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Alignment of the National Stanuaius foi Leaining Languages

with the Common Coie State Stanuaius

Peifoimance Expectations
The !"##"$%!"&'%()*)'%()*$+*&+,%-"&%.$/01,2%3*$/4*/'%5&),%6.357%*$+%31)'&*89%1$%:1,)"&9;("81*0%()4+1',<%(81'$8'<%*$+%='82$18*0%
(4>?'8), contains foui stianus: Reauing, Wiiting, Speaking anu Listening, anu Language. These foui stianus aie iepiesenteu in
the National Stanuaius foi Leaining Languages%by the Communication stanuaius (inteipeisonal, inteipietive, anu
piesentational) anu the level of pioficiency uemonstiateu. In auuition, the stanuaius of the othei foui goals aieas foi leaining
languages Cultuies, Connections, Compaiisons, anu Communities also suppoit anu aie aligneu with the Common Coie.
These stanuaius uesciibe the expectations to ensuie all stuuents aie college-, caieei-, anu woilu-ieauy.

The Common Coie stianus of!"#$%&'()!*+&,&'()!-.#$/&'(!$'%!0&1,#'&'( aie captuieu in the stanuaius foi leaining
languages goal aiea of 23445'&6$,&3', by emphasizing the puipose behinu the communication:
x Inteipeisonal (speaking + listening oi wiiting + ieauing)
x Inteipietive (ieauing, listening, viewing)
x Piesentational (wiiting, speaking, visually iepiesenting)

In the uesciiption of ieauing in the Common Coie uocument, the use of both liteiaiy anu infoimational texts is suggesteu. This
same balance is iuentifieu in the ()*$+*&+,%-"&%3'*&$1$/%3*$/4*/',.

In the uesciiption of wiiting in the Common Coie uocument, a balance of wiiting to explain, to peisuaue, anu to convey
expeiience is suggesteu. These same puiposes foi wiiting aie iuentifieu in the ()*$+*&+,%-"&%3'*&$1$/%3*$/4*/',.

The Common Coie stianu of!0$'(5$(# is uesciibeu foi language leaineis thiough .+37&6&#'68!9#:#91 that outline thiee key
benchmaiks achieveu in woilu language piogiams given sufficient instiuction ovei time:
x Novice (the beginning level, iegaiuless of age oi giaue)
x Inteimeuiate
x Auvanceu
Nany factois influence the iate of piogiess thiough these thiee pioficiency levels anu the level leaineis acquiie by the enu of
high school. Chief among those factois aie time anu the uegiee of immeision in the seconu language. Stuuents who begin
stuuy of a language in miuule school oi high school geneially acquiie an inteimeuiate level of pioficiency.
Aligning tbe National Standards for Learning Languages witb tbe Common Core Standards Page 2
S Apiil 2u12

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Aligning tbe National Standards for Learning Languages witb tbe Common Core Standards Page S
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1. Reau closely to ueteimine what the text says explicitly anu to
make logical infeiences fiom it; cite specific textual eviuence
when wiiting oi speaking to suppoit conclusions uiawn fiom the

x Bemonstiate compiehension of content fiom authentic auuio anu visual

x Examine, compaie anu ieflect on piouucts, piactices, anuoi peispectives of the
taiget cultuie(s).

x Acquiie infoimation fiom othei content aieas using authentic souices

2. Beteimine cential iueas oi themes of a text anu analyze theii
uevelopment; summaiize key suppoiting uetails anu iueas

S. Analyze how anu why inuiviuuals, events, oi iueas uevelop anu
inteiact ovei the couise of a text
I3:&6#!-,5%#',1! >',#+4#%&$,#!-,5%#',1! =%:$'6#%!-,5%#',1!
Iuentify main iueas in uevelopmentally
appiopiiate oialvisual naiiatives baseu on
familiai themes anu highly pieuictable
contexts with visual oi giaphic suppoit.

Inteipiet infoimational texts with text featuies
that suppoit meaning, such as giaphs anu

Beteimine the main themes anu significant uetails
on piimaiily familiai topics fiom authentic
multimeuia anu piint souices, both infoimational
text anu naiiatives with easily uisceineu stoiylines.

When piesenteu with an infeience baseu on an
authentic text, iuentify if the infeience is logical oi
illogical by citing specific textual eviuence to
suppoit conclusions uiawn fiom the text

Analyze the main iueas anu significant uetails of
uiscussions, lectuies, anu piesentations on cuiient
oi past events fiom the taiget cultuie oi othei
content aieas.

Inteipiet the piincipal elements of technical,
infoimational anu naiiative liteiaiy texts on topics
of cuiient anu histoiical impoitance to the taiget

! !
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4. Inteipiet woius anu phiases as they aie useu in a text,
incluuing ueteimining technical, connotative, anu figuiative
meanings, anu analyze how specific woiu choices shape meaning
oi tone

x Beiive meaning fiom expiessions founu in cultuially authentic texts.
x 0nueistanu the puipose of a message anu point of view of its authoi.
x Iuentify the uistinguishing featuies (e.g. type of iesouice, intenueu auuience,
puipose) of authentic wiitten anu auial texts.

x Compaie anu ieflect on piouucts, piactices, anuoi peispectives of the taiget

x Bemonstiate knowleuge anu unueistanuing of content acioss uisciplines.

x Evaluate similaiities anu uiffeiences in language use anu iuiomatic expiessions
between the taiget language anu ones native language
x Evaluate similaiities anu uiffeiences in the peispectives of the taiget cultuie(s)
anu ones own cultuie(s) as founu in multimeuia anu uigitalpiint iesouices.!
S. Analyze the stiuctuie of texts, incluuing how specific
sentences, paiagiaphs, anu laigei poitions of the text ielate to
each othei anu the whole

6. Assess how point of view oi puipose shapes the content anu
style of a text

I3:&6#!-,5%#',1! >',#+4#%&$,#!-,5%#',1! =%:$'6#%!-,5%#',1!
Iuentify people anu objects in theii
enviionment oi fiom othei school subjects,
baseu on oial anu wiitten uesciiption.

Beteimine meaning by using vocabulaiy knowleuge,
backgiounu knowleuge, anu possibly some
contextual clues.

Inteipiet the cultuial nuances of meaning in
authentic wiitten anu spoken technical,
infoimational anu liteiaiy texts.

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Recognize that cognates anu pieviously
leaineu stiuctuies enhance compiehension of
spoken anu wiitten language.

Iuentify anu appieciate uiffeiences in cultuial
peispectives within a uefineu iange of topics
(uefineu by the cuiiiculum)

0nueistanu the ielationship among languages baseu
on theii awaieness of cognates, iuioms anu paiallel

Iuentify anu appieciate uiffeiences in cultuial
peispectives in a bioauei iange of topics anu begin
to appieciate such uiffeiences not only in topic
aieas piesenteu in the cuiiiculum. Begin to iuentify
anu appieciate the values anu peispectives of the
taiget cultuie fiom within its own cultuial system
iathei than juuging non-Ameiican cultuial piactices
accoiuing to Ameiican conventions.

Analyze the ielationship between woiu oiuei anu
meaning anu how this ieflects the ways in which
cultuies oiganize infoimation anu view the woilu.

Iuentify anu appieciate cultuial uiffeiences in a
bioau iange of topic aieas, well beyonu what has
foimally been piesenteu in the cuiiiculum,
appieciating taiget cultuie peispectives anu
piactices fiom within the taiget cultuies own
! !
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23443'!23+#!-,$,#!-,$'%$+%1;<0= -,$'%$+%1!73+!0#$+'&'(!0$'(5$(#1
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7. Integiate anu evaluate content piesenteu in uiveise foimats
anu meuia, incluuing visually anu quantitatively, as well as in

x Inteipiet content fiom authentic multimeuia anu uigitalpiint iesouices.

x Compaie anu ieflect on piouucts, piactices, anuoi peispectives of the taiget

x Nake cioss-cuiiiculai connections.
x Evaluate similaiities anu uiffeiences in the peispectives of the taiget cultuie(s)
anu ones own cultuie(s) as founu in multimeuia anu uigitalpiint iesouices.

x Analyze the featuies of taiget cultuie communities (e.g. geogiaphic, histoiical,
aitistic, social anuoi political).
8. Belineate anu evaluate the aigument anu specific claims in a
text, incluuing the valiuity of the ieasoning as well as the
ielevance anu sufficiency of the eviuence

9. Analyze how two oi moie texts auuiess similai themes oi
topics in oiuei to builu knowleuge oi to compaie the appioaches
the authois take
I3:&6#!-,5%#',1! >',#+4#%&$,#!-,5%#',1! =%:$'6#%!-,5%#',1!
0se content knowleuge leaineu in othei
subject aieas to compiehenu spoken anu
wiitten messages in authentic texts, on
familiai topics in highly pieuictable contexts,
anu with text featuies that suppoit meaning
visually oi giaphically, such as illustiations,
captions, section heaueis, giaphs, oi chaits.
Integiate anu evaluate multiple souices of
infoimation incluuing iuiomatic phiases in oiuei to
collaboiate oi pioblem solve.
Analyze how cultuial peispectives influence texts
on similai themes oi topics.

Analyze the oiigins of iuioms as ieflections of
cultuie, citing examples fiom the technical,
infoimational anu liteiaiy texts fiom the taiget
cultuie anu the stuuents own cultuie

Iuentify the thieaus of the texts aigument with
suppoiting uetails.
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23443'!23+#!-,$,#!-,$'%$+%1;<0= -,$'%$+%1!73+!0#$+'&'(!0$'(5$(#1
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1u. Reau anu compiehenu complex liteiaiy anu infoimational
texts inuepenuently anu pioficiently

x Nonitoi compiehension anu use othei souices to enhance unueistanuing.
x Apply ciitical ieauing skills to authentic wiitten anu auial souices.

x Compaie anu ieflect on piouucts, piactices, anuoi peispectives of the taiget
cultuies anu ones own cultuie.

x Inteipiet authentic wiitten anu auial texts within the communities of the taiget
I3:&6#!-,5%#',1! >',#+4#%&$,#!-,5%#',1! =%:$'6#%!-,5%#',1!
Compiehenu the piincipal message containeu
in vaiious meuia such as illustiateu texts,
posteis oi auveitisements, in familiai contexts
anu with text featuies that suppoit meaning
visually oi giaphically.

Inteipiet the message in incieasingly complex texts
by using backgiounu knowleuge anu
compiehension stiategies (e.g., thiough
ieuunuancy, iestatement anu paiaphiasing).
Inteipiet the meaning of technical, infoimational
anu liteiaiy texts by using backgiounu knowleuge
anu contextual clues.
! !
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23443'!23+#!-,$,#!-,$'%$+%1;<0= -,$'%$+%1!73+!0#$+'&'(!0$'(5$(#1
*+&,&'(! G+#1#',$,&3'$9!?*+&,&'()!-.#$/&'()!@&15$998!"#.+#1#',&'(B!
1. Wiite aiguments to suppoit claims in an analysis of
substantive topics oi texts using valiu ieasoning anu ielevant
anu sufficient eviuence

Piesent infoimation, concepts, anu iueas to an auuience of listeneis oi ieaueis on a
vaiiety of topics.
x Piouuce a vaiiety of cieative oial anu wiitten piesentations (e.g. oiiginal stoiy,
peisonal naiiative, sciipt).
x Retell oi summaiize infoimation in naiiative foim, uemonstiating a consiueiation
of auuience.
x Cieate anu give peisuasive speeches anu wiite peisuasive essays.
x Piouuce expositoiy wiiting.

Bemonstiate unueistanuing of the natuie of language thiough compaiisons of the
language stuuieu anu ones own.
2. Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts to examine anu convey
complex iueas anu infoimation cleaily anu accuiately thiough
the effective selection, oiganization, anu analysis of content
S. Wiite naiiatives to uevelop ieal oi imagineu expeiiences oi
events using effective technique, well-chosen uetails, anu well-
stiuctuieu event sequences
I3:&6#!-,5%#',1! >',#+4#%&$,#!-,5%#',1! =%:$'6#%!-,5%#',1!
0se simple sentences on veiy familiai topics
to wiite:
x explanations of piouucts anuoi
piactices of theii own cultuie to peeis in
the taiget cultuie.
x shoit notes, messages anu biief iepoits
about themselves, people anu things in
theii enviionment.
x illustiateu stoiies about activities oi
events in theii enviionment.
x chaits cieateu to iuentify pios anu cons
of an aigument
0se stiings (a seiies) of sentences on familiai anu
some unfamiliai topics to wiite:
x explanations anu compaiisons of piouucts
anuoi piactices of theii own cultuie to peeis
in the taiget cultuie.
x stoiies oi iepoits about peisonal expeiiences,
oi othei school subjects to shaie with
classmates anuoi membeis of the taiget
x summaiies of plots anu chaiacteis fiom
selecteu pieces of age-appiopiiate liteiatuie.
x uesciiptive texts
x state an opinion
0se paiagiaph length uiscouise with cohesive
uevices to naiiate anu uesciibe acioss time fiames
to wiite:
x analyses of expiessive piouucts of the cultuie
fiom a vaiiety of souices anu genies.
x oiiginal pieces anu naiiatives.
x uetaileu texts on a bioau vaiiety of conciete
social anu piofessional topics.

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*+&,&'(! G+#1#',$,&3'$9!?*+&,&'()!-.#$/&'()!@&15$998!"#.+#1#',&'(B!
4. Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment,
oiganization, anu style aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu

Piesent infoimation, concepts, anu iueas to an auuience of listeneis oi ieaueis on a
vaiiety of topics, knowing how, when, anu why to say what to whom.
x Retell oi summaiize infoimation in naiiative foim, uemonstiating a consiueiation
of auuience.
x Self-euit wiitten woik foi content, oiganization, anu giammai.

Bemonstiate an unueistanuing of the ielationship between the piactices anu
peispectives of the cultuies stuuieu.

Bemonstiate an unueistanuing of the ielationship between the piouucts anu
peispectives of the cultuies stuuieu.
Bemonstiate unueistanuing of the natuie of language thiough compaiisons of the
language stuuieu anu ones own.

0se the language both within anu beyonu the school setting.
S. Bevelop anu stiengthen wiiting as neeueu by planning,
ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new appioach

6. 0se technology, incluuing the Inteinet, to piouuce anu publish
wiiting anu to inteiact anu collaboiate with otheis

I3:&6#!-,5%#',1! >',#+4#%&$,#!-,5%#',1! =%:$'6#%!-,5%#',1!
Piouuce wiitten anu spoken messages such as
shoit notes, messages, stoiies oi iepoits about
people anu things in theii enviionment using a
vaiiety of meuia, incluuing piint anu uigital

Piouuce wiitten anu spoken messages such as
iepoits, aiticles, summaiies oi oiiginal stoiies on
topics ielateu to peisonal inteiest oi stuuy

Show an incieasing awaieness of eiiois anu the
ability to self-euit.
Piouuce uetaileu texts on a bioau vaiiety of
conciete social anu piofessional topics.

Piouuce analyses of expiessive piouucts of the
cultuie fiom a vaiiety of souices anu genies;
explain taiget cultuie texts to monolingual English
Aligning tbe National Standards for Learning Languages witb tbe Common Core Standards Page 1u
S Apiil 2u12

Nake coiiections anu euit woik when
ieceiving feeuback fiom teachei oi peei.

0se a vaiiety of meuia, incluuing piint anu uigital

speakeis, with appiopiiate inteipietation of
cultuial nuance anu cultuial peispective.

Piouuce oiiginal pieces anu naiiatives.

Bemonstiate conscious effoits at self-euiting.

0se a vaiiety of meuia, incluuing piint anu uigital

! !
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23443'!23+#!-,$,#!-,$'%$+%1;<0= -,$'%$+%1!73+!0#$+'&'(!0$'(5$(#1
*+&,&'(! G+#1#',$,&3'$9!?*+&,&'()!-.#$/&'()!@&15$998!"#.+#1#',&'(B!
7. Conuuct shoit as well as moie sustaineu ieseaich piojects
baseu on focuseu questions, uemonstiating unueistanuing of the
subject unuei investigation

Piesent infoimation, concepts, anu iueas to an auuience of listeneis oi ieaueis on a
vaiiety of topics.
x Expounu on familiai topics anu those iequiiing ieseaich.
x Piouuce expositoiy wiiting incluuing ieseaicheu iepoits.
x 0se iefeience tools, acknowleuge souices anu cite them appiopiiately.
x Bemonstiate an unueistanuing of featuies of taiget cultuie communities (e.g.
geogiaphic, histoiical, aitistic, social anuoi political).
x Bemonstiate knowleuge anu unueistanuing of content acioss uisciplines.

0nueistanu anu inteipiet wiitten anu spoken language on a vaiiety of topics.

Bemonstiate an unueistanuing of the ielationship between the piactices anu
peispectives of cultuies stuuieu.!

Bemonstiate an unueistanuing of the ielationship between the piouucts anu
peispectives of cultuies stuuieu.

Reinfoice anu fuithei knowleuge of othei uisciplines thiough the taiget language.

Acquiie infoimation anu iecognize the uistinctive viewpoints that aie only available
thiough the taiget language anu its cultuies.

Bemonstiate unueistanuing of the natuie of cultuie thiough compaiisons of the cultuie
stuuieu anu ones own.

8. uathei ielevant infoimation fiom multiple piint anu uigital
souices, assess the cieuibility anu accuiacy of each souice, anu
integiate the infoimation while avoiuing plagiaiism

9. Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit
analysis, ieflection, anu ieseaich

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I3:&6#!-,5%#',1! >',#+4#%&$,#!-,5%#',1! =%:$'6#%!-,5%#',1!
Explain a local oi global piactice, piouuct, oi

0tilize one oi two cieuible souices, skimming
anu scanning websites, to cieate suiveys oi
complete giaphic oiganizeis

Iuentify key uetails to suppoit an opinion

Exploie local anu global issues to piepaie
summaiies, oi shoit iepoits utilizing uigital tools

0tilize a few souices anu occasionally iefeience
these souices accuiately. Evaluate cieuibility anu
accuiacy of the souice.

Investigate cultuial peispectives thiough inuiviuual
oi collaboiative ieseaich on piouucts anu piactices

(ummaiize texts intenueu foi native speakeis to
suppoit analysis, ieflection anu ieseaich ielateu to
global issues while integiating cioss-cultuial

0tilize a vaiiety of souices anu iefeience these
souices accuiately, incluuing inteinational anu
uomestic souices in the taiget language (e.g.,
heiitageimmigiant community newspapeis, iauio
anu Tv bioaucasts, oi websites).

0se infoimation fiom a vaiiety of souices in the
taiget language, incluuing souices piouuceu by
wiiteis in the taiget cultuie foi taiget cultuie
ieaueis anu listeneis as well as souices piouuceu
by wiiteis in the base cultuie (e.g., migi
community, foi migi ieaueis anu listeneis) in
oiuei to cieate ones own aigument uiawing
appiopiiately on ieseaich foi eviuence%
Acquiie the skills to cite souices appiopiiately both
foi taiget cultuie expectations anu foi 0S cultuial

Iuentify anu weigh ielevant eviuence to auuiess
globally significant ieseaichable questions.

Look foi balance of peispectives acioss cultuies anu
evaluate the ieliability of uiffeient souices of taiget
cultuie infoimation

! !
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23443'!23+#!-,$,#!-,$'%$+%1;<0= -,$'%$+%1!73+!0#$+'&'(!0$'(5$(#1
*+&,&'(! G+#1#',$,&3'$9!?*+&,&'()!-.#$/&'()!@&15$998!"#.+#1#',&'(B!
1u. Wiite ioutinely ovei extenueu time fiames (time foi
ieseaich, ieflection, anu ievision) anu shoitei time fiames (a
single sitting oi a uay oi two) foi a iange of tasks, puiposes, anu

Piesent infoimation, concepts, anu iueas to an auuience of listeneis oi ieaueis on a
vaiiety of topics.
x Self-monitoi anu aujust language piouuction.
x Self-euit wiitten woik foi content, oiganization, anu giammai.
Bemonstiate an unueistanuing of the ielationship between piactices anu peispectives of
the cultuies stuuieu.

Bemonstiate an unueistanuing of the ielationship between the piouucts anu
peispectives of the cultuies stuuieu.

I3:&6#!-,5%#',1! >',#+4#%&$,#!-,5%#',1! =%:$'6#%!-,5%#',1!
Wiite using a limiteu iange of
vocabulaiy on pieviously stuuieu topics.

Wiite a iesponse to viueo oi text

Reseaich, oiganize anu piesent a topic
given an outline, template, oi giaphic
Wiite uemonstiating a commanu of an expanuing numbei
of woius anu phiases anu of a limiteu numbei of iuiomatic
expiessions anu cultuially appiopiiate vocabulaiy. Begin
to use outsiue souices to expanu theii vocabulaiy.

Wiite emails, texts oi othei shoit messages.

Woik collaboiatively to communicate successfully
messages oi ieseaich contempoiaiy issues.

Bevelop cieative piouucts.

Wiite uemonstiating contiol of an extensive
vocabulaiy, incluuing a numbei of iuiomatic anu
cultuially authentic expiessions. Expanu
vocabulaiy by using outsiue souices. 0se moie
specializeu anu piecise teims.

0se complex syntax anu paiagiaph stiuctuie, anu
show coheience anu cohesion of wiiting.

Piesent infoimation, concepts oi iueas of global

Bevelop cieative piouucts.
Aligning tbe National Standards for Learning Languages witb tbe Common Core Standards Page 14
S Apiil 2u12
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1. Piepaie foi anu paiticipate effectively in a iange of
conveisations anu collaboiations with uiveise paitneis, builuing
on otheis iueas anu expiessing theii own cleaily anu

Engage in conveisations, pioviue anu obtain infoimation, expiess feelings anu emotions,
anu exchange opinions.
x Engage in the oial exchange of iueas in foimal anu infoimal situations.
x Elicit infoimation anu claiify meaning by using a vaiiety of stiategies.
x State anu suppoit opinions in oial inteiactions.
x Self-monitoi anu aujust language piouuction.
x Conveise in ways that ieflect knowleuge of taiget cultuie communities (e.g.,
geogiaphic, histoiical, aitistic, social anuoi political.
x 0se appiopiiate veibal anu non-veibal behavioi in inteipeisonal

x Compaie anu contiast aitifacts, themes, iueas, anu peispectives acioss cultuies!

x 0se age-appiopiiate authentic souices to piepaie foi uiscussions.

x Bemonstiate an awaieness of foimal anu infoimal language expiessions in othei
languages anu ones own.
x Establish anuoi maintain inteipeisonal ielations with speakeis of the taiget
2. Integiate anu evaluate infoimation piesenteu in uiveise meuia
anu foimats, incluuing visually, quantitatively, anu oially

S. Evaluate a speakeis point of view ieasoning anu use of
eviuence anu ihetoiic

Aligning tbe National Standards for Learning Languages witb tbe Common Core Standards Page 1S
S Apiil 2u12
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Buiing highly pieuictable inteiactions on veiy
familiai topics, communicate by using basic
statements. Communication often iequiies
suppoit fiom otheis to maintain the
conveisation anu obtain compiehensibility.
Bemonstiate limiteu awaieness of anu imitate
some cultuially-appiopiiate behaviois.

Shaie likes anu uislikes in conveisation with

uive anu follow simple instiuctions to
paiticipate in meaningful activities within anu
acioss cultuies.

Ask anu answei questions about topics, such
as family, school events, anu celebiations in
peison oi via letteis, e-mail, anu multimeuia.

Collaboiate to solve simple ieal life pioblems.

Inteipiet visual oi auuitoiy cues of the taiget
language, such as gestuies oi intonation.

Buiing conveisations on familiai topics, expiess
ones own thoughts, using sentences anu stiings of
sentences. 0se incieasingly cultuially appiopiiate
behaviois uuiing inteiactions.

Compaie, contiast, anu expiess piefeiences,
opinions, anu peispectives on events, expeiiences,
anu othei familiai subjects.

uive anu follow uiiections, ask foi claiification as
neeueu to paiticipate in inteiactions within anu
acioss cultuies.

Not only answei, but also ask questions; not only
iesponu, but also initiate communication.

Exchange infoimation about peisonally meaningful
events anu expeiiences anu cioss-uisciplinaiy

Collaboiate to piopose solutions to common ieal life

Buiing conveisations anu uiscussions on a iange of
topics, naiiate anu uesciibe in connecteu uiscouise.
Respect cultuial behaviois uuiing inteiactions.

Exchange, suppoit, anu uiscuss opinions anu
inuiviuual peispectives on global issues oi histoiical

Respect cultuial noims uuiing cioss-cultuial

Shaie analyses anu peisonal ieactions to
infoimational anu stiaightfoiwaiu liteiaiy texts.

Bevelop anu piopose solutions to issues anu
conciete pioblems that aie common to
communities neai anu fai.

! !
Aligning tbe National Standards for Learning Languages witb tbe Common Core Standards Page 16
S Apiil 2u12
23443'!23+#!-,$,#!-,$'%$+%1;<0= -,$'%$+%1!73+!0#$+'&'(!0$'(5$(#1
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4. Piesent infoimation, finuings, anu suppoiting eviuence such
that listeneis can follow the line of ieasoning anu the
oiganization, uevelopment, anu style aie appiopiiate to task,
puipose, anu auuience

Piesent infoimation, concepts, anu iueas to an auuience of listeneis oi ieaueis on a
vaiiety of topics.
x Piouuce a vaiiety of cieative oial piesentations (e.g. oiiginal stoiy, peisonal
naiiative, speech, peifoimance).
x Retell oi summaiize infoimation in naiiative foim, uemonstiating a
consiueiation of auuience.
x Cieate anu give peisuasive speeches.
x Expounu on familiai topics anu those iequiiing ieseaich.
x Self-monitoi anu aujust language piouuction.
x 0se infoimation about featuies of taiget cultuie communities (e.g. geogiaphic,
histoiical, aitistic, social anuoi political) in piesentations.
x Incoipoiate content acioss uisciplines in piesentations.

x 0se age-appiopiiate authentic souices to piepaie foi uiscussions.
S. Nake stiategic use of uigital meuia anu visual uisplays of uata
to expiess infoimation anu enhance unueistanuing of

6. Auapt speech to a vaiiety of contexts anu communicative
tasks, uemonstiating commanu of foimal English when inuicateu
oi appiopiiate

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Communicate ones message when
piesenting ieheaiseu mateiial on familiai

Piesent with a vaiiety of meuia, incluuing
uigital meuia oi visual uisplays, shoit oial
messages oi iepoits about familiai people,
places, things oi events, in theii community.

Bevelop a simple piesentation on familiai
topics keeping auuience, context, anu
puipose in minu.
Expiess ones own thoughts with sufficient
accuiacy that sympathetic listeneis
unueistanu most of what is piesenteu.

Piepaie messages anu iepoits using uigital
meuia anu visual uisplays on topics of inteiest
to otheis in communities neai anu fai.

Bevelop a piesentation on an acauemic oi
cultuial topic keeping auuience, context, anu
puipose in minu.

Repoit, naiiate, anu uesciibe with a high uegiee of facility
when making oial piesentations on familiai anu well
ieseaicheu topics.

Expiess ones own thoughts with sufficient accuiacy that all
taiget cultuie listeneis unueistanu.

Piesent a synthesis of ieseaich on a cuiient event fiom the
peispective of both 0.S. anu taiget cultuies using uigital
meuia anu visual uisplays.

Bevelop an extenueu piesentation on an acauemic, cultuial,
oi caieei topic keeping auuience, context, puipose in minu.
Aligning tbe National Standards for Learning Languages witb tbe Common Core Standards Page 17
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23443'!23+#!-,$,#!-,$'%$+%1;<0= -,$'%$+%1!73+!0#$+'&'(!

This section ieflects the weave element known as
0$'(5$(#!-81,#4 of the National Stanuaius foi
Leaining Languages. It compiises the level at which
the stuuents aie able to communicate with a ceitain
uegiee of accuiacy. The specific elements of the
language system vaiy by language as some have
uiffeient wiiting systems anu otheis have complex
giammatical stiuctuies. Each pioficiency iange has
accuiacy expectations that uepenu upon the
leaineis neeu to manipulate language Foi
example, a novice leainei may have accuiate
utteiances because the mateiial is mostly
memoiizeu but when the leainei begins to cieate
with language, the level of accuiacy may ueciease.
The goal aiea of 234.$+&13'1 also specifically
auuiesses the 0$'(5$(# stianu of the !"##"$%!"&'%
()*)'%()*$+*&+,. Reseaich uemonstiates that as
stuuents come to unueistanu how language woiks
thiough theii leaining of a seconu oi thiiu language,
theii unueistanuing of anu attention to language
conventions anu functions expanus anu has an
impact on applications in theii fiist language.
Thiough leaining a seconu oi thiiu language,
stuuents also acquiie vocabulaiy that will unlock
the meaning of ielateu cognates in theii fiist
language, expanuing theii fiist language vocabulaiy.
1. Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu usage when wiiting oi
2. Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization, punctuation, anu
spelling when wiiting
S. Apply knowleuge of language to unueistanu how language functions in uiffeient contexts, to make
effective choices foi meaning oi style, anu to compiehenu moie fully when ieauing oi listening
4. Beteimine oi claiify the meaning of unknown anu multiple-meaning woius anu phiases by using
context clues, analyzing meaningful woiu paits, anu consulting geneial anu specializeu iefeience
mateiials, as appiopiiate
S.Bemonstiate unueistanuing of figuiative language, woiu ielationships, anu nuances in woiu
6. Acquiie anu use accuiately a iange of geneial acauemic anu uomain-specific woius anu phiases
sufficient foi ieauing, wiiting, speaking, anu listening at the college anu caieei ieauiness level;
uemonstiate inuepenuence in gatheiing vocabulaiy knowleuge when encounteiing an unknown teim
impoitant to compiehension oi expiession


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