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Stand relaxed, feet together, both heels and toes, arms loose and relaxed at your side . . . Just let yourself lean back and I will show you that I can support you . . . Lean back and I will show you that I can catch you . . . Now see, I can catch you very easily, and you had to force yourself back . . . Now I will show you how easy it will be without forcing yourself back . . . Look at my thumbnail . . . I want you to stare at it so intently that when you close your eyes, you may see it on the back of your closed eyelids . . . If you do not see it, don't worry about it . . . Now close your eyes and I am going behind you . . . When I release my hands from your shoulders, you will have a strong feeling to come back, coming back, coming back . . . Fine, now open your eyes and turn around, both feet together, heels and toes, arms loose and relaxed at your sides . . . Look right here in my eye and no place else . . . Now you will have the same feeling to come forward that you had to come back . . . Coming forward, coming forward, coming forward.

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