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Abstract Form Fourth International Nursing Conference The Tipping Point: Creative Solutions to Health an Challenges !

ear Participant "presenter please complete the follo#ing information: Presenter : Title $%iss"%rs&"%r& "!r&"Prof&' Name Affiliation A ress Ahmad H Al-Nawafleh Dr. Nursing

Dr. Ahmad H. Al-Nawafleh Mutah University Faculty of Nursing, Mutah University, Mutah Phone " Fa( 00 !"-#"#$"#%0 e&t. !$#' )*mail A ress nawafleh( Countr+ )ordan ,ther Authors Dr. *u+ayya ,elani -)ordan, and Dr .atrin /vans -U0 Choose the relevant theme of +our abstract: 1. 2. 3. 4. ". $. Reinventing the context for healthcare and nursing (service and regulation). Centering care around the person (practice). Educating for transformation (education). Championing creative solutions (advocac ! championing! and leadership). #eeting the challenges through evidence (research and evidence). %romoting the command of ethics in healthcare and nursing (ethics). T+pe of Presentation: ,ral Poster

Abstract $-.. #or s ma(imum' Title: Nursing Scholars Career Development in Jordan: qualitative query

Abstract: The development of nursing scholar's careers is rarely e plored specifically in outside the traditional doctoral education countries! This paper reports on a qualitative study of Jordanian graduates of "# $hD programs! %ntervie&s &ere held &ith '( graduates &ho no& &or)ed in * different universities in Jordan as nursing faculty! $articipants reported that their doctoral degree had equipped them &ith confidence and enthusiasm for developing a research career! +entorship, leadership and peer support &ere identified as essential to supporting on-going research activity! Access to these sources of support &as variable and participants also described a range of institutional and organi.ational structures that directly or indirectly discouraged them from developing research productivity! This research suggests that support for post-doctoral novice researchers is an important area for further attention for Jordanian universities, for "# $hD supervisors /and their associated academic departments0 and for the &ider nursing community!

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