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1. Mercury can only be seen just after the Sun rises and just before the Sun set. 2. Mercury has the most atmosphere out of the 8 main planets. Incorrect: Mercury has the most atmosphere out of the 8 main planets Mercury has no atmosphere at all- instead, sunlight reflect off of its surface, similar to how light is reflect from the moon. This absence of atmosphere means that sunlight is not able to be spread through the atmosphere. It is also impacted by the fact that it is a low-mass planet, meaning that gases in an atmosphere can escape easily. Finally, because of its weak magnetic field, solar winds are able to simply blow away at any existing atmosphere.

1. Venus has the second largest number of moons, with 25. 2. Venus is the only planet in the solar system to rotate clockwise. Incorrect: Venus has the second largest number of moons, with 25. Venus has no moons, and the reason for this is unknown

1. The Earth is made up of more land than water. 2. Earth is not an exact sphere Incorrect: The Earth is made up of more land than water. The Earth has more water, which makes up 71% of the surface, than land, which makes up only 29%

1. Like Earth, Mars has polar caps. 2. Mars is home to the second largest Volcano in the Solar System Incorrect: Mars is home to the second largest Volcano in the Solar System Mars actually has the largest volcano, which is named Olympus Mons. It has a height of nearly 22km, and was named after Mount Olympus, the mountain which in Greek Mythology is believed to be the home of the Gods.

1. If you weigh 43 pounds on Earth, you will weigh 119 kilograms on Jupiter 2. Jupiter is the only planet that can become a star. Incorrect: Jupiter is the only planet that can become a star. Because Jupiter is a gas giant, it does not have enough mass to be able to create a starin order to do so, it would need to be close to 80 times its current size.

1. Saturns rings are solid. 2. Saturn could float in water due to the fact that it is mostly gas. Incorrect: Saturns rings are solid. Saturns rings are not solid; they are made out of pieces of ice, dust, and rock that have collected around the planet.

1. It takes 84 Earth years for Uranus to make a full Orbit 2. Uranus receives light from the sun at all directions. Incorrect: Uranus receives light from the sun at all directions. Because of its unique tilt, a single night on Uranus can last for up to 21 Earth years, during which it will not receive any light or heat from the sun.

1. Because of its location, it is impossible for Neptune to develop rings. 2. The coldest temperature in the Solar System was recorded on one of Neptune's moons Incorrect: Because of its location, it is impossible for Neptune to develop rings. Due to a lack of gravity because of its position, Neptunes moon, Triton, is slowly getting closer to the planet. It will eventually get close enough to be torn apart by Neptunes gravity, and may possibly form rings more spectacular than that of Saturns.

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