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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in accountancy


The researchers believe that this study will be beneficial to the following:

1. Credit card users. This study will be beneficial to the users of credit card in assessing whether their usage of credit card have been beneficial to them.

2. Credit card companies. This study is also expected to benefit the credit card companies in a way that they will know the credit behavior of credit cardholders toward credit card. Thus, this study may be used in improving their services. 3. Researchers. This study will be beneficial to the researchers since the accomplishment of this study will satisfy their curiosity regarding the buying behavior of selected cardholders towards the usage of credit cards.

4. Future Researchers. This study will also benefit the future researchers who would conduct a related study since they may use this study in conducting research similar to what the study is. Furthermore, the literature of the study may serve as a reference of their related study. DEFINITION OF TERMS

To help the readers toward a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined: Accountancy Department College of Business & Accountancy

Credit behavior is the behavior of the credit cardholders in credit card usage and credit recovery.

Promotional scheme is the incentive given to the customers, the publicizing of a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness.

Credit card is credit card is used to define the payment cards used by selected cardholders in Lipa to pay for goods and services on credit.

Credit cardholder is a person who has a credit card. Financial independence is being responsible in ones own finances. Financial confidence and security is being confident in ones ability to manage his/her own finances and being well prepared to face the future.

Financial stressor is being unable to purchase necessities and to save for emergencies.

Credit recovery behaviors is having financial help, refinancing and attending seminars.

Accountancy Department College of Business & Accountancy

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