways of life.
l0 lt is important that everybody should be told all the facts.
ll lt is quite right for you to speak in your defence.
l2 lsn't it possible that somebody else stole it?
l3 ls it true that there are no seats left?.
l4 lt is not compulsory for us to attend.
l5 lt is essential for the teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest, which does not mean being a
l6 ls it possible that competition for available natural resources may lead to war and thence to a reduction in
l7 lt is understandable that parents want their children to pass exams.
l8 lt is clear that students who go to England to learn English have a great advantage over others.
l9 lt is self-evident that if we want a fair society, privilege must disappear.
20 lt is quite clear that every child should have the opportunity to learn.
2l lt is difficult for old-fashioned teachers to communicate with children.
22 lt would be a good idea for you to see a doctor for a checkup.
23 lt is impossible to me to concentrate when the television is on.
24 lt is hard for teachers to interest children unless they can show that what they learn is going to be useful to
25 lt is unreasonable for parents to judge a school by their own children's examination results.
26 lt is not always the brightest students who do well in tests.
27 lt seems that nobody is coming.
28 lt was my father that invented this kind of tin-opener.
29 lt is time for the government to stop trying to hide the matter from the public.
30 lt is certainly essential to take a long-term view of the situation.
3l lt took my eyes only a few seconds to adjust.
32 lt was the theory of relativity where Einstein argued that nothing could move faster than light.
33 lt was several years ago that video records first appeared in the shops.
34 lt took us some time to work out what she meant.
35 lt is my mother l'm worried about.
36 He was looking at me as if it was l who was going to give him the money.
37 lt turned out that the message sent to him had been intercepted.
38 lt seemed as though l had known them for a very long time.
39 lt seems unlikely that he would do such a thing. .
40 lt was Newton who first stated that lights is composed of particles.
1I3C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l gretmenlerin, 20 kiiden fazla grenci ile grup almas yapmann zor oldugunu bilmeleri yararl olur.
2 Bir kiinin ocukluk agndaki mutsuz deneyimleri unutmas genellikle mmkn degildir.
3 iki yl iinde bir yabanc dil grenmem gerekiyor.
4 Bir ocuk iin o kadar erken kalkmak gtr.
5 Yal bir adamn az bir emekli aylg ile yaayabilmesi zordu.
6 Erkek ve kadnlarn ayr oturmalar artcyd.
7 Zengin bir dulun yakkl bir koca bulmas gayet kolaydr.
8 Patlamadan nce ayrlmamz ans eseriydi.
9 Nianlarn hemen iln etmeleri olasdr.
l0 gretmenin unutmu olmasna inanlmaz.
ll Btn bunlardan sonra dogruyu sylemenizin bir yarar yok.
l2 Mzik dinlemekten holandgm yalanlamann bir anlam yok.
l3 Onunla konumanzn bir yarar yok, nk yakkl bir adamla nianlanmay kararlatrd.
l4 Ona bu soruyu sormanzn bir yarar yok, nk o hi bir ey bilmez.
l5 Tm tekrarnz snavdan bir gece nceye kadar brakmanzn hibir anlam yok.
0M Yanllarnz dzeltmemi beklemeniz hi de iyi degil.
l7 Yal adamn ne konutugunu bilmedigi anlalyor.
l8 Gelecek yaz tatile gidemeyecegiz gibi geliyor bana.'
l9 Arkadam aradgnda tesadfen dardaydm.
20 O gece ne oldugunu kimsenin bilmedigi anlalyor.
2l Onun babam tandg anlald.
22 (onlarn) yumurta attklar Bakan oydu.
23 Onlarn srarla uygulanmasn istedikleri sosyal reformlardr.
24 Ykm noktasna getirilmi olan ekonomidir.
25 ark syledigini iittigimiz o (dur).
26 Bar gnlllerini balatan Eisenhower degil Kennedy'dir.
27 Dn eve gitmem iki saat srd.
28 Her hafta sonu alveri yapmam uzun zaman alyor.
29 Dilbilim blmnden diploma almas yllarn ald.
30 Uagn Ankara'ya inmedigi anlalyor.
3l Sangn avukat olmakszn mahkemede kendini savunmas genellikle olas degildir.
32 grencilerin baz ingilizce szckleri sylemeleri gtr.
33 Aykut'un Jane'den bir ret mektubu almas artc degil.
34 gretmenimizin o problemi zmesi olduka kolayd.
35 Onlarn erken ayrlmalarnda hibir saknca yok.
36 Amerika'y ilk kefeden Colomb'du.
37 Deniz yoluyla gelmesi pahal olacak (tr).
38 (*nun) Onu sylemi olmas gariptir.
39 iyi bir i bulmu olmanz mkemmel bir haber.
40 Adamn yanl trene binmesi / yetimesi eglendirici(dir).
4l Ondan sonra ne olacag bilinmez.
42 Araba satldktan sonra bor para almaya almann hibir anlam yok.
43 Konumacy sorgulamann hibir nedeni yok.
44 Nasl grndgnz nemli degildir ama nasl davrandgnz nemlidir.
45 Dogrudan kitaptan alnan cevaplar okumak ho degil.
46 Yannda oturann snav kagdndan kopya etmenin bir yarar yok.
47 yle anlalyor ki grenci cevap vermeye isteksizdi.
48 yle anlalyor ki niyeti dn varmakt.
49 Anladm ki yanmda hi para yoktu.
50 Yagmurda darda oldugun anlalyor.
5l Sonunda her eyin yoluna girdigi anlalyor.
52 lgilendigim insanlardr, para degil(dir)
53 Daha ok grev verilen zel endstridir.
54 Desteklenen, devlet denetleme sistemidir.
55 Sahip olamadg ey paradr.
56 Onlarn uymadklar ey onun nerisiydi.
57 Kz kardeimin vize almas, umdugundan ok zamann ald.
58 Uakla stanbul'a gitmek bir saatimi alr / bir saat srer.
59 Oraya araba kullanarak gitmem be saatimi ald.
60 O zaman Ankara'da olmadgmz anlald.
Tmce baglalar genellikle iki ya da daha ok yaln ve karmak tmceyi baglayabilir. Tmce baglalarn
kullanmak iin nce tmcelerin dogru olmas gerekir. Girite de deginildigi gibi ingilizce tmce, temelde zne + ey-
lem + nesne (tmle) dzeninden oluur. yle bir soru dzeniyle tmce gelerinin eksikligi bulunup bulunmadg
aratrlabilir. Kim; ne ($ne) + (i, olu), (eylem) / kimi neyi (nesne) + kime, neye (dolayl nesne) + nasl (tar$ $ar4)
/ nerede (yer $ar4) / ne zaman ($aman $ar4). Elbette btn tmcelerde bu gelerin tm bulunmaz ama zne +
eylem + tmle kanlmaz olarak vardr. Aagdaki rnekleri incelerken bu noktalar gz nne almak uygun
1. Sralayc baglalar: 3&2st1 s*o'+1 3&'$""71 to -*g&' 9&t!1 '*Ot1 t!*'1 t!* 3&2st t!&'g etc.
Several reasons can be given for the change in the attitude of many people. To -*g&' 9&t!1 they fear the
outbreak of a nuclear war. I' t!* s*o'+ ;"$*1 they're concerned over the continuning pollution of the
environment. / Birok kimsenin tutumlarndaki degiiklik iin eitli nedenler ileri srlebilir. E' -$4t$ bir nkleer
sava kmasndan korkuyorlar. kincisi evrenin giderek kirlenmesinden kayg duyuyorlar.
2. E)"*%* -$."$/"$20: $'+1 $"so1 9!$tEs %o2*1 *G5$""71 -*s&+*s1 too1 &'+**+1 $t5$""7 %o2*o8*21 &' $++&t&o'
We saw many interesting towns and cities on our tour. I' $++&t&o'1 we met several nice people. / Gezimizde
birok ilgin kasaba ve kent grdk. Ayr$ birok iyi insanla tantk.
Yukardaki baglalar, ikinci tmce banda ve birinci tmcedeki dnce dogrultusunda bir fikir belirtmek amacyla
3. =*t"*7&& -$."$/"$2: &' s5%1 &' $""1 &' $ 9o2+1 &' -2&*31 &' s!o2t I' -2&*3.
There is as yet no known way of obtaining the benefits of the new insecticides without some risk of providing
resistance. / K0s$$1 ilaca kar bir lde direnme olmakszn yeni haere ilalarndan yarar saglamann bir
yolu henz bulunamamtr.
4. A/0)"$700 -$."$/"$2 : t!$t &s1 t!$t &s to s$71 3o2 *O$%;"*1 '$%*"7
He's a scholar who is devoted to his research to a reprehensible extent. T!$t &s to s$71 he neglects his family
and does not fulfill his responsibilities as a citizen. / Aratrmalarna korkun denecek lde kendini adam bir
bilgindir. B$4)$ -&2 +*7&4"*1 ailesini bile bir yana brakr ve vatanda olarak sorumluluklarn yerine getirmez.
5. >o'5/ -$."$/"$20: so1 t!*2*3o2*1 $s $ 2*s5"t1 $o2+&'g"71 !*'*1 3o2 t!&s 2*$so'1 -*$5s* o3 t!&s
They have not paid my rent for six months. Ao2+&'g"71 l'm going to see a lawyer. / Kiram alt aydr
demediler, B5 -$)0%+$' bir avukatla grecegim.
Animals are very useful to man. Fo2 t!&s 2*$so'1 we should not destroy them needlessly. Hayvanlar insanlar
iin son derece yararldr. Bu nedenle onlar gereksiz yere ldrmemeliyiz.
Bu tr baglalar ikinci tmce bana getirilir ve bunlarla tmcedeki fikirlerin bir nceki tmcede sylenenlerin
mantksal sonucu oldugu anlatlmak istenir.
1I4CA4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 75)$20+$ 8*2&"*' ,2'*)"*2* g,2* -$."$/ )5""$'$2$) T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
1 F&2st o3 $""1 it seems that a successful scientist is full of curiosity.
2 Mo2*o8*21 he thinks he can improve the existing conditions and enjoys trying to solve the problems which
this involves.
3 He does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available and t!*2*3o2*
rejects authority as the sole basis for truth.
4 As $ 2*s5"t of the conditions outlined above, international cooperation has been greatly intensified during
the last 20 years.
5 To o'"5+*1 (it seems clear that) if we are to succeed in solving the many interrelated problems of under
development, only the fullest and most intelligent use of the resources of all branches of science will enable
us to do so.
6 All human languages are equally complete as instruments communication. T!$t &s1 every
language appears to be as well equipped as any other to say the things the speakers want to say.
7 lt is not easy, 3o2 *O$%;"*1 to explain the processes involved in a computerized control system if the basic
algebraic symbols are without meaning.
8 T!5s1 to both management and labor operational research could mean the removal of decisions and a move
towards boredom and frustration.
9 As $ 2*s5"t of two or three centuries of research we have come to believe that nature is understandable.
l0 B*s&+*s the decimal scale, the binary scale is also used in science-furthermore, a number of other scales
can be used as well.
ll The measuring instruments were defective; the experiment was, t!*2*3o2* a failure.
l2 The passenger plane of the l980s, namely the supersonic jet, will transform relations between peoples of
the world.
l3 They don't often use the car during the week. So, you can borrow it, if you want to.
l4 The committee rejected the idea that consumers could be adequately protected by local consumer
protection societies.
Ao2+&'g"71 the report recommended that legislation should be introduced as soon as possible to
provide better measures.
l5 The speed of a body measured in a definite direction is known as its velocity. Bo's*G5*'t"7 velocity is a
vector quantity.
l6 Nobody at the office knew what to do about the legal problem. F52t!*2%o2*1 they didn't even know how to
start handling the question.
l7 Riots broke out throughout the city. As $ 2*s5"t1 many people were afraid to go out.
l8 The assembly refused to pass the bill. Bo's*G5*'t"71 taxes were not lowered.
l9 he people in the mountain region were warned about the earthquake. B*$5s* o3 t!&s1 many lives were
20 Animals are useful for food. Mo2*o8*21 animal products such as silk an honey are very useful.
6. 0)$20%1 8$2s$70% $'"$t$' -$."$/"$2: t!*'1 &' ot!*2 9o2+s1 &' t!$t $s*1 ot!*29&s*1 &3 so..
Agriculture will have to undergo a drastic change to meet the needs of the new situation. Ot!*29&s*1 the county
will starve. / Tarm, yeni durumun gereklerini karlamak iin kkten degiime ugramak zorunda kalacak. @o)s$
lke alk eker.
. @*'&+*' $'"$t0% -$."$/"$20: o21 &' ot!*2 9o2+s
Language learning is a continuous process; &' ot!*2 9o2+s1 one should study regularly to learn it well. / Dil
grenimi srekli bir etkinliktir, -$4)$ -&2 $'"$t0%"$1 dili iyi grenmek iin dzenli almak gerekir.
J D*.&4&) $'"$t0% -$."$/"$20: o21 o2 2$t!*21 $"t*2'$t&8*"71 o' t!* ot!*2 !$'+1 9o2s* st&""1 -*tt*2 st&""...
O' t!* o'* !$'+ it is +&33&5"t. O' t!* ot!*2 !$'+1 it is expensive. B&2 7$'+$' zordur; ,t* 7$'+$' da
1I5C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 6.1 I. 8* J. )6%*+*)& -$."$/"$2"$ T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
0 it is possible that the enemy might condone the terrorists' activity Do2s* st&""1 she might agree to give way to
their demands.
2 What he wants will ruin the business. O2 *"s* it will reduce its effectiveness considerably.
3 There has been a sharp decline in the death rate for babies. And t!*'1 medical science is keeping people
alive longer.
4 He explained the whole document to me; &' ot!*2 9o2+s1 he went through it word for word with me.
5 Women's fashions are very much uglier than they were two years ago. Or don't you notice such things.
6 ln order to buy a car, l may draw on my savings. O' t!* ot!*2 !$'+1 l might approach my parents for a
7 We can walk home, if you wish. O2 2$t!*2 we can ask him for a lift.
8 You may buy the book if you like. A"t*2'$t&8*"71 you may borrow it for a week.
9 He says he took the book without permission. I' ot!*2 9o2+s he stole it. l0 They are enjoying themselves.
O2 2$t!*2 they appear to be enjoying themselves.
ll One old-established method for the dating of geological strata is that of the correlation of fossils;
$"t*2'$t&8*"71 the relatively new method of measuring the rate of decay of radioactive elements can be
employed in many cases.
l2 He seems ill. I' t!$t $s*1 he has to see a doctor.
l3 He is said to be miser. lf so1 there is no use asking for a loan from him.
l4 You might win the race. B*tt*2 st&""1 you might break the world record. The violent emotions aroused by the
horrible crime make it impossible to find a local jury of people who have not made up their minds against the
defendants. <*'*1 it is probable that the trial will be held in another area.
K. K$240t"0) -$."$/"$20: -5t N$%$1 3$)$tC1 !o9*8*2 N-5'5'"$ -*2$-*2C nevertheless N7&'* +*C1 o' t!* ot!*2
!$'+ N,t* 7$'+$'C1 o' t!* o't2$27 Nt$% t*2s&'*C1 &'st*$+ N7*2&'*C Bu tr baglalar ikinci tmce banda
kullanlr ve bir nceki tmcede sylenmi olanlara bir istisna, bir snrlama ya da ztlk eklemeye yararlar. Most
of us don't eat insects. On t!* ot!*2 ha we like honey, which is an insect product. ogumuz bcek yemeyiz
,t* 7$'+$' bcek rn olan bal severiz.
1L. +6'"*%* -$."$/"$20: 7*t N7&'* +*C1 -*s&+*s N6st*"&)1 $720$C o'"7 N7$" '0=$C1 st&""1 $t $'7 2$t*1 t25*1 o3
o52s*1 *8*' to -* s52*...
Their essays were very brief. >t&"" they were better than l expected. Makaleleri / yazlar ok ksayd. @&'* +*
bekledigimden daha iyiydi.
1I6C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The book has some entertaining passages about the lives of famous film stars. B5t on the whole it is
extremely boring.
2 My friend didn't waste his time in the week before the exam, o' t!* o't2$271 studied hard every evening.
3 He wanted a camera for his birthday. His father bought him a book &'st*$+.
4 She doesn't study at all. I'st*$+ she watches TV all day.
5 To be sure, nobody suspected him of being behind the plot; @*t there was clear evidence implicating him.
6 l didn't invite my friend to the party. B*s&+*s1 he wouldn't have come.
7 l wasn't called up by the army. At5$""71 l volunteered.
8 T25*1 there are some cool insights into politicians that are currently active. <o9*8*21 much of the books is
smug and prejudiced.
9 Officially, he is in charge. At5$""71 his secretary does all the work.
l0 They played better than they had done for a long time. B*2t$&'"71 Seluk played splendidly.
ll ln a steam engine energy in the form of heat is converted into motion; o'8*2s*"71 when a meteorite enters
the earth's atmosphere, motion converted into heat.
l2 There was nothing dowdy or ugly about her dress, o' t!* o't2$271 s!* had a certain private elegance.
l3 Everything around him was blown to pieces, 7*t the Prime Minis' escaped without a scratch.
l4 The quality of the goods was excellent. <o9*8*21 the prices were far too high.
l5 Even though he is an honest politician; '*8*2t!*"*ss1 l would never v< for him because l don't agree with
his view on foreign policy.
1II A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Studies show that cigarette smoking is dangerous to one's health. <o9*8*21 millions of people continue to
2 Scientists believe that heat from the sun is an important source of energy. <o9*8*21 they realize that solar
technology is still in its infancy.
3 Ecologists are also concerned about new sources of energy. N*8*2t!*"*ss1 they want future sources that
will not harm the environment.
4 ln the mean time, people in the industrialized nations must learn to conserve energy; ot!*29&s*1 they may
find themselves walking, not driving.
5 So 3$2 we have emphasized that a great variety of learning activities have much in common. <o9*8*21 it
would be a mistake to underestimate the differences between the types of learning involved in a rat finding
its way out of a maze and a university student solving a problem in nuclear physics.
6 There is more pollution in big cities than in the country; t!*2*3o2*1 city dwellers may have a greater risk of
getting cancer.
7 Their claims may be justified. N*8*2t!*"*ss they should not have gone on strike.
8 Playing loud music may be just as much as a social nuisance as smoking cigarettes. All t!* s$%* it does
not result in air pollution.
9 Absolute secrecy is essential. Bo's*G5*'t"71 the fewer who are aware of the plan the better.
l0 Cultures have definite patterns. B5t these patterns are modified as they are transmitted from one generation
to the next.
ll The Opposition have consistently accused the government of corruption. Mo2*o8*21 they have named
l2 Poor people from rural areas are migrating to the cities to find work and o's*G5*'t"7 the circles of slum
housing in many suburbs are getting larger.
l3 Changes in deserts are extremely high during the day. <o9*8*21 at night they are often very low.
l4 Cactus plants do not need much water. T!*2*3o2*1 they can grow in deserts.
l5 Changes in temperature breaks rocks into pieces. T!*'1 the wind blows the pieces away.
l6 Handmade carpets are, of course, far more expensive to buy initially than factory made carpets. O' t!*
ot!*2 !$'+1 they would probably be a better economic investment.
l7 You've got a huge secretarial staff, 7*t it still seems to take you a week to answer a simple letter.
l8 There is considerable difference in my parents' ages, and 7*t it has been successful marriage.
l9 Janet has a rather light-hearted approach to life, 7*t1 she is no fool.
20 You may very much dislike the idea of growing old. N*8*2t!*"*ss1 the chances are that you will find yourself
old one day.
2l Demand has increased. B*$5s* of this, pices will rise.
22 Carbon is stable towards water but undergoes slight oxidizing when heated with oxidizing acids. <o9*8*21 in
reaction with alkali, it does not suffer any attack.
23 Energy consumption has increased in the twentieth century; %o2*o8*21 it continues to increase.
24 Teaching and learning is a process and t!*2*3o2* it can be realised in the doing.
25 He is very good scientist; %o2*o8*21 he understands the problem.
26 There was an increase in the rate of growth of export volume in l970s. <o9*8*21 there was a decrease in
the purchasing power of export.
27 lt is true that the unemployment figures show no improvement. . N*8*2t!*"*ss1 the situation has improved
because a large number of school leavers have found work.
1IJC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l. Gnlk basnda ve tannm dergilerde bugnlerde ruhbilimden ska sze-dilmektedir, buna karlk ruh
bilimin niteligine ilikin grlerdeki eitlilik de o lde oktur.
2 l980'lerin yolcu uag, yani supersonik jet, dnya insanlar arasndaki ilikileri degitirecektir.
3 Birok kimse, kzkardeim de iinde (olmak $ere), onu o iten dolay ba-glamayacaktr.
4 O kadar sre sonra sizi grmek gzel bireydi.
5 Mazeretleri, szgelimi arabasnn bozulmas, hi inandrc grnmedi.
6 Kitapta srkleyici paralar var, zellikle kuzey kutbuna yaptklar gezinir yks (bunlardan biri).
B Btn insan dilleri iletiim arac olarak ayn lde eksiksizdir. Akas, her dil teki dil kadar konuucularn
sylemek istediklerini sylemede yeterli grnmektedir.
8 Ksacas, bir lde direnme riski ortaya karmadan yeni haere ilalarndan yarar saglamann henz bir
yolu bulunmamtr.
9 Gelitirilen bilimsel yntemlerin ogu her yerde eit lde uygulanabilir. Gerekten de, bitki yetitirme
almas gelimekte olan lkelerde imdiden ilerleme yoluna girmitir.
l0 Yukarda anahatlar belirlenen koullar nedeniyle uluslararas ibirligi son yirmi ylda byk lde
ll Sanayileme, yaama standartlarmz giderek artan bir hzla
ykseltmemize olanak saglarken, ayn zamanda dnyann degiik blgeleri arasndaki karlkl bagmllgn
bymesine yol amaktadr. Bu koullar g-znne alndgnda, herhangi bir blgedeki kalc bir ekonomik
bunalm ya da istikrarszlgn dnyann geri kalan blmnde artan ciddi etkileri olmasnn kanlmazlgn
anlamak zor degildir.
l2 Dsatmn yalnz bir iki rnle snrl oldugu durumlarda ekonominin duyarlg byk lde artar.
l3 Ancak, yukarda sylenenlere karn, szedilen nlemlerin durumun ktlemesini nlemede yeterli olup
olmadklar kukuludur.
l4 Geregi sylemek gerekirse onun suikastn ardnda oldugundan kimse kukulanmad. Ne var ki, onu akla
getiren ak kantlar vardr.
l5 Otomasyon sayesinde daha ok malla birlikte daha ok bo zaman da elde edilebilir.
l6 Kmeleri ilgilendiren przl konular tartld, ne var ki temsilcilerin ogu seslerini karmadlar.
l7 Snav ve mlakatlarn gerilimi sona erdigine gre, hepimiz bir sre dinlenebiliriz.
l8 Kiram alt ay demediler, bu bakmdan bir avukatla grecegim.
l9 Frtna elektrik tellerimizi devirdi, bu nedenle mum gnda yemek yemek zorunda kaldk.
20 Yarg ocugun vesayetini annesine verdi. Buna ek olarak ziyaret ayrcalklar iin kesin kurallar belirledi.
2l Gezimizde birok ilgin kasaba ve kentler grdk. Ayrca birok iyi insana rastladk.
22 Suikastilerin birka tutukland ama liderleri henz bilinmiyor.
23 Birok kimsenin tutumlarndaki degiiklik iin eitli nedenler ileri srlebilir. En bata bir nkleer sava
kmasndan korkuyorlar. ikincisi, evrenin giderek kirlenmesinden kayg duyuyorlar.
24 nerimize kar kmad. Gerekte (onu) desteklemek iin birka neden ileri srd.
Mary'nin birok yakn arkada vardr. Jane'e gelince, arkadalar her zaman onun evresindedir.
26 Aratrmalarna korkun denecek lde kendini adam bir bilgindir. Baka bir deyile, ailesini bile bir yana
brakr ve vatanda olarak sorumlulukla yerine getirmez.
27 Art bildirildiginde, yksek kiray demeyi reddettiler. Sonuta, apartman +$' /0)$20"+0"$2.
28 Tarm, yeni durumun gereklerini karlamak iin kkl bir degiime ugramak zorunda kalacak. Yoksa, lke
alk ekecek.
29 Fransa terristlerin eylemlerini baglayabilir. Daha da kts, isteklerine boyun egmeye raz olabilir.
30 Onun ayrlmasn istemedim. Tam tersine, onu kalmas iin ikna etmeye a. ltm.
3l Bir yandan ok saldrgan olmak istemezsiniz. te yandan, ok utanga da olmamalsnz.
32 Hi almaz. Onun yerine oturur ve hayal kurar.
33 stedigi ey ii ykma gtrecek. Ya da (iin) etkinligini byk lde azaltacak.
34 Makaleleri ok ksayd. Yine de, bekledigimden daha iyiydi.
35 Uzun sredir oynadklarndan daha iyi oynadlar. Hi kuku yok, Tim olagand bir oyun kard.
1IKC A4$.0+$)& ;$2/$"$20 T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
Roughly speaking, as much energy has been consumed thus far in the twentieth century as in all
the nineteen centuries before it; moreover, world consumption is increasing yearly. Fot only is the total
consumption increasing, but the consumption per capita in most countries is also rising.
ln other words, each person is using more energy each year.
*n the one hand, there is rising consumption; on the other, the reserves of many kinds of energy
are not renewable. What can be done? What possibilities are there?
*ne possibility lies in the search for new deposits of coal, gas, and oil; ho5ever, each year finding
new deposits becomes more difficult and expensive. Only one drilling in over a hundred leads to a
usable source of oil. The cost of transporting is very expensive; conse6uently, even when oil or gas is
found, it may be difficult to use because of transportation problems.
&nother possibility lies in developing alternative sources of energy, that energy that does not come
from oil, gas, or coal. These fuels have so many important uses that we need to use them wisely.
Some alternative sources have always been with us and will never run out; the wind, the sun, and the
ocean tides; nevertheless, we have much to learn about using them Each has advantages and
disadvantages of its own.
1JLC Ko75 2*')"& s,=6)"*2 &/&' 57g5' -$."$/"$20 )5""$'$2$) 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
Birok kimseyi laboratuar hayvanlarnn deneylerde kullanlmas dncesi dehete drr. @&'*
+* bilim adamlar yalnzca laboratuvar kltr kullanarak ilalar snamann, insanlar zerindeki
karkinojenik etkileri tmyle yanstmayacagn ve so'5/ o"$2$) canl hayvanlarn kullanlmas
gerektigi konusunda srar ediyorlar. A)s& !$"+*1 gerekte ok zararl olan kimi maddeler i iten
semeden ortaya karlamayabilirler. Bilim adamlar, hcre kltrleri kimi etkileri gstermekle -&2"&)t*1
tmyle canl hayvanlar )5""$'0"%$+0)/$ teki etkilerin belirlenemeyecegini belirtiyorlar. B5
-$)0%+$'1 herhangi bir yeni kimyasal maddeyi snamada ilk olarak hcre kltrlerinin kullanlmasn,
-,7"** o aamada karkinojenik etkileri gsteren herhangi bir kimyasal maddenin canl hayvanlar
zerinde denenmemesini neriyorlar.
Snav ynergelerini aklamak iin her trl abann gsterildigi $/0) o"%$)"$ -&2"&)t*1 birok
grenci bunlar yine de anlayamazlar. Bu bakmdan, testin kendisinin nispeten basit olmasna )$240'1
birok grenci baarsz olur. Yksek baarszlk oran '*+*'&7"* daha da basit bir test dzenlenir.
E.*2 bu (test) i grmezse, grencileri daha iyi bir degerlendirme yntemi bulunmadka u andaki
biimiyle snav sistemini btnyle degitirmemiz gerekecektir; ne var ki tam bir kargaa ortaya
kacaktr. st*"&)1 yeterli bir test bulunmamas deneklerin boa gitmesine de yol aabilecektir.
Bunlarn boa gitmesine raz olamayacagmza g,2*1 yeni snavn etkin olmasndan kesinlikle emin
1C ='* P s,= ,-*.& P *7"*% P t6%"*/ N> P Q!2$s* P V P Bo%;C
@o52 $tt&t5+*1 in my opinion, &s G5&t* 5'H5st&3&*+. Tavrnz bana gre olduka haksz.
2C ='* P s03$t t6%*&.& P *7"*% P t6%"*/ N> P A+H. Q P V P Bo%;C
<*2 3$t!*21 who &s with 5s1 &'t2o+5*+ %* to !*2. Yanmzda olan babas beni onunla tantrd.
3C ='* P =$23 t6%*&.& P *7"*% P t6%"*/ N> P A+H Q!2. P V P Bo%;C
T!* g&2"1 although she was shy, soo' %$+* 32&*'+s. Utanga olmasna karn kz abuk arkada edindi.
Yan tmce ya da sz begi zneden sonra, zne ile asl eylem arasna girebilir. Bu durumda araya giren yapy
virglle ayrmak ve zneyi virglden sonra yinelememek gerekir.
1J1C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The politician is, as we have just seen, forced to rely to a great extent o the advice and services of
2 Errors in measurement, particularly where complicated instruments are used, are common.
3 The instructor, on the course, was hopeless at explaining the topic.
4 lt was, as she later admitted, a stupid thing to do.
5 My grandmother, who is eighty, still leads a very active life.
6 You can, if you like, wait till tomorrow.
7 Action programmes, on a national and international basis, are needed to develop intermediate technologies.
8 Modern industry, with its large scale production processes, its sophisticated technology and its
elaborate management methods, is by far the most efficient and cheapest way of manufacturing the largest
quantities of products required by the market.
9 Communication, it seems, is a sphere where the technology involved can have an immense significance for
the society in which it occurs.
l0 Decisions on whether to develop nuclear power, to a scale where its dangers become credible, must
precede acquisition of empirical data needed to appraise the ultimate risk.
1J2C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& &'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Birok durumda, oybirligiyle karlatgnda gnll kimse kendi duyularnn ak kantlarn bir yana brakr.
2 Ge kalacagna ilikin mesaj zel ulakla geldi.
3 imdi bize sunulan olanaklar ok ekici grnd.
4 lm yazsn yazan arkadamdr.
5 Burada bulunan btn madeni paralar polise verilmelidir.
6 Her gn milli Ktphanede grlen bu bilgin yaamn bilim tarihine adamtr.
7 Her trl erken ayrlma giriimi kurallara aykrdr.
8 ocuk saglgyla ilgili neri oybirligiyle kabul edildi.
9 Birok endstri tr, en bykleri de iinde, savunma gerekleriyle yakndan ilikilidir.
l0 Bilim adamlar, isteseler de istemeseler de, her zamankinden daha ok politikaya karmaktadrlar.
1C I'g&"&=*+* -&2&'&' +6= t6%* &"* s,7"*'%&4 s,=6'6 -&2 -$4)$s0'$ $)t$202)*' )0s$$ 45 )52$""$2
$C <* s$&+ Nt!$tC s!* to"+ %*1 g&-& -&2 g&2&4 t6%*s& )5""$'0"02.
-C Z$%&2"*2 )o'54$'$ g,2* $7$2"$'02 N2'. MI $% 92&t&'gM. <* s$&+ !* 9$s 92&t&'g. >!* s$&+ s!* 9$s
C @$2+0%0 *7"*% -5"5'$' t6%*"*2+* -5'"$20' 2. -&/&%"*2& )5""$'0"021 -5 +525%+$ $s0" *7"*%"*2
o"+5.5 g&-& )$"02. @$2+0%0 *7"*% o"%$7$' &)& 7$;0 s,= )o'5s5+52: go1 "oo) 8-. *7"*%"*2&' &)&'&
-&/&%"*2& Ngo: 9*'t1 "oo): "oo)*+C )5""$'0"02. Do"$7s0= t6%* =$t*' g*/%&4 =$%$'+$ &s* ;$st ;*23*t
N!$+ go'*1 !$+ "oo)*+ 8-.C )5""$'0"02.
Z$%$' =$23"$20 +$ +*.&4&)"&.* 5.2$2: 2'. to%o22o9 : t!* 3o""o9&'g +$7: 7*st*2+$7: t!* previous +$7
MI go to school every day. / He said he 9*'t to school every day. / Her gn okula gittigini syledi.
MI 9*'t to school yesterday/She said she !$+ go'* to school the previous day. / nceki gn okula gitmi
oldugunu syledi.
He said he 9$s a writer. / Yazar oldugunu syledi.
They told us they !$+ -o5g!t the house two years ago. / Evi iki yl nce alm olduklarn sylediler bize.
He said he o5"+ play basketball. / Basketbol oynayabildigini syledi. She said she %&g!t go that afternoon.
/ O gn gleden sonra gidilebilecegini syledi.
He said he 9o5"+ st5+7 in the morning. / Sabah alacagn syledi.
evirilerde g*/%&4 =$%$'$ dnenlerin Trke'ye ?+&) ile ;$st ;*23*t zamanda olanlarn ?%04 o"+5.5
biiminde evrildiklerine dikkat edilmelidir. Yardmc eylem kullanldgnda bu eylemin anlam da eviriye
1J3C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The newsagent explained that Guardian did not appear on Sundays The newscaster said that the strike of
maintenance engineers was expected to cause havoc.
3 l was told that the new term was beginning next week.
4 The commentator said that the hurricane which had swept across the south eastern coast of America last
month had left several thousands of people homeless.
5 lt is reported that there has been a prison riot in Rome.
6 He has said they will consider the matter tomorrow.
7 Newspapers say the Prime Minister's visit to Greece has been postponed
8 He said the meeting had been held the day before.
9 She suggested that we could meet again the following Thursday.
l0 l said l was feeling a bit faint, and that perhaps l should get some fresh air.
ll He said he would try again the following day, but he wasn't confident that he would do any better.
l2 He said he couldn't get the letter translated immediately, but he could have got it done by the following
l3 The weather forecast says it will probably be fine tomorrow.
l4 They say that he knows some very influential people.
l5 He said he wasn't used to speaking in public.
1J4C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& +o"$7"0 $'"$t0%"$ 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Bileti bana yanl otobste oldugumu syledi.
2 Oraya varmann uzun zaman alacagn syledi.
3 Adam bir yldr gazeteci oldugunu sylyor
4 gretmen grencilere salarn kestirmelerini syledi.
5 Polis suluya syleneni yapmasn emretti.
6 Doktor, saglkl olmak istiyorsa kahvaltdan nce soguk du almasn (ona) salk verdi.
7 Bize krmz kta kardan karya gemememizi syledi.
8 (Bi$e) yapmak istedigini bitirmeye yetecek vakti olmam oldugunu syledi.
9 Tezgahtar daha nceki iverenlerinin kendisini ok yetenekli bulduklarn aklad.
l0 Adam onu (o ii) gelecek hafta yapabilecegini sandgn syledi.
ll Syledigim tek bir szcge (bile) inanmadgn syledi.
l2 Bilim adamlarnn dogru l sistemleri kullandklarn syledi.
l3 Bize, her trden bilim adamnn istatistik bilgisine gereksinmesi olacag sylendi.
l4 Teknokratn yeni ilem ve tekniklerin gelitirilmesiyle ilgilendigini aklad-
l5 Bilgin, kuramsal bilimin uygulamal bilim kadar yararl oldugunu srarla belirtti.
2C D!*2*1 9!71 9!*'1 !o91 9!$t g&-& so25 s,=6)"*2& -5"5'$' so25"$20 +o"$7"0 $!"$t0%$ /*8&2&2)*' +*
75)$20+$)& )52$""$2 57g5"$'02. Burada en nemli nokta soru szcgnden sonraki tmce dzeninin dz tmce
yapsnda olmasdr.
"Where are you going?" He asked me 9!*2* l was going. "What can you drink?" He asked me 9!$t I could
drink. / Ne iebilecegimi sordu.
"Why do you cry?" He asked me 9!7 l cried. / Niin agladgm sordu.
"When did they come?" She asked me 9!*' they had come. / Ne zaman geldiklerini sordu.
Bu tmcelerin Trke'ye evirisinde de nce soru szcg ile balayan tmcecik evrilir, sonra buna giri tmcesi
1J5C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l He asked me why my father hadn't agreed.
2 He wanted to know what languages l could speak.
3 The director asked me where you worked and l told him you were self-employed.
4 She asked me how she could get in touch with the dean.
5 l asked him when he had last phoned her and he told me that he had phoned her the previous day.
6 He asked me who the man was who had come in the morning.
7 He asked me how far l was interested in politics.
8 l wanted to know what the employees might do if the management refused to give in to their demands for
higher wages.
9 He asked me when the wearing of car safety belts had become compulsory in our country.
l0 She asked me which of the two main parties was likely to get an overall majority in the coming elections.
1J6C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*V7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Nerede oturdugumuzu grenmek istediler.
2 Otobsn nerede durdugunu syleyebilir misiniz?
3 Ka yanda oldugunuzu sorabilir miyim?
4 Onlarn bu yl ne kadar kazanacaklarna ilikin bir fikriniz var m?
5 'Linguistics' szcgnn Trke sinin ne oldugunu grenmek istedi.
6 British Library'ye nasl gidebilecegini syleyip syleyemeyecegimi sordu.
7 Niin o snava girmek istedigini grenmek istediler.
8 Bir zamanlar herkes insann aya ne zaman ayak basacagn merak ederdi.
9 Herkes onun ne anlama geldigini merak ediyordu.
l0 Uagn ne zaman kalkacagn merak ettik.
ll Her bir sistemin stn yanlarnn ne oldugunu merak ettim.
l2 Uygulamal dilbilimcinin iinin ne oldugunu merak etti.
l3 Neden ayn grte olmadgn grenmek istedim.
l4 nsanlarn niin kanabilecekleri yanllar yaptklarn merak etti.
l5 En ok hangi kitaplar okumaktan zevk aldgm sordular.
3C Trke'de %& ve +*.&" %& ile biten sorular ngilizce'de yardmc eylem ve kip liklerle yaplr (rn, be, do, have,
can, could, 5ill vb.) Bu tr tmceleri dolayl anlatma evirirken anmsanacak en nemli olgu, kipliklerin dz
tmcedeki yerine kaydrlmas ve <* $s)*+ &3 gibi bir giri tmcesi kullanlmasdr. (yal n$ca do dolayl anlatmda
MB$' 7o5 s9&%SM <* $s)*+ %* &3 I o5"+ s9&%. / Bana yzp yzemedigimi sordu.
MIs s!* &""SM <* $s)*+ %* &3 s!* 9$s ill. / Hasta olup olmadgn sordu.
MD&+ 7o5 go to s!oo" 7*st*2+$7SM M7 3$t!*2 9$'t*+ to )'o9 &3 I !$+ go'* to s!oo" t!* +$7 -*3o2*. /
Babam nceki gn okula gidip gitmedigimi grenmek istedi.
Bunlarn Trke e&irilerinin olup olmamak, !"!p !#m$m$k gibi bir !eenekle ya"ld#na dikkat edilmelidir$
1JIC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l He asked the tailor if he could have his suit ready by the following day.
2 He asked me if l had been to London.
3 She wanted to know if the lift was working.
4 l asked him if his research would be completed by the end of this year.
5 l asked her if she read her horoscope ever day.
6 He asked me if l would find out from you whether you considered the new exchange rates were likely to affect
your prices.
7 l asked them if prices were gradually rising in their country.
8 He asked me if l paid income tax.
9 My father asked me if l was getting an increase in salary the following month.
l0 He wanted to know if l understood everything he said.
1JJC 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l stasyonun ne kadar uzakta oldugunu bilip bilmedigimi sordu.
2 gretmen talimatn anlayp anlamadgmz sordu.
3 Pencereyi kapamasnn (benim iin) bir sakncas olup olmadgn merak ediyordu.
4 Avukat cinayetin ilendigi yerin buras olup olmadgn sordu.
5 Bu ezgiyi son olarak ne zaman duydugumu anmsayp anmsamadgm sordu.
6 Dn geceki yangn grp grmedigimizi grenmek istiyordu.
7 Elektrikiye teybi ertesi gn kullanp kullanamayacaklarn sordu.
8 Ona birey iin kayglanp kayglanmadgn sordum.
9 Babam telefon faturasnn gelip gelmedigini sordu.
l0 Bana bununla ilgili olarak bir doktoru grp grmek istemedigimi sordular.
ll Sanatnn politikayla bir ii olup olmayacagn (u"ra! u"ramayaca"n) grenmek istiyordu.
l2 Dilbilim ile edebiyat arasnda bir bagnt olup olmadgn merak ediyordum.
l3 grenci, bilimin uluslararas ibirligine katkda bulunup bulunmayacagn sordu.
l4 Ekonomist, enflasyon orannn yaknda drlp drlemeyecegini merak ediyordu.
l5 Herkes, yakn gelecekte kansere bir are bulunup bulunmayacagn merak etmektedir.
4C E%&2 No2+*2C1 2&$ N2*G5*stC 8* t$8s&7* N$+8&*C &3$+* *+*' t6%*"*2&' +o"$7"0 $'"$t0%"$20: E%&2 iin
genellikle t*""1 2&$ iin $s)1 t$8s& 7* iin de $+8&s* kullanlr.
The doctor to"+ me to give up smoking. Doktor sigaray brakmam syledi.
l $s)*+ my wife to iron my shirts. Karmdan gmleklerimi tlemesini rica ettim.
He $+8&s*+ me to see an optician. Bir gz doktoruna gitmemi nerdi.
The policeman to"+ me 'ot to drive without glasses. Polis, gzlksz araba kullanmamam syledi.
1JKC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The robber told the old man not to phone the police.
2 She asked him to listen to her.
3 Mother told me to turn down the radio. .
4 The doctor advised her to stay in bed.
5 He is asking her to leave him in peace.
6 She asked her husband to give her some more house keeping money.
7 The notice warned the public not to bathe when the red flag was flying.
8 She asked her friend not to tell her husband.
9 The teacher told the student to pay attention to what he was doing.
l0 My doctor advised me to give up eating starchy foods.

1KLC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Bana derhal bir uzmana gitmemi (grnmemi) nerdi.
2 Babam ge kalmamam syledi.
3 Annem her eyi yerine koymam istedi.
4 Hemire yal adamdan kollarn kaldrmasn rica etti.
5 Hostes yolculardan uak hareket halinde iken koltuklarnda' oturmalarn (yerlerinden kalkmamalarn) rica
6 gretmen ocuklardan sessiz olmalarn istedi.
7 Polis bize odadaki hibir eye dokunmamamz syledi.
8 Arkadalarmdan biri dilerime baktrmam tavsiye etti.
9 Baba, ogluna kitaplarn kaldrmasn syledi.
l0 Tegmen, askerlere klay temizletmelerini emretti.
Trkede btn eklenti sorular +*.&" %& &"* yaplrken, ingilizcede kullanlan yardmc eylem ya da kiplik ve zamana
gre eklenti soru degiir.
He can't swim, $' !*S Yzemez, degil mi?
They didn't finish the experiment, +&+ t!*7S Deneyi bitirmediler, degil mi?
She goes to school every day, +o*s'Et s!*S O her gn okula gider, degil mi?
Olumlu tmcelere olumsuz, olumsuz tmcelere olumlu eklenti yapldgna dikkat edilmelidir.
1K1C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l O gln apkay giymeyeceksin, degil mi?
2 Bir kimse yabanc dili bir ylda grenemez, degil mi?
3 Hava kirliligini nlemek mmkndr, degil mi?
4 Kanser bir gn tedavi edilecektir, degil mi?
5 Haklym, degil mi?
6 Yorgun degildi, degil mi?
7 O zamana degin akam yemegini yemi olacagz, degil mi?
8 Sorularnz yantladlar, degil mi?
9 Okulu bitirdi, degil mi?
l0 Sizi dinlemiyorlard, degil mi?
ll Dikkatli ol, olur mu?
l2 Sorun yok, degil mi?
l3 gretmenine yalan syleyemezsin, degil mi?
l4 Daha az sigara imeliyim, degil mi?
l5 Erken orada olman gerekiyordu, degil mi?
l6 Onlar grdgnde almyorlard, degil mi?
l7 devini yapmay unutma, olur mu?
l8 agda bilim nesnel ve betimlemelidir, degil mi?
l9 Kahveyi tercih ederdin, degil mi?
20 Daha nce bir hipotez oluturulmutu, degil mi?
D!o*8*2 N)&% o"52s$ o"s5'C 9!$t*8*2 N'* o"52s$ o"s5'C
D!o*8*2 telephones, tell them we are out. / Kim telefon ederse etsin darda oldugumuzu syle.
D!o*8*2 you marry, make sure she can cook. / Kiminle evlenirseniz evlenin, yemek yapabilmesine dikkat edin.
D!o*8*2 told you that was lying. / Onu kim sylediyse yalan sylemi.
D!$t*8*2 problems you have, you can solve them if you have will power, Ne sorununuz olursa olsun, iradeniz
glyse onlar zebilirsiniz.
D!$t*8*2 you want is all right. / Ne isterseniz tamam.
rneklerde grldg gibi bu yaplar zne ve nesne gibi kullanlabilirler.
D!&!*8*2 P $+#t6%*
D!&!*8*2 day you come, you are welcome. / Hangi gn gelirseniz gelin uygundur (iyi karlanacaksn$).
Whichever he chooses will please him. / Hangisini seerse sesin onu sevindirecektir.
D!*'*8*2 N'*2*+* o"52s$ o"s5'C
D!*2*8*2 you go, you'll meet him. / Nereye giderseniz gidin ona rastlarsnz.
We found the people friendly 9!*2*8*2 we went. / Nereye gittiysek insanlar dost bulduk.
D!*'*8*2 N'* =$%$' o"52s$ o"s5'C.
D!*'*8*2 he comes is a good time. Ne zaman gelirse gelsin uygun zamandr.
You can phone me 9!*'*8*2 you like. / Bana istediginiz zaman telefon edebilirsiniz.
<o9*8*2 P t6%*
<o9*8*2 you travel it will take you eight hours. Nasl giderseniz gidin 8 saatinizi alr.
<o9*8*2 P s03$t#=$23 NN* )$+$2 /o)# $= ... o"52s$ o"s5'C
<o9*8*2 2&! they are, they always want more. / Ne kadar zengin olurlarsa olsunlar hep daha ok isterler.
<o9*8*2 %5! he eats, he never gets fat. / Ne kadar ok yerse yesin hi kilo almaz.
No %$tt*2 P so25 s,=6.6 P t6%* P t6%*
No %$tt*2 where you go l'll see you. / Nereye giderseniz gidin sizi grrm.
No %$tt*2 when he comes, he will be welcome. / Ne zaman gelirse gelsin iyi karlanacaktr.
No %$tt*2 how hard he tries, he'll never be a perfect student. Ne kadar ok alrsa alsn yetkin bir grenci
It +o*s'Et %$tt*2
It +o*s'Et %$tt*2 what you say. / Ne sylediginiz nemli degil.
It +o*s'Et %$tt*2 where he goes. / Nereye gittigi nemli degil.
1K2C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 9!$t*8*21 9!&!*8*21 9!o*8*2 8-. 7$;0"$2$ +&))$t *+*2*) T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l They always make a noise whenever l try to do my work.
2 Whenever she does an exercise she makes mistakes, however hard she tries.
3 Whoever travels will find there is no place like home, wherever he may go.
4 l feel sorry for whoever has to baby-sit for these naughty children.
5 No matter what l say or how l say it, he always thinks l'm wrong.
6 However little you may earn, you should try and save something every month.
7 Whatever mistakes you may have made, l don't think you need worry very much about them.
8 However well educated you may be, there is plenty more for you to learn.
9 No matter how hard you try; you'll never lose your Turkish accent.
l0 lt doesn't matter what he says or what he does!
ll However rich people are, they always want more.
l2 Whenever l go to London, l visit the Buckingham Palace.
l3 No matter what you say to him, he still keeps laughing.
l4 No matter how healthy one is, one can get ill any time.
l5 Whatever resources a country might have, it won't flourish without adequate manpower.
1K3C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Ona ne kadar ok gt verirseniz verin, kendi istedigini yapar.
2 Grnz ne olursa olsun, dernege memnuniyetle katlabilirsiniz.
3 Ne kadar ok aba gsterirsem gstereyim, ona asla yetiemem.
4 Ne giyerse giysin gzel grnyor.
5 Glkler ne lde byk olursa olsun, baarl olmak iin elimizden geleni yapmalyz.
6 Hangi iiri en ok ilgin bulursanz onu grenebilirsiniz.
7 Kim birinci olarak varrsa tekilere yer ayrmas konusunda anlatlar.
8 Gittikleri her yerde hararetle karlandlar.
9 Cann ne zaman gelmek isterse seni grmekten sevin duyacagz.
l0 Gzlklerimi kim krdysa hesabn verecek.
ll stanbul'da ne zaman kalsam, eski bir arkadama rastlarm.
l2 Hangisini isterseniz alabilirsiniz.
l3 lk kez kim gelirse bunu ona satacagm.
l4 grenciler istedikleri gibi giyinemezler.
l5 Bu kitaplar kim okursa ona verebilirsin.
N"oo)1 s**%1 so5'+1 $;;*$2 8-C
$C B5 *7"*%"*2 ,='* P *7"*% P s03$t )$"0-0'+$ )5""$'0"02 $%$ )5""$'0%"$20 '0' s0'02"0 o"+5.5 )$-5" *+&"%*"&+&2.
B5 )6%*+*)& *7"*%"*2 45'"$2+02: $;;*$21 3**"1 "&*1 "oo)1 2*%$&'1 2*st1 s**%1 s%*""1 so5'+1 st$'+1 t$st*1
-*o%*1 o%*1 g*t1 3$""1 t52'.
She $;;*$2s happy. / Mutlu grnyor.
The child s**%s restless. / ocuk huzursuz grnyor.
The milk 9*'t sour. / St ekidi.
You so5'+ depressed. / Yklm grnyorsun.
When you g*t old, your memory g*ts worse. / Yalandka belleginiz ktleir.
-C B5 *7"*%"*2&' )&%&"*2& *7"*%"&) N&'3&'&t&8*C &"* )5""$'0"$-&"&2.
lt seems to -* a busy day. / Yogun bir gn olacaga benziyor.
Your friends seem to !$8* %$+* a mistake. / Arkadalarnz bir yanl yapm grnyorlar. (Anlalan
arkadalarnz bir yanllk yapmlar.) .
| There appear to -* s*8*2$" reasons for changing the programme. Program degitirmek iin baz nedenler var
gibi grnyor.
1K4C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Until we are intelligent as to its law and varieties, the main facts of human life will 2*%$&' unintelligible.
2 That so5'+s a silly suggestion, but that was (!recisely) the idea adopted in some early theories.
3 lndustry and finance s**% to him to be activities unworthy of gentlemen.
4 People 3**" angry and frustrated when the traffic is hardly moving.
5 We s**%*+ impressed with the qualifications of the candidate.
6 He said l "oo)*+ awful this morning.
7 The soup t$st*s delicious.
8 There $;;*$2s to be no point in continuing the discussion.
9 His suggestion so5'+s very interesting and attractive.
l0 Many people s**% to be experiencing these difficulties for the first time.
ll Science s**%s to be playing a major role in the creation of 'One world' of the statement's dreams.
1K5C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& &'g&"&=*7* Ns**%1 $;;*$2 8-. "*2&'& )5""$'$2$)C /*8&2&'&=.
l Gzlklerimi hibir yerde bulamayacakmm gibi geliyor.
2 ok mutsuz grnyor.
3 orba nefis, (grnyor.)
4 Sorunu incelememi gibi grnyorsunuz.
5 imdi hesaplar inceler grnyor.
6 Sonbaharda yapraklar sararr.
7 Yeni teknik umut verici grnyor.
8 ok dindar biri gibi grnyor.
9 Bir yanl anlama var gibi grnyor.
l0 Vadi gne altnda sessiz uzanmakta.
ll Gece darda kalnca d.
l2 Tehlikeyle karlanca sakin olmalsnz.
l3 Syledigi ilgin geliyor.
l4 ocuk ok almann ardndan hasta oldu.
l5 Akdeniz kys tatil iin ideal bir yer gibi grnyor.
Devrik yap belli bir geyi vurgulamak iin snrl olarak kullanlan bir anlatm biimidir. Genel anlamda, eylemin
znenin nne alnmas demektir. En yaygn yaplar unlardr:
1C @$=0's$" -&/&%+* I3 7*2&'*
D*2* it to reveal (i4 it revealed) its secrets, that house would collapse in shame. / Srlarn aga vuracak olsa, o
ev utantan kerdi.
Should he change his mind, no one would blame him. Fikrini degitirirse onu hi kimse knayamaz.
<$+ l known (i4 H had kno5n) what was going to happen, l would never have left you there. / Ne olacagn bilmi
olsaydm, sizi asla orada brakmazdm.
D*2* he rich, (i4 he 5ere rich) he would have an expensive car. Zengin olsa pahal bir arabas olurdu.
2C E7"*%&' -6t6'6'6' -$4$ $"0'%$s0 N,=*""&)"* 7*2 =$23"$20 8* )&%& *7"*%1 P t6%"*/ 7$;0"$20'+$C
U'+*2 $ t2** 9$s s&tt&'g $ 7o5'g s!*;!*2+. / Gen bir oban oturuyordu agacn altnda.
O' t!* -*+ "$7 $ -*$5t&35" 7o5'g g&2". Gen gzel bir kz yatyordu ya. takta.
<*2* o%*s t!* -5s. te geliyor otobs. T!*2* go*s t!* t*$!*2. te gidiyor gretmen.
En yaygn kullanm, olumsuzluk anlatan ya da snrlayc kimi zarflardan sonra yardmc eylemle znenin yer
degitirmesi biiminde grlyor. Zarflarn kimileri unlardr: s*"+o%1 2$2*"71 'o1 'ot o'"71 "&tt"*1 '*8*21 !$2+"71
s$2*"71 o'"71 'o9!*2*1 'o soo'*2... t!$'1 $t 'o t&%*. O' 'o $o5't are you allowed to do this. / Bunu
yapmanza asla izin verilemez.
O'"7 after a year did l begin to see the results of my work. Ancak bir yl sonra iimin sonularn grmeye
1K6C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l So tired was the boy that he fell asleep almost immediately.
2 Little do teenagers realize how much they have to learn.
3 So old was the book that its pages had turned yellow.
4 Few were the nights that he went to bed before midnight.
5 So great was her love that she sacrificed everything for her children.
6 Few were her words of praise for her son.
7 So great was her surprise that she almost fainted.
8 Such was her desire to win that she practiced night and day.
9 Little did she know that she had won first prize.
l0 Had he not been tired, he wouldn't have missed the party.
ll Had they not borrowed some money, they could not have bought a new house.
l2 Had he not gotten a rise, he would have resigned from the company.
l3 Were it not important, my friend would not have asked me that favor.
l4 Were he not very sick, he would not be in hospital.
l5 Should you see Ziya, tell him to telephone me.
l6 Were the old man to get sick, his wife would not be able to call a doctor.
l7 Had he gone to the doctor right away, he might have been alive today.
l8 Had she passed the test, she would be smiling now.
l9 Were the truth known, that man would go to jail.
20 Had he known, he would have come.
2l Only at night do bats leave the cave. . .
22 Never has the world faced so many problems.
23 Had the invitation arrived in time, l wouldn't have missed the party
24 Never had she seen so much rain in such a short time.
25 Not only did they go, but they stayed until the end.
26 Only after her mother died did she know real loneliness.
27 At no time were the passengers in, any danger.
28 Only once was Hamit late to class.
29 Never has air pollution been as bad as it is now.
30 Seldom has his family see him this angry.
3l Only after you have taken the placement test, can we tell you your level.
32 Scarcely had they sat down for dinner when the telephone rang.
33 Nowhere in the world is the weather so changeable as it is in London.
34 Only after it rains do the cacti in the desert bloom.
35 Not only did the police arrive, but the firemen came too.
36 Scarcely had the injured man arrived at the hospital, when he was rushed into the operating room.
37 So few were the woman's possessions that she could carry them in a single suitcase.
38 Only after elephants have become extinct, will many people realize their true value.
39 Never have foreign students come to Turkey in such numbers.
40 Little do they realize the importance of wearing seat belts while driving.
4l Should it rain, we shall have to cancel the picnic.
42 Should he make a success of his new business, l will be very surprised.
43 Should the machine break down, we'll send our mechanic along straight away.
44 Should the pains come again, don't hesitate to ring me.
45 Should you change your mind, l'll still be interested.
46 Should you meet Selda, do give her my best wishes.
47 Not only did Ahmet have to find the deposit for his house, but he also had to pay his solicitor.
48 Scarcely had l arrived home my parents appeared on the doorstep
49 No sooner shall l get home, l'll have to get out again.
50 Never have l seen such awful people as l was in Cape Town.
5l Had the weather been good, we would have gone there. .
52 Had l forgotten it, l wouldn't have sent you one.
53 Had they been interesting, we would have stayed.
54 Had the suitcase been light, l would have been able to carry it.
55 Had the weather been cold, l would have needed it.
1KIC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2&1 +*82&) 7$;07"$ 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l ylesine byk kalabalk havaalannda seyrek grlmtr.
2 Konserin iptali bana kar hakszlk degildi yalnzca, ilgili herkese aykr gelen bireydi.
3 ok az dnmt bir gn Babakan olacagn.
4 Bakan henz agzn amt ki her yandan bagrlar duyuldu.
5 Bu deger bilmez insanlara bir daha asla yardm nermeyecegim.
6 Dzenleme ile ilgili olarak nceden bana danlrsa katlmay kabul edebilirim ancak.
7 ylesine keyifleri kamt ki g bela konuabiliyorlard.
8 Daha gzel bir resim kolleksiyonu grmedim hibir yerde.
9 Byle gzel bir gn batn ok seyrek grdm.
l0 Ate baladgnda henz ulamtm dagn tepesine.
ll lrmak koruyucu barajlar ylesine andrmt ki ciddi sel tehlikesi vard.
l2 Azizin tapnagnda daha nce bu kadar insan toplanmamt hi.
l3 Sokagn kesini dner dnmez bir serseri etesinin saldrsna ugrad.
l4 Ancak birka saat sren ateli bir tartmadan sonra onu benimle gelmeye raz edebildim.
l5 Konumaya yeni balamt ki polis gelip kalabalg dagtt.
l6 Zaman ilerledike azar azar anlamaya balad plan.
l7 Hibir zaman yapabileceginden daha ogunu yapabilme savnda (iddiasnda) olmad.
l8 Erkek kardeiniz hibir biimde sulanamaz olanlar iin.
l9 Gnlk yry sonunda ylesine yorgun dmtm ki btn istedigim uyumakt.
20 Saldrmz ylesine birdenbire ve yogundu ki dman btnyle akna dnmt.
2l Nadiren bu kadar balg aglarnda grmlerdi bir seferde.
22 Akl hastalarn deniz kysna ya da krlara gezintiye gtrrlerdi ara sra.
23 Olgular hibir biimde kout (!aralel) olarak dnlemez.
24 Ancak btn areler denendikten sonra hastay kurtarma umudunu yitirdiler.
25 Ancak insanoglunun olaganst abasyla korunabilir uygarlk degerleri. 26 Dalgalar ylesine glyd ki
gemi devrilme tehlikesindeydi.
27 Onun ylesine etkisindeydiler ki kendi yarglarna hemen hi gvenmiyorlard.
28 Londra'ya geldiginde beni ara.
29 Bir amar makinam olmu olsayd onu kullanrdm.
30 Ne kitab okudum ne de oyunu grdm.
$C >5-H5't&8*E&' 7$7g0' 6/ -&/&%& 8$2+02:
l ve 3. kiilerle 9$s yerine 9*2* kullanlmas gerege aykr, varsayma dayanan durumlar anlatmak iindir.
zellikle, &31 9&s!1 $s t!o5g! gibi yap szcklerinden sonra kullanlr.
I3 he 9*2* rich, he wouldn't work at all. / Zengin olsa hi almazd.
l 9&s! it 9*2* Sunday today. / Keke bugn Pazar olsa.
lf he were to tell us everything we could try to solve the problem. Bize hereyi anlatm olsa, sorunu zmeye
-C R*s%& +&"+* )5""$'0"$' &)& -&/&%& 8$2+02:
1C ='* P $s)1 +*%$'+1 2*G5*st 8- P t!$t P t6%*
D* &'s&st t!$t a meeting -* !*"+ as soon as possible. / En ksa zamanda bir toplant yaplmasnda srarlyz.
The committee 2*o%%*'+*+ that the domestic company &'8*st in nuclear energy / Komisyon yerli irketin
nkleer enerjiye yatrm yapmasn nerdi.
2C t P o"%$) P important, *ss*'t&$" 8- P t!$t P t6%*
It &s *ss*'t&$" t!$t the method be practical. / Yntemin pratik olmas esastr.
T!*2* 9$s $ s5gg*st&o' that the meeting -* !*"+ next month. Toplantnn gelecek ay yaplmas konusunda bir
neri vard.
It 9$s &%;o2t$'t that every member s*'+ !&s subscription by the end of the year. /Her yenin abone cretini
yl sonuna kadar yollamas nemliydi.
Bu yaplarda 2. blmde kullanlan eylemlerin (have, be held, send) hep kk halinde bulunduklarna dikkat
edilmelidir. (goes, has, vb kullanlma$). Ayrca bu yaplarn yalnzca belli szcklerden sonra kullanldklar anm-
1KJC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l lt is necessary that the boy be given the right to express his opinion.
2 The teacher recommended that the student wait.
3 The judge insists that the terrorist be punished.
4 lt is essential that the trial be fair.
5 lf he were to tell us everything, we would try to help him.
6 They insist that a meeting beheld as soon as possible.
7 lt is important that every member send his subscription by the end of the month.
8 l wish l were at home now.
9 lt is important that you arrive on time.
l0 l wish l hadn't spent so much money on books.
ll lf Sema were here she could tell us what to do.
l2 He orders me as if l were his wife.
l3 He suggested that Aye vote for Mr. Karaduman.
l4 The man advised that she vote early."
l5 it isn't possible that he explain everything.
l6 lt is important that the mayor maintain a good image.
l7 The teacher advised that everyone read "Hamlet"
l8 The teacher begged that everybody take the test.
l9 lf only he had left me all his money!
20 lf only life were simpler, everything would happen as we planned it.
2l l wish we hadn't bought this flat!
1KKC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l Ona dncesini aklama hakk verilmesi gerekir.
2 (*nun) zamannda gelmesi asldr.
3 Szlemecinin szlemeyi hemen imzalamas gerekir.
4 Yarn oraya gitmemizi nerdi.
5 Brown'n takmdan karlmas nerisi vard. (nerildi.)
6 Srlarn aga vuracak olsa, o ev utantan kerdi.
7 Yagmur olmasa, darda basketbol oynardk.
8 Benimle (sanki) sagrmm gibi konutu.
9 Keke yerinizde olsam.
l0 Birka dil konuabilmeyi yle istiyor ki!
ll Keke gemite daha ihtiyatl olsaydm.
l2 Keke dn gece o kadar sarmsak yemeseydim.
l3 Keke yant imdi bilebilsem.
l4 Daha nce bilebilsem, size bir telgraf yollardm.
l5 Ne olursa olsun yolumuza devam edecegiz.
l6 En ksa zamanda bir toplant yaplmasnda srarlyz.
l7 Bize hereyi sylese sorunu zmeye alrdk.
l8 Herkesin ayn egitim olanaklarna sahip olmas esastr.
l9 Hakim, onun en azndan 5 yl serbest braklmasn nerdi.
20 Herkese sorunun sylenmesi nemlidir (gerekir).
2l- Doktor hastann getirilmesini istedi,
22 Adam oglann derhal oraya gitmesini nerdi.
23 O kitab okumanz tavsiye ederim.
2LLC A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l The students -*$%* $5sto%*+ to developing several projects every year.
2 As 2*g$2+s the faulty analogizing, it should be emphasized that the process of tackling one problem by
analogizing from another has frequently yielded valuable results as in the case of air-pressure.
3 As 3$2 $s $;;"&$t&o' &s o'*2'*+1 the first method seems to be practical.
4 The sailor did nothing -5t complain about the food.
5 The first difficulty is -o5'+ 5; 9&t! the use of words.
6 Geology is by no means without practical importance &' 2*"$t&o' to the needs and industries of mankind.
7 We $2* to -* there by l0 o'clock.
8 You 9*2* to !$8* g&8*' the letter to the director.
9 I $'Et !*"; thinking it would be boring to live on the moon.
l0 B*t9**' 7o5 $'+ %*1 I do not $;;2o8* o3 the way in which Franz is handling the situation.
ll Geologists are also directly o'*2'*+ 9&t! the vital subject of water supply. .
l2 Pure science &s ;2&%$2&"7 o'*2'*+ 9&t! the development of theories. Thus, the study of radioactivity
began as a piece of pure research, but its results are now applied in a great number of different ways.
l3 Some rockets use liquid fuels that o's&st o3 oxygen and krosene.
l4 He inferred that the existence of the disease is +5* to the smokiness of the area.
l5 Another common error o''*t*+ 9&t! words consists in confusing a word r a name with a fact.
l6 The welfare of the people +*;*'+s largely o' the economic strength and wealth of the community.
l7 The scientist attempts to formulate these problems &' t!* "&g!t o3 all the relevant facts that can be collected
by observation and experiment.
l8 It &s +&33&5"t for emerging countries to provide an adequate standart of living for its people.
l9 lt's 'o 5s* telling students to go to the library and pick up the first book they come across.
20 ItEs $g*s since we went out to dinner.
2l It t$)*s three hours to go to Konya by bus.
22 lt's t&%* we left home.
23 He has insured his son's education, &' $s* he dies before the boy reaches 20.
24 She dressed the child in a heavy overcoat, "*st he could catch cold.
25 Another well-known error in experimentation is "$) of adequate controls.
26 l revised what was given to the student.
27 T!* %o2* we control pollution t!* "*$'*2 the environment will be.
28 No book had had a greater impact.
29 O'* is never satisfied with what one has.
30 Viruses are entities that o5;7 a position between living and nonliving matter.
3l R*g$2+"*ss of what you believe, l have known that Sam never hurts any one, least of all his best friends.
32 They were s5! simle people that it was shameful to t$)* $+8$'t$g* o3 them.
33 No o'* *"s* played so decisive a role in the development of the country.
34 He insisted on the admission of men with various academic interests so $s 'ot to restrict scholarship to
particular fields.
35 IE+ 2$t!*2 you told me frankly what you think.
36 Strange to s$71 the system of fines led to an increase in breakages.
37 T!2o5g! technology, science improves the structure of society and help man to gain increasing control
over his environment.
38 T!*2* s**%s to be a logical reason for an action of that kind.
39 Japan's situation has been o%;$2*+ to t!$t of England.
40 Any modern novelists would be thrilled to have his stories o%;$2*+ 9&t! those o3 Dickens.
4l I' o2+*2 to fulfill its purpose, the building was to be large and practical
42 The apparatus needed to modernize our lab will soon o%* &'to o;*2$t&o'.
43 The so-called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist &s %o2* $;;$2*'t t!$' real.
Mr. Ecevit is a popular politician. At present, he is visiting all parts of Turkey. He will be arriving
lzmir tomorrow. He will be coming by bus and most of the young people in the city will be meeting
him at the bus station. The following day he will be giving a lecture at the university !$"". He will
be staying for a week in zmir. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to
keep order. lt is always the same on these visits.
My friend and l are going to London tomorrow. We shall travel by air. My friend will meet me at the
airport at 4:00 o'clock. The plane will take off at 6.00 o'clock, so we shall have plenty of time.
Probably we shall have dinner at the airport restaurant before the plane takes off. We both hope
that it will be a nice travel to London. We are very happy because we shall attend some English
courses in England
The Olympic Games will be held in lstanbul in five years' time. As a great many people will be
visiting Turkey, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a fine
swimming pool. They will also be building new roads and a special railway-line. The Games will be
held outside lstanbul. The area will be on the Asian side and will be called 'Olympic City'. Workers
will have completed the new roads by the end of next year. By the end of the following year, they
will have finished work on the new stadium. We are all very excited and are looking forward to the
Olympic Games because they have never been held before in our country.
4. A AUE>T
The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the Esenboga airport all morning. There were
also a lot of policemen around. They were expecting an important quest from America. A few hours
earlier, someone had told the police that murderers would try to kill the important quest. When the
plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were
waiting on the airfield. When the plane landed five detectives surrounded the quest and took him to
the vip saloon while four others were keeping guard by the plane.
5. A (OURNE@
l had an amusing experience last year. After l had left a small town in the southern Turkey, on the
way a young man waved to me. l stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he got into the
ear, l said good morning to him in English, and he replied in the some language. Apart from a few
words, l do not know any English at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. When we reached
the next town the young man suddenly said , Do you speak Turkish? l soon realized that the was
Turkish himself.
My friend has been worried all the week. Last week he received a letter from the local police. ln the
letter he was asked to call at the police station. He wondered why he was wanted by the police, but
he went to the police station yesterday and now he is not worried any more. At the station, he was
told by a smiling policeman that his radio had been found. A week ago, the policeman told him, the
radio was found in a burglar's house. My friend was surprised when he heard the news, because
he never expected the radio to be found. lt was stolen two months ago.
Ten men have been trapped in a mine for twenty hours. lf they are not brought to the surface soon
they may lose their lives. However, rescue operations are proving difficult. lf explosive are used,
vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse. Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole
on the north side of he mine. They intend to bring the men up in a special capsule. lf there had not
been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil, they would have completed the job in a few hours. They
have been drilling for ten hours. The rescue operations have been going on smoothly.
I have received a letter from my friend Erol. He is in America. He has been there for a year. He is a
student there. He has been studying linguistics at one of the best universities Los Angeles. He has
already visited a great number of different places in America. He has just bought an Ameri can car
and has gone to San Francisco; a big city in the western part of United States. He will soon visit
Chicago and New Mexico. My friend has never been abroad before, so he is finding U.S.A. very
Yeni bir eve tandm ve sabahtan beri almaktaym. Yeni odam dzene sokmaya alyorum.
Bu kolay degil nk binin zerinde kitabm var. in daha kts oda da olduka kk, bu
nedenle geici olarak kitaplarm demenin stne koydum. Daha sonra eski kitaplgm odaya
tadm ve tm kitaplar ona yerletirdim.
Otobs ofrleri Adana'da gelecek hafta greve gitmeyi kararlatrd. Grev pazartesi balayacak
kimse grevin ne kadar srecegini bilmiyor. Otobs ofrleri grevin, deme ve alma koullar
hakknda genel bir anlamaya varlncaya kadar srecegini belirttiler. Birok kimse grevin en
azndan bir hafta srecegine inanmaktadr. Birok zel araba sahibi ilerine giderken yollan
zerindeki insanlar otostopla gtrmeyi nerecek. Bu, bir lde trenler zerindeki basky
azaltacak. Ayn zamanda birtakm niversite grencisi grev sona erinceye kadar otobsleri
kullanmaya gnll olarak istekliler. Fakat onlarn herhangi bir otobs kullanmadan nce zel bir
snav gemi olmalar gerekir. grenciler iki gn iinde snava girecekler.
2L2.1C A4$.0+$)& t6%*"*2& T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
l For a slow-track child to become a well-adjusted and successful student is likely to be difficult.
2 To report on a crime without becoming involved in the criminal justice system is hardly possible.
3 Although it is a stable currency, a rise of only 2 percent a year will reduce the purchasing power of the dollar
by 45 percent in 30 years so that the pension or life insurance of one's youth will have lost nearly half its
purchasing power before one has reached the age of retirement.
4 After they have weighted the consequences of intervention, many people prefer not to act in an emergency
for fear that they may become the victims of a retaliatory attack.
5 The minister's speech that was intended to calm the nation served only to generate an increased set of
national insecurity.
6 The secretary of the treasury insisted upon a plan by which the federal government took over the unpaid
debts that were incurred in furthering the revolution.
7 Magazines that cater to sports fans have a wider circulation t!$' do professional journals that address
themselves to a small in-group.
8 The fundamental philosophy behind democratic disciplines is that it will teach children to develop control
their behaviour so that they will behave properly even when there is no one standing over them to threaten
them with punishment.
9 Since everyone knows the rules of the tribe, any breach of law is dealt with by informal public discussion &'
t!* !o;* t!$t concensus can be reached on a proper means of settlement.
l0 We must decentralize work and state so as to )i/e it human proportions, and we must permit centralization
to an optimal point because the requirements of industry make some central control essential.
ll 's the stock market became increasingly unpredictable, and as public spending indicated a lack of
confidence in the government's economic policy, the minister of finance announced a devaluation of the
l2 For pupils with severe reading difficulty, more reliance should be placed on informal rather than
standardized measures to obtain a truer picture.
l3 Our era is distinguished by much discussion on patriotism, social welfare, law and order. Some people
believe that s5! t$") is only a mask to hide private indifference to public issues.
l4 lt is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympathy-in the literal
meanin) of that word0 a capacity to tune into the minds and feelings of children closely related with this is
the capacity to be tolerant- not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature
induce people, and especially children to make mistakes.
l5 To characterize the Romantics, it is necessary to take account not only of the importance of aesthetic
motives, but also of the change of taste that made their sense of beauty different form that of their
l6 It is not accidental that people in Western societies, with their strong sense of individual personality,
express themselves in science and literature together.
l7 lt is one of the features we take more or less for )ranted about our world that each nation has a language
of its own.
l8 ln many novels of the l9th century the poor are depicted as being evil, dirty and criminal. 1on/ersely, the
rich are depicted as being kind, generous and virtuous.
l9 lnstead of being part of a stable culture where the artist inherits certain assumptions about society and the
nature of reality, the modern artist lives in a time of cultural crisis when all traditional values are questionable.
20 The experience of mixing with equals is an essential preparation for adult life since at work or at leisure
much time must be spent and many important actions must be taken in the company of one's peers.
2l 2win) to the absence of a single cultural pattern, specific disciplinary methods used within a cultural group
vary widely.
22 lt has been remarked that life is an almost continuous experience of having to draw conclusions from
insufficient evidence;, and this is what we have to do when we make the trivial decision $s to whether or not
to carry an umbrella when we leave home for work.
23 lt is significant that despite the rapid advance of science since the l7th century, it made no impact on the
problems of prediction until the advent of the digital computer, and it is only thanks to the powerful new
computers that worth-while prediction in human affairs has been possible at all.
24 The point that l am anxious to make is that the search for models of this kind, the study of their behaviour
of the relationship of this behaviour to the real situations which they seek to represent, and the consequential
modification of them so as to lead to reliable prediction and then to decision taking, would not be possible
were it not tor the assistance afforded to the investigator by the digital computer.
25 The world we live in presents an endless variety of fascinating problems which excite our wonder and
26 Plant breeders' main aims are the same throughout the world. A;$2t 3o2% evolving varieties with higher yield
potentials, the usual main objectives are greater cultural reliability, greater resistance to diseases and pests,
accommaditon to the special requirements of different types of cultural practices and improvement of quality,
both nutritional and industrial.
27 As technological developments have altered production techniques, types of mechanical equipment and
varieties of outputs, society has begun to recognize that economic progress involves not only changes
changes in machinery but also in man- not only expenditures on equipment but also on people. lnvestment
people makes it possible to take advantage of technical progress as well as to continue that progress.
lmprovements in health make investment in education more rewarding by extending life expectancy.
lnvestment in education expands and extends knowledge, leading to advances which raise productivity and
improve health.
28 Secularization as it has developed since the Middle Ages has consisted in substituting for supernatural and
theological explanations naturalistic and reasonable ones. This change is one of the most profound affecting
mankind and forms the basis of modern democratic government and of our scientific- technological age. ln a
society based on the divine right of kings there could be no genuinely democratic government in the modem
sense. Democracy is built on the idea that the individual has a right to judge political issues for himself.
29 lt is obvious that the purpose of education will determine the content of the curriculum, the methods
the kind of schools, and the amount of education given to children and young persons. Until recently there
were many educationists who thought that education could be discussed without reference to the objectives
and values of the community in which it was given. The number of such theorists lessens under the impact of
modern conditions, but there still exist many who appear to think that problems of the curriculum can be dealt
with in this abstract manner.
30 N*8*2t!*"*ss1 it seems clear that there is often a special sequence of procedures which is involved in the
establishment of the working principles of science.
3l Conditions necessary for sleep vary enormously. D!&"* some need total silence, others are oblivious to
pneumatic drills and passing jet aircraft.
32 Dreaming appears to be a breathing space for the mind, a period in which it can sort and file new
in the memory.
33 A;$2t 3o2% the fact that they are held at four-yearly intervals, the modern Games bear little resemblance to
the competitions of ancient Greece, the most prestigious of which took place at Olympia in the south-west of
the country.
34 Although there is no obligation to make an occasion of it, almost all newly-weds celebrate their marriage in
some way. For many, it is an opportunity to make a good impression both within their respective families and
in the community. For those who can afford to do it in style, marquees and morning dress are the order of the
day. The less fortunate make do with a cold buffet in a hotel room to their families and a few close friends.
35 The waiter had been informed that it was a stunt for television cameras and kept a straight face throughout.
36 They now roam freely about the house, much to their neighbour's displeasure.
37 By the end of this decade, British television will have undergone its greatest revolution, and as in the field of
computer technology, what was science fiction a few years ago will be fact.
38 The tradition of playing practical jokes on lst April, which in fact originated in ancient Rome, is still upheld in
many countries today.
39 Myths are anonymous stories having their roots in the primitive folk-beliefs of races or nations and presenting
supernatural episodes as a means of interpreting natural events in an effort to make concrete and particular
a special perception of man or a cosmic view. Myths differ from legends in that they have less of historical
background and more of the supernatural; they differ from the fable in that they are less concerned with
didacticism and are the product of a racial group rather than the creation of an individual.
40 T!* t*2% 'o8*" is used in its broadest sense to designate any extended fictional prose narrative. ln
however, its use is customarily restricted to narratives in which the representation of character occurs either
in a static condition or in the process of development as the result of events or actions.
4l Qo*t27 is a term applied to the many forms in which man has given a rhythmic expression to his most
imaginative and intense perceptions of his world, himself and the interrelationship of the two. Such a
however inadequate, points to the impossibility of binding in a simple formula a mode of expression and
communication as primary and as enduring and still as eternally changing as poetry is.
42 The structuralist linguistic approach to the analysis of text can be summarized as follows:
a) There is emphasis on the need to be formally explicit and rigorous in the analysis of linguistic structures.
b) This explicitness is designed to enable the analysis of texts to exemplify the idealized world of linguistic
systems rather than the actual world of real discourses, though with critical linguistics this situation is
c) The concentration on understanding linguistic systems involves a greater emphasis on universals and
codes of language. This type of analysis of literary text is therefore much more about isolating universal
linguistic structures, codes and myths than it is with textual interpretatons, explanations of readings and
discussions of intuitions about texts. This is the theoretical base of the structural linguistic enterprise,
though in practice many literary based linguists more interested in discourse analysis and textual
explication than in developing theoretical arguments and philosophies concentrate on a linguistic that is
effectively a language-aware practical criticism.
43 Derrida engaged with Heidegger's discussion of how texts shows, and developed it into a discussion of how
writing generates meaning through a constant process of differin) and deferrin)- what he called di44erence.
ln effect this challanges the conception of texts as having fixed centres of meaning. lt challenges; for
the prioritizing of stable meanings and the sort of thinking for example, that requires a locatable center to a
text; an idea, a philosophy o religion- the sort of thinking that requires stability or that fears the unknown.
What Derrida argues is that meaning is best understood in terms of the relationship (the play) between the
known and the unknown, the presence and absence, the stable and the unstable.
44 The words 'feminist' or 'feminism' are political labels indicating support for the aims of the new women's
movement which emerged in the late l960s. 'Feminist criticism' then, is a specific kind of political discourse:
a critical and theoretical practice committed to the struggle against patriarchy and sexism, not simply a
concern for gender in literature, at least not if the latter is presented as no more than another interesting
critical approach on a line with a concern for sea- imagery or metaphors of war in medieval poetry.
45 Literay theory has developed in the course of this century into a branch of literary studies that is studied and
taught as a distinct subject in its own right. lt is not, of course, a totally new subject. Philosophers, writers,
critics and scholars alike have always been inclined to speculate about the theoretical implications of literary
practice and most literary theorists of the twentieth century are conscious of belonging to a tradition that goes
back at least as far as Plato and Aristotle. Modern literary theory has a great deal in common with, and owes
a great deal to, such antecedents but it differs from most of them in a very important respect: the place it
occupies within the discipline of literary studies.
46 ln the sixth development plan period, the GNP is targeted to grow by 7 % per year. At current prices, exports
are to grow by l3.2 % and imports by l2.4 % annually. The added value of the agricultural sector is expected
to register a 4.l % increase annually., on the average.
47 The aim of privatization is:
a) To establish a market mechanism based on competition
b) To reduce the industrial and commercial activities of the state
c) To reduce the burden caused by State Economic Enterprises on the budget
d) To develop markets and add inactive savings into the economy
e) To transfer the funds earned as a result of privatization into the infrastructure
48 ls linguistics a science at all? To begin the substantive discussions, l want to consider briefly, the arguments
of some contemporary linguists who effectively deny the claim that linguistics is any kind of scientific study at
all. Their central argument may be put like this: to have any science, descriptive or explanatory, you must be
able to generalize; but each linguistic event is in a non- trivial way unique, rather as a work of art is and there
is nothing general to be said about it or generalizable from it. Hence a science of linguistic phenomena is
49 A lay reader of any scientific literature must expect to find terms with which he or she is pre-theoretically
familiar refined and redefined within that science. ln itself, this should occasion no particular problem.
Problems arise when a science both trades on pretheoretical uses of a term and is committed to arguing the
theoretical anadequacy of the lay vocabulary. Further and different problems arise, of course, when there
is no intrascientific consensus on the sense or reference to be given within the science to them taken over
from lay terminology. As a lay reader of linguistic literature, both types of problems seem to be rampant with
linguistics, where the idea of a 'language' is freely used in both pre-theoretical and various theoretical
50 Philosophy, as l shall understand the word, is something intermediate between theology and science. Like
theology, it consists of speculations on matters as to which definite knowledge has, so far, been
unascertainable; but like science, it appeals to human reason rather than to authority, whether that of tradition
or that of revelation. All definite knowledge, so l should contend, belongs to science; all do)ma as to what
surpasses definite knowledge belongs to theology. But between theology and science there is a No Man's
Land, exposed to attack from both sides. This No Man's Land is philosophy. (B. Russell)
5l The matters that are suitable to treatment by the Socratic method are those as to which we have already
enough knowledge to come to a right conclusion, but have failed through confusion of thought or lack of
analysis, to make the best logical use of what we know. A question such as 'what is justice' just and unjust'
and, by examining the ways in which we use them, we can arrive inductively at the definition that will best suit
with usage. All that is needed is knowledge of how the words in question are used. And when our inquiry is
concluded, we have made only a linguistic discovery, not a discovery in ethics.
52 Pure science is primaily concerned with the development of theories (or as . they are frequently called,
models) establishing relationships between the phenomena of the universe. When they are sufficietly
validated, these theories (hypothesis, models) become the working laws, or principles of science. ln carrying
out this work, the pure scientist usually disregards its application to practical affairs, confining its attention to
explanations of how and why events occur. 3ence, in physics, the equation describing the behaviour of
fundamental particles, or in biology, the establishment of the life cycle of a particular species of insect living in
a Polar environment, are said to be examples of pure science.
Applied science, on the other hand, is directly concerned with the application of the working laws of pure
science to the practical affairs of life, and to increasing man's control over his environment, thus leading to
the development of new techniques, processes and machines, such activities as investigating the strength
and uses of materials, extending the findings of pure mathematics to improve the sampling procedures used
in agriculture or the social sciences, and developing the potentialities of atomic energy, are all examples of
the work of the applied scientist or technologist.
53 An examination of the issue areas which affect the relationship between the European Community and
Turkey has led us to the identification of three factors in which changes and developments are likely to
influence how the Turkish application for full membership fares. The first factor may be called ' the ability of
Turkey to meet European expectations.' Under this heading the Euro democratization of the Turkish political
system, the sustained growth of the Turkish economy, the determination of Turkey to live up to its
commitments /is a /is the European Community would be included. The second factor is the
performance of the European economies' during the period in question, that is from now till the end of the
century. This factor also includes the ability of the Community to overcome the economic problems
generated by the accession of the new members. The third factor is the 'state of the western defense
54 Public concern for the protection of environmental values is rather new in Turkey and it has developed
after major natural and historical environmental assets have been partly or totally damaged as a result of
urbanization during l950-l985. Taking the factor of environment into consideration within the course of
industrialization, modernization of agriculture and urbanization was adopted as a principle only after the
Third Five Year Development plan and the official view adopted in the plans maintained that development
policies do not contradict all environmental policies. On the contrary they reinforce each other. However,
certain crucial bottlenecks exist. One of the most significant bottlenecks is concerned with the utilization of
water, land, air and energy resources, the problem concerning the level of per capita national income,
housing, land erosion, natural disasters, protection of forests and coastal areas, balanced nutrition etc. are
all related to environment. The role of education, technology and resource allocation is not less
55 The postmodernist work, whether a painting by Leonardo de Vinci or a novel by Balzac, aspires to a unity of
vision. lt cherishes continuity, speaking with a single narrative voice or addressing a single visual center. lt
honours sequence and causality in time or space. Through the consecutive, the linear, it claims to
represent a reality which is something else, though or render it more acutely than happens in ordinary
experience. lt may contain a critique of the established order, in the name of the obstructed ambitions of
individuals; or it may uphold individuals as the embodiments of society at its best. ln either event individuals
matter. ...standing apart form reality, the postmodernist work aspires to an order of beauty which, in a sense,
judges reality; lyrical forms, heightened speech, rhythm and rhyme, Renaissance perspective and
compositional laws are deployed in the interest of beauty.
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0 Bir iktisat dzeninin tatminkar bir biimde ileyip ilemedigi, cari cret karlg almak isteyen herkese i
temin edilip edilememesiyle llr. Bir lkede baz kimselerin almak istedikleri halde i bulamamalar,
ogu kez sanldg gibi, bu kimselere degil, mevcut iktisat dzenine atfedilmesi gereken bir kusurdur.
2 Para, birim olarak kabul edilmi bir mal miktaryla bir para miktar arasnda kurulan oran ve ilikidir.
Parann ayrc niteligi, tarihsel srete, artk genel edeger olmaktan baka kullanm degeri olmayan bir
mal olmasdr. Bir maln degeri, parann z degerine oranla degitigi zaman bu maln fiat da degimek
zorundadr. Maln fiatnn parann fiatna oran, maln degerinin parann degerine oranna eittir.
3 Sigorta, gelecekteki bir zarar garantilemek iin imdiden zarar etmeyi gze almak demektir, edeyile bir
rizikoya katlanmadr. Sigortaya yatrlan anamal (sermaye) retici olmayan bir anamaldr ve anamaln
dolamnda onun korunmas iin gerekli bir masraftr. Kimi anamalclar sigortaya yatrdklar anamaldan
kar saglayabilirler, oysa sigorta masraflar anamalc snfn tm iin zarardr. Daha ak bir deyile,
sigorta, kimi anamalclarn zararlarn kapatarak bu zararlar btn anamalc snfa dagtm olur.
4 Cumhuriyet dnemi devrimlerinin, hukuk alan yannda nemli bir yer tutan teki alan egitim alandr. Bu
alann devrimci ilkeye gre agdalatrlmas ii hukuk alannda oldugundan daha ok sayda sorunlarla
doludur. Hukuk kiiler aras ilikileri belli kurallara gre dzenleme ii oldugu halde, egitim, kiileri bu
kurallarla dzene sokulan topluma uyacak ekilde yetitirme ii olduktan baka yetien kiinin toplumun
hukuk d kalan yanlarndan hem etkilenmesi hem de onlar etkilemesi iidir. Bundan tr, Cumhuriyet
dneminin egitim alannda getirdigi ilkeler, hukuk alannda getirdigi ilkelerin ayn oldugu halde,
uygulamalar egitim d etkenler altnda daha karmak yollarla yrmtr... Hukuk alannda oldugu gibi
bu alanda da temel ilke egitimi birletirme ve btnletirme ilkesidir. Bunun bir yan Mslman halkn
egitim kurallarndaki ikiligin kaldrlmas; teki yan. zellikle Mslman olan ya da olmayan ilk egitimin
devlet yetkisi alan iine alnmas, ulusal egitim kavramn getirmesidir.
5 Din, devlet, dil, yaz ve tarih alanlarnda Atatrk'n nderlik gcnn etkisiyle gerekletirilebilen, en ileri
dnle geinen Merutiyet dnemi hars-larnn hars buhran (kltr buhran) olarak nitelendirdikleri
atlmlar, gerekte uygarlk degiimi iin gerekli olan dn ve gr zgrlklerinin kaplarnn aldgn
gsterir. Atatrk'n nderligi altndaki devrimci degiikliklerle yzyllk devlet ve din geleneklerinin yarattg
sorunlar zmlenirken, ayn degimeler o zamana kadar ulusal benligin ayrlmaz ve degitirilemez
paralar sanlan alanlara da geniletilince Atatrk- ncesi ulusulugun nderlerinin hep bir agzdan
bir kltr bunalm iine dldgn ileri sren yazlar, bu degimelerin bir bunalm psikozu degil, bir top-
lumsal zgrlk atlmlar ag atgn, yepyeni bir ulus toplumu anlay getirdigini kavrayamamlard. (N.
6 Atatrk'n agdalama dncesinin temeli Cumhuriyettir. Cumhuriyet, Atatrk'n deyiiyle, 'Trk
ulusunun dogasna ve ayrc niteligine en uygun olan ynetimdir.'... Atatrk dili ulusal kimligin nemli
gelerinden biri olarak degerlendirmi, 'Trk dilinin kendi benligine, aslndaki gzellik ve zenginligine
kavumas iin, btn devlet rgtnn dikkatli, ilgili olmasn' istemitir. Bu kararllga karn iler ok
kolay yrmemitir.
7 Bizde ilk basm evinden (l726) abecemizin degitigi l928 ylna degin geen iki yzyl iinde baslan kitap
says toparlak olarak 40 bindir. Sadece bu saylamaya bakarak okumayan bir toplumdan geldigimiz
rahata syle nebilir. Bu dnem iinde okuyanlara sunulan kitaplarn tr ve niteligi ise konumuzun
dnda kalsn. Sadece uncas sylenirse yeter: Bunlar Bat'daki uygarlg yanstmaktan olduka
uzakt. Cumhuriyetten sonra yeni abece ile baslan kitap saysnda, zellikle krkl yllarda bir patlama
oldugu sylenebilir. Devlet eliyle dnya klasiklerinin bastrlmas bizde bir tr Rnesans olmutur ve zel
yaynevleri, alan bu gr hevesle ve baaryla srdrmlerdir. Peki zlemle andgmz bu gzel
dnemdeki sat durumu, uygar bir lkenin dzeyine yakr bir grnmde miydi? Hayr ama halkm-zn,
genligimizin kitaba almas yolunda nemli bir ilerleme gzlemleniyordu. Kitap gzde bireydi, okuyann
degeri biliniyordu. (M.C.A.)
1 Eski Yunan bilgesi -Bir 4ey biliyorum, o da hibir ey bilmedi"imdir- demi. Okulda grenciye belletilen bu
zdeyi, ka bin yl nce sylenmi. hem syleyen kii, bilgi bakmndan, bir ilkokul grencisinden daha az
donanml degil miydi? Aristo, Amerikay bilmiyordu, Sokrates yerekimi yasasndan habersizdi. Ama ikisi
de bilge kiilerdi. Bilge -Bilmiyorum demesini bilen kiidir; byle konuabilmek yetisine ok az kiide
rastladm. (.S.)
2 Egitim, bilim ve sanat, toplu anlamyla kltr bir ulusun bilincidir. Egitim ayrca o bilinci oluturan eylemdir.
Her ulusun bilinci egitim ve kltr varlkla-rndaki zenginligi lsndedir. nsan, yaam ve anlag, anlay
ve kavray ile bulundugu zamann, evrenin ve ortamn tutsagdr, bu tutsaklktan ancak egitim ile,
grdg egitim ve kazandg ekin lsnde kurtulup zgrlge kavuabilir. (M.R. nan)
l0 Milli Egitimde Modern teftiin amac yle zetlenebilir:
a. gretim almalarnda gretmen-grenci ilikilerinin gelitirilmesine, gretmenin grencilerde
gretme istegi yaratmasna yardmc olmak
b. Tefti kiisel olmaktan ok denetlenen ile birlikte almay gerektiren, birlikte yaplmas gereken
bir itir.
c. Tefti belirli zamanda yaplan bir alma olmaktan ok srekli olmal dr, glklere are bulucu
bir nitelik tamaldr.
d. Tefti kurulunun aratrma, inceleme grevi de bulunmaktadr. Bu grev ise okul, kurum ve
kurulularn grevlerini kendi kurulu amala rna uygun ekilde yapp yapmadklarnn
aratrlmas ve grevlerini bu amalara en uygun biimde yapabilmeleri iin gerekli nlemleri be
lirleme iidir.
00 Biliyoruz ki bizde roman, Bat'da oldugu gibi feodaliteden kapitalizme gei dneminde burjuva snfnn
doguu ve bireyciligin geliimi srasnda tarihsel, toplumsal ve ekonomik koullarn etkisi altnda yava
yava gelien bir anlat tr olarak kmad ortaya. Bat romanndan eviriler ve taklitlerle balad; yani
Batllamann bir paras olarak . Sami, N. Kemal, A. Mithat gibi, roman ilk deneyen yazarlarmzn
edebiyat ve roman ile ilgili yazlarn okuyacak olursak grrz ki Avrupa edebiyatn ve romann ileri bir
uygarlgn iareti, kendi edebiyatmz ve zellikle anlat trndeki yaptlarmz da geriligin bir iareti
sayarlar. Bat uygarlgn yalnzca sanayi ve teknikte bir ilerleme o"$2$) grmyor, maarifi ve edebiyat ile
-&2 btn olduguna inanyorlard... Demek oluyor ki bu yazarlarmza gre eski hikaye trnden romana
gei, hayalcilikten aklclga, ocukluktan olgunluga ksacas ilkellikten uygarlga geiti.
l2 Dilbilim almasna girien kimsenin karlatg temel glk, dile nesnel biimde bakmaya hazr
olmaktr. nk dil oldugu gibi kabul ettigimiz bir-eydir; ocukluktan balayarak, pratik bir biimde,
zerinde ok dnmeden bildigimiz bireydir. Bu ynden ogu zaman belirtildigi gibi, bilinen eylere yeni
bir biimde bakmak byk aba gerektirir. Dilin nesnel biimde incelenmesine engel olan yalnzca dili
sezgisel, pratik bir biimde tanmamz da degildir. Dile ilikin birok toplumsal ve ulusal nyarglar,
okullarda sk sk okutulan geleneksel dilbilgisinin bozuk biiminden ileri gelen birok yaygn yanl
anlamalar da vardr. Bir kimsenin bu nyarglardan ve yanl anlamalardan kendini kurtarmas olduka
gtr, ama bu, atlmas hem gerekli, hem de yararl bir admdr.
l3 Karlatrmal dilbilim, genel dilbilimin bir dal olarak, aklayc bir bilimdir. Dillerin degitigine ve degiik
dillerin degiik llerde birbirleriyle ilikili olduklarna ilikin ak geregi aklamaya alr. Dillerin
geirdigi degiimler ve diller arasndaki degiik llerdeki ilikiler, yeni kantlarn bulunmas ve kantlara
bakmada ya da onlar dizgeletirmede yeni bir yntemin benimsenmesi sonucu yeniden ele alnmas
gereken teki bilimsel varsaymlar gibi, varsaymlar asndan aklanabilir. Hint-Avrupa varsaymlar bu
iki nedenle srekli degitirilmitir. 'Evrim' terimini bugn l9. yzyl bilginlerinden olduka degiik biimde
yorumluyoruz, 'ses yasas', 'yeni kurum' ve 'rnek-seme' gibi terimleri biraz degiik bir biimde
anlayabiliyoruz; bizden ncekilerden daha ak bir biimde, dil degiiminin salt zamann bir fonksiyonu ol-
madgn, toplum ve cografya koullarnn da bir fonksiyonu oldugunu alglayabiliyoruz ve dillerin kimi
koullarda 'zaman iinde, 'ayrldklar' gibi 'biletiklerini' kabul ediyoruz.
l4 Aydnlarmzn bir kesimince, Ziya Gkalp'e dayanan bir tanmlama ile, tmyle hukuksal degerler diye
nitelenen kltrn uygarlktan ayr oldugu ve degimesine olanak bulunmadg sanlmaktadr. Bu
varsaym, bir ulusun uy-garlgn degitirebilecegi fakat kltrn degitiremeyecegi ne srlmektedir.
Bu nedenle ulusal kltr korumak sz konusu oldugunda, gemi yzyllara zlem duymakla
yetinilmeyip, o gnlerdeki toplumsal degerlere, yaaya ve davranlara dnlmek istenmektedir.
Toplumlarn bir ynyle bugnlerini dnlerine, gemilerine borlu olduklar kukusuzdur. Ancak
gemiten yararlanp onu yeniden degerlendirmek ile, gemie tutsak olmak ya da gemite yaamaya
almak arasnda anlay ve davran asndan ok byk fark vardr. F. Nietzche'nin deyimiyle, ag
yaayabilmek iin, gemii hayat iin kullanmak ve olmu olanlardan yeniden tarih yapmak
gerekmektedir. Yoksa Atatrk'n srarla vurguladg gibi, uygarlgn bulularnn, fennin harikalarnn
dnyay degiiklikten degiiklige ugrattg bir dnemde, yzyllk khne dn biimleriyle ve gemie
dknlkle ulusal varlg koruma olanag yoktur. (. Turan)
l5 iirimin tek bir kaynagndan sz ederler.: Halk iiri. iirimi daha iyi anlayanlar da, Anadolu halk
trklerinden kaynaklandgn ileri srmlerdir. Oysa, iirimin kaynag olarak, tek bir konudan sz etmek
yanl olur. Yani ben yalnz halk iirimizden halk trklerinden yararlandm dersem ok eksik sylemi
olurum. Gerekten, itenlikle dncem budur. Ancak, burada unu da belirtmek isterim: bugn 64
yandaym. Bana zaman zaman halk iirinden yararland dediler, zaman zaman bir halk ozan oldugumu
sylediler, zaman zaman da dogay en gzel yansttgmdan sz ettiler. Fakat geriye bakyorum da
kendimi yaamam sanyorum, yani ne dogay grdm belki de ne halkn yaamn ok yakndan
grebildim, adeta bir insan yatrm uyutmular da uyanm gibiyim. Bunu yaamn her annda bylece
iimde duydum. (C.K.)
l6 Sanat yaptn, olaganst yetenekte bir insann yarattg uyumlu dzen olarak ele alan l9. yzyl kkenli
gr ile bu gre dayal eletiri, gnmzdeki yazn bilimsel aratrmann dogrudan dogruya
benimsedigi bir ilke olmaktan kmtr. Bu grn temelinde, her sanat yaptnn Tanrsal nitelikli bir
yaratma, her sanatnn da bir dahi oldugu inanc yatar. l960'lara degin, sanat eletirisinde rtk bir
biimde de olsa sregelen bu inan, gnmzde bir snav geirmektedir. agda sanat kuramnn, bu
arada yaznbilimsel aratrmann temel savlarndan biri, sanat rnlerini bu tr snrlayc kesin-
lemelerden uzak olarak ele almak, insann sanat etkinligini bir bakma gkten yere indirmektir.
2. Btn sanat yaptlarn aklamaya yetecek kapsamda soyut bir estetik dizgenin varlg dnlemeyecegi
gibi, yazn rnlerini inceleyecek kuramlar da felsefeden ok, yaznsal metinlerin kendi somut yaplarndan
gelimek zorundadr artk. Yaznbilimsel aratrma, her eyden nce, yazl szn etkisi ile okurda buldugu
yant gz nnde tutmaldr. Bir dilin btnn yneten iletiim ilkeleri asndan baklrsa, byk yapt
diye benimsene gelmi yaznsal rneklerin oluumu, kavran, etkisi, yaznd diye nitelenen dilsel
rnlerinkiyle birok ynden ortaktr. ilk aamada bu iki tr etkinligi de belirleyen dilsel yasalar temelde
ayndr. (A.G.)
20 agmza bilim ag demekte haklyz. Geri bilime inanmayanlar inananlardan ok ve insanlarn byk
ogunlugu bilimden geregince yararlanmyor henz; ama insanlar mutluluga gtrecek tek yolun bilim
yolu oldugu dncesinin dnya devletlerince benimsenmesi ve bilimin gnden gne artan bir hzla en
yoksul insanlara kadar ister istemez yayldg ag bizim agmz oldu. Politikaclar her zamanki gibi bilim
adamlarn ne kadar hor grrse grsnler, kendilerine yurtlarnda ve dnyada destek bulmak iin, hi
degilse balang gnlerinde, bilimden yana olduklarn sylemek zorunda kalyorlar. Tanry bilimden
stn grenler bile agmzda, eski karlarn koruyabilmek iin, bilim adamlarn, diledikleri gibi
konuturmak zere satn alyor, ya da bilimin yetersizligini ileri sren umutsuz ve ktmser bilginleri
destekliyorlar. (S.E.)
30 Bilimde nemli hedeflerden biri de DNA gibi dev molekllerin yaplarnn ku-vantum mekanigi kullanlarak
hesaplanabilmesidir. Bunun gereklemesi ile molekln u paralarnn ugrayacag yapsal degiimin
kimyasal zelliklere ne tr etki yapacag belirlenecektir. Elde edilecek bu bilgiler genetik kadar canl cansz
ara yzeyi/interface tasarmlarna da yardmc olabilecektir. Ayrca biyolojide ancak makro dzeyde kalan
eitli srelerin temeline de kolaylkla inilebilecektir. Gnmzde super bilgisayarlarla l000-2000
atomdan oluan makro molekllerin enerji ve atom yaplar hesaplanabilmektedir. Yakn bir gelecekte
paralel ilem yapabilen bilgisayarlar ve uygun algoritmalar kullanlarak l00.000 atomdan oluan daha
byk molekllerin hesaplanabilmesi beklenmektedir.
33 Dnya nfus ve kalknma konferans, Birlemi Milletlerin bu konuda lke hkmetleri dzeyinde
dzenledigi ilk konferans olmamasna karn nceki konferanslara gre (yanl nedenlerle de olsa) ok
daha byk ilgi uyandrd Nfus sorunlar konusunda yeterince duyarl olmayan Trk basn bile nfus
konusuna gnlerce yer verdi; zel televizyonlar bu konuda tartma programlar dzenlediler. Konferansta
yaplan tartmalarn ve alnan karalarn basna dogru bir biimde yansdgn sylemek zor; gazeteler ve
televizyonlar konferansn daha sansasyonel tarafna agrlk verdiler ve krtaj tartmalarn, kkten
dincilerin aile ve nfus planlamas konularna bak alarn, cinsel egitim gibi konular n plana karmay
23 Trkiye'de nfus at, dogurganlkta elde edilen azalmalar nedeniy|e dme egilimine girmitir. Ancak
dogurganlktaki blgesel farkllklarn lmlere gre daha byk olmas ve yogun g hareketleri, nfus
art hzlarnn lke dzeninde dengesiz bir biimde olumasn beraberinde getirmektedir nmzdeki
yllarda Trkiye'nin gndemindeki sorunlar arasnda en nemlilerinden biri, demografik adan blgesel
farkllklarn arttrlmas, daha az g eden, daha yerleik, dogurganlk ve lmlerde istikrarl bir gelime
iin de bulunan bir nfus yapsna ve daglmna ulalmasdr. Ekonomik ve toplumsal gelime
dnlrken, demografik gelime de denklemin ihmal edilmemesi gereken gelerinden birisi olarak gz
nnde tutulmaldr.
24 Tarmsal aratrmaclarn amac retimi arttrmak ve ekonomik adan da bunu en dk maliyetle
gerekletirmektir. Bu amaca ulamak iin sadece toprak, bitki ve atmosfer sistemi arasnda geliimini
srdren bitkinin, toprak ve biyolojik zelliklerinin aratrlmas yeterli degildir. Bitki geliimi ile
meteorolojinin ilikisinin iyi analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Tarmsal meteo-' rolojinin amac da tarmsal
retimin miktar ve kalitesi zerine meteorolojik olaylarn etkilerini belirlemektir.
25 Organ nakli tasarsna gre, kiinin organlarn baglayp baglamayacag konusundaki zgr seimine
karlmamakta, yalnzca bu seimin sonucu-nu, eger sonu olumsuzsa, beyan etmesi istenmektedir. O
nedenle, kiinin iradesine zorlama sz konusu degil, aksine kiinin kiilik hakkna sayg sz konusudur.
Hukuk sistemimize gre de, len kiinin kullanmadg bir hakk yaknlarnn kullanmas sz konusu
olamadg gibi, len kii hukuken mal kapsamnda olmadgndan zerinde bir miras hakknda
bulunmamaktadr. Yeni tasar organ bag olayn da bu sisteme uygun bir konuma getirecektir.
26 Kalp hastalklarndan lm orannn dnyada en yksek oldugu lkelerden biri olarak bilinen ngiltere'de
yag tketimi son kerte yksek. Daha nceki raporlarda da oldugu gibi, son raporlar da bireyleri yag, tuz ve
eker tketi-, mi konusunda uyaryor. Ancak yeni rapor bir adm daha ileri giderek bu besin aklarnn
yeme alkanlgnda yaplacak kk bir degiiklikle nasl giderilecegine de k tutuyor.
34 Saglkl bir ses iin kulagn saglam olmas gerekir; nk kulagmz sesimizi biofeedback sistemi ile
denetler. 'Agzndan kan kulag duymuyor' deyimi her ne kadar bu durum iin sylenmemi olsa da,
kulag duymayan kiilerin seslerini kontrol edemeyerek bagrarak konutuklar hepimizin dikkatini
ekmitir. zellikle arkclarn ses tonundan uygun notay karp karamadg
degelendirebilme si gerekir. itmesi bozuldugu iin sahneleri gen yata terk etmek zorunda kalan
birok nl ses sanats vardr.
31 Olaylar anlamak onlar kontrol etmeye yol aar. Anlayamadgmz olaylarn kullanlmasna muhayyilemiz
yetmiyor. lgn atomlarn degime halinden dogdugunu grendikten sonra suni k yapld, laser yapld.
Ve bu g kullanarak baka olaylar anlamaya altk. Szgelimi ekirdek fizigini tam anlayamadgmz
iin nkleer enerjiyi tam kontrol etmeyi baaramadk. Nkleer enerji son yl ncesinden beklenen olumlu
sonularn, harcanan milyarlarca para ve emege karn, veremedi. Bilim deneme yanlma dzeyinde
kalrsa byk sonular elde etmenin olanag azdr. Bence imdiki durumda tehlikeli olan ekirdek enerjisini
hzla kullanmak yerine, ekirdek fizigini daha iyi anlamaktr. Ayn biimde insan vcudunun almasn
tam anlayamadgmzdan hastalgn geliini ve tedavisini kontrol edemiyoruz. (CBT)
2. BLM
agmzn bir olgusu olan eviri etkinligi yzyllardr birok bilim adamnn, yazarn, diplomasinin
odak noktas haline gelmi ve gnmzde de uluslarn, lkelerin, zel kurum ve kurulularla irketlerin
ilgi alan olma zelligini srdrmeye devam etmitir.
Diller ve kltrler aras bir aktarm olarak niteledigimiz eviriyi Vardar (l98l:l72-l73) btn
aglarda karmza kan bir etkinlik, eitli uygarlklar arasnda kpr kuran, degiik toplumlardan
bireyleri birbirine yaklatran, her trden ekin-sel degeri, iinde oluturdugu tarihsel-toplumsal evrenin
dna tayan, o evreden olmayan kiilerin yararlanmasna sunan, uygarlklar, ekinler aras bir
iletiim, bildiriim arac olarak tanmlamaktadr.
ok karmak ve etin bir ugra alan olan eviriyi, Ata bir kadna benzet-inekte "sadg gzel,
gzeli sadk olmaz" diye tanmlamaktadr. te yandan Halman (l99l:l3-l5) evirinin nankr bir i
oldugunu, basit bir formlnn bulunmadgn, ayr bir kimyas ve dehasnn oldugunu belirtiyor.
eviriyi bir evlilige benzeten Halman, beklenmedik izdivalarn byk mutluluklar getirebildiginden ve
bunun tersinin de dogal olarak mmkn olabileceginden sz eder. deal bir evlilik dnlemi-yecegi
gibi, ideal bir eviri formlnn de olamayacagn belirterek, bu nedenle eviriyi genellemelerden
soyutlayp, nihai bir rn, yaratc bir aba olarak degerlendirmek gerektigini vurgular.
Gktrk (l986:9) ise evirinin sadece anlamn yabanc bir dilden tandk bir i dile aktarlmas
olmadgn, baka dillerin tanmladg baka dnyalarn tantlmas, tek tek diller tesinde bir ortak dil,
dillerin dili oldugunu belirtir.
Nasl tanmlanrsa tanmlansn, eviri diller aras ve kltrler aras bir akta-^ nm, baka bir deyile
bir dogal dildeki bildirinin anlamsal ve ilevsel edegerini saglayarak baka bir dogal dilde aktarma
olgusudur. Diller aras eviri dzleminde her ne kadar dillerin dzg birimleri arasnda tam bir
edegerlik szkonusu olmasa da bildiriler yabanc dzg birimlerinin edegerli karlklar olarak kabul
edilmek-.] tedir.
eviri ediminin iki temel boyutu olan +&" ve )6"t62 edegerlik olgusunda nemli bir yere sahiptir.
eviri bilimcinin grevi bu iki boyutu birden aratrmak ve edegerlik kavramna bu yolda bir yaklam
Diller arasnda tam bir edegerliligin olmamas dilsel adan eviride bilgi yi-timine neden oldugu
gibi, kltrel-toplumsal nedenlerden dolay da bilgi yitimine yol atg bilinmektedir. Gerekten her dilin
kendine zg bi yaps vardr. Kaynak dildeki bir bildiri erek dildeki bir bildiri biimine girerken kaynak
dildeki dzg ge-regince oluturulan bildirideki geler tamamen veya ksmen erek dilde oluturulan
bildiriye yerletirilemez veya tam olarak ifade edilemez. Bu durum bildirinin aksamasna, bilgi yitimine
neden olur. Diller akmadg srece bu tr bilgi kayplarnn g&+*2&"%*s& olanag da yok gibi
Degiik szlerin anlamlar, kullanmlar ve ilevleri arasnda bir rtme varsa ancak o zaman ayn
saylabilirler. Edeger szcklerin ise enok gnlk konuma dilinde var oldugu varsaylmaktadr.
Degiik szlerden anlam benzerligi olarak soyutlandgmz ey, ilevleri asndaki rtmedir.
Anlam bakmndan edegerli szcklerin, szlk karlklarnn szcg szcgne evirisinde ne tr
anlam karklklarna yol aabilecegine pek-ok rnek vardr. Zira szcklerin kimi kez baka
anlamlar da vardr. rnegin, Ladykiller' (apkn) kadn katili, 'Confidence man' (dzenbaz) gvenilir
adam, 'Red-handed' (sust) krmz elli gibi szcg szcgne evrildiginde bu tr yanlglara
dlebilir. Bu nedenle evirmen, eviri yaparken yaltlm birimler olarak szcklerle degil, baglam
iindeki szcklerle ugramak durumundadr.
Edegerlik konusunda dilbilimsel genel eviri kuram dilin sz dzeyinde gerekleebilecek gcl
edegerlilik trlerini incelerken kimi durumlarda l=l edegerligin bulunabilecegini, kiminde bir genin
edegeri iin birok seenegin olabilecegini, kiminde hi hazr seenegin bulunmadgn, kimi durumda
da, ancak snrl lde bir edegerlik bulunabilecegini belirtir. (Gktrk, l989:l64)
Bu konuda Newmark (l98l) kltrel, ilevsel ve betimsel edegerlikten sz ederken Bassnett
(l980:25) Popovi'ten yaptg bir alntda drt tr edegerlikten sz etmektedir. Bunlar;
0. Dilbilimsel edegerlik (linguistic equivalance) - kaynak ve erek dil arasnda szcg
szcgne eviri gibi.
3. Dizisel edegerlik (paradigmatic equivalence) - dilbilgisi gelerinde oldugu gibi dizisel
ifade eksenindeki geler edegerliligi gibi.
5. Biimsel (evirisel) edegerlik (stylistic/transformational equivalence) -=g6' ve erek
metinlerdeki gelerin ilevsel edegerliligi gibi.
.. Metinsel (dizimsel) edegerlilik (textual (syntagmatic equivalence)- metindeki biim ve
yap gibi edegerlik, dizimsel edegerlik.
te yandan Knigs (l985:29-47) eviride kaynak ve erek dil arasnda bire bir szcksel bir iliki
veya bir uyuma yoksa, evirmen evirinin geri kalan ksmnda j yeterli denkligi saglamak iin baz
zihinsel sreler kullanacaktr demekte ve kullan-lacak sreleri de (l) kaynak dil ii eviri. (2) gerek
metin iinde amlama (paraphrase) (3) erek metinde aklama, (4) silme (deletion), (5) dn alma
(borrowing) olarak belirlemektedir.
Levy ise eviride evrilmesi g olan szck ve deyimlerin ksaltlma veya kartlmasna iddetle
kar kmaktadr. evirmenin bu tr yldrc, gz korkutucu sorunlara are bulma sorumlulugu
olduguna inandgn belirtmektedir.
eviri sadece kaynak ve erek dil arasnda szcksel ve dilbilgisel bir ede- gerlik kurabilme
becerisi degildir. Ayn zamanda kaynak dildeki bildiriyi deyi, anlam, ilev kltrel bakmdan da en
dogal biimde aktarabilme becerisidir. eviride edegerlik sznden ayn olmak anlam
karlmamaldr. Zira ayn dilde bile bir yaznn iki basm ogu kez ayn olmayabiliyor. Bu nedenle
eviride tam edegerlik saglamak hayli zor bir sorun olarak karmza kmaktadr. zellikle Trke ve
ngilizce asndan bu i bir hayli sorunlar yaratabilir. nk szck varlg asndan baktgmzda
ngilizce'nin yaklak 600.000 den fazla szcge sahip oldugu, halbuki en son TDK ca yaymlanan
szlge gre Trke'nin szck varlgnn ise 40-50 bin dolaylarnda yani ngilizce'nin onda biri kadar
oldugu grlmektedir. Bu nedenle szck dagarcg asndan ok yoksul olan Trke'ye ngilizce'den
eviri yapmak hayli sorun yaratabilir. Diger taraftan Trke'nin de kendine zg ses ve imgeleri,
nanslar vardr. Bu bakmdan Trke bir szcgn ngilizce'de edegerini bulmak l da pek kolay
olmasa gerek. rnegin Divan iiri zelliklerini, Tasavvuf Felsefesini j ve Farsa'y bilmeyen bir
evirmenin 'can' szcgn 'life', 'soul', 'spirit', 'heart' gibi s,=6)"*2+*' hangisine edeger
sayacagna karar vermesi zorluk yaratabilir. Ayn ekilde Mehmet Akifin "Can canan btn varm
alsnda hda" dizesindeki 'can' ile Yunus Emre'nin "Gelin canlar bir olalm" dizesindeki 'can' nasl
evirecegi de ] ayn ekilde sorun yaratabilir gibi grnmektedir.
Yine ngilizce'deki 'watercloset, 'restroom', 'toilet' gibi szcklerin Trke'ye l evirisinde 'O O',
'yznumara', 'tuvalet', WC, 'kenef, 'memihane', 'ayakyolu' gibi l szcklerden hangisiyle
karlanabilecegi evirmeni hayli dndrmesi gereken bir l durum olarak karmza kmaktadr.
Diger taraftan evvel zaman iinde kalbur ] saman iinde onlar ermi muradna, biz kalm kerevetine
gibi anlatmlar da sorun olacaktr.
Gerek gstergelere verilen anlamlar, gerekse szck bekleri ve tmcelerin dzenlenii asndan
tamamen zde iki dilin olmay nedeniyle diller arasnda mutlak bir edegerlik saglamak olanaksz
oldugundan eviride kayplar sorunu da bu srecin bir sonucu olarak kanlmaz olacaktr.
eviride kltrel-toplumsal etkenlere gelince: her toplumun kendine zg bir yaay, bir dnce
tarz, bir uygarlk gemii vardr. Dil dedigimiz olgu ise toplumlarda bu ortam iinde geliir, ilevini
yerine getirir. Bu nedenle de degiik kltrle, degiik dnce ve duygulara sahip kiiler yaratrlar.
Vardar'n da (l990:99) belirttigi gibi her dil belli bir ekin ve uygarlk evresinde, belli bir toplumsal
ortamda ilevini yerine getirir, bu etkenlerle yogrulur srekli olarak. Ekinsel-toplumsal olgulardan
kaynaklanan degerlerle yer alr toplum bilincinde, kendine zg bir dn-ce ve duygu kalb sunar
bireylere. Onun iin, diller yalnz i yaplar bakmndan degil, d ortamlar asndan da birbirinden
ayrlr. Bilgi yitimine yolaan, eviriyi gletiren engeller bu dzlemde de evirmenin karsna dikilir.
Ancak diller arasnda kltrel kken birligi ve paralel bir gelime sz konusu ise, bunun eviride
bilgi yitimi sorununu azaltacag sylenebilir. yleyse ngilizce ve Trke gibi birbirinden ok farkl iki dil
arasnda yaplan eviride de belirtilen nedenlerden dolay bilgi yitimi olgusu kanlmazdr. rnegin,
Trk kltrnde var . olan 'Allah raz olsun', 'ban sagolsun', 'kyamet mi kopar', 'Allah gani gani
rahmet eylesin' gibi deyileri bilgi yitimi olmakszn ngilizce'ye evirmek olas grlmemektedir.
Olaya iletiimsel-edegerlik asndan baktgmzda, bir dile ya da kltre zg apayr konularla
ieriklerin, ama dilde seslenilen okurun, en kolay anlayabilecegi bir biimde aktarlmas gerekir.
rnegin ngilizce bir metindeki 'fish and chips'in ngiliz gndelik yaama kltr iindeki, btn lkeye
yaygn yeri ile snf belirleyici agrm Trke'ye belki de ancak 'kfte ekmek' deyimiyle evrilmesiyle
kullanmsal edegerini bulacaktr. (Gktrk l986:87)
Tm belirtilenlerden anlalacag gibi edegerliligin degiik gelere bagl ok ynl bir kavram
oldugu grlmektedir. Koller (ev. Gktrk l986:76) eviride be tr edegerlilikten sz etmektedir.
Bunlar; (l) Dz anlamsal edegerlilik, (2) Yanan-lamsal edegerlilik, (3) Metin tr gelenekleriyle ilgili
edegerlilik, (4) Dil kulla-nmsal edegerlilik, (5) Biimsel edegerliliktir. Burada evirmene den
grev hangi tr edegerliligin hangi metine uygun olacagna iyi karar verip dogru ve yerinde
eviri diger bir adan anlama ve anlatma olaydr. Malcolm Marsh (l987:23-30) eviriyi anlama ve
anlatmay ieren iki blml bir ilem olarak tanmlamaktadr. Anlama, farkl anlam dzeylerini
alglayabilmek ve bunun metnin baglam alan ile bagdalrlgn kavrayabilmek iin kaynak dilde derin
bir bilgiye sahip olmakla gerekleir. Anlatma ise kaynak dilde dogru olarak ne anladgmz mmkn
oldugunca dogru olarak ayn biemde erek dilde yeniden yaratabilme becerisidir. Marsh ayrca
anlamada drt tr anlam olayndan szetmektedir. Bunlar, (l) Dilbilimsel anlam, (2) Kavramsal anlam,
(3) Edimsel ve szbilimsel anlam, (4) Kl trel-toplumsal anlamdr.
Grldg gibi eviri edimi sanldgndan daha zor ve aklanmas g kar-nak bir olgudur.
eviride birimler her zaman daha byk birimler iine gmldr. Szckler tmcelerin, tmceler
paragraflarn, paragraflar da blmlerin &/&'* gmldr. Diger yandan metnin btn bir durumun, bu
durum da bir kltrn iine gmldr. Bu ilikiler, en st birim kltr olmak zere hiyerariktir. (paul
Kussmaul, ev. H. Cavit Tuncer, l988:90-95) Bu nedenle eviride kltr etkeninin en byk paya
sahip oldugunu hi akldan karmamak gerekir.
Grldg gibi eviri edimi sanldgndan daha zor ve aklanmas g karmak bir olgudur. imdi
bu karmak olgu iinde evirmene den grevleri grelim:
Bugn 20 yl ncesinde kyasla ngiltere'deki byk irketler ve kurulularn uluslararas
ilikilerinde egitimli evirmenler grev yapmaktadrlar. Fakat 20 yl nce bu meslege girenlerin hemen
hepsi ans eseri evirmenlik yapmak iin meslege girmi olanlardan oluuyordu.
Gnmzde geimlerini sadece evirmen olarak saglayan insan says hakknda saglkl bir tahmin
yapmak gtr, ama bu saynn olduka az oldugunu syle- ] yebiliriz. Yine bu evirmenlerin ok
aznn gerekten evirmen olarak yetitiklerim veya egitimli evirmen olduklarn sylemek hayli
gtr. (Verrinder l983: 27-33) Fakat agmzn eviri ag oldugunu dnrsek bu meslegin ne
kadar nemli oldu- gu meydana kmaktadr. Baz degimelere tank olsak da, bugn bile bu meslege
l gereken nemin verildigini syleyebilmek iin ok iyimser olmak gerekir.
Nerede alrlarsa alsnlar evirmenler bilgi ve becerilerini gelitirmeye, g6'*" gelimeler ile
ihtisas alanlarndaki gelimeleri izlemek iin diger evirmen-lerle iliki kurarak kendilerini srekli
yenilemeye gayret etmek zorundadrlar.
evirmen, kaynak metinle, alcs her kim olursa olsun erek metin arasnda bir aracdr. evirmen
sadece iki dili bilen biri degil, ayn zamanda iki kltr arasn-daki glkleri yenerek anlam aktarm
yapan kiidir. (B. Hatim l990 : 224-225)
te bu nedenle evirmen her iki dilin kltrn ok iyi tanmal, eger tan iniyorsa bu eksikligini
gidermeye istekli ve hazr bir kii olmaldr. Hepsinden +$!$ nemlisi evirmenin kaynak dili doyurucu
bir biimde bilmesi ve erek dil zerinde de tam bir denetime sahip olmas gerekmektedir.
evirmen, yalnzca iletinin aka ortada olan ierigini anlamakla kalmamal, ince anlam
ayrmlarn, szcklerin anlaml, cokusal degerlerini ve iletinin "tadm ve ruhunu" belirleyen biimsel
zelliklerini de kavramaldr. Ayrca evirmen hem] kaynak dilin hem de ama dilin ilevlerini iyi bilmek
zorundadr. Yani metindeki dil devinin anlatmc m (expressive), bilgilendirici mi (informative), yoksa
ynlendiri--i mi (vocative) olup olmadgn ayrt edebilmelidir. (Yurdanur Salman l987:l0l Nidida'dan
evirmenin kaynak ve erek dili genel olarak bilmesi de yeterli degildir. rnegin Trke bilen bir kii
Trkeyi iyi bilebilir, ama uzmanlk alan degilse bir ekonomi veya kardiyoloji alannda hi bilgi sahibi
olmayabilir. yleyse evirmen kaynak ve erek dilin yannda eviri yapacag alan hakknda da geni
bilgiye sahip olmaldr.
evirmende bulunmas gereken diger bir nemli zellik de sezgili bir kii olmas ve yazmsal
anlatm yetisine sahip olmasdr. Son olarak Vardar'n (l990-l00) da belirttigi gibi evirmenin amac
dillerin ayrlgn bildirimi aksatmayacak bir dzeye indirerek erek bildirinin kaynak bildiriyle
edegerliligini saglamak olduguna gre retici-dnmsel dilbilgisi rneginden esinlenerek saptamal,
bylece daha geerli zmlere dogru yol almaldr. Yani kaynak dilin yzeysel yapsndan, ger-
eklemi tmce ya da bildiriden kalkarak derin yapya, mantksal anlamsal temel alanlara inmek,
sonra da bundan kalkarak erek dilin edeger yzeysel yaplarna ulamak gerekir. Bu iki ilemden
birincisi anlama srecine, ikincisi ise anlatma srecine ilikindir. Gerekten de ama yalnzca bildiriyi
zmek ya da anlamak degil, ayn zamanda, anladgn yeniden dzglemek, uygun biimde
anlatmak, derin yapdan erek dilin yzeysel yapsna geerken dilsel dzenegin gerektirdigi
dnmleri yapmaktr.
Sonu olarak evirmenin her iki dili ve o dillerin kltrlerini iyi bilmenin ya-nsra sezgili ve aktarm
yetisi olan bir kii olmas gerekir.
evirmen yabanc dili ve o dilin kltrn ne kadar iyi bilse de o dil karsnda yine de bir yabanc
olarak kalacak, en azndan bu duyguyu tayacak ve kendini ok rahat hissetmeyecektir.
imdi de dilbilim ile eviri, evirmen ilikisine biraz deginelim:
Newmark (l98l:5) eviri kuramn dilbilim ve karlatrmal dilbilimin bir kolu, zellikle anlam
bilimin bir yn olarak gryor ve tm anlam sorunlarnn da eviri kuram ile ilgili oldugunu belirtiyor.
te yandan Vardar (l98l:l72-l73) evi-ribilimi dallar aras bir etkinlik alan ve uygulamal dilbilimin
ok verimli bir aratrma dzlemi olarak niteliyor. Bu nedenle evirinin evirmenle, bir baka uygulama-
cs olan gretmen dnda dilbilimciyi ve gsterge bilimciyi de ilgilendirdigini belirtiyor. ite dilbilimin
balca grevi, dil birimlerinin ilkelerine uygun bir kuramlatrmasn gerekletirmektir. Dilbilimin yan
sra bildiriim kuram, toplumdilbilim, ruhdilbilim, deyibilim, yorumbilim, edimbilim, vb. dallar
gstergebilimle el ele vererek kendilerine zg kuramlarn gn bu alana saarlar.
Kocaman (l992:3l-34) eviride edegerlikten sz ederken dil yerine metin cdegerliliginden sz
etmenin daha aklc olacagndan bahsetmekte ve metinde edegerligin saglanmas asndan dilbilimin
bilgi kuramndan dnledigi artklk (re dundancy) kavramnnda neminin byk oldugunu
belirtmektedir. Kocaman artk-lg, bildirinin anlalmas iin metnin gereginden ok bilgi iermesi
olarak tanmlamaktadr. agda dilbilimin betimlemecilik, nesnellik, kapsayclk, tutarllk trnden
temel ilkelerinin eviri eletirisinde ve eviri gretiminde oluturulacak ltlere yardm olacagn
Gktrk (l989:l65) ise dilbilimci yaklamda, kullanmalk metinler (pragmatic text) evirisinde
dilbilimin, yaznsal metinler evirisine de yaznbilimle dilbilimin, ayrca yorumbilimin yol gsterici
olacagn vurguluyor.
Tuncer (l988:90-95) dilbilimsel yaklamlarn eviri ile ilgisinden szeder-ken yapsal anlambilimin
anlam biimden soyutlamaya yardm ettigi, ancak bunun da ruhbilimsel ve metinbilimsel yaklamlarla
desteklenmesi gerektigini belirtiyor. Szdizimsel yaklamlardan ilevsel-tmce zmlemesinin,
biimle metinsel anlam arasnda bagnt kurdugundan eviriye yararl bir biimde uygulanabilecegin-
den sz ediyor. Ayrca sz-eylem kuramnn, szckleri ve bu szcklerle gerekletirdigimiz edimlerle
bagntl kldg iin yararl olacagn vurguluyor. Gerekten de sz-eylem kuram metnin tutarllgn
dilsel gelerin birbiriyle ilikisinde degil szn kullanldg baglamn birliginde aradg iin nem
kazanyor. .
Bugn Bat'da eviri egitimi veren birok kurumda ders programlarnda yer alan genel dilbilim,
toplumbilim, anlambilim, ruhdilbilim, metin dilbilim ve kartla-mal dilbilim gibi derslerin tek balarna
eviri gibi ok ynl ve karmak bir olguyu zmlemeye gleri yetmese bile evirinin bir bilim
olmasna byk katklar saglayacagn hatrdan karmamak gerekir.
eviri gretimi, ussal ve bilisel bir sretir ve dilbilim bunun aralarn saglayabilir. Bu nedenle
dilbilimin teknik ve yntemleriyle ussal savlarn ve sezgilerin baar ile kullanlmasnda eviri gretim
ve uygulamasnda evirinin bir bilim olmasna byk katklar olacagn vurgulamakta yarar gryoruz.
eviribilim her ne kadar uygulamal dilbilimin bir dal olarak gelimise de, gnmzde kendi ierisinde
bir btn oluturan, bagmsz bir bilim niteligi kazanmaktadr.
Ahmet Cemal (l978:46-477) zellikle yaznsal bir eviri sz konusu oldugunda kapsaml bir yorum
ilemini gerekli klan eviride dogru yoruma ulaabilmek, kaynak dil ve erek dil arasnda edegerligi
saglayabilmek, ancak dilbilimden, anlam-bilimden vb. geregince yararlanmakla olur demektir.
;2*s*28&'g 3oo+
>&*'t&sts 3&'+ o5t 9!7 s$"t sto;s 3oo+ 2ott&'g
For thousands of years, salt has been used to !reserve food. A wide range of meat, fish and other
!erishable 4oodstu44s can be kept for a long time if they are salted. But until recently no one has known
!recisely how this works. Recent research by the U.S. Agricultural Department suggests that high
concentrations of salt make life difficult for the bacteria that are responsible for spoiling food. This,
a!!arently, is what happens. When bacteria enter a salty environment, they have to work
e8!ectionally hard. Salt u!sets the fluid balance of bacteria, so the bacteria have to pump out the salt.
This demands a lot of energy, which exhausts them. While bacteria are working so hard, they are less
able to take in essential nutrients. So their energy is reduced even more, to a point at which they are
unable to reproduce. Because the bacteria cannot grow, they are less able to damage the food.
to !reserve. saklamak a!!arently. anlald" kadar
rot. bo$ulma e8ce!tionally hard. ola"anst ok
!erishable 4oodstu44. bo$ulabilir yiyecek to u!set. altst etmek
!recisely . tam olarak nutrient. temel besin maddeleri concentration. miktar
B!&'*s* 25&'s
N*9"7 +&so8*2*+ 2*%$&'s o3 $' $'&*'t &8&"&=$t&o' %$7 $++ $ t!o5s$'+ 7*$2s to B!&'*s*
Scholars and archaelogists used to date China's first state or dynasty, from about 2000 BC.
Remains from this time-known as the Xia Dynasty-have been found in the Yellow River area of central
Signs of other, older remains were first revealed in l979 in another part of China when heavy rains
5ashed a5ay the soil in an area of Liao-Ning province in northeast China. Digging began in l983.
After several years' work, archaeologists have now announced their finds. They have uncovered stone
tombs, a temple, statues, painted !ottery, the head of a goddess with 7ade eyes and a vividly-carved
jade dragon. The discovery is remarkable because these remains seem to date from as long as 5000
years ago-one thousand years earlier than the Xia Dynasty. There is evidence of a big city with lots of
buildings. This suggests that a highly-organized society with a developed religious structure existed in
China around 3000 BC. lf this is so, early Chinese civilization was contemporary with the human
settlements in the lands around the 9u!hrates (Mesopotamia) and the western Mediterranean
(Ancient Eg7;tC. The Chinese say this may mean a complete rewriting of their early history.
ruin. harabe goddess. tanra
dynasty. hanedan vividly. canl biimde
)ign- gsterge dragon. e7der
remain. kalnt 7ade. yeil renkli
5ash a5ay. srklemek date. ..e kadar gtrmek
tomb. me$ar settlement. yerleim alan
tem!le. ta!nak 9u!hrates. Rrat !ottery. anak mlek
L*$+ ;o&so'&'g
M&""&o's o3 !&"+2*' o5"+ -* $t 2&s) -*$5s* o3 t2$+&t&o'$" ;2$t&*s
Many people in the western world are worried about the amount of lead they and their children are
absorbing 4rom the environment. Lead in the exhaust fumes from traffic and in paints on toys or
furniture that children might suck have been the sub7ect o4 legislation in many countries.
Lead accumulates in the. body and can cause stillbirths, nervous disorders and mental retardation.
Researchers have discovered that some traditional Asian and Arab medicines and cosmetics are
causing lead !oisoning among the Asian communities they studied in the United Kingdom and Kuwait,
and may also be a44ecting children in parts of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Traditionally, surma is thought to have beneficial effects. Many women wear it as a cosmetic. lt is
also applied to the eyes and eyebrows of small children. But surma is made from a rock that contains
lead. Applied to the skin, particularly around the eyes, the lead gets into the bloodstream via the tear
ducts. Mothers can pass it on to their babies in the womb. Some Asian families treat childrens
convulsions and vomiting, probably caused by lead poisoning, by exposing the child to the fumes of
yet more lead. The families heat lead, in a practice called Bokhoor, believed to disperse evil spirits and
calm the child.
Dr. Mohammed Aslan of Nottingham University, in England, who has been leading the
researchers, stresses that most people are una5are o4 the dangers they 4ace by following these
traditional practices. He hopes that health ministries in countries where lead-based cosmetics are on
sale will organize health education programmes for the medical profession and the general population.
lead !oisoning. kurun $ehirlenmesi via. yoluyla
the sub7ect o4 legislation. yasa konusu tear ducts. g$ya kanallar
stillbirth. l do"um to dis!erse. da"tmak
mental retardation. $ihin gerili"i una5are. habersi$
a44ect. etkilemek to 4ace. kar karya gelmek
B2$&' s52g*o's "*$2' $-o5t "$'g5$g*
D!&! !$"3 o3 t!* -2$&' o't2o"s t!* abstract concepts o3 "$'g5$g*S
lt is well known that the left and right halves of the brain s!eciali$e in different things. The right side
of the brain controls the left half of the body, as well as visio-s!atial and visio-mani!utative functions.
(These are involved in actions such as hitting a tennis ball, using a pen, not bumping into furniture.)
The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. lt also controls speech, by nerve cells in
the left side of the brain which are connected to our tongues and lips.
Doctors in the United States now have reason to believe that the left brain also controls language
itself. lt seems that something about the inter-connections of the nerve cells in that side of our heads is
specialized to deal with such abstract concepts as syntax and grammar.
>ea4 and 2 or dumb people often use language instead of speech. Sign language is clearly a
complex s!atial and mani!ulative skill. Recently doctors in the United States had to perform an
operation called a lobectomy on a woman suffering from sei$ures. The operation involves making a
cut in the lobe on one half of the brain. Usually surgeons prefer to perform a lobectomy on the right
side of the brain. On the left side of the brain the operation can affect the patient's ability to speak. But
in this case the woman needed to use sign language in her work. She could hear and speak herself
but earned her living by working with deaf people and was fluent in American Sign Language.
ln an experiment before the operation, doctors injected the patient with a drug that tem!orarily
affected the left side of her brain. They found that this effected both her ability to speak and her use of
sign language. Eventually a lobectomy was performed on her right brain. Happily, the operation was a
success. The woman has no more seizures and both her speech and sign language are unaffected.
Sign languages, like spoken languages, have grammar and synta8. lnstead of word order or
changes in word endings, sign languages indicate grammatical functions by s!atial relationshi!. lt
seems that the right side of the brain may be necessary for learning sign language, but, once learned,
sign language is then controlled by the left brain. American doctors are trying to test this idea.
surgeon. cerrah
abstract conce!t. soyut kavram
s!eciali$e in. u$manlamak
visio-s!atial. evreyi grme trnden
visio mani!ulative. evreyi denetleme trnden test. snamak
dea4 and dumb. sa"r ve dilsi$
sign language. iaret dili
s!atial and mani!ulative skill. yer ve ynlendirme becerisi
sei$ures. hastalk nbeti
tem!orarily. geici olarak
synta8. s$di$imi
s!atial relationshi!s. yer ilikileri
lt is surprising that we still understand very little about the cause of ageing. Although life
expectancy has increased dramatically in the past 200 years, his appears to be due more to the
progress in simple hygene and nutrition than to spectacular advances in medicine or the treatment of
disease. However, the relative frequency of different causes of death has changed dramatically since
the advent of chemotherapy.
Qoo2 $&+
I't*2'$t&o'$" $&+ to Et!&o;&$ s$8*+ 3*9*2 "&8*s t!$' &t o5"+ !$8* +o'*
Danish researchers have analysed samples of food sent to 4amine victims and six out of ten did not
contain enough minerals. The sam!les were taken from various distribution !oints throughout Ethiopia
and analysed for magnesium and potassium-two minerals vital for the body's growth and regeneration.
Some samples provided only half the normal re6uirements of a healthy adult, assuming a daily ration
of 500 grams of cereal and 30 grams of vegetable oil. The researchers add, in a report in the British
medical journal The Lancet, that starving !eo!le often need more minerals to counteract infections.
The researchers, who work at Aarhus University and Hvidovre Hospital, offer some solutions. First,
relief food should contain rough cereals rather than highly-refined foods, such as polished ice and
white flour. Secondly, legumes, bean flour or groundnuts should be added to the daily ration. Finally,
food should be cooked in as little water as possible, to reduce the loss of minerals.
aid. yardm cereal. tahl
4amine victims. alk kurbanlar starving !eo!le. alk eken insanlar
distribution !oint. da"tm yeri counteract. ..kar savamak
regeneration. (vcudun) onarm relie4 4ood. yardm amal yiyecek
sam!le. rnek rough. ke!ekli
re6uirement. gereksinme legumes. bakliyat
daily ration. gnlk er$ak reduce. a$altmak
T!* %&ss&'g '*)"$*
A $%*2$ $'+ $ o%;5t*2 !$8* re/ealed t2$*s o3 so%*t!&'g 9!&! ;*2!$;s %&""&o's o3 ;$&2s o3
*7*s have 4ailed to see &' t!* "$st 4JL 7*$2s: t!* Mo'$ L&s$Es "ost '*)"$*
A discovery about a famous painting has been made, not by an art historian, or a !icture restorer,
but by an American physicist using techniques developed for space photography.
The Mona Lisa (also known as La Giaconda), painted by the ltalian, Leonardo da Vinci, hangs in
the Louvre art gallery in Paris. A special photograph was made of the painting. This photograph was
scanned and converted into digital 4orm ready for processing by a computer at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena. There, technicians revealed a row of white s!ots on the neck, probably the
remains of a pearl necklace which the artist later painted over.
Now the Louvre plans to examine the painting further using in4ra-red scanning techniques. Laser
technology can be used to show what lies beneath the surface of the finished work, too. This will help
us to understand the methods used by artists. Did the artist begin with a rough sketch, for example?
Did he make a detailed drawing and paint over that? Did he have second thoughts as he painted the
This kind of knowledge will show us the creative person at work. lt may also help to explain Mona
Lisa's enigmatic smile, which has puzzled art lovers for centuries.
'he missing necklace. kay! gerdanlk s!ot. benek
reveal. ortaya karmak in4ra-red. k$l tesi
4ail to see. grememek, grmeyi baaramamak to have second thoughts.
!icture restorer. resim d$eltmeni duraksamalar olmak
to be scanned. elektronik ileme tabi tutmak rough sketch. kaba taslak
to be converted. dntrlmek enigmatic. gi$emli
D$'g*2s o3 s%o)&'g
>%o)&'g $' dama)e 7o52 !*$"t!?*8*' &3 7o5E2* $ 'o'?s%o)*2
The links between cigarette smoking and cancer (particularly lung cancer) are now 5ell
established, and have led to many smokers giving up the habit. But a study carried out recently in the
United States shows that even non-smokers are at risk: from other people's smoke.
The study compared two closely matched groups. The people in one group were cancer sufferers
and the others did not have cancer. They were all asked about their own smoking habits and about the
smoking habits of their parents and the people they lived with. The results showed that an adult living
in a house with just one smoker has a l.4 greater risk of getting cancer than someone from a
completely non-smoking household-and the cancer risk increases with each additional smoker in the
house if you smoke yourself, as well as living with smokers, you have the same increased risk. And for
anyone who lived with smokers in childhood, the risk is doubled.
Certain cancer-causing chemicals in cigarette smoke are not inhaled by the smoker. These
potentially dangerous chemicals stay in the air and are then breathed in by others. So everyone is at
risk from a smoky atmosphere, even babies A group of doctors at the North California School of
Medicine, in the USA, has shown that babies absorb significant amounts of nicotine from tobacco
smoke. They studied babies who lived with smokers and babies who did not, and found significantly
higher levels of nicotine in samples taken from the babies e8!osed to smoke.
The doctors don't yet know exactly what harm the nicotine does to babies, especially at the low
levels they were measuring, but there is strong indirect evidence that babies who live with smokers are
much more likely to succumb to infections of the lungs and ears.
Exposure to other people's smoke during childhood and during adulthood doubles the risk of
getting cancer from passive smoking An adult can try to avoid other people's smoke but a baby can't,
so the doctors' advice to smokers is: if you must smoke and find yourself in a room with a baby, at
least open a window.
5ohn 6ilson and 7tephen 3ed)es
damage. $arar vermek to absorb. almak
5ell established. iyice anlalm to succumb. yakalanmak, boyun e"mek
to double. iki katna kmak e8!osure. kar karya kalmak
to inhale. solukla ieri almak
T!* !*$2t?"5'g %$!&'*
The heart-lung machine is used for maintaining the circulation and oxygenation of the patient's
blood. lt consists of an artificial lung, pumps, tubes and devices for controlling the heat and filtering the
blood. The artificial lung serves to oxygenate the blood, which is diverted from the vena cava before
reaching the heart.
On leaving the vena cava, the blood enters a plastic tube and flows down this until it enters the
artificial lung. This is a horizontal glass cyclinder which is partly filled with blood. lt contains rotating
steel discs. After the blood enters the cylinder it forms a thin film on the surface of the discs. This
enables the blood to absorb oxygen, which is pumped through the cylinder. The oxygenated blood
subsequently passes through a heat regulator and a filter before returning to the patient's body
>t$'+$2+s o3 %*$s52*%*'t
ln early times measurements were made by comparing things with parts of the human body. Early
units of measurement included the distance from the elbow to the fingers, the width of the hand and
the width of the fingers.
Some of these human measurements are still used. For example, the inch is based on the length of
half the thumb. A foot was originally the length of a man's foot. A mile was one thousand walking
These units were only approximate, because their standard - the human body - was not constant.
Governments tried to standardise them by using rods of fixed lengths. But these rods still varied from
country to country.
During the French Revolution, scientists looked for a standard of measurement which did not
change. They chose the distance from the Equator to the North Pole, which is one quarter of the
circumference of the Earth. One ten-millionth of this was called one metre and became the basic unit
of the metric system. Other metric units are based on it. For example, the centimetre is one hundredth
of a metre. A gram-the unit of weight-is the mass of one cubic centimetre of water.
A standard metre was marked on a platinum bar. The accuracy of measuring instruments was
checked by comparing them with this bar. Nowadays the metre is standardised by comparing it with
another constant - the wavelength of a certain kind of light.
D!$t &s 2$+&$t&o'S
There is no doubt that radiation can be harmful to life. lt can also save life, when used for medical
purposes. Dangerous radiation is released with lethal e44ects
when a nuclear bomb is e8!loded, and many people fear that a nuclear power station might be
equally dangerous. There is very great concern about radioactive 5aste from power stations, which
may give off potentially lethal radiation for thousands of years. We are right to be concerned, though
not to be hysterical.
Radiation is very complicated. lt may consist of electromagnetic waves or bits of atoms moving at
high speeds, which can damage living cells. Different radioactive substances produce various types of
radiation, which have their own particular biological effects. lt is only possible to give a brief outline of
the subject here. Radioactive substances released into the environment may give off y-rays, which
affect the tissues outside the body, or they may produce B-rays, which only !enetrate a few cell layers,
and so are only effective when actually on, or in, the body. Finally, some produce a-particles, which
deposit their large amount of energy over a very short path in the tissues. These a-particles are
biologically the most damaging.
to be released. serbest kalmak hysterical. lgn, kendini kaybetmi
lethal e44ect. ldrc etki living cells. canl hcreler
to e8!lode. !atlamak give o44. samak, yaymak
5aste. artk to !enetrate. (iine) ilemek
There is strong o!!osition to erecting any nuclear !o5er stations, !artly because they themselves
may be dangerous, partly because of radioactive waste, but mainly because they produce materials
which could be used in nuclear weapons, perhaps by terrorists. lt is nuclear war, which could
e8terminate mankind, which is the great danger. lt can be argued that most countries could build
nuclear bombs whether or not the nuclear power industry e8!ands, and that mankind might as well
derive the maximum beefit from this source of energy, remembering that if it works as planned it
causes far less pollution than does the use of fossil fuels.
However, the larger the number of power stations, the greater the risk of an accident, with the
release of a dangerous amount of radiation. lt seems likely that with an enormous number of these
installations in all countries, it will be difficult to ensure that all observe the type of precaution at
present in force in the few existing stations, particularly with regard to the disposal of radioactive
waste. Thus although nuclear power has, so far, done little harm, in the long run it might well be the
most dangerous form of man-made pollution.
o!!osition. muhale4et to e8terminate. yoketmek
to erect. kurmak to e8!and. genilemek
!o5er station. elektrik santral in the long run. u$un vadede !artly. bir lde
A'$"7s&s $'+ s7't!*s&s
Two of the main !rocedures carried out by chemists are analysis and synthesis. Analysis is finding
out exactly what a substance consists of in terms o4 mi8tures, com!ounds and elements. Synthesis is
making complex materials from simpler ones. Such complex materials include plastics and 'synthetic'
ln both analysis and synthesis it is often necessary to separate solids from liquids. Some solid
substances seem to disa!!ear when they are mixed with a liquid. They dissolve to form a solution, as
when salt dissolves in water to form a salt solution. An insoluble substance can ,be separated from a
soluble one by filtration. The insoluble substance remains on the filter while the liquid passes through.
A dissolved substance, or solute, can be separated from the liquid in which it is dissolved by boiling
away the solvent. This pocess is evaporation. Alternatively, the solvent can be separated by
distillation. ln this process the liquid is boiled so that it eva!orates. The vapour is then cooled so that it
condenses again.
Two or more liquids mixed together can separate by 4ractional distillation, provided that they boil at
different temperatures. The liquid which boils at the lowest temperature is separated first, then the one
with the next lowest boiling point, and so on. This process is used for separating petrol, paraffin and
engine oil from crude oil in refineries.
!rocedure. ilem solution. $elti
in terms o4. bakmndan, asndan solute. $gen
mi8ture. karm distillation. damtma
com!ound. bileik eva!orate. buharlamak
seem to disa!!ear. grnme$ olmak 4ractional distillation. kesimli damtma
dissolve. $nmek crude oil. ham !etrol
L$t&t5+* $'+ Lo'g&t5+*
The position of places on the Earth's surface are given in latitude and longitude. These are
imaginary circles running round the Earth. Lines of latitude run vertically. They converge at the North
and South Poles.
The !osition of Chicago is 42 N and 88 W. This means that it is situated at the point where
latitude 42 crosses longitude 88. 'N' means north of the Equator. 'W' means west of the zero meridian.
This is the line of longitude which passes through Greenwich.
Positions are given in degrees. lmagine a line from the centre of the Earth to the Equator and
another line from the centre of the Earth to Chicago. The angle between these lines is 42. Similarly,
the angular distance between the zero meridian and Chicago is 88.
The Earth is not at right angles to its path round the sun. Therefore the position of the sun in
relation to the Earth's surface changes during the year. Twice a year, on March 2lst and September
2lst, the sun is vertically over the Equator. At other times it is vertically over other latitudes between
the tropical zones. These lie between the 'ro!ic o4 Sancer (23 27'N) and the 'ro!ic o4 Sa!ricorn
(2327'S). The sun is vertically over the Tropic of Cancer on June 2lst and verticaly over the Tropic of
Capricorn on December 2lst.
latitude. enlem vertically. dikey olarak
longitude. boylam to be situated. bulunmak
!osition. konum angle. a
imaginary. dsel tro!ic o4 cancer. *"lak dnencesi
hori$ontally. yatay olarak 'ro!ic o4 Sa!ricorn. ?enge dnencesi
B"&%$t& B!$'g*s
Every year there are changes in climate in different parts of the world. Some of these changes are
due to natural causes. However, some climatic changes are caused by air !ollution and these
changes may increase. One kind of pollution results from burning oil and coal in transport and in
lf the pollution a44ects the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the results are likely to be
serious. Carbon dioxide consitutes only a small part of the atmosphere. But it has an important
function in maintaining the balance between radiation from the sun entering the atmosphere and
radiation leaving the Earth. Some of the radiation is absorbed by the Earth and some is radiated back
into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere prevents some of the radiation from
leaving the atmosphere Thus the heat remains in the atmosphere and carbon dioxide helps to prevent
the temperature of the Earth from falling.
lf the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increased as a result of air pollution, the
temperature of the atmosphere may rise. This might eventually cause the ice in the north and the
south poles to melt. lf this happened, the sea level would rise and parts of the Earth would be 4looded.
The likelihood of this happening is remote, but the !ossibility exists.
There is also a fairly strong possibility that the dust level in the atmosphere will rise as a result of
industrial pollution. This dust pollution will reflect sunlight back into space. lf this happens, less sunlight
will reach the Earth and the temperature will fall.
Another danger comes from the destruction of the Earth's vegetation, such as the forests of Brazil,
which are being cleared to make way for farmland and cities. Trees use carbon dioxide and their
destruction may u!set the balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
climate. iklim eventually. sonunda
due to. -den ileri gelmek !ossibility. olaslk
!ollution. kirlenme to be 4looded. sel altnda kalmak
a44ect. etkilemek remote. u$ak
constitute. oluturmak vegetation. bitki rts
maintain. srdrmek to u!set. altst etmek
to be absorbed. emilmek
%eat causes substances to e8!and. This is because heat causes the atoms and molecules in the
substance to move more 6uickly. As a consequence, they take u! more s!ace. This is true for gases,
liquids and solids, but gases expand much more than liquids, and liquids much more than solids.
When a substance is cooled, the molecules slow down and as a result the substance contracts.
Thermostats make use of the principle of e8!ansion. The function of a thermostat is to maintain a
constant temperature over a period of time. They are used in refrigerators, heating and cooling
systems and many industrial processes.
When different materials are heated, some expand more than others. For example, if brass is
heated by one degree Celsius, it will expand by one lifty-thousandth of its length. Heating copper, on
the other hand, will cause it to expand by about 90 % of this. One kind of thermostat contains a stri! of
brass and a strip of copper which are joined to form a 'bimetallic strip'. When the strip is heated, the
different metals expand by different amounts. As a result, the strip is forced to bend towards the side
which expands less. This bending can be used to operate a valve or open and close an electrical
Such a bimetallic strip is used in central heating systems. lt switches off the heaters when the air
reaches a certain temperature, and switches them on when the temperature falls. One end of the strip
can move while the other is fixed. The free end completes an electrical circuit which controls the gas
or oil burner. The strip bends as it is heated. At a certain temperature the strip bends sufficiently to
break the contact, thereby switching off the burne. When the air cools, the strip contracts until it makes
contact and switches the burner on again.
heat. s to contract. daralmak
e8!and. genlemek brass . !irin
to move 6uickly. h$l hareket etmek stri!. abuk
as a conse6uence. sonu olarak valve. vana
take u! s!ace. yer ka!lamak bimetallic. iki metalli
to coot. so"utmak bend. bklmek e8!ansion. genleme
Do2) st2*ss
lt is often argued that as society evolves, with the accompanying changes in technology, the
'information explosion', -high-!ressure living- and an acceleration in the pace o4 li4e, man is faced with
ever-mounting pressures and that consequently he feels increasingly under stress. ln support of this
contention one finds evidence cited of an increase in illnesses recognized as sym!tomatic of
psychological stress, such as psychosis, neurosis, nervous breakdo5n, coronary disease, raised
blood pressure, dys!e!sia, ulcers and headaches. Whereas there has been a 22 per cent rise over
the last fifteen years in the amount of absence from work attributable to purely physical diseases,
during the same period there have been increases of l52 per cent for men, and 302 per cent for
women, in absence due to neurosis and psychosis. Whether such increases are indicative- solely of
increased stress is a moot !oint, since changing diagnostic practices or more 'enlightened' views
about the legitimacy of psychological reasons for absence may also be contributing factors.
Nevertheless there is sufficient evidence to 5arrant serious inquiry into stress at work.
stress. gerilim, gerginlik coronary disease. damar hastalklar
high-!ressure living. baskl yaam dys!e!sia. ha$ms$lk
acceleration. h$lanma . attribute to.-e ba"lamak
!ace o4 li4e. yaam tem!osu indicative. gsterge, belirti
ever-mounting. gittike artan moot !oint. belirsi$ konu
contention. sav, iddia legitimacy. geerlik
sym!tomatic. belirti trnden 5arrant. hakl gstermek
nervous breakdo5n. sinirsel ykm
>t2*$%?o3?o's+o5s'*ss No8*"
The type of PSYCHOLOGlCAL NOVEL which takes as its subject matter the uninterru!ted,
uneven, and endless flow of consciousness of one or more of its characters. By consciousness in this
context is meant the total range o4 a5areness and emotive-mental response of an individual, from the
lowest pre-speech level to the highest 4ully articulated level of rational thought. The assum!tion is that
in the mind of an individual at a given moment his stream of consciousness (the phrase originated in
this sense with William James) is a mixture of all the levels of awareness; an unending 4lo5 of
sensations, thoughts, memories, associations, and reflections; if the exact content of the mind
("consciousness") is to be described at any moment, then these varied, dis7ointed, and illogical
elements must find expression in a flow of words, images, and ideas similar to the unorganized flow of
the mind. The stream-of-consciousness novel uses varied techniques to represent this consciousness
adequately. ln general most PSYCHOLOGlCAL NOVELS report the flow of conscious and ordered
intelligence, as in Henry James, or the flow of memory recalled by association, as in Marcel Proust;
but the stream-o4-consciousness novel tends to concetrate its attention chiefly on the pre-speech,
non-verbali$ed level, where the lMAGE must express the unarticulated response and where the logic
of grammar belongs to another world. However differing the techniques employed, the writers of the
stream-of-consciousness novel seem to share certain common assumptions: (l) that the significant
existence of man is to be found in his mental-emotional processes and not in the outside world, (2)
that this mental-emotional life is disjointed, illogical, and (3) that a pattern of free psychological
association rather than of logical relationship determines the shi4ting sequence of thought and feeling.
stream o4 consciousness. bilin akm dis7ointed. ba"lants$
uninterru!ted. kesintisi$ varied. eitli
range o4 a5areness. bilin d$lemi association. a"rm
4ully articulated. tmyle dile getirilen non-verbali$ed. s$el olmayan
assum!tion. varsaym shi4t. de"ime
4lo5. ak
Realism is, in the broadest sense, simply 4idelity to actuality in its re!resentation in literature; a term
loosely synonymous with +9TH)HUHVH'W>93 and in this sense it has been a significant element in
almost every school of writing in human history. ln order to give it more precise definition, however,
one needs to limit it to the movement which arose in the nineteenth century, at least !artially in
reaction against ROMANTlClSM, which was centered in the NOVEL, and which was dominant in
France, England, and America from roughly mid-century to the closing decade, when it was replaced
by F&'WT&VH)U. ln this latter sense, realism defines a literary method, a philosophical and political
attitude, and a particular kind of subject matter.
Realism has been defined as "the truthful treatment of material" by one of its most vigorous
advocates, William Dean Howells, but the statement means little until the realist's concept of truth and
his selection of materials are designated Generally, the realist is a believer in PRAGMATlSM, and the
truth he seeks to find and express is a relativistic truth, associated with discernible consequences and
veri4iable by experience. Generally, too the realist is a believer in democracy, and the materials he
elects to describe are the common, the average, the everyday Furthermore, realism can be thought of
as the ultimate of middle-class art, and it finds its subjects in bourgeois life and manners. Where the
romanticist transcends the immediate to find the ideal, and the naturalist plumbs the actual to find the
scientific laws which control its actions, the realist centers his attention to a remarkable degree on the
immediate, the here and now, the specific action, and the verifiable consequence.
4idelity. ba"llk vigorous advocate. ateli savunucu re!resentation.
simgelenme relativistic. greceli
verisimilitude. do"ruluk veri4iable. do"rulanabilir !artially. bir lde
ultimate. doruk, en st d$ey
dominant. egemen, hakim transcend. tesine gemek
naturalism. do"alclk immediate. u andaki, yakn
A long narrative !oem in elevated )'?V9 presenting characters of high !osition in a series of
adventures which form an organic whole through their relation to a central figure of heroic !ro!ortions
and through their development of 9KH)*>9) important to the history of a nation or race. The origin of
epics is a matter of great scholarly dis!ute. According to one theory, the first epics took shape from the
scattered work of various unknown poets, and through accretion these early EPlSODES were
gradually molded into a unified whole and an ordered sequence. Though held vigorously by some, this
theory has generally given place to one which holds that the materials of the epic may have
accumulated in this fashion but' that the epic poem itself is the product of a single genius who gives it
STRUCTURE and expression. Epics without certain authorship are called R*V: 9KHS), whether the
scholar believes in a folk, or a single authorship theory of origins, however.
Epics, both FOLK and ART EPlCS, share a group of common characteristcs: (l) The hero is a
figure of heroic stature, of national or international importance, and of great historical or legendary
significance; l (2) the setting is vast in scope, covering great nations, the world, or the universe; (3)
the action consists of deeds of great valor or requiring su!erhuman courage; (4) supernatural forces-
gods, angels and demons interest themselves in the action and intervene from time to time; (5) a
STYLE of sustained elevation and grand simplicity is used; and (6) the epic poet recounts the deeds of
his heroes with objectivity. To these general characteristics (some of which are omitted from particular
epics), should be added a list of common devices or CONVENTlONS employed by most e!ic poets:
the poet opens by stating his theme, invokes a Muse to inspire and instruct him, and opens his
narrative in medias res-in the middle of things-giving the necessary EXPOSlTlON in later portions of
the epic; he includes catalogues of warriors, ships, armies; he gives extended formal speeches by the
main characters; and he makes frequent use of the 9KHS )HUHV9.
narrative !oem. anlat iiri accretion. birikim
elevated style. ince biem 4olk e!ic. halk destan
heroic !ro!ortions. kahramanlk boyutlarnda su!erhuman. insanst
e!isode. olay, blm muse. ilham !erisi
high !osition. yksek konumda invoke. a"rmak
scholarly dis!ute. akademik tartma e!ic simile. destans ben$etme
T7;*s o3 B2&t&&s%
Criticism is a term which has been applied since the seventeenth century to (he description,
7usti4ication, analysis, or 7udgment of works of art. There are many ways in which criticism may be
classified. Some of the more common classifications are given here, as su!!lementary to M.H.
Abrams' discrimination among the major critical theories as UHU9'HS, PRAGMATlC, 9XKT9))H+9,
and OBJECTlVE. One common dichotomy for criticism is ARlSTOTELlAN vs. PLATONlC. ln this
sense, ARlSTOTELlAN implies a 7udicial, logical, formal criticism that tends to find the values of a
work either within the work itself or inseparably linked to the work; and PLATONlC implies a moralistic,
utilitarian view of art, where the values of a work are to be found in the usefulness of art for other and
non-artistic purposes. Such a view of PLATONlC CRlTlClSM is narrow and in part inaccurate, but
those who hold it point to the exclusion of the poet from Plato's Republic, essentially what is meant by
the ARlSTOTELlAN-PLATONlC dichotomy is an intrinsic-extrinsic separation.
A separation between relativistic criticism and $-so"5t&st criticism is also often made, in which the
relativistic critic employs any or all systems which will aid him in reaching and elucidating the nature of
a work of art, whereas the absolutist critic holds that there is. one proper critical, procedure or set of
principles and no others should be applied to the critical task.
There is also an obvious division between THEORETlCAL CRlTlClSM, which attempts to arrive at
the general principles of art and to formulate inclusive and enderung acsthetic and critical tenets,
and PRACTlCAL CRlTlClSM (sometimes called "applied" criticism), which brings these principles or
standards to bear u!on particular works of art.
Criticism may also be classified according to the purpose which it is intended to serve. The
principal purposes which critics have had are: (l) to justify one's own work or to explain it and its
underlying principles to an uncomprehending audience (2) to justify imaginative art in a world that
tends to find its value 6uestionable (3) to prescribe rules for writers and to legislate taste for the
audience (4) to interpret works to readers who might otherwise fail to understand or appreciate them
(5) to judge works by clearly defined standards of evaluation (6) to discover and to apply the principles
which describe the foundations of good art.
7usti4ication. aklama, hakll"n gsterme utilitarian . yararc, 4aydac
7udgement. de"erlendirme e8clusion. karm, dlama
su!!lementary. ek relativist. greli
discrimination. ayrc absolutist. mutlak
mimetic. yknmeci inclusive. ka!sayc
e8!ressive. anlatmc to bear u!on. ba"ntlamak
dichotomy. ikili kartlk 6uestionable. tartmal, kukulu 7udicial. yargsal,
The border-line, however, between comedy and other dramatic 4orms cannot be sharply defined,
as there is much overla!!ing of technique, and different "kinds" are frequently combined. Even the
difference between comedy and Tragedy tends to disappear- as Allardyce Nicoll points out, in their
more idealistic forms. %HL% S*U9>? and V*O S*U9>? may be further apart from each other in
nature than are TRAGEDY and some serious comedy. Psychologists have shown the close relation
between laughter and tears, and TRAGEDY alike sprang, both in ancient Greece and in medieval
Europe, from diverging treatments of ceremonial performances.
Since comedy strives to provoke smiles and laughter, both WlT and HUMOR are utilized. ln
general the comic effect arises from a recognition of some incongruity of speech, action, or character
revelation. The incongruity may be merely verbal as in the case of a play on words, exaggerated
assertion, etc.; or physical, as when stilts are used to make a man's legs seem dis!ro!ortionately long;
or satirical, as when the effect depends upon the beholder-s ability to perceive the. j incongruity
between fact and pretense exhibited by a braggart. 'he range o4 a!!eal here is 5ide, varying 4rom the
crudest effects of LOW COMEDY to the most subtle and idealistic reactions aroused by some HlGH
COMEDY. The "kinds" of comedy
and, in part, the relation between comedy and TRAGEDY are thus accounted for. As one writer
says: "We have seen that comic effects have a common basis in incongruity, contrast; that the
incongruity may lie principally in the realm of events, and we have comic intrigue, or in the realm of
appearances, and we have comic character; while usually both these are found in conjunction, but
with !re!onderating em!hasis on one or the other, which gives us farce or intrigue comedy on the one
hand and character comedy on the other... Comedy itself varies according to the attitude of the author
or recipient, tending, where it becomes judicial, toward satire; where it becomes sympathetic, toward
!athos and tragedy."
dramatic 4orms. tiyatro biimleri dis!ro!ortionate. orans$
overla!!ing. rtme, akma satirical. yergi trnden
high comedy. ince komedi beholder. seyirci
lo5 comedy. kaba komedi braggart. !alavrac
diverging. de"iik, ayr crude. yavan
strive. aba gstermek intrigue. entrika
incongruity. aykrlk !re!onderating em!hasis. a"rlkl vurgu
verbal. s$el !athos. acma, acmakl
ln its broadest sense, the term is applied to all forms of written or spoken expression which do not
have a regular rhythmic pattern (see METER). Such a definition, however, needs some elaboration,
for a collection of words thrown together, a more setting down of haphazard conversation, for instance,
is not usually considered prose. Prose is most often meant to designate a conscious, cultivated
writing, not merely a bringing together of vocabularics, a listing of ideas, a catalogue of objects. And,
while prose is like VERSE in that good prose has a RHYTHM; it is unlike VERSE in that this RHYTHM
is not to be scanned by any of the normal metrical schemes. But a clear line between prose and
POETRY is difficult to draw. ls bad VERSE prose? ls rhythmical prose VERSE? ls Miss Lowell's
POLYPHONlC PROSE a prose form, a VERSE form, or something between the two? lt is easier,
perhaps, to list some of the qualities of prose: (l) it is without sustained rhythmic regularity; (2) it has
some logical, grammatical order and its ideas are connectedly stated rather than merely listed; (3) it is
characterized by the virtues of STYLE though the STYLE will vary, naturally, from writer to writer; (4) it
will secure variety of expression through DlCTlON and through sentence structure.
A D*3&'&t&o' o3 <5%$'&s%
HUMANlSTS have been debating for years the proper definition of humanism. lt is clear that
humanism is not a dogma or creed, and that there are many varieties and meanings to humanism.
Nevertheless, one may suggest at least four characteristics that contemporary humanists emphasize.
First, humanists have some confidence in man and they believe that the only basis for morality is
human experience and human needs. Second, many or most humanists are opposed to $"" forms of
super naturalistic and authoritarian religion. Third, many humanists believe that critical reason and
scientific intelligence can assist in reconstructing our moral values. And fourth, humanism is
humanitarian in that it is concerned with the good life and social justice as moral ideals. lt is committed
to democracy, social equality, freedom and peace.
Humanism as a movement is wide enough to include many people who will agree with some of the
above points, but not all. lt is dear that one can be a humanist in the first and second senses above,
that is, affirm the dignity of man and deny the reality of God, yet not accept humanism in its third
sense; that is, one may be sceptic about the use of reason in life. What characterizes an increasing
number of people is dedication to humanitarianism and a commitment to a moral point of view which
mankind is viewed as a whole. Humanists may honestly disagree about their political beliefs, about
Vietnam, sexual morality, drugs and any number of social questions. There is no humanist party line:
What humanists today share in common, however, is a concern for humanity, a belief that moral
values must be removed from the mantle of theological dogma, and a conviction that our moral ideals
must be constantly reexamined and revised in the light of present needs and social demands.
>o&$" D7'$%&s
>o&$" +7'$%&s are the forces of social change that appear to operate on the basis of natural
laws. These forces can either be tied to human action or operate independently of man. Some early
sociologists like Auguste Comte presented social dynamics as a form of the "invisible hand of
progress" guiding man to an Age of positivism (Science). Comte believed there existed a natural
tendency for mankind to move from an uncomfortable point of stress (disequilibrium) to a point of
harmonious plenty (equilibrium). When things were amiss, solutions would be found. The key problem
was an increase in social interacton, which simply meant the growth in the. population while the
supporting environment remained the same. As the number of people increased, the resources were
taxed to the state of discomfort and hunger. At this point, men banded together into large groups to
solve the problem. The more people the better to cope with the social problem. For Auguste Comte,
history was a series of stages of disharmony and harmony. ln time, he reasoned, the largest possible
unit of humanity would be formed, and it would be able to solve all of the problems of mankind. This
would happen in the Age of Humanity. Comte, as his critics quickly pointed out, did not consider the
influence of values. People, he felt, had little choice but to improve in the face of adversity. What is
important in Comte's scheme is the stress upon the idea that problems cause social change. For him,
necessity was the mother of invention.
Herbert Spencer presented a very similar scheme of things. Society, for Spencer, was an organism
that grew and moved toward perfection. As it grew, an internal leadership developed. This leadership
controlled its own population.
ln the past, when a new invention or set of inventions or discoveries produced a tremendous
transformation in society, men did not have the concepts and analytic tools to assess what was
happening. But today, when we are facing a new transformation of society that is more rapid and
extensive than any which has gone before, we are also facing it with all the growing knowledge that
the human sciences can provide
lt becomes urgent that anticipated changes be examined, not only for their technical consequences
by those who arc specialists in the intricacies of information retrieval or machine translation or
teaching machines, but also on the basis of our knowledge of the accompanying changes in men's
minds, fears, and capacity to mobilize human energy.
Civilization has always been dependent upon the fortunate coincidence of a number of
simultaneous advances, so that improved methods of food production and improved methods of food
distribution and urban organization when they occurred together-made sudden advances possible.
Similarly in the world today, increasingly exact methods of weather-forecasting, advances in air
travel, radio, radar, and the manufacture of alloys, glass, and plastics form a complex within which not
only the development of each of the components is reciprocally stimulated but also the whole complex
of inventions and associated behavior can proceed at a much more rapid rate.
ln the world today, we find-sometimes almost side by side, sometimes with great geographical
distance between one group and another-living representatives of every form of information storage
and retrieval known to man. These range from the single aged individual who is the repository of the
genealogies which validate land tenure, the star lore which permitted navigation out of sight of land,
and the knowledge of emergency food substitutes that could be used in time of famine to the most
modern electronic storage and retrieval system in which millions of items are processed in a matter of
These varying levels of handling information not only exist in contiguous countries or regions, but
also, within any contemporary civilaziton, all of them are being used at once, by differently educated
members of the population; by comparable institutions established at different periods (such as
libraries of different antiquity); by industries which emerged earlier or later; by different universities,
and by sciences whose practices are differently rationalized and contain relatively many or few
elements which are difficult to reduce to more immediate and rational forms of coding.
All of these technologically different levels are being used, operated, and improved upon by
individuals whose own utilization of the potentialities of the human brain have been developed under a
variety of childhood situations of varying degrees of dependence upon memory, upon precision, upon
pattern recognition, and who also differ among themselves in their idiosyncratic capacities.
Bo%;5t*2s $'+ t!* B2$&'
The human brain does in fact work by methods of the same general character as those by which
computers work. Actually, computers are of two main types, known as "digital" and "analogue." The
difference is approximately that between a mechanical calculating machine and a slide rule. ln the
former, units are counted off and totals reached with complete accuracy. ln the latter, a number of
electric currents, representing factors to be studied, and varying in some significant manner, can be
combined to produce a new current, representing the outcome of all the forces at work. ln complex
situations and where an exact numerical result is not required, the result may be a great gain in speed
and simplicity of operation. When computers are talked about, it is usually digital ones which are
meant unless otherwise specified; they have a wider range of applications, though analogue
computers offer advantages for certain specialized tasks. One or two computers embodying both
techniques have recently appeared on the market, an interesting development in view of the fact that
the human brain also combines both approaches.
Like a digital computer, the brain consists of a large number of interconnected units, capable of one
simple function-transmitting a current or not transmitting it. (This is why they are often compared with
an abacus, on which everything is achieved by one basic operation: shifting a ball from one side of the
frame to the other.) The differences are numerous. To name some:
l. A computer may contain some 5,000 units; the brain contains l00 million. ln fact, it consists of
no fewer than four computerlike systems which are interconnected but which are anatomically and
functionally quite distinct.
2. ln a computer, each unit is connected to two others; in the brain a hundred connections is
common, a thousand is not uncommon, and in certain cases (the Purkinje celss of the cerebellum) the
figure rises to a quarter of a million. The brain cell sums all the inputs it receives before deciding
whether to transmit a signal itself. And in doing so, it does not treat them all as being equivalent. The
point on the cell body at which the connections arrive makes a big difference, so that some signals are
given greater importance than others.
3. The brain is bathed in fluids which can raise or lower the "firing threshold" of whole blocks of
cells, or even of the whole brain. This is why certain drugs affect the brain, when they reach it via the
bloodstream or by any other route. The brain even has cells specialized to produce its own regulating
fluids. Digital computers, of course, lack anything of the kind. This gives the brain characteristics
resembling those of an analogue, rather than a digital, computer.
4. The memory of a computer is normally cleared after a run, and it starts each new task afresh.
The brain goes on accumulating information all its life and can use any bit of information in tackling
any problem; the methods by which it. judges relevance remain completely mysterious. The capacity
of human memory exceeds that of the machine quite prodigiously. lt has been estimated that if all the
information in an adult human brain were printed on magnetic tape by the codes currently used, an
area of tape equivalent to the entire surface of the earth would have to be employed...."
5. lt is believed that the brain not only wires itself initially but that it can rewire itself to a
considerable extent during life and thus meet changing demands.
Certain writers have pointed out that, over the last ten years, education has played an active role
as a factor in the migration from rural areas and in the swelling of the labour force in search of work in
urban areas. The main reasons put forward are these; (l) education is not well adapted to the
requirements of the people in rural areas; (2) education encourages migration towards the city by
informing the rural populations of the much higher living conditions prevailing in urban areas, (-3)
education programmes have been designed in such a way as to give priority to the city; (4) Further
studies following completion of the compulsory schooling period generally required migration towards
the city.
Although one can hardly claim that education alone is responsible for migration from villages - and
a great many people agree that it can be explained by the great difference between income and living
standard conditions in the city and the country - one must nevertheless admit that education has at
least a "supporting" role among the factors leading to migration.
Studies made on the subject may lead one to conclude that education encourages migration from
villages to the city, thereby contributing to the +*8*"o;%*'t of" the labour supply in urban areas; and
this may lead to unemployment. On the other hand, some especially dynamic job candidates of rural
origin manage to find jobs in the modern sector, thus taking the place of some native city- dwellers
working in this sector.
The essence of capitalism is the saving of a portion of the goods produced in a given period, so
that such savings may be used to provide producers or capital goods. The essential difference
between capitalistic and non-capitalistic industry is the fact that the latter makes little or no use of
accumulated wealth in the form of machines and productive equipment in the process of production.
Capitalistic production on the other hand, utilizes the savings of preceding periods to increase the
power and effectiveness of its workers.
Capitalism specializes those who save, those who determine where the savings shall be used in
the industry (the investors), those who manage the savings and the machines and equipment they
provide (modern industrial managers), and those who actually use the equipment thus provided in
current production (the labourers).
Eo'o%& >t$-&"&t7
The nature of stability problems arises with the stage of economic development, the structure of the
economy, and the type of economic organization.
Agricultural economies with very little industry are subject to instability caused by such factors as
the changes in the nature. A drought or floods can result in the starvation of people. Lack of rain or
much of it can influence the amount of the crops. Frequently, underdeveloped agricultural countries
are also extremely vulnerable to changes in the international commodity prices. Typically, such
o5't2&*s rely upon the export of just one or two commodities which will furnish them for paying goods
that they import. A fall in the international prices of their few export commodities has serious
consequences, for it reduces their foreign purchasing power.
Unplanned economies are generally more susceptible to instability than are the planned and
controlled economies.
ln its broadest aspects, instability may be defined as the tendency for an economy to swing
periodically between the extremes of under utilization and overutilization of its given productive
resources. The chief manifestation of underutilization of resources is unemployment; and of
overutilization is inflation.
A budget is a formal written statement of government's plans for the future. lt is expressed in
financial terms. Use of a budget should prevent overbuying and help to anticipate when borrowing is
The actual procedures in budgeting will depend on the type of the business. ln large !roduction
plant, the preparation of budgets is assigned to a budget committee composed of the chief accounting
officer, the treasurer, the sales manager, and the production manager. The committee requests each
supervisor or foreman to submit imates for his area of operations. After the estimates have been
received by the committee t!*7 are reviewed and incorporated into a master plan. Bach supervisor
may be called to defend his estimates and requests. The various budgets are then agreed upon and
approved by the committee. Finally, they are distributed and explained to each supervisor. The owner
of a small business, obviously, will not have such a detailed budget. He will be concerned with
budgeting sales, purchases, expenses, and cash.
The sales budget is a forecast of the sales for a wealth, a few months or a year. The sales budget
may be expressed in t*2%s of product territories, or departments. Data for the sales budget $2*
obtained cra ( l ) an analysis of past sales performance, (2) a forecast of expected business
conditions and (3) market research.
The advertising budget is a plan of spending for advertising based on estimated sales. The
advertising budget would have an influence on the sales budget. lf the estimated sales are pretty well
known, it would be unwise to spend an unusual amount for advertising. These two budgets should,
therefore, be planned together.
Q5-"& F&'$'*
Public finance deals with the finances of public. lt thus deals with the finances of the government.
The finances of the government include the raising and disbursement of government funds. lt is
concerned with the operation of the public treasury.
The study of public finance has assumed increasing importance in the recent decades. Several
factors have contributed to this trend. The money expenditures and the money receipts of the
government may affect not only the pattern of production and the distribution of the total product
among the various income receivers, but also the levels of aggregate output and prices within the
economy. Since about l930, the various aspects of government finance have been studied
increasingly in reference to their effects on the economy as a whole, as well as their impacts upon the
ln modern times public finance includes four major divisions: public revenue, public expenditure,
public debt, and certain problems of the fiscal system as a whole, such as fiscal administration and
fiscal policy.
Public finance, like economics, generally deals with people, and this means that many of its
problems depend on human behaviour which is the subject matter of psychology. For example,
taxation requires a study of human motivation.
Should a government's budget present a balance sheet of assets and liabilities as well as an
operating statement of current income and outgo? ln arriving at the net income of a firm for tax
purposes, it is customary and logical to allow a deduction for depreciation on the capital used by the
firm. The concept of income, playing a major role in public finance literature, is an accounting concept.
Public finance also involves many legal problems. There are many cases where public finance and
law overlap.
Economics deals with the administration of scarce resources to satisfy human wants. Since it is the
function of the state to satisfy the wants of its citizens, the issues involved in taxation are a part of
economics. .
D*3&'&t&o' o3 Ao5't&'g
Accounting is the art and the science of recording, classifying, summarizing and reporting financial
events, and interpreting the results. Five verbs describe the functions of accounting. They are record,
classify, summarize, report and interpret.
Recording and classifying of financial data are done by making entries in books of accounting.
These data are recorded in terms of money in books or journals. These data may be too extensive or
detailed for a busy manager so it must be summarized. These summaries may be in terms of working
papers or schedules furnished to the managers. The routine bookkeeping is nothing mere than
recording, classifying and summarizing. The art and the science of accounting comes into play through
the performance or the reporting and interpreting of the financial data.
Managers usually request their accountants to prepare reports. However, many people, including
some managers, do not understand financial reports and their meanings. Accountants, therefore, are
asked to interpret them. Accountants prepare footnotes to explain the meanings of various items. The
functions of an accountant are the reporting and interpreting of financial data. These functions
separate bookkeeping from accounting.
Other people besides management are interested in the financial reports of a business
organization. These reports are used for determining credit ratings by creditors, for informing
stockholders in annual reports, and for income tax computations. Therefore, financial data must be
recorded, classified, summarized, reported, and interpreted in a clear manner to serve the needs of
the management, the owners, the creditors, and the government.
F&'$'&$" R*G5&2*%*'ts o3 A B5s&'*ss
Whether one is starting a new business or buying a going business, there is the problem of having
enough capital to operate the business. Even a profitable business that does not have enough cash
can get into trouble.
ln economics, the term capital is used to refer to money invested in equipment and merchandise as
well as actual cash available for operating the business. ln financing a business, capital means the
money and the credit needed to run a business, Fixed capital is the term applied to money invested in
fixtures, equipment, and real estate which are called fixed assets. Working capital is the term applied
to money invested in merchandise (goods for sale), money that is due from customers, and actual
cash on hand. There are also called circulating assets. Sometimes the actual cash on hand is referred
to as liquid capital.
Lack of sufficient capital is one of the important causes of business failures. Sometimes a business
with sufficient capital will fail, because the owner invests too much money in equipment and buildings,
and does not keep enough for working capital.
ln starting a business, a person should not be eager to own his own building or to buy expensive
equipment. He must know that he cannot operate his business profitably because of a lack of working
capital. A building can be rented and equipment can be obtained on some plan of payment that does
not require the immediate outlay of the total amount in cash.
3. BLM
F*' B&"&%"*2&
Virsler konusunda birok yogun aratrma, giderek artan sayda virs hastalg iin a
gelitirilmesine yol amtr. eitli alar kullanlarak ocuk felcini nlemede arpc sonular elde
edilmitir Bunlarn ilki Salk asyd. En ok, agz yoluyla verilen sabin gibi daha uygun alar kullanlr.
Birok degiik virs trnn neden oldugu grip iin birka a gelitirilmitir. Kzamk ve bogmaca
alar ok etkili olmaktadr.
a. vaccine
ar!c. s!ectacular ocuk 4elci. !olyomtelitis
gri!. in4luen$a neden olmak. to be caused
virs tr. strains o4 virus etkili. e44ective
k$amk. measles bo"maca. 5hoo!ing cough
eviri 'ot"$20:
l,2 ve 5. tmceler iin niin the present perfect kullanlmas gerektigini tartnz.
Zamana en uzun sre dayanan matematik dizgesi kukusuz dogal say dizge-sidir. Dogal saylarn
kalclg sayma saylan olmalarndan ileri gelir; insanoglu en eski zamanlardan beri nesneleri saymay
uygun bulmutur. Bugnn iftisi gibi, ilkel oban, hayvanlarn sayarak srsnn kaydn tutard.
eitli saylarn simgeleri ve adlan degimitir ama sayma kavram ayn kalmtr.
$amana dayanmak. stand the test o4 time di$ge . system
do"al say. natural number kalclk. !ermanence
saymak. count kayt tutmak. kee! a record
simge . symbol sr. 4lock kavram. conce!t
Not: 'Uygun bulmak' ve 'kaydn tutmak' dndaki eylemlerin present (simple per-fect) ile
evrilebileceklerine dikkat ediniz.
Dokunma duyusu diye dndgmz ey aslnda birka duyudur: bask, scaklk, soguk ve ac.
Dokunma ile ilgili btn teki duyular bu drdnn bir tr birleiminden ortaya kar. ogu zaman bu
drt duyudan gelen iletiler birletirilir fakat bunlarn ayrlmas ve cildin her bir duyuya en gl biimde
tepki gsteren alanlarnn saptanmas olanakldr. Genel olarak, en ok, acya tepki gsteren alan
vardr ciltte; bunu basky kaydeden alanlar izler. Soguga ve scaga duyarl alanlar ise en az saydadr.
dokunma duyusu. sense o4 touch dokunma ile ilgili. tactile
birleim. combination sa!tamak. to ma!
te!ki gstermek. to res!ond duyarl. sensitive
duygu. sensation
eviri Not"$20:
a) Birinci tmceye 'what' ile balaynz.
b) Son tmcede 'that' clause gereken yerleri tartnz.
M$++* 8* <$&%
Madde durumda bulunabilir: kat, sv ve gaz. Tahta gibi, stldgnda daglanlar dndaki btn
maddeler, bir durumdan teki duruma dntrlebilirler. Kat durumdaki bir madde sv maddeye
dntrlebilir, sv durumdaki de gaz durumuna dntrlebilir. Degimeler ters ynde de olabilir:
gazlar svya, svlar katya dntrlebilir.
Btn maddeler yer kaplar. Bir madde miktarnn kapladg yere onun hacmi denir ve bu genellikle
ya da cm
gibi birimlerle llr. Katlarn belli bir hacim ve biimi vardr, svlarn belli bir hacmi
vardr ama belli biimleri yoktur; bu sonuncular, iinde bulunduklar kabn biimini alrlar. Gazlarn belli
bir hacmi ve biimi yoktur.
madde. matter durum. state
kat. solid sv. li6uid
da"lmak. decom!ose ters ynde. in the reverse order
yer ka!lamak. occu!y s!ace hacim. volume
hiim. sha!e
bulundu"u kabn biimini almak. to take on the sha!e o4 the container
eviri Not"$20:
a) - ebilmek karlg %$7 kullannz.
b) >e"imeler ters ynde de olabilir- tmcesinde niin -can- kullanlmas gerektigini tartnz.
c) Edilgen yap kullanlacak tmceleri saptaynz.
Mknats kimi teki maddeleri eken bir maddedir. Mknats tarafndan ekilen bir madde kendisi de
mknatsa dnebilir.
Genel olarak sylemek gerekirse, mknats tarafndan ekilen madde vardr: demir, kobalt ve
nikel. Mknats tarafndan ekilen maddeler manyetik madde olarak bilinir, byle olmayanlara manyetik
olmayan maddeler denir. Demir, kobalt ve nikel manyetik maddelerdir. Mknats tarafndan ekilirler ve
kendileri de mkna-ts-lanabilirler.
Manyetik madde ieren metallerin karmlarnn ya da alamlarn da manyetik zellikleri vardr.
Yukardaki maddelerin hibirini iermeyen kimi alamlar da mknatsldr. Manganez, alminyum ve
bakr ieren kimi alamlar bu kmeye girerler; kendisi mknatsl olan hibir metal iermedikleri halde
mknats. magnet ekmek. attract
dnmek. to be made into madde. substance
demir. iron mknatslanmak. to be magneti$ed
alam. alloy
eviri Not"$20:
a) - 9n yapl tmceciklerin ngilizce'ye 'which' tmcecigi ile evrilmeleri uygun olur.
b) 9 ve l0. tmcelerde which yerine participle (V-ing) kullanabilirsiniz.
Asit, dolaysz ya da dolayl, yerini metalin alabildigi hidrojen ieren bir bileiktir. Su iindeki eriyigi
mavi turnusolu krmzya dntrr.
Asitler iki kmeye ayrlabilir. Her zaman karbon elementi ieren asitlere organik asit denir ve bunlar
sklkla meyvelerden elde edilir. Limon, portakal ve teki narenciye meyvalarnda bulunan sitrik asit ve
sirkede bulunan asetik asit organik asitlerdir. Karbon elementi iermeyen asitler inorganik asitlerdir.
Bunlar canl olmayan maddeden hazrlanr. norganik asitler yalnzca hidrojen ve asit kknden olu-
ur. Hidroklorik asit hidrojen ve klorid kknden, slfrik asit hidrojen ve slfat kknden oluur.
Bunlar inorganik asitlerdir.
yerini almak. to re!lace iermek. contain
turnusol. litmus !a!er narenciye meyvesi. citrus 4ruit
canl olmayan. non-living asit kk. acid radical
olumak. consist o4 kk. radical
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) - 9n yaplarn 'which' tmcecikleri ile eviriniz.
b) evirinin tmnde the simple present (active-passive) kullannz.
Bilim adamlarnn kullandklar yntemin be zelligi vardr. Birincisi, davran gzlenebilir olmaldr;
nk gzlenebilen davran llebilir. kincisi, yn-lem ve veriler nesnel olmaldr. Akas,
deneycilerin grleri verilerin toplanp yorumlanmasna olabildigince az karmaldr. ncs,
ilemler yinelenebilir olmaldr. Ayn deneyi yapmak isteyen ya da verileri geniletmek isteyen baka
bireyler bunu yapabilmelidir. Drdncs, bilim adamlar sonular bakalarna iletebil-melidirler. Bunu
ogu zaman bilimsel toplantlarda ya da meslek dergilerinde yazlaryla yaparlar. Son olarak,
deneyciler dizgesel bir yaklam kullanmaldr. Bu demektir ki dzgn bir ilem dzeni izlemelidirler.
Deneye balamadan nce belirledikleri kesin bir plana bagl kalmaldrlar.
davran. behaviour veri. data
deneyci. e8!erimenter to!lama. gathering
geniletmek. e8!and iletmek. to communicate meslek dergisi. !ro4essional
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) l. tmce iin bir sfat tmcecigi kullannz.
b) 2, 3 ve 4. tmcelerde edilgen yapya dikkat ediniz.
c) Son tmcede 'plan' szcgn niteleyen bir sfat tmcesi gerekir.
Demirli metaller demir ierir. Dkme demir bir demirli metal trdr. Olduka baskl bir gc vardr
ve dkm kolaydr, nk yksek akkanlg ve grece yksek erime gc vardr. Ancak dvlme
yetenegi dktr; gerilme gc de grece dktr.
ilenmi demir dkme demirden daha serttir. yice dvlebilir ve telleebilir. Paslanmaya epeyce
direnlidir. Sklkla gemi demiri ve vinlerin zincirlerinde kullanlr.
Yumuak elik, endstride daha sk kullanlr, nk fiyat daha dktr ve gc ilenmi
demirden daha yksektir. Dvlme ve telleme yetenegi vardr. Soguk ve scak oldugunda kolayca
ilenebilir. Araba kaportas, ubuk, kap demiri, somun, civata, vb. yapm da iinde olmak zere birok
kullanm vardr.
>emirli. 4errous iermek. contain
dkme demir. cast iron akkanlk. 4luidity
dvlme yetene"i. malleability gerilme gc. tension strength
ilenmi demir. 5rought iron telleme. to be ductile
!aslanma. corrosion gemi demiri. anchor
vin. crane yumuak elik. mild steel
somun. nut civata. bolt
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) -vardr- karlg have/has kullannz.
b) ho5ever, 5hen, and, because baglalarnn kullanlacag yerleri saptaynz.
Rle, bir elektrik sinyali alndgnda, bir ya da daha ok elektrik devresini ama ve kapamaya
yarayan bir dgme dzenegidir.
Basit bir tr rle iki blmden oluur, yay ykl bir armatr tarafndan altrlan yksek voltaj
devresinde bir dgme ile dk voltajl elektro-mknatsl devre.
Elektro-mknats, at nal biiminde yumuak bir demir ekirdekten oluur. ekirdegin her bir ucunda
uca sanl bir bobin vardr. Bobinler birbirine ve bir pile bir ama kapama dgmesiyle bagldr.
Dgme kapatldgnda elektro-mknats enerji yklenir ve armatr ona dogru ekilir. Bu, baglanty
kapatr ve akmn yksek voltaj devresi yoluyla iletilmesini saglar. Dgme aldgnda yay armatr
mknatstan uzaga eker ve baglant yine alr.
rle. relay elektrik devresi. electrical circuit
d"me d$ene"i. s5itching device yay. s!ring
ykl. loaded dk volta7. lo5 voltage
ekirdek. core bobin. coil
ener7i yklenmek. to be energised ba"lant. contact
ekmek. !ull
Matematigin gelimesinde igren iki tr akl yrtme grm bulunuyoruz: tmevarm ve
tmdengelim. Tmevarm yoluyla akl yrtme, ok ynl gzlemler ve ok ynl olulara dayanarak
genel sonuca varan akl yrtme srecidir. Kimi kimyasal maddelerin, yinelenen deneyler srasnda
belli bir biimde davranacag sonucunu karan kimyacnn laboratuarnda kullandg akl yrtme bu
te yandan, tmdengelim yoluyla akl yrtme, kabul edilen bir dizi saylt-ya dayanarak sonuca
varan akl yrtme srecidir. Kabul edilen ilkelere dayanarak kimyasal maddelerin davranlarn
tahmin ederken kimyacnn kullandg akl yrtme bu trdendir. Matematikte teoremlerin kantlarn
olutururken kullanlan da bu trden bir akl yrtmedir.
akl yrtme. reasoning tmevarm. inductive
tmdengelim. deductive ok ynl. multi!le
davranmak. behave saylt. !remise
ilem. !rocess olu. occurrence
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) Tmcelerde 'prepositional phrase' kullanlacak yerleri tartnz.
b) 'Bu trdendir' yaps iin 'lt is this type'... that' kalbn kullannz.
Doku ve organlarn genel yaps uzun sredir incelenmektedir. imdi konu iyice anlalmtr.
Grece yeni olan hcre yaps incelemesinde durum byle degildir. Hcrebilim, yeni inceleme
tekniklerinin gelimesine zellikle bagldr. Bu teknikler k mikroskopisinin olduka gelimi
yntemleridir, ancak son zamanlarda aratrma aralarna elektron mikroskobu eklenmitir.
Btn mikroskobi yntemlerinin iki ilevi vardr. Son derece ayrk bir biimde ya da ayrntlar
belirleyen bytlm bir grnt saglamaldr. Ayrca r-nekle evre arasnda keskin bir ayrm
baaryla sunmaldr; bylece rnek aka grlebilir. lk mikroskopisi k dalgalarnn
zelliklerinden yararlanarak igrr. Grnt bir nesnenin k dalgalarn emme, yanstma ya da krma
yetenegi sayesinde oluur. Elektron mikroskobu k dalgalar yerine elektron nlar kullanlr.
grece. com!aratively hcrebilim. cytilogy
gelimi. so!histicated bytlm. magni4ied
son derece ayrk bir biimde. 5ith a high
degree o4 resolution
keskin ayrm. shar! contrast rnek. s!ecimen
$ellik. !ro!erty krmak. to re4ract
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) l. tmcede 'has been studied' kullanlmasn tartnz.
b) 'meli' yaplar iin 'must' kullannz.
Sinir sisteminin temel birimi nron ya da sinir hcresidir. Hcre ktlesiyle kntlarndan/uzantlarndan
oluur. Her nronda iki tr knt vardr: ksa, serbeste dallanan birka iplikik dandrid diye
adlandrlr; boyunca dalck bulunan ya da bulunmayan tek kntya ise akson denir. Dandritler
uyarlan hcre ktlesine tarlar; ana ileticisi iplikik olan akson ise uyarlar hcre ktlesinin dna
tar. Akson boyu degiik tr nronlarda farkldr. Motor bir nronda bu ok uzun olabilir: rnegin
omurilikteki bir hcre ktlesinden ayaktaki bir kasa kadar uzanabilir.
sinir sistemi. nervous system sinir hcresi. nerve cell
knt2u$ant. !rocess dallanan. branching
i!likik. 4ibres uyar. im!ulse
omurilik. s!inal cord
Proteinler, dokularn gelimesi ve yenilenmesi iin temeldir ancak bunlardan bir enerji kaynag olarak
da yararlanlabilir. Eskimolarnki gibi kimi diyetlerde asl enerji kaynagn olutururlar. Proteinler nce
amino asitlere ayrlrlar, sonra kana karr ve vcutta dolarlar. Vcut tarafndan kullanlmayan amino
asitler sonunda re biiminde idrardan atlrlar. Karbonhidrat ve yaglarn aksine proteinler gelecekte
kullanlmak zere depolanmazlar.
yenilenme. rebulding, doku. tissue
kullanlmak. to be utili$ed oluturmak. 4orm
asl. main ayrlmak. break do5n
kana karmak. absorb into the blood vcutta dolamak. !ass round the body
sonunda. eventually atlmak. to e8crete de!olanmak. to be stored
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) 'The simple present' (active-passive) kullannz.
b) Hangi tmcelerde as ve i4 kullanlabilecegini tartnz.
Bir yzey teki yzey zerinde hareket ettiginde, harekete direnen bir g oluur. Srtnme dedigimiz
bu g daima harekete kar durur. Her makinede bulunur; yaglama ile azaltlabilir ama tmyle
ortadan kaldrlamaz. Genellikle harekete kar duran g, bir yzey tekine srtnmeye balamadan
nce, hareket baladktan sonrakine gre biraz daha byktr. Bu biraz byk gce duragan
srtnme denir. Bir yzeyin teki zerinde hareketinin srmesi iin yenilmesi gereken g ise kayma
srtnmesi olarak bilinir. Duragan srtnme kayma srtnmesinden daha byktr.
y$ey. sur4ace g. 4orce
resist. direnmek srtnme. 4riction
hareket. motion . ya"lama. lubrication
ortadan kaldrmak. remove bira$. slightly
kayma srtnmesi. sliding 4riction dura"an srtnme. static 4riction
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) The simple present tense kullannz.
b) Karlatrmal yaplarn nerede kullanlacagn saptaynz.
insan vcudu birka degiik sistemden olumutur. Her sistemin ayr bir ile-vi vardr ancak kimileri
birlikte alr. Sistemlerden birisi vcudu desteklemeye ve i organlar korumaya yarayan iskelettir.
Solunum sistemi soluk almamza ve dolam sistemi yoluyla vcutta dolaan kana oksijen saglamaya
olanak saglar. Sindirim sistemi byme iin gerekli besinleri almanz saglar. e yaramayan maddeler
ri-ner sistem yoluyla vcuttan atlr.
Endokrin sistemi tiroit, cinsiyet ve adrenal bezi gibi eitli bezlerden oluur. Bu bezlerin ilevi,
hormon diye bilinen kimyasal maddeleri kana salglamaktr. B5 !o2%o'"$2 vcutta byme, cinsel
etkinlik ve hazm gibi eitli etkinlikleri denetler. Sinir sistemi teki sistemleri denetler ve insanlara
dnme olanag verir.
Her sistem organlardan oluur. Szgelimi akcigerler solunum sisteminin paralardr. Kalp dolam
sisteminde bir organdr. Karaciger sindirim sistemi ile teki sistemlerin bir paras olarak igrr.
Her organ birka tr dokudan oluur. Deriyi de iine alan epitel doku, organlar zerinde bir rt
oluturur. Bag dokusu vcudun paralarn destekler ve onlar bir arada tutar; kemik ve kkrdaklar
iine alr. teki tr dokular iinde sinir dokusu ve kan dokusu vardr.
Btn dokular hcrelerden oluur. Bunlar yle kktrler ki milimetrenin binde biri ile llr ve
ancak bir mikroskopla grlebilirler. Her hcre, ekirdegi saran ince bir zar ve sitoplazma denilen pelte
gibi bir madde ile kapldr. Buna karlk bu sonuncuda her birinin kendi zel ilevi olan kk
paracklar vardr.
olumak. to be made u! o4, be com!osed o4, consist o4
ayr. se!arate desteklemeye yaramak. serve to su!!ort
solunum sistemi. res!iratory system dolam sistemi. circulatory system
sindirim sistemi. digestive system atlmak. to be e7ected
be$. gland salglamak. secrete
olanak vermek. to enable doku. tissue
ba" dokusu. connective tissue $ar. membrane
!elte gibi. gelly like
*8&2& Not"$':
a) The simple present tense kullannz.
b) Sfat + ad yaplarn belirleyiniz.
Gazlar srekli ve hzl hareket halinde olan atom ve molekllerden oluur. Bu atom ve molekller
gazn iinde bulundugu kabn duvarlarna srekli arparlar. B,7"* yaparken duvarlara basn yaparlar.
Gazlarn belirli biim ya da hacimleri yoktur. Bir gazn biim ya da hacmi kabna bagldr. Kat ve
svlarla karlatrldklarnda bir gazn moleklleri grece birbirinden ayrdr. Bu bakmdan sktrabilir
ya da daha kk bir yere zorla konulabilirler. Ancak bir gazn hacmi azaltlrsa, basnc artar nk
molekller duvarlara daha sk ve daha hzl arparlar. Bu nedenle basn hacimle ters orantldr.
te yandan sv sktrlamaz. Bir svy daha kk bir yere zorla koymaya alrsak kabndan
kmak iin bir yol arar. Svnn bir kabn duvarlarna yaptg basn btn ynlerde eittir. te bu
nedenle svlar hidrolik frenlerde ve asansrlerde degiik ynlerde g iletmek iin kullanlrlar.
Bir gaz ne kadar ok sktrlrsa, sktrlmaya direnci o lde byk olur. Byk miktarda gaz kk
bir yere konulmaya zorlanrsa, daha fazla sktrlmas gleir. ok yksek basn altnda sktrlan
gaz g iletiminde kullanlabilir.
Gaz basnc arttka molekller birbirine daha ok yaklamaya zorlanr. Bu devam ederse
molekller sonunda birbirlerine yaprlar. Bu noktada gaz svya dnr.
Gaz basnc scaklkla degiir. Basn mutlak scaklkla dogru orantldr nk ykseldike
molekllerin hareketi daha ok hzlanr ve sonuta kabn duvarlarna daha ok basn yapar. Tersine,
bir gazn basnc ne kadar yksekse, ss o lde yksek olur. Gaz sktrldgnda snr.
basn. !ressure srekli. constant
ka!. container basn ya!mak. to e8ert !ressure
belirli. de4inite biim. sha!e
hacim. volume grece. relatively
sktrmak. to be com!ressed $orla koymak. 4arce into
4ren. brake asansr. li4t
g iletmek. to transmit !o5er scaklk s. tem!erature
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) The simple present (active-passive) kullannz.
b) 'he more... the more yaplarnn kullanlacag tmceleri saptaynz.
Yiyeceklerde vitamin denilen maddelerden yalnzca kk miktarlarda bulunur fakat bunlar saglk
iin yaamsal nemdedir. Szgelimi, et, ekmek, eker ve yagdan oluan bir gda rejimi izliyorsanz
iskorbt denilen bir hastalga yakalanabilirsiniz. Bu, meyva ve sebzelerde bulunan C vitamini
eksikliginden ileri gelir.
Elli dolaynda degiik vitamin belirlenmitir ve bunlarn birogundaki eksilik . rahatszlga yol
aabilir. A vitamini iyi grme yetenegi iin en nemli vitamindir ancak genel saglk iin de nemlidir.
Karaciger epeyce A vitamini ierir fakat A vi-lamini balk, et, st, tereyag, kimi meyve ve sebzelerde
de bulunur. B vitamini aslnda l2 degiik kimyasal madde ierir, bunlar yumurta, peynir, tereyag,
kepekli un ve sebzelerde bulunur. Bir kimsenin diyetinde B vitamini yetersizse, bu btn vcudunu,
zellikle derisini, sinir sistemini ve kalbini etkileyebilir. B vitamini eksikligi beri beri hastalg ile
C vitamini iskorbt nler ve yaralarn iyilemesine yardmc olur. Kimi doktorlar byk miktarlarda
C vitaminin insanlar soguk algnlgndan koruduguna inanrlar. Meyveler ve pimemi sebzeler C
vitamini bakmndan zengindir ancak ok piirilir ya da uzun sre bekletilirlerse vitaminlerinin ogunu
D vitamini kemik ve dilerin bymesi iin temeldir ve balk, karaciger, yag ve stte bulunur. D
vitamini vcudun kendisi iin retebildigi tek vitamindir fakat bunu ancak yeterli gng varsa
yapabilir. Gne g ve D vitamini eksikligi kemiklerin yumuamasna ve biimlerinin bozulmasna
neden olan raitizm denilen bir hastalkla sonulanabilir.
Vitaminlere ok kk miktarlarda gereksinme vardr. Btn bir yaam iin yetecek miktar yalnzca
eyrek kg kadardr. Vitaminler imal edilebilir ve yiyecege ek olarak satlrlar ancak dengeli bir diyette
yeterli miktarda vitamin saglanr.
kk miktar. minute 6uantity yaamsal nemde. vital
gda re7imi. diet iskorbt. scurvy
eksiklik. de4iciency belirlenmek. to be identi4ied
yol amak. lead ke!ekli un. 5holemeal 4lour
yaray iyiletirmek. to heal in7uries ok !iirmek. to overcook
yumuamak. to so4ten raiti$m. rickets
imal etmek. to manu4acture dengeli. 5ell-balanced
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) "The simple present' kullannz.
b) 'lf kullanlacak tmceleri saptaynz.
c) 5. paragrafta 5hich kullanlacak yerleri belirleyiniz
Madde, bir element, bileik ya da karm olabilir. Nitrojen ya da demir gibi bir element daha kk
maddelere ayrlamaz. ki ya da daha ok element birletiginde bir bileik olutururlar.
Elementler bileik oluturmak iin birletiklerinde kimyasal bir tepkime olur. Kimyasal tepkime
srasnda elementlerin kimi zellikleri degiir. rnegin klor elementi (cl) zehirli sar bir gazdr. te
yandan sodyum (Na) suyla iddetli tepkimeye giren yumuak, gmi beyaz renkte bir metaldir. Ancak
bu elementler birleirse sodyum klorid ya da tuz olutururlar. Bu zararsz beyaz bir maddedir.
Maddeler kimyasal bir tepkime olmadan kartrlrlarsa, zelliklerini degitirmezler. Bu bakmdan
kum ve tuz karm sarms, beyaz renktedir. Hem tuzlu hem kumlu bir tad vardr. Karm suya
koyarsak tuz znr nk znebilir niteliktedir. Ancak kum znemez.
Her maddenin bir erime ve kaynama noktas vardr. Birincisi kat durumdan sv duruma getigi s
derecesidir. kincisi sv durumdan gaz durumuna getigi scaklktr. Bu degimelere durum
degimeleri denir. Kimi zaman, durumunu degitirdiginde maddenin zellikleri degiir. Szgelimi
oksijenin scaklg -l83 C derecenin altna derse renksiz gaz durumundan epeyce mknatsl olan
mavimsi bir sv haline dnr.
$ellik. !ro!erty madde. substance
bileik. com!ound karm. mi8ture
ayrlmak. to be broken do5n oluturmak. to 4orm
te!kime. reaction $ehirli. !oisonous
iddetli. violently gm. silvery
$arars$. harmless kumlu. gritty
erime noktas. melting !oint $nmek. dissolve mknatsl. magnetic
eviri Not"$20:
a) Btn metinde 'the present simple' kullannz.
b) kinci ve nc paragraflara 'when' ile balaynz.
c) Drdnc paragrafn 2 ve 3. tmcesinde at 5hich ile balayan bir yap dnnz.
Herhangi bir radyoaktif maddenin oluturdugu tehlike bu maddenin bulundugu yere bagldr.
Strontium-90'dan, biraz da duygusal biimde, sklkla kemik arayc diye sz edilir. Bu, yiyecek ve
iecek yoluyla kiide toplanp kemiklerde depolandgn belirtmek amacyla kullanlr. Radyoaktif
maddelerin zel bir birikimi yoktur Normalde kemiklerde ok miktarda kalsiyum ve nemli lde
strontium bulunur nsan ve hayvanlar dogal olarak bu elementleri kemiklerinde biriktirirler; radyoaktif
strontium varsa o da normal elementle birlikte toplanr. Strontium-90'dan ileri gelen tehlike zellikle
byktr nk kemik iligine yakn bir yerde toplanr. lik, kan retiminde etkindir ve radyasyon,
kendisini ldrc lsemi biiminde gsteren bir tr kansere neden olabilir. Silah denemesi
baladgnda lsemide dnya leginde kk bir art oldu, kimi bilim adamlar bunu radyasyonla,
strantium-90'daki bu artla, baglantl grmektedirler. Herhangi bir birey iin tehlike, hl nerdeyse
llemeyecek lde kktr ama yine de btn dnya insanlar iinde birka bin vaka ortaya
km olabilir.
Bundan ve teki izotoplardan ileri gelen riskler, silah denemelerinin tmyle durdurulmasn,
istenen birey durumuna getirmeye yeter. Yerst denemeleri snrlandrldgndan,'dnya radyasyon
dzeyleri byk lde dmtr, ancak snrlayc anlamalar ignenirse ya da daha ok lke
bunlar grmezlikten gelirse yeniden kolaylkla ykselebilir.
ba"l olmak. to de!end on bulunmak. to be located
kemik arayc. bone seeker de!olanmak. to be stored
yakn, bitiik. ad7acent ilik. marro5
ba"ntl olmak. correlate 5ith durdurma. cessation
yerst denemeleri. above-ground tests snrlayc. restrictive grme$likten gelmek, yok saymak.
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) 'leri gelen' karlg 4rom kullannz.
b) lf - tmcecigi kullanlacak yerleri saptaynz.
c) Prepositional phrase kullanlacak yaplar tartnz.
(rn. kemiklerde = in the bones)
To;"5% B&"&%"*2&
grenmeye yardmc oldugu ya da (grenmeyi) engelledigi bilinen etmenler ana kmeye ayrlabilir.
Birincisi grenenin kendisidir- ona grenmek iin daha ok ya da daha az beceri saglayan etmenler.
Bu kiisel etmenler iinde daha nceki greniminin sresi ve tr de vardr. kincisi grenme
yntemleridir- bunu nasl yaptgdr. ncs de grenmek zorunda oldugu gerelerdir.
etmen. 4actor sa"lamak. to endo5 5ith
yntem. method beceri. skill
gere. material iinde. included
Can sknts ile savamann bir yolu alrken konu degitirmektir. Bir konuda drt saat aralksz
zaman harcamak diye bir kural yoktur. Can skntsn azaltmann bir baka yolu da her saat ba ara
vermektir. Be on dakika baka birey yapmaya alnz. Bir yaznn ortasna geldiginizde mektup
yazmak iin ara vermek, kpegi gezintiye gtrmek iin ara vermek kadar dinlendirici olmayabilir.
Birey anlamadan kitaba bakmaktansa ara vermek her zaman daha iyidir. Bakmak hem dinlendirmez
hem de alrken zihnini toplayamama alkanlgn yerletirir.
can sknts. boredom
konu de"itirmek. to alternate one sub7ect
5ith another
a$altmak. reduce ara.break
bakmak. stare $ihni to!layamama. nonconcentration
yerletirmek. establish dinlendirici. rela8ing
eviri Not"$20:
a) Mastar (to+V) ve V -ing yaplarnn kullanlacag yerleri tartnz.
b) Son tmcede not only... but also yapsn kullannz.
Sanatn, ak gibi, yaanmas tanmlanmasndan daha kolaydr; nk ak gibi sanat da degiik
dzeylerde yaanr. Eglendirmeye yarayan sanat vardr ve bu yaamn kayglarndan ho bir ka
olanag saglar. ster din, politika, isterse felsefe bakmndan olsun, sanatnn grn yayan sanat
vardr. Duygularmz 'acma ve dehet' yoluyla arndrarak Aristo'nun ilkesini yerine getiren sanat
vardr. Bizi daha geni bir anlay ve sevecenlige ynlendiren sanat vardr.
sanat. art yaamak. to e8!erience
tanmlamak. to de4ine d$ey. level
yaam kayglar. cares o4 li4e yaymak. !ro!agate
ilke. !rece!t arndrmak. !urge
sevecenlik. com!assion yerine getirmek. to 4ul4ill
eviri Not"$20:
a) to be yaplar kullannz.
b) There is art that.. biiminde balayan tmceleri saptaynz.
c) 4. tmcede 5hether ...or yapsn kullannz.
Halley kuyruklu yldz tartmasz btn kuyruklu yldzlarn en nlsdr. Kimi tarihiler Halley
kuyruklu yldznn Noel yldz olduguna inanrlar. Bu kuyruklu yldzn adn hemen herkes bilir ve
Halley kuyruklu yldznn gkyznde dolaan kuyruklu yldzlardan yalnzca birisi oldugunu grenmek
birok kimseyi gerekten artr. Her yl yarm dzine ya da daha ogu grlr. Bunlarn ikisi
daha nceden iyice tahmin edilen dn gezilerindedir. Ancak Halley'in dn iyi bilinir nk o
plak gzle kolayca grlebilecek lde parlak olan birka kuyruklu yldzdan biridir. Ayrca kimi
insanlar bu kuyruklu yldz yaamlarnda iki kez grme olanagna sahiptirler.
kuyruklu yld$. comet tartmas$. un6uestionably
gky$nde dolamak. ride through the sky
iyice tahmin edilen. 5ell-!redicted !lak g$. naked eye
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) Her tmcenin znesini bulunuz.
b) yelik yaps ('s) kullanlacak yerleri saptaynz.
ark en dogal mzik biimidir. Bilinmeyen (ok eski) dnemlerden beri ark syleme mzik yapmann
en yaygn biimi olmutur. Halk mziginde yaamn btn grnmlerini yanstan bir ark hazinesi
buluruz-i arklar, ak arklar, iki arklar, beik arklar, vatan arklar, dans arklar, oyun
arklar, yry arklar, yas arklar, ykleme arklar. Kimileri yzlerce yllktr; tekilerin kay-
nag yenidir; ancak hepsi insan yaantsndan ortaya kar ve mzik ile yaama arasndaki ayrlmaz
bag gsterirler.
bilinmeyen dnemlerden beri. 4rom time
immemorial yaygn. 5ides!read
halk m$i"i. 4olk music ark ha$inesi. a treasury o4 song
beik. cradle vatan arklar. !atriotic songs
yas. mourning ykleme. narrative
y$lerce yllk. centuries old ortaya kmak. come out o4
ayrlma$ ba". indissoluble bond
Gne tutulmas, tarih boyunca, zellikle nedeninin bilinmedigi gnlerde, korku verici bir deneyim
olmutur. Byle dnemlerde birok kimse dnyann sonunun yaklatgn dnmtr. Eski inliler bir
devin gnei yutmakta oldugunu dnrlerdi ve devin gnei serbest brakmasn saglamak amacyla
byk grlt karrlard. Gne-ay tutulmalar srasnda bu trden grlt yapma, eski kltrlerin
ogunda yaygnd, kimi kabilelerde gnmzde bile vardr. Dogal olarak davul alnmas ve zil
angrts hep tam baar saglar grnmtr. Gne her zaman parlak biimde ldayarak geri
gne tutulmas. solar ecli!se tarih. history
boyunca. throughout neden. cause
korku verici. 4ear4ul yaklamak. to be at hand
dev. dragon grlt. commotion
serbest brakmak. to release tutulma. ecli!se
eski kltrler. early cultures kabile. tribe
$il angrts. cymbal clanging !arlak biimde. brightly
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) l. temel tmcede niin has been kullanlmas gerektigini tartnz.
b) Hangi tmcede to be kullanlabilecegini tartnz,
A4020 '635s t*!+&+&
Nfus sorunu ile ilgili temel olgu iyi bilinmektedir. Aka dnya nfusu, yiyecek retiminin ayak
uyduramayacag oranda artmaktadr ve herhalde az gelmimi lkelerde nemli bir sorun
oluturacaktr. Dnya nfusu l900'den beri bir milyar, akas % 60'dan fazla artmtr. 25 yl ncesi
tahminlerinin ok tesine geen gnmzdeki art hz, yakn bir gelecekte artc saylar
dnmemizi olanakl klacak trdendir.
tehdid. menace ayak uydurmak. to kee! !ace
birden h$lanmak. to overtake hesa!lanan to!lam. the estimated total
amak, tesine gemek. to e8ceed dlemek, dnmek. to con7ure u!
artc, sarsc, a4allatc. staggering yakn gelecekte. 4oreseeable 4uture
Hem kendi gvenliginiz, hem de aileniz ve toplumun gvenligi iin yzme grenmeniz iyi olur. Su ile
ilgili hem kamusal hem de zel olanak ve gerelerin saysndaki hzl artla birlikte, su iinde ve su
kenarnda gvenlik gncel bir zorunluluk olmutur. Yzemiyorsanz su ile ilgili etkinliklere katlmanz
son derece aklszca bir eydir. Gvenli yzme yetenegi ve gvenlik ilemlerini bilme ve uygulamada
ih-tiyatllk sizin iin birinci derecede nemlidir.
gvenlik. sa4ety to!lum. society
su ile ilgili. a6uatic h$l art. heavy increase
gncel $orunluluk. daily necessity y$mek. to s5im
olanak. 4acility son derece. e8tremely
akls$ca. un5ise ihtiyatllk. !rudence
ilem. !rocedure
birinci derecede nemli. o4 !rime im!ortance
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) l. tmcede as 5ell as kullannz.
b) 2. tmceye 5ith ile balaynz.
c) Son tmcelerin znesini tartnz.
Ceza, kendi bana, yalnzca tepkileri nler. deal olarak ceza, istenen davrann pekitirilmesi ile
birlikte ele alnmaldr. Bu daha yararl bir yaklamdr, nk (bu) cezalandrlan eyin yerine
konulmak zere bir davran seenegi gretir. gretmen okurken szckleri yanl syleyen ocuklar
azarlamak yannda, baka szckleri, dogru sylediklerinde verse, onlar daha abuk grenebilirler.
vg szckleri dogru sylemeyi grenmek iin olumlu bir pekitirme grevi yapar. Ayn zamanda
ocuklarn genel olarak grenmeden daha az korkmalarn saglar.
ce$a. !unishment nlemek. inhibit
!ekitirme. rein4orcement birlikte ele almak. to be !aired 5ith
yerine konulmak. to re!lace davran seene"i. alternative behaviour
yanl sylemek. to mis!ronounce vmek. to !raise
vg. !raise
daha a$ korkmasn sa"lamak. to make someone less 4ear4ul
*8&2& 'ot"$':
a) l. tmceye 'by itself ile balaynz.
b) 2. tmcede 'should' kullannz.
c) 3. tmcede because yerine kullanlabilecek baglac aratrnz.
Yirminci yzyln bandan beri, dnya nfusu kattan daha ok artmtr. Bu olaganst byme;
byk lde agda tbba, alkla daha iyi savama ve daha saglkl yaama koullarna
baglanyorsa da, genellikle bir etmen grmezlikten gelinmektedir. Yirminci yzyln byk bir
blmnde dnya iftileri iin iklim zellikle l935 ve l965 arasnda uygun, scak, yagl ve kararl
oldugundan daha ok yiyecek retilmitir.
dnya n4usu. 5orld !o!ulation kat artmak. to tri!le
ola"anst byme. !henomenal gro5th a"da t!. modern medicine
alkla savam. 4amine relie4 grme$likten gelmek. to ignore sa"lkl yaama koullar.
sanitary living
conditions ..e ba"lanmak. to be attributed to $ellikle uygun. uni6uely
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) The present perfect kullanlacak tmceleri aratrnz.
b) 2. tmceye 5hile ile balaynz.
c) 3. tmceye there has been yapsyla balaynz.
Dil elbette tek bana agda ulusulugun doguunu aklamaya yetmez. Dil, birbirine ait olma
duygusunun, ayn anlar, ayn tarihsel deneyimi, ayn kltr mirasn blmenin ksa bir yoludur. l8.
yzylda ulusuluk agda bir akm olarak biimlenmeye baladgnda, Avrupann birok blmnde
bunun ncleri askerler ve devlet adamlar degil, eski sylence ve yar unutulmu halk trklerinde
ulusun E25!5'5E bulmaya alan dnrler ve ozanlard. Ancak anlar, ortak deneyim ve tarih
kaytlarn iinde saklayan dildir.
ulusuluk. nationalism
birbirine ait olma duygusu. belonging together
an. memory deneyim. e8!erience
kltr miras. cultural heritage blmek (!aylamak). to share
sylence. legend iinde saklamak. to enshrine
*8&2& Not"$20:
a) Language alone diye balaynz.
b) 3. tmceye 5hen ile balaynz.
"6% *=$s0
lm cezas kt bir eydir. ldrme suu ileyen birini yakalar, yarglar ve mahkum edersek, onu
cezalandrmaktan daha baka birey de yapmak zorundayz; nk cezalandrlmas gerekmekle
birlikte, ona yaplmas gereken baka birok ey var. Sanrm mahkm olmu bir katile yaplmas
gereken eyin btn kuram be eylemde zetlenebilir: nlemek, iyiletirmek, aratrmak, engellemek
ve almak.
ce$a. !enalty yaln eylem. sim!le verb
adan ldrmek. to commit a murder mahkYm etmek. to convict
engellemek. deter almak. avenge
+*%*"*2 +*'g*s&
Arz ve talebin ve dolaysyla bir lkenin parasnn bedelinin dviz piyasasna gre belirlenecegini
grdk. Bir hkmet dviz kurlarndaki degimeyi dzeltmek ya da nlemek iin, parasna u andaki
arz ve talebi bilmek zorundadr. Bu bilgi dviz degerlerindeki degiim nedenlerini anlamakta yardmc
olacaktr. Bir lkenin uluslararas para durumunu gstermenin olagan yolu demeler dengesini belirle-
Bir lkenin uluslararas demeler dengesi, bu lke ile dnyann geri kalan lkeleri arasnda belli bir
srede, genellikle bir ylda, uluslararas parasal ve ekonomik ilemlerin tmnn bir dkmdr. Bu
lkenin uluslararas ilemlerinin denge tablosudur. Bir yl boyunca dnyann teki lkelerinden almlar
ve onlara yaplan demeleri gsterir. Belli bir dnemde toplam demeler, toplam almlara eit
olmaldr; akas, demeler dengesi dengede olmaldr.
demeler dengesi. balance o4 !ayments ar$ ve tale!. su!!ly and demand
dvi$ !iyasas. 4oreign e8change market d$eltmek. to cure
nlemek. to 4orestall !arasal ilem. monetary transactions
denge tablosu. balance sheet to!lam deme. total !ayment
*8&2& Not"$':
a) We have seen diye balaynz.
b) Ad tamlamalarn tartnz.
c) kinci paragraftaki tmceler yle balayabilir: The international balance of payments...
This is the balance sheet...
lt shows...
For any given period of time...
Vergi bir kamu yetkilisi tarafndan konulan zorunlu crettir. Hemen btn agda toplumlarda byk
miktarda vergilendirme gereklidir. Zorunluluk vergilerin genel zelligidir. Vergi kiiden hkmete
zorunlu bir katkdr.
Vergilendirmenin amac gelirleri arttrmaktr. Yeni vergi nlemleri getirilmesi hkmet almalarnn
olagan genilemesine parasal kaynak saglamak iin, hkmet gelirlerinde bir art demektir.
Vergilendirmenin ikinci bir amac dzenleme ya da denetim olabilir. Szgelimi, koruyucu gmrk
vergileri d rekabeti ortadan kaldrr. Hkmetin alkoll iki ve ttne yksek tketim vergisi koyma
uygulamas kullanm caydrma istegiyle aklanabilir.
Vergiler genel olarak ynetimsel ve ekonomik ayrmlar bakmnda dolayl ve dolaysz vergiler olarak
snflandrlr. Dolayl ve dolaysz yergiler arasndaki birinci ayrm vergi mkellefi ile gelir vergisi
yetkilileri arasndaki ilikidedir. Dolayl vergilendirmede gelir vergisi yetkilileri ile vergi mkellefi
arasnda dogrudan iliki yoktur. te yandan, dogrudan vergilendirmede vergi mkellefinin ykmllg
ayr ve bireysel olarak degerlendirilir ve hesaplanr. kinci ayrm temelde ekonomiktir. Gelir vergileri
dolaysz vergi olarak kabul edilir. te yandan tketim ve retim vergileri dolayl vergi olarak kabul
vergi. ta8 kamu yetkilisi. !ublic authority
konulmak. to be im!osed byk miktarda. a large amount
$orunlu. com!ulsory $orunluluk. com!ulsion
katk. contribution ama. ob7ective
gelir. revenue koruyucu gmrk vergisi. tari44
caydrma. discourage dolayl vergi. direct ta8
dolays$ vergi. indirect ta8 vergi mkelle4i. ta8!ayer de"erlendirmek. to assess
eviri Notlan:
Paragraf balarndaki tmcelere yle balayabilirsiniz:
l. A tax is...
2. The objective of taxation
3. A second objective...
4. Generally, the taxes are...
Bte ilemi kimi zaman kamu harcamalarnn bir yan olarak dnlr Ve ele alnr ancak her
mali planlama sistemi harcama kadar gelirle ilgili dnceyi de iermelidir. Bte ilemi ogu zaman
dengesiz btenin sonucu olarak kamu borlanmasn da ierebilir. Topluma yeni ve genilemi hizmet
sunan harcama kalemlerinin ogu istenen eylerdir ancak bunlarn bedeli kamu gelirlerindeki teki
belirlemelerle ve hkmet kaynaklaryla dengelenmelidir. Harcama ve gelirler epeyce nceden
planlanabilirse denge kurmak daha da kolaydr.
Planlama bir lde sorumluluk ve liderlik gerektirir. Bte yapm, vergi, harcamalar ve borcun,
ekonominin btn (szgelimi, mali politika) zerindeki etkilerinin dikkatle dnlmesini gerektirir.
Plan zerinde anlama olduktan sonra, y-rthnesi iin disiplin ve teknik gerekir.
Bte ilemlerinde iyi bilinen basamak vardr: l) geici btenin hazrlanmas, 2) kabul edilen
btenin belirlenmesi ve 3) kabul edilen btenin uygulanmas.
bte ilemi. budgetary !rocedure kamu harcamas. !ublic e8!enditure
gelir. revenue kamu borlanmas. !ublic borro5ing
mali !olitika. 4iscal !olicy geici bte. tentative budget
Bakanlar kurulu yeleri. Uinisters o4 the cabinet daire bakan. de!artment head
Ualiye Bakan. Uinister o4 Rinance havale etmek. to re4er
uygulama. en4orcement yasama meclisi. the legislature
Ekonomik byme terimi, milli haslann arttg herhangi bir durumu anlatr. Sokaktaki adam, kii
bana hasla artn anlattgnda, bu terimi daha dar bir anlamda kullanr.
Bymenin birinci koulu ekonominin retici yeteneginin artmasdr. Ekonominin retici
kaynaklarnn artmasnn bir yolu dogal kaynak arzndaki ykselmedir. Ancak gnmzde dogal
kaynaklardaki artlar ogu zaman teknolojideki ilerlemey-le bagntldr. Degien teknoloji deniz
altndan petrol karlmas olanagn saglamtr.
Bir baka adan, nfus artnn, daha ok ii saglamas bakmndan, ekonomik byme olaslg
yarattg ne srlebilir. Ayrca bize daha ok tketici de saglar. Nfus art ulusun sermaye
birikimiyle birlikte gitmezse, igcne katlan her ek iinin almas iin daha az sayda fabrika ve
ara olacaktr.
byme. gro5th milli hasla. national out!ut
kii bana hasla. !er ca!ita out!ut koul. condition
ykselme. rise do"al kaynaklar. natural resources
ilerleme. advance . !etrol karma. bring u! oil
n4us art. gro5th o4 !o!ulation. sa"lamak. !rovide
birlikte gitmek, elik etmek. accom!any i gc. labor 4orce
ara. e6ui!ment
Bor alma hkmet finansmannda ek bir yntemdir. Hkmetler genellikle olagan iletme
masraflarn karlamak iin yeterince vergi koyarlar. Hazine yoluyla bor alma, mevcut gelir getirisi
hazinenin nakit dengesinin srdrmede yetersiz oldugu ve mevcut demeleri karlayamayacak kadar
byk olmadg zaman ortaya kar. Mevcut bte ag finansmanna fon saglamak iin bor alma
ilemine bavurulur.
Hkmet borlan, hazinenin bankalardan, i rgtlerinden ve bireylerden bor almasndan ileri
gelir. Bor, hazinenin taahht sahiplerine anaparay ve anaparann faizini deyecegini belirten bir
taahhd biimindedir. Hazine anaparay ya mevcut bte fazlasndan demek ya da eski borcu
ertelemek iin yeni bor aramak zorundadr.
Hazinenin brt borcu, hazinenin btn bor ykmllklerinin anapara toplamn iine alr. Bor
ykmllkleri teminatlarla simgelenir. Hazine herhangi bir zamanda hkmette alanlarn biriken
ama denmeyen maalarndan dolay borlu olabilir. Byle birikmi mevcut harcamalar brt borcun
paras saylmaz. Net bor, brt bortan batk fonlar ve hazine dengesi toplam karlnca kalandr.
bor alma. borro5ing ek yntem . su!!lementary method
vergi koymak . to levy ta8 iletme masra4lar. o!erating e8!enses
ha$ine. treasury mevcut. current
gelir getirisi. revenue recei!t nakit dengesi. cash balance
bavurmak. to resort bte a". budget de4icit
bte 4a$las. budget sur!lus eski borcu ertelemek. retire old debt
brt bor. gross debt teminat. security
biriken. accrued batk 4onlar. sinking 4unds
eksi. minus
Personel ynetimi bir iyerinin iletilmesinde insan kaynagnn ynetimini anlatr. Bir iverenle ii
grubu arasndaki ilikilerle ilgili i ilikilerine kart olarak (personel ynetimi) bir iverenle tek tek iiler
arasndaki ilikilerle ilgilidir. Personel ynetimi iilerin iyerinin amalan dogrultusunda btn
gleriyle katkda bulunmalar iin zellikle ii alma ve ilikileri gelitirme iiyle ugrar.
Yetenekli ii almak personel ynetiminin nemli ilevlerinden birisidir. Bu ilevin yerine
getirilebilmesi iin bavuranlarn niteliklerini belirlemek ve nitelikleri doldurulacak ie uygun kimseleri
almak zorunludur. Yeni iilerin ve yeni bir ite grevlendirilenlerin egitilmeleri gerekir. , makine,
ilem ve politikadaki degimeler iiler iin ek egitim gerektirir. ilerin terfiye hazrlanmak iin de
egitime gereksinimleri vardr. Terfi, bir iinin daha ok yetki ve sorumluluk sahibi oldugu bir duruma
karlmasdr. Terfide genellikle bir cret art da vardr ve bu daha ok saygnlk getirir.
!ersonel ynetimi. !ersonnel management
i, iyeri. enter!rise iveren. em!loyer
ii. em!loyee kart olarak. as contrasted to
ii alma. to obtain em!loyee katkda bulunmak. to contribute
kiralama. hiring bavuran, mracaat. a!!licant
nitelik. 6uali4ication uygun olmak. to match
iyerini de"itirmek. to trans4er e"itmek. to train
ter4i. !romotion yetki. authority
sorumluluk. res!onsibility cret art. increase in !ay
saygnlk. !restige
Saybilim, birok i alannda kullanlan bir aratr. Szgelimi bir personel mdr fabrikadaki
kimseler iin ortalama creti bulmak isteyebilir. Bir sat mdr, bir aratrma ile tketicilerin yeni bir
rn begenip begenmediklerini grenmek isteyebilir. Bir muhasebeci mevcut degerleri geen
ylnkilerle karlatrmak zorunda olabilir. in hemen her aamasnda kimi saysal teknikler kullanlr.
Btn saysal yntemlerin temel grevi olgularn yorumlanmasnda yardmc olmaktr,
Saysal zmleme verileri hem i hem d kaynaklardan elde edilebilir. Muhasebe kaytlar ok
nemli i kaynaklardr. Bunlar sat, maliyet ve kazanlara ilikin bilgiler ierir. Tek i veri kaynag
muhasebe blm degildir. Personel dairesindeki ii dosyalan, sat blmndeki pazarlama kaytlar
ve fabrikadan gelen retim bilgileri teki i veri kaynaklardr.
Birok sorun da d veri yoluyla zlebilir. Genel olarak en yararl d veri kaynag Devlet statistik
Enstitsdr. Saysal veri ve raporlar buras yaynlar.
istatistik, saybilim. statistics ortalama cret. average 5age
sat mdr. sales manager tketici. consumer
veriler. data muhasebe kaytlar. accounting records
maliyet. cost ka$an. !ro4it
dosya. 4ile i. internal
d. e8ternal yararl. 4ruit4ul
>evlet #statistik 9nstits. )tate Hnstitute o4 )tatistics
Gelien turizmin Trkiye'ye yararlar ynldr. Birincisi dviz getirir. kincisi i olanaklar saglar
ve bylece bir lde, ciddi isizlik sorununun zmne yardmc olur. nc neden en nemlisi
olabilir. Birok Trk insan, d lkelerde olumsuz propaganda nedeniyle, Trkiye'nin Bat'da yanl bir
grnts oldugunu ve bu yzden Amerika ve Avrupa'llarn lkesi ve insanlar hakknda tmyle
yanl grleri oldugunu dnr. Bunu dzeltmenin en iyi yolunun olabildigince ok ziyaretinin
lkeyi grmek iin kendilerinin gelmelerinin zendirilmesi olduguna inanrlar. Ancak bu zaman alabilir;
insan sabrl olmay grenmelidir. Erge Trkiye'ye kar olanlar utandracak gerek ortaya
ynl . three4old dvi$. 4oreign e8change
i olanaklar. labour o!!ortunities olumsu$. un4avourable
grnt. image $endirmek. encourage
er-ge. sooner or later utandrmak. to shame
Gnmzde eviride hem nicelik hem nitelik bakmndan hzl bir art grlmektedir. 60 lkeden
elde edilen bilgilere gre yalnzca l978 ylnda 57.l58 kitap evrilmitir. Bu olgu bireylerin ve halklarn
birbirlerini tanma konusunda srekli artan gereksinmelerini aklar.
agda iletiim tekniklerindeki olaganst degimeler, insanlara kendi kltrlerinden baka
kltrleri tanmada daha byk kolaylklar saglar. Bylece, herbi-rimiz yeni degerleri kefedebiliriz,
daha nce bilmedigimiz davran biimlerinin ayrdna varrz ve insanlg btn eitliligi iinde
tanmaya balarz. zellikle 2. Dnya savandan bu yana gelien bu olgu, evirmen gereksinmesini
byk lde arttrmtr.
Birok dilin varlg sk sk yaknma konusu olmutur. Yzyllar boyunca yeni bir dilin btn
insanlgn ortak dili olacag umut edilmitir. rnegin Descartes matematik gibi evrensel olacak bir dilin
yaratlmasndan yanayd; ideal bir dil yaratmak ve birok dilin neden oldugu engelleri yenmek
dncesi birok felsefeci mantk ve matematikinin aklna gelmitir.
h$l. ra!id , bakmndan. in res!ect to
nicelik. 6uantity nitelik. 6uality
olgu. !henomenon srekli. constantly
ola"anst. e8traordinary olanak, kolaylk. 4acility
de"er. value davran biimi. 4orm o4 behaviour
bilmemek, tanmamak. to be un4amiliar tanmak. get to kno5
olduka. considerably yaknma konusu. sub7ect o4 com!laint
insanlk. mankind . $enginletirmek. to enrich
nce, dilsel topluluk kavramna aklk getirmek gerekir: Kukusuz, eger buna olanak varsa.
Gnmzde dnya, her biri kural olarak belli bir resmi dil kullanan siyasal topluluklara ayrlmtr.
Bunun sonucu olarak da, ayn topluluktan tm bireylerin trde ve kapal bir dilsel topluluk
oluturduguna inanma egilimi vardr insanlarda. Birok Fransz, Amerika Birleik Devletleri
yurttalarnn anadilinin ngilizce oldugunu kavramakta glk eker; kimi Franszlar, Fransa'nn kuzey
snrnn tesinde "Belikaca" konuulduguna inanr kesinlikle. Resmi dillerin yazl bir biimi vardr ve
bu, ogu kez, tm ayrntlaryla saptanmtr. Yabanclarn ilk elde karlaacag biim de budur. Birey,
kendi lkesi erevesinde, yazl biimin saygnlgna genellikle byk duyarlk gsterir. Bu biimin
degimezligiyle trdeligine bakarak dilin de byle oldugu sonucuna varr. Dilbilimciler de uzun sre
dikkatlerini, betikbilimci olarak inceledikleri byk yaznsal dille zerinde toplamlar, bunlarla bir arada
bulunan agzlan incelemenin aratrmalar iin ne denli nemli oldugunu olduka ge anlamlardr. Bu
resmi ve yaznsal dillerle, genellikle davranlar en ok yknlmeye deger grlen kiilerin bile
gndelik konuma dilleri arasndaki, ogu kez byk boyutlara ulaan ayrlklarn nemi konusunda
bilinlenilmesi iin aradan daha uzun bir sregemesi gerekmitir.
Dil szcgnn genellikle kstl bir anlamda kullanlmas, ayn zdeletirmeden kaynaklanr. Bu
anlam, Franszca'da, "ikidilli" teriminin kullanlmasna da yansr. Olagan kullanmda, iki ulusal dili ayn
rahatlkla konutugu varsaylan kii "ikidilli"dir; byle bir durum yoksa, o kii ikidilli saylmaz.
Herhangi bir evirmende bulunmas beklenen ilk ve en ak grlr nitelik, onun kaynak dili
doyurucu bir biimde bilmesidir. evirmenin, "genel anlam yle bir zmesi" ya da szlklere
bavurmada ustalk kazanm olmas (zaten her zaman yapmak zorundadr bunu) yetmez. evirmen,
yalnzca iletinin aka ortada olan ierigini anlamakla kalmamal, ince anlam ayrmlarn, szcklerin
anlaml, coku-sal degerlerini ve iletinin "tadn ve ruhunu" belirleyen biemsel zellikleri de
kavramaldr. Kaynak dilin zenginliklerini bilmekten daha nemlisi, alc dil zerinde tam bir denetime
sahip olmaktr. Kaynak dildeki iletiyle ilgili bilgiler ogunlukla bir lde szlklerden, yorumlardan,
teknik yazlardan karlabilir ama alc dildeki ustalgn yerini tutabilecek hibir ey yoktur. Gerekten
de evirmenlerin yaptklar yanllarn ogu ve en ciddileri, ncelikle alc dili adamakll bilmemekten
Bununla birlikte bir dili genel olarak bilmek baka, kendine zg bir konuda uzmanlk bilgisine sahip
olmak baka eylerdir. rnegin insan, dili genel olarak bilebilir ama gene de nkleer fizik ya da organik
kimya konusunda hibir ey bilmeyebilir. Bylesi bir genel bilgi, bu gibi alanlarda eviri yapabilmeye
yetecek temel oluturmaz. Baka deyile, eviri srecinde szkonusu olan iki ya da daha fazla dile ek
olarak evirmen, ilgili konuyla da batan sona tank olmaldr (Limaye, l955).
evirmen, gerekli teknik bilgilerin hepsine sahip olsa bile gerekten sezgin bir insan degilse, aslnda
yetkinlige eriemez. Basil Anderton (l920, s. 66) evirme nin zgn yazar karsndaki bu sezgisini, iyi
oyuncunun roln "hissetme"sine benzetiyor: "Kullanmas gereken szckler nceden belirlenmitir.
O, bu szleri hareket, ses ve yz ifadesi diliyle yorumlamak zorundadr: ksacas onun bu szckleri
gzle grlr, kulakla iitilir insan cokularna evirmesi gerekir; o, kiileri kendinde yeniden
yaratmaldr." Benzer biimde evirmende de, yknme yetenegi, yazarn roln oynayabilme yetisi,
onun davranlarm, konumasn ve edasn en yakn biimde kesinletirebilme becerisi bulunmaldr
(Nabokov, l94l).

Avrupa Demokratik Birliginin Antalya'da geen pazar yaplan toplants Bulgaristan'n Trkiye ile bir
g anlamas yapmaya agrlmas karar ile son buldu.
Bat Avrupa lkeleri muhafazakar milletvekillerince nerilen zmde Bulgaristan'n Trkiye'ye
ge zorladg Trk soylularn zararlarn demesi ve Trk aznlga yaplan basklara son verilmesi
Yunan Yeni Demokrasi Partisi (ND) milletvekilleri zme itiraz etmediler ancak Trk soylu aznlk
deyiminin Trk soylu Trkler ve diger mslman aznlklar olarak degitirilmesini istediler.
Bu istek Babakan Turgut zal'n Anavatan Partisi (ANAP) milletvekillerince kabul edildi. Toplantya
katlan Dileri Bakanlg yetkilileri Trkiye'nin degiiklige slam Konferans dkmanlarnn da benzer
deyimler iermesinden dolay kar kmadklarn sylediler.
Kararda Kbrs sorununa da yer verilmekte ve adadaki her iki toplum temsilcilerinin sorunu
grmeler yoluyla zmeleri istenmektedir.
ANAP'l yelerin, serbest dolam hakk, mal mlk edinme ve tm Kbrsllarn "serbest istihdam ile
ilgili eylerin kapsama alnmalarna itirazlar zerine bunlar karardan karld.
Kbrs Rum Demokratik Birlik Partisi (DlSl) bakan Glafkos Klerides de EDU toplants iin
Antalya'dayd. Klerides geldigi gn gazetecilere Trk Dileri Bakan Mesut Ylmaz ve muhtemelen
Babakan Turgut zal ile bulumay umdugunu syledi. ki gn sren toplantda Klerides hibiriyle
zel olarak grmeyi baaramad.
Ylmaz gazetecilere Kleridesle bir bulumann Kbrs Rumlarnca resmi bir olay olarak
yorumlanacagndan dolay olmadgn syledi.
Gneydogudaki ll ilin gvenligiyle sorumlu blge valisi Hayri Kozakoglu pazartesi gn
Diyarbakr'da yaptg bir basn toplantsnda ayrlk Krdistan i Partisi (PKK) iinde Trk emniyet
glerine kar savaan yabanc uyruklularn bulundugunu iddia etti.
Kozakoglu "Blgedeki terr yllardr dardan planlanp ynlendirilmektedir. stihbarat raporlar
terrist gruplar tarafndan kullanlan lojistik, propoganda ve silahlarn bu kanallardan geldigini aka
gstermektedir. Daglarda terristler arasnda yabanc uyruklular ve tek kelime Krte bilmeyen
insanlar vardr." dedi.
Vali, yabanc glerin terristleri kullanarak Trkiye'yi blmek ve ayrmak istediklerini syledi. lgili
lkelerin adn vermedi.
Kozakoglu, "Terristler belli bir oranda yerli halktan destek almaktadr. Halkn terristlere
korktuklar iin yardm etmektedirler" dedi. Vali blgedeki halk ogunlugunun devletin yannda
oldugunu da szlerine ekledi.
Kozakoglu, biz onlarla (PKK) kimin ibirligi yaptgn biliyoruz. Sorgulama yntemleri her olaydan
sonra ok sayda insan gzaltna almamz gerektirmektedir. Bunun blge halkna kar yaplm bir
ey olarak grlmemesi gerekir." dedi.
Vali, blge halkndan yardm istedi. Halkn yardm olmadan devlet glerinin terristleri ele
geirmesinin g oldugunu syledi.
Vali, olaylar sona erdirme ve vatandalarn haklarn korumak iin tek yol halkn gvenlik glerine
yardm etmesidir dedi.
Kozakoglu PKK'nn propagandalarn yaymak iin her trl vastaya bavurdugunu syledi.
Terristler halk sindirmek iin silah bile kullanyorlar dedi. Vali, basn zgrlgne kesinlikle mdahale
etmek istemedigini ancak basn haberleri verirken dikkatli olmas konusunda uyardgna iaret etti.
Blge valisinin baz haber yaynlarn gvenlik operasyonlar iin zararl grmesi halinde yayn yasag
koyma yetkisi vardr.
4. BLM______________________________
KARlLATlRMALl EVR RNEKLER 89(:;: 9<9=>:;:7: ?@9;:A9
eviri eletirisi yalnz lkemizde degil birok Bat lkesinde de yeni bir etkinliktir. eviri eletirisindeki glklerin
kaynagnda evirinin niteliginin anlalrnasndaki glkler bulunmaktadr. eviri nedir? eviri genellikle iki dil birimi
arasnda bir edegerlik kurulmas' biiminde tanmlanmaktadr. Bu edegerligin niteligi anlalabilirce eviri ve eviri
eletirisi kavramlarna aklk getirilebilecektir. Gnmzde edegerligin temel boyutu oldugu genellikle kabul
1. A'"$% 2. @$;0 3. &4"*8 N)5""$'0%C
Ksaca deginmek gerekirse anlam boyutunda kaynak ile erek metin arasnda d-zanlam (denotation) ve yananlam
(connotation) dzleminde bir aktarm amalanmaktadr. Eanlamllk, okanlamllk, anlam bulanklg (ambiguity)
gibi kimi teki anlam kavramlar da evirmenin gznnde bulundurmas gereken konulardr.
Yap boyutu dillerarasndaki yapsal ayrm ve benzerliklere dikkat edilmesini, eviri metinlerinde tmce trleri,
niteleme trleri (premodification vs posmodification) varsa devrik yaplar, vurgulama trleri gibi konularn gznne
alnmasn gerekir. ilev ya da kullanm boyutu ise metin trlerinin, metnin kltrel ve toplumsal boyutunun
yanstlmasn gerektirir. Bu erevede metinde kullanlan dilin biem (style) zellikleri, metinde kullanlan agrlkl dil
ilevinin saptanmas, tmcelerin szeylem degerlerinin aga karlmas gibi konular nem tar.
evirinin bu ok boyutlu tanmna uygun bir eviri eletirisi nasl gelitirilebilir? Bu konuda eitli kuram ve yntemler
nerilmitir. rnegin Nida ve Taber (l969) evirinin degerlendirilmesi iin u nerilerde bulunurlar:
l) Tamamlama teknigi (cloze procedure). Okura szgelimi her beinci szcg karlan bir eviri metni verilir,
bu boluklar baglama uygun szcklerle doldurmas istenir. Dogru tahmin edilen szck ne lde oksa metnin o
lde anlalr oldugu, dolaysyla dogru evrildigi saptanr.
2) kinci bir test de okurun ayn metnin birka degiik evirisine tepkisini lmektir. Aratrmac sorularla okurun
hangi eviriyi begendigini bulmaya alr.
3) Bir baka snama biimi de bir eviri metni yksek sesle bir kimseye okumak ve bu kimsenin metnin ierigini
daha nce metni grmemi kimselere anlatmasn saglamaktr. Bylece eviri ile anlam ya da ierigin ne lde
aktarabildiginin anlalabilecegi dnlmektedir.
4) Bir baka yntem de eviri metninin eitli bireyler tarafndan dinleyiciler nnde okunmasdr. Metinde
okurlarn duraksadklar yerler eviride sorun oluturan noktalarn bir gstergesi olabilir diye dnlmektedir.
Bunun yannda metinleri bilmeyen iki ayr kmeye kaynak metne ve erek metne ilikin sorular sorarak bu sorularn
yantlarn karlatrmak ve ierigin ne lde dogru evrildigini aratrmak da bir degerlendirme yntemi olarak
'Tersine eviri' (back translation) yntemi de eviri degerlendirilmesinde ska bavurulan bir yntemdir. Kaynak
metni grmemi evirmenler bir eviri metni kaynak metne dntrdklerinde asl metne ne lde yaklarlarsa
evirinin o lde baarl oldugu varsaylmaktadr. Bu yntemlerin her birinin kendine zg eksikleri oldugu
besbellidir. Ancak kuramclarn anlatklar nokta eviri eletirisinin bir 'yanl avclg' olmadg konusudur. eviri
metnin yukarda szn ettigimiz dzlemlerde bir karlatrlmas yaplmadan giriilecek degerlendirmeler nesnel
olmaktan uzaktr.
Pratik bir dzleme indirgemek istersek eviri eletirisi iie giriik u aamalardan oluabilir!
l) Kaynak ve ama metnin yap, anlam ve kullanm baglamlar asndan betimlenmesi:
a) Yap: tmce trleri (basit, bileik), yap anlam etkileimi (sk devrik yap, agrlkl edilgen kullanm vb),
kullanlan niteleme trleri, yzey ve derin yaplar vb.
b) Anlam: dzanlam, yananlam, mecaz kullanm, ogul anlam, bulanklk vb.
c) Kullanm: metin tr (iir, sone, gazel, ksa yk, teknik metin vb) $.02"0)"0 +&" &4"*8& (gnderimsel,
yaznsal, stdilsel vb) -&/*% (resmi, gndelik, zgn, deneysel vb)
2) iki metnin bu zellikler asndan karlatrlmas
3) Sorun ve zmlerin tartlmas (zorunlu ve semeli kaydrma vb)
4) Kaynak ve ama metnin yazn gelenekleri iindeki yerinin belirlenmesi (Bu nokta en bata da yaplabilir).
5) Varsa ayn metnin baka evirilerinin karlatrlmas
6) Varsa lt kabul edilen bir eviri ile karlatrlmas
7) evirinin yeterlilik ve kabul edilirlik ekseninde degerlendirilmesi (yeterlilik evirinin kaynak metne gre
konumunu, kabul edilirlik ise ma metne gre konumunu belirlemek iin kullanlmaktadr.)
eviri eletirisinde tek tek birimlerden ok metin ve sylemin btnlgnn nemi aktr. Bunun yannda eletirinin
ilk aamasn oluturan betimlemenin dilbilim verilerinden yararlanmadan saglam ltlere baglanamayacag da
bellidir. Bu bakmdan eviri eletirmenlerinin temel dilbilim kavramlarn iyi bilmeleri gerekir. zellikle metin +&"-&"&%&
ve yazn/eviri kuram, eviri eletirmeninin temel dayanaklar durumundadr. Ancak bu kuramlarn ok dinamik
kavramlara dayandg unutulmamaldr. Bu nedenle eviri eletirmeni temellendirmelerini srekli gzden geirmek
@5)$20+$ -*"&2t&"*' 3&)&2"*2 +o.25"t5s5'+$ $4$.0+$ 8*2&"*' karlatrmal /*8&2& ,2'*)"*2&'& &'*"*7&'&=.
A*'*2$" Q2o8&s&o's
I. T!* T5$"&3&$t&o' $'+ t!* Q2ot*t&o' o3 t!* F5'+$%*'t$" R&g!ts
ARTlCLE l0- Every person has individual, inviolable, untransferable and unrenouncable
fundamental rights and freedoms.
The state removes all political, economic and social obstacles which limit the fundamental rights
and freedoms of individuals irreconcilable with the peace of persons, social justice and the principles
of the state of law; it provides the conditions required for the development of the material and moral
existence of individuals.
II. >5-st$'* o3 t!* F5'+$%*'t$" R&g!ts
ARTlCLE ll- The fundamental rights and liberties may only be limited by laws in accordance with
the text and spirit of the Constitution.
A law can not violate t he substance of a right or freedom even if it is for the benefit of public
welfare, public morale, public order, social justice and national security.
III. EG5$"&t7
ARTlCLE l2- Every person is equal before the law without exception of language, race, sex,
political opinions, philosophical thoughts, religion and sect.
No privilege may be granted to any person, family, group or class.
IV. T!* >t$t5s o3 Fo2*&g'*2s
ARTlCLE l3- The rights and freedoms defined in this part, may be limited for foreigners by law in
accordance with the international law.
T*%*" !$)"$2 8* ,+*8"*2
A*'*" !6)6%"*2
I. T*%*" !$)"$20' '&t*"&.& 8* )o25'%$s0.
MADDE l0 - Herkes, kiiligine bagl, dokunulmaz, devredilmez, vazgeilmez temel hak ve
hrriyetlere sahiptir.
Devlet, kiinin temel hak ve hrriyetlerini, fert huzuru, sosyal adalet ye hukuk devleti ilkeleriyle
bagdaamayacak surette snrlayan siyas, iktisad ve sosyal btn engelleri kaldrr; insann madd ve
manev varlgnn gelimesi iin gerekli artlar hazrlar.
II. T*%*" !$)"$20' z.
MADDE ll- Temel hak ve hrriyetler, Anayasann szne ve ruhuna uygun olarak ancak kanunla
Kanun, kamu yarar, genel ahlk, kamu dzeni, sosyal adalet ve mill gvenlik gibi sebeplerle de
olsa, bir hakkn ve hrriyetin zne dokunamaz.
III. E4&t"&).
MADDE l2- Herkes, dil, rk, cinsiyet, siyas dnce, felsef inan, din ve mezhep ayrm
gzetilmeksizin, kanun nnde eittir.
Hibir kiiye, aileye, zmreye veya snfa imtiyaz tannamaz.
IV. @$-$'0"$20' +525%5
MADDE l3 - Bu ksmda gsterilen hak ve hrriyetler, yabanclar iin, milletleraras hukuka uygun
olarak, kanunla snrlanabilir.
AC A*'*2$" Q2o8&s&o's
I. &'+*;*'+*'* o3 T!* Bo52ts
ARTlCLE l32- The judges of courts are independent in the trial of all cases and in the rendering of
their verdict. They are subject only to the provisions of the law and the belief of their conscience,
No organ, authority or person may intervene in the application of the judicial power by courts and
judges by order, regulation or recommendation.
No question may be asked in the legislative Assemblies about a case which is actually before the
court, as well as no debate or declaration may be allowed. The Legislative and Executive organs and
the administration must obey the sentences, pronounced by the courts. These organs may not modify
and adjourn by any means the execution of these sentences.
II. T!* A5$2$'t** 3o2 t!* (5+g*s
ARTlCLE l33 - Judges of courts may not be dismissed or superannuated before the age
determined by the Constitution; they cannet be deprived of their salary due to the abolition of their
court or cadre.
Legal exceptions are reserved about those whose convictions necessitate being discharged, become
final and unappealable, those who have not the physical capacity to fulfill their duties and those who
are not considered suitable for this duty.
III. T!* Q2o3*ss&o' o3 T!* (5+g*s
ARTlCLE l34- The qualifications of judges, their rights, duties, compensations, and the manner of
their appointment, promotion, transfer (temporary or definite), prosecution about the offences
concerning their profession and taking decisions in order to hear the case and other personal affairs
are determined by law according to the independence of the courts.
A) Genel hkmler
I. M$!)*%*"*2&' bagmszlg,
MADDE l32- Hkimler, grevlerinde" bagmszdrlar; Anayasaya, kanuna, hukuka ve vicdan
kanaatlarna gre hkm verirler. .
Hibir organ, makam, merci veya kii, yarg yetkisinin kullanlmasnda, mahkemelere ve hkimlere
emir ve talimat veremez; genelge gnderemez; tavsiye ve telkinde bulunamaz.
Grlmekte olan bir dv hakknda Yasama Meclislerinde yarg yetkisinin kullanlmas ile ilgili soru
sorulamaz, grme yaplamaz veya herhangi bir beyanda bulunamaz. Yasama ve yrtme organlar
ile idare, mahkeme kararlarna uymak zorundadr; bu organlar ve idare, mahkeme kararlarn hibir
suretle degitiremez ve bunlarn yerine getirilmesini geciktiremez.
II. <[)&%"&) t*%&'$t0.
MADDE l33- Hkimler azlolunamaz. Kendileri istemedike, Anayasada gsterilen yatan nce
emekliye ayrlamaz; bir mahkemenin veya kadronun kaldrlmas sebebiyle de olsa, aylklarndan
yoksun klnamaz.
Meslekten karlmay gerektiren bir sutan dolay hkm giymi olanlarla grevini saglk
bakmndan yerine getiremeyecegi kesin olarak anlalanlar ve meslekte kalmalarnn ciz olmadgna
karar verilenler hakknda kanundaki istisnalar sakldr.
III. <[)&%"&) %*s"*.&.
Madde l34- Hkimlerin nitelikleri, atanmalar, haklar ve devleri, aylk ve denekleri, meslekte
ilerlemeleri, grevlerinin veya grev yerlerinin geici veya srekli olarak degitirilmesi haklarnda
disiplin kovuturulmas almas ve disiplin cezas verilmesi, grevleriyle ilgili sularndan dolay
soruturma yaplmasna ve yarglanmalarna karar verilmesi, meslekten karlmay gerektiren sululuk
veya yetersizlik halleri ve diger zlk ileri, mahkemelerin bagmszlg esasna gre, kanunla
I. Q2*s&+*'t o3 the R*;5-"&
A. T5$"&3&$t&o's $'+ I%;$2t&$"&t7
ARTlCLE l0l- The President of the Republic shall be elected for a term of office of seven years by
the Grand National Assembly of Turkey from among its own members who are over forty years of age
and who have completed their higher education or from among Turkish citizens who fulfill these
requirements and are eligible to be deputies.
The nomination of a candiate for the Presidency of the Republic from outside the Grand National
Assembly of Turkey shall require a written proposal by at least one-fifth of the total number of
members of the Assembly,
The President of the Republic cannot be elected for a second time.
The President-elect, if a member of a party, shall sever his relations with his party and his status as
a member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey shall cease.
B. E"*t&o'
ARTlCLE l02- The President of the Republic shall be elected by a two-thirds majority of the total
number of members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and by secret ballot. lf the Grand
National Assembly of Turkey is not in session, it shall be summoned immediately to meet.
The election of the President of the Republic shall begin thirty days before the term of office of the
incumbent President of the Republic expires or ten days after the Presidency falls vacant, and shall be
completed within thirty days of the beginning of the election. Candidates shall be declared to the
Burcau of the Assembly within the first ten days of this period, and elections shall be completed within
the remaining twenty days.
lf a two-thirds majority of the total number of members cannot be obtained in the first two ballots,
between which there shall be at least a three-day interval a third ballot shall be held and the candidate
who receives the absolute majority of votes of the total number of members shall be elected President
of the Republic if an absolute majority of votes of the total number of members is not obtained in the
third ballot, a fourth ballot will be held between the two candidates who receive the greatest number of
votes in the third ballot; if the President of the Republic cannot be elected by an absolute majority of
the total number of members in this ballot, new general elections for the Grand National Assembly of
Turkey shall be held immediately.
The term of office of the incumbent President of the Republic shall continue until the President-
elect takes office.
I. B5%!52-$4)$'0
A. N&t*"&)"*2& 8* t$2$3s0="0.0
MADDE l0l- Cumhurbakan, Trkye Byk Millet Meclisince krk yan doldurmu ve
yksekgrenim yapm kendi yeleri veya bu niteliklere ve milletvekili seilme yeterligine sahip Trk
vatandalar arasndan yedi yllk bir sre iin seilir.
Cumhurbakanlgna Trkiye Byk Millet Meclisi yeleri dndan aday gsterilebilmesi, Meclis
ye tamsaysnn en az bete birinin yazl nerisiyle mmkndr.
Bir kimse, iki defa Cumhurbakan seilemez.
Cumhurbakan seilenin, varsa partisi ile iliigi kesilir ve Trkiye Byk Millet Meclisi yeligi sona
B. >*/&%&
MADDE l02- Cumhurbakan, Trkiye Byk Millet Meclisi ye tamsaysnn te iki ogunlugu ile
ve gizli oyla seilir. Trkiye Byk Millet Meclisi toplant halinde degilse hemen toplantya agrlr.
Cumhurbakannn grev sresinin dolmasndan otuz gn nce veya Cumhurbakanlg makamnn
boalmasndan on gn sonra Cumhurbakanlg seimine balanr ve seime balama tarihinden
itibaren otuz gn iinde sonulandrlr. Bu srenin ilk on gn iinde adaylarn Meclis Bakanlk
Divanna bildirilmesi ve kalan yirmi gn iinde de seimin tamamlanmas gerekir.
En az er gn ara ile yaplacak oylamalarn ilk ikisinde ye tamsaysnn te iki ogunluk oyu
saglanamazsa nc oylamaya geilir, nc oylamada ye tamsaysnn salt ogunlugunu
saglayan aday Cumhurbakan seilmi olur. Bu oylamada ye tamsaysnn salt ogunlugu
saglanamadg takdirde nc oylamada en ok oy alm bulunan iki aday arasnda drdnc oylama
yaplr, bu oylamada da ye tamsaysnn salt ogunlugu ile Cumhurbakan seilemedigi takdirde
derhal Trkiye Byk Millet Meclisi seimleri yenilenir.
Seilen yeni Cumhurbakan greve balayncaya kadar grev sresi dolan Cumhurbakannn
grevi devam eder.
E. lnstitutions o3 <&g!*2 E+5$t&o' $'+ T!*&2 <&g!*2 Bo+&*s
I. I'st&t5t&o's o3 <&g!*2 E+5$t&o'
ARTlCLE l30- For the purpose of training manpower under a system of contemporary education
and training principles and meeting the needs of the nation and the country, universities comprising
several units will be established by the State and by law as public corporations having autonomy in
teaching, assigned to educate, train at different levels after secondary education, and conduct
research, to act as consultants, to issue publications and to serve the country and humanity.
lnstitutions, of higher education under the supervision and control of the State, can be established
by foundations in accordance with the procedures and principles set forth in the law provided that they
do not pursue lucrative aims.
The law shall provide for a balanced geographical distribution of universities throughout the
Universities, members of the teaching staff and their assistants may freely engage in all kinds of
scientific research and publication. However, this shall not include the liberty to engage in activities
directed against the existence and independence of the State, and against the integrity and
indivisibility of the nation and the country.
Universities and units attached to them are under the control and supervision of the State and their
security is ensured by the State.
University rectors shall be appointed by the President of the Republic, and faculty deans by the
Higher Education Council, in accordance with the procedures and provisions of the law.
The administrative and supervisory organs of the universities and the teaching staff may not for any
reason whatsoever be removed from their office by authorities other than those of the competent
organs of the university or by the Higher Education Council.
The budgets drawn up by universities, after being examined and approved by the Higher Education
Council shall be presented to the Ministry of National Education, and shall be put into effect and
supervised in conformity with the principles applied to general and subsidiary budgets.
The establishment of institutions of higher education and their organs, their functioning and
elections, their duties, authorities and responsibilities, the procedures to be followed by the State in the
exercise of the right to supervise and inspect the universities, the duties of the teaching staff, their
titles, appointments, promotions and retirement, the training of the teaching staff, the relations of the
universities and the teaching staff with public institutions and other organisations, the level and
duration of education, admission of students into institutions of higher education, attendance
requirements and fees, principles relating to assistance to be provided by the State, disciplinary and
penalty matters, financial affairs, personnel rights, conditions to be conformed with by the teaching
staff, the assignment of the teaching staff in accordance with inter-university requirements, the
pursuance of training and education in freedom and under guarantee and in accordance with the
requirements of contemporary science and technology, and the use of financial resources provided by
the State to the Higher Education Council and Universities, shall be regulated by law.
E. @6)s*),.2*t&% )525%"$20 8* 6st )525"54"$20 1. @6)s*),.2*t&% )525%"$20
MADDE-l30- agda egitim - gretim esaslarna dayanan bir dzen iinde milletin ve lkenin
ihtiyalarna uygun insan gc yetitirmek amac ile; ortagretime dayal eitli dzeylerde egitim -
gretim, bilimsel aratrma, yayn ve danmanlk yapmak, lkeye ve insanlga hizmet etmek zere
eitli birimlerden oluan kamu tzel kiiligine ve bilimsel zerklige sahip niversiteler Devlet
tarafndan kanunla kurulur.
Kanunda gsterilen usul ve esaslara gre, kazan amacna ynelik olmamak art ile vakflar
tarafndan, Devletin gzetim ve denetimine tbi yksekgretim kurumlan kurabilir.
Kanun, niversitelerin lke sathna dengeli bir biimde yaylmasn gzetir.
niversiteler ile gretim yeleri ve yardmclar serbeste her trl bilimsel astrma ve yaynda
bulunabilirler. Ancak, bu yetki, Devletin varlg ve bagmszlg ve milletin ve lkenin btnlg
ve blnmezligi aleyhinde faaliyette bulunma serbestligi vermez.
niversiteler ve bunlara bagl birimler, Devletin gzetimi ve denetimi altnda olup. gvenlik
hizmetleri Devlete saglanr.
Kanunun belirledigi usul ve esaslara gre; rektrler Cumhurbakannca, dekanlar ise
Yksekgretim Kurulunca seilir ve atanr.
niversite ynetim ve denetim organlar ile gretim elemanlar; Yksekgretim Kurulunun veya
niversitelerin yetkili organlarnn dnda kalan makamlarca her ne suretle olursa olsun grevlerinden
niversitelerin hazrladg bteler; Yksekgretim Kurulunca tetkik ve onaylandktan sonra Milli
Egitim Bakanlgna sunulur ve genel ve katma btelerin bagl oldugu esaslara uygun olarak ileme
tbi tutularak yrrlge konulur ve denetlenir.
Yksekgretim kurumlarnn kurulu ve organlar ile ileyileri ve bunlarn seimleri, grev, yetki ve
sorumluluklar niversiteler zerinde Devletin gzetim ve denetim hakkn kullanma usulleri, gretim
elemanlarnn grevleri, nvanlar, atama, ykselme ve emeklilikleri, gretim eleman yetitirme,
niversitelerin ve gretim elemanlarnn kamu kurulular ve diger kurumlar ile ilikileri, gretim
dzeyleri ve sreleri, yksekgretime giri, devam ve alnacak harlar, Devletin yapacag yardmlar ile
ilgili ilkeler, disiplin ve ceza ileri, mal iler, zlk haklan, gretim elemanlarnn uyacaklar koullar,
niversiteleraras ihtiyalara gre gretim elemanlarnn grevlendirilmesi, grenimin ve gretimin
hrriyet ve teminat iinde ve agda bilim ve teknoloji gereklerine gre yrtlmesi, Yksekgretim
Kurulunca ve niversitelere Devletin sagladg mal kaynaklarn kullanlmas kanunla dzenlenir.
B. T!* <&g! Bo52t o3 A;;*$"s
ARTlCLE l54- The High Court of Appeals is the last instance for reviewing decisions and
judgement given by courts of justice and which are not referred by law to other judicial authority. lt
shall also be the first and last instance for dealing with specific cases prescribed by law.
Members of the High Court of Appeals shall be appointed by the Supreme council of Judges and
Public Prosecutors from among the first category judges and public prosecutors of the Republic of the
courts of justice, or those considered to be members of this profession, by secret ballot and by an
absolute majority of the total number of members.
The First President, first deputy president and heads of division shall be elected by the Plenary
Assembly of the High Court of Appeals from among its own members, for a term of four years, by
secret ballot and by an absolute majority of the total number of members; they may be re-elected at
the end of their term of office.
The Chief Public Prosecutor of the Republic and the Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor of the
Republic of the High Court of Appeals shall be appointed by the President of the Republic for a term of
four years from among five candidates nominated for each office by the Plenary Assembly of the High
Court of Appeals from among its own members by secret ballot. They may be re - elected at the end of
their term of office.
The organisation, the functioning, the qualifications and procedures of election of the President,
deputy presidents, the heads of division and members and the Chief Public prosecutor of the Republic
and the deputy chief public prosecutor of the Republic of the High Court of Appeals shall be regulated
by law in accordance with the principles of the independence of courts and the security of tenure of
B. Bo5'&" o3 >t$t*
ARTlCLE l55 - The Council of State is the last instance for reviewing decisions and judgements
given by administrative courts and which are not referred by law to other administrative courts. lt shall
also be the first and last instance for dealing with specific cases prescribed by law.
The Council of State shall try administrative cases, give its opinions on draft legislation submitted
by the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers, examine draft regulations and the conditions and
contracts under which concessions are granted, settle administrative disputes and discharge other
duties as prescribed by law.
Three - fourths of the members of the Council of State shall be appointed by the Supreme Council
of Judges and Public Prosecutors from among the first category administrative judges and public
prosecutors, or those considered to be of this profession; and the remaning one - fourth of the
members by the President of the Republic from among officials meeting the requirements designated
by law.
The President, Chief Public Prosecutor, deputy presidents, and heads of division of the Council of
Slate shall be elected by the Plenary Assembly of the Council of State from among its own members
for a term of four years by secret ballot and by an absolute majority of the total number of members.
They may be re-elected at the end of their term of office.
The organisation, the functioning, the qualifications and procedures of election of the President, the
Chief Public Prosecutor, the deputy presidents and the heads of division and the members of the
Council of State, shall be regulated by law in accordance with the principles of specific nature of the
administrative jurisdiction, and of the independence of the courts and the security of tenure of judges.
B. @$2g0t$7
MADDE l54- Yargtay, adliye mahkemelerince verilen ve kanunun baka bir adl yarg merciine
brakmadg karar ve hkmlerin son inceleme merciidir. Kanunla gsterilen belli davalara da ilk ve
son derece mahkemesi olarak bakar.
Yargtay yeleri, birinci snfa ayrlm adl yarg hkim ve Cumhuriyet savclar ile bu meslekten
saylanlar arasndan Hkimler ve Savclar Yksek Kurulunca ye tamsaysnn salt ogunlugu ile ve
gizli oyla seilir.
Yargtay Birinci Bakan, birinci bakan vekilleri ve daire bakanlar kendi yeleri arasndan
Yargtay Genel Kurulunca ye tamsaysnn salt ogunlugu ve gizli oyla drt yl iin seilirler; sresi
bitenler yeniden seilebilirler.
Yargtay Cumhuriyet Basavcs ve Cumhuriyet Basavc vekili, Yargtay Genel Kurulunun kendi
yeleri arasndan gizli oyla belirleyecegi beer aday arasndan Cumhurbakan tarafndan drt yl iin
seilirler. Sresi bitenler yeniden seilebilirler.
Yargtayn kuruluu, ileyii, Bakan, bakan vekilleri, daire bakanlar ve yeleri ile Cumhuriyet
Basavcs ve Cumhuriyet Basavc vekilinin nitelikleri ve seim usulleri, mahkemelerin bagmszlg
ve hkimlik teminat esaslarna gre kanunla dzenlenir.
B. D$'04t$7
MADDE l55 - Dantay, idar mahkemelerce verilen ve kanunun baka bir idri yarg merciine
brakmadg karar ve hkmlerin son inceleme merciidir. Kanunla gsterilen belli davalara da ilk ve
son derece mahkemesi olarak bakar.
Dantay, davalar grmek, Bakan ve Bakanlar Kurulunca gnderilen kanun tasarlar hakknda
dncesini bildirmek, tzk tasarlarn ve imtiyaz artlama ve szlemelerini incelemek, idar
uyumazlklar zmlemek ve kanunla gsterilen diger ileri yapmakla grevlidir.
Dantay yelerinin drtte , birinci snf idar yarg hkim ve savclar ile bu meslekten saylanlar
arasndan Hkimler ve Savclar Yksek Kurulu; drtte biri, nitelikleri kanunda belirtilen grevliler
arasndan Cumhurbakan tarafndan seilir.
Dantay Bakan, Basavc, Bakan vekilleri ve daire bakanlar, kendi yeleri arasndan Dantay
Genel Kurulunca ye tamsaysnn salt ogunlugu ve gizli oyla drt yl iin seilirler. Sresi bitenler
yeniden seilebilirler.
Dantayn, kuruluu, ileyii, Bakan, Basavc, bakan vekilleri, daire bakanlar ile yelerinin
nitelikleri ve seim usulleri, idar yargnn zelligi, mahkemelerin bagmszlg ve hkimlik teminat
esaslarna gre kanunla dzenlenir.
D. Q2o8&s&o's R*"$t&'g to Q5-"& >*28$'ts
I. A*'*2$" Q2&'&;"*s
ARTlCLE l28 - The fundamental and permanent functions required by the public services that the
State, state economic enterprises and other public corporate bodies are assigned to perform, in
accordance with principles of general administration, shall be carried out by public servants and other
public employees.
The qualifications of public servants and other public employees, procedures governing their
appointments, duties and powers, their rights and responsibilities salaries and allowances, and other
matters relate to their status shall be regulated by law.
The procedure and principles governing the training of senior administrators shall be specially
regulated by law.
2. D5t&*s $'+ R*s;o's&-&"&t&*s1 $'+ A5$2$'t**s D52&'g
D&s&;"&'$27 Proceedings
ARTlCLE l29 - Public servants and other public employees are obliged to carry out their duties
within loyally to the Constitution and the laws.
Public servants, other public employees and members of public professional organisations or their
higher bodies shall not be subjected to disciplinary penalty without their being granted the right of
Disciplinary decisions shall be subject to judicial review, with the exception of warnings and
Provisions concerning the members of the Armed Forces, judges and prosecutors are reserved.
D. K$%5 !&=%*t& g,2*8"&"*2&7"* &"g&"& !6)6%"*2
1. A*'*" &")*"*2
MADDE l28 - Devletin, kamu iktisad teebbsleri ve diger kamu tzelkiilerinin genel idare
esaslarna gre yrtmekle ykml olduklar kamu hizmetlerinin gerektirdigi asl ve srekli grevler,
memurlar ve diger kamu grevlileri eliyle grr.
Memurlarn ve diger kamu grevlilerinin nitelikleri, atanmalar, grev ve yetkileri, haklan ve
ykmllkleri, aylk ve denekleri ve diger zlk ileri kanunla dzenlenir. .
st kademe yneticilerinin yetitirilme usul ve esaslar, kanunla zel olarak dzenlenir.
2. A,2*8 8* so25%"5"5)"$201 +&s&;"&' kovuturulmasnda g68*'*
MADDE l29 - Memurlar ve diger kamu grevlileri Anayasa ve kanunlara sadk kalarak faaliyette
bulunmakla ykmldrler.
Memurlar ve diger kamu grevlileri ile kamu kurumu niteligindeki meslek kurulular ve bunlarn st
kurulular mensuplarna savunma hakk tannmadka disiplin cezas verilemez.
Uyarma ve knama cezalaryla ilgili olanlar hari, disiplin kararlar yarg denetimi dna
Silhl Kuvvetler mensuplar ile hkimler ve savclar hakkndaki hkmler sakldr.
1ahit 7*tk* >aranc*
Ya otuz be ! yolun yars eder.
Dante gibi ortasndayz mrn.
Delikanl agmzdaki cevher,
Yalvarmak yakarmak nafile bugn,
Gznn yana bakmadan gider.
akaklarma kar m yagd ne var?
Benim mi Allahm bu izgili yz?
Ya gzler altndaki mor halkalar?
Neden byle dman grnrsnz,
Yllar yl dost bildigim aynalar?
Zamanla nasl degiiyor insan?
Hangi resmime baksam ben degilim,
Nerde o gnler, o evk, o heyecan?
Bu gler yzl adam ben degilim;
Yalandr kaygsz oldugum yalan.
Hayal meyal eylerden ilk akmz;
Hatras bile yabanc gelir.
Hayata beraber baladgmz
Dostlarla da yollar ayrld bir bir;
Gittike artyor yalnzlgmz.
Gkyznn baka rengi de varm!
Ge farkettim tan sert oldugunu.
Su insan bogar, ate yakarm!
Her dogan gnn bir dert oldugunu,
nsan bu yaa gelince anlarm.
Ayva san nar krmz sonbahar!
Her yl biraz daha benimsedigim.
Ne dnp duruyor havada kular?
Nerden kt bu cenaze? len kim?
Bu kanc bahe grdm tarumar?
Neylersin lm herkesin banda.
Uyudun uyanamadn olacak,
Kim bilir nerde, nasl, ka yanda?
Bir namazlk saltanatn olacak,
Taht misli o musalla tanda.
Age thirty-five: that means half the course,
Like Dante, we stand midway in life;
Our youthful verve, vigor and resource
- Wanton is our plea, in vain our strife -
Drift away blind to tears of remorse.
Look at my temples, are they snow-clad?
O my God, is this wrinkled face me?
These eyes rimmed with rings purple and sad?
Why are you now my arch enemy,
Mirrors, the best friends l ever had?
All this change is more than l can bear:
None of my pictures here could be mine.
Where did all those days of joy go, where?
Can't be me, this man smiling benign.
lt's a lie that l am free of care.
Our first love looks hazy, far away,
A memory driven from our heart.
Friends who set out with us on life's way
Took separate paths and strayed apart.
Now our loneliness grows day by day.
Odd, l find out that the sky can turn
lnto other hues, that stone is hard,
That the waters drown and the flames burn,
And each new day brings a painful load-
All these at thirty-five l could learn.
Autumn, quince yellow pomegranate red;
Each year l felt it's closer to me.
Why do these birds circle overhead?
And these ravaged gardens that l see?
What funeral is this? Who is dead?
lmmutably death is all men's fate.
"Slept, never woke," will be the story,
And who knows where or why or how late?
You shall have but one prayer's glory
On the throne-like stone-bier while in state.
T2$'s"$t*+ -7:
T$"[t >$&t <ALMAN
1ahit B,lebi
Sana borluyuz ta derinden!
nk yurdumuzu sen kurtardn
Hasta, yorgun dmtk,
Yaralarmz iyice sardn.
Yigittin, inan sahibiydin, yapcydn,
Sanatkrdn, denizler kadar engin
Kimsenin grmedigini grrd
Sevgiyle bakan gzlerin.
Dedin ki! Bu millet, bu byk millet
Yzyllar boyunca geri kalm;
Bu yurt, bu gzel yurt, bizim yurdumuz
Her yanndan yaralar alm.
Dedin ki! Bir gzel savamal
Kurmak iin yeniden;
Bilgiyle, inanla, cokunlukla
"gn, al, gven!"
Sana borluyuz ta derinden
lgsn bu yurdun.
Dilimizi, ulusallgmz grettin bize,
nk Cumhuriyetimizi sen kurdun.
Hrriyeti sen yaydn iimize,
Halkyz dedin halk iinden,
nanta hr yetitirdin bizi,
Sana borluyuz ta derinden!
Devrimler yceltti, ok yceltti
Bu milleti temiz ellerin.
Sana borluyuz ta derinden
En byg Mustafa Kemallerin!
Davullar zurnalar dgende
Biz seni hatrlarz!
Binip trene gezende
Biz seni hatrlarz!
nce adn grenir ocuklarmz!
Eli kalem tutup yazanda.
Binler yaa. yurdumuza hizmeti byk
Kemal Paa ! lmsz insan! anl Atatrk!
Our indebtedness to you goes deep.
lt was you who bound up each wound;
When we fell sick and worn out
lt was you who saved us our homeland.
You were a hero, believer and builder,
Will artist's gifts as vast as the sea;
Your eyes, with compassion, envisioned
What others' eyes could not see.
This nation, you said, this great nation
For centuries has lapsed far behind;
This land, our beautiful homeland,
ls sorely wounded on every side.
We must struggle, you said, we must labor
ln order to build, fresh and new
With knowledge, with faith, and with vigor.
You said MB* ;2o5+1 ;*2s*8*2*1 $'+ -*"&*8*_M
Our indebtedness to you goes deep.
You, truly the light of our homeland,
Gave us a tongue and a nation,
You formed a republic for us in this land.
Within us, you spread freedom;
Born of the people, you called us democrats.
ln faith, you raised us free.
Our indebtedness to you goes deep.
ln your honorable hands, we were uplifted;
Your reforms exalted us all.
Our indebtedness to you goes deep,
Greater than you namesakes, greatest Kemal!
When the drum beats and the flute plays
We think of you
When our children first learn to hand write
They write your name.
For our country, you served long years in great work
General Kemal-lmmortal, lllustrious Atatrk!
T2$'s"$t*+ -7:
A''$ M$2&$ M$")o/
Uzun ince bir yoldaym
Gidiyorum gndz gece
Bilmiyorum ne haldeyim
Gidiyorum gndz gece
Dnyaya geldigim anda
Yrdm ayn zamanda
ki kapl bir handa
Gidiyorum gndz gece
Uykuda dahi yryorum
Kalmaya sebep aryorum
Gidenleri ben gryorum
Gidiyorum gndz gece
Krk dokuz yl bu yollarda
Ovada dagda llerde
Dmm gurbet ellerde
Gidiyorum gndz gece
Dnlrse derince
lrak grnr grnce
Yol bir dakka miktarnca
Gidiyorum gndz gece
aar Veysel ibu hale
Gh aglaya ghi gle
Yetimek iin menzile
Gidiyorum gndz gece
l'm on a long and narrow road,
l walk all day, l walk all night,
l cannot tell what is my plight,
l walk all day, l walk all night.
Soon as l came into the world,
That moment l began my flight,
l'm in an inn with double gates,
l walk all day, l walk all night.
l walk in sleep -l find no cause
To linger, whether dark or light,
l see the travellers on the road,
l walk all day, l walk all night.
Forty-nine years upon these roads,
On desert plain, on mountain height,
ln foreign lands l make my way,
l walk all day, l walk all night.
Sometimes it seems an endless road,
The goal is very far from sight,
One minute, and the journey's over-
l walk all day, l walk all night.
Veysel does wonder at this state,
Lament or laughter, which is right?
Still to attain that distant goal,
l walk all day, l walk all night.
Translated by;
N*2%&' M*'*%*'&o."5
2rhan +eli Ban*k
stanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal;
nce hafiften bir rzgr esiyor;
Yava yava sallanyor
Yapraklar, agalarda;
Uzaklarda, ok uzaklarda,
Sucularn hi durmayan ngraklar;
stanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal.
stanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal;
Kular geiyor, derken;
Ykseklerden, sr sr, glk glk.
Aglar ekiliyor dalyanlarda;
Bir kadnn suya degiyor ayaklan;
istanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal.
istanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal;
Serin serin Kapal ar;
Cvl Cvl Mahmutpaa;
Gvercin dolu avlular.
eki sesleri geliyor doklardan,
Gzelim bahar rzgrnda, ter kokulan;
istanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal.
stanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal;
Banda eski lemlerin sarholugu,
Lo kaykhaneleriyle bir yal;
Dinmi lodoslarn ugultusu iinde
stanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal.
stanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal;
Bir yosma geiyor kaldrmdan;
Kfrler, arklar, trkler, lf atmalar.
Bir ey dyor elinden yere; Bir gl olmal;
istanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal.
stanbul'u dinliyorum, gzlerim kapal;
Bir ku rpnyor eteklerinde;
Alnn scak m, degil mi, bilmiyorum;
Dudaklarn slak m, degil mi, bilmiyorum,
Beyaz bir ay doguyor, fstklarn arkasndan
Kalbinin vuruundan anlyorum;
stanbul'u dinliyorum.
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed:
At first there is a gentle breeze
And the leaves on the trees
Softly sway;
Out there, far away,
The bells of the water-carriers, unceasingly ring;
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed:
Then suddenly birds fly,
Flocks of birds, high up, with a hue and cry,
While the nets are drawn in the fishing grounds
And a woman's feet begin to dabble in the water.
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed:
Still giddy from the revelries of the past,
A seaside mansion with dingy boathouses is fast asleep.
Amid the din and drone of southern winds, reposed,
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed:
A pretty girl walks by on the pavement;
Four-letter words, whistles and songs, rude remarks;
Something falls out of her hands -
lt is a rose, l think.
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed:
A bird flutters around your skirt;
On your brow, is there sweat? Or not? l know.
Are your lips wet? Or not? l know.
A silver moon rises beyond the pine trees;
l can sense it all in your heart's throbbing.
l am listening to lstanbul, intent, my eyes closed
T2$'s"$t*+ -7R
T$"[t >. <$"%$'
Her ey birdenbire oldu.
Birdenbire vurdu gn g yere;
Gkyz birdenbire oldu;
Mavi birdenbire.
Her ey birdenbire oldu;
Birdenbire ttmeye balad duman topraktan;
Filiz birdenbire oldu, tomurcuk birdenbire.
Yemi birdenbire oldu.
Her ey birdenbire oldu.
Kz birdenbire, oglan birdenbire;
Yollar, krlar, kediler, insanlar....
Ak birdenbire oldu.
Sevin birdenbire.
N@$;2$)1 1.4.1K5LC
Everything happened all at once:
Daylight poured down on the earth,
Suddenly there was the sky,
Suddenly blue.
Everything happened all at once;
Smoke began to rise out of the soil,
Tendrils and buds
And fruits.
Everything happened
Ail of a sudden:
Girls and boys,
Roads and meadows, cats and people....
Love came up all of a sudden
And joy.
T2$'s"$t*+ -7R
T$"[t S. Halman
Biz memurlar,
Saat dokuzda, saat on ikide, saat bete,
Biz bizeyizdir caddelerde.
Byle yazm yazmz Ulu Tanr;
Ya paydos zilini bekleriz,
Ya ayban.
We white-collar workers
At nine, at twelve, at five
Rub shoulders on the Avenue;
God Almighty so ordained our fate:
We either await the five o'clock bell
Or the first of the month.
T2$'s"$t*+ -7R
Talt >. <$"%$'
&hmet %aim
Agr, agr kacaksn bu merdivenlerden,
Eteklerinde gne rengi bir ygn yaprak
Ve bir zaman bakacaksn semya aglyarak...
Sular sarard... yzn perde perde solmakta.
Kzl havalar seyret ki akam olmakta...
Egilmi arza, kanar, muttasl kanar gller,
Durur alev gibi dallarda kanl blbller,
Sular m yand? Neden tunca benziyor mermer?
Bu bir lisan- hafidir ki ruha dolmakta,
Kzl havalan seyret ki akam olmakta...
ln the woods full of evening the nightingales are silent
The rivers absorb the sky and its fountains
Birds return to the indigo shores from the shadows
A scarlet pearl of sunshine in their beaks
T2$'s"$t*+ -7R
N*2%&' M*'*%*'&o."5
Day ends, delight is fading from the tree.
The bird to ruby turns, the leaf to fire.
My fountain turns to flaming crimson, now,
Echoing bird and leaf in brilliancy.
T2$'s"$t*+ -7R
N*2%&' M*'*%*'&o."5
You will climb these steps slowly, one by one,
Through swirling leaves, the colour of the sun,
And look a moment, weeping, at the sky.
Your face grows faint, even as the fountain pales...
ln the cirmosn heavens evening has begun.
Leaning to earth the roses bleed to death,
On flaming branches bleed the nightingales.
Are the waters burning? Why is the marble like bronze?
A secret language spreads into the soul,
ln the crimson heavens, evening has begun.
T2$'s"$t*+ -7R
N*2%&' M*'*%*'&o."5
lt was many and many a year ago,
ln a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know,
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
l was a child and she was a child,
ln this kingdom by the sea:
But we loved with a love that was more than love,
l and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
ln this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulcher
ln this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me, -
Yes! - that was the reason (as all men know,
ln this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we,
Of many far wiser than we;
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:
For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but l feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, l lie down by the side
Of my darling-my darling-my life and my bride,
ln the sepulchre there by the sea,
ln her tomb by the sounding sea.
9d)ar 'llan Koe
'nnabel <ee
Senelerce, senelerce evveldi;
Bir deniz lkesinde Yaayan bir kz vard, bileceksiniz
smi Annabel Lee;
Hibir ey dnmezdi sevilmekten
Sevmekten baka beni.
O ocuk ben ocuk, memleketimiz
O deniz lkesiydi,
Sevdal degil karasevdalydk.
Ben ve Annabel Lee;
Gklerde uan melekler bile
Kskanrlard bizi.
Bir gn ite bu yzden gze geldi,
O deniz lkesinde,
d rzgrndan bir bulutun
Gzelim Annabel Lee;
Gtrdler ki el stnde
Koyup gittiler beni, Mezar ordadr imdi,
O deniz lkesinde.
Biz daha bahtiyardk meleklerden
Onlar kskand bizi, -
Evet!- bu yzden (ahidimdir herkes
Ve o deniz lkesi) Bir gece bulutunun rzgrndan
d gitti Annabel Lee
Sevdadan yana, kim olursa olsun,
Yaa baa ileri,
Geemezlerdi bizi;
Ne yedi kat gklerdeki melekler,
Ne deniz dibi cinleri, .
Hibiri ayramaz
beni senden gzelim Annabel Lee.
Gzelim Annabel Lee.
Ay gelip r, hayalin eriir
Gzelim Annabel Lee;
Bu yldzlar gzlerin gibi parlar
Gzelim Annabel Lee;
Orda gecelerim, uzanr beklerim
Sevgilim, sevgilim, hayatm, gelinim
O azgn sahildeki
Yattgn yerde seni.
M*"&! B*8+*t ANDA@
T<E E@E>
9%ra Eound
Rest Master, for we be a - weary, weary
And would feel the fingers of the wind
Upon these lids that lie over us
Sodden and lead - heavy.
Rest brother, for lo! The dawn is without!
The yellow flame paleth
And the wax runs low
Free us, for without be goodly colorus,
Green of the woodmoss and flower colors,
And coolness beneath the trees.
Free us, for we perish
ln this ever - flowing monotony
Of ugly print marks, black
Upon white parchment
Free us, for there is one
Whose smile more availeth
Than all the age-old knowledge of thy books;
And we would look thereon.
Yorgunuz, yorgun; dinlen artk usta,
Duyalm rzgrlarn parmaklarm
stmz rten
Ya ve agr kapaklarda.
Dinlen, karde, bak afak skm darda;
Soluyor san k,
Eridike eriyor mum.
Kurtar bizi, tatl renklerle dolu dars
Yosunun yeili, ieklerin trl rengi,
Aga altlarnda serinlik.
Kurtar bizi, ryp gidiyoruz.
Bu durmadan akan yeknesaklgnda,
irkin bask iaretlerinin,
Beyaz kgt zerinde kara kara.
Kurtar bizi, yle biri var ki nmzde
Bu durmadan akan yeknesaklgnda,
irkin bask iaretlerinin,
Beyaz kgt zerinde kara kara.
Kurtar bizi, yle biri var ki nmzde
Bir tebessm daha fazlasn verir
Asrlk bilgisinden senin kitaplarnn;
Ona bakalm sade.
eviren :
)ait Raik
- Sabah ezan okundu. Kalk yavrum, ie ge kalacaksn.
Ali, nihayet i bulmutu. Bir haftadr fabrikaya gidiyordu. Anas memnundu. Namazn klm,
duasn yapmt, indeki Cenab hakla beraber, oglunun odasna girince, uzun boyu, geni vcudu ve
ok gen ehresi ile ryasnda makineler, elektrik pilleri, ampuller gren, makine yaglan srnen ve bir
dizel motoru homurtusu iiten oglunu evvel uyandrmaya kyamad. Ali, iten km gibi terli ve
Halcoglu'ndaki fabrikann bacas kafasn kaldrm bir horoz vekaryla sabaha, Kgthane
srtlarnda beliren fecri kzibe bakyordu. Neredeyse tecekti.
Ali nihayet uyand. Anasn kucaklad. Her sabah yaptg gibi, yorgan kafasna bsbtn ekti.
Anas yorgandan darda kalan ayaklarn gdklad. Yataktan bir hamlede frlayan oglu ile beraber
tekrar yataga dtkleri zaman, bir gen kz kah-kahasvyla glen kadn mesut saylabilirdi. Mesutlar
ok az bir mahallenin ocuklar degil miydiler? Anasnn ocugundan baka gelirleri var myd? Yemek
odasna kucak kucaga getiler. Odann iini kzarm bir ekmek kokusu doldurmutu. Semaver ne
gzel kaynard. Ali, semaveri, iinde ne strap, ne grev, ne de kaza olan bir fabrikaya benzetirdi.
Ondan yalnz koku, buhar ve sabahn saadeti istihsal edilirdi.
Sabahleyin, Ali'nin bir semaver, bir de fabrikann nnde bekleyen salep ggm houna giderdi.
Sonra sesler, Halcoglu'ndaki askeri mektebin borazan, fabrikann uzun ve btn Hali'i nlatan
ddg, onda arzular uyandrr; arzular snd-rrd. Demek ki, Ali'miz biraz airce idi.
Bykdegirmen'de bir elektrik amelesi iin hassasiyet, Halic'e byk transatlantikler sokmaya
benzerse de, biz, Ali, Mehmet, Hasan biraz byleyizdir. Hepimizin gnlnde bir aslan yatar.
Ali, annesinin elini pt. Sonra ekerli bir ey yemi gibi dudaklarn yalad. Annesi glyordu. O,
annesini her pte, byle bir defa yalanmay det etmiti. Evin kk bahesindeki sakslarn iinde
feslegenler vard. Ali birka feslegen yapragn parmaklaryla ezerek, avularn koklaya koklaya
Sabah serin, Hali sisli idi. Arkadalarn sandal iskelesinde buldu; hepsi de din delikanllard. Be
kii Halcoglu'na getiler.
Ali btn gn zevkle, hrsla, itiyakla alacak. Fakat arkadalarndan stn grnmek istemeden.
Onun iin drst, gsterisiz ileyecek. Yoksa iinlin fiyakasn da grenmitir. Onun ustas,
stanbul'da bir tek elektrikiydi. Bir Almand. Ali'yi ok severdi. inin dalaveresini, numarasn da
gretmiti. Kendi kadar usta ve becerikli olanlardan daha stn grnmenin esrar, eviklikte, acelede,
aag yukar sporda, yani genlikteydi.
Akama, arkadalarna yeni bir dost, yeni bir kafadar, ustalarna saglam bir ii kazandrdgna
emin ve memnun evine dnd.
Anasn kucakladktan sonra, kar kahveye, arkadalarnn yanna kotu. Bir pastra oynadlar. Bir
heyecanl tavla partisi seyretti. Sonra evinin yolunu tuttu. Anas yats namazn klyordu. Her zaman
yaptg gibi, anacagnn nne meldi. Seccadenin zerinde taklalar att. Dilini kard, Nihayet kadn
gldrmege muvaffak oldugu zaman kadncagz selm vermek zereydi.
- Ali be, gnah be yavrum - dedi-. Gnah yavrucugum, yapma! Ali,
- Allah affeder ana- dedi. Sonra saf, masum sordu:
- Allah hi glmez mi?
Yemekten sonra Ali, bir Natpinkerton roman okumaya dald. Anas ona bir kazak ryordu. Sonra,
ykn iinden lavanta iegi kokan ilteler serip yattlar...
Anas sabah namaz okunurken Ali'yi uyandrd.
Kzarm ekmek kokan odada semaver ne gzel kaynard. Ali semaveri, iinde ne strap, ne grev,
ne de patron olan bir fabrikaya benzetirdi. Ondan yalnz koku, buhar ve sabahn saadeti istihsal

Ali'nin annesine lm, bir misafir, bir bartl, namaznda niyaznda bir komu hanm gelir gibi
geldi. Sabahlan oglunun ayn, akamlan iki kap yemegini hazrlaya hazrlaya akam ediyordu. Fakat
yreginin kenarnda bir sz hissediyor, buruuk ve tlbent kokan vcudunda, akam stleri
merdivenleri hzl hzl ktg zaman; bir kesiklik bir ter, bir yumuaklk duyuyordu.
T2$'s"$t*+ -7 A!%*t . E8&'
"They've called the morning prayer. Get up, son; you'll be late to work."
Ali had finally found a job. He had been working at the factory for a week. His mother was happy.
She had already performed her morning nama$. When she entered her son's room, with God in her
heart, she couldn't at first bring herself to wake him up. With his tall, husky body and very youthful
face, Ali was sprawled on the bed. He was dreaming of machines, batteries, light bulbs, of getting
soaked in grease and hearing the noises of diesel engines. His face was flushed, and he perspired as
if he had just finished working.
The smokestack of the factory in Halcoglu had cocked up its head and was looking eastward at
the false dawn over the Kagthane hills. lt was about to blow its whistle.
Ali finally woke up. He embraced his mother. Then he pulled the quilt over his head, the way he did
every morning. His mother tickled his feet which were sticking out. Ali jumped up and then they both
fell on the bed. This woman, whose laughter rang like that of a young girl, could be called happy. After
all, weren't they the children of a neighborhood which had very few happy people? Did the mother
have anything but her son, or the son his mother? They went to the dining room in each other's arms
The smell of toasted bread had filled the room. How delightfully that samovar used to sizzle. To Ali, the
samovar looked like a factory where there was no suffering, no strikes, no accidents. lt yielded only
aroma, steam and the happiness of morning.
The two things Ali liked most in the morning were the samovar and the salep kettle which stood in
front of the factory. Also the sounds. The trumpet of the military school in Halcoglu and the long
whistle of the factory echoing all over the Golden Horn used to awaken and extinguish desires in him.
This shows that Ali had something poetic about him. Although sensitivity is to an electrician at the mill
what an ocean liner is to the Golden Horn-Ali, Mehmet, Hasan, we're all like that. We all have
cherished aspirations in our hearts.
Ali kissed his mother's hand, and then smacked his lips as if he had licked something sweet. His
mother was laughing. This had become a habit with him, smacking his lips after kissing his mother.
There was sweet basil growing in pots in (heir small garden. Ali squeezed a few leaves of basil
between his fingers and walked away smelling his hands.
lt was cool that morning and the Horn was foggy. He found his friends at the boat landing. They
were all healthy-looking young men. All five of them went across to Halcoglu in a row boat.
Ali would work gladly, ardently, greedily all day but would not wish to pose as a better worker than
his friends. He would work honestly, without pretension. He had even learned the fancy tricks of the
profession. He had been an apprentice to lstanbul's top electrician. His master, who was a German,
used to like Ali very much. He had taught Ali all the tricks and short cuts of the trade. The secret of
looking better than others equally skillful and capable was in nimbleness, in agility, that is, in being
athletic or youthful.
ln the evening he returned home contented and assured that his mates had found a dependable
friend, a new pal in him; and his foreman, a reliable worker.
After embracing his mother, he ran to the street, where his friends would gather. They played a
game of cards, after which he watched an enthusiastic round of backgammon. Then he left for home.
When he reached home, his mother was performing the evening nama$. As usual, he squatted next to
his mother somersaulted in front of the prayer rug, and stuck his tongue out. When finally he managed
to make the woman laugh, she was almost finished saying the last prayer.
"Look here, Ali it's blasphemous what you're doing. lt's a sin don't, son!"
"God'll forgive, Mom," he said; then innocently and naively he asked, "Doesn't God ever laugh?"
After dinner, Ali read a Nat Pinkerton whodunit while his mother was knitting a sweater for him.
Later they took out lavender-smelling sheets from the chest, spread them out and went to bed.
His mother woke him up as the morning prayer was being called.
How delightfully the samovar was sizzling in the room filled with the smell of toasted bread. To Ali,
the samovar looked like a factory where there was no suffering, no strikes, no accidents. lt yielded
only aroma, steam and the happiness of morning.

Death came to Ali's mother like a guest, like a devout lady from the neighborhood, her head
covered by a scarf. She used to pass her days, preparing her son's tea in the morning and cooking a
couple of dishes for the evening. But lately she had been feeling a pain in her chest. She would feel
weak and exhausted when she climbed the stairs fast, especially in the later part of the day. Her
wrinkled; cheesecloth-smelling body would be covered with perspiration.
Seninle dnya ahvalinden konuuyorduk. Bu vaziyet karsnda sana hisle-rimden bahsetmemi
istemiyordum. Bana kalrsa hi de ayp bir ey yapmyorum. nsanlar birbirlerine nasl felket
gnlerinde daha ok sokulurlarsa, ben de ayn eyi yapmyor muyum?
stikll Harbi'nde kasabamz kh Yunanllar, kh Abazalar igal ederdi. Biz konu-komu, bir araya
toplanr, klan sndrr, birbirimize gvenir otururduk. Bir mthi frtnal gece hatrlyorum: Evimiz
kendi evimizdi. O gece imekler birbirini mthi grltlerle kovalyordu. Bahedeki agalar eski bir
ahret lisanyla konuuyordu. Uzaktan denizin kayalara tosladgn, kayalarn denize ve denizin
kayalara homurdandgn duyuyorduk. Btn ev halk bir sofraya toplanmtk. imeklerin mavi
gnda birbirimizin yzn grebiliyorduk. Evimiz bir ormann iinde ve kyden uzaktayd. Yaknlara
imekler de dyordu. Korkudan ziyade bir beraber bulunmak hissiyle, hatt gece yarsndan sonra
hi byle birlememi olmaktan dogmu bir hazla, imeklerin soguk aydnlgnda mavi, ok yakn
beyaz sevgili ehreleri gryordum: Anam, babam, kzkardeim, teyzemin byk kz... Kimbilir belki
yakn komularmz olsayd, onlar da agrrdk.
Seni yalnz byle imekli havalar iin istedigim aklna gelmesin. Seni im-iseksiz havalarda bir
sandala atp gle uykusuna yatm bir evin, beyaz kire badanal sahil kasabasnda sandalmz,
bahelerin, hamaklarn, uyumu &'s$'"$2$1 sahile egilmi camlarn glgesi vura vura, sandal denizin
dibinden bir kar yukarda, sahile srnrcesine kydan gtrmek, suda kk balklarn katgn,
akltalarnn ekillerini kaybedip buldugunu; yeil, sar, kumral, hatt beyaz yosunlarn oynatklarn
gstererek dolatrmak ve o anda kan kk bir hava ile kokun burnuma degdigi zaman sevinmek ve
sana o zaman aktan gzelleen ve iyileen dertsiz, has-talksz yzm gstermek, seni ne kadar
sevdigimi yalnz gzlerimle anlatmak, yalnz yzmn ortasna dm ince bir saadet izgisi ile her
eyi ifade etmek isterdim.
Fakat bu kadar bulutsuz, bu kadar rzgrsz, bu kadar imeksiz dnyada yaamayacagz. Byle
anlarda ta ocuklugumdan ber kahraman kesildim. Sen bana sokul, yaslan. Ben, aresiz, imeklerin
gnda senin batar alg gzlerini greyim ve kaybedeyim. nsanlarn birbirini yedigi u byk kavga
dnyasnda iki insann degil, binlerce insann, dinden, ideolojiden, her eyden uzak, fakat her eye
ragmen sevitigini grmeseler bile bilsinler. Byk laflar sylemeden, "Hakikat budur!" bile demeden,
insan oldugumuzdan beri olagelen, bir bakasnda kendimizi duyabildigimiz, hatalarmz ve
meziyetlerimizi anlayabildigimiz eyi yapalm: Sevielim.
Belki her ey hakikattir. Belki her kavgada bir hak, bir hakl ve bir haksz vardr. Fakat akta ne hak,
ne hakl, ne haksz, hatt ne de bir hakikat vardr. Onda yalnz btn bunlarn yoklugundan var olan bir
ey, gzellik vardr.
T2$'s"$t*+ -7 D&""&$% B. <&)%$'
We were talking about the world situation. You didn't want me to go into my feelings about you
then. Still l don't see anything wrong in that. lsn't it just what people do when they console one another
in hard times?
During the war of lndependence both the Greeks and the Abkhazians occupied our town. We
friends and neighbors would gather in one place, turn out the lights and sit together, giving each other
comfort and strength. l remember one terrible, stromy night. We were in our house. The lightning
flashes chased after each other with dreadful noises. From a distance we could feel the sea butting
against the rocks and hear the rocks muttering at the sea and the sea at the rocks. We had come
together, all the people of the house, in one large room. ln the blue gleam of the lightning we could
see each other's faces. Our house was in a forest, some distance from the village. Lightning was
flashing all around. With a feeling less of fright than of being together, with a pleasure, even, which
came from never before having been brought together like this after midnight, l saw those pale dear
faces-my mother and father, my sister, my aunt's oldest daughter-blue and very close in the cold
brightness of the lightning. lf we'd had close neighbors l'm sure we would have invited them, too.
But don't suppose that l only want you on stormy nights like that. lf l could l would put you in a boat
one calm day in a seaside town of whitewashed houses dozing at noon and take you out in that boat a
little way from the shore, as though you were crawling along the bottom, the boat only a hand span
above it, with shadows reflecting off the surface of the water from gardens and hammocks, people
sleeping and pine trees bent down over the shore line. l would row you about showing you how the
tiny fish seatter in the water, how the pebbles on the bottom lose and regain their shapes and how the
mosses play in the currents-green, yellow, reddish brown and even white. l would be happy when the
scent of you reached my nose with a mometary breeze. l would show you my face, healthy and
without pain, at that moment growing radiant and convalescing in love, and explain only with my eyes
how much l love you. l would tell you everything simply through the little wrinkles of pleasure in the
middle of my face.
But we don't live in such a tranquil, cloudless world. At moments like this l always imagine myself a
hero. Come close to me. Never mind the lightning, let me see the color of your eyes, copper-tinged in
its light. ln this world of war and violence where people destroy one another, if only they knew, even if
they don't see it-not just two people but thousands of people-that far removed from religion and
ideology far from everything, yet in spite of everything, that they love one another. Without making
grand pronouncements, without saying "This is the truth," let's do the one thing which man has been
doing every since he was man, where we have a sense of ourselves in another, where we understand
our weaknesses and our strengths: come, let us have love.
Perhaps everything is the truth. lt may be that in every fight or quarrel there is a right and a wrong,
a just party and an unjust. But in love there is no right, no just or unjust; there isn't even any "truth." ln
love there is only a single thing which "becomes" out of the absence of those other things: beauty.
O znt birdenbire gelir. Hava yagmurludur. Bir sonu gelmeyecek balang. Byle srp gidecek
gibidir her ey. yle ki, ocuklar bile irkindir. Sokagn amuru, bu her taraf kaplayan; gkyznden
agaca, agatan duvara, duvardan denize, denizden vapura, vapurdan macya, macdan kaptana,
ondan tekrar denize, yine karaya, yine agaca ve duvara, duvardan yoldan geene vuran bir rengin en
ko-yusudur. Ah! Gndz, bu pis k bir bitse de kararverse ortalk, klar bir yansa...
te yalnz iki umut vardr: Akam ve lamba...
Kimin eli bu, yreginizi durmadan mncklayp duran? Yap yap soguk, irkin czaml el..
- Bu surat ne yahu?
- Ne var suratmda?
- Canndan bezmisin sen yahu!
- Neden bezecekmiim canmdan?
Biliyorum, suratmn rengi de amurun, gkyznn, denizin, duvarn rengindedir.
Her eyden memnun ahbap, seni ykm gitmitir. nsan var yledir, insan var byledir. Duvarn
gkyznn, amurun, o devaml pis halin rengini alr. Yznde sanki damarndaki krmz su
dolamyordun Bu anlarda, en gzel bildigi birisiyle oynamak bile zevksizdir.
e gidecek, birtakm emirler alacak, emirler verecek, surat kendisinden bok bir zavallya
- Millet -diyecektir-, bu zavall millet benden ve senden i bekliyor, i! Arkada! Bizi beyhude
doyurmuyor. Akam sobann bana vardgn zaman bu kmrn kimin parasyla yandgn
hatrlamalsn azizim! Bu rahat sana millet teinin ediyor. Nedir bu uyuuklugun? Silkin efendi, silkin!
Kendi kendine: "Herifin hakk da yok degil ha!" diyecektir o bitkin, o amur, o duvar yzl memur.
Zlgt yiyen, sklm pklm kapy eker ekmez, karsnda bir ayna olsa kendini grsen, aarsn.
Yanagna bir krmzlk, gzne samur bir fra ile vernik srlmtr sanki... Ellerin birdenbire snm,
avularn ate gibidir. Yazhanenin gn yakmal. Yine karard ortalk. Telefona sarlmal. "Evet,
hayr, bastne, pekl,, tabi..." demeli. Kapamal telefonu: kestirmeli...
Evet, bir memur olsayd, baremin bilmem kanc derecesinde. imdi maiye-nde insanlar olurdu.
Emir verirdi. Bagrrd da; yznden duvar rengini atar, millete, vatana bir faydam dokunuyor diye
bbrlenirdi. Bir gazeteci, bir fkrac olsayd. bir stun yazar, gzne kestirdigi, kskandg bir adama
veritirirdi. Ustaba olsayd; zayf, elimsiz miskin Mehmet'e:
- ekil ordan! bak! Kr gzn grsn. byle yaplr, kol byle ekilir, makineden eya byle alnr.
Ulan, ilmik byle atlr - diyebilirdi.
Bir kahveci olsayd; bkn, gzel raga iki tokat akeder, shhat iinde yzen oglan al al, moru
mor eder:
- Ulan, bu ay fincanlarna para veriyoruz be eoglusu! Paabahe'ye almyoruz, deyyus!
T2$'s"$t*+ -7 T$"$t >$&t Halman
That melancholy feeling comes quite suddenly. A rainy day. A beginning without an end.
Everything seems destined to go on forever. Even the children look ugly. The mud in the street
blankets everything. The deepest, the darkest of colors is mirrored from the sky to the tree, from the
ferryboat to the quayside attendant and from him to the captain-and back to the sea, the land, the tree
and the wall, and to everyone who passes by the wall and through the street. Oh, if only daylight and
its dirty pastel glare would die out and turn into darkness so that the city lights would go on.
There are only two hopes nightfall and the lamps.
Whose hand is this that keeps catching and squeezing your heart? That sticky, cold, ugly leper's
"What's that frown all about?"
"What frown?"
"Hey, you look as if you're at the end of your rope."
"What do you mean? Why should l?"
l know that my face is the color of mud and the sky, of the sea and the wall.
That's the way a friend who is cheerful about everything devastates you and goes away. That's one
type. l'm a different sort. Some people take on the appearance and color of a darkened sky, of mud, of
entrenched dirt, as if the red liquid that flows through their veins never reaches their cheeks. Those
dark moments take all the pleasure out of fun and games with the people you love best.
Picture a man caught in dark moods at his office: he receives orders and gives orders, and then
screams at a poor subordinate whose face looks even more shitty.
"This nation, this poor nation of ours, expects you and me to work, to get things done! Look here,
my friend, our nation doesn't provide for our groceries for nothing. When you curl up near your stove at
night, you should bear in mind that it is our nation that gives you the money to burn coal and to sit
there in comfort. What is this lethargy? Wake up, man, and shape up!"
The clerk with that exhausted face which looks like mud will probably mutter to himself: "The
bastard is right!"
When the clerk gets bawled out and leaves the room crestfallen, his superior cannot believe his
eyes if he looks in a mirror: it's as if his cheeks have been painted red and varnish applied to his eyes
with a brush. His hands are suddenly warm, the palms burning. He knows he should put the lights on
at the office, because it's getting dark. He should pick up the telephone and say, "Yes, no, consider it
done, all right, of course, certainly....." and then put it down. He should cut it off...
Yes, if only he were a government official high up in the hicrachy, he would have a big staff to push
around and scream at. That way he could shed that wall color, too. On top of it, he could go around
bragging that he is rendering all this service to the nation and the homeland.
lf he were a journalist or columni.;t, he could write an article, and make mincemeat out of anyone
he is jealous of or wants to get at. lf a foreman, he could scold a thin, feeble and sluggish worker: "Get
out of there! Look, damn you, this is how you're supposed to do it. This is the way you pull the handle
down and remove the goods out of the machine. Dammit, this is how you tie a knot."
Now, if he were the proprietor of a coffeehouse, he could land two slaps on the checks of the
handsome helper, and make that robust face turn scarled and purple: "Bastard! We pay good money
for these ten glasses, asshole! We don't work for the
pek fabrikasnn geni cephesi, ayla ldad. Kapnn nnden birka kii, acele acele getiler. Ben
isteksiz, nereye gidecegi mehul admlarla yrrken, kapc arkamdan seslendi:
- Nereye?
- yle bir gezineyim - dedim.
- Cambaza gitmiyor musun?
Cevap vermedigimi grnce, ilve etti:
- Herkes gidiyor. Bursa'ya daha bylesi gelmemi.
- Hi niyetim yok - dedim.
Yalvard, yalvard, beni, fabrikay beklemege raz etti. Biraz oturdum, bir cigara itim, bir trk
syledim. Sonra canm skld. "Ne etsem," dedim, kalktm, kapc odasndaki ivili bastonu aldm,
fabrikay dolamaya ktm.
Kzlarn altg kozahaneyi geer gemez bir ptrd iittim. Cebimdeki elektrik fenerini yaktm.
Etraf taradm. Fenerin uzanan gr gnda kamaya abalayan iki plak ayak gzkt. Arkasndan
segirttim, kaan yakaladm.
Kapc odasna hrszla beraber girdik. Kapcnn sar kl fenerini yaktm.
Ay, bu ne kk hrszd byle! Ellerimin iinde krarcasna sktgm eli ufack. Gzleri prl prl.
Neden sonra glmek iin, hem de katla katla glmek iin ellerini braktm.
Bu sefer kck bir ak ile zerime hcum etti. Ve apkn, beni kk parmagmdan yaralad.
Smsk yakaladm keratay. Ceplerini aradm. Bir para kaak ttn ve yine ayn sfatl bir iki cigara
kgd, temizce bir mendil buldum.
Kanayan parmagma onun kaak ttnnden bastm; mendili yrttm ve elimi ona baglattm. Kalan
ttnle de iki kaln cigara sardk, ahbapa konutuk.
On be yanda vard. Hani byle ey dedi degildi ama, genlik ite. Birisi ondan ipekli mendil
istemiti, hani canim anlarsn ya, kls, sevdals komu kz ite! Para da yok ki gidip ardan alsn.
Dnm, tanm aklna bu are gelmi. Ben.
- Peki -dedim- imalthane bu tarafta, en aksi tarafta ne aryordun? Gld. malthanenin nerde
oldugunu o ne bilecekti.
Birer de benim kyl cgarasndan yaktk, iyice ahbap olmutuk.
Halis Bursalyd, dogma byme. stanbul'a degil Mudanya'ya bile koca mrnde - bunu sylerken
yzn grseydiniz - bir defack inmiti.
Emir Sultan'da, ay gnda, kzak kaydgmz zamanlar, benim de ayn bu tonda, bu kvamda
arkadalarm olmutu.
Eminim ki, bunun da onlar gibi, uzaktan sesini duydugum Gkdere'nin havuzlarnda derisi karard.
Biliyorum ki, mevsim mevsim meyvelerin kabugunun rengini alyor.
Baktm, yeil st kabuga dm bir ceviz esmerligiyle esmerdi. Yine bir laze ceviz beyazlgyla
beyaz ve gevrek dileri vard. Ben bilirim, yazn balangcndan ta ceviz mevsimine kadar Bursa
ocuklarnn yalnz elleri erik ve eftali yalnz izgili mintanlarnn kopmu dgmelerinden gzken
ggsleri fndk yaprag kokar? O srada kapcnn saati on ikiyi ald. Nerede ise $%-$= bitecekti.
-Kaaym- dedi.
Onu, ipekli mendili vermeden gnderdigime mteessir dnrken, darda bir grlt ile silkindim.
Kapc, sylene sylene odadan ieri giriyordu. Arkasndan da hrsz.
Bu sefer ben kulaklarn ektim. Kapc plak tabanlarn ince bir sgt dalyla epey halad.
Bereket patron orada yoktu. Yoksa vallah onu polise verirdi. "Bu yata bir ocuk hrsz! Efendim,
hapishanede yatsn da akllansn." diyerek.
ok korkuttuk aglamad. Gzleri aglamaya hazr ocuklarn gzlerine dnd ama, dudaklarnda
ufack bir titreme gzkmedi ve kalar sabit, kararl hallerini hi bozmadlar. Yalnz biraz
Braklnca azat edilmi bir krlang gibi frlad. Ay gn ve msr tarlasn, keskin bir kanat gibi
syrarak kat gitti.
T2$'s"$t*+ -7 >8$t >o5*)
The broad faade of the silk factory was bathed in moonlight. Several people hurried past the gate.
As l was moving listlessly with steps that did not know where they were heading, the gatekeeper
called after me, "Where are you going?"
"Just taking a stroll," l said. "Aren't you going to the circus?"
When l didn't answer, he added, "Everyone is going. Nothing like this has ever come to Bursa
"l don't feel like going at all," l said.
He begged and begged, and persuaded me to guard the factory. l sat a little while, smoked a
cigarette, sang a song. Then l became bored. "What should l do?" l wondered, got up, took the spiked
stick from the gatekeeper's room, and started making the rounds of the factory.
As soon as l passed through the shop where the girls process the silk cocoons, l heard the sound
of rapid footsteps. l turned on the flashlight l had been carrying in my pocket and scanned the place. ln
the bright beam of the flashlight there appeared two bare feet that were trying to run away. l hurried
after them and caught the fugitive.
We entered the gatekeeper's room together, the thief and l. l turned on the yellow light. Oh, what a
little thief this was! The hand that l squeezed to the verge of crushing was minute. His eyes were
shining. After a while l let go of his hand because l had to laugh - to laugh my head off. At this point
the tiny fellow rushed at me with a penknife. The rascal wounded my little finger. l firmly grasped the
scamp and searched his pockets. l found a handful of illicit tobacco, some contraband cigarette paper,
and a fairly clean handkerchief. l pressed some of the tobacco on my bleeding finger, tore the
handkerchief, and made him bind my hand. With the remaining tobacco we rolled two thick cigarettes
and had a friendly chat.
He was fifteen. Now this kind of thing was not his habit, but there you are, sin of youth. You
understand, my friend, someone wanted a silk handkerchief from him, his sweetheart, his beloved, the
girl next door. He of course didn't have the money to go and buy it at the market. He thought and
thought and in the end hit upon this solution. l said, "All right, but the manufacturing plant is over there,
what were you doing over here?" He laughed. How was he to know the location of the manufacturing
Both of us smoked my cheap-brand cigarettes and became good friends. A genuine native of
Bursa, born and bred there, he had never been to lstanbul, and just once to Mudanya in his long life-
you should have seen his face as he said this.
At Emir Sultan, where we used to go sledding in the moonlight, l had other friends of this same
type. l was sure that the skin of this one, just like theirs, turned dark in the pools of Gkdere, whose
sound l could hear from afar. l know how they turn the same color as the skin of the fruits according to
the season.
l looked and saw that he had a complexion as swarthy as a walnut whose green peel has fallen off.
He also had white and brittle teeth like the white meat of a fresh walnut. l know that from the beginning
of the summer until the walnut season only the hands of Bursa children smell like plums and peaches,
and only the chests that appear through the holes left by the torn buttons of their striped shirts smell
like hazelnut leaves.
At that point the gatekeeper's clock chimed midnight. The circus was going to be over any minute.
"l must be off," he said.
As l was thinking, troubled that l had sent him away without giving him a silk handkerchief, l was
startled by a noise from outside. The gatekeeper was coming in grumbling. Behind him, the thief....
This time l pulled his ears and the gatekeeper gave him a searing whipping with a slender willow
branch on the soles of his feet. Thank God the boss wasn't there. Otherwise he would surely have
handed him over to the police with the words, "A child this young, and a thief!" Sir, let him sit in jail and
wise up!"
However much we tried to scare him he did not cry. His eyes took the expression of the eyes of
children ready to cry, but not even this slightest tremor appeared on his lips, and his eyebrows
remained just as firmly set; they were just a little dishevelled.
When he was let go, he shot out like a swallow that has been set free. Like a sharp wing that
swipes at the moonlight and the corn field, he dashed off.
Futurists love computers. After all, 40 years ago electronic digital computers didn't exist; today
microchips as tiny as a baby's fingernail are making all sorts of tasks faster and easier. Surely the
future holds still more miracles.
Some of the computer experiments now going on inspire exciting visions of the future. For
example, scientists are working on devices that can electronically perform some sight and hearing
functions, which could make life easier for the blind and deaf. They're also working on artificial arms
and legs that respond to the electric impulses produced by the human brain. Scientists hope that
someday a person who's lost an arm could still have near-normal brain control over an artificial arm.
Video games, computerized special effects in movies, and real-life training machines now being
used by the U.S. Army are causing some people to predict new educational uses for computers.
Computers could some day be used to simulate travel to other planets, to explore the ocean floor, or
to look inside an atom.
Experiments with electronic banking and shopping inspire predictions that these activities will soon
be done from home computer terminals. Cars, too, might be equipped with computers to help drivers
find their way around (Honda has one in an experimental car) or to communicate with home and office
Many people, including handicapped workers with limited ability to move around, already are
working at home using computer terminals. Each terminal is connected to a system at a company's
main office. Some futurists say the day may come when few people will have to leave home to go to
work-they'll just turn on a terminal.
A growing number of factories such as the General Motors plant in Newark, Delaware, "hire"
computerized robots to perform tasks such as spot welding. Some executives get a gleam in their
eyes as they envision the spread of these "perfect workers" - no coffee breaks, no strikes, and no
vacations or sick days.
These modern and potential computer uses are possible because of the silicon microchip.
These chips, which have become increasingly complex since their beginning in l959, contain a
network of information pathways. Electronic impulses travel along the paths. The plans for a chip look
much like a city street plan and can be as large as a football field. lt can take as long as three months
to complete a new chip design. Chips are used to store information, too. An entire "computer" can be
put onto one chip-called a microprocessor.
As chips become even more complex, easier to make, and less costly, futurists predict limitless
Gelecekiler bilgisayar severler. 40 yl nce elektronik dijital bilgisayarlarn bulunmadgn
anmsayalm, gnmzde bebek trnag kadar minicik mikroipler her tr ii daha abuk ve kolay
yapyor. Kukusuz gelecekte daha birok mucize beklenebilir.
imdilerde srmekte olan kimi bilgisayar deneyleri gelecegin grnmne ilikin ipular veriyor.
Szgelimi, bilim adamlar grmezler ve sagrlar iin yaam kolaylatrabilecek olan, grme ve duyma
ilevlerini elektronik olarak yerine getirebilecek aygtlar zerinde alyorlar. Ayn zamanda insan
beyninin kardg elektrik uyaranlara tepki gsteren yapay kol ve bacaklar zerinde alyorlar. Bilim
adamlar birgn, kolunu kaybeden bir kimsenin yapay kol zerinde olagana yakn bir beyin denetimi
yapabilecegini umuyorlar.
Video oyunlar, sinemalarda bilgisayara dayal zel gsterimler, imdi Amerikan ordusunda
kullanlan gerek-yaam egitimi makineleri, kimi insanlara bilgisayarlarn egitimde yeni kullanmlarna
ilikin tahminde bulunma olanag veriyor. Birgn, bilgisayarlar, teki gezegenlere yolculuk, okyanus
tabann aratrma ya da atomun iini inceleme benzeimi (deneyleri) iin kullanlabilir.
Elektronik bankaclk ve alveri deneyleri, bu ilerin ok yaknda bilgisayar terminallerinden
yaplabilecegine ilikin tahminlere kaynaklk ediyor. Srclere yollarn bulmada (Honda'nn byle
deneysel bir arabas var) ya da ev ve ofis bilgisayar ile iletiim saglamada yardmc olmak iin
arabalar da bilgisayar ile donatlabilir.
Hareket yetenegi snrl zrl iiler de iinde olmak zere, birok kimse, imdiden bilgisayar
terminalleri kullanarak evde alyorlar: her terminal irketin merkez ofisinde bir sisteme bagldr. Kimi
gelecekiler ok az kimsenin evden ie gitmek zorunda olacag bir gnn gelecegini sylyorlar-
yalnzca terminali amak yeterli olacak.
Newark, Delaware'deki General Motors fabrikas gibi giderek artan sayda fabrika kaynak gibi ileri
yapmak iin bilgisayarl robotlar 'kiralyorlar.?' Bu 'yetkin iilerin' yaygnlatgn dledike kimi
yneticilerin gzleri parlyor - ne kahve molas, ne grev, ne tatil ne de hastalk izni olacak. Bilgisayarn
bu agda ve olas kullanm silikon mikroip sayesinde olanakl hale geliyor.
l959'daki balangtan beri giderek karmaklaan bu ipler, bilgi ag patikalar ieriyor. Elektronik
uyaranlar bu patikalar boyunca futbol alan kadar da byk olabiliyorlar. Yeni bir ip tasarmn
tamamlamak ay kadar srebiliyor. ipler bilgi saklamak iinde kullanlabiliyor. Btn bir bilgisayar,
mikro ilemci denilen bir tek ipe konulabiliyor.
ipler daha karmak, yapmlar kolay, daha ucuz hale geldike gelecekiler snrsz olanaklar
T!* L$st V&s&t
lt was on the 28 th of July, which l believe was a Wednesday, that l visited my father for the first
time during his illness and for the last time in his life. The moment l saw him l knew why l had put off
this visit so long. l had told my mother that l did not want to see him because l hated him. But this was
not true. lt was only that l had hated him and l wanted to hold on to this hatred. l did not want to look
on him as a ruin: it was not a ruin l had hated. l imagine that one of the reasons people cling to their
hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, that they will be forced to deal with
We traveled out to him, his older sister and myself, to what seemed to be the very end of a very
Long lsland. lt was hot and dusty and we wrangled, my aunt and l, all the way out, over the fact that l
had recently begun to smoke and, as she said, to give myself airs. But l knew that she wrangled with
me because she could not bear to face the fact of her brother's dying. Neither could l endure the
reality of her despair, her unstated bafflement as to what had happened to time she fell into a heavy
2*8&2*. Covertly, l watched her face, which was the face of an old woman; it had fallen in the eyes
were sunken and lightless; soon she would be dying too.
ln my childhood-it had not been so so long ago- l had thought her beautiful. She had been quick-
witted and quick-moving and very generous with all the children and each of her visits had been an
event. At one time one of my brothers and myself had thought of running away to live with her. Now
she could no longer produce out of her handbag some unexpected and yet familiar delight. She made
me feel pity and revulsion and fear. lt was awful to realize that she no longer caused me to feel
affection. The closer we came to the hospital the more querulous she became and at the same time,
naturally, grew more dependent on me. Between pity and guilt and fear l began to feel that there was
another me trapped in my skull like a jack-in-the-box who might escape my control at any moment and
fill the air with screaming.
She began to cry the moment we entered the room and she saw him lying there, all shriveled and
still, like a little black monkey. The great, gleaming apparatus which fed him and would have
compelled him to be still even if he had been able to move brought to mind, not beneficence, but
torture; the tubes entering his arm made me think of pictures l had seen when a child, of Gulliver, tied
down by the pygmies on that island. My aunt wept, there was a whistling sound in my father's throat;
nothing was said; he could not speak. l wanted to take his hand, to say something. But l do not know
what l could have said, even if he could hav heard me. He was not really in that room with us, he had
at last really embarked o his journey; and though my aunt told me that he said he was going to meet
Jesus, did not hear anything except that whistling in his throat. The doctor came back and we left, into
that unbearable train again, and home. ln the morning came the telegram saying that he was dead.
Then the house was suddenly full of relatives, friends, hysteria, and confusion and l quickly left my
mother and the children to the care of those impressive women, who, in Negro communities at least,
automatically appear at times of bereavement armed with lotions, proverbs, and patience, and an
ability to cook. l went downtown. By the time l returned, later the same day, my mother had been
carried to the hospital and the baby had been born.
Babam hastalg srasnda ilk kez ve yaamnda son kez ziyaret ettigimde Temmuz'un 28'i idi,
sanyorum bir aramba gnyd. Onu grr grmez bu ziyareti niye bu denli erteledigimi anladm.
Anneme kendisinden nefret ettigim iin onu grmek istemedigimi sylemitim. Ama bu dogru degildi.
Yalnzca ondan nefret etmekti neden ve bu nefreti srdrmek istiyordum. Onu bir enkaz gibi izlemek
istemiyordum; nefret ettigim enkaz degildi. nsanlarn nefret ettiklerine bu lde inatla sarlmalar,
sanyorum, bir kez nefret ortadan kalknca ac ile ugramak zorunda olduklarn
Byk ablas ve ben, ona ulamak iin Long lsland'n en ucu denebilecek bir yere kadar uzandk.
Scak, kuru bir havayd ve teyzemle ben, yol boyunca kendime bir hava vermek iin, o byle
sylyordu, sigara imeye baladgm konusu zerinde ekitik durduk. Ancak teyzemin kardeinin
lm geregiyle yzyze gelmeye dayanamadg iin benimle ekitigini biliyorum. Onun
umutsuzlugundaki gerege, kardeinin yaamyla kendisininkine olanlar karsnda sessiz aknlgna
da tahammlm yoktu. Bu yzden ekitik durduk, ben sigaram itim ve o zaman zaman derin
dlere dald. Farkettirmeden yzn inceledim, yal bir kadn yzyd, bitkindi, gzleri kk ve
donuktu, yaknda o da lecekti.
ocuklugumda - ok eski saylmaz - onu gzel bulurdum. Kvrak zekl, evik bir kimseydi,
ocuklara kar ok cmertti, ziyaretlerinin her biri bir olay olurdu. Bir keresinde kardelerimden biri ile
kap onunla oturmay dnmtk. imdi el antasndan beklenmedik ama yine de hoa gidecek
birey karabilecek durumda degildi. Bende acma, tepki ve korku duygusu uyandrd. Artk bir efkat
duygusu uyandrmadgn dnmek korkuntu. Hastaneye yaklatka daha ok hrnlat ve ayn
zamanda dogal olarak bana daha bagml hale geldi. Acma, sululuk ve korku arasnda beynimin
iinde her an denetimim dna kp ortalg glga bogacak, bir kutuya skm zemberek gibi bir
baka ben oldugunu duyumsamaya baladm.
Odaya girmemizle birlikte, onu orada kvrlm, sessiz kk siyah bir maymun gibi uzanm
grnce aglamaya balad. Hareket edebilecek olsa bile onu hare-keketsizlige zorlayan yiyecegini
sagladg byk parlak aygt bile usa yarar degil ikence getiriyordu. Kollarna giren tpler,
ocuklugumda Gliver'in cceler tarafndan baglan gsteren resimleri anmsatt. Teyzem durmadan
aglyordu, babamn bogaznda bir slk sesi vard, bir ey sylemiyordu, konuamyordu. Birey syle-
mek iin elini tutmak istedim. Beni duyabilse bile ne sylerdim bilmiyorum. Gerekten o odada bizimle
degildi, sonunda kendi yolculuguna gerekten kmt; teyzem sa'yla buluacagn bana sylediyse
de, bogazndaki slk sesinden baka birey duymuyordum. Doktor dnd ve biz de ayrldk, tekrar o
dayanlmaz trene ve onunla da eve. Sabahleyin ldgn bildiren telgraf geldi. Sonra ev yaknlar,
arkadalar, glk ve kargaa ile doldu ve ben annemi ve ocuklar, hi degilse zenci blgelerinde bu
acl dnemlerde kolonyas, ataszleri, sabr ve alk yetenegi ile ortaya k-veren o etkili kadnlara
brakarak ktm gittim. O gn daha sonra dndgmde annem hastaneye kaldrlm ve bebek
Social change is the alteration or modification of social institutions and societies over some period
of time. lmplied in this definition are three fundamental parts: (l) the amount of a change; (2) the
duration of a change; and (3) the nature of a change.
One of the features of social change that interests sociologists is the amount or magnitude o4 a
change. An election is quite different in magnitude from a revolution. A change in dating practices is
quite different from the abolition of the family. Change, either large or small, signi4icant or minor, is
measured by the impact of a change upon society.
The duration o4 a change is the key to the question of time. A long-term change is quite different
from something that happens overnight. The election of a Communist government that has the full
consent of the governed is quite different from a violent revolutionary takeover that occurs in a matter
of a few, sudden days. The change of a country from feudalism to industrialism takes much longer
than a change brought about by a series of five - and seven- year plans for accelerated growth or a
"great leap forward."
The nature o4 a change is closely linked to the first two conditions. The nature of a change is
measured by the degree of disruption in the society. The severity o4 a change is central. What is the
amount o4 social cost incurredG What price progress?
The answer to this last question allows us to identify two major approaches to social change:
evolutionary and revolutionary. According to Francis R. Allen, the following distinctions can be made:
;9volution refers to alterations in society or culture that are lawful, orderly, and gradual3 an unfolding of
forces actually c potentially present is implied. Tevolution connotes a sudden and far-reaching change
from the usual social and/or cultural ongoing. The latter implies a major break in the continuity o4
develo!ment, which often is contrary to the official law."2 The break in continuity is made through
political violence. Recall that in Chapter Two we suggested that sociology was born because of the
debate over the issue of political violence in nineteenth-century Europe. Conservatives like Louis de
Bonald, Herberd Spencer, and Auguste Comte feared dramatic, disruptive change and favored long-
term evolutionary alterations in society. Such changes were generally seen as independent of the
actions of men.
Toplumsal degime toplumsal kurumlarn ve toplumlarn belli bir srede degimesi ya da degiim
geirmesidir. Bu tanmda temel blm var: l. degiikligin kapsam (miktar) 2. degiikligin sresi ve
3. degiikligin niteligi.
Toplumsal degimenin toplumbilimcileri ilgilendiren zelliklerinden birisi degiikligin kapsam ya da
byklgdr. Seim byklk bakmndan devrimden ok farkldr. Kz-erkek bulumasyla ilgili
uygulamalar ailenin ortadan kaldrlmasndan ok farkldr. Kk ya da byk, nemli ya da nemsiz
degiiklik, toplumda degiikligin yarattg etki ile llr.
Degiikligin sresi toplumda degiikligin aldg zaman belirtir. Giderek olanla birden olan degime
zaman konusunda anahtar niteligindedir. Uzun erimli degime bir gecede oluveren degimeden ok
farkldr. Ynetilenlerin tam onayna sahip bir komnist ynetimin seimi ile birka gnde, birden
oluveren iddetli devrimci bir ynetim degiikligi ok farkldr. Bir lkenin feodalizmden sanayilemeye
gemesi, bir dizi 5-7 yllk planlarla hzlandrlm bir gelimeye ya da bir dev adma ynelmesinden
daha uzun srer.
Degiimin niteligi ilk iki koulla yakndan ilikilidir. Degiimin niteligi toplumdaki sarsntnn
derecesiyle llr. Degiimin iddeti asldr. denmesi gereken toplumsal bedel nedir? lerlemenin
bedeli nedir?
Bu son sorunun yant toplumsal gelimeye iki temel yaklam belirlemeye olanak saglar: evrimci
ve devrimci yaklam. F.R. Allen'e gre u ayrm yaplabilir: Evrim bir toplum ya da kltrdeki yasal,
dzenli ve giderek yaplan degimeleri anlatr, gerekte ve aslnda varolan glerin aga kmasn
belirtir. Devrim olagan toplum ve/ya da kltr dzeninde birden bire, ok boyutlu bir degiikligi anlatr.
Bu ikincisi resmi yasaya kar, gelimenin srekliligin deki byk bir kesintiye usa getirir. Sreklilikteki
kesinti iddet yoluyla ortaya kar. 2. blmde toplumbilimin l9. yzyl Avrupasnda siyasal iddet
konusundaki tartmalardan dogdugunu syledigimizi anmsayalm. Louis de Bonald, Spencer ve
Comte gibi tutucular dramatik, sarsc degiiklikten korktular ve toplumda uzun erimli evrimci degime
yanls oldular. Bu tr degimeler genellikle insan eylemlerinden bagmsz olarak grlyordu.

"POPULAR CULTURE," philosopher George Santayana once said, is really what people do when
they are not working." Popular culture activities make up the largest portion of what people do when
they're free from trying to earn their daily bread. The average man, woman, and child spend six hours
daily in front of a television set. Adolescents and young adults spend around four hours a day listening
to the radio or to phonograph records. Americans spend 545 million a year at the movies. The amount
of time alone that people spend on popular culture indicates that it is quite an important aspect of
American life.
The average American voluntarily devotes his time' to popular culture whereas his enthusiasm for
and commitment to work, politics, religion, and other activities may be pretty slight. Most people go to
work, for example only because they have to, but they support pop culture because of choice and in
some cases habit. They may choose to watch television, see a movie, listen to the radio or a stereo
set, or read a novel. On weekends, they may travel to fairs, festivals, or concerts or attend an athletic
By studying popular culture sociologists can begin to look at social behavior apart from the
business of human housekeeping. As we have seen, economics, politics, and many other activities are
directed at the maintenance of social life. These are things that need to be done. Food must be
purchased, the rent must be paid, and some kind of regulation of all of these activities is necessary.
But once these needs have been satisfied, people can "relax" and seemingly "do what they want to."
This voluntary aspect is what makes popular culture important to the sociologist.
Popular culture is the entertainment subdivision of culture. People frequently confuse the two
terms. Ko!ular culture consists o4 the ty!ical 5ays in 5hich !eo!le s!end their time 5hen not 5orking.
'his includes all 4orms o4 entertainment in sound, sight, and the !rinted 5ord. Some forms of leisure
are not included in this category. Taking a nap on Saturday afternoon, for example, does not fall under
the definition of popular culture. Sitting around listening to records, watching television, reading a book
all are part of popular culture. Popular culture generally embraces all levels of society and is
considered "folk," "popular," or the "pastimes of the masses." Another way of saying this is that
popular culture is entertainment not supported by the intellectual, economic, or political elite of any
society. lt is not "high brow" or "fine art." lnstead, popular culture is all the entertainment that is left
after one subs tracts fine painting, opera, and the other forms of entertainment available to only a
handful of wealthy and highly educated people.
The lack of coercion in popular culture makes it an interesting topic for sociologists, not only
because it is a laboratory of what people do in their free time but also because it appears to lack any
long-standing pattern. Remember, sociologists are dedicated to finding patterns in social living. They
attempt to find order in chaos. ln popular culture the consistent lack of uniformity is itself a pattern.
Change, both expected and unexpected, is the rule rather than the exception in popular culture.

'Popler kltr, diyordu felsefeci G. Santayana bir keresinde, 'aslnda insanlarn almadklar
zaman yaptklardr'. Popler kltr etkinlikleri insanlarn ge-' imlerini kazanmak zorunda olmadklar
zamanlarda yaptklar ilerin ogunu kapsar. Sradan bir erkek, kadn ya da ocuk gnde alt saatini
TV nnde geirir. Yeni yetme ya da gen erikinler gnde drt saat radyo ya da plak dinlemekle vakit
geirirler. Amerikallar sinemaya ylda 45 milyon dolar derler. nsanlarn popler kltre ayrdklar
zaman, bunun Amerikan yaamnn olduka nemli bir yan oldugunu gsterir.
Sradan bir Amerikal zamann popler kltre gnll olarak ayrr, oysa i, politika, din ve teki
etkinliklere kar hevesi ve bagllg ok az olabilir. Szgelimi birok kimse zorunlu olduklar iin ie
giderler ama popler kltr bir seme ya da bir alkanlk nedeniyle desteklerler. TV izlemeyi, film
grmeyi, radyo ya da kaset dinlemeyi ya da bir roman okumay seebilirler. Hafta sonlarnda fuarlara,
festivallere, dinletilere gidebilir ya da bir atletizm etkinligine katlabilirler.
Toplumbilimciler, popler kltr inceleyerek insann ev geindirme ii dndaki toplumsal
davranna bakabilir. Grdgmz gibi ekonomi, politika ve ilaha baka birok etkinlik toplumsal
yaamn srdrlmesine yneliktir. Yiyecek alnmal, kira denmelidir ve bu etkinlikler iin bir tr
dzenleme gerekir. Ancak bu gereksinmeler karlannca insanlar 'rahatlayabilir' ve herhalde
istediklerini yaparlar. Popler kltr toplumbilimci iin nemli yapan bu gnll yandr.
Popler kltr kltrn eglence yandr. nsanlar iki terimi ska kartrrlar. Popler kltr
insanlarn almadktan zamanlarda tipik vakit geirme yntemlerinden oluur. Bu ses, grnt ve
yazl szck gibi btn eglence biimlerini iine alr. Kimi bo vakit geirme biimleri bu kategoriye
girmez. Szgelimi bir Cumartesi gle sonras kestirmek popler kltr tanmna girmez. Oturup plak
dinlemek, televizyon izlemek, kitap okumak hepsi de popler kltrn bir blmdr. Popler kltr
toplumun btn katmanlarn kapsar ve folk, 'popler' ya da kitlelerin bo zaman eglenceleri' diye
dnlr. Baka bir deyile popler kltr hibir toplumun aydn, ekonomik ya da siyasal st kmesi
tarafndan desteklenmeyen eglencedir. 'nce zevk' ya da 'gzel sanat' degildir. Tam tersine popler
kltr bir avu zengin ve yksek grenimli kiinin elinde olan resim, opera ve teki eglence biimleri
karldgnda geriye kalan her trl eglencedir.
Popler kltrde zorlama olmamas onu toplumbilimciler iin ilgin bir konu haline getirir, yalnzca
insanlarn bo zamanlarnda ne yaptklarn gsteren bir laboratuar degil, ayn zamanda kalc bir
dzenden yoksun oldugu iin. Toplumbilimcilerin toplum yaamnda dzen bulmaya kendilerini
adadklarn unutmayalm. Kargaada dzen bulmaya aba gsterirler. Popler kltrde tutarl tek
boyutluluk olmamas durumu bal bana bir dzendir. Popler kltrde beklenen ya da beklenmeyen
degiiklik istisna degil, kuraldr.
5? BLM________________________________
ingilizce'de haber dilinin kendine zg kurallar vardr. Szgelimi, haber balklar gerek kullanlan dil, gerekse
izlenen dilbilgisi kurallar asndan gndelik dil kullanmndan olduka ayrmlar gsterir. Seilen szckler daha
arpc ve etkili trdendir. Olabildigince az szck kullanlarak yer kazanlmaya allr. te yandan balklar d-
nda haber yazmnda kullanlan kimi etkili, ksa, arpc szckler basn dilinde zellikle ska kullanlr. Bunlardan
kimileri aagda verilmitir.
La$ete haber dilinde ska kullanlan s$cklerden semeler
back. to support (desteklemek)
France backs British peace move
bid. to attempt
New Ararat bid by American team
bla$e. fire
Three die in hotel blaze
boost. encouragement; to appeal for
Government plans to boost exporters.
call 4or. to demand for; to appeal for
ANAP calls for cabinet corruption enquiry
clash. violent disagreement; to disagree violently
Students in clash with police
curb. restrict, restriction
New price curbs proposed
drama. Dramatic event, tense situation
Palestinean Liberation leader in Orly airport kidnap drama
drive. united effort
Drive to save water
envoy. ambassador
Prime Minister sees British envoy
gems. jewels
l.000.000 TL gems stolen
haul. amount stolen in robbery, or seized by police or customs
Big gold haul in train robbery
head. leader; to lead
Commonwealth heads to meet in Paris
hit. affect badly
Snowstorms hit transport
hold. keep under arrest
Palestineans held in lsrael
key. important, vital
Key witness disappears
link. connection, contac
New trade link with Russia
mission. delegation : (official group sent to conference etc)
Shots fired at UN mission
move. step towards a particular result (often political)
Move to abolish death penalty
oust. drive out, replace
Moderates ousted in union elections
!act. agreement
Nuclear pact runs into trouble
!it. coal mine
New pit strike threat
!lea. call for help
Big response to plea for earthquake victims
KU. Prime Minister
PM resigns
!oll. election, public opinion survey
Socialists ahead in poll
!remier. Prime Minister
Premier in spy scandal
!robe. investigate; investigation
Call for student drug probe
Police probe racing scandal rumors
6uit. resign
PM quits
raid. to attack, robbery
Police raid mayor's flat
9 million gem raid
riddle. mystery
Missing envoy riddle drama
scare. public alarm, alarming rumour
Cancer scare
s!lit. disagreement
Labour split on prices
s5itch. to change
Defence policy switch
s5oo!. to raid
Police swoop on drug gang
threat. danger
Labour strike threat
to!. exceed
lmports top 250.000 dollars
vo5. to promise
Exiled leader vows to return
'g&"&=* g$=*t* !$-*2 7$=0%07"$ &"g&"& )&%& )52$""$2
Gazete balklarnn yazmnda kullanlan dilbilgisi kurallar teki yazm kurallarndan kimi ayrmlar gsterir:
l. La$ete haber balklar her $aman tam tmce de"ildir
More earthquake deaths.
2. La$ete haber balklarnda, drt ve daha ok ad be"i bir arada bulunabilir.
Furniture factory pay cut riot
Bu tr anlatmlarda en son addan nceki adlar sfat grevi grrler. Bu tr haberleri anlayabilmek iin en kolay
yol balklar geriye dogru okumaktr:
'Furniture factory pay cut riot' refers to'a riot about $ 5t &' ;$7 for the workers in a factory that makes 352'&t52*.
3. 'anmlklar (articles) ve -to be- eylemi genellikle kullanlma$.
Shakespeare play immoral, says director
4. La$ete haber balklar ya$mnda $amanlarn $el bir kullanm biimi vardr3 rne"in bu tr balklarda -is
coming-, -has gone- gibi karmak biimler kullanlma$, bunlarn yerine come, goes gibi geni $aman biimleri
Turkey sends food to famine victims (Turkey is sending/has sent...)
Students fight for course changes (Students have fought...)
Fat babies cry less, says doctor.
:imi $aman de"imekte olan ya da gelimekte olan durumlar belirtmek iin imdiki $aman kullanlr 4akat bu
durumlarda yardmc eylem olarak kullanlan is ve $2* tmcede yer alma$.
World heading for energy crisis Finland getting warmer, say researchers.
5. Lelecek $aman iin ga$ete balklarnda genellikle eylemlik (infinitive) kullanlr.
Premier to visit China
ANAP to announce cabinet changes on Monday
6. 9dilgen (!assive) ya!lar yardmc eylem kullanlmadan eylemlerin nc biimiyle oluturulur.
Man held in police in murder hunt (a man is being held)
Terrorists killed in explosion (terrorists were killed...)
Bu tr balklar kimi zaman kolaylkla yanl anlamalara yol aabilirler. Szgelimi, -Black teenagers attacked in
riot- tmcesinde saldrya ugrayan genlerdir (teenagers), onlar birine saldr dzenlememilerdir. Eger genler
saldr dzenlemi olsalard o zaman haber balgnda geni zaman kullanlrd ve balk -Black teenagers attack-
biiminde dzenlenirdi.
Journalistic Codes
of Ethics
NA+o;t*+ &' 1K24C
I. Tes!onsibility. The right of a newspaper to attract and hold readers is restricted by nothing but considerations of
public welfare. The use a newspaper makes of the share of public attention it gains serves to determine its sense of
responsibility, which it shares with every member of its staff. A journalist who uses his power for any selfish or
otherwise unworthy purpose is faithless to a high trust.
II. Rreedom o4 the Kress. Freedom of the press is to be guarded as a vital right of mankind. lt is the unquestionable
right to discuss whatever is not explicitly forbidden by law, including the wisdom of any restrictive statute.
III. Hnde!endence, Freedom from all obligations except that of fidelity to the public interest is vital.
l. Promotion of any private interest contrary to the general welfare, for whatever reason, is not compatible with
honest journalism. So-called news communications from private sources should not be published without public
notice of their source or else substantiation of their claims to value as news, both in form and substance.
2. Partisanship in editorial comment which knowingly departs from the truth does violence to the best spirit of
American Journalism; in the news columns it is subversive of a fundamental principle of the profession.
IV. )incerity, 'ruth4ulness. &ccuracy. Good faith with the reader is the foundation of all journalism worthy of the
l. By every consideration of good faith a newspaper is constrained to be truthful. lt is not to be excused for lack
of thoroughness or accuracy within its control or failure to obtain command of these essential qualities.
2. Headlines should be fully warranted by the contents of the articles which they surmount.
V. Hm!artiality. Sound practice makes clear distinction between news reports and expressions of opinion. News
reports should be free from opinion or bias of any kind.
This rule does not apply to so-called special articles unmistakably devoted to advocacy or characterized by a
signature authorizing the writer's own conclusions and interpetations.
VI. Rair Klay. A newspaper should not publish unofficial charges affecting reputation or moral character without
opportunity given to the accused to be heard; right practice demands the giving of such opportunity in all cases of
serious accusation outside judicial proceedings.
l. A newspaper should not invade private rights or feelings without sure warrant of public right as distinguished
from public curiosity.
2. lt is the privilege, as it is the duty, of a newspaper to make prompt and complete correction of its own serious
mistakes of fact or opinion, whatever their origin.
VII. >ecency, A newspaper cannot escape conviction of insincerity if while professing high moral purpose it supplies
incentives to base conduct, such as are to be found in details of crime and vice, publication of which is not
demonstrably for the general ] good. Lacking authority to enforce its canons, the journalism here represented can
but express the hope that deliberate pandering to vicious instincts will encounter effective public disapproval or yield
to the influence of a preponderant professional condemnation.
A headline is expected to prepare the reader for the article to follow. Therefore, it must be short
and to the point. Here are some characteristics of the language used in headlines: .
l. The reporter uses a special vocabulary which is descriptive and economical. ie; aid (help) back
(support), bid (attempt), blast (explosion), bring (cause), curb (restriction), jail (imprison) etc.
2. Only certain verb forms are used:
a) 'o give a sense o4 immediacy the sim!le !resent tense is o4ten used to e8!ress a recent !ast
activity, ie.
The President calls on ClA chief to quit/The President called on ClA chief to quit.
b) 'he in4initive is used to e8!ress the 4uture.
Turkish-American businessmen meet in lstanbul/Turkish and American businessmen will meet in
c) 'he sim!le !ast o4ten indicates a !assive construction.
Man cheated by crook. / A man was cheated by a crook.
d) 'he !assive in the 4uture re6uires to be-+E
School to be opened by minister / The school will be opened by the Minister.
e) &bbreviations are used 4or economy.
M P angry / The member of the Parliament got angry.
4) &rticles and to be are often left out:
Mob attacks terrorist The mob attacked the terrorist.
Minister attacked The Minister was attacked
Orite the 4ollo5ing headlines in regular, everyday language and then translate them into 'urkish
l. Tourists back environment plan
2. Sales boom
3. Thousands flee Cernobil
4. Ministers quit
5. Council urges inquiry
6. Four killed in crash
7. Two die in horror at tea-time
8. War office orders enquiry
9. Plague strikes twice
l0. Anxieties over common market
ll. Council raps ex-mayor .
l2. Goalless draw at Wembley
l3. Pay dispute closes car factory
l4. Water shortage hits gardeners
l5. Boy rescued from cliff race
l6. Meat up again: run on fish
l7. Two injured by blast in caravan
l8. Six firemen die searching for colleague
l9. Big bang shutters windows
20. Singer to retire 'want more time with children.
2l. Fined for speeding: 'speedometer not working' says professor
22. Art world mourns Picasso
23. Mother fined for shoplifting
24. Rovers lose two nil
25. Postal strike called off
26. Children in zoo drama
27. Kids turn on teachers
28. London drug link
29. Poison all-clear
30. Terror drive cable jailed
Before you start translating the text discuss each text in linguistic terms considering the following
general features:
l) 'he choice o4 5ords may indicate 5hether the re!orter uses a neutral or emotional style.
ie *$t1 $'g271 +&*1 3&2*1 t&2*+1 o"+1 !&+*1 st$t*s%*' are largely neutral, descriptive words whereas
t2$g*+71 s$'+$"1 s"$8*1 ;o"&t&&$'1 352&o5s1 *O!$5st&'g1 32**=&'g1 obese have emotional tones.
1) & style can also be 4ormal, technical or conversational
ie formal/technical: Mr. Aksoy, antecedent, reside, be interested
conversational: lsmail, take a fancy to, come to like, jab, enormous
E) & 5riter o4ten chooses his 4ocus 5hich is re4lected in his 5ording o4 the headline and article.
A tiny baby was found..
A baby aged three weeks was found
Z) Hn the 7ournalistic language one can em!loy humour, irony, satire etc. de!ending on the reader-s
likely reaction to the sub7ect.
Before you start translating you should make sure where the irony lies.
5) 'he 5riter may em!loy some literary devices such as meta!hor, simile, !ersoni4ication, antithesis,
hy!erbole, metonymy, synecdoche.
Tead the te8t care4ully be4ore you start translating to identi4y i4 such devices are used.
M) &na!horic (back) and cata!horic (4or5ard) re4erence are the t5o common devices used in any ty!e
o4 5riting. 'ranslation re6uires identi4ication o4 correct re4erence.
=$" 2*3*2*'+5% 8&to27
!$'gs &' t!* -$"$'*
B7 (&% Bo+g*'*2 in Ankara
MR Turgut zal, Turkey's Prime Minister, saw his prospects of victory in the country's weekend
referendum in the balance yesterday as the first returns gave a patchy picture. Mr zal threatened to
resign a week ago if the outcome of the ballot -on whether or not to hold early local elections in
November -was overwhelmingly negative.
The government appeared to be doing relatively well in the ci-ties, where the results averaged
between 30 and 40 percent, which might give Mr zal a sufficient threshold to fend off opposition
claims that the result constituted a vote of no confidence. But in the country-side -and particularly in
the Kurdish south east - he appeared to be doing badly - "yes" votes - reaching only about 20-30 per
However, an early estimate by the semi-official Anatolian News Agency on results from 59 cities
gave an affirmative vote of 34.2 per cent.
Mr zal took the referendum course when he failed to obtain sufficient votes in a parliamentary
debate last month on whet her or not to hold local elections in November rather than as cous-
titutionally scheduled in March. But the opposition has built it into a test of electoral confidence in his
government. His resignation threat was clearly aimed at swinging votes and rallying dissident
elements in his party.
Yesterday evening, Mr zal still had not yet revealed what threshold of votes was necessary to
retain him. The threat sought to boost "yes" votes to at least the 36 per cent his Motherland Party won
in the general elections last November. The party has been losing popularity and the government's
authority has not been helped by inflation running at annual rate of 78.4 per cent.
ln broadcasts at the weekend, Mr zal held over the electorate's head the threat of a return to the
political, social and economic upheavals of the late l970s.
There is speculation among diplomatic sources that Mr zal, is tiring and may have planned to
resign next year anyway - or go on to the presidency when President Kenan Evren finishes his term is
November next year.
Advertisements are designed to persuade. Various factors influence the persuasive power of an
advertisement but ultimately most advertisements rely on persuasive language. The advertising copy-
writer knows that some words mean more than they seem to mean and that he can benefit from the
associations which cling to certain
l) Study the ads below and discuss which words are effective for persuading customers and translate
them into Turkish in such a way that they can be as nearly persuasive as in the original.
2) ldentify the common slogans in commercial ads and discuss how they can be translated into
3) Discuss how we can distinguish facts form claims in ads.
4) Explain the appeal of an advertisement and the linguistic characteristics that make it effective
(words, grammar etc)
5) Skim and scan the small ads and explain how they differ from more comprehensive ones.
6) Make a list of common abbreviations used in ads. Below is a list to help you. Discuss how they can
be rewritten (translated?) in English
Some examples of common abbreviations used in advertisements
B&B bed and breakfast c.h central heating
gr.f ground floor p.w per week
p.c.m per calendar month s.c self-contained
ads advertisements doc doctor
hubby husband rep representative
veg vegetable
6. BLM________________________________
bu belge ile Bay John Brown'n Saglk Bakanlgnn l5 Ocak l995 tarihli ihalesi ile ilgili olarak szleme ve
eklerini imzalamakta yetkili klndgn teyid ediyoruz. lgili konuda Bay Major'a 20.0,00 USD tutarndaki para torasik
cerrahi seti alm iin verilmitir.
Dosya ref. No: 5048-3-ll5-95 .
Londra Sanayi ve Ticaret Odas kaesi
Yetkili ahs Yetki veren
Noter onay
We hereby confirm that Mr. John Brown has been authorized to sign the contract and its enclosure in relation to
the tender of Turkish Ministry of Health dated l5th January l995 which Mr. Major has been given USD 20.000 for
the purchase of Thoracic surgery set.
file ref. 5048-3-ll5-95
London lndustry and Commerce Chamber
Authorized person Authorized by
Notary Public
Mr. and Mrs. Aykan Ko Bay ve Bayan Aykan Ko
request the pleasure of your company 3 Mart Pazartesi Gn
at dinner saat 8.0:'de
on Monday, March the third akam yemeginde
sizi aralarnda grmeyi dilerler.
at 8' o'clock Gndz Sokak, No: l2
l2 Gndz sokak
Mr. and Mrs. Ahmet Bilge Bay ve bayan Ahmet Bilge
kzlar Aye ve bay Ali Dnmez'in
request the honour of your presence dgnlerinde sizi de aralarnda grmekten
at the marriage of their daughter onur duyacaklardr.
Aye 7 Haziran Pazartesi, saat 8
to Dalokay Nikah Salonu
M. Ali Dnmez
on Tuesday morning the seventh of June
at ten o'clock, at Dalokay marriage Hall
The Union Comp
st. Turkey April l3, l995
Please send the following as quickly as you can, and charge to our account:
60 boxes of A4 papers
l00 boxes of metal clips
Yours very truly,
Please send samples and quotations on one million pencil sharpeners.
At the same time let us know if you can supply l00 Ace staplers, model ll2, giving
us a quotation on this also.
We would like to have the information by the end of this week if possible.
Yours truly
Dear Mr. Brown,
Many thanks for your order which has been forwarded to our plant for immediate manufacture.
take pleasure in assuring you that l will personally follow through on your order and see that each piece is made
exactly according to specifications.
You can count on delivery on or before April, as promised.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs. Brown,
ln checking our accounts, we find there is a balance of 42.50 dollars due us for purchases made in September.
As you have do doubt overlooked this bill, we are bringing it to your attention.
Will you please send your check at once so we can clear this indebtedness form our books and bring your
account up to date.
Yours very truly
Dear sir,
According to this morning's Guardian, you are looking for an efficient, experienced secretary.
During the past l0 years l have served in that capacity to three prominent executives, all three of whom will
vouch for my efficiency and dependability. They are....
l am 30 years of age, a high school graduate, unmarried, living at home with my family. My former associates
will tell you that l am neat, accurate and painstaking in my work; that l am tactful and courteous; resourceful, loyal to
the job, and of pleasing personality.
l am well-trained and experienced in all the many duties and responsibilities of a good secretary; and l should
like the opportunity of coming in and talking with you personally.
My telephone number is 223445. l can start at once if you like.
Sincerely yours
Dear Sir,
l have just graduated form Hacettepe University, department of Linguistics. l would like to do post-graduate
studies in your faculty. Will you kindly send the required information and documents for the application for a master's
l'd appreciate if l can receive them as soon as possible.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs. Bradbury:
We hear that John has graduated form Harvard and that he made a very fine record for himself there. You must
be proud of his splendid accomplishment, and we are very happy for you.
Please give John our congratulations and our best wishes for success and happiness in his chosen work.
Sincerely yours
Dear Dr. Arnold:
My warm congratulations to you on your election as president of the state medical association. lt is a reward you
highly deserve for your many years of splendid service to the profession and to the people of the state.
l can't think of any man who would have been a better choice. My very best wishes to you.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs Martin, l just can't tell you how flattered l am that you should have remembered my birthday. lt was a real
pleasure to receive your charming note this morning Thank you so much for your good wishes.
Sincerely yours
Dear Miss Walter
Thank you very much for the lovely flowers! We liked it so much. David is very delighted and sends his thanks
With best wishes from both of us.
Cordially yours
Dear Mrs. Webb:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to dinner on Saturday, March 20th. Both my husband and l will be
delighted to come. lt will also be a pleasure to meet the new director for this division.
Yours sincerely
Mary Street
Dear Mary:
l know words aren't much comfort at a time like this. But l'd like you to know we are thinking of you; and that my
family and l send our heartfelt sympathy.
Dear Alice
We were saddened to hear of your father's death this morning. We can well appreciate your great sense of loss.
Please accept our deepest sympathy
Sincerely yours
l have known Mr. Can Bar for over five years as his instructor in several courses. Can is indeed a very
conscientious and serious-minded person and has remarkable attributes as a student. He always comes to class
well prepared and participates in class discussions. He has a good grounding in linguistic studies and enthusiastic
about doing further work. He has a fairly good command of English and seriously interested in improving it.
He is sociable person and l do believe he will be one of the most promising candidates for post- graduate
Yours sincerely
Dear Sir:
Mr. James Brown has given us your name as reference. He tells us he was credit manager of your store for
three years and that he left on his own accord to make another connection.
We shall appreciate any information you can give us about his personality, reliability, judgement.... and
especially his ability to work with others.
We will of course keep your reply strictly confidential. / Very truly yours
Nfus Czdan ldentification Card
Soyad Surname
Ad Name
Baba Ad Father's name
Ana Ad Mother's name
Dogum Yeri Place of birth
Dogum Tarihi Date of birth
Medeni Hali Marital status
Kan Grubu Blood group
il Province
le Township
Seri no Serial no
Czdan no Certificate no
Cilt Volume
Sayfa Page
Ktk Register no
&!$"* 2'*)"*2&
rnekleri inceleyiniz.
Grnek C
istanbul Su ve Kanalizasyon daresi Genel Mdrlg, istanbul Su ve Kanalizasyon Projesi 2. aamasnn nemli bir
ksmn oluturan, Kkekmece Artlm su Dearj Pompa stasyonunun ( Szleme No: ll59) inaat, M+E
ekipmanlarnn temini ve montaj amacyla uluslararas firma veya firmalarn oluturdugu ortaklklar teklif vermeye
davet etmektedir.
l) Proje kapsamndaki iler; Kkekmece Artlm su Dearj Pompa istasyonunun inaat ile MPE
ekipmanlarnn temini ve montajdr. lerin ana blm aagdaki gibidir
-Kaba zgara yapsnn yapm
-Emme haznesi ve dagtma odas yaplarnn yapm
-Trafo merkezi, kontrol odas, yksek gerilim kontrol panolar, idari ve iletme binas yapm
-Pompa istasyonu savak kanalnn yapm
-Jeneratr binas yapm
-vb. iler
2) Proje debisi aagdaki gibidir
Pik debi : 2.500.000 m
Ortalama debi: l.500.000 m
3) ihaleye yalnzca Dnya Bankasna ye lkelerin firmalar teklif verebilir.
4) ihale ncesi n yeterlilik verilmeyecektir. Teklif sahiplerinin uzmanlklarn, deneyimlerini ve mali glerini
teklifleri ile birlikte eksiksiz olarak belgelendirmeleri gerekmektedir. Muhtemel teklif sahiplerinde aranan asgari
nitelikler ihale Dokmanlar Cilt l Teklif Sahiplerine Talimatlar' blmnde aklanmaktadr.
M*t'&' /*8&2&s&
The General Directorate of the lstanbul Water and Sewage Administration invites bids from major international firms
or joint ventures for the construction and supply and installation of M+E equipment of Kkekmece Effluent
Discharge Pumping Station, Contract No: K ll59 which forms a major part of of the 2nd stage of the lstanbul Water
and Sewage Project.
l) The project comprises the construction of civil works, supply and installation of the M+E equipment and
maintenance of Kkekmece Effluent Discharge Pumping Station. The main elements of the works are:
-Construction of the coarse screens structures
-Construction of the wet well and the distribution chamber
-Construction of the transformer center, control room, HV switch gears, control panels, offices, storages,
operational and administrative buildings, including workshops.
-Construction of overflow channel of pumping station
-Construction of the generator building
-Miscellaneous works
2) Design flows are as follows:
Pick flow : 2.500.000 m
Average flow : l.500.000 m
3) Only bidders from countries which are %*%-*2s of t!* Do2+ B$') may submit bids for this project.
4) No prequalification of prospective bidders will take place. Bidders will be required to provide evidence that they
have the experience and financial strength to successfully complete a project of this magnitude. Details of the
criteria required for the bidders are included in the ' lnstruction to Bidders' contained in volume l of the Tender
Grnek H
Teklif 8*2%*7* /$.20
1C Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Saglk Bakanlg, Birinci Saglk Projesi kapsamndaki harcamalar finanse etmek zere
Dnya Bankasndan kredi saglamtr. kraz fonlarnn bir blm, aagda gsterilen tbbi cihazlarn almlar iin
yaplacak szleme/szlemeler kapsamnda uygun demeler halinde kullanlacaktr.
2) Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Saglk Bakanlg, Dnya Bankas yesi lkelerdeki firmalardan aagdaki
kalemlerin temini iin teklif beklemektedir.
l. Ameliyat masas 34 adet
2. Di niti 40 adet
3. Monitrl EKG 39 adet
4. Ameliyat tavan lambas 54 adet
5. Seyyar rntgen l3 adet
6. Otomatik banyo 20 adet
7. Anestezi cihaz l5 adet
M*t'&' *8&2&s&
I'8&t$t&o' 3o2 -&+s
1C The Republic of Turkey, the Ministry of Health , has received a loan from the international Bank for Construction
and Development in various currencies towards the cost of the First Health Project and intends to apply part of the
funds to cover eligible payments under the contract/contracts for procurement of medical equipment shown below.
2) The republic of Turkey, the Ministry of Health, invites sealed bids from eligible bidders from World Bank
member countries for the supply of:
l. Surgical table 34 units
2. dental unit-dental chair 40 units
3. ECG-monitor 39 units
4. Surgical lamp-ceiling mounted 54 units
5. X-ray film mobile l3 units
6. X-ray film developer 20 units
7. Anesthetic device l5 units
!$"* M*t&'"*2&
rnekleri inceleyip, verilen szcklerden de yararlanarak aagdaki metni ingilizce'ye eviriniz.
A) l. lgilenen teklif sahiplerinin isimlerini, ak adreslerini veya temsilcileri hakkndaki bilgileri SK Atksu Artma
inaat Dairesi Bakanlgna bildirmeleri gerekmektedir.
2. ihale dokmanlar sat bedeli 750 USD'dr. Yurt dndan dokman almak isteyen firmalarn Garanti
Bankas Odakule ubesi 30000l-5 nolu hesabna yatracaklar 750 USD ya da edegeri TL'sna ek
olarak, DHL ile gnderilmesini istemeleri halinde 500 USD, posta ile gnderilmesini istemeleri durumunda
400 USD yatrmalar halinde dokmanlar istedikleri vasta ile gnderilecektir.
3. Teklifler, en ge 20 Eyll l994 gn saat l2.00'ye kadar SK Geneli Evrak Mdrlgne makbuz karlg
teslim edilecek olup, ayn gn ve saat l5.00'te ihale Komisyonunca teklif sahiplerinin huzurunda alacaktr.
4. SK bu iin ihalesi ile ilgili olarak 2886 sayl Devlet ihale Kanunu hkmlerine bagl olmayp, bu ii ihale
etmemekte veya istedigine ihale etmekte serbesttir.
5. Yazma adresi: SK, Aksaray-istanbul
ilgilenen tekli4 sahi!leri . !otential bidders
ihale dokmanlar . bid documents
Lenel 9vrak Udrl" . Leneral >ocument >e!artment
ihale komisyonu . tenderer committee
banka ubesi . branch
ba"l olmak . to be bound
B) l. lgilenen kurulular, 300 USD veya bu meblag karlg Trk lirasn UNDP'nin Garanti Bankas Yeniehir
ubesi Ankara nezdindeki 200-8 nolu hesabna yatrarak, banka makbuzu ile birlikte yapacaklar yazl
bavuruyla, ihale belgesini yukardaki adresten temin edebilirler (gnderme creti dahildir).
2.Teklifler, teklif fiatnn yzde 2.5'i oranndaki geici teminatla birlikte 20 Nisan l994 gn yerel saatle
l2.00'den nce elden veya posta ile yukardaki adrese teslim edilmelidir.
3. Teklifler, teklif sahiplerinin temsilcileri ve halktan isteyenlerin huzurunda 20 Nisan l994 tarihinde yerel saatle
l5.00'te aagdaki adreste alacaktr.
!ara yatrmak . to de!osit
banka makbu$u . bank-s recei!t
geici teminat . bid security
yerel saat . local time
C Milli Egitim Bakanlgndan ihale ilan
Milli Egitim Gelitirme Projesi Dnya Bankas ikraz no:3057
Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Milli Egitim Gelitirme Projesi kapsamnda Ortagretim Genel Mdrlgne bagl 53 orta
dereceli okula bilgisayar laboratuar kurulmas amacyla Dnya Bankasndan ikraz alm bulunmaktadr. Dnya
Bankas Milletleraras ihale Usullerine gre gerekletirilecek olan satn alma programnn degeri yaklak 3.3
milyon ABD dolar tutarnda bilgisayar ve donanm, yazlm ve egitimini kapsamaktadr. 53 bilgisayar egitimi
odasnn her birine aagdaki dzenlemeler yaplacaktr.
l. LAN kapsamnda 20+l bilgisayar, hardware-software donanm ve
2. dari binalar iin bir bilgisayar ve software denmesi ve bilgisayar, hardware ve software'in kullanm
hakknda egitim verilmesi. Yurt dndan mracaat edecekler, Trkiye iinden temsilcileri veya kendi
lkelerinin Bykelilikleri yoluyla bu dokmanlar bizzat aldrabileceklerdir.
artname bedelleri Ziraat Bankas Beevler ubesi 30250-3 nolu hesaba yatrlacak ve dokman alnrken
dekont ibraz edilecektir. ihaleye katlmak isteyen firmalar dokmanlar 20.5.l994 tarihinden itibaren
aagdaki adresten temin edebilirle), ihale hakknda daha fazla bilgi almak isteyen firmalarn da ayn adrese
bavurmalar gerekmektedir.
Uilli 9"itim Bakanl" . Uinistry *4 Fational 9ducation
gelitirme !ro7esi . develo!ment !ro7ect
donanm . hard5are
V&F . local area net5ork
dekont ibra$ etmek . to !resent the original recei!t
ihale usulleri . bidding regulations
ya$lm . so4t5are
idari daire . administrative de!artment
daha 4a$la bilgi . 4urther in4ormation
D. Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Saglk Bakanlg
nyeterlige agr
Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Saglk Projesi kapsamndaki harcamalar finanse etmek zere, Uluslararas mar ve
Kalknma Bankasndan sagladg 3057 sayl ikrazn bir blmn, ngrlen program tamamlamak zere, bir
grup saglk yaplarnn yapmnda kullanacaktr. Sz konusu yapmlarn byk bir blm bu yl, kalan l995
ylnda balatlacak olup, yapm ileri Dnya Bankas Satn alma esaslar dahilinde yerel ihale ynetimi (local
competitive bidding) ile yaplacaktr. ilgilenen firmalarn, a) firma tescil belgeleri b) yasal ikametgah
c) sanayi ticaret odas belgeleri d) imza sirklerleri e) teknik personel listeleri f) makine ekipman listeleri g) mali
durum bildirgeleri h) mteahhitlik karneleri i) i bitirme belgeleri ve l994 fiatlar ile keif tutarlar k) devam eden
iler listesi (szleme kopyalar ilel9 firma katalog ve brorleri l) hangi hastane ya da saglk ocag grubuyla
ilgilendiklerini ve gerekli grdkleri diger belgeleri (asl ya da noter tasdikli) ieren nyeterlik dosyalarn Trke
ve ngilzce hazrlanm iki dosya halinde en ge l6 Nisan saat l2.00'ye kadar aagdaki adrese teslim etmeleri
nyeterlik . !re6uali4ication
ikra$ . loan
im$a sirkleri . signatory circular
4irma tescil belgesi . 4irm registration document
#mar ve :alknma Bankas . Bank 4or Teconstruction and >evelo!ment
devam eden iler . on-going-7obs
E. zmir Su ve Kanalizasyon daresi Genel Mdrlgnn Uluslararas nseim Daveti
zmir Su ve Kanalizasyon daresi Genel Mdrlg (ZSU), izmir su temin ve kanalizasyon projesi iin Dnya
Bankasndan kredi alm olup, bu kredinin bir ksmn 88 nolu szleme kapsamndaki demeler iin kullanmak
niyetindedir. nseim degerlendirmesi, firmalarn benzer tipteki inaat projeleri zerindeki deneyimi ve mevcut
kaynaklar ve mali gc dikkate alnarak yaplacaktr. nseime sadece Dnya Bankasna ye lkeler katlabilir.
Tanmlanan i, izmir'de mekanik ve elektrik montaj ileri dahil. Bayrakl pompa istasyonu inaatn ihtiva
etmektedir. Bu ihale iin tahmin edilen ihale sresi 30 aydr. 88 nolu ihale, 4 zgara ve 5x3960 lt/sn lik santrifj
pompalar ile ilgili boru aksam ve tehizat ihtiva eden derin betonarme temeli olan bir yapy kapsamaktadr.
Ana mekanik ve elektrik ekipmanlar ZSU taralndan ykleniciye temin edilecektir.
Firmalar, nseim formu ve ilgili dokmanlarn ngilizce hazrlayarak 22 Eyll l994 Perembe gnne kadar
mhrl zarf iinde posta ile veya elden aagda belirtilen adrese teslim edeceklerdir. nseim bavuru
dokmanlarnn zerine aka ' izmir su temini ve kanalizasyon projesi elektrik ve mekanik montaj dahil Bayrakl
pompa istasyonu 88 nolu ihale nseim bavurusu' ibaresi yazlmaldr. ZSU ge bavurular kabul ya da
reddetmek hakkna sahiptir.
su temin ve kanali$asyon !ro7esi . 5ater su!!ly and se5age !ro7ect
[[ nolu s$leme . contract no [[
hakkn sakl tutmak . reserve the right to
$gara . trash screens
deneyim . e8!erience
ihtiva etmek . consist o4
betonarme . rein4orced concrete
elektrik monta7 . electrical installation
boru ve aksam . !i!ing and a!!urtenance
mevcut kaynaklar . current resources
F. Ankara Su ve Kanalizasyon idaresi (ASK) , Ankara Kanalizasyon Projesi iin Dnya Bankasndan eitli para
birimlerinde kredi almtr. Szleme, no:lA, Kredi no: 3l5l-TU kapsamnda yaplacaktr. nyeterlik, benzer
tipte ve byklkte inaat projelerindeki tecrbe ve mevcut kaynaklar ile mali kapasiteye gre
degerlendirilecektir. Szleme lA iinin nyeterliligi iin Resmi Gazete'de l2.2.l994 ve l3.2.l994 tarihlerinde,
Milliyet gazetesinde l2.2.l9994 tarihinde ve Hrriyet gazetesinde 2l.2.l994 tarihinde duyuru yaplmtr. Sz
konusu iin asgari tecrbe art yeniden degerlendirilerek aagdaki gibi degitirilmitir, i kapsam 2600 mm
apnda 3.5 km, 3000 mm apnda 2.3 km pis su kanalnn bacalar ve yaplar ile birlikte inaatdr.
Kanalizasyon kazs derin olup (5-6 m), Ankara aynn yannda bulunan alvyon dzlgnde yer almaktadr ve
nemli lde su tahliyesi ve zemin desteklemesi gerektirecektir. Bu szleme iin tahmin edilen inaat sresi
l994 ylnda balamak zere yaklak 27 aydr.
kredi . loan byklk . magnitude
!ara birimi . currency de"itirmek . amend
Tesmi La$ete . *44icial La$ette a! . diameter
!is su kanal . 4oul se5er baca . manhole
ka$ .e8cavation alvyon d$l" . alluvial !lain
yannda . ad7acent su tahliyesi . ground de5atering
; $emin deste"i . ground su!!ort
=*" 8* A*'*" V*)$"*t'$%* *8&2& 2'*)"*2&
Grnek E
Sahibi bulundugum l990 model Opel marka Nb-t l234 plakal, Q0000l2567 asi nolu otomobilimin srclgn
yapmaya, kullanmaya, sevk ve idare etmeye, yurt dna karmaya, gmrk mdrlklerinde giri k ilemlerini
yapmaya, gerekli belgelerini imzalamaya, triptik ilemlerini yaptrmaya, bu hususlarla ilgili olarak bilumum gmrk
mdrlklerinde beni tam yetki ile temsil etmeye, aracmn yurt dna kabilmesi iin ilgili gmrk mdrlklerinde
benim kanunen ya da idareten yapmam gerekli bilcmle i ve ilemlerimi takip etmeye, neticelendirmeye, velhasl
yukarda yazlan hususlardan dolay benim yapmam gerekli bilcmle i ve ilemleri benim adma yapmaya ve
neticelendirmeye, evrak alp vermeye, elden takip etmeye, yatrlmas gerekli harlar yatrmaya, artan ksmlarn
geri almaya mezun ve yetkili olmak zere l965 dogumlu Ali Karaca'y vekil tayin ettim.
V*)$"*t 8*2*': Hasan Karaca (mza)
Dairede yazlan ibu vekaletname altndaki imzann ahs ve hviyetini ibraz eyledigi TC Mainz
Bakonsoloslugundan verilme l2.5. l985 tarih ve T- 2l4567 seri nolu pasaport hamili ve halen Ankara Cebeci l29
no'da mukim l945 dogumlu Hasan Karaca'ya ait oldugunu ve imzann huzurumda vazeylendigini tasdik ederim.
Bindokuzyzdoksan senesi Eyll aynn yirmi ikinci Sal gndr. 22.9.l990
(Resmi mhr ve imza)
M*t'&' /*8&2&s&
l hereby appoint Ali Karaca born in l965 as my lawful attorney for the use of my vehicle l990 model Opel, license
number Nb-t l234 with chassis number Q0000l2567 and also extend the powers to remove the car out of the
country, conduct all necessary activities through the customs during the entry and exit of the said vehicle, also
proceed ahead with trip tick formalities, represent me with the full powers before the customs directorate and
conduct of all necessary activities on my behalf to reach the final results, in short, to perform the aforementioned
activities as if l myself were doing it, and also follow up on necessary exchanges of documents, deposit and
withdraw funds as deems appropriate.
Power of attorney is extended by Hasan Karaca.
The signature which is affixed below this document which is prepared in our office is hereby proven to be authentic
with the presentation of passport of Republic of Turkey by Mainz Turkish Consulate General dated l2.5. l985 and
numbered T-2l4567 which is possessed by Hasan Karaca at present time residing at Cebeci-Ankara. Year nineteen
hundred ninety, the month of September, twenty second day, Tuesday.22.9.l990
Notary Public
(Official seal and signature)
'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
AC Adma hareketle yurt dnda ve yurt iinde yerli ve yabanc ekleri tahsil etmeye, yatrmaya, eklerin tahsilini
yapmaya, yatrmaya, bu hususlarda dzenlenmesi gerekli belgeleri tanzim ve imzaya ve bu yetkilerin bir
ksm ve tamam ile bakalarn da tevkii, terik ve azle mezun ve selahiyattar olmak zere l956 dogumlu
Ahmet oglu Fatih Ko'u vekil tayn ettim.
Vekalet veren:
Hasan Ko (imza)
Dairede yazl ibu vekaletname altndaki imzann ahs ve hviyeti dairece mahrufum bulunan ve Antalya nn
Cad. 22 no'da mukim l953 dogumlu Hasan Ko'a ait oldugunu ve imzann mahallen vazeylendigini tasdik
ederim. Bindokuzyz seksenbe yl Eyll aynn l2. Sal gndr. l2.9.l985
Antalya l2. Noteri
Ali Keskin
$el vekaletname . s!ecial !o5er attorny
adna hareket etmek\ . act on one-s behal4
tahsil etmek . obtain, 5ithdra5
gerekli belgeleri d$enlemek . !re!are !ertinent documents
selahiyetli olmak . use the 4ull !o5er
vekalet vermek . e8tend
noter . notary !ublic
bu vekaletname . this document
tasdik etmek . certi4y
ikamet eden . residing
mahallen . in this o44ice
BC A*'*" V*)$"*t'$%*
Vekil tayin eden :
Vergi no :
Vekilleri :
Lehimde ve aleyhimde alm veya alacak olan bilumum dava ve takiplerinden dolay T.C.
mahkemelerinin resmi ve hususi daire ve messeselerinin, idari kaza mercilerinin ve komisyonlarnn her
ksm ve derecesinde her trl kanun, sfat ve yollarla temsile, hak ve menfaatlerimin mdafaa ve muhafazas iin
mnasip grecegi muamele ve takipleri yapmaya, muhakeme, muhasama ve murafaalarda bulunmaya, teblig ve
tebellge, protesto, ihbarname ekmeye, yemin teklif kabul ve reddetmeye, bilirkii, hakem, muhasip ve sindik tayin,
tebdil ve azline, iflas istemeye, konkordato akdine, kabul ve aleyhinde itiraza, temziyi davaya, tashihi karar
istemeye, bilumum kanun yollarna yaplm olan bavurulardan vazgemeye, icra ve temyiz murafaalarnda
bulunmaya, hkm ve kararlar kesinleinceye kadar lazm gelen muamele ve takipleri yapmaya, bu yetkilerin
tamam veya bir ksm ile ahar tevkil, terik ve azle, feragati davay kabule, hakimlerden ikayete, ahzu kabza,
sulha, ibraya, feragata, tek bana veya birlikte vekalete mezun ve yetkili olmak zere Ankara barosu avukatlarndan
Filiz Durmaz' umumi vekil tayin ettim.
ibu vekaletname rnegi, yukarda noterligi, tarihi ve yevmiye numaras belirtilen aslna uygundur.
vekil tayin etmek . a!!oint
bilumum dava ve taki!ler . all hearing and !roceedings
lehimde-aleyhimde . against or by me
idari ka$a mercii . administrative legal institution
hak ve men4aatler . rights and bene4its
taki! etmek . a!!eal
tebli" ve tebell" . declare and acce!t declarations
ihtarname ekmek . instigate a 5arning
sindik . se6uester
a$il . terminate
temyi$ etmek . a!!eal 4or correction
icra . en4orcement
ah$ukab$ . encashment
sulh . com!romise
ibra . release
4eragat . 5ithdra5
tasdik ederim . H hereby con4irm
asl . original
yevmiye numaras . document number

>,="*4%* /*8&2&s&
Grnek Z
.........letmeler Mdrlg
ime suyu abone szlemesi
Teminat makbuz tarihi:
zel tzel kiiler ve kamu teekklleri ev veya iyerinde yaplacak olan tesis ve temditlerinin sayaca kadar olan
ksmnn bakm onarm, bu tesislerde mlkiyetin iletmemize devredilmi bulundugu ve tesislerde her trl tasarruf
hakknn iletmemize ait bulundugunu abone peinen kabul ve taahht eder. Abone, adna abonesi yaplm olan
suyu iletmenin msadesi olmakszn baka amalarla kullanmaya ve/veya bakasna tahsis etmeye yetkili degildir.
Abonenin suyu bakasna tahsis ettiginin tesbiti halinde, iletme, abonenin suyunu kesmeye ve ibu szlemeyi tek
tarafl fesh etmeye yetkilidir.
M*t'&' /*8&2&s&
...............Operations Directorate, Potable Water Subscription Agreement
lt is hereby understood by the subscriber that maintanence, repairs and other installations to include maintanence of
counters used by private individuals, legal entities and public institutions are performed by our Operation. The
subscriber is not authorised to use the water that is subscribed for other than intended purposes and/or may not
allocate the use of the same to another party without the consent of our Operation. ln case of misallocation of the
water by the subscriber, the Operation may shut off water and terminate the contract unilaterally.
'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
AC Bor denmedike su verilmez. Abone, szlemede belirtilen adresten ayrlrken kullandg su bedelini deyerek
abone kaydn iptal ettirecektir. Aksi taktirde sz konusu yerde abone olmadan su kullanan kiilerin kullandklar
su bedellerini demek zorunda kalabilir. Abone, kendi kusurlu davrannn sonularna katlanmak zorundadr.
Abone, ibu artnamede gsterilen sebepler yznden suyu kesildigi taktirde bir tazminat talebinde bulunamaz.
Abonman szlemesi ile ilgili her trl bor ve masraf aboneye aittir. bu abone senedi taraflarca okunarak
imza edilmitir. htilaf vukuunda Ankara mahkemelerinin yetkisini her iki taraf kabul etmitir.
abone kaydn sildirmek . have the service terminated
kusurlu davran . 5rong doing
ta$minat tale! etmek . claim indemnities
aboneye ait olmak . be born by the subscriber
D&;"o%$ 8* B*"g*"*2
Grnek C
T.C. Saglk Bakanlg
Uzmanlk Belgesi
Ankara niversitesi Tp Fakltesinden 29.9.l978 tarihinde E 23l45sayl diploma ile mezun l955 ylnda Bolu'da
dogmu Dr. zgr Ko, Tababet ve uabat sanatlarnn tarz icrasna dair l2l9 sayl kanun ile bu kanuna bagl
tababet uzmanlk tzg hkmlerine gre asistanlk sresini bitirerek huzurumuzda yaplan snavlarda baar
gsterdigini ve NROLOJ dalnda bir birimi mstakilen idare edebilecek niteligi kazanm oldugunu bildirir
uzmanlk belgesidir.
Saglk Bakan
(imza ve mhr)
B*"g*'&' /*8&2&s&
The Republic of Turkey
Specialization Certificate
This is to certify that zgr Ko, M.D. born in Bolu in l955, a graduate of Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, on
29.9.l978 with diploma number E 23l45, has passed the examinations successfully for clinical assistant in pursuant
of the terms and regulations of medical specialization in compliance with the law l2l9, governing the execution of
medicine and branches thereof, and has been entitled to administer a clinic independently in the branch of
Minister of Health
(seal and signature)
T62)/*7* /*8&2&'&=.
A. Hacettepe University
Faculty of Letters
Department of Linguistics
AHMET KlLl has successfully completed the requirements for graduation from the program of the Department
of Linguistics as of.......June l972 and has been awarded the Bachelor of Arts.
B. Manchester University
Department of Management
confers upon
AL KAHRAMAN the degree of Master in business administration with all the rights and privileges pertaining
thereto. ln witness whereof we have hereunto affixed our signatures and the seal of the university.
'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
AC Saglk Bakanlg
Rntgen, Radyum ve Fizyoterapi Messeseleri Ruhsatnamesi
ankr Ugur Mumcu Caddesi rnek han Kat 2 No:5'te Radyoloji messesesi sahibi Radyoloji Mtehasss Dr.
Ahmet Krl tarafndan usul dairesinde vaki mracaat zerine yaplan tetkik ve tefti neticesinde gerek
messesenin gerekse cihazlarn 3l53 Radyoloji, Radyum ve Elektrikle Tedavi ve Diger Fizyoterapi Messeseleri
Hakknda Kanunun nc maddesine tevfikan tanzim edilmi olan nizamnameye uygun oldugu anlalm
olmakla ibu messesenin almasna izin verilmitir.
Saglk Bakan
(imza ve mhr)
B) Ortadogu Teknik niversitesi
Egitim Fakltesi
Yabanc Diller Egitimi Blm
EK EVRM ngiliz Dili gretmenligj programnn mezuniyet iin gerekli 4 yllk teorik ve pratik alma ve
snavlarn 3.9.l985 tarihinde tamamlam ve kendisine ingilizce gretmenligi lisans diplomas verilmitir.
Rektr Dekan
C) Akdeniz niversitesi
Fen Fakltesi Biyoloji Blm
AHMET ERDEM Biyoloji Blm programnn mezuniyet iin gerekli 4 yllk teorik ve pratik alma ve
snavlarn 6.6.l988 tarihinde tamamlam ve kendisine biyoloji blm lisans diplomas verilmitir.
Rektr Dekan
A'"$4%$ *8&2&"*2&
Grnek M
Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Hkmeti ile Moldova Cumhuriyeti Hkmeti, iki lke arasnda ve lkeleri zerinden transit
olarak yolcu ve eya tamaclgn kolaylatrmak arzusu ile aagdaki hususlarda mutabk kalmlardr:
M$++* 3
Akit taraflardan her biri, bu anlama hkmlerine uymak kaydyla, diger akit taraf yolcular, bunlarn kiisel eyalar
ile ticari eya ve tatlarna kendi yetkili makamlarnca tespit edilmi gzergahlardan gei hakkn tanyacaktr.
M$++* 4
Her akit taraf, kendi milli mevzuatna gre, diger akit tarafn tamaclarna, kendi topraklarnda, karlkl olarak
mutabk kalnan yerlerde bro ama ve/veya acentalar atama izni verecektir.
M$++* 5
Akit taraflar topraklar zerinden transit geen diger akit tarafn tatlarndan,
a) Karayolu altyapsnn kullanlmasndan alnan cretler (paral karayolu ve kprler)
b) Karayollarnn bakm ve korunmas ile karayolu ve tamaclk ynetimine ilikin giderleri karlamak iin
alnan cretler,
c) Tatn agrlg, boyutlar veya yk akit taraflarn milli mevzuatnda belirtilen snrlar atg takdirde alnan
cretler, dnda herhangi bir vergi veya resim almayacaklardr. Akit taraflarn topraklar zerinden transit
tamalar, karlkllk esasna gre yukarda (b) paragrafnda belirtilen cretlerden muaf tutulabilir.
M*t'&' /*8&2&s&
The Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Moldova, being desirous to
facilitate transportation of passengers and goods by road between the two countries, as well as in transit through
their territories, have agreed as follows:
A2t&"* 3
Each contracting party, in conformity with the provisions of this agreement, shall recognize the right of transit in
respect of passengers, their personal goods, commercial goods and vehicles of the other contracting party over the
routes to be determined by the competent authorities of each contracting party.
A2t&"* 4
Subject to its national legislation, each contracting party shall grant authorization to the carriers of the other
contracting party to establish offices and/or to appoint representatives and/or agencies in its own territory at places
to be mutually agreed by the contracting parties.
A2t&"* 5
Either contracting party shall not levy any tax or charge on vehicles of the other contracting party, which are in
transit in its territory other than,
a) The charges for using road network infrastructure (road and bridge tolls),
b) The charges to meet the expenses relating to the maintenance, protection and administration of roads and
c) Charges if weight, dimensions or load of the vehicle exceed the prescribed limits in the national legislations of
the contracting parties.
The authorized carriage in transit through the territories of the contracting parties may be exempted on
reciprocal basis from the charges stipulated in paragraph (b) above.
'g&"&=*7* /*8&2&'&=.
M$++* I
Akit taraflarn temsilcilerinden tekil olunan bir karma komisyon kurulacaktr. Karma komisyonun grevleri unlardr:
a) Bu anlamann geregi vehile uygulanmasna nezaret etmek.
b) zin belgelerinin says ve ekli ile belgelerin teati zaman ve usullerini saptamak.
c) Bu anlamann 24. maddesinde belirtilen yetkili makamlar arasnda dogrudan zmlenemeyecek muhtemel
meseleleri incelemek ve zmleri iin tekliflerde bulunmak.
d) Bu anlama kapsamna giren diger tm hususlar gzden geirmek ve bu hususlarla ilgili tavsiyelerde
e) Tamaclkla ilgili olarak zerinde mutabk kalnacak diger hususlar incelemek.
Karma komisyon, gerektigi taktirde, akit taraflarn birinin talebi zerine sra ile Moldova ve Trkiye'de toplanacaktr.
Karma komisyon toplantsnda grlecek gndem yukarda belirtilen grevler dnda, akit taraflar arasnda
diplomatik yoldan nceden hazrlanacaktr. Karma komisyon ibu anlamann herhangi bir maddesinde degiiklik
yapmay nerebilir. Bu neriler akit taraflarn yetkili makamlarnn onayna sunulur.
karma komisyon . mi8ed commission
uygulanma - . im!lementation
ne$aret etmek . su!ervise
i$in belgelerinin teatisi . e8change o4 !ermits
yetkili makamlar . com!etent authoities
1Z. maddede belirtilen . re4erred to in article 1Z
ilgili tm hususlar . all relevant issues
bunlarla ilgili . thereo4
$erinde mutabk kalnacak . to be mutually agreed u!on
srayla . alternately
gndem . agenda
grevler "nda . in the light o4 issues stated
di!lomatik yoldan . through di!lomatic channels
de"iiklik . amendment
sunmak : submit
onay . a!!roval
A4$.0+$)& 'g&"&=* $t$s,="*2&'&' T62)/* karlklarn -5"%$7$ /$"040'0=.
l. A drowning man will clutch a straw.
2. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
3. A soft answer turneth away wrath.
4. Better a dinner of herbs where love is.
5. Coming events cast their shadow before.
6. Call no man happy till he is dead.
7. Do not change horses in midstream.
8. Every cock crows on his own dunghill.
9. Fish begins to stink at the head.
l0. Give a dog ill name and hang him.
ll. He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens.
l2. Keep something for a rainy day.
l3. Make hay while the sun shines.
l4. May God defend me from my friends, l can defend myself from enemies.
l5. More haste, less speed.
l6. Nothing so bad but might have been worse.
l7. Out of sight, out of mind.
l8. Set a thief to catch a thief.
l9. The pot called the kettle black.
20. There are tricks in every trade.
2l. Two spheres keep not their motion in one sphere.
22. What can't be cured must be endured.
23. What the eyes don't see the heart does not grieve.
A4$.0+$)& T62)/* $t$s,="*2&'& 'g&"&=*7* /*8&2%*7* 8* /*8&2& s02$s0'+$ )$240'0=$ /0)$' 7$;0 8*
$'"$% so25'"$20'0 t$2t04%$7$ /$"040'0=.
l. Ate dtg yeri yakar.
2. Araba devrildikten sonra yol gsteren ok olur.
3. Akla gelen baa gelir.
4. Arkadan syle sana kim oldugunu syleyeyim.
5. Ayranm ekidir diyen olmaz.
6. Ate olsa cirmi kadar yer yakar.
7. Aga ya iken egilir.
8. Alim olmak kolay, adam olmak etin.
9. Bakarsan bag olur bakmazsan dag olur.
l0. Borlunun dili ksa gerek.
ll. Bugn bana yarn sana.
l2. Dereyi grmeden paay svama.
l3. Davulun sesi uzaktan ho gelir.
l4. Elle gelen dgn bayram.
l5. Evdeki hesap arya uymaz.
l6. Eski amlar bardak oldu.
l7. Gzden rak olan gnlden de rak olur.
l8. Genler bilse, yallar yapabilse.
l9. Hrszlk bir ekmekten, kahpelik bir pmekten.
20. iki cami arasnda kalm beynamaz.
2l. Kratn yannda duran ya huyundan ya suyundan.
22. Kimine hay hay kimine vay vay.
23. Dilim bana giydirir kilim.
24. Komuda pier bize de der.
25. Magrur olma padiahm senden byk Allah var.
26. Mecliste dilini, sofrada elini ksa tut.
27. Ne dilersen eine o gelir bana.
28. Ne ekersen onu biersin.
29. Nerde birlik orda dirlik.
30. Nush ile uslanmayann hakk ktektir.
3l. Oglan babaya kz anaya yar olur.
32. Olmaya devlet cihanda bir nefes shhat gibi.
33. Osmanly at ykar, Trk inat.
34. fke baldan tatldr.
35. grenmenin ya olmaz.
36. kze boynuzu yk olmaz.
37. lm hak miras helal.
38. nne bakma sonuna bak.
39. Pahal alan aldanmaz.
40. Para dedigin el kiri.
4l. Perembe'nin gelii aramba'dan bellidir.
42. Pire iin yorgan yaklmaz.
43. Rzgar eken frtna bier.
44. Sabah ola hayr ola.
45. Saglk istersen ok yeme, sayg istersen ok deme.
46. Sakal ile olayd kii, keiye danrlard her ii.
47. Suyu getiren de bu testiyi kran da.
48. Ser verip su vermemeli.
49. Su kgn sofra bygn.
50. Yalan dinlemek yalan sylemekten gtr.

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