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Congestion Charge in London

Antes de introducir la tasa, la velocidad media en la City era de 10 mph. Before ... (introduce) the charge, average speed in the City was about 10 mph.

El 17 de Febrero de 2003, una tasa por congestin por conducir en la City en Londres fue introducida. On 17th February 2003, a congestion tax .. (drive) in the City in London was introduced. l trfico ha sido reducido un 20 por ciento y los tiempos de trayecto en la City tienden a disminuir. The traffic has been reduced by 20 percent and journey times in the City tend .. (decrease). Los londinenses dicen que es una buena idea cobrarle a la gente por conducir en la City. Londoners say that it is a good idea .............. (charge) people for .. (drive) in the City. La gente est contenta de constatar que el trfico fluye ms fcilmente. People are happy ... (find) the traffic ... (flow) more easily. Ahora, la gente que decide pagar la tasa puede viajar a unas 20 mph. Now, people who decide ... (pay) the charge can travel at about 20 mph. El propsito de la tasa era reducir el nmero de vehculos en la City. The aim of the charge was ... (reduce) the number of vehicles in the City

La tasa ha demostrado tener mucho xito apartando el trfico de la City. The charge has proved .... (be) very successful in... .(turn) away traffic from the City.

La gente ahora tiene que elegir entre pagar la tasa y no conducir en la City. People now have to choose between ... (pay) the charge and not ....(drive) in the City. Segn un sondeo de opinin, ms del 50 por ciento de los londinenses estn de acuerdo en pagar. According to an opinion poll, more than 50 percent of Londoners agree with ... (pay)

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