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David Salter 48 Windle Park Tarrytown, NY 10591 Email: d alter!

"art #ed" P$one: 914%5&4%'808 Education: (oyola )niver ity New *rlean %+009%+010, )niver ity o- T$e .rt /01 in 2a33 St"die 45"itar Per-orman6e7, additional t"die at Prin6e 8la" 8on ervatoire /5ronin9en, T$e Net$erland 7 .nti6i:ated De9ree: 01 in 2a33 St"die 45"itar Per-orman6e Slee:y ;ollow ;i9$ S6$ool, <e9ent Di:loma, +009 Private t"die wit$ Todd D"ke, Dr# 2oe ;e=ert /New *rlean , (.7, 8$ri 8ro66o, 1att Davi /New York, NY7, 1i6$ael >ennedy and 1i6$ael ?"aile /P$iladel:$ia P.7# 1a ter6la e wit$ 5ary 0"rton, Pat 1artino, 2onat$an >rei =er9, 2immy ;eat$, 1att$ew S$i:: and <o=in E"=ank # Work Experience +004%+00@ 8AT, t$en 8o"n elor at 288 on T$e ;"d on 0i99er Briend and 8o"ntry Day 8am: +008%+009 Antern $i: at Penny (ane Po t Prod"6tion /New York, NY7 and Do"9 E: tein Prod"6tion /Do== Berry, NY7 1ay%2"ne +010 S"= tit"te 9"itar in tr"6tor at Slee:y ;ollow 1" i6work *6to=er +010% 2"ly +011 Door 8anva er -or T$e B"nd -or T$e P"=li6 Antere t +011%8ontin"in9 Breelan6e 5"itari t and Private 1" i6 An tr"6tor# 2"ly +011%."9" t +011 8omm"nity .dvi er at T$e )niver ity o- T$e .rt S"mmer An tit"te Se:tem=er +011%2"ne +01+ 5"itar An tr"6tor at Nort$ Ea t 8on ervatory o- Per-ormin9 .rt 2"ne +01+%."9" t +01+ Street 8anva er / "mmer ta--7 -or T$e B"nd -or T$e P"=li6 Antere t

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