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Aluno (a): ____________________________________ DATA: ____________ DISCIPLINA : Lngua Inglesa Read: Dont speak aloud Some boys and

girls are reading books and magazines in the library. We can see a lot of books and magazines in the library. Bob is taking a book from a shelf. Meg is reading a yellow book but Danny is not reading. He is looking at picture on the wall. Danny: Meg, whos that man in the picture? Meg: Dont speak aloud! We are in a library. SRIE: 7_______

Prof : Josiane Leal II UNIDADE


Responda as perguntas das questes 1 a 6 de acordo com o texto. 1. Complete a frase de acordo com o texto. They are reading ____________________________________________ 2. The boys and the girls ate reading books and magazines: (a) in the classroom (b) at home (c) in a library 3. In a library: (a) there are a lot of toys (b) there are a lot of books (c) there are a lot of clothiers 4. Meg says to Danny: (a) Speak aloud! (b) Dont speak aloud! We are a library. 5. Who is taking a book from a shelf? _____________________________________________________________________ 6. Who is reading a yellow book? _________________________________________________________________ 7. Decifre as frases. a) comic/ books/ dont/ I. _______________________________________________________________________ b) like/ you/ spiders/ Do?

_______________________________________________________________________ c) I/ breakfast/ at/ eat/ 9 a.m. ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja no modo Imperativo: a) Not turn on the radio. b) No, I dont need your help. c) Dont buy that newspaper. d) She doesnt sleep here. 9. Escolha a opo que melhor traduz o termo em ingls Recipient. a) Expediente b) Receptor c) Recipiente 10. Complete as frases com o verbo to Have. a) We _____ a beautiful dog. b) Meg _____ a terrible cold. c) Susan _____ three sisters. d) The browns _____ five children. e) I _____ a lot of good friends. f) Marienne _____ a lot of wonderful friends at school. g) Mary and I _____ wonderful parents. h) Mr. Smith _______ todays newspaper. i) I never ____ lunch before 11am.

Good luck!!!!

Aluno (a): ____________________________________ DATA: ____________ DISCIPLINA : Lngua Inglesa SRIE: 8_______

Prof : Josiane Leal II UNIDADE


Read: Staying alive Mantendo-se vivo How are you living? What are you doing stay healthy? Are you not eating and sleeping accordingly? Are you working and worrying too much? Arent you exercising? Even being very useful, these questions are often boring to answer. If you are taking care of your life, congratulations! But if you are smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes; making use of drugs like pot, cocaine or crack; drinking alcoholic beverages in excess; eating too much and sleeping late, my sympathies! You are entering the roll of people facing actual risky factors. Your chances of a long and healthy life are not many. At least, these are some of the medical conclusions all over the world. Vocabulary: Alive viva Boring chato Active accordingly - ativa nesse sentido Tedious healthy tediosa saudvel In good physical conditions em boas condies fsicas Frequently pot frequentemente At the minimum beverage no mnimo de bebidas Drink bebida Having life tendo em vida Often muitas vezes List lista At least pelo menos Adequately de forma adequada

Marque a alternativa correta nas questes 1 a 4 de acordo com o texto: 1. O que voc no pode entender no texto? a) Voc deve deitar e levantar cedo. b) Devemos comer com moderao. c) Deve-se dormir adequadamente. 2. Qual das citaes abaixo no se enquadra no texto? a) O Ministrio da Sade adverte: fumar pode causar diversos males sua sade.. b) Diga no as drogas. c) Dormir o melhor remdio. d) Mente s em corpo so. 3. O texto apresenta: a) questionamentos e ameaas. b) dicas e deveres. c) indicaes e avisos. d) receitas e sugestes. 4. As frases My congratulations e my sympathies poderiam ser usadas respectivamente nas seguintes ocasies:

a) Natal e noivado. b) Casamento e batizado. c) Ano-novo e Ao de Graas. d) aniversrio e velrio. 5. Complete the sentences with MANY or MUCH: a) How ___________ apples are there in the pie? b) How ___________ bottles of soda are there? c) How ___________ money is there in her purse? d) How __________ water is there in the cup? 6. Complete com o adjetivo possessivo correto, depois assinale a alternativa correta: Hello, _______ name is Tom. This is my sister. ____________ name is Sally. And this is my brother. _______ name is Jack. Here are my parents. ________ names are Peter and Susan. This is my fish. _________ name is Jaws. Sally and I have a bike. __________ bike is New! And this is my father and my mothers car. __________ car is terrific! a) my, his, her, their, its, our, their. b) my, her, his, their, its, our, their. c) my, her, his, their, its, their, our. d) your, her, his, their, her, our, their. e) your, her, his, their, its, their, our. 7. Na oraoEducation is the greatest treasure of a country., h uma palavra cognata. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta esta palavra: a) greatest b) education c) is d) treasure e) country 8. Analisando a orao Ken and his family live close to my house., possvel afirmar que a palavra cognata est corretamente indicada na alternativa: a) house b) live c) family d) his e) close 9. There were too ____ people in the room a) little b) many c) much d) a little 10. There were too ____ people in the room a) little b) many c) much d) a little

Good luck!!!!

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