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Position Paper Guidelines

The position papers will have to follow the exact structure of the following provided example, remembering that the example provided is only a structural and organizational guideline and that information may need to be updated. They will have to be presented in Calibri or Arial number 10. Headings and headlines will have to be bold and underlined. The maximum extension of the Position Paper is of two pages per topic and the minimum required of one page per topic. References will have to be included in MLA format and do not count for the extension of the Position Paper. Warnings can be granted due to Academic Dishonesty and/or due to a delay in the delivery of the Position Papers which will be required in the first session. Background should include general information of your own country relevant to the related topic, as well as a brief background of the situation being discussed. The position taken by the delegation, will have to include the official position of the delegation being represented towards the topic, as well as actions done by the delegation that support such a statement. The justification relates to the explicit reasons of why the delegation being represented has taken such a posture and some brief suggestions of what can be done to solve the problem.

POSITION PAPER COMMITTEE: UNITED NADTIONS SECURITY COUNCIL (UNSC) DELEGATION: THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DELEGATES NAME: DANIEL GRANADOS NICHOLLS DELECATES SCHOOL: TECNLOGICO DE MONTERREY CAMPUS ESTADO DE MXICO SEDE PREPARATORIA ESMERALDA TOPIC A) Measures to stimulate the pacific relationships and international security between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Iran, regarding the possible reactions to NATO's anti-missile shield and Iran's nuclear program. BACKGROUND The delegation is a constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm. Actually as first minister is David Cameron MP and as a monarch, actually without political power, is the Queen Elizabeth second. It is one of the PERMANENT 5 and by that it counts with a high military and economic power. Its military power is divided in 3 principal forces: the army, the Royal naval army and the Royal air army. In total in counts with 30,000 available troops. It has a high economy purchase power of $2.189 trillion USA 2010 dollars, put in the delegation in nine place world widely. The delegation is located in Europe, north to France. It covers a total area of 243,610 sq. km. and it owns one of the most important sea spaces for transport and business, the channel between France and this delegation. The population has grown up to 62,348,447 people. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has become one of the leading nations in the world; it has developed in all the aspects and now it is one of the most powerful and developed countries in the world. It is allied to the delegations in the Atlantic north union, the European Union and the commonwealth bank, although this is a friendly delegation. POSITION TAKEN BY THE DELEGATION The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland being a member of the European Union and of NATO, regards that this is a topic for all the international community and believes that assuring peace is the most important goal of this topic, nevertheless we must also assure the safe development of the Islamic Republic of Israel. Our delegation completely supports all the attempts of the United Nations and the European Union of trying to achieve the peace goal mentioned before. Our delegation is willing to support the actions needed to achieve the peace goals, for this reason our delegations strongly suggest that peaceful means are the most effective measures to achieve peace. A reformation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, that assures the improvement in the political, economic and legislative aspects. Such Reform has already being attempted and has proven to be favored by the Islamic Republic of Iran government. JUSTIFICATION The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland holds this position for the reasons that if the international community wants to hold peace, we must then use peaceful means for achieving such goal. For this reason our delegation believes that a reform is the most peaceful way, and more if it is a bilateral

reformation approved by both, the European Council and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also our delegation supports a reform for it has been favored by the Islamic Republic of Iran government.

POSITION PAPER COMMITTEE: UNITED NADTIONS SECURITY COUNCIL (UNSC) DELEGATION: THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DELEGATES NAME: DANIEL GRANADOS NICHOLLS DELECATES SCHOOL: TECNLOGICO DE MONTERREY CAMPUS ESTADO DE MXICO SEDE PREPARATORIA ESMERALDA TOPIC B) The Recognition of Palestine as an Independent State: the countermeasures and consequences to the World's Order. BACKGROUND The delegation is a constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm. Actually as first minister is David Cameron MP and as a monarch, actually without political power, is the Queen Elizabeth second. It is one of the PERMANENT 5 and by that it counts with a high military and economic power. Its military power is divided in 3 principal forces: the army, the Royal naval army and the Royal air army. In total in counts with 30,000 available troops. It has a high economy purchase power of $2.189 trillion USA 2010 dollars, put in the delegation in nine place world widely. The delegation is located in Europe, north to France. It covers a total area of 243,610 sq. km. and it owns one of the most important sea spaces for transport and business, the channel between France and this delegation. The population has grown up to 62,348,447 people. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has become one of the leading nations in the world; it has developed in all the aspects and now it is one of the most powerful and developed countries in the world. It is allied to the delegations in the Atlantic north union, the European Union and the commonwealth bank, although this is a friendly delegation. POSITION TAKEN BY THE DELEGATION Our delegation supports the recognition of Palestine as an independent state, for the reason that Palestine has a government, it has people that share cultural and religious aspects and should be recognized for as an independent state because it has the elements of one. Also Palestine counts with the economic and politic resources to be a recognized state. Nevertheless it is hard not to recognize that Palestine is involved in many conflicts, both military and diplomatic. But this are not reasons to avoid the recognition of Palestine, they are reasons to support such delegation and to provide help in such affairs to improve the current situation. Our delegation believes that recognizing Palestine as an independent state will allow better diplomatic, economic and political relationships within the international community. JUSTIFICATION The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland holds this position as it strongly believes that recognizing Palestine as an independent state would improve the relations of all delegations with Palestine. Such act will have as consequence the facilitations of negotiations, of the improvement of the conflict between Palestine and the state of Israel and the possibility of a better humanitarian intervention for the refugees groups.

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