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Rabbi Shneur Zalman Chanin


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5 Dvar Malchus 13 Farbrengen 26 Moshiach & Geula 28 Mivtzaim Story 32 Parsha Thought 38 Open Forum Wishing all our readers a freilichin Chag HaSukkos!


M. Gordon


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Sholom Ber Crombie

THE POWER OF A SUKKA 44 Menachem Ziegelboim

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HEBREW EDITOR: Rabbi S.Y. Chazan


Dvar Malchus


He is referred to as Arizal HaChai the Living Arizal, an epithet that is not used for other great Jews, even those who only died on account of the serpents bite, and even those of whom it is said that they did not die at all. * Source materials compiled by Rabbi Shloma Majeski. Underlining is the authors emphasis.
On the 4th of MenachemAv 5749, the eve of the hilula of the Arizal HaChai, the Rebbe MHM spoke about the 16th century master kabbalists unique association with the eternal life of the Future Era. In this sense, the Rebbe says, the Arizal surpasses even the tzaddikim who only died on account of the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, tzaddikim who, on account of their profound righteousness, would have otherwise lived forever. In fact, in this respect, the Arizal even outshines Yaakov Avinu and Moshe Rabbeinu, regarding whom our Sages teach in the Talmud that they never actually died. The Rebbes sicha follows. *** The revelation of Shabbos Chazon foreshadows the revelation of the Future Era. This year, Shabbos Chazon occurs on the 5th of Menachem-Av, the hilula of the Arizal. As stated in Igeres HaKodesh siman 28, on the day of a hilula of a tzaddik, all the service he performed throughout all the days of his life is revealed and brings about salvation in the midst of the land. The Arizal is synonymous with the inner dimension of the Torah. (Indeed, the Arizal is an embodiment of toameha chayim zachu those who savor it merit life,* the revelation of the inner dimension of the Torah of the Future Era,** bread from Heaven, as discussed earlier.) In Continued on page 49

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After the Rebbe told R Zajac that, despite the opening of the gates in Russia, American citizens still could not go there and print the Tanya, R Zajac continued printing Tanyas all over the United States. * After suggesting that a former Russian citizen be the one to print the Tanya there, the Rebbe agreed and R Moshe Chaim Levin went to Russia to print the Tanya. * Then, in Cheshvan of 5752, when they gave the Rebbe Tanyas that were printed in Russia, they were surprised at the Rebbes question, Whats happening with Russia? * Part 2
By Rabbi Shneur Zalman Chanin

y friend, R Leibel Zajac, could not rest as long as there was an opportunity to print the Tanya in yet another location. Since we could not go to Russia, R Leibel thought about how we could send a representative there in order to print the Tanya.

He remembered that when we had brought up the idea that R Moshe Slonim, director of Ezras Achim, print the Tanyas there, the Rebbe was opposed to doing it through a mosad already operating in Russia. So R Leibel decided to ask the Rebbe whether we could send a

Chassid from New York who was born in Russia. On the one hand, he was not connected with any institution; on the other hand, he knew the language and the Russian mentality and he would be a shliach who would work exclusively on printing the Tanya. We spoke to R Moshe Chaim Levin about it. He was Russian born and lived in Crown Heights at the time. Aside from knowing Russian, he was knowledgeable in printing. He was the right man at the right time. After presenting the idea to R Slonim and he agreed, we wrote to the Rebbe. We quickly

received a positive answer and the operation got underway. After getting permission to bring a printing press into Russia, we bought a good machine in New York and sent it to Russia. After many adventures, R Moshe Chaim managed to get it to work and to print many Tanyas.


When R Moshe Chaim returned to New York, he prepared a detailed report about his trip: To the Rebbe shlita,

6 Erev Sukkos 5774

R Leibel Zajac receiving a dollar from the Rebbe

A report about printing the Tanya in the Soviet Union The preparations for the printing operation entailed buying a printing press here in New York (along with a generator) and sending it to Russia along with paper. Since my visa was a business one, there were no problems bringing all this into the country. I just paid a tax that cost a little more than ten dollars. I rented a bus in Russia which usually served as an express cafe: it was built with a kitchen (oven, refrigerator, faucets with water), tables and benches, with a driver. I arrived in Moscow on Wednesday, 16 Sivan. At first there was a problem with the printing press. Until I found an expert to fix it (because in Russia there are hardly any machines like this) it was Erev Shabbos.

I had to remain in Moscow for Shabbos and on Sunday morning, 20 Sivan, I headed out. On the way from Moscow to Charkov, I stopped in each city (even a small town, but not a village) and printed 13 Tanyas. I usually printed an average of 3-4 Tanyas a day, and sometimes 5, if the towns were near one another and everything went smoothly. I would try and pick a central place a plaza, the municipal office, the communist party office, etc. At night, I usually slept in hotels and sometimes, on the bus. The driver (not Jewish) always slept on the bus, which meant he was also guarding everything we had there. In Charkov, I did the printing in the yard of the big shul which had recently been returned. R Moshe Moscowitz and some yeshiva bachurim were there

when I printed the Tanya. I gave out ten pairs of tfillin and mezuzos in Charkov.


From Charkov I went to Dnepropetrovsk. On Thursday afternoon, 24 Sivan, we arrived at the Rebbe shlitas street and parked the bus next to the house that the Rebbe shlita lived in (opposite R Levi Yitzchoks shul). There, on Miranadova Street, I printed the Tanya. R Shmuel Kaminetzky with yeshiva bachurim came and were overjoyed at the unusual event. I gave each one the first galley and they went to yeshiva to learn it. This was the fourteenth Tanya. From there I went in the direction of Cherson. On the

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way, when we left Krivoy Rog, after midnight, the bus broke down and they only finished fixing it in the morning. In order to reach a Jewish area for Shabbos, I had to go directly to Nikolayev. I spent Shabbos in Odessa. On Erev Shabbos, 25 Sivan, in the afternoon, I printed the Tanya in the city the Rebbe shlita was born in, and this was the sixteenth Tanya. I arrived in Odessa close to Shabbos because the bridge that connects Odessa with Nikolayev was broken, and due to construction we had to make a big detour, over one hundred extra kilometers. On Sunday morning, 27 Sivan, I printed the Tanya in Odessa in the presence of some yeshiva students and R Yeshaya Gisser. I also distributed some pairs of tfillin and mezuzos. I left for the center of the Ukraine, Uman, and found the gravesite of R Nachman of Breslov. I printed the Tanya right near the gravesite (we went into the yard with the bus). There were some men from Eretz Yisroel there who had come to prostrate on the grave, and some Russian Jews. I explained to them the idea of printing Tanyas all over Russia. Lermans are also planning to make aliya. I printed the Tanya in the morning, next to this Jewish center. From there, we went to Shepetivka and Slavita. The bus broke down along the way and we had to spend hours fixing it. We arrived in Slavita in the evening where I found R Gedalya Katz, an eighty year old Tamim, a shochet. There is a shul and a minyan there every day. say and he promised to put on tfillin every weekday and to put them on with his neighbors and acquaintances. I arrived in Mezhibuzh on Wednesday, 28 Sivan. I parked the bus right next to the entrance of the old, small cemetery where the Baal Shem Tovs Ohel is. The gate to the cemetery was locked and I was unable to obtain the keys, but the printing of the Tanya took place just a few meters from the Ohel. It was Tanya number twenty-three. I davened Mincha there, finished printing late at night, and traveled to Khmelnitsky. In Khmelnitsky, at the central telephone bank, as I tried calling Moscow, a young Jew approached me. He was soon going to travel to Eretz Yisroel and he tried helping me find a hotel (to no avail). He connected me with the Lerman family who run a Jewish center. They received a building recently and renovated it. One room is a shul and they even obtained a Torah. There is also an office, a lecture room, and a classroom for adults or children. They asked that we remain in touch with them and they are ready to help spread Judaism in the city and environs. They are also involved with the cemetery in Mezhibuzh. The

On Wednesday morning, the first day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, after printing the Tanya in Slavita, we went with R Gedalya to Anipoli. We arrived at the field near the entrance to the cemetery and the Ohel of the Rav HaMaggid. Together with him in the Ohel are R Zushe of Anipoli and R Yehuda Leib HaKohen who wrote approbations to the Tanya, and R Dovid of Anipoli. After immersing in a nearby river, I printed the Tanya (number twenty-eight). I left the first galley in the Ohel in which is printed the name of the city and the tziyun along with the approbations. I brought R Gedalya back to Slavita and we went to Mezritch. It is a small town with many children. I printed the Tanya there, number twenty-nine. That same day, I also managed to print the Tanya in Korets and Novograd-Volynsky. On the morning of Thursday, the second day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, I went to Kiev. We arrived in the afternoon and on the street next to the shul I

On the way to Mezhibuzh, I printed the Tanya in several towns, including Bratzlov. In Vinnitsa, in the center of the town, a Jew came on the bus who was happy to show us the way and to pick a central place for me to do the printing. He spoke Yiddish. I put tfillin on with him and taught him how to do it himself. I wrote for him, in Russian letters, what he needs to

8 Erev Sukkos 5774

R Moshe Chaim Levin near his bus

printed the Tanya. There were yeshiva students there who also took the first page to learn from.


That day, I went to Haditch together with a bachur, Aryeh Bekker from Odessa (who learned in Kishinev and Kiev and was going to learn in Kfar Chabad). We arrived at night, slept in a hotel, and in the morning, Erev Shabbos, the 2nd of Tammuz, we went to the Alter Rebbes Ohel. We found the woman who has the key to the Ohel and returned there together with her. The Ohel is below a high mountain. It is very low and impossible to reach with a bus. We drove as close as we could, first went down to immerse in the river that passes near the Ohel, and after davening in the Ohel I printed the Tanya (number thirty-four). I left the

entire first volume, folded but not bound, in the Ohel of the Baal HaTanya. It was printed there for the first time! We met a Jew there from Haditch who now lives in Charkov and had come to visit the family graves. He was an older man who had been through the war and the bachur Aryeh put tfillin on with him for the first time in his life. From there, we returned to Kiev for Shabbos. I gave out tfillin to those who already put them on or who promised to do so every day, and mezuzos. On Sunday, 4 Tammuz, I went to Niezhin where I met R Yosef Katz (we had spoken previously by phone). He has the key to the Ohel and we went with him outside the city to the cemetery. We went in with the bus and arrived a few meters from the Ohel. After davening (I had been in the mikva in Kiev

before we left), I printed the Tanya and finished at eleventhirty at night. Then we went back to the city and I slept in a hotel. I left the first volume of Tanya in the Mitteler Rebbes Ohel too, folded but not bound. It was Tanya number thirty-six. Monday morning, 5 Tammuz, we went to nearby towns and I printed in four towns. Then the printing press broke in Mirgorod. I finished printing with difficulty and we returned to Kiev after one in the morning. I began looking for a repairman in Kiev, but since this item did not exist there, I called an expert in Moscow. I was told he was going on vacation for a month. He would be leaving in two days for Tambov. I decided to hurry back to Moscow and to ask him to fix the machine before he left on vacation. On the way, we ran out of gas and there was no place to buy

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the mechanic fixed the machine on Wednesday morning. During the day we fixed some things on the bus and left at the end of the day. I printed Tanyas in three cities and returned to Moscow for Shabbos. On Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Chukas, at 3:30 in the morning, I left for White Russia. On Sunday, 11 Tammuz, I printed Tanyas in Rudnya (near Lubavitch), Liozna, Horodok, and Nevel. The next day, Monday, 12 Tammuz, I printed in Vitebsk, Orsha, and Liadi (Liozna is a city and Liadi is a very small village).


When we saw how precious these editions of Tanya were, and how much nachas the Rebbe had with each additional place where a Tanya was printed, we thought about what we could do to increase the number of places where the Tanya is printed. We heard that R Leibel Swerdlov was looking for a job. I thought he was just the person to print Tanyas on the road. I presented my idea to him, of getting a large vehicle in which we could put a printing press and a generator, and having him travel from New York to Florida and printing the Tanya in every city where Jews lived. Although the work required him to be away from home for several weeks, he agreed to do it. The results were enormous. Nearly every day he printed a R Leibel Swerdlov with R Zalman Chanin Tanya in several cities. When the vehicle filled up with printed pages, he sent the pages by parcel service to New York and he continued to the next city. In New York, we were busy binding the many Tanyas that arrived. During the binding stage we saw clear hashgacha pratis. R Moshe Cadaner had come from Eretz Yisroel and was looking for a job. When he asked me whether I could find him some position, I suggested that he open a bindery for Tanyas so that all those who printed Tanyas could send the pages to him to bind. This arrangement would lower the price of binding and would speed the work along so we could give the Rebbe more bound Tanyas. He agreed to my idea and opened a book binding business where they mainly worked on R Moshe Cadaner binding the many Tanyas that were printed all over the United States. any. We spent the night asking passing cars to sell us a bit of gasoline. That is how, little by little, over many hours, we finally arrived at a gas station that had gas (not every gas station has gas, and if they have they ration it). The trip from Kiev to Moscow took nearly 24 hours. We arrived on Tuesday night and

There were many mishaps during the final week, starting with the machine breaking in Mirgorod (with Tanya #40). On Sunday, on the way from Moscow to White Russia, a stone from the road flew up as we drove and it broke the windshield. We had a hard time driving that day. At night, as we stood parked in a campground near Nevel, in the middle of the night, nobody was there, absolute silence, suddenly, a rock (from where?) fell and broke the large rear window. Then a lot of dust began coming into the vehicle (there was dust all along the way, but this thick dust is hard to describe) along with smoke (soot). Boruch Hashem, we did not choke. We had a hard time but finally arrived in Smolensk where we slept. Tuesday morning, 13 Tammuz, I printed the Tanya in Smolensk (#51) and we returned to Moscow. I arranged a place for the printing press and the remaining paper. The next day, Wednesday, 14 Tammuz, I left for New York and returned home safely, boruch Hashem.

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In Kiev, Avrohom Ben Anna Gluzman helped me a lot and he also found a place to bind all the Tanyas. It is done by hand, each volume sewn and with a thick binding. It is done with great care. The work should be finished in another few weeks. I managed to bring samples of the first forty Tanyas with me, and the rest will come soon, with his help. Throughout my travels in the Soviet Union, I covered about 8000 kilometers with the bus. Enclosed is a list of all the printing done in the Soviet Union. Moshe Chaim ben Sarah Levin 22 Tammuz 5751 P.S. In addition to printing the Tanyas, I distributed 36 pairs of tfillin and a hundred mezuzos, which R Leibel Zajac gave me.

R Moshe Chaim Levin printing a Tanya in Russia in 5751

Then the Rebbe began to say, He will probably travel . but he suddenly stopped and did not finish the sentence. He said, Now someone else will go there. Give the instructions that he needs, that he should know what you did already so he should not need to go again and figure it out.


On 25 Tammuz 5751, we passed by the Rebbe and gave him 51 bound Tanyas that were printed and bound in Russia. As we approached the Rebbe, R Leibel said, This is we did all that you commanded, and now we are waiting for the promise of Moshiach coming immediately. The Rebbe asked, This is from Russia or.? R Leibel said, Yes, these 51 Tanyas, as of now, are from Russia. The Rebbe said, Then [when Moshiach comes], we will also have to print Tanyas, and more than now. R Leibel said, We are ready and willing. The Rebbe gave R Leibel a dollar and said, May there be

good news. Then the Rebbe gave him a second dollar and said, This is for you and this is for the good news. Then the Rebbe gave him a third dollar and said, This is for the good news that you will start saying tomorrow. R Leibel introduced R Moshe Chaim Levin to the Rebbe and the Rebbe asked him, You were in Russia? R Leibel Groner, the Rebbes secretary, said, He went to print the Tanyas. The Rebbe gave R Levin a dollar and said, This is for what you did until now. Then the Rebbe began to say, He will probably travel . but he suddenly stopped and did not finish the sentence. He said, Now someone else will go there. Give the instructions that he

R Zev Wagner

needs, that he should know what you did already so he should not need to go again and figure it out. R Levin gave his report to

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printing of the Tanyas in Russia. Relative to the situation in Russia, R Zev worked efficiently, but there were big problems in obtaining paper and ink. In Russia of those days, everything was scarce and only in those cities that had printing houses, big or even small, could you somehow obtain paper and ink. The quality wasnt high, but at least it was something like paper and ink The main thing was that in the end, you could make a book out of it. Obviously, under these circumstances, printing Tanyas was a slow process. Every few weeks another few sfarim would arrive and it was not enough to satisfy R Leibel. The surprising turn took place in Cheshvan 5752, when we passed by the Rebbe for dollars for tzdaka. We wanted to give the Rebbe some Tanyas that had been printed recently. When we submitted the sfarim, the Rebbe asked, What about Russia? I was silent. The Rebbe knew why there wasnt any significant action. R Leibel said, We had no permission to go there, so what can we do? Then the Rebbe told us to immediately arrange our paperwork and to go there as soon as possible, that on 19 Kislev we could print the Tanya in the Peter and Paul fortress, Petropavlovskaya Krepost, in Leningrad, where the Alter Rebbe had been incarcerated. Our adventures until we traveled and during the course of the trip are for the next chapter. This chapter is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Leah bas R Shmuel Hyd, who passed away 27 Sivan.


When we submitted the Tanyas we had printed to the Rebbe, one of the first things the Rebbe looked at was the index listing of all printings of the Tanya. The Rebbe turned to those pages and looked at the new listings that had been added. Unfortunately, there were editions on the list that said, nimtza bdfus (in publication), which meant that someone had committed to printing it in a certain place and had even given it a number, but since he had delayed in having it printed, they had to write the number of the edition and note that it had not yet been printed. The Rebbe asked us several times: What is this? How long does it have to be in publication? Someone who takes a number for an edition has the responsibility of printing it immediately! Since, as members of the Vaad L Hafatzos Sichos, we were responsible for printing the Tanya, the Rebbe told us to send an official letter on the Vaads letterhead, to all those who had committed to printing the Tanya, to tell them to print it posthaste! Most Chassidim, after receiving a letter like that, dropped everything else and worked on printing the Tanya. Unfortunately though, there were some wise guys who thought that the rest of the things they were working on were just as important as printing the Tanya and they did not do as the Rebbe said. Of course, this caused the Rebbe aggravation. R Leibel Zajac, who could not bear this foot-dragging in carrying out the Rebbes wishes, decided to print the Tanyas in all those places, at his own expense. In certain places, those who had committed to printing the Tanya did not even know that it had already been printed, thanks to him. In the period between 22 Shevat and 11 Nissan 5748, we printed eighteen Tanyas of those which were not yet printed and which had nimtza bdfus written next to them. These eighteen editions joined the thirteen other editions we printed in other places and on 11 Nissan we were able to tell the Rebbe the good news that in connection with the Shloshim since the Rebbetzins passing, 31 editions of Tanya were printed (the additional one being in the spirit of the distinction made between one who serves G-d and one who has not served Him, as explained in Tanya) Afterward, R Leibel continued to print more editions of the nimtza bdfus. One of these places was in Washington DC where a year or two had gone by since they took the number and it still wasnt printed. After R Leibel printed it there, at his expense, on 10 Tammuz 5748, it was submitted to the Rebbe. The Rebbe responded: Many thanks, many thanks and the time is auspicious, between 3 Tammuz and 13 Tammuz. the Rebbe as well as a video recording of the printing of the Tanyas and the Rebbe said, This is the report? As usual, we received a token $20 from the Rebbe as his participation in the expenses for all the Tanyas we printed.


We contacted R Zev Wagner of Moscow, a wonderful young man who worked hand in hand with Professor Branover (may he have a refua shleima), and he committed to continuing the

12 Erev Sukkos 5774



Come prepared or come as you are the main thing is to be there!
By Rabbi Chaim Levi Yitzchok Ginsberg

ost of the bachurim are here already. Most of the girls are here too, and many of Anash have arrived home, to 770, Beis Chayeinu, Beis Moshiach, Beis HaMikdash, the place from which light goes forth to the entire world. The Chassid, R Shmuel Dovid Raichik ah, would say the Tfillas HaDerech every day (without a bracha) wherever he was, including at home, since his true home was only with the Rebbe. Anywhere else, he was only on the way.

powerful a trip to the Rebbe is, even for someone who did not make all the preparations.


R Shmuel Gurewitz, shliach in Lyon, France, related the following story. One of his mekuravim, a young fellow who often visited the Chabad house and attended shiurim and farbrengens, told him he gets a mazal tov. He had gotten engaged. When I asked who the girl was, he said she was not Jewish but had a very nice character and personality. They liked one another and planned to marry. Needless to say, I was mortified. I tried to explain to him that what he was about to do was a major affront to the Jewish people and the Torah. A Jew cannot marry a non-Jew! Even Jews who are not religious consider such a step a betrayal of the Jewish people. His children would not be Jewish and the marriage would be detrimental to both him and her. All this fell on deaf ears. He was not willing to listen. I dont believe the Torah interferes with a persons private life and prevents

Left on the way, in their place of shlichus, are the shluchim who cannot leave their place of shlichus. They must utilize the month of Tishrei when more people show up at shul, to be mekarev people to their Father in heaven. They forgo their own spiritual enhancement for the benefit of others. However, perhaps there remain some others who dont have to be somewhere else, but they dont strongly feel the necessity to go to the Rebbe. Some of them couch it in holy terms, such as, they did not make enough preparations and then the trip to the Rebbe would be worthless. The following story is for them, for it shows how

him from being happy, he said. I found a woman I like and we want to live happily together. Who is going to get between us and ruin our joy? When I saw that nothing I said made an impact on him, I came up with an idea. You know, the time before ones wedding is very precious. It is a time when you need G-ds blessings in extra doses. We Chabad Chassidim have the practice that the groom goes to the Rebbe before the wedding in order to spend time in his presence and to receive his blessing for his new life. Maybe you should also go to the Rebbe and receive his blessing before the wedding. He liked the idea and since he came from a wealthy family and money wasnt a problem, he agreed to go with me to the Rebbe. This was the period when the Rebbe was no longer receiving people for private yechidus and the famous Sunday dollars for tzdaka had not yet started. So there was hardly any opportunity to meet with the Rebbe personally. You saw him only at davening and farbrengens. Not many traveled to the Rebbe at that time, so when people heard that someone was going, it was cause for celebration in the community. People came to say goodbye to him and to wish him a good trip. They gave him letters for the Rebbe and asked him to bring

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back the Rebbes answers. When we arrived at 770, we went to the office and gave the letters we had brought. When he heard that you could not personally meet with the Rebbe, he insisted that he be allowed to. He said he would go over to the Rebbe as the Rebbe went in or out for davening and he would personally give him his letter. The secretaries tried to dissuade him and even tried to tell me to convince him not to, but he was unwilling to listen to me and I didnt try to persuade him. If I could not convince him not to marry a gentile, would I be the one to convince him not to he asked that even if the Rebbe thought as R Gurewitz did, that such a marriage was untenable, he asked that this not affect the requests for blessings that others made. The Rebbes response was that he had no need to worry regarding the others, and certainly nobody could withhold blessings from Jews who needed it and deserved it. As for his request, if he truly loved the nonJewish woman, for her sake, he should not do something that would harm her, for the marriage of a Jew and a non-Jew cannot work out well. The man received this pangs of conscience. Then came the moment when they stood before the judge. The judge asked the girl whether she wanted to marry him and she said yes. The judge then turned to him and asked whether he wanted to marry her. He paused for a moment and then yelled, No! The judge was stunned. They were in the middle of a marriage ceremony! What was going on here? He tried again. No doubt you did not understand me. You are about to marry. Do you want to marry her? Once again, the prospective groom paused and then shouted, No! A commotion ensued. The brides family was furious that he was rejecting the entire family and disgracing them and the guests, not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars they had spent on the wedding. During the chaos the groom managed to flee. He was afraid of what the brides family would do and he did not return home. Indeed, afterward he found out that his apprehension was justified. The brides family went to his house and when nobody answered the door, they broke it down and trashed the house. The story was the talk of the day in France and he knew he could not remain there. He hid for a few days and then fled France for a few years until the story died down. Some years went by and one day, I met him on the street. I was happy to see him again and we hugged and kissed. I asked him what had happened all of a sudden for him to jilt his bride when it seemed as though nothing would change his mind? He said, As far as I was concerned, nothing changed.

The judge was stunned. They were in the middle of a marriage ceremony! He tried again. No doubt you did not understand me. You are about to marry. Do you want to marry her? Once again, the prospective groom paused and then shouted, No!
go over to the Rebbe? Anyway, maybe this is what he needed to cancel his unfortunate plans. One of the times the Rebbe left the davening, the man went over to the Rebbe and said he wanted to personally give him his letter. The Rebbe smiled and put the letter in his coat pocket. In his letter, the man had written that he wanted to marry a woman who was not Jewish. He wrote that although R Gurewitz told me that according to the Torah I cannot do this, I dont believe that the Torah would interfere with my personal life and happiness. Therefore, he planned on marrying her and he wanted the Rebbes blessing. At the end of the letter he added that some Jews of the community had sent letters for the Rebbe along with him and response and was very impressed by the Rebbes gentlemanliness, but he did not change his mind. We returned to France and the preparations for the wedding went into high gear. The woman was also from a wealthy family and they planned to celebrate their nuptials in high style in one of the most magnificent halls in the area. The way its done here is they have a number of church ceremonies before the wedding, and then the couple goes before a judge who asks whether she wants to marry him and whether he wants to marry her. When they both say yes, the judge stamps the document and they are considered legally married. The Jew went to their church and participated in the ceremonies without any apparent

14 Erev Sukkos 5774

I was ready and willing to get married to her. But at the last minute, as I stood before the judge, I saw the image of the Rebbe before me. This instilled me with such a fear that I felt I could not take this step. The rest of the story you know. *** R Gurewitz told this story at a farbrengen in Lyon. He concluded by saying, This man is, boruch Hashem, now married to a Jewish woman and his children attend Chabad schools in our city. He is here now, and if he would like, he can get up and introduce himself and tell the story himself. For a few minutes there was a tense silence; nobody got up. R Gurewitz realized he had done the wrong thing. The man did not want to expose himself to all. At his first opportunity after the event, he went over to the man and apologized. The man said, You dont have to apologize. You did not offend me and I am happy the story was publicized. Then why didnt you get up? asked R Gurewitz. The man said, It was so traumatic for me to see the Rebbe there, that I absolutely could not go back and re-experience that moment.

a passport, taking care of a visa and buying a ticket. Obviously, all that is necessary, but dont forget that going to the Rebbe entails getting these items not only from the government and requisite offices but also from the Rebbe himself. You cant hide; he knows the truth about each of us. You need to show up and present yourself, even with the dirt on your face, but with the desire to change and improve.


someone who was planning on marrying a gentile woman. I understood that the Rebbe had sent me a message that I need to go. I went, and I saw that the trip helped a lot, materially and spiritually. After all, the Rebbe said (in the famous letter to R Yaakov Katz) that a trip to the Rebbe even helps for parnasa. This definitely doesnt mean that preparations are unnecessary. The opposite is true. But as necessary as the preparations are, you have to actually go. A trip should not be postponed until a person is ready, because who knows when he will be ready? Once, at a farbrengen with R Mendel Futerfas, someone tried to explain that it pays to push off a trip until one is ready. The Chassid referred to the two goats that were in the Rebbe Rashabs yard. Whenever the Rebbe went in and out, they stood on their back feet and watched him. They did this for years but still remained goats because they came as goats from the outset. R Mendel responded, Better to be a goat and be by the Rebbe. Going to the Rebbe doesnt begin and end with procuring They tell about a student of the Maggid of Mezritch that he did not go to the mikva before going to the Maggid. His friends were shocked and they asked why he did not purify himself first. The Chassid said, I want the Rebbe to see me as I am, with all the dirt, not the way I am after the mikva, pure and holy. That is the only way I have a chance of the Rebbe getting me out of the mud. We certainly go to the mikva first. Chassidim are particular about not going to 770 before mikva (except in unusual circumstances), but we can learn from this story not to run and hide from the Rebbe and not to try and hide the dirt on us. We approach the king with everything on us, with the desire and request and repeated attempts on our part to make amends. However, just as in the parable with the king in the field, the point is to use the month of Elul to divest ourselves of our field clothes, and enter into the palace in the month of Tishrei where we call upon the entire world to proclaim Hashem the G-d of Yisroel is King and His Kingship holds dominion over all, and Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu VRabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L olam Vaed.
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I heard this story from a Chassid who was unsure whether he would be going to the Rebbe at that time or not, who happened to hear this story. I realized, said this Chassid, what an impact going to the Rebbe has, even on someone who made no preparations and who was not willing to listen to the Rebbe;




I have seen many activists devoted to their cause, but I never saw such a phenomenon like Reb Meir. He was an amazing amalgam: an exceptional Torah scholar, learned and G-d fearing, along with being a community activist with the full passion of his soul. One could readily see how it all flowed from one source his deep soul hiskashrus to the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach. That is how R Dovid Chanzin described R Meir Freiman upon his untimely passing. * In honor of his yahrtzait on 12 Tishrei 5756.
By Dov Levanon


Rabbi Meir Freiman was born on 21 Teves 5705 in Yerushalayim. His parents were Aharon and Raizel Rochel and he was the youngest of their nine children. His father, who descended from Chassidim of the Tzemach Tzedek, raised his children in the Litvishe spirit. When the grandfather, R Avrohom Yitzchok, went to settle in Eretz Yisroel as a young man, he was concerned about his childrens chinuch. As a Chassid, he decided to have yechidus with the Tzemach Tzedek and tell him what was on his mind. The

Tzemach Tzedek told him not to worry, Your descendants will be Chabad Chassidim. Indeed, the bracha was fulfilled when his grandson, Meir, returned to the familys roots, to Chabad. Meir was an above-average child in his intelligence and alacrity to carry things out for his parents and family members. As a child he began to display an impressive ability to get things done. His Torah knowledge was exceptional. His friends would sometimes test him. They would put a finger on the page and ask what it said, and he would answer instantly. It was 5715, when a

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few bachurim, students in Yeshivas Toras Emes Chabad in Yerushalayim, led by R Naftali Roth, decided to raise the level of Hasmada (diligence in Torah learning) in the Yerushalmi yeshivos, particularly among the boys learning in the elementary schools. After various ideas were raised and rejected, it was decided to start a network of Yeshivos Erev. These were afterschool learning programs where boys could continue learning. These programs were suffused with the spirit of Chabad Chassidus. Among the hundreds of children who attended these Yeshivos Erev was Meirke Freiman who was only ten years old. After learning in Eitz Chaim he would attend the Yeshivas Erev program in the Shaarei Chesed neighborhood. It was there that he savored his first drop of Chabad Chassidus. The Chabad atmosphere he learned in slowly began to have an effect on him. For his twelfth birthday, he wrote a letter to the Rebbe for the first time and asked for a bracha. He received a reply. When boys from the Yeshivas Erev received a response from the Rebbe, it was cause for celebration. They would bring cookies and nosh and make it into a Yom Tov. As time went on, Meir began writing to the Rebbe on his own, about various matters, usually personal. He once complained to R Roth about the speed of the davening at the Yeshivas Erev. Apparently, R Roth failed to rectify the problem and Meir wrote to the Rebbe. When R Roth had yechidus the Rebbe told him to pay attention to the complaints of his students, especially of this kind. Meirs diligence increased.

His love for Torah was boundless. It was not surprising that he was the one to suggest that the boys in the Yeshivas Erev stay awake all Thursday night and learn. When the Rebbe heard about Meir and his friends long nights of learning he wrote to R Roth about it, expressing his dissatisfaction that boys so young are staying up all night. From then on R Roth only allowed them to stay until two in the morning. When R Roth was in yechidus the Rebbe referred to this and looking pleased, said: About the learning Thursday night, Freiman learns every Thursday night until two. That is a great deal and that is enough; he should not learn more, especially all night. Supervise him. In order to increase the level of Hasmada, the people in charge of the Yeshivos Erev decided to arrange a public test for talmidim ages 10-16. Every talmid who was willing to be tested on a minimum of fifty daf Gemara could participate. At the contest that took place a few weeks later, only Meir Freiman and one other boy, Elimelech Bernstein, agreed to be tested on 300 daf Gemara. Meir won the first prize, a big, beautiful Shas. R Shlomo Yosef Zevin, one of the judges, announced that since the winner also learned Chassidus, he should review a maamer. Meir stood there and reviewed a maamer quite nicely as the members of the Badatz and many other gdolim sat there on the dais. In a yechidus that R Roth had, the Rebbe referred to Meirs brilliance and his winning the contest, saying: Freiman won the prize in the contest and he is a good boy and gifted with a good head, a masmid who learns every

day with Hasmada until late

Even as a 12 year old, Meir wanted to switch to Toras Emes. However, having resolved not to make a move without the Rebbes approval, he did not dare do anything on his own. He wrote to the Rebbe and explained that he wanted to learn Torah in a Chabad atmosphere, and to be able to regularly learn Chassidus the way it is learned in Lubavitch yeshivos.

Many weeks went by until an answer arrived. The Rebbe briefly wrote that since it was the middle of the school year, it was not the right time to switch yeshivos. When it was time to register for yeshiva, he wrote to the Rebbe once again. This time, R Roth wrote on Meirs behalf. Again, some time passed until the answer arrived: Consult with askanei Anash in Yerushalayim and check whether the home of the parents of the boy and the environmental factors are suited
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for this. This answer was probably given because of the fathers opposition to the idea. He and his family were Misnagdim and he did not want his son to learn in a Chabad yeshiva. R Roth recalled, A few times one of his brothers came to me and I could see he had been crying. We greatly admire the learning program you initiated, but that he should make such a change?! After receiving the Rebbes answer, his switching yeshivos was delayed, but his desire to go there was so strong that he He was in Crown Heights for three months and then a letter arrived at the Rebbes office from his brothers. They described how hard it was for their parents to manage without him. His father was not at home because he was helping his sick mother, and Meirs mother was alone, finding it hard to handle all the burdens that had fallen upon her after he left. Not only that but she had hurt herself and it was difficult for her to do things and she was used to Meir doing everything. The brothers, who did not have Meirs address, mailed it to the Rebbes office. In response to Meirs question, the Rebbe told It was at this time that the director of the vaad of Kfar Chabad, R Shlomo Maidanchek, discovered him. He saw Meirs talents and took him from teaching and made him the secretary of the vaad of Kfar Chabad and his right hand in developing Kfar Chabad. This was in the beginning of 5729. This is the point when R Meirs askanus began. It was work that entailed blood and sweat, ups and downs, good days and bad, until his final day. He served in this role for ten years. He did not see it as a position of honor but as actual servitude. He met with various people in government offices, as well as various municipalities, and did what he could on behalf of the Kfar whether regarding transportation, installing a sewage system, laying electrical lines, paving roads, construction, development, adding classrooms as well as improving the education system and more. He would submit the requests, ask for permits, obtain money, work and run around from place to place. For example, he was involved in all aspects of building dozens of houses in Kfar Chabad. He was in contact with the Housing Ministry and had the construction of the houses on his shoulders. Additionally, he had to deal with the residents, each family and their wishes, and tried to provide the proper response to each request. In every municipality or local council, recounted R Shlomo Maidanchek, there is a department for each field and issue, with someone in charge who is assisted by an experienced staff. In our vaad though, R Meir is the only worker and he is in charge of all the departments. He has to contend with all the

One of his friends suggested that he obtain water as a segula from a certain tzaddik who was known as a miracle worker. R Meir rejected the idea and said: I dont care about recovering a bit slower, but it should be from the Rebbe.
eventually switched to Toras Emes. The learning in Toras Emes and the farbrengens he attended provoked an inner upheaval in the young diligent student, who reacted to everything in a pnimiusdike way. Naturally, he began to yearn to go to the Rebbe. In those days, a trip to the Rebbe entailed endless difficulties, even for someone who had the money; all the more so for Meir who regularly suffered from poverty. The trip itself wasnt easy. It was a long, tiring sea voyage with an extended delay in France, etc. Nevertheless, he longed to see the Rebbe. He worked and saved money and he went to the Rebbe for the first time for Rosh HaShana 5725.

him to return to Eretz Yisroel.


In 5726 he married Zlata Pariz, the daughter of R Boruch and the granddaughter of R Avrohom, both of them Chassidim who were utterly devoted to the Rebbe. The young couple lived in Lud and R Meir learned in a kollel that was started by R Efraim Wolf. A short while later, R Meir began to teach in Tomchei Tmimim in Lud. He taught for a few months and then switched to teach in the vocational school in Kfar Chabad. It seems that he realized that these were temporary jobs until he found his place.

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problems: farming, orchard cultivation, taxation, contacts with the Jewish Agency, making agreements with building contractors, examining building plans, construction, etc. In all these areas, R Meir served as the head of the department as well as the secretary and the clerk, and he did it with expertise in every field in all its details. It was amazing to see how he was able to master a complicated contract within a short time, one that contained dozens of clauses.

On Yom Kippur 5734, R Meir was drafted and sent to the southern front as a tank driver. On two occasions his life and the lives of others were saved in an open miracle. The first time was when, on the first day of Chol HaMoed, they received the Dalet minim and R Meir managed to convince a kibbutznik tank commander to come out with his crew and say the bracha. Just when the last of the soldiers left the tank it took a direct hit. The second time was on a Shabbos, as they lay in a trench and R Meir decided it was time to make Kiddush. When they went out to make Kiddush a shell fell and exploded in the trench they had just exited. His wife Zlata was in Crown Heights at the time. She was planning on leaving the day after Yom Kippur, and she stood near Gan Eden HaTachton right after the fast with her father. The Rebbe blessed them with a good trip. When her father said that her husband was in a combat unit, the Rebbe blessed her that she would relay good news from everyone and added a few times, collect calls on my account.

R Meir on the left, on mivtzaim in the Sinai


In 5736, R Meir was asked by R Mendel Futerfas to be the principal and school rabbi of Beis Rivka Seminary. Beis Rivka in Kfar Chabad Beis was familiar to him as he had taught chassidus there in the past. R Meir did not do anything without consulting with the Rebbe and the answer he got was to accept the position. At first, he served as the principal but not long afterward, he dropped this difficult position and was the rav and mashpia of the school. As in every area to which he devoted himself in life, here too, R Meir put his heart and soul into chinuch. He was completely devoted to the students. There was no separation between his private life and his work in chinuch. He included his family in his chinuch work. Every Shabbos he invited girls to his house so they would experience the fiery Chassidic atmosphere of Shabbos. Many of the girls experienced adolescent angst within the

religious-Chassidic world they lived in. At his Shabbos table he reviewed sichos on the parsha and concepts that had to do with issues the girls were grappling with.


Along with his work at Beis Rivka, R Meir did not stop his communal efforts on behalf of Kfar Chabad. Although he had left his work as secretary of the vaad of Kfar Chabad, the task of strengthening the Kfar, as the Rebbe wanted, was a top priority for him. At this time, R Zalman Butman began building the Beis Nachum Yitzchok shul, and he asked R Meir for his help. R Meir gave his all to the construction of the shul. He got everyone in the Kfar involved, obtained money from the vaad, and gave the contractor, who refused to continue working without compensation, all the money his wife received from the Education Ministry in severance

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pay. Even after the shul was completed, he took care of obtaining tables and benches. He even took care of Shabbos tablecloths and every Erev Shabbos he or his daughters would go and spread the tablecloths out on the tables. He ensured the holiness of the place and started many daily shiurim on various topics and levels, in the morning and the evening. He served as a role model and began giving a shiur in Rambam and Shulchan Aruch HaRav. Every day he taught Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim. He began with the laws of getting up in the morning in siman Alef and went all the way through,

In 5744 R Meir had a stroke. His chances of recovery were close to zero but with the Rebbes bracha he recovered. His doctors affirmed that this was miraculous. He even went back to work. For half a year he was paralyzed in half his body and he spent most of his time at home, recovering and doing intensive physical therapy. His recovery was difficult and slow. He had to work hard to regain proper speech. He had to record himself every day for half an hour to determine whether there was any improvement, so he recorded himself learning the daily three

But you waited for this meeting for three months; its a pity to lose out. R Meir smiled apologetically and shrugged. If thats the case, she said, you are for real.
adding sections from Yore Deia and then started again at the beginning. He also gave a daily shiur in Gemara for many years. They learned in order until he finished the entire Shas along with his regular attendees. He also gave shiurim on Shabbos in the laws of Shabbos. Before every Yom Tov, thirty days before, he would teach the laws of the holiday. He did all this without bombast and without a smidgen of pride or any ulterior motives. In 5741, he was appointed by the Beis Din Rabbanei Chabad to be in charge of the campaign of a letter in a Torah scroll. He was the spirit behind the outstanding success of the campaign when, in less than a year, all the letters were sold over 300,000. chapters of Rambam. At a certain point, when his recovery was slower than expected, one of his friends suggested that he obtain water as a segula from a certain tzaddik who was known as a miracle worker. R Meir rejected the idea and said: I dont care about recovering a bit slower, but it should be from the Rebbe.


In the middle of the 80s, the Reshet reached a dead end, financially. Chabad rabbanim in Eretz Yisroel put their heads together in an attempt to find a new director who would straighten things out and get the Reshet back on its feet and even expand it. R Meir Freiman was called

upon and he was instated as the director of Reshet Oholei Yosef Yitzchok. He did not have the luxury of a grace period to acclimate to the job, and he swiftly saw the myriad of problems the Reshet was experiencing: registration of students, separation between boys and girls, enforcing required standards, increasing limudei kodesh, transportation, teaching and administrative staff, and above all else money. The debts he inherited were enormous, all bearing interest while the resources were drying up. Schools screamed for help. The magnificent organization was about to collapse. Although the burden was unbearably heavy, R Meir tried to deal with it. He contacted people in the Education Ministry and other government figures, and managed to generate funding. In the early years he was able to roll over the debts that burdened the Reshet. Additionally, he also expanded the Reshet and started new schools. Like anything that R Meir took on, he ran the Reshet with all his heart. He started his day early in the morning by learning Chassidus, tvilla, and tfilla. By eight in the morning he was in his car. Either he was on his way to the Reshet office or, often he would go to visit schools and see for himself how they were run and to ensure that all was as it should be. He often went to Yerushalayim to the Education Ministry or would visit various governmental educational departments to speed up permits and to obtain funding for schools in those cities. In those days, there were no cell phones. There was no official car for him to use; he used his own car to personally check on

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what was going on in the Reshet. There were days that he would be in a school in Netivot in the south in the morning and in a school in Yavniel in the north in the afternoon. In each place he would oversee the staff, give advice, make decisions, offer help, and take care of the running of a network of schools with thousands of students. R Meir not only saved the Reshet from collapsing, considering the state it was in when he took over, he even opened two new schools, in Yavniel and Givat Ada. This demonstrated his tremendous devotion to developing the Reshet and to providing nachas to the Rebbe, its founder.

Even while extremely busy with his askanus, he used every spare minute to take a Gemara, Shulchan Aruch or something else, and learn. Even upon returning from a long, difficult day in the south or the north of the country, after driving himself in his old, not air conditioned car, exhausted, his family knew that he would not listen to their appeals that he rest. He would not forgo the shiur, no matter what! He would get ready to go out to the shiur that he gave every day in the shul in Gemara and Shulchan Aruch. At that time, all signs of his tiredness disappeared. Despite his time constraints, his consistent learning enabled him to make significant achievements. He had an ongoing chavrusa with R Leib Raskin and R Gurewitz in Gemara, and together they finished Shas at least twice. When the Rebbe announced the daily learning of Rambam, R

Meir stopped the study of Shas and spent that time on learning the daily Rambam. He learned it in-depth and with great chayus. He had two sets of Rambam, said his son, Sholom Ber, a regular set and a Rambam L Am with its clear explanation on the bottom. He learned with both editions in order to ensure that he understood everything properly. When R Meir served as the director of the Reshet, it became necessary to obtain some special funding and this could be accomplished only through the Education Minister at the time, Shulamit Aloni. After much effort, he managed to wangle an appointment with her for three months in the future. He went to the ministers office in Yerushalayim and waited for his appointment. The wait went beyond what he had planned. When he was finally allowed in to see her, it was late. He spoke briefly and after five minutes he apologized for having to leave. The minister, never having experienced anything like this,

expressed her surprise and asked where he was rushing to. R Meir said he had a shiur in Halacha between Mincha and Maariv in the neighborhood shul and he could not miss it. If I leave now and drive quickly, I can manage to make it in time. The minister was even more taken aback and she asked, But you waited for this meeting for three months; its a pity to lose out. R Meir smiled apologetically and shrugged. If thats the case, she said, you are for real. We will finish the meeting in five minutes, and then and there, she signed to all his requests. His son, R Sholom Ber, said that he once found a check in one of his fathers sfarim. It was made out for 1500 shekels and on the other side were written chiddushei Torah. You could say that it represented what my father was about; he was both a man of Torah as well as an askan. R Meir passed away on 12 Tishrei 5756. He left chassidishe descendants, many of who are on shlichus.
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By M. Gordon

magine walking down J E Uriburu Street in Buenos Aires on Simchas Torah night 5772. The many shops and businesses on the street are closed for the night, yet the sound of lively singing and the rhythm of dancing reverberate from an older building. You stand at the entrance, surprised to find a shul in such a commercial area and one that exudes so much vibrancy and warmth. You later find out that, although locally known as the Litvishe Shul, it actually has been a Chabad Center with a Chassidishe minyan for many years. You step inside. The Aron Kodesh is open, the Sifrei Torah are held in loving embrace as the congregants make hakafos around the bima. The sincere happiness and love for Hashem, for His Torah, and for His people is palpable. As the hakafa starts to taper off, a tall man with gentle eyes pounds on the bima and calls out to one and all: Everyone is

invited to join me on the geula train; even if you are not ready to march to the redemption, hop aboard, anyway! People seem to have been expecting this announcement as they immediately comply, taking their places in line, each man putting his hands on the next mans shoulders, and the geula train starts off with the tall chassid leading the way. You smile, recalling the famous story of the Chassidim, stuck in the U.S.S.R. after the war, and how they made a similar train, pretending they were travelling to the Rebbe. Incredibly, all those who joined the imaginary train subsequently merited to leave the Soviet Union soon after. With this in mind, you too join the train as it dances its way out the door and down the street, Tahalucha-style, to another local shul. Who was this dynamic rabbi, the engineer of the annual

Simchas Torah geula train and beloved Chabad shliach? This man, dedicated heart and soul to the Rebbe and to his shlichus was Rabbi Aharon Peretz (HaKohen) Stawsky, of blessed memory. Rabbi Stawsky was born on the twelfth of Shvat, 5722. He grew up in Montevideo, Uruguay, where his great-grandparents had helped to lay the foundations for the Jewish community when they came from Europe. Two of his great-grandfathers, Rabbi Yaakov Stawsky, and Rabbi Dovid Mitnik were among the first Rabbis in Montevideo. Aharon Stawsky went to the local Jewish school and from a young age was a seeker of truth. He was not one to just follow the crowd, but set his personal compass by what truly counts. After high school, the young man joined his older brother in Jerusalem, to study Jewish Philosophy in Hebrew University. He would soon come

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to understand that the source of Jewish philosophy is Torah, and that it is not only meant to be learned, but also to be put into practice. Having been blessed with artistic talent, he studied art at the prestigious Betzalel Academy of Arts and Design in Yerushalayim and then in Florence, Italy. Perhaps he would have made a name for himself in the world of art had he continued, but Divine Providence had a different course planned for him. Due to factors beyond his control, Aharon was forced to return to Montevideo. That first Shabbos home, his father took him to the fledgling Chabad House for davening and introduced him to the newlyarrived shliach, Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov. He started to learn Chassidus and soon became a full-fledged Chassid. As the saying goes, Chassidus demands pnimius, and a pnimi he

Rabbi Stawskys two names well described his character. Like his ancestor, Aharon, the first Kohen, all that he did was through ways of peace. Yet, at the same time, he went lchatchilla aribber bursting through boundaries, as indicated by the name Peretz.
he was practically lifted off the ground from the pushing of the crowd. Together, the Kohanim chanted the timeless tune of the blessings, which rang out as one mighty voice. It was a wondrous and heavenly experience. Then, as he passed the Rebbe, he trembled, hoping to hear the words that would validate his Kahuna. Sure enough, the Rebbe said yasher koach paused and added Kohen with a beaming smile. In 5751 (1991), Aharon Stawsky married and went back to Montevideo to join the family business. He deeply felt

certainly was. In 5750 (1990), he went to learn in Morristown for a few months. His teachers in Morristown remember him fondly as a dream student. Aharon took other Spanish speaking students under his wing. He was a leader among the students, yet showed the utmost respect to the hanhala and teachers. Perhaps the most precious highlight of this period was when Rabbi Stawsky came to Crown Heights for the first time for Yom tov. The shul was very crowded as usual on Simchas Torah, and standing with the Kohanim to bless the people

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shliach and a Chassid

Rabbi Stawskys daughter gave the following speech to her classmates about her father: What does it mean to be a shliach and a Chassid? It means to give your life to help another yid and show him the way of Hashem with love. There can be times when a person can feel that there are too many obstacles. He works from morning to night, yet it seems that he is not making any progress. Nevertheless, he must be bsimcha because he is on a mission of the Rebbe, and the Rebbe will give him the power and strength he needs to fulfill his mission. A shliach should never forget that Hashem is holding him at every moment, and he is never alone, because Hashem is our father and He only wants the best for us. Being a shliach of the Rebbe is a challenge and responsibility, but also a great privilege. I want to share with you one of our many shlichus life-stories. Our Beit Chabad is located in a commercial zone and our main job is to visit, try to influence, and make connections with the local Jewish business owners and employees. We try to give shiurim wherever we can some at offices, and some at the Beit Chabad. My father used to go to a store that is next to our Beit Chabad every day and talk with the owner, Eliezer. He shared thoughts and jokes, put on tfillin with him, and invited him over to eat for Shabbos and Yom Tov meals. My father did it all with love and simcha, being careful not to pressure him to keep Shabbos. Every Shabbos we used to walk 16 blocks to get to the shul. When my younger brother Chaim passed by the store, he would always wave his hand and shout out a strong and leibedik, Shabbat Shalom! The store owner would respond Shabbat Shalom with a shining smile. The same thing would happen again and again. Almost all the Jewish storeowners would walk out of their stores to shake Chaims hand and say Shabbat Shalom. Years passed by and Eliezer started to learn Tanya once a week with my father. Soon thereafter, his wife Chana started to learn in the same class. Slowly, they learnt more and started keeping more. Eliezer started wearing a kippa, Chana started to dress modestly and the distance from the Rebbe and missed the strong Chassidic environment of the yeshiva. wear a sheitel, and soon they were keeping Shabbos. Now they are full members of our Chabad community, and they send their daughters to the Chabad school. All of this was in merit of the passion and the love my dear father had for all Jews. My father was a great host. All of the shiurim given at the Beit Chabad were at lunchtime. My father very much enjoyed serving the meals to each one of the students, many times cooking or preparing a cup of coffee for them, himself. We have the same attitude at home. Our home is a place of loving and unconditional Hachnasas orchim. Over the years we had many guests stay in our home. Amongst them were daughters of shluchim who were my age. They came to Argentina from places like Paraguay or Peru, where there is no Lubavitch school. My parents also took in a girl for 2 and a half years, whose parents suffer from a psychiatric illness. If my parents hadnt taken her in, she would have had to go to a Jewish orphanage like her brothers. The girls mental condition was unstable, and she was not easy to live with. Nevertheless, my parents continued helping this girl with great mesirus nefesh and joy. All this has had a great impact on me. It taught me a wonderful lesson of ahavas Yisroel and to have true consideration for others. I would like to have the same strength and mesiras nefesh that my parents had, and to teach it to my children like they taught it to me. My dear father zichrono livracha had a custom that every Simchas Torah in the middle of the hakafos he would call everyone to join him in the Moshiach train. He was the driver and everyone made a big line behind him. He would then lead the train on Tahalucha to another shul called the Galitzianer Shul, which was only one block away from our shul. Once they were there they would invite the people to join them in their dance. This happened every year. Even though this Simchas Torah my father wasnt physically way with us, the people of our shul continued the tradition. I hope that I will grow to be like my parents, and teach my children to do the same. In the zchus of all the shluchim around the world and their mesiras nefesh, we should be zocheh to Moshiach now!

For a while, he satisfied his yearnings by learning with the shluchim in Montevideo,

Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov and Rabbi Shlomo Levy (later of Argentina). Mrs. Stawsky said:

24 Erev Sukkos 5774

For my husband, every moment was an opportunity to learn. He found these moments unique and precious ... Even at work in his parents store, he exploited every free minute and dedicated himself to study. For Aharon Stawsky this was still not enough. In 5753 (1993) he toyed with the idea of going back to the U.S. to study in Kollel. I dont want to be an am haaretz all my life, he told his wife. His wish to learn was so strong, says Mrs. Stawsky, that in spite of all the difficult circumstances, financial obstacles, disapproval of relatives, and responsibility to a growing family, they wrote to the Rebbe about joining the kollel in Morristown. With the Rebbes haskama and brachos, the Stawskys arrived in Morristown in 5754 (1994). After two and a half wonderful and productive years, Aharon was ready for the next step: smicha. The young family moved yet again, this time to Crown Heights. In New York, Rabbi Stawsky discovered a task awaiting him. Machon Chana had a large influx of Spanish speaking students from South America and was looking for a Spanish speaking teacher. Rabbi Stawsky dedicated himself to teaching them Chassidus, spending hours upon hours translating the Rebbes sichos into Spanish for his students. After five years of study in the U.S., the Stawskys were ready to dedicate themselves to full time shlichus. They wrote to the Rebbe

and through the Igros Kodesh received a clear answer in the affirmative. Thus empowered, they returned to South America in 5758 (1998) as shluchim in Buenos Aries under Rabbi Grunblatt. The couple threw themselves fully into the task. Rabbi Stawsky gave shiurim to mekuravim, eventually drawing many young people. Through innovative programs created especially for singles, he and his wife merited to have a hand in many shidduchim. In 5760, a new project came up. Rabbi Stawsky and his wife became the official shluchim of the Beis Chabad of Once, housed in the Litvishe Shul. This is located on a commercial street not far from the religious neighborhoods. Here, too, Aharon Stawsky dedicated himself totally to the Rebbes shlichus. He initiated many new projects to satisfy the

unique needs of his community. One of these programs was Beit Seifer Technology, called by its acrostic: BeST. It provided young people with training in graphic design in a kosher environment. A fellow shliach and mentor pointed out that Rabbi Stawskys two names well described his character. Like his ancestor, Aharon, the first Kohen, all that he did was through ways of peace, yet at the same time, he went lchatchilla aribber bursting through boundaries, as indicated by the name Peretz. On the fourteenth of Tishrei, Erev Sukkos, 5773, while building his Sukka with his young son, Rabbi Aharon Peretz ben Rafael HaKohen was niftar. He spent his last moments in preparation for a mitzvah, just as the fifty years of his life were spent in preparation for geula.


Issue 895



MOSHIACH & Geula Moshiach GEULA


By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon

Dear Reader shyichyeh, We are approaching the Yom Tov of Sukkos. It is a special holiday of unity and joy, achieved by combining the Arba Minim and everyone eating in the embrace of the Sukka. Both of these components are inherently connected to Moshiach. The time of Moshiach is the ultimate time of Jewish unity. As the Rambam (Hilchos Melachim 12:1) writes: In that era, there will be neither famine nor war, envy nor competition, for good will flow in abundance and all the delights will be freely available as dust. The occupation of the entire world will be solely to know G-d. That is why unity is so important in the era right before Moshiach. The Rebbe writes (Matos-Massei 5751): The connection be twe e nAh ava s Yis roel an d the future Redemption can be emphasized yet again, and not only because the negation of exile comes through the negation of the cause of exile (which comes through the opposite Ahavas Yisroel). For in our of situation, after the completion of our actions and Divine service throughout the time of exile, and after the completion of all forty two journey in the wilderness of the nations,

[when] we find ourselves already by the Yarden near Yericho(the stage ofMoshiachwho smells and judges), on the threshold of Redemption, certainly the reason for exile has already been corrected.Therefore, the emphasis onAhavasYisroelanticipates the beginning of the true and complete Redemption, which is connected with the point of unity above any division. This emphasis on the unity of the Jewish people is a result of the aspect of yechida (the fifth level [of the soul])that is in all Jews equally. For this is a spark of the soul of Moshiach, the general yechida. In addition, our Sages tell us that, Joy breaks all boundaries. This definitely applies to the boundaries of exile, which came as a result of not serving Hashem with joy (Arizal). The power of joy and the vital importance of the avoda of simcha are emphasized in the following Sicha of the Rebbe, 14 Elul 5748: There is no explanation why Moshiach hasnt come! It is certain that every Jew has done tshuva, the Thillim of Dovid Malka Meshicha have been recited in the greatest quantity, many farbrengens have been held, and the spreading of the

wellsprings [of Chassidus] has been going on since the Baal Shem Tov, more than seven generations [...] If so, the question is asked: what more can be done that hasnt already been done?!... We could say that the thing which still wasnt done in order to bring Moshiach is to the desired service accomplish of simcha [joy] in order to bring Moshiach. In addition to the fact that simchabreaksalllimitations, including the limitations of galus [exile], there is a special segula [hidden power] in simcha to bring the geula. This is as it is explained that Hashems simcha atzmis [true, essential joy] will come with the building of the 3rd Bais HaMikdash, and we awaken this simcha atzmis throughsimcha shel mitzva, that the simcha shel mitzvah reaches higher than the mitzvah itself, and through it davka we awaken the simcha atzmis of the Time to Come. Even though there was certainly simcha shel mitzvah inallthe previous generations, since simcha shel mitzvah is a fundamental matter in serving Hashem, as it is written serve Hashem with simcha and you served Hashem your G-d with simcha and goodness of heart

26 Erev Sukkos 5774

... nonetheless, in any case, in simcha shel mitzvah the main emphasis on the way of doing the service, that the service needs to be with simcha, and if we are speaking here about the simcha to bring Moshiach it is referring tothe simcha itselfthat it be pure simcha the service of simchafor the sake of the goal of thecoming of Moshiach. Since this is so, then we find that the way to bring Moshiach is by addingin simcha, pure simcha, simcha that will immediately bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu. How could it be that overallthe generations they didnt make an effort to bring Moshiach with simcha? They all they could do to bring did Moshiach, even crushing the Crown Jewel in the kings crown, etc. [a metaphor for the teachings of Chassidus], in order to get a

is coming, and then the entire drop in the Kings mouth[...] We could say as a simple world will be in ultimate simcha, explanation that when we and therefore, there is already a are found in the doubled and feeling of pure simcha (a taste redoubled darkness of galus, and sampling of the simcha of the when all Yidden are in galus, geula). And the main thing is that and the Shchina is in galus, it is understood that due to the instead of lengthy discussion, amount of pain of galus, pure etc., they will begin to actually do it:to go out and declare and simchais not relevant. But nevertheless, since in announce about the special the end we are obligated to bring increase in simcha in order to Moshiach, there is no choice bring Moshiach, and certainly but to bring Moshiach through through this Moshiach will actually come mamash, and with simcha, pure simcha. the greatest alacrity, in the blink Regarding the difficulty to of an eye. bring about a feeling of pure Express Express service service Try it and you will be simcha in the darkness of galus: Fully FullyComputerized Computerized convinced! since we are obligated to bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu, then we May we merit 331 the revelation 331 Kingston Kingston Ave.Ave. nd must say that at the end of galus of Moshiach Now!(2nd(2 Flr)Flr) Brooklyn Brooklyn NY 11213 NY 11213 we are given the special powers to Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati and a well be able to have pure simcha. The Getyour tickets tickets within within minutes! minutes! sought after speaker and lecturer. Recordings explanation is that this simchaGet is your of his in-depth shiurim on Inyanei Geula Fax: Fax: (718) (718) 493-4444 493-4444 generated by contemplating that uMoshiach can be accessed at http://www. mamash immediately Moshiach

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Issue 895


Mivtzaim Story


Right before R Menachem Mendel Arad went on shlichus to Morocco, he heard a story about the big Simchas Beis HaShoeiva event that was planned in Australia. He forgot about the story until he experienced his own, similar type of event.
By Menachem Mendel Arad

e were getting ready to go to Marrakech, Morocco. I went to friends and acquaintances around Eretz Yisroel and asked them to help me establish a Chabad house. I went to an old friend who said he was unable to give me any money at that time, But I must tell you that I simply melt when I see the mesirus nefesh of young guys who leave everything behind and go on shlichus. And you know what? I will tell you a story that I recently heard about a shliach.

When R Yitzchok Dovid Groner went on shlichus to Australia in 5718, there werent yet enough shluchim in the world from whom to learn the ropes. In addition, the places they were sent to, like the US and Canada, Italy and North Africa, were so culturally different from one another, that each shliach had to develop his own modus operandi. In the early years, shluchim

were mostly guided by the Rebbe. The young shluchim asked about everything, and only later on did the Rebbe tell the shluchim (I think to R Gershon Mendel Garelik in Italy) that they should use chochma, bina, and daas and their own judgment. Anyway, when R Groner went on shlichus, it was shortly before the Tishrei holidays. He planned on arranging a Simchas Beis HaShoeiva event, but was undecided about what kind of event it should be. On the one hand, maybe it should be a big impressive event, so that everyone would hear about the Rebbes mosad and it would be easier to start a relationship with many people. On the other hand, if a young shliach in a new place for such a short time made a big successful event that would generate jealousy. R Groner did not decide on his own. He asked the Rebbe and the answer was to make a big event. So he arranged for a spacious hall, catering, a sound system and of course, a band.

A week before the event, he had ads placed in the newspapers, inviting the Jews of Melbourne to come celebrate with Chabad. Everything was ready for the Event, Simchas Beis HaShoeiva 5719, the opening event of Chabad in Australia, directed by R Groner, shliach of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Melbourne. The hall was set up, the food was ready, the musicians were there, but there were no people. R Groner waited and waited and then one Jew showed up. One Jew! At first R Groner thought that waiting would help, but as time passed he was closer to the end of the evening than the beginning. He was devastated. He had done exactly what the Rebbe had told him, and not only wasnt it a success, the chilul Hashem and disgrace were inestimable. Then R Groner pulled himself together and invited the lone man to sit down while he went up to the stage and took the microphone. He began speaking as though to an

28 Erev Sukkos 5774

audience of thousands, about the significance of the day, about the mitzva of simcha, and about the Lubavitcher Rebbe. When he finished his moving speech to the grand audience of one, he instructed the band to start playing. (At this point, the person telling me the story said, You have no idea how hard it is to play without an audience. I dont envy them.) R Groner went down from the stage, took his guests hands and danced with him with tremendous exuberance, as though they were at an event with numerous participants.

Once again, only one man showed up, the same man as the year before! R Groner could not believe this was happening again. He certainly could not understand the Rebbes instruction


When the event was over and all the bills were paid, R Groner sat down to write a report to the Rebbe. True, he had done his best in an exceedingly uncomfortable situation, but it certainly did not have to be like that. Surely I did not properly understand the Rebbe, he thought, and he hoped that the Rebbe would tell

him where he went wrong. Shortly after sending the letter, R Groner received a response. The Rebbe did not refer to the previous event but gave him instructions for the next one: Next year, do it in a way of redoubled effort (not exact wording). R Groner was shocked by this instruction, but of course he obeyed it. Logic told him that the negative impression of the recent event would dissipate, and the following year, all the people he had expected would show up in addition to the friends they would bring with them. The following year he advertised two weeks in advance, not only in the papers but also on the radio. He rented a hall double

the size and ordered double the amount food. Of course the band was bigger and better too. Once again, only one man showed up, the same man as the year before! R Groner could not believe this was happening again. He certainly could not understand the Rebbes instruction, but accustomed to disappointments as well as solutions in situations such as these, he told the musicians to play and he danced with the one Jew. When R Groner told the story he concluded, All the buildings of the Chabad mosdos in Australia were built with the help of this Jew who came to the Simchas Beis HaShoeiva.

Issue 895


Mivtzaim Story

I thanked the man for the story and continued fundraising. Two months later I was in a similar situation. We arrived in Morocco on 6 Tishrei 5769, after a visit and getting acquainted with the community two months earlier. We decided to make a Simchas Beis HaShoeiva on Chol HaMoed Sukkos. Our question was, should we stick to our small budget and make a modest event with a small sound system in the shul, or advertise a big event with flyers for every member of the community and get a big sound system, inflatables for the children, and refreshments? On the one hand, we knew that we were being watched and if we made too big an event when our budget was limited, the members of the community might look at us askance or think there was big money supporting our projects (the most irritating misconception for Chabad houses the world over). On the other hand, it was our first event and the more people who attended it, the more people we would get to know. Wed get to meet more families and children and would be able to deepen our connection with those we already knew. We wrote a letter to the Rebbe and put it into volume 11 of the Igros Kodesh, page 227. The letter we opened to was addressed to Anash and Tmimim in Melbourne and said, In connection with the days of Geula, 12 and 13 Tammuz I suggest that in addition to farbrengens during these days, that will surely be held on the largest scale ... (The Rebbe went on to say that they should hold a meeting of the talmidim and friends of the

yeshiva, and that each one should say how much he was willing to contribute in learning, with physical effort and financial help, an instruction that helped us in our shlichus.) The answer was clear, and so we ordered everything we needed to make it a very special Simchas Beis HaShoeiva, including inflatable rentals for the children to play in. The event was scheduled to take place in the yard of the shul. The morning of the event the sky began to darken and it looked as though it would pour that evening. That meant the Simchas Beis HaShoeiva would not be able to take place outdoors as planned. We wondered whether to cancel the attractions for the kids, as they wouldnt be able to enjoy them. But the answer from the Rebbe was so clear that I believed with all my heart that everything would work out. I asked the bachurim who came to help out, Levi and Zalman Goldberg, to call every member of the community and inform them that the event would take place as planned. That night it poured. It wasnt possible to set up the sound system in the spacious yard of the shul. The inflatables for the children that had been set up in the morning looked forlorn. I wondered how I would explain the money thrown away on this event to the community. I decided I would share with them the answer I had opened to in the Igros Kodesh. (Since the reason I had come on shlichus was because of the Igros Kodesh, most of the community is familiar with the concept and the practice of Chassidim to write to the Rebbe in this way.) When I opened the Igros once

again, shortly before the event was to begin, I noticed that the letter was addressed to Anash and Tmimim in Melbourne and I suddenly remembered the story I had heard before I left on shlichus. Unfortunately, not many people came to the event but unlike in R Groners story, boruch Hashem we had many more than one person. And we also had the weather to blame for the poor showing. I asked the people to come into the shul and I told them the aforementioned story of R Groner and the answer we had opened to in the Igros Kodesh. The event was actually very nice. The thirty or so people who came danced with us and the children managed to jump around on the inflatables now and then, when the rain let up a bit. It definitely wasnt an ideal situation but it wasnt awful either. It was mainly a pity that we wasted so much money. At the end of the event, when the music stopped playing, a new friend of ours, Amram Ezerval, came over. I did not know him from my earlier visit. He had come over to me on the first night of Sukkos and invited me to his home. I politely refused and said, I have tourist guests that I need to take care of. During Yom Tov, Levi and Zalman went to his house and brought the joy of Yom Tov to his holiday meal. That is how a connection developed between me and this man, who, it turned out, is very wealthy.


Simchas Torah was definitely a day I will never forget. We contacted tour guides and the

30 Erev Sukkos 5774

travel agencies and let them know that on the second day of Yom Tov, a regular weekday for Israelis, but Simchas Torah for us, we would have hakafos in the shul and everyone was invited. The community had never seen anything like this before. The night of Simchas Torah, buses of tourists arrived. I would not be exaggerating if I said there were 300 people. The simcha was sky-high and even the elders of the city said that Marrakech had not seen simcha like this in a long time. The next day at the Torah reading, Amram Ezerval was honored as Chassan BReishis. To everyones surprise, when the rabbi of the shul blessed him with the Mi ShBeirach, he announced the mans pledge to donate 10,000 dirham (local currency) to the Chabad house of Marrakech. It was an enormous Kiddush Hashem. The Chabad house of Marrakech was less than three weeks old! Besides the handsome donation, people figured if the community philanthropist recognizes the Chabad house and its work, it must be a serious institution. The mans donation,

R Yitzchok Dovid Groner ah

equivalent to 5000 shekels (about $1400) wasnt a huge sum, but it covered all the expenses and debts that we had from that Tishrei. Mr. E and I are good friends since then. He is always the first to help and he has since made additional donations. When we renovated the mikva and made it a bor al gabbei bor, he was the one who made a nice contribution and ensured that the work was done in the best and

nicest possible way. The story taught me a lesson in the laws of shlichus and hiskashrus. When you have an instruction from the Rebbe, and you see that things are not working out, do not try to adjust the answer to the situation or to explain to yourself what you did not understand in the Rebbes answer. Forge ahead, just as you understood it from the outset. The Rebbe will ensure you will achieve success sooner or later.
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Anywhere, Anytime !


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Issue 895




By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg


There is a Talmudic saying, Everything follows the end. This statement suggests that the end of a subject sums up the entire subject. This is especially true with respect to a Divine text such as the Torah. With this introduction in mind, let us reflect on the very last verse of the Torah which is G-ds eulogy for Moses who has just passed away. The last few verses describe Moses as the greatest prophet that ever lived. This is followed in the penultimate verse with his praise as the one whom G-d sent to perform great miracles in Egypt. However, the very last verse describes his strong hand and the great awe that Moses performed before the eyes of all Israel. What is the meaning of his strong hand and what was the awesome act that he performed before the eyes of all Israel? Rashi explains that this verse actually describes three separate feats of Moses: First, he displayed his strong hand; the hand with which he received the Torah. Second, he performed miracles and displayed power in the great and awesome desert. Third, he shattered the tablets in the presence of all Israel.

Each one of these three items raises questions.

desert and his shattering of the Tablets?


First, it is difficult to comprehend why Moses strong hand was needed to receive the Torah? And if it means literally that the Tablets were quite heavy and that Moses possessed the physical power to carry them, why would that be listed as Moses praise; the praise that was selected by G-d with which to conclude the Torah? Second, it is difficult to understand why the miracles that were performed in the desert are mentioned separately from the miracles that he performed in Egypt and that were just mentioned in the preceding verse? Third, what was so spectacular and positive about his shattering of the tablets? True, Rashi anticipated this question and added that G-d condoned his action and actually exclaimed, Well done that you broke them. However, the question remains, couldnt something more positive about Moses have been said in the climax of G-ds eulogy for historys greatest human being? Fourth, how do all these three things link together: Moses strong hand, miracles in the

To answer all these questions let us quote the words of the Jerusalem Talmud (Taanis 4:5) on this verse: Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachman stated in the name of Rabbi Yonasan: The tablets were six handbreadths long and three handbreadths wide. Moses was holding on to two of the handbreadths and G-d [was holding on to the other] two, leaving two in the middle. When Israel committed that act [construction of the Golden calf], G-d sought to seize them from Moses hand. Moses hand overpowered [G-ds hand] and he seized it from Him. This is what Scripture says in his praise: And all the strength of his hand. May there be peace to the hand that overpowered G-ds right hand. This strange tug-of-war scenario between G-d and Moses represents the first description of Moses greatest power. That Moses was able to perform miracles in Egypt is secondary to his ability to wrest the Torah from G-d. To perform a miracle he had to be merely a transparent vehicle for G-ds power. By simply

32 Erev Sukkos 5774

carrying out G-ds instructions Moses was able to channel G-ds supernatural ability to crush Pharaoh and compel him to let the Jewish people go. This explains why the Hagada states that G-d did everything exclusively: I, and not an emissary. How does this reconcile with Moses very prominent role in the Exodus? The answer is that Moses was a self-effacing, passive recipient of Divine power. Everything that happened was G-ds exclusive work that was merely channeled through him, the way our voices are channeled through a loud speaker. Moses passive role ended with the giving of the Torah. When G-d attempted to withdraw the Tablets in response to the Jewish peoples transgression, Moses clearly challenged G-d and won! Obviously, Moses could not go against G-ds will. G-d however manifests Himself on different levels. One could challenge a lower manifestation of G-ds power by connecting to a higher and more elusive dimension of His power. G-ds right hand, with which He gave the Tablets, is a metaphor for G-ds attribute of kindness. It is a reflection of the Torahs ways of pleasantness and paths of peace. But kindness, even G-ds kindness, is but a level of the Divine that is cloaked in a vessel that defines and therefore limits the infinite Divine power. That Moses overpowered G-ds right hand means that Moses accessed a more powerful manifestation of Divine power that is characterized as His mighty hand. Even if G-ds conventional kindness said no to the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people

after they had degenerated into the sin of the Golden Calf, Moses invoked G-ds elusive, infinite power of kindness. Moses struggled to access this level of kindness by digging deep into his own hidden level of consciousness. Once he revealed G-ds unmitigated kindness there was nothing that could stand in the way of giving the Torah even to the creators of the Golden Calf.

Rashi applies the terms great and awesome to the desert. A desert is a metaphor for a spiritually hostile environment and an awesome desert is an exceedingly hostile environment. And yet, Moses performed all these wonders and displayed extraordinary strength and dedication to his people.


This too still does not capture the full extent of Moses greatness. It is followed by his ultimate praisethat he shattered the tablets! In the first instancewhere Moses won the tug-of-war with G-dMoses fought to get the Torah to the Jewish people


This initiative of Moses was followed by an even more exalted manifestation of G-ds power that he accessed. He performed miracles in a great and awesome

Moshiachlike Mosesis a living Torah scroll, nay a Tablet, in whom the words of the Torah are etched and inseparable from them. Yet, when the wellbeing of a Jew is at stake, Moshiach is willing to shatter his own Tablets, i.e., take off time from his own Torah study and spiritual advancement to help another Jew materially and spiritually.

desert. Not only was Moses able to seize the Torah on behalf of sinners, he performed miracles for them despite their recalcitrant behavior throughout their stay in the desert. That Moses would be G-ds instrument to miraculously provide the Jews with all of their needs despite their many rebellious acts in the desert is a greater testament to Moses extraordinary stature, surpassing even his role as the liberator of his people from Egyptian bondage. This may be hinted in the way

despite their unworthiness. In the second scenario where he performed miracles for them in the great and awesome desertMoses performed miracles for them despite their continual rebelliousness. In both situations, Moses fought for his people but not at his own expense. Moses lost nothing by procuring the Torah and performing miracles for them. Indeed, Moses accessed, and connected to, a more transcendent aspect of G-d to achieve these goals. Moses spiritual stature was enhanced.

Issue 895


He had the Torah and he fought for his people. The last featthe shattering of the tabletsdestroyed that which was most precious to him in order to save the Jewish people from destruction. The Rebbe explains that Moses was willing to forgo his most spiritual possession for the sake of his people. The irony here is that Moses first fought to give them the Torah, and then when he realized that they were in danger of receiving harsh retribution for having so blatantly violated the commandments, Moses made a U-turn and broke the tablets. By doing so, our Sages tell us, he annulled the contract between the Jewish people and G-d and thereby averted a catastrophe. In these three areas Moses demonstrated that he would do anything to give to the Jews the Torah and all of their needs and that he would ultimately even sacrifice his most precious possession and his highest spiritual achievements for their survival. Rather, Moshiachs soul will be energized by Moses soul. Put another way: Moshiach will appropriate Moses traits and thus be empowered to take us out of exile. Moshiach, we are told, is revealed while the Jewish people are still in exile. And even before the actual Redemption occurs, Moshiachbehind the scenes wages war, with his spiritual power, against the enemies of the Jewish people. In this scenario he emulates Moses efforts in miraculously bringing the plagues upon Egypt. But this does not capture the essence of Moshiachs accomplishments. Moshiach, like Moses, does everything in his power to ensure that the Torah reaches every Jew regardless of their level of observance. Whereas in the past, there were some who looked askance at assimilated Jews and denied them Torah knowledge, Moshiach brings Torah to every Jew regardless of his or her level of observance. Moreover, Moshiach seeks out every Jew to provide him or her with Torah. Moshiach is not content with bringing conventional knowledge of Torah to every Jew. Moshiach, like Moses before him, wrests the most precious parts of Torahi.e., the mystical and inner dimension of Torah that was off limits even to most of the righteous of the pastfrom G-d, so to speak, and makes it accessible to every Jew. Moshiach then performs the greatest wonders for even those Jews who are identified with the great and awesome desert; Jews who are totally lost in exile. Finally, and arguably, Moshiachs greatest virtue is his willingness to sacrifice his own spiritual achievements and put aside his own assiduous study of Torahhis first loveto save a Jew who may have rejected all of its teachings. Moshiachlike Mosesis a living Torah scroll, nay a Tablet, in whom the words of the Torah are etched and inseparable from them. Yet, when the well-being of a Jew is at stake, Moshiach is willing to shatter his own Tablets, i.e., take off time from his own Torah study and spiritual advancement to help another Jew materially and spiritually. The above is applicable to each and every Jew since, as Chassidic thought tells us, we all possess a spark of both Moses and Moshiach. We can therefore emulate them and bring the ultimate Redemption.


Moses, our Sages tell us, was the first redeemer and he will also be the final redeemer. This does not suggest that Moses will actually be the Moshiach.

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34 Erev Sukkos 5774

"The quickest way to reveal Moshiach is by learning the Torah sources about Moshiach & redemption" t"ab,wv grumnu ghrz, p"a

Simchas Torah


A senior journalist, who wishes to remain anonymous, visited 770 during Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah and shares his impressions.

t is hard to share personal feelings with thousands of readers, especially lofty feelings such as these written here. If you were there, in Beis Rabbeinu ShBBavel, you felt it yourself. And if you werent there, as much as I would write you still wouldnt plumb the depth of the experience. Is it right to ask someone to take a chisel to the inner recesses of heart and carve out these feelings, the personal feelings of being with the Rebbe?

I knew youd agree with me. So why is this written? Because at three in the morning on Simchas Torah, when feet jumped of their own accord and the body danced and the mouth sang in honor of the Torah, one of the editors of Beis Moshiach took the opportunity to ask me for a personal monograph. I nodded yes and continued dancing. In the morning, I wondered why I had made this commitment. And that is how this account got off the

ground. A line written, two lines deleted that dont sufficiently express what I want to say. Writing, deleting, more writing and deleting until it is time to submit it and the editor demands and orders me, Write. So I wrote, because I had committed to doing so on Simchas Torah. Most of what I say is known to Anash; there is no chiddush. But the editor asked that it be written and I made the commitment. Its hard to put a finger on one incident and to say this was The Event. Because any event that you would point out is important in its own right and is an important tile in the larger mosaic. Is the fact that whoever was there on Simchas Torah in 770 sang Yechi something to marvel at? No, it is expected. Is the fact that at the Simchas Beis HaShoeiva on Montgomery Street, thousands of Lubavitchers and hundreds of guests from other Chassidic

groups participated, and they all sang Yechi, something unique? Here too, the answer is no. We know the truth, so why should we be surprised when others know it too? Truth ultimately triumphs. There is no order to this piece so what gets written first doesnt say anything about its importance. I remember Hoshana Raba night, when at one in the morning, after the Simchas Beis HaShoeiva, thousands of Chassidim streamed toward 770 to say Thillim. The streets were full of thousands of Chassidim, wearing sirtuks, in an impressive parade. The sight was amazing and very moving. On Simchas Torah itself it was hard not to be amazed by the bachurim in 770. Most of them had never seen the Rebbe. And yet, this did not diminish in the slightest their feeling about the Rebbes continued presence. You could see hundreds of bachurim returning after hours of walking on Tahalucha, entering the beis midrash in the middle of the hakafos and immediately joining the circles and dancing as though they had just woken up after a refreshing nap. The bachurim with their emuna swept up all the onlookers, young and old, and even seniors joined the dancing.
Issue 895


Simchas Torah
Earlier on, when the hakafos began, the Rebbe was honored with the recitation of Ata Horeisa. Thousands of people, Lubavitchers and guests, waited a few second between psukim and only then said it themselves. This went on and stood out throughout the month of Tishrei. Think a moment about thousands of people who left their homes and all their affairs and came to 770. The bachurim among them came for the entire month of Tishrei; the married men some for Rosh HaShana and others for Sukkos; some came just for Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah; each of them paid for a ticket and had to have a place to eat and sleep. Some of them slept on thin mattresses on the floor. Some were fortunate to have a bed in one of hundreds of homes in Crown Heights where guests were happily hosted. Some even slept on benches in the beis midrash. Although a pile of coats, hats and bags were placed on them, they managed to sleep just fine. Then there is the store of a group of newbies who slept, together with those who were mekarev them, during Chol HaMoed. Thin mattresses were placed on the floor and that is how they slept. Some of them were 45 years old. The sleeping arrangements were not particularly comfortable, but every morning, at 9:50, they arrived and prepared for davening in the Rebbes minyan. I didnt mention the large group that R Yisroel Halperin brought with him from Hertzliya, a motley bunch, but all of them with emuna and the heart and soul of Chassidim. You could see them farbrenging and davening together, all with great unity. The food is another subject entirely. Hachnasas Orchim Eshel could cross this burden off its list, because there is no guest who arrives at 770 who does not receive at least two invitations every day for meals in the sukkos of Anash. If the guest says yes, the host is thrilled. The fact that another ten guests are invited does not take away from the personal attention the host gives to each guest. Ditto for the hostess. Sumptuous meals are served as the hosts stand ready, at their guests service. Do you think its a little thing that they chose to be guests in my sukka? asked one of the hosts when I expressed my surprise at the extent of his catering to the whims of his guests. If I thought this was just one tzaddik, I soon discovered that this is the standard treatment that Crown Heights hosts provide for their guests. The special ones among them, and there are many, gives each of their guests a heartfelt thank you for honoring them with their presence. All this is aside from the dozens of sukkos with signs that invite anybody to come in and eat. They will have a hot, nutritious meal or at least a hot coffee and homemade cake. Because the women of Crown Heights who do not cook for dozens of guests do not consider serving storebought cake. They shudder at the thought. A young mother, who gave birth two months ago to her second child, told me, I dont have the strength to stand and cook meals but I must bake cake. No self-respecting balabusta in Crown Heights would serve bakery cake. That is a direct quote. Okay, I got carried away. Lets go back to Simchas Torah, which is the reason for this essay. When the hakafos began, you

could see the spiritedness and the enthusiasm of the crowd. At first, the circle was large. Dozens of Chassidim stood off to the side and watched the spot where the Rebbe would stand. You could see the tremendous longing to see the Rebbe once again. Not only adults stood there; there were 6 and 8 year old children too, who stood with their fathers and watched. They watched and sang, singing and dancing in their place. Their every movement stated that even if there is concealment, any minute now Moshiach will come and redeem us. The enthusiasm and spiritedness lasted throughout the hakafos, till morning. The dancing began at 11. At 5 in the morning the dancing was still just as lively, with the same Chassidic

36 Erev Sukkos 5774

Picture taken by a gentile photographer at the Simchas Torah farbrengen 5728/1967

fire. One niggun and another one. On the side you could see smaller circles of Chassidim dancing enthusiastically. The daytime hakafos were the same; the same excitement, the same longing, the same strong desire that was expressed in the proclamation and singing of Yechi. It could go on until nighttime except there was Krias HaTorah, Musaf and the Rebbes farbrengen. The gabbaim made sure to finish the hakafos and move things along. All the hakafos, by night and by day, are accompanied by a Kiddush in 770. Whoever returned from Tahalucha, no matter the time, found plenty of food available spread out on

tables outside of 770, along with drinks. There were wine, mezonos rolls, fish, salami, fruits and drinks. In the morning it was the same, only this time the tables were inside 770. Time passed quickly. Shortly after Shacharis there was Mincha and the Rebbes farbrengen. Thousands of Chassidim stood in rows, their eyes fixed on the Rebbes spot. A bottle of wine, a cup and a bag of challos were there. All was ready for the hisgalus. A maamer Chassidus and then the niggunim, one niggun following another and suddenly I noticed that not only was the niggun sung in unison but the movements were also in unison;

as though everyone was one body, looking at the Rebbes place. Another two hours flew by. Maariv and then preparations for Shabbos BReishis, for the way a person sets himself on Shabbos BReishis, that is how he will be all year. Motzaei Shabbos, some people get ready to leave for home. Parting is difficult. Feelings are hard to substantiate, and this is a subjective piece. Not everything can be expressed; I did not see everything, but this summarizes my feelings about Simchas Torah in 770, Beis Moshiach. Fortunate are we to have merited this.
Issue 895


Open Forum


This week, in the Open Forum for timely discussions by readers of Beis Moshiach, thoughts on the passing of 22 years since the Rebbe said we need to publicize to all that the Nasi Hador is the Navi Hador.
1. There is a Jewish joke about an old gabbai in a shul who has a serious problem. Every time he stands up to make one of his announcements, a certain person preempts him and steals the show. One day, the gabbai decided to remain silent no longer. He would show everyone that the announcements of that fellow were incorrect and they should only listen to the gabbais announcements. That day was Rosh Chodesh and when the congregation reached the Shmoneh Esrei, the usurper quickly banged on the table and announced, Yaaleh VYavo. In his anger, the gabbai immediately banged on the table and announced, Lo Yaaleh VLo Yavo! I was reminded of this joke a few weeks ago, the week of Parshas Shoftim, when I recalled the famous sicha of that week, 22 years ago, about the prophet from among you, from your brethren, like myself [Moshe], will Hashem your G-d establish for you, listen to him. Its a sicha that demands action on our part, along with clear instructions, even if they are not simple or easy to implement. 2. Chabad Chassidim have a lot of issues to argue about. Some of them are disputes for the sake of heaven and they will endure, and some are disputes that are not for the sake of heaven and will not endure. Nobody can really say what the line is between these various disputes and which belong to which category. Therefore, some just hold on to this machlokes, while others just hold on to the other machlokes,

38 Erev Sukkos 5774

and those who are mehadrin hold on to both. But there are things about which there is no disagreement, and if someone would choose to disavow himself of those things, he would be like that gabbai and the only thing he would be able to do is announce that even on Rosh Chodesh Lo Yaaleh VLo Yavo. This sicha of Parshas Shoftim 5751 is one of those things. No matter which way you lean, all agree about what was clearly stated in that sicha, which was edited and printed, given the seal of approval of the Rebbe himself. Now, if everything is so fine and dandy, why are things not so fine and dandy? In other words, if all agree that these things were said by the Ben Amram of our generation, and we have nothing but the words of Ben Amram, how is it that we do not see everyone busy fulfilling at least this clear horaa? This is not a general instruction such as Lights of Tohu in Vessels of Tikkun, where it is only natural that there will be the one that will lean more towards Lights of Tohu, whereas his friend will be more inclined towards Vessels of Tikkun. It is also not a matter of things that need to fall under the definition of ofen hamiskabel, and its not even a shlichus that must be carried out solely by the official mosdos. This is a straightforward horaa, another horaa in a series of horaos of the Rebbe to the Chassidim, like learning Rambam daily or going on mivtza tfillin. The horaa is publicize to all members of the generation that we have merited that Hashem has chosen and appointed someone with free choice who, from his part, is incomparably greater than

the members of the generation, to be the judges and advisors and the Navi Hador. 3. Twenty-two years have passed since our king, in his glory, made this pronouncement. Despite his explicit words that guarantee to us the path to the true and complete Geula, we still dont have it. Why? I dont know. Every week there are more tragedies in this dark and bitter galus. So let us put aside all differences of opinion and ignore, for a few moments, all the labels, and go over to the bookcase and take out the Dvar Malchus or the Seifer HaSichos 5751 and learn the sicha and try to implement the bottom line

message, publicize everywhere that the Nasi Hador is the Navi Hador. In the interests of efficacy, let us keep it neutral so that the publicizing focuses on the one thing about which there are no disagreements; publicizing to all members of the generation that we have a Navi. Nobody promised us that life would be easy but, my fellow Chassidim, its a horaa from the Rebbe! The clock continues to tick, the years are passing by, and there is still a deafening silence. 22 years have passed. Isnt that enough? Want to express an opinion on a timely issue? Send an email to

Issue 895




The first Shabbos after Gimmel Tammuz 5754, the first issue of Yechi HaMelech was published and revived the Chassidim. * A thousand weeks passed since then and every week a booklet is published packed with excerpts from sichos which nourish the faith of the Chassidim. * R Menachem Mendel Blinitzky spoke with Beis Moshiach about the new projects, along with the sorrow over having reached the thousandth issue and still not seeing the Rebbe.
By Sholom Ber Crombie

ne thousand weeks have passed since Gimmel Tammuz 5754 [as of this writing], the day Chassidim stood expectantly and with one prayer: Yechi HaMelech! Since then, a new issue of Yechi HaMelech is published every week with excerpts from sichos about Moshiach and Geula, with an emphasis on sichos pertaining to that weeks parsha and timely matters. In the years that passed since Gimmel Tammuz, Lubavitchers have gotten used to seeing the Yechi HaMelech booklets in shul every Shabbos. Right after Gimmel Tammuz 5754, a group of askanim, mashpiim and rabbanim met and discussed what to do to strengthen the emuna of the Chassidim in a time of confusion. During the meeting, R Shloma Majeski and R Menachem Gerlitzky suggested collecting the Rebbes sichos on inyanei Moshiach and Geula and publicizing them. They also

40 Erev Sukkos 5774

selected portions of sichos that were said in the first years of the Rebbes nesius, in which the Rebbe spoke about the eternal faith in the Nasi Hador even if he is not seen, and about the role of the 7th generation. Everyone in the room immediately agreed that these sichos should be distributed as booklets starting with the following Shabbos. The first booklet was prepared for printing within a few days and despite the work this entailed, it was published for the Shabbos following Gimmel Tammuz. When the booklets were distributed in 770, one could see the chayus it generated among the numerous Chassidim who were there. Thousands of Chassidim who read the sichos felt the Rebbes words revive their emuna pshuta that everything the Rebbe said would come to pass. The booklet included excerpts from the last sichos the Rebbe said, in which the Rebbe spoke about the role of our generation. It turned out that some of the sichos were not familiar to the broader public and many of Anash. Many people thanked those who published it and said it was the first time they were opening the sichos and reading the Rebbes words inside, black on white. Consequently, it was decided to continue producing booklets with sichos having to do with the topic of the Nasi Hador and the eternal aspect of the 7th generation.

R Menachem Mendel Blinitzky

One time, it was a bachelor in his forties who got involved and within a few weeks, he became engaged.
it distributed in shuls of Anash all over the world every week. This was an ambitious plan because financial difficulties threatened to stop the publishing altogether. But in the end, it never happened that the booklet wasnt published. The members of the editorial board from the early years can tell of many people who donated money to print the booklet; there were some unusual ways in which help arrived. One time, it was a bachelor in his forties who got involved and within a few weeks, he became engaged. Often it was
Issue 895


The mashpia, R Dovid Kahanov, worked on compiling the sichos and produced a product that strengthened the faith of the Chassidim at that

time. Every Shabbos, the booklet generated much response amongst the Chassidim and thousands found in it a source of consolation and encouragement in the Rebbes words that our generation is the last of galus and the first of Geula, and our not seeing the Rebbe is only a physical concealment. Since Gimmel Tammuz 5754, the booklet Yechi HaMelech has been published every week. At a certain point, the editorial board decided to make it an international project and to have



childless couples or others who needed help in their personal matters. Whoever was involved with these booklets, and contributed money toward the printing, experienced miraculous salvation. Word got around and many people began to dedicate an issue in the merit of their loved ones. Thanks to these donations, 1000 issues of the kuntres have been printed.


For the first year, R Dovid Kahanov worked on producing the booklet. Then he looked for someone to take it over and expand it. R Menachem Mendel Blinitzky, who was a bachur at the time in 770, was selected. Since then, R Blinitzky has produced the booklet all these years. In a conversation with Beis Moshiach regarding the 1000th issue, he said that Sichos Kodesh BInyonei Geula UMoshiach is about to be published. It contains a rare collection of all the sichos about inyanei Moshiach and Geula that were translated by the editorial staff of Yechi HaMelech and publicized for the first time

in Lashon Hakodesh in issues of Yechi HaMelech. It is a veritable treasure house. R Levi Nisselevitz and Guy Cantor worked to compile and publish the book. It is a first among sfarim that compile the Rebbes teachings, because this is the first time a complete compilation of these sichos in Hebrew is being published. There is another book about to be published which is a collection of hundreds of the Rebbes handwritten responses. Many of these responses have to do with Moshiach and Geula, and we see that Anash particularly enjoy this column, said R Blinitzky. R Reuven Kupchik, the secretary of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel, is behind these new projects and the editing of Yechi HaMelech. He is very devoted to this work and feels a sense of mission in strengthening the emuna of Chassidim in what the Rebbe said, thus providing a straight path toward bringing Moshiach.

have been started, especially on Shabbos after the davening. For example, in the Yisroel Aryeh Leib shul in the Levi Yitzchok neighborhood of Kfar Chabad, for over fifteen years now, everybody in the shul learns the first sicha in the kuntres after the davening and before the farbrengen. It sometimes happens that the topic of the sicha ends up being the focus of the farbrengen that follows the learning. In the Chabad shul in Migdal HaEmek, a shiur was started a few years ago in Yechi HaMelech after Kabbalas Shabbos. This way, the material that is learned ends up being reviewed at the Shabbos table.

Over the years, the kuntres expanded and new sections were added, like the one with a handwritten response from the Rebbe, published for the first time, and a column on shleimus haaretz. The editors of Yechi HaMelech were the ones who did the most extensive research on the subject, in the Rebbes sichos, about shleimus haaretz. They even unearthed dozens of yechiduyos and quotes from the Rebbe to individuals on the topic

Over the years, dozens of shiurim in inyanei Moshiach and Geula in Yechi HaMelech

42 Erev Sukkos 5774

of shleimus haaretz. One of these discoveries was a quote of the Rebbe to R Seidman, that any government that will talk about dividing Yerushalayim will not last, prophetic words that were fulfilled. The kuntres also publicized all the Rebbes editorial notes on the sichos from 5751-5752. When this was publicized, it made waves in Chabad and made possible a glimpse into the Rebbes work in editing these unique sichos with the prophecy that this is the time for the Geula. Today, the booklet is distributed in the thousands. Aside from the regular printing, which is done by Agudas Chassidei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel, and numbers 10,000 copies weekly, the kuntres is also distributed among many shluchim around the world via

A photocopy of the Rebbes editing notations of the sicha of Parshas Rei 5725 regarding the name of Moshiach

mail. Then, they are printed in each locale. For example, every week the booklet arrives in Australia and Los Angeles, even though no other Chabad magazine manages to get to them in a timely fashion every week. R Sholom Ber Dickstein in Melbourne and R Yossi Shagalov in Los Angeles are responsible for printing it in those cities. Hundreds of copies are printed. Thousands of copies of the

booklet are also distributed every week via the mail system so that whoever wants it receives a copy in his mailbox and has it for Shabbos. We consider distributing this booklet very important, said R Blinitzky, but at the same time, we are not happy about having reached the 1000 milestone. We ask and demand that we be able to shout Yechi HaMelech with the immediate hisgalus of the Rebbe.

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Issue 895




In every Jewish neighborhood there are sukkos galore, but in Canarsie, I sat in one of the only sukkos in the area.
By Menachem Ziegelboim


Boruch Hertzl Borochov, director of the Merkaz Igros Kodesh in Rechovos,


Sukkos was approaching. For a long time I had been wondering how I could build a sukka in the yard of the building we lived in. In the United States, in neighborhoods that are not Jewish, sukka building is harder to do than in overtly Jewish neighborhoods. I looked into various options but none of them seemed feasible. I finally decided to ask permission of my landlord and from the owner of the house next door, whether I could build a sukka from wall to wall, i.e. from the wall of our house to the wall of the neighbors house. That would give me a spacious sukka. I did not know how they would react to my request. After long conversations with both of them I obtained their consent, reluctant though it may have been. My next step was to get boards for a sukka. I went to

Before we moved to Eretz Yisroel, we lived for many years in the Canarsie neighborhood of Brooklyn. I know that we looked odd to the Jewish neighbors who lived on our street. Most of them were intermarried, and after decades of estrangement, there was a Jew dressed in Chassidic clothing walking down their street. On Shabbos, he even wore a tallis with tzitzis as he walked to the Chabad house. In addition, we had a Hichonu L Beeas HaMoshiach sign over our front door, a mitzva tank with a sign, Hinei, hinei Moshiach ba on it, and a picture of the Rebbe next to a loudspeaker which played Chassidic and Moshiach songs. So it was not surprising that we stood out in the neighborhood. Our presence definitely

annoyed certain people, probably because we reminded them of things they wanted to forget. For example, I remember one neighbor, a man of about 75, who would make a dismissive motion with his hand every time he saw me with the tank. And there were other similar behaviors.

44 Erev Sukkos 5774

a number of stores and finally found what I was looking for. When the store owner heard why I needed boards, he sold them to me at a bargain price. I felt that Hashem was with me and I knew that good things would happen with this sukka.

It was Sukkos night. In every Jewish neighborhood, numerous sukkos are built and the sounds of song and simcha waft through the air. I, in Canarsie, sat in one of the only sukkos in the area. Nevertheless, I returned from shul feeling the joy of the Yom Tov. As I approached my illuminated sukka, I noticed some Jewish people peeking in out of curiosity. They had never seen anything like it. The neighbor also visited the next morning. For the first time in his life he said the bracha on the Dalet minim and then a leisheiv basukka as he sat down to eat some cake and said lchaim. He said that although he was not religious, he was still bothered by the fact that his daughter was married to a gentile. The man was an established lawyer who was not at all involved in Jewish practice, and yet he was disturbed by this, even though he could not explain why. In Chassidus it explains at length about the high level of holiness in a sukka, the makifim of the sukka. I am convinced that these lofty levels uncovered the spark within the Jews of the neighborhood. Their galus serenity was disturbed, and that was a good thing. The high point was when the 75 year old irascible neighbor, who was always mocking us, came to the sukka. He took the Dalet minim and as he started to say the bracha he burst into tears.

The house in Canarsie

The high point was when the 75 year old irascible neighbor, who was always mocking us, came to the sukka. He took the Dalet minim and as he started to say the bracha he burst into tears.
made it into a beautiful work of art. Then he said he wanted to bring the picture to the Chabad house where he became a regular visitor. Little did I dream of the power of a sukka until that year.
Issue 895

It was only when he calmed down a bit that he could complete the bracha. Some time later, this man asked me for a picture of the Rebbe. He attached the picture to a polished piece of wood and




A lone avreichs work has touched the hearts of Jews from all over Eretz Yisroel and the world, illuminating their homes with the light of Chassidus. Rabbi Sagi Weiss, who has managed to bring dozens of young people to the path of Chassidus, tells Beis Moshiach about the revolutionary audio disk project that he initiated, calling upon other Chabad Chassidim to join.
By Mordechai Segal Translated by Michoel Leib Dobry

t all began one summer morning ten years ago. Rabbi Sagi Weiss, who had gotten married just a few months earlier, felt that his talents were going to waste. We were living in Kiryat Malachi at the time. Despite the fact that it is a very Chassidic community, everything seemed so dry. I told my wife that we had to find a place of shlichus to fulfill the directives of the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, Rabbi Weiss recalled in an interview last month with Beis Moshiach. I told her that I wanted to go

out on shlichus to a tourist city in Eretz HaKodesh, such as Teveria or Eilat. In a manner of when they have not yet called, I will respond, an incredible example of Divine Providence took place. The very next morning, his wifes telephone rang. It was Rebbetzin Hecht from Eilat. We are looking for a teacher, and I received some very good recommendations about you, she said. The couple wrote to the Rebbe and requested his holy advice. The Rebbe gave a clearcut answer that the time for

action was at hand. A few weeks later, during the month of Elul, they found themselves along the long and winding road to Israels southernmost city, located on the banks of the Red Sea. Within a short period of time, Rabbi Weiss had established a Chabad yeshiva together with Rabbi Erez Dovid Bendetowitz, designed for baalei tshuva and those exploring their Jewish roots. It didnt take long before this brand-new shliach realized that he was very successful in all areas of spreading Yiddishkait.

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According to Rabbi Weiss, there were close to forty Jews who had chosen to forego their previous lifestyles and begin observing Torah and mitzvos. Fifteen of them began wearing kapotes. As someone who had always lived, composed, and played music, Rabbi Weiss felt that the time had come to do shlichus via this medium as well. He decided to record and copy five of his songs and produce a CD. His compositions dealt primarily with the teachings of the Tanya. The Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, gave him a bracha via Igros Kodesh, but the passage from theory to actual deed had one small problem: money. I needed twenty-five thousand shekels, but was unsuccessful in raising the money. A few months later, I found myself writing to the Rebbe again out of a sense of despair and dejection. I listed all my efforts in gathering the funds, noting that it seemed that I wouldnt be able to execute the project. When I opened the volume of Igros Kodesh where I had placed my letter, the Rebbes response was that he was providing a check for his participation in covering my expenses. I knew that the Rebbe wanted me to continue, and he had already forwarded me the money in his own way... Rabbi Weiss didnt have long to wait. The following morning, a friend of mine, a young avreich, not known as a person of considerable financial means, gave me eight thousand shekels in cash. He knew that I was trying to obtain contributions for my disk, but he was also the last person I thought could possibly give me the money I needed for this project. I was in shock. He explained that his daughter had

been seriously ill, and he made a snap decision that this was an auspicious time to give this amount. I immediately went to the studio and made a commitment to pay twenty thousand shekels. At the moment, I only had half the required amount: eight thousand from my friend and another two thousand that I had previously managed to collect from other sources. As we started to make the CD, more contributions began coming in. Everything seemed quite promising at this point, but when

thousand shekels would be the financial equivalent of parting the Red Sea. The Rebbe continued to accompany me every step of the way, writing that there is no reason to be daunted by the financial situation. The next day, I came to the yeshiva to deliver a shiur. When the class was over, one of the students came up to me. He said that he had recently worked as a lifeguard, and he wanted an explanation of the concept of maaser. I thought that this was nothing more than an academic inquiry. When I

Rabbi Sagi Weiss in the recording studio

the Pesach holiday rolled around, Rabbi Weiss found himself in one big mess, as he put it. The financial situation suddenly got worse, and I felt once again that my mission was in doubt. I wrote to the Rebbe that I had done my shlichus, but I had committed myself to an amount of money that I just couldnt raise. As a result, I was asking for help that I shouldnt get myself into a deeper hole. I should be able to get another five thousand shekels somehow, but for me to raise ten

finished my explanation, he said that he wanted to give maaser. Since I was certain that we were talking about no more than a few hundred shekels, I suggested that he should speak with the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Bendetowitz. However, the determined young man asked me if there was something for which I needed money. I explained to him about my recording project and the recent financial complications, but I immediately noted that we were talking about a large sum of money.
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The young man then asked me for the name and phone number of the recording producer. As I looked on incredulously, he called and paid the entire balance for the recording project on his credit card. To this day, Sagi becomes deeply moved when he recalls this miraculous event. This was something truly amazing. The Rebbe proved to me again and again: I am here, and Ill be with you every step of the way. Since the production of the first disk, he has produced an average of one disk every four months. The last one, created just a few weeks ago, was given the name Adam Chadash. On this disk, I prepare the listeners for the holidays, explaining in HaMoshiach, but theres more to it than just that. There were times when I went through twenty to thirty sichos in search of the nekuda. This wasnt something that I just pulled out of my hat; every disk was the fruit of much labor. This unique monthly disk became a regular staple in the homes of thousands of people, most of whom were not yet Torah observant. However, there are also Lubavitchers, particularly women and children, who love to listen to the Chassidic themes. Each month, more and more people discover his audio productions, and the demand continues to grow. Rabbi Sagi Weiss became a to an audio disk is that each person can listen, whenever and wherever he chooses. This is my main objective: to reach as many people as I possibly can. And the reactions? Not long ago, I got a phone call from a woman who listens to these recorded farbrengens, which are transmitted on a very personal and equal level. She told me that she has decided from now on only to listen to religious radio stations. In another case, one of my friends decided to give an audio disk to his Reformminded family members, and they now listen to them each month with great interest as they have begun to reveal signs of spiritual awakening and a closer connection to Torah and mitzvos. Six months ago, after receiving the Rebbes bracha, Rabbi Weiss and his wife decided to leave Eilat. I realized that I would be unable to distribute my audio disks from there and utilize their full potential in spreading Yiddishkait among hundreds of thousands of Jews. As a result, we made the difficult decision to move to the central part of the country. We came to the city of Rechovot, thereby making the land easier to conquer with the Chassidic concepts drawn from the Rebbes endless treasures As a man of action, Rabbi Weiss has placed before him a great objective: the distribution of these audio disks, which he produced with great toil and effort, to every Jewish home. I am certain that even shluchim need a push to reach as many people as possible and to strengthen their core of friends and supporters. From my personal experiences and the numerous reactions I have received in reply to my disks, including from shluchim who

The young man then asked me for the name and phone number of the recording producer. As I looked on incredulously, he called and paid the entire balance for the recording project on his credit card.
modern terminology the whole concept of tshuva and what it means to us in our daily lives in terms relevant to our generation. He has already produced about sixty songs so far. Within a short period of time, he decided to realize his tremendous potential in music and Torah education. He would record a monthly disk on the holidays and other auspicious events of the given month, or the weekly Torah portions and their unique teachings in avodas Hashem, including songs that he personally composed and performed. Producing such a disk demanded a great deal of his time and energy: Of course, everything is based upon the words of the Rebbe, Melech baal tshuva when he was twelve years old. He recalls that he was in search of greater meaning in his life, something of a far more spiritual nature. To his tremendous good fortune, a Chabad family brought him closer to the teachings of Chassidus, and slowly but surely, he progressed along the path of Torah and mitzvos. As someone who came from the other side of the tracks, I know how much my audio disks are in need. The main problem is that it is quite difficult to bring people to a Torah class. Each person has his or her own reason: they cant come at the appointed hour or they dont feel comfortable in the learning environment just to name a few. The unique quality

48 Erev Sukkos 5774

have made good use of them, I realize the tremendous potential they possess. Rabbi Weiss has refrained from all public performances and has focused all his time and attention on expanding his audio disk project. Although this requires considerable financial expenses, he is determined to continue. He has even initiated a new sales campaign: A monthly subscription for just twenty shekels! Due to my fervent desire and longing for as many Jews as possible to join this program and get a taste of the sweetness of Chassidus, the price per unit has been reduced to ten shekels for all those who purchase at least three disks for the purpose Continued from page 5 fact, it is the Arizal who said that specifically in recent generations has it become permitted verily, a Mitzva to reveal this wisdom (Igeres HaKodesh siman 26, 142b). Later on, the banner of promoting the study of the inner dimension of the Torah was upheld by the Baal Shem Tov, as well as the Rebbes, our leaders, following the directive and instruction of spread your wellsprings outward, which brings about asi Mar the approach of the master, Malka Meshicha, the Messianic King. As a direct result in addition to an increase in mishpat [i.e., Torah, intellect] and tzdaka [Mitzvos associated with refining and purifying physical things, as well as the middos, ones character traits], both of which are especially emphasized in the Arizal*** this should inspire us to increase in all activities associated with spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus outward, this wisdom zos

of distributing them to friends, neighbors, family members, etc. A quick computation shows that for a monthly investment of one hundred shekels, even someone lacking in experience or a background in outreach activities can bring ten Jewish families closer to G-d and the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. I am certain that when we come to the Day of Judgment, there can be no greater advocate than that, said the tireless young Chassid. In conclusion, Rabbi Weiss wanted to make it clear that many people ask me how we succeeded, with G-ds help, to get so many Jews to do tshuva during our shlichus in Eilat. The secret, he revealed, is hachochma, especially as it is expressed and richly elucidated in the teachings of Chabad Chassidus, which emphasize the three aspects of the mind: Chochma, Bina, and Daas. The concept of spreading the wellsprings outward likewise applies to oneself: The general concept of the study of Chabad Chassidus with understanding and comprehension is expressed through the dissemination of the wellsprings of Chochma, Wisdom, into Bina and Daas, reaching as far as the middos, which are considered outward with respect to the mind. This Chochma must even extend to [the three garments of the soul] thought, speech, and action. Indeed, action is the most pertinent.
(From the address of Shabbos Parshas Dvarim, Shabbos Chazon, 4 Menachem-Av; Seifer HaSichos 5749, pg. 619)

found in one thing diligence, as the Rebbe Rayatz said, It is an established fact that no effort goes unrewarded. We simply studied, paid attention, and we were a help in all matters that required our assistance until we merited to see the fruits of our labors. The main thing is diligence. Of course, I cant promise success, however, from past experience and in light of the Rebbes constant brachos, I am sure that this is a most important project that will hasten the imminent Redemption, mamash, now! For further information or to order disks, readers are invited to call Rabbi Weiss at 972-52-5112062. is discussed. **Footnote 84: To note that the concept of redemption is alluded to in his name: Yitzchok for in the Future Era we shall say of Yitzchok, for you are our father (Shabbos 89b); ben Shlomo for in the time of Shlomo HaMelech there was perfect peace and tranquility, resembling the peace of the Future Era (Shaarei Tshuva of the Mitteler Rebbe, words beginning with Pada VShalom Ch. 11). And also to point out that in several places he is referred to as Arizal HaChai the Living Arizal (an epithet that is not used for other great Jews, even those who only died on account of the serpents bite, and even those of whom it is said that they did not die at all see Shabbos 55b, Bava Basra 17a; and see Likkutei Sichos Vol. 24, pg. 132 ff.) a state that resembles the revelation of the eternal life of the future Era. ***See Footnote 87 in the original for sources.
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NOTES: *Footnote 83: See Likkutei Sichos Vol. 15, pg. 282, where it




This is the fascinating account of a young shlucha to the Ukraine, who finds herself stuck all alone in an airport in Warsaw, Poland on her way to 770 for Tishrei. Her flight is canceled and taking the next flight would entail desecrating the Shabbos... What will she do? How will she make it to the Rebbe for Tishrei? Read on...
By Esti Frank, Akko

Wednesday, Motzaei Yom Kippur 5773. Mariupol, Ukraine. It is late at night and I cannot sleep. I am overcome by excitement for tomorrow; I will be on my way to 770! Here, in my bed in the Ukraine, I think about the events of the months so far. I was on shlichus for five months in a city in the Ukraine. As a veteran Tishrei-goer, I had arranged with the shluchim, the Cohens, that I would be spending Sukkos in 770. The ticket I bought had me making a two hour stopover in Warsaw, Poland. My lack of fluency in Russian and Polish and the length of the trip did not bother me, in light of the fact that I was finally going home, to 770.

When I arrived at the airport in Warsaw, I easily found the right terminal and the gate and it looked as though everything was just fine. The doors would be opening in another half an hour. The flight attendants were already going inside and all I had to do was make myself comfortable and wait for the boarding announcement. A quick glance around told me that I was the only Jew in the area and that I would be making my way to New York without a Jewish companion. Meanwhile, I used the time to study a sicha about the importance of going to Beis Moshiach. I was thrilled to be going! I was so deeply immersed in my learning that I did not notice the quickly passing time. I saw

that the flight time had come and gone but the doors of the plane were still closed. Its probably a delay typical of the Poles, I thought with a smile, and returned to the sicha. However, after another half an hour of waiting, I began to worry. I went over to the clerk and asked what was going on. When would we be flying? She calmly said there was a delay and they would have more information in another hour. It was Thursday and almost evening. I would arrive at 770 in the middle of the night and would not have a chance to rest before Shabbos. I went back to my seat, somewhat concerned. After another two hours of waiting, I began to seriously worry. Something was amiss! Wait! Im a shlucha. Hashem

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must be delaying me here because there is some spark I need to elevate. Someone here needs to know that the Rebbe is Moshiach, and until I tell her the plane will simply not take off. At the end of the passenger terminal I noticed an old, sadlooking woman sitting alone in a wheelchair. I went over to her and asked her name. She said Maria. I concluded she was not Jewish but I remained to talk a bit. Why are you sad? I asked. I am sick and find it hard to manage on my own. And I am very old, 91 already. I dont have much more time ... She went on to tell me that she was traveling in order to support her sick cousin. The doctors dont give her any

hope, she cried. One minute! Maybe this is my shlichus. I took out a card with the Rebbes picture and the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach in English. This is the Messiah, I said as I pointed at the picture. He is the leader of our generation. He will come and redeem us. He loves each one of us. But I am not Jewish, said Maria. Why would he care about me? I told her stories about the Rebbes greatness and said I was on my way to him. He would surely pray for her and her cousin, simply because he is the Moshiach. She nodded and asked me for another card with the Sheva Mitzvos for her cousin, so that the Rebbe would bless her

with a complete recovery. She asked me, Why did you, a young girl, come over to sit next to an old, boring woman like me? I have been sitting here for hours and dozens of people have passed by and not one of them stopped to even glance at me. And you you came over deliberately to sit here. Of your own free will! Why? What could I tell her? That this is the greatness of the Jewish people, that we are compassionate? Because I saw that you are sad and I am happy, and I wanted to cheer you up ...

I looked worriedly at the

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time. Nearly five hours had gone by since the time the flight was supposed to take off. Suddenly, an announcement broke the silence among the waiting passengers: The flight is canceled, the flight is canceled. I knew what this meant. I rushed over to the clerk and asked, almost in tears, When is the next flight? She casually said, Tonight you will be put up in a hotel at our expense and tomorrow, at 5:00 in the afternoon, you will board a flight to New York. I croaked, Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Friday, and the flight will not arrive till that night. I am Jewish! I dont fly on Saturday. I understand, she said, but did not finish the job in Auschwitz. How were there still religious Jews in the world? I stood there in the middle of the airport as thousands of people passed by, each one immersed in his own world. I held the dollar from the Rebbe that I owned and wrote to the Rebbe in my mind. That was all I could do. I am on my way to you. Please Rebbe; help me get out of here! It was nearly 10:00 at night. I had eaten up the kosher food I had brought along. My cell phone battery had been used up and whoever tried to call me went straight to voice mail. They would conclude that I was on the flight and there was no reason to worry. A quick calculation told me that if I did not find a way to get help soon, I was in trouble. want me to fly on Shabbos ... And our conversation was cut off. With a new calling card: The conversation will be cut off again. What about the shluchim in Poland? Theyre not answering! Write to the Rebbe through the Igros that he should save me. Click. I was so frustrated. What now? All that went through my head in those seconds were, Hashem, help me! Ana Hashem, Hoshia Na. A young couple who were supposed to be on my flight, came over to me and said, Dont cry. Come with us. We will watch over you. Tomorrow there will be a flight and youll see, it will work out. But Im Jewish, I tried to explain. I cant travel on Saturday. Im sure G-d will forgive you, said the woman. I am sure He doesnt want you to wander around on the street. Travel and He will forgive you. Maybe this is His way of saving us from a crash or something like that. No, Im not flying, I declared. At this point, I no longer cared what people thought of me. They thought me crazy in any case. A flight with 300 people is canceled. 299 of them accept the cancellation and only one person makes a commotion. The situation only grew more complicated. I was sent to a long line, at the end of which I would have to tell the clerk which day I wanted to fly. I would be put up in a hotel for just one night. That is all they were willing to do. The line moved and I could see the doors of the airport opening and closing in the distance. I could see the cold streets of Warsaw outside and I knew that the moment I put

You promised that one who keeps Shabbos, Shabbos will protect him. So please, protect me and save me.
I cant help you. Your luggage is coming out of the plane now. Go take it and maybe over there they can help you. I felt tears choking my throat. I instantly forgot about Maria and her cousin. I knew I could not start thinking what would happen if I remained in the airport overnight. I walked slowly, dragging my big suitcase in the huge airport. One Jew among millions of gentiles, going from clerk to clerk, explaining, and pleading for help. I wanted to shake them and yell that they could not be so indifferent to my plight. But it was enough for them to see how I was dressed and to look at my Israeli passport for them to sneer and send me to the next clerk. I did not cry in front of them. They probably wondered how their grandfathers In Eretz Yisroel it was already late at night and people would be going to sleep, and in New York they were expecting me in the middle of the night. That meant that only in the morning would someone realize that something went wrong and then it would be too late. Even worse, Sunday night would be Sukkos and the first days would be over Tuesday night! In that second I realized that I simply could not remain there. After a lot of nerve-wracking wandering around, one clerk was kind enough to give me a calling card. I found a public phone and dialed the number. My father answered. He was exhausted after a day of preparations for Sukkos. I couldnt stop myself from crying and I said, I am stuck in Poland. There is no flight. They

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those doors behind me, I would lose my chance of getting home. And anyway, who would want to spend the night on the streets of a country whose earth was saturated with so much Jewish blood?

Any attempt to make contact with home or with the local shluchim failed. The situation was really dire. I knew that the only thing that could extricate me was a miracle. It is a terrible and frightening feeling to need a miracle. And yet, I felt I had an open channel with Hashem. You chose us from all the nations and gave us the Shabbos to observe. And You promised. You promised that one who keeps Shabbos, Shabbos will protect him. So please, protect me and save me. All I want is to go to the Rebbe.

Then, a moment before everything seemed hopeless, a frum couple walked into the airport! It was a couple with five children. It looked as though there was a flight that night to Israel and they were going to be on it. I rushed over to them and told them my story. Whatever help you can provide me with, even if its to help me contact the local shliach, would be a tremendous help. The father said I should go with them. He asked his wife to watch my things and then he ran with me from clerk to clerk and manager to manager. He yelled, demanded, and asked that they help me. As I followed him, I tried to understand. How did he know how to help me? It seemed he was used to helping people who were stuck Erev Shabbos in the middle of nowhere, or someone

had told him precisely what he needed to do. In any case, I felt it was help from Heaven; literally Eliyahu HaNavi in the guise of this Jew. We were running from one place to another, but nobody wanted to help. It was midnight already and they all wanted to close for the night and go home. To go to New York or back to the Ukraine would entail chilul Shabbos. I called home a third time. I had 12 seconds before the conversation would be cut off. Abba, someone is helping me. He said something about a flight to Israel Cut off. Then the Jewish man faced the supervisor and simply informed her, She is flying to Israel today. There is a flight to Israel tonight and she will be on it. The supervisor scowled and

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credit card to the supervisor. I hadnt yet recovered from the shock when the supervisor intoned, Its too late. The flight is full and closed; there is no room. This was already too much, but the man did not lose his cool. He demanded that she check again, and believe it or not, there was another place. They reopened the luggage conveyor belt. Okay, now run, she ordered. The flight is about to take off! We ran like crazy and on the way, the couple from the canceled flight stopped me and said, Hey, youre flying to Israel? You worked it out? Yes! I could see they were genuinely happy for me. It was only when the plane took off and I was on my way to Israel that I could think. It was only then that I realized what I had gone through. I was on my way home, but not to the home I had intended. Months of work and weeks of anticipation and spiritual preparation exploded in one instant. I felt defeated. I remembered all the displays of hatred I had experienced in the past hours, the apathy the Poles had felt for my situation. My dear rescuers shared their kosher food with me since a kosher meal had not been ordered for me at that late point. Amidst all the sorrow and bad feelings, I knew one thing. I would be going to 770 no matter what. I was going there if I had to walk! I did not go through all this for nothing! I knew this wasnt very realistic, but if the Rebbe wanted me there, I would be there!


Before the happy ending, I spent nearly a week at home. It was a week that I could not sleep at night. I could not figure out why I had to go through this. What did I have to rectify in Poland? Then I heard a story that seemed to fit my situation. The Alter Rebbe gave his students an explanation on the verse, You know the secrets of the world. Hashem gave the secrets of the Torah to the Torah scholars, but the secrets of the world, how the world is run, only Hashem knows. Then the Alter Rebbe told a story. There once lived a man whose job it was to take money from the town merchants and to buy their merchandise for them at the fair. As their agent, he got a commission for this work. One day, he was returning from the city when his wagon got stuck in the mud and began sinking. He tried extricating it and called for help. A wealthy man appeared who began helping him, but being pampered and weak, he wasnt much of a help. The wagon sank and the man cried over the merchandise he had lost. The wealthy man said, Master of the universe, if it had been a matter of money, You know I would have given what I could, but this was a matter of strength which I do not have. Not far off walked a man who was poor but very strong. He heard sounds of weeping and he ran to see what the problem was. He saw policemen leading a poor family to jail. He began fighting the policemen so they would leave the poor family alone. The policemen shouted, Dont hit us! Its not our fault. They did not pay the rent and the governor ordered us to throw them in jail. The poor strong man said, Master of the universe, if it was a matter of strength, You know I would do everything to help them, but its a matter of money and I dont have any. The Alter Rebbe concluded, it would seem to us that Hashem should have reversed the two men and have the wealthy man rescue the poor family and have the strong man help the merchant, but that is Hashems business. He runs the world.

He asked the man, What made you lend such a large amount of money? How could you know you would get it back?
said, She came here from the Ukraine and is supposed to fly to New York. That she is an Israeli citizen is lovely but that wont help her here. Its not what her ticket says. In order to fly to Israel, she needs a new ticket and that costs 2214 zlotys (about $700). Decide quickly because the flight is leaving soon. When I heard the amount, my heart sank. I thought salvation had arrived, but now I had a new problem. I nervously told the man that I didnt have enough money. He simply took out his credit card and said, You are Jewish and I rely on you. When you return to Israel, pay me back the money. Then he gave his

The plane landed in Eretz Yisroel early Friday morning.

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Even before it finished rolling down the runway, I had opened my Israeli cell phone and called my mother. At home, they knew something about a flight to Israel but no more than that. Ima, Im in Eretz Yisroel ... An unpleasant surprise awaited me. Esti, Im in 770. My mother and two brothers wanted to surprise me. They had flown to the Rebbe without telling me and planned to welcome me at the airport. Picture how I felt after such an unpleasant experience, to arrive at a nearly empty house. I said goodbye to my rescuers and took down their information. Thanks once again ... Then a Jewish girl on the flight, who had heard my story, stopped me and said, I dont know you, but one thing I know. If G-d chose you for this test, you are special. Then I understood that I had not been defeated by the Poles. I had won. These words she said stay with me till today. If Hashem gives you the test, He gives you

the ability to overcome it. All those hours in distant Ukraine, the shluchim did not sleep. When they found out what my problem was, they and my family tried everything to help me. When I landed in Eretz Yisroel, they were finally able to rest. The first thing I said to my father when I saw him in the train station was, Abba, I am not giving up on 770. Im going! He looked at me in surprise and said, It isnt possible. Right after Yom Tov you are going back to the Ukraine to continue working there ... But I did not give up. I got home after an entire night without sleep. I put my things down and went straight to the travel agency where I had bought my ticket. They cheered for my rescue from Poland and we sat down to look for a new ticket to New York. I insisted that I had not used my ticket and I wanted to use it! On Tuesday, the first day of Chol HaMoed, I boarded a plane for 770.

I flew to New York and arrived safely. I met my family and spent Simchas Torah and Shabbos BReishis with the Rebbe. It was the most special Tishrei in my life because I acquired it with blood, sweat, and tears. To conclude my story, that same week, my father met with Eliyahu HaNavi to repay him the money. He asked the man, What made you lend such a large amount of money? How could you know you would get it back? The man said, You have no idea what a lesson your daughter taught my children to see the mesirus nefesh of a young girl, alone among thousands of gentiles, and to withstand the test of Shabbos. There is no greater lesson in life than that and that was worth taking a chance on losing $700. May we merit to meet again in 770 together with the Rebbe MHM, and he will redeem us!

Continued from page 57 HaShana because of the many guests. There is a lot of crowding in 770 and one literally rubs with the Chassidim. What do you have to say to the soldiers in Tzivos Hashem around the world who were unable to go to the Rebbe and have this fantastic experience? Yosef Yitzchok: If you dont come to 770, you miss out. Here, in the Rebbes home, there is no problem about how the time is

used. Every minute is used in the best possible way. We are always rejoicing and learning with a special chayus. We get kochos for the entire year from here! Shneur Zalman: Those who did not have the zchus to come to the Rebbe will, G-d willing, merit that the Rebbe will immediately be revealed and then we will all go to Eretz Yisroel. But now, in galus, the only place where we can fill our storehouses and replenish our strength for the avoda of preparing the world for

the Geula, is 770, the home of the Nasi Hador, the Rebbe. Menny: Even those soldiers who were unable to go to the Rebbe need to know that they are shluchim of the Rebbe and the Rebbe is with them. So wherever they are, they should do what the Rebbe wants, go on mivtzaim, etc. In this zchus, the Rebbe will be revealed and will redeem us immediately, now!

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Among the thousands of guests from around the world who came to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, there is a group that stands out, a group of children in Camp Machane Moshiach. Every year, the Tzivos Hashem youth movement in Eretz Yisroel arranges a special camp for soldiers who get to spend Yom Tov with the Rebbe. Between breakfast and a shiur on Moshiach and Geula, Yisroelik Fried spent some time talking to the soldiers and interviewing them. Participants: Menny Sasson, Beitar Ilit; Shneur Axelrod, Atlit; Shneur Zalman Rachamim, Petach Tikva; Yosef Yitzchok Gian, Yerushalayim. How did you feel the moment you realized that this Tishrei you were not going to be home, like every other year, but would be with the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach? Menny: I was excited. That same day, I called my counselors from camp and told them about it. I asked them to send me material and sichos of the Rebbe so I could prepare for the trip and spend my time with the Rebbe in the best possible way. Shneur: Even after I already knew that I was going to fly to the Rebbe, there were so many obstacles that nearly prevented me from going. But the moment they all fell away, I felt that the Rebbe wants me to be with him. Shneur Zalman: The moment I heard that this year my parents decided to include me with my older brothers who were going to the Rebbe, I was thrilled. I was excited that I was also going to be with the Rebbe. I told all my friends and began getting ready for the trip. Yosef Yitzchok: This is the fourth time Im going to the Rebbe for Tishrei. And still, every time Tishrei approaches, my excitement and anticipation to go to Beis Rabbeinu overflows yet again. How did you prepare for the trip? Shneur: In order to prepare, I learned [the sicha of] Beis Rabbeinu ShBBavel in depth with my brothers. In it, the Rebbe explains the special quality of 770, being the place of the Nasi Hador and where the ikar Shchina dwells during galus. This made me prepare myself even more and to realize where I am going and who I am traveling to. Menny: In addition to the personal preparations I made before going to the Rebbe, I decided that I also have to prepare my friends who are not going. I sat with two friends in my class and farbrenged with them about the special inyan of going to the Rebbe. Shneur Zalman: Every year, when Tishrei approaches, my house is busy with spiritual and physical preparations for the trip to the Rebbe. I have some older brothers who fly every year and so the house is already hopping and preparing for the trip. We learned the kuntres Beis Rabbeinu together and farbrenged about it and we try to live with it as much as possible.

56 Erev Sukkos 5774

Yosef Yitzchok: Although this is not the first time I am at the Rebbe, this time I prepared with more chayus. I learned the kuntres Beis Rabbeinu (which, unfortunately, I did not do in previous years), made good hachlatos, and lived with the topic. Tell me how you felt the first minute in 770. Shneur Zalman: I felt very happy. Dozens of bachurim welcomed us with simcha and dancing and I even saw some of my counselors from camp. The moment I walked into 770, I went to kiss the paroches and then I joined the dancing. Yosef Yitzchok: 770 is the home of every Chassid. That was the feeling I had when I walked in. I felt that I was returning to my true home. Shneur: The minute I got out of the taxi in front of 770, I saw

my mashpia (whom I did not see for an entire year). We walked into 770 together and I began to take advantage of the time spent with the Rebbe. Menny: I felt that I had come to the place where the Shchina is, to the Beis HaMikdash in the time of galus, the home of Nasi Doreinu, the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach. You all spent Rosh HaShana with the Rebbe. What moved you in particular about spending Rosh HaShana here, that was different than the way it was in Eretz Yisroel? Shneur Zalman: The entire feeling was different. It was mainly that I felt I was standing before the Rebbe, who is interceding on my behalf only for good on this important day. Yosef Yitzchok: The truth is that I no longer remember the feeling of Rosh HaShana in Eretz

Yisroel. I have spent the last four years with the Rebbe and each time is really special. But this year, unlike any other year, Rosh HaShana was even more special. I prepared a lot for this day. I learned sichos of the Rebbe about the significance of the day and farbrenged with counselors, and so the way I took advantage of the day was different. Shneur: One time a Chassid asked the Rebbe how he could make the best use of his time in 770. The Rebbe told him: In order to maximize your stay here in the best possible way, try to rub shoulders and mingle with the Chassidim as much as possible. Besides the simple meaning of the Rebbes answer, to spend time with the Chassidim at farbrengens and during learning, the answer takes on additional meaning on Rosh Continued on page 55
Issue 895


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