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Template for written recording of plan of learning experiences from short (one session/lesson), to medium (series of lessons/unit of work). A range of examples are on your program Moodle site. As necessary, specific information on how to complete this LEP is provided by your lecturer in a course. Year level(s) 2 Duration 45 minutes Focus Acrostic Poem for Fathers Day Brainstorming Adjectives Implementation date(s) 30th of August Curriculum area(s) Literacy

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.) Prior knowledge: Knows what adjectives are words that evoke feelings or a picture Knows that adjectives are used for describing people or things or a situation Knows what a poem is Knows how to describe people using advjectives LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests including diagnosis of previous learning experiences)

Learning outcomes/standards: LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be? (Knowledge & understanding & skills to be acquired or further developed. Draw upon relevant content descriptions from curriculum document to inform specific outcomes/standards for this learning experience. Foreground achievement standards that will inform assessment. Use descriptors appropriate for phase of learning & curriculum. QSA, 2011, defines curriculum as the sum total of the learning and development experiences that are offered by a school, formally and informally, in class and out of class.) Knowledge & understanding: (declarative) Skills: (procedural/do) DK1 Learners will know what are effective adjectives to use when describing DK2 Learners will know what an acrostic poem looks like DK3 Learners will know how to identify the features of an acrostic poem PK1 Use effective describing words to describe a person PK2 Create an acrostic poem using the letters of the word Father

Learning processes:

LMQ3 - How does the learner best learn? DoL5 Focus - What Habits of Mind will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support their development? DoL 5 Creating, Imagining, Innovating The learners need to be thinking creatively and imaginatively when they are creating their acrostic poems and coming up with effective adjectives to describe their dad. By encouraging them to be innovative, creative and imagine what their dads are like, will allow them to think further than just the basic adjectives.

DoL1 Focus - What Attitudes and Perceptions will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support individual learners? (Including differentiated teaching for student diversity.) DoL 1 Classroom Climate Acceptance

- Focus on positive aspects of what students do reinforce positive behaviors, learning and achievement. If addressing inappropriate actions and behavior, focus on them, rather than making judgments about the child. Focussing on the learners positive behaviours and actions should promote a comfortable and enthusiastic environment to learn in. Also for certain students like Ethan and Lachlan B focussing on their positive behaviour can encourage them to continue to work well.

Version 25 Nov 2011


Learning procedures LMQ5 - What will constitute the learning journey? LMQ6 - Who will do what? (Include adjustments in the learning experiences to accommodate learner difference.)

Dimensions of Learning (DoL) focus. including teaching strategies to be used

Resources LMQ4 - What resources do I have at my disposal?

Assessment & feedback LMQ7 - How will I check to see the learner has achieved the learning outcomes? (See also the QSA Assessment Bank.) LMQ8 - How will I inform others? (Include moderation of teacher judgments of standards if necessary.) All acrostic poems will be checked for spelling errors and also checked to see if they have used adjectives

Phase 1 Ask the learners if they know what is special about this up coming weekend? When they respond with fathers day congratulate them and tell them we are going to be making something special for their day Get one of the learners to volunteer and tell the class what they know about adjectives Explain that adjectives can describe a person Show a sentence that says Mrs Tomlin is nice Then show a sentence that says Mrs Tomlin is beautiful, she has curly brown hair, glowing skin and a pearly white smile Ask one of the learners to identify the adjectives Now ask the table groups to write as many wow adjectives as they can that can evoke emotion and paint a picture for the reader Read them all out and write them on the interactive whiteboard Phase 2 Explain to the learners that we will be writing an acrostic poem for their Dad Write an example of the board M agical R adiant S pecial T errific O pptimisitc M agnificent L oud I nspirational N aughty Explain that when you read an acrostic poem it describes the person you are talking about Each word that is made from the letter must be an adjective, explain that you cant use a verb or a noun "So you need to brainstorm some adjectives that you think describe your dad, he might be funny, loud, silly and then try and fit it in with the sheet I have provided you If the learners are having trouble remind them there is a list on the board

DoL 1 Whiteboard Whiteboard marker Paper for the groups Pencils for the groups DoL 5 Interactive whiteboard to write the adjectives down

Fathers day acrostic poem sheet

DoL 1 Phase 3 Congratulate the learners on working so well and thinking creatively

Version 25 Nov 2011

Version 25 Nov 2011

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