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oe CAMBRIDGE TEXTBOOKS IN LINGUISTICS Mood and Modality ~ Second edition F.R. Paimer Since the publication of FR. Palmer’s Mood and Modality in 1986, when the topic of ‘modality’ was fairly unfamiliar, there has been con- siderable interest in the subject as well as in grammatical typology in general. Modality is concerned with mood (subjunctive, ete) and with modal markers such as English modal verbs (can, may, must, etc.) and is treated as a single grammatical category found in most of the languages of the world. In this new edition, Palmer draws on a wealth of examples (rom a wide variety of fangua in detail. He discusses familiar features in a number of mainly European s lo investigate the category of modality languages. and also looks at less fumniliar features including ‘evidential’ systems and the contrast of realis/irrealis, both to be found in unrelated languages. R. PALMER is Eineriius Professor of Linguistic Science at the Univer- sity of Reading and is a Fellow of the British Academy, He is the author of innumerable articles and many books, including Semantics nd edition, 1981), Mood and Modality (1986) and Grammatical Roles and Relations (1994). also published by Cambridge University Press, He bas eetured ail over the world including in the USA, Brazil Japan, Australia and most of Europe India, China, CAMBRIDGE TEXTBOOKS IN LINGUISTICS General editors: LR. ERSON, J. BRESNAN, 3. COMRIE, W. DRESSLER, C. J. EWEN, R. HUDDLESTON, R. LASS, D. LIGHTFOOT, J. LYONS, P. H. MATTHEWS, S. ROMAINE, N. V. SMITH, N. VINCENT MOOD AND MODALITY Second Edition

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