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Kindergarten December Unit 4 Readers Study Patterns in Big Books & Little Books Unit Objective: Students will

be able to read more conventionally using meaning, syntax and visual cues to make meaning from text. Students will be able to use their concepts of print, one to one correspondence and notice patterns to read more fluently. Students will begin to use their reading strategies to solve words and think more deeply about patterns. Students will be able to read with automaticity, phrasing and expression. Readers reread, talk and discuss to understand patterns more deeply. I Went Walking Brown Bear, Brown Bear The Wright Group (orange books)

Mentor Texts

Part 1: Readers Can Be Swept Along by Patterns in our Books (Pg.58-61)

Prediction Strategy/Skill Today I want to teach you that there are ways that readers can get ready to read our books. P.58,69 (Bullet #1) Model using big books, shared reading, or any previously read books. Remember when we read Readers ask How will this book go? Look at the cover, pictures, remember characters and what happened, think about how the book will go. Read and see if we were right or wrong. RL K.1, K.10, RI K.5

Concepts of Print/ Identifying Pattern Literal/Craft Today I want to teach you that when readers read a familiar book, we already know how the pattern goes and we can carry it with us across the pages. P.58,69 (Bullet #2) One to one correspondence: When we read our books aloud, we can point under each word of the pattern, matching what we say to the words on the page. One to one helps the students make the connection that the words give meaning to the story. RF K.1a-c, K.4, RL K.5

Partner Work: Throughout this unit you can incorporate partnership interactions to encourage practicing using all the strategies and accountable talk (prompts/charts from previous units). Prediction/Picture Walk Using Picture Clues Concepts of Print/Rhythm & Strategy/Skill Strategy/Skill Patterns Today I want to teach you that Today I want to teach you that Literal/Craft readers can get ready to read by readers discuss whats happening Today I want to teach you that looking through the pictures in in their pictures to get their minds readers listen for how our books the book to notice if the pattern is ready to read the words, realizing sound and then we match the changing or staying the same. that sometimes its not the object words we say to the words on P.58,69 (Bullet #3) that changes its the actions. the page, pointing under the P.58,69 (Bullet #4) words one at a time (one to one Model how to do a picture correspondence). walk. Knowing that if it Model using examples such P. 58,69 (Bullet # 5) repeats in the pictures we as: Model how we ask can predict that it will There might be a duck on probably repeat in the every page, but on one page ourselves: Does it repeat? words. hes swimming, and on the Does it rhyme? Does it next hes diving. have rhythm? Encourage readers to double check their reading by looking at the initials sounds in words. RL K.5, K.7, RI K.7 RL K.7, RF K.4, RI K.7 RF K.1a-c, RF K.3a. RF K.4 Special Note: (Pg. 59) Throughout the unit you can continue working on patterns in small groups, shared reading/read aloud, partner time, etc. During shared reading, or partner time you can show children how to play a pattern game in which they use a pattern from their book to make up new parts to fit in, For example, if the book goes I like dogs. I like cats. I like mice partners take turns adding to the book, using the same pattern: I like rabbits. I like squirrels. They can check that their additions both make sense and sound right, for the book that they are reading. I like cookies doesnt make sense and My favorite is doesnt sound right. (Categorizing/Cross-checking) If students are still having difficulty with the skills in part 1 additional resources are available on pages 59-61

Part 1: Continued Readers Can Be Swept Along by Patterns in our Books (Pg.58-61)

Making Predictions Strategy/Skill Today I want to teach you that when we figure out the pattern of a book, we can use that to predict what will happen on the next page. P. 59,69 (Bullet #6) Model how to during reading stop and think about the pattern asking ourselves, What would happen next and why? What could be next Could it be Whats Next game-Partners use what they know about patterns to take turns guessing what is going to happen on the next page. RL K.1, K.5, RI K.1

Kindergarten December Unit 4 Readers Study Patterns in Big Books & Little Books

Part 2: Readers Use Pattern to Figure out Tricky Parts (Pg. 61-63)

Literal/Craft Noticing Pattern Changes Today I want to teach you that sometimes patterns in books change. P. 61,70 (Bullet #1) Noticing twists/changes of patterns in the book. Model the three different strategies to help figure out the pattern changes. (Create an anchor chart) The three ways include; identifying what the book is mostly about, using pictures on the last page, thinking about/questioning what would the character be saying here? What would make sense? Mid workshop interruption-Explaining to students that once they figure out the ending they will be able to figure out what the book is mostly about.

RI K.1, K.2,K.7, RL K.1, K.5, K.7, RF K.4 Strategy/Skill Picture Clues & Prior Knowledge Today I want to teach you that readers can study the picture and think about Whats going on here? or Whats on the page that might help me figure out this word? P. 59-60,70-71 (Bullet #4)

Strategy/Skill Cross-Checking/Monitor Clarify Readers remember that you have many strategies/super powers to figure out tricky words. Today I want to teach you that once we figure out a tricky word we can check to see if we were right. P. 62,70 (Bullet #2) Cross-checking using all strategies taught so far. Possibly create a cross-checking anchor chart. Model how to use picture, the pattern, and the beginning letters/sounds and ask ourselves: What would make sense? What would sound right in the book? Does this word look right? Mid-workshop interruption: Refer to anchor charts around the room, word walls, color charts, labels, etc. RF K.3a, K.4, RI K.4, RL K.4, K.7

Strategy/Skill Rereading Readers, today I want to remind you that sometimes we can get stuck on tricky parts in our books and were not sure what to do. Today I want to teach you to go back one or two pages and get a running start to hear how the pattern sounds. P. 59,70 (Bullet #3) Model how to reread for fluency, smooth out your reading keeping the pattern in mind to help understand the tricky parts.

Use think alouds to model how to bring in prior knowledge. For ex. I am swinging at the park. And students stumble on swinging. Students should point to an object or action in a picture and think about, Whats going on here? Have I ever been here? What is the girl/boy doing? Use this thinking to help better guess about a tricky word. Mid Workshop Interruption-When you guess what the word it make sure you crosscheck. RI K.4, RL K.4, K.7, RF K.47 Strategy/Skill Concept of Print Today I want to teach you that readers can continue to point under each word even when we know the pattern by heart because it will help us make sure we arent skipping any words by accident and it can help when we get to a tricky part. P. 62,71 (Bullet #5) One to one correspondence: Have students notice if it is a long or short word, one word or two words that they need to figure out. RF K.1a-c, RF K.4, RL K.

RF K.1a-c, RF K.4, RL K.5 Strategy/Skill Context Clues Today I want to teach you that knowing the pattern can help us think about what word would make sense when trying to figure out tricky words P.71 (Bullet #4) Model how to use context clue strategy through understanding pattern. What word would sound right before and after this word? What would make sense?

RI K.4, RL K.4, K.5, RF K.4

Kindergarten December Unit 4 Readers Study Patterns in Big Books & Little Books

Part 3: We Can Dramatize and Make Our Books Come Alive (Pg. 63-65)

Strategy/Skill Rereading For Fluency Today I want to teach you that readers can make their books sounds better and better. We read our books first figuring out the pattern and the changing words. After we stumble through the tricky words we can reread our books again and again to make them sound better. P.63, 71 (Bullet #1) Model how the patterns can help make the books sound better. Show them that we reread so we can hear the pattern, rhythm, or rhyme.

RF K.4 Part 4: Readers Can See Through The Pattern to Figure out What the Book is Really About (Pg. 65-66) Literal/Craft Story Structure Today I want to teach you that there are different types of books. P. 65-66 Story Vs. List Book Think aloud-Is this more like a story? or Is it giving me information about something? (List book) Questions to think about and model if it is a story: -Does it have characters? -Do they do something? -Does it have a beginning, middle, and end? If its a list book readers will look to see if the book is teaching information or listing different kinds of objects, colors or days of the week.

RL K.5

Strategy/Skill Literal/Craft Partnerships/Fluency Dramatization Today I want to teach you that partners can read their Today I want to teach you that partners can make our books together. books come alive and actually act like the characters. P.63-64, 71 (Bullet #2) P. 64, 71 (Bullet #3) Review partnership procedure chart Use a gradual release model for demonstrating and practicing this skill. Depending on your level of readers you can differentiate by either having students read chorally, You can model with a character from a book that has echo read, or take turns reading each page with their been turned into a TV show. Ex. Max and Ruby, partners. (See pg. 64) Clifford, Franklin, etc. Model how partners can read their books chorally, Model how readers can: do what the character do, matching and keeping their voices together as they say what they say, or think out loud for them. read them. (To support rhyme and rhythm through Model how the tone of your voice can change when patterns) the characters feelings change. And/Or you can model how one partner can read a SL K.1a-c, K.6, RL K.2, L K.6 page and the other partner can read the same page over again as an echo SL K.1a, RL K.5 Literal/Craft Strategy/Skill Literal/Craft Literal/Craft Predicting/Categorizing Monitor/Clarify Summarizing/Main Idea Main Idea Today I want to teach you that Today I want to teach you that Today I want to teach you that Today I want to teach you that everything in a book goes together when we read books we need to readers think about what their when readers think about what our to help you better understand what make sure our reading makes book was all about when they are book is mostly about, we look at the whole book is mostly about. sense. finished reading. Readers know all the stuff that makes up a bookP. 65-66, 72 (Bullet #1) P. 72 (Bullet #3) that sometimes it is not just the the title, the cover, the pictures, words that come over and over it the words-we think about what is Model how to figure out what During reading strategy. is what is happening in the book the same, and then use that to say the book is going to be about Model how we know it make that also comes over and over. what the whole book was about. before reading by looking at sense if it fits with what has (Pattern) P. 72-73(Bullet #4) the title, cover and pictures to been happening on all of the P. 65-66, 72 (Bullet #2) Model how after reading, think about how all the stuff pages. will go together. (Categorize) Model how realizing the readers can use all the parts Always think, What makes pattern in the story will help of the book to answer, What sense? them to summarize what the was this book about? book/list is all about. Model how after reading, 1. Identifying the story readers try and say in our structure that was taught own words what the whole previously. (Story vs. List book was about. (Gist book) statement). We can reread Mid teaching point: As the book or some pages to children are reading remind make sure that it matches. them that we can use what has been happening over and over in the story to predict RI K.1, K.2, RL K.1 what they will see next. RI K.1, K.2, RL K.1, K.2 RL K.2, K.5, RI K.2 RI K.2, K.5, RL K.2, K.5, SL K.6

Kindergarten December Unit 4 Readers Study Patterns in Big Books & Little Books

Part 4: Continued Readers Can See Through The Pattern to Figure out What the Book is Really About (Pg. 65-66)

Literal/Craft Partnerships/Retelling Today I want to teach you that partners can talk about the patterns in their books. P. 73 (Bullet #5) Model through a fish-bowl partner work. Can I show you the pattern in my book? Students will retell the book to their partner. Have partners only retell their books but show their partners where things happen in the books. (Text-bases evidence)

Strategy/Skill Asking and Answering Questions/Partnerships Today I want to teach you that partners can ask each other questions about their books. P. 73 (Bullet # 6) Model through a fish-bowl how partners can ask each other questions: Whats your book mostly about? or How do the pages in your book fit together? After questioning partners read their books together to make sure their answers are true/accurate. (Reflection)

Celebration: (Pg. 66)

SL K.1a-c, K.6, RI K.2, RL K.2

RI K.1, RL K.1 SL K.1a-c, K.3, K.6

Kindergarten December Unit 4 Readers Study Patterns in Big Books & Little Books

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