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Increased Oxygen Demand Exercise

Common Factors That Increase Oxygen Demand and Decrease Oxygen Supply
Rationale Increases the heart rate, which increases the workload of the heart, and diseased coronary arteries are unable to deliver an increased amount of oxygen to the heart muscle. During digestion after a heavy meal, the blood is diverted to the gastrointestinal system, causing low blood flow to the coronary arteries. Stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and increase the workload of the heart by increasing heart rate and blood pressure. Constricts blood vessels and increases metabolism, both of which put an extra workload on the heart. Because the heart has to pump against greater pressure (afterload), it increases the workload and oxygen demands. Increases sympathetic nervous system stimulation, which increases the workload on the heart. Rationale Causes a decrease in the size of the lumen of the artery, which decreases blood flow to the tissues. When combined with CAD, it markedly decreases blood flow to the tissues. Decreases vessel lumen, which decreases blood supply to the myocardium. Decreases cardiac output. Decreases cardiac output if occurring in significant numbers and areas of the myocardium (ventricle). Decreases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, which decreases oxygen to the myocardium. Causes vasoconstriction, which increases afterload and the workload of the heart.



Exposure to cold


Sexual activity Decreased Oxygen Supply Coronary artery spasm

Coronary artery disease Hypotension Dysrhythmias Anemia Smoking

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