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KYLYNS RIDGE HOME-OWNERS ASSOCIATION Meeting minutes of regular monthly board meeting Location @ Panera, Yorkville, IL Call to order

6:30pm 1. Roll Call: a. Tim Popplewell............... Present b. Chris Funkhouser ........... Present c. John Hunter.................... Present i. Determination of quorum = Quorum Established 2. Approval of previous meeting minutes i. July 2013 Minutes were approved 3. Treasurers report i. June financial statements were reviewed ii. Review of delinquent accounts the August 1st update from the attorney was reviewed. Demand letters have been sent out. 4. Old Business a. Landscaping Maint. Review i. Weve had fewer mows with the lack of rain. CF will discuss fertilizer application timetable with Currans. 5. New Business a. Baseball Backstop i. CF will get bids on a moving the backstop further into the field or constructing an angled top section to address complaints of foul balls coming into yards behind the backstop. Bids will be reviewed at the next meeting to determine if its feasible and timeframe in which in can be completed. 6. Meeting was suspended at 8pm on 8-21-13 and resumed on 8-26-13 at 6pm 7. Additional Business a. Replacement of Landscaping i. Bids were reviewed and 4 Seasons Landscape was the lowest bidder to perform the work with bid of $14,219 to complete scopes 1 & 2. ii. Motion by JH for CF to engage 4 Seasons Landscape for work to complete Scope 1 (for tree and plant removal) and Scope 2 (the installation of new trees and plants) with work to be completed during September weather permitting. iii. Vote viva voce: All in Favor b. Next meeting to be held on 9-18-13 at 6:30pm at Panera in Yorkville 8. Adjournment i. Motion by TP to adjourn meeting at 6:20pm. ii. Vote viva voce: All in Favor Minutes by JH 8-27-13


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