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Autumn Termly Grid

Teacher: Mrs Jancarova LSAs: Miss Fuda, Mr Olubanjo Theme: Ourselves and our family (first half term), Celebrations (second half term)
Personal, Social, & Emotional Development
Settling into the Nursery and learning school routines. Hang up coat on hook and separate from the main carer. Encouraging independence by putting coat or jumper on to go outside and to put on an apron on when required. Talk about themselves and their family. Listening and identifying different sounds in their environments. Show an interest and curiosity in activities and areas in the classroom. Making themselves understood verbally. Using words not actions. Select an activity they would like to do. Reading Have a positive approach to new experiences. Begin to learn to recognise their name around the classroom. Learn the names of other children in the class and begin to form friendships and share experiences and through play. Go to the bathroom, remembering to wipe themselves, flush the toilet and wash hands. Circle Time Beong introduced to vocabulary around the classroom. Talk about things they like about Nursery. Talk about themselves, their family and things that interest them. Home school book Talk about their experiences from home, school and in their play. Writing Use their home school book to help them to talk about their experiences both during school and outside school. Making meaningful marks on paper (pictures etc). Tracing and copying different shape lines and patterns. Tracing, copying and writing name and labels. Begin to write first letter of their name/write name. Show and Tell Bring in items (toys, pictures, books etc) to share with the class on a rota basis. Listen to and follow stories on the carpet. Look and discuss what is happening in pictures. Re-tell stories in role play or drawings.

Class: Nursery London

Communication and Language

Speaking and Listening Introducing sharing time on a Friday. Story time, listening to cds. Following instructions, talking to and listening to others.

Understanding of the World

Explore the school to learn where things are. Learn the names of people in the school who help us. Talk about our families and their culture/beliefs. Learn about our senses, sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. Explore the embankment on Welly Wednesday. Construction Use different materials to construct real and imaginary objects. Talk about their constructions. ICT Begin to learn to use some simple devices such as remote control bugs and walkie talkies. Develop the skill of using the mouse to click and drag pictures.


Join in and sing number songs and rhymes. Count together to 10. Begin to recognise numbers to 5. Begin to trace, copy and write numbers. Count objects by touching each object and saying the corresponding number.

Shape, space and measure Identify simple shapes such as circle, square, rectangle, triangle. To use mathematical vocabulary when talking about the size of objects and ourselves.

RE Learn the lunch school prayer and our school prayer. Learn that sometimes we pray together. Learn about giving thanks, creation and celebration. Celebrations such as Christmas, Eid, Diwali, Ramadan, birthdays and Harvest.

Time Begin to learn the days of the week and months of the year. Begin to use words such as now, next, before, after, later.

Physical Development

Expressive Arts and Design

Art Use a variety of media such as paint, collage materials, pastels, crayons, pencils, playdough, plasticene, box construction etc Printing using tools such as sponges, stamps and hands. Learn the colour names and use colour in different ways.

Move spontaneously within an available space. Travel with increasing control and co-ordination. Use a range of small equipment to develop fine motor skills such as beads, pegs, magnetic shapes etc Use a range of large equipment to develop gross motor skills such as balls, bean bags, bikes, scooters Manage body movements, avoiding others and taking account of space.

Imaginative play and small world activities Combine and repeat a range of movements. Imaginative play such as role play using puppets, books, home corner, small world and dress ups. Health and Self Care Can usually manage to go to the toilet by themselves. Can remember to wash and dry their hands. Will have a go at eating a range of foods. Can transport large materials safely. Singing with movement. Respond to music through dance. Handwriting Repeat simple dance movements and create their own movements to music. Developing wrist and arm strength through movement. Christmas production. Drawing shapes and patterns such as zigzags and circles to help with letter formation. Holding pencils, markers, crayons and paintbrushes correctly. Music Singing songs, poems, dancing, exploring musical instruments and learning nursery rhymes and rhythms. Imaginative play with cars, trucks and blocks and small world animals/people.

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