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Shuttle Runs

Park Lane

Bicep curls and shoulder For the duration of the exercise presses simply sprint from one end of the circuit and back. Before Use the dumb bells to turning, touch the ground. complete 40 bicep curls

and 30 shoulder presses.

Bond Street

Oxford Street
Skipping (complete 100 skips)

Start in a press up position, then jump There are many ways to skip. Jumping feet forward to a squatting position as with both feet together provides a very vigorous workout. for a squat thrust. Then immediately jump up clear of the ground, spreading your limbs as far apart as possible, forming an X, land with feet together. Drop back to a squat, then jump feet back to the starting position.

Regent street
Squat with Med Ball Toss Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a medicine ball. Squat as low as you can (knees behind toes and abs contracted) and touch the ball to the floor, if you can. Stand up and toss the weight overhead. Repeat for 60 seconds.

Knee Lifts with Med Ball Hold a light medicine ball or weight straight up overhead. Lift the right knee up to waist level while bringing the arms down, touching the weight to the knee. Return to start and repeat on the left side. Alternate knees and repeat for 60 seconds.

Trafalgar Square
Pushups On the knees or toes, lower into a pushup, going as low as you can or until chin touches the floor. Push up and repeat for 30 seconds. Rest briefly and complete another 30 seconds.

Fleet Street
Lunge With Bicep Curls Stand in a staggered stance, right foot forward and left foot back. Lower into a lunge, keeping the front knee behind the toe. As you lunge, curl the weights up into a biceps curl. Lower the arms, stand up and repeat for 30 seconds before switching sides.


The Strand
Dips Sit on a chair or bench and balance on your arms, moving backside in front of the step with legs straight. Bend the elbows and lower down, keeping the shoulders down until elbows are at 90 degrees. Push up and repeat for 30 seconds. Rest briefly and (optional) repeat for another 30 seconds.

Vine Street
Squat Circle Medicine Ball Stand holding a medicine ball near the right hip. Step out with the left leg into a squat as you circle the ball all the way around until it's next to the left hip. Step back, circling the ball back and repeat for 30 seconds on each side.

Plank Begin on your forearms and knees or toes (harder) and hold that position with your back flat and abs engaged. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abs to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

Pall Mall
Front Kick with Squat Stand with feet together. Bring the right knee up and extend the leg in a front kick without locking the knee. Bring the right foot down and lower into a squat. Stand up, kicking with the left foot. Continue alternating squats and kicks for 60 seconds.


Electric company

Water Works

20 punches then run 10m, 20 punches Boxing 1-10 pyramids with 10 then run 20m, 20 punches then run burpees (1:30 minute) 30m (1:30 minutes)



Boxing 1 minute of crunch punches with 15m run and drop down and 15m run back

Roll the dice again - If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 Go to jail - If you roll a 4, 5 or 6 Go and collect $200


Complete 10 burpees as you pass go and collect $200.00, remember you need $800.00 to complete the circuit.

Fitness lesson on the Oval #1

Warm-up North South East West (Pulse Raiser Mobility warm-up) (5-10 minutes) Start with the students in the center of the oval (on the netball courts). Point to the sides of the netball courts, and name them North South East and West. Call out a direction and get the students to move towards that wall. Vary their movement by including:- Walking / Running / Bounding / Hopping / Funny Walking / Side Stepping / Skipping / Walking & Jogging backwards Try to catch the students out by pointing to one sideline and calling the name of another. Add further variety by calling out "Floor" students immediately lie down, and "sky", the students try and touch the sky. Note: aim to add dynamic stretches throughout the warm-up. Main activity: Monopoly Circuit 1. Set up a monopoly board using the laminated activity boards attached and place the large dice in the centre (best to set the board up around the two netball courts on the oval - equipment will need to be collected from the OYC for some sections of the circuit list of equipment attached) 2. Divide the class into pairs. Each pair is directed to a different square on the monopoly board. That is where they must start. 3. When the whistle is blown each group performs the task in their activity square and runs to the centre of the netball courts. The dice are located here andits a good idea if the teacher monitors the rolls and accuracy of the next move on the Monopoly board. The group can only

roll when all the members are present in the middle of the courts having all completed the activity correctly. 4. After the group rolls, the students run in a clockwise direction to their next square and the whole process starts over again. 5. The object of the game is for each group to get around the board as fast as they can so they can pass Go and Collect $200. The group with the most money at the whistle wins. It is suggested that the teacher issue the $200 each time the group passes GO. (activity should run for 20-25minutes). Cool down Rock, Bridge, Tree Relay (5-10 minutes)

Relay race - teams of four - six are spaced along a line. One member of the team is the Runner, one is a Rock, one is a Bridge, and one is the Tree. The runner sprints to and jumps over the Rock, crawls under the bridge and circles the Tree - sprinting in between. Then the members of the team change roles.
Equipment needed for this lesson: Cones x 10 Skipping ropes x 6 Dumb bells x 12 Bench x 2 Mats x 8 Boxing gloves and mits x 6 Medicine balls x 6 Dice

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