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ProEd Nite

On the 17th of April 2009, approximately 200 Secondary 1 students and parents settled
down in the Hwa Chong boarding school hall for ProEd Nite. ProEd Nite is an annual
event, held mainly for Secondary 1 students, and parents, with the aim of providing the
opportunity for parents, students, school staffs and parent volunteers to interact.
Parents would be able to learn more about the school activities through various talks, so
that they can better able help their child.

The event officially started at 6.30pm, although many enthusiastic parents and students
came much earlier. The buffet dinner opened to the many hungry diners who rushed up
to collect their much anticipated food. The hall was filled with soothing music, played by
the Hwa Chong String Quartet. The pieces played included masterpieces by Mozart and
Vivaldi. At around 7.30pm, Mr. Charles Low, the Director of ProEd consortium, and Mr.
Ted Tan, the Co-chairman of ProEd Parent Support Group, gave their welcome
addresses. Mr. Low introduced ProEd consortium, and explained that ProEd stands for
Process and Education. He emphasized that the learning journey is as important as the
end result, and the school aims to develop all-rounded students.

Following that, Fan Jun Wei, a Secondary 2 student gave an enlightening talk on
‘Coping Strategies in HCI’. He described the problems that he faced when he was a
Secondary 1 student. His key advice was to pay attention in class and exercise good
time management. He was quite humorous, and managed to keep the audience’s

After Jun Wei’s sharing, Mr. Charles Low gave a presentation on Projects’ Day. He
covered the objectives of the Project Day, the various stages of project presentations
and the Projects Day website for more resources. After that, past year project winners
presented their projects. The first project was called ‘Arc Tap’, an innovation project. The
second one was called ‘Potatoes’, a resource development project. Judging from the
response of parents, and Q&A session that followed, they were obviously impressed by
the high quality of work.

Tokens of appreciation were presented to the speakers and the event ended at around

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