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Rc Rudraksh beads, immerse them in Ghee (clarified ‘and then soak them in full fat milk for an 3. Wipe the beads witha clean cath, but do not wash them with soap. Conditioning should take place every six ‘months. ProperCare: —___________ Rugraksh can be wom at ll times, including during sleep and while one's ‘practices. Rudraksh may be wom during times. care must be taken that the Rudraksh do ‘not come in contact with hot water or soap. Rudraksh should not ‘come in with metal, therefore itis advisable not to place ‘them in metal However, Rudraksh can be cast in gold (0 siver if one to do $0, Extreme care should be taken Rusdraksh inthis manner, as damage may occur handing. racked, damaged and detective Rudraksh and should notbe worn. Rudraksh's properties have been utilized worldwide for a ‘umber of ‘mental and psychosomaticilnesses. They are very: or maintaining physical and mental balance. They id in ‘an almosphere conducive for restful sleep in ‘unfamiliar For spiritual Rudraksh plays a supportive ‘olen ‘enhancing one’s ‘pirtual growth. Some of the esoteric benefis ascribed include enhancement intuition, infusion of tranquility ofthe rind, assistance in meditation, purification ofthe aura, ©" the seven chakras, formation of a protective ‘sheath 2 Person, providing protection against injury oF agate ‘energies, and development of dispassion vo Can Wea akucraksh? Anyone, gender, cultural, ethnic, geographical, oF religious | ‘can wear Rudraksh. Rudraksh can be wor by children, ster ts, the elder il et. for special benefits. They ‘are intended for persons at any stage in ifeimespectve of mental Selecting al Rudraksh in thelr natural state have their own energies thal are very ‘beneficial tothe wearer. However, Rudraksh can also be specially ‘consecrated to enhance the impact upon the wearer. In the tradition, ‘are usually received from a Guru - a spirtual ~N Rudraksh Rudroksh, the most Eoteicaty ino ts Barocas Gots Aas, Rua ae as the died seeds ofa tee, which grows n select locations of South. East Asia, predominant inthe upper Himalayan mountain range of the Indian subcontinent bordering Nepal. A few Rudraksh trees have also been sighted in parts ofthe Veliangir Mountains, inthe ‘Western Ghats. In ognds inn stu an yoga ecb ‘many legends in indian divine origin of the Rudraksh tree. According o one legend, Shiva sat in meditation for many milennia with his eyes closed. Upon ‘opening his eyes, he shed tears of ecstasy, which fel othe Earth ‘and became the haly Rudraksh tree, Rudraksh beads were Shiva’s ‘ifttothe world. ‘celebrated esoteric accessory of spiritual used extensively since time immemorial. ‘Rudraksh offered by Isha Yoga Center are carefully selected and hecho for ne aunty ad eer and une 9 spac [process of consecration by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Assisting the sokern any ways oy are pln ss for ons Phyo, ‘mental wel-being and one's spintual sadhana (spiritual practice). The following is a ist of Rudraksh available through the Isha Yoga Center, which have been selected by Sadhguru for use by the ‘common man, wih the corresponding attributable properties: Panchamukh : These are five-aced Rudraksh which can be worn by anyone above 14 years of age. It helps cutvate inner freedom and purity. ‘Dwimukhi ; These are two-faced Rudraksh intended for married Persons._Its supportive for mantal relationships and should be wor by both husband and wif. ‘Shanmukhi : These are six-faced Rudraksh intended for children below 14 years of age. This Rudraksh aids in proper physical and nara developman and crams ques of riety ve toad Gowrishankar : These are beads which look lke two beads fused together and can be worn by anyone above 14 years of age. Itaids ‘in prospenty and balancing the ida and Pingala nadis (energy channels) and activates the seven chakras.

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