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(TCO A, B) Define organizational behavior and list the four emotional intelli gence competencies that contribute to understanding ourselves and others within the organizational behavior environment. (Points : 10) Organizational behavior is essentially a study of human behavior and groups in a n organizational setting. By understanding organizational behavior it helps mana gement understand about themselves and their sub-ordinates. The four emotional i ntelligence competencies in an organization environment are as follows: 1. Self-awareness 2. Social Awareness 3. Self management 4. Relationship management 2. (TCO D) Please define self-managing teams and identify three of the five task s for which a true self-managing team is responsible. (Points : 10) Self-managing teams are teams that are created and empowered to make day to day decisions on their own without the approval of upper management. The three tasks for which a self-managing team is responsible are: 1. Planning and scheduling 2. Assigning of work tasks 3. Quality Control 3. (TCO E, F) Identify and describe three upward communication methods that will enhance a manager's listening skills. (Points : 10) Upward communication is basically informing your upper manangement about the day to day activities in operations. It is basically the flow of communication from lower to upper management. The three upward communication methods that can help a manager's listening skills are: 1. Keeping an open door policy - which is essentially removing any road blocks i n communicating to higher management. It will encourage lower level management t o frankly talk to their superior of any impending issues or concerns. 2. Counseling - this will help lower management to openly talk about any difficu lties they are encountering in their work and get counseling from their upper ma nagement which can help move things smoother rather than lower management fearin g that their upper management would think of them as not capable. 3. Meetings - Upper management should have status meetings with their subordinat es where their subordinates are encouraged to express their opinion on the way t hings are going and should take constructive suggestions from their lower manage ment.

4. (TCO G) List three of the five sources of Managerial Power. Provide examples for each type you have listed. (Points : 10) The three sources of managerial power are: 1. Reward power - when something an employee believes they are going to get by d oing a certain job. e.g comptime, extra pay, recognition. 2. Coercive power - is something when an employee feels if they dont do it their manager is going to fire them or demote them. e.g.manager being intimidating of his/her position if they dont follow what he/she says, then there will be negat ive consequences. 3. Expert power - is something an employee believes that his/her manager has so much knowledge and expertise that they cannot be wrong, so whatever the manager tells the subordinate believes in it and follows what he/she has been told. e.g a manager saying that only way to accomplish a certain task is by following his/

her direction and the employee blindly following it.

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