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Rome Unit Overview

Day Monday 10/7 Tuesday 10/8 Wednesday 10/9 Thursday 10/10 Friday 10/11 Topic Founding of Rome Struggles *TPA Forming a Republic *TPA Law- Constitution *TPA Checks and Balances Page 5 6 7 8 9

Monday 10/14 (Chris in DC) Tuesday 10/15 (Chris in DC) Wednesday 10/16 (Chris in DC) in the computer lab Thursday 10/17 (Chris in DC) Friday 10/18

Punic Wars Spread Caesar and other Emperors Caesars Death

11 12 13 14

Technology and Engineering Technology and Engineering Architecture Tour of Italy 16 17 18 1 9 Australia 20

Monday 10/21 (iPad Minis) Tuesday 10/22 Wednesday 10/23 Thursday 10/24 Emily leaves Friday 10/25

for Arches, Domes, and Triangles

Monday 10/28 Tuesday 10/29 Wednesday 10/30 Thursday 10/31 Friday 11/1

Latin Language and Roman Numerals

22 23

Flex day
Background of Christianity Spread of Christianity Christians in Rome

24 25 26

Monday 11/4 Tuesday 11/5 Wednesday 11/6 Thursday 11/7 Friday 11/8

Fall of Rome Fall of Rome The Aftermath Review Test

28 29 30 31 32

Advanced Social Studies Differentiation Political campaign beginning in fourth week Split class between Roman Republic and Greek Democracy Flyers (publisher) advertising either government Debate at end of sub unit between two types of governments

Emily Thrasher 7th Grade Social Studies (Hilliard Weaver) 10 - 7 - 13 through 11 - 8 - 13 Theme: World Studies from 750 B.C. to 1600 A.D.: Ancient Greece to the First Global Age Strand: History Topic: Early Civilizations The eight features of civilizations include cities, well-organized central governments, complex religions, job specialization, social classes, arts and architecture, public works and writing. Early peoples developed unique civilizations. Several civilizations established empires with legacies influencing later peoples. Content Statement: The civilizations that developed in Greece and Rome had an enduring impact on later civilizations. This legacy includes governance and law, engineering and technology, art and architecture, as well as literature and history. The Roman Empire also played an instrumental role in the spread of Christianity. Content Elaborations: The legacy of ancient Greece and Rome is embedded in Western culture. The ideas on governance and law were impacted by the concepts of citizenship and democracy that originated in Ancient Greece. Greece developed a direct democracy. The Greeks created the astrolabe, the pulley block, the wood screw, ore smelting and casting, and built faster ships. The influence of Ancient Greek art and building designs (e.g., rectangular temples with tall columns all around) can be seen in many cities today. Greek literature inspired the Romans and other writers over the centuries. Greeks also developed the study of history. Rome influenced government and law by creating the first republic with elected officials and a system of laws that laid the foundation for many governments. It created a written constitution, a tripartite government (executive, legislative and judicial branches), a system of checks and balances, and a sense of civic duty. Roman roads, basilicas, amphitheaters, aqueducts and layouts of cities continue to influence the modern world. Many modern government buildings have Roman styling that includes domes and arches. Instructional Strategies: Have students choose a Greek or Roman deity and create a product, commercial, tabloid headline or movie poster featuring that deity and his or her attributes. Teachers and/or students create a representation (e.g., preview box, artifact box, poster, collage) to introduce Greek or Roman civilizations and to show their impact on todays society. Items can be real, plastic or pictures. For Greece, items can include olives, grapes, sailboats, skeletons, a Nike symbol, the U.S. Constitution, columns, Olympic medals, a marathon flyer, comedy and tragedy masks, etc. Have students create a commercial for a product used during Roman or Greek times. The commercial must be accurate to the time period. Diverse Learners Strategies for meeting the needs of all learners including gifted students, English Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities can be found at this site. Resources based on the Universal Design for Learning principles are available at

Week 1
Homework: Pages 1-3 due Tuesday The Republic of Rome part 1 page due Thursday Read and review of 5-2 due Thursday Self Evaluation: Did I... Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to read the topic? Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to write about the topic? Allow the students to act out or work in groups with the topic? Define any new terms that were introduced? Give a review of the topic discussed and relate it to the content standard Allow myself an alternative to adjust my instruction to accommodate discrepancies shown in the pre-assessment?

10/7/13 Founding Rome Objectives: Introduce the map of Rome and the Creation of Rome and the Roman Culture Bell work: Copy the homework off of the backboard Activities: Exercise Maps Read aloud Romulus and Remus Romulus and Remus Video Read aloud The Aeneid The Aeneid Video Review map Teacher is... Revealing map Telling story *Mark on timeline the creation of Rome Playing Video: Telling story Playing Video: Reinstate points on the map in stories Student is... Labeling map Fill in read along Watching video Fill in reading Watching video Following along map

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative - Students ability to recall the areas of the map and recite a general story of the creation of Ancient Rome Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more in depth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level

10/8/13 Struggles Objectives: To analyze the social and political structure of Ancient Rome and problem solve to find a solution similar to that of those in Ancient Rome. Bell work: Define: (Mention slaves and soldiers also being a part of Roman society) Plebeians Patricians Activities: Exercise Review map Roman Society Breakdown Problem/solution Teacher is... Going over map once, then reviewing as a class Helping students find answers in book(5-2) and put answers on board Split class so that only about 20-25% are Patricians, then give the a law to pass with only the patricians. Lead discussion of reaction to the law. Facilitating discussion of problem and solutions Student is... Following along map and calling out answers Finding answers in book and filling in chart Students will attempt to create a law and note reactions on class in a discussion

Activity sheet

Students will then record the problem of having a few rich lead and possible solutions

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative - Gage student understanding based on responses and ability to work through problem solving activity Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level

10/9/13 Forming an Republic Objectives:Understand the roles of the Roman government and how it progressed from an oligarchy to a republic Bell work: Define: Direct Democracy Indirect Democracy = Representative Democracy = Republic Activities: Exercise Review map Reflection Teacher is... Going over map once, then reviewing as a class Instruct students to reflect on yesterday's activity including a topic sentence, summary, how they felt about being either a plebeian or patrician, the problem, the solution, and a closing. Ask then to include at least 3 new vocabulary terms. Student is... Following along map and calling out answers Creating a reflection using the criteria displayed on the board.

Breakdown chart

Explaining the breakdown of the Filling out sheet while listening to government and how it progressed over explanation of different roles time using a progression chart Facilitating discussion of compare and contrast to US democracy to final stage of Roman Republic Giving explanations to prompts


Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative - Gage student responses for understanding, ask for opinions of breakdown and connections to current governemnt Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level

10/10/13 Law / constitution Objectives: Students will analyze the 12 tables used as a basis of Roman government and then compare the tables to the Bill of Rights used in America today Bell work: Label the characters in the picture based on class Activities: Exercise Review map Teacher is... Going over map once, then reviewing as a class Student is... Following along map and calling out answers Reading tables using the name selector Working with a partner to answer questions

12 tables

Lead a reading of the 12 tables


Answer questions and monitor room

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit, they will also produce answers on a worksheet that shows ability to process the laws and compare them to current laws used in America Formative - Gage responses of students as we read the laws for understanding and reflect on questions while going over the worksheet Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level

10/11/13 Checks and Balances Objectives: Analyze the Triumvirate and compare it to the American system of the three branches which also divides power between three sources of power Bell work: Write how the I can statement has been supported through what we have studied this week. Activities: Exercise Power of 3 PP Geography Quiz Read: The Republic or Rome Part 2: Hannibal 218-133 B.C. Teacher is... Lecturing different governments Giving quiz Aiding those with questions for the quiz or reading Student is... Filling in Venn diagram Filling in answers Students may begin reading homework after quiz

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit, they are also showing what they have retained of the Roman empire Map Formative - Gage student responses in regards to the presentation and their ability to independently fill in the Venn diagram Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level

Week 2
Homework: Self Evaluation: Did I... Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to read the topic? Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to write about the topic? Allow the students to act out or work in groups with the topic? Define any new terms that were introduced? Give a review of the topic discussed and relate it to the content standard Allow myself an alternative to adjust my instruction to accommodate discrepancies shown in the pre-assessment?


10/14/13 (Chris in DC) Punic Wars Objectives: Understand the sequence of the events that took place in the Punic wars Bell work:Copy the homework off of the backboard Who were the members of the first triumvirate? How long did it last? Activities: Exercise Act out Punic Wars Sequence chart Teacher is... Directing Student is... Acting and following along the reading

Explaining the sequence chart and Working alone to complete the sequences giving sample answers. Then we will go over in class when most of the students are complete

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/15/13 (Chris in DC) Hannibal and the Spread Objectives: Bell work: *Check homework due: The Republic or Rome Part 2: Hannibal 218-133 B.C. questions Activities: Exercise Go over homework Teacher is... Reading questions Show pictures of Hannibal and Elephants Showing map as preview of stations to show before and after Facilitating Student is... Giving answers when called Watching transformation Filling out chart and map

Show interactive map on McGH (5-1) Roman expansions stations

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/16/13 (Chris in DC) Ceasar and other Emperors in the Computer Lab Objectives: Bell work: Activities: Exercise Directions Teacher is... Giving directions of tasks that will be written and linked to Google Docs Student is... Listening and logging into Google Apps Completing the quiz and writing down on document which Emperor they received after the quiz and what traits they represented to receive that result

Who are you?

Emperor for a day Directions Completing ml the activity With 15 minutes left in class I will stop the students and give them directions on their Educreation including their partner(s), topic and criteria to allow them some planning time. I will also pass out a planning sheet. Listening


Complete the cause and effect chart for homework to correspond with the online timeline (Due Friday)

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/17/13 (Chris in DC) Caesar's Death Objectives: Bell work: Write how the I can statement has been supported through what we have studied this week. Include Shakespeares on McGH Activities: Exercise Cold Case Activity Teacher is... Facilitating the stations and adjusting the video using: and Shakespeare PDF Student is... Going around to stations

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


Week 3
Homework: Self Evaluation: Did I... Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to read the topic? Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to write about the topic? Allow the students to act out or work in groups with the topic? Define any new terms that were introduced? Give a review of the topic discussed and relate it to the content standard Allow myself an alternative to adjust my instruction to accommodate discrepancies shown in the pre-assessment?


10/21/13 Technology and Engineering (iPad Minis) Objectives: Bell work: Activities: Exercise Directions Teacher is... Student is...

Informing students that they are to make an Educreation Listening, including a criteria of information in a video no more than 1 make minute, but longer than 30 seconds presentation on: anatomy, astronomy, roads, aqueducts, number systems, concrete, sculpture, architecture, poetry,or plays Aiding Students At the 5 minute mark students are to stop recording and save their work using the correct title and log in information. Working on creating Saving presentation.

Technology Jigsaw Saving

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/22/13 Technology and Engineering Objectives: Bell work: Activities: Exercise Directions Presentations Teacher is... Inform students that we will be watching their Educreations while filling out a form which highlights the technologies Playing videos Student is... Listening and receiving form Watching videos and filling out their worksheets Watching

If extra time


Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/23/13 Architecture Objectives: Bell work: HW: Online review for 6-1 Activities: Exercise Architecture presentation Matching game Teacher is... Showing different types of architectures and giving Ancient Roman and modern examples Teacher passes out labels Student is... Filling in notes and coloring in sample picture diagram Stick labels to the board of the type of architecture seen in the picture

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/24/13 Tour of Italy Objectives: Bell work: Activities: Exercise Tour of Italy PP iPad tour Teacher is... Describing and telling of purposes of buildings Using Sphere 360 app and showing students inside of buildings Student is... Taking notes on Worksheet Watching mirrored image on screen Watching pictures


Explaining leaving, discuss Australian culture, show Sydney Sphere 360

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/25/13 Arches, Domes, and Triangles Objectives: Write how the I can statement has been supported through what we have studied this week. Bell work: Activities: Exercise Arches, Domes, and Triangles PP Quiz Teacher is... Showing presentation and asking questions Facilitating and answering questions Student is... Watching video, answering questions Taking test by labeling parts of architecture (using American building) and answering multiple choice about technologies

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


Week 4
Homework: Self Evaluation: Did I... Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to read the topic? Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to write about the topic? Allow the students to act out or work in groups with the topic? Define any new terms that were introduced? Give a review of the topic discussed and relate it to the content standard Allow myself an alternative to adjust my instruction to accommodate discrepancies shown in the pre-assessment?


10/28/13 Latin Language and Roman Numerals Objectives: Bell work: Activities: Exercise Languages PP Teacher is... Presenting Student is... Watching, answering questions, playing along in game when matching (round the world style) Working on worksheet

Roman numerals activity sheet

Passing out sheet and answering questions

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/29/13 Flex day or Art Objectives: Bell work: compare and contrast Greek and Roman art - Roman is more realistic Greek Roman T-chart worksheet Activities: Exercise Teacher is... Student is...

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/30/13 Background of Christianity Objectives: Bell work: HW: Review on McGH 7-2 Activities: Exercise Timeline Primary Source Activity History Hats If time Teacher is... Student is...

Instructing to complete the timeline Recording timeline information with partner worksheet using the book and a partner Asking students to read aloud and answer questions using name selector Passing out hats Allowing time for students to answer the questions on the worksheet Reading, answering questions, and writing down answers on worksheet Answering questions to hats based on primary sources beginning work on homework

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


10/31/13 Spread of Christianity Objectives: Bell work: *HW: Review and Read 7-2 Activities: Exercise Play telephone Teacher is... Tells one kid a message and asks them to pass it to another until all the students received the message. Repeat except telling two at a time. Showing interactive tool from McGraw-Hill that shows spread Show whole video of spread of religions Explaining slides Answering questions from students Filling in notes working with a partner and the book on filling in the four reasons why Christianity spread Student is... Repeating message watching

Video Video PP Reasons for spread

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


11/1/13 Christians in Rome Objectives: Bell work: Write how the I can statement has been supported through what we have studied this week.

HW: Completed Primary Source paper Activities: Exercise Give directions of act out Teacher is... Informing students that they will either be assigned to play the part of a Christian or Roman and in between scenarios we as a class will fill out the table Facilitating and narrating Pulling up slide with table on it and revealing answers as students respond Showing videos if time ucators/lesson3.html Student is... Listening and receiving packet

Act out Fill in table Videos

Two students per scenario will play the parts as either a Christian or Roman Filling in table and answering Watching

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


Week 5
Homework: Self Evaluation: Did I... Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to read the topic? Allow the students to view the topic? Allow the students to write about the topic? Allow the students to act out or work in groups with the topic? Define any new terms that were introduced? Give a review of the topic discussed and relate it to the content standard Allow myself an alternative to adjust my instruction to accommodate discrepancies shown in the pre-assessment?


11/4/13 Fall of Rome Objectives: Analyze and evaluate information related to the inquiry question Identify a variety of causes for the fall of the Roman Empire Develop and revise a hypothesis to answer the inquiry question Write a thesis statement Support the thesis statement with evidence Bell work: Hypothesis of the fall of Rome Source of Data -> big idea of source -> how it influenced the fall of Rome Activities: Exercise Bell work Teacher is... Reminding students of proper paragraph form, the need for evidence, and providing an outline for the students who struggle with structure. Student is... Writing a paragraph explaining and defending their guess as to why the Roman Empire would fall Listening and reading over outline Completing data organizer based on data sets

Intro / Directions

Brief overview of primary sources, inform students of stations activity which provide mock primary sources to tell of the fall of Rome Facilitate stations:


Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit After the students have read all of the data sets and revised their hypotheses for the final time, they will be asked to write a thesis statement and two supporting paragraphs using evidence from the data sets. This assignment will be graded with the attached rubric. Formative - I will assess the students understanding of the material throughout the lesson by listening to the hypotheses that are shared with the class. I will also ask the students questions to see whether they understand the evidence provided in each data set. Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology required to add in their paragraph a connection to today IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level, provided an outline ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level, provided an outline


11/5/13 Fall of Rome Objectives: Bell work: complete Why Rome Collapsed web (on page 172) HW: Read and Review from 6-2 Activities: Exercise Data sets Cause and effect chart Teacher is... Facilitating students reading, answering questions Asking students to find in their book (pages 172-173) the causes and effects and showing example Passing out rubric for revised essay Student is... Reading data sets Recording findings on chart Students will create a new essay based on the new information they have obtained (similar essay will be on the test)

Revise hypothesis

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit After the students have read all of the data sets and revised their hypotheses for the final time, they will be asked to write a thesis statement and two supporting paragraphs using evidence from the data sets. This assignment will be graded with the attached rubric. Formative - I will assess the students understanding of the material throughout the lesson by listening to the hypotheses that are shared with the class. I will also ask the students questions to see whether they understand the evidence provided in each data set. Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


11/6/13 The Aftermath Objectives: Bell work: HW: Read and Review 6-3 Activities: Exercise Notes Byzantine chart Teacher is... Reading and explaining the split in the Roman Empire Asking students to provide reasons from last nights reading for the success of the empire McGH 6-3 (flash) Student is... Filling in notes sheets Giving responses based on information from the book while creating their own organizer in their notes

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


11/7/13 Review the Rome Unit Objectives: Bell work: Please give two ways you can study for tomorrow's test. Activities: Exercise Matching Game Teacher is... Facilitating Student is... Playing with Quizlet Q&A cards Playing with Quizlet Q&A cards Answering questions

Go Fish


Name Selector

Asking questions and pulling names

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level


11/8/13 Roman Unit Test Objectives: Bell work: Write how the I can statement has been supported through what we have studied this week.

Include Essay on the fall of Rome Activities: Exercise Test Teacher is... Student is...

Post Assessment: Summative - Students will be tested in an assessment following the unit Formative - Students will be asked prior to the test if they feel prepared and following the test they will be asked if there was any other preparation they wish they had taken in addition to aid in study tecniques for the next test or help the teacher understand which areas lacked preparation Differentiations / Accommodations: Higher level - These students will continue with an extension project that covers more indepth the relations of Roman and Greek Mythology IEP / 504 - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level ELL - Text is altered online to an "approaching grade level" reading level



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