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Giuseppe Tucci _ THE RELIGIONS OF nalts THE RELIGIONS OF TIBET GIUSEPPE TUCCI Translated from the German and Italian by GEOFFREY SAMUEL University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California iglish translation © Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1980 First published as Die Religionen Vibets in Die Religionen Tibets und der Mongolei 6y Giuseppe Tucci and Walther Heissig © 1970W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart Berlin Koln Mainz ISBN 0-520-06348-1 (pbk. alk. paper) First Paperback Printing 1988 ‘The Library of Congress has cataloged the first printing of this title as follows ‘Tucci, Giuseppe, 1894- ‘The religions of Tibet/ Giuseppe Tucci; translated from the German and Italian by Geoffrey Samuel.—Berkeley: University of California Press, c1980. xii, 340p., [2] leaves of plates: ill. ; 23 cm A translation of the author’s Die Religionen ‘Tibets, published in 1970. in Tucci & Heissig’s Die Religionen Tibets und der Mongolei; with additions and changes made for the 1976 Italian ed. and this ed. |. Tibet (China)—Religion. 1. Title. BL1945.T5T815 294.3'923 80-110768 MARG Library of Congress [8509185 Jrev ‘The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. @ CONTENTS Preface Note on transcription and pronunciation 1 ‘The first diffusion of Buddhism in Tibet 1 The beginnings 2 Co-existence and conflict among the various tendencies at the time of the first introduction of Buddhism into Tibet 3. Ordination of monks, foundation of monasteries, donations to monasteries. 4 The Indian and Chinese currents, BS ‘The second diffusion of Buddhism 1 The revival of Buddhism 2 Rin chen bzang po and Atisa 3. The foundation of the great monasteries 3 General characteristics of Lamaism 1 Fundamentals 2 The most important schools 3. The conflicts between the schools and their significance for the political history of Tibet. The office of Dalai Lama 4 The figure of the religious teacher (6/a ma) 4 The doctrines of the most important schools Assumptions common to all schools, The vehicle of the Mantra Investiture and consecrations The Tantric process of transcendence: mental body, maya-body, body of transcendent consciousness Sems and light OMS o 8 12 39 44 47 47 50 37 63

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