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Environmental Incidents in Northeastern Albertas Bitumen Sands Region, 1996-2012

Draft for Public Review (July 2013)


Kevin Timoney (Treeline Ecological Research) Peter Lee (Global Forest Watch Canada)

Environmental Incidents in Northeastern Albertas Bitumen Sands Region, 1996-2012

Kevin Timoney, Treeline Ecological Research, 21551 Township Road 520, Sherwood Park, Alberta T8E 1E3; email: Peter Lee, Global Forest Watch Canada, 10337 146 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 3A3; email: 16 July 2013
Draft for Public Review

Dedication In the public interest, this work is dedicated to all those who have been affected by industrial incidents, and to all those who have been denied timely access to accurate information.

Contents 1. Summary .................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Environmental Management System (EMS)......................................................................... 9 2.2 Scope and Objectives .......................................................................................................... 10 3. Methods .................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Disclosure and Processing of EMS Records ....................................................................... 11 3.1.1 The Retrieval Process ................................................................................................... 11 3.1.2 The EMS Data Requests ............................................................................................... 12 3.2 Other Data ........................................................................................................................... 19 4. Results ...................................................................................................................................... 19 4.1 Errors in the Record Disclosure .......................................................................................... 19 4.1.1 A Comparison of Two Routine Disclosures for the Same Time Period ...................... 19 4.1.2 A Comparison of Two Methods of Record Retrieval................................................... 20 4.1.3 Why Were the Results Error-Prone? ............................................................................ 21 4.1.4 Errors in the Data .......................................................................................................... 22 4.1.5 Redaction Follow-up .................................................................................................... 23 4.2 The Significance of Erroneous Disclosure .......................................................................... 29 4.3 Overview of Incident Frequencies by Types....................................................................... 31 4.3.1 By Caller Type.............................................................................................................. 31 4.3.2 By Call Type ................................................................................................................. 32 4.3.3 By Call Reason ............................................................................................................. 32 4.4 Overview of Incident Frequencies by Approval ................................................................. 33 4.4.1 Incident Frequencies by Approval ................................................................................ 33 4.4.2 Incident Frequencies Over Time by Approval ............................................................. 34 4.5 Frequencies and Characterizations of Major Call Types .................................................... 37 4.5.1 Alleged Contravention Frequencies ............................................................................. 37 4.5.2 Alleged Contravention Characterizations ..................................................................... 39 4.5.3 Release Frequencies ..................................................................................................... 55 4.5.4 Release Characterizations ............................................................................................. 55 4.5.5 Notification Frequencies............................................................................................... 65 4.5.6 Notification Characterizations ...................................................................................... 68 4.5.7 Impact Frequencies ....................................................................................................... 77 4.5.8 Impact Characterizations .............................................................................................. 77 4.6 Frequencies of Major Call Reasons .................................................................................... 82 4.6.1 Air ................................................................................................................................. 82 4.6.2 Land .............................................................................................................................. 85 4.6.3 Regulation and Reporting Incidents ............................................................................. 88 4.6.4 No Impact Incidents .................................................................................................. 91 4.6.5 Characterization of Regulation/Reporting and No Impact Incidents .................... 91 4.6.6 Water Incidents ............................................................................................................. 94 4.6.7 Characterization of Water Incidents ............................................................................. 94 3

4.7 Were All Relevant Surface Water Incidents Disclosed? ................................................... 102 4.7.1 The Suncor September 2007 Incident ........................................................................ 102 4.7.2 The Suncor Millennium Wastewater Incidents of September 2005 to January 2007 105 4.7.3 The Suncor March 2011 Incident ............................................................................... 105 4.8 Public Complaints ............................................................................................................. 106 4.8.1 Complaint Frequencies ............................................................................................... 106 4.8.2 Characterization of the Complaints ............................................................................ 110 4.8.3 Complaints in Relation to Air Quality Incidents ........................................................ 134 4.9 Contraventions for Emissions Represent a Subset of the Chemicals Released ................ 136 4.10 Placing the Air-Related Incidents in the Context of Ambient Air Quality ..................... 138 4.10.1 Sulfur Dioxide .......................................................................................................... 139 4.10.2 Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) ..................................................................................... 144 4.10.3 Hydrogen Sulphide ................................................................................................... 146 4.10.4 Total Hydrocarbons (THC) ...................................................................................... 153 4.10.5 Particulate Matter (PM2.5)......................................................................................... 156 4.10.6 Ammonia .................................................................................................................. 162 4.10.7 Nitrous Compounds .................................................................................................. 167 5. Discussion............................................................................................................................... 170 5.1 Industrial Activities and Gaps in Monitoring .................................................................... 170 5.1.1 Total Suspended Solids Loading ................................................................................ 170 5.1.2 Substances Regulated, Monitored, and Released Represent Ever Larger Datasets ... 173 5.2 The Disconnect between Contraventions and Enforcement ............................................. 176 5.3 Why Are Environmental Incidents Frequent in the Region? ............................................ 190 5.3.1 What Factors Affect the Incident Rate? ..................................................................... 194 5.4 A Failure to Provide Freedom of Information and a Major Unknown ............................. 194 5.5 The Antithesis of Transparent Government ...................................................................... 197 5.5.1 A Reluctance to Inform the Media? ........................................................................... 200 5.5.2 The Single Point of Contact Stifles Freedom of Information ................................. 200 5.5.3 A Reluctance to be Held Accountable? ...................................................................... 200 5.5.4 The Routine Disclosure Process and How to Fix It.................................................... 202 5.6 Inadequate Access to Information: Examples from Industry and the ERCB .................... 203 5.6.1 The CNRL Tailings Pond ........................................................................................... 203 5.6.2 Information Request Made to Syncrude ..................................................................... 208 5.6.3 Failure to Disclose Accurate or Complete Information to an Affected Community.. 208 5.6.4 Plains Midstream Pipeline Spill, April 2011 .............................................................. 211 5.6.5 Plains Midstream Pipeline Spill, June 2013 and Related Matters .............................. 211 5.6.6 Penn West Pipeline Spill, June 2013 .......................................................................... 213 5.6.7 Enbridge Pipeline Spill, June 2013............................................................................. 216 5.6.8 Apache Corporation Spill, June 2013 ......................................................................... 221 5.7 The Lax Regulatory Regime ............................................................................................. 227 5.8 Underestimates of the True Incident Rate ......................................................................... 229 6. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 237 7. Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................. 241 4

8. References .............................................................................................................................. 241 9. Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 248 Appendix 1. Glossary of EMS Terms ..................................................................................... 249 Appendix 2. Definitions of other abbreviations and technical terms. ..................................... 253 Appendix 3. Air quality statistics for sulfur dioxide, total reduced sulfur, hydrogen sulphide, total hydrocarbons, PM2.5, ammonia, and nitrous compounds from WBEA air monitoring stations for the period 1998-2012............................................................................................ 254 Appendix 4. Questions posed in writing to AESRD on 26 March 2013. ............................... 264 Appendix 5. A synopsis of findings requested by AESRD prior to a meeting to be held with AESRD assistant deputy ministers and their staff and provided by the authors. .................... 267 Appendix 6. Releases reported to ERCB between 1975 and 2013 within the study region, sorted by year. ......................................................................................................................... 271 Appendix 7. An abbreviated version of the EMS incident data file of 9,262 incidents from the bitumen sands region sorted by incident number. ................................................................... 319

1. Summary
This study compiles and analyzes a dataset of 9,262 environmental incidents that occurred between 1996 and 2012 and were attributed to the major bitumen operations in the lower Athabasca River region. It describes the Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (AESRD) routine disclosure process and documented errors in that process. The study describes the frequency of environmental incidents over time by incident type and company and provides annotated examples of the incidents that elucidate the performance of the bitumen operations in the context of air, water, groundwater, and land management and reporting. The study documents public complaint-related incidents, places air-related incidents in the context of ambient air quality and quantifies contraventions in relation to enforcement actions. It explains why environmental incidents are frequent in the region and identifies questions that require further investigation. Recommendations as to how to improve environmental management in the bitumen sands region are provided. The study finds the following: Data Management and Records Disclosure The Alberta governments routine disclosure process fails to deliver timely, accurate, errorfree, and complete information. Procedures used to store, manage, and disclose information from the Environmental Management System database are dysfunctional. The system cannot be remedied by minor modifications and should be replaced. The AESRD routine disclosure process provides information to the public, after significant delay, that is essentially unusable without significant programming expertise and line by line editing; different records are released for essentially identical information requests; the information lacks an indeterminate number of records to which the public have right of access. The practice of not updating the EMS database when incident status changes from open investigation to closed deprives the public of critical information and prevents public involvement in environmental enforcement. Evidence is presented that indicates that the most serious incidents are never made available to the public. Repeated attempts to address deficiencies in the AESRD disclosure process met with no success. A meeting to be held between the authors and senior bureaucrats was abruptly cancelled by government after it was provided with an agenda of discussion items. For a government that is attempting to portray itself as open and transparent, its actions suggest that openness and transparency have not yet progressed beyond policy statements. Industrial self-reporting as the foundation of the environmental record, both on the part of Alberta government and the Alberta Energy Regulator, fails the test of openness and transparency that are essential to good governance. Responsibilities for reporting should be shifted to monitoring agencies that report directly to the public. Launching of the Alberta governments open data portal in May 2013 did not address deficiencies in government transparency in regard to environmental incidents. Querying the portal with various search terms failed to find real-time data, monitoring reports, or any relevant information on spills, leaks, public complaints, or other environmental incidents.

Environmental Incidents A minimum of 9,262 environmental incidents are documented in the EMS database within the study region over the 1996-2012 period. The incidents documented represent an unknown fraction of the true number of incidents occurring per unit time because of the combined effect of missing records, redacted records, multiple contraventions subsumed under a single incident, under-reporting, and the fact that other kinds of incidents, such as pipeline spills, are typically not reported to the EMS database. A recurrent feature of the incidents is that the volume, duration, and chemical composition of the releases to air, and spills, leaks, and discharges to land or water are unspecified or unknown. This lack of basic data limits the ability to understand industrial impacts and represents a significant deficiency in government and industrial monitoring. Overall, environmental incidents from the period 1996 through mid-2012 reached the highest frequency of occurrence during the period 2008 through 2011. Incidents related to air emissions and air quality were the most frequent, and comprise 64.9 % of the total incidents. The bitumen operations process large volumes of potentially hazardous materials, are technologically complex, operate within narrow engineering tolerances, and are characterized by feedbacks, which render them sensitive to upsets that result in environmental incidents. Small events can have large impacts on plant operation; examples are provided. An engineering and environmental audit that is consistent across all company approvals should be conducted to identify whether particular processes, machinery, and practices give rise to a disproportionate number of incidents. Incidents demonstrate that industry increases the sediment loading of the regions waterbodies above natural background levels. Little is known of the environmental incident record prior to 1996. There is a 29-year data gap from the beginning of operations in 1967 through 1995 about which no incident information is currently available. This lack of information constitutes a major environmental uncertainty. Examination of the Alberta Energy Regulator pipeline releases database further characterizes the industrial disturbance regime of the region. There were 1,179 pipeline releases in the study region over the period of record. The reliability and completeness of the releases data and the regulators practices as they relate to data verification and public disclosure are evaluated. Questions posed to the Alberta Energy Regulator were not answered as of the date of release of this report. An audit of the Alberta Energy Regulator is recommended. The performance of industry as it relates to public disclosure of information is examined in relation to issues and recent incidents attributed to CNRL, Syncrude, Suncor, Plains Midstream, Penn West, Enbridge, and Apache. Public disclosure by industry is found to be inadequate.

Enforcement A minimum of 4,063 alleged contraventions (perceived violations of legislation) occurred between 1996 and mid-2012. Syncrude Mildred Lake (46.95 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (39.65 %) were responsible for the majority (86.6 %) of the 4,063 alleged contraventions. The contraventions were chronic and repetitive and indicated little progress towards better management practices. The environmental enforcement rate in the bitumen sands region of northeastern Alberta is 0.9 % of the alleged contravention rate. In comparison, the average enforcement rate for violations of the Clean Water Act in the United States for the period 2004-2007 was 16.0 %, over 17 times the environmental enforcement rate in Albertas bitumen sands region. Public involvement and media attention may increase the frequency of enforcement actions. Because enforcement is rare, and most enforcement actions impose only minor financial penalties (median penalty $4,500.), industry may have little incentive to undertake improvements that might result in increased costs. The Alberta government monitors for a small number of substances released to the environment. A larger set of substances is reported by industry to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI). However, these compounds are not federally-regulated per se but are simply tabulated, nor is the NPRI list of compounds a complete enumeration. There is no systematic monitoring or tabulation of releases for a large number of substances such as naphtha, diesel, gasoline, total hydrocarbons, sewage, and coke particulates. This presents a significant set of unknowns. Given the revolutionary changes in communications technology that are transforming civilization, the internet may be a key to facilitating improvements in environmental management. There is little to lose and much to be gained. If, as the Alberta government has stated, it is a good steward with nothing to hide, then effective disclosure of objective information is needed to allow the citizenry to grant government the social license to continue. Conversely, if there are serious issues disclosed, the public, through democratic processes, can participate in the discussion as fully-informed citizens. In either case, a comprehensive information and video network might be effective in ensuring transparency, encouraging improved management, and restoring trust in government. The time for open government has arrived. Government should adopt a big data, free-market approach to information. If the public deems the information worthwhile, it will use the data. Media will produce news items. If the public deems the information worthwhile, the news items will continue. If the public does not see worth in the news, then that news will cease to be reported. Let the free market decide what is valuable information. Big data, open government is the future. It is cost-effective, inclusive, and democratic. In order to improve environmental management of the bitumen industry, three changes in government procedure are recommended. (1) Albertas environmental laws must be more effectively enforced. (2) Environmental incident information should be made available in real-time format via the internet. Incident descriptions should be posted online as they occur (with real-time redactions to 8

protect personal privacy). Data, toxicity results, ambient air quality, and spill volumes and locations should be posted online as they become available. The format of text should be truetext, not images of text. Seven-day letters and monthly and annual environmental monitoring and compliance reports submitted by industry to government should be posted online. (3) Remote, real-time cameras should be installed and brought online at a network of selected locations, including tailings ponds, wastewater ponds, river reaches below outfalls, and major emissions sources. The combination of online real-time incident information and comprehensive video feeds would increase government transparency and encourage improvements in management.

2. Introduction
International interest and discussion about the exploitation of western Canadas bitumen deposits has taken various forms ranging from investment opportunities, energy security, ethical oil, dirty oil, royalty regimes, pipelines, aboriginal rights, pollution, climate change and greenhouse gases, environmental regulations, enforcement, and monitoring. One of the chief concerns identified by a number of recent reviews (e.g., Dowdeswell et al. 2010; Auditor General of Canada 2010) is insufficient high quality monitoring data. Few would dispute the view that bitumen development has proceeded more rapidly than has accumulation of scientific understanding about the effects of that development. As such, it is imperative that increased efforts are made to gather as much relevant data as possible in the shortest time. There are three ways to approach that task. One approach is to improve existing monitoring, such as recent improvements in the Wood Buffalo Environmental Association air monitoring program. Another approach is to design and implement new monitoring programs in order to gather new data that will, over time, provide a clearer understanding of the effects of industrial development. Another approach is to compile pre-existing archival data in order to reconstruct the history of environmental events and management. One source of archival data is Albertas Environmental Management System (EMS) database, which is the focus of this study.

2.1 Environmental Management System (EMS)

The Alberta Environmental Management System (EMS) is a database that contains environmental incidents related to air, land, and water that have been reported by industry, the public, and by government agencies. Each incident reported to the system contains a number of fields that identify the record, such as call date, call time, incident number, approval number (see Appendix 2 for definition of approval) and company name of the responsible party (if applicable), followed by incident information, comments, and incident details (if any). Until recently, incidents were recorded into the database by Alberta Environment environmental protection officers (EPOs). Presently, calls into the EMS are fielded by a privatized call center. The EMS database is a potentially valuable resource for both environmental scientists and the concerned public. Because the database contains information as to date, time, location, and nature of an incident, it can be used to determine critical details about environmental history of a regionthe what, who, when, where, how, and why.

Request for EMS data are made via the routine disclosure process and are submitted to the Access and Privacy Branch of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (AESRD, i.e., the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office, in short, the FOIPP office). The requesting party submits a deposit along with a form that specifies the kind of query to be conducted. In the case of this study, e.g., a list of approval numbers (company operations), a time frame, and the kind of information needed. The FOIPP office responds with an estimate of the cost of the routine disclosure. If the cost estimate is accepted, the routine disclosure proceeds. The records are queried by administrative staff who then send the results to the FOIPP office for vetting. The FOIPP office redacts (deletes) entire records, ostensibly if the records pertain to open investigations or redacts partial records that contain personal information. Apparently improper redactions and failures to disclose valid records are discussed in the report.

2.2 Scope and Objectives

This study focuses on incidents attributed to a subset of large, well-established bitumen operations in the bitumen sands region over the period 1996-2012. Smaller companies or those not directly involved with bitumen exploitation were not included in the study (Box I.). As a consequence, the number and type of environmental incidents documented in this study are a subset of the incidents in the region. Therefore, the total effect on the environment caused by industry operating in the region is greater than the effect that can be documented from the incidents in this report. Although an information request was Box I. This Study Focusses on a Subset of the submitted to government (see Methods) for all Companies Operating in the Region. incidents in the bitumen sands region from the Other industrial operations have been found to cause beginning of the records to the present, there environmental impacts such as loss of wetlands and are essentially no electronic records prior to impact to the aquatic environment. 1996 (there were five records out of a total of 9,262). The fact that the lowest incident One example: Wood Buffalo South Industrial Park Ltd. number disclosed was 3 (dated 31 March (MD of Wood Buffalo, Plan 7620627, Lot A), Administrative Penalty, Assessed: $4,500. under the 1996) reinforces the view that there are Water Act 36(1), 142(1)(h); The Company conducted an essentially no pre-1996 electronic records. unauthorized activity, the construction and operation of Inspection of incident numbers and dates for the Works, specifically, infilling of all or portions of the earliest electronic records further indicates wetlands; changing the direction, location and flow of that the electronic records system was water; and causing siltation in an unnamed creek, all of which caused an effect on the aquatic environment. Paid 1 probably established in March 1996 and that October 2012. (Alberta Government 2012). incident numbers were non-sequential until September 1996. According to James Greengrass (Chief Information Officer, AESRD, pers. comm. 3 April 2013), The records and information prior to 1996 are held in various places depending on the nature of the record. Some will have been transferred to the Provincial Archives and, as you may remember, these are not accessible at this time while critical structural repairs are made to the storage facility. As a result, the data analyzed in this study are restricted to the period 1996 to mid-2012 even though bitumen operations began in the region in 1967. Further investigation revealed that a small amount of pre-1996 information exists for Suncor and Syncrude, but was not made available in spite of requests. The essential point is that this study was limited to the period 1996-2012. 10

Because concerns arose early in the process in regard to record retrieval and freedom of information, the original scope of the project was expanded to include both the environmental record and the process of ascertaining that record. The objectives of this study were to: (1) compile a searchable database of environmental incidents that have occurred in the bitumen sands region of Alberta and make that available to the public; (2) describe and evaluate the AESRD routine disclosure process as it relates to EMS data; (3) describe the frequency of environmental incidents over time by incident type and company; (4) document a representative subset of the incidents that elucidate the performance of the bitumen operations in the context of air, water, groundwater, and land management and reporting; (5) document public complaintrelated incidents; (6) place air-related incidents in the context of ambient air quality; (7) place the contraventions in the context of management and enforcement, (8) explain why environmental incidents are frequent in the study region; (9) identify questions that require further investigation; (10) evaluate freedom of information as practiced by government and industry in relation to environmental incidents; and (11) recommend how environmental management in the bitumen sands region can be improved. Note to the reader: This is not a reader-friendly report. After much correspondence and discussion with the Alberta government, we were presented with an error-filled dataset of incident descriptions. The data, as presented to us, were not amenable to standard statistical analysis and deduction. Therefore presentation of the data required that we first document the disclosure process itself and then provide representative incidents accompanied by context and commentary to allow the reader to reach his/her own conclusions. We recognize that our discussion of a subset of the 9,262 incidents may not satisfy all readers. The incidents were chosen to illustrate particular topics of discussion. In the spirit of full disclosure, the entire database is available to readers who request it. For the convenience of readers, an abbreviated version of the incident data is provided in Appendix 7.

3. Methods
3.1 Disclosure and Processing of EMS Records
3.1.1 The Retrieval Process It is relevant to review the information structure and retrieval process. Until recently, information was entered into the system by environmental protection officers (EPOs) who staffed the phone lines and responded to information and complaints. Environmental Protection Officers are knowledgeable people. They understand the database, the operations, and the technical information. Under the current Alberta government system, the public does not have direct access to environmental incident information. In order to access this information, an application is filed with the AESRD FOIPP office. The request is assigned a FOIPP agent. The FOIPP agent does not have access to the database, has no knowledge of the database, the operations, or the technical information contained in the database. The FOIPP agent serves as a liaison between the government and the public. The FOIPP submits the information request to clerical staff. The clerical staff have access to the database but no knowledge of the database structure or its technical information. Information technicians are knowledgeable of the database structure and maintain the system but they are unavailable to the public. Enforcement (compliance) staff are 11

involved in the request. They provide information to the FOIPP agent as to what incidents are open files. Open incident files must be redacted by the FOIPP agent. Once clerical staff have produced the results, either a paper or electronic copy of the disclosure is sent to the FOIPP agent. The procedure then followed has changed over time and differs among FOIPP agents. Typically, if the results are in paper copy format, the paper is scanned to become an electronic copy. The FOIPP agent, working with an electronic copy, then reads all of the records and then (using Adobe Professional) redacts incidents that have been flagged by enforcement staff and removes any personal information from other records. The redacted routine disclosure is then provided to the requesting party as paper and/or electronic copy. 3.1.2 The EMS Data Requests Two routine disclosure requests were submitted to the Access and Privacy Branch of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. The first request, for call summaries, was submitted on 23 July 2008 for incidents attributed to a set of company approvals (Table 1, Figure 1) from the beginning of records until the end of records in July 2008. Approval numbers (company operations) were identified a priori from study of incidents on file at the Alberta Environment records library. Company operations that were not found in the initial search of incident records at the Alberta Environment library were not included in the routine disclosure request; therefore the company approvals analyzed in this study comprise a subset of currently approved bitumen operations. The currently approved bitumen operations and the leases that they occupy are themselves a subset of the companies operating in the study region and of the total bitumen leases (Table 2, Figure 2), most of which are currently inactive. Virtually the entire region has been leased for bitumen exploitation. The company approvals (Table 1, Figure 1) tied to the routine disclosure incidents correspond to the companies listed in the lease map (Table 2, Figure 2), albeit loosely. For example, Suncor Fort Hills (approval 151469) corresponds to Fort Hills; Canadian Natural Horizon (149968) corresponds to Canadian Natural; Suncor Base Operations (94) corresponds to Suncor, and Suncor MacKay River (82973 and 48408) corresponds to Suncor in Figure 2. The situation is dynamic and complex and the vernacular use of similar but non-identical names for the same operations highlights the need to use unique approval numbers for accurate attribution of incidents. Errors were noted in the routine disclosure information from the outset. For example, the FOIPP advisor indicated that the 1700 pages of records pertained to notification releases for Syncrude Canada for 1970-2008 and for Suncor, Great Canadian Oil Sands, Steepbank, Millennium properties for 1967-2008, and for Albion [sic] Sands, Devin [sic] Canada, and Canoco [sic] Phillips. The records, however, pertained to all types of incidents, not only to notification releases, and the records released essentially began in 1996, not 1967 or 1970. Additionally, the paper copy contained truncated words, typographic errors, and mis-spellings that made automated text recognition difficult. The records were evaluated and found to contain environmentally significant information. Therefore, because the records were delivered in paper format and in paragraph form, the documents were scanned and text recognition software was used to extract the information. Data manipulations were used to create a structured excel spreadsheet of records and fields containing true text and numeric values. 12

The first set of routine disclosures was provided in paper copy. Digitizing the 1700 pages of call summaries was completed with a flatbed scanner and the computer program PDF2XL OCR (CogniView). The original scanned files were saved as text searchable PDFs, which were then converted to an Excel spreadsheet. The PDF2XL OCR software allowed for comparison with originals to correct text recognition errors, as well as cell alignment such that the appropriate content was captured in each cell. Once all documents were digitized into the Excel format, hyperlinks were inserted to allow the user to view the original pdf files. The second request was submitted on 31 August 2012 for incidents attributed to company approvals (Table 1) for the period 1 January 2008 to 31 August 2012. The request was for call summaries, call information, and incident details. The temporal overlap with the first request was done so that the consistency and reliability of the disclosed information could be evaluated. The data output was requested to be electronic file, readable text, and as paper copy. Materials began to be delivered in November 2012. There were numerous errors and problems with the output such as text being delivered as images, ghostly text not being retrievable as text, text recognition software being unable to recognize corrupted text, and call information and incident details missing. A request was made that the data output be delivered in its native text format in either a spreadsheet or a comma delimited csv data. This request was denied. AESRD stated that the only format available for output was pdf. They were asked why. AESRD stated that, depending on the date and source, software did not exist to do what was requested, that the expertise was not present to deliver that kind of output, and/or that policy required that the material be delivered in pdf format. It was then communicated to the FOIPP advisor that the original EMS data are in a database or spreadsheet format containing true text and numeric values; that this information is evidently printed onto paper, which is then scanned, converting the original information from a structured database into pdf format; that the pdf material must then be reconverted to true text and numeric values and reformatted into a usable spreadsheet format before it can be used. The FOIPP advisor was informed that the process followed by the FOIPP office introduced errors and was extremely inefficient. AESRD responded that there were no alternatives. Over the ensuing three months, the FOIPP office continued to produce iterations of errorprone, corrupted output. By February 2013, it was clear that clean, error-free, text and numeric output would not be delivered and that other means would be needed to render the information usable. Therefore, the various pdf files were sent to a data programmer who was tasked with extracting the information into a structured excel spreadsheet of records and fields containing true text and numeric values. The text output supplied by the government derived from scanning of printed pages resulted to two qualities of output. One type of output was readable and relatively consistent in layout and resulted in text that could be manipulated via programming to create a spreadsheet of reformatted data. The second type of output resulted in unpredictable ordering of data items. Although all text was present, it could not be associated reliably with a data field. This problem arose because the text was recognized incorrectly by the OCR during the initial scanning process (e.g., zeroes as OHs (0,O), ones as ELs or EYEs (1,l,I), fives as ESs (5,S), TEE as EFF (t,f) as well as missing characters) and because the OCR process during scanning inserted spaces into words where none should have been. This rendered the text unsearchable by any pdf display program. As a result, over 1000 lines of conditional regular expression code (example: if this, then rearrange in way 1, else, if that, then rearrange in way 2) was written to reconstruct the data in an 13

automated fashion. Some of the scanned documents contained sections that were, unfortunately, images rather than pdf and needed to be typed into the spreadsheet manually. The image problem was brought to the attention of the FOIPP Office months earlier, but the office was unable to rectify the problem for pages that contained redactions. Using the incident number as a unique identifier for all records, call summaries were merged with call information and incident details into individual records in one spreadsheet that contained all the data formerly in the pdf files. This approach processed more than 90 % of all records and the remaining ones were checked for errors manually. Some of the original data were incorrect, such as call times that ended before they began. These errors complicated the process of error checking because the program code looked for consistency in the original data which were sometimes inconsistent. After all data were merged, the output was compared manually against the originals in the pdf reports, and residual errors were corrected. After the material was rendered as a spreadsheet, the spreadsheets for the first and second routine disclosures were merged, the file was corrected for errors (as described below in Results), and a series of analyses began. The analyses were in three phases. Phase 1 described the frequency of incidents by approval and over time, by caller type, call type, and call reason. Tabulations of frequencies were based on the governments categorization of each incident (see Appendix 1 for definitions). For example, for the call types Alleged Contravention, Impact, Information Request, Notification, Pro-active Notification, Release, Waste, and Waste Management, the number of incidents classified as that call type was tabulated, which allowed a description of how incident types varied over time and by company approvals. Phase 2 examined the incident details within the major categories of call types and call reasons in order to characterize the industrial incident regime. Phase 3 placed the incident data within the context of other datasets (described below) and studies. Note: In the text and in text boxes, when incident descriptions are quoted from the database, they are set in blue font to distinguish them from normal text. Glossaries provide the meaning of terms and abbreviations (Appendix 1, 2) used in the EMS database and in this report.


Table 1. Company approvals requested in the routine disclosures.* Names attached to the approval numbers may vary or change over time. Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 Japan Canada Oil Sands (JACOS) 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl (not included in first routine disclosure) 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy (prior to Fort Hills Energy, was called Petro-Canada Fort Hills; recently Fort Hills Energy was changed to Suncor Fort Hills) 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine (also referred to as Shell Canada Fort McKay) 183875 Devon ARL Corp. (last incident attributed to 183875 was 18 January 2012; may have been replaced by 224816 Devon Canada Jackfish in 2011) * Other operating projects in the area that were not part of this study include Suncor-Firebag and Nexen Canada Ltd. Long Lake and Long Lake South (see Record keeping at AESRD can be confused, however. There were two Suncor Firebag incidents tallied under Suncor Oil Sands (Approval 94)


Figure 1. Lease areas for the company approvals whose incident record was accessed via routine disclosure. Approval names are from Alberta governments oil sands information portal (; locations are corrected using Google Earth. Names attached to the approval numbers may vary or change over time. Approval numbers are consistent with those in Table 1. 16

Table 2. Major bitumen leaseholders in the northern portion of the study region, keyed to Figure 2. Data derived from JW-NEG (2012). Company Map Reference Number 5 6 15 21 22 40 42 51 74 75 76 82 86 89 90 91 92 96 98 101 103 115 133 137 140 142 144 149

50% BP Canada, 50 % Husky 75 % BP Canada, 25 % Value Creation 60 % Chevron, 20 % Marathon, 20 % Shell 50 % ExxonMobil, 50 % Imperial 70.96 % Imperial, 29.04 % ExxonMobil 60 % Shell, 20 % Chevron, 20 % Marathon 50 % SinoCanada, 50 % Total 38.25 % Total, 36.75 % Suncor, 15 % Occidental, 10 % Inpex Canadian Natural Cavalier Cenovus CNPC Cretaceous E-T Energy ExxonMobil Fort Hills Grizzly Imperial Ivanhoe Koch Laricina Oak Point Shell Southern Stone Suncor Syncrude Value Creation


Figure 2. Major bitumen leaseholders in the Ft. McMurray and Ft. McKay area. Some small leases are not labelled; see Table 2 for names of companies. White areas are not leased. The area shown covers roughly the northern half of the region shown in Figure 1. Lease numbers and names of companies are based on JW-NEG (2012). 18

3.2 Other Data

In addition to the routine disclosure data, relevant ancillary datasets and information were incorporated into the analyses as time and availability allowed. These were: Air quality monitoring station data collected by the Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA) were provided by WBEA Director, Dr. Kevin Percy. Air quality parameters included the hourly concentrations of H2S, TRS, SO2, and total hydrocarbons. Trace gas data derived from an overflight of the bitumen sands region were provided by Dr. Donald Blake (University of California, Irvine) and are published in Simpson et al. (2010). Air quality measurements included 77 different hydrocarbon gases measured from air canisters filled while onboard a specially-equipped aircraft, and high-frequency real-time measurements of SO2, NO, NO2, NOy, CO, CO2 and O3. Excerpts of annual, monthly, and quarterly environmental reports by industry to government were photocopied from the Alberta Environment Twin Atria records library. Company approvals were downloaded from These documents specify the conditions under which the companies operate. They define a set of regulatory criteria such as reporting requirements and limits for emissions and releases. Pipeline releases within the study region that were reported to the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) between 1975 and 2013 were provided by Leslie Young (pers. comm. June 2013; Global News (2013)). The full dataset for the province of Alberta consists of 61,587 pipeline incidents and that for the study regions consists of 1,179 pipeline incidents. Each record contains a variety of attributes that include incident number, date, location, source, failure type, licensee name, environment affected, pipeline damage type, substance released, volume released, and volume recovered.

4. Results
4.1 Errors in the Record Disclosure
4.1.1 A Comparison of Two Routine Disclosures for the Same Time Period In order to assess the consistency with which AESRD disclosed records, the second routine disclosure overlapped in time with the first routine disclosure. The information request was for the same set of company approval numbers and spanned the period 1 January 2008 to 31 July 2008. If there were complete consistency of record disclosure, the first and the second routine disclosures should have produced the same set of records during the period of overlap. There were 1,073 records during the period of overlap, composed of 447 old records and 626 new records. The records were then merged if the incident numbers matched in the old and new records. Records without an incident number (e.g., closed, information only) were inspected manually based on attributes of the record (company, and day, month, time and description of the incident) to determine if any were shared in the old and new datasets. Of the 1073 records, 416 incidents were found in both datasets (832 records). There were 221 uniquely numbered incidents (composed of 17 incidents in the old dataset and 204 incidents in the new dataset). There were 20 unique unnumbered incidents (composed of 14 incidents in the old dataset and six incidents in the new dataset). Unique incidents were found in one or the 19

other of the datasets and are therefore an index of inconsistency in record disclosure, i.e., errors. The error rate for the production of records during the period of overlap was 241/1073, or 22.46 %. This is a high error rate and raises the question whether the records disclosed represent a subset of the true incident record. 4.1.2 A Comparison of Two Methods of Record Retrieval Although the second routine disclosure request specified complete records (the YYN option), the first attempt by government to produce those records instead delivered basic records (the NNN option). This setback provided an opportunity to further examine the consistency of record disclosure. The consistency of record disclosure was compared for two methods of data retrieval within the second routine disclosure. The first method (NNN) provided basic call summaries such as incident, sheet, and call numbers, dates, company, and basic comments (Figure 3). The second method (YYN) provided all of the preceding information and further call information and incident details if they existed (Figure 4). In theory, the two methods should produce an identical set of incidents; the salient difference is that YYN records should contain additional information. The output was compared by incident for the combined NNN and YYN output. There were 3,647 valid records, of which 2,436 records had both NNN and YYN output, 1,099 records lacked NNN output, and 112 records lacked YYN output. There was a total of 1,211 inconsistent records or an error rate of 33.21 %. The lack of consistency indicates serious problems with data retrieval and government transparency. For example, the NNN query that provided only call summaries was missing a minimum of 1,099 records.

Figure 3. An example of an NNN incident record with basic information provided in the page layout used by AESRD. This information was then corrected for errors and extracted into an excel file. image = nnn example 358352.tif


Figure 4. An example of a YYN incident record with information provided in the page layout used by AESRD. 4.1.3 Why Were the Results Error-Prone? The high error rates in the record disclosure prompted a query to AESRD as to how such erroneous results might arise. AESRD wrote: ... the two line contacts were providing me [the FOIPP advisor] with different search criterias [sic] for the reports which I think is the problem. I've had discussions with both contacts and I think that is where the problem lays [sic] (C. Hamelin, AESRD, pers. comm. March 2013). The search criteria used by two staff to search the same operation (Syncrude Mildred Lake) for the same incident date period were attached to the email. Staff member (a) set incident type/sub type to include Approval Requirement, Discharge, EPEA, and Spill but did not define a call date period. Staff member (b) did not define incident type but did set a call date period. It is not clear why the staff used different criteria (they were not specified in the routine disclosure request) nor is it clear how or even if these criteria would affect the search results. The AESRD Chief Information Officer (CIO), James Greengrass, added: The executive summary answer to your question 1 is that different operators are using disparate search parameters in response to the same query. Why that is happening is, of course, a whole separate conversation. As you may be aware, our FOIPP Analysts do not have direct access to EMS; they have to access this information through Business Unit personnel. Depending on the nature of the information being gathered they may have to deal with operators from different Business Units, 21

sometimes in different parts of the province. The response is significant for two reasons. (1) It assumes that because different criteria were used, the discrepancies are explained, but this statement is a hypothesis, not an explanation. (2) It does not provide a remedy. The implicit message is that this is the way the system works, that the errors are inherent in the process, and that this is acceptable from the Alberta governments perspective. There appears to be a lack of recognition as to what constitutes acceptable results. The second routine disclosure query, for example, was for all incidents in the EMS database between the dates of 1 January 2008 and 1 September 2012 for a defined set of company operations. For such a query there is only one correct answer. For the CIO to state that the erroneous results were due to different people querying the system is similar to maintaining that the correct sum for 2 + 2 depends upon who does the sum. The different search parameters that were used were as follows: (a) the NNN search provided the incident summaries; and (b) the YYN search provided the incident summaries plus call details and incident details. In both cases, the searches were for all records between a set of dates for particular approvals. The query results should have produced an identical set of records that differed only in level of detail, but that was not the case. The intent in using two queries of the same set of records was to evaluate the reliability of the output from the FOIPP office. The results demonstrated that the routine disclosures were not reliable. 4.1.4 Errors in the Data In addition to the missing records (above), the records were often missing information such as incident details and call details (see the above section). Secondly, in many cases, insufficient information was released to ascertain what substances were involved in an air contravention. Thirdly, a given incident may involve several contraventions, such as for hourly and daily exceedances, or involve more than one substance or regulated attribute such as sulfur dioxide and flaring. It is therefore difficult to ascertain the overall frequency of air contraventions for specific substances. Fourthly, because optical character recognition was used in the governments scanning process (prior to releasing the records), many words were rendered as non-words, with either deletion or insertion of spaces or rendering of incorrect letters or numbers. Spelling mistakes and word abbreviations were exceedingly common. These problems were corrected as far as possible, but correcting thousands of non-words is difficult to achieve. Many non-words can be valid entries, such as AMS 12, while many other non-words are errors, such as AMS 112. In other cases, AMS 12 is incorrect and should have been rendered as AMS 2. Because of these considerations, normal spell checking cannot be used. Each record has to be read and corrected manually against a paper original. In the present information request, the introduction of thousands of transcription errors by the FOIPP office seriously damaged the database and resulted in hundreds of hours of line by line corrections. The number of permutations in word renderings due to the combination of poor spelling in the AESRD data and the insertion and/or deletion of letters or spaces, and the insertion of incorrect letters (such as the numeral one rendered as the letter l (ell)) in the digital data supplied by AESRD resulted in gibberish that required significant effort to translate back to English. The word exceedance, an important one in such a dataset, provides an example. Search for exceedance would not find incidents with the following alternate spellings: excedeeence, exccedance, excediance, excecdance, exceeence, excendence, exeeedenee, exceedanee, eceddance, excedeence, exceedace, excednence, excednece, 22

exceendence, xceedence, excceedence, exceedan, exce, exceeda, exc, exeedance, exeeedence, exceddance, exceedence, esxeedance, exceendence, sexceedence, excedance, and so on. A typical comment (extracted from incident 448245), with 52 inserted or deleted spaces (which created non-word errors) in yellow highlight, follows as provided by AESRD: Commenffi: Ca l l er reporting a f l aring event t h a t resulted i n > 2 0tons S02 being rel eased. The compressor, 2K4 02 , tripped due to h i gh temperat u re . This c aused f l ari ng from from 52C309 . I nitia l c a l c u l a t i on yest erday put the value b e l ow 20tons and rec a l c u l a t i on t oday i ndi c ated t ha t t hey were over. When limited to valid text strings, the comment would read: ... reporting a event resulted > 2 S02 being. The compressor tripped due to. This from from 52C309 . put the value and were over. After corrections, the comment was rendered as: Comments: Caller reporting a flaring event that resulted in > 20 tons S02 being released. The compressor, 2K402, tripped due to high temperature. This caused flaring from 52C309. Initial calculation yesterday put the value below 20 tons and recalculation today indicated that they were over. More than five thousand corrections were made before analyses could begin. Although it might appear pedantic to correct spelling errors, such errors can render a database unusable. Because this type of database is text-intensive and largely consists of comments, keyword searches are the most powerful method available to extract relevant information. If a keyword is spelled incorrectly, it does not exist to the search algorithm. As a result, some text searches may fail to find matches. For example, search for a term such as search for contravention would not find incidents with the spelling of contravetion or contravent ion, or contrvention. If the term of interest is spill, records with the word rendered as sp ill, spi ll or spi11 (the latter word with the numeral one in place of the letter l), would not be found. The onerousness of the task of correcting mis-rendered words is exacerbated when it is realized that the original data held by AESRD are in text format. It is the disclosure process used by AESRD that introduces the majority of the errors. Considerable effort was expended to produce a usable, error-free database. Poor English usage and spelling mistakes were corrected when they made the material ambiguous or difficult to read. The database, which is available upon request at no charge, contains notes [in square brackets] added to clarify text entries. When questions arose about the disclosed material, it became clear that the only people qualified to answer questions were the EPOs. As a result, early in the study, technical questions were posed directly to the EPOs, who were helpful and knowledgeable. After some queries were answered, however, AESRD stated that questions could no longer be directed to an EPO, that questions should be directed to the regional compliance manager. Soon thereafter, the regional compliance manager stated that questions should be directed to the FOIPP office. The researchers were then informed that questions should be directed to a Single Point of Contact with ESRD. 4.1.5 Redaction Follow-up There is a two-year limitation on the Alberta governments ability to lay charges under the Environmental Enhancement and Protection Act and the Water Act (A. Driedzic, pers. comm., 2 July 2013). After two years, there would appear to be little reason to maintain incidents as open investigations. Therefore incidents that were redacted from the 2008 routine disclosure 23

as open investigations should have been closed four years later (by 2012, when the second routine disclosure was made). As a consequence, the authors requested that AESRD release those incidents that were redacted from the first routine disclosure. Four files were received in March 2013, one each for Syncrude Mildred Lake (approval 26), Suncor Oil Sands (approval 94), CNRL Horizon (approval 149968), and Shell Canada Jackpine (approval 153125, also referred to as Shell Canada Fort McKay). Redacted records were requested for other approvals, such as Petro-Canada Fort Hills (approval 151469), that were not provided with the above documents (for the results of the Petro-Canada request, see Test 3 (below)). Inspection of the files provided no earlier-redacted records. Instead it raised concerns about the governments ability to retrieve records. Earlier-redacted records for incidents that occurred prior to late July 2008 were requested. Instead, an assortment of records was received that bore no resemblance to the request. It is difficult to summarize the output for the simple reason that the material appears unrelated to the requested information. Instead, the results of three tests of the responsiveness of the information are provided. Test 1 Test 1 provides two sets of examples, both of the first ten newly-released records from two approvals. Suncor: 270847. Was not received previously, but the incident had closed on 2 November 2007 and therefore should have been disclosed in both of the earlier routine disclosures. 270842. Had already been received. 270737. Op cit., closed 18 November 2007. 270739. Ibid., closed 2 November 2007. 270838. Ibid., closed 2 November 2007. 270857. Ibid., closed 7 November 2007. 270963. Had already been received. 270745. Op cit., closed 7 November 2007. 270747. Ibid., closed 2 November 2007. 270715. Ibid., closed 2 November 2007. Of the first ten Suncor incidents inspected, eight of the ten had already been resolved and therefore should have been delivered in the routine disclosures. The other two incidents had already been disclosed and therefore should not have been part of the redacted list. The error rate in this sample is 100 %. The test also demonstrates failure to release records that were closed at the time of the request (in this test, eight out of ten records). Syncrude: 214889. Had already been received. 223117. Had already been received. 223119. Had already been received. 223113. Had already been received. 223006. Was not received previously, but the incident had closed on 5 June 2006 and therefore should have been disclosed in both of the earlier routine disclosures. 222921. Had already been received. 24

222852. Had already been received. 222858. Had already been received. 222800. Had already been received. 222740. Had already been received. Of the first ten Syncrude incidents inspected, one of the ten had already been resolved and therefore should have been delivered in the routine disclosures. The other nine incidents had already been disclosed and therefore should not have been part of the redacted list. The error rate in this sample is 100 %. Test 2 As another test to determine if earlier redacted records were released in the follow-up request, the following approach was used. For each of the redacted records in the first routine disclosure, there is an approval (company), an incident date, and in some cases a sheet number (also a unique identifier). Searching that approval for that date and/or sheet number in the newlyreleased records indicated the following: Suncor, 3 January 2008, sheet number 196574. Not found in the new records. [Suncor incident 321358 (of 3 January 2008) was released in the second but not the first disclosure despite the fact it was a closed incident before the first RD was submitted, which demonstrates another failure to disclose requested records.] CNRL, 16 April 2008, sheet 199568. Not found in the new records. CNRL, 1 March 2008, sheet 198217. Not found in the new records. CNRL, between 15 November and 14 December 2007. Not found in the new records. [The CNRL file of earlier-redacted records contained three incidents, as follows: 290333 and 291588, both already released, and 288382, not received previously, but the incident had closed on 28 April 2008 and therefore should have been disclosed in both of the earlier routine disclosures.] Shell Canada Fort McKay, between 30 April and 15 May 2008 (redacted space was sufficient for multiple incidents). No relevant records were released. There were eight incidents released for that period (302751, 301847, 301727, 301610, 301379, 301208, 301097, 300691), all of which had already been received. Screen captures of four pages from the first routine disclosure are presented (Figure 5) to illustrate multiple redactions on consecutive pages from incidents that occurred in spring 2008. These earlier redacted incidents were requested but not provided. The results of this second test for the disclosure of earlier-redacted, now closed, incidents corroborates the findings of the first test: a 100 % error rate. Test 3 Although AESRD was requested in March 2013 to provide the earlier redacted incidents for Petro-Canada Fort Hills Energy (approval 151469), it did not do so. Reminder emails were sent in June 2013. On 19 June 2013, materials were received by email. As discussed with AESRD, there were nine redacted incidents that were requested, as follows: (a) four incidents between 4 December 2007 and 24 March 2008; (b) four incidents between 24 March 2008 and 6 May 2008; and (c) one incident between 14 May 2008 and 2 June 2008. The response: for (a) AESRD incorrectly defined the date range and provided information for 24 March 2007 to 4 December 2007in other words the information provided did not pertain to the request; for (b) the date range provided was 24 March to 4 May 2008, not 6 May 2008 as specified; for (c), the 25

date range was correct. As for the production of earlier redacted records, the results were as follows: (a) four records were requested, but zero relevant records were provided and the incorrect date range was used; (b) four records were requested, one record was produced that had already been provided (incident 300670), therefore zero relevant records were provided; (c) one record was requested, one record was produced that had already been provided (incident 303363), therefore zero relevant records were provided. There were no disclosures of earlierredacted, now closed, incidents; the error rate was 100%. Conclusions When asked to produce incidents that had earlier been redacted and were now closed, AESRD produced no records that corresponded to the request. The request revealed that many records that AESRD failed to disclose earlier were in fact closed at the time of the earlier requests and therefore should have been disclosed in the routine disclosures. The number of incidents released is a subset of the actual number of incidents. Therefore, the incident rates and degree of environmental disturbance indicated by the incidents are underestimates of the true values. From conversations with AESRD staff, it was revealed that closed incidents may be redacted if they are related to open investigation incidents. How this is decided, how closed incidents would be categorized closed if they relate to an open investigation, and whether such a nuanced justification for redaction is lawful are unclear. It is clear, however, that such a process fails the test of openness and transparency. A Mistake Provided a Further Opportunity to Test the Reliability of AESRD Information In attempting to determine the number and kinds of redacted incidents, the authors corresponded via email and spoke by phone with a number of AESRD staff. In one set of exchanges (early in 2013), it was disclosed that there were 11 incidents redacted from the second routine disclosure for Syncrude, accompanied by two open investigations, and four incidents redacted from the Suncor data, accompanied by one open investigation. The incident numbers were provided. We then requested the numbers for incidents redacted from the other company approvals and were denied this information. After much correspondence, government stated that it had made a mistake in providing the redacted incident numbers for Syncrude and Suncor. Mistakes can provide an opportunity to learn and this was no exception. Recall that each incident in the EMS database is accompanied by a sequential incident number. Because our dataset contained a collection of dated, numbered incidents, it was possible to attach a date to the redacted incident numbers by bracketing. For example, if the lowest numbered redacted incident was 123456, by looking up the dates of incidents 123455 and 123457, the approximate date of the redacted incident could be determined. We did this for the Syncrude and Suncor redacted incidents. The oldest redacted incidents were dated approximately 14-15 February 2011 (Syncrude) and 23-25 March 2011 (Suncor). The oldest open status incidents dated from about two years prior to the request. Therefore, all incidents that were older than about 24 months should have been available for public disclosure. With the preceding information, we assessed the accuracy of the statements about the number of redacted records. When blacked-out (redacted) sections of the second routine disclosure original report were tallied for Syncrude, it was found that there were a minimum of 13 redacted incidents in the time window from 29 August 2012 back to 14-15 February 2011 26

(government indicated that there were 11). Beyond the oldest redaction date, there should have been no redacted incidents (because the government had provided the redacted incident numbers, the oldest of which was 14-15 February 2011 for Syncrude). There were, however, a minimum of ten more redacted incidents in the Syncrude report, for a total of a minimum of 23 redacted incidents. For Suncor, the results were more accurate. There were three redacted incidents found in the time window that extended back to 23-25 March 2011 (government indicated that there were four), and none found prior to that date. Our tallies for the redacted incidents included only those in which the entire record was redacted. Redactions of line segments, which are typical when personal information is redacted, were ignored. Therefore the records were redacted for reasons other than containing personal information. Secondly, each blacked out section was tallied as one record when in some cases the redaction might have consisted of more than one record. Therefore, we are confident that the redacted records were done so for other than privacy concerns, and, that the number of redactions that we tallied is less than or equal to the number of redacted incidents. What was the authority under which the additional Syncrude incidents were redacted and why were these incidents not included in the list of the redacted incidents? Additionally, there were 66 incidents disclosed with a status of pending. A source within AESRD compliance staff informed us that pending incidents should not be disclosed and was surprised that this had been done. The observation provides more evidence that AESRD records management and retrieval require a system replacement.


Figure 5. Screen capture of four pages from the original Shell Canada Fort McKay (approval 153125) routine disclosure report. Areas marked with asterisks denote redacted incidents. The AESRD stamp on these pages reads: Non Responsive Information Has Been Removed.


4.2 The Significance of Erroneous Disclosure

The EMS data retrieval and disclosure process is cumbersome, inefficient, and errorprone. The reports provided in the routine disclosure lacked an indeterminate number of records and contained thousands of errors. Each component in the EMS system operates in a silo-type environment. Information control appears to be the overriding product of the system such that information accuracy, completeness, and timeliness are sacrificed. The system cannot correct its mistakes because those who detect mistakes (the users) are not allowed to communicate with the administrative staff who conduct the queries or with the data managers who can correct the errors. The EMS database and retrieval process is a large and complex system that has become entrenched. The results indicate that there are significant data retrieval problems in the AESRD routine disclosure process. As for the current study, the use of two methods of data retrieval may have minimized the loss of records. However, there is no way to ascertain, short of bringing the EMS data online, how many records were not disclosed in either the NNN or YYN queries. Therefore, the number of incidents and the analyses of incident rates should be viewed as minimum estimates of the true incident rate. As will be shown in other sections, there were other kinds of errors found in the disclosure, such as failure to release important records. The current AESRD information retrieval process does not deliver that information. The system does not provide timely and accurate data in a transparent manner (Figure 6). Delivery of all relevant requested information and confidence in the reliability and transparency of the disclosure is central to democracy and faith in government. Records retrieval and data management as practiced currently by AESRD falls below an acceptable standard for open government.


Government Records Government Access Only Public Access YYN Query NNN Query

What the Public Gets

This Study (YYN, NNN)

What the Public Expects: Faithful Disclosure of All Requested Records, Legal Redactions, Minimum of Errors

Figure 6. When there is freedom of information, the public receives, in a timely manner, all records requested, minus legally redacted information, with a minimum of data entry and retrieval errors. As practiced in Alberta, the public receives, after a significant delay, a subset of the records to which they are entitled and into which a large number of errors has been introduced. In the case of this study, with multiple queries, errors and omissions in the retrieval process were documented. Original figure courtesy of Roland Penner.


4.3 Overview of Incident Frequencies by Types

The following sections tabulate the frequencies of various kinds of incidents by caller type, call type, and call reason. Because (a) some incidents apply to more than one category, (b) there is overlap in some categories (e.g., call reason no impact vs. regulation/reporting and call reason municipal vs. potable water), and (c) there is frequent misclassification of types, the frequencies of the incidents are less important than are the descriptions of the incidents themselves. The sections provide ample illustrations of the nature of the incidents, industrial impacts, and lack of enforcement, but the material presented is necessarily only a sample of the database. The reader is invited to examine the entire database. 4.3.1 By Caller Type The vast majority of incidents reported to the AESRD Environmental Management System derive from industry because industry is required to submit incident occurrences for parameters defined in regulatory approvals (Table 3). Incidents not stipulated in approvals may be reported at the discretion of the approval holder. The total of 9,262 incidents is a minimum estimate, one reason for which was that it was often unclear how many incidents were redacted and this information is not provided by government. Whenever a redacted section of a report was encountered (indicated by a blacked out area), it was assumed to be a single redaction. One incident in the database (from the first routine disclosure) is a compiled collection of at least 51 incidents. The number of incidents related to public complaints should not be construed as the number of public complaints. Each incident related to a public complaint may be linked to one-to-many public complaints. Table 3. Frequency of incidents by caller type, call type, and call reason. For further explanation of terms, see the glossary of EMS terms. Caller Type Proportion of All Incidents (Comments) 0.4 0.02 96.6 3.0 (Number of incidents with public complaints, not the number of complaints; Additionally, there were 51 incidents linked to complaints that were filed under Industry, for a total of 326 complaint-related incidents, or 3.5 % of all incidents) Call Type Proportion of All Incidents (Comments) 43.9 2.4 0.04 21.5 0.6 31.6 31

Type Agency In-house Industry Public Complaint

Frequency 38 2 8,947 275

Type Alleged Contravention Impact Information Request Notification Pro-active Notification Release

Frequency 4,063 223 4 1,993 53 2,923

Waste Waste Management Type Air Groundwater Industrial Heartland Land

2 1 Frequency 6,013 14 2 958

Municipal No Impact

126 652

Non-Categorized Potable Water

7 291



Shore/Bank of Waterbody Surface Water

4 434

0.02 0.01 Call Reason Proportion of All Incidents (Comments) 64.9 0.2 0.02 (This is a not a valid call reason, but it is listed in two incidents) 10.3 (Spills are placed under several call reasons, such as Land, No Impact, Groundwater, Air, and Surface Water) 1.4 7.0 (Notes on birds and other wildlife are typically placed under No Impact or Surface Water; this call reason replaced Regulation/Reporting in the first quarter of 2004) 0.08 (Notifications and correspondence) 3.1 (many of the Potable Water incidents appear to be misclassifications of surface water and regulation/reporting incidents) 8.0 (These typically relate to Alleged Contraventions, Notifications, and Releases; this call reason was replaced by No Impact in the first quarter of 2004) 0.04 4.7 (In the body of the report, incidents involving groundwater, shore/bank of waterbody, and surface water are discussed under the broader category of Water) 0.06 0.2

Vegetation Waste

6 16

4.3.2 By Call Type The most frequent call types are alleged contraventions, releases, and notifications (Table 3). All three of these common call types may involve releases to air or land, exceedances of permitted emissions, notifications of plant upsets such as flaring, and other incidents. 4.3.3 By Call Reason About two-thirds of the incidents are related to air (Table 3). Incidents related to air are followed in frequency by those related to land, regulations and reporting, no impact, and surface water.


4.4 Overview of Incident Frequencies by Approval

4.4.1 Incident Frequencies by Approval Of the 9262 incidents the majority are due to two bitumen operations. These are Suncor Oil Sands (4216 incidents + 5 (10 shared with Syncrude Mildred Lake), for 4221 total incidents or 45.6 %, and Syncrude Mildred Lake (3948 incidents + 5 (10 shared with Suncor Oil Sands), for 3953 incidents or 42.7 %. Together, Suncor Oil Sands and Syncrude Mildred Lake were responsible for 88.3 % of all bitumen operation incidents over the period 1996 to July 2012 (Table 4). CNRL Horizon was responsible for 359 incidents since September 2004 or 3.9 % of the total incidents over the 1996-2012 period. Table 4. Overview of incident frequencies by Approval. Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora Frequency Start Date of Record (Comments) (n Incidents) 3,948 30 January 1996 10 --- (shared incidents) 4,216 22 114 26 December 1994 30 January 2001 17 September 1997 (this approval was subsumed under Syncrude approval 26 in June 2007; C. McLaughlin, AESRD, pers. comm., 15 March 2013) 24 November 1998 27 April 2009 23 April 2007 7 March 2003 1 March 2002 14 March 2002 19 September 2004 12 April 2007 1 November 2005 6 September 2005 second routine disclosure redactions are not listed in the spreadsheet; there were 42 redactions in the second routine disclosure, as follows: Syncrude Mildred Lake 23, Suncor Oil Sands 3, Shell Canada Jackpine 2, Syncrude Aurora 1, Suncor MacKay River 1, Fort Hills Energy 1, Cenovus 4, CNRL Horizon 7; therefore there are 93 redacted incidents 33

20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp. Redactions from first routine disclosure

137 11 37 39 148 9 359 47 123 41 1 record with 51 incidents

4.4.2 Incident Frequencies Over Time by Approval Overall, the total number of quarterly reported incidents increased asymptotically over the period of record from 1996 until late 2009 then declined to a rate of about 100 incidents every quarter similar to the rate observed from 1996 to 2001 (Figure 7). The overall temporal pattern of incidents is strongly-influenced by two operations. For Syncrude Mildred Lake, since mid-1996, most three-month periods have registered between 20 and 127 incidents with no clear trend over time. For Suncor Oil Sands, most three-month periods have registered between 40 and 170 incidents with a peak of 279 incidents in the final quarter of 2009. Since 2011, quarterly incidents rates at Suncor Oil Sands have ranged from 19 to 34. The temporal patterns of incident frequencies at four other operations deserve comment (Figure 8). At CNRL, since late 2004, the quarterly number of incidents has increased; since mid-2009, the quarterly incident rate has ranged from 12 to 38. At Cenovus, peak incident rates were observed during the 2003 to 2005 period soon after beginning operations; since 2006, there have been 1 to 6 incidents per quarter. At Shell Albian Sands, the quarterly incident rate has ranged between 1 and 12 incidents, with most quarters registering 1 to 7 incidents. At Shell Jackpine, the quarterly incident rate has ranged between 1 and 25 incidents with most quarters registering 1 to 9 incidents. Over the last calendar year of the data record (1 August 2011 to 31 July 2012), there were 397 incidents. In order of abundance, the operations responsible for most of the incidents were Syncrude Mildred Lake (152 incidents), CNRL Horizon (98 incidents), and Suncor Oil Sands (95 incidents).


Incidents Per Yr Quarter

400 300 200 100 0

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
All Approvals


Incidents Per Yr Quarter

150 100 50 0

Syncrude Mildred Lake


96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Incidents Per Yr Quarter

300 200 100 0

Suncor Oil Sands


96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 7. Number of incidents per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to mid-2012 for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).



Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

30 20 10


0 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 12 YEARQUARTER Cenovus 10 8 6 4 2 0 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 15 YEARQUARTER
Shell Albian Sands

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

10 5 0 19992001200320052007200920112013 30 YEARQUARTER
Shell Jackpine

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

20 10 0 2005 2007 2009 2011 YEARQUARTER 2013

Figure 8. Number of incidents per three-month annual quarters from beginning operations to mid-2012 for CNRL (top), Cenovus (second row), Shell Albian Sands (third row), and Shell Jackpine (bottom). Note: a software bug in the routine used to plot incident frequencies prevented the plotting of lines at the zero frequency. Only figures with low frequency values, such as those above, were affected. The bug affected only the plotting and did not affect the statistical computations. 36

4.5 Frequencies and Characterizations of Major Call Types

The following sections document the frequency of major call types by approval and over time, then describes and comments upon a sample of the typical incidents within the major call type categories. The EMS definitions of the four most common call types (further details in Appendix 1) are as follows: Alleged Contravention = Perceived contravention of legislation. Impact = Noticeable change in the environment. Notification = Providing of information as required by an approval or other legislation (this is not a release report or report of an impact). Release = Exposure of a substance to the environment that is occurring or has already occurred.

4.5.1 Alleged Contravention Frequencies Alleged Contraventions by Approval Syncrude Mildred Lake (46.95 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (39.65 %) are responsible for the majority (86.6 %) of the 4063 alleged contraventions (Table 5). CNRL (3.9 %) and Cenovus (2.2 %) rank third and fourth in number of alleged contraventions. Alleged Contraventions Over Time and Approval Overall, since mid-1996, alleged contraventions have varied between 15 and 131 incidents per quarter with a mean of 62.0 contraventions per quarter or one contravention every 1.5 days (Figure 9). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, since mid-1996, alleged contraventions have varied between 7 and 91 incidents per quarter with a mean of 29.2 contraventions per quarter or one contravention every 3.1 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, since mid-1996, alleged contraventions have varied between 6 and 73 incidents per quarter with a mean of 24.6 contraventions per quarter or one contravention every 3.7 days. Temporally, overall peak rates of alleged contraventions during the period 1996 to mid2012 occurred in mid- and late-2001, early and mid-2008, and mid-2009. Peak incident rates are driven by incidents at Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands (Figure 9). There is no apparent trend in the number of alleged contraventions over time. Alleged Contraventions by Call Reason The majority of alleged contraventions relate to air (65.4 %), followed by no impact (including regulation/reporting, 18.8 %), water (6.6 %), potable water (6.2 %), municipal (1.4 %), land (1.3 %), waste (0.2 %), and vegetation (0.1 %) (Table 6). A sample of the alleged contravention incidents by call reason follows.


Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

All Approvals

100 50 0
96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

100 100 90 80 80 70 60 60 50 40 40 30 20 20 10 0

Syncrude Mildred Lake

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Suncor Oil Sands

Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 9. Number of alleged contraventions per three-month annual quarters from 1996 to mid2012 for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).



4.5.2 Alleged Contravention Characterizations Air Contraventions Air contraventions are exceedingly common in the data. Two companies are responsible for most of the air contraventions. These are Syncrude Mildred Lake (1368.5 incidents, or 51.5 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (1111.5, or 41.8 %), for a total of 93.3 % of all air contravention incidents. CNRL is responsible for 92 incidents or 3.5 % of the total number of air contraventions. The data suggest that, based on their consistently high frequency of incidents, some companies have difficulty remaining within their allowed emission limits. Before the focus is turned to questions of ambient air quality and environmental impacts, it is necessary to describe some of the features of the data and the incidents. Air contraventions are defined by legislation. There can be contraventions only for substances that are described in the relevant legislation; for all other releases there can be no contraventions. Thus, even if there are environmentally significant releases of naphtha, benzene, methane, PM2.5, coke dust, or other substances, those releases would not be contraventions because they are not regulated under legislation. Therefore, substances documented in air contraventions, such as SO2, NOx, and H2S, are a small subset of the total substances released. The most common air contraventions involve those of sulfur dioxide, NOx, H2S, total reduced sulfur (TRS), stack temperatures, stack opacity, and R22 refrigerant. Other types of air contraventions include hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, flaring (often involves sulfur dioxide), SWAG (sour water acid gas) flaring, tank venting (a chronic problem at Syncrude: see the EMS database), ammonia, particulates, and other refrigerants such as R44 and R507. Additionally, other air contraventions include exceedances of allowable downtimes (set in the approval documents) for pollution monitoring or abatement equipment such as vapour recovery unit (VRU), total vapour pressure unit, continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS), failed relative accuracy test audit (RATA) test, and missed samples. A survey of a variety of alleged contraventions for air incidents is provided. The incidents are provided verbatim and set in blue font followed by comments follow within brackets[]. For brevity, other incident details, such as dates, are not included in the incident accounts; these can be determined by looking up the incident number in the EMS database. S02 hourly exceedance on stack -8F5 due to problem of heat incinerator. CM: S02 exceedance from 8F-5 incinerator stack (Approval limit= 3.0 te/hr) from 07:00 to 08:00 at a rate of 5.04 te/hr. Sulphur readings during the time period were 20602 ppm (20000 ppm limit). (299526, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates a stack-specific approval limit for SO2 releases, how an exceedance may come about, and the high sulphur concentrations in the stack emissions]. Major plant emergency. CO boiler 4 tripped and rerouting tail gas lineups and therefore plant 12 (sulphur plant) got blocked in and flaring acid gas. No evacuations. Started flaring at 13:42. To mitigate situation, cutting feed rates. Emergency plan has been initiated. (453609, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incident illustrates a common cause of flaring-- tripping of a unit in a complex production system. It also illustrates a discrepancy in the government records. In the NNN query (section 4.1.2), the status of the incident is pending, 22 Aug 2012; yet in YYN query, the status is closed, 7 Sept 2012].


Significant flaring event occurring at 1350 hrs today. Caused by sulphur unit 12-3 tripping. Flaring is still ongoing. Fuel [flue?] gas recovery unit 26-1 has upset as well and there may be a potential for offsite odors. (452837, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [As in the previous example, this incident illustrates a common cause of flaring-- tripping of a unit in a complex production system, which may result in other operational upsets.] Opacity exceedance on Stack 31. Boiler #3 start up caused exceedance. (449951, Suncor Oil Sands). [Opacity of stack emissions is a measure of amount of materials such as particulates. An opacity exceedance indicates a high level of emissions.] Caller reporting a flaring notification -source flaring event produced >20 tons of S02. Flaring event began on June 23rd and ended on July 1st (unknown time). The cause is unknown -caller will include details in letter. (447306, Suncor Oil Sands). [This is a prolonged flaring event (8-9 days) of unknown cause. There is no evidence in the government records released of what caused the flaring.] Stack 1 emission exceedance for ammonia. 19:40-20:40, 1200 ppm, limit is 300 ppm. Starting up plant caused exceedance. (447233, Syncrude Mildred Lake) [The incident documents release of ammonia at a rate four times the regulatory limit.] Four incidents of the same type over an eight-day period at the same operation (Syncrude Mildred Lake): R22 release - cause unknown. It was discovered during a service call so they have isolated. It will be repaired and recharged. More details will be in the 7-day report. (440918, 2 May 2012) R22 release from HAV [HVAC?] unit, Unit 41R-157, Building 241, isolated and in process of being repaired. (441005, 3 May 2012) Release of R22, volume unknown. Repaired and is being recharged. (441489, 9 May 2012) Release of R22 from an HVAC unit, isolated and repair is scheduled. (441456, 9 May 2012), [Releases of R22 freon and other freon refrigerants are common in the EMS data. The data do not permit a total release to be calculated because often the volumes released are not specified. Releases of R22 freon are noted in 354 incidents.] 24hr rolling exceedance of S02 limit of 360 ton. Don't have any actual values at this time, will be included in the 7 day letter. Plant trip at 07:20 in 11-1C4 caused a flaring of acid gas causing the exceedance. (432648, Syncrude Mildred Lake) [The Syncrude approval for the main stack specifies an emission limit of 292 tonnes per calendar day, which appears to be the limit contravened in this case. An emission limit of 245 tonnes per day is also specified based on a 90day rolling average (Alberta Environment 2007b). The combined limit for the main stack, the MLUEP flue gas desulphurization unit stack, the five flare stacks, and the three CO boiler diverter stacks is set at 250 tonnes per day based on a 90-day rolling average.] Evacuation at the coke disposal area. There was a small fire in the waste coke pile, that caused H2S to be released. The structure units rated area at 23 ppm. The upper threshold is 15 ppm, so this caused hazmat to come out. Hazmat put water on fire area. Hazmat's readings could not match the 23 ppm and their readings were much lower. Hazmat evacuated 15 people as a precaution. Hazmat gave the all clear at 2100 hrs. No injuries to report. Cause of fire unknown, 40

fire was small. More info to come in the 7 day letter. (423632, CNRL Horizon). [Fires are fairly common in the region. Most of the fires are small, but they can release high levels of toxins due to the nature of the material being burned.] Caller reporting hourly NOx exceedances. Source is having problems with heat recovery (CoGenunit -valve that controls steam injection to burner came apart). Source is in the process of trying to repair it but they may have multiple exceedances. Caller will update AENV with the exceedance values. (415845, CNRL Horizon). [Illustrates how a single event can represent multiple exceedances. It also illustrates the sensitivity to disruption of the complex operating systems and how those disruptions can lead to exceedances.] Contravention: main stack analyzers below 90 % availability for month of June 2011. (410318, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Excessive downtime of sensors and data recorders for emissions and pollution monitoring equipment are common. Concerns about instrument and sensor down time, downtime, uptime and up time are found in 92 incidents.] Venting from tank 7. 04:05-04:20 hydrocarbon vapors and "natural natural" [natural gas?] . SK Tank 20D-7 experiencing trips. Bitumen introduced at a rate too fast and had poor vapour recovery due to compressors unable to concentrate. Vented for 0.25 hrs. (394551, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Venting is a common occurrence, noted in 1329 incidents, and can lead to emissions of a variety of hydrocarbons and other compounds such as H2S.] Flaring is happening due to fire & explosion. There is a NOX exceedance. Amount unknown. (391902, CNRL Horizon). [It is common for an incident to be a combination of environmentally relevant incidents. In this case, there was flaring, a fire, and an explosion. Also, unknown volumes of releases are common. Flaring was noted in at least 1057 incidents. ERCB (2012) recently stated it continues to be concerned with increased gas flaring and venting in relation to bitumen production. For all upstream oil and gas sources, the total volume flared in 2011 was 831 million m3, up 30.7 % from 2010 (ERCB 2012). Venting is a related process in which gases are released to the atmosphere without combustion. For all upstream oil and gas sources, the total volume vented in 2011 was 389 million m3, up 6.1 % from 2010 (ERCB 2012). The most significant source of gas venting in Alberta is that from in situ crude bitumen batteries (ERCB 2012). Recent increases in flaring and venting are related to both increased production and the low price of gas (ERCB 2012).] Odour complaint called in to caller by AENV Investigator. Public Complaint Impact Air: Smell of diesel gas - burning the throat - smell is getting stronger as caller is passing by source on highway. Vlad- reported to a very strong odour around Syncrude Energy. Follow up with Stalk holders (Suncor/Syncrude) [stakeholders] reveals both are potential contributor to the GLC [ground level concentration]. Was advised to seek medical help at the nearest clinic/hospital. (294406, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This is an example of a health effect of poor air quality; it also illustrates a public complaint that was filed under Industry caller type rather than under public complaints, per se.]


High H2S in sour water - just received sample results from lab. Water is from flare knockout drum "19-C10-C" and will go to the effluent pond. (228019, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Illustrates that effluent and tailings ponds are sources of air emissions.] Company does not have an approval for rotary dryer system/brine dryer stack within list of approved effluent emissions. Application was made Sept 27, 2007-was never confirmed. LM {EPO initials] Awaiting approval for rotary dryer system/brine dryer stack. Had not received approval and installed stack before written approval given. Had conducted emissions modeling, negligible results. Was given approval 15-May-09 with amendment 48408-00-03. LM triaged to MA who decided incident to be dealt with at incident level. Approvals ended up giving approval. No further action taken. (318389, Petro Canada Mackay River). [This incident illustrates an example of industry proceeding with work without regulatory approval, then being given approval after the fact with no enforcement actions taken.] H2S release C11 site glas (sour naphtha 10 barrels), clean up in progress.; Release of sour naphtha (~2000 L) - went to ground, was contained by oil/water sewer. No waterways affected Cause - broken sight glass. Isolated. Flushing to sewer. All on site. No injuries or evacs. (245838, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Illustrates that spills can also lead to air emission contraventions. It also raises the question of what proportion of a contaminant spill to ground, in this case of 2000 L of naphtha and H2S, is captured by cleanup operations and what proportion escapes to the environment.] On site odour complaints. Looking for source. (245341, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incident is interesting for two reasons: (1) Although the incident was categorized under alleged contravention, air, the incident is an air complaint. (2) There is no evidence in the data of any on site odour complaints prior to this incident in which the company was looking for the source of the odour. It suggests that odour complaints were received but not recorded, which would further suggest that the number of complaint-related incidents is being underestimated.] 24 hr exceedance. VLAD [EPO initials] - 7 PPB TRS. Cloudy with low wind speed. Suncor did not record the actual wind direction and speed in their 7-day. The reason for the GLC's is largely due to the SWAG Flaring. The impacts included stations 1, 2, 11 and station 9 (Barge landing). This is a potential violation of clause 4.1.14 and possibly clause 4.1.15 of their approval #94-0200. Also incidents from the 11th -15 January are related to these GLC's (See public complaint reference # (196914 &19631). (293178, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates a total reduced sulphur exceedance caused by flaring of sour water acid gas (SWAG) that was detected at four air monitoring stations. The EPO points out which clauses of their approval are likely in contravention.] Source has violated section 3.6.5 of Approval 94-01-21 - Clearing & Timber Salvage. Late 1999Early 2000... [redacted]...and that burnt timber was in log decks (They did haul some away). ...[redacted]...has transcripts. Source reclamation officer has stated he hid info from AENV before [redacted]... also has info about huge unreported spills of oil and bitumen. (126411, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incident is troubling in several ways. (1) Syncrude reportedly burned and therefore wasted timber (hence the air contravention designation). (2) Source reclamation officer has stated he hid info from AENV before suggests an admission of illegal 42

practices such as the contraventions themselves and hiding those incidents from the regulator. (3) The source reportedly had info about huge unreported spills of oil and bitumen. This indicates important spills of contaminants going undetected, unmonitored, and unprosecuted. (4) What did the government do to investigate? AESRD was asked to provide the status of this incident, but the Chief Information Officer declined to provide an answer. Taken together, items 1-4 suggest a systematic lack of due diligence, oversight, and enforcement. Incidents such as these undermine statements made by government that Alberta has high environmental standards and sustainable management.] No Impact (Regulation/Reporting) Alleged Contraventions No impact (also referred to as regulation and reporting) incidents are the second-most common type of alleged contraventions. There were 764 of these incidents (18.8 %) in the record. These incidents involve failures of plant equipment, failures of pollution monitoring sensors or pollution abatement equipment, failures to meet minimum up time for monitoring equipment, power outages, and late reporting or failures to report. Some examples follow. Reclamation and Industrial Approvals Team Leader, AENV, advised caller they are in contravention - a mine reclamation plan was to be submitted to AENV December 31, 2004 for Mildred Lake Plant site - never RECEIVED - reason under investigation. (191568, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [The date of the incident note is 4 March 2005. Thus, Syncrude was a minimum of two months late in filing a report required under approval. It is also unknown when or if Syncrude submitted the required reclamation plan.] High TVP (total vapour pressure) on sour water tank #53D100. Sample taken this morning. Reason - ever since start-up in Sept, they have had problems keeping oil out of the sour water system. (211781, Suncor Oil Sands). [The incident indicates that from September 2005 until at least the date of the incident, 9 November 2005, Suncor was having difficulty keeping oil out of the sour water system. The incident illustrates the persistent technical difficulties faced by the bitumen operations, a common and recurrent theme in this report.] Did not achieve SO2 recovery on flue gas desulfurization unit for a 24-hr period. This is a contravention. The unit's performance is deteriorating and this contravention will probably continue until Feb 13 when they have a planned outage to address the problem. (217558, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates that, although classified as no impact, this and other incidents in this category can result in excessive releases to the environment, which renders the term no impact misleading.] There has been a shutdown on the main coke fire boilers which has caused the refinery to shutdown. They have had flaring. Vol unknown . They anticipate more flaring during startup. They are in the process of evacuating the plant.; Provided an update on the plant shutdown/startup as well as an odour potential from startup of cokers. They are bringing the cokers on line. Will keep the extraction plant and NRU down. Upgrading water will be going straight to pond 1.; Flaring sour water acid gas because of startup of sour water stripper. The naphtha unifiner id [unifier is?] down and they are flaring to protect the amine unit from hydrocarbon carryover.; Flaring from plant shutdown; When the cokers were shutdown, 5-C-9 may have been damaged. They have put the cokers on circulation and shutdown 5-C-9. While 43

shutting down, there will be an ugly looking flaring because thick stuff will go to flare during depressurization of the unit.; Ambient H2S readings may have been caused by steaming vessels in upgrading, the extraction plant going on diluent recycle, draining vessels to the pond, sour water stripper, or the sour water pump out system. (6781, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates several salient features. These are: (1) Operational complexity and functional linkages. (2) Unknown volumes of flared material. (3) Plant evacuation. (4) Potentially dangerous H2S emissions. (5) The classification of regulation/reporting for this incident obscures its significance and potential impacts. (6) The incident number, although attributed to Suncor, is listed in both the Suncor Oil Sands and Syncrude Mildred Lake routine disclosure reports released by AESRD, which demonstrates erroneous record keeping by government.] Reporting an explosion at the extraction plant. Possible HC [hydrocarbon] vapour cloud ignited. 4 people taken to hospital. Investigating cause.; Wanted update on Suncor incident.; Due to the incident at the extraction plant, sour water from the upgrading plant is being diverted to tailings pond. Odour potential. (89014, Suncor Oil Sands). [The incident illustrates an industrial accident and release of sour water to a tailings pond, both of which would be difficult to classify as simple regulation/reporting events.] Reporting a spill of 800-1000 litres of diesel in open pit at Aurora Mine Site. A quick coupler failed. (89271, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Again, the incident demonstrates that some regulation/reporting incidents would be better classified as air, land, or water incidents. Regulation/reporting and no impact incidents are not necessarily harmless. No information was provided on clean-up.] Update to diverting incident. Diverting stopped at 19:05 hrs. 13 steam tubes were bypassed. Reporting opacity due to startup of CO boiler.; Update to diverting incident. Have determined that an additional 8 tubes are leaking will be extending diverting period for 24 hours.; Reporting that operations have started diverting. Expect some carry over of coke fines, producing black smoke.; Reporting a diversion due to tube leaks on CO boiler. Stack #1 will be reducing coker 81 feedrates to 75,000 barrels to reduce sulfur and coke. increase steam.; Notification that they are going to operate diverter stack this weekend. There will be lots of black smoke. They will call at the time they start and get a reference number then. The smoke will last for a few days.; Reporting ongoing co [CO] violations due to startup of CO boiler. Instrument technician was called out from town; still working on the problem. (91003, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Regulation/reporting and no impact incidents are sometimes prolonged.] Continuous Emissions monitoring for NOX did not reach 90 % or January. bs [EPO initials] On-going since Dec 2007, plan to have repairs completed and re-installation of the flow rate analyzer by the end of Jan 2008. (292716, Suncor, Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). [The incident documents a failure to monitor emissions of NOx that had been ongoing since December 2007 and that would continue until the end of January 2008.] Waste water pond (pond C-> sampling machine is broken). Closed outfall -> water level dangerously high chances of overflow. Going to manually sample pond every 2-4 hrs. Might be repaired today but not sure. VLAD [EPO initials] -Pond C water released to the Athabasca River via pond C outfall. The overflow into the river was due to a faulty valve (60CV39/40). This is a 44

potential contravention of clause 4.2.22 of the approval. (294220, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). [This closed incident illustrates an unplanned release of industrial wastewater from Suncors Pond C and no enforcement of a contravention. The reader should also be aware that Suncor has a license to discharge industrial wastewater from Pond C. In 2007, discharge from Suncors wastewater pond system was roughly 11.9 billion L (Suncor 2008a), equivalent to an annual loading of about 36.2 tonnes of metals (including tonnages of 8.6 for aluminum, 5.4 for boron, 9.1 for iron, 4.1 for strontium, 0.186 for mercury) and 6,373 tonnes of sulphate, 15.9 tonnes of oil and grease, 192 tonnes of chemical oxygen demand, and 121 tonnes of total suspended solids. These volumes and loadings are from one companys wastewater; the current total discharge of all companies discharging wastewater and tailings seepage are unknown. Tailings adjacent to the Athabasca River constitute long-term liabilities (Figure 10).]

Athabasca River Migration Talings Pond 7 Implied Seepage Directions 1 km

Figure 10. Two long-term unquantified liabilities have been incurred with the initiation of active mining and placement of Suncors Tailings Pond 7 adjacent to the east bank of the Athabasca River. In the same location, the long-term tendency of the Athabasca River will be to migrate eastward towards the contaminated landscape. The geological stability of this meander should be investigated. Google Earth image, 22 July 2010.

Have been disposing of coke byproduct in an area on site for the past couple of years & have not been reporting it in annual waste report. Will be in this year's report. (305280, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). [This incident illustrates a failure of oversight by government. Syncrude Mildred Lake was disposing of coke on site for the past couple years and not reporting it. It illustrates that industrial self-reporting and government oversight are dysfunctional.] 3 water samples weren't collected. Cause -unknown. Samples are for mine drainage -likely required weekly -will find out. weir 1-Aug 13, McLean Cr -Aug 13, Pond R -Aug 23 were missed. (313846, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). [Failure to take water samples, losing samples, and failing to report sample results are common occurrences.] Notification. Release of PCB containing oil -it just went to tailings pond. Occurred approx 1 hour ago. Caused by a contractor error. It was supposed to go offsite and contractor took it into pond. The oil will not be removed from the pond; the amount of PCB would be negligible compared to the size of the pond. (324919, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, No


Impact). [The incident illustrates the unauthorized dumping of hazardous chemicals into a tailings pond. Human error is one cause of unauthorized activities.] Source is re-routing excess tail gas from sulfuring unit to boilers - not going to atmosphere. Ongoing since Feb 20, 2009. No values for volumes diverted. Late report due to confusion with the wording in the approval. 15-MAR-2009 02:40 Comments: CO (4) boiler tripped and diverted notification. 14-MAR-2009 16:03 Comments: Upset in fuel boiler. Were shutting down # H-3 coker. Burner level excursion caused low oxygen in boilers 3 and 4. Had to partially divert H-3 coker boilers to atmosphere. Not quite done yet (1/2 hour yet). 2-MAR-2009 19:03 Comments: Ambient air exceedances. Picked up b/t incident location with mobile van by source. Coming from plant 25-1 which has had issues the past few days with boilers. 11-MAR-2009 16:29 Comments: New leak on CO3 boiler. Flu [flue] gas. Just informed 5 min's ago. Believe happened a couple of hours ago. Unknown rate. Plant not evacuated. Have internal people on scene now assessing. 22-JAN-2009 16:24 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: All gas supposed to go to CO boiler. There is a split in ducting expansion joint. Gases going to atmosphere. Gas is SO2. Cannot estimate volumes at this point. First noticed split yesterday but when checked it today, it had grown. Working on repairs as we speak. Unsure of what caused the split. (322797, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). [This incident illustrates how a complex production system operating at full capacity can be prone to repeated upsets. It illustrates uncertainty as to how long an upset condition has been occurring, how much contaminant has been released, and what caused the problem. The incident is troubling for four other reasons: (1) The initial statement that gases were not going to atmosphere was false. (2) The condition apparently persisted from at least 22 January to 15 March 2009. (3) There was late reporting due to confusion. (4) Government categorized this persistent incident as No Impact and did not enforce regulations even though notes by government staff referred to the incident as Alleged Contravention.] Missed toxicity test on Pond C. Caller thinks they missed both Feb and March. Caller has no info on why the samples were missed. Will ensure that sample for Apr is taken. TK [EPO initials] Comments: Screening bioassays where [were] completed prior to opening Pond C for 12 hours and 7 days in February and March, respectively. Formal bioassays were not completed throughout the month as the outfalls were closed over 95 % -80 % of the time. Since water was screened/tested prior to the opening of Pond C, I believe no adverse environmental impact took place. However, until the definition of 'open' is set in place, I will disagree with Suncor's request to retract the incident. No adverse environmental impact. No further action taken. Incident closed. (330239, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). [This is another illustration of failure to take samples required under a companys approval and of governments predilection to not lay charges. There are many incidents of failure to take samples, failure to monitor emission levels of sulphur, NOx, ammonia, etc., and failure to report values or to report on time. A few examples follow.] Exceedance on the clean water discharge for the last 2 days. These exceedances were for total suspended solids. North Mine muskeg dewatering. On October 21st, 2010 at approximately 09:50 contractor sampled from North Sump discharge. Syncrude's maximum daily average for TSS is 50mg/l exceedance on the clean water discharge for the last 2 days with levels of 95 mg/l and 156 mg/l. These exceedances were for total suspended solids. North Mine muskeg 46

dewatering. Alberta Environment was notified and a seven day letter received. File closed. (385308, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). [A seven-day letter is a weekly report from industry to government. The incident illustrates industrial loading of TSS into surface water and no enforcement.] Approval contravention: Caller told by EPO to call in failure to implement wildlife mitigation and monitoring plan. Plan currently under review. (446307, CNRL Horizon, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). [This is an illustration of failure to implement a mitigation and monitoring plan on time.] Quarter 2,3,4 of 2008; all settling ponds on site failed to have sulphate and chloride tests done due to oversight; will make correction from now on. TK [EPO initials]: Reviewed written report. Incident letter summary: Due to an oversight during analysis, the following required parameters were not tested for during the Q2, Q3 and Q4 sampling periods: Sulphate, Chloride. Sampling did not occur in Q2 2008 for the NNLL [No Net Loss Lake] settling pond as required by Table 4.2-B. TK Comments: No further action taken. Incident closed. (328856, Fort Hills Energy, Alleged Contravention, Potable Water) [This incident illustrates a failure to take required water samples for nine months indicative of lack of sufficient oversight by government. Furthermore, it illustrates a common problem with Potable Water call reason incidents. Many Potable Water incidents are misclassifications. In many cases, the call reason should have been Surface Water or in this case, the most appropriate call reason was probably Regulation/Reporting (i.e., No Impact). The resolution of closed illustrates that the government is reluctant to prosecute for failing to report.] Water-Related Alleged Contraventions Water-related incidents are the third most common type of alleged contraventions. There were 269 such incidents (6.6 % of all alleged contraventions). Many pertain to exceedances for total suspended solids and biochemical oxygen demand in waters released to the environment. A sample of incidents follows. Similar incidents are discussed in the section of that focuses on water-related incidents. Exceedance of diluent losses to tailings pond. Cause - under investigation. CM [EPO initials]: Total volume of diluent loss to Pond 2/3 = 1406 bbl/d [barrels/day], limit is 1400 bbl/d. Decreased Plant 4 diluent recovery, high percentage of diluent in NRU feed, and two holes in the overhead line of the NRU were the reasons. (296048, Suncor Oil Sands). [This is a large volume of diluent released to a tailings pond, much of which outgases to the atmosphere. This incident could have been classified as an air contravention. No enforcement action was taken.] At an ongoing extension project, they have 4 containment ponds for surface water runoff. Due to heavy rains, the ponds started to overflow at 0900 hrs. This is ongoing although flow has been reduced over the last few hours. Suspect high TSS -don't have any readings yet; samples have been sent to the lab. Drain to Steep Bank River; not sure if this goes to Athabasca River. (305244, Suncor Oil Sands). [The incident illustrates industrial release of water high in suspended solids. Why would the writer, presumably an environmental protection officer based on the sentence structure, not know that the Steepbank River flows into the Athabasca River?] 47

Ammonia exceedance in sedimentation pond (weekly sample). Ongoing problem from earlier incident -> Nov 08. Values are trending downward from last couple weeks. TK [EPO initials]: Reviewed written report. Incident letter summary: On May 11, 2009 lab results indicated that the Ammonia level was 1.71 mg/L in Pond 6 discharge waters. Ammonia levels have dropped from 4.41 mg/L on April 27 to 1.71 mg/L on May 11. TK [EPO initials] Comments: Viewed pumps and ammonia mitigation measures at Pond 6 on June 1st. No adverse environmental impact. No further action taken. Incident closed. (332721, Shell Canada Jackpine). [The release of waters high in ammonia was an ongoing problem for weeks. A visit to the site by an EPO concluded there was no impact, yet no data were presented to support that conclusion. The volume of the discharge was not specified. No enforcement action was taken.] Water quality issue on North Steep bank. Surface runoff for disturbed land. COD limit is 200 mg/hr [mg/L?] at N.S OF 01 (Pond 1). Caller was notified today - data had been lost from April 20/09 AA [EPO initials] / reported late, exceeded COD 205 mg/L, NSE outfall 01 (NS_OF_01, release rate and duration unknown). (333467, Suncor Oil Sands). [The incident illustrates industrial loading of water high in chemical oxygen demand of unknown volume and duration to the North Steepbank River, the loss of monitoring data, late reporting, and failure to enforce regulations.] Doing an open pipeline crossing of the Tar River. This activity caused high TSS in excess of 25 mg/L above background. They are monitoring the situation and maintaining the pump flow because there is a low volume of water in the river. (245805, CNRL, Horizon). [Increasing the suspended sediment load of a river can have implications for the biota of the river, including an increase in the contaminant loading. The effects can be exacerbated during periods of low natural flows.] Exceeded BOD for June, Millennium WW Treatment Plant. Valve unknown but definitely above 25 mg/L TK [EPO initials]: Location: Suncor Waste Water Pond outfall to Athabasca River. June 2009 Incident: CBOD concentration was above approval limit of 25 mg/L (section 4.4.9 for June 2009). Cause: An investigation into this event determined that the elevated CBOD concentration is an annual seasonal phenomenon related to the pond water temperature increasing. Follow-up: A micro aeration system was installed (June 7, 2009) in the sewage treatment polishing pond. A consultant was retained to assist in developing a corrective action plan. The micro aeration system is expected to enhance bio-treatment of material in the polishing pond. TK Comments: No further action taken. Incident closed. (336108, Suncor Oil Sands). [No details were provided on the BOD concentrations nor on the total sewage released to the river. Inadequately treated sewage was released to the Athabasca River for the month of June. No enforcement actions were taken.] Continuation of TSS exceedance due to rain events. A lot of water is going through system. Khahago Creek is affected. Comments: TSS exceedance for sedimentation pond. Volume released to Khahago Creek is unknown. Cause - rain events in the recent days. TSS exceedance for sedimentation pond. Volume released to Khahago Creek is unknown. Cause - rain events in the recent days. CS [EPO initials] - TSS result from the Pond 4 discharge on June 2, 2009 was 69 mg/L, June 4, 2009 was 74 mg/L, June 25, 2009 was 48 mg/L, June 26, 2009 was 74 mg/L, 48

June 30, 2009 was 78 mg/L, in exceedance of the approval discharge limit of 25 mg/L. (336205, Shell Canada Jackpine). [The incident illustrates four features common to many incidents: (1) Released volumes are unknown. (2) Nature is attributed as the cause for releases to the environment. (3) Repeated exceedances are observed. (4) No enforcement action is taken (incident closed).] Exceedance - dewatering within construction site and releasing into Athabasca River. Exceedance on TSS occurred Feb 13 and lab results received Feb 14 at noon. (246132, CNRL, Horizon, Alleged Contravention, Potable Water). [This incident illustrates that construction activities, in this case dewatering, can also contribute to suspended sediment loading of the Athabasca River. It also illustrates a misclassification of the call reason; this is a surface water contravention, not a potable water contravention]. Contravention of discharge high TSS returned water from pond into the river. Sample was taken at 0809 hrs and lab result come back at 1509 hrs, pump was shut off immediately. Estimate of water discharged at 14,000 gal per minutes. CS [EPO initials] - The release of pond 4G2 water to the river began on July 16, 2009 with TSS levels below 60 mg/L. On July 21, lab results were received at 14:58 hrs indicating that TSS was 237 mg/L exceeded the limits of 100 mg/L. (338197, Suncor Oil Sands). [Release for seven hours at 14,000 gallons per minute indicates a release a high TSS water of about 5.88 million gallons. Assuming Imperial gallons, the release totals about 26.7 million L at a concentration of 237 mg/L, or a total loading of about 6,341 kg of suspended solids. No enforcement action was taken.] H2S going to effluent pond > than 472 ppm. Unit 16-1 is off spec. Troubleshooting and optimizing. Pond water is contained on site. Value was 1945 ppm. Happened @ 1100 hrs. No adverse effects at this time. (420466, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Because this a hydrogen sulphide incident, this could also have been classified as an air incident. The statement that the pond water is contained on site is misleading in that seepage is not accounted for nor is outgassing to the atmosphere. The volume of sour water released was not specified. Sour water of 1945 ppm H2S is toxic.] Reporting an over-withdrawal on their temporary diversion licenses. They have two TDL's from the same source point. The two license numbers are 299384 and 303438. The cumulative limit on both licenses is 7240 m3 (6000 m3 and 1240 m3. They discovered today that they withdrew a cumulative total of 7287 m3 since Dec 16, 2011, which is an over-withdrawal of 47 m3. They discovered that the water truck drivers were not recording accurate volumes. They shut down the job Feb 6 for this reason. (433820, Japan Canada OS, JACOS). [If the truck drivers were not recording accurate volumes, then how does the company calculate the exceedance of 47 m3?] Caller reporting a contravention. One of their contractors removed water from a water body without the proper license. Water was removed from a wetland/marsh area. The water was used for road maintenance and service rig requirements. 23m3 were removed. (446396, Conoco Phillips Surmont) [Depending on the size of the wetland, removal of 23 m3 of water could be a significant impact. Numerous examples of contractors not following environmental guidelines are in evidence in the database.]

49 Potable Water Alleged Contraventions Potable water incidents pertain to failures to provide safe drinking water or to meet other terms of approvals. The Municipal call reason similarly pertains primarily to drinking water incidents. Such contraventions can arise for a host of reasons including mechanical and power failures, errors in procedure, and laboratory results that are submitted late, are missing, or are in exceedance of guidelines for various parameters. A number of potable water incidents appear to be misclassifications of other incident reasons such as: Sour water release to effluent pond, higher than allowable limit. Due to unit upset on plant 16-0. (366808, Syncrude Mildred Lake). Another example: High diluent loss went into containment pond; potential of odour complaint; cause unknown. VLAD-Diluent losses to tailings pond 2/3 occurred over a 24hr period on March 2nd. Exceedance of allowable limit of 1400b/d was lost to the pond. There is a possible discrepancy between DCS on-line diluent loss totalizer and the final reconciled daily diluent loss result. This is a potential contravention of EP0-2007/02-NR. Both of these incidents could have been classified under a surface water or air contravention. Other incidents suggest persistent problems at the water treatment plants, such as: May be in conflict of potable water limits. Contradiction between Cdn drinking water guideline and AENV approval. Turbidity limit is above Cdn drinking water guidelines but under approval limit. Same for THM and HHA - ongoing since approval started. CM: Limit does not have to be met until Dec. 21, 2010. (304824, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incident, dated 17 June 2008, documents persistent exceedances of Canadian drinking water guidelines for turbidity, trihalomethanes, and haloacetic acids that were known to the Alberta government and allowed under the lenient terms of an approval.] Land Alleged Contraventions Some incidents within this category are misclassifications of other incident reasons, such as: S02 hourly exceedance. Limit is 3 ton/hr, value was 4.16ton/hr for 15:00-16:00. Plant upset. (429958, Suncor Oil Sands). Incidents in this category of contraventions document problems with industrial land management and with government oversight. Source is removing overburden and placing it into their tailings pond. Materials are supposed to be stockpiled and saved for reclamation. Caller heard that this is occurring on the night shift and not during the day which leads her to believe that they are trying to hide it. There are three areas of soil handling that could have been mistaken by lay-person as placing reclamation materials in tailings pond. DW [EPO initials] (435759, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [It is difficult to get to the bottom of this incident because no other information is provided and the incident is closed. It is possible that a caller might mistake a soil handling area for a tailings pond, but this does not seem particularly likely. Secondly, if the observation that the work was being conducted only at night is true, it suggests wrong-doing. The incident was closed two weeks after being entered as a complaint. Other incidents, however, lend support to the view that industry is not handling reclamation materials as it should. The following four incidents are provided to illustrate.] Approval contravention. Last night, discovered digging in an area where reclamation material had not been salvaged, wasting that material. CS [EPO initials]-The new mining limits were issued, staked in the field and mining commenced, without checking the new mining limits 50

verses [versus] the reclamation salvage limits. (341102, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Incident is closed; no enforcement action was taken.] Disturbance of reclaimed land - had vegetated piece of ground, reported to AENV as being revegetated and then dug a ditch through it. Area is 1.2 hectares - discovered June 10. Will stop further disturbance and will remediate area and investigate how it occurred. (334043, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Incident is closed.] Contravention - wasting of reclamation material. Approval requires that the material be salvaged under approval but it ended it up being covered with 5 metres of other material so cannot be recovered. This probably occurred two days ago, but was discovered at 1500 hours May 13. CM [EPO initials]: Dump was constructed beyond limits. Area of limit exceedance is approximately 2600 m3. (301621, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This is a dual contravention: the wastage of reclamation materials and construction of a dump beyond approval limits. The incident is closed.] Gravel pit - Cl [chloride] levels at 1200 mg/l sample taken yesterday - just got results. Pit is getting older - saline levels higher. Water from gravel pit goes to environment (allowed under approval). Has been stopped until further notice. (292029, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Land). [The incident illustrates high salinity on the mined landscape and how landscape salinity may increase with time. It also illustrates release to the environment of harmful materials and that this is allowed under approval.] Failure to salvage subsoil. Investigating cause. Third party operating on the site wasted the material. They were clearing for the North mine relocation project. 120,000 m3 was mixed with normal burden waste material from below and sent it to the dump. Discovered on Tuesday, Jan 25, 2011. CS [EPO initials] -Project contactor excavated 83,000 cubic meters of good/fair upland subsoil along with underlying waste material and placed it into an overburden dump making it inaccessible for future salvage. (393617, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Land). [This incident illustrates another kind of dump issuea failure to salvage subsoil. This is a large volume of soil to be wasted without detection. It suggests a failure of oversight and monitoring.] Other incidents suggest soil contamination is common. As with waste-related alleged contraventions noted below, some of the contaminated sites were discovered by chance. Eleven examples follow: Preparing for construction of new sulfur plant, soil testing site which was the location of an old sour water tank - found some HC [hydrocarbon] contamination. They are working with soils group on this. (155068, Suncor Oil Sands). Have a condition on the east side of their tailings pond. Area identified as seeping from pond to ground water and was addressed in annual report and also reported to AENV in 1999 (Ref. #88583). Area was looked at this morning and noticed vegetation stress from this seepage. Investigating this. (96363, Syncrude Mildred Lake).


Found a historic contaminated site where doing an excavation by their wastewater pond system. A layer of bitumen was identified as being there a while. SETA cleaning. Still investigating source. (107784, Suncor Oil Sands). Groundwater well is overflowing water and seeping into vegetation suspect vegetation may be impacted. Sampled today - sending to lab ASAP Location-reclaimed mine area; lease 86-17. (121508, Suncor Oil Sands). Inspecting lines after last leak and suspect new leak at new location. Processed water. Thin fine tailings. Did conductivity test, found high conductivity. Investigation on-going. Excavation soon. (125756, Syncrude Mildred Lake). Reporting they were doing random sampling on the Aurora site and discovered hydrocarbons in one of their monitoring wells. They have pumped the well enough to say with confidence there was very little hydrocarbon (~10 L). They believe it may have come from a pump. (130801, Syncrude Mildred Lake). While conducting some work at the millennium upgrade site, located an UST [underground storage tank] with possible soil contamination. (57656, Suncor Oil Sands). Found contaminated soil around 34V6 HC [hydrocarbon] recovery basin, investigating, crack in system confirmed. (71681, Suncor Oil Sands). Notification of a leaking underground natural gas line on site. ATCO Gas on site, bleeding down line to make repairs. (96105, Syncrude Mildred Lake). Potential PCB spill. Old spill discovered in storage yard where old transformers are. Field test indicated >50 ppm PCB. Sending sample for analysis. Cleaning. (40742, Suncor Oil Sands). Reporting they were excavating hole for new sewer line, found gasoline and stained soil. Don't know how much area affected, spill seems to be old. Probably a buried tank. Will find out area effected [sic] and clean up. (51278, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, Land). [Because the EMS electronic record began in 1996, incidents that occurred during most of the years of the bitumen operations not readily available (see Methods). There have been no studies to date of hidden contamination.] Waste-Related Alleged Contraventions Although waste-related alleged contraventions are not numerous, they are important in that they document industrial impacts that were discovered by chance. Together they suggest that were robust monitoring in place, the true number of waste-related incidents would be greater. In the context of incident data, a waste-related incident does not take place if it is not reported, and because waste incidents are not formally-monitored, their true frequency must exceed the reported frequency. Patch of used oil in ground where heavy equipment oil was changed. Looks as if it has been there [a] while. Found 2-3 weeks ago. (29006, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [How often are oil and 52

fuel spills not discovered or not reported? How much oil soaked into the ground and escaped to the environment?] Sent sand samples to lab for testing to see if hazardous. Sand is hazardous with leachable toluene. Have been disposing of 30 one gallon cans/day sand to landfill. (32705, Suncor Oil Sands). [The total amount of toluene released to the environment is not specified, nor is the amount of sand involved. How many cans of toluene were disposed of in the dump? Is a landfill an appropriate place to dispose of toluene?] Have an oily duck on the plant site. Need F&W phone number. (Closed Referred, Suncor Oil Sands). [The number of birds oiled each year in the region is unknown.] Friday afternoon - discovered a few improperly stored drums in East mine. Contents - mixed bag. Also in this area - poorly managed run- off. They are cleaning the whole area up. (139812, Suncor Oil Sands). [The incident illustrates chance discovery of undescribed materials and also poorly managed runoff. The cleanup operation is not described. What materials were found? How much contamination remains on the site? No other information was provided.] They were excavating and found an old garbage dump full of old drums. It is not on their records. He has talked to Sadiq already. They will be dealing with it accordingly. (113368, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Waste). [This incident was categorized under Waste, which is an underused category in the EMS; events of this sort are typically categorized under Land. This incident offers a glimpse into the hidden legacy of contamination. Like the previous oil and toluene incidents, this incident illustrates a chance discovery of industrial product drums in a garbage dump. The number of such dumps in the region is unknown. The potential for widespread hidden contamination requires study.]


Table 5. Frequency of alleged contraventions by approval (total n = 4063).

Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp. Redactions from first RD

Frequency (n Incidents) 1907 6 1608 5 54 45 5 29 15 88 9 159 30 79 23 1

Proportion of All Alleged Contraventions (%) 46.9 0.1 39.6 0.1 1.3 1.1 0.1 0.7 0.4 2.2 0.2 3.9 0.7 1.9 0.6 <0.1; includes 51 incidents


Table 6. Frequency of alleged contraventions by call reason (total n = 4063). Call Reason Air Land Municipal No Impact + Regulation/Reporting Potable Water Vegetation Waste Water (Groundwater, Surface Water, Shore/bank) 4.5.3 Release Frequencies Releases by Approval Syncrude Mildred Lake (43.85 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (42.85 %) are responsible for the majority (86.7 %) of the 2922 releases (Table 7). CNRL (4.7 %) and Shell Albian Sands (2.5 %) rank third and fourth in number of releases. Releases Over Time and Approval Overall, since mid-1996, releases have varied between 23 and 85 incidents per quarter with a mean of 44.7 releases per quarter or one release every 2.0 days (Figure 11). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, since mid-1996, releases have varied between 3 and 58 incidents per quarter with a mean of 19.6 releases per quarter or one release every 4.6 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, since mid-1996, releases have varied between 3 and 51 incidents per quarter with a mean of 19.2 releases per quarter or one release every 4.7 days. Temporally, overall peak rates of releases during the period 1996 to mid-2012 occurred in mid-1998 and from late-2005 to mid-2010. Peak incident rates are driven by incidents at Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands (Figure 11). There is no apparent trend in the number of releases over time. Releases by Call Reason Releases to air were the most common type, followed by those to land and to water (Table 8). These three call reasons comprised 93.1 % of all releases. Incidents within these three main release types are documented below. 4.5.4 Release Characterizations Releases to Air (Public Complaints excluded) They have discovered that the 3 way isolation valve has been going to flare since May 1994. Flaring has been continuous as long as the unifiers are running. They are in process of calculating the total amount of SO2 which has been flared. (929, Suncor Oil Sands). [The date of 55 Frequency (n Incidents) 2657 53 56 764 253 4 7 269 Proportion of All Alleged Contraventions (%) 65.4 1.3 1.4 18.8 6.2 0.1 0.2 6.6

the incident is 30 April 1996. Given that the comment indicates flaring has been ongoing since May 1994, the conclusion must be drawn that flaring has been ongoing for two years. This incident indicates that government and industry allowed excessive flaring to occur without actions being taken. It documents lack of diligence on the part of industry and government.] Update on status of facility. Millennium still flaring at 13 t/hr. Base plant remains down and start up is scheduled for 24:00 hrs. Sour water is being diverted to pond 1 due to explosion in extraction and NRU [naphtha recovery unit] being down. (103800, Suncor Oil Sands) [The incident illustrates the interconnectedness of the operations and therefore their sensitivity to upsets.] Flaring of sour acid gas. Cause -piece of equipment went offline. Unknown if it's ongoing. VLAD [EPO initials] -flaring started on the 11th of Jan. 2008@05:35am - Jan. 18th, 2008 ending@ 21.30 (APRROX 182.5 HOURS). Location was the overheads at 10C-2, the sour water stripper. This is a potential contravention of Clause 4.1.14 of Suncor's approval. (292955, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates a prolonged flaring event, sensitivity to disturbance, and lack of enforcement. Although the resolution of this incident is given as Investigation, the status may be out of date in the governments EMS file because the information would not have been released by compliance personnel if the incident were an active investigation.] H2S flaring due to loss of sulphur plant 1204. Working on it and believe event is almost over. bs [EPO initials] Flaring ended, then went back down, causing flaring. 82.54 t flared & 26.54 t flared. (303729, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [The incident documents system interconnectedness and two significant flaring events of H2S.] Flaring low pressure sour gas in excess of 20 tonnes. Occurring since Dec 19, 2008 intermittently and discovered Jan 23, 2009. Reason: due to depressurization (drum depressure and loss of fin fan). JC; Flared LPSG from December 19-December 31, 2008 totaling 41.93 Te. Average release rate was 3.2 Te/day. (322849, Suncor Oil Sands) [The incident demonstrates how a significant H2S flaring event can go undetected and raises the question of how much flaring takes place without detection. The amount of flaring, tank venting, spills, releases, etc. that took place prior to 1996 is unknown and may be unknowable. Note that te and t per unit time are used interchangeably in the EMS; both mean metric tonnes.] Unplanned sour gas release. Workers were doing maintenance on line -> unplugged line -line was not isolated. Sour coker gas stream -10 % H2S [100,000 ppm]. Evacuated plant area (-10 people. Line isolated and repaired by 1450hrs. No injuries. No details on off site impact. CS-The Base plant Upgrader Gas Recovery Unit inadvertently caused a release of sour coker gas. The entire event lasted approx 15 to 20 minutes. The volume of gas released during the event is unknown. (350390, Suncor Oil Sands) [The incident illustrates system sensitivity to human error, the extremely toxic nature of the sour coker gas stream, and that the volume of gas released was unknown.] Fire at plant 5. Ongoing and started at midnight. Not sure of cause. Still fighting fire. No injuries. The area was evacuated; the plant was not evacuated. The EOC has been activated (Emergency Operations Centre; deciding what to do from there.). Not sure how large fire is. Not sure what 56

exactly is engulfed in flame. JC [EPO initials]; Fire at Suncor's upgrader 1, burned for approximately 51 hours and was extinguished on February 11 [2010]. A fire investigation report was produced by Suncor which included the following findings; -a gas oil line located in Plant 5 of the upgrader cracked and released hot gas oil that was above its auto ignition temperature. As the fuel source could not be isolated immediately, the fire spread to include slop oil exchanger 10E-13A and Fractionator exchangers SE59A and 5E-7B. AENV continues to work with Suncor on such emergency issues such as this fire. No further action taken by AENv at this time. (353224, Suncor Oil Sands) [The incident is a good illustration that the combination of system complexity, interconnectedness, and the processing of hazardous and flammable materials makes environmental incidents and resultant impacts essentially inevitable. The text string AENV continues to work with [industry] is standard script in relation to odour complaints.] They have a release of sour water. It is a constant leak, volume currently unknown. They are diluting it with fresh water currently, using the fire suppression system. They are making moves to bring the units down in order to isolate it (it is located at a common header that involves more than one unit). The area has been cordoned off. A strong sour smell is recognizable nearby. Their onsite ERP has been activated. The immediate units have been evacuated except for essential personnel. There are no injuries or other issues as a result of the release. This is in a common area called "Houston Rack". The liquid portion of the spill is contained to the site with no potential to go offsite. He has no other information at this time but will update CIC when he gets the opportunity. (431670, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [The incident again demonstrates system interconnectedness and a release of unknown volume of sour water.] Release of propane, 2200 gallons. Caller doesn't know any other information as to the cause or time of the event etc. She said there is limited staff on site so she won't be able to follow up until Monday. (441176, Suncor Oil Sands). [The incident documents a release of propane, a lack of information as to cause, and the fact that limited staff prevented a timely response. No information was provided on clean-up or mitigation.] The effluent pond is release [releasing] hydrocarbons and benzene vapours to atmosphere. Cause unknown. This was [There were] odour complaints onsite. (441749, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [The incident documents release of VOCs including benzene from a Syncrude effluent pond; both the cause and the volume of the release were not provided.] Notification required by their approval. Their "Degasser" (pollution abatement equipment) has gone down. The overhead line has failed but there is no other details known right now. This happened approximately an hour ago. There was an H2S release linked to the degasser going down. There was no adverse effects. They are not sure of the exact duration. They do not believe they are required to submit a written report (in regards to the H2S release and would like a call back from an EPO to discuss whether this is a proper assessment. (444579, CNRL Horizon) [The incident illustrates another type of equipment failure leading to increased emissions. It also demonstrates the common practice of concluding there were no adverse effects in the absence of study and without knowing the duration of the release of H2S. Finally it demonstrates a lack of knowledge by the company as to their reporting requirements. The fact that the Alberta government does little if a company fails to report or reports late provides no incentive for the companies to improve their reporting record.] 57

Flaring event on a site right. [??] Pump got tripped on high vibration and caused upset of sulphur plant. Both sulphur trains tripped due to low acid gas flow. Flaring to restore the trains. Started flaring shortly after 20:00. Still flaring. Trying to find out what is going on. Will become clear in the morning. Will call with update. Will call back with approval number. (422453, CNRL Horizon). [The incident illustrates yet another of the many causes for flaring. The incident did not provide information as to what is going on or when the flaring stopped. An update was not found and it is unclear what was meant that the caller will call back with approval number. In EMS parlance, an approval number is the approval number for the companys operations, a number presumably known to both parties on the call.] Releases to Land (Often as Spills) Releases to land, typically in form of spills or malfunctions of pipelines, are common in the bitumen sands region. Sufficient documentation was disclosed to suggest that spot contamination may be widespread and in need of further investigation. Spills at fuel depots are common in the EMS database. It is known from studies elsewhere that contamination of groundwater has been observed at fuel depots and there is no reason to suspect that the fuel spills in the bitumen sands region would not lead to contamination. Although the incidents reported by industry frequently state that vacuum trucks were dispatched to clean up the spills, significant unknowns remain. These are: (1) What proportion of a liquid spill is captured when the spill is into water, onto sand, or onto organic substrates? (2) How long does it take for infiltration of the liquids to prevent effective capture? (3) What liquids infiltrate the fastest? (4) What liquids bind to soil particles rendering them difficult to capture? (5) How does vegetation affect the ability to vacuum spilled material? (6) How does temperature (summer vs. winter) affect vacuum effectiveness? (7) What is the fate of the materials that are removed; what proportion is placed in dumps, presently and in the past? (8) Where are the contaminated materials dumps; are they monitored; are they leaking? (9) What is the fate of spilled materials that escape to the environment? (10) Is there monitoring of groundwater contaminant plumes at known dumps and spill sites? A selection of releases to land follows to illustrate the scope of the problem. 7500 litres diesel spilled when a vehicle drove off while refueling. Contained in bermed area. 500 litres soaked into tarsand. 7000 litres in bermed area will be vacuumed & 500 litres in tarsand will be reclaimed. (33796, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates a typical spill. It raises the question of what proportion of a spill is captured and how much escapes to the environment. The proportion likely varies with the nature of the material spilled and the nature of the receiving materials. The question has not been studied. Incidentally, the incident also illustrates use of the term tarsand by industry.] He just heard about a spill of processed material that may not be in containment. Not sure if its [its] his company's or the site's company's responsibility to report. He has not [no] more info but will provide update ASAP.; Clarification on report #153276. Contractor would normally call it in to her company and then she would call AENV. They found hole in gypsum line at tank farm which was isolated and purged. Moved gyp. line to emergency line - now there's a problem with emerg. line so tank is overflowing - lost 3-400 gallons. Gypsum diverted to flyash pond (pond c outfall is closed) . Contained on site. This type of spill is generally nonreportable 58

because it is under 10,000 gallons and contained. Notification only. (178882, Suncor). [This incident illustrates some of the complexity of the bitumen operations. A single incident may ripple through the system. It also illustrates a lack of clarity in reporting responsibilities and lax reporting requirements (e.g., under 10,000 gals not reportable). Finally it illustrates uncertainty about the fate of the material spilled.] Reporting spill of sand & slurry from tailings line. Spill contained on site, some into buffalo pasture. (43494, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incidents illustrates contamination of Syncrudes buffalo pasture. No other information was available on the spill as to its volume, chemistry, and whether any actions were taken.] At 0430 they were commissioning a portion of the intersite pipeline (between Aurora and Base Plant) A vent line was left open and they lost 1000 bbl [barrels] of bitumen to the ground at base plant. Mostly flowed into their dirty water ditch. Cleaning up now, vac truck and excavator. (127698, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [The incident illustrates a common cause of a spilla line or valve left open by human error. It also raises the question of how much is captured when vacuuming and/or excavating a spill.] The hydro-line from Steepbank to refinery (upgrading) cracked. Quantity of bitumen & hot water spilled into east side of ditch. Product was contained. Nothing into river. 36' dia line. (79257 Suncor Oil Sands). [The writer must mean 36 inch, not feet, diameter pipeline. How much bitumen and process water was spilled? How does the writer know that all of the spill was contained, that nothing escaped? There was no follow up documentation to support the dismissal of the incident. What is the status now?] Leigh took a call from. ...earlier today.... has some questions/concerns possible gasoline contamination of an aviation site, and a possible oil spill under ice from Suncor... wants an investigator to call. (90928, Suncor Oil Sands). [This call also includes Release to Water. This call pertained to two incidents. The caller type was in-house (i.e. AESRD employee). There is no indication that an investigation of the two incidents was undertaken. Unless government can produce evidence that these incidents did not happen, it can be assumed that they did. Would a government employee phone these incidents into the system without reason?. An oil spill under the ice would be relatively easy to conceal and would result in unwelcome publicity and scrutiny. Therefore the incentive to conceal the incident would be great.] Spill of 2500 L caustic at train 2 slurry prep. Drain valve left partially open when filled Dec 11, 2005 hrs. Discovered Dec 13, 0210 hrs. Closed valve, neutralized spill - inside dyke. will clean in morning. Should have been discovered earlier - will investigate internally. Possibly due to many new employees preventative details in 7-day report. Spill of 50 % caustic. Valve left open. No other details available; believe it went into ditch and eventually into their system. Contained inside dyke. (213950, Syncrude Aurora Mine). [This incident illustrates the complexity of the operation, poor training of employees, lack of critical information, and reliance on the opinion of vested interests (e.g., believe it went into ditch).] East tank farm -contractor was hydro testing a line - elbow failed. Release of 62000 L of glycol. No drains or waterways. Went to ditch, cleanup is underway. No injuries. No ERP activation. 59

Spill is on site. bs [EPO initials] Site inspection conducted. All contained in ditch (bermed onsite). Vac trucks on-site to haul to existing Eveready storage containment on-site. Spill result of pressure test of pipeline 200 psi, catastrophic failure (240 psi required test pressure). (295203, Suncor Oil Sands) [The incident illustrates a pipeline spill.] Spill of 200 L of hydraulic oil. Cause: from broken hose fitting on an 8000 shovel. Spilled to ground in the mine pit. Fully contained. Will excavate and take soil to their hydrocarbon contaminated soil dump. Caller is requesting a waiver. (357389, Shell Canada Jackpine). [This incident raises the question of dumps used by industry for contaminated materials such as hydrocarbon contaminated soil. How does industry prevent the escape of contaminants from these dumps in perpetuity? Does government monitor these dumps?] Spill of bitumen, ~50 barrels. Cause: had a problem with pump on one of the conveyer belts and diverted bitumen to emergency dump pond which was full already and the excess of bitumen went to side of roadway. Did not enter any waterways. Occurred on Dec 17, 2011 at 16:00. It soaked into roadway. Will dig up the dirt and dispose of it appropriately. (428363, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incident illustrates uncertainty as to what was done with bitumencontaminated soil.] Reporting a 250 gallons hydraulic oil spill. Cause was an o-ring fastener failure on the propel line of a shovel. Was contained on the crane pad. Sand added. Will haul to dump? (128651, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incident indicates that the oil-contaminated soil was hauled to a dump.] Spill of 1200 L hydraulic oil. Bleeding truck -connection tube disconnected. Spilled in mine area. Oil covered with sand - will be removed and dumped. All on site. No drains. (350255, CNRL Horizon) [This is another incident in which contaminated soil is being dumped. Where is it being dumped? ] Spill of contaminated water from tailings line, thousands of gallons so far, more to come, potential spill into Beaver Creek. South end of the lease. (244766, Syncrude Mildred Lake) [No further information was available on this spill of tailings to land and/or surface water.] Leak of Ammonium Sulphate. Due to catastrophic failure on G1 pump for plant 26-1. Was leaking 37000 gal/min for ~ 15 min, starting @ 0006 hrs [spill total of about 555,000 gallons]. Slow leak rate now. Slurry mix and no release to air. Contained on plant site and cleanup underway. (399468, Syncrude Mildred Lake) [This incident illustrates one of the many kinds of chemical spills. How much is cleaned up and how much escapes?] Caller reporting a leak from a tailings return line. A high density polyethylene line carrying recycled water with 30 MFT is leaking underground along Hwy 63. The leak is visible in the ditch. There is bubbling over the soil near a water pond. The leak is contained in the ditch. The line will need repairs. (163593, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incident illustrates a common source of contamination: leakage from pipelines containing tailings. How much was captured, how much escaped to the environment? What monitoring was conducted after the spill, if any, and what did the monitoring indicate?] 60

Reporting they struck oil from oil pipeline on plant, leaking HVGO, product oil. Being excavated now & will haul to landfill. Amount unknown. Valves closed on abandoned pipeline. (59249, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates a pipeline spill of oil of unknown volume. Contaminated soil was then hauled to landfill where it may then migrate to contaminate elsewhere.] Finally, it must be remembered that incidents are often misclassified in the database and that many incidents may pertain to more than one call reason. As a result, important incidents can escape scrutiny. The following incident illustrates New contractor @ landfill not handling & operating the waste properly. Disposing of anything there. No certified landfill managers. Noticed since August its [its] been getting worst [worse]. CM [EPO initials]: Advised by Dean Litzenberger that it is an industrial landfill and does not require certified operators/managers. Should be inspected however because flammable/hazardous liquids are apparently being disposed of there. (315233, Suncor Oil Sands). [As with many incidents, although the information is sparse, it raises serious concerns about industrial practices and environmental unknowns. The incident documents that flammable and/or hazardous substances were being disposed of in a landfill. The incident was noted on 15 October 2008, had been ongoing since August, and the incident was closed on 23 November 2008 without enforcement action. What materials were being disposed? Why would an industrial landfill not require certified operators and managers? The incident, exposed by a public complaint and not by industrial self-reporting suggests chronic poor management practices, under-reporting, poor oversight, and lax enforcement.] Spill - boiler feed water. Unknown amount, investigating. Most caught in berm, the rest went to snow covered gravel. Vac truck used for clean up. Cs [EPO initials] -Power outage caused the steam generators to Emergency Shut Down and vent steam or blowdown to the blowdown tank causing tank to vent to atmosphere creating approx. >1m3 and <5m3 of water droplets to be carry over outside the containment area. The process steam consisted is [sic] high in salinity, alkalinity and organics. (319975, Japan Canada OS, JACOS). [The incident demonstrates that blowdown water may contain substances that are not innocuous.] Releases to Water This section provides a representative sample of releases to water. A more comprehensive section (4.6.7) focuses on water-related incidents across all call types (e.g., alleged contraventions, notifications, releases). Spill of tailings -amount unknown however it is over 100 m3 [100,000 L], will confirm actual volume tomorrow or Monday when engineers do calculation. Spill got into a marsh area, offsite contamination. There are dykes on both sides but park [part] of the dyke was broken and the spill leaked out and now has dead vegetation. The pipeline has been shut in. No emergency protocol has been enacted. The dyke has now been fixed. The spill is in a contained area offsite. JC [EPO initials] 7-Day Letter confirmed 100m3, spread over 2000m2 area off-site (in isolated "fingers"), clean-up and remediation plan provided: timeline Aug 08-30, 2010. NORM assessment samples collected w/report due Aug 30,2010.-DW (372247, CNRL Horizon). [The incident documents a 61

spill of 100,000 L of tailings that resulted in offsite contamination. The tailings spread over a 2,000 m2 marsh area and killed vegetation. No documentation was provided on the clean-up. Again, the question arises as to what proportion of a spill is effectively captured during a cleanup. Was the marsh remediated? What is the condition of the marsh today?] Basal leak in one of their pipelines. This is a ground water leak. Cause unknown. 16 cubes water to ground [16 m3 = 16,000 L]. Clean up done. "Produced water". (362463, CNRL Horizon). [The incident documents a leak of industrial process water to groundwater.] Heavy rain cause failure in sediment fence & berm. Resulting in 20m3 of sand & silt clay washing into River. Rain has now stopped. Under investigation. (308529, Fort Hills Energy). [The status of this incident is unknown. It provides one of many examples of how industry increases the sediment load of the regions rivers, in this case, 20,000 L of sand, silt, and clay.] ~ 293 barrels of unrecovered Naphtha to tailings ponds (as opposed to NRU). Due to 48A pump trip. Happened on Feb 14 @ 2330-0100 hrs on Feb 15. (433519, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Over time, the naphtha would evaporate from the pond and enter the atmosphere.] Release of untested surface water runoff from VU-SED-03 sedimentation pond. Overflowed through outfall into a muskeg area, into Ruth Lake channel. Might have started last night/this morning. Out there tonight to do samples. No estimate of volume. bs [EPO initials]: 15,000m317,000 m3 released. (328258, Suncor Oil Sands). [This release of 15-17 million L of untested surface runoff water is another example of how industry contributes to sediment and other kinds of loading to the regions surface waters.]


Table 7. Frequency of releases by approval (total n = 2922). Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp. Frequency (n Incidents) 1281 2 1250 17 50 72 5 7 23 18 0 138 10 38 12 Proportion of All Releases (%) 43.8 0.1 42.8 0.6 1.7 2.5 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.0 4.7 0.3 1.3 0.4


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Incidents Per Quarter YrCount

All Approvals

96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Syncrude Mildred Lake

Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr

96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Suncor Oil Sands

Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr

96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Figure 11. Number of releases per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to mid-2012 for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).


Table 8. Frequency of releases by call reason (total n = 2922). Call Reason Frequency (n Incidents) Air 1685 Land 891 Municipal 1 No Impact 120 Potable Water 4 Regulation/Reporting 71 Vegetation 1 Waste 5 Water (including groundwater, 145 shore/bank, and surface water) Proportion of All Releases (%) 57.6 30.5 0.03 4.1 0.14 2.4 0.03 0.17 5.0

4.5.5 Notification Frequencies Notifications by Approval Suncor Oil Sands (61.23 %) and Syncrude Mildred Lake (31.83 %) are responsible for the majority (93.1 %) of the 1993 notifications (Table 9). CNRL (2.7 %) and Cenovus (1.9 %) rank third and fourth in number of notifications. Notifications Over Time and Approval Overall, since mid-1996, notifications have varied between 0 and 199 incidents per quarter with a mean of 30.6 notifications per quarter or one notification every 2.9 days (Figure 12). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, since mid-1996, notifications have varied between 0 and 45 incidents per quarter with a mean of 9.7 notifications per quarter or one notification every 9.8 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, since mid-1996, notifications have varied between 0 and 181 incidents per quarter with a mean of 18.8 notifications per quarter or one notification every 4.8 days. Temporally, peak rates of notifications during the period mid-1996 to mid-2012 occurred from 2008 to 2010. Peak incident rates are driven by incidents at Suncor Oil Sands and Syncrude Mildred Lake (Figure 12). Peak notification rate at Suncor occurred in late 2009 whereas the peak notification rates at Syncrude Mildred Lake occurred in 2008 and 2010. Periodic peaks in notification rates characterize both the Suncor and Syncrude temporal incident patterns.


Table 9. Frequency of notifications by approval (total n = 1,993). Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp. Frequency (n Incidents) 633 1 1,220 0 10 19 1 1 0 38 0 53 7 5 5 Proportion of All Notifications (%) 31.8 0.05 61.2 0 0.5 1.0 0.05 0.05 0 1.9 0 2.7 0.4 0.3 0.3


200 150 100 50 0


Per Incidents Count Yr Quarter

All Approvals

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

YEARQUARTER 50 40 30 20 10 0

Incidents Per Quarter YrCount

Syncrude Mildred Lake

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

YEARQUARTER 200 150 100 50 0


Per Incidents Count Yr Quarter

Suncor Oil Sands

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 12. Number of notifications per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to mid-2012 YEARQUARTER for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).

67 Notifications by Call Reason Air notifications were the most common call reason for notifications, followed by regulation/reporting, no impact, municipal, and water-related notifications (Table 10). Air notifications are documented in some detail, followed by a small sample of other kinds of notifications. Table 10. Frequency of notifications by call reason (total n = 1993). Call Reason Frequency Proportion of All (n Incidents) Notifications (%) Air 1445 72.5 Industrial Heartland * 1 0.05 Land 11 0.55 Municipal 67 3.4 No Impact 176 8.8 Non-categorized 4 0.20 Potable Water 32 1.6 Regulation/Reporting 224 11.2 Waste 2 0.10 Water (including groundwater, 31 1.6 shore/bank, and surface water) * Industrial Heartland for this single call reason is a misclassification; the call pertained to a public complaint about birds landing in tailings ponds.

4.5.6 Notification Characterizations Notifications, Air Air notifications comprise 72.5 % of all notifications. In many cases, notifications document that exceedances have occurred. The difference between alleged contraventions and notifications is a subtle one. A notification is the provision of information as required by an approval or other legislation) (Appendix 1). In comparison, an alleged contravention is defined as perceived contravention of legislation. In other words, a notification is used when a companys actions cause an incident, such as an exceedance, that requires notification of the regulatory body. An alleged contravention is triggered when a companys actions result in breach of a term in an approval. Such a breach may be, and often is, an exceedance. A survey of air notifications follows. 6 people in medical center complaining of H2S exposure. Source unknown. (215561, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [The incident illustrates an incident of health concern to workers and an unknown source of H2S.] H2S exceedance at [AMS] station 2, Mildred Lake. bs [EPO initials] 9-10:00 Station 2 48 ppb H2S wind dir 164 with speed 6 km/h, Suncor likely source. (292377, Suncor Oil Sands, 2 Jan 2008). [An air concentration of 48 ppb H2S is high. Note that although this incident is classified as a Notification the fact that it is an exceedance indicates that a regulatory guideline has been 68

exceeded. Most importantly, this incident illustrates a deficiency in reporting. Although the H2S exceedance as reported was correct, there were six other hourly exceedances within that 24 hour period at AMS Station 2, ranging as high as 53 ppb, yet only one of the seven exceedances was reported in the EMS database (Table 11). The observation raises the question of how many hourly exceedances are not reported by industry. Because the hourly H2S guideline at AMS 2 is 10 ppb, reference to the hourly data indicates that over the period 1 January 1998 to 31 December 2012, there were 1,455 hourly H2S exceedances at AMS 2. See section 4.10.3 for an analysis of ambient H2S concentrations.] On the same date (2 January 2008), there was a related incident at Suncor Oil Sands: Bypass flu [flue] gas desulfurization system. Hopper is plugged up, once unplugged, they will stop the bypass. bs -Coker boilers 1,2 & 3 were routed to the JBR at 13:30, due to lack of limestone feed. Increase S02 at stack 31-07, 97.81 tonnes of S02 emissions. (292409, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, Air, 2 Jan 2008). [Perhaps the hourly H2S exceedances recorded at AMS 2 were related to this incident.] Table 11. Seven H2S hourly exceedances ( 10 ppb; Alberta Environment 2011) at AMS 2. Only the first value (10 AM on 2 Jan 2008) was recorded in the EMS database. THC = total hydrocarbon. AMS 2 hourly air quality data from WBEA, courtesy of Dr. Kevin Percy, March 2013. Date and Time SO2 (ppb) H2S (ppb) 2/Jan/2008 10:00 2/Jan/2008 11:00 2/Jan/2008 12:00 3/Jan/2008 6:00 3/Jan/2008 7:00 3/Jan/2008 8:00 3/Jan/2008 9:00 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.9 48.5 53.1 13.6 36.1 12.0 19.2 23.7 THC (ppm) 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.6

Release of H2S from effluent pond. Looking into source. (294930, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [The incident illustrates one of the sources of H2S is effluent; other sources include stack emissions, tank venting, fugitive emissions, and tailings ponds.] Tank venting - ongoing. Unsure of cause - looking into right now. Venting of hydrocarbon vapour. Sour. Unsure of %. Midnight - ~0230. From floating roof tank. Pressure from light material. Possibly related to exceedances (ambient air) received. No odour complaints. (295417, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [The incident illustrates tank venting of sour hydrocarbon vapours and uncertainty as to cause of the venting.] July 22-23, COD [chemical oxygen demand] exceedances occurred due to naturally occurring muskeg water -gets pumped to Steep Bank River. Discovered when doing monthly report. (310608, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates misclassification of an incident. Although it was categorized as Notification, Air, it is a surface water incident. It illustrates three other 69

salient points. (1) An attempt is sometimes made to explain away exceedances as naturally occurring. Pumping of water into the Steepbank River would not occur under natural conditions. (2) Industry increases chemical loading of the regions streams. (3) Often exceedance conditions are not discovered until well after the fact.] Venting of skim tank 91D-2500. Venting H2S 43600 ppm to atmosphere. Venting time was 3 mins. over an plant 91 skim tank 2500 solution gas 21800 ppm H2S. (321397, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident documents the extreme toxicity of vapours that can escape from various tanks. Inhalation of such vapours as they leave the tank would be fatal. Exposure to hydrogen sulphide concentrations 700 ppm in air can result in loss of consciousness and death.] Exceedance on Station #12 for SO2 JC [EPO initials]; Five SO2 exceedances at station 12 measuring 468, 397, 264, 509, 461 ppb. Wind speed 4 km/h from 255 degrees. Approval limit is 172. Syncrude was responsible for the exceedances due to a sporadic instrument output during a malfunction. The analyzer was repaired. (325309, Syncrude Mildred Lake) [This incident illustrates a series of high concentrations of sulphur dioxide detected at AMS 12 linked to an incident at Syncrude Mildred Lake. Therefore the incident illustrates that a single incident may be composed of one-to-many incidents.] Ambient air exceedance. LM [EPO initials] CNRL -submitted report 2 weeks late -claimed responsibility due to a vent gas regulator on a storage tank in the Horizon East Tank Farm malfunctioning -resulted in release of sour gas for less than one hour -regulator was isolated and repaired, chance of failure is low -reviewed incident with operators Suncor: -based on station location and wind direction not a result of their activities Syncrude: -based on internal investigation and ambient conditions, they would not be a likely source Williams Energy: -no issues, no action taken CNRL claimed full responsibility, have repaired the issue. Report was submitted late and they were notified about this by LM. (325765, CNRL Horizon). [The incident illustrates an exceedance due to tank venting at CNRL and an example of late reporting, which would also qualify as an incident. Thus it also illustrates that a single incident record can be composed of more than one incident.] TRS [total reduced sulphur] hourly exceedance at station 12. Continuing hourly TRS exceedances at station #12. A.C. -Station 12, April 19, 2009. 14:00 to 15:00 hours, 15 ppb TRS exceedance, Limit 10.3 Wind direction 14 and wind speed is 14 km/hr. 7 day letter from Syncrude and Suncor reviewed. Based on Syncrude's internal investigation, they considered themselves as not a likely source for these TRS exceedances. Suncor indicates that the increased TRS levels originated from the Suncor site from the area of Tailings Pond 7. Break up. It likely occurred as a result of ice. (329453, Suncor Oil Sands) [This incident illustrates a few salient points. (1) Multiple total reduced sulfur exceedances at AMS 12 tallied under a single incident. (2) Tailings Pond 7 was the source of the TRS. (3) It also illustrates a re-directing of responsibility for the exceedances to nature, viz., ice-out on the tailings pond.] Station 2, H2S violation; cause unknown. JC [EPO initials]; On May 3, 2009 there was a total of 5 one hour H2S exceedances at AMS 2. Air exceedances are as follows; -04:00; 15 ppb; 144 degrees @ 5 km/h -05:00; 15 ppb; 148 degrees @ 7 km/h -06:00; 37 ppb; 133 degrees @ 5 km/h 70

-07:00; 17 ppb; 150 degrees @ 7 km/h -08:00; 12 ppb; 114 degrees @ 4 km/h. Seven day letters received from Syncrude, Williams Energy, and Suncor. Suncor has indicated themselves as the probable source for the exceedances but an internal investigation has yet to pinpoint the exact source for the emissions. No odor complaints received. No further action taken by AENV. (330537, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates five features. (1) Multiple exceedances for H2S. (2) Multiple industrial sources of air pollutants can make it difficult to attribute the source. (3) It illustrates a decision by AESRD to take no further actions, which is their standard procedure. For example, over a four year period from late August 2008 to July 2012, the phrase no further action was appended to 354 incidents in the EMS database. (4) Williams Energy (Box II.) is sometimes noted in the incidents but was not included as one of the approvals requested for routine disclosure. It is one of several companies that operate in the region about which little is known. (5) There were seven, not five, hourly exceedances for H2S at AMS 2 on 3 May 2009 (Table 12), which illustrates that the Alberta government takes the exceedances provided by industry at face value and may not perform any verification. The data in Table 12 also document above-average concentrations of sulfur dioxide and total hydrocarbons; at AMS 2, median concentrations of SO2 and THC, 1998-2012, were 0.5 ppb and 2.1 ppm, respectively.] Table 12. Seven H2S hourly exceedances at AMS 2 on 3 May 2009. THC = total hydrocarbon. AMS 2 hourly air quality data from WBEA, courtesy of Dr. Kevin Percy, March 2013. Date and Time SO2 (ppb) H2S (ppb) THC (ppm) 3/5/2009 4:00 0.9 14.2 3 3/5/2009 5:00 1.6 14.5 3.2 3/5/2009 6:00 8.3 37.1 4.5 3/5/2009 7:00 11.2 16.5 3.7 3/5/2009 8:00 5.1 12.0 3.1 3/5/2009 21:00 0.7 13.2 2.8 3/5/2009 22:00 2.8 35.9 5.2
Box II. Williams Energy is an energy infrastructure company focused on connecting North Americas significant hydrocarbon resource plays to growing markets for natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGLs) and olefins. Williams operations span from the deepwater Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian oil sands. Williams owns and operates midstream gathering and processing assets, and interstate natural gas pipelines. In addition, Williams processes oil sands off-gas and produces olefins for petrochemical feedstocks... (Williams Energy 2013a) As the only processor of oil sands upgrader offgas in the world and the owner of the only fractionator capable of processing offgas liquids in Canada, Williams is wellpositioned for growth. Through our operations in Fort McMurray and in Sturgeon County near Edmonton, we are providing both significant environmental benefits and high-value oil and gas upgrading services to oil sands upgraders. . To convert the bitumen into usable oil it is heated to high temperatures in cokers, producing in the process something called offgas, rich in natural gas liquids (NGLs) and olefins, or basic petrochemicals (Williams Energy 2013b).

24 hr exceedance for particulate matter (P.M 2.5). Cause unknown. JC [EPO initials], On May 3, 2009 there was a 24 hours exceedance for PM2.5 at AMS 12 measuring 20 ug/m3. During the third, the winds were between 107 and 218 degrees (SE/Sw at an average of 8 km/h. Based on wind direction, Suncor has identified themselves as the likely source from mining activity (dust from trucks/excavation etc.). No further action taken by AENV at this time. (330580, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates a high concentration of fine particulates at AMS 12 and identifies a major source of


non-point emissions of dust in the form of mining activity. The median concentration of PM2.5 at AMS 12, 1998-2012, was 5.2 ug/m3.] Station 2 exceedance, H2S. TK [EPO initials]: Based on wind direction this GLC [ground level concentration] was likely caused by emissions from the Suncor Oil Sands Plant. Syncrude has indicated that they are not a likely contributor to the GLC. Incident closed. (333823, Suncor Oil Sands). [Data on file with this incident documented three hourly exceedances. In fact, WBEA AMS 2 data indicate 12 hourly exceedances for this date (Table 13). As with a previous incident noted above (330537), the incident documents multiple exceedances for H2S tied to a single incident. It demonstrates an underestimate by government of the actual number of exceedances and a lack of diligence in checking the statements of industry against independent data. As is the norm in the EMS record, it documents a decision not to take enforcement action.]

Table 13. Twelve H2S hourly exceedances at AMS 2 on 9 June 2009. THC = total hydrocarbon. AMS 2 hourly air quality data from WBEA, courtesy of Dr. Kevin Percy, March 2013. Date and Time SO2 (ppb) H2S (ppb) 9/6/2009 2:00 9/6/2009 3:00 9/6/2009 4:00 9/6/2009 5:00 9/6/2009 6:00 9/6/2009 7:00 9/6/2009 8:00 9/6/2009 9:00 9/6/2009 20:00 9/6/2009 21:00 9/6/2009 22:00 9/6/2009 23:00 1.1 0.6 1.2 2.2 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.5 0 0.2 0.1 0.1 15.0 12.1 23.1 38.0 26.9 28.4 11.9 14.8 13.2 48.1 33.9 10.6 THC (ppm) 2.1 2.2 2.5 2.9 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.8 2.3

Had to swing the boilers out of the JBR (Jet bubbling [bubble] reactors). Leak on boiler 1internal -steam. So routing emissions through stack 31 instead of stack 37. Still happening. Working to fix problem. Potential for elevated S02 &/or particulate. AA [EPO initials] / On August 29, 2009, Boiler 1 experienced a tube leak at 04:48 hours at which time it was routed to out of the JBR. Opacity exceedance occurred from 05:12 to 05:24 hrs, 06:36 to 06:48 and 07:48 to 07:54 hrs as boiler was take[n] out of JBR. The point of release was the Old Power House Stack 31F-7. The average opacity reading was 68.10, 70.45, 61.69, 49.81, 50.74. The released staff from stack 31 consisted of light fly ash from combustion of coke. A tube leak on Boiler 1 resulted in very hot flue gas entering JBR which triggered an Emergency Shut Down which caused the boiler to transfer out of JBR and into Plant 31 Stack. The FD and ID continued to run to cool the boiler. The fans carried all the remaining furnace and debris into stack 31 which resulted in the opacity excursions. (341817, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident illustrates a 72

recurrent feature of the environmental incidents: a chain reaction of interacting components within a complex production system. The emergency shut down procedures in many of the incidents appear to be aimed at preventing or minimizing damage to the production system rather than damage to the environment.] Station 2, hourly H2S exceedance. (343256, Suncor Oil Sands) Station 2 hourly exceedance -H2S. (343290, Suncor Oil Sands) [These two brief incident comments illustrate a recurrent feature of the EMS record documented previously but it bears repeating because of the seriousness of the incident. The first incident was not one hourly exceedance but 15 hourly exceedances and the second incident was not one hourly incident but 14 hourly exceedances (Table 14). The incidents document a failure by government to verify statements from industry by reference to independent data. The exceedances represent a serious excursion of H2S at AMS 2 in H2S which a maximum concentration of 92.2 ppb was observed. No actions were taken by AESRD. The incidents are closed.]


Table 14. Fifteen H2S hourly exceedances at AMS 2 on 13 September 2009 followed by 14 H2S hourly exceedances on 14 September 2009.* THC = total hydrocarbon. AMS 2 hourly air quality data from WBEA, courtesy of Dr. Kevin Percy, March 2013. The missing H2S value for 4 AM on 13 September 2009 occurred in the hour before a concentration of 70.9 ppb H2S was noted indicating that the missing value was probably also an exceedance. Date and Time SO2 (ppb) H2S (ppb) THC (ppm) 13/09/2009 4:00 0.3 missing 2.3 13/09/2009 5:00 0.5 70.9 3.2 13/09/2009 6:00 0.6 92.2 3.6 13/09/2009 7:00 0.3 51.7 3 13/09/2009 8:00 0.3 66.5 2.6 13/09/2009 9:00 0.7 56.7 2.5 13/09/2009 10:00 0.3 30.5 2.3 13/09/2009 11:00 0.2 14.4 2.1 13/09/2009 12:00 0.5 18.0 2.1 13/09/2009 14:00 0.2 10.7 2 13/09/2009 16:00 0.4 18.7 2.2 13/09/2009 18:00 0.1 11.2 2.4 13/09/2009 19:00 0.1 37.7 2.5 13/09/2009 21:00 0 35.0 2.5 13/09/2009 23:00 0.4 39.9 3.2 14/09/2009 0:00 0.3 32.6 2.4 14/09/2009 1:00 0.2 41.3 2.7 14/09/2009 2:00 missing 17.3 missing 14/09/2009 3:00 0.1 14.3 2.4 14/09/2009 4:00 0 17.0 2.6 14/09/2009 5:00 0.4 25.6 2.6 14/09/2009 6:00 0.3 35.3 2.7 14/09/2009 7:00 0.4 49.0 3.1 14/09/2009 8:00 0.9 67.7 3.4 14/09/2009 9:00 2.1 23.6 2.6 14/09/2009 10:00 1.5 32.0 2.3 14/09/2009 11:00 1.2 25.8 2.2 14/09/2009 12:00 1.5 31.5 2.4 14/09/2009 13:00 1.6 12.5 2.1 * Examination of the public complaints filed during this time found the following: 14-Sep-2009, Impact Air [Resolution:] Closed. Odour complaint - smells like urine, eyes burning. Sky was hazy around source - purple, blue/brown colour in sky. Wind blowing NE. Smell not as strong now in community. JC [EPO initials]; spoke with the Fort McKay IRC member of the public regarding her odour complaint. Described the smell as a cat urine and the sky as dark brown/blue with a mix of yellowish brown near Mildred Lake Syncrude Plant. AENV is currently looking into the emissions of ammonia from the FGD Stack at Syncrude. Odour complaint will be added to that file. (343398, Syncrude Mildred Lake) [The incident 74

indicates that no public complaints are on file at AESRD in relation to the Suncor H2S excursion of 13, 14 September 2009 but there was a complaint in relation to ammonia emissions from Syncrude Mildred Lake.] Caller reporting a notification -source exceeded the allowable S02 emissions. Source was flaring due to temperature and pressures issues in the plant. Plant started up last week - could be a contributing factor. CS [EPO initials] -Conversation with environmental staff stated that AENV in Edmonton (Approvals) have asked CNRL to report every time they exceed the 20 tonne/day limit, as per their approval they are not required to report when they exceed 20 tonnes/day. (416507, CNRL Horizon). [The incident suggests confusion amongst the regulators and the company. It also suggests a lax reporting requirement for SO2 emissions.] Caller reporting flaring events. Found when compiling monthly data. 57C-27-S02. Not sure if it was one event or two separate events. Cause -plant upset. LM Summary: Notification being disclaimed by Suncor. The flaring in question was all intermittent and due to various plant upsets. No single cause in flaring over 20 tonnes S02 from source 57C-27. A table breaking down flaring into sections included (taken from June Monthly Air report). Various small upsets throughout plant, appears no single event to cause overage. Incident closed. (311824, Suncor Oil Sands). [The incident is significant for two reasons. (1) The documentation indicates a failure to provide real time data on plant upsets that could affect human or environmental health. The flaring was discovered when monthly data were compiled. This indicates poor real-time oversight by both industry and government. (2) Examination of the data after the fact indicated the flaring was due to various upsets and not to one or two separate events.] Notifications, Other This section examines notifications incidents other than those related directly to air. Ground water problem. While digging at 8 ft below ground, it [what?] hit hydrocarbon pocket and ignited it for a while. (Closed - Information Only, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident suggests subsoil contamination, perhaps from a former spill or dumping. No other information is available.] Notification. Release of PCB containing oil -it just went to tailings pond. Occurred approx 1 hour ago. Caused by a contractor error. It was supposed to go offsite and contractor took it into pond. The oil will not be removed from the pond; the amount of PCB would be negligible compared to the size of the pond. TK [EPO initials]: <50 gal of PCB containing oil, <5 ppm PCB. Tailings ponds permitted to accept used oil. PCB content negligible concentration will be incredibly small in the pond. Incident closed. (324919, Suncor Oil Sands). Found 3 pole mount transformer that tested positive for PCB, = 106 mg/kg, 88.5 & 88.6 mg/kg (PCB content). Were not put into storage in 30 day time limit under CEPA. Do not believe they are leaking. LM [EPO initials] Summary: 3 pole mount transformers were found in warehouse storage area, results from samples taken found PCB levels >50 mg/kg, ranging 81.5-106 mg/kg. No release of PCB oil. Have been out of commission for >8 years and have been in the yard that amount of time. Transformers were labelled and moved to PCB storage. Warehouse personnel have been made aware of current requirements for the proper storage and handling of PCBs. 75

Env. Canada aware of issue. No release of PCBs. An inspection of hazardous waste in yards should be considered in the future. (318128, Suncor Oil Sands). [This incident is troubling. It documents a chance discovery of hazardous substances that were improperly stored for a minimum of eight years. Both poor hazardous waste management by industry and lax government oversight are implicated. The recommendation for an inspection of hazardous waste stored in yards was made on 20 November 2008 and was clearly overdue. There is no evidence in the database that these inspections have since been carried out.] Violation. GW monitoring wells are supposed to be locked at all times. Contractors discovered some to be unlocked. Movement in well may have caused PVC pipe to pop open.; Discovered another unlocked GW well as reported in Ref#142039, during ongoing audit. Wells unlock due to settling that occurs over time. Well is by pond 23 [2/3?], dyke 2W. Caller wanted this call to be a notification only, and wanted call linked to closed incident #151096. (151096, Suncor Oil Sands). [Damage to, or failure to protect, monitoring wells sometimes occurs. Such damage undermines the quality of the groundwater monitoring information. Although this incident is noted as a violation, it was tallied under notification and no enforcement took place.] Contravention - compliance monitoring system - lost data from Aurora WWTP. Unplanned event caused permanent loss of data. (144398, Syncrude Mildred Lake). {Loss of data undermines monitoring quality.] SO2 emissions monitoring is suspected to not be working properly - currently being checked out. SO2 limit is 292 T/day. (145097, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Malfunctions of monitoring and pollution control equipment are commonplace.] As a result of July 15 internal audit, discovered surface runoff pond receiving industrial wastewater. Rec'd results yesterday. (146661, En Cana Christina Lake). [Pumping of industrial waste to a surface runoff pond suggests that untreated industrial wastewater was later released to the environment. It also suggests poor management practice.] Reporting exceedance on waste water effluent to Athabasca River. They were over on oil & grease. Closed in discharge at 05: 00 hrs. Will investigate cause today. Sample that was over was taken during the night shift. (130163, Suncor Oil Sands). Reporting that they discovered 24 small dead fish in a stilling well at the Aurora site. The stilling system is part of the onsite clean water system (this is not part of a natural body of water). She is not sure how the fish got in there or what caused the fish kill. They were discovered this morning (exact time unknown, but it would be around 0500 hours). The stilling well is used for muskeg dewatering. The sump is partially frozen, so they may have been there all winter, and were just discovered today. The system is currently shut down. They don't know what type of fish they are yet (they are 2" long) but their onsite biologist will be examining them soon. Fish and Wildlife were advised but they suggested reporting it to DFO. CIC advised the information will be forwarded to Environment Canada and EC will forward the information to DFO. She will send a 7-day report, but they will likely not be able to determine how they got in there, or what killed them. (439425, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [In itself, this is not a major incident. It is significant, however, for what it reveals: (1) Infrequent monitoring; (2) Lack of 76

expertise in the inability to identify fishes found on site; (3) A complex and byzantine reporting system about which the operators are unsure as to whom to report incidents.] 4.5.7 Impact Frequencies Impacts by Approval Syncrude Mildred Lake (50.9 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (47.3 %) and are responsible for the majority (98.2 %) of the 223 impacts (Table 15). Four other approvals registered one impact each. Impacts Over Time and by Approval Overall, since mid-1996, impacts have varied between 0 and 28 incidents per quarter with a mean of 3.4 impacts per quarter or one impact every 26.5 days (Figure 13). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, since mid-1996, impacts have varied between 0 and 12 incidents per quarter with a mean of 1.7 impacts per quarter or one impact every 52.9 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, since mid-1996, impacts have varied between 0 and 16 incidents per quarter with a mean of 1.6 impacts per quarter or one impact every 56.3 days. Temporally, overall peak rates of impacts during the period mid-1996 to mid-2012 occurred from 2008 through 2011. Peak incident rates are driven by incidents at Suncor Oil Sands and Syncrude Mildred Lake (Figure 13). Impacts by Call Reason Impacts are defined in the EMS as a incidents that cause a noticeable change in the environment. The definition is simultaneously vague and arbitrary in that almost any incident can result in a noticeable change in the environment depending on the knowledge and analytical tools available. A large proportion of the alleged contraventions, releases, and notifications pertain to events that caused detectable changes and there is therefore no clear separation in the categories. A sample of some impact incidents may help the reader better understand the call reason impact. Most impact incidents (93.3 %) were classified as air, followed by water (2.2 %) and no impact (1.3 %) (Table 16). Examples follow. 4.5.8 Impact Characterizations Impacts, Air Most air impact incidents are derived from public complaints. A small sample follows. The public complaints section provides a fuller description. Notice 10 deer dead on north side of sources plant near the dyke. Ravens feeding on carcasses. This is near a flare stack. This has been going on for a month. They noticed this due to the large gathering of crows. bs [EPO initials] 1 dead reported to SRD was verified. (328216, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Questions arise: Why did the deer die? How many deer died? Was the incident investigated other than to confirm that one dead deer was verified? The incident was closed; no enforcement action was taken. The fact that the staff member who transcribed the call first wrote ravens, then wrote crows suggest a lack of attention to recording accurate observations.] 77

Contravention: Believe source are not following approval. Waterfowl are not being kept away from ponds since ponds inception 2-3 years ago. Should have better system for keeping waterfowl away from ponds./ Has not allowed caller on site to view bird deterrent system. Suspect problems. (331264, Suncor Oil Sands). [The observation suggests that industrial landing deterrents are not working as hoped. Recent major bird mortality incidents lend support to this view. The fact that the industry in question has not allowed the caller on site to inspect the deterrent system does little to dispel these views.] Driving past the oil sands plants, and there is a strong acrid, sharp odour. Smells like tar but slightly different and stronger. It is strongest right as she passes Source so that is where she believes it is coming from. (336806, Suncor Oil Sands). [Because bitumen looks and smells like tar, it is not surprising that the term persists in spite of efforts to re-label bitumen as oil. Although industry and government officials have attempted to change the name, and many news outlets have acquiesced to the name change, tar and tar sands remains in common usage in the EMS database, among the public, and outside of Canada. Neither tar sands or oil sands are correct or accurate; the deposits are bitumen sands.] Smell horrific since 2300 hours last night. Cannot even open windows. Typical skunky bitumen smell. VL [EPO initials] - Caller does not want to be called back. This incident is likely linked to the venting by Suncor #205115, 205119, 205113, & 205114. (310498, Suncor Oil Sands). [The incident suggests, at the minimum, significant quality of life impacts, and perhaps health concerns, both respiratory and psychological.] Strong odour in the entire community. First noticed ~ 30 min's ago. There was a black plume from the second source ~ 1430-1500 hrs. (324523, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [Some communities in the region are more affected than others.] Pollution - haze in the air, smells like oil. It's hard to breathe. Noticed on weekend, today is worse. Caller is getting a sore throat from it. (324596, Syncrude Mildred Lake) [Sore throats and other respiratory complaints are common. The air pollution and public complaints sections of the report examines these issues in some detail.] Odour complaint of sour gas from source and smell of THC's; Smell sulfur in air (smell like rotten eggs); Smells like H2S in Fort MacKay; Sour gas smell Ft Mackay; Smell bothering... [redacted] and is taking[redacted]; Sour gas smell in house now[redacted]; bad smell[redacted]; Smell bad, people getting sick.; Smells bad. North of Syncrude base plant on Hwy 63 heavy smell of Natural Gas on Hwy. (244514, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [This incident includes nine public complaints.] Impacts, Other This section survey impact incidents other than those directly related to air. Public Lands officer noticed heavy siltation and sewage odour off the Devon Jackfish facility. (261058, Devon ARL Corp. Conklin). [This impact incident was classified inexplicably as call


reason vegetation. The incident description is terse and contains no other information. Where was the heavy siltation? What was causing the sewage odour? Did an investigator follow-up?] Concerned about spill that Source had into River - ...Wants more info on[redacted] (188356, Suncor Oil Sands). [No other information is available. Was this a spill into the Athabasca River?] Just observed orange floating scum in the river by Source - 1 km wide. (225508, Suncor Oil Sands). [No other information is available. What was the source of the orange scum?] Reports of source finding and burying 150 ducks. Call came in from anonymous caller last night. No other information was available. bs [EPO initials] public complaint returned calls and left messages. (302403, Syncrude Mildred Lake). [No other information is available. Interestingly, this impact call type was classified as call reason no impact. Given the nature of the observation and the fact that it was classified as call type impact, classifying the call reason as no impact is difficult to understand.] [redacted]....SO2 ....[redacted] (54155, Suncor Oil Sands) [This is one of the most heavily redacted incidents in the database; only one word was disclosed. No other information is available. Why was the incident redacted?] Two birds landed in one of the lagoons. Diversion lagoon. Brine solution (water). Birds died. Not sure what to do with birds. (165379, Petro-Canada MacKay River). [The call reason for this incident was no impact. It is difficult to understand how bird mortalities due to exposure to industrial brine does not constitute an impact? The caller type was industry. Why did the caller not know what to do with the bird? It also begs the question, how many birds die at this and other brine ponds and are not found or reported? The fact that the caller did not know what to do with the birds, nor even what species of birds were found, indicates that the company is not training its staff adequately.] Land clearing by oil sand company; trees in crown land. (303174, Shell Canada Jackpine). [The incident type was given as property damage and the incident was closed. Why was there no investigation or enforcement?]


Table 15. Frequency of impacts by approval (total n = 223). Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp. Frequency (n Incidents) 113 1 105 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Proportion of All Impacts (%) 50.7 0.4 47.1 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0.4 0.4


Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter
All Approvals

20 10 0
96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Incidents Per Quarter Yr Count

10 5 0

Syncrude Mildred Lake

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

YEARQUARTER 20 15 10 5 0
Incidents Per Quarter Yr Count
Suncor Oil Sands

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 13. Number of impacts per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to mid-2012 for YEARQUARTER all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).


Table 16. Frequency of impacts by call reason (total n = 223). Call Reason Frequency (n Incidents) Air 208 Industrial Heartland 1 Land 1 No Impact 3 Non-categorized 2 Potable Water 1 Vegetation 1 Waste 1 Water (including groundwater, 5 shore/bank, and surface water) Proportion of All Notifications (%) 93.3 0.45 0.45 1.3 0.9 0.45 0.45 0.45 2.2

4.6 Frequencies of Major Call Reasons

There are five primary call reasons in the environmental management system. These are air, land, regulation/reporting, no impact, and surface water. The following sections document the frequencies of the major call reasons. 4.6.1 Air Air Incidents by Approval Suncor Oil Sands (49.55 %) and Syncrude Mildred Lake (45.95 %) are responsible for the majority (95.5 %) of the 6,012 incidents related to air concerns (Table 17). CNRL Horizon ranks third with 2.5 % of the air incidents. Air Incidents Over Time and Approval Overall, since mid-1996, incidents related to air have varied between 40 and 314 incidents per quarter with a mean of 92.0 air incidents per quarter or one air incident every 0.98 days (Figure 14). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, since mid-1996, air incidents have varied between 10 and 99 incidents per quarter with a mean of 42.3 air incidents per quarter or one air incident every 2.1 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, since mid-1996, air incidents have varied between 10 and 249 incidents per quarter with a mean of 45.7 air incidents per quarter or one air incident every 2.0 days. Temporally, peak rates of air incidents during the period mid-1996 to mid-2012 occurred in 2001 and from 2008 through 2010. Peak incident rates are driven by incidents at Suncor Oil Sands (2008 through 2010) and Syncrude Mildred Lake (2001, 2006 to 2008, 2010) (Figure 14).


Table 17. Frequency of air incidents by approval (total n = 6,013). Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp. Frequency (n Incidents) 2,762 9 2,974 6 13 25 0 27 3 27 2 150 0 5 10 Proportion of All Air Incidents (%) 45.9 0.1 49.5 0.1 0.2 0.4 0 0.4 0.05 0.4 0.03 2.5 0 0.08 0.2


320 240 160 80 0

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

All Approvals

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

100 100 90 80 80 70 60 60 50 40 40 30 20 20 10 0

Incidents Per Quarter Yr Count

Syncrude Mildred Lake

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

YEARQUARTER 250 200 150 100 50 0

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter
Suncor Oil Sands

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 14. Number of air incidents per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to mid-2012 for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).



4.6.2 Land Land Incidents by Approval Suncor Oil Sands (37.6 %) and Syncrude Mildred Lake (32.9 %) are responsible for the majority (70.5 %) of the 958 land incidents (Table 18). CNRL Horizon ranks third with 9.8 % and Shell Albian Sands ranks fourth with 4.5 % of the land incidents. Land Incidents Over Time and by Approval Overall, since mid-1996, land incidents have varied between 0 and 35 incidents per quarter with a mean of 14.6 land incidents per quarter or one land incident every 6.2 days (Figure 15). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, since mid-1996, land incidents have varied between 0 and 14 incidents per quarter with a mean of 4.8 land incidents per quarter or one land incident every 18.8 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, since mid-1996, land incidents have varied between 0 and 17 incidents per quarter with a mean of 5.5 land incidents per quarter or one land incident every 16.4 days. Temporally, the number of land incidents showed an apparent increase over the period mid-1996 to mid-2012. Peak rates for land incidents from Syncrude Mildred Lakes operations occurred in 2001, 2003, 2006, and 2007; those for Suncor Oil Sands occurred 1999, 2003, 2008, and 2009; and those for CNRL occurred in 2009 and 2012 (Figure 15). Since 2009, the number of land incidents stemming from CNRLs operations has approximated those stemming from Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands.


Table 18. Frequency of land incidents by approval (total n = 958). Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp. Frequency (n Incidents) 315 0 360 14 31 43 2 7 22 16 0 94 6 34 14 Proportion of All Land Incidents (%) 32.9 0 37.6 1.5 3.2 4.5 0.2 0.7 2.3 1.7 0 9.8 0.6 3.5 1.5


40 30 20 10 0

Incidents Per Quarter YrCount

All Approvals

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr

15 10 5 0

Syncrude Mildred Lake

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

20 15 10 5 0

Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr

Suncor Oil Sands

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr

15 10 5 0

CNRL Horizon

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 15. Number of land incidents per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to mid2012 for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (second tier), Suncor Oil Sands (third tier), and CNRL Horizon (bottom).



4.6.3 Regulation and Reporting Incidents Regulation and Reporting Incidents by Approval Syncrude Mildred Lake (49.55 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (42.85 %) are responsible for the majority (92.4 %) of the 739 regulation and reporting incidents (Table 19). Shell Albian Sands ranks third with 3.1 % and Cenovus ranks fourth with 2.3 % of regulation and reporting incidents. Regulation and Reporting Incidents Over Time and by Approval For reasons that have not been explained by AESRD, Regulation/Reporting incidents were renamed as No Impact incidents after the first quarter of 2004. Therefore, after the first quarter of 2004, regulation and reporting incidents decline to zero because they are replaced by No Impact incidents. Overall, between mid-1996 and the first quarter of 2004, regulation and reporting incidents varied between 1 and 63 incidents per quarter with a mean of 22.9 regulation and reporting incidents per quarter or one incident every 3.9 days (Figure 16). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, between mid-1996 and the first quarter of 2004, regulation and reporting incidents have varied between 0 and 42 incidents per quarter with a mean of 11.3 incidents per quarter or one regulation and reporting incident every 8.0 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, between mid-1996 and the first quarter of 2004, regulation and reporting incidents have varied between 1 and 22 incidents per quarter with a mean of 9.8 incidents per quarter or one l regulation and reporting incident every 9.2 days. Temporally, the number of regulation and reporting incidents showed an apparent increase over the period 1998 to 2003. Peak rates for regulation and reporting incidents for Syncrude Mildred Lakes operations were observed in 2002 and 2003; those for Suncor Oil Sands were observed in 2001 and 2002 (Figure 16).


Table 19. Frequency of regulation and reporting incidents by approval (total n = 739). One record that contained 51 redacted incidents included one or more regulation/reporting incidents; therefore the left column sums to 738 incidents. There are no records of regulation and reporting incidents after the first quarter of 2004. After that time, all regulation and reporting incidents were categorized under no impact. Approval Number and Operation Frequency (n Incidents) Proportion of All Regulation and Reporting Incidents (%) 49.5 0.1 42.8 0 2.0 3.1 0 0 0 2.3 0.1 0 0 0 0

26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp.

365 1 316 0 15 23 0 0 0 17 1 0 0 0 0


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr

All Approvals

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

YEARQUARTER 50 40 30 20 10 0

Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr

Syncrude Mildred Lake

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

YEARQUARTER 25 20 15 10 5 0
Incidents Per Count Quarter Yr
Suncor Oil Sands

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 16. Number of regulation and reporting incidents per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to first quarter 2004 for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).



4.6.4 No Impact Incidents The call reason no impact requires clarification. It does not necessarily mean there is no impact, nor does it mean there was no contravention. For example, an incident (number 170484) at Suncor Oil Sands on 6 July 2004 indicated that One coke fired boiler was not routed to FGD [flue gas desulphurization] stack for a period of time this morning. Contravention. The category appears to be used somewhat inconsistently for incidents that do not fit in other categories, as in this incident (closed, information only, 6 November 2004, at Suncor Oil Sands): Notification of flaring from 52-PC-1682. which is their 52-K-100 compressor. Due to a compressor trip. Flaring since some time yesterday. No contraventions. (Letter rec'd Nov 10). Both of these incidents could have been categorized under the call reason air. No Impact Incidents by Approval Syncrude Mildred Lake (38.5 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (36.7 %) are responsible for the majority (75.2 %) of the 652 no impact incidents (Table 20). CNRL ranks third with 8.7 % and Cenovus ranks fourth with 5.2 % of no impact incidents. No impact incidents begin in the first quarter of 2004. This category replaced the category regulation/reporting that was used until the first quarter of 2004 (previous section). No Impact Incidents Over Time and Approval Overall, between the first quarter of 2004 and mid-2012, no impact incidents varied between 8 and 31 incidents per quarter with a mean of 19.1 no impact incidents per quarter or one incident every 4.7 days (Figure 17). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, between the first quarter of 2004 and mid-2012, no impact incidents varied between 2 and 23 incidents per quarter with a mean of 7.4 incidents per quarter or one no impact incident every 12.2 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, between the first quarter of 2004 and mid-2012, no impact incidents varied between 0 and 17 incidents per quarter with a mean of 7.0 incidents per quarter or one no impact incident every 12.9 days. Peak rates for no impact incidents for Syncrude Mildred Lakes operations were observed in late 2007; those for Suncor Oil Sands were observed in 2008 and 2009 (Figure 17). 4.6.5 Characterization of Regulation/Reporting and No Impact Incidents Representative No Impact and Regulation/Reporting incidents under the Alleged Contravention call type were provided in a previous section of results. This section provides a brief survey of No Impact and Regulation/Reporting incidents under other call types. Reporting over 20 tons, hit 65.95 tons of S02 over a days [over how many days?]. Not over exceedance, just a notification. (no incident number, CNRL Horizon, Notification, No Impact). [The incident illustrates that the categories no impact and notification can include release of 65.95 tonnes of SO2 over an unspecified time, which calls into question the meaning of no impact.] Contravention - preparing Annual Reports for 2002 Aurora haven't completed analysis for arsenic or mercury. Approv# 18942. (135932, Syncrude, Notification, Regulation/Reporting)


[The incident illustrates that a contravention can be misclassified under Regulation/Reporting. It also illustrates a failure of industry to report on contaminants of concern to human health.] Lost 1200 barrels of untreated tails into tailings pond. Due to power bump which took down Naphtha recovery unit. Not expecting any odour complaints. Down for 5 min's, back up now. (303881, Suncor Oil Sands, Release, No Impact). [The incident illustrates the volume of materials being processed per unit of time. A five minute upset caused a loss of 1200 barrels of untreated tailings.] Dead bird found on resin sampler. Merlin bird. Found @ 1330. Emerg. coordinator & environmental staff advised. Unsure if on lease. (313281, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Notification, No Impact). [The incident illustrates that bird mortalities also occur outside tailing ponds. The merlin is a species of falcon.] Failure of process at WWTP [wastewater treatment plant]. A pump quit. They tried to bypass to the storage tank, but the line was frozen. Treated effluent (without tertiary treatment) is being released to the pond. The pond will eventually drain into another pond, and then to a wetland. There should be no environmental impacts because it has been mostly treated. They are working on thawing the tank line and also on getting the pump back online. No estimates on flow or volume. Full details in letter. (433942, Encana Christina Lake, Release, No Impact). [This incident illustrates a release of wastewater of unknown volume and chemistry and of an assumption of no environmental impacts without gathering of data.] Table 20. Frequency of no impact incidents by approval (total n = 652). Approval Number and Frequency Proportion of All Operation (n Incidents) No Impact Incidents (%) 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 251 38.5 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake 0 0 and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 239 36.7 1604 JACOS 1 0.2 18942 Syncrude Aurora 12 1.8 20809 Shell Albian Sands 15 2.3 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 2 0.3 48263 Conoco Phillips 1 0.2 Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay 8 1.2 River 48522 Cenovus Encana 34 5.2 Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 1 0.2 149968 CNRL Horizon 57 8.7 151469 Fort Hills Energy 8 1.2 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 8 1.2 183875 Devon ARL Corp. 15 2.3 92

40 30 20 10 0

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

All Approvals

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

20 10 0

Syncrude Mildred Lake

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

YEARQUARTER 20 15 10 5 0

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

Suncor Oil Sands

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 17. Number of no impact incidents per three-month annual quarters from first-quarter YEARQUARTER 2004 to mid-2012 for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).


4.6.6 Water Incidents Water Incidents by Approval This section summarizes the frequencies of the water-related incidents (surface water, n = 434, groundwater, n = 14, and shore/bank of waterbody, n = 4) by approval (total n = 452). Unlike other call reasons, the distribution of incidents among the company operations is not overwhelmingly dominated by Suncor Oil Sands and Syncrude Mildred Lake. Suncor Oil Sands (35.4 %) and Syncrude Mildred Lake (25.7 %) are responsible for 61.1 % of the 452 water incidents (Table 21). Shell Canada Jackpine ranks third with 12.6 %, CNRL ranks fourth with 8.6 %, and Syncrude Aurora ranks fifth with 6.9 % of the water-related incidents. Given that its record is relatively brief (begins in 2006), it is significant that Shell Canada Jackpine has registered 57 water-related incidents. Water Incidents Over Time and Approval Between mid-1996 and mid-2012, water incidents varied between 0 and 48 incidents per quarter with a mean of 6.9 water incidents per quarter or one incident every 13.0 days (Figure 18). At Syncrude Mildred Lake, between mid-1996 and mid-2012, water incidents varied between 0 and 7 incidents per quarter with a mean of 1.8 water incidents per quarter or one incident every 50.0 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, between mid-1996 and mid-2012, water incidents varied between 0 and 15 incidents per quarter with a mean of 2.5 water incidents per quarter or one l incident every 36.0 days. Temporally, the number of water-related incidents peaked during 2008 and 2009 (Figure 18). 4.6.7 Characterization of Water Incidents Because of the proximity of the Athabasca River which drains the mineable bitumen sands region and flows downstream to Fort Chipewyan and the Peace-Athabasca Delta, water incidents resonate with the media and the general public. There was, for example, a much publicized release of untreated industrial wastewater by Suncor in March 2013. It is important to remember, however, that the ecosystem is characterized by interactions such that an incident categorized as air or land may influence surface water, groundwater, or wildlife and be detected in areas distant from the incident. Here is a selection of typical water incidents. Construction site has flooded due to Athabasca River which has risen. This was noticed today at approximately 14:00 hours. There is a settling pond at the site which is back flooded. The water is going into the Athabasca River. The discharge ditch is filling up with water as the settling pond is discharging. This has been happening every year since 2007. This is considered a courtesy call and a notification only. This is not considered a contravention of approval. Will update if there are any changes. (445178, Fort Hills Energy, Notification, Surface Water). [This incident illustrates a chronic and widespread problemthat is of industry increasing the background rates of erosion and therefore total suspended solid (TSS) loading into the Athabasca River. Importantly, the date of incident (13 June 2012), indicates that this single incident has 94

been occurring for six years without improvement of the situation or prosecution. The incident was not considered a contravention, which illustrates that a contravention is a legal term rather than an ecological term.] Table 21. Frequency of water-related incidents [surface water (n = 434), groundwater (n = 14) and shore/bank of waterbody (n = 4)] incidents by approval (total n = 452). Approval Number and Operation 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands 94 Suncor Oil Sands 1604 JACOS 18942 Syncrude Aurora 20809 Shell Albian Sands 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 48263 Conoco Phillips Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay River 48522 Cenovus Encana Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 149968 CNRL Horizon 151469 Fort Hills Energy 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 183875 Devon ARL Corp. Frequency (n Incidents) 116 0 160 1 31 6 7 1 2 3 2 39 27 57 0 Proportion of All Water Incidents (%) 25.7 0 35.4 0.2 6.9 1.3 1.5 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.4 8.6 6.0 12.6 0

Breach of surface water berm on river road south of plant 86 on site. Due to very heavy rains. Water goes into heavily wooded area. Athabasca River is approximately 0.5 km but possibly impacted. Ditch on east side of road had 3-4' wide breach. Fixed already. Pump being brought in to pump water back into pond. LM [EPO initials] Summary: Breach of surface water ditch approx. 2300 05-OCT-08 for approx. 10-15 min. Released along and over Steepbank Trail approx. 400 m south of Plant 86. Samples were collected on 06-OCT for daily parameters. Corridor was repaired with bermed soil, water collected in sump at base of receiving slope will be removed and sent to a containment pond. Follow-up sampling of water and soil completed, pumping of accumulated water will continue until results return to normal. Removal of affected soils or water from affected area will be completed as deemed necessary. Water containment and control will be improved to reduce likelihood of future release. Follow-up should consist of future inspection of industrial run-off control system for next year, will be noted when recommending for inspection plan 09-10. (314553, Suncor, Oil Sands, Release, Surface Water). [This is another example of how industry increases TSS loading.] Construction over creek (road). TSS monitoring. Noticed spikes. Pumping water around construction area. Fish barrier set up to protect fish (downstream). Water went over barriers and 95

eroded bank (suspected and stirred things up down stream). Spikes have been noticed downstream as below. Since then reduced pumping and this should alleviate problem. Water no longer over barrier. (315405, Fort Hills Energy, Release, Surface Water) [This illustrates another way in which industry can contribute to TSS loading. The creek is not specified.] Discovered another TSS exceedance - same cause as ref# 181205. Will address late report in letter. Approval limit is a difference of no more than 25mg/L between up and down stream readings.; Building coffer dam. Previously doing stream work so they are monitoring water quality every second day. Upstream samples were 5.4 mg/L TSS. Downstream sample was 84.2 mg/L. Reason: believe they are picking up sediment in small area of water they are testing because most of the water is frozen (one metre of ice). Caller took another sample at a different location with free flowing water and it was 7.6 mg/L. Have not done any instream work for a while so does not think this is a factor. Will continue to [remainder illegible; it looks like "monitor this also"]. (242678, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Alleged Contravention, Surface Water). [This incident is significant for four reasons: It provides evidence of (1) TSS impact; (2) lenient standards; (3) an apparent attempt to dismiss the importance of the incident; (4) lack of follow-up; there is no evidence in the file that AESRD investigated.] Continuing event - Pond 2 sedimentation pond TSS exceedance due to spring runoff. Flows to Muskeg River (eventually). TSS exceedance from results received yesterday. Again today results are in exceedance. Results received today were taken yesterday. Combining both results on this call. Exceedance of TSS on sedimentation pond discharge due to spring runoff. Pond 2 affected, releases eventually to Muskeg River. Volume of water released unknown. (330459, Shell Canada Jackpine, Alleged Contravention, Surface Water). [The incident illustrates the release of an unknown volume of water containing high TSS, a common problem. It documents release of this water to the Muskeg River and thence to the Athabasca River. Finally, it illustrates a common explanation for an exceedancehigh spring runoff, which has the effect of shifting causality from industry to nature.] River water samples -> exceeded allowable oil and grease values. Not sure what caused the exceedance. There is no production equipment in that area. Putting rush on other samples that were sent to lab. TK [EPO initials]: TSS and COD [chemical oxygen demand] test results were within acceptable limits. A lab error resulted in a late reporting of sample results for O&G [oil and grease]. Oil skimmers have been installed at the entrance to Pre-Sed 07. Daily inspections of pumps to be completed. Estimated Total release: 81,250,474 litres. O&G: 17mg/L (limit: 10 mg/L). (330775, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, Surface Water). [This appears to have been a significant pollution event, yet there is no evidence that government monitored for impacts or prosecuted the contravention. The incident is closed. Finally, the incident illustrates that there is little monitoring and reporting by the media of pollution events.] Effluent discharge to environment -oil and grease exceedances. Not sure of cause -> caller does not believe that these are true values. They have never has [had] exceedances before [according to caller]. Could have been misanalysis from lab. CS [EPO initials] -On 7th and 15th of May 2009, the O&G sample results exceeded Canadian Natural approval limit of 10 mg/L. The exact cause is not known but it is believed that samples were contaminated at the sampling location or at the laboratory. (335451, CNRL, Alleged Contravention, Surface Water). [The 7 May 2009 96

sample indicated 86.3 mg/L of oil and grease; the 15 May 2009 sample indicated 20.1 mg/L of oil and grease. The incident text illustrates how a contravention can be dismissed without apparent investigation. The dismissal of exceedances as due to error is common. No enforcement action was taken.] High TSS reading on north steep back [Steepbank] mine. Sedimentation pond. LM [EPO initials] Release of 23998 m3 water from outfall NS OF 03B between 14-OCT to 1320 15-OCT. TSS 110 mg/L, approval limit 100 mg/L. Outfall shut down 15-OCT 1310 when sample results were found. Consists of surface water runoff following a period of heavy rainfall. Increased turbidity levels taken in field on 14-oct were high but a decision was made not close the outfall as the TSS-turbidity relationship did not suggest a TSS exceedance. Outfall was closed within 10 mins of receiving lab results. TSS exceedance changed to 190 mg/L from 110, turbidity value changed to 180 NTU from 60, date changed to 15-OCT from 14-OCT and therefore released volume changed, section discussing decision to keep open based on ntu values and relationship removed. Spoke with Travis Kendal of Suncor 11:20 19-Nov-08 in regards to changes. Retested sample from 14-OCT, found to be under TSS limit, but 15-OCT sample was above. New volume released was 2296 m3. Call to CIC was made day after results were received and outfall closed. 10 % over approval limit for 24 hours. Should be followed up in an inspection when taken in context with prior incidents.(315291, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, Surface Water). [Given the volume of the discharge of water high in TSS, this event may have impacted the health of the receiving stream course. The note from the EPO that section discussing decision to keep open based on ntu [turbidity] values and relationship removed and Should be followed up in an inspection when taken in context with prior incidents suggests that industry modified a report that may have reflected on their management, and, that government had observed prior incidents that were cause for concern.] Pond E outfall oil & grease sample exceeded limit. Discharges into Athabasca river. Have closed the outfall & resampling. LM Summary: exceedance of OG on Pond E outfall of 5.8 mg/L (limit 5.0 mg/L) reported. Sample taken prior and after that sample were a max. of 0.5 mg/L. They consider the exceedance sample to be an anomaly. The outfall was temp. closed until additional samples were collected and analyzed to ensure below OG limits. Outfall reopened as sample results were 0.2 mg/L. No release occurred. OG exceedance appears to be either sample or lab error. All results after the fact and results before are consistent with the exceedance being an anomaly. (315186, Suncor, Alleged Contravention, Surface water) [This incident illustrates release of water to the Athabasca River. It also illustrates dismissal of a discharge incident as an anomaly.] Source released raw water from pond #14 into the Athabasca River. Approval stated they must sample the pond everyday if they are to release it into the river. This was not done - last sample that was analyzed was taken July 16, 2007. Another sample was taten [taken] on wed. July 25, 2007 but no analysis reports are available. Volume not known - release occurred from July 22, 2007 to 9 AM on July 24, 2007. (269788, Petro-Canada, Alleged Contravention, Surface Water) [This incident illustrates release of untested water of unknown volume to the Athabasca River by Petro-Canada. It also illustrates both failure to sample and failure to report.]


While fuelling barge, couple [coupling?] leaked under water and 50,000 litres gasoline spilled. All contained in berm area and will be pumped to the tailings area. No release. No affect to environment. (30574, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Surface Water). [The incident raises questions. How much of the gasoline would have been captured? How can an underwater gasoline leak of 50,000 L be contained in a bermed area? How much gasoline escaped or percolated to groundwater? In what waterbody was the barge? Without testing, how can it be concluded there was no effect to environment and no release?] Raw water from utilities cooled compressor system and went into industrial sewer. The sewer could not handle the volume and the water overflowed to the sanitary sewer. All water is to go to river through Pond E. (1637, Suncor Oil Sands, Notification, Surface Water) [The incident illustrates a release to the environment of untested water of unknown volume. Pond E releases directly to the Athabasca River. Why is this a notification and not an alleged contravention or release?] Notification of possible adverse effects, Experiencing abnormally low flows coming from the polishing pond (last pond in sewage treatment). Noticed 2 days ago and thought that it was evaporation. It is still occurring so it must be something else. Suspect it could be leaking somewhere else, but still within pond system - will investigate and submit report. (172421, Suncor Oil Sands, Notification, Surface Water). [The incident illustrates system complexity, lack of competent real time monitoring and inevitability of incidents in a tightly-linked complex system running at full capacity.] H2S in water to effluent pond. Daily test. Previous sample was only 2.9 ppm. They have reduced the sour water feed and are taking extra samples (could have been a bad sample). They have been treating sour water on coker. JC [EPO initials]; On July 23, 2009 Syncrude reported fluctuations in their 8-1 Coker Sour Stream Stripper which resulted in the 8-1 Coker Stripped Sour Water [being released] to the effluent pond to be measure at 593 ppm H2S. This exceeded Syncrude's internal reporting trigger of 472 ppm H2S. Operations reduced sour water feed and then resampled. The new sample measured 2 ppm. As a result of this event at the time of the exceedance (01:00 - 3:30 hrs) there were no odour complaints or AAAQO exceedances measures at any WBEA AMS. (337309, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Surface Water). [Again, this is a good illustration of system complexity. It also illustrates the high H2S concentrations characteristic of sour water.] Pond 3 polishing pond recorded two TSS exceedances due to an overload of surface runoff water. Pond 2 also recorded a TSS exceedance for the same reason but they will have an ongoing issue with this pond - they will release high TSS water on an ongoing basis, as discussed with AENV approvals. They would like a call back from investigator to work out something in terms of reporting. (253647, Shell Canada, Alleged Contraventions, Surface Water). [The incident illustrates a chronic problem of high TSS at this operation without evidence enforcement. It also illustrates that industry increases TSS loading to the Athabasca River.] Fish weir in Tar River blew out and caused high TSS in river. Reason: large rain storms preceding this. (269689, CNRL Horizon, Release, Surface Water). [The incident illustrates yet another means by which industry activities increase TSS loading, in this case construction of a 98

weir that later failed. Attributing the cause of the incident to rain storms or some other natural event is common in the record.] Pushing or dumping large amounts of waste into a small river or stream in area just before the barricade to the Fort Chipewyan Road. Caller didn't know name of river or creek. Going on for about a week. Call from stakeholder -waste being disposed of wrongfully. Being investigated now. Anonymous caller. Notification only. (301674, Fort Hills Energy, Notification, Surface Water). [This is a troubling incident. The fact that the EPO referred to the caller as a stakeholder and the caller type as Industry indicates that an anonymous tipster from industry was reporting environmentally damaging activities. Yet the incident is categorized as Notification, and there is no evidence of investigation. No enforcement actions took place. The resolution status is closed. Why was there no investigation or enforcement?] At this juncture, it is relevant to point out to the reader that the company approvals permit releases of wastewater to the environment (Tables 22, 23). Perhaps the best example is the Suncor approval (Alberta Environment 2007a), which stipulates that industrial wastewater may be released to the Athabasca River from 28 locations (Box III.).
Box III. Suncors 28 approved locations for release of industrial wastewater and runoff to the Athabasca River The approval holder shall only release industrial wastewater and industrial runoff to the Athabasca River watershed from the following locations, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Director: (a) the Pond C Duckpond; [see Figure suncor ponds] (b) the Pond E Duckpond; [it is interesting that Ponds C and E are referred to as Duckpond[s] as both of these ponds do not provide a healthy setting for ducks; release from this pond may contain up to 5 mg/L of oil and grease] (c) Mid-Plant Drainage (Weir #10); (d) North Mine Drainage (Weir #7); (e) South Mine Drainage (Weir #1); (f) Pond R; (g) Pond A East; (h) McLean Creek Wetland Runoff Pond; (i) Steepbank Runoff Collection Ditch; (j) Millennium Runoff Collection Ditch; (k) Millennium Runoff Pond; (l) Millennium Extraction Pond; (m) Millennium Mine Gravel Pit; (n) North Steepbank Extension - Unnamed Creek outfall NS_OF_01; (o) North Steepbank Extension - Unnamed Creek outfall NS_OF_02; (p) North Steepbank Extension - Unnamed Creek outfall NS_OF_03; (q) North Steepbank Extension - outfall NS_SED_01; (r) North Steepbank Extension - outfall NS_SED_02; (s) North Steepbank Extension - outfall NS_SED_03; (t) North Steepbank Extension - outfall NS_SED_04; (u) North Steepbank Extension outfall NS_SED_05; (v) Voyageur Upgrader Ruth Creek construction outfall; (w) Voyageur Upgrader Ruth Creek outfall; (x) Voyageur Upgrader- East Temporary Settling Pond (VU_SED_01); (y) Voyageur Upgrader - West Temporary Settling Pond (VU_SED_02); (z) Voyageur Upgrader - Permanent Sedimentation Pond (VU-SED_03); (aa) Voyageur Upgrader East Tank Farm holding pond; and 99 (bb) Voyageur Upgrader camp settling pond outfall.

Table 22. Suncors industrial wastewater limits for Pond C as defined by Alberta Environment (2007a, their Table 4.2-A). Mass (kg/day) [Unless otherwise specified] Monthly Average Daily 1200 3000 2.0 5.0 3.8 7.0 25.0 70.0 150 300 1000 1500 50 % or greater survival in 100 % industrial wastewater sample 6.0 - 9.5

Chemical Oxygen Demand Phenols Sulphide Ammonia Nitrogen Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids Acute Lethality Test Using Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) pH

Table 23. Suncors industrial runoff control system release limits as defined by Alberta Environment (2007a, their Table 4.2-B). Chemical Oxygen Demand daily limit of 200 mg/L Oil and Grease daily limit of 10 mg/L Total Suspended Solids daily limit of 100 mg/L pH 6.0 - 9.5 (at all times)


50 40 30 20 10 0

Incidents Per Count Yr Quarter

All Approvals

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Incidents Per Quarter Yr Count
Syncrude Mildred Lake

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


16 12 8 4 0

Incidents Per Quarter Yr Count

Suncor Oil Sands

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 18. Number of water-related incidents per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to YEARQUARTER mid-2012 for all approvals (top), Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).


4.7 Were All Relevant Surface Water Incidents Disclosed?

Study of the surface water records raises a broader question: have all relevant surface water incidents been disclosed? The following evidence indicates that the answer is no. Missing records derive from three sources: (1) As has been documented, the AESRD routine disclosure process was characterized by high error rates. It is possible that hundreds of valid records were never produced. (2) Of the records that were produced, hundreds of incidents were redacted. When the government was asked to release previously redacted incidents that were now closed, the resultant reports produced no records that matched those criteria. Two examples of serious incidents that were not disclosed and for which no record of redaction were found, which suggest that there were more records withheld than indicated in the incident reports. And when asked how many records were redacted from the recent Syncrude disclosure, the government underestimated the number of records it had redacted. (3) Finally, valid redaction is a third source of missing records for surface water incidents, an example of which is provided from a March 2011 incident. Taken together, the evidence documents that the incidents disclosed in the database are a subset of the true number of incidents. 4.7.1 The Suncor September 2007 Incident In early September 2007, industrial wastewater was diverted to Emergency Pond D to prevent materials high in oil and grease from reaching the Pond A-B-C system. As levels rose in Pond D, pumping to Pond A began. On 8 September (reportedly due to human error),the water level of Pond D fell below the intake of the transfer pumps, at which time oil and grease and other contaminants were pumped into Pond A. Materials then flowed through Ponds B and C and into the Athabasca River. A sheen was observed on the Athabasca River below the Pond C outfall. The Pond C outfall was closed in September and remained closed until 30 January 2008 (Suncor 2008b). A total of 9.8 million L were reportedly spilled into the Athabasca River. See Figure 19. This incident was subject of an ongoing investigation/law enforcement matter as of 12 February 2009 (M. Aiton, AESRD, pers. comm.). Then, on 30 July 2010, Mr. Aiton (AESRD, pers. comm.) stated that This incident is now closed and is no longer an ongoing investigation. The incident number was given as 283162, and dated 8 September 2007. It is unclear why AESRD chose to close the incident without enforcement action. The incident is troubling for both the nature of the event and the way in which it was later handled by government and industry. The incident was revealed to the public through an anonymous tip, not by industrial self-reporting. In response to the revelation, Suncor representatives travelled to Fort Chipewyan (Suncor 2008b) and explained at a public meeting (6 May 2008, recorded on film in a documentary), that it would not happen again. It happened again (see the following Notification incident). Perhaps most troubling is that the incident was not disclosed during three requests for incident information (these were the first routine disclosure request (August 2008), the second routine disclosure request, which itself was two requests (the NNN and YYN types described earlier in results, August 2012), then in response to a request to release all earlier redacted incidents that were now closed (materials received March 2013)). That this incident was not disclosed after repeated requests and when the incident is closed suggests a contravention of freedom of information legislation. It also raises the question 102

of how many other incidents have not been disclosed. It is difficult to answer such a question because it demands knowing that the information exists before it can be determined that it was not disclosed. In the preceding incident, enquiries to AESRD staff revealed the incident number and its status. Without that information, it would not be possible to determine that the information had not been disclosed. The incident highlights a dysfunctional system of record keeping, access to information, and enforcement of environmental regulations. The related incident (noted above) follows. Notification -have closed Pond E outfall. Had high inlet sample to pond of oil and grease. Outlet to Athabasca River. Have done two more sets of samples on inlet and outlet while pond blocked in. Outlet result was one high (42 ppm and one low (0.2 ppm). Inlet result was one high (8.9 ppm and one low (0.6 ppm). No sheen on samples or pond. Closed loop pond. Could be a sample problem -still investigating. (3 February 2009, 323617, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, Surface Water, Resolution: Closed). It is unclear whether this incident is the same as one reported on CBC radio on 5 February 2009 in which Suncor Oil Sands reportedly spilled ~ 0.5 million L of wastewater into Athabasca River.


Pond C outfall Athabasca River Pond E outfall

Figure 19. (a) The Suncor Wastewater Pond System. (1) Inlet ponds: FWP and CWP; (2) Pretreatment ponds: Ash, API System, Flare; (3) Cooling water pond: E, discharges to Athabasca River; (4) Wastewater treatment ponds: A, B, and D flow into C which discharges to the Athabasca River. Figure modified from Suncor (2008). (b) An aerial oblique view of the Suncors wastewater ponds. 10 August 2006.

Pond D Outfalls Athabasca River


4.7.2 The Suncor Millennium Wastewater Incidents of September 2005 to January 2007 This is a complex set of incidents that involved release of wastewater into the Athabasca River over an extended period, failing to report violations, and provision of false or misleading information. No evidence of the incidents was found in the routine disclosures, despite the fact that the incident(s) were closed prior to the filing of the second routine disclosure. The information summarized below was found in searching old enforcement records. In brief, the incidents illustrate further examples of important environmental incidents missing from the environmental record disclosed by AESRD, illegal discharge of wastewater, failing to report, and falsification of records. The incident(s) are summarized as follows (see Table 28 for details). On or between the 1st day of September 2005 and the 1st day of January, 2007, ... [Suncor] did contravene a term or condition of an approval, to wit: Section 5.1.2 of Approval 72754-01-00 issued for the Suncor Millennium Wastewater System with respect to the monthly arithmetic mean of daily samples for Total Suspended Solids (TSS),... On 2 April 2009 Suncor Energy Inc. ["Suncor"] and co-accused Compass Group Canada Ltd. ["Compass"] each plead [sic, pled] guilty ... This incident was related to prosecution of Compass Group Canada (Beaver) Ltd., a contractor for Suncor: Count 1: On or between the 1st day of September 2005 and the 1st day of January 2007, both dates inclusive, at or near Fort McMurray, in the Province of Alberta did contravene a term or condition of an approval, to wit: Section 2.1.1 of Approval 72754-01-00 issued with respect to the Suncor Millennium Wastewater System, which provides as follows: The approval holder shall immediately report by telephone any contravention of the terms and condition of this approval to the Director at 1-780-422-4505 by failing to report violations of section 5.1.2 of the said Approval with respect to the monthly arithmetic mean of daily samples for the parameter Total Suspended Solids (TSS), ... Also related to this incident was the prosecution and conviction of Rodney Tyrone McCabe (and R&D McCabe Ltd.) on 12 counts related to providing false or misleading information about the Suncor Millennium Wastewater System and related facilities. 4.7.3 The Suncor March 2011 Incident Suncor released toxic wastewaters to the Athabasca River in March 2011. The Suncor routine disclosure incident report revealed a fully redacted page in mid-late March 2011 which corresponded to this incident. The essentials of the incident are as follows (from AESRD 2013): Whereas on March 24, 2011, Suncor reported a rainbow trout bioassay failure from a March 21 bioassay sample, when monitoring the release of industrial wastewater from the Pond C Duckpond, known as Pond C, to the Athabasca River... Whereas the chronic toxicity bioassay test taken on March 21, 2011, also indicated chronic toxicity at 2.5 % concentration of the effluent from Pond C; [i.e., the wastewater diluted by a factor of 40 times remained toxic to rainbow trout]... Whereas from March 21-24, 2011 industrial wastewater, which failed to meet approval limits for acute lethality toxicity testing, was released to the Athabasca River from Pond C at the Suncor Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine north of Fort McMurray, Alberta...


Whereas a number of additional bioassay tests were conducted on the Pond C wastewater treatment system, at a location in Pond C, as part of Suncors investigation, and thirty-nine additional bioassay failures have occurred with the discharge closed... Whereas the source of the toxicity is still unknown, a Toxicity Identification Evaluation / Toxicity Reduction Evaluation identified the likely source of the toxicity to be a dissolved, unknown soluble organic acid compound or compounds, which may include naphthenic acids and free fatty acids... Whereas although the dissolved air floatation [sic] improvements are effective at removing hydrocarbons using a physical removal process, the relative effectiveness of this treatment process on the soluble toxicity being observed is not known... As a consequence, the Alberta government ordered Suncor to suspend discharge from the Pond C system, submit and implement a monitoring plan and an audit plan, and submit monthly reports. Upon acceptance of the audit plan, the suspension of discharge from the Pond C system is to be lifted. No financial penalties were levied. It is significant that an audit plan is all that is required to re-open the Pond C discharge rather than requiring that the discharge be rendered less toxic. The incident begs questions: after more than 40 years of operation, has a new toxic compound (or compounds) been found? Has the compound(s) been present for years and not detected? If it is a new compound, what is Suncor doing differently that is creating the compound?

4.8 Public Complaints

4.8.1 Complaint Frequencies It bears reiteration that the number of incidents related to complaints should not be construed as the number of complaints. Each incident may be linked to one or more complaints. The largest number of public complaints linked to a single incident was 33, associated with incident 224703, which was a period of poor air quality from 16-18 May 2006 traced to emissions from both Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands. Additionally, some public complaints are logged under the caller type Industry if the caller contacted industry instead of government. Because of these bookkeeping issues, the number of incidents linked to public complaints, and the total number of public complaints, are underestimated by a superficial appraisal of the data. Complaint-Related Incidents by Approval Of the 326 incidents that involved complaints, 275 were public complaints filed directly by calling the Alberta government environmental management system and 51 complaints were filed by calling industry. Of those 51 incidents linked to industry-filed complaints, some were registered by the general public, some were registered by industrial workers, and in some incidents it is unclear whether the public or industrial workers filed the complaint. The frequency of complaint-related incidents among the company operations is stronglydominated by Syncrude Mildred Lake (59.35 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (38.45 %) who combined are responsible for 97.8 % of the 326 complaint-related incidents (Table 24).

106 Complaint-Related Incidents Over Time and by Approval Overall, between mid-1996 and mid-2012, complaint-related incidents varied between 0 and 31 incidents per quarter with a mean of 5.0 complaint-related incidents per quarter or one incident every 18.0 days (Figure 20). For complaints reported directly to government, incidents varied between 0 and 31 incidents per quarter with a mean of 4.2 complaint-related incidents per quarter or one incident every 21.4 days. For complaints reported to industry, incidents varied between 0 and 6 incidents per quarter with a mean of 0.8 complaint-related incidents per quarter or one incident every 112.5 days. At Syncrude Mildred Lake, between mid-1996 and mid-2012, complaint-related incidents varied between 0 and 15 incidents per quarter with a mean of 2.9 complaint-related incidents per quarter or one incident every 31.0 days. At Suncor Oil Sands, between mid-1996 and mid-2012, complaint-related incidents varied between 0 and 16 incidents per quarter with a mean of 1.9 complaint-related incidents per quarter or one l incident every 47.4 days. Temporally, the number of complaint-related incidents peaked during the period 2006 through early 2011 (Figure 20). The frequency of complaint-related incidents varied widely from over time. Complaints reported to industry peaked from 2006 to 2008. Complaints reported to government peaked from mid-2006 through early-2011. The quarterly frequency of complaints reported to government was not correlated significantly with that of complaints reported to industry (Spearman r = 0.23, df = 64, p>0.1).


Table 24. Frequency of complaint-related incidents by approval (total n = 326). One record that contained 51 redacted incidents included one or more complaint-related incidents; therefore the left column sums to 325 incidents. The proportion of all complaint-related incidents for approvals 26 and 94 are the sum of their respective proportions and one-half the proportion of their shared incidents. Approval Number and Frequency Proportion of All Operation (n Incidents) Complaint-related Incidents (%) 26 Syncrude Mildred Lake 192 58.9 26, 94 Syncrude Mildred Lake 3 0.9 and Suncor Oil Sands (shared) 94 Suncor Oil Sands 124 38.0 1604 JACOS 0 0 18942 Syncrude Aurora 0 0 20809 Shell Albian Sands 2 0.6 46586 Imperial Oil Kearl 0 0 48263 Conoco Phillips 0 0 Surmont 48408 Petro-Canada MacKay 0 0 River 48522 Cenovus Encana 1 0.3 Christina Lake 82973 Suncor MacKay River 0 0 149968 CNRL Horizon 2 0.6 151469 Fort Hills Energy 0 0 153125 Shell Canada Jackpine 1 0.3 183875 Devon ARL Corp. 0 0


32 24 16 8 0

Incidents Per Value Yr Quarter

All Approvals Total Complaints Public Complaints Industry Complaints



96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

20 15 10 5 0
20 15 10 5 0

Syncrude Mildred Lake

Yr Quarter

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Suncor Oil Sands

Yr Quarter

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 20. Number of total, public, and industry-reported complaint-related incidents per threemonth annual quarters from mid-1996 to mid-2012 for all approvals (top), total complaints for Syncrude Mildred Lake (middle), and total complaints for Suncor Oil Sands (bottom).



4.8.2 Characterization of the Complaints The incident number, date, company responsible, call type, call reason, incident status, and incident particulars of the 326 complaint-related incidents (Table 25) provide insight into the history of environmental management in the region. The table documents a host of public concerns. This section highlights some of the incidents to explore the relationships between people, the bitumen industry, and government. In an Alberta-wide study of 12,452 incidents in the EMS database registered between January 1996 and September 2002, Eckert (2006) observed that the frequency of public complaints differed between industrial sectors. Public complaint-related incidents about the food and beverage industry comprised 49.2 % of all public complaint incidents in the province and 63.7 % of all incidents within the food and beverage industry. For the oil and gas sector, province-wide, public complaint-related incidents comprised only 1.3 % of all incidents within the oil and gas industry. In comparison, in this study the proportion of complaint-related incidents to all incidents within the bitumen sands operations was 3.0 % for public complaints and 3.5 % for all complaint-related incidents. This finding suggests that complaints about the bitumen industry occur about two and one-half times more frequently than they do for the oil and gas industry overall in Alberta. Most of the complaints are related to air. It is relevant to ask if the frequency of airrelated complaints is related to the frequency of air incidents. Of the 6,013 air incidents, the vast majority are air quality events, such as 2,657 alleged contraventions, 1,685 releases, 1,445 notifications, and 208 impacts for a total 5,995 or 99.7 % of all air incidents. The frequency of air incidents over time is correlated with several measures of the number of complaints (Table 26, Figure 21), demonstrating that complaints are a reliable measure of air quality and are not simply nuisance calls. The relationship between the quarterly frequencies of air incidents and complaint-related incidents, although significant (r = 0.565, p << 0.001), is variable, indicating that other factors affect the frequency of complaints (Figure 22). Factors that affect the frequency or seriousness of complaints include the level of air pollution in a persons residential neighbourhood and the respiratory health of the individual (Degroot et al. 1966), a persons sense of responsibility, access to relevant information that is deemed trustworthy, a persons perception that other people are making complaints, and the perception that government is supporting the citizen and responding effectively to the complaints (Liu, et al. 2011). The corollary of the latter factors is that if an agency wants to discourage public participation, it can do so by failing to provide accurate, objective, timely, and relevant information, by failing to communicate the complaints of other citizens, and by failing to respond effectively to citizen complaints. In a province-wide study of public complaints on file in the AESRD EMS data, Eckert (2006) observed that: (1) public complaints played a smaller role in enforcement over time (from 1996 to 2002); (2) AESRD discounted public complaints relative to reports from government personnel; (c) public complaint investigations were less likely to lead to enforcement than other sources of incident reports; (d) the frequency of past complaint incidents reduced the probability of investigations of public complaints but increased the probability of investigations for incidents reported from other sources. She concluded that the reported reliance on public complaints as an important part of enforcement may be overstated. Regulators may wish to overstate this reliance to deter violations, to empower citizens, or to achieve political goals.


Because public complaints provide a measure of environmental quality, especially as it relates to human health, Alberta would benefit from more effective public participation in protecting the environment. Elsewhere, citizens have found that legal rights and remedies, clear environmental regulations, and access to information are critical to effective citizen participation (Casey-Lefkowitz, et al. undated). Effective strategies for public involvement in environmental protection include citizen monitoring and inspection, public complaint mechanisms, and citizen enforcement suits (Casey-Lefkowitz, et al., undated).

Air Incidents Per AIRINCIDENTS

Complaints Per TOTALCOMPL Yr Quarter

320 240 160 80 0

Yr Quarter

Air Incidents Total Complaints

32 24 16 8 0

96 998 000 002 004 006 008 010 012 014 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 21. Number of air incidents per three-month annual quarters from mid-1996 to mid-2012 for all approvals in comparison to total number of complaint-related incidents.



Table 25. Incidents linked to complaints of the bitumen operations. The first 270 incidents detail public complaints made directly to the Alberta government environmental management system. The last 53 incidents detail general public and worker complaints made directly to industry. The date corresponds to when the incident was reported. In some cases (e.g., incident 311157), the date of reporting follows the incident date by one to several days. Under call type, a semicolon indicates >1 call type for the >1 calls pertaining to the incident. Under call reason, a semicolon indicates >1 reason for the >1 calls pertaining to the incident. Under comments, a semicolon that immediately follows a period denotes a new set of comments (typically a separate complaint) pertaining to the same incident. Comments by the authors are set in square brackets. Incidents informative of air quality concerns are set in blue font.
Approval 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Incident 763 2008 10064 6179 11989 13645 18998 21593 25556 26204 27309 27325 Closed Referred 35646 40577 40506 41413 41426 48148 50415 52818 55466 57361 62887 68893 70257 71218 74964 76878 81177 Company Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Date 18-Apr-1996 13-May-1996 18-Jun-1996 25-Jul-1996 30-Oct-1996 10-Dec-1996 18-Apr-1997 27-May-1997 30-Jul-1997 12-Aug-1997 3-Sep-1997 3-Sep-1997 28-Jan-1998 1-Apr-1998 9-Jul-1998 9-Jul-1998 24-Jul-1998 25-Jul-1998 29-Dec-1998 1-Mar-1999 27-Apr-1999 9-Jun-1999 6-Jul-1999 9-Oct-1999 15-Feb-2000 17-Mar-2000 30-Mar-2000 15-Jun-2000 17-Jul-2000 22-Sep-2000 Call Type Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Waste Release Release Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Release Release; Impact Release; Impact Call Reason Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Waste Waste Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Status Comments [Redacted] Fort McKay.... called ... re: very strong odour of oil. Smell coming from the south. Started around 2130. Winds from South. Sulfurous odours were noticed 15 minutes ago when driving by the Suncor oilsands facility. Complaining of bad odour and blue-grey haze in city. Odour started around 2000... was in the gym and could smell the odour through the vents. Tarsand odour. Noticed an awful odour about 20 minutes ago. There is an oilsands odour in the air which... thinks is coming from Suncor. lt has been present for about an hour. It smells very bad today. It started this morning & I thought it would go away. Plant smells... smelled it as... drove by this morning. The stacks are "just agoing." The odour is almost enough to bring tears to the eyes. [Information removed] There is an incredible odour from the plant this morning. It is unbearable. It is particularly terrible at Finney. Just noticed a bad smell in the air this morning. Smells like tar, the plants. Odour is coming from plants. Cannot describe smell. Strong odour of oil sands. There is a strong odour north of the oil sands plants [this is evidently a public complaint that was coded under "agency" caller type] Caller is doing work at the plant and noticed oil has been sprayed for dust suppression. The oil is splashing on his vehicle. Caller has concerns about the amount of oil/hydrocarbon that company puts into tailing ponds. Can see a brownish/grey cloud coming from plant and wonders what it is. Winds blowing SE. Blue haze is coming from the stack and heading toward town. Diverter stack will be down for repairs due to boiler tube leak. Odour potential.; Concerned about black smoke from plant stack since morning. Flaring ammonia gas. There are odours in the area from the oil sands plants. Caller smelled strong odour of diluent while driving by Syncrude, yesterday at 1500. Also noticed black smoke coming from their main stack. Caller was driving by Syncrude and there are odours like a skunk. Also brown smoke coming from a small stack.; Winds from the north, strong sour oil smell. Odour where driving past plant. Smells for about 2 km and is hazy blue. Odour complaint - very strong, can see it hanging over the trees. Was driving home past Pond 2-3 and noticed a visible whitish vapour fog and really strong HC [hydrocarbon] odour. Arrived at Syncrude and it smells terribly of H2S. Wants to know why the smell is there and where it is coming from. Odour complaint - strong HC odours. Wind from West. Caller complaining of odour from Syncrude, lots of flaring activity. Wonders if it was reported to us that a few workers got sick from gas coming into vent at the 41Y bldg. Thinks it may have been H2S. [Incident unrelated to another 41Y worker odour complaint (incident 252858)] Complaining about bad odours from source [redacted] moved up Really bad odour driving past company this morning. Yellow sulfur all over the place. Mostly deposited on vehicles, figures plant was dumping something from diverter stack spewing nonstop since brought cokers up after start up. 8-1-K2 off gas compressor came down. Are flaring with some black smoke.; Lots of flaring from source and odour at the plant site.; Black smoke at source.; Notification of taking feed out of coker 8-1 to end flaring in early am of 07/19/00. Flaring fuel gas due to loss of the K2 compressor.; Strong odour & large flare at plant.

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown



26 26

82431 89171

Syncrude Syncrude

16-Oct-2000 12-Mar-2001





Impact Air Alleged Air Contraventi on Notification; Air; Impact; Regulation/R Alleged eporting Contraventi on Release Impact Impact Release Release Release Impact Release Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air

Unknown Unknown

Strong odours from source. Caller complains about strong odour from Syncrude near Angus building; also bright flare. DS called Phil Williams at Syncrude; gas being flared due to compressor being down; no operational problems. Due to the shutdown, there are several contraventions to report. They had a low stack temp; an SO2 violation on incinerator stack and an odour from north tank farm.; Update to Suncor incident, planned shutdown delayed due to continuing plant upsets during shutdown; odour potential.; Air quality complaint; believes the source is Suncor. Smells like their stack emissions, burnt odour.; Ambient air contravention from station 5 Mannix.; Opacity contravention, black smoke due to the loss of a boiler during shutdown.; Strong odours in the area.; Odour complaints; has been noticeable since Monday and is now more apparent in the downtown area. There is black dust blowing from the pond to the highway. It is so dense that it is difficult to see through. Called to say... was driving by Syncrude tailings ponds and the smell is very strong...wanted to report... Caller complaining of poisonous yellow gas coming from Syncrude, [redacted] There is a strong wind in the area, and it is blowing dust off the source tailing pond. It is very difficult to even see the road in the area. Strong winds are blowing dust off sources tailings pond dyke across the road. Reporting a sewage release from a broken line at building B-792 in mine. Approx. 50 gallons released. Complaining about odours north of source. Noticed night before also. Could be from tank venting. Caller complaining of brown plume from Syncrude, visible from town migrating east of town.; Checked plume, did observe some colour; yellow-green colour. Checked with utilities, no problems; incinerate ammonia from sour water stripper. 2 deg C increase in stack temp. Details in earlier incident. Caller reporting a strong foul odour from source. Similar to the one he reported yesterday. It's coming from a source pond. Reporting H2S smell as she was driving north past Syncrude gate. Wants to know if there is anything going on. Very strong sour gas smell on the highway at the Syncrude gate. Odour complaint, caller believes odours coming from sour water tanks. Strong odour coming from source this morning @ ~ 08:50. Strong onion smell from source on Saturday . It was a problem prior to that as well. 18000 litre tank of propane being burned off at Muskeg River Mine site due to valve being stuck open while unloading.; Reporting burning propane tank. Upset about how things were handled as far as ER [emergency response] and evacuations etc.; Received more info at 11:50 on the propane tank that was burning. Fire was extinguished at 18:00 March 18th. The water used formed ice and put it out. At 0700 March 19, they received a 3 " flange that will allow them to transfer the remaining propane (~12,000L; 66 %). Difficulty connecting the flange. Expect transfer to take 4-6 hours, once they get it started. Will flare off the remaining vapours. Two ICG Propane Experts from Edmonton are on-site. A Workplace Health and Safety Rep also on-site. See call sheet for Albian... Update. Albian Sands propane truck issue is still unresolved. Could not offload product because coupler is damaged. Still assessing options. No action will be undertaken tonight.; Update on propane fire. Incident is now over. Last night at 22:00, they decided to transfer the rest of the product out of the tank, instead of moving the tank itself. This went from 22:00 to 01:30 this morning. Flared rest of vapours from 02:30 to 04:00 today. LPG Propane specialist feels the job is done and tank can be safely transported. They have placed a buffer zone (~10 m) around the area [illegible... "monitoring for LFL levels today"?] Calling for Manager of IRC who was driving by source this morning. Unknown odour across from source (on highway N of plant). Oily smell from either Syncrude or Suncor; suspect it is from Suncor. Really strong today; noticed it just a few minutes ago. Odour complaint - driving by source currently . Sour gas smell. For the last few days, there has been a foul reddish/gray cloud over Source. It can't be good for the environment. Caller ["Call her"?] back if we know what it is. Redacted.


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

93542 93567 95746 96394 99924 102370 102778 103472

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

23-May-2001 23-May-2001 22-Jun-2001 6-Jul-2001 25-Aug-2001 29-Sep-2001 10-Oct-2001 18-Oct-2001

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

26 26 26 26 26 26 20809

104274 106184 106240 107138 110407 110907 111601

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Albian Sands

2-Nov-2001 9-Dec-2001 10-Dec-2001 28-Dec-2001 25-Feb-2002 2-Mar-2002 18-Mar-2002

Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Regulation/R eporting ; Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

26 94 26 26 48522

112931 117083 125271 126433 136735

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude En Cana

11-Apr-2002 7-Jun-2002 10-Sep-2002 25-Sep-2002 3-Mar-2003

Impact Impact Impact Release

Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

26 94 26

146615 144613 151234

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

10-Jun-2003 28-Jun-2003 15-Sep-2003

Alleged Regulation/R Contraventi eporting on Impact Air Release Air Alleged Contraventi on Impact Air

Enquiring about a release from Source June 10 Odours made [him, her, them?] [ill?] [redacted] Reporting concern of flare at Suncor. [Redacted] described a black flare for about 5 min, then a bright flare. Caller is concerned for the environment. Unknown Is there something going on @ Source this am? Pollution coming from stack - thick dark brown smoke - Caller thinks they are trying to mix it in with the clouds - but it is not working very well. Unknown Unknown While driving N on Hwy 63 could notice a heavy oily smell. Noticeable only beside source - not an H2S smell like usual.







26 26 26 26 26

163737 161604 162138 162245 163665

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

7-Mar-2004 8-Mar-2004 13-Mar-2004 16-Mar-2004 6-Apr-2004

Impact Impact Impact Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

26 26 26 26

164576 164578 164580 164620

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-Apr-2004 22-Apr-2004 22-Apr-2004 23-Apr-2004

Release Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

26 94

164641 165112

Syncrude Suncor

23-Apr-2004 29-Apr-2004

Release Impact

Air Air

Unknown Unknown

94 26

168302 171594

Suncor Syncrude

9-Jun-2004 20-Jul-2004

Impact Impact; Release

Air Air

Unknown Unknown

26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26

171972 176416 178221 178822 196503 196423 207950 222714 223330

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

24-Jul-2004 15-Sep-2004 26-Sep-2004 25-Oct-2004 5-May-2005 5-May-2005 17-Sep-2005 20-Apr-2006 28-Apr-2006

Release Impact Release Release Impact Release Release Impact Impact; Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air; No Impact


Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown



Syncrude; Suncor


Impact; Notification; Info Request; Pro-Active Notification

Air; No Impact


The caller complained about a heavy smell of naphtha coming from source along Hwy 63. It's unreal how much stuff has been coming out of Source stacks in the last 2 weeks, Pollution hanging over the city. Wants AENV to check if there is a problem at the plant. Looking out window to NW. Clouds are grey black and believe source is causing this. says source is billowing out grey/brown smoke and there is always an odour. Wanted to complain about the emissions from source. They never used to be this bad. Something wrong at plant. Very visible plume for miles. Some residents smell odours in the river valley. Caller complained about the release of large quantities of smoke form the Source plant stack. The Caller believes that the smoke contains large quantities of sulfur. The release has been happening for several weeks. At times the smoke is so heavy that the sun is blocked from view. Main stack - pollution cloud in sky - says it is straight sulfur. Continuous pollution coming out of source stack, ongoing for a few months. Just drove by and saw more sulfur dioxide plume. Source emissions bad today - stinks. SO2 - emissions are orange coming from stack. Stack emissions in Ft. McMurray, why SO2 is so high it makes the whole horizon brown. Get a sunset at 1pm, same for almost a year. Caller previously worked for Environment and this is not allowed. Obviously over their limit, wants to know what sources levels of SO2, NOx and Particulate were before construction and what they are now. Source emissions - brown smudge across the sky every morning. Too much SO2 - they must be over their limit. Started since construction. The Caller reported that was at a work camp the previous evening. "Chlorine " gas was released from the Source stack. It flowed over the work camp and caused the workers' eyes to burn. It affected their breathing and caused coughing. Two work camps with 2000-3000 workers were affected. North of plant at bridge to nowhere (Peter Lougheed Bridge) Hwy 63. Odour - very unusual and very bad, ' sulfur'. Environmental stack at Source's coker area is spewing yellow and green smoke from waste heat boiler - polluted with something. Wind is taking it away from refinery right now. Calling on behalf of workers because source is not doing anything. Would like call from investigator.; Wants to know if any health concerns related to yellow & green smoke from plant stack. Live down wind.; Caller drove by Source plant, saw stack given out green and black smoke. Want someone to investigate.; Coker stack give out green smoke. Can someone get it shutdown.; Boiler has gone down. Thick green smoke come out of coker/stack. Caller works for one of the contractors of the plant.; Complain about green and black smoke at the oil plant. Complaining about Syncrude stack. [redacted] Greeny-yellow haze for 30 km. Bad sulfur smell from Source for the last 3 days. Its often bad. [Redacted] is concerned because there's talk about Source expanding tailings pond closer to town. Concerned about an event source had in the last week of September. They release hundred of tons of H2S and other gases Stacks at Source are putting out emissions which are impacting areas all around the site. Source releasing think green smoke all day[redacted] ... source employees are told to stay indoors while subcontractors are told they can go outside. Caller driving by Source - green thick smoke out of main stack covering entire area: valley, lake, heading NE. Stinks. Black smoke coming out of stack at Source. Wants AENV to investigate. Rec' d odour complaint from an onsite contractor. Ammonia ("cat pee") smell. Sour gas odour. Not sure where it is coming from, but suspect Source.; The caller complained of an odour of solvent in the air. It is very strong and it is almost like pine needles. The source given is suspected.; members of the public called the source' s environmental department to complain of an odour. After checking the plant they found no problems or releases. The caller confirmed that the odour comes from elsewhere.; The caller complained of an odour of ammonia in the air.; The caller's agency received two public complaints about an ammonia odour.; The caller reported that a member of the public called him to complain about an odour of ammonia in the air. [six complaints] Cat pee smell in air.; Bad cat pee odour, ammonia smell.; Noticed smell in ABBASAND.; Smelled cat pee at Sawridge Inn (saw in paper); Live in centre of town and smelled it there also.; Dickensfield area smell bad at 1000 hrs, Body odourish smell. Read in paper.; Smells like cat pee coming from source, Would like to talk to investigator. Smell is in house and...****; odour complaint received from the public. Source tracking van has been dispatched and cause under investigation.; odour complaints from the public. Source tracking van has been dispatched to area of complaint, public affairs is investigating and internal plant staff are investigating.; Complaining about odours in Fort Mackay yesterday.; Odour of petrochemicals/ammonia. Please call back.; Bad smell - smelling it frequently lately.; Smells like cat pee in Fort McKay. Would like a call back.; Ammonia smell in Ft MacKay. Would like call back.; Intense odour in Fort MacKay.; Ammonia smell in Fort MacKay.; Needs info on what is causing the odour in Fort McMurray...Needs to talk to


94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26

225508 227327 228868 228883 229087 229508 229571 231048 231272

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

25-May-2006 17-Jun-2006 5-Jul-2006 5-Jul-2006 6-Jul-2006 11-Jul-2006 11-Jul-2006 27-Jul-2006 29-Jul-2006

Impact Impact Impact; Release Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Alleged Contraventi on; ProActive Notification Notification; Impact

Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air


investigator...; Want odour complaint logged. It's very irritating . Please call back.; NH3 smell in Fort McMurray.; wanted odour complaint registered.; Smell is bad...Wants to talk to an investigator.; Smell bad in Fort McMurray.; Terrible smell in the air. Several emissions in the air like this since April. Smells like cat urine. Caller feels this is an emergency.; Complaining about odours.; She's staying in Fort McMurray and wants to complain about odours in Fort McMurray.; Odour complaint....; Odour complaint. Smells like cat urine.; About smell in Fort McMurray. . .; The caller complained of a very strong odour of ammonia in the air as he drove to work.; Odour in air .; and Tuesday morning; Ammonia odour very strong. Getting headache. Would like to talk to investigator.; NH3 smell is in Anzac. Bad smell.; Strong odour.; Bad smell in the city. Wanted to have... complaint logged.; Smell in Fort McMurray. Wanted complaint recorded.; Wants to know why smell is still in the air and what AE is doing about it. Wants to talk to investigator.; Odour has now reached downtown - the news said it only was affecting one subdivision but now it seems all over.; Very strong ammonia smell today and ...Please have investigator call.; Plant is operating completely nor mally.; ...the ammonia incident [much redacted information] Just observed orange floating scum in the river by Source - 1 km wide. There is an odour problem in the air. The caller said that skin is itchy. There is a lot of grey smoke coming from a flare stack. The caller complained of an odour of hydrocarbons (naphtha) in the air.; The flare pilot light went out because of high winds. The flare stack vented to the atmosphere without burning. The caller complained of an odour of hydrocarbons (naphtha) in the air. Strong smell of diesel while going south and passing the source. [Incident unrelated to another diesel incident complaint (incident 294406)] Odour complaint - causing headaches and sore eyes - bad for last 3 days. Noxious smell burns nostrils - especially on Hwy 63 passing Source. Odour complaint from Source - bad for 3 weeks and not getting any better. Would like more information on this issue. Ammonia exceedance. The cause was unknown at this time.; There is an odour of ammonia in the air. Employees at the plant felt it. There could be public complaints.

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown








26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26

Closed Information Only 234075 234397 234589 235702 235717 236642 236868 238027 239886 242495 242560 244514






Several employees felt a strong odour in the air. It was possibly sour water and ammonia. The air was tested but the source could not be found. There were no public complaints.; [Note: This is incorrect. There were public complaints [call id 140763, 140762, 140759, 140760, 140758, 140765] The caller complained that there is a strong odour of ammonia in the air. The caller complained that there is a strong odour of ammonia in the air.

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

5-Sep-2006 9-Sep-2006 12-Sep-2006 23-Sep-2006 23-Sep-2006 4-Oct-2006 6-Oct-2006 24-Oct-2006 17-Nov-2006 14-Dec-2006 15-Dec-2006 18-Jan-2007

Release Impact Release Impact Release Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air Air Shore/bank of waterbody Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

26 26

244522 245450

Syncrude Syncrude

18-Jan-2007 1-Feb-2007

Release Impact

Air Air

Unknown Unknown

Complaining about flue gas from Source. Drove by plant, smoke hanging in air. Would like a call back. The caller's child complained of an odour in the air. The caller thinks it is due to work and emissions at the source. Black haze from Source - coming out of coker 8-3. Just got off work and noticed this. The caller complained of an odour of ammonia while driving past the source. The Athabasca river is full of black slick. It is possibly coming from the source. The slick is all along the river bank. The caller noticed it while fishing. Odour complaint - there have been several GLC' s [Ground Level Concentration]. Caller is sending out source tracking vehicle. Ongoing air quality problems - lungs sore, eyes burning. He works at a camp approx one mile from Source. He wants info on air monitoring in the area. On site odour complaint. Hydrocarbon oily smell. 41-y area. A Smell has been there all day. - Sending van out to check. Very strong odour in air between sources. Sky is really hazy. Driving on Hwy 63 currently and smell of gas is strong. Strong smell of sour water on Hwy 63 as caller drives onto plant site. Odour complaint of sour gas from source and smell of THC' s; Smell sulfur in air (smell like rotten eggs); Smells like H2S in Fort MacKay; Sour gas smell Ft Mackay; Smell bothering... [redacted] an d is taking[redacted]; Sour gas smell in house now[redacted]; bad smell[redacted]; Smell bad, people getting sick.; Smells bad. North of Syncrude base plant on Hwy 63 heavy smell of Natural Gas on Hwy. [this incident includes nine public complaints] Coker pluming grey and black since 0600 hrs today. It looks bad. Source is making its own weather. Odour. Sour Gas. Very Strong.


26 26

250686 253480

Syncrude Syncrude

22-Mar-2007 1-May-2007

94 26 94

255657 255822 259965

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

24-May-2007 28-May-2007 3-Jul-2007

26 94

281353 287234

Syncrude Suncor

21-Aug-2007 19-Oct-2007

Impact Impact; Alleged Contraventi on Impact Impact Alleged Contraventi on Impact Impact

Air Air

Unknown Unknown

Air Air Surface Water Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown

Going from Ft. McKay turn off to the northgate at source - once past north gate smell dissipates. Smell like cat pee. Bad smell from Source is making...[redacted]; Smell really bad[redacted]; Smell is getting worse and now it' s in...[redacted] house. Ammonia excursion for 18 minutes due to unit upset. The unit has since recovered. They received some onsite and offsite odour complaints around the time of the event.; Bad odour ...[redacted] worse now... [redacted] Ammonia... Just about[redacted] [this incident includes at least four public complaints] Smell of cat pee from plant. They had their windows open last night and now have a cat pee smell in their apartment. Rec'd letter by mail. RE: Statement of concerns, file 27551, in response to Source application - public notice in the newspaper April 3, 2007. Numerous environmental concerns. (Hard copy to follow in the mail). Bad ammonia or sour water odour coming from Source - ongoing for some time - noticed this morning on way to work. Also plume from stack #26 is touching the ground and Caller's eyes are watering. Odours in Fort McMurray. 1900 started, still ongoing. Caller has headaches from smell. Nasty smell.; Odour complaint. Started last night and ongoing. Smells very much like burning chemical like acrid burning tires. Believes Source is responsible because they had an ad in the paper regarding odours. Rotten egg smell while driving by plant this morning; what is it? Driving by plant on Hwy 63 and it stinks to high heaven. A flare stack went out and there's a bunch of product not being flared off - smells like rotten eggs. Driving by Source and there is a rotten egg smell [redacted] Odour of sour gas (rotten eggs likely from Source. Winds are blowing from the south. He just noticed it. VLADMr.Wilson DID NOT RETURN OUR CALLS. Odour burn in nose. VLAD-Public complaints followed up by Dave in Edmonton. The reported source is Suncor. Strong odour from source. Almost smells like raw sewage. VLAD-Contacted the anonymous caller by phone. The caller smelt raw sewage and rotten egg smell. This call is linked to all the GLC's OF 11-14TH JANUARY, 2008. Suncor is the potential source of odour. Caller is passing source and there is a very foul odour of H2S and S02. Vlad-Talked to the caller, drove up to Suncor/Syncrude to investigate. This incident is linked to all the GLC'S experienced from the 11th-14th January, 2008.Suncor is a likely source of odour. Smell has been very bad all day; giving caller very bad headache. Not able to open windows. VLAD-I called Mr. Adam MacDonalds to get more information. He wasn't around but spoke to the wife. She confirmed the serious sulphur smell over the weekend was so serious the husband was sick with headaches and body weakness. Odours from source -can't explain what smells like but burning his eyes. bs. Was driving by Suncor site and had strong odour; could not id as HC but makes feel sick. Smelling H2S and THC & a lot of flaring at source. Wind is south. Going into Fort McKay. THC's smell & they have to be exceeding their limits. VLAD- [redacted] Was called immediately but she did not pick [up] the phone. The call was returned 4 more times with no response from [redacted]. Received NH3 odour complaint for the plant. CS-Plant 26-1 was operating well within its operating targets for the FGD Stack ammonia emissions. Source pumping chemicals into ponds. Concerned for Geese and Birds.; Geese landing in sediment ponds @ sources site. Concerned b/c water has contamination.; Ducks and Geese landing in sediment ponds. Concerned b/c water is contaminated.; Tailing ponds/open ponds. Migratory birds landing in ponds. People that feed (maintain) ponds wear full protective gear. Owner of ponds will not supply MSDS for ponds. Birds feed callers family. Very worried about effect of ponds on birds. [Another mortality event?] Caller would like to volunteer to assist with birds on tailings pond.; In-house Notification No Impact Comments: Report of a number of birds in tailings ponds. Birds have been "oiled". Capture due to lack of deterrents. 500 - 700 ducks. [Another mortality event?] Extraction of tailings ponds has too much hydrocarbon content in it. Caller calls to say he sees ducks landing in the tailings pond. [Another mortality event?] Strong odor, caller is sick from it. Caller said 150 ducks found dead on sources site & they have quickly buried them, [Another mortality event?] Reports of source finding and burying 150 ducks. Call came in from anonymous caller last night. No other information was available. bs public complaint Returned calls and left messages. [Another mortality event?] Land clearing by oilsand company; trees in crown land.

Unknown Unknown

26 26 26 94 94 94

287486 288000 289377 292505 292621 293004

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

23-Oct-2007 28-Oct-2007 12-Nov-2007 3-Jan-2008 5-Jan-2008 11-Jan-2008

Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown

Closed Closed Investigatio n Investigatio n Investigatio n Closed Closed













94 26

293441 297329

Suncor Syncrude

18-Jan-2008 14-Mar-2008

Impact Impact

Air Air

26 26

299142 299404

Syncrude Syncrude

11-Apr-2008 15-Apr-2008

Impact Impact

Air Surface Water

Closed Closed





Info Request

No Impact

Investigatio n

94 26 26 94 26 153125

300378 301349 301442 302172 302403 303174

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Shell Canada Jackpine

29-Apr-2008 10-May-2008 12-May-2008 20-May-2008 23-May-2008 30-May-2008

Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact

Potable water Closed Surface Investigatio Water n Air Closed No impact Closed No Impact Closed Land Closed


94 26 26 94 26 94

303809 303836 304178 304351 304602 304600

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

5-Jun-2008 6-Jun-2008 11-Jun-2008 12-Jun-2008 16-Jun-2008 16-Jun-2008

Impact Release Impact Impact Impact Release

Air Land Air Air Air Air

94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94

304765 307145 307143 307335 308137 310381 310498 315233

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

17-Jun-2008 14-Jul-2008 14-Jul-2008 15-Jul-2008 23-Jul-2008 18-Aug-2008 20-Aug-2008 15-Oct-2008

Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Waste

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

322364 322403 322449 324523 324552 324637 324596 324624 324633

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

16-Jan-2009 16-Jan-2009 18-Jan-2009 15-Feb-2009 16-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009

Release Release Release Impact Impact Release Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

26 26 26

324568 324601 328216

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 3-Apr-2009

Impact Release Impact

Air Air Air







94 94

333050 336806

Suncor Suncor

1-Jun-2009 7-Jul-2009

Impact Impact

Air Air

Very, very bad odour; sour gas -can hardly breathe. Making caller's mother ill. Sulphur unit was plugged; could not go to pits; had to pour on ground. Goes to pit to be degassed for H2S. Caller concerned that sulphur being poured on ground containing H2S. Is 2-3 feet deep. Closed Very strong NH3 smell passing oilsand. Closed Very strong smell from Source -burns nose -cannot describe smell. Pending Two complaints: second complaint - Bad odour with winds that would indicate that the odours are coming from Source. Closed Two complaints -first complaint: driving into Fort McMurray from the north and noticed large fire with black smoke plume on Source site -in the steep bank mine area across river from Upgrader. Wind is north so plume heading towards town to the south. Vlad-This incident is related to the public complaint 202803.; Comments: Approximately one hour ago they had a fire start on a mine haul truck. They weren't able to extinguish it; letting it burn itself out. There were no injuries. Heavy bitumen on the truck. Not sure how it started. Closed Received anonymous complaint from former employee. Acid tank (HCL) does not have scrubbers so fumes during loading/unloading are intense. Suspect this is violation of approval. Would like it checked out. Closed Strong gas/hydrocarbon odours in air. On & off all day yesterday. Light N wind. Closed Hydrocarbon odours from one of the oilsands plants. Getting worse -was going to go a a walk but the smell is too bad. Closed Heavy hydrocarbon and sulphur odours. Likely from Source based on wind direction. Closed Odour complaints. Yesterday [redacted] noticed an ammonia smell on the east side of the tailings pond. [redacted] is heading to work from the south - can smell sour water this morning. Closed Odours - sulphur dioxide - noticed it right now in Fort MacKay. VO [VL?]-Called Harriet immediately but she did not pick the phone. This is probably linked to Syncrude flaring at 16.00 (reference # 204926). Closed Smell horrific since 2300 hours last night. Cannot even open windows. Typical skunky bitumen smell. VL-Caller does not want to be called back. This incident is likely linked to the venting by Suncor #205115, 205119, 205113, & 205114. Closed New contractor @ landfill not handling & operating the waste properly. Disposing of anything there. No certified landfill managers. Noticed since August its been getting worse. CM: Advised by Dean Litzenberger that it is an industrial landfill and does not require certified operators/managers. Should be inspected however because flammable/hazardous liquids are apparently being disposed of there. Investigatio Complaints of heavy black smoke from public out of source's stack unit. n Investigatio He believes a monitoring van needs to attend site. Tonnes of black smoke is coming from one of the smaller stacks. He n just drove by Source site. The stack usually emits steam, so this is unusual; it is tar black. Investigatio For 5-6 hours, there has been black smoke emitting from the new large stack. After being outside, he discovered black n soot in his mouth/throat and nose. Closed Strong odour in the entire community. First noticed ~ 30 minutes ago. There was a black plume from the second source ~ 1430-1500 hrs. Closed Hydrocarbon odour, very thick, sulfur smell. Just noticed. Coming from one of the plants in area. Closed Smells like smoke outside - can see it as well. 'Smoke' is settling to the ground. Has never seen this type of thing before. Just noticed it ~5 min ago when he left building. Looks like a white haze. Closed Pollution - haze in the air, smells like oil. It's hard to breathe. Noticed on weekend, today is worse. Caller is getting a sore throat from it. Closed Bad odours from plants. North of town. Closed Odour complaint; member of the public called regarding an odour and fog-like haze. Smell is extremely strong. Fog is normal fog - no colour. Occurred on Feb 15 also. Community members are having breathing concerns. Caller did not notice fog at 0900 hours this morning. There is no information on odour hotline. Closed Odour complaint. Heavy sulphur smell. Haze outside. Hydrocarbon mostly, but also sulphury. Closed Dark haze over community. Source has started up a coker on Friday. Pollution has been continuous since Friday. Caller having problems breathing. Closed Notice 10 deer dead on north side of sources plant near the dyke. Ravens feeding on carcasses. This is near a flare stack. This has been going on for a month. They noticed this due to the large gathering of crows. bs 1 dead reported to SRD was verified. Closed Contravention: Believe source are not following approval. Waterfowl are not being kept away from ponds since ponds inception 2-3 years ago. Should have better system for keeping waterfowl away from ponds. Has not allowed caller on site to view bird deterrent system. Suspect problems. Closed Strong gasoline smell recognized this morning as she drove by Source gate. Closed Driving past the oilsands plants, and there is a strong acrid, sharp odour. Smells like tar but slightly different and stronger. It is strongest right as she passes Source so that is where she believes it is coming from. cs-Odour complaint from anonymous caller. Checked the WBEA website for spikes and nothing was found. No plant upset to associate odours to

Closed Closed
















94 94

337367 337459

Suncor Suncor

13-Jul-2009 14-Jul-2009

Impact Impact

Air Air

Closed Closed








94 94 26 26

337821 337833 338133 338465

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

16-Jul-2009 17-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009

Impact Impact Release Impact

Air Air Air Air

Closed Closed Closed Closed

94 94

338462 338593

Suncor Suncor

24-Jul-2009 26-Jul-2009

Impact Impact

Air Air

Closed Closed

94 94

339161 339125

Suncor Suncor

30-Jul-2009 30-Jul-2009

Impact Impact

Air Air

Closed Closed





























the facilities. Odour on the highway -strong smell of gasoline. Noticing it right now as she drives by. cs Odours are associated with Suncor's exceedances of high H2S and THC. The odour protocol was activated. Suncor will be putting a message on the WBEA hotline regarding their odours. Sour gas smell -gassy smell -in Fort McKay 11-JUL-2009 10:37 Public Complaint Impact Air Comments: Smog & air smells really bad. Smells like gas. Emissions from one of the plants.; Sour gas smell -gassy smell -in Fort McKay JC On July 11, 2009 at 10:45 hrs, Odour complaint - Wanda Harper member of the public from Fort McKay called in an odour complaint. Described the smell as a sour gas with scent of hydrocarbons. Odour complaint is most likely associated with Ref 216655 which is 2 H2S exceedances at AMS 2 of 25 and 29 ppb. Based on wind direction the most likely source for the exceedance is Suncor. AENV continues to work with industry regarding odours and exceedances. [The preceding sentence is standard script] No further action taken by AENV at this time. [The preceding sentence is standard script] Very strong smell of gasoline at below site. Strong gasoline smell. Wind direction indicates source. Caller was driving by. TK: WBEA data indicate elevated H2S levels at Station 2 (Mannix) during the time period of the call. (plus/minus 2 hours). Wind direction and proximity indicate Suncor as a likely source of the odour. Incident closed. Caller is driving past source and noticed an acrid smell, burning nose. Caller also observed a blue/brown cloud, coming from source coker stack all the way to second location. cs-Only a pale blue plume from the FDG stack was notice by Adrien (shift supervisor) during his investigation of the Syncrude plant. All is stable. ["Investigation" by industry] Chemical odour from oil sand ; wind direction from north; has been going on a lot recently. bs Suncor odour issues @ facility under an order from AENV. track down order Odour -from refinery. Very strong, ongoing. bs EPO issued on Suncor for odours from either facility. track down order Large brown cloud in the sky coming out of the oil sand; not sure if there is any special odour. Between forts. Smell is bad today. Very bad even inside office. Burn rubber. Affecting nasal passages. LM Left msg for caller. Notified Suncor about odour complaint, related to GLC exceedances occuring at same time AMS 2, 13 and 1. Related to Suncor EPO. Suncor had updated odour line after previous complaint. Called caller again to see if odours had ceased as GLC ceased, caller was not in Fort McKay at the time of call, did not know. Caller inquired at cause of the odours, LM gave brief explanation on Suncor and GLC exceedances and that Suncor is working very hard to find the problem. Odours in Fort Mckay ceased when wind changed direction in afternoon. No further action taken. Incident closed. Odour in area. Smells like sulphur inside plant. LM Suncor claimed to be partially responsible for the odours. Odour -oil sands -very strong. For last hour and a half. LM CIC informed LM GLC exceedances H2S at AMS 5 earlier that day. WBEA showed wind direction from north. AMS 6 and 7 showed blips of TRS 06:00 to 07:00. Caller asked about industry issues, explained briefly Suncor issues and how they were working to solve the problem. No further action taken. Stinks. Smells like source. an hour ago & sporadically the past while (weeks). Seems to be getting worse. LM most likely related to Suncor GLC EPO. Air quality has been quite bad for last couple weeks -smelling like it comes from surrounding industry. Caller finds it worse at night at home but still smells in day in downtown area. Caller wants information on what is occurring to make smells when WBEA lines indicates the air is all right. LM Spoke with caller. Most likely related to Suncor GLC EPO. Caller went driving back in town from the north passing the bridge to Shell and the Aurora Plant, smell very bad H2S and rotten egg odour making caller's eye water and throat burned. Notice Syncrude has the diverter on; caller is employee of Suncor. When will the source stop sending black smoke into the air? black smoke comes from the plant for months making people sick. Spoke to a contractor working at Syncrude, indicated that it has been on- going for the past 6 months and that everyone is getting sick. Followed up with shift supervisor at Syncrude, asked for a manual stack survey to be completed. Results came back as nothing, in normal operation. Issue is ongoing, Barb Saunders is looking further into the ammonium stack issues at Syncrude. AENV continues to monitor. Odour complaint. Very strong sulphur rotten egg smell. No idea where it is coming from exactly. JC; From 9:00-10:00 hrs on August 17, 2009 there was an exceedance at AMS 2 measuring 62 ppb (incident 215674). At around that same time a Fort McKay resident called in with an odour complaint of rotten egg sulphury smell. This was the second complaint received within the hour. The Odour protocol was enacted and Syncrude, Suncor, CNRL, and Shell Albian were contacted. Based on the 62 ppb, 147 degree and wind speed of 10 km/h at the time of the complaint, it is probable that the source was Suncor. AENV continues to work with Suncor on these exceedance issues. [Standard script] Odour of sulphur smell (rotten egg smell) very strong now. JC; complainant calling in indicated that he smells an odor of sulphur (rotten egg smell near Suncor) (Hwy 63 North bound). Odor protocol still in effect. Message left for Dan to check updates on the WBEA information line. Wind direction at the time of the complaint indicates Suncor as the probable source. Suncor did not update the WBEA line at this time. AENV is planning on approaching Suncor to address the issue associated with their response to the protocol.
















26 26 26 26

341766 342537 343067 343398

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

28-Aug-2009 4-Sep-2009 10-Sep-2009 14-Sep-2009

Impact Impact Release Impact

Air Air Air Air

Closed Closed Closed Closed

26 26 26

344103 344093 344096

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

23-Sep-2009 23-Sep-2009 23-Sep-2009

Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air

Closed Closed Closed

94 26 94 26

344168 344220 344195 344378

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

23-Sep-2009 24-Sep-2009 24-Sep-2009 25-Sep-2009

Impact Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air Air

Closed Closed Closed Closed

26 94 94 26

344823 344821 345712 345762

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

1-Oct-2009 1-Oct-2009 14-Oct-2009 15-Oct-2009

Impact Impact Impact Release

Air Air Air Air

Closed Closed Closed Closed






















Gasoline smell very bad from south of Ft. McMurray. JC; Complainant called in about a gasoline smell. Source near Suncor. Called complained on this smell and she indicated that the smell was really strong and made her lungs burn. Informed complainant that the Odour protocol was still in effect and that she could check the WBEA air information line for updates. Probable source Suncor due to location and wind direction. Suncor did not update the air information line. AENV will be meeting with Suncor to address the issue on September 2, 2009. Odour complaint. Driving towards plant at 0850. Smells like urine and sulphur. Between plants. A lot of brown in sky long trail from stack - long long long. - both plants. Both plants really bad - very worrying. Stuff is staying in the air. Air turns brown. JC; spoke to caller and she said that there was an ammonium smell (cat pee) from the bottom of supertest hill near Suncor all the way through past Syncrude. At Syncrude caller noticed a brownish red cloud coming from Syncrude approx. 4 miles long. Called Syncrude and asked for NH3 data for the last 24 hours from FGD stack. Results showed small spikes in NH3 around the time caller complained. 104-121 during that time period. Odour protocol still in effect at the time of the complaint. Odour complaint -> strong sulfur smell. Also concerned about emission in area -> brown haze this morning. Large cloud of haze in the area. Odour - smells like oil. bs based on wind direction Syncrude or Suncor likely source. Big cloud of black smoke coming from plant. Noticed this ~10 minutes ago. Odor has been unbearable the past couple of days. Odour complaint - smells like urine, eyes burning. Sky was hazy around source - purple, blue/brown colour in sky. Wind blowing NE. Smell not as strong now in community. JC; spoke with the Fort McKay IRC member of the public regarding her odour complaint. Described the smell as a cat urine and the sky as dark brown/blue with a mix of yellowish brown near Mildred Lake Syncrude Plant. AENV is currently looking into the emissions of ammonia from the FGD Stack at Syncrude. Odour complaint will be added to that file. Odour complaint - sulphur / rotten egg smell. Also a long coloured haze blowing across the sky - blowing NE. Just passing Syncrude & Suncor on 63 & it smells like rotten eggs or sewage. Odour - strong rotten egg smell going through Source location. Strong tar/hydrocarbon smell before that. Rotten egg smell lasted until the north gate. Visible dark brown coming from tall stack. Other source also had brownish red colour from their stack. Hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide smell. Caller can see that industry is flaring. Strong ammonia, cat pee smell. Caller would like a call back. Odour complaint -wind blowing from south. "Cat odour". Blackish colour in air, eyes burn. Ongoing issue, all day & night. Caller concerned about health. Smells like cat litter (ammonia); wind is blowing from south; occurring for last week - is occurring right now. JC; Ernest Tonka member of the public Fort McKay call with a ammonia odour complaint. Identified the source as Syncrude. A phone call was made to Syncrude and a site check was conducted. Syncrude indicated that they could not find anything that would attribute to the complaint. AENV is currently investigating the ammonia releases from Syncrude FGD Stack. Complaint will be added to that file. Passing Source - they are flaring and there are plume clouds. Main stack is contributing to clouds. She is on Hwy 63 northbound. Big brown curtain hanging over the hwy. Odours like cat urine. In between Source and Supertest. She is noticing this right now. Driving s towards company on Hwy 63. Very strong rotten egg smell. Eight out of ten. Stack is going full blast; smoke is emitting to the atmosphere; someone should check it out. bs spoke to Syncrude, confirmed volumes are avg; will follow up on the FGD, colder weather a lot of steam from stacks. [Did AESRD follow up?] Strong rotten egg odour 9 on a scale of 10. Wind blowing SE. JC; spoke to Kim Dertien member of the public/IRC at 13:15 hrs, she indicated the source from north of Syncrude. Rotten egg smell. 1 hour exceedances all morning from AMS 2. Ambient conditions are favorable to Suncor tailings ponds as the mostly likely source for the emissions and odour complaint. AENV continues to work with Suncor on the issues and will continuely [continue to?] monitor industry. [Standard script] Odour complaint - strong sulphur/rotten egg smell just north of Suncor, after passing Syncrude bad pee smell - on Hwy 63. JC, on November 9, 2009 a number of odour complaints (4 in total) were received from members of the public identifying an ammonious smell from Syncrude. EPO's Saunders and Chuchmuch witnessed the smell as well north of the source on Hwy 63 (south wind). FGD data was requested but Syncrude could not give the data because their analyzers were down at the time. AENV is currently looking at Syncrudes ammonia data from the FGD stacks more closely and an investigation is pending on results of the inspection. Odour complaint: on way to work caller could smell sour water. Tank 33 is venting. Eyes were watering by the time he








26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26

348049 347962 348020 348024 348030 348026 347979 348704 349184

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 26-Nov-2009 2-Dec-2009

Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

94 94

349415 354779

Suncor Suncor

4-Dec-2009 3-Mar-2010

Impact Impact

Air Air







94 26

357431 357977

Suncor Syncrude

30-Mar-2010 7-Apr-2010

Release Impact

Air Air

94 26 94

360384 360397 361259

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

8-May-2010 9-May-2010 20-May-2010

Impact Release Impact

Air Air Air

26 94 94 94

362240 362450 363209 363477

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

3-Jun-2010 8-Jun-2010 18-Jun-2010 22-Jun-2010

Impact Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air Air

arrived at work. JC, On November 9, 2009 an odour complaint was received from a member of the public. EPO Chuchmuch called the complainant back and left a voicemail. No call back was received. EPO's Chuchmuch and Saunders were in the area and could verify north of Syncrude on Hwy 63 the ammonious odour (wind from the south). NH3 data was requested from the FGD Stacks but Syncrude said the analyzers were down at the time therefore the data could not be obtained. AENV continues to look further into Syncrudes ammonium issues. Original da ta (emails) in file. Closed Caller is in town. Smell is bad. This is second night. JC; An odour complaint was received from a member of the public of Fort McKay at 00:12 November 10, 2009. This is the fourth odour complaint received since 08:30 hrs November 9, 2009. AENV is currently looking into the ammonium emission issues at Syncrude which is most likely attributing to the odour complaint within said time period. Closed Odour of cat pee; call earlier; wants a call back. Closed Odours - since yesterday - are really bad now, causing a headache - ammonia type smell. Closed Sulfur odour - very strong. Caller having breathing issues. Closed Odour - ongoing. Strong smell. S wind. Closed Strong odour - reached community now. Ongoing for 2 weeks. Closed Strong odour in air. Closed Odour complaint -strong odour. Strong sulfur. 8 on a scale of 10. Closed A gas smell all over source, a sweet gas smell. Closed Odours and visible emissions from Source. It looks like there is a release of dust or particulate. It is blowing over the highway. Caller would like a call back. (Level 3) LM called caller, no answer, left msg requesting call back. LM received call back at 10:40. Caller driving north along Hwy 63, strong ammonia smell passing by Syncrude, similar to episode last Feb in Fort McKay. Very foggy, like coloured fog on ground (yellow tinge), caller thought it was coming from cooling towers not stacks. No wind. Cooling towers are heavy steam, little to none contaminants. Weather conditions: cold with little air movement. WBEA reported no exceedances around this time, before or after. Wind direction in the area was about 180 deg, -14 deg C, low wind speeds. No reports from industry received. No other odour complaints received. Closed Odour complaint. From source's overpass. Strong sulphur smell. On a scale of 1 to 10, it equals 8. Closed Smells a strong HC smell (scale 7-8 on a 10. Noticed all day, wants a call back (Level 3). JC; called complainant back, smelling a strong hydrocarbon smell on a scale of 8 out of 10. AMS 2 H2S exceedance of 31 ppb 147 degrees, 8.7 Probable source is Suncor. AENV continues to work with Suncor on the matter no further action taken at this time. [Standard script] Closed Reasonably strong HC smell in community tonight. JC; called complainant from Fort McKay, H/C smell, fairly strong. Second complaint within the last 15 minutes. WBEA AMS 2 H2S hit of 31 ppb. Wind Direction and speed indicates Suncor are probable source, most likely ponds. AENV continues to work with Suncor on the matter, no further action taken by AENV at this time. [Standard script] Closed Caller reporting excessive flaring at sources site. Has been going on for the last hour -one flare is burning and there is a huge amount of black smoke. The second flare is not lit and it is emitting some type green/yellow gas. Closed She is located 2 km north of Source. She has been woken in the night the last two nights by really strong odours. The odours made her physically ill. She now knows that the 1-800# is 24 hours, so she will call when it is occurring next time. (Level 3) CS-modeling indicate the odours are coming from the tailings ponds. Closed Noticed a greenish yellow haze, with associated odour. Coming from stack at plant. Closed Source is burning sulphur for the last three days, boiler not burning clean, thick greenish yellow cloud coming off it. Going on for 2.5-3 days. CM: No call back requested. Closed Odour complaint -strong hydrocarbon smell -on a scale of 1-10, would be a 6 or 7. JC; odour complaint received from Kim of the Fort Mckay IRC. Hydro carbon odour measuring 6/10. Identified source, Hwy 63 near Suncor. Suncor having issues with stage 2 of the VRU. AENV continues to work with Suncor on these issues, no further action take at this time. [Standard script] Closed Odour complaint. Stronger ammonia smell than normal when driving by source. He also noticed a blue-grey smoke when driving by. Closed Caller reporting an odour -offensive strong gasoline odour. Happening right now as she is driving. She is not sure which company is the source because she is unsure which way the winds are blowing. Information Smell like Suncor in the Thickwood area. Noticed at 0800 hrs. Smell is lingering. Not really windy. Temp is 16 deg C. not released Closed Caller reporting a really bad smell. Caller had to close her window at 8:00AM this morning because the smell was so bad. Smells like petroleum. No visible of gases and just the smell. It smells inside the house. The caller cannot open her window. Wind coming from the north. Not a big wind. JC; spoke to member of the public regarding their complaint. Complainant works for Syncrude Environmental. No exceedances recorded at the time, probable source is Suncor Tailings pond. AENV continues to work with industry regarding odours in the area. No further action taken by AENV at this time.









26 26

366671 366923

Syncrude Syncrude

10-Jul-2010 12-Jul-2010

Impact Impact

Air Air

Closed Closed

























































It stinks really bad. It smells like cat pee. It smells inside the house as well. JC; Spoke to Syncrude regarding the complaint, Ammonia ppm were around 70, a study completed by Syncrude shows that NH3 is only detectable over 100 ppm at the edges of their lease. [Ppb not ppm? Is Syncrude disclaiming the incident?] No exceedances (0 ppb NH3) at AMS 1. A call was made to the complainant, a member of the public from Fort McKay and a message was left, no call back received. AENV continues to work with Syncrude and the community of Fort McKay on the ammonia issues/odours. No further action taken by AENV at this time. [Standard script] Sour gas odour. JC; received an odour complaint from an anonymous member of the public and identified Syncrude as the source. No name or call back number left for on-call EPO. No further action can be taken by AENV at this time. Odour typical of what they get with a wind from the north. Odour complaint was received on July 12, 2010 at 21:15 hrs regarding the typical odours from the north. At the time of the complaint there was a 14.15 ppb exceedance at AMS 2: 293.5 degrees (winds 8.2 km/hr) which the probable source would be Syncrude. The complainant did not want a call back so he did not receive one. No further action taken by AENV at this time. Odour complaint, smells like hydrocarbons. Caller just arrived in the community for work. Noticeable smell, not heavy or light. The odour is continuous. Raining in the area but not windy. Caller is close to industrial area. JC; spoke to complainant who is a member of the public Fort McKay IRC regarding their odour complaint. No exceedances measured at AMS 1 and 2 but based on wind directions probable source would be Syncrude. AENV continues to monitor odour events and is working with the public and industry on the issues. No further action taken by AENV at this time. Caller is concerned about the strong hydrocarbon odour. This has been off and on all day, very strong this morning and lightened up a bit but in the last hour and a half it has gotten strong again. Wind direction is coming from the southwest. JC; Complaint from Fort McKay member of the public/IRC, message left by on-call responder [?], no call back given. At the time of the complaints winds were from 180 degrees which the probable source would be Suncor tailings ponds. No further action taken by AENV at this time. Caller is complaining of rich oil or sulphur odour. Wind is coming from the south. It is a strong smell right now.; 06AUG-201009:01 Odour complaint. Smells like sulphur and oil. Smells really bad. Noticed at 0700 after opening windows to house. Slight wind blowing to the south.; Caller is reporting a oil/gassy smell. Wind is blowing south but very little wind. The smell is very strong right now. JC; On August 6, 2010 the Fort McMurray on call otscer [officer?] received 3 odour complaints from Fort McKay in a span of 30 minutes. The Industrial Odour Protocol was enacted. Syncrude, Suncor, CNRL, and Shell all called into the air info line with updates. Syncrude, Suncor, and Shell indicated their plants were on spec and CNRL was shut down. Based on wind direction and information received in this otsce [office], the probable source is Suncor. AENV and Suncor are meeting to discuss their message on the air information line on Thursday August 12, 2010. AENV continues to monitor odour events and will work with industry and public at such times. No further action taken by AENV at this time. [Standard script] Odour complaint: strong hydrocarbon smell, scale of 10, it's an 8. Noticed just in the last ten minutes. JC; odour complaint received from a member of the public/Fort McKay IRC. Odour protocol still in effect so industry was contacted to update WBEA air information line. Based on wind direction, probable source Suncor. AENV continues to work with the public [and?] .industry on odour events. AENV also addressing communications issues with Suncor regarding their message on the information line. No further action taken by AENV at this time. [Standard script] Odor complaint -smells like hydrocarbon. Not sure when it started but caller went outside and it's very strong. JC; hydrocarbon odour from Fort McKay, odour protocol still in effect so industry was contacted to update messages. Based on wind direction probable source is Suncor Ponds. AENV continues to work with Industry and the public re: odour events. AENV met with Suncor to discuss odours from the plant site and Suncor acknowledged the need to change their communication message to address the tailings ponds issues. No further action taken by AENV in this incident. [Standard script] Odour complaint, hydrocarbons smell from industry. There is a little bit of a breeze and there is a thunderstorm on the way. Smell is a 5 or 6 on a scale of 10. JC; called complainant back re: odour complaint at Fort McKay. AMS 11 13 ppb 172 degree exceedance from 15:00-16:00. Based on wind direction, probable source Suncor ponds. AENV continues to work with industry and the public in odour events. No further action taken by AENV at this time. Caller reporting odour complaint. It the normal smell in that area but it is very strong this morning. Sweet hydrocarbon plant smell. It is not raining outside and didn't rain last night. JC; odour complaint from a member of the public in Fort McMurray. Caller is new to the area and was referred to AENV from WBEA. AMS 5 exceedance (239444 of 11 ppb, 43 degrees measures, probable source is Suncor. AENV continues to work with the public and industry on odour issues in the region, caller will be calling AENV every time they smell an odour. No further action taken by AENV at this time. Odour - ammonia smell. Just noticed odour. JC; Original call sheet was not sent to the Fort McMurray inbox. Spoke to the complainant on another odour complaint (ref 239531) and she indicated that she smelt ammonia at 15:30 hrs, August 24, 2010. A review of WBEA data shows no exceedances at the time of the complaint but at AMS 2 wind direction was 199 degrees, 10.65 km/hr which would indicate Syncrude is the probable source for the ammonia odour. JC spoke to CIC and the call sheet was re-sent the following day. AENV is working with the public and industry on such odour events and will























26 26 94

375718 375613 377070

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

27-Aug-2010 27-Aug-2010 5-Sep-2010

Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air

Closed Closed Closed








94 26 94 26

381863 382854 383005 387051

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

2-Oct-2010 8-Oct-2010 9-Oct-2010 8-Nov-2010

Impact Impact Impact Alleged Contraventi on

Air Air Air Air

Closed Closed Closed Closed

149968 26

389804 392733

CNRL Syncrude

11-Dec-2010 16-Jan-2011

Release Impact

Land Air

Closed Closed

94 94 94 94 26

392859 393008 393053 393067 393624

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

17-Jan-2011 19-Jan-2011 19-Jan-2011 19-Jan-2011 26-Jan-2011

Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact

Air Air Air Air Air

Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

continue to monitor them as they arise. [Standard script] Caller reporting hydrocarbon odour. Very strong between the tailings ponds (7 out of 10, now that caller is at work the odour is a 5 out of 10 but may get worse. JC; spoke to Karla Buffalo member of the public/Fort McKay IRC regarding her complaint. AMS 2 exceedance (239485) recorded at 19ppb 143 degrees. Spoke to Sylvie Harper of Suncor, no flaring, venting events occuring and upgrader is on spec. Based on information we know and wind direction, probable source is Suncor Ponds. AENV is working with Suncor on the issues and will continue to monitor odour events as they occur in the region. No further action taken on this particular issue at this time. [Standard script] Odour, hydrocarbon. Caller noticed the odour this morning. Continuous strong hydrocarbon odour. Light breeze in the area. JC; left a message for Doris Lacorde a member of the public from Fort McKay to call me back regarding the hydrocarbon odour complaint. Ref 239485 Stn 2 exceedance of 19 ppb 143 degrees which would indicate Suncor as the probable source. Very strong odour in the area. Caller had to turn off AC because she's had a coughing fit and is concerned about coworkers working outside. Clear day and light wind .... caller believes the odour is coming from the north. JC; Called the complainant and left a message. No call back was received. At the time of the complaint according to AMS 2 the wind direction was 83 degrees at 10.85 km/hr. This would indicated that Suncor Ponds are the probable source for the odours. AENV continues to work with Suncor on their pond issues but no further action regarding this incident at this time. Odour at Hwy 63, north of Source. Mixture of hydrocarbon and gas. Strongest at 4-5 km north of where the Hwy turns into a single lane. (Level 3) Odours on Hwy 63 - likely from source. Ammonia smell. Just north of the tailings ponds as the highway turns into a single lane heading north. It is a 4 on a scale of 1-10. She would like a call back from an EPO. (Level 3) Odour -oil sands and plant smell -noticed this morning when caller woke up and it is still lingering. Smell is worse than normal as it is raining and the smell is lingering. JC; Odour complaint in the city of Fort McMurray. There was an H2S exceedance measuring 10 ppb from AMS 5 at 359 degrees. Probable source is Suncor ponds. Caller did not like a call back so one was not given. Strong odours of hydrocarbon and sulphur from Source. He is currently driving 2 km south of Source entrance. (Level 3) JC; At the time of the odour complaint a AMS 5 exceedance Ref 239930 was noted. 12.5 ppb, 39.44 degrees wind speed 1.77 km/hr. At the time of the exceedance and complaint Suncor reported a flaring event which is most likely attributing [contributing?] to the exceedance and complaint. A message was left with Dr. John O'Connor's administrative assistant and the information was taken down as he was unavailable at the time to talk. Smelling THC in the air. They have just noticed it. Two kilometers from Fort McKay. On Hwy 63 north. Bad enough for her to call AENV. SK-KEARNEY phoned CN back to discuss. Source likely Suncor Ponds Received odour complaint from resident. There is a plume leaving source, leaving a foggy smokey haze - causing visibility issues on Hwy 63, stinks. CS-As per the WBEA website SO2 was 13.17ppb, H2S 2.03 ppb and THC 2.40 ppb. Smelling Total Hydrocarbons in Fort McKay. JC; spoke to the complainant. At the time of the complaint there was an H2S exceedance of 17 ppb at AMS 11 165 degrees. Probable source would be the Suncor Tailings Pond. Caller worked for a company that released refrigeration gases out of their service trucks from the recovery bottles. They also do not log and report releases. This company has a contract for a major plant. He feels that our legislation is not tight enough on refrigerant releases - not so much as the rest of Canada. JC; follow-up to allegations of an R22 release into the atmosphere from Aircon Technologies, email to Brooke Bennet and John Ellingsen of Syncrude. Internal investigation showed that the company does report its releases and their log of repairs. The quantities in the log are fairly low totals of between 3 and 5 lbs. The allegations are most likloy [ sic] from a discruntalled [sic] employee. Syncrude and Aircon Technoligies [sic] took these allegations very seriously and could not find any truth into [sic] the allegations. [Selfinvestigation] Thousand litre of naphtha spilled 3 weeks ago from a line break, contaminated dirt and snow was put into the bins and still on the site. Some of the spill is still on the ground and was not cleanup properly. He just checked his phone messages and had received an odour complaint from 19:00 hours Jan 15. This was near source, on Hwy 63 northbound. The location is near Beaver Creek and on the east side of the plant site. The odour was not the usual odours they get -it is described as hydrocarbon / fuel odour. He would like a call back tomorrow after 8 am. (level 3). Odour complaint. Hydrocarbon smell, ongoing. bs at time of call, no industry upsets received. However late reporting Suncor valve open since Dec 28/10, sour gas emitting. [Valve left open for three weeks] Odour complaint smells like sulphur and hydrocarbon. More so sulphur. In Timberly and Dickensfield area. Score of 1-10 this is 5 or 6. This is a nuisance smell. Would like a call back. Odour complaint, noticed odour at 16:15. Sulphur and ammonia odour. Odour complaint. Started at 4:00am. Terrible smell. Industrial smell -Sulfur/onion odour. Ongoing -smell has dissipated a bit or caller may have gotten used to smell by now. Seeing a dark dark grey plume from a stack and there are two flares very visible from Fort McKay. Concerned if there will


26 149968

393631 393481

Syncrude CNRL

26-Jan-2011 4-Feb-2011

Impact Impact

26 94 94

394683 401054 402743

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

8-Feb-2011 17-Apr-2011 2-May-2011

Impact Impact Impact

94 94 26 26

402779 402888 414068 416191

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

2-May-2011 3-May-2011 3-Aug-2011 22-Aug-2011

Impact Impact Impact Impact

94 94 94 94 26

422876 425447 427986 430121 433428

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

24-Oct-2011 17-Nov-2011 14-Dec-2011 9-Jan-2012 14-Feb-2012

Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact

26 26 26

433622 433627 435759

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

15-Feb-2012 15-Feb-2012 9-Mar-2012

Impact Impact Alleged Contraventi on Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact

94 94 94 26 26 94 26 94

436105 438968 441131 442817 442976 445863 452195 10354

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

13-Mar-2012 12-Apr-2012 4-May-2012 22-May-2012 24-May-2012 20-Jun-2012 8-Aug-2012 26-Dec-1994



Suncor; Syncrude

Alleged Contraventi on 30-May-96; 31Alleged May-96 Contraventi on

be impact to Fort McKay as in odours. Would like to talk to an EPO. Looks like there was a fire at source. Huge cloud of smoke and a strong smell of burning rubber. Enormous flames shooting from the stack. Air Closed Odour complaint. First noticed about 10 min's ago. Hydrocarbon odour. Unknown where the winds are coming from. 04FEB-2011, 08:46 Odour of hydrocarbon very bad. 25-JAN-2011, 10:16 VRU is down and they are not producing any oil. Plant is in recirculation mode. Flaring is in progress, but minimal. VRU shut down to prevent contamination of the amine system. Vapours are directed to flare. Air Pending Air Quality issues between Syncrude and Suncor 15 kms south of Forty McKay heading north on Hwy 63. Very strong sulphur smell in the air. Air Closed Odour complaint -gas/oil smell. Trace of S02. Wind coming from NW. SK-STN 12 TRS exceedances. Suspect Suncor Pond 7 Air Closed Going by north of Suncor gate there is a heavy sulphur odour. Extremely strong. Caller is going to Fort McKay. Caller requests a call back from an EPO. bs Suncor shutdown, cleaning vessels. Notification to AENV & stakeholders went out from Suncor. Air Closed Odour complaint. Just noticed it while he was driving on the Hwy. Smells like sulphur and hydrocarbons. bs Suncor planned shut down. Air Closed Odour complaint. Definite, very pungent sulphur odour. On the hwy where it divides North and South, heading North. Just noticed 5 min's ago. Near the tailings ponds for both sites. Air Closed Odour complaint. CS-Odour may be linked to Ref#250186 Syncrude reported problems with their sour water strippers on July 31, 2011. Air Closed Driving by source and theres a smell of ammonia. There's a coloured beige/grey plums coming from the smoke stack when it's usually white. cs-AENV on-call person contacted Syncrude's shift supervisor who reported that they had a circulating pump go down. Industrial Closed Caller is concerned that the "bird scare" procedures for the tailings ponds are not adequate. There is currently a flock of Heartland [birds] living on the "Paw Pond". Air Closed Odour complaint there is a sulfur smell that's stronger than normal. Caller just drove by the plant and the flares are huge. Air Closed Odour complaint. "Hot transmission oil" smell. Air Closed Hydrocarbon odour. Currently light rain and no wind. Air Closed Just drove by source there is a strong cat pee odour and he is on his way to fort Mckay. Would like a call back. 14-FEB2012 08:12 Slight onsite odour. Potential for going offsite. Investigating now. Will update if anything changes. Syncrude was changing a valve the day before that may have emitted ammonia odours. - DW Air Pending On site natural gas (mercaptan) odour currently investigating odour. Will update with findings. was there update? [this incident and 433627 appear to be the same] Air Pending On site natural gas(mercaptan) odour currently investigating odour. Will update with findings. was there update? [this incident and 433622 appear to be the same] Land Closed Source is removing overburden and placing it into their tailings pond. Materials are supposed to be stockpiled and saved for reclamation. Caller heard that this is occurring on the night shift and not during the day which leads her to believe that they are trying to hide it. There are three areas of soil handling that could have been mistaken by lay-person as placing reclamation materials in tailings pond. - DW [was there any investigation?] Air Closed He is driving by source and is reporting a strong oily smell. It is worse than usual. There are no visible emissions; it may be caused by the tailings pond. He works for the Fort MacKay Metis Community. Air Closed Air quality concern while driving between Fort McMurray and Fort MacKay. He was driving with someone that use to work for Source, and they advised that the odour was coming from source's ponds. Surface Closed Duck has flown into tailings pond and is covered in oil. Duck has made its way to the berm. Source was notified of this Water earlier today and nothing has been done. The duck is still sitting in the pond. Air Closed Strong hydrocarbon smell. Sand blowing off tailings pond causing reduced visibility on HWY 63. Air Closed Caller is 10km south of source on HWY 63 and there is a foul oil smell in the air. Air Closed Caller reporting a strong sulfur and hydrocarbon odour. Caller has noticed it all week but it is very, very bad right now. Air Pending Odour complaint. Complaints Made Directly to Industry Waste Unknown F&W rec' d anonymous info re: Suncor dumping stuff to Athabasca River. River beside Suncor open during Xmas. Caller reported workers state they were dumping to get rid of it faster, problem goes on all the time, they know gov't gone can't catch them. Air Unknown Providing status of odour complaints. No unusual operations/events at the plant. Found elevated reading at the ambient monitors.; Providing status of investigation into odour complaints. Winds are 10-15 km/hr from the NE. Plant operations are ok for evening of May 30/96. Air Closed










Suncor; Syncrude

Alleged Contraventi on 28-Aug-1997 Alleged Contraventi on 19-May-98; 25- Release; May-98; 26Impact; May-98; 27Alleged May-98; 28- Contraventi May-98 on 28-Jun-1999 4-Aug-1999 8-Nov-2001 28-May-2003 Release Release Release Release; Notification; Alleged Contraventi on Release




Syncrude is slopping untreated naphtha to untreated tank. He will check on some out-source tracking van if he finds anything. Response to odour complaint. Odour potential notification. Emergency tailings tank vent popping open for 1 minute several times during the day. They cannot stop it because of the tank design and the pressure build-up. Odour complaints will consist of hydrocarbon. [Illustrates the difficulty of preventing incidents] Odour potential due to maintenance on outage on NRU; checked around plant site. Nothing unusual. Had a lightning strike in the SW mine area which caused a compressor to trip, resulting in some flaring of hydrogen.; There is a very bad odour from tarsands projects.; Can smell the ponds while driving down highway past the plant turnoff. Wind is from NW.; Confirmed there is an odour. Will check plant operations and ambient stations.; Complaining about odour coming from ponds.; Ambient H2S reading due to naphtha in tailings pond. NRU is down at Suncor.; Ambient H2S reading caused by NRU being down. Readings are still high. Follow up from odour complaint. A transfer from one tank to another of untreated naphtha and flow agitated the material and caused it to vent. Update to public complaint regarding NH3 odours. Conducted ambient monitoring between gate and Buffalo view point, all ok. In response to the odour complaint. Calm winds and hazy conditions. Will check the plant status.; Checked the stations. Had a peak on HC at 14: 00 hrs. at Buffalo Viewpoint otherwise nothing. No plant upsets. Really smoky flare - not sure why. May be due to start-up of a train happening this week. Will call back with any major details, minor details in follow up letter. May get public complaints.; Had another smoky flare for about 10 min at 1630. Had liquid run down sides of flare and catch fire. Fire team went out. Still investigating into problem.; Update - cleaning out system with nat. gas - flushing flare lines - blower is damaged so there may be smoke with opacity just over 40 % can not see from Hwy. May need to keep going though night. AD suggested he update ref# 141833. Regarding odour complaint - did not find any unusual plant operations - however caller and AD agree Source of odours may be the source pond. Complainant was also concerned with brown haze in area not sure of cause but they are experiencing higher levels of NOx and SO2. He is confident in these readings since they are currently conducting a stack survey. Investigating. They have isolated the leaking line and will repair before being used again. (CEPA reportable).; [Redacted] ...wants to complain about own company creating off site odour from sour water tanks. {Redacted] ... noticed it as [redacted] bus pulled up to the site this morning. Internal odour report within the site. No public complaints received - currently seeking the Source. Hydrocarbon smell.





26 26 94 20809

56934 59283 104705 142114

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Albian Sands

Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown












Closed Information Only 204158


08-Feb-04; 10Alleged Feb-04 Contraventi on; Impact 4-May-2005 Notification








26 94 26 94

Closed Information Only 215561 216994 217863 Closed Information Only 224652 227289 228587 229279 231266



Alleged Contraventi on Release



Pump 16-3G-103 - this pump is pumping NH3 and it gassed up and had to vent pump to get it going again. An alarm went off and contractors went to medical centre onsite (complaints of irritation to throats). Complaints of bitumen smell in plant. Investigating and finding nothing.

No Impact


Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

9-Jan-2006 27-Jan-2006 10-Feb-2006 11-May-2006

Notification Release Release Notification

Air Air Surface Water No Impact

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

26 94 26 26 26

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

15-May-2006 16-Jun-2006 3-Jul-2006 9-Jul-2006 29-Jul-2006

Notification Release Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

6 people in medical center complaining of H2S exposure. Source unknown. Had some odour complaints from sulfur loading area, south of town. Sent out mobile monitoring van and found elevated levels of H2S. Adverse effects release, Plant 64 tailings diverted away from NRU. Plant upset in extraction is cause. (06:44 - 07:41). May receive odour complaints. A driver of a car drove past the caller's plant. The driver of the Car complained that there was a mist outside the caller's plant. The mist left a sticky substance on the car. The caller will meet with the complainant to see if the substance came from the caller's plant. Odour complaint received from person for Ft McKay. Source appears to be stack onsite (can't find cause of odour). A tank farm was vented. Some hydrocarbon vapours were released. Employees at the plant complained because of the odour. Have received some odour complaints from Ft MacKay and S of Ft MacKay. Have sent out source tracking van at 10:35. Wind direction doesn't correspond with plant site and no plant upsets. Odour complaint received from east of plant - foul odour. Initial call to fire hall (Syncrude). May not be plant related - still checking. From equipment yard next door. On-site odour complaint (internal), smells like "cat pee". May be from plant 26-1 stack. Will send source tracking vehicle. Will check operation.






26 26 26 94 26

235284 236386 236957 237699 238028

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

12-Sep-2006 2-Oct-2006 8-Oct-2006 19-Oct-2006 24-Oct-2006

26 26

242423 243677

Syncrude Syncrude

14-Dec-2006 5-Jan-2007





Alleged Contraventi on Notification Notification Release Release Alleged Contraventi on Notification Alleged Contraventi on Release



Odour coming from Building 252, not sure of source. Sent out tracking van and got 2 H2S readings.; Odour complaint; source tracking vehicle detected high H2S. Odour complaint - only informed by email at 1525 hrs. Reason: Believe residual naphtha while cleaning out exchanger. A worker complained about odours at 0730hrs. They are in turnaround . Will investigate further. Black smoke complaint. Just drove by. Wants some information concerning recent process changes. Received odour complaints on site of propane smell - they are still trying to track down source. On-site odour complaint. Hydrocarbon oily smell. 41-y area. Smell has been there all day - sending van out to check.

Air Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

No Impact Air

Unknown Unknown

Building 41-Y occupant complaining of hydrocarbon smell. Checking it out. Odour complaint - onsite. We're looking for it - nothing obvious.














26 26 26 26 26

245536 252694 252858 293985 294127

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

3-Feb-2007 21-Apr-2007 24-Apr-2007 27-Jan-2008 29-Jan-2008

Alleged Contraventi on Notification Release Release Notification Pro-Active Notification



Odour complaints made onsite - Reported to him at 1102 hrs. Not sure how many complaints but there have been 'numerous' reported to the front gate. Suspect due to diverter plume blowing in that direction. Nothing can be done except waiting for the wind to change. Odour complaint on-site by bldg #578. Three workers went to the Health Centre on site, one was sent to hospital - caller believed this was precautionary but did not have any details. After some investigation they think there may have been a PSV release on a sour naphtha tank. The building #578 was evacuated and caller believed it was still under evacuation. They are still investigating. On site odour complaints. Looking for source.

Air Air Air Air Air

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Closed





Alleged Contraventi on



26 94

294568 296617

Syncrude Suncor

3-Feb-2008 4-Mar-2008



Unknown Closed

Alleged Potable Water Contraventi on Notification Air



Closed Information Only 304561




Odour complaint on site. Think it is from draining down a section line from plant 13-2 for psvao removal. One of their employees complained of an onsite odour at 1650 hrs. The odour of ammonia correlates to an ammonia truck which was unloading at the time causing intermittent odours. Odour complaint from a worker. Strong hydrocarbon odour. Area 41Y. They are investigating. [Incident unrelated to another 41Y worker odour complaint (incident 68893)] Caller received notice of odour complaint from AENV investigator. Flaring acid gas. Unit instability. Not contravention as of yet, just a notification. Vlad- Various plants upsets caused by 11-1 and 11-2 plant Amine Treaters process upset and subsequent multiple plants flaring that occurred on the 29th of January, 2008. Syncrude did not exceed the SO2 limits, no odour complaints. However there were 4 Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objective exceedances that resulted from the flaring and plant diverting events. This is a potential contravention of clause 4.1.16 Table 4 .1A and 4.1.1 Odour complaint called in to caller by AENV Investigator. 01-FEB-2008 00:08 Smell of diesel gas - burning the throat smell is getting stronger as caller is passing by source on highway. vlad- Reported a very strong odour around Syncrude Energy. Follow up with Stalk holders (Suncor/Syncrude) [stakeholders] reveals both are potential contributor to the GLC [ground level concentration]. Was advised to seek medical help at the nearest clinic/hospital. [Incident unrelated to another diesel incident complaint (incident 229087)] AENV had called him regarding an odour complaint. He has no info on whether they are responsible but will update when he gets more info. High diluent loss went into containment pond; potential of odour complaint; cause unknown. VLAD-Diluent losses to tailings pond 2/3 occurred over a 24 hr period on March 2nd. Exceedance of allowable limit of 1400b/d was lost to the pond. There is a possible discrepancy between DCS on-line diluent loss totalizer and the final reconciled daily diluent loss result. This is a potential contravention of EP0-2007/02-NR Investigating odour complaint. ...Does not think it is coming from their plant but they will look into it.













Tank venting. Hydrocarbon vapour from diluted bitumen tank. Not sour. Feed rate into tank was high. 3 times: 1409-1540 hrs, 1644-1724, 1811-1826. Problem now solved. CM: Between 14:09 on June 14th and 4:58 on June 15th, Tank 20D-2 vented N, HC's, and S compounds intermittently for a total of 5 hours. Reason was a sudden influx of hot dilbit into 200-2. 1 Odour complaint (Ref 202780) can be attributed to this incident. Acid gas flaring. Blower tripped on Plant 12-3. Started high, ended low. Acid gas flaring. Blower tripped on Plant 12-3. Started high, ended low. V0-Possibly linked to the public complaint # 205403. The wind speed was relatively calm at 75 m elevation, meaning the acid flaring could be the source of the public complaints.



























Alleged Potable Water Contraventi on Release Release Air Air


26 26

441749 453846

Syncrude Syncrude

11-May-2012 24-Aug-2012

Closed Closed


En Cana; Suncor; Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.; Syncrude; PetroCanada; Shell Canada

Many, most unknown

Alleged Regulation/R Contraventi eporting ; on; Unknown Unknown


Venting from VRU -hydrocarbons. VL-Probably linked to public complaints (204945) LM Stage 2 of VRU offline 03:58 to 04:00 19-Aug, Stage 1 vented intermittently 12:19 to 13:13 19-Aug. Stage 2 offline 2 minutes, flow rate of vapour untreated was 1100 SCFM, stage 1 PSV lifted intermittently for 53 min. Vapours released contained light end HC, VOCs and treated process vapours (treated for H2S). Unknown cause of Stage 2 trip, possible low-temperature trip causing refrigerant compressors to trip. Stage 1 result of process gas outlet piping of refrigerant coolers in stage 2 freezing, resulting in higher pressure drop across stage 2. The increased pressure at the outlet of Stage 1 to above PSV set point. HVAC personnel responded and troubleshot problems. "Operations and HVAC personnel will work towards improving VRU Stage 2 operation". If continuing issue an inspection should be planned by AENV. Tank Venting on the weekend -20D-2 Tank -Diluted bitumen. LM Summary: 3 tank venting events over 3 days, total of 501 minutes from 20D-2 tank PVRV in south tank farm. Tank contains diluted bitumen, vapour released contains light hydrocarbons and assorted sulphur compounds. When managing incoming diluted bitumen, operators diverted portion of fresh DB to stagnant 20D-2, influx of hot DB caused pressure in tank to increase. Most vapours treated via VRU, but excess pressure caused opening and release from PVRV. 25th incident result of malfunctioning pressure control. When venting noticed, DB inflow was adjusted and on 25th corrected malfunctioning valve. No odour complaints received 26 and 27th Aug. No further action at this time. Future inspection RE: tank venting to be considered. [Event illustrates that a prolonged venting event may not result in public complaints] Tank Venting from #D7. Maximized Vapour Recovery Unit. LM Summary: venting from bitumen tank 20D-7 03:55 to 10:00 of natural gas and hydrocarbon vapours. High rundown rates to the tank, a missed alarm and high pressure were the cause for the incident. Operational moves decreased the extraction rundown rates. Several odour complaints were received during and after this time frame, but are thought to be associated with the diverting incident at Syncrude that occurred during and after this incident. No further action taken at this time. High turbidity on potable water at building 160. The sample was taken today at 15:00 hours. The reading 13 NTU, but she does not know the approval limit. A complaint was received about discoloured water in a toilet. Actions taken: sampled and flushed the lines. Signs were hung to notify users to not use water and to leave the taps on for flushing. SK bactprotocol engaged. The effluent pont [pond] is release [releasing] hydrocarbons and benzene vapours to atmosphere. Cause unknown. This was [There were] odour complaints onsite. Reporting flaring of H2S due to 12-3 sulphur plant trip. It started at 0638 hours and is ongoing. He expects this may lead to offsite odour complaints. 26-1 FGD is also upset as a result. They are reducing their plant 15 hydro-treaters to try and resolve it. A set of 51 redacted incidents, some of which were public complaints.


Table 26. Correlation (Spearman) between number of quarterly complaints and air incidents (66 year quarters, 65 df). Correlation with Quarterly Air Incidents (r, p) Total Complaints 0.614, p << 0.001 Industry Complaints 0.345, p < 0.01 Public Complaints 0.565, p << 0.001 Syncrude Mildred Lake 0.466, p < 0.001 Complaints Suncor Oil Sands 0.554, p << 0.001 Complaints Air Complaints 0.565, p << 0.001

Complaints Per Yr Quarter TOTALCOMPL

24 16 8 0

Figure 22. Relationship between quarterly frequency of total complaints and air incidents. The x-axis is powertransformed (power = 0.3) to minimize overlap of data points. The fitted line is a least-squares regression, tension = 1.

100 200 300 Air Incidents Per Yr AIRINCIDENTS



Before attention focuses on air complaints, some other observations merit attention; examples follow. Athabasca River F&W rec' d anonymous info re: Suncor dumping stuff to Athabasca River. River beside Suncor open during Xmas. Caller reported workers state they were dumping to get rid of it faster, problem goes on all the time, they know gov't gone can't catch them. (10354, Suncor, 26-Dec1994, Alleged Contravention, Waste, status Unknown). Just observed orange floating scum in the river by Source - 1 km wide. (incident 225508, Suncor, 25-May-2006, Impact Surface Water, status Unknown). The Athabasca river is full of black slick. It is possibly coming from the source. The slick is all along the river bank. The caller noticed it while fishing. (235717, Suncor, 23-Sep-2006, Release, Shore/bank of waterbody, incident status unknown). It is unknown whether the government investigated these complaints. The authors have been told by various members of the public that illegal dumping and excessive emissions sometimes take place over holidays when oversight is minimal. These anecdotal statements are impossible to verify. The lack of evidence of investigation or follow-up is a concern. Waterfowl Mortalities at Tailings Ponds, and Other Wildlife Mortality Source pumping chemicals into ponds. Concerned for Geese and Birds.; Geese landing in sediment ponds @ sources site. Concerned b/c water has contamination.; Ducks and Geese landing in sediment ponds. Concerned b/c [because] water is contaminated.; Tailing ponds/open ponds. Migratory birds landing in ponds. People that feed (maintain) ponds wear full protective gear. Owner of ponds will not supply MSDS [material safety data sheets] for ponds. Birds feed callers family. Very worried about effect of ponds on birds. (299404, Syncrude, 15-Apr-2008, Impact, Surface Water, status Closed). This record represents four separate complaints lodged on the same day. Was this a bird mortality event distinct from the publicized event of late April 2008? Caller would like to volunteer to assist with birds on tailings pond.; In-house Notification: Report of a number of birds in tailings ponds. Birds have been "oiled". Capture due to lack of deterrents. 500 - 700 ducks. (300233, Syncrude, 29-Apr-2008, Info Request, No Impact, status Investigation) This incident is linked to the prosecution and conviction of Syncrude for the death of 1606 waterfowl. The EMS data file is not up to date. This incident status is closed (C. McLaughlin, AESRD, pers. comm., 15 March 2013). Caller calls to say he sees ducks landing in the tailings pond. (301349, Syncrude, 10-May-2008, Impact, Surface Water, status Investigation). This incident is also linked to the prosecution of Syncrude for April 2008 mortality event. The EMS data file is not up to date. This incident status is closed (C. McLaughlin, AESRD, pers. comm., 15 March 2013). 128

Caller said 150 ducks found dead on sources site & they have quickly buried them. (302172, Suncor, 20-May-2008, Impact, No impact, status Closed). This incident may be linked to the prosecution of Syncrude for April 2008 mortality event (C. McLaughlin, AESRD, pers. comm., 15 March 2013). It is unclear why the incident was recorded under the Suncor approval number. If this observation is true, that the caller had observed Syncrude (or Suncor?) staff burying ducks in order to avoid detection, it is unfortunate that the public was not made aware of the incident. It would speak volumes of the companys intentions and integrity. Reports of source finding and burying 150 ducks. Call came in from anonymous caller last night. No other information was available. bs [EPOs initials] Public complaint. Returned calls and left messages. (302403, Syncrude, 23-May-2008, Impact, No Impact, status Closed). This incident may also be linked to the prosecution of Syncrude for April 2008 mortality event. Ducks that landed in the Aurora TP [tailings pond] continued to surface many days after the original incident (C. McLaughlin, AESRD, pers. comm., 15 March 2013). See the comments for the previous incident. Contravention: Believe source are not following approval. Waterfowl are not being kept away from ponds since ponds inception 2-3 years ago. Should have better system for keeping waterfowl away from ponds. Has not allowed caller on site to view bird deterrent system. Suspect problems. (331264, Suncor, 11-May-2009, Impact, Air [call reason air makes no sense], status Closed). Caller is concerned that the "bird scare" procedures for the tailings ponds are not adequate. There is currently a flock of [birds] living on the Paw Pond. (422876, Suncor, 24-Oct-2011, Impact, Industrial Heartland [Industrial Heartland is not a valid call reason; it is unclear what environmental protection officer meant], status Closed). Duck has flown into tailings pond and is covered in oil. Duck has made its way to the berm. Source was notified of this earlier today and nothing has been done. The duck is still sitting in the pond. (441131, Suncor, 4-May-2012, Impact, Surface Water, status Closed). As a group, the set of incidents suggest that the callers are concerned that (a) the health and safety of animals is not being adequately protected; (b) there are mortality events, oilings, and landings that are not being reported to the media; (c) industry may be complicit in hiding mortalities. These concerns are sometimes expressed by the EPOs themselves, as one recent incident documents: Approval contravention: Caller told by EPO to call in failure to implement wildlife mitigation and monitoring plan. Plan currently under review. (446307, CNRL Horizon, 25 June 2012, Alleged Contravention, No Impact, status Closed). Without adequate independent oversight of the tailings ponds, statements by industry and government that deterrents are adequately protecting birds have little credibility. Data from industry suggest an annual mortality due to tailings pond exposure in northeastern Alberta of 65 birds (Timoney and Ronconi 2010). Those authors found the industry data to be inconsistent and appeared to underestimate actual mortality. Study of tailings pond landing and mortality data suggest that annual bird mortality in the regions tailings pond is in the range of 458 to 5029 birds (Timoney and Ronconi 2010). Annual mortality is likely composed of frequent small 129

mortality events and few large events. Given adequate independent monitoring of tailings pond bird landings (which does yet exist), it remains a challenge to estimate true mortality because it can be difficult to estimate the proportion of dead birds that are found vs. those that are not found. One recent large mortality event, detected through an anonymous tip to the EMS, took place in April 2008 when an estimated 1,606 waterfowl died at the Syncrude Aurora North tailings pond. Another mortality event took place on 25, 26 October 2010 at six tailings ponds; 547 birds were recovered dead or badly oiled and were euthanized; an additional 97 birds landed at various ponds, 94 of which died (St. Clair et al. 2011). Six hundred and forty-one dead birds were found; an unknown number of birds were not recovered. The EMS incident (385487) comments stated: 50-60 ducks have landed in there [their] recycle water pond. Some has [have] landed in their tailings pond. Just called 15 minutes ago to him. There is freezing rain in the area. Needs to talk to the on call. The estimate of mortality in the EMS database (50-60 birds) is less than 1/10 of the documented mortality (about 641 birds), and even that figure is an underestimate of the true mortality because it is virtually impossible to find all birds that die in a tailings pond mortality event. In October 2012, it was announced that no charges would be laid. Public Complaints Related to Air Quality Complaints relating to air quality are varied and often detailed. As an aid to the reader, a selection of the incidents that are informative of air quality concerns has been highlighted (Table 25). Salient points that arise from study of the complaints include: (1) Air quality issues are chronic and the publics concerns are persistent and consistent. (2) People use a variety of terms to describe the air, such as smelling of gasoline, petroleum, naphtha, bitumen, tar, ammonia, cat pee, urine, rich oil, burnt odour, heavy oil, oil/gassy, chlorine, hydrocarbon, sour gas, sour oil, sour water, sulphur, sulfur/onion, burning chemical, skunky bitumen smell, burning tires, raw sewage, rubber, HCl [hydrochloric acid], H2S, and rotten eggs. (3) They use qualifiers such as: sour, horrible, serious, acrid, very pungent, nasty, stink, stinks to high heaven, bad, really bad, never used to be this bad, getting worse, strong, extremely strong, and offensive. (4) They describe lurid sky and atmospheric conditions and emissions such as black smoke, bluegrey smoke, grey-brown smoke, enormous flames, haze, black soot, purple haze, orange emissions, blue-brown clouds, brown plume, black plume, dark grey plume, smog, brown horizon, clouds of dust, black dust, yellowish-brown clouds, grey-black clouds, brownish-red clouds, yellow clouds, yellow-tinged fog, green-yellow gas, foggy, smokey haze - causing visibility issues on Hwy 63, greeny-yellow haze for 30 km, brown smudge across the sky every morning, blowing dust off the source tailing pond. It is very difficult to even see the road in the area, black dust blowing from the pond to the highway... so dense that it is difficult to see through, visible whitish vapour fog and really strong HC [hydrocarbon] odour, and get a sunset at 1 PM, same for almost a year.


(5) They note that the offensive air quality can be unbearable; can make them unable to go outside; unable to open windows or use air conditioning; they note bad air quality in downtown Fort McMurray and its subdivisions. Serious air quality concerns are common in Fort McKay. Complainants note that bad odours can permeate their houses and apartments and persist within their homes leaving them no respite from poor air quality. One incident noted: Nothing can be done except waiting for the wind to change. Some examples: One complainant recorded: Continuous pollution coming out of stack, ongoing for a few months. Another complainant stated: For 5-6 hours, there has been black smoke emitting from the new large stack. After being outside, he discovered black soot in his mouth/throat and nose. Another stated: plume from stack #26 [Syncrude] is touching the ground and Caller's eyes are watering. Another stated: Very, very bad odour; sour gas - can hardly breathe. Making caller's mother ill. Another stated: ... poisonous yellow gas coming from Syncrude, [redacted] Another stated: There is black dust blowing from the pond to the highway. It is so dense that it is difficult to see through. Another stated: At times the smoke is so heavy that the sun is blocked from view. Another stated: The stacks are "just agoing." The odour is almost enough to bring tears to the eyes. Another stated: Stack emissions in Ft. McMurray, why SO2 is so high it makes the whole horizon brown. Get a sunset at 1 PM, same for almost a year. Caller previously worked for Environment and this is not allowed. Obviously over their limit. Another stated: Caller finds it worse at night at home but still smells in day in downtown area. Another stated: Caller had to close her window at 8:00AM this morning because the smell was so bad. Smells like petroleum. No visible of gases and just the smell. It smells inside the house. The caller cannot open her window. Wind coming from the north. Not a big wind. JC; spoke to member of the public regarding their complaint. Complainant works for Syncrude Environmental. No exceedances recorded at the time, probable source is Suncor Tailings pond. AENV continues to work with industry regarding odours in the area. No further action taken by AENV at this time. The statements that AENV continues to work with industry and no further action taken by AENV at this time are frequently appended to incident comments in the database. (6) Health effects recorded include: sore, burning, or irritated nostrils, throat, and eyes, sore or burning lungs, difficulty breathing, coughing fit, body weakness, itchy skin, headaches, general feeling of sickness, and worries about health. One incident noted: 6 people in medical center complaining of H2S exposure. Source unknown. (7) Sources of the air pollutants were identified as stack emissions, flaring, fires, various types of plant upsets, tailings ponds, tank venting, and wind erosion of fine particulates from denuded surfaces (Figure 23).


Athabasca River

Figure 23. (a) In this area north of the Suncor Oil Sands main plant, particulate deposition has blackened the landscape. 26 February 2008 img_2556. (b) Multiple emissions sources are evident at the Syncrude Mildred Lake operation. 29 February 2008. (c) A mix of particulates and other air pollutants covers a large area in this view of Fort McMurray. 26 February 2008. img_2493 img_2720; (d) Heavy machinery is a major source of dust wherever active mining is taking place, as it is here on a Suncor lease near the Steepbank River. 10 August 2006. 132 Industrial Workers Complaints Industrial workers are often exposed to unhealthy air quality. A sample of some incidents follows. One complainant stated: The Caller reported that was at a work camp the previous evening. "Chlorine" gas was released from the Source [Suncor] stack. It flowed over the work camp and caused the workers' eyes to burn. It affected their breathing and caused coughing. Two work camps with 2000-3000 workers were affected. Very strong odour in the area. Caller had to turn off AC because she's had a coughing fit and is concerned about [Suncor] co-workers working outside. Wonders if it was reported to us that a few [Syncrude] workers got sick from gas coming into vent at the 41Y bldg. Thinks it may have been H2S. Three [Syncrude] workers went to the Health Centre on site, one was sent to hospital - caller believed this was precautionary but did not have any details. After some investigation they think there may have been a PSV release on a sour naphtha tank. When will the source stop sending black smoke into the air? Black smoke comes from the plant for months making people sick. Spoke to a contractor working at Syncrude, indicated that it has been on- going for the past 6 months and that everyone is getting sick. Followed up with shift supervisor at Syncrude, asked for a manual stack survey to be completed. Results came back as nothing, in normal operation. Source [Syncrude] releasing think green smoke all day[extensive redaction]... source employees are told to stay indoors while subcontractors are told they can go outside. Pump 16-3G-103 - this pump is pumping NH3 and it gassed up and had to vent pump to get it going again. An alarm went off and [Syncrude] contractors went to medical centre onsite (complaints of irritation to throats). Complaints of bitumen smell in plant. Investigating and finding nothing. One incident included the following complaints: Environmental stack at Source's [Syncrude] coker area is spewing yellow and green smoke from waste heat boiler - polluted with something. Wind is taking it away from refinery right now. Calling on behalf of workers because source is not doing anything. Would like call from investigator.; Wants to know if any health concerns related to yellow & green smoke from plant stack. Live down wind.; Caller drove by Source plant, saw stack given out green and black smoke. Want someone to investigate.; Coker stack give out green smoke. Can someone get it shutdown.;


Boiler has gone down. Thick green smoke come out of coker/stack. Caller works for one of the contractors of the plant.; Complain about green and black smoke at the oil plant. The data indicate that air quality has been a concern for many years over a large area. It should not come as a surprise that air quality effects are not limited to those on people. Helicopter pilots have stated that during significant pollution events, flying conditions can become dangerous due to both reduced visibility and noxious fumes within the aircraft. Furthermore, poor air quality has required more frequent aircraft maintenance to counteract the effects of fouling. Given the consistent results, there is little doubt that air quality is a significant concern in the region. 4.8.3 Complaints in Relation to Air Quality Incidents It is often the case that air quality complaints coincide with air-related incidents. Three examples are provided to illustrate. (1) 25-Jan-2011, Release, Air: Reporting significant flaring due to 8-1 compressor trip. Flaring began at 1348 and it is ongoing. Not sure how long it will last. Currently responding to assess. Not sure if this will be a contravention. He will call back when they know the full extent. (Syncrude Mildred Lake, 393521) 26-Jan-2011, Release, Air: Flaring notification. Had a k2 gas compressor trip. Happened @ 1608 hrs and still ongoing. Hydrocarbons, potentially sour. (Syncrude Mildred Lake, 393621) 26-Jan-2011, Public Complaint, Impact, Air: Seeing a dark dark grey plume from a stack and there are two flares very visible from Fort McKay. Concerned if there will be impact to Fort McKay as in odours. Would like to talk to an EPO. (Syncrude Mildred Lake, 393624) 26-Jan-2011, Public Complaint, Impact, Air: Looks like there was a fire at source. Huge cloud of smoke and a strong smell of burning rubber. Enormous flames shooting from the stack. (Syncrude Mildred Lake, 393631) (2) 3-May-2011, Notification, Air: Venting Tank D2 - hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. Started at 1100 - 1530 hrs. (intermittently). (Syncrude Mildred Lake, 403178). 3-May-2011, Notification, Air: Notification that flue/process gases went through old VRU. Stage 2 venting may have been involved. Still investigating. (Suncor Oil Sands, missing incident number). 3-May-2011, Public Complaint, Impact, Air: Odour complaint. Definite, very pungent sulphur odour. On the hwy where it divides North and South, heading North. Just noticed 5 min's ago. Near the tailings ponds for both sites. (Suncor Oil Sands, 402888). (3) 24-May-2012, Alleged Contravention, Air: Reporting a S02 exceedance 19 May 2012-22 May 2012; the emission exceeded 20 tons/day. This is still ongoing due power failure. This is a 5Kl compressor. There is a seal issue on the compressor. (Suncor Oil Sands, 442999). 24-May-2012, Notification, Air: Elevated benzene levels at the mouth of the sewers due to naphtha loses. Don't expect any off site odours. (Syncrude Mildred Lake, 443044)


24-May-2012, Public Complaint, Impact, Air: Caller is 10 km south of source on HWY 63 and there is a foul oil smell in the air. (Syncrude Mildred Lake, 442976). Conversely, air-related complaints are often made during times of normal plant operations indicating that even in the absence of industrial incidents, normal plant operations cause conditions that result in complaints. The following three examples of air-related complaints apparently occurred during normal plant operations. 13-March-2012, Impact, Air: He is driving by source and is reporting a strong oily smell. It is worse than usual. There are no visible emissions; it may be caused by the tailings pond. He works for the Fort MacKay Metis Community. (Suncor Oil Sands, 436105)

12 April-2012, Impact, Air: Air quality concern while driving between Fort McMurray and Fort MacKay. He was driving with someone that use to work for Source, and they advised that the odour was coming from source's ponds. (Suncor Oil Sands, 438968). 20-June-2012, Impact, Air: Caller reporting a strong sulfur and hydrocarbon odour. Caller has noticed it all week but it is very, very bad right now. (Suncor Oil Sands, 445863). Moreover, there are complaints noted in the data that were not categorized under a complaint caller type which illustrate that normal plant operations can result in complaints. An example illustrates: AD suggested he update ref# 141833. Regarding odour complaint - did not find any unusual plant operations - however Caller and AD agree Source of odours may be the source pond. Complainant was also concerned with brown haze in area - not sure of cause but they are experiencing higher levels of NOx and SO2. He is confident in these readings since they are currently conducting a stack survey. Investigating. (Industry, Release, Air, 150151, Suncor Oil Sands). Conversely, there are often plant upsets that are not accompanied by public complaints, as in the following incident: Reporting hydrocarbon vapour due to naphtha Recovery Unit tripped. No odour complaints rec'd. (53681, Syncrude Mildred Lake). On the topic of the governments investigation of air complaints, it is often the case that nothing unusual is detected by monitoring equipment, as in the following incident: Update to public complaint regarding NH3 odours. Conducted ambient monitoring between gate and Buffalo view point, all ok. (59283, Syncrude Mildred Lake).


4.9 Contraventions for Emissions Represent a Subset of the Chemicals Released

Contraventions for substances listed in the company approvals (such as sulphur dioxide, H2S, and NOx) comprise a subset of the chemicals that are released to the environment. Several lines of evidence illustrate the fact that a diverse array of chemicals are spilled, emitted, or otherwise released in the bitumen operations, most of which are not regulated in the company approvals. These are: (1) incidents, (2) scientific studies, and (3) a set of air quality data gathered by the University of California in July 2008. (1a) 9 kg III Trichloroethane released by contractor on Syncrude site. Substance is banned in Canada. Syncrude is very surprised to have this substance. (22700, Syncrude Mildred Lake). Trichloroethane (also known as methyl chloroform, CH3CCl3), formerly widely-used as a solvent, is toxic and its use in Canada was banned under the Montreal Protocol as an ozonedepleting substance. There is no further information on this incident. The incident raises questions. Why was the contractor using a banned substance? Have other contractors used this substance? What other substances, banned or otherwise, are being used, released, and not detected or monitored? What did government do in response to this incident? (1b) Large volumes of naphtha are used, typically to dilute bitumen. There are hundreds of incidents involving naphtha (a minimum of 318 incidents refer to naphtha). It is often noted in relation to flaring, venting, odour complaints, and plant upsets. Because there are no requirements to monitor naphtha releases and report volumes to AESRD, it is unknown how much naphtha is released. Here are three incidents: 1500 barrels [roughly 239,000 L] naphtha spilled from tank 20D14. (25327, Suncor Oil Sands) Ambient H2S. He is having standard checks run. Winds are from the north. They shifted from the south during the night. Thinks the odours are caused by diluent [naphtha] from the ponds. (25342, Suncor Oil Sands). There were H2S emissions due to the vapour and liquid release at trailer #2.; Sour gas oil was released from plant lS-2. The plant has been shutdown and de-pressurized. The venting has stopped. There was a second ambient reading at station 3. There is still an odour in the air.; Flared untreated gas oil and untreated naphtha from plants 15-1 and 15-2 and 13-1 and 13-2.He has not received readings but is positive it is over 1 tonne.; There was an explosion and it looks like they are venting black/brownish material. It looks like they are venting a lot of hydrocarbons. John doesn't know what happened but it does not look good. It does not look like a fire.; Had a definite ambient H2S reading from station 3 but does not know the actual reading. (5914, Syncrude Mildred Lake). (1c) Other compounds noted in the incidents include sour water acid gas (SWAG), hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, spills of bitumen and tailings slurry (bitumen, water, and sand), processaffected water, industrial wastewater, hydraulic oil, drilling mud, diesel fuel, gasoline, Catacarb, sodium hydroxide, sewage, grey water, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, process water, boiler 136

feed water, hydrated lime, sodium hypochloride, motor oil, R22 (HCFC-22), R507, caustic soda, bitumen froth, gear oil, sulphur, diethylamine, methyl acetylene, potassium carbonate, vanadium, slush water (trace hydrocarbons, water, sand), hydrocarbons, smoke, natural gas, benzene, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, coke, chlorides, chlorine, zinc chloride, flue gas, carbon monoxide, particulates, surface runoff, and industrial pond water high in suspended solids. (2a) Kelly et al. (2009) documented that within 50 km of bitumen upgrading facilities, an airborne particulate deposition to the snowpack of 11,400 tonnes took place over 4 months in 2008, equivalent to 600 tonnes of bitumen. Dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in tributaries to the Athabasca were elevated from two-fold in winter to 20-fold in summer when sites upstream and downstream of development were compared. (2b) Bitumen upgraders, mining, and land disturbance release significant amounts of 13 priority pollutant elements (PPE) to the Athabasca River (Kelly et al. 2010). In melted snow or water collected near or downstream of development, guidelines for protection of aquatic life were exceeded for seven PPE (cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, silver, and zinc). Kelly et al. (2010) concluded that contrary to claims made by industry and government in the popular press, the oil sands industry substantially increases loadings of toxic PPE to the AR and its tributaries via air and water pathways. (2c) Kurek et al. ( 2013) studied six sentinel lakes in the bitumen sands region. The found that total PAH fluxes in the modern sediments are 2.5 to 23 times higher than they were circa 1960. They concluded that the sentinel lakes have entered novel ecological states distinct from those of previous centuries. (2d) Suncors main facility was Albertas largest emitter of PM2.5, PM10, total particulates, volatile organic compounds, and hydrogen sulphide in 2009 while Syncrudes Mildred Lake facility was Albertas largest emitter of sulphur dioxide and the third largest emitter of hydrogen sulphide in Canada (Timoney 2013). Suncors hydrogen sulphide emissions increased from 31 tonnes in 2007 to 727 tonnes in 2009 to become the nations largest emitter (data from NPRI 2010). PM2.5 emissions from all bitumen industrial sources are predicted to reach 14,000 tonnes/year by 2015 (Alberta Environment 2007c). Suncor Energy Incorporated, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Syncrude Mildred Lake, and Syncrude Aurora North were Canadas top fourth through seventh emitters of total volatile organic compounds in 2009 (Timoney 2013). Suncor, in 2009, released 518 tonnes of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,428 tonnes of toluene, and 2,803 tonnes of xylene into the atmosphere (NPRI 2010) and was ranked Canadas largest emitter for these volatile organic compounds. (3) In the first peer-reviewed characterization of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from the bitumen industry in northeastern Alberta, Simpson et al. (2010) presented measurements of 76 speciated C2-C10 VOCs. The VOCs included alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, cycloalkanes, aromatics, monoterpenes, oxygenated hydrocarbons, halocarbons and sulphur compounds measured in 17 boundary layer air samples collected over surface mining operations in northeast Alberta on 10 July 2008. The researchers used the NASA DC-8 airborne laboratory as a research platform. In addition to the VOCs, they provided simultaneous measurements of CO2, CH4, CO, NO, NO2, NOy, O3 and SO2. Of the 84 trace gases measured, only 15 species showed no statistical increase in concentration over the region. The concentrations of SO2 and NOy were comparable to those measured over the worlds megacities. Clear statistical enhancements (1.1397 times) were 137

observed over the bitumen sands compared to local background values for carbon dioxide, CH4, CO, NO, NO2, NOy, SO2 and 53 VOCs (e.g., non-methane hydrocarbons, halocarbons, sulphur species) and, with the exception of CO, their concentrations were greater over the bitumen sands than at any other time during the flight. Twenty halocarbons (e.g., CFCs, HFCs, halons, brominated species) either were not enhanced or were minimally enhanced (<10%) over the oil sands. The compounds emitted by the bitumen industry fell into two groups: (1) evaporative emissions from the oil sands and its products and/or from the diluent used to lower the viscosity of the extracted bitumen (i.e., C4C9 alkanes, C5C6 cycloalkanes, C6C8 aromatics), together with CO; and (2) emissions associated with the mining effort, such as upgraders (i.e., CO2, CO, CH4, NO, NO2, NOy, SO2, C2C4 alkanes, C2C4 alkenes, C9 aromatics, short-lived solvents such as C2Cl4 and C2HCl3, and longer-lived species such as HCFC-22 and HCFC-142b). Prominent in the second group, SO2 and NO were remarkably enhanced over the oil sands, with maximum mixing ratios of 38.7 ppbv and 5.0 ppbv, or 383 times and 319 times the local background, respectively. These SO2 levels are comparable to maximum values measured in heavily polluted megacities such as Mexico City and are attributed to coke combustion. By contrast, relatively poor correlations between CH4, ethane and propane suggest low levels of natural gas leakage despite its heavy use at the surface mining sites. Instead the elevated CH4 levels are attributed to methanogenic tailings pond emissions. The foregoing data and research illustrate that the air above the operations contains a host of chemicals that are not monitored or regulated and about which the AESRD data are mute. Taken together, the various lines of evidence demonstrate that contraventions for emissions represent a subset of the volume and kinds of chemicals released to air, land, water, and groundwater. Without robust monitoring, which still does not exist as of June 2013, at best only a part of the chemical and ecological present and future of the region can be known.

4.10 Placing the Air-Related Incidents in the Context of Ambient Air Quality
The Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA) operates of network of ambient air quality monitoring stations (Figure 24) that gather data for a variety of air quality parameters. In order to place the air-related incidents disclosed in this study in the context of ambient air quality, a dataset of hourly concentration data was analyzed. The record extends over the period 1 January 1998 to 31 December 2012. The record is incomplete for some parameters and some stations. Parameter concentration statistics for the air quality stations are summarized in Appendix 3. The analyses presented here focus on those related to the air incidents documented in the EMS database and on the spatial and temporal pattern of exceedances. The names of the WBEA air monitoring stations follow: Bertha Ganter, Fort McKay (AMS 1) Mildred Lake (AMS 2) Lower Camp Met Tower (AMS 3) [no air quality data were provided for this station] Buffalo Viewpoint (AMS 4) Mannix (AMS 5) Patricia McInnes (AMS 6) Athabasca Valley (AMS 7) Fort Chipewyan (AMS 8) Barge Landing (AMS 9) 138

Albian Mine Site (AMS10) [see AMS 16, below] Lower Camp (AMS 11) Millennium (AMS 12) Fort McKay South (AMS 13) Anzac (AMS 14) CNRL Horizon (AMS 15) Shell Muskeg River (AMS 16) [AMS 16 replaced AMS 10 in 2009 because the site of AMS 10 was scheduled to be mined. AMS 16 is located a few km from AMS 10 (K. Percy, pers. comm., April 2013)].

Figure 24. Locations of the WBEA monitoring stations. Image modified from

4.10.1 Sulfur Dioxide Fourteen stations sample for sulfur dioxide (all stations but AMS 3 meteorological station and AMS 9 Barge Landing). Air concentrations of sulfur dioxide seldom reach levels of concern to human health (Appendix 3: Table 1). AMS 2 and 5 (Mildred Lake and Mannix) generally have the highest hourly average SO2 concentrations amongst the air monitoring stations (Figure 25) with 99th tile concentrations of 34.2 and 32.5 ppb, respectively. By comparison, the one-hour 139

exposure guideline is 172 ppb. Over the record, sulfur dioxide concentrations sufficient to be of concern to sensitive individuals (e.g., asthmatic individuals undergoing exercise) occurred 66 times at Mildred Lake and 118 times at Mannix (0.05 % and 0.10 % of the time). The incident record (examples provided below), coupled with documented levels of sulfur dioxide emissions filed in monthly and annual reports to industry and summarized in the NPRI, demonstrate that industry emits nationally-significant levels of sulfur dioxide. For example, in 2009, Syncrude was the largest emitter of sulfur dioxide (82,062 tonnes) in Alberta and the third largest emitter in Canada (Timoney 2013). The bitumen sands region of northern Alberta is the largest industrial source of sulphur emissions in Canada (Whitfield et al. 2010). Atmospheric sulfur dioxide concentrations over the industrial core of the region are significantly higher than those distant from the operations. SO2 enhancements over the bitumen sands region are as large as any other individual source in Canada, including smelting operations in Manitoba and Ontario (McLinden et al. 2012). The fact that ambient air monitoring stations do not for the most part indicate concerns about human health suggests that dispersal of the sulfur dioxide is occurring over a large region. According to MRBB (2004), up to 70 % of the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from the Alberta bitumen industry are deposited in Saskatchewan. Inspection of some of the peaks in ambient SO2 (Figure 25) indicates that plant incidents can be detected at ambient air stations. Some examples follow. Exceedances at Mannix (AMS 5) Early October 1998 Suncor Incidents 4 October 1998. Flaring plant 25, expect to exceed on total tonnes for flaring, will confirm. Due to instrumentation problems.; Reporting flaring off plant #25 due to liquid getting into blowers. Are fixing tomorrow, which will cause more flaring (min 16hrs). Are putting in new knock out drum. 4 October 1998. Informing AEP of an emergency outage to repair overhead line on the NRU. Bringing NRU down on Oct.4/98 for 5-7 days, odour potential during this period. 5 October 1998. Reporting high opacity, cause unknown, will include in letter. Late due to just found violation on logs. 6 October 1998. Powerhouse went down causing the upgrader to go down causing flaring. Amount & volume unknown at this time. 6 October 1998. Odour potential . VRU will be down for scheduled maintenance from Oct 6 to 8/98. 9 October 1998. Flaring SO2 due to plant 25 start up. 11 October 1998. Reporting opacity due to electrical failure. Precip failed & repaired. Early-Mid January 2000 Syncrude Incidents 8 January 2000. Caller reporting flaring activity started at 1245, for about 1hr. The amine unit #112A1B is plugged, are flaring sour fuel gas. Flare is smoky. visible from road advisory. 10 January 2000. Naphtha Hydrotreater flaring during 13-1 start up. 13 January 2000. Venting from two tanks; #10 Bitumen tank and #14 untreated naphtha tank in sour service. 15 January 2000. Intermittent flaring during catalyst change on 22-1. 140

19 January 2000. Plant #4 VRU was down for greater than 5 hours caused by problems with upgrader system. Suncor Incidents 4 January 2000. Caller reporting a flaring outage from 0800-1400. Believes this may have caused the elevated ambient readings at Mannix Station. HC flare. 12 January 2000. Flare out today 0830-0915 due to high seal level. Plant 19-F-3. 13 January 2000. Stack temp violations due to had a bounce in system and had a couple units go down. 20 January 2000. SO2 violation caused by a ADA malfunction on sulfur train. The CEM was out of service being calibrated, not sure if they were over limit. will calculate to be sure. 3 June to 16 June 2004 Syncrude Incidents 3 June 2004. Potential SO2 flaring contravention due to lost. [What was lost? There is no other information.] 16 June 2004. The Caller reported that their plant is undergoing visible flaring due to the sulfur plant being tripped out. The multiline monitoring equipment was undergoing repairs. The staff probably tripped out the plant by accident. The flaring is expected to last less than the approval 3 hour limit. Suncor Incidents 3 June 2004. 2nd upgrader plant went down. potentially over limit for contaminant, readings not completed yet. (20 T SO2?). 3 June 2004. Gas balancing problem at the plant AF5 stack SO2 release exceeding approval limit. 4 June 2004. SO2 exceedance due to a problem with a gas flow speed controller. The problem is related to ongoing problems at their plant. Half of the plant is not operational. 4 June 2004. The caller reported an exceedance of the SO2 limit in their approval. It was due to the plant partial shut down in progress. 5 June 2004. High hourly SO2 off furnace 8-F-10 due to high opacity (overloading) of unit. Data taken from another system, not CEMS as they are having problems with it. Also VRU stage 1 on line at 1821hrs. 7 June 2004. Sulfur plant - temp violation, have identified problem and are in the process of correcting it now. 9 June 2004. Low stack top temperature on sulfur recovery plant incinerator stack. Equipment description # 8FS. Reason: furnace to incinerate the tail gas from sulfur plant tripped out (went offline) due to process upset. 9 June 2004. Flaring incident - will be over approval limit (20T) numbers unknown yet until engineering calculations done. Occurred at start up of upgrader. 9 June 2004. North of plant at bridge to nowhere (Peter Lougheed Bridge) Hwy 63. Odour - very unusual and very bad, ' sulfur'. Exceedances at Mannix and Mildred Lake Mid-Late October 2007 141

Syncrude Incidents 15 October 2007. Doing more flaring than normal. Lost a sulfur plant. Recovery made now. Just about stopped. 23 October 2007. Rotten egg smell while driving by plant this morning; what is it? Suncor Incidents 13 October 2007. Flaring sour water acid gas - from 0700-0840. SO2 emissions from flaring >20 tonnes. 13 October 2007. Vapour recovery unit has been taken out of service as of ~0400 hrs. will be down for 6 days. Call back at 1310 hours. VRU now back in service as of noon on Oct 18. 15 October 2007. Taking boilers out of FGD system for cleaning for 1 week. 19 October 2007. Odours in Fort McMurray. 1900 started, still ongoing. Caller has headaches from smell. Nasty smell.; Odour complaint. Started last night and ongoing. Smells very much like burning chemical like acrid burning tires. Believes Source is responsible because they had an ad in the paper regarding odours. 19 October 2007. Vented VRU stage 1 (12:57-13:10). Cause - unknown. Organics vented. Plant 4 also vented (13: 00-13: 05) - same VOC material - cause unknown. 20 October 2007. Exceedance - 1 ton/hr SO2 Minor, reason unknown 1 hour exceedance. (Equipment 8E-17) 21 October 2007. Started flaring coker gas on 21 Oct 07 and they are still flaring (from 52cl1). A total of 72 Tons of SO2 to atmosphere from 0800-21 Oct 07 to 0800 - 30 Oct 07. Letter received 06-Nov-2007. Exceedances at Mildred Lake Mid-July 2002 Syncrude Incidents There were no incidents that were apparently relevant to SO2. Suncor Incidents 16 July 2002. Plant 8 upset resulted in SRU #1 going down. Potential that they may have flared over 20 tons of SO2. Details in letter. 19 July 2002. Are starting up the base plant upgrader-bringing cokers on line. Flaring acid gas and will likely exceed the 20t/ event limit. 21 July 2002. Are transferring the main coke boiler out of the FGD. Instrumentation problems. Have potential for SO2 exceedances off main stack. 23 July 2002. Trip of 8-F-10 in Base Plant sulfur plant. Plant 8 upset. Suspect SO2 mass emission violations. Also suspect a low stack temp violation. 24 July 2002. During a startup of a coker heater. possible release of SO2 due to a valve malfunction. From 1850-1920. Late November 2008 Syncrude Incidents There were no incidents relevant to SO2. Suncor Incidents 142

23 November 2008. Two of three SRU's are bypassing TGTU (tail gas treatment unit. Due to maintenance (cleaning of exchangers). Not sure if this is causing a contravention because they have 2 different limits (one for when they are bypassing and one for when they are not) and they aren't sure which limit applies when they are partially bypassing. CM: Disclaimed -hourly S02 emissions below approval limit. 24 November 2008. Hourly H2S exceedance at station 2 Mildred Lake. 24 November 2008. Exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station. 24 November 2008. Flaring from gas recovery unit. Cause -tripped wet gas compressor. Occurred at 16:05-ongoing. 25 November 2008. 24 Hr. S02 exceedance at AMS 2 25 November 2008. Station 2 H2S exceedance 26 November 2008. 24hr H2S exceedance. Average concentration. 26 November 2008. Venting from plant 4. Under investigation-not sure why. Not sure what it was that they vented. 26 November 2008. Fire in progress at upgrading facility #2. Incident response in progress. No other information at this time. Will call with an update.


S2SO2 SO2 (ppb)


300 200 100 1998 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1998 2003 2008 DECIMYEAR 2013

S5SO2 (ppb) SO2


Date (Decimalized Year)

Figure 25. Sulfur dioxide hourly values 100 ppb at two air monitoring stations. There are no data prior to 1999 at AMS 2. The 100 ppb guideline is for protection of sensitive individuals (e.g., asthmatics undergoing exercise; ATSDR, undated).

2003 2008 DECIMYEAR



4.10.2 Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) Eight air monitoring stations sample for TRS and the record is of varying duration (Appendix 3: Table 2). Ambient air exceedances ( 10 ppb) have occurred at all of the stations. The Millennium Mine (AMS12) is the most problematic; 522 exceedances were observed (0.691 % of hours, or once every 6.0 days, on average) (Figures 26, 27). Most of the TRS exceedances at Millennium Mine occurred between 2009 and spring 2011. The higher TRS concentrations in recent years may be due to movement of the station. This station was originally placed at the south end of the Suncor Energy Ltd. mine. The station was moved to a new location across the bridge on the Suncor plant site due to logistical difficulties with the original site ( Apparently, the new AMS location is adjacent to a tailings pond (Figure 26).

Node Pond 7 Athabasca River

Steepbank Mine

Figure 26. The present location of AMS 12 is adjacent to a Suncor tailings pond. The Athabasca River flows south to north (from bottom to top of image). Image courtesy of Dr. Kevin Percy, WBEA.


In some cases, TRS exceedances at other air monitoring stations can be linked to plant operations. Two examples follow. At AMS 1, a TRS exceedance was linked to hydrogen sulphide being dispersed northward down the Athabasca River valley: Station 1 exceedance [for TRS], Time is MST TK [EPO initials]: Based on wind direction and plant orientation, Syncrude is the likely cause of this GLC occurrence. Syncrude has stated that it is not a contributor to this event because: 1 Syncrudes internal investigation was unable to identify a source. 2 Concentrations of H2S were elevated at station 2 and moving Northward. Suncor is also a likely source, based on elevated concentrations directly north of their plant. H2S may have dispersed northward up the river valley from station 2, which was likely fueled by concentrations originating on Suncor Site. Incident closed. (334448, Suncor Oil Sands, Notification, Air). At AMS 9 (Barge Landing), there were two high readings of 100.8 and 71.1 ppb TRS on 3 July 2006. Three relevant incidents follow: Doing maintenance on plant 6 & 7 and therefore need to flare. Flaring started 2 july and [will] last for 19 days. (229091, Suncor Oil Sands, Release, Air). Have received some odour complaints from Ft MacKay and S of Ft MacKay. Have sent out source tracking van at 10:35. Wind direction doesn't correspond with plant site and no plant upsets. (228587, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Notification, Air). A trip of the 8F19 Super Close [Superclaus] on base plant and now have 3 approval violations. (228609, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, Air). Winds during the day in question swung from north to south to southwest at Barge Landing while at Mildred Lake the winds blew from the south to south-southeast. These winds would have been ideal to carry a plume of air northward down the Athabasca River valley from Suncor Oil Sands, the probable source of the TRS exceedances at Barge Landing.


110 90 AMS 12 70 50 30 10 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Date (Decimalized Year) DECIMYEAR

Figure 27. Total reduced sulfur exceedances (n = 552 observations 10 ppb) at the Millennium Mine (AMS 12) from 2006 to 2012. There are data gaps.

In other cases, it is more difficult to link a station exceedance with plant operation. For example, on 12 August 2012 at Fort McKay AMS 1, there was a high reading of 86.9 ppb TRS (which coincided with a high SO2 reading of 70.2 ppb). There were two potentially relevant events at Syncrude Mildred Lake: 11 August 2012. 26-1 stack ammonia emission exceedance 305.49 ppm NH3 1000-1100 10 Aug 2012 (452533, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Air). 14 August 2012. Significant flaring event occurring at 1350 hrs today. Caused by sulphur unit 12-3 tripping. Flaring is still ongoing. Fuel gas recovery unit 26-1 has upset as well and there may be a potential for offsite odors. (452837, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Air). Although the significant flaring occurred after the high TRS and SO2 readings in Fort McKay, the two incidents suggest that plant operations were suboptimal during the period in question. There is a significant correlation between TRS and SO2 concentrations at AMS 1 (r = 0.38, n = 102624, p << 0.0001, limited to cases where both TRS and SO2 are > 0; for all cases, r = 0.36, n = 121192, p << 0.0001) which indicates that conditions conducive to high SO2 readings are also conducive to high TRS readings. Inspection of the monthly air monitoring report (Syncrude 2012b) indicates that SO2 emissions from the flue gas desulphurization unit were above average on 10 August 2012 (31.7 tonnes) while the main stack emitted 189-197 tonnes/day over the period 10-12 August (slightly above average). 4.10.3 Hydrogen Sulphide Hydrogen sulphide data are gathered at four WBEA stations: Mildred Lake (AMS 2), Buffalo Viewpoint (AMS 4), Mannix (AMS 5), and Lower Camp (AMS 11). In terms of H2S concentrations, highest values are observed at Mildred Lake (11.2 ppb 99th tile), followed closely by Mannix (9.5 ppb 99th tile),and Lower Camp (7.4 ppb 99th tile); lowest values are observed at Buffalo Viewpoint (3.4 ppb 99th tile, Appendix 3: Table 3). 146

TRS (ppb)


In regard to hydrogen sulphide, it is useful to define three threshold concentrations. (1) The odor (or detection) threshold is the concentration at which 50 % of a human panel can identify the presence of an odor without characterizing the compound (Powers 2004). (2) The recognition threshold is the concentration at which 50 % of a human panel can identify the odor such as rotten eggs (Powers 2004). The detection and the recognitions thresholds for hydrogen sulphide are 0.47 ppb and 4.7 ppb, respectively (Powers 2004). (3) The one-hour AAAQ objective for hydrogen sulphide in Alberta is 10 ppb (Alberta Environment 2011). Applying the odor threshold of 0.47 ppb, H2S would have been perceived 39-45 % of the time at Mildred Lake, Mannix, and Lower Camp, and 16% of the time at Buffalo Viewpoint (Appendix 3: Table 3). Applying the recognition threshold of 4.7 ppb, humans could have detected the smell of rotten eggs 2.2 to 3.2 % of the time at Mildred Lake, Mannix, and Lower Camp, and 0.5% of the time at Buffalo Viewpoint. At the four air monitoring stations, the Alberta ambient air quality objective was reached or exceeded 0.15 to 1.18 % of the time (Appendix 3: Table 3). The highest number of exceedances of the 10 ppb guideline was observed at Mildred Lake (1455 exceedances) followed by Mannix (1165 exceedances) (Appendix 3: Table 3). The temporal pattern of exceedances at the four air monitoring stations is broadly synchronous indicating that hydrogen sulphide is being dispersed over the area covered by the four stations (Figure 28). A large proportion of the total exceedances (of 10 ppb) at each station occurred between 2006 and 2011, ranging from 82 % at AMS 5 to 92 % at AMS 11. In attempting to account for the high frequency of exceedances for hydrogen sulphide during the 2006 to 2011 period, Suncor (2010a, b) stated: The Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA) is currently evaluating interference affecting the accuracy of the H2S analyzers. Other reduced sulphur compounds and possibly non sulphur containing compounds may be interfering with the analyzer leading to false results that are higher then [sic] the actual H2S concentrations in the ambient air. Suncor will continue to work with Alberta Environment to address the reported H2S exceedances that may not be accurate. Investigation on the interference affects [sic] and reported GLC exceedances will be provided to Alberta Environment in a separate report. It is unclear whether interference from methyl mercaptan and carbon disulphide is an appreciable factor in the WBEA H2S concentrations. Of the numerous spikes in H2S concentrations, the period from May through November 2009 is one of the most prominent (Figure 28, panel AMS 2). To illustrate the link between ambient air exceedances and the function of industrial plants, a selection of incidents related to the H2S exceedances is provided below. Sample of Syncrude Mildred Lake H2S Incidents from May to November 2009 27 May 2009. H2S flaring event - average of 15 pounds an hour for 45 minutes. Exact volume will be in 7 day report. Reason: Unit 12-4 tripped. 13 June 2009. H2S hourly exceedance at station #4. TK [EPO initials]: Syncrude acknowledges that they are upwind of the exceedance and have claimed partial responsibility for the exceedance. However, they do not believe they are the sole contributor of the elevated readings at Station 4. Based on wind direction Syncrude is the likely source of the GLC. Incident closed.


14 June 2009. Station 4, 24 hour average. H2S. TK[EPO initials]: Syncrude acknowledges that they are upwind of the exceedance and have claimed partial responsibility for the exceedance. However, they do not believe they are the sole contributor of the elevated readings at Station 13. Based on wind direction Syncrude is the likely source of the GLC. Incident closed. 26 June 2009. Flare flow meter was out of service on H2S flare header. Fixed as of 1140hrs today. Could be a contravention if they were flaring from any of their units during that time. Will determine this and provide details in letter. AA [EPO initials]/ in contravention to clause 4.1.25 of Syncrude approval 26-02-01, flow monitor (19F-36) was down June 26, 2009 from 01:30 to 11:40 pm, there was flaring during the time the flow meter was down. 9 July 2009. Tank 13 - PVSV passing. Still going on, odours first noticed on site this morning. Can't isolate it -> need to build scaffolding to repair. Venting natural gas and sour naphtha. Might not be repaired until tomorrow. Getting some H2S readings on site. cs [EPO initials] -On July 9th Tank 20D-13 sour odour in the localized area and determined that although Tank 20D13 PVSV was blocked in for service it was venting intermittently. Intermittent venting ceased at on July 12 approximately 18:30 hrs. 13 July 2009. H2S in water to effluent pond. Daily test. Previous sample was only 2.9 ppm. They have reduced the sour water feed and are taking extra samples (could have been a bad sample). They have been treating sour water on coker. JC [EPO initials]; On July 23, 2009 Syncrude reported fluctuations in their 8-1 Coker Sour Stream Stripper which resulted in the 8-1 Coker Stripped Sour Water to the effluent pond to be measure at 593 ppm H2S. This exceeded Syncrude's internal reporting trigger of 472 ppm H2S. Operations reduced sour water feed and then resampled. The new sample measured 2 ppm. As a result of this event at the time of the exceedance (01:00 - 3:30 hrs) there were no odour complaints or AAAQO exceedances measures at any WBEA AMS. [This latter note did not mention that about 25 % of the data values at the four stations for that period are missing. See Figure 28.] 8 August 2009. Caller went driving back in town from the north passing the bridge to Shell and the Aurora Plant, smell very bad H2S and rotten egg odour making caller's eye water and throat burned. Notice Syncrude has the divertor on; caller is employee of Suncor. 6 October 2009. During startup, they exceeded the amount of H2S allowed in the strip water. They are correcting this by maximizing parameters to get max efficiency and bring it back into spec. 8 November 2009. Discovered high H2S content in water going to effluent pond; stop flow and redirect water back to tanks for circulation; will fix the H2S stripper before allow the flow back to the effluent pond again. CS [EPO initials] -November 8th Plant 16-4 unit operations were in upset condition, several test were completed on plant 16-4 stripped sour water stream going to the Effluent pond at 4:15 and 5:30 with reading of 0 ppm. On November 9 subsequent testing was performed on Plant 16-4 stripped sour water stream at 3:00 and 4:30 with the respective H2S concentration at 17.9 ppm and 0 ppm.

148 Sample of Suncor Oil Sands H2S Incidents from May to November 2009 3 May 2009. Station 11 H2S non-compliance. JC [EPO initials]; On May 3, 2009 there was an hourly H2S exceedance measuring 11 ppb from AMS 11. Wind direction of 114 degrees 4 km/h. Internal investigations conducted by Syncrude, Williams Energy, and Suncor. Suncor has indicated that they are the likely source of the exceedance but continue to investigate the emission location. No odor complaints received. No further action taken by AENV at this time. 3 May 2009. St 2, H2S violation; cause unknown JC [EPO initials]; On May 3, 2009 there was a total of 5 one hour H2S exceedances at AMS 2. Air exceedances are as follows; -04:00; 15 ppb; 144 degrees @ 5 km/h -05:00; 15 ppb; 148 degrees @ 7 km/h -06:00; 37 ppb; 133 degrees @ 5 km/h -07:00; 17 ppb; 150 degrees @ 7 km/h -08:00; 12 ppb; 114 degrees @ 4 km/h Seven day letters received from Syncrude, Williams Energy, and Suncor. Suncor has indicated themselves as the probable source for the exceedances but an internal investigation has yet to pinpoint the exact source for the emissions. No odor complaints received. No further action taken by AENV. [The notes by the EPO are partially correct. There were two further H2S exceedances at AMS 2 on 3 May 2009, 13.2 ppb at 21:00 and 35.9 ppb at 22:00 hours. The incident notes should have been updated.] 13 May 2009. Vented from 20D-l tank -diluted bitumen tank -hydrocarbons may contain H2S. Still under investigation -details in letter. TK[EPO initials]: Reviewed written report. Incident letter summary: May 13, 2009 from 04:48 to 05:06 hrs Tank 20D-l venting occurred from the PVRV, within the South Tank Farm. Tank 20D-l vented for approximately 18 minutes. Tank 20D-l contains diluted bitumen. The vapours contain nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and sulphur compounds. TK Comments: No adverse environmental impact. No further action taken. Incident closed. 15 May 2009. 1 hr exceedance. H2S. JC [EPO initials]; On May 15, 2009 from 21:00-22:00 hrs there was an H2S exceedance measuring 17 ppb from AMS 2. At the time of the exceedance wind direction was 171 degrees at 9 km/h. Wind direction and speed as well as seven day letters have indicated Suncor was the likely source for the exceedance. No odour complaints associated with the exceedance. No further action taken by AENV at this time. 16 May 2009. H2S exceedance, unknown cause. JC [EPO initials]; On May 16, 2009 from 06:00-07:00 there was a one hour H2S exceedance at AMS 2 measuring 13 ppb. Wind speed at 8 km/h 173 degrees. Suncor has identified themselves as the likely source for the exceedance. No odor complaints associated with this incident. No further action taken by AENV at this time. 18 May 2009. H2S Ambient air exceedance. TK [EPO initials]: Based on wind direction, Suncor likely contributed to this exceedance. Suncor claims possible ownership within their written report. Syncrude has stated that they are not a likely source for this exceedance. TK Comments: Incident closed. 23 May 2009. Station 2 exceedance. JC [EPO initials]; May 23, 2009:one hour H2S exceedance (06:00-07:00) at AMS 2 measuring 14 ppb. Wind conditions at the time of the exceedance were 178 degrees at 4 km/h. Suncor has identified themselves as a possible source based on ambient 149

air conditions. Suncor's extraction branch is currently investigating and have identified reclamation activities and MFT movement at the ponds as potential sources. AENV continues to monitor these GLC exceedances closely but in the [this] incident, no further action taken at this time. 27 May 2009. Station 5 H2S exceedance. JC [EPO initials]; May 27, 2009 05:00-06:00 one hour H2S exceedance measuring 12 ppb at AMS 5. Wind conditions at the time of the exceedance were 9 degrees at 4 km/h. Suncor appears to have attributed to the GLC exceedances identifying the source of emission originated from a combustion source; likely flaring. AENV continues to monitor GLC exceedances closely but no further action taken at this time. 1 June 2009. Station 5 24 hr exceedance H2S TK [EPO initials]: Based on wind direction, Suncor likely contributed to this exceedance. Suncor claims possible ownership within their written report. Syncrude has stated that they are not a likely source for this exceedance. TK Comments: Incident closed. 1 June 2009. Venting from vapour recovery unit of hydrocarbon and H2S contents for 7 mins; cause unknown. TK [EPO initials]: Date/Time: VRU Offline from 11:18 to 11:25 on June 1st, 2009. Tank 20D-6 vented from 11:28 to 11:31 on June 1st, 2009. Location: Release occurred from the PVRV on the Diluted Bitumen Storage Tank 20D-6 and from the discharge side of VRU Stage I. Duration: VRU was offline for 7 minutes, 20D-6 vented for 3 minutes. Composition: Vapours contained nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and sulphur compounds. Details: The inlet separator knock-out drum reached a high level, thereby causing the blowers on VRU Stage I to trip offline. The unit trip resulted in a loss of vacuum on the vapour system header. As a result, the 20D-6 tank vented briefly to atmosphere until the VRU returned to normal operation. TK Comments: No further action taken. Incident closed. 2 June 2009. Late ambient air exceedance. Late report -due to human error. TK [EPO initials]: Based on wind direction, Suncor likely contributed to this exceedance. Suncor claims possible ownership within their written report. Syncrude has stated that they are not a likely source for this exceedance. TK Comments: Incident closed. 6 June 2009. Hourly H2S exceedance at station 4. JC; on June 6, 2009 from 06:00 to 07:00 there was a H2S one hour GLC exceedance at AMS 4 measuring 11 ppb. Wind was from 60 degrees at 6 km/h. Suncor has identified themselves as the likely due to ambient conditions. Suncor has attributed the exceedance as possible tailings pond activities. No odor complaints. No further action taken by AENV at this time. 23 July 2009. Exceedance at air monitoring station. TK: Based on wind direction this GLC was likely caused by emissions from the Suncor Oil Sands Plant. Syncrude has indicated that they are not a likely contributor to the GLC. Incident closed. [There are many incidents that follow variations of this script, viz., based on wind direction, exceedance likely caused by x, y indicates they are not likely contributor, incident closed. The air monitoring station is not specified. Inspection of WBEA data indicate four hourly exceedances on 23 July 2009 at AMS 5.]


25 July 2009. Contravention. Venting from plant #4 from 2121 hours to 2218 hours. Instrumentation error caused a valve to open which overpressure their vacuum unit -which caused the venting. 2000 barrels of production were cut to correct the problem. Light-end hydrocarbons and residual H2S would have vented. SK [EPO initials] -Plant 4 vented for 79 minutes due to STF [south tank farm?] vent gas production. N2, C02, methane, and lighter VOCs and H2S vented. 21 September 2009. Tank venting (20D3) -> diluted bitumen tank. Hydrocarbon vapours , some sulfur compounds. Cause unknown. CM [EPO initials]: Tank 3 vented N, HC, and H2S for 31 minutes. 22 September 2009. Ambient air exceedance. [This type of incident comment is common. Incident details may provide contaminant concentrations, but there is no explanation as to how the incident occurred nor at what air monitoring station the exceedance was observed.] 23 September 2009. Hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide smell. Caller can see that industry is flaring. Salient Features Taken together, the incidents illustrate several salient features. These are: exceedances are often of unknown cause; there is a concern expressed by EPOs as to whether there were complaints associated with the incidents; when causes are identified, they are diverse; H2S incidents are common and chronic; Alberta Environment relies upon industry to investigate and provide further information (it does minimal verification); Alberta Environment tacitly permits the exceedances by failing to take enforcement actions. Exceedances to air for H2S, TRS, and SO2 are common at Suncor. They are seldom tracked to a particular source within the operation. The incidents illustrate an obvious fact that bears stating: the number of contravention incidents in the EMS data is a subset of the number of air contraventions recorded at the air monitoring stations. For example, for hydrogen sulphide at four monitoring stations over the period of record, there were 3363 hourly air exceedances, which translates to 62.6 incidents per year at each of the four stations or roughly 250 exceedances for hydrogen sulphide each year at the four air monitoring stations. Inspection of the EMS records during period covered by the AMS data (1998-2012) indicates 227 alleged air contravention incidents attributed to H2S. Relative to the number of hourly exceedances at the four AMS during that period (n = 3363), the combined data suggest that the true incident rate for H2S exceedances may be approximately 14.8 times higher than the rate indicated in the EMS data.


110 90 AMS 2 70 50 30 10 1998 2002 70 58 AMS 4 46 34 22 10 1998 2002

H2S (ppb)


2006 2010 DECIMYEAR


S4H2S (ppb) H2S

110 90 AMS 5 70 50 30 10 1998 2002

2006 2010 DECIMYEAR


H2S (ppb)


110 90 AMS 11 70 50 30 10 1998 2002

2006 2010 DECIMYEAR


H2S (ppb)


2006 2010 DateDECIMYEAR (Decimalized Year)


Figure 28. Hydrogen sulphide exceedances ( 10 ppb) at AMS 2, 4, 5, and 11. There are data gaps; there are no data after 2012; and the record for AMS 11 begins in mid-2000.


4.10.4 Total Hydrocarbons (THC) The chemistry of total hydrocarbons in air is complex. In order to gain a better understanding of the total hydrocarbon concentrations in the region, the data should be corrected for the global background concentration of total hydrocarbons, in particular for methane, the dominant component of total hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. The global background concentration of methane varies by latitude and season and has been rising over time (I. Simpson, University of California at Irvine, pers. comm. 19 April 2013). Because global background values are variable and increasing over time, and some relevant data on global values are not available, it is not possible to adjust the total hydrocarbon values at the air monitoring stations with a high degree of precision. Therefore, in order to provide a rough approximation of the global background, an average global background comparison of 1.849 ppm was applied (Appendix 3: Table 4; total hydrocarbon concentration is dominated by methane; near the ground, roughly 99.6 % was attributable to methane in the data gathered in the study region). When this approximate global background value is used as a threshold for the THC measurements at the 14 air monitoring stations, the data indicate that THC concentrations lie above the background concentration about 62-97 % of the time. A portion of the elevated THC concentrations would be due to local industrially-produced methane such as outgassing from tailings ponds. Holowenko et al. (2000), for example, estimated that the equivalent methane production of 500,000 cattle/day is emitted from Syncrudes Mildred Lake Settling Basin. Methanogenic bacteria are thought to anaerobically degrade components of naphtha, e.g., toluene, xylenes, and C6-C10 n-alkanes, into methane at rates of up to 40 million L methane per day (Simpson et al. 2010). The temporal pattern of elevated THC concentrations at two air monitoring stations is illustrated in Figure 29. Examples follow of incidents that involved releases of hydrocarbons in relation to periods during which station exceedances were observed. Incidents, Mid-December 2006 to early January 2007 (AMS 12) Syncrude Incidents 18 December 2006. Venting from tank D-33 (light gas oil). Not sure of cause. Vented from 1716-1724 hrs. will include more info in written report if they find out more. 19 December 2006. Brief tank venting HC vapour. Occurred ~1 hr ago, duration was ~5 min. Cause likely run down rate and temp. No other details available. 19 December 2006. Venting of NRU unit, Plant 6. Reason: bringing on line (starting up) and over-pressured with steam. 19 December 2006. Tank venting. pressure control problem. (Corrected now). 20 December 2006. Tank venting from D101 (heavy untreated gas oil ). Investigating cause. 2 January 2007. Venting from 20D4 (nitrogen and hydrocarbon - not sour). Caused by malfunction of PVSV46. Isolated and repairing. Vented from 1415-1450 hours. 2 January 2007. 10 barrel spill of bitumen due to tank seal failure. Tank 52 - stationary tank. All on site. No waterways affected. In a dyked area, all contained. Leak is continuing and it contains 12.3 m3. Contractor has been called to assess tank. Dyked area should contain it. 5 January 2007. Tank D100 venting natural gas and HC vapours. 153

Suncor Incidents 14 December 2006. Driving on Hwy 63 currently and smell of gas is strong. 18 December 2006. Tank venting of H2S and hydrocarbon due to high pressure. 2 January 2007. Spill of tailings (water with bitumen). Flotation cell in extraction area overflowed. Most of spill has gone to emergency pond but some has run down fire lane on site. 3 January 2007. Venting from skimmed oil tank Plant 91 (stage 1). still blowing. Trying to repair now. 5 January 2007. Flaring event on U1 started at 2200 hr 5 Jan 07. Coker gas is being flared and may exceed 20 ton SO2 limit. Periods with elevated THC concentrations were frequent at AMS 12 over the period from late December 2007 through 2012. One such period is considered below as an example. It is unknown whether the incidents listed below were the direct causes of the elevated THC concentrations at AMS 12, but such incidents would have elevated the THC concentrations in air. Incidents, 12 December 2007 to 8 January 2008 (AMS 12) Syncrude Incidents 12 December 2007. Tank venting - > sour/hydrocarbons. Still venting, taking steps to stop. Plant upset some units down. 12 December 2007. Tank venting (tank #13) hydrocarbon vapours. Switched to another tank to stop it and also detuned the product in tank. 14 December 2007. Tank D13 venting hydrocarbon vapour. Reason: slopping volatile product. 22 December 2007. Venting from D-53 (dry bitumen tank). Started at 1303 hrs and is ongoing. Tank contains hydrocarbon vapour which is likely not sour. Cause - offgas vapour recovery system tripped. Currently trying to restart. Suncor Incidents 18 December 2007. SRU #3 and 4 are down on upgrader # U2. Flaring swag (sour water acid gas) from upgrader. Not related to flaring at U1. Swag flaring may be contributing to GLC exceedances on the WBEA air monitoring stations. 20 December 2007 Extraction plant #4 is being started up - as a result venting occurred. Releasing hydrocarbons/sulfur compounds. From 1748-17hrs. 2 sources: 1 Plant 4 2) VRU 20 December 2007 Spill of diluent ~ 100 barrels. From line into storage tank. Leaking gasket on block valve. Stopped. Contained in bermed area. Foam down & vac trucks will recover. 21 December 2007 Venting from stage 2 of vapour recovery unit. Hydrocarbons being vented. Cause - unknown. 06:56-07:12 and 10:34-11:07. 27 December 2007. Venting - 3 min 0340-0345 - primarily methane . Reason unknown moving one tank to another. 28 December 2007. Spill of tailings material --(modified fine tailings) rupture disc let go. Most went into emergency pond, 100-200,000 gallons went out of pond - still on site - no waterways affected. It was discovered at 5:00am. They are pumping the tailings back into the pond. 29 December 2007. Stage 2 baker recovery unit was down might be some onsite hydrocarbon odour. 154

3 January 2008. Venting from skimmed oil tank Plant 91 (stage 1). Still blowing. Trying to repair now. 6 January 2008. Pressure relief valve lifted on coker naphtha storage tank from 0558 to 0618. Closed now. Gas was released to atmosphere. No ambient exceedances, believed to be localized. Cause unknown. BL [EPO initials?] Tank 20 D-1 PRV popped <one hr. 8 January 2008. Upgrader 1 will have an emergency shutdown. There will be flaring -coker gas will likely be sour. Is currently flaring. Cause of shutdown -not enough steam. VLAD [EPO initials] -loss of 1425 steam due a line to failure, impacted Ul. The flaring occurred via the U1 flare stack. Duration = 70 HOURS, Total S02 was 196.49 tonnes. Also Tank 20D-2 vented for 4.hrs 10 minutes. Composition of release: diluted bitumen, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and sulphur compounds.

53.7 43.7 AMS 10 33.7 23.7 13.7 3.7 2001 2003 18.7
AMS 12

S10THC (ppm) THC

2005 2007 DECIMYEAR


S12THC (ppm) THC

13.7 8.7 3.7 2004


2008 2010 2012 Date (Decimalized Year) DECIMYEAR


Figure 29. Hourly total hydrocarbon concentrations (ppm) that exceeded a reference value ( 2 times the global background concentration of methane) at AMS 10 and AMS 12. The vertical and horizontal scales differ in order to depict the different concentrations and data periods at the two stations. Because the global background methane concentration varies and is increasing over time, the time series is simply intended to indicate when total hydrocarbon concentrations were higher than a reference value. The ordinate minimum could have been set to zero, but the plots would have been illegible.


4.10.5 Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Fine particulates in the region come from both natural and industrial sources. The largest natural source of fine particulates is wildfires (restricted to the fire season) followed by wind entrainment of dry silts along the Athabasca River. Industrial sources of fine particulates include stack and vehicle emissions, brush pile burning in relation to land clearing, vehicle movements over unconsolidated surfaces, and wind entrainment of dry tailings, coke piles, and other unconsolidated materials in excavations, open pit mines, and other surfaces. The air monitoring stations cannot differentiate between natural and industrial sources of particulates and peaks in the temporal distribution of particulate concentrations can arise from both natural and industrial sources. For example, the extensive Richardson River wildfire (discovered 10 May 2011) contributed large amounts of fine particulates into the regions air from mid-May to late June 2011 (Figure 30). The particulate analyzers used at WBEA air monitoring stations had a maximum limit of 450 g/ m3 ; this limit was often exceeded during the Richardson River wildfire, which caused the sensors to shut down (Percy et al. 2011), and therefore prevented measurement of the true maximum particulate values. Brush burning by industry is common and contributes to winter fine particulate loading. Five recent brush burning activities (see: were conducted by: (1) CNRL, west side of tailings pond, 23 November 2012 and lasted approximately 30 days (Figure 31); (2) Total E&P Canada, Joslyn Mine, 2 January 2013 to 31 March 2013; (3) CNRL, 7 January to 31 March 2013; (4) Hammerstone Corporation, Muskeg Valley Quarry, 21 January to 5 February 2013; (5) Conoco-Phillips Surmont, 24 January to 7 February 2013. The text that accompanies such burning notices is of the form: Canadian Natural will perform brush pile burning at their north mine site starting on January 07, 2013 until March 31, 2013. Depending on the wind conditions, smoke may drift from the north of the plant. For this reason, CNRL will be burning a limited amount of piles every day. Total E&P Canada Limited (TEPCA) is planning to conduct wood burning at the Josyln North Mine site commencing on or about January 2, 2013 until March 31, 2013. All required permits have been obtained. The selected burning area has been isolated and safely [sic] assessments and risk analysis have been conducted to mitigate risks associated with this work. Outside of the wildfire season, industrial sources of particulates (including brush burning) would be responsible for the PM2.5 exceedances observed at the air monitoring stations, e.g., during December 2006 at AMS 12 and during January 2012 at AMS 16 (Figure 32). With regard to the one-hour fine particulate matter guideline of 80 g/ m3, AMS 12, 15, and 16 have the highest proportion of exceedances (Appendix 3: Table 5), equivalent to 60, 66, and 74 hours per year. Air that is relatively free of fine particulates typically has a PM2.5 concentration of </= 5 g/ m3, e.g, Fort Chipewyan AMS 8. Such a low concentration of fine particulates was observed less than half the time over the period of record at the more impacted locations such as AMS 12, 15, and 16 (Appendix 3: Table 5).


500 400 300 200 100 0

0 May 30 May 10 June 21 June 2 35May 19 .8 .38 .41 .44 .47 .5July 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 20 20 20 20 20

Figure 30. Excursion of PM2.5 particulates at Shell Albian Mine (AMS 16) during May-June DECIMYEAR 2011 due to the Richardson River wildfire. The truncation at 450 g/ m3 was caused by shutting down of the sensor.

S16PM25 PM 2.5 (g/m3)


S15PM25 PM (g/m3)

AMS 15

100 50 0 6 Nov 2012.85

25 Nov 13 Dec 2012.90 2012.95 DECIMYEAR 31 Dec 2013.00

Figure 31. Excursions of PM2.5 particulates at CNRL (AMS 15) during November-December 2012 likely due to the brush pile burning conducted during that period. An announcement on the WBEA website indicated that burning would take place to the west of the tailings pond from about 23 November 2012 and last approximately 30 days.


157 Particulate Matter Incidents The following examples provide a sample of recent particulaterelated incidents. Suncor Incidents 4 May 2009. 24 hr exceedance for particulate matter (P.M 2.5). Cause unknown. JC, On May 3, 2009 there was a 24 hours exceedance for PM2.5 at AMS 12 measuring 20 g/m3. During the third, the winds were between 107 and 218 degrees (SE/Sw at an average of 8 km/h). Based on wind direction, Suncor has identified themselves as the likely source from mining activity (dust from trucks/excavation etc.). No further action taken by AENV at this time. [The incident details show that the PM2.5 reading was 40 g/m3 , not 20 g/m3 ; the 24-hour average PM2.5 guideline is 30 g/ m3.] 21 July 2009. Opacity exceedance due to boiler 11 trip and during startup opacity was high. AA [EPO initials] / occurred July, 2009 b/w 18:30 to 18:54, the old power house stack 31F7, average opacity percentage 18:30-18:36 18:36-18:42 18:42-18:48 18:48-18:54 43.77 56.22 48.16 42.58 the high opacity was caused by particulates in the flue gas from the combustion of the Petroleum coke. 29 August 2009. Had to swing the boilers out of the JBR (Jet bubbling reactors). Leak on boiler 1-internal -steam. So routing emissions through stack 31 instead of stack 37. Still happening. Working to fix problem. Potential for elevated S02 &/or particulate. AA/ On August 29, 2009, Boiler 1 experienced a tube leak at 04:48 hours at which time it was routed to out of the JBR. Opacity exceedance occurred from 05:12 to 05:24 hrs, 06:36 to 06:48 and 07:48 to 07:54 hrs as boiler was take out of JBR. The point of release was the Old Power House Stack 31F-7. The average opacity reading was 68.10 70.45 61.69 49.81 50.74 The released staff from stack 31 consisted of light fly ash from combustion of coke. A tube leak on Boiler 1 resulted in very hot flue gas entering JBR which triggered an Emergency Shut Down which caused the boiler to transfer out of JBR and into Plant 31 Stack. The FD and ID continued to run to cool the boiler. The fans carried all the remaining furnace and debris into stack 31 which resulted in the opacity excursions. 3 November 2009. Opacity exceedance -not sure what stack. Boiler tripped. AA/ The opacity exceedance occurred from 21:12 to 21:24 Nov 03, 2009, lasted [18 min. The high opacity was caused by particulate from the combustion of Petroleum Coke. Boiler 12 was shut down at approximately 20:45 on November 02 and the operator put the boiler on by pass to prevent over heating the JBR which resulted in the high opacity readings. Both ID and FD fans were shut down after the incident and opacity reading returned to normal. 29 March 2010. Late 24 hour exceedance for particulate matter size 2. 5. 7 September 2010. Caller reporting an opacity exceedance on Stack 31. Cause unknown. High opacity occurred from 16:00-16:36 on Sept. 4, 2010. Average. opacity 63 %. Particulates release through Stack 31, consisted of fly ash from combustion of Coke. DW [EPO initials]


22 September 2010. Six minute opacity on Stack 31. Cause unknown Learned about it a few minute's [minutes] ago. Rachael so [?], Suncor update at 1045hrs 23 Sep 2010:Stack 31, opacity exceedance for 6 minutes at 9:42, 23 Sep 2010, opacity is 61.8 %. Particulates were released through Stack 31 at Old Powerhouse, causing the higher opacity that consisted of light fly ash material from combustion of Coke. Release caused by Flue Gas Desulphurizer in an outage, so flue gas switched to Stack 31 from Stack 37. During both events, the ESp [electrostatic precipitator] fields tripped and when they were reset, opacity had a temporary excursion above 40 %. Once the ESp was resolved, opacity readings returned to normal. DW [EPO initials] Syncrude Incidents 17 July 2009. The diverter has been swung open on CO boiler #1. They are repairing a leak on the CO boiler. Feed rates cut to 8-1 coker. He does not anticipate odours but a black ash plume from the diverter is expected. AENV were notified of this planned repair. TK: Time/Date: July 17, 2009 @ 17:05 to July 19, 2009 @ 15:33 Location of Release: Syncrude, Plant 8-1 Diverter Stack Material Released: 8-1 Burner Flue Gas Contaminants: CO, CO2, H2S, SO2, NH3, Coke Particulates Total SO2 equivalents (tonnes): 11.46 (July 17), 37.925 (July 18), 23.39 (July 19) -TK Comments: No further action taken. Incident closed. 2 December 2009. Odours and visible emissions from Source. It looks like there is a release of dust or particulate. It is blowing over the highway. Caller would like a call back. (Level 3) LM called caller, no answer, left msg requesting call back. Lm received call back at 10:40. Caller driving north along hwy 63, strong ammonia smell passing by Syncrude, similar to episode last Feb in Fort McKay. Very foggy, like coloured fog on ground (yellow tinge), caller thought it was coming from cooling towers not stacks. No wind. Cooling towers are heavy steam, little to none contaminates [little or no contaminants]. Weather conditions: cold with little air movement. WBEA reported no exceedances around this time, before or after. Wind direction in the area was about 180 deg, -14 deg C, low wind speeds. No reports from industry received. No other odour complaints received. [The incident illustrates a multiple complaint related to both dust or particulate and to ammonia.] 5 November 2010. Exceedance on Opacity, limit is 40 %. 21:30-23:12, cause was rectifier tripped, dropped below 40 after that. SK - Coke particulates and SO2 released, unknown volume, due to Electrostatic Precipitator-Dedicated Chamber 8-2A experienced a trip, causing the hoppers to plug with coke fines. Syncrude will continue to monitor stack opacity. 8 December 2010. Caller is reporting that they had to divert one of their cokers, they tripped the CO boiler (1). The coker gas, SO2, particulates and some steam going to atmosphere. This is a contravention because it is going to atmosphere. They should have it back to normal procedures within the next couple of hours. SK - Plant 8-1C) Boiler Divert Stack vented 8-1 Burner Flue Gas comprised [composed] of CO, CO2, H2S, SO2, NH3, and coke particulates due to feedwater valve failure [meaning of last clause unclear]. 15 May 2011. Visible emissions from 37-1 F2 Furnace. Black smoke consisting of combusted hydrocarbons, steam, and particulate. Due to tube leak. Taking to unit down to repair. Started @ 0730 hrs until 0910 hrs today. LM Reviewed written report. Pinhole leaks on furnace tubes caused approx. 1 litre of liquid hydrocarbon to stray inside the furnace and combust resulting in 159

black smoke visible from the furnace stack (duration approx 10 hours). A controlled pressure test conducted the next day resulted in a smaller but similar incident. Emissions would have contained SO2, VOC, Particulates, CO and steam with the released liquid combusting and making up a small portion of the released material. They will continue to monitor and respond accordingly. No adverse effect anticipated. No further action taken at this time. 1 June 2012. Had to dump loop seal on 82 diverter and valve is passing SO2 and CO (coke particulates). Potential odor issue. This started at 14:22 and it should be mitigated shortly. On CO boiler #2, dump loop seal was dumped as a precautionary measure in case of diversion and the valve was passing some coke particulates into atmosphere. Reestablishing the loop seal to eliminate passing of coke particulates into atmosphere.


480 AMS 12 380 280 180 80 2002 2006 2010 DECIMYEAR 480 380 AMS 15 280 180 80 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 DECIMYEAR 480 380 AMS 16 280 180 80 2009 2010 2011 2012 Date (Decimalized Year) DECIMYEAR

S12PM25 PM 2.5 (g/m3)


S15PM25 PM 2.5 (g/m3)


S16PM25 PM 2.5 (g/m3)


Figure 32. Hourly concentrations of particulate matter (PM2.5) at AMS 12, 15, and 16. The vertical and horizontal scales differ in order to depict the different concentrations and data periods at the two stations.


4.10.6 Ammonia Only two air monitoring stations sample for ammonia and the record is of short duration (Appendix 3: Table 6). The episodic nature of the excursions for ammonia is evident (Figure 33). The ammonia odour threshold ( 2 ppm, Alberta Environment (2011)) occurred at AMS 1 a total of 405 times, 0.796 % of hours (once every 5.2 days) and at AMS 6 it occurred 780 times, 1.5772 % of hours (once every 2.6 days) (Figure 33). In short, the cat pee odour can be detected at Bertha Ganter AMS in Fort McKay every 5.2 days and at Patricia McInnes every 2.6 days. The ammonia throat irritation threshold ( 31.7 ppm, Smeets et al. 2007) occurred at Fort McKay a total of 34 times, 0.0668 % of hours (once every 8.9 weeks) and at Patricia McInnes it occurred 26 times, 0.0526 % of hours (once every 11.3 weeks).

142 122 AMS 1 102 82 62 42 22 2 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 DECIMYEAR Data Gap 66 AMS 6 50 34 18 2 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 DateDECIMYEAR (Decimalized Year)

Figure 33. Ammonia exceedances ( 2 ppm) at Fort McKay (AMS 1) and Patricia McInnes (AMS6) from 2006 to 2012 (with data gaps). Two data gaps are indicated that occurred at times of major ammonia events. Other, shorter data gaps occur throughout the record.

(ppm) NH3 S6NH3

S1NH3 (ppm) NH3

162 Ammonia Events, Air Monitoring, and Public Complaints To what degree do the air monitoring station data reflect the incidents in the EMS database? It depends on the events. The first challenge with linking the two datasets is due to data gaps. The second challenge is that making the link requires several pieces of information. First, the data gap issue is discussed. In mid-May 2006, there may have been the largest ammonia-release event on record (see Table 25, EMS date assigned 16 May 2006), yet there are no AMS data. Of the two stations that monitored for ammonia, there are no data available from AMS 6 until 1 September 2006. Data from AMS 1 are available from 2 May onward, but there are important data gaps. Inexplicably, there are no data available from AMS 1 from 9 AM on 14 May until 4 PM on 19 May, which precisely brackets the ammonia event. It is unclear how this data gap arose; the WBEA personnel active at that time are no longer with the association. The 2006 WBEA annual report stated: A temporary rental unit was installed in May at WBEA Station #1 and was removed from service in June due to an instrument malfunction. It is possible that the wholesale lack of ambient ammonia data during the largest documented ammonia event in the record is a result of bad luck and coincidence, but to believe so strains credulity. Complaints document that the mid-May 2006 ammonia odours extended from as far north as Fort McKay, through Fort McMurray to as far south as Anzac (south of Fort McMurray). For the readers convenience, the public complaints are provided below: Cat pee smell in air.; Bad cat pee odour, ammonia smell.; Noticed smell in ABBASAND [in Fort McMurray].; Smelled cat pee at Sawridge Inn (saw in paper); Live in centre of town and smelled it there also.; Dickensfield area smell bad at 1000 hrs, Body odourish smell. Read in paper.; Smells like cat pee coming from source, Would like to talk to investigator. Smell is in house and...[redacted]; odour complaint received from the public. Source tracking van has been dispatched and cause under investigation.; odour complaints from the public. Source tracking van has been dispatched to area of complaint, public affairs is investigating and internal plant staff are investigating.; Complaining about odours in Fort Mackay yesterday.; Odour of petrochemicals/ammonia. Please call back.; Bad smell - smelling it frequently lately.; Smells like cat pee in Fort McKay. Would like a call back.; Ammonia smell in Ft MacKay. Would like call back.; Intense odour in Fort MacKay.; Ammonia smell in Fort MacKay.; Needs info on what is causing the odour in Fort McMurray...Needs to talk to investigator...; Want odour complaint logged. It's very irritating . Please call back.; NH3 smell in Fort McMurray.; wanted odour complaint registered.; Smell is bad...Wants to talk to an investigator.; Smell bad in Fort McMurray.; 163

Terrible smell in the air. Several emissions in the air like this since April. Smells like cat urine. Caller feels this is an emergency.; Complaining about odours.; She's staying in Fort McMurray and wants to complain about odours in Fort McMurray.; Odour complaint....; Odour complaint. Smells like cat urine.; About smell in Fort McMurray. . .; The caller complained of a very strong odour of ammonia in the air as he drove to work.; Odour in air.; [redacted?] and Tuesday morning; Ammonia odour very strong. Getting headache. Would like to talk to investigator.; NH3 smell is in Anzac. Bad smell.; Strong odour.; Bad smell in the city. Wanted to have... complaint logged.; Smell in Fort McMurray. Wanted complaint recorded.; Wants to know why smell is still in the air and what AE is doing about it. Wants to talk to investigator.; Odour has now reached downtown - the news said it only was affecting one subdivision but now it seems all over.; Very strong ammonia smell today and ...Please have investigator call.; Plant is operating completely normally.; ...the ammonia incident [much redacted information] This event is remarkable for three reasons: its wide geographic extent, its high intensity, and the fact that no ammonia air monitoring data are available (the incident coincided with the data gap indicated in Figure 33). Similarly, another ammonia event in April 2006 occurred at a time when no ammonia monitoring data are available. Because of these and other data gaps, the occurrence frequency of ammonia exceedances determined from the WBEA data underestimates the true value by an unknown amount. The April 2006 ammonia event comments follow for the readers convenience (see Table 25). 20-Apr-2006, Rec' d odour complaint from an onsite contractor. Ammonia ("cat pee") smell. 28-Apr-2006, Sour gas odour. Not sure where it is coming from, but suspect Source.; The caller complained of an odour of solvent in the air. It is very strong and it is almost like pine needles. The source given is suspected.; members of the public called the source' s environmental department to complain of an odour. After checking the plant they found no problems or releases. The caller confirmed that the odour comes from elsewhere.; The caller complained of an odour of ammonia in the air.; The caller's agency received two public complaints about an ammonia odour.; The caller reported that a member of the public called him to complain about an odour of ammonia in the air. [six complaints] These two ammonia events apparently led to two environmental protection orders issued to Syncrude Canada Ltd. (see Table 28, items 20 and 22), although this cannot be ascertained with certainty due to general descriptions of the enforcements released by government. It is significant that numerous public complaints were associated with these two events, which perhaps helps to explain why enforcement actions were taken (for every 100 alleged


contraventions, less than one enforcement takes place; see section 5.2, The Disconnect between Contraventions and Enforcement). The Environmental Protection Order, apparently for the April 2006 incident, stated: AENV is of the opinion that a release of ammonia and mercaptan like substances and other substances from the Company operations has occurred and may occur, and that the release is causing or has caused an offensive odour. The Company shall immediately cease operating the FGD unit, in a safe and orderly manner; submit a plan to AENV, for approval, prior to restarting the FGD unit; submit a report to AENV; submit and implement a plan that details the steps to be taken to ensure that the potential for an unplanned release from the FGD unit is alleviated; and submit written progress reports to AENV. [issued 18 May 2006]. The EPO, apparently for the May 2006 incident, stated: It [Syncrude] has exceeded the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objective for both H2S and ammonia and AENV is of the opinion that releases of H2S and ammonia into the environment may have caused or may cause an adverse effect. It shall develop, submit, and implement a plan that details the steps to be taken to minimize inputs and emissions into and from the effluent pond; and submit written progress reports. [27 August 2007] The text of the Environmental Protection Order is presented to illustrate that it is not a monetary prosecution but rather it directs the company to improve its operations and to report its progress. The assumption is that such actions will prevent the reoccurrence of such issues. The empirical data indicate otherwise (Figure 33). Soon after the April and May 2006 incidents, on 4 August 2006, e.g., ammonia complaints were linked to Syncrude: Several employees felt a strong odour in the air. It was possibly sour water and ammonia. The air was tested but the source could not be found. There were no public complaints.; [This is incorrect. There were public complaints-- call id. numbers 140763, 140762, 140759, 140760, 140758, 140765] The caller complained that there is a strong odour of ammonia in the air.(231755, Notification, Air) (see Figure 33, panel AMS 6). An earlier ammonia incident, on 11 July 2006, was attributed to Suncor (see Figure 33, panel AMS 1). Because of the paucity of ammonia air quality monitoring stations, the fact that stations need to be functioning properly (discussed above), that wind direction and speed and vertical currents must be suitable to carry the plume to a station; and that an incident must be duly reported and recorded in the EMS database, then faithfully disclosed, it can be difficult to link ambient air data with an incident. If any one element is missing, there can be no linkage made. The large and prolonged period of ammonia exceedances from late 2007 to late spring 2008 at AMS 6 may have resulted in many EMS incidents. Three Syncrude incidents are provided here to illustrate. 2 January 2008. Ammonia exceedance on stack - Stack Plant 26-1. Might be malfunction of instrument - reducing NH3 to tower. (292444, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Air). 2 January 2008. 26-1 stack ammonia emissions are above limit. Suspect it's a false high due to instrumentation problem. (292440, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Air). 9 February 2008. Potential ammonia exceedance on 26-1 stack. 300 ppm is the hourly limit and they hit 300 ppm at 0630 hours. Not sure of cause - may be instrumentation problem causing a false reading. Currently checking accuracy of instruments. (294940, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Air). 165

These three incidents illustrate two points: a link between plant malfunctions and exceedances recorded at AMS 6, and, the belief on the part of industry that the exceedances are not real but rather due to faulty instrumentation. It is unclear why the plant operators would not have checked ambient air ammonia datait may have disabused them of their notion that instrumentation was at fault. It is also noteworthy that this prolonged period of ammonia exceedances occurred after the two environmental protection orders noted above. The results illustrate that environmental protection orders, essentially requests to improve operations and to report the results, are ineffective in bringing about substantive and lasting improvements in procedures and pollution abatement. It suggests that significant monetary penalties or restrictions on operations may be required to facilitate improvements. Public complaints provide another source of confirmation that the ammonia exceedances observed from late 2007 to spring 2008 were real and not due to malfunction of monitoring equipment. The ammonia complaints point to both Suncor and Syncrude as the sources of the ammonia. They are as follows (see Table 25): Odour burn in nose. VLAD [EPO initials] -Public complaints followed up by Dave in Edmonton. The reported source is Suncor. (Suncor, 5 January 2008). Odours from source -can't explain what smells like but burning his eyes. bs. [EPO initials] Was driving by Suncor site and had strong odour; could not id as HC but makes feel sick. (Suncor, 18 January 2008). Received NH3 odour complaint for the plant. CS [EPO initials] -Plant 26-1 was operating well within its operating targets for the FGD Stack ammonia emissions. (Syncrude, 11 April 2008). Bytnerowicz et al. (2010) monitored monthly average ambient concentrations of gaseous nitric acid and ammonia between May 2005 and September 2008 in the bitumen sands region. Ambient concentrations of both nitric acid and ammonia were typically elevated and variable in space and time and highest in the vicinity of major mining and processing facilities. An expansion of the area with elevated ammonia levels was observed in summer 2008 that extended to remote locations without nearby industrial activity. Ammonia is a concern from a perspective of possible biological effects because of its potential for direct toxic effect on lichens. In summary, ambient ammonia data exist for two stations and reliable data extend for only a short duration (see Figure 33). The lack of ambient ammonia data for major ammonia incidents in April and May 2006 is unfortunate. In spite of the data shortcomings, there are some significant results. Exceedances of the 2 ppm objective are fairly common. Were the hourly exceedances evenly-distributed in time, they would occur once every 2.6 to 5.2 days. However, the exceedances are episodic, with long periods without exceedances (or without data) interspersed with episodes of persistent ammonia odours. The throat irritation threshold was reached 34 times at Fort McKay (once every 8.9 weeks) and 26 times at Patricia McInnes (AMS 6) (once every 11.3 weeks). Comparison and inspection of the AMS data and the EMS incidents indicates that some exceedances at the monitoring stations are associated with plant upsets and/or with public complaints. Conversely, some ammonia exceedances at the monitoring 166

stations are not clearly associated with incidents and some ammonia incidents are not clearly associated with exceedances at the monitoring stations. The lack of a high correlation between air monitoring station exceedances and incident data suggests that the paucity of ammonia monitoring stations, air currents, data gaps, and reporting practices influence the spatial and temporal correlation patterns. 4.10.7 Nitrous Compounds Concentrations of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and nitrous oxides (NOx) are summarized in Appendix 3: Table 7. Air quality guidelines exist only for nitrogen dioxide. In terms of human health guidelines, the 159 ppb hourly AAAQ guideline that relates to pulmonary function was reached at four of the ten air monitoring stations, but there were only 11 total exceedances in 848,458 observations. Nitrogen dioxide posed essentially no risk to human pulmonary function over the time period analyzed at the ten air monitoring stations that measure nitrogen-containing compounds. Annual averaged NO2 values ranged from a low of about 1 ppb at distant Fort Chipewyan (which represents relatively unimpacted air conditions for NO2) to as high as 18 ppb at the Millennium Mine (AMS 12) (Appendix 3: Table 8). No annual averages exceeded the annual AAAQ objective of 24 ppb for protection of vegetation. However, the data demonstrate that industry is leading to elevated levels of NO2 at the ambient air monitoring stations. The data record is fairly short which makes it difficult to observe trends in the average annual concentrations. There are a few trends evident at the stations. NO2 concentrations apparently increased at AMS 10 until the station was replaced by AMS 16. At the Millennium Mine (AMS 12), NO2 concentrations apparently increased to a peak in 2008 and have since declined. At Fort McKay (both AMS 1 and AMS 13), NO2 concentrations have apparently increased over the period consistent with industrial activity encroaching on the community. In contrast, at Fort Chipewyan, no trend in NO2 concentrations is evident. The temporal pattern of NO2 concentrations at the Shell Albian Mine and the Suncor Millennium Mine (Figure 34) is interesting for three reasons. (1) Annual variation in nitrogen dioxide concentrations is evident, with higher values in winter-spring and lower values in summer-fall. This seasonal variation may be due to the longer lifetime for NOx and more shallow mixing depths in winter than in summer (Lamsal et al. 2008), perhaps augmented by greater fuel combustion rates in cold weather. (2) Although hourly concentrations of NO2 exceed the 24 ppb guideline about 12 % of the time at the Albian Mine and about 20 % of the time at the Millennium Mine, the exceedances occur year-round. Therefore, although the annual average at these sites remains below the 24 ppb annual guideline for protection of vegetation, values in excess of this threshold are common. (3) The abandonment of AMS 10 in early 2009 (which was about to be mined) and its replacement with AMS16 coincided with a downward step-shift in the NO2 concentrations. In other words, NO2 concentrations at AMS 16 are lower and less variable than they were at AMS 10 (Figure 35). Why this occurred is not clear; perhaps moving the station to a new location more distant from active mining activity caused these decreases in concentration and variation. A recent satellite-based air quality assessment of the bitumen sands region for nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide documented distinct increased levels of these pollutants over an area roughly 30 by 50 km in extent (McLinden et al. 2012). The study observed that the magnitude of these increases in concentration were comparable to the largest seen in Canada from individual sources. Over the period 2005 to 2010, NO2 concentrations increased at 10.4 +/- 3.5 % per year 167

(McLinden et al. 2012). Significantly, this satellite-derived increase was not evident at some stations (Figure 34), but was corroborated by data from stations AMS 1 and 13.


Value NO 2 (ppb)

224 124

AMS 10 AMS 16

24 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 DECIMYEAR 174

S10NO2 S16NO2

S12NO2 NO2 (ppb)

124 74

AMS 12

24 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Date (Decimalized Year) DECIMYEAR
Figure 34. Nitrogen dioxide observations ( 24 ppb) at the Shell Albian Muskeg River Mine (AMS 10 and 16) and the Millennium Mine (AMS 12).


NO2 (ppb)


80 40

AMS 10 AMS 16

0 2009.00 2009.05 2009.10 2009.15 2009.20 Date (Decimalized Year) DECIMYEAR

Figure 35. Nitrogen dioxide concentrations in early 2009 at the Shell Albian Muskeg River Mine at the transition from AMS 10 to AMS 16. In this graph, the highest and last recorded NO2 concentration at AMS 10 (of 264 ppb) is deleted to better depict the other values.

S1 S1


5. Discussion
In the following sections, we examine eight topics that require discussion and/or future examination. These are: industrial activities as they relate to substances released by industry; the disconnect between contravention and enforcement; why environmental incidents are frequent in the region; the failure of the Alberta government to provide freedom of information; the resultant antithesis of transparency in government; inadequate access to information provided by industry; the lax regulatory regime; and the fact that the EMS data represent a subset of the true incident rate in the bitumen sands region.

5.1 Industrial Activities and Gaps in Monitoring

5.1.1 Total Suspended Solids Loading Two-hundred and fifteen water incidents, some of which are described in the Results, demonstrate that industrial activities can contribute high concentrations of total suspended solids to the regions rivers. Although the EMS database is difficult to use because it is descriptive rather than quantitative, it has an advantage over typical monitoring data when detection of anthropogenic activities is an objective. The EMS data are event-based, that is, they document discrete incidents related to industrial activities. In contrast, standard monitoring data are systembased which, depending on the network of sampling sites and protocols, can make detection of anthropogenic events a matter of chance. The EMS data demonstrate that suspended solids incidents occurred on waterbodies within the Athabasca River watershed and therefore document that industrial activities caused loadings of water in excess of total suspended solids guidelines. What is uncertain is whether the loadings have resulted in detectable increases in TSS in the receiving water bodies and whether the loadings have caused ecological changes. These questions should be studied. As with other water quality parameters, variations in TSS concentrations among stream courses and among locations along a given stream course are typical. There are also large temporal variations in TSS concentrations. The Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (RAMP) samples sites on a quarterly basis (or, in some cases, once per year), which is too infrequent an interval to document episodic events. Secondly, RAMP deletes some stations and adds others over time, which limits the ability to detect change over time. Thirdly, the RAMP dataset is both relatively of short duration and post-dates bitumen development. As a result, RAMP data have little power to detect anthropogenic impacts upon TSS loading. Along the Athabasca River mainstem, TSS is typically highest in spring or summer, lowest in winter, and intermediate in fall (Figure 36). Wide background variation makes it difficult to detect anthropogenic changes. This difficulty is especially problematic when all TSS monitoring data post-date development and at most sites only several years of data exist (Figure 36). The dilution power of the Athabasca River mainstem is perhaps the overriding factor that has served to dampen downstream impacts of industrial activities upon water quality. The dilution power of the Athabasca River derives from the fact that most of the volume of the river that reaches the Peace-Athabasca Delta flows from upstream of the major bitumen operations. The dilution power varies over time and has declined about 30 % over the last five decades due to decline in annual discharge of the Athabasca River below Fort McMurray (Timoney 2013). However, the dilution power of the Athabasca River remains significant in that roughly 93.5 +/170

10.9 % of the daily discharge that flows past Embarras Airport on the Athabasca River mainstem is accounted for by discharge of the Box IV. Downstream Decline in Discharge Athabasca River below Fort McMurray. On On some days, estimated discharge at Embarras Airport some days, Athabasca River discharge at can be lower than that at the Fort McMurray station. This Embarras Airport, downstream of industry, effect may be due to a combination of off-channel is actually lower than discharge at Fort storage, flow routing attenuation, water removals by McMurray (Box IV.) As a result, on average, industry, and perhaps to uncertainties in estimating only about 6.5 % of Athabasca River discharge during ice-jam events. Whatever the factors involved, the phenomenon demonstrates that only a mainstem discharge that reaches the PeaceAthabasca Delta enters the river downstream relatively small volume of water is added to the Athabasca River between Fort McMurray and Embarras of Fort McMurray. Airport. The storage-release effect at break-up could also
contribute to the variation in the relationship between Fort McMurray and Embarras Airport discharge, but could not contribute to lower discharge at Embarras Airport. (Data: 1971-84, n = 3543 days; Embarras Airport station (07DD001), below Fort McMurray station (07DA001), discharge below Fort McMurray lagged two days to allow travel time to Embarras Airport).




150 100 50 0 2002 750 600 450 300 150 SEASON Fall Spring Summer Winter SEASON Fall Spring Summer Winter

2003 2004 YEAR


Site: ATR-DD-E


2007 2009 YEAR



Site: ATR-DD-W

500 SEASON Fall Spring Summer Winter


Figure 36. Total suspended solids concentration (mg/L) in the Athabasca River mainstem at the RAMP sites DD-CC (top), DD-E (middle), and DD-W (bottom). The study sites are located at about 57 27' 17'' N, 111 36' 19'' W, downstream of the major industrial operations and west of McClelland Lake. The y-axes are power-transformed (power = 0.5) to better show the lower values. The plots illustrate important features, as follows: (1) the brevity of the dataset (four years, 2002-05 for DD-CC, and six years, 2005-11 for DD-E and DD-W); (2) all data post-date development; (3) there is wide seasonal variation; (4) generally highest values are found at DDW (median 41 mg/L), lowest values at DD-CC (median 24 mg/L), and intermediate values at DD-E (median 38 mg/L). Because of the wide variation and relatively small sample sizes, there were no statistically significant differences among the sites overall nor when each season was compared. Nor is a comparison with DD-CC valid because that site was sampled within a different range of years than were DD-E and DD-W. Low statistical power to detect change is characteristic of RAMP data. Data were downloaded from RAMP on 10 April 2013.




2007 2009 YEAR


5.1.2 Substances Regulated, Monitored, and Released Represent Ever Larger Datasets In its company approvals, the Alberta government regulates a small number of substances that are released by the bitumen industry. The substances regulated, such as sulfur dioxide, and the amounts permitted, vary between approvals. This regulation, as is shown in section 5.2, predominantly takes the form of tabulating releases and exceedances accompanied by correspondence with industry. Rarely does regulation take the form of enforcement. A larger set of substances is monitored by the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI). The substances, and the amounts released, are self-reported by industry to Environment Canada. NPRI does not regulate the substances; its role is to report the substances and their volumes released. There is no enforcement activity. As an example of substances tabulated by NPRI, Table 27 provides substances released in 2011 as reported by Suncor Oil Sands. The substances tabulated by NPRI represent a subset of the total variety of substances released to air, land, and water by the bitumen industry. Substances and parameters that are released but not reported include naphtha-like compounds, naphthenic acids, R22 freon, diesel, gasoline, bitumen, dilbit, and other petroleum products, biochemical oxygen demand, sewage, total suspended solids, a variety of trace gases, coke particulates, total hydrocarbons, tailings dust, beryllium, boron, strontium, and thallium. Finally, there are banned substances that may be used and released in the region, such as trichloroethane, about which little is known. The industrial release data available represent a sample of the total substances released by the bitumen industry and are reported by industry without independent verification. The result is that there are no data for the majority of substances released and no routinely gathered and independently verified data.


Table 27a. Releases of non-criteria air contaminant substances by Suncor Oil Sands in 2011 as reported to NPRI. The amounts reported as released have not been independently verified. Company NPRI number = 2230. Downloaded 3 June 2013 from npri_id=0000002230&opt_report_year=2011.
Substance Air 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Acenaphthene - PAH Acenaphthylene - PAH Aluminum oxide (fibrous forms) Ammonia (total) Antimony (and its compounds) Arsenic (and its compounds) Asbestos (friable form) Benzene Benzo(a)anthracene - PAH Benzo(a)phenanthrene - PAH Benzo(a)pyrene - PAH Benzo(b)fluoranthene - PAH Benzo(e)pyrene - PAH Benzo(g,h,i)perylene - PAH Benzo(j)fluoranthene - PAH Benzo(k)fluoranthene - PAH Cadmium (and its compounds) Carbon disulphide Carbonyl sulphide Chlorine Chromium (and its compounds) Cobalt (and its compounds) Copper (and its compounds) Cyclohexane Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene - PAH Diethanolamine (and its salts) Dioxins and furans - total Ethylbenzene Ethylene Ethylene glycol Fluoranthene - PAH Fluorene - PAH Hexachlorobenzene Hydrogen sulphide On-Site Releases Water Land Total Disposal On-Site Off-Site Off-Site Recycling Units

86 12 3.4 2.6 0.849 0.015 0.005 116 922 2.5 8.4 0.834 2.2 21.3 0.787 66 0.173 103 63 0.001 0.356 0.018 0.014 0.007 0.188 0.016 85 0.207 85 370 5.2 36 79 174

86 12 7,137 3.4 400 3.5 859 0.021 43 125 54,864 133 22 5.3 2.5 6,695 8.4 6,604 0.834 2,849 2.2 589 2 3,210 1.3 1,234 589 0.787 161 66 4,882 103 63 0.001 0.374 311 0.021 153 0.204 244 85 0.207 167 085 208 370 5.2 4,684 36 6,720 079 -

58 0 159 -

tonnes kg kg tonnes tonnes tonnes kg tonnes tonnes kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes kg tonnes g_teq_et tonnes tonnes tonnes kg kg grams tonnes

Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene - PAH Isopropyl alcohol Lead (and its compounds) Manganese (and its compounds) Mercury (and its compounds) Methanol Molybdenum trioxide Naphthalene n-Hexane Nickel (and its compounds) Perylene - PAH Phenanthrene - PAH Phenol (and its salts) Phosphorus (yellow or white) Propylene Pyrene - PAH Selenium (and its compounds) Silver (and its compounds) Sulphuric acid Toluene Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS) (3) Vanadium (except when in an alloy) and its compounds Xylene (all isomers) Zinc (and its compounds)

0.895 0.111 457 0.325

41.2 -

0.895 1,406 0.111 461 135,021 1.5 1,300 37 0.706 -

0.001 0.009 203 57 -

kg tonnes kg tonnes

37 0.007 20 92 1 0.191 0.495 65 0.143 0.249 0.557 15 16 160 32 0.054 326 181 86 1.8 0.096 307 0.866 0.069 -

0.301 kg
tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes kg kg tonnes tonnes tonnes kg kg tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

20 6.7 92 1.2 207 0.495 5,553 65 42,150 0.143 58 0.806 15 16 9,469 192 109,417 0.054 43 326 181 386 86 1.9 307 0.935 181 1,204 520 -

Table 27b. Releases of criteria air contaminant substances by Suncor Oil Sands in 2011 as reported to NPRI. The amounts reported as released have not been independently verified. Company NPRI number = 2230. Downloaded 3 June 2013 from npri_id=0000002230&opt_report_year=2011.
Criteria Air Contaminants Released in 2011 Releases to by Suncor Oil Sands Air (tonnes) Nitrogen oxides (expressed as NO2) 11,765 Carbon monoxide 4,408 Sulphur dioxide 20,258 PM - Total Particulate Matter 14,309 PM10 - Particulate Matter <= 10 Microns 5,082 PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Microns 1,041 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 12,649


5.2 The Disconnect between Contraventions and Enforcement

Through industry and government press releases, interviews, web pages, and other publications, the public is led to believe that bitumen exploitation is tightly regulated and sustainable. Each companys regulatory approval sets out a list of terms under which the company is expected to operate. The implicit assumption is that the companies activities are scrutinized and regulated and that polluters are prosecuted. A companys approval provides the company with a license to release substances into the environment. For example, the Syncrude Mildred Lake approval permits a sulphur dioxide release from the main stack of 16.4 tonnes/hour, 292 tonnes per calendar day, and 245 tonnes per day based on a 90-day rolling average (Alberta Environment 2007b). Company approvals are legal documents that lay out the terms and conditions under which the bitumen companies operate. They specify such things as record keeping and analytical requirements, emission limits, land use, water management, and monitoring and reporting requirements. The reporting requirements include ad hoc reporting of any reportable incidents to Albertas EMS, and also seven-day letters, monthly reports, and annual reports. The approvals specify different limits depending on plant conditions. If, for example, there is a plant upset, a different set of emission limits may be applied. Incident 324035 illustrates: The hour reported had 5 minutes of a[n] upset included and they interp[re]t the approval limit to be 1.2 tonnes per hour from 8F-5 [an emissions source] during normal operations and 3.0 tonnes per hour during bypass or upset. If a company does not exceed the terms of its approval, then no contraventions occur. Conversely, if a contravention occurs, it is incumbent upon government to take appropriate action. In some cases, the approval holder may disclaim an incident; in other cases, the approval holder may ask for a waiver of approval limits. It is important to realize that approvals specify only a subset of the environmentally relevant parameters. They may require that samples are taken of a host of chemicals in water, but they may not necessarily set a limit on the release of those compounds, nor may they require monitoring or set limits on releases of those compounds to air or soil. Measurement of release of a compound, such as ammonia, may be required at one location but not at others. The release of other compounds, such as PAHs and a variety of hydrocarbons, may receive no attention or regulatory limits. For most such compounds, there can be no contraventions because there are no defined limits. Because company approvals constitute important documentation in the context of plant operations and contraventions, company approval documents that were available for download from the AESRD website have been compiled as a means to facilitate the publics use of the data in this report. They are available by request to the authors. Following an incident recorded in the EMS, AESRD personnel decide whether to initiate an investigation or close the incident. According to Alberta Environment (2000), an investigation is undertaken if non-compliance is suspected and may involve taking statements, securing physical evidence, and carrying out search warrants, arrests, and seizures. If non-compliance is demonstrated, five responses are available. These are: (1) administrative penalties, (2) enforcement orders, (3) prosecutions, (4) warnings, and (5) cancellation, suspension, or restriction of an approval. Administrative penalties are reportedly used for minor contraventions. Enforcement orders compel a company, entity, or individual to remedy a contravention and/or 176

take preventative action. Prosecutions may issue a ticket for minor offenses or require a court appearance for more serious offenses. Warnings are intended to deter future violations. A sixth response, albeit implicit, is available to AESRD should investigation document non-compliance and that is to do nothing other than to close the incident. Examination of the dataset in this study demonstrates that the do nothing option is the rule rather than the exception (see below for an analysis of enforcement rates). Considering that some Box V. A Recent Environmental Protection Order contraventions are not reported (e.g., Table 14) and that most During the last eleven months there have been many instances where the measured values of H2S in the ambient contraventions receive no air at stationary air monitoring stations downwind from the enforcement action from the Alberta plant have exceeded the Alberta Ambient Air Quality government, it should not come as a Objectives for H2S. It had several incidents in which there surprise that the rare environmental have been releases of substances that caused or had the protection orders that are issued potential to cause an adverse effect. The ground level concentration (GLC) Exceedances and Emissions document chronic pollution. As an Management Program that began in November 2006 has not illustration, an environmental resulted in improved environmental outcomes. Alberta protection order issued to Suncor Environment ["AENV"] is of the opinion that the Company Energy Inc. is provided (Box V.; see is contributing to regional GLC exceedances measured as also Table 28, item 24). The H2S which may cause adverse effects. It shall continue the work proposed in its GLC and Emissions Management environmental protection order (Box Program; develop, submit a Monitoring Plan; develop and V.) makes reference to a prolonged submit a Modeling Plan; develop and submit a Diluent period of exceedances and that the Management Plan; immediately restrict diluent losses to the GLC Exceedances and Emissions tailings ponds to rates of 1400 bbls/day; and submit written Management Program has been progress reports on a monthly basis. ineffective in bringing about improved environmental outcomes. It then directs Suncor to restrict its daily diluent losses to the environment to no more than 1400 barrels/day. Assuming the volume of petroleum barrels (159.18 L/barrel), such a release is equivalent to 222,852 L/day or roughly 81,340,980 L/year. In other words, Suncor is allowed under its license to release more than 81 million L of diluent (naphtha-like compounds) to tailings ponds each year. Much of this diluent would tend to outgas to the atmosphere in various chemical forms. Summary of the enforcement actions taken by the Alberta government over the time period relevant to this study (1996-2012) for the approvals examined indicates a total of 37 actions and two amendments (changes in wording) to those actions (Table 28). See Table 29 for examples of incidents that lie beyond the scope of this study. The enforcement actions were as follows: 17 administrative penalties, one enforcement order, four environmental protection orders, six prosecutions, and nine warnings (later termed warning letters) (Table 28). Of the six prosecutions, three were related to a single incident (the death of waterfowl at Syncrude Aurora North tailings pond in April 2008). Those three prosecutions were initiated with an anonymous tip. Other bird mortality incidents remain unprosecuted for reasons that have not been disclosed. It might be argued that prosecutions are driven in large part by media disclosure and public outcry. A private prosecution undertaken in the case of the Syncrude bird mortality incident may have forced government to take over the prosecution. Of the nine warning letters, one was initiated by an anonymous tip.


In terms of cost to industry, of the 37 enforcement actions over the period, the median financial penalty was $4,500. The average penalty was $48,905 (the data are not normallydistributed and the average is strongly-influenced by six larger penalties; as a result, the median is a better indicator of central tendency). No evidence of any cancellations, suspensions, or restrictions of approvals was found in any of the 12452 Alberta province-wide incidents examined by Eckert (2006). Similarly, no evidence was found of cancellations, suspensions, or restrictions of approvals in the 9262 incidents examined in this study. Recall that 4063 alleged contraventions were documented over the period for the approvals examined. Also recall that this estimate is a minimum of the true number of contraventions given that contraventions are under-reported and there is an indeterminate number of missing and redacted records. Because 4063 alleged contraventions is a conservative estimate of the total contraventions, then a conservative estimate of the enforcement ratio is 37/4063 or 0.91 %. In 99.09 % of cases, alleged contraventions receive no enforcement actions in the bitumen sands region. Alberta has a responsibility to uphold its laws. As former Alberta Environment Minister Rob Renner noted (speaking on CBC Radio, 10 February 2009): We have an obligation to enforce our regulations. The provincial government (Alberta Environment, undated) has gone on record to the effect that: Those who do not comply with Albertas environmental laws and regulations are held responsible for the effects of their actions on the environment. Every suspected violation that comes to the attention of Alberta Environment is assessed and responded to in an appropriate and timely manner. Where non-compliance is identified, either through mandatory reporting or through other information such as an inspection or a call from the public, all of the circumstances are evaluated... Failure to report will result in stringent enforcement action. In April 2013, Alberta Premier Redford stated: The truth is that Alberta is home to some of the most environmentally friendly legislation in the world. We have nothing to hide, and we'll talk about our record (Snow 2013). Premier Redford tweeted on 15 April 2013 that: Albertas environmental record and our commitment to responsible stewardship of the oil sands are clear. We are the safest, most secure and responsible energy supplier to the United States and a reliable trading partner (Redford 2013). The federal Environment Minister, Peter Kent, has also pointed to environmental laws applicable to Albertas bitumen exploitation: We have engaged in legislation to provide for better regulation, better enforcement of responsible resource development in the oilsands and elsewhere (Proussalidis 2013). The nuanced wording used by Minister Kent is significant in that it did not actually state that legislation exists to provide for better regulation, nor that it would be enforced if it existed. Despite the foregoing policy statements and political rhetoric, the empirical data indicate that enforcement is exceedingly rare. In >99 % of cases, the evidence indicates that although a contravention occurred, the incident was closed. As Eckert (2006) has noted: environmental regulation is only as effective as its enforcement. Additionally, the data indicate that failures to report and late reporting may result in correspondence, but they are typically ignored in terms of enforcement. Four examples are provided to illustrate (Box VI.).


The enforcement rate is a function of Box VI. Examples of Failures to Report and Late enforcement actions in relation to the regulatory Reporting terms set out in approvals and legislation. As such, the enforcement rate could be increased by relaxing Have been disposing of coke byproduct in an area on site for the past couple of years & have not been approvals and legislation such that fewer reporting it in annual waste report. Will be in this contraventions occurred. Alternatively, more year's report. CM [EPO initials]: Approximately enforcement actions could be carried out. Both 3500 m3 of coke put in mine overburden storage facilities. Can not be recovered and is considered options would allow government to state that it is unapproved disposal. (305280, Syncrude Mildred holding industry accountable to regulations. The Lake, Alleged Contravention, No Impact). current situation, however, in which regulatory approvals and legislation are routinely contravened Failure to report emission surveys in upgrader. No without enforcement contradicts government sufficient notice given. (282441, Suncor Oil Sands, statements such as: Those who do not comply with Alleged Contravention, No Impact). Albertas environmental laws and regulations are Failure to report entire OTSG report to AENV as held responsible. required from Approval. (62500, Syncrude Mildred Given the almost wholesale lack of Lake, Notification, Regulation/Reporting). enforcement, it is not surprising that contraventions 2004 annual air report not received. (199674, number in the thousands. There is little or no downside to industry to contravene the terms of their Suncor Fort MacKay, Alleged Contravention, Air). approvals unless there is public outcry or negative media coverage brings political pressure to bear. Recent statements (5 April 2013) made to the media by Alberta Environment Minister Diana McQueen that tougher regulations are being proposed may therefore amount to little more than political posturing given that the regulations that currently exist are not being enforced. It is unclear why Alberta is not enforcing environmental regulations in the bitumen sands regions. At some point in the past, there may have been a policy decision made by the Alberta Government not to enforce legislation and approval regulations in the bitumen sands region. Enforcement in Alberta was found to be more likely in densely-populated areas than in sparselypopulated ones, perhaps because potential damages and/or political pressures were higher in the densely-populated areas (Eckert 2006). Given that some significant enforcement actions involved anonymous tips and complaints from the public and the initiation of private prosecutions (e.g., the Syncrude waterfowl mortality case), public involvement may be required to enjoin the Alberta government to enforce its regulations. In order to place the rate of enforcement in Albertas bitumen sands region in context, enforcement rates for violations of the Clean Water Act in the United States were compiled (Table 30). The average enforcement rate for violations of the Clean Water Act for the period 2004-2007 was 16.0 %, over 17 times the environmental enforcement rate in Albertas bitumen sands region (0.91 %). The median enforcement rate for violations of the Clean Water Act for the period 2004-2007 was 8.2 %, nine times the environmental enforcement rate in Albertas bitumen sands region. Although the enforcement rate of the Clean Water Act was considered to be low by Russell and Duhigg (2009), Albertas enforcement record is far lower. Of the 50 United States, only three states have a lower enforcement rate than that in Albertas bitumen sands region. Whatever the reasons(s) for the disconnect between the number of violations and enforcement actions, the fact remains that Albertas environmental regulations in the bitumen 179

sands region are not being upheld. Statements made by government to the effect that Those who do not comply with Albertas environmental laws and regulations are held responsible are not supported by the available evidence. Albertas environmental regulations as they relate to the bitumen industry in northeastern Alberta were not being enforced over the period 1996 to mid2012.


Table 28. Enforcement actions taken in the study region by the Alberta government between 1996 and 2012. Because the enforcement information is generalized, does not report incident numbers, nor in most cases incident dates, it is not possible to assign an incident number to the enforcement action. It is possible that few, if any, of the incidents that resulted in enforcement actions were disclosed in the EMS database. Alberta government source document file names are provided for each item. Note: as of May 2013, enforcement actions taken by the Alberta Ministry of Environment and Water were available at This initiative by government is a positive step towards increasing transparency.
Item Event Company Date
(1) 2 (3) 1996 1997 none found 23-9210-W4

Legal Location

Enforce- Action ment Date

1996 23-May- Warning 97 1998

Act / Regulation
EPEA 213(e)


Source (Alberta Govt. file name); Notes

1996-01-1996-12Annual.pdf 1997-01-1997-12Annual.pdf

none found Missed January 1997 weekly grab samples of the gypsum slurry and recycle water streams in the Athabasca River oil sands plant. ???

(4) 5

Suncor Energy Inc. 1998 not reported by company, no data after 31 March 1998 1999 not reported by company unspe- Syncrude cified Canada Ltd

1999 36-9211-4


unspe- Syncrude 6-93-10cified Canada Ltd. 4

unspe- Albian Sands 6-95-8-4 cified Energy Inc.

unspe- Syncrude 6-93-10cified Canada Ltd 4

unspe- Syncrude 6-93-10cified Canada Ltd 4

19-Jul-00 Administra- EPEA 213 The company operates an oil sands processing plant and an oil sands mine. It contravened section 6.1.1 of 2000-2001tive Penalty, (e) Approval 26-01-08, by disposing of liquid waste, Molyshield II Es, in the landfill and section 6.1.2 of the FiscalReportAssessed Approval by disposing of hazardous waste in the industrial landfill, by disposing of barrels containing Annual.pdf $6,500. mopheads, which contain solvents (varsol), and were used to absorb or remove waste lubricant from equipment, and these mopheads contain substances at concentrations that exceed the levels specified in the Alberta User Guide for Waste Managers, and are deemed to be hazardous waste. Penalty paid 9 August 2000. 30-May- Administra- EPEA 213 The company operates the Mildred Lake oil sands processing plant and mine. There are 3 contraventions of 2001-01-01-200101 tive Penalty, (e) emitting particulates at a level in excess of the levels in the Approval and 1 contravention of failing to 12-31-AnnualAssessed immediately take steps to reduce the excessive emissions. Penalty paid 6 June 2001. EPEA.pdf $10,000. 31-May- Administra- EPEA 213 The company was issued an approval for the construction, operation, and relocation of the Muskeg River 2001-01-01-200101 tive Penalty, (e) (Lease 13) Oil Sands processing plant and mine. There were contraventions of the approval by failing to sample 12-31-AnnualAssessed the discharge from the polishing pond; failing to report the failure to sample the discharge from the polishing EPEA.pdf $3,000. pond; and failing to monitor the contents of the polishing pond. Penalty paid 29 June 2001. 30-Aug- Administra- EPEA 213 The company operates the Mildred Lake oil sands processing plant and mine. The company failed to 2001-01-01-200101 tive Penalty, (e) immediately report the release of naphtha vapours from tank 20-D-27; failed to immediately report the release 12-31-AnnualAssessed of naphtha/nitrogen vapours from a diluted bitumen tank on 2 occasions; failed to immediately report the EPEA.pdf $13,000. release of hydrocarbon vapours from a dry bitumen tank on 2 occasions; failed to immediately report that the pilot flare out on the hydrocarbon flare stack went out; and failed to immediately report the release of naphtha/nitrogen vapours from a nitrogen blank recovery system. Included is a contravention of Section 99(1) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. Penalty paid 28 September 2001. 30-Aug- Administra- EPEA 213 The company operates the Mildred Lake oil sands processing plant and mine. The company contravened its 2001-01-01-200101 tive Penalty, (e) Approval by emitting an air contaminant, hydrogen sulfide, from Tank 20D27, a source not specified in S. 4.1.2 12-31-Annual-



unspe- Suncor 25-92cified Energy Inc. 10-W4


unspe- JACOS cified



April to Suncor October Energy Inc. 2002 unspe- Encana cified Christina Lake unspe- EnCana cified Corporation Christina Lake unspe- Syncrude cified Canada Ltd.




unspe- Suncor cified Energy Inc. unspecif Suncor ied Energy Inc.


The company operates the Fort McMurray oil sands processing plant and the operation and reclamation of the 2001-01-01-2001associated oil sands mine pursuant to an Approval. It failed to immediately report an Approval contravention 12-31-Annualwith respect to turbidity of potable water in excess of the approval limit. It also failed to immediately report two EPEA.pdf unauthorized releases of an ozone-depleting substance to the environment and this is a contravention of Section 99 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. 26-84- 5-Dec-02 Administra- EPEA (R) The company operates the Hangingstone in-situ heavy oil recovery plant pursuant to an Approval. It failed to 2002-10-2002-1211-W4 tive Penalty, 227(e) dispose of industrial wastewater in accordance with the provisions of the Approval. Penalty paid 7 January QuarterlyReport_Oc Assessed 2003. t-Dec2002.pdf $6,000. 13-19- 27-Feb- Warning EPEA (R) The company operates the Firebag Commercial In-situ Oil Sands Project pursuant to an Approval. It 2003-01-2003-0392-09- 03 Letter 227(e) contravened its Approval by submitting the Monthly Waterworks Reports late from April through October QuarterlyReport_Jan W4 2002. -Mar2003.pdf SE-16 14-Mar- Administra- EPEA (R) The company owns and operates an enhanced in-situ oil recovery facility at Christina Lake, pursuant to an 2003-01-2003-03and 17 of 03 tive Penalty, 227(e) Approval. It contravened its Approval by failing to meet the TSS limit of 25 mg/L for treated wastewater; QuarterlyReport_Jan -76-6Assessed failing to conduct weekly monitoring of raw wastewater; and failing to conduct weekly monitoring of treated -Mar2003.pdf W4 $4,500. wastewater. Penalty paid 26 March 2003. SE-16, 14-Mar- Administra- EPEA The company owns and operates an enhanced in-situ oil recovery facility at Christina Lake, pursuant to an 2003-01-2003-0317-76-6- 03 tive Penalty, (R)227(e) Approval. It contravened its Approval by failing to meet the TSS limit of 25 mg/L for treated wastewater; QuarterlyReport_Jan W4 Assessed failing to conduct weekly monitoring of raw wastewater; and failing to conduct weekly monitoring of treated -Mar2003.pdf $4,500. wastewater. Penalty paid 26 March 2003. 93-10- 28-Sep- EnvironEPEA The Company operates the Mildred Lake Oil Sands processing plant pursuant to an Approval. The Approval 2004-07-2004-09W4 04 mental (R)113 provides for the operation of three Carbon Monoxide Boilers which burn the off-gas from the Coker units to QuarterlyReport_Jul Protection generate steam. The off-gas from the Coker units contains amongst other materials, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen y-Sept2004.pdf Order sulphide and particulate materials, all of which may result in an adverse effect on the environment. The Approval provides for emissions from the three boiler diverter stacks during periods of operation problems, and one of the boilers experienced tube leaks resulting in a diversion of emissions to the diverter stacks. The boiler tubes have a number of tubes with a thickness in the range of 0.040 inches to 0.050 inches and the calculated tube burst thickness at operating pressure is approximately 0.030 inches. If there is a tube bursting, the boiler must be shut down in an immediate and unplanned fashion for repairs, resulting in a diversion of air emissions to the diverter stacks, and an unplanned shut down may result in the diversion of air emissions into the environment at a time and in conditions when an adverse effect on the environment may occur. Alberta Environment is of the opinion that a release of sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and particulates may occur, and the release may cause an adverse effect. Therefore, the Company shall submit a Plan and Implementation Schedule; implement the Plan; notify Alberta Environment at least 8 hours before undertaking any remedial work; and submit a final report within 7 days of completion of the remedial action. A final report was received and the conditions of this Order have been achieved. File closed 25 October 2004. 25-92- 9-Feb-05 Warning EPEA (R) The Company operates an Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine near Fort McMurray pursuant to an Approval. 2005-01-2005-0310-W4 Letter 227(e) It contravened its Approval when the free chlorine residual was low in treated water in the clearwell. QuarterlyReport_Jan -Mar2005.pdf 93-5-W4 18-Oct- Warning EPEA (R) The Company operates the Firebag Enhanced Recovery In-situ Oil Sands facility pursuant to an Approval. It 2005-10-2005-1205 Letter 227(e) contravened its Approval by submitting the 2004 Annual Air Emission Summary and Evaluation Report late; Quarterlyreport_Oct and failing to immediately report by telephone any contravention of the terms and conditions of the Approval. -Dec2005.pdf; Late reporting is common. It is

Assessed $5,000. 12-Sep- Warning 01 Letter

as being a permitted source. Penalty paid 28 September 2001. EPEA 213(e)




unspecif Syncrude 93-10ied Canada Ltd. W4



unspe- Syncrude 6-93-11- 18-Maycified Canada Ltd. W4; 6- 06 93-10W4


unspe- Devon 4-76-6- 31-Octcified Canada W4 06 Corporation


unspe- Syncrude 6-93-10- 27-Augcified Canada Ltd. W4 07


unspe- Suncor many cified Energy Inc.


unclear why a warning letter was issued in this case. Warning EPEA The Company operates the Mildred Lake Oil Sands processing plant and mine. It reported the release of H2S 2005-10-2005-12Letter 110(1) and NH3 late. Quarterlyreport_Oct -Dec2005.pdf; Late reporting is common. It is unclear why a warning letter was issued in this case. EnvironEPEA The Company operates the Mildred Lake Oil Sands processing plant pursuant to an Approval. The Approval 2006-04-2006-06mental (R)116 was amended to provide for the construction and operation of a Flue Gas Desulphurization Unit which uses an Quarterlyreport_Apr Protection ammonium sulphate solution to remove the sulphur dioxide from the flue gas before released the gas to the -June2006.pdf Order atmosphere. Various types of odour complaints were received from residents of Fort MacKay and Fort McMurray. The Company indicated the odour incident was caused when the ammonia flows had been mistakenly rerouted away from the FGD unit (where it is injected to remove SO2) triggering a series of automatic and undetectable corrections resulting in a surge of ammonia up the stack of the FGD unit. The Company advised Alberta Environment ["AENV"] that they believe that the source of the odours is the feedstock for the FGD unit, and that they are currently unable to control the mercaptan fraction of the feedstock. AENV is of the opinion that a release of ammonia and mercaptan like substances and other substances from the Company operations has occurred and may occur, and that the release is causing or has caused an offensive odour. The Company shall immediately cease operating the FGD unit, in a safe and orderly manner; submit a plan to AENV, for approval, prior to restarting the FGD unit; submit a report to AENV; submit and implement a plan that details the steps to be taken to ensure that the potential for an unplanned release from the FGD unit is alleviated; and submit written progress reports to AENV. Warning EPEA (R) The Company operates the Jackfish enhanced recovery in-situ oil sands pursuant to an Approval. It contravened 2006-10-2006-12Letter 227(e) its Approval by committing nonapproved land disturbance activities. QuarterlyReport_Oc t-Dec2006.pdf; Perhaps related to incident 207267 EnvironEPEA (R) The Company operates the Mildred Lake Oil Sands processing plant pursuant to an Approval. On many 2007-07-2007-09mental 113 occasions the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) alarms located near the effluent pond have sounded, indicating a release QuarterlyReport_Jul Protection of H2S to the atmosphere. Alberta Environment ("AENV") received various types of odour complaints. The -Sep2007.pdf Order Company sent sour water containing H2S concentrations from 592 ppm to 1720 ppm to the effluent pond on several occasions, and indicated the effluent pond is a likely source of ammonia releases and may be linked to the odour complaints. It has exceeded the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objective for both H2S and ammonia and AENV is of the opinion that releases of H2S and ammonia into the environment may have caused or may cause an adverse effect. It shall develop, submit, and implement a plan that details the steps to be taken to minimize inputs and emissions into and from the effluent pond; and submit written progress reports. Enforcement EPEA (R) The Company operates the Firebag Enhanced Recovery In-Situ Oil Sands or Heavy Oil Processing Plant and 2007-07-2007-09Order 227(e) Oil Production Site pursuant to an Approval. It contravened its approval by emitting effluent streams to the QuarterlyReport_Jul atmosphere from sources such as tanks, containing produced water, the production sales tank, the skim tanks, -Sep2007.pdf and the skimmed oil tanks. It has continuously vented produced gas containing hydrogen sulphide to the atmosphere from various tanks contained produced water with no vapour recovery unit pollution control equipment ever installed. There have been a number of instances where the measured values of H2S in the



unspe- Syncrude 6-93-10- 22-Oct- Amended cified Canada Ltd. W4 07 Environmental Protection Order

ambient air at a stationary air monitoring station exceeded the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives. The Company shall submit and implement an Interim Action Plan; submit and implement the Comprehensive Action Plan; provide written status reports; commission a third party Environmental Management System Audit; submit a Schedule of Implementation for the Environmental Management System Audit; and conduct the Environmental Management System Audit. EPEA (R) Amendment No. 1 to EPO-2007/01-NR issued, deleting October 1, 2007 in clause 2 and replacing it with 113 November 16, 2007.


begin- Suncor 23, 24, ning Energy Inc. 25, 26Nov 92-102006 W4 and persisting for 11 months

18-Dec- Environ07 mental Protection Order

EPEA (R) 113


unspecif Suncor 23, 24, ied Energy Inc. 25-9210-W4

10-Mar- Amended 08 Environmental Protection Order

EPEA (R) 113


1 Sept Suncor unspe2005 to Energy Inc. cified 1 January 2007

2-Apr-09 Prosecution, EPEA (R) Penalty: 227(e) $175,000.


1 Dec Suncor unspe2003 to Energy Inc. cified

2-Apr-09 Prosecution, EPEA (R) Penalty: 227(e)

2007-10-2007-12QuarterlyReport_Oc t-Dec2007.pdf; This amendment evidently refers to the EPO listed in item 22 The Company operates the Fort McMurray Oil Sands Processing plant pursuant to an Approval. The Approval 2007-10-2007-12requires the Company to conduct, operate and maintain, and report on ambient air monitoring. During the last QuarterlyReport_Oc eleven months there have been many instances where the measured values of H2S in the ambient air at t-Dec2007.pdf stationary air monitoring stations downwind from the plant have exceeded the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives for H2S. It had several incidents in which there have been releases of substances that caused or had the potential to cause an adverse effect. The ground level concentration (GLC) Exceedances and Emissions Management Program that began in November 2006 has not resulted in improved environmental outcomes. Alberta Environment ["AENV"] is of the opinion that the Company is contributing to regional GLC exceedances measured as H2S which may cause adverse effects. It shall continue the work proposed in its GLC and Emissions Management Program; develop, submit a Monitoring Plan; develop and submit a Modeling Plan; develop and submit a Diluent Management Plan; immediately restrict diluent losses to the tailings ponds to rates of 1400 bbls/day; and submit written progress reports on a monthly basis. Amendment No. 1 to EPO-2007/02-NR issued substituting March 27, 2008 for February 7, 2008 in Clause 7. Enforcement_Action s_Q1_2008.pdf; This amendment evidently refers to the EPO listed in item 25 Count 1: On or between the 1st day of September 2005 and the 1st day of January, 2007, both dates inclusive, Enforcement_Action at or near Fort McMurray in the Province of Alberta, did contravene a term or condition of an approval, to wit: s_Q2_2009.pdf; See Section 5.1.2 of Approval 72754-01-00 issued for the Suncor Millennium Wastewater System with respect to footnote * the monthly arithmetic mean of daily samples for Total Suspended Solids (TSS), the said offence first coming to the attention of the Director within the meaning of section 226(b) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act on March 26, 2007 and did thereby commit an offence contrary to section 227(e) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.-On 2 April 2009 Suncor Energy Inc. ["Suncor"] and coaccused Compass Group Canada Ltd. ["Compass"] each plead [ sic, pled] guilty and were sentenced to a global penalty of $400,000. Suncor was sentenced to a fine of $175,000 and Compass was sentenced to a fine of $225,000. $300,000 of the fine will be directed towards a creative sentence to the Alberta Water and Wastewater Operator's Association ("AWWOA") for the purpose of updating the AWWOA operator training course materials, funding a new water and wastewater operator scholarship, and subsidizing operator training courses and seminars to encourage attendance of operators from small rural public facilities. Both the agreed to funds of the creative sentencing order and fine were paid 12 May 2009. Count 2: On or between the 1st day of December 2003, and 20th day of July 2006, both dates inclusive, at or Enforcement_Action near Fort McMurray in the Province of Alberta did contravene a term or condition of an approval: to wit s_Q2_2009.pdf


20 July 2006


7-Jul-05 Suncor unspeEnergy Inc. cified


unspe- Suncor 24-92cified Energy Inc. 10-W4




unspe- Suncor 23, 24, cified Energy Inc. 25, 2692-10W4 unspe- Suncor 23, 24, cified Energy Inc 25, 2692-10W4 26 Suncor 23, 24, August Energy Inc. 25, 26to 31 92-10August W4 2007


8-Sep- Suncor unspe07 Energy Inc. cified

Approval No. 80105-00- 01, section 4.2.6 which states: The approval holder shall ensure that all produced water tanks are connected to the vapour recovery system and did commit an offence contrary to section 227(e) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, evidence of the offence having first come to the attention of the Director on July 20, 2006. The Company plead guilty 2 April 2009 and was sentenced to a fine of $142,500.00. In addition to the fine, it was sentenced to a creative sentence order of $195,000. The University of Calgary will receive $157,500.00 to develop a Regulatory Compliance Project to examine organizational failures that resulted in these offences, and produce tools for better regulatory compliance by corporations in the oil and gas industry. Keyano College will receive $37,500.00 to establish a scholarship that will support education for local young people in Environmental and Conservation Science. Both the agreed to funds of the creative sentencing order and fine were paid 12 May 2009. 2-Apr-09 Prosecution, EPEA (R) Count 4: On or about July 7, 2005, at or near Fort McMurray in the Province of Alberta did provide false or Enforcement_Action Penalty: 227(b) misleading information pursuant to a requirement under the Act to provide that information that with respect to s_Q2_2009.pdf $337,500. the plant operated under Approval No. 80105-00-01, all produced water tanks are connected to the vapour recovery system and did thereby commit an offence contrary to section 227(b) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, evidence of the offence having first come to the attention of the Director on July 20, 2006. The Company plead guilty 2 April 2009 and was sentenced to a fine of $142,500.00. In addition to the fine, it was sentenced to a creative sentence order of $195,000. The University of Calgary will receive $157,500.00 to develop a Regulatory Compliance Project to examine organizational failures that resulted in these offences, and produce tools for better regulatory compliance by corporations in the oil and gas industry. Keyano College will receive $37,500.00 to establish a scholarship that will support education for local young people in Environmental and Conservation Science. Both the agreed to funds of the creative sentencing order and fine were paid 12 May 2009. 6-Aug-09 Administra- EPEA (R) The Company operates an oil sands processing plant and mine. The Company failed to maintain the vapour Enforcement_Action tive Penalty, 227(e) control system and released vapours containing hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulphide to the environment from s_Q3_2009.pdf Assessed Tank 20D-1 which is not a permitted source of effluent emissions identified in the Approval. Further, the $5,000. Company did not immediately report the release of said vapours as required by the Approval. Paid 1 September 2009. 26-Sep- Administra- EPEA (R) The Company operates the Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine pursuant to an approval. It contravened its Enforcement_Action 09 tive Penalty, 227(e) license when it did not exercise due diligence concerning the release of effluent streams (H2S and S02) into the s_Q3_2009.pdf Assessed atmosphere from a source that was not specified in the Approval as an approved source. Paid 1 October 2009. $4,000. 29-Sep- Administra- EPEA (R) The Company operates the Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine pursuant to an Approval. It contravened its Enforcement_Action 09 tive Penalty, 227(e) license when it did not exercise due diligence concerning the release of effluent streams (H2S and S02) into the s_Q3_2009.pdf Assessed atmosphere from a source that was not specified in the Approval as an approved source. Paid 1 October 2009. $4,000. 14-Oct- Administra- EPEA (R) The Company operates the Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine pursuant to an Approval. It contravened its Enforcement_Action 09 tive Penalty, 227(e) license by releasing vapours containing nitrogen, hydrocarbons and H2S through ineffective operation of the s_Q4_2009.pdf Assessed VRU hydrogen sulphide treatment unit for the periods of August 26th through August 31st, 2007; and failure to $5,000. immediately report this contravention of the Approval. Notice of Appeal received 13 November 2009 by the Environmental Appeal Board. Amended Notice of Administrative Penalty issued 5 February 2010 reducing the total penalty by $2500.00 for the reporting contravention. Paid in full ($5000.00) 8 February 2010. Discontinuance of Proceedings received by the Environmental Appeal Board 10 February 2010. File Closed. 30-Nov- Warning EPEA (R) The Company operates the Fort McMurray Oil sands Plant pursuant to an Approval. It contravened its license Enforcement_Action 09 Letter 227(e) with the release of substances from the industrial wastewater ponds into the Athabasca River exceeding s_Q4_2009.pdf; approved limits on September 8, 2007. Detected by anonymous tip (from




unspe- Suncor 24-92cified Energy Inc. 10-W4


unspe- Suncor unspecified Energy Inc. cified


unspe- Suncor unspecified Energy Inc. cified


28-Apr- Syncrude unspe08 Canada Ltd. cified

13-Jan- Administra- EPEA (R) 10 tive Penalty, 227(e) Assessed $4,000. 28-May- Administra- EPEA (R) 10 tive Penalty, 227(e) Assessed $4,500. 25-Jun- Administra- EPEA (R) 10 tive Penalty, 227(e) Assessed $28,000. 22-Oct- Prosecution, EPEA (R) 10 Penalty: 227(j) $250,000.

The Company operates an Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine pursuant to an Approval. It contravened its approval when it did not exercise appropriate due diligence concerning the failure to ensure combustion of all combustible gases from flares 19F-1 and 19F-3. Paid 19 January 2010. The Company operates an Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine pursuant to an Approval. It contravened its approval when it did not exercise appropriate due diligence concerning the failure to ensure combustion of all combustible gases from flares 19F-1 and 19F-3. Paid 8 June 2010.

tipster to Timoney to Fort Chipewyan leadership) Enforcement_Action s_Q1_2010.pdf

Enforcement_Action s_Q2_2010.pdf


28-Apr- Syncrude unspe08 Canada Ltd. cified


28 Sept Suncor unspe2007 to Energy Inc. cified 15 Sept 2008


unspe- CNRL cified


The Company operates an Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine pursuant to an approval. It contravened its Enforcement_Action approval when it failed to operate in compliance with the limits specified in the approval, failed to operate in s_Q2_2010.pdf compliance with the approval conditions resulting in unauthorized emissions to the environment, and failing to immediately report a contravention of the approval. Paid 16 July 2010. Count 1: On or about the 28th day of April, 2008, at or near Fort McMurray, in the Province of Alberta did fail Enforcement_Action to keep or store a hazardous substance in a manner that ensures that the hazardous substance does not directly s_Q4_2010.pdf; or indirectly come into contact with or contaminate any animals, contrary to section 155 of the Environmental Syncrude waterfowl Protection and Enhancement Act and did thereby commit an offence contrary to section 227(j) of the event, detected by Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. Pled guilty and was sentenced to a $300,000 monetary fine anonymous tip imposed under the Migratory Birds Convention Act; a $500,000 monetary fine under EPEA, $250,000 of which will be applied to creative sentencing for Wildlife Management Technician Diploma Program; $1,300,000 to be put into a trust at the U of A for the sole purpose of funding the Research on Avian Protection Project; and $900,000 to be put into an account with the Alberta Conservation Association ("Waterfowl Habitat Fund"). 22-Oct- Prosecution, MBCA Count 2: On or about the 28th day of April, 2008, A.D., at or near Fort McMurray, in the Province of Alberta, Enforcement_Action 10 Penalty: 13(1) Syncrude Canada Ltd. did unlawfully deposit a substance that is harmful to migratory birds, or permit such a s_Q4_2010.pdf; $300,000. substance to be deposited, in waters or an area frequented by migratory birds or in a place from which the Syncrude waterfowl substance may enter such waters or such an area, contrary to Section 5.1(1) of the Migratory Birds Convention event, detected by Act, 1994, S.C. 1994, c. 22, as amended, thereby committing an offence under Section 13(1) of that Act. Pled anonymous tip guilty and was sentenced to a $300,000 monetary fine imposed under the Migratory Birds Convention Act; a $500,000 monetary fine under EPEA, $250,000 of which will be applied to creative sentencing for Wildlife Management Technician Diploma Program; $1,300,000 to be put into a trust at the U of A for the sole purpose of funding the Research on Avian Protection Project; and $900,000 to be put into an account with the Alberta Conservation Association ("Waterfowl Habitat Fund"). 15-Apr- Prosecution, WA Count 1: On or between the 28th day of September 2007 and the 15th day of September 2008, both dates Enforcement_Action 11 Penalty: 142(1)(e) inclusive, at or near Fort McMurray, in the Province of Alberta, did contravene a term or condition of an s_Q2_2011.pdf $275,000. approval; to wit Approval No. 00239109-00-00, Condition 2 which states: The approval holder shall undertake the activity in accordance with this approval and the plans and reports filed in the following Departmental Records: Water Management Plan for Suncor Energy Inc. Voyager Upgrader Limited Scope Approval Application December 2006 and did thereby commit an offence contrary to section 142(1)(e) of Water Act. Pled guilty and was sentenced to a fine of $275,000. Paid 10 May 2011. 2-Aug-11 Administra- EPEA (R) The Company operates an Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine pursuant to an Approval. It contravened its Enforcement_Action tive Penalty, 227(e) approval when it did not exercise appropriate due diligence concerning the operation of its wet gas compressor s_Q3_2011.pdf Assessed and sulphur recovery units which resulted in the operation of the Plant without pollution abatement equipment, $22,500. the exceedance of sulphur dioxide rolling average limits, and a failure to report those exceedances immediately. Paid 29 September 2011.




9-Jul-10 Syncrude 22-93- 5-Jul-12 AdministraCanada Ltd. 11-W4, tive Penalty, 17-93Assessed 10-W4 $5,000. Mar-12 Devon 28-75-6- 17-Jul-12 Warning Canada W4 Letter Corporation

EPEA (R) The Company failed to immediately report the release of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) and Ammonia (NH3) on 111(1), July 9, 2010. Paid 20 July 2012. 110(1) EPEA (R) The Company operates the Jackfish enhanced recovery insitu oil sands and heavy oil processing plant and oil 227(e) production site pursuant to an Approval. It failed to submit all monthly reports required by the approval on or before the end of the month following the month in which the information was collected, on March 3, 2012.


8706.pdf; The incident leading to this warning letter was not released in the routine disclosure. This is surprising given that the incident was resolved on 17 July 2012, which was before the end date of the second routine disclosure.

* This complex incident is important. It documents a further concern with release of suspended solids-- that is the falsification of information. This incident was related to prosecution of Compass Group Canada (Beaver) Ltd., a contractor for Suncor: Count 1: On or between the 1st day of September 2005 and the 1st day of January 2007, both dates inclusive, at or near Fort McMurray, in the Province of Alberta did contravene a term or condition of an approval, to wit: Section 2.1.1 of Approval 72754-01-00 issued with respect to the Suncor Millennium Wastewater System, which provides as follows: The approval holder shall immediately report by telephone any contravention of the terms and condition of this approval to the Director at 1-780-422-4505 by failing to report violations of section 5.1.2 of the said Approval with respect to the monthly arithmetic mean of daily samples for the parameter Total Suspended Solids (TSS), the said offence first coming to the attention of the Director within the meaning of section 226(b) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act on March 26, 2007 and did thereby commit an offence contrary to section 227(e) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, the limitation period being extended by virtue of the application of section 786(2) of the Criminal Code. -On 2 April 2009 Suncor Energy Inc. ["Suncor"] and co-accused Compass Group Canada Ltd. ["Compass"] each plead [ sic, pled] guilty and were sentenced to a global penalty of $400,000. Suncor was sentenced to a fine of $175,000 and Compass was sentenced to a fine of $225,000. $300,000 of the fine will be directed towards a creative sentence to the Alberta Water and Wastewater Operator's Association ("AWWOA") for the purpose of updating the AWWOA operator training course materials, funding a new water and wastewater operator scholarship, and subsidizing operator training courses and seminars to encourage attendance of operators from small rural public facilities. Both Suncor and Compass provided the agreed to funds of the creative sentencing order 12 May 2009. Fine paid 5 Ju ne 2009. Also related to this incident was the pro secution and conviction of Rodney Tyrone McCabe (and R&D McCabe Ltd.) on 12 counts related to providing false or misleading information about the Suncor Millennium Wastewater System and related facilities (see pages 12 to 18 of Enforcement_Actions_Q2_2009.pdf)


Table 29. An example of several incidents related to bitumen exploitation that led to enforcement actions for company approvals that were not covered in this study. These companies were not included in the present study because the company approvals specified in the routine disclosure requests were identified based on search for incident records in the Alberta Environment Library. Only company approvals for which the library search found incidents were included in the subsequent routine disclosure request filed with government.
Event Date unspecified Company Gulf Canada Resources Limited (Surmont is now operated by Conoco Phillips) Legal Location 24-83-7-4 Enforcement Action Date 21-Mar-01 Administrative Penalty, Assessed $15,000. Act/Regula- Comments tion EPEA 213 The company operates the Surmont Enhanced Recovery In-Situ (e) Heavy Oil Plant at which they failed to calculate SO2 source emissions from the Central Facility Flare Stack; failed to calculate SO2 source emissions from the Steam Generator; failed to monitor Produced Gas source emissions; failed to continuously monitor Ambient Air for total sulphation and H2S levels; late submission of required monthly Central Facility Flare Stack SO2 source emission report; late submission of monthly Steam Generator SO2 source emission report; failed to submit required monthly Produced Gas source emissions report; failed to submit required monthly Ambient Air Monitoring report and late submission of the monthly Ambient Air Monitoring report; late submission of the 1999 Annual Central Facility Flare Stack SO2 Source Emissions report, 1999 annual Steam Generator SO2 Source Emissions report and 1999 Annual Industrial Wastewater Runoff information; late submission of the Proposal for the Groundwater Monitoring Program and late submission of the 1999 Annual Land Reclamation report. Penalty paid 18 April 2001. Warning EPEA 213 Failure to report the release of wastewater from the sewage lagoon letter (e) in excess of the total suspended solid limits specified in the Approval. Also a failure to report a missed Chemical Oxygen Demand test on the stormwater pond. Warning EPEA 213 The company constructed and operated a 195 Horsepower Booster letter (e) Compressor at the Newby sour gas plant without obtaining an amendment to its Approval. Administra- EPEA(R) The Company operates the Kirby Enhanced Recovery In-Situ Oil tive Penalty, 67(1), 227(e) Sands Plant pursuant to an Approval. It contravened its licence by Assessed failing to submit the decommissioning and final land reclamation $4,500. plan and conducting the decommissioning activities without the required approval amendment. Paid 28 September 2009. Warning EPEA 59 This company operates a 500-man work camp approximately 100 letter kilometres south of Fort McMurray. This camp has a wastewater treatment facility and it was operating without a current Approval. Warning WA The Company contravened its Water Act Licence with the daily Letter 142(1)(e) maximum diversion rate of 157m3/day being exceeded at least nineteen times and monthly water level measurements were not conducted at CW-12. Source (Alberta Govt. file name); Notes 2001-01-01-2001-12-31-AnnualEPEA.pdf; Many contraventions in this single administrative penalty. The Surmont operation was later taken over by Conoco Phillips under the approval 48263. Apparently the operation run under Gulf Canada Resources is not part of the routine disclosure release. The first incident listed under Approval 48263 took place on 23 April 2007.


Northstar Energy Corporation





Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. CNRL

NW-4-85-4- 6-Nov-01 4 21-73-7-W4 3-Sep-09

2001-01-01-2001-12-31-AnnualEPEA.pdf Enforcement_Actions_Q3_2009.pdf



PTI Group Inc.

SE-4-81-13- 14-Feb-01 4 SE-12-76-7- 23-Nov-11 W4

2001-01-01-2001-12-31-AnnualEPEA.pdf 8466.pdf


Black Diamond Leasing Inc.


Table 30. Enforcements as percentage of violations of the Clean Water Act in the United States in comparison to enforcements imposed upon major operators in Albertas bitumen sands region (see Table 28). For the United States, the period of record is 2004-2007 and the relevant statute is the federal Clean Water Act (from Russell and Duhigg 2009). For Alberta, the period of record is 1996 through July 2012 and the relevant statutes are the Alberta EPEA and the federal Migratory Birds Act. Enforcement State Enforcement (%) (%) Alabama 10.1 Montana 1.0 Alaska 20.4 Nebraska 23.9 Arizona 1.9 Nevada * 5.2 Arkansas 2.7 New Hampshire 9.1 California 24.6 New Jersey 53.5 Colorado 2.8 New Mexico 13.5 Connecticut 3.7 New York 6.4 Delaware 7.8 North Carolina 85.8 Florida 42.7 North Dakota 0.0 Georgia 48.2 Ohio 1.0 Hawaii 0.3 Oklahoma 46.4 Idaho 3.3 Oregon 65.3 Illinois 7.3 Pennsylvania 5.2 Indiana 4.0 Rhode Island 24.5 Iowa 2.6 South Carolina 14.9 Kansas 11.7 South Dakota 1.8 Kentucky 11.9 Tennessee 1.8 Louisiana 25.3 Texas 7.6 Maine 3.5 Utah 6.2 Maryland 36.0 Vermont 4.2 Massachusetts 5.7 Virginia 25.0 Michigan 11.2 Washington 8.6 Minnesota 12.4 West Virginia 27.6 Mississippi 1.9 Wisconsin 33.0 Missouri 0.8 Wyoming * 27.0 United States Mean Enforcement % 16.0 United States Median Enforcement % 8.2 Alberta Bitumen Sands Region Enforcement % 0.9
* In the Russell and Duhigg data (2009), the values for enforcement rate and enforcements per year were apparently transposed (Nevada: 100.6 %, 5.2/year; Wyoming: 425.5%, and 27.0/year); a clarification request was sent to one of the authors, but no response was received; we have assumed the lower of two values in each case such that Nevada and Wyoming enforcement rates are 5.2% and 27.0%, respectively; as a check, elimination of the Nevada and Wyoming data resulted in no changes in either the mean or the median enforcement rates (16.0% average, 8.2 % median).



5.3 Why Are Environmental Incidents Frequent in the Region?

The bitumen operations are technologically complex, functionally interconnected, and large. The operations are run to maximize production. Large volumes of hazardous materials are used, processed, or released every day. Because the plants run at maximum rates, at high pressure and high volume, any upset, such as a power outage, loss of a seal or gasket, a plugged vent, an overload, ice formation, a leak, a malfunction in a control circuit, or a human error, can have a significant effect. The narrow margin for error in a high throughput system with strong feedbacks means that incidents are inevitable. As a result, there is a high probability of unit upsets that are associated with exceedances and other incidents. The majority of incidents take place at two operations: Suncor Oil Sands and Syncrude Mildred Lake. There are several factors that may help to explain the high frequency of incidents at those two operations. These are: (1) Syncrude and Suncor may report incidents more diligently than do other operations. This is a possibility that is difficult to evaluate. It may be true, but there is no evidence available to support it. (2) The culture of industrial safety may be less successful at Suncor and Syncrude than at the other operations. Again, this may be true, but there is no evidence available to support it. (3) The scale, complexity, and number of industrial processes taking place at the Syncrude and Suncor operations is greater than those of the other operations. (4) Both Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands are old operations that have grown over time. Both operations are industrial chimeras of old and new technology, machinery, pipelines, tanks, boilers, and other infrastructure. Both Suncor and Syncrude are aware of new technology, equipment, and processing techniques, but they are at a disadvantage in that their operations were designed in an era that is, in technological terms, the distant past. The boundaries of their operational domain are defined by decisions made decades ago. The scale and complexity of the operations can be difficult to comprehend. The approval specifications for Suncor (Alberta Environment 2007a), for example, permit the company to emit effluent streams from 66 fixed location stacks and vents (Box VII). The list does not address wind-eroded dust, moving emissions sources such as vehicle exhaust and dust raised by vehicles, fugitive emissions, and outgassing from mine faces. Because the question of incident causality is important, an engineering and environmental audit that is consistent across all approvals should be conducted by government. Its results might identify whether particular processes, machinery, and practices give rise to the majority of incidents.


Box VII. Sixty-six Approved Fixed-Location Emissions Sources at Suncor Oil Sands (from Alberta Environment 2007a) The approval holder shall only emit effluent streams to the atmosphere from the following sources: (a) the new main powerhouse stack (37F-01); (b) the old main powerhouse stack (31F-7); (c) the thermal oxidation unit 1 stack (8F-5); (d) the vapour recovery unit stack; (e) the acid gas flare stack (19F-2); (f) the two hydrocarbon flare stacks (19F-1 and 19F-3); (g) the hydrogen plant flare stack (6F-3); (h) the two froth heater stacks (3C-20 and 3C-21); (i) the three froth deaerator stacks (3D-62, 3C-22A, 3C-22B); (j) the two conditioning drum vents (3R-220 and 3R-232); (k) the E Process Line vent (3R-24); (l) the three diluent heater stacks (5F-1A, 5F-1B, and 5F-5); (m) the four coker feed heater stacks (5F-2, 5F-3, 5F-4, and 5F-6); (n) the decoke drum vent (5C-35); (o) the reformer furnace stacks (6F-2); (p) the hydrogenation preheat furnace stack (6F-5); (q) the hydrogen plant carbon dioxide removal unit stack (6C13); (r) the naphtha charge heater stack (7F-1); (s) the naphtha depropanizer boiler heater stack (7F-2); (t) the kerosene charge heater stack (7F10); (u) the stripper reboiler stack (7F-11); (v) the three gas oil charge heater stacks(7F-20A/B/C); (w) the plant 8 sulphur pit vent; (x) the naphtha recovery unit (NRU) absorber stack (16C-5); (y) the plant 34 slop tanks caustic scrubber tower vent (34C-2); (z) steam vents; (aa) the diluent heater stack (25F-1); (bb) the vacuum distillation unit heater stack (25 F-2); (cc) the froth deaerator stack associated with the sixth line in the bitumen separation circuit; (dd) vents associated with the East Bank Plant Site hydrotransport slurry preparation facilities (rotary drum breakers and pump boxes, and wet storage tank vents); (ee) the hot process water surge tank vents; (ff) gas turbines GTG-5 and GTG-6 main stacks; (gg) Millennium ore preparation plant vents associated with the hydrotransport slurry preparation facilities (rotary drum breakers and pump boxes and agitation/surge tank vents, Millennium froth deaerator stacks); (hh) Millennium diluent heater stacks (52F-101A/B); (ii) Millennium coker charge heater stacks (52F-300/301/302); (jj) Millennium gas-oil charge heater stack (55F-300); (kk) Millennium hydrogen plant degasifiers (54C-105, 66C-105); (ll) Millennium naphtha charge heater stack (55F-100); (mm) Millennium diesel charge heater stack (55F-200); (nn) Millennium diesel stripper reboiler stack (55F-201); (oo) The thermal oxidation unit 2 stack (53F-611); (pp) Millennium and Millennium coker unit H2S/HC flare stacks (59F-101/102); (qq) Millennium SWS flare stack (53F-612); (rr) Millennium sulphur pit vents (53D-300/400, and 68D-300); (ss) Millennium hydrogen reformer furnace stacks (54F-102, 66F-102); (tt) Millennium and Millennium coker unit hydrogen flares (54F103, 66F-103); (uu) Millennium vacuum tower charge heater stacks (57F-2 A/B); (vv) Millennium diluent tower heater stacks (57F-1 A/B); (ww) Millennium coker unit naphtha hydrotreater heater stack (64F-100); (xx) the froth deaerator vents associated with the Steepbank Extraction Plant; (yy) the Firebag pipeline maintenance flare stack; (zz) Voyageur thermal oxidation unit 4 stack (208F- 611); (aaa) Voyageur hydrogen reformer furnace stack (206F-102); (bbb) Voyageur hydrogen plant degasifier (206C-105); (ccc) Voyageur coker charge heater stacks (205F-300/301/302); (ddd) Voyageur diesel hydrotreater heater stacks (207F200A/B, 207F-201); (eee) Voyageur gas oil hydrotreater heater stacks (207F-300A/B); (fff) Voyageur naphtha hydrotreater heater stack (207F-100); (ggg) Voyageur package boiler exhaust stacks (214F-103, 214F-203); (hhh) Voyageur vacuum tower heater stacks (202F-200A/B); (iii) Voyageur gasifier, high pressure boiler package heater stacks; (jjj) Voyageur sour water stripper flare stack (208F-612); (kkk) Voyageur hydrogen flare stack (206F-103); (lll) Voyageur H2S/HC flare stack (219F-100); (mmm) Voyageur East Tank Farm thermal oxidizer stack (220F-202); (nnn) Voyageur Upgrader pipeline pig trap scrubber stacks; and (ooo) any other sources for which the approval holder receives prior written authorization or an approval amendment from the Director.


As documented in the results, there is a diversity of ways for an incident to occur. Several more incidents are provided to illustrate (Box VIII.). Incident (1) illustrates how an emergency action is taken to prevent damage downstream. The downstream in question is the production stream of the operation, not a reference to the ecosystem. Incident (2) illustrates overloading as a cause for excessive emissions and a contravention. Incident (3) illustrates some connections in the production system and multiple malfunctions. It also illustrates the high H2S concentration of sour water. Incident (4) illustrates yet another cause for an environmental incidentthe gassing up of a pump. Such a malfunction would be relatively minor in most situations but in the bitumen operations, the materials being pumped are often hazardous, which means that a seemingly minor malfunction can result in dangerous conditions. Incident (5) illustrates ice buildup as a cause of malfunction; the dynamic nature of an incident in a complex industrial environment; major flaring; an SO2 contravention; and the difficulty of bringing the system back to normal operation.
Box VIII. Plant Upsets, System Feedbacks, and Environmental Impacts: Five Incident Examples (1) Currently - an emergency situation, Lost sulfur plant - needed to vent to prevent damage downstream. As a result, water had to be removed from the coker 8.1 diverter stack loop seal (water would normally prevent venting). Potential to release coke & SO2. Maybe some venting. (140097, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Air). (2) NRU (naphtha recovery unit) in extraction unit vented and tripped twice due to being overloaded. (156241, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Air). (3) Sour water stripper not working. Concentration of H2S get very high (up to 900 ppm). Cannot route it to the naphtha recovery unit (NRU) since it is also under repaired [repair]. So it has to be routed to the holding pond, which will lead to a violation, unless getting approval from AENV. Needs to speak to the on-call investigator right away (paged on-call investigator). (166510, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, Air) (4) Pump 16-3G-103 - this pump is pumping NH3 and it gassed up and had to vent pump to get it going again. An alarm went off and contractors went to medical centre onsite (complaints of irritation to throats). (204158, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Alleged Contravention, Air). (5) Upgrader stack, SO2 exceedances. Are investigating. Ice fell on instrumentation wiring & tripped SRU (this is what he has heard was the cause). Will know more later. Related to calls of last report.; Potential for offsite odours. Both sulfur collecting train units; major flaring incident is ongoing; staff working on units to bring on line; rite [rate?] reduction. Staff monitoring ambient status. No estimate of volume of release.; Both SO2 Recovery units were on line by 22:00hrs. At 0100 another shutdown occurred, both units went down; 0135 units started up again. Problems are ongoing. Lab is monitoring the stations nothing has shown up.; 4 hr rolling average for SO2 will be exceeded. Caused by yesterday's problems. (4329, Suncor Oil Sands, Alleged Contravention, Regulation/Reporting).

Although the EMS database is the focus of this report, there are other sources of information that document the complexity of the bitumen operations and their propensity for malfunctions and consequent releases to the environment. In excess of a thousand examples of how the operations have malfunctioned over the years could be provided which would allow the reader to explore the functional complexity of these operations (the database is available from the authors). Such an exploration lies beyond the scope of the present study. As an illustration of 192

system complexity and the usage of alternate sources of information that document system malfunctions, three examples are provided below from a Syncrude (2012a) monthly report. Diverter stacks are used when an upset condition prevents the normal routing of materials. The rerouted materials are released through a diverter stack. Three instances of diverter stack usage at Syncrude Mildred Lake follow (Syncrude 2012a): (1) 2 April 2011, start time 01:10, duration 47.83 hours, diverter stack 8-3: A discharge bellow on an ammonium sulphate slurry recirculation pump failed resulting in ammonium sulphate spraying onto all 4 pumps and causing them to fail. This resulted in the inoperability of the Plant 26-1 FGD and the subsequent diverting of the Coker 8-3 burner fuel gas through the diverter stack. This resulted in release of 22.05 tonnes of H2S and 172.27 tonnes of total sulphur. (2) 27-28 July 2011, start time 16:35, duration 13.34 hours, diverter stack 8-3: A series of alarms associated with Plant 26-1 instrument malfunctions were registered on the Plant 26-1 (FGD) panel. Following this the Plant 25-1 CO Boilers (3 and 4) tripped as per design in order to prevent hot flue gas from damaging the Plant 26-1 ducting. This resulted in the diversion of the 8-3 Coker burner overhead gas to atmosphere via the Coker 8-3 Diverter Stack. A lightning strike in the area is the likely cause for this event. This resulted in release of 5.70 tonnes of H2S and 38.86 tonnes of total sulphur (3) 12 January 2011, main stack, opacity >40 % [in excess of licensed limits], duration 1.0 hour, sheet number 255017: Coke Silo 8-0 was out of service to facilitate a line repair. This repair work experienced a delay due to fit issues and as a result the dipleg on the elutriator on Coker 81 experienced plugging. This pluggage caused an excess of coke to be carried over to the 8-1 precipitators resulting in high opacity from the main stack. As Ludwig et al. (1993) have demonstrated, wealth tends to generate powerful alliances of government and special interest groups that promote exploitation. EMS records provide scripted statements that reinforce this point. EMS records state that Alberta Environment (AESRD) continues to work with industry: AENV continues to work with industry regarding odours and exceedances. No further action taken by AENV at this time; AENV continues to work with Suncor on these exceedance issues; AENV continues to monitor CNRL with issues such as late reporting. No further action taken by AENV at this time; AENV continues to work with Suncor on such emergency issues such as this fire. No further action taken by AENv at this time. Over time, a complex and interconnected industrial production system has developed in close partnership with the Alberta government. Powerful alliances, such as that between the energy industry and government, are apt to distort information to meet organizational needs, develop complex technological systems of immense power, and sustain self-deception concerning the catastrophic risks of their activities (Bella 1987). The Alberta governments reliance on industrial self-reporting, coupled with a decline in government-run environmental monitoring and its replacement with industrial-government stakeholder monitoring agencies such as RAMP, has the effect of reducing political accountability and governments ability to make informed decisions (Timoney 2011).


In Albertas bitumen sands operations, a long-standing alliance has developed that is designed to maximize exploitation of a valuable resource. The EMS records demonstrate a nearly complete lack of enforcement of thousands of contraventions and underestimate the number of contraventions by relying on industrial self-reporting rather than upon independent monitoring data. For many years, EPEA regulations and approval requirements have been routinely violated with little substantive actions taken other than to record the incidents. A large and technologically complex mining, processing, and transportation system with strong feedbacks and narrow error tolerances has developed over time that contributes to a high frequency of incidents and releases of potentially hazardous materials to air, land, and water. 5.3.1 What Factors Affect the Incident Rate? The rate of incidents varies over both the short-term (days and weeks) and the long-term (years). Many factors might affect the incident rate. An analysis of the relative importance of those factors lies beyond the scope of this study, but in brief these are: (1) Changes in reporting requirements; (2) Changes in industrial personnel; (3) The use of contractors as opposed to company personnel; (4) Increases in overall industrial activity; (5) Changes in technology; (6) Variations in reporting diligence amongst individuals and companies; (7) Uncontrolled events such as power outages, wildfires, and extreme weather; and (8) Random variations. What is clear, however, is that the incident rates documented in this study are minima for three reasons: (1) An unknown number of incidents are not reported to the EMS. (2) An unknown number of incidents were reported but were not released by AESRD in this routine disclosure. (3) A single incident is sometimes composed of many incidents (e.g., air contraventions).

5.4 A Failure to Provide Freedom of Information and a Major Unknown

As a result of studying the routine disclosure incidents, many questions arose. In hope that the Alberta Government would help to remove some of the unknowns, a short list of questions was prepared. First an environmental protection officer answered a variety of queries. Soon thereafter, he wrote by email (18 March 2013): I have been advised to refrain from providing further interpretation or clarification for your study. If you have any further questions please contact Charles MacDonald, District Environmental Assurance Manager in Fort McMurray at 780-743-7281. The researchers then phoned the Fort McMurray Environmental Assurance Manager and discussed the need to answer some questions. He later wrote (20 March 2013): Thank you for talking with me this afternoon. I do agree that Government is full of bureacracy [bureaucracy] but unfortunately that is how governnents [governments] in general have been based. As per our conversation I have asked that our Environmental Protection Officers not provide file information out to third party requestors. The Government of Alberta has a process in place to handle these requests and it is with the FOIP Office, which you have made access to previously. This is the process that is in place for the Government to maintain a quality control and tracking process in regards to timely and complete responses to the general public. My suggestion with regards [sic] to your questions is to make a complete list and forward the list to the FOIP Office. In turn they are able to forward your questions to the appropraite [sic] departments/personel [sic] that are best able and suited to answer your questions.


I was speaking with the FOIP Office today and they advise that if you have any concerns or problems to speak with James Greengrass, who [whom] I understand you have dealt with previously as well. In response, questions were sent directly to the FOIPP officer handling this disclosure. The first question (why were the results error-prone?) was addressed in section 4.1.3. The second question is addressed below. The third item was a list of brief technical questions (see Appendix 4). Question 2: Can you tell me why there are essentially no EMS incident records prior to 1996? Both Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands existed for about 30 years before there are any incident records in the EMS. The answer: The records and information prior to 1996 are held in various places depending on the nature of the record. Some will have been transferred to the Provincial Archives and, as you may remember, these are not accessible at this time while critical structural repairs are made to the storage facility. (James Greengrass, AESRD, pers. comm., 3 April 2013). The response of the Chief Information Office requires comment. Alberta government procedure stipulates destruction of records after a certain period of time, that time being defined by the nature of the records, but retention times are typically in the 2-10 year range (Alberta Government 2013). Record retention times vary for on-site vs. off-site storage and for paper vs. electronic records. In the case of EMS data, the policy has been to destroy records after 0-25 years, or to retain them permanently (depending on storage location and data type), but the apparent practice has been to destroy records after about ten years (C. Hamelin, AESRD, pers. comm.). There are two exceptions to the practice: (1) if a staff member falls behind schedule in destroying records, or (2) if the information led to an investigation. As this study has demonstrated, investigations are rare. Therefore, it is possible that the majority of the pre-1996 incident data have been destroyed. A recent internal query within AESRD indicated that a total of about 500 to 600 incident records may exist for two company approvals (Syncrude Mildred Lake and Suncor Oil Sands) for the entire period 1967 through 1995. By comparison, this study documented 9262 records for the period 1996-2012. If the estimate of remaining pre-1996 records is accurate, it indicates that little information may remain available for the majority of time that bitumen operations have been in operation on the lower Athabasca River. The loss of records for the period 1967 through 1995 in the bitumen sands region presents a major unknown. It is known from other sources that major environmental incidents, such as oil spills took place during the period. In 1970, a Suncor pipeline break spilled three million L of oil into the Athabasca River (Hogge et al. 1970; Schick and Ambrock 1974). The oil was observed for about six days in Lake Athabasca near the mouth of the Athabasca River Delta. Another oil spill from Suncor in 1982 brought about closure of the commercial fishing season on Lake Athabasca and reportedly caused illnesses among people in Ft. McKay (Struzik 1982a, b; AELC 2008). Given that major environmental incidents are known to have occurred prior to 1996, that pollution technology has improved over time, and that government oversight was lax in the earlier years of the bitumen exploitation, it is certain that critical information that may affect people and ecosystems well into the future has been lost. There can be no transparent government when environmental records are lost.


To review, questions were sent to the appropriate FOIPP officer. An automated email from the FOIPP officer was received stating that she was away. The researchers then forwarded the questions to the Fort McMurray region Compliance Manager (who had earlier stated that he would be the one to field the questions in any case). We also sent a copy of the questions to the Chief Information Officer of AESRD. An email from the Chief Information Officer was then received requesting that the questions be sent directly to him and to use him as the sole point of contact. He was informed that he already had the questions because he was copied on the last email. He then replied that he would respond to our questions. The questions (provided in Appendix 4), received the following response from the AESRD Chief Information Officer (J. Greengrass, pers. comm., 5 April 2013): We have reviewed the questions you posed in the attached document. ESRD remains committed to following both the letter and the spirit of the FOIPP Act and to setting the standard within the GoA for the timely provision of releasable data and information to Albertans. However, our review of the attachment has raised the following concerns which I would like to share with you: a. Information additional to that provided you under the original Routine Disclosures will require a full analysis in accordance with the FOIPP Act. Consequently, if you have specific questions that require additional information (e.g. your Question 1 of the attached list) you should submit a FOIPP Request. b. The answers to some of the other questions which you have posed are already available through other information sources (e.g. the answer to Question 3 of the attached list is available on page 8 of 2018.pdf .) c. I appreciate your desire to get clarification on specific log entries (e.g. your Question 5 of the attached list), particularly in the event of possible typographic errors in original entries. However, I suspect that a review of individual log entries may not provide the clarity you are looking for if: the EPO who made the original entry is no longer available; or too much time has passed to permit accurate recall of the original situation. In addition, an undertaking of this sort could prove to be a considerable drain on our EPOs time: taking them away from their primary duties. Perhaps we could spend some time together and brainstorm some other potential methods of achieving your intent. Finally, I would emphasise [emphasize] that ESRD has provided you, in both hardcopy and electronic format, the information you requested in your 11 Routine Disclosure requests of 5 September 2012, , as attested to in the attached letters. I appreciate that information generates more questions and, hence, a desire for more information. However, your further information requirements need to be addressed through additional Routine Disclosure or FOIPP Requests. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. ... Informatics: putting the right data and information, in the right format, in the right hands, at the right time The foregoing suggests that, over time, Alberta government procedures have acted to undermine freedom of information until its antithesis has been achieved.


5.5 The Antithesis of Transparent Government

The current policy and practice for release of incident information stifles rather than facilitates transparent government. Because the incidents are available only through a routine disclosure request submitted to the FOIPP office, there is a three to six month delay between making a request and receiving the requested information, information that has been vetted and has been shown to fail to disclose critical records. As a result, EMS incident information is kept unavailable to the public until long after the events have taken place. Because downstream and downwind residents are not made aware of incidents as they occur, they are prevented from registering complaints or taking precautions. The lack of real-time incident information prevents the attention of the media while the event is current enough to qualify as a news story. Significantly, because investigations are apparently kept open for extended periods, and there are closed incidents that are not disclosed because they are linked to investigations, the public is effectively kept uninformed about many significant incidents. Furthermore, the EMS database examined provides evidence that the few protocols that exist to inform the public in the event of significant incidents may not alert the public in a timely manner with accurate information. Typically, a protocol is enacted after the public registers complaints rather than pro-actively so that the public receives a warning. In other cases, a protocol may be in effect, but it is not followed, e.g., up to date information is not provided. Three examples are provided to illustrate (Box IX.). The first incident illustrates that industry did not update the public in a timely manner. In the second example, the odour protocol was activated only after public complaints were received rather than pro-actively; there was also concern as to the accuracy of the information posted by Suncor. In the third example, Suncor acknowledged deficient communication; no further action was taken by Alberta Environment.


With regard to failure to notify the public about serious spills, the September 2007 9.8 million L spill of untreated industrial wastewater into the Athabasca River was described in a previous section (see section 4.7). There were three failures to notify the public about that spill. The first failure occurred Box IX. Failures to Communicate when the line of communication between 18-AUG-2009: Odour of sulphur smell (rotten egg smell very strong Suncor and the people of Fort now). JC [EPO initials]; complainant calling in indicated that he smells Chipewyan broke down with an odor of sulphur (rotten egg smell near Suncor) (hwy 63 North bound). Odor protocol still in effect. Message left for Dan to check the result that the people updates on the WBEA information line. Wind direction at the time of were unaware of the spill. the complaint indicates Suncor as the probable source. Suncor did not Suncor representatives later update the WBEA line at this time. AENV is planning on approaching travelled to Fort Chipewyan Suncor to address the issue associated with their response to the and explained at a public protocol. (340852, Suncor Oil Sands, Public Complaint, Impact, Air, incident closed). meeting (6 May 2008) that it would never happen again. 6-AUG-2010: Caller is complaining of rich oil or sulphur odour. Wind Unfortunately, it is is coming from the south. It is a strong smell right now. Odour not within the power of complaint. Smells like sulphur and oil. Smells really bad. Noticed at industry to keep a promise 0700 after opening windows to house. Slight wind blowing to the south. Comments: Caller is reporting a oil/gassy smell. Wind is blowing south that spills will not happen but very little wind. The smell is very strong right now. JC [EPO again. A minimum of three initials]; On August 6, 2010 the Fort McMurray on call officer received more spills happened at the 3 odour complaints from Fort McKay in a span of 30 minutes. The same pond system: On 3 Industrial Odour Protocol was enacted. Syncrude, Suncor, CNRL, and February 2009 (incident Shell all called into the air info line with updates. Syncrude, Suncor, and Shell indicated there plants were on spec and CNRL was shut 323617, incident closed), down. Based on wind direction and information received in this office, again in 2011 over a three the probable source is Suncor. AENV and Suncor are meeting to discuss day period (see section: The their message on the air information line on Thursday August 12, 2010. Suncor March 2011 AENV continues to monitor odour events and will work with industry Incident), and again in March and public at such times. No further action taken by AENV at this time. (371937, Suncor Oil Sands, Public Complaint, Impact, Air, incident 2013 when a reported closed). 350,000 L of wastewater were spilled into the 10 August 2010: Odor complaint -smells like hydrocarbon. Not sure Athabasca River (Tait 2013). when it started but caller went outside and it's very strong. JC [EPO The second failure initials]; hydrocarbon odour from Fort McKay, odour protocol still in effect so industry was contacted to update messages. Based on wind occurred when the company direction probable source is Suncor Ponds. AENV continues to work and government did not with Industry and the public re: odour events. AENV met with Suncor inform the general public of to discuss odours from the plant site and Suncor acknowledged the need the September 2007 incident. to change their communication message to address the tailings ponds Because the government did issues. No further action taken by AENV in this incident. (372539 Suncor Oil Sands, Public Complaint, Impact, Air, incident closed). not disclose this incident, the details of the incident are known only because an anonymous tipster informed Timoney of the incident, at which time he informed leadership in Fort Chipewyan, who then contacted Suncor and the media. Timoney later contacted Alberta Environment and was provided with an incident number (283162) and was informed by an enforcement manager that the incident had been closed on or around 30 July 2010. Therefore, the third failure to inform the public occurred when this closed incident (that went unprosecuted) was not disclosed by the AESRD FOIPP office in response to the current 198

information request. It also raises the question of how many other incidents, both closed from the outset and open then later closed, have not been disclosed by government in response to information requests. For a government sensitive to criticism of its environmental management of the bitumen industry, the long delay between the occurrence of incidents and the possibility of disclosure serves as an effective control of potentially damaging information. Opening of the Alberta governments data portal ( in May 2013 did not address deficiencies in government transparency in regard to environmental incidents. Querying the portal with various search terms (such as: spill, Environmental Management System, EMS, incident, leak, flaring, complaint) failed to find real-time data, monitoring reports, or any relevant information on spills, leaks, public complaints, or other environmental incidents. Conversely, three improvements to government transparency and data availability were noted, although some improvements are needed. There is now better availability of some kinds of information, such as a tailings management assessment report and a study of a tailings pond bird mortality event. Conversely, 7-day letters from industry to government, and monthly and annual air, groundwater, or water monitoring reports from industry to government remain unavailable on the governments data portal. Data on air contaminants and exceedances are (or will be) available by pollutant type, air monitoring station, time period (e.g., hourly, daily), and by date range (calendar date to calendar date). Unfortunately, when four tests of the system were conducted (23, 24 June 2013), no data were delivered. Instead an error message was received: An error has occurred while processing your request. Please try again. If the problem continues, please use the website feedback form to provide details of the issue to Alberta Environment. Hopefully, whatever is causing the data errors will be corrected soon. Another feature, added in May 2013, is the ability to download enforcement actions. Previously, Alberta Environment enforcement actions were available in quarterly reports. With the new system, the enforcement actions are available as they are posted. One drawback of the new system is that the legal land description (location) of the offence is not provided. Secondly, as with the system just-replaced, insufficient information as to the nature of the offence is provided, such as when the offence occurred, what incident number(s) pertain(s) to the offence, and where additional information can be found. Although making reports available is a good first step, the true measure of government transparency is the availability of original data. Relevant information such as real-time environmental incident data, along with the diversity of data-rich regulatory reports submitted by industry to government, exist in electronic format and all pertain to activities and events taking place on public land. There is no good reason for government not to make this information available to the public. Currently in Alberta, the public lacks timely access to information about environmental incidents while the media are prevented from playing their traditional role of reporting the news as events unfold. Transparency can be improved through making available the data and original observations upon which reports are based and decisions are made. The following sub-sections present evidence, specific to this study, relating to how the Alberta government viewed incident information in relation to the media, instituted a single point of contact information policy, demonstrated a reluctance to be held accountable, a final sub-section offers suggestions as to how the routine disclosure process can be improved.


5.5.1 A Reluctance to Inform the Media? The foregoing documents that transparent government with a free flow of information to citizens and the media does not exist presently in Alberta, although improvements are, hopefully, on the horizon. The following incidents suggest a concern on the part of government staff as to the involvement of the media in the wake of incidents. It is not clear why such a concern would be warranted. Tank on fire - stationary tank containing sour water. First response -- 2 shifts on site. No injuries, No media. Black plume. (193942, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Release, Air). NG [natural gas] line leak -cause unknown. Have isolated the line. Plant was evacuated, number of people unknown. No injuries. No offsite impact. Source FD responded. No media. Evacuation is now over. bs [EPO initials] Valve PCV 3rd floor TransAlta power house (302178, Suncor Oil Sands, Release, Air). Propane gas leak due to unknown cause. No injuries, no evacuations. Unknown quantity. It's a propane tank on site (storage containing 2000 gallons -it's currently full). FD responded. No media. CM [EPO initials]: Negligible amount of propane released to atmosphere due to fill valve failure. (318235, CNRL Horizon, Release, Air). 5.5.2 The Single Point of Contact Stifles Freedom of Information The single point of contact policy imposed on the authors as they attempted to gather information and clarification placed an inappropriate restriction on civil servants. Although this mode of communication is effective as a means of controlling a message to a pre-ordained script, it is inappropriate when conducting a scientific investigation. The government is a repository of an extensive body of diverse information, much like a large library. Accessing diverse information requires the involvement of a host of knowledgeable people who both know the data and are able to answer technical questions. Requiring those requesting information to communicate solely with one person hampers the flow of information. The single point of contact policy has the effect of stifling information flow to a trickle of vetted phrases. Many of the questions posed were simple technical questions (such as what is the status of incidents 22700, 79257, 235717, and 126411?) that a Chief Information Officer would not know but that an environmental protection officer would be able to answer within a few moments. The result in the case of this study was predictable. When the single point of contact policy was imposed, reliable and timely information ceased to flow. What information was passed on was too vague to be useful (example: The executive summary... is that different operators are using disparate search parameters in response to the same query. Why that is happening is, of course, a whole separate conversation). 5.5.3 A Reluctance to be Held Accountable? As the results of this study were being summarized, it became clear that a meeting with AESRD would be beneficial so that senior managers could be made aware of the findings and systemic problems in the routine disclosure process could be addressed. The sequence of events is recounted below:


(a) On 20 March 2013, Timoney wrote Tom Davis, Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) , Corporate Services, AESRD, who had overseen some of the staff involved in the routine disclosure: As I work through the thousands of incidents that I requested in the EMS routine disclosures, some interesting patterns are coming to light. Some of the points are relevant to senior level management and I would like to meet with the appropriate DM or ADM when I have completed the draft study. The subject matter will deal with two major areas: (1) environmental monitoring of industry in the bitumen sands regions; (2) enforcement. Are you responsible for those areas? If not, can you tell me the names of the DMs or ADMs who are? (b) Mr. Davis responded (21 March 2013): I am not responsible for either of those areas however I can assist with your question. If you are referring to enforcement of industrial type approvals, then the ADM responsible for that work would be Matt Machielse as the ADM for ESRD's Operations Division. As you are likely aware, the government is working with an Interim Board to establish the new Monitoring Agency where the initial focus will be in the lower Athabasca oil sands region. The ADM that is most heavily involved in this work is Bob Barraclough. I have included them on my response to your e-mail. (c) Mr. Matt Machielse (Assistant Deputy Minister, ADM Operations, AESRD, 21 March 2013) wrote: I would suggest a joint meeting with Bob [Mr. Robert Barraclough, ADM Monitoring and Science, AESRD] and myself, I will have a couple of our regional representatives also join us. If you can send me a synopsis of your work so we can have the right people in the room that would be helpful. I will ask Deb Grainger in my office to co-ordinate with you. (d) A meeting with AESRD was scheduled for 26 April 2013 and, as requested, a synopsis of the findings to be discussed was sent to the government on 23 April 2013. The synopsis is provided in Appendix 5. (e) On 25 April 2013, a day before the scheduled meeting, a notice of a need to reschedule the meeting was received from Debra Grainger, a staff member in the AESRD Operations Division: I was away from the office yesterday and while I was gone several meetings were scheduled for Friday for folks who were to be involved in your meeting, including Matt. We will need to reschedule to another date/time. I will contact you to determine your availability and reschedule as soon as possible. (f) After waiting ten days for the meeting to be rescheduled, Timoney wrote to Ms. Grainger: The ADMs felt it necessary to cancel the scheduled meeting. You wrote: We will need to reschedule to another date/time. I will contact you to determine your availability and reschedule as soon as possible. The release of the report is imminent. I cannot delay its release indefinitely. If we have not met by 15 May the opportunity will have been lost. I will have no choice but to record the fact that AESRD was given an opportunity to discuss the results before their release but chose not to do so. (g) As of 18 June 2013, there has been no contact from AESRD in regard to rescheduling the meeting. It is unclear why the meeting was abruptly cancelled 22 hours before the meeting was to take place. Perhaps scheduling conflicts is the explanation. If so, it is surprising that there has been no effort made by AESRD to reschedule. Conversely, perhaps the synopsis of discussion 201

items that was provided in advance of the meeting was the reason for the meetings cancellation. Whatever the reason for the meetings cancellation, government was given an opportunity to be made aware of some of the findings of this study and to answer some questions. In short, AESRD was given an opportunity to discuss its management and monitoring and to learn of issues identified in its handling of information requests and its enforcement record. Government chose not to take that opportunity. The governments information management and accountability in response to this research project fell short of an acceptable standard of transparent, responsible governance on several counts. These were: use of a cumbersome disclosure procedure that resulted in long delays and provision of error-filled data that required extensive programming and editing before the information was intelligible; failure to deliver incident records that were closed, the imposition of a single point of contact policy of communication; provision of misinformation; failure to answer questions to which the public had a right to know; and cancellation of a meeting at which the results of this study were to be presented to government. 5.5.4 The Routine Disclosure Process and How to Fix It Currently the routine disclosure process followed by AESRD is slow, inefficient, errorprone, and hampers the delivery of information. When a citizen submits an information request to government, the request results in a query of the Environmental Management System which triggers the following process: (1) Query electronic records in data format (2) Produce electronic report in pdf, non-data format (3) Print pdf (4) Redact records on the paper copy (5) Scan the redacted paper copy (6) Produce electronic pdf report (7) Send electronic pdf to user (8) Scan and convert the pdf file into text format using OCR software (9) Reformat the text into spreadsheet format (10) Correct errors introduced by the previous steps (11) Use the data This unworkable system can be significantly improved and streamlined by adopting the following process (upon filing of a routine disclosure request): (1) Query electronic records in data format (2) Redact the electronic records in data format (3) Send electronic data to user (4) Use the data Ideally the retrieval of incident records could be made even more cost-effective and streamlined by instituting an open-data system which would also obviate the time-consuming and unnecessary step of filing a routine disclosure request. The system might function as follows: The master version of the EMS database is maintained in-house for government use (as 202

above, at no new expenditures). A public access version of the EMS database would be made available. For each new record, staff would redact personal information and open investigations in keeping with legislation. This public access database would be available online. The public would be free to download whatever records are of interest. The lengthy, costly, and errorpropagating system currently in place would be eliminated. In light of the availability of software designed to process information, the need for government to become more efficient in program delivery, and governments stated policy of moving towards electronic records, there is no justification for retaining the outmoded routine disclosure process currently used by AESRD. The frustrating and arcane three-to-nine month process can and should be replaced by an efficient, cost-effective, and transparent process. Both government and the public would benefit.

5.6 Inadequate Access to Information: Examples from Industry and the ERCB
Foregoing sections documented deficiencies in the Alberta governments management of bitumen exploitation. These deficiencies include poor oversight, poor information management, failure to provide timely access to accurate and complete information, a near wholesale lack of enforcement, and a reluctance to be held accountable. Similarly, there are examples from industry that undermine its claim to a social license to conduct operations on Crown land, public land held in trust by government on the behalf of the people. Eight examples are documented below that illustrate industry and ERCB failure to provide timely, relevant, and accurate information to the public. Sections 5.6.1 to 5.6.3 and Sections 5.6.4 to 5.6.8, respectively, document incidents from within and outside the study region. Environmental incidents associated with petroleum exploitation are, of course, not limited to the bitumen sands region of northeastern Alberta. Pipeline breaks, spills, blowouts, flaring, and other incidents have been taking place for years over a large region. A review of those incidents would require a book-length treatment. The following documentation illustrates that the problems identified in this report, such as substandard safety procedures, poor communications, poor emergency response, and lax monitoring by both industry and regulators are characteristic of systemic problems in management, reporting, monitoring, and environmental protection that extend well beyond the bitumen sands region. 5.6.1 The CNRL Tailings Pond During the course of this study, questions arose related to the external tailings pond at CNRL (Figure 37). The first question arose when inspection of satellite imagery indicated an extensive burned area west of the tailings pond (Figure 37, panel b). The CNRL external tailings pond was (and may still be) unique in the bitumen sands region because it was the only pond that lacked a perimeter dike. Until recently its entire western half was open and confluent with natural peatland habitat. Why such a tailings pond design, which would provide unimpeded exposure to tailings contaminants for terrestrial and aquatic animals, was approved by the Energy Resources Conservation Board is a question that lies beyond the scope of this study Because post-fire succession is known to create lush regrowth of forage and therefore known to draw wildlife, and the tailings pond is confluent with a peatland complex, the burned vegetation to the west of the pond raised a question as to the management objectives of such a burn. During research into the production of airborne particulates (see section: Placing the Air203

Related Incidents in the Context of Ambient Air Quality, subsection: Particulate Matter (PM 2.5)), it was noted that CNRL had posted a brush burning notice for the area west of the tailings pond. A CNRL contact phone number for more information was provided. When the CNRL fire information contact was asked why burning was being conducted west of the tailings pond, the contact (Martin Zhekov) replied that he had no idea and provided the phone number of Jerad Nadin, the Area Lead Environment and Regulatory for CNRL Horizon Oil Sands. When Mr. Nadin was asked the question, he replied that he would like the question to be asked in writing. This was done via email (17 May 2013):What was the purpose (i.e., management goal) of burning the area west of the tailings pond? On 22 May 2013 the following email was received from Mr. Nadin: I have discussed and forwarded the details of your concern to the CNRL Investor Relations group. They will respond directly to your question. On 27 May 2013, CNRL Investor Relations wrote: With respect to your request an area has been cleared for the purposes of tailings management with the approval of the ERCB and ESRD. Environmental professionals have been fully engaged in the planning, operations and reclamation planning. The tailings area west of our pond has been cleared and fenced to provide for future tailings operations and treatment facilities. We are managing this area to discourage and protect wildlife. This generic response prompted further effort to understand the management history and objectives for the CNRL tailings pond area. The following statements were found (CNRL 2013): In 2011, Canadian Natural built a wildlife fence to prevent animals from accessing areas around the Horizon tailings pond. The 27.6 kilometre fence stretches from the Horizon Highway all the way around the south and west perimeter of the tailings pond, ending at the north end. The fence rises eight feet above ground and extends two feet underground. Wildlife is also restricted to the tailings area [sic] by removing habitat around the pond to deter animals from establishing nests in the area... Canadian Natural has involved the community of Fort McKay in our bird monitoring efforts with inspections on the tailings pond and sharing data on bird activity. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP 2013) stated: Wildlife access is restricted to the ETF [external tailings facility] through the removal of habitat, the installation of a fence around the perimeter of the ETF, increased wildlife monitoring in the area and removal of wildlife. The system employed at Horizon has proven to be very effective, with zero bird mortalities occurring in 2010 and 2011. CNRL was awarded the Responsible Canadian Energy Presidents Award (for 2012) from CAPP for its wildlife management system. In a CAPP (2013) youtube video, Calvin Duane, Manager, Environment at CNRL stated: The success is no animals get into our tailings pond... From 2010-2011 there has not been a single mortality on our tailings pond ( hlpTA&lf=plcp). There are seven troubling aspects to this issue. These are: (1) That a tailings pond confluent with an extensive peatland was approved by a regulatory body. (2) Inspection of sequential satellite imagery (Figure 37) revealed that the CNRL tailings pond contained an appreciable volume of tailings by 25 July 2008. Because the wildlife fence was not constructed until 2011, the CNRL external tailings pond was unfenced for a minimum of two and half years, during which time aquatic and terrestrial animals had undeterred access to the area. The significant lag between release of tailings and construction of the wildlife fence illustrates a


common theme in environmental management in the region, viz., that economic pressures take precedence over ecological considerations. (3) That despite statements by industry that the chain link fence prevents animals from entering the tailings area, a chain link fence would not prevent the passage of the many species of small vertebrates into and out of the tailings contaminated area. At least 20 species of mammals (Table 31) resident in the region are not protected by the CNRL fence (Table 31). Additionally, other vertebrates such as wood frogs and boreal chorus frogs are not protected by the CNRL fence. Unlike the elk featured in the CNRL video about the tailing pond, these species are resident in the area. (4) That without independently conducted wildlife monitoring and publication of the monitoring data, there can be little credence placed in the statement that zero bird mortalities have occurred. The tailings pond fence, of course, does nothing to deter birds and bats. Furthermore, it is wellestablished (e.g., Ronconi and St. Clair 2006; Timoney and Ronconi 2010) that no tailings pond wildlife deterrents are 100 percent effective. Therefore, the statement that zero bird mortalities have occurred serves to underline the fact that CNRLs bird mortality monitoring is not credible. (5) That removal of habitat has been accomplished. Satellite imagery indicates that the habitat has been burned and trees removed, but habitat, albeit disturbed and damaged, remains present. Short of removing all surficial materials down to an abiotic substrate, habitat for wildlife remains present and therefore may act as a mortality sink. (6) That despite three opportunities, CNRL failed to provide an informative response to a question related to burning vegetation west of its tailings pond. Were the CNRL representatives unaware of the tailings pond wildlife issues? If so, why? If not, why was this information not provided when requested? (7) That CNRL stated that the community of Fort McKay has been involved in bird monitoring at the CNRL tailings pond. There has to date (4 June 2013) been no monitoring of bird mortality at the CNRL tailings pond by Fort McKay community members.


Figure 37. The CNRL tailings pond and surrounding landscape on (a) 25 July 2008; (b) 15 May 2011. Landsat 5 images use band 5 (red), band 4 (green), and 3 (blue).


Table 31. Mammal species resident in the study region that would be able to travel through or over a chain link fence like that surrounding the CRNL tailings pond. Species ranges based on Smith (1993) and scientific and common names and conservation ranks based on ACIMS (2011). Species Common Name Alberta Conservation Rank Eptesicus fuscus Big Brown Bat S4S5 Glaucomys sabrinus Northern Flying Squirrel S4 Lasiurus cinereus Hoary Bat S2 Microtus pennsylvanicus Meadow Vole S5 Mustela erminea Ermine S5 Mustela nivalis Least Weasel S5 Myodes gapperi Southern Red-backed Vole S5 Myotis lucifugus Little Brown Bat S5 Myotis septentrionalis Northern Long-eared Bat S2S3 Neotamias minimus Least Chipmunk S5 Peromyscus maniculatus Deer Mouse S5 Phenacomys ungava (P. Eastern Heather Vole (Heather S5 intermedius) Vole) Sorex arcticus Arctic Shrew S5 Sorex cinereus Masked Shrew S5 Sorex hoyi Pygmy Shrew S4 Sorex monticolus Dusky Shrew S5 Sorex palustris Water Shrew S4 Synaptomys borealis Northern Bog Lemming S4 Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Red Squirrel S5 Zapus hudsonius Meadow Jumping Mouse S4


5.6.2 Information Request Made to Syncrude On 19 June 2008, Timoney wrote to Syncrude: Please forward this query to the appropriate person in Syncrude's environmental management division...Regarding the duck mortality event at the Aurora North tailings pond in late April 2008, a Syncrude press release [29 April 2008, Syncrude cooperates in migratory bird recovery efforts...] indicated: This is the first time a large flock of birds has landed on a settling basin in Syncrudes 30 years of operation. During fall 1974, about eight taxa of oiled birds were noted at various sites on Syncrude Lease 17 by Sharp et al. (1975): sandpiper, peep sandpiper species, semipalmated plover, pectoral sandpiper, lesser yellowlegs, greater yellowlegs, mallard, and stilt sandpiper. Given the documented oilings of shorebirds on Syncrudes lease in fall 1974, the 2008 statement is misleading. What does Syncrude mean? That the birds were oiled during the Syncrude construction phase, as opposed to the production phase? That the statement refers only to birds oiled in tailings ponds rather than in sumps or wastewater ponds? That the landing of small flocks in tailings ponds is discounted? Please clarify. As part of Syncrude's license requirements, would you please provide me with a list or spreadsheet that documents all bird deaths recorded from the Syncrude lease? This email was resent on 7 July 2008, then again on 10 July 2008. No response was received. In short, in response to requests for information about bird mortality and wastewater management, no information was provided by Syncrude. 5.6.3 Failure to Disclose Accurate or Complete Information to an Affected Community On 6 May 2008, representatives from Suncor travelled to attend a community meeting in Fort Chipewyan on the topic of inadequate communication of water incidents related to the Athabasca River (Suncor 2008b). Amongst the items for discussion were eight river incidents to which Suncor admitted for the period 2003 to 2008, including the September 2007 release of 9.8 million L of untreated industrial wastewater described in Results section 4.7.1. Suncor did not reveal that 9.8 million L of wastewater high in oil and grease and total suspended solids had been discharged and instead stated that discharge into the Athabasca River took place for only a total of about 30 minutes. Incidentally, the incident (number 283162) was not disclosed by the government in the routine disclosures, nor was any enforcement action taken. On the positive side, it was a break from the norm for a company to travel to Fort Chipewyan to admit to water incidents. The disclosures offered to the people of Fort Chipewyan, however, were deficient on two counts: (a) there were many more than eight river incidents attributable to Suncor over the five year period from 2003 to 2008 (see Box X.); (b) the items disclosed downplayed the significance of the events. Two examples are provided below. (1) One issue revealed by Suncor for 2005-2006 was presented as: validity of Camps WWTP [wastewater treatment plant] effluent results with the action taken that a new contract operator [had been] engaged by First North. In reality, this was a complex situation that reportedly existed from about September 2005 to January 2007 that involved Suncor, a contractor (Compass Group Canada Ltd.), and a subcontractor (R&D McCabe Ltd.) pleading guilty to the illegal release of wastewater from the Suncor Millennium and Borealis Camps, the failure to report these discharges, and the provision of false or misleading records (see summary in Results section 4.7.2, and details in Table 28).


(2) Suncor admitted to an event on 23 September 2006 in which coke dust settled on river. The action taken by Suncor was to notify stakeholders, conduct a cleanup, and review coke cutting procedures (Suncor 2008b). The fact is that Suncors coke dust has been settling on the river and the landscape for years (Figure 38). This chronic issue is caused by the combination of large volumes of coke production and its stockpiling adjacent to the Athabasca River (Figure 38). Winds entrain coke particles as they pass over the large, uncovered coke piles and distribute them. During fieldwork conducted by Timoney in January and March of 2008, coke dust was observed on the ice of the Athabasca River and formed a coating on vegetation. The dust was sufficiently thick to render light-colored latex gloves a gray-black color after collecting a handful of white spruce twigs for contaminant analyses. The coke is stored at Suncor for later combustion (Woynillowicz et al. 2005). In summary, the incidents revealed by Suncor to Fort Chipewyan residents fell short of what would be considered accurate and complete disclosure.

Figure 38. (a) A landscape darkened by coke and other carbonaceous particulates in the vicinity of the main Suncor plant adjacent to the Athabasca River, 26 Feb 2008; (b) industrial particulate layers (marked by arrows) in the snow on the surface of the Muskeg River near its mouth, 18 March 2008 ; (c) accumulation of coke and other particulates on the surface of the Athabasca River is sufficient to lower the albedo of the snow and cause early melting, 24 March 2008; (d) coke and particulate laden snow and ice on the Athabasca River, 24 March 2008. 209

Box X. Ten River-Related Incidents That Should Have Been Disclosed to Fort Chipewyan at the May 2008 Meeting (Incident numbers and dates are provided in parentheses and comments are provided in square brackets.]
(1) Discovered they had wastewater going from pond C (industrial sewer water) to outfall E (cooling water). This happened 0400-2000 hrs Jan 2nd, unknown to them at the time. Monitoring both flows, sampled ok. (132236, 25 January 2003) [This illustrates an unauthorized discharge of industrial wastewater of unspecified volume and chemistry into the Athabasca River. The discharge continued for 16 hours, apparently without the knowledge of Suncor.] (2) Discharge hose burst while transferring tailings from pond 8A into 2-3. Spill of 40-50000 gallons of tailings. Some may have entered the Athabasca River. Thinks it was on steep bank side.; Some material entered river, some into cooling ponds which will dilute it and then enter river. Suncor is starting downstream notification. Fort McKay, Fort Chip, SCL, Albian. Have been in contact with Golder about getting someone on the River to inspect and sample MF notified ENV Can.; Looking for more info on Calls 132482.; Golder is on the river this morning making field observations and sampling. CEDA responded last night and began Vacing and constructing temp. berming. Source completed downstream notification early this morning.; FS and MF reviewed incident. FS enroute to source for field inspection. Will call MF w/observations.; No observable impact, Golder still on the river sampling. Unsure of volume.; Line was a 14" neoprene that split at a coupler. Best guess on volume is 38m3. Golder sampled up to 7 km down stream with no observable impact. Water level is high. Very turbid. No press release. Flying chiefs in from Chip and Mackay tomorrow. (142809, 17 June 2003) [The occurrence of a significant tailings spill into the Athabasca River coupled with a decision not to inform the media via a press release is symptomatic of the dysfunctionality of self-reporting under a regulatory regime that rarely enforces regulations.] (3) Water discharged from pond E into the river failed to meet standards in the approval. A second sampling of the water showed levels meeting the approval. (On-call Edmonton Investigator notified). (163568, 4 April 2004) [The volume and chemistry of the discharge were unspecified.] (4) Pond 'D' wastewater pond has overflowed to pond ' E' - cooling water pond which discharges to the river. Pond is currently discharging, they have reduced flows, they have increased sampling and discharge and are sampling pond D. May have elevated oil and grease. (186129, 31 January 2005) [The volume and chemistry of the discharge were unspecified.] (5) Concerned about spill that Source had into River - ...Wants more info on[information redacted] (188356, 3 February 2005) [What spill and why was the information redacted?] (6) Ongoing [issue] with water form [from] river being dirty. Requesting alteration of approval to accommodate spring waters. One letter will be written for a week of violations. (201866, 7 July 2005) [Requests to alter approvals are common for situations in which the industry cannot comply.] (7) Just observed orange floating scum in the river by Source - 1 km wide. (225508, 25 May 2006) [No other information is available. An orange scum measuring one km wide suggests a significant event.] (8) Exceeded CBOD limit for the month of May on their wastewater (sewage) discharge at the U2 area. Investigating reason / cause. Discharged to Athabasca River. (226276, 31 May 2006) [The volume and chemistry of the discharge were unspecified.] (9) The Athabasca river is full of black slick. It is possibly coming from the source. The slick is all along the river bank. The caller noticed it while fishing. (235717, 23 September 2006) [No other information is available. A black slick covering the entire surface of the Athabasca River suggests a significant event.] (10) High oil and grease level on outfall to Athabasca River - have closed outfall. (257006, 6 June 2007)


5.6.4 Plains Midstream Pipeline Spill, April 2011 In April 2011, a break in a Plains Midstream pipeline spilled about 4.46 million L of oil onto three hectares of boreal peatlands and beaver ponds (CBC 2013a). The Alberta ERCB later reprimanded the company for inadequate emergency response planning and leak detection. Albertas former Premier Ed Stelmach criticized the company for poor communication with the Lubicon Cree First Nation of Little Buffalo, and stated: were going to hold their feet to the fire in the days following the spill. Yet two years after the spill, the Lubicon Cree had observed little action from government. That changed in spring 2013 with release of a Greenpeace report that documented the spill. The Greenpeace report took both Plains Midstream and the ERCB to task for working to limit damage to reputations rather than working to limit damage to the environment. Soon after release of the Greenpeace report, the Alberta government laid charges against Plains Midstream. An ERCB spokesperson, Nikki Booth, denied that the laying of charges was influenced by the publication of the Greenpeace report. A spokesperson for the Lubicon, Garrett Tomlinson, disagreed and added: We really hope that the government takes the proper initiative to make sure we get a little more communication so we can keep our people safe... Its only a matter of time until we are dealing with damage like this again. Failure to communicate with the public in a timely manner with accurate and complete information is consistent with the pattern observed in the routine disclosure records (Box XI.). Tomlinsons only a matter of time statement, made in April 2013, was prescient as four new spills in northern Alberta were soon after disclosed: (1) near Manning; (2) near Red Earth Creek; (3) southeast of Fort McMurray; and (4) near Zama City. These are described below summarized in the context of the timeliness, reliability, and completeness of the information disclosure. 5.6.5 Plains Midstream Pipeline Spill, June 2013 and Related Matters Reported on 14 June 2013: Another spill from a Plains Midstream pipeline, this one 90 km northwest of Manning, Alberta. The spill, as reported by Plains Midstream, was from a nine inch diameter pipeline and consisted of condensate and other natural gas liquids. Preliminary estimates suggest that the volume of the spill was approximately 150 m3 (150,000 L) spread over an area of 1.5 ha. The company believed the spill was caused by damage from construction equipment. It also stated that Plains has conducted a wildlife assessment and have confirmed that no wildlife impacts have been identified (Plains Midstream 2013a, b, c). There has been no independent verification of spill volumes and ecological effects. Plains Midstream is being investigated by the ERCB for yet another spill that took place beneath the Red Deer River near Sundre, Alberta in June 2012 (Cryderman 2013a). On 4 July 2013, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER 2013a) issued an order against Plains Midstream Canada for failure to follow regulatory requirements. AER will conduct a full audit of all of Plains Midstream operations in Alberta, which will include review of the company's emergency planning and response, pipeline integrity management programs, risk assessment and mitigation, communications and stakeholder relations, regulatory reporting, and action plans required in response to enforcement. Since January 2011, Plains Midstream Canada has been issued 19 high and low risk deficiencies and non-compliances (AER 2013a).


Box XI. A Recurrent Theme: Impediments to Freedom of Information Difficulties documented in this study in regard to accessing timely and accurate information from the Alberta government might appear to be a unique worst case scenario. The following experience recounted by Global News (2013), however, corroborates the view that freedom of information as practiced by the Alberta government is dysfunctional. Similarities in the two experiences include the inability of government to produce information directly from an electronc source file to an electronic output file; an inordinate delay between the request and the delivery of the information; the necessity for the requester to expend inordinate effort to render the information usable; and the shuffling of the requester from one bureaucrat to another. The version of reality portrayed by government is not supported by the facts. Just after the Plains Midstream spill into the Red Deer River north of Sundre, Alberta, a Global News reporter listening to the radio heard a commentator casually mention that this sort of thing happens all the time. We decided to find out just how common such incidents were. This story is the result of an 11-month investigation. An initial Freedom of Information request filed June 8, 2012, the day after the Sundre spill asked Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development for information on all reported spills from the oil and gas industry, from 2006 to 2012. About a month later, Global News was quoted a fee of over $4,000 for this information. In discussions with the department, it turned out this high fee was because the department was unable to provide the information in an electronic format: Although it maintained a database of spills, the departmental process was to print out individual reports on paper, and to charge the requester for every page. After negotiations, Global News eventually received a big box of documents, containing 711 pages of printed records of spills, for $262. It took a month to convert these documents into something machine-readable. With that conversion came an important revelation there was no record of some of the biggest recent spills, such as the Plains Midstream spill near Peace River or the Sundre-area spill that had sparked the FOI request in the first place. Responding to queries, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development staff said the best source for this information was the Energy Resources Conservation Board. Global News filed another Freedom of Information request with the board in January 2013, only to be referred back to Alberta Environment. Further discussions determined that information on spills had been available for purchase from ERCB the whole time for $367. The journalists went on to summarize: It can be tough to get a good sense of how safe Albertas oil industry is when you cant access the information you need. The Alberta government claims to be the most transparent in the world when it comes to information on oil spills. But actually finding the information isnt all tha t easy. If people want to know about spills in this province, they can certainly access that, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Minister Diana McQueen said in an interview with Global News. Were very transparent. You can access, that is, if you can pay: A database of the provinces spills costs upward of $300; a detailed electronic map of Albertas pipelines will set you back over $14,000 more if you want to update it every month with any new developments. We could always work to be more transparent but there is a cost of being able to provide the information, McQueen said. McQueen said she doesnt know of any jurisdiction as transparent as Alberta. The concluding comment by Minister McQueen is interesting given that the Alberta government was given a grade of D in the 2012 freedom of information audit conducted by Newspapers Canada (2012).


5.6.6 Penn West Pipeline Spill, June 2013 On 19 June 2013, a spill of produced water from a Penn West pipeline was identified by company personnel near Red Earth, Alberta. Like the Plains Midstream spill near Little Buffalo, this spill was also reported on Lubicon Cree land. Although the volume of the spill was initially stated to be 5 m3 (5,000 L), a news release (Newswire 2013) by the company later estimated the spill to be 400-600 m3 (400,000 to 600,000 L). The news release stated: The pipeline was immediately shut-in and isolated, and required regulatory authorities and First Nation Communities were notified. Penn West responders were immediately dispatched to the site, the spill was contained and remediation efforts are underway. There were no injuries as a result of this incident and the spill does not pose a hazard to any waterways in the area... While the cause of the release has not been confirmed, Penn West is committed to protecting the environment and continues to work with the regulatory authorities to resolve this incident. The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER 2013b) stated: The failure has resulted in the release of produced water into nearby wetlands... The spill has been fully contained, aquatic barriers are in place, and water sampling and cleanup is underway... PennWest has estimated that volumes released are between 400 and 600 m3. The AER has not confirmed these volumes. The company news release did not state when the spill took place, the chemical composition of the spill, that the spill had taken place in a wetland, nor provide a precise location so that the hazard to waterways could be evaluated. A 24 June update by Penn West (2013) provided some clarification: Penn West operations detected a small amount of oil at surface in our Slave Field near Red Earth, Alberta on Wednesday, June 19. The pipeline located at 13-05-083-14W5 is a 3 pipeline which carries 97% produced water and 3% crude oil... The oil released was localized in muskeg and contained immediately. No waterways have been affected. Spill response personnel have been on site since June 19... By Thursday, June 20, First Nations were notified - Sawridge, Swan River, Drift Pile, Sucker Creek, Kapaweno. On Saturday, June 22, AER requested Penn West to conduct further notification of both Lubicon leadership groups. Initial notification stated 5m3 of oil was released based on visual inspection at the site. Upon further testing of the area, it was determined that the volume of produced water was 400m3 600m3. The spill footprint is approximately 18,000m2 or 1.8 hectares/~4 acres. Water testing has been ongoing at the site. Results to date confirm no Petroleum Hydrocarbons [sic] are present in the water. Impacts of produced water are greatest at the breakpoint and diminish over distance. Salinity of the water at the breakpoint is 35,000 ppm and 120 ppm at the last sample point approximately 1 km away. The update added: June 23, 2013: Continue transfer of impacted fluids to storage tanks. 93m3 of fluid transferred to storage tanks... Pending Operations... Begin break point exposure and disposal of impacted soils. The update from Penn West is significant for the following reasons: (1) The fact that the estimated spill volume was increased by a factor of 100 suggests that increased scrutiny may result in better estimates of spill volumes and calls into question the unverified spill volumes reported to ERCB (now, AER). (2) The water quality results are questionable, as follows: (a) If the spill footprint is 1.8 ha, the finding of water of 120 ppm salinity one km from the spill site suggests that the spill footprint may be affecting hundreds of hectares; (b) If the spill was of 400600 m3 of 3 % crude oil, then 12-18 m3 (12,000-18,000 L) of crude oil were spilled; if water testing has failed to find any petroleum hydrocarbons in the wetland, the reliability of the water quality tests must be questioned; (3) The use of the term muskeg indicates lack of familiarity with wetland vegetation. Vegetation ecologists eschew the term because it conveys no meaning 213

as to the type of the wetland. Effective peatland reclamation after saline pipeline spills is dependent upon having a thorough knowledge of the pre-spill wetland vegetation (Bright and Wood 2012). (4) Water of 35,000 ppm is hypersaline and would result in impacts to the vegetation, especially upon sensitive taxa such as black spruce and bryophytes which, as a group, have low salt tolerances. Impacts to the biota would depend on several factors such as: the chemical composition of the spill water, its conductivity, and other components of the spill such as hydrocarbons; the geology, hydrogeology, and vegetation of the receiving wetland; and minimization of disturbance to the wetland during the course of remediation. (5) Four days after the spill was identified, the company had removed a reported 93 m3 of fluid, less than one-fourth of the spill. Given that the spill occurred in a wetland, how much of the 93 m3 captured was composed of spill volume vs. pre-spill wetland water? Research in Alberta has shown that salt mass recovery that is achieved from pumping one or a few bell holes is good while salt recovery that involves significant soil disturbance is detrimental; similarly, excessive removal of water from the wetland while removing diminishing amounts of salt is also detrimental (Bright and Wood 2012). (6) The work plan indicates that soils around the pipeline break point would be removed and disposed. How is the volume of soil to be removed determined? What is the fate of the contaminated soil? (7) The location of the spill provided by Penn West was 13-05-08314W5. Upon plotting the spill, the authors contacted Penn West with our concern that the location provided may be incorrect given the pipeline distribution in the area. The correct location was later provided as 03-15-083-14W5 (Figure 39). (The location of the Hay-Zama spill, provided by the ERCB, described below, was also incorrect; see section 5.6.8). The preceding comments are not meant to fault Penn West for its communications following its recent pipeline spill. Indeed, its communications effort has been above average and stands in contrast to that of Enbridge (section 5.6.7). Its daily updates and its provision of a list of actions to date and pending actions are an improvement over standard disclosure practices. The comments are meant to (a) highlight the need for widely-disseminated, accurate, and timely information; (b) demonstrate that the bar needs to be raised when responding to spills and reporting to the public, and that these are the regulators responsibilities; and (c) demonstrate that independent monitoring of the effects of this, and all other spills, is required to ensure best practices and transparency.



Figure 39. Location of the Penn West June 2013 produced water spill in relation to (a) the peatlands, water bodies, and energy disturbances in the area, and (b) the distribution of pipelines and wellsites.



5.6.7 Enbridge Pipeline Spill, June 2013 Reported on 22 June 2013: A spill of synthetic crude oil from an Enbridge pipeline of an estimated 750 barrels (119,385 L) took place in a wetland and a lake about 70 km southeast of Fort McMurray. From the companys press release (Marketwire 2013): We are still investigating the cause, however we believe that unusually heavy rains in the area may have resulted in ground movement on the right-of way that may have impacted the pipeline... There have been no reports of harm to wildlife... Line 37 was constructed in 2006 and is a 12-inch diameter pipeline that is 17-kilometers long and connects facilities in the Long Lake area to Cheecham and is part of Enbridge's Athabasca system. The company statement uses the standard press release script that no harm to wildlife has been reported, which is not equivalent to stating that no harm to wildlife has occurred. The date or duration of the spill were not provided. Nor did the press release disclose the fact that this significant spill of oil was into a wetland and a lake. It is significant that the company states that a rainfall event could result in failure of a pipeline that is seven years old. A news release by Alberta Energy Regulator (AER 2013c) stated: As of June 23, 2013, the pipeline remains shut in and isolated and the company continues to receive the equipment and personnel required to clean and mitigate the synthetic crude oil release. In addition to installing booms to contain the spill, the company has installed wildlife deterrents and contracted environmental consultants to conduct water sampling and a wildlife survey. There were no injuries as a result of the incident and no impacts to wildlife have been observed. Enbridge continues to estimate the volume released at between 80 m3 and 120 m3. The AER has not confirmed these volumes. The news release indicates that (a) equipment and personnel to mitigate the spill continue to arrive; (b) booms have been installed, indicating spillage into water; (c) environmental consultants had been contacted to conduct a wildlife survey; and (d) that the volume of the spill was estimated at 80,000-120,000 L and that this volume had not been confirmed independently. A 25 June update by Enbridge (2013a) stated: Recovery of oil and contaminated water continued today, June 25, 2013, in response to a release June 22 of approximately 750 barrels of Light Synthetic Crude oil from Line 37 near Enbridges Cheecham, Alberta, terminal. Approximately 100 personnel are expected on site today. The release occurred in a remote area accessible by helicopter and all-terrain vehicles. Enbridge is using rig mats to allow access to the site by vacuum trucks and skimmers, which will be used to remove product from the area. As of 8 a.m. MDT today installation of rig mats to access the site was approximately 50 percent complete. As of this morning 1,700 feet of containment boom had been deployed along with absorbent mats. Approximately 17 cubic meters of a mixture of water and oil has been recovered and treated. Wildlife deterrents have been deployed and the area is being fenced to prevent wildlife incursion. The southern portion of Enbridges Athabasca pipeline (Line 19) was safely restarted June 23 and operations between Cheecham and Hardisty have been restored. The line segment north of Cheecham remains shut down until Enbridge can ensure its safe restart... Enbridge is in contact with our customers and keeping them advised of the status of our system. The news release is significant for the following reasons: (1) Although the release was noted 22 June, Enbridge implies that the release began on 22 June, but the company has not provided proof to that effect. (2) The company appears to try to excuse itself for the slow response to the spill by noting the spill is in a remote area. A minimum of three days post-spill, and the installation of rig mats to allow truck access was 50 % complete, which indicates that no 216

trucks had yet reached the site. (3) Given the estimate spill volume of 119 m3, the removal of 17 m3 of water and oil represents an inadequate response to date. Because the water and oil thus far removed may be predominantly water, the removal to date may be grossly inadequate. (4) Fencing of the area can do nothing to minimize the impact to the biota that are resident in the wetland and lake. (5) The emphasis on returning the surrounding pipelines to production and communicating with customers signals the priorities of the company. An Enbridge (2013b) update on 26 June added: The release on Line 37, which connects the Long Lake Oil sands project to Enbridges Cheecham Terminal, is believed to have resulted from ground movement on the right-of-way as a result of unprecedented precipitation levels which exceeded a 1 in 100 year event... A geothechnical [sic] analysis of the pipelines in the vicinity of Line 37 will need to completed [sic] and excavation and inspections undertaken, [sic] before these lines can safely be restarted. Heavy equipment and crews have been mobilized to the site to augment resources, but extremely wet working conditions continue to pose challenges to response efforts... The cost of containing and cleaning up the light oil released from the Long Lake lateral failure has not yet been estimated. Enbridge carries liability insureance [sic] for sudden and accidental pollution events and expects to be reimbursed for its covered costs, which is [sic] subject to a $10 million deductible. Because there were significant unknowns and unsupported statements in the Enbridge media updates, the authors corresponded via email with Enbridge. We first asked (25 June 2013): could you tell me the legal location of the Line 37 release? On 26 June 2013 we received this response from Graham White of Enbridge: This is just our very preliminary assessment of what occurred. In the first few days our first priority is containment, safety and clean-up. If you are familiar with our previous incidents or that of other companies, you will know that there are exhaustive investigations on incidents conducted by regulators and industry. The results are public and posted on the websites of the regulator. I would encourage you to stay tuned to those evaluations as to definitive parameters for cause. Location is approximately 70 kms south of Fort Mac. I dont have a legal location. In regard to exhaustive investigations perhaps Mr. White was referring to that of the US National Transportation Safety Board that followed Enbridges 2010 pipeline spill near Kalamazoo, Michigan (see below). On 27 June 2013 we responded: Dear Graham, your response did not answer my questions: Legal location -- Are you saying that Enbridge does not have a legal location (Legal Subdivision, Section, Range, Township, and Meridian) of the Line 37 release by stating: I dont have a legal location.? Enbridge's published statement is as follows: believed to have resulted from ground movement on the right-of-way as a result of recent unprecedented precipitation levels which exceeded a 1 in 100 year event. What is the basis for this statement? What precipitation parameter was used to derive this result of a 1 in 100 year event? Can you provide answers to these questions or direct me to someone in Enbridge who can? To these queries we received out-of-office responses from Enbridge. We then wrote the media relations group (27 June 2013): Dear Enbridge, I am receiving out-of-office responses from Graham White and Chris Meyer. Could you provide answers to my questions? Thank you. On 2 July 2013, we received the following email from Graham White: There is a legal location for that area but due to the high level of activity taking place there and related safety concerns we are not providing it publicly. The specific details you are looking for in the precipitation numbers will be based on metrological [sic] reports and will come out with the incident investigation analysis and report.


To recapitulate: Enbridge declined to provide the location of the spill. Enbridge also declined to provide the scientific basis for their statement about the 1 in 100 year event, nor provide the kind of event to which they referred (e.g., an hourly, daily, 3-day, 7-day, 30-day event). Enbridges 1 in 100 year precipitation statement is not defensible for the following reasons. (1) Statistical calculation of 1 in 100 year events assumes a stationary mean. Because climate change is well documented in the region, estimates of the probability of rare events with long return intervals are fraught with error. (2) Assuming for a moment that climate change is not occurring, the statistical uncertainty as to the magnitude of a 1 in 100 year event is large. Most climatologists would not resort to their use in the current situation. (3) Calculation of a 1 in 100 year event requires data, yet the only significant set of data comes from Fort McMurray, roughly 70 km away, and its record starts in 1960, which is scarcely long-term. Essentially, there are insufficient local data to make long-term calculations. (4) The erosive capability of a rainfall event is a complex phenomenon that depends not only upon the precipitation, but also upon the antecedent precipitation, the degree of soil saturation before the event, the soil type, texture, slope, and upon the landform and landscape position. Explaining this or any pipeline failure based solely on a precipitation event oversimplifies the causality of the failure. (5) Assuming for a moment that the Fort McMurray record is relevant, the 30-day total precipitation recorded at Fort McMurray for 27 May to 25 June 2013 was 146.4 mm, which was exceeded by both 1991 and 1995 accumulated precipitation amounts of 162.7 mm and 147.6 mm. Perhaps the company attempted to link their pipeline failure in the publics perception with the much larger precipitation events and flooding that took place in southwestern Alberta in mid-late June 2013. If, for the sake of discussion, it is accepted that Enbridges view is plausible, that a large volume of precipitation resulted in erosion which caused the pipeline failure, it is relevant to ask why a six-year old pipeline would fail. Does the company not engineer its pipelines for precipitation events? Furthermore, inspection of the precipitation timing raises a serious question (Figure 40). The peak rainfall period, during which 116 mm fell at Christina Lake near Winefred (station 07CE906), the weather station nearest to the spill, extended from 8-13 June, or 9-14 days prior to the announced date of the spill (22 June). During the next eight days only 9 mm of rain fell. Therefore, if heavy rain caused the pipeline failure, then the pipeline more likely failed approximately 9-14 days prior to 22 June, not as Enbridge intimates on 22 June. It is possible, given the precipitation data and the fact that the Alberta Energy Regulator has not confirmed the date of the spill, that the Enbridge pipeline was spilling oil for some time prior to 22 June. Taken together, the news releases demonstrate a slow response to the spill, excuses made by the company for the slow response, inadequate information from the company as to the spill occurring in a wetland and adjacent lake; a statement from the company that no wildlife harm had been reported despite the fact that no wildlife observations had been conducted at that point; and uncertainty as to the volume of the spill, when the spill occurred, how long it persisted, the cause of the spill, and the location of the spill. The companys news releases sought to reassure investors and customers in relation to restarting the flow of oil and minimizing financial liabilities. Enbridge appears to have failed to learn lessons from its disastrous Talmadge Creek and Kalamazoo River, Michigan spill of 25 July 2010. In that event, the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board concluded that the company ignored safety procedures, suffered pervasive organizational failures, and was aware of cracks in the pipeline before the spill, yet failed to fix them. Reportedly, Enbridge failed to inform the US EPA that the spilled material was diluted 218

bitumen (which floats briefly then sinks) not typical crude oil. As a result, response to the spill was too slow and the damage from the spill was greater than it need have been. The evidence revealed that Enbridge staff, after the rupture yet unaware of it, twice pumped more diluted bitumen, about 81 % of the spill, and that it took Enbridge nearly 17 hours to shut down their Line 6B after the rupture was reported. The US EPA (2013) recently stated that Enbridge initially reported a release of 819,000 gallons which was later revised to 843,000 gallons. As of May 2013, Enbridge estimated it had removed 1.15 million gallons of oil from the Kalamazoo River. The US EPA estimates that about 180,000 gallons of Line 6B remain in the sediment of the Kalamazoo River and have ordered Enbridge to remove the recoverable portion of the oil, about12,000 to 18,000 gallons, by dredging. The residual 162,000 to 168,000 gallons of oil left in the rivers sediment may remain in the river for an extended period. The additional costs of dredging are expected to push the cost of the cleanup to one billion dollars, which exceeds the companys insurance coverage (Cryderman 2013b). Although the June 2013 Enbridge oil spill near its Cheecham terminal was smaller than the Michigan spill of 2010, the companys slow response, its insistence that it was acting effectively, and its failure to provide accurate, timely information are consistent in the two events. In regard to the Michigan spill, the National Transportation Safety Board panel argued that industry regulators were also at fault and concluded that delegating too much authority to the regulated [companies] to assess their own system risks and correct them is tantamount to the fox guarding the hen house (Tait 2012). As with the Michigan spill, the regulator, in this case, the Alberta Energy Regulator bears, some of the responsibility for Enbridge June 2013 spill in Alberta, the slow response, and the companys failure to provide timely information. Specific to the June 2013 spill in Alberta, it is difficult to imagine what advantage Enbridge thought it might gain by not providing its spill location to the public. For a company with a tarnished reputation that is wishing to curry favour for approval of its Northern Gateway pipeline project, failing to provide pipeline spill information to the public would appear to be dubious strategy. Failure to provide timely, relevant information, such as when Enbridge failed to inform the US EPA that their Kalamazoo, Michigan spill consisted of diluted bitumen, not typical crude oil, can prove costly to society, to companies, shareholders, governments, and ecosystems. It is unfortunate that Enbridge has not learned that lesson.


Accumulated Precipitation (mm)

Reported Date of Enbridge Pipeline Release Hourly Precipitation (mm)

1 June

8 June

15 June

22 June

29 June

Figure 40. Hourly and accumulated precipitation at Christina Lake near Winefred Lake, Alberta (weather station 07CE906) for the period 1-29 June 2013 in relation to the Enbridge- reported date of the release of 119 m3 (750 barrels) synthetic crude oil into a wetland and lake near its Cheecham terminal. Image modified from basins/Map.aspx?Basin=2&DataType=6.


5.6.8 Apache Corporation Spill, June 2013 On 9 June 2013, CBC (2013b) reported: Officials with the Alberta government and the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) [ERCB?] are investigating after a spill near Zama City in northern Alberta. The spill, which consisted of an emulsion of water, oil and other chemicals, was reported to the province by Apache Corporation on June 1 [2013]. The pipeline has been shut down and the managing company is now working on containment. Both the Alberta Environment Support and Emergency Response Team and NRCB are working with Apache to assess the situation and ensure containment of the emulsion waters. At this point, we're still monitoring wetlands and water bodies near the break so I don't have information on impact on wetlands and water bodies are,[sic] said Nikki Booth, who speaks for the province. But we do know at this point in time there's no indication there's been any impact to the Zama river. It's not yet clear how much emulsion water spilled or what caused the incident. The spill was reportedly discovered during an aircraft flyover and consisted of saline produced water from a well. Although the ERCB (2013a) news release indicated that the pipeline spill was located about 20 km northeast of Zama City, that information was incorrect. The authors communicated to ERCB that a spill location 20 km northeast of Zama City was unlikely given the pipeline distribution in the area. ERCB later contacted us with a corrected location about 20 km southwest of Zama City. On 14 June 2013, Apache Corporation (2013) provided a news release update, excerpted below, with authors comments in brackets: Q: What happened in Zama? On Saturday, June 1, Apache Canada reported a release of produced water from a pipeline in the area of our Zama operations. Crews have shut-in the affected water injection pipeline, contained the spill and begun clean-up and remediation operations. Approximately 9,500 cubic meters of produced water were released. There is no danger to the public. [It is significant that Apache uses the phrase reported a release on 1 June, rather than the release occurred on 1 June. The company has not revealed when the release occurred and over what duration it continued.] Q: Why did this happen? A third-party expert will be conducting a root-cause analysis of the pipe. While our priority right now is remediation and restoration, we are investigating the cause and will develop a solution to prevent a similar incident. [Two weeks after reporting the spill, the company did not know the cause of the spill. According to ERCB records, Apache is responsible for 304 other spills of saline produced water. Therefore the companys statement that it will develop a solution to prevent a similar incident is not supported by Apaches record.] Q: How can we expect Apache to operate safely and as good stewards of the environment in the future? Apache has a long history of outstanding operational performance and environmental stewardship. The cause of the leak is under investigation, and we expect to identify it. [The long history of outstanding operational performance and environmental stewardship includes 954 pipeline incidents in the Global TV/ERCB spill database attributed to Apache Canada Ltd. and Apache Corporation between 1975 and 2013 in Alberta. This history includes 372 spills of crude oil and 304 spills of salt/produced water (Table 32). In the Zama area, there are 87 spills attributed to Apache in the ERCB database.]


Table 32. Pipeline releases attributed to Apache Canada Ltd. and Apache Corporation in Alberta, 1975 to January 2013. Data from ERCB (Global News 2013). Substance Acid Acid Gas Air Chemicals Condensate Crude Oil Diesel Oil Drilling Mud (Hydrocarbon based) Drilling Mud (Water based) Emulsifiers Frac Oil Frac Water Fresh Water Number of Incidents 1 4 4 1 11 372 2 2 8 4 3 3 65 Substance Fuel Gas Gas Production (Raw) Glycol Heating Oil Hydrotest Fluids (Methanol) Oily Sludge Process Water Propane Salt/Produced Water Sulphur Waste Unknown Number of Incidents 1 113 1 1 2 1 10 1 304 1 11 28

Q: How much oil was leaked? There was only a trace amount of oil in the produced water. The oil has been removed from the ground. [Only a trace amount is needlessly vague. The ERCB (see below) indicated that the spill contained 200 ppm of oil or roughly 2,000 L of oil in the spill. Without verification of the cleanup, the statement that the oil has been removed from the ground is not credible.] Q: How long will clean up take? We have a plan in place to ensure that any environmental impacts are minimized. Wildlife, aquatic and vegetation studies are underway by an extensive environmental remediation team and analytics are being compiled. Water sampling and monitoring is conducted daily and collection of the produced water is well underway. A fleet of specialized equipment has been deployed to support these environmental remediation efforts. Apache continues to work closely with the Energy Resources Conversation Board (ERCB) and Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (AESRD) on site. [The company declined to answer its question. Why would the company pose a rhetorical question and then not answer it?] Q: Whats the worst case scenario? We believe weve seen it. We are working on clean-up and remediation now. The Zama River has not been impacted and there is no risk to the public. No injuries have been associated with this incident. [Without independent verification of facts, vague assurances serve little purpose.] As reported, the June 2013 Apache incident is consistent with the pattern observed in the incidents documented in this study, viz., important remaining unknowns and lax reporting, as follows: 222 Important Unknowns Important unknowns remain, such as (a) when the spill occurred. The spill was reported to the province on 1 June; no information has been released to date to indicate when the spill occurred; (b) the chemical composition of the spill (water, oil and other chemicals is an inadequate description); (c) the cause of the spill; (d) the total contaminant loading. Government reported: The produced water entered wetlands and water bodies within the Zama River drainage; however, at this time, there is no indication of impacts to the Zama River... The company initiated protective actions on June 1, including blocking culvert drainage to restrict further movement of affected water. Our department staff and ERCB staff are on-site to assess impacts and oversee monitoring, containment and clean-up activities. Monitoring of the wetlands, water bodies, and area near the break is ongoing... Potentially affected residents were quickly notified of the spill, and there are no health or safety concerns at this time (J. Potter, pers. comm. 10 June 2013). Data and observations indicate that although the spill was reported on 1 June 2013, it had occurred some time before that. A photograph of the area of the spill taken in early June showed chlorotic and discolored vegetation which would not be evident had the spill occurred immediately prior to the photograph. Every plant and tree died in the area touched by the spill, said James Ahnassay, chief of the Dene Tha First Nation, whose members run traplines in an area that has seen oil and gas development since the 1950s (Vanderklippe 2013a). Apache spokesman Paul Wyke called the spill salty water, with trace amounts of oil. The Energy Resources Conservation Board, Albertas energy regulator, said it contained roughly 200 parts per million of oil, or about 2,000 litres in total. But information compiled by the Dene Tha suggests the toxic substance contains hydrocarbons, high levels of salt, sulphurous compounds, metals and naturally occurring radioactive materials, along with chemical solvents and additives used by the oil industry... The Dene Tha suspect this is a long-standing spill that may have gone undetected for months, given the widespread damage it has done (Vanderklippe 2013a). The fact that this large volume spill is in a wetland complex in contact with groundwater adjacent to the Zama River is cause for concern. The Zama River flows south into Hay-Zama Lakes and its Ramsar Wetland of International Importance (Figure 41). In light of the passage of time, it is unclear how much of the spill can be effectively recovered. The lack of credible independent ecological monitoring of the spill raises the question of whether the possible effects of this and other spills are adequately documented and published. Exceptions to the pattern of inadequate follow-up study and monitoring may require the active involvement of the media and concerned citizens such as in the wake of the 2005 Canadian National train derailment and oil spill into Wabamun Lake. Lax reporting Eleven days after being made aware of the spill, on 12 June 2013, ERCB (2013a) announced that approximately 9.48 million L had been spilled over an estimated 42 hectares. An ERCB spokesperson, Bob Curran, said that the regulators did not learn the volume of the spill until Tuesday, 11 June 2013. He added, At the outset we were unaware that it was of this extent or volume... If we had known that up-front we would have made the announcement at that time. Once it was determined that the volumes were at this level we immediately moved to issue a news release (Canadian Press 2013). It is also significant, given the publics right to accurate


and timely information, that the location of the spill as provided by ERCB was approximately 40 km away from the true location of the spill. A different version of events was related by Vanderklippe (2013b): Neither Apache nor the Alberta government initially disclosed the spill, which was only made public after someone reported it to a TV station late last week. Bob Curran, a spokesman with the Energy Resources Conservation Board, Albertas energy regulator, said there was no reason to make a broader public notification. There were no real public impacts. There were some people that were kind of nearby and they were notified. Did the ERCB contact the media because it had learned of the large volume of the spill or because someone had reported the incident to a television station?


Zama City


Anthropogenic Disturbances (from Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Centre) Hay-Zama Lakes Wildland Provincial Park, a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance

Figure 41. The Apache pipeline spill location in relation to the Zama River, the Hay-Zama Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, and anthropogenic disturbances such as seismic lines, pipelines, wells, and cutblocks.


The incident took place at least eight days prior to its being reported to the media and the general public. Both industry and the ERCB Box XII. ERCB Directive 071 bear responsibility for this failure to report 071 indicates that industry is responsible for in a timely manner to the public. Although a Directive delimiting an emergency planning and response zone (EPZ). government spokesperson disagreed via However, there is no information in the directive that email with this assessment (J. Potter, pers. stipulates the sizes of an affected area. The directive (ERCB comm., 10 June 2013): Albertans and First 2008) states: Municipal government (includes city, town, Nations in the area of the spill were notified village, summer village, municipal district, county, special area, national park, Indian reserve, and Mtis settlement) 1 of the situation immediately, as is required copy An ERP [emergency response plan] is only sent to a by regulation (Box XII.), that response town or city if its boundary falls into the EPZ or is in very raised further questions. The authors then close proximity (for example, 1 km beyond the EPZ). If this asked: What proportion of the people were is not the case, the ERP should be sent to the appropriate municipal district or county. ERCB Directive 071 is mostly notified? 100%? How were they notified... concerned with sour well, sour operation, HVP (high vapour email, door to door, radio announcements, pressure) pipelines, and cavern storage in relation to public telephone, community leaders only? And safety in the vicinity of these operations. The requirement to how is area of the spill defined? Is it a set notify is narrowly circumscribed to a small area for specific activities and is intended to minimize acute risks to public radius from a spill, some other quantitative safety principally from exposure to potentially harmful air measure, or up to the discretion of the quality. As a result, the ERCB notification policy is an regulator? The government spokesperson insufficient tool to serve the publics right to be informed (J. Potter, pers. comm., 11 June 2013) about incidents that occur on public land. replied: polluters are required to report releases to persons who may be directly affected by the release. Depending on the type of release, ESRD may also notify the municipality directly and/or other government agencies as necessary. No specific answers were provided to the specific questions. Potter directed the authors to ERCB Directive 071 (Box XII.), whose notification policy is intended to minimize acute risks to public safety during an emergency event. ERCBs notification policy is not intended to serve the publics right to know what incidents take place on public lands. Questions about disclosure remain, such as: Why is there no requirement for the general public and the media to be notified? Can industry be trusted to contact all affected parties in a timely manner, rather than just those defined in Directive 071? In a 17 June 2013 commentary in The Globe and Mail Alberta regulator falls short on disclosure, Jones (2013) noted that the new Alberta Energy Regulator (formerly the ERCB) has a new name and that after sitting on the news of a recent spill for 12 days, it apparently also needs new policies about transparency. The commentary provided a comparison of the pipeline spill disclosure policy of the National Energy Board (NEB) with that of the ERCB. It noted that a federal jurisdiction Kinder Morgan pipeline spill of 0.0019 million L was reported by the NEB to the public the day after the spill whereas the Alberta jurisdiction Hay-Zama spill of 9.5 million L was not reported to the public until 12 days had passed. The author observed that the Alberta Energy Regulator claims that it decides when it learns of a spill whether to issue a bulletin based on the incidents public and environmental impact. Ken Hughes, Alberta Energy Minister, was quoted as trusting the regulator to decide when to disclose spill information based on a process of established science and protocol. What the Minister did not reveal is that ERCB Directive 071, which lays out the protocol, is based on science pertaining to acute exposure to hazardous substances (such as poisononous gases) in the immediate vicinity of an incident. Directive 071 is mute and irrelevant to the issue of the publics right to be informed. The 226

commentary concluded that the actions of the ERCB suggested that the board was more concerned with managing the flow of information about the spill than it was about letting the public determine the gravity of the situation. The author suggested that if every spill were communicated to the public as they occur, the public might come to view most spills as relatively minor and easily remediated. He concluded that an imperfect public record is preferable to no record at all.

5.7 The Lax Regulatory Regime

Chronic issues persist that are not classified as incidents, but which nevertheless constitute environmental concerns and highlight an ineffective and lax regulatory regime. The foregoing results demonstrated through empirical data that the Alberta government has performed poorly across a broad spectrum of its responsibilities including public disclosure, oversight and monitoring, and enforcement. Yet it would be remiss to fail to note that other agencies share responsibility for the state of environmental management in the bitumen sands region. The federal government has been ineffective in its mandate to uphold both the Migratory Birds Convention Act and the Fisheries Act in that deaths of migratory birds at tailings ponds and contamination of fish-bearing waters are well-documented, chronic problems. Similarly, the Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board, which reports to the Alberta Energy Minister, has, in relation to conservation and the public interest, underperformed in its mission to ensure that the discovery, development, and delivery of Albertas energy resources occur in a fair and responsible manner that takes into account public safety, environmental protection, and resource conservation. One such example is the chronic issue of Box XIII. ERCB Directive 074 tailings management (Box XIII.). Although the In 2009, the ERCB produced Directive 074 which was total volume of contaminated tailings stored in introduced to slow the growing volumes of fluid tailings and the proliferation of tailings ponds. The ponds in the bitumen sands region continues to directive requires a fundamental shift in operators grow each year, in April 2013, Alberta Premier approach to tailings management: operators must Redford stated in Washington, D.C. that: commit resources to research, develop, and implement tailings ponds [will] disappear from Albertas fluid tailings reduction technologies, and tailings landscape in the very near future... the companies management and progressive reclamation must become operational priorities that are integrated with who do use mines and tailings must completely mine planning and bitumen production activities... halt the growth of fluid tailings ponds by 2016 (Cryderman 2013c). Yet, in June 2013, an energy Directive 074s long-term objectives are to minimize and eventually eliminate the long-term storage of fluid regulators report was released (ERCB 2013b) tailings in the reclamation landscape, create a which concluded that: Industry performance trafficable landscape at the earliest opportunity to over the 2010/2012 reporting period has not met facilitate progressive reclamation, eliminate or reduce the containment of fluid tailings in an external tailings the original expectations of Directive 074...The disposal area during operations, reduce stored fines capture performance indicates that the process-affected waste water volumes on site, expectations of the ERCB and industry were maximize intermediate process water recycling to optimistic. The commercial implementation of increase energy efficiency and reduce fresh water import, minimize resource sterilization associated tailings management technologies will take with tailings ponds, and ensure that the liability for longer than expected and performance will be tailings is managed through the reclamation of tailings lower than expected until operational problems ponds (ERCB 2009). are resolved. Given the issues that industry has 227

encountered, the ERCB does not believe that it would be appropriate to enforce compliance measures at this time. The ERCB has noted its concerns with operators performance in this report and expects operators to take appropriate measures, as some have begun to do. If operators do not meet their tailings management performance expectations the ERCB will assess enforcement options at that time. Because the ERCBs practice has been to eschew enforcement in favor of ongoing dialogue, its effectiveness has been limited while environmental problems remain unsolved and industrial activity expands. Responsibility for the growing environmental threats posed by tailings rests squarely with the ERCB. Jennifer Grant of the Pembina Institute noted that: Promises of responsible oil sands development ring hollow when the ERCB is not enforcing its own tailings rules (Cryderman 2013c). The regulator has failed in its mandate to protect the public interest by failing to require industry to correct long-standing environmental concerns while the situation has been exacerbated by its approvals of the expansion of existing operations and permitting new projects to proceed. As with the Alberta governments environmental record, ERCBs predilection to defer enforcement into the future serves to ensure that environmental problems related to bitumen exploitation will persist.


5.8 Underestimates of the True Incident Rate

Several factors acted to render the estimates of the incident rate based on the EMS database to be conservative. As discussed elsewhere, factors such as failure to disclose records, multiple contraventions subsumed under a single incident record, and under-reporting are systemic deficiencies in the incident record that lead to underestimates of incident frequencies. Two other factors are at play: (a) Communications with AESRD, supported by the results summarized in section 4.1.5 (Redaction Follow-up) suggest that the routine disclosure records that were released did not include incidents that were previously classified as open investigations. Once an incident is categorized as an open investigation in the EMS database, there is no evidence to indicate that the records status is updated to closed when it receives that designation by investigators. As far as can be ascertained, the procedure Box XIV. Are Permanent Redactions in the Public Interest? Are followed in the EMS database seems to be they lawful? once unavailable, always unavailable. Governments justification for redacting open investigation incidents Therefore, the more serious incidents are (and closed incidents that are linked to open investigations) is that to never made available for public disclosure release incident information might undermine an open investigation. (Box XIV.). Does this justification stand up to scrutiny? Consider the following: (b) Reporting of pipeline spills to the EMS database appears to be done in a haphazard manner, perhaps because there is no clear requirement for such incidents to be reported to the EMS. Instead, pipeline incidents are typically reported by industry to the regulator (formerly the Energy Utilities Board, then the ERCB, and presently to the Alberta Energy Regulator). Analysis of an ERCB database of releases obtained by Global News (2013) reveals several interesting features that are pertinent to understanding both the true incident rate in the bitumen sands region and the shortcomings of the available data. There were 1,179 reported releases in the study region in the ERCB database over the period July 1975 to February 2013 (Figure 42 and Appendix 6). For comparison purposes, over the 1996 to mid-2012 time period covered by the routine disclosures, there were 950 reported releases in the study region contained in the ERCB database.
(1) Industry reported the incident to government, therefore industry knows that an investigation might be underway. Releasing the incident information to the public would not improperly inform industry; it already knows about the incident because it was the source of the information. (2) The public has a right to know about industrial incidents in the same manner that it has a right to know about traffic accidents and train derailments. The incidents are not trade secrets. (3) The public does not have access to any subsequent law enforcement investigatory material. Release of subsequent investigatory information, not the original incident description, could jeopardize an investigation. (4) The public cannot jeopardize an open investigation simply by knowing that an incident has occurred. The legality of AESRDs wholesale redactions and its failing to release incidents of closed status should be examined. If the investigation upon which the redactions were justified was subsequently closed, refusal to release the records must be based on a different reason. The government, furthermore, may not be able legally to redact records for privacy concerns of its own accord. Third party confidentiality requires a request for confidentiality from the third party and must be supported by reasons. AESRD is likely not asking all third parties whether they wish to have their personal information protected. The only ostensible reason for withholding incident information from the public may be to control information. Whether AESRD failed to provide requested closed records by volition or by default through poor records management and retrieval is perhaps less important than the fact that the records were not disclosed. The public has right of access to those incident records and that access was denied.


Over the full record covered by the ERCB data, the most commonly listed companies responsible for the releases were Suncor Energy Inc. (16.8 %), Devon ARL, Devon Canada, and Devon NEC (7.4 %), Nexen Canada and Nexen Inc. (7.2 %), CNRL (5.9 %), Petro-Canada (5.9 %), and Syncrude Canada Ltd. (5.1 %). Unknown and unknown operator are listed as the company responsible for 7.9 % of the releases. By cause of release (failure type), the five most common causes of releases were: equipment failure (15.1 %), operator error (14.1 %), internal corrosion (12.7 %), tank overflow (8.2 %), and unknown (8.0%). With regard to releases in the study region of the most common substances there were: 97 releases of crude bitumen with a median release volume of 4 m3 and a total release of 7,385 m3; 194 releases of raw production gas with a median release volume of 2 x 103m3 and a total release of 172.3 million m3; 61 releases of synthetic crude oil with a median release volume of 8 m3 and a total release of 4,656 m3; 83 releases of crude oil with a median release volume of 6 m3 and a total release of 1,943 m3; 262 salt/produced water releases with a median release volume of 5 m3 and a total release of 5,585 m3 [Note: in comparison, the large Hay-Zama spill of June 2013, described in section 5.6.5, totaled 9,480 m3 according to industry, which is far greater than the combined spill volume of the 262 salt/produced water spills documented here.]; and 138 process water releases with a median release volume of 8 m3 and a total release of 32,912 m3. It is important to note that there are spills missing from the ERCB database and some of these are noted below; therefore, the totals provided above are minimum estimates. The relatively high number of releases of unknown operator and unknown cause is surprising given that the ERCB has a record of all companies and their pipelines. It is significant that spills, for example, of three million L of crude bitumen on 3 April 2006 (ERCB incident 20060874) and of 1.2 million L of crude bitumen on 1 January 2006 (ERCB incident 20060010) (Appendix 6) were attributed by the ERCB to an unknown operator and unknown cause. Nor were these large spills found in the EMS record. There was, however, an event at Suncor on 3 April 2006 in the EMS database: Spill of pond effluent water into pond and sump; probably not into the Athabasca River. Cause is due to pressure safety valve lifted (incident 221357).. There are known spills missing from the ERCB record. For example, a major fire on 21 January 1982, with flames reaching 90 m in height, was followed by a release of hydrocarbons and contaminants to the Athabasca River which was observed on 16 February 1982. In an area of open water, an Alberta Fish and Wildlife Officer observed a cloudy area and later an oily sheen (AELC 2008). The spill resulted in closure of the commercial fishing season on Lake Athabasca and was reported to have caused illnesses among people in Fort McKay (Struzik 1982 a, b). Inspection of the ERCB releases for Suncor in 1982 found six incidents but none dated from either January or February. Similarly, a 6 June 1970 Suncor pipeline break released three million L of oil into the Athabasca River where it was observed for six days on Lake Athabasca in the vicinity of Fort Chipewyan (Hogge et al. 1970; Schick and Ambrock 1974). This major spill is not part of the ERCB record, which extends back only to 1975. Most of the spills and releases that are listed in Appendix 6 are missing from the EMS database. There are other discrepancies. For example, (a) comparison of the ERCB incidents with the EMS data indicate that although there was a fire at Syncrude that resulted in a spill on 1 November 1998, that incident is absent from the EMS data; (b) Although there is an ERCB spill of 6,000 L of crude oil by an unknown operator listed for 30 January 2004, there is no such spill in the EMS database; however, on 29 January 2004, the EMS data indicate a spill of 30,000 gallons of gypsum (incident 159423, Suncor Oil Sands) and another spill on 31 January 2004 of


8000 L of naphtha (incident 159530, Syncrude Mildred Lake). Conversely, neither of these spills (29 and 31 January 2004) in the EMS record were found in the ERCB spill record. Further to the topic of pipeline spills in the EMS record that are absent from the ERCB record, the following additional incident is significant: Release of untreated naphtha between tank #64 and 72. Pipeline failure. Contained. Spill into natural ditch. None in water course. Will repair line and cleanup with a vacuum truck. JC; on October 4, 2010 [sic, 2009] Syncrude reported a spill of treated naphtha of 200 L. An update was received on October 11, 2009 and the total volume released was 41 cubic meters. Emergency response crews placed a foam blanket on the spill and vac trucks continued to pump the naphtha and took to the API separator for further processing. The contaminated soil was cleaned up and put into the Mildred Lake Settling Basin. AENV is working with Syncrude regarding spills and disposal practices currently at the oil sands facility (345114, Syncrude Mildred Lake, 4 October 2009). The incident is noteworthy in that (a) Syncrude first reported the spill to be a 200 L volume which was later revised to 41,000 L; (b) This is a large and recent pipeline spill that is not part of the ERCB record. Why such spills are not part of the ERCB data is not clear. Might it suggest poor record keeping on the part of government, industry, or the regulator? In regard to sharing of spill information, there are three columns in the ERCB database (Public Affected, Wildlife-Livestock Affected, Area Affected) that often contain the text string Conversion from ENV system which suggest that incident information was transferred from another database to the ERCB database. However, comparison of the EMS and ERCB data files for incidents recorded for particular dates and companies indicate that the incidents differ. For five Suncor incidents, there were no evident matches found (EMS: naphtha, ERCB: condensate; EMS: none; ERCB: crude oil; EMS: bitumen and hot water; ERCB crude oil; EMS: none, ERCB: condensate; EMS: none, ERCB: crude oil). Similarly, for five Syncrude incidents there were no evident matches found: EMS: sour light hydrocarbons, ERCB: kerosene; EMS: untreated heavy gas oil; ERCB: frac oil; EMS: two incidents, sour water vapours and raw sewage, ERCB: raw production gas; EMS: fire and spillage of bitumen reported to EUB [former name for ERCB], ERCB: crude oil; EMS: none relevant, ERCB: crude oil. Incidents in the EMS records that stated the incidents had been or would be reported to the ERCB were not found in the ERCB database. For example: 2 February 2008, spill of 8-12 thousand L of diluted bitumen (Suncor, incident 294994); 9 April 2008, spill of bitumen, sand, water slurry (Suncor, incident 299011); and 3 September 2008, spill of 1-2 L of drilling mud on Highway 63 (Suncor, incident 311766) were not found in the ERCB database, suggesting that the reporting to ERCB did not take place, or, if it did, the data were not recorded in the releases database. Finally, when incidents were found on a corresponding date for a corresponding company in the two datasets, the incidents appeared to be unrelated. From these data checks, it is apparent that the EMS and ERCB incident datasets are essentially independent and therefore need to be used in concert to gain a more complete picture of the incident regime in the region. When examined together, the datasets support the conclusion that the incident rates estimated for the bitumen companies based on the EMS database are underestimates of the true parameter values. Additionally, study of the ERCB releases data raises questions that require answers (Box XV.).


It is critical for the public to be Box XV. Nine Questions Posed to the ERCB informed of the methods by which the AER After studying the ERCB data, the following questions gathers its data and determines the reliability were posed to ERCB: of the data. Does the AER accept the What does it mean when the amount released is zero and information provided to it by industry or the amount recovered is some non-zero number? For a does it undertake to verify important large number of incidents, the volume recovered is equal to the volume released. Does ERCB verify both the information such as date and duration of volume released and the volume recovered for each spill, substance released, spill volume, and spill? How would a company achieve 100% recovery of volume recovered? Does it gather data on a spill? Especially when the spill is into water? How spill chemistry, the success or failure of post- does the ERCB determine that there is no effect on spill reclamation, or whether there were wildlife? Does it conduct a study or get the information from the company? Why are there no records prior to wildlife impacts or does it simply accept 1975? Are there spills that are missing from the statements from industry at face value? Why database? What causes ERCB to specify "unknown" as does the volume recovered from a spill often the operator responsible for a release? closely correspond to the volume of the spill (see Table 33)? Is cleanup technology that No answers had been received as of the date of release effective? Does the AER conduct follow-up of this study. and long-term ecological monitoring after releases, and if so, what do the results indicate? In the province as a whole, why are there 875 spills in the database attributed to numbered corporations and 683 spills attributed to unknown entities? Who pays for cleanup after spills attributed to numbered corporations and unknown companies? Given the large number of spills, and the fact that the AER did not answer pertinent questions (Box XV.), AER may not have the staff, resources, or predilection to provide credible, complete, and verified information to the public. In the public interest, an independent audit of the Alberta Energy Regulator should be conducted.


Figure 42. Releases within the study region on record with the ERCB. Data provided courtesy of Leslie Young (pers. comm., June 2013). Many of the 1,179 releases occurred at similar localities resulting in overlapping of plotted release locations. The June 2013 Enbridge spill of 119 m3 synthetic crude oil about 70 km southeast of Fort McMurray is not included.


Table 33. Pipeline releases in the study region attributed to unknown entities and the relationship between reported volume released and volume recovered. Data excerpted from Appendix 6. Releases of production gas, hydrogen, and air are excluded in this table due to the focus on volume released vs. volume recovered. Licensee Name Substance Volume Volume Released Recovered (m3) (m3)
0 25 3 10 350 16 3 2 4 17 3 557 7 6 10 3 3 10 40 2 10 1200 189 3000 10 0 2 1 8 0 2 50 18 20 0 0 3 10 350 16 3 2 4 17 3 557 7 6 10 3 3 10 40 2 10 1200 189 3000 10 0 0 1 8 0 0 50 18 0


Boiler Blowdown Water Condensate Corrosion Inhibited Water Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil



Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil Diesel Oil Diesel Oil Diesel Oil Drilling Mud (Water Based) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Frac Oil Fresh Water Fresh Water Glycol Lubricants Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Produced Sand Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water

6 40 5 6 0 0 0 6 2 80 0 9 1 3 2000 300 100 100 22 56 8 6 257 678 4 10 100 97 41 2 8000 4000 30 8 1 0 10 10 40 330 50 1 5

6 35 5 6 0 0 0 6 0 80 0 0 1 3 2000 270 100 0 22 56 8 6 257 678 4 10 100 97 41 2 0 4000 30 8 1 0 10 10 40 330 50 0 5



Salt/Produced Water Sulphur Sulphur Sulphur Synthetic Crude Oil Waste Waste ? ? ? ?

3 13 8 23 8 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 13 8 23 8 1 138 0 0 0 0


6. Conclusions
Examination and study of the incidents in the EMS database, supplemented by study of other documentation and datasets, lead to the following observations and conclusions. Data Management and Records Disclosure The Alberta governments routine disclosure process fails to deliver timely, accurate, errorfree, and complete information. Nor does the system protect privacy. Incidents that contained personal information slipped through the redaction process (These incidents have not been discussed in the report because it is not our intent to disclose personal information). Procedures used to store and retrieve information from the EMS database are dysfunctional. The system cannot be remedied by minor modifications. Government needs to become more transparent, timely, efficient, and error-free in its disclosure of information while at the same it protects privacy. There is therefore no ostensible reason for the Alberta government to retain its current dysfunctional environmental information management and disclosure processes. The AESRD routine disclosure process provides information to the public, after significant delay, that is essentially unusable without significant programming expertise and line by line editing. Different records are disclosed for essentially identical information requests. The information lacks an indeterminate number of records to which the public has right of access. The practice of not updating the EMS database when incident status changes from open investigation to closed inhibits public awareness and prevents public involvement in environmental enforcement. Evidence is presented that indicates that the most serious incidents are never made available to the public. There is no evidence that once an incident is categorized as an open investigation, the records status in the EMS database is updated to closed when it receives that designation by investigators (despite the fact the incident was not used in an enforcement action). Furthermore there is no evidence that incidents that were part of former enforcement actions are ever released within the EMS database. Therefore, an unknown number of serious incidents never become available for public access. Although requested, no formerly redacted records whose status subsequently changed to closed were released. For that reason it is uncertain whether those unreleased records were lawfully redacted. Repeated attempts to address deficiencies in the AESRD disclosure process met with no success and an abrupt cancellation of a meeting with senior bureaucrats. Industrial self-reporting as the foundation of the environmental record, both on the part of Alberta government and the Alberta Energy Regulator, fails the test of openness and transparency that are essential to good governance. Responsibilities for reporting should be shifted to monitoring agencies that report directly to the public. Launching of the Alberta governments open data portal in May 2013 did not address deficiencies in government transparency in regard to environmental incidents. Querying the portal with various search terms failed to find real-time data, monitoring reports, or any relevant information on spills, leaks, public complaints, or other environmental incidents.


Environmental Incidents A minimum of 9,262 environmental incidents are documented in the EMS database within the study region over the 1996-2012 period. The incidents documented in this study represent an unknown fraction of the true number of incidents occurring per unit time because of the combined effect of missing records, redacted records, multiple contraventions subsumed under a single incident, and under-reporting. Furthermore, other kinds of incidents, such as pipeline spills, are typically not reported to the EMS database. A recurrent feature of the incidents is that the volume, duration, and chemical composition of the releases to air, and spills, leaks, and discharges to land or water are unspecified or unknown. This lack of basic data limits the ability to understand industrial impacts and represents a significant deficiency in government and industrial monitoring. Overall, environmental incidents from the period 1996 to mid-2012 reached a peak during the period 2008 through 2011. The most frequent incidents, borne out by the contraventions, releases, notifications, and public complaints relate to air emissions and air quality (64.9 % of total incidents). The bitumen operations are extensive, process large volumes of potentially hazardous materials, are technologically complex, operate within narrow engineering tolerances, and are functionally-linked, which factors render them sensitive to upsets that result in environmental incidents. Small events can have large impacts on the function of the industrial plants. An engineering and environmental audit that is consistent across all company approvals should be conducted to identify whether particular processes, machinery, and practices give rise to a disproportionate number of incidents. Incidents demonstrate that industry increases the sediment loading of the regions waterbodies above natural background levels. Whether this increase has resulted in environmental impacts requires study. Little is known of the environmental incident record prior to 1996. There is a 29-year data gap from the beginning of operations in 1967 through 1995 about which no incident information is currently available. This lack of information constitutes a major environmental uncertainty. The possibility of a hidden legacy of contamination is significant. Such a legacy would include groundwater contaminant plumes from tailings ponds and unrecorded discharges into the Athabasca River, spills and leaks, air pollutant deposition, and unregistered and unauthorized dumps of industrial materials. There is no credible independent monitoring of the activities of contractors and subcontractors hired by the approval holders. What substances are they using in their activities? Are there further examples of banned substances such as trichloroethane being used, spilled, or released? Examination of the Alberta Energy Regulator pipeline releases database further characterizes the industrial disturbance regime of the region. There were 1,179 pipeline releases in the study region over the period of record. The reliability and completeness of the releases data and the regulators practices as they relate to data verification and public disclosure are evaluated. Questions posed to the Alberta Energy Regulator were not answered as of the date of release of this report. An audit of the Alberta Energy Regulator is recommended. The performance of industry as it relates to public disclosure of information is examined in relation to issues and recent incidents attributed to CNRL, Syncrude, Suncor, Plains 238

Midstream, Penn West, Enbridge, and Apache. Public disclosure by industry is found to be inadequate. Enforcement A minimum of 4,063 alleged contraventions (perceived violations of legislation) occurred between 1996 and mid-2012. Syncrude Mildred Lake (46.95 %) and Suncor Oil Sands (39.65 %) were responsible for the majority (86.6 %) of the 4,063 alleged contraventions. The contraventions were chronic and repetitive and indicated little progress towards better management practices. The number of air contravention incidents is a subset of the actual number of contraventions. One reason for the underestimate is that air contravention incidents can be composed of many contraventions. The number of contraventions is more a measure of performance in relation to regulated substances, such as sulfur dioxide, than it is of environmental impact. The majority of emitted and released substances are unregulated and therefore do not result in contraventions when released. The environmental enforcement rate in the bitumen sands region is 0.9 % of the alleged contravention rate. In comparison, the average enforcement rate for violations of the Clean Water Act in the United States for the period 2004-2007 was 16.0 %, over 17 times the environmental enforcement rate in Albertas bitumen sands region. Although law court is the appropriate venue in which to adjudicate adherence to regulatory approvals and legislation, enforcement has proven to be an ineffective and slow environmental management tool in the bitumen sands region. The proportion of public complaint-generated incidents that resulted in enforcement actions is higher than the overall proportion of public complaint incidents, which suggests that public involvement and media attention facilitate enforcement actions. Because enforcement is rare, and most enforcement actions pose little more than a minor cost of doing business (a median penalty of $4,500.), industry has little incentive to undertake improvements that might result in increased costs. It is more cost-effective to pay the financial penalties. The Alberta government monitors for a small number of substances released to the environment. A larger set of substances is reported by industry to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI). However, these compounds are not federally-regulated per se but simply tabulated, nor is the NPRI list of compounds a complete enumeration. There is no systematic monitoring or tabulation of releases for a large number of substances such as naphtha, diesel, gasoline, total hydrocarbons, sewage, and coke particulates. This presents a significant set of unknowns.

Government and industry have been consistent in their messaging that bitumen exploitation is environmentally sustainable and stringently regulated. The public struggles with these messages because it lacks access to reliable, on-demand, timely, and objective information. The gulf between bitumen promoters and the public will not be bridged by escalating public relations campaigns which will only lead to loss of time and opportunities. Given the revolutionary changes in communications technology that are transforming civilization, the internet may be the key to bridging the gulf that prevent progress in 239

environmental management. There is little to lose and much to be gained. If, as government leaders maintain, they are good stewards and have nothing to hide, as Alberta Premier Redford stated in April 2013, then effective disclosure of objective information is needed to allow the citizenry to grant them the social license to continue. Conversely, if there are serious issues disclosed, the public, through democratic processes, can participate in the discussion as fullyinformed citizens. In either case, a comprehensive information and video network might be effective in ensuring transparency, encouraging improved management, and restoring trust in government. Three changes in government procedure are recommended. (1) Albertas environmental laws must be more effectively enforced. Unannounced inspections should be conducted at the discretion of environmental protection officers. (2) Environmental incident information, including public complaints, should be made available in real-time format via the internet. Website staff can redact personal information, as appropriate. Incident descriptions should be posted online as they occur, and data, toxicity results, ambient air quality, and spill volumes and locations should be posted online as they become available. The format of text should be true-text, not images of text. (3) Remote, real-time cameras and sensors should be installed and brought online at a network of selected locations, including tailings ponds, wastewater ponds, river reaches below outfalls, and major emissions sources. Remote cameras have already been employed to monitor flare stacks and some other emissions sources. In light of technology that is revolutionizing communication, and the ever-increasing pace of change, the Alberta governments failure to provide relevant, reliable, real-time, online data is an anachronism. Government should adopt a big data, free-market approach to information. If the public deems the information worthwhile, it will use the data. Media will produce news items. If the public deems the information worthwhile, the news items will continue. If the public does not see worth in the news, then that news will cease to be reported. Let the free market decide what is valuable information. Big data, open government is the future. It is cost-effective, inclusive, and democratic. Until such time as government replaces media-campaigns with unvetted, reliable, objective information available to all who seek it, its credibility with regard to environmental management of bitumen exploitation will be limited.


7. Acknowledgments
We thank Roland Penner, Geoff Kershaw, and the staff of Global Forest Watch (Edmonton) for assistance with a myriad of technical tasks. Dr. Kevin Percy provided WBEA air quality data and Dr. Isobel Simpson and Dr. Donald Blake contributed trace gas data. Leslie Young provided the ERCB spills database. Dr. Heather Eckert, Geoff Kershaw, Roland Penner, Helene Walsh, and two anonymous reviewers provided critical reviews. A New Ventures Fund Grant contributed $28,372.24. Treeline Ecological Research contributed, in kind, $148,500. (135 days @ $1,100); Global Forest Watch Canada contributed, in kind, $48,750. (65 days @ $750). The total cost of the study was $225,622.24 CDN.

8. References
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9. Appendices
Appendix 1. Glossary of EMS Terms. Appendix 2. Definitions of other abbreviations and technical terms. Appendix 3. Air quality statistics for sulfur dioxide, total reduced sulfur, hydrogen sulphide, total hydrocarbons, PM2.5, ammonia, and nitrous compounds from WBEA air monitoring stations for the period 1998-2012. Appendix 4. Questions posed in writing to AESRD on 26 March 2013. Appendix 5. A synopsis of findings requested by AESRD prior to a meeting to be held with AESRD assistant deputy ministers and their staff and provided by the authors. Appendix 6. Releases reported to ERCB between 1975 and 2013 within the study region, sorted by year. Data provided by Leslie Young (pers. comm., June 2013; Global News (2013)). The volumes released (Vol Rel) and volumes recovered (Vol Rec) are in m3 for most substances; however, for gas production (raw and marketable), fuel gas, hydrogen, and air the volume unit is 1000m3. A zero volume of release suggests that a pipeline was dented or otherwise damaged but no release was reported. Blank fields indicate no data in that cell within the ERCB database. Appendix 7. An abbreviated version of the EMS incident data file of 9,262 incidents from the bitumen sands region sorted by incident number. Only the minimum, essential columns are presented. See the spreadsheet, available upon request, for the full dataset.


Appendix 1. Glossary of EMS Terms

(provided courtesy of Nancy Welsh, Government of Alberta, pers. comm., 15 March 2013) Abandon: Intentional storage of waste where the responsible party has no intent to ever claim a right or interest in it. Aesthetics (Public Complaint): Concerns regarding color, odour, or taste (not including chlorine) of treated drinking water. Agency: A representative of a government agency or a delegated authority external to AESRD who is not the source (i.e. ERCB, DFO, Fire Departments, Health Units, Police). Alleged Contravention: Perceived contravention of legislation. Animal Health: Any perceived affect to the health of an animal. Approval Requirement: Any activity, submission of data, or limit as set out in an approval. Authorized: Licensed, Temporary Diversion License, household use and other exempted activities that allow for the removal of water from a water source. Bacteriological - Guideline Exceedance (In House, Industry, Agency): A bacteriological (coliforms, E.coli) parameter that does not meet the Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guideline (CDWQG). Bacteriological - Limit Exceedance (In House, Industry, Agency): A bacteriological (coliforms, E.coli) parameter that does not meet the approval requirement. Bacteriological (Public Complaint): A concern regarding bacteriological contamination of treated drinking water. Burning: An activity involving open fire and/or smoke (i.e. burn barrels, burn pits). Code of Practice: A set of rules governing a specific activity that requires a registration (no approval require if registered under the code). Direction of Flow: Issues associated with the natural movement of water. Discharge: Liquid release from a point source designed for that purpose. Disposal: Any act intended as the final disposition of the substance. Disturbance: Physical change of a waterbed or shoreline.


Drinking Water Quality (DWQ): Issues relative to the quality of drinking water specific to approved treated water facilities. Dumping: Intentional disposal of waste at an unlawful location. Dust, Particulate: To be used when the dust or particulate is the impact or effect (i.e. sandblasting dust, substance from asphalt plants). Failure to Report: Failure to provide required information as set out by an approval, legislation, or code of practice. Flaring: Any controlled burning of gases (i.e. Flare Stack, Mechanism for depressurizing lines or tanks). Flooding: An occurrence of increased water levels where cause is unknown or natural (i.e. beaver dams, natural run-off). Gas Release: Any release of gas to the atmosphere (i.e. natural gas, chlorine, anhydrous ammonia, propane). Groundwater: All water under the surface of the ground. Human Health: Perceived affect to the health of an individual or the general public not related to known cause or event. Incident ID: A system generated identification number (Incident ID #) that is given to a reported incident that requires further follow-up, this is written on the call sheet after the call has been entered and an incident created. Impact: Noticeable change in the environment. In House: A department employee reporting a perceived contravention or environmental impact detected during the normal course of employment. Incomplete Report: A written, verbal or electronic report received by AESRD that does not contain all required information. Industrial Ambient Air Monitoring: Ambient air shed associations and in house monitoring who report ambient air exceedance. i.e. FAP, CASA, Wood Buffalo Environmental Association, PASZA Industry: Company, agency or similar entity that is the source (does not include an individual). Information Request: Request for information from an individual, agency or industry regarding an event, facility, or legislation.


Investigation ID: A system-generated number assigned to an incident once it becomes an investigation and the record is saved. Is recorded by the person who creates the Investigation. Land Alteration: Structures or physical alteration to the land to change the direction and or flow of water, approved or unapproved (ditches, dams, berms, culverts, dykes). Late Report: A written, verbal or electronic report received by AESRD after the required time limit. Legislation: The requirements set out in EPEA, the Water Act, and supporting regulations. Legislative Requirement: Report regarding an event covered under the legislation. Excluding drinking water quality issues. Limit Exceedance: A parameter or amount that does not comply with the requirement set out in an approval or legislation. Missing Report: A written, verbal or electronic report not received by AESRD. Noise: Any undesirable sound. Notification: Providing of information as required by an approval or other legislation (this is not a release report or report of an impact). Odour: Any undesirable or offensive smell. Pesticide Overspray: Deposition of a pesticide other than its intended location (i.e. drift, overspray, misuse). Pipeline: A pipe used for the transmission of any substance. Point Source: A structure or piece of equipment specifically designed to facilitate the controlled release of a substance. Pro-Active Notification: Providing of information prior to an occurrence or activity commencement. A head's up notification not required by an approval or legislation. Property Damage: Any damage to caller's property due to an alleged source or activity. Public Complaint: General public calling in regarding an event or concern. Reclamation: Activity intended to bring disturbed land back to a desirable state. Release: Exposure of a substance to the environment that is occurring or has already occurred.


Source: The alleged party responsible for the event. Could be a company, agency, individual, unknown or naturally caused. Spills: An accidental release of a liquid or solid substance from a source not intended to release such substances. Storage: An ongoing activity where waste is neither treated nor disposed of. Supply: Production of well water depleting or ceasing. Treatment - Guideline Exceedance (In House, Industry, Agency): A chemical or turbidity parameter that does not meet the Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guideline (CDWQG). Treatment - Limit Exceedance (In House, Industry, Agency): A chemical or turbidity parameter that does not meet the approval requirement. Treatment (Public Complaint): A chemical or turbidity concern related to drinking water (i.e. cloudy water, chlorine taste). Un-Authorized: Removal of water from a water source that is not in compliance with a license or the legislation. Unauthorized Activity: Any activity that is not in compliance with an approval, legislation, or code of practice. Vegetation: Any visible affect [sic, effect] specific to plant life where no cause has been identified. Not property damage. Visible Emission: A visible change to the atmosphere not including smoke from fire. Waste: Any material that is intended for disposal. Waste Management: The collection, storage, treatment or disposal of waste material. Water Level: Change in volume of water. Water Management: Issues related to quantity, quality and use of surface water and groundwater. Does not include any issues associated with treated drinking water facilities. Water Removal: Taking of water from any water source, surface water or groundwater (Also referred to as diversion of water in the Water Act). Water Well Construction: Issues associated with the drilling and completion of water wells (i.e. driller complaints). Well Water Quality: Adverse change in the characteristic of well water. 252

Appendix 2. Definitions of other abbreviations and technical terms.

AAAQ: Alberta Ambient Air Quality [also: AAAQO: Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objective; see Alberta Environment (2011)] AENV: Alberta Environment AESRD: Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Approval: this term is commonly used in the governments information. In most cases the term refers to a specific operation of a company whose regulatory terms are defined in a document known as an approval. It is not synonymous with company because a company may operate under several to many approvals. The company is the approval holder. For example, the main, long-established Suncor facility near Tar Island operates under approval 94, yet Suncor, as a company, holds other regulatory approvals. The approval number is important because it serves as a key identifier in the record keeping. Each incident is assigned to a specific company operation identified by an approval number. BA: boil water advisory blowdown pond: The blow-down pond is used as temporary storage for water that accumulates during normal plant operations (i.e., steam generators). The water is recycled out of the pond, processed through the water treatment plant and then turned back into steam. In addition, residual products from warm-lime softening are stored in the pond. Typically there is no oil in the blow-down pond (Conoco-Phillips 2013). CEMS: continuous emissions monitoring system EMS: Environmental Management System (the AESRD database queried in this report) EPO (has two meanings): environmental protection officer, and, environmental protection order FGD: flue gas desulphurization unit JBR: jet bubble reactor MSL: mineral surface lease OPPC: ore preparation plant C PDA: pre-disturbance assessment Sour water: any liquid stream containing more than 0.025 mole % of hydrogen sulphide SRU: sulphur recovery unit SWAG: sour water acid gas TGTU: tail gas treatment unit tpd: tonnes per day TOU: thermal oxidizing unit TV: true vapour TVP: true vapour pressure VRU: vapour recovery unit WBEA: Wood Buffalo Environmental Association


Appendix 3. Air quality statistics for sulfur dioxide, total reduced sulfur, hydrogen sulphide, total hydrocarbons, PM2.5, ammonia, and nitrous compounds from WBEA air monitoring stations for the period 1998-2012. Stations are preceded by the letter S followed by the parameter. For example, S1SO2 reports the sulfur dioxide statistics for AMS 1.


Appendix 3. Table 1. Summary statistics for hourly concentration of sulfur dioxide (ppb) at the WBEA AMS stations, 1998-2012. The 100 ppb threshold is based on increased airway resistance for asthmatic people when exercising (ATSDR undated). The 172 ppb threshold is the AAAQ objective based on pulmonary function (Alberta Environment 2011).
S1 SO2 N Minimum Maximum Range Median Mean Upper Confidence Interval Lower Confidence Interval Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variation 75th tile 90th tile 95th tile 99th tile 99.5th tile n hrs 100 ppb n hrs 172 ppb 0 184.3 184.3 0.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.0 4.1 17.0 3.1 0.9 2.5 5.5 18.9 26.3 9 1 S2 SO2 0 381.5 381.5 0.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 0.0 7.2 51.4 3.0 1.5 5.2 11.2 34.2 47.1 66 6 S4SO2 0 250.6 250.6 0.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 0.0 5.0 25.0 4.0 0.6 1.9 5.0 21.7 33.0 29 6 S5 SO2 S6 SO2 S7 SO2 S8 SO2 S10 SO2 S11 SO2 S12 SO2 S13 SO2 S14 SO2 S15 SO2 S16 SO2 69153 0 267.0 267.0 0.3 1.7 1.7 1.6 0.0 5.2 26.8 3.1 1.1 4.0 7.7 22.8 30.8 17 1 100810 0 289.0 289.0 0.5 2.0 2.0 1.9 0.0 6.2 38.8 3.2 1.2 3.9 8.4 28.3 39.9 47 7 84979 0 287.6 287.6 0.4 1.5 1.6 1.5 0.0 4.9 24.2 3.2 1.1 3.2 6.1 21.1 31.5 16 3 84335 0 292.0 292.0 0.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.0 4.8 22.6 3.9 0.7 2.0 5.1 20.7 29.8 16 3 56925 0 106.4 106.4 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 1.8 3.1 3.1 0.5 1.2 2.5 7.5 10.5 1 0 40919 0 128.9 128.9 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 3.8 14.6 3.9 0.4 1.8 4.5 17.0 25.2 1 0 31773 0 160.7 160.7 0.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 0.0 4.0 16.4 3.0 0.9 2.8 5.7 18.4 26.8 3 0 0 704.2 704.2 0.7 2.5 2.5 2.4 0.0 8.5 72.4 3.4 1.5 5.0 10.5 32.5 47.0 118 29 0 151.0 151.0 0.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.0 3.0 9.1 2.7 0.8 2.4 5.0 13.9 19.2 4 0 0 84.0 84.0 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 2.5 6.3 2.9 0.6 1.6 3.6 11.8 16.7 0 0 0 24.5 24.5 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.9 0.2 0.8 1.7 4.8 6.4 0 0

123458 124012 123850 123649 123163 123148 116894


Appendix 3: Table 2. Summary statistics for hourly concentration of total reduced sulfur (ppb) at the WBEA AMS stations, 1998-2012. The value 10 ppb is the TRS air quality objective used by WBEA.
S1 TRS N Minimum Maximum Range Median Mean Upper Confidence Interval Lower Confidence Interval Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variation 75th tile 90th tile 95th tile 99th tile 99.5th tile n hrs 10 ppb % hrs 10 ppb 123371 0 86.9 86.9 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.8 0.7 1.3 0.7 1.2 1.8 3.4 4.3 96 0.078 S6 TRS 120348 0 11.4 11.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.1 1.1 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.4 1.8 5 0.004 S7 TRS 122800 0 14.9 14.9 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.9 1.2 2.2 2.7 10 0.008 S9 TRS 100765 0 100.8 100.8 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.9 0.7 1.7 0.6 1.1 1.6 3.1 4.1 44 0.044 S12 TRS 75489 0 92.6 92.6 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.0 1.9 3.5 2.2 0.8 1.8 2.9 8.0 11.7 522 0.691 S13 TRS 80276 0 69.8 69.8 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.8 0.6 1.8 0.5 0.9 1.4 3.0 4.2 51 0.064 S14 TRS 56168 0 38.4 38.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.6 0.3 1.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.7 2.3 39 0.069 S15 TRS 40894 0 17.9 17.9 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.6 2.0 1 0.002


Appendix 3: Table 3. Summary statistics for hourly concentration of hydrogen sulphide (ppb) at the WBEA AMS stations, 1998-2012. The value 0.47 ppb H2S is the odor threshold; 4.7 ppb is the recognition threshold (Powers 2004); and 10 ppb is the one-hour AAAQ objective (Alberta Environment 2011).
S2 H2S N Minimum Maximum Range Median Mean Upper Confidence Interval Lower Confidence Interval Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variation 75th tile 90th tile 95th tile 99th tile 99.5th tile n hrs 0.47 ppb n hrs 4.7 ppb n hrs 10 ppb % hrs 0.47 ppb % hrs 4.7 ppb % hrs 10 ppb 123822 0 100.4 100.4 0.3 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.0 3.1 9.7 3.3 0.8 1.9 3.3 11.2 17.7 47724 3957 1455 38.5 3.2 1.2 S4 H2S 123299 0 60.6 60.6 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.1 0.3 0.7 1.2 3.4 4.9 19729 678 182 16.0 0.5 0.1 S5 H2S 123692 0 100.0 100.0 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 2.3 5.4 2.6 0.8 1.9 3.3 9.5 14.4 48770 3774 1165 39.4 3.1 0.9 S11 H2S 100369 0 96.2 96.2 0.4 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.0 2.0 4.1 2.4 0.9 1.8 2.8 7.4 10.6 45225 2227 561 45.1 2.2 0.6


Appendix 3: Table 4. Summary statistics for hourly concentration of total hydrocarbons (ppm) at the WBEA AMS stations, 1998-2012. There is no AAAQ objective for total hydrocarbons. An approximate global methane threshold is used to estimate the proportion of time that total hydrocarbon concentrations lay above the global methane concentration.*
S1 THC N Minimum Maximum Range 121796 1.4 11.1 9.7 S2 THC 122653 0.8 18.2 17.4 S4 THC 122827 0.7 19.9 19.2 S5 THC 122372 1.1 10.5 9.4 S6 THC 121882 1.0 6.3 5.3 S7 THC 122098 1.3 6.8 5.5 S9 THC S10 THC S11 THC S12 THC S13 THC S14 THC S15 THC S16 THC 100428 1.3 30.8 29.5 68611 0.0 49.9 49.9 100047 0.0 13.2 13.2 84554 0.0 15.5 15.5 84110 1.5 15.4 13.9 56625 1.5 3.8 2.3 38919 1.6 10.9 9.3 31472 1.7 8.5 6.8

Median [minus global 1.9 [0.1] 2.1 [0.3] 1.9 [0.1] 2.0 [0.1] 1.9 [0.1] 2.0 [0.2] 2.1 [0.3] 2.1 [0.2] 2.1 [0.3] 2.2 [0.4] 2.1 [0.3] 2.0 [0.1] 2.0 [0.2] 2.2 [0.4] background for methane] Mean [minus global 2.0 [0.1] 2.1 [0.3] 2.0 [0.2] 2.0 [0.2] 2.0 [0.1] 2.0 [0.2] 2.1 [0.3] 2.2 [0.3] 2.2 [0.3] 2.4 [0.5] 2.2 [0.3] 2.0 [0.1] 2.1 [0.3] 2.3 [0.4] background for methane] Upper Confidence 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.3 Interval Lower Confidence 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.3 Interval Standard Error 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variation 75th tile 90th tile 95th tile 99th tile 99.5th tile n hrs 1.849 ppm % hrs 1.849 ppm 0.3 0.1 0.2 2.1 2.3 2.5 3.0 3.3 75296 61.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 2.3 2.7 3.0 4.1 4.8 97901 79.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.1 2.4 2.6 3.6 4.2 88905 72.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 2.1 2.4 2.6 3.3 3.7 87877 71.8 0.2 0.0 0.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.7 85310 70.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8 108073 88.5 0.3 0.1 0.2 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.1 3.3 83425 83.0 0.6 0.4 0.3 2.3 2.6 3.0 4.4 5.1 59733 87.1 0.4 0.1 0.2 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.3 3.6 85278 85.2 0.6 0.4 0.3 2.5 3.0 3.5 5.1 5.9 80296 95.0 0.4 0.1 0.2 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.6 4.0 77277 91.9 0.2 0.0 0.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 44983 79.4 0.4 0.1 0.2 2.2 2.4 2.6 3.4 4.0 34505 88.7 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.4 2.7 2.9 3.8 4.1 30468 96.8

*The background methane concentration over the period 1998 to the end of 2010 was about 1.849 +/- 0.017 ppm in the latitudinal band 48.6 to 61.0 N based on remote flask-based air samples collected in Alaska (n = 52; data courtesy of I. Simpson, University of California at Irvine, 19 April 2013). In measurements in the bitumen sands region taken from a specially equipped aircraft on 10 July 2008, an average value of 1.876 +/- 0.035 ppm methane was observed near the ground in comparison to an average boundary layer background of 1.843 +/- 0.005 ppm methane, and a free tropospheric average of 1.836 +/- 0.010 ppm methane; a maximum enhancement of local methane concentration of 8 % was calculated. Near the ground, the total hydrocarbon concentration was dominated by the methane fraction: (1876 ppb methane / (6.756 ppb non-methane hydrocarbons + 1876 ppb methane = 1882.756 ppb total hydrocarbons) = 99.6 % methane. The amount of error introduced by comparing local total hydrocarbon concentrations to a global background methane concentration is smaller than the error introduced by rounding. 258

Appendix 3: Table 5. Summary statistics for hourly concentration of particulate matter (PM2.5, in g/m3) at the WBEA AMS stations, 19982012. The value of 80 g/m3 is the AAAQ hourly objective.
S1 PM2.5 N Minimum Maximum Range Median Mean Upper Confidence Interval Lower Confidence Interval Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variation 75th tile 90th tile 95th tile 99th tile 99.5th tile n hrs 80 g/m
3 3

S6 PM2.5 123686 0 449.4 449.4 3.5 5.1 5.1 5.0 0.0 9.0 80.6 1.8 6.3 10.0 13.6 27.7 40.9 229 0.2

S7 PM2.5 124154 0 448.6 448.6 4.1 5.7 5.8 5.7 0.0 8.7 76.0 1.5 7.1 11.3 15.2 30.7 43.8 249 0.2

S8 PM2.5 108191 0 1242.5 1242.5 2.0 3.1 3.1 3.0 0.0 8.8 76.9 2.8 3.8 5.9 8.0 19.3 32.1 129 0.1

S10 PM2.5 70784 0 301.3 301.3 3.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 0.0 7.3 53.7 1.3 7.2 12.4 17.2 33.7 43.5 54 0.1

S12 PM2.5 87391 0 451.4 451.4 5.2 8.5 8.6 8.4 0.1 15.1 227.4 1.8 9.7 17.0 24.7 64.1 96.0 603 0.7

S13 PM2.5 86880 0 450.7 450.7 2.5 4.6 4.7 4.5 0.0 12.6 159.0 2.7 5.2 9.6 13.5 30.5 47.8 222 0.3

S14 PM2.5 54019 0 256.4 256.4 3.0 4.6 4.7 4.5 0.0 7.3 53.9 1.6 5.4 9.0 12.6 29.9 44.3 94 0.2

S15 PM2.5 40933 0 437.6 437.6 5.3 8.3 8.5 8.2 0.1 16.6 275.9 2.0 8.4 13.7 19.6 61.0 107.2 309 0.8

S16 PM2.5 31954 0 460.0 460.0 5.7 9.0 9.2 8.8 0.1 19.5 380.9 2.2 9.3 15.2 22.2 68.0 123.0 270 0.8

125228 0 563.4 563.4 3.7 5.7 5.8 5.6 0.0 11.5 132.2 2.0 6.9 11.7 15.9 32.3 47.6 296 0.2

% hrs 80 g/m


Appendix 3: Table 6. Summary statistics for hourly concentration of ammonia (ppm) at the WBEA AMS stations, 2006-2012.* The value of 2 ppm ammonia is the AAAQ hourly objective; the value of 31.7 ppm is the throat irritation threshold (Smeets et. al. 2007).
S1 NH3 N Minimum Maximum Range Median Mean Upper Confidence Interval Lower Confidence Interval Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variation 75th tile 90th tile 95th tile 99th tile 99.5th tile n hrs 2 ppm % hrs 2 ppm n hrs 31.7 ppm % hrs 31.7 ppm 50910 0 293.9 293.9 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 2.2 4.7 17.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 2.7 405 0.8 34 0.1 S6 NH3 49455 0 949.7 949.7 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 4.6 21.5 21.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.8 14.9 780 1.6 26 0.1

* The readings of 293.9 ppm NH3 at AMS1and 949.7 ppm NH3 at AMS 6 may be an error. The values are surrounded by zero values and no EMS incident correlates with the readings.


Appendix 3: Table 7, part 1. Summary statistics for hourly concentration of nitrous compounds (ppb) at the WBEA AMS stations, 1998-2012.
S1 NO S1 NO2 S1 NOX S6 NO S6 NO2 S6 NOX S7 NO S7 NO2 S7 NOX S8 NO S8 NO2 S8 NOX S10 NO S10 NO2 S10 NOX N Minimum Maximum Range Median Mean Upper Confidence Interval Lower Confidence Interval Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variation 75th tile 90th tile 95th tile 99th tile 99.5th tile 120824 120802 120824 122190 122190 122190 122676 122676 122676 118142 118142 118142 0 171.0 171.0 0.3 2.8 2.8 2.7 0.0 7.4 55.1 2.7 1.7 7.5 14.7 37.2 48.7 0 52.8 52.8 2.7 5.8 5.8 5.7 0.0 7.2 51.8 1.2 8.3 16.7 21.7 30.1 32.8 0 215.0 215.0 3.4 8.5 8.6 8.4 0.0 13.1 170.4 1.5 10.8 23.8 34.1 61.5 74.3 0 162.5 162.5 0.8 2.8 2.9 2.8 0.0 6.9 47.3 2.4 2.5 6.7 12.4 34.1 46.1 0 72.7 72.7 3.3 5.4 5.4 5.4 0.0 6.0 36.1 1.1 7.2 13.6 18.5 27.3 30.1 0 183.9 183.9 4.4 8.2 8.3 8.2 0.0 11.7 137.2 1.4 9.8 19.9 29.9 58.0 71.1 0 278.9 278.9 2.0 6.8 6.9 6.8 0.0 13.8 189.4 2.0 6.7 18.3 30.9 66.9 85.1 0 183.2 183.2 7.3 9.8 9.9 9.8 0.0 8.3 68.9 0.8 14.0 21.5 26.4 36.2 40.4 0 393.6 393.6 9.9 16.6 16.7 16.5 0.1 20.1 404.7 1.2 20.9 38.3 54.8 97.0 118.8 0 48.8 48.8 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.5 4.7 0.1 0.3 0.6 2.2 3.3 0 42.4 42.4 0.3 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.0 2.2 4.7 2.1 0.9 2.7 4.9 10.9 14.1 0 50.2 50.2 0.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.0 2.6 6.6 2.1 1.1 3.1 5.5 11.9 15.8 68364 0 732.8 732.8 1.0 10.9 11.1 10.6 0.1 32.4 1048.2 3.0 6.5 26.7 53.2 167.5 224.1 68364 0 264.0 264.0 7.0 10.4 10.5 10.3 0.0 11.2 126.3 1.1 16.2 25.6 31.2 45.6 52.7 68363 0 827.2 827.2 8.8 21.3 21.6 21.0 0.2 40.2 1616.1 1.9 24.0 50.2 79.6 207.3 272.9


Appendix 3: Table 7, part 2. Summary statistics for hourly concentration of nitrous compounds (ppb) at the WBEA AMS stations, 1998-2012.
S12 NO S12 NO2 S12 NOX S13 NO S13 NO2 S13 NOX S14 NO S14 NO2 S14 NOX S15 NO S15 NO2 S15 NOX S16 NO S16 NO2 S16 NOX N Minimum Maximum Range Median Mean Upper Confidence Interval Lower Confidence Interval Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variation 75th tile 90th tile 95th tile 99th tile 99.5th tile 84616 0 886.9 886.9 3.7 24.9 25.2 24.5 0.2 53.7 2885.4 2.2 22.8 73.8 123.0 276.7 342.9 84616 0 168.2 168.2 10.3 13.4 13.5 13.3 0.0 12.0 144.7 0.9 21.2 30.4 35.7 47.0 52.5 84616 0 998.7 998.7 15.0 38.3 38.7 37.8 0.2 62.3 3882.8 1.6 45.1 102.0 153.5 316.5 389.4 82908 0 263.7 263.7 0.2 2.9 2.9 2.8 0.0 9.4 88.0 3.3 1.1 7.1 15.6 44.6 60.8 82908 0 172.6 172.6 2.5 5.5 5.5 5.4 0.0 6.8 46.2 1.2 8.1 15.6 20.2 28.2 31.0 82908 0 313.0 313.0 2.9 8.3 8.4 8.2 0.1 14.4 206.8 1.7 10.0 22.4 34.0 68.5 85.6 56139 0 209.6 209.6 0.1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.0 3.2 9.9 3.6 0.5 2.0 4.0 12.8 18.3 56139 0 83.7 83.7 1.5 2.8 2.9 2.8 0.0 3.8 14.5 1.3 3.4 6.8 9.9 18.8 22.7 56139 0 245.2 245.2 1.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 0.0 6.1 37.7 1.7 4.2 8.8 13.3 28.2 37.0 40836 0 208.1 208.1 0.2 2.5 2.6 2.4 0.0 9.1 83.2 3.6 0.8 5.5 13.7 42.7 62.6 40836 0 52.8 52.8 2.2 5.5 5.6 5.4 0.0 7.5 56.6 1.4 7.1 16.3 22.9 33.0 36.6 40836 0 252.5 252.5 2.5 8.0 8.2 7.9 0.1 14.9 223.0 1.9 8.5 22.0 34.6 71.1 93.3 31785 0 467.9 467.9 2.3 9.9 10.1 9.7 0.1 22.1 486.8 2.2 10.4 25.2 42.2 102.9 144.1 31785 0 105.8 105.8 8.7 11.4 11.5 11.3 0.1 9.9 98.6 0.9 17.2 25.5 30.0 41.1 46.8 31785 0 573.7 573.7 12.2 21.3 21.6 21.0 0.2 29.6 876.9 1.4 28.1 48.7 69.4 137.4 185.5


Appendix 3: Table 8. Annual hourly observations and average annual concentrations of NO2 at the WBEA air monitoring stations for 1998 to 2012.
1 Year N ppb 2.7 3.7 5.9 5.5 6.0 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.3 6.2 6.9 6.3 7.0 6.4 7.2 N 8249 8268 8315 8225 7353 8232 8288 8306 8076 7890 7904 7845 8217 7812 8276 1998 8186 1999 7996 2000 8256 2001 8223 2002 7317 2003 8168 2004 8087 2005 7868 2006 7813 2007 8094 2008 8013 2009 7821 2010 8239 2011 7762 2012 8023 6 ppb 4.8 4.5 4.7 4.9 4.2 5.3 5.5 5.8 5.0 6.0 6.1 5.8 5.9 5.9 6.2 N 8223 8188 8202 8250 7352 8306 8289 8293 8235 8277 7963 8117 8250 7583 8201 7 ppb 9.3 8.8 9.4 9.7 8.9 10.1 9.1 9.1 10.3 9.7 10.3 10.8 11.0 10.9 9.3 8194 8255 8309 7347 8230 8297 8111 8160 8060 8243 8081 8250 7869 8210 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.6 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 8271 7198 8211 8150 8107 8170 8067 7790 9.9 6.7 9.8 9.9 9.1 9.1 11.5 14.8 8216 8291 8189 8080 8070 8206 8237 7842 8332 11.6 11.8 14.3 15.8 18.0 17.2 16.7 15.0 13.4 6889 3.6 8165 8078 7979 7989 8035 8003 7474 8256 7883 8289 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.3 5.9 6.5 5.9 6.2 6.0 6.8 7584 7978 7962 8229 8172 7876 8338 2.5 3.3 3.2 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.7 8112 8247 8302 7895 8280 5.9 4.8 5.5 4.9 6.4 7297 8281 7873 8334 11.4 12.9 11.8 9.4 N 8 ppb N 10 ppb N 12 ppb N 13 ppb N 14 ppb N 15 ppb N 16 ppb


Appendix 4. Questions posed in writing to AESRD on 26 March 2013.

The information from the routine disclosure incidents appears first (if it was an incident-specific question), followed by questions in brackets. (1) [Incident number] 163118 tial cause was large volume of water pumped to system (1. 3 million gallons) due to hydro work being done. [This is the entire comment; it appears to be truncated. What is the full comment?] (2) 222108 Main stack has a colorful plume, not a contravention, color due to weather. [What weather causes a colorful plume?] (3) [What is the purpose of a blowdown pond?] (4) [What is an API pond? (Suncor)] (5) 249626 Sour As - sout steam leak. Unit#81C 14. No evacuations. Leaking flange - being tightened right now. [What does this mean... sour gas, sour steam leak?] (6) [What is the STF unit at Suncor?] (7) 131664 Contravention, potable WT. Turbidity alarm sounded a train 0.44 NTU draw down on niad 14 mil/min low pH 6.0. A train switched to sewer. B train pump put into action pH started to recov. a train left to recover. [What does this mean?] (8) 242678 Discovered another TSS exceedance - same cause as ref# 181205. Will address late report in letter. Approval limit is a difference of no more than 25mg/L between up and down stream readings.; Related material failed to be captured in the text processing; therefore the following keyed by hand: incident 242678, call id 148658, sheet 181205, date 15 Dec 2006 time 12:53; call type alleged contravention, reason surface water, comments: Building coffer dam. Previously doing stream work so they are monitoring water quality every second day. Upstream samples were 5.4 mg/L TSS. Downstream sample was 84.2 mg/L. Reason: believe they are picking up sediment in small area of water they are testing because most of the water is frozen (one metre of ice). Caller took another sample at a different location with free flowing water and it was 7.6 mg/L. Have not done any instream work for a while so does not think this is a factor. Will continue to [remainder illegible; it looks like "monitor this also"]. [Was there follow-up? If so, what was found?] (9) 333642 Sample taken on June 3rd had visid soild metter (soil) in the sample. [What does this mean? Viscid or visible soil matter?]


(10) 90928 Leigh took a call from. ...earlier today.... has some questions/concerns possible gasoline contamination of an aviation site, and a possible oil spill under ice from Suncor... wants an investigator to call. Date of call 11 April 2001; caller type: in-house (i.e. AESRD employee). This is two incidents. [Was there any investigation or follow-up of either? If yes, what was found?] (11) [Where does the Suncor outfall NS OF 03B discharge? (To Steepbank River?)] (12) 315291 [Why is this incident classified as potable water? It should be surface water. There are other incidents also misclassified as PW when should be SW, such as 333467]. (13) [Where is the fish barrier in the Fort Hills Energy Project?] (14) 30574 While fuelling barge, couple [coupling?] leaked under water and 50, 000 litres gasoline spilled. All contained in berm area and will be pumped to the tailings area. No release. No affect [sic] to environment. [How much of the gasoline would have been captured? How can an underwater gasoline leak of 50,000 L be contained in a bermed area? How much escaped or percolated to groundwater? In what waterbody was the barge? Without testing, how can it be concluded there was no effect to environment and no release?] (15) 1637 Raw water from utilities cooled compressor system and went into industrial sewer. The sewer could not handle the volume and the water overflowed to the sanitary sewer. All water is to go to river through Pond E. [Why is this a notification and not an alleged contravention or release?] (16) 172421 Notification of possible adverse effects. Experiencing abnormally low flows coming from the polishing pond (last pond in sewage treatment). Noticed 2 days ago and thought that it was evaporation. It is still occurring so it must be something else. Suspect it could be leaking somewhere else, but still within pond system - will investigate and submit report. [What did the report conclude?] (17) 235717 The Athabasca river is full of black slick. It is possibly coming from the source. The slick is all along the river bank. The caller noticed it while fishing. [Was this investigated? Was this a spill or pipeline leak?] (18) 447306 Caller reporting a flaring notification -source flaring event produced >20 tons of S02. Flaring event began on June 23rd and ended on July 1st (unknown time). The cause is unknown -caller will include details in letter. [What caused the flaring? Does the EPO comment mean >20 tonnes SO2 released per day for the entire event?]


(19) 423632 Evacuation at the coke disposal area. There was a small fire in the waste coke pile, that caused H2S to be released. The structure units rated area at 23ppm. The upper threshold is 15 ppm, so this caused hazmat to come out. Hazmat put water on fire area. Hazmat's readings could not match the 23ppm and their readings were much lower. Hazmat evacuated 15 people as a precaution. Hazmat gave the all clear at 2100 hrs. No injuries to report. Cause of fire unknown, fire was small. More info to come in the 7 day letter. [Do you mean ppb or ppm?] (20) [What is the status of incidents 22700, 79257, 235717, and 126411?]


Appendix 5. A synopsis of findings requested by AESRD prior to a meeting to be held with AESRD assistant deputy ministers and their staff and provided by the authors.
[The meeting was subsequently cancelled by AESRD.]

In response to your request for a synopsis of the presentation, I provide the following. We will begin with a summary of the project, then follow with a summary of incident frequencies, then touch on some points about information management in the EMS database and routine disclosures, then move to questions about media relations, enforcement, and specific incidents. It would help if an EPO is present who is familiar with the EMS database. 1. Summary of the Incidents Table 1. Frequency of incidents by caller type, call type, and call reason. Caller Type Type Frequency Proportion of All Incidents (Comments) Agency 38 0.4 In-house 2 0.02 Industry 8947 96.6 Public Complaint 275 3.0 (Number of incidents with public complaints, not the number of complaints; Additionally, there were 51 incidents linked to complaints that were filed under Industry, for a total of 326 complaint-related incidents, or 3.5 % of all incidents) Call Type Type Frequency Proportion of All Incidents (Comments) Alleged Contravention 4063 43.9 Impact 223 2.4 Information Request 4 0.04 Notification 1993 21.5 Pro-active Notification 53 0.6 Release 2923 31.6 Waste 2 0.02 Waste Management 1 0.01 Call Reason Type Frequency Proportion of All Incidents (Comments) Air 6013 64.9 Groundwater 14 0.2 Industrial Heartland 2 0.02 (This is a not a valid call reason, but it is listed in two incidents) Land 958 10.3 (Spills are placed under several call reasons, such as Land, No Impact, Groundwater, Air, and Surface Water) Municipal 126 1.4 267

No Impact


Non-Categorized Potable Water

7 291



Shore/Bank of Waterbody Surface Water Vegetation Waste

4 434 6 16

7.0 (Notes on birds and other wildlife are typically placed under No Impact or Surface Water; this call reason replaced Regulation/Reporting in the first quarter of 2004) 0.08 (Notifications and correspondence) 3.1 (many of the Potable Water incidents appear to be misclassifications of surface water and regulation/reporting incidents) 8.0 (These typically relate to Alleged Contraventions, Notifications, and Releases; this call reason was replaced by No Impact in the first quarter of 2004) 0.04 4.7 0.06 0.2

2. Information Management In the routine disclosure, reports that were provided lacked an indeterminate number of records and contained thousands of errors. Examples: Of the 1073 records released in two separate requests with temporal overlap, the error rate for the production of records during the period of overlap was 241/1073, or 22.46 %. This is a remarkably high error rate and calls into question whether the records disclosed represent a subset of the true incident record. The consistency of record disclosure was compared for two methods of data retrieval within the second routine disclosure. There were 3647 valid records, of which 2436 records had both NNN and YYN output, 1099 records lacked NNN output, and 112 records lacked YYN output. There was a total of 1211 inconsistent records or an error rate of 33.21 %. The EMS data retrieval and disclosure process is cumbersome and inefficient. There are significant data retrieval problems in the AESRD routine disclosure process. The number of incidents and the analyses of incident rates should be viewed as minimum estimates of the true incident rate. Evidence of this will be presented. There was failure to release important records. For example: Incident 283162, closed at or around 30 July 2010 Does failure to disclose a closed incident contravene the law? I posed some straightforward questions to AESRD in response to the routine disclosure information. I was passed from an EPO, to the regional compliance manager, to a FOIPP officer, and finally to the CIO of ESRD. 268

None of my 20 questions were answered. All of the questions could have been answered should the government have chosen to do so. The failure to answer questions stands in contrast to the mission statement at the base of the CIOs emails: Informatics: putting the right data and information, in the right format, in the right hands, at the right time. 3. Media Relations Is there instruction given to staff or a reluctance of staff to inform the media of incidents? If not, how do they explain these comments? Tank on fire - stationary tank containing sour water. First response -- 2 shifts on site. No injuries, No media. Black plume. (193942, Syncrude Mildred Lake, Release, Air). NG [natural gas] line leak -cause unknown. Have isolated the line. Plant was evacuated, number of people unknown. No injuries. No offsite impact. Source FD responded. No media. Evacuation is now over. bs [EPO initials] Valve PCV 3rd floor TransAlta power house (302178, Suncor Oil Sands, Release, Air). 4. Enforcement If it is assumed for the sake of argument that the 4063 alleged contraventions is a fair estimate of the total contraventions, then the enforcement ratio is 38/4063 or 0.935 %. [This value was later corrected to 37/4063, or 0.91 %.] Does the Alberta government have a goal for the enforcement to violations ratio? If not, why not? How is it decided to pursue an enforcement action? Does it matter to the Alberta government if their enforcement to violation ratio is far below those in the United States? 5. Specific Incidents, Specific Questions Incident 235717, 23 September 2006 The Athabasca river is full of black slick. It is possibly coming from the source. The slick is all along the river bank. The caller noticed it while fishing. [Was this investigated? Was this a spill or pipeline leak?] Incident 30574, 10 November 1997 While fuelling barge, couple [coupling?] leaked under water and 50, 000 litres gasoline spilled. All contained in berm area and will be pumped to the tailings area. No release. No affect [sic] to environment. [How much of the gasoline would have been captured? How can an underwater gasoline leak of 50,000 L be contained in a bermed area? How much escaped or percolated to groundwater? In what waterbody was the barge? Without testing, how can it be concluded there was no effect to environment and no release?] Incident 90928, 11 April 2001


Leigh took a call from. ...earlier today.... has some questions/concerns possible gasoline contamination of an aviation site, and a possible oil spill under ice from Suncor... wants an investigator to call. Date of call 11 April 2001; caller type: in-house (i.e. AESRD employee). This is two incidents. [Was there any investigation or follow-up of either? If yes, what was found?] Incident 33796, 10 February 1998 7500 litres diesel spilled when a vehicle drove off while refueling. Contained in bermed area. 500 litres soaked into tarsand. 7000 litres in bermed area will be vacuumed & 500 litres in tarsand will be reclaimed. [This incident illustrates a typical spill. It raises the question of what proportion of a spill is captured and how much escapes to the environment.] Incident 357389, 30 March 2010 Spill of 200 L of hydraulic oil. Cause: from broken hose fitting on an 8000 shovel. Spilled to ground in the mine pit. Fully contained. Will excavate and take soil to their hydrocarbon contaminated soil dump. Caller is requesting a waiver. [This incident raises the question of dumps used by industry for contaminated materials such as hydrocarbon contaminated soil. How does industry prevent the escape of contaminants from these dumps in perpetuity? Does government monitor these dumps?] Incident 244766, 22 January 2007 Spill of contaminated water from tailings line, thousands of gallons so far, more to come, potential spill into Beaver Creek. South end of the lease. [No further information was available on this spill of tailings to land and/or surface water. What was the total volume of tailings spilled? Was there any follow-up by government to assess impacts?] 385487, 25 October 2010 A waterfowl mortality event took place on 25, 26 October 2010 at six tailings ponds; 547 birds were recovered dead or badly oiled and were euthanized; an additional 97 birds landed at various ponds, 94 of which died). The total found bird mortality was 641 birds; an unknown number of birds were not recovered. The EMS incident comments stated: 50-60 ducks have landed in there [sic] recycle water pond. Some has [sic] landed in their tailings pond. Just called 15 minutes ago to him. There is freezing rain in the area. Needs to talk to the on call. The estimate of mortality in the EMS database is less than 1/10 of the documented mortality, and even that figure is an underestimate of the true mortality because it is virtually impossible to find all birds that die in a tailings pond mortality event. Is the EMS database not updated with corrected information when corrected information comes to light? In October 2012, it was announced that no charges would be laid. Why? 6. Summary Statements and Questions


Appendix 6. Releases reported to ERCB between 1975 and 2013 within the study region, sorted by year.
Data provided by Leslie Young (pers. comm., June 2013; Global News (2013)). The volumes released (Vol Rel) and volumes recovered (Vol Rec) are in m3 for most substances; however, for gas production (raw and marketable), fuel gas, hydrogen, and air the volume unit is 1000m3. A zero volume of release suggests that a pipeline was dented or otherwise damaged but no release was reported. Blank fields indicate no data in that cell within the ERCB database.
Incident Number 19750839 19750882 19751194 19751216 Mon Day Year Source FailureType Licensee Name Environment Affected Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Pipe Damage Type Substance Released Vol Rel 1 1 32 8 0 1113 238 1 0 50 50 0 6 0 57 56 2 318 8496 48 37 10 Vol Secondary Substance Rec Released 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 8 0 0 238 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 Salt/Produced Water 2 Crude Oil 318 0 46 37 10 Salt/Produced Water

7 7 10 10

5 19 4 15 14 28 2 15 4 5 24 6 16 28 14 13 15 25 11 5 22 1

1975 1975 1975 1975

19770232 2 19770735 6 19780757 10 19790271 3 19800474 6 19800475 6 19800528 6 19800556 7 19800675 8 19800969 11 19810149 2 19810328 4 19810863 10 19810895 10 19820145 2 19820253 3 19820307 3 19820327 4

Treater Flare Stack Blowout Installation Failure 1977 Gas Well Unknown 1977 Miscellaneous Dike Inadequate 1978 Oil Sands Plant Operator Error 1979 Crude Oil Group Battery Operator Error 1980 Natural Gas Pipeline Earth Movement 1980 Natural Gas Pipeline Earth Movement 1980 Natural Gas Pipeline Earth Movement 1980 Natural Gas Pipeline Earth Movement 1980 Custom Treating Facility Tank Overflow 1980 Natural Gas Pipeline Unknown 1981 Oil Sands Plant Operator Error 1981 Miscellaneous Equipment Failure 1981 Oil/Bitumen Satellite Fire 1981 Gas Plant Sulphur Valve Recover Failure 1982 Sweet Drilling Well Blowout 1982 Oil Sands Plant Unknown 1982 Crude Oil Group Battery Operator Error 1982 Custom Treating Facility Fire

Custom Treating Facility Custom Treating Facility Sweet Drilling Well Crude Oil Pipeline

Imperial Oil Resources Imperial Oil Resources BP Canada Energy Company Suncor Energy Inc. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Syncrude Canada Ltd. Alcon Petroleums Ltd. Home Oil Company Limited Home Oil Company Limited Home Oil Company Limited Home Oil Company Limited BP Canada Energy Company Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Gulf Canada Limited Gulf Canada Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Lonkar Services Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Gibson Energy ULC Gulf Canada Limited


Diesel Oil Crude Oil Drilling Mud (Water Based) Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Crude Oil Crude Oil

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Rupture Rupture Rupture Rupture Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Gas Production (Marketable) Gas Production (Marketable) Gas Production (Marketable) Gas Production (Marketable) Synthetic Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Chemicals Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Condensate Gas Production (Marketable) Kerosene Crude Oil Crude Oil

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


19820431 4 19820815 8 19820962 10 19820998 10 19821097 11 19821098 11 19830033 1 19830167 2 19830232 3 19830233 3 19830295 3 19830296 3 19830557 6 19830564 7 19830565 7 19830566 7 19830740 8 19830803 9

29 1982 Multiphase Pipeline 30 1982 Oil Sands Plant 12 1982 Oil Sands Plant 25 1982 Oil Sands Plant 29 1982 Oil Sands Plant 29 1982 Oil Sands Plant 10 1983 Oil Sands Plant 15 1983 Oil Sands Plant 6 6 1983 Miscellaneous 1983 Miscellaneous

26 1983 Miscellaneous 26 1983 Miscellaneous 30 1983 Natural Gas Pipeline 2 2 1983 Oil Sands Plant 1983 Oil Sands Plant

2 1983 Oil Sands Plant 20 1983 Oil Sands Plant 11 1983 Crude Oil Pipeline

19831039 11 19831096 12 19831103 12 19840019 1 19840062 1 19840299 3

18 1983 Oil Sands Plant 9 1983 Oil Sands Plant

12 1983 Oil Sands Plant 4 1984 Oil Sands Plant

16 1984 Oil Sands Plant 5 1984 Oil Sands Plant

Overpressur e Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Operator Error Operator Error Operator Error Operator Error Mechanical Joint Failure Operator Error Operator Error Line Failure Operator Error Valve Or Fitting Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Operator Error Valve Failure Line Failure

Canterra Energy Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. BP Canada Energy Company Suncor Energy Inc. Canterra Energy Ltd. Canterra Energy Ltd. Canterra Energy Ltd. Canterra Energy Ltd. Chevron Canada Limited Imperial Oil Resources Imperial Oil Resources Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc.

Flowing Water Rupture Flowing Water Flowing Water Flowing Water Flowing Water Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Flowing Water Leak

Crude Oil Kerosene Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Crude Oil Crude Oil Kerosene Heating Oil Crude Oil

7 10 32 3 2 22 1 32 7 7 25 25 0 15 15 2 16 1

7 Salt/Produced Water 10 32 0 2 22 1 Salt/Produced Water 32 7 7 25 25 0 15 Salt/Produced Water 15 Salt/Produced Water 0 16 1

Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Imperial Oil Resources

Flowing Water Flowing Water Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Synthetic Crude Oil Lubricants Lubricants Synthetic Crude Oil Kerosene Crude Oil

8 5 7 8 2 3

8 5 7 8 2 3


19840345 3 19840399 4 19840406 4 19840413 4 19840420 4 19840527 5 19840785 7 19840890 8 19840905 8 19840906 8 19841101 10 19841176 10 19850528 4 19850637 5 19850783 6 19850782 6

19 1984 Oil Sands Plant 2 3 5 7 4 1984 Oil Sands Plant 1984 Oil Sands Plant 1984 Oil Sands Plant 1984 Oil Sands Plant 1984 Oil Sands Plant

18 1984 Oil Sands Plant 13 1984 Oil Sands Plant 15 1984 Oil Sands Plant 15 1984 Oil Sands Plant 6 1984 Water Pipeline 28 1984 Oil Sands Plant 19 1985 Multiphase Pipeline 16 1985 Natural Gas Pipeline 20 1985 Natural Gas Pipeline 20 1985 Oil Sands Plant

19851110 8 19851126 8 19851188 9 19851455 11 19860086 1 19860087 1 19860088 1 19860134 1 19860260 2

27 1985 Oil Sands Plant 29 1985 Oil Sands Plant 14 1985 Oil Sands Plant 6 1985 Miscellaneous

11 1986 Oil Sands Plant 11 1986 Oil Sands Plant 11 1986 Oil Sands Plant 19 1986 Natural Gas Pipeline 15 1986 Oil Sands Plant

Operator Error Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Unknown Equipment Failure Operator Error Tank Leak Equipment Failure Line Failure Line Failure Other Weld Failure Equipment Failure Miscellaneo us Construction Damage Pump Failure Valve Or Fitting Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Operator Error Valve Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Damage By Others Equipment Failure

Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Suncor Energy Inc. Imperial Oil Resources Nova Corporation Of Alberta Chevron Canada Limited Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Flowing Water Flowing Water Flowing Water Flowing Water Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Rupture Leak Leak Air/Land

Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Kerosene Diesel Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Fresh Water Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Gas Production (Marketable) Kerosene

6 32 8 1 2 8 3 5 439 439 2 2 1 0 0 8

6 32 7 0 2 8 3 5 439 439 0 2 1 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 8

BP Canada Energy Company Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Canterra Energy Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Paramount Resources Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Rupture Air/Land

Chemicals Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Chemicals Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Chemicals

8 16 5 17 3 3 3 1 120

8 16 0 17 2 3 3 0 118


19860301 2 19860516 4 19860571 4 19860580 4 19860720 5 19860852 6 19860861 6 19860950 7 19861205 8 19861252 9 19861297 9 19861503 11 19861611 12 19861696 12 19870089 1 19870110 1 19870270 2 19870397 3 19870438 4 19871414 10 19871442 10 19871471 11 19871477 11 19871761 12 19880044 1

23 1986 Pump Station 4 1986 Oil Sands Plant

16 1986 Compressor Station 19 1986 Oil Sands Plant 22 1986 Oil Sands Plant 17 1986 Miscellaneous 19 1986 Oil Sands Plant 9 1986 Oil Well 31 1986 Oil Sands Plant 12 1986 Natural Gas Pipeline 24 1986 Oil Well 18 1986 Gas Well 9 1986 Oil Sands Plant

29 1986 Oil Sands Plant 17 1987 Oil Sands Plant 21 1987 Oil Sands Plant 24 1987 Oil Sands Plant 26 1987 Oil Sands Plant 6 1987 Oil Sands Plant

22 1987 Natural Gas Pipeline 29 1987 Oil Sands Plant 5 1987 Miscellaneous

6 1987 Oil Sands Plant 27 1987 Oil Sands Plant 7 1988 Oil Sands Plant

Pipeline Pump Equipment Failure Dike Inadequate Equipment Failure Pump Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Blowout Operator Error Construction Damage Line Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Valve Failure Operator Error Dike Inadequate Construction Damage Operator Error Operator Error Line Failure Pump Failure Operator Error

Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd. Air/Land Suncor Energy Inc. Alcon Petroleums Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Petro-Canada Syncrude Canada Ltd. Husky Oil Operations Limited Syncrude Canada Ltd. Cavalier Energy Limited Petro-Canada Husky Oil Operations Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Pelican Pipelines Ltd Syncrude Canada Ltd. Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Flowing Water Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Leak Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Lubricants Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Chemicals Crude Oil Diesel Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Chemicals Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Diesel Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Chemicals Synthetic Crude Oil

16 1 1 2 20 1 5 3 5 10 1 2 2 1 4 1 4 32 1 28 64 10 16 3 8

16 0 1 2 0 1 Process Water 5 3 0 0 0 2 Crude Oil 0 0 4 Process Water 0 4 28 0 0 0 10 0 3 0


19880365 2 19880393 2 19880523 3 19880720 5 19880896 6 19880923 6 19881249 8 19881358 9 19881641 10 19881816 11 19881858 12 19881872 12 19881883 12 19890100 1 19890206 2 19890396 3 19890478 3 19890606 4 19891074 7 19891113 7 19891299 8 19891364 9 19891378 9 19891697 11 19891802 11 19900030 1

24 1988 Oil Sands Plant 29 1988 Oil Sands Plant 23 1988 Compressor Station 5 1988 Oil Sands Plant

11 1988 Gas Well 15 1988 Oil Sands Plant 21 1988 Miscellaneous 8 1988 Oil Sands Plant

25 1988 Miscellaneous 22 1988 Oil Sands Plant 2 1988 Oil Sands Plant 5 1988 Oil Sands Plant 7 1988 Oil Sands Plant

17 1989 Oil Sands Plant 3 2 1989 Oil Sands Plant 1989 Oil Sands Plant

15 1989 Oil Sands Plant 10 1989 Natural Gas Pipeline 13 1989 Miscellaneous 20 1989 Miscellaneous 24 1989 Oil Sands Plant 7 1989 Oil Sands Plant 9 1989 Oil Sands Plant

2 1989 Oil Sands Plant 20 1989 Miscellaneous 4 1990 Oil Sands Plant

Flange Loose Line Failure Operator Error Hi Level Switch Tank Overflow Operator Error Operator Error Power Failure Operator Error Line Failure Line Failure Tank Overflow Operator Error Tank Overflow Tank Overflow Valve Failure Operator Error Construction Damage Operator Error Operator Error Line Failure Equipment Failure Operator Error Line Failure Operator Error Plant Shut Down

Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. World Wide Energy Suncor Energy Inc. Universal Explorations Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Canterra Energy Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Cavalier Energy Limited Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority Gibson Energy ULC Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Chemicals Synthetic Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Kerosene Chemicals Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Process Water Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Kerosene Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Crude Oil Crude Oil Process Water Synthetic Crude Oil Chemicals Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Frac Oil

4 11 40 4 2 425 1 724 1 1 2 5 2 543 4 2 14 615 1 10 74 24 3 1 1 7

4 0 0 0 1 425 1 724 Synthetic Crude Oil 1 Salt/Produced Water 1 Process Water 0 Process Water 5 2 543 3 2 0 0 0 0 74 Synthetic Crude Oil 22 3 0 Process Water 1 0


19900037 1

1990 Natural Gas Pipeline

19900039 1 19900058 1 19900101 1 19900312 2 19900338 2 19900357 2 19900591 4 19900784 5 19900926 6 19901069 7 19901564 10 19901636 10 19901657 10 19901826 11 19901883 11 19901990 12 19902020 12 19910007 1 19910234 2 19910836 5 19910890 6

6 8

1990 Oil Sands Plant 1990 Water Pipeline

16 1990 Compressor Station 21 1990 Miscellaneous 25 1990 Miscellaneous 28 1990 Miscellaneous 9 1990 Oil Sands Plant

14 1990 Natural Gas Pipeline 12 1990 Natural Gas Pipeline 5 2 1990 Oil Sands Plant 1990 Oil Sands Plant

16 1990 Service Well 18 1990 Oil Sands Plant 18 1990 Oil Sands Plant 28 1990 Oil Sands Plant 11 1990 Miscellaneous 16 1990 Oil Sands Plant 1 1991 Oil Sands Plant 4 1991 Oil Sands Plant 23 1991 Oil Sands Plant 1 1991 Natural Gas Pipeline

19911011 6 19911211 7 19911381 8 19920221 2

18 1991 Natural Gas Pipeline 25 1991 Oil Sands Plant 28 1991 Oil Sands Plant 7 1992 Natural Gas Pipeline

Valve Or Fitting Failure Flange Loose Corrosion Internal Tank Overflow Operator Error Operator Error Operator Error Tank Overflow Earth Movement Other Weld Failure Plant Shut Down Line Plugged Equipment Failure Line Failure Tank Overflow Valve Leak Tank Leak Tank Overflow Line Failure Line Failure Operator Error Valve Or Fitting Failure Corrosion Internal Tank Overflow Line Failure Corrosion

Northwestern Utilities Limited


Gas Production (Marketable)

Syncrude Canada Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Logan Resources Ltd Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority Husky Oil Operations Limited Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Northwestern Utilities Limited Northwestern Utilities Limited Syncrude Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Rupture Leak Flowing Water Air/Land Leak

Frac Oil Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Gas Production (Marketable) Condensate Chemicals Salt/Produced Water Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Condensate Diesel Oil Leak Gas Production (Marketable)

9 2 1 2 19 1 16 44 0 40 4 5 3 760 4 18 16 16 16 3 10

9 2 1 Salt/Produced Water 0 19 1 15 0 0 0 4 2 0 Process Water 590 4 18 0 16 15 0 0

Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Husky Oil Operations Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Cigol International Ltd. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Cavalier Energy Limited Syncrude Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Cavalier Energy Limited Air/Land Air/Land


Gas Production (Marketable) Synthetic Crude Oil Condensate Gas Production (Marketable)

1 97 2 1

0 95 2 0



19920810 5 19920949 6 19930117 1 19930252 1 19930377 2 19930386 2 19930401 2 19930446 2 19930850 5 19931161 6 19931725 10 19931895 11 19940575 3 19942364 5 19942581 7 19943666 7 19942440 7

30 1992 Miscellaneous 20 1992 Crude Oil Pipeline 12 1993 Oil Sands Plant 28 1993 Gas Plant Sweet 17 1993 Crude Oil Pipeline 18 1993 Miscellaneous 21 1993 Oil Sands Plant 27 1993 Oil Sands Plant 4 1993 Compressor Station 26 1993 Gas Well 13 1993 Gas Well 9 1993 Compressor Station 2 7 4 1994 Miscellaneous 1994 Natural Gas Pipeline 1994 Miscellaneous

Internal Neglect

15 1994 Natural Gas Pipeline 20 1994 Natural Gas Pipeline

19943354 11 19950279 1 19950540 2 19952698 3 19950986 4 19951660 7 19952582 7 19952470 10 19952874 12

15 1994 Natural Gas Pipeline 20 1995 Miscellaneous 5 1995 Miscellaneous

29 1995 Natural Gas Pipeline 14 1995 Natural Gas Pipeline 3 1995 Water Pipeline 25 1995 Natural Gas Pipeline 7 4 1995 Natural Gas Pipeline 1995 Natural Gas Pipeline

Petro Can Oil & Gas Air/Land Corporation Ltd Pipe Failure Suncor Energy Inc. Flowing Water Tank Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Overflow Plant Shut Devon Canada Corporation Air/Land Down Damage By Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd. Air/Land Others Motor Noise Encana Pipelines Ltd. Flowing Water Pump Syncrude Canada Ltd. Air/Land Failure Line Failure Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Operator BP Canada Energy Company Air/Land Error Valve Home Oil Company Limited Failure Blowout Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Air/Land Operator Unknown Operator/Address Air/Land Error Used by Field Surveillance Valve Anadarko Canada Corporation Air/Land Failure Construction BP Canada Energy Company Damage Corrosion Petro-Canada Air/Land Internal Operator Transwest Energy Inc. Error Miscellaneo Calpine Canada Resources Company us Joint Failure Pipe Failure Home Oil Company Limited Vehicle Unknown Operator/Address Flowing Water Accident Used by Field Surveillance Operator Syncrude Canada Ltd. Error Corrosion Alcon Petroleums Ltd. Internal Pipe Failure BP Canada Energy Company Corrosion Calpine Canada Resources Company External Corrosion ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Ltd. Internal Construction Transwest Energy Inc. Flowing Water Damage Line Failure Transwest Energy Inc. Air/Land

Crude Oil Rupture Synthetic Crude Oil Kerosene Lubricants Leak Synthetic Crude Oil Synthetic Crude Oil Frac Oil Kerosene Lubricants Gas Production (Marketable) Gas Production (Marketable) Lubricants Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Leak Leak Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw)

1 1200 5 1 160 5 2 3 8 0 10 3 52 2 2 2 10

1 392 5 1 160 4 0 3 6 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 3 20 0 2 2 Gas Production (Raw) 0


Gas Production (Raw) Diesel Oil Diesel Oil

1 0 8 1 1 1 137 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas Production (Raw) 0

Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak

Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water


19952863 12 19960797 3 19960801 3 19962057 4 19961988 6 19961595 7 19961734 7 19961669 7 19962248 7 19962426 10 19970203 1 19970324 1 19970418 2 19970518 2 19970645 3 19972004 3 19973169 6 19973104 6 19972261 7 19972395 7 19972406 7 19972809 7 19972570 8 19972728 8 19972857 9 19972918 9

7 1995 Compressor Station 30 1996 Compressor Station 31 1996 Oil Sands Plant 11 1996 Natural Gas Pipeline 29 1996 Natural Gas Pipeline 5 1996 Natural Gas Pipeline 12 1996 Compressor Station 17 1996 Natural Gas Pipeline 22 1996 Oil Sands Plant 7 2 1996 Crude Oil Group Battery 1997 Oil Sands Plant

19 1997 Gas Well 3 1997 Natural Gas Pipeline

13 1997 Oil Sands Plant 11 1997 Compressor Station 31 1997 Crude Oil Group Battery 23 1997 Natural Gas Pipeline 26 1997 Natural Gas Pipeline 2 1997 Natural Gas Pipeline 22 1997 Compressor Station 23 1997 Natural Gas Pipeline 25 1997 Oil Sands Plant 5 1997 Natural Gas Pipeline

15 1997 Compressor Station 4 1997 Crude Oil Group Battery

15 1997 Natural Gas Pipeline

Pipe Failure Valve Damage Equipment Failure Miscellaneo us Unknown Operator Error Corrosion Internal Construction Damage Operator Error Neglect Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Tank Overflow Tank Overflow Cumulative Release Other Weld Failure Neglect Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Tank Overflow Tank Overflow Tank Overflow Corrosion External Corrosion Internal Corrosion

Home Oil Company Limited Devon Canada Corporation Syncrude Canada Ltd. Devon NEC Corporation BP Canada Energy Company Talisman Energy Inc. Paramount Resources Ltd. World Wide Energy Syncrude Canada Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc.


Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Diesel Oil Leak Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Glycol

2 16 2 10 30 80 2 300 600 1 6 3 10 2 3 2 2 2 2 10 4 17 1 2 2 1

2 4 0 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 0 600 1 6 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 Lubricants 0 17 0 Gas Production (Raw) 1 2 0


Leak Rupture



Condensate Frac Oil

Air/Land Air/Land

Glycol Kerosene Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Leak Leak Leak Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Condensate

Imperial Oil Resources Limited Air/Land Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Talisman Energy Inc. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Talisman Energy Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Merit Energy Ltd. Nexen Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water Lubricants Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw)


19973369 10 19982427 1 19981370 4 19981447 5 19981446 6 19981658 6 19981656 6 19981662 6 19981745 6 19981981 7 19982160 8 19982166 8 19982241 8 19982944 11 19982787 11 19990132 1 19990133 1 19990205 1 19990493 1 19990494 2 19990505 2 19990510 2

26 1997 Gas Well 24 1998 Gas Well 6 1998 Natural Gas Pipeline

27 1998 Gas Well 1 1998 Compressor Station 18 1998 Natural Gas Pipeline 18 1998 Natural Gas Pipeline 21 1998 Gas Plant Sweet 22 1998 Compressor Station 21 1998 Gas Well 24 1998 Natural Gas Pipeline 24 1998 Oil Sands Plant 28 1998 Natural Gas Pipeline 1 1998 Oil Sands Plant

11 1998 Natural Gas Pipeline 11 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 12 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 18 1999 Sweet Drilling Well 26 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 2 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline

Internal Valve Failure Corrosion Internal Storage Tank Erosion Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Valve Failure Valve Failure Corrosion Internal Valve Failure Corrosion Internal Operator Error Corrosion Internal Fire Damage By Others Damage By Others Blowout Damage By Others Damage By Others Equipment Failure Corrosion At Girth Or Fillet Weld Operator Error Blowout

Petro-Canada Paramount Resources Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Nexen Canada Ltd. Altagas Services Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Devon Aog Corporation Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Altagas Services Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Fort Hills Energy Corporation Altagas Services Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak

Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil

28 50 1200 30000 10 2 2 12 7 110 5 3 2 14 2 2 2 7 0 0

28 0 Gas Production (Raw) 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 Produced Sand 0 Salt/Produced Water 3 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 6 Gas Production (Raw) 0 0 0 80


Leak Leak Leak

Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water

Air/Land Hit Hit Leak

19 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 23 1999 Oil Sands Plant

Gas Production (Raw) Kerosene

60 80

19990696 3 19990502 3

2 3

1999 Sweet Drilling Well 1999 Compressor Station

Devon NEC Corporation Anderson Exploration Ltd. and

Air/Land Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water

1 3

1 Gas Production (Raw) 3


19990904 4 19990945 4 19991031 4 19990999 4

17 1999 Oil Sands Plant 21 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 25 1999 Oil Sands Plant 29 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline

19991061 5 19991082 5 19991477 6 19991384 6 19991383 6 19991484 7 19991753 7 19991608 7 19991614 7 19992025 8 19992081 9 19992311 10 19992386 10 19992407 11 19992545 11 19992555 11 19992752 12 19992805 12 20000010 12 19992815 12

1999 Natural Gas Pipeline

18 1999 Oil Sands Plant 1 1999 Gas Well

18 1999 Gas Well 20 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 1 1999 Gas Well 14 1999 Oil Sands Plant 19 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 21 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 7 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline

13 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 1999 Compressor Station 10 1999 Compressor Station 13 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline 20 1999 Oil Sands Plant 14 1999 Oil Sands Plant 23 1999 Oil Well 24 1999 Oil Sands Plant 29 1999 Natural Gas Pipeline

Operator Error Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Water Retention Pond Corrosion Internal Line Plugged Corrosion Internal Valve Failure Blowout Blowout Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Cumulative Release Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Fire Tank Overflow Stuffing Box Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure

Home Oil Company Limited Shell Canada Limited

Air/Land Leak

Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water

10 1 16 0

10 0 16 0

Calpine Canada Resources Company Shell Canada Limited Altagas Services Inc. Air/Land


Gas Production (Raw)

Paramount Resources Ltd. Shell Canada Limited Paramount Resources Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Calpine Canada Resources Company Renaissance Energy Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Altagas Services Inc. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Murphy Oil Company Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw)

0 4 20 3 10 97 200 9 1 1 10 5 2 20 10 54 80 13 95 3

0 4 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 0 200 Fresh Water 0 0 0 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 2 12 0 54 40 13 95 0 Salt/Produced Water


Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water

Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak


Gas Production (Raw) Corrosion Inhibited Water Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Condensate


Gas Production (Raw)


20000055 1 20000256 1 20000259 1 20000539 2 20000724 3 20000807 3 20000922 3 20001054 3

2000 Natural Gas Pipeline

27 2000 Compressor Station 28 2000 Oil Sands Plant 7 2000 Miscellaneous 10 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 20 2000 Sweet Drilling Well 29 2000 Compressor Station 30 2000 Compressor Station

20000998 4 20001018 4 20001209 4 20001157 4 20001123 4 20001125 4 20001250 5 20001348 5 20001396 6 20001806 6 20001490 6 20001508 6

6 8 9

2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 2000 Oil Sands Plant 2000 Gas Well

16 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 22 2000 Oil Sands Plant 24 2000 Oil Sands Plant 17 2000 Compressor Station 29 2000 Compressor Station 4 7 2000 Service Well 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline

15 2000 Crude Oil Pipeline 18 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline

20001530 6 20001805 6 20001807 6 20001814 7 20001879 7 20001972 8

21 2000 Crude Oil Pipeline 23 2000 Oil Sands Plant 27 2000 Oil Sands Plant 16 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 31 2000 Oil Sands Plant 9 2000 Unknown

Corrosion Internal Operator Error Valve Damage Unknown Pipe Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Valve Or Fitting Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Power Failure Tank Overflow Corrosion Internal Blowout Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Hi Pressure Switch Damage By Others Pipe Failure Valve Or Fitting Failure Line Failure Corrosion Internal Line Failure Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Sump Fluids

Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Air/Land Air/Land


Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Frac Oil Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water

8 9 150 2 103 2 22 2

0 9 150 2 Chemicals 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 22 2

Quintana Petroleum Corporation Air/Land Talisman Energy Inc. Air/Land Encana Corporation Air/Land Paramount Resources Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Air/Land Air/Land


Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Home Oil Company Limited Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Devon NEC Corporation BP Canada Energy Company Altagas Services Inc. BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company Suncor Energy Inc. Paramount Resources Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw)

2250 12 1 1 200 4 15 2 8 24 0 15

0 Salt/Produced Water 12 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Gas Production (Raw) 200 3 15 2 Glycol 0 0 0 0


Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water

Leak Air/Land Air/Land Hit Leak

Gas Production (Raw)

Gas Production (Raw)

Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Altagas Services Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Northwestern Utilities Limited

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Crude Oil Crude Oil Produced Sand Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Gel Chem

15 16 36 1 2 600

15 Salt/Produced Water 16 Process Water 36 Crude Oil 0 Salt/Produced Water 2 0



20002040 8

18 2000 Oil Sands Plant

20002037 8 20002090 8

19 2000 Crude Oil Pipeline 20 2000 Oil Sands Plant

20002047 8 20002042 8 20002248 9 20002258 9 20002421 10 20002496 10 20002495 10 20002499 10 20002515 10 20002563 10

22 2000 Unknown 23 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 13 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 15 2000 Gas Well 4 2000 Oil Sands Plant

16 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 16 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 17 2000 Crude Oil Group Battery 18 2000 Service Well 18 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline

20002759 11 20002855 11 20003103 11 20002919 11 20002959 12 20002989 12 20010123 12 20010124 12 20003172 12 20003188 12 20010196 1

2000 Oil Sands Plant

18 2000 Compressor Station 25 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 29 2000 Natural Gas Pipeline 6 2000 Water Pipeline

8 2000 Water Pipeline 16 2000 Gas Well 22 2000 Water Pipeline 23 2000 Gas Well 23 2000 Oil Sands Plant 15 2001 Compressor Station

Valve Or Fitting Failure Tank Overflow Miscellaneo us Joint Failure Blowout Line Failure Damage By Others Operator Error Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Operator Error Cementing Operations Mechanical Pipe Damage Equipment Failure Tank Leak Corrosion External Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Pipe Failure Hi Level Switch Operator Error Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Vehicle Accident

Syncrude Canada Ltd.


Crude Oil

5 Process Water

Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land


Chemicals Crude Oil

2 5

2 Crude Oil 5

ATCO Ltd. Devon NEC Corporation Chevron Canada Limited Devon Canada Corporation Syncrude Canada Ltd. Altagas Services Inc. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Devon NEC Corporation Paramount Resources Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land

Leak Hit

Drilling Mud (Water Based) Gas Production (Raw)

90 36 0 2 0 1 5 7 1 2

90 0 0 0 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 7 1 0 Gas Production (Raw) 12 60 0 0 2 2 10 0 10 6 0

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Leak

Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Condensate Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water

Syncrude Canada Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Ish Energy Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Pengrowth Corporation Pengrowth Corporation Paramount Resources Ltd. Husky Oil Operations Limited Paramount Resources Ltd. Unknown Operator/Address Used by Field Surveillance Derrick Resources Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw)

12 60 0 1 2 2 10 0 10 6 17

Leak Leak


Leak Leak

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak


20010193 1 20010981 1 20010261 1 20010198 1 20010399 1 20010499 1 20010417 2 20010464 2 20010501 2 20010545 2 20010516 2 20010546 2 20010547 2 20010585 2 20010651 2 20010655 2 20010739 3 20010933 3 20010982 4 20011231 5

15 2001 Miscellaneous 15 2001 Sweet Drilling Well 18 2001 Unknown 18 2001 Sweet Drilling Well 22 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 31 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 4 6 2001 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 2001 Gas Well

Equipment Failure Blowout Unknown

Rio Alto Exploration Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Rupture Leak Air/Land Air/Land Hit

Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Fresh Water Fresh Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Acid

6 0 10 80 0 2 2 2 0

6 0 10 0 0 0 2 2 0 10 11 20 31 0 0 50 0 0 Produced Sand 4 0

12 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 13 2001 Oil Sands Plant 13 2001 Miscellaneous 15 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery 16 2001 Compressor Station 21 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery 25 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 2001 Compressor Station 8 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline

27 2001 Gas Well 1 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery 1 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline

20011473 6 20011518 6 20011630 6 20011614 6

1 1 1

2001 Crude Oil Group Battery 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline

16 2001 Gas Well

Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. (SOUTH) Damage By Devon ARL Corporation Others Equipment Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Failure Tank Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Overflow Corrosion Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Internal Damage By Talisman Energy Inc. Others Operator Devon NEC Corporation Error Valve Syncrude Canada Ltd. Failure Tank Syncrude Canada Ltd. Overflow Equipment Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Failure Equipment Renaissance Energy Ltd. Failure Damage By Paramount Resources Ltd. Others Valve Home Oil Company Limited Failure Corrosion Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Internal Valve Husky Oil Operations Limited Failure Blowout BP Canada Energy Company Valve Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Failure Valve Or Hazelwood Energy Limited Fitting Failure Valve Devon NEC Corporation Failure Tank Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Overflow Tailings Paramount Resources Ltd. Pond Operator Paramount Resources Ltd. Error

Frac Oil Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Hit Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Leak Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw) Condensate Crude Oil Acid Salt/Produced Water

10 11 20 31 7 0 50 0 7000 4 20

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Crude Oil Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw)

3 27 6000 75

3 27 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Produced Sand


20011597 6 20011609 6 20011977 7 20012027 7 20012189 7 20011980 7 20012021 8 20012174 8 20012214 8 20012234 8 20012490 9 20012478 9 20012421 9 20012539 9 20012537 10 20012607 10 20012655 10 20012657 10 20012687 10 20012814 11 20012812 11 20012861 11 20012999 11 20013000 11 20013001 11

16 2001 Oil Sands Plant 18 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery 3 2001 Compressor Station

20 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 28 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 30 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 1 2001 Service Well 25 2001 Oil Sands Plant 29 2001 Gas Well 30 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 14 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 14 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 24 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 2001 Gas Well 2 2001 Gas Well 9 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery

14 2001 Oil Sands Plant 16 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 21 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery 1 1 3 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery

23 2001 Crude Oil Group Battery 23 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 25 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline

Valve Damage Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Erosion Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Valve Leak Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Operator Error Corrosion Internal Corrosion

Syncrude Canada Ltd. Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Altagas Services Inc. Paramount Resources Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company Husky Oil Operations Limited Talisman Energy Inc. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Altagas Services Inc. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Devon NEC Corporation Devon NEC Corporation Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Leak Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak

Produced Sand Lubricants Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Oily Sludge Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Process Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Condensate Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw)

5 1 4 3 16 0 3 1 10 1 3000 35000 1 2 15 2 45 1 20 21 6000 5 14 6000 3

5 1 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Gas Production (Raw) 3 0 0 Produced Sand 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Salt/Produced Water 1 Gas Production (Raw) 2 15 2 45 0 Gas Production (Raw) 20 0 0 5 14 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Salt/Produced Water


20013065 11 20013215 12 20020034 1 20020125 1 20021532 1 20020277 1 20020331 1 20020492 2 20020593 2 20020583 3 20020739 3 20020854 3 20021152 5 20021205 5 20021313 5 20021311 5 20021436 6 20021519 6 20021635 7 20021683 7 20022367 10 20022432 10 20022560 11 20022972 11 20022758 11 20022839 12 20030133 12

25 2001 Natural Gas Pipeline 22 2001 3 8 2002 2002

24 2002 25 2002 26 2002 19 2002 21 2002 3 2002 21 2002 26 2002 10 2002 14 2002

Internal Corrosion Internal Miscellaneous Operator Error Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Natural Gas Pipeline Other Weld Failure Sweet Drilling Well Tank Overflow Crude Oil Group Battery Equipment Failure Gas Well Equipment Failure Oil Sands Plant Equipment Failure Miscellaneous Valve Leak Oil Well Operator Error Compressor Station Valve Leak Oil Sands Plant Incinerator Stack Gas Plnt Acid Gas Flr/Inj Equipment Failure Crude Oil Single Battery Valve Leak Corrosion Internal Blowout Construction Damage Blowout Pipe Failure Operator Error Operator Error Line Failure Equipment Failure Line Failure Corrosion Internal Vehicle Accident Pump

Paramount Resources Ltd. Devon Canada Corporation Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Nexen Canada Ltd. Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water

1000 10 1 2 1400 10 30000 5 13 3 43 5 2 9 4000 10 6000 10 270 4 158 2000 0 60 2 2 0

0 Salt/Produced Water 9 1 Gas Production (Raw) 0 Gas Production (Raw) 0 Gas Production (Marketable) 10 0 Salt/Produced Water 5 13 3 0 5 0 9 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Salt/Produced Water 270 0 158 0 0 0 2 Gas Production (Raw) 0 0

Leak Leak

Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water

26 2002 Natural Gas Pipeline 31 2002 Oil Sands Plant 11 2002 Gas Well 23 2002 Natural Gas Pipeline 6 2002 Crude Oil Pipeline 22 2002 Compressor Station 12 2002 Oil Sands Plant 21 2002 Oil Sands Plant 5 2002 Compressor Station 19 2002 Miscellaneous 24 2002 Gas Well 4 7 2002 Natural Gas Pipeline 2002 Natural Gas Pipeline

Pancanadian Pet/PC O&G Dev. Air/Land Ltd./CS Res.Holdings Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd. Air/Land Suncor Energy Inc. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Altagas Services Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Altagas Services Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Altagas Services Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Paramount Resources Ltd. Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. Encana Corporation Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Gas Production (Raw) Synthetic Crude Oil Gas Production (Raw)

Leak Leak

Gas Production (Raw) Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Process Water Salt/Produced Water Oily Sludge Salt/Produced Water

Leak Hit

Salt/Produced Water


20030088 12 20022993 12 20023045 12 20023038 12 20030641 12 20032676 1 20030076 1 20030178 1 20030172 1 20030267 1 20030402 2 20030395 2 20030523 2 20030597 2 20030527 2 20030756 3 20032648 3

10 2002 Natural Gas Pipeline 20 2002 Compressor Station 24 2002 Oil Sands Plant 25 2002 Gas Well 30 2002 Gas Well 4 5 2003 Compressor Station 2003 Oil Sands Plant

20 2003 Pump Station 21 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 30 2003 Oil Sands Plant 8 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline

Failure Erosion Equipment Failure Fire Corrosion Internal Damage By Others Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Line Plugged Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Blowout Operator Error Tank Overflow Line Failure Corrosion Internal Vehicle Accident Valve Or Fitting Failure Corrosion Internal Unknown Unknown Equipment Failure Unknown Unknown Corrosion Internal Installation Failure Corrosion Internal

Ish Energy Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Albian Sands Energy Inc. BP Canada Energy Company Paramount Resources Ltd. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Albian Sands Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water

2 3 6 1800 2 1 70 16 1 5 0 8 20 2 1700 2 1

0 Salt/Produced Water 3 6 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 0 16 0 Salt/Produced Water 5 0 Salt/Produced Water 8 20 2 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0

Air/Land Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water Condensate Crude Oil Leak Gas Production (Raw) Oily Sludge Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Fresh Water Boiler Blowdown Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water

Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Air/Land Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Air/Land Devon Canada Corporation Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Energy Company Petro-Canada UNKNOWN Altagas Services Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Air/Land

10 2003 Service Well 21 2003 Gas Well 27 2003 Other Injection/Disposal 27 2003 Unknown 12 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 12 2003 Compressor Station

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land

20030760 3 20031454 3 20030987 4 20042988 4 20031000 4 20042989 5 20031179 5 20031181 5 20031271 5

21 2003 Miscellaneous 31 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 15 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 18 2003 Other Injection/Disposal 22 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 11 2003 Other Injection/Disposal 12 2003 Unknown 15 2003 Unknown 26 2003 Oil/Bitumen Satellite

Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Suncor Energy Inc. Pelican Pipelines Ltd Petro-Canada Altagas Services Inc. Petro-Canada UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak

Crude Oil Gas Production (Marketable) Gas Production (Marketable) Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Process Water Crude Oil

1 1 14 8 1 5 50

1 0 0 8 0 5 50


2000 2000 80 80


20031338 5

29 2003 Unknown

20031463 6 20031427 6 20031439 6 20031587 6 20031601 6 20031584 6 20042990 7 20032070 8 20032061 8 20032101 8 20032157 9 20032158 9 20032393 20032331 20032398 20032405 9 9 10 10

8 8 9

2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 2003 Unknown 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline

Mechanical Pipe Damage Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Erosion Corrosion Internal Unknown Unknown Tank Overflow Unknown




Canadian Natural Resources Limited UNKNOWN Altagas Services Inc. BP Canada Energy Company Canadian Natural Resources Limited Nexen Canada Ltd. Petro-Canada Canadian Natural Resources Limited BP Canada Energy Company UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Canadian Natural Resources Limited Altagas Services Inc. Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc. UNKNOWN Suncor Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Husky Oil Operations Limited Stylus Exploration Inc. Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd.

Air/Land Flowing Water


Salt/Produced Water Process Water Chemicals Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Condensate Salt/Produced Water

2 300 0 4 0 10 40 1 137 10 25 11 5 10 0 18 8 10 350 100 3 11 0 17 33

2 Gas Production (Raw) 270 0 Gas Production (Raw) 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 40 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 10 0 11 0 10 0 18 8 10 350 100 Produced Sand 3 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 17 33

27 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 30 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 30 2003 Water Pipeline 3 2003 Other Injection/Disposal

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Leak Air/Land Leak

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Leak Leak

22 2003 Natural Gas Pipeline 25 2003 Gas Well 25 2003 2 3 20 22 6 7 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003

20032464 10 20032540 10 20032579 10 20032592 10 20032682 11 20032683 11 20032715 11 20032752 11 20032793 11

14 2003 23 2003 30 2003 31 2003 1 2 2003 2003

4 2003 13 2003 20 2003

Corrosion Internal Unknown Mechanical Joint Failure Unknown Unknown Gas Well Equipment Failure Natural Gas Pipeline Erosion Other Injection/Disposal Unknown Other Pipeline Unknown Unknown Adverse Effect Crude Bitumen Group Adverse Batteryry Effect Service Well Unknown Unknown Flange Loose Unknown Corrosion Internal Oil/Bitumen Satellite Pump Failure Gas Plnt Acid Gas Flr/Inj Equipment Failure Natural Gas Pipeline Unknown Compressor Station Tank Overflow Oil/Bitumen Satellite Operator Error

Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Oil Fresh Water Process Water Crude Bitumen Process Water Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen


20032901 20032900 20032966 20033082 20042992

11 12 12 12 12

29 1 5 17 18

2003 2003 2003 2003 2003

Compressor Station Unknown Other Injection/Disposal Unknown Other Injection/Disposal

20033120 12 20033115 12 20033116 12 20040071 20040053 20040112 20040117 20040344 12 1 1 1 1

19 2003 Unknown 21 2003 Unknown 21 2003 Unknown 27 7 8 10 12 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 Service Well Other Injection/Disposal Other Injection/Disposal Unknown Compressor Station

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Pump Failure Equipment Failure Operator Error Operator Error Blowdown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Blowout Operator Error Tank Overflow Unknown Erosion Tank Overflow Unknown Unknown Blowout Unknown Tank Overflow Unknown Construction Damage Unknown Unknown Corrosion Internal Valve Or Fitting Failure Corrosion Internal Equipment

Devon Canada Corporation UNKNOWN Petro-Canada UNKNOWN Petro-Canada UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN BP Canada Energy Company Petro-Canada Petro-Canada UNKNOWN Canadian Natural Resources Limited UNKNOWN Imperial Oil Resources Limited Imperial Oil Resources Limited UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Encana Corporation Petro-Canada Devon NEC Corporation UNKNOWN Petro-Canada Canadian Natural Resources Limited UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Suncor Energy Inc. UNKNOWN BP Canada Energy Company UNKNOWN

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Process Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Condensate Process Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Fresh Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Process Water Crude Oil Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Process Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Crude Bitumen Process Water Fresh Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Process Water

16 100 5 22 10 20 56 8 10 10 4 6 5 16 50 10 257 678 6 2 50 2 4 40 3 3 10 11000 2 17 100

0 0 Crude Bitumen 5 22 6 0 56 8 10 10 4 6 5 16 50 10 257 678 6 2 Process Water 50 2 4 12 2 3 10 0 2 17 100

20040126 1 20040097 1 20040096 1 20040158 1 20040244 1 20040267 1 20040332 2 20040383 20040389 20040385 20042993 20040420 2 2 2 2 2

12 2004 Unknown 13 2004 Drilling Well 14 2004 Drilling Well 20 2004 Unknown 27 2004 Unknown 30 2004 Unknown 6 2004 Suspended Well 10 11 11 15 16 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 Other Injection/Disposal Crude Oil Group Battery Unknown Other Injection/Disposal Compressor Station

20040500 2 20040501 2 20040548 2 20040628 3 20040608 3 20040574 3

23 2004 Unknown 24 2004 Unknown 29 2004 Drilling Well 2 2004 Unknown 3 2004 Compressor Station 3 2004 Unknown

20040705 3 20042994 3

2004 Crude Oil Pipeline

Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd. Petro-Canada Air/Land

Hit Salt/Produced Water

0 3

0 1

27 2004 Other Injection/Disposal


20040901 4 20041515 4 20042995 4 20041118 5 20041199 5 20041861 5 20041401 5 20041418 6 20041533 6 20041565 6 20041699 20041689 20041764 20041877 7 7 7 7

12 2004 Unknown 18 2004 Crude Bitumen Group Batteryry 27 2004 Other Injection/Disposal 3 2004 Unknown 12 2004 Water Pipeline 22 2004 Unknown 30 2004 Water Pipeline 11 2004 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 2004 Unknown 30 2004 Unknown 11 11 22 26 2004 2004 2004 2004 Natural Gas Pipeline Unknown Gas Plant Sweet Unknown

Failure Unknown Unknown Unknown Miscellaneo us Valve Failure Corrosion Internal Unknown Unknown Unknown Corrosion Internal Unknown Valve Leak Unknown Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Unknown Unknown Tank Overflow Valve Leak Operator Error Unknown Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Operator Error Unknown Blowdown Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure

UNKNOWN Suncor Energy Inc. Petro-Canada UNKNOWN Talisman Energy Inc. UNKNOWN Syncrude Canada Ltd. Canadian Natural Resources Limited UNKNOWN UNKNOWN BP Canada Energy Company UNKNOWN Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. UNKNOWN Talisman Energy Inc. UNKNOWN Talisman Energy Inc. Petro-Canada UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. UNKNOWN Petro-Canada Petro-Canada Canadian Natural Resources Limited Devon NEC Corporation

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Leak Leak

Process Water Condensate Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Produced Sand Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Marketable) Sulphur Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Frac Oil Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water

97 6 3 4 0 10 269 1 17 3 1 13 0 557 1 7 2 50 6 10 1 40 175 12 10 100 35 30 10

97 Crude Bitumen 6 3 4 0 10 269 0 17 3 0 13 0 557 0 7 0 40 6 10 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 170 12 10 100 35 12 10

20041815 7 20042187 9 20042271 9 20042400 9 20042383 10 20042419 10 20042490 10 20042597 10 20042758 11 20042760 11 20042703 11 20042705 11 20042794 11 20042852 11 20042858 11

28 2004 Natural Gas Pipeline 15 2004 Unknown 27 2004 Natural Gas Pipeline 30 2004 Other Injection/Disposal 6 2004 Unknown 11 2004 Unknown 16 2004 Natural Gas Pipeline 29 2004 Natural Gas Pipeline 2 2004 Crude Bitumen Group Batteryry 9 2004 Crude Bitumen Group Batteryry 10 2004 Unknown 11 2004 Other Injection/Disposal 25 2004 Other Injection/Disposal 29 2004 Gas Well 30 2004 Crude Bitumen Group Batteryry

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


20042834 11 20042831 11 20042986 12 20050551 12 20043122 12

30 2004 Other Injection/Disposal 30 2004 Unknown 10 2004 Unknown 16 2004 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 29 2004 Gas Well

20050003 20050005 20050063 20050100 20050186

12 1 1 1 1

31 4 7 12 15

2004 2005 2005 2005 2005

Other Injection/Disposal Unknown Unknown Drilling Well Drilling Well

Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Operator Error Vandalism/ Damage Others Unknown Unknown Unknown Blowout Unknown Tank Overflow Valve Or Fitting Failure Vehicle Accident Operator Error Mechanical Damage Corrosion Internal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Corrosion Internal Vehicle Accident Unknown

Petro-Canada UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Petro-Canada UNKNOWN UNKNOWN MEG Energy Corp. Newmont Canada FN Holdings Limited UNKNOWN Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water

35 0

35 0 3 8 0

Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw)

3 8 29

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Salt/Produced Water Sulphur Drilling Mud (Water Based) Fresh Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water

20 0 8 3 266 3 0

20 0 8 3 266 3 0

20050221 1 20050259 1

23 2005 Unknown 26 2005 Crude Oil Pipeline

20050257 1 20050262 1 20050281 1 20050294 1 20050277 20050293 20050326 20050397 20050380 1 2 2 2 2

27 2005 Compressor Station 27 2005 Drilling Well 30 2005 Compressor Station 30 2005 Unknown 31 1 3 5 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 Other Injection/Disposal Natural Gas Pipeline Unknown Unknown Unknown

Devon Canada Corporation Encana Corporation Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. UNKNOWN Petro-Canada AltaGas Ltd. UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN AltaGas Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water

Salt/Produced Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Sweetening Agent Fresh Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Process Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Waste Frac Oil Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Fresh Water

114 1 5 0 300 1 10 2 41 3 12 80 0 10 10000

114 1 5 0 300 1 10 2 41 3 12 80 0 10 0


20050406 2 20050489 2 20050538 2 20050689 3 20050810 3 20050999 4

12 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 14 2005 Suspended Well 27 2005 Unknown 16 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 2005 Compressor Station 21 2005 Water Pipeline


Canadian Natural Resources Limited Valve Leak UNKNOWN Corrosion Canadian Natural Resources Internal Limited Hi Level Canadian Natural Resources Switch Limited Corrosion Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Internal


20051045 5 20051058 5 20051063 5 20051205 5 20051308 6 20051430 6 20051387 6 20051480 6 20051508 6 20051576 7 20051612 7 20051594 7 20051734 7 20051854 8 20051940 8 20052032 8 20051977 8 20052038 8 20052146 9 20052147 9 20052199 9 20052261 9 20052482 10 20052542 10 20052540 10 20052619 10

1 4 4

2005 Crude Bitumen Group Batteryry 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline

Valve Leak Petro-Canada Corrosion Internal Operator Error Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Valve Leak Devon NEC Corporation Petro-Canada AltaGas Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company Petro-Canada

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Hit Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak

Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Fresh Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Synthetic Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Sulphur

2 1 4 3 1 366 2 0 0 15 0 40 0 2 40 1 14 20 1 3 13 23 0 0 2 10

2 1 4 3 1 366 2 0 0 15 0 40 0 1 40 0 0 20 1 Gas Production (Raw) 0 13 23 0 0 2 0 Salt/Produced Water

2005 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 24 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 5 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline

11 2005 Oil Well 14 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 21 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 25 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 5 7 2005 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2005 Gas Well

7 2005 Unknown 20 2005 Unknown 3 2005 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2005 Unknown 13 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 17 2005 Crude Oil Pipeline 24 2005 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 7 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 7 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline

13 2005 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 13 2005 Unknown 18 2005 Drilling Well 24 2005 Other Pipeline 25 2005 Unknown 31 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline

Canadian Natural Resources Limited Corrosion Canadian Natural Resources Internal Limited Construction Canadian Natural Resources Damage Limited Valve Petro-Canada Failure Unknown Canadian Natural Resources Limited Fire UNKNOWN Unknown UNKNOWN Flange Petro-Canada Loose Unknown UNKNOWN Miscellaneo Canadian Natural Resources us Limited Corrosion Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd. Internal Tank Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Overflow Corrosion AltaGas Ltd. Internal Corrosion AltaGas Ltd. Internal Tank Leak Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Unknown Operator Error Unknown Damage By Others Corrosion Internal UNKNOWN Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. UNKNOWN Canadian Natural Resources Limited

Leak Leak

Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw)


20052641 11 20052666 11 20052772 11 20052771 11 20052904 11 20052972 12 20053027 20053053 20053085 20060030 12 12 12 12

2 3

2005 Natural Gas Pipeline

2005 Crude Bitumen Single Batt 16 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 17 2005 Unknown 30 2005 Unknown 4 2005 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2005 Unknown 16 2005 Unknown 21 2005 Unknown 23 2005 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 2005 Unknown 1 2006 Unknown 3 5 6 2006 Natural Gas Pipeline 2006 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 2006 Unknown

Corrosion Internal Fire Unknown Corrosion Internal Unknown Valve Failure Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Valve Leak Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Mechanical Damage Unknown Valve Leak Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Unknown Blowout Unknown Tank Leak

Talisman Energy Inc. Total E&P Joslyn Ltd. BP Canada Energy Company UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Petro-Canada UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Primewest Gas Corp. UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Canadian Natural Resources Limited Total E&P Joslyn Ltd. UNKNOWN Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Petro-Canada Petro-Canada UNKNOWN Petro-Canada Petro-Canada Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Suncor Energy Inc.

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Gas Production (Raw)

2 0

0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 10 0 20

Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen

1 10 0 20

Salt/Produced Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Diesel Oil Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Synthetic Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Fresh Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water


20053124 12 20060010 1 20060042 1 20060061 1 20060145 1 20060094 1 20060098 1 20060121 1 20060159 1 20060179 1 20060193 1 20060196 1 20060227 1 20060211 1 20060234 1 20060248 1 20060409 2 20060426 2 20060563 2

8000 0 4000 4000 30 30 1 1 Gas Production (Raw) 0 0 1200 1200 0 0 189 2 3 19 8 15 4 8 28000 330 8 10 10 2 2 0 0 Process Water 189 2 Gas Production (Raw) 3 19 8 13 4 8 0 330 8 10 10 2 2

10 2006 Compressor Station 11 2006 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2006 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2006 Unknown 18 2006 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2006 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2006 Compressor Station 23 2006 Drilling Well 23 2006 Unknown 24 2006 Unknown 26 2006 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 8 2006 Drilling Well 15 2006 Gas Well 21 2006 Crude Bitumen Group

Valve Leak Encana Corporation Valve Leak Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Blowout Petro-Canada


20060504 2 20060584 3 20060582 3 20060602 3 20060624 3 20060677 3 20060679 3 20060681 3 20060688 3 20060896 4 20060874 4 20061014 4 20061072 20061142 20061225 20061429 20061240 20061293 4 5 5 5 5 5

Battery 24 2006 Drilling Well 2 3 5 7 2006 2006 2006 2006

13 2006 13 2006 14 2006 15 2006 2 2006 3 2006 20 2006 27 4 6 10 18 23 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006

20061310 5 20061477 6 20061669 7

26 2006 15 2006 2 2006

20061853 7 20061761 7 20061791 7 20062026 8 20062112 8 20062192 8 20062212 9

10 2006 17 2006 17 2006 17 2006 22 2006 27 2006 1 2006

Equipment Failure Gas Proration Effluent Ba Damage By Others Natural Gas Pipeline Tank Overflow Crude Bitumen Group Valve Leak Battery Drilling Well Operator Error Crude Bitumen Group Tank Battery Overflow Water Pipeline Damage By Others Compressor Station Fire Gas Well Valve Damage Service Well Unknown Unknown Line Failure Water Pipeline Corrosion Internal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Blowout Oil Well Unknown Unknown Flange Loose Gas Well Unknown Gas Proration Effluent Ba Equipment Failure Crude Oil Pipeline Valve Or Fitting Failure Crude Bitumen Group Corrosion Battery Internal Natural Gas Pipeline Hi Level Switch Crude Bitumen Group Equipment Battery Failure Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Unknown Unknown Crude Bitumen Group Equipment Battery Failure Compressor Station Equipment

Devon ARL Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Canadian Natural Resources Limited Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. Petro-Canada Total E&P Joslyn Ltd. AltaGas Ltd. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Devon Canada Corporation UNKNOWN Syncrude Canada Ltd. UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Total E&P Joslyn Ltd. UNKNOWN Provident Acquisitions Inc. Devon Canada Corporation

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Flowing Water Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Fresh Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Process Water

1000 3 1 3 17 80 0

0 3 0 3 17 80 0

Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Process Water Crude Bitumen Process Water Process Water Glycol Process Water Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen

0 0 Gas Production (Raw) 14 14 3000 3000 1650 1650 10 10 1 1 0 0 1 1 5000 5000 0 0 50 5 4 0 5 4

0 0

Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd. Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Nexen Inc. Husky Oil Operations Limited Air/Land

Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Waste Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water

6 16 5 0 1 2 5

6 0 5 0 1 0 5

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Canadian Natural Resources Limited UNKNOWN Whitesands Insitu Ltd. Devon Canada Corporation Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak


20062297 9 20062397 9 20062401 9

15 2006 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2006 Abandoned Well 29 2006

20062474 10 20062517 10 20062657 10 20062656 10 20062769 11 20062761 11 20062788 11 20062826 11 20062890 11 20062960 12 20062988 12 20062992 12 20063104 12 20070012 12 20063177 12 20070013 12 20070062 1 20070097 1 20070248 1 20070313 2


12 2006 29 2006 31 2006 8 2006

12 2006 14 2006 18 2006 26 2006 1 4 5 2006 2006 2006

13 2006 16 2006 21 2006 29 2006 7 2007

13 2007 26 2007 1 2007

Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Other Pipeline Valve Or Fitting Failure Compressor Station Operator Error Abandoned Well Tank Overflow Crude Bitumen Group Corrosion Battery Internal Natural Gas Pipeline Tank Overflow Natural Gas Pipeline Tank Overflow Compressor Station Corrosion Internal Gas Well Equipment Failure Gas Plnt Acid Gas Flr/Inj Valve Failure Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Crude Bitumen Group Equipment Battery Failure Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Crude Bitumen Group Operator Battery Error Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Crude Bitumen Group Unknown Battery Unknown Operator Error Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Crude Bitumen Group Equipment Battery Failure Abandoned Well Equipment Failure Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion

Petro-Canada Total E&P Joslyn Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Process Water Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen

15 35 100

15 35 100

Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Air/Land Inc. AltaGas Ltd. Petro-Canada Air/Land Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Leak Leak Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Fresh Water Leak Gas Production (Raw)

1 15 19 0 3 1 2 20 0 22 0 10 2 15 50 3 1 10 3 2

1 15 19 0 0 1 2 20 0 22 0 10 0 15 50 Gas Production (Raw) 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 10 3 0

Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Stylus Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited AltaGas Ltd. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Petro-Canada Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Petro-Canada Talisman Energy Inc. Petro-Canada UNKNOWN Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Canadian Natural Resources Limited ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Synenco Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak


20070328 2

2007 Natural Gas Pipeline

20070375 2 20070389 2 20070431 2 20070428 2 20070453 2 20070487 2 20070546 2 20070636 2 20070666 3 20070705 3 20070806 3 20070830 3

2 6

2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2007 Other Pipeline

10 2007 Drilling Well 10 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2007 Drilling Well 16 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 25 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2007 Drilling Well 8 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 10 2007 Drilling Well 26 2007 Suspended Well 27 2007 Crude Oil Pipeline

Internal Mechanical Pipe Damage Operator Error Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Blowout Valve Leak

Limited Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd.



Gas Production (Raw)

Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Paramount Resources Ltd. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Petro-Canada Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Waste Gas Production (Raw) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Oily Sludge Fresh Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Crude Oil Fresh Water Crude Bitumen Leak Crude Bitumen

3 1 16 2 16 3 7 8 2 600 2 0

3 0 16 2 16 3 7 8 2 Salt/Produced Water 0 2 0

Encana Corporation Air/Land Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Operator Petro-Canada Error Valve Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Failure Valve Leak Suncor Energy Inc. Blowout Equipment Failure Valve Or Fitting Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Erosion Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Operator Error Operator Error Operator Error Tank Overflow Valve Failure

Korea National Oil Corporation Air/Land Petrobank Energy And Air/Land Resources Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Air/Land

20070879 4 20070935 4 20071067 4 20071102 4 20071104 4 20071144 5 20071159 5 20071160 5 20071185 5 20071359 5

2007 Drilling Well

Great Divide Oil Corporation Petro-Canada ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. MEG Energy Corp. MEG Energy Corp. MEG Energy Corp. Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Muskeg/Stagna Rupture nt Water Air/Land Rupture Air/Land Air/Land

Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Diesel Oil Salt/Produced Water Process Water Process Water Crude Bitumen Fuel Gas Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen

0 3 0 3 4 90 10 1 6 11

0 3 0 3 4 0 10 Process Water 0 6 11

11 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2007 Compressor Station 29 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 5 2007 Other Pipeline 5 5 2007 Multiphase Pipeline 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline

11 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery


20071540 6 20071604 6 20071606 6 20071645 7 20071717 7 20071718 7 20071719 7 20071819 7

21 2007 Abandoned Well 28 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 3 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline 10 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 10 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 22 2007 Other Pipeline

Equipment Failure Valve Failure Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Line Failure Tank Overflow Operator Error Valve Or Fitting Failure Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Valve Failure Operator Error Valve Leak Operator Error Damage By Others Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Valve Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal

Petro-Canada Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Salt/Produced Water Boiler Blowdown Water Condensate Gas Production (Raw) Process Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Crude Oil

4 7 25 0 5 15 2 30

4 7 25 0 5 15 2 30

Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Air/Land Inc. Nexen Inc. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Nexen Inc. Petro-Canada Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Canadian Natural Resources Limited Petro-Canada Husky Oil Operations Limited ConocoPhillips Canada Limited Air/Land Petro-Canada Devon Canada Corporation Syncrude Canada Ltd. Nexen Inc. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

20071829 7 20071839 7 20071851 7 20071968 8 20072016 8 20072002 8 20072041 8 20072167 8 20072186 8 20072114 8 20072101 8 20072215 9 20072288 9 20072783 9 20072325 9

23 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 24 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline 26 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 4 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 15 2007 Suspended Well 15 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline 25 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline 17 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 20 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 22 2007 Water Pipeline 24 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Process Water Cement Process Water Process Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Hit Leak Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Process Water Leak Process Water Boiler Blowdown Water

15 0 2 5 0 20 80 0 10 0 1 4 10

15 0 2 5 0 20 80 0 10 0 1 4 10

Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

2400 2400 20 20


20072349 9 20072399 10 20072408 10 20072429 10 20072440 10 20072476 10 20072735 10 20072505 10 20072503 10 20072518 10 20072793 11 20072685 11 20072785 11 20072738 11 20072834 11 20072833 11 20072831 11 20072910 12 20072919 12 20072933 12 20073009 12 20073021 12 20073035 12 20073045 12

30 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline 5 6 7 9 12 16 17 19 21 1 8 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline 2007 Other Pipeline 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2007 Natural Gas Pipeline 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2007 Other Pipeline

Tank Overflow Corrosion External Operator Error Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Valve Leak Operator Error Equipment Failure Pipe Failure Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Unknown Tank Overflow Valve Failure Overpressur e Failure Operator Error Valve Failure Overpressur e Failure Valve Failure Equipment Failure Power Failure Tank Overflow

Canadian Natural Resources Limited Devon Canada Corporation Canadian Natural Resources Limited ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Petro-Canada Nexen Inc. MEG Energy Corp. Devon Canada Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Syncrude Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Great Divide Oil Corporation Petro-Canada Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Gas Production (Raw) Process Water

0 180 2 1 5 4 0 9 10 110 0 12 75 5 26 2 150 50 1 0 3 7 15 8

0 180 2 1 5 4 0 9 10 110 0 12 75 5 26 2 150 50 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Crude Bitumen 3 7 15 8

Leak Leak

Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water


Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Crude Oil Crude Bitumen

Flowing Water Rupture Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Rupture nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak

2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 10 2007 Water Pipeline 16 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2007 Water Pipeline 26 2007 Suspended Well 26 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 1 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 1 2007 Service Well 4 2007 Multiphase Pipeline

Process Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water

10 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 13 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 15 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery


20073088 12 20080020 12 20080065 1 20080161 1 20080189 1 20080210 1 20080260 1 20080245 1 20080364 2 20080324 2 20080413 2 20080423 2 20080417 2 20080483 2 20080448 2 20080490 2 20080522 2 20080521 2 20080562 2 20080561 2 20080635 3 20080613 3 20080632 3 20080633 3 20080700 3

20 2007 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 30 2007 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 3 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2008 Drilling Well 24 2008 Drilling Well 25 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 29 2008 Drilling Well 30 2008 Suspended Well 2 5 2008 Multiphase Pipeline

Flange Loose Tank Overflow Tank Overflow Blowout Blowout Corrosion Internal Operator Error Tank Leak Equipment Failure Installation Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Operator Error Damage By Others Damage By Others Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Damage By Others Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Corrosion Internal Earth Movement Equipment Failure Tank

ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Whitesands Insitu Ltd. Whitesands Insitu Ltd. Midway Energy Ltd. Midway Energy Ltd. Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Athabasca Oil Corporation Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. Albian Sands Energy Inc. Petro-Canada Petro-Canada Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Inter Pipeline (Corridor) Inc. Inter Pipeline (Corridor) Inc. Nexen Inc. Talisman Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Petro-Canada Petro-Canada Petro-Canada Devon Canada Corporation Encana Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. Inter Pipeline (Corridor) Inc. Nexen Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Leak Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Hit Hit Air/Land Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Leak

Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Drilling Mud (Water Based) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Crude Bitumen Glycol Waste Process Water Process Water Gas Production (Raw)

1 0 3 50 100 2 5 3 1 3 75 560 0 0 0

1 0 Crude Bitumen 3 50 Fresh Water 100 Fresh Water 2 Gas Production (Raw) 5 3 Gas Production (Raw) 0 3 57 560 Waste 0 Waste 0 0 0 0 120 3 50 1 150 Waste 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 20

2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 13 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2008 Oil Well 18 2008 Other Pipeline 18 2008 Crude Oil Pipeline 19 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 25 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 29 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 29 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 6 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 7 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 10 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 10 2008 Crude Oil Pipeline 17 2008 Crude Bitumen Group

Process Water

2 0

Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Crude Bitumen Gas Production (Raw) Synthetic Crude Oil Crude Bitumen

120 3 50 3 268 1 0 30


20080777 3 20080800 3 20080824 3 20080951 4 20080979 4 20081028 4 20081073 5 20081084 5 20081089 5 20081153 5 20081293 5 20081294 5 20081381 6 20081356 6 20081345 6 20081359 6 20081362 6 20081365 6 20081451 6 20081462 6 20081465 6 20081551 6 20081595 7 20081783 7

Battery 24 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 26 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 29 2008 Unknown 16 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 4 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 5 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 5 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2008 Drilling Well 31 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 3 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 5 2008 Other Pipeline 5 5 5 7 16 17 18 28 3 5 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2008 Unknown 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Overflow Corrosion Internal Hi Level Switch Unknown Dike Inadequate Line Plugged Valve Leak Corrosion Internal Pump Failure Operator Error Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Valve Failure Equipment Failure Damage By Others Storage Tank Damage By Others Operator Error Operator Error Unknown Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Tank Overflow

Canadian Natural Resources Limited Petro-Canada UNKNOWN Devon Canada Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Devon Canada Corporation Petro-Canada Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Salt/Produced Water Condensate Crude Oil Fresh Water Process Water Waste

1 16 40 15 70 0 0 0 8 5 15 7 9 0

1 Waste 16 35 0 70 1 Emulsifiers 0 2 Boiler Blowdown Water 8 5 15 4 Waste 9 Waste 0 1 25 0 10 0 1 Salt/Produced Water 11 Salt/Produced Water 0 5 Waste 2 Gas Production (Raw)


Gas Production (Raw) Waste Salt/Produced Water Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Crude Bitumen Condensate

Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. UNKNOWN Devon Canada Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Canadian Natural Resources Limited MEG Energy Corp. Petro-Canada Air/Land Flowing Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Air/Land Hit Air/Land Air/Land Hit

Chemicals Process Water

1 50 0

Process Water

10 0 0 0 2 9 2

Waste Waste Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water


20081817 7 20081695 7 20081717 7 20081746 7 20081807 7 20081825 7 20081847 7 20081883 8 20081894 8 20081914 8 20081947 8 20082026 8 20082068 8 20082114 8 20082166 8 20082175 8 20082120 8 20082108 9 20082148 9 20082151 9 20082263 9 20082236 9 20082281 9 20082314 9 20082345 9

11 2008 Water Pipeline 13 2008 15 2008 18 2008 26 2008 28 2008 28 2008 3 5 7 2008 2008 2008

12 2008 19 2008 25 2008 25 2008 26 2008 27 2008 28 2008 2 2008 3 6 6 2008 2008 2008

16 2008 20 2008 25 2008 28 2008

Operator Error Crude Bitumen Group Corrosion Battery Internal Crude Bitumen Group Mechanical Battery Damage Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Internal Gas Plnt Acid Gas Flr/Inj Mechanical Damage Natural Gas Pipeline Damage By Others Oil/Bitumen Satellite Valve Failure Unknown Unknown Water Pipeline Corrosion Internal Crude Bitumen Group Tank Battery Overflow Unknown Unknown Crude Bitumen Group Equipment Battery Failure Crude Bitumen Group Tank Battery Overflow Crude Bitumen Group Valve Leak Battery Crude Bitumen Group Unknown Battery Unknown Tank Leak Crude Bitumen Group Corrosion Battery Internal Drilling Well Valve Leak Natural Gas Pipeline Operator Error Suspended Well Tank Overflow Crude Bitumen Group Operator Battery Error Crude Bitumen Group Operator Battery Error Crude Bitumen Group Tank Battery Overflow Natural Gas Pipeline Mechanical Pipe Damage

Syncrude Canada Ltd. Nexen Inc. Total E&P Joslyn Ltd. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. UNKNOWN ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. UNKNOWN Petro-Canada Total E&P Joslyn Ltd. Total E&P Joslyn Ltd. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. UNKNOWN Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc. AltaGas Ltd. Husky Oil Operations Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Salt/Produced Water Fresh Water Process Water

0 10 0 1 1 0 0

0 10 0 Waste 0 Salt/Produced Water 1 Gas Production (Raw) 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 2 Waste 0 Waste 25 Waste 3 1 Waste 12 Gas Production (Raw) 0 0 2 Condensate 0 3 0 0 49 2 30 10 0


Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Waste

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Boiler Blowdown Water Boiler Blowdown Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Waste Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Drilling Mud (Water Based) Gas Production (Raw) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Process Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Gas Production (Raw)

2 2 25 3 1 15 20 4 0 0 3 0 10 49 2 30 10 0




20082394 10 20082412 10 20082499 10 20082496 10 20082511 10 20082554 10 20082610 10 20082832 11

1 6 6

2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2008 Drilling Well

16 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 18 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 24 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 30 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 22 2008 Water Pipeline

Equipment Failure Operator Error Damage By Others Equipment Failure Valve Failure Line Failure Equipment Failure Valve Or Fitting Failure Operator Error Corrosion Internal Line Failure Corrosion Internal Blowdown

E-T Energy Ltd. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Nexen Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Hit

Salt/Produced Water Process Water Waste

13 25 0 0

13 25 Waste 2 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 0 13 80 38 Crude Oil 10 Waste

Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Air/Land Resources Corp. Petrobank Energy And Air/Land Resources Ltd. Connacher Oil And Gas Limited Air/Land Nexen Inc.

Process Water Salt/Produced Water Waste Boiler Blowdown Water

13 80 0 10

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak

20082831 11 20082830 11 20082951 12 20082942 12 20082950 12 20082985 12 20082999 12 20083074 12 20083094 12

27 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2008 Other Pipeline 9 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 10 2008 Compressor Station 12 2008 Natural Gas Pipeline 16 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 22 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 25 2008 Service Well

Devon Canada Corporation MEG Energy Corp. Nexen Inc.

Glycol Salt/Produced Water Boiler Blowdown Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Acid

1 0 2 5 40 5 0 1 2

1 Waste 0 2 2 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 Crude Oil 1 Salt/Produced Water 2

Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Valve Leak Nexen Inc. Tank Overflow Tank Overflow Vandalism/ Damage Others Installation Failure Line Failure Equipment Failure Operator Error Corrosion Internal Valve Nexen Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Devon ARL Corporation

20090016 12 20090006 1 20090020 1 20090061 1 20090070 1 20090085 1

26 2008 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 3 2009 Other Pipeline 4 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 13 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline 13 2009 Crude Bitumen Group

ConocoPhillips Canada Air/Land Resources Corp. Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Air/Land Inc. Nexen Inc. Air/Land Nexen Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Crude Bitumen Leak Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen

3 Waste

914 1109 Waste 34 1 0 15 34 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 15


20090119 1 20090163 1 20090189 1 20090200 1 20090258 1 20090264 2 20090315 2 20090343 2 20090450 2 20090444 2 20090502 3 20090494 3 20090509 3 20090543 3 20090646 3

Battery 16 2009 Abandoned Well 23 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 30 2009 Water Pipeline 2 10 15 23 23 5 7 9 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2009 Drilling Well 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2009 Drilling Well 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2009 Oil Well

Failure Valve Leak Power Failure Operator Error Tank Overflow Damage By Others Equipment Failure Hi Level Switch Blowout Mud Tanks Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Operator Error Corrosion External Mechanical Pipe Damage Equipment Failure Damage By Others Corrosion Internal Vandalism/ Damage Others Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Valve Failure Operator Error

Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Devon Canada Corporation Air/Land Nexen Inc. Petro-Canada Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Petro-Canada Nexen Inc. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Hit

Salt/Produced Water Waste Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen

4 0 3 3 0

4 13 Salt/Produced Water 3 3 0 4 5 60 Waste 4 Waste 0 0 Waste 10 8 0 16 Hydrotest Fluids (Methanol) 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 Gas Production (Raw) 0

Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Fresh Water Process Water Fresh Water Rupture Salt/Produced Water Condensate Process Water Process Water Waste

4 5 60 4 3 0 10 8 0 0

Korea National Oil Corporation Air/Land Devon Canada Corporation Air/Land Korea National Oil Corporation Air/Land Canadian Natural Resources Limited Petro-Canada Suncor Energy Inc. Albian Sands Energy Inc. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Nexen Inc. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Leak

15 2009 Water Pipeline 22 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline

20090649 3 20090692 4 20090712 4 20090741 4

29 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 3 2009 Other Pipeline 6 7 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Air/Land Hit

Gas Production (Raw)

5 0

Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Suncor Energy Inc.

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil

0 0

20090762 4 20090795 4 20090796 4 20091042 4

13 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2009 Suspended Well 18 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Nexen Inc. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Harvest Operations Corp. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Process Water

12 20000 4 5

12 0 0 5 Waste


20090827 4 20090874 4 20090969 5 20091332 5

19 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 25 2009 Unknown 10 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2009 Oil Well

Unknown Valve Failure Equipment Failure Vandalism/ Damage Others Operator Error Corrosion Internal Hi Level Switch Sump Fluids

Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. UNKNOWN Devon Canada Corporation Petro-Canada

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Waste Crude Bitumen Waste Waste

0 8 0 0

0 Crude Bitumen 8 2 Salt/Produced Water 0 Crude Bitumen

20090992 5 20091012 5 20091086 5 20091116 6 20091157 6 20091167 6 20091182 6 20091199 6 20091201 6 20091270 6 20100514 7 20091337 7 20091331 7 20091368 7 20091444 7 20091514 7 20091529 8 20091608 8

14 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 18 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline 3 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 7 2009 Suspended Well 10 2009 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 11 2009 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 11 2009 Gas Well 13 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 24 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline 4 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 5 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 13 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2009 Compressor Station 4 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline

Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited MEG Energy Corp.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Leak Leak

Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Waste Crude Bitumen Drilling Mud (Water Based) Waste Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Boiler Blowdown Water Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen

5 0 0 2 0 0 12 1 11 30 0 15 60 15 4 14 5 10

5 0 360 Gas Production (Raw) 2 Waste 0 10 Crude Bitumen 12 0 Gas Production (Raw) 11 30 0 15 Waste 60 13 4 14 0 Salt/Produced Water 10 Waste

Line Failure Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Equipment Suncor Energy Inc. Failure Valve Leak Canadian Natural Resources Limited Operator Devon Canada Corporation Error Equipment Devon Canada Corporation Failure Tank Leak Nexen Inc. Lubricator Canadian Natural Resources Limited Devon Canada Corporation

Operator Error Valve Petro-Canada Failure Operator Nexen Inc. Error Line Failure Devon Canada Corporation Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Valve Or Fitting Failure Mechanical Damage

BP Canada Energy Company Canadian Natural Resources Limited Nexen Inc.

16 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2009 Multiphase Pipeline

20091619 8

Suncor Energy Inc.



Process Water


20091651 8 20091751 9 20091734 9 20091816 9 20091828 9 20091871 9 20091881 9 20091918 10 20091938 10 20091983 10 20091984 10 20091986 10 20092049 10 20092061 10 20092050 10 20092079 10 20092080 10 20092122 11 20092183 11 20092197 11 20092320 12 20092409 12 20092386 12 20092372 12

23 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 1 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 18 2009 Oil Well 22 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2009 Oil Well 2 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 8 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline 17 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2009 Abandoned Well 28 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 30 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2009 Service Well 6 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 3 2009 Natural Gas Pipeline 7 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 9 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 10 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Tank Overflow Operator Error Operator Error Operator Error Pump Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Line Failure Damage By Others Operator Error Operator Error Blowout

MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Devon ARL Corporation Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. BP Canada Energy Company Devon Canada Corporation Statoil Canada Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Salt/Produced Water Boiler Blowdown Water Boiler Blowdown Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Waste Waste Salt/Produced Water Process Water

15 14 6 1 3 0 0 4 13 0

15 14 6 Waste 1 Crude Oil 3 Waste 1 Salt/Produced Water 1 Crude Bitumen 4 13 0 6 Waste 0 0 Nitrogen 10 Waste 17 3 10 Salt/Produced Water 4 Waste 5 1 Salt/Produced Water 0 Salt/Produced Water 9 12 Waste 8 Crude Bitumen

Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Waste Process Water Process Water Waste Gas Production (Raw) Process Water Salt/Produced Water Waste

10 0 0 10 17 3 0 7 5 0 1 7 12 0

Pump Suncor Energy Inc. Failure Valve Leak Nexen Inc. Tank Suncor Energy Inc. Overflow Valve Leak Suncor Energy Inc. Valve Failure Flange Loose Operator Error Corrosion Internal Valve Leak Line Failure Devon ARL Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Harvest Operations Corp. Nexen Inc.

Valve Leak Suncor Energy Inc. Operator Error Devon Canada Corporation


20092383 12 20092380 12 20092469 12 20092480 12 20092505 12 20092529 12 20100047 1 20100065 1 20100075 1 20100071 1 20100108 1 20100109 1 20100137 1 20100154 1 20100170 1

12 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 13 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 20 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 22 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2009 Gas Proration Effluent Ba 31 2009 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 9 2010 Natural Gas Pipeline 9 11 12 16 16 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2010 Drilling Well

Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Operator Error Corrosion Internal Flare Stack Operator Error Operator Error Tank Leak Operator Error Operator Error Blowout Equipment Failure Water Retention Pond Operator Error Operator Error Equipment Failure Operator Error Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Valve Leak Tank

Suncor Energy Inc. MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Nexen Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. MEG Energy Corp. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. MEG Energy Corp. Statoil Canada Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Waste Condensate Crude Bitumen Waste Boiler Blowdown Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Fresh Water Process Water

20 10 10 2 10 7 0 1 3 3 35 5 5 480 2

18 10 8 2 10 7 146 Gas Production (Raw) 1 Waste 3 3 35 3 5 0 2

18 2010 Drilling Well 21 2010 Drilling Well 22 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 24 2010 Drilling Well 27 2010 Drilling Well 27 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 29 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2010 Drilling Well 2 2 3 9 2010 Natural Gas Pipeline 2010 Natural Gas Pipeline 2010 Natural Gas Pipeline 2010 Crude Bitumen Group

Imperial Oil Resources Limited Air/Land Athabasca Oil Corporation Air/Land ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Encana Corporation Cenovus Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land

20100162 1 20100188 1 20100187 1 20100209 1 20100216 1 20100238 2 20100239 2 20100236 2 20100276 2

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Leak

Fresh Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Waste Salt/Produced Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen

13 5 33 24 1 1 1 500 3

13 5 30 24 1 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Gas Production (Marketable) 0 3


20100269 2 20100336 2 20100309 2 20100321 2

Battery 11 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 11 2010 Other Pipeline 16 2010 Multiphase Pipeline 18 2010 Unknown

20100386 2 20100426 2 20100449 3 20100489 3 20100554 3 20100593 3 20100641 4 20100620 4 20100668 4

28 2010 Crude Oil Pipeline 28 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 10 2010 Drilling Well 18 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 30 2010 Unknown 4 2010 Natural Gas Pipeline 6 2010 Oil Well

Overflow Operator Error Unknown Seam Rupture Valve Or Fitting Failure Line Failure Operator Error Blowdown Corrosion Internal Valve Failure Unknown Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Valve Or Fitting Failure Valve Leak Equipment Failure Unknown Valve Leak

MEG Energy Corp. Statoil Canada Ltd. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. UNKNOWN

Air/Land Air/Land Leak Hit

Salt/Produced Water Hydrotest Fluids (Methanol)

5 0 0 0

5 0 Waste 0 0


Boiler Blowdown Water

Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Air/Land Inc. MEG Energy Corp. Air/Land MEG Energy Corp. Nexen Inc. MEG Energy Corp. UNKNOWN BP Canada Energy Company Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Waste Boiler Blowdown Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Fresh Water Waste

0 20 0 15 2 1 0 1 0

0 20 0 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 0 2 Crude Oil 0 0 1 4 Process Water


10 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2010 Multiphase Pipeline 14 2010 Oil Well 14 2010 Unknown 16 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 29 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 11 2010 Oil Well 14 2010 Unknown 16 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

20100665 4 20100681 4 20100695 4 20100716 4 20100806 4 20100876 5 20100980 5 20100914 5 20101002 5 20100949 5 20100967 5

MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. UNKNOWN ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Nexen Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Fresh Water Process Water Boiler Blowdown Water Gas Production (Raw) Crude Bitumen Oily Sludge Process Water Process Water Process Water

2 0 9 22 40 0 0 4 5 5 12

2 0 0 22 40 0 0 3 Waste 5 Waste 5 12

Power Failure Valve Leak Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. Operator UNKNOWN Error Equipment Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Failure Pump MEG Energy Corp. Failure Unknown Suncor Energy Inc. Valve Failure MEG Energy Corp.


20101026 6 20101040 6 20110116 6 20101083 6 20101104 6 20101140 6 20101142 6 20101165 6 20101204 7 20101245 7 20101339 7 20101385 7 20101379 7 20101382 8 20101401 8 20101404 8 20101410 8 20101423 8 20101441 8 20101442 8 20101437 8 20112252 8 20101500 8 20101525 8

5 7

2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2010 Water Pipeline

13 2010 Suspended Well 14 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 20 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2010 Natural Gas Pipeline 10 2010 Oil Well 26 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 30 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2010 Unknown 3 3 6 6 8 9 9 2010 Natural Gas Pipeline 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2010 Water Pipeline 2010 Unknown 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2010 Crude Oil Pipeline

Equipment Failure Earth Movement Equipment Failure Pump Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Valve Leak Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Valve Failure Tank Overflow Unknown

Suncor Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Devon NEC Corporation Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Rupture

Salt/Produced Water Waste Drilling Mud (Water Based) Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Waste Salt/Produced Water Leak Gas Production (Raw) Process Water Waste Process Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Waste Boiler Blowdown Water Fresh Water Salt/Produced Water Condensate Leak Waste Waste Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Waste

15 0 32 6 2 3 0 9 1 761 0 9 4 5 0 10 3 3 3 0 0 628 0 0

15 20 Salt/Produced Water 16 6 Waste 2 3 Waste 5 Salt/Produced Water 8 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 Crude Bitumen 3 Glycol 9 4 Waste 5 2 Salt/Produced Water 10 0 0 3 Waste 100 Synthetic Crude Oil 3 Crude Bitumen 628 Waste 0 13 Glycol

Connacher Oil And Gas Limited Air/Land Nexen Inc. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Devon NEC Corporation Statoil Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Air/Land

Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 18 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 18 2010 Drilling Well 23 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Hi Pressure Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Switch Corrosion UNKNOWN Internal Blowdown Canadian Natural Resources Limited Construction Nexen Inc. Damage Unknown Laricina Energy Ltd. Operator UNKNOWN Error Equipment Connacher Oil And Gas Limited Failure Operator Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Error Inc. Tank Leak Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Power Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Statoil Canada Ltd.


20101778 9 20101809 10 20101815 10 20101850 10 20101864 10 20101868 10 20101886 10 20101903 10 20101927 10 20101975 11 20101973 11 20102008 11 20102041 11 20102090 11 20102111 11 20102131 11 20102132 11 20102141 11 20102177 11 20102170 11 20102199 12 20102247 12 20102285 12 20102310 12 20102298 12

29 2010 Water Pipeline 2 6 7 9 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2010 Suspended Well 2010 Crude Oil Pipeline 2010 Service Well

14 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2010 Drilling Well 19 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2010 Service Well 1 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 1 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 4 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 9 2010 Drilling Well 15 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2010 Drilling Well 22 2010 Water Pipeline 24 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2010 Natural Gas Pipeline 27 2010 Drilling Well 2 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 5 2010 Drilling Well 12 2010 Drilling Well 15 2010 Suspended Well 15 2010 Oil/Bitumen Satellite

Operator Error Damage By Others Valve Failure Operator Error Operator Error Flange Loose Tank Overflow Pump Failure Blowdown Operator Error Power Failure Blowdown Cementing Operations Corrosion Internal Valve Failure Operator Error Corrosion Internal Flange Loose Line Failure Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Operator Error Tank Overflow Equipment Failure

Canadian Natural Resources Limited Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. Husky Oil Operations Limited Syncrude Canada Ltd. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Devon NEC Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Devon NEC Corporation Devon Canada Corporation ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Devon Canada Corporation Devon NEC Corporation MEG Energy Corp. Devon NEC Corporation Statoil Canada Ltd. Statoil Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Waste Crude Bitumen Drilling Mud (Water Based)

0 4 1 0

4 Salt/Produced Water 4 Waste 1 0 3 Waste 7 9 444 Crude Bitumen 2 45 Boiler Blowdown Water 40 4 Waste 0 5 8 0 5 8 0 4 10 Waste 180 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 1 Cement 15 Salt/Produced Water 20

Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Corrosion Inhibited Water Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Waste Salt/Produced Water Waste Boiler Blowdown Water Process Water Fuel Gas Boiler Blowdown Water Boiler Blowdown Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Condensate Waste Waste Waste Crude Bitumen

3 7 10 0 28 0 40 4 0 5 8 3 5 8 1 6 10 0 0 0 20


20102319 12 20110676 12 20102380 12 20110076 1 20110086 1 20110084 1 20110111 1 20110121 1 20110160 1 20110176 1 20110170 1 20110175 1 20110202 1 20110291 2 20110309 2 20110362 2 20110317 2 20110337 2 20110358 2 20110399 2 20110508 2 20110385 2 20110367 2 20110502 3 20110519 3 20110518 3

17 2010 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 19 2010 Drilling Well 28 2010 Drilling Well 9 2011 Drilling Well 10 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 11 2011 Drilling Well 15 2011 Drilling Well 17 2011 Drilling Well 21 2011 Drilling Well 22 2011 Unknown 23 2011 Drilling Well 24 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2011 Compressor Station 7 2011 Water Pipeline 10 2011 Compressor Station 10 2011 Water Pipeline 12 2011 Drilling Well 14 2011 Drilling Well 15 2011 Compressor Station 16 2011 Crude Oil Pipeline 16 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2011 Drilling Well 17 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 6 2011 Drilling Well 7 8 2011 Drilling Well 2011 Drilling Well

Erosion Fracturing Operation Line Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Pump Failure Operator Error Operator Error Line Failure Unknown Line Failure

Suncor Energy Inc. Husky Oil Operations Limited Devon NEC Corporation Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Nexen Inc. Husky Oil Operations Limited Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. UNKNOWN ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Fresh Water Fresh Water Crude Bitumen Waste Drilling Mud (Water Based) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Diesel Oil Drilling Mud (Water Based) Waste Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water

40 13 10 80 3 0 3 3 4 0 0 0 15 2 20 0

40 0 10 0 3 Waste 5 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 3 3 4 0 Glycol 0 7 Salt/Produced Water 5 Waste 1 20 0 0 3 6 0 3 3 3 Waste 12 20 2 Waste

Operator Error Valve Devon Canada Corporation Failure Blowout Devon Canada Corporation Line Failure Canadian Natural Resources Limited Tank Devon Canada Corporation Overflow Damage By Devon NEC Corporation Others Operator Husky Oil Operations Limited Error Line Failure Canadian Natural Resources Limited Damage By Inter Pipeline (Corridor) Inc. Others Operator Suncor Energy Inc. Error Mechanical Nexen Inc. Damage Equipment Suncor Energy Inc. Failure Equipment Husky Oil Operations Limited Failure Operator Nexen Inc. Error Line Failure Nexen Inc.

Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water Cement Drilling Mud (Water Based) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Fresh Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water

2100 3 6 0 3 3 3 12 20 3


20110537 3 20110545 3 20110559 3 20110568 3 20110569 3 20110571 3 20110588 3 20110612 3 20110710 3 20110715 4 20110756 4 20110747 4 20110751 4 20110977 5 20111017 5 20111025 5

2011 Drilling Well

10 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 11 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 11 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 13 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2011 Drilling Well 31 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 1 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2011 Other Pipeline 3 5 9 2011 Other Pipeline 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline

Pump Failure Equipment Failure Valve Failure Operator Error Tank Overflow Blowout Operator Error Equipment Failure Pump Failure Operator Error Flange Loose Seam Rupture Corrosion Internal Valve Failure Corrosion Internal Valve Or Fitting Failure Erosion Flange Loose Corrosion Internal Flange Loose Corrosion Internal Corrosion External Equipment Failure

MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. MEG Energy Corp. Statoil Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. MEG Energy Corp. MEG Energy Corp. MEG Energy Corp. Pipeline Management Inc. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Devon Canada Corporation Canadian Natural Resources Limited Devon Canada Corporation AltaGas Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak Leak Leak Leak

Drilling Mud (Water Based) Process Water Salt/Produced Water Condensate Process Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Waste Waste Process Water Fresh Water Waste Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Waste Waste

1 2 3 15 3 3 4 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0

1 2 Waste 3 14 Waste 3 3 Waste 4 Waste 39 Fresh Water 102 Salt/Produced Water 2 0 60 Condensate 2 0 Waste 3 Salt/Produced Water 112 Gas Production (Raw) 0 5 3 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 1 1

12 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 15 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline

20111052 5 20111118 5 20111182 6 20111184 6 20111180 6 20111414 6 20111200 6

17 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline 26 2011 Drilling Well 5 5 5 8 8 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline 2011 Oil Well 2011 Oil Well 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline

Suncor Energy Logistics Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Cenovus Energy Inc. Cenovus Energy Inc.

Gas Production (Marketable) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Waste Process Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water

5 5 0 5 5 1 1

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water


20111216 6 20111240 6 20111265 6 20111269 6 20111327 6 20111394 6 20111408 6 20111413 7 20111393 7 20111510 7 20111533 7 20111564 8 20111650 8 20111678 8 20111691 8 20111718 8 20111730 8 20111742 8 20111757 9 20111764 9 20111811 9 20111880 9 20111928 9 20111983 10

2011 Natural Gas Pipeline

10 2011 Oil Well 16 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline 16 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 25 2011 Oil Well 28 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 30 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 1 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 5 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline 20 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline 23 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2011 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 16 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 19 2011 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 22 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline 30 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2011 Oil Well 2 6 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2011 Other Pipeline

Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Erosion Corrosion Internal Pump Failure Tank Overflow Tank Overflow Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Power Failure Operator Error Valve Failure Damage By Others Tank Leak Equipment Failure Power Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Valve Leak Equipment Failure Blowdown Unknown

Chinook Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Canadian Natural Resources Limited Devon Canada Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc.

Flowing Water Leak Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Hit Leak Leak

Gas Production (Marketable) Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Boiler Blowdown Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Crude Oil Process Water Cement Process Water

9 0 0 3 0 3 3 33 0 2 30 24 200 4 30 0 3 0 10 0 3 0 0 0

0 0 0 Waste 3 0 Gas Production (Raw) 3 3 33 Waste 0 Waste 2 30 24 Waste 180 4 Waste 25 Waste 0 3 0 9 Waste 1 Salt/Produced Water 3 16 Crude Bitumen 25 Boiler Blowdown Water 40 Boiler Blowdown Water

MEG Energy Corp. Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Suncor Energy Inc. Devon NEC Corporation MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Devon NEC Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Waste Process Water Waste Waste Waste

13 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 20 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 3 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


20112008 10 20111994 10 20112013 10 20112061 10 20112581 10 20112063 10 20112095 10 20112129 10 20112174 10 20112225 10 20112228 11 20112349 11 20112325 11 20112335 11 20112380 11 20112388 11 20112397 11 20112419 12 20112463 12 20112469 12

5 5 6 7 8 8

2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2011 Unknown 2011 Drilling Well 2011 Natural Gas Pipeline 2011 Oil Well 2011 Drilling Well

16 2011 Other Pipeline 19 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2011 Gas Well 16 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 20 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2011 Oil Well 24 2011 Suspended Well 25 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 29 2011 Sfc Csg Only 4 9 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2011

Tank Overflow Operator Error Corrosion Internal Cementing Operations Damage By Others Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Equipment Failure Operator Error Valve Failure Equipment Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure

Cenovus FCCL Ltd. UNKNOWN Husky Oil Operations Limited AltaGas Ltd. Devon Canada Corporation Husky Oil Operations Limited Cenovus FCCL Ltd. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Cenovus Energy Inc. ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Harvest Operations Corp. Nexen Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Process Water Corrosion Inhibited Water Waste Salt/Produced Water Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based)

3 3 0 1 0 11 0

3 3 1 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 0 Waste 0 10 Waste 0 10 5 0 0 1 7 0 12 3 3 Waste 1 Waste 138 Hydrotest Fluids (Methanol) 0

Salt/Produced Water Process Water Gas Production (Raw) Gas Production (Raw) Process Water Process Water Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Boiler Blowdown Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Process Water Waste Crude Bitumen

10 5 0 5 1 7 0 13 2 3 5 0 6

11 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 18 2011 Multiphase Pipeline 22 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2011 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

20112518 12 20112543 12 20112575 12

Valve Failure Valve Or Fitting Failure Tank Overflow Line Failure

UNKNOWN Statoil Canada Ltd.

MEG Energy Corp. Nexen Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


Waste Condensate Boiler Blowdown Water

0 5 20

1 Crude Bitumen 5 18 Waste

Line Failure Devon NEC Corporation


20112576 12 20120026 1 20120010 1 20120031 1 20120056 1 20120052 1 20120051 1 20120095 1 20120124 1 20120107 1 20120117 1 20120122 1 20120141 1 20120140 1 20120159 1 20120192 1 20120210 1 20120205 1 20120217 1 20120211 1 20120255 1 20120274 2 20120309 2 20120284 2 20120324 2

29 2011 Drilling Well 1 2 3 6 7 8 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2012 Drilling Well 2012 Abandoned Well 2012 Drilling Well

14 2012 Oil Well 16 2012 Drilling Well 16 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2012 Drilling Well 17 2012 Abandoned Well 19 2012 Natural Gas Pipeline 19 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 20 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 24 2012 Drilling Well 24 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 25 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 25 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2012 Drilling Well 1 3 3 5 2012 Natural Gas Pipeline 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2012 Drilling Well

Equipment Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Operator Error Equipment Failure Blowout Equipment Failure Blowout Line Plugged Mud Tanks

Nexen Inc. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Nexen Inc. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Cenovus FCCL Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water Process Water Waste Waste Fresh Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water Waste Drilling Mud (Water Based) Gas Production (Raw) Salt/Produced Water Waste Condensate Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water Process Water Process Water Fresh Water Hit

3 10 4 0 0 681 3 0 2 2 0 3 1 5 0 8 2 1 3 3 100 0

1 Waste 10 4 0 1 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 30 3 0 2 2 1 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 2 0 5 Waste 2 Condensate 8 1 Waste 1 Crude Bitumen 3 Waste 3 Waste 0 0 69 11 Waste 1 Drilling Mud (Water

Silverbirch Energy Corporation Muskeg/Stagnant Water Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Devon Canada Corporation Athabasca Oil Corporation Devon Canada Corporation Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Mud Tanks Husky Oil Operations Limited Operator Error Valve Failure Corrosion Internal Header Failure Tank Overflow Valve Failure Erosion Pump Failure Flange Loose Erosion Husky Oil Operations Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Statoil Canada Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Suncor Energy Inc.

Canadian Natural Resources Limited Damage By Chinook Energy Inc. Others Line Failure Nexen Inc. Flange Loose Operator Statoil Canada Ltd. Nexen Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Process Water Process Water Waste

30 15 0


20120567 2 20120344 2 20120372 2 20120376 2 20120394 2 20120517 2 20120399 2 20120414 2 20120424 2 20120415 2 20120437 2 20120518 2 20120505 3 20120527 3 20120553 3 20120563 3 20120584 3 20120622 3 20120676 3 20120691 3 20120683 3 20120684 3 20120735 4 20120739 4 20120792 4 20120816 4 20121035 4

8 9

2012 Other Pipeline 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 9 2012 10 2012 Abandoned Well 10 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2012 Drilling Well 16 2012 Gas Well 18 2012 Drilling Well 18 2012 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 19 2012 Drilling Well 22 2012 Drilling Well 29 2012 2 4 8 9 2012 2012 2012 2012

Error Valve Leak MEG Energy Corp. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Valve Leak UNKNOWN Tank Devon NEC Corporation Overflow Erosion Nexen Inc. Erosion Operator Error Valve Failure Erosion Damage By Others Cementing Operations Erosion Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc.

Based) Hit Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Crude Bitumen Drilling Mud (Water Based) Waste Process Water Fresh Water Gas Production (Raw) Drilling Mud (Water Based) Waste Waste Fresh Water Fresh Water 0 4 6 0 5 178 1 5 0 0 40 33 0 650 6 3 2 0 0 4 565 2 675 790 0 Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil 2 5 0 4 6 Waste 3 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 5 Waste 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 5 Waste 1 Process Water 2 Drilling Mud (Water Based) 0 0 0 0 6 3 Waste 0 Waste 0 1110 Crude Bitumen 0 390 2 Waste 675 790 Waste 0 2 5

12 2012 15 2012 24 2012 26 2012 26 2012 27 2012 4 4 2012 2012

13 2012 14 2012 15 2012

Joslyn Energy Development Air/Land Incorporated Drilling Well Joslyn Energy Development Air/Land Incorporated Natural Gas Pipeline Erosion ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. (SOUTH) Hit Drilling Well Tank Leak Cenovus TL ULC Air/Land Gas Plnt Acid Gas Flr/Inj Vehicle Canadian Natural Resources Air/Land Accident Limited Crude Bitumen Group Miscellaneo Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Battery us Drilling Well Erosion Mackay Operating Corp. Muskeg/Stagnant Water Other Pipeline Damage By Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Hit Others Oil Well Tank Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Air/Land Overflow Water Pipeline Flange Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Muskeg/Stagna Leak Loose nt Water Crude Bitumen Group Valve Leak Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Battery Crude Bitumen Group Construction Devon NEC Corporation Air/Land Battery Damage Other Pipeline Installation Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) Air/Land Leak Failure Inc. Crude Bitumen Group Tank Leak Suncor Energy Inc. Air/Land Battery Other Pipeline Miscellaneo Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Hit us Crude Bitumen Group Tank Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited Air/Land Battery Overflow Equipment UNKNOWN Air/Land

Fresh Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Fresh Water

Waste Fresh Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Condensate Process Water


20120813 4 20120806 4 20120865 4 20120906 4 20120928 5 20120951 5 20121033 5 20121103 5 20121154 6 20121228 6 20121226 6 20121303 6 20121300 6 20121312 6 20121304 6 20121310 6 20121327 6 20121477 7 20121476 7 20121496 7 20121520 7 20121562 7 20121617 8 20121681 8

16 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 22 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 29 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 1 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2012 Water Pipeline 15 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2012 Oil Well 12 2012 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 12 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 21 2012 Water Pipeline 22 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 22 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 22 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 24 2012 Natural Gas Pipeline 24 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 19 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 19 2012 Suspended Well 22 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 23 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 5 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Failure Equipment Nexen Inc. Failure Dike Suncor Energy Inc. Inadequate Line Failure Nexen Inc. Pump Failure Operator Error Tank Overflow Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. Valve Leak Nexen Inc. Valve Devon Canada Corporation Failure Valve Leak Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Valve Leak Suncor Energy Inc. Tank Leak Construction Damage Equipment Failure Corrosion Internal Tank Overflow Equipment Failure Valve Leak Operator Error Equipment Failure Pump Failure Pump Failure Tank Overflow Stuffing Box

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Process Water Process Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Process Water Boiler Blowdown Water Process Water Process Water Process Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Process Water Leak Salt/Produced Water Oily Sludge Process Water Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Process Water Boiler Blowdown Water

20 12 10 4 7 1 5 5 2 0 9 5 5 2 10 2 5 10 10 3 4 7 200 10

20 12 Waste 8 Waste 4 0 1 5 Waste 5 2 Waste 0 9 0 5 Waste 2 Waste 0 0 Gas Production (Raw) 5 Waste 10 0 3 4 7 80 10 Waste

Laricina Energy Ltd. Air/Land Connacher Oil And Gas Limited Air/Land Laricina Energy Ltd. Nexen Inc. Canadian Natural Resources Limited Cenovus FCCL Ltd. MEG Energy Corp. Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Devon NEC Corporation MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Muskeg/Stagnant Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land


20121678 8 20121682 8 20121785 8 20121799 8 20121860 9 20121863 9 20121848 9 20121868 9

15 2012 Oil Well 15 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 28 2012 Drilling Well 31 2012 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 4 6 7 2012 Other Pipeline 2012 Other Pipeline 2012 Other Pipeline

11 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2012 Natural Gas Pipeline

20121875 9 20121876 9

20121883 9 20121900 9 20121897 9 20121904 9 20121915 9 20121924 9 20121974 9 20121982 9 20122015 9 20122241 11 20122266 11 20122274 11 20122275 11 20122311 11

13 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 17 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 18 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 18 2012 22 2012 25 2012 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 29 2012 Natural Gas Pipeline 5 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 8 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 10 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 11 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2012 Drilling Well

Operator Error Valve Failure Tank Overflow Tank Overflow Operator Error Miscellaneo us Operator Error Water Retention Pond Pump Failure Valve Or Fitting Failure Measuremen t Equipment Valve Failure Valve Leak Operator Error Equipment Failure

Laricina Energy Ltd. Suncor Energy Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. MEG Energy Corp. MEG Energy Corp. Access Pipeline Inc. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Crude Bitumen Waste Drilling Mud (Water Based) Process Water Waste Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Process Water

7 0 6 10 0 2 25 3

7 Waste 5 Process Water 5 8 Waste 0 Crude Bitumen 1 Fresh Water 13 Fresh Water 0

Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Leak Air/Land

Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc.

Air/Land Air/Land Leak

Waste Gas Production (Raw)

0 0

2 Salt/Produced Water 0

Suncor Energy Inc. MEG Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. UNKNOWN UNKNOWN MEG Energy Corp.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Process Water Salt/Produced Water Waste Process Water Crude Bitumen Crude Bitumen Air Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water Salt/Produced Water Boiler Blowdown Water Process Water Condensate Drilling Mud (Water Based)

8 6 0 4 2 2 0 3 250 2 45 11 2 5

12 3 Waste 16 Salt/Produced Water 4 8 0 0 3 Waste 0 2 Waste 0 0 2 Waste 5 Waste

Equipment Failure Corrosion Canadian Natural Resources Internal Limited Line Failure Suncor Energy Inc. Power Failure Flange Loose Valve Failure Equipment Nexen Inc. Devon Canada Corporation Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc.


20122316 11 20122403 11 20122416 11 20122492 12 20122491 12 20122545 12 20122544 12 20122561 12 20122581 12 20122627 12 20130003 12 20130017 1 20130025 1 20130088 1 20130090 1 20130134 1

15 2012 Oil Well 28 2012 Multiphase Pipeline 29 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 4 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 9 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 14 2012 Drilling Well 15 2012 Water Pipeline 17 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 20 2012 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 27 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 31 2012 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 3 2013 Drilling Well 4 2013 Drilling Well

Failure Erosion Operator Error Valve Failure Tank Overflow Equipment Failure

Suncor Energy Inc. Cenovus Energy Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Cenovus FCCL Ltd.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Muskeg/Stagna Leak nt Water Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Leak Leak

Crude Bitumen Crude Oil Salt/Produced Water Boiler Blowdown Water Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Hydrotest Fluids (Methanol) Crude Bitumen Salt/Produced Water

2 1 6 14 3 4 4 5 180 0 2 4 7 0

2 Gas Production (Raw) 1 Salt/Produced Water 6 14 Waste 3 4 0 5 0 Crude Bitumen 0 0 Salt/Produced Water 0 0 0 8 2

Mackay Operating Corp. Tank ConocoPhillips Canada Overflow Resources Corp. Valve Leak Nexen Inc. Line Failure Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. Equipment Failure Operator Error Metal Fatigue Valve Leak Suncor Energy Inc. Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. MEG Energy Corp.

Crude Bitumen Drilling Mud (Water Based) Drilling Mud (Water Based)

12 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 12 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 16 2013 Other Pipeline

Valve Leak Suncor Energy Inc. Valve Or Fitting Failure Valve Failure Blowdown Operator Error Measuremen t Equipment Suncor Energy Logistics Corporation Suncor Energy Inc. UNKNOWN MEG Energy Corp. MEG Energy Corp. MEG Energy Corp. Line Failure Suncor Energy Inc. Pump Failure Erosion Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Cenovus FCCL Ltd.

Salt/Produced Water Crude Bitumen

8 2

20130140 1 20130170 1 20130156 1 20130164 1 20130168 1 20130177 1 20130192 1 20130195 1

19 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 20 2013 21 2013 Oil/Bitumen Satellite 23 2013 Drilling Well 24 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 26 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 27 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Condensate Drilling Mud (Water Based) Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Process Water Process Water Drilling Mud (Water Based) Salt/Produced Water

12 2 0 0 2 12 3 20

12 0 0 0 20 0 0 0


20130208 1 20130237 1 20130259 2 20130263 2

28 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 30 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 1 2013 Crude Bitumen Group Battery 2 2013 Drilling Well

Operator Error Equipment Failure Blowdown Operator Error

Nexen Inc. Nexen Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Mackay Operating Corp.

Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land Air/Land

Salt/Produced Water Synthetic Crude Oil Boiler Blowdown Water Drilling Mud (Water Based)

2 10 500 13

0 10 0 0


Appendix 7. An abbreviated version of the EMS incident data file of 9,262 incidents from the bitumen sands region sorted by incident number.
Only the minimum, essential columns are presented. See the spreadsheet, available upon request, for the full dataset.
Approval 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 Incident 3 54 72 74 114 118 136 138 199 205 207 217 244 Company Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Date 31-Mar-1996 2-Apr-1996 2-Apr-1996 2-Apr-1996 6-Apr-1996 7-Apr-1996 8-Apr-1996 8-Apr-1996 10-Apr-1996 11-Apr-1996 11-Apr-1996 10-Apr-1996 11-Apr-1996 Caller Type Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Call Type Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Call Reason Comments (For complete comments and other data, request the excel data file). Land 300-500 gal diesel spilled in auxiliary pit. contained. Cleaned. Land 400 litres hydrocarbon were released when a drain on a piece of equipment was left open and the lube oil went into the API separators. Air Advising of odour potential due to maintenance outage on 21-E6 sulfur treatment unit at NRU. 300 ppm H2S recorded at outlet. Air 54.6 kgs. R22 freon leaked from air conditioning compressor. Noticed when maintenance was called because the equipment was down. Air Notification of odour potential due to shut down of NPU. A hole has been discovered in 16C1. Extraction water is going to ponds and the water has THC and H2S. Air Notification of odour potential. Shutdown coker and the NRU. Water is going to the east tail separator.; They reported on April 7 that the NRU will be back up on Tuesday. Surface Run-off caused an overflow of dirty water from the dirty water ditch at the SW sand storage near cell 4B. A Water small amount of water flowed into a bush area. Surface Dirty water overflowed from the dirty water ditch into a bush area at Miller Lake settling pond. Water Air 16-2 C-1 sour water treater H2S tripped due to unit upset causing lift to not reseat. Air Ambient SO2 due to meteorological conditions.; Ambient SO2 due to unknown causes. Probably meteorological conditions. Various checks are being done. No flaring. Surface Put new ditching in to collect fresh water and it is causing siltation flowing into Bridge Creek. Major runoff Water started this weekend. They are diverting water around the site to direct it away. Air R22 freon release from plant 10 chiller unit 1888. Surface Water Air Air Air Air a spill of silty water (inc. 54502) [kt noted 27 Feb. 2013: there is no incident, sheet, or call number 54502, so what happened to it?] has moved with the thaw into a ditch and from the ditch to a beaver dam. The dam is quite silty-looking. The ditch is being blocked and pumped as well as the original spill site. The opacity on the powerhouse exceeded 40%. This was a result of oil being fed into the boilers. There was an opacity on the Powerhouse Stack, when oil was burnt in the boiler. There was an ambient SO2 exceedance at trailer 5. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. The release from the NRU has ended. The incident was caused by an instrumentation problem.; A vessel over pressured on the naphtha Recovery Unit. They are draining it now. No odour complaints have been received yet. The cause of the incident is unknown. They have lost another compressor and had to shut down the unifier. They would like to start turnaround early.; They are calling to advise that flaring began at 1715 hours for turnaround on unifier shutdown.; Is enquiring whether PCD has been able to contact anyone regarding turnaround. They have discovered a heat soak was being done on one of the trains, therefore their upper licence limit applied to earlier report of SO2 exceedances. These were not reportable.; An air blower trip on the #1 SRU caused a train upset. SO2 exceedances and flaring occurred as a result. The compressor in plant 8-2 tripped due to a high level in the knockout drum. They are flaring to the low pressure flare from the c-3 fractionator. They estimate the duration will be .5 hours.; The flaring incident reported earlier ended at 0230 hours.

94 94 26 26

252 277 299 301

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

6-Apr-1996 6-Apr-1996 4-Apr-1996 4-Apr-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry












Alleged Contravention Release









26 26 26

490 543 545

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

19-Apr-1996 21-Apr-1996 20-Apr-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact







26 94

696 763

Syncrude Suncor

24-Apr-1996 18-Apr-1996

Industry Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

They had an outage on the 21K2 vapour recovery compressor. The machine tripped, the cause of the trip is unknown. HC vapours and natural gas was vented to atmosphere. There was a potential for odour. Air They will be starting a catalyst activation process, which will entail flaring from low pressure flare for about 48 hours.; Flaring from plant 15-2 stopped on April 23 at 2300 hours. Regulation/ 21K2 vapour recovery compressor was been shutdown at 1300 hours for maintenance. It may be down for 4-5 Reporting days.; Equipment is back in-service at Plant 21-K2. The recovery compressor was put back into operation this afternoon. Tanks 15 & 16 are still venting to atmosphere. Air The cause of an ambient SO2 exceedance is likely meteorological conditions.; Ambient SO2 exceedances occurred as a result of meteorological conditions. There was no flaring on site. The SO2 emission rates are low.; An ambient SO2 exceedance occurred at the Mannix station. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. Air R22 freon release of 60 lbs from a slow leak in a cap on a metering device on the HVAC unit at the mine control tower. Air [Redacted] Fort McKay.... called ... re: very strong odour of oil. Smell coming from the south. Started around 2130. Winds from South.

26 94 26 26 94 94

765 767 769 841 843 929

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

19-Apr-1996 18-Apr-1996 18-Apr-1996 29-Apr-1996 29-Apr-1996 30-Apr-1996

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release


94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94

954 999 1093 1146 1149 1167 1226 1245 1251 1253 1423 1535 1586

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

1-May-1996 3-May-1996 6-May-1996 13-Apr-1996 15-Apr-1996 8-May-1996 9-May-1996 9-May-1996 9-May-1996 8-May-1996 15-May-1996 15-May-1996 20-May-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Flaring off plant 12-2 sulfur plant. Flaring acid gas. PSV 20-D is lifting and passing 1000 lbs/hr of acid gas to the flare. Air SO2 readings caused when sour water stripper was off - line . When it was put back on-line, change in gas composition caused a sulfur plant upset. Air Started flaring at plant 16-1. The plant had been down for a couple of weeks and so this flare resulted in SO2 being vented to atmosphere. Air They are flaring from plant 13-1 due to catalyst activation. The flaring began April 29 and is ongoing. Air Acid gas and swag were flared due to a temperature probe failure. Air They have discovered that the 3 way isolation valve has been going to flare since May 1994. [Flaring for 2 years.] Flaring has been continuous as long as the unifiers are running. They are in process of calculating the total amount of SO2 which has been flared. Air A startup on the kero unifier caused flaring to occur. Air 50 pounds R22 freon was released from an HMV unit 3-RM-1 in the mine control tower. Freon leaked from a pipe which was repaired and the unit was refilled. Regulation/ Catalyst activation on plant 15-1. They expect this plant event to last 48 hours. There is an odour potential. Reporting Air There is an offsite odour potential as a result of the power outage. They will be excessing [?] intermediate naphtha, and may be emitting odours. New roof seal installed on tank 20-D-14. Air Steam and hydrocarbon vapour was vented from the heavy slops tank. The tank heaters were on and the temperature was too high. The venting is still occurring. Air Odour potential notification. plant 16 has been taken down for maintenance. Pumps 34D & G are going to pond so all extraction water is going to pond. Air Plant 12-1 shutdown due to electrical problems. Volume of acid gas is being flared. 5,000,000 cu feet/hour. Air Air Air Air Air Air Acid gas flaring from sour water strippers 16-1 & 16-2 while bringing the units back on line. They flared a total of 4.5 tonnes SO2. They had a high ground level concentration of sulfur dioxide at the Lower Camp. Emissions were lower than usual and one boiler is down, so the cause is unknown or due to meteorological conditions. Freon release of either R12 or R22 from a chiller in the utilities. The chiller cools #1 & #2 triple generators. The chiller has been repaired and refilled with 95 lbs freon. Notifying of off-site odour potential. Taking NRU down to repair Venturi flow meter on the feed line to the NRU. Replacing with spool piece so NRU can be put back into operation. There was a gas oil vapour release from the gas oil hydrotreater, plant 15-2. The release was caused by a leaking packing on a control valve. They have isolated it and will make repairs. A low stack top temperature occurred on the incinerator stack, the SRU #1 tripped caused an SO2 emission exceedance and acid gas was flared.


94 26 94 26 26 94 94 94 26

1637 1716 1733 1798 1831 1871 1917 1921 1948

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

21-May-1996 15-May-1996 21-May-1996 22-May-1996 23-May-1996 24-May-1996 26-May-1996 26-May-1996 17-May-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air

Raw water from utilities cooled compressor system and went into industrial sewer. The sewer could not handle the volume and the water overflowed to the sanitary sewer. All water is to go to river through Pond E. Plant 15-2 was shut down quickly and depressured due to a valve packing failure. sulfur train tripped causing flaring of SO2 at vessel 8C4. There is a small leak on the roof the untreated naphtha tank. H2S and HC vapours are being emitted and there is potential for odour. Monitoring is being done. The peak reading for H2S is .142 ppm. Ambient SO2 readings deem to be caused by Suncor. 68 kg of R22 freon released from rooftop air conditioning unit #1 on the Administration Building due to 3 small mechanical leaks on the fittings. Ambient H2S exceedances occurred at the Alsands station. The cause is unknown and is being investigated.

94 94 26.94

2008 2025 2099

Suncor Suncor Syncrude; Suncor Suncor

13-May-1996 26-May-1996 28-May-1996

Public Complaint Industry Industry

Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Flaring occurred due to a faulty indicator on the 7-LIC-6 level controller. Regulation/ The tailings water spill reported earlier occurred on an access road and is contained. There are dirty water Reporting ditches on both sides of the road and the material will run to the tailings pond. Line 4 is down now and repairs will be made.; 20,000-30,000 litres of tailings water spilled in the southwest sand storage area. He will call back later with more information. Air sulfurous odours were noticed 15 minutes ago when driving by the Suncor oil sands facility. Air Air Lost the sulfur plant. Lost a blower which is causing retriever problems. therefore there is an acid gas swing to other plants. Sour water went to flare. He is confirming receipt of the PCD notice of odours. There are no findings at this plant at this time.; Confirming receipt of PCD notification of odours. Suncor has initiated an investigation. He has also noticed tar sand odours in Fort McMurray this evening. SO2 concentration was missed on May 26/96 call sheet 56012. The mass emission was reported but this was missed.; Swag flaring due to the loss of a blower on an SRU; An incinerator emission exceedance occurred because of upsets in the train. The cause of the upsets is unknown. Ambient SO2 exceedances occurred at Station 4. The cause is unknown. Source tracking was sent out.






26 26

2193 2208

Syncrude Syncrude

29-May-1996 29-May-1996

Industry Industry

Air Air

94 94 94 94

2230 2233 2246 2382

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

14-May-1996 28-May-1996 31-May-1996 1-Jun-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Boiler trip has caused a release from the burner overhead diverter stack. The trip was due to faulty instrumentation. It should be back on line within two hours.; Advising on the status of call no.55000. There is nothing unusual about Suncor emissions or operations. They will continue to investigate. Regulation/ A standard plant [plate?] count on a water treatment plant sample was 3000. All the other bacti tests were Reporting within limits. They suspect a bad sample or test. Air An SO2 stack emission exceedance occurred. Air A temperature inversion and high winds which are blowing the plume across the station are likely the reasons for two ambient SO2 exceedances. Air Has discovered that the Mannix ambient station was auto calibrating every 2nd hour instead of every 24 hours, therefore high readings up to 7.0 ppm have been part of the calibration sequence. Readings are normal at 1.9 ppm. Air Advising of off-site odour potential. The vapour recovery unit is off-line to replace the PVRP #164; the valve is broken. There may be potential odours from the south tank farm.16-C5 scrubber is on-line. Regulation/ High opacity on Sunday was not reportable because the opacity meter is not working. Shelley Lehmann did a Reporting visual inspection this morning.; The main stack opacity meter is recording erroneous opacity levels. The readings are incorrect because the stacks look normal and operations are normal. The stack elevator is out of service so cannot check monitor.; Called to advise that the opacity monitor on the main stack was back in service as of 1645 hours. Air Advising of potential odours due to 21-K-2 vapour recovery compressor outage. Potential odours will come from the recovery vent gases. Air 50 kgs freon R22 released from the upgrading plant 10 cooling unit. It may be due to the seals. Air The flame is out on the 19F3 flare. There was also a problem with the seal water level on the 19F1 flare. The

94 26

2418 2438

Suncor Syncrude

1-Jun-1996 2-Jun-1996

Industry Industry

26 94 94

2441 2478 2563

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

2-Jun-1996 3-Jun-1996 3-Jun-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release


26 26 26 94 94

2569 2583 2587 2685 2746

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

3-Jun-1996 4-Jun-1996 4-Jun-1996 5-Jun-1996 5-Jun-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air

cause of the pilot flame-out and the water level is unknown. Ambient h2s reading. Cause unknown. They took the steam purges to low pressure because the flare is out of service for tie-ins. Flaring sour gas while trying to changeout the exchanger. Ambient SO2 readings. Cause unknown Calling to advise of an off-site odour potential. They have to install an elbow flow meter to measure Plant 16's tails from the NRU to the pond. The upgrading tailings water will go directly to pond 1 instead of through the NRU. Acid gas flaring due to startup of Plant 16-1, sour water stripper. Also the 21k2 VRC is back on line as of 1245 hours. Called to report an odour potential from an NRU trip due to loss of the bottoms pump. This resulted in naphtha being released to the tailings pond. Have discovered a new flaring source 35 pounds R22 freon leaked from piping at the HMV system in extraction. The line was isolated and new piping installed. SO2 ambient for 24 hours due to meteorological conditions. Sour water acid gas flaring incident. They have been getting black sulfur coming out of the sulfur trains and have identified the source of the problem to be contamination of the sour water. They have 3 truckloads of black sulfur that is off-spec. There was a sulfur release while off-loading a truck with off-spec sulfur onto the pad. One-third drained through a drain into a small pond nearby. They will clean it up. Odour potential advisory. Installing flow meter on Plant 4 tailings so pumping upgrading sour water directly to pond 1. Fire in the compressor/unifier. Shut unit down They have a small fire on 100 feet of conveyor belt in the mine area. They are flaring H2S at Plant 16-1 The sour water treater was put on recycle and caused problems. Odour potential. They are flow testing the vapour recovery unit. Some tanks will be venting. An ambient SO2 exceedance occurred at the Fina station. The cause is unknown. A freon 22 release of 68 kg occurred in the upgrading satellite building. The cause of the release is unknown. Reporting an odour potential from Tank #9 H2S could be released. The tanks was lined out with light gas/oil is still venting. Rainwater has run through the sand storage pile and has formed a gully. The rainwater has gone across the road to a treed area. It is following the gas corridor and will end up in the dirty water collection system. Instrumentation tripped on the #1 CO boiler stack. They are looking for a ground fault. Diverter on #81 stack opened. CO readings will be included in the report. Opacity during testing of #3 boiler during startup The #1 fuel boiler tripped and the rectifiers on boiler #2 were not on. An opacity exceedance occurred. The mine outfall sample for June 18 has a high TSS. The cause is unknown.

26 26 94 26 94 94

2794 2797 2867 2884 2890 2896

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

8-Jun-1996 8-Jun-1996 6-Jun-1996 30-May-1996 5-Jun-1996 6-Jun-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Air

94 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 94

2922 3115 3117 3120 3205 3216 3497 3501 3632 3647 3795 3806 3828 4110 4115 4282

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

6-Jun-1996 12-Jun-1996 11-Jun-1996 11-Jun-1996 12-Jun-1996 13-Jun-1996 15-Jun-1996 16-Jun-1996 18-Jun-1996 19-Jun-1996 19-Jun-1996 19-Jun-1996 19-Jun-1996 18-Jun-1996 26-Jun-1996 19-Dec-1995

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Surface Water Air

The CRU has been shutdown due to a 21PSE bypass for a line installation. There is potential for odour throughout the day. Regulation/ Two freon releases. 1)Discovered Dec19 @ 0800, main computer room in Admin Bldg air conditioner; 2)due Reporting to a ruptured bellows on high pressure control switch. 21 kgs freon 22 released.; Second freon release discovered Dec20 @ 0900. Happened in main computer room in Admin Bldg. On IBM chiller.30 kgs or 70 lbs released freon 22 released.


94 94 26

4285 4287 4305

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

19-Oct-1996 13-Nov-1995 30-Jan-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting

Freon escaped from maintenance building air conditioner. Unknown amount. Investigating cause. Release of R-12 (Freon 12) 15 kg on Nov 13/95 from camp meat cooler.






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

26 94

4324 4329

Syncrude Suncor

31-Jan-1996 16-Jan-1996

Industry Industry

94 94 94 26 94 94

4434 4646 4654 4677 4820 4828

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

11-Oct-1995 3-Jul-1996 27-Jun-1996 9-May-1996 4-Jul-1996 20-Jun-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release

Intermittent venting between 1200 yesterday & 1112 today. Discharge PSV passing hydrocarbons. potential for sour gas.; Called to report a sour gas release from 21 K2 tank; H2S concentration of gas is approx 300ppm; problems were occurring with the discharge line. Not Sure when it started, approx 1200hrs Jan 30/96. Releases intermittent now. Regulation/ On Feb 3/96 21 Kz vapour release, unit out of service. Back in service 1530.; venting from 21 Kz tank has Reporting stopped. they have unplugged line.; Time line that they had unplugged is plugged again (21 Kz line) venting to atmosphere again, incident is ongoing. Regulation/ Reporting a sour gas release from 21 Kz Tank . The line from 21 KZ tank became plugged due to cold. The line Reporting goes to Amine plant because of plugged line had to move. Regulation/ Upgrader stack, SO2 exceedances. Are investigating. Ice fell on instrumentation wiring & tripped SRU (this is Reporting what he has heard was the cause). will know more later. Related to calls of last report.; Potential for offsite odours. Both sulfur collecting train units; major flaring incident is ongoing; staff working on units to bring on line; rite [rate?] reduction. Staff monitoring ambient status. No estimate of volume of release.; Both SO2 Recovery units were on line by 22: 00hrs. At 0100 another shutdown occurred, both units went down; 0135 units started up again. Problems are ongoing. Lab is monitoring the stations - nothing has shown up.; 4 hr rolling average for SO2 will be exceeded. Caused by yesterday's problems. Air Three SO2 excursions at poplar Creek. Foggy conditions. Air They have an ambient air reading and are investigating the cause. They are disposing of flare liquids and monitored downwind but did not pick anything up. They had the truck out today and will take it again. Regulation/ Bioassay MicroTox samples collected on June 27 were stored too long prior to analysis and are unacceptable. Reporting New samples will be collected in the morning. Air Ambient SO2 reading. Was likely caused by flaring acid gas from plant 12-1. They were flaring at 4 million SCFD. Air There was an upset in 7C25 due to problems with the steam supply. There was flaring as a result. No further details are available at present. Surface There was a high gross value for oil & grease on the pond E outfall on June 20. There is confusion as to Water whether the licence limit is for gross or net value. They suspect a high water level had an effect on the oil & grease levels. Air Ambient SO2 exceedance from an unknown source. There are poor meteorological conditions today. Socked in. Air 50 pounds of R22 freon leaked from air conditioning unit through a faulty valve. Unit has been repaired. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Han an SRU trip due to a faulty temperature indication on 8T1-11 SO2 reading on stack Reporting a flaring incident. A R22 freon release of 126 pounds was discovered on June 26, in building 326. The leak was repaired on July 15. Extraction lost power due to a short outage and upgrading sour water bypassed the naphtha recovery unit and went straight to pond 1. There was a potential for odour. There were several ambient H2S exceedances. They are investigating the cause. Flaring occurred from Plant 16 - 0, sour water treater, due to poor feed quality. There was oil present in the sour water.; The flaring for plant 16-0 ended at 2330 hours on July 18. They have been unable to analyze the pond water, which contains Plant 16 discharge, for the past 1.5 weeks, due to GC problems. There may be a high H2S concentration present which could be a potential for odours. Readings of 125 ppb were taken along the road.

94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94

5021 5145 5370 5451 5461 5554 5607 5681 5697 5717

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

5-Jul-1996 7-Jul-1996 9-Jul-1996 9-Jul-1996 11-Jul-1996 26-Jun-1996 15-Jul-1996 17-Jul-1996 17-Jul-1996 17-Jul-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release


26 94 26

5782 5910 5914

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

19-Jul-1996 19-Jul-1996 22-Jul-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention








26 26 94 94

5947 6081 6107 6109

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

21-Jul-1996 23-Jul-1996 24-Jul-1996 24-Jul-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification

They had temperature problems in the sour water treater reboiler when starting up plant 16-1. Flaring occurred as a result.; The flaring reported for plant 16-1 ended at 0930 hours this morning. Air Large amounts of H2S went to the sulfur plant while work was being done on the sour water and naphtha units. The plant went off ration, resulting in an SO2 emission exceedance. Air There were H2S emissions due to the vapour and liquid release at trailer #2.; Sour gas oil was released from plant lS-2. The plant has been shutdown and de-pressurized. The venting has stopped. There was a second ambient reading at station 3. There is still an odour in the air.; Flared untreated gas oil and untreated naphtha from plants 15-1 and 15-2 and 13-1 and 13-2.He has not received readings but is positive it is over 1 tonne.; There was an explosion and it looks like they are venting black/brownish material. It looks like they are venting a lot of hydrocarbons. John doesn't know what happened but it does not look good. It does not look like a fire.; Had a definite ambient h2s reading from station 3 but does not know the actual reading. Regulation/ The maintenance shop diverted the floor drain discharge to pond 4 in an effort to reduce emissions to the river Reporting via the wastewater system. The stream is not identified for tailings pond disposal, and they have stopped discharging. They will seek an amendment. Regulation/ The report for the CEM readings on the incinerator shows frozen readings for temperature and flow. The real Reporting time measurement and DAS readings appear accurate. Suncor is investigating. Air There were ambient SO2 readings at station 3, for which the cause is unknown. They also had a problem with a leaking PSV which resulted in acid gas flaring. Air There will be a tank cleaning of 20d35 within the hour. Odour potential. Air The VRU blowers are shutdown for scheduled maintenance. Odour potential. They will be down for a couple of hours.; He is reporting an ambient H2S reading. The VRU is down and they are using the west tail line to the pond. There is an oil sands odour in the air which... thinks is coming from Suncor. lt has been present for about an hour. 30 pounds of R22 freon was released via a leaking fitting.

94 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 94

6179 6285 6402 6492 6497 6524 6537 6546 6607

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

25-Jul-1996 19-Jul-1996 29-Jul-1996 28-Jul-1996 26-Jul-1996 27-Jul-1996 29-Jul-1996 29-Jul-1996 31-Jul-1996

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air

Regulation/ The NRU is down for about 4 hours. There is potential for odours. Reporting Air Reporting an opacity from Boiler #2. He is not sure what happened to the boiler. This is an information call only. Air Reporting a venting from a dry bitumen tank. Hydrocarbon vapours were released. He does not know the volume or concentration. It was an intermittent release. Air Ambient SO2 reading but unsure of cause; Reporting two ambient SO2 readings. Air Flaring acid gas during strup of gas oil hydrotreater. A unit upset occurred on plant 11-2 resulting in a unit trip due to a regenerator high level. Air Flaring acid gas from plant 11-2 again due to an upset in Plant 15-2 startup. Also advised that the NRU has both feed pumps out of service which may result in an odour potential. Regulation/ They have installed the CEM on the FGD (new powerhouse stack but failed to submit a detailed drawing of the Reporting CEM facilities as per Sec 6.5.12 of the old Approval (92-AC 35914). The new approval does not have this requirement (rec'd June 25/96). Air Plant 7c13 flared when the MOV failed closed and they had to route 7c13 to flare to protect the amine unit. They had to flare while repairing the level indicating probe which broke. Regulation/ Potential compliance notification. Testing and commissioning debugging due to equipment problems on the Reporting flue gas desulfurization plant. They are modifying boiler #2 so it will go to the new plant. Regulation/ There has been a shutdown on the main coke fire boilers which has caused the refinery to shutdown. They have Reporting had flaring. Vol unknown . They anticipate more flaring during startup. They are in the process of evacuating the plant.; Provided an update on the plant shutdown/startup as well as an odour potential from startup of cokers. They are bringing the cokers on line. Will keep the extraction plant and NRU down. Upgrading water will be going straight to pond 1.; Flaring sour water acid gas because of startup of sour water stripper. The naphtha unifier id down and they are flaring to protect the amine unit from hydrocarbon carryover.; Flaring from plant shutdown; When the cokers were shutdown, 5- C-9 may have been damaged. They have put the

94 94 26.94

6716 6743 6781

Suncor Suncor Suncor; Syncrude

30-Jul-1996 30-Jul-1996 31-Jul-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention


26 26

6809 6815

Syncrude Syncrude

31-Jul-1996 1-Aug-1996

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air

cokers on circulation and shutdown 5-C-9. While shutting down, there will be an ugly looking flaring because thick stuff will go to flare during depressurization of the unit.; Ambient H2S readings may have been caused by steaming vessels in upgrading, the extraction plant going on diluent recycle, draining vessels to the pond, sour water stripper, or the sour water pump out system. 70 pounds R22 freon was released from an air conditioning unit due to a leaky pipe.

26 26 26 94

6832 6899 6901 6903

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

1-Aug-1996 5-Aug-1996 5-Aug-1996 4-Aug-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94

7166 7225 7227 7298 7354 7368 7370 7421 7454 7478 7601 7751 7795

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

7-Aug-1996 8-Aug-1996 8-Aug-1996 9-Aug-1996 9-Aug-1996 10-Aug-1996 10-Aug-1996 10-Aug-1996 11-Aug-1996 10-Aug-1996 12-Aug-1996 30-Jul-1996 7-Aug-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release







94 94 94

8283 8363 8542

Suncor Suncor Suncor

18-Aug-1996 22-Aug-1996 24-Aug-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release

There was an opacity while CO#2 boiler was experiencing electrical problems.; The diverter stack is going to atmosphere because of electrical problems (UPS) on the CO boiler #2.; Called to advise that the boiler diverting had ended. Also there was an ambient H2S reading, likely caused by diverting. Air 10 kg R22 freon leaked from Unit 41AV04 and 14.5 kg R22 leaked from Unit 41AV111 while they were being serviced. Air plant 8-1 flaring occurred due to a gas compressor trip. Air They are activating a catalyst bed on plant 18-1 for restart and they will be flaring off gases.; The incident regarding the startup on plant 18-1 reactor has ended. Regulation/ There is a high level of water in the industrial sewage system splitter box. The pump is unable to handle the Reporting volume, so water is being sent to the extraction emergency pond and the tailings pond. They do not know where the water is coming from. Air Flaring occurred at Plant 11-2, due to a unit upset. Air 5 tonnes of sulfur were poured onto a pad from upgrading, causing a potential for odour. Air There was a plant startup at 0300 hours. A high level in the stripper caused flaring from 7C-26. Air Flaring sour water acid gas from 10C2, They have plugged sulfur draws and need to offload the sulfur train. Air Flaring acid gas from 11-2C4 due to oil being contaminated and causing foam. Air Flaring from 11- 2DA tripped on high level. The volume is unknown. Air Flaring from PH22 Air Flaring from 8-1c-3 low pressure flare due to cooler tripped by high level alarm. Air The debutanizer on Plant 8-2 was taken out of service at 0630 and will be down until 1630 hours. There is a potential for odour from sour hydrocarbons. Regulation/ Contravened sec. 6.314 of approval to build a gravel pit. There must be a 50 meter undisturbed buffer zone Reporting between the gravel pit and Loon Lake. They excavated 20 meters from Loon Lake. Air The 123K2 blower on the sulfur plant was accidentally tripped by a technician, resulting in an hour of flaring. Every thing is working fine now. Air 30 pounds R22 freon leaked from the pressure release valve on the HVac system at the PEB67 electrical substation. Air They are in the process of starting up Plant 4. There is a leak on the naphtha recovery unit's feed line. Plant 4 tails will go to the pond, resulting in a potential for odour. They will start upgrading after extraction.; They have discovered leaks in the NRU equipment. The NRU is still down and there is an odour potential. The first and second cokers were brought up and flaring began on 5PIC17. Regulation/ Approximately 40 bbls of 8% amine were spilled when a valve was left open during a condensate filter flush. Reporting Condensate flowed into the amine sump, which overflowed to the industrial sewer. They will pump it to the ponds. Air A plugged sensor caused an SO2 mass emission exceedance. Air Air The PSV lifted causing a flaring incident to occur. A leak on the exchanger system downstream of the flare knockout drum is putting a heavy load on the sour water system. The exchanger will be taken out and hot water will go the to sour water system creating a potential for odour. Regulation/ There is an odour potential due to auto sampler problems, therefore sour water bypasses the NRU. Also sewage Reporting spill onto ground. They will clean up with a vacuum truck. Regulation/ There was a high turbidity on the potable water system for Plant 31. Reporting Regulation/ Outage on Plant 4 vents, vapour recovery unit is down. No apparent odours are associated with the outage. Reporting Air SO2 emission based on back calculated numbers because they lost the temperature probe and flow meter.

94 94 94 94

8632 8723 8841 8867

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

27-Aug-1996 25-May-1996 29-Aug-1996 21-Jul-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged


94 26 94 26

8998 9032 9064 9125

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

26-Aug-1996 3-Sep-1996 28-Aug-1996 4-Sep-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Land

26 26 94 94 94 94 94

9139 9143 9153 9155 9202 9235 9258

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

5-Sep-1996 6-Sep-1996 6-Sep-1996 6-Sep-1996 13-Jun-1995 7-Sep-1996 5-Sep-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air

Investigating cause. Calling to advise of odour potential. Bypassing sour water around NRU to pond 1 due to a leak at the auto sampler on NRU. Estimate 2-3 hours to effect repairs. Flaring from 16-1-C1 due to overload caused by fouling and liquid to boiler. Gasoil got into the flare system where it was knocked out. No flaring occurred. 20,000-30,000 gallons of tailings water were lost from line 4B. The release occurred along the access road to the southwest sand storage. The water spilled overtop a drainage ditch, ran into a grassy, marshy area and flowed back into the ditch. They flared for 2 hours to the H2S flare, due to DEA contamination. Flaring from plant 11-2 occurred due to oil contamination in the DEA. There were incinerator stack exceedances due to problems they are experiencing with the sulfur trains.

26 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 94 26.94

9340 9354 9443 9470 9477 9487 9490 9548 9551 9672 9687 9714 9720

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor; Syncrude Syncrude

6-Sep-1996 9-Sep-1996 10-Sep-1996 11-Sep-1996 11-Sep-1996 11-Sep-1996 11-Sep-1996 13-Sep-1996 13-Sep-1996 16-Sep-1996 12-Sep-1996 9-Sep-1996 30-May-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

The sulfur trains are getting black sulfur. They will have to pour it to the pads immediately. There is a potential for odour. Regulation/ Cause unknown, investigating.; H2S off scale at lower camp. details will follow, Ft McKay has H2S reading Reporting over 100 ppb. 7-C26 flaring - 1800 - 2000 > 1 ton of SO2. Air Off-site odour potential for the next 12 hours. Emulsion layer has developed in the NRU. To correction the problem, the NRU operators will be modified to recover the hydrocarbon in the emulsion. Regulation/ The vapour recovery unit has been shut down since 0815 hours this morning due to the plant power failure.; Reporting There were stack top temperature exceedances on the incinerator stack as a result of the power failure.; The TDC controller data from upgrading has been lost. The incident has just occurred and the reason is unknown. There will likely be some flaring and a potential for odour.; They have lost the screens in the main control room. They will probably be flaring and if they do they will likely have to burn oil to prevent 24 hour exceedances from occurring.; There has been a release of Catacarb from Plant 6, due to the outage that occurred. There have no further details at this time.; More than 5 litres of Catacarb were released into the air as a result of the outage. lt has been contained to the site but extensive cleanup will need to be done. Some employees have been sent to the health center to ensure no harm was caused.; During startup of the sulfur recovery unit, sulfur overflowed into the storm sewer, where is cooled down. The amount of the overflow is unknown. They were starting up after the power failure. Air Flaring due to foaming. Air Release of naphtha to the tailings pond from the extraction NRU. The stripping steam for the NRU had to be taken out of service for maintenance. Odour potential. Air A power failure has caused a shut down at the upgrading plant, which will result in some flaring and a potential for odours offsite. The cause of the failure is unknown. Air The plant is now up except for the unifiers in the high RVP in the intermediate naphtha. There is an odour potential. They are over-spec for RVP so will flare butane for 12 hours. Power should be up tonight. Air Flaring SO2 due to contactor foaming in plant 11- 2. Air Flaring SO2 during startup of gas oil unifier Air Flaring SO2 from naphtha and kerosene unifiers during startup of the units. Air Flaring due to poor feed quality. There is oil mixed with water due to emulsion building up in tank. Air SO2 contravention due the sulfur train going off ratio when the trim air controller failed, allowing too much air into the train. Air The 21K2 vapour recovery compressor was down from 1000-1130 hours. It is back up and working. Air Air Air A release of freon 22 occurred in the mechanical room of plant 41B. There was a piping failure on the air conditioning unit. There was an ambient H2S exceedance. The cause is being investigated. Providing status of odour complaints. No unusual operations/events at the plant. Found elevated reading at the ambient monitors.; Providing status of investigation into odour complaints. Winds are 10-15 km/hr from the NE. Plant operations are ok for evening of May 30/96. 11-2 Amine unit had oil contamination in regulator.







94 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 94

9976 10063 10064 10081 10112 10202 10229 10239 10241 10244 10354

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

18-Sep-1996 20-Sep-1996 18-Jun-1996 18-Sep-1996 20-Sep-1996 22-Sep-1996 21-Sep-1996 24-Sep-1996 24-Sep-1996 23-Sep-1996 26-Dec-1994

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Impact Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Waste

The plant went down because there was light feed into the frac unit. The plant went to flare. Flaring at Plant 11-2 due to foaming in regenerator. Complaining of bad odour and blue-grey haze in city. Odour started around 2000[redacted]... was in the gym and could smell the odour through the vents. Tarsand odour.; Noticed an awful odour about 20 minutes ago. Flaring. amine unit had oil contamination in the regenerator. The whole plant will be taken down to do an exchanger repair. The outage should last 5-8 days. They will be flaring. There is a potential for odour. They are starting up plants 5 & 8, and will be flaring. Leaking hydrocarbon from a pinhole leak. They are letting the line depressurize. Acid gas flaring from the amine unit. It was diverted from the sulfur trains. SO2 stack exceedance. Not sure why it occurred. Both trains are running poorly since they were brought online this morning. SO2 reading occurred while bring the superclause beds on-line. F&W rec' d anonymous info re: Suncor dumping stuff to Athabasca River . River beside Suncor open during Xmas. Caller reported workers state they were dumping to get rid of it faster, problem goes on all the time, they know gov't gone can't catch them. Tanks 20D3 & 20D5 will be routed to atmosphere, rather than to the vapour recovery unit. They are tying in a new natural gas blanket system. This should take about 2 days. There is a potential for odour. Ambient H2S . No unusual operating conditions. Cause unknown

94 94 26 94 26

10356 10375 10382 10481 10520

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

23-Sep-1996 25-Sep-1996 25-Sep-1996 26-Sep-1996 27-Sep-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air

Regulation/ 21K2 vapour recovery unit went off-line today. Reporting Air SO2 reading when an H2S analyzer on Unit 8AI4ooD failed and upset the unit. Air A trip occurred on the tank farm vapour recovery system at 1150 hours today. The system is still down. There is a potential for odour. They are investigating the cause of the incident.; The vapour recovery system was back up and running at 1220 hours. No venting occurred during the 30 minutes it was shut down. Air Flaring due to problems with the control analyzers Air Plant 12-2 sulfur degasser was taken out of operation. Potential for odours as sulphur is being vented. Surface From 0600 - 0800 gypsum slurry from the FGD unit was to be pumped to Pond 4. Due to a pump failure, the Water slurry may not have gone to Pond 4. Also at issue was Suncor's failure to notify PCD of gypsum slurry pumping. Air 150 pounds of freon 22 were released from the mechanical room in building 41-B. The leak was repaired and system was recharged. Regulation/ The 21K2 vapour recovery system not functioning properly due to a pressure restriction in a supply line. No Reporting odours. odour potential notification only. Will send letter. Air 90 litres amine released from plant 8 amine sump . Amine will be diverted to tulip pond. The cause is unknown but may be related to shutdown reported earlier. Surface High TSS in mid-plant drainage at weir 10. They asked for a pump to pump around the weir and the water level Water got low so the pump sucked sediment off the bottom of the weir. Air Reporting 21R2 vapour recovery outage due to plugged discharge line. Odour potential. Air They may have exceeded the 24 hour rolling SO2 average for the plant. There was a lot of acid gas flared due to problems they were having with the sulfur trains. Regulation/ Reporting an odour potential conducting scheduled maintenance on NRU; sending sour water to pond #1. Four Reporting hour duration. Air Screen on Alaskan skid has been down for about five hours. Crew are working on the unit. Air Syncrude is slopping untreated naphtha to untreated tank. He will check on some out-source tracking van if he finds anything. Response to odour complaint. Regulation/ Release of return water from Pond 4G. Not sure of volume. Valve failed on storage plant. Believe no adverse Reporting affect will occur. ln process of sampling & monitoring of water.

94 26 94

10581 10587 10712

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

28-Sep-1996 29-Sep-1996 30-Sep-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

26 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94

10755 10759 10768 10790 10877 10902 10908 10979 11112 11131

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

16-Sep-1996 1-Oct-1996 19-Sep-1996 30-Sep-1996 16-Sep-1996 6-Sep-1996 25-Sep-1996 4-Oct-1996 8-Oct-1996 9-Oct-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry


26 26 94

11193 11340 11350

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

10-Oct-1996 14-Oct-1996 7-Oct-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air

90 pounds R22 refrigerant lost in computer rooms. The PVSV on the Dry bitumen tank 52 has been venting. Will be repaired tomorrow. There could be an hydrocarbon odour potential. Reporting an odour potential due to VRU Plant being shut down . Will be a 2 day outage. Affects plant 16 and Plant 4 vents.; Vent Recovery Unit has been down since this morning. She called Dave Shannon & advised him. VRU is an odour potential, she will check. Ambient h2s, Think from NRU but not sure H2S problem due to NRU being down. will confirm Wastewater composite sampler is down. They are taking 2 hour grab samples. lt should be repaired early in the week. Flaring due to plant 11-2. The regenerator tripped due to foaming. Vapour recovery unit went down at 1125, odour potential. Naphtha recovery unit (Plant 16) will come off line for various repairs. Upgrading. Sour water & plant fortails [for tails? Meaning unclear] will go directly to Pond one. SO2 readings

26 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94

11377 11382 11417 11419 11435 11443 11447 11449 11451 11461 11491 11540 11545 11555 11560 11746 11773 11788 11861 11867 11966

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

16-Oct-1996 18-Oct-1996 20-Oct-1996 20-Oct-1996 14-Oct-1996 15-Oct-1996 13-Oct-1996 15-Oct-1996 15-Oct-1996 16-Oct-1996 21-Oct-1996 17-Oct-1996 22-Oct-1996 17-Oct-1996 22-Oct-1996 24-Oct-1996 24-Oct-1996 24-Oct-1996 19-Oct-1996 25-Oct-1996 29-Oct-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air

Regulation/ Unknown amount of uncontained raw sewage spilled. Cleaned. Reporting Air Calling to report emergency flaring, took down super clause, to bring up had to flare acid gas. Super Clause down due to problems isolating coal sur [meaning ?] . Air will be acid gas flaring for about one hour while bypassing superclaus. They must do this to safely do repairs. Air H2S reading at Lower Camp. Unknown cause but may be due to NRU odour potential. Air Air Air Air Plant 112 flared acid gas from C4. No odour complaints or GLC' s. Unit tripped due to foaming in regenerator. Odour potential. Switched plant 4 vents to atmosphere. Over the five hour licence limit. odour potential due to VRU trip. Don't know why It tripped. 194 pounds halon 1211 released from w bottles stored in the extraction plant. Unknown cause. Bottles contained 115 lbs and 79 lbs/each. Overflowed gypsum slurry tank. Volume is about 3000 gallons. Has gone to the wastewater pond.

Surface Water Regulation/ Missed notification reporting. Reporting Air Odour potential advisory. Tank 2B-4 valve is being replaced. Air Air Air Flaring on vessel 7-C-26.No 2 % 3 boilers went down Odour potential fro NRU tank 20D-35.Replacing a valve.

94 94 26 94

11989 12012 12028 12085

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

30-Oct-1996 30-Oct-1996 29-Oct-1996 1-Nov-1996

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air

Flaring from 8C9 which is a knockout drum for high pressure sour gas. A pressure control valve failed closed, increasing the pressure in BC9 & popping a PSV. So they went to flare & flared 32 tonnes of SO2 from 1300 to 1700 hrs. It smells very bad today. It started this morning & I thought it would go away. 27.2 kgs release of freon from air conditioning unit in the utilities control room. 90 pounds freon leaked from extraction building from a chiller. Unit alarm indicated a leak. Advisory release, Plant four tails line split & some tailings were released. Contained in ditch. Very odorous & some workers had to be evacuated. Contained on site. Don't believe odour went off site.


94 94 26

12107 12109 12132

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

31-Oct-1996 28-Oct-1996 1-Nov-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release

94 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 26

12152 12180 12206 12255 12443 12498 12506 12513 12557 12619 12640 12842 12889 12890 13036 13064 13081 13149 13153 13284 13343 13374 13466 13526 13528

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

1-Nov-1996 4-Nov-1996 5-Nov-1996 5-Nov-1996 12-Nov-1996 13-Nov-1996 13-Nov-1996 14-Nov-1996 14-Nov-1996 17-Nov-1996 16-Nov-1996 22-Nov-1996 16-Nov-1996 15-Nov-1996 30-Jul-1996 26-Nov-1996 27-Nov-1996 28-Nov-1996 20-Nov-1996 1-Dec-1996 2-Dec-1996 2-Dec-1996 5-Dec-1996 5-Dec-1996 6-Dec-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged

Regulation/ Vapour control system outages for winter preparation. The VRU was down yesterday for PVRV repair on Reporting sulfur treat beds. Air vapour control system outage; winter preparation. Oct 28/96 1400-2030 Tank 5 was venting to atmosphere. Reason: repairing PVRV & VRV valves. Air 21K2 vapour recovery compressor had to be shut down. The gases are being vented to atmosphere. Went off line at 1730 hrs. The wash water line froze & split so they had to shut it down to repair it.; Called to advise that the compressor was back on line at 2338 hrs. Air odour potential, A line between upgrading & the NRU is frozen, so upgrading water, stripped sour water & slop tank water will all go straight to the pond until the line is fixed. Regulation/ Coker 82 divert or stack, loop seal will be out of service for 3 weeks. Reporting Air Pin hole leak of leader in 7F2 naphtha hydro heater. They must shut down naphtha hydro heater for couple days. Forced to flare butane = 2 tonnes/day SO2. odour potential for several days. Naphtha unifier is down. Regulation/ The slurry tank overflowed. Due to problems with the seal pumps, they could not pump the gypsum slurry from Reporting the tank. Air SO2 reading from Plant 11-2 due to amine plant trip due to foaming in the regenerator for one hour. Unit was reset & brought back to normal. Air Release of acid gas. Had a transformer trip in the power plant causing a power failure. Air Odour potential. High level of hydrocarbon liquid in slop tank 34D3 caused the PSV to lift which allowed the tank to vent to atmosphere. Has been ongoing all day. Will lower the level so it will reset. Air SO2 flaring incident due to a compressor trip on plant.; Intermittent flaring. Don't know if it is reportable. The main gas compressor on the coker maxed out while making process changes. Air Reporting a release from plant #6 (NRU). Cause unknown at this point. Air Venting natural gas from 21K2 unit. Unit has been taken out of service. Air Air Air Three opacity readings from the powerhouse stack. The FGD is down and there is a blown rupture disc in the powerhouse due to water overflow into the tank. Flaring acid gas because there was an oil carryover on plant 11-2 regenerator that caused high level trip resulting in sulfur plant shutdown. Reporting an uncontrolled hydrocarbon release. Venting from 21K2. is lifting & could cause an odour potential.

Regulation/ Plant had a 2 minute trip on Unit #6, the naphtha recovery unit from 1530 to 1532. Reporting Air Ambient H2S; cause unknown Air Reporting odour potential. vapour is venting off the 21K2 VR compressor and a PSV-67 started leaking.

Regulation/ Tank 5-2 in the bitumen tank farm has problems with the central valve on the vent system. The valve is sticking Reporting and there is periodic venting from the tank. Air Potential for hydrocarbon release. The 21k2 vapour recovery system for the tank farm is scheduled for an outage. Suspect the discharge line is plugged. Air Flaring acid gas because they lost both sulfur trains due to a high level in a vessel. Regulation/ Lost seal on naphtha unifier charge pump. unifier is now down and butane is being flared. Estimate 12 hours to Reporting get back online. Low odour potential. Air opacity on main stack due to upset on coker 8-2. Air Air Air Odour potential due to plant 16 being shutdown. Sour water going to pond 1. Coker gas compressor 5K1 tripped due to mechanical problems. They are flaring coker gas will be flaring for 24 hours. They are operating On 3 cokers instead of 4. Opacity reading due to utilities lost some rectifiers on CO boiler #2.

Regulation/ odour potential due to PSV66 off of 21K2 is passing intermittently to atmosphere.


94 26 94

13544 13581 13638

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

5-Dec-1996 6-Dec-1996 10-Dec-1996

Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Notification Release Release

Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Land





94 26

13730 13740

Suncor Syncrude

11-Dec-1996 11-Dec-1996

Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Industry Industry



Due to plant upsets, the vents from plan t4 were not going to plant 16 which exceeds the 5 hour max as expressed in the approval. SO2 flaring from plant 11-2. 50 gallons of Sodium Hypochloride leaked out of storage tank and into surrounding berm that is contained. They diluted with water and pumped to a sludge pond. Pond leads to wastewater system. They won't pump anymore and will get a vac truck in. Plant smells... smelled it as... drove by this morning. The stacks are "just agoing." The odour is almost enough to bring tears to the eyes. [Information removed]

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water Air Air Air

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 26

13826 13868 13872 13970 14042 14079 14133 14139 14143 14151 14154 14155 14210 14239 14245 14278 14308 14314 14349

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

14-Dec-1996 14-Dec-1996 14-Dec-1996 17-Dec-1996 13-Dec-1996 19-Dec-1996 20-Dec-1996 21-Dec-1996 21-Dec-1996 22-Dec-1996 22-Dec-1996 14-Dec-1996 27-Dec-1996 23-Dec-1996 24-Dec-1996 25-Dec-1996 26-Dec-1996 28-Dec-1996 30-Dec-1996

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Pilot out on flare 19F-2. It has been relit. There is no flow to the acid gas flare. Does not know when the flare went out. 250 gallons material spilled from the sw tailings area when warm sand, water & bitumen were added to the frozen salvage. The material found a fissure in the dyke walls and came through & over the road. It is contained in the freshwater Will be bypassing the upgrading stripped sour & slop tank water around Plant 16 NRU. Slight odour potential. Will be doing this 8 hrs each Saturday & Sunday. High SO2 due to tail gas analyzer problems.; SO2 readings due to H2S analyzers. They believe the readings are inaccurate. These control ratios of air/h2s in the sulfur train. SO2 tonnage rates may be due to deficient catalyst, but don't really know cause.

Regulation/ NRU vents are being routed through the old iron sponge system instead of to the vapour recovery system due to Reporting the flame arrester freezing off. No impact at air monitoring stations. Air Reporting odour potential. Sour water storage tank 10 - D-3 getting full. Will flare from top of 10-C-2. Wetter stream going to flare, will add gas to stream to improve burn rate. Regulation/ pressure relief valve on Tank 35 was taken out of service. The vent control outage is greater than the 5 hour Reporting approval limit. Air odour potential due to the naphtha recovery vent going to the iron sponge scrubber because of a frozen line. The 20M wind speed data was frozen up at the lower camp data. Air SO2 flaring. Overhead coker fractionator when a PRV lifted due to a plant upset. Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Called to advise of a small release of Catacarb. a potassium carbonate solution, due to a minor upset. SO2 contravention due to operational problems. Reported a glycol spill. Recovered several buckets & the rest went down the drain through the waste water system to the river. SO2 readings due to the SRU tail gas being bypassed around the Superclaus. SO2 contravention caused by low amine strength. SO2 reading due to process upset in plant. Odour potential due to sour water spill. Lines from tank froze and ruptured. Water spilled on site was contained. Report a tailings effluent line leak. Flaring contravention due to amine unit upset . SO2 reading due to monitoring equipment. Odour potential. Untreated oil tanks #15 & 16 are venting. The control system and vent line failed and hydrocarbon vapours are being released.


94 26 94 26 26 94 94 94

14526 14559 14605 14783 14836 14880 14901 14969

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

21-Dec-1996 2-Jan-1997 2-Jan-1997 9-Jan-1997 7-Jan-1997 12-Jan-1997 11-Jan-1997 14-Jan-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release

Air Regulation/ Reporting Land Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Waste

SO2 readings due to trouble with amine unit & freezing instrumentation. Odour potential. pressure relief valves have lifted on tank 53 which is a dry bitumen tank.; Have closed out the dry bitumen tank referred to in REF# 64835. Closed at 1600 hrs, Jan 3/97, 25 hour Total Vent Time. Reporting a gas/oil spill into a contained berm. Suspect tank overflowed. Freon release discovered today. Amount unknown at this time because repairs are scheduled for tomorrow. Spill of seepage water from ditch due to an ice build-up in the tailings area. Contained. Volume unknown. Notification only. Flaring due to control valve 5PIC-17 being open. Adjusted rates and returned to normal. SO2 reading due to flaring when 5 KI tripped. Cause of trip unknown. Unknown volume of sewage spilled but estimates >10 bbls from the SW corner of the inlet to the anaerobic lagoon. The manhole overflowed. lt looks as if there is a blockage in the line. Vac truck will clean line. Spill contained by terrain. Approx. 80 pounds R22 freon leaked from small pin hole in refrigeration condenser in building 327. Thawed the blower on the sewage treatment line with methanol. About 2 gallons diluted methanol will eventually reach the river via the sewage plant. Will talk to AWAD about doing this because they will need to do it again. Reporting releases from 3 tanks due to sour gas release, a PSV lifting and releasing fuel gas & HCs and another PSV leaking as pressure is set too low. Flaring from Plant 1725, the Gas/Oil stripper. A PSV lifted causing gas to go to flare. The PSV was reseated. Sour gas flaring from vessel 7C26. A gas/oil hydrotreater exchanger sprang a leak. Volume unknown. Flaring 3t/day butane. They have approval from AWAD. Could be slight possibility of odour because they are excessing [?] intermediate naphtha to the north tank farm. odour potential due to VRU shut down for repairs on 21 PSV. 162 estimate for 8 hours. SO2 readings possibly due to CSEM problems. Plant 16-2 is flaring sour water. Dirty water overflowed the cell structure at #18 cell. Volume unknown. Seepage water and sludge overfilled the ditch, went over the access road which surrounded low lying area outside ditch. Dozer cleaned up this morning. Response to Call 64677. Plant 4 vent was going to atmosphere for 4 hrs today. No other significant releases from the site. 133.9 Kgs of Freon R22 was released from the turbo generators in utilities plant. Hydrocarbon vapours are venting from tank 20-07. PSV#28 pressurizing tank while draining. They should finish tonight. SO2 reading due to instability in the trains maybe associated with sour gas release reported earlier this morning. Reporting flaring due to unifier start-up. Odour potential due to by-passing the Naphtha recovery unit. Upgrading stripped sour water has gone directly to the pond. 3000 litres diesel spilled on the mine site haul road. Have bermed the spill area with sand have vvacuumed all liquids possible and will recover remainder with sand sorb. Approx. 1 barrel of hydrocarbon DB has seeped into excavation area near plant 4. They have removed the material lost this morning from the low spot, but may be more to remove later. Cause is being investigated. Ambient H2S and SO2. Investigating cause SO2 reading caused by an acid gas pulse in the sulfur recovery unit.; Additional SO2 reading relating to Call No. 64889 odour potential due to a PSV lifted on the coker & some gas went to flare. Gas going to atmosphere through

26 94

15082 15109

Syncrude Suncor

6-Jan-1997 15-Jan-1997

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

26 94 94 94 94 26 26 26

15240 15244 15259 15284 15427 15523 15676 15774

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

19-Jan-1997 20-Jan-1997 18-Jan-1997 20-Jan-1997 23-Jan-1997 26-Jan-1997 9-Jan-1997 30-Jan-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94

15792 15808 15815 15830 15846 15930 15980 16000 16021 16070 16106

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

2-Feb-1997 1-Feb-1997 1-Feb-1997 1-Feb-1997 1-Feb-1997 5-Feb-1997 5-Feb-1997 5-Feb-1997 7-Feb-1997 8-Feb-1997 8-Feb-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Land Air Air Air


94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94

16119 16136 16212 16306 16308 16316 16355 16622 16708 16738 16746 16801 16855 16919 16948 16951 16971 16973

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

1-Jan-1997 1-Feb-1997 12-Feb-1997 14-Feb-1997 14-Feb-1997 16-Feb-1997 15-Feb-1997 23-Feb-1997 25-Feb-1997 24-Feb-1997 25-Feb-1997 26-Feb-1997 19-Feb-1997 3-Mar-1997 1-Mar-1997 1-Mar-1997 3-Mar-1997 3-Mar-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged

crack in bellows. Rate was cut back. Regulation/ Only took one of five weekly required water sample analyses for the gypsum slurry and recycle water in the Reporting month of January 1997. Air Received updated sample yesterday which changes the continued flaring calculation from plant 1DC23.; Called in excess SO2 this morning due to a valve that was partially open. Closed valve & SO2 went down. Air A PSV lifted on the gas oil stripper and SO2 was emitted to atmosphere. Air SO2 reading due to the analyzer in the tail gas from the upgrader giving a reading this morning. Cause being investigated. Regulation/ 10 - 15 litres glycol went down the drain into the industrial sewer to the wastewater system. Reporting Air 1.29 tonnes of SO2 released from the incinerator stack due to an upset in the gas recovery plant which affected the sulfur train. Air Ambient H2S. Cause unknown Air Air Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Reporting opacity meter on FGE Induct was down all day. They are looking into the cause right now. SO2 exceedance due to bump while starting up naphtha unifier. SO2 reading due to start up of the Naphtha unifier. Flare is from vessel 5C12. Reporting outage of vapour control system. Found hatch on top of 34D8 open. vapours normally go through plastic scrubber to remove H2S. SO2 reading due to scrubber and instrumentation problems Reporting the CEM monitor on FGD stack has been down approx 24 hrs due to PLC (programmable logic controller) problems. They are working on it. Light slop tank having gauge tank problems. The gauge hatch is leaking. They will get on top of the tank during the daylight.; The hatch on tank 33 resealed and the venting has stopped. Reporting odour potential because plant 4 vents venting to atmosphere due to plugged flame arrestors, will be venting for most of the day. Incinerator on SKU problems, cause of exceedance unknown. Will forward details. Reporting opacity due to #2 boiler tripped last night, reason unknown. Early morning oil firing in boiler #2 caused opacity spiking but they don't believe the meter & are checking it out. Report flaring. There may be additional SO2 arising from fuel gas burned in the heaters in upgrading & in power house boilers. More work is being done to assess if real. Discovered during back to basics work for expansion projects. Ambient SO2 due to meteorological conditions.

94 94 26 94 94 94 94 26 94

17025 17062 17072 17112 17121 17168 17174 17178 17207

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

3-Mar-1997 4-Mar-1997 4-Mar-1997 5-Mar-1997 25-Feb-1997 6-Mar-1997 6-Mar-1997 6-Mar-1997 7-Mar-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry


Regulation/ Odour potential. They will pump upgrading strip sour water to pond #1, bypassing the NRU in order to repair Reporting the tailings lines. Air H2S readings. They have initiated source tracking, but cause is unknown at this time. Air Air Air Land 90 pounds halon 1301 released from a control room area in the upgrader. Cause of release unknown. Reporting H2S due to a tank truck loading next to trailer that had previously held sour fluids. Reporting stack emission excursion believed caused by a bounce in the sulfur train due to sour water acid gas.

40 gallons sulfur spilled on the plant site when the operator overfilled a truck. The spill went onto asphalt. Cleaned. Air Flaring from plant 13-1 naphtha hydrotreater due to a compressor trip. Regulation/ Odour potential, Bypassing the NRU due to troubleshoot ing level control problems in 16c2 vessel.


94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94

17309 17507 17524 17579 17585 17587 17591 17613 17617 17669 17689 17713 17750

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

10-Mar-1997 12-Mar-1997 14-Mar-1997 15-Mar-1997 16-Mar-1997 16-Mar-1997 16-Mar-1997 17-Mar-1997 16-Mar-1997 16-Mar-1997 13-Mar-1997 17-Mar-1997 20-Mar-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Reporting Air

SO2 stack reading occurred when the incinerator stack had instrument problems on the sulfur train.

Regulation/ Odour potential. The VRU has been off-line. The cause of the outage is under investigation. South tank farm Reporting and diluent vent are venting to the atmosphere. Air Odour potential due to plant 4 vents being disconnected from vapour recovery unit. Hydrocarbon vapours are being released. Regulation/ Plant 4 VRU is off-line. There is an odour potential Reporting Air Hard time stabilizing the sulfur train during start up. Air Air Air Air Plant 4 venting to atmosphere due to VRU down. odour potential. SO2 reading due to a unit upset on the unifier. Reporting stack exceedances due to CSEM problem being plugged. Stack was brought off-line repaired & brought on-line. Reporting SO2 stack violation due to the CSEM being plugged.

Regulation/ The CSEM main stack has been down for 27 hours. This is in the energy services plant. It is now up and Reporting running. Air Reporting a release of propane due to valve on end of tank cracked when it was being moved. Regulation/ The opacity meter for the FGD plant was down for more than 24 hours. lt is now repaired Reporting Air Emergency flaring. A turbo generator failed and they lost some units; therefore had to flare SO2. Quantity unknown at this time.; Working on monthly report & just realized there was an hourly concentration not reported. Believe upset with the turbo generator to be the cause of the concentration.; SO2 readings relating to prior call of March 20, 1997 Air SO2 reading caused due to high H2S content gas entering the super Klaus causing process upset of 50 pounds steam supply. No odour. Air NRU vapour recovery compressor 21K2 was shutdown. There is the potential for hydrocarbon odours. Compressor should be back in service within 12 hrs.; Vapour recovery compress 21-k2 is back in operation as of 0500. Regulation/ The FGD CSEM is down for more than 24 hours. Opacities are being worked on. Reporting Air Reporting stack exceedance due to upset in hydrogen plant which caused upset in unifiers. Waste Sewage released from the 2nd last sewage lagoon and overflowed onto weir 4. Sample will be collected from weir 4 and analyzed . With runoff melt occurring, cannot hold weir 4 until results of BOD are received. Volume overflow is unknown. Odour potential due to bypassing sour water around NRU. Expected to last 7 hours. Reporting odour potential. They will be steaming the upgrading units for 48 hours prior to scheduled shutdown. SO2 reading due to STD plant being off-line, spray coolers giving problems. Expect to be OK by 1700 hrs. High H2S alarms so reporting odour potential. vapour recovery system tripped having problems with discharge line. Opacity reading due to the CO#2 boiler tripping and the diverter valve swinging at the same time. The opacity is due to a coke carry over through the precipitator. There was no feed in the coker as it was being steamed out. The diverter valve is still open. During shipment, a 125 pound cylinder of halon 1301 had its gauge broken and the contents were released. All cylinders were "bouncing around like bowling balls" in the truck. They have all been repackaged and sent back

26 26

17874 17991

Syncrude Syncrude

22-Mar-1997 25-Mar-1997

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

94 94 94

18001 18097 18188

Suncor Suncor Suncor

25-Mar-1997 1-Apr-1997 30-Mar-1997

Industry Industry Industry

94 26 94 26 26

18272 18306 18333 18339 18353

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

3-Apr-1997 3-Apr-1997 3-Apr-1997 4-Apr-1997 4-Apr-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air








94 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94

18393 18474 18548 18592 18604 18662 18807 18834 18888 18962 18976 18978 18989 18998 19056 19104 19168 19173 19229 19370 19444

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

27-Mar-1997 7-Apr-1997 8-Apr-1997 8-Apr-1997 10-Apr-1997 10-Apr-1997 14-Apr-1997 14-Apr-1997 15-Apr-1997 15-Apr-1997 16-Apr-1997 14-Apr-1997 17-Apr-1997 18-Apr-1997 16-Apr-1997 20-Apr-1997 21-Apr-1997 22-Apr-1997 22-Apr-1997 23-Apr-1997 27-Apr-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water Air

to the company for testing. SO2 reading due to a bounce in the sour water acid gas flow into the sulfur train.

Trip in Plant 6 NRU bottom pump failure. Water from NRU went to tailings pond and the water may contain naphtha. possible halon release in the administration computer room from the fire suppression system. They will confirm cause and make repairs. Air Vapour is being emitted from 20D16 untreated gasoline tank from the PSV.; Vapours from bitumen tanks 52 & 9 through the pressure safety valve. Regulation/ 21k2 tripped due to high pressure Reporting Regulation/ vapour recovery unit has been off line for more than 5 hours. System overloaded when tanks warmed up. Plant Reporting 4 vents were pulled out of VRU. Air Flaring. The pressure relief valve opened on vessel 7C4 Land Seepage water from tailings area has overflowed their dirty water ditch and is going into the trees. Volume unknown. No water effected. Air Reporting odour potential due to a leak in the sour water line which is being diverted around plant 16 for repairs. Air Reporting opacity monitor on Flue Gas desulfurization unit was down for 30 hours. Repaired sticking solenoid . Air Hydrocarbon vapours released to atmosphere from the natural gas recovery unit to the atmosphere when 21k2 tripped. Air 3 tonnes SO2 vented to atmosphere from vessel 5C10 due to pressure buildup in the vessel. The pressure valve opened to flare. Air 27.6 kgs freon R22 leaked from evaporator on air conditioning unit in the energy services control room. Repaired Air There is an incredible odour from the plant this morning. It is unbearable. It is particularly terrible at Finney. Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Flaring SO2 due to unit upset. Plant 4 vents were routed to atmosphere. They were over the 5 hour limit, but there was only a small odour potential. Odour potential. Plant 4 diluent gas was being vented to atmosphere. It is ongoing due to flow problems. SO2 readings from incinerator stack caused by a blower trip to the sulfur plant. Flaring acid gas due to a blower tripping. Re-started and haven't had a problem since. vessel sampled every two weeks. The latest sample taken was off. They will take more samples.

94 94 94 94 94 26

19447 19483 19530 19563 19660 19671

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

28-Apr-1997 26-Apr-1997 28-Apr-1997 28-Apr-1997 17-Apr-1997 30-Apr-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Reporting a liquid caustic release form the hydrogen plant. NaOH is coming from drain line & running into industrial sewer. Sewer is being diverted into tailings pond. Release just noticed & ongoing at present. They are not sure why. Regulation/ odour potential as they are shutting the plant down for annual turnaround. This will take about a day. Reporting Air SO2 reading from incinerator stack. Cause is unknown at this time Air Air Air Air Report flaring from 5K1 & sulfur plant due to plant shut down for turn around. Plant will be shut down for about a month. 100 gallons of Catacarb II released to atmosphere from the hydrogen pit during its shutdown. The Catacarb was entrained in steam released to atmosphere. The major constituent of Catacarb is potassium carbonate. Odour potential. Plant 6 vent gas system over pressured Reporting a uncontrolled release of acid gas (H2S) passing through a 3/4" drain valve. Cause unknown. Unit is un starting up phase, they are bringing it back on-line.


94 94

19705 19713

Suncor Suncor

29-Apr-1997 30-Apr-1997

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

Reporting freon release due to a leak in the seal of a condenser unit. 10 barrels kerosene spilled on the road in the middle of the upgrader plant. During shutdown, the workers were opening a process line and the kerosene leaked out. Contained. Has not reached water course or sewer system. Being cleaned with vac truck Reporting vapour recovery unit went off line due to lack of steam the main boiler is down. An auxiliary boiler was brought in for VRU but it is none operational as it is not certified. One of the 3 dikes has a small breach in it releasing natural run off. Access limited due to mud. Natural gas and hydrocarbon release from PSV's on two dry bitumen tanks. Natural gas vent recovery system. Will be serviced on Monday. Flaring a combination of SO2 and H2S due to plant 15-1 start up activation. Expect to flare for 36 hours. Flaring to depressurize. Volume unknown. Other information to follow. Flaring to depressurize 15-1. Volume unknown. 100 pounds of Freon R22 released because lines on refrigeration unit had pinhole leaks. Have been repaired and supported so it doesn't happen again. Flaring from 8-2-k2. Gas is going to low pressure flare. Naphtha gas and light ends flaring. Flaring naphtha. Odour potential. Taking tank 28 at plant 20D28 out of service and have to degas it. Two flares are going pretty good. The hydrotreater units upset. Plant 13-2 is flooded. Should clear up in an hour. Odour potential. Will be removing sludge from the bottom of tank 20D3 and putting it in tailings pond #1. This will be ongoing for a few weeks. They will conduct mobile monitoring. Flaring is ongoing. Low pressure flare at plant 13-2-C-7. Reporting that they are coming out of plant shut down & will be flaring SO2 over the next 24 hrs. Just noticed a bad smell in the air this morning. Smells like tar, the plants. Flaring due to sulfur train going off-line. Bringing plant up after turnaround. Small fire on the sulfur pad. May cause some odours Low stack top temps. The indicator at the top of the stack is reading incorrectly. They are controlling the temp using the mid-point of the stack. Odour potential on Plant 16 vents Odour potential due to iron sponge change - out on the naphtha recovery unit. Venting unit to atmosphere.; venting plant 4 to atmosphere. Expect to be down over the five hour limit. Odour potential. Flaring from problem in Coker 8-2-K2. Flaring due to start-up of gas-oil refinery Reporting an odour potential due to taking treated naphtha tank out-of-service. Will de-gas to atmosphere. Odour potential. Loop seal will, be out-of-service for about 8 hours for repair on the 8-2 diverter stack. Odour potential. Sour water from upgrading is being bypassed. They are replacing the pressure relief valve.

94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 26 94

19791 19964 20012 20084 20230 20232 20307 20399 20558 20885 20936 21002 21255 21561 21593 21759 21761 21779 21833 21920 21936 21952 22007 22028 22070 22143 22389 22449 22455 22513

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

1-May-1997 1-May-1997 3-May-1997 5-May-1997 7-May-1997 7-May-1997 8-May-1997 11-May-1997 12-May-1997 16-May-1997 16-May-1997 20-May-1997 17-May-1997 26-May-1997 27-May-1997 29-May-1997 30-May-1997 27-May-1997 29-May-1997 2-Jun-1997 3-Jun-1997 30-May-1997 3-Jun-1997 3-Jun-1997 2-Jun-1997 2-Apr-1997 8-Jun-1997 9-May-1997 4-Jun-1997 10-Jun-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Impact Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Regulation/ Stack survey notification. sulfur Plant Incinerator Stack Reporting Air Odour potential due to extraction plant being at low rates. Some streams doing directly to ponds. NRU is down. Should be like this for about 10 hours. Air Flaring acid gas from plant 11-2 May 9, 1997. Late reporting because it was not noticed until reading the end of the month reports. Air 30 pounds R22 freon leaked from the liquid line solenoid valve of a refrigeration unit in Building 160. Air Flaring due to normal startup of sour water stripper.


94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 94

22522 22546 22619 22621 22650 22700 22704 22760 22789

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

9-Jun-1997 10-Jun-1997 1-Jun-1997 11-Jun-1997 11-Jun-1997 10-Jun-1997 10-Jun-1997 12-Jun-1997 11-Jun-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Odour potential due to the VRU being down because of instrument problems. Flaring from 7C13 due to startup of unifier Lost gas compressor to plant resulting in SO2 reading. Released hydrocarbon vapour from tank 20D9 as the PVSV is broken. No odour. Repairing. Ambient H2S from the Mannix station 9 kg III Trichloroethane released by contractor on Syncrude site. Substance is banned in Canada. Syncrude is very surprised to have this substance. 40 pounds freon 22 leaked from air conditioning unit at 690 pumphouse.

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94

22807 22940 23072 23091 23114 23265 23396 23459 23644 23646 23839 23843 23896 23952 24040 24042 24267

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

10-Jun-1997 26-May-1997 17-Jun-1997 18-Jun-1997 17-Jun-1997 17-Jun-1997 22-Jun-1997 24-Jun-1997 26-Jun-1997 26-Jun-1997 27-Jun-1997 27-Jun-1997 30-Jun-1997 3-Jul-1997 3-Jul-1997 2-Jul-1997 8-Jul-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention

SO2 reading from pressure relief valve on unit 5C12.It has been lifting periodically. The valve has been blocked in and is being repaired. Regulation/ There have been no reading from the CEM on the FGD stack. The opacity meter was full of water and has been Reporting taken apart and cleaned. Should be operational within a couple days. SO2 won't be running until next week sometime. Regulation/ Stack survey notification - sulfur recovery plant stack Reporting Air Reporting odour potential due to normal start-up procedures. Sour water is going to ponds & distillate product is going to north tank farm. Started yesterday morning & will continue till tomorrow. Air An instrument failure caused flaring Air Flaring SO2 from vessel 8C4 due to flame failure. Air Flaring SO2 from vessel SC12 due to PSV not reseating after sudden over-pressurization. Regulation/ Stack survey notification - Incinerator CEM Reporting Air Opacity during burning oil in preparation for bringing the unit down. Air Air Air Flaring naphtha and light ends due to a lost gas compressor on coker. A steam line broke and they were forced to shutdown. They will flare for about 10 hours and will lower the feed rates. 46.9 kgs freon 22 released due to a pipe fracture from the utilities plant. Leak was repaired. Release of H2S caused by over pressured tank. A bit of an odour made them look for the reading.

Air Flare flame-out due to too much steam. The steam rate was reduced Regulation/ Opacity monitor was down for more than 24 hour allowable limit on the FGD stack. Reporting Air SO2 reading caused when plant 22 -1 upset due to a loss of the bitumen feed cutback logic during program maintenance. The control panel operator failed to bypass the logic. Air Odour potential due to a change-out being made on 16C5. plant will be venting to atmosphere. Air Air Air Release of natural gas from tank 20D7. They removed the pvsv for maintenance and the gas was passing through the isolation valve on the tank. 50 pounds R22 freon released when PSV lifted on a heating venting air conditioning system in Plant 5 Building 9 mechanical room. Odour potential due to plant 4 venting to atmosphere. Caused by operational problems.; Odour potential starting today and will continue for six weeks. They will be insulating the salt tank farm roofs and each day the vents will be swung out creating an odour potential. Flaring >1 tonne SO2 on 5C12 because the PSV lifted.; 5 tonnes SO2 flared from 5C12 due to the PSV lifting Flaring due to 5k1 tripping R22 freon release. Amount and reason for release unknown. Investigating.

94 94 26

24293 24324 24326

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

9-Jul-1997 10-Jul-1997 10-Jul-1997

Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air


26 94 94 94 94

24328 24347 24351 24366 24368

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

7-Jul-1997 10-Jul-1997 11-Jul-1997 6-Jul-1997 5-Jul-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air

90 pounds R22 freon released from refrigeration unit when pressure safety valve released. Repaired valve Opacity readings from the new powerhouse stack caused by problems with an oil burner. Investigating. Odour potential. will be testing torsion pumps which causes naphtha flumes in the ponds. Reporting flame is out on 19F1 flare on the hydroplant. Investigating. Odour potential. There is high concentration of hydrocarbon in the upgrader water going to plant 16 so they diverted it to pond 1. Having problems with hydrocarbon emulsion in the tank farm and this may be the cause of the high hydrocarbon. Flaring h2s & SO2 from the naphtha hydra-treater due to unit upset. Ambient H2S. Cause unknown. Investigating Flaring SO2 due to PSV in the naphtha unifier lifting due to high ambient temp and high production rates. Opacity from the new powerhouse stack due to problems with oil burners. Update to flaring incident.; Flaring on sulfur train 2 due to upgrading shutdown 200 gallons diesel spilled at the NW mine fuelling station. Contained in the tire furrows. Scraping up the contaminated material. No water course affected. Major upset in the upgrader caused a stack temp reading. This was caused by a failed flow controller. Flaring SO2 from vessel SC12. Investigating cause. 290 pound halon 1301 released due to system maintenance. Bottles discharged while being worked on.

26 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94

24370 24440 24455 24458 24459 24486 24496 24556 24634 24836 24899 24914 24985 25015 25048 25098 25135 25244 25325 25327 25329 25342 25554 25556 25625 25765

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

7-Jul-1997 11-Jul-1997 12-Jul-1997 12-Jul-1997 12-Jul-1997 13-Jul-1997 14-Jul-1997 14-Jul-1997 15-Jul-1997 17-Jul-1997 15-Jul-1997 18-Jul-1997 19-Jul-1997 20-Jul-1997 21-Jul-1997 21-Jul-1997 23-Jul-1997 22-Jul-1997 25-Jul-1997 21-Jul-1997 25-Jul-1997 27-Jul-1997 30-Jul-1997 30-Jul-1997 1-Aug-1997 4-Aug-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air

Air SO2 reading due to overpressure on naphtha unit stripper. Regulation/ Stack survey notification - sulfur recovery plant stack Reporting Air 20 kgs flyash released due to a pinhole leak in the transport line. Contained on-site. Line has been closed for repairs. Unsure of ground cleanup. Air Odour potential. Changing out iron sponge on scrubber on NRU. vapour will be vented to atmosphere. Air Air Land Air SO2 emissions. Unknown volume. Unknown cause. May have been problem with vessel 5-2. Mass SO2 reading and flaring of SO2 from vessel 5C12 due to amine unit bounce.

80 barrels flare liquids; HC with H2S spilled beside the flares. Contained by natural terrain at flares. High H2S Odour potential. Upgrading stopped. Some water is bypassing naphtha recovery unit. Commissioning tank is secondary estate plant and plant is shut down. Regulation/ Having problems with CSEM [CEMS] flow rate meter on the incinerator stack. lt has maxed out on its range. lt Reporting is still down and when it is back in range they will be backing up the SO2 emissions. Air Tires were ignited in the mine area causing smoke. The fire has been put out. Land Air Air Air Air Air Air 1500 barrels naphtha spilled from tank 20D14 Odour potential. They are taking the sour naphtha tank out of service for maintenance. No odour at present. Ambient H2S. He is having standard checks run. Winds are from the north. They shifted from the south during the night. Thinks the odours are caused by diluent from the ponds. Ambient H2S. Cause unknown; Ambient H2S; could be because the vapour recovery unit is down Odour is coming from plants. Cannot describe smell. Odour potential due to VRU outage. will be out for more than five hours.; update: vapour recovery unit has started up. Reporting ambient air exceedance at lower camp trailer. Cause unknown.


26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 94 94

25923 25993 26031 26204 26215 26349 26351 26608 26671 26800 26819 26872 26908 26916 27079 27107 27111

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

7-Aug-1997 8-Aug-1997 8-Aug-1997 12-Aug-1997 13-Aug-1997 14-Aug-1997 14-Aug-1997 20-Aug-1997 21-Aug-1997 25-Aug-1997 24-Aug-1997 22-Aug-1997 26-Aug-1997 27-Aug-1997 28-Aug-1997 28-Aug-1997 28-Aug-1997

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Reporting freon release due to unknown reason. Reporting freon release from A/C unit. Cause is still being determined. Tank 14 has stopped venting.; Storage tank PVSV's are lifting on Tank 14 & 15, leaking some hydrocarbons. Mostly natural gas but tank 14 is sour. valves are leaking because they are faulty. Being repaired. Strong odour of oil sands. Reporting a release of SO2 from the incinerator stack. Cause appears to be from a process upset.

Reporting flaring incident from #132 naphtha unit caused by unit upset. Release report, tank #14 sour naphtha is venting.; Release from tank 14 naphtha tank report earlier this week has now stopped. PVSV has not been passing any gas. Air Flaring SO2 due to losing level in ups team vessel (5C53). Investigating cause. Regulation/ Caller reporting that the 5 hour start up period on the plant #16 vapour recovery system was not achieved. Unit Reporting started up at 1530 hr. Air SO2 reading on the incinerator stack. Cause is being investigated Regulation/ Opacity meter was down for longer than the licence approval of 24 hours. Believe something happened to Reporting meter when flue gas desulfurization was down for maintenance. Meter is now repaired. Air Particulate opacity on the main stack, CO boiler #2 due to the cyclone dip leg being plugged. It has been blown clear and is back to normal. Air Opacity on new powerhouse is not operating properly, The monitor was acting up. Air Air Land Air Tank 15 PSV is venting causing an odour potential Flaring SO2 from #1 sulfur train today. 15 gallons amine released due to slow leak on flange. Contained in concrete berm around tank. Ceda will clean. Odour potential notification. Emergency tailings tank vent popping open for 1 minute several times during the day. They cannot stop it because of the tank design and the pressure build-up. Odour complaints will consist of hydrocarbon. Tank 15 PSV is venting sour heavy gas vapours to atmosphere because of a partial restriction in the line. Release is intermittent. 90 pounds freon R22 released due to a broken pipe clamp on the air conditioner in the computer room. reporting a flaring incident The RATA test for the Flue Gas Desulfurization plant (37F-01) has been rescheduled.

26 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 26

27115 27129 27244 27301 27309 27325 27446 27471 27556 27627 27718 27786

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

28-Aug-1997 27-Aug-1997 3-Sep-1997 19-Jun-1997 3-Sep-1997 3-Sep-1997 4-Sep-1997 4-Sep-1997 7-Sep-1997 13-Aug-1997 8-Sep-1997 9-Sep-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Waste

There is a strong odour north of the oil sands plants Caller is doing work at the plant and noticed oil has been sprayed for dust suppression. The oil is splashing on his vehicle. Air The induct opacity meter on the FGD stack has been down for more than 24 hours. lt was taken down for maintenance. Land 10 barrels bitumen released from tank 10D8A due to overflow through down pipe from the tank. Contained in dyked area. Air Flaring due to trip on 8-1 compressor. Regulation/ Stack survey notification - powerhouse stack. Reporting Air Flaring due to pressure relief valve lifting. pressure control valve got stuck open; bypassed valve to stop flaring. No mass emission data yet but expect it to be Approval limits. Regulation/ Had to pull feed on Coker 8-1 resulting in flaring naphtha and light ends of coker due to unit upset. The coke Reporting circulation stopped.; They are venting a tank due to PVSV lifting. There is a coker shutdown, therefore ,=,


94 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

27802 28006 28108 28181 28190 28393 28432 28435 28445 28468 28492 28509 28546 28548 28651 28692 28768 28778 28839 28884 29006 29115 29131 29135 29295 29309 29311 29391 29397

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

9-Sep-1997 11-Sep-1997 16-Sep-1997 18-Sep-1997 18-Sep-1997 20-Sep-1997 22-Sep-1997 22-Sep-1997 17-Sep-1997 21-Sep-1997 23-Sep-1997 23-Sep-1997 23-Sep-1997 24-Sep-1997 25-Sep-1997 16-Sep-1997 25-Sep-1997 27-Sep-1997 29-Sep-1997 29-Sep-1997 2-Oct-1997 3-Oct-1997 5-Oct-1997 5-Oct-1997 8-Oct-1997 6-Oct-1997 7-Oct-1997 8-Oct-1997 9-Oct-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

excess flow of bitumen is causing over-pressure of vapour system so it is venting to atmosphere. Recovering most but not all the vaporous. Low odour potential.; Tank venting 20-d-14 containing sour naphtha hydrocarbons with low density H2S. Had to slop product from coker, lifted pvsv. Odour potential last night due to switching vapour recovery unit to atmosphere. Flaring SO2 from Unit 1602 due to starting up the sour water treater. 90 pounds R22 freon released from air conditioning unit due to leaks. Flaring acid gas resulting in SO2 emission. 12 -3 sulfur plant tripped due to a flame failure shutdown. Flaring of overhead butane from vessel C17 in coker 8-1 due to operational problems. They had some flooding in the vessel. 48 pounds R22 freon released from a broken capillary line on the HVAC system in the mine control tower. Flaring sour water stripper off-gas. SO2 readings. Faulty readings from pressure indicator caused valve to open. 45 gallons pack oil spilled onto roadway when the road equipment boiled over. One gallon went into the midplant drainage ditch. Cleaning. Late flaring report from 81K2. The gas compressor tripped due to a faulty vibration probe. Late report is due to calculations of the flaring being done while the shif [shift?] was out. SO2 reading when 8K2 gas compressor tripped due to faulty vibration probe. Odour potential. Scrubbing system on the 34C2. They are venting from tank 53 because the PVSV 75 is passing; not seating. Bitumen vapour is being released. R22 freon released form air conditioner in building 263. Amount and cause unknown. SO2 readings due to the SRU#2 incinerator stack tripping Potential release of SO2 from 12 - 0. There is a leak in a tube in the furnace.

Regulation/ Stack survey notification - sulfur plant incinerator stack Reporting Air Flaring form 81-k-2. Late reporting due to computer glitch Air Ambient H2S. Cause unknown. Air Air Waste Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Flaring SO2 due to the PSV lifting on vessel 5E12. Odour release due to sour naphtha tank commissioning. Had to drain water from tank 27. Release volume unknown. Patch of used oil in ground where heavy equipment oil was changed. Looks as if it has been there while. Found 2-3 weeks ago. Opacity due to an oil gun sticking in the furnace SO2 release from sulfur stack. Cause and amount unknown at this time. Opacity due to boiler going on and off-line. Ambient H2S reading. Cause & source unknown Flaring as a result of PSV lifting on vessel SC12 Stack temp. Unknown cause Flaring due to valve problems and off-spec coker gas; SO2 reading due to valve problems on the incinerator stack Opacity from powerhouse stack due to an upset in the upgrading plant.


26 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 94 94 94 26

29419 29527 29564 29594 29698 29734 29808 29834 29952 29953 29976 29991 30062 30089 30099 30113 30121 30189 30264 30484 30547 30574 30670 30777 30886 30964 30983 31003 31034 31046 31149

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

10-Oct-1997 15-Oct-1997 18-Sep-1997 10-Oct-1997 19-Oct-1997 18-Oct-1997 21-Oct-1997 20-Oct-1997 23-Apr-1997 21-Apr-1997 24-Oct-1997 26-Oct-1997 27-Oct-1997 28-Oct-1997 27-Oct-1997 21-Oct-1997 29-Oct-1997 31-Oct-1997 3-Nov-1997 5-Nov-1997 8-Nov-1997 10-Nov-1997 12-Nov-1997 15-Nov-1997 19-Nov-1997 20-Nov-1997 29-Oct-1997 22-Nov-1997 21-Nov-1997 24-Nov-1997 24-Nov-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

Flaring potential due to conflicting instrumentation.4 tonnes SO2 released. 37 pounds freon released from air conditioner due to a leaking seal in the solenoid valve. Unknown type.

Regulation/ Stack sampling notification Reporting Air Flaring SO2. Cause and reason for late reporting will be explained in report. Air Odour potential notification.21K2 vapour recovery compressor is shutdown for maintenance for 4-5 days. It is a planned shutdown. Air Release of steam/h2s/SO2 mixture up the main stack from the 8-1 coker diverter valve due to a lost loop seal. Air Surface Water Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air SO2 reading due to super claus bypass. Did not recover from upset soon enough. 2000 barrels naphtha spilled to the tailings pond when a feed line holed through to the NRU. Repaired & back in service. Stack emission survey - Wet stack (37F-01) RATA test is schedule on the Flue Gas Desulfurization plant stack

flaring caused when the injection hydro-treater had to be shutdown Potential flaring from 16 -1 sour water plant. The unit was shutdown. Flaring SO2 from plant 11-1 due to LV 31 control valve tripping. Flaring event now over. Flared due to a solenoid valve failure; Flaring due to the 5K1 compressor failing. Have reduced plant throughput and are managing to stay within 24 hour limit. Will get compressor back on-line. Surface 200 barrels gypsum slurry spilled into the wastewater pond system. Occurred while experiencing control Water problems during switching of discharge pumps Regulation/ Stack survey notification sulfur plant incinerator stack Reporting Air SO2 reading due to the flaring event Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Flared SO2 during startup of 16-1 sour water stripper. <1 kilogram naphtha released from the extraction NRU due to plant upset. Flaring 2-3 tonnes SO2 from Plant 16 -1 due to upset. Flaring acid gas from Plant 11-2 when the unit tripped due to a high amine level. While fuelling barge, couple [coupling] leaked under water and 50, 000 litres gasoline spilled. All contained in berm area and will be pumped to the tailings area. No release. No affect to environment. Flaring due to high levels in 7-C4. Shutdown naphtha unifier. Odour potential. Pumping stuff into the tailings pond because of high pH. Running pumps all night.; Odour potential. Pumping sour water to tailings pond. Scheduled shut down of the naphtha recovery unit to perform repairs. There is an odour potential of naphtha during the shutdown. Ambient H2S reading Odour potential. NRU will be taken out of service at 0300 hours for 12 hours. SO2 reading Odour potential could be caused when the Alaskan skid was down. The odour would have been hydrocarbon. Odour potential when the diverse pump was activated to move wastewater to the tailings pond. The water has too much oil in it. Flaring potential on Coker 8- 2. They may have to flare due to an underground leak in the water system.


94 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 94

31361 31439 31495 31777 31797 31872 31885 31932 32072 32166 32194 32261 32343 32356 32382 32394 32445 32586 32620 32635 32663 32705 32751 32764 32832 32834 32844 32903 32928 32930 33020 33029 33039 33058

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

1-Dec-1997 8-Oct-1997 27-Nov-1997 14-Dec-1997 15-Dec-1997 16-Dec-1997 16-Dec-1997 17-Dec-1997 19-Dec-1997 2-Jan-1998 26-Dec-1997 2-Jan-1998 2-Jan-1998 4-Jan-1998 5-Jan-1998 5-Jan-1998 4-Jan-1998 7-Jan-1997 11-Jan-1998 11-Jan-1998 10-Jan-1998 13-Jan-1998 14-Jan-1998 14-Jan-1998 16-Jan-1998 15-Jan-1998 16-Jan-1998 17-Jan-1998 20-Jan-1998 17-Jan-1998 21-Jan-1998 22-Jan-1998 22-Jan-1998 15-Jan-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged

Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Waste Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Surface Water Air

Flaring due to startup of gas/oil unifier Stack survey notification - main stack Flaring due to performing commissioning checks on flare gas monitoring equipment. Unsure of cause Flaring due to water wash. Flared from one compressor, upset coker. Odour potential due to change the VRU catalyst that removes H2S. This potential will continue for 3 - 4 days. Main stack off coker had a loop seal leak which vented CO, CO2, SO2, H2S and steam to atmosphere. Repaired. Odour potential. Naphtha is going to the tailings pond as the NRU is down because of vacuum problems. Flared excessive sulfur from 8-1 K2 due to electrical problems. Odour potential. Believe they have been venting from tank 20-d-3 due to startup of vapour recovery unit.; Odour potential. Venting from tank 2D-3 today. Investigating cause Hydrocarbon vapour release due to a compressor being shut down due to cold weather. Release of acid gas from H2S flare due to foaming upset on plant 11-2 regenerator. SO2 reading due to problems with analyzers plugging in the sulfur plant because of the cold weather. 200 litre glycol spilled when the tank as overfilled. Cleaned. SO2 readings due to tripping system . False input signal. Opacity due to one coke fly boiler being down. Had fan blowing to cool it down & to get rid of ash. Stopped procedure. Due to vibration problem with wet gas compressor 5-K1, they will flaring SO2 during the 24 hours the unit will be down for repairs. SO2 release. Flare monitor meters are in place and one is reporting above-normal values in flow from the flare header. possible flaring from 5C10 stack. They have contradicting information from two of their meters. Flaring due to fire in plant (methahydratreater) Limestone slump spill and wash water. The pump suction screen blinded off. Was shut off when spill was noticed. Quantity of spill unknown. Flaring SO2. Investigating situation Sent sand samples to lab for testing to see if hazardous. Sand is hazardous with leachable toluene. Have been disposing of 30 one gallon cans/day sand to landfill. Hydrocarbon vapour released to atmosphere due to possible pluggage on vent line from Tank 53. Volume is unknown. Currently putting bitumen into tank. Release of hydrocarbon vapour from the naphtha recovery unit due to equipment repairs. Odour potential.NRU will be shutting down for maintenance. SO2 mass emission exceedance from the incinerator stack. Mass SO2 exceedance to controller in #2 sulfur train reading improperly. #l sulfur train became loaded. Tank venting due to ice damage to an instrument air line. 8500 gallons diesel spilled from fuel tank due to a broken flange or gasket into a containment berm. CEDA will suck up and put diesel back into process. Flaring incident. Process upset while performing commissioning checks of the flare gas system. Flared from 16-1 due to startup condition. Volume unknown at time of call. Flaring from 1302 . Volume unknown. tailings water leaked into ash pond which is connected to wastewater system. Operator isolated ash pond.; tailings spilled due to ruptured line. Cleaned and returned to emergency pond. Spilled onto road and snow. Stack temp readings due to insufficient air to incinerator burner.


26 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94

33133 33168 33177 33210 33232 33236 33367 33408 33420 33443 33531 33551

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

24-Jan-1998 24-Jan-1998 26-Jan-1998 26-Jan-1998 27-Jan-1998 27-Jan-1998 27-Jan-1998 31-Jan-1998 31-Jan-1998 1-Feb-1998 4-Feb-1998 3-Feb-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

21-K-2 vapour recovery back in service.; odour potential as 2l-K-2 vapour recovery unit is down due to problems with oxygen analyzer. SO2 reading due to volume of gas being processed. Investigating 60 pounds R22 freon released from air conditioning unit in Building 2652 from a leaking pipe. Repaired. Flaring naphtha stripped overhead gas from unit 13-2 due to upset during startup caused by increasing feed rates. Exact volume unknown. Odour potential. Replacing a VRV on the 20-DC tank. Will be venting to atmosphere 54.4 kg freon released from air conditioning unit. Temperature reading. investigating cause Flaring fuel gas from 10C23 (wet gas compressor) . The volume and cause are unknown.; Two brief flaring alarms at the upgrading plant. Unsure if flaring actually occurred but are checking into it. Flaring light hydrocarbons from Plant 15-2-C14 degasser because the hydrocarbon was sent to the degasser vessel. Stack top temp. Cause being investigated Flaring form plant 18-1 for startup activity. 10-12 barrels 50/50 water/methane mix went into industrial Sewer due to a gasket leak on a hydro test in plant 25 process unit. Material went to the wastewater system and ultimately to the river. Trying to divert the mix to the tailings ponds. 56 kg R22 freon released due to solenoid failure in a compressor Odour potential notification. plant 4 & 16 vents are being routed to atmosphere as they are working on the vapour recovery unit for compressor problems. SO2 readings, Cause being investigated. SO2 readings due to analyzer problems. A PSV lifted on the naphtha low pressure separator. 7500 litres diesel spilled when a vehicle drove off while refueling. Contained in bermed area. 500 litres soaked into tarsand. 7000 litres in bermed area will be vacuumed & 500 litres in tarsand will be reclaimed. Will be flaring off a catalyst activation. Will continue for 36 hours. Possible odour potential and SO2 emission. Odour potential . Vent ing tank 53. May last into weekend Flaring plant 13 -1 due to startup. Possible SO2 emission. SO2 reading from the incinerator stack on the sulfur recovery unit. SO2 reading. investigating cause. will be taking vapour recovery unit off-line for scheduled maintenance. Odour potential. will be back on-line in early afternoon. Opacity due to voltage setting being too low on the ESP. Ambient reading may be caused by high H2S odour in tailings line from Suncor. Light wind is heading toward town. Flaring from the wet coker for the next 42 hours due to high vibration. Have notified town. Odour potential. Flaring from high pressure separator 7- C4 may have occurred prior to wet coker flare incident. This may have been happening since Feb 14/97 due to a motor operated valve being left open. 30 pounds R22 freon released from 15-2 PLC building. Release caused by leak on check valve. Flaring due to upset when they change plant rates.

26 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94

33605 33631 33673 33697 33751 33796 33821 33932 33934 33936 33969 34018 34035 34105 34174 34180 34196 34395

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

4-Feb-1998 6-Feb-1998 6-Feb-1998 7-Feb-1998 8-Feb-1998 10-Feb-1998 10-Feb-1998 12-Feb-1998 12-Feb-1998 12-Feb-1998 14-Feb-1998 10-Feb-1998 17-Feb-1998 18-Feb-1998 21-Feb-1998 14-Feb-1998 22-Feb-1998 25-Feb-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release


94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

34431 34535 34537 34661 34704 34717 34731 34825 34840

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

27-Feb-1998 1-Mar-1998 2-Mar-1998 4-Mar-1998 5-Mar-1998 6-Mar-1998 6-Mar-1998 10-Mar-1998 10-Mar-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Odour potential. plant 4 vents are being routed to atmosphere because they are repairing flow metres. SO2 analyzer on the FGD stack has been out-of-service Mar 1/98 @ 1200 hours to March 2/98 @ 1400 hours. Air potential due to roof on tank 20-D14 not sealing. will be repairing. Flaring from vessel 5-C1 due to PSV lifting volume flared unknown. Odour potential from 5C-72 due to high hydrocarbon in NRU causing diluent recovery unit to be shutdown. They have reduced rate to correct the problem. SO2 reading due to gas/oil separator causing the unit to go off - line and upset. Flaring due to process upset in amine unit. Flaring SO2 due to a pressure safety valve lifting on plant 5C12. Valve reset. possible flame-out on one of the flares. High level in the knockout drum is blocking the gas to the flare. The high level is due to a plugged drainage line. There is nothing going to the flare at this time. Trying to drain knockout drum. 4800 litres hydraulic oil spilled when a line broke on a power shovel. Cleaned. 3 cylinders of Halon 1301 found with needles off the pin. Do not know volume of release or how this happened. Intermittent flaring of sour gas due to startup of the gas/oil hydrotreater. Flaring ammonia gas containing H2S due to stack testing. Flaring due to startup of the naphtha hydro-treater (sour water stripper). Caused an unknown amount of SO2. Flaring from 160 sour water treater for two hours. Unknown amount of freon released due to break in transfer line on air conditioning unit. Unknown volume of hydrocarbons released to atmosphere when naphtha recovery unit was down due to a leak in a feed line. Odour potential. Pollution prevention equipment out of service for more than 5 hours. Plant 4 vents could not go into VRU because they were sumping product into tanks, This caused a vacuum. Vented to atmosphere. Temperature readings. Unknown cause 30 pounds freon R22 released from a pipe 22-1 in the Junction equipment building (JEB). SO2 reading due to unknown cause. Investigating. will also identify why the report is late. 13.6 kg freon R22 released when solenoid valve failed in the air conditioning unit compressor. R22 & R11 released from mechanical buildings. Both releases from vacuum chiller unit on the air conditioning unit. Can see a brownish/grey cloud coming from plant and wonders what it is. Winds blowing SE.; Blue haze is coming from the stack and heading toward town. Low stack temp due to switching power over. Lost power to the incinerator furnace. Flared 15 tonnes SO2 from sulfur plant due to plant upset caused by power problems. Flared for about 1 hour to the acid gas flare.; Flaring due to power outage. composition unknown. 5-10 barrels of diluent bitumen spilled in north to south pipeway due to valve being left open. No product went to sewer. All contained. Will vacuum. Odour potential. NRU at extraction plant is going down for maintenance. Oily water is going to pond. Flaring SO2 from plant 16-2 due to scheduled shutdown. 27 pounds R22 freon released from roof H/V system Building 41X. Leak at fitting. Discharge from north mine drainage failed oil and grease. Investigating cause. Shut-in outfall immediately. No sheen on water. Took another sample and are awaiting results. Flaring from new unit that is being started and commissioned. Unit is on hot oil; very little SO2. Will change to bitumen feed; more SO2. Flaring will continue for about one month.

94 94 94 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94

34858 34915 34969 34971 34988 35079 35101 35176 35296 35470 35513 35515 35632 35636 35646 35694 35938 35975 35994 36031 36217 36346 36433

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

11-Mar-1998 12-Mar-1998 12-Mar-1998 12-Mar-1998 13-Mar-1998 16-Mar-1998 17-Mar-1998 18-Mar-1998 23-Mar-1998 27-Mar-1998 30-Mar-1998 30-Mar-1998 16-Mar-1998 31-Mar-1998 1-Apr-1998 2-Apr-1998 8-Apr-1998 9-Apr-1998 9-Apr-1998 12-Apr-1998 15-Apr-1998 18-Apr-1998 22-Apr-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Surface Water Air


26 26 26 94 94 26 26 18942 26 18942 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 18942 18942 94 18942 94 26 26 94 18942 26

36534 36640 36655 36714 36875 36922 36987 36991 37151 37259 37267 37304 37317 37326 37330 37345 37355 37373 37375 37377 37404 37458 37481 37483 37500 37502 37602 37618 37655 37761 37770 37807 37862 37956

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

23-Apr-1998 25-Apr-1998 25-Apr-1998 27-Apr-1998 30-Apr-1998 30-Apr-1998 1-May-1998 1-Apr-1998 1-May-1998 20-Apr-1998 5-May-1998 7-May-1998 7-May-1998 7-May-1998 7-May-1998 7-May-1998 8-May-1998 8-May-1998 6-May-1998 7-May-1998 9-May-1998 11-May-1998 11-May-1998 11-May-1998 29-Apr-1998 11-May-1998 14-May-1998 13-May-1998 15-May-1998 17-May-1998 18-May-1998 17-May-1998 13-May-1998 21-May-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Surface Water Air

Flaring H2S gas at plant 160-2 during a unit startup. Flaring at plant 16-1-cl during a unit shutdown. Shutting down plants 6 & 7. Unifier has three units that will be taken off-line. Repeating flaring on first unit. Other two will also flare this evening. Shutting down plants 6 & 7 (hydrogen & unifiers). Started shutdown last night. Flaring. Coming down for routine maintenance. Replacing catalyst etc. Odour potential due to Plant 4 (NRU) receiving excess diluent due to plant 25 startup. More hydrocarbon to tailings pond than usual. Flaring plant 22. One k2 gas compressor tripped. Just came over the 1 tonne mark so fairly pure stream of gas. Flaring from plant 81-K2 due to compressor trip caused by a failed valve on the suction. Manual override until repairs are done. Tabulating first monthly report for Aurora mine. Noted surface water readings not in compliance with licence. Flaring caused by broken valve on plant 15-1. Unsure of quantity. Test of surface runoff water in mine area indicate low dissolved oxygen levels. Unsure if this is reportable under the new approval 200 pounds R22 freon released due to problems with air conditioner.

Regulation/ Reporting downtime on the FGD analyser. Reporting Land while moving consolidated tailings water to plots, some flowed onto highway right-of-way. Unsure is this is rainwater or the tailings water. Analyzing. Flow was 50 gal/minute. Groundwate Estimate 50,000 litres sodium hydroxide lost to the ground. Ate through cement sump. r Air SO2 reading when activation procedure started Air Flaring from Plant 25 due to high level in fuel tank which tripped a blower. Air Flare 19F3 went. out today. Investigating cause Air Flaring due to power bump. Entire plant went down. Expect to discontinue in a couple hours. Now on another power grid system.; Major power outage. Cause unknown. Letting us know because there may be some smoke. Air Flaring SO2 due to startup of unit 16-1 Air 100 pounds R22 freon released from 41B computer room due to split suction line. Air Air Waste Air Surface Water Surface Water Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air NRU will be shutdown until May 11, 1998. No flaring expected. Will be putting naphtha to tailings pond. VRU is down. Cleaning sulfatreat catalyst bed, suction piping and doing general maintenance. Unknown volume partially treated sewage released to mine drainage. Weir shut in; may not reach river. SO2 flared due to gas leak. high reading due to muskeg dewatering water. High TSS in north polishing pond that goes into Muskeg River Flaring as a result of kerosene hydrotreater shutdown. High TSS in north & south polishing ponds. Investigating cause as the intake may be too low. Unsure of how long they can keep the pump off Flaring SO2 due to kerosene unifier startup. Flaring due to unit upset on plant 22 -1 due to incorrect valve line-up. Slight odour potential. Shutdown of VR compressor 21-k-2. Will be venting hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas. Not flaring. Will go on for 48-72 hours due to cleaning plugged discharge line. Flaring SO2 due to upset on vacuum unit of gas/oil unit. High DOD in polishing pond due to extra water coming into ditch with organics from the muskeg. Extraction plant NRU is going to atmosphere . Normally this goes to flare but the flare is out-of-service due to electrical malfunction. The unit needs new parts and will be down until the end of June 1998. Potential odour







Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

94 94 94 26 26.94

38036 38080 38093 38131 38175

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor; Syncrude

22-May-1998 24-May-1998 24-May-1998 23-May-1998 19-May-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry

and THC release. Regulation/ They will be increasing the size of both the north and south polishing ponds this weekend due to TSS problems. Reporting The ditches will be blocked off and water will he pumped out. Will discharge from the ditch over the next few days Air Opacity on old Powerhouse. Believe to be instrument error as only gas fired boilers were operational at the time. Air 18 kg AZ50 freon released from a chiller. Air Air Air High opacity from old powerhouse stack. Problems with boiler #3 which is gas fired. 40 pounds R12 freon released from the north camp walk-in cooler in the kitchen. Odour potential due to maintenance on outage on NRU; Checked around plant site. nothing unusual. Had a lightening strike in the SW mine area which caused a compressor to trip out resulting in some flaring of hydrogen.; There is a very bad odour from tarsand projects.; Can smell the ponds while driving down highway past the plant turnoff. Wind is from NW.; Confirmed there is an odour. Will check plant operations and ambient stations.; Complaining about odour coming from ponds.; Ambient H2S reading due to naphtha in tailings pond. NRU is down at Suncor.; Ambient H2S reading caused by NRU being down. Readings are still high. NRU tripped for an hour last night due to unknown cause. Should not have caused any additional odours. NRU was already venting to atmosphere. Flaring from Vessels 10C20 & 10C23 due to high levels of liquids in the vessels. Extraction NRU unit shutdown for six hours due to pump isolation block valve being faulty. Changed out. SO2 reading due to PSV lifting. Has been isolated and reset. 30 kg R22 freon released due to line leak in a/e in upgrader. High TSS from the Aurora mines north polishing pond. High readings due to increasing the size of the pond. Flaring from 10C23 due to high levels in the vessel. Flaring from 5C12 due to a process upset. Flare 1981 went out. Cause unknown. They were flaring H2S a the time. Flaring from plant 16 - 2, sour water treater as it was shutdown to repaired a damaged block valve. Flaring from plant 8P1C. Cause unknown. Flaring due to upset in the sulfur train. Odour potential. Naphtha recovery nit bypassed due to pumping problems. Flared acid gas due to a sulfur trip earlier this morning. Flaring from SC12 due to upset in the amine unit. Odour potential. Draining a 55 gallon mercaptan tank that is being taken out of service. Residue in bottom of tank. Flaring caused by a flange leak on 1602. Unit was shutdown for repairs. Flaring incidents because of modifications being made to new vac tower. A drum of oil has leaked into a dyked area, Analyzing for contaminants. 20-25 pounds R22 freon released from AC unit in cyclofeeder when fusible plug failed. 40 pounds R22 freon released from crack on discharge line elbow on A/C unit in building 3-23. Flaring sour fuel gas from coker 8-1 due to faulty level indicator. Odour potential. Have a high rag layer in STF between oil and water. High hydrocarbon content cannot be processed through NRU. Will pump directly to pond 1. Flaring from 5C12 when coker came on-line. Flaring caused by level control problems on vessel BC- 9. H2S - contaminated hydrocarbons were being transferred to vessel 10=23.

26 94 26 26 94 18942 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 94

38186 38255 38278 38356 38360 38399 38437 38459 38480 38483 38488 38634 38659 38680 38757 38775 38829 38861 38946 39010 39031 39035 39169 39232

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

26-May-1998 26-May-1998 27-May-1998 28-May-1998 28-May-1998 28-May-1998 30-May-1998 31-May-1998 1-Jun-1998 1-Jun-1998 1-Jun-1998 3-Jun-1998 3-Jun-1998 3-Jun-1998 6-Jun-1998 5-Jun-1998 8-Jun-1998 7-Jun-1998 9-Jun-1998 10-Jun-1998 10-Jun-1998 10-Jun-1998 15-Jun-1998 15-Jun-1998

Public Complaint (was incorrectly coded as Industry, corrected 26 march 2013) Industry Release Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release


94 94 94 26 18942 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 18942 94 94 18942 94 94 26 94

39255 39325 39333 39342 39467 39582 39675 39831 39833 39836 39874 39880 39899 39949 39972 39995 40025 40041 40096 40203 40227 40255 40506

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

16-Jun-1998 17-Jun-1998 17-Jun-1998 17-Jun-1998 10-Jun-1998 8-Jun-1998 20-Jun-1998 27-Jun-1998 27-Jun-1998 27-Jun-1998 29-Jun-1998 29-Jun-1998 29-Jun-1998 29-Jun-1998 30-Jun-1998 17-Jun-1998 1-Jul-1998 1-Jul-1998 29-Jun-1998 3-Jul-1998 4-Jul-1998 5-Jul-1998 9-Jul-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Impact

Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air

Flaring due to shutdown of kerosene hydrotreater to install an isolation valve.; Are in process of starting the kerosene hydrotreater. Expect to exceed 1 tonne flaring limit. odour potential. Extraction plant will be down maintenance . NRU will be down and slop water will be diverted straight to ponds. 54.4 kg Freon R22 released to atmosphere from a faulty solenoid valve. 420 pounds freon R22 released over time from a number of small leaks at pumphouse 691.; 136.1 kg R22 released from a third compressor. BOD reading. Cause unknown. Flaring due to 25K3 tripping twice on high levels, Less than 1 tonne, not reportable. Flaring due to water getting in a major pump which shut down the coker charge pumps which caused the sulfur recovery unit to shutdown. Flyash emission due to leaking gland on valve. Ash slurry under silo. High TDS mine weir due to heavy rainfall. Stack release of burner overhead vapours from coker 8-2 due to coker upset and feed outage. The valve stuck closed. Flaring acid gas due to upset in upgrading. Flaring due to gas/oil unifier startup from vessel 7C26. 60 lb freon R22 released from building 323 A/C unit due to vibration eliminator cracking. Flaring from 25PIC82 due to unit upset. Volumes unknown . 30 pounds R22 freon released from A/c Unit A29 due to low switch repair. Dirty water ditch around tailings pond overflowed, possibly into bridge creek. Dirty water usually contains high sodium chloride. Caller going to sample. BOD greater than upstream reading. Detection limit is 2; fairly clean water; investigating cause. Odour potential due to shutting down VRU in south tank farm. Odour potential due to NRU being bypassed due to power failure. Dissolved oxygen is below limit due to unknown cause. Checking instrumentation. Investigating cause will startup the gas/oil unit and will be flaring from 1600-1800. Volume and amount unknown at this time. Odour potential NRU is out-of-service at 1900 due to mechanical problems.; Ambient H2S reading at trailer 3 at lower camp. Cause could be the NRU bypass.; Ambient H2S reading possibly due to NRU bypass at Suncor. 84 kg R22 freon released due to leak on capillary tube on HVAC. There are odours in the area from the oil sands plants.

26 94 94 94

40577 40670 40742 40787

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

9-Jul-1998 11-Jul-1998 13-Jul-1998 15-Jul-1998

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release








Diverter stack will be down for repairs due to boiler tube leak. Odour potential.; Concerned about black smoke from plant stack since morning.; Flaring ammonia gas. Regulation/ Section 11.1.1 (b) approval: CSEM down due to repairs and installing new equipment. Reporting Land Potential PCB spill. Old spill discovered in storage yard where old transformers are. Field test indicated >50 ppm PCB. Sending sample for analysis. Cleaning. Air Odour potential. Bringing NRU down for about 12 hours for replumbing of wastewater streams. Already rerouting upgrading wastewater stream to pond and will be directing all wastewater streams to the pond during the outage. Land 2500 gallons seal oil & caustic spilled due to a seal bursting on a vac truck while vacuuming a vessel. Spilled to


26 18942

40879 41117

Syncrude Syncrude

16-Jul-1998 8-Jul-1998

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Impact Release Impact

94 26 26 26 26 26 94

41232 41315 41407 41409 41413 41420 41426

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

22-Jul-1998 24-Jul-1998 24-Jul-1998 23-Jul-1998 24-Jul-1998 24-Jul-1998 25-Jul-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

dirt, contained. Flaring from plant 22-1 due to hydrogen interruption making the plant unstable. Received a BoD result greater than their limit, from their south polishing pond. This pond released to the Muskeg River. Unsure why they are high. Pond and river BOD vary all the time, some days lucky. some days not. Air Reporting flaring of SO2 due to pressure relief valve from vessel 7025. Air Reporting flaring due to shut down coker #82 . Duration unknown, started at 0800 today. Regulation/ 8-2 coker & 8-2 CO boiler shutdown today for maintenance - scheduled for 25 days. Reporting Air Reporting plant opened diverter on coke 8-1 for 15 minutes. Caused level control valve to stick open and diverted to atmosphere. Fixed LCV and is on line. Air Caller smelled strong odour of diluent while driving by Syncrude, yesterday at 1500. Also noticed black smoke coming from their main stack. Air Reporting a tank venting H2S due to shut down of coker 8-2. Air Caller was driving by Syncrude and there are odours like a skunk. Also brown smoke coming from a small stack.; Winds from the north, strong sour oil smell. Air Surface Water

26 26 94 26 26 18942 26 94 26 94 26 18942 18942 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 18942

41432 41485 41517 41560 41580 41608 41885 41911 41953 41964 42087 42156 42224 42236 42433 42617 42625 42766 42776 42827 42844 42857

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

24-Jul-1998 28-Jul-1998 30-Jul-1998 28-Jul-1998 30-Jul-1998 28-Jul-1998 1-Aug-1998 3-Aug-1998 3-Aug-1998 4-Aug-1998 8-Aug-1998 22-Jul-1998 29-Jul-1998 1-Aug-1998 16-Aug-1998 15-Aug-1998 18-Aug-1998 21-Aug-1998 20-Aug-1998 23-Aug-1998 23-Aug-1998 19-Aug-1998

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Notification Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification

Air Air Air Air

Reporting bitumen tank venting 20-D-8. TVS valve open since 0400. Can't fix until daylight when someone gets up there. Reporting freon release (R22), when capillary tube failed on A/C unit. Conveyor belt caught fire in the mine, black smoke and odours present. Swing from tank 20-D-8 to 20-D-52. Were running down a high volume of bitumen; product was hot & was lifting PSV. Reporting possible odour due to leak of naphtha in NRU unit. Unit bypassed & isolated. Leak contained. Reporting BOD contravention for south polishing pond due to unknown reason.

Air Surface Water Regulation/ CEM on main stack went down & have to wait until Wed for the computer part. Reporting Air SO2 exceedance on incinerator stack, superclaus was running, possibly due to low production rates. Conveyor belt has caused a out back.; SO2 exceedance on incinerator stack, Superclaus unit running cool. Air Odour potential. Tank 10 venting. Air Reporting a flaring incident due to electrical problems from extreme heat, from 19F3 in upgrading. Quantity unknown at this time. Air Flaring ammonia from Plant 16 for a maximum of 96 hours. Isolating vessel for ABB inspection. Vessel removes ammonia from water. Surface High BOD from North & South polishing ponds due to natural veritable Water Surface Reporting BOD violation due to natural stream variation. Water Air Reporting flaring violations on August 1 and 2. Unsure why shutdown happened. Flared when shutdown and during startup again. Air Flaring from Coker 8-2. Air Reporting flaring in excess of 1 tonne of SO2 due to start up and activation of gas/oil catalyst. Air Wet gas compressor tripped. More than one tonne of SO2 flared. Air Caller will check into odours at plant. He confirmed odour & weather condition. Air Freon release from building #9. Release due to line leak in chiller. Air Flaring activity, feed pump to refinery tripping out. Air Reporting opacity violations from old stack due to boiler trip. Regulation/ Notification that dissolved oxygen sample was not measured in the field, due to unknown reason.


94 94 94 18942 94 26

42872 42921 42933 42939 43043 43046

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

24-Aug-1998 25-Aug-1998 24-Aug-1998 25-Aug-1998 27-Aug-1998 27-Aug-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Release

Reporting Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air

Flaring from coker 556 when a pressure release valve lifted due to a plugged line. NRU has been down for more than 5 consecutive hours. Was a planned Reporting flaring due to compressor down, resulting in high level in vessel. Reporting BOD contravention at polishing pond. Flaring from 5C10, may be over 1 tonne SO2 emitted. Cause is still under investigation. Reporting some coker 82 gas went to atmosphere due to an outage on 82 diverter lube seal removed for repairs. Amount unknown, no odour complaints, caller tried calling in the pm but couldn't get through on phone lines. Outage from 0830-0850. Flaring of sour gas due to a light end recovery upset because of a faulty level transmitter. Reporting opacity meter CEM down time greater than 24hrs & still Reporting spill of sand & slurry from tailings line. Spill contained on site, some into buffalo pasture. Have stopped venting hot bitumen in tank 20D10 & are now venting into tank 20D9 due to 8-2 coker unit shutdown. Reporting flaring of SO2 for 15 minutes due to maintenance on B Level Control Valve. Flared when the H2 compressor failed & brought the gas/oil unit down. Still down. May flare more on start up tonight. Purged line with natural gas.; Start up of gas/oil unit; flared. Reporting flaring, off & on, of recycled gas from plant 13-2 due to unit upset. Did not receive any complaints. Flaring is done. odour potential, hydrocarbon vapours from NRU when plant 6-7 went into upset & overloaded the NRU. Received approval from Kem Singh to do a blade wash on 5K1 Scheduled to begin at 2200hrs. and will flare for 8-10 hours. Rates are reduced. possible odour potential for 15-30 min this afternoon due to clogged header in secondary extraction plant that needs to be drained. will be flaring from 1000 today until 0200 tomorrow due to high vibrations on wet gas compressor, possibly due to blade washing compressor last night. Only operating with 1 coker now, may bring others on line. Bringing Steepbank mine on-line. Extraction & upgrading have been down. One now starting up. Flaring. Freon release due to split discharge line on A/C unit. Repaired.

26 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 94

43143 43380 43494 43707 43766 43855 43885 43899 43969 43992 43998 44118 44127 44224

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

29-Aug-1998 2-Sep-1998 6-Sep-1998 10-Aug-1998 12-Sep-1998 14-Sep-1998 15-Sep-1998 15-Sep-1998 16-Sep-1998 16-Sep-1998 17-Sep-1998 18-Sep-1998 17-Sep-1998 22-Sep-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

94 94 26 26 94 94

44226 44347 44606 44630 44678 44840

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

21-Sep-1998 22-Sep-1998 29-Sep-1998 29-Sep-1998 30-Sep-1998 4-Oct-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Regulation/ Reporting that their flare went out on the 19 F3 stack for 15 minutes this morning. Flare relit.; The flare went Reporting out on 198-3 in the upgrader; similar to incident yesterday. Cause may be related to instrumentation. Under investigation. Air Reporting a flaring incident heating one of the units in upgrading , one of the PSV valves lifted to reduce the internal pressure: quantity expected to exceed 1 tonne SO2. Air Reporting opacity due to faulty oil gun firing. Air Reporting release from extraction naphtha recovery unit. H. C. vapour due to level control malfunction. Repaired. Air Reporting freon release from A/C unit due to mechanical failure in A/C condenser. Repaired. Land Reporting spill of gypsum slurry in the coke pit. Spill due to tank overflow. Spill directed to wastewater treatment system. Didn't know volume until now. then called it in. Air Flaring plant 25, expect to exceed on total tonnes for flaring, will confirm. Due to instrumentation problems.; Reporting flaring off plant #25 due to liquid getting into blowers. Are fixing tomorrow, which will cause more flaring(min 16hrs). Are putting in new knock out drum. Regulation/ odour potential . VRU will be down for scheduled maintenance from Oct 6 to 8/98. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting missing flow measurements from polishing pond for Sept.17-29/98 due to flow measurement device Reporting didn't reset properly. Will have to estimate for these dates. App # 18942-00-00, Table4.2.b Air Late reporting flaring incident due to level controller failed on unit. Air Flaring from unit 8-1. PSV 94 lifted to flare for 30 minutes. Air Powerhouse went down causing the upgrader to go down causing flaring. Amount & volume unknown at this

94 18942 26 26 94

44841 44870 44974 44978 45010

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

6-Oct-1998 17-Sep-1997 19-Sep-1998 6-Oct-1998 6-Oct-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release Release Release


94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26

45058 45176 45180 45184 45265 45288 45332 45362 45384 45385 45388 45390 45416 45432 45464 45467 45489 45549 45589 45787

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

5-Oct-1998 9-Oct-1998 11-Oct-1998 12-Oct-1998 11-Oct-1998 13-Oct-1998 14-Oct-1998 15-Oct-1998 14-Oct-1998 15-Oct-1998 15-Oct-1998 15-Oct-1998 14-Oct-1998 16-Oct-1998 17-Oct-1998 17-Oct-1998 18-Oct-1998 19-Oct-1998 21-Oct-1998 23-Oct-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air

time. Reporting high opacity, cause unknown, will include in letter. Late due to just found violation on logs. Flaring SO2 due to plant 25 start up. Flaring from PSV at 7C-12. The PSV lifted when bringing the unit down. Flaring from 7C-13 and 7C-15 due to kerosene hydrocracker being down. Reporting opacity due to electrical failure. Precip failed & repaired.

Regulation/ Over on an effluent sample taken for oil/grease. Take a sample every 12 hours. Reporting Air Reporting flaring incident due to upset on Plant 22. Air Reporting freon release due to leaking condenser. Isolated & repairing leak. Regulation/ Reporting 2 incidents; 2) upstream opacity meter on Stack 37Fl down longer than 24hr limit. Meter being Reporting worked on & expect it back up today. Air Reporting 2 incidents; 1) high opacity on stack 31F7 due to new boiler coming on-line & fuel trip. Air Land Air Air Reporting a release of fly ash from the boiler bag house. Most of the ash fell in the immediate area. Unknown amount, still investigating cause. Reporting a spill of calcium sulphate slurry from the power house, due to PSV failure. Reporting freon release due to leak on AC unit. Isolated leak & unit is out of service.

94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94

45880 45969 46113 46146 46170 46325 46350 46389 46424 46475

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

20-Sep-1998 26-Oct-1998 30-Oct-1998 31-Oct-1998 31-Oct-1998 5-Nov-1998 5-Nov-1998 6-Nov-1998 8-Nov-1998 10-Nov-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Reporting high SO2 due to 11-lLT31 malfunctioning, high level trip tripped when no high level. Acid gas was released. Air Reporting that they are taking plant 21K2 down to do a bus swing. Air Called TJ for ref# 082262 because of planned outage of 21-k2, a vapour recovery unit. Called to report unit down over their 5hr approval limit. Air Reporting odour potential due to naphtha recovery unit is down for maintenance for 4-7 days. Air Flaring from plant 16-1 due to shutdown of the unit. Shutting down for maintenance. Air Called to notify that they would be diverting off coker 8-2 due to boiler tube leak. They will be diverting around 0400hrs for about 20hrs. Regulation/ Natural gas compressor was down & is back online.; Release of natural gas/HC from their 21K2 vapour Reporting recovery compressor because compressor shut down for main & license says if they are down longer than 5 hours to report. Compressor down this morning & back up later this afternoon. Surface Reporting high oil & grease in pond E-Cooling water outlet. Cause unknown. Reported late because lab didn't Water think it was a big deal, thought sample taken wrong, 2nd sample taken was o.k. Air Reporting sulfur plant outage due to a lost blower caused flaring. SRU major outage. Have some SO2 t/h violations & possible some stack temp violations. Don't have numbers right now. Air Reporting freon release due to liquid line solenoid failure. isolated line. Land Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Reporting a spill of naphtha while commissioning a new unit. Product spilled onto the ground. Clean up was done. Reporting hydrocarbon release from the diluent/bitumen tank. PR valve stuck open. Valve has been isolated and is being repaired. Tank has too much pressure. Reporting release of naphtha from Plant 6 to tailings pond due to shut down to replace level transmitters. Amount unknown. Up & on-line now. Reporting freon release, cause unknown, amount unknown, from plant 10. System isolated and recovering what they can. Reporting several short durations of flaring that may have resulted in flaring from vessel 7C12 greater than 1 tonne SO2. Flaring was due to a series of process upgrades. Reporting acid gas flaring from plant 11-1 due to instrument malfunction. Amount flared is unknown, but greater than 1 tonne. Reporting a shutdown of their NRU for 2 hours because they are modifying their control system. Odour potential.


26 26 94 94 94 26 26 94 20809 94 26 94

46487 46489 46510 46514 46610 46811 46862 46915 47048 47113 47195 47212

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

10-Nov-1998 10-Nov-1998 11-Nov-1998 12-Nov-1998 16-Nov-1998 20-Nov-1998 22-Nov-1998 24-Nov-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air

Reporting a release of an unknown amount of freon from the 41x computer room unit 41-27-U8A. Caused by a leaking seal. Reporting a release of an unknown amount of freon from a 8-1-Peb2 electrical unit. Caused by a pin hole leak on line. Caller reporting flaring incident, sulfur train #2 shut down due to control problems. Quantity of SO2 flared estimated at 10 tonnes.; Caller reporting flaring incident, sulfur train #2 shut down due to control problems. Caller reporting an emission rate contravention on the incinerator.

Albian Sands 24-Nov-1998 Suncor Syncrude Suncor 27-Nov-1998 30-Nov-1998 29-Nov-1998

26 26 94 26 26 26 94 94

47224 47225 47234 47259 47262 47267 47422 47424

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

20-Oct-1998 11-Oct-1998 1-Dec-1998 1-Dec-1998 1-Nov-1998 29-Nov-1998 6-Dec-1998 4-Dec-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Caller reporting that hydrocarbon flare was out for a period this morning - cause unknown at this point. The leak has been stopped. Ref.# 82727; Reporting HC vapour release due to PVSV is malfunctioning. Still venting & looking at getting it repaired. Air Reporting that they are diverting the 82 burner to atmosphere. Problem with instrumentation.; Calling to notify AEP that they have stopped diverting burner, Details in letter. Air Notification of flaring sour water/acid gas due to heat exchanger failure. Spare exchanger on-line, problem resolved. Air Reporting propane tank has minor leaks on 2 valves that are not repaired. Valves can be fixed but 30% of tank needs to be drained. Company want to flare this 30% but no permit for flaring. Land Spill of gypsum slurry. Spill was caused by instrument failure level controller failed. Spilled in coke pit, cleanup under way , none has gone off site. Slurry is CaSO4 with a pH of 5-6. Air Reporting release of bitumen vapours venting due to seal failure. Will continue into tomorrow until they can replace seal. Air Reporting 32 opacity violations upstream of flu gas desulfurization plant (6min over 40%). Electrostatic field in precipitators checked, ash vacuumed up, and coke firing was reduced - problem was gone. All valves to be included in letter. Regulation/ Director did not receive 2 weeks prior notification of rescheduled survey dates. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: Unreported contraventions in Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for Oct.1998. Reporting Turbidity sample not analyzed. Land Reporting a sewage release due to partial blockage of inlet pipe. Vac truck cleaning up & clearing blockage. Spill was to ground. Air Reporting release of freon due to leak on condenser line on refrigeration unit #12-R-102, Plant #12-3-JEB. Land Air Air Follow up on AEP Land Forest Service concerns regarding spill reported to PCD on June 30/98. Call#78193, Inc.#39972. Release of SO2 due to upset in regenerator.

94 26 94 94 26 94 94

47438 47640 47648 47661 47672 47723 47828

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

6-Dec-1998 13-Dec-1998 14-Dec-1998 14-Dec-1998 12-Dec-1998 15-Dec-1998 18-Dec-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Flaring acid gas from FC12, possible stack top contravention. Need to calculate to determine values to report. Caused by amine foam overflowing to the fuel gas system. Surface Sample taken from pond C effluent high COD concentration. Need to test river to conduct a mass calculation as Water per sec.1.1(m) of their approval to determine if they are over their COD limit. Will call when calculation complete. Air Reporting the URU has been down greater than 5 hours. Air Reporting HC vapour release from extraction NRU due to unit upset - had to divert 2nd stage on unit 2 to tails causing system overload. Air 7-C-3 vessel on naphtha unifier blew down for a catalyst change, so flared acid gas. No volumes known at this time. Air Notification of odour potential due to plant #4 having trouble with feed, forced to release odour from vents. Winds are calm. Regulation/ SO2 meter on main stack malfunctioned, waiting for parts & will be down longer than 24hrs.; Reported SO2 Reporting meter failure yesterday, Back on line at 10:30 this morning. Air Reporting freon release from AC unit in utilities main control room. Does not know reason for release. Air Caller reporting a flaring incident caused when added gas-oil to tank 7c-20. Quantity of SO2 expected to


26 26 26 94 94 26

47843 47890 47931 48010 48015 48056

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

21-Dec-1998 19-Dec-1998 21-Dec-1998 3-Dec-1998 23-Dec-1998 24-Dec-1998

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Notification

94 94 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 26 94

48148 48156 48203 48215 48234 48309 48383 48494 48543 48613 48784 48875 48920 49024 49070 49084 49183 49253 49255 49291 49302 49308 49402 49461 49515

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

29-Dec-1998 29-Dec-1998 31-Dec-1998 1-Jan-1999 2-Jan-1999 4-Jan-1999 5-Jan-1999 2-Jan-1999 11-Jan-1999 11-Jan-1999 16-Jan-1999 20-Jan-1999 19-Jan-1999 24-Jan-1999 25-Jan-1999 26-Jan-1999 27-Jan-1999 25-Jan-1999 28-Jan-1999 29-Jan-1999 29-Jan-1999 29-Jan-1999 2-Feb-1999 1-Feb-1999 5-Feb-1999

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

exceed 1 tonne. Extraction NRU release of HC vapour due to frozen level transmitter, thawed out to get working again. Flaring due to freeze up on control on naphtha hydro treater. Cold weather source of problem. Flaring from plant 11-2, vessel C-4 - acid gas, tonnes SO2 has not been calculated yet. Had to flare due to oil in the regenerator. Land Reporting an additional spill of sewage. Unsure of amount at this time. Will include in letter. Land Reporting a spill of gypsum slurry due to line from FGD system to pond ruptured. Spilled to ground and some to waste water system. Volume of slurry being used was reduced and repaired the line. Regulation/ Reporting missed samples for South Pond for DO, TSS, pH for this week due to Monday pond wasn't draining. Reporting Tuesday it was but they didn't have all the equipment that they needed, and they don't think the pond will be draining anymore this week. Air Odour where driving past plant. Smells for about 2km and is hazy blue. Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Land Air Surface Water Air Air Air Land Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Reporting flare 19-53 went out, emissions have been reduced. Cause unknown, continue to investigate. Does not appear related to H2S ambient @ Mannix. Release of an unknown amount of freon R-22 from an AC unit in plant #12. Reporting a spill of a product called slops bottoms from tank 34P2. Caused by a split line due to cold weather. Reporting a cracked flange one a bitumen tank venting to atmosphere. Releasing HC vapours.; PSV has been isolated now and incident Ref . #76391 can be closed out now. Tank 2 diluted bitumen has a leaking hatch seal. They will repair tomorrow.; Reporting that incident on venting ref. #83668 can be closed out. Reporting flaring due to sulfur unit tripped. Late reporting as they just rec'd calculations. Reporting low chlorine residuals at WTP that has no approval. Incinerator stack SO2 exceedance due to superclause tripped, may be cold weather related. Flaring on vessel TC26 due to gas/oil unifier shut down due to cold weather related problems. Also, flaring on 7C4 due to high level. Reporting H2S flaring due to electrical failure of un interruptible power source which powers trip system. Feed valves closed, gas was diverted to flare. Reporting diesel spill due to vehicle tank punctured by dozer. Cleaned up. Reporting a spill of gypsum slurry, from FGD stack, went into coker pit and may get into waste water system. Discovered at 1345. Cause believed to be instrumentation problems. Under investigation. Reporting flaring incident, a PSV released in the kerosene unifier. Quantity of SO2 flared unknown. Reporting flaring of sour fuel gas due to knock drum had high level of liquid in it & it tripped machine. Have not rec'd any odour complaints. Release of refrigerant cause unknown. No volume yet. Reporting freon release due to leak. quantity unknown, discovered during regular maintenance, unit is shut down. Flaring SO2 from coker unit due to PSV lift from malfunctioning valve. Flaring SO2 due to gas/oil unit start up. Flaring from 2 vessels. Amount unknown. Flared SO2 from plant 16-1 during start-up of the unit. Flaring SO2 due to a trip in the recycle gas compressor on 703. Have planned a shutdown of hydrocracker 22-1. Will start steaming out the unit at 23:30.; Start time of venting was 1000 Jan.30/99, Finished at 0100 Jan.31/99. Reporting they have D-8 tank venting bitumen vapours due to high rundown rates to the tank. Started at 0800.; Venting from bitumen tank ended. Reporting release of an unknown amount of freon from building 22 Feb. 01/99. Reporting a possible release of 1 ton SO2 between 0320-0325 from vessel 7C4 due to a gas compressor failure.


94 26 26 26 18942 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 18942 26 94 94 26

49646 49650 49653 49695 49715 49725 49764 49919 49923 49930 49964 49968 50091 50112 50172 50183 50218 50255 50292 50384 50407 50413 50415 50417 50446 50454 50487 50557 50580 50605 50616 50628

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

9-Feb-1999 9-Feb-1999 9-Feb-1999 9-Feb-1999 10-Feb-1999 1-Jan-1999 28-Jan-1999 15-Feb-1999 16-Feb-1999 17-Feb-1999 18-Feb-1999 12-Feb-1999 20-Feb-1999 23-Feb-1999 24-Feb-1999 25-Feb-1999 15-Jan-1999 1-Jan-1999 22-Feb-1999 1-Mar-1999 2-Mar-1999 1-Mar-1999 1-Mar-1999 1-Mar-1999 3-Mar-1999 3-Mar-1999 1-Mar-1999 4-Mar-1999 5-Mar-1999 5-Mar-1999 7-Mar-1999 8-Mar-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Impact Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged

Air Air

Flaring from 5K1 due to loss of cooling water pump. Release of r-22 freon from Plant 10 refrigeration unit. Amount unknown but will inform us when they are aware. Air Flaring from plant 16-1 caused bt plant shutdown to change a block valve. Air Flaring from 16 -1 c-1 from 1400 - 1600 due to plant start up. Surface Reporting high turbidity in potable water from distribution system. Cause unknown, checking chlorine residue Water and posting signs not to drink water. Regulation/ Reporting that they missed sampling the south pond on Jan. 01, 08, 10, 18 & 26. Not sure why - just found out Reporting today when doing monthly report. Regulation/ received monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for Dec. 98. Reporting Air Flaring incident. Shut down and swing to flare yesterday because of main. work in sulfur plant. Air Plant 13-2 stripper off gas diverted to flare whole doing amine scan of tower to detect problem. Air Reporting freon release due to line failure on H vac system . Re-doing piping now. Release amount 10kg+. Air Freon release due to leak in pressure fitting on reclaim bottle.

Regulation/ Reporting naphtha recovery unit outage due to cooling fan that failed. Reporting Air Flaring from hydro treater for catalyst regen - will go till about 0800hrs. Scheduled turnaround. Land Caller reporting overflow from light hydrocarbons slop tank.; Caller reporting a release of sour light hydrocarbon from light slops tank. Overflow caused by process problems, product contained. Land Reporting spill from gypsum pond of FGD plant. Quantity unknown, most contained in coker pit. Regulation/ Caller reporting potential SO2 exceedance due to flaring, PSV lifted on the 5C4 coker incident occurred from Reporting 0124 to 0144. Cause and quality unknown at this time. Regulation/ received monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions - one noted regarding problems with start-up of Reporting a new package sewage treatment plant, no environmental impacts are expected. Regulation/ received Monthly Summary of possible Approval Contraventions Report for Jan. 99. There were none to report. Reporting Land Reporting overflow of their gypsum slurry tank into coke pit. Air Reporting opacity contraventions when they took boiler off line as part of shut down. Land Air Air Reporting a release of sour water due to spill from open drain in new line during line up change. No waterway effected, spill on lease & cleaning up. Reporting flaring from upgrading refinery due to plant shut down. Flaring started at 0600 and will go until about 1200.; Flaring to depressurize of gas recovery unit through a tiny line. Odour complaint - very strong, can see it hanging over the trees.

Regulation/ Reporting they believe they are over for oil and grease - Monthly/Daily Average for month of Feb/99. Believe Reporting may be due to sampling problem. Air Reporting lost R22 due to leaking cylinder valve gasket. Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Reporting flaring, high levels of sour water in tank, associated with plant shut down. Reporting opacity contraventions due to swinging boilers out of the stack. Glycol spill at the valve wetting shop in the mine. A pump seal let go and released an unknown volume of glycol to the ground. Unsure when occurred. Clean-up is under way. Reporting release of R22 due to equipment failure on plant #16 0JEB, equipment# 16R52. Amount unsure (know it's >10kg). Opacity due to an electric failure.; Gypsum slurry running to waste water system due to a pump packing failure. Odour potential. Starting up extraction, but NRU not at same time. Are tying in new NRU and will delay startup. Reporting freon release due to PSV leaking, repairing now.


94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 94 94 94 94 18942

50671 50675 50684 50688 50758 50776 50820 50828 50884 50892 50894 50937 51080 51084 51145 51246 51278 51306

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

8-Mar-1999 9-Mar-1999 10-Mar-1999 3-Mar-1999 10-Mar-1999 11-Mar-1999 12-Mar-1999 15-Mar-1999 12-Mar-1999 14-Mar-1999 15-Mar-1999 16-Mar-1999 20-Mar-1999 20-Mar-1999 22-Mar-1999 24-Mar-1999 24-Mar-1999 25-Mar-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

Reporting flaring SO2 from the sour water distributor to bring down level in tank. Have begun to start up plant after shut down. Flaring will be ongoing throughout the plant.

Air Reporting opacity contraventions from plant #31 while bringing up boiler #1 during startup. Regulation/ Reporting opacity from induct opacity meter believe due to problems with electrostatic precip. Reporting Air Reporting freon release due to leaking needle valve on unit. Amount unknown at this time. Will be repaired. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Land Surface Water Land Land Reporting suspected flaring - Investigating now. Flaring due to possible leak in system. Release of R- 22 from plant 10, building 51 condenser by-pass. Amount unknown. Will call with volume when the unit is repaired. Reporting flare 19-3 went out from 0400-0430. Cause unknown. Odour potential. Reporting flaring from coker 5C3 (P8V Lift) Due to start-up. Late report - just found it. H2S flare from plant 16 -2 upset - late report, problems with program, was showing <0.5 Tonne. R22 released from building 326 H-Vac. No figure yet, system not recharged. Reporting incinerator stack furnace outage - lost fuel to furnace. App.4.2.6. Flaring at plant due to shut down for scheduled maintenance. Purged to flare. Reporting liquid sulfur spill, solidified now & will be cleaned up & disposed of per approval. Reporting spill of sodium hydroxide due to they removed tank and when sampled soil found elevated pH levels. Have removed first couple of feet of soil and treated it. Evaluating further remediation. Quantity unknown. Reporting upset on potable water clarifier due to chemical feed lines plugged off. OK in distribution system. Reporting they were excavating hole for new sewer line, found gasoline and stained soil. Don't know how much area affected, spill seems to be old. Probably a buried tank. Will find out area effected and clean up. Reporting spill of transformer oil due to leaky gasket on transformer. Spill cleaned up. Non-PCB oil. Transformer fixed.; Reporting transformer oil spill due to installing new transformer & pressure release tripped. No waterway effected, spill to ground & cleaned up. reporting a spill of gyps on, cause and amount unknown. occurred at power house, product will enter pond & be treated before being released to river. Reporting SO2 due to start up. Reporting 2 trailers on fire off the main site, at comp #4, Notification of black smoke near hwy. Reporting a release of freon from bldg 5. Amount and cause unknown. Reporting refrig release due to leak in liquid line to circular air unit, repaired. Reporting foam is discharge channel from polishing pond to river. Reporting flaring of SO2 due to instrumentation ion failure, corrected. Rec'd fax re: Monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions for Feb 1999.

94 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 94 94

51399 51401 51416 51423 51453 51499 51504 51537 51626 51674 51915

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

26-Mar-1999 26-Mar-1999 29-Mar-1999 28-Mar-1999 29-Mar-1999 31-Mar-1999 31-Mar-1999 3-Feb-1999 3-Apr-1999 5-Apr-1999 3-Apr-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Land Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Regulation/ Reporting Air







Caller reporting release of R-22, quantity unknown, due to loosened connection on an A/C unit in building 41X (office). Have isolated equipment. Air Caller reporting odour potential from mercaptan that is contained in underground piping attached to new camp. A years worth of mercaptan, occupied lines that had been evacuated with natural gas. Regulation/ Caller reporting that CEM has been reading low since April 03/99. No reason to suspect that they've been in Reporting violation of any limits. They will try and recover data. Problem seemed to be fixed this morning. more info in letter. Air Exceeded limit on incinerator stack due to unknown cause.


26 26 26 26 26.94 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 94 26

52029 52055 52109 52146 52294 52330 52349 52365 52454 52464 52480 52482 52532 52663 52665 52725 52818 52860 52891 52898 52914 52918 52943 52951 52981 53033 53050 53072

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude; Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

12-Apr-1999 14-Feb-1999 15-Apr-1999 14-Apr-1999 18-Apr-1999 12-Apr-1999 6-Apr-1999 19-Apr-1999 20-Apr-1999 21-Apr-1999 22-Apr-1999 21-Apr-1999 22-Apr-1999 25-Apr-1999 26-Apr-1999 23-Apr-1999 27-Apr-1999 29-Apr-1999 1-Mar-1999 23-Apr-1999 30-Apr-1999 26-May-1998 1-Mar-1999 30-Apr-1999 2-May-1999 3-May-1999 3-May-1999 4-May-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air

Reporting a release of refrig due to unknown cause & amount, both being investigated. Have not been following the intent of air monitoring directive, reporting 24hr ambient H2S. Ref #78301 & #79839. Reporting release of R22, cause unknown. They were commissioning equipment that was charged at factory and noticed that the charge was gone. Equipment was chiller 2 for bldg 8-2PEB-1. Reporting a release of R 22 from a H-VAC unit in BLDG. 82-PAD1. Amount unknown, still investigating. Investigating cause of ambient exceedance station #3.; RSL ambient exceedance, investigating source. No source found yet. Reporting salty water discharge to ground when dewatering gravel pits. Discharge to swampy stagnant area in bush. Reporting flaring in excess of 1 tonne from coker unit. The sponge oil column flared. Unsure exactly why. Release of R-22 from Energy service bldg due to blown gasket.

Regulation/ Reporting monitoring problem on flue gas stack, plant 37, ongoing for 24hrs.lnstrument tee working on it. Reporting Opacity readings may not be correct. Air Reporting SO2 due to start up proceedure on Plant 11-2. Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Land Air Air Venting from tank 20D33 in the tank farm. Venting occurred at 01:15 hrs. Major plant upset. This was caused when wet gas compressor tripped due to lube oil problems. Release of freon from Admin. Bldg.. Caused by cracked line. Suncor conduct 1999 turnaround tonight. This is a 28 day shutdown. They are depressing [depressuring] units and flaring. Flaring from plants 6 (H2) and 7 (unifiers). Flaring due to start-up of plant 11-1 (amine plant). Reporting spill of gypsum that went into their coke pit due to faulty valve. Was driving home past Pond 2-3 and noticed a visible whitish vapour fog and really strong HC odour. Freon release of R22 that leaked out of an A/C unit. Looking into it. Amount unknown and reason unknown.

Regulation/ Rec' d fax re: Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions report for March 99. Reporting Air Reporting they were flaring butane from 5C 13/15 vessel. Just came across incident in data from April 23, 1999. Release due to PSV lift. Land Reporting spill of gypsum slurry due to problems when shutting down slurry line to repair leak. Regulation/ They have changed their reporting for air monitoring from hourly to daily exceedances and several from last Reporting year were found that caller was told to report now. Regulation/ Reporting they are in process of taking plant down for 10 days. There is an increased odour potential from Reporting mainly tank farm. Air Plant going through catalyst activation, gas to be flared is slightly sour.; Re: 84210, flaring complete this morning at 0630. SO2 values to come. Air Reporting flaring off vessel 5C12. mat be greater than 1 tonne. PSV lifted but has re-seated. flaring has stopped. Air Reporting release of naphtha from NRU due to feed pump trip. Back on line now. Air Air Reporting SO2, analysis of flare gas sample indicated an emission rate of 10t/day, expected results of 3T/day. Don't have start or end time. Reporting flaring incident similar details to incident reported in AM. The feed to the NRU tripped, quantity unknown at this time.









26 26 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 20809

53184 53233 53296 53330 53336 53337 53340 53349 53390 53413 53551 53600 53664 53679 53681 53727 53781 53783 53792 53794 53817 53823 53825 53882 53943

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

6-May-1999 5-May-1999 14-Feb-1999 6-May-1999 7-May-1999 26-Apr-1999 6-May-1999 7-May-1999 8-May-1999 9-May-1999 10-May-1999 11-May-1999 12-May-1999 13-May-1999 13-May-1999 14-May-1999 15-May-1999 14-May-1999 16-May-1999 16-May-1999 17-May-1999 17-May-1999 17-May-1999 18-May-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

Caller reporting odour potential-operations are diverting dirty diluent recovery water due to a hydraulic problem in a line to the NRU. Also, a second set of results of flare sample indicate close correlation to expected results. Reporting a tank venting hydrocarbon vapours due to PSV lifted, as material was hot going into tank. Reporting HC release from NRU due to feed pump trip. received fax reporting eight 24hr averages for H2S exceeding Limits set out in Ambient Air Quality Guidelines. Late report due to misinterpretation of which regulation they were to follow. Reporting H2S due to operations took a bank of heat exchangers out & this caused sour condensate to go to sumps. Reporting an emergency outage of the superclause in the SRU. A badly damaged distributor was found. 3 rd sample taken from flare stack has determined mercaptan being incinerated producing SO2. Started at beginning of shutdown & expected to occur until end of shutdown. Reporting spill of gypsum slurry into the coke pit area due to problems with discharge pipe & pump. Reporting flaring event, quantity unknown but expected to exceed 1ton/day due to related start up of the sour water stripper. Reporting the ongoing flaring of butane from the fractionator unit. Reporting the flaring on butane from the fractionator unit where the SO2 content is expected to exceed 1 t/day. Continue to flare butane due to pending turn around. Continuing flaring butane from 5C-13-5C15. Trace amounts of mercaptan. Flaring from SC-13 and 15 butane, will exceed the 1 ton SO2 reportable limit. Will be ongoing until May 2325. Reporting butane flaring from SC13 & 5C15, on-going. Reporting hydrocarbon vapour due to naphtha Recovery Unit tripped. No odour complaints rec'd. Notification of butane flaring, on-going issue. Update to cont. flaring of butane from 5C-13 & 5C-15. will cont till May 23-25. Have an approval with water resources under the water act to dredge an intake. Samples were to be taken during the operation but were not. Reporting an odour potential from pumps 34-G & 35 used to remove water from sulfur tank farm to pond #1, tailings, this will be ongoing for two days. Cont. flaring from SC-13 & 5C-lS will cont. until May 23 - 25. Releasing hydrocarbon vapour from the extraction NRU plant, between 0503 and 0509 due to a tripped feed pump. still flaring butane from units 5C-13 & 5C-15. Reporting release of R-22 from 2 A/C units in Administration Building due to a leaky condenser and a leaky evaporation coil. Being repaired and recharged. Reporting HC vapours from their NRU and extraction due to the field pump that tripped. Investigating into it. Reporting spill of tailings water due to line plugged up on thickener causing it to back up. Contained in a 10m radius. Cleaned up immediately and returned to system. Late due to caller had to investigate. INFORMATION REMOVED - Last sentence blanked out Reporting flaring with butane and some H2S ongoing since beginning of turnaround, and will go on until May 23/99. Reporting a spill of pond water that started On Apr 12/99 and went until the 24th. was discovered on Apr 15 and was tested. The water goes to the waste water system and then to river. Didn't know any quantities at time it happened and thought insignificant. Reporting butane flaring due to plant turn around. Freon release due to a control valve leaking in unit #31 in the Energy Services Bldg.

Albian Sands 18-May-1999

94 94

53968 53970

Suncor Suncor

18-May-1999 18-May-1999

Industry Industry

Notification Release

Air Surface Water Air Air

94 94

54057 54062

Suncor Suncor

19-May-1999 19-May-1999

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged


94 94 94 94

54101 54103 54140 54155

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

20-May-1999 20-May-1999 21-May-1999 17-May-1999

Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Impact

Air Air Air

Had SRU on line and lost it. superclaus was off line when it happened, no incin. violations though - flared the whole plant. Butane flaring continued. Butane flaring - ongoing.

26 94

54237 54242

Syncrude Suncor

5-May-1999 22-May-1999

Public Complaint (was incorrectly coded as Industry, corrected 26 march 2013) Industry Release Industry Release

Non[redacted]....SO2 ....[redacted] Categorized /other

Land Land

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 18942 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94

54294 54296 54323 54337 54350 54458 54460 54462 54482 54507 54513 54576 54596 54603 54607 54658 54721 54722 54808 54812 54814

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

22-May-1999 23-May-1999 24-May-1999 24-May-1999 25-May-1999 27-May-1999 27-May-1999 27-May-1999 27-May-1999 27-May-1999 27-May-1999 10-May-1999 27-May-1999 28-May-1999 26-May-1999 23-May-1999 26-May-1999 29-May-1999 31-May-1999 31-May-1999 1-Jun-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

leak on #3 compressor isolated; released coolant. volume will be reported. Spill of gypsum slurry is ongoing, running to the coke pile area then to wastewater pond a patch on slurry line blew off. The sump pump cannot keep up & what it can ' t handle is going to the coke pile & pond. Welder called in to repair. The butane flaring has ended on May 22/99. Starting up hydrotreaters & are flaring, possibly > 1 tonne SO2. Flaring, brought vessel down for repairs. High level in vessel caused flaring. Flaring from 10C-2 due to start up of unit. Reporting SO2 on incinerator in upgrading caused by BF4A; 8F4B blowers. Cause being investigated. Reporting SO2 as superclaus off line on 8-19 incinerator, cause unknown & being investigated. Reporting flaring over 1 tonne due to anti surge valve failure on 8PIC1.

Reporting SO2 due to train 1 into superclaus tripped & train 2 swung out of superclause into 8F10 due to PIC1 blowers. Regulation/ In contact with AEP, not following standard method for NH3 sampling but using new method called INOReporting chromatograph. Air Reporting SO2 due to excursion on incinerator stack. Checking to see if superclaus down as limit is 3 if it is down. Air Reporting flaring on May 10/99 due to gas oil start-up plant 15-1. Not sure why late report, thought already reported. Air Release of freon R22 from Plant 5, Building 9, AC unit. Volume unknown. Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Reporting SO2 due to lost superclaus. Reporting high opacities cause unknown, from power house stack - plant 31. Reporting flaring of H2S due to start up of hydro treater. Late due to they thought they were flaring natural gas. Reporting spill of 73% caustic due to deterioration of grouting between the drain pipe and the cement. Amount was calculated for event occurring for last 6 mo. SO2 exceedance on incinerator due to CEM problems. Numbers maybe wrong but reported anyway. 7-K-20 trip caused PSV to lift on 7-C-24, didn't reset until blocked out. Extraction NRU tripped resulting in HC vapour release. Prob. due to vacuum pump trip. Repaired and all is ok. Reporting potential odour problem. Too much slop water in south tank farm.


26 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26

54945 54949 54954 55054 55099 55109 55347 55389 55466 55799 55891 55898 55978 56044 56057 56083 56101 56213 56308 56319 56353 56355 56369 56382

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

1-Jun-1999 25-May-1999 1-Jun-1999 2-Jun-1999 1-Apr-1999 1-Apr-1999 7-Jun-1999 30-May-1999 9-Jun-1999 11-Jun-1999 13-Jun-1999 13-Jun-1999 15-Jun-1999 15-Jun-1999 15-Jun-1999 15-Jun-1999 15-Jun-1999 11-Jun-1999 12-Jun-1999 15-Jun-1999 19-Jun-1999 12-Jun-1999 18-Jun-1999 18-Jun-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Impact Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land Land Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Surface Water Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air

Release of NRU. Caused because of the vac pump tripping. Gypsum slurry released FGD plant pH of slurry was 7. Some may have drained to wastewater. Reporting gypsum tank overflow. Trying to repair leak in vacuum breaker, had PLC problems. odour potential as of 1800hr, continuation of REF#83760. Rec'd fax re: Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for April 1999. Rec' d fax re: Monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions for April 1999. Freon release of R22 due to relief valve malfunction. Replaced valve and reset. Quantity unknown. Reporting high opacities when going through data for May. Reason unknown. Arrived at Syncrude and it smells terribly of H2S. Wants to know why the smell is there and where it is coming from. Noticed red color to creek. It seems unusually high amount of iron sediment. No direct input from plant site, still investigating. Reporting flaring from the 12-1 sulfur plant when operators were conduction some electrical bus swinging which caused sulfur train to trip. Reporting small leak in gypsum slurry line, release is ongoing, because the back up system is down for repairs. Believe cause to be a blown pump seal. Calling in mechanics to repair back up system. flaring violation Reporting flaring associated with plant start up. Bringing all cokers on line in next 24hrs. will be flaring coker gas until 1600hr. Lost steam from the powerhouse; brought the refinery and most of the plant down. Flaring.; Update on flaring event. Refinery down completely, lost all coke fired boilers and FGD came down, gypsum spill. Flare flame out; plant not operational at the time. SO2 exceedances due to steam failure in the plant and shut down.

Reporting flaring >1.8 t/day from 10C23, calculated monthly.; Odour potential. Extraction vents going to atmosphere instead of VRU. Centrifuge problems. Land Reporting spill of gypsum slurry due to tank overflow from mechanical seal leak. Still investigating why late report. Regulation/ Reporting 3 low temperature incidents on incinerator stack due to major upset when they lost all boilers. Reporting Air Flow meter on CEM plugged yesterday. Are required to report when down >24 hours. Air Freon release of r-22 from HVAC unit in 10-PEB-3. Air Surface Water R22 lost in bldg. 142. Cause and volume unknown, will be in the letter.

94 26 94 94 26 94

56446 56462 56471 56502 56510 56580

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

21-Jun-1999 20-Jun-1999 22-Jun-1999 1-Jun-1999 22-Jun-1999 24-Jun-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Reporting noticed conductivity going up a bit in creek that runs near tailings pond. Did walk around & noticed groundwater flow & are looking into a possibility of seepage from this flow. Samples have been taken & no results yet. Air Flaring 8c-9 unit in sulfur plant. PSV lifted most of the day. Estimated 80 tonnes. High pressure due to amine. 1 foam over and is now repaired. Land Reporting a spill of diesel on lease due to a person filling a diesel tank on truck and drove off with nozzle in tank. Will clean up and recycle product. Air Reporting flaring what they believe is more than 1 tonne of sour gas from 7C24 due to a leaking valve. Regulation/ They had authorization from AENV to haul coke to pond 4. That authorization expired on June 1, 1999, and Reporting they are still continuing to haul coke. Air 11-1 T4C contactor foamed. Required H2S venting. Surface Water Gypsum slurry spill occurred at 1800 today, when a seal water pump failed. Approx 30,000 gallons spilled to coke pit and could make it way to waste water pond.


94 26 26 26 94 94 94

56923 56934 56939 56968 57109 57116 57131

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

29-Jun-1999 28-Jun-1999 29-Jun-1999 30-Jun-1999 1-Jul-1999 1-Jul-1999 1-Jul-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Regulation/ Odour potential, VRU shut down due to maintenance on system. Will be down for 12hrs. Reporting Air Follow-up from odour complaint. A transfer from one tank to another of untreated naphtha and flow agitated the material and caused it to vent. Regulation/ Reporting that on the 21-K-2 vapour recovery compressor on the C-8, C-9 vessels, the demister pads are fouled Reporting so they are shut down for an estimated 18-24 hrs. Air 11-1-C-6 tripped to flare due to high level amine foaming. Land Reporting gypsum spill into coke pit due to pump tripped. Pump has been fixed. Regulation/ Superclause (?) down from 0915 - 0923 because of SRU train #1 bounce. Cause of bounce unknown. Reporting Air Reporting emission monitoring stack #31 has been off line in excess of 24hrs due to communication cable that was cut for main. Analyzer still on & data still available.; CEM equipment still down - can't get a hold of vendor in u.s. Ref # 87070. Will keep trying to get vendor. Regulation/ Three tanks venting intermittently 20-D-14 treated naphtha 15&16 untreated heavy gas oil. Air monitoring. van Reporting is picking up HC vapours, tanks are down for servicing. Regulation/ Notification of taking 21K2 (natural gas compressor) down for maintenance - 10-12hrs.Must report if down Reporting longer than 4hrs. Air Odour complaint - strong HC odours. Wind from West. Air Air Reporting release of freon due to unknown cause.

26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 94 26 26 94 26 94 94 26

57298 57332 57361 57363 57406 57416 57431 57497 57602 57626 57650 57654 57656 57660 57770 57815 57853

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

4-Jul-1999 6-Jul-1999 6-Jul-1999 5-Jul-1999 6-Jul-1999 7-Jul-1999 1-May-1999 7-Jul-1999 8-Jul-1999 3-Nov-1998 10-Jul-1999 11-Jul-1999 11-Jul-1999 11-Jul-1999 13-Jul-1999 14-Jul-1999 12-Jul-1999

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Flaring getting close to limits on Coker 82. Flaring off debutanizer C-16 due to exchanger filing being cleaned . Have cut some feed rates to minimize. Air Reporting an odour potential due to high levels of hydrocarbons in the sour water. Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for May 1999. Reporting Air Reporting flaring of SO2 from the coker drums area due to high pressure caused valve to open. Air Reporting flaring from 1410-1416 at 5P1C17 - from a psv on a fractionator due to high temps. possible over for SO2 1 ton limit. Regulation/ Rec'd fax 1998 to May water reports from Nov. Reporting Air Release of an unknown amount of R-22 from an a/c unit. Air Land Air Update from letter sent in to E&M on June 24 regarding flaring from butanizer. Started flaring HC and will vent until July 14. While conducting some work at the millennium upgrade site, located an UST with possible soil contamination.

26 94 94 94 94

57885 57910 57915 57992 58108

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

13-Jul-1999 14-Jul-1999 14-Jul-1999 14-Jul-1999 15-Jul-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Freon release in A/C unit in extraction bldg. of R-22. Amount unknown.; Freon release from an A/C unit. amount unknown. Land Reporting chlorinated water release due to struck potable water line. Flow rate 400 gals/minute. Regulation/ Reporting had 19-F-2 flare outage from 0920-1012, contravention of sec 4.1.4 of their approval. Having Reporting extreme upsets in upgrader last night and this morning. Air The 21K2 natural gas compressor was shutdown due to discharge line plugging. will be down for 24 hours. Hydrogen and natural gas released.; Caller advising that the 21K2 natural gas compressor has been started up. Closing out #87506. Air The PSV on bitumen tank #9 is venting to the atmosphere intermittently. Operations believe line may be plugged.; Closing out incident. Ref# 87508. Venting problem has been corrected. Air Reporting SO2 exceedances from the old powerhouse stack. Due to high SO2 content in the coker gas. Air Land Land Reporting flaring from 8-PIC-l (SRU) due to upset conditions. Reporting a diesel spill due to open valve, cleaned up. Reporting 2 gypsum slurry releases due to unknown reason - under investigation. Spill onsite into coke pit. No


94 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 94

58170 58232 58425 58533 58605 58648 58793 58794 58947 58985 58986 59009 59048 59133 59235 59249 59283 59354 59437 59484 59580 59624 59777 59833 59975 60016 60035 60102

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

15-Jul-1999 21-Jul-1999 19-Jul-1999 20-Jul-1999 22-Jul-1999 15-Jul-1999 25-Jul-1999 25-Jul-1999 28-Jul-1999 29-Jul-1999 29-Jul-1999 1-Jun-1999 29-Jul-1999 2-Aug-1999 4-Aug-1999 3-Aug-1999 4-Aug-1999 4-Aug-1999 6-Aug-1999 6-Aug-1999 7-Aug-1999 9-Aug-1999 12-Aug-1999 12-Aug-1999 16-Aug-1999 16-Aug-1999 16-Aug-1999 17-Aug-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Land Air Air Air Waste Air Land Land Air Land

waterway effected. Caller reporting a gypsum slurry release from the gypsum tank, 6000 gallons released from 1400-1500hrs. Cause due to pump problems. Reporting a release of R-22 Freon amount unknown. Reporting Flaring due to upset. Reporting 24 hour average H2S concentration at WBEA Station #3. Still investigating the cause. Discovered a half of drum of 68C catalyst outside FGD building & moved it to hazardous waste yard. Drums filled approx 2 months ago. Reporting SO2 due to coming out of upset & swung superclaus too soon. Notification of a spill of degreasing fluid in warehouse, spill went to wastewater system. Found a deposit of elemental sulfur when digging trench for fire water pipeline. After site evaluation came to the conclusion it may be a very large deposit. Had a release of coolant in the main admin bldg.

2) Gypsum spill from Energy Services to coke pit at top end of wastewater treatment system due to unknown cause. Air Reporting 2 incidents: 1) odour potential due to diversion of sour water to pond 1, from high levels of slop water from grader, working to fix it. Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: Monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions for June 1999. Reporting Air Reporting two freon releases: 1 in Plant 10 & the other in JEB unit. Air Air Land Air Air Flaring from coke drums - depressurizing. Reporting potential release from NRU causing naphtha vapours. This release is due to them dong some electrical switching. Reporting they struck oil from oil pipeline on plant, leaking HVGO, product oil. Being excavated now & will haul to landfill. Amount unknown. Valves closed on abandoned pipeline. Update to public complaint regarding NH3 odours. Conducted ambient monitoring between gate and Buffalo view point, all ok. NRU down from plant #6 extraction.

Regulation/ Reporting licence condition violation, extended waterworks system & not monitoring residual chlorine or Reporting bacteria. Air Freon release from 41B chiller A/C unit. Land Reporting a spill of tailings water onto plant and vegetation due to a vent line left open during start up. Vent closed and spill cleaned up. Regulation/ Maintenance of CO boiler, will be diverting overhead gas (81 burner) to atmosphere. Have to do a tube repair Reporting on boiler. Est. 16hrs down time.; Ref#86244 Closing off diversion of overhead coker gas. Regulation/ Tomorrow at 0600 taking VRU off line to clean 21G54 pumps. Odour potential for approx 8hrs. Reporting Air Continuation of initial report: BC9 pressure safety valve passing as a result of amine unit upset.; 8-C-1 amine unit contactor surge and PRV lifted and went to flare instead of SRU. Stack temp may have been low as well. Air Release of R-22 at bldg 323 from H-vac #41-16-R50 due to capillary tube leak. Regulation/ Reporting Surface Water Land venting from plant#4 out of VRU due to upgrader 21-C-6 vessel plugging and tripping blower to VRU. Sampling observation wells east of tailings pond & noticed stream, not sure if natural so sampled. Prelim data high for chloride & sodium. Believe it may be seepage. Reporting sulfur spill at truck loading area at plant site due to faulty cam lock. Site is being cleaned up.


26 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94

60156 60165 60417 60516 60518 60585 60661 60666 60667 60882 60923 60947 60972 61027 61061 61091 61156 61402 61439 61442 61454 61616 61670 61757 61792 61827 61839 61888 61985 62224 62233 62241

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

18-Aug-1999 18-Aug-1999 24-Aug-1999 24-Aug-1999 25-Aug-1999 26-Aug-1999 26-Aug-1999 26-Aug-1999 26-Aug-1999 31-Aug-1999 1-Sep-1999 2-Sep-1999 31-Jul-1999 3-Sep-1999 13-Aug-1999 5-Sep-1999 3-Sep-1999 11-Sep-1999 12-Sep-1999 12-Sep-1999 12-Sep-1999 15-Sep-1999 14-Sep-1999 17-Sep-1999 16-Sep-1999 17-Sep-1999 18-Sep-1999 19-Sep-1999 22-Sep-1999 25-Sep-1999 26-Sep-1999 1-Aug-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Surface Water Regulation/ Reporting Air

Flaring from 16 -1 CI sour water treater caused by oil in feed. Reporting a release of R22 from Drag line 3 due to cracked line. Volume unknown, but will recharge tomorrow & report volume. Reporting HC vapour due to their NRU was down to facilitate a bus swing. Back up. Caller reporting SO2 flaring from the 7C-26 in the gas/oil hydrotreater. Caused when the 7K20 compressor failed. Caller reporting 5 flaring incidents due to upset conditions in the SRU. Reporting gypsum overflow. Cause unknown. Are investigating. Reporting flaring activity due to weak amine in the SRU, there is too much H2S in effluent so goes to flare. Reporting 2 incidents: 1) Hydrocarbon vapour release when the NRU tripped due to power failure. 2) Release of sour water to effluent pond.

Reporting that their SO2 analyzer has been down for greater than 24 hours from plant 31 due to a bearing on chopper that went. Odour potential off pond #1 due to starting 34-G-35 pumps to divert strip sour water to pond #1 for maintenance. Air Odour potential due to taking 20-D-30 tank out of service for 10yr inspection - for 4-5 days. Regulation/ received monthly summary of possible approval contraventions report for July 1999. Reporting Air A cocher valve was left open and there was a small release of H2S and sour hydrocarbons. Lasted for 1/23/4hrs. Odour potential. Air Flaring in excess of regular (12 t/d) due to high H2S gas rerouted to furnaces. Reason unknown.; Reporting flaring of SO2 due to the 5K1 tripping. still ongoing. Air While putting 5F2 (coker) on-line, PSV lifted, began to vent to flare until coker was stabilized. Air Notification of flaring, hole through bitumen feed line to unit (small fire) had to shut unit down. Air Odour potential-hydrocarbon vapours released from NRU. Due to an electrical failure on a feed pump. Air Compressor on line. Event ended at 2245; Compressor blew out on VRU. venting hydrocarbon and natural gas. Are replacing the compressor. Air Flaring while decompressing vessel 5-C-23 for maintenance. Through 3/4" line-will take till about 0800 tomorrow. Maybe >1 tonne. Regulation/ 20-D-9, bitumen tank appears to have had the rupture disk on roof vent blew. Will repair in morning. Reporting Air Reporting freon release from A/C Unit due to unknown cause. Amount unknown. Unit isolated for repair. Air Reporting freon release from bldg#325, Unit #41-24-R-2, (A/C Unit) . Amount unknown, due to broken fitting. Caller did not know reason for late report, he just found out today. Regulation/ NRU trip releasing H.C. vapours possible odour potential. NRU went down because of feed pump trip. Reporting Air Flared yesterday. for about 35 min. Acid Gas. Due to cleaning unit. Late due to discrepancy in amount flared. Reported 1.7 tonnes. Air Having problems with fractionator, going into 10 day shutdown - cokers, vac. unit, hydrotreaters and sulfur plant will all be flaring. VRU is being taken off line. Massive flaring event, lots of SO2. Air Plant is down, had flare out on flare 19-F-2. Also pumping sour water to ponds because NRU. Odour potential. Regulation/ Bldg 558-plant 6 unit lab-lab tech filling toluene bottle forgot to close valve, spilled toluene to floor. 253gal Reporting spilled. Doing air exchange - no loss to sewers. Air NRU out of service for repairs for 24 - 36 hours potential for odours. Regulation/ Reporting start up of plant & flaring is going on. Reporting Surface Chlorine levels in potable water from portable camp fell below approval limit. Flushing the system & Water increasing chlorine. Regulation/ Rec' d fax re: Monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions for Aug 1999. Nothing to Report.


94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26

62349 62360 62500 62549 62553 62578 62672 62703 62743 62778 62801 62833 62870 62883

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

28-Sep-1999 28-Sep-1999 1-Oct-1999 2-Oct-1999 3-Oct-1999 29-Sep-1999 4-Oct-1999 5-Oct-1999 6-Oct-1999 7-Oct-1999 8-Oct-1999 7-Oct-1999 9-Oct-1999 9-Oct-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Reporting Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Flow indicator between SF1630C & vessel 10C23 was open & sent sour gas to flare, cause under investigation. Reporting freon release in AC unit due to leaking line. Failure to report entire OTSG report to AENV as required from Approval. Flaring SO2, possibly over 1 ton, due to a leaking valve. Flaring SO2 due to start up. Reporting flaring SO2 due to valve open on flare line from vessel TC20. Unsure why it was open. Reporting flaring, PSV lifted due to blockage in a vapour line. Reporting SO2 due to rundown line to the coalescer became plugged & caused sulfur to go into incinerator burner. Reporting intermittent flaring due to light ends accumulation in process plant. Reporting flaring of SO2 from PSV on 5C 12 due to accumulation of light HC in process upset. Operations are working on the sour water unit, which caused some flaring activity. Quantity unknown. Reporting freon release discovered while doing main. on refrig. units. Recharged. Operations are flaring from 19E1 - Hydrocarbon plant from 0825-0840 due to high pressure in 5C18 and coater quenching a coke drum. Caller reporting a flaring event from plant 13 (naphtha Plant) due to power interruption, started at 1305, ongoing. Also, generator went down, expect to exceed the 1 Tonne SO2 limit.; Advising closure of flaring incident reported earlier. Ref # 91605. Caller complaining of odour from Syncrude, lots of flaring activity. received proposed outage of Suncor Energy, Oil Sands Flue Gas Desulfurization Plant. Forgot to report planned event - did a catalyst activation on 15-2 (gas/oil hydrotreater). Flaring. Notification of flaring sour fuel gas due to taking one system down, slight leak, for repair. Reporting low temp on incinerator stack 8F5 due to unknown cause at this time. Spill of naphtha due to plant shut down because of power failure. Unknown why late report. Vented HC and nitrogen from NRU for 10min due to power failure. Flaring from 1400-1600 due to sulfur plant 12-3 tripped because of electrical failure. Reporting release of naphtha HC vapours because vacuum pump tripped. Pump re-started & put back on-line. Flares 1951 and 1953 went out. Had large amount of steam in flare headers. Reporting refrig release due to leaking j joint on piping of refrig unit in computer room, repaired. Reporting SO2 due to electrical failure on sulfur plant. Reporting vapour release odour potential due to plant upset from pressure fluctuations. Caller reporting SO2 exceedance on the incinerator stack. Cause due to start-up of a coker.

26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 94

62887 63041 63119 63222 63321 63422 63471 63554 63597 63630 63692 63695 63876 64008 64018 64039 64098 64418

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

9-Oct-1999 1-Nov-1999 10-Oct-1999 18-Oct-1999 18-Oct-1999 9-Oct-1999 9-Oct-1999 22-Oct-1999 24-Oct-1999 23-Oct-1999 25-Oct-1999 22-Oct-1999 27-Oct-1999 30-Oct-1999 30-Oct-1999 31-Oct-1999 30-Sep-1999 7-Nov-1999

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Caller reporting SO2 exceedance on the incinerator stack. Cause related to instrumentation problems, still under investigation. Air Caller reporting that the NRU tripped, causing a release of naphtha and HC vapours 1314-1319, and 14261438. Cause unknown, under investigation. Regulation/ received monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for September, 1999. Reporting Regulation/ Took FGD down for 4 weeks, increased odour potential.


26 94 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 18942 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 26

64461 64483 64540 64658 64764 64782 64897 64901 65000 65001 65120 65171 65293 65324 65341 65349 65353 65380 65383 65392 65394 65396 65403 65441 65449 65564 65573 65784 65795 65800 65884

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

5-Nov-1999 9-Nov-1999 9-Nov-1999 11-Nov-1999 15-Nov-1999 13-Nov-1999 16-Nov-1999 16-Nov-1999 18-Nov-1999 18-Nov-1999 19-Nov-1999 23-Nov-1999 24-Nov-1999 25-Nov-1999 26-Nov-1999 25-Nov-1999 25-Nov-1999 18-Nov-1999 26-Nov-1999 26-Nov-1999 26-Nov-1999 26-Nov-1999 27-Nov-1999 28-Nov-1999 28-Nov-1999 30-Nov-1999 1-Dec-1999 4-Dec-1999 4-Dec-1999 4-Dec-1999 6-Dec-1999

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Reporting Air

Reporting 2 flaring incidents, acid gas was flared to the H2S flare on the sulfuric acid plant. PSV lifted due to over-pressuring. Regulation/ Reporting potable water distribution system peaked causelack of floc feed to the clarifier due to large demand Reporting on distribution system. Air Release of freon due to leaking fitting. Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Flaring greater than 1 tonne SO2 due to a pump failure in upgrader system. Reporting their flare went out when the pilot light malfunctioned. Still investigating. Reporting flaring off HPSG due to bringing down unit to overhaul compressor. Amount unknown. Flaring from 7C-26. Bring up gas/oil hydrotreater. Estimate 30 tonnes flared. Plant 6 NRU tripped that caused bypass of the NRU and naphtha vapours to ponds. Reporting 2 freon releases: 2) from Building 8-R130C. Reporting 2 freon releases: 1) from Building 41D13. Reporting flaring from vessel SC12 due to over pressure in vessel. Unsure why there is overpressure. Release from NRU-down at +/ - 30 bbl. diluent naphtha released because of overload to lines.

Flared acid gas from 11-1-C4 due to trip on sulfur plant 12-1. From 1015-1530. Reporting that they had their leak alarm go off at the Aurora pipeline and shut down to investigate and thinks it is a software glitch. NRU psv 116 lifted to atmosphere releasing HC vapours 0755- 0843, due to over pressuring of the decanter. Repaired. Air Flaring due to plant 15-1 overpressure causing psv lift. Contaminant was ammonia gas. Land Calling to report gypsum slurry spill, starting up FGD plant having trouble balancing water volumes 500,000 gallons. all to coke pit - waste water pond. Regulation/ Conditions of their new amendment for their approval requires that W.W. limits, VRU downtime, and Reporting SuperClaus downtime to be reported. Regulation/ Reporting outage of SuperClaus due to loss of steam to power plant. Reporting Air Reporting flaring from plant 16 -0 due to oil in sour water caused unit to overpressure and flare. Air Reporting SO2, may not be true reading due to instrument techs. Air NRU naphtha product pumps gassed up, no estimate of volume.

Regulation/ Super clause outage, not sure about fully operational clause. Reporting Air High SO2 due to regenerator liquid carry over which caused a high level trip which routed gas to flare. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air VRU outage due to equipment maintenance resulting in minor increase in HC vapour venting. Reporting freon release due to cracked weld, repairing. Caller reporting flaring caused by foaming inside the 11-1 regenerator. For 15 min 0525-0540. Reporting a flaring of coker gas. Operations were conducting some work on the natural gas line into the upgrader. Reporting low stack top temp due to incinerator trip from fuel gas problems between power & upgrader. Reporting flaring due to starting up a reboiler. Flaring, massive unit instability.


26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 18942 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 26

65913 65915 65927 65929 65960 65965 66099 66101 66154 66161 66213 66219 66264 66331 66348 66396 66445 66535 66537 66556 66582 66584 66591 66666 66793 66797 66814 66841 66908 67013 67146 67148

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

7-Dec-1999 7-Dec-1999 7-Dec-1999 8-Dec-1999 7-Dec-1999 8-Dec-1999 11-Dec-1999 11-Dec-1999 13-Dec-1999 14-Dec-1999 14-Dec-1999 14-Dec-1999 16-Dec-1999 17-Dec-1999 17-Dec-1999 18-Dec-1999 14-Nov-1999 22-Dec-1999 22-Dec-1999 23-Dec-1999 25-Dec-1999 20-Dec-1999 24-Dec-1999 29-Dec-1999 2-Jan-2000 31-Dec-1999 3-Jan-2000 3-Jan-2000 4-Jan-2000 2-Jan-2000 8-Jan-2000 8-Jan-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Land

Reporting naphtha hydrocarbon release due to power supply failure. Reporting SO2 due to high liquid level caused high level trip which re-routes acid gas to flare. Flaring, shut down unit to do maintenance. Flared from sour water treater, became unstable due to high overhead temperatures. Flared due to power problems. Flaring lost train 2 & superclaus Amine unit flared - acid gas due to foaming. R 22 release - leak on unit. Reporting HC vapour release from plant 6 vent system due to high pressure because of repairs on compressors. Flaring H2S gas from plant 16-2 vessel C-1 while bringing unit on-line during start-up. Flaring at plant 37 due to a lost compressor. will exceed 1 tonne SO2. Started at 0600hrs - ongoing. Spill of naphtha diluent, amount unknown, into diked area. Caused by an instrument failure. NRU will be down during clean up due to ignition potential. Odour potential. SO2 approval exceedance from incinerator stack 8FS caused by an upset in the amine unit. SO2 exceedance on incinerator stack due to frozen instrumentation. Has been repaired.

Reporting a spill of raw sewage at the STP when they were filling a holding tank and instrument control problems resulted in a spill. Air Flaring due to tower was flooded. Regulation/ Flow meter used to measure polishing pond daily flows was down due to work being done in area. Reporting Air Reporting release of methyl acetylene due to a leaking fitting, volume unknown. Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Reporting freon release, replaced isolation valves. Reporting freon release on sand cycle control unit, repaired & recharged. SO2 exceedance on incinerator due to instrument problems in upgrading. Low temp on incinerator 8 F10 due to furnace tripped 15min intervals from 0530-1100 Dec.20. #'5 will be in letter.; Flaring caused by main charge pump failure causing cascading problems. Flaring from 5K-l incinerator. Spill of diluent naphtha in i4E11 extraction plant. Spill caused by leaking valve. Quantity was unknown but greater than 10 barrels. All contained and clean up underway. Reporting release of R22 from refrigeration due to unknown cause, discovered when responding to alarm. Tank 20-D-6 vent opened causing release of naphtha vapours, may be due to pressure build-up. Odour potential. Can't get workers on tank to re seat disc as SCBA. Wind SE at 3.5kph. Reporting odour potential; vapour recovery unit down due to coupling to compressor. Looking for another coupler. Flare flame out, 19-F-1. Don't know why flare went out, igniters not; working, had to light with flare gun. Will monitor ambient stations for odours. Tank 6 venting, naphtha vapours due to PSV lifting and not reseating. Caller reporting a flaring outage from 0800-1400. Believes this may have caused the elevated ambient readings at Mannix Station. HC flare. SO2 potential - not sure on conc. of stream. Due to guard reactor bypass and change out on plant 15-1 scheduled maintenance. HC vapours to be flared while plant down. (Ref# 87167 closed at 0300). Caller reporting a small leak from the bitumen tank noticed at midnight. Odour potential advisory. Caller reporting flaring activity started at 1245, for about 1hr. The amine unit #112A1B is plugged, are flaring sour fuel gas. Flare is smoky. visible from road advisory.


26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 26

67172 67178 67231 67297 67316 67324 67342 67449 67498 67618 67688 67690 67726 67767 68014 68017 68163 68406 68437 68493 68539

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

10-Jan-2000 10-Jan-2000 10-Jan-2000 12-Jan-2000 13-Jan-2000 12-Jan-2000 13-Jan-2000 15-Jan-2000 15-Jan-2000 19-Jan-2000 20-Jan-2000 20-Jan-2000 21-Jan-2000 18-Jan-2000 28-Jan-2000 27-Jan-2000 1-Dec-2000 5-Feb-2000 6-Feb-2000 8-Feb-2000 8-Feb-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Release Impact Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Land

Reporting tank 14 (sour naphtha) venting to atmosphere due to unknown reason, investigating. Local odour on site. Notification of tank 10 (dry bitumen) hydrocarbon vapour believe due to seal gone on hatch. Naphtha Hydrotreater flaring during 13-1 start up. Sewage leak-believe due to leak in holding tank. Cleaning tank to go in and repair. All on site. Discovered today, happened between Dec 17 and Jan 04. Venting from two tanks; #10 Bitumen tank and #14 untreated naphtha tank in sour service. Flare out today 0830-0915 due to high seal level. Plant 19-F-3. Stack temp violations due to had a bounce in system and had a couple units go down.

26 94 26 94 94 26 26 26 94 18942

68582 68607 68718 68722 68781 68883 68885 68893 68950 69002

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

9-Feb-2000 10-Feb-2000 12-Feb-2000 13-Feb-2000 15-Feb-2000 16-Feb-2000 16-Feb-2000 15-Feb-2000 17-Feb-2000 15-Feb-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Intermittent flaring during catalyst change on 22-1. Reporting a release of H2S/tar sands mixture from the Steep Bank Bridge. Caused by a leak in pipeline that was being worked on. Small amount spilled to ditch area. Regulation/ Plant #4 VRU was down for greater than 5 hours caused by problems with upgrader system. Reporting Air Flaring acid gas from units 16-1, 16-2 mostly NH3 being flared. possible over limit. Air SO2 violation caused by a ADA malfunction on sulfur train. The CEM was out of service being calibrated, not sure if they were over limit. will calculate to be sure. Air Reporting that one of their heavy hauler trucks caught fire. Tires are burning so there is black smoke. Info call. Surface An effluent sample taken Jan.18/00 failed a bio-assay for daphnia. The failed sample is not an approval Water requirement. All other effluent tests were fine. Land Reporting oil spill of untreated heavy gas oil onto ground and leak is ongoing. A piece of ice fell off tank and sheered a line off tank wall. Regulation/ Reporting that the NTU reading of treated potable water exceeded. Reason due to an upset in their clarifier. Reporting Regulation/ Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions report for Dec 1999 Reporting Air Flaring H2S due to sulfur plant trip due to faulty indication on flow controller Cl2. Land Reporting sulfur spill, at loading dock, due to truck loading pump. Air Notification of bitumen tank 20D10 vapour recovery control valve is stuck open & causes excess natural gas to pour into tank & vent. Repairing & no odour complaints. Air Advising that boiler is up and running and diversion has ended.; Reporting opacity exceedance due to boiler problems and instrumentation.; Reporting a diversion of CO overhead gas to the atmosphere caused by a trip of the CO boiler #1. Air Reporting a capacitor at plant site in power house caught fire due to being overloaded. Unit had PCB in it. Air Reporting Flare 19F3 was out from 0730 to 1045hrs today for unknown reason. Air Caller reporting hydrocarbon vapours from tank#10 when product was transferred from tank #8, 1500-1600. Operator pumped bitumen too fast during transfer. Vapour was visible. Air Reporting that pilot light on the 19F-3 flare was out from 0440-0455. Snuffed out due to high pressure on 5C18. Air Report 19F-3 flare out for 5 min due to high pressure on 5C-18. Caller thinks there was hydrocarbon going up stack. Air Small hole found in roof diluent bitumen tank, some odours found on plant site.; Closing out incident, ended at 1800hrs Feb 19/00. Air Flaring, new off gas vacuum compressor was down for a lube oil change.; Close out flaring of sour gas from 37K3. Ref. #92742 Air Wonders if it was reported to us that a few workers got sick from gas coming into vent at the 41Y bldg. Thinks it may have been H2S. Air At 1845 it appeared flame went out on 19F-3. It was confirmed at 1900hrs. Are relighting it. Regulation/ Required to check flow from polishing pond daily. Have lost data for Feb. 15-17, 2000. Are looking into Reporting recovering data.


94 94 94 26 94 26 94 26

69132 69134 69234 69370 69372 69529 69575 69581

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

17-Feb-2000 14-Feb-2000 23-Feb-2000 26-Feb-2000 26-Feb-2000 29-Feb-2000 2-Mar-2000 29-Feb-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release

Land Air Air Land Air Air Surface Water Air

Reporting unknown amount of sewage from collapsed underground pipe. Contained, no off site impact. Reporting ref rig release. Flaring sweet fuel gas due to one of the large boilers is down for repairs. Flare will be visible as far as Ft MacKay for approx 4 days . No ambient or emission limits will be exceeded. HC release due to a recycle water pump tripping, small amount. Cause under investigation. confirmed flare was in fact lit. Continue to investigate why they thought flare was out.; Reporting flame out on flare stack, still investigating. Reporting flaring due to compressor discharge went down on high temperature. Reporting spill of raw water to river due to leak in raw water line. Leak is at a coupling, repairs underway. Reporting flaring due to fire on coker 8-1, unit has not come back into production.; 8-1 diverter stack swung to atmosphere, venting coker is 2/3 of way through shutdown, most of material being vented is steam, low potential for off site odours.; Tank venting HC vapours due to material from coker 8-1 is going into a hot tank, VRU won't handle light material.; Diverting coker gas to diverter stack on 8-l.Coker was in shut down mode resulting in diversion.; Reporting release from PVSV tank 20-D-51. Valve lifted releasing bitumen vapours. Very small amount of HC vapour. Reporting refrig release due to maintenance of unit found and repaired leak. Opacity from main stack due to plant 12-1 shut down - redirected tail gas to CO boiler #2 to bring opacity down. Reporting flaring due to line to coker 8-2 plugged and diverted to flare. Flaring due to valve 80V56 not fully closed. Leaking sour gas to flare. Reporting that a garbage truck brought in domestic waste onto site which is a contravention of approval. Still investigating. Reporting flaring from plant 11-1, combination of natural and acid gas. Unit is shut down for turn-around. Small fire in plant 15-1 (heavy oil plant) on F-1 hydrogen furnace caused flaring. Amount unknown, flaring started at 0400hrs. They will update today. Reporting flaring from H2S flare est. 16 tonnes SO2 flared. Cause is oil gat into the sour water system. This caused the sour product to be unprocessable in plant 16-2 (sour water plant) Flaring started at 0828 and lasted 7hrs. Reporting odour potential. Vac truck was hauling sour gas between tailings pond and upgrading area and sprung a leak and spilled. Freon release of R22 due to leak in system. Repairs being done. Syncrude fire in plant 15-1 has caused bitumen production to fill tanks 10, 51, and 33 faster than normal. This has caused He to be released to atmosphere, as vapour recovery units can't keep up with volume. This started at 0708 this morn. Odour potential. Release of R-22 from plant 10. Release caused by gasket leaking, volume unknown at this time. Flaring of naphtha vapours due to naphtha hydro treater being down. Amount unknown. Reporting flame out of F-19-3 believe due to seal levels. Reporting a release of refrig from A/C unit due to leak on line. An acetylene storage tank in the repair shop sprung a leak last Saturday. Syncrude FD responded and stopped leak. No one thought to call AENV until today . Volume is unknown at present. Reporting ongoing flaring event, started at 1530, from 15-1 (gasoil hydrotreater) quantity unknown. Complaining about bad odours from source [redacted]

26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26

69595 69638 69660 69674 69715 69767 69873 69875

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

1-Mar-2000 2-Mar-2000 2-Mar-2000 2-Mar-2000 4-Mar-2000 6-Mar-2000 9-Mar-2000 8-Mar-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Notification Release Release Notification

Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air

94 94 26

69898 69904 69928

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

9-Mar-2000 9-Mar-2000 9-Mar-2000

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

26 26 94 26 26 26 26

69930 69999 70007 70010 70131 70162 70257

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

10-Mar-2000 11-Mar-2000 12-Mar-2000 12-Mar-2000 11-Mar-2000 15-Mar-2000 17-Mar-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Impact

Air Air Air Air Land Air Air







Reporting flaring of sour gas from 16-2. Flared about 3.6 tonnes.


26 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94

70308 70398 70502 70543 70579 70701 70703 70749 70757 70803

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

19-Mar-2000 21-Mar-2000 23-Mar-2000 23-Mar-2000 24-Mar-2000 27-Mar-2000 27-Mar-2000 28-Mar-2000 28-Mar-2000 28-Mar-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Release Notification

Air Air Air Land Air Air Land

Close out Ref. #95406. Venting has ended at. 04: 00 hrs.; Reporting tank venting hydrocarbon, vapours detected at ground level. Freon release of R22 from upgrading control room discovered today due to leaks in the system. Reporting Temp & SO2 contraventions due to upset in unit. Reporting sodium hydroxide solution overflowed down 15 foot earth trench due to sump pump failed. Reporting hydrocarbon vapours released due to high level on tank.

94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26

70939 71052 71123 71218 71289 71293 71327 71333 71448 71452 71462 71465 71530

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

31-Mar-2000 3-Apr-2000 4-Apr-2000 30-Mar-2000 6-Apr-2000 7-Apr-2000 8-Apr-2000 10-Apr-2000 10-Apr-2000 10-Apr-2000 10-Apr-2000 10-Apr-2000 12-Apr-2000

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Flaring natural gas/H2S for 1hr between 0345-0445 from plant 11-2, will exceed 1 ton SO2 limit. Small release of an unregulated product called dietchanolamine from a Carons Transport truck. Splashed to ground. Air Notification of flaring SO2 due to start up of gas/oil hydro treater 15-2, estimate 36hrs.; Closing out Ref. #94814. Stopped at 12: 00 hours today. Regulation/ Flaring due to hydrotreater startup. Reporting Regulation/ CEM in flu gas desulfurization stack failed at 1900 Mar.28/00. Brining in replacement component-should be Reporting there by 1900 tonight. CEM will be up by 2400, but will be out for over 24hrs, will be able to calculate emissions manually.; Their CEM went down March 28 and as of today at noon they will be <90% uptime for the month of March. Couldn't get a card needed for an instrument on time. Air Low stack temp caused by the furnace tripping. Regulation/ FDG unit CEMS SO2 analyser still down, will be over 10% down time tonight at 2400. Can't get parts. Reporting Air Flaring due to upset in sulfur plant & tripped SRU. Air Really bad odour driving past company this morning. Air Air Flaring due to start up of Plant 16 - 1. venting from tank with only one coker operation, sending more bitumen to tanks than usual. Tank has vapour recovery unit but can't keep up with flow. Air want to close out Ref. #96313. Tank 53 vent.; venting hydrocarbons from tank due to put dry bitumen into tank due to only one coker operating. Regulation/ Reporting NRU tripped due to problems with extraction plant. Reporting Regulation/ Received results back from quarterly daphnia/bio test done and failed daphnia but trout lived. Reporting Air NRU outage - came online after turn around, having problems - instrumentation problems venting HC vapours. Regulation/ NRU is back on service. Reporting Air SU plant trip due to loose wiring on blower. 3 tonnes of H2S vented directly to atmosphere. Air Having problems with NRU and were venting. Problem resolved and have had no further incidents since 10: 15 hrs on April 12th. Want to close out Ref. #96277.; Reporting NRU venting hydrocarbon vapour-decanter level control prob. Tomorrow at 08:00 hrs. will be opening diverter on 8-2 due to tube leak on economizer [meaning unclear] on CO boiler. Will be lots of black smoke.; Close out Ref. #68323. Diverting incident done at 15:20 Hrs. Reporting ODP release due to 2 leaks, one on valve packing & the other a faulty gasket, both repaired. Found contaminated soil around 34V6 HC recovery basin, investigating, crack in system confirmed. Late report. High SO2 due to bringing new well on, knew well was going to cause problems because injected CO2 into well.

26 26 94 94

71543 71658 71681 71693

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

13-Apr-2000 9-Apr-2000 3-Apr-2000 14-Apr-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Land Air


94 26 26 26 26 94

71752 71754 71780 71787 71856 71858

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

15-Apr-2000 15-Apr-2000 17-Apr-2000 18-Apr-2000 18-Apr-2000 18-Apr-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release

Land Air Air Air Air Air

26 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 94

71933 72007 72009 72011 72014 72132 72146 72147 72151 72290

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

20-Apr-2000 22-Apr-2000 23-Apr-2000 23-Apr-2000 24-Apr-2000 25-Apr-2000 23-Apr-2000 23-Apr-2000 25-Apr-2000 27-Apr-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Gypsum spill in FGD building due to leak in gypsum line into trench to coke pit, still leaking due to ruptured disc on gypsum line. R22 release from unit 41-1-V-100, Bldg 413 computer room. Due to capillary tube leak. Don't know how much. Leak has been stopped. Notification of depressurized unit due to flange leak, mainly hydrogen with some H2S. No odour complaints received, doesn't think it will be over 1 ton. Notification of flaring sour fuel gas due to starting up coker and faulty instrumentation. Flaring from coker 8-1, sour fuel gas, due to faulty instrumentation. Black smoke coming from flare stack between 1720-1750. Close out of Ref#95515, the bypassing of the NRU has stopped.; planned NRU down time has started. Diverting sour water to pond 1. Odour potential. Started at 0415, will last for about 10hrs. received letter from AENV approving down time. Flaring from plant 37-1 due to a compressor trip. Will go over there 1-ton SO2 limit. Started at 0400, ongoing.; Flaring has ended.; Update: Flaring continues due to parts having to be flown in. Reporting a release of R-22 due to loose fitting on A/C unit. odour potential for up to 10hrs due to blocked line on sour water pump to NRU. Water being diverted to ponds. Release of HC vapour due to a pump on the NRU between 0456 & 0506hrs. Reporting SO2 due to faulty acid gas flow meter on incinerator stack. Reporting a trip of the NRU due to electrical problems, potential for hydrocarbon release & odours.

SO2 contraventions on incinerator stack. Investigating cause. At first they thought instrumentation was off because they were working on it. They now believe instrumentation was working. Regulation/ Spill of tailings due to power failure. Believed it was contained in emergency pond, but 200-300 barrels flowed Reporting through manhole to south tank farm. Air Release of about 10bls of naphtha due to NRU shut down. Regulation/ Release of gypsum slurry to waste water system (WWS). Gypsum slurry line plugged, they temporarily Reporting diverted it to ash pond which drains to WWS. Tried to isolate ash pond from WWS, only partially successful. Looking at alternatives. reduced flow & sampling. Regulation/ Rec' d fax re: Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for March 2000. Reporting Air Odour potential. VRU down since 0800, till about 2400. Due to emergency maintenance work. Air Reporting 2 ODS releases: 2) R22 from chiller 4121V2 of Bldg 41B. Causes unknown at this point. Air Air Air Air Land Flaring due to G2' s on Plant 2L tripped. Doing maintenance checks on Ale units & found this unit low . Volume will be reported in letter. Release of R-22 due to corrosion leak.

26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 94

72302 72329 72396 72574 72596 72683 72696 72839 72966 73187 73199 73309 73425

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

1-Mar-2000 28-Apr-2000 30-Apr-2000 2-May-2000 2-May-2000 3-May-2000 4-May-2000 7-May-2000 8-May-2000 12-May-2000 14-May-2000 14-May-2000 17-May-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Reporting temp on sulphur 8FS due to 5K1 compressor tripped and caused 8F10 to trip. Diesel spill in the north mine waste dump. The nozzle on a fuel delivery truck broke. D-10's bermed the fuel and clean-up is under way. Regulation/ Spill of Varsol, transporting varsol tank when it slipped off forks off fork lift. All on site, no waterways Reporting effected. Cleaned up. Late report. Surface Hydro port line #2 blew-bitumen and hot water. Line is fully contained. Line runs through ditch. Ditch drains to Water pond 3 (containment). No odour potential. Repairs started immediately. Air Feed outage to coker have gone over 1 tonne. Outage due to feed nozzle failure. Air Air Had flame out on 19-F-l adjusting fuel had bounce and flame went out. Reporting low temp in incinerator stack, not sure why trip, but furnace was relit.


94 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94

73431 73548 73561 73585 73593 73730 73780 73831 73897 73924 73981 74063 74149 74267 74273 74365 74552 74557 74678 74680 74682 74686 74838 74891 74964 75160 75168 75188

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

17-May-2000 14-May-2000 18-May-2000 22-May-2000 19-May-2000 29-May-2000 24-May-2000 25-May-2000 26-May-2000 28-May-2000 28-May-2000 30-May-2000 31-May-2000 31-May-2000 24-May-2000 3-Jun-2000 6-Jun-2000 6-Jun-2000 8-Jun-2000 8-Jun-2000 8-Jun-2000 8-Jun-2000 12-Jun-2000 4-Jun-2000 15-Jun-2000 17-Jun-2000 17-Jun-2000 18-Jun-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Land Air Air Air

Reporting low temp in incinerator stack believe caused to be low grade fuel gas. Rec' d fax re: Spill of bitumen due to an error of procedures only a single isolation valve was closed. Reporting low stack top temp on incinerator due to trip. Reporting problems with plant 6 and overload NRU pr about 20 min. Hydrocarbon vapour released from NRU. Release of R-22 from 10RM-0 due to leaking fitting. Volume unknown.

Regulation/ Pre-notification of a planned maintenance shutdown of the FGD stack for 10 days from May 29-June 7. Reporting Air Reporting flaring incident from 37-1, the vacuum distillate unit. Cause was a faulty vibration probe. Quantity expected to exceed 1 tonne of SO2. No complaints received. Air Reporting flaring due to compressor down for plant maintenance. Air Caller reporting an ODS release when a compressor malfunctioned. Quantity unknown at this time. Air Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Flaring resulting in an emission of SO2 >1 tonne. Compressor tripped at 1359 for 1hr. Freon release discovered during regular maintenance from Bldg 177. 20lbs R-22 also, undetermined quantity of R-22 from plant 10. Odour potential - extraction plant 4 is down. Upgrading is filling thanks and overloaded the VRU. Reporting release of HC vapour from NRU unit due to high knock out at drum level. Have done first Manual stack survey yesterday and preliminary data showing them over the main stack for particulate. Reporting they did a stack survey on the GTG on May 24, 2000. Preliminary results show NOX mass emissions over limit. Leak on suction access of unit. Flaring off of 8pic1, acid gas due to sulfur recovery unit train #2 and being investigated. Still need to calculate for SO2. Vented NRU for 5min while swining feed pumps and over pressured vent system. Flaring from plant, heavy gas oil hydra- treater due to a cracked thermal well. Emergency shutdown, flaring off/on for 10-12 hours. Reporting a release of freon due to cracked line. Reporting a R-22 release, cause and amount unknown at this time. HC vapour venting from tank due to a hydro treating plant interruption, the tank filled at to high a rate & caused it to vent. Amount unknown. Tank venting of 20D-13 of HC vapour. Volume unknown.

Regulation/ Reporting stack test from June 4th had problems with particulate . 2 out of 3 tests were over their limit. Reporting Air Yellow sulfur all over the place. Mostly deposited on vehicles, figures plant was dumping something from diverter stack - spewing nonstop since brought cokers up after start up. Air HC vapour release for degassing tank for internal repairs to tank 20-D-7. Not expecting any site odours. Monitoring for odours. Air Reporting release of R22 from computer room due to vibration rub through. Unit replaced. Air Incinerator stack 8F5, High SO2 due to blower trip, Everything back on line.


26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 26

75274 75311 75338 75438 75456 75489 75547 75549 75566 75668 75669 75670 75694 75704 75720 75812 75818 75969 75971

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

21-Jun-2000 20-Jun-2000 20-Jun-2000 22-Jun-2000 22-Jun-2000 23-Jun-2000 24-Jun-2000 23-Jun-2000 24-Jun-2000 26-Jun-2000 26-Jun-2000 26-Jun-2000 24-Jun-2000 27-Jun-2000 28-Jun-2000 28-Jun-2000 29-Jun-2000 2-Jul-2000 30-Jun-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification

Air Air Surface Water Land Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Surface Water Land Air Air Air Air Air

Release of R-22 from Plant 18 due to head gasket failure. Release from naphtha vapours from plant 16 due to process upset Reporting TSS due to heavy rains over the last 24hrs. Pumps were shut off when sample taken. High oil and grease on south mine drainage run off. Sample taken @ 1000 this morning. Re-sampling and investigating cause. Flaring due to air blower trip on sulfur recovery unit. (8-P-I-C-1). Believe greater than 20t. Flaring due to PSV lifted. It has been isolated. still calculating SO2. Reporting flare release over 1.0 tonnes when doing natural gas sweep on plant 15-2 the gas-oil hydrotreater. They started at 0900 June 24/00 ended 1430 June 25/00 will report actual amount of SO2 in letter. Reporting PSV lifting causing vent to low pressure flare. Reporting spill of bitumen froth Steepbank, amount unknown at this time. Clean up under way. Reporting 3 releases: 3) Tank (diluted bitumen) venting HC vapours due to high levels - over-pressuring recovery system. Reporting 3 releases: 2) Refrig R22 release due to loose fittings, amount unknown, Disc. 26 1315. Reporting 3 releases: 1) Refrig R22 release due to loose fittings, amount unknown, Disc 26 1330. Contractor overflowed gravel washing pit (not operational at time) & it went into creek, amount unknown. Hydro transport line split, bitumen froth went across road instead of through ditch. Still contained in pond B, cleaning up. EUB notified. Freon release of R22 from refrig. unit Bldg. #9. Amount unknown. Due to PSV lift. Reporting 2 stack top temps due to unknown reasons, checking into it.







94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

75983 75996 75998 76165 76225 76323 76332 76389 76391

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

1-Jul-2000 1-Jul-2000 30-Jun-2000 30-Jun-2000 21-Apr-2000 7-Jul-2000 6-Jul-2000 9-Jul-2000 10-Jul-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Reporting flaring SO2 due to compressor down. Reporting flaring to exceed limit due to guard reactor on the hydro treater had mechanical problem. Caller reporting flaring from the 371K3 unit (the vacuum off gas compressor natural gas and hydrocarbon being flared. Started flaring at 10:30 and ongoing expect to exceed 1 tonne of SO2.; Update to incident #98215. Flaring ongoing, expect to continue for several hours. No black smoke. Regulation/ Caller reporting that the readings on the inlet to reverse osmosis for drinking water did not get sampled for May Reporting 11,20 and 29 and Jun 9, 14,24. Outlet was sampled on these day caller said this was an oversight on aurora waterworks system. Air Reporting SO2 contravention on their incinerator stack. Cause believe to be related to taking gas/oil unit offline, and associated upset. Air Caller reporting 3-SO2 contraventions cause believed to be related to shutdown of the superclaus. SC went down due to complications changing the catalyst. SC is now online. Air Caller reporting a SO2 release expected to exceed 1 tonne operations has to add some sour gas to activate the catalyst to supplement the natural gas; H2S in sour gas Started flaring at 16:30 for 1Hr. Air Late report of flaring incident due to unit upset. Waste An unscheduled power outage did not allow the camp sewage data logger to record flow on April 21st as required by their approval. Air Reporting SO2 due to compressor tripped from high vibrations. Shut down & will change oil & re-start.; Close out ref# 098681, flaring stopped @ 0500 hrs. Air Freon release of R22 due to a leaking fitting on an A/C unit. Air Air NRU was venting H.C. vapour due to a faulty level indicator. The venting was intermittent. Actual venting time 10 minutes. Venting H.C. vapours from NRU due to poor feed composition.


26 26 26 94 26 94

76398 76400 76402 76553 76676 76686

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

8-Jul-2000 7-Jul-2000 7-Jul-2000 30-Jun-2000 12-Jul-2000 6-Jul-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Land

Release of an unknown amount of R-22 Freon from a A/C unit; due to leaking line. Release of an unknown amount of R-22 from an A/C unit. Release of R-22 from an A/C unit due to a leaking line. Sec 3.4.6 (c) did not get report for plan to remove sulfur from refinery fuel gas by June 30/00. 37-1 (K3) down caused flaring. Two notifications: 1) Flue gas desulfurization plant outage for maintenance, sometime after midnight for approx 12-l6hrs. 2) odour potential due to taking off naphtha recovery unit for maintenance & extraction plant will be off-line from 0500-1600hr tomorrow. Odour potential had problems with the naphtha recovery unit and diverted sour water to pond 1. NRU problems resolved by 1600. possible release at WTP. Caustic & acid lines drain into cement trench with plastic liner, it has 1 ft of gravel underneath & another layer of cement. Floor of trench looked funny, drilled 3 holes (1 right next to trench. 1 @ 7 ft & 1 @ 14ft). Vessel overflowed and tar sand slurry from bitumen recovery from tailings ran to the emergency pond. Volume will be in letter. 8-1-K2 off gas compressor came down. Are flaring with some black smoke.; Lots of flaring from source and odour at the plant site.; Black smoke at source.; Notification of taking feed out of coker 8-1 to end flaring in early am of 07/19/00. Flaring SO2 & sweet coker gas, visible flame. Reporting drinking water contravention due to unknown cause, investigating. New term in approval, combined SO2 from all sources in a consecutive 24hr period. They were in contravention of this probably by double as of 1800 yesterday, and will be in contravention until flaring Stops. Reporting R22 freon release from H-VAC unit 41-33RV1 Flaring due to unit 37-1-K3 compressor tripped. Started at 0600, will be flaring till about noon. Turbidity in potable water yesterday. Still investigating, flushed lines. Increased sampling. was back to 0.4 NTU at 0315 today. Reporting flaring on plant 12-3 K2 (Air blower on SU plant) tripped on ground fault. Reporting release of naphtha vapours from NRV due to over pressured vent system during unit upset.

94 26

76738 76843

Suncor Syncrude

13-Jul-2000 14-Jul-2000

Industry Industry

94 26

76850 76878

Suncor Syncrude

16-Jul-2000 17-Jul-2000

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release

Air Air

94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

76894 76896 77027 77104 77187 77190 77196 77277 77295 77304 77326 77371 77392 77398 77439 77441 77443 77445 77504

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

15-Jul-2000 16-Jul-2000 17-Jul-2000 18-Jul-2000 20-Jul-2000 19-Jul-2000 20-Jul-2000 20-Jul-2000 21-Jul-2000 21-Jul-2000 21-Jul-2000 20-Jul-2000 23-Jul-2000 23-Jul-2000 24-Jul-2000 24-Jul-2000 24-Jul-2000 25-Jul-2000 1-Apr-2000

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Municipal Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air

Flaring from 16-2, sour water unit. Due to put unit on recycle to wash it out. May be over 1t. Flaring-problems with amine plant-had to block it from sending to energy services due to high H2S. Est. will flare 20-30t of SO2 today. Air 37-1-K3 tripped on high vibrations. Flaring. Believe will go over 1 tonne. Land Reporting spill. Fuel from light plant at rig siphoned out of tank. Just noticed today because site was down due to rain. Land Regarding spill of fuel 3000L diesel. Knocked fuel line off when driving on a rutted road. Picked up for processing and recycle. Area all cleaned up. Air Reporting flaring- 8-1E-18 heat exchange being taken down for cleaning. Probably >1 T SO2, don't know yet, details to follow. Air Reporting Hydrocarbon release ( amount unknown) due to pump failure. Overheated and swing pumps. NRU vented. Air Took down pH 16 -1 for clean up and sent acid gas to flare. Believes it is greater than one tonne. Regulation/ Reporting release from NRU from 2338-2344 due to a pump failure. Release of naphtha vapours. Reporting Air Reporting tank venting, believe strong contributor to GLC this morning. Isolated road. Air Reporting CEMS <90% uptime. NOX off turbine-lack of QA data available for April & May.


26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26

77559 77565 77617 77636 77678 77711 77771 77813 77846 77896

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

25-Jul-2000 26-Jul-2000 26-Jul-2000 26-Jul-2000 27-Jul-2000 28-Jul-2000 30-Jul-2000 30-Jul-2000 30-Jul-2000 31-Jul-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Daily H2S exceedance at station #2 Mildred lake. Freon release of l1kg of R22 from A/C unit at north administration bldg. Found it while doing routine maintenance. Repaired. Freon release of R22 due to leak on chiller in A/C unit in bldg. 158. Repaired. SO2 exceedance on incinerator. Superclaus online at time. Caused by upgrading upset. Reporting flaring from 37-1-K3VDU off gas due to lube oil contamination. Lost 81KT2 gas compressor & are flaring & cutting rates. Flaring as a result of 37-1-K3 being taken off line due to high vibration. Am't & volume will be in letter. Venting from Tank 20 D-27 sour naphtha. Tank was isolated at 2400.

26 26 26 94 94 94 94 26

77953 78082 78084 78086 78276 78280 78397 78563

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

31-Jul-2000 1-Jun-2000 31-Jul-2000 2-Aug-2000 4-Aug-2000 5-Aug-2000 4-Aug-2000 9-Aug-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Reporting venting from Tank 13 which contains untreated naphtha. Isolated tank. Regulation/ Reporting no RATA for this last quarter due to plant being in upset mode & other stack surveys were Reporting rescheduled & caused RATA & cylinder gas audit to be missed. Plan to do cylinder & RATA later this yr in last quarter to make up. Land Froth water & bitumen cover plant 6 extraction froth heater vessel due to production upset. Contained in depressed area & will go to oily water sewer when it flows. Trying to clean up, EUB notified. Regulation/ Sent in a monthly report for June 2000 for the NOX CEMS @ Aurora. Reporting Regulation/ 2nd QTR 200 CEMS report for Syncrude's main stack. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting sewage line rupture along pipe rack by lab. Quantity and start time unknown. Discovered it at Reporting 12:30hrs. Regulation/ Trip of 8F10, sulphur incinerator stack may cause low stack temperature. Approval limit is 445 degrees Reporting Celsius. will provide detail in letter. Air Release of unknown amount of R-22 from an A/C unit. Land Land Oil leak from N/S pipeline. Unsure quantity and reason. Will include in letter. Spilled under pipe rack. No waterway effected. Release of composite tails. CT line #2 ruptured 100m E of Hwy 63, tails flowed back and pooled in ditch on W side of highway. Est., 1bbl of bitumen, total volume of release unknown. Vacing up and putting back into process. Are activating the catalyst on 18-1 light gas/oil hydrotreater. Flaring purge gas, odour potential and will likely be over 1 tonne. Reporting R22 release on unit, repaired.

26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26

78690 78808 78880 78978 79030 79133 79151 79157 79255 79257 79368

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

14-Aug-2000 14-Aug-2000 15-Aug-2000 16-Aug-2000 17-Aug-2000 17-Jul-2000 21-Aug-2000 20-Aug-2000 20-Aug-2000 20-Aug-2000 19-Aug-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Notification Release Notification Release Release Release

Air Air

Regulation/ Opacity violation due to meter error caused by a door malfunction. Reporting Land Spill of diesel, came from a dozer, lost line. All on site, no water effected. Cleaning up. Contaminated soil going to North Mine pump to recycle. Air Reporting flaring incident of VDU off-gas from Unit 37-1. Compressor problems. Regulation/ Reporting CSEM down intermittently, data effected and flow effected (NOX, mass SO2, temp) due to unknown Reporting cause. 90% uptime for July will fail. Air Flaring due to 37-1 K3 trip believe it is above the 1.0 tonne limit for reporting. Regulation/ Reporting missed samples from Aurora sewage plant. Missed samples from Aug. 2, 9, 16. Reporting Land Caller reporting a spill of 10 barrels of bitumen from the hydro transport line between Aurora mine and refinery; Pump tripped, Line was drained down when pump was restarted. Forgot to reinstall line plug properly. Land The hydro-line from Steepbank to refinery (upgrading) cracked. Quantity of bitumen & hot water spilled into east side of ditch. Product was contained. nothing into river. 36' dia line. Land Reporting a leak of bitumen and water from the pipeline between Aurora Mine and Base plant. Leaked from


26 26 26

79404 79505 79523

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-Aug-2000 24-Aug-2000 26-Aug-2000

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26

79539 79567 79579 79589 79606 79762 79915 80095 80124 80219 80634 80688 80755

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

25-Aug-2000 25-Aug-2000 25-Aug-2000 25-Aug-2000 27-Aug-2000 28-Aug-2000 3-Sep-2000 7-Sep-2000 6-Sep-2000 9-Sep-2000 14-Sep-2000 15-Sep-2000 15-Sep-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air

loose packing around valve. Vac truck on site. Reporting ongoing flaring incident from plant 37-1 K3 offset compressor shut down on high vibrations. Will have to replace machine. Unsure how long it will take. Flaring H2S and SO2. Reporting a release of naphtha vapour from NRU due to vac pump trip. Still researching cause of trip. Back online now. Notification that they are taking down their VR system for an overhaul. Odour potential for the next 7 days.; Update to REF#99435: odour potential due to NRU being down. Company had no calls & it was very windy & raining. Reporting flaring of light HC at plant 221 due to doing catalyst addition. Reporting that they did a stack test and are over the limit. Conducted two tests on Wed 1 Thursday and just received results. Looking to do changes to coker. Do another test next week. Reporting release of naphtha vapour due to NRU being down from a power interruption. Reporting vent from diluent bitumen tank, release of hydrocarbon odours from natural gas blanket system. Reporting release of R22 due to flare nut fitting loose. Reporting particulate over on re-test of stack survey due to going into shut down & at end of run conditions. Calling results of stack survey retest.

26 18942 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26

80875 80898 80903 80983 81075 81084 81088 81143 81177 81183 81403 81460 81563

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

19-Sep-2000 13-Sep-2000 18-Sep-2000 20-Sep-2000 21-Sep-2000 22-Sep-2000 21-Sep-2000 22-Sep-2000 22-Sep-2000 20-Sep-2000 28-Sep-2000 23-Sep-2000 1-Aug-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Reporting SO2 flaring during upset of 30-PAD-153 failure.; Reporting SO2 due to electrical power outage. plant 12 tripped & flaring. The highway north of town is being paved. That likely contributes to the odours. He can smell the odours, bitumen like, but not diluent. Cannot access WBEA sites right away because access is down right now. Air Reporting release of nitrogen/HC vapour from intermittent venting on the bitumen tanks due to either a mechanical failure or high rundown rates into tanks. Still investigating. Air Source tracking group has checked the odours. Source believed to be naphtha tank have stopped running into tank, and are now running tank down. Air Release through diverter stack. 82 CO boiler diverter stack boiler tripped due to feed surge problem related to shutdown procedure. Started at 2320 ongoing to about 0100. Plume consists of burner overhead gas and particulate. Air Reporting release of product from 1" steel pipeline caused by a seal leak. Amount unknown, no off site impact & isolated on ground beside site of leak. Regulation/ Exceeded monthly limit for sewage effluent for Sept. on TSS. Samples taken Sept.13 came back today at 78 Reporting mg/L - limit is 25. Investigating cause. Air Release of R22 from AC unit. Municipal Regulation/ Reporting Land Municipal Air Air Reporting copper found when testing water fountain in main admin building. Isolation valve on fountain. Data logger monitoring level of Poplar Creek Reservoir failed, lost data for Aug.18 - Sep. 21/00. Took manual reading today and will tomorrow. Should be fixed by then. Reporting diesel spill, from tank during planned maintenance, due to operator error, drain was removed. Reporting over the 1 NTU limit from water treatment plant, value & cause unknown. Flared from 11-2, C-4 1300-1400 due to trip on LV31, flared H2S. Flaring fuel gas due to loss of the K2 compressor.; Strong odour & large flare a plant.

Regulation/ Potable water sample taken on Sept. 20th found to have low chlorine. Still investigating. Reporting Air Reporting release NRU on extraction down - vented naphtha vapours due to pump trip. Air Notification of opacity due to unknown cause, believe burp in system.

Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: Aug 2000 monthly report for Aurora NOX CEMS.


26 26

81678 81768

Syncrude Syncrude

4-Oct-2000 4-Oct-2000

Agency Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Impact Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Reporting Air

26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26

81837 81848 81905 82245 82250 82408 82424 82431 82437 82444 82496 82546 82670 82753 82761 82821 82918 83052 83097 83109 83113 83337

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

8-Oct-2000 6-Oct-2000 6-Oct-2000 15-Oct-2000 14-Oct-2000 16-Oct-2000 16-Oct-2000 16-Oct-2000 17-Oct-2000 17-Oct-2000 17-Oct-2000 18-Oct-2000 23-Oct-2000 16-Oct-2000 22-Oct-2000 25-Oct-2000 27-Oct-2000 31-Oct-2000 29-Oct-2000 25-Oct-2000 25-Oct-2000 2-Nov-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Reporting a release of sour water vapours from Plant 8-1 due to faulty pressure valve.; Rec' d fax r e: Natural sour gas release due to equipment failure. Regulation/ Spill of raw sewage. All on site, 10000-15000 gal due to line plugged where old camp taken out of service, a Reporting line capped and sewage overflowed through there. Vac trucks cleaning up and other line capped. Sewage going to sewage treatment pond. Land Reporting a spill of gas/oil due to a worker believing a line was drained & when he removed the plug hot liquid spilled. Cleaned up. Air Reporting release of vapours from boiler feed water. Land Air Air Air Land Air Air Surface Water Air Raw sewage release to coke pile doing work on anaerobic cell and, pumping water to ditch that runs to coke pile. Believe it will end up in waste water system. Venting stopped at 1430hrs.; Tank 5-3 venting dry bitumen, have cut feed & will take a while to stop passing. odour potential. Tank 52 PVSV vented for 4 hours, it is a dry bitumen tank. Release of Halon from storage bottle in central room, discovered during routine maintenance. Release of unknown amount of pond effluent (tailings) from a pipeline bleed line that was left open. All water entered a bermed area in the tank farm. Strong odours from source.

Reporting release of hydrocarbon vapour when exporting dry bitumen, reduced run down into tank. May cause adverse effect notification: plant 16, strip water product can't meet H2S product spec which is over, so going to effluent pond. Will be shutting down 16-1 for repairs & adding caustic to effluent stream. Reporting a release of HC vapour from 20D52 bitumen tank. Release due to rundown into tank caused PSV to lift resulting in release to atmosphere. Regulation/ Operations reporting no plant upsets. Sour water being released to effluent ponds under a temp release report Reporting from AENV. Air Reporting hydrocarbon vapour due to exporting dry bitumen into Tank 53, problem with tank. Reducing feed & minimizing venting. Surface Reporting 1 death in trout bioassay. No real known cause.; Trout bioassay failure. 1 death, cause unknown. Water Resampling. Shared discharge with Albian. Regulation/ Caller reporting hydrocarbon vapour release from tank 53, started at 2000 tank is cone roof with nitrogen Reporting blanket. Regulation/ Venting H.C. vapour due to venting flow when a tank was overfilled. Reporting Air Reporting that H2S pilot light blew out. Cause was due to high winds. Air Notification that the nitrogen blanket vent gas system will be down. They will be doing one tank per day for six days. Odour potential. Regulation/ Grab sample taken from the potable water system at the Aurora mine site had high pH. Flushing system. Reporting Air Reporting HC vapours from bitumen tank 20D 53 due to PVSV 77 passing and isolated for maintenance. Air Air Freon release of R22 from satellite #1 bldg. Unsure why at this point. Venting from tanks, bitumen tanks, Plant 27-1 is down & sending bitumen to these tanks.Tanks are natural gas blanketed.; Venting to tank 51 & 52 has stopped but now are sending bitumen to tank 10. This tank has a floating roof. Believe to be done by 0230 hrs. HC vapour release from bitumen tank due to PVSV 41 malfunctioned. venting from tank 52 and 10 bitumen tanks.

26 26

83418 83461

Syncrude Syncrude

3-Nov-2000 5-Nov-2000

Industry Industry

Air Air


94 26 26 26

83564 83597 83645 83715

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

7-Nov-2000 8-Nov-2000 6-Nov-2000 8-Nov-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air

Loss of power to FGD bldg, SO2 going up on new gypsum sump overflowing to coke pit. Potable water may be affected as well. Flue gas being directed to old stack. Reporting hydrocarbon vapour release to atmosphere due to change in line up of tank rundowns, & tank 10 started venting as a result. Reducing feed rates. Reporting release of hydrocarbon vapours from Tank 23 venting due to failed PSV.

26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94

83721 83776 83929 84064 84131 84196 84243 84660 84691 84728 84842 84892 84893 84986 84988 84992 84998 85042 85044 85121 85240 85243

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

8-Nov-2000 9-Nov-2000 14-Nov-2000 16-Nov-2000 19-Nov-2000 19-Nov-2000 21-Nov-2000 28-Nov-2000 28-Nov-2000 28-Nov-2000 29-Nov-2000 26-Nov-2000 23-Nov-2000 2-Dec-2000 2-Dec-2000 3-Dec-2000 4-Dec-2000 4-Dec-2000 4-Dec-2000 8-Dec-2000 10-Dec-2000 9-Dec-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release

Regulation/ Calling a diverter incident, gases diverted to CO boiler exceeded by 15 minutes.; Reporting diverting of CO Reporting Boiler due to trip on another unit causing feed surge. 18CO Boiler buring [burning?] 18 overhead gas & particulates. Regulation/ Reporting opacity on main stack due to CO Boiler trip, trying to restart CO Boiler. Reporting Air Notification of fire on Plant 22 due to pump seal failure, no adverse effect. There was a spillage of bitumen that was reported to EUB. Regulation/ DO exceedance at Muskeg River upstream sample point. Reason unknown.; App#18942. Dissolved oxygen in Reporting Muskeg River upstream low. May be due to water flow under ice causing stagnant areas. Regulation/ CEM went down today at 0900hrs, was inquiring if there was a 24hr downtime reporting requirement, or a 90% Reporting uptime. Air Reporting venting from NRU due to naphtha pump gassed up. Land Land Fuel line ruptured on heavy hauler. Lost diesel to mine road, got graded into road before it was noticed. Reporting diesel spill due to truck backed into a shovel in the mine & ruptured the fuel tank. Lost diesel to the mine. Air Reporting exceedance of SO2 from incinerator due to loss of coke heaters.; Reporting SO2 due to lost pump to coker charge, continuation of previous report. Land Reporting a break in pipeline to Pond 1. They were doing excavation and discovered the leak. Unsure when break occurred. Air Notification of odour potential, trip of steam stripper & unstripped sour water went to extraction plant, partially stripped & sent to pond. Regulation/ Notification of opacity due to problems with natural gas boiler not getting enough hot air. Took boiler off-line Reporting at 1200hr today. Regulation/ Reporting opacity incident over the 40% limit. Still investigating. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting opacity incidents over the 40% limit due to trip of boiler. Reporting Air Notifying that both sulfur plants tripped at 1655. winds are from NW. They are now flaring. Air Reporting SO2 exceedance on main stack due to sulfur plants going down. Air Air Release of hydrocarbon vapour from NRU due to process upset caused pump failure. Release from 1123-1126.

26 94

85246 85248

Syncrude Suncor

10-Dec-2000 10-Dec-2000

Industry Industry

21-K-2 natural gas vapour recovery compressor tripped due to blockage and shutdown. May result in emissions from storage tanks. Regulation/ Notification of high opacity on old stack due to testing on boiler #14. Brought it down to 38% from 1400Reporting 1600hrs, then brought it down for repairs at 1800. Going to start testing again. Regulation/ Reporting opacity on old stack due to more problems. Trying to trouble shoot to lower rate. Reporting Regulation/ will be bringing down VRU for catalyst changeout on Fri/Dec. 08/00. Will be down for 36-48hrs. Reporting Air will be over SO2 hr limit.; Notification of flaring from 11-2 amine and 15-2 hydrotreater, large flare. Air SO2 contravention due to an upset causing superclaus to go down.; Flaring, over limit for SO2.; Going through data and found flaring event due to upgrader problems Dec. 09/00. SO2 contravention when 5-K-5 compressor tripped. Land Untreated sewage release due to tank #1 froze and overflowed to ground. No off site impact. Land Reporting coke truck lost load in ditch due to rollover. Clean up underway.


26 26 94 94 94 94 26

85251 85295 85310 85326 85376 85426 85470

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

10-Dec-2000 9-Dec-2000 6-Dec-2000 11-Dec-2000 12-Dec-2000 13-Dec-2000 13-Dec-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Release Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Release

Air Air

SO2 contravention possibly due to CEME [CEMS?] malfunction from extreme cold weather. Believe false reading. Reporting a SO2 release.

26 26 18942 18942 94 94 18942 26 94 26

85695 85721 85735 85742 85815 85818 85857 85863 85868 85917

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

18-Dec-2000 18-Dec-2000 19-Dec-2000 20-Dec-2000 20-Dec-2000 20-Dec-2000 20-Dec-2000 21-Dec-2000 20-Dec-2000 22-Dec-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94

85949 85981 86045 86047 86049 86051 86224 86256 86258 86300

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

26-Dec-2000 28-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 3-Jan-2001 4-Jan-2001 31-Dec-2001 5-Jan-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Regulation/ Notification low opacity on old stack due to bringing in cold air caused incomplete combustion. Reporting Waste Reporting leak from top shop pond wastewater bubbling through ground across road & down conveyor belt. Release on-site, no waterway effected. Air Reporting potential for odours & fugitive emissions due to an instrument on top of the diluted bitumen tank fell into the tank. This has left a 4inch opening on top of the tank. Regulation/ High opacity on old stack due to Boiler #14 has been spiking, troubleshooting, taking boiler down today. Reporting Regulation/ CO Boiler back on line & stopped diverting at 2200 hrs. Opacity is back to normal.; Lost CO Boiler on Plant 8Reporting 1 believe due to fuel problem. They are diverting. Opacity is reading high but believe instrument is not working properly. Regulation/ Caller reporting possible contravention. Approval requires that the Albian/Syncrude polishing pond be sampled Reporting 3 times/week. Sample missed. Regulation/ Reporting a flare pilot extinguishment. Unsure why, could be a frozen line. Reporting Land Reporting a leak on Aurora site pumphouse #4 tailings line; Spilled into a cleared area waste contained in ditch. Land Reporting spill of dyed diesel at Aurora site that went to ground around bulk storage tank and diverted into containment ditches. Coupling came off causing spill. Regulation/ RATA scheduled last week on the FGD stack and was unable to complete it. Flow meter wasn't working and Reporting cold weather was also an issue. Regulation/ They are required to do 2 compliance surveys/year on the Gas Turbine Stack GTG #5 & #6. Only one done. Reporting Cold weather and time of year both issues. Regulation/ Reporting that operational time of their CEMS NOX at the Aurora plant was less than 50%. Reporting Land Reporting a raw sewage release at their Aurora facility. The temporary tanks were overfilled and spill is freezing on ground. Will clean up. No waterway effected. Regulation/ Reporting opacity exceedances. Unsure exactly why yet. Reporting Regulation/ Caller reporting that diverting has stopped, diverting started at 1410, due to a leak on a flow transmitter.; Reporting Notification of going to use diverter stack (Plant 8-1) tomorrow afternoon to emergency repair of 900lb steam system on CO boiler, can't shut down. Air Flaring incident, compressor tripped, expect to exceed 6 tonne/day limit. Air Noticed at 1750 that a flow indicator is showing flow where there typically is none. Maybe flaring, are still tracking it down. Checked back in chart, flow started at 0800. Land New gypsum line was being installed. Someone turned on the pump before it was completed. Gypsum ran to the decontamination pond. Air Reporting SO2 related to SRU problems. Superclaus was down & they were not aware of it. Air Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Reporting low stack temp related to the SRU trip. Flared from sulfur plant when a sulfur train was lost. Tank 20-D-2 vented HC vapours intermittently from 1550-now. Due to vapour recovery system down, back up is just coming on line now. tank 20-D-2 venting HC vapours from 0030-0115 due to vapour recovery system down, back up now. For month of December the flow meter on the CEMS on FDG stack was off line for more than 10% of the time. Still investigating cause. CEMS on FDG going to exceed 10% off line time for January. Flow meter failed, guy can't come to fix it till Jan. 09/01. They can still calculate emissions using a different method.


94 26 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 1604 26 20809 94 94 94 20809 94

86335 86472 86628 86651 86660 86662 86664 86804 86827 86885 86903 86905 86971 87004 87015 87060 87078 87221 87258 87323 87413 87458 87469 87474 87537 87771 87868 87883 87910 87917

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

6-Jan-2001 10-Jan-2001 11-Jan-2001 11-Jan-2001 13-Jan-2001 14-Jan-2001 14-Jan-2001 16-Jan-2001 15-Jan-2001 16-Jan-2001 17-Jan-2001 17-Jan-2001 18-Jan-2001 19-Jan-2001 19-Jan-2001 21-Jan-2001 21-Jan-2001 24-Jan-2001 24-Jan-2001 27-Jan-2001 29-Jan-2001 30-Jan-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Release Release Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Land Air

Reporting odour potential due to sour water released to Pond 1A due to Plant 7 pump failure. Venting HC vapour from tank 20D2 due to overfilling caused pressure to increase. Release of gypsum slurry due to draft valve malfunction of pipeline. All spilled into coke pit area & was contained. Flaring from several sources due to a major boiler failure at the sulfur plant. Venting HC vapour from tanks D-1, 2 and 4. Caused by high pressure in tanks. Between 1400-1500. Release of R-22 from building 9, 5R-287 A. Amount unknown . Release of R-22 from unit 5R-287 B, AC unit in Bldg 9. Caused by a leaking line. Reporting an ethylene/glycol spill of 100 gallons when it overflowed from expansion tanks on the GTG 6 air pre-heater system. Cause under investigation. Spilled to ground. Freon release from building 9, unit 5R-289-B Main Office. Repaired.

Regulation/ 2 opacities due to tuning boilers 14 & 15 had air/fuel mixture problems. Reporting Air Venting off tank #52 due to shut down coker 8-1 due to operational upset, they're reducing amount to tank and re-routing flow. Hope to be done by 1600. Air Were flaring due to a gas compressor trip, may exceed SO2 limit, flare was very smoky. Land Caller reporting sewage spill. Overfilled holding tank when contractor hired to pump out tank failed to respond to the request. 20 gallons spilled, no water way effected. Land Reporting a spill of sour naphtha/sour water due to a split line on 82C100. Amount unknown. Land Reporting saltwater spilled from tank 38D-07 when they were filling tank. Cleaning up. Land Reporting a Class 8 spill of polyhydroxide alum chloride from a coupling leak at the potable water plant. Isolated spill, some went to oily water sewer. Municipal Reporting zero chlorine levels in distribution system for sample taken at mine electrical site. Have opened up taps to flush lines, posted drinking sources, will resample. WTP Cl2 level acceptable. Land Spill of untreated heavy gas oil due to a line break within sleeve underneath roadway. Leaking out of sleeve into ditches. Ditches are diked, they area vac' ing up free liquid. Working on shutting line down. Regulation/ Dissolved oxygen readings, pond 2 discharge to Muskeg River low. Pond wasn't actually discharging. Due to Reporting low flow. Air Doing repairs on boiler 14 (Nat gas) had an opacity on the old stack. Air Air Land Surface Water Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting A PSV lifted on a sour naphtha line in Plant 5. Gas was then sent to flare. Main compressor 5-K-1 tripped causing flaring. Back up compressor has kicked on but major plant upset and they believe they will flare over the 20 tonne limit. Reporting regen waste overflowed due to level transmitter failed. Contained in tank farm, recovered all except residual water which tested 7.8 pH & adding an additional transmitter. Reporting dissolved oxygen below limit due to not pumping at the time off sample. Reporting low DO in polishing pond. Process upset causing extraction to go down. Coker off-line and Superclaus down at 04:31.Believe they went below stack top temp and sulfur dioxide limit. Update when more information is available. Flare Flame out on unit 19-F-2 starting at 2230-ongoing. Cause unknown at this time. Gas Turbine generator #6 will be down for >10% of the time for Feb. Looking into cause. Just bought this flow meter on line, they are just working out the bugs. Failed to collect a sample on Jan 15, 2001 on polishing pond 42 concerning a lethality test that is required, did not sample as required for January. Late report - did not maintain the required 90% uptime for the power house stack for December 2000. It was discovered today. Should have been discovered earlier. will explain in letter.; Flow meter of GTG #5 looks as

Japan Canada 30-Jan-2001 Oilsands Ltd. Syncrude 31-Jan-2001 Albian Sands 1-Jan-2001 Suncor Suncor Suncor 5-Feb-2001 6-Feb-2001 6-Feb-2001

Albian Sands 15-Jan-2001 Suncor 31-Dec-2000


94 26 94 94 26

87940 87973 88001 88080 88118

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

8-Feb-2001 8-Feb-2001 9-Feb-2001 11-Feb-2001 13-Feb-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air

though it may be below 10% for the month of March. Had the same dust problem in Feb; seems to be continuing. Fare flame out on unit 19-F-1, attempting to re-light flare. Cause unknown at this time. Reporting HC vapour from 20D4 diluted bitumen storage tank due to light material in tank. Still venting. Reporting NOX, from the gas turbine generator at Co-gen plant, due to problems with a flow meter, possible false reading. Incinerator stack temp, believe due to coker charge pump problems. Late - just discovered now.

26 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 94

88158 88194 88218 88224 88303 88305 88315 88384 88425

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

14-Feb-2001 15-Feb-2001 7-Feb-2001 15-Feb-2001 18-Feb-2001 18-Feb-2001 5-Jan-2001 20-Feb-2001 21-Feb-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Release Release

Regulation/ Reporting a spill of 2500 gallons of gas/oil, leaked from a vac truck that was taking product to API separator, Reporting was spilled to sources roadway, spill was 1000ft from API separator, will be putting vac'd product back into API. Air plant #6 NRU tripped, released hydrocarbon vapours. It was the bottom pump that tripped and it has been restarted since. Air Release of HC vapour due to pump trip when operations lost Plant #6 NRU. Odour potential. Air Air Flaring of 8PICl; not sure what the cause is, still under investigation. Report to be sent with investigation. 5C12PSV passing to flare. Cause not yet determined; under further investigation.

26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

88487 88528 88530 88546 88554 88576 88649 88662 88825 88831 88836 88847

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-Feb-2001 1-Feb-2001 23-Feb-2001 23-Feb-2001 25-Feb-2001 26-Feb-2001 27-Feb-2001 28-Feb-2001 4-Mar-2001 3-Mar-2001 3-Mar-2001 5-Mar-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Regulation/ Reporting that the H2S flare was out for 1 hour. Cause unknown. Reporting Land Reporting a sewage release at millennium Camp. vac truck on site. No waterway effected. Lift station failed. Municipal Reporting high turbidity believe due to over use of potable water at top shop area on Jan 5/01 & unknown cause on Jan 21/01. Late report due to unknown reason. Land Unknown volume of caustic soda (50%) lost to ground from the new plant 3 caustic tank due to unknown cause. Most stayed ins ide the plant but some pooled on ground outside. Surface Violation of approval section 4.22. When starting up millennium 41 pumps, and overflow of freshwater pond Water resulted. Water went under the road and toward duck pond. Pumps currently shut down while they work on them. Air Can see steam coming from Tank 5-1 (crude tank). Odour potential. Regulation/ Notification of gas turbo generator #5 (GTG) flow meter on CEMS has been down & if not working within the Reporting next 24hrs, it will not meet the 90% uptime requirement. Manufactor is coming on Sunday. Land Heavy hauler truck had fuel line leak. Had to wait for mechanic to fix it. Now fixed and area is being cleaned. Regulation/ A boiler trip caused high opacity on the old stack. Reporting Air Plant 22 tripped. Are flaring. No contravention has occurred. Notification only. Air Reporting tank venting from tank 51 due to a PSV lifting. Venting from 2300-2400. Land Reporting a spill of ammonia and H2S from an ammonia reflux line that broke at Plant 16-1 C-4. Amount unknown. Regulation/ Reporting a deviation from procedure. Sampler that regularly takes the sample (once per week) is broken down. Reporting Sample is being taken manually until sampler on order arrives (1 1/2 - 2 weeks). Air Odour Potential. Venting from tank 7, bitumen tank where. a PSV lifted due to high run down rates. This occurred from 2030-2100. Air Report odour potential as the H2S content of water from plant 16-2 (sour water plant ) is above internal standard. This water goes to effluent system and could cause odours. Air Reporting venting from Tank 1, diluted bitumen tank due to a compressor failure. Regulation/ Preparing Annual report for year 2000 and noticed several values that were missed and will not appear on the Reporting report. For the Mildred Lake Report, the TPH is missing. For the southwest Sand Seepage valley. the ammonia. COD. TPH. nitrate-nitrite, TOC missing. Regulation/ received Aurora NOx CEMS, January 2001 Monthly Report. There were 5 exceedances of the limit of Reporting 40.3kg/hr. Air Release of hydrocarbon vapours from 21 K 24. The cause was a passing PSV, so they have now isolated the

26 26

88853 88912

Syncrude Syncrude

31-Jan-2001 6-Mar-2001

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged


26 94

88984 89014

Syncrude Suncor

7-Mar-2001 7-Mar-2001

Industry Industry

Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Surface Water Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Air

26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 26

89069 89072 89155 89171 89215 89271 89609 89820 89873 89874 89899 89907 89995 90016 90108 90159 90166 90188 90192

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

8-Mar-2001 9-Mar-2001 12-Mar-2001 12-Mar-2001 10-Mar-2001 13-Mar-2001 20-Mar-2001 21-Mar-2001 3-Mar-2001 26-Mar-2001 26-Mar-2001 24-Mar-2001 26-Mar-2001 27-Mar-2001 28-Mar-2001 29-Mar-2001 28-Mar-2001 29-Mar-2001 29-Mar-2001

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

PSV and shut down the machine; will be fixed at noon. possible contravention of approval 26-01-11 clause 6.1.4, surface water runoff. Water is pooling at their landfill; the letter will have the details. Reporting an explosion at the extraction plant. possible HC vapour cloud ignited. 4 people taken to hospital. investigating cause.; Wanted update on Suncor incident.; Due to the incident at the extraction plant, sour water from the upgrading plant is being diverted to tailings pond. Odour potential. Flaring from plant 16-1, sour water area caused by an upset in the unit. possibly over for SO2 between 21002200. Flaring event was from 2122-2200. Plant 16-1 flare tip went out between 0027-0032. Source was the 19-52 H2S flare. Release of Freon R22 today; happened during a pipe replacement. Leak is stopped now, and a specific cause is still under investigation.; Release of 10kg of R22 from an a/c unit due to a broken line. Caller complains about strong odour from Syncrude near Angus building; also bright flare. DS called Phil Williams at Syncrude; gas being flared due to compressor being down; no operational problems. Venting bitumen vapours from tank B due to high pressure in tank. Still investigating cause.

Regulation/ Reporting a spill of 800-1000 litres of diesel in open pit at Aurora Mine Site. A quick coupler failed. Reporting Air Notification of opacity exceedance from old stack (31-F7). There was a 6 minute period where the average opacity was 59. Reason was starting gas-fired boiler. No risk of heavy emissions to the public. Regulation/ Having trouble with their CEM, repairman on route. Have not violated the approval. Reporting Air Freon release of R22. Cause and reason why its a later report is being investigated. Air Air Freon release. Unsure how much or reason why or why its late reporting. will follow up with report.

94 94

90232 90297

Suncor Suncor

1-Apr-2001 2-Apr-2001

Industry Public Complaint

94 26

90395 90540

Suncor Syncrude

3-Apr-2001 6-Apr-2001

Industry Industry

Release Alleged

Reporting a release at plant 16-2 C4 Inlet line. A gasket failed and ammonia, H2S and water vapour was released. Unit currently shutdown to replace the gasket; back up tomorrow at the latest. Air Flaring on H2S flare due to instrumentation failure. Land Reporting release of wastewater to a ditch at Borealis Camp due to power outage. Spill being cleaned up. Volume unknown. Regulation/ Reporting that their uptime for the CEM on stack 37 is <90% for the month of March. Investigating cause. Reporting Land Reporting a spill of diesel in parking lot out of building 235. Spilled onto an asphalt parking lot. Clean up underway. No waterway effected. Regulation/ Reporting a violation. Chlorine in potable water was high when read at 03:30 this morning. Reducing injections Reporting were added and readings from this morning brought levels back down below limit. Land Pond water spill yesterday. It has been contained and is currently being cleaned. They estimate that more than 10 barrels was spilled, but are still investigating so full details will be in letter. Air Reporting an R22 release that happened yesterday. Caused by a leak. on the pressure controller. Repairs are currently under way and the amount will come in the letter. Regulation/ Notification of high turbidity yesterday and today. Mar 29 - pond was taken out of service and back flushed Reporting where numbers then went below limit. Today - currently being back flushed. Both occurences were in the Btrain. Missing number/investigation in letter. Air Reporting plant shutdown and NRU is going down at midnight. Odour potential. Air Due to the shutdown, there are several contraventions to report. They had a low stack temp; an SO2 violation on incinerator stack and an odour from north tank farm.; Update to Suncor incident, planned shutdown delayed due to continuing plant upsets during shutdown; odour potential.; Air quality complaint; believes the source is Suncor. Smells like their stack emissions, burnt odour.; Ambient air contravention from station 5 Mannix.; Opacity contravention, black smoke due to the loss of a boiler during shutdown.; Strong odours in the area.; Odour complaints; has been noticeable since Monday and is now more apparent in the downtown area. Regulation/ Notification of flare flame going out today. Not sure of the cause; it will come in the letter. Flare #19 F-3 was Reporting out and they will be flaring natural gas now instead of hydrocarbons (due to shutdown) . Air Release of R-22 due to weld leak on fitting on A/C unit. Unit# 41-R-157. Repairing now - amount still


26 94 26 94 26

90607 90612 90649 90688 90784

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

6-Apr-2001 6-Apr-2001 7-Apr-2001 9-Apr-2001 10-Apr-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air

unknown. Exceedance of approval from polishing pond due to natural spring runoff. High total suspended solids. Pond is shared with Albian/Shell sands. Elevated turbidity in potable water, due to a lost polymer feed. Back to normal now. Numbers will be in letter.; High turbidity in the potable water system as per clause 4.5.10 relating to the treated water in the reservoir. Release of NH3 vapour/sour water from plant 16-2 due to a cracked weld on a process line. Opacity from old stack.

94 94 26 26

90924 90928 90941 91003

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

11-Apr-2001 11-Apr-2001 12-Apr-2001 12-Apr-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry

94 94 94 26 94

91008 91014 91018 91051 91053

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

12-Apr-2001 13-Apr-2001 14-Apr-2001 14-Apr-2001 14-Apr-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Reporting a release-venting off tanks 20 D 1 & 2. Some hydrocarbon, water and nitrogen vapours have been released. Cause was gas compressor tripped and excessive amounts of gas were fed into the compressor. They're reducing amounts, and repairing O2 meter. Air Potential for flaring >20t SO2, Flaring started at 1200, due to starting plant up, will go till about 2400. Land Leigh took a call from. ...earlier today.... has some questions/concerns possible gasoline contamination of an aviation site, and a possible oil spill under ice from Suncor... wants an investigator to call. Air Notification of tank 10 venting to atmosphere. Steam and hydrocarbon is being released (no odour ) . Going to isolate it as of 5 minutes ago; possible cause may be the vent release not working properly. Regulation/ Update to diverting incident. Diverting stopped at 19: 05 hrs. 13 steam tubes were bypassed. Reporting opacity Reporting due to startup of CO boiler.; Update to diverting incident. Have determined that an additional 8 tubes are leaking will be extending diverting period for 24 hours.; Reporting that operations have started diverting. Expect some carry over of coke fines, producing black smoke.; Reporting a diversion due to tube leaks on CO boiler. Stack #1 will be reducing coker 8-1 feedrates to 75,000 barrels to reduce sulfur and coke. increase steam.; Notification that they are going to operate diverter stack this weekend. There will be lots of black smoke. They will call at the time they start and get a reference number then. The smoke will last for a few days.; Reporting ongoing co violations due to startup of CO boiler. Instrument technician was called out from town; still working on the problem. Air Reporting an SO2 exceedance cause unknown at this time. Land Air Air Air Reporting a spill of bitumen when they were conducting tests on a steam sparger in primary extraction, which caused bitumen rollover due to excess steam buildup, Spill contained in extraction area. Cleaning up. Reporting flaring due to start up of plant 25. Expect visible flaring and exceedance of their SO2 daily limit. Reporting an H2S release from plant 22 (hydrocracker) from PV 7B during shutdown. The upstream flange began to leak. Update to flaring incident due to power outage. >20 tonnes was flared. Do not have stack top temp results.; Reporting flaring and stack top temp violation due to an unexpected power outage of the sulfur train and coker unifiers started flaring at 20:30. Reporting release of R22 due to condenser header leak. Discovered during normal maintenance.

26 26 26 94 26

91056 91060 91067 91095 91200

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

15-Apr-2001 15-Apr-2001 25-Mar-2001 17-Apr-2001 21-Apr-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting

20809 94 94

91324 91363 91435

Albian Sands 10-Apr-2001 Suncor Suncor 19-Apr-2001 20-Apr-2001

Industry Industry Industry

Notification that the stack survey scheduled for main stack has been postponed due to CO boiler startup. plan to reschedule survey later in the week. Plant 22 still down. Reporting that turbidity analysis/sampling was not conducted for the week of Mar 25-31. Cause unknown, still investigating. Reporting flaring incident; preliminary data says power surge knocked sulfur trains off system, went, to flare. They are currently trying to bring operations back to normal; hopefully fixed soon. Caller had talked to Dave Shannon about moving their stack survey date to Sat 21 from Tues 17. Reason was they had an unexpected diverting event which ended Monday and they wanted to make sure plant was back on track first. DS suggested they make the call. Surface Reporting high TSS in polishing pond discharge; reason was high water movement with high sediments due to Water melting. Regulation/ Reporting they are below 90% uptime for CEMS analyzer on GTG#6 for month of April due to analyzer broke. Reporting Air Had a trip on 8F19 furnace. Cause unknown. Late report.


26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26

91450 91477 91623 91730 91798 91812 91814 91827 91883 91942 91944 92103 92232

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

21-Apr-2001 22-Apr-2001 24-Apr-2001 24-Apr-2001 28-Apr-2001 28-Apr-2001 28-Apr-2001 29-Apr-2001 26-Apr-2001 30-Apr-2001 1-May-2001 2-May-2001 10-May-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Surface Water Air Air Land Land Air Air

Tanks 20D15 and 20D15 venting hydrocarbon vapours. Cause is unknown. Diverting from 8-1 CO boiler. Diverting 8-1 burner overhead gas and particulate. Fuel boiler tube leak. Reporting opacity when stopped diverting. Caller reporting potential hydrocarbon venting in the next 30 hours. If any occur, they will compile them and send in a letter. Essentially a call only notification for now. Reporting high TSS due to high TSS in raw water. will continue to monitor and investigate. Reporting release of R22 freon due to a cracked fitting in building 691. Reporting low pressure flare out cause being investigated but believe it is due to high pressure steam. Release of pond water when tailings line ruptured. All contained but some ran on pavement near Administration Building. Reporting a spill of 50% caustic last night. Cleaned up. Freon release of R22 due to a leaking valve on A/C unit. Venting bitumen vapour from tank 10 due to a passing PSV, high pressure in tank.

26 94 26 26 26

92266 92295 92305 92554 92560

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

4-May-2001 6-May-2001 7-May-2001 8-May-2001 9-May-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification

18942 26 26 26

92577 92585 92657 92687

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

9-May-2001 9-May-2001 6-May-2001 23-May-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Flaring greater than 20 - tons SO2 due to a compressor trip. Regulation/ Notification that nitrogen vapour system for storage tanks will be off-line from May 10-24. There may be Reporting venting at this time (Nitrogen vapour recovery system 21-k 24).; Previously reported tank venting incident. Open incident number.; Reporting venting from 2 diluent naphtha tanks due to PSV lifts. Slight odour near tanks. Venting probably due to compressor being out of service. Regulation/ Reporting an ongoing diverting event that was a result of a tripped valve on a boiler. Currently trying to get it Reporting up and running; should be up and running within the hour. Surface High TSS in a sample taken earlier today from the effluent outfall 72 mg/L . Effluent has been blocked off until Water a cause is located, possible false reading. Air Reporting a tank venting at the tank farm. There was a hydrocarbon release this morning; should be off within an hour. They will call back with updates. Air Honeywell is conducting spring maintenance on HVAC Equipment location is Bldg 763 unit # H-33RV-1 100lbs of r22- system is shutdown. Cause unknown. Air Reporting tank venting from tank #15. Venting of untreated heavy gas/oil . Cause is gas compressor K2 is tripping. Started at 24:00hrs;ongoing.; Update to tank 15 venting. started at 20:20, not 24:00 compressor keeps tripping due to high 02 in feed. Also could be analyzer problems. venting is ongoing. Land Reporting spill of 200 gallons of diesel due to a vent cap that came loose at loading station. Sand put down and will clean up. Air Reporting HC vapour release due to PSV's on tanks 15 and 16 lifting intermittently due to high coker rates. Regulation/ H2S alarm at the effluent pond. Area inspected with a Gas tech, no levels detected. possible false alarm. Reporting Regulation/ Notification that they are taking storage tanks out of service next week. They may get a release when doing Reporting maintenance, so have the reference # to send a letter just in case. Starting May 23, they are doing 4 tanks that take 4 days each. Air courtesy call - U-Haul truck is on fire. Entire truck burning, lots of smoke. Operations are using water to extinguish. Water is collecting in the Wood Creek pump collection area ( Steepbank). Air Reporting venting of heavy oil/gas from tanks 15 and 16 due to high rundown rates. Started at 9:00 hrs; will continue for 1 hour. Regulation/ Reporting an outage on the low pressure flare for 10 minutes. When they switched from NG to steam, flare Reporting went out. VRS down. Regulation/ Reporting an outage on the low pressure flare, due to loss of compressor 20K24. Reporting Air Reporting that they have not been running a closed circuit monitoring system for flares. System is just not

94 26 26 26 26

92714 92726 92791 92882 92949

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-May-2001 12-May-2001 13-May-2001 13-May-2001 14-May-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry


94 94 94 94

92956 92958 93029 93191

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

15-May-2001 15-May-2001 18-May-2001 20-May-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

18942 94 26 26

93245 93354 93356 93542

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

20-May-2001 19-May-2001 19-May-2001 23-May-2001

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint [this was missed entirely and was keyed by hand, 26 march 2013] Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release

working. Caller just found out about it today. System has been out for about a week. Notification only. Potential odours due to them desludging a tank 20-03. Potential release of HC, H2S, mercaptan. Starting now and going all weekend. Air Tank 50 venting- untreated combined gas oil tanks. Hydrocarbon odours. Regulation/ Less than 90% uptime for May on the opacity monitor. Reporting Land A rupture disk failed during a train switch . over pressured the discharge calve. Caused a gypsum spill - ran into the coke pit.; Had a leaking gypsum line May 20 (ref #103604). They thought they had fixed it, but now it has started leaking again. They lost potentially 20000 gallons into coke pile. They are fixing leak and investigating further. Land Used engine oil spilled into dyked area. Overflow protection devices failed. Regulation/ The sodium chloride tank was on manual load and overflowed. Ran out of the building to the coke pile. Reporting Air Low pressure flaring - too much steam to the header . Air There is black dust blowing from the pond to the highway. It is so dense that it is difficult to see through. Air

26 26 26 26 20809

93567 93771 93777 93793 94009

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

23-May-2001 26-May-2001 26-May-2001 28-May-2001

Impact Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release


Called to say... was driving by Syncrude tailings ponds and the smell is very strong...wanted to report...

Regulation/ Reporting opacity due to earlier maintenance. Reporting Air Still having problems at plant due to electricity strike, reporting exceeded SO2/day. Air Surface Water Reporting tank venting from 20-D3, unsure why at the time.

Albian Sands 30-May-2001

26 26 94 94 26 26 94

94011 94014 94023 94045 94059 94068 94103

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

31-May-2001 30-May-2001 31-May-2001 31-May-2001 31-May-2001 31-May-2001 31-May-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Notification

26 26 94

94148 94166 94318

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

3-Jun-2001 1-Jun-2001 4-Jun-2001

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Reporting release of industrial water high in TSS to Muskeg River. Release from a Gabian outfall under cut a silt fence. Release occurred for about 45 min. Due to rain water flowed under silt fence and out discharge outfall. Regulation/ Reporting tank venting from 20D50. Unsure why it is venting. Reporting Air Reporting a freon 22 release from the 41-16-RM 66 machine. Amount is unknown so far; details will come in letter. Regulation/ Reporting an instrumentation downtime on the GTGG instrument . The reason is that they have trouble getting Reporting info during the hour of morning calibration. This is for the month of May. Land Reporting that their diversion line plugged and overflowed into a muskeg area. Some runoff made it to the stream; samples were taken and results will come in the letter. Cause was high rainfall. Regulation/ They are late on sending a Report on VOC and TRS emissions. Should have been in on April 21, according to Reporting 4.4.10. Caller states that the info was given to us in report 4.4.2. He will send a copy within 7 days anyway. Regulation/ Reporting off sample from potable water plant. Turbidity was high and Cl2 was low. Sample was taken from a Reporting lunch room tap; this room is being removed to avoid further water trouble. Regulation/ Reporting an exceedance of NOx on GTD-6. Cause is being investigated but believed to be caused by testing Reporting being done in the unit.; Reporting another NOx exceedance on GTD 6 caused by unit testing. Also ESP on FGD upset when bringing boiler down caused by elevated opacity. This occurred at 17:45. Regulation/ Notification that flow data machine for the lagoon at the lower camp was down for 24 hours due to a power Reporting outage. Restored this morning. Everything contained: no adverse effects. Regulation/ Reporting a flare out on the low pressure due to too much steam caused shutdown of 37 plant. Flare out for 25 Reporting minutes. Air Flaring due to a tripped compressor, possibly flaring greater than 20 tonnes SO2.


26 94

94338 94340

Syncrude Suncor

5-Jun-2001 5-Jun-2001

Industry Industry

Notification Release

Air Air

26 26 26 26 26 26 94

94443 94449 94469 94659 94695 94730 94804

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

5-Jun-2001 5-Jun-2001 6-Jun-2001 6-Jun-2001 8-Jun-2001 8-Jun-2001 11-Jun-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Air

Reporting a release from tank 15 this morning due to high random rates. Repairs are currently underway. Suspect that PSB in plant 7 is passing to flare. Potential to be over 20 tonnes for SO2; trying to get sample currently. They had high temp last night which is why this is suspected. They will call back with a violation if necessary. Venting HC vapours due to 21 k2 compressor tripping starting at 1910 hrs. Notification of a large flare due to a compressor trip on coker 8-2-k2. Black smoke between 2305-2345-flaring coker off gas. Venting sour HC from tank 2D-13 due to the URU being overloaded. Incident started at 0455 hrs. Compressor 21-K2 tripped venting HC vapour. Tank venting; no visible emissions but there is a strong odour. Substance is sour Naphtha hydrocarbon vapour, from tank 20-B-13. They re-routed rundown into another tank, momentarily solved. Venting nitrogen vapours from tank 20D-19 caused by a high pressure indicator control malfunction.

26 18942 26

94921 94941 95025

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-Jun-2001 11-Jun-2001 13-Jun-2001

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification

94 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 94 26

95170 95203 95219 95223 95227 95229 95307 95448 95450 95532 95585 95608 95634

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

14-Jun-2001 15-Jun-2001 17-Jun-2001 17-Jun-2001 16-Jun-2001 15-Jun-2001 15-Jun-2001 20-Jun-2001 20-Jun-2001 20-Jun-2001 21-Jun-2001 21-Jun-2001 24-Jun-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged

Regulation/ Approval states an SO2 limit of 1.2 tonnes/hour, except when bypassing the superclaus unit due to process Reporting upset; then the limit goes up to 3 tonnes/hour. They are currently releasing SO2 from the incinerator stack at 1.25 tonnes/hour due to a valve that is stuck open. They are unsure if a stuck valve is considered a process upset; if not, this is a contravention; if so, it is left as a notification. Air Venting from Tank 51 intermittently. Tank is getting full so there is less head space and PVS is popping open more. Planning to switch to a different tank and repair valve. Land Reporting spill of hydraulic oil due to employee filling tank and hose ruptured while employee was away on lunch break. Contained on shop floor and cleaned up. Regulation/ Reporting a trip of the 21-K-2 at 12: 30 for a few minutes. The cause was high discharge pressure. The tank Reporting heat vented for 5 minutes at 13:00. They had the system up momentarily, but it tripped again at ~ 14:15. They'll notify us if it happens again and send a letter with all the details.; Related to earlier about 21-K2 outages. Will be up and down all night. Regulation/ Had a flare flame out on the 19-F2. Unknown why it went out. Reporting Air Dilute bitumen tank 20-D1 venting. 21 K2-4 down for maintenance. Put two steam eductors on line to compensate. Surface Spilled phosphate in the chemical injector house. A hose connection failed during transfer. Went to the oily Water water sewer. Air NOX exceedance during unit start up (GTG5) . Air Surface Water Air Had high NOX on the gasbined turbine GTG6. Has been high but not an exceedance. High level in 10C2 sour water stripper caused an upset in the plant. Freon release from compressor #1 in warehouse. Unsure how much, what freon, or reason for release.

Regulation/ Freon release of R22 from A/C unit in bldg. 891 due to check valve and roto-lock leaking. Reporting Air Reporting that the 21-K2 compressor tripped. No reason known at this time. Still investigating. Air Air Reporting that the vent gas compressor 21-K2 tripped. Cause unknown at this time. Reporting freon release from admin building due to valve plate gasket leak.

Regulation/ Notification that they are going to have less than 90% uptime in energy services GTG6 for the month of June. Reporting They are investigating; will send details in letter. Air Reporting venting from tank 20D-16 which is heavy gas/oil tank due to increase in the run down rate to the


26 26 94

95746 95947 96076

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

22-Jun-2001 28-Jun-2001 29-Jun-2001

Public Complaint Industry Industry

Contravention Impact Release Release

Air Land Surface Water

tank. Ongoing. Caller complaining of poisonous yellow gas coming from Syncrude, [redacted] Acid spill at the utilities cooling tower. Are cleaning up. They are currently building a dyke that borders Syncrude's dyke; they are using tailings sand but process affected water and rain water is leaking into Syncrude's tailings pond. They've notified Syncrude. Not a dyke failure; just a seepage control issue. They will talk to Mike and he will interpret if it is a violation and if a letter is required/not. Venting from tank 20-D-3 Nitrogen and hydro carbon from 10:20 hrs. Still investigating cause. Have reduced rate to stop the venting. Notification of a leaking underground natural gas line on site. ATCO Gas on site, bleeding down line to make repairs. Reporting an R22 release due to leaks in condensor on air conditioner APU#3. It happened while doing maintenance in building 181. Recharged: repaired. Venting from tank 20-D-6. Diluent Naphtha tank. Started at 1300 hrs - ongoing. Investigating cause.

26 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 26.94

96103 96105 96113 96123 96150 96160 96166 96168 96176 96180 96249

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude; Suncor Syncrude

30-Jun-2001 30-Jun-2001 2-Jul-2001 2-Jul-2001 29-Jun-2001 1-Jul-2001 2-Jul-2001 2-Jul-2001 3-Jul-2001 2-Jul-2001 4-Jul-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Land Air Air





26 26

96284 96363

Syncrude Syncrude

4-Jul-2001 5-Jul-2001

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Impact

26 26 26 94

96385 96394 96640 96810

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

5-Jul-2001 6-Jul-2001 8-Jul-2001 10-Jul-2001

Industry Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint (was incorrectly coded as

Surface High NTU in potable water sample due to a compressor trip. Water Regulation/ High TSS in grad sample taken from east bank effluent stream. Sample taken @ 14: 32 hrs. Cause unknown. Reporting Air PSU passing coker gas in primary upgrading; caused by a cooling water pump tripping. possible releasing up to 20 tons SO2. Surface NRU bypass on plant 16 since 10:00 hours, due to a pump failure. Releasing untreated tailings to pond. Water possible odour potential.; Update to ref # 105221. NRU back online @ 11:00 hours. Regulation/ Sample taken at 0220 hrs from plant 16-1 source water high H2S in sample, cause unknown. Second sample Reporting taken at 0430hrs within limits 55ppm. Air Small release, unknown amount, of sour naphtha due to a broken site glass on the unit. Not sure if reportable, decided to call. Air Reporting an R22 release from unit #41 RA719. The unit will not be in use, so they are leaving it empty. still investigating cause.; Reporting a release of R-22 from an HVAC unit. 22kg of R-22 released due to cracked line. Air Notification of hydrocarbon vapour venting that occurred this morning; relating to call 106128. Cause is planned maintenance work on tank farm. Came from tank 20-D-10.; Reporting venting from PVSU on tank 20D-8. Venting due to relocating they are doing with tanks.; Reporting that venting from tanks 20-D1 and 20-D4 just started both are dil-bit tanks with nitrogen blanket. Cause is related to isolation of vent piping for servicing.; Diluent bitumen tank 20-D3 is venting intermittently. Are increasing feed rates to draw down the tank faster. Regulation/ vapour recovery compressor 21-K-2 tripped at l5:25 They had it back up at 15:35. Reporting Land Have a condition on the east side of their tailings pond. Area identified as seeping from pond to ground water and was addressed in annual report and also reported to AENV in 1999 (Ref. #88583). Area was looked at this morning and noticed vegetation stress from this seepage. Investigating this. Air Freon release of R22 from building 27. Volume unknown. Caused by a cracked line. Air Air There is a strong wind in the area, and it is blowing dust off the source tailings pond. It is very difficult to even see the road in the area. Tank venting from 20-D-8 as part. of moving PVSU on tanks. Vented from 11:10 - 11:15 today.

NonDebris from the conveyer falls onto vehicles etc. Caller feels as though they should put a catch-tray of some Categorized sort under the conveyor. Can AENV help with this matter? /other


94 26

96813 96815

Suncor Syncrude

11-Jul-2001 11-Jul-2001

Industry, corrected 26 march 2013) Industry Alleged Contravention Industry Alleged Contravention Industry Alleged Contravention

Air Air

Reporting a freon release; cause was broken tubing : being repaired.





94 26 94 26 26 94

96887 96970 96981 97061 97062 97066

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

10-Jul-2001 13-Jul-2001 13-Jul-2001 15-Jul-2001 15-Jul-2001 15-Jul-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Release






Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

26 26

97122 97209

Syncrude Syncrude

13-Jul-2001 17-Jul-2001

Industry Industry

26 26 26 26

97212 97255 97321 97343

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

17-Jul-2001 17-Jul-2001 17-Jul-2001 24-Jul-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Reporting a release of bitumen vapours; amount unknown, The cause was maintenance on tank 20-D-7; they needed to open it to atmosphere to change some piping.; Caller advised of tank venting on 20-D-7 for a period of one minute. bitumen vapour was released. Same as yesterday. Doing maintenance. Air Caller advised that they may exceed their approval limit for flaring due to poor performance of their scrubbers. Cause is related to the high heat (weather) They are presently doing calculations to determine volume of release. They have increased water to the cooling tower and are discussing other options to mitigate the problem. Air Caller advised of stack exceedance between 22-23:00 hrs. Incident occurred when they were bringing plant down for repair. Everything working fine now. Regulation/ Reporting that their VRU compressor shut down. Trip due to high second stage discharge pressure. Reporting Air Reporting flaring from 7-C-28 due to start up of their gas/oil unifier. Air Caller advised they will be flaring natural gas to assist cleaning plant 15 hydro treater gaurd reactor. Also coker 8-2 debutanizer gas will be flaring. Air Caller advised they discovered a lid off of one of their tanks. It was venting. Replaced lid without incident. Tank was used to store butane. Discovered @ 08:35hrs. notification only. Waste Caller advised as a result of previous incident report # 109516 they had to divert ~10,000 gallons of Gibson [gypsum?] to coke pile. It will eventually end up in wastewater treatment plant.; Caller advised they had a brief FTD {FGD?] outage caused by a compressor failure. Outage lasted for less than 1 hour. SO2 release will be in the area of 8-10 tons for the hour. This will still not put them over their 24 hrs approval limit. Purpose for the call relates to a equipment malfunction. Air Caller advised they were having a problem with tank 20-D-3 and it was venting butane/naphtha and nitrogen. Cause was attributed to mechanics. problem with PVSC on tank. Reported to A/N @ 04:00hrs. It will be looked at in the am. Land Spill of raw sewage from tank on trailer unit. Vacuumed up 10 gallons. Regulation/ Reporting an ongoing diverting incident. The cause of the initial boiler trip is unknown, still investigating. He'll Reporting phone back with update.; Reporting an hourly opacity exceedance. The cause was the previously reported CO boiler trip. Rates are back to normal now. they hope to stop the diversion within one hour. Air Reporting a release from tank 20-D-53. The cause was a high run-down, so they are currently adjusting rates. Regulation/ Gas turbine at Aurora mine has an NOx analyzer on it. Analyzer was out of service from 16:00 on July 17 to Reporting 11:00 on July 18. Due to broken diaphragm on pump. Air Reporting two stack top temperature violations due to lightning strike and lost plant. Regulation/ Reporting that they are shutting down 21-K-2 compressor (a natural gas compressor) for maintenance. The Reporting shutdown will last 3 days.; will be bringing the NG compressor down at 0300 July 24.; Reporting their compressor is down from maintenance being done and now they are having to vent from tanks 20-D-8, 20-D53, and 20-D-52. Still ongoing. Air Reporting freon release of R22, Cause unknown. Air Land 20-D-16 shutdown which caused release of HC/NG vapour. Reporting a raw sewage spill due to a tank overflow. The tank has since been pumped out and the area around it has been cleaned. They've disposed of the waste into their system.; Reporting that sewage from sewer system tank overflowed at building 731 (warehouse) estimate 10 gallons spilled; vac truck onsite to recover. Reporting a release of bitumen vapours when PVSV vented on tank. Full details in letter.

26 26 26

97404 97433 97450

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

19-Jul-2001 19-Jul-2001 20-Jul-2001

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

26 26

97467 97494

Syncrude Syncrude

20-Jul-2001 21-Jul-2001

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged


Regulation/ A planned power outage knocked out the monitoring system at lower camp. should be restarted within hour; are







Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

26 26 94

97510 97726 97755

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

23-Jul-2001 24-Jul-2001 23-Jul-2001

Industry Industry Industry

94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26

97758 97967 97969 98015 98108 98264 98273 98372 98539 98607 98652 98778 98780 98843 98889 98903 98906

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

24-Jul-2001 27-Jul-2001 27-Jul-2001 30-Jul-2001 27-Jul-2001 1-Aug-2001 31-Jul-2001 1-Aug-2001 2-Aug-2001 4-Aug-2001 8-Aug-2001 9-Aug-2001 9-Aug-2001 9-Aug-2001 13-Aug-2001 11-Aug-2001 13-Aug-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged

Reporting putting in a portable generator. Regulation/ Notification that they have just taken tank 200B potable water tank out of service, and will be relying on tank Reporting 200A. Tank A only has 18 minutes of CT disinfectant, and the approval requires 20 minutes; however, Asoke has provided pre-approval for this. Expect to have the tank B out of service for 3-4 weeks. Air Reporting a release of bitumen vapours from tank #1. The cause is that the system is not operating properly; they are working on it. Surface Reporting difference in metering to read their turbidity. Two different methods for reading turb. are showing Water quite a difference. Land Spill of river water containing "Rhodamine" dye of 10, 000 gallons towards river during hydro testing of lines. Water would be brownish and fluoresce in Ultra-violet light. Unsure if it reached river. Late report as person on duty thought it was only river water. **** Land Spill from waste water pond "c" overflowed at approx 06:50 am due to pumping water from river when process was turned off. The water bypassed water sampling. No longer occurring. No estimate of volume of water lost. Air 21K2 tripped - still trouble shooting as cause is un known. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air Air Air Air Found leaking site glass while doing regular checks. Volume will be in letter. Reporting tank ventings for today; approx 5 minutes at a time. The cause is tank maintenance on tank 15, PVSV relocation. He'll call back with updates and submit a follow-up report. Reporting release of HC vapours from 20-D-52 due to them running down and tank over-pressuring. Also brought K2 back online. intermittent release. Reporting a release of nitrogen hydro-carbon vapours. It is ongoing at the time of the call. They are taking steps to stop it, but have no idea of the cause. Results in letter. Reporting a release of R22 from ECA building unit #8RU1. Discovered during routine maintenance. Volume unknown at this time. Reporting a freon R12 release from a lunchroom refrigerator; cause was a punched line. Amount was small but unknown as of yet. Release of bitumen vapours from Tank 52253. Notification that VRU is going down for maintenance today for 6-8hrs. Odour potential. Bypassing NRU due to a leaking valve. Sour water still going to NRU, diverting extraction foilings. will be bypassing for 4-6 hours. Reporting a sour smell release from a sour water tank 20-D-55. It should be repaired shortly, details in letter. 27-1-K2 tripped @ 11: 00 and they are flaring 20 million tonnes of gas. Comp not available yet; details in letter. Should be up and running in the next half hour. Plant 11-2 (amine) is going to flare; there is lots of black smoke. The cause is fuel gas going to the treater. They hope to have it fixed in 5 minutes. Reporting intermittent hydrocarbon releases from tanks 20-D-1 and 20-D-2. They are currently removing the gas. Called to notify there is a planned maintenance on tank 20-D6 which will result in venting of nitrogen and HC vapour. venting will take place for 24-36 hours. Reporting a venting of natural gas and hydrocarbon from tank 21-K-2. Their compressor went down, gases are being discharged to atmosphere; they have shut down and are isolating and repairing pipe.; Reporting tank venting from tanks 52 and 53 due to 21k2 shut down. Refer to ref # 110075. Compressor 21-K2 tripped causing A/C to vent caused by high discharge pressure in tank. venting HC vapours from tank 20-D2 intermittently due to high pressure in tank. Release of hydraulic fluid from transport truck due to a leaking valve. Spilled into river. Reporting a venting occurrence from 20-D-50 due to the 21-K-24 being down. When repairs to the heating

26 26 94 26

98924 98932 98934 99084

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

12-Aug-2001 12-Aug-2001 12-Aug-2001 15-Aug-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Surface Water Air


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94

99086 99095 99112 99166 99176 99204 99223 99272 99274 99311

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

14-Aug-2001 14-Aug-2001 14-Aug-2001 15-Aug-2001 14-Aug-2001 15-Aug-2001 15-Aug-2001 16-Aug-2001 16-Aug-2001 17-Aug-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

tracing was being conducted, a leak in a line was discovered. Reporting a 5 minute outage on the low pressure flare. Cause unknown at this time. Going to increase gas to flare. Regulation/ Reporting outage of the low pressure flare. 21-K-24 (vent gas system) is down because 21-K-24 is down; Reporting injectors are used. Regulation/ Reporting an outage of their low pressure flare. Cause unknown, started at 16:55, expected to last for another Reporting 20 minutes to fix. Air Reporting a release of HC vapour and nitrogen from Tank 20-D2 and 20-D3 due to high tank pressure and problems with VRU. Air Compressor trip but bearings are shot so will have to replace before it can be reset. will be flaring for the next few days. Have not violated vet but will exceed the 20 tonne limit. Air Reporting tank venting from tank 20-D5 due to VRU problems and heat. Air Regulation/ Reporting SO2 analyzer on the main stack was shutdown at 18:47. Cause unknown, but may be related to high Reporting temp affecting air conditioning system. Air Reporting a tank venting on D-53. Still venting at the present time but should stop momentarily. They are reducing rundown rates. Air Reporting an opacity excursion for one 6 minute interval. The boiler tripped and the startup caused the exceedance. Land Reporting a release of water from the new API pond in the coke pit; was supposed to go to the wastewater collection system via some channels but one of the channels eroded.; Update. Due to a heavy rain event this morning wastewater once again eroded a channel/ditch and flowed to the coke pile. Air Lightning strike on the plant site sulfur block, causing an SO2 release. Surface Water Air Air Air Reporting high turbidity from the plant site North Weir #7 due to large rainstorm. They were venting 20-D-4 on the weekend; this threw the tank balance off; tank 20-D-3 is venting today intermittently. Details in letter. Venting from 20-D1,2,3,4 intermittently. Reporting high SO2 from incinerator stack due to super claus trip.

26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 94

99371 99383 99452 99465 99649 99851 99924 100010 100133 100232 100241 100248

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

19-Aug-2001 20-Aug-2001 20-Aug-2001 20-Aug-2001 23-Aug-2001 24-Aug-2001 25-Aug-2001 24-Aug-2001 27-Aug-2001 28-Aug-2001 29-Aug-2001 30-Aug-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Groundwate Approval 18942.Sect. 4.4 GW Monitoring - Noticed in last few weeks elevated chloride levels in monitoring r well 97-34-1613. Investigating cause. Air Strong winds are blowing dust off sources tailings pond dyke across the road. Regulation/ LP flare went out. Have increased nat. gas to it to keep it lit. Reporting Air Advised they had an H2S alarm around the perimeter of tank 20-D-55 and are presently checking to verify if it is real. Will update on findings. Air They had a fire at their upgrader plant. Occurred when they were draining gas/oil from an exchange heater. Damage done to instrumentation. Fire under control. Air They had venting from tank 20-D-4 and 20-D-3. Part of tank from upgrade. Land Reporting a spill of caustic water mix from their water treatment plant. The cause was the pump truck not sealed. It spilled onto pavement and stretches - 100 yards. It is contained and cleanup has begun. No waterways affected. Caller advised tank 20-D-1 is venting. Part of overhaul project. Cut input - venting stopped. Caller advised of stack top temp exceedance due to start up of plant. Plant down for maintenance. Caller advised that they may have exceeded their limit for SO2 when they had an upset in fractionator 5-C-9. Flared for 47 minutes.

26 94 94

100274 100470 100581

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

30-Aug-2001 30-Aug-2001 31-Aug-2001

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air


26 26 26 94 94 94

100587 100618 100661 100668 100671 100705

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

3-Sep-2001 1-Sep-2001 1-Sep-2001 2-Sep-2001 2-Sep-2001 3-Sep-2001

Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release


26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94

100734 100765 100823 100902 101023 101063 101085 101136 101184 101202 101206 101249 101258 101265 101280 101284 101362

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

4-Sep-2001 6-Sep-2001 6-Sep-2001 6-Sep-2001 8-Sep-2001 9-Sep-2001 29-Aug-2001 9-Sep-2001 9-Sep-2001 10-Sep-2001 10-Sep-2001 13-Sep-2001 13-Sep-2001 13-Sep-2001 11-Sep-2001 13-Sep-2001 14-Sep-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Caller advised they have venting happening at tanks D2 and D3. They have balanced feeds tacks and expect venting will stop within the hour. Air Caller reporting tank venting from D1, 2, 3 & 4, Started at 1615. Cutback in flow to tanks and increased outflow. Expected to stop within the hour. Land Caller advised source had a spill of caustic soda at 101 Street on the plant site. Two taken to hospital with minor burns. Spill contained and cleaned up. Contact for source, Tony Hammond @ 790-5977. Regulation/ Caller advised of high turbidity in tap water at the plant. No apparent reason. Currently draining potable water Reporting tank and will re-test tomorrow All affected people have been notified. Two samples taken. Air Caller advised they have another tank venting situation. Same tankers, D-1, 2, 3 & 4. They cut back input and increased out take, this should stop the venting. Part of the upgrading project. Air Notification of an on-site odour potential from Monday @ 12: 00; should go for 7-14 days. The cause is the vapour recovery unit is down due to failure on exchanger; operating @ reduced efficiency. NRU still operating. No off-site impact. Air Tank venting from 20-D-50 pressure relief valve due to a failed controller that allowed to much product into the tank. Released hydrocarbons vapours. Air Reporting tank venting from tank 20-D-1 and 20-D-2 as a result of the gas blanketing system being upgraded. venting is very intermittent almost a puffing type. Air Reporting a release of hydrocarbon vapours from the NRU. The cause was a pump trip. Air Air Reporting tank venting from 20-D-5 diluent naphtha. Cause due to gas blanketing system updates. Had an SO2 violation due to start up at their sulfur plant.

Regulation/ They had an opacity exceedance in their old stack 31-F-7 due to a start up of a large boiler they converted to Reporting NG. Air They were looking through their old SEMS reports and discovered an SO2 violation for 19:00-20:00 August 29th. They are looking into why it was not reported earlier. Regulation/ Reporting a release from 20-D-33, the sour water tank. Due to replacement of the PVSB. Reporting Air Reporting freon release of R22. Cause unknown. Regulation/ Reporting that a generator providing power to the flow data monitor for their lower camp lagoon lost power. Reporting Working on system now. Air Reporting an exceedance of SO2 on their main stack. Were shutting down the sulfur plant, then had a runaway temp. on the 12-3C3 converter beds. Land Reporting a raw sewage overflow from their holding tank. Spill contains mostly water - no adverse effects; no waterways affected. Vac-truck currently cleaning. Still investigating. Air Venting of NAFTA vapours from tank 20-D-14, for 2 minutes. This ties into their ongoing tank maintenance. Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Land Regulation/ Reporting Due to no flights yesterday, they did not send Wednesday comps by air from Mildred Lake and Aurora sewage plants. They instead took grab samples today at 14:00, which were sent by bus. Reporting that a tailings line broke, effluent went into south tank farm instead of tailings pond. will eventually go to wastewater system, pond C outfall was shutdown. Reporting a sewage release from a manhole. Vac-trucks are on their way. Details in letter. Update on the 2nd stage of VRU. This week they were working on the VRU to install a new cooler. They installed it, but realized it was not the correct cooler. They've shut down stage 2 and made it priority to get the proper one installed. Air They will be flaring from NAFTA hydro-treater tonight at 20:00; going for 12 hours (perhaps longer). This is due to ongoing maintenance. EUB will be notified too. Regulation/ Caller advising they are shutting down their sour water unit 16-2. Don't anticipate a problem. Notification only. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting a spill of 50% caustic that occurred in the WTP Caustic Handling Building. No adverse effects. It Reporting was bermed, contained in a sump and a vac-truck is on the way.

94 26 26

101396 101406 101497

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

17-Sep-2001 8-Sep-2001 18-Sep-2001

Industry Industry Industry


26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

101507 101509 101535 101568 101631 101645 101666 101679 101768 101828 101849 101890 101894 101903 101905 101917 101923 101933 101935 102016 102031 102171 102182 102184 102229 102233 102255

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

16-Sep-2001 16-Sep-2001 17-Sep-2001 18-Sep-2001 19-Sep-2001 19-Sep-2001 4-Sep-2001 19-Sep-2001 20-Sep-2001 24-Sep-2001 21-Sep-2001 22-Sep-2001 22-Sep-2001 23-Sep-2001 24-Sep-2001 23-Sep-2001 23-Sep-2001 24-Sep-2001 24-Sep-2001 25-Sep-2001 25-Sep-2001 26-Sep-2001 27-Sep-2001 27-Sep-2001 28-Sep-2001 27-Sep-2001 28-Sep-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Surface Water Air

Have stopped venting from tank 20D-51 at 10:00hrs.; Reporting intermittent venting from tank 20-D51 due to high rundown rates from plant 7. Reporting an upset operating condition in upgrading, causing low stack top temp. No flaring occurred. Trip on incinerator stack. Reporting 20-D8 bitumen tank venting of steam and HC due to overpressure. Reporting tank venting from 20-D8 and 20-D13 due to PVSV passing. Reporting venting from tank 20D-2 due to ongoing maintenance. This one was for a PVS relocation. Reporting release from tank 20D-2 due to ongoing maintenance; removal of PVSV. Caller advised D-3 venting. Started at 02: 30 . Expected to end ~ 03:30. Reporting a refrigerant release; discovered during ongoing maintenance today. 20-D1 diluent bitumen tank venting - maintenance to replace PVSV. Still ongoing. Reporting a tank release from tank 8, or 20-D-8. The cause is high rundown rates. This is separate from their maintenance venting. Reporting venting from tank 20D-1 due to ongoing maintenance.; oil Bit tank 20-D1 is having PVSV replaced. Venting. Replacing PVSV on dil-bit tank, venting 20-D3. Venting from tank 20-D3 due to valve replacement. Had a gypsum spill due to FGD coming down. Went to coke pile. Reporting a tank venting release from tank 20-D-4. This is due to the ongoing maintenance. Notification of release from tank 20-D3. Putting in new PVSV valve as part of tank maintenance. bitumen vapour. Will be releasing for 5-10 minutes. Turbidity on potable water greater than 30 NTU due to contractors covering potable water intake. Had to switch to old intake. Reporting tank venting from tank 53, cause being investigated they are making plant changes to correct.

Regulation/ Notification of VRU going down for next 24 hours. Odour potential. Reporting Air Reporting venting of 20-D1 due to Changing pvsv (tank maintenance) . Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Reporting a release of H2S from Amine Plant 11-2. This release effected 2 workers and H2S measured at 15ppm. Reporting H2S release from plant 11-2 Amine plant when the LG1D leaked on plug. Two people exposed to gas. Reporting a freon release from or an air handling unit in building 325. It was discovered during routine maintenance. Reporting a release from tank 20-D-50; a result of ongoing maintenance. Reporting a hydraulic oil release from CEDA truck parked in the parking lot. All contained and being cleaned up. Venting from 20 - D51 due to PSV maintenance. They will be venting from tank 20-D-51 (bitumen storage) due to regular maintenance.


26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 18942 26 26 26 26

102287 102294 102311 102326 102332 102361 102365 102370 102375 102415 102495 102599 102625 102651 102666 102703 102726 102778 102829

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

28-Sep-2001 1-Oct-2001 29-Sep-2001 29-Sep-2001 29-Sep-2001 29-Sep-2001 29-Sep-2001 29-Sep-2001 30-Sep-2001 1-Oct-2001 3-Oct-2001 9-Oct-2001 9-Oct-2001 4-Oct-2001 5-Oct-2001 10-Oct-2001 7-Oct-2001 10-Oct-2001 19-Oct-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Impact Notification

Air Air Air

Reporting tank venting from 20-D52 due to tank maintenance. (changing PSV). Reporting a venting from tank 5 due to ongoing PVSV maintenance. Reporting tank venting from 20-D52 bitumen storage tank. Cause is ongoing maintenance on VRU.

Regulation/ Notification of opacity from powerhouse due to boiler trip. FGD down for maintenance. Reporting Air Reporting major plant upset due to loss of plant 8 sulfur Plant. Appears to be amine carry over in sulfur plant. Believe to flare more than 20t of SO2. Land Reporting a spill of sulfur from unit 5-12-1. Spill due to an overflow. They will let it solidify and clean up. Air Tank venting from 20-D53 as result of PSV maintenance. Land Air Air Air Reporting a sewage release from a broken line at building B-792 in mine. Approx. 50 gallons released. Venting from 20 - D5 naphtha tank. Due to ongoing maintenance. Tank venting from 20-D4 due to PVSV maintenance.

flaring started at 11:30. Sulfur recovery unit tripped resulting in Hydrogen Sulfide emissions ; will be down for up to 3 more hours. will also cause a tank temp violation. Wind is blowing towards Fort McMurray. Air Venting from tank 20-D-14 due to maintenance (regular) on VRS. Mostly hydrocarbon vapours. Shouldn't go for more than an hour. Regulation/ Reporting 2 natural gas leaks from their facility: (1) From a redundant line that is no longer in use has been Reporting isolated. (2) From building 152: they are currently looking to isolate it. Air They had 1 PVSV lift on tank 20-D4. Not sure why it is happening and are investigating. Land Air Land Air Diesel spill at their Aurora Mine. Reason for spill due to tank overfilled. Clean up being done. Reporting a venting from tank 20-D-3; bitumen vapours from PVSV due to high pressure. They are trying to fix it currently; hope to have it closed within an hour. A vessel that contains 93% pure acid had a leak. Leaked into the oily water sewer system. Complaining about odours north of source. Noticed night before also. Could be from tank venting.

26 94

102859 102915

Syncrude Suncor

11-Oct-2001 15-Oct-2001

Industry Industry

Notification Release

26 26 26 94

102918 102930 103051 103155

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

12-Oct-2001 9-Sep-2001 22-Aug-2001 17-Oct-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Regulation/ They were reviewing their Mildred Lake sewage flow data and found a questionable result for Sept 19th. They Reporting had a communication link lost between data machines and lagoon site (no power outage however) They will use a historical average for Sept 19 in monthly report. Regulation/ The lower camp sewage lagoon flow monitor was off line due to a power failure between 23:53-00:30 hrs. Reporting Air Notification that they are starting "Project millennium" today. This includes plantwide upgrades and will involve some flaring (which will be listed in the follow-up). They will forward their news release that has details about the project to AENV. Air Venting on tank 20 - D- 2 for regular maintenance; disk replacement. Regulation/ They found a missed reading from Sept 9th; reporting was put off until now. Another venting - details in letter. Reporting Air Reporting tank venting for tanks 20-D-1 and 20-D-4. They are venting intermittently; the cause is that the nitrogen vent recovery system is out of service. Air Notification that there will be flaring from millennium flare. Brought 1st cooker online at 04:40 and will be swinging into fractionator which will be causing some flaring. Once wet gas compressor 52k400 is up, flaring will stop. Only one coker up, not sure if 20 tonnes or so will be exceeded.; millennium update, expect to have 52K400 wet gas compressor up this evening, this will end flaring put second coker online at 14:30 (total of 4 cokers). Base plant: only 2 cokers online, shutdown caused when natural gas to furnace pilots were lost. Cause may be related to modifications to the burners as part of Williams Energy Project shutdown not related to


94 94 26 94 94 26 94

103157 103163 103198 103200 103204 103295 103307

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

17-Oct-2001 17-Oct-2001 17-Oct-2001 14-Oct-2001 13-Oct-2001 18-Oct-2001 17-Oct-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification

94 26 26 26 26

103369 103376 103381 103430 103472

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

17-Oct-2001 17-Oct-2001 18-Oct-2001 18-Oct-2001 18-Oct-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

millennium startup.; update from shift supervisor 21:45 52PV4015 is closed. This is the pressure valve to the flare from wet gas compressor. Compressor fully up and running 20:52-24:05 53PV2001 was open (valve from amine unit) to flare. 01:00 53PV2099B opened. H2S off amine generator. Sulfur train #3 still on N/G due to high hydrocarbon content in stream 23:43 PV1682 opened. Offgas from DRU will be opened (to flare ) until 1 they can get 52K100 blowers going. Air Reporting that pilot flame went out on flare 19F-2 at 04: 05. Flare still out at time of call; all cokers down, base plant is on natural gas. Air Reporting flaring incident; had to pull a coker in plant 5 of b plant; as a result, plant 25 and gas/oil unit was shutdown, superclause went down. Quantity of SO2 to be flared is unknown, but expected >20 tonnes. Regulation/ They are removing their chlorine analyzer from their sewage treater for ~3 hours today. Cause is that they are Reporting doing repairs. This may throw reading off; details in letter. Air SO2 violations from the incinerator stack, feeding millennium plant and the superclaus tripped causing acid gas to backup in the sulfur train. Regulation/ Release of gypsum slurry between 1425-1500 into coke pit. Estimate 30,000 gallons. Caused by a mechanical Reporting problem on a valve that stuck open. Land Reporting a 400 L spill of diesel in the mine. Caused when a line valve on a lube module split, releasing product. Vac-truck recovered some of the product. applied sand. will recover. Air As a result of recent flaring, may exceed the 24 hour rolling average; occurred at 23: 00 hrs? Base plant is down expect to be, down for 10 days due to possible damage to fractionator.; Update 24 hour rolling average was exceeded at 21:00 hour Oct 17; contravention is ongoing. Peaked at 540 t/hr @ 10:30 Oct 18th, current rate @ 450 t/hr, decreasing about 10 t/hr. Base plant brought down today at 13:00 also had several problems with SRU. Power problems caused when a pump was turned on, this caused all pumps to crash. Expect to start base plant at 02:00 hrs Oct 19.; They are starting up millennium cokers when they start plant; have to flare and hydrocarbon is low enough. Start one coker now, one midnight. A. Cummins asked operations to start up SRU in after was not conducted for earlier startup.; The 2nd millennium coker has been started up at 05: 20, SRU not started up yet.; Reporting further violation of the 360 t/hr rolling average. SRU down, Superclause was done.; Update... operations are waiting for results of an acid gas sample. Still above rolling average.; Earlier trips of the SRU were not resolved as reported, therefore unable to keep gas in the SRU. Have been flaring.; Acid gas introduced into SRU at 2: 00hrs. have reduced flaring but increased output through cokers. Base plant is flaring minimum amount of SO2, but will probably exceed 20 tonnes.; Lost SRU #3 therefore have to flare. This upset also resulted in flaring from the cokers. Potential to exceed 20 tonnes. Air They have an odour potential. They are sending slop oil water from the south tank farm to pond 1. This started yesterday at 07:30; they are trying to shut it off now. Air Reporting an R22 release from Building 12-0-JEB-1 Unit 12-R-102. Details in letter. Air Tank 20D13 venting due to pull off valve & put on blind flange during maintenance vent recovery program.

94 94 94 26 26 94

103577 103654 103656 103664 103685 103691

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

19-Oct-2001 20-Oct-2001 21-Oct-2001 21-Oct-2001 1-Oct-2001 23-Oct-2001

Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

Regulation/ Two of their flare flow instruments were found to be out of service: instrument #19-f-38 off since Oct1; Reporting instrument #19-f-37 off since Oct 3. They are investigating. Air Caller complaining of brown plume from Syncrude, visible from town migrating east of town.; Checked plume, did observe some colour; yellow-green colour. Checked with utilities, no problems; incinerate ammonia from sour water stripper. 2 deg C increase in stack temp. Details in earlier incident. Air Caller reporting a fire in their incinerator stack at millennium. Massive flare. Air Train #3 went down and have been flaring since SRU shutdown. Expect to exceed their 10% downtime for CEM. Regulation/ Reporting that the sour water acid gas flare was out at the millennium site. No ambient exceedances. Main flare Reporting was still going. Regulation/ Reporting that the 21-K2 NG compressor went down. No venting occurred. Reporting Regulation/ Will not meet the required 90% uptime for October for NOx analyzer due to bad readings and waiting for parts. Reporting If more info is required - contact Diane Philips. Air Reporting GLC exceedance from lower camp.


94 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94

103693 103697 103699 103754 103759 103768 103776 103778 103800

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

23-Oct-2001 23-Oct-2001 23-Oct-2001 14-Oct-2001 24-Oct-2001 24-Oct-2001 20-Oct-2001 20-Oct-2001 23-Oct-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Air Land

Wanted information on SO2 exceedances.; Reporting ambient SO2 exceedances. Reporting an odour potential due to tank venting caused by a pump trip on the NRU. Reporting two small explosions in extraction plant. No injuries or black smoke issues.

94 94 94 26 94

103830 103910 103919 103923 103944

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

25-Oct-2001 24-Oct-2001 25-Oct-2001 25-Oct-2001 26-Oct-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

They discovered another unrelated release. It was caused by a pinhole leak in line. They are putting lime over the area; will be disposing. Details in letter. Land They have a sewage release occurring due to an overflow at the lower camp. They are on their way to investigate, clean, etc. Will call back with details. Air Freon release of R22 from plant 25 upgrader. Doing pressure check of system this week. unsure exact amount but could be up to 100lb. based on capacity. Regulation/ Notification that flare stack 19-F2 will be taken offline to calibrate the flame scanner flare not in use at this Reporting time. Air SRU tripped and these trip periods not believed to cause SO2 emissions above 20 tonnes. Air Update on status of facility. Millennium still flaring at 13 t/hr. Base plant remains down and start up is scheduled for 24: 00 hrs. Sour water is being diverted to pond 1 due to explosion in extraction and NRU being down. Air Reporting SO2 above limit due to s tart up of base plant. Amine plant is up, but acid gas not going to SRU. Air Reporting SO2 exceedance on incinerator at base plant, when start up of SRU2 and swing to superclaus.






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26

103971 103977 103985 103988 103990 103994 103996 103998 104000 104004

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

26-Oct-2001 29-Oct-2001 26-Oct-2001 26-Oct-2001 27-Oct-2001 26-Oct-2001 27-Oct-2001 27-Oct-2001 28-Oct-2001 28-Oct-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Regulation/ Update on start up. Base plant up but hydrotreater not on line yet. Operating low rates. Millennium - amine still Reporting being charged expect to be up tomorrow. Sour water still going to Pond 1. Air Reporting Plant 11-2 is down and they are flaring to low pressure flare. They believe they are above the approval limit. Regulation/ update. Base Plant - running but minor problems with ratio in SRU. Mill - trouble maintaining amine level. Not Reporting ready to start yet.; Update. Flaring but below 360 t/hr. Base plant still incurring problems. Millennium - Amine plant producing sour gas believe WRU #3 will be up today.; Update. SRU at millennium is operating and sulfur dioxide emissions are at .4 t/hr from 13 t/hr.; Update. Millennium - SRU #3 has been operating for last 5 hours. Emission at 50 t/hr. Still flaring light end (butane). Base plant - acid gas going to SRU #3. To reduce SO2 from base P1. Air They had an unplanned release of propane gas; occurred over the last 3 days, discovered today. Cause was improper venting; now corrected. Approval #82973 (non-reportable). This happened during the Fire Bag project. Air Reporting a release of R22 from an A/C unit in building. Volume unknown at this time. The release was from a high pressure fitting was leaking. Air Reporting a venting from tank 20 - D-13 (separate from ongoing maintenance venting). They are not sure of cause; details in letter. Air Reporting SO2 exceedance on incinerator at base plant due to amine plant problems. Air Air Reporting an additional SO2 exceedance on base plant. Cause is amine plant problems. Reporting tank venting from tank 4-G-4 diluent bitumen.

Regulation/ Reporting outage of 21-K2 NG VRU on tank farm. 21-K2 tripped on high discharge alarm. Reporting Air Venting from tank 20 - D14 due to ongoing upgrades. Air Air Air Tank venting from tank 20-D8 due to 21-K2 compressor operation problems. Tank venting from tank 20-D7 due to equipment failure of compressor. Tank venting from Tank 20-D1 and 20-D2 due to over pressuring tanks caused by a liquid carryover to


94 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26

104006 104020 104036 104091 104106 104108 104203 104274 104302

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

29-Oct-2001 29-Oct-2001 30-Oct-2001 31-Oct-2001 31-Oct-2001 30-Oct-2001 31-Oct-2001 2-Nov-2001 1-Nov-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Air Air Air

induction system. This caused N2 to over pressurize. Reporting flaring above 20 t limit due to vapour lock in feed pump. Flaring acid gas. Tank venting from tank 20-D2. Unsure why.

26 94 26 94 26 94

104310 104336 104433 104453 104482 104579

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

31-Oct-2001 2-Nov-2001 6-Nov-2001 2-Nov-2001 6-Nov-2001 18-Oct-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Reporting flaring at Millennium as they are bringing up the cokers first coker brought online at 08:00hrs. Could be flaring for 4-6 hours. Air They had a hydrocarbon steam tank release from 20-D-1, 2,3,4. This is separate from tank maintenance. They should have it closed in the next 10 minutes. These are diluted bitumen tanks. Air Tank 20D-2 vented. New control valves are giving them problems. Venting is ongoing and they are working on problem. Land Reporting a broken sewage line on lift station 660. Happened last night and they have a vac truck onsite cleaning up spill. No waterways effected. Air They discovered a 24 - hour SO2 violation from yesterday. Their SO2 24 hour rolling average was high. Some instrumentation is not working and the line to the amine unit is frozen. They are working on repairs. Air Caller reporting a strong foul odour from source. Similar to the one he reported yesterday. It's coming from a source pond. Air Advised they had venting on tanks 20D-1 and 20D-2. Increased extraction rate to depressurize tanks. K-24 is still down. Instrumentation tech are checking on inductors to attempt to discover why they are still having these problems. Land Reporting a spill at their WTP. During inspection they discovered a faulty mechanical seal on a pump. Estimate they lost 350 gallons of sulfuric acid. Spill contained in wastewater system. Regulation/ High opacity at plant exceeded 6 minutes. Still investigating cause. Reporting Air Reporting an unauthorized release from tank 20 D 2. Investigating cause - suspect problem with pressure control valve. Details in letter. Air Opacity exceedance on stack 31. Still investigating; details in letter. Land They had a sewage overflow at building #792. See call sheet for contact. Contained on-site; cleaned; no adverse effect. Air Update confirming that base plant is down. Shift supervisor said starting to pull cokers; last 2 cokers on idle. Reporting that flaring at millennium is ongoing.; They started flaring at 1320 today and will go for - 18 hours . If is sour water acid gas being flared from the sour water stripper at the base plant. Associated with the millennium startup. Regulation/ violation of 4.1.13; their 3rd quarterly sample for chlorides was missed. It is for runoff from the T-pit (gravel Reporting pit). He is sampling immediately. Regulation/ 21K-2 compressor tripped on high O2. No venting occurred because of it. Reporting Air In response to the odour complaint. Calm winds and hazy conditions. Will check the plant status.; Checked the stations. Had a peak on HC at 14: 00 hrs. at Buffalo Viewpoint otherwise nothing. No plant upsets. Regulation/ 21K-2 tripped again on high O2. No venting occurred. Reporting Regulation/ 52K-100A compressor tripped at millennium plant. This is on the DRU. Reporting Regulation/ 21K-2 tripped again on high O2 again. Still has not resulted in any venting. Reporting Air Reporting possible freon 22 release due to checking compressor and noticed low level during routine maintenance. In process of repairs. Air Reporting 21K2 natural gas vapour recovery compressor shut down at 10:00 am today, Potential for venting, not venting yet. Should have it up shortly. Air Had an upset in the acid gas plant.; Acid gas plant upsets. Regulation/ 21 - K2 tripped; cause unknown at present. No venting occurred because of it. Reporting

26 26 94 26 94 26 94 26 94 26

104655 104703 104705 104708 104710 104717 104775 104790 104814 104823

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

8-Nov-2001 8-Nov-2001 8-Nov-2001 8-Nov-2001 8-Nov-2001 8-Nov-2001 8-Nov-2001 9-Nov-2001 9-Nov-2001 10-Nov-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention


26 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 26

104866 104931 104933 104939 104941 104967 104972 105003 105011 105038 105042 105080 105115 105138

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

14-Nov-2001 12-Nov-2001 12-Nov-2001 11-Nov-2001 11-Nov-2001 15-Nov-2001 13-Nov-2001 13-Nov-2001 13-Nov-2001 14-Nov-2001 15-Nov-2001 17-Nov-2001 17-Nov-2001 17-Nov-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification


Reporting tank venting from 20-S-15. Cause is that K-2 has been out of service for ~6 days. They are reducing temp and adjusting flow; still puffing (not constant venting). Regulation/ Millennium cokers were brought down on tank suction feed problems. In next, 3-4 hours they will exceed their Reporting 20t/day limit. Regulation/ 21K-2 tripped again on high O2 levels. No venting. Reporting Regulation/ 21K-2 tripped and is still down. No venting due to it. Reporting Air Bitumen tank 20D-20 venting intermittently. 21K-2 compressor tripped on low O2. Scheduled for a PM next week. Air They had a power trip due to an upset in sulfur unit #2. Superclaus also tripped. They had violation in sulfur plant for SO2, incinerator stack. Air Freon release in the upgrading control room. Air Air Air Air Air Took the 21K-2 compressor offline for scheduled maintenance possible increase in venting over the next 7 days. Base plant UG-1 VRU offline intermittently since 18: 00hrs. Possible odour potential. SRU #3 at Millennium plant went down and they are flaring acid gas from the cokers. Tank venting from 20D-15 still pulsing due to feed rate reductions. They had an opacity exceedance Saturday Nov 17. No idea what caused it; investigating.

94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 26 26

105147 105180 105209 105262 105301 105326 105368 105490 105492 105509 105522 105557 105565

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

17-Nov-2001 18-Nov-2001 19-Nov-2001 20-Nov-2001 21-Nov-2001 21-Nov-2001 23-Nov-2001 26-Nov-2001 26-Nov-2001 17-Nov-2001 27-Nov-2001 23-Nov-2001 23-Nov-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Flaring greater than 20 tonnes SO2 from the millennium plant due to a sweet gas leak in the SRU #1. Regulation/ Their turbidity meter on B-Train malfunctioned; no accurate continuous data available for the weekend. They Reporting bench tested every 2 hours to ensure numbers ok. New protocol will be created to ensure an instrument mechanic will be available on weekends.; They're still having turbidity meter problems even though they thought they had it fixed (see 114492 Nov 19). They are collecting bench samples every 2 hours. Air SO2 contravention from plant #1 base plant due to bounce from millennium upgrader. Air Air Air Land Reporting SRU#2 in base plant tripped; caused SO2 exceedances limit when superclause is down is 20000ppm. Cause was an unexpected closure of valve 8P1C6. Still investigating. Reporting SO2 exceedance on incinerator on upgrade 1 caused by trip of plant. Tank venting from 20D-1 and 20D-2 due to start up of unit and light ends going to tankage.

Release of liquid sulfur from their millennium loading dock. 9/10 barrels were contained. Last barrel ran towards Gas Turbo Generator plant; solidified; will be cleaned. No adverse effects. Air They've been flaring today since 02: 40 am. The cause is a trip of compressor 52-K-100 (DRU offgas blower). They may go over 20 ton Limit. at which time they'll call back. Regulation/ Tank 21-K-2 (natural gas compressor) tripped on high vibration. Still working on getting it back up. Reporting Regulation/ They were bringing SRU #2 online at 1300. This caused a trip in the superclaus @ 1308. There were two SO2 Reporting violations from 1300-1400. Good now. Regulation/ They had a violation for monthly Oct uptime. Main cause was the startup of millennium. This occurred in the Reporting thermal oxidizer unit (SIMS). Regulation/ Received fax notification that Utility Boiler 202 outage started Nov 17th and will be in effect until Dec 3rd. Reporting Air The SRU #3 in the millennium unit tripped. This caused some hourly upsets in the base plant as well; hourly SO2 violation. Should be ok now. Land Reporting spill of used oil due to pail falling off truck. Contained on road and cleaned up. No waterway effected. Air Reporting venting from tank 20D-1. Cause being investigated.


26 94 26 94 94

105570 105583 105586 105603 105670

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

24-Nov-2001 24-Nov-2001 24-Nov-2001 28-Nov-2001 28-Nov-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air

Reporting tank venting from 20D-8 and 20D-15 due to instrument malfunction. Reporting flaring due to shut down of SRU#4. Reporting venting from 20D-15 due to instrument failure on pressure control. Also 20K-2 tripped when operator was trying to fix the problem. They are still flaring from the millennium unit; initial cause was maintenance and a blower replacement. Continuation of ref # 114592; follow-up for both reference numbers will be sent. Reporting potential for greater than 20 tons discharge of SO2 due to acid gas off the back end of the millennium SRV, flow normally gas to tail gas & reading, why this is happening unknown. This started at 18:15 last night. He knows it is late reporting and is looking into why. ongoing. Spill of H2SO4 50% solution due to faulty valve. 20,000 L to drain and into effluent pond; all contained. Reporting tank venting from 20-D-10 from 01:30-01:40. Caused by PSVS freezing. Reporting tank venting from 20-D-1 and 20-D-3 from 0415-0420. Problems with PVS freezing. Reporting Opacity meter on old Powerhouse down for more than 10% of November. Instrumentation is working on meter. Reporting potential to exceed 20 t of SO2. Due to non-functioning valve, butane went to flare. Spill of gear oil from a conveyor belt motor. All contained on site and cleaned up. Reporting 21K-2 wet gas compressor for the tank farm was down. Caused by instrumentation adjustments.

26 26 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 26

105674 105683 105685 105687 105729 105731 105739 105754 105759 105790 105821 105835 105872 105874 105878 105884 105906 105910 105917 105920 105925 105927 105972 106032

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

25-Nov-2001 25-Nov-2001 25-Nov-2001 25-Nov-2001 19-Nov-2001 29-Nov-2001 28-Nov-2001 3-Dec-2001 30-Nov-2001 30-Nov-2001 1-Dec-2001 1-Dec-2001 3-Dec-2001 4-Dec-2001 3-Dec-2001 1-Dec-2001 2-Dec-2001 3-Dec-2001 3-Dec-2001 3-Dec-2001 1-Dec-2001 5-Dec-2001 5-Dec-2001 7-Dec-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Land Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Land Regulation/ Reporting Air

They are flaring; since 0700; ongoing. Capacitor 12-3-K-M-2 failed; they are currently replacing, then flaring should stop. Regulation/ Notification that they are taking their opacity meter out of service to replace it. will be down from 0900-1100. Reporting This is in the Energy Services Division. Regulation/ Notification the 21K-24 nitrogen gas compressor will be shut down for 24 hours to facilitate VRU. Reporting Air Reporting release from tank 20D-10 bitumen tank. Cause was malfunction of the NG pressure controller. Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Reporting flaring of over 20 tons Dec 1-2. Trip on SRU #4 on high level reading in knockout drum, was the cause. Initially was not reported because valves were only partially open. They exceeded their limit of SO2 released in a 24-hour period. (Limit - 360 tons - flaring + venting). Exceedance was from midnight Dec 3 to midnight (00:00) Dec 4. They had some minor venting this morning from tank 20-D-4. The cold weather caused a blip on new instruments. They have a potential to flare over 20 tons of SO2. flaring began Dec 3, at 1931. Ongoing. Cause is that the valve is now open continuously. Reporting a sour water leak at plant 13-2, the naphtha hydrotreater line froze and split. Operators flushed waste into oily water sewer, ends up in effluent pond. will be bringing the hydrotreater #2 up; therefore will be flaring butane during start up. Reporting venting from 20D-8 dry bitumen tank. Cause was the pressure transmitter froze. Reporting a NOX exceedance on GTG5 stack. Had cold weather problems on the preheat section. Upgrading advised caller that SO2 limit on base plant incinerator. Cause unknown. Superclaus up. Reporting flaring from plant 52. Problems with pressure controller. Plant on manual now. Tank venting from D-1 and D-4. Cause is an instrument that is not reading properly - technicians are currently working on it. SO2 flaring from Nov 28 (#114647) is being continued. The reason is that they haven't fixed the additional damage in the blowers yet. Working on it. Tank venting from 20-D-51, 20-D-52. Cause - instrument malfunction; they are running on manual at present.


26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 20809 26 94 94 26

106048 106056 106058 106060 106062 106087 106101 106104 106115 106117 106133 106137 106153 106168 106180 106182 106184 106186 106202 106213 106220 106222 106224 106235 106240 106242 106244 106355

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

7-Dec-2001 4-Dec-2001 4-Dec-2001 4-Dec-2001 4-Dec-2001 4-Dec-2001 6-Dec-2001 5-Dec-2001 6-Dec-2001 6-Dec-2001 7-Dec-2001 7-Dec-2001 7-Dec-2001 7-Dec-2001 8-Dec-2001 8-Dec-2001 9-Dec-2001 9-Dec-2001 9-Dec-2001 9-Dec-2001 10-Dec-2001 10-Dec-2001 10-Dec-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Notification Notification Release Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Trip of 21-K-2 due to high vibration. venting from 0915-1010. Running now. Reporting tank 20D-15 venting. Unsure the cause. Reporting venting from tanks 20D-1 & 2 pressure transmitter froze off. Repaired. Reporting compressor 21K-2 trip. Problem with filtration system. Bypass system froze which limits their options. Reporting venting from tank 20D-51. Faulty pressure transmitter 21PT-124. Caused by cold temperature. Reporting tank venting from 20D-8. Problem due to transmitter freezing. Manually adjusted. Reporting exceedance in incinerator stack at upgrader 1. Cause was trip of SRU #3 in upgrader 2. Still investigating cause. Reporting a potential exceedance of the 20 ton flaring of SO2. This is a part of similar incidents over the last couple days as they are bringing upgrade 2 hydrotreater online. Freon release of R22 from building 81. Quantity unknown at this time.

Reporting compressor 21K-2 is down. Instrumentation problems. No tanks venting as a result of loss of NG blanket. Air Notification of flaring over 20t SO2 from their sour water stripper 53C101 due to commissioning of upgrader 2. Regulation/ 21K-2 compressor down. Problems with drive belts. Shut down for another hour or so. Reporting Air They are starting up some new equipment; they expect SO2 flaring over the next few days. Specifics will be in follow-up letter. Regulation/ Reporting instrumentation problems with 21K-2. Problems with new technology. Back online now. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting 21K-2 trip. Cause was believed to be low suction pressure. No venting associated. Back online now. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting they lost SRU 12-3-KM2. This is 1 out of 3 that is down. They are flaring a high volume of H2S. Reporting Air reporting H2S smell as she was driving north past Syncrude gate. Wants to know if there is anything going on. Air Reporting tank venting from #52 as a result of pressure indicator problems.

Regulation/ Reporting blower for sulfur plant is back online as of 16:00. Flaring has stopped. Reporting Air Reporting flaring due to loss of 12-3-KM2. Cause was electrical.; Follow-up to ref # 116002. They did exceed 360 ton/day SO2 for an 8 hour period. Exact numbers and details will be in the follow-up. Air Reporting loss of compressor 52K-400. Required to flare SO2. Air Reporting exceedance of NOX from #5 generator. Main cause was the low temp. Air Reporting venting from tank 20D-15. Believed to be related to new electronics.

Albian Sands 19-Nov-2001 Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude 10-Dec-2001 10-Dec-2001 10-Dec-2001 12-Dec-2001

Regulation/ Reporting potable water contravention on manganese due to potassium permanganate pump failed and Reporting replacement pump not calibrated right. Air Very strong sour gas smell on the highway at the Syncrude gate. Air Air Air Were putting the SRU2 online and exceeded their hourly limit on incinerator stack Gl. More incinerator exceedances during SRU2 start up on acid gas for Millennium. Lost a sulfur plant blower (12 - 3KM2) and are flaring acid gas.









26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26

106397 106407 106432 106442 106479 106497 106506 106531 106533 106535 106543 106606 106617 106621 106623 106655 106657 106704 106731 106739 106885 106913 106915 106921 106928 106939 106956

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

13-Dec-2001 12-Dec-2001 13-Dec-2001 14-Dec-2001 14-Dec-2001 17-Dec-2001 13-Dec-2001 17-Dec-2001 15-Dec-2001 15-Dec-2001 16-Dec-2001 17-Dec-2001 17-Dec-2001 17-Dec-2001 18-Dec-2001 18-Dec-2001 18-Dec-2001 18-Dec-2001 19-Dec-2001 19-Dec-2001 20-Dec-2001 20-Dec-2001 21-Dec-2001 21-Dec-2001 20-Dec-2001 21-Dec-2001 22-Dec-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

They had a tailings spill from millennium plant . Sand, clay and warm water were released from the millennium emergency pond to land near the extraction plant. The only adverse effect is some snow melted. Investigating cause: SETA is cleaning. Air They had a release from 21-K-2 when vapour recovery compressor tripped. Exact times in follow-up letter. (Approx 0850-0900). Back up/running now. Regulation/ 21K-2 tripped on low suction pressure. No venting occurred. Reporting Air Another trip on 21-K-2; potential for a release. Cause - pressure controller keeps freezing. Air plant 8-1, CO boiler had a diversion to atmosphere 08:45; ongoing. Should only last a few more minutes. Cause - valve failure. Air They had an average opacity exceedance from 0900-1200. Cause - fuel boiler upset as well as problems with the rectifiers. Should be good now. Air Tank 21-K-2, natural gas vent compressor tripped due to low suction pressure. Down 10 minutes, back up and normal now. Regulation/ 21K-2 tripped; reason is unknown . No trip logic showed up on the PLC. No venting was noticed. Reporting Air 12-3K-2 air blower tripped. Are flaring acid gas. Regulation/ Had an opacity exceedance on the old power house 31-F7. They believe it is an instrumentation problem. Reporting Air SO2 hourly exceedances on 8F5 incinerator stack. Had an oil control problem that caused SRU2 to bounce. Air Air Routine maintenance :Found on AC unit. Low on freon. Freon release of R22 due to line leak in building 151. Amount unknown at this time.

Regulation/ 21K-2 NG vapour recovery compressor off line. Cause unknown. Reporting Air Venting HC vapour from 20D-50 due to a frozen PCV valve, electronic heater malfunctioned. Air Air Air Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Land Tripped the 21K-2 compressor due to high discharge pressure. Venting HC and NG. Tank 20-D-8 is venting . Stop-time in the 7 day letter. Tank 53 was puffing for ~ 10 minutes. Cause - vent gas compressor (20-D-53 bitumen) kept tripping. Done now. Venting HC vapour from tank 20D-4. Nitrogen recovery system. 21-K-2 tripped at 1023; back online at 1031. Cause - maintenance.

21-K-2 tripped again for 5 minutes. No venting. They are doing maintenance for the afternoon, so they may have more intermittent trips. Details in letter. Have been dealing with seepage issue at settling pond and discovered another area 200m north of original site that shows another area of seepage. Found this morning. Plant 12 -3 sulfur plant tripped. Ongoing flaring of acid gas. still investigating cause. At Aurora site found a leaking tailings line that release produced water into a ditch. Caused by flange gasket failure. No offsite impact. Land Release of sewage due to a tank that overflowed. Sewage released to the oily water sewer system. Regulation/ Shut down of 21-K2 VRU due to an instrument failure. Reporting Air Update to 110424; there was one more violation, will be added to the report. Plant is running steady with normal flow rates.; SO2 contravention caused by low feed to primary extraction unit. Regulation/ 21-K-2 tripped between 1410-1420 due to instrumentation problems.; 21-k-2 tripped between 1005-1020 due to


94 26 26 94

106963 106965 107005 107012

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

24-Dec-2001 23-Dec-2001 25-Dec-2001 28-Dec-2001

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air

continuous instrumentation problems. Notification that tail gas treatment unit - PAE that recovers the lost 4-6% sulfur is down. Been having problems with unit, taken off line for repairs. Section 4.1.26. 20 D-1 diluent bitumen tank venting HC vapour starting @ 1050 hours. Caused by high pressure in tank.

26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 18942 94 26

107024 107074 107076 107082 107087 107138 107192 107223 107277 107295 107373 107440 107475 107478 107487 107512 107514 107520 107526 107566 107573 107587 107606 107674

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

27-Dec-2001 30-Dec-2001 30-Dec-2001 28-Dec-2001 25-Dec-2001 28-Dec-2001 2-Jan-2002 2-Jan-2002 1-Jan-2002 2-Jan-2002 3-Jan-2002 4-Jan-2002 7-Jan-2002 6-Jan-2002 5-Jan-2002 7-Jan-2002 7-Jan-2002 12-Dec-2001 7-Jan-2002 7-Jan-2002 7-Jan-2002 8-Jan-2002 8-Jan-2002 7-Jan-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Regulation/ 21-K-2 tripped between 0427-0450 due to low suction pressure. Reporting Air Reporting a few flaring instances: They've had small amounts of ongoing flaring from their sour water flash drum 53-C-10D, and intermittent sweet gas flaring from 53-PC-20-39-B. Also, they expect to exceed 20 tons flaring SO2 from millennium upgrader #2 (probably flaring from U1 as well). Cause is SRU down. They are working on repairs. Land Spill of 3000 L diesel into the mine site due to a broken fuel line. Area was dyked off and vac truck removed fuel. Air Reporting trip of 21K2 natural gas compressor due to low suction from tank. No venting occurred. Off line from 0923 - 0935. Air Reporting trip of 21K2 due to low suction. No tank venting. Off line from 10 mins. Air Reporting Low Stack top temperature due to trip of SRU. Air Air Air Update to ref #110450. Inspected plant wide activities. Ambient and wind conditions. Ambient H2S from station #2 is not from Suncor. odour complaint, caller believes odours coming from sour water tanks.

Their H2S alarms at the effluent pond went off at 0945. They are still on now. Investigating; checking water from effluent ponds. Potential for adverse effects. They will update if necessary. Air They are flaring H2S at the effluent plant (start - 15:45). They are looking into it and will update. Regulation/ Reporting opacity on old powerhouse stack. Cause is being investigated. Reporting Air Freon release of R22 from Building 9 due to leaking PSV on receiver. Land Reporting a spill of hydraulic oil at a drilling site at the Firebag Project. Contained and recovered into drums for recycling. Air Reporting that 21K-2 tripped due to high vibration,; Reporting that the 21K-2 tripped due to excess vibration. Regulation/ They had 2 21-K-2 trips this morning. No release as of yet. Cause - controlled communication problem. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting that the 21K-2 compressor was down due to high vibration, Believe problem related to loose belts.; Reporting Reporting that 21K-2 NG compressor went d own . Not sure of problem. Land Reporting a diesel spill in the tailings pond when attempting to fill barge. Regulation/ Reporting shutdown of the 21K-2 compressor due to high vibration. Reporting Land Reporting a spill of dil-bit in the south tank farm. Contained and cleaning up. Cause was a sump overflowing. Regulation/ Reporting loss of sewage flow data from Mildred Lake Base plant due to change over of UPS and analyzer Reporting defaulted to zero. Found when going over December data. Air They had an R22 release from building 177; unit 1181-R-10. Land Land Surface Water Air Air Reporting a break in the sour waterline on upgrader. Water is flowing onto a roadway but doesn't believe it will enter wastewater or river. Odour potential. Reporting spill of produced water at their Sag-D operation. Contained within berm and vacuum truck picked up. A backhoe operator was de-icing a ditch; hit culvert and spilled dirty water into a clean water ditch. Bermed right away; fixing culvert. Water will be recleaned. Reporting exceedance of millennium thermal oxidizer stack due to temporary furnace problem. Problem corrected. They had a loss of lube seal oil on diverter 8-1 Jan 7th. The result is an ongoing leaking of SO2 vapours. They


94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94 94

107784 107791 107874 107920 107930 107936 107955 108063 108129 108192 108269 108335

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

10-Jan-2002 10-Jan-2002 12-Jan-2002 13-Jan-2002 14-Jan-2002 14-Jan-2002 14-Jan-2002 16-Jan-2002 16-Jan-2002 17-Jan-2002 16-Jan-2002 19-Jan-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Land Air Air Air Air Air

are working on it. Found a historic contaminated site where doing an excavation by their wastewater pond system. A layer of bitumen was identified as being there a while. SETA cleaning. Still investigating source. Trip of 52-K-100 caused SO2 flaring. Ongoing. Potential for flaring of > 20 tonnes SO2. Reporting venting from 20-D-8. Adjusting flows to balance out tank. Compressor working. Reporting loss of smokeless flare. They suspect gas flow and steam inductors could have extinguished it. Back online. 21-K-2 tripped releasing NG & HC vapour due to high vibrations. Reporting 21-K-2 tripped @ 11:35hrs due to high knock out drum level, Vented until 12:20hrs.

Regulation/ Improper and unreliable chlorine analyzer for STP. Not working for Aurora mine site since 13:00. Still not Reporting working. Air bitumen tank 20-D-8 is venting, They are swinging the tanks now and that should end the event. Air Air Air Air Odour potential. Plant 4 vents went out of VRU for more than 5 hours. Cause and duration unknown. Tank venting from 20-D-53 from 1420, and ongoing, Unsure of cause - details in letter. Reporting a flaring event from the 50-3-C100. Have not exceeded limit yet but think they probably will be the time the event is over. Flaring due to built up pressure. Flared from 8PIC1 when Millennium lost SRU4. Sent A/G to base plant.; Were flaring at Millennium too Close to 20t but not sure if they are over.; Another SO2 ME on the incinerator stack. Millennium is having trouble getting SRU4 up and running again. Update. Estimate 100 barrels of sulfur to pad.; Had problems with the degasser last night and blocked it in. Didnt block in the sulfur rundown line. sulfur ran to ground from overflow and solidified. Intermittent flaring since 13:00. Hopefully done now. They are flaring sour fuel gas from their low pressure flare. Cause - upset in plant 11-2. Their pressure indicator froze off while reading low , natural gas started venting from tank 7. Done now.

26 26 26 94 94 94 18942 94 26 94 18942 94 94 26.94

108365 108430 108442 108488 108510 108568 108605 108776 108859 108974 109071 109073 109120 109157

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude; Suncor

20-Jan-2002 21-Jan-2002 21-Jan-2002 22-Jan-2002 22-Jan-2002 21-Jan-2002 24-Jan-2002 26-Jan-2002 28-Jan-2002 24-Jan-2002 31-Jan-2002 31-Jan-2002 31-Jan-2002 1-Feb-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Land Air Air Municipal

They had a potable water C12 violation. Sample taken before the distribution system. Suspect instrument problem - with the C12 injector. Working on it. Putting up drinking water signs. Air 2 of the coker fire boilers tripped @ 1806 hrs. Cause still under investigation. Resulted in 3 - 6 minute opacities and a release of an unknown amount of gypsum slurry. Air Just completed calculation and discovered that flaring on 21st Jan was 21.9 tons; above approval, not below as believed. Regulation/ The sewage sampling at Aurora, approval says sample should be grab sample but operator took 2 comps. Have Reporting sent to the lab as sample needed for weekly limit. (Test for fecal coliforms). Land Going to temporarily store contaminated sewage in a pit at the mine site. Then decide what to do with it in the spring time.; Spill of diluent bitumen in extraction. Contaminated the sanitary sewer. Cleanup underway. Air Reporting venting from tank 33 due to tank over pressured. Investigating cause. Air Land Air Air Air Potential for over 20 tons SO2 flaring. 55-C-310 valve lifting and bypassing to flare since Jan 24. Still calculating the exact amount. Results in letter. Spill of hydraulic oil; failed seal on hydraulic ram on the hydraulic shovels; cleaning up spill; all reps onsite. Odour potential, problems with millennium sulfur unit. Sulfur in pit caught on fire. Stack temp violation due to a plant upset. Reporting readings from a source tracking unit for H2S and SO2.; Sour water smell. HC odours. Most of the noticeable smell has dissipated.; Reporting that they are monitoring several air monitoring stations.; No venting on any of their facilities, no upsets etc. Still doing more monitoring.; Update on Fort Mackay odour incident. No high readings, no noticeable odour. No source found.


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 94 94

109194 109205 109227 109252 109267 109302 109304 109385 109500 109533 109745 109753 109755 109773 109910 109919

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

1-Feb-2002 1-Feb-2002 2-Feb-2002 4-Feb-2002 2-Feb-2002 4-Feb-2002 4-Feb-2002 6-Feb-2002 6-Feb-2002 7-Feb-2002 1-Sep-2001 10-Feb-2002 10-Feb-2002 12-Feb-2002 13-Feb-2002 13-Feb-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Regulation/ 21-5-2 tripped @ 07:55; back up @ 08:20. No release. Cause may be a faulty instrument; still investigating. Reporting Land A line split on unit 16-0 (their sour water treatment line) and sour water spilled. This set off the H2S alarms, until the line was closed. Air 21-K-2 trip and vented from 20-D-15. Air They found an R22 leak while doing maintenance. It happened at building 326; unit 41-23-R002.

Regulation/ Reporting 21-K-2 tripped. No venting. Reporting Land Reporting a spill of sewage grey water on floor of Beaver Creek warehouse due to overflow of tank. Clean up underway. Regulation/ Reporting 21-K-2 compressor tripped. No venting occurred. Reporting Air venting from tank 20-D-33 for 10 min. They were trying to commission the eductor for the tank (which would vacuum the tank to recover vapours), but a line was frozen on it. Tank over-pressured, vented. Air Sending coker gas to Williams Plant to clean it up and will be flaring until line is full. Potential to exceed their 20 tonne SO2 limit. Air Compressor 22-1-K-2 went down at 12 :28; flaring since then, ongoing. It is a larger flare - although it is not sour material, just more bulk to flare. Air late submission of source survey report for 31-F-7 Stack. Regulation/ Reporting trip of 21-K-2 compressor due to low suction. No tank venting. Reporting Air Reporting venting from 20-D-8 and 20-D-53. Unsure of cause but could be rundown rates. Air They had a 6 minute opacity exceedance on their old energy services stack. Investigating cause. Details in follow-up. Regulation/ Required to sample sewage lagoon 1/week and two samples were taken last week but for one reason or another Reporting (unsure exactly why) they have no label results from them. They were for CBOD. Air Lost the Millennium wet gas compressor and expect to exceed 20 tonne reporting guideline. Some black smoke and increased flame. Cause unknown.; The wet gas compressor has now been restarted. Loss of compressor did not affect SRU. No temp violations. Land Spill of treated effluent from wastewater site onto land. Cause - leak in underground piping. -5 m3. Low turbidity in effluent, so likely no adverse effects. Full details in letter. Air Refrigerant release from unit 41X-27-8VB, building 579. Cause - faulty valve. Air Air Reporting an ODS release of R409A. PSV lifted on tank 20-D-53. intermittent venting.

94 26 26 26 26 26

110037 110039 110053 110057 110079 110119

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

15-Feb-2002 15-Feb-2002 15-Feb-2002 15-Feb-2002 16-Feb-2002 17-Feb-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

26 26 26 26.94

110137 110139 110143 110177

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor;

18-Feb-2002 18-Feb-2002 19-Feb-2002 19-Feb-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Regulation/ Reporting an outage of 21-K-2 wet gas compressor. No venting occurred. Cause was low suction pressure. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting outage of 21-K-2 due to low suction temperature. Fluctuating ambient temperatures caused Reporting problems. Unsure if venting occurred.; Reporting another outage of 21-K-2 wet gas compressor due to high vibration. Air Reporting venting from bitumen tank #8. Tank is not in service not sure of cause, probably faulty psv. Air Air Air Freon release of R22 due to a faulty PSV. Reporting venting from 20-D-53 bitumen tank due to high rundown rates. venting intermittently. PSV ok. Reporting an upset at the Millennium Upgrader Amine plant. H2S flaring is required. Anticipates they will


Syncrude 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94 110179 110183 110196 110357 110407 110413 110419 110530 110573 110580 110592 110614 110793 110803 110810 110907 110923 110927 110929 110942 110949 110974 111005 111039 111080 111091 111112 Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor 19-Feb-2002 19-Feb-2002 20-Feb-2002 22-Feb-2002 25-Feb-2002 25-Feb-2002 25-Feb-2002 25-Feb-2002 27-Feb-2002 28-Feb-2002 27-Feb-2002 26-Feb-2002 1-Mar-2002 2-Mar-2002 2-Mar-2002 2-Mar-2002 4-Mar-2002 28-Feb-2002 4-Mar-2002 6-Mar-2002 5-Mar-2002 6-Mar-2002 7-Mar-2002 8-Mar-2002 7-Mar-2002 8-Mar-2002 11-Mar-2002 Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Impact Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Air

exceed 20 tons.; They had called in flaring around 1700 Feb19th. They just noticed an SO2 exceedance on the incinerator (8-F-S) stack related to the flaring. Reporting tank venting from 20-D-53 of bitumen vapour. Compressor working fine. Still investigating.

Regulation/ Reporting H2S flare header pilot went out. Don't know what caused it. Still investigating. Reporting Air Reporting SO2 violation from SRU #2 (base plant). Super claus was on. Unsure of the reason as yet. Regulation/ He just discovered a noncompliance. They have a diesel fuel tank at the Aurora Mine site. It is in secondary Reporting containment made out of oil sands. Oilsands and diesel are noncompatible according to the approval. Air Strong odour coming from source this morning @ ~ 08:50. Air Air Land Air Reporting tank venting from 20-D-53 and 20-D-51. Reason unknown at this time. Tank venting of 20-D-8. Reason unknown at this time. Had diesel spill at lube module while making transfer. The vent was open on coke drums for a max of 45 minutes. Monitoring ambient stations.

Regulation/ Flare hitter instrument 19-F-37 is flat lined and should be showing movement so unsure if its operating Reporting properly. Air pressure transmitter failed - caused venting from bitumen tank. Regulation/ 21-K-2 tripped on high O2 levels. No venting is occurring and techs are looking to get it back up. Reporting Land Release from tailings pond. caused by water line rupture. Leaving diked area running off loose towards highway. watercourses involved. Air One compressor on diluent recovery was down for maintenance and backup tripped. Went to flare. Regulation/ Had 2 more trips on 21-K- 2. Related to same electrical problem.; 21-K-2 tripped on a communication error Reporting electrical. Are investigating. No venting. Air Strong onion smell from source on Saturday . It was a problem prior to that as well. Regulation/ They are emptying tank 20-D-55 today and the aspirators are open on tank. Odour potential for next week or Reporting so. Air Late report of venting of sour water vapour from 20-D-6. Unsure when it started. Release due to passing PVSV. Air Air Air Air Fire on a 200' sterling crane unit caused the release of hydraulic fluid on the tailings haul road. Cause of fire unknown. Reporting tank venting from 20-D-8 & 10. Reason unknown at this time. Release of sour gas from plant 15 - 1; lasted ~ 15 minutes. Investigating cause - details in letter. Venting from tank 20-D-50, heavy oil storage tank due to a PSV lifting caused by high pressure.

Regulation/ Discovered a potential crack in roof 20-D-10. Not leaking as of yet. Investigating. Reporting Land Their nearby trailer complex has its own s sewage recovery; it got too full. Overflow of ~ 50 gallons. Mostly clean water. Vac-truck cleaned immediately. Land While inspecting a broken potable water line under the lab they determined the sewer line was cracked. All waste water frozen, cleanup to start on weekend. Regulation/ VRU compressor tripped (21-K-2). Plant 11-1 had foaming incident that caused trip. Reporting Air Ongoing flaring of acid gas from millennium 53-PIC-2099B. Cause - SRU trip. Not sure when it will stop.


26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 82973 26 94 94 26 20809

111127 111161 111165 111169 111171 111182 111186 111234 111325 111362 111411 111458 111523 111598 111601

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

8-Mar-2002 9-Mar-2002 9-Mar-2002 9-Mar-2002 9-Mar-2002 10-Mar-2002 10-Mar-2002 12-Mar-2002 13-Mar-2002 14-Mar-2002 15-Mar-2002 15-Mar-2002 15-Mar-2002 16-Mar-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Land Air Land Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Land Air Air

A large hydraulic shovel in the mine site released cooling oil to ground. SO2 contraventions due to a tripped incinerator. Possible intermittent flaring over 20 tonnes SO2. Spill of glycol in a construction area on plant site. Caused by a leaking flange gasket on a unit. All cleaned up. Venting HC vapour from 20-K-2 due to high O2 in system. venting bitumen vapour from tank #53 due to light ends causing high pressure in tank. Flare went out on the LP flare due to nitrogen being used to clean vessels put on the flare. Spill of glycol on the plant site during a hydrostatic test on a sewer line. flaring of 13 -2- Naphtha Hydro Treater due to unit upset. Should be short-lived; details in letter. Tank venting from 20D50. A mixture of and hydrocarbons. The venting is intermittent and ongoing.

Regulation/ Approval 62973 Clause 4.3.11 Annual Wastewater report due 14 February not received Reporting Air Reporting venting from tank 20-D-53 due to a plant upset, had to cut rates on coker 8-1. Regulation/ Reporting sewage froze in line at outfall and will be injecting hot water / steam to thaw line. Steam will be Reporting present at outfall. Air reporting SO2 violation of U1. Cause was due to bringing down SRU#2; superclaus offline. Regulation/ Reporting outage of 21-K-2 natural gas compressor due to high oxygen level. No venting. Reporting Regulation/ 18000 litre tank of propane being burned off at muskeg River Mine site due to valve being stuck open while Reporting unloading.; Reporting burning propane tank. Upset about how things were handled as far as ER and evacuations etc.; Received more info at 11:50 on the propane tank that was burning. Fire was extinguished at 18:00 March 18th. The water used formed ice and put it out. At 0700 March 19, they received a 3 " flange that will allow them to transfer the remaining propane (~12,000L; 66%). Difficulty connecting the flange. Expect transfer to take 4-6 hours, once they get it started. Will flare off the remaining vapours. Two ICG Propane Experts from Edmonton are on-site. A Workplace Health and Safety Repalso on-site. See call sheet for Albian... Update. Albian Sands propane truck issue is still unresolved. Could not offload product because coupler is damaged. Still assessing options. No action will be undertaken tonight.; Update on propane fire. Incident is now over. Last night at 22:00, they decided to transfer the rest of the product out of the tank, instead of moving the tank itself. This went from 22:00 to 01:30 this morning. Flared rest of vapours from 02:30 to 04:00 today. LPG Propane specialist feels the job is done and tank can be safely transported. They have placed a buffer zone (~10 m) around the area [illegible... "monitoring for LFL levels today"?] Land Reporting a spill of sulfur due to a seal on truck failing. Contents ran into coke pit. Potential for odour. will monitor if odour continues into morning. Air Trip of a sulfur train in millennium is causing flaring at Base Plant 8-PIC-1. Notification that they may exceed 20 tons SO2, and have incinerator stack exceedances.; update to yesterday's process upset . flaring up to now is 100 tons SO2. Startup of one of their upgrade plants later today; more flaring. Also, problems with VRU, so there is potential for odours.; Reporting conditions at plant. 2 cokers running minimum rate. Flaring 10 tons SO2/hr. SRU coming online shortly. Estimates thus far is they will stay below 300 tons rolling average.; Update. Conditions at the plant similar to 18: 00hrs. Still hope to bring SRU's 1 & 4 up tonight.; NAPTA recovery unit was partially bypassed since startup yesterday morning until 01:30 this morning. Reported late due to confusion on the plant site. Instrument specialist called in. Throughout the event, they've had a rolling average of 334 tons SO2. Public and newspapers have been notified.; Update. Reporting rolling average for SO2 is at 301. SRU #4 on Millennium up and running. Next goal is to get Millennium #1 coker diverted to #4 SRU. Everything going reasonably well. Monitoring van has been out.; A few problems to report: As a result of the power outage last week, there was a lost steam volume in the Millennium Sulfur Plant. There were some TOU stack violations. Also, at 10:40 today, the SRU #3 tripped due to plant upset, resulting in high acid gas flaring. May exceed 20 tons.; Notification that ongoing flaring of SO2 may exceed 20 tons. Flaring is occurring

Albian Sands 18-Mar-2002

94 94

111682 111684

Suncor Suncor

20-Mar-2002 20-Mar-2002

Industry Industry

Release Release


94 94 18942 26

111816 111898 111912 111957

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

22-Mar-2002 24-Mar-2002 25-Mar-2002 23-Mar-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Release

94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 94 26

112116 112286 112288 112333 112339 112341 112345 112347 112349 112385 112451

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

28-Mar-2002 29-Mar-2002 29-Mar-2002 31-Mar-2002 31-Mar-2002 31-Mar-2002 30-Mar-2002 30-Mar-2002 29-Mar-2002 3-Apr-2002 4-Apr-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification

from 10PIC71. Still a result of bringing plant back online. Regulation/ Reporting 19F2 flare pilot light went out. Reason unknown at this time. Re-lit immediately. Still investigating Reporting and will include details in letter. Air Notification of a possible exceedance of SO2 on U-1 incinerator. They will have to start without acid gas because they have to burn off contaminants first. Land Reporting diesel spill in 1138 Shovel Pit. Spill caused by overfilling shovel. Cleaned up. Land Update on location of incident reported last week. Should be SW-7-94-10-W4.; Somehow missed report of a 10 gallon spill of processed water at inner pipeline site. Cause- poor threading on a 2" vent froth line. Line shutdown, vac-truck dispatched, excavated. Still investigating: may be more than 10 gallons. Air 8F-10 tripped from 0857-0910; upset in sulfur plant. H2S release from incinerator stack. However, Base Plant sulfur plant has been down all week. so the amount of H2S released is reduced. Air SO2 exceedance at Stu 12 (Millennium Station) . Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Both SRU's tripped on Millennium. Are flaring while bringing them back on-line. Instrument on waste boiler froze, caused SRU 4 upset and flaring. Low stack temperatures on millennium due to incinerator trip. Tank venting due to upset in plant 15 causing 21K2 to trip. Low pressure flare went out due to high steam flow. 21K2 tripped on high levels. No venting. millennium flaring due to SRU problems.

26 94 26 26

112573 112575 112577 112640

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

6-Apr-2002 7-Apr-2002 8-Apr-2002 8-Apr-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention



En Cana




26 94 94 26 26

112652 112722 112867 112931 113177

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

8-Apr-2002 10-Apr-2002 10-Apr-2002 11-Apr-2002 15-Apr-2002

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Release

Low temp on incinerator stack for 15 min. Cause - problems with regulator on fuel gas system. Still checking; investigating.; will have to shut off incinerator for about 1/2 hour to put regulator back on. They do a quarterly water sampling/reporting to monitor the discharge from the T-pit (gravel pit). He went to sample last week; no water discharge since early Feb. He will grab a sump sample instead. in a few weeks. and do a late first quarter report. Regulation/ 21-K-2 compressor tripped due to a O2 analyser failure. There was no venting. Started at 11:30, ongoing. Reporting Air flaring acid gas from base plant #7; greater than 20 tons SO2. Due to an upset in the upgrader. Start 1330, end 2030. Regulation/ 2l-K-2 vapour recovery compressor tripped due to high vibrations in the unit. No venting; starting @ 0125Reporting 0130. Regulation/ Update to 119257. Instrument techs unable to locate cell on O2 analyzer on site. Manufacturer has it but it has Reporting to be hoTDSotted from Edmonton. VRU will be down indefinitely. Calling in $ person to obtain PO # and part should be in tonight. MF asked then to call back when is operational / still no venting.; 21-K2 down again at 17:50 due to H2O in O2 analyzer. Unsure of how long it will be down. Currently searching for parts. No venting has occurred. Regulation/ App# 48522-00-03. Reviewing approval with AENV Inspector, discovered contravention. Source does not Reporting currently have a certified operator for domestic waterworks. They have people in course, writing exam May 31/02. Regulation/ Compressor 21-K-2 tripped due to high O2 in analyser. Getting back on line now.; As result of compressor trip, Reporting tank 20-D-53 vented for 4min from PVSV #77. Regulation/ Problems with Millennium Hydrotreaters. Reporting potential greater than 20 tonnes. No details right now on Reporting problem. Air Unknown cause and volume as yet for R22 released at the Energy Services building. Air Air Calling for Manager of IRC who was driving by source this morning. Unknown odour across from source (on highway N of plant). Reporting H2S flare extinguished due to heavy winds 30 km gusting to 54 km. Not flaring much.


94 26 26 26 94 26 26

113191 113243 113353 113368 113372 113387 113412

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

14-Apr-2002 16-Apr-2002 17-Apr-2002 17-Apr-2002 18-Apr-2002 17-Apr-2002 18-Apr-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Waste Air Regulation/ Reporting Land

94 26

113496 113581

Suncor Syncrude

31-Mar-2002 19-Apr-2002

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention

Regulation/ Reporting Air






Alleged Contravention

Regulation/ Reporting

26 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26

113709 113737 113766 113772 113815 113819 113957 114013 114067 114070 114078

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

23-Apr-2002 21-Apr-2002 22-Apr-2002 22-Apr-2002 24-Apr-2002 16-Apr-2002 26-Apr-2002 27-Apr-2002 29-Apr-2002 29-Apr-2002 29-Apr-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Land Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air

Reporting high opacity on old stack 31. Happened when transferring Boiler #1 out to FGD and a couple ESP's tripped at the same time. Six minute readings. 21-K-2 (natural gas vent compressor) tripped at 08: 05. They got it back up at 08:30; Trying to keep it up. Instrument techs coming to look at it. No venting. 21-K-2 tripped for 15 min on high discharge pressure. No venting. Good now. Cause may have been some pigging they are doing on old bitumen tanks. nearby. They were excavating and found an old garbage dump full of old drums. It is not on their records. He has talked to Sadiq already. They will be dealing with it accordingly. Release of an ozone depleting substance from Upgrading 1 Plant, Cause - fitting not properly sealed; discovered during general maintenance. Not sure if it is R12 or R22 yet. Reporting a 21-K-2 trip due to maintenance program presently being done. Down for 1 minute. No venting occurred as a result. Spill of used motor oil. Had storage container sucked out, when putting container back into lay down area, valve must have broke off, and remaining 10L spilled. Contained and cleaned up. Will be recycled back into plant. Reporting high TSS for wastewater treatment for the month of March. Believe due to just commissioning system and its on the way down. Reporting diverting of CO boiler. Relates to 8-1 Coker start-up.; Reporting opacity associated with start-up of coker 8-1. They are blasting the elutriator cyclone because it plugged up during shutdown of coker 8-1. estimate 40% opacity for the one hour period.; Reporting second attempt to clearing elvitrator cyclone. Expect opacities over 40% for one hour. They were successful on this attempt. Reporting they lost blower motor 12-3-K2. This is the same sort of event they had in Dec. 01. Fortunately the rolling average was down around 218-227 T/H. They have reduced rates in Coker 8-2 by 25000 bbl. Kept 8-1 at 75000 bbl, also cut back on plant 15. They have a spare motor and will be changing it ASAP.; Update. Reporting that everything back on line. Rolling average is around 249 T/DAY. 12-3K-2 is in place and should be operating by this evening. Discovered lost data for the Aurora sewage treatment plant. Some was lost in Feb, March, & April. They are not sure if it can be retrieved or not; working on it. Calling this in just in case it cannot be retrieved. Reporting they may exceed 20 000T SO2 emission due to high pressure in frac tower causing wet gas compressor to go into recycle mode. Flaring event. Notification of an odour potential. NRU went into bypass mode from 1335 to 1350, the odour diluent component of the tailings was not removed. Cause of NRU bypass was due to malfunction of a pump. Reporting that off - spec sour water was sent to the effluent pond about 2hrs ago. Were not aware of this problem until now. Sour water is sampled 4x per day. Reporting a diesel spill from a generator located in the SW corner of the mine #36-081. Caused when the line pressure gauge dropped off. Cleaned up, no waterways effected. Elevated HPC, investigating cause. Missing Pond E inlet water sample. Investigating whether sample lost or not taken. Reporting that 21-K-2 tripped for 5 min, went. down on high discharge, no venting.

26 94

114106 114112

Syncrude Suncor

28-Apr-2002 28-Apr-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

21-K-2 tripped @ 11:10 due to a high O2. They believe this was a faulty indicator; changing filters. No release. Back online at 11:20. Freon R22 release from system 5- R-253, compressor #1, building #9. Not sure when it happened. Details in letter. Regulation/ They had their WTP train down for ~4 days for maintenance. They brought it back online today at 1230, and Reporting discovered the turbidity meter was not working. Instrument techs are working to repair/replace. They are manually testing turbidity every hour. Regulation/ Reporting that all of the scheduled maintenance on the 21-k-2 piping on the old and the new tank farm has been Reporting completed. Started last March. Regulation/ Notification that the VRU will be taken down at 2130 for scheduled maintenance, down for 7 days. Reporting


94 94

114172 114181

Suncor Suncor

29-Apr-2002 29-Apr-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification


26 94

114540 114550

Syncrude Suncor

2-May-2002 5-May-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Reporting low temp when incinerator tripped out due to fuel gas system upset. The 15min average ending 1900hrs will be be low the 400 deg C limit. Regulation/ Approval requires in-duct opacity meter downstream from the ESP. They've had intermittent problems with Reporting opacity meters; Taken out of service yesterday morning for overhaul. He suspects they will not make their 90% uptime for the month of April. No chance of adverse effects since scrubber is online. Air Reporting R22 release due to incorrect valve line-up during maintenance operation. Land Update: Established an emergency line to go around leaking valve - will not have to shut down FGD Plant.; Update: Because gypsum is used in FGD Plant, and it is still spilling, FGD plant may have to go down, which would cause higher SO2. will call if FGD Plant must be shut down.; Spill of gypsum due to split valve, gypsum slurry spraying onto road and running in to WW system through API separators at top of system. will be diverting ww to tailings pond, No gypsum slurry should reach the river. Regulation/ High Turbidity entering clear well caused exceedance of INTU 95% of the time - this is 3rd of 60 samples = Reporting 5%. Water in distribution system less than 5. will report if they exceed the dist. limit. Air Uncontrolled release from 8-1-C2 vessel shell. Steam and coke particulate, some SO2 feed has been pulled and unit shut down. Assessing repair possibilities. Until all coke is out, some steam w/be released from small pinhole leaks. Air Update to tank 10 bitumen vapour incident. It is still venting. They have cracked the seam of the tank and opened it up. Cannot get people up there presently. Isolating; running nitrogen lines to the tank instead. Tracking outside for odours. will call this afternoon with update.; They are still venting tank 20-D-10. The tracking van did not find for any offsite odour or elevated readings. They will be venting days since the failed roof seam will take that long to repair.; Venting from tank 10 (bitumen). This is due to the 8-1 Shutdown. They are trying to reduce rates - shouldn't vent for much longer. will call if venting continues for longer than expected. Regulation/ Had a potential CO boiler operational problem - decided to dump the lube seal on 8-1 diverter. Didn't cause any Reporting diverting. Regulation/ Had a 21-K-2 outage due to high O2 levels. No venting. Reporting Air Are releasing from the diverter stack. Some coke, but mostly steam and air. Due to the shut down and are not suspecting any off site odour issues. Will notify Fort McKay. Air Were draining exchanger 8-1-D21 for the shut down and had an H2S release that set off the alarm. Evacuated the area. No injuries - very short term release. possible they drained the unit down too fast. No off site odours. Air Another H2S alarm while draining that same vessel. Evacuated again, instantaneous release, don't expect off site. Air Flare 19 F 1 went out. Have re-lit. Land Spill at Aurora plant site. Pump flange sprung a leak. Estimate 1000L bitumen and process water lost to tailings ditch. Will send liquids to tailings pond. Air The extraction NRU has been taken offline for maintenance. NAPHTHA is going to the tailings pond; potential for adverse release, and offsite odours. Air Had acid gas bounce back from millennium to base plant. Resulted in two hours of incinerator exceedances. Regulation/ Exceedance of 10% downtime on TOU stack for April and May. They got some results back from an Entech Reporting RATA test, and are recalibrating. Some RATA SO2 tests failed: repairing. Air Tank 20-D-53 is venting intermittently. Started at 12: 20. Should vent for about an hour. Not sure of cause. They are reducing rates. Municipal Iron levels are back in compliance as of 18:30 today.; Exceeded Iron in potable water. Have re-charged filter with potassium permanganate, is coming down already - but may not be back in compliance till Sat or Sun. Will call when they are back in compliance.; were back in compliance at 18:30 today, but now iron is back up.; Update to 125066. Iron level is still above 0.3 mg/L limit. Cause- too much water use. They are cutting water use starting now; filling storage tanks with potable water; back flushing with potassium permanganate.; High iron in their potable water. Ongoing issue, Back flushed last week and had it under the limit. Now exceeding again. They are meeting with consulting firm to create an action plan, will send AENV a copy.; Reporting a continuation of elevated iron in their potable water. He is faxing SAL their action plan this afternoon.; Reporting high iron in notable water. They submitted an action plan to SAL on Friday.; Reporting high iron in

94 26

114555 114562

Suncor Syncrude

5-May-2002 5-May-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention






26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 20809

114725 114747 114749 114753 114755 114819 114823 114852 114864 114888 114890 115074

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

6-May-2002 7-May-2002 7-May-2002 7-May-2002 8-May-2002 8-May-2002 8-May-2002 10-May-2002 10-May-2002 10-May-2002 10-May-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Albian Sands 10-May-2002


26 26 26 26 26 94

115077 115081 115375 115383 115466 115534

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

10-May-2002 10-May-2002 12-May-2002 12-May-2002 13-May-2002 16-May-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

water system. Action plan submitted co SAL.; Update to 125066 - ongoing iron issue. They are back in compliance for potable water, iron. They expect to stay in compliance. Air A gasket leak or valve failure sparked a fire on the plant site. Burned light gas jail and vapours on gas/oil line. Not a large fire but some black smoke. No alarms went off, No odours are anticipated off site. Regulation/ LP flare went out. Have re-lit. Reporting Air Tripped off gas compressor, are flaring small volume of gas. Air R22 refrigerant released due to an electrical failure in condenser unit. Regulation/ Release of 500gal raw sewage due to a plugged sewer line. Area has been contained, vac trucks on site. Reporting Regulation/ Release of gypsum at a rate of 70gal/min due to leaking feed line to the FGD. Release is pooling into the fly Reporting ash pond. Efforts underway to correct the problem.; Update to 117849. They reported the leaking valve in the gypsum line to be from a feed line to the FDG; actually a product line from FDG. Leak repaired. The release is contained in the flyash pond; water from there is recycled as processed water. Little Enviro lmpact. Regulation/ Their April monthly average for TSS of 25 mg/L was exceeded. Result was 25.53 mg/L. This is on the sewage Reporting treatment plant effluent. It is discharged to a wetland. muskeg area. Land 500 gallon brine spill due to a valve being left open. No water affected. valve closed as soon as it was discovered; cleaning currently. Air SO2 contravention from base plant, due to a swing in sulfur train, they had to bypass the superclause. Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Taking low pressure flare system out of service starting now. Notification only. This is part of their planned shutdown activity. Odour potential, 2nd stage VRU is damaged, down for 60hrs for repair. Spoke with Nicola Harper regarding their new WTP at their in situ site. Due to plant upsets they are trucking in chlorinated potable water from Ft.Mac. will not be able to test for free chlorine so they will be testing for total chlorine instead. Regulation/ 37-1-K3 (the back unit off-gas compressor) tripped. No release. It should be off for 8 hours at least, maybe Reporting longer. Municipal Found leaks in their distribution system. Losing water; cannot keep up to water needs at the camp. Bringing water from Ft. McM. They called Nicola Harper to ask for an approval amendment during emergency situations like this - want to just test for chlorine instead of FRC, and meet Ft McMurray standards. She could not amend, suggested they call 1-800#. Regulation/ High iron in potable water again today. Reporting Air Reporting that tank 20-D-10 (bitumen) had been vent ing since 0430 and was continuing. Cause was due to incorrect line up. Land A sewer line broke under Bunk House 1 at the North Camp. ~ 2000L of water/sewage (95% water) was released. Currently vacuuming the waste up; will be going underneath and liming the area. On-call person at Syncrude has been notified. Land Vac-truck had a suction valve in the rear that vibrated loose; spill of 5 gallons motor oil to the ground. Cleaning, steaming. See call sheet for driver name; he is with source vac-truck company. Air Tank venting HC vapours, called in at 0800 - still venting now. Air Air Air Tank venting from 20-D-15, HC vapours. Very slight. Working on fixing. Reporting a potential exceedance of 20 tonnes of SO2 due to a pressure safety valve release on 8-C-9. Flaring of acid gas went on for almost 6hours. Situation now in control. Will include details in letter. Update regarding 125982 - tank 15 venting. Venting ceased at approx 10:00 today. He does not expect a reoccurrence today.; Intermittent venting from tank 15. Reason - system is bagged due to the heat, pressure is way up. Trying to cool it down; suspect it will last a few hours. He is going to update. reporting a small amount of sulfur from a truck at hwy 63 at south end of the City. Reporting major flaring from plant 11 due to a sour fuel gas feed problem. Some black smoke associated.

94 94 94 26 94 94

115565 115586 115618 115636 115736 115768

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

16-May-2002 16-May-2002 17-May-2002 17-May-2002 17-May-2002 17-May-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification

26 94

115790 115901

Syncrude Suncor

21-May-2002 23-May-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

20809 26 26

116016 116030 116058

Albian Sands 23-May-2002 Syncrude Syncrude 24-May-2002 24-May-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release

26 26 26 94 26

116090 116269 116334 116503 116678

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

24-May-2002 27-May-2002 28-May-2002 28-May-2002 4-Jun-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

94 26

116753 116792

Suncor Syncrude

1-Jun-2002 2-Jun-2002

Industry Industry

Land Air


26 26 94 94

116818 116823 116856 116882

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

3-Jun-2002 3-Jun-2002 4-Jun-2002 23-May-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air

Everything is under control now. Could be GLC's associate with event. Tank 15 venting HC vapours intermittently. Cause unknown - checking operations.

26 26

116976 116986

Syncrude Syncrude

26-May-2002 6-Jun-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

20809 26

117018 117039

Albian Sands 21-May-2002 Syncrude 6-Jun-2002

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 94

117067 117083 117105 117129 117133 117143 117198 117259 117289

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

7-Jun-2002 7-Jun-2002 7-Jun-2002 8-Jun-2002 8-Jun-2002 8-Jun-2002 9-Jun-2002 10-Jun-2002 10-Jun-2002

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Notification of flaring from 5-C-13 and 5-C-15 flares (butane flares) of the naphtha unifier. Have Letter of Authority from AENV. Flaring related to blade washing of fan. Regulation/ Reporting Low Chlorine of the potable water in the upgrading business area. no chlorine related to installation Reporting of new filters on-line. Signs have been posted, re-samples taken. Regulation/ Rec'd results from May 23 RATA test of TOU stack. Failed for SO2 concentration. There is a 15.2 % Reporting difference between their CEMS test and the RATA test. This will affect CEMS availability; will exceed 10% allowable down time for June. Scheduling new test. They have already reported an exceedance of 10% downtime for April and May, which were caused by the same problem. Air Reporting a release of R22 from equipment #31R4 0 57 in Bldg 115. Discovered during a routine preventative maintenance check. Cause and volume unknown but believed to be greater than 10 kg. Air Reporting that at 01:35, a gas leak on the low pressure flare was ignited, injuring 4 people. Have added more steam to flare area, is isolated, command centre set up. Might still be gas passing through flare.; Update to explosion. Maintenance were removing the blind; might have been an isolated pocket of gas in the piping. Low pressure flare was not back in service yet, were running to other flare. Isolation valve to flare still in place. Don't believe there is an ongoing release. pilot is off, steam plume is very visible only knockout drum was damaged. Waiting for investigation to give go-ahead for repairs. Gas passed thru isolation black valve.; Injured workers were very close to the location where the trapped gas was released. Facility was 3/4 through scheduled shutdown. One coker and LP flare were in process of being commissioned. Municipal Courier delivered their May 21st potable water sample too late; sample was missed for the Month. They should have had 4 samples for may, but only had 3 as a result. He'd like to discuss this w/ investigator Air At 1640 tank venting occurred from 20-D-33 and 20-D-4. At 1655 tank venting occurred from 20-D-33. H2S alarms were active in 20-D-33 area reducing rates to these tanks from extraction tank area isolated. Run down composition is problem.; Update to Ref#116698. Venting has substantially reduced, intermittent only. naphtha and water rundown from extraction believed to be cause. venting is visible. Have cut production rates on 8-2. Air Tank 15 venting HC vapours started at 1310 - still venting - likely will be intermittent through out the day. Looking into cause and will stop it as soon as they can. Air Oily smell from either Syncrude or Suncor; suspect it is from Suncor. Really strong today; noticed it just a few minutes ago. Air Reporting tank venting from 20-D-6, the temporary sour water tank. 10 minute venting, transfer was stopped, seal on tank 55 has been completed. Air Reporting venting from tank 20-D-15 a gas/oil (untreated) tank. intermittent only. Suspect rundown temperature to hot, are cooling now. Started at 1130. Cause was upset in plant 7 (extraction). Air Notification of an odour potential, a valve on one of the Cokers in millennium is stuck open, releasing vapour. A charcoal smell was noticed at the guard house. If valve can't be closed, coker will be shut down. Air Saltwater tank 20D54 venting starting at 23:00. Staff working on correcting the problem. Unit shut may have caused gas to discharge to the tank creating the venting event. Air Reporting tank venting from 20-D-15, the untreated gas/oil tank. Venting intermittently since 1310. Cause was high temperature of the rundown, attempting to reduce temp. Affected by rising ambient temp. Air Venting of steam and hydrocarbon since 13: 05. Intermittent, ongoing. Air Lost the entire sulfur recovery system at millennium. Are flaring at that plant. Cause unknown. Are watching calculations and rolling averages. will have monitoring van on standby.; Update: Transferred acid gas from millennium to base plant. Are now flaring at both plants. Were only running one coker at millennium and plant is coming back online. Venting from tank 20-D-52; from 1200-1214. No alarm; they've manually pumped out the knockout drum. Not sure of cause; possibly due to increasing rundown, so they have reduced it again. Update to 126141. The FDG trip actually happened at 1200, and they were back up at 1300. They had an opacity violation as a result, at 12:12.; FDG trip at - 1300 today. Not sure of cause; unit back online now. Also a gypsum spill occurred in the building as a result of the trip. Details in letter. Diesel spill at #41A diesel off loading site, isolated pump used by accident. Valve has been isolated, CEDA

26 94

117321 117323

Syncrude Suncor

11-Jun-2002 11-Jun-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air








94 20809 26 26

117335 117490 117576 117665



Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 12-Jun-2002 Syncrude Syncrude 13-Jun-2002 14-Jun-2002

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Vacing up free liquids, they will remove contaminated soil and reprocess it. Regulation/ They discovered a lifted liner on the east side of a containment area. This is on a pond near Millennium Plant. Reporting There is potential for tailings water under the liner. Sampling tomorrow. Investigating. Municipal High iron today. Continuation of an ongoing problem with pumps and malox system. They will shut down the malox system and prechlorinate. Air 20D52 venting intermittently steam, NG & HC vapours - believe due to over pressured. Air 1330 GM reporting release of freon from air conditioning system in building 166. Just discovered 5 minutes ago! Estimate 31 lbs found while doing cooling system checks. Caller called back to notify us it was R22 " The refrigerant of choice at Syncrude". Tank venting from tanks D-51 and D-52. They are currently cutting rates and it should stop soon. He will call back with the end time.; Tank venting stopped at 1950.; Tank venting ended at 1718; 20D52 is venting again. Have reduced run down very significantly to bring venting to an end. Tank venting from 20-D-52. Started at 0900, and is ongoing; expect it to stop shortly, they are reducing rundown , Heat of the day creates problems, as well as when they are running high rates. Tank 20D52 venting again. Suspects warm we at he r is the cause. Bitumen tank-HC vapours. Nat gas blanket. received water results and all is fine.; Resamples, prelims: N077929-077931 TC/FC-0, HPC to follow Tanks 20D51 & 20D52 are venting intermittently due to high pressure. venting HC, Natural Gas, and steam.







26 26 20809 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94

117875 117910 117914 118114 118257 118261 118279 118319 118357 118364 118366 118379 118533

Syncrude Syncrude

18-Jun-2002 16-Jun-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Municipal Air

Albian Sands 14-Jun-2002 Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor 20-Jun-2002 20-Jun-2002 21-Jun-2002 20-Jun-2002 21-Jun-2002 24-Jun-2002 23-Jun-2002 22-Jun-2002 22-Jun-2002 25-Jun-2002

Regulation/ Mix-up with who and what area the sample was taken from. will re-sample site, high HPC in potable water Reporting samples.; Resampled on the 21st, results tomorrow, just to let us know. Air Intermittent "puffing" from tank 20-D-51 (bitumen tank). cause is high pressure. They have cut rates. Air Air Air Air Air Land Release of H2S/SO2 vapour due to a release from the tail gas vent during a start-up of plant 12-2, SRU. Started at 2105-2120. Flaring 1240 - still happening. 13 -2 naphtha Hydro-treater - stripper overheads going to flare (sour naphtha vapour). Venting HC vapours from tank 20D-51. Dry bitumen tank. Started at 0450-0505 hrs. Tank 52 venting bitumen vapours intermittently. Cause unknown, ambient temp +34 deg C.

94 18942 26

118767 118777 118865

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

25-Jun-2002 18-Jun-2002 22-Jun-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

48522 26 94

119069 119099 119183

En Cana Syncrude Suncor

28-Jun-2002 28-Jun-2002 2-Jul-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Flaring He from the Naphtha hydro-treater between 1556-1610. spill at loading dock; diesel 1000L 1430hrs. Tanker truck filling and pulled fill line out bottom. Contained in loading dock, sad pad. Air Notification from Suncor that the VRU is down as of 0800 this morning. Planned outage is 12 hours for repairs on 1st and 2nd stages. Effluent stream is going to atmosphere so there is an odour potential. EUB and Fort McKay have been notified. Regulation/ Firebag was evacuated last night due to forest fires. plant ESD. Reporting Regulation/ Aurora gas turbine generator exhaust flow readings have been incorrect since June 18/02 1000hrs.Problem is Reporting incorrect scaling of new software, resolved as of today. Regulation/ Update, diverting stopped. Everything is back online.; Reporting diverting event on 8-1 co boiler due to Reporting elutriator failure that allowed heavy dose of coke to contaminate co boiler. Rerouted Sulfur Plant of tailings gas to 8-2. Expect to have situation under control in a couple of hours. Expect opacity for at least one hour 212200. GLC possible. Regulation/ Reporting a 10 minute power outage to SWTP (potable) (interrupts chemical feed pumps). Due to a contractor Reporting removing a transformer from camp needed to cut power to perform work. Air Tank venting from 20-D-52 (bitumen) venting and steam since 1400. Believes it is due to ambient temperatures. Air Started flaring butane this morning at 0910. Reason bringing NAPHTHA hydrotreater down at Millennium Upgrader. flaring for 6.5 days. Expect 3-6 tons of SO2 / day. This will exceed 20 tons SO2 per event. Totals in


94 94 26 20809

119351 119483 119969 119971

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Albian Sands; Syncrude

3-Jul-2002 1-Jul-2002 8-Jul-2002 2-Jul-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Notification







20809 26

120036 120113

Albian Sands 9-Jul-2002 Syncrude 7-Jul-2002

Industry Agency

Alleged Contravention Release

94 26 94

120364 120541 120555

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

11-Jul-2002 12-Jul-2002 10-Jul-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

letter. Kem Singh is aware of this. Violation related to bringing down the NAPHTHA. Butane flaring was being contained and tank 20-D-14 has a high pressure violation. If the tank has to vent due to high pressure, there may be an odour potential. Reporting release of surface run-off into Athabasca River that likely occurred Monday afternoon. A berm on their surface run off system failed. Unknown volume, repairing berm. Reporting a 1000 litre spill of Diesel in the north mine overfilled a bulk storage tank. Human error. High manganese in potable water. Are flushing system- will be regenerating carbon tomorrow - they are waiting for supplies. Also just received lab results - failed manganese on sample taken July 2/02.; They had a high manganese reading in their potable water, even though their raw water from the Athabasca River was well below limits. Suspect their media (filtration sand) is the problem. Flying in a WT expert tomorrow to assess.; Continuation of manganese exceedance as reported in #121535. New reports for July 10, 11th. Action taken, they are replacing activated carbon. waiting for manganese levels to drop.; High mang in potable water.; Exceedance of manganese in potable water system. Activated charcoal over whelmed. Replaced charcoal. Residual effects from original.; Ongoing manganese violation. They are waiting for their order of green sand to come.; Manganese is still high. Have ordered new green sand for replacement.; Manganese reading is high still. Awaiting new green sand delivery Tuesday.; Cent exceedance of manganese in potable water. Spoke to DS.; Continuing exceedance of manganese in potable water. Related to ref # 121353; Ongoing manganese violation. Replaced green sand filter, recharged and did initial flushing. Number down by half. They will flush through the night and expect to be back in compliance by tomorrow.; Have installed 2 green sand filters. Have begun to back flush the water in the system.; Ongoing manganese violation. They have completely finished regeneration with potassium permanganate, of both filters. This weekend, they will start flushing without potassium permanganate on their online filter. This should correct the problem.; Continuing manganese problems, possible issue with the green sand. Requested assistance from AENV Municipal Group. JT to talk with Asoke.; Ongoing manganese violation. Contractors said that it is often normal for mang levels to rise and fall after changing the green sand filters. Soon to be working with AENV.; High mang again today - although it is half of what it was yesterday. (Filter 'B' that is on line and making water right now is producing water on spec @ 0.04 mg/L mang.); Ongoing high manganese - it is close to being within the limits today. Filters A & B are both well within compliance. Land Update to ref# 119293. Applied a temporary patch to line and release has stopped. Using pipeline again. Will conduct repairs during a planned 36hr outage on July 18. will inspect patch often. volume of Spill still uncalculated. will provide in letter.; Hole discovered in intersite (36 ") froth line. Isolated at Bridge to nowhere and froth is draining into a sump on site then into effluent pond. Barges pumping to tailings pond. No waterways effected. Fully contained.; Spill of Bitumen froth reported in 119293 July 8th. They had put a mechanical patch on the leak. This started to drip again yesterday at 1600 hrs. 16" line. No volumes yet, currently looking at measures to stop it. Details in letter. [ERCB record indicates spill of 270 m3] Air R22 release from an AC unit due to a pinhole leak on a copper coil. Estimated amount of 45 lbs. More details in the follow up letter. Suspect a cumulative release. Regulation/ Reporting spill of 15000 L of Motor Oil (15W40) inside building 41C (Lube building). still investigating cause Reporting but believe it was a busted nipple. All contained in building, material owned by Petro-Can who will clean it up today. Air R22 release due to a compressor header leak on an AC device. Discovered during maintenance at the Old Camp, aka "Hilton". Air R22 release due to mechanical breakdown. Regulation/ Reporting Surface Water Land Municipal Air Notification of an odour potential, VRU has been down >5hrs, are having compressor problems in second stage. Also bring down U1 due to SC9 (fractionator) has coked up. Additional flaring, down for 9 days. van will be out. Have started to depres sure [depressurize] the base plant coke r, will be flaring, expect to exceed the 20T limit.; At 0910hrs, started flaring butane from upgrading. Is a planned event, have approval from K. Singh. Base plant is down. Have been monitoring air quality offsite impact. Bus is on, no stand-by. Exceedance of hourly SO2 from the main stack. Cause was a sulfur plant trip.; Lost operation of the sulfur plant due to a power failure; cause of power failure unknown. will be flaring acid gas until sulfur plant restarted, no black smoke. Two flameouts On 19-F-2 acid gas flare stack. This is in the Base plant Upgrader, which has been down since



Suncor; Syncrude Syncrude









Alleged Contravention Alleged









Contravention 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 18942 120844 120857 120922 121085 121091 121117 121320 121334 Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude 16-Jul-2002 24-Jul-2002 17-Jul-2002 19-Jul-2002 18-Jul-2002 19-Jul-2002 21-Jul-2002 9-Jun-2002 Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Air Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Land Regulation/ Reporting Air

94 94 26 94 26 26 94

121485 121508 121523 121612 121681 121706 121852

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

23-Jul-2002 23-Jul-2002 23-Jul-2002 24-Jul-2002 25-Jul-2002 25-Jul-2002 26-Jul-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Land Air Air Air Air Municipal

last Thursday. The only thing being burned is NG. (NG was only thing released as well). She thinks this is an approval violation. Plant 8 upset resulted in SRU #1 going down. Potential that they may have flared over 20 tons of SO2. Details in letter. Failed RATA test for flow CEM. They will exceed their 10% downtime for July. Entech will be going back late this week or early next week to test again. 21- K2 compressor tripped and resulted in flaring of NAPHTHA and light gas. It is a large flare and ongoing until instrumentation can repair the failure. Are starting up the base plant upgrader-bringing cokers on line. Flaring acid gas and will likely exceed the 20t/ event limit. The UPS system in the millennium ambient station is fried. They don't want to risk power surge and being plugged directly into the gen, set. So are in downtime for - 24 hrs. will do mobile monitoring. Spill of ~ 100 gallons sewage (5% sewage, 95% water). They were trying to increase flow, a manhole air locked, and sewage came out of the manhole, and went back down. They limed the area. Are transferring the main coke boiler out of the FGD. Instrumentation problems. Have potential for SO2 exceedances off main stack. Reporting missing chlorine reading June 9/2002.; They originally reported a missed turbidity sample in #121818, for June 9th. Now realize this is not reportable - Actually meant to report missed free chlorine residual for June 9th as well. Trip of 8-F-10 in Base Plant sulfur plant. Plant 8 upset. Suspect SO2 mass emission violations. Also suspect a low stack temp violation. Groundwater well is overflowing water and seeping into vegetation suspect vegetation may be impacted. sampled today-sending to lab ASAP Location-reclaimed mine area; lease 86-17. R22 release from Bldg 870, Aurora, equipment #235 - 1RB002. No other details in letter. During a startup of a coker heater. possible release of SO2 due to a valve malfunction. From 1850-1920. Release R22 amount unknown, will report in letter at 1100. pressure relief valve discharge - repairs underway.

26 26 18942

122049 122203 122443

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

30-Jul-2002 31-Jul-2002 3-Aug-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification







26 26

122456 122458

Syncrude Syncrude

4-Aug-2002 4-Aug-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification



Albian Sands 8-Aug-2002



Due to storm that came thru the area, H2S flare went out between 2045-2120. Update wanted info on if they had to put up no drinking signs. JT advised we have no protocol to make the boil water or put up signs.; Called regarding the high HPC that JT left message on, will resample site.; Elevated HPC in potable water sample from July 27th sample. Taken from Plant 86, 4th FIr. Washroom. Not sure of cause yet. Flushed lines. resampling; will also test for residual chlorine. Regulation/ Notification only - Took flow indicators for all 3 flare headers down for preventative maintenance checks. Reporting Went down @ 1300 - hopefully back up by 1600. Regulation/ days ago source contractor hit power pole at lower camp. Discovered today that the flow data control had been Reporting off line since then so they lost about 48hrs of flow to their domestic effluent system. Municipal Reporting high residual chlorine w clear well. Reading is 5.8 ppm Guideline is 4.0 mg/L. This water was trucked in from Base Plant by (HW013)Tuc's Construction. Believes truck had just been flushing with chlorine rinse which caused spike. Drained clear well down to 20% and refilling with good water Regulation/ Reporting that availability of flow metering through powerhouse stack will not achieve 90% uptime as required Reporting in approval. Only 1 or 2 (of 3) boilers operational for the month. Low flow can not be measured accurately. Continuation. of June and July reports so no letter requested. Air Freon release discovered earlier today. 60 Lbs of R22 lost due to a broken line in a control tower. Repaired already. Municipal Reporting chlorine 1.21 ppm in distribution and turbidity 50 NTU in 41A mine shop. Line was flushed for 60 minutes and resampled. Chlorine 1.28 ppm and turbidity was 0.70 NTU.; Update to previous call. Resampled distribution chlorine 0.58 and turbidity was 1.27 NTU. will continue to monitor. Indicated they are within their approval limits (?). Municipal Reporting high manganese in potable water. 0.15 mg/L limit 0.08 mg/L. Reason high chlorine @ 3.2, overshot target, caused leaching of Manganese from green sand. Being corrected.; Reporting high manganese 0.18 mg/L in potable water. Ongoing pre feed chlorine being adjusted. the feed mang. has come in.


94 94 20809 26 26 94 94

122677 122683 122720 122795 122822 123078 123159

Suncor Suncor

8-Aug-2002 9-Aug-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Pro-Active Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Municipal Municipal Air

Reporting a leak of ~ 20 kg of R22 from the DCS Building. Volume unknown; will be in letter. Reporting problems with the potable water plant. Are trucking in water from Ft. McMurray. Have dealt with Nicola Harper on this issue. Problems with the filtration system. Recd fax re: preliminary results of background growth.

Albian Sands 7-Aug-2002 Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor 9-Aug-2002 12-Aug-2002 13-Aug-2002 12-Aug-2002






94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 48522 20809 26 26 94

123536 123756 123792 123843 123937 123949 123972 123989 124084 124143 124160 124306 124425

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude En Cana

14-Aug-2002 19-Aug-2002 19-Aug-2002 20-Aug-2002 22-Aug-2002 20-Aug-2002 22-Aug-2002 22-Aug-2002 25-Aug-2002

Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification of an odour potential, had to pump Sour water to Pond #1 because of an upset in extraction. Occurred from 1500 to 1615. No complaints of GLC's. Land Leak in sour water tank #6 and #33. Suspected rubber seal leak around radar cone. will check out. Hydrocarbon and H2S slight leak. Air Refrig leak R22 , Unknown quantity maintenance on one of the chillers. Being repaired. Amount known when recharged. Regulation/ Reporting a potential exceedance of >90% downtime of monitor station 12 (millennium) for the month of Reporting August. They have had intermittent trouble w/ power source (generator) over the last 3 days . They have longterm plans to move this station to a continuous power source but in the meantime they will repair the generator. Regulation/ Reporting they brought in potable water from Ft . Mcmurray WTP because their WTP could not produce Reporting enough potable water. Problems at their WTP were a result of a sensor. The water they brought in was tested and everything else is operating within parameters. Municipal Rec' d fax re: final results of a sample, not tested because time was not indicated on the sample. Air Air Reporting SO2 exceedance, flaring acid gas from 53PV2099B & 53PC1045B due to shut down of sulfur train #3. 21 K 2 tripped due to power disruption.

Regulation/ 21-K-2 tripped caused by high vibrations in the unit, no venting. Reporting Air 21-K-2 tripped between 0230-0240 and 0251-0300 caused by high pressure. Appears to be a problem with the trip alarm. No venting.; Another trip of 21-K-2 @ 0454-0601 Tech will determine cause of trips. Municipal Notification that potable water sample taken Aug.20/02 from opp lunchroom was received with a broken cap. will resample today. Regulation/ Reporting trip 21 K 2 Natural Gas Vapour Recovery Compressor @ 1420. Attempting startup. Reporting Regulation/ Plant 1L - required to be below 472 ppm H2S of product discharge excess water to the discharge pond. Reporting Approval clause 4.1.3 (A). Municipal Water treat plant- potable water plant went down including Cl pumps went down Municipal Air Regulation/ Reporting Air High daily manganese in distribution system. Caused by a feed pump loosing its prime to the green sand. Flaring H2S/NH3 from plant 16-0due to poor feed quality in the unit. Started @ 1955-ongoing. Camera on flare monitoring has gone dead. Contract company working on it. Will be in operation soon. possible release of a Catacarb solution Sunday night - Monday morning. Source-plant 6 H2 plant (hydrogen purification). Suspected because their level of solution in the plant dropped slightly. Investigating: will send letter. Black smoky flare for 10 min. during process upset. Compressor tripped on high pressure on AC unit and blew pressure safety valve. Notice of flaring - millennium plant S2, S2-PC-16-82, 0033-ongoing. <20 tons 52K100 Blowers down. By Saturday could be > tons. Notification of potable water sample that had background growth detected. They are re-sampling. (as results were preliminary) . Low stack temps, unsure of cause and of actual readings. Freon release - R22. Amt in letter. Bldg 8, upper MCC H-vac, equipment number 202.

Albian Sands 24-Aug-2002 Syncrude 25-Aug-2002 Syncrude 26-Aug-2002 Suncor 26-Aug-2002

48522 26 94 94 94 26

124471 124558 124575 124638 124656 124672

En Cana Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

27-Aug-2002 28-Aug-2002 29-Aug-2002 29-Aug-2002 29-Aug-2002 30-Aug-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Municipal Air Air







Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

94 94 26

124842 124884 124924

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

27-Aug-2002 1-Sep-2002 26-Jul-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Regulation/ Notification leak uncombusted hydrogen leaking from vent about 1 month undetected. 95% hydro, 3% meth, Reporting .5% nitrogen, .5% Carbon dioxide, .2% carbon Monoxide. Quantity unknown. Not impacting Plant operation. Plan to fix - not before 1 month. Municipal Potable results from Tues. Aug.27/02. Have already resampled Sept.3/02 sent it in. Air Discovered Catacarb release over weekend. Still investigating. Related to last weeks call#127069.

26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 48522 26

124943 124945 125103 125130 125136 125215 125219 125238 125271 125417 125568 125640

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor En Cana Syncrude

5-Sep-2002 4-Sep-2002 6-Sep-2002 9-Sep-2002 8-Sep-2002 9-Sep-2002 10-Sep-2002 10-Sep-2002 10-Sep-2002 10-Sep-2002 1-Sep-2002 14-Sep-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Notification Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Impact Notification Notification Notification

Regulation/ In section 4.2 of the Aurora approval, a monthly pH and TSS is required. They sampled July 26, sent to Maxim, Reporting sample not run. Monthly report already sent without those results. Maxim still has sample and will do it asap. She will send results. Regulation/ Repeat CO boiler tripped 12: S5 #127347. 08: 45 Sept 5/02. Same thing as before. Still checking.; co boiler Reporting tripped & diverting main stack to atmosphere. Believe cause electrical failure. Still Checking. Air 8-1-K2 (gas comp on coker) tripped at 2157, believed to be due to an instrumentation problem. Currently flaring all off gas from 8-1 to LP flare (quite visible). Hope to rectify within 30 minutes. Land Gypsum release ~35, 000 - 40,000 Gal to be confirmed. Gypsum tank leak in valve. Gypsum trains offline overflowed to coke pit. 13:00-15:45 . Repaired. Air Had flare 59 -4 (main millennium flare) go out for 10 minutes. At 1242-1252. Back on right away. Still unsure of cause (possibly wet steam) . Land A tailings line was found seeping; tail was into low lying area of the S mine. Depressured line, bermed spill, and vac' ing right now. Unsure of volume at this time. Air Tank 20D-54 was discovered to have seal damage. Sour water is the contents - odour potential. No odours or complaints yet. Discovered during Env. tank inspection. Notification. Land Reporting mishap with diesel tanker at their loading facility. Trucks erred when hooking up loading lines and ended up snapping off line. Fuel spilt on ground but was contained and recovered. Air Tank 20D-3 venting. investigating cause; doesn't expect odours. Details in letter. Air Municipal Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Odour complaint - driving by source currently . Sour gas smell.







26 94 26 94

125756 125787 126015 126089

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

15-Sep-2002 17-Sep-2002 19-Sep-2002 19-Sep-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

20809 94 26

126136 126168 126245

Albian Sands 20-Sep-2002 Suncor Syncrude 23-Sep-2002 23-Sep-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged

Sept 10 water sample arrived at the lab with a broken cap. Rec' d fax this am. Re-sampling. Exceedance of monthly TSS for August. Cause - using the wrong cleaners in their treated effluent. Changed back to biodegradable cleaners. Reporting the 21K-2 compressor tripped on vapour recovery system. Expect it back up within the hour. No venting associated.; Reporting 21K-2 tripped again. It was off-line for 16 minutes between 07:15-07:26. No venting associated. Air Reporting flaring as a result of Plant 52 going down on Millennium Upgrader (Cokers). SRU still online. flaring will go on for 2 hours. then again when they bring the cokers online in ~ 24 hours.; Reporting startup of Millennium Upgrader as a result of the unplanned shut down on Friday. They will exceed the 20 tons / event of SO2. Everything should be online by 0800 hrs. Land Inspecting lines after last leak and suspect new leak at new location. Processed water. Thin fine tailings. Did conductivity test, found high conductivity. Investigation on-going. Excavation soon. Regulation/ Reporting an upset in the SRU of the millennium plant. Expect to exceed the 20 tonne limit problem related to Reporting the amine unit. Land still ongoing- thin fine tails. (incident # 121892 & 127570). Found area for potential leak. Excavating in process. Notification only. Regulation/ Reporting that a white pvc pipe was sheared off by a grader. Don't believe it is a monitoring well, but not sure. Reporting No records available. Location is by Hilton Training Room in Millennium. There is a damage clause in the approval. are investigating. Regulation/ Rec'd fax regarding information on commissioning activities, for review Reporting Land Reporting a spill of 250 gallons of flyash water that went to the cooling water pond. No contaminants except flyash, are pumping up with a vac truck now. cause was a cracked line. Air Release R22 in bldg 579, amount unknown. Cause valve failure on H Bac System. Isolated for repair.; Release


94 94 94 26 94

126307 126320 126329 126344 126383

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

3-Sep-2002 23-Sep-2002 24-Sep-2002 24-Sep-2002 20-Sep-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

26 26

126386 126411

Syncrude Syncrude

20-Sep-2002 1-Jan-2000

Industry Public Complaint (was incorrectly captured as "Industry"; corrected 25 March 2013) Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

of 23 kg of R22 due to a cracked line on an AC unit. Regulation/ Rec'd results On ART audit thermal oxidizer stack failed for temp. Sept 3-5 will have less than 90% uptime on Reporting CEM's for month of September. Land Leak of an unknown amount of glycol due to a line leak in a building. Most was contained in the dyked area Some spilled onto ground. Clean-up efforts underway. Regulation/ Reporting <90% availability for the opacity CEMS monitor on the FGD stack. For Sept. Investigating cause. Reporting Regulation/ 21-K2 tripped and was down for 25 minutes. Cause - high level inner stage knockout drum. Back up and Reporting running now, no venting. Regulation/ Reporting that operations lit the SWAG flare at 2240, Sept.20. pilot light was out. No acid gas going to flare.; Reporting Reporting a flare flameout. Occurred at 1140 at SWAG flare. millennium Plant. Flare is attached to the side of the millennium flare. Can't relight. are trying to relight. Regulation/ Reporting that the 21K2 compressor tripped at 1720. Cause unknown. No tank venting, outage expected to be Reporting short. Air Source has violated section 3.6.5 of Approval 94-01-21 - Clearing & Timber Salvage. Late 1999-Early 2000... [redacted]...and that burnt timber was in log decks (They did haul some away). ...[redacted]...has transcripts. Source reclamation officer has stated he hid info from AENV before [ redacted]... also has info about huge unreported spills of oil and bitumen.

26 26 94

126433 126665 126730

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

25-Sep-2002 27-Sep-2002 27-Sep-2002

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air

For the last few days, there has been a foul reddish/gray cloud over Source. It can't be good for the environment. Caller back if we know what it is. CEMS unit off line since 0330, plant is steady. Have called an instrumentation tech.

94 26 26 48522 26

127049 127125 127204 127242 127298

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude

3-Oct-2002 3-Oct-2002 4-Oct-2002 4-Oct-2002 6-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Update to ref# 123501 Repairs to unit will take up to 24hrs, odour potential due to URU running @ about 2/3 efficiency.; Lost est. 700 kg of R507 from there URU. The URU is still on line but is less efficient. Still investigating cause.; update to ref # 123501. Have to replace the refrigeration unit. will take until Monday. Groundwate Suspect damaged groundwater wells. Notification that they are starting an audit of on-site wells. They hope to r have results in a few weeks - at that time, they will make another call to AENV, and send letter with results. Air Were lowering level in light untreated gas oil tank. Got too low & feared it would collapse - aspirators opened. Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Municipal 21K2 vapory recovery compressor tripped . Down from 1:10-1:20 no tank venting associated with. Backup & on line. Had a power outage and the waste water plant was out of commission. High turbidity in an isolated bldg. Not much usage in the bldg. Have tagged out all taps. Otherwise turb is okay everywhere else and chlorine is fine.; Calling about ref 127295. does he need to verbally report the final findings? Still high in turbidity. R22 release from Powerhouse TransAlta Plant 31.

94 94 48522

127377 127442 127462

Suncor Suncor En Cana

7-Oct-2002 1-Oct-2002 1-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Regulation/ Reporting Surface Water












Alleged Contravention

Heads-up that a TRS analyzer won't make 90% uptime for Oct. It has been down 8 days already - converter gone, and they have the parts to repair. but cannot access the site to do repairs. Sep: monthly TSS was high (from wastewater plant). Working w/ Tanks-A-Lot to find cause - investigating.; Excessive TSS Average. for the wastewater treatment plant. For the month of Oct. This has been an issue for the last 3 months (MF has been aware of it). Working with Tanks-A-lot to repair. Regulation/ Notification of flaring happening in 4-5 hours lasting 24-36 hours. Reason - testing MOV (valves). No Reporting exceedances expected. Also, they have identified groundwater wells that are damaged and unmarked. Violations of section 4.6.4. Details in letter.; Violation of Approval Ground monitoring well found unlocked #ENV94-11. Relocked & no issues. Regulation/ providing heads up that FGD is not operating normally. Normal is 10 T/day SO2 emissions but currently at 23 Reporting T/day. Problem is the chemistry in the jet bubbling reactor. Been getting worse all night. No ambient but this








26 94 26 94 94

127717 127769 127779 127898 127963

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

14-Oct-2002 15-Oct-2002 15-Oct-2002 17-Oct-2002 17-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

26 94

127971 127988

Syncrude Suncor

18-Oct-2002 17-Oct-2002

Industry Industry

26 94 26

127992 128049 128053

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

18-Oct-2002 18-Oct-2002 19-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

26 26

128055 128079

Syncrude Syncrude

19-Oct-2002 20-Oct-2002

Industry Industry

94 94 26

128097 128133 128152

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

15-Oct-2002 21-Oct-2002 21-Oct-2002

Agency Industry Industry

call is just in case.; Back down to 12 t/day on FGD. Turns out it was an instrument error providing a false high reading. It got stuck while running a calibration span.; Now Source isn't sure about FGD, plant techs say instruments are fine, Believe its at 24 t/day. FGD may be failing. Planned 21 day outage on Oct 21/02. As they had an "event" last out they don't want It to come down now or they'll exceed their 365 day. Now jeopardizing 90% FGD uptime.; FGD is OP again at 12 T/Day (where it should be). Believe it was vacuum pump failure in CEM and false low liquid level readings in JBR. Land At 0430 they were commissioning a portion of the intersite pipeline (between Aurora and Base Plant) A vent line was left open and they lost 1000 bbi [barrels] of bitumen to the ground at base plant. Mostly flowed into their dirty water ditch. Cleaning up now, vac truck and excavator. Land Had a spill of 35-K (which is a phosphate based rust inhibitor) Lost about 1000 Litres from a failed valve to their dirty water ditch. Air Potential to exceed 20 tons of flared SO2. Lost sulfur train #4 in Millennium, due to instrumentation problems on blower. Out 1007-1228. No SO2 amt yet, in letter. Regulation/ Shut down of 21K2 vapour recovery compressor. 1525-1545 Tripped on lube oil pressure. No vent associated. Reporting Land Notification of Coke Truck rollover on Hwy 63 near Beacon Hill. No injuries or adverse effect expected. Clean-up to begin ~ 0900 hrs. Air Reporting a potential for greater than 20 tonnes SO2/event. Cause is attributed to SRU #3 trip on Millennium Upgrader. Cause of trip is due to problem w/ both cokers due to not enough acid gas feed. Exact numbers will be in letter. Regulation/ The camera on the H2S flare quit @ 0815. Repairs currently being made. Using an alternate camera - approval Reporting states camera should always be operational. Regulation/ Update: reporting everything at the facility is coming along . They have the millennium Upgrader back on-line. Reporting Maintenance is still taking place on hydro-tester and may take another 24 hrs. No off-site impact is expected.; Taken naphtha hydrotreater in Base Plant Upgrader - flare butane orig to go < 20 tonnes SO2 < 48 hrs so didn't get preapproval. As maintenance progressed valves needed extra attention - outage going to be extended another 24-48 hrs. Still hoping to stay under 20 tonnes.; Update: Reporting maintenance on Hydro-treater is complete. Also advising they will be proceeding with pre-approved maintenance on FDG at just past midnight tonight. No off-site impact expected. Regulation/ 21-K-2 vapour recovery compressor has tripped. Shouldn't be down long. Reporting Air Reporting an exceedance of SO2 due to loss of ABC controller on SRU #2 train. Switch from auto to manual and brought it back into compliance. Regulation/ Reporting a H2S release at e+BL3568ffluent pond. Cause of release is attributed to system on recycle and Reporting during this time the instability may have caused some H2S to go to effluent. The alarm was short and no off site impact expected. Regulation/ Reporting a 21-K-2 trip due to a ' first stage discharge pressure high'. No venting occurred. Reporting Regulation/ Notification they will be taking compressor 21-K-2 out of commission later tonight (2300 hrs) as per the preReporting approval with Anita S. Compressor will be down for servicing for 4 days. precaution are in place to prevent venting and an action plan is in place should venting occur. Municipal Rec' d final results with background growth and faecal coliforms. Air Notification elevated opacity. 11:36- 11:42 43% Limit 40% Not sure of cause.

26 94 26

128218 128237 128240

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

22-Oct-2002 22-Oct-2002 23-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Regulation/ Leak in a tailings line - noticed @ 1115 today - suspect may have been leaking overnight. They have isolated Reporting line and are now taking measures to prepare for clean-up. Believe waste will likely be taken back to tailings pond. Spill has gone off lease. Air Hydro carbon vapour release. Volume unknown. Exchanger sprung leak (gasket) attempting to fix. Air Air potential to exceed SO2 20 t guideline. Got water in the feed. Have stock & causing flaring in both U1 & U2 . Will call w/ update. Tank 20-D-50 venting. Its an untreated gas oil tank and the rate to it was too high.


26 26 94 26 94

128267 128309 128400 128405 128481

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

22-Oct-2002 23-Oct-2002 23-Oct-2002 22-Oct-2002 25-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air

26 94 94

128538 128540 128545

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

25-Oct-2002 25-Oct-2002 26-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release

26 26 94 26 48522 26 26

128575 128615 128617 128638 128642 128651 128659

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Syncrude

26-Oct-2002 27-Oct-2002 28-Oct-2002 28-Oct-2002 28-Oct-2002 29-Oct-2002 29-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention

94 26 26 94 94

128670 128709 128729 128770 128799

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

29-Oct-2002 29-Oct-2002 30-Oct-2002 31-Oct-2002 29-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Untreated gas oil tank 20D15 PSV is releasing. Lost hydrotreater and caused the tank to fill too fast Hydrotreater is currently coming back on line. As part of the 21K2 outage, tank 20D50 untreated gas oil vented to atmosphere when transfer rates were too high. Cut rates and stopped the venting. Sour Water Acid Gas flare from U-2 (new upgrader due to can't get SRU #4 lit. They may exceed their 20T SO2 limit. They are now limiting production, so far have flared 13T SO2. Air Release of 120lb R-22 found during regular inspection - release happened over time. Recharged. From Plant 10, Chiller #10-R-187, Circuit A. Air flaring in excess of approval based on duration; it will exceed 20 tons SO2 (per incident). Cause - problem early in the week with water getting into the plant, caused trip of 52-K-4.00 . Still trying to startup from that incident. Regulation/ The H2S flare went out. Are trying to re-light it now. Reporting Surface Valve that allows freshwater to two ponds was down. Couldn't swing to second pond and the freshwater pond is Water overflowing. Running to the roadside ditch and to the wastewater pond. Surface Are draining the gypsum tank for the FGD for sampler maintenance. Debris plugged the pump that sends it to Water the gypsum pond. Dilute (5%) gypsum slurry going to the flyash pond instead. This is in the waste water system and will be sampled before discharge. Regulation/ 21 K 2 tripped. Has a high level in knockout drum. No venting occurred. Reporting Regulation/ 21 K 2 tripped on high level in knockout drum. Had a faulty indicator. No venting associated. Reporting Air Notification of odour potential due to sour water system. Elevated H2S. From Plant 52 outage from last week. Should be corrected in 24 hours. Regulation/ Their vapour recovery compressor 21-K-2 tripped for 10 minutes. Cause - C8 knockout drum had a faulty level. Reporting No venting. Regulation/ Black smoke for 10 min. on thermal upset. Limit 6 min. Reporting Land Reporting a 250 gallons hydraulic oil spill. Cause was an o-ring fastener failure on the propel line of a shovel. Was contained on the crane pad. Sand added. Will haul to dump? Regulation/ Continuation of incident reported in 126452. 21-K-2 will trip again at 13:00 when they put a new breaker in. Reporting They will then bring it all back online. He requests putting all the info for the entire incident in one letter.; 21K-2 tripped on high knockout drum level. No venting.; Reporting unplanned S/D of the VRU 21-K2 compressor do to a power problem in an electrical substation. Cause unknown at this time. Are investigating. Municipal Had problems with WT. Putting water from Ft. McMurray potable WT into distribution system. Leak in lines, isolated, repairing. Air Reporting venting from 20D-15 (Gas/oil tank) from 23:55-00:15 pressure device froze up. Regulation/ Reporting high turbidity due to analyser failure. Doing bench tests. Repairing instrument. Reporting Regulation/ Bitumen spill - 15 barrels. Plant 82 Steepbank Roe Prep Bldg. Investigating - tank overflowed. Being Cleaned. Reporting Municipal Notification - Prov Health Lab Background growth plant 38 Resampled & sending in.; Update to 123980. She realized that the filter for the potable water sample has not been in service for a month. Therefore, the background growth is not an issue - filter not included in dist. system. No resample - until Tues when fixed. Air Notification of flaring due to scheduled shutdown of plant 55 (millennium Hydrotreater) and plant 54 (hydrogen Plant). Expect to exceed 20T SO2 flared. down for 15 days. flaring for 2hrs. Air Tank venting, untreated feed. (Natural gas/ gas oil vapours). Venting for short time 30-40 min. Transfer of tank contents, 1150 start. Land Spill of 40 L of a product called DEA which is an amine inhibitor. Release was caused by a cracked weld on the unit. Release occurred between 0430-0520. No offsite impact. Regulation/ Approval contravention. They shut off the sodium hypochloride chlorine pump. Doing maintenance to the

94 26 26 48522

128955 128957 129085 129116

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude En Cana

2-Nov-2002 2-Nov-2002 5-Nov-2002 4-Nov-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry


Reporting 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 129144 129145 129151 129163 129257 129341 129352 129396 129420 129422 129437 129439 Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude 8-Oct-2002 15-Oct-2002 5-Nov-2002 6-Nov-2002 7-Nov-2002 8-Nov-2002 8-Nov-2002 8-Nov-2002 10-Nov-2002 11-Nov-2002 9-Nov-2002 8-Nov-2002 Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

26 26 26 26

129442 129459 129602 129719

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

9-Nov-2002 12-Nov-2002 13-Nov-2002 13-Nov-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

injection mixing quill. Down Nov 4 @ 9:00 - expect it to remain down for 3-4 days. Another pump is making up for the loss. Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: some maintenance notifications. Reporting Regulation/ Tomorrow morning they are bringing down 21-K-24. To perform electrical "swing" to another power Source. Reporting Back online Tues afternoon. Regulation/ Compressor 21-K-2 tripped on false O2 reading - O2 analyzer now being looked at. No releases - notification Reporting only. Air Venting natural gas and HC vapour from tank 20D-50 due to high pressure in the tank. - Draining down tank to drop pressure. Air Their bitumen tank 20-D- 53 has been venting ("puffing") since 0930. Instrument problem - working on it. Constituents - natural gas & hydrocarbon vapour. Regulation/ NG compressor 21-K-2 tripped due to a high level knockout drum. Down from 0745-0805; no venting. Reporting Regulation/ 21K-2 tripped between 0402-0420, there was no venting while the compressor was down. Reporting Air Tank 53 is venting He and NG vapours. Hope its cleared up in 30 min. Caused by a combination of events problems with 21-K-2, reducing rates to plant 7 due to high pressure. Air Wet gas compressor trip between 1240-0132, flaring greater then 20 tons SO2. Also caused the thermal oxidizer to have an SO2 contravention. Land Release of fire water due to a cracked Elbow on line. Est. 200 barrels that released to on site drainage system and south tank farm. Air Opacity from the old Power House stack due to an ESP trip on the unit. FGD is down, presently using the old Power house. Municipal Potable water result/ Source/ fecal/ total NIL. HPC <10. Resamples just arrived today.; Source resample results (see attached form) .; Received PHL report Syncrude, called facility, they will re-sample.; Final resample results for Source. Air Release of vapours from 20 D-6 sour wa t e r tank due to a leaking level indicator. - possible odour potential. Air Municipal Tank 50 venting for 15 minutes. Cause high run-down rate.

94 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26

129741 129774 129813 129824 129917 129975 130163 130183 130218

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

14-Nov-2002 15-Nov-2002 15-Nov-2002 17-Nov-2002 12-Nov-2002 19-Nov-2002 22-Nov-2002 22-Nov-2002 24-Nov-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

They had an elevated turbidity reading due to a false high reading on an online turbidity meter. Due to scale buildup. Regulation/ Vapour recovery unit 21-K-2 went down at 11:43, due to a trip on C-8 high level. No venting. Working on Reporting bringing it back up.; 21-K-2 Electric Motor Failure shaft broke. Installing new, will be up and running by Nov 15.02 am.; 21K2 has a new motor and is operating again. Air Had a pump fail in their sulfur plant causing the plant to trip. Flared from 2041-2125 and it may exceed the 20 t/hr SO2 limit. Regulation/ Sent letter Nov.14/02 Re: Notification FGD outage for Nov. 15/02 for repairs for 12 hours. Are pulling last Reporting boiler out now. Municipal Notification that a line blew apart on their potable water plant and they will be trucking in water from McMurray plant for a couple of days .Will measure total chlorine instead of free. Regulation/ An operator just discovered the H2S flare was extinguished. Being re-lit now by firehall. unsure why autoReporting ignition didn't kick in. Air 20D-50 venting HC due to a frozen temp gauge. venting from 0100-0120. Air Reporting venting from tank 20D- 53 due to rundown rates. They are adjusting rates and expect venting to stop. Compressor running. Bitumen tank. Regulation/ Reporting exceedance on waste water effluent to Athabasca River. They were over on oil & grease. Closed in Reporting discharge at 05: 00 hrs. Will investigate cause today. Sample that was over was taken during the night shift. Regulation/ 21 K 2 vapour recovery shut down @ 10:30 coming up now. Belts were loose & needed tightening. No venting. Reporting Municipal Reporting they had a turbidity reading on their potable water @ 0.87. Reading was taken at 04:22. They







Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention

26 94 26 26

130283 130392 130426 130521

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

25-Nov-2002 26-Nov-2002 27-Nov-2002 28-Nov-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

immediately switched water to waste water. Resamples and it came out at 0.1 - 0.14. They believe they had a faulty meter. Regulation/ Reporting they have a truck driver dispute going on at their sulfur loading site and as a result they are piping Reporting sulfur to the limestone pit. This is something they are authorized to do in emergency situations. They expect to have the situation cleaned up tomorrow. Air 20-D-15 vent ing of NG & hydrocarbon to atmosphere. Still venting. Land Discovered a line in their wastewater system that has separated from the lift station. This is all the info he has so far. Municipal Possible potable water contravention turbidity spike . Train 1 in WTP went to flush creating a bump in train 2 spike for ~ 1 min. Normal readings after spike. Air Release of fuel gas yesterday, 11: 30 . 1 inch line that was open, closed off and capped at 11:45. Release was outdoors, but no odours (it was sweet gas). Superintendent of Utilities was notified @ 1800 hrs notified this a.m. 08 :40 - issues with reporting on this lncident... Municipal Reporting shutdown of the water treatment plant due to power outage. Cause was scheduled maintenance by ATCO. Out for 30 minutes. Municipal Potable water Contravention.1) Base plant BacT samples taken but not shipped-Resampling.2) Aurora plant BacT samples taken but not shipped. Resampled. Municipal Low chlorine in TransAlta distribution. Posted "do not drink" signs & are following approval procedures. Land Reporting they were doing random sampling on the Aurora site and discovered hydrocarbons in one of their monitoring wells. They have pumped the well enough to say with confidence there was very little hydrocarbon (~10 L). They believe it may have come from a pump. Municipal Low residual chlorine bldg. furthest out. 0.02 mg/L & 0.06 mg/L limit 0.1mg/L All other locations well above. Flushed system. Now 92 mg/L & 53 mg/L at same site 1 hour later. Regulation/ FGD tripped on an electrical failure. Flu gas went up old stack. FOG is pollution abatement equipment. Reporting Regulation/ Follow-up to ref # 131037. Lab had misunderstood, and thought the sample was bottled water. Because HPC Reporting was undetermined, they had to resample. Dec 6 resamples accidently sent to Envirotest (wrong lab) . New resamples will be sent out today. Originally reported in error... requests a call back from SAL, as to whether or not to send 7 day letter since none of this is actually reportable...; The Prov Lab faxed them notice that the lab could not analyze a potable water sample for pseudo-monas aeruginose [Pseudomonas aeruginosa?]. They did not fail. a sample - but the lab wants a new one sent in. Municipal Resample Prelims. N-145808 to N-145B13. All 0 coliforms HPC to follow. Land Air Air Air Air Municipal Tailings line split. Tailings ran down the road to the north tank farm and to the fuel depot. Have sanded the road and CEDA en-route with Vac-trucks. All contained in the plant site. Controller failed on wet gas compressor on the millennium Upgrader. Flared coker gas, possibility of exceeding 20T limit. Venting 20D15 tank - NG/HC now, unknown how long - not planned. Due to temp flux outside. Shut down transfer to tank. will follow up. R22 freon release unit 12R102, BLDG1 70. Mechanical Breakdown did release thru pressure Relief Valve. Release 30 Lb s R22 @ bldg. 151 unit 44 1V100 camp#2. Due to leak on discharge service line.

48522 26 94 26

130610 130682 130746 130801

En Cana Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

29-Nov-2002 25-Nov-2002 4-Dec-2002 4-Dec-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

20809 94 26

130824 130841 130921

Albian Sands 5-Dec-2002 Suncor Syncrude 5-Dec-2002 6-Dec-2002

Industry Industry Industry

94 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 20809 26

130935 130944 130995 131052 131066 131081 131145 131182 131238 131399 131426 131436

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

6-Dec-2002 8-Dec-2002 7-Dec-2002 9-Dec-2002 9-Dec-2002 6-Dec-2002 10-Nov-2002 11-Dec-2002 12-Dec-2002 16-Dec-2002

Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Albian Sands 15-Dec-2002 Syncrude 16-Dec-2002

Missed free chlorine residual sample from Aurora. Nov 10th sample. Supposed to do weekly sample. Discovered today when looking at previous month's data. Cause unknown. Municipal High NTU @ WTP due to scale buildup inside pipe, NTU 1.42. Air flaring from plant 55 since 2035, possible flared greater then 20t SO2. Regulation/ Hwy 63 is a sheet of ice; vehicles in ditch all over. Trucks unable to make it through last night. They are going Reporting to have to pump sulfur to their emergency pads, as a result. Air Release of natural gas (Class 2.1) PVRV failed open the froth treatment area. No offsite odours or complaints. Repaired immediately. Air Discovered release of anhydrous ammonia. Pinhole leak at the bottom of a tank. Amount unknown so far -


20809 94 94 48522 94 48522 48522 26

131481 131501 131574 131576 131605 131632 131635 131664

Albian Sands 17-Dec-2002 Suncor Suncor En Cana Suncor En Cana En Cana Syncrude 17-Dec-2002 17-Dec-2002 17-Dec-2002 18-Dec-2002 1-Mar-2002 30-Nov-2002 19-Dec-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification







26 26

131706 131719

Syncrude Syncrude

19-Dec-2002 19-Dec-2002

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention

26 94 94 94 20809 26

131727 131753 131819 131833 131880 131909

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

11-Dec-2002 18-Dec-2002 21-Dec-2002 23-Dec-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 24-Dec-2002 Syncrude 25-Dec-2002

94 26 26 26

131963 131977 131979 131997

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

28-Dec-2002 28-Dec-2002 29-Dec-2002 29-Dec-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

26 26

132033 132072

Syncrude Syncrude

30-Dec-2002 30-Dec-2002

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged

details in letter. Spill sometime in the night; no exact volume or time yet. The product is a solvent used in their processes, similar to NAPHTHA. Cause - thickeners missing or broken. More details in letter. Air R22 release discovered during maintenance. Fitting on a site glass was leaking; on a glycol chiller (31-K-29). Replaced site glass, recharged. Land Surge tank before WWTP overflowed and lost about a cube (m3) of grey water due to failed PLC. 1/2 mile from residence. All on-site. WW system is now bypassing surge tank and going to WWTP. Regulation/ Yesterday they had a power outage between 13:00-14:00 for maintenance. This knocks out WTP and WWTP Reporting and triggers report to AENV. Air Trouble with the opacity meter on the FGD stack. CEMS code requires 90% uptime, which was violated at 11:00 am today. Cause and more details in letter. Municipal For the months of March, Oct, Nov. Chlorine below monthly average limits. AENV is aware of this; working w/ approvals Surface TSS waste system above average for the month of Nov. MF aware of this Water Municipal Contravention, potable WT. Turbidity alarm sounded a train 0.44 NTU draw down on niad 14 mil/min low pH 6.0. A train switched to sewer. B train pump put into action pH started to recov. a train left to recover. [meaning unclear] Municipal PH on train 1 in WTP is below 6.5 PH. 2005-2145 = 6.1, 2245-2306 = 6.4, 2340-now = 6.4 - Turbidity is 0.19 & chlorine is good - All of train 2 is good. - The valves are spikes and are fluctuating - Cause is a faulty NIAD pump and they are working on it. Municipal At 1530 they had a turbidity over their 0.8 NTU limit. Found that Niad pump was pumping at too high a rate causing increased NTU. Sent it to waste till problem was corrected. Water is fine now. Municipal Water plant turb meter traw 1 spiked at 2.0 in the last hour so they analyzed some grabs and Average NTU in plant is 0.19. Believe continuous meter is faulty . Chlorine is good. will do grabs hourly until meter is repaired or replaced. Regulation/ Alpha labs had an accident with one of their samples so for Dec 11/02 they will have no CBOD, TSS, and pH. Reporting Results on lagoon sample. Regulation/ Reporting an oversight - failed to recognize the requirement for monthly reporting during the first year of Reporting operation. Regulation/ Reporting that millennium Thermal Oxidizer Stack went below 538 deg C limit between 1610 and 1710 Reporting Yesterday. Unsure of cause and actual reading. details in letter. Air Source has had some kind of plant upset in extraction that is sending process water straight to ponds. This could cause odours. Land Reporting an overflow on ore prep. sump that resulted in process water flowing into nearby ditch. All material stayed onsite and is being vacuumed up. Overflow occurred due to sump pump failure. Caller will notify EUB. Air Reporting 21 k-2 back on-line . No venting due to adjustment in flows. Total venting time around 50 minutes. 21-K-2 down for ~ 6 hours.; Reporting 21-K-2 tripped and as a result tank 15 is venting. Moving tank contents around to balance pressures. Working on 21-K-2. No reported odours, atmospheric conditions are good for lifting. caller will update TCP when 21-K-2 is back on-line. Land Release of suspected sewage water - blocked up manhole. ~ 1000 L. Ceda on way to clean up. Pooling in depression. Air Reporting venting from tank D-15 due to overpressure. 21K-2 is working. Reduced the pressure and venting stopped. Further investigation is required. Venting occurred from 21:30-22:00 hrs. Regulation/ Reporting 21K-2 trip due to O2 analyzer problems. No venting associated with event. Trip started at 04:54 Reporting still ongoing. Municipal Reporting the results of the new sample . It is below the 5 NTU of their approval but the FRC is still below 0.5 mg/L.; Reporting an exceedance in potable water sample taken from the end of line at Bldg. 545. Known as the mine electrical bldg. No one working in this sector on the weekend. Posted "no drinking" signs and are resampling. FRC reading is .20 mg/L . Caller will update me on results of their follow-up sample. Air PSV 21-K-2 discharge -.21PSV65 Released to atmosphere. No adverse effect. Take valve off to repair. Land Regulation/ Service valve 21-K-2 needs to be shut down for 2- 3 hours @ 13:30 Confirm back up time.


26 94 94 94

132086 132169 132236 132274

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

31-Dec-2002 3-Jan-2003 2-Jan-2003 4-Jan-2002

Industry Industry Industry Agency

Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification






20809 26 26 26 26 48522 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26

132311 132313 132344 132368 132378 132402 132468 132566 132573 132585 132617 132624 132628 132655

Albian Sands 6-Jan-2003 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude 31-Dec-2002 6-Jan-2003 7-Jan-2003 6-Jan-2003 31-Dec-2002 7-Jan-2003 9-Jan-2003 9-Jan-2003 10-Jan-2003 10-Jan-2003 11-Jan-2003 11-Jan-2003 12-Jan-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Reporting Regulation/ 21K2 tripped @ 1210 back on line @ 12: 45. Caused by a faulty reading on instrument, no venting. Reporting Land Reporting that plant had a gypsum spill into the coker pit. From the FDG plant. Estimate 30,000 gallons released, cause unknown. Surface Discovered they had wastewater going from pond C (industrial sewer water) to outfall E (cooling water). This Water happened 0400-2000 hrs Jan 2nd, unknown to them at the time. Monitoring both flows, sampled ok. Municipal Update to earlier reported potable water results. Problem due to no flow/usage in the system. Have posted signs at points, have been gradually reducing CL2 due to high levels elsewhere in the system.; Water results for source preliminary results. Source is OPPOPPR, LR Collected 01Jan by J. Ralph Background growth. Regulation/ It is - 42 deg C today. They cannot keep Millennium station#12 operating. Power keeps cutting out. Already Reporting reported <90% uptime in Feb. Have been dealing with approvals concerning this trailer. Won't be going out to service it this weekend. Regulation/ Courtesy call. Fire last night at Muskeg River Mine in the Froth Treatment Area. Happened at 12:30 - put out Reporting by 02:45. Ant solvent spilled as a result is contained. Will update as info comes in. Land Spill of sulfuric acid about 3000L Dec.31/02 - 10hrs. Drain valve on tank that was partially open. Contained in berm to effluent pond. Municipal Turbidity high in Bldg 545, bldg unoccupied. Stagnant water. Flushing lines. Land Lower fuel line on heavy hauler broke off. Lost diesel to mine haul road. Mixed it with dirt and collected. Will put into process. Regulation/ 21 K 2 VRU compressor down on high level on knockout drum. No venting. Reporting Regulation/ Exceedance of limits for treated WWT for CBOD 56.5 mg/L & TSS 75.3 mg/L for month of December /02. Reporting Re: Mike F. Municipal Camp is full & don't have enough storage for potable water. Have brought in a truckload tonight. will test turbidity & chlorine. Regulation/ Are doing integrity testing on WTP. Need to truck in more water. Reporting Air Were swapping PSV valve from one aqueous ammonia holding tank to another. Had a 4 min. release. Air Air Municipal Land Air Plant tripped 12-2 @ 07:15 not back up yet, don't know what's up. Under investigation. 21-K-2 trip @ 15: 16. Lasted until 15: 40. Back up & pumping @ 15: 50. As a result - rec'd drive-by report of a venting from tank D-50, ~ 15:55 hrs. pressure was down. Investigating further. Cleaning one train in WTP. Cannot keep up with demand. Are trucking in more water. Had a spill of Request 7000 (defloc) from a split line. All frozen under the line and contained there. Exceedance of 360 ton/day SO2. flaring started Jan 12 @ 13:30 (reported to SAL ref# 131101). Exceedance @ 20:00 hrs. Caused by outage of compressor 82K2.; Gas compressor 82 - K2 tripped due to high level in knockout drum. Caused flaring of compressor off gases. Black smoke.; Are back up & running but will take 4 hrs to stop flaring. Took a feed cup to drop emissions.; Still flaring. Don't know the numbers - but may be near the 360+ limit. Venting from bitumen tank 20 D 53. PVSV lifted. Are sure they had an hourly NOx exceedance On the gas turbine generator (GTG). Lost preheat on the unit. Think they exceeded based on instantaneous readings. will confirm.; Update, got reading for 1500-1600 and are sure they have another exceedance.; Doing repairs on preheat area of GTGS. Boiler 1 went down earlier on FRD trip. Need both GTG 5 & 6 operational to avoid NOx exceedances but 5 is down. Will take 4 days to get it up and running. More details tomorrow. Release R22 .> 10 kg 11: 30. No details yet will include in letter.

26 94

132657 132667

Syncrude Suncor

12-Jan-2003 12-Jan-2003

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air

94 94 94

132707 132745 132780

Suncor Suncor Suncor

13-Jan-2003 12-Jan-2003 14-Jan-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged

Air Air

Still flaring GTG5. Ar e making good progress & should be up & running tomorrow. In meantime have been over NOx limit. Are, minimizing emissions and have closed off steam generator. Regulation/ Currently have one boiler (NG) on Line Powerhouse stack resulting in a 0 SO2 emission reading. Equipment


Contravention 94 94 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 18942 26 132807 132820 132873 132917 133011 133067 133073 133123 133125 133133 133255 133431 Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 13-Jan-2003 15-Jan-2003 15-Jan-2003 14-Jan-2003 16-Jan-2003 17-Jan-2003 17-Jan-2003 17-Jan-2003 18-Jan-2003 18-Jan-2003 20-Jan-2003 23-Jan-2003 Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention


meant to read higher emissions - currently too low to detect. CEMs code unclear whether this is valid data or not. Notification Only. will discuss in monthly report. Air NOX emissions off GPG 5 (Re: Shelley) Limit 94 kg/hr. From 0700 Jan.13 - 0600 Janl4. 96.2 lowest 102.4 highest. Now under limit. #'s in detail in letter. Municipal Brought in potable water from Ft. McM. into storage 40m3.; Continuing to haul potable water from Fort McMurray, to their potable water storage tanks (into their distribution system). Municipal WT contrav. turbidity. 27NTU before backwash on train 2. Bench Test 1.2 - 1.6 NTU. 11 NTU @ tank level @ 1345. Municipal Notification CL residual is less than .1 mg/L - Chlorinator is down for 2 days Suncor plant 86 Warehouse Mol... plant signs up - No Drinking. Land Spill of 2000 L diesel from a leaking storage tank. Clean up efforts underway. Regulation/ Lost camera indication of 19F2 low pressure flare. Waiting on technician. Reporting Air Experience venting 20D15. Troubleshooting. NG & hydrocarbon. Air Municipal Air Land Air Stack top temp violation caused by low flow to the incinerator tripped the furnace. Low CL due to a Cl pump failure. 0.2 mg/L must be above 0.5 mg/L. Repairs underway. Do not drink protocol implemented. Venting HC from tank 20D-50, 1315-ongoing. High rundown rate cause pressure to build up in tank. Spill of dyed diesel -about 500 gal., unit 1139, elevation 290 Back hoe hit by another vehicle rupturing fuel tank. Sand berm constructed to contain. sand covered and collected. -33 deg C. Tank venting from 20-D-16 (untreated gas oil) . Was giving 5-10 second puff every 7 minutes at 0230 for an hour. No GLC's. plant 15-1 tripped (gas oil hydrotreater) and stopped drawing fluid from tank. Took hour to get different unit 70 stop filling 20-D-16. Flame out on 19-F-l Hydrocarbon flare from 0300-0730 Cause unknown. No GLC's . Unsure why monitoring didn't detect outage earlier. Tank venting 20-D-15 15: 05 - ongoing. NG & hydrocarbon vapour. Operations investigating.

94 26 94

133437 133454 133477

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

23-Jan-2003 23-Jan-2003 24-Jan-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air

94 94 94 26

133526 133548 133551 133633

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

25-Jan-2003 26-Jan-2003 26-Jan-2003 27-Jan-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Stack violation on GTG5 - NOx. Failure on preheat system to burner; cold weather combined with this is causing high NOx. Ongoing violations until repairs are made Sat. evening. He will update MF when event is over. This equipment has to run, or the plant will freeze.; Update to 132667. Pre-heat is operating again and back in compliance w/ NOx limits.; Had phoned in high NOx Friday Jan.24 in 132667. Now have ongoing high NOx in in GTG 6. He believes the previous report was regarding GTG 5. Regulation/ H2S analyser at plant was down between 0700-1000. A process upset caused foam to spill on to analyser. Plant Reporting ran steady the entire time (as far as H2S emissions). Land Glycol spill from GTG unit 6 (north end of Base Plant). Unsure of cause: Lost about 1500 gallons to cement pad. CEDA is on site cleaning up now. Municipal A surface distribution line split last night so they needed to haul water in from McMurray. May need one more load tomorrow. MF asked him to call ERC but it could be covered (letter-wise) under this ref #. Municipal Reporting the potable water incident from yesterday. Wanted to confirm we had the latest information and advised there may be one chlorine incident that was not reported during this same event. TCP advised her to put details in the letter. I also confirmed they would be calling RHA to see if they could provide advice.; Water tests from building 545 and 570 (@west end of plant, end of the line, not even used on weekends). six samples taken - several turbidity and Free Chlorine violations. Flushing lines, resampling, surveying extent of problem.; Update - Reporting latest sample taken at Source location. It is considerable better than earlier today.; Update. Reporting the results of potable water for tank that had earlier today been high in turbidity. The tank had been flushed.; Reporting high NTU in potable water tank that services bldg 41A (Mine Services Bldg). The turbidity was caused from a maintenance inspection on the tank that stirred up the turbidity when they refilled it. Bldg has been posted for "No drinking" and tank is being drained and cleaned. They will report re-sample results.; Took 6 samples after last night's potable water failures (132558). All turbidities within limits; all chlorines within limits, except one sample from a women's washroom, may not even be used. Signs posted "do not


26 94 26 94 26

133697 133764 133779 133815 133826

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

28-Jan-2003 29-Jan-2003 29-Jan-2003 29-Jan-2003 29-Jan-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Municipal

drink". Tank venting of 20-D-51 (bitumen). Caused by high run-down rates - reducing these. Ongoing.






26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26

133895 133934 133938 133957 134089 134091 134115 134186 134387 134419

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

30-Jan-2003 31-Jan-2003 31-Jan-2003 31-Jan-2003 3-Feb-2003 1-Feb-2003 3-Feb-2003 3-Feb-2003 6-Feb-2003 6-Feb-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention

94 94 26 26 26

134427 134441 134488 134600 134638

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

6-Feb-2003 5-Feb-2003 5-Feb-2003 9-Feb-2003 10-Feb-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

High turbidity on potable water @ the steep bank side. Due to failure of chemical injection pump. Fixed pump. He will also notify Asoke w. Air Reporting venting from 20D-50 tank due to rates of transfer problem. They are draining down 20D-7 and are transferring contents to 20D-50. They have stopped the transfer. Compressor 21K-2 is in operation. Land Oil spray onto vehicles from failed gasket on sight, 5 barrel slop oil. Air Reporting venting from 20D-51 due to transfer from 20D-7. They have cutback rates but still are finding it difficult to balance transfer rates. If they can't con't the transfer w/o venting they will shut the transfer down. Compressor 21K-2 in operation. Land Reporting a release of untreated NAPHTHA from plant 13-1 Exact volume of release unknown at this time, however they do not believe it was a large quantity. NAPHTHA escaped past a valve that partially opened due to outside temperature change. Contents went in sewer and will be picked up in separator. Tracking van sent out but they have not picked up anything. Land Leak on 82 coker naphtha carrier line - frozen, Isolated. Split odour potential - stinky. ~1 barrel. Regulation/ Reporting finding asbestos in the landfill. This is not in accordance with section 4.3.2 of approval. He figures it Reporting happened sometime last night. Still checking into it. Air Reporting venting from tank 20D-53 due to high run-down rates and cont transfer from 20D-7. caller advised transfer from 20D-7 has stopped and they expect venting to stop shortly. Air Release of R-22 due to a line breaking off. Affected A/C units 10RK28C&D. Fixing, testing with nitrogen, will recharge. Regulation/ Compressor trip 21K-2 . No releases. High 2nd stage discharge pressure. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting a 21K-2 trip dur to a high second stage discharge. Restarted. No venting associated. Reporting Air Tank venting from 20-D-53 (mostly NG, bitumen). Cause - increased feed rates to plant 7. Trying to get venting to stop currently - if not, they will decrease plant 7 feed. Municipal Rec' d results of potable water samples. Not sure what the limits are, so passed on all the numbers. Land Reporting sewage release due to a possible broken or plugged line. No waterway effected. Municipal Reporting low free chlorine in 3 out of 6 samples. Have been doing a water quality survey in 3 buildings.; Update: Bldg 545 CL2 - 0.12 mg/L, turb - 2.07 NTU. (OK) Bldg 570 CL2 - 0.33 mg/L, turb - 1.27 NTU (OK). will retest in morning.; Reporting results of resample. Flushed line - collected resample - one sample is a contravention.; Updating earlier potable water issues; 3 sources tested. 41A lunchroom turbidity - 1.03 NTU (now 0.35). CL2 - 0.03 mg/L (now o. 85). Bldg 545 CL2 0.01 mg/L, turb - 2.29 NTU. Forgot to sample bldg 570: will continue to flush and resample.; Update to 134056 Potable water. Bldg 545 - Cl2 - 0.62 mg/L. Turb 0 0.62 NTU. Bldg 570, CL2 - 0.84 mg/L. Turb - 0.6 NTU.; Update: Potable water results have conducted substantial flushing Bldg 545 CL2 0.45 mg/L ; Turb 0.912 NTU ; Bldg 570 CL2 0.98 mg/L; Turb 0.4 NTU.; More potable water results - double samples: Bldg 545 - Upstairs sink - turbidity - 1.58NTU, 1.60NTU (limit 5) Chlorine - 0.08mg/L, 0.06 rng/L (limit 0.1)Bldg 570 - lunchroom - turbidity 0.775 NTU, 0.551 NTU - chlorine - 0.63 mg/L 0.84 41A Women' s washroom -,mg/L turbidity 0.370 NTU, 0.775NTU - Chlorine - 1.00mg/L, 0.03 mg/L Out of Compliance Bldg 570 washroom 0.63mg/L CL2; Bldg 570 0.84 mg/L CL2 41A Women's washroom 1.00 mg/L CL2.; Update to reference # 134056. Had sample results from several Sources for both NTU and Cl, all in compliance. Air Flaring incident over SO2 limit amount of 20 tons - caused by leak in system - losing butane and it is going into the flare - currently trying to find leak. Municipal Reporting low chlorine of a potable water sample collected at the Trans Alta lab reservoir @ 21:15. Manually chlorinated; chlorine ok, reason unknown. Air Reporting venting from 20D-53 Bitumen tank. Had stopped earlier at 18:40, but restarted at 21:30. Have cut rundown rates from plant 7. Air Reporting venting from 20D-15, an untreated gas/oil tank. Started at 20:27; ongoing intermittent 21K2 compressor operational; problems may be due to natural gas blanketing system. Regulation/ While compiling info for the annual report, discovered they did not sample for mercury from 3 G.W. sources.


26 26 26 94

134640 134642 134692 134820

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

10-Feb-2003 10-Feb-2003 11-Feb-2003 13-Feb-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Land

As per table 7.1 of approval. While compiling info for the annual report, discovered a required sample on an external sump was not taken as per table 5.1. A drilling contractor unloaded utility water into the clean water ditch. Tanks 15 & 16 venting since 10:10. Ongoing They are reducing transfer to these tanks to get it to stop.

94 26 94 26 94 26 20809

134847 134911 134928 134956 134962 134981 135092

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

13-Feb-2003 14-Feb-2003 14-Feb-2003 15-Feb-2003 16-Feb-2003 17-Feb-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry

He is reporting this as a notification, but it may be a contravention (he's not sure). Normally they discharge sewage effluent to the south end of their wetlands. A breach has caused effluent to go into the north end of the wetlands. Regulation/ They will be conducting work on the WTP this weekend and will be hauling potable H2O into the site. Reporting Approval requires them to test for free CL. have to sample for total instead. Air Tank venting - tank 15 (untreated gas well). Cause - high rundown rates. Municipal Land Municipal Air Land received results for Jan. WWTP analysis. High BOD, but the numbers don't jive. He is talking to Maxxam about a potential calculation problem. Requests waiving of 7-day letter will call LT Tues. Morning. Spill of ~ 10 barrels of bitumen @ plant 7-1 due to a hose coming loose off a tank. All contained in the tank area, cleanup underway. Final results. Venting HC vapour from tank D-15 (untreated heavy gas) due to pressure build up. They are still in construction; not in operation yet. This morning were removing a problem valve and lost 20 gal of solvent material. As a precaution, evacuated area (1600 people). Contained on-site; flushed line. Later discovered substance was 98% water. Notifying us because evacuation was a large #. He verbally notified EUB, and Art Dutton requests waiver of 7-day letter C12 reading at potable water plant below 4 mg/L. Believed due to faulty instrumentation.

Albian Sands 19-Feb-2003

26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26

135173 135209 135221 135374 135409 135420 135423 135574 135634 135636 135672 135676 135700 135704

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

19-Feb-2003 20-Feb-2003 20-Feb-2003 21-Feb-2003 22-Feb-2003 23-Feb-2003 23-Feb-2003 25-Feb-2003 27-Feb-2003 27-Feb-2003 28-Feb-2003 28-Feb-2003 27-Feb-2003 28-Feb-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Municipal Municipal Air

Low chlorine leaving plant. 44 mg/L . Back up to normal. Some did leave plant. Turned up pump. Tank venting 1325-1330 hrs. Tank 15 (gas oil tank). Not sure of cause - perhaps instrument problem. Still investigating. Regulation/ 21K2 tripped on low suction, no venting. Reporting Land Had a leak of sewage in lab area parking lot. Puddled on roadway down below. Vacuumed it up & took to sewage lagoon. Air Untreated heavy gas/oil tank 20D15 is venting. Unsure of cause at moment. Have cut rates to reduce venting. No odours anticipated. Land A large bump in conveyor belt in the extractor plant caused a vibration. This fractured the sewer line & resulted in a release of sewage. This is 40' below grade. Ran to oily water system. Are working on cleanup. Regulation/ High turbidity - went Over for 5 min and then came back down - still have not found out why spike happened Reporting and why it was reported late - will explain in letter. Regulation/ Tank 15, 16 venting at 0700. Have since stopped tank 15 venting by cutting the transfer. Continuing to cut rates Reporting for tank 16 - still ongoing venting at the moment. Municipal Potable water plant had a turbidity spike in train B. 10 seconds. Suspect false indication Air Tank 20-D19 is venting purge oil (sweet HC) due to leaking tank seal. will work on it today when maintenance staff show up. Air Flaring acid gas from SRU #4 since 0517 and will exceed 20T limit (at about 10 now). will continue for next few hours until SRU is back online. Air Exceeded their 94 kg/hr NOx limit on GTG 5 at 1200 this am. Glycol preheater on intake went down this morning. Able to use a back up de-icer and were back in compliance next hour at 78 kg. Regulation/ 21K2 tripped. Not venting right now. will update if venting occurs. They are on their way out to fix. Reporting


94 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 20809

135737 135749 135753 135755 135758 135763 135765 135783 135790 135796 135808 135809 135910 135932 135954 135993

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

28-Feb-2003 28-Feb-2003 28-Feb-2003 1-Mar-2003 1-Mar-2003 1-Mar-2003 1-Mar-2003 1-Mar-2003 2-Mar-2003 2-Mar-2003 3-Mar-2003 1-Mar-2003 3-Mar-2003 31-Dec-2002 4-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air

Downtime < 90% opacity. Instrumentation problems. For month of February. Investigating. 21-K-2 tripped for 10 minutes. at 1840 on low suction pressure, no venting, back on line now. While commissioning a process water line it split releasing an unknown volume to coke pit area. All onsite, no offsite. Water didn't pool so no recovery possible. Grading road to prevent ice build up. Venting from 20D52 and 20D53 since 0030. Run-down rates being reduced. Venting from 20D51 (bitumen tank) Ongoing since 0830 reducing run down rates.

Tank venting from 20 D-52 and 53 since about 1600. Unsure of cause. Reducing rundown rates to compensate. No trips on 21-K-2 since 132320 and they have stopped maintenance until tomorrow. Regulation/ 21-K-2 tripped at 1002-1014 and again at 1112 - Ongoing. Due to low suction pressure. No venting. Syncrude Reporting is testing unit to find out why its not working as designed which is cause of trips. Regulation/ SRU 4 tripped this morning resulting in acid gas flaring from 1009-1117. Thought to be over 20 T/hr limit. Reporting Regulation/ 21-K-2 tripped on low junction from 1811-1825. No venting. Reporting Regulation/ 21-K-2 tripped at 2047 and is ongoing. No venting.; 21-K-2 came online after about an hour and they have Reporting been trying to balance system ever since. Began venting from 20D-52 at about 0400. Intermittent but ongoing. Regulation/ Vapour recovery camp 21-K-2 tripped 0821 - trying to restart. Reporting Air G76 5 exceeded NOX limit at 0500. Limit is 94kg. G76 6 also at 0000 this morning. Replaced air preheater and are filling with glycol Should be fully operational later today. Air Reporting 21-K-2 trip due to First stage discharge. No venting occurred. Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Contravention - preparing Annual Reports for 2002 Aurora haven't completed analysis for arsenic or mercury. Approv# 18942. 21-K-2 tripped vapour recovery unit. 1053-ongoing. Not long expected.; 21-K-2 trip due to low suction pressure. still down. Investigating. Reporting >90% downtime of CEMs on gas turbine on co-generation plant. They are experiencing computer problems during commission period. Caller advised they have 6 months to certify equipment. Approvals notified. Regulation/ Reporting fire on bitumen pump 72G5A. Fire was contained and no evacuations. Production cut back to 1/2 Reporting until they can come up with solution. This bitumen pump is part of the Diluent Recovery Unit and pumps about 120,000 barrel/day. They don't expect venting / diverting from incident. Regulation/ Reporting a 21-K-2 trip due to first stage discharge. No venting associated. Reporting Regulation/ 21-K-2 (VRU) tripped - 0850-0855 and 0910-0915. No venting. wind-chill of - 40 is sending slugs of liquid to Reporting knockout drum. Regulation/ 21-K-2 trip due to continuing problems w/ the coke r. No venting. Reporting Air possible opacity exceedance 1000-1100 due to a plugged dipleg (#Y-138). Average appears to be under 40% but it spiked at 60%. Regulation/ Temperature related trip of 2l-K-2. No venting. Working on correcting it. Reporting Regulation/ 21K2 tripped. No venting. Believe due to instrumentation problems caused by cold (-45 deg C with wind-chill). Reporting Regulation/ Reporting 21K-2 trip due to low suction temperature. No venting associated. Reporting Air Reporting venting from tank 20D-15 due to product transfer. Cut back transfer rates. VRU 21K-2 in operation. Regulation/ Reporting 21K2 trip due to instrumental problems. Cold weather is a contributor to problem. predicting - 59

Albian Sands 28-Feb-2003







26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

136069 136087 136097 136099 136122 136128 136153 136156 136168

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

5-Mar-2003 6-Mar-2003 6-Mar-2003 6-Mar-2003 6-Mar-2003 6-Mar-2003 6-Mar-2003 7-Mar-2003 6-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification


94 48408 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 20809 94 26 48522 26 26 26 48522 26 94

136170 136191 136217 136227 136243 136265 136272 136344 136385 136436 136440 136514 136554 136566 136572 136600 136602 136604 136639 136735 136752 136770



Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Pro-Active Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Petro-Canada 7-Mar-2003 Syncrude 8-Mar-2003 Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude 8-Mar-2003 9-Mar-2003 9-Mar-2003 4-Mar-2003 11-Mar-2003 12-Mar-2003 13-Mar-2003 12-Mar-2003

Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Land Regulation/ Reporting Air Municipal Land Municipal Air

with wind-chill. Notification that 5SC-123 flaring on upgrader may exceed 20 tons. They do not have the data yet but will include in letter. Produced water spill on site to frozen ground. -1 m3. Cleaned Low risk as ground frozen. Reporting 21K-2 trip due to low suction pressure. No venting association. Reporting flaring event due to upset on SK-l (wet gas compressor) on Upgrader (U1). Event may surpass 20 tons but Caller does not know at this time. Details in letter. Reporting various samples. Only Source that required follow-up. Spill sodium hydroxide (caustic) due to solenoid valve failure. System was reset to stop release. Substance went to drain and to the effluent pond via the oily water sewer. Late report due to reporting confusion. Rec'd fax re: final results of HPC of 870 cfu per mL.

Syncrude 14-Mar-2003 Albian Sands 14-Mar-2003 Suncor Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Suncor 14-Mar-2003 14-Mar-2003 15-Mar-2003 15-Mar-2003 15-Mar-2003 16-Mar-2003 3-Mar-2003 17-Mar-2003 18-Mar-2003

Tanks 20-D-15 & 20-D-50 are venting . Start 13:20, ongoing. Not sure what caused it. Making changes to correct. Land Discovered a leak of water into an onsite ditch (could be potable or wastewater - not sure yet). Took a grab sample. Will update when they have more info. Air Reporting venting from 20D15, the untreated gas/oil tank ongoing, expect to cease soon. Regulation/ Reporting that 21K2 tripped again. No venting, cause unknown.; Reporting that 21K2 tripped . No venting Reporting occurred . Cause was low suction pressure. 21K2 is considered pollution abatement equipment. Air Flaring H2S 12:00 - 12:05 Unit tripped . No adverse. Back to normal. Land Notification of a spill of ~200 gall of a light gas/oil in process area. Gas/oil was used to clean out an exchanger; lost from a small valve leak. Contained in trench; no release to environment, no waterway affected. Air Report SO2 exceedance on SRU incinerator stack, electrical failure superclaus was on. Air Air Reporting that the main stack CSEM went down at 21: 30. Have called maintenance dept. Should be fixed shortly. Had a small process upset. Reporting black smoke incident due to transfer of fluids between tanks.

26 94 94

136834 136847 136852

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

18-Mar-2003 30-Mar-2002 18-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention






Regulation/ Reporting 21K2 tripped for 5 minutes. No venting. Cause unknown. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting trip of 21K-2. No venting. Repairs imminent, cause unknown. Reporting Municipal Reporting that the utility dept. on line analyzer showed elevated turbidity concentration. Yet analyzer indicates cone of 0.25 could be calibration error. Regulation/ INFORMATION REMOVED - A single entry with a public complaint caller type. Note: for this reason this Reporting record was incorrectly classified as an "Industry" caller type. I have corrected manually. Municipal High turbidity 2.0 NTU Bend test shows 0.1 NTU. Unit for testing needs to be recalibrated, believes this is why there is a turbidity - Not sure what Approval limit is. Land Had a release of sulfur last night that was contained, there were no issues (1700 hrs). Happened again this morning (1030 hrs) - installing pump during maintenance. 8-10 barrels of sulfur escaped from pipe - went out of dyke. Firefighters cooled sulfur in the GTG area where water is carrying some of it north of spill area. Firefighters cooling it so it doesn't ignite. will be cleaned up. 8-10 barrels sulfur. Air Tank 53 (bitumen) is venting 13:35 - ongoing. Cause unknown but a possibility is that the VRU has some water in it - working on correcting. Regulation/ Missed reporting March 2002 effluent discharge TSS. Reporting Regulation/ Trip in sulfur plant - over 20 tonnes acid gas.15:48 16:17. Stack exceedance is sulfur plant, balance. No Reporting numbers yet, but they are over approval limit. Instrumentation problem - were changing out instruments - some miswiring tripped plant. Air Tank 15 venting - hydrocarbon vapours. Tank pressure higher due to warmer weather. Cut back inflow to tank.


94 26 26

136934 136938 137001

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

19-Mar-2003 20-Mar-2003 19-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

Stack top violation. Problem at tail end of sulfur recovery system, looking into problem. Venting tank 53 containing bitumen. Still venting at this time, cutting feed rates to stop.

48408 26 26

137097 137127 137132

Petro-Canada 21-Mar-2003 Syncrude Syncrude 22-Mar-2003 22-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification

26 26 26

137137 137146 137196

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-Mar-2003 23-Mar-2003 24-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release

Regulation/ Had a spill of truck cleaners - A valve was left open and suprex gravitated into a drum of citrikleen, citrikleen Reporting drum over flowed into sump and was contained. Valve was closed and spill area was washed into sump, sump was cleaned by CEDA - waiting for proper disposal. Investigation into who left valve open. Land Spill of 12PH brine -3-4m3 /hr. Built dyke. Pumping back to containment tank. Bringing level up in containment & there was leak in lining. Dropping level & processing to find leak. Regulation/ vapour recovery system tripped out on high knockout level - 21-K-2 (tank). Reporting Municipal High turbidity. At B train taken off line to fix leak - when back online there was a high turbidity on B. B train was turned off again and back wash will be done.; High turbidity. Train B is now fine for turbidity but Train A is high. Backwash will be done on Train A.; Bench tests being done every hour @ potable water plant . Train #2 turbidity meter has been taken off-line for calibration from 1030-1035 Air Venting on tank 20-D-15. Hydrocarbon vapour & Nat. Gas Regulation/ Problem with one of the cokers upsetting CO2 Boiler #2. Almost had to divert to atmosphere. Prevented by Reporting allowing water to spill from seal loop. Feed rules have been cut back to coker as a precaution. Air Update to 134368 - venting. Was actually from 2 tanks - 20-D-51 & 53 from 1400-1515. No complaints of GLC's.; Venting from 20 -D- 51 (bitumen). Started @ 1430; he heard verbally that it has stopped, but he will verify and put official end time in letter. Caused - high rundown rates - cutting feed to correct. Regulation/ Approv <25 mg/L BOD monthly average. Lab just called 80mg/L was results. Probably won't make <25 mg/L Reporting for month because of result. Aurora does not release to atmosphere. Regulation/ Had a turbidity spike on raw 2 meter. Hit 1.01 NTU for a few seconds while flushing. Bench tests confirmed Reporting turbidity at 0.12. Regulation/ Advising that VRU came down at 0030 this morning for a 32 hour planned outage. LOA received from Reporting Clement Ng. could be odours. Air Tank venting disc at 0845. pressures seem to be rising during the day and falling at night - they are investigating. Land Raw sewage overflowed manhole and ran onto roadway that goes to the lower camp. manhole insulation brackets failed and the insulation fell down, blocking the sewage pipe - caused back up and over flow. Have vac'd out manhole and surface and limed road. was okay at 1000 yesterday during an inspection then. Air Tank venting from 20-D-53 (bitumen) since 2100. Reducing feed and it should stop right away. Air Air Venting from tank 20-D-53 (bitumen). Started @ 1027 - ongoing. Reducing rates - should be fixed shortly.

26 26 94 26 26

137240 137263 137265 137284 137303

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

25-Mar-2003 26-Mar-2003 26-Mar-2003 26-Mar-2003 26-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 26 26

137331 137355 137360

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

26-Mar-2003 17-Mar-2003 27-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

94 26 26 26 26 26 26

137406 137419 137424 137426 137465 137503 137527

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

28-Mar-2003 8-Feb-2003 30-Mar-2003 28-Mar-2003 28-Mar-2003 29-Mar-2003 29-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Separate incident from previous call. Tank 20-D-28 (floating roof tank) venting. Levels were lowered which causes the roof to come down, the legs of the tank land on the floor and the roof aspirators open. Working on correcting. Regulation/ A PLC failed and caused a couple of pumps to malfunction for 2-3 minutes but came back down immediately. Reporting This was at Base Plant SWTP. Regulation/ Lost flow data for the Aurora sewage treatment plant for Feb 8, 9, 13th. Records potentially lost (possible Reporting noncompliance) - trying to recover @ this time. Municipal update to 134408. Continuing to flush and hoping to have plant back to normal tomorrow. Air Air Venting from tank 20-D-53 (bitumen). First noticed at 0725. Reducing rates now to bring it under control.

Tank venting, 20-D-15 Venting HC vapours. Vapour recovery system over loaded. They are stopping the transfer to that tank. Regulation/ As a part of a planned coker S/D they are opening the diverter valves and blowing air through. Approval Reporting triggers a report anytime these valves are opened. Regulation/ While going through S/D this afternoon caller thinks they had an opacity of 39.9% between 1300-1400.








Reporting Land

94 94 26 26 26

137591 137637 137717 137847 137866

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

31-Mar-2003 31-Mar-2003 2-Apr-2003 3-Apr-2003 4-Mar-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

26 26 20809 94

138065 138114 138221 138286

Syncrude Syncrude

7-Apr-2003 8-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Approval limit is 40% based on an hourly average. Believes it may be due to extra steam. Tailings line at Aurora that goes NE to pond "holed through" under a road and released 2 000 000 Litres of tailings (oily H2O) to surface covering an area 100m x 200M. Line is isolated and much of perimeter is being dyked. All on MSL for Syncrude, no waterways impacted, nearest WW is the Aurora clean water ditch about 5km away. Land Millennium camp sewage facility - tank heaved out of ground - resulted in sewage spill. Maintenance is working on isolating tank. CEDA cleaning. Air SRU #1 tripped at 1534, also superclause tripped. possible flaring greater than 20T SO2. Unknown if there were any SO2 contraventions. Air Release. tank venting. From 20-D-1 dil. bit. tank. Venting nitrogen & bitumen vapours 20-P-1 Nitrogen controller for tank pressure failed causing venting from hatch on 20-D-1. Land Spill of 250 L diesel due to a truck being over filled @ the loading bay. All contained on site and cleaned up. Regulation/ Gas from cokers going to diverter stack 8-1 due to boiler 8-2 down for shut down and 8-1 went down due to Reporting DCS electrical power supply failure. Black smoke from diverter stack. Not known how long they will be diverting.; Update: There was also a opacity between 1300-1400 hrs. 62% Air Pump seal leaking caused alarm (sour H2S vapour). Had to evacuate that area of unit. Contained in house. Investigating cause. Air Tank venting due to high rundown rates. Tank 20-D-50 (gas/oil). Air Land Notification flare is smoking. Blower is tripping out, not getting enough air. No odour - Visible. Pipe rupture caused a leak / release of tailings water. Building #4 - "Extraction" - bitumen recovery from tailings unit. Amount unknown so far. Estimate it flowed for 30 min pump runs @ 20,000 gal/min. Full details in 7-day report. Regulation/ Overflowed equalization tank at WWTP to ground about 2m3. AD is en-route. Reporting Regulation/ 1st quarterly test on Pond 'C' - lab missed analysis for mercury, do they have to re-sample? Reporting Municipal Reporting low chlorine for a sample taken at the old training centre at TransAlta. Have put up "no drinking" signs. Are flushing the line. Also had inquiry about missing mercury sample last month.; update - Do not drink signs not removed Apr.21/03. Free chlorine 0.07. flushed lines. retesting. Regulation/ Reporting a 1000L diesel spill due to a malfunction in the overflow valve. Spill contained in the existing berm, Reporting adding sand to soak up. Will scoop up and reprocess. Regulation/ Reporting they have shut down the 21-K-2 for planned shut down until Thursday (April 17th). Do not Reporting anticipate any venting. Regulation/ Switched over to main power yesterday - caused problem in WTP, cannot backwash. Hauled in water @ 7:00 Reporting this a m. will continue to do this until problem is solved. Regulation/ Shut down potable water well #1 - it had a buildup of runoff water near it (around the observation well). Did Reporting this as a precaution. Water well #1 had not been running prior to this, for some time anyway. Draining runoff water. testing water. Air Reporting a H2S release in a pumphouse on Extraction 6. Release was due to by pass on pump. Lasted 6 minutes and the pumphouse was evacuated. No injuries and no off site impact. Air R22 release due to loose fitting discovered during routine maintenance. Repaired, recharged. Land Air Land Release of naphtha in tank farm (diked area) Cause unknown so far. Cleaned up - currently monitoring. Additional details in letter. Reporting an ESP trip on Boiler #3 which lead to high opacity from old Powerhouse stack (went to this stack because FGD unit is down for planned maintenance. Still investigating cause of trip. Reporting gypsum spill that was caused by a pinhole leak in a high pressure line. line was damaged by a backhoe working near area. FGD is coming down for 2-3 days (planned maintenance) which will allow repair of line. Gypsum contained in ditching and will be recovered and put back through process. Reporting ESP back online as of 08:00. opacity below 40% by 08:30. Don't know the cause of plugged hopper lines as yet but believe they will be ok from here on in.; Reporting high opacity for CO boilers due to ESP problems. They had water get into ESP and for safety reasons had to shut it down. They are using a vacuum

Albian Sands 8-Apr-2003 Suncor 9-Apr-2003

94 94 94

138357 138445 138519

Suncor Suncor Suncor

10-Apr-2003 11-Apr-2003 11-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

26 26 94 94

138553 138563 138570 138763

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

12-Apr-2003 13-Apr-2003 13-Apr-2003 15-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

26 94 94 94 94

138822 138875 138902 138988 139001

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

16-Apr-2003 15-Apr-2003 16-Apr-2003 19-Apr-2003 17-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry






Alleged Contravention



94 26

139016 139028

Suncor Syncrude

21-Apr-2003 18-Apr-2003

Industry Industry

Release Release

Land Air

94 94 26

139148 139170 139206

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

23-Apr-2003 23-Apr-2003 24-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Air Municipal

truck to suck out the moisture while blowing in hot air. This process could take a couple hours. Winds SW 5 km/hr. Reporting problems igniting flare stack due to produced water in line. Approx 10-15 gal expelled from flare nozzle and run into runoff water. Still working on flare header. Reporting an H2S release from 12-2 (SRU). Cause is believed to have been from back pressure on unit which allowed H2S to bypass blower and escape from vent. They evacuated building until release was stopped. Alarms went off on plant site but caller does not believe there was off site impact. Event required flaring of H2S but unsure of the amount. Opacity on flue gas stack. 10: 00-10: 30 >40%. Transferring a boiler. Stack test being done. Normal now. Failed stack test on old stack - 31 powerhouse stack. CEM system did not pass flow test. Have to go back to last test pass. Downtime violation for 3 months. Water contravention. Potable water plant online turbidity analyzer (for train #1) is out of service for probe replacement, and calibration. Expect it to be done by 12:00. He will call back if this time changes. As a result, turbidity bench tests are being done every 15 minutes. Potential odour. Taking down NRU for test. Notification. Pre Author by CN of Edmonton office (has letter). Start 09: 30-12 hours. Test of bypass line. Bringing down potable water system @ TransAl to change valve. -1 day. Posting signs. Venting from tank 20D7 from 02:45 to 03:50. Tank contained bitumen.

94 94 26 94

139210 139212 139352 139354

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

24-Apr-2003 26-Apr-2003 25-Apr-2003 25-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Municipal Air Air



En Cana









Alleged Contravention Release






26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 26

139689 139791 139795 139799 139812 139928 139932 139990 140097

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

28-Apr-2003 28-Apr-2003 28-Apr-2003 29-Apr-2003 25-Apr-2003 29-Apr-2003 29-Apr-2003 29-Apr-2003 30-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged

Have been flaring clean fuel gas for a couple of days now - AD of Fort McMurray has had a look - they must report when they go over 20 T SO2 - It is possible they may go over this weekend - 9K2 still down and not sure when it will be online. Municipal Trouble with chlorine residual in potable water this morning - low chlorine shut system down, draining tank. Suspect problem is due to sodium hypochlorite getting weathered & weak. Refreshing tank. Will go back online once back in compliance - expect this afternoon. Regulation/ Notification. Bringing down part of the VRU (one of the two areas), on Monday April 28, 0800 am. Reason Reporting changeout. May have odour potential.; Update to 136391 (Re: Notification of VRU catalyst change-out) Reactor bed currently undergoing a water soak to cool off. Second vessel due for changeout on Tuesday. Regulation/ Spill of sour water from tank at U1 upgrader. Level indicator was faulty, said it was at 33ft when it spilt out at Reporting 45 feet. Contained in berm - do not know volume yet. Going to suck up with vac truck and take to tailings pond. Air Tank 53 venting due to high pressure flows. Taking measures to stop this - still venting intermittently. Air Air Land Waste Air Air Land Air Hydrogen plant had a leak on piping - unit almost shut down (plan 9-2). More tanks venting as a result. No product being made. Expect that it will end @ 16:25, and then only steam will be blowing. Another tank venting (intermittent puffing) @ 14:30. Ongoing. Cause is drastic feed rates changing. Currently bringing down. A nozzle failed on a fuel truck and spilled 500 L of diesel on the Source site near 41A. Covered in sand now scooping up and sending to surge pile for recovery. Friday afternoon - discovered a few improperly stored drums in East mine. Contents - mixed bag. Also in this area - poorly managed run- off. They are cleaning the whole area up. Maintenance on tank 2 0D8 PSV off tank pressure - needed to do about 5min venting. Tank 53 has been venting intermittently on high pressure. Since 15:30 Septic field sewage system. Weeping. Notification only, no violation - approval says letter only in 7 days. Called for ref #. Currently - an emergency situation, Lost sulfur plant - needed to vent to prevent damage downstream . As a result, water had to be removed from the coker 8.1 diverter stack loop seal ( water would normally prevent venting). Potential to release coke & SO2. Maybe some venting. R22 release from unit 41-33-RVl, Discovered during maintenance. Currently out of service. Repaired &








26 26 26 26 18942 94 48522 94 48522 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 20809 26 94 94 20809

140148 140250 140262 140314 140320 140375 140394 140463 140483 140532 140539 140562 140570 140678 140697 140727 140763 140838 140851 140979 140996

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor En Cana Suncor En Cana Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

1-May-2003 3-May-2003 3-May-2003 5-May-2003 4-May-2003 6-May-2003 6-May-2003 7-May-2003 8-May-2003 9-May-2003 8-May-2003 9-May-2003 9-May-2003 10-May-2003 11-May-2003 11-May-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

recharged tomorrow. Freon release on unit 8RV4B circuit #2. Discovered during preventative maintenance. Repairs currently being done - details in letter. Air Had a small fire for 5-10 minutes on 21-K-4 which is a flare eductor. Believed to be from a leaking flange. Air Exceeded 16.4 t/hr SO2 limit for hour ending at 1400 and possibly 1500 (still calculating). True value was about 25.5 t/hr. Cause was an acid gas spike from 12-3 (SRU). Air 1 hr. exceedance opacity. Prep to start up 8-2 swing to south silo caused high burner level. Elutriator 8-1 was off line to air blow. Dipleg plugged off. Feed reduction, dipleg was cleared. Swing to north silo. Regulation/ Potential loss of reportable monitoring data (compliance). Trying to recover data. Reporting Land Spill of transformer oil - unknown cause. Checking for PCB, but should be none. All on-site. Air Due to a process upset, flaring black smoke between 2230-2240. Thought he had 24 hrs to report but will review approval and comment in 7-dav letter. Land Potential leaking pipe - appears to be water. Don't know source yet. Contained. Plumbers on site. Municipal Shutting down WTP for maintenance. 11:00-15:30. A few problems need to be corrected.; Update 136899. Bring plant back online, high C12 in system due to super chlorination during maintenance. Air Their H2S flare was out between 0120-0135. Cause by excess steam in the waste stream. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air flaring gas from vacuum tower 25-PIC-862. Reason - leak in piping must flare to prevent buildup of pressure. flaring since 16:00, May 8. Still tracking leak. H2S flare being extinguished 09:15-09:45. Back in service. Caused by high steam flow to flare. Routine maintenance of HVAC system. Found fractured discharge header. Lost 46 lbs R22. Unit has been isolated. Repairs being done. H2S flare out between 1135-1225 caused by a PSV lift, steam put out flare. Venting from tank 20-D15. Heavy gas oil, caused by pressure during tank transfer. SRU #1 tripped and was off line between 15: 53 - 17: 56. During startup had SO2 contraventions.

Albian Sands 12-May-2003 Syncrude Suncor Suncor 12-May-2003 12-May-2003 14-May-2003

Regulation/ Spill of slurry bitumen due to a rupture disc failure. All on site - fully contained. Clean-up ongoing. No adverse Reporting effects to environment, therefore requested waiver of 7-day letter. Air Reporting venting incident from non-approved source; 20D15. Were transferring from 20D28 to 20D15 for feed to the gas/oil hydrotreater; when coker came up, it caused pressure problems. Late report - details in letter. Air Reporting high opacity On stack 31 (old powerhouse stack) from 17:00 to 17:30. Cause unknown. Regulation/ Reporting a 1000L sewage spill due to blockage in the piping to the millennium Sewage Lagoon. Coming up Reporting through the manway, contained in the ditch. CEDA contacted to clean up. Land Rupture disc blew on the tailings line @ the tailings pumphouse. 2000 m3 contained in secondary containment, 35 m3 escaped, but still contained onsite. Contents: tailings sand w/ residual bitumen and water, Cleaning currently. Requested waive of 7-day letter. Municipal When they started up system, had turbidity violation. It remains high. Cause - new pump in well. Municipal Reporting missed exceedance of chlorine for distribution system on same date reported low chlorine for clear well (May 15/03). Will send letter for this incident.; Reporting low chlorine in distribution system and clear well. Air SO2 violation, but he suspects the meter is inaccurate. Checking into it. Air Air Air Air Advising that source is shutting down upgrader 1 (base plant) millennium will continue to run. Coker going off line in 10min. Expect to flare about 100 tonnes during this process. Have authorization from C. Ng. Reporting an unknown quantity of R22 from an HVac system. Was identified due to low pressure, need parts to repair, added 5 kgs to maintain system. Believe it is a slow leak. Reporting opacity >40% for 4 hours on the old powerhouse stack from 01:18 to 04:18. Coke fired boiler was shut down to reduce opacities. Cause unknown. Reporting some venting from tank 20D27. an untreated NAPHTHA tank. Had a level indicator failure, and lowered tank level to fix filling tank slowly, resulted in venting.

Albian Sands 14-May-2003

48522 48522

141118 141162

En Cana En Cana

15-May-2003 15-May-2003

Industry Industry

Notification Notification

26 94 94 94 26

141167 141267 141270 141272 141277

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

16-May-2003 18-May-2003 18-May-2003 18-May-2003 19-May-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention




En Cana





94 94

141309 141457

Suncor Suncor

19-May-2003 21-May-2003

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

48522 94

141496 141502

En Cana Suncor

21-May-2003 21-May-2003

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification











Alleged Contravention







94 26 26 26

141788 141792 141825 141842

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

23-May-2003 24-May-2003 25-May-2003 25-May-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

94 26 20809

142000 142020 142114

Suncor Syncrude

27-May-2003 27-May-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 28-May-2003

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Reporting high turbidity at plant believe cause was placement of the pump to close to bottom of well: also draining clear well as a precaution. Turbidity at Distribution system at 0.3 NTU; Have drained tank and determined that tank turbidity is iron oxide that had precipitated out. Also had some questions about averaging of CL2 readings. Air Reporting SO2 exceedance due to a sulfur train trip on the millennium plant. Cause: unstable/low rates sur to U1 and the hydrotreater being brought down; may have caused some burning of sulfur in the beds. Air Reporting flaring from U2 from various Sources. Do not believe total amount of SO2 will be over 20,000 tons. will include totals in letter. Not associated with base plant shutdown.; Update. Reporting flaring of butane from U2 units 55PC 1698 #123. will include in letter for earlier incident. Municipal There is an investigation regarding no reports for low free C12 residual after 20 min contact in April. 17 days between April 10 - 23 - low was 0-10 high 0.46. All values in letter Air Reporting high H2S reading at ambient station #11 (lower camp) . Winds 163 deg @ 3.7 km/hr.; Reporting another exceedance of H2S at lower camp. Conditions similar however readings are much lower.; Reporting daily exceedance of H2 S on Station #11 @ lower camp. Air Reporting the flare at 19F2 was extinguished sometime last night. There is a lot of steam going through the flare which makes it difficult to see and maintain. Details on how long it was out will be in letter - still investigating. Surface Update. Caller confirmed 'green substance' is algae.; Update. Responding to TCP' s message on green substance Water in Athabasca River. Caller advised they just came back from River and tracked green substance to their outfall. It is odorless and they believe it is a result of an algae bloom. Will be checking at their lab in next hour to confirm. LR with AENV (SRD) also at site and took sample.; Just received info from Sync rude saying that green stuff is going into the river from the North plant drainage area (of Source's). Calling it in to be on the safe side. Checking it out - sending letter. Regulation/ Reporting spill of corrosive used in utilities. Cause was attributed to someone leaving lid off container. All Reporting contained and will be cleaned up. Trade name 'Bets 35K' contains sodium hydroxide as well as other corrosives. No adverse effect. Land Reporting small amount of industrial discharge from pond C due to leakage. Amount estimated at 1-2 gals. Caller will be getting direction from AENV to allow minor release. Air Reporting release of freon 22 from compressor unit# 230-IRE-002. Loss due to cracked line. Repaired and recharged. Land Reporting large spill of tailings when a tailings line broke. Pump was shutdown quickly but line drained back. Spill was contained in containment ditch and none went offsite. Cleanup will be done w/ vacuum trucks today. Air Reporting CEMS downtime for main stack due to electrical problems. Off line for 6 hours today. Not sure if they were to report this to AENV. I advised it should have been called in. Everything at plant working fine through this period.; Reporting problems again with CEMS on main stack. Tech will be working on it ASAP. Plant running good. Air Refrig release R22 60 lbs.. Unknown cause under investigation Air Air Release-venting from tank 20-D-15. HC vapours from untreated heavy gas oil. Ongoing - but expect a short duration. Really smoky flare - not sure why. Maybe due to start-up of a train happening this week. Will call back with any major details, minor details in follow up letter. May get public complaints.; Had another smoky flare for about 10 min at 1630. Had liquid run down sides of flare and catch fire. Fire team went out. Still investigating into problem.; Update - cleaning out system with nat. gas - flushing flare lines - blower is damaged so there may be smoke with opacity just over 40% - can not see from Hwy. May need to keep going though night. Venting tank 15 (untreated gas oil) They were doing a transfer into that tank. pressure climbed and it vented. When they stopped the transfer, the venting also stopped. Update - sour hydrogen that was under pressure auto ignited and started a fire. millennium Hydro treater (Plant SS) consists of 3 units - Unit 1 (gas oil) is still down Unit 2 (naphtha) and Unit 3 (diesel) is operating. Damage assessment in 48 hrs. Dropping liquid level to protect catalyst in gas oil unit.; Fire in plant 55 millennium Hydrotreater. Investigating cause. No injuries. Reporting on behalf of source. At callers site, a gasoline pressure reached max. - safety valve blew NG for 25min. Caller operators closed valve. Source was notified and they reduced the line pressure. Draining exchanger release H2S...Amount unknown, but it's enough to trigger the alarm. Details in letter.

26 94

142116 142145

Syncrude Suncor

28-May-2003 29-May-2003

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

20809 26

142192 142287

Albian Sands 28-May-2003 Syncrude 30-May-2003

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air


94 94 94 48522 94 26

142336 142354 142358 142507 142535 142560

Suncor Suncor Suncor En Cana Suncor Syncrude

31-May-2003 1-Jun-2003 1-Jun-2003 30-May-2003 3-Jun-2003 4-Jun-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

Air Land Air Municipal Land Land

Potential for greater than 20T SO2 flaring due to outage from plant SS fire. Started at 16:00 hrs. Spill of diesel fuel in north mine - 1180 shovel swung around and hit a fuel tank on a dozer - fuel soaked into sand - sand will be collected & put in surge pile for processing. Refrigerant release from refrigerator in lab 41 AV 112. Looking back at data from May 30th. Discovered high turbidity. But, inconsistent with other readings, suspect operator/sample error. Pail of gear oil tipped over on side of road - oil spilled onto bank of N Steepbank River. Happened over night. Caller called as soon as he found out. (20L pail. w/ 8L contents) . Effluent pond alarms going off again - started @ 1510 . Sour water unit 6.1. Suspect a valve is passing - not sure which one.; A plant H2S alarm went off at 0350-0400 near an ethylene pond They were sending material from 16-1 (SRU) to the pond. Material was 7-8 ppm H2S and alarm set point is at 10ppm. valve to pond is now isolated.; Repeat of call (Ref#132452) at 0645-0655. Tank venting from D-15 (heavy gas oil tank). They shutdown the transfer in an attempt to stop venting. Results in letter. millennium stack temp on thermal oxidizer unit dipped below required temp. Happened May 30th - he just heard about it today. Still investigating the reason why it happened and why report received late. reporting a release of R22 in plant 5. Unsure of cause.

26 26 26 94 94

142589 142624 142634 142645 142653

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

4-Jun-2003 30-May-2003 4-Jun-2003 5-Jun-2003 4-Jun-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Air Air Air







26 26

142908 142924

Syncrude Syncrude

9-Jun-2003 10-Jun-2003

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Regulation/ Spill of kerosene. O-ring failed on flange - leaked. Repaired. Vac trucks sucked up best they could. Reporting Air 1) Notification he had to move material from N tank farm to S. tank farm. Material has slightly higher vapour pressure than normal. Normally don't put that material in that particular vessel. 2) Sour water & acid gas flare went out 23:26-23:36. Investigating. Land Discharge hose burst while transferring tailings from pond 8A into 2-3. Spill of 40-50000 gallons of tailings. Some may have entered the Athabasca River. Thinks it was on steep bank side.; Some material entered river, some into cooling ponds which will dilute it and then enter river. Suncor is starting downstream notification. Fort McKay, Fort Chip, SCL, Albian. Have been in contact with Golder about getting someone on the River to inspect and sample MF notified ENV Can.; Looking for more info on Calls 132482.; Golder is on the river this morning making field observations and sampling. CEDA responded last night and began Vacing and constructing temp. berming. Source completed downstream notification early this morning.; FS and MF reviewed incident. FS enroute to source for field inspection. Will call MF w/observations.; No observable impact, Golder still on the river sampling. Unsure of volume.; Line was a 14" neoprene that split at a coupler. Best guess on volume is 38m3. Golder sampled up to 7km down stream with no observable impact. Water level is high. Very turbid. No press release. Flying chiefs in from Chip and Mackay tomorrow. Air Release of 13 kg of R22 due to a leaking valve. Land Spill of diesel fuel due to broken fuel line on a Klemke Haul Truck (#4-53). Happened @ SE main haul road, while exiting shovel pit @ mine. No waterways affected or adverse effects. Truck shut down. Sanded diesel will be cleaned and recycled. Due to plant startup after 21 day shutdown flaring greater than 20 tons SO2.; Update #137327. Cont. to flare from various Sources. Possible odour, ambient potential. flaring butane from Upgrader #2 at the Millennium due to plant start-up. possible flaring greater than 20 tons SO2. contravention- black smoke for longer than 6 minutes. Plant upset.

94 94 48522 48522 26 48522 26

143286 143289 143358 143410 143533 143696 143831

Suncor Suncor En Cana En Cana Syncrude En Cana Syncrude

15-Jun-2003 15-Jun-2003 11-Jun-2003 16-Jun-2003 17-Jun-2003 19-Jun-2003 19-Jun-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air

Reporting a smoky flare due to plant upset. Slight black smoke. Expect to correct problem in 5 minutes. Tank 20 D 1,2,3 and 4 are all venting. Extraction plant rates increasing was the cause. Currently trying to compensate - this will take a few minutes. Municipal Failure of power due to lightening strike - 15 min. Contravention . disinfection pumps down. Regulation/ Reporting that 1500 gallons of tailings water went into the pond. Cause was a drain was left partially opened. Reporting Water from the recycle pond is used in plant process: no out drains.


94 94 26 94

144067 144115 144150 144154

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

23-Jun-2003 24-Jun-2003 24-Jun-2003 24-Jun-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Notification Release


26 94 26 94 26 94

144162 144170 144320 144387 144398 144449

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

24-Jun-2003 24-Jun-2003 26-Jun-2003 26-Jun-2003 9-Jun-2003 26-Jun-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Notification only. Spill of 1000-2000 gal river water into River. Pump shutdown at one end of the line, other pump was still drawing water in. Flange burst and water went back to River. Regulation/ Opacity analyzer on F G.D. stack has had downtime of > 10% for month of June . Stack down with no flow Reporting June 1 - 14. Municipal Reporting a high chlorine in their clear well that supposedly exceeded their approval. I questioned that but Caller was not familiar with the approval. They have cut back the sodium hypochloride rate. Air Reporting a flaring event as a result of SRU #1 trip. Happened earlier but shift coordinator did not believe event will go over 20 tons so did not advise caller until now. Caller does not believe event will go over 20 tons but wanted to call it in - just in case. Cause of flaring still unknown. Air Reporting release of R22 from AC unit. Location - Bldg 9. Loss over time. Recharged. Air Air Air Flaring from DRU since Jun 24/03. 20:52. Ongoing. May be black smoke. No cause yet. Tank venting from tanks 14 (NG) and 15 (HC vapours). Ongoing. Currently taking steps to regulate. Freon release from Satellite Bldg. #1, @ the upgrader. Amount unknown, will be in letter.

94 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 26

144567 144573 144613 144852 144871 144903 144913 145087 145097 145129 145363 145375 145449 145459 145469 145724

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

27-Jun-2003 27-Jun-2003 28-Jun-2003 1-Jul-2003 2-Jul-2003 30-Jun-2003 3-Jul-2003 5-Jul-2003 5-Jul-2003 7-Jul-2003 8-Jul-2003 8-Jul-2003 9-Jul-2003 9-Jul-2003 9-Jul-2003 12-Jul-2003

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Regulation/ Contravention - compliance monitoring system - lost data from Aurora WWTP. Unplanned event caused Reporting permanent loss of data. Air Reporting flaring from base plant from unit 7C15 (kerosene hydro-treater). This has been going on since this morning and could be approaching 20 tons. Still part of the start-up because they are having trouble making hydrogen at the base plant.; Reporting flaring event from last night due to another attempt to get kerohydrotreater going. This is units 7C13 and 15 from base plant. potential to flare over 20T. Regulation/ Reporting flaring at upgrader due to off-gas compressor trip. Estimate could be 20 tonnes. Reporting Land Reporting spill of DTA - amine when a hose burst. spilt to gravel. CEDA on-site to suck up spill and will be put in tailings pond. Expect full recovery. Location of spill on U2 - upgrader. Air Reporting concern of flare at Suncor. [Redacted] described a black flare for about 5 min, then a bright flare. Caller is concerned for the environment. Land Broken backwash valve in Naphtha Recovery Unit is causing loss of naphtha - being directed to tailing ponds will calculate loss when leaked stopped.; naphtha unit is going to be offline 12:10 - 2 hrs. for exchanger repair. Air Tank 20 D 53 venting bitumen vapours due to excessive run down pressure/ They are switching tanks. Regulation/ Supposed to get 4 bacti samples water dist system. only got 3 f or month of June. 4th taken was incorrectly Reporting labelled. Resample didn't make it into lab on time. Land Water spill - boiler feed water spilled on road and went down to cooling tower - not sure of amount yet - some oxygen scavengers and scale inhibitors, nothing to any waterways. contained in ditches. Air venting on tank #15 - heavy gas oil storage - hydrocarbon vapour being released - working to bring pressure down - sun caused temp change in tank. Regulation/ SO2 emissions monitoring is suspected to not be working properly - currently being checked out. SO2 limit is Reporting 292 T/day. Air Venting from diluted bitumen tank 20D1 (contents - nitrogen and bitumen vapour). Cause is really high rates which they are currently trying to correct. Air Flaring potential for 20 tonnes coker gas. Brought 5K1 main compressor offline for 5 minutes for maintenance of instrument had trouble with start up. Back on line. Land While excavating a road at base plant they struck a sewer line and spilled about 50gal of sewage. Vac'd up and taken to tailings pond. Regulation/ He suspects flare camera was just hit by lightening. However not a contravention because they have 4 other Reporting cameras and have swung one over to face that flare and continued to monitor. Air While looking over data from June 21, discovered SO2 violation that was not noticed/reported. At 8F5 sulfur plant. Caused by SRU trip resulting in SO2 spike. Municipal Low residual chlorine in inlet east side ( Steepbank). Flushed lines, still unsure of cause, turbidity is fine. Air While emptying tank 20-D-28 a floating roof tank, the roof aspirators caused hatches to open thus causing an odour potential.; Reporting that roof aspirators are now closed on tank 20 D28. Letter will be sent in confirming


94 94

145744 145747

Suncor Suncor

11-Jul-2003 13-Jul-2003

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

same. Release of 27 kg. of R22 from an A/C unit; in lab bldg. Update to ref#137356. Lost the 2nd coker unit at 0400 due to complications caused by the fire in one of the cokers.; Fire in plant 52, millennium upgrader coker unit due to a hydraulic head failure. This caused the oil/bitumen to be exposed to atmosphere at 0900 deg C flashed off, black smoke. 1645-1930.; Update 137356. Millennium plant coker fire. Cont to flare, going to start-up one of the two cokers that are offline later today.; Update to ref#137356, millennium plant still starting up the coker unit, flaring continues. Still making repairs to the coker that caught fire.; Update 137356 . While starting up the coker, they have to flare butane - ongoing. Base plant flaring acid gas starting @ 1816 hrs du r to the 5K1 compressor failure. Due to millennium problems they are closely watching their 360 T/day rolling average.; update to 137357. Base plant, cont to flare acid gas due to 5K1 compressor outage. Have restricted plant production to stay below their SO2 daily limit. Presently @ 260 t/day.; Update to Ref#137357, the 5K1 compressor at: the base plant was back on line at 1905, no longer flaring. Refrig release. AC unit discharged the full load. Investigating. Will repair, recharge. Trip of the diverter stack boiler #1 @ 1703. Black smoke, cause unknown @ this time. At WTP, the coagulant feed was inadvertently left off during a tank switchover. Turbidity was not affected. Backwashing. Release from effluent pond contaminant H2S. Plant 16.0 experienced upset conditions. Working on it still. Online turbidity meter failed after lunch. Bench test s confirm 0.23 in distribution . Also while restarting after a back flush this morning turbidity hit 0.55 NTU for a couple of minutes. Performed back wash again and its been 0.30 on that train ever since. Flare stack outage after restarting from turnaround July 14th. Adjusted and relit - has been going ever since. Not a contravention. notification only. Update to oil spill was a false alarm. Emergency Services checked downstream; no plume observed. Observer wanted to error on the side of safety. Maintenance being done on a panel at the sewage lift station - when pump was turned on, noticed bubbling from the ground. Suspect leak from underground sewage line. Turned off that lift station. Excavating - more details in letter. Enquiring about a release from Source June 10 Odours made [him, her, them?] [ill?] [information removed]








26 26 26 26 26

145900 146186 146219 146314 146320

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

15-Jul-2003 17-Jul-2003 18-Jul-2003 21-Jul-2003 20-Jul-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Municipal Air Municipal

48522 94 26

146368 146460 146519

En Cana Suncor Syncrude

14-Jul-2003 22-Jul-2003 23-Jul-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release

Air Land Land





48522 48522 26 48522 94

146661 146663 146771 146797 146825

En Cana En Cana Syncrude En Cana Suncor

15-Jul-2003 15-Jul-2003 27-Jul-2003 19-Jul-2003 1-Jul-2003

Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry



Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air

26 26 48408

146833 146907 146965



Industry Industry Industry

As a result of July 15 internal audit, discovered surface runoff pond receiving industrial wastewater. Rec'd results yesterday. Recd results of July 15 internal audit. As a result of that audit of the approval, found no wind guard on flare stack as approval required. received results yesterday. At 13:07 they had a ll-1 plant upset until 13:37. Quantity unknown. but will do calculation in morning, but don't expect to exceed 360 daily rolling average . 90 rolling Average is 2020 t/day (LIC is 245). Air SO2 exceedance - just saw it when they ran their S-30 report (monthly report). it was during turnaround excessive burning off in stack due to fluctuations in process during turnaround. Regulation/ will be below required 90% uptime for CEMS in July. Failure was not on analyzer, had a eGA on June 25 - and Reporting that caused CEMs to fail on high range only. They usually operate in low range, but cooling on the weekend put them to high-range (over 1000). causing violation. Air Release of R22 - just found - not sure of amount lost yet. Air conditioning unit 67-R-V-9-V. Municipal Surface Water Free Cl is more than 4 mg/L in Aurora Potable water tank will drain 50% of the water out and refill. While conducting an inspection @ the facility, observed storm water being pumped out of the lime cell @ the Class 11 landfill.

Syncrude 29-Jul-2003 Petro-Canada 15-Jul-2003


48522 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94

146987 147038 148570 148604 148606 148881 148974 148976 149259 149261 149267 149360 149367 149628 149738 149790 149861 150110 150119 150151

En Cana Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

30-Jul-2003 31-Jul-2003 5-Aug-2003 5-Aug-2003 6-Aug-2003 28-Jul-2003 11-Aug-2003 11-Aug-2003 13-Aug-2003 3-Aug-2003 11-Aug-2003 15-Aug-2003 15-Aug-2003 19-Aug-2003 19-Aug-2003 20-Aug-2003 21-Aug-2003 26-Aug-2003 26-Aug-2003 27-Aug-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release


Black smoke from flare in excess of 6 min. Steam plant upset due to generator problems. Reported to EUB.

Regulation/ Spill of gypsum into flyash pond, Investigating what happened. Reporting Air Tank 52 (bitumen tank) venting. They are in the process of swinging to another tank. Land Surface Water Municipal Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Reporting a pinhole leak in a gypsum line at the TransAlta powerhouse. Small amount has flowed into the coke pit and is contained. Isolating it now. Near lower camp is a settling pond for raw water being diverted from the Athabasca River. Level detection failed and pond over flowed back into river. No signs of any erosion. Pond is 4.6 m high level hit 4.7 m. Going through approval - didn't realize had to report on bad bacti samples - July 28 sample. Came back w/ coliforms present. Resampled and came back fine. Opacity exceedance caused by electrical problems. Also damaged their SO2 analyser on their CEMS. Instrumentation is working on it now. Venting from 2D-D-4. Should be stopped in 20-30 minutes.

94 94 94 94 20809

150239 150291 150293 150316 150389

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

28-Aug-2003 31-Aug-2003 30-Aug-2003 27-Aug-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 2-Sep-2003

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Reporting spill of 200 L varsol @ 41A shop at Syncrude. Leak came from tidy tank. Absorbent material used to soak up spill and material will be reprocessed. Reporting starter degassing tank 20-D-1. This will take 12-24 hrs. after which they will clean tank. Do not expect off-site impact. Notification of potential release - working on natural gas vapour recovery unit. Starting today at 1500hrs and ending Aug 13/03 at 1500hrs. Regulation/ Reporting a high chlorine reading in potable water at main plant. Chlorine pump too high. Cut back. Everything Reporting is good now. Municipal Reporting low chlorine levels. Measured 0.03 mg/L, should be at 0.1 mg/L. Regulation/ Reporting that there was a shutdown (trip) of the SK1 compressor in the base plant. Cause unknown. SK1 is a Reporting wet gas compressor that withdraws gases from the cokers. Air Release on 20-D-15 and 16, both tanks venting He and NG vapours - they are setting up a transfer to 20-D-50 to stop release. Air Reporting venting from tanks 20-D-15 and 16 due to plant 15-1 being on recycle. Expect situation to correct itself soon. VR system working. No off-site impact expected. Regulation/ Reporting an SO2 contravention on the incinerator stack of base plant. Experiencing SRU problems. Reporting Land AD suggested he report incident, although its not a contravention. Last night a truck ran over a ground well. Suspect its damaged. will inspect and fix or replace as necessary. Municipal high turbidity in the distribution system. Caused by a feed pump failure on the clarifier. Repair ongoing, no drinking signs posted. Air AD suggested he update ref# 141833. Regarding odour complaint - did not find any unusual plant operations however Caller and AD agree Source of odours may be the source pond. Complainant was also concerned with brown haze in area - not sure of cause but they are experiencing higher levels of NOx and SO2. He is confident in these readings since they are currently conducting a stack survey. Investigating. Air ESD on their FTD starting @ 2400 hrs. This will increase SO2 from a normal of 20-50 to 200 t/day, limit is 360 t/hr. Down due to performance problems. Land Release of 20,000-30,000 gypsum from the FGD unit during startup. No further details. Land Release of an unknown amount of diluted bitumen @ the base plant from pump #20-G-66. No further details. Municipal will resample sites that arrived at PHL late. Also looking into matter since it has happened in the past. Air Fire @ tailings solvent recovery pond. While working on a pipeline, they closed in a valve, causing tailings into pond from different area igniting. Flame and black smoke for 4-5 min. FD onsite - fire out now. No adverse effects. Bringing water into Carbo WTP. Had a spill of ethylene glycol in a contained area clean up is underway. Flaring of sweet fuel gas Sept 3 2300- Sep 4 1055. They suspect no license exceedances - but there are some

94 94 26

150445 150508 150540

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

2-Sep-2003 3-Sep-2003 3-Sep-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release

Municipal Land Air


26 26 48408

150572 150735 150752

Syncrude Syncrude

18-Jul-2003 6-Sep-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release

Petro-Canada 22-Aug-2003

94 94

150764 150867

Suncor Suncor

8-Sep-2003 9-Sep-2003

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

26 94

150890 151096

Syncrude Suncor

9-Sep-2003 11-Sep-2003

Industry Industry

94 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 26 94 26 94

151138 151210 151212 151215 151220 151234 151236 151388 151399 151414 151416 151464

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

11-Sep-2003 13-Sep-2003 13-Sep-2003 13-Sep-2003 14-Sep-2003 15-Sep-2003 1-Sep-2003 17-Sep-2003 17-Sep-2003 18-Sep-2003 18-Sep-2003 18-Sep-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

problems with the calculations, so the letter will have the full details. Free chlorine residual @ WTP exceeded limit occurred over a 8-10 hour time span during the day, operator error - they didn't report as they should have. Regulation/ Spill - Lower Camp area - sediment pond overflowed and water went back into Athabasca - 4.Sm is max fill Reporting level - got to 4.6m. Land Acid spill Aug 22 - reported to AEUB, forget to notify AENV. Acid was 35% but after being used (at time of spill) it was -5%. Spilled onsite - vac-truck cleaned immediately. Soil taken to Wasteco. Caller will address late report in letter. Caller called b Air Notification - an upset in one part of the plant. causing flaring - coker gas - will be flaring large - visible from road. will last 20-30 hrs. Air 11:30 - had plant trip due to electrical problems. Possibility for high SO2 and low stack top temp violations. No numbers yet - will be in letter.; Reporting they did have a stack top temp violation on this incident. Exact numbers will be in letter. Regulation/ Reporting overflow of sediment pond at lower camp. Pond was just over the pond level of 4.6m. Pumps shut Reporting off to prevent continuing overflow. Exact volumes in letter. (clean water) water returns to Athabasca River. Regulation/ Violation. GW monitoring wells are supposed to be locked at all times. Contractors discovered some to be Reporting unlocked. Movement in well may have caused PVC pipe to pop open.; Discovered another unlocked GW well as reported in Ref#142039, during ongoing audit. Wells unlock due to settling that occurs over time. Well is by pond 23, dyke 2W. Caller wanted this call to be a notification only, and wanted call linked to closed incident #151096. Air Reporting a potential (<20t) flaring event from base plant #8 (upgrading) stack 8C9. Cause of flaring attributed to a leaking valve. Still investigating. Details in letter. May exceed 20 000t. Air Reporting venting from 20D-19 due to temp being too high. Bringing down temp and cutting back transfer. Municipal Air Reporting an H2S alarm triggered on effluent pond associated with 16.2 Sour water stripper. unitbeing taken down and as a result of sour material was sent to pond. Do not believe there will be any off-site impact. Municipal Reported low pH on treated water due to suspect analyzer reading. Train A dumped to waste. Bench test showed pH good. Scheduled maintenance check on analyzer. Air Reporting flaring from plant 56. Do not expect exceedance because this is sweet gas, however it has been going on for several hours. Not sure what has caused this. Notification only. Air Is there something going on @ Source this am? Pollution coming from stack - thick dark brown smoke - Caller thinks they are trying to mix it in with the clouds - but it is not working very well. Regulation/ Replacing CEMS on stack 31 (flu-gas). will be down for >20% of month of Sept. AIM, CN and AD of AENV Reporting aware. Air Stack violation on 8-F-5 SO2 mass. Upset in plant. SRU and superclaus tripped. Investigating cause. Back online now. Air Tank venting D-19 - tank went too hot - doesn't have a VRU. They've blocked it in and are changing over. Municipal Surface Water Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Land Air Potable water is at 5.5 NTU when it hits distribution. Chlorine is good. Unsure of cause. Posted taps on site. Raw water sediment pond in lower camp is overflowing clean water back into Athabasca River. Found a cross connection between a sewage line from 2 bathrooms in extraction plant (Average. 2gal/min) and an industrial sewage line (about 5000gal/min). Has been this way for years - was going to industrial outfall until a couple months ago when outfall was closed. Has been fixed now. Lost acid gas incinerator which typically results in an hourly SO2 violation and low stack top temp. Tank venting from 20-D-53 (bitumen) due to high run down rates. Opened stream into a 2nd tank which should stop venting. Release of est. 1-2 m3 of production fluid (produced 1320 -bitumen). due to cracked weld on line. All contained on pad #20. Clean-up efforts underway. Source was drilling to quantify Limestone orie [?] reserves for SGD unit. They seem to have hit a gas pocket. The release was first thought to be sour and an evacuation of the area was undertaken. It turned out not to be sour. They are trying to cap the source now. They are not sure if this is reportable or not, but are just being

94 26 48408 94

151532 151614 151662 151720

Suncor Syncrude

19-Sep-2003 21-Sep-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Petro-Canada 22-Sep-2003 Suncor 23-Sep-2003








26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26

151872 151930 151937 151941 151950 151952 151955 152012 152034 152172

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

26-Sep-2003 26-Sep-2003 27-Sep-2003 27-Sep-2003 28-Sep-2003 28-Sep-2003 27-Sep-2003 29-Sep-2003 30-Sep-2003 1-Oct-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

careful. Tank 57 (light gas oil) level taken down to 1. 8m to facilitate plant 18 outage. Due to low tank level - roof aspirators are open. Potential for odour/venting - monitoring for both. After Sept.28, refilling tank again and potential over. Regulation/ Release of caustic/water mix due to a line leak. All contained in a dyked area. Reporting Air venting from tank 20-D-3 due to tank rundown. Ongoing. Air Air Air Air Air Waste Air Air Venting HC vapours from tank 20-D-53. Started @ 1110- ongoing caused by high run down rates. Release of 13 kg of R22. From an A/C unit in Bldg 252. Flaring acid gas due to a leak on one of the cogens. Unit has been taken down for service. Venting from tank 53, HC vapour between 1030-1031!! Caused by high rundown rates. Potential improper disposal of rags/ gloves etc. in general refuse. Suppose to dispose of as per S/P for equipment exposed to chemicals. Venting from tank 20D-13. NG and naphtha - just stopping now. Due to slopping off plant 8-1.

26 94 94

152213 152215 152295

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

2-Oct-2003 2-Oct-2003 30-Sep-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention

26 94 94 94 26 94 26 94

152349 152352 152373 152377 152381 152405 152487 152874

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

2-Oct-2003 2-Oct-2003 2-Oct-2003 1-Oct-2003 3-Oct-2003 3-Oct-2003 4-Oct-2003 8-Oct-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Reporting venting from tank # 20D13, the Naphtha slop tank venting hydrocarbon and NG vapours ongoing. Cause was high rundown rates; have decreased rates. Air Update to atmosphere venting from tank 210D15 (gas/oil tank) venting stopped at 2050 but restarted at 2330 and ongoing.; Reporting venting from 20D15 the untreated gas/oil tank. Started at 17:10 and is ongoing. Cause was due to high rundown rates, problems related to coker shutdown on the weekend when 1 of 8 cokers went down. Air Tank 15 venting - heavy gas oil tank due to high rundown rates. Ongoing. Odour potential. Land Catch basin for Indust. Runoff overflowed, being captured in secondary basin. Regulation/ Update to SRU#4 trip. Manually calculating SO2 every 1/2hr, just under 300T/day. FGD back up on Monday. Reporting Have reduced coke to coker #3 bv 50% cutting hydro treater rates.; Reporting that the CEM unit on the Powerhouse stack is producing erroneous readings. SO2 readings are about 68t/hr; should be 180t/hr. Problem started two days ago. Will be using calculating SO2 emission rates based on previous stack data. FGD stack is down. Air Same ongoing tank venting issue. This time on tank 20-D-16. Due to high rundown rates and increasing ambient temp. Sending to another tank. Air R22 release from bldg 56-E-103. Repairing. Air Reporting that the SRU#4 in millennium tripped from 1557 to 1740 resulted in flaring from sulfur plant. Expect to exceed 20 tonnes. sulfur plant is back online. Regulation/ Reviewed data on the 53-F-1 (sulfur incinerator) stack on millennium. Identified a low stack top temp. Late Reporting report. Air Tank venting tank D-15 - HC vapours due to excess rundown. Ongoing - hopefully will end within the hour.; D-13 venting (related to D-15 venting). System over pressured and hot day are the cause. Air Tripped out SRU #3 and #4 flaring from 8-PIC-l, la-PIC-71 and 8-F-19. Air Reporting venting from 20D- 50 due to high rundown rates. Was using #50 as Source from 20D15 venting. Ongoing.; Re-occurrence of tank venting 20D-50 Started at 1414, ongoing, high rundown rates. Air Suspected PSV lifts on 4 H-vac units in the Base Plant Upgrader. Checked Unit 1 and discovered no freon loss. Unit 2 lost ~ 55 kg R22 over time. Doing piping changes and will recharge. Unit 3 & 4 are not checked vet - he will call if more leaks are discovered. Air Freon 22 release due to gasket change out unit 10-R-1B9A in Bldg 51 (plant 10) . Repaired and recharged. Air Land Flaring acid gas off plant 16 1 & 16-2 - should be done soon - due to unit upset. Notification only, but will be sending report. East water retention pond is overflowing. Pumping produced water form East to West pond. water all contained

26 26 94

152886 152909 153013

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

9-Oct-2003 9-Oct-2003 10-Oct-2003

Industry Industry Industry


26 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 26

153076 153357 153551 153625 153627 153658 153769 153795 153799 153807 153855 153921 154036 154128

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-Oct-2003 13-Oct-2003 19-Oct-2003 20-Oct-2003 21-Oct-2003 21-Oct-2003 22-Oct-2003 22-Oct-2003 22-Oct-2003 23-Oct-2003 23-Oct-2003 25-Oct-2003 28-Oct-2003 28-Oct-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

onsite; no adverse to Environment. No visible oil sheen. Sampled. No volume estimate - will be in letter. Notification they are opening up the Coker B-1 diverter valve which has the potential for offsite odour. This is a planned maintenance event. Land Spill boiler feed water - all contained onsite. Started yesterday am, stopped spill today. Tested water. will send letter w/ full details. Land Spill of raw sewage may have gotten into ground water - 3 surge tanks strapping failed and groundwater pushed them out of ground - CEDA coming for clean up. Regulation/ Reporting a spill of 10 gallons of Request - 7000 (class B inhibitor). Spilled into contained area and being Reporting flushed into oily sewer. Air Reporting tank venting from 20D53 (bitumen) due to high run down rates. Stopped at 0405. Air Land Municipal Land Air Surface Water Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Land Sewage spill due to dirt plugged man hole - sewer overflowed. All on site - vac truck cleaning will spread lime to disinfect. Reporting low residual chlorine in distribution system . Caller did not have the exact reading or time, sometime between 8-11. Operator told caller reading was 0, caller does not think that os the exact value. Reporting small sewage spill, tank overflowed onto paved area and ran into sewer. Asphalt was washed down and tank is being fixed. Approx amount: 30 gallons. Not sure if need 7-day letter but will send one anyway. Freon release due to unloaded gasket leaking. Plant 10 unit. Being repaired and recharged now. sometime overnight, a line broke at their Steepbank wastewater plant and released an unknown volume of sewage into Pond F which is an industrial recycle water pond. Notification that FGD emergency outage @ midnight. To clean gas cooling headers. Should be back up within 24 hours. Tank venting from 20 - D57 (untreated light gas oil). Reducing rundown rates and should stop anytime. Venting from Tank 13 (sour NAPHTHA). Cause - plant 13-2 serge tank was full and naphtha slopped. Venting from 1230-1255 hrs. Reporting a 35-40 gallons raw sewage spill on their plant site at the lunch trailer. Trailer has 2 holding tanks which are normally emptied daily. Not today. Tank 1 flowed to tank 2 and tank 2 overflowed . Crews have bermed sewage and will vac it up immediately. No adverse effects. Update to ref # 137483. Release of sediment pond stopped @ 1800 hrs.; Release of unknown amount of water from the sediment pond @ the lower camp. Caused by a pump failure @ 0330 hrs - repairs ongoing. millennium went camp lost water potable pressure due to pump that went down. SO2 contravention caused by a load switch @ the Millennium Plant that resulted in balance problems at the Base plant. Flaring - happened flared off plant 13-2 C-7 over head line. 2 NOx exceedances on Oct 30/03 from GT#5. Happened because bringing down GT#5, increased 02 which increased NOx. Freeze-up on cooling lines to JDR caused fire water to go on - caused JBR to overflow - spilled gypsum and water (amount unknown). Had to bring FGD down. Reporting what he believes is a sewage spill near the lower camp settling pond. They have taken a sample but do not have results as yet. Could be caused by a broken sewage line. Not impacting environment. will report results of findings in letter. Tanks 20D2 and 20D4 venting HC, steam and nitrogen. Does not believe there is any potential for off site impact. Cause unknown. Freon release - valve broke on AC system in security computer room. Approx 2 m3 sewage spill. Two low lift pumps failed. They have been pumping from Millennium to Borealis. One pump will be fixed within the hour. In the meantime a vac truck is on site with another on route. They plan to vac until both pumps are repaired using two vac trucks. Spill is contained on site and is being cleaned up. Reporting tank venting from tank 20D19 due to high run-down rates. Balanced transfer. Reporting another tank venting from tank 20D19. Cause unknown at this time.

26 94 94 26 94 94 26

154194 154216 154228 154401 154512 154517 154554

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

30-Oct-2003 30-Oct-2003 31-Oct-2003 31-Oct-2003 30-Oct-2003 3-Nov-2003 4-Nov-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release

Land Municipal Air Air Air Land Land

26 94 94

154616 154664 154726

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

5-Nov-2003 6-Nov-2003 6-Nov-2003

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land

26 26

154830 154834

Syncrude Syncrude

7-Nov-2003 8-Nov-2003

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air







Contravention Notification


94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 48522 26 94

154925 154970 154981 154983 154994 155056 155063 155068 155092 155109 155117 155137

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor En Cana Syncrude Suncor

11-Nov-2003 12-Nov-2003 13-Nov-2003 13-Nov-2003 13-Nov-2003 14-Nov-2003 14-Nov-2003 14-Nov-2003 14-Nov-2003 16-Nov-2003 16-Nov-2003 15-Nov-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Reporting a potential >20 000t [20 tonnes?] SO2 excursion due to PSV 7C4 being open for a number of hours. Caller could not describe the exact function of this valve except to say it is on the low pressure acid gas side. More details in letter. Regulation/ Reporting a spill of 10-15 barrels of gas oil at Location . Cause was a failure of a pipe weld. No waterway Reporting effected, cleaning up. Air Update flaring info, flaring hydrogen, coker gas and some fuel gas. No approval exceedances known at this time.; Upgrader problems. Flaring from 8-2. PW will update. Air 8-1, K-2 (coker) tripped. Now flaring all sour fuel gas. Air Fuel boiler tripped. Diverter valve opened as a result. Coker gases of combustion now venting to atmosphere. Fuel boiler will be back up in about 3hrs. Air Freon release - mechanical fittings leaked on A/C system in Bldg. 51 (Plant 10) 10R187A. Repaired and recharged. Regulation/ 8-2/k-2 trip Reporting Air Tank 16 venting. Two cokers into one tank and nothing leaving. Land Air Municipal Air Municipal Preparing for construction of new sulfur plant, soil testing site which was the location of an old sour water tank - found some HC contamination. They are working with soils group on this. Heat exchanger was leaking; have to drain the naphtha hydrotreater, will be flaring >48 hours, and will exceed the 20 ton reporting limit. Also will have to drain naphtha into sewer system. Odour potential. Reporting low chlorine at Source facility. Cause believed to be an air bubble in chlorine pump. Added C12 to clear well. C12 went from 0.07 mg/L to 5.0 App # 48522-00-03. Reporting tank venting froth tank 20-D-50. (Gas/oil tank). 12: 20-12:45. Cause was high rundown rates.

26 94 94

155143 155406 155411

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

17-Nov-2003 19-Nov-2003 19-Nov-2003

Industry Public Complaint Industry

Release Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

94 26 26 94 94

155420 155424 155442 155536 155589

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

19-Nov-2003 19-Nov-2003 19-Nov-2003 21-Nov-2003 23-Nov-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Saturday - low chlorine on potable water @ top shop area. Not sure how it was caused - weekend operator dealt with it. They had a history of low chlorine at that area, due to low flow. They thought this problem had been resolved. but may need more investigating. Land Spill of diesel onsite due to an overflow of the tank. No offsite impact - no waterways affected. will be cleaned and contaminated soil will be recycled in their processes. Air While driving N on Hwy 63 could notice a heavy oily smell. Noticeable only beside source - not an H2S smell like usual. Regulation/ Notifying AENV of flow meter change - taking pipe out and spill remaining water - water will be spilled onto Reporting ground and a possible unpleasant odour may be exposed to surrounding area. will be happening sometime today. Municipal Low residual low chlorine. Plant 82. Being taken care of, flushing out lines. Will resample. People not notified about it (drinking water) . Air Tanks 51 and 52 venting HC vapours - they are trouble shooting the vapour recovery system. should stop shortly. Air Refrigerant release from HVAC unit - more details in letter. Caller not aware of release until 1700 hrs. Air Air SO2 violation - unknown cause . After this hour , the F-8-18 tripped, but not sure if related.

26 26 26 26

155591 155639 155920 155976

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

23-Nov-2003 24-Nov-2003 26-Nov-2003 27-Nov-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Plant 53F-0610 Millennium/ Incinerator thermal oxidizer had problems / incinerator must meet 1000 deg F but has gone below this. SO2 increased above approval limit. This is ongoing. 12:45 sulfur train 3 & 4 went down.; Update. Cold is causing lots of problems and will be over on SO2. will be in 70-day letter. Surface Overflow of sediment settling pond. Water went back into Athabasca River, high level pump did not keep up Water with low level pump. Not sure of amount lost. Air Tank venting - extraction plant froth tank ( 67-D-5) roof seal passing to atmosphere. Plans in place to repair. HC vapour - very little emissions. Air Bringing tank G3 (untreated heavy gas oil) online and will be venting for about 4 days. Received prior approval from AENV. Regulation/ Due to a switch of responsibilities last Dec, SCL missed their annual summer potable water samples (both for


94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 20809

156031 156040 156183 156197 156216 156222 156241 156323 156331 156346 156380 156401

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

29-Nov-2003 29-Nov-2003 1-Dec-2003 1-Dec-2003 30-Nov-2003 1-Dec-2003 2-Dec-2003 3-Dec-2003 4-Dec-2003 4-Dec-2003 5-Dec-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Air

MLSB and Aurora). Collected 1 set a couple of weeks ago and will forward results w. LTR. Ind sewer is leaking under a bldg and coming to surface. Trickling out and down a fire lane. Very small amounts. Looking for blockage now. Advising 20-D-63 (New Unit H-G-O) Tank is full and online and that 20-D-15 is being decommissioned (switching services) For 1-2 days. PSV's will be open. Ongoing venting on tank 20-D-4 (diluted bitumen tank). constituents are nitrogen, NAPHTHA and bitumen vapours. Unsure of cause - will put in letter. Taking tank 20-D-5 (diluent naphtha tank) out of service for cleaning. will start at 17:30 and continue for several days. Tank to be degassed first, will vent HC. Tank venting from 20-D-4 (dil-bit) due to high run down rates.

Regulation/ Spill of hot process water at south tank farm area . They were trying to flush a frozen gypsum water return line Reporting when a hose ruptured. 6-10m3 lost. Vac truck en-route to clean excess liquid. No off site impact. Air NRU (naphtha recovery unit) in extraction unit vented and tripped twice due to being overloaded. Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Air Land Reporting a 50 gallon spill of tailings along Rd. Cause was failure of some barrel packing between 2 pieces of pipe contained and cleaned up. Three boilers in the FGD stack were switched out of it for about 25 minutes this morning. Problems due to water flow. Problem fixed - boilers back in. Caller seemed unsure if this is a contravention. Release of NG and HC vapour due to tank 50-5-0 venting. Cause possibly rundown rates. Trouble shooting currently. Tank venting from 20D50 untreated heavy/gas tank. Cause was high rundown rates. Process upset in TSRU resulting in spill of asphalting/ tailings and solvent mix. (approx 10% solvent hexane/pentane mixture) majority in sump -some to ditches. All contained - all onsite. Please call EC under CEPA. NOx contravention due to a trip of the CO generator GTG #5. Caused by cold weather. venting HC vapour form 20D50, heavy gas oil tank. Still investigating cause, ongoing. Venting from tans 20-D-2 and 20-D-4. Started at 0830, ongoing. Contents of tanks are diluent bitumen. Venting HC vapour from tank 20-D-4 due to ice buildup on PSV disc. Ongoing. Venting HC vapour from tank 20-D-53 due to suspected high rundown rates. Ongoing. Tank 20 DY release nitrogen gas and hydrocarbon vapour - amount release unknown - happened @ 0900 Dec 11/03. Ongoing. Reduced pressure on tank. Cause unknown, will include in follow-up. May have been frozen vapour recovery lines. Venting from tank 20-D-4 due to cold weather causing a valve to stick open. 0530 - ongoing. Venting HC from tank 20-D-50, started at 20S0-ongoing. Cold weather related. Release of an unknown amount of raw sewage from a portable wash car. Cause unknown, cleanup underway. Spill of 5-10 m3 of boiler feed water due to a valve malfunction. All contained, clean-up underway. Reporting venting from both 20-D-2 & 4 tanks due to vent line on vent gas system freezing. Having difficulty controlling run down rates. Still on-going. H2S release to effluent pond. Plant 16-2 sample may have been off-spec - causing release. Corrected since then. Reporting an H2S alarm at their effluent pond. Not sure if it is a false alarm or a result of sour material at pond. Sealed off area and are investigating. will update when they know more. Reporting they had a split in the water line that services the mist illuminator on the FSGD (flu sulphur gas desulfurization) This will result in ~ 200 ton/day of SO2 flaring until repairs can be made Cause of line break

Albian Sands 5-Dec-2003

94 26 94 26 26 26

156510 156512 156528 156653 156657 156679

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

8-Dec-2003 8-Dec-2003 9-Dec-2003 10-Dec-2003 11-Dec-2003 11-Dec-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air

26 26 26 48408 26 26 26 94

156777 156781 156783 156948 157051 157058 157110 157122

Syncrude Syncrude

12-Dec-2003 11-Dec-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air

Syncrude 11-Dec-2003 Petro-Canada 13-Dec-2003 Syncrude 16-Dec-2003 Syncrude Syncrude Suncor 16-Dec-2003 16-Dec-2003 17-Dec-2003


26 94

157190 157202

Syncrude Suncor

17-Dec-2003 17-Dec-2003

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water

unknown. Updates requested.; will be an FGD plant outage this afternoon - have to shut down for about 1 hr to finish repair. Related to call Wed am. Effluent pond high H2S alarm, since 1100 hrs. Still intermittently. Investigating cause. Have detected leak in vault area of retention pond. Unable to determine if leak is coming from above or below . Water is being circulated between pond and vault - it is still releasable. - will continue to sample to ensure it remains releasable. Won't be able to do much until spring - will develop other plans if water becomes unreleaseable. Currently pH 7 .5 chlorides 225 ppm. Flaring from 52PC1682 since yesterday 1211 hrs. Ongoing. Potential to exceed 20 tons SO2. Caused by maintenance on compressor 20-K-100. Reporting high NTU at Steepbank WTP. Cause is related to alum pump going down. Repaired and in compliance. Late report. Requested explanation for late report in letter. Reporting flaring of butane from 55C-123 (naphtha ha hydrotreater) . Approaching 20t. Flaring is a result of butane sphere being full and they do not have anywhere to put it. Do not want to cut back production. Reporting another H2S alarm at their effluent pond. Not sure how sour material is getting there but could be due to them having a couple sour pumps out of service. Still investigating. Notification of a 72hr outage of GTG-20 (NOX analyser). This is not a planned outage - NOX analyser will be replaced.; Reporting a continuation of H2S alarm at effluent pond. They are flushing lines to get rid of sour water. Reporting a heavy hauler had the fuel tank rupture when a chunk of shale hit it. Lost 4000L of diesel. Sand applied to spill and will be re-processed. Reporting limestone slurry spill from FGD. Cause of spill attributed to a rupture of expansion joint on gypsum pump. Most of the slurry went into coke pit, small amount went to limestone pit. Reporting flaring of sour water acid gas due to hydrotreater coming back on line and SRU#4 is back on line. should not affect SO2 limits for over-all plant. Reporting a split return gypsum line that required source to shut down FGD. Flaring SO2 unit line repaired. Water discharge to muskeg river had a BOD exceedance. Just got results - cause unknown - investigating.

94 94 94 26 26

157342 157344 157380 157384 157386

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

18-Dec-2003 18-Dec-2003 18-Dec-2003 20-Dec-2003 20-Dec-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Municipal Air Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air

26 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 48522 94 94 26

157400 157403 157405 157411 157416 157512 157533 157535 157584 157593 157605 157636 157759 157786 157867

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Suncor Suncor Syncrude

21-Dec-2003 21-Dec-2003 21-Dec-2003 21-Dec-2003 15-Dec-2003 22-Dec-2003 23-Dec-2003 24-Dec-2003 26-Dec-2003 27-Dec-2003 27-Dec-2003 31-Dec-2003 29-Dec-2003 29-Dec-2003 31-Dec-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Regulation/ Reporting Air H2S alarm on effluent pond. still investigating. was cleared at 0507 this morning. Air Air Air Air Air Municipal Air Effluent pond H2 S alarm went off - could be caused by pH changes. Flaring from SRU#4 and #2 due to much back pressure - no exceedance yet. Opacity high but not over 40% - problems with flu gas desulfurization unit. Venting from tank 20 D 28 - level indicator was wrong - investigating into why. Puff venting from Tank 51 - high rundown rates caused release. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention



En Cana



Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

26 26

157900 157908

Syncrude Syncrude

4-Jan-2004 2-Jan-2004

Industry Industry

Flaring - lost SRU#1. Not sure how much SO2, flared from 8PICl, 10PIC71, 8HV40, 8HV43. will call and update if flaring resulted in any contraventions. Air Began flaring acid gas at 1600 due to ongoing issues with SRU. Call is a heads-up as they caused an ambient GLC at Albian Earlier today. Flaring should end this evening. Regulation/ Spill of dirty water from tailings pumphouse #22, into their dirty water ditch. Ditch was already full of frozen Reporting liquids and about 400gal of dirty water spilled onto the ditch.; Just updating earlier SCL report. Vac Trucks on site and digging bell holes for recovery. Air Discovered contraventions while putting monthly report together. 15 days in November they exceeded daily limit of SO2 (0.9 t/day) due to: (1) H2S concentration in flare and boiler gases high (2) High flare volumes (3) High volume going through generators. Air Tank 20-D-4 venting. This tank is for diluted bitumen storage and contains HC vapour, nitrogen and steam. Will end shortly. Air 20 D 8 tank venting - Bitumen tank - HC vapours and NG steam due to PSV passing to atmosphere.


26 94

157921 157926

Syncrude Suncor

5-Jan-2004 3-Jan-2004

Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Land Air

Investigating cause. Tank 20-D-4 (diluted bitumen) vented from 0440-0450 hrs.













26 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 48522

158064 158171 158193 158213 158235 158437 158498 158625 158636 158655

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor En Cana

7-Jan-2004 9-Jan-2004 8-Jan-2004 10-Jan-2004 11-Jan-2004 15-Jan-2004 17-Jan-2004 20-Jan-2004 20-Jan-2004 2-Oct-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Flaring a quantity of sour water and acid gas. Problems with sulfur recovery units. Quantity and actual content unknown at this time.; As a result of SRU trip they had an SO2 exceedance on the base plant upgrader incinerator stack (U1). related to same root cause as previous call, will include on that 7-day letter. Regulation/ At 0700 they had a leak on their gypsum line from the flue gas desulfurization plant. Approx 200-300 gallons Reporting per minute entered the waste water pond system which is closed to river. They shut down the line from the gypsum the gypsum tank which overflowed approx 30000 gallons of gypsum into the coke pit area. Some has frozen and some flowed with the waste water pond system. This was their best choice. Additionally 15-20 employees were exposed to upgrader oily mist (a He chemical), source unknown, and went to first-aid area. Municipal High turbidity in potable water distribution system. Plant 86 (Millennium Extractor). Cause - a leak in the piping system meant shutting down for repairs. Fixed leak - but while starting up, stirred up debris. Flushing system currently, testing turbidity every 30 min until within limits. Regulation/ Flow meter 19FT-36 was becoming unreliable so it was removed from service between 1500 and 1610. Reporting Regulation/ Gypsum line leaking - have to bring down FDG to fix. Will be down for about 4 hrs. FGD is supposed to be Reporting running at all time. Regulation/ In the process of changing out a chlorine bottle, observed a CL2 leak through the regulator. Occurred in water Reporting plant building. Regulation/ Notification of downtime on the CEM on the GTG-5. From 2200-0300. Allowed 10% total downtime. Reporting Air Reporting venting from tank #2 in south tank farm. Diluent bitumen tank. 1300-2015. Gas vented is expected to have low SO2 concentration. Air Reporting venting from tank 20D16, heavy gas/oil tank. Upset conditions caused high rundown rates. Air Reporting venting from plant 67 (extraction) tank 67D-5 (extraction Froth tank). HC vapours. No noticeable odours onsite. Still investigating cause. Details in letter. Municipal Notification - have to meet <1 NTU in potable water before dist system 95% of time. Have had 1 sample over 1.0 NTU today. Regulation/ Spill of gypsum into flyash pond. During repairs, they switched gypsum line to the emergency line, but it was Reporting frozen. Had to release via drain valve instead. Containing in flyash pond - will stay there. Air While investigating measurements to try and improve on some contraventions in Nov, discovered an unreported contravention in Oct. 24-hr sulfur dioxide limit was exceeded. Still looking at data to determine cause. Air Venting HC vapour from tank #16 (heavy oil (gas) untreated). Started @ 1430 hrs, ongoing. Air Air Land Air Air Air Municipal Land Daily SO2 violation for Oct 24/03. During their investigation of their measurement system, new measurements resulted in new numbers for days in Oct an Nov. 7:00 am had an upset and are flaring off of the coker (8-2) (sour coke gas). No volumes or quantities to report at this time. Discovered leak in gypsum line, working On repairs. Some into coke pit, all onsite. Compressor trip on coker 8-2 (contents are coker sour gas). Flaring ongoing. currently taking action to correct. Venting HC vapour from tank 50 (heavy gas oil). Started @ 0430. Ongoing. Caused by a fire on a hydrotreater. Flaring notification, a sulfur plant has tripped & they had trouble restarting blower, majority of acid gas went to other 2 Plants. Flaring will last about 1hr. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention Release of 30,000 gal gypsum due to a broken line. Released to the coke pit.; Link to 143688. Release of 30,000 gal of gypsum when the repair to line failed.; Gypsum spill due to leak - spill is being diverted to pit, they are expecting more over the weekend and are constantly doing repairs. Low stack top temp, cause unknown.

94 48522 26 94 26 26 26 48522 94

159000 159050 159052 159066 159085 159097 159186 159265 159423

Suncor En Cana Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Suncor

24-Jan-2004 24-Oct-2003 27-Jan-2004 27-Jan-2004 27-Jan-2004 28-Jan-2004 29-Jan-2004 31-Jan-2004 29-Jan-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry









26 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 94

159530 159532 159547 159572 159594 159596 159631 159661 159758

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

31-Jan-2004 1-Feb-2004 1-Feb-2004 14-Jan-2004 2-Feb-2004 2-Feb-2004 2-Feb-2004 2-Feb-2004 4-Feb-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Land Municipal Air Municipal Air Air Air Air

Spill of 8000L of naphtha - found at 1: 30 from leaking line - contained and will be vac trucked. (CEPA Reportable) Turbidity problems for potable water for west side. Operating 2 out of 3 filters - backwashing 3rd and will start to filter in an hour. Turbidity going into clear well - water in distribution system is fine. Flaring event - possible will go over 20 t/day SO2 limit - Ski tripped twice (1346-1407) + (1431-1436) - not positive on cause. Potable water violation - Niad injection system was elevated for some reason since Jan.14. Refrigerant release - discovered doing maintenance. Found in Building 51, Unit 10R186 - leak on a discharge service valve, Repaired and recharged. NOx exceedance on the gas turbine generator #5 (GTG#5). Suspect it may be instrument error - currently checking calibration. Freon release. Bldg 223 unit 70RE9. Unit taken out of service to be repaired and recharged later.

26 94 26

159843 159929 159941

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

5-Feb-2004 6-Feb-2004 6-Feb-2004

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release






Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release

94 26 94 94 26 26 26 94

159992 159997 160071 160089 160093 160101 160105 160127

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

8-Feb-2004 8-Feb-2004 9-Feb-2004 10-Feb-2004 10-Feb-2004 10-Feb-2004 10-Feb-2004 11-Feb-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Flaring from plant SS amine unit - flaring hydrogen - there could be H2S and it may go over 20 tons - event started 2200 and is ongoing - will be calculating H2S later in the day. Air Lost both U1 sulfur trains at 0700 hrs - lost boiler water - feed pressure - increased flaring and will go over SO2 20 T limit - may have SO2 hourly violations - if thy can't get feed up they will shut down.; Update to ref# 139485. The two SRU trains are still offline. She has not found any hourly SO2 exceedances, but they will exceed the 20 tons/event limit. She is also watching - they might exceed the 360 ton/dav (24-hr) rolling average. (CEPA 200 - Env Can faxed). Air venting from tank 20D50 to atmosphere - due to high rundown rates - venting hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas. Should end soon. (CEPA reportable) Air 5K1 went down at 1512-1536, resulted in some flaring. Doesn't think it exceeded 20T SO2 but still working on calculations. Air AMWE vessel had a high level that spilled over and knocked out one of the sulfur plants (plant 12). Resulted in ongoing acid gas flaring. Potential to exceed SO2 hourly but won't know until calculations performed tomorrow. Currently cutting coker feed to reduce flaring until plant 12 back on line which should be soon. Air They have isolated the leaking line and will repair before being used again. (CEPA reportable).; [Redacted] ...wants to complain about own company creating off site odour from sour water tanks. {Redacted] ... noticed it as [redacted] bus pulled up to the site this morning. Air 5K1 coker gas compressor was offline between 0330-0400. Resulted in flaring that may be Over 20 T SO2. Details in letter. (CEPA reportable) . Air sulfur plant 12-3 tripped at 0750 and they are currently flaring acid gas (clean burning) . (CEPA reportable). Land Small sewage spill - line froze and backed up - released sewage under a trailer and froze. Area is cordoned off. Are assessing next step for cleanup. Municipal Potable water turbidity violation . Slightly higher than approval allows for a raw reading of 2.4 NTU. Caused by upsets because they were fiddling with the dose. Distribution system never exceeded limit of 1.05NTU. Regulation/ Contravention, two pieces of flare monitoring equipment are down for calibration. 19-FT-36, 19-FT-37. Reporting Air diluted bitumen tank venting (20-D-2) due to blown hatch. Strong wind. Repaired. Air Plant 12-3 (sulfur plant) tripped 3x. Had to direct flow to flare. Did not likely exceed 16.4 t/hr SO2 limit. (CEPA Report). Surface operator was hauling a vac truck truck load of process water near the tailings area on site. Got stuck in the dirt Water radioed supervisor for advice. He ended up emptying 4000L of his load to get unstuck. The unloaded product potentially reached McLean Creek which drains to Athabasca River, (May have frozen first - still investigating). Sampled process water. will call with any important updates. Regulation/ Flare flow instrumentation is out of service for maintenance. #19-F-36, 19-F-37. Reporting Air sulfur plant 12-1 tripped at 0406 resulting in acid gas flaring. Land Potential sewage spill. Their sewage tank had its anchors fail (groundwater popped up the tank). Not sure if cross connection line failed or not - cannot see if product released - buried under gravel and pooled

26 26 94

160129 160150 160354

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

11-Feb-2004 11-Feb-2004 13-Feb-2004

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release







Alleged Contravention







26 94

160403 160405

Syncrude Suncor

17-Feb-2004 17-Feb-2004

Industry Industry

Notification Release

26 94 20809

160407 160486 160520

Syncrude 18-Feb-2004 Suncor 18-Feb-2004 Albian Sands 19-Feb-2004

Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release

26 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26

160611 160658 160660 160682 160734 160812 160827 160973 160978

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

21-Feb-2004 24-Feb-2004 23-Feb-2004 22-Feb-2004 23-Feb-2004 24-Feb-2004 24-Feb-2004 26-Feb-2004 26-Feb-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification

groundwater. CEDA currently draining pooled water. Gas turbines 5 & 6 had NOx exceedance for one hour due to lost glycol feed to the air preheater for both units. Exceedance for the hour of 0900-1000, but may carry over into second hour (1000-1100) as well. will include in 7-day letter as well should it occur.; Reporting two mar hourly NOx exceedances for 1000-1100 hrs and 1100-1200 hrs. Caller will detail NOx values in 7-day letter under previous ref #145348. Land update on spill. Much greater than 2500 gal originally reported. will report quantity in letter.; 2500 gallon spill of 25% process water, 74% sand 1% bitumen. Cause of spill was a rupture disk failure on the tailings line at the tailings pumphouse 252G on the east side of the recycled water pond. Spill was stopped at 1500 hrs. Some material may be on the adjacent lease. Backhoes onsite, vactrucks on the way. Material will go back through process (CEPA - Env Can faxed). Regulation/ Reporting loss of H2S flare header flow transmitter 19FT36. The insite transducer is damaged and must be Reporting replaced. Parts have been ordered. FT will be down until repaired. Land Spill of 2-3 barrels of raw sewage. Came up through a manhole. Material is now frozen on roadside. Spill has ceased will be cleaned up and returned for treatment.; Sewage spill occurred at same location as previous call. Pumps downstream of subject manhole are triggering causing back-up and seepage out manhole cover. will include all in 7-day letter. Air Gas compressor K2 tripped so they are flaring sour fuel gas off coker. Are going to restart within 15 minutes. Air Process upset on tail gas treatment unit stack 53F610. Regulation/ Commissioning a new reclaim water line from tailings pond to recycle water pond. Discovered a leak in line Reporting (water coming to surface). Area has been bermed and they are working on cleaning up and fixing. Small amount of process water spilled - have sampled. Request waiver of 7-day letter. Air Reporting venting from tank 20D-50, untreated heavy gas/oil tank ongoing. Not running into tank. Cause being investigated. Air Report ODS (freon) release. Discovered during preventative maintenance. Building #8 unit 54206A. 22 kg R22. Air Reporting an ODS release from Bldg #170 electrical bldg. HVac system. 14 kgs, cause unknown. Air Air Notification of an odour potential sending make-up diluent to the south tank farm of UI, started at 2116, ongoing. No Impact Small spill of bitumen in extraction plant - stuck valve caused a back up and resulted in spill. All an site - no water ways affected - cleaning now with vac truck - will take to tailings pond. Air Notification. Diverter loop seal being dumped. Potential for an air release (SO2 type material) if an isolation valve passes. Land Ongoing release of water from extraction plant decant pond - overflowing - under road to south tank farm where it is fully contained. Water may contain some oil. Air As a result of hydrotreater problems, operations had to increase run down rates into tank 20-D-13 (untreated naphtha tank) Still flaring, very visible. No Impact Had not recorded previous reference #; it was provided, Operations with the hydroplant have stabilized.; Notification of excessive flaring mostly hydrogen being flared, some hydrocarbon. Very visual, 2 flares, cause was snowball effect. Had control valve problems on hydro-treater, then had to bring down HT caused flaring. Air Tank 20-D-50 venting hydrocarbon and natural gas vapours due to rundown rates to tank are high. No Impact Reporting that one of their plant lift stations overflowed, spilling some sewage into a ditch along the bunkhouses. Is contained and vac trucks are recovering. Cause unknown, not first time occurrence. Municipal System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention Municipal System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention

26 26 48522 48522 26 94 94

161025 161054 161082 161088 161259 161296 161300

Syncrude Syncrude En Cana En Cana Syncrude Suncor Suncor

26-Feb-2004 27-Feb-2004 29-Feb-2004 31-Aug-2004 27-Feb-2004 1-Mar-2004 1-Mar-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

No Impact Reporting a non-compliance in the sampling parameters of Mildred lake settling pond. Discovered while completing annual report. Details in letter. Air Routing diluent to south tank farm since 0415 hrs. Odour potential due to light end hydrocarbons. Ongoing issue until the naphtha hydrotreater is back on line 6 days from now. Request waiver of 7- day letter. Air Planned NHT outage - will be flaring butane. 5 tons of SO2/day will be released for 6 days. Expect to exceed 20 tons of SO2 limit. Requesting waiver of 7-day letter.


26 26 20809 94

161355 161357 161363 161367

Syncrude Syncrude

1-Mar-2004 2-Mar-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Notification


Albian Sands 3-Mar-2004 Suncor 3-Mar-2004






Alleged Contravention

26 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26

161437 161453 161494 161556 161558 161604 161680 161682 161684 161703 161777

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

3-Mar-2004 4-Mar-2004 5-Mar-2004 6-Mar-2004 7-Mar-2004 8-Mar-2004 8-Mar-2004 8-Mar-2004 8-Mar-2004 9-Mar-2004 10-Mar-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Reporting sewage spill as a result of a cracked tank. Flowed to ditch and will be cleaned up. Leak occurred over 24hrs ago but was just discovered. No Impact Reporting spill of tailings when a tank overflowed on BRFT Unit. Most of spill was contained in decant pond. No off-site impact. No Impact Reporting tailings line broke. Cause is unknown but believed to be a rupture disc. All contained on-site. NO adverse effect. Waived letter. Air Reporting 6 6-minute opacity exceedances on the Old Stack - plant 31. Opacity occurred when an ID fan damper dripped causing the damper to close. When they opened it - high opacity resulted. All the readings were just over 40%. This is not considered a non-compliance because opacity exceedances on this stack have to be determined by an AENV visual reader. Letter waived. No Impact Installed analyzer in FGD unit -6 months ago. Require unit to be certified with in 6 months of installation. The necessary testing can only be done when unit down - unit currently down. Plan to test today in order to meet 6 month deadline. However, AENV needs 14 days notice before test ing and letter was only sent last week. Approvals ok if testing is done today, but wanted noncompliance recorded. Air Reporting H2S alarm at effluent pond. Cause unknown, still investigating. Air R22 release discovered while doing repairs on a unit in the U-2 control room. Took out charge yesterday and when refilled, they put in 58kg more than they took out. Land Reporting FGD brought back on-line last night. while doing so Jet Bubble Reactor (JBR) was overflowed with water. Lost 30 000 gal to coke pit. Minor amount of gypsum in slurry. Air Flaring acid gas from their H2S flare header. Caused by PSV malfunction. Potable They were chlorinating the water, the set point on the chlorinator was set at 4.01 mg/L by mistake. Corrective Water action was taken, back into compliance. Air It's unreal how much stuff has been coming out of Source stacks in the last 2 weeks, Pollution hanging over the city. Wants AENV to check if there is a problem at the plant. Air Chlorine gas release at the power house while they were changing a regulator. Alarm in room went off, set @ 5 ppm. (CEPA reportable). Air Venting HC vapours from tank #53, bitumen. Started @ 2200 - ongoing. Air They took down the 21-D-2 compressor for scheduled maintenance. Received approval from AENV. May result in tank venting. No Impact Contravention. Main stack CSEM SO2 meter deviation - lost indication on it. Techs working on it now. No Impact Spill ~ 200 L sodium hydroxide solution. Happened onsite while a truck was off-loading into a tank. Released from overflow piping into a bermed area - flushed into contained Sewer area. No adv. effects. (AENV notified CIC). Potable High Free C12 in the distribution @ 4.01 mg/L. Reduced feed rates and they dropped below the required limit. Water Air Flaring greater than 20 tons SO2. Started @ 1700 hrs March 9, they are starting up the coker. Land Release of an unknown amount of sewage from the powerhouse. Still investigating cause. Air Notification. Effluent pond H2S alarm went off. Cause unknown investigating. Land Diesel spill - looking into cause - believe someone was loading in area they were not supposed to be loading in. Happened by raw water pumphouse. Spill was not contained but did not enter river. Pools of diesel being cleaned. (CIC notified bv AENV) . Air Brief trip on DEA Unit had to flare acid gas - from 2127 to 2140 not sure on amount, will be calculated for letter. Air Due to a small fire, millennium coker unit went down some time last night. Unit was brought back on line, but has caused some approval contraventions. There will be some SO2 exceedances and will be calculated for the letter. The following units went to flare: 55-FV-1811, 52-PC-4015, 53-PC-2001, 53-PV-2009B, 56-PV-1039. Air Looking out window to NW. Clouds are grey black and believe source is causing this. says source is billowing out grey/brown smoke and there is always an odour.

26 94 94 26 94

161813 161815 161817 161830 161960

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

10-Mar-2004 9-Mar-2004 11-Mar-2004 11-Mar-2004 12-Mar-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Release

26 94

162066 162119

Syncrude Suncor

12-Mar-2004 12-Mar-2004

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Impact





Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry]


26 26 94 26 94 94

162204 162245 162299 162301 162331 162479

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

14-Mar-2004 16-Mar-2004 17-Mar-2004 17-Mar-2004 17-Mar-2004 17-Mar-2004

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Air Land Air Air Air

Refrigerant release from air conditioning unit 230-IR-E-2. wanted to complain about the emissions from source. They never used to be this bad. Something wrong at plant. Very visible plume for miles. Some residents smell odours in the river valley. Sewage spill all on site and contained. Contract company coming to clean up - not sure of amount yet - lift station is working so not sure of problem yet. Freon release on unit 230-IRE2 in building 870 at Aurora. Unsure of cause. SO2 contravention due to a bump in the system. Limit is 3hr because the superclause was down at the time of exceedance. Release of R4C7C ozone from MCC unit 87-REZB in the millennium Extractor Unit. Unsure of amount. but suspect >10kg Still searching for source of leak, release ongoing, He notes that this is not a contravention because ozone is in schedule 3, wants waiver of 7- day 1 letter. SO2 exceedance due to switching gas streams, natural gas to acid gas.

94 48408 26 94 26 94 26 26

162524 162617 162672 162910 162951 162997 163118 163120



Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry


Petro-Canada 15-Mar-2004 Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude 23-Mar-2004 25-Mar-2004 27-Mar-2004 23-Mar-2004 29-Mar-2004 30-Mar-2004

No Impact Late in filing industrial runoff annual report. Was due Feb 15/04, was filed Mar 18/04. Air Land Air Air Air Air They've been experiencing H2S alarms @ the effluent pond through the night and ongoing this morning. Still investigating cause, will provide full details in letter. Spill of sewage - tank overflowed (@ a lunch trailer in mines) . Vacing out tank - covered area will be disposing of soil. Tank 16 venting. This is an untreated heavy gas oil tank. will vent for possibly one hour at least. Railed RATA test on Tuesday on CEMS for TOU stack. Percent biased was higher than limit specified in approval/CEMS code. Currently rescheduling new test - date in follow-up letter. tial cause was large volume of water pumped to system (1. 3million gallons) due to hydro work being done. [this is the entire comment; appears to be truncated] H2S alarm at effluent pond. Cause unknown . Likely related to 147507.; H2S alarms started going off at effluent pond 0750 - ongoing. Investigating cause - pond may be agitated as they were adding water to it. Full findings in letter.; Effluent pond H2S alarm ongoing again, Letter coming on ref# 146325. They still have no idea what is causing the H2S. Flaring since 2136 last night and ongoing at this time. Getting close to their 20T limit likely. R50-2K-100 running into water. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention Freon release 35lb R-22 from capillary tube to water reg. tube. Located in Bldg.#9, UNIT 5R253.

94 48522 26 94

163275 163291 163309 163386

Suncor En Cana Syncrude Suncor

30-Mar-2004 31-Mar-2004 31-Mar-2004 30-Mar-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Municipal Air Air

94 94 26 26 94 26

163429 163484 163530 163537 163549 163553

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

3-May-2004 1-Apr-2004 2-Apr-2004 2-Apr-2004 2-Apr-2004 3-Apr-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release













Leak of flue gas from the joint between the coke fired boilers - entering the gas desulfurization plant. More of a safety concern than environmental, but could set off stations in high wind. Plan to take down boiler #2 and repair. Air odour potential, appear to be having H2S emission off a sour water tank . H2S alarm went; On in plant workers noticed odour. Happens every now and then within last day. too little to measure. No Impact Leak in south tank farm - sitting in bermed area, contractor is hvdrovaccing. Air Tank: 16 venting - since 1230 - intermittent - due to 21K2 being down. Air Effluent pond H2S alarm went off. 1348-1410 - Cause unknown. No Impact FGD down for about 40 min due to all 3 boilers tripped. 1630- one boiler back up - the other 2 are expected to be up in next 1/2 hour. Air Tank is venting. Tank 20D50 with untreated heavy gas oil is venting hydrocarbon vapour. It is puffing vapour started at 230 hrs and is still puffing as of 0245 hrs. The vapour recovery system is down. His environmental department wiII fax letter on Monday. Air H2S effluent pond had an H2S alarm. They don't know why alarms are going off - they go off every shift. Caller advises that AENV will be visiting plant to investigate this coming week. They will be sending letter when they have determined cause. Air Re: venting of tank 50 located at Mildred Lake (40 km N of Fort McMurray). Was seen (& reported at 0850


94 94 26 26

163568 163582 163587 163593

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

4-Apr-2004 4-Apr-2004 4-Apr-2004 5-Apr-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Release

Surface Water Air Air Land








94 26

163604 163665

Suncor Syncrude

3-Apr-2004 6-Apr-2004

Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry

Release Release

Air Air

26 94 26

163737 163745 163747

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

7-Mar-2004 7-Apr-2004 7-Apr-2004

Impact Release Notification

Air Air

hrs, April 3). They are in process of reducing flow of oil to that tank to stop venting. Their gas compressor is down but they are still producing oil. since they are reducing flow to tank, venting should stop. (On-call Edmonton Investigator notified at 0900 hrs). Water discharged from pond E into the river failed to meet standards in the approval. A second sampling of the water showed levels meeting the approval. (On-call Edmonton Investigator notified) . Flaring incident - greater than 20 tons of SO2. 10PIC71 gas streak is acid gas. Cause - sulfur train is down for maintenance. High back pressure, therefore flaring started at 1144 hrs and continuing - 7-day letter being sent. High alarm on effluent pond. Alarm set to 10 ppm. Reason not known. Alarm intermittent 2100-2105 hrs. Letter required. Note if alarm goes off again. Use the same ref number 147213 for this evening. Caller reporting a leak from a tailings return line. A high density polyethylene line carrying recycled water with 30 MFT is leaking underground along Hwy 63. The leak is visible in the ditch. There is bubbling over the soil near a water pond. The leak is contained in the ditch. The line will need repairs. Caller reported a flaring event. This is a release of sour water! acid gas (SWAG). It started at 2315 on April 4/04. It is ongoing. The release is under the 20 ton limit in the approval.; Refer to reference #147245. Flaring event with Millennium Upgrader from 53 PC Pen 45 B. Sour water acid gas (H2S) flared. Their limit per event is 20 tons, they are averaging 3.5 tons/hr. Cause - sulfur train #3 still offline. Flaring from 2 stacks one in U1 and one in U2. Caller reported a fire. An oil sands loader at the mine blew a tire. The tire caught fire. The fire was put out with a fire extinguisher. There was no release or contravention. This was only a notification. Caller complained about the release of large quantities of smoke form the Source plant stack. The Caller believes that the smoke contains large quantities of sulfur. The release has been happening for several weeks. At times the smoke is so heavy that the sun is blocked from view. The caller complained about a heavy smell of naphtha coming from source along Hwy 63.

94 48522

163800 163832

Suncor En Cana

8-Apr-2004 31-Mar-2004

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release

26 26

163897 163929

Syncrude Syncrude

10-Apr-2004 12-Apr-2004

Industry Industry

26 94

164099 164170

Syncrude Suncor

14-Apr-2004 15-Apr-2004

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

Flaring event - due to 5- K-1 compressor outage. Flaring approx. 4t/h - started at 0830 - ongoing, may exceed limit of 20T per event. Air The caller reported the venting of a tank loaded with heavy gas oil. The venting released natural gas and hydrocarbons. It was due to an increase in the transfer rate into tank 50. The transfer rate was decreased but the pressure in the tank will take some time to decrease. The amount release was unknown. No Impact Notification that they are taking the Flu Gas Desulfurization unit down within one hour, the boiler #3 is transferring out of the jet bubble reactor. No Impact Laboratory data quality assurance policy of their approval was not met. Their lab lacks accreditation to perform the tests required in the approval. Samples of their industrial run-off are being sent to accredited labs from now on. The chloride pH and turbidity fell within approval limits Air Release from bitumen storage tank D51. Unit venting bitumen and hydrocarbon vapours. Started 1115 and is now intermittent. Land Dirty water spilled from a tailings line at mine site. 1 608 000 gal spilled through a 42" line that has been pumping since midnight at 7000 gpm. They have isolated valve and dirty water will be sucked up. Area is being bermed . Does not know where spill has occurred in a woodland area. They will call back when they have more info. Air R22 refrigerant release, unknown amount. Alarm indicated release. Unit is HVAC 5R287A in Bldg 9. Air 3 power boilers have their flue gases go into the flue gas desulfurization (FGD unit). #2 boiler has tube leak and is out of service. #1 and #3 are up and running but are not connected to FGD. SO2 levels will be high but this is not a violation. Started at 530. Hydrocarbon vapour venting from tank # 20D50, cause due to high transfer rate. Transfer rate had since cutdown after discovery of venting. 3 m3 of naphtha spill on site all contained due to valve did not shut properly. Vacuum truck will be cleaning it up in the morning. Tank 50 (untreated gas oil) venting due to temperature affecting rundown rates. Swinging flow to correct. Release / venting from tank D16 (gas oil, hydrocarbon vapour). Troubleshooting currently. Suspect pressure excursion due to tank contents Have to correct by increasing transfer out of the tank. Significant fire on coker 5-F-4. Workers evacuated and emergency crews responded. Started 1115, all-clear at

26 94 26 26 94

164263 164330 164339 164410 164412

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

17-Apr-2004 18-Apr-2004 19-Apr-2004 20-Apr-2004 20-Apr-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Notification Notification Release

Air Land Air Air Air


94 94

164420 164492

Suncor Suncor

20-Apr-2004 21-Apr-2004

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Potable Water Land

26 26 26 26 26 26 26

164541 164545 164576 164578 164580 164590 164620

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

21-Apr-2004 22-Apr-2004 22-Apr-2004 22-Apr-2004 22-Apr-2004 22-Apr-2004 23-Apr-2004

Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint

Notification Notification Release Release Release Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air

1145. Cause unknown - investigating, assessing damage. No in j ur i es - everyone back to work now. suspect there were some visible emissions. Low free chlorine on potable water at FGD building sample point. Not sure of cause since high flow in that area. Resampling currently. will boost CL2 and flush if resample is low too. Posted signs ' do not drink'. Overflow tank that takes wash-bay water has pipe that goes to containment pond. Pipe was plugged. Alternate route takes water to holding tank. Holding tank overflow spill onto road, ditch and 50 feet of land. Eventually spill went into holding pond. Vacuum truck was used to cleanup excessive spill and restrict water used in the bay. Release of hydrocarbon vapour and nitrogen from naphtha Tank 20-D-6. Tank 13 is venting due to unit being over used. Will route to tank 27. Main stack - pollution cloud in sky - says it is straight sulfur. continuous pollution coming out of source stack, ongoing for a few months. Just drove by and s aw more sulfur dioxide plume. source emissions bad today - stinks. SO2 - emissions are orange coming from stack.

26 18942 94 94 26 94 94

164641 164647 164693 164699 164764 164812 165112

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

23-Apr-2004 23-Apr-2004 24-Apr-2004 24-Apr-2004 15-Apr-2004 27-Apr-2004 29-Apr-2004

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Impact

94 48522 26 48408 94

165148 165238 165280 165379 165490

Suncor En Cana Syncrude

1-May-2004 30-Apr-2004 1-May-2004

Petro-Canada 3-May-2004 Suncor 5-May-2004

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Notification

No Impact Compressor 21K2 tripped due to high O2; Discovered leak on compressor 21K2 - had to shut it down to repair. Air Stack emissions in Ft. McMurray, why SO2 is so high it makes the whole horizon brown. Get a sunset at 1pm, same for almost a year. Caller previously worked for Environment and this is not allowed. Obviously over their limit, wants to know what sources levels of SO2, NOx and Particulate were before construction and what they are now. Air Source emissions - brown smudge across the sky every morning. Too much SO2 - they must be over their limit. Started since construction. No Impact OTHWG has vent stack and analyser for emissions. Data acquisition is not working so they can't get live information, although they can retrieve it later. Potable Potable water excursion on D15 tank. working on it to fix at this time. Distribution system is fine. Fresh water Water within limits. Chlorine also within limits. could be with all limits but weekly values. not available to reader. Air Flaring - possible exceedance. 2320-2355. 5 pic 17 open to flare because 5k5 trip. Everything back online. Potable Contravention of section 10.3 - a bulb blew on the turbidity meter and it was not noticed until later that day. Water Don't have an accurate reading for train B from 1030-1745 hrs. Land Small sewage spill, probably from a toilet that was running and overfilled the septic tank. Occurred in South side of plant 35. centre of Source site. Air The Caller reported that was at a work camp the previous evening. "Chlorine " gas was released from the Source stack. It flowed over the work camp and caused the workers' eyes to burn. It affected their breathing and caused coughing. Two work camps with 2000-3000 workers were affected. Potable The Caller reported high turbidity in the water intake to the potable water system. Therehigh turbidity in the Water east bank of the river where water is taken for treatment. Municipal System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention Air The Caller reported a release of freon from an air conditioner in compressor 1 of building 9. A line leaked releasing an unknown amount of freon. No Impact Two birds landed in one of the lagoons. Diversion lagoon. Brine solution (water) Birds died. Not sure what to do with birds. No Impact Turbidity today higher than guideline due to problems with clarifier. This is not a contravention until they exceed 5% or more of months samples. This is an info only call - - results will be in monthly report. He will call approval person. Air Small leak of SO2 from a duct area connected to old power plant. They are working at reducing flow and trying to stop it. FGD is down, will be back up this weekend and they will be able to direct flow to FGD. Potable Potable water, dist system. Low residual chlorine . Not enough water - low flow. Increased flow and will Water resample. Air Large flaring event. Plant upset caused flaring from unit 52-K-400. SO2 contravention. Potable High turbidity on potable water in clear well. Water

94 94 94 94

165510 165548 165558 165597

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

5-May-2004 6-May-2004 6-May-2004 7-May-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention


26 18942

165690 165800

Syncrude Syncrude

9-May-2004 11-May-2004

Industry Industry

Release Release

Air Land

26 48522

165810 165829

Syncrude En Cana

11-May-2004 12-May-2004

Industry Industry

Release Notification

26 26 26 26 94

165969 166249 166319 166433 166510

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

13-May-2004 17-May-2004 18-May-2004 19-May-2004 20-May-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Surface Water No Impact Have ceased operation of flare stack and pilot ignition system. As a result of annual scheduled shutdown for maintenance and inspection AENV already notified of shut down. Reporting due to EUB Guide 60 clause 7.3.1. Caller unsure of contravention of AENV approval. Air The caller reported that for ten minutes their plant released SO2 above the approval limit. The caller did not have the concentrations but will include them in the written report. Air Possible Contravention: Source is taking down tank to change it over from untreated to treated gas tank. will have to open aspirators in top of the tank. This will occur sometime tonight. No contravention yet. Air Aurora, NOx exceedance gas turbine 265 - GT20 mine. Land Air Pump failure, caused a sewage overflow. All cleaned up. Pump repair in the morning. Sour water stripper not working. Concentration of H2S get very high (up to 900 ppm). Cannot route it to the naphtha recovery unit (NRU) since it is also under repaired. So it has to be routed to the holding pond, which will lead to a violation, unless getting approval from AENV. Needs to speak to the on-call investigator right away (paged on-call investigator). R22 release from A/C, air handle #1, from loose valve, discovered during spring start-up. Steamate - controls pH. Spilled some. Storage tank drain lift partially open. Ran into oily water sewer and contained. small leak on the flash line. Since 7 pm, 6000 litres leaked. Ongoing. Can't fix until tomorrow morning. Mostly water - going into retention pond. Excess pumped back into system - will call when leak stopped and send letter. A bitumen spill, plant 52 hydrocarbon drain appears to be a split in the under ground piping. Have no idea when started and amount. Have a plugged line. Freon R22 release SGD stack opacity meter equipment malfunction and less than 90% uptime for month, recently cross threshold for 90%. Spill of gypsum - had leak on gypsum line from FGD to containment ponds. To fix tried to transfer to emerg line - didn't work - they then blocked in gypsum line and overflowed gypsum tank to fix line. Gypsum went to coke pit and Indust sewer system. >10000 L is reportable 15000L spilled. Flaring - recovery at plant - unit 1 & 2 are down. Engineering will have to calculated exact values. Trying to get back on-stream. Caller reports odour potential. Vapour recovery unit (VRU) is in emergency shutdown for 2 weeks. Previous reports related to this #148518 - H2S levels high, catalyst burned out. Then 148469 - H2S levels high in sour water stripper and high concentration burned out first catalyst bed in VRU. Catalyst beds 1 & 2 both burned out and need to be replaced - estimated time to replace is one week. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention Ongoing flaring from the sour water flash drum (53-C-100). Open since May 27, 1415 hrs - now crossed over 20 ton reportable limit for flaring SO2. Potable water sample chlorine level dipped below limit allowed, possibly due to not flushing the line long enough before sampling. Flaring. Starting 1035. Sour fuel gas, mechanical failure on pumps, Plan 11-2 location of release. No estimate as to when the pumps may be repaired. Small amount sewage spill during night shift, near left pump at the base plant upgrader. Cause due to pump trip and overflow. Cleanup was done. Coke storage tank - venting. Small sewage spill due to lift pump tripping at the lift station pump upgrader area. Cleanup done. Will try to

Possible contravention. sulfur plant problem led to flare of H2S. Amount flare was not known, till test result available. The caller reported a release of diesel. A stationary fuel delivery pump had a mechanical failure. The pump casing was cracked. The pump was shut down. The contaminated soil was removed with a vacuum truck. No waterways were affected. Water overflow from settling pond into the Athabasca River. (Notified on-call).

94 26 94

166635 166660 166672

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

25-May-2004 23-May-2004 24-May-2004

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release

Air No Impact No Impact

94 26 94 94

166705 166785 166841 166967

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

25-May-2004 26-May-2004 19-May-2004 28-May-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Land Air No Impact No Impact

94 94

166990 167013

Suncor Suncor

30-May-2004 31-May-2004

Industry Industry

Release Notification

Air Air

48522 94 94 26 94 26 94

167057 167397 167567 167574 167767 167801 167841

En Cana Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

31-May-2004 27-May-2004 31-May-2004 1-Jun-2004 31-May-2004 1-Jun-2004 2-Jun-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release

Municipal Air Potable Water Air Land Air Land


94 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 26

167869 167913 167970 167983 168033 168035 168037 168054 168091 168106 168115 168157 168302 168306 168323 168385 168408 168436 168491 168693 168696 168807 168838

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

3-Jun-2004 3-Jun-2004 3-Jun-2004 4-Jun-2004 4-Jun-2004 4-Jun-2004 4-Jun-2004 5-Jun-2004 4-Jun-2004 5-Jun-2004 7-Jun-2004 7-Jun-2004 9-Jun-2004 9-Jun-2004 7-Jun-2004 9-Jun-2004 4-Jun-2004 11-Jun-2004 10-Jun-2004 15-Jun-2004 15-Jun-2004 17-Jun-2004 18-Jun-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Waste Management Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Land Air Air Air Air

investigate why pump keep tripping. 2nd upgrader plant went down. potentially over limit for contaminant, readings not completed yet. (20 T SO2?) Gas balancing problem at the plant AF5 stack SO2 release exceeding approval limit. Potential SO2 flaring contravention due to - lost SO2 exceedance due to a problem with a gas flow speed controller. The problem is related to ongoing problems at their plant. Half of the plant is not operational. The caller reported that refrigerant was released from an H-Vac unit. The unit was repaired. The caller reported that an unknown amount of R22 was released from an H-Vac unit, the unit was isolated and repaired. The caller reported an exceedance of the SO2 limit in their approval. It was due to the plant partial shut down in progress. H2S alarm of the effluent pond went off. They are notifying AENV as required in the approval. Over 20T of natural gas was flared. This is a CEPA 200 reportable incident. This is due to an ongoing plant shutdown. The exact amount of flaring will be reported at a later date. High hourly SO2 off furnace 8-F-10 due to high opacity (overloading) of unit. Data taken from another system, not CEMS as they are having problems with it. Also VRU stage 1 on line at 1821hrs. River water overflow. The lower camp sediment basin filled up with river water. It overflowed back into the river. The overflow was stopped by turning on two pumps that equalize the water level. Heavy hauler left fuel tank behind after getting stuck. North of plant at bridge to nowhere (Peter Lougheed Bridge) Hwy 63. Odour - very unusual and very bad, ' sulfur'. Low stack top temperature on sulfur recovery plant incinerator stack. Equipment description # 8FS. Reason: furnace to incinerate the tail gas from sulfur plant tripped out (went offline) due to process upset. Sulfur plant - temp violation, have identified problem and are in the process of correcting it now.

Flaring incident - will be over approval limit (20T) numbers unknown yet until engineering calculations done. Occurred at start up of upgrader. Air Flaring to release pressure from sour water tank (53C100). Potable Low chlorine in potable water at top shop. Caused by long distance to top shop through lines. Retesting, Water flushing, and increasing dose. No Impact received referral from EUB regarding sulfur disposal at source. Air Air Land Land Tank has vented. Tank 20D101 was venting. Natural gas. The Caller reported a refrigerant release due to a leaking solenoid cap seal in a refrigeration unit (VRU). The Caller reported that a storage fuel tank was accidentally overfilled. A backhoe and a vac truck were used to clean the spill. Caller reports spill of clean water - volume unknown at this time. Pump that draws water from Athabasca River to acetylene pond tripped. They have shut down low left pumps that draw water from river and have restarted upper left pumps to draw water levels back down. Estimate back to normal at 0530 hrs. Caller is reporting odour potential. She was advised of this at 0530 hrs. Reason: switched makeup diluent to go to the south tank farm. In process - does not know when they will switch back. Tank 20 D 101 (untreated light gas oil tank) is venting hydrocarbons currently. Cause - they are transferring into that tank. Estimated duration is 15 min. <90% up time on powerhouse stack (#31) flow meter for June. Due to failed RATA June 17 for flow accuracy retest will be on June 24. meter considered to be 'out of control' until it passes RATA. Caller advises of a spill from vacuum truck. occurred in Lay down area (storage area) near the steep bank mine ship. There were no waterways affected and nothing escaped from the lay down yard. Spill was cleaned up they have lined the affected area and put sand on top. Source has completed cleanup now. Caller not sure if sewage was raw or treated.

94 26 94 94

168840 168973 169360 169370

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

18-Jun-2004 21-Jun-2004 22-Jun-2004 22-Jun-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Land


48522 94 26 26 26 48522 26 26 94 94

169407 169432 169434 169578 169786 169911 170033 170035 170058 170119

En Cana Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

23-Jun-2004 24-Jun-2004 24-Jun-2004 26-Jun-2004 28-Jun-2004 30-Jun-2004 1-Jul-2004 1-Jul-2004 30-Jun-2004 3-Jul-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release


Discovered that ambient trailer did not report for required 3 months for NOx in 2003

No Impact The Caller reported a SGD outage, The SGD will be offline for 3 or 4 days s due to maintenance and cleaning. Air The Caller reported the release of an unknown amount of refrigerant from a damaged pressure safety valve of an air conditioner. Air Compressor gasket leak on unit 41-27-V-1. R22 release. Repaired, will be recharged. Air Municipal Air Air Air Air The caller reported a release of refrigerant from a chiller. Cause under investigation. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention R 22 release R 22 release Low stack top temp, cause unknown.

94 94 94 20809 26 26

170264 170470 170484 170665 170706 170741

Suncor Suncor Suncor

2-Jul-2004 6-Jul-2004 6-Jul-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

The caller reported a high opacity reading. Opacity was read either by a faulty reader or a tripped ESP. Reading exceeded limit. The ground monitoring equipment, which is the accepted reading method. shows opacity within the limits. No Impact Bringing down Desulfurization Plant tonight. Has not occurred yet. Land Sewage leak near lift stat ion close to plant 56 by upgrader 2. Source unknown - have excavated in general area, est. <1m3 so far. No Impact One coke fired boiler was not routed to FGD stack for a period of time this morning. Contravention. Air Industrial Heartland Shore/bank of waterbody Air Drilling on AC Unit, R22 release. Currently repairing and recharging. Diesel spill of 1000 litres. Cat moving a storage tank hit a valve and sheared it off. Spill went into tailings pond. No vegetation affected. The caller reported a collection pond overflow. The settling basin for raw river water overflowed because an outtake pump was offline. Water from the basin was pumped back to the Athabasca River.

Albian Sands 8-Jul-2004 Syncrude Syncrude 8-Jul-2004 9-Jul-2004

94 94 94

170743 170745 170809

Suncor Suncor Suncor

9-Jul-2004 9-Jul-2004 11-Jul-2004

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

26 82973 94 26 94 26

170819 170828 170850 170945 171302 171314

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

11-Jul-2004 11-Jul-2004 12-Jul-2004 13-Jul-2004 16-Jul-2004 16-Jul-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification







The caller reported a release of an unknown amount of R22 from an air conditioning system. The leak was found by staff repairing the system. Air The caller reported a release of refrigerant. A leak was found while doing routine maintenance of air conditioning equipment. No Impact Molten sulfur release. 10-15 gallons spilled during transfer between truck. Truck has problems; transfer to storage tank. Spill of 90 gallons. Let sulfur overflow onto overflow pad of 3400 gallons. All spilled product on concrete pad. Air Sour gas flaring due to high pressure over six minute allowable limit. Loss of power distribution; pump was out. Still off now. Potable Effluent from waste water treatment plant exceeded limit for monthly average. Water No Impact Release of ash and water from a ruptured pipeline. possible not a contravention as it is only going into an oil/water separator. They are now working at shutting it off and isolating problem. Air Release of naphtha vapour. Suspect cause is high vent gas pressures in NRU (Extraction naphtha Recovery unit). No concentration readings available yet. will provide on 7 Day Report. Land oil leak from three old (1980s) transformers discovered today. Unknown composition - sampling approximately 1/2 barrel on ground. Will update. Air Planned maintenance for Jul 20, 2004. Have to take a carbon monoxide boiler out of service and utilize diverter stack. Planned for Jul 20 but may take place earlier if repairs failed. If releases occur (odour complaints, visible emissions, H2S, etc.) they will advise AENV and use this reference #. Land Fire in landfill area of source's plant site. Source's emergency services responded with fire trucks and put out


26 48522 94 26 26

171339 171458 171464 171551 171594

Syncrude En Cana Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

17-Jul-2004 17-Jul-2004 10-Jul-2004 20-Jul-2004 20-Jul-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Impact

Air Air Land Air Air

the fire. Cause is unknown: could be spontaneous combustion or a piece of glass. H2S release, set off local alarm only. From sour wash water line from plant 11. Was isolated by 1145. Lab notified that Source had an hourly and 24-hr exceedance on H2S air monitoring station. Trailer SW of facility. Wind WSW. Slurry of bitumen, sand water spilled due to line rupture. Most of the spill was in a containment area and some leaked out onto the ground. Refrigerant leak from a gasket in an A/C unit. Unit shut down and isolated. Environmental stack at Source's coker area is spewing yellow and green smoke from waste heat boiler polluted with something. Wind is taking it away from refinery right now. Calling on behalf of workers because source is not doing anything. Would like call from investigator.; Wants to know if any health concerns related to yellow & green smoke from plant stack. Live down wind.; Caller drove by Source plant, saw stack given out green and black smoke. Want someone to investigate.; Coker stack give out green smoke. Can someone get it shutdown.; Boiler has gone down. Thick green smoke come out of coker/stack. Caller works for one of the contractors of the plant.; Complain about green and black smoke at the oil plant High turbidity in their east WTP. They contract this plant out - the manager of the contracted company is on the way to trouble shoot. They have posted signs at affected water outlets. He is calling Health and Regional Approvals Engineer. Freon (R22) release from unit 2R285B. Bldg 9. Gasket leak unit currently down and isolated. Complaining about Syncrude stack. [redacted] Greeny-yellow haze for 30 km. Two releases of refrigerant in bldg 115 on sources plant site. Discovered during service call. Flaring due to in upset conditions - notification only, flare quite visible. Exceedance.; Boiler #2 Diverter Stack is open. Black Cloud. will shut down boiler and repair tube.; Update to a report originally made July 29 - Aug 1 (ref#1507591). They reported that the B2 diverter stack went to atmosphere and SO2 was in the range of 300 tonnes. Actual SO2 range was 195 tonnes. Reason for the discrepancy was a faulty temperature indicator. Notification of possible adverse effects. Experiencing abnormally low flows coming from the polishing pond (last pond in sewage treatment). Noticed 2 days ago and thought that it was evaporation. It is still occurring so it must be something else. Suspect it could be leaking somewhere else, but still within pond system - will investigate and submit report. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention Tank 20-D-16 venting hydrocarbon vapour. Venting tank 20-D-14 due to over pressuring. On-going - working on stopping venting. Ambient H2S violation, investigating. He vapour release due to tank over pressured. On-going but should stop soon - they are re-routing product. At the steep bank waste water treatment facility, on a mounted septic field. Water seeping out when stepped on. Stop the effluent flow to the site. Extended the under drainage system. Burst vent of water tower caused spill of clean water onto access road. No water spill into any water course. Amount of spill unknown. Flaring incident at naphtha hydro treater compressor #13-2-K1. Tripped - reason unknown. Caused flaring (pretty big flare). Are flaring gas but shutting it down to reduce flaring. Release is sour naphtha vapour gas. Should have it under control within the hour. Tank #13 venting untreated naphtha due to excessive pressure. Sour naphtha vapour vented to atmosphere. Controlled. Odour potential from diluent. Valve for transferring makeup diluent was opened at 0030 hours and is still open. VIU stage 2 is down on planned maintenance. No off site complaints. will not do letter unless complaints






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air

26 26 26 26 26

171706 171972 172136 172152 172393

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

21-Jul-2004 24-Jul-2004 26-Jul-2004 27-Jul-2004 29-Jul-2004

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry







Surface Water

48522 26 26 48522 26 94 20809 26

172480 172621 172643 172658 172698 173073 173075 173087

En Cana Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Suncor

31-Jul-2004 1-Aug-2004 30-Jul-2004 29-Jul-2004 1-Aug-2004 25-Jun-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

Municipal Air Air Air Air Land Land Air

Albian Sands 5-Aug-2004 Syncrude 5-Aug-2004

26 94

173092 173096

Syncrude Suncor

5-Aug-2004 6-Aug-2004

Industry Industry

Release Notification

Air Air


94 26

173192 173241

Suncor Syncrude

6-Aug-2004 8-Aug-2004

Industry Industry

Release Info Request

Air Air

94 48522 48522 26 48408 94 20809

173324 173376 173430 173626 173651 173697 173736

Suncor En Cana En Cana Syncrude

9-Aug-2004 10-Aug-2004 10-Aug-2004 14-Aug-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release

Air Potable Water Potable Water Air

received. Flaring went. May exceed contaminated limit. Ongoing at this point. Analyser o Aurora ATB Thermal Block is down. The NOX analyser has been down since Thursday. Are in process of commissioning the other analyser for the ROTA [RATA?] test. The first analyser should be fixed tomorrow. should they wait to do the ROTA test until both analyzers are working or do it now? 1 hour mass violation of SO2 on U1 incinerator stack in the #8F5. Probable cause is increasing load from sour water stripper. High manganese in clear well due to high turbidity.

Petro-Canada 15-Aug-2004 Suncor 21-Jul-2004 Albian Sands 16-Aug-2004

26 26 94 26 26 82973 26 26

173796 173812 173933 173951 173967 174050 174094 174263

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

17-Aug-2004 17-Aug-2004 18-Aug-2004 18-Aug-2004 18-Aug-2004 17-Aug-2004 19-Aug-2004 22-Aug-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Manganese in clear well is over approval limit. Reason is faulty iron filter which was replaced. It appears to be going back to normal. Ongoing venting from tank 20-D-14 which contains natural gas and treated naphtha. Currently investigating cause. Land Transfer by diesel pump and fitting failed. Spill in containment. Contractor to complete cleanup. Air The caller reported that opacity was observed when a boiler was cooled. The CEMS monitor showed opacity below the approval limit. The caller reported the opacity in case any public complaints were received. Land The caller reported that a coiling tower suffered a process upset. Water flowed back into the tower and flooded it. Water was released out of their facility and into the ditch. The caller requested a waiver of the written report requirement. Please call back if the report can be waived No Impact Sewage spill on refinery at source. Internal sewage pumps failed. Clean up done. Land spill at tank 20D2, 95% water 2% solids and 3% diluted bitumen. No Impact Wet sewage mounds in a field area which is a contravention. Effluent to mound diverted to another area. No Impact Caller reported that the turbidity analyser malfunctioned. Bench tests showed a turbidity lower than what the analyser showed. The analyser will be recalibrated. Air Release to HC vapours from tank 57. It is being pumped down for maintenance - aspirators open - on-going. Surface Breach of constructed wetland at site. Treated effluent overflowed to wetland on east side (usually pump to N Water side. Flow has been stopped. No Impact CEMS analyser malfunctioned and it was operational less than 90% of the time for August. Land Heavy hauler truck carrying heavy equipment at the SW corner of the mine; its hydraulic tank was punctured by a diverter block accidentally. It spilled 580 L of hydraulic oil. All spill contained. Sand was used to soak up the spill. Cleanup will not be done till 0900 - 1 000 hours in the morning. Air Freon release from air conditioning unit. Found during regular preventative maintenance. Unit was repaired and is now back in service. No Impact Notification - hydro transport line rupture disk broke last night. Spill of bitumen and water. 5 barrels went outside of containment ditch. No adverse. Cleaning currently. No Impact Power outage - contravention Air Potable Water Air Air Land Boiler #OTHWGB sampler system not working. Repair will take one week. Power outage; believe caused when power workers shut off power to water treatment plant during repairs. Not a contravention. Degassing tank 20-D-4 in the tank farm. Diluted bitumen. Natural occurrence of methane gas re lease from the ground; bubbling water seeping from the ground. Contents of a tank spilled when 3rd party was cleaning the tank. Sludge constituents: 95% water, 2% clay, 3% diluted bitumen hydrocarbons. 42000 gallons spilled and were contained In dyke. Currently using vac-truck to clean. Air Freon release - amount unknown - found at 1720 hrs in Bldg 51 - cracked elbow on pipe. Reason for crack in pipe unknown. Isolated release and doing repairs. No Impact Stack top for sulfur plant. Power failure had to restart plant. Typically have low temps at start. Air R22 leak from bldg 146 - operations lab - core freezer. Suspect in excess of 20 kg but he will put exact amount in letter once repairs are made (currently repairing).

26 94 48522 18942 48522 26 94 26

174296 174681 174889 174917 174951 175044 175082 175269

Syncrude Suncor En Cana Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

22-Aug-2004 24-Aug-2004 27-Aug-2004 28-Aug-2004 29-Aug-2004 30-Aug-2004 31-Aug-2004 2-Sep-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release

26 94 26

175539 175737 175798

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

3-Sep-2004 8-Sep-2004 9-Sep-2004

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention









18942 26 26 26 94

176023 176077 176091 176226 176416

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

13-Sep-2004 13-Sep-2004 14-Sep-2004 16-Sep-2004 15-Sep-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Impact

The caller reported a spill of transfer fluid (a mixture of water and 10% bitumen) from a damaged flange in a pipeline. The fluid was contained within a containment ditch around the pipeline. The ditch leads to a containment pond. No Impact ATB - B System (Boiler). Notch analyser. system was down causing 90% uptime contravention. Air Land Air Air K2 trip - has been restarted Diesel spill at 41A loading facility. Cleanup is being done. Amine plant tripping caused H2S flaring occurred and SO2 emission exceedance. Bad sulfur smell from Source for the last 3 days. Its often bad. [Redacted] is concerned because there's talk about Source expanding tailings pond closer to town.

26 26

176443 176501

Syncrude Syncrude

19-Sep-2004 15-Sep-2004

Release Notification

Air Air



94 94 94 26 94 26 48522 94 48522 94 94 26

176573 176684 176891 176903 177017 177053 177059 177279 177337 177384 177407 177423

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude En Cana Suncor En Cana Suncor Suncor Syncrude



Alleged Contravention

Surface Water

Naphtha recovery unit tripped and they have been venting since 1600 hrs. Full details in follow-up letter. provided information on a co boiler diversion.; will commence work on CO boiler #1 as per EPO# 2004-14-NR in 8.5 hrs. Notification will be made when n work is complete at which point they will send in the 7-day letter as per the EPO. Uncontrolled release of settling pond water above approval limits. Caused by rainfall event - pond overflowed and they could not treat it prior to release.

21-Sep-2004 22-Sep-2004 26-Sep-2004 26-Sep-2004 27-Sep-2004 28-Sep-2004 28-Sep-2004 29-Sep-2004 30-Sep-2004 2-Oct-2004 3-Oct-2004 3-Oct-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Potable Water Air

R22 released from refrigeration unit 31R171 in control room, Repair in progress. SO2 Flaring occurred due to loss of sulfur recovery unit, It may or may not flared over 20 tonnes, approval limit. Low residual chlorine in water entering distribution system. Flushed lines and increased chlorine feed. A boil water advisory is in effect until 2 Bac T's are good. R 22 leak in building 829. Broken capillary tube on high pressure switch.

48408 94 94 94

177552 177725 177864 177880

Petro-Canada 30-Sep-2004 Suncor Suncor Suncor 7-Oct-2004 8-Oct-2004 8-Oct-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

No Impact Reporting a groundwater monitoring well that was damaged when a truck knocked it over. The well had already been sampled for this year. Damage is being repaired. Air The caller reported that a tank was vented and hydrocarbon vapours were released into the atmosphere. A compressor instrument failed and venting Was necessary to repair the instrument. No Impact The caller reported that there was a planned power outage at their plant. The power company was doing some work. There was no contravention. Air possible exceedance of more than 10%/month on measurement meter. Downtime of CEMS on stack 37. Also, down time on opacity meter and SO2 meter. (Replaced with borrowed SO2 meter). Potable Power outage to water plant - planned outage by power vo. Water Air 2 hourly exceedances from sulfur generator (53F600). Situation remedied. Back on line. Problem arose during restart of equipment. Land sulfur plant was topped up; molten sulfur will be diverted to an emergency pad outdoor. Land Diesel spill. Fuel and lube truck was fuelling hot box. Driver noticed the spill. Reason - overflow pipe was disconnected. Contained. Had vacuum unit on truck and sucked up 20 gallons immediately. Remainder soaked into soil. They are scraping up soil with a bobcat to reprocess. Land Spill of produced water. Transfer from tank to tank and cam lock let go. Vacuum truck put water into storm water lagoon for plant use. Air The caller reported a release of refrigerant at the upgrading control room. The cause is under investigation. Air Air Black smoke because one of the charge pumps is on fire. Company FD on scene. Potential flaring over 20 tonnes due to emergency shut down of upgrader at 1400 hours; when source start back


94 26 94 94 26 26 94

177905 177979 178175 178177 178221 178490 178557

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

9-Oct-2004 11-Oct-2004 14-Oct-2004 13-Oct-2004 26-Sep-2004 19-Oct-2004 21-Oct-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Land Land Land Air Air Air Air

up, will likely flare over 20 tonnes. Release. Leaking from valve. Still being collected. There is a small leak from one of two pipelines going from the SE Pond to the W end pit. Either process water or fresh water leaking. Will drain pipelines tonight and excavate tomorrow. All on-site and contained. Small spill of 200 gallons of hydraulic oil on ground in a day down yard. Moving tank and fitting came off. Clean-up being done. Contained within a elev berm. millennium thermal oxidizer unit. Stack temp is low. Concerned about an event source had in the last week of September. They release hundred of tons of H2S and other gases possible contravention. Lost unit 12-3 sulfur plant tripped out. 20 Minutes of flaring. Notification of excess flaring due to plants 6 and 7 are down for maintenance. They have not exceeded the 20 tons guideline but they potentially will. This flaring may be ongoing. He will update if the guideline is exceeded. Doing stack flaring from different Source. Not related to 152818. At unit 52PV1682. At present 12 tons, Reporting limit is 20 tons. Naphtha vapour venting due to the recovery unit stalled temporary. Stacks at Source are putting out emissions which are impacting areas all around the site. The caller reported an hourly sulfur dioxide exceedance due to a plant startup. He just heard about a spill of processed material that may not be in containment. Not sure it its his company's or the site's company 's responsibility to report. He has not more info - but will provide update ASAP.; Clarification on report #153276. Contractor would normally call it in to her company and then she would call AENV, They found hole in gypsum line at tank farm which was isolated and purged. Moved gyp. line to emergency line - now there's a problem with emerg. line so tank is overflowing - lost 3-400 gallons. Gyp, diverted to flyash pond (pond c outfall is closed) . contained on site. This type of spill is generally nonreportable because it is under 10,000 gallons and contained. Notification only. Exceedance on Stack 8FS (Incinerator Stack). Some gas broke out from other plant. Experiencing a shutdown. Release of water and small amount of solvent - shutdown consequence. Area is protected by a ditch. Emergency response team foamed solvent. No adverse affect - requested waiver of letter. water contravention, draw down completed, temporary offset. No details available from technician.

94 26 26 94 94

178629 178816 178822 178829 178882

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

21-Oct-2004 25-Oct-2004 25-Oct-2004 25-Oct-2004 26-Oct-2004

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Land

94 20809 26 94

178978 179072 179228 179264



Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 29-Oct-2004 Syncrude Suncor 11-Oct-2004 2-Nov-2004

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Land Potable Water Potable Water

26 94 26

179300 179349 179380

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

2-Nov-2004 3-Nov-2004 3-Nov-2004

Industry Industry Industry

20809 26 26 26

179649 179776 180008 180070

Albian Sands 4-Nov-2004 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 7-Nov-2004 9-Nov-2004 10-Nov-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release Release

Low residual chlorine. Pumps were found to be off. Added product - up to 5 mg/L now. Tested - main comples - .1 mg/litre coming up from 0.04. Signs being posted now. sampine other sites - will flush lines. Health authority instituted Boil Order. Potable Potable water contravention - weekly check missed on Oct 24/2004 for random weekly turbidity. Was reported Water to caller today. Will do internal investigation to determine why report was missed; will send. In report. No Impact The caller reported that their plant imported water from the Fort McMurray Water Treatment Plant. Reporting this is an approval requirement. Land spill of diesel from a backhoe with a ruptured fuel line. Operator did not notice until he ran out of fuel and stopped. Spill contained in mining area in base mine box cut. no waterways affected - on soil rejects. will scarpe up contaminated soil and reprocess. Potable Spill of raw sewage yesterday afternoon. Tank on wash car ruptured and spilled into recycled water onsite. Water More exact details in letter. No Impact Tank farm vapour recovery compressor has been shut down for maintenance (cleaning and new equipment). Call only - had received prior approval to shut down. May be down for one week. Land There was a release of hydrocarbon mixture caused by a failure of a PSV on an analyzer pump. The sump overflowed. A vacuum truck was used to clean up the spill. Land The caller reported a raw sewage release caused by a pump failure. A holding tank overflowed. The sewage was cleaned up with a vacuum truck.


94 94 26 94 26 26 26

180126 180157 180294 180321 180327 180338 180384

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-Nov-2004 14-Oct-2004 16-Nov-2004 16-Nov-2004 16-Nov-2004 17-Nov-2004 17-Nov-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification


The caller reported that a lubricating oil tank was accidentally overfilled. oil was released on the ground. Cleanup is in progress. No Impact Wind speed sensor will not be operating for the 90% required for October. Frozen with snow. Defrosted now. Land Land Spill of liquid raw sewage due to a pump failure. All on site, no water effected. Applied lime and road sand. sulfur contamination while digging around incident location. Old tank has been removed. Large amount of sulfur there. They will investigate. Potable The caller reported a turbidity exceedance caused by a malfunction in a meter system. Bench top tests showed Water the turbidity to be below the approval requirement. Land Spill of sewage from bldg. 902 (Aurora WWTP). Due to computer problem caused pump failure. Applied lime and sanded. No Impact The caller reported that due to mechanical problems at the base plant, potable water cannot be sent the satellite camp at the Aurora site. Water from the municipality was shipped to the satellite camp. the water contains chloramines, but they have no way to test for them. The caller's utilities department is now being treated with chlorine which is testable. Air R22 release from A?C unit 230-IRE2, equipment #870. Potable Water Municipal Municipal Air Air Air Bacterial ' water sample shipped out last week to U of A was returned; reason unknown. Sample was taken from distribution system from the water treatment plant. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention System Generated Incident - -Reporting Contravention Flaring - coker 82K2, He gas compressor tripped. Fractionator gas potentially sour. Release from tank 20 D 13, sour naphtha vapour and natural gas. Under control now. R22 Release from air conditioning unit #10R-57 in building 206 on plant site. Not sure how much released more than 10 kgs - will put exact amount in 7 day report. Leak was found on routine maintenance check and is being repaired. Discharge valve had hole in bonnet. Shut pump down , Leak contained in berm and into sewer (1/2 and 1/2). Hosed down - contained. oily water sewer goes into effluent pond. Bypass air pollution control equipment (FGD down) for next 3 days. Notification they will be flaring in about an hour. Coker gas goes to another plant, they are unable to take gas for 3-4 days for maintenance. Could exceed 20t SO2. Fire in coke drum in upgrader (base plant). Not sure of cause, started shortly afternoon. Charge pulled on heater ( no more fuel). Drum is isolated. Added Steam to quell flames. Emerg services onsite with equip onsite. will be opacity after.; exceedance of NOX due to loss of preheat system due to glycol leak.; Lost 200 gallons of ethylene glycol from holding tank for a gas turbine. Gasket failure. Site feeds Gas turbine 5 & 6. Clean-up is in progress. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention

18942 18942 48522 48522 26 26 26

180488 180583 181126 181162 181318 181501 181593

Syncrude Syncrude En Cana En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

18-Nov-2004 15-Nov-2004 30-Sep-2004 31-Oct-2004 24-Nov-2004 25-Nov-2004 27-Nov-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention

26 94 94 94

181601 181649 181685 181743

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

27-Nov-2004 29-Nov-2004 29-Nov-2004 30-Nov-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Surface Water Air Air Air

48522 20809

181808 182739

En Cana


Industry Industry

Albian Sands 1-Dec-2004

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Municipal Air

26 18942 26 94

183067 183148 183174 183178

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

1-Dec-2004 30-Nov-2004 4-Dec-2004 4-Dec-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

NOx hourly mass violation. Caused by a scheduled "islanding" (where they disconnect from the grid) - went into abnormal operation, causing the Wax to climb. Corrected by resynching to grid and dropping the load. which brought NOx down.; Attempting electrical tie-in on export line again (re: ref 153384) While in 'island mode' they had NOx exceedances on stack 1&2. They have now aborted the tie-in, and are working on a different way of dealing with their combustion mode issues. Air Tank venting going on. Sour naphtha vapour venting. No Impact The caller reported that the monthly water quality report will be sent late. This is a contravention of the deadline established in the approval. Air The caller reported a refrigerant release from a refrigeration unit. The release was discovered during routine maintenance and it occurred over time. Air The caller reported that their plant is flaring because the SRU and TOU units were shut down due to the sudden cold weather. Freezing occurred in the units. The plant will probably exceed the daily 20 tonnes/day approval limit.


26 94 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 26

183194 183206 183341 183376 183380 183430 183432 183438 183503 183518 183558

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

5-Dec-2004 5-Dec-2004 7-Dec-2004 8-Dec-2004 8-Dec-2004 8-Dec-2004 8-Dec-2004 8-Dec-2004 9-Dec-2004 10-Dec-2004 10-Dec-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air Air Land Air Land Air Air Air Land Land

Butane flaring for 5 min. at main plant. Flaring from millennium Upgrader (U2) - sulfur recovery unit #4 went down . Greater than 20 tonnes approval limit. Release from equipment #41-10V25A in Bldg 146. Has been isolated, repairs in progress. Sewage spill at 0240 this morning. 100 gallons spilled where a line fractured under the trailer. Contained onsite in skirting area under trailer. Not possible to clean now - will put lime on it and vacuum it in the morning. Tank venting from tank 53 (bitumen tank). Release was of light hydrocarbons, natural gas. Caused by extremely cold weather - freezing instrument. Hydrogen generating plant crashed and catalyst (CATACARB) was blown out of the H2 stack. millennium thermal oxidizer stack went down. Temperature down and H2S release. Every thing is up now. Incinerator 8F5 crashed which means stack temperature dropped. Probably due to cold weather. Power failure, 4 units lost, gases vented. Unit were flared. Recovery process in gear. Spill of diluted sewage due to line break, was in an excavated area - contained to that area. Spill is in 10% sewage they are vacuuming up and will apply lime. Investigating cause of pipe break. Spill of purge oil from leaking pipe under road way crossing on site. Contained to pipeway. no water ways effected. discovered at 1500hrs today. Are isolating line, suck up liquid with vac truck, excavate line. then repair line. Flaring Report - flaring of acid gas on Plant 11-1 caused by sulfur plant unit 12-3 going down previously measurements will be included in 7 day report.; Exceedance of approval limit for tonnes per hour for SO2. sulfur plant went down and tripped - unit back on line and restarted. Stack violation - hourly exceedance on SO2 - will have exact measurement on 7-day report.








94 94 26 20809 26 94

183660 183850 183873 183907 183911 183915

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

12-Dec-2004 15-Dec-2004 16-Dec-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air

Albian Sands 16-Dec-2004 Syncrude Suncor 16-Dec-2004 17-Dec-2004

26 94 26 26 94 94 18942 94 94

184024 184038 184098 184113 184144 184148 184158 184168 184173

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

19-Dec-2004 18-Dec-2004 30-Nov-2004 21-Dec-2004 22-Dec-2004 22-Dec-2004 12-Jul-2004 22-Dec-2004 22-Dec-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Lost one of the wet gas compressors in the U2 unit (second upgrader). Flaring as a result since 16.25. Getting close to 20 ton reporting threshold and it doesn't look like it will stop soon. Air Possible contravention. Lost 81-K-2 (coker off gas compressor) and have been flaring hydrocarbons since. should stop soon. Air Contravention for month of December on flow and NOX on stacks #1 and #2. Less than 90% uptime on CEMS (continuous emission monitoring system) Air Reporting possible contravention; sulfur plant 123 has tripped twice tonight. Reason unknown but under investigation. First time was at 2140 hours on Dec 16; second time at 0608 hours Dec 17. Air Ongoing flaring from DRU in second upgrader - close to reportable trigger - reason unknown - started at 0342 hours and is still ongoing. Also, caller reporting tails gas treatment unit is down since 1800 hours Dec 16 because of quench water pump failure (can produce SO2) - not normally reportable. No Impact Spill of 35K, Class 8, sodium hydroxide solution. Vent valve on pressure gauge left open on discharge side of pump. All on site, no water effected, cleaned up. Air Flaring - completed this morning - thought they would be below approval limit but have done preliminary calculation and it is over limit. Air Visible flare due to flooding of coker 8-2. Naphtha is being flared. Except event will be over soon. Air R22 RELEASE - BLDG 151, HMV #4117102 Potable Water Air High turbidity on sampling from West Bank Potable Water System. Reason: issues with clarifier and they are adjusting chemical dosages and will resample. Excess of SO2 - still under investigation as to why. Ada 5 Stack depends On another unit that has not been fully operational. No Impact Monthly report upstream of Plant on Muskeg River. Sample for July and October missed being reported. Will be in this week. Air Stack top temp violation. HF- 5. also SO2 violation on HF- 5. Cold weather knocks equipment out. Air FGD (Fluid gas de-sulfurization) unit was down due to cold weather or water interruption. One of the boilers


94 94 94 26 26 94 94

184240 184299 184303 184324 184368 184414 184441

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

23-Dec-2004 27-Dec-2004 27-Dec-2004 29-Dec-2004 27-Dec-2004 31-Dec-2004 2-Jan-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air

was back on line and the other two will be followed in 45 min. Stack violation - probably cold weather affecting instrumentation - may be OK now. May not have been reportable - no letter required. possible SO2 violation notification; switch back to old stack temporary. Venting to atmosphere as VRU (vapour Recovery Unit) is down. If over 5 hours will call back and then a seven day letter required. possible contravention. At the diverter stack, the condensate loop seal was drained. No natural gas flow; therefore, cannot have Kg/hr. emission value.; The caller reported that a report of NOX values is missing for the week of Jan. 7 to 11, 2005. This is part of an agreement with Alberta Environment. Low stack temp. Not sure why - still investigating. Usual reasons do not apply. May be an anomalous reading.

48522 94

184462 184498

En Cana Suncor

3-Jan-2004 4-Jan-2005

Industry Industry



















26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

184807 184889 184946 184956 185095 185167 185169 185232

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

10-Jan-2005 11-Jan-2005 12-Jun-2005 12-Dec-2004 12-Jan-2005 14-Jan-2005 14-Jan-2005 15-Jan-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release

No Impact FGD down again - same cause as last week. An expansion joint going into the JBR tore last week - replaced it last night but it tore again. May take 3-5 days to replace - will be down for that amt of time. Its a violation to approval because its a safety concern. Potable Potable water contraventions - sample taken entering distribution system. Came in this morning and found a Water line broken from filter to clear well. Air Flaring in Upgrader #1 because UG #2 down; Large fire in Fractionation Tower in Plant #52 in millennium Upgrader. Crew on scene and fire on tower.; SO2 violation due to fire in #2 upgrader - had to switch all acid gas to #1 upgrader.; Flare flame out related to yesterdays fire. Happened at main millennium upgrading flare yesterday afternoon and was out for 1hr 45min. Details will be in letter.; Industrial waste water release; diverted small amount of water from industrial waste water ponds B & C - normally isolated from release - but small amount of material entering cooling water system (Pond E) Pond E releases to Athabasca River. Reason: tried to divert overflow to another pond system. Related to fire on site (Ref #154255) Jan 4/05 when large part of plant came down. Caller feels there is no impact to the environment because amount is so small over extended period. will also contact Clement Ng, AENV for approval to release through this route. caller is initiating program to ensure there is no impact to environment - release Land The caller reported a release of an unknown amount of 50% caustic soda. A coupling leaked inside a building and the product was released on the ground. A berm was used to contain the spill. Water and a vacuum truck were used to clean up the spill. Land Spill of molten sulfur (its now solid) found onsite, by the D300 pit at upgrader 32. Reason is pit overflow - not sure what caused this. (Rest of details in letter). Fully contained - in process of cleaning - putting it into sulfur pad. Air Related to 154152. JBR still offline - routing through old stack. Resulted in two opacity exceedances - times and numbers in letter. (Not a contravention - just a notification because itnot read by a certified reader). Also caused by malfunctioning ESP's currently switching boilers, routing through FGD - running natural gas instead of coke.; Emergency FGD outage due to gasket failure . Approval requires notification when pollution abatement like this is down. Will control SO2 from boilers so no limits are exceeded.; FGD will be offline for a little while today to complete maintenance, should be up by 1800 hrs. Notification only. Air There was a release of an unknown amount of refrigerant. There was a leak in a high pressure control unit. Air Unburned stack gas was released in a small amount. A diverter stack loop seal line was taken out to service it. Gas was released in a small amount while the work was done. No Impact Contractor dumped sewage into their plant which was not their sewage. Air Air The caller reported flaring caused by a planned compressor shutdown. The caller reported flaring at Plant 22. It commenced at 18:00 hours the day before. It is expected to last 26 hours. The flaring was planned and it is part of a plant startup. Air Venting hydrocarbon and natural gas vapours from tank #16 on tank farm because tanks are filling harder than normal - trying to correct the problem. Groundwate Spill of flyash and water from a split line. 500 gallon into cooling water pond and several thousand gallons r went down a roadway and into a secondary pond. Air Flaring from sulfur unit 12 -3 due to instrument freeze. Currently flaring NG and acid gas. Trying to restart the









26 94 26 94 18942 48408 26 26

185241 185248 185299 185321 185323 185517 185523 185539

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

16-Jan-2005 17-Jan-2005 17-Jan-2005 17-Jan-2005 17-Jan-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification

Air Land Air Air Surface Water Land

unit.; Flaring due to major upset in plant. 1210 Brad calls again to say the flaring is reduced - only flue gas now Release during major upset. Venting of H2S - part of original problem. Details will be included in report - not available at this time.; Spill of bitumen and naphtha onsite. Caused by split gate valve on the inclined plate separator process. Spill went onto roadway and they are currently sanding and cleaning. Sand will be recycled onsite. Tank venting - had an upset this morning and are unable to go to tank ventage. venting hydrocarbon vapours. The caller reported a release of an unknown amount of gypsum slurry from a desulfurization plant. The cause was unknown. R22 release at Research Facility due to leaking condensor on H-vac unit. 10 lbs is estimate - will confirm in letter. Stack SO2 exceedance due to working with 1 SRU. Not having good recovery - will adjust rates. Spill of recycle water due to tank over flow was reported 20 min ago to caller. All on site.

Petro-Canada 19-Jan-2005 Syncrude Syncrude 20-Jan-2005 20-Jan-2005






Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Release Release Alleged Contravention

26 94 26

185899 185913 186045

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

26-Jan-2005 26-Jan-2005 28-Jan-2005

Industry Industry Industry

Spill of Class 9 demulsifier (UN 1993, PG 11). Forklift was moving tote and icy conditions caused tote to fall off the forklift. Spill 700 L. All onsite - cleaning Land Spill of sewage from work camp. Tanks overflowed. Vacced up and lime frozen material and dumped into pond. No Impact Reporting the scheduled draining of the 8-1 diverter liquid seas. (The two diverter stacks are used to divert if the CO boiler is lost). They are not currently diverting, but the seal draining is reportable even when they're not diverting. No emissions. Repairs will take 1 hour - they will then refill the seal. No Impact Exhaust stack tied to steam generator (train 2) has been running since April 2004. They were required to do initial verification test (to measure NOx). Plan to do the test when weather is warmer. An estimate of its average NOx emissions (using train 1 data) are far below limit. No Impact Release from INTERSITE froth line. Spill due to loose valve. Product released was water. Air Stack temp violation (BFS). Tail gas treatment plant unit tripped. Surface Water Surface Water Air Municipal Municipal Contracting lab made error on sample analysis for BOD - missed dilution. Could only give a range from 38-88 mg per litre. Limit is monthly average. Sample was dated Jan 12; received Jan 19. Received third set of samples Jan 28 and realized it could impact readings. pond ' D' wastewater pond has overflowed to pond ' E' - cooling water pond which discharges to the river. Pond is currently discharging, they have reduced flows, they have increased sampling and discharge and are sampling pond D. May have elevated oil and grease. SO2 violation due to incinerator down. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention






94 48522 48522 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 94

186197 186792 186828 187762 187924 188244 188318 188356 188403 188405 188431

Suncor En Cana En Cana Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

31-Jan-2005 31-Dec-2004 31-Jan-2005 1-Feb-2005 1-Feb-2005 1-Feb-2005 2-Feb-2005 3-Feb-2005 3-Feb-2005 3-Feb-2005 4-Feb-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

No Impact Sewage was dumped into tailings pond. and it is not an acceptable substance for the tailings pond. Operator not following proper operating procedures. Air Flaring due t o SRU #2 (sulfur recovery Unit) going down. Air SRU 3 went down - as a result had to route flow to SRU 1&2 which overloaded system, SO2 violation on unit 8F-5 (two readings exceeded within hour of 2000-2100 hrs, Feb 1, 2005). Air Stationary tank venting. Untreated gas/ oil. Oil running in was too much so are cutting in half the amount going into tank. Surface Concerned about spill that Source had into River - ...Wants more info on**information redacted Water Air tank venting - same tank as last night (#16). Stopping everything again to try to stop it. No Impact Release from Hydro transport line (pipe line after mixing) Contained in ditch goes into "Pond B" - holding pond. Air Base incinerator stack 8F5 exceeded SO2 T/hr. Associated flaring may be more than 20 (SO2).


26 26 26 26 94

188475 188572 188606 188661 188663

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

5-Feb-2005 7-Feb-2005 8-Feb-2005 9-Feb-2005 8-Feb-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Potable Water Air Air Land

The caller reported a release of natural gas. A tank was filling up when it started venting. The tank was filled up too quickly and the pressure release valves were triggered. The natural gas was transferred to another tank. Contravention - have been using wrong test pillows to test for chlorine, has caused erroneous readings, causing chlorine levels to be a few ppm too high. Everything is back to normal now. Release - hydrocarbon vapour of tank #16. Release of hydrocarbon vapour - volume unknown. Still investigating --maybeambienttemperaturewaswarm [maybe ambient temperature was warm?] occurred Feb 8 also. From Tank 20D16. Release of pew water (relatively clean water but not drinkable - has hydrocarbon contamination). Discovered at 1000 hours today. Leak of 5. 10 gallons per minute that lasted for 24 hours. pipe is high up on pipe bridge and leak not noticed. Water formed ice on steel structure. There is an industrial sewer right below leak, but leaked product froze - not much down drain. Cleanup is still under planning and review. Venting from 20D53 which is a tank. Venting HC vapours. Trying to stop venting. They are flaring low pressure stack - still flaring. Small release of R22 from unit 31-R1-73, in the H-vac unit. Leak has been sealed - volume unknown until Monday when they continue with repairs. Shutting down sulfur plant 123 and had high temp excursion. produces elevated SO2. Values will be in letter. 8F10 Stack tripped and temp went down. R22 release from HVAC system; unit 5R2 92, Building 9 in the plant. Monthly average BOD and TSS violations. Spilled hexane-pentane (solvent) from sulfur recovery unit. All contained. Asked to waive 7-day letter H2S contaminated fire water system; plant shut down partially; flushed water to effluent pond. Some H2S will emit to atmosphere. till in process to startup. Diesel spill at mine site. Cleaning up now. Contained. Will be absorbing with sand dirt and will recycle product in mine process. Exceedance of iron in treated water - reason unknown and still under investigation. High turbidity in potable water - because of upset clarifier - caller will also call health unit. Weekly turbidity random sample missed on Jan 2/2005. SO2 violation on U-1 incinerator stack, caused by a trip of SRU#3 in U-2 causing acid gas to overload U-1. SRU trip also caused some flaring that may exceed 20 T limit. The caller reported that ethylene glycol was released from an upgrader. It went into the waste water system. It will be treated prior to the water being released. Tank 16 Venting. Details will be in report.; Venting of tank 16 (20-D-15) which contains natural gas and hydrocarbon. Vapours are a result of running down tank too hard - plugged vent line.; Release - tank16 intermittent venting. Details in letter. Spill in contained product. Sample pt left open so when production resumed product spilled out. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention The caller reported flaring from the base plant upgrader. Apparently it was due to the shutdown of a naphtha hydrotreater butane source. It might possibly exceed the limit of 20 tonnes of sulfur dioxide. The caller reported a spill of tailings from a leak in a tailings line. Apparently the spill was contained inside the plant. A vacuum truck was dispatched. Flaring going on at present. Lp flare Separator off gas in plant 15. R22 refrigerant leak. Unknown cause. Flaring off plant 13 - 1, has been approved already. Flaring light HC, started at 0930 hours today, for 36 hours.

26 26 94 26 94 26 82973 20809 26 26 20809 94 18942 94 94 26

188928 188930 188932 188971 188973 189129 189223 189267 189307 189463 189591 189664 189713 189749 189751 189845

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

12-Feb-2005 12-Feb-2005 11-Feb-2005 13-Feb-2005 12-Feb-2005 15-Feb-2005 31-Jul-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 17-Feb-2005 Syncrude 17-Feb-2005 Syncrude 18-Feb-2005

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Land Air Land Potable Water Potable Water Potable Water Air Surface Water Air

Albian Sands 22-Feb-2005 Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude 23-Feb-2005 24-Feb-2005 24-Feb-2005 24-Feb-2005 27-Feb-2005

94 48522 94 94 26 94 26

189849 190058 191430 191435 191494 191500 191514

Suncor En Cana Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

26-Feb-2005 28-Feb-2005 2-Mar-2005 2-Mar-2005 3-Mar-2005 3-Mar-2005 24-Feb-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Land Municipal Air Land Air Air Air







Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

94 94 18942 94 94 26 94 94

191580 191740 191831 192083 192281 192283 192294 192296

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

4-Mar-2005 6-Mar-2005 7-Mar-2005 8-Mar-2005 10-Mar-2005 10-Mar-2005 10-Mar-2005 9-Mar-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

(Update: Feb 27, 1637 hrs - flaring for tie-ins was complete as of 1600 hrs.) No Impact Reclamation and Industrial Approvals Team Leader, AENV, advised caller they are in contravention - a mine reclamation plan was to be submitted to AENV December 31, 2004 for Mildred Lake Plant site - never RECEIVED - reason under investigation. Air Exceedance on base plant sulfur incinerator #8F5. Reason; reducing coker rates and only one sulfur train on line. Air Out of sulfurization plant. Brought down flu gas desulfurization plant as planned. If letter already sent.. SO2 will leap up 2-3 days. Surface Contravention of approval clause 4.5.118. No recorded data for chlorine (sodium hypochloride) added to Water WWTP system. From July 16 to present. Currently investigating. No Impact Gypsum spill for power plant - ran down into coke pit. Volume and reason unknown. Reports at 10,000 gallons - believes this is below that amount - notification only. Air Release of unknown type/amount of refrigerant from vapour recovery unit. Cause unknown - details in letter. Air Planned tank venting from tank 28 - taking it out of service, will vent light HC - natural gas. Vegetation Discovered potential contravention. Some heavy equipment was found in the buffer zone (forest between site and river). Some small trees were knocked down. Land Building flooding resulted in 1/2 drum of surface water being drained to buffer zone (forest between site and river). He instructed operator not to drain there. Today, a different operator was draining to the same spot amount unknown - possibly 3 hrs and a 1" hose. This was at noon today. Activity was stopped again. None to river. Land Spill of Ground water - were doing aquifer pump test, water went to a tank then a pipeline and was supposed to go to tailings pond. Pipeline broke and water went to ditch. Was contained in ditch they are sucking it up. Air The caller reported flaring caused by a plant shutdown. The unit was restarted. Air Flaring because naphtha unit shut down; no SO2; mostly steam. Will continue flaring for next couple of days. Air First SO2 stack violation; will have more e later, w ill, report tomorrow morning.; Change of sulfur operation now; will expect more stack violation. As per discussion with AEV, will wait till the end of the day to report violations.; SO2 violations due to one of the upgraders is down. AENV was prepared for these (possible) violations.; Stack violation on incinerator 8F5. Reporting at end of shift as per agreement. Potable Report sent by Utilities "Water Contravention". Sample gives high aluminum readings - Aurora WTP - semi Water annual reading - potable. Air Tank 100 venting because they put the unit on recycle - not drawing as much from the tank. Contents untreated heavy gas oil. Currently trying to correct. Air De-gassing - tank release - part of decommissioning of tank 20D28. Surface High total suspended solids in test results from south tailings pond industrial release site. Reason - doing Water construction and weather has warmed up. Air Flaring, SPIC17. Lost plant 5Kl. Air Venting from 20-D-8 (heavy slop tank) of hydrocarbon and NG vapours. Caused by start-up of 7-2; affected the rundown rates. Currently moving process rates to correct. Air Opacity exceedance due to boiler trip. Plant 31, stack 31-57, "Old stack". Lasted less than 6 min. Air Air The caller reported that a tank was leaking due to overfilling. Two tanks were drained into a storage tank. the tank valves were shut down and the pressure was allowed to come down to normal. Contravention under Clause 10.3.3 of approval on winter grab sample. There was one parameter missed (dissolved inorganic carbon). Was not analyzed. Caller noticed today when reviewing samples collected two weeks ago. Plant #6 trip, causing release of naphtha hydrocarbon vapour from naphtha recovery unit. NRU unit offline; naphtha fone [gone?] into effluent. settling pond. Still ongoing. Contravention on iron in clear well. Cause: did manual backwash; had two wells; only one well engaged. March 28 was acceptable at 0.09 mg/L and today was acceptable at 0.12. Contravention on total suspended solids on discharge to Stanley Creek. Shut off discharge and are retaining water on site until solids are back down. Cause is suspected to be warm weather.

94 26 94 94

192309 192420 192459 192471

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

10-Mar-2005 11-Mar-2005 12-Mar-2005 13-Mar-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention

26 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26

192534 192687 192865 193016 193159 193213 193225 193291 193358

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

14-Mar-2005 16-Mar-2005 17-Mar-2005 19-Mar-2005 23-Mar-2005 23-Mar-2005 23-Mar-2005 25-Mar-2005 28-Mar-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

26 26 48522 18942

193490 193493 193536 193538

Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude

29-Mar-2005 29-Mar-2005 29-Mar-2005 28-Mar-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Surface Water Potable Water Surface Water


94 48522 26 26 26 26

193681 193701 193929 193932 193942 193948

Suncor En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

1-Apr-2005 31-Mar-2005 3-Apr-2005 3-Apr-2005 3-Apr-2005 4-Apr-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Municipal Surface Water Air

Flaring from 5-PIC-17. Cause unknown. Currently trying correct by shutting down unit. System Generated Incident - Reporting Contravention

94 149968

194038 194331

Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

2-Apr-2005 7-Apr-2005

Industry Industry

Spill. Bldg 1088, Aurora Recycle Pumphouse. Leak in chemical supply line caused by crack or loose connection. Caller insists no impact because spill was flushed away. Equipment tagged and shut down. Ambient station recorded high H2S reading of 10 ppm at 1200 hrs. No idea of cause, but know it is coming from the effluent pond. Alarms not going off at the moment. Actively searching for cause. Air Tank on fire - stationary tank containing sour water. First response -- 2 shifts on site. No injuries, No media. Black plume. Air Alarms (H2S) on effluent pond going off. Upset in sour water treater - reduced feed rate to sour water treater. That should stop alarms.; H2S alarm at effluent pond - went off intermittently between 0930-1000 this am. Not currently ongoing, Not sure of cause - currently investigating. Groundwate Ground water problem. While digging at 8 ft below ground , it hit hydrocarbon pocket and ignited it for a r while. Potable sediment pond at mg/L was shut down. Details will be in the letter. Water

26 94 94 26 26 26 26 94 18942 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 26 26

194518 194731 194737 194943 194946 195116 195136 195207 195225 195334 195336 195481 195501 195522 195592 195618 195663 195675 195722 196037

8-Apr-2005 11-Apr-2005 12-Apr-2005 14-Apr-2005 14-Apr-2004 16-Apr-2005 16-Apr-2005 18-Apr-2005 18-Apr-2005 19-Apr-2005 20-Apr-2005 21-Apr-2005 21-Apr-2005 21-Apr-2005 22-Apr-2005 23-Apr-2005 24-Apr-2005 25-Apr-2005 22-Apr-2005 29-Apr-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Potable Water No Impact Air Air Air Air

Release of H2S at effluent pond (closed out previous report) . High turbidity in top shop area - did not think it was reportable because they had "Do not Drink Water" signs at tank. Were cut off from west side of river. Notification - sampled run off 'dater, carne back high TSS - operator was suspicious of results as sample looked clearer. They have re-sampled, they are also sampling river as the TSS in river may effect their limit. Flaring report. NH3 flaring from plant 16 and is ongoing. Release of light hydrocarbon - natural gas vapour from 20D100 tank Trying to mitigate problem. possible exceedance. Sizeable spike at main stack. Details in letter.

Hourly SO2 exceedance from main stack. Cause was commissioning tail gas line (HV-1041).; Release - H2S from effluent pond. Alarm went off - reset immediately. Never higher than a couple of ppms. No Impact Notification of sulfur being sent to sulfur emergency pad. Not enough trucks. Air Release of R22 (freon). amount unknown at present. Found during maintenance schedule. Will call when amount known. Air Tank venting from 20-D-56, light HC vapours and ~ 20ppm H2S. Investigating cause. Don't expect any off site impact. No Impact Tank venting 20-D-53 - light HC vapours, due to hot run down. Land Waste oil (engine) overflowed spilled 50 L. Cleanup done by vacuum truck. Air For station AMS11 operational time for H2S and SO2 and The analyzer is 89.92%. Air Potable Water Potable Water Surface Water Potable Water Air Air GTG 6, main stack, NOX exceedance due to test and more gas was processed. Trucking water into tanks from Ft. McMurray. Turbidity is now high. Going to check trucks before unloading. potable Water Intervention. Added Sodium Hypochlorite to balance Chlorine level (to bring it up). Notification. Diverting water from pond "R" into unnamed creek. Sample from Athabasca River is 1840 mg/L. Sample from Pond "R" is 298 mg/L. Discharge is alright because of TSS of River, and notification given. Chlorine exceedance on potable water. Freon release - had oil leak - checked cooler. Found small leak of freon - repaired by 1830 hours. Reporting a seal leak on Coker 8-2 and this is allowing steam to be released thru the diverter stack. There is a


26 48522 94 26 82973 26 94

196054 196067 196080 196085 196122 196148 196244

Syncrude En Cana Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

30-Apr-2005 28-Apr-2005 1-May-2005 1-May-2005 31-Mar-2005 10-Apr-2005 30-Apr-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Impact Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Pro-Active Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Potable Water Air Land Surface Water Potable Water Air

potential that they may have to go to a full diversion. This unlikely but they will call with an update if things happen to get worse. There may be some Carbon monoxide with the steam, but here is no visible plume from the diverter. Tripped H2K2, f laing SO2 /H2S . Power outage for waste water treatment plant. Coke boiler transferred out of the FDA Plant; it will be down for maintenance for a few days. Spill of treated sewage; water tap left running on wash cart trailer; caused sewage tank to overflow to ground. Contained and cleaned up with lime/sand a vacuum truck. No waterways or drains affected. exceedances for month at sewage plant Potable water sample not taken on April 10. Chlorine sample was done. Stack 31 - down -stacksurvey done in April - failed flow portion so CEMS says everything after test is down time. So April and May down time limits have been exceeded. Testers figure test wasnt good and are going to check their instruments and recalibrate instruments. Down time may or may not continue. Utilities had leak on boiler resulting in a diversion of coker off gas from coker 8-1. Suspect this will continue for 24 hours. Caller driving by Source - green thick smoke out of main stack covering entire area: valley, lake, heading NE. Stinks. Source releasing think green smoke all day[redacted] ... source employees are told to stay indoors while subcontractors are told they can go outside. Spill of -20L of hydraulic oil due to hose on hydrovac failed. Small amount off site onto crown land, will clean. Spill is contained - no water affected Tank cleaning - de-gassing tank 16 - releasing HC vapours. Will be done by Monday morning. R11 release unit #412-RE-1. Bldg #151 - unit was low when starting up. 2 leaks found. Release of R22 - cause unknown. Unit #5-R-122, Bldg #327. Aspirator opened at tank; potential venting of naphtha gas.

26 26 26 48522 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 26 94

196421 196423 196503 196616 196619 196794 196796 197072 197277 197387 197408 197415 197463 197524 197698 197815 197834 197900 198174 198182

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

4-May-2005 5-May-2005 5-May-2005 5-May-2005 6-May-2005 8-May-2005 9-May-2005 12-May-2005 15-May-2005 16-May-2005 17-May-2005 17-May-2005 17-May-2005 17-May-2005 20-May-2005 21-May-2005 22-May-2005 15-Apr-2005 26-May-2005 26-May-2005

Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air

No Impact New UE1 flare closed circuit camera down. No Impact Surface Water Air Air Potable Water Land Potable Water Air Potable Water Land Potable Water Diesel spill from pump had a cracked fuel tank (stationary unit) . Gone into tailings pond and back into process. Pond effluent water discharging into industrial s ewe r system - not going anywhere . Small volume - happened overnight. Refrigerant release from "S" 2 Sub - not sure of reason - will be in report. naphtha tank vapour pressure over approval limit (11 psi). Don't know exact pressure, but it is over approval. Reason unknown. Water tank from Beaver Creek. Free chlorine contravention and sodium hypochlorite was added. Tailings waste oil leaked from line that go to tailings pond. All contained and cleanup done. Low chlorine in the potable water system. Drained 2 tanks and replaced with fresh water. Tank 20D53 (bitumen tank) venting HC vapours. they are reducing feed rates. High COD reading; late reporting. Waste oil processing facility was down for a while a week or two ago - 3 loads (3000 L each) went to tailings pond. Low chlorine sample taken today. Still under boil water order from Sunday.


94 18942 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 48408 94 94

198197 198279 198331 198345 198356 198451 198462 198563 198572 198594 198678 198862 198873 198889 198910 198919 199056 199210 199239 199297 199320

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

27-May-2005 27-May-2005 29-May-2005 29-May-2005 29-May-2005 30-May-2005 30-May-2005 31-May-2005 31-May-2005 31-May-2005 1-Jun-2005 3-Jun-2005 3-Jun-2005 3-Jun-2005 4-Jun-2005 5-Jun-2005 6-Jun-2005 7-Jun-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Potable Water Land

Switching pumps - reading off Des was 5.01 ntu turbidity.

Hydraulic shovel - hose bracket came loose. Hydraulic oil spilled out. Cleaning up and will be recycled in plant. No Impact NRU feed pump in extraction plant tripped and the sump overflowed into extraction pond. Unknown amount of naphtha released - will try to get amount for 7-day report. No Impact Notification - sulfur Emergency Pad - one of the trucks didn't show up. Tank had to be pumped off. Call back with amounts later. Air R22 release. Pinhole leak in a line. Plugged leak. Amount unknown. Air Land Air Air Air Potable Water Air Land Released R22 from AC unit. will have details in letter. Seal leak in one of flanges on pipeline. Contained to ditch area - vac-truck onsite to clean free liquids then will flush, vacuum up and dispose. No waterways. Tank B54 - have started degassing as of 1730 hours. Will be out of service until June 1 at 0800 hours (hydrocarbon vapours). Will advise CIC when degassing completed. R-22 release due to safety valve popped on A!e system on unit 3R- 178 (extraction plant). Will recharge. Shutting down the source of the odour violation IN FT. MCMURRAY.

Low Cl2 and high turbidity readings this morning - they are still under a boil water order and it is posted. Both are back in compliance now. Unit 12-3 tripped resulting in H2S flaring. Currently restarting - expect flaring will be stopped quickly. Spill from gypsum return line at plant 3 extraction plant. All onsite in parking lot. Because the water is quite clean, they will probably not do a cleanup. No Impact Dumping sulfur onto pad because starting up sulfur recovery unit #4 - ongoing.; Update to 159143. The sulfur dumping will be ongoing intermittently due to the startup of sulfur train #4. Air Freon R22 release in bldg 32 unit 8-RV-1. Still leaking - will shut down and repair. Air Air Venting Tank 13. Will be stopped right away. Flaring from diesel Hydro treatment plant. will last for few weeks.

Petro-Canada 15-Feb-2005 Suncor Suncor 8-Jun-2005 6-Jun-2005

No Impact Spill from vac truck off loading at waste water facility - sewage and water went back into system via manhole. surface area was washed down. No Impact Approval 48408 Clause 4.3.12 Annual Wastewater report due February 14th 2005 not received. Air Air R22 leak - cause unknown. Required to maintain efficiently on a pollution abatement equipment - (FGD - flue gas desulfurization plant). Require 90% sulfur removal and they dipped below in the last 2 days. Suspect issue with internals. contractor investigating. SO2 contravention - investigating cause Malfunction on NOX meter (emission reader). Reading hi in error - repair personnel called. 2004 annual air report not received

94 26 82973 94 94 94

199494 199602 199674 199956 200050 200056

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

9-Jun-2005 10-Jun-2005 13-Jun-2005 15-Jun-2005 16-Jun-2005 16-Jun-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air

No Impact CEMS problem on plant 37 (new FGD) stack. Seems to be a leak in instrumentation - won't make 90% uptime for this month. Air Power failure - large flares. Just occurred - few minutes ago. Plant going through upset. Land Spill of one truck load of sewage from sewage lagoon, when it overflowed. Contained in ditch. Vacuuming it back into lagoon.


18942 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 26

200058 200060 200149 200224 200263 200276 200292 200323 200361 200449 200529 200833

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

12-Jun-2006 12-Jun-2005 17-Jun-2005 18-Jun-2005 18-Jun-2005 17-Jun-2005 19-Jun-2005 10-Jun-2005 19-Jun-2005 20-Jun-2005 21-Jun-2005 23-Jun-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged

No Impact Lab did not receive any sewage samples for week of June 12. Approval requires weekly samples - these were missed. Not sure of cause. No Impact Lab did not receive sewage plant samples for the week of June 12. Approval requires weekly samples. Not sure what caused the problem. Samples missed. Potable Advance warning of possibility that BOD for month June 'won t be met due to hi flows in system (rain) and low Water pond levels - trouble shooting underway. No average number today, results have been in 40-60 mg/L range. Air Tank 101 venting natural gas/hydrocarbon gas due to meter faulty. Air Hi turbidity of potable water at TransAlta plant. No Impact Drained the lube seal on a divertor valve from Cooker 8-2 for repair on expansion joint. Air Tank 101 venting of natural gas and hydrocarbon gas; due to instrumental problems. Air 53-D-100 re-routed - it was causing odour problems on-site, flaring will go on for months. Flaring will exceed 20T SO2 limit. Air sulfur scrubber has <90% efficiency. Air Surface Water Air sulfur scrubber efficiently exceedance. Monthly TSS over limit at wastewater treatment plant. naphtha tank venting to atmosphere. Unit tripped - had to cut back a lot of other units. Includes slop naphtha. naphtha tank over pressured. Now venting to atmosphere. Moving flow to another tank. should be terminated in 1/2 hour. Tank #101 venting hydrocarbon vapour. Spill of diesel and water mixture at truck loading area due to sump overflowed. Spill went to ground and has been cleaned up. SO2 contraventions on 8-F-5 due to sulfur train tripped on U2. sulfur train tripped this afternoon resulting in SO2 flaring that may have exceeded 20 tonnes-to be confirmed. Flaring lasted 3.75 hrs. Building 9, Unit 5R289B and 5R288A had R22 release. R22 release (about 6 Kg) in building 747. 4114RF1A unit. No turbidity data due to switch over of system; results of before and after are in range. Potential overdose of antiscalent on steep bank potable water treatment. will clarify tomorrow. possibly occurred from Mar 11-May 31, Allowable dose is set at 10 mg/L but they aren't sure where this calculation came from. Contravention of clause 42.12. Quarterly required samples for phenol and colour analysis not performed for 2nd quarter at Stanley Creek. Due to oversight and difficulty accessing sight. R22 release due to - someone bumped into the unit and knocked off the pressure gauge. Unit 5R122, Bldg 327. will be repaired and recharged. They determined that their dose of antisca1ent at WTP was within limits (see ref# 159690). But this led to the discovery of another contravention. They are required to report all chemical use in the monthly report, This was missed for March and April 2005. She just sent an updated May monthly report that includes this information. Pond E outfall to river had high TSS reading. This is the water that is drawn out of river, circulated through the upgrader as a coolant and then discharged to the river again, Currently checking if water is entering with high TSS from the river. Power outage due to severe weather-power was intermittent and back on ast 00:30 3-Jul-2005. Outage affected water plant room-no wells pumping-all water chlorinated. sulfur to emergency pad. Having truck issues, Had to dump sulfur to emergency pad due to pump problems.

26 94 94 94 26 26 26 94

200868 200906 200924 200927 200998 201055 201087 201188

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

24-Jun-2005 23-Jun-2005 24-Jun-2005 24-Jun-2005 27-Jun-2005 27-Jun-2005 25-Jun-2005 11-Mar-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Land Air Air Air Air Potable Water Potable Water No Impact Air No Impact

18942 26 94

201288 201302 201343

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

29-Jun-2005 29-Jun-2005 31-Mar-2005

Industry Industry Industry






Surface Water No Impact No Impact No Impact

48522 94 94

201484 201488 201507

En Cana Suncor Suncor

2-Jul-2005 3-Jul-2005 4-Jul-2005

Industry Industry Industry


94 94 48522

201589 201711 201716

Suncor Suncor En Cana

4-Jul-2005 5-Jul-2005 2-Jul-2005

Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Potable Water Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Surface Water Land

26 26 94 18942 94 26 48522 94 94 48522 48522 26 94 26 94 94 26 26 94 26

201741 201748 201767 201777 201866 201908 201970 202049 202062 202088 202098 202141 202193 202214 202261 202301 202308 202310 202755 202759

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude En Cana Suncor Suncor En Cana En Cana Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

5-Jul-2005 5-Jun-2005 4-Jul-2005 6-Jul-2005 7-Jul-2005 6-Jul-2005 7-Jul-2005 8-Jul-2005 7-Jul-2005 2-Jul-2005 10-Jul-2005 11-Jul-2005 30-Jun-2005 11-Jul-2005 8-Jul-2005 12-Jul-2005 12-Jul-2005 12-Jul-2005 15-Jul-2005 15-Jul-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Turbidity on potable water plants - turbidity of 8 ntus. Have isolated - posted signs and are flushing. Chlorine levels all right. Water has colour - source unknown. Release of oil product into containment ditch at Steepbank mine- happened to be released into an appropriate pond-did not affect any waterway. Due to high rain volume, started pumping off on July 1st based on third party lab results-continued pumping on July 2 without taking another required lab sample. Discovered this on the weekend-no spills or abnormalities during runoff. Small Freon leak on A/C unit. Bldg 181, unit APU13. Leak on fitting. Shut down. will repair tomorrow. Planned flaring of sour gas already obtained authorization. Pond "E" TSS violation due to technical problems. Hydraulic oil spill - 3000 gallons to ground-has been cleaned up with sand recovered to process-caused by 1138 shovel hydraulic pump breaking into 2 pieces. Ongoing with water form river being dirty. Requesting alteration of approval to accommodate spring waters. One letter will be written for a week of violations. Vacuum truck contractor dumped sewage into caller's waste treatment site (~5600 L).

Surface Water Surface Water Air Power outage due to power line relocation. No impact. No Impact Opacity meter outage on plant FDG #37. Meter is being worked on. No estimate as to how long it will take to repair. Surface TSS exceedance on pond "E" due to high TSS in river. Water Air Late reports - 2 flaring events that exceeded 4hrs due to gas supply left on during plant outage. Potable Water Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Land High iron in clear well either due to filter breakthrough or from work that was done on water pump. R22 release at HVAC 32 (RV-14), Building 1256. Repaired. Opacity on stack 37 violation for maximum down time ( 90%). R22 release from Building 158 HVAC 4121 V2 unit. Repaired. R22 release due to failure of A/C unit at main lab. Late report due to miscommunication. Repaired and recharged. Domestic tank overflowed - volume unknown - went to sewage storage. ground only around tank - cleanup underway. R22 release from HVAC unit 4124 R66 in Building 325, repaired compressor. Large flaring from A1K2 hydrocarbon gas compressor Flare - pilot out - must be relit. Flare #19F3. Vac truck was unloading at the API separator and the gate valve unlocked when the tank was tilted, resulting in a spill of 2 barrels of gas oil. Truck or product did not leave the site. Mostly onto road. will be cleaned by 2300 hrs. Flare flamed out, was lost for a short time. Flare stack flame was extinguished. Cause: high steam flow but still investigating. Flaring coker gas (contains H2S and hydrocarbons) - may have exceeded the 20 tonne limit-cause was 5K1 compressor came down for maintenance. Flaring occurred from 22:03-00:17. Tank Venting - DS3 is venting hydrocarbon vapours - now reduced and intermittent. Cause: control valve was stuck open and has since been fixed.

94 94 94 26

202787 202911 203106 203141

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

17-Jul-2005 18-Jul-2005 20-Jul-2005 21-Jul-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air


26 48522 26 26 26

203437 203454 203461 203696 203731

Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

25-Jul-2005 25-Jul-2005 25-Jul-2005 29-Jul-2005 28-Jul-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Land Air Air Air

Noticed oil on side of tank, after cleaning noticed holes in tank. Tank is now empty, but last contained heavy gas oil. They will do an investigation. Power outage - bad storm rolled through Tank vented natural gas and hydrocarbon vapour. on going.

94 94

203743 203799

Suncor Suncor

28-Jul-2005 29-Jul-2005

Industry Industry

94 94 26 94 26 26 94 94 26

203949 203951 204047 204144 204158 204292 204395 204424 204469

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

1-Aug-2005 1-Aug-2005 17-Jul-2005 3-Aug-2005 3-Aug-2005 4-Aug-2005 5-Aug-2005 5-Aug-2005 5-Aug-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Diverter stack loop seal having maintenance done to it and coker gas will be venting slightly. Will be seen as whisping [?] in diverter stack. Air Possible contravention -but he's waiting on an interpretation from the engineer. Opacity/SO2 meter was taken out of the main stack at 10:15 - maintenance had to change history module. will update as to whether this is a contravention or not. Air Possible flare out, low temp on stack, flare cannot be visibly established. No Impact Reporting violation. Doing a review of mine drainage system (industrial runoff system) and believe they have found reporting discrepancies. No details available yet - just believe some things not included in monthly reports regarding mine drainage points. Will put information in letter. Air Flare went out due to plant startup and low hydrocarbon; relit again. Air Low level SO2 flaring might be over 20 tonne limit. Compressor keep tripping. No Impact Random weekly sample for week of July 17 missed - operator error. Noticed last week during monthly report but paperwork lost until now. Air Flare flame out on hydrocarbon flare 19F3, contravention. Ongoing issue lately. Under investigation as to why. Air Air Air Land Air Pump 16-3G-103 - this pump is pumping NH3 and it gassed up and had to vent pump to get it going again. An alarm went off and contractors went to medical centre onsite, (complaints of irritation to throats). HVAC unit leaked R22 3ldg 181, Unit 3, volume unknown just discovered. Isolating, will repair and recharge. Flare flame out on hydrocarbon flare 19F3, contravention. Ongoing issue lately. Under investigation as to why. Notification of molten sulfur to emergency pad. Unit 16-2 release of ammonia vapour (quantity unknown), approximate duration 5-10 minutes. pressure gauge C-2 was being changed, resulting in release. Has been isolated. No readings, no gas detection equipment rang in. Precautionary evacuation, number of people unknown. Details to be confirmed in 7-day letter. Evacuation ended shortly after. Report of hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas venting (Just a whisper, as venting can be heard) - no vent flow available-coming from mechanical pressure valves due to an instrument problem with makeup gas to the tank. Venting anticipated to stop soon. Flare flameout on 19F3 (14:43-15:05)-residual hydrocarbons with H2S-low concentration H2S release. Cause under investigation - nothing seems out of ordinary. Clause 43.3 of approval exceeded. Very high winds - big storm caused water in lagoon to pick up stuff from sediment pond giving high readings. Closed outlet valve in afternoon. Reopened valve on Friday.






Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention


94 149968

204495 204561

Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. En Cana Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Canadian

6-Aug-2005 3-Aug-2005

Industry Industry

Air Surface Water

48522 18942 94 26 94 94 149968

204586 204590 204687 204888 204919 204957 204961

7-Aug-2005 8-Aug-2005 9-Aug-2005 10-Aug-2005 11-Aug-2005 11-Aug-2005 3-Aug-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged

No Impact Power outage needs to be reported. Two power bumps but nothing went down. No Impact Sewage spill - pump wouldn't start. Tank overflowed to the ground. Cleaned up bleached, limed and sanded. No Impact Water leak at inlet duct to the FGD Unit. Leak is water mixed with flue gas. Leaking at 2 gallons/min and a pH 3.4. Leak is contained in limestone pit. Air R22 Freon release. Packing leak identified during maintenance check. Land Land Potable Break in line below sump. "unknown when". Leak suspected. Uncontained. Still under investigation. Excavation in Plant 6 (concrete). Leak - suspected - source unknown. Still under investigation. Odour and gas levels give rise to suspicion. Water line break earlier in week. Line is isolated. Repairing now. Then will re-chlorinate line and flush.


26 26 26 94 26 94 94 94 18942 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26

204993 204997 205076 205157 205331 205407 205582 205723 205843 205896 206163 206203 206232 206446 206565 206572 206582 206591 206794 206847 206872 206907 206970 206983 207018 207081 207095 207109 207170 207186

Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude



Resample. Should be repaired by Sunday or Monday.

12-Aug-2005 12-Aug-2005 13-Aug-2005 9-Aug-2005 15-Aug-2005 17-Aug-2005 19-Aug-2005 20-Aug-2005 24-Aug-2005 24-Aug-2005 26-Aug-2005 27-Aug-2005 28-Aug-2005 29-Aug-2005 30-Aug-2005 30-Aug-2005 31-Aug-2005 30-Aug-2005 1-Sep-2005 1-Sep-2005 1-Sep-2005 2-Sep-2005 2-Sep-2005 2-Sep-2005 4-Sep-2005 6-Sep-2005 6-Sep-2005 5-Sep-2005 7-Sep-2005 7-Sep-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Pro-Active Notification Release Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air

Loss of a flare monitoring camera; will swing other camera to replace it. Tank #14 and 101 venting naphtha and natural gas.

No Impact Low pressure flare camera malfunctioning - someone coming in to repair - backup cameras available but don't have the same resolution. Air Failure of stack test at gas turbine generator. No Impact Contractor unloaded sewage into caller's system that came from another site. Caller caught him mid-load. Land Air Air Land Air Sewage spill out of manhole in plant. Vacuum truck has cleanup done. Amount and cause under investigation. FGD (flue gas desulfurization outage. Two coke boilers routed through FGD, now just gas going up the old stack. SO2 capture may be below approval limit. Details unavailable at this time.

Spill 1000 L of hydraulic oil - tank cap loose; spill on ground; cleanup done. H2S release due to routine sampling, plant 13-2 (feed sample). Concentration unknown, set off H2S detector. Release lasted ~ 30 seconds. Air Tank venting of tank D100 (gas oil). Not sure of cause because tank pressure was within targets. Starting investigation currently. No Impact Release of 10-12 barrels of dilute bitumen due to leaking flange. Released to containment compound, pumper truck to recover. Air Tank #101 venting natural gas and gas oil vapours intermittently. Ongoing. Air TRS analyzer cannot meet the 90% operation time for month of Aug., 2005. Surface Water Air Land Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Potentially high TSS sample due to high volumes of rainwater in the past 24 hrs. Outfall has been shut in. Approval limit is void if river is >100 mg/L TSS-hasn't been confirmed. will call back once confirmed. Upset in sulfur unit - resulted in flaring. K48 compressor problems caused sulfur recovery unit #2 to trip. There is still flaring. They are working at getting another sulfur unit going. There is a potential for an exceedance. Sewage pond bleach containment. Amount spill unknown yet. Did not spill into river. Fax in to notify of flaring excess fuel gas, will end once boiler is brought back into service. Cloudy sky; colour spread out; not near stack; probably due to weather and regional contribution. Refrigerant leak 13 kg from unit 13-1. Details to follow (type of refrigerant, cause). Heavy hauler on site. Ground is soft because of rain. Heavy hauler bottomed out and took fuel tank out of vehicle. Contained on ground. Sandy soil, but will introduce more sand then clean up. One tank venting #13. Venting sour naphtha/hydrocarbon vapour. Swung tank to stop venting. Tank venting from tank D100. Investigating as to why it happened. Tank venting on tank #13 (naphtha). Suspect its been going on for ~3 hrs (tracking odour). Major trip on plant 9-4 may be the cause; entire system was backed up. Release - mechanical technician - found pinhole leak on cooling unit #41-1V-100. Amounts will be in letter.

No Impact CEM on main stack down for maintenance, won't meet 90% uptime for 24hr period. Air Tank 101 venting - HC vapours and NG to atmosphere. Land Diesel spill - coke truck had metal puncture fuel tank - leaked 400 L of diesel - was on tailings ponds road. No adverse effect. Air Tank 100 venting HC vapours. Investigating cause. intermittent, on-going. Air Release of R22 from Bldg. #115 from t wo chiller units. Discovered when they had a high temp alarm. Repairs to be made tomorrow.


183875 26

207267 207382

Devon ARL 6-Sep-2005 Corp. Syncrude 10-Sep-2005

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Land Air

26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 26

207634 207668 207681 207820 207948 207950 207952 207954 207964 207975 208030 208065 208070 208192 208354 208383 208387 208406 208432

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

13-Sep-2005 12-Sep-2005 6-Sep-2005 15-Sep-2005 17-Sep-2005 17-Sep-2005 17-Sep-2005 17-Sep-2005 17-Sep-2005 18-Sep-2005 19-Sep-2005 19-Sep-2005 19-Sep-2005 20-Sep-2005 22-Sep-2005 22-Sep-2005 22-Sep-2005 22-Sep-2005 23-Sep-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water

Approval contravention - a pre-disturbance assessment was not approved by the director prior to construction sec 3.7.12 of approval Potential tank venting on tank 05 (naphtha). Reports of sour naphtha vapours in the area @ 12 00 hours but instrument did not indicate a PSV lift. possible cause - transfers on tanks on the same vapour recovery unit as DS. Rupture disc failure on the line to the block - release of liquid sulfur. ~ 200 barrels and still leaking; still trying to isolate line. sulfur solidifying. No offsite impacts. Tanks venting hydrocarbons - Tanks 100 & 101 venting. H2S - channel head leak on an exchanger (13-1-E2). 10 ppm H2S in vicinity of leak. Has gone on for a couple of days. Not sure if he should report. Repair scheduled for tomorrow. H2S alarm activation on effluent pond due to problems with unit 16-0 (sour water concentrator). Gates around pond have been closed, area quarantined. H2S alarm is on at the effluent pond. Black smoke coming out of stack at Source. Wants AENV to investigate. H2S alarm at effluent pond and still alarming. Tank D-101 is venting. Hydrocarbon vapours. Potable water contamination. Central system failure to cause PW to fail for 5 min. Causing sloughing in pipes and pumps high turbidity. Flushing lines to clear. Additional flaring event of the sulfur recovery unit.; Flaring due to SRU trip (same type of event as reported in 163777) . Trying to restore amine unit - should be up shortly. Alarms are going off at effluent pond - H2S alarm rings at 10 ppm - suspect cause is sour water treater is off spec. Someone is investigating. R22 release at Upgrader auditorium complex. On unit RT3. Investigating cause. Sewage release (~1 barrel) due to large volumes of people going through building, overflowed prior to routine pump out. Went to parking lot - none to storm sewer. Cleanup underway. Flaring event in progress over 20 tons. Opacity old power house stack. Currently fixing oil to reduce SO2 emissions. Details not available - will send letter because readings not available just now. Tanks 100 & 101 venting hydrocarbon vapours. Mostly because its a nice day. Were filling up tanks and NG "make up" failed. and Over - pressured tanks. (T866 failure) stabilized - will quit soon. R22 release due to unknown causes. Details and amount in follow-up letter. Repairing and recharging tomorrow. SO2 violation on incinerator stack (stack SF5) because another stack, SF19, was down from 1226-1406. will include cause, # & SO2 readings in letter. Spill of corrosion inhibitor (UN2920), ~ 200 L spilled to ground and sewer system (oil recovery capable). Has been cleaned up, was flushed to the sewer system and recovered. Cause was a leaking flange on the unloading facility. Philmpuls 5K48 is the name of the chemicals. Caller asked to notify the local RCMP. No injuries, evacuations or road closures. H2S alarm went off at the effluent pond due to #160 unit upset. Flaring butane due to repair of plant 36 and 7 for the next few days. H2S alarm went off at the effluent pond; still going; due to sour water treatment not working properly. Sewage spill at Plant #85; ball valve not closed on line. Unknown amount was spilled. All contained. investigation on going. Fluid gas analyser (FGD) back on line. High H2S alarm at effluent pond for a brief period.; Original call 163877 were trouble shooting call for this and discovered stream of sour water - tested at 480 ppm. Original incident was H2S alarm went of at affluent pond. Cause unknown.

26 94 26 94 94 26

208478 208502 208514 208516 208522 208651

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

23-Sep-2005 24-Sep-2005 24-Sep-2005 24-Sep-2005 25-Sep-2005 27-Sep-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Land Air Air


48522 26 94 94 26 26 94 26 149968

208661 208712 208729 208733 208784 208933 208937 208945 208962

En Cana Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

27-Sep-2005 26-Sep-2005 28-Sep-2005 28-Sep-2005 28-Sep-2005 29-Sep-2005 29-Sep-2005 29-Sep-2005 29-Sep-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Land Potable Water Air Air Air Land Air Potable Water Land

Contravention on failing to do a pre-disturbance assessment on land that has been clear for exploration. Turn out to be used for commercial development. Clear on Jan/Feb 2005 Aurora potable water storage tank low in Cl. (Trucked in water). Flaring from stack "52PV4015" - a strong SO2 source Reason -. currently working on the performance controller which malfunctioned. Not sure how long it will take to fix. Emergency: Upgrading plant went down then both upgraders. Causing massive flaring. Caused by power bump in grid. Details in letter. Tank venting due to valve malfunction. Sour water spill on plant site. Cause was a leaking flange. Clean-up in progress. Stack 8F5 SO2 emission violation due to instrumentation problems. Aurora potable water system low in Cl. Upping Cl. Sewage process water spilled from bioreactor tank due to operator error. Stay on site.

26 94 26 94 94 94 94 26

209031 209040 209042 209089 209113 209140 209144 209156

29-Sep-2005 29-Sep-2005 29-Sep-2005 30-Sep-2005 30-Sep-2005 30-Sep-2005 30-Sep-2005 30-Sep-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification

No Impact CSCM meter on stack has been malfunctioning for more than 72 hours, therefore readings incorrect. Has been recalibrated. Air Stack 53F610- hourly SO2 tonne/hour violation due to issues with the sour water. It has been corrected. .Workers described it as a diesel smell - first noticed at 2115 hrs Investigating for more details for 7 -day letter. Air R22 Release; quantity unknown but suspect over reportable limit of 10 kgs. Cause: not sure - discovered during routine maintenance. Now under investigation, Leak was from an air conditioning unit. Air H2S Release - drilling in millennium mine limestone pit; holes 15m deep; hit natural pocket of H2S; now coming up through hole. Evacuated area around drilling rig (staff that were working); testing air. Air Flaring - greater than 20 tonnes of SO2. Cause is trouble with wet gas compressor in plant 52 (cokers). Caller will call back when flaring is complete. Air The caller reported a sulfur dioxide stack exceedance caused by a power failure. The cause is under investigation. No Impact Continuous Stack emissions monitor not working properly. Analyzer started indicating a slow decay in the tonnes per day indication of SO2. Was checked at 0900 hours Oct 1 and was returned to service as of 0900 hours. Indicator was malfunctioning for 19 hours. No emissions - just bad data. Air Exceeded an air emission limit On the millennium thermal oxidizer unit. SO2 tonnes / hr exceeded at 07:00, cause unknown at this time. Air Suspected refrigerant leak. Noticed lack of refrigerant in air conditioning unit so suspects the leak. Have shut down unit and isolated and will check/repair before it is used again. Air Tail gas units are down; TGTU unit down since Sept 30; Super Close unit down since Sept. 28. Air Unit 16-1, pulling a blind at battery limits, - 1-2 gallons of sour water spilled onto pad. Used hot water for cleanup, released H2S gas and set off an H2S analyzer (just enough to set off alarm - by the time operator got to it, it was back at 01. Air Momentary H2S alarm at plant site - They were flushing a piece of sour equipment. Air Yesterday charge pump tripped so upgrader shutdown. Additional flaring resulting during start up. Could be over limit. Details in letter. Potable Septic system sampling for BODPfSS should he done once per day but was done once per month for past 1 1/2 Water year. Air Low stack temperature due to power outage day before. Air Potable Water Monthly BOD violation due to equalization tank problem.

94 26 94 26

209176 209192 209263 209281

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

1-Oct-2005 2-Oct-2005 28-Sep-2005 3-Oct-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

26 94 48408 94 18942

209311 209371 209440 209477 209487

Syncrude Suncor

4-Oct-2005 1-Oct-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Petro-Canada 5-Oct-2005 Suncor Syncrude 29-Sep-2005 30-Sep-2005

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention


26 26 18942 26 26 94 48522 26 94

209544 209751 209858 209954 209975 210006 210293 210340 210342

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor En Cana Syncrude Suncor

7-Oct-2005 12-Oct-2005 13-Oct-2005 14-Oct-2005 16-Oct-2005 19-Sep-2005 20-Oct-2005 21-Oct-2005 20-Oct-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Land Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air

Used glycol 60-40 spill. Spilled from holding tank. Tank venting D100 - hydrocarbon vapour. Cause is under investigation. Minimum amount, intermittent. Pumphouse 4253 discharge line split. Spill 25 cu m of sand/water and 1% bitumen oil. All contained. Will vacuumed in the morning. Small hole in a tail gas line which is on the sulfur line. H2S & SO2 released in a small amount. D100 Tank is venting hydrocarbon vapour. Fail to report flaring exceeding 20 tonnes; plant offline at the time. Stack survey result not sent in for 2005. Will be sending it in. Tank venting hydrocarbon vapour. Cause: slight overpressure; will open another tank to relieve pressure. Only slight, intermittent puff. Flaring off the millennium Flare Stack - might have been over 20 tonnes, Potential exceedance only - do not know if contravention, Also, pilot on sour water acid gas flare was out from before 2000 hours Oct 20 to 0300 hours Oct 21. Hydrocarbon Vapour release of tank 20-D-100. Small H2S release set off alarm. Caused by - flushing of sour pump in the vicinity of alarm - product was diluted and flushed to sewer. No adverse effects. Untreated tails going to pond (naphtha not removed). Odour potential. Power blip was cause. Talked to EUB. Water contravention at the Aurora site, C1 level dropped below .5 mg/L. Ask for a different and test water before leaving plant and test again when at Aurora. U one incinerator stack SO2 exceeded limit.

26 26 94 18942 94 26 26 26 20809 94

210406 210434 210450 210452 210598 210602 210613 210616 210674 210682

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

21-Oct-2005 23-Oct-2005 23-Oct-2005 23-Oct-2005 25-Oct-2005 25-Oct-2005 25-Oct-2005 25-Oct-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air Air Potable Water Air

Air Tank 101 and 100 are venting hydrocarbons. No Impact Low pressure flare camera is malfunction. Reportable. Land Land Air The caller reported that a pipeline ruptured and spilled a coke and water mixture on the ground. All was contained in the oily water sewer system. None left the facility. No waterways were affected. Partially treated sewage spill. Routine maintenance on two train unit - a hose broke on vacuum truck contained (absorbed into ground). Drained into ditch leading to recycled water pond. Flaring event; upgrading discovered stream going into header that goes to flare stacks. Don's know where its coming from; think its a leak on data collection line because no valves are open. Increase since Sep 21 and they can't identify. Have taken sample - 3 tons per day of SO2 emissions - now in excess of 90 tonnes. Will retest and investigate cause. Small flare. Flaring SWAG but flare is out. Cause: unknown why it went out - have had trouble recently. will have measurements on 7 day letter. The caller reported that the potable water had low chlorine levels. The problem was rectified 12 hours later. A pool for treated water had abnormal chlorine levels. Pond effluent water (PEW) line over pressured and relief valve released onsite in upgrader. Happened yesterday @ 1200 hrs. Has been leaking since and crews have been unsuccessful at fixing so far. Contractor vac-truck working to clean. The amount may have reached reportable. Pump turned off yesterday and sewage reached the sump top this morning (11:30). Resulted in ~200 L spill. All onsite. All cleaned up. H2S alarm on 8-2 - reason: they were steaming some sour equipment nearby. Potential exceedance of daily/monthly samples of SO2. No idea of cause but probably relates to plant expansion. They are currently preparing amendment to approval to accommodate expansion. H2S alarm. Investigating cause ; possibly due to testing of new units that are coming online or possibly sour water leak. Cleared now. H2S alarm in area 8-2 due to steaming sour equipment nearby. No adverse impacts. Leak of sour gas - discovered when 2 contract workers became ill and were sent to the hospital in Fort McMurray. Working in plant 8-2. Still investigating the cause and source. Spill of 50% caustic at Aurora site. Cause of spill was valve partially closed.

Albian Sands 26-Oct-2005 Suncor 21-Sep-2005

94 26 94

210689 210757 210911

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

26-Oct-2005 25-Oct-2005 27-Oct-2005

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Potable Water Land

20809 26 1604 26 26 26 18942

210924 210928 210934 210973 210977 211002 211068

Albian Sands 28-Oct-2005 Syncrude 28-Oct-2005 Japan Canada 28-Oct-2005 Oilsands Ltd. Syncrude 29-Oct-2005 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 29-Oct-2005 30-Oct-2005 31-Oct-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release

Land Air Air Air Air Air Land


26 94

211138 211143

Syncrude Suncor

1-Nov-2005 1-Nov-2005

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release


94 26 153125 26 26 26 26 26 94 26

211232 211236 211382 211521 211531 211536 211771 211773 211781 211813

Suncor Syncrude

2-Nov-2005 2-Nov-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Shell Canada 1-Nov-2005 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude 5-Nov-2005 5-Nov-2005 5-Nov-2005 8-Nov-2005 9-Nov-2005 9-Nov-2005 9-Nov-2005

Flare knockout drum, diversion seal over flows to flare settling pond and water would have no H2S but there is now. Something sending material down. investigating. Air Flaring notification. Have been flaring from 53PC1045B. SWAG is being flared (sour water acid gas), ~ 3.3 tonnes/hr of SO2. Have been flaring since 10:37 and is ongoing, should be finished in next few hours. Cause is problem with 53C101 vessel (leveling off pressure). Air Flaring event for 52PC4015 was open to flare. Air The caller reported that there is intermittent flaring in their stack. They are troubleshooting the system and gas from the boilers is being rerouted to the stack for flaring. No Impact Missed reporting security cost estimate by 2 days. Approval contravention. Cause was late preparation of report. Report due Nov 1. was submitted Nov 3. Air sulfur unit 120D is down. Land Air Air Air No Impact Spill - hose broke when emptying trailers. clean up - vac truck enroute with lime to do a through job. H2S release - flushing equipment set H2S alarm off. Everything under control now. Flaring LPN/HP flare 82K2 trip due to knockout drum high level. NRU unit venting naphtha vapour and steam. High TVP (total vapour pressure) on sour water tank #53D100. Sample taken this morning. Reason - ever since start-up in Sept, they have had problems keeping oil out of the sour water system. Air Lab samples came back and the Source of the H2S emissions was pinpointed. Plant 16-0 and 16-1 are off-spec and have high H2S in their streams. This is a reportable event as a sour water release.; H2S alarms are going off at the effluent pond. They suspect this is due to the sour water treaters experiencing an upset. They are sampling to confirm. No Impact She had sent a letter last week to approval office and Ft Mc Investigator re: pilot light installation which will result in a noncompliance - pilot system will be off from 2-12 hours (approval requires it continually burns) . Air The caller reported a sulfur dioxide exceedance. The cause is unknown and under investigation. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air H2S Alarms for effluent pond going off - sour water treater going through an upset. The caller reported that flaring occurred due to instrumentation problems with a vacuum unit. Low temperature on base plant sulphur incinerator stack - under 455 deg C for 15 min and ongoing. Working on repairing; lost flame scanner; fixing ignitor. Flaring of H2S from sulfur recovery unit #2 upgrader. Substantial flaring, most likely over 20 tons temperature related problems due to cold snap. H2S alarms at 0540 and ongoing. Investigating cause. H2S alarms possibly due to: steaming lines to Sewer. Hourly SO2 exceedance at base plant sulfur incinerator stack. possible cause - furnace startup. Methane gas release from open mining pit. H2S alarm; Thawing frozen sample point which splashed out and caused alarm. Flare flame out on hydrocarbon flare, 19-F-3. No identifiable cause yet; investigating. Spill of tailings water to ground. Lasted no more than one hour. Contained onsite in same general area. No idea of cause - investigating. Flaring for - 1 hour which exceeds 6 min flaring limit in approval. Caused by a plugged fan. Flaring of solvents. a sulfur recovery unit went down. Flaring was necessary to stop hydrogen sulfide from being released. The hourly mass limit was exceeded. The caller reported that flaring occurred when a gas compressor was shut down. The flaring mass limit may have been exceeded. The caller reported that a power trip caused the venting of a tank. A vapour recovery compressor was shut down. Hydrocarbon vapour was vented for six hours. Sour water release - regular process stream with high H2S content going to effluent pond contained onsite. Cause of high H2S is process upset. Feed has been reduced to lower H2S level. Alarms at effluent pond are not in alarm. Flare flameout - flare pilot system out. Approval requirement to have continuous flare. SWAG flare is out in #2

94 94 26 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 20809 94 26 26 26

211872 211892 211954 211994 212054 212062 212064 212177 212179 212188 212262 212264 212266 212356 212392 212417 212428 212448

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

10-Nov-2005 10-Nov-2005 12-Nov-2005 12-Nov-2005 14-Nov-2005 15-Nov-2005 15-Nov-2005 16-Nov-2005 15-Nov-2005 16-Nov-2005 17-Nov-2005 16-Nov-2005 17-Nov-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

Albian Sands 18-Nov-2005 Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 18-Nov-2005 18-Nov-2005 19-Nov-2005 19-Nov-2005








26 94 26 26 26 18942 26 26 26 20809 20809

212471 212557 212580 212596 212598 212643 212697 212746 212845 212925 213013

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

19-Nov-2005 27-Oct-2005 21-Nov-2005 22-Nov-2005 22-Nov-2005 1-Oct-2005 21-Nov-2005 23-Nov-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

upgrader. Work is underway to relight. The caller reported a release of refrigerant from a compressor. Repairs are in Progress. NOX exceedance on GTG5 stack turbine; cause still under investigation. And also late report. Refrigerant release from building 151, unit 41-IV100. Cause still under investigation. H2S detector activated due to a leaking sour naphtha pump. When pump was flushed for repair, activated the detector. No evacuations. Detector activated ~2 min. H2S alarm activation while taking a sour water sample. No impact. No evacuations. Sample may have splashed detector. NOX exceedance due to analyzer problems (1) at Aurora cold generator (2) at ATB-8.

Syncrude 24-Nov-2005 Albian Sands 24-Nov-2005 Albian Sands 25-Nov-2005

26 26 94 26

213031 213051 213072 213074

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

25-Nov-2005 26-Nov-2005 27-Nov-2005 27-Nov-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged

Release of sweet fuel gas from plant 73XD11. Caused by trip system malfunction. Amount unknown, exact time unknown - will be in 7-day report. No adverse effects. Air Doing routine check of air conditioning unit IOR-188B in building #1000 and discovered pressure was low. They will know amount lost when recharged. Air Taking water sample, alarm set off. Release of H2S. Land Spill of potential waste water into ditch by warehouse. Water was sampled pending result. No Impact Spill of tailings water breached dyke. 50 cubes spilled into ditch by dyke. About one cube went across haul road ditch. No adverse effect and basically all materials stayed on site. Please contact caller as they would like a waiver on 7-day letter. Call cell first Air R22 leak at location - leak in system - will call with an amount later. Air Potable Water Air Effluent pond H2S alarms are in alarm - cause is unknown. Alarms are ringing in and out intermittently. No H2S readings available. No evacuations or injuries. Potable water chlorine residual in distribution are low - cause unknown. Construction in area, water is being hauled in. Signs have been posted. Release of CO and some SO2 due to a leak on a diverter valve for CO Boiler 1. No readings available.; Leak at CO Boiler #1 Diverter; have dumped loop seal (have redirected gas to go up a stack). Leaking CO/C02/SO2/coke particulate - ongoing. R22 release - unknown amount. Cause unknown at this time. Maintenance responded to service call. Repairs are underway, system is being isolated. Release - bldg 51, units 10R-186A, 10R-187A and 10R-188B. System found to be deficient during PM Repair. Amounts unknown - will be in reports. Just reported not. Time of actual release unknown. Details in report. Release report - late from tank venting. D100 and D101. Details unknown. Maybe plant upset - details in report. Flare is out due to too much steam Relit in a few minutes. Discharge on Sept., 14, 15, 16, 2005. First day sample was sent to independent lab to test. Second and third days samples were done internally. did not send to 3rd party lab. Had a small fire in scrap yard due to a vessel containing hydrocarbon being cut with torch. No injuries. Evacuated the scrap yard. Fire contained in vessel. FD responded. Some odour from plume. EMA notified. Natural Recovery Unit tripped and sump overflowed . Spilled water with a bit of naphtha in it (quantity unknown). The caller reported that an H2S alarm was triggered when a small amount of H2S was released from a faulty pump. H2S release from pump 82G12A. Area around has been evacuated 1 process people moved out, will go back when isolated. Going back now. H2S release, intermittent for 22 mins, source was 15-1G4A pump seal leak. Isolating pump. Discharge from gravel pit; chloride level exceedance. Stop pumping. Spill of diesel fuel on ground. Slow leak from a fuel truck. Clean up been done. The caller sulfur dioxide recovery efficiency was reported at less than 90%, the value required by the approval.

26 26 26 26 48408 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94

213083 213140 213150 213230 213234 213251 213336 213470 213487 213504 213556 213560 213601

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

27-Nov-2005 28-Nov-2005 24-Nov-2005 30-Nov-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Surface Water Air Air Air Potable Water Land Air

Petro-Canada 14-Sep-2005 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor 30-Nov-2005 30-Nov-2005 3-Dec-2005 3-Dec-2005 4-Dec-2005 2-Dec-2005 5-Dec-2005 20-Nov-2005


94 94 94 94 1604 94 26 26 26 94 26 94 18942

213605 213633 213649 213709 213733 213746 213748 213750 213761 213827 213841 213893 213950

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

13-Nov-2005 5-Dec-2005 7-Dec-2005 7-Dec-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Japan Canada 8-Dec-2005 Oilsands Ltd. Suncor 8-Dec-2005 Syncrude 9-Dec-2005 Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude 9-Dec-2005 9-Dec-2005 9-Dec-2005 10-Dec-2005 1-Nov-2005 11-Dec-2005

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air

It was probably due to equipment shutdown and reinstallation. The caller reported that the sulfur dioxide recovery efficiency was less than 90%, the value required by the approval. It was probably due to equipment shutdown and reinstallation. SO2 flaring from low emission source; more than 48 hours exceedance. Flaring incident; potentially over 20 tonnes SO2. Cause: had SR #1 and 2 taken off line (sulfur recovery units) . Flare stack 19, replacing pilot light, electric ignitor is not working yet; will be working sometime today. SO2 exceedance limit of the month.

No Impact The caller reported that they are transferring sulfur to a holding pad. A line needed to be cleared. Air vapour Recovery tripped 1#21K2) - possible tank venting. Checking this out. Will follow up and mitigate. Will provide more details in letter. Air Refrigerant Leak - believed to be R22. Cause unknown; will have more information in 7 day report. Air Boiler feedwater ruptured - set off H2S alarms - may have backed up. Still under investigation - line is isolated.

18942 26 26 26

214035 214047 214072 214158

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

13-Dec-2005 14-Dec-2005 14-Dec-2005 15-Dec-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release













26 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26

214381 214386 214540 214668 214676 214678 214682 214684 214686 214694

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

19-Dec-2005 12-Dec-2005 21-Dec-2005 21-Dec-2005 21-Dec-2005 21-Dec-2005 21-Dec-2005 21-Dec-2005 22-Dec-2005 21-Dec-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release Release Release Release Release Release Notification Release

Air Trip of SRU #4 causing flaring from stack 8 P1C1 and possibly other stacks. May exceed 20 tons of SO2. Air Tanks 100 and 101 are venting hydrocarbons to atmosphere. Problem with vapour recovery compressor 21K2. Groundwate The caller reported that a high CBOD was measured in sewage at their plant. r Land Call Id: 00127588 Sheet#: 166416 Date: 13-DEC-2005 Time: 04:14; Caller Type: Industry Call Type: Release; Reason: Land; Reported Source: 0000028l syncrude Canada Ltd; Comments: Spill of 2500 L caustic at train 2 slurry prep. Drain valve left partially open when filled Dec 11, 2005 hrs. Discovered Dec 13, 0210 hrs. Closed valve, neutralized spill - inside dyke. will clean in morning. Should have been discovered earlier - will investigate internally. Possibly due to many new employees preventative details in 7-day report. ; Spill of 50% caustic. Valve left open. No other details available; believe it went into ditch and eventually into their system. Contained inside dyke. Land 7000 m3 spilled from tailings pipeline (sand, water and 1.30% bitumen). All went to ground. No waterways affected. Cleanup is underway. Cause was a ruptured line. Land H2S release; immersed in sour water; amount unknown. Cause: plant 37-1G6 tripped (pump tripped) causing plant upset resulting in release. Sour material was sent to effluent pond. Air The plant will flare gas as a scope unit is shut down. The flaring will last for 2 days. Land Hal10 (UN176D), ~ 10L spilled to ground, has been washed to sewer. High alarm rang on tank while offloading truck. Spill occurred at potable water plant. No evacuations, no injuries, no environmental effects. Caller will notify local RCMP. Chemical is used for water treatment. Sewer is treated. Land Diesel spill on site. They were filling a portable generator and fuel overflowed, spilling onto ground. Happened sometime this morning (exact time unknown) at the " Steep Bank Shop" area of the plant site. Placed floor dry down - vac truck cleaning. will remove impacted snow/dirt. Land Rupture on elbow of tailings line #l resulted in a release off tailings (sand/water/bitumen) which flowed down ramp #1 (an access road) and across perimeter road - into a grassy area (still all onsite) . No estimated amount investigating and cleaning - amt and details in the 7-day report. Land Spill of raw sewage (50 gallons) to ground on road. Drawing from manhole, surge overcame and spilled. Has been cleaned up. No Impact The caller reported that the high pressure flow indicator is not working due to an instrument malfunction. Land The caller reported that pond water was released from a drain line in a pipeline. The water went into several ditches in the area. Air Flaring. Coming from 81 & 82. Incident with water pump in cooling tower. Hoping to have it running soon. Air High pressure flare has been extinguished. Sweet fuel gas may be released. Cause unknown. Air SRU tripped causing high volume flare. Rates will be in letter. Air NRU is venting naphtha/Hydrocarbon vapours on plant #6 and 67. Recovery efforts underway. Air 37-1-k3 venting to flare, because it went down. Air The high and low pressure flaring stacks are off due to problems in the cooling water flow. Air Tanks were vented due to high pressure in a flare system. Hydrocarbon vapours from bitumen and oil were


26 94 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 18942 94 26 26

214713 214756 214762 214849 214889 215013 215118 215182 215262 215295 215318 215366 215388

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

22-Dec-2005 22-Dec-2005 22-Dec-2005 24-Dec-2005 27-Dec-2005 30-Dec-2005 31-Dec-2005 30-Dec-2005 22-Dec-2005 4-Jan-2006 4-Jan-2006 5-Jan-2006 5-Jan-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land Air Air Land Air Air Air

released. H2S alarm going off in effluent pond and are now investigating. Leaking electrical transformer that was abandoned in surplus storage yard. Tanks D100 and D101 venting hydrocarbons Release, R22, unit #41-1V-104 A; maintenance responded to alarm and found leak; unknown volume; unit is isolated. A fuel tank of a truck was overfilled and diesel was released. The diesel was retained within the facility. Cleanup is in progress. will be bypassing the JVR (sec 4.1.7 requires that it be online). Cause is deterioration of the process unit. will be offline at 11:00 Dec 30 - second week of Jan. will be minimizing SO2 emissions by burning gas. FGD uptime <90% contravention for year of 2005. A letter was sent on Dec., 21, 2005.

Flue gas desulfurization has to operate within 90% removal efficiency. Has not been met for times given.; Flue gas readings less than approval. In addition to previous report. Air CEMS on new plant and having problems with it. Problem with flow analyzer and will have to calculate flow emissions. No Impact Sewage spill at Aurora site. will explain in letter. Air Uptime on analyzer for SO2 on FGD st.ack . will not meet 90%. Analyzer reading high so time will be less than required for January. Air R 12 release - cause - leak on suction line to cooler. Amount unknown at present. Will supply with 7 day letter. Air Venting from tank 63 (untreated gas oil tank). They were transferring contents out and there was a faulty level indicator (radar was out) - aspirators opened. Still venting - currently backing material into tank which should float roof and close aspirators. Suspect venting will end soon. Land A tailings water line leaked. The water was retained by a dyke and returned to the tailings system. Air NOX exceedance. Cause: Aurora G21, second turbine, startup. Exceedance due to commissioning of new unit activities. Will be ongoing for a few hours. Over approval limit, however, caller does not know measurement of exceedance or approval limit. Air 6 people in medical center complaining of H2S exposure. Source unknown. Air Potential hydrocarbon odour due to venting event at Plant #4 during filling. Air Flaring from numerous sources: - 8HV43 from 1010-1025 hrs due to super clause bypass, PVRV-21PC150B: 1339-1405 hrs, 21PI163: 0351, 0414 hrs, 0531-0559 hrs, 0824-0851 hrs. The previous may not be SO2 sources. Also flaring from 10PIC71 from 1010-1600 hrs because 10-C2 is out of service This may be an SO2 source. Exceeded 20 Tonnes. No Impact Did not meet 90% uptime for January 2006. Issues with flow analyzers and out of range readings earlier this month. Air H2S release. while draining sour naphtha from G14. Hole through discharge line. Very little. Air sulfur plant 12-4 trip due to unknown causes. Acid gas flaring from H2S stack. Expects minimal impact because the other 3 plants are online. Land The caller reported that a valve in a pipe leading to a collection pond was left open. sludge was released on the ground. It was all contained within the facility. Cleanup is in progress. Air H2S release while draining discharge line on pump. (momentary release). Air possible H2S release - two alarms rang in on 12-3 and 12-0. Cause is under investigation. H2S readings unknown, alarms go off at 10 ppm. No injuries. Area is being evacuated. # of people unknown. Land Small sewage spill; a pump tripped and released sewage onto the ground. No waterways. Land The caller reported that a pipe leaked and released light gas oil. The liquid was retained within the plant. It flowed into the oily water recovery system. Air H2S leak on pump. Very minor release. Sensor alarmed. Land Air Spill fork lift was moving a container; fell off the forklift. In a building - no sewers or waterways. Vacuum truck will clean up. Conducted a Relative Accuracy Test Audit on Aurora Thermal Block in November, 2005 and have just become

26 18942

215443 215499

Syncrude Syncrude

6-Jan-2006 8-Jan-2005

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

26 94 94

215561 215632 215651

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

9-Jan-2006 10-Jan-2006 10-Jan-2006

Industry Industry Industry

94 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 18942 18942

215749 215761 215782 216193 216208 216226 216293 216310 216370 216410 216501

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-Jan-2006 12-Jan-2006 12-Jan-2006 14-Jan-2006 14-Jan-2006 14-Jan-2006 16-Jan-2006 16-Jan-2006 17-Jan-2006 18-Jan-2006 19-Jan-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged


94 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 94 149968

216614 216645 216653 216744 216787 216800 216837 216871 216888 216904 216938

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

21-Jan-2006 21-Jan-2006 22-Jan-2006 23-Jan-2006 24-Jan-2006 24-Jan-2006 25-Jan-2006 25-Jan-2006 26-Jan-2006 25-Jan-2006 23-Jan-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Potable Water Air Land

aware they failed test for flow and temperature. Requirement of CEMS Code. Trip on system "5K5" due to high temperature. Currently flaring as a result and it may exceed 20 tons. Hydrocarbon vapours were vented because a compressor was not able to keep up with rising pressure in the tank farm. Flaring H2S up stack because of plant up set. Stack flame out of sour water and gas, reason unknown. Effluent water spill, line broke, all contained, start cleanup. Light hydrocarbon vapour (natural gas) release due to tank venting. Tank venting (20D100) - hydrocarbon vapour and natural gas. Volume unknown. Has been venting for past 24 hours. Chlorine residual in Beaver Creek tank exceeded limit. Cause is unknown. Chlorine pump was off, tank is being diluted. Potable water. Low pressure flare extinguished; opening valving to new flares to expansion - caused flare to extinguish.

Sewage spill >25L, but volume unknown. Spilled in Lay down yard, a portable sewage tank overflowed. No waterways affected. Vac truck will be used today for cleanup. No Impact Treated water particle counts and turbidity, missed readings for Jan 23. Cause human error. Readings on either side of Jan 23 are well within approval.

94 26 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 26 26

216994 217075 217120 217151 217161 217177 217195 217311 217352 217384 217421

27-Jan-2006 30-Jan-2006 26-Jan-2006 30-Jan-2006 31-Jan-2006 30-Jan-2006 31-Jan-2006 1-Feb-2006 2-Feb-2006 2-Feb-2006 2-Feb-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release


94 20809

217453 217474



Industry Industry

Albian Sands 3-Feb-2006

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Had some odour complaints from sulfur loading area, south of town. Sent out mobile monitoring van and found elevated levels of H2S. Land Spill of sulfuric acid in WTP building due to crack in pipe weld. Mostly contained - some under bldg wall. pipe isolated - covering with soda ash - will wash to sewer with fire hose. Air Flaring incident; ongoing. Compressor tripped. Flaring source is 52 PC 1682 (valve pc pressure control) . No Impact Two flare flow meters are malfunctioning. they are giving erratic readings. The approval requires 100% operational time. Air Venting from tank 4 (diluted bitumen tank). possible instrument failure. Investigating. Air Released some uncombusted hydrocarbons due to intermittent flame out. Air Developed hole in vent gas lines to the flu gas desulfurizer - now have fugitive emissions (flu gas gone through precipitators) but not going through flu gas desulfurizer (condition 4.1.4 of approval) . Air Had trip on SRU # 4 (sulfur Recovery Unit) so will be flaring. Air Tank may be venting. Reason: plant is down; running more to untreated gas oil tank. Has not visually confirmed venting yet. Venting was indicated electronically, which is why they are investigating. Air Tripped sulfur plant and are flaring. Land Treated gas oil spill (~400 L) at Pump station 4. Pump developed a seal leak (pump 21-GM-BA). Spill in contained area. Pump is down. Spilled to ground, no waterways affected. Vac truck en route for cleanup. Spill to be transferred to effluent pond. Air H2S recovery <90% on fluid gas desulfurization unit. Air Vehicle tore down the meteorological tower at the air monitor station #10. The station is inoperable , will be possibly exceeding the 90% uptime if repairs is not soon enough. Will not send letter until the exceedance actual occurs. No Impact Did not achieve SO2 recovery on flue gas desulfurization unit for a 24-hr period. This is a contravention. The unit's performance is deteriorating and this contravention will probably continue until Feb 13 when they have a planned outage to address the problem. Air Cannot load sulfur. Not enough trucks. Road conditions prevent more trucks attending. will be flaring. Air Alarm went off due to H2S release from 19G10A pump seal. It will be repaired. Air Venting from tank 50 - filling tanks - maybe have instrument problems - still under investigation. Air Tank venting of HC vapour, cause was high run down rate to untreated gas oil tankage. will open to another tank to stop venting. No Impact HRU (nathpa recovery unit) outage. New plant coming on line. Some material going to tailings pond.






94 26 26 26 26

217564 217605 217646 217683 217685

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

6-Feb-2006 6-Feb-2006 6-Feb-2006 7-Feb-2006 7-Feb-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry


26 26 94 26

217702 217708 217738 217742

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

2-Feb-2006 7-Feb-2006 8-Feb-2006 8-Feb-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Air

sulfur plant tripped - resulting in flaring of acid gas. Attempting start-up now. will call back when flaring done. Caller called back at 03:23, flaring stopped at 03:17. Total feed rate of plant reduced. Tank venting (20-D-100) hydrocarbon vapour due to high run down flows to tank. Tank is still venting. R22 release from AC unit. Have found a hole in vent gas recovery piping in B-50\ tank (untreated heavy gas oil tank). Cause is mechanical failure. No known releases to atmosphere, suspect it was pulling air to compressors. Tank is static. piping has been isolated. Adverse effects release, Plant 64 tailings diverted away from NRU. Plant upset in extraction is cause. (06:44 07:41). May receive odour complaints. Flaring from second upgrader. Has been flaring for a long time, is coming up to 20 ton reportable amount. Release 20D100 tank venting. Cause unknown. Changing tank lineups to avert releasing. Venting D100 - ongoing. Running down excessive amount of untreated heavy gas oil. system overloaded. will take a while to stop. Tank venting hydrocarbon vapour due to extra materials.

26 94 26 26 26 94 18942 26 94

217863 217868 217870 217940 217964 218000 218038 218170 218190

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

10-Feb-2006 10-Feb-2006 10-Feb-2006 11-Feb-2006 12-Feb-2006 13-Feb-2006 8-Feb-2006 15-Feb-2006 15-Feb-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency

Surface Water Air Air Air Air

No Impact FGD had been down over the last few days for cleaning. Brought up early this morning. Lost the FGD again at 1040 am because part of the unit failed. Currently troubleshooting. Air Hi TSS in polishing pond Feb 8-9, received results today; possibly due to nearby road construction. Land Land Toluene spill discovered ~l hr ago. From a seal leak on a transfer pump at their main upgrading lab. Contained in bermed area. Amt unknown. Emergency coordinator investigating. Will clean. The caller reported that a tote tank fell off while unloading at a dock. The tote was punctured and 1000 L of 50% hydrogen peroxide were released. They pumped the remaining product into another tank. They used an absorbent to collect the product. They rinsed the concrete surface with water. No product left the facility or entered the sewer system.; The caller reported that a storage container was punctured and 1000 L of 2% hydrogen peroxide were released. Cleanup was in progress at the time of the call. Flaring acid gas. Cause was brining on Amine unit. High opacity reading from power house stack. Hydrocarbon vapour will be vented while restarting a plant. Tank venting (D-52) hydrocarbon vapour due to shut down of main unit, excess of material sent. Temporary situation. 3 freon releases found during PM's yesterday in 3 locations: Bldg 8, R22 12.8 kg - cause unknown, Bldg 9, R22 - unknown quantity, cause unknown, building 51, R22, >10 kg - cause unknown. Strip sour water to effluent pond (normally zero) has exceeded approval limit (472 ppm). Reason: H2S stripper unit upset. Took sample at 0200 hours; got results at 0310 hours. Will resample in one hour and get results of that sample by 0500 hours and provide update. R22 release in very small amount from H and V unit at water treatment plant; leak stopped, will be repaired. Refrigerant Release - discovered on routine check of an air conditioning unit. Release of high H2S concentration sour water (500 ppm). Sample taken at 0200 hours; got sample results at 0300 hours. Reason: sour water unit treater off spec; bringing it back. SO2 coming off atmospheric vent, sulfur Plant 12-1, noticing 2 ppm in area. Purging with N2. Taking down environmental unit (sulfur plant) for scheduled maintenance, Can't do this without flaring off #16-1 and #1 sour water plants in order to get sulfur plant into shutdown. Extraction plant naphtha recovery unit was down power interrupt. reportable.

26 94 26 26 26 26

218193 218195 218269 218341 218384 218430

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

15-Feb-2006 15-Feb-2006 16-Feb-2005 17-Feb-2006 17-Feb-2006 19-Feb-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air Air

26 94 26 26 26 26 48522

218460 218464 218468 218483 218495 218548 218567

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude En Cana

19-Feb-2006 19-Feb-2006 20-Feb-2006 20-Feb-2006 20-Feb-2006 21-Feb-2006 21-Feb-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Land Air Air Air

No Impact Planned power outage. Adding transformers - rerouting power


26 26 94 26 26 26 26

218590 218620 218653 218665 218729 218886 218904

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-Feb-2006 22-Feb-2006 21-Feb-2006 22-Feb-2006 22-Feb-2006 24-Feb-2006 25-Feb-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Notification Release

No Impact Unit 16-1 (sour water treater) upset caused release of unknown quantity sour water. Contained to effluent pond. Quantity unknown but concentration of 470 ppm exceeds reporting requirement. Amt in letter. Land Spill of naphtha from boiler line failure, all contained in plant sewer system, cleanup done. No Impact Having problems with FDG unit. Unit is having problems as it can not remove 90% SO2. Air No Impact Air Surface Water Land Potable Water Air Release of SO2 - shutdown activities on unit 12-1. Draining sour water to effluent pond. Process up set. Release stopped. All details in 7 day report. Flaring was caused by an instability in plant operations. Repairs are in progress. High H2S in strip water to effluent pond. Cause unknown - suspect fluctuating feed H2S conc. will add steam to stripping samples. will call back to update. H2S alarms are not ringing in. Pond is contained to site. no waterways affected. Plant #64 tailings diverted from naphtha recovery unit - volume unknown - Reason: unit upset in extraction. Missed sewage treatment plant sample last week (effluent sample). Contravention of plant power outage to upgrade transformer, will be another one later.

26 26 48522 18942 48522 26 94 94 18942 149968

218942 218949 218978 219028 219031 219053 219121 219128 219147 219249

Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Suncor Suncor

26-Feb-2006 22-Feb-2006 22-Feb-2006 27-Feb-2006 25-Feb-2006 27-Feb-2006 27-Feb-2006 28-Feb-2006 21-Feb-2006 2-Mar-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Surface Potential contravention - may exceed monthly average BOD limit of 25 mg/L. One of the causes was missed Water sewage sample for Feb 22 which was reported in ref# 168570 No Impact Power outage Feb 25, 10:00-10:45. This causes disinfection equipment to go down but everything else shuts down also - so no untreated water went through the system Air Venting from tank D100 (hydrocarbon/ gasoil) due to excess rundown. Air Flaring - commenced because of wet gas compressor trip. Air Flaring event - wet gas compressor trip. Release is of SO2 at 10 tonnes per hour. Still ongoing so final measurement unknown. Potable Water result positive of total coliforms, resampling done. Water was city water trucked to plant. Water Land Spill of propylene glycol (50%) from ground heater fline failure. Contained, cleanup in progress, none in water course.

26 94 94

219274 219293 219328

2-Mar-2006 2-Mar-2006 2-Mar-2006

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air






26 26 26 26 94

219482 219496 219501 219530 219575

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

3-Mar-2006 5-Mar-2006 5-Mar-2006 6-Mar-2006 6-Mar-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Tank venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapour due to reducing unit feed rate. Flaring greater than 20 tonne of SO2 due to compressor down, expect to be exceeded tonight or tomorrow morning. Shore/bank Approval contravention - bulldozer violated environmental buffer surrounding water courses, drove off lease of area and entered crown land. waterbody Air NG release - doing excavation ion NG line hit (underground 4" line). Distribution line for building heating within plant. Immediately isolated line and will repair shortly. Time of isolation unknown. No injuries or evacuations. Air Brining up sour water unit and flaring acid gas at present. Air Hydrocarbon vapour was vented from a tank. A coker was tripped and it was necessary to vent the reservoir tank. Air Tank venting (tank: 53 & 13) - venting HC vapour. Cause is unit upset, on the way to recovery. Air Land Diverter stack got dumped (lost seal). Approval requirement to report - probably some unscrubbed gases were being emitted. The caller reported a gypsum spill. A gypsum line broke down and the pumps were shut down. A tank overflowed. The excess gypsum flowed into a coke pit. The spill was contained and the line was repaired. It was contained in the site and no waterways were affected. There was a release of sulfuric acid at a water treatment plant. a pipeline weld broke down. It was isolated at a tank valve and contained in a sludge pit. The acid was pumped to an effluent pond. The area was neutralized with soda ash and flushed with water.








94 26 26

219617 219678 219693

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

1-Mar-2006 7-Mar-2006 7-Mar-2006

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land

Leak isolated from train chiller in "MCB". Unit #RTUA0804XE01X3C0VF. will be repaired and refrigerant replaced. No details avail at this time. Refrigerant Release - leak on valve on compressor. Isolated now. 8" line - flange started leaking (likely frozen) - tightened bolts on flange, secured leak, covered with fire fighting foam. Vacuum truck enroute to vacuum up foam and naphtha to put into API separator. Will dig up sang and reprocess. Spill was contained in natural swale - no waterways affected. Tank venting (#100). Were able to stop it. Vapour only - no amount estimated. Natural gas and hydrocarbon vapour. The caller reported that a reservoir tank was vented because ambient temperature affected plant operations. The caller reported that a reservoir tank was vented due to problems with the tank lining. Hydrocarbon vapours were released. Low temp on stack 8F5 for time shown. Cause was furnace tripped, Two additional SO2 hourly tonnage violations - as originally reported in 169021. From the 8F5 stack. Ammonia and H2S alarms went off in Plant 16-0. Cause unknown. Alarms have cleared now. No evacuations. Rerouted people around unit. No release. No H2S readings, had ammonia readings (unknown). Could smell something. H2S / NH3 alarm is going off - cause shutting down sour water treater. Some product released to atmosphere. Unit 11-1 amine unit was down and taking apart line and residual DEA in lines set off H2S alarm. Tank venting (20D1) N2 and HC vapour due to unknown cause. Put on another eductor and were able to stop it at 11:45. Diverted on 8-2. Coker gas diverted to atmosphere. Done at 13:58. Opened 10%. Cause - lost feed pumps on coker. Turbidity analyzer for potable water plant was offline for maintenance. Back on at 13:50. Hour SO2 mass violation due to air line leak.

26 26 26 94 94 26

219762 219933 219935 219968 219972 220042

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

8-Mar-2006 12-Mar-2006 12-Mar-2006 12-Mar-2006 12-Mar-2006 13-Mar-2006

Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air

26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 94 26

220050 220054 220097 220122 220300 220310 220409 220465 220501 220563 220618

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

14-Mar-2006 14-Mar-2006 14-Mar-2006 14-Mar-2006 16-Mar-2006 16-Mar-2006 18-Mar-2006 1-Feb-2006 18-Mar-2006 31-Dec-2005 22-Mar-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air

No Impact 93% conc. of H2SO4 spill in water plant. and is contained in sludge pit. Isolated spill and hosed down area and clean up in progress. Air Exceeded 90% (greater than CEMS 10%) downtime for months of February and March. Instrument (SO2 ppm analyzer) is out of range. Potable A turbidity exceedance occurred when a filter was damaged while backwashing it. The filter was repaired. Water No Impact 2 sets of analysis on gypsum pond and only one set taken in 2005. Air H2S and ammonia leak on tower (16-4 C2). Conc unknown (~1000 ppm H2S and 90% ammonia and steam). Evacuated all units in immediate vicinity. ~200 evacuated, doing headcount. Looks like leak is isolated, it's a whisper. Unit is on recycle and is depressurized, N2 is on tower. Cause of leak unknown. No injuries - no reports to med centre currently. Will call with update in ~1 hr. EMA notified. Refrigerant leak - found during routine preventative maintenance check of air conditioning unit (unit #SR-122 Circuit A) Amount unknown at present; will put amount in 7 day letter. R22 release due to loose fitting. On the upgrading MCB unit # U00D07052. Repaired and recharged.

26 94 26

220702 220807 220849

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

22-Mar-2006 23-Mar-2006 26-Mar-2006

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land

48522 26

220866 220950

En Cana Syncrude

26-Mar-2006 27-Mar-2006

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged

Spill of (HCL>5%) Hydrochloric acid, less than 5%. Filling tank to wash and over filled tank. Contained in area - on ground on plastic sheet. neutralized and will clean up with vac truck now. 1 worker overcome with fumes. taken to hospital. No Impact Contravention. Power outage from 1300 - 1800 hrs due to heavy snow Surface High H2S in l6-4 effluent stream going to effluent pond. Stream has been swung back to tank until on spec.







Contravention Release

Water Air

26 149968

221225 221271

Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Syncrude

31-Mar-2006 31-Mar-2006

Industry Industry

Release Release

Land Surface Water

Cause was unit instability. A vapour recovery compressor was tripped. So far the compressor could not be restarted. Hydrocarbon vapours were vented to the atmosphere.; 21-K-2 tripped last night (as reported in ref# 169755). They restarted it at 0530 today (Mar 30) and it tripped again at 0710 hrs. They may have to take unit apart for maintenance. Spill - concentration of HCL 1.3% - water wash. Leaked from tank pinhole on connection. Drawing contents of tank down with vac trucks. will soak up and neutralize and dispose of. Failure of control structure on small silt pond and discharged silty water into Tar River. Have contacted DFO to report and caller responding to their direction - caller checking every hour. Caller will provide update tomorrow. Volume unknown.

94 149968

221357 221421

3-Apr-2006 3-Apr-2006

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention

94 26 26 153125 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 18942 20809

221499 221521 221695 221738 221811 221961 221970 221983 221990 222034 222108 222152 222207

4-Apr-2006 5-Apr-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Syncrude 6-Apr-2006 Shell Canada 7-Apr-2006 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor 8-Apr-2006 11-Apr-2006 11-Apr-2006 11-Apr-2006 9-Apr-2006 12-Apr-2006

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

Potable Spill of pond effluent water into pond and sump; probably not into the Athabasca River. Cause is due to Water pressure safety valve lifted. [this should be classified as call reason surface water, not potable water.] No Impact Contravention of table 4.6-c - treated water volumes should be recorded once per day. April 2, 3 it was not recorded on train 2 (Train 1 was recorded). April 2 treated water particle count and treated water turbidity were recorded on train 1 but not train 2. Reason - they are commissioning still and these measurements will soon be made digitally Air Refrigerant release due to damaged refrigeration equipment. The equipment was repaired. Air Tank 101 is venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapour. Cause is tank pressure as tank filled. (02:30 - 02:35). No evacuations. Air A naphtha recovery unit was vented while restarting a new unit. Hydrocarbon vapours were released. Land Spill of diesel from storage tank (2000L); amount unknown. Vacuum truck sent to cleanup. None in watercourses, cause is due to leaky valve. Air Tank #100 venting of natural gas and hydrocarbon due to tank filling. No Impact Analysers not in compliance. Furnace stack for Plant 73 not being monitored. Probes in wrong location. Land Air Air Air Air Land Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water oil spill - used motor oil. Just found - looks like equipment blew line. Loader coming to scoop up and take to pit to recycle. No drains or water affected. Tank venting of hydrocarbon (natural gas). Vapour from heavy gas tank, due export rate to tank is too high. Due to ongoing venting, they will exceed 20 ton flaring, threshold tonight at -midnight. Venting/flaring is due to compressor down. Flaring from 5PIC793B. Ambient air monitoring violation. Could be data collection problem. main stack has a colorful plume, not a contravention, color due to weather. Spill - raw liquid sewage. Port a potty tank - line broke to holding tank. Has been repaired. Tailings and solvent mixed with sand. emergency dump pond. Sump overflowed to ditch and emergency dump - 30 m3 spilled to ditch and pond. Cause was valve left open accidentally when bringing equipment online. Contained onsite. Will likely pull out and put back into system. SO2 violation - ambient air measurements taken at air monitoring station #11. Release of H2S and Ammonia - flange leak at pressure safety valve on plant #16 4 (sour water treater). Volume unknown yet - will put in letter. Flaring most of the day. Reporting to AENV due to volume . Will put amount on 7 day letter. Reason for flaring: plant 16-4 startup. Venting of Tank #20D101 (for untreated heavy gas oil). Venting hydrocarbon vapours. Reason: plants 15, 1 and 2 tripping. H2S release due to flange leak at FC131FC13. Is being isolated right now. No evacuations or injuries. H2S release due to a small leak on a line (81K2). No injuries or evacs. Have isolated area and are tracking source. Increase sediment in diversion ditch led to increase sediment into Tar River due to too much spring runoff. DFO notified.

Syncrude 13-Apr-2006 Syncrude 13-Apr-2006 Albian Sands 15-Apr-2006

94 26 26 26 26 26 149968

222218 222222 222225 222249 222261 222264 222302

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude

15-Apr-2006 15-Apr-2006 15-Apr-2006 16-Apr-2006 16-Apr-2006 16-Apr-2006 17-Apr-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release







H2S release due to 19C10B knockout drum - was draining liquid from it on pump out side (25-45 ppm on


26 94 48522 26 18942 26 94 18942 18942 26

222323 222339 222456 222463 222503 222558 222659 222708 222710 222712

Syncrude Suncor En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

18-Apr-2006 18-Apr-2006 18-Apr-2006 18-Apr-2006 5-Apr-2006 19-Apr-2006 20-Apr-2006 20-Apr-2006 20-Apr-2006 20-Apr-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

readings). No evacuations. Will continue to monitor. Air Flange leak on 81PSV57L, release of 10 15 ppm H2S. Working on repair. No evacuations. Land Diesel spill due to failure of coupling on the fuel tank of an oil sand truck. Contained and cleanup done. No Impact Power outage 0830-1130 hrs. Reportable as a contravention but it doesn't affect the water plant. No idea what caused it. Air Nothing showing on gas testing equipment (hand held) Conclude alarms were from faulty instruments. Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Exceedance on TSS from clean water ditch discharge to Stanley Creek. Reason: suspect spring runoff. Back to normal next day. Refrigerant release. Bldg 807, 67JED#1, Unit 67-RV-9A. Amount unknown. will be in report. R22 release from A/C cause unknown. R22 release from unit 265-RV5 at building 907C. Discovered during a service call. Isolated and will repair. Diverting event - problem with CO boiler - diverted coker gas to atmosphere through diverter stack. Suspect process water leak on line between Aurora and Mildred Lake site. sampled ground where suspicious water was found and it is characteristic of process water. Will sample more and possibly have to dig up line. Line is currently shut down.; Update: pipeline for recycled water - leaking stopped no longer going into creek. Vac trucks on site. Flow stopped - draining lines. Rec' d odour complaint from an onsite contractor. Ammonia ("cat pee") smell. Opacity Violation spill - pipeline failure. Being cleaned up now. contained. Vac truck coming to site. R22 (unknown quantity) released due to unknown cause. Isolated at the moment. Building 908 HVAC unit 265-1-RV011. Opacity exceedance in 8-1 cyclone drip-leg plugged off. Was blasted with steam resulting in opacity excursion. 23 min. exceedance. Flaring from millennium upgrader (52PC1682). Cause - compressor 52K100 came down a few days ago, suspect may be reaching 20 ton reporting limit for SO2. Opacity exceedance caused by a steam blaster shutdown. The steam blaster was restarted. Sour water release, ongoing, volume unknown. 0.78% [7,800 ppm] H2S in water. It's being released to a ditch that goes to recycle pond. No waterways affected. Contained. Cause, new unit start-up, needs to be reengineered. Went from trace to this level. Having trouble with composite water sampler on outfall to river from pond C. Are taking grab samples by hand every 2 hrs to ensure compliance. Repairs underway in the morning. No upset to effluent, well within limits. Flaring occurred due to problems with two gas compressors. The compressors wee shut down and gas f low was rerouted to the flaring stack. Diverting SO2. Reason: Plant 25 boiler has tripped. will be ammonia and SO2 released. Raw sewage spill. Thinks it is from lift station overflow. Flowing into ditch. Blocked in culvert to contain. Raw sewage - sucking up liquid and will take to municipal sewage lagoon. No waterways nearby. Will have exact amount of spill on 7-day report (and reason also) Exceedance on 8F5 Thermal Stack. Brining a sulfur recovery unit back online. Drew energy away. Ground level exceedance at station 2. Ground level exceedance of Station 2. 24 hour H2S exceedance at Station 2.

26 26 26 18942 26 94 26 26

222714 222729 222740 222779 222800 222815 222852 222858

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

20-Apr-2006 20-Apr-2006 21-Apr-2006 21-Apr-2006 21-Apr-2006 15-Apr-2006 23-Apr-2006 22-Apr-2006

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Land

94 94 26 20809

222865 222869 222921 223033

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

23-Apr-2006 23-Apr-2006 24-Apr-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Albian Sands 25-Apr-2006

94 26 26 26

223101 223111 223113 223117

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

25-Apr-2006 25-Apr-2006 25-Apr-2006 26-Apr-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air


26 94 94 20809

223119 223152 223195 223208

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

25-Apr-2006 26-Apr-2006 26-Apr-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 26-Apr-2006

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

Ground level exceedance at Station 2. Refrigerant release - leak in upgrading unit (noticed it was low) - are pressure testing to locate source.

26 94 26

223294 223296 223330

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

21-Apr-2006 27-Apr-2006 28-Apr-2006

Industry Industry Public Complaint

Notification Notification Impact

94 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94

223374 223411 223413 223422 223435 223439 223575 223615 223658 223662 223694 223787 223809 223847 223849 223865 224009 224017 224033

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

28-Apr-2006 28-Apr-2006 29-Apr-2006 30-Apr-2006 30-Apr-2006 30-Apr-2006 29-Apr-2006 2-May-2006 3-May-2006 2-May-2006 30-Apr-2006 4-May-2006 4-May-2006 5-Apr-2006 5-May-2006 2-May-2006 6-May-2006 6-May-2006 6-May-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged

Refrigerant release. Quantity unknown but over reporting amt. HVAC unit in basement upgrading area. Repairs ongoing. Land Sewage spill; lift station pumps were shut off (reason unknown) - sewage backed up and flowed onto roadway. No waterways or vegetation affected. Went to ditching system. While investigating this spill, there was a wash car (trailer that has toilets) - plumbing not hooked up to sewage tank. Raw sewage flowing onto ground. No waterways. No Impact The caller reported that a desu1phurizer unit SO2 analyzer may have been giving false readings over the previous 24 hours. The cause is unknown and they did PMs on the analyzer to test its accuracy. Potable Notice: Switch from old potable water clarifier to new system. Turned on today. Water Air Sour gas odour. Not sure where it is coming from, but suspect Source.; The caller complained of an odour of solvent in the air. It is very strong and it is almost like pine needles. The source given is suspected.; members of the public called the source' s environmental department to complain of an odour. After checking the plant they found no problems or releases. The caller confirmed that the odour comes from elsewhere.; The caller complained of an odour of ammonia in the air.; The caller's agency received two public complaints about an ammonia odour.; The caller reported that a member of the public called him to complain about an odour of ammonia in the air. Land Haul truck lost its fuel tank while working onsite. A mix of hydraulic oil, diesel, coolant spilled. Approx 100 gal. will probably dig area and dispose on onsite landfill. Air sulfur dioxide exceedance. A sulfur recovery unit had an air rush causing more SO2 to be released from the stack. Air Refrigerant was released from a damaged air conditioning unit. The exact cause and quantity were unknown Air Possible contravention of 360 tons/24 hours on SO2. 12-4 sulfur plant tripped and flaring H2S. Land Air Potable Water Potable Water Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air The caller reported that a large ore moving truck was overfilled. Diesel was released on the ground. It was contained on site. The contaminated soil will be processed in the plant to recycle the diesel. The caller reported that a vent gas recovery unit was tripped. The unit was restarted. The vent gas was rerouted to a flare stack. Approval violation, exceeding water treatment chemicals dosage to potable water. PH analyser has problem due to NH3 injection; reason unknown. Unit 26.1 had ph spike. Caused valve to trip and isolate ammonia to tower; came back on line - all right now. Opacity exceedance. Reason: plant #8-1 unit upset. 50% of overhead equipment was out of service. Monthly average BOD exceedance. Got result today. Cause unknown. For month of April. NH3 flaring due to pump failure. R22 release from building 115 A/C unit, repair in progress.

Opacity violations. Reason: plugged up elutriator - unplugged now and dropping.; Opacity exceedance from main stack. Reason: plugged elutriator (transports coke from burner) on Coker #81. Air Tank 57 floating roof aspirators are open - will be venting when they start to increase level in the tank (light gas oil tank). No Impact 25-1 opacity analyzer out of service since 2 May. Air Two hourly SO2 tonnage exceedances. Info in letter. Air Air H2S release and is intermittent on 21K2 compressor. Investigating the release. Opacity violation. Precipitator tripped - electrical fault. Stack 37. Details in letter.; High opacity on stack 37.


26 26 26 94

224035 224037 224066 224070

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

6-May-2006 6-May-2006 7-May-2006 8-May-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

ESP issue - same as in 170715. 6 minute violation. Reading in 7-day report. Air Tank 20D14 is venting light sweet hydrocarbon vapour. Still venting. Trying to correct. No Impact Equipment outage K- 2. Trip - tank farm vent gas recovery. High vibration during maintenance caused trip. No venting at present. Air R22 release - Building 811 unit 41-38RV stage 3. Amount unknown at present. Land Tailings line rupture at plant 86. Discovered now. Some may have escaped the containment ditch but none off plant site (no waterways affected). will look at it in the morning. will notify AEUB because tailings contains unrefined bitumen. Flaring due to 83K2 trip (gas compressor). Flaring ongoing (sour fuel gas). H2S release, quantity and conc. unknown. Leak discovered at 22:00, isolated at 23:30. Instrument 18-1-FT-43 leaking at transmitter. No evacuations. Flagged area off. SO2 exceedance in incinerator stack in Unit 2 upgrader. Reason: unknown. May have been for two hours. A heavy hauler rolled over. The engine was damaged. Engine fluids were released on the ground. No waterways were affected. Flare extinguished, low pressure flare was extinguishing and relighting itself intermittently. Observed at 19:00, NG back on and relit permanently at 19:10. NG released for ~ 10min. High additive reading (PAX) on potable water. Cause unknown. Opacity exceedance due to plugged cyclone dip leg on elutriator. Has been fixed.

26 26 94 26 26 94 26 26

224147 224282 224321 224347 224362 224368 224372 224425

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

1-May-2006 9-May-2006 10-May-2006 10-May-2006 10-May-2006 10-May-2006 11-May-2006 12-May-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Land

94 94 48522 26 26 26.94

224489 224491 224537 224652 224689 224703

Suncor Suncor En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude; Suncor

12-May-2006 12-May-2006 12-May-2006 15-May-2006 16-May-2006 16-May-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release Impact

Waste oil spill (~10000 gallons) Tank with berm. Tank was punctured and overflowed berm. No Waterways affected. Cleanup with sand underway. will return sand/oil to the process. Suspect tank was punctured on dayshift. ~ 2000 gallons outside of bermed area. Vac Trucks also on site. Spill discovered at 03:00. Air A The compressor broke down and it became necessary to flare. flaring exceeded the approval limit of 20 tonnes. Repairs are in progress. Air Untreated effluent gas will be released through the old stack. A new boiler is being brought up and the SO2 abatement system will not be operational. No Impact Power outage last night, no adverse effect. Air odour complaint received from person for Ft McKay. Source appears to be stack onsite (can't find cause of odour). Air New 261 SGD stack shows visible plume, likely from inversion Air Cat pee smell in air.; Bad cat pee odour, ammonia smell.; Noticed smell in ABBASAND.; Smelled cat pee at Sawridge Inn (saw in paper); Live in centre of town and smelled it there also.; Dickensfield area smell bad at 1000 hrs, Body odourish smell. Read in paper.; Smells like cat pee coming from source, Would like to talk to investigator. Smell is in house and...****; odour complaint received from the public. Source tracking van has been dispatched and cause under investigation.; odour complaints from the public. Source tracking van has been dispatched to area of complaint, public affairs is investigating and internal plant staff are investigating.; Complaining about odours in Fort Mackay yesterday.; Odour of petrochemicals/ammonia. please call back.; Bad smell - smelling it frequently lately.; Smells like cat pee in Fort McKay. Would like a call back.; Ammonia smell in Ft MacKay. Would like call back.; Intense odour in Fort MacKay.; Ammonia smell in Fort MacKay.; Needs info on 'what is causing the odour in Fort McMurray...Needs to talk to investigator...; Want odour complaint logged. It's very irritating . Please call back.; NH3 smell in Fort McMurray.; wanted odour complaint registered.; Smell is bad...Wants to talk to an lnvestigator.; Smell bad in Fort McMurray.; Terrible smell in the air. Several emissions in the air like this since April. Smells like cat urine. Caller feels this is an emergency.; Complaining about odours.; She's staying in Fort Mcmurray and wants to complain about odours in Fort McMurray.; odour complaint....; odour Complaint. Smells like cat urine.; About smell in Fort McMurray. . .; The caller complained of a very strong odour of ammonia in the air as he drove to work.; odour in air .; and Tuesday morning; Ammonia odour very strong. Getting headache. Would like to talk to investigator.; NH3 smell is in Anzac. Bad smell.; Strong odour.; Bad smell in the City. Wanted to have... complaint logged.; Smell in Fort McMurray. Wanted complaint recorded.; Wants to know why smell is still in the air and what AE is doing about it. Wants to talk to investigator.; odour has now reached downtown - the news said it only was affecting one subdivision but now it seems all over.; Very strong ammonia smell today and ...Please have


26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 18942

224746 224767 224796 224807 224831 224899 225004 225118 225120 225134 225136 225161 225205 225250 225259 225262 225349 225425 225437 225449 225453 225508 225537 225572 225654 225656 225671 225673 225796 225803 225833

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

16-May-2006 16-May-2006 16-May-2006 17-May-2006 17-May-2006 17-May-2006 18-May-2006 19-May-2006 20-May-2006 20-May-2006 20-May-2006 21-May-2006 22-May-2006 23-May-2006 22-May-2006 23-May-2006 23-May-2006 24-May-2006 24-May-2006 24-May-2006 23-May-2006 25-May-2006 25-May-2006 23-May-2006 27-May-2006 28-May-2006 28-May-2006 28-May-2006 30-May-2006 30-May-2006 30-May-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air

investigator call.; plant is operating completely normally.; ...the ammonia incident On plant 261 high pH at 7.8. Rechecking the calibration unit. Flaring incident - plant 83 flaring fuel gas Flaring mass exceedance. The daily flaring mass was exceeded due to a fault in the pH and temperature control systems. Flaring started again after the flare went out. The flare is required to burn constantly. Extinguished F-5 flare at 13:00. Was relit at 13:02. Releasing NG for ~2 min. Steam purge on it, trying to adjust rate of steam. Hourly field samples showed a pH above the approval limit. There was no excursion or release of SO2. The cause is under investigation. R22 release on unit R1AU112. Repaired and recharged. Sour fuel flaring of H3K2 due to power tripped. PH exceedance due to analyzer failed, has been fixed. Venting tank 53 - intermittent tank. Stopping it now. Details in letter. R22 release. Air Conditioning Unit #41-1 R28 in building 41-B.

Land Spill at 41A shop. (Mine Service Shop). Tank overfilled. All cleaned up. Used sand sucker trucks will attend. No Impact A vent gas system was shut down A 21K2 trip happened. The approval requires notification of a 21K2 trip. Potable Water Air Air Land Air Potable Water Air Land Surface Water Air Potable water at satellite mine site. Chiller is broken, temperature above acceptable limit, Pump on order. sulfur Recovery Unit tripped and subsequently came back on line, but SO2 went over limit for event total. sulfur recovery unit tripped (again). Recovered but SO2 was over amount limit per event. Fuel spill on mine site at fuel station. Clean up being done. Flare flow meter not reading on the UE1 stack (a 19F11010A Instrument). Not sure what problem is, neither are operators. Will have to get an instrument tech to look at it. Results in letter. High turbidity was measured at a potable water line. A high connected to the line pushed back flow into the pressure washer line. This caused the turbidity to go up. A tank was vented because too much bitumen was sent to it. Venting was necessary to reduce the pressure. Oil from a transformer was released over time. It was all retained by soil around the transformer. Cleanup is in progress. Just observed orange floating scum in the river by Source - 1 km wide. Shutting down 371K3 compressor for maintenance.

Potable Missing daily chlorine sample, unknown reason. Water No Impact Flare flow meter not reading accurately; has gone off scale high on indication of flow. Just discovered it. Air Air Air Air Low stack temp on sulfur incinerator - cause was furnace trip at ~ 03:00. NRU unit vented naphtha vapour due to high vent pres sure. H2S release at #162 plant, due to leaking of process line. Small release of R22 from unit 41-27V8A, lube oil plug not in tight. just found.

Land Release of pond pew water into waste water pond: nothing went of property, amount unknown (1-2 cu m). No Impact Aurora mine has lost flow data for sewage treatment (domestic). Will put dates in report.


26 149968

225851 225906

Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

31-May-2006 31-May-2006

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

No Impact The north flare flow meter failed high; no flow indication. Trying to find a repair strategy since this has happened a few times. Surface Monthly monitoring of sedimentation pond and one test failed. 48 hr. static daphnia test. Water

94 26 26 26

225942 225962 226018 226047

31-May-2006 31-May-2006 1-Jun-2006 1-Jun-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

No Impact Sewage overflow from a holding tank beside sources FGD unit. Cleanup being done. Air Release of R22 from unit 30-2 RV2. Air Land Opacity exceedance from main stack due to CO boiler #1 tripped.

94 26 94 26 94

226056 226091 226093 226182 226194

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

2-Jun-2006 2-Jun-2006 31-May-2006 3-Jun-2006 3-Jun-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

94 94 26 94 26 26 26

226276 226359 226537 226679 226685 226790 226806

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

31-May-2006 2-Jun-2006 8-Jun-2006 8-Jun-2006 8-Jun-2006 9-Jun-2006 10-Jun-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release

Ammonia gas release turned into a liquid ammonia leak 145 min ago. Leak on stripper, overhead cooler block valve. 1/4" stream, quantity unknown. Happening at their level of unit, plant 16-4. Some released to oily water sewer. Bringing unit down. None offsite. no odour or other offsite impacts.; Ammonia vapour leak on sour water system at plant 16-4. Odours confined to the plant site. Currently taking pressure out of unit to isolate. Air Flaring on SRU 1& 2 since 0500 hrs -.Reason preparing for maintenance because superclause is going down. Ongoing flaring. Full details in letter. Land Used motor oil spill - used oil disposed of in garbage can; when garbage truck picked it up it spilled out the end. Cleaned up - in a sandy type area - no sewers or waterways affected. No Impact The CEMS Analyzer was down for more than 10% of the time during the 3 month of may. The RATA test failed. Maintenance work is in progress. Air H2S and ammonia vapour release. Reason still under investigation but appears to be from seal of sour water tanks. Land ~ 500 gallons diesel fuel spill (UN1202). A truck was being filled and it was found that the nozzle on the fuel tank was broken. The spill went to ground; no waterways affected. The spill is contained and a vac truck is on the way for cleanup. No evacuations or injuries Caller will notify the local RCMP. Surface Exceeded CBOD limit for the month of May on their wastewater (sewage) discharge at the U2 area. Water Investigating reason / cause. Discharged to Athabasca River. Air Stack #31 cannot achieve 90% uptime for the month due to instrumental problem. Air Shut vent gas compressor down, 21K31 and K32, Maintenance, will be at least 2 weeks.

Potable turbidity excursion on potable water distribution system. Will call AB health as well. Water Air Nat. gas (pse) pressure safety valve release to atmosphere. (pressure regulator failed) . No Impact H2S in C10 drains to grade - samples came back high. Are resampling and upped chemical injection. Air Potential SO2 exceedance - were attempting to start - up 16-4 sour water treater. Weren't able to stabilize, this plus regular H2S flaring for start-up may have exceeded SO2 limit. SO2 amount to be calculated. will call back if it's not a contravention. The low pressure flare went out due to too much steam in the burn gas. The flare went out while steaming equipment for maintenance. The low pressure flare went out due to high steam in the burn gas. A sour water pump out line leaked vapours. There were no injuries or evacuations. The cause is unknown. The line was isolated. An unknown volume of sour water leaked. No waterways were affected. It was all contained onsite. Exceedance on sulfur recovery unit (SO2). Reason is under investigation; appears normal now. Large flaring event from trip on compressor 52K-40l. Still working on it. Was difficult to track down. Refrigerant release. Building 908 - Unit 265-IRVl1, A/C unit. Venting from D100 tank. High load on vapour recovery unit (warm weather) .

26 26 26

226830 226834 226842

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-Jun-2006 10-Jun-2006 11-Jun-2006

Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Land

94 94 26 26

226927 226995 227027 227029

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

12-Jun-2006 13-Jun-2006 14-Jun-2006 14-Jun-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air


26 26 26

227050 227068 227277

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

14-Jun-2006 14-Jun-2006 16-Jun-2006

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Impact

Air Air Air

R22 leak from Bldg 34, Unit #8-1R66A. A/C unit. H2S release (release of sour water above limit from UE-1 flare knockout drum Vessel #19C-10C. Reason: injection equipment malfunction. Getting CO readings at plant 26-1. Haven't identified Source yet. Continuously monitoring air and have alarms that sound if CO exceeds 125 ppm. One alarm so far at 1100 hrs. People instructed to leave area if alarm sounds. possible Source is flue gas. A tank farm was vented. Some hydrocarbon vapours were released. Employees at the plant complained because of the odour. There is an odour problem in the air. The caller said that skin is itchy. There is a lot of grey smoke coming from a flare stack.

94 94

227289 227327

Suncor Suncor

16-Jun-2006 17-Jun-2006

Industry Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air

94 26 20809 26 82973 26 26 94 26 149968

227359 227367 227385 227445 227671 227685 227709 227760 227772 227781

Suncor Syncrude

18-Jun-2006 19-Jun-2006

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Albian Sands 16-Jun-2006 Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 19-Jun-2006 21-Jun-2006 21-Jun-2006 21-Jun-2006 22-Jun-2006 22-Jun-2006 31-May-2006

No Impact Sewage spill on site. Lift station overflowed and sewage spilled. Cleanup being done. Air Unit 16 4 valve has developed a packing leak but has been going for two days. Packing gone, now have to replace. Air R22 release over 20 hr period due to vibration on a chiller. Investigating cause of violation. Repaired and recharged. Air R22 release due to leak on discharge service line. Repaired and recharged. Air Air Air Air Air One of the static air monitoring stations was removed due to construction and was not put back. Have no monthly samples for May as per approval requirements. possible R22 refrigerant leak - under investigation. Unit has been isolated. R22 release from A/C unit at building 1013, RB6; repaired. Flaring violation due to boiler tripped possible temp violation. Vented tank - off loading to ammonia tank too fast.

No Impact Missed sample for May. Will sample now.

26 26 48522 26 26 94 26 26 26 26

227932 227954 227989 228019 228110 228162 228210 228242 228275 228277

23-Jun-2006 24-Jun-2006 25-Jun-2006 25-Jun-2006 26-Jun-2006 26-Jun-2006 27-Jun-2006 21-Jun-2006 27-Jun-2006 27-Jun-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air

SO2 release from main stack, cause is upset on 16-4. maybe over hourly limit. Venting from tank D101. Build up of pressure - compressor seems to have got behind - happens on hot days. Chlorinator was sucking air for awhile. Use hypochlorite soln. Free chlorine did drop, no problem. High H2S in sour water - just received sample results from lab. Water is from flare knockout drum "19-C10-C" and will go to the effluent pond. Tank venting tank #D100 - venting hydrocarbon vapour from gas oil tank. Reason: probably caused by ambient temperature. Should be corrected shortly. Two hourly SO2 violations due to problems with air demand analyzer.

Venting from a D13 tank - nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapours. Reason: ambient temperatures - caller has made adjustments to stop venting. No Impact Flaring data was lost for June 21, 2006. The approval requires collecting daily flaring volume. Air Air Hydrocarbon vapours were released when an aspirator failed. The storage tank had to be vented to reduce the pressure. Venting will slowly continue overnight. R22 (22 lbs) released due to a leak on 240-2RE001 condensing unit first stage. Has been repaired and recharged.


26 94 94 149968

228331 228453 228455 228493

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Syncrude Suncor

28-Jun-2006 30-Jun-2006 30-Jun-2006 30-Jun-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Potable Water Land Air

Tank venting. Reason: probably ambient temperature; will mitigate. NRU plant extraction lost power for 26 min., untreated water to disposal pond. Release 100 Kg of molten S to ground at loading rack. Valve to the loading dock while transferring between plant was malfunction. Non-compliance of annual chronic lethality using mineral.

94 26 94 20809 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 18942

228499 228587 228609 228729 228741 228868 228874 228883 228966 228978 229087 229091 229169 229180 229210 229216 229277 229279 229366

30-Jun-2006 3-Jul-2006 3-Jul-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Release Impact Release Release Impact Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Impact Release

Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Surface Water

Plant 6 and 7 are down in, extra flaring for 19 days, letter sent already. Have received some odour complaints from Ft MacKay and S of Ft MacKay. Have sent out source tracking van at 10:35. Wind direction doesn't correspond with plant site and no plant upsets. A trip of the 8F19 Super Close [Superclaus] on base plant and now have 3 approval violations. Iron exceedance in potable water due to unknown cause. High demands on system may have caused tans to be stirred up. Possible exceedance of hourly SO2 emissions due to a restart on plant 12-4 (sulfur plant) . The caller complained of an odour of hydrocarbons (naphtha) in the air.; The flare pilot light went out because of high winds. The flare stack vented to the atmosphere without burning. Ammonia was released when a pressure relief device lifted during a plant upset. The release was momentary and only a small amount of ammonia was released. The caller complained of an odour of hydrocarbons (naphtha) in the air. High H2S content in stripped sour water which is being released to effluent pond. Investigated and fixed problem. ~ 50-60 gallons raw sewage spilled under trailer complex due to broken line, it's currently being inspected. Spilled to ground, no waterways affected. Cleanup underway. Strong smell of diesel while going south and passing the source. Doing maintenance on plant 6 & 7 and therefore need to flare. Flaring started 2 july and [will] last for 19 days. Exceedance of SO2. Reason: trip on a boiler; caused sulfur recovery unit to go down; power trip - already had one unit down for maintenance, were vulnerable. Upset conditions on extraction plant. Wednesday in evening. naphtha went to ponds. ambient exceedances in area. may have been caused by source. Still under investigation. Trip on A-19 exceeded SO2 limit; readings in report. Wood jamming system, plant stand still, flush it out 2 days ago; release into effluent pond; odour complaint may be this reason, caller will call investigator. Station 13. website for data is not working. Exceedance is a possibility but numbers aren't necessarily correct. Also Station 1 but no readings. Odour complaint received from east of plant - foul odour. Initial call to fire hall (Syncrude). May not be plant related - still checking. From equipment yard next door. Contraventions at sewage treatment plant. High BOD and TSS average monthly readings for month of June. Nothing discharged to the environment. Possible cause - project work at site caused increased flow which is difficult to control. Odour complaint - causing headaches and sore eyes - bad for last 3 days. Noxious smell burns nostrils - especially on Hwy 63 passing Source. Uncontrolled surface water release from plant sedimentation pond. High TSS water going offsite. He suspects water leaving site exceeds limit of 50 mg/L TSS. Will include results in letter.

Albian Sands 3-Jul-2006 Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 4-Jul-2006 5-Jul-2006 5-Jul-2006 5-Jul-2006 6-Jul-2006 6-Jul-2006 6-Jul-2006 2-Jul-2006 7-Jul-2006 7-Jul-2006 7-Jul-2006 7-Jul-2006 9-Jul-2006 9-Jul-2006 1-Jul-2006

94 94 149968

229508 229571 229588

Suncor Suncor Canadian Natural Resources

11-Jul-2006 11-Jul-2006 11-Jul-2006

Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry


26 149968

229616 229671

26 149968

229942 229969

26 26 94 94 94 26 26

230008 230067 230201 230325 230423 230428 230489

Ltd. Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

12-Jul-2006 28-Jul-2006

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention

Air Potable Water

H2S release - draining a pump and sour naphtha to ground. Exceedance of trihalomethane in potable water distribution system. Sample taken at main Admin Building June 28/06. Exceedance of sec 4.6.23 which is average of 4 quarterly samples.

14-Jul-2006 15-Jul-2006

Industry Industry

Release Release

Air Surface Water

H2S flare pilots are out. Cause unknown, being relit right now , 4.3.1 - unauthorized release - spill of raw sewage went to ditch that goes to main plant sediment pond. Pond releases to Tar River. Release to river is controlled. Volume of sewage unknown -10-30 m3 Will be sampling effluent for bacti. etc. Shut down gas recovery unit in tank farm, still others are working so no venting.

16-Jul-2006 17-Jul-2006 22-Jun-2006 19-Jul-2006 20-Jul-2006 20-Jul-2006 20-Jul-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention


No Impact Sewage spill from sewage tank. Tank overflowed. Air Flaring incident from June - pick up on month end report. Details will be in report. Air Land Potable Water Potable Water Exceedance. Vapour pressure on naphtha storage tank. North tank farm. Any and all details in report. Small ammonia (solution) spill - vac truck. Cleaning heat exchanged in upgrading area. Went into industrial sewer. goes to WW treatment system. No impact. THM's (trihalomethane) may exceed annual average in potable water.







26 48522 18942 26 94 94 18942 26 94 26 26 26 26

230613 230750 230756 230851 230902 231048 231116 231210 231215 231261 231266 231272 231318

Syncrude En Cana Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-Jul-2006 24-Jul-2006 24-Jul-2006 25-Jul-2006 25-Jul-2006 27-Jul-2006 28-Jul-2006 28-Jul-2006 29-Jul-2006 28-Jul-2006 29-Jul-2006 29-Jul-2006 31-Jul-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Impact Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged

Caller has a building that was put on potable water system without being approved. Not getting chlorine residual reading because building is too far from main system. have put "no drinking water" signs up as soon as this was noticed. Source is making a decision as to either install chlorine injection system for the site or take them off the system. No Impact Have lost a vent gas recovery turbine - there is no tank venting. #21K2 is on line and 21K, 31-32 has tripped and they are unable to restart due to p1c problems (computer not working) Notification only: no contravention.; Problems with 21K, 31-32 (vent gas recovery turbines) again. Still have computer p1c issues. Can't get a start permissive. Can't startup. Ran for 14 hours last night then quit again. Lost vent gas recovery turbines. Air H2S flare pilot suspected to be out (two pilots). Instrument technicians on the way to confirm. No Impact Power outages (2) are contravention of approval. 16:00-17:00 due to rolling blackout. 19:00-21:00 due to power pole replacement. No effects due to outages. Potable High turbidity in potable water due to potable that was trucked in, flushed tanks and refilled. Should be done by Water 06:00. Air Venting from tank 20-D-7 (natural gas/ bitumen). It's currently diminishing so should be over soon. Air Plant 53, SO2 flaring exceeding due to process upset. Air Odour complaint from Source - bad for 3 weeks and not getting any better. Would like more information on this issue. Surface Monthly average for TSS will likely exceed approval limit. All effluent is recycled. Water Land A truck rolled over and molten sulfur was released. none left the facility but some went into a tailings pond. Cleanup is in progress. Air Leaking piece of ductwork in powerhouse. AENV investigator asked caller to report this. Caller feels this is an industrial hygiene issue. Caller doesn't know what is leaking. Caller will look at this on Monday. Surface During plant 26 start - up, pH is out of spec for approval. pH is low, doing experiment to lower the ammonia Water slippage to stack. pH was lowered. pH is now being controlled at 4.7. Air On-site odour complaint (internal), smells like "cat pee". May be from plant 26-1 stack. will send source tracking vehicle. Will check operation. Air Ammonia exceedance. The cause was unknown at this time.; There is an odour of ammonia In the air. employees at the plant felt it. There could be public complaints. Air Odour coming from Building 252, not sure of source. Sent out tracking van and got 2 H2S readings.; Odour


26 94 94 26

231372 231417 231471 231481

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

21-Jun-2006 30-Jul-2006 1-Aug-2006 1-Aug-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

complaint; source tracking vehicle detected high H2S. No Impact Potable water contravention. Reports missing - chlorine - random and turbidity - random Air Air Air There is a potential flaring event due to an upset of a sulfur recovery unit. SO2 violation - millennium thermal oxidizer stack. Returning a sulfur recovery unit from service. Opened diverter stack. Unit 25-2 CO boilers #3 and #4 tripped and #12.0 sulfurine unit tail gas was diverted out diversion stack for twelve minutes. Measurement of H2S and SO2 being calculated and will be noted in 7 day report. Reason; trip on unit 26-1 (new one) caused CO boilers to trip. possible exceedance of main stack of opacity On site odour complaint investigating. source tracking van sent out.; Knew there were odours on site - so ingested "pro-sweet" to mitigate odours. Flooded ammonia probe. part of "Start-up plan". Now have LOST AMMONIA ANALYSER High rundown temperature; potential odour problem. Reason is under investigation. Flaring - acid gas and SO2 being emitted. will continue for some time. Several employees felt a strong odour in the air. It was possibly sour water and ammonia. The air was tested but the source could not be found. There were no public complaints.; [kt note: this is incorrect. There were public complaints [call id 140763, 140762, 140759, 140760, 140758, 140765], The caller complained that there is a strong odour of ammonia in the air. Refrigerant was released from a high vacuum system. The unit was repaired. NRU unit vented to atmosphere releasing naphtha vapour for 5 mins. exceedance of main stack particulate result for last week. Excess SO2 emission due to bypass pollution equipment for repairing. exceedance of potable water due to chlorine pump failed. R22 release from A/C in upgrader. Repaired. Main stack opacity exceedance. Reason: CO boiler precipitator tripped. naphtha Slop Tank is venting. Reason: light material in rundown. Not measureable - vapour plume only (naphtha vapours) . Tank venting to relieve temp. and air buildup. Naphtha fumes venting. SO2 flaring over 20 tonnes since this morning. U2 flaring SO2 due to hydrotreater problem; still exceed the 20 tonne limit. High run down temperature, cause vapour pressure to exceed approval limits. Went to 11 psi. FTIR on Plant 26 (ammonia slip) is out of service. This is an analyzer. using Draeger for testing. Mobile Air monitoring van got exceedances on SO2. Flaring incident caused by a unit upset. The cause is under investigation. TSS exceedance caused by excavation work in a ditch draining into a clear water collection pond. Caustic (150-200 L) of 10% NaOH spilled from truck while heating (Caustic intended for exchanger cleaning). All spilled to ground. Had a vac truck right there, was cleaned up right away. No drains or waterways affected. No injuries or evacuations. Was contained on site. Product was circulating on a truck. Expanded upon heating, overflowed tank. A solenoid valve leaked in a refrigeration unit. Refrigerant was released. The unit was repaired.

26 26

231584 231588

Syncrude Syncrude

2-Aug-2006 2-Aug-2006

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Air Air

94 94 26

231603 231644 231755

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

1-Aug-2006 2-Aug-2006 4-Aug-2006

Industry Industry Public Complaint

Air Air Air

26 26 26 94 20809 94 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 48408

231757 231826 231850 231872 232064 232124 232130 232132 232191 232208 232215 232256 232292 232312 232327 232402 232514

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

4-Aug-2006 6-Aug-2006 7-Aug-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Suncor 7-Aug-2006 Albian Sands 9-Aug-2005 Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 9-Aug-2006 9-Aug-2006 9-Aug-2006 10-Aug-2006 10-Aug-2006 10-Aug-2006 11-Aug-2006 10-Aug-2006 11-Aug-2006 5-Aug-2006 2-Aug-2006

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

Petro-Canada 15-Aug-2006









26 26 26 94 26 48522 149968

232703 232844 232882 232956 233164 233179 233216

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude En Cana Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

24-Mar-2006 19-Aug-2006 21-Aug-2006 18-Aug-2006 23-Aug-2006 23-Aug-2006 23-Aug-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention


A chiller barrel leaked and refrigerant was released. The unit was repaired.

Air Shutting down test of FTD stack due to odour detected on the plant site. No Impact Flare flow meter gone bad. No readings. Air Land SO2 limit exceedance during flaring

Break in 8" sewer line. No waterways affected, break is near sewage lagoon. ~ 1000 gallons of raw sewage released to ground. Line is isolated. Will assess for cleanup. No Impact A planned power outage caused the disinfection equipment to shut down. The approval requires continuous operation of the disinfection system. Surface Were constructing a culvert in Tar River, exceeded DFO load for sediment. Water

26 26 26 94 26 26 94

233241 233245 233258 233365 233387 233420 233430

24-Aug-2006 24-Aug-2006 24-Aug-2006 24-Aug-2006 25-Aug-2006 27-Aug-2006 27-Aug-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Land Air Land Air

Treated naphtha tank D14 has vented for 1/2 hour. ~ 10 kg R22 released due to unknown cause. Repairs underway. A desulfurizing unit showed an ammonia exceedance. The caller believes that the problem is the calibration of the analyzer. Produced water was released from a storage tank that overflowed. There was some kind of failure or error. Details will be submitted in a written report. opacity Exceedance. Caused by an unit upset. Spill of 50% Caustic/Sodium Hydroxide. Details in letter. Vapour recovery unit failed (pollution control). Scrounging parts for repair but will probably be 24 hours.; Update to 176226. Called in VRU problem on Sunday because the seal was gone. Originally planned outage for 1-1.5 days. Now plant to be down 5 days to replace the catalyst - which looks like it got contaminated as a result. Diverter stack open because CO boiler #4 tripped. SO2 went to atmosphere. Valve kis still open but venting has stopped. Boiler will be restarted. (SO2 has been rerouted). Plant 26-1. Ammonia over limit. Details in letter. The caller reported an ammonia exceedance. A boiler tripped and caused the ammonia concentration to go up. Analyzer showing high ammonia from plant 26 stack. Cause pH maybe high. Upgrader 2 - have had flaring - close to 20 tonnes and will likely be over that by this evening. Reason: process upset so have been flaring during the day. complaining about flue gas from Source. Drove by plant, smoke hanging in air. Would like a call back.

26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 20809 26

233550 233555 233647 233859 233966 234075 234096 234150 234271 234273 234282 234377 234379

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

28-Aug-2006 29-Aug-2006 29-Aug-2006 31-Aug-2006 3-Sep-2006 5-Sep-2006 6-Sep-2006 6-Sep-2006 7-Sep-2006 7-Sep-2006 7-Sep-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air

Albian Sands 8-Sep-2006 Syncrude 8-Sep-2006

Flaring acid gas due to sulfur plant trip. Hope to be done right away. Spill of sewage from main sewer line from a cam lock. Vac truck cleaning up. H2S release due to seal leak at 81G14A. Alarm at 2250 hrs and under control by 2307 hrs. Area cleared - no other issues. Air Ammonia release venting from tanker while offloading at plant 26 - 1, area D102. Area had been blocked off no evacuations. He will get the emergency coordinator to provide more details. No Impact possible contravention but not sure if it's reportable - plant 26.1 running <90% efficiency for ~8 hours. Caused by change in process line. Air Notification - cylinder gas audit on SEW system that didn't meet requirements. >2 ppm deviation on NOx. Will contact the manufacturer. Unable to determine cause. Daily calibrations passed. No alarms Air Stack 26-1 ammonia >100 ppm. Cause - making moves on unit to try and increase efficiency.


94 94 18942 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 18942 26 26 94

234397 234459 234464 234545 234572 234589 234784 234787 234878 234890 234905 235014 235176 235284 235523 235680 235702 235717

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

9-Sep-2006 10-Sep-2006 10-Sep-2006 23-Aug-2006 11-Sep-2006 12-Sep-2006 13-Sep-2005 14-Sep-2006 14-Sep-2006 15-Sep-2006 14-Sep-2006 15-Sep-2006 19-Sep-2006 12-Sep-2006 30-Aug-2006 22-Sep-2006 23-Sep-2006 23-Sep-2006

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Impact Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Release

Air Air Land Potable Water Air Air Air

The caller's child complained of an odour in the air. The caller thinks it is due to work and emissions at the source. sulfur recovery unit tripped; source is flaring; may exceed approval limit for SO2. Should be back on line within one hour. ~200 L of diesel spilled at a bulk storage tank, overfilled lube truck. Contained in dyked area, was cleaned up and put back in system. No evacs or injuries. No waterways affected. Exceeded free C12 on potable water sample from Beaver Creek Tank. Late report (sample taken Aug 23) because it was not recognized as a noncompliance until now when they were compiling data. Looking into it. SO2 analyzer problems on powerhouse stack. Has been ~ 72 hrs, won't make 90% uptime for September. Troubleshooting right now. Cause unknown. Black haze from Source - coming out of coker 8-3. Just got off work and noticed this.

41A sulfur loading block. Trying to clear "arm" but when line cleared it overflowed containment container. Hardening now - contained. Will be cleaned up by tomorrow day shift. Air sulfur recovery unit # 3 tripped at 1218. sulphur recovery unit #4 tripped at 1220. Flaring acid gas. Ongoing working on resetting units. No Impact 21-K- 2 (vent gas compressor) down for >4 hrs. Mechanical issues. Another compressor taking over load so no venting to atmosphere. Land South arm. Caring off loading arm - overflowed containment bucket. will clean up when cooled. Air Late report - yesterday, had an SO2 exceedance on incinerator stack 8F-19. Cause was process upset. Land Air Air Potable Water Air Air Shore/bank of waterbody Air No Impact Land Land Overflow from a portable washroom trailer and is suspected to be only water. Amount unknown. Refrigerant release - part of air conditioning system in main administration building developed a leak. Being repaired. Odour complaint - only informed by email at 1525 hrs. Reason: Believe residual naphtha while cleaning out exchanger. Low chloramines residual in potable water at end of distribution system. This is unused. Approval contravention. Bypass of SRU 12-0 because mechanical outage is required. This will last a few days. The caller complained of an odour of ammonia while driving past the source. The Athabasca river is full of black slick. It is possibly coming from the source. The slick is all along the river bank. The caller noticed it while fishing. Anhydrous ammonia leaked from a tank. An alarm went off. The leak was isolated. Started base plant upgrader shutdown. Today 1200 hrs for 14 days. Had prior authorization from AENV.; Flaring will occur during a unit startup. It will go on for 12 to 24 hours. ~ 300 gallon spill of raw sewage due to hit 6" underground sewage line - went to hole. No waterways affected, Shut down pumps - will replace broken line and lime soil. A drain valve failed and it leaked slowly. Process water leaked slowly over two months. It possibly went into a tailings pond but some may have gone into the Athabasca River. The leak was found during a maintenance cycle. Diverting CO and SO2 with new diverter. Due to CO boiler trips, (10:20 - ongoing). May have odour complaints. 83 compressor tripped - large amount of sour gas (CO, SO2, HC) from coker flaring (10:50 - ongoing). a compressor tripped and caused an ammonia exceedance. Valve passed a small amount of gas oil (kerosene) for ~ 1-2 seconds. Release volume unknown --was under pressure person there said it was a yellow cloud. May exceed license limit on main stack limits. Reason: plant upset. Will provide more information when calculations are complete. Notification only. No contravention yet.

26 94 26 94

235764 235766 235917 236043

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

24-Sep-2006 14-Sep-2006 25-Sep-2006 27-Sep-2006

Release Pro-Active Notification Release Release

26 26 26 94 26

236050 236052 236058 236071 236095

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

27-Sep-2006 27-Sep-2006 27-Sep-2006 27-Sep-2006 27-Sep-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Air Air Air Land Air


26 26 94 94 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94

236110 236142 236245 236294 236300 236311 236334 236336 236338 236375 236386 236421 236445 236553 236566 236618 236642 236677

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

28-Sep-2006 28-Sep-2006 29-Sep-2006 28-Sep-2006 29-Sep-2006 30-Sep-2006 30-Sep-2006 1-Sep-2006 30-Sep-2006 26-Sep-2006 2-Oct-2006 3-Oct-2006 3-Oct-2006 3-Oct-2006 4-Oct-2006 4-Oct-2006 4-Oct-2006 5-Oct-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Impact Release

Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air No Impact Air Air Air Air Air Land

An ammonia line was drained. Ammonia vapour was released and several employees reported eye and throat irritation. SO2 was released due to a shutdown of a stack. The stack was restarted a few hours later. Oil spill in tank farm - Tank #13 is leaking. Unknown amount spilled. Power operator had opacity exceedances - this falls under Caller's company's operating approval. Suspect oil gun spraying on header. Power operator investigating. SO2 exceedance on BFS stack. No idea of reason/cause. Will be in written report. H2S stack was flaring. Exceeded 50 ppm at ammonia slippage, plant 26-1. Possibly due to cleanup sweep on unit. Spiked and is now coming back down. Flaring acid gas from plant 12 due to sulfur plant trip. Trying to get machine started back up currently. Spill of bitumen/water. Slurry line punctured. None offsite - all contained. Approx 40,000 gallons. 80% water, sand, some caustic. 20% bitumen. will have vactrucks in by the end of the shift. SO2 flaring from late last week. Reason: under investigation. A worker complained about odours at 0730hrs. They are in turnaround . Will investigate further. At 0500 hrs they began to swing 12-0 tail gas to seal 1&2 because blower is down. Venting of hydrocarbon vapour from extraction plant vessel #6C-28 Refrigerant release Cause -. leak discovered on heating and ventilation system during routine maintenance. Trip on sulfur recovery unit - cause unknown . Flaring of SO2 >20 tonnes. Flaring started 02:10 - ongoing. Flame out alarm of 19F5 flare. Flare is now on. Odour complaint - there have been several GLC' s. Caller is sending out source tracking vehicle. ~ 3500 L of diesel spilled when a lube tank punctured the fuel tank that was behind it. Fuel tank used to fuel other vehicles on site. vehicle never leaves site, therefore not regulated. Fuel tank has 7500 L capacity, lost ~ half. Spilled to ground, bermed and vac truck called to clean up. No waterways affected. No evacs or injuries. Notification only - no contravention. Ammonia slip off 26-1 stack is a little above normal. Started yesterday. Just in case we get any odour complaints. upgrader 2 will be going down and flaring will begin 300 tons of SO2 over 5 days. Water truck take runoff water to spray on road fro dust control has rollover. Spill some water ; driver is OK. Ongoing air quality problems - lungs sore, eyes burning. He works at a camp approx one mile from Source. He wants info on air monitoring in the area. Ammonia slip excursion on 26-1 stack. undergoing process change and reducing feed rates on 8-3.

26 94 94 26 26 94

236721 236742 236845 236868 236881 236933

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

4-Oct-2006 5-Oct-2006 6-Oct-2006 6-Oct-2006 6-Oct-2006 7-Oct-2006

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land Air Air Air

26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26

236939 236952 236954 236957 236977 236987 237109 237173

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

8-Oct-2006 8-Oct-2006 8-Oct-2006 8-Oct-2006 9-Oct-2006 10-Oct-2006 11-Oct-2006 12-Oct-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Noncompliance. Issue with coke fired boiler resulted in removal of boiler from FGD to repair. will be removed for ~8 hrs. Approval requires it stay in FGD. SO2 emissions will increase by ~5 ton/hr but will stay within limits. No Impact Sour water Plant #16-4 had an upset. Came back under reportable amounts after getting problem under control. Land Air Air Surface Water Air Release of oily water in upgrading plant site - none offsite - contained so it won't get into industrial sewers or ponds. During start-up of plant 52 they were blowing down drum to coke pit - misted fluid as a result. R22 release in bldg 1000, Unit 41-4 4RE4. Isolated - will investigate. Amount and details in letter. Black smoke complaint. Just drove by. Wants some information concerning recent process changes. High H2S content in 16 -4 stripped sour water product. Cause is due to unit instability. Will be resampling, made adjustments this morning. Hydrocarbon vapour release from plant #6 "NRU", naphtha recovery unit. Vent line cleared - OK now.

No Impact High H2S content in sour water in plant 16-4 (sour water plant) due to unstable unit operation. Land ~5000 - 2000 - gallons of water spilled. Suspect potable waterline overflowed sewage lift station. Leak was


26 94 26 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 26

237181 237292 237308 237403 237428 237543 237624 237638 237699 237972 238027 238028 238041 238102 238204 238245 238305 238357 238440 238547 238612 238658 238717 238825 238833 238840 238850 238928 238930 238938

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

12-Oct-2006 13-Oct-2006 14-Oct-2006 16-Oct-2006 16-Oct-2006 17-Oct-2006 18-Oct-2006 18-Oct-2006 19-Oct-2006 24-Oct-2006 24-Oct-2006 24-Oct-2006 25-Oct-2006 25-Oct-2006 26-Oct-2006 27-Oct-2006 27-Oct-2006 28-Oct-2006 30-Oct-2006 17-Sep-2006 29-Oct-2006 1-Nov-2006 1-Nov-2006 5-Nov-2006 5-Nov-2005 5-Nov-2006 5-Nov-2006 6-Nov-2006 6-Nov-2006 6-Nov-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Impact Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged

isolated at 15:35. No waterways affected. Vac trucks are cleaning up, will take to sewage plant. No Impact Plant 16 - 4 high H2S due to plant operation. They are making adjustments and re-sampling. Air Air Compressor tripped and will flare. Another hour expected at least. 26-1 SO2 analyzer not working, equipment failure

No Impact Power outage on plant 14 and 16 today at 0850 hours. They may have contravened approval by possibly releasing untreated tails to tailings pond. will confirm this in written report. Air Flaring from Stack 52K4Dl - may exceed limit; may be down for one hour. Electronic problems with instrumentation. No Impact Off-spec water going to the effluent pond as of 1630 hrs due to unit upset. Air Air Air Land Air Air Land Air Air Flaring at 16-4 due to unit shutdown. May exceed 10 tons SO2. Expect flaring to stop in next hour. efficiency for the stack is below 90% target. Unit upset caused by 16-4 shutdown (as reported in 178774), On road to recovery. Received odour complaints on site of propane smell - they are still trying to track down source. Fuel spill - diesel storage tank area. Operator found it this morning - assuming it came from sample point from storage tank - contained in berm. Contaminated soil will be removed and replaced. On site odour complaint. Hydrocarbon oily smell. 41-y area. A Smell has been there all day. - Sending van out to check. On-site odour complaint. Hydrocarbon oily smell. 41-y area. Smell has been there all day - sending van out to check. Spill of 200,000 L of tailings water due to breach in dyke. All onsite - contained in ditch. Setting up pumps to pump it back into tailings systems. SO2 exceedance on 26-1 Stack for tons/day exceedance in SO2/day on stack 26 one.

Air Tank venting from tank 20-D-33 (light hydrocarbon slop tank). Not sure of cause - investigating. No Impact Have exceeded limit on H2S in stripped waster from plant 16-4 going to effluent pond - due to unit upset. have reduced unit feed rates to get back In to compliance. Land ~ 200 L spill of hydraulic oil due to service truck was overfilled, spilled to cement pad. No drains affected. Cleanup underway. Air Venting of naphtha gas from NRU. Plugged vent line - has been corrected. 11 min release. Potable TSS daily exceedance of industrial runoff. Water No Impact Plant #26 - FGD unit (stack analyzer for NH3) - suspect it has been giving low readings since Oct 29. Late submission. Under investigation. Air SIMS 261AI2. Stack Analyzer failure. Air Release of hydrocarbon vapour. 20B33 Vented to atmosphere. Still under investigation. No Impact 26-1 stack is reporting contraventions for SO2 and efficiency - believe due to instrumentation failure. Air Air Wet gas compressor has tripped and will be flaring. SO2 per hour exceedances.

Swung tail gas from plant 26-1 desulfurization unit to co boilers 1 and 2. Increased SO2 to main stack. Cause plant upset. Started at 14:40 and is ongoing, should be complete in ~ 10 min. Will still be under daily SO2. No Impact New flare 19-F-5 had a momentary pilot outage. Air Air Air Amine went through thermal oxidizer unit (not normal); not a violation; notification only. Flare flame out; fire went out; may allow venting ; relit. Plant #26, SO2 exceedance due to sulphur carry over; overload the unit.


94 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 149968

239052 239068 239134 239166 239246 239252 239256 239624 239808 239814 239886 239906 239914 239927 239935 239953 240050

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

2-Nov-2006 8-Nov-2006 9-Nov-2006 9-Nov-2006 11-Nov-2006 11-Nov-2006 12-Nov-2006 14-Nov-2006 16-Nov-2006 17-Nov-2006 17-Nov-2006 17-Nov-2006 18-Nov-2006 18-Nov-2006 18-Nov-2006 19-Nov-2006 20-Nov-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Operations isolated a leak on Nov 2, found that it was pond effluent (tailings pond cooling water). Leak rate was <1 gallon/minute, duration unknown. Leak went through WW pond system and then to outfall. Flare camera outage due to unknown cause . Under investigation . Venting from tank 20D33. venting N2 and sour HC Cause -. spike in pressure system on tank. 6 min duration (09:47 - 09:53). Update: Vapour recover Unit (vru) was coming up tonight but now it will be Monday. Tank venting from 20-D-33 - venting HC vapours - due to transfer from another tank, No off-site impact. Pulled a coke boiler out of FG Desulfurization system. Flue gas is going to atmosphere. Flaring event - equipment #82K2 is cause of flaring. Sour flue gas. Release of tank venting 20 D33 hydrocarbon vapour; cause unknown. R22 release from Sat#1 Building; cause unknown. Release of hydrocarbon vapour (sour). Reason: tank 20D33 venting. Very strong odour in air between sources. Sky is really hazy.

No Impact Nov 17, 1230 hrs, the SO2 tailgas from 12-0 was routed to CO boilers 1 & 2 - therefore not going through the FGD. Was not reported at the time. Swinging back to FGD now. Air Coker B2 has a hole in the burner overhead line, CO and coke particulates released. Surface Stripped sour water going to pond is over reportable limit. Water Air Swing diverter valve from CO boiler #2 to atmosphere. Air Surface Water D52 tank vented Exceedance of DFO authorization to manipulate habitat. Doing instream work in river - building coffer dam.

26 26 26 94

240060 240062 240112 240128

21-Nov-2006 20-Nov-2006 21-Nov-2006 18-Nov-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention


Venting from tank D-13 (sour hydrocarbon naphtha). Corrected itself after they stopped slopping - vented 15 min. No Impact 16-4 sour water treater off-spec. Sampled at 1800 hrs, results in now. High H2S in liquid possibly due to steam bounce or concentration change. (unit upset). Working on correcting. Air Tank venting D-13. Venting HC vapours 21:14 - ongoing. Cause is too much flow to tanks. Cutting flow. Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Water treatment plant had turbidity greater than 5 NTU for seven minutes. Caller advised health authorities and issued a boil water advisory. Reason: starting up new storage tank. switching pumping from one tank to another and resuspended sediment. Caller forgot to report to AENV. Tank venting - (Tank #52). Reason: lost off gas compressor K31-32. Tank 13 venting natural gas and sour naphtha due to unit upset. Venting on-going. VRU has tripped 3x today haven't exceeded any limit but there is potential for off-site odours. If they find any they will update. Shutdown coker 83 and may have odour complaints. Plant 26-1 SO2 exceeded 60 ton limit due to start up of plant 12-3 (sulfur plant). Occurred ~ 20 min ago. Venting off tank D13 - unit upset 20D1 tank is venting - may get odours. PVRB may be lifting. Flaring at 8-2-K-2, interstage knockout drum high level tripped machine - working on it. Non-compliance of TSS value due to construction of dam.

26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 149968

240145 240165 240169 240172 240175 240203 240213 240265 240294

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Canadian Natural

22-Nov-2006 22-Nov-2006 22-Nov-2006 22-Nov-2006 22-Nov-2006 23-Nov-2006 23-Nov-2006 24-Nov-2006 23-Nov-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry


26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 149968

240357 240359 240367 240369 240375 240380 240386 240388 240390 240414 240424 240436 240455 240459

Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

26-Nov-2006 27-Nov-2006 27-Nov-2006 26-Nov-2006 27-Nov-2006 27-Nov-2006 17-Nov-2006 27-Nov-2006 27-Nov-2006 24-Nov-2006 27-Nov-2006 27-Nov-2006 28-Nov-2006 26-Nov-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water

opacity exceedance. due to start up. Tank venting - hydrocarbon vapour to atmosphere. D52-tank - process upset. Just started. Tank venting. D13 - process upset. Just started. Flaring yesterday over 20 ton trigger for SO2. Cause - trip of 52K401 wet gas compressor. (10:15 - 13:54). Potential SO2 exceedance due to flaring. Upgrader boilers late in doing survey for verification of NOX. opacity >4.0% due to coker problem. Tank D53 venting . High opacity from main stack. Flaring incident, SO2 emissions. Cause - overflow of amine unit. Flaring occurred 04:53 - 06:50. Exceeded 20 ton reporting limit. Tank 20D venting - high run down rate to tank. Tank venting D- 53. Too much flow into tank. Details in letter. sulfur recovery unit tripped and venting SO2 to atmosphere Human machine interface failed on Sunday resulting in loss of data for flow and DO for WWTP. Alarm system still working, no alarms tripped. Will take hourly DO readings today.

18942 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26

240484 240510 240521 240525 240533 240553 240593 240595 240759 240761 240765 240785

16-Nov-2006 21-Nov-2006 22-Nov-2006 29-Nov-2006 29-Nov-2006 5-Nov-2006 30-Nov-2006 30-Nov-2006 2-Dec-2006 2-Dec-2006 2-Dec-2006 2-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Air Air Air Air

Clean water discharge exceeded TSS requirement. Cause under investigation. Goes to Stanley Creek - surface water diversion. Notification only. sulfur plant tripped and flaring acid gas. Not sure how long it will continue - not a contravention. Nov 27/06 Flaring release report received. Sour gas flaring due to lost plant 12 - flaring is continuous and on-going - although they don't expect any contraventions. 2 hr exceedance for SO2 but analyzer might have been frozen. Main stack opacity is over 40%. Cause is unit upset.

No Impact Water samples not taken for week of 5 Nov - 11 Nov. No Impact spill of ammonium sulphate slurry - seal on mixer spilled 5-10 barrels. spill contained to operating area - will flush with water to oily water sewer. Mixer shut down to stop leak - will be repaired. Air Wet gas compressor trip resulting in SO2 flaring - will exceed 20t SO2. Should be done in ~ 1hr. Air Air Air Air Ammonia concentration in plant stack 26 exceedance due to diverted valves opened. Diverted valves of CO boiler #3 and #4 are opened due to boiler tripped. Major upset. Shut down mode. No time for any details - will be in letter. Sour process gas (H2S) release; small amount from 18-2EAA; cause unknown.


26 26 26 26 26

240801 240816 240818 240829 240836

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

13-Dec-2006 3-Dec-2006 3-Dec-2006 4-Dec-2006 4-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Land

Plant shut down. Fuel board tripped. Restart in progress. Details in letter.

26 26 26 26 26 18942 26 26 18942

240877 240885 240894 240918 240929 240990 241009 241044 241075

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

4-Dec-2006 4-Dec-2006 5-Dec-2006 5-Dec-2006 5-Dec-2006 30-Nov-2006 6-Dec-2006 7-Dec-2006 7-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Small spill of ammonium sulphate from a production mixer; pump seal failed. Contained and none in water course. Air Diverting on CO boilers #3 & #4 due to plant 261 leaking , has to shut unit down. No Impact Flare flow meter not working - on the high pressure flare 19-F-37. Discovered when compressor went down, at 1439. Unknown duration. No Impact Contravention - will not complete second stack survey in plant 26 by the end of 2006. Due to operational trouble the unit is shut down and they cannot complete survey which was scheduled for today. Retest will likely be in January. Air Flaring 'big time' due to gas compressor trip. Back on line now - flaring is reducing. Land Potential sour water leak on treater; no estimate of amt. yet; contained to site details in letter. No Impact Unit upset is causing nonspec material to be sent to the effluent pond from the sour stripper unit. No alarms or offsite releases. Criteria which causes it to be offspec is high H2S. Air CO boiler #1 tripped - they are diverting to atmosphere, there is an odour potential. Air High opacity on main stack. Surface Water Air Have discovered high TSS water was released to Stanley Creek last week - believe may have been due to a sump with silty build-up. have closed the discharge until cause found rectified. 0700 hr sample showed high H2S in sour water from plant 16-4 to the effluent pond. Caused by unit operation problem after bringing unit up. No alarms. Air High stack opacity one hour exceedance on main stack. Reason: sulfur plant tripped (#12-1). No Impact Potable water reporting violation - month of Nov - regular contractor could not supply labour to collect water samples. Callers staff took samples, samples were late due to bad road conditions {lack of training & mislabeling) some samples missing. No Impact Hydrocarbon smell on site at trailer #1270. Tests indicated nothing. Air Flaring and there is a possibility they might exceed 360 tonne limit of all SO2 sources. They will call back if they pass the limit. Air Diverting CO boilers 3 and 4. Cause - unknown. Boilers tripped. Air Air Land Plant 26-1 - high ph level and ammonia slip. Reason; removal of feed from coker (CO boilers 3 and 4 tripped). Is on the way back down. Notification - in case of odour complaints. Exceeded 40% opacity on main stack. reason: coker unit upset. Sewage spill (500 gallons) due to a truck backing into a tank. Spilled to ground, no waterways affected. Has been cleaned up. Tank has been removed.

26 26 26 26 26 149968

241100 241114 241195 241207 241231 241238

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

7-Dec-2006 7-Dec-2006 8-Dec-2006 8-Dec-2006 9-Dec-2006 9-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 26 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26

241243 241266 241277 241286 241290 241458 241504 241515 241889 242381

10-Dec-2006 10-Dec-2006 11-Dec-2006 11-Dec-2006 10-Dec-2006 11-Dec-2006 11-Dec-2006 7-Nov-2006 13-Dec-2006 13-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air

venting report, 20D33 tank release hydrocarbon vapour due to over pressurize. Plant 6 NRU is venting. Reason is unknown and under investigation. Venting from tank 33. Nitrogen and sour HC vapour. Cause - slopping from one of the units. (09:35 continuing - may have just stopped). Opacity exceedance due to plugged elutriator. Caused coke to carry over to boiler.

Over week-end tank (stationary tank) in tank farm (20-D-1) pressure relief valve was replaced. For that time tank vented to atmosphere. Tank was isolated from service so release was minimal. No Impact 81-loop seal was dumped in preparation to swing the diverter but wasn ' t required. 81-loop was down for that time. Air Exceeded true vapour pressure on Coke naphtha tank Air Air Air exceedance of particulate; cause unknown. Venting hydrocarbon from tank 20 - D-33. Normal part of current operation. 0505-0512 am. Spike on 26-01 stack for SO2 emission


26 18942 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 94 149968

242393 242407 242423 242425 242485 242491 242495 242501 242548 242560 242646 242678

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.

14-Dec-2006 14-Dec-2006 14-Dec-2006 14-Dec-2006 14-Dec-2006 12-Dec-2006 14-Dec-2006 14-Dec-2006 14-Dec-2006 15-Dec-2006 15-Dec-2006 11-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Surface Water No Impact Air Air Surface Water Air

8-2 diverter open for unit steam out (part of shutdown) for a couple of days. Contravention: May have exceeded TSS limit for week on daily draws. No results yet. Preliminary values received were high. Building 41-Y occupant complaining of hydrocarbon smell. Checking it out. Release of Halon in building 51. Opacity violations. Starting up boiler. Water discharged to discharge area. Chloride is high in discharge area. History has shown spikes similar in past that were fine on resample. Details will be in letter Driving on Hwy 63 currently and smell of gas is strong.

No Impact Loss of north UE1 flare flow indication at 1357 hrs (Dec 14). Still down - tech working on it. Approval requires continuous flow monitoring. No Impact Flow meter on flare stacks not in service (on high pressure flare stacks 19F110l5A and BF11015A. Reason: meters are damaged - new ones have been ordered. Air Strong smell of sour water on hwy 63 as caller drives onto plant site. Air Surface Water Had a trip on 8F5 may have had a stack top temp exceedance and SO2 exceedance. Cause of trip unknown. Discovered another TSS exceedance - same cause as ref# 181205. Will address late report in letter. Approval limit is a difference of no more than 25mg/L between up and down stream readings.; Related material failed to be captured in the text processing; therefore the following keyed by hand: incident 242678, call id 148658, sheet 181205, date 15 Dec 2006 time 12:53; call type alleged contravention, reason surface water, comments: Building coffer dam. Previously doing stream work so they are monitoring water quality every second day. Upstream samples were 5.4 mg/L TSS. Downstream sample was 84.2 rng/L. Reason: believe they are picking up sediment in small area of water they are testing because most of the water is frozen (one metre of ice). Caller took another sample at a different location with free flowing water and it was 7.6 mg/L. Have not done any instream work for a while so does not think this is a factor. Will continue to [remainder illegible; it looks like "monitor this also"]. Flame out on low pressure flare F1 - Reason: steam out activities on Plant 8-2. Set off H2S alarm from steaming a vessel (11-1C-10B). Already isolated - whatever was residual in vessel.

26 26 26 94 26 26 183875 26 94 26 94 26 26 26

242682 242686 242795 242802 242810 242841 242848 242872 242879 242883 242894 242924 242930 243205

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

16-Dec-2006 16-Dec-2006 18-Dec-2006 18-Dec-2006 19-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

Syncrude 19-Dec-2006 Devon ARL 18-Dec-2006 Corp. Syncrude 6-Dec-2006 Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 19-Dec-2006 19-Dec-2006 19-Dec-2006 20-Dec-2006 3-Dec-2006 27-Dec-2006

Venting from tank D-33 (light gas oil). Not sure of cause. Vented from 1716-1724 hrs. will include more info in written report if they find out more. Air Tank venting of H2S and hydrocarbon due to high pressure. Air Brief tank venting HC vapour. Occurred ~1 hr ago, duration was ~5 min. Cause likely run down rate and temp. No other details available. Air Venting of NRU unit, Plant 6. Reason: bringing on line (starting up) and over-pressured with steam. Land Site under construction so they have a tank onsite for potable water. it started to leak - discovered yesterday some went offsite. Will update with details like amt. No Impact <90% availability on 26-1 CEMS equipment on opacity. Dec 6-13 /06. Not Sure of reason or cause - more details in letter. Air Flaring of SO2 starting at 1600 hrs and on going. Reason - lost VRU in the upgrading section. Not sure how long it will last. Will be in written report. Air Tank venting. pressure control problem. (Corrected now) Air SO2 hourly mass contravention on incinerator stack 8-F-5. Not sure of reason or cause - any additional info will be in written report. Air Tank venting from D101 (heavy untreated gas oil ). Investigating cause. Potable Notification of a late report. Turbidity test for the week of Dec 3 was missed on potable water. Not sure of Water cause. Air Tank #33 venting of H2S and ammonia gases due to plant upset.


26 94 94 94 26

243225 243263 243384 243429 243466

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

27-Dec-2006 1-Jan-2006 31-Dec-2006 30-Dec-2006 2-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release


Flame out on flare system. North flare - N5

No Impact annual flue gas desulfurization uptime efficiency is less than limit. Air Land Land Stage 1 of the VRU went down. Odour potential. It is still down - unsure when it will be back up. Domestic waste water release ; amount unknown (few hundred gallons) , into a ditch; none in water course. 10 barrel spill of bitumen due to tank seal failure. Tank 52 - stationary tank. All on site. No waterways affected. In a dyked area, all contained. Leak is continuing and it contains 12.3 m3. Contractor has been called to assess tank. Dyked area should contain it. Dec 8 Pond C WW pond sample was improperly analyzed, therefore TSS and COD not available. Ongoing flaring event for Plant 57 (vacuum unit). Low emission source - ongoing since Dec 26, 2006, likely over 20 tonnes of SO2 by now. Trip of sulfur recovery units 3 and 4. Are now flaring. Reason: under investigation. will try to minimize flaring but have nowhere to send acid gas. Should not be odours but will be higher release than normal SO2 levels. Spill of tailings (water with bitumen). Flotation cell in extraction area overflowed. Most of spill has gone to emergency pond but some has run down fire lane on site. Flo analyzer failed since Jan 1, will not meet 90% uptime requirement. Contravention of sewage treatment plant X25 mg/L BOB NTSS on the month of Dec., 2006 due to switching of contractor. Vapour recovery unit is offline; potentially for offsite odour; will be down for 24 hours. Odour complaint - onsite. We're looking for it - nothing obvious. PSV (Pressure safety valve) passing H2S to flare header (for about a month) . Amounts were small but now not so small all together. Still going but planning to deal. Water contravention. Late with Dec sample (were late) only 4 were taken. More on the way. will be late. A low source has been flaring since 4 Jan 07 and has probably gone over 20 tons per event. Tank D100 venting natural gas and HC vapours. Exceeded SO2 emissions on stack. Flaring event on U1 started at 2200 hr 5 Jan 07. Coker gas is being flared and may exceed 20 ton SO2 limit. Boiler issue. Transferred out of FGSU (Flue GAs sulphurization Unit). Higher emissions of SO2. Tank 261D3 vented for 20 minutes . (mixture of NH3 and SO2). COP for water course crossings - did not notify AENV fourteen days prior to work commencing. Building bridge crossing (type 2 - temporary). Notification missed because protocol not followed. also change in process - will be explained in 7 day report. Release of naphtha vapours due to plant upset. No off site impact expected. While unloading from a transport unit, a hole in the line caused a spill of sulfuric acid (93%) . 40-50 gal spilled onsite, Crews were notified this morning at 0615, They cleaned with soda ash and washed the area down with water. There were no injuries. Spill of treated naphtha from a product line. Spill came from a pump suction vent line. They have a clean water diversion discharge at Stanley Creek - their Jan 3 grab sample came back at their approval limit for TSS. Release of R22 in building #51, amount unknown. Flare on new flare F5 has been extinguished. Reason: unknown - under investigation. Hard to tell - poor visibility. Believe it is on again. High SO2, exceedance on 26 -1 stack due to transmitter failure on plant 16-4.

94 94 94 94 94 82973 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 149968

243468 243470 243488 243490 243510 243544 243587 243677 243685 243689 243705 243707 243711 243731 243746 243748 243806

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude

8-Dec-2006 2-Jan-2007 2-Jan-2007 2-Jan-2007 1-Jan-2007 31-Dec-2006 4-Jan-2007 5-Jan-2007 1-Dec-2006 31-Dec-2006 4-Jan-2007 5-Jan-2007 7-Dec-2006 5-Jan-2007 6-Jan-2007 5-Jan-2007 7-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Surface Water Air Air Land Air Potable Water Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Shore/bank of Waterbody Air Land

26 26

243808 243839

8-Jan-2007 8-Jan-2007

Industry Industry

Release Release

26 26 26 26 26

243860 243863 243889 243933 243968

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

9-Jan-2007 3-Jan-2007 9-Jan-2007 10-Jan-2007 10-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Land Surface Water Air Air Air


26 26 26

243972 243974 243980

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-Jan-2007 11-Jan-2007 11-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Release Release


26 149968

243993 244015

Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

11-Jan-2007 31-Dec-2006

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Compressor 8-3 tripped on false level alarm. Flaring. Instrument tech on the way for repair - will flare until repaired. Flaring sour gas. Air Release of hydrogen sweet gas - caught fire once flange opened. Trying to bring unit online. No injuries or evacs. Internal FD extinguished fire. On fire for ~ 30 min. Land Light gas oil spill (~30 barrels), temp difference during startup caused bolts on exchanger to separate resulting in leak. All spilled to ground. No waterways affected. Being hosed to oily water sewer. On cement pad. All on site. Cleanup underway. Bolts will be tightened. still leaking ~1 L/5 min. Air Contravention on tail gas routing. Unit 12 -1 routed directly to CO boilers. Reason: back pressure problem on system due to boiler trip. No Impact Acute lethality test missed for Dec 2006 This is for Daphnia and trout.

26 94 26 26 26 94

244025 244035 244124 244155 244157 244159

11-Jan-2007 26-Dec-2006 11-Jan-2007 12-Jan-2007 12-Jan-2007 12-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air

Tank 20D52 venting HC vapour. Trying to reduce flow to stop venting. High TVP (true vapour pressure) on coker - naphtha rundown. Reason: under investigation - discovered while doing data review. No Impact Noncompliance. Jan 11 potable water samples arrived at the U of A frozen. will repeat sample and ship today. Air Opacity exceedance on main stack f or 1 hour due to a plugged overhead cyclone on 8-1. Trying to load coke to 8-2 for startup. Air Tank venting naphtha, unknown volume. Cause - likely high rundown rate supporting 15-1 unit coming off of recycle. Venting from 22:30 - 22:57. Land Release of diesel (~1500-2000 L) due to a leak on a compressor tank, nozzle may have been left open. No waterways, pond (tailings) nearby - did not enter. Leak is stopped. Clean up has started - fluid sucked up contractor. All on site. Likely occurred ~ 18:00, discovered at 23:00 Not transport related. Land Overflow on sulfur truck that they were loading. ~5- 10 gallons spilled to loading pad. No waterways or drains affected. Cleanup underway. No - injuries, evacs. All on site. (UN2448) Land Expansion joint broke on line - lost <1000 gallons of tailings into tailings ditch. All taken back into tailings loop. No longer leaking tailings because they are flushing with freshwater. Road was not washed away because it was discovered early enough. No Impact Spill of drilling mud from drilling rig. Happened 0600-0630 but just discovered now. Worker dumped mud onto drill pad and they are not sure why. Mud frozen. Dispatched bobcat and truck to clean - will go to reclamation pit. None offsite. No Impact Have commenced with an FGD (flue gas desulfurizer outage at 21:30. Letter was sent previously. Outage will occur for most of tomorrow. Cause - maintenance on spray nozzles. No Impact Spill of sulfur during loading operation, due to overflow. Same spot as spill earlier today. None offsite. will be cleaned. Air Tank venting over tank load; compressor down. Air Tank venting NG and HC vapours in tank D7 Air Coker 8-2 is in startup mode. Steam/air open to atmosphere via diverter valve. will continue into the morning. Air Air Air Opened diverter valve on coker 8-1, they are down to facilitate tube repair on CO boiler #1 and are diverting CO2 also releasing some coke fines. No off-site lmpact. will be diverting for about 48hrs. R22 (unknown volume] release due to unknown cause. Unit 41-R-28. building 157. Leak's been isolated. Determining amount. Odour complaints made onsite - Reported to him at 1102 hrs. Not sure how many complaints but there have been 'numerous' reported to the front gate. Suspect due to diverter plume blowing in that direction. Nothing can be done except waiting for the wind to change. H2S release - flange leak at tank 20D63. Trying to repair. Sour naphtha is being released. Isolated the area. Only fire fighting and maintenance staff are in area. No injuries or evacuations.; Due to leaking flange, they've had a spill of 20-30 barrels of sour naphtha. Isolated tank that is leaking. but the residual left in the line is still leaking out. All contained to site. Will flush to the oily water sewer system. No injuries or other issues.

94 18942

244161 244178

Suncor Syncrude

13-Jan-2007 13-Jan-2007

Industry Industry

Release Release







94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26

244188 244190 244259 244290 244299 244410 244420 244482

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-Jan-2007 13-Jan-2007 15-Jan-2007 15-Jan-2007 9-Jan-2007 17-Jan-2007 17-Jan-2007 18-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Release Pro-Active Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release













Public Complaint



26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26

244522 244535 244607 244613 244616 244758 244764 244766 244793 244804

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

18-Jan-2007 18-Jan-2007 19-Jan-2007 20-Jan-2007 20-Jan-2007 23-Jan-2007 22-Jan-2007 22-Jan-2007 23-Jan-2007 23-Jan-2007

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air

Odour complaint of sour gas from source and smell of THC' s; Smell sulfur in air (smell like rotten eggs); Smells like H2S in Fort MacKay; Sour gas smell Ft Mackay; Smell bothering... [redacted] and is taking[redacted]; Sour gas smell in house now[redacted]; bad smell[redacted]; Smell bad, people getting sick.; Smells bad. North of Syncrude base plant on Hwy 63 heavy smell of Natural Gas on Hwy. [this incident includes nine public complaints] Coker pluming grey and black since 0600 hrs today. It looks bad. Source is making its own weather. Tank venting from D-13, NG and HC vapours, there was too much going into tank. Release of N2 and sour vapour from tank venting due to fuel problem last for 4 min. Diverting of CO boiler #2 for repair will be releasing some into air; feed rate will be cutting. One hour opacity exceedance. Reason: taking CO boiler down for repairs and diverting. Loading up precipitators; overloaded. Will use vacuum trucks for overload. Equipment working at less than capacity. Opacity >40% due to boiler down. Divertor opened due to repair. Spill of contaminated water from tailings line, thousands of gallon so far, more to come, potential spill into Beaver Creek. South end of the lease. Fire in Plant 57 (millennium Vacuum Unit). Has not been contained but has not spread from plant 57. Lots of visible black smoke. Had a spill of untreated naphtha (Jan 18, Ref#181449). There was some they were not able to clean at the time that has caused some odours on site. l0 employees reported to the on site medical centre. They are now flushing the spill area with water and cleaning solution. SO2 violation - stack for sulfur. One hour opacity exceedance on main stack due to flipping the diverter back.

94 26 18942 26

244857 244899 244959 244994

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

24-Jan-2007 24-Jan-2007 25-Jan-2007 25-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Potable Water Air

94 26 26 26 82973 26

244999 245001 245018 245093 245115 245141

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

26-Jan-2007 26-Jan-2007 26-Jan-2007 28-Jan-2007 31-Jan-2007 28-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged

Total coliform present on potable water at Aurora Plant. Sample #BLAG869 from tap. Signage was put up. Resampling. Odour complaint on-site by bldg #578. Three workers went to the Health Centre on site, one was sent to hospital - caller believed this was precautionary but did not have any details. After some investigation they think there may have been a PSV release on a sour naphtha tank. The building #578 was evacuated and caller believed it was still under evacuation. They are still investigating. No Impact Swag flare pilot light shut down, approval requirement. No Impact plant 12-0 sulphurine unit going down will be done for a few days. Tailgas now going to FGD unit and CO Boiler. Land Sewage and water spill (50 gallons) to ground, has been cleaned up. No waterways or drains affected. Contained under skirt of trailer, suspect that line froze and broke. Line is under repair. Air Release of hydrocarbon gas, tank venting, repair being done. No Impact Sewage plant TSS effluent exceedance for month of Jan will be high (approval 25 mg/L) Potable Water Air Air Air Air Lost raw water pump for pot. water plant. may not have required 20 min. contact time with chlorine. Chlorine residual is good leaving plant and at tap. Shut pumps down, will only supply when needed. Pump that was lost was repaired and everything should be back to normal in a few hours. Seal leak on 13-1-G1 seal on G1 pump and released sour naphtha liquid and caught fire. Still small flame but under control. Line has been isolated. Approx 15 min ago, they began flaring due to equipment failure. Will flare more than 20 tonnes of SO2 during this event. On site odour complaints. Looking for source. Limit exceedance on SO2 tons/event, on going flaring due to plant upset. Over 20 T/event.

26 94 26 94

245231 245238 245341 245363

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

30-Jan-2007 30-Jan-2007 31-Jan-2007 31-Jan-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry


94 26 26 26 26 94 26 94

245432 245450 245493 245536 245540 245546 245587 245602

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

31-Jan-2007 1-Feb-2007 2-Feb-2007 3-Feb-2007 2-Feb-2007 4-Feb-2007 5-Feb-2007 5-Jan-2007

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Surface Water Air Air Air Air

A CBOD failure at wastewater treatment plant. Monthly average will be high, about 50 mg/l. Odour. Sour Gas. Very Strong.

1604 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 149968

245605 245613 245615 245617 245619 245700 245708 245721 245757 245805

Japan Canada 4-Jan-2007 Oilsands Ltd. Syncrude 6-Feb-2007 Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor 6-Feb-2007 6-Feb-2007 6-Feb-2007 7-Feb-2007 7-Feb-2007 7-Feb-2007 7-Feb-2007 8-Feb-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Had a HC vapour release from tanks 20-D-100, 20-D-101, was a short about 1min release. Odour complaint on site. Think it is from draining down a section line from plant 13-2 for psvao removal. Release from ducting from #25-1 to #26-1 (flue gas ducting). Pinhole leak but is getting bigger. Will be repaired - developing strategy for repair. Air pressure trip on sulfur recovery unit resulting in SO2 flaring event exceeding 20 tonnes. Started at 04:30 ongoing. Should finish within the hour. Air 12-4 sulfur plant trip caused acid gas flaring which just started. Hard to say how long it will last - more details in written report. No Impact Contravention of clause 3.6.6, of approval. They are required to have a visual buffer between the pit expansion and the Athabasca River. Approval requires that SRD determine the buffer width. Caller notes that they have been under construction in that area for an unknown amount of time but have not met with SRD yet to determine the buffer width. Will have more detail in the follow up report. Land Spill of hydrated lime, due to loading of a bulk truck into a hopper unit on lease; line failed. Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Release from 20D-33 of hydrocarbon vapour. 00:40-00:55 hrs release. No volume measurement. Cause excessive rundown into tank, system overpressure. No odours. Release of ~ 100 barrels of diesel in tank farm. Cause - broken nipple on pipe. Repair underway. Unknown if any waterways or drains affected. Suspect that it's likely contained. Release of sour hydrocarbon vapour from an upstream flange leak (83TV260) Planning repairs. No injuries or evacs, it's high up in structure. Flaring off of Plant 11, acid gas (H2S). Cause - plant 12-4 sulfur plant trip. 07:00-07:11. Volume unknown, will be calculated. Tripped boiler and are flaring. SO2 will be over limit. Amount unknown - will be over limit. Details in letter. Flaring from gas compressor that tripped - might be still ongoing. (D100 and D101) tank venting hydrocarbon and natural gas might be due to weather. Extinguished new flare. Potentially bad. No sour feed now. Doing an open pipeline crossing of the Tar River. This activity caused high TSS in excess of 25 mg/L above background. They are monitoring the situation and maintaining the pump flow because there is a low volume of water in the river.











Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

94 26 26

245843 245851 245865

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

9-Feb-2007 9-Feb-2007 10-Feb-2007

Industry Industry Industry

No Impact Minor incident at powerhouse. A valve was stuck and a tank began to overflow at ~ 0100 hours. Workers perhaps didn't notice it because it went under snow - flowed until - 1800 hrs. 200,000 gallons spilled. None offsite - into coke pit and then into tailings pond. Very innocuous substance. Air H2S release C11 site glas (sour naphtha 10 barrels), clean up in progress.; Release of sour naphtha (~2000 L) went to ground, was contained by oil/water sewer. No waterways affected. Cause - broken sight glass. Isolated. Flushing to sewer. All on site. No injuries or evacs. Air Station 12 SO2 exceedance. Air Air Tank venting from D-50, He & natural gas vapours due to filling too fast. Passing PVSV47 - passing sweet hydrocarbon vapours - not a significant amount. No evacuations. Just a whisper of a leak. Observed via gas tester, not noticab1e. positive reading for HC, value unknown. will look at leak on nightshift, it is passing, will repair. Temperature exceedance on boiler stack. Temperature not known at this time. PVSV (pressure vacuum safety valve) lifted on tank 20D4 causing slight amount of nitrogen to release (nitrogen blanket) ongoing.

94 26

245867 245869

Suncor Syncrude

11-Feb-2007 11-Feb-2007

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air


26 26 26 94 26

245876 246007 246009 246039 246060

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

11-Feb-2007 13-Feb-2007 13-Feb-2007 13-Feb-2007 14-Feb-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Potable Water Potable Water





Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude



Swing tank 20-D-63 (sour naphtha and light gas oil) has about a foot of oil on top of floating roof - potential for H2S alarms and odours. Will update if necessary. Intermittent tank venting process upset perhaps. New flare main flame has been extinguished due to temporary flare problem; will, be back on soon. Yesterday - transferred coke boiler au of flue gas desulfurization unit because of high temp in cooler section. Boiler is no back in system. Waterworks contravention - water tank at Beaver Creek; operator did test - was below approval limit. Verified chlorine feed to tank and rectified by adding one litre of hypochlorite. Resampled at 1315 hours - residual was over 2.0 mg/L. Cause unknown. Caller just got notified. Exceedance - dewatering within construction site and releasing into Athabasca River. Exceedance on TSS occurred Feb 13 and lab results received Feb 14 at noon





26 26 26 94 26 94 26

246249 246257 246259 246303 246309 246311 246401

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

18-Feb-2007 18-Feb-2007 18-Feb-2007 19-Feb-2007 20-Feb-2007 19-Feb-2007 21-Feb-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release



26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 149968

246533 246578 246609 246665 246667 246671 246743 246769 246775 246792 246884

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Canadian Natural



Tank 20D33 venting intermittently. Venting sour hydrocarbons and nitrogen. Vented 3 times for 1 minute.; Venting of hydrocarbon vapours (sour) from 20-D-23. Venting as a result of plant conditions - no other details at this time.; Tank 20D33 venting sour hydrocarbon vapours - should be stopped soon. Air Channel head leak on 16-1-E-2. Substance is H2S and steam. They have the area cordoned off and the leak is almost stopped. No impacts to workers or offsite. Air Venting nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapour from tank 20-D-1. They are running down the tank currently so they should be out soon. Air Low pressure flare extinguished for unknown reasons. In the process of getting it relit. More details in written report. Air Flaring sour gas from 55PC307. Feb 19 02:30 - 13:00. Cause - outage in gas/oil hydrotreater. May be 5-50 tonnes SO2, will have to check data. Air 20D33 Tank venting N2 and Hydrocarbon vapours. Air Outage in gas well unit and have to flare and may have exceeded SO2 tonnage/event. Units 52PC1682 and 55C306 also flaring. Groundwate Groundwater parameters required - some were not analyzed: phenols, dissolved inorganic carbon and oil & r grease were not analyzed. Cause - field error. Samples were collected in June/July, used for annual report. just discovered. Land Sewage tank cracked -100L released to ground. No waterways affected. Cleanup underway.

22-Feb-2007 9-Jan-2007 23-Feb-2007 25-Feb-2007 26-Feb-2007 26-Feb-2007 26-Feb-2007 27-Feb-2007 27-Feb-2007 27-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Surface Water Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Surface Water

Main stack SO2 emissions are high; unsure of how high. Cause: unit upset. Cumulative throughout the day. Monthly report for January. Water release to river had low PH for 17 minutes. will have to take SUP (Desulfurization Plant down at midnight for 4 days. Emergency outage. vessel agitator problem in plant. getting vibration so needs to be reseated. Sour fuel gas release - reported to him at 2103 hrs. They may have a hole in the line (81-C15 inlet line). Currently containing to bypass the line. No injuries or evacuations. H2S release during start-up of unit 12-4. No injuries, no evacuations. Blocked in the line until it was sealed. Spill of process water in tailings area. A 'high' estimate is 3-4000 gallons. A valve failed. It was contained to a dyked area. Product will be haled away on the day shift. Small percentage of sand in the water (no caustic). Tank 20 - D-4 venting HC vapours - investigating cause. Tank D-14 is venting. Reason: unknown but under investigation. Reporting a swag flare. Had a flameout. Reason under investigation but may be problem with igniters. Are relighting now. Refrigerant leak from equipment #5R122 (equipment type unknown) but believe it is on H&V. Amount unknown; will, be in 7 day letter. Notification that temporary intake line was drained into Tar River to facilitate repair of MSE water intake wall. Sample of water taken will be run for TSS and ph. Source of water is the Athabasca River (raw river water).




Resources Ltd. Syncrude



Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release


18942 26 94 26 26

248839 248863 248865 248982 249078

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

27-Jan-2007 1-Mar-2007 28-Feb-2007 2-Mar-2007 3-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 94 26

249084 249149 249304

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

4-Mar-2007 5-Mar-2007 6-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Failed a relative accuracy test for sulfur dioxide on plant 26-1. Test was done Jan 10 and 11/2007. Results received February 28 at 1505 hours. Reason: under investigation.; Relative accuracy audit: test for plant 261 failed again on the repeat. Surface Clean water diversion around plant site discharges to Stanley Creek. Sampled Feb.27 - results came back high Water for TSS. Cause unknown. Investigating. Air Venting from 20-D-33, sour hydrocarbon vapour - cause un known - making adjustments to stop. Groundwate CBOD exceedance of domestic wastewater plant for the month of February 2007. Is now at 33 mg/L BOD r waiting for one more test which will probably put it around 30 mg/L for the month. Air Exceeded target of 60 tonnes SO2 on 26-1 stack to sulfur plant (12-3) instrument malfunction. This also caused a partial bypass of tail gas to CO boilers 1 & 2. Issue corrected. Land Spill of recycle water from an underground line. Determining reason / cause. will have to excavate. All onsite in a contained area. It is an Aurora mine line - slurry of bitumen / water which has been cleaned and sent back to mine. Air Flare acid gas due to unit tripped f or 10 min. Air Air TDP exceedance on tank 20D56. (Mar 5 01:20 - 07:10). Cause - unknown. Number of readings unknown. Release of ammonia (sour water vapour) and H2S . Concentration unknown. From 16-1005 sample point. Cause - line ruptured. Line is blocked in, valve is passing. pumping lines with sealant. No injuries or evacs. Area is cordoned off. Equipment (21K31 and 32) tripped, outage. AF10 boiler tripped, stack temperature temp . violation, too low . High opacity plant 37 stack due to oil gun problem.

26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 26

249381 249390 249404 249517 249521 249587 249603 249626 249638 249640 249646 249907 249921 249944 249955 250063 250075

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

7-Mar-2007 7-Mar-2007 7-Mar-2007 9-Mar-2007 8-Mar-2007 9-Mar-2007 6-Mar-2007 10-Mar-2007 10-Mar-2007 10-Mar-2007 11-Mar-2007 12-Mar-2007 13-Mar-2007 13-Mar-2007 13-Mar-2007 14-Mar-2007 14-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air

No Impact Dumped loop seal on CO boiler #2 to verify if diversion valve stuck was from 0114-0122. Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Refrigerant leak. Bldg 1053. Lost entire charge - cooling system. will be repaired when cause is found. R22 release. Unit RV10 in Bldg 1000. HMV unit. Leak found during maintenance. Details to follow in letter. Portable water contravention; test missing to the lab.; resampled later (Mar 8), mislabeled; will be resampling again. Sour As - sout steam leak. Unit#81C 14. No evacuations. Leaking flange - being tightened right now. Tank venting #20D50. Gas oil tank. Nat gas and hydrocarbon vapours. Low temp on 8 of 10 stack. Chip on stack - 15 minutes i nur.e s. Spill of gas oil from piping in the refinery; contained in the internal Sewer system. Flaring will exceed 20 tonnes of SO2. Swag (sour water acid gas) from SRU base plant is being flared due to planned maintenance. Due to issues in their other Upgrader, it is unable to take the gas. Flaring at 5 ton/hr. R22 release discovered during routine maintenance. Plant 67. Exact amount and cause in written report. Vapour recovery unit - not doing so good. may have some odour released. Trying to get alt. in place - will be late today - this evening. Exceedance - waste water draining reading was high. Will shut in outfall. Tank venting from D-4. Contents are diluted bitumen so venting would be of nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapours. Not sure of reason or cause. Also plant 12 -1 went too. Potential 24 hour exceedance on SO2. High SO2 at plant 26-1.; Plants 12-3 and 12-4 (both sulfur plants) just tripped. They are flaring H2S. Further investigating cause.


94 26

250085 250109

Suncor Syncrude

14-Mar-2007 13-Mar-2007

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air

26 94 94 26 26 26 26

250139 250141 250153 250335 250337 250349 250411

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

15-Mar-2007 15-Mar-2007 15-Mar-2007 18-Mar-2007 18-Mar-2007 19-Mar-2007 18-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Land

Vapour Recovery Unit has been bypassing catalyst bed - odour potential. Possibly 24 hours. Getting back on line now. Manual stack survey March 13 - just received preliminary results today. They failed 2/3 runs for particulate. will retest but want to do it under normal operating conditions repairing precipitators next week - will discuss this further with Approval Engineer. This was on the main stack. R22 release from unit 67RV10, Building 807. >10 kg Amt and cause unknown. Will be in written report. planned maintenance on Plant 8 sulfur unit incinerator. AENV aware but she has to report it as a violation because it will result in a low stack top temp violation as a result. They will send numbers in written report. Release of R22 - rupture on pipe on AC unit repairing and recharging now. Coker diverting due to seal blower tripped. Main stack opacity exceedance. Due to trip on CO Boiler. May continue.

26 94 149968

250428 250447 250512

Syncrude Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

20-Mar-2007 20-Mar-2007 20-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release

Spill of treated sewage and water. Reason; lift station (pump) failure. Contained in isolated area. will clean up by vacuum truck. No waterways or sewers affected. Occurred in trailer complex. Land Spill of liquid sulfur (molten sulfur, UN 2448). Reason: feed line - seal pot became plugged. They are draining down line - spill is contained in plant process area and solidifies as it cools. Ongoing. No sewers or waterways affected. Spill is being held in concrete. Air FGS #26-1 running unstable since 0400 hrs & SO2, NH3 levels above target. Working to solve problems. No Impact Continuous emission monitor (SO2 and NOX) up time violation. P failure - ongoing. Less than 90% for month. Land Spill of raw sewage at waste water treatment plant. In between secondary containment and plant itself. Further details in letter.

94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 26 26

250564 250604 250668 250686 250689 250693 250703 250713 250730 250747 250792 250817

21-Mar-2007 22-Mar-2007 22-Mar-2007 22-Mar-2007 22-Mar-2007 22-Mar-2007 22-Mar-2007 23-Mar-2007 23-Mar-2007 23-Mar-2007 23-Mar-2007 24-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air

Having a flaring event that will produce greater than 20 tons/event. Release of Halon 1211. Fire truck #6. Found during inspection. Volume unknown. More details in letter. High Stack SO2 exceedance in T/D

Going from Ft. McKay turn off to the Northgate at source - once past north gate smell dissipates. Smell like cat pee. Air venting from 20-D-33 tank in yard. 8 minutes. Not sure of cause. No Impact sulfur recovery unit 12-0 is bypassing 26-1 Air Air Land Air Air Air May have exceeded opacity for the hour. SO2 from 26-1 stack (straight to atmosphere) has exceeded 60 tonnes due to unit upset. Damaged ground water wells near south tailings pond. Were doing reclamation activity in muskeg and damaged well with the equipment. sulfur Recovery unit in upgrader tripped - they are flaring SO2 at greater than 20 tonnes - ongoing. Reporting a venting; reason - could be ambient temperature causing this. Involves Tanks 20D2 and 20D4. Potential odour complaints - operation of 26-1 has increased ammonia flow with a potential for off site odours. Has been spiking on and off since 02:30. No readings available yet, doing calibrations. Unit upset is the cause. No anticipated time as to when it will end. SO2 exceedances on 8 FS incinerator stack due to trouble with sulphur recovery trains. SO2 exceedance due to loss of two sulfur recovery units in upgrader. Exceeded 20 tonnes. Won't know the amount until unit is back online. 26-1 stack, ammonia is >300 ppm. Have made changes to feed, will be controlled shortly. No off-site odour potential. Cause - spike, have increased feed to unit. going through a "wave".

94 94 26

250823 250840 250850

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

23-Mar-2007 24-Mar-2007 25-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air


94 94 94 18942 26

250874 250937 250948 250987 250997

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

24-Mar-2007 26-Mar-2007 26-Mar-2007 27-Mar-2007 27-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Land

SO2 exceedance on incinerator stack. Reason: problems with sulfur recovery unit. weir 7 outfall had high TSS due to spring runoff. They shut in the weir at 1615 hrs. Hourly SO2 mass violation from stack 8-F-S. Cause and reason unknown and under investigation.

94 26 94

251007 251019 251021

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

20-Mar-2007 27-Mar-2007 22-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Leak on packing on vent valve of froth transfer line (bitumen froth) of pipeline. Leak has been stopped and problem corrected. There is a small pool around valve on land. Will be cleaned up. No Impact compiling annual WWT report which is due Friday. Every month in 2006 except April, October and December has a blip on it where one day is zero. This is a data logger problem because zero is impossible. This will be considered missing data that cannot be recovered. This occurred on free Cl2 residual data. No Impact Data review - found total vapour pressure exceedance for March 20. Air Air R22 release from Bldg 170, equipment 12R-102. More details in letter after investigation. Exceeded 20 tonnes flaring SO2 due to high water in the feed. Flaring started March 22 0130 and is ongoing. Stack 5-PC-118SC.; Another flaring event which may have exceeded 20 tons. Due to same reason as reported in 184224 - wet feed. They are currently validating the calculation. Time span: March 24-28. R22 release from building 1035, unit 25RE10. Repairing. Will recharge. Refrigerant release - Plant 31, energy services exciter chiller.

26 94 26 26 26 94

251024 251124 251157 251166 251285 251295

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

27-Mar-2007 28-Mar-2007 29-Mar-2007 29-Mar-2007 30-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

26 26 94 26 18942 20809

251299 251327 251414 251420 251450 251488

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

31-Mar-2007 1-Apr-2007 2-Apr-2007 3-Apr-2007 29-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 3-Apr-2007



18942 94 153125

251523 251525 251629

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Suncor




Refrigerant release of R22. Unit 230-IREZ at Building 870, circuit #1 (HVac heat and refrigeration system). Discovered leak during routine maintenance. Air R22 release from bldg 908, equipment 265-1-RV11. Isolated leak - will repair and recharge and put details in written report. No Impact H2S on stripped sour water unit grab sample exceeded approval limit. They are trouble shooting looking for a cause. Air vapour recovery unit is down for safety issues - unplanned outage. S tank farm and plant 4 are venting to atmosphere, S compounds and HC. May be odours and ground level conc. exceedances. Work should take ~4 hrs. should be online at ~ 13:00. Air PVSV on D100 passing to atmosphere. Venting HC vapour. Cause mechanical failure of PVSV. Has been isolated. Stopped venting between ~ 12:30-12:45. No Impact Small spill of corrosion inhibitor. Carrier was unloading and left a valve open causing spill. Contained in sump area. Vac trucks cleaning up this morning. Caller was notified of incident at 0330 today. Air Flaring from SRU #3 due to a trip on SRU. May exceed 20T limit. No Impact Spill of diesel - heavy hauler had busted fuel line - spilled in tar sands pit. will be shoveled up this morning. Surface Clean water diversion (surface water), water is discharging to Stanley Creek. High TSS in water. Likely due to Water spring melt. They're allowed to discharge. Land Release of sewage (~1000 L) due to suspected either a rupture or open-ended line - under investigation. No waterways affected. Contained on site. Cleanup with vac truck started immediately. No waterways nearby. Caller would like to waive 7-day letter. Surface Exceedance of water quality parameter. Constructing fish barrier in Tar River. Down stream sample turb (1) Water Upstream sample turb (2) Lab will look at samples tomorrow.

2-Apr-2007 28-Mar-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release


Shell Canada 5-Apr-2007

Leak of toluene - 3-4 L. There was a pinhole leak in a discharge line. The spill occurred when unloading. It was cleaned right away. Air Ongoing flaring on stack 57-C-9 at valve 57PC1185 has resulted in flaring of SO2 >20 tons. High water in feed is the reason. Groundwate Possible exceedance of TSS; polishing ponds - spring runoff - causing exceedance of TSS. Waiting to speak to r engineer to determine if there is an exceedance. In EPEA approval, have two sets of criteria for TSS; 25 mg/L as limit; or greater of 25 mg/L or 10 mg/L above upstream Muskeg River. Are exceeding 25 mg/L - have to







Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Potable Water Surface Water



94 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 151469 26 94 149968

251728 251738 251754 251836 251908 251942 251952 252009 252069 252119 252184 252196

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude



confirm if exceeding upstream conditions. Lab results not available for March 13 bacteriological potable water sample. Sample was sent and received as per requirements, but sample was either not analyzed or data was lost by lab. Discovered when compiling monthly report. Conditioning diversion channel - high TSS water released to the Tar River due to sediment in channel.

8-Apr-2007 8-Apr-2007 9-Apr-2007 10-Apr-2007 10-Apr-2007 11-Apr-2007 11-Apr-2007 12-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

No Impact Leak of pond effluent water which went to sewer, into their waste water treatment plant. Air R-22 release from bldg 8, unit 5R206B - refrig unit. Suspect it will be >10kg. Another release was found but is suspected to be <10kg. Air Freon release from building 1093, Unit 131 and 132 RV2, both loss R22 from A/C. will repair. Air Wet gas compressor tripped.

Petro-Canada 12-Apr-2007 Syncrude Suncor 13-Apr-2007 14-Apr-2007

No Impact Plant 25-1 opacity analyzer will not meet 90% uptime requirement for April. It requires Maintenance but it can not be done soon enough due to safety restrictions in area. Air Tank venting. D4 is venting N2 and HC vapour. (13:15-13:30). Cause associated unit outside of area experienced pressure excursion. Air Diverter opened due to maintenance resulting in CO release into atmosphere. Potable exceedance of TSS; reason unknown; probably due to construction in the area. Water Potable High NTU (TSS) due to snow run off; sediment pond is filled. Water Air Refrigerant leak - R22 release - f r from building 160 - unit # 41-23R25 Air Flaring Saturday due to trip on compressor 52-K-401 from 1500-1600. Put them over their 20T SO2 limit. No Impact Non compliance of section 4.5.10 of approval, Requirement to monitor dissolved oxygen and volume daily from waste water treatment plant - missed April 8.



20809 94 94 26 151469 94 94 18942

252273 252328 252355 252421 252437 252444 252462 252479

Canadian 8-Apr-2007 Natural Resources Ltd. Canadian 16-Apr-2007 Natural Resources Ltd. Albian Sands 16-Apr-2007 Suncor Suncor 16-Apr-2007 17-Apr-2007




Spill of grey/septic water - all on site, there is some in ditches they are plugging them off to contain on site. Cause and volume unknown, at work camp under eating /cooking area. They have sampled.

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Syncrude 18-Aug-2007 Petro-Canada 18-Apr-2007 Suncor Suncor Syncrude 18-Apr-2007 18-Apr-2007 13-Apr-2007

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air Air Air Surface Water No Impact Air Surface Water Air

Discovered a release of ozone depleting substance from air conditioning unit. Will do 7 day report if over reporting limits They had a flaring event yesterday - just discovered they went over their 20T SO2 limit. Refrigerant release from an air conditioning unit - found while doing maintenance. NH3/H2S release a sample point i (16-1-005) leak. Elevated TSS at outlet of sediment pond #2, outlet is closed but pond is overflowing (just a trickle) into emergency spill way. Water will go to a Muskeg on site and is 2km from Fort creek. Less than 90% uptime on analyzer for stack #31. Reason: out of service - calibration looks incorrect. Was discovered at 1330 hours today. Trip on sulfur recovery unit 1 and 2 SRU 1 & 2. Have likely exceeded 20 tonne SO2 daily. will know for sure tomorrow. Clean water diversion (no process water) that goes to Stanley Creek TSS was above approval limits. This is clean water from environment. Reason: probably spring runoff but under investigation. Was OK by Tuesday. Apr 17. R-22 release discovered doing routine maintenance on HVAC. Bldg 1102 unit 251RV19 due to smell leaks.

26 183875

252527 252545



Industry Industry

Devon ARL 28-Feb-2007

No Impact Monthly averages for BOD and CBOD were above approval limit for February.




Corp. En Cana



Contravention Release


26 26 26 26 94 26 26 48263

252662 252690 252694 252713 252787 252856 252858 252888

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Conoco Phillips Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

20-Apr-2007 21-Apr-2007 21-Apr-2007 23-Apr-2007 20-Apr-2007 24-Apr-2007 24-Apr-2007 23-Apr-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air Air

Non compliance - industrial runoff limits - 64 cubic metres of rainwater that collects on site was pumped off prior to third party lab results being received. Had a grab sample and tested it. Results are all right. Awaiting lab results and have stopped pump off - runs off into muskeg 20-D-56 (sour water tank) was discovered to have its vapour relief gasket open on the floating roof tank. Not quite sure of cause. Respiratory air will be used to get in there and fix later tonight. R22 release from bldg 790, equipment # 23-RV-l. Still investigating cause. Will repair and recharge.

26 94 26 26 26 94 26 94 26

252931 253053 253071 253104 253167 253173 253184 253416 253480

25-Apr-2007 26-Apr-2007 27-Apr-2007 27-Apr-2007 28-Apr-2007 28-Apr-2007 29-Apr-2007 30-Apr-2007 1-May-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release

One of their employees complained of an onsite odour at 1650 hrs. The odour of ammonia correlates to an ammonia truck which was unloading at the time causing intermittent odours. Air Venting from 20D-33. light slops - will contain some hydrocarbon and sour. ongoing - checking into it now. Air Flaring from Plant 52 (sweet gas). Cause - unknown. Flaring is ongoing. Have exceeded 20 tonne SO2 limit for flaring. Air Tank 20-D-3 (HC Vapour) is venting. Started at 0900 hrs but just got worse. System overpressure so they are currently working to it down. Air Odour complaint from a worker. Strong hydrocarbon odour. Area 41Y. They are investigating. Vegetation Spill of diesel - 50 L to ground. No waterways affected. 40 m2 area affected off lease. Was in a dyked area, broke through and went off lease. Conducting a soils investigation - will determine cleanup. Has affected vegetation. Cause of spill - spring melt broke through dyked area carrying diesel fuel off lease. Air D33 Tank is venting - venting hydrocarbon vapour Air A trip on a wet gas compressor initiated flaring, may exceed 20t/hr SO2. Air Plant 6 NRU vented. cause unknown Air Refrigerant release - air conditioning leak found during regular maintenance check. Air Air Air Air Air R-22 Release from Bldg 690, Unit 23RS-2DA. More than 10 kg. Flaring due to compressor trip. Unit 52-K-401. Ongoing. Working on it. Freon release from building 690 unit 23-I-560A Stage 2 cooling system. More than 10 kg. Bringing U2 Mi ll Upgrader back up after unplanned outage - flaring from gas recovery unit while changing sulfur trains. May exceed 20 tons SO2. Bad smell from Source is making...[redacted]; Smell really bad[redacted]; Smell is getting worse and now it' s in...[redacted] house. Ammonia excursion for 18 minutes due to unit upset. The unit has since recovered. They received some onsite and offsite odour complaints around the time of the event.; Bad odour ...[redacted] worse now... [redacted] Ammonia... Just about[redacted] [this incident includes at least four public complaints]

26 26 149968

253542 253558 253593

Syncrude Syncrude

30-Apr-2007 1-May-2007



Canadian 27-Apr-2007 Natural Resources Ltd. Shell Canada 28-Apr-2007

Public Impact Complaint (was incorrectly coded as Industry, corrected 26 march 2013) Industry Alleged Contravention Industry Alleged Contravention Industry Alleged Contravention

No Impact Monthly BOD Average on treated Sewage effluent exceeded for April, cause unknown. Air Surface Water Release of R22 from Bldg 158, equipment #41-21V1. Equipment breakdown - will repair and recharge. High Toss released from sediment pond - releases to Tar River, due to high winds.


Alleged Contravention

Surface Water















Pond 3 polishing pond recorded two TSS exceedances due to an overload of surface runoff water. Pond 2 also recorded a TSS exceedance for the same reason but they will have an ongoing issue with this pond - they will release high TSS water on an ongoing basis, as discussed with AENV approvals. They would like a call back from investigator to work out something in terms of reporting. venting from tank D-13 (off-spec naphtha tank) due to unit shutting down.; Tank 13 venting naphtha vapours, reducing flow to stop.; Sour hydrocarbon vapour release from tank #20D13 venting.; Tank venting hydrocarbon vapour; take unit off line; vapour recovery unit cannot handle. Coker naphtha TVP exceedance. From 1240-1355 hrs and 1420-1530 hrs on 30 April exceedance was 11.7 psi







Contravention Notification


26 26 26 20809 94 26 153125 94 94 153125 94 94 94

253861 253962 254017 254051 254151 254182 254225 254284 254345 254401 254469 254545 254702

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

4-May-2007 6-May-2007 6-May-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 6-May-2007 Suncor Syncrude 1-May-2007 4-May-2007

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Surface Water Surface Water Air Potable Water Air Air Surface Water Air

and approval is only 11 psi. Diverter valves on CO boilers #3 and #4 are open. Reason: units coming down for plant shutdown.; Diverting of lube seal dump into sewer.; Tail gas passing by #83 diverter valve and going to atmosphere. Probably for 24 hours. Opacity meter for 26-1 is not working correctly. Meter is on 26-1 stack. Ongoing from May 1 to May 3. but may not be working yet. Low pressure flare was extinguished. reason : unknown - but probably due to low flow of off gases to flare. Flame reestablished at 0535 hours.; Correction to report - details in letter. Flare flame out on F4 Stack. Reason: believed to be purged gas cut back too much. Lost power to potable water plant which de-pressurized the line. Samples taken as a precaution. Flaring event. Greater than 20 T. Started a few days ago. Ongoing. Compressor problem. being worked on. Outage coming up in 2 weeks. will be repaired then. Furnace meter fails RATA test due to wrong calculation . TSS exceedances from polish ponds. See diary notes. Released to Steepbank River. May exceed 50 ppm TSS. Vapour naphtha exceedance. This is a pressure exceedance. See diary. TSS exceedance to hi vol. of snow melt on Pond #2. since May 3, flaring exceedance over 20 tons limit, source is 55C205; will be addressed. Trip on sulfur recovery unit. Flaring and exceedance of SO2. Upgrader just got samples of waste water outfall from May 10. High in oil and grease. Mass loading discharge limit may have been exceeded. Samples taken recently indicate problem has been corrected. Cause unknown and under investigation. Release of NG due to piece of equipment hit a naturally occurring NG pocket in the mine area. No way to determine volume, but release, duration was ~5 min, Shut down area while release occurred. No injuries. Area shut down until caller gives the " All Clear". Had an emergency outage on the flue gas desulfurization unit. will probably be down for two days. Cause: leaking expansion joint. R22 release from Building 142 AjC ; amount unknown. exceedance of TSS due to spring runoff. Contravention on domestic wastewater (section 4.4.10) They exceeded arithmetic mean for BOD, April 2007. Still under investigation. This wastewater is released to nearby land. High TSS on two polishing ponds - due to spring runoff and no time for the ponds to settle out. They are working with approval's and are releasing to fish-bearing waterways but monitoring to ensure TSS levels are low. Pond #2 releases to Shelley Creek and reading was <3 mg/l at mouth of creek. Pond 44 releases to Khahago Creek and reading 200 meters before the mouth of creek was 22 mg/L. It ....*illegible* Refrigerant release. Greater than 10 kg. From A/C unit 1. Building 1206, unit 235-2RV002. Spill of caustic soda 50/50 from the slurry tower; contained. High TSS sample from pond C outflow. In process of shutting in Hypochlorite contravention due to pump problems, system shut in - they are looking for the cause. Reporting a small breach on back dyke on pond 2- 3. Max 5000 m3 pond effluent released. All on site along

Shell Canada 30-Apr-2007 Suncor Suncor 8-May-2007 8-May-2007

Shell Canada 2-May-2007 Suncor Suncor Suncor 3-May-2007 10-May-2007 10-May-2007






94 26 153125 183875 153125

254753 254770 254817 254855 254981

Suncor Syncrude

13-May-2007 14-May-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 14-May-2007 Devon ARL 30-Apr-2007 Corp. Shell Canada 7-May-2007

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Potable Water Land Surface Water

26 26 94 26 94

255011 255043 255291 255299 255327

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

15-May-2007 16-May-2007 16-May-2007 18-May-2007 20-May-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land Surface Water Potable Water Land


94 26 153125

255430 255432 255523

Suncor Syncrude

31-Mar-2007 22-May-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 18-May-2007

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

road way and pipeline corridor. Repairs and clean-up underway. No Impact Late report for annual leak detection. Due in March . Will be in by 12 Jun. Air Refrigerant release. Greater than 10Kg - Building 170, Unit 12R102 (A/C unit). Details in letter. Routine maintenance found loss. Groundwate Exceedance of total suspended solids. Sample taken on May 18 and results received today. Reason: bad plug in r ditch to get water down. Water was stirred up when plug was removed. Next day caller was back in compliance. Air Ammonia release from D102 tank for 10 min.; scrubber unit shut down for maintenance. Land Sewer overflow because of blocked line. Contained to parking lot. No water affected. Ceda Reactor on site vacuuming. No Impact Work going on developing future expansion site. Consultant may have interpreted approval incorrectly - will find out more tomorrow. Air Smell of cat pee from plant. Air D13 tank vent ing hydrocarbon vapour. No Impact small sewage release due to tank overflow @ Bldg 703 (North mine sewage station) 10 gal to asphalt - cleaned up. Potable Potable water had ~ 6 low chlorine readings since May 3/07 . Also numerous incidents this month where they Water are missing samples. This is in their camp facilities that house workers. Water OK today but he is notifying the Northern Lights Health Region now. Suspect the contractor is Having an operator problem. Air They had their windows open last night and now have a cat pee smell in their apartment. Air Air Air Air Air Air H2S alarms at effluent pond . Started at 0600 hrs crews are checking into it. This is an ongoing problem that they are investigating and trying to track. Environmental unit 12-4 tripped; flaring acid gas; may be in contravention. Did not meet 90% uptime of opacity of stack #31 due to problem of opacity monitor. Flaring from vessel 55110 of high pressure sour gas due to leaking control valve; stop now. R22 (unknown amount). Cause - leak - unknown where or why . Has been isolated. Landfill scrap wood pile catch fire; fire fighter on scene; got permit to burn.

26 26 94 94 26 26 94

255558 255637 255655 255657 255664 255719 255769

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

24-May-2007 24-May-2007 24-May-2007 24-May-2007 24-May-2007 25-May-2007 3-May-2007

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Info Request Impact Release Release Alleged Contravention Impact Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

26 26 26 94 94 26 149968

255822 256036 256132 256228 256230 256236 256300

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

28-May-2007 4-Jul-2007 30-May-2007 30-May-2007 20-May-2007 30-May-2007

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

153125 26

256316 256365

Canadian 31-May-2007 Natural Resources Ltd. Shell Canada 25-May-2007 Syncrude 31-May-2007

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Potable Water Land

TSS exceedance due to windy day; still under investigation. Sewage (~25 gallons that was 99% water). Cause pinhole leak close to top of tank, level got too high. Spilled to asphalt and gravel. No waterways or drains. Cleanup underway. Tank scheduled to be changed in July. Tank scheduled to be vacuumed daily. SO2 exceedance on plant stack 8F5. Tank 50 vented hydrocarbons and tank vapours for 5 minutes. TVP exceedance on coker naphtha rundown tank. #1,2, 3, 4, 5, &6 Tanks are venting hydrocarbon roc ar bon vapour and N2. Just. starting to stop. D14 t tank venting hydrocarbon vapour. Untreated tailings went to ponds, due to power interruption - may be due to forest fires. Had to bypass naphtha recovery during power blips. No offsite release potential to waterway. Tailings went to pond 23, normally treated tailings go there - potential odour complaints. Caller reported to EUB. Spill of bitumen, sand water. - 15000 barrels. Cause - suspect hydro transport line coupler broke. Has been blocked in, line flushed. Roadway is acting as a berm and sand berm has been added to each end. No waterways affected. will initiate planning for cleanup in the morning. All contained on site. No evacs or

94 26 94 26 26 94

256484 256490 256493 256524 256567 256624

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

1-Jun-2007 1-Jun-2007 1-Jun-2007 2-Jun-2007 3-Jun-2007 2-Jun-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Land







26 94 153125 26

256894 257006 257073 257120

Syncrude Suncor

15-Mar-2007 6-Jun-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Shell Canada 1-Apr-2007 Syncrude 7-Jun-2007

Air Surface Water Surface Water Land

injuries. Process related. Caller will be notifying EUB pipeline failure. T internal ?? plan activated. Alleged ammonia release. This is NH3 from plant 32-1 (FGD) at source. High oil and grease level on outfall to Athabasca River - have closed outfall. TSS exceedances on polishing ponds for month of April, will be in report. 45 TSS readings in the pond.

183875 26 26 26 94 20809 94 183875 26 94 94 26 153125

257140 257188 257316 257367 257376 257402 257420 257691 257741 257746 257970 258012 258051

Devon ARL 8-Jun-2007 Corp. Syncrude 8-Jun-2007 Syncrude Syncrude Suncor 11-Jun-2007 12-Jun-2007 4-Jun-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 31-May-2007 Suncor 9-Jun-2007

Devon ARL 14-Jun-2007 Corp. Syncrude 14-Jun-2007 Suncor Suncor Syncrude 14-Jun-2007 17-Jun-2007 18-Jun-2007

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Heavy gas oil spill (~100 barrels). Cause - under investigation. Process-related. Have isolated line, flushing spill to oily water sewer and will clean up contaminated ground. No waterways affected. All on site. Caller will notify EUB. No injuries or evacs. ERP was not activated. No Impact Wastewater samples (taken three times per week) have been arriving late and spoiled at the lab. Occurring for at least the last week maybe longer. Air Coker 83 divertor valve is opened due to unit upset. Potable Water Air Potable water chlorine exceedance due to installation of new pump - trying to optimize it. will test hourly until back in spec, trucking water in to dilute. Release of R22 (unknown amount). Cause - cooling unit 41-38RV-1, equipment isolated, leak under investigation. No Impact Low temp on U2 stack Surface Water Air CBOD monthly average is high due to unknown cause - one sample (weekly) was high and brought average up.

Flaring - result is SO2. Flaring off gas - high O2 content in the stream, have to flare. Trigger of 20 tonnes SO2, are likely over limit. have been flaring for 3 days. No Impact Domestic wastewater sampling of 3 times/week was not down and BOD monthly mean was not met. No Impact Opacity monitors less than 90% for month of June on Plant 25-1. Land Land Air Surface Water Surface Water Land Land Had a diesel spill from a leaky fuel tank on a haul truck. Area affected is 1m x 75m long. Clean up in progress. Spill - diesel. Heavy Haul truck leaked. Parked at 0600. Faulty fuel fill valve. applying sand will scoop up and recirculate. No water affected. No injuries. Tank venting - hydrocarbon vapour and nitrogen. Reason: high ambient temps and process conditions contributed. TSS exceedance on pond 4. Not sure why it was reported late - they are just going through monthly report and discovered it now. Caused by creek overflow to pond 4 - which flushed sediments out. Not long after this exceedance they got AENV approval to divert creek back to river. Water in polishing pond #2 exceeded limit for pH in field sample - lab analysis exceedance to be a faulty meter reading. Will be documenting this in monthly report. Already discussed with Fort McMurray Inspector - Told caller to request waiver of letter. Flushing line with water frothing occurred and plugged drain. 135 gal of froth and water to ground. Release of 500 gal of propylene glycol. Hydro testing line, isolated line and lost product to ditch. Onsite, contained. Will be hvdrovaccing.

Shell Canada 1-May-2007



Shell Canada 22-Jun-2007


26 149968

258628 258670

26 26 26

258839 258969 259025

Syncrude Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

19-Jun-2007 20-Jun-2007

Industry Industry

21-Jun-2007 23-Jun-2007 25-Jun-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release

26 26

259027 259127

Syncrude Syncrude

25-Jun-2007 25-Jun-2007

Industry Industry

Release Alleged

No Impact Release of bitumen out of vent stack due to power failure caused 'D' aerator pumps to shut down. Contained to roof building (plant 5) - they have applied floor dry to roof and plan on leaving it. Air Plant 83 (coker) plant is diverting due to CO boilers tripping - unit upset. Offgas going to atmosphere - CO, SO2. Air Tank #13 vented for one minute from 0457 to 0458 hours. Reason: pump outage on plant; when tank was opened (valve) the initial onslaught of liquid into the tank caused venting. No one saw it, but they are going by the pressure of the tank. Land Spill of raw water that is taken from river. The pipe line connecting the settling pond to Mildred Lake reservoir split. Discovered at 0400 hours. Water has drained back into settling pond. No Impact plant 73 NOX analyser out of service. will not meet 90% uptime.


26 183875 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 149968

259136 259309 259518 259678 259768 259795 259820 259965 260539 260671 260759



Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Devon ARL 26-Jun-2007 Corp. Suncor 17-Jun-2007 Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor 28-Jun-2007 30-Jun-2007 30-Jun-2007 2-Jul-2007 3-Jul-2007 28-Jun-2007 5-Jul-2007 7-Jul-2007

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

No Impact Camera on flare was lost. Land Air Air Air Spill of 60-40 mix of methanol from a stationary tank. Vandalism is suspect. They are doing a test on soil & ground water & holding pond. violation of tank true vapour pressure due to hi product temp at the coke/naphtha rundown to the N tank farm. TVP - True vapour pressure - exceedance in tank farm. Details in letter. Refrigerant Release of R22 at Plant #25 (air conditioning unit) .

No Impact Instrument failure - oxygen analyzer on GT-6 (gas turbine) used to measure O2 in stack emissions. Air SO2 exceedance this morning. Still investigating reason/cause. Details in written report.

Surface Rec'd letter by mail. RE: Statement of concerns, file 27551, in response to Source application - public notice in Water the newspaper April 3, 2007. Numerous environmental concerns. (Hard copy to follow in the mail). No Impact BOD exceedance @ east bank sewage treatment plant for the month of June. June 28 sample drove monthly to 42 mg/L. Suspect it was a bad sample - re-analysis being performed but results will not be available for 5 days. Air True vapour pressure exceedance on coker naphtha rundown - 12 . 8 psi (3 hour average) - Limit: 11 psi. Cooling issues in upgrader - now resolved. Surface TSS exceedance in the Tar River. No results at present. Repair work being done on fish Weir. Doing work in Water stream.







Spill of hydraulic oil from a gravel truck. Hose broke while in service. Spill went to ground. Clean up in progress.

94 183875 94 94 94 94

260865 261058 262457 268461 268463 268587


Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry

Devon ARL 5-Jul-2007 Corp. Suncor 12-Jul-2007 Suncor Suncor Suncor 18-Jul-2007 18-Jul-2007 18-Jul-2007

Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

No Impact 53F611 - stack thermocouple will be down for 2-3 weeks. Replacement on order. Vegetation Public Lands officer noticed heavy siltation and sewage odour off the Devon Jackfish facility Air Air Air Air True vapour pressure elevated over allowable limit due to cooling problem. R22 release - A/C unit @ Plant 56 upgrading - system repaired & recharged. Partial power failure in tank farm area - lost power to vapour recovery unit - expected to be down past five hour reportable time period - went down @ 0452 hrs. Exceedance of true vapour pressure limit for coker naphtha going to tank farm. Limit is 11. Value unknown. Cause - typically occurs when ambient temp is high. Have reduced rates to get back in compliance. No odours to indicate a release. Likely no release. Plant 37 opacity meter is down for more than 60 hrs. Their 90% can't be met. Release of propane from 2 X 450 litre station tanks. About 10% loss from each one. During a recent storm.

94 149968

268952 269011

Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor

1-Jul-2007 20-Jul-2007

Industry Industry

Air Air














She just received a report of a level 2 fire or explosion in their plant 55 area. No injuries reported. She is heading to the site and will update when she gets there - no other details at this time. 2122 hrs - Enacting their internal emergency response plan. Some fire-fighting onsite. 12 min away from site. Likely will have higher SO2 emissions from flaring over the weekend during return of existing upgrader to service and bringing new unit online.; Update: Start up - Through start up. Cokers are on line and flaring pro


20809 149968

269131 269140

Albian Sands 23-Jul-2007 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Conoco Phillips Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor 23-Jul-2007

Industry Industry

Notification Release

Potable Water Land

cued h2s. Further details in letter. Suffered failure on main pressure control valve on potable water system. Not a non-compliance; notification only. Will be shutting down water system. Glycol and water spill in roadside ditch. Flushing of pipes with mixture of raw water and some residue of glycol - contained - put berm with clay. No waterways affected - will remove free liquid.

48263 149968

269408 269689

24-Jul-2007 20-Jul-2007

Industry Industry

Release Release

Land Surface Water

Glycol (~300L) spilled to ground. No waterways or drains affected. Cause - PSV lifted on process equipment due to over pressuring. All on site. Cleaned up. Process is now stable. Fish weir in Tar River blew out and caused high TSS in river. Reason: large rain storms preceding this.

94 151469

269738 269788


Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Surface Water

Petro-Canada 22-Jul-2007

94 94 153125 151469

269956 269964 270141 270162

Suncor Suncor

27-Jul-2007 27-Jul-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 20-Jul-2007 Petro-Canada 30-Jun-2007

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Surface Water Surface Water Land

Unauthorized tank venting - possible odour complaints on site - product naphtha - started this morning, ongoing until repaired - element (part) needed. Source released raw water from pond #14 into the Athabasca River. Approval stated they must sample the pond everyday if they are to release it into the river. This was not done - last sample that was analyzed was taken July 16, 2007. Another sample was taten on wed. July 25, 2007 but no analysis reports are available. Volume not known - release occurred from July 22, 2007 to 9 AM on July 24, 2007. H2S exceedance. Sour gas treatment unit. Approval violation. sulfur recovery unit tripped. Flaring over limit. Back in service at 2325. Details in letter. Amounts unknown at this time. TSS exceedance on Pond #3 & one on Pond #4, cause was heavy rain. Acute toxicity test for Rainbow Trout for Pond 1 has exceeded approval limit. Cause under investigation. Sampled June 30, 75.8% of fish dies. Resample will be taken tomorrow. Sample is from sedimentation pond that releases to Athabasca River ultimately. Charging fire water line and cater came to surface & unknown conc. of propylglycol was ith this water. Clean up in progress. Stayed on work site.



48263 94 94 153125 26 26 18942 94 26 26 26

270291 270320 270339 270391 270608 270610 270651 270842 270908 270910 270912

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Conoco Phillips Suncor Suncor



31-Jul-2007 31-Jul-2007 1-Aug-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Land Land Air Land Air Air Potable Water Potable Water Air Air Air

Glycol spill ~4 cubic metres to ground - no drains or waterways - free liquid cleaned up - all on site. Tailings pond 2-3 has had a release of water - caller believes it is within secondary containment. They are investigating and cleaning up. Flaring - caller thinks it might have been above approval threshold. From Stack 5K1. Reason: coker gas vented during upset conditions. 5 gallons of sewage spilled while sucking out a tank - went to ground & was immediately sucked up- area cleaned. System Generated Incident - Limit Exceedance System Generated Incident - Failure to Report Limit Exceedance Water contravention. Sample to U of A - potable water tank. Will resample today. Turbidity exceedance on potable water, East plant Dist. system. Sample taken at Plant 86 lunchroom. System was flushed and resampled and turbidity was back to normal. System Generated Incident - Limit Exceedance System Generated Incident - Failure to Report Limit Exceedance System Generated Incident - Limit Exceedance

Shell Canada 27-Jul-2007 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 1-May-2007 1-May-2007 2-Aug-2007 7-Aug-2007 1-Jun-2007 1-Jun-2007 1-Jun-2007


26 94 94 94 94 94 20809 18942 18942 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94

270914 270916 270963 280468 280608 280619 280703 281010 281016 281022 281073 281144 281150 281178 281353 281367 281378 281389

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

1-Jun-2007 8-Aug-2007 7-Aug-2007 11-Aug-2007 12-Aug-2007 9-Aug-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Potable Water Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air

System Generated Incident - Failure to Report Limit Exceedance Tank venting - south tank farm tank #4 and possibly tank #35 Both are diluent tanks. Flaring event - started July 22, finished Aug 7 - greater than 20 tonnes of SO2 generated - improper valve positioning on start up - picked up on yesterday. Transferred 3 coke boilers out of flue gas desulfurization system. Increased SO2 emissions. No exceedance. Had to repair gypsum line - emergency line. Venting from tank 1 & plant 4 - 2100 - 0100 hrs last night. Notifying potential for odour complaints evaluating volume & conc. of potential H2S release. Flaring through 53PC1045 (sour water acid gas stream). Unit has been flaring on & off at one period it went over the 20 t? day SO2. Spill of -2000L of diesel. occurred in lean oil sands dump. Valve broke off of fuel truck (not TDG). All contained, no waterways. Truck is being fixed and taken out of service. Potable water contravention, sampled. Showed total coliforms present. Report came back today. Resampled enroute to lab already Sewage spill - overflow check system was not working. Contained to site. Vactrucks cleaned it up. Odour potential (low) due to venting of tank 20-D-1. Tank contains diluted bitumen. Reason is a set point issue. which they are investigating. R22 release. Probably less than 10 KG. Building 1491. AjC unit. Tank #2 venting - hatch on top had popped open - noticed increase in nitrogen demand - discovered @ 2045 & closed - no odour complaints or adverse effects. Tank venting from D4, nitrogen and some HC vapour. intermittent from 0900-0920. Due to liquid accumulation in lines. R22 release discovered when servicing unit . Repairing now. Bldg 1103, unit 25-1-RV-lS. Bad ammonia or sour water odour coming from Source - ongoing for some time - noticed this morning on way to work. Also plume from stack #26 is touching the ground and Caller's eyes are watering. Reporting flaring. Trip on sulfur recovery unit #4 linked to trip on sulfur recovery unit #3. Valve in open position. Missing pH reading. Sample was not taken.

Albian Sands 14-Aug-2007 Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor 14-Aug-2007 16-Aug-2007 16-Aug-2007 17-Aug-2007 17-Aug-2007 18-Aug-2007 19-Aug-2007 21-Aug-2007 16-Aug-2007 18-Jul-2007 21-Aug-2007

94 26 94 26 26 20809 48263

281465 281469 282003 282075 282075 282136 282218

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

22-Aug-2007 22-Aug-2007 24-Aug-2007 26-Aug-2007 26-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Release Release Release Release

Albian Sands 27-Aug-2007 Conoco Phillips En Cana Suncor 27-Aug-2007

48522 94

282270 282296

27-Aug-2007 29-Aug-2007

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

GLC exceedances throughout the day at station #12. Potential source is tank 2 (diluent) which has been venting. possible PURV or instrumentation issue. working to rectify. Investigating cause. Also checking other tanks in tank farm. Air Potential odour complaint due to release of sour water; has not left the pad; did not go on to the ground. Air Divertor stack was opened on CO boiler due to boiler being tripped - Working on it now. Air Boiler down on energy services side of building - Diverted one of boilers out of FGD unit - SO2 emissions will be higher - will be down 1-2 hrs. No Impact Diluted bitumen spill, 2-3 barrels due to tank valve failure between tank 20-D-3 and pump Station 2. All on site, no water affected and cleaning up. Land Diluted bitumen spill, 2-3 barrels due to tank valve failure between tank 20-D-3 and pump Station 2. All on site, no water affected and cleaning up. Land Spill of ETAC 548 - zinc chloride inhibitor. Leak from a temporary storage tank. Leak to ground on hoarding area. Clean up and investigation in progress. Land ~1 m3 spill of emulsion due to overflow of sludge catch containment. Process overflowed due to valve left open. No drains or waterways affected. Did flow off lease. Leak has stopped. Cleanup is underway. Spill is contained. Caller will notify EUB. Potable High Manganese. during maintenance. on clear well tank. Everything else OK> Trying to call since lsst night Water (1-800# doesn't work in BC). Should be OK by midday. Potable Violation of pH on Pond "C" outfall due to instrument problem. Water


20809 94 94 94 94 26 183875 26 94 26 26 26 94

282330 282339 282380 282382 282441 282494 282502 282528 282591 282594 282598 282608 282624

Albian Sands 29-Aug-2007 Suncor 29-Aug-2007 Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Devon ARL Corp. Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor 27-Jul-2007 27-Jul-2007 29-Aug-2007 30-Aug-2007 27-Aug-2007 30-Aug-2007 30-Aug-2007 30-Aug-2007 30-Aug-2007 31-Aug-2007 30-Aug-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Land Air Air Air

Spill - sewage - sewer main blocked, cleaned up. No water ways affected. Request waiver of letter - please call. Need to take vapour recovery unit out of service - for one hour to do maintenance. will reroute flow to NRU. Possibility of odour complaint. System Generated Incident - Limit Exceedance System Generated Incident - Failure to Report Limit Exceedance

No Impact Failure to report emission surveys in upgrader. No sufficient notice given. Air Venting product tank #14 - naphtha vapours and natural gas - tank over pressure due to compressor trip Working on fixing problem. Land Leak on blowdown pond. Leak detection pipe is filling with water. Double lined pond assumed leak in primary liner. Drawing down level to determine leak. No Impact water release. providing approval # Air Approval violation. Venting from tank #20D5 to atmosphere. Land Bitumen leak. valve packing failed on Pump station #2. Clean up - vac truck attending and floor dry. On plant site. No water affected. Land Acid spill. Water treatment plant acid/caustic enclosure - hole in line. System shut down (#4). Just notified now. All in plant. No water affected. No injuries. Cleaned up with water to oily water sewer. Air Flare camera broken due to lightning. Surface Odour potential due to equipment problem yesterday with secondary extraction - diluent (naphtha) released to Water tailings pond. Weren't recovering as much diluent as usual. Total release over 12 hour period was 1100-1200 barrels, daily total is unknown. Have cut rates and faulty equipment is out of service. Surface exceedance for TSS in sediment pond. Cause - beavers on nearby creek have dams that are backing water up. Water Have approval to breach dams, did this yesterday, expecting a few more TSS exceedances until things settle out. No waterways affected - flows through muskeg first - TSS is knocked out. Air Venting bitumen storage tank PVR valve release Air H2S alarm at API separator - release of H2S from a separator during pump commissioning - start-up of pump agitated material in separator. Potable Mn exceedance - believe was a sampling error - relief operator took sample that day - day before and day after Water are normal - no operational changes have been made. Relief operator didn't know limit. they just discovered exceedance today. Air Had to transfer boilers out of JVR due to they tripped. They are bypassing JVR (pollution abatement equipment), Should be back to normal within the hour. Air Release of R22 from HVAC system discovered during a maintenance check. System isolated now, will repair and recharge. Air H2 S re1ese at CPS (separator system) while commissioning the unit. Air Broiler got transferred; bypassing pollution eliminating equipment. Air LEL alarms act activated at CPS for a couple of seconds. Surface Discharge water exceedances Water Potable Potable water system pump failed; loss of pressure for 2 hours; still trying to fix it; boil water advisory for 2 Water camps and plant is effected. Air 5 min of venting. Hydrocarbons and TRS compounds. Plant #4 and #16. Pump problems caused process upset.; One minute trip on ERU Blower from 18:40-18:57 venting from plant 4 & plant 16.; Venting between beds on VRU . (Not related to venting reported in 192516) 0146-0208 hrs and 0247-0258 hrs . Investigating cause high pressure is a possibility.; 2- 3 minutes of venting (hydrocarbon and TRS) in plant 4 - occurred while putting the "IPS" (plate separator ) online in their secondary extraction process.; 21PI163 .- this is a vent on the vapour recovery unit and it vented twice. Now under control.; Some venting from VRU bypass value for time quoted. Air R22 release - from an HVAC unit on building 9. Land While pumping sewage to a vac truck a spill of sewage occurred. When driver disconnected hose spill



Shell Canada 29-Aug-2007


94 26 20809

282657 282690 282725

Suncor Syncrude

31-Aug-2007 1-Sep-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 31-Aug-2007

94 26 26 94 26 153125 94 94

282733 282735 282747 282766 282779 282832 283031 283099

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Shell Canada Suncor Suncor

2-Sep-2007 2-Sep-2007 3-Sep-2007 3-Sep-2007 3-Sep-2007 30-Aug-2007 6-Sep-2007 6-Sep-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 153125

283119 283139



Industry Industry

Shell Canada 8-Sep-2007

Alleged Contravention Release




Shell Canada 8-Sep-2009 Jackpine Syncrude Suncor Syncrude 9-Sep-2007 9-Sep-2007 10-Sep-2007




26 94 26 20809

283160 283185 283229 283263

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 9-Sep-2007

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

happened. Clean up done While pumping sewage to a vac truck a spill of sewage occurred. When driver disconnected hose spill happened. Clean up done. VL A 200L sewage spill reported by Shell while pumping sewage into a Vac truck. The spill was contained onsite. R22 release - from building 1001.

94 94 26 26 94 94 94

283265 283275 283371 283403 283453 283467 283525

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

10-Sep-2007 7-Sep-2007 11-Sep-2007 12-Sep-2007 12-Sep-2007 13-Sep-2007 13-Sep-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification

Boiler trip (boiler #3). Cause pump tripped causing boiler to fail. No other information available. Contravention of approval. Boiler down Sep 9 from 09:51-12:01. No Impact Contravention - September: Opacity meter on Plant 26 stack will be out of service. Due to alignment problems. Been down for a couple months already. Land Spill of E-TAC 548 (water corrosion inhibitor for pipes). Chemical pump lost a seal and leaked product. Leaked onto ground (compacted gravel). Dug up and put into recycle system. No waterways affected. Occurred at the recycle water pumphouse. No Impact Notification only: taking vapour recovery system down to put blanks in system - not a contravention. Air Refrigerant release - Plant 86, unit 86RE-IS. No other information available. Will put details in letter. Air Air Flameout on stack 19-F5 due to imbalance in flows, trying to relight. NG and H2 - other flame is flaring gases.

26 26 94 26

283545 283719 283806 283894

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

13-Sep-2007 14-Sep-2007 16-Sep-2007 17-Sep-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

26-1 opacity meter - meter is unavailable. Not available all of August and September. Reason: they are working on relocating the meter. It is out of service for maintenance. Air Venting hydrocarbons from the vapour recovery unit. Cause ... lost a vacuum pump. Cutting rates to minimize loss. potential for odour complaints. No Impact Alaska 2 chiller unit is down which cools the hydrocarbons. Went down at 0257 hrs. and still down Cause under investigation. Air From 03:00 - 10:15, Stage 2 of vapour recovery unit was down. Cause - slow refrigerant leak tripped unit out. Has been repaired. VOC venting occurred. volume unknown.; Release of R507 from station 2 VRU sub 6 compressor, investigating cause. will repair and recharge. Land soil salvage. Road was punched in and soil was not salvaged prior to road construction. 0.4 - 0.5 hectares. Potable Water Air Land Water contravention, 6 months THN testing result is out of compliance. R22 release in unit AHU #1. will be repairing and recharging. The amount will be in the written report. Spill of diesel ~ 2000L - loader struck U/G pipeline running from refinery to storage tank - confined to excavation - vacuum trucks in now & will follow up with dry sand - pipeline shut off on both ends - will be repaired. Non compliance TSS - over 20 samples, will include all in 7 day report. Due to berm installation (clay) Small dam built to dewater part of river for fish salvage project.





Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude



Alleged Contravention

Surface Water










Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

94 94

284550 284565

Suncor Suncor

19-Sep-2007 19-Sep-2007

Industry Industry



Shell Canada 11-Sep-2007


Alleged Contravention

Diesel spill-removing tar sand from box of truck with a blown engine using a backhoe, lump of tarsand rolled off and knocked the fill line for the backhoe. Spilled between 100-200 L diesel. Contained, no waterways affected - basin placed around diesel - will be removing and reprocessing it. No Impact Noncompliance. They are doing a stack test today on furnace, 52 - F-100, and failed to give one week notice, as required by the approval. Reason - originally scheduled for last week but was pushed back without a confirmed date. Air Stage 2 of vapour recovery unit was down from 0438 to 1037 hrs. Also from 1044 to 1115 hrs. Not sure of cause. No Impact Approx 300 barrels of pond effluent water from draining an exchanger - to pond A - outfall for pond is closed. Unsure if this is an approved waste stream, also checking into contents of water. Release happened over last couple days. Surface Exceedance for TSS in pond #2. Cause - new culvert put in on site road - increased flow to pond. Flows Water through muskeg - no waterway







Alleged Contravention Release Release Release


26 94 26

284736 284742 284766

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

21-Sep-2007 22-Sep-2007 22-Sep-2007

Industry Industry Industry

94 94 26 94 149968

284784 284787 284803 284832 284929

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

22-Sep-2007 22-Sep-2007 23-Sep-2007 20-Sep-2007 21-Sep-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

Non compliance on stack regarding stack sampling code. Requirement that sampling reports be upstream and downstream from flows at a certain distance. Have discovered they do not meet requirements for the distance for Plant 57. will follow up. No Impact Spill from pipeline - 60% bitumen, 30% H2O, 10% sand - 50 gal/min - still draining - reduced to minimal rates flow - suspect from well failure - going to asphalt or concrete then into oily water sewer. Land Small leak of bitumen, sand, water (tails) stay in the area from the line, none in water course; contained on site. Land Spill of process water (recycle water line). Volume unknown. Line is buried; bubbling discovered. Seems to be a minor leak. Will excavate the line. Line goes from Aurora site to main site. No waterways affected. Small amount on surface with lots of steam. Will take samples. Air Eight minutes of venting from vapour recovery unit. Reason: taking plant #25 down because it was leaking. Took plant down to repair and stop flaring. Air venting from Tank #1. Reason: unknown, under investigation. Venting continued from 2030 hours on Sep 22 to 0218 hours on sep 23. No Impact Camera outage on flare header on low pressure flare header. No Impact Electrostatic Precip pm #3 boiler having problems with field. No Impact 3x per week, Sept 21 sample missed. Will include this information in monthly report.

26 26 94 94 20809

284957 284992 285048 285090 285246

25-Sep-2007 7-Sep-2007 26-Sep-2007 26-Sep-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Potable Water Air

Lost flare flow indication won t have for ~ 16 hours. Cause - instrument failure. High pressure flare - 19FT37.

Albian Sands 27-Sep-2007

153125 94

285373 285379

Shell Canada 20-Sep-2007 Suncor 28-Sep-2007

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

20809 26 26 26 94 26 26 48522 26

285534 285550 285556 285582 285708 285751 285868 285870 285968

Albian Sands 28-Sep-2007 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude En Cana Syncrude 30-Sep-2007 30-Sep-2007 1-Oct-2007 1-Oct-2007 30-Sep-2007 3-Oct-2007 15-Sep-2007 5-Oct-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Treated turbidity on Sept 7 failed to meet 50% removal from raw turbidity. This was on plant drinking water. It was ok by Sept 8. No idea of cause. Did not get results until today. Small venting at Plant 4 - Notification for odour potential, mixture of diluted bitumen (hydrocarbons) - Lasted ~ 5 minutes. No Impact Missing metal result for sampling pond E and 4G2. For the month of August. Local lab analysis broke so samples were sent to Ontario - bottles broke in Transport. Some parameters can be analyzed, but not the metals. Surface Spill of recycled pond water - sampling will be done. - 5000 L have spilled off lease into buffer of Muskeg Water River. Cause of spill metal casings installed around tailings pipe - water level exceeded casings. Flow has reduced to a controlled trickle and is no longer spilling. Continuing to mitigate issue. Surface TSS exceedance due to heavy rains flooding nearby creek that has entered pond #2. Sep 24, results were below Water the limit. Pond @2 releases to Shelley Creek. Land Bitumen froth spill (~800 barrels) due to separation cell that overflowed. Has pooled on ground. No waterways affected. Is contained on site. Is on a "disturbed" area. Has congealed on ground. cleanup underway. will go back into process. Land Spill of diesel during fueling of a mining haul truck; it pulled away by accident before fuel nasal taken out; none in water course; contained and will get vac. truck to clean up. Air Diverter valve open from fuel boilers 3 & 4. Gas release - upset on 83 coker unit - hydrocarbon based - should be off shortly - swinging over to alternate boilers - no adverse effects right now. Will update when off. Air Stack top exceedance - main stack - will exceed hourly Average. Air Air Effluent pond H2S alarms are ringing. Reason: under investigation. Not a major event.

venting at 3 different intervals from VRU. Unsure of what was being vented. 1) 20:30 - 22:40 2)00:05 - 1:47 3) 2:51 - 4:00 will follow up - may be related to ground level concentrations in region. No Impact Late report on air stacks - should have been in by Sept 30, 2007 - delay from contractors. Air sulfur plant tripped - flaring H2S. Almost stopped now. No Impact Failed of submit annual caribou protection plant by deadline (sep 15) Will have it in by end of Oct. Air Got readings of 8-10 ppm H2S. Discovered leak on a seal of a sour pump. Seal drum #9-G-10B had sour water contents. Isolated pump - will have maintenance look into it. No longer releasing. No evacuations or injuries.


94 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 26

286012 286049 286068 286088 286134 286151 286161 286168 286171

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

5-Oct-2007 5-Oct-2007 5-Oct-2007 6-Oct-2007 7-Oct-2007 7-Oct-2007 8-Oct-2007 8-Oct-2007 8-Oct-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

Venting from plant 4 (Extraction Plant) H2S/hydrocarbon (gas stream) 10:35-10:40 - 100ft3/min ~ 1% H2S Tank D101 is venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapours (sweet gas). Cause under investigation. volume unknown. Tank D1 is venting - venting nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapour. Started at 1445 hours. Not sour. Reason: vent system overloaded. cause under investigation. Tank venting from slop naphtha tank - started 0022, bringing down now - starting up unit @ plant - minor event, odour complaints not expected. Venting - From 11: 05 - 11: 32 - Light gas stream (Hydrocarbons, methane) Small amount of H2S (<1%) Venting on two tanks started @ 2340 - almost stopped - nitrogen & hydrocarbon vapour. Tank venting @ 0330-0430. - methane, nitrogen, hydrocarbon gas release. Had weak spring in pressure relief valve. Readjusted set point & looking @ repairing. R22 release, unknown amount, from MCB chiller #1, repair in progress. Sewage spill discovered 1.5 hrs ago - occurred some time ago. Pipe separated and broke under one of the houses at their main site camp (Mildred Lake Village - Housing unit "M"). Contained onsite. Going to try to recover it - vacuum trucks will pressure it out from under the house and then vacuum it up. Venting of light hydrocarbon, 1%H2S, N2 for 35 minutes. #261 stack opacity meter availability is < 90% for the month of Oct. blower malfunction.

94 26 26 151469 48522 94 26

286173 286175 286220 286262 286269 286339 286481

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

8-Oct-2007 8-Oct-2007 9-Oct-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Petro-Canada 9-Oct-2007 En Cana Suncor Syncrude 9-Oct-2007 10-Oct-2007 11-Oct-2007

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air

94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 26

286624 286635 286743 286819 286825 286993 286995 287061 287180

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

13-Oct-2007 13-Oct-2007 15-Oct-2007 15-Oct-2007 15-Oct-2007 17-Oct-2007 17-Oct-2007 15-Oct-2007 22-Aug-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Pro-Active Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Tank venting nitrogen and small amount of hydrocarbons from 1030 hours to 1100 hours. Reason: clay pluggage on conductor system in tanks. No Impact Sampled only twice during the week of Sept 16 - supposed to be three. Currently investigating - discovered Oct. 7 As per table 4.3b Potable High manganese at WTP this morning. He cleaned the filter equipment and is currently checking to see if that Water was the cause. Air Contravention - swung three coke boilers out of action in flue gas desulfurization unit. Resulted in increased SO2 - of unknown amount - will be in letter. Air Venting since 0900 hrs and ongoing. He was just notified now. They are making some adjustments and it's coming down now. Believe the cause is - nitrogen valve stuck open. Nitrogen and some hydrocarbons are the main gases venting from tank 20-D-1. Air Flaring sour water acid gas - from 0700-0840. SO2 emissions from flaring >20 tonnes. Air Tank venting - diluted bitumen tanks. 20D3 from 0106-0618 & 0906-1018 & 1541-1600. 20DS - 0044-0757 & 1036-1040 & 1445-1537. Hydrocarbon vapours - blc VRU is down. Air Release of R22. Mechanical Room 1901, unit 41AB108 Unknown amount. Air Air Land pressure release valve lifting in south tank farm GLC exceedance. Taking boilers out of FGD system for cleaning for 1 week.

Fuel spill - fueling generator and overflowed. site was source of fuel and destination as well. In mining area so will be cleaned up by mining. No Impact Water contravention. Sample could not be tested within time limit. (courier problems). Air Air Doing more flaring than normal. Lost a sulfur plant. Recovery made now. Just about stopped. Consultant performed stack survey on plant 48-1 baghouse stack Aug 22-23. They exceeded on particulate. That plant is run by a different company - a breakdown in communication may have caused the missed report. Mitigating actions were taken at the time. Not sure if new test will be performed. Vented VRU stage 1 (12:57-13:10). Cause - unknown. Organics vented. Plant 4 also vented (13: 00-13: 05) same VOC material - cause unknown. Removing a beaver dam that was flooding one of their roads. Even though it was isolated from the Tar River, there was an abandoned channel leading to it. Some sediment released to Tar River. DFO approval required upstream and downstream samples be below 25 mg/L. Visually she can tell they will exceed that. One more

94 149968

287195 287202

Suncor Canadian Natural Resources

19-Oct-2007 19-Oct-2007

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Surface Water







Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry



94 94 94 94 26 94 26

287251 287311 287422 287424 287486 287573 287648

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

20-Oct-2007 23-Oct-2007 22-Oct-2007 19-Sep-2007 23-Oct-2007 11-Sep-2007 24-Oct-2007

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Release


dam nearby will be removed tomorrow - she believes all the sediment has already released; Source removed beaver dam alongside river (planned). Sediment entered water-no volume as of yet but it is anticipated to go over the allowable limit of 25mg/L designated by DFO. This is the 2nd dam removed by the source since yesterday. odours in Fort McMurray. 1900 started, still ongoing. Caller has headaches from smell. Nasty smell.; Odour complaint. Started last night and ongoing. Smells very much like burning chemical like acrid burning tires. Believes Source is responsible because they had an ad in the paper regarding odours. Exceedance - 1 ton/hr SO2 Minor, reason unknown 1 hour exceedance. (Equipment 8E-17)

Air FeD back in services after down for 5 days maintenance. No Impact Fuel gas desulfurizing unit uptime <90% for 2007. Maintenance went over scheduled. No Impact Missed sample for Wednesday, September 19 for sediment pond. Unsure why. Samples were taken day before &. again on Sept. 21 &. levels were ok . Air Rotten egg smell while driving by plant this morning; what is it? Surface Non compliance - pH samples missed by operator, Unsure of which pond samples were missed from. Sept. Water 11,24,25 October 2-23. No Impact Spill of gas oil ~20 barrels, Contained on cement pad & being washed into oily-water sewer. Had pump out for service & valve was left open - oil lost upon bringing back into service. Enacted emerg. resp. plan as precautionary. Air Venting notification. Vented from VRU for two minutes. Probably around 0530 hours. Reason: hot bitumen from plant #87. Air VRU stage 2 - went down for repairs at 0609 hours. Will be down for approximately 12 hours. Potable Potable water contravention. Report received - Spectronica was not working - 6 days. Was reading high. Water Checked against main water treatment plant spectronica & reading was the same SO chlorine is high. Checked calibration & adjusted chlorine input. Potable Non-compliance of TSS due to removal of a fish net. Water

94 94 26

287654 287656 287689

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

25-Oct-2007 25-Oct-2007 18-Oct-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention



94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94

287790 287797 287940 287947 287983 288000 288002 288119

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor



26-Oct-2007 26-Oct-2007 27-Oct-2007 27-Oct-2007 28-Oct-2007 28-Oct-2007 29-Oct-2007 29-Oct-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Impact Notification Release

No Impact pilot light on swag flare may have gone out for a couple of minutes last night. Nothing was flaring at the time, required to have pilot on constantly. will have to be confirmed. Occurred last night or this morning. No Impact Report - #1 NOX analyzer not meeting 90% uptime. O2 analyser not working. Land Air Land Air Air Land spill of wood , sand & bitumen. Spill flowed through trenches into a containment cell. Since spill did go through trenches it might be reportable. VRU (vapour recovery unit) went down at 1250 hrs and not back up. Cause unknown. Stage 2 down, Stage #1 up & running. Firehouse, pumphouse was de-energized & a valve opened thousands of gallons of water went down ravine. Driving by plant on Hwy 63 and it stinks to high heaven. A flare stack went out and there's a bunch of product not being flared off - smells like rotten eggs. Boiler went out on the JVR unit. (JVR scrubs for SO2 and when the boiler goes out she believes it does not scrub). No further details. Spill of domestic wastewater from the steep bank WWTP . Due to power failure which took down the east side and caused overflow of the lift station. All contained - most went to adjacent pond F and can stay there. CEDA is vacuuming what went to ground. 0400 hrs - SRU #4 tripped and they have been flaring acid gas ever since. will likely flare in excess of 20 tonnes SO2. Depressurization of potable water distribution system. Cause due to power failure. Voluntary boil water advisory issued for office complex, caller spoke to health region and they will be sampling for the next couple days. The advisory id just for the office complex. Water main break on main plant site. RHA notified and boil water advisory issued within the hour. Has only

94 94

288129 288156

Suncor Suncor

30-Oct-2007 30-Oct-2007

Industry Industry

Release Notification

Air Potable Water Potable








26 26 26 94 48408 26 94 26 94

288292 288343 288377 288822 288827 288929 288940 288944 288958

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

31-Oct-2007 1-Nov-2007 26-Sep-2007 2-Nov-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Water Surface Water Land Air Potable Water Land Air Air Surface Water Air

affected a portion of the plant site. Water has been isolated and repairs are underway. Sewage treatment plant - over the monthly average for Oct on total bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD). Reason: under investigation - will be in the letter. Purge oil leaked from a hole in pipe. Discovered at 1515 hours. Located outside. Crosses underneath the road. Will isolate and investigate. Contained in area. No waterways affected. Failed RATA test on HRHWG1 on Sep 26. Failed on % O2 and effluent flow rate. Cause - unknown. will retest in another week. Portable water plant at Steepbank: ; low level of water trucking in water from the city. Spill of -101. Sodium Hydroxide. On site, 112 contained, 1/2 on ground. Cleaned up with vac truck. No waterways. Gasket failure on a blind. sulfuring unit 12-0 take off line on Oct. 27 2007. pilot light went out on swag flare, Relit in 15 minutes On Oct 30/2007 surface water was diverted to sediment pond. Over exceeded TSS limits. Venting from tank 20D3 (15:48 - 16:09). Cause - extraction plant 87 upset. Vented diluent (mainly naphtha) odour potential.; Venting of hydrocarbons - sour gas - 1641 to 1646, 1658 to 1703, 1738 to unk & 1748 to ongoing, Intermittently. Having trouble with blower on vapour recovery unit (VRU) - odour potential. Tank venting - hydrocarbon vapour. PVS (pressure vac safety valve) weeping slightly, Going to repair. Had diverter valve malfunction & valve opened a bit - released CO gas for unknown amount of time. Just starting preliminary investigation. Valve now closed & no adverse effects. Occurred sometime within last month. Two releases today - one of unknown volume of b r water ( 2000 L) - cause - unknown. No waterways affected. Went to coke pit. Nov 6 10:00. Condensate flushing operation - went down road and to pond A. Steam and water with possible high pH. No potential for it to reach waterway Cause - unknown. Flaring of swag, acid gas. On going. Clean water diversion around the site, work was being done in ditch & had high TSS.

Petro-Canada 2-Nov-2007 Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor 3-Nov-2007 4-Nov-2007 30-Oct-2007 5-Nov-2007

26 26

288971 289047

Syncrude Syncrude

5-Nov-2007 6-Nov-2007

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air







Surface Water

94 26 20809 94 26 26 26 94 26

289120 289137 289158 289172 289181 289296 289304 289314 289377

Suncor Syncrude

7-Nov-2007 6-Nov-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint [incorrectly coded as Industry] Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 8-Nov-2007 Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude 7-Nov-2007 1-Oct-2007 10-Nov-2007 10-Nov-2007 10-Nov-2007 12-Nov-2007

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Impact

Air Surface Water No Impact Sewage back-up. 2 lift station pumps failed. Clean up crews are cleaning now - no adverse environmental effects. All contained on site. No waterways affected. Unsure of amount. Air Tank venting - either diluted or diluent bitumen - sour, but % unk . From 2300-2309 last night & 0830-0900 this morning. Transferring material in & out of tank. Surface Exceeded total suspended solids (TSS). Due to low alkalinity. In process of getting a consultant to look @ Water plant. For month of October. Air Tank venting of untreated e naphtha gas for about 10 minutes. Land Treated process water from intersite water line underground seep onto ground - amount unknown; line shut down at the plant site; none in water course. Air High opacity of FGT stack due to coke feeder jammed will try to correct it. Air Driving by Source and there is a rotten egg smell [redacted]

26 94 94 94 183875

289380 289524 289557 289594 289650

Syncrude Suncor

12-Nov-2007 14-Nov-2007

Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air

Suncor 14-Nov-2007 Suncor 15-Nov-2007 Devon ARL 15-Nov-2007 Corp.

Release - venting off tank 20 - D3. Venting nitrogen and HC vapours, lasted 8-10 min. Tank venting - not sour gas - naphtha product. upset in extraction plant, released to atmosphere. Unsure of how long venting took place - will call back. Air Venting from Plant 4. Bitumen is venting. 14:05-14:19. Cause - plant upset. Land Bitumen spill by south tank farm & spill contained. Cause was a leak on a pump. No Impact Annual monitoring report. Should have been in 15 Sept 07. Not in yet, discussions were pending but now approval modifications never made


94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 149968

289767 289791 289876 289956 289987 290062 290209 290324 290333

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Conoco Phillips Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

16-Nov-2007 16-Nov-2007 18-Nov-2007 20-Nov-2007 14-Nov-2007 21-Nov-2007 22-Nov-2007 22-Nov-2007 14-Nov-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water

Tank venting - intermittently - unsure when started, still ongoing. From diluted bitumen. Flaring off coker - At 1128, still going. Whole plant shut down. Upgrader #1 shut down on Nov 16 because of maintenance to coker. Upgrader started up again Nov 18. There is flaring. Flameout of 59F-101 flare. They are trying to get it back. Reason; have knockout drum on flare flooded and extinguished flare. Flaring exceeded sources 20 tons SO2 limit. Still flaring, sour water acid gas. Issues with sulfur recovery units. Approval violation - lost pilot to flare 59F101. Flare not in use, but must have pilot on at all times. Still trying to relight. Violation of NOX analyzer failed 95% uptime requirement due to calibration problem. Tank venting episode PVRV on 20D35 tank (diluent tank) lifted. possible odour emissions. Addition of unapproved chemical into water treatment plant (Potable water for site). Hypochlorite allowed - bin labelled hypochlorite - actually was hydrochloric acid. Two workers injured (minor) OH&S notified. Unsure if any reached back-pulse tank (used to clean membranes). If any did reach, 5-10 L. Flaring - has been ongoing for a couple of days - has likely exceeded 20 tonne/event SO2 limit. Cause - under investigation. Started Nov 18. Stage 2 of VRU went down. Unsure of cause. Increased potential for odour. Stage 1 can still remove H2S light hydrocarbons still released, methane may cause odour. Tank venting nitrogen & hydrocarbon vapour. Starter @ 2345 - finished @ midnight. Not sour. Vent system was overloaded. Tank venting - 0005 hrs to 0010 hrs, Natural gas & hydrocarbon vapour. pressure control instrumentation failed. Tank venting - diluted bitumen. 0450 to 0453 hrs & 0456 to 0501 hrs. Unknown why. Flaring from 52K401 compressor - wet gas compressor - sour - probably over 20 tonnes SO2 as per estimates. From 2114-2124 & 2144-2214. Not flaring now but having issues because of weather - frozen transmitter. Lost sulfur plant & flaring acid gas. Cold weather froze one of the instruments & caused a trip. Going out H2S flare. NOx - hourly Average exceedance. Operational upsets due to cold weather.

94 94 26 26 94 94 26 48263 94 26 94 94 151469 26 18942

290379 290393 290416 290454 290458 290479 290481 290487 290492 290609 290619 290621 290727 290832 290846

23-Nov-2007 23-Nov-2007 23-Nov-2007 25-Nov-2007 25-Nov-2007 25-Nov-2007 26-Nov-2007 25-Nov-2007 26-Nov-2007 27-Nov-2007 27-Nov-2007 28-Nov-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Venting from VRU over the last day. Unknown cause - pressure surge. Lasted 10 min. Unsure if sweet or sour gas. From 809-820 hrs. No Impact Analyzer 25-1 (opacity) not meeting 90% availability for Nov /07. Reason/cause not available at this time. Air Air Potable Water Air Venting H2S. VRU issue. (spikes only - 6 min total - for 2nd release report). 1 hour exceedance or SO2. Unknown reason Contravention of failing to collect dissolved organic carbon; in waste water for October.

Petro-Canada 29-Nov-2007 Syncrude Syncrude 2-Dec-2007 2-Dec-2007

26 26 94 94 151469

290852 290908 290918 290942 290991

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

3-Dec-2007 3-Dec-2007 1-Dec-2007 1-Dec-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Tank venting ongoing since 2: 40. Instrumentation froze up - releasing hydrocarbons - sour gas in liquid. Shouldn't be considered much sour gas (small amounts). Instrumentation is being checked out right now. No Impact Caustic spill (50% caustic soda) - 2400 L -Drain was left open on caustic injection line. Contained in mud box in tower. Some did enter drain (which is contained to process - recycles). 1 injury - gone to hospital for assessment. Cleanup in progress. Air Flaring H2S (sour). Lost sulfur plant - instrumentation froze. Getting other unit to pick up feed. Air Release of sour gas (sour naphtha. ~2 1/2 hrs. Released from bellows on PSV. Air Violation - flaring cause ing SO2 emissions greater than 20 tonnes. Reason: ongoing since November - seal leak on white gas compressor. Air Flaring of acid gas due to sulfur recovery unit trip. No Impact TOTALIZER NOT WORKING - possibly ice build up - needs to be F30recalibrated. Not possible till spring

Petro-Canada 4-Dec-2007


26 26 26 26 1604

290997 291007 291009 291053 291203

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

4-Dec-2007 4-Dec-2007 5-Dec-2007 5-Dec-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Japan Canada 6-Dec-2007 Oilsands Ltd. Suncor Syncrude Suncor 6-Dec-2007 1-Nov-2007 11-Dec-2007

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

thaw. In the mean time discharge will continue but will freeze up in all likelihood. Opened diverter. gases from cokers going to atmosphere tip on boilers 303 and 304. potential SO2 exceedance of 1 hour SO2 due to unit upset. High pressure flare pilot light out.

No Impact 25-1 opacity meter will be <90% for Dec. Mechanical problems. Land Leak of tank inside berm, dyke area - Contained. <2m3 - Frozen solid under tank. Slowdown water (concentrated water-goes to boiler used as steam). Unsure of cause - thinks old tank. Sits on concrete pad supported by posts. They will heat up water and set up pump. Water will be put back in system. No Impact Flare liquids are bypassing H2S strippers going to tank farm. Line is frozen. No release of H2S - is scrubbed through naphtha recovery unit. Line froze ~4 days ago. Potable Sewage treatment plant - over monthly Average. TSS (November). Also BOD over for month of Nov. Due to Water insufficient treatment - they are adding magnesium hydroxide (a settling agent). Air Notification of stage 2 VRU - it is currently down. Maintenance is looking into. possible odour complaints light end hydrocarbons may be released. Land Small sewage spill; all contained; none in water course due to sewage line plug. Potable TSS for surface water discharge cause unk known : possibly an organic cause. Water Air Tank venting - > sour/hydrocarbons. Still venting, taking steps to stop. Plant upset some units down. Air Tank venting (tank #13) hydrocarbon vapours. Switched to another tank to stop it and also detuned the product in tank. Surface Will be draining ammonia sulphite slurry diluted with water to sewer. Sewer is contained on site. will start Water soon. Cause - process will be upset unless levels are re-established. will be lowering vessel by 3%. volume unknown.; Will put ammonia sulphate slurry diluted with water to sewer, volume unknown. Cause - to prevent plant upset. Will start right away, should take ~2 hours. No offsite impact - no waterways affected. No Impact Potential approval violation for two underground storage tanks placed On foundation 15' below grade. Caller needs interpretation to determine if this is a contravention of approval. Air exceedance of NOX emissions due to poor quality fuel on both Dec. 11 and 12. Potable Water Missed sample at D7 sedimentation pond. Req'd to monitor DOC monthly-missed Nov. sample D7 only releasing water from 24 Oct.- Nov.7. Stopped releasing before sample could be grabbed. Requesting waiver.

94 26 94 20809 26 26 26 26

291277 291375 291381 291441 291459 291516 291524 291551

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 11-Dec-2007 Syncrude 11-Dec-2007 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 12-Dec-2007 12-Dec-2007 13-Dec-2007

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

94 48263 149968

291557 291559 291588

Suncor Conoco Phillips Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Syncrude Conoco Phillips Suncor Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

13-Dec-2007 11-Dec-2007 1-Nov-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

26 48263 94 149968

291639 291648 291681 291687

14-Dec-2007 13-Dec-2007 14-Dec-2007 13-Dec-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air

Tank D13 venting hydrocarbon vapour. Reason: slopping volatile product. Exceedance of NOX. Details in letter. Poor fuel gas.

Flaring - resulted in likely exceedance of 20 tonnes/flaring incident of SO2. Cause - equipment maintenance to be clarified in 7-day letter. Flaring started Dec 13 at 15:24-Dec 14 13:19. No Impact WWTP were required to take daily composite samples for SOD and TSS. Operator mistakenly disposed of sample before it could be sent out for analysis. No composite sample available for Dec 13

94 94 26 94 26

291705 291735 291743 291754 291764

14-Dec-2007 15-Dec-2007 15-Dec-2007 15-Dec-2007 17-Dec-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Notification Release Release

Land No Impact No Impact Land Land

Spill of flare liquids to ground & the tank foam. Cleaning being done. Stage 2 of the VRU (vapour recovery unit) is down mechanics are working on it. Drained ammonium sulphide slurry to sewer within plant. Triethylene Glycol spill. 91-100 plant - contained on site in secondary containment. In the process of being cleaned up. Tubing breach to cooling line. Spill of an unknown volume of caustic water solution. When the north mine had a process slurry spill, they accidently used the caustic water as the cleanup solution. They would normally use a solution diluted with water to 2%. Still investigating. More details in written report.


94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 183875 26

291783 291820 291822 291838 291840 291890 291906 291915 291976 291981 291993 292029

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

17-Dec-2007 17-Dec-2007 17-Dec-2007 8-Dec-2007 18-Dec-2007 18-Dec-2007 19-Dec-2007 19-Dec-2007 20-Dec-2007 19-Dec-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Pro-Active Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

No Impact S2 F302 MCU coker furnace - will not meet the requirements for approval. will not get CGA done. New unit cylinders not heated -- unable to do CGA. RATA and Stack test were done. Air Exceeded SO2 limit. Reason: sulfur plant tripped. Air Breakthrough on VRU - 1 bed is broken through, other bed is out for catalyst changeout. Second bed should be in service by tomorrow. Venting sulfur compounds to atmosphere. Air Currently flaring SWAG (sour water acid gas) from U1 upgrader because SRU 1 and 2 are down. This flaring may be contributing GLC exceedances on WBEA air monitoring stations. Air SRU #3 and 4 are down on upgrader # U2. Flaring swag (sour water acid gas) from upgrader. Not related to flaring at U1. Swag flaring may be contributing to GLC exceedances on the WBEA air monitoring stations. No Impact Flow analyzer (26-IFI2A) is working intermittently. Cause - instrumentation issues. Repairs underway. Downtime for analyzer has exceeded 72 hour requirement (potentially). Unknown when analyzer went down. Air NOX calibration failure on Stack #31. Reason: under investigation. Uptime for month of December will be less than 90%. Air Advisory - they are taking Upgrader #1 out of service. Reason: bitumen supply issue. May be a potential for flaring odours. Will be tracking. Do not have restart time. No Impact Spill of diluent ~ 100 barrels. From line into storage tank. Leaking gasket on block valve. Stopped. Contained in bermed area. Foam down & vac trucks will recover. Air Bringing upgrader 2 down Went down at ~. 18: 00. Potential odours odour complaints. Air Ambient air exceedance Trailer monitoring air by Promet - the exceedance was just brought to attention through monthly report. Due to VRU being down. Land Gravel pit - Cl levels at 1200mg/l sample taken yesterday - just got results. pit is getting older - saline levels higher Water from gravel pit goes to environment (allowed under approval). Has been stopped until further notice. Air Extraction plant #4 is being started up - as a result venting occurred. Releasing hydrocarbons/sulfur compounds. From 1748-17hrs. 2 sources: 1 Plant 4 2) VRU Air Sulfur recovery unit tripped as a result they are flaring sour water acid gas.; Starting up upgrader #1; will be flaring greater than 20 tonnes; started Dec 19 at 1800 hours.; Starting up U2 upgrader. May have flaring event s as a result. No Impact RATA performed on Nov 27-28. RATA failed - does not have any numbers yet. They have planned a retest but no date set yet. Air Venting from stage 2 of vapour recovery unit. Hydrocarbons being vented. Cause - unknown. 06:56-07:12 and 10:34-11:07. Air Venting from D-53 (dry bitumen tank). Started at 1303 hrs and is ongoing. Tank contains hydrocarbon vapour which is likely not sour. Cause - offgas vapour recovery system tripped. Currently trying to restart. Air Notification only. Flaring SWAG at 10PIC71. Due to SRU #2 trip in the U-1 upgrader. Not related to shutdown / startup in U2. Flaring at 2 tons/hour. will notify again if they reach 20 tonnes. Ongoing. Not sure how long it will last. Air Tank venting from 20D4 - nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapour (no sour). Instrumentation problems caused it corrected now. No Impact Contractor was cleaning the reverse osmosis unit and it foamed when vacuuming - came out of the vacuum vent. Spill of 100-200 gallons of caustic cleaner. Ran down onsite road and froze. No offsite - none into any of their wastewater ponds. All on road Cleaning by scraping with a bobcat. He will call back to confi [confirm?] it was going to be transported offsite making it a TDG incident Air Venting - 3 min 0340-0345 - primarily methane . Reason unknown moving one tank to another. Land Spill of tailings material --(modified fine tailings) rupture disc let go. Most went into emergency pond, 100-200 000 gallons went out of pond - still on site - no waterways affected. It was discovered at 5:00am. They are pumping the tailings back into the pond. Surface Water from gravel pit - pumped into a slough in a valley area. ~ 4100m3 of water. (Cl) 1000mg/l. Water Water eventually goes into river. Pumped from 1000 hrs to 2000hrs. Air H2S stream route to wrong tank; not being processed resulting sample conc. was high.

Devon ARL 8-Nov-2007 Corp. Syncrude 20-Dec-2007

94 94

292045 292065

Suncor Suncor

20-Dec-2007 19-Dec-2007

Industry Industry

26 94 26 94

292079 292106 292124 292127

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

27-Nov-2007 21-Dec-2007 22-Dec-2007 22-Dec-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release

26 94

292147 292149

Syncrude Suncor

23-Dec-2007 24-Dec-2007

Industry Industry

Notification Release

94 94

292183 292217

Suncor Suncor

27-Dec-2007 28-Dec-2007

Industry Industry

Notification Release

26 94

292249 292287

Syncrude Suncor

26-Dec-2007 28-Dec-2007

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention


94 26 94 94 94

292289 292318 292324 292354 292363

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

29-Dec-2007 30-Dec-2007 30-Nov-2007 1-Jan-2008 1-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Impact Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release

94 94 26 26 26

292377 292409 292417 292425 292431

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

2-Jan-2008 2-Jan-2008 2-Jan-2008 2-Jan-2007 2-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Stage 2 baker recovery unit was down might be some onsite hydrocarbon odour. Air Lost CO Boiler 3 and 4. Diverters are swung open. Gases going out stack. SUI. will restart ASAP. No Impact Missed monthly sample for November on the "extraction slops" sample. They analyzed it for hydrocarbons but missed analysis ammonia and H2S. Reason was a lab error - still investigating. sample is taken once I month. Air station#12 H2S TRS exceedance. . No Impact Landfill had to meet monitoring requirements by Jan 1, 2008, in terms of the number of monitoring wells. They are partially deficient on this requirement so sent a letter to AENV Dec 21. AENV advised they report to 18001 on Jan 1, 2008. Air H2S exceedance at station 2, Mildred Lake. bs 9-10:00 Station 2 48 ppb H2S wind dir 164 with speed 6 km/h, Suncor likely source. Air Bypass flu gas desulfurization system. Hopper is plugged up, once unplugged, they will stop the bypass. No Impact Spill of diesel. Punctured equipment fuel tank in oil sands pit. Going to remove the contaminated soil. No waterways affected. Air Venting from 20D4 (nitrogen and hydrocarbon - not sour). Caused by malfunction of PVSV46. Isolated and repairing. Vented from 1415-1450 hours. No Impact Flow analyzer in plant 26-1 (tag number for unit is 2-1 FIT2) will not meet 90% uptime for the month of January / 08. Down since the beginning of the month - require parts that arrive Friday - work will be done on Monday. Air 26-1 stack ammonia emissions are above limit. Suspect it's a false high due to instrumentation problem. Air Air Air Air Air Air Ammonia exceedance on stack - Stack Plant 26-1. Might be malfunction of instrument - reducing NH3 to tower. Venting from skimmed oil tank Plant 91 (stage 1). still blowing. Trying to repair now. Venting from skimmed oil tank Plant 91 (stage 1. Still blowing. Trying to repair now. Odour of sour gas (rotten eggs) likely from Source. Winds are blowing from the south. He just noticed it. Odour burn in nose.

26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

292440 292444 292469 292469 292505 292621 292637 292716 292718 292732 292792 292792 292813 292926 292955

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

2-Jan-2008 2-Jan-2008 3-Jan-2007 3-Jan-2008 3-Jan-2008 5-Jan-2008 6-Jan-2008 7-Jan-2008 7-Jan-2008 8-Jan-2008 5-Dec-2007 8-Jan-2008 9-Jan-2008 10-Jan-2008 11-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Pressure relief valve lifted on coker naphtha storage tank from 0558 to 0618. Closed now. Gas was released to atmosphere. No ambient exceedances, believed to be localized. Cause unknown No Impact Continuous Emissions monitoring for NOX did not reach 90% or January. No Impact Sample missed in December. Water from pond "E". Air Air Air Air Air Air Upgrader 1 will have an emergency shutdown. There will be flaring -coker gas -will likely be sour. Is currently flaring. Cause of shutdown -not enough steam. A failed RATA test stack. Test on 05 Dec 07 failed, total effluent rate. will retest. A failed RATA test stack. Test on 05 Dec 07 failed, total effluent rate. Will retest. Venting -small H2S content from Plant 91, skimmed oil tank. Thief hatch seal leaking. Very little venting. Call Reason Air 2 boiler of JBR. Boilers have tripped out. Units to be repaired Flaring of sour acid gas. Cause -piece of equipment went offline. Unknown if it's ongoing. VLAD-flaring started on the 11th of Jan. 2008@05;35am-Jan., 18th, 2008 ending@ 21.30 (APRROX 182.5HOURS.Location was the overheads at 10C-2,The sour water stripper. This is a potential contravention of Clause 4.1.14 of Suncor's approval. Flaring of acid gas. Sulfur recovery unit tripped. On going. Caller is passing source and there is a very foul odour of H2S and S02. Call Reason Air Station 4 H2S exceedance. Strong odour from source. Almost smells like raw sewage. Call Reason Air

94 94 94 94

292992 293000 293002 293004

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

11-Jan-2008 11-Jan-2008 11-Jan-2008 11-Jan-2008

Industry Public Complaint Industry Public

Notification Impact Notification Impact

Air Air Air Air


94 94 94 94 94

293006 293008 293014 293022 293035

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

12-Jan-2008 12-Jan-2008 12-Jan-2008 12-Jan-2008 12-Jan-2008

Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Impact Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air

94 94 94 94 26

293037 293046 293048 293050 293058

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

13-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

24 hour exceedance. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 11-JAN-2008 11:59 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air 24 hour exceedance. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 11-JAN-2008 11:59 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air H2S exceedance at air monitoring station 5. H2S exceedance at Air Monitoring Station 2. Ambient air exceedance. VLAD-Highest recorded for the day was 50ppb exceedances. Wind direction was 136@21km/hr and 126@17km/hr respectively. According to Suncor's 7-days, the GLC was due to SWAG Flaring. This is a potential contravention of clause 4.1.14 and possibly clause 4.1.15 of the approval. 24 hr. exceedance. [Station 11] Ambient air exceedance. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 04:00 13-JAN-2008 05:0011229.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air Stni9 H2S exceedance ambient air. 0800 hrs 30ppb ws 7, WD 183 [This incident and other related incidents is enigmatic in that AMS 9 does not sample for H2S; it samples for TRS.] VRU catalyst bed -has high H2S. Had a breakthrough and is venting. High chlorine residual - higher than approval limit of 4.0 mg/L. Reason: when main chlorine cylinder got empty; new one didn't kick in and was not adjusted properly. Value is on its way down. At 1150 hours it was 3.8 mg/L residual chlorine. Tank venting, lasted 5 min. 1355-1400 hrs. Reason unknown. Released hydrocarbon vapours. Violation at air monitoring station il. Violation at air monitoring station i2. Smell has been very bad all day; giving caller very bad headache. Not able to open windows. Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 22:001805.0 Call Reason Air 24 hr exceedance Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 13-JAN-2008 11:59 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air 24 hour exceedance 24 hr. exceedance 24 hr. exceedance Ambient air exceedance Time Wind Dir/Speed 01:002253.0 Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. VLAD-46,87,13,11,11,12,19and 13PPB H2S respectively. Wind speeds and directions varied during the exceedances(Average :127degrees/7km/hr. The reason for the GLC's is largely due to the SWAG Flaring .This is a potential violation of clause 4.1.14 and possibly clause 4.1.15 of their approval 194-02-00.Also incidents from the 11th -15 January are related to these GLC's (See public complaint reference *(196914 &196313. Station i9 H2S exceedance 700-800 hrs H2S exceedance -ambient air. Spill of grey water. Holding tank - toilet continued running, overfilled tank. All cleaned up with vac truck. Alarm exceedance of H2S Station 11; lower camp. 24 hour exceedance 24 hr exceedance. VLAD-Cloudy with low wind speed.13ppb H2S. Suncor did not record the actual wind direction and speed in their 7-day. The reason for the GLC's is largely due to the SWAG Flaring .The impacts included stations 1,2, 11 and station 9 ( Barge landing).This is a potential violation of clause 4.1.14 and possibly clause 4.1.15 of their approval #94-02 - 00.Also incidents from the 11th - 15 january are related to these GLC's (See public complaint reference #(196914 &196313). 24 hr exceedance Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 14-JAN-2008 11:59 VLAD-7 PPB TRS. Cloudy with low wind speed. Suncor did not record the actual wind direction and speed in their 7-day. The reason for the GLC's is largely due to the SWAG Flaring .The impacts included stations 1,2, 11 and station 9 ( Barge landing. This is a potential violation of clause 4.1.14 and possibly clause 4.1.15 of their approval #94-02-00. Also incidents from the 11th -15 January are related to these GLC's (See public complaint reference # (196914

26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94

293060 293064 293066 293070 293074 293078 293080 293082 293084 293086 293088

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

13-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

94 94 26 94 94 26

293095 293101 293108 293143 293174 293176

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

14-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 15-Jan-2008 15-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Air Land Air Air Air






Alleged Contravention



94 94 94

293180 293241 293241

Suncor Suncor Suncor

15-Jan-2008 13-Dec-2007 15-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air

&196313). 24 hr exceedance Low value. flare stack. Continuation of related call.

94 94 94 20809

293243 293243 293247 293249

Suncor Suncor

2-Dec-2007 15-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Suncor 15-Jan-2008 Albian Sands 15-Jan-2008

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Low value. flare stack. Continuation of related call. 00171446 196956 15-JAN-2008 15:12 Industry Release Comments: Have been flaring since 0500 hrs Jan 11. Yesterday they calculated that the heating value of the gas to flare was lower than required -potentially affecting combustion. At 1600 hrs yesterday they increased natural gas to flare to improve combustion. This requirement is written into their approval. Air No Impact Dec was the water report will be missing 3 pH analysis of pond E; for Dec 2, 3, 28, Unsure of reason or cause. No Impact Dec wastewater report will be missing 3 pH analysis of pond E; for Dec 2, 3, 28. Unsure of reason or cause. Air Land H2S hourly exceedance at station 11, Lower Camp. Time Wind Dir/Speed 18:00624.0 Call Reason Air Spill of process water from their tailings pond. A berm collapsed and 3000 L of water spilled down a roadway and near site boundary. Cannot tell if it went offsite or not due to dark. If it did not go offsite, it would have gone onto a power lien right-of-way and then the boundary with adjacent facility. No waterways nearby. No bitumen in water but maybe some salinity (300 ppm). Will have a better idea of water quality and location by tomorrow. No Impact "Diverting" report open. Closed just now. Plant 81 - 0ff (gasses). Starting to divert "81" coker to atmosphere. Planned. Probably for 3 days until the 18th Air Station 2, H2S exceedance. There is some debate as to time. Time Wind Dir/Speed 23:00 Call Reason Air Air Tank venting (hydrocarbon vapours) untreated gas oil. They think a PSV valve opened. Starting up compressor to fix problem. Air Tank 51 (bitumen - hydrocarbon vapours) venting. Suspect instrument failure due to cold weather. Indications show tank is well within range so it shouldn't be venting. An operator is going up to inspect tank. Air Flaring of S02 emissions >20 tonnes. Had wet gas compressor trip. No complaints expected. Call Reason Air Air Odours from source -can't explain what smells like but burning his eyes. Air Air Air Tank venting -Bitumen storage tank. Not sour. Unsure cause. Pressure vacuum release valve lifted.

26 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 153125 94 26 26 20809 94 94

293253 293255 293326 293330 293439 293441 293466 293478 293547 293549 293553 293555 293563 293587 293626 293645 293651 293680 293737 293745

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Shell Canada Suncor Syncrude

17-Jan-2008 15-Jan-2008 17-Jan-2008 17-Jan-2008 18-Jan-2008 18-Jan-2008 20-Jan-2008 21-Jan-2008 21-Jan-2008 21-Jan-2008 21-Jan-2008 21-Jan-2008 22-Jan-2008 21-Sep-2007 22-Jan-2008 22-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Release Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Ambient air exceedance Station 2, exceedance of H2S. CM: Station 2 exceedances: 14:00-15:00 31 ppb H2S, wind 134 @ 4 km; 18:0019:00 14 ppb H2S, wind 167 @ 5 km; Suncor likely source. No Impact Took two boilers out of JBR late this afternoon. Cause is unknown. Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Land Air Station U. Exceedance TRS. Station ll13. Exceedance on TRS. H2S exceedance 24 hr Average. Had a spill of engine oil - 42 L. Back in sep. Just wanted to notify. All contained on road & cleaned up. No drains or waterways Flaring -not reported previously. Source is unknown. Still investigating. Between Jan 16 and 22. Call Reason Air Venting of tank -> nitrogen and some hydrocarbon. Due to high pressures -> now back to normal. 2045hrs -> 2140hrs Loss of closed circuit TV monitoring system to the flare; will monitor by operator in field. 50 L spill of sewage to ground. No waterways or drains affected. Cause - tank froze - system was off for repairs. Signs weren't posted properly - someone flushed the toilet causing overflow. Was cleaned up. Flaring of S02. Reason: under investigation.

Syncrude 23-Jan-2008 Albian Sands 22-Jan-2008 Suncor Suncor 23-Jan-2008 23-Jan-2008







No Impact Breakthrough on catalyst bed -> some H2S breaking through. Not a contravention but reporting it because it does lead to venting. Normally there is two catalyst beds and they switch them before they breakthrough. This time it broke through early. Call Reason No Impact Air Sour water spillage tank vented; problems with sour water stripper so when strippers were fixed the situation


149968 151469

293885 293915

CNRL Fort Hills Energy

25-Jan-2008 25-Jan-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

94 26

293917 293943

Suncor Syncrude

25-Jan-2008 26-Jan-2008

Industry Industry

Release Release

26 26 26 94

293955 293968 293985 294048

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

27-Jan-2008 27-Jan-2008 27-Jan-2008 28-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release











Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Pro-Active Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

94 94 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94

294100 294106 294127 294131 294149 294184 294186 294220 294222 294238 294288 294290

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

29-Jan-2008 29-Jan-2008 29-Jan-2008 29-Jan-2008 29-Jan-2008 29-Jan-2008 30-Jan-2008 30-Jan-2008 30-Jan-2008 30-Jan-2008 30-Jan-2008 30-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

ended. No Impact Sedimentation pond releases water to Tar River. 11 samples shipped and 4 were broken. Samples taken 3X weekly (oil increase samples. Samples will be in 7 day report. Surface Polishing pond had high turbidity readings at 1230 hrs today and also 2 subsequent samples. These are field Water samples and have not been confirmed by the lab. The lab's TSS limit is SO mg/L. Cause is snow dam gave away at No Net Lost Lake. Snow dam is being rebuilt. The polishing (settling pond is continuously released to the Athabasca River. After high turbidity found, they stopped flow to the river until resolved. No Impact Small spill of domestic waste water -6-7m3. All cleaned up. Caller thinks controls were shut off by accident, will know more in 7-day letter. Call Reason No Impact Land Leak on weld on sour ammonia water discovered at 1245 hrs. Noticed drip and had to pull off insulation to uncover leak. Evacuated (precautionary) any permit workers in the area. Will try to clamp it off. It that doesn't work, the unit (16-4) will have to be shut down. Fire Hall on standby but not ERP activation at this point. Drip is from crack on weld - small amount by ammonia noticeable. Called in extra help to find a permanent fix for crack. Air Tanks venting - hydrocarbon & nitrogen vapours. No H2S. Instrumentation failure. Started 0400 - 0417 Air Tank 20-D100 is venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapours. Reason: under investigation. 00172043 196380 27-JAN-2008 13:40 Industry Notification Air Comments: Tank venting on tank 100. Compressor had tripped. Air Caller received notice of odour complaint from AENV investigator. Air Heating on U2 flare stack is lower than it should be. Value reported@ 11.5 megajoules/m2. Limit-> 12 megajoules/m2. Brought flare online in Nov -> thinks the heat has been low since then. Moisture in stream going to flare might be to blame. No Impact Spill of tailings -no naphtha (just water and sand. Volume unknown. Hot water of tailings caused frozen part of dyke to let go so material went into containment area. No waterways affected. Will pump back into pond where it was originally designated to go. Air Stage two of VRU went down at 2300 hours and still not back up. 00172152 197307 29-JAN-2008 05:07 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: Stage 2 of VRU is down; down on January 28 (time not known. Having problems with temperature and equipment tripping. Air Notification -emissions went "off spec". Added anti-foam to amine unit which caused a reaction and now emissions for that went off spec (does not know what that means. Will call back with more information. Air Flaring over 20 tonnes of SO2. Started Jan 24 at 12:04 and is still ongoing. Unsure of cause - has to do with K 100's being down. Air Flaring -> acid gas. Unit instability. Not contravention as of yet -> just a notification. Air Air Air High NOx emissions from G21. Lost generator breaker cooling fan.

Diverting valve open to atmosphere, off 8-3. Negligible impacts to env. Ongoing - in recovery mode now. Release of NOX - went as high as 210 kg/hr for fifteen minutes then came back to normal. Reason: started up pump (G20) and exceeded limit for fifteen minutes. Air Tank venting hydrocarbon vapour from 2340 hours to 2350 hours. Reason: compressor K-31-32 not working at full capacity. No Impact Waste water pond (pond C-> sampling machine is broken. Closed outfall -> water level dangerously high chances of overflow. Going to manually sample pond every 2-4 hrs. Might be repaired today but not sure. Air Tank venting -> nitrogen and some sour vapours. Pressure control issue. Stopped @ 1020hrs. Air Possible exceedances for SO2/day due to flaring yesterday. Nothing confirmed yet. Air Land H2S exceedance. Cause unknown. Na hypochlorite spill of 10-20 gallons. Cause -were transferring material. A part on the truck failed and started leaking. No injuries. Cleaned up. No waterways or drains affected. Leak was stopped. No ERP activation. Spilled to a cement pad -snowed over. Potential release of naphtha to effluent pond. Plant is down and trying to get it back up so there could be a potential release. Exceedance is for NOX. Reason: glycol pump failure. Exceedance occurred from GTS and ID Station U6829.

26 94

294293 294304

Syncrude Suncor

30-Jan-2008 31-Jan-2008

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

Surface Water Air


26 94 94 26

294366 294388 294394 294406

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

31-Jan-2008 31-Jan-2008 31-Jan-2008 1-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Air

H2S alarm at plant site in recycle pond due to unit 7-0 problem.

94 26

294412 294425

Suncor Syncrude

1-Feb-2008 1-Feb-2008

Industry Industry

26 94 26 26

294457 294496 294498 294501

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

1-Feb-2008 2-Feb-2008 2-Feb-2008 2-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

26 26

294533 294541

Syncrude Syncrude

3-Feb-2008 3-Feb-2008

Industry Industry

Release Notification

26 94 20809 26 149968 94 26 26 151469

294545 294550 294552 294568 294577 294605 294620 294637 294646

Syncrude Suncor

3-Feb-2008 3-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release

station 5 H2S exceedance. No visible flames on flare stack -may be a contravention of approval. Cause -unknown. FlOl and Fl02 affected. Pilot lights seem to be lit. Air Odour complaint called in to caller by AENV Investigator. 00172373 197592 01-FEB-2008 00:08 Public Complaint Impact Air Comments: Smell of diesel gas - burning the throat - smell is getting stronger as caller is passing by source on highway. Air Exceedance at air monitoring station U2. Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 Call Reason Air. Land Spill of naphtha (2 barrels). Cause - a flange leak on pump discharge line for plant 73. Has been isolated, repairs underway. Wendy to ground, flushed to oily water sewer for recovery. All on site. No injuries or ERP activation. Air Flow meter on flare (19F1 1010a) not working. Doing investigation and will try and fix as soon as possible. Went out @ 0653hrs. Air TRS 24-hr exceedance at station 12. Time Wind Dir/Speed 23:59 Call Reason Air. Potable Potable water exceedance. High Cl2 in Beaver Creek Distribution tank - operator added too much chlorine. Water Discontinued adding chlorine - flushing tank with 15 gal / min water to dilute. Land Tailings line ruptured at 0100 hrs. Amount leaking unknown because much of it is steam - expect over 1000 gallons. It all remained onsite. Occurred in the middle of the plant site at plant 67-1. They found the leak and shut down line by 0600 hrs. Called in vacuum trucks to clean. No injuries, evacuations or any other issues. No Impact Spill of unknown amount of "biocide" in the pumphouse. Contained to pumphouse. Still determining quantity and what exactly the chemical is and what it is used for. Will update. Air Tank venting - tank 7 and 13 (13 has untreated naphtha, 7 has bitumen). Venting started at 0132 hrs. Going heavy into tank 7 and they are both on same system. Putting other compressor up which will take pressure so should stop soon. No Impact NRU was offline from 1450-2330 hrs due to lack of steam. There were no exceedances as a result. Back up and running smoothly currently. Air S02 exceedance -hourly. Issues with the sulfur trains. Land Propylene glycol b/w 300-5001 on soil during hydro test -> pipe failure, now isolated. No waterways. Clean up is being discussed. Air AENV had called him regarding an odour complaint. He has no info on whether they are responsible but will update when he gets more info. Potable Particle counter unplugged accidentally for 14.5 hours in potable water plant. Under investigation. Potable Water water quality was not contravened. Readings were within limits once plugged in. Air 19Fl steam assist froze, having plant issues -may have a smoky flare. No complaints received. Caller says that this is not a contravention of their approval. No Impact Sample for upstream background information for clear water discharge was not taken for month of January. Oversight. Will implement check sheet to ensure it's not missed. Potable Utility air valve closed due to upsets. Caused short circuit at potable water plant. Tanks had contact with Water Chlorine for less than 20 min - more than 10 (1500 hrs). Also, high turbidity due to the same upsets. No Impact Monthly tests not conducted for 148 hr static acute lethality test using daphnia magna 296 hr acute lethality test 3dissolved organic carbon 4 al diss iron 5Total diss Manganese -month of January due to ongoing TSS problem. Surface High TSS -drainage ditches. Sediment from muskeg dewatering caused by excavation. Ongoing -installed 3 Water check dams -coming out slowly. Plant not up and running yet (still in construction phase. No Impact WTP -composite sampler mechanically failed. Composite sample was not full. Lost -12-14 hours of data. Will confirm that grab samples will be taken. Details to be provided in 7-day letters. Air Hourly ambient air exceedance. Air U-2 sour water tank vented twice. 2317 hrs & 2350 hr are the start times. Duration unknown Pressure valve opened -unsure why. Air Minor venting of hydrocarbons and sulphur for two minutes from vapor recovery unit. No ground level exceedances detected. Reason: upset on skid. Call Reason Air.

Albian Sands 3-Feb-2008 Syncrude CNRL Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Fort Hills Energy Fort Hills Energy CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor 3-Feb-2008 4-Feb-2008 4-Feb-2008 4-Feb-2008 4-Feb-2008 4-Feb-2008

151469 149968 94 94 94

294652 294692 294739 294741 294858

4-Feb-2008 5-Feb-2008 6-Feb-2008 6-Feb-2008 7-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry


26 94 26

294864 294871 294875

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

7-Feb-2008 8-Feb-2008 8-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

26 26 26 26 26

294880 294890 294930 294934 294940

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

8-Feb-2008 8-Feb-2008 9-Feb-2008 9-Feb-2008 9-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

No Impact Spill of sour water - small leak from sour water treater - goes into sewer and being flushed w/water to dilute -> doesn't leave site. Area isolated -> isolated leak as we speak. Feed has been stopped. Air Ongoing flaring for diluent recovery unit overheads. Has S02 content -% unknown Probably >20 tonnes S02. Ongoing for at least a few days -probably Sunday. Air Potential SO2 emission exceedance. Possibly started 2125 Feb 7. 26-1 stack emissions are the cause. Just coming back from a major plant upset - instrumentation problems and freezing problems. Will confirm in written report. Air He believes they will exceed their daily SO2 limit (360 ton/day) for all Sources at the plant due to ongoing issues. Air Flare meters malfunctioned. Cause - under investigation. Meter 19F36. Air Release of H2S from effluent pond. Looking into source. No Impact Flare flow meter not working. Cold weather to blame. Adding heat to try and fix. Air Potential ammonia exceedance on 26-1 stack. 300 ppm is the hourly limit and they hit 300 ppm at 0630 hours. Not sure of cause - may be instrumentation problem causing a false reading. Currently checking accuracy of instruments. Tank venting from tank 33 (sour water and sour hydrocarbon). Some sour water vapour was released. A couple of contractors in the area were removed as a precaution. No injuries. Still working on getting pressure down. 5 minute venting at plan 87-hydrocarbon and sulphur vapours. They were bringing the inclined plate separator online. Report is late because onsite pager was not working. He has provided the workers with a different pager number. No GLC's at WBEA stations. Call Reason Air SO2 exceedance. Possibly not an exceedance because of cold weather affecting instrumentation. More info in 7 day letter. H2S alarm going off at effluent pond. Hand held monitors confirmed the presence of H2S. He is not sure what time alarms started ringing. Likely caused by off-spec sour water unit. No injuries or evacuations. Work group assigned to handle it. NOx exceedance on gas turbine 16. Still unsure and following up on reason I cause. One hour exceedance only. Spill of hot bitumen 8-12000 L of diluted bitumen. No risk of it getting into river, near Athabasca River. Vac truck will go down to clean up. Cause: unsure -suspect packing failure on a pump. All on site. Caller will notify ERCB. Call Reason Land Tank venting (11:09-14:45). Hydrocarbon vapor and naphtha vented due to suspected slop to the tank. Tank 13. No report of venting, basing this on data. H2S exceedance. Cause unknown. Acid gas flaring (01:45-01:48). Cause - foaming incident on the amine unit. Plant upset. Smokey flare incident. Occurred on 09-Feb at 1400 hrs for 9 min's. Flare blower was down. Exceedance on SO2 tons/day. Doesn't have exact numbers yet but they know they are over. Going to reduce plant rates. Unsure of what caused the exceedance. Release of sour liquid -> leak on unit. Evacuated unit/FD on standby/barricades. Isolated leak, cleaning up, volume unknown. Everybody back in building now. No injuries. Cl exceedance-Potable water - storage tank at Beaver Creek - supplies main plant and mining area. Will be diluting water until under limit. Waste water treatment did not sample once a week in Dec. Only sampled one week. Contract company did not contact caller when the samples were missed. Waste water treatment -> did not sample once a week in Dec. Only sampled one week. Contract company did not contact caller when the sampled were missed, Flare meter failed. 1237 today & still down. Investigating. East tank farm -contractor was hydro testing a line -elbow failed. Release of -62000 L of glycol. No drains or waterways. Went to ditch, cleanup is underway. No injuries. No ERP activation. Spill is on site. Call Reason Land VRU catalyst bed is passing resulting in H2S emission. ppm H2S cone., flow is low. Based on lab samples

26 94

294962 294966

Syncrude Suncor

9-Feb-2008 9-Feb-2008

Industry Industry

Air Air

26 26

294975 294982

Syncrude Syncrude

10-Feb-2008 10-Feb-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

94 94

294984 294994

Suncor Suncor

10-Feb-2008 10-Feb-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

26 94 26 20809 26 26 26 183875 48522 26 94

295002 295006 295008 295040 295042 295064 295087 295113 295113 295171 295203

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Albian Sands Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

11-Feb-2008 11-Feb-2008 11-Feb-2008 9-Feb-2008 11-Feb-2008 11-Feb-2008 12-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air No Impact Potable Water No Impact No Impact No Impact Land

Devon ARL 31-Dec-2007 Corp. Encana 12-Feb-2008 Syncrude Suncor 12-Feb-2008 13-Feb-2008









94 94

295234 295303

Suncor Suncor

13-Feb-2008 14-Feb-2008

Industry Agency

Alleged Contravention Release

94 26 26 94 26 26

295309 295323 295328 295338 295413 295417

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

14-Feb-2008 14-Feb-2008 15-Feb-2008 15-Feb-2008 16-Feb-2008 16-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification

taken yesterday, is still flowing. There are 2 catalyst beds and one is out of service, the other one is passing, hoping to commission the offline bed over the weekend. Call Reason Air Air Flaring event has exceeded 20 tonnes/event limit. Low emission -Jan 31 @ -2 tonnes/day. Cause -cooling issues for 5Cl8. Land (call Well head failure. Has been stopped, flow has ceased. Small amount of 3-4% H2S released. No injuries or reason was evacs. Caller was just notified. No ERP activation. Spill of 10 m3 of produced oil on lease. No waterways misaffected. Isolated at 02:30 when discovered. Call Reason Land captured as "Air") Air Downtime on stage 2 of VRU yesterday due to a trip -cause under investigation. 22:15-22:25 was down. Air Air Air Air Air Potentially exceeded SO2. Due to unit upset. Opacity exceedance - making plant moves to bring CO boiler down. Stage II of VRU was down. Venting of hydrocarbons as a result. Not sour. Back up now. Call Reason Air. Diverting of CO gas off 82 burner. Released to atmosphere. Started @ 0107. Doing repairs on CO boiler tube. Unsure how long. Tank venting - ongoing. Unsure of cause - looking into right now. 00173239 197661 16-FEB-2008 05:25 Industry Notification Air Comments: Venting of hydrocarbon vapour. Sour. Unsure of %. Midnight - ~0230. From floating roof tank. Pressure from light material. Possibly related to exceedances (ambient air) received. No odour complaints. Turbidity meter unplugged at waste water treatment plant. Discovered at 0730 hours. Meter was down on Train B for 30 hours but the meter on Train A was running. Particle counters were running on both trains. Plant will shut down if meter and counter shows an exceedance, so believe there was minimal impact. Down time on VRU from 1:59-2:06. Reason unknown. Release of sulphatrite catalyst from VRU (solid material. During a catalyst replacement on VRU. Spill stayed in vicinity of VRU. No waterways. Cleaning up right now (shoveling. Call Reason Land Emission exceedance NOx off steam generator A. 1 hr. Due to plant turnaround -unscheduled maintenance "bump" introducing produced water back into system. Lost flare flow indicator on instrument 19F11010A & B. Techs working on it. Exceeded TSS @ clean water discharge. Believe its due to work in the area - digging new ditches.






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Surface Water Air Land Air

94 94 48263 26 26 20809

295449 295490 295494 295619 295680 295782

Suncor Suncor Conoco Phillips Syncrude Syncrude

17-Feb-2008 18-Feb-2008 18-Feb-2008 20-Feb-2008 20-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 20-Jan-2008

149968 94 94 26 26 48522 94 94 26 26

295843 295916 296048 296123 296175 296185 296233 296286 296315 296396

CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Encana Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

22-Feb-2008 24-Feb-2008 25-Feb-2008 26-Feb-2008 27-Feb-2008 27-Feb-2008 27-Feb-2008 28-Feb-2008 8-Oct-2007 29-Feb-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Surface Water No Impact Possible contravention - did not request extension for use of temp boiler. Letter was supposed to be submitted Jan 20, 2008 and will be submitted Feb 25, 2008 * Would like a waiver of 7-day letter. Caller going away and will not be able to submit on time. Potable Portable water treatment miss tests on membrane integrity test once a week; missed each one by one day. Water Air Exceedance of TRS at air monitoring station (24 hour average. Surface Exceedance of diluent losses to tailings pond. Cause -under investigation. Water Potable Potable water plant; polymer dosage rate exceeding recommended level; not a contravention. Water Air Tank venting -> sour hydrocarbon. Tank slopping - over pressure. Looking into situation. Air Plant shut down for turn around. Air Venting from stage 2 on the VRU. Hydrocarbon vapour venting. Air Technical violation -stage 2 on VRU down -2240-2252 hrs Feb 27. Also lifting on pressure relief valve (PVRon tank 71. High temperatures caused both problems. No Impact Due to technical issues, the availability of the CEMS shall not meet the 90% availability for October. Potable Water Potable water - Turbidity analyzer failed. No readings are 8hrs. Now working, as of 0900hrs.








Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air

26 26 26 26 26 26

296461 296466 296468 296474 296478 296484

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

1-Mar-2008 1-Mar-2008 1-Mar-2008 2-Mar-2008 2-Mar-2008 4-Mar-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention

94 26 48263 94 26 26 26 48263 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 149968 26 94 94 183875 94 48263

296498 296525 296575 296617 296728 296783 296785 296814 296816 296842 296846 296896 296902 296921 296943 297066 297068 297072 297133 297242 297256 297260

Suncor Syncrude Conoco Phillips Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Conoco Phillips Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Suncor Suncor

3-Mar-2008 3-Mar-2008 3-Mar-2008 4-Mar-2008 6-Mar-2008 6-Mar-2008 6-Mar-2008 6-Mar-2008 6-Mar-2008 7-Mar-2008 7-Mar-2008 8-Mar-2008 8-Mar-2008 9-Mar-2008 9-Mar-2008 10-Mar-2008 10-Mar-2008 10-Mar-2008 12-Mar-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged

Air Air Air Potable Water Air Potable Water Potable Water Air Land Air Land

notification-conducting minor repairs to water line have to empty -200m3 of water back into river to prevent freezing of water line. Standard operating procedure -caller says no letter required for this. Call Reason Surface Water Started diverting on Stack 1. CO boiler #1 tripped. No values. Reason: unknown but under investigation. Tank venting - hydrocarbon Naphtha vapours - possible H2S content. Started @ 2211 & stopped @ 2230. One of the units slopping too hard. Venting off Naphtha Recovery Unit for 13 mins. 1949 - 2004 hrs. Check valve failed on one of pumps. Hydrocarbon vapours. Release of Hydrocarbon/natural vapours - no sour gas. Due to tank venting from 1230-1243 hrs. Loss of flare from 1500 to 1525 hours. Reason: extinguished due to loss of pilots and excess steam to flare. Opacity exceedance. Trying to start up coker & having issues with rectifiers & utilities. 00174137 197902 03MAR-2008 12:38 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: Opacity exceedance. Cause - 82 unit startup and circulation issues. 00174198289 03-MAR-2008 06:33 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: Opacity exceedance - over 40% particulates. Started @ 0400 & still above. Due to unit upset. 8 minutes of venting from VRU from 1414-1422 hrs. Reason unknown at this point. Release of nitrogen & hydrocarbon vapours. Not sure of cause yet. 13:40 - ongoing. Due to tank venting. Will call when finished. NOx exceedances -> hourly. Various operational problems. Multiple exceedances from March 1-> March 3. Approx 40-will include in 7-day letter. High diluent loss went into containment pond; potential of odour complaint; cause unknown. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason] Tank venting -> hydrocarbon vapour. Still venting but intermittent. Unit tripped. Overdose of coagulant added. Looking into reason. Exceedance -> high trihalo Methane results (THM). Looking into reasons. NOx exceedance due to optimization issue of the boiler. Violation of beginning construction of 2 heaters without approval.

Stage 2 of VRU tripped & down from 1631-1702 hrs March 6. VOC's released. No odour complaints received. Propylene glycol spill. 3000 L. Hydro testing fire H20 line & failed. Into trench & contained there. Cleanup underway. No waterbodies. Call Reason Land Air 3 tanks venting - nitrogen & hydrocarbons. Ongoing. Due to instrumentation problems on tanks 20D1, 20D2 & 20D3. No Impact Notification -flu gas desulphurization tank down for 5 days for maintenance. Approval already give for this. Requesting waiver for 7 day letter. Call Reason No Impact Air Downtime on VRU-stage 2. From 1833-2043, 2157-0200 hrs. VOC capture was compromised. Air Potable Water Surface Water Air Air Land Surface Water Air Tank venting from 1330 - 1630. coker slopping. Hydrocarbons. Intermittent. Failure of SEMS equipment. No reading for potable water turbidity -continuous analyzer. Mar 9, 23:00-Mar 1010:00. Cause -spiked and shut equipment down. Grab samples done hourly. One exceedance. Doing groundwater pumping from T-pit to Athabasca River. Exceeded allowable chlorides. Cause - unknown. 2.1 million gallons went to Athabasca River. Pumping has been shut down. Flaring -pump failed. Vented to atmosphere (butane gas from 1745-1752 hrs. Up and running now. Call Reason Air Station 5, Mannix station exceedance. Spill of bitumen -within containment area; bermed and lined. ERCB inspected site. No waterways affected. Spill was completely contained. Call Reason Land Spill of processed H20 in to pond. unknown amt. (2000-5000 gal est. High pressure in line, so valve lifted & had to discharge. The pond is contained -it was closed off. Call Reason Surface Water NOx exceedance. System rounds to nearest .0 decimal, so numbers not accurate. Varied b/t 7.1 & 7.3 kg/h from

Devon ARL 13-Mar-2008 Corp. Suncor 13-Mar-2008 Conoco 13-Mar-2008


94 94

297277 297297

Phillips Suncor Suncor

14-Mar-2008 14-Mar-2008

Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air

2000 hrs 12-Mar-08 to 0500 13-Mar-2008 . Values in letter. Operational issues. Stack 37 , opacity meter is not working.

26 26 26 48263 26 26 48263 48263 26 26 94 94 94 48263 48263 26 94

297329 297331 297351 297364 297375 297381 297387 297490 297518 297528 297532 297532 297534 297631 297659 297682 297684

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Conoco Phillips Syncrude Syncrude Conoco Phillips Conoco Phillips Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Conoco Phillips Conoco Phillips Syncrude Suncor

14-Mar-2008 15-Mar-2008 15-Mar-2008 15-Mar-2008 16-Mar-2008 16-Mar-2008 16-Mar-2008 17-Mar-2008 18-Mar-2008 18-Mar-2008 9-Jul-2007 18-Mar-2008 18-Mar-2008 18-Mar-2008 19-Mar-2008 19-Mar-2008 20-Mar-2008

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Call Information Call Id Sheet No. Call Date Time Caller Type Call Type 00174 79319882 9 14-MAR200811:52 Industry Notification Comments: Tank and VRU venting. Cause -high vapor load from tank. Venting occurred for a few hours from the tank, VRU venting lasted a few minutes. Diluent HC vapors vented. No evacs, no ERP activation. Call Reason Air Air Smelling H2S and THC & a lot of flaring at source. Wind is south. Going into fort Mckay. THC's smell & they have to be exceeding there limits. No Impact Spill of sodium aluminate in water treatment area. Loading tank and it overflowed, but was contained. Material goes to recycled pond. Gauge on tank was faulty & over flow occurred. Air Release of R-22 >10 kg. Due to system leak-in process of being repaired. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Emissions violation-new facility -increasing steam. Having optimization problems. Occurred on Steam generator A from 1400 hrs -2400 hrs. Values ranges from 7.3-8.0kg/hr. Tank venting - tanks 3 & 4. Nitrogen & hydrocarbon vapour. Ongoing right now due to system overload. Tank venting from tanks 100 & 101. System overload-1 compressor down for maintenance. Ongoing - should be over soon. Natural gas & hydrocarbon vapours. Emissions violation -hourly NOx. Running steam generator A at full capacity for 1st time this weekend. 8.0kg/r-8.2kg/hr Emission exceedance NOx for 24 hours, cause is steam generator problem. Tanks D3 & D4 venting - venting HC vapour & N2 Potential SO2 violation on 26-1 stack. Cause - unknown. Operational problems. R22 release. ~ 90 lbs. From refrigerant unit. Repaired & recharged. Was never reported to on call (i.e.. proper protocol not met). R22 release. lbs. From refrigerant unit. Repaired & recharged. Was never reported to on call (i.e.. proper protocol not met. Smoky flare @ 0745-0755 hrs today. Level control issue, so some gas sent to wrong stack. Emission violation: NOx exceedance at the generator; not properly tuned.

149968 26 26 94

297728 297789 297811 297816

CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

20-Mar-2008 21-Mar-2008 21-Mar-2008 22-Mar-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Pro-Active Notification Notification Release Release

NOx exceedance. For 18-Mar. 0001-1700 hrs. Range from 7.2 kg/h-8.1 kg/h. Having issues getting steam generator optimization. All values in letter. Air Tank venting - compressor on VRU out of service (combination of things). Event most likely over now. No Impact Spill of glycol, not sure how much. Were cleaning up previous spill, accidently respilled some of the product. Not sure where it was spilled. Clean up equipment on site and clean up is complete. NO waterways. 00175069 198593 19-MAR-2008 13:SO Industry Release Comments: Spill of propylene glycol due to hydro testing a line -leak in line. lSO gallons (567 L. Spilled to ditch -contained. No waterways. Vac trucks there -will dispose of in tailings pond or haz. waste yard. No injuries. Air Doing a controlled burning -Fire Dept. notified. Using air burner to burn untreated wood. Just a notification. Air Air Land H2S exceedance station#11 tank vented (could be H2S). (Slop tank). Nitrogen blanket on it. No complaints, no health problems. Cew enroute to checkv valve Spill of water I sand I clay I bitumen from a tailings line. Not sure how much spilled or what caused the spill. It may have gone over a road and to a tree line which may or may not be offsite. Not sure about the presence of waterways. Crews are on the way to investigate. She has no other details -will call back with an update. Spill of sewage from a lift station. Grey water was from kitchens. Clean up has been done. *** End of Report *** S02 exceedance on 8F5 thermal oxidizer unit. Instrumentation issue being looked into. Found during data review today at 1300 hrs. H2S exceedance at air monitoring station.

153125 94 94

297828 297861 297863

Shell Canada 22-Mar-2008 Jackpine Suncor 24-Mar-2008 Suncor 24-Mar-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Land Air Air


26 26 94 151469 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 26

297865 297871 297899 297901 297951 297980 298002 298033 298041 298045 298047 298059 298110 298125

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Fort Hills Energy Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

24-Mar-2008 24-Mar-2008 24-Mar-2008 24-Mar-2008 25-Mar-2008 25-Mar-2008 25-Mar-2008 26-Mar-2008 26-Mar-2008 26-Mar-2008 26-Mar-2008 26-Mar-2008 27-Mar-2008 27-Mar-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Notification

Air Air

Tank venting - ambient temperatures - "slug" - HC and Nitrogen vapours on tanks 2 & 4. 2 freon releases - 1) Building 539 Unit 41 27V8B >10kg. 2) Building 930 Unit 8R V4A >10kg. Both at discovered at 1500 hrs. Due to leak on system. Has been fixed. Air Exceedance at air monitoring station for H2S (one hour average. 27413.0 Call Reason Air No Impact Ceriodaphnia (chronic lethality test done once a quarter -as per page 32, table 4.3.b of approval, the test was late for the month of February, 2008. Air Freon release (R-22). > 10kg lost. Due to leak in system. Air Tank venting - Hydrocarbons. Due to low level in tank - aspirators opened up. Ongoing right now. Will call when done. Air Tank venting (tank 2 and 6) - vented HC and N2 vapors due to high tank pressures, adjusted tank ejectors drained knock out drums. 14:00-14:20 venting. Air Tank venting - nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapours. Reason is under investigation. Air By-pass of JBR (pollution abatement that removes S02). inadvertent (instrumentation issue. From March 19 @ 1100 hrs until March 25 @ 1200 hrs. No Impact 26-1 main stack failed SO2 compliance survey. Air Air Air Air Tank 53 venting NG and hydrocarbon vapours. Venting intermittently Hydrocarbon venting (vaporized bitumen10:30-11:00. Unknown cause (Unit 52F300 Cell 2Call Reason Air Tank venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapour. Tank #50 from 1040 hours to 1055 hours. Reason: system overloaded - had a compressor offline. Tank venting (tank 7 and 53), natural gas and HC vapor. Cause - system overload. (12:15-14:15). Tank venting (tank 1, 2, 3, 4) nitrogen and HC vapor. Cause - system overload due to failed compressor - has been restarted. (14:00-15:00). Release of calcium carbonate (unknown amount. Came out of a vent of stack 6Cl2. Outfall is shut in. No waterways affected. (17:30-18:30>200 L released. Didn't go offsite. No ERP activation. Did land on vehicles on plant site. Call Reason Land Clean water discharge to Beaver River, TSS exceedance due to snow melt. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] Sewage spill onto ground. Bin (which holds sludge has sewage frozen on bottom. Was previously used for waste disposal. Frozen sludge broke off -caller treating as spill. Call Reason Land Tank venting - nitrogen + hydrocarbon vapour. System overload. Tank #2,3 and 4 Low free chlorine result -potable water. Hypochlorite system valve left closed. 0900hrs Feb 19, 08 (after valve open eading was 0.96mg/l. Release from tank - venting. Hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. On-going. trying to get it to stop. system was overloaded - too much going to tank. Small fire occurred in coker furnace U2 upgrader, out at midnight; small plume but local air monitor readings has no exceedance. Call Reason Air Excess flaring called in yesterday (or day before-all done now. Ended 2300 hours, Mar 29, 2008. Call Reason Air Station 2. H2S Trouble with potable water system. Door left open -frozen -gave bad reading. Four hourly S02 exceedances on unit 8-F-19 (superclause Ul upgrader. Likely due to too much air in the SRU. Their limit is 1 ton/hr and then 3 ton/hr when the unit went down. May have one more hourly exceedance. Tank 20D71. Flare liquid entered. Due to upgrader 1 sour water stripper capacity issue. Potential GLC odour. Call Reason Air Tank venting (Tank #14) slightly of naphtha vapour (not sour) will stop anytime. Due to compressor not at full capacity. Tank venting of hydrocarbon and sulphur compounds. Venting from tank 1 & 2. Venting hydrocarbons. Trip of Sulphur Recovery Units i 1 and f52. Getting it back on line now. Flaring increase as well as S02








26 94 26 94

298159 298171 298173 298175

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

28-Mar-2008 28-Mar-2008 28-Mar-2008 28-Mar-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Release

Potable Water Land Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air

26 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94

298222 298226 298245 298247 298249 298259 298261 298263 298269 298349 298403

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

29-Mar-2008 29-Mar-2008 30-Mar-2008 30-Mar-2008 30-Mar-2008 30-Mar-2008 30-Mar-2008 30-Mar-2008 30-Mar-2008 31-Mar-2008 1-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry




Syncrude 2-Apr-2008 Aurora Canada Ltd. Syncrude Syncrude 3-Apr-2008 4-Apr-2008



26 26

298570 298617

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification

26 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 94

298668 298692 298707 298714 298720 298730 298759 298770 298860 298862 298864 298866 298876 298878 298891 298897 298934

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

4-Apr-2008 4-Apr-2008 5-Apr-2008 5-Apr-2008 6-Apr-2008 6-Apr-2008 7-Apr-2008 7-Apr-2008 8-Apr-2008 8-Apr-2008 8-Apr-2008 8-Apr-2008 8-Apr-2008 8-Apr-2008 8-Apr-2008 8-Apr-2008 9-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

emissions. Call Reason Air Spill of tailings (water, sand & bitumen4" line ruptured. Took 10 min to shut down. -60000 gallons released. Contained in ditch on lease. No waterways affected. Will excavate with backhoe and put back into tailings pond. The spill is on the border with another company/lease site. Caller will notify them as it may have reached their property. Call Reason Land Air Flaring of H2S stack - cause instrument failure. No Impact Meter issue - misinterpreted. Deemed to be not working when in fact there was zero flow. meter is OK. 00175883 199237 03-APR-2008 17:22 Industry Alleged Contravention No Impact Comments: H2S flow meter went bad on him. meter indicating flare - screwed up. Techs checking. Air Tank venting -> hydrocarbon/nitrogen vapour. Not sour. System overload. Still going. Surface Contravention - high BOD for month of March, 2008. Reason: insufficient treatment - under investigation. Water Air Tank venting (Tank 20D2hydrocarbons and possibly small amount of H2S from Apr 4 at 2017 hours to Apr 5 at 0118 hours. Pressure relief valve malfunctioned. Has been repaired. Call Reason Air Air Tank Venting, D-4 and D-100. Hydrocarbon vapour and nitrogen - not sour. Ongoing - trying to stop it. Air Station 4, H2S exceedance.12 PPB wind at 28, speed was 7 CM: Wind speed and direction would indicate that Syncrude is the likely source of the H2S. Air Tank venting hydrocarbon vapours (not sour). Tank # D-100 Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Late report of flaring event from #7C26. Flared hydrocarbons and S02 during a hydro treated startup. Ongoing flaring -> exceeded 20 tonnes S02 release. Source is 4-5 tonnes/day. Compressor are offline for maintenance. Station 2, 24 hr. H2S exceedance. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 08-APR-2008 00:01 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air Tank venting hydrocarbon vapor; system overloaded; still venting. Station 12 H2S exceedance. Station 2 H2S hourly exceedance. Tank venting from pressure relief valve on VRU. Had difficulties balancing diluent. Tank venting from pressure relief valve on VRU. Had difficulties balancing diluent. Call Reason Air <90% capture efficiency on FGD for month of March (6days <90%. Were experiencing plugging issues and limestone issues. Venting from tanks 50, 51, 100 and 101. Hydrocarbon vapour and Nat. Gas. System overloaded; waiting for compressor to come back on line. Ongoing. Station 2-1 hr exceedance -H2S 00176119 200281 09-APR-2008 01:10 Industry Comments: Station 2-H2S exceedance for 24 hrs. 00176118 200280 09-APR-2008 00:07 Industry Comments: Station 2-H2S exceedance 1 Hr. average End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 09-APR-200804:001348.0 09-APR-2008 03:001226.0 08-APR2008 23:00 08-APR-2008 23:59 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air Notification Air Notification Air. Water quality for plant sedimentation pond. A lot of run off -> retention time is shorter. Valve on outfall has been shut. Started flaring coker gas on 21 Oct 07 and they are still flaring (from 52cl1). A total of 72 Tons of SO2 to atmosphere from 0800-21 Oct 07 to 0800 - 30 Oct 07. Letter received 06-Nov-2007. Another H2S release at Source - not related to 200524. Occurred in unit 12-0 - they were blinding a line that had H2S in it still. Resulted in unit evacuation - unsure of the numbers but potentially in the hundreds. This is over now - no reported injuries. They have not activated plant ERP on this. Units remain evacuated while they redo the gas checks. H2S at 1700 hrs -ambient air exceedance -Station 2 Unit evacuations - some sort of gas release - gas unknown. ERP activation. Caller is responding - can't talk right now. No other information available. Spill of hydro transport slurry (feed to extraction plant from min. It's a bitumen, sand, water mixture. of gallons. Contained to site -in a parking lot and in emergency ponds designed to contain this. No waterways affected. Cleanup underway. Cause -rupture disk failed -not leaking anymore -shut off feed. No injuries. ERP not activated. Caller will notify ERCB. Call Reason Land

149968 94 26

298977 298985 298995

CNRL Suncor Syncrude

9-Apr-2008 21-Oct-2007 9-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release

Surface Water Air Air

94 26 94

299003 299007 299011

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

9-Apr-2008 9-Apr-2008 9-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release

Air Air Land


94 26 26 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 149968 26 26 153125 26

299017 299054 299088 299110 299142 299152 299170 299176 299199 299208 299230 299301 299339 299348 299350 299393 299404

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Shell Canada Jackpine Syncrude

10-Apr-2008 10-Apr-2008 10-Apr-2008 11-Apr-2008 11-Apr-2008 11-Apr-2008 12-Apr-2008 12-Apr-2008 12-Apr-2008 13-Apr-2008 13-Apr-2008 14-Apr-2008 14-Apr-2008 14-Apr-2008 14-Apr-2008 15-Apr-2008 15-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint

Notification Notification Notification Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Impact

Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Potable Water Surface Water

Station 2 24 hr H2S exceedance. Minor tank venting from tank D-6 (diluent naphtha with hydrocarbon). Likely caused by combination of ambient temperature and rundown rates. Made some optimization moves to correct it. The chlorine analyzer is malfunctioning for potable water plant. Cl is 3.3 ppm which is in range & will be doing hourly sampling H2S exceedance @ station 112120 Received NH3 odour complaint for the plant. Vapor recovery unit down for a short while; due to power outage. H2S exceedance at air monitoring station. H2S exceedances at air monitoring station. Air exceedances of H2S at air monitoring station. Exceedance of S02 on Stack 8F5/13215. Also, stage 2 of vapour recovery unit was off line from 0027 hours to 0045 hours. Station 11 H2S exceedance. Release of refrigerant R-22. >10kg. In process of repairing. Unit 44RV4. Had high exceedance on sediment pond for TSS. High inflow from runoff. Release of R22. Building 930. Unit 8RV4A . Grater than 10KG. Just happened. Release of R22. Building 230, Unit 3RE6B. Greater than 10 Kg. Will be repaired. Exceedance of discharge water for sedimentation pond #2 and #6, due to spring runoff for snow melt. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] Source pumping chemicals into ponds. Concerned for Geese and Birds. 00176576 200571 15-APR-2008 15:28 Public Complaint Impact Surface Water Comments: Geese landing in sediment ponds @ sources site. Concerned b/c water has contamination. 00176577 200570 15-APR-2008 15:14 Public Complaint Impact Surface Water Comments: Ducks and Geese landing in sediment ponds. Concerned b/c water is contaminated. 00176568 200381 15-APR-2008 15:08 Public Complaint Impact Surface Water Comments: tailings ponds/open ponds. Migratory birds landing in ponds. People that feed(maintain) ponds wear full protective gear. Owner of ponds will not supply MSDS for ponds. Birds feed callers family. Very worried about affect of ponds on birds. HOURLY EXCEEDANCE. 8F5 flare STACK. Bypass exceeded At hours their 8-F-5 incinerator tripped. Having trouble restarting it. Troubleshooted and determined igniter not sparking. Mobilizing to remove and fix it. Had 1-hour stack top temperature contraventions as a result. Will put numbers in written report. So far they have been under 400 deg C for 4 hours. Best case scenario -4 hour fix; worst case -12 hours. Will update. May have more temperature violations. No flaring as a result -no WBEA air exceedances thus far. The Tar river upstream exceedance for TSS. No instream work being done. Will continue monitoring. See diary notes. DFO will be advised. TSS exceedance for settling pond due to hot weather. Tank venting. 20D2 and 20D4. Hydrocarbon and nitrogen. working to stop it. Tank venting -> natural gas and hydrocarbon vapours. Lost NG compressor (shut down). S02 hourly exceedance (t/h due to issue with superclause; resolved now. S02 hourly exceedance on stack -8F5 due to problem of heat incinerator. Acid leak -flange of acid pump developed a leak -SO L HCL 35% which went to floor. No injuries -neutralized with soda ash -will be transferred to blow down lagoon. Call Reason Land NOX exceedance. Reason: had an electrical malfunction on plant, equipment #265G20.

94 94

299412 299428

Suncor Suncor

15-Apr-2008 15-Apr-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air

149968 153125 26 26 94 94 48408 26

299431 299457 299491 299495 299510 299526 299712 299718

CNRL Shell Canada Jackpine Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

16-Apr-2008 16-Apr-2008 16-Apr-2008 16-Apr-2008 17-Apr-2008 17-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Petro Canada 19-Apr-2008 Syncrude 19-Apr-2008

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Air Air Land Air


26 153125

299731 299735



Industry Industry

Shell Canada 20-Apr-2008 Jackpine Syncrude Suncor 20-Apr-2008 20-Apr-2008

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water Air Air

26 94

299741 299743

Industry Industry

Main stack SO2 exceedance. Greater than 16.4 tonnes/hr. Bringing up sulphur unit & brought up residual. Actual value not avail. Exceedances - had TSS failures on Pond 2 for April 16, 17 and 18, and TSS failure on Pond 6 for April 16. Measurements will be in letter. Reason: frost in ground; gone to liquid mud; affecting TSS numbers. They have done full sweep of all ditches attempting to locate the problem and will rectify when problem located. Refrigerant release R-22, greater than 10 kg. Cause unknown. Flaring events -valve was open to the flare stack. Occurred from 1016 to 1037 hours; from 1044 to 1049 hours and from 1105 to 1149 hours. High level of acid gas in knockout room -they had to open valve to flare. Call Reason Air 22 release from A/C unit; repair in progress at Building 1260, RV2, System A. Reporting potential odour problem. The catalyst beds on the VRU (used for H2S removal are spent, so breakthrough of H2S is happening. H2S emissions to atmosphere measure 40-80 ppm at Source. Not affecting workers (no evacuations. Will take beds out of service and replace them, which will take 6-7 days. Possible offsite odours in the meantime. Will monitor concentration with portable monitors at and around site. Call Reason Air Clean water diversion -> TSS limit is 50 mg/L -> had exceedance. Not sure why. Exceedance in sediment discharge pond #2. Grab sample sent to lab and exceeded limit. Likely due to problems encountered because frost is coming out of the ground and area is being flushed. Creating a temporary sediment pond to correct it. Sample at Shelley Creek showed no impacts (3 mg/L TSS). Their temporary water system for the camp ran out due to weather. They have to turn on their water plant (potable) 2 days early. Will be adding to types of disinfectant, so they will neutralize themselves. Don't have time to flush lines. Issuing a boil water advisory now. Camp capacity is 2500 people. CIC advised that they notify local public health authority. R22 release from Mildred Lake Facility, Bldg 151, unit 41-IRV22. Not sure of reason / cause. Repaired. Plant flaring event for naphtha hydrotreater startup; flaring S02 and butane for a few days; has been approved. Call Reason Air exceedance of NOx due to electrical problem with gas turbine 265G20. Missed microbiological sample -> potable. Sampled shipped but did not make it to the lab w/in 24hrs. Resampled today. exceedance on discharge for pond#2; TSS exceedance due to spring runoff ; will try to reduce by putting in more sump. Flare stack pilot light is out (14:50-15:30). NG release. Has been relit. NOX exceedance Unit upset. Flaring emissions exceeding 20 tonnes S02/event Low heating values on flare stack. From Jan 30-Mar 18. Had troubles with blowdown system for cokers. Intermittent (i.e.. few times a day for 5-10 min's each day. Problem fixed. TSS exceedance on sediment pond. This is pond #2

26 94

299767 299771

Syncrude Suncor

21-Apr-2008 21-Apr-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

26 153125

299791 299799



Industry Industry

Shell Canada 21-Apr-2008 Jackpine Shell Canada 22-Apr-2008 Jackpine

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Surface Water Surface Water Potable Water




26 94 26 26 153125 26 26 94 94 153125 94 153125 94 26

299858 299961 299978 300000 300012 300027 300029 300087 300089 300122 300137 300183 300231 300233

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

22-Apr-2008 24-Apr-2008 24-Apr-2008 24-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Info Request

Air Air Air Potable Water Surface Water Air Air Air Air

Shell Canada 24-Apr-2008 Jackpine Syncrude 24-Apr-2008 Syncrude 24-Apr-2008 Suncor Suncor 25-Apr-2008 25-Apr-2008

Shell Canada 26-Apr-2008 Jackpine Suncor 28-Apr-2008 Shell Canada 28-Apr-2008 Jackpine Suncor 28-Apr-2008 Syncrude 29-Apr-2008

Surface Water No Impact A PCL tripped in plant i4 (secondary extraction and a spill of untreated tails & upgrading stripped sour water streams went to pond 2/3. Plant went on bypass for 12 mins. Surface High TSS discharge on sediment pond #2 Water Air Stage 2 VRU (Vapour Recovery Unit) went down this afternoon. Still investigating. No Impact Caller would like to volunteer to assist with birds on tailings pond. 00177328 199635 28-APR-2008 16:41 Inhouse Notification No Impact Comments: Report of a number of birds in tailings ponds. Birds have been "oiled". Capture due to lack of deterrents. 500 - 700 ducks.


48263 26

300235 300268

Conoco Phillips Syncrude

28-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Potable Water

26 94 26 26 94 94 94

300270 300272 300304 300310 300312 300319 300346

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air

NOx kg/hr exceedance from Steam Generator A. Regulatory issues -amending emissions limits. Details in letter. (Previous discussions indicated no letter required Routine samples on tank showed elevated Cl readings. 0.1ppm limit - results earlier were 2.4ppm - now are saying 0.1ppm - results not matching up. Cause due to rupture in line. Repairs in process - adding sodium hypochlorite to tank. Potable water supply for mining area ~ 200 people - signs posted, fresh water being hauled in. Release of H2S sour gas - confined to unit area in plant 16-2. Ongoing right now - looking for source. No evacuations or injuries reported. Detectors going now. S02 violation -unsure of cause -just discovered this morning.

No Impact Spill of 50% Caustic Soda and water. From Slurry Prep Train #3 (process) Was leaking. Isolated and is being cleaned up. No Impact Failed on RATA on plant. No adverse effects. For the month of March 2008. Air Air Surface Water Exceeded S02. Due to flaring. Putting a new system in service. New sour H20 unit. No values yet. For 29-Apr. Venting from a storage tank. Diluted bitumen. Not sour. Intermittent. Call Reason Air Source has been releasing water to Steep Bank River that feeds Athabasca River. The water is spring runoff water with higher levels of dirt than approval. Will investigate. Caller is not sure if approval accounts for spring runoff. Call Reason Surface Water bermed area in construction site gave way due to high flow. Water ran into Jack Pine Creek for ~1hr. Went to do sampling and creek was already clear - no sample taken. DFO notified. Exceedance - TSS daily limit. Melt off believed to be the cause. Surface water.

153125 153125 151469 26 94 94 94 153125

300357 300359 300365 300367 300378 300412 300432 300447

Shell Canada Jackpine Shell Canada Jackpine Fort Hills Energy Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 29-Apr-2008 30-Apr-2008 30-Apr-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Surface Water Surface Dewatering ponds -Sediment ponds. Release water above limit. Just got results today. Spring thaw/increase in Water water. Still investigating cause. No Impact uptime less than 90%. Tag #26-1-AI5A Opacity Analyzer Potable Water Potable Water Air Surface Water Land

Shell Canada 30-Apr-2008 Jackpine Suncor 1-May-2008




26 94 94 94 26 26 151469 153125

300551 300557 300559 300561 300579 300609 300670 300691

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

1-May-2008 1-May-2008 1-May-2008 1-May-2008 1-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Release Alleged

Surface Water Land Air Land Air Air Surface Water Surface

Extraction of tailings ponds has too much hydrocarbon content in it. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] Only have two sets of bacti results for the month of March, 4 sets are required. Cause -under investigation. This is for potable water. H2S release on catalyst bed. Alleged Contravention Concentration 2000 ppm -contained in bed. May contribute to total reduced sulphur emission. Call Reason Air Exceedances from two different sediment ponds. Reason; surge of melt off - snow is gone but drainage/muskeg got a lot of water released all at once. Believes is it going down from yesterday. Have installed silt fences and other methods to prevent this. Construction occurring at east tank farm. Water is being pumped into ditch from sump pumps. Caller believes this is not a contravention but is conducting further investigations to determine if it is a contravention. Will advise ERC. Water was being pumped into regular ditch system. Call Reason Land Total Suspended Solids over limit. Spring run-off and fast melt. Tree clearing -without ASRD approval on lease 23. Details in letter Local venting -tanks at plant 4. Vapour Recovery Unit. Putting IPS (?on-line. Water discharge off plant boundary. Tank farm east. Will be investigating. Temporary situation (dewatering released in error. Details in letter. Call Reason Land. Flaring a little heavier than normal. Sour flare. Wanted to give us a heads up in case of odour complaints. 12-4 tripped - sulfur plant. Tank venting -> hydrocarbon/nitrogen. Not sour. System overload. Flooding of settling pond -yesterday the ice in the Athabasca River broke up and flooded settling pond. This occurred last year also. Suspect TSS will exceed approval limit. Call Reason Surface Water TSS exceedances in sediment pond. Heavy flows, pond 4 had a cave in. Putting plug in. Will sample &amp;

Syncrude 2-May-2008 Fort Hills 2-May-2008 Energy Shell Canada 3-May-2008


94 94 18942

300695 300700 300763

Jackpine Suncor Suncor

3-May-2008 3-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Notification Release

Water Air Surface Water Surface Water Air Air

monitor everyday. Venting from tank -2 hrs. Not a noncompliance -notification. Process vapours vented. May have added too much product to tank. Call Reason Air Duck found on one of roads -covered in bitumen Spill of tailings slurry. Expansion barrel ruptured. Went into dirty water slough on site. Vegetation and small bushes there. Eveready coming to suck up slurry. 1000 gallons spilled (-4000 Call Reason Surface Water R-22 release < 10 kg. Due to leak in line, repairs in process.

26 94 94 151469 94 151469 94 153125 149968 94 153125 48263

300769 300779 300781 300854 300863 300974 301021 301097 301149 301155 301208 301255

Syncrude 4-May-2008 Aurora Canada Ltd. Syncrude 4-May-2008 Suncor Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Shell Canada Jackpine CNRL Suncor 5-May-2008 5-May-2008 5-May-2008 5-May-2008 6-May-2008 6-May-2008 7-May-2008 8-May-2008 8-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Shell Canada 8-May-2008 Jackpine Conoco 9-May-2008 Phillips Syncrude 10-May-2008

26 48263 153125 48263

301349 301371 301379 301428

Conoco 11-May-2008 Phillips Shell Canada 11-May-2008 Jackpine Conoco 12-May-2008 Phillips Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude CNRL 12-May-2008 12-May-2008 12-May-2008 13-May-2008

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

There is a fire in upgrading. Don't know details going to site. 00177753 200916 05-MAY-2008 05:02 Industry Release Comments: Flaring stack because of plant upset. Call Reason Air Air Air Venting of skim tank in area 911000. Venting H2S, trying to figure out volume. Call Reason Air. Potable High TSS in Pond #2 for Apr. 28 and 30, reason under investigation. [this seems to be a misclassification of Water call reason; should be surface water] Air Power failure in upgrader il; reason still unknown; still out now. Call Reason Air. Vegetation Stretch of trees and brush that was cleared during upgrade of road adjacent. In contravention of clause 3.7.10. Under investigation now. Air Breakthrough on catalyst beds of VRU caused H2S emissions. Ongoing. Surface TSS exceedances for 3 ponds over 3-4 day period. May 2,3,4,5. Ponds 2, 4 and 6. Due to surface runoff from Water muskeg. #'s are decreasing - will include all values in 7 day letter. Surface Exceedance of TSS -> doesn't have value but caller knows its high. Compensate lake overflowed into DD4 Water (ditch, water ran into river. Doesn't have an approval limit. Air Planned flaring event (sour water acid gas. Outage on sulfur recovery unit. Ongoing until may 20th. No odours. Call Reason Air Surface TSS exceedances in sediment pond (daily samples). 3 ponds, 1 exceedance in each. Water Air NOx emission exceedance -hourly exceedance. Alleged Contravention 16 different exceedances -started May 7-May 8. Incorrect approval limit. Caller says 7-day letter has been waived. Caller has been in contact with AENV regarding this issue. Call Reason Air Surface Caller calls to say he sees ducks landing in the he tailings pond. Water Air NOX exceedances, 48 readings. Ft Me investigator has waived letter Surface Water Air High TSS in settling pond for 7 &amp; 8 of May. Results in 7 day letter. NOX emissions violation from 0100 to 1300 on May 11. Reason: incorrect value in approval (approval limit is incorrect. Has gone back to AENV approvals committee. Caller advises this is a notification only; 7 day letter requirement was waived by EPO. Strong odor, caller is sick from it. Refrigerant release - unknown type - >10 kg from HVAC. Cause - unknown. Repairs underway for unit#5R317. Refrigerant release from H&V (HVac) system. Leaking from unit; maintenance staff are repairing it.

26 26 26 149968

301442 301450 301479 301535

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air

153125 26

301610 301621

Shell Canada 13-May-2008 Jackpine Syncrude 13-May-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

No Impact Can't start using the auxiliary boiler that has SEMS on it because it's not ready (will be ready in 2-3 weeks. Will start with another boiler without SEMS until then. It's burning natural gas. Will start in the next 2-3 weeks. Call Reason No Impact Potable TSS exceedances - daily samples. 3 ponds from May 9,10,11 Highest #'s on May 9th. Will include all in 7 day Water letter. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] Land Contravention - wasting of reclamation material. Approval requires that the material be salvaged under approval but it ended it up being covered with 5 metres of other material so cannot be recovered. This probably occurred two days ago, but was discovered at 1500 hours May 13.


94 94 1604 151469

301624 301635 301649 301674

Suncor Suncor

13-May-2008 13-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Air Surface Water Air Surface Water

Japan Canada 13-May-2008 OS Fort Hills 14-May-2008 Energy

48263 153125 94 94 94 153125 94 94 94 26 26 94

301710 301727 301747 301760 301805 301847 301855 301960 301964 301987 301999 302020

Conoco 14-May-2008 Phillips Shell Canada 14-May-2008 Jackpine Suncor 15-May-2008 Suncor Suncor Shell Canada Jackpine Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor 15-May-2008 15-May-2008 15-May-2008 15-May-2008 17-May-2008 17-May-2008 17-May-2008 17-May-2008 15-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification

Air Surface Water Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air

Flaring acid gas -starting up amine unit #3. Don't believe it will exceed 20 tonnes of S02. Flaring started at 14:06. Did not collect pH sample from pond E. There was a snow storm that day, unable to sample. Caller has sampled since then -> no probs. Steam leak on wellhead. Steam only released. Lasted 20 min's. Bonnet on main valve was leaking. Still investigating cause of leak. No hydrocarbons or H2S released. Call Reason Air 120 Pushing or dumping large amounts of waste into a small river or stream in area just before the barricade to the Fort Chipewyan Road. Caller didn't know name of river or creek. Going on for about a week. Call from stakeholder -waste being disposed of wrongfully. Being investigated now. Anonymous caller. Notification only. NOX hourly limit violation. Reason: ongoing issue with incorrect approval value in approval. 7 day letter requirement waived by NRE EPO. in TSS exceedances - sediment less than 3 microns staying in water. Downstream TSS ok. Ambient air exceedance. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 23:00 14-MAY-2008 23:591586.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air. Capture rates for April S02 for FGD less than 90%. Should be above 90% 2 hourly S02 exceedances -8F5 thermal oxidation unit. Cause unknown. TSS exceedance. Run off causing exceedance. Grab samples from ponds. H2S exceedance, station 5 Venting from Plant 4, Secondary Extraction Plant. Hydrocarbon vapour -may contain sulphur compounds. Two opacity exceedances. Stack #31. Low loads on boilers -burning oil -causes smoke. Details in letter.

94 94 94 26 94

302025 302029 302031 302056 302069

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

18-May-2008 18-May-2008 18-May-2008 19-May-2008 19-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release

D14 tank venting naphtha vapor. Tank #20D7 venting of hydrocarbon gas, still ongoing due to system overpressure. Notified AE of a plant turn around & will be flaring (authorized. FGD unit is now down. Flaring may happen late tonight. 16-May-2008 Update. 0400 hrs -flaring. For the next 24 hour period. Sour. Have approval for this. Call Reason Air Air Stage 1 VRU was down at 0001 hours until 0030 hours (29 minutes to plugged flame arrester. Vapors would have been untreated during this time -sulphur compounds went to the atmosphere. Ok now. Call Reason Air Potable UMB building -Health Authority ordered boiling water advisory since they have turned water off for repair and Water after water turned back on, forgot to do bacte test; test will be done on Tuesday. Call Reason Potable Water Air Stage 2 of vapor recovery unit was down; it is back up now. No Impact Flare header went out. Relit 45 minutes later. Land Liquid carryover from a flare. Hydrocarbons released. unknown amt. right now. Don't believe river has been impacted. Some droplets in steam plume still. Level control issue -cause. In shut down mode. Heading out to assess now. Call Reason Land Broken sample for the week of may 9. So only two oil & grease samples available for that week (May 5 & 7) as opposed to req'd 3.



149968 94 94 94 94

302075 302079 302097 302166 302172

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor



Alleged Contravention

Surface Water

19-May-2008 19-May-2008 20-May-2008 20-May-2008 20-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Impact

Surface Water Air Surface Water No Impact

Broken sample for the week of May 9. So only two oil & grease samples available for that week (May 5 & 7as opposed to req'd three. VRU stage 2 is down, hydrocarbons probably being released. Part of turn around. High oil & grease release from pond E outlet into river. Blocked outlet that same day. Taken samples since then, all samples were below limits. Suncor's off loading line inside plant broke & spilled product. Trucker shut line immediately. Suncor doing clean up. Product spilled sodium hypochlorite soln. Call Reason No Impact No Impact Caller said 150 ducks found dead on sources site & they have quickly buried them, Call Reason No Impact




Shell Canada 20-May-2008 Jackpine Suncor 20-May-2008

Complaint Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Air




94 94 94 94

302183 302234 302264 302268

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

20-May-2008 21-May-2008 21-May-2008 21-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Release

Air Surface Water Air Land

TSS exceedances from sedimentation pond. (May 15- 19). Cause - runoff. Water with TSS was discharged to Khahago Creek, Shelley Creek and Jack Pine Creek. Readings were ~38 ppm TSS maximum. Readings to be included in 7-day letter. NG line leak -cause unknown. Have isolated the line. Plant was evacuated, number of people unknown. No injuries. No offsite impact. Source FD responded. No media. Evacuation is now over. bs Valve PCV 3rd floor TransAlta power house H2S exceedance ambient air Untreated tailings went to pond 23. investigating. 1.2 barrels of diluent released. Call Reason Surface Water Tank venting (may have been light end HC's -was from a "DB" tank, may have also contained H2S. Cause unknown. Were starting up. 04:20-06:20 was when venting may have occurred. Call Reason Air Spill of several thousand litres of diesel fuel. Cause -hose became disconnected on fuel truck. No waterways affected. There is a waterway nearby -berm protecting it. No injuries or evacuations. Cleanup underway. Vac trucks on the way. Leak has been isolated. Call Reason Land Had flaring issues on 59101. UI is on an outage -process issues due to seal level issues (05:30-06:15. Steam venting -pilots remained lit. Call Reason Air H2S exceedance -ambient air NRU has lost suction power -upgrader unit 2 put on recirculation -in the middle of an outage right now.

94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94

302284 302366 302368 302370 302383 302403 302474 302521 302525

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

22-May-2008 23-May-2008 23-May-2008 22-May-2008 23-May-2008 23-May-2008 24-May-2008 24-May-2008 25-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air

Air H2S exceedance -ambient air Air Tank venting -unknown cause for 20 min. 20 D2 tank (diluted bitumen from 2302 hrs -2326 hrs No Impact Reports of source finding and burying 150 ducks. Call came in from anonymous caller last night. No other information was available. Potable H2S level at sour water exceedance due to outage. Water Air R22 release from A/C unit from building 326, repair in progress. Air Small trip on the blower to the VRU (Vapour Recovery unit. May have been venting. Primary would be from plant 87-extraction so there would be hydrocarbons and possibly H2S. Time Wind Dir/Speed 08:35 Call Reason Air Land Grey water sewage spill; valve failed on toilet and overfilled tank. No high water alarm on tank so water flowed onto ground. Has been cleaned up. No waterways affected. Land Spill of molten sulphur. Loading at dock. Arm came around and lost 10 gal to ground. Scraped up and put with the rest of the sulphur. sulphur loading dock at mine site. Call Reason Land. Air Tanks and VRU venting H2S and hydrocarbon due to high volume; trying gto stop it. Call Reason Air No Impact Settling ponds 1 and 2-BOD samples missed for week of Apr 6 (one sample missed for each pond. BOD samples before and after missed were within requirements. Cause -oversight. Air Venting-Plant 4-start up of plant 87. Not tank venting -from plant extraction. intermittent since 10:40 Call Reason Air Surface COD exceedance on April 25 daily sample. Source was the mine which flows into an unnamed creek, then to Water the McLean Creek and then Athabasca River. No Impact Missed mercury sampling which was supposed to be conducted in April up to the first week of May. Due to an oversight. Air Flaring -sour water acid gas -2 diff stacks. Issue in sulfur recovery unit. Does not know when flaring started. Not sure when flaring will stop. Call Reason Air Land Sewage spill - tank overfilled cap leaked - no alarm went off. Approx 50 L. Contained on pad under trailer. Has been cleaned with lime, removed gravel underneath. No waterways - all on site. Air Refrigerant release from Building 51, unit #10R188A, R22 release from chiller. Air Surface Water VRU venting hydrocarbon gas, due to high loading. Feed line into Borealis down -reservoirs low enough that water had to be hauled in from Fort McMurray. Ongoing -unsure for how long. Cl residuals fine, will send 7 day letter.

153125 94 94 151469 94 94 94 94 20809 26 94 94

302544 302556 302559 302614 302622 302653 302655 302663 302672 302694 302704 302743

Shell Canada 25-May-2008 Jackpine Suncor 25-May-2008 Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor 25-May-2008 26-May-2008 26-May-2008 26-May-2008 26-May-2008 26-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Albian Sands 26-May-2008 Syncrude Suncor Suncor 26-May-2008 26-May-2008 27-May-2008




Shell Canada 27-May-2008 Jackpine Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL 27-May-2008 28-May-2008 28-May-2008 28-May-2008 28-May-2008 28-May-2008 28-May-2008 28-May-2008 29-May-2008 29-May-2008 29-May-2008 29-May-2008




94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 149968

302779 302818 302848 302859 302869 302899 302912 302914 302916 302918 302922 303029

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air

Surface runoff - had to pump out water from a trench onto the pipeline right-of-way. Discharge ran downhill some of the runoff left the boundaries of the PLA. No waterways affected. ~200 L left the pipeline right of way. VRU down stage 2 at 1347 hrs and back on line at 1406 hrs R507 release from cooler #5 from north camp kitchen. Station 2 Mildred Lake -H2S exceedance 2 COD exceedances due to a naturally occurring chemical -muskeg.

149968 20809

303031 303079



Industry Industry

Albian Sands 28-May-2008

153125 94 94 26 153125 94 1604 94 94 94 151469 94 94 94 94 26 94

303081 303096 303101 303168 303174 303193 303201 303267 303273 303279 303363 303370 303372 303374 303379 303433 303455

Shell Canada Jackpine Suncor Suncor Syncrude Shell Canada Jackpine Suncor

29-May-2008 29-May-2008 30-May-2008 30-May-2008 30-May-2008 30-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Impact Release Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Release

H2S exceedances Incomplete combustion from flare stack. Not sure of time. Has situation under control by l500hrs May 28, 2008. Cause is increase volume to stack -source has decreased volume to stack. Air Station 11 lower camp -Date: 17-AUG-2010 Start Date Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 28-MAY200820:00 28-MAY-2008 21:00 Caller Type Call Type Call Reason Industry Notification Air H2S exceedance Air Station 2-H2S exceedance Air 24 Hr. average exceedance in H2S for Stint 2 Air Station 11 24 hr H2S exceedance Air Station 2-H2S exceedance. No Impact WWTP continuous monitor broke this morning. They thought they repaired it but then it failed a second time. They started grabbing hourly samples as per approval requirements, but missed some time before they realized it was down. Recent membrane integrity tests indicate that water should be fine. No Impact Some bacti samples were not analyzed for April. 11 samples were grabbed and courier lost or broke 7 of them. Therefore there will be missing bacti results for April. Air Leak of chlorine gas - UN 1017 Gas cylinder were being changed in building. Alarms went off, Not sure how much was released, not sure of date and time (thinks it might have happened yesterday). No other details available, caller will investigate and include information in 7-day letter Surface TSS exceedance in sediment pond. Pumping water into ditch - high volume of water, caused sedimentation in Water pond. Air Stni2 (Millennium-TRS exceedance Air Station 2 (Mildred LakeH2S exceedance -24 hr Air Tank venting @ 1230 - 1320 today. Hydrocarbon vapours & Nitrogen. Not sour. Increased rundown into tank. Land Land clearing by oil sand company ; trees in crown land. Surface Water Land Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Due to too much pumping of runoff H20, some may have went into river with high TSS. Samples taken for analysis. Pumping stopped. Unsure of volume. Call Reason Surface Water Spill of oily water (dirty water from a storage tanked during transfer; contained in the containment area. Call Reason Land. stationf2 H2S exceedance 00179629 202103 02-JUN-2008 01:05 Industry Notification Air Comments: H2S EXCEEDANCE (HOURLY 120 VRU venting -stage 1 (for 8 min. Stage 2 had refrigeration issues -let backpressure onto stage 1. Hydrocarbons vented. Call Reason Air Stage 2 VRU went down -water system empty. Under investigation. From 19:57-21:46 hrs Diesel spill to ground in a contained area -250 Litres -Clean up being done. Spill was caused by oversight and was on the plant site. Loading fuel tanker 24-hour H2S exceedance at station #2, Mildred Lake. One-hour H2S exceedance at station 11. Tank venting from diluent tank 20-D-2 from 2308-0058 hrs. Possible hydrocarbon odours. No idea of cause. Call Reason Air H2S exceedance cause unknown Tank venting (HC and natural gas, no H2S). (10:00- 11:30). Cause - heavy rundown to tank. Problems -shutting down upgrader #2. Shut down extraction operation. Some flaring -will be more after start

Japan Canada 31-May-2008 OS Suncor 2-Jun-2008 Suncor Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor 2-Jun-2008 2-Jun-2008 2-Jun-2008 3-Jun-2008 3-Jun-2008 3-Jun-2008 3-Jun-2008 3-Jun-2008 3-Jun-2008


94 183875 26 26 94 26 94 26 94

303505 303539 303584 303609 303619 303721 303727 303729 303731

Suncor 4-Jun-2008 Devon ARL 4-Jun-2008 Corp. Syncrude 4-Jun-2008 Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor 4-Jun-2008 5-Jun-2008 5-Jun-2008 5-Jun-2008 5-Jun-2008 5-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Impact Release Notification

Air Potable Water Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air

up. Sand in bitumen -pumping into pond u. Call Reason Air 24-hr H2S exceedance at station 11. CBOD level is out of compliance due to membrane problem. Discharge of clean water to Stanley Creek TSS high on 14 May 08 R22 release more than 10 kg. from A/C unit. Bldg 115, Unit 31R-4057 Station ll2 exceedance Tank venting. Venting nitrogen and some sour hydrocarbons. on-going. Sill trying to resolve. don't know where its coming from. Exceedance -Station 5. H2S flaring due to loss of sulphur plant 1204. Working on it and believe event is almost flaring ended, then went back down, causing flaring. 82.54 t flared & 26.54 t flared. Approval violation. High vapour pressure due to high rundown temperature on product naphtha to storage tank. Significant release of odours which is localized to the plant area. Local AENV rep is aware. They are cooling the product so it should be under control within the hour. Call Reason Air Tank 33 is venting sour gas. Currently tracking down the problem. Likely not related to problems with 12- 4 sulphur plant. Exceedance for H2S. Cause unknown. Very, very bad odour; sour gas -can hardly breathe. Making caller's mother ill. Sulphur unit was plugged; could not go to pits; had to pour on ground. Goes to pit to be degassed for H2S. Caller concerned that sulphur being poured on ground containing H2S. Is 2-3 feet deep. Information only; not a contravention. Problem with pumphouse feeding camp (pump failure. Resulted in reservoir lower than fire protection allowed; had to haul water from City and had to add chlorine. Call Reason Potable Water Tank venting - due to system overload. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen vapours off tank 33. Stage 2 of VRU was down. Reason: electrical problems -was up and running again at 1733 hours.

26 94 94 26 94

303744 303791 303809 303836 303840

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

6-Jun-2008 6-Jun-2008 5-Jun-2008 6-Jun-2008 6-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry

Air Air Air Land Potable Water Air Air

26 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 94

303866 303872 303879 303881 303891 303924 303930 303946 304095

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

6-Jun-2008 6-Jun-2008 6-Jun-2008 6-Jun-2008 7-Jun-2008 8-Jun-2008 8-Jun-2008 8-Jun-2008 10-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

48408 26 26 26 153125

304111 304178 304182 304196 304335

Petro Canada 10-Jun-2008 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 11-Jun-2008 11-Jun-2008 11-Jun-2008

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Air Venting from diluent storage tanks @ 2051-2114 (1hours & (22121-2127 hrs. Small power bump in plant. No Impact Lost 1200 barrels of untreated tails into tailings pond. Due to power bump which took down Naphtha recovery unit. Not expecting any odour complaints. Down for 5 min's, back up now. Air Refrigerant release greater than 10 kg of R22. Discovered leak on a piece of eqpt #31-4056. Repaired. Type of equipment unknown. Air Venting sour hydrocarbon vapors and nitrogen from Tank #33 from 0900 to 0905 hours today. Reason: draining down knockout drums on vent system which created back pressure. Volumes not available. Air Flaring of S02 from sulphur recovery unit tripping. Ongoing. Should be back up within one half hour. Air Tank venting from bitumen storage tank. 1010-1036. Not sour. Sharp increase in tank level was the cause. No Impact May have exceeded limit concerning diluent loss. Readings are taken at plant extraction area and limit is >1400 barrels. Results indicate that 1700 barrels were lost. Operations people feel results were biased and not representative. Will have valid number by 10 am tomorrow to confirm this. Potable Contravention of maximum daily withdrawn water limit due to turn down alarm during system down. Water Air Very strong gNH3 smell passing oil sand. Air Air Land Stack R26-1 - ammonia slippage over limit. Ongoing from 1000 to 2250 hours. Initially thought it was bad instrumentation but proved otherwise and have made moves to correct it. failed stack survey for SO2 concentration. Another survey done on June 2 that passed. No measurements available. Reason: unknown. Fuel spill - diesel - occurred at refueling station. Operator error - driver was checking on the top of the tank and it overfilled while loading the tanker. Spill contained to site - bermed - absorbed with 4000 lbs of bentonite (absorbent which binds with liquid) - cleaned up within an hour. Waste company will take waste. No injuries or other issues. None offsite. Not a TDG incident because transport contained to facility for fueling heavy

Shell Canada 12-Jun-2008 Jackpine


94 26 26 26 94 94

304351 304365 304367 304395 304500 304506

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

12-Jun-2008 12-Jun-2008 12-Jun-2008 12-Jun-2008 15-Jun-2008 13-Jun-2008

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Potable Water Air Land

equipment. Very strong smell from Source -burns nose -cannot describe smell. Call Reason Air Went over approval limit for NOX emissions. Probable cause was furnace inefficiency. Caller believes this is for a 24 hour period. Release of R-22 from HVac system. >10kg but not sure of exact amount. Building 1260, unit # 12- 1RV1. Not repaired or recharged. Short circuiting b/w tanks A & B. Retention time <20min. Water that entered distribution system. Occurred in May, data was just being reviewed. Approximately one hour ago they had a fire start on a mine haul truck. They weren't able to extinguish it; letting it burn itself out. There were no injuries. Heavy bitumen On the truck. Not sure how it started. Diesel spill. 1000 L to ground. Were loading a boiler onto truck & it rolled off onto side. Diesel came out from vent cap. No waterways. Contained on ground. Sucking up. Does not believe it was to be transported off site. No injuries. Emer. services responded as precaution. Call Reason Land Tank venting. Hydrocarbon vapour from diluted bitumen tank. Not sour. Feed rate into tank was high. 3 times: 1409-1540 hrs, 1644-1724, 1811-1826. Problem now solved. Call Reason Air Had a trip on VRU on stage 2 (refrigeration stage. Due to faulty temp. indication. 14-jun 1627-2134 hrs. Fixed now & up & running as of 2134. Release of R 22. From a H& V system. In process of being repaired. R22 release. From a chiller. Leak discovered

94 94 26 94 94

304561 304568 304576 304591 304600

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

14-Jun-2008 15-Jun-2008 15-Jun-2008 15-Jun-2008 16-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air

26 149968 94

304602 304672 304765

Syncrude CNRL Suncor

16-Jun-2008 16-Jun-2008 17-Jun-2008

Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Impact Release Impact

26 26

304814 304824

Syncrude Syncrude

17-Jun-2008 17-Jun-2008

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release






26 149968 26

304914 304989 305070

Syncrude CNRL Syncrude

18-Jun-2008 19-Jun-2008 20-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification

26 26

305113 305128

Syncrude Syncrude

20-Jun-2008 21-Jun-2008

Industry Industry

Two complaints -first complaint: driving into Fort McMurray from the north and noticed large fire with black smoke plume on Source site -in the steep bank mine area across river from Upgrader. Wind is north so plume heading towards town to the south. 00180634 202804 16-JUN-2008 00:55 Industry Release Comments: Approximately one hour ago they had a fire start on a mine haul truck. They weren't able to extinguish it; letting it burn itself out. There were no injuries. Heavy bitumen on the truck. Not sure how it started. Call Reason Air Air Air Two complaints: second complaint - Bad odour with winds that would indicate that the odours are coming from Source. Land on mining site. spill of Hydraulic oil from excavator. not water affected. Failure of line. Has been contained bermed . No injuries. Will have vac truck attend. Call Reason Land Air received anonymous complaint from former employee. Acid tank (HCL does not have scrubbers so fumes during loading/unloading are intense. Suspect this is violation of approval. Would like it check out. Call Reason Air Air Ammonia exceedance on 26-1 stack. Not sure of exact value of exceedance. Unit has instabilities -> trying to work through. Will probably have a couple more exceedances tonight. Potable May be in conflict of potable water limits. Contradiction between Cdn drinking water guideline and AENV Water approval. Turbidity limit is above Cdn drinking water guidelines but under approval limit. Same for THM and HHA - ongoing since approval started. Surface Release of NRU tails to Ponds 12/3. Reason: power logic control failure; shutdown. Total of 512 barrels sent to Water pond untreated -violation of approval. Will be tested to determine composition. Estimated 2 barrels of diluent released to pond. Call Reason Surface Water No Impact Samples of microbiological samples collected from Potable H2O tap was not labelled correctly. Time sample was collected was not recorded on sample. Air Small fire within the landfill. Cause -under investigation. Fire was smothered immediately, emergency response personnel responded. No injuries or evacuations. Call Reason Air Potable Potable water plant -> retention time was less than 20min prior to entering distribution system. Has just gone Water through an outage when the incident occurred. Valves were being opened and closed and water was flowing through quickly. Air Above 300 ppm NH3 for more than an hour. Unit 26-1 is where venting Air Tank D-2 venting. Contents - nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapours - not sour. 1250-1330 hrs. Ambient temperature increased pressure.


26 26 94

305152 305160 305173

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

21-Jun-2008 22-Jun-2008 23-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release








153125 20809 94 94

305188 305206 305210 305244

Shell Canada 23-Jun-2008 Jackpine Albian Sands 21-Jun-2008 Suncor Suncor 23-Jun-2008 23-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention






Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

94 94 26 26 94 26 94 26 94

305414 305424 305502 305523 305552 305610 305616 305707 305724

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

24-Jun-2008 24-Jun-2008 25-Jun-2008 25-Jun-2008 26-Jun-2008 26-Jun-2008 26-Jun-2008 27-Jun-2008 27-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Spill of oil sands slurry 10% bitumen & 35% water and sand from slurry prep tower. Spill stayed on site and contained. AA/ 90m3 slurry containing 1.39 % bitumen. Air R22 release - Building 1093 - equipment # 131RV1 (HVAC). This is greater than 10 kgs. Amount to be put in letter. Surface Release from a berm -water with coke dust in it. volume unknown. Cause - heavy rainfall caused overflow of Water part of a bermed area. Released to Athabasca River. Non-controlled release point. Area has since been bermed , release stopped. Surface Release from a berm -water with coke dust in it. Volume unknown. Cause -heavy rainfall caused overflow of Water part of a bermed area. Released to Athabasca River. Non-controlled release point. Area has since been bermed , release stopped. Call Reason Surface Water Land Sewage spill. 1000 L. Due to a toilet running &amp; caused tank to overflow. To ground in middle of construction area. No waterways. Cleaned up. Land Release of 8-10 L of a corrosion inhibitor (E-TAC 548) Cause - failed sight glass on storage tank. Has been isolated, cleaned up and disposed of properly. No waterways affected. Air Uncombusted natural gas released from flare stack. Volume unknown. Cause -plant startup, NG bypassed a control valve, caused PSV to lift to flare. Call Reason Air Surface At an ongoing extension project, they have 4 containment ponds for surface water runoff. Due to heavy rains, Water the ponds started to overflow at 0900 hrs. This is ongoing although flow has been reduced over the last few hours. Suspect high TSS -don't have any readings yet; samples have been sent to the lab. Drain to Steep Bank River; not sure if this goes to Athabasca River. No Impact Have been disposing of coke byproduct in an area on site for the past couple of years & have not been reporting it in annual waste report. Will be in this year's report. CM: Approximately 3500 m3 of coke put in mine overburden storage facilities. Can not be recovered and is considered unapproved disposal. Air Tires on crane caught on fire. No injuries. Just notification b/c visible release. Site fire responded. Unsure if fire is out. No complaints yet. Unk when it started. Call Reason Air Air Opacity exceedance for min. Cause -upset with gas turbine. Had to increase oil feed to boiler fl and 2. Still working on correcting turbine issues. Air R22 release from heating and venting system at Building 903, repair in progress. Air Air Air Air Surface Water Land Refrigerant Release - discovered leak on air conditioning unit - being repaired. In process of starting up U-1. Currently flaring @ a rate of 10 ton s/hr. S02 emissions are manageable. Call Reason Air main stack survey done. Failed on particulate testing. Venting from plant 4 from extraction plant. Putting unit on line. Not a contravention of approval, just notification.l515-1520 hrs TSS - exceedance -> surface water. Discharged into pond. Late due to lab result not being received by caller on time. Unauthorized use of leachate/run off water. Contractor used leachate/run off water as dust suppressant on sources roads. Source has flagged off area so no one has assess to water, they have been directed to use another source of water for dust suppression. Call Reason Land Voyager upgrading site lagoon/settling pond VU SED 02 had a TSS exceedance on 25 Jun 08 Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Surface Water. Hourly H2S exceedance at station 11. Opacity exceedance on main stack. R22 release - building 93 - 8R4A Stage 2 compressor, faulty PSV. Over 10 kg. Missed samples on equipment 25C-2. H2S and ammonia. Unknown reasons. April 30th and May 8th. 40 L sewage spill - out of sewage tank onto contained gravel pad. Vac-truck sucked up, lime placed on ground. No waterways.

94 94 26 26 94 20809

305806 305853 305867 305885 305904 305906

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

27-Jun-2008 28-Jun-2008 29-Jun-2008 29-Jun-2008 30-Jun-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 30-Jun-2008

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Air Air Air Air Land


94 94 94

305910 305948 306016

Suncor Suncor Suncor

30-Jun-2008 24-Jun-2008 1-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification

No Impact Main monthly report -flow maintenance missing. Flow for industrial run off. Not sure why its missing. Land Air Dilute bitumen spill in south tank area. All contained at present. Spill is all contained. Clean up in progress. Call Reason Land Fire at U2 upgrader. 2330-2345 hrs. Upgrader 2 down currently. Fire still under investigation. It was on 52T300 alpha charge pump. No injuries or issues as a result of the fire. No flaring when upgrader went down but possible flaring when unit goes up. Upgrader startup will be sometime after 0600 hrs. Call Reason Air Leak on flow valve (acid/caustic Class 8. Estimated 50 L spilled, tray underneath. Contained in building -gravel ground. Neutralized chemical. Sucked up with sandpiper pump, disposed of in disposal pond. No waterways affected. PH test done-7.38 Call Reason Land Had flaring from vessel f10C23 which caused S02 emissions from June 23 at 0745 hours to Jul 1 at 0834 hours. Could have 38 to 144 tonnes (total of S02 depending on which stream was flaring; still under determination. Will be in 7 day letter. Reason: under investigation but were starting upgrader when this occurred. Release of R22 from cooling unit - inspected and a pinhole discovered - would have occurred over the last 4-5 days; discovered today. Spill - 20L hydraulic fluid. Heavy hauler backed up and hit dirt. 20L leaked from hydraulic hose. Spilled to soil. Contained, cleaned up Spill of propylene glycol/water (50/50) mix. 5000 L spill due to no plugs in fire hydrant - under investigation. Cleanup underway. Digging up system. No waterways affected. CBOD results for monthly average for month of June, 2008, are over the approval limit (25 ppm monthly average. Will likely be 30-35 ppm -for upgrading sewage treatment plant. Reason: note sure; will be in 7 day letter. Interconnecting valve passing between Pond D and E. Pond E ok for oil/grease limit. Testing right now to make sure. Closed off valve, plug installed today. Call Reason Surface Water Venting -6min. Not sure of exact composition of the vapor. Issue with process equipment. Call Reason Air Flaring 0400-0800hrs. Coker gas, sour. High load on compressor. Back to normal. Problem with VRU stage 2-July 2 had intermittent venting from 19:17-19:47. July 308:28-08:49 had constant venting. Light end hydrocarbons released. Cause -frothing issue. Call Reason Air Plant i4 had a power outage & plant Cause -a tower went into by pass. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 10:30 03-JUL-2008 10:30 Call Type Call Reason Release Surface Water went down. Some untreated. Tank venting for 5 min's upon startup. Not sour, but VOC's released. Time unk right now, will be in letter. Received 3 hourly exceedances of 1.7 ton/hr S02 on plant 53. He's reporting it as a notification instead of a contravention because their instrumentation people believe it is a problem with the air demand analyzer on SRUi5. They are recalibrating the instrument. Call Reason Air Vapour pressure exceedance from naphtha streamer due to start up. Vapour pressure exceedance from naphtha streamer due to start up. R44 release -still investigating reason I cause. Occurred at AHUi1 in the Upgrading Maintenance Building. Will be repairing and recharging. Vented intermittently >15min. Pressure relief valve -> VRU. Total time = 15min. Light end organics. High feed rates and flushing filters -> reason for venting. Release of refrigerant R-22 22.7kg. Leak on unit - Unit 25-1RV14, building 1103. Repaired and recharged.



Japan Canada 1-Jul-2008 OS Suncor 1-Jul-2008







Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification


20809 20809 153125 94

306054 306067 306079 306133

Albian Sands 1-Jul-2008 Albian Sands 2-Jul-2008 Shell Canada 2-Jul-2008 Jackpine Suncor 2-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Land Land Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air

94 94 94 94 94 94 94

306141 306181 306184 306231 306257 306360 306467

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

2-Jul-2008 2-Jul-2008 2-Jul-2008 3-Jul-2008 3-Jul-2008 3-Jul-2008 5-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

94 94 94 94 26 94

306478 306478 306499 306508 306510 306529

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

4-Jul-2005 5-Jul-2008 5-Jul-2008 5-Jul-2008 5-Jul-2008 6-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Air

94 94 94

306535 306550 306704

Suncor Suncor Suncor

7-Jul-2008 7-Jul-2008 8-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Contravention. Intermittently venting during 1135-1400 at 4PC793 and 4PC794. At upgrading unit -trying to put VRU back online. Believes it was not S02 material but VOC/light ends. Operations indicated that they will cut rates again if needed. Air Venting -> hydrocarbons, naphtha vapours, benzenes. Dirty flare arrester, caused venting. 4PC793, 4PC794-> pressure relief valves. Now venting at another plant (plant 87started at 0215hrs -still venting. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting from 2 tanks. Due to high influx of process material into tanks with low volume. Call Reason Air No Impact Stage 2 recovery vapour unit down for 1 hr. to complete some repairs.


48263 94 26 26

306719 306721 306728 306820

Conoco Phillips Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

8-Jul-2008 8-Jul-2008 8-Jul-2008 9-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release


NOx exceedance -5 exceedance. Alleged Contravention Started @ 1500 went until 1900hrs. Currently undergoing RATA test -> ramped up steam generator. Call Reason Air No Impact Failure to meet 90% uptime on NOx CEMS analyzer for the month of June. Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Land <75% availability of 26FTIR (stack meter). Waiting on parts - has been down since the beginning of the month. Contravention - power potage [outage] July 5, 2008. Potable water plant shut down. Water from settling tank went into distribution tank -> not sure if there was any adverse effects because of it. Reason - equalization valve was passing. Problem was resolved on July 7,2008. S02 exceedances on the thermo oxidizing units 1 % 2. Occurred over yesterday & today. Trouble with amine unit on sulphur recovery system. Values will be in letter. Flaring event with S02 emissions >20 tonnes. Opacity violation due to precipitator changes being made - stirred up particulate. Incomplete combustion on sour water acid gas flare -> black/green smoke. Having trouble with sulfur recovery unit. Cut production rates to decrease amount of acid gas production. Periodic venting from 2o extraction plant. Reduced capacity in VRU. Primarily hydrocarbons. Going on for last 24 hours @ few min intervals. Tank venting from a dilute bitumen tank -20D1 venting hydrocarbon Refrigerant release - R22. From a core freezer. In process of repairing & recharging Spill of heavy gas oil (2000 L). Contained in a drainage ditch on lease. Cleanup in progress. Cause was a vent left open on a pump. Release of refrigerant - R-22 >10kg. Air conditioning - Unit # 4133RV1 building # 763. Repairing as we speak. Will be recharged. Spill of recycle water because of a rupture in pipeline. Could have started Jul 10 as there was a wet spot on the ground. Rupture occurred today. Was within pipeline right of way (bermed in sand). No waterways affected. Soaked into sand which will be dug up. checking equipment and found 2 x R22 releases had occurred. Building 1023, Equipment 302RV2 Stage 23 compressor, greater than 10 Kg release. Building 1017, equipment 302RV3 greater than 10 Kg release. Violation. 2 x Exceedances. Problems with sulphur Recovery in upgrader. Good now for the moment. Minor propane leak from a propane storage tank; small leak on valve. Turned off tank; isolated; repaired. Call Reason Air Coke fire boiler has to be transferred out of fluid gas desulfurization unit due to mechanical problem. Tank venting (20D33) N2 and sour gas; for about 10 min. Station 5 H2S exceedance. Hydrocarbon odours from one of the oil sands plants. Strong gas/hydrocarbon odours in air. On & off all day yesterday. Light N wind. R-22 release on 2 units. Both over 10 kg. Unknown cause right now. Contravention of 90% availability on CEMS unit on steam gen A. For the month of July -due to mechanical failure of CEMS. Repaired and working again. Heavy hydrocarbon and sulphur odours. Likely from Source based on wind direction. Call Reason Air Venting from plant 4 for 10 minutes. Due to blower issues at the Upgrader. Call Reason Air. AMS #2-H2S exceedance Tank venting -hydrocarbons from storage tanks 20D35. July 1517:47-17:50 and 18:06-18:35. Cause -high flow into tanks. No H2S content. S02 hourly exceedance -upset in upgrader unit.

94 94 26 94 94 94 26 26 26 26

306834 306852 306887 306903 306913 306915 306943 306956 307000 307045

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

9-Jul-2008 9-Jul-2008 10-Jul-2008 10-Jul-2008 10-Jul-2008 10-Jul-2008 10-Jul-2008 10-Jul-2008 11-Jul-2008 11-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 48263 94 94 94 94 94

307078 307092 307106 307129 307133 307135 307143 307145 307194 307246 307335 307364 307379 307451 307494

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Conoco Phillips Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

12-Jul-2008 13-Jul-2008 13-Jul-2008 14-Jul-2008 14-Jul-2008 14-Jul-2008 14-Jul-2008 14-Jul-2008 14-Jul-2008 14-Jul-2008 15-Jul-2008 15-Jul-2008 16-Jul-2008 16-Jul-2008 16-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Notification Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Notification Notification Notification Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air


94 26 94

307552 307554 307613

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

17-Jul-2008 17-Jul-2008 17-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 149968 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 151469

307649 307692 307837 307844 307853 307867 307873 307875 307881 307898 307900 307902 307925 307969 308017 308086 308137 308201 308219 308234 308346 308356 308372 308484 308488 308496 308505 308523 308529

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Fort Hills Energy

18-Jul-2008 18-Jul-2008 18-Jul-2008 19-Jul-2008 19-Jul-2008 19-Jul-2008 20-Jul-2008 20-Jul-2008 20-Jul-2008 20-Jul-2008 20-Jul-2008 20-Jul-2008 21-Jul-2008 21-Jul-2008 21-Jul-2008 22-Jul-2008 23-Jul-2008 23-Jul-2008 23-Jul-2008 23-Jul-2008 24-Jul-2008 25-Jul-2008 25-Jul-2008 26-Jul-2008 26-Jul-2008 27-Jul-2008 27-Jul-2008 27-Jul-2008 27-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Venting due to upgrader problems. Release of refrigerant . R22 from A/C unit Bldg 27, unit 82RV-3. amount unknown. Turbidity monitoring for water going to reservoir is not functioning, turbidity in distribution system is in compliance. Don't feel that a boil water advisory is necessary. Cause -equipment failure. Was back up July 1708:40. Flaring acid gas and (SWAG on plant 53 & Plant i68 started flaring earlier -problems with SRU -see notes Flaring -problem with amine unit. July 16-ongoing. Flaring hydrocarbons. S02 exceedance. Will likely exceed 20 lbs/day limit. SWAG (sour water acid gas flaring. Ongoing. Cause: SRU #3 tripped and could not process SWAG so had to send to flare. Volume unknown. Call Reason Air one hour exceedance and 24 hour average exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station 2. 1259.0 Call Reason Air. Compressor problem flaring wet gas. Call Type Release Call Reason Air. Exceedance of H2S -hourly average -at air monitoring station. 24 hour exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station. One hour exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station. Call Type Notification Call Reason Air. Forgot to put the particle counter back on line after services. Exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station 11. Flaring from hydro treater unit (kerosene. Flaring acid gas; tonnes per hr S02. Measurement unknown but will be in 7 day letter. Ongoing. Valve lifted; instrumentation is faulty. Butane vapour goes into flare stack. Discovered some time in am on July 20. Will cause an exceedance of S02 tonnes per hour. Exceedance of H2S. Cause unknown. Tank venting -many occurrences. Still under investigation. Details in letter. Call Type Release Call Reason Air Refrigerant release. Greater than 10 Kg. Unit # 5R120, Building 327. S02 emission > 20 tonnes. Tripped 2 wet gas compressors. All of plant 53 went down. Power failure. Also has poor combustion. Not sure of exact value. Odour complaints. Yesterday [redacted] noticed an ammonia smell on the east side of the tailings pond. [redacted] is heading to work from the south - can smell sour water this morning. Wet gas compressor tripped @ 1220hrs. Might experience flaring because of it. Will call back with numbers. TVP exceedance. Doesn't have values. Not sure why. 3 different exceedances -> july 19, 22 & 23

No Impact Failed RATA. Unit 9-4. Percent Bias on concentration that failed. Scheduled to be redone in Sept. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Flaring. Acid Gas. Investigating. Flaring occurring due to unknown causes. Will likely exceed 20 tonnes. He believes they are flaring SWAG (sour water acid gas. Vented from storage tank. Due to upset upgrader conditions. Hydrocarbon vapours. From 5:00-6:00 Call Reason Air S02 exceedance. Reported late b/c it was overlooked -human error. Cause unknown. Flaring of sour gas. Started yesterday (25-Jul@ 1700 hrs & ended today@ 1730. Due to process upset. H2S exceedance. True vapor exceedance (TDP on coker naphtha rundown -greater than 11 psia (which is the approval limit. Reason: under investigation -will be in 7 day letter. Refrigerant release: regular maintenance check revealed a leak in HVAC system. Will be repaired. Heavy rain cause failure in sediment fence & berm. Resulting in -20m3 of sand & silt clay washing into River. Rain has now stopped. Under investigation.


94 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 94

308570 308574 308576 308611 308682 308711 308733 308846 308969 308996 309018 309020

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

28-Jul-2008 28-Jul-2008 28-Jul-2008 28-Jul-2008 29-Jul-2008 29-Jul-2008 29-Jul-2008 30-Jul-2008 1-Aug-2008 1-Aug-2008 2-Aug-2008 2-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air Air Surface Water Air Land Air Air Potable Water Air Air Land

Tank venting -reason unknown right now. Approx. 17 min. Call Reason Air Flaring from July 20-22. Reason unknown. Results, notification just came in. Over the allowable limit of 20 t S02. Flaring occurred -over 20 t limit. Investigating cause. High COD level, also concerned about toxicity test (no values yet. Will be included in June water report. Two pressure safety valve (PSV's lifting (venting. Just discovered they were open. unknown for how long. Was some H2S released & possibly contributed towards recent GLC's. Investigating. Call Reason Air Diesel spill from a storage tank; malfunction of a nozzle during filling up a truck's fuel tank; spill contained; cleanup done; nothing in water. R22 freon release from A/C unit at Building 51, repair done. Venting from plant 4 (hydrocarbon and possibly a small amount of H2S. Likely due to vacuum issues in upgrading unit. Making corrections in operations so it may go intermittently for the next while. Call Reason Air Missing toxicity test for outfall i2, surface water runoff due to flow stop on Jun 15, therefore no test was available. brief diverting incident of CO from burner overhead on COKE #2 Flaring >20 tonnes s02. Started@ 0400 (53& ongoing. Sour water acid gas. Due to operational issues. Other flare still going. Spill of primary tailings. Line leak in line going to tailings ponds. 5-10 m3 of sand & water & residual bitumen went onto parking lot & into tailings corridor. Contained. No potential of offsite release. Leak has been stopped. Call Reason Land R22 release. From HVAC system. Not repaired & recharged yet. Releasing water from settlement ponds. Going to Steep Bank River. Ongoing, high TSS levels. Due to heavy rainfall. At construction site (surface water runoff. Taken samples, no results yet. Call Reason Surface Water CEMS hourly exceedance. Having issues with air analyzer. Heavy showers last Thursday caused a lot of muddy H2O to runoff into creek. Both from on site &amp; also offsite areas. Caller has taken samples to be analyzed for TSS, will be in letter. Tank venting. 1421-1640 & 2210-2256. Pressure relief valve lifted during filling. Normally doesn't happen. Investigating. Call Reason Air. Vapour Pressure (TVP exceedance on Naphtha rundown. Investigating cause. Possible due to cooling issues. Having increased intermittent flaring due to process upsets. Flaring SWAG (sour water acid gas& Rich fuel gas. Expecting S02 excess. Working on issues. Most likely will continue through today. No on site odours noticed yet. No public complaints. Call Reason Air Stack Flaring -on going. Unit 52C-102. Sour gas stream. So far 90 tons lost. on going. Call Reason Air Unit 52C-407 Stack going to flare. On going. 15 tons so far. Butane stream. Unit 52C-5218 Sour Gas stream. Stack Going to Flare. 55 tons so far. On going. Call Reason Air Results from lab on settling pond Ill. Failed quarterly test for fat head minnow. Failed Lethality test. Samples taken july 23. Test was July 24 to 31 (7 days. Results received today at 1705. 1730 pond 1 ceased discharging. will resume only when within guidelines. Emergency test will be rescheduled. Will retest first. R22 release from A/C in Building 806; repair done. Flaring from stack f19Fl. Ongoing, operational issues with amine unit. Rich fuel gas being flared. Call Reason Air R22 release - pinhole leak on piping on Unit 10R1880 in building 51. Amount unknown at present over 10 kg

26 94 94 153125 94 94 94

309029 309031 309057 309059 309098 309106 309224

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

2-Aug-2008 2-Aug-2008 4-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water Air Surface Water Air Air Air

Shell Canada 4-Aug-2008 Jackpine Suncor 5-Aug-2008 Suncor Suncor 5-Aug-2008 6-Aug-2008

94 94 94 151469

309265 309267 309269 309384

Suncor Suncor Suncor Fort Hills Energy Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

6-Aug-2008 6-Aug-2008 6-Aug-2008 7-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air

26 94 26 26 94

309402 309450 309507 309509 309532

8-Aug-2008 8-Aug-2008 9-Aug-2008 9-Aug-2008 9-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

No Impact Lost indication to flow meter on the flare Surface Water Monthly BOD exceedance. Monthly Average. Under investigation.


94 94 94 94 94 94 48408

309628 309735 309788 309820 309837 309841 309856

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

11-Aug-2008 11-Aug-2008 12-Aug-2008 12-Aug-2008 12-Aug-2008 13-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Land

Tank venting -diluted bitumen tank. Hydrocarbon vapours. High flow rate to tank -cause. Call Reason Air High Coker Nathpa TVP (true vapour pressure. Cause was cooling restrictions. Pressure was 11.6 psia from 1600-190010 Aug 08. approval is 11 psia Flaring event >12 tonnes of S02. Cause -cooling issue with diluent tower -problems with pump. Aug 10-10:00ongoing for a couple of more days. Exceeded 20 tonnes today -values will be available in 7-day letter. Thermal Oxidizing unit exceedance. Engineers only determined exceedance this pm. Cause unk. Approval contravention -venting from Plant 4 due to problems with vapor recovery unit -diluent tank 20D3. Sedimentation ponds discharging into Steepbank River due to heavy rain. TSS samples taken. Ongoing right now. Does not believe oil/hydrocarbons are an issue. No volumes as of yet. Spill of hydrochloric acid. 15 m3 within a berm. From a site storage tank & leak is not stopped yet. Loosing 2m3/hr. Calling in additional emerg. response crews. Source's ER team on site. Cause unknown No injuries. Call Reason Land Venting from 20035 diluent tank. Cause unknown. Aug 1219:19-20:16. Light end hydrocarbons, no H2S. Call Reason Air Nitrogen release. Offloading and valve broke. vented 5000m3. Emergency isolation valve was activated and venting ceased. UN 1066. Occurred from 17:00-17:30. No injuries. SO2 exceedance from 0137 to 0221 hours. Reason: plant 16-4 startup - operational upset. Switching tanks around -> build up of pressure. Caused venting -hydrocarbons. Not sour. Fire in coker. Cause a hole in F2 Coke Drum. Fire is out but went for 20 mins. Call Reason Air Station 2, Air exceedance. 8 day gap in bacti testing for potable water. Venting 20D2 tank. Diluted bitumen tank -hydrocarbons. 3 short events. Unsure of cause. Call Reason Air Station 2 hourly exceedance on H2S. R22 release -compressor being changed out. Flaring sulphur acid gas as 12-3 sulphur plant tripped. Up now Hourly exceedance at Station 112, Mildred Lake. Tank venting from D-28 (hydrocarbon vapours - potentially sour). Started at 2030 hr and is ongoing. Upsets resulting in loss of rundown to tank. Working on correcting. Acid gas flaring. Blower tripped on Plant 12-3. Started high, ended low. True vapour pressure exceedance. Reason: temperature related. Have not calculated the number of exceedances and have not confirmed which tank was involved yet. Will be included in 7 day letter. Odours - sulphur dioxide - noticed it right now in Fort MacKay. 10 min of venting from plant 4; hydrocarbon and sulphur vapours. Due to plant startup. Call Reason Air Spill of slurry mixture (bitumen, water, and sand). Occurred at 0030 hrs and discovered at 0130 hrs. It was caused by expansion barrel failure in slurry pipe. None offsite. No sour product. In the process of cleaning. Isolated and contained in old test pit area. Tank venting -unknown reason. Venting from VRU -hydrocarbons. Tank venting -unsure of reason, investigating. Release of diluted bitumen. Hourly S02 exceedance -unknown reason. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 23:00 19-AUG-2008 00:0000:00 18-AUG-2008 23:59 Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air Missing pH values for July 1 for treated water entering distribution system. July 13 missing raw as well as treated. Venting from Plant 4. Hydrocarbons & sulfur compounds. intermittent. Due to start up problems. Call Reason Air Smell horrific since 2300 hours last night. Cannot even open windows. Typical skunky bitumen smell. Call Reason Air

Petro Canada 13-Aug-2008

94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 94 26

309913 309993 310050 310062 310073 310075 310090 310118 310157 310176 310211 310218 310220 310307 310356 310381 310385 310387

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

13-Aug-2008 14-Aug-2008 15-Aug-2008 15-Aug-2008 10-Aug-2008 15-Aug-2008 15-Aug-2008 15-Aug-2008 16-Aug-2008 16-Aug-2008 17-Aug-2008 17-Aug-2008 17-Aug-2008 18-Aug-2008 18-Aug-2008 18-Aug-2008 19-Aug-2008 19-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Impact Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

94 94 94 94 94 94 94

310401 310403 310405 310409 310462 310480 310498

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

19-Aug-2008 19-Aug-2008 19-Aug-2008 19-Aug-2008 19-Aug-2008 19-Aug-2008 20-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Impact

Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air


153125 153125 94 94 94 149968 94 94 26 94

310506 310513 310570 310608 310672 310719 310727 310729 310750 310799

Shell Canada 20-Aug-2008 Jackpine Shell Canada 20-Aug-2008 Jackpine Suncor 20-Aug-2008 Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor 20-Aug-2008 21-Aug-2008 21-Aug-2008 21-Aug-2008 21-Aug-2008 21-Aug-2008 22-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Release Release Notification Notification

No Impact Changes were made to water treatment plant but not submitted. Surface Water Surface Water Air Exceedance TSS - pond # 6. Had major rain storm - ditch that feeds pond was overfilled. Sampled Aug 14 -> back to normal. TSS exceedance on storm water being pumped through weir to river.







94 94 94

310953 310986 311013

Suncor Suncor Suncor

23-Aug-2008 23-Aug-2008 24-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release

94 94 26 94 26 94 26

311030 311034 311098 311141 311145 311157 311259

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

24-Aug-2008 25-Aug-2008 25-Aug-2008 25-Aug-2008 26-Aug-2008 26-Aug-2008 27-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged

July 22-23, COD exceedances occurred due to naturally occurring muskeg water -gets pumped to Steep Bank River. Discovered when doing monthly report. Air Flaring event greater than 20 tons S02. SRU 14 has gone done (mechanical problems SRUi 3 already down for maintenance (up 20 Sep 08Call Reason Air Land Spill of hydraulic oil 400 L. Tank was pushed over, spilled to soil. Being cleaned up with bobcat. Soil going onto tarp and taken for disposal. No waterways, no injuries. Call Reason Land Air Stage 2 VRU unit down. Emissions release -hydrocarbons. Call Type Call Reason Release Air Air Sulfur recovery unit i2 tripped. Flaring -unknown amount right now. Air Venting @ 2035 & still ongoing. Aspirators opened up due to loss of rundown to tank. Hydrocarbon vapours not sour. Should be closed within next couple of hours. Air Stage 2 VRU was down from 1240-1325 hrs. Hydrocarbon venting as a result. Caused by problems with the refrigeration unit. Venting would likely not include sour gases -if sour, there would be small volumes. Call Reason Air Air Notification for flaring at valve I 52PC1682 (diluent recovery unit. Flaring for the last 24 hours. Likely will not exceed 20 tonnes of S02, but numbers will be looked at when event ends. Will update. If 20 tonnes was exceeded, a written report will be sent. Call Reason Air Air Ambient air exceedance. Air H2S exceedance Land Hydro-transport line release -oil sand I water release. Volume unknown. Did cross onsite roadway and heading to pond B. On east side of Athabasca River by plant 82. River not far away but preliminary reports indicate no impacts to buffer zone I river. Attending to verify. Cleanup underway. Will update. Confirmed Source: 00002284 Suncor Energy Inc. Call Reason Land Air H2S exceedance. Air 24 hour average H2S exceedance. No Impact Failed RATA on SO2 component on FDG Stack. Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air H2S exceedance at air monitoring station. H2S flaring event - ongoing. Reason: #12-3 unit (SRU) trip. Tank Venting on the weekend -20D-2 Tank -Diluted bitumen. Time Wind Dir/Speed 09:5102:4415:2423:53 Call Reason Air Had to send potable water to sewer due to turbidity issues. Volume unknown. No waterways affected. Low level in tank caused high turbidity. No turbidity readings available. Everything is now back to normal turbidity is back under control. While doing monthly data review, found stack top temp exceedance for July 7. Cause-unknown. R-22 release, more than 10 kg. Missing report. Cause of release - leak in system. Has been repaired.

94 26 94 94 26

311276 311314 311350 311411 311418

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

27-Aug-2008 28-Aug-2008 28-Aug-2008 29-Aug-2008 29-Aug-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 48263

311479 311525

Syncrude Conoco

29-Aug-2008 30-Aug-2008

Industry Industry

No Impact Missed sample on 1 of industrial runoff weirs. Supposed to be every two months, however for June255July missed taking acute toxicity test. Air intermittent venting from VRU. Mixture of HC and TRS. Total venting time of 12min. Having problems with stage 2 of VRU. Everything back to normal. Call Reason Air No Impact Caller's water samples (surface water) tested positive for hydrocarbons. When hydrocarbons are detected, a second set of tests are required. Lab did not receive enough sample to do both of the required follow up tests. They will therefore only do one of the two follow up tests. Air Tank venting. Both NRU units were down. C28, 1 down 1519-1626 & another still down. Units tripped. Investigating. Hydrocarbon vapour. Air NOx exceedance. Exceedances go from 0800hrs until 000Ohrs. Issue with approval limit -in process of




Phillips Suncor



Contravention Notification


94 48263 94 26 94 94

311602 311611 311686 311692 311694 311766

Suncor Conoco Phillips Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

2-Sep-2008 2-Sep-2008 3-Sep-2008 3-Sep-2008 3-Sep-2008 3-Sep-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air

amending their approval. 7-day letter has been waived. Intermittent venting from south tank farm. Aug 29-Sep 1. A couple of different tanks involved. Having inventory issues. Depending on the tank, there may have been VOC's, H2S or reduced sulphur compounds. Venting over today. Call Reason Air H2S exceedance, hourly Average. Station #2. Exceedance of NOX. Incorrect number in approval. Amendment pending. AMS #2 (Mildred lakeH2S exceedance for 24 hrs Tank venting - hydrocarbon/naphtha vapours. Plant 13-2 upset - resulted in sloppy to tank 13. On going. Working on fixing problem. H2S exceedance -hourly Average. 1-2 L spill of drilling mud onto highway 63. He also notified ERCB. Leaking vacuum truck -seal on the back. Raining at the time so it spread out onto the road & maybe into the ditch. He does not believe it is regulated as a dangerous good but will call back to confirm. Call Reason Land TOU (thermal oxidizing unit exc eedance on hourly S02. S02 analyzer being problematic so there may be more than just one hour. However at this point, it has only registered the one exceedance. She will confirm in the written report. ongoing and intermittent venting from tank 200-6. Still investigating cause. Flaring incident. 5C-18. Cause -drum pressure. Caller reporting flaring events. Found when compiling monthly data. 57C-27-S02. Not sure if it was one event or two separate events. Cause -plant upset. Call Reason Air caller reporting flaring event. Found them when compiling monthly data. Flaring from 53C-204-S02. Unsure of end time of flaring. Cause -high flash flow Call Reason Air Venting from plant 4; primary extraction was being vented, including VOC's, reduced sulphur (possibly sour. Started Aug 28 and stopped Aug 29 at 1746 hrs. No impacts to the workers; none offsite. She received the info today so that is why the report is late. Call Reason Air Opacity exceedance; cause under investigation; will shut down coker. Venting from 20D-6 tank. Light end hydrocarbons -diluted bitumen tank. Had to divert a large quantity of extraction feed -caused pressure differential and relief valve to lift. Call Reason Air Analyzer malfunction. Ammonia analyzer with a bias & bias in inaccurate. Have an alternative ammonia analyzer online & using pH data. Not exceeding 300 ppm. Tank venting intermittently of hydrocarbon and H2S gas; volume not known; cause under investigation. H2S exceedance at air monitoring station. 24 hour H2S exceedance. Excess flaring overnight. 14.5 hours at SO m3 /hr. = 725m3. Starting new piece of sulphur removal equipment. Sour gas pressures affected and a release opened up. 3% H2S Call Reason Air Diesel fuel spill into a control berm -filling bulk fuel tank. No injuries. cleaned up and taken away by cleanup company. alarm did not go off until fuel reached top of tank. Call Reason Land Small release of Catacarb solution from hydrogen plant 6. Failure on inlet flange. depressurization. Small release of steam and Catacarb to atmosphere and gerund (paged. Will find extent of spill but no water affected. no fire. no injuries. moreinfo in report. Call Reason Land S02 excursion from Plant 8 in tons/hr Hourly S02 violations from stack 8F5. Having operation difficulties from sulphur plant #2. Put unit on natural gas which caused some bumps. Venting of a tank due to pump pressure issue, a contravention of the approval. Call Reason Air. Tank 20D2 venting hydrocarbons & H2S material. This is ongoing & intermittent. Short durations Call Reason Air Caller experiencing hydrogen operational issues; E1 had pipe rupture and is down. Also, U2 has been down for maintenance. This has caused increased flaring of butane. This is not a contravention as they are under their approval limit for S02. Notification only. H2S release. 13 ppm into effluent pond. Sour H2O concentrator in a upset condition. H2O is off spec. Started






Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Notification Notification


94 94 94 94 94

311799 311820 311824 311826 311832

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

4-Sep-2008 4-Sep-2008 4-Sep-2008 4-Sep-2008 4-Sep-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air

26 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94

311878 311897 311959 312016 312040 312228 312261 312311 312352

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

5-Sep-2008 5-Sep-2008 5-Sep-2008 7-Sep-2008 8-Sep-2008 9-Sep-2008 9-Sep-2008 9-Sep-2008 10-Sep-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Land

94 94 94 94 94

312392 312447 312465 312483 312692

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

10-Sep-2008 11-Sep-2008 11-Sep-2008 11-Sep-2008 12-Sep-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Pro-Active Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air














Water Air

94 94 94

312889 312981 312985

Suncor Suncor Suncor

15-Sep-2008 16-Sep-2008 16-Sep-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Air

@ 0130. Reduced feed rate to try & bring back on spec. Scrubber system on VRU for H2S (unit f 21C6was tested this morning -getting breakthrough. H2S coming through catalyst. Possible odours. 21CS should be ready to go today. It was down as per normal schedule. Call Reason Air Hourly S02 violation for upgrader fl. Not sure of cause -still investigating. Station 11, H2S exceedance. on Friday at 1438 hours, they had SRU iS trip. They flared S02 but thought it was under the 20 ton limit. SRU iS was back up at 1726 hours, (same day. Crunched the numbers today and discovered they exceeded -23 tonnes/day. Call Reason Air Have been venting from i7C-15-caller just learned of it -more than the approval limit of 20 tonne reporting threshold. Reason unknown. Does not know what was venting. Call Reason Air Venting hydrocarbon vapour from two storage tanks. Reason: unknown. Station 2, Exceedance. H2S. (mountain standard time Unit upset. H2S up flare stack. Burned but reportable.

94 94 94 26 94

313022 313028 313058 313074 313179

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

17-Sep-2008 17-Sep-2008 17-Sep-2008 18-Sep-2008 18-Sep-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air

26 26 94 94 94

313238 313281 313346 313348 313501

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

19-Sep-2008 20-Sep-2008 22-Sep-2008 22-Sep-2008 23-Sep-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 48263 94 94 94

313513 313562 313604 313614 313679 313696 313785 313787 313816 313846 313872 313927 313987 314063

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Conoco Phillips Suncor Suncor Suncor

23-Sep-2008 24-Sep-2008 25-Sep-2008 25-Sep-2008 26-Sep-2008 26-Sep-2008 28-Sep-2008 28-Sep-2008 29-Sep-2008 29-Sep-2008 29-Sep-2008 30-Sep-2008 30-Sep-2008 1-Oct-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Flaring due to trip on SRU #5 in Millennium upgrader. Ongoing -not sure how much S02 but may be over 20 tonnes. Likely sour gas is being flared. Suspects 1-2 hours but maybe longer -may take a while to get equipment started up. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting - nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapours. Tank 20D-4. Running down hard to tank. -> high run down rates. Duration - 7 min. No Impact Dead bird found on resin sampler. Merlin bird. Found @ 1330. Emerg. coordinator & environmental staff advised. Unsure if on lease. Air Venting -hydrocarbon vapour -diluted bitumen tank. Flame arrester was plugged at outlet. Tank 20D6. Tank 20D2 also vented due to high flow. Air Venting -Hydrocarbons vapours. VRU -high loading. intermittent for 4 mins. Air Valve on 7C6 (vessel in hydro treater plant was open. Discovered Sept 19. Gas is hydrocarbon -went into flare stack. Valve has been opened since beginning of mid July, 2008. S02 emission -volume unknown yet. Will be submitted on 7 day letter. Air Tank venting -hydrocarbons. Too much feed into tank. Call Reason Air Air Plant 4, venting. 29 minutes. Unknown reason -investigating. No Impact NOX analyser not 90% up for Sept. Air Air Air COD exceedances (time of day unknown. Reason: unknown. Also, a mixed toxicity test (missed on six outfalls.

Vapour recovery unit offline, try to bring it back; cause unknown. Tank venting -hydrocarbons -no H2S. Cause -seat in tank was changed. Not planned. 02:44-03:40 Sep 26. Call Reason Air No Impact CSEM analyzer on main stack is down. Lost it at midnight up at 0300 hrs. Air VRU Stage 12 trip -light ends to atmosphere. Air VRU stage 12 Down -venting light hydrocarbons No Impact 3 water samples weren't collected. Cause -unknown. Samples are for mine drainage -likely required weekly will find out. weir 1-Aug 13, McLean Cr -Aug 13, Pond R -Aug 23 were missed. Air NOx emission violation. Started 25-Sep (9 violations, 26-Sep (9 violations, 27-Sep (3& 28-Sep (1. All within a range of 7.1 to 7.3 kg/h. Due to incorrect approval limit. Amendment pending. Letter waiver requested. Surface Potential violation of settling ponds runoff bioassay. More info to follow. Water Air True vapour pressure exceedance on storage tank. Coker naphtha. Exceeded 11 psi for one hour, but less than 11 psi over 3 hr. Average. Unsure if violation -approval not clear. Would like to discuss Air True vapour pressure exceedance. 3hr Average -> >10psi. Has to do with colling [meaning?]in upgrader. Back to normal now.


26 94

314081 314166

Syncrude Suncor

1-Oct-2008 1-Oct-2008

Industry Industry

Release Release

Land Land

94 94 26 94 94 151469 94 94

314177 314294 314477 314483 314518 314524 314549 314553

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor

2-Oct-2008 3-Oct-2008 3-Oct-2008 3-Oct-2008 4-Oct-2008 4-Oct-2008 6-Oct-2008 6-Oct-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Surface Water

During unloading of tanker to storage tank; spill sodium hydroxide from a valve; all contained in the berm and building; none in water course; cleanup underway. Ruptured PEW2-process affected water. Unknown volume released -major release. Contained to site. No waterways affected. Ruptured line has been isolated. Cause -a failed end cap. Drained to containment ponds. Trying to hook up to PEWl system, currently effluent is flowing to ponds, they could potentially overflow. It's possible the Athabasca River could be affected. Cooling affected, air emissions may exceed limits. Significant flaring. GLC's at station 2. Call Reason Land Venting of hydrocarbons and sulphur compound from Tank 2. Reason: unknown; will be included in letter. Call Reason Air Flaring greater than 20 tonnes of S02. Cause -hydrotreaters -unknown cause. Started last night, time unknown. No other information available, wanted to report immediately. Furnace stack NOX analyzer below uptime of 90% on stack 73 furnace for Sept. Release of R22. From Plant 25, Input/output DCF. Pipe was vibrating. Repairing tonight. Venting incidents from plant #4-hydrocarbon & sulphur compounds venting. Time Wind Dir/Speed 09:3009:1109:06 Call Reason Air Release of ground water (.5-3 m3 [to?] Stanley Creek. Happened during pump test of ground water . Testing from future pit area. Will be taking down SRU3 unit. 8" hairline crack detected. Cutting rates to try and avoid flaring. Will be going offline at 19:00. Possible S.W.A.G. flaring. Call Reason Air Breach of surface water berm on river road south of plant 86 on site. Due to very heavy rains. Water goes into heavily wooded area. Athabasca River is approximately 0.5 km but possibly impacted. Ditch on east side of road had 3-4' wide breach. Fixed already. Pump being brought in to pump water back into pond. This is in the mining area -water could be oily with possible TSS readings. Sampling but may not be representative of actual release. Call Reason Surface Water Tank venting -Tank 560101. Occurred during an effected water process (pew2. Was out from Oct 1 to Oct 4. Was just discovered today. H2S measured in vent gas and tank is a treated cooling water tank. TSS exceedance on discharge of sediment #2 pond. Stage 2 of VRU (vapour recovery unit. Been down this afternoon. Minor venting -hydrocarbons and some H2S. Situation is back to normal now. Call Reason Air Notification of an incident yesterday afternoon. A small fire occurred during loading of sulphur by vac truck. S02 release due to fire and had 15 employees looked at due to medical reasons all returned to work. Call Reason Air Tank venting from 20Dl. Light end hydrocarbons. Oct 622:40-ongoing. Cause -unknown. Call Reason Air Flaring SWAG -10PIC71 (pressure relief valve. still flaring -cause under investigation True Vapour pressure exceedance on U2 coker naphtha system. Reason: under investigation -will be included in 7 day letter. TSS exceedance for month of September. Monthly arithmetic mean. Investigating cause. Tank 33 is venting nitrogen, hydrocarbon vapours and sour hydrocarbon. Reason: transfer being done into tank and overpressure. Tank venting from diluted bitumen tank. From 1600-1907 hrs. Also, some other brief intervals. unknown cause. Call Reason Air NOX violations from Oct 2 (4; Oct 4 (3Oct 5 (1and Oct 6 (2. Ranged from 7.1 to 7.25 kg/hr. Approval limit is currently 7.1. Reason: incorrect approval value; amendment is pending; expect to be approved by next week. Intermittent tank venting from 20D2 (Oct 402:21-02:54, 11:04-11:13, 12:15-12:20, 13:29-13:37. 20A3 (Oct 510:58-11:35, 12:32-12:46. 20035 (Oct 520:46-21:13. Process problems caused venting, still having problems. Light end hydrocarbons were vented. Call Reason Air Clean water diversion around mine site high in TSS for one day. Release of untested raw water into Pond 1 Discharge Ditch (settling pond Found during AENV Inspection attended by two EPOs. Estimate is .5 m3 per hour. Will be closed off by 1700 hours. Reason: groundwater

94 153125 94 94

314565 314588 314640 314643



Industry Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 6-Oct-2008 Jackpine Suncor 5-Oct-2008 Suncor 5-Oct-2008

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Surface Water Air Air

94 94 94 26 26 94 48263 94

314659 314691 314732 314755 314757 314765 314783 314797

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Conoco Phillips Suncor

7-Oct-2008 7-Oct-2008 7-Oct-2008 7-Oct-2008 7-Oct-2008 8-Oct-2008 8-Oct-2008 8-Oct-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air

26 151469

314807 314833

Syncrude Fort Hills Energy

8-Oct-2008 8-Oct-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Land


94 94 153125 26 48263 94

314882 314907 315076 315084 315173 315177

Suncor Suncor Shell Canada Jackpine Syncrude Conoco Phillips Suncor

9-Oct-2008 10-Oct-2008 13-Oct-2008 13-Oct-2008 14-Oct-2008 14-Oct-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Land Air Air Air

breached a dyke within ditching system. Contained in ditching system. Notification of a potential flameout on the FlOl flare. Flame may go out. Reason: unknown and under investigation. Working on determining if it is a flameout and if so, the cause. TVP (True Vapour pressure exceedance. 3 hr Average. Due to swinging coke drums. Spill of sewage. 600 Litres. High level alarm went off, but pump did not cut out. Being investigated. All to ground. No waterways. Cleanup complete. 20D4 tank is venting - hydrocarbons & nitrogen NOx emissions violation. Incorrect approval value -amendment pending 7 day letter waived by inspector.

94 94 94 94 94

315186 315233 315247 315291 315313

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

15-Oct-2008 15-Oct-2008 16-Oct-2008 16-Oct-2008 4-Nov-2008

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Waste Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Tank venting and vapor recovery venting. Tanks (20D3 and 20035are for bitumen storage. Hydrocarbons (no H2Sare being vented. (Oct 10-11, -2.5 hrs for 20D3 and -1 hr 20 min for 20035. Cause -problems on VRU (vented for -15 min Oct 11. Call Reason Air Surface Pond E outfall oil & grease sample exceeded limit. Discharges into Athabasca river. Have closed the outfall & Water resampling. Land New contractor @ landfill not handling & operating the waste properly. Disposing of anything there. No certified landfill managers. Noticed since August its been getting worst. No Impact Downtime on Stage 2 VRU. Glycol chiller system freezing up. Ongoing since 3:00am Surface Water Surface Water High TSS reading on north steep back [Steepbank] mine. Sedimentation pond. Will be injecting dye to pumphouse to confirm location of sinkhole. Dye will be released to Athabasca River. This will occur Nov 5. 10 ppm of Rhodamine B will be released. 2.5 PPT will be the concentration in the river. 00188481 207136 16-OCT-2008 16:16 Industry Release Comments: Possible H20 from fresh H20 ponds entering River. Sinkhole discovered on back with H20 bubbling up. Have done preliminary conductivity tests & determined H20 in sinkhole same as river H20. Still investigating. Call Reason Surface Water Surface Water Venting off tank #57. floating roof. aspirators off - corrected easily. Still open but monitored closely. Construction over creek (road). TSS monitoring. Noticed spikes. Pumping water around construction area. Fish barrier set up to protect fish (downstream). Water went over barriers and eroded bank (suspected and stirred things up down stream). Spikes have beennoticed downstream as below. Since then reduced pumping and this should alleviate problem. Water no longer over barrier. U1-TOU stack violation, S02 exceedance due to analyzer problem. NOX hourly limit exceedance due to start up. Station 2 H2S exceedance. Lift station pump failure. Release to Pond F. Approx. 15m3. Failed last night sometime. Being cleaned up now with vac trucks. Discovered this morning around 8:00am. Call Reason Surface Water Failed bioassay test (toxicity-just found out today. From sedimentation pond that collects runoff water. Will be retested. Venting on VRU stage 1 (hydrocarbon vapour. Intermittently on Oct 17 for 8 minutes. Reason unknown investigating. Oct 18 vented for 52 minutes; Oct 19 for 13 minutes. Reasons also unknown. Just discovered this today. As a result, tank 20-D-1 also vented Oct 19th. Call Reason Air Vapour recovery unit i2 is down; repair in progress. station AMS Ul -H2S 1 hr exceedance. Exceedance of H2S. Cause unknown. Missed weekly sample from pond. Metals, hydrocarbons sample. Unknown cause -investigating. Occurred between Sept. 7-8th. Flaring event -ongoing until Oct. 4 from Aug. 9th to Oct. 4th. Reason for flaring is unknown. Caller looking into reason. Reported initially in August. Letter did not indicate it was ongoing. Call Reason Air Tank 33 venting - sour hydrocarbons venting. Station 2 24 Hr. H2S exceedance

26 151469

315351 315405

Syncrude Fort Hills Energy

17-Oct-2008 17-Oct-2008

Industry Industry

Release Release

Air Surface Water

94 48522 94 94 94 94

315411 315457 315462 315465 315488 315663

Suncor Encana Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

18-Oct-2008 20-Oct-2008 20-Oct-2008 20-Oct-2008 20-Oct-2008 20-Oct-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Surface Water Surface Water Air

94 94 94 94 94 26 94

315669 315786 315838 315857 315866 315884 315886

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

20-Oct-2008 22-Oct-2008 22-Oct-2008 22-Oct-2008 22-Oct-2008 22-Oct-2008 23-Oct-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air


94 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 94

315888 315890 315892 315911 315971 316173 316183 316206 316299 316316 316374

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

23-Oct-2008 23-Oct-2008 23-Oct-2008 23-Oct-2008 24-Oct-2008 27-Oct-2008 27-Oct-2008 27-Oct-2008 28-Oct-2008 28-Oct-2008 28-Oct-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Surface Water Air

Station 2 1 hourly H2S exceedance 92D260 skimmed oil tank venting 9000 ppm H2S form 0007-0014 Call Reason Air diverting burner off of coker 82 - coke particulate & steam vented to atmosphere. Missed alarm for yesterday. Station 2 R 22 release - leak by a unloader. Correct amount & equip # on 7 day letter Tank 20D52 venting - hydrocarbon vapour & natural gas. This was a sporadic release. Tank 20D52 venting - hydrocarbon vapour & natural gas. This was a sporadic release. Clean water diversion TSS was exceeded on Oct 23. Cause - under investigation - may have been due to nearby construction. Goes to Stanley Creek. This is all surface water only, no process affected. Exceedance, Station 2 Clean water diversion around the Aurora Site. One of the discharges in Stanley Creek. Exceeded BOD limits. They will likely exceed 1.7 ton/hr limit on the thermal oxidation unit i2 (53-F-611. They believe the exceedance occurred at 2000-2100 hrs -not sure of cause. Do not have reading yet to confirm -will put in written report. Spill -diesel train 2 surge bin. Industrial heater being fuelled form truck. heater was over pressurized -split weld. Bottom of mine area. contained in parking area. Will be cleaned up by 3rd party. Call Reason Land H2S exceedance. Not sure why. S02 exceedance on stack. Cause unknown.



94 94 94 94 26 94

316383 316456 316470 316514 316536 316576

Syncrude 28-Oct-2008 Aurora Canada Ltd. Suncor 29-Oct-2008 Suncor 29-Oct-2008 Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor 30-Oct-2008 30-Oct-2008 30-Oct-2008 31-Oct-2008



Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air

No Impact Missed sample to measure PH level for water from Pond "E", Industrial waste water. Air Stage 2 of VRU (Vapour Recovery Unit went down at 1021 hrs. Venting to atmosphere. Still has been treated at sage 1. Air Tank D13 venting hydrocarbon vapour / nitrogen Land Release of process engineering water from pond F Pumphouse. Went to a buffer zone (vegetated area. All on site. Unsure of amount, unsure of time of release. Between 19:00-8:00am today. No waterways impacted. Cause -due to relief valve failing -caused flex hose to bend & break. Call Reason Land Air Venting from plant 4-> extraction. Hydrocarbon vapours -possibly sour. Maybe cause by stage 2 VRU going down. Call Reason Air No Impact Weekly sample for CBOD for week of Oct 22, 2008 for effluent composite. Could not take the sample because of dilution factor. There are no sample results for week of Oct. 22. Air Notification of 8-2 diverter loop seal drain - potential for SO2 and CO gas and coke particles and steam to go to atmosphere. Should be done soon. Has only released steam so far so there is no contravention yet. Will submit letter if there is a contravention. Air Hourly S02 exceedance on Thermal Oxidation Unit i1. Reason unknown Air H2S exceedance -reason unknown. Air 24 hr exceedance. No Impact Flare cameras are out. Screen is frozen. Instrumentation are troubleshooting. Visually monitoring in the meantime. Out @ 2130 hrs. Air Exceedance of coker naphtha -true vapour pressure from 0200 to 0800 hours Nov 4. Reason and volume: under investigation -will be in 7 day letter. Air 1 hour exceedance for S02. Still under investigation. Air Air 36 min of venting from stage 1 VRU. Not sure why. intermittent flaring. Hydrocarbon vapours. Minor venting from tank 20-D-1. Occurred yesterday 1616-1624 hrs. Hydrocarbon vapours would have been venting. Cause unknown -under investigation. Call Reason Air

94 26 26

316588 316620 316751

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

31-Oct-2008 31-Oct-2008 31-Oct-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94

316760 316782 316806 316905 316934 316987 317135 317196

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

31-Oct-2008 1-Nov-2008 2-Nov-2008 3-Nov-2008 4-Nov-2008 4-Nov-2008 5-Nov-2008 6-Nov-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry









26 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 94

317226 317228 317261 317269 317296 317300 317305 317320 317340 317503 317535

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

6-Nov-2008 6-Nov-2008 7-Nov-2008 7-Nov-2008 7-Nov-2008 7-Nov-2008 8-Nov-2008 9-Nov-2008 10-Nov-2008 12-Nov-2008 12-Nov-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release

Leaking valve (8-C-1yesterday. Released more than 20 tons of S02 because of the leak -S02 would have been flared. No other information at this time -still investigating -just found out about it today. It would have been an S02 leak. Call Reason Air Potable Potable water contravention. E-coli found in water (Nov 6 17:00 sample was taken). Will resample. Will put up Water boil water signs. Will sample up and downstream. Will issue boil water advisory. Cause - unknown. Air Tank venting from tank i3 which contains hydrocarbon. Started at 0800, intermittently until 1700 hrs. No idea of reason or cause. Investigating further -info in written report. Call Reason Air Air Plant 912500 Skim tank venting -hydrocarbon, sour vapours Land Small spill from sewage treatment -1 m3. Cause unk right now. Contained on ground next to plant. Cleanup underway. Call Reason Land Air Venting from VRU (vapour recovery unit stage 2. Hydrocarbon vapour. 1108-1205 hrs & 1320-1400 hrs. 1 hr & 45 min. total. Cause unknown at this time. Call Reason Air No Impact Loss of view from cameras that monitor flare stacks. Probably due to computer failure. Will investigate. Air Air Land Air Leaking PSV -was leaking a sour stream & was flaring. Call Type Call Reason Release Air Tank 4 venting hydrocarbons - Tank 4 is a diluted bitumen tank. Spill of propylene glycol. Contained in a sedimentation pond. Call Type Call Reason Release Land H2S exceedance from Plant 8-1. Stripped water above 472 ppm H2S. going to effluent pond. Stays there. Back under limit at 0930 AM Air Venting from Stage 1 VRU (Vapor Recovery Unit. Occurred some time in last 24 hours. Time will be recorded in 7 day letter. Reason: still under investigation. Believe venting took place for six minutes. Venting hydrocarbons. Call Reason Air Air Venting from 20D-3 tank -diluted bitumen tank. Die to plugged flame arrester. Caller thinks it might have been fixed. Light end hydrocarbons. Time Wind Dir/Speed 17:2011:0503:3405:54 Call Reason Air Air Tank venting of dilute hydrocarbon and sulphur compounds; tank i20D, cause unknown, will be in the report. Call Reason Air Air Intermittent venting from Plant 4. Unknown cause. Hydrocarbon/sulfur compounds. No Impact 2 missed random chlorine samples - potable water. Not sure why they were missed. Oct 12/08 & Oct 16/08. Potable Water Air Surface Water Potable Water Land Had a high turbidity reading on potable distribution system. Second pump kicked in for demand which caused the turbidity. Leak on sulphur transfer line & it caught fire due to heat tracing line. Fire is out but still smoldering. Some sulphur fell on two workers. Now workers doing light duty. -no burns. Call Reason Air Missed sample from sedimentation pond discharge point due to unknown cause. Took daily sample but didn't take weekly or monthly as required. Discharged 81 m3 over 3 hrs and 10 min. Discharges to Steepbank River. Call Reason Surface Water Grab samples indicated high turbidity that do not believe is correct b/c samples were dirty & high manganese. Analyzers indicated NTU's did not exceed 1.0 & resampling was fine. Sewage spill. 5000 L. Due to pipe failure. Underneath residential dorm. No waterways. Frozen onto ground. Discovered today. Prob. leaking for a few days. Cleanup &amp; repairs underway. Free product being removed &amp; will bring in equipment tomorrow to get the rest. Leak stopped. Stage 2 on VR unit was down; venting hydrocarbons. Reason is unknown and under investigation. Clean water discharge pipe (groundwater).DO below limit, goes into Stanley Creek.

94 94 94 26 94 94 94

317606 317819 317839 317854 317978 317980 318022

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

13-Nov-2008 17-Nov-2008 17-Nov-2008 17-Nov-2008 18-Nov-2008 18-Nov-2008 18-Nov-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

94 153125

318054 318056



Industry Industry

Shell Canada 18-Nov-2008 Jackpine Suncor Syncrude Suncor 19-Nov-2008 19-Nov-2008 20-Nov-2008

Alleged Contravention Release

94 26 94

318060 318092 318128

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification






Alleged Contravention Notification Release

26 149968

318218 318235

Syncrude CNRL

21-Nov-2008 21-Nov-2008

Industry Industry

Air Surface Water No Impact Found 3 pole mount transformer that tested positive for PCB, = 106 mg/kg, 88.5 & 88.6 mg/kg (PCB content. Were not put into storage in 30 day time limit under CEPA. Do not believe they are leaking. Call Reason No Impact Air Will have unplanned outage tonight on FGD -flue gas desulphurization. Cause -have to repair oxidation inlet. Will occur Nov 2120:00, will last 12-24 hours. Will mitigate S02, will be tonnes/day by burning alternative fuels. Air Tank venting - Tank 52. Cause -> cold weather condition -> instrument failure. Hydrocarbons vapours. Air Propane gas leak due to unknown cause. No injuries, no evacuations. Unknown quantity. It's a propane tank on site (storage containing 2000 gallons -it's currently full). FD responded. No media. CM: Negligible amount of


94 94 94 94

318270 318293 318295 318311

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

21-Nov-2008 22-Nov-2008 22-Nov-2008 23-Nov-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention

94 94

318326 318341

Suncor Suncor

23-Nov-2008 24-Nov-2008

Industry Industry

Release Release

94 94 26 94 48408 94 94 94 94 94

318345 318347 318362 318387 318389 318436 318442 318474 318509 318660

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

24-Nov-2008 24-Nov-2008 24-Nov-2008 24-Nov-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

propane released to atmosphere due to fill valve failure. Opacity exceedance fro Plant 31 Stack. Plant outage -couple of elector static precipitators tripped which probably caused capacity. Percips have been reset and everything is OK now. No Impact Released 700 m3 of hydro transport slurry to a containment area. VSD failure on pump was the cause. Air Venting from plant 4-venting hydrocarbons & TRS compounds. Call Reason Air Air Two of three SRU's are bypassing TGTU (tail gas treatment unit. Due to maintenance (cleaning of exchangers). Not sure if this is causing a contravention because they have 2 different limits (one for when they are bypassing and one for when they are not) and they aren't sure which limit applies when they are partially bypassing. CM: Disclaimed -hourly S02 emissions below approval limit. Land Spill of 3-4 cubes of hot process water into a bermed area. Cause rupture disc blew. Bermed area in middle of mine. Call Reason Land Land Pump box overflow -occurred at OPPC (ore prep plant tc. Release of process affected water. Volume unknown. Reportable to ERCB -so making a courtesy call to AENV. Contained -goes to engineered pond/ditch system and eventually recycled. Call Reason Land No Impact Stage 2 compressor went down at 0405 hrs this morning. H-vac guys on the way in to correct. Suspect it will be down for another 1-2 hours. Air Hourly H2S exceedance at station 2 Mildred Lake. Air Tank venting (Tank 33). Sour hydrocarbon vapors and nitrogen vented. (Nov 24 07:25-07:33). No evacuations. Cause - brief overpressure on system. Air Venting from stack 1 VRU. Tank inventory management on diluent side ca Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Company does not have an approval for rotary dryer system/brine dryer stack within list of approved effluent emissions. Application was made Sept 27, 2007-was never confirmed. Flaring from gas recovery unit. Cause -tripped wet gas compressor. Occurred at 16:05-ongoing. Call Reason Air Exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station. 24 Hr. s02 exceedance at AMS 2 Station 2 H2S exceedance Trying to contact health region -chemical changed out (flocculent in potable water plant. No health risk; administrative contravention. Flocculent being shipped from Squamish BC facility with no National Sanitation Foundation certification for the chemical used. Caller trying to verify it the facility has certification. Fire in progress at upgrading facility #2. Incident response in progress. No other information at this time. Will call with an update. Call Reason Air 24hr H2s exceedance. Average concentration. Venting from plant 4. Under investigation-not sure why. Not sure what it was that they vented. Call Reason Air October results (monthly) in water discharge: Missed 2 Rainbow Trout bioassays & instead did cerio- daphnia and fathead-minnow assays. Flaring. Ejector open. Flaring propane & pentanes. 1655-1704 hrs. Ejector controls pressure in overhead drum is cause. Picking up NH3 vapour off the effluent pond. Cause may have been the dumping of a product that was not completely scrubbed. Flaring-s02 > 20 tonnes. 75-C-27. 00:00 09-OCT-2008 00:00 Call Type Alleged Contravention Started Oct 9lasted until Oct 17. intermittent between those date. Might have been damage to tray? Still under investigation. Call Reason Air Sems downtime exceedance. Might be less than 90% uptime for Oct and Nov. CGA performed in Oct -failed. exceedance -water discharge into pond (pond E. Caller believes that these are not contraventions -pumps cannot discharge that amount. Might be an instrument problem. Data logger (records settling pond discharge flow to working since October 7Pond closed down today at 1000am. Will be getting a new data logger. Tank venting @ 1915 & still ongoing. Intermittent. Overpressuring on vent system. Venting sour hydrocarbon vapours & nitrogen.

Petro Canada 24-Nov-2008 Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor 24-Nov-2008 24-Nov-2008 25-Nov-2008 25-Nov-2008 25-Nov-2008

94 94 94 26 94 26 94

318673 318679 318692 318710 318736 318756 318797

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

26-Nov-2008 26-Nov-2008 26-Nov-2008 26-Nov-2008 27-Nov-2008 27-Nov-2008 27-Nov-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

94 94 151469 26

318802 318818 318866 318878

Suncor Suncor Fort Hills Energy Syncrude

27-Nov-2008 27-Nov-2008 27-Nov-2008 27-Nov-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Surface Water Surface Water Air







Pro-Active Notification Release






94 26 94

319022 319042 319210

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

30-Nov-2008 1-Dec-2008 1-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release

No Impact Oil & grease results. Inlet sample results 7.4 mg/L. Trying to determine what outlet results are (going into River. Resampling in 3 different areas including outlet pond. Should have results in 30-60 min's. Will update immediately. Not a violation as of now. Land Contravention -spill of propylene glycol that is above the reporting limit of 200 L. Cause -hydro test on fire water line and a gasket failed. Spill remained onsite -no waterways nearby. Cleanup completed, using a vacuum truck. No injuries or issues as a result of the spill. Call Reason Land Air Exceedance on station #2 Mildred Lake. Hourly H2S. Air H2S alarm on effluent pond. Land Release of grey H20 & sewage. Onto ground. No watercourses nearby. Holding tank overflowed. Believe happened over the weekend. Vol. unknown Contained but not cleaned up. Tank pumped out. Reported in the last hour. Call Reason Land Flaring started Dec 2nd (208203 ut there was a 24-hr break, so reporting as new incident. Leak is allowing oxygen into the system which is causing a chemical reaction which causes equipment to fowl up (precipitate forms. Flaring of off-gas results -causing S02 emissions. May be an issue for a couple of months. Call Reason Air Unknown volume sewage spill due to leaking underground tank. No waterways affected. No other information available. Call Reason Land Exceedance for BOD in surface drainage pond. Cause - freezing - low flow. Water does flow to Shelly Creek eventually. Ongoing & intermittent venting from Plant 4. Cause is pressure in the VRU. H2S & Hydrocarbons venting May have not met requirements for plant operations at time of stack test. May not have been at 90% plant rate when stack test was performed. Will confirm. Cause -unknown. Test was done Sep 11 (8F5, May 22 (53F611, Apr 29 (52F300. Tank venting. Started @ 0949 - 1140 hrs. Control valve that they think is due to cold weather. Hydrocarbon vapour. No H2S content. 2 HVAC's with R22 release. Unit 5R289B & Unit# 5R291 on building #9 over 10 kg for each one.








94 153125 94 94

319320 319322 319504 319512



Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Land Surface Water Air Air

Shell Canada 3-Dec-2008 Jackpine Suncor 4-Dec-2008 Suncor 4-Dec-2008

26 26 48522

319531 319549 319555

Syncrude Syncrude Encana

4-Dec-2008 4-Dec-2008 5-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Land

94 94 94 94

319684 319686 319692 319725

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

7-Dec-2008 8-Dec-2008 8-Dec-2008 8-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Pro-Active Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release Notification

94 26 26 26 1604 94

319732 319769 319775 319844 319854 319858

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

8-Dec-2008 8-Dec-2008 9-Dec-2008 9-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Spill of calcium hydrated lime -6m3 during offloading. Not regulated. The i2 hopper clean out chute busted on the truck. Clean up is underway. Area has been roped off, bobcats coming, will keep people out of the area. Two lease roads impacted. No waterways impacted. Went to a soil/gravel mix all on lease. Call Reason Land Air Venting of hydrocarbon with H2S, plant #4 extraction for 3 minutes; cause unknown. Air VRU -vapour recovery unit stage 2-went down; no venting. Call Reason Air Air Stage 2 VRU downtime. Reason unknown, still investigating. Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air No Impact Notification only: in approval for upgrader, site had temporary drainage ponds for site development. Settling pond has a discharge point to Ruth Channel. Caller did not build a pond but used an already existing construction hole (lined with gravel instead. Just discovered today. Minor technical violation. Air Tank venting from 10:27-10:42 and 11:00-11:30. Due to faulty feed from extraction to upgrader. Air Air Air Tank venting hydrocarbon vapour; due to control valve stuck. UE1 flare indication meter loss due to too cold. Venting - mix of natural gas/heavy hydrocarbons (10 minutes). From dry bitumen tank, due to instrumentation problems. Air caller reporting release of gas >10min. Flare was extinguished. Power outage caused plant upset and excess steam to go to flare -caused flare to be extinguished. Gas was H2S with natural gas. Call Reason Air No Impact Caller notifying AENV that they will be flushing MFT line today (sludge line. Estimated volume of water to be used -300gals. Will flush line into containment pond -goes from containment pond into tailings pond. Caller has notified the ERCB -they suggested contacting AENV. Call Reason No Impact No Impact Release of slurry (bitumen/water/sand. Contained in building -went into sump and returned to process. Unknown volume >2m3. Pump failed on hydro transport line. Call Reason No Impact Land Line leak on potable water line. Unknown volume leaked. Will take it offline -initiating repairs -depressurizing. Water feeds upgrading buildings. Do not drink signs will be put up while repairs are being done. They will take

Japan Canada 9-Dec-2008 OS Suncor 9-Dec-2008

94 94

319862 319871

Suncor Suncor

9-Dec-2008 9-Dec-2008

Industry Industry

Release Release


94 26

319877 319879

Suncor Syncrude

10-Dec-2008 10-Dec-2008

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

94 1604 94

319940 319975 319987



Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release

Japan Canada 10-Dec-2008 OS Suncor 10-Dec-2008







26 94 94 26

319991 320018 320079 320106

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

11-Dec-2008 11-Dec-2008 11-Dec-2008 12-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

26 153125

320141 320153



Industry Industry

Shell Canada 22-Dec-2008 Jackpine

26 26 26 94 26 26 183875 94

320168 320182 320212 320220 320248 320254 320298 320300

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

13-Dec-2008 14-Dec-2008 14-Dec-2008 14-Dec-2008 15-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Syncrude 15-Dec-2008 Devon ARL 16-Dec-2008 Corp. Suncor 16-Dec-2008

94 26

320323 320329

Suncor Syncrude

16-Dec-2008 17-Dec-2008

Industry Industry

Release Notification







bacteriological samples before signs come down. Call Reason Land Flare flame out -Hydrocarbon flare stack 59F102120 Power outage at plant. Potable water plant down for more than 12 hours and are now critically low. Chlorine exposure nat as long as stated in permit, but Cl is within limit. At 0hrs. 10 Dec 08 ran out of potable water. Making fresh water. Nothing trucked in. Under advisory water ban - no showers. Power of 2100 hrs 8 Dec to 0800 hrs 9 Dec. No Impact Potential release of pond effluent water (process water. Pump failure -will now reroute water into temporary pond. Will then be released back into process when pump is fixed. Setting up temp pond right now. Land Spill -boiler feed water. Unknown amount, investigating. Most caught in berm, the rest went to snow covered gravel. Vac truck used for clean up. Call Reason Land Surface RD failure -tailings were released and also process affected water. No waterways affected. Contained to site. Water Tailings were released for -15 min -volume unknown. Process effluent was released for -2 hours. Has already been reclaimed to process. Call Reason Surface Water Surface Tailings line #12 came apart and there was L release of tailings to containment area. No waterways affected. Water All on site. Cause -line was frozen. Line has been isolated. The 5000 L was recovered to the process. Call Reason Surface Water Land a line ruptured and split and a mixture of water + H2S + ammonia leaked to ground. Clean up being done. Spill was in Houston depressed pipe rack Air Flaring -compressor K402 tripped 9:40-9:56. Tripped again 10:00 =up now. Led to low nitrogen, SRU #5 was impacted and tripped around 10:00 as a result. Flaring exceeded 20 t limit. No values. Call Reason Air Surface Release of tailings water mixed with sludge. Frozen line being flushed. Going to ditch and will drain to tailings Water pond fl. Volume unknown. Call Reason Surface Water Surface Does not have result for TSS yet but caller believes that it will be an exceedance for monthly Average. Has 3 of Water 4 results already and the Average looks like it will be higher than 25mg/L. Will include values in 7day letter (does not have any right now). TSS for sewage treatment. No Impact Loss of view of flare monitoring cameras. Unsure why. Trouble shooting at the moment -> will get them back up ASAP. Surface Ammonia in the surface water discharge from sedimentation pond. Occurred Dec 10 and Dec 16. Cause - water Water from polishing pond has elevated ammonia. Water released to Jack Pine Creek (unknown volume). 00192871 208901 13-DEC-2008 12:45 Industry Alleged Contravention Potable Water Comments: exceedance of ammonia readings on sedimentation pond #6, might be due to analysis problem, causing false positive result; will be retesting. Air Lube seal failure on H3 divertor; repair in progress; valve still closed, no emission. Air Tank venting - Tank #53 - venting hydrocarbon vapour. Reason: unknown; suspect its cold weather related, but are checking. Air Flaring of hydrocarbon gas due to compressor problem; trying to fix it. Air Tank Venting hydrocarbons from Tank 200-1. Reason: unknown but under investigation. Call Reason Air Surface CBOD exceedance - monthly Average. Sewage treatment plant moved sample point -> believed to cause the Water exceedance. Air Tank 33 venting - N2/Hydrocarbons/sour hydrocarbons. Excessive run down into tank was the cause. No Impact Cems systems -approval says 4 accuracy tests need to be completed per year -will no be able to do 4th test because generator ha to be taken down for repairs. Call Reason No Impact Land Spill -sodium hypochloride -12% solution. Still doe not have reason for spill. 9000 liters spilled into bermed area. 40 liters spilled onto bare ground.-did not go anywhere -sucked up by vac truck. 90001 will be disposed of in disposal pond. Valve failure -still investigating -details in report. Call Reason Land Air Tank related venting. Installing new flame arrester. Tank 20-D-2. Some venting resulted from installation. Call Reason Air Air Venting from tank 33. Contents of the tank are nitrogen, hydrocarbon vapours and sour hydrocarbon. Caused by excessive rundown temperature to the tank. No additional issues as a result of the venting. It went from 0626 hrs to 0646 hrs. Land Spill of 100 gal of oil (suspects motor oil but not sure. Not sure of cause. None went offsite. There were no waterways affected. He needs to confirm some info which will be included in the written report. Call Reason Land Air Potable Water


94 151469 94 26 26 26 153125

320426 320432 320472 320482 320534 320537 320539

Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

18-Dec-2008 18-Dec-2008 18-Dec-2008 19-Dec-2008 20-Dec-2008 20-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Potable Water Air Potable Water Air Surface Water Land

Venting from VRU stage i2. Not sure what caused it. Hydrocarbon vapours would have been vented (likely not sour. No other details at this time. Call Reason Air Settling pond # 2 and No Net Loss lake, release sediment with TSS exceeding limit due to extreme temperature. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] Exceeded 3 hr TPL (true pressure limit& coming back to normal. Cut back production. Exceedance on Cl2 leaving the plant. Due to failure on automatic chlorinator. Operator currently doing bench test every 30 minutes. Submitted work order to have chlorinator repaired and calibrated in the morning. Tank venting. Hydrocarbon vapours. No H2S. Intermittent b/t 2355 & 0110. Sample on strip water to effluent pond was high in H2S. Reason: probably cold weather related; may be instrumentation; will resample. Two spills of raw sewage; found during an inspection on Dec 16. Spills are in a confined area in a worker's camp. All frozen up; no liquid; thawed out and sucked up by vacuum truck. Treated with water/lime solution, vacuumed again and treated with dry lime powder. Not reported right away because they had no information due to being unable to safety investigate in the confined space. Reason for spill is probably due to pipes contracting and expanding from cold and working apart. Tank venting hydrocarbon vapour. Reason: radar gauge (level indicator) was out of service during the night shift. Tank reached low level and aspirators opened and caused venting. tailings slurry spill (sand, H2O, bitumen) 1000 m3. In a clean H2O ditch. Not migrating. Berm was breached in tailings area. Will remove once frozen. Tailings pond shut down & berm repaired. Stage 1 VRU venting. intermittent on weekend. Second stage was freezing, causing back pressure on first stage. Venting from Tank 20D3. Dilute bitumen, possible H2S. Ongoing over weekend (intermittent. Problem with upstream rates. Call Reason Air Flaring incident -exact start time unknown. Occurred Dec 20th -believe it exceeded 20 tonnes S02. Cause -wet gas compressor trip. 52-K-402 tripped -flaring went through main stack. Additional info -in written report. Call Reason Air Venting from Plant 4 extraction unit -venting light hydrocarbons to atmosphere. Could be ongoing intermittently throughout the day. Reason: managing tank levels (pressures not balanced. When that occurs, it caused Plant 4 to vent to atmosphere. Call Reason Air Unable to complete required testing for FTG stack due to they'll be below required rates while performing RATA. Testing will not be completed for Dec 31, 2008 due date. Lost power to site on Sunday, boilers went down and relieves to blowdown. Release of boiler water -contained in bermed area, surrounding blowdown tank. All on site. No waterways affected. Unknown volume released (1-5 m3. Contravention of approval. Have cleaned surface, but a large portion of it froze, will use a steamer to clean once ambient temp comes up. Call Reason Land Hourly average exceedance on TOU (thermal Oxidizing Unit(converts H2S to S02.

Shell Canada 20-Dec-2008 Jackpine

26 26 94 94 94

320555 320582 320613 320615 320655

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

20-Dec-2008 22-Dec-2008 22-Dec-2008 22-Dec-2008 22-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release

Air Land Air Air Air








94 1604

320683 320714



Industry Industry

Japan Canada 23-Dec-2008 OS

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

94 94

320783 320844

Suncor Suncor

24-Dec-2008 26-Dec-2008

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification


94 26 94

320862 320906 320908

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

27-Dec-2008 28-Dec-2008 29-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

94 94

321004 321059

Suncor Suncor

29-Dec-2008 30-Dec-2008

Industry Industry

No Impact One of boilers out of the JBR (Jet Bubble Reactor. So boiler is burning Natural Gas now instead of Coke, so that S02 emissions remain the same. Notified @ 1000 hrs today. Not sure when they started. Call Reason No Impact Air Venting from Plant 4. IPS unit was being brought on line, caused a pressure disruption. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting. Gas passed down one of outlets going into tank from one of units. Issue resolved. Hydrocarbon vapours (sour) vented. Air Plant 4 venting. Vapours from extraction process (hydrocarbons, H2S. Due to increased vapour pressure while flushing filters. Will continue to flush filters -there may be venting ongoing periodically. Vented from 2:302:35. Call Reason Air Potable Contamination of potable water clear well with raw water. Reason: under investigation; believe raw water valve Water failed in open position. Volume unknown. Caller will advise health Region who will likely issue a "boil water" order. As of 1410 hours, "Do not drink" signs were posted. Surface Missed industrial waste water and surface run off sample. Not sure why it was missed -under investigation. Water Supposed to have been taken Nov 9. Taken on Nov 11 instead. Air Venting from VRU stage 1. Not a lot. 1 minutes Dec 29 from 0838 to 0839 and 12 minutes Dec 30 from 0438 to 0430. Cause is low temp in VRU Stage 2 that causes freezing and back pressure in stage 1. Time Wind








26 26 94 94 149968

321123 321127 321163 321182 321196

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL

30-Dec-2008 30-Dec-2008 31-Dec-2008 31-Dec-2008 31-Dec-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 151469 94

321198 321288 321324 321338 321340 321354 321358 321370 321372 321393 321397 321407 321465

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor

31-Dec-2008 31-Dec-2008 2-Jan-2009 3-Jan-2009 3-Jan-2009 3-Jan-2009 3-Jan-2009 4-Jan-2009 4-Jan-2009 4-Jan-2009 4-Jan-2009 5-Jan-2009 5-Jan-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

94 94

321486 321488

Suncor Suncor

5-Jan-2009 5-Jan-2009

Industry Industry

Notification Notification

94 94 94 94 94

321533 321658 321711 321714 321720

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

5-Jan-2009 7-Jan-2009 7-Jan-2009 7-Jan-2009 7-Jan-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Dir/Speed 04:3008:39 Call Reason Air No Impact Spill of caustic soda (50%. 201. site glass on storage tank broke. Inside a building. Spilled on concrete went into drainage system of building. From drainage, it goes into an API separator (Containment pond. API is a pond for used oil etc. and products into his pond eventually go to a recycling system (caller thinks this is what happens. will include details of API in letter. Caller confirms that there is no chance of the product making it into a water body or soil. Call Reason No Impact Air Tank venting - tank 57. Hydrocarbon vapour. Ongoing. Cause - reduction in untreated gas well production and inaccurate level indication on tank. Air Tank venting - tank ~17 and 18. On going. Hydrocarbon vapour. reduction in untreated gas well production. Have cut pipeline flow to try and get back up. Air SWAG flaring -started Dec 3017:10-18:48 for plant 68. Cause -Sour water sump overfilled into knockout drum, tripped pressure control valves. Sour gas being flared. Call Reason Air Air Unscheduled venting -plant 4. Vac blower went down which caused vent gas to escape (some H2S. Back on line now. Land Diesel fuel spill; operator filling fuel truck (loading and left unattended. Spilled 300-400 Litres of diesel. Spilled into mine pit -fell on oil sands. has been cleaned up and stored for reuse. No waterways affected. Call Reason Land No Impact Notification: have emergency repair work to Plant 52 Vortex Meters (on a 600 psi steam system. Have cracks in meters and must take plant down to repair. Will likely take four days. Air Venting from Plant 4. Excessive nitrogen pressurization. Small amt of H2s. Call Type Call Reason Release Air Air Flaring from plant 55-gas oil hydrotreater. They have exceeded 20 ton s/flaring event limit. Intermittent since Dec 28/08. Look like PSV has been passing intermittently. Not sure why -could be cold weather. Air venting form 20D2 tank Air Plant i4 venting Air Plant 4 venting from 1038-1043 hrs. Constituents of the tank include vent gas with small component of H2S. There was a problem with the VRU vacuum in Upgrader, which caused the venting. Air VRU Stage 1 down from 10:34-10:40 today. cause under investigation. Could be due to vacuum blower being offline. Land Sewage spill near north side of oil & gas unit. Air Tank D-13 venting sour hydrocarbon & naphtha vapours Air Loss of flow meter. Troubleshooting right now. Could be due to cold weather. Back up meter being used right now. Air Venting of skim tank 91D-2500. Venting H2S 43600 ppm to atmosphere. Venting time was 3 mins. over an plant 91 skim tank 2500 solution gas 21800 ppm H2S. Surface exceedance on settlement pond TSS readings due to weather. Water Air Seven minute tank venting January 3rd. Tank 20-D-2 (which contains either bitumen or diluted bitumen vented due to unknown cause (possible imbalance. Will investigate further and then send findings in the written report. Call Reason Air Air Stage 2 VRU down for 10 minutes this morning. Likely temperature related but still investigating. Stage 2 VRU removes hydrocarbons so this would have resulted in venting of hydrocarbons. Call Reason Air Air Breakthrough on stage 1 vapour recovery unit. Start time unknown but within the last 24 hours. There is venting through the VRU as a result. Starting change-out on the bed to repair which will take a week -repairs have been delayed due to cold. Venting will continue for approximately one week until repairs are complete. Discovered 1330 hrs. Call Reason Air No Impact Froth leak of 500 gallons from pipe extraction area. Spill goes to a closed sump area. Air Tank venting of hydrocarbon and sulphur compounds due to running level of the tank low. Call Reason Air Air Flaring & S02 exceeded 20 tonnes. Started Dec 18 & still ongoing intermittent. Very low S02 source. Blowers & compressors offline. Exceeded today. Air True vapour pressure exceedance for upgrader 1, coker naphtha. Due to a cooling issue. Temp of material into tank is too hot. Air Small fire. At coke crusher -in wall of unit but there were some 'hot spots' in the coke. Emergency services are still watching a couple hot spots. Not sure when fire was out. Not sure what caused fire. Call Reason Air


94 94 26 48522

321737 321804 321808 321844

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Encana

8-Jan-2009 8-Jan-2009 9-Jan-2009 9-Jan-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release


153125 94

321919 321932

Shell Canada 10-Jan-2009 Jackpine Suncor 11-Jan-2009

Industry Industry







153125 94

322050 322071

Shell Canada 12-Jan-2009 Jackpine Suncor 13-Jan-2009

Industry Industry

Release Release

94 26 26 94 26 153125

322105 322117 322133 322204 322215 322217

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

13-Jan-2009 13-Jan-2009 13-Jan-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Had five minutes of venting hydrocarbons and sulphur compounds. Reason: changing a frozen flame arrestor on roof. Call Reason Air Air Going to be some S02 exceedances & low stack temp's. No values yet. 8F10 Incinerator went down@ 1720. Operations dealing with it now. Will update. Air Venting off Tank #20D100 - natural gas blanketing and some hydrocarbon vapour. Reason: faulty pressure controller (likely cold weather caused this). Venting occurred from Jan 8 at 2330 hours to Jan 9 at 0025 hours. Air Exceeded limit for TSS -monthly mean. Treated waste water effluent. There were some operational errors at the beginning of Dec -> cause monthly Average to be over. Cause also attributed to people putting stuff down the drain that they shouldn't. Land Sewage spill from POD CC (49 man camp). Maintenance was doing repairs &amp; workers came back early &amp; used the showers and toilets. Land Reporting an additional release from Plant 86-2, tailings pond 8B line (as reported in 209730. Line split at 0445 hrs today; unsure if due to cold. More water has been released -ran to a north/south road. No impacts to the Athabasca River (has not crossed road I buffer will continue to check. Volume of process water (with spots of bitumen released unknown. Call Reason Land Air Tank venting hydrocarbon, sulphur compounds from 0034 to 0408 hours; 0541 to 0558 hours; 0645 to 0701 hours; and 0735 to 0942 hours. Vent was open. Reason: discrepancy in supply demand between extraction and upgrading. Call Reason Air Land Fuel spill ~ 200 L of diesel from fuel tank of a dozer. Due to drain valve on bottom of tank that vibrated open. Went to compacted soil. Spill tray was put down. Digging up affected soil, will be disposed of. Land There is a spill from tailings line 13. No idea of volume at this time. The constituents are sand, water and bitumen. Location -gasket failure on discharge side of the south booster pumphouse. He just found out at 0700 hrs -he is heading out to investigate. No impacts to Environmental buffer or any waterways. Call Reason Land Land Spill from tailings line 14. Unknown volume. Duration 10 minutes not under pressure. Cleaned up. No waterways affected. Cause unknown. Call Reason Land Surface Monthly CBOD and TSS were high for December 2008. Cause - under investigation. Are shipping waste to Water plant for processing. No waterways affected. No Impact Lost view to cameras on all flares. Power outage. Air Air Land Flaring of S02 greater than 20 tonnes. From Plant 57, 57C-27. Reason: blower trip. Acid gas flaring. Sulphur plant tripped. Started 0202-0306 hrs. Rear engine failure on 797 (haul truck). 200 L of oil, 30 L coolant went to compacted soil. Truck has not moved yet, will remove impacted area once truck is out of way. No waterways, no adverse effects. Product is contained. on Dec 9, 2008 BOD on clean water discharge was exceeded. 2 settling ponds are over exceedance for TSS -possible error due to chipping ice for sample. Sewage spill 50 L. No waterways impacted. Spilled to compacted road. From a portable septic tank, security shack lost power, crack in tank. Unsure about clean up. Tank venting 0105-0114; 0151-0157. Vented Nitrogen, hydrocarbon vapours & sour hydrocarbon. Due to excessive run down to tank. Complaints of heavy black smoke from public out of source's stack unit. Open A3 Divertor, CO gas release into the atmosphere due to power failure; also doing some flaring as well. Venting from Plant 4-hydrocarbon. Cause -power surge. Duration 5 min. Call Reason Air Flaring - hydrocarbon vapor. Cause - electrical outage. Flaring is ongoing. He believes a monitoring van needs to attend site. Tonnes of black smoke is coming from one of the smaller stacks. He just drove by Source site. The stack usually emits steam, so this is unusual; it is tar black. Exceedance at Station 12 for TRS -24 hour average. Due to warm weather, produced water spill from boiler; it stay on site, did not get off lease; most was recovered. Call Reason Land

Suncor 13-Jan-2009 Syncrude 14-Jan-2009 Shell Canada 14-Jan-2009 Jackpine Syncrude 14-Jan-2009

26 151469 153125 26 26 26 94 26 26 94 1604

322241 322273 322327 322343 322364 322366 322394 322398 322403 322411 322433

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Fort Hills 15-Jan-2009 Energy Shell Canada 15-Jan-2009 Jackpine Syncrude 16-Jan-2009 Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude 16-Jan-2009 16-Jan-2009 16-Jan-2009 16-Jan-2009 16-Jan-2009

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Notification Release Release Notification Release

Surface Water Surface Water Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

Suncor 17-Jan-2009 Japan Canada 17-Jan-2009 OS


26 94

322449 322461

Syncrude Suncor

18-Jan-2009 19-Jan-2009

Public Complaint Industry

Release Notification


94 94 94 48408 94 94 153125

322463 322502 322512 322647 322650 322703 322707

Suncor Suncor Suncor

19-Jan-2009 19-Jan-2009 19-Jan-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Release

Petro Canada 20-Jan-2009 Suncor 20-Jan-2009

Suncor 18-Jan-2009 Shell Canada 21-Jan-2009 Jackpine Suncor Syncrude 22-Jan-2009 20-Mar-2009

94 26

322758 322797

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

94 94

322805 322833

Suncor Suncor

22-Jan-2009 23-Jan-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

94 94

322837 322849

Suncor Suncor

23-Jan-2009 23-Jan-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

For 5-6 hours, there has been black smoke emitting from the new large stack. After being outside, he discovered black soot in his mouth/throat and nose. Air Venting from tank 20Dl. 21:02-21:57 Jan 18. Hydrocarbons vented due to unknown cause. 00200113 210045 18-JAN-2009 21:20 Industry Release Comments: Venting from Plant 4. Still under investigation255may be ongoing. Typically intermittent. Time Wind Dir/Speed 21:07 Call Reason Air Air Stage 2 was down on VRU. Remains down. Still investigating. Call Reason Air Air Venting from the outlets of VRU fl. Been intermittent over 24 hrs. but total time is 25 mins. Hydrocarbon vapours venting. Call Reason Air. Potable Line leak -potable water. Cause -unknown. Line has been blocked in. Leak stopped. Notices not to drink are Water posted. Will notify health authority. Will repair. Land Spill of diesel fuel from a fuel tank feeding a generator. The cause maybe siphoning from a bulk tank to secondary containment (fuel tank and over flowed. Clean up in progress Call Reason Land Land tailings line rupture which is sand water. Spilled flowed through pipeline corridor. Guesstimate is 100,000 litres clean up in progress. No water ways affected. Call Reason Land Air Info -fire at Plant 25. Recovery unity. Under control by 0300. Out by 330. Land Sewage spill. Est. ~15,000 L. Possible cause is excess H2O from a bldg. Wash down that caused lift station to overflow. Discovered on 12-Jan. Samples taken &amp; received today confirming sewage. Contained &amp; frozen on ground on site. Cleaning up ice in ditch &amp; bringing to containment pond. Air Venting of Stage 1 of VRU -hydrocarbon vapour venting. Call Reason Air No Impact Source is re routing excess tail gas from sulfuring unit to boilers - not going to atmosphere. Ongoing since Feb 20, 2009. No values for volumes diverted. Late report due to confusion with the wording in the approval. 00210731 211751 15-MAR-2009 02:40 Industry Notification Air Comments: CO (4) boiler tripped and diverted notification. 00210722 211598 14-MAR-2009 16:03 Comments: Upset in fuel boiler. Were shutting down # H-3 coker. Burner level excursion caused low oxygen in boilers 3 and 4. Had to partially divert H-3 coker boilers to atmosphere. Not quite done yet (1/2 hour yet). [more comments pasted in from page 700]: 00210639 211188 12-MAR-2009 19:03 Comments: Ambient air exceedances. Picked up b/t incident location with mobile van by source. Coming from plant 25-1 which has had issues the past few days with boilers. 00210487 210735 11-MAR-2009 16:29 Industry Release Air Comments: New leak on CO3 boiler. Flu gas. Just informed 5 min's ago. Believe happened a couple of hours ago. unknown rate. Plant not evacuated. Have internal people on scene now assessing. 00201020 209866 22-JAN-2009 16:24 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: All gas supposed to go to CO boiler. There is a split in ducting expansion joint. Gases going to atmosphere. Gas is SO2. Cannot estimate volumes at this point. First noticed split yesterday but when checked it today, it had grown. Working on repairs as we speak. Unsure of what caused the split. Surface Missed toxicity test on outfall i7 for month of December Water Air Flaring event -From Dec 1-31. Cause -> high flash point. Low pressure sour gas. Flaring was intermittent from the month. Exceedance. Call Id 191149 sheet 208203 02-DEC-2008 09:47 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: Exceeded S0220 tonnes. Happened over several days. Still flaring very low source. unknown Why. Air Flaring event -52C311 (vessel. intermittent flaring between Dec1-31. Coker gas. Due to drum steam quench. Air Flaring low pressure sour gas in excess of 20 tonnes. Occurring since Dec 19, 2008 intermittently and discovered Jan 23, 2009. Reason: due to depressurization (drum depressure and loss of fin fan. JC; Flared LPSG from December 19-December 31, 2008 totaling 41.93 Te. Average release rate was 3.2 Te/day. Call Reason Air. Caller reporting flaring -ongoing. Alleged Contravention Unit -57C27. Blower was down. Low pressure sour gas. Discovered a sump that appears to have received process liquids and isn't part of the sewer system. Sump was not designed for process liquid, there was an unknown volume released to ground. No waterways affected. Process liquids were produced water. All on site. Action will be taken to prevent further release. Call Reason Land S02 Exceedance. TOU Problems. Details in letter. Contravention of chlorine readings; 5 trailers were tested; one does not meet chlorine residue requirement. Boil

94 1604

322855 322863



Industry Industry

Japan Canada 23-Jan-2009 OS

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

94 94

322885 322894

Suncor Suncor

23-Jan-2009 23-Jan-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Potable


26 94 94 26 26 94 26 94 48408

322918 322928 322940 322948 322983 323075 323077 323103 323141

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Petro Canada

24-Jan-2009 24-Jan-2009 25-Jan-2009 26-Jan-2009 26-Jan-2009 27-Jan-2009 27-Jan-2009 27-Jan-2009 27-Jan-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Release Release

Water Land Air Air

water advisory for all trailers. Spill of diesel. 1000 liters. Lump of tar sand came off a pile and struck shovel's fuel tank and punctured tank. Location is in tar sands. Leak is stopped. Will clean up ground and reprocess at site. S02 hourly exceedance due to sulphur recovery unit problem.

48522 26 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94

323147 323199 323228 323245 323284 323492 323524 323535 323552 323617

Encana Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

27-Jan-2009 28-Jan-2009 28-Jan-2009 29-Jan-2009 29-Jan-2009 31-Jan-2009 1-Feb-2009 1-Feb-2009 2-Feb-2009 3-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

VRU down time.unit down from 0840 to 0900 and again from 0910 to 0935. Cold weather -frost was developing around the unit. Air Tank #2 venting hydrocarbon gas due to cold weather; it was reset now. Air Tank venting. Release valve opened prematurely. Nitrogen & hydrocarbon vapours. Air tank20D3 venting of hydrocarbon vapour; cause unknown still. Call Type Call Reason Release Air Air Tank #33 venting N2 and sour hydrocarbon due to excessive rundown temperature. Air Venting from 20D71 and from VRU, stage 1. Reason unknown, possibly a process bump. Call Reason Air Land Spill of-3m3 of ethylene glycol (50%mixture due to a leaking flange. Process equipment. Leak stopped -flange tightened. Vac trucks cleaned up fluid, soil removed. No drains or waterways affected. All on site. Call Reason Land Air CEMS Code -failure to complete second set of rate measurement components for temperature, differential pressure and static pressure. No Impact Spill of sulphuric acid due to piping on re-circ ump on storage tank leaking. Spill is in WTP building 116 contained. Will be neutralizing and cleaning up. Surface Mist of Catacarb (scrubs C02 out of atmosphere. Plant upset, pressure reversal blew material out of stack. Over Water 10 kg went out (above reporting threshold. Very fine mist dissipated. Call Reason Surface Water Air SO2 t/hr on main stack No Impact Missed an ammonia sample on 57C-2 (which is part of a drum for the diluent recovery unit. Required one sample per month. It was missed for December 2008. Investigating how it was caused. Air Venting from stage II VRU. Cause unknown. Venting hydrocarbon vapours -not sour. Call Reason Air Air Venting -from stage 2 on VRU. Reason: under investigation. Call Reason Air Air Venting from Plant I 4 of hydrocarbon. Air VRU stage 12 down time -cause under investigation Surface Water Notification -have closed Pond E outfall. Had high inlet sample to pond of oil and grease. Outlet to Athabasca River. Have done two more sets of samples on inlet and outlet while pond blocked in. Outlet result was one high (42 ppm and one low (.2 ppm. Inlet result was one high (8.9 ppm and one low (.6 ppm. No sheen on samples or pond. Closed loop pond. Could be a sample problem -still investigating. High H2S to effluent pond from Plant 16-4 stripped water. Approval limit exceedance. Stack temp on incinerator below limit. Contravention of TSS and BDD for waste treatment plant; cause unknown. Had a clean water discharge exceedance. TSS exceedance. Looking into cause. Sample before and after were ok. Not sure of sample time. R22 release from bldg 689, unit 74-1RV1. Leak on h- vac system. Will be repaired and recharged. Will figure out how much and include in written report. Opacity exceedances on Stack 31. Need to look at electrostatic precip. Chronic lethality test failure. Cause -unknown. This is a quarterly test that was taken Jan 14, 2009. Cerio daphnia dubia. One of the four tests failed. Just got results today. Closed pond as soon as results received, flow eventually to Athabasca River. Pond will remain closed until resample passes or as EPEA advises. Exceedance of TSS Spill of gear oil. 400 litres release but only 75 litres went to ground. Contained in boom and absorbed. Hydro vac on site. Have to clean up equipment before vac truck can complete.

26 26 26 26 26 94 151469

323642 323646 323669 323673 323698 323753 323757

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Fort Hills Energy

3-Feb-2009 3-Feb-2009 3-Feb-2009 3-Feb-2009 4-Feb-2009 4-Feb-2009 4-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Air Potable Water Surface Water Air Air Surface Water Air Land

153125 153125

323787 323918

Shell Canada 5-Feb-2009 Jackpine Shell Canada 5-Feb-2009 Jackpine

Industry Industry


94 94 26 94 94 94 94 48522

323929 323949 323998 324002 324035 324041 324047 324204

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Encana

5-Feb-2009 6-Feb-2009 7-Feb-2009 7-Feb-2009 8-Feb-2009 8-Feb-2009 8-Feb-2009 9-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Land

VRU stage 2 was down for 38 mins. Flaring event resulting in more than 20 tonnes of S02 emissions. Reason: under investigation; could have been pump malfunction on Vessel #57C27. Tank venting @ 0130 hrs. For ~ 1 hr. From diluent bitumen tank. Due to faulty pressure safety valve. Isolated. Essentially light hydrocarbon vapour. Failure on pipeline coupling. > 2m3 mature fine tailings. No possibility of waterbody being impacted. Contained on site. Vac trucks on site. Shut down until coupling fixed. Call Reason Land Exceeded S02 continuous emissions monitoring system. Under investigation. Vapour Recovery Unit Stage 2-down from 0730 to 0745 hours on Feb 7. Reason: under investigation-will be included in 7 day report. Stage 2 VRU was down from 11:40-11:55. Due to high outlet temperature. Call Reason Air Contravention of approval. Section 4.5.7-TSS for surface discharge of treated effluent. Exceeded monthly average of 25 mg/L for month of January. Jan 9th event involved high grease into the system from kitchen. It discharges to land offsite -have temporary field operation license from SRD. Low temperature on flare stack. Reported for Jan 29, 2009. No time. Believe below 12 Megajoules/hr as req'd by approval. Actual value not known. Think valve on Plant 68 flow is oversized. Fuel tank for boiler punctured by a truck backing up; spill diesel on lease; none in water course; all cleanup within an hour. Approval contravention just discovered. Flaring event over 20 tons. Started Jan 23 and 24. Just Contravention. VRU stage 2 has been going up and down intermittently. Will be taken down shortly for repairs -he has no idea how long it will take. Full time breakdown and details in written report. Glycol spill from a heat exchanger; contained in parking lot; none in drain; cleanup in progress Call Reason Land VRU stage down. Still down for repairs. Weekly sample from sewage treatment plants (2) for TSS and BOD got delayed in shipping and are no good now. Are grab samples. Will now have a weekly grab sample for Feb 9 to 13 for Mildred Lake plant but will not have any sample from Aurora plant. Effluent from Aurora plant is being brought to Mildred Lake plant for treatment anyway. Spill of 10-12 barrels of sulphur. Moving product form sulphur pit to emergency pad. Valve misaligned and product went to ground in adjacent ditch by plant iS. Cleanup in progress. Bobcat on site. Call Reason Land CO3 boiler tripped & lost recirc pumps. Diverting CO gas & trying to divert to another boiler.

94 94 94 94 48408 94 26

324212 324243 324314 324319 324343 324359 324396

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

9-Feb-2009 10-Feb-2009 11-Feb-2009 11-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Land Air Air Land Air Surface Water

Petro Canada 11-Feb-2009 Suncor Syncrude 12-Feb-2009 12-Feb-2009

94 26 94 94 26 26 94

324401 324493 324501 324503 324519 324523 324525

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

13-Feb-2009 14-Feb-2009 14-Feb-2009 15-Feb-2009 15-Feb-2009 15-Feb-2009 15-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Land Air Air






26 26

324552 324568

Syncrude Syncrude

16-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009

Public Complaint Public

Impact Impact

Venting from Plant 4 (4PC794 & 4PC793 emission points. Due to an increase in pressure -under investigation. Operations cut back 1000 barrels to reduce pressure. Call Reason Air. Air boiler had to be transferred from FGD unit (Flu gas desulfurization. Resulted in local elevated S02 levels. No values, nothing appeared on WBEA air monitoring station. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting @ 1300-1317, 1327 - ..... 4 tanks venting intermittently. A steam eductor was plugged. Ended @ ~1600. Air Strong odour in the entire community. First noticed ~ 30 min's ago. There was a black plume from the second source ~ 1430-1500 hrs. Potable Possible problem with East-Bank Water Treatment (potable water. Supplies approx. 1000 people during day. Water Not sure yet -heading out to investigate. Will call with update. If there is issue, will call Northern Lights Health Region and post appropriate signs. Call Reason Potable Water No Impact From the WWTP the dissolved oxygen probe is not functioning properly. appears as if the diaphragm is torn. manual sampling now. techs working on problem. Results from probe say results are below limit. very sure problem is with probe. All reports say everything is functioning fine so probe is suspect. Details in letter. Call Reason No Impact Air Hydrocarbon odour, very thick, sulfur smell. Just noticed. Coming from one of the plants in area. Air Odour complaint. Heavy sulphur smell. Haze outside. Hydrocarbon mostly, but also sulphury.


26 26 26 94 94 26 26

324590 324596 324601 324617 324622 324624 324633

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009

Complaint Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Impact Release Release Notification Impact Impact

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Tank Venting from #D7. Maximized Vapour Recovery Unit. Pollution - haze in the air, smells like oil. It's hard to breathe. Noticed on weekend, today is worse. Caller is getting a sore throat from it. Dark haze over community. Source has started up a coker on Friday. Pollution has been continuous since Friday. Caller having problems breathing. Venting incident, 20-D-3 tank. Hydrocarbon Vapour. Cause is still under investigation. Time ended also unknown. Call Reason Air Refrigerant release. Bldg 111000. Unit l!RV-8. HVac system. R22-Greater than 10 kg. Unknown leak. Discovered today at 1115. Bad odours from plants. North of town. Odour complaint; member of the public called caller regarding an odour and fog-like haze. Smell is extremely strong. Fog is normal fog - no colour. Occurred on Feb 15 also. Community members are having breathing concerns. Caller did not notice fog at 0900 hours this morning. There is no information on odour hotline. Smells like smoke outside - can see it as well. 'smoke' is settling to the ground. Has never seen this type of thing before. Just noticed it ~5min ago when he left building. Looks like a white haze. HIGH TRS exceedance at station#13. St 2 H2S exceedance. St 1 TRS exceedance. station#12 TRS exceedance. Spill of diethylamine because of valve failure on pipeline. Is contained within lease -went into closed loop which ends up in storm water pond which goes to tailings pond. If they don't get permission from ERCB to go into the tailings pond, they will use a vacuum truck to suck it out. No other water bodies involved. Time Wind Dir/Speed 15:00 Call Reason Land High oil and grease readings in outfall ponds that leads to Athabasca River; sample not at the usual place.

26 26 26 26 26 149968

324637 324687 324689 324691 324693 324765

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude CNRL

17-Feb-2009 17-Feb-2009 18-Feb-2009 18-Feb-2009 18-Feb-2009 18-Feb-2009

Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Land

94 94 26 153125 94

324859 324900 324911 324917 324919

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

19-Feb-2009 20-Feb-2009 20-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 20-Feb-2009 Jackpine Suncor 20-Feb-2009

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Surface Water Air Air

26 26 94 26 26

324925 324927 324931 324943 324949

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

21-Feb-2009 21-Feb-2009 21-Feb-2009 22-Feb-2009 22-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention

Venting due to vacuum issues. Light end hydrocarbons. Call Type Release Call Reason Air. Opacity exceedance on the main stack. Reason - preparing for CO boiler #2 outage. Corrective action taken and just had one hourly violation so far. No Impact Spill - sewage leak on 2 tanks. Noticed during inspection. Inlets have small leaks, ice is forming. Approx. 2 L in each case. Contained - frozen. No vegetation affected. Supervisors notified, investigating. No Impact Notification. Release of PCB containing oil -it just went to tailings pond. Occurred approx 1 hour ago. Caused by a contractor error. It was supposed to go offsite and contractor took it into pond. The oil will not be removed from the pond; the amount of PCB would be negligible compared to the size of the pond. No Impact CO boiler #2 has a tube leak. So unit down for repair & bypassing Air Opacity exceedance on main stack No Impact Stage 2 VRU was down for 15 mins. Air Low pressure stacks are flaring. Air Opacity on the main stack for one hour. Trying to bring up the boiler (they were diverting this morning). Expects the situation will be corrected shortly. Continuing problem from 210474. 00207557 210474 22-FEB2009 11:00 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: Opacity exceedance, on unit 81. Part of compressor trip this morning. Potable At the potable water treatment plant; the particle counter was disconnect by mistake; missing 2 hourly particle Water counts reports. No Impact Five groundwater wells were drilled in January -just discovered the caps were no secured. This would have been a problem since they were drilled. New wells -not in use and in an isolated area. This is a contravention of their operating approval. She believes they are in place for groundwater monitoring purposes. Land Spill of diluents bitumen >2m3. There was a leak on an exchanger during start up of coker. Product leaked onto ground. Product is contained and there are no waterways. Trying to shut it down as we speak, exchanger still leaking. Vac truck on site -no other info on clean up. Call Reason Land Air Power generation facility on site will be bypassing 12 boiler from JBR to assess a tear in an expansion joint.

149968 94

324981 324993

CNRL Suncor

23-Feb-2009 23-Feb-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release













94 26 94

325212 325250 325252

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

24-Feb-2009 25-Feb-2009 26-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release

Land Air Land

94 26 26

325260 325293 325309

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

26-Feb-2009 26-Feb-2009 27-Feb-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Air Air

26 94 94 94 94

325376 325379 325482 325649 325657

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

1-Mar-2009 1-Mar-2009 2-Mar-2009 13-Nov-2008 3-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air








94 94 94 149968

325684 325702 325726 325765

Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL

3-Mar-2009 3-Mar-2009 3-Mar-2009 4-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air

Will begin now for an unknown duration. Will increase S02 emissions. Call Reason Air Pond effluent water release ; stay within leased site; none in water course; most frozen up now; case is leaking from a faulty valve; will have company come out to repair in the morning. Call Reason Land Tank venting ~ 1430-1657 hrs. Intermittent. Ended up draining liquid from the eductor line & stopped. Mature fine tailings release. Reason: believe it was from a transfer line but under investigation. Travelled along line and went onto a road. Not near a buffer zone or watercourse. Contained on site on a road between two berm. Will get a vacuum truck ASAP to clean up. Call Reason Land Lost natural gas to pilot light for 3 flare stacks. So no flame on pilot, but on all 3 stacks. Increased lift gas to all flares. unknown why yet. Suspect a frozen regulator. Exceedances of H2S. Found as a result of baseline and drift correction from month end. Exceedance on Station #12 for SO2 JC; Five SO2 exceedances at station 12 measuring 468, 397, 264, 509, 461, ppb. Wind speed 4 km/h from 255 degrees. Approval limit is 172. Syncrude was responsible for the exceedances due to a sporadic instrument output during a malfunction. The analyzer was repaired. Venting from tank. Not sour. Tank number D-2. Hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. Plant 4 venting. Issue with upgrading vacuum. Some H2S content. Intermittent. Ongoing -until they get blower going. Call Reason Air Blower 8 on VRU (Vapour Recovery Unit#1 was off line yesterday from 1231 to 1239. Result -venting hydrocarbon vapour. Call Reason Air Late GLC report for station ts. 24-hour H2S exceedance. Missed because the baseline for that day was quite low -discovered when baseline correction pushed it over the limit. Occurred on November 13, 2008. Fire incident. One of the lines that exports sulphur came apart and then started on fire. Put it out but still working on putting out spots. No evacuations or ERP activation. Not a large fire but the emergency department helped to put it out. No injuries. Event is essentially over. Call Reason Air Caller reporting venting from extraction plant i4. 00209101 211276 Venting hydrocarbons /no sour component. vacuum issues in upgrading -> cause venting. Total duration -5 min. Vented at 0800hrs and then again at 0815hrs. 03-MAR-200912:23 Industry Notification Comments: Extraction Plant #4 is venting hydrocarbons. Plant vented for 5 mins. Time will be in 7 day letter. Call Reason Air s02 hourly exceedance. VRU stage II downtime -Having issues with the unit. Back online right now. Had VRU Stage 1 downtime for 9 minutes. Cause is unknown; could be a cooling problem. Cause will be in 7 day report. Ambient air exceedance. LM CNRL -submitted report 2 weeks late -claimed responsibility due to a vent gas regulator on a storage tank in the Horizon East Tank Farm malfunctioning -resulted in release of sour gas for less than one hour -regulator was isolated and repaired, chance of failure is low -reviewed incident with operators Suncor: -based on station location and wind direction not a result of their activities Syncrude: -based on internal investigation and ambient conditions, they would not be a likely source Williams Energy: -no issues, no action taken CNRL claimed full responsibility, have repaired the issue. Report was submitted late and they were notified about this by LM. Hourly exceedance - SO2. Upset in sulfur unit - decreased feed rates on hydrotreaters to compensate. Gasket failure on tailings line. Tailings sprayed on pipeline corridor road. No waterways. Contained in the mine. Not going anywhere. <5000 gallons. Call Reason Land 300 L of Naphtha spilled. Valve accidently left open on a tank @ bitumen uploading station Contained in a ditch on the site. No waterways. Absorbing now & will vacuum. Sewage release under a trailer; will lift trailer up to investigate and cleanup tomorrow; cause due to sewage tank content freeze; material frozen immediately after spill; none in water course. S02 hourly exceedance from COU1 (8-F-5stack. Due to issue with amine unit -ongoing -but no further exceedances. Unit is not yet stable -working on it. Downtime on VRU stage 2-down from 1311 to 1318 hours -lasted 7 minutes. Notification to AENV due to odour potential. The cause is unknown -further investigation is required. Call Reason Air Stack top. Plant i4 venting. Vacuum unit problems. Problem has been fixed. Call Type Call Reason Release Air Stage 1 vapor recovery unit vented for 4 min. Venting hydrocarbon gas; cause unknown.

26 94 26 153125 94 94 94 94

325774 325831 325833 326141 326145 326167 326179 326214

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

4-Mar-2009 5-Mar-2009 5-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

Air Land Land Land Air Air Air Air

Shell Canada 6-Mar-2009 Jackpine Suncor 6-Mar-2009 Suncor Suncor Suncor 7-Mar-2009 8-Mar-2009 9-Mar-2009


94 94 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26

326236 326295 326303 326359 326437 326453 326474 326476 326544 326563 326609 326763

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

9-Mar-2009 10-Mar-2009 10-Mar-2009 10-Mar-2009 11-Mar-2009 11-Mar-2009 12-Mar-2009 12-Mar-2009 13-Mar-2009 13-Mar-2009 15-Mar-2009 16-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification


94 26 94 94

326771 326773 326795 326797

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

16-Mar-2009 17-Mar-2009 17-Mar-2009 17-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Pond water in heat transfer pipe; valve leaked; water form icicle dripped to the ground; contained since it was frozen; hydrocarbon content is 1.4 mg/L in the water; hope to clean it up. Call Reason Land Air Venting -sour. Compressor tripped on skim tank Air Venting from Stage 2 of VRU -unknown cause still investigation -Volumes unknown. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting. Compressor is down & still down. So still venting on & off. Working on the compressor. Hydrocarbons in tank. Air 61C16 vessel vented twice for more than 10 mins. Vented hydrocarbons. Surface H2S exceedance to effluent pond on sour water. Lasted less than 2 hrs. Were treating sour water, lost steam Water which increased H2S. Air 2 boilers out of the JBR (Jet bubbling reactor. So venting to atmosphere through old stack wo scrubbers. Increased S02. So far about 46 tonnes. Started @ -0130 hrs & still ongoing. Call Reason Air Air Venting from stage 2 on VRU March 11. Unk cause. Hydrocarbon vapour. Don't believe its sour. No Impact Lost view on W low and high pressure flare cameras due to broken cable. This is an approval contravention. Called camera repair crew. Have one camera in the meantime and additional field monitoring. Land Sent clear liquids to Tank 2D71. Reason: done on purpose to prevent a line from freezing; materials go to bottom of tank and it is drawn out to NRU and then goes to VRU -no impact to the environment. Air Tank venting hydrocarbon vapour due to pressure too high; pressure safety valve lifted. Air Tank venting. Hydrocarbon vapors and sweet natural gas being vented from D-8 (bitumen tank). 14:45 ongoing. Cause - compressor down for maintenance - system can't keep up. Will put compressor back online until issue can be resolved. Air Passing pressure safety valve, may lead to S02 flaring greater than 20 tons; cause is due to pilot light faulty. Air Air Potable Water Air Tank venting hydrocarbon gas and sour steam; cause by temperature too high. Still on going. High hourly NOx exceedance off of GTG6 (gas turbine generator. Not sure what caused the exceedance. Found while auditing the reports. High turbidity in potable water distribution system (grab sample. Chlorine was fine at that time. Unsure of cause. Sample taken on night shift that day and NTU values were OK (0.086NTU. Exceedance found while auditing the reports. Breakthrough in catalyst bed on VRU -one bed is offline, second bed isn't scrubbing all H2S -9000 ppm going into VRU -1200 ppm residual is breaking through. Unknown when it started today -will stop breaking through in hrs. No evacuations. Unlikely that offsite odor complaints will occur, may result in ambient air GLC exceedances. Call Reason Air Tank 56 venting sour steam & hydrocarbon vapours. Thermal Oxidizing Unit Stack fl S02 exceedance.






26 94 94 26 149968

326895 326897 327054 327090 327126

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL

18-Mar-2009 18-Mar-2009 20-Mar-2009 20-Mar-2009 20-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air






Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

94 26 26 26

327185 327313 327383 327413

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-Mar-2009 23-Mar-2009 24-Mar-2009 24-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Opacity exceedance greater than 40% for 6 min average in the EPA Act, not in the approval; cause is still under investigation. No Impact High TSS & CBOD @ sewage treatment plant for the month of Feb. Still investing cause, but continue to transport effluent to another sewage treatment plant. All parameters in compliance there. Land Spill of hypochlorite solution from a truck during offloading (overfilled storage tank. Carrier unknown. Contained on site in a bermed area. Did not go to any sewers or waterways. They are cleaning up now. No injuries. Call Reason Land Potable Potable water line out for repairs and previous shift connected a fire hose to supply potable water to a building. Water The line was not treated for potable water service and no "do not drink water" tags were hung in building and permission was not obtained from AENV. Line was shut down and signs posted. Air Vapour recovery unit venting hydrocarbon due to plant outage. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting (tank 8) - on and off since 1330hrs. Hydrocarbons. Not sure of cause. Increased compressor rate to pull gas away. Air tank venting. D-2 - venting hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. Faulty valve - pressure control. Valve is isolated. No longer causing problems. Potable Techs working on turbidity analyzer & left. Analyzer went off & operators could find tech. Searched for tech to Water fix analyzer again. For 33 mins there was no reading nor bench tests & operators dumped potable water to sewer. (potable water plant).


26 26 94

327426 327449 327463

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

25-Mar-2009 25-Mar-2009 25-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release

Air Air Land

26 26 94

327491 327494 327525

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

26-Mar-2009 26-Mar-2009 25-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Pro-Active Notification

Air Air No Impact

94 94 94

327536 327550 327599

Suncor Suncor Suncor

27-Mar-2009 27-Mar-2009 27-Mar-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

No Impact Air Potable Water No Impact













Surface Water

26 94

327651 327665

Syncrude Suncor

29-Mar-2009 29-Mar-2009

Industry Industry

Release Release

Air No Impact

26 94

327728 327791

Syncrude Suncor

30-Mar-2009 30-Mar-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

Tank venting. tank D-2. hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. PVSC #46 (safety valve)(pressure relief) not working properly. Still having trouble - off line now. Tank venting of hydrocarbon vapor and N2, due to equipment need to be optimized. Spill of slush water (water & sand & trace hydrocarbon. Gasket on pipeline (line 12failed -pipeline within a facility. 100% of product spilled onto mine road. Road runs through a pipeline corridor and is completely bermed on both sides. No waterways impacted or in area. All of the material was absorbed into soil. Pipeline had been flushed with water for an hour before leak so hydrocarbon content is very low (<0.5%. ERCB was notified. Caller unsure of what the pipeline was carrying before the spill. Call Reason Land. Tank 7 & 8 are venting - hydrocarbon vapours & natural gas. Still venting at this time. Cause compressor tripped. Tank 13 & 14 are venting - sour hydrocarbon vapours & natural gas. Still venting at this time. Cause compressor tripped. Caller updating letter that was sent in outlining upcoming maintenance (no refi. Will start repairs March 25/09 @ 0400hrs. Repairs should take -48hrs. Working on 21VK2 compressor. Adverse effects -> will be venting light end hydrocarbons (stage II VRU will be down. H2S will be fully scrubbed in Stage I VRU. Will notify when system is back up. VRU stage 12 was down from 0111-0224 hours due to low level in water reservoir which caused it to trip. This is an approval contravention. S02 exceedance. Reason: under investigation. Problem due to K402 (compressor rip. Process load is being taken by K401 so they are no longer in exceedance. Boil water advisory in East Bank Distribution system. Power interruption at water treatment plant. Health region notified. 1500-2500 people in total. Power has been restored, but loss of pressure can cause crosscontamination. Another week until lab results in. Call Reason Potable Water Going to be taking down Naphtha Recovery Unit tower the piece is 16C-111. Going down for exchange or repairs tomorrow night (29for 48 hours. No adverse effects b/c auxiliary unit (16C-1will be up. Call Reason No Impact Had a power outage yesterday & a pump did not restart to maintain water level above firefighting req'd in the pond. Discovered today @ 1430 hrs. Have restarted the pump & it is refilling the pond. Would like to take treated potable H20 & deposit it into the raw H20 pond in order to get level back up. Call Reason Surface Water Tank venting (bitumen), hydrocarbon, nitrogen vapours. Reason is under investigation. Possibly pressure relief device. Will call with update. Spill of 3000-3500 L of diesel fuel. Tanker hit a lg. rock that tore off some transfer lines. Not TDG -on site. Contained on frozen bare ground in the mine. No waterways or environmental buffers impacted. Cleanup crew called. Occurred b/t 1700-1900 hrs. No injuries. Call Reason No Impact Late ground level exceedance concentration for TRS. Raw value was 10.4, after correction went up to 11. Discharge of unknown quantity of surface H20 runoff that may contain tailings from a containment berm into environmental buffer. Strongly believe it did not enter river, but going out to check. Someone put a 2 ft. wide gap in containment berm -investigating cause. From the berm along the road. -600 yards from river. immediately filled. Hole in berm was Call Reason Land Refrigerant release. R22. From A/C. Being repaired. Tank venting -> intermittent. Venting hydrocarbon vapour - no H2S. PVSV passing a bit -> problem with the valve. Will replace valve. Venting of 4TC794 unit in the extraction area; moving product into empty tanks creating imbalance; will probably go on intermittently; venting light end hydrocarbon. Call Reason Air Contravention - exceeded wastewater limits for TSS and CBOD for March 2009. Not sure of cause. Waste is moved form Aurora site to Mildred Lake site where it is processed a second time. Still investigating cause. Notification of a spill at their facility. Spill of "pond effluent water" -approximately 5-10 gallons went to a sewer and SOD gallons went to containment. The sewer goes to an API separator and multiple sites before going to the river -it would take 10-12 hours to reach the river and the outfall was closed 5 minutes after the spill occurred. 500 gallons was cleaned. The spill to sewer will not exceed mass loading limits and will not be

26 26 94 26 94

327793 327855 327891 328074 328184

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

31-Mar-2009 31-Mar-2009 31-Mar-2009 2-Apr-2009 2-Apr-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Surface Water Surface Water


26 94

328216 328258

Syncrude Suncor

3-Apr-2009 3-Apr-2009

Public Complaint Industry

Impact Release

Air Surface Water Air







94 26 94 26 94

328285 328316 328326 328343 328426

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

4-Apr-2009 5-Apr-2009 6-Apr-2009 6-Apr-2009 6-Apr-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Pro-Active Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air Air

recovered. Just reported to ERCB. Constituents will be in written report. Call Reason Surface Water. Notice 10 deer dead on north side of sources plant near the dyke. Ravens feeding on carcasses. This is near a flare stack. This has been going on for a month. They noticed this due to the large gathering of crows. Release of untested surface water runoff from VU-SED-03 sedimentation pond. Overflowed through outfall into a muskeg area, into Ruth Lake channel. Might have started last night/this morning. Out there tonight to do samples. No estimate of volume. bs 15000m3-17000 m3 released Venting -light end hydrocarbons from i4PC793 & i4PC794 (pressure relief vents. Moving diluted bitumen between tanks -caused system to back up unexpectedly. Separate event from earlier venting reported today. 00214614 212115 04-APR-2009 16:49 Industry Notification Comments: Venting of light end hydrocarbons. Do not believe sour. Cause under investigation. Still trying to deal with the matter so may be other events. Call Reason Air Air Trip of wet gas compressor. May have exceeded hourly S02 emissions. Unsure. May not have engineering staff available until Monday to calculate data. Will try to have it before then. R22 release. From HVAC unit. Repairs in progress. Tank venting (tank Dl. Stage 1 VRU as well. 5Kl compressor tripped -> cause venting in both units. Hydrocarbon vapours -> not sour. Call Reason Air R22 release - cause unknown - Building 241 - unit R- 157 Caller reporting fire on site. Cause of fire unknown -> could have been caused by heater in the area. Occurred on sulfur pad, upgrader II. Source had to contact on site emergency crews to extinguish fire -fire is not out. No injuries. There was a vapour cloud visible at the time of the fire. Call Reason Air S02 exceedance over 20 tons over last i of days. More details in letter. Up to 26 tons today. Due to issue with 5Kl compressor. Still investigating. Details not available just now. Blast fired in mine -a couple pockets of fire resulted (bitumen caught fire. Dark smoke initially. Waiting for confirmation that fire is out. Emergency group not deployed. No public complaints, ERCB notified. Update: Fires were out at 15:45. Put out with sand. Initially a lot of black smoke. Call Reason Air Leak of freon over 10 kg. From a heat & vent system. Unit # 80RV5. Under repair now. Someone built a snow/ice crossing over fish weir. Weir used to prevent fish from migrating upstream to plant site. Source scraped off straw, rocks to each side of stream & removed culvert. Damage done to weir. Caller wants to speak to EPO regarding remediation measures. Call Reason Surface Water Quarter 2,3,4 of 2008; all settling ponds on site failed to have sulphate and chloride tests done due to oversight; will make correction from now on. TK: Reviewed written report. Incident letter summary: Due to an oversight during analysis, the following required parameters were not tested for during the Q2, Q3 and Q4 sampling periods: Sulphate, Chloride. Sampling did not occur in Q2 2008 for the NNLL settling pond as required by Table 4.2-B. TK Comments: No further action taken. Incident closed. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water or regulation/reporting] Missed chlorine residual sample on March 5. Just getting the monthly report now. Values ok for the other days. unknown why. Portable water well at Ship Yard Lake not working properly; not getting flow out of it; will try to repair; cause unknown; it is affecting the potable water supply ; will trucking in drinking potable water into plant till problem solved. Call Reason Potable Water Hourly exceedance on main stack (CSCM). Sour water plant got hit with oil in feed -> caused an upset. Cut rates to compensate. R22 release from A/C unit in Building 903; repair in progress.

94 94

328726 328808

Suncor Suncor

9-Apr-2009 11-Apr-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

26 149968

328810 328841

Syncrude CNRL

11-Apr-2009 12-Apr-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Surface Water Potable Water



Fort Hills Energy



Alleged Contravention

26 94

328879 328913

Syncrude Suncor

13-Apr-2009 13-Apr-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

Potable Water Potable Water Air Air Land

26 26 94

328963 329017 329019

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

14-Apr-2009 14-Apr-2009 14-Apr-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

94 149968

329022 329050

Suncor CNRL

15-Apr-2009 15-Apr-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Process affected water release; very slow leak from a faulty valve; pooled in a containment ditch by the fresh water pond; none in fresh water pond though; removed pooled water and will fix the valve in the morning; ERCB has been notified; no adverse effect to the environment. Call Reason Land Air Stage 2 of VRU went down at 0350 hours and remains down. Due to glycol issue; issue unknown; no additional information available. Working to address issue. No Impact Spill of bitumen & froth. App. 100m3. Due to an open valve. All contained in extraction sump. Not possible to




Shell Canada 15-Apr-2009 Jackpine Syncrude 15-Apr-2009


Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Land




26 94

329113 329115

Syncrude Suncor

16-Apr-2009 16-Apr-2009

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Release Notification

Air Air

94 94 151469 26 26 94 26 94

329178 329184 329186 329387 329391 329393 329400 329453

Suncor Suncor Fort Hills Energy Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

16-Apr-2009 16-Apr-2009 16-Apr-2009 17-Apr-2009 17-Apr-2009 17-Apr-2009 18-Apr-2009 19-Apr-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air








94 151469 94 94 94 94 94 26 153125 153125

329461 329596 329604 329608 329678 329782 329809 329835 329875 330021

Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

20-Apr-2009 20-Apr-2009 21-Apr-2009 21-Apr-2009 21-Apr-2009 22-Apr-2009 22-Apr-2009 23-Apr-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Surface Water Air Air Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Surface Water Potable Water Surface Water Air Air

enter environment. Valve closed & nothing to clean. Everything contained. Pond 6 - TSS exceedances. Manhole was frozen, water built up, overflowed emergency spillway - picked up silts, sand. Brought in heating unit to thaw manhole. On April 12, water was flushed from manhole causing another exceedance. Spill of Spectruc NX1100. ~900 L of UN3256. Cause - forklift was picking up tote and forks pierced the tote behind it. Not transport-related. Has been contained and cleaned up. Was inside building. No drains or waterways affected. No injuries. Venting off a C28 vessel on naphtha recovery unit. Reason: preparing vessel for shutdown and over processed. Potential S02 exceedance above 20 tonnes. Had two compressor trips that caused flaring from 0219 to 0400 hrs (compressor unknown; and from 0338 to 0400 (compressor 25K3A. Called in because data not available for some time but valves opened and caused flaring of coker gas so this could be an exceedance of approval limit. Venting from plant. Hydrocarbons. Have trouble with VRU (bypassing so directly venting to atmosphere. Intermittent. Started @ 1248 hrs. Stopped now. Call Reason Air VRU downtime. From 1646-1740 hours. unknown why. Exceedance @ settling pond. Pond was releasing -SOL/min due to spring melt. Sand bagged it -not releasing anymore. unknown how long. Shut down today @ 1200 hrs. Sampled downstream a couple of km's & 45 mg/L. Lost a flare meter - 19F36 on H2S flare. Lost it this morning & still out. Repairs being done. Refrigerant release. R22. Potentially more than 10 KG. Building 32, Unit 8RV1 (HVAC) Station 11, 1 hour exceedance Acid gas flaring - lost sulphur plant (plant 12). Flaring was from the H2S flare. Feed was directed to other two units until issue with plant 12 is resolved. Flaring lasted 10 minutes (2345-2355 hours). TRS hourly exceedance at station 12. Continuing hourly TRS exceedances at station #12. A.C. -Station 12, April 19, 2009. 14:00 to 15:00 hours, 15 ppb TRS exceedance, Limit 10.3 Wind direction 14 and wind speed is 14 km/hr. 7 day letter from Syncrude and Suncor reviewed. Based on Syncrude's internal investigation, they considered themselves as not a likely source for these TRS exceedances. Suncor indicates that the increased TRS levels originated from the Suncor site from the area of Tailings Pond 7. break up. It likely occurred as a result of ice. They had a overflow of bitumen slurry at plant 82. Estimated volume of >4 m3. None went offsite -it went into a containment area. Trying to fire up system and a plug may have caused the bitumen to overflow from the breaker. CEDA has been called to vacuum up the spill. No other issues such as injuries. Call Reason Land Hourly TRS exceedance at station 12. Settling pond discharges into Athabasca River, it is coming back into the settling pond due to break up of water. Water break up started Saturday. Possibility of high TSS. Will monitor. No plant site at this location. Continuing hourly TRS exceedances at station U2. Five minutes venting from stage 2 VRU. Not sure if sour gas or not. Reason or cause unknown. COD violation -surface water ponds collecting runoff. Daily value taken 205 mg/L, limit 200 mg/L. TSS excursion on NSE project. Cause -unknown. Surface runoff -ultimately flows to Steepbank River. Hourly Average -TRS exceedance. Station il2 Tank 20D14 is venting natural gas - now sporadic but they are working to get it to stop completely. Reason: under investigation. Not a high volume of gas venting. Tank is a naphtha tank. TSS exceedance due to new construction (C2 pond) and spring runoff from plugged culvert (Pond 2). Water from Pond 2 is released to a waterway (Muskeg River) ~2 km away. Exceedance at settlement pond #6 of residue ammonia level due to ammonia discharge from sewer pond since last winter; will monitor on daily basis; has been following guideline for aquatic lives. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason] BODS & TSS exceedances. BOD% was on April 6. TSS exceedances from April 5-18, but not all days. For sedimentation pond. Believe due to increased spring runoff. Tank venting. 1020-1130 hrs. Contains diluted bitumen. Hydrocarbons. Think either 1 of injectors not working right or feed coming down too hard. 3 mins. of flaring from 5PIC793B which is an injector. Some hydro carbon with H2S gas was flared. Call Type

Shell Canada 23-Apr-2009 Jackpine Shell Canada 26-Apr-2009 Jackpine Imperial Oil 27-Apr-2009 Syncrude Suncor 27-Apr-2009 27-Apr-2009

46586 26 94

330037 330046 330091

Industry Industry Industry


94 94 94 94 94 94 153125 94 153125 94

330104 330203 330217 330239 330287 330297 330379 330381 330421 330455

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

28-Apr-2009 29-Apr-2009 29-Apr-2009 29-Apr-2009 29-Apr-2009 30-Apr-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention

Shell Canada 30-Apr-2009 Jackpine Suncor 30-Apr-2009 Shell Canada 1-May-2009 Jackpine Suncor 3-May-2009



Shell Canada 5-May-2009 Jackpine


Alleged Contravention







94 94 94 94 94

330537 330556 330558 330559 330580

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

3-May-2009 3-May-2009 3-May-2009 3-May-2009 4-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification






Alleged Contravention







Call Reason Release Air Opacity exceedance. 11 consecutive exceedances from 0100-0206 hrs. Boiler 11 tripped. Not violation of approval anymore -just an advisory. Air H2S exceedance, Station 2. 2:00-3:00 Air Venting (tank. 28-Apr 0851-0925 hrs. unknown cause. Just reported to caller. Diluted bitumen in tank -so "probably" light end hydrocarbons venting. Call Reason Air No Impact Missed toxicity test on Pond c. Caller thinks they missed both Feb and March. Caller has no info on why the samples were missed. Will ensure that sample for Apr is taken. Surface COD (chemical oxygen demand exceedance. Just reported to caller. May be due to river background COD's Water being high. TSS -believe that natural levels this time of year. Air Venting from 4PIC793A & 793B. Light end hydrocarbons. Moving product around tanks, caused venting. Call Reason Air Surface 2 exceedances of ammonia in mg/L from pond #6 Water Air Venting from plant ejectors. From 0845-0848 hrs, Believe problem with VRU blower. Believe light end hydrocarbons that were vented. Call Reason Air Land Spill of sewage 20L. Came out of vac truck. Disconnected hose and product spilled out. Spilled onto gravel -> all cleaned up. No waterways impacted. Took soil samples. Would like a waiver on 7 day letter. Air Venting to atmosphere from VRU. Intermittent today. Details in letter. 00219572 214105 02-MAY-2009 16:00 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: Venting to atmosphere from stage 2 of VRU (Vapour Recovery Unit Problem with compressor. OK now. 00219274 214096 01-MAY-2009 16:31 Industry Notification Comments: min. of venting light end hydrocarbons to atmosphere due to issues with compressor on stage 2 of vapor recovery unit. 11:57-12:03 on May 1, 2009. Compressor issue has been addressed. Air Surface Continuing event - Pond 2 sedimentation pond TSS exceedance due to spring runoff. Flows to Muskeg River Water (eventually). 00219574 214104 02-MAY-2009 16:07 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: TSS exceedance from results received yesterday. Again today results are in exceedance. Results received today were taken yesterday. Combining both results on this call. 00219276 214097 01-MAY-2009 16:35 Industry Alleged Contravention Surface Water Comments: Exceedance of TSS on sedimentation pond discharge due to spring runoff. Pond 2 affected, releases eventually to Muskeg River. Volume of water released unknown. Exceedance of TSS on sedimentation pond discharge due to spring runoff. Pond 2 affected, releases eventually to Muskeg River. Volume of water released unknown. cs-On May 2, 09 pond water was released were water was not sufficiently controlled, resulting in a rapid flow of water into the ditch system, causing erosion and increased sedimentation. Land Spill -diesel -2.5 m3. Vehicle -haul truck -fuel tank fell off and got run over and spilled onto mine road. Investigation already started. will retrieve surface liquid and replace contaminated soil. No water affected. No injuries. Exact location unknown. North of mine site on mine road. Call Reason Land Air Time is MST. H2S exceedance at Station 2. 00219579 211995 03-MAY-2009 05:30 Industry Notification Air Comments:Station 2, H2S violation; cause unknown Air Station 11 H2S non-compliance. Air Station 2 H2S violation. Air Boiler ill taking out of service for maintenance. Opacity went above 40%. Report will be included in monthly report as per agreement. Air 24 hr exceedance for particulate matter (P.M 2.5). Cause unknown. JC, On May 3, 2009 there was a 24 hours exceedance for PM2.5 at AMS 12 measuring 20 ug/m3. During the third, the winds were between 107 and BL7246218 degrees (SE/Sw at an average of 8 km/h. Based on wind direction, Suncor has identified themselves as the likely source from mining activity (dust from trucks/excavation etc.). No further action taken by AENV at this time. Surface River water samples -> exceeded allowable oil and grease values. Not sure what caused the exceedance. There Water is no production equipment in that area. Putting rush on other samples that were sent to lab. TK: TSS and COD test results were within acceptable limits. A lab error resulted in a late reporting of sample results for O&G. Oil skimmers have been installed at the entrance to Pre-Sed 07. Daily inspections of pumps to be completed. Estimated Total release: 81250474 litres. O&G: 17 mg/L (limit: 10 mg/L). Air Release of ~10 kg of R22 due to a leak on HVAC system. Air


94 94 94 94 94

330822 330856 330866 330874 330928

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

5-May-2009 5-May-2009 5-May-2009 5-May-2009 6-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Land Potable Water Surface Water Land Land

149968 26 153125 153125 46586 94 153125 26 26 153125 94 149968 26 94 94 149968 94

330974 330996 331016 331018 331029 331044 331105 331154 331164 331174 331176 331180 331200 331209 331211 331213 331264

CNRL Syncrude

7-May-2009 7-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 7-May-2009 Jackpine Shell Canada 7-May-2009 Jackpine Imperial Oil 7-May-2009 Suncor 7-May-2009 Shell Canada 8-May-2009 Jackpine Syncrude 9-May-2009 Syncrude 9-May-2009

Shell Canada 9-May-2009 Jackpine Suncor 9-May-2009 CNRL Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor 9-May-2009 10-May-2009 10-May-2009 10-May-2009 10-May-2009 11-May-2009

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact

Air Land Surface Water Surface Water Surface Water No Impact Potable Water Air Air Potable Water Air Land Air Air Potable Water Potable Water Air

Small sewage spill. >25 L spilled due to potential piping leak. No drains or waterways affected. Cleaned up. Call Reason Land Loss of pressure in distribution system 1500 people in camp. Someone turned off pump switch. Pressure restored (low pressure 15 min. Flushing buildings, collecting bacti samples, putting up do not consume signs. Exceedance: oil and grease. Unknown cause. Samples for Apr 27-30 were also analyzed and all values were with in allowable limits. Diesel spill on mine site. From a heavy hauler being fueled & line disconnected. Clean up done Call Reason Land Sewage spill -> 500L. Pipe coupling disconnected sewer line from bunk house trailer. Spilled onto ground/gravel ->underneath trailer. Water was shut off -not a continuous release. No waterways in area. Vac truck on site for clean up. Call Reason Land Sulfur emissions monitoring exceedance. Reason under investigation. Caller wants to submit 7 day letter with monthly air report. Wastage of reclamation material. Reclaimed area (Aurora Mine). Portion of overburdened material was placed on top of reclaimed land. 0.35 hectares. Occurred over winter. Discovered during field inspection. Sediment pond TSS contravention due to increased surface water run-off. Sediment pond TSS contravention due to increased surface water run-off. TSS exceedance -from ditch A outflow. Releases into vegetated muskeg area. Due to spring runoff. 68 mg/L duplicate sample was 64 mg/L. VRU stage 12 was down from 1630-1715 hrs. Exceedance for TSS due to spring runoff. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] R22 release. From A/C unit. In process of repair & recharge. R22 release from a chiller ; repair in progress. TSS exceedance on Pond 2 due to spring runoff. Boilers come back online; routed to fluid gas desulphurization unit; will take about 5-6 days for S02 emission to drop to normal. Spill of bitumen, sand water from a pipeline on lease site; none in water course; cleanup in progress. Call Reason Land R22 release from chiller; waiting for repair. VRU stage 2 (vacuum recovery unit was down from 1355-1413 hrs today. Cause under investigation. Unk if release. Call Reason Air PH and turbidity samples for Apr. 17, waste water treatment plan were missing; reason under investigation. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] TSS exceedance due to reconstruction project at the river bank; will include readings in the report.

94 94 94 94

331268 331364 331517 331545

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

11-May-2009 11-May-2009 12-May-2009 13-May-2009

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged

Contravention: Believe source are not following approval. waterfowl are not being kept away from ponds since ponds inception 2-3 years ago. Should have better system for keeping waterfowl away from ponds./ Has not allowed caller on site to view bird deterrent system. Suspect problems. Call Reason Surface Water No Impact VRU stage 2 was down. 22 min's. 0957-1018 hrs. Engineering & ops investigating. Do not believe there was a release. Air Some additional flaring. SPIC793A and B ejectors. Open to flare for 14 minutes. having problems with VRU sage 2. Can result in slight increase in S02 emission. Time Wind Dir/Speed 15:01 Call Reason Air Air Flaring over 20 tons. Equipment tripped off.unit 5K1-Wet gas compressor. Working to get it back on line. Air Vented from 20D-l tank -diluted bitumen tank -hydrocarbons may contain H2S. Still under investigation -


153125 94 153125 26 94

331578 331608 331660 331666 331714

Shell Canada 13-May-2009 Jackpine Suncor 14-May-2009 Shell Canada 14-May-2009 Jackpine Syncrude 14-May-2009 Suncor 15-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Potable Water Air Potable Water Air Air

149968 94 94 26 94 94 94

331716 331743 331751 331774 331776 331819 331821

CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

15-May-2009 15-May-2009 16-May-2009 17-May-2009 17-May-2009 18-May-2009 18-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air No Impact Air

details in letter. exceedance of TSS due to spring runoff and high wind. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] Opacity exceedance; cause unknown; don't have readings yet; will put in the letter. Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air Exceedance of TSS> Pumped water from pond too early. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] Tank venting - hydrocarbon vapours. # 100 and #101. Discovered natural gas supply valve was leaking into tank. Venting from tank 20D3. Moving product around between tanks. Diluted bitumen. For approx. 8 minutes. Will have exact time and duration for 7 day letter. Call Reason Air 00221990 214438 13-MAY-2009 18:11 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: Venting from 20D-3 Diluted Bitumen tank. Hydrocarbon vapours. Intermittent ongoing. Still investigating cause. Details in 7 day letter. Suspect faulty pressure indications trouble shooting now. Can't give start time. NOx reading higher than allowable limit. Cause under investigation -related to purge gas. 1 hr exceedance. H2S. H2S exceedance, unknown cause. Lost pilots to flare. Out from 2305 & relit by 2315 hrs. Nitrogen was accidently sent to the flare. 24 hr exceedance. VRU stage 12 down from 1100-1123 hrs. Due to pressure differential which has since been corrected. Contravention. Venting from 20-D-5 tank from 1045-1105 hours. The tank contains light end hydrocarbons and potentially some H2S (diluted bitumen. May have been a pressure differential situation. No other information at this time. venting of hydrocarbon and S02 gases from Plant 4-4PIC793 and 4 PIC794 from 1045-1110 hrs and 1125-1152 hrs. due to pressure differential. Call Reason Air H2S ambient air exceedance. H2S exceedance. R 22 release from building 158 unit 41-21V2 HVAC. greater than 10 kg.

94 94 94 26 94 94

331823 331839 331843 332092 332132 332136

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

18-May-2009 18-May-2009 19-May-2009 21-May-2009 21-May-2009 21-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Air






Alleged Contravention

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26

332208 332210 332212 332220 332222 332224 332228 332236 332242 332252 332254

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-May-2009 22-May-2009 22-May-2009 23-May-2009 23-May-2009 23-May-2009 23-May-2009 23-May-2009 23-May-2009 23-May-2009 23-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged

Stage 2 of VRU was down (13:24-13:35. cause -unknown. Plant 4 venting for 4 minutes. Due to a vacuum issue with upgrading in the VRU. It has been corrected for the moment but not sure if it will continue to cause problems. Light-end hydrocarbons would have been vented. Call Reason Air No Impact While reviewing monthly water report, discovered that there were missed samples for Pond C outfall. Cause were making improved operation practices resulting in downtime on sampling days. April 12 (phenols weren't met for 3 times per week and didn't meet composite sampler for 3 times per week. April 19 missed ammonia and sulphide, phenols and composite. Call Reason No Impact No Impact VRU stage 2 down time -cause under investigation. 16 May 091130-1140 & 1244-1254 hrs Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air No Impact Air Air Air Oil & Grease exceedance on a sample 15 May on McLean Creek. Surface water area near tailings pond. Resampled 6 hours later. no hits. Venting from plant 4 extraction -venting light end hydrocarbon. Call Reason Air H2S exceedance at Station 4 H2S violation at station 4. H2S violation at Station 4. Station 2 exceedance. Stage 2 of VRU is down twice from 0837-0910 & 1124-and still down. Cause under investigation. Call Reason No Impact Tank D2 venting hydrocarbon vapours & nitrogen. Venting at 1305 hrs & still going. Ambient temp rising. R22 release from an HVAC unit. Repairs underway. R22 release from HVAC unit. Repairs in progress.


26 94 94 26

332256 332260 332262 332277

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

23-May-2009 23-May-2009 23-May-2009 24-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Land

R22 release. HVAC unit. Repairs in progress. Ambient H2S at station 4. Ambient H2S at station 4. Spill of coke slurry. ~ 10,000 gal. Due to crack in splice line. Contained to ground. Line has been isolated. Potential threat is that is dries may become airborne. There is a natural ditch that runs to oily water sewer going to direct there. Stopped. H2S exceedance. R22 release > 10 kg from Building 160 Unit 4123R-55

94 26 26

332294 332300 332332

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

24-May-2009 24-May-2009 25-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

94 149968

332470 332496

Suncor CNRL

26-May-2009 26-May-2009

Industry Industry

Release Release



Fort Hills Energy Suncor Syncrude Suncor CNRL



Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

94 26 94 149968

332571 332573 332580 332582

26-May-2009 26-May-2009 27-May-2009 27-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Releases from Tank 7 and Tank 8 of hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas. Reason: plant 73 unit coming back online from plant turnaround and was required to slop hot hydrocarbons to tank 8 briefly - occurred from 1050 to 1100 hours. Air Stage 2 on VRU tripped. Not an approval contravention. Reason unknown. Land 2 spill of extraction tailings. 10m3 each. Due top a leak in the tailings line @ the same spot. One was 0421 & other @ 0441 hrs. Both stopped now. Contained on ground on lease. No potential to off lease. Cleanup underway. Call Reason Land No Impact Notification: flow monitoring sensor at Pond Jll has failed; are calculating daily flow by alternative means (manual calculations. COP -not a contravention. Cause: was not properly reset after winter removal. It is working now. Air Stage 2 venting from VRU. (08:29-08:49. cause255unknown. Call Reason Air Air Refrigerant release; found during maintenance of a refrigeration unit; leaked out over the winter. Air Vapour recovery unit was down at 0015 hours and back up at 0203 hours; cause still not known yet. Call Reason Air Land Extraction tailings leaked from tailings line iS and barrel #6, contained; all stay on lease; recycle back to the plant; trying to repair the leak. The extraction is 51% water, 48% sand 1% bitumen; will let ERCB know. Call Reason Land Air Station 5 H2S exceedance. Air Black smoke from flare stack Plant on shut down -> ESD Not sure what caused the black smoke. Product in flare was produced gas. Air H2S flaring event - average of 15 pounds an hour for 45 minutes. Exact volume will be in 7 day report. Reason: Unit 12-4 tripped. Air Station 11 H2S exceedance. Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. No Impact Just received a letter from the lab that send effluent (sewage treatment) samples to & apparently they have been suspended b/c there were errors in analyzation [analysis] - failed quality control. So previous reports may be incorrect. Will fwd letter from lab with 7 day letter. More details to follow. Surface Ammonia exceedance in sedimentation pond (weekly sample). Ongoing problem from earlier incident -> Nov Water 08. Values are trending downward from last couple weeks. Air Exceedance at Station 11 Air Refrigerant loss R22 (~10 kg) due to a leak on HVAC. Repairs underway. Land Spill of amine due to broken flange on a line. Will all release before they can repair it. Spilling onto site and being vacuumed as it spills. No offsite impacts. No waterways affected. No injuries or issues as a result of the spill. Call Reason Land Going over 20 tonnes/day S02. Will be reported on monthly report. Call Reason Air station#4 hourly H2S exceedance

94 48522 26 94 94 26

332584 332608 332627 332660 332664 332683

Suncor Encana Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

27-May-2009 27-May-2009 27-May-2009 28-May-2009 28-May-2009 28-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Pro-Active Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

153125 94 26 149968

332721 332738 332795 332825

Shell Canada 28-May-2009 Jackpine Suncor 28-May-2009 Syncrude 29-May-2009 CNRL 29-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

149968 94 94 94

332833 332869 332900 332914

CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor

29-May-2009 29-May-2009 30-May-2009 30-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Air

Air H2S exceedance -cause unknown. No Impact Downtime on stage 2 VRU, reason unknown. From 11:12-11:32 and 12:30-13:00. Not a contravention, will submit letter though. Call Reason No Impact


94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26

332933 332936 332938 332955 332967 332972 332976 332978 332980 333015 333023 333050 333073

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

30-May-2009 31-May-2009 31-May-2009 31-May-2009 31-May-2009 31-May-2009 1-Jun-2009 1-Jun-2009 1-Jun-2009 1-Jun-2009 1-Jun-2009 1-Jun-2009 1-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air

station 5 H2S exceedance Station 2 H2S 24 hr exceedance station 11 H2S hourly exceedance Spill of gas/oil mix. Seal failure on a purge oil line. Coker 8-3. 20 barrels (1000 gallons). Went to ground, being washed to oil sewer system & will be recycled to plant. On cement, all on lease. H2S exceedance, Station 5. Station 5 H2S hourly exceedance Station 5 24 hr exceedance H2S. Station 5 H2S exceedance Station 5 H2S hourly exceedance Gas oil (un-refined product) from production line; contained within plant site; none in water course; line failed. Venting from vapour recovery unit of hydrocarbon and H2S contents for 7 mins; cause unknown. Call Reason Air Strong gasoline smell recognized this morning as she drove by Source gate. Call Reason Air. Loss of main flare header flow meter. Tag 19A11010A. Coating on probe may have caused erratic readings. Amount being flared doesn't seem to be accurate, flare flow seems to be a false high (May 31 06:00 - ongoing). Will have probes cleaned as soon as possible. S02 exceedance due to upset plant conditions in sulphur plant. R22 release from Building 1000 HVAC system; will be repaired. Station 5 24 hr. exceedance H2S. Station 2 1 hr H2s exceedance TSS exceeded on 27 May on pond #4 during discharge to river S02 hourly exceedance on the thermal oxidizer i2; exact cause still under investigate; might be due to amine plant upset. Ambient air exceedance. Late ambient air exceedance. Late report -due to human error. Call Reason Air. Tank venting hydrocarbon and sulphur compound due to instrumentation trial on the tank valve. H2S exceedance due to unknown cause. H2S exceedance at air monitoring station. H2S exceedance (24 hour) at air monitoring station. Water quality issue on North Steep bank. Surface runoff for disturbed land. COD limit is 200 mg/hr at N.S_OF_01 (Pond 1. Caller was notified today -data had been lost from April 20/09 Exceedance at air monitoring station for TRS. Venting on tank D2, HC vapours and nitrogen. Due to high ambient temperatures. Ongoing right now. Working to optimize inductors. Spill of bentonite and water ~800L. Release from hose -> mechanical failure -> fitting failed. Most on lease (the 800L went off). All in low lying vegetation area (mossy area). Vac trucks are on site (clean up ongoing). Total volume release 30,000L -> most on lease (estimate). Over 100m away from waterway. Waiver requested. TSS exceedance. Getting lab to recheck. Will know tomorrow. Investigating.

149968 26 94 94 153125 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 153125

333302 333304 333312 333314 333318 333326 333329 333336 333414 333420 333428 333430 333467 333530 333552 333618

CNRL Syncrude Suncor Suncor

1-Jun-2009 1-Jun-2009 2-Jun-2009 2-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Land

Shell Canada 2-Jun-2009 Jackpine Suncor 2-Jun-2009 Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude 2-Jun-2009 2-Jun-2009 2-Jun-2009 2-Jun-2009 3-Jun-2009 3-Jun-2009 3-Jun-2009 3-Jun-2009 4-Jun-2009

Shell Canada 4-Jun-2009 Jackpine Syncrude 4-Jun-2009




Alleged Contravention

Surface Water


94 149968

333663 333677

Suncor CNRL

5-Jun-2009 5-Jun-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Pro-Active Notification Notification

Air Surface Water

Venting due to high level in VRU from separator.






94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94

333703 333709 333716 333718 333733 333759 333771 333785

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

6-Jun-2009 6-Jun-2009 6-Jun-2009 6-Jun-2009 7-Jun-2009 8-Jun-2009 8-Jun-2009 8-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

94 94 94

333796 333819 333823

Suncor Suncor Suncor

8-Jun-2009 8-Jun-2009 9-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

94 149968 26 94 94 94 94 26

333825 333839 333931 333945 333949 333953 333955 334043

Suncor CNRL Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

9-Jun-2009 9-Jun-2009 9-Jun-2009 9-Jun-2009 9-Jun-2009 10-Jun-2009 10-Jun-2009 10-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Source planning on discharging muskeg sump water into another muskeg. Have sampled (yesterday values for pH, chloride and oil & grease are all below approval limits. Muskeg is 400-500m away from tree line. Caller would like to talk to an inspector for approval. Air Station 5 H2S exceedance for 1 hour. On June 6, 2009 there were four one hour and one 24 hr H2S exceedances measured at AMS S. Exceedances occurred between 00:01 hrs and 05:00 hrs measuring between 15 and 22 ppb. Along with a 24 hour exceedance of 4 ppb. Wind direction was between 2 and 9 degrees at 3km/h. Suncor has indicated that the likely source for the exceedances occurred from their site but the source was unknown. No odor complaints associated with exceedances. AENV continues to monitor GLC exceedances but no further action taken at this time. Air Hourly H2S exceedance at station 4. Potable Low Chlorine residual in distribution system -In plant 82 only. Still investigating cause. Flushing. Further test Water taken but it has not improved. Posting orders to "boil water" -contacting Health. Air Venting from plant 4 extraction plant -hydrocarbons & sulphur compounds. Call Reason Air No Impact Stage i2 of VRU down from 1254-1316 hrs. Air Loss of refrigerant. R22 - over 10 Kg. found at 1315 today. HNV unit # 18-1 10. Will repair unit and replace R22. Air Incident -Venting to atmosphere from plant 4-extraction. vacuum trip in VRU. Light hydrocarbons and some sulphur compounds released. OK now. Air Exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station. Air Intermittent venting to atmosphere -light and hydrocarbons and some sulphur content (TRS). Value will be included in 7 day report. Reason: under investigation. Two venting sources; Stage 1 of VRU and from a tank (tank f unknown at this time. All missing information will be included in 7 day report. Call Reason Air Air Exceedance at air monitoring station. Air Station 11, H2S hourly exceedance. Air Station 2 exceedance, H2S. TK: Based on wind direction this GLC was likely caused by emissions from the Suncor Oil Sands Plant. Syncrude has indicated that they are not a likely contributor to the GLC. Incident closed. [Data on file with this incident document three hourly exceedances. In reality, WBEA AMS2 data indicate 12 hourly exceedances for this date.] Air Reporting downtime of the BRU. The blowers, which would have affected stage 1, were down from 0424-0436 hours. Stage 2 was down from 0437-0443 hours. Call Reason Air Air A SCOT unit was unstable for the SRU, therefore S02 exceedance for 2 hrs. Correct values in 7 day letter. No Impact Opacity meter (26 1 AI 5) <90% uptime for June due to damaged analyzer lenses - were damaged during shutdown - discovered during startup. Air Ambient air exceedance. Air Ambient air exceedance. Air 24 hr. exceedance. Air Ambient air exceedance. Land Disturbance of reclaimed land - had vegetated piece of ground, reported to AENV as being re-vegetated and then dug a ditch through it. Area is 1.2 hectares - discovered June 10. Will stop further disturbance and will remediate area and investigate how it occurred. Air VRU stage 2 was down (09:47-10:15due to unknown cause. Land Spill of -500 L of boiler blowdown to ground. No drains or waterways affected. All on site. Cause -overflow of stationary tank, carried over secondary containment due to wind. Has been isolated and cleaned up -removed contaminated soil. Time Wind Dir/Speed 16:00 Call Reason Land Exceedance at air monitoring station. H2S exceedance. Ambient air exceedance. 24 hr exceedance. Ambient air exceedance.

94 1604

334048 334051



Industry Industry

Japan Canada 10-Jun-2009 OS Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor 10-Jun-2009 10-Jun-2009 11-Jun-2009 11-Jun-2009 11-Jun-2009

94 94 94 94 94

334065 334069 334077 334079 334081

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air


26 149968

334110 334146

Syncrude CNRL

11-Jun-2009 11-Jun-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

R22 release from a HVAC unit from Building 677 Unit# 15-2R-11. greater than 10 kg Pipeline leak, 50m3 spilled. 0.4% bitumen, 48% sand, 51.6% water. All on lease, no waterways impacted. Vactrucks cleaned up and put back in tailings pond. It was a slow leak. ERCB notified. There was confusion as to whether it was reportable to AENV, hence the late reporting. Call Reason Land BOD exceedance on sediment pond #6 NH3 exceedance on sediment pond #6 Ambient air exceedance. 24 hr exceedance. Station 2. H2S exceedance.

153125 153125 94 94 94 26 94 46586 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 183875 149968

334148 334150 334216 334218 334264 334375 334377 334383 334389 334396 334405 334411 334423 334427 334437 334439 334441 334443 334445 334448 334449 334455 334457 334458 334460 334462 334464 334489 334491 334539 334590

Shell Canada Jackpine Shell Canada Jackpine Suncor Suncor Suncor

11-Jun-2009 11-Jun-2009 12-Jun-2009 12-Jun-2009 12-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Syncrude 13-Jun-2009 Suncor 13-Jun-2009 Imperial Oil 12-Jun-2009 Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Devon ARL Corp. CNRL 13-Jun-2009 13-Jun-2009 13-Jun-2009 13-Jun-2009 13-Jun-2009 13-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 13-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 14-Jun-2009 15-Jun-2009 15-Jun-2009 15-Jun-2009 15-Jun-2009

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Release

Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Land

Station 13, Exceedance Station 2, Exceedance Diesel spill on lease. Contained on site. amount unknown. Went under tank. Driver forgot to put nozzle back so hose snapped while diesel was loading. No injuries. Not off site. Details in letter. Call Reason Land Air Station 13 exceedance. Time is Mountain Standard Air Station 2 exceedance. Air Hourly TRS exceedance at station 9. Air H2S hourly exceedance at station #4. No Impact True vapour pressure (TVP exceedance, for tank 200-14. Not sure of cause -will work with process engineers to get the details. Currently working on correcting. Full details in written report. Air Station 4, exceedance. Time is mst. Air Station 13, 24 hour average TRS. Air Station 2, 1 hour exceedance. Air Station 2, 24 hour average Air Station 4, 24 hour average. H2S. Air Intermittent down time of VRU (Vapour Recovery Unit. Stage 2. Vents to atmosphere when down. Light hydrocarbons. Details in letter. Air Station 1 exceedance, Time is MST Air Venting -5 minutes. Equipment problems in Plant 4. Details in letter. Light end hydrocarbons. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land station4, H2S exceedance. station1 TRS -24 hrs exceedance. Station 5, 1 hour exceedance of H2S Station 2 H2S hourly exceedance. Station 11, hourly H2S exceedance. Station 12, hourly exceedance for TRS. Station 5, 24 hour exceedance. Station 5, 1 hour exceedance H2S Ambient air exceedance. Believe from mercaptan. Spill of tailings (bitumen, sand, water. >2m3, exact volume unknown. Break in pipe -> runs from extraction plant to tailings pond (13Spilled into contained area -no furtur details. Line was isolated by 1400hrs. Vac trucks on site for clean up. No potential to enter waterways. Call Reason Land VRU (vacuum recovery unit stage 2 was down today 1110-1116 hrs. Appears it may be intermittent & ongoing. Root cause has not been determined yet. Plant 4 venting. 4K3793 and 4K3794. Pressure differential due to product movement between tanks. Tank venting 20-E-4. Pressure differential due to product movement between tanks. Diluted Bitumen -some light hydrocarbons possible with H2S

94 94 94

334599 334634 334636

Suncor Suncor Suncor

15-Jun-2009 16-Jun-2009 15-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air









94 94 94 94 94

334640 334644 334646 334648 334665

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

15-Jun-2009 16-Jun-2009 15-Jun-2009 16-Jun-2009 16-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification







94 94 94 48522 94 94 94

334717 334734 334742 334787 334829 334831 334837

Suncor Suncor Suncor Encana Suncor Suncor Suncor

16-Jun-2009 16-Jun-2009 17-Jun-2009 17-Jun-2009 17-Jun-2009 17-Jun-2009 17-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Spill of utility water. Grey water -not potable but one level below. Notification because of previously notifying utility. North Booster Pump House -Part of extraction tailings group. Less than 2 cubes. No cleanup required. Call Reason Land Air Venting -lost VRU (Vapour Recovery Unit and caused skim tank to vent to atmosphere. Hydrocarbon vapour including H2S. Intermittent venting for a total of 21 minutes -details in letter. Air Station 5, 1 hour exceedance of H2S (X2 Air 1 hour exceedance, H2S. Station 4 Air Station 11, 24 hour exceedance. H2S Air Venting from plant 4. Equipment is 4PC793 and 4PC794. Light end hydrocarbons and potentially some S02 and H2S venting. Reason: lost suction on vacuum blower and vacuum was inadequate to prevent venting. Intermittent venting occurred from 0853-0900 and continuous venting occurred from 0900-0930 hours. Call Reason Air No Impact Notification of a release from a line from pond B to Extraction Emergency pond. Pond B is second to last pond in water treatment. The product went into the cooling tower pond. Therefore product is still in the process. Call was due to volume. Ercb advised. 28-May2009 Letter received. Call Reason No Impact Air TOU contravention for S02 in tons/hr Air TRS exceedance for hrs of 21:00-22:00. For Station 2. Air H2S violation at Station 2. No Impact Reporting that their boiler stack height is lower than approval requires. Revealed by a survey conducted June 15. Working on action plan for written report. Surface Elevated TSS readings -> tested before released into environmental buffer. Cause unknown. Water Air Plant 4-venting of light end hydrocarbons -possible residual H2S. Cause -> pressure differential b/w extraction side and upgrading side of process. Call Reason Air Land Sewage spill. Construction project had lost 100 L of effluent. Contained to area. Vac-truck used, 5m3 of soil excavated out as a precaution. Soil tested. Work on electrical panel shutdown lift station pump. Provision hadn't been made for alternate pumping. Call Reason Land Air TRS exceedance for Station 12. Air 1 hr H2S exceedance for Station #5 Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:00 18-JUN-2009 01:002923.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air Air Plant 4 venting (light end HC. Moving product too quickly into Tank 1 (diluted bitumen. Air Station U2, hourly H2S exceedance. Land Spill of bitumen and water. 1000 m3. Rupture of process line. None went offsite. It is contained into the mine emergency dump pond. Extraction and oil prep is down as a result. Using vactrucks to clean. Flow has been stopped. Will be running by midnight (estimated. No injuries or issues as a result. Call Reason Land Air H2S exceedance, Station 11 Air Downtime for vapour recovery unit Stage 2. Reason: just reported to caller -reason unknown but under investigation. Air Station 5, H2S violation of hourly and 24 hour. Air Venting from Plant 4-light end HC. Chance of H2S. OK now. 8:06-8:36 Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Air VRU stage II down this morning. 0913-0922, 0958-1006. (Vapour recovery unit. Up now -problem solved. Call Reason Air Air Station 4 exceedance, H2S, hourly average. TK: Based on wind direction this GLC was likely caused by emissions from the Suncor Oil Sands Plant. Syncrude has indicated that they are not a likely contributor to the GLC. Incident closed. Air Station 5 H2S hourly violation. Air Station ll4 H2S exceedance. Air Station 12 TRS violation. Air 2 vapour pressure exceedances. Tank 20 D14 Naphtha tank. 3 hr average alarm rang. Operator indicated it was an instrumentation problem. Air Station 2, H2S violation hourly.

94 94 94 94 149968

334841 334845 334847 334911 334940

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL

18-Jun-2009 18-Jun-2009 18-Jun-2009 18-Jun-2009 18-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Notification Release

94 94 94 94 94 94 94

334949 335003 335061 335094 335100 335111 335120

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

19-Jun-2009 19-Jun-2009 20-Jun-2009 21-Jun-2009 21-Jun-2009 21-Jun-2009 21-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Notification

94 94 94 94 94

335130 335132 335142 335156 335166

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

21-Jun-2009 20-Jun-2009 20-Jun-2009 20-Jun-2009 22-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification


94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 149968 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 183875

335176 335245 335292 335383 335394 335396 335404 335406 335410 335412 335414 335451 335603 335627 335629 335631 335635 335638 335667 335702

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

22-Jun-2009 20-Jun-2009 22-Jun-2009 23-Jun-2009 23-Jun-2009 23-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 23-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 24-Jun-2009 25-Jun-2009 25-Jun-2009 25-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Exceedance -station 5. Station 12 TRS exceedance. Station # 5, hourly H2S exceedance. Plant 4 vented from 1710-1722 hours. Steaming out the vent stacks caused this. Light-end hydrocarbons vented. Call Reason Air Meter that measures ammonia (FTIR) on 26-1, had uptime of less than 75% for month of June. Unit was in shutdown - problems with concentrations. Vendor coming to look into. station#41 HR H2S exceedance

No Impact Stage i2 of VRU is down, Down at 1827 & still down. HVAC group working on system. Air station#1224 hr TRS exceedance. Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air station 5 24 Hrs H2S exceedance Station 12 H2S exceedance Effluent discharge to environment -oil and grease exceedances. Not sure of cause -> caller does not believe that these are true values. They have never has exceedances before. Could have been misanalysis from lab. Stage 2 of VRU was down. Cause under investigation. Plant 4 vented from 1840-1851. Due to upgrading blowers going down on the VRU. Light end hydrocarbons would have vented. Call Reason Air Station 11 H2S hourly exceedance Station 2 H2S hourly exceedance Station 11 24hr H2S exceedance Station 2 24 hr H2S exceedance

Devon ARL 25-Jun-2009 Corp. Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL 25-Jun-2009 25-Jun-2009 25-Jun-2009 25-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009

26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 149968

335714 335732 335734 335740 335742 335744 335746 335748 335751

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Going to bypass TGTU of To-2 for sometime today. Will happen sometime before 1300hrs. Trouble shooting for GLC exceedances that have been occurring. Call Reason Air. No Impact Non-compliance -table 4.1-C states they need 4 static or passive exposure monitoring stations. Two of the filters were destroyed so they only have 3 stations for the month of May. Animal may have knocked over the stand at that location. H2S and sulphation filters were destroyed. Air Knock-out drum is venting continuously - naphtha vapour. Not sure of cause - there is a buildup of pressure currently investigating. Unit # 6-1C16. Very small leak. Air Ambient H2S @ Station 11 Air Air Air Air Air Air Air AMB H2S @ Station 12 1 Hr TRS for Station 12 1 hr TRS for Station 12 station 11 H2S -24 hrs 24 hr exceedance stationll2 H2S 1 hr H2S for Station 11 NOX exceedance due to hydrogen plant tripped yesterday afternoon; try to startup, will take a while to have it


94 94 26 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 1604 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 153125

335767 335771 335773 335781 335817 335827 335843 335847 335857 335859 335861 335863 335865 335867 335905 335909 335911 335913 336025 336040 336044 336046 336050 336102 336108 336118 336122 336143 336146 336152 336156 336205

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

26-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009 26-Jun-2009 27-Jun-2009 27-Jun-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Syncrude 27-Jun-2009 Suncor 28-Jun-2009 Suncor 28-Jun-2009 Suncor 28-Jun-2009 Suncor 28-Jun-2009 Suncor 28-Jun-2009 Suncor 28-Jun-2009 Suncor 28-Jun-2009 Suncor 29-Jun-2009 Syncrude 29-Jun-2009 Suncor 29-Jun-2009 Syncrude 29-Jun-2009 Japan Canada 29-Jun-2009 OS Suncor 29-Jun-2009 Suncor 30-Jun-2009 Suncor 30-Jun-2009 Suncor 30-Jun-2009 Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor 30-Jun-2009 30-Jun-2009 1-Jul-2009 1-Jul-2009 1-Jul-2009 1-Jul-2009 2-Jul-2009

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

stabilized. Leak in water treatment line. Sec 4.5.12 of approval. Have issued a boil water advisory. Leak has been repaired but there is a possibility of contamination. Will flush line and sample. VRU stage II down. Unknown cause. Flare flow meter was out of service on H2S flare header. Fixed as of 1140hrs today. Could be a contravention if they were flaring from any of their units during that time. Will determine this and provide details in letter. Air S02 exceedance over 20 tons testing of flare stack -with elevated H2S, some H2S is not being accounted for resulting in flaring more S02; will do further testing. Air Venting light end hydrocarbon due to blower problem; problem fixed. Call Reason Air Air Ambient air violations at air monitoring station. No Impact VRU stage 2 was down, cause under investigation. Potable Water Air No Impact Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Potable Water Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air No Impact Surface Water Tank venting hydrocarbon and N2 gas, it puffed every 7 min. Repair done and stop now. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. 24 hour exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station for June 27. Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Ambient H2S at Station 2. Ambient H2S at Station 2. Station 2 ambient H2S. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station -24 hour average. Call Reason Air Tank D2 venting nitrogen and some hydrocarbon vapour. Reason: under investigation. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. R22 release. 75 lts. [mistake; unit is lbs.] . from unit 5R285-A. A/C unit - details in letter. Spill of boiler blowdown. Waste water from boilers (high PH. contained to plant site. Used sawdust to retrieve liquid. All cleaned up and disposed of.l604 Call Reason Land Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Discovered exceedance in potable water. Call Type Alleged Contravention May 7 test -over limit. No risk but details will be in letter. Call Reason Potable Water Exceeded BOD for June, Millennium WW Treatment Plant. Value unknown but definitely above 25 mg/L Station ll2 H2S hourly exceedance. Venting from plant 61C-16. 1830-2030 hours. Nitrogen and naphtha vapour. Due to high vent pressure. Station 11 exceedance Station 2 exceedance Station iS hourly exceedance for H2S. TVP (true vapour pressure exceedance on one of their tanks. An alarm went off -investigating further. This is in the upgrader i1 area but unsure which tank. Full details in written report -this is all he knows currently. Continuation of TSS exceedance due to rain events. A lot of water is going through system. Khahago Creek is affected. Comments: TSS exceedance for sedimentation pond. Volume released to Khahago Creek is unknown. Cause - rain events in the recent days. TSS exceedance for sedimentation pond. Volume released to Khahago Creek is unknown. Cause - rain events in the recent days. CS-TSS result form the Pond 4 discharge on June 2, 2009 was 69 mg/L, June 4, 2009 was 74 mg/L, June 25, 2009 was 48 mg/L, June 26, 2009 was 74 mg/L, June 30, 2009 was 78 mg/L, in exceedance of the approval discharge limit of 25 mg/L. station 5 H2S exceedance Elevated TSS at settling ponds for daily reading for June 30/09. Caused by heavy storm on Sunday -all of the settling ponds are unusually high. One pond drains into Fort Creek which drains to Athabasca River -sampled downstream and awaiting result. Fish barrier in place -likely no impacts. Hourly H2S exceedance at station ll2.

Shell Canada 6-Jul-2009 Jackpine

94 151469

336211 336234

Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor

2-Jul-2009 2-Jul-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Surface Water Air






94 94 94 94 94 94 153125 151469 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 48408

336250 336252 336258 336277 336292 336302 336306 336308 336316 336324 336326 336334 336357 336364 336366 336378 336380 336383 336387 336400

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Shell Canada Jackpine Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

3-Jul-2009 3-Jul-2009 3-Jul-2009 3-Jul-2009 3-Jul-2009 3-Jul-2009 3-Jul-2009 3-Jul-2009 3-Jul-2009 4-Jul-2009 4-Jul-2009 4-Jul-2009 4-Jul-2009 4-Jul-2009 4-Jul-2009 5-Jul-2009 5-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

TRS exceedance due to unknown cause. H2S exceedance, unknown cause. H2S exceedance, cause unknown. Venting from tank 20D-2. From 16:55-17:13. Unsure of cause, will include details in 7 day letter. Call Reason Air H2S exceedance at Station 11. One hour exceedance of S02. Reason: under investigation. BOD &amp; TSS exceedance on Sedimentation Pond #6. Large amount of rain contributed to TSS. Possibly an algal bloom contributing to BOD exceedance. High TSS at settling pond. high rains contributed to elevated results. Ambient air exceedance. 24 hr exceedance. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 03-JUL-2009 23:59 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air 24 hour exceedance. Tank venting hydrocarbon vapour and nitrogen. Tank #20D2. Reason: under investigation. Still venting sporadically. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Stage 2 of VRU was down from 1406 to 1424 hours. Reason: under investigation. Exceeded true vapor pressure (TVP for a product naphtha tank. Had a pressure surge and then it was over. Cause under investigation. Ambient air exceedance. Water seal drum venting Naphtha vapour & nitrogen. Small quantities. Started 1000 hrs yesterday. Still ongoing. Trying to stop it. H2S exceedance (ambient air. Station 12 TRS exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 09:003383.0 Call Reason Air. Boiler feed water tank had a rupture at bottom. Had a slow leak which got worse when repairs were being done. Plugged leak -60 m3 sucked up and put into blow down lagoon. Spilled to a bermed area with a gravel floor. No waterways affected. Call Reason Land 1 hr. ambient air exceedance 1 hr ambient air exceedance. 1 hr ambient air exceedance. Waste oil spill yesterday - remained onsite in parking area around a tank in the mine area. Valve was left open on a suction line - it backed and spilled. They are currently cleaning it up. Tank venting on 20 D2 & 20 D4. Process issue, hydrocarbon vapour & nitrogen. 20 D4 stopped venting at 12:05. 20-D2 still venting - should be stopped shortly. 24 hr ambient air exceedance Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 06-JUL-2009 23:59 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air 1 hr ambient air exceedance 1 hr ambient air exceedance Stage 2 of Vapour Recovery Unit was down 2220-2322 hrs on 6-Jul-2009. Unk cause. Venting from Plant 4 of hydrocarbon gas fro 10 min. due to plant upset of pressure for gas station. Call Reason Air Plant 4, venting of hydrocarbon gas due to pressure upset. Call Reason Air Venting of N2 and naphtha vapour due to high wind pressure; reduced feed rate and it stopped venting. Driving past the oil sands plants, and there is a strong acrid, sharp odour. Smells like tar but slightly different and stronger. It is strongest right as she passes Source so that is where she believes it is coming from. Call Reason Air Station 5, Exceedances. hourlies and 24 hour average.

Suncor 5-Jul-2009 Suncor 5-Jul-2009 Petro Canada 5-Jul-2009

94 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94

336405 336411 336413 336437 336530 336599 336601 336603 336605 336623 336696 336799 336806

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

5-Jul-2009 6-Jul-2009 6-Jul-2009 6-Jul-2009 6-Jul-2009 7-Jul-2009 7-Jul-2009 7-Jul-2009 7-Jul-2009 7-Jul-2009 7-Jul-2009 7-Jul-2009 7-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Notification Notification Notification Release Release Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Impact

Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air








94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26

336819 336823 336871 337001 337003 337005 337054 337056 337077

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

8-Jul-2009 8-Jul-2009 8-Jul-2009 8-Jul-2009 9-Jul-2009 9-Jul-2009 9-Jul-2009 9-Jul-2009 9-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air No Impact Air

Station S, exceedances. station#4, H2S exceedance. Ambient air violation at air monitoring station. Station 4, H2S exceedance. 1 hour exceedance and 124 hour average. 12810.0 Call Reason Air Station 5, 1 hour exceedance and 124 hour average. Hourly H2S exceedance at station # 5. Venting - 61C16. Ongoing - venting naphtha and nitrogen. Over pressured vessel -> unknown cause. Failed RATA. Test done this morning. Will reschedule another test - no date set yet. Tank 13 - PVSV passing. Still going on, odours first noticed on site this morning. Can't isolate it -> need to build scaffolding to repair. Venting natural gas and sour naphtha. Might not be repaired until tomorrow. Getting some H2S readings on site. TSS exceedance - daily. Ongoing since June 25, 2009. Heavy rains in area. Caller found slope failure on bank of river. Area affected isn't part of sources site. Unknown cause. Location had been historical natural slope failures. May have happened as a result of heavy rains around June 28-29. Will investigate to determine cause. Odour on the highway -strong smell of gasoline. Noticing it right now as she drives by. Station 5, 1 hour exceedances and 24 hour average exceedance. Station 2, exceedance Tank venting (nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapor). (10:45 - intermittent). Adjusting process to prevent venting. Tanks D1 and D4 are venting. Ambient air exceedance. Tailings line spill. Possible rupture in disk. Went to plant site. Not aware of any waterways, will update and confirm volume. Spill not contained in piping corridor. Call Reason Land Station 2 H2S exceedance. TSS exceedance -still investigating cause. Tank venting, pressure relief valve is lifting prematurely - being investigated now. Ongoing - intermittent. Nitrogen & hydrocarbon vapours being released. H2S exceedance Station 2 Sour gas smell -gassy smell -in Fort McKay 00234654 217036 11-JUL-2009 10:37 Public Complaint Impact Air Comments: Smog & air smells really bad. Smells like gas. Emissions from one of the plants. R22 release. From chiller. Repairs underway. H2S exceedance (ambient air, station 11. H2S exceedance (ambient air). Plant 61, Vessel #C16. intermittent venting of nitrogen & naphtha vapour. No possibility of public complaints. Caused by water seal on knock-out drum. Trying to reestablish seal right now. Station 11 ambient air exceedance, H2S. Had a release from Line 11-70 of tailings. App. 4m3. Happened b/c they were taking line apart for repair & it wasn't drained properly. All contained in secondary containment. Currently cleaning up. All on site. No waterways. Call Reason Land Venting naphtha vapour & nitrogen. Water seal issues. intermittent - ongoing since 21:30 hrs. H2S in water to effluent pond. Daily test. Previous sample was only 2.9 ppm. They have reduced the sour water feed and are taking extra samples (could have been a bad sample). They have been treating sour water on coker. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring trailer. Very strong smell of gasoline at below site Call Type Impact Call Reason Air Station ll2 H2S exceedance.

153125 151469

337087 337106

Shell Canada 9-Jul-2009 Jackpine Fort Hills 9-Jul-2009 Energy Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor 9-Jul-2009 9-Jul-2009 10-Jul-2009 10-Jul-2009 10-Jul-2009 10-Jul-2009 10-Jul-2009 10-Jul-2009 11-Jul-2009 11-Jul-2009 11-Jul-2009 11-Jul-2009 11-Jul-2009 12-Jul-2009 12-Jul-2009 12-Jul-2009 12-Jul-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

Surface Water Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 94

337118 337132 337134 337157 337202 337213 337217 337219 337225 337227 337229 337265 337273 337279 337281 337283 337291

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Notification Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Notification Release

26 26 94 94 94

337305 337309 337342 337367 337445

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

13-Jul-2009 13-Jul-2009 13-Jul-2009 13-Jul-2009 13-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Alleged

Air Surface Water Air Air Air


94 94 94 151469

337452 337455 337459 337521

Suncor Suncor Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

13-Jul-2009 14-Jul-2009 14-Jul-2009 14-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Release

Potable Water Air Air Surface Water

Exceedance of PAX (treatment alum for water treatment -potable water. 5 minute exceedance. Manual pump had low flow. H2S ambient air exceedance. Strong gasoline smell. Wind direction indicates source. Caller was driving by. Call Reason Air

94 94 94 94 26 94 26

337555 337557 337577 337580 337594 337612 337631

15-Jul-2009 15-Jul-2009 15-Jul-2009 15-Jul-2009 15-Jul-2009 15-Jul-2009 15-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Impact Notification Release






Alleged Contravention

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26

337669 337690 337696 337712 337813 337817 337821 337829 337833 337876 337894

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

15-Jul-2009 16-Jul-2009 16-Jul-2009 16-Jul-2009 16-Jul-2009 16-Jul-2009 16-Jul-2009 17-Jul-2009 17-Jul-2009 17-Jul-2009 17-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Impact Release Impact Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Notification of "No Net Loss Lake" settling pond flooding. Reason: rise in Athabasca River from heavy rains. Discovered today. Plan to monitor TSS daily until water level returns to normal. Took sample to go to lab -no values available yet. Does not know yet if TSS is in contravention. Call Reason Surface Water Air Station 5 H2S exceedance. Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Air Ambient air exceedance. Air Ambient air exceedance Air Caller is driving past source and noticed an acrid smell, burning nose. Caller also observed a blue/brown cloud, coming from source coker stack all the way to second location. Air Tank venting. Due high diluted bitumen inflow into tank. Hydrocarbons with sulphur compounds. Air Venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapor from Tank 20D-100. Was not continuous (short spurts) for 20 minutes from 1420 to 1440 hours. Reason: under investigation - no reason for tank to vent. Volumes not known. Potable 3 resamples plant 31:go to diary notes 00235284 217265 18-JUL-2009 13:02 Industry Notification Comments: Water Plant 31 potable water resample results. 9 re255samples taken, all TC: nil and E-coli: nil. Potable Water 00235032 216724 15-JUL-2009 18:05 Industry Alleged Contravention Potable Water Comments: Failed bacti sample from provincial lab. Coliforms and E.coli present. Health Region has put verbal boil order on site. Samples may have been mixed up at lab; still under investigation. Air Station 11 H2S violation. Air H2S exceedance, cause unknown. Land DIESL 16-JUL-200907:15 16-JUL-2009 16-JUL-2009 08:06 Industry Release Diesel fuel spill -3000 L. Dozer came into contact with a haul truck & damaged fuel tank. Contained in mine. Cleaning up now. No injuries. No Impact Missed taking composite samples for Pond c discharge on June 28, 30 and July 7, 2009. Reason: they are doing an internal investigation. Cause unknown at this time. Air Station 11, Exceedance. Air Station 51 H2S exceedance. Air Chemical odour from oil sand ; wind direction from north; has been going on a lot recently. Call Reason Air Air Air Air Air Pressure safety valve lifted and release naphtha and hydrocarbon gas into the atmosphere due to a faulty PSV; occurred in the past 24 hr.; it is stopped now. Odour -from refinery. Very strong, ongoing. Station 5 H2S exceedance. The diverter has been swung open on CO boiler #1. They are repairing a leak on the CO boiler. Feed rates cut to 8-1 coker. He does not anticipate odours but a black ash plume from the diverter is expected. AENV were notified of this planned repair. 24 Hr. H2S exceedance on station 5 Steaming plate separators in plant 14 for 10 hrs. R22 release- Building 1093 unit #13-1RV2 - 18 kg release Ambient H2S at station 4. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 07:00 18-JUL-2009 08:0013712.0 Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air H2S ambient air exceedance. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 06:00 18-JUL-2009 07:0013511.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air H2S ambient air exceedance.

94 94 26 94 94 94

337897 337899 337905 337912 337917 337919

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

18-Jul-2009 17-Jul-2009 17-Jul-2009 18-Jul-2009 18-Jul-2009 18-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Air


94 94 94

337960 337962 337968

Suncor Suncor Suncor

19-Jul-2009 19-Jul-2009 19-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

Station 2 24 hr H2S exceedance station 5 H2S exceedance

94 94 94 94 149968 26 149968 94 94 149968 94 26 26 94

337986 337988 337990 337992 337994 338035 338110 338112 338116 338123 338131 338133 338195 338197

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Syncrude CNRL Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

19-Jul-2009 20-Jul-2009 20-Jul-2009 19-Jul-2009 20-Jul-2009 20-Jul-2009 20-Jul-2009 20-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

No Impact Spill last night -believe due to oily water sewer drain backed up. Approx 100 barrels of liquid, contained in tank dyke. Liquid is now receding back into sewer. Was untreated light gas oil/water mixed. Call Reason No Impact Air Ambient H2S @ Station 5-Mannix Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air station 5 24 Hr exceedance station 5 H2S exceedance station 5 H2S exceedance S02 exceedance due to wet gas compressor tripping. Tank venting (hydrocarbons and sweet natural gas). Vents ~every 6 minutes for ~10 seconds, trying to change lineup to reduce tank pressure. Extraction tailings leak with 0.3% bitumen -25m3 spill fully contained on lease. Call Reason Land station 5 H2S exceedance station 5 24 hr. H2S exceedance S02 emission exceedance more than 20 tons, gas compressor tripped; flaring occurred; notification only. Call Reason Air Station 12 TRS exceedance. Large brown cloud in the sky coming out of the oil sand; not sure if there is any special odour. Venting of naphtha vapour - plant 61c16. Ongoing. Overpressuring of vessel. Contravention of discharge high TSS returned water from pond into the river. Sample was taken at 0809 hrs and lab result come back at 1509 hrs, pump was shut off immediately. Estimate of water discharged at 14,000 gal per minutes. H2S exceedance. Opacity exceedance due to boiler 11 trip and during startup opacity was high. AA/ occurred July, 2009 b/w 18:30 to 18:54, the old power house stack 31F7, average opacity percentage 18:30-18:36 18:36-18:42 18:4218:48 18:48-18:54 43.77 56.22 48.16 42.58 the high opacity was caused by particulates in the flue gas from the combustion of the Petroleum coke Exceedance at air monitoring station. Exceedance at air monitoring station. Station 11, H2S exceedance. Discharge of gypsum slurry into a retention pond which will eventually leads to the Athabasca River. Cause is due to isolation valve faulty. It is stopped now. Time Wind Dir/Speed 12:45 Call Reason Surface Water TSS exceedance. Believe its due to a lot of rain that day. Released to creek. Ambient air exceedance. Water TSS exceedance higher than approval limit, water goes to Stanley creek, cause still under investigation.

94 94

338203 338205

Suncor Suncor

21-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009

Industry Industry

94 94 94 94 153125 94 18942

338211 338213 338223 338234 338243 338247 338280

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Shell Canada Jackpine Suncor Syncrude Aurora Canada Ltd. Syncrude CNRL

22-Jul-2009 22-Jul-2009 22-Jul-2009 22-Jul-2009 22-Jul-2009 22-Jul-2009 22-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Air Surface Water Surface Water Air Surface Water Air Land

26 149968

338284 338288

22-Jul-2009 22-Jul-2009

Industry Industry

Tank venting - D13. Source hydrocarbons and naphtha vapours. Plant 22-1 had upset. Spill of diesel, 6241. Auto shut off valve on transport unit failed. Product was being loaded into a site storage tank. Product spilled onto soil. No waterways impacted. Going to sand area and remove contaminated soil. Call Reason Land


94 94 94

338315 338320 338410

Suncor Suncor Suncor

22-Jul-2009 23-Jul-2009 23-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air

94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 26 94 94

338415 338431 338441 338443 338460 338462 338465 338467 338469 338506 338508

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

23-Jul-2009 23-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Station 12 TRS exceedance. Exceedance at air monitoring station. [The air monitoring station is not specified. Inspection of WBEA data indicate four hourly exceedances on 23 July 2009 at AMS 5.] on July 11 had a small fire in upgrader 2-SRU (sulphur recovery unit5 @ 1300 hrs. Snuffed out with steam. 3 workers had S02 exposure -reported to first aid then returned to work. Cause: possibly a pump that was just put back into service. Still investigating. Call Reason Air Station 12 H2S exceedance. (time is mst Spill -continued (mst-tailings. Best estimate 16-20 cubes. Pressurizing line -ball valve not seated. Reported at 1543. Call Reason Land. Exceedance at air monitoring station. Exceedance at air monitoring station of H2S -24 hour average. Time Wind Dir/Speed 23:59 Call Reason Air Time is mst. Station 13, H2S exceedance. [AMS 13 does not sample H2S; it samples TRS.] Odour in area. Smells like sulphur. inside plant. Call Type Impact smells like Call Reason Air. Between forts. Smell is bad today. Very bad even inside office. Burn rubber. Affecting nasal passages. Late report. Tank 51 venting. High pressure Venting from tanks 51 and 52. Hydrocarbon and Nat. GAs vapours. High pressure. Intermittent. on- going.

94 94 94 94 94

338510 338520 338530 338543 338550

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 24-Jul-2009 25-Jul-2009 25-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention

94 94 94 94

338553 338559 338573 338581

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

25-Jul-2009 25-Jul-2009 25-Jul-2009 25-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

94 94 94 26 149968

338583 338587 338593 338595 338611

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL

26-Jul-2009 26-Jul-2009 26-Jul-2009 26-Jul-2009 26-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

No Impact Missing flow data and pH data for Pond c outfall. Found while doing monthly report. Problem with connection between DCS and inner plant system. DCS didn't back up data -has been repaired. Air Were blowing down 52C302. During that time, there was a gas oil plume released. 12 maintenance workers were in contact with plume. 2 workers went back to modified work after incident, other 10 went back to normal work after visiting first aid. Details on exposure not known. Call Reason Air Air Station 1, H2S exceedance. times are mountain standard Call Reason Air Air Station 12 H2S exceedance. Hourly Average. Air Station iS hourly H2S exceedance. Air Venting from Plant 4 of light hydrocarbons with some residual H2S. Reason: under investigation but probably due to problems with VIU blowers. Vented from 1130 to 1135 hours. Call Reason Air Potable Potable water -lab sample did not meet required threshold; positive for coliforms. Reported to caller at 1413 Water hours today. Results received today. 00236016 217557 Will immediately post "Do not Drink" signs and have arranged for bacti sampling at 6 different areas. Only got one positive sample but have posted signs on all common areas at both camps. Have also advised Health Region (left detailed voice mail. Have supplied ample bottled water at both camps. 25-JUL-200913:05 Industry Notification Comments: Sample -treated public drinking water and mine common area. Potable Water Air station 12, 0900-1000 mst. 24ppb. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 09:00 25-JUL-2009 10:00 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air Air VRU -Stage 2, off line. 1145 till noon. Equipment failure. Call Reason Air Air Station 5 hourly H2S exceedance. Air Contravention. Venting from plant #4 from 2121 hours to 2218 hours. Instrumentation error caused a valve to open which overpressure their vacuum unit -which caused the venting. 2000 barrels of production were cut to correct the problem. Light-end hydrocarbons and residual H2S would have vented. Air Hourly TRS at station 12. Air Hourly H2S exceedance, station iS. Time Wind Dir/Speed 06:003496.0 Call Reason Air. Air Odour -oil sands -very strong. For last hour and a half Call Reason Air Air Tank venting D-51 - hydrocarbon vapours. Still investigating. On going. Details in letter.






No Impact Blockage in sulphur pipeline so they couldn't get to the sulphur block. If sulphur is unable to get to the sulphur block, it is a contravention. Currently trying to resolve the issue. Contractor sending trucks to transport sulphur from the sulphur plant to the sulphur block -have not arrived yet. Air Approval contravention. Opacity exceedance on stack 31F-7. One 6 minute exceedance. Not sure of


94 94 94 26 94 94 149968 94

338617 338633 338728 338759 338761 338763 338786 338914

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor

27-Jul-2009 27-Jul-2009 27-Jul-2009 27-Jul-2009 27-Jul-2009 28-Jul-2009 28-Jul-2009 28-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

94 149968

338920 338931

Suncor CNRL

29-Jul-2009 29-Jul-2009

Industry Industry

Notification Release

94 94 94 94 94 94 94

338938 338980 339062 339064 339066 339076 339125

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

29-Jul-2009 29-Jul-2009 30-Jul-2009 30-Jul-2009 30-Jul-2009 30-Jul-2009 30-Jul-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Impact

151469 94 94 94 26 94

339143 339159 339161 339165 339167 339175

Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

30-Jul-2009 30-Jul-2009 30-Jul-2009 31-Jul-2009 31-Jul-2009 31-Jul-2009

Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Notification Alleged Contravention Release

reason/cause -still investigating. Station iS hourly H2S exceedance. Exceedance of H2S at air monitoring station. H2S exceedance, station 5. R22 release due to leak in the system - building 1000, unit 41-44RV2. Planning to repair and recharge. He will try to get a more accurate volume for the written report. Air Station i4 hourly H2S exceedance. Recognized that they had an alarm earlier today. Call Reason Air Air Hourly H2S, station 5. Air Exceedance on NOX. Reason: pressure swing -absorption on hydrogen plant went down. NOX went up when startup occurred. No Impact Source has acid gas leak on Monday to coole [cooling] tower blow down system. Cause low pH in blow down > they added caustic. Blow down goes to waster water ponds then discharge to river. There is a continuous pH analyzer on outfall from ponds -low pH not seen. Have shut in outfall as of 1630hrs today. Taken sulfide sample -will have results in morning. **Caller says this is notification only. Call Reason No Impact Air Ambient air exceedance. Surface Had a raw sewage dump into tailings pond. Operator (private contractor did not know proper procedure and Water instead of taking sewage for treatment and proper disposal, he dumped it into tailings pond. This incident will be investigated by source's health/safety personnel to prevent this from occurring again. Call Reason Surface Water Air Venting from Tank 20-6-2. Unsure of reason -to release pressure from tank. Also 1 minute of venting on VRU. Unknown time -will follow up. Call Reason Air Air Opacity excursion on Stack 31 Air Ambient air exceedance. Air Ambient air exceedance. Air Ambient air exceedance. Air Venting from tank 2003. Hydrocarbons are being vented (02:18-02:35. Cause-when filling tank with diluent, pressure built up. Call Reason Air Air Air quality has been quite bad for last couple weeks -smelling like it comes from surrounding industry. Caller finds it worse at night at home but still smells in day in downtown area. Caller wants information on what is occurring to make smells when WBEA lines indicates the air is all right. Call Reason Air Surface TSS exceedance for Pond 2, unknown volume released to Athabasca River. Cause -under investigation. Water Air Ambient air exceedance. Air Stinks. Smells like source. an hour ago & sporadically the past while (weeks. Seems to be getting worst. Call Reason Air Air Ambient air exceedance Air Release of R22. From HVAC. Repaired & recharged. > 10 kg. Air Air Air Air Land Unknown volume of sewage released is continuing to release. Cause -cracked manhole has backed up. It's currently being diverted to industrial sewer. No waterways affected. All on site. Will cleanup soon. Not a significant release -can't quantify. Call Reason Land Infrared survey completed today revealed an open gauge on tank 2004 (diluent tank. Gauge was supposed to automatically close, suspect it's been open since July 2603:00. Was closed today at 16:00. Has likely resulted in releases of vapors from the tank. Would be hydrocarbon vapors -will be quantified next week. Call Reason Air Station 11, hourly exceedance. Station 5 hourly exceedance Notification of diverted CO from boiler. Scheduled maintenance on tube. CO released to atmosphere. Will last ~43hrs. Will include volume in 7day letter. Ambient air exceedance. Plant is venting. cause is under investigation. 00237388 217479 01-AUG-2009 10:32 Industry Notification Comments: Venting this morning. Upgrader was having blower problems. Hydrocarbon vapours. Call Reason Air . Station 5, ambient Air exceedance. hourly averages and 24 hour exceedance. TK: Based on wind direction this








94 94 26 94 94

339355 339362 339372 339374 339378

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

31-Jul-2009 1-Aug-2009 1-Aug-2009 1-Aug-2009 1-Aug-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air









94 94 94 149968 94 94 26 94

339412 339414 339419 339423 339438 339444 339446 339452

Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

2-Aug-2009 2-Aug-2009 2-Aug-2009 2-Aug-2009 3-Aug-2009 3-Aug-2009 2-Aug-2009 3-Aug-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

149968 94 94 94 94 26 183875 94 94 149968 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26

339472 339494 339496 339508 339555 339557 339597 339616 339620 339661 339734 339736 339742 339762 339810 339837 339841 339849 339888 339892 339929

CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

3-Aug-2009 3-Aug-2009 4-Aug-2009 4-Aug-2009 4-Aug-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Release Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Impact

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

GLC was likely caused by emissions from the Suncor Oil Sands Plant. Syncrude has indicated that they are not a likely contributor to the GLC. Incident closed. Air Monitoring Station 2, 24 hour average Station 5, Air Monitoring Station. Hourly Exceedance 1 hrs H2S exceedance. NOx emission violation in hydrogen plant. Stack top. Due to startup. Since 0200 hrs this morning & still ongoing. Does not have hourly Average's right now. 24 hour TRS exceedance at Station 12 Air monitoring station, Station 5, One hour exceedances and 24 hour average exceedance. 3416.03396.0 Call Reason Air Tripped offgas compressor #81K2. Ongoing. Instrumentation restarting. Shouldn't last too long Station 5, Air monitoring Station. 1 hour exceedance of H2S approval limit. TK: Based on wind direction this GLC was likely caused by emissions from the Suncor Oil Sands Plant. Syncrude has indicated that they are not a likely contributor to the GLC. Incident closed. Notification that exceeded 20 tonnes S02 emission on 2-Aug-09. Unk exact volume right. Had issues with wet gas compressor. Was told to just notify -not an exceedance. Station 5, Air monitoring station. 1 hour average exceedance of H2S. 46.0 Call Reason Air Station 5, Air monitoring Station. 1 hours average exceedances. Time Wind Dir/Speed 05:003114.004:003322.003:003553.002:003424.001:004 6.0 Call Reason Air Small amount of venting -1From VRU on 1 Aug 09 from 1621-1623, 2from 20D2 on 1 Aug 09 from 23402351 Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. Tank venting. Probably hard run down to tank. Hydrocarbon & Natural gas vapours. H2S exceedance at trailer S02 exceedance on thermal oxidizer unit. Reason unknown. H2S ambient air exceedance. Station 2 S02 exceedance -24 hrs Average. Have problem with compressor. working on it -should be fixed by tomorrow. Disturbed an area that was without a pre disturbance assessment. Seven day letter explaining. H2S ambient air exceedance, Station 11. H2S exceedance (ambient air Hydraulic oil spill -900L from hull truck. Spilled to ground in mine. Have bermed area and will vac truck product. Call Reason Land Flaring -upset in upgrader i2 both wet gas compressors tripped and went to flare. Unsure if flaring done. Will exceed 20T S02. Call Reason Air Had small fire on 2 coker drums on U1 operations. Combustion on surface. Sources FD responded. Caller thinks fire is out by now. Cause is unknown -probably leak of fuel. No other details available. Call Reason Air Venting from 20D2. Duration -6min. Hydrocarbon vapours -very unlikely that there was H2S. Bump in process. Call Reason Air Venting of hydrocarbon vapour from Plant 4 from 2243 to 2300 hours. Reason: could be slight process problem (not serious; under investigation. Call Reason Air stationUl H2S. Station 2, H2S exceedance. Caller went driving back in town from the north passing the bridge to Shell and the Aurora Plant, smell very bad H2S and rotten egg odour making caller's eye water and throat burned. Notice Syncrude has the divertor on; caller is employee of Suncor. H2S exceedance at Station 11. Station 2, H2S exceedance.

Syncrude 4-Aug-2009 Devon ARL 4-Aug-2009 Corp. Suncor 4-Aug-2009 Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude 5-Aug-2009 5-Aug-2009 5-Aug-2009 5-Aug-2009 6-Aug-2009 6-Aug-2009 6-Aug-2009 7-Aug-2009 7-Aug-2009 7-Aug-2009 7-Aug-2009 8-Aug-2009 8-Aug-2009

94 94

339931 339933

Suncor Suncor

8-Aug-2009 8-Aug-2009

Notification Notification

Air Air


94 94 151469

339936 339955 340000

Suncor Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

9-Aug-2009 9-Aug-2009 10-Aug-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release

Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

94 94 94 94 94 94 153125 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 151469 94 94

340004 340059 340063 340069 340257 340471 340487 340524 340535 340546 340558 340564 340568 340601 340607 340614 340635 340653 340693 340703 340778 340784 340786

10-Aug-2009 10-Aug-2009 10-Aug-2009 10-Aug-2009 12-Aug-2009 14-Aug-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Flaring of S02 since 0444 hr; due to sulphur recovery unit IS pressure problem; will try to get it back asap. Call Reason Air Station 51 H2S exceedance. TSS exceedance. Value unknown -can tell its an exceedance just from looking. Heavy rain in area at that time. Caused pond to overflow (volume of water unknown. Water flowed into creek and then into river. Call Reason Surface Water Station i2-H2S hourly Average exceedance. Late report -notification only -high opacity from 31-F-7 due to starting coker gas boiler. Call Reason Air Station 11-H2S hourly Average exceedance. Venting of hydrocarbon from tank 20-D-1 to atmosphere. Due to problems with level indication. Call Reason Air Station 2 H2S exceedance station 5 H2S exceedance exceedance in sedimentation pond; cause unknown; will take more samples to investigate. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water] Flaring more than 20 tons of S02 due to loss of both wet gas compressors; flaring for 30 mins; it has stopped. Call Reason Air Opacity exceedance for stack 31 due to oil pressure valve problem on boiler 13. Has been repaired. Occurred Aug 14 (10:30-12:30intermittently. No values available. When will the source stop sending black smoke into the air? black smoke comes from the plant for months making people sick. Exceedance at air monitoring station. Exceedance at air monitoring station. Stage 2 of VRU tripped at 0413 hours and is still down. Reason is believed to be loss of refrigerant (believe it is non-ozone depleting. Haul truck fire; hauling waste soil from mining process; one minor injured; will contact Workplace Health and Safety. Fire is out; has already talked to ERCB. No environmental impact. Call Reason Air Exceedance at air monitoring station. R22 release. From bldg HVAC system. Being repaired now. Exceedances at air monitoring station. Odour complaint. Very strong sulphur rotten egg smell. No idea where it is coming from exactly. Call Reason Air R22 release. From HVAC system. Being repaired. Station 11 H2S exceedance

Shell Canada 14-Aug-2009 Jackpine Suncor 14-Aug-2009 Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Fort Hills Energy Suncor Suncor 14-Aug-2009 14-Aug-2009 15-Aug-2009 15-Aug-2009 15-Aug-2009 15-Aug-2009 16-Aug-2009 16-Aug-2009 17-Aug-2009 17-Aug-2009 17-Aug-2009 17-Aug-2009 17-Aug-2009 17-Aug-2009 17-Aug-2009

No Impact Did not test for pH on settling pond for one day Air Land Exceedance at air monitoring station. Release of pew water (process water. Cause: commissioning new line. .5 m3 got out of containment. No indication it went to river. Is contained now and line is being drained. Will do further investigation in morning. Two leaks; one fully contained (was on plug on outside of pipe, second leak appears to be leaking valve connection. Call Reason Land Gasoline smell very bad from south of Ft. McMurray. Gasoline smell very bad from south of Ft. McMurray. JC; Complainant called in about a gasoline smell. Source near Suncor. Called complained on this smell and she indicated that the smell was really strong and made her lungs burn. Informed complainant that the Odour protocol was still in effect and that she could check the WBEA air information line for updates. Probable source Suncor due to location and wind direction. Suncor did not update the air information line. AENV will be meeting with Suncor to address the issue on September 2, 2009.BL7379 Odour of sulphur smell (rotten egg smell very strong now.





Public Complaint











26 94 26

340955 340967 341000

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

19-Aug-2009 20-Aug-2009 20-Aug-2009

Complaint Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Impact

Air Air Air

Release of R22. From building 009. UnitySR-284 HMV system. Greater than 10kg. Hourly TRS exceedance, station U2. Time Wind Dir/Speed 01:002543.0 Call Reason Air. Odour complaint. Driving towards plant at 0850. Smells like urine and sulphur. Between plants. A lot of brown in sky - long trail from stack - long long long. - both plants. Both plants really bad - very worrying. Stuff is staying in the air. Air turns brown. R22 release. Greater than 10Kg. Unit #260-1V37 (A/C unit) Bldg. 903. Fixed now.

26 94 94 26 26 94 94

341058 341067 341079 341102 341212 341225 341233

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

20-Aug-2009 21-Aug-2009 21-Aug-2009 21-Aug-2009 22-Aug-2009 22-Aug-2009 22-Aug-2009

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention


94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 94

341244 341248 341261 341271 341275 341279 341313 341338 341405 341409 341505 341509 341511 341513 341549

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

22-Aug-2009 23-Aug-2009 23-Aug-2009 23-Aug-2009 24-Aug-2009 24-Aug-2009 24-Aug-2009 24-Aug-2009 25-Aug-2009 25-Aug-2009 25-Aug-2009 26-Aug-2009 26-Aug-2009 18-Jul-2009 26-Aug-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry







94 94 183875 94 26 94

341615 341617 341628 341722 341766 341800

Suncor Suncor Devon ARL Corp. Suncor Syncrude Suncor

27-Aug-2009 26-Aug-2009 27-Aug-2009 28-Aug-2009 28-Aug-2009 29-Aug-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Notification

No Impact Contravention. VRU stage 2 was down from 1802-1841 hours. Not sure of cause -under investigation. He does not believe there was any venting. Land Small diesel spill -over 200L but volume unknown. No waterways nearby. Details of incident unknown -cause unknown. Will remove soil and send to process. Call Reason Land Land Approval contravention. Last night, discovered digging in an area where reclamation material had not been salvaged, wasting that material. Air Ambient air exceedance. Air H2S exceedance, Station 2. Call Reason Air. Air 2 opacity exceedances, Boiler 1 was taken down at 0400hrs this morning for tube leaks. Opacities occurred during water washing preparation. Shut down ID and FD fans to stop. Will start-up fans tonight, will update if they have any more exceedances. Air Ambient air exceedance. 2704.0 Call Reason Air Air 24 hour exceedance. Air H2S exceedance, Station 2. 1359.0 Call Reason Air. Air Exceedance at air monitoring station. Air 1 hr H2S Air 1 hr exceedance. 29215.0 Call Reason Air Air TRS exceedance, Station 12. Air Venting from plant 4-4PIC793 & 4PIC794. Light end hydrocarbons. Cause under investigation. Call Reason Air Air 24 hr exceedance. Air Ambient air exceedance. Air 1 hr & 24 hr exceedances. Air Ambient air exceedances. No Impact Low pressure flare (west) went out @ 0555 hrs for ~ 30 min's. Probably due to excess steam & condensate. Still investigating. Air Tank venting Hydrocarbon vapour - Tank D52. Still venting but intermittent. Letter received 23-Jul- 2009. No Impact Turbidity monitor was down from yesterday to today. Violation of monitoring requirements for potable water system. Required to continuously measure turbidity before it enters reservoir. All three meters were shut off while maintenance occurred yesterday -serviceman forgot to turn one of them back on after the work. Water quality was good -just a technical violation. (During maintenance only one was shut off at a time. Call Reason No Impact Air Station 2, 24 hour average 00241926 217963 27-AUG-2009 07:07 Industry Notification Air Comments: Station 2, H2S exceedance. 0500-0600 Mst. 00241925 217959 27-AUG-2009 05:10 Industry Notification Air Comments: Station 2, H2S exceedance. Air Station 11, H2S exceedance. Air Air monitoring Station 11, H2S exceedance. No Impact Monthly gas sample for produced gas was not taken. Air Air Air H2S exceedance. Cause unknown. Odour complaint -> strong sulfur smell. Also concerned about emission in area -> brown haze this morning. Large cloud of haze in the area. H2S exceedance, Station 2.


94 94

341804 341817

Suncor Suncor

29-Aug-2009 29-Aug-2009

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air








94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

341842 341844 341856 341858 341880 341892 341985 342005 342024

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

29-Aug-2009 29-Aug-2009 30-Aug-2009 30-Aug-2009 30-Aug-2009 31-Aug-2009 31-Aug-2009 31-Aug-2009 1-Sep-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air

Opacity exceedances -loss of fuel causing high pressure, created problems with ID send. All over 40% no exact values given. Had to swing the boilers out of the JBR (Jet bubbling reactors. Leak on boiler 1-internal -steam. So routing emissions through stack 31 instead of stack 37. Still happening. Working to fix problem. Potential for elevated S02 &/or particulate. AA/ On August 29, 2009, Boiler 1 experienced a tube leak at 04:48 hours at which time it was routed to out of the JBR. Opacity exceedance occurred from 05:12 to 05:24 hrs, 06:36 to 06:48 and 07:48 to 07:54 hrs as boiler was take out of JBR. The point of release was the Old Power House Stack 31F-7. The average opacity reading was 68.10 70.45 61.69 49.81 50.74 The released staff from stack 31 consisted of light fly ash from combustion of coke. A tube leak on Boiler 1 resulted in very hot flue gas entering JBR which triggered an Emergency Shut Down which caused the boiler to transfer out of JBR and in+BL7642to Plant 31 Stack. The FD and ID continued to run to cool the boiler. The fans carried all the remaining furnace and debris into stack 31 which resulted in the opacity excursions. Spill of tailings from Millennium from north booster pumphouse. This is just water and sand. 410 m3 went to pipe corridor & contained & 40 m3 to adjacent ditch. (this ditch is also contained) (nothing to environmental buffer) Clean up in progress. Call Reason Land 1 hr exceedance. Alaskan skid (VRU Stage 2down today. Unsure about flaring and cause at this time -will call and update. Station 2 H2S exceedance. Station 13, TRS exceedance. Station 11, H2S exceedance. Station 2 H2S exceedance. TRS exceedance due to unknown cause. STATION 5, H2S HOURLY EXCEEDANCE. Spill of tarsand/water slurry. Bellows on pipeline developed a hole. Contained in a containment pond within mine perimeter. Unknown amount -will call back to verify. No adverse effects. Problems with pager system caller just became aware of incident. Call Reason Surface Water H2S exceedance. Cause unknown. Hourly H2S exceedance. Station 4, H2S Exceedance. Times are mst. Station 2 H2S exceedance. Venting from tank on 1-Sep. Due to plant upset. Hydrocarbon gases. unknown what is in tank. Will indicate why late report in letter. Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. Ambient air exceedance TSS exceedance. Continuing to take samples. Day before and Day after were fine. May have been bad samples (new employee). Still investigating. Requests waiver of letter. Station 5 H2S exceedance. Mechanical problem with RX400 shovel; loss hydraulic fluid in the mining area. Contained and cleanup in progress. Call Reason Land Odour - smells like oil. station 24 hr H2S exceedance Station 12 H2S exceedance water results. R22 release from building 870, A/C unit ; repair in progress. Station 11 H2S 1 hr exceedance Station 11 24 hr H2S exceedance

94 94 26 94 94 94 94 153125 94 149968 26 94 94 20809 26 94 94

342190 342260 342273 342391 342411 342414 342420 342450 342498 342511 342537 342754 342758 342768 342771 342777 342781

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Shell Canada Jackpine Suncor CNRL Syncrude Suncor Suncor

1-Sep-2009 2-Sep-2009 2-Sep-2009 3-Sep-2009 3-Sep-2009 3-Sep-2009 3-Sep-2009 3-Sep-2009 3-Sep-2009 4-Sep-2009 4-Sep-2009 7-Sep-2009 7-Sep-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Shell Canada 7-Sep-2009 Syncrude Suncor Suncor 7-Sep-2009 7-Sep-2009 8-Sep-2009


94 94 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 20809

342783 342785 342921 342923 342925 343067 343100 343120 343185 343195

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Shell Canada

8-Sep-2009 8-Sep-2009 9-Sep-2009 9-Sep-2009 9-Sep-2009 10-Sep-2009 11-Sep-2009 11-Sep-2009 11-Sep-2009 12-Sep-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air

Station 2 24 hrs H2S exceedance Station 2 1hr H2S exceedance Station 2 H2S 24 hr exceedance station 11 H2S 24hr exceedance

94 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 149968

343197 343256 343287 343290 343398 343412 343450 343512 343567 343575 343587 343661

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL

12-Sep-2009 13-Sep-2009 13-Sep-2009 14-Sep-2009 14-Sep-2009 15-Sep-2009 15-Sep-2009 16-Sep-2009 16-Sep-2009 16-Sep-2009 16-Sep-2009 17-Sep-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry In-house Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Impact Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

High pressure pilot out on flare. Blew gasket on NG regulator to flare. Big cloud of black smoke coming from plant. Noticed this ~10 minutes ago. Odor has been unbearable the past couple of days. Air Station 2 H2S [see incident details] Air Station 11, exceedance. Times are mst. Air Station 11, H2S exceedance. Time are in Mst. No Impact Caustic spill at water treatment plant. Not sure of cause. Occurred Sept 4-they just received notification yesterday at 1052 hours. Called in late because operator forgot to call it in. All spilled indoors and cleaned up at the time. Call Reason No Impact Air Station ll2 H2S hourly exceedance. Air Station 2, hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 05:001554.0 Call Reason Air. Air Station ill hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 19:0016210.0 Call Reason Air. Air Station 2 hourly exceedance -H2S. Time Wind Dir/Speed 01:001509.0 Call Reason Air. Air Odour complaint - smells like urine, eyes burning. Sky was hazy around source - purple, blue/brown colour in sky. Wind blowing NE. Smell not as strong now in community. Air Hourly H2S exceedance, station 2. Time Wind Dir/Speed 02:001293.0 Call Reason Air. No Impact Lost CEMS on old power house stack. Lost for 107 hrs., Less than 90% uptime for Sept 2009. Air Ambient air exceedance. No Impact Loss of flare flow indication. Not sure why it failed. Visual monitoring still OK. Not sure when it will be back up. Potable Rolling Average for trihalomethanes and haloacetic acid over limit. In potable water distribution system. Cause Water is under investigation and will plan of action. Call Reason Potable Water Air Opacity exceedance -starting up boiler il. Not a contravention -just a notification. Land Spill of tailings from tailings line. 220m3-> crack in pipeline. Spill into tailings corridor, designed so that if there is a spill it will be contained in corridor. Product with [will] flow into 'drop pond' from there it will be pumped into tailings pond. 0.01% bitumen, 99.99% water. Caller said they will contact the ERCB. Call Reason Land May have had a flame out for a short duration on flare stack. Currently validating it. Less than 1 minute. Someone noticed it visually. Ambient air exceedance Station 2 hourly exceedance, H2S. Time Wind Dir/Speed 07:001568.0 Call Reason Air. Hourly exceedance on thermal oxidizing unit (TOU. The reason: one of the three sulphur trains went down. The train is back up now. Station 2, H2S Exceedance. All Times are mst. Time Wind Dir/Speed 06:0006:0002:0001:00 Call Reason Air. Station 11, H2S Hourly exceedance. Times are MST. Air emission contravention , NOX at hydrogen plant due to mechanical problem; during replacing of the parts. Venting from tank 20D-3. The tank has hydrocarbon vapours -small release. Caused by a small pressure fluctuation. It vented for -20 minutes yesterday -he will confirm the time span in the letter. Call Reason Air Sewage spill, ~200 L, on Syncrude base plant site. Believes the sewage system and manhole plugged - have to get it cleaned out. None offsite. Will vacuum in the morning. Slow release occurring. Tomorrow morning will

94 94 94 94 94 94 149968 94 26

343683 343693 343711 343767 343775 343780 343797 343841 343846

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Syncrude

17-Sep-2009 18-Sep-2009 18-Sep-2009 18-Sep-2009 19-Sep-2009 18-Sep-2009 19-Sep-2009 20-Sep-2009 20-Sep-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land


94 94 94 46586 94 1604 153125 94 94 94 26 26

343852 343854 343856 343874 343901 343903 344023 344030 344032 344089 344093 344096



Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry

Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Impact Impact

Air Air Air Surface Water Air Land Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air

Suncor 21-Sep-2009 Suncor 21-Sep-2009 Imperial Oil 21-Sep-2009 Suncor 21-Sep-2009

Japan Canada 21-Sep-2009 OS Shell Canada 22-Sep-2009 Jackpine Suncor 22-Sep-2009 Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude 22-Sep-2009 23-Sep-2009 23-Sep-2009 23-Sep-2009

unplug. Time it started was unknown. Station 1, TRS exceedance. 1 hour averages and 24 hour average. (all times are mst29912.030111.0 Call Reason Air. Station 2, 1 hour exceedances. (times are mst1708.01707.0 Call Reason Air. Station 11, 1 hour exceedances of H2S, (times are mst. 14312.01428.0 Call Reason Air. Spill of hydraulic oil (vegetable oil base from a machine onto a floating platform on the Athabasca River; eventually got into the River; during construction of the River intake. Call Reason Surface Water Tank venting (20D3-> diluted bitumen tank. Hydrocarbon vapours , some sulfur compounds. Cause unknown. Call Reason Air Spilled 500 litres of diesel onsite. No water ways affected. A hose from an exchanger came undue. Clean up done Call Reason Land Reporting a BOD exceedance on Pond 2. Occurred Aug 24. The creeks (Jackpine, Muskeg and Muskeg River) in the area also experienced high BOD, so they suspect it is a natural occurrence. Venting from Vapour Recovery unit. After Stage 1 but prior to stage 2. H2S removed, but hydrocarbon content. Unk why. Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. Station 2 H2S exceedance Just passing Syncrude & Suncor on 63 & it smells like rotten eggs or sewage. Odour - strong rotten egg smell going through Source location. Strong tar/hydrocarbon smell before that. Rotten egg smell lasted until the north gate. Visible dark brown coming from tall stack. Other source also had brownish red colour from their stack. Odour complaint - sulphur / rotten egg smell. Also a long coloured haze blowing across the sky - blowing NE. Ambient air exceedance. Hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide smell. Caller can see that industry is flaring. Call Reason Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Odour complaint -wind blowing from s. "Cat odour". Blackish colour in air, eyes burn. Ongoing issue, all day & night. Caller concerned about health. Call Reason Air Strong ammonia, cat pee smell. Caller would like a call back. Had release -43El4 heat exchanger. Cooling tower riser pulled away from structure -released H2S and water. Volumes unknown ->all contained on plant site. Activated site ERP. No injuries. Pipe has been isolated. No other information available. Call Reason Air NOX exceedance for utility boiler 1 hr average. Readings will be in 7 day letter Station 12, TRS exceedance. Station 2 H2S exceedance. Tank venting. Tanks 8, 14 and 101 - all on the same VRU. Hydrocarbon vapour. Currently intermittent. Smells like cat litter (ammonia); wind is blowing from south; occurring for last week - is occurring right now. Station 11 H2S exceedance. Station 12 , TRS exceedance. Temperature exceedance on stack top. Cause unknown at this time. (TOU f1,8F5 stack.

26 94 94 94 94 26 149968

344103 344109 344168 344191 344195 344220 344224

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL

23-Sep-2009 23-Sep-2009 23-Sep-2009 24-Sep-2009 24-Sep-2009 24-Sep-2009 24-Sep-2009

Impact Notification Impact Notification Impact Impact Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

149968 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 149968

344250 344280 344282 344303 344378 344380 344411 344546 344557 344603

CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL

24-Sep-2009 25-Sep-2009 25-Sep-2009 25-Sep-2009 25-Sep-2009 25-Sep-2009 27-Sep-2009 28-Sep-2009 28-Sep-2009 29-Sep-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land






Pro-Active Notification

Station 2, H2S exceedance. Spill of diesel and motor vehicle fluids. Fire tree was hit and caused fluid lines to break. Spilled into sand mining pit -> will remove contaminated soil/sand run though upgrader. Product soaked 1.5m into ground >water table is down 2m further than that. Time Wind Dir/Speed 04:3004:3004:30 Call Reason Land No Impact Greenpeace on site. Has shut down plant 82-extraction plant. Also a group on river is canoes. May be a third group -landed a helicopter at south tailings pond.


149968 94 183875

344698 344749 344753

CNRL Suncor

30-Sep-2009 1-Oct-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Pro-Active Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air

2, 1 hour NOx exceedance. Values unknown. Cause -> process upset -> caller had no details.

Devon ARL 1-Oct-2009 Corp. Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor 1-Oct-2009 1-Oct-2009 1-Oct-2009 1-Oct-2009 2-Oct-2009 2-Oct-2009 2-Oct-2009 2-Oct-2009

26 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 46586 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 1604 94 94

344764 344821 344823 344825 344829 344851 344871 344873 344885 345043 345058 345062 345066 345114 345160 345162 345171 345180 345222 345251 345253 345263 345292 345321 345400

Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Intermittent venting from Stage 1 VRU. The vented substance is hydrocarbon vapours with no sour constituents. Still investigating cause -more info will be included in the written report. Call Reason Air No Impact Non-compliance on CEMS. It went down and will likely not meet 90% uptime for CEMS for month of October. Occurred during turnaround -it got stuck on calibration mode. Supplier attended today -likely not faxed until Monday at the earliest. Air Tank venting - D7. Venting hydrocarbon -> not sour. Had a PVSV lifting prematurely. Will investigate. Does not think that it is an over pressuring situation. Air Big brown curtain hanging over the hwy. Odours like cat urine. In between Source and Super test. She is noticing this right now. Air Passing Source - they are flaring and there are plume clouds. Main stack is contributing to clouds. She is on Hwy 63 northbound. Air station 5 H2S exceedance Air station 5 H2S exceedance.

Air Vented gas oil & perhaps some sour gas. From 52C313-U2 upgrader -cause in 7 day letter Call Reason Air No Impact Warming up tail gas unit 12. Started last night. Doing catalyst pre-sulfiding. Unit will be back online tomorrow. Notification only -not a contravention. Call Reason No Impact Air Ambient air exceedance. Surface Water Air Toxicity test conducted on discharge from on site drainage (for Sept failed @ 2 locations. Did not meet 100% survival rate -1 fish died in each case. Got results today. Samples taken early -mid September. Flaring S02 for six weeks because of compressor problems. Reached 20 tonnes S02 today. Started flaring approx August 15/2009. Call Reason Air. No Impact One of flares went out @ 1215 hrs. Relit @ 1219 hrs. Unk cause Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Ambient air exceedance. Bypassing superclaus (pollution control equipment, so potential for increased S02 release. Started @ 0715 hrs, unsure how long b/c sulphur draws are plugged & working to unplug. Release of untreated naphtha between tank #64 and 72. Pipeline failure. Contained. Spill into natural ditch. None in water course. Will repair line and cleanup with a vacuum truck. Venting from Plant 4, hydrocarbon vapours. Details in letter. 6 minutes of venting. VRU stage 1. Details in letter. H2S exceedances at air monitoring station. Tank venting - venting hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas from Tanks #100, 101 and 8. Intermittent from 0130 to 0300 hours. Cause: vent gas recovery system is overloaded. flaring from accumulator 124.61 because blowers were offline. Time Wind Dir/Speed 12:00 Call Reason Air Sodium Hypochlorite is not NSF certified as per approval for potable water.

Imperial Oil 2-Oct-2009 Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude 3-Oct-2009 5-Oct-2009 5-Oct-2009 5-Oct-2009 4-Oct-2009 5-Oct-2009 5-Oct-2009 5-Oct-2009 6-Oct-2009 6-Oct-2009 6-Oct-2009 6-Oct-2009 6-Oct-2009

Air Potable Water No Impact Missing some lab results for semi-annual reporting on potable system, found during audit.

Japan Canada 7-Oct-2009 OS Suncor 7-Oct-2009 Suncor 8-Oct-2009

No Impact During startup, they exceeded the amount of H2S allowed in the strip water. They are correcting this by maximizing parameters to get max efficiency and bring it back into spec. Land Boilers went down & blow down water came out of stack. This is basically boiler water withal ph of 10. Cleanup being done. Call Reason Land Land late report letter of extension of approval requirement for reclamation; it was sent in on 5 Oct, 2009. No Impact Review of records. Test not done (toxicity. North Steepbank Pond. October and November 2008.


26 26

345445 345447

Syncrude Syncrude

8-Oct-2009 8-Oct-2009

Industry Industry

Notification Release

94 94 153125

345451 345461 345505

Suncor Suncor

8-Oct-2009 9-Oct-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Shell Canada 13-Oct-2009 Jackpine

26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 149968 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 149968 94 26 94 94 94 94

345509 345511 345538 345548 345576 345580 345584 345587 345590 345617 345654 345667 345708 345712 345716 345718 345730 345740 345762 345778 345782 345784 345806

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

10-Oct-2009 10-Oct-2009 11-Oct-2009 12-Oct-2009 13-Oct-2009 12-Oct-2009 12-Oct-2009 13-Oct-2009 13-Oct-2009 13-Oct-2009 13-Oct-2009 13-Oct-2009 14-Oct-2009 14-Oct-2009 15-Oct-2009 15-Oct-2009 8-Oct-2009 15-Oct-2009 15-Oct-2009 15-Oct-2009 16-Oct-2009 16-Oct-2009 16-Oct-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Notification Notification

No Impact Flare snuffed out due to a reduction. Steam was released for 15 minutes. Flare was relit. No release of combustion gases. Air 81K2 gas compressor trip at 2300 hrs. Flaring of hydrocarbons (filter gas) occurring as a result. Currently trying to get it back up. Following procedure to rectify the situation but not sure how long it will take. Full details in written report. Air 8Fl0 stack on the thermal oxidizer unit has gone below the required temperature. Problem with regulator valve. They are currently changing it out. Air VRU Stage 2 compressor trip. Cause: unknown, under investigation. Released light hydrocarbons and VOCs from 1110 to 1hours, then from 1136 to 1137 hours on startup. Call Reason Air Surface Exceedance of discharge criteria on sedimentation pond. Reason: pumping sedimented water into Water sedimentation pond; overwhelmed pond's ability to drop out sediment. 00251232 220488 09-OCT-2009 19:36 Industry Alleged Contravention Surface Water Comments: TSS exceedance. Results received on Oct 8 from sedimentation pond. Cause: they are building a compensation lake - construction started - and contributed to sediment in pond #C2. Air Flaring due to 83K2 trip (gas compressor). From 0530 hrs -still ongoing. Should stop shortly. Hydrocarbons slightly sour. Air Have extinguished flare. At 0630 hrs. Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Potable Water Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Intermittent tank venting from D100 and D101. Venting hydrocarbon vapours. Cause: under investigation and will be in 7 day report. Stage 2 VRU down for maintenance from 1644-1744. Designed to recover hydrocarbon vapours so HC would have vented for that hour. They will submit a 7-day report. Call Reason Air Portable water meter; sensitive to pressure in the pipe; cause a reverse flow making the turbidity meter; out of range for a while; but it is not real readings; only due to back pressure; not reflecting true turbidity of the water. Have a fire at plant; emergency services informed ; unknown cause or severity; heading out now -will update once know more. Tank venting from D100 and D101; hydrocarbon vapours would be venting; intermittent and ongoing; investigating and trouble shooting ; the results will be in the written report. Venting from VRU -several (5intermittent times. Cause: back pressure from Tank 2002. Vapours caused venting -measurements and all times will be listed in 7 day report. Call Reason Air Exceedance of NOX emissions. Cause: under investigation but have been having issue with upsets in system are getting specialists to review and resolve. Ambient air exceedance. High turbidity in potable water supply. Started up a spare pump and it stirred up the water causing spikes at meter that leaves the plant. Second spike was work right near the meter. No grab samples to confirm this. Plant venting. Due to a plugged line. Cleaned out now. Hydrocarbon vapours. Call Reason Air Invalid sample of turbidity mater; false readings due to operator hit the meter causing a spike in the readings; then it went back to normal. Driving s towards company on Hwy 63. Very strong rotten egg smell. eight out of ten. Call Reason Air. Sate 2 of VRU went down at 427 this morning. Not up yet. Releasing hydrocarbon vapours to atmosphere. Station 2, 0400-055 mst. H2S exceedance. Total chlorine concentration is less 0.1 mg/L due to improper sampling procedure. AV590 refrigerant leak, over 20 Kg limit; not sure the exact amount; leak from a compressor in a cooler; will repair. Stack is going full blast; smoke is emitting to the atmosphere; someone should check it out. Station 11 H2S exceedance. station 11 H2S exceedance. H2S hourly exceedance Venting from plant 4-venting water & HC vapours for 15 mins. Call Reason Air


94 26 149968 94 94 94 149968 26 26 94

345818 345820 345824 345846 345851 345901 345915 345976 346016 346032

Suncor Syncrude CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

16-Oct-2009 16-Oct-2009 16-Oct-2009 16-Oct-2009 17-Oct-2009 18-Oct-2009 18-Oct-2009 19-Oct-2009 19-Oct-2009 19-Oct-2009

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release


Strong rotten egg odour 9 on a scale of 10. Wind blowing SE. Call Reason Air

No Impact Spill of bitumen - leaking from plant 73F1 furnace pipe. Pipe corroded. Not sure how much product has spilled. Leaking into oily water sewer - recycled into process. Will depressurize unit and isolate pipe to repair. Air Hydrogen plant tripped. NOx hourly exceedances starting @ midnight last night & ongoing. Values in letter. Currently working on plant. Air VRU venting. Extraction plant went down. Unk what was vented. Air Stage 2 VRU venting (hydrocarbons. Doing a mechanical adjustment. Time Wind Dir/Speed 18:45 Call Reason Air Air Station 12 TRS exceedance. Air NOx exceedances. Due to a plant trip. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 00:01 18-OCT-2009 03:00 Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air Air Low pressure flare is out. Reason: believe reduction or increase in gas to flare tip. Under investigation. Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air H2S hourly exceedance. Break in gypsum line, spill over 10000 gallons into retention ponds. All on site, occurred while doing repairs to lines. Had to divert boilers to stack 31F7 and S02 levels may go up as a result. Spill stopped -undergoing repairs. Call Reason Surface Water NOx exceedance -hourly Average. 4 exceedances within the last 24hrs. Plant is going though a shut down. Caller does not have values at this time, will include in 7-day letter. Refrigerant release from H & V system. Leak is being repaired. Volume unknown but greater than 10 kgs. Refrigerant release of R22. Cause unknown. Exceedance at air monitoring station. station 2 EXCEEDANCE. Station 11-H2S hourly exceedance.

149968 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 149968 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 48408

346158 346185 346190 346192 346232 346287 346309 346335 346341 346364 346370 346381 346387 346391 346399 346416 346422 346526 346583 346597

CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

21-Oct-2009 21-Oct-2009 21-Oct-2009 21-Oct-2009 22-Oct-2009 23-Oct-2009 23-Oct-2009 23-Oct-2009 24-Oct-2009 24-Oct-2009 24-Oct-2009 25-Oct-2009 25-Oct-2009 25-Oct-2009 25-Oct-2009 26-Oct-2009 26-Oct-2009 26-Oct-2009 27-Oct-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release

No Impact Venting from tank 7 - hydrocarbon constituents. Not sour gas. They are working on it - there is plugged discharge line. It is venting intermittently ongoing. Air Station ll2, hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 16:0015810.0 Call Reason Air. Air Station 2 H2S exceedance Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land NOx exceedances -could be due to increase in boiler pressure. Still investigating cause. Station 12 TRS hourly exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 22:002996.0 Call Reason Air. H2S exceedance, Station 2. Tank 8 % 15 venting at minimal rate (Whispering). intermittent, ongoing. Compressor discharge is plugging off. Investigating. H2S ambient air exceedance. Tank venting 20D51 - venting NG & HC vapour. Station 2 1 hr H2S exceedance. Tank venting hydrocarbon vapor and natural gas due to system overload. Still on going. Tank 57 venting HC, aspirators were open due to low level. Still ongoing. Tank venting. 0757 hrs - 0806 hrs. Sour hydrocarbon vapours & nitrogen. Due to high extraction vent pressures. Release of produced hydrocarbon (bitumen from an abandon well blowout; the fluid sprayed as a mist onto a leased road. It was estimated to be around 10 L of spill. The abandon well is still venting gas, mostly N2, some sour gas. They estimate it will take a week for the pressure of the well to drop off, so they are flagging off 100 m in diameter and monitoring air and access of the leased road for now. ERCB has been notified. Call Reason Land Tank #7 venting hydrocarbon and natural gas - intermittent - very little. Cause: compressor discharge line is

Petro Canada 27-Oct-2009









94 26 94 26 94 26 149968 26 26 94

346605 346620 346652 346657 346661 346787 346798 346849 346867 346870

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

28-Oct-2009 28-Oct-2009 28-Oct-2009 28-Oct-2009 28-Oct-2009 29-Oct-2009 30-Oct-2009 30-Oct-2009 31-Oct-2009 31-Oct-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Land

partially plugged and can't do its job. Small fire; oil under insulation on a pipe caught fire. Was put out with a fire extinguisher by the maintenance man who discovered it. Does not believe smoke went off site. Call Reason Air Tank venting (52) - hydrocarbons and natural gas vapours. High run down to tank and partially plugged vent gas system. Intermittent but ongoing. Release of bitumen. 10m3. Exchanger leak on exchanger 57E9. Went to cement pad and is solidifying. Will scoop up & place in drums. Call Type Call Reason Release Land #73 NOX analyzer is not functioning properly; <90% of uptime for approval limit. Stack top temperature violations. Caller just received results. 30-SEP-200803:00 30-SEP-2008 02:00 Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air Tank venting. From 1500-1505 hrs. Due to rate increase from extraction. Hydrocarbon vapours & nitrogen. Slightly sour. NOX exceedance. Cause: upset conditions.

20809 94 94

346880 346893 346897

Shell Canada 31-Oct-2009 Suncor Suncor 1-Nov-2009 1-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release

94 26 94 94

346918 347031 347039 347067

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

2-Nov-2009 2-Nov-2009 2-Nov-2009 3-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release

Venting from a bitumen tack - 20D51 - venting NG & HC vapours. Venting every 10-15 mins. Pipe leaking engine oil. In building 570, in the mining area. The spill is in the building but also has leaked out of the building. Spill contained and leak stopped. They will clean and remove contaminated soil. Land Release of gypsum slurry --5000 gallons. There was a leak on a line. It leaked for a duration of -1 hour. It went into a drainage ditch and then into their "E" pond. Not sure of cleanup details -will put info in written report. 04:45 No Impact Release of sewage due to septic tank overflow (caused by leaking urinal. Cleaned up with hydrovac. Call Reason No Impact Air Station 2 hourly H2S exceedance. Land 2000 gallon spill of gypsum slurry from different line than last night. Spill was 40 yards from last night's spill. The line is worn. Spilled into pond "E". After the Oct 31 spill, they switched lines to this line. Both lines are worn. 01:37 Air Station i2 hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 06:001519.0 Call Reason Air. Air Refrigerant release. Leak from H & V system. Air Land Tank venting from 20D3. HC vapours. Unknown cause. Release of gypsum slurry -benign material from FGD unit. Went into the limestone pit -no offsite impacts. Not sure what caused it -not sure where it spilled from -likely from a line. More details in the written report. 01:00 Call Reason Land. Spill of "hot slop" - mix of bitumen and light and heavy gas oils. 10 barrels spilled. Spilled around the pressed pipe rack. Contained onsite. Suspect breach in product transfer pipe - still investigating cause. Cleaning with vactrucks currently. Station 11 lower camp H2S exceedance. H2S ambient air exceedance. TRS exceedance at air monitoring station 12. Call Type Notification Call Reason Air. R-22 release, quantity unknown (over 10 kg). Unit # 5R206B. Leak on heat & vent system. Being repaired.








94 94 94 26 94

347092 347120 347129 347135 347152

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

3-Nov-2009 3-Nov-2009 3-Nov-2009 3-Nov-2009 3-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air

94 149968 26

347269 347273 347332

Suncor CNRL Syncrude

5-Nov-2009 5-Nov-2009 5-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Opacity exceedance -not sure what stack. Boiler tripped. AA/ The opacity exceedance occurred from 21:12 to 21:24 Nov 03, 2009, lasted [18 min. The high opacity was caused by particulate from the combustion of Petroleum Coke. Boiler 12 was shut down at approximately 20:45 on November 02 and the operator put the boiler on by pass to prevent over heating the JBR which resulted in the high opacity readings. Both ID and FD fans were shut down after the incident and opacity reading returned to normal. Air H2S exceedance. No Impact Missed date to submit cost estimate for reclaiming mine (annual submission. Was due Nov. 1/09. Due to oversight. Will submit by Nov.13/09. Air Release of hydrocarbon & sour gas off Plant 22-1 unit. One of reflex drums. In the process of isolating & repairing. Pinhole leak. Piping from drum to PSV. Don't expect offsite impacts.


94 94 26 26 94 94 26

347335 347413 347415 347419 347426 347447 347449

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude

6-Nov-2009 7-Nov-2009 7-Nov-2009 7-Nov-2009 7-Nov-2009 8-Nov-2009 8-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water

94 94 94 26 26 26 94 94 20809 94 94 94 94 26 94 94

347455 347459 347461 347475 347477 347567 347568 347572 347626 347649 347669 347683 347685 347707 347755 347757

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Shell Canada Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

8-Nov-2009 9-Nov-2009 9-Nov-2009 9-Nov-2009 9-Nov-2009 10-Nov-2009 10-Nov-2009 10-Nov-2009 11-Nov-2009 11-Nov-2009 12-Nov-2009 12-Nov-2009 12-Nov-2009 12-Nov-2009 12-Nov-2009 12-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Impact Impact Impact Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Ambient air exceedance. Approval contravention on hourly NOx readings. Not sure what caused them yet -they are currently investigating. Tank venting from D-19 (constituent - purge oil). Venting is of hydrocarbon vapour (not sour gas). Caused likely by high temperature - currently reducing temperatures to that tank. Intermittent and ongoing. R22 release from building 9, unit SR285A. They are not sure how much was released, but likely more than 10 kg. They will repair and recharge. Volume will be reported in the 7-day letter. Station ill H2S hourly exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 18:0018812.0 Call Reason Air. Station 12 exceedance. DISCOVERED HIGH h2s CONTENT IN WATER GOING TO EFFLUENT POND; STOP FLOW AND REDIRECT WATER BACK TO TANKS FOR CIRCULATION ; WILL FIX THE H2S STRIPPER BEFORE ALLOW THE FLOW BACK TO THE EFFLUENT POND AGAIN. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water?] Station Ul, H2S hourly exceedance. Station 11, 0100-0200 exceedance Station 2, 0400-0500 exceedance Odour complaint: on way to work caller could smell sour water. Tank 33 is venting. Eyes were watering by the time he arrived at work. Odour complaint - strong sulphur/rotten egg smell just north of Suncor, after passing Syncrude bad pee smell on hwy 63 Caller is in town. Smell is bad. this is second night.

Station 2, H2S exceedance. End Date 10-NOV-2009 10-NOV-2009 10-NOV-2009 Call Type Notification Time Wind Dir/Speed 05:0004:001569.003:0015210.002:0001:00 Call Reason Air. Air Station 11, Exceedance. No Impact Sewage spill of 26 liters on Shell's airport tarmac. Doing lavatory services. Spill cleaned up Air Ambient air exceedance. Air H2S ambient air exceedance. No Impact Downtime on VRU Stage 2-3 down times. This will be in monthly report. Air Air Air Venting from 20D-2-venting hydrocarbons -0930-094912 Nov 09 Tank venting - Tank 14. Hydrocarbon vapours - not sour. Ongoing. Cause unknown. Venting from extraction plant. Appears to be a vacuum issue in plant. Started @ 1605 hrs, still ongoing. Hydrocarbon & TRS content. Not going through VRU -directly to atmosphere. Call Reason Air No Impact At this point people were bagging waste in single bags & some of the waste might have contained asbestos. (Note asbestos needs to be double bagged and has already been buried. OH&S has been called. Volume was 1200 ft squared by 1 inch. This may have been insulation. Call Reason No Impact Air H2S ambient air exceedance. Air Opacity greater than 40% from stack 31, Boiler #14. Damper stuck, affected oxygen feed. Will be reported in monthly report. Call Reason Air Air Station 12 TRS exceedance. Air Notification of down time for Stage 2 of VRU from 0844 to 0948 hours Nov 14. Cause: under investigation. Notification only -will be included in monthly report. Call Reason Air Air Venting voc emissions from Tank 20D6 from 0830 to 0834 hours Nov 14. Cause: under investigation. Call Reason Air Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Air Station 2 H2S exceedance Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Air Station 11, H2S Exceedance Air station4 H2S exceedance. Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Air Vapour recovery unit down, cause unknown.

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

347763 347837 347846 347861 347863 347867 347879 347895 347917 347925 347927 347929

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

13-Nov-2009 13-Nov-2009 14-Nov-2009 14-Nov-2009 14-Nov-2009 14-Nov-2009 14-Nov-2009 15-Nov-2009 15-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification


26 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 48408 20809

347962 347979 348020 348024 348026 348030 348049 348096 348122 348124 348134 348182 348184 348198 348221 348240 348258 348260

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 16-Nov-2009 17-Nov-2009 17-Nov-2009 17-Nov-2009 18-Nov-2009 19-Nov-2009 19-Nov-2009 19-Nov-2009 19-Nov-2009

Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Land

Odours - since yesterday - are really bad now, causing a headache - ammonia type smell. Odour complaint -strong odour. Strong sulfur. 8 on a scale of 10. Sulfur odour - very strong. Caller having breathing issues. Odour - ongoing. Strong smell. S wind. Strong odour in air. Strong odour - reached community now. Ongoing for 2 weeks. Odour of cat pee; call earlier; wants a call back.. Confusion between labs - BOD samples analyzed late. Yesterday's sample. H2S exceedance at Station 2. Station 11 H2S exceedance. Station 11 H2S exceedance Station 1124 hr. H2S exceedance Station 2 H2S exceedance Tank 20-D-3 vented Nov 18/09 from 1433-1458 hours. Venting would have been VOC and TRS. Vented due to a power failure in extraction -caused pressure to spike. Call Reason Air H2S hourly exceedance Venting off C-28 naphtha recovery unit. Decreased unit feed rates rapidly. Flare was snuffed out with steam, had to light flare with flare gun. Was successful. Notification only. ERCB notified. Call Reason Air. Reporting a spill of dyed diesel; they were cleaning a maintenance line within the tank farm and some spilled. All contained within tank farm. All of the impacted soil has been cleaned and will go through the crusher. None offsite -no waterways affected. Time Wind Dir/Speed 16:00 Call Reason Land Ambient air exceedance Ambient air exceedance. Ambient air exceedance ambient air exceedance Tank venting i20B4. fire in plant -lost flow rate. Flaring greater than 20 tonnes S02-source was from %&C-27 (diluent Recovery Plant. Cause to be investigated. Call Reason Air Spill of hydraulic oil from excavator on a gravel area. All contained on site &amp; clean up in progress. Requested a waiver on 7 day letter. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Venting from tank 20-D-3. Excess diluent -plant problem. Flow rate problems TSS exceedance due to pumping of water from one pond to another; exceedance at sedimentation pond C. [this seems to be a misclassification of call reason; should be surface water?] Station 2 hourly H2S exceedance.

Syncrude 19-Nov-2009 Petro Canada 19-Nov-2009 Shell Canada 19-Nov-2009

94 94 94 94 94 94 153125 94 94 153125 94

348342 348365 348372 348374 348395 348475 348479 348483 348489 348500 348551

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

22-Nov-2009 21-Nov-2009 23-Nov-2009 23-Nov-2009 23-Nov-2009 23-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Potable Water Air

Shell Canada 23-Nov-2009 Jackpine Suncor 24-Nov-2009 Suncor 24-Nov-2009 Shell Canada 24-Nov-2009 Jackpine Suncor 25-Nov-2009


26 94 94 94 94 94 94 149968

348616 348622 348686 348704 348710 348712 348820 348825

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL

25-Nov-2009 26-Nov-2009 26-Nov-2009 26-Nov-2009 26-Nov-2009 27-Nov-2009 28-Nov-2009 28-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Notification Notification Notification Release

No Impact Samples taken but parameters missed at lab. Total Ammonia, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Turbidity have no readings. Will take samples again even though its not summer. Air Station 2 hourly H2S exceedance. Air station#12 TRS exceedance [error in the original data: one part of the record specifies AMS12 while the other part of the record mentions AMS 2] Air A gas smell all over source, a sweet gas smell. Air Air Air Land Station 11 hourly H2S exceedance. Station 11 hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 02:001321.0 Call Reason Air. Station 2, H2S exceedance. Spill of coke water from coke pile that has a sump to put water in tailings pond. They are working on sump so tried to store water on coke pile. Breached the inner ditch and was contained in another ditch that acted as secondary containment. Contained within 30 metres of the coke pile. there is no surface flow beyond containment of the ditch. Ground was frozen and no waterways affected. Will let water freeze; access with a backhoe, truck it as ice; put it back on coke pile where it will melt and go down into the sump. Call Reason Land Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Tank 8 venting hydrocarbons. Cause: PV14 controller lost stability. Operators are checking. Venting from 1745 hours to 1800 hours. Ambient air exceedance. 1588.01588.01809.0 Call Reason Air H2S exceedance, station 11. Spill of phosphoric acid -2000 litres over a period of two to 24 hours. Discovered at 1800 hours Nov 29. Slow leak from a chemical tote. Went to the industrial sewer, api, then to a containment pond. Pond is closed so material is contained in the pond. They have been adding a neutralizer. There are no waterways affected and no injuries. Time Wind Dir/Speed 18:00 Call Reason Land Spill of fuel. -4200 L. Diesel fuel. Truck hit a lump & fuel tank was damaged. Contained in oil sands pit. Cleanup to occur shortly. Call Reason Land Tank (20D-2venting of hydrocarbon and steam; it is a bitumen tank; nothing sour; due to overpressure. Time Wind Dir/Speed 22:3020:35 Call Reason Air Venting from 2005-2035 hrs. Naphtha tank. Cause unknown Will include in letter. Received letter regarding: coke sump water release from Coke Pad area outside the Coke Pad perimeter. Odours and visible emissions from Source. It looks like there is a release of dust or particulate. It is blowing over the highway. Caller would like a call back. (Level 3) Station 2 (Mildred Lake hourly H2S exceedance. Station 2, H2S Exceedance. Station 11. 24-hour exceedance. Odour complaint. From source's overpass. Strong sulphur smell. On scale 1 to 10-8. Call Reason Air S02 hourly exceedance. Having issues with sulfur reduction unit -> plant tripped. Blown steam tube in boiler -> caused high temp in JBR (jet bubbling reactor -removes sulfur from gas. Has to switch stream to stack that didn't have JBR -> will more than likely have S02 exceedance as a result. Will update with values. Minor release of hydrocarbon vapour from coker unit t5c5 in Upgrading i1 from 0945 to 0950 hours. Unit has been isolated. Employees were evacuated as a safety precaution but are back now. All cokers are running except this one. Investigating reason and will do repairs. No fires. Call Reason Air Water contravention. Discharge at outlet at water treatment plant that exceeded approval limit. EMSC outlet clean water discharge. Had put in a new depressurization well and it eroded. Under investigation and will put cause and resolution in 7 day report. Discharge was stopped as soon as it was noticed. Water contravention. Discharge at outlet at water treatment plant that exceeded approval limit. EMSC outlet clean water discharge. Had put in a new depressurization well and it eroded. Under investigation and will put cause and resolution in 7 day report. Discharge was stopped as soon as it was noticed.

94 26 94 94 94

348829 348833 348843 348851 348860

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

28-Nov-2009 28-Nov-2009 29-Nov-2009 29-Nov-2009 29-Nov-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Land

94 94 94 149968 26 94 94 94 94 94 94

348866 348877 349054 349117 349184 349205 349226 349379 349415 349497 349499

Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

30-Nov-2009 30-Nov-2009 30-Nov-2009 30-Nov-2009 2-Dec-2009 2-Dec-2009 3-Dec-2009 4-Dec-2009 4-Dec-2009 6-Dec-2009 6-Dec-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Notification Impact Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Land Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Air












Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Surface Water Surface Water



Syncrude 7-Dec-2009 Aurora Canada Ltd.










94 94 94 26 94 149968 26 94 26 26 94 149968 26 26 26 94 26 94 94 153125 94 94 153125 94 26 94 149968 149968 26 26 94

349634 349640 349688 349697 349705 349782 349855 349868 349951 349953 349982 350066 350091 350131 350146 350149 350160 350171 350175 350179 350195 350199 350215 350217 350244 350246 350255 350261 350287 350299 350380

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor CNRL Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

8-Dec-2009 8-Dec-2009 8-Dec-2009 9-Dec-2009 9-Dec-2009 9-Dec-2009 10-Dec-2009 11-Dec-2009 12-Dec-2009 12-Dec-2009 13-Dec-2009 14-Dec-2009 14-Dec-2009 14-Dec-2009 15-Dec-2009 15-Dec-2009 15-Dec-2009 15-Dec-2009 15-Dec-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Land

Spill of 50-SOn glycol and methanol. 1000 litres. Hydro test -valve was frozen -products mixed and overflowed. Taken to recycle. All cleaned up. Contained and absorbed. No remediation required. Spill went to ice -suckingit up. More details in letter. Call Reason Land TRS exceedance. NOX exceedance from GTG6. Cause: lost 14 boiler at 0650 hours so GTG6 had to make up difference which caused exceedance in emissions. H2S hourly exceedance Tank venting hydrocarbon gas for 5 min, cause unknown, still investigating. NOX violation ; cause unknown, still investigate.

Diesel spill from a hauling truck carrying ore, in the mine; truck blew a tire and broke the fuel ine. All contained. Call Reason Land Air Tank venting - Tank 33. Sour vapours (% unknown). Lasted ~10min. Air Venting of H2S for 3 hours due to equipment frozen, it is over now. Call Reason Air No Impact Trip on CO boiler #4 on Plant 25-1. Dumped loop seal - no diverting, precautionary measure No Impact Lost flame on low pressure flare stack, pilot also went out. Up now Air Air Station ill hourly H2S exceedance. NOx exceedance. Steam injector tripped. NO values -> caller will included in 7 day letter.

Air Venting from tank D33. Sour hydrocarbon and nitrogen vapours. Caused by an extraction operation upset. No Impact Potable H2O plant did not have a level 1 ticketed operator from Dec 13 @ 1930 hrs - Dec 14 @ 0730 hrs. Due to illness. Air Tank 33 vented for 15 seconds releasing H2S Air station#12 TRS exceedance Air Tank venting - D33. Sour hydrocarbons and nitrogen. Flows and upsets to tank. intermittent - will be ongoing for a little bit. Air Stage 3 fire (Stage 1 lowest, Stage 4 highest. Contained. Cause unknown Everyone accounted for right now. Details unknown Call Reason Air Air VRU venting from 1120-1125 hrs. May be more due to fire so that plant does not freeze. Does not believe its sour. No Impact Samples collected less than 4 months apart. Once in Sept. and week of Dec 6. Scheduling issue with lab. Clause Air Air Land Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Venting from tank from 1035-1150 hrs & 1200-ongoing. Due to fire & upgrading going down. Contains bitumen. Call Reason Air Station 11 H2S exceedance is 12 ppb; ws is 5 Km/h; wd is 198 deg. 180 Spill of sewage. Unk vol. Believe it may be due to frozen pipe. Lift station overflowed. All frozen around lift station Will dig up ice &amp; clean up. Definitely >100 L. Have flared more than 20 tonnes due to plant upset caused by fire (reported earlier. Can provide details in letter. Were flaring SWAG (sour water acid gas from 1216 to 1549 hours. Call Reason Air Flare is out. Too much steam on system - troubleshooting right now. Station 12 TRS exceedance. Spill of 1200 L hydraulic oil. Bleeding truck -connection tube disconnected. Spilled in mine area. Oil covered with sand -will be removed and dumped. All on site. No drains. Exceedance for NOx. Upset in system -hydrogen plant went down. Steam was lost from combustion chamber for 20 minutes. Tank venting of hydrocarbon vapour, some sour gas in it. Vented for 15 min; cause still under investigation. Intermittent tank venting sour hydrocarbon vapors and nitrogen from Tank D-33. Cause: increased flows and some upsets going to that tank. Station 11 H2S hourly [exceedance]

Shell Canada 15-Dec-2009 Jackpine Suncor 15-Dec-2009 Suncor 15-Dec-2009 Shell Canada 15-Dec-2009 Jackpine Suncor 15-Dec-2009 Syncrude Suncor CNRL CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor 16-Dec-2009 16-Dec-2009 16-Dec-2009 16-Dec-2009 16-Dec-2009 16-Dec-2009 18-Dec-2009















94 26 26 26 48263 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 94 94 26 149968 26

350431 350456 350466 350470 350476 350501 350584 350641 350648 350650 350656 350664 350666 350668 350670 350672 350694

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Conoco Phillips Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude

19-Dec-2009 20-Dec-2009 21-Dec-2009 21-Dec-2009 21-Dec-2009 21-Dec-2009 23-Dec-2009 24-Dec-2009 25-Dec-2009 25-Dec-2009 25-Dec-2009 26-Dec-2009 26-Dec-2009 26-Dec-2009 26-Dec-2009 26-Dec-2009 27-Dec-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Unplanned sour gas release. Workers were doing maintenance on line -> unplugged line -line was not isolated. Sour coker gas stream -10% H2S. Evacuated plant area (-10 people. Line isolated and repaired by 1450hrs. No injuries. No details on off site impact. CS-The Base plant Upgrader Gas Recovery Unit inadvertently caused a release of sour coker gas. The entire event lasted approx 15 to 20 minutes. The volume of gas released during the event is unknown. No Impact Leak of water from transfer line. contained in pond on site. Not expected. rupture in main line and small leak in emergency line. slurry transfer lines (both of them. 10000 litres of gypsum water gone to emergency pond and out fall pond. Outfall is closed and was closed before water got to pond. Time Wind Dir/Speed 12:00 Call Reason No Impact Air Station 11, H2S Exceedance. Air Tank venting from D33 tank - Vented N2 & HC vapour. venting has stopped. Air Due to CO3 trip, opened up 121HV 186 (valve bypasses tail gas flow from 121 to CO boilers #1 and 2). Valve was closed again at 0801 hours. Land Dumped lube seal on #CO3 boiler. Lube seal was empty from 0616 to 0800 hours. Did not have to divert. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land CEMS runtime violation -will not meet 90% run time for the month of December, 2009. Value will be in monthly report. Cause: failed sample pump on analyzer (mechanical failure. Venting from tank 20D33 -> sour hydrocarbon vapours (46ppm H2S). Cause unknown. Sour hydrocarbon vapour leak. Gas going to amine contactor - small pinhole leak on line. Discovered ~ an hour ago. ~ 18 ppm. Attempting to isolate. Exceedance at air monitoring station. Ambient air exceedance. Flaring. From 0646-now. Due to 12-2 sulphur plant trip. H2S flare. Loss of flare flow indication - I95-38; low pressure flare still on; need to monitor by visual now; cause is unknown. Station 11, 24 hour average exceedance Station 12, 1 hour average exceedance Ambient Air Monitoring Exceedance Tank venting. Tank diluent Bitumen tanks. Tank 1 and tank 2. Stopped. Looks like it may happen again. Investigating. 1 hour exceedance. Plant was being started up. Leak from one of their tanks. 93% sulphuric acid spilled - not sure of cause. Spilled from tank 31-D- 113. None offsite - contained in dyke around tank. Small amounts leaking into oil water sewer which cycles back through process. Diluting with water. No injuries or issues. Acid will be neutralized and will inspect tank. Will clean with vac truck. Tank venting from D-3-venting HC vapours Release of vapour to atmosphere. NRU unit # 2C-28. Process upset. Venting from plant 4->hydrocarbon, not sour. Problems with upgrader vacuum. Tank venting. Due to back pressure from another unit. Rectified. Nitrogen & hydrocarbon - non- sour. NOX exceedance. Reason: steam injection on combustion turbine generator tripped. Are working on repairing unit. Diesel spill from overhead bulk diesel dispenser onto gravel ground. Top loading arm was bypassing fuel. Pump is isolated. Fuel supply is shut off. Valve will be replaced. also cleaning up spill with absorbent pads. replacing with clear soil. NOX exceedance. Reason: steam injection on combustion turbine generator tripped. Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air Loss of flare. Pilot and burner. On low-pressure flare 19F1. snuffed out by too much steam on flare head. Flare is out due to too much steam; will relit it. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Station U2, hourly TRS exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 08:003162.0 Call Reason Air.

94 26 94 26 149968 26

350708 350723 350820 350866 350896 350902

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude

28-Dec-2009 28-Dec-2009 31-Dec-2009 31-Dec-2009 1-Jan-2010 1-Jan-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Land

149968 26 26 94 94

350908 350937 350943 350971 351001

CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

1-Jan-2010 2-Jan-2010 3-Jan-2010 4-Jan-2010 4-Jan-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air


94 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94

351045 351049 351051 351055 351103 351109 351125 351174 351285 351287 351303

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

5-Jan-2010 4-Jan-2010 5-Jan-2010 5-Jan-2010 5-Jan-2010 6-Jan-2010 6-Jan-2010 6-Jan-2010 7-Jan-2010 8-Jan-2010 8-Jan-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air

Station 12 TRS exceedance. Dumped lube-seal from boiler in case they need diverted; but it was not needed. Loss of compressor led to flaring of hydrocarbon and sour gas. Open a divertor valve to allow steam to go out due to seal water is down. But it did not divert anything since the unit is offline. AMS #2 TRS hourly exceedance. AMS 12 Hr TRS Turbidity meter was not working -reason unknown. Manual samples were taken. Down from 5:00-9:00am. Calling on behalf of source as it is under their approval. Flaring incident from the H2S flare. Due to 12-1 sulphur unit trip. Back online now; flaring lasted 30 minutes. No black smoke as the natural gas was turned on immediately. Flaring greater than 20 tons S02. Sulphur train tripped. Call Reason Air AMS 11 24 hr H2S exceedance

94 94 20809

351336 351376 351404



Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release

Suncor 9-Jan-2010 Shell Canada 9-Jan-2010

26 26 94 48522 26

351406 351438 351440 351533 351543

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Encana Syncrude

10-Jan-2010 11-Jan-2010 11-Jan-2010 11-Jan-2010 11-Jan-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification






149968 26 94 26

351558 351695 351721 351735

CNRL Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

12-Jan-2010 14-Jan-2010 14-Jan-2010 15-Jan-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

No Impact Release of pond effluent H20-1500 gal. Cause unknown Believe maybe a rupture in the effluent line. Contained on site. Line runs from tailings line to upgrader (used as cooling H20 in plant. Stopped. All frozen. Noticed this AM. Call Reason No Impact Air Had a trip in plant so SRU's are down. Flaring S02 acid gas & will likely exceed 20 tonnes/day. unknown how long they will be down. Call Reason Air Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Land Spill of solvent (reformate(used to break up hydrocarbons into lighter hydrocarbons. Cause: were feeding product down a line and valve was not completely closed; leaked through valve. Contained on site on gravel base -is being cleaned up by steamer and vacuum truck. No sewers or waterways affected. Call Reason Land Air Tanks #D100, D101 and D13 venting sour hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas. Cause: process conditions units coming back on line. Air Tanks D100 and D101 venting hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas. Cause: under investigation but could be excess rundown. Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Land Offsite spill. Lime Sludge (no regulated. Loc: is 11 km on lease road. Lsot over 2 km. Tailgate unlocked -lost part of load. All cleaned up. Call Reason Land Potable Weekly micro biological samples from potable water plant. Sent out to lab for analysis on Jan 5/2010 - when Water they arrived at lab they were frozen. Samples were retaken on Jan 7/2010. When these arrived at lab they were past 24 hour limit. Therefore, no samples were taken for Jan 4-8/2010. Potable Weekly micro biological samples from potable water plant. Sent to lab for analysis on Jan 5/10 - when they Water arrived at lab they were frozen. Samples retaken Jan 7 - those arrived at lab past 24 hour limit. Therefore, no samples taken for Jan 4- 8/2010. Air NOx incident, Starting hydrogen plant. details in letter. Air Land Air Tank venting last night. No pressure - hydrocarbon vapour. NO details. D-50 if tank number. Details in letter. Release of gypsum water. Went to coke put -contained. 20000 gal. Sump pump malfunctioned. Overflowed started of as a slow release. Call Reason Land Late report. Tank 2-D-50 vented on Jan 13, 1600-2000 hours. Hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas would have vented. Caused by light product going into a hot tank. Shift superintendent was not informed so therefore AENV report was missed. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. TRS exceedance. Raw sewage spill from sewage tank. Tank froze up and then overflowed. They used vacuum truck to remove free liquid and impacted soil. Went to ground -no waterways affected. Call Reason Land Ambient air exceedance. Ambient air exceedance. 1804.0 Call Reason Air

94 94 20809 94 94

351775 351789 351813 351824 351826

Suncor 15-Jan-2010 Suncor 15-Jan-2010 Shell Canada 16-Jan-2010 Suncor Suncor 17-Jan-2010 17-Jan-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Notification Notification

Air Air Land Air Air


94 94 20809 26 149968 94 26 48263 26 149968 94

351845 351857 351998 352020 352041 352126 352150 352213 352220 352228 352239

Suncor 17-Jan-2010 Suncor 18-Jan-2010 Shell Canada 19-Jan-2010 Syncrude CNRL Suncor Syncrude Conoco Phillips Syncrude CNRL Suncor 20-Jan-2010 20-Jan-2010 21-Jan-2010 21-Jan-2010 22-Jan-2010 23-Jan-2010 23-Jan-2010 23-Jan-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Release

Air Air Land Air Air Air

Ambient air exceedance. 13511.0 Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. 15810.0 Call Reason Air Sewage spill Cracked discharge pipe beneath wash car. Spilled onto soil. Clean up is being planned. Call Reason Land Venting. Inner NRU-1 Unit upset. One hour NOX exceedance. Cause: loss of steam injection -had to restore -took 1/2 hours.






Alleged Contravention Release Release

48263 153125

352362 352365

Conoco 26-Jan-2010 Phillips Shell Canada 26-Jan-2010 Jackpine Syncrude Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude CNRL Suncor Suncor 26-Jan-2010 27-Jan-2010 27-Jan-2010 27-Jan-2010 27-Jan-2010 28-Jan-2010 28-Jan-2010 28-Jan-2010 28-Jan-2010 29-Jan-2010 30-Jan-2010 31-Jan-2010 10-Nov-2009 1-Feb-2010 1-Feb-2010

Industry Industry

26 26 149968 26 94 26 94 26 94 26 149968 26 149968 94 94

352391 352443 352472 352478 352482 352504 352537 352557 352569 352628 352689 352709 352710 352718 352744

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

natural gas release from 4 inch line in gas recovery unit; maintenance work cut into the line; stop after 30 min. Call Reason Air No Impact Plant 73 - furnace stack - NOx analyzer will be below 90% uptime for Jan. Analyzer is broken - in process of repairing. Land Spill of Blow Down process water from Boiler Blow down line. Went to ground & onsite. High winds is causing misting of this product. Call Reason Land Air Tank venting release. intermittent. Due to a spike in pressure. Sour hydrocarbon vapours & nitrogen. Very localized. Land Lift station pump failed & there is a 4 m3 spill of grey water. Spill has been cleaned up. Pump repaired. Call Reason Land No Impact Lost a ruptured disc on a transfer line (froth. Spill of froth (bitumen onto ground. Leads into emergency pond that ultimately ends up in tailings pond. Contained on site. Unk vol. Est. >2000L. Cleanup & repairs underway. Call Reason No Impact Air Venting - 3 time since 0900. Details in letter. continuation of previously reported condition. Still investigating cause. 00271229 223407 25-JAN-2010 06:28 Industry Release Air Comments: Venting from Tank20D33 Due to hot liquid in tank. Nitrogen/sour hydrocarbon vapour. Land Spilled 400 litres. Filling heater in Bermed tank farm. Nozzle fell out. attendant not paying attention. Cleaned up with vac truck. Call Reason Land Land Release from wash car of sewage. Contents froze. May have broken the line or overflowed through overflow. Will be cleaned up when trailer moves. Volume will be verified more accurately during cleanup. Spill went to compacted gravel pad -no impact to vegetation or waterways. Air R22 release - heating system for Building #9. Unit 5R287A Greater than 10 Kg Air Air Air Air Air Tank venting hydrocarbon vapors due to spike of process shutdown; venting for one minute. Emission exceedance NOX. Upset. Still investigating. Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air

Tank venting of N2 and sour hydrocarbon vapor; due to hot liquid in the tank. Opacity notification on stack 131 for 6 min due to Boiler upset. Tank venting. Tank #13. (stopped unit to tank). Went down too hard. Couple of puffs. Gone to another tank with floating roof. RVP Residual venting pressure is down. Air Uptime on CEMS unit -coker furnace i52F302 for month of December, 2009, did not make 90% uptime. Cause under investigation. Will include in 7 day letter. Only parameter on this unit is NOX. Air Refrigerant release (R22). From A/C unit. Bldg 870, Unit 230-1RE2. Suspected greater than 10Kg. Found during regular inspection. Air Station 5, H2S exceedance. Land Spill of recycled water. 10 000 gallons. Broken flange on piping. Went to soil, vac trucks there now. All on site. Land Spill of underflow tailings to ground. Some went to catch basin. Pipe burst and caused release. Clean up is being done. Tailings (1% bitumen & water. Spilled for 1.5 hrs. Call Reason Land Air Venting from Tank 33. Sudden pressure in tank. Sour HC vapours & nitrogen. No Impact Calibration went out of whack on NOx analyzer -data showed non-compliance for 2000 hrs on 9-Nov, but its not. Determined when adjusted calibration. Call Reason No Impact No Impact Contravention. CEMS 52-F3-02 furnace for Jan 2010 has <90% uptime. Cause still being investigated -further details will be included in the 7-day written report. Potable Turbidity exceedance. Daily grab sample. All other volumes were ok. No other information was given -source Water still investigating.


26 94 94 20809

352835 352843 352863 352958

Syncrude Suncor

2-Feb-2010 2-Feb-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release

Air Air

One of flares extinguished for 5-7 mins. Due to no gas flow & lost of steam.

Suncor 3-Feb-2010 Shell Canada 4-Feb-2010

20809 94 94 94

352960 352998 353024 353099

Shell Canada 4-Feb-2010 Suncor Suncor Suncor 4-Feb-2010 4-Feb-2010 6-Feb-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

149968 94

353111 353130

CNRL Suncor

6-Feb-2010 7-Feb-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

All boilers out of Jet Bubble Reactor (JBR-i.e. not going through S02 scrubber. Started @ 1745 hrs. Currently working to get back online. unknown cause. No S02 exceedances expected. Call Reason Air Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. No Impact Exceedance in cBOD levels for month January 2010. Cause: having hydraulic problems while loading. No discharge to environment -goes into waste water pond & is recycled. Wants to have letter waived -was advised EPO would have to waive. Air Chlorine release. Cause: chlorine injection modules in utilities area -fitting was leaking. Repaired -No injuries. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting from 1140-1224 hrs. Cause unknown Contains diluted bitumen. Possibly sour. Air Sewage leak from a portable washroom; contained and cleanup done. Call Reason Land Air Fire in plant 52-caused by plastic hoarding in the area. Not sure how plastic lit on fire. No evacuation, no injuries. Minimal damage. Source Fire Hall responded. Maintenance activity was occurring at the time. Will get more information for the written report. Call Reason Air Air Exceedance. Hourly average. (Quick calculation over 5 hours-details in letter. Air At 0200 hours, they had a fire on a contractor dozer. There are no details on how it started. Emergency Services (onsite Fire Dept responded and put it out. No injuries, no evacuations, no ERP activation, no impacts to process. Isolated piece of equipment; not sure of extent of damage. Fire was put out within an hour or less. Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Fire flared up again. unknown when. Stage 2 right now. Got call from security @ 2236 hrs. 00274399 223180 09-FEB-2010 01:30 Industry Release Comments: Fire at plant 5. Ongoing and started at midnight. Not sure of cause. Still fighting fire. No injuries. The area was evacuated; the plant was not evacuated. The EOC has been activated (Emergency Operations Centre; deciding what to do from there.). Not sure how large fire is. Not sure what exactly is engulfed in flame. Call Reason Air Air H2S exceedance, ambient air. Call Type Notification Call Reason Air. NOx emissions exceedance from gas line. Gas compressor tripped. AMS #12 1 hr. TRS exceedance. Refrigerant release. Cause: discovered HV had leaked R22 during a service call. Volume unknown but thought to be more than 10 kg. Tank venting. Due to overpressure of tank. Nitrogen & sour hydrocarbon vapour. 24 hr exceedance. Ambient air exceedance of S02 at air monitoring station. 282.0 Call Reason Air Sour water acid gas flaring may exceed 20 tonnes. Ongoing. Caused due to hydrocarbon contamination so the SRU's cannot be used. Not sure what time it started but more details will be in the 7-day letter. Call Reason Air SRU 3 and 4 tripped this morning. During the trip, there was an exceedance of 20 tonnes of S02. May be a steam line problem -still investigating. Back online. Station i2 hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 15:0015917.0 Call Reason Air. Release of S02. Exceedance. Thermal oxidation unit. Unit F61153. Venting for 40 minutes. Nitrogen, hydrocarbons and sulphur. 20D3. Tank filled with hot material caused venting. Call Reason Air Station 2, 24 hour exceedance. Tank #33 venting HC vapour and nitrogen for 1 min due to spiking tank pressure when putting 2nd eductor on line. Tank 51 venting HC vapours and natural gas intermittently (~10-15 sec every 5min) they are trying to improve gas recovery to rectify. Station 2, 1 hour exceedances. End Date 14-FEB-2010 14-FEB-2010 Call Type Notification Time Wind Dir/Speed 21:0015916.020:0016117.0 Call Reason Air. Call from On call. Not ammonia - sour naphtha like smell. Could be tailings pond. Not h2S. Wind is perfect for

94 94

353168 353224

Suncor Suncor

8-Feb-2010 9-Feb-2010

Industry Industry

Notification Release

Air Air

94 149968 94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 26 94 26

353245 353256 353298 353332 353368 353370 353403 353434 353436 353521 353534 353536 353538 353542 353544 353561 353565

Suncor CNRL Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

9-Feb-2010 9-Feb-2010 10-Feb-2010 10-Feb-2010 10-Feb-2010 11-Feb-2010 11-Feb-2010 12-Feb-2010 12-Feb-2010 13-Feb-2010 13-Feb-2010 14-Feb-2010 14-Feb-2010 14-Feb-2010 14-Feb-2010 14-Feb-2010 15-Feb-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Info Request

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air


94 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 94 94 48408 149968

353567 353576 353581 353587 353589 353602 353618 353632 353640 353682 353697 353766 353775 353785 353789 353791 353839

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Petro Canada CNRL

15-Feb-2010 15-Feb-2010 15-Feb-2010 16-Feb-2010 16-Feb-2010 16-Feb-2010 16-Feb-2010 16-Feb-2010 16-Feb-2010 16-Feb-2010 16-Feb-2010 17-Feb-2010 17-Feb-2010 17-Feb-2010 18-Feb-2010 18-Feb-2010 18-Feb-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Notification Release Notification Notification Release

someone else's plant. Station 2, 1 hour exceedance. 20D14 Tank venting - naphtha & HC vapours. Venting since 1100 hrs & still going. Sulphuric acid spill. 800 gallons. Water treatment plant. Time of release unknown found it tonight. Setting up crew to dilute spill and have vac truck attend and pump to oily water sewer then effluent pond. Air station 11, 24 HOUR EXCEEDANCE. Air Station 2, 24 hour exceedance. Air Station 2, hourly exceedance Air Tank venting 2 OD2120 No Impact Exceedance on "true vapour pressure" on Feb 15, 1137-1307 hours. Due to transfer of coker naphtha to the north tank farm -will put any further information in the letter. Air H2S hourly exceedance Air Air Land Air Air Air Refrigerant release. R 22. Repaired & recharged. TVP exceedance (over limit. Unsure of reason, unsure of values.

94 26 26 94 94 94 94 153125

353916 353918 353920 353926 353932 353934 353947 353950

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

20-Feb-2010 19-Feb-2010 19-Feb-2010 20-Feb-2010 21-Feb-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Suncor 21-Feb-2010 Suncor 20-Feb-2010 Shell Canada 21-Feb-2010 Jackpine Syncrude Suncor 20-Feb-2010 22-Feb-2010

26 94 153125 48408

353956 354048 354116 354132

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Shell Canada 4-Jan-2010 Jackpine Petro Canada 23-Feb-2010

149968 26

354153 354234

CNRL Syncrude

23-Feb-2010 24-Feb-2010

Industry Industry

Tank venting. Started @ noon, still venting (very slightly). Almost under control again. Tank has diluent bitumen. Nitrogen & hydrocarbon vapours. Air One hr. exceedance. Ambient air. Time Wind Dir/Speed 18:001585.0 Call Reason Air. Air Station 12, TRS exceedance. Air TRS exceedance, Station 12. Air Produced gas wasn't sampled in January due to plant outage. H2S, TH & lower heating value should have been tested. Potable Had 2 tanks maintained that hold potable H20 & they were put back in service before water results came back. Water Tanks back in service today & samples sent out today. Tanks shut down again right away. Did not get into distribution. Air Venting from plant #4 of hydrocarbon; no H2S due to loss of vacuum pressure. Air Tank venting from Tank #13, hydrocarbon and naphtha, due to coker went down spec. Air tank#20D33 venting of sour hydrocarbon vapor and N2 due to spike of pressure gas reduction unit. Air Station 11 H2S exceedance. Land Phosphoric acid spill on site from a tote tank; none in drain; cleanup done; cause still investigating. Time Wind Dir/Speed 08:30 Call Reason Land Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Air Station 2, Air monitoring, 1 hour exceedance. Land Spill - diesel - 500 litres. Truck tipped over onto its side. Fuel tank let go of diesel. Area the truck was on was not frozen enough for heavy vehicles. No migration off lease. No waterways affected. Ground is frozen - free liquid absorbed. Will also excavate soil and store for processing. Caller requests waiver of 7 day letter. Air Tank venting. Sour hydrocarbon vapours. Very little sour but set off boiler alarm. Intermittent with subsequent spikes. Air Exhaust stack 8F-5 dropped below 400 deg C from 0430 to 0615 hours Feb 22. Cause; accidentally tripped furnace from control room. No acid gas going to furnace at that time; just residual in furnace. Land Spill of hydraulic oil - came from leak in hose of hydraulic shovel (large equipment, holds 4000L0. Spilled in pit on mine site. Contained in pit site - no waterways or wildlife affected. No Impact Missed a report required by section 4.8.1, (wetland monitoring program proposal. It was due Dec 31, 2009. They will have it submitted by the end of the week. The reason is that the approval includes an expansion but there has not been an expansion on the site. Land Leak on hydrocarbon waste line, caused by mechanical joints of the waste oil system, which has deteriorated. Volume released is undetermined. Leak has been stopped and they are working on cleanup. Call Reason Land No Impact Table 4.2-C requires sampling upstream from the Muskeg River. This is a helicopter location ("location B") and several issues have prevented testing: mechanical problems with helicopter, lack of a second pilot (policy is 2 pilots per flight), weather issues. Will not meet 2 month window for Feb 2010. Have one schedules for Mar 2/10.


183875 26 94

354308 354328 354384

Devon ARL 25-Feb-2010 Corp. Syncrude 25-Feb-2010 Suncor 26-Feb-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

26 94 26 94 26 94 94 48522

354416 354424 354438 354449 354453 354471 354616 354653

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Encana

26-Feb-2010 27-Feb-2010 27-Feb-2010 28-Feb-2010 28-Feb-2010 1-Mar-2010 2-Mar-2010 2-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention

No Impact Contravention. Had an audit done on air monitoring station. NOx analyzer did not meet 90% uptime requirement for the month of Feb 2010. Repaired and taken back to field. Land Secondary containment on tank is damaged and has to be repaired. Corner taken off berm - tank is fine (50% Caustic). Contravention of approval. Land Industry Release Spill of gas-oil. -4 barrels. May be due to a faulty valve -still investigating. Contained on site. Onto roadway & paved area. Being cleaned up. -95% cleaned up with vac truck. Rest being shoveled. No injuries. Stopped. -635 L. Air R22 release from HVAC system in Building 34; repair in progress. Air Air Station 12 TRS exceedance. Unplanned event of venting of naphtha gas and hydrocarbon vapor from Tank #20D14 due to elevated tank pressure. Estimate that it will vent for 2-3 hr. Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Air Tank 20D14 started venting hydrocarbon vapor due to compressor problem; should be done within an hour if the new compressor can be started and replaced the faulty one. Air Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Air Ambient air exceedances at air monitoring station. No Impact Inspection done on plant today. Items in contravention. 1. Table 4.6A Total chlorine residual of treated water required. Actually doing Free Chlorine of treated water. 2. Table 4.6B Name concentration and dosage of chemicals added -recorded daily. Actually not being recorded daily. These items will be brought into compliance. 1. will take a couple of days but water is still safe for consumption. Air Flaring. Stack 19F1-3. Start up of heater. Air Station 2 hourly H2S exceedance. Air Stage II VRU down -vented for 25min -hydrocarbon vapours -not sour. Break through on catalyst bed -vented for 25min -> sour hydrocarbon (21C6Call Reason Air Air 1 hr H2S exceedance Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Smells a strong HC smell (scale 7-8 on a 10. Noticed all day, wants a call back (Level 3. Reasonably strong HC smell in community tonight. Contravention after AEP inspection. Found out that for the treated water missing turbidity and fluoride annual test and for untreated water missing arsenic and NH3-N annual test. Station 112 hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 07:001637.0 Call Reason Air. Tank #14 venting treated naphtha (not sour)from 1015 to 1030 hours. Cause: compressor for blanketing system - increased load and ambient air temperature getting warmer. Notification: lost compressor and will be flaring just over 20 tonnes per day. Have flared 3 tonnes March 4, 10 tonnes so far today and by Mar 6 it will be 21 tonnes. Motive gas for U253Cl00 flare gas recovery ejectors. Call Reason Air H2S exceedance. 200 L hydraulic fluid from vac truck. No waterways. Contained & cleaned up. Ambient air exceedances at air monitoring station. Ambient air exceedance. 2026.01586.0 Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. Tank 14 venting naphtha and hydrocarbon vapours from 1300 to 1730 hours. Cause: VRU overloaded. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Ambient air exceedance. Station 12 TRS exceedance. VRU stage 1 vent for 12 min due to hi vapor flow. Tank venting dilute bitumen vapour due to switching tank. Call Reason Air Flaring -19Fl and 19F3. 20 tons flaring from 10C-23 due to unavailability of 5EJ1. Been going on since March

94 94 94 94 94 94 48522 94 26 94

354672 354701 354758 354777 354779 354781 354838 354886 354919 354937

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Encana Suncor Syncrude Suncor

2-Mar-2010 3-Mar-2010 3-Mar-2010 3-Mar-2010 3-Mar-2010 3-Mar-2010 4-Mar-2010 5-Mar-2010 5-Mar-2010 5-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Release Release

94 149968 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 94 94 94

354940 354989 355001 355003 355009 355030 355032 355037 355045 355064 355066 355072

Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

5-Mar-2010 6-Mar-2010 6-Mar-2010 6-Mar-2010 7-Mar-2010 7-Mar-2010 7-Mar-2010 8-Mar-2010 8-Mar-2010 8-Mar-2010 8-Mar-2010 8-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Release Release Alleged

Air No Impact Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air







Contravention Notification


94 26 26 48263

355079 355081 355083 355139

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Conoco Phillips

8-Mar-2010 8-Mar-2010 8-Mar-2010 9-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Land

1. Ongoing flaring since March 1, 2010. Sources are 7C-28 and 10C-23. From flares 19F1 and 19F3. Potential to hit 20 ton mark. Will continue for another couple days. Start up of gas oil hydrotreater and NHT. Call Reason Air Flaring 19F2. March 2 @ 2027-2355hrs. Redid calculations -24 tons of S02 flared. Tank venting 20D14. Naphtha and hydrocarbon vapour. Excess tank pressure caused venting. Release of R22. Cause unknown - leak in system. Repairs in progress. Not yet recharged. Contravention -representative grab samples were not acquired prior to release of surface runoff water. Release of water to surrounding environment (snow melt. Discovered during routine check. Issues is a gate valve frozen in open position. Water has been sampled, tested on site and is clean. Samples have been submitted to lab. Will also follow up with SRD. Venting of hydrocarbon and N2 from Plant 4 due to slow down of upgrader, causing back up of charge gas. Call Reason Air Notification -going to go over 20 ton limit for 53 and 68C100. Started flaring March 3, 2010. Trying to bring equipment up -product didn't meet spec. Station 11 ambient exceedance for hourly H2S. Station 2, 1 hour exceedance Station 2 H2S exceedance. Line has leak. 2000 m3 of tailings water from source site to location site. Vac truck to attend and get up free liquids. Spill contained to ditch. Emergency Response from location to attend. No injuries No water affected. Sites are side by side. Station 2, 1 hour exceedance. N 0 X exceedance. 2 hours plus. HRSG GAs Turbine. Details in letter. NOx exceedance. Hourly. Steam Injector was down. Fixed now. From 0400-1400hrs today. Venting from Stage 2 VRU. Unknown reason. Small amounts of HC vapour. Call Reason Air TRS exceedance, Station 12. S02 flaring exceedance. Started @ 0900 hrs-1000 hrs. Exceeded 20 t/h limit. Due to trip on SRU f 3. Unk what the volume is. Station 2 Ambient air exceedance. Station 2 H2S exceedance. Ambient air exceedance, H2S. Ambient air exceedance. Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Tank venting Sour Hydrocarbon vapour and N2 for 8 min; it is over now; due to upset in the rundown of the tank. Ambient air exceedance. station 5 Caller reporting flaring event greater than 20 tons. Caller found historical event while doing annual report. Flaring from 5Cl8. TSS exceedance. Spring runoff. Spill of caustic soda. A check valve on a stationary storage tank failed -will investigate further. Product spilled onto soil on site. Has been cleaned up. No off site impacts. No waterways impacted. Call Reason Land Release of R22. 30lbs. Cracked pipe. Repaired and recharged TRS exceedance for Station 12 . Tank venting. Sour hydrocarbons. Tank 33 - slop Tank. Temp venting of hydrocarbon vapor and N2 from 20D4 tank due to excessive pressure from process. NOx exceedance, cause still under investigation.

94 94 94 94 94 26

355145 355181 355201 355207 355290 355294

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

9-Mar-2010 9-Mar-2010 9-Mar-2010 9-Mar-2010 10-Mar-2010 10-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Land

94 149968 149968 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 153125 149968 94 94 26 26 149968

355372 355375 355423 355429 355432 355434 355478 355480 355671 355673 355685 356167 356175 356234 356748 356750 356805 356827 356877 356940 356972

Suncor CNRL CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

12-Mar-2010 12-Mar-2010 12-Mar-2010 12-Mar-2010 13-Mar-2010 13-Mar-2010 14-Mar-2010 15-Mar-2010 16-Mar-2010 16-Mar-2010 16-Mar-2010 16-Mar-2010 17-Mar-2010 17-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Land Air Air Air Air Air

Shell Canada 18-Mar-2010 Jackpine CNRL 18-Mar-2010 Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude CNRL 19-Mar-2010 20-Mar-2010 22-Mar-2010 22-Mar-2010 22-Mar-2010


94 26 26 26 26 26

356976 356982 357028 357046 357108 357157

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

23-Mar-2010 23-Mar-2010 23-Mar-2010 24-Mar-2010 25-Mar-2010 25-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air Land

149968 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 153125

357227 357244 357257 357263 357269 357275 357277 357324 357357 357389

CNRL Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

26-Mar-2010 27-Mar-2010 27-Mar-2010 28-Mar-2010 28-Mar-2010 28-Mar-2010 29-Mar-2010 29-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Land Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Land

Suncor 29-Mar-2010 Shell Canada 30-Mar-2010 Jackpine Suncor 30-Mar-2010



Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry



94 26 94 94

357442 357458 357543 357597

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

30-Mar-2010 30-Mar-2010 1-Apr-2010 1-Apr-2010

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air

Ambient air exceedance at air monitoring station. Venting of hydrocarbon vapor and natural gas of tank 20D7, due to unit upset. Amount unknown. Tank 20D8 venting hydrocarbon and Natural gas since 1240 hr, still venting, will try to stop it. Cause due to production that the vapor recovery system cannot handle. Tank 20D50 is venting hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas. Cause: had a VRU trip (K2) and high rundown to the tank at the same time. Started at 0305 and ended at 0405 hours. Tank D8 venting hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas from 0900 to 1600 hours on Mar 24. Cause: excessive and hot rundown to the tank. Spill of untreated, non refined, raw bitumen. 75 barrels. ~ 11m3. Due to pump failure on G3A pump (off coker 81). She believes it is being cleaned up and directed to oily water system, but cannot confirm. Pump shut down, feed being pulled from coker (completed). No injuries. Notified @ 1222 hrs. Contained on site. Spill of 50% caustic. Leak in unloading piping. 200 litres lost. Pipe from stationary tank leaked. Contained in dyked area. No injuries. Vac Truck attending. Completion of cleanup by tomorrow morning. Call Reason Land tank VENTING. 20-d-4 Diluent Bitumen tank. Hydrocarbon vapour also some nitrogen. Station 2 hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 19:001435.0 Call Reason Air. Station 2, one hour exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 13:001935.0 Station 11, H2S 1 hour exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 18:001886.0 Call Reason Air. Station 12 hourly and 24 hour TRS exceedances. Station 12 hourly TRS exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 01:001895.0 Call Reason Air. Doing monthly report for Feb. Pond E, COD outlet to river. Limit is 200. Reading 236 for Feb. 20. Feb 20-no notification of alarm. Reading may not be accurate. Late 24 hour exceedance for particulate matter size 2. 5. Spill of 200 L of hydraulic oil. Cause: from broken hose fitting on an 8000 shovel. Spilled to ground in the mine pit. Fully contained. Will excavate and take soil to their hydrocarbon contaminated soil dump. Caller is requesting a waiver. Caller reporting excessive flaring at sources site. Has been going on for the last hour -one flare is burning and there is a huge amount of black smoke. The second flare is not lit and it is emitting some type green/yellow gas. Call Reason Air Caller reporting a low stack (53F6-ll ip temperature. Caller is unsure of cause -will investigate. Tank venting. From 2115 - 2130 hrs. Due to hot liquid in tank. It was sour. Has nitrogen blanketing and sour hydrocarbon vapour. Unk concentration. Under control. Refrigerant release of R22. Cause: leak at main control building air conditioning unit.

149968 48408

357616 357628



Industry Industry

Petro Canada 2-Apr-2010

Alleged Contravention Release

94 26

357632 357634

Suncor Syncrude

2-Apr-2010 2-Apr-2010

Industry Industry

Release Release






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

26 26

357654 357662

Syncrude Syncrude

2-Apr-2010 3-Apr-2010

Industry Industry

Caller reporting that Plant 4 has been venting. Not sure of cause -there are some concerns in upgrading department. Nitrogen/carbon dioxide/ methane, with the balance being minor VOC and H2S. Caller will update the CIC when they have finished venting. Call Reason Air Air NOx emission at CoGen plant -Hourly Average. One of sources boiler went down, second boiler automatically ramped up. No Impact Spill of 5% HCl (Hydrochloric Acid solution. -4 m3. Two isolation valves on a waste neutralization tank (not in service failed. All contained in lined berm. Currently neutralizing and will vacuum up. Happened @ 0200 hrs. Call Reason No Impact. Air Venting of Plant #4 of C02, H2S and N2 for 30 min due to vapor recovery unit problem. Call Reason Air Land Spill of polyaluminum chloride (20 L). It was stored in a tote; one side of the cam lock fitting was not properly closed and it began to leak. Did not go offsite, but it went in between the stones (which the tote rests on) into the soil. Removing the stones to investigate and will be cleaning up the potentially contaminated soil. Environmental people will look at it on Monday to determine disposal. No Impact Exceedance on "true vapour pressure" on tank 20D-14. Limit -11 psi. They got 12.5 psi based on 3 hour averaging period over 24 hours. Occurred at 2 pm April 1. Currently investigating because there is no recognizable cause -may not be a true reading. Air Tank venting. D33 -hydrocarbons. ongoing - attempting to stop. Land Diesel spill from an underground pipe, east of FD Building #A11. None in water course, contained. Cleanup


94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26

357672 357682 357687 357695 357719 357742 357938 357940 357952 357962 357977

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

4-Apr-2010 4-Apr-2010 4-Apr-2010 5-Apr-2010 5-Apr-2010 6-Apr-2010 6-Apr-2010 7-Apr-2010 7-Apr-2010 7-Apr-2010 7-Apr-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Impact

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

and repair in progress. 1 hours exceedance. Times are MST. Hourly S02 exceedance from 1400-1500 on April 3. They are not sure of cause and it may not be a true exceedance. Will investigate further and provide details in written report, or they may disclaim it. Station 2 hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 12:0017912.0 Call Reason Air 1 hour exceedance. Times are mst. AMS 11 hourly H2S Station 2, 1 hour exceedance. Times are MST Time Wind Dir/Speed 04:00 Call Reason Air H2S exceedance station 4. H2S exceedance, ambient air. Stage 2 VRU is down. Downtime started at 0500hrs, unit will be down approximately 12 hrs. H2S exceedance. She is located 2 km north of Source. She has been woken in the night the last two nights by really strong odours. The odours made her physically ill. She now knows that the 1-800# is 24 hours, so she will call when it is occurring next time. (Level 3) Ambient air exceedance, H2S. AMS #4 hourly H2S 0800-090012 ppb H2S Alleged Contravention 7 km/hr 68 degrees 687.0 Call Reason Air

94 94 26 26 94 26 94 183875 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26

358013 358029 358074 358108 358209 358244 358254 358297 358322 358324 358353 358371 358408 358416 358429 358461 358465 358467 358536 358538

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

8-Apr-2010 8-Apr-2010 8-Apr-2010 8-Apr-2010 9-Apr-2010 10-Apr-2010 10-Apr-2010

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Release Notification Release Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air

Devon ARL 12-Apr-2010 Corp. Syncrude 12-Apr-2010 Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 12-Apr-2010 13-Apr-2010 13-Apr-2010 13-Apr-2010 14-Apr-2010 14-Apr-2010 14-Apr-2010 14-Apr-2010 14-Apr-2010 15-Apr-2010 15-Apr-2010

Caller reporting venting on tank 20-D-33, light liquids in tank. Venting of nitrogen and sour hydrocarbon vapour. Land Sodium aluminate spill (5 gallons). UN 1819. While offloading the connection wasn't secure between truck and loading facility. Soaking up now, went to cement only. No drains impacted. Air Station 12 , TRS exceedance. Air Tank venting. Tank #33. Sour hydrocarbon. Not even 5 seconds but did trigger alarm. Air Venting intermittently of hydrocarbon from the vapor recovery unit; cause unknown, will have to diagnose the cause. Do not know how long will it go. Call Reason Air No Impact Caller reporting that their NOX analyzer has not been running properly since Aug 5, 2009. Was corrected Feb 27, 2010. The unit had not been calibrated properly over that time frame. Call Reason No Impact Air Tank venting (#14) 10:35-11:40. intermittent - may continue. Maximizing vapour recovery. Naphtha(sweet - no odours). Air Venting from VRU stage 2. Occurred for 116 minutes on April 11th. Caused by high temperatures -likely due to switching beds. Call Reason Air Air Caller reporting tank venting - tank 33. Excessive run down to tank. Sour hydrocarbon and nitrogen vapours. Air Tank 14 is venting naphtha hydrocarbon vapours. Caused by hot rundown temperature. Started at 09:40 hours. Venting is continuing intermittently. Air Notification of 2 opacity exceedances Old stack 31. 2212-221849%, 2218-222441%. Air Air Air Reporting an opacity, stack 31, working on JBR and the boilers are going out stack 31. Opacity ranging 50-70 now <30%. No contraventions at this point. Call Reason Air Caller reporting tank venting - Tank 14. Excess run down to tank. Naphtha hydrocarbon vapours. Ongoing intermittent R22 release from building 690, unit 23R560A. >10kg. Will confirm amt and cause in written report.

No Impact Failure in server & cannot determine reading - opacity & flow has failed. Happened at 2000 hours. Working to correct. Air Tank venting from an NRU (naphtha recovery unit C- 28), venting naphtha. Venting from 2117-2hrs. Air Venting from tank 20D13. This is a naphtha hydrocarbon tank. Reason - overpressure of the slop tank. Started 1112-1305 hours. Put 13-1 back on spec to correct. Air Venting from 20D14 - naphtha hydrocarbon vapours. Caused by warm naphtha going into that tank. Vented from 1127-ongoing. Trying to cool the rundown to the tank.


26 94 94

358540 358563 358564

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

15-Apr-2010 16-Apr-2010 15-Apr-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air

Refrigerant release R22 - Volume is greater than 10 kg. The building is Bldg 930, HVac 8-RV4B. The cause and exact volume will be in the written report. AMS #224 hrs H2S exceedance AMS 12 hourly for H2S End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 15-APR-201023:5914511.0 15-APR-2010 23:0014710.0 15-APR-2010 20:0016012.0 15-APR-2010 19:0017111.0 Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air AMS 12 H2S hourly Tank 13 is venting natural gas and sour naphtha vapours. Cause: slopping to tank during startup. Ambient air exceedance at station 2. Tank venting. From 0820 - 1100 hrs today. Cause not known for sure - may have been high RVP material. Hydrocarbon vapour. May have been sour. Intermittent during that time. R22 release from Building 51 chiller. Will be repairing it. Tank 13 venting natural gas and sour naphtha vapours. Cause: hot rundown temperature to the tank - outputting 13-1 on line. Venting of sour hydrocarbon from Tank 20D13; due to burn a lot of light end and the recovery system was not able to catch it fast enough Station 2 hourly H2S exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 19:0015516.0 Call Reason Air Caller reporting tank venting - Tank 33. Vented at 0930hrs for < 1min and then again at 1115hrs for 5min. Caused by pumping out knock out drum. Caller reporting a spring fish kill in a sediment pond - pond 2. There are ~75 - 100 dead sucker fish. Fish were found this morning. This is the first time they had this type of thing. Source going to sample and perform analysis on water. Pond is sampled three times a week - never had any an exceedances. Source also performs a quarterly sample. Caller believes that this may be do to low oxygen levels - there is still just a little bit of ice on the pond. Spill of sewage from manhole yesterday. Backed up. Less than 1 cube. Cleaned up yesterday. Still investigating cause. Call Reason Land NOX exceedance 2 one hours. Happened in cogeneration upgrading due to upset conditions

94 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 26 153125

358566 358660 358662 358686 358698 358711 358735 358988 359029 359032

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

16-Apr-2010 17-Apr-2010 17-Apr-2010 17-Apr-2010 17-Apr-2010 17-Apr-2010 18-Apr-2010 20-Apr-2010 21-Apr-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water

Shell Canada 21-Apr-2010 Jackpine

149968 149968 26 94 26 149968 26 149968 26 153125

359069 359077 359158 359160 359162 359172 359174 359176 359256 359307

CNRL CNRL Syncrude Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude CNRL Syncrude

21-Apr-2010 21-Apr-2010 22-Apr-2010 22-Apr-2010 22-Apr-2010 23-Apr-2010 23-Apr-2010 23-Apr-2010 24-Apr-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Land Air Air Air

Shell Canada 25-Apr-2010 Jackpine Suncor Syncrude Syncrude 26-Apr-2010 26-Apr-2010 26-Apr-2010

94 26 26 1604 26

359319 359321 359358 359362 359410

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Japan Canada 26-Apr-2010 OS Syncrude 27-Apr-2010

Venting from Unit 1. Less than 1 minute. Flaring. greater than 20 tons of s02. Unit plant 57. Due to water in the feed. Still flaring. Details in letter. Call Reason Air. Air Tank 33 vented for 1100-1101hrs which had been sour naphtha vapour Air Station 15 PM 2.5 exceedance, 24 hour. Air Release of natural gas and sour hydrocarbon vapours from tank 20D-33. Occurred from 0120-0140 hours. This was caused by too many light hydrocarbons in the tank which increased the rate. Air Hourly NOx exceedance due to CTG trip at CoGen plant. The trip was caused by an upset. Report late because they were trying to determine the cause. Air Tank venting from 0542 - 0552 hrs. Due to excess transfer running down to tank. Natural gas & sour hydrocarbon vapours. Potable Courtesy call - no contravention yet. Notification of loss of pressure within potable water distribution system. Water Cause: loss of power. have been taking samples, and have been flushing system. System was back up shortly after the loss of pressure occurred. Occurred at 0545 and restored at 0730 hours. Air H2S exceedance for Station 2. Air Tank D8 venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapor due excess rundown rate. Still on-going; working at stopping it. Air Tank venting from 2147-2157 hrs. Cause unk right now - still troubleshooting. Sour vapors - H2S alarms went off. No Impact Contravention of section 2.1 of their operating approval. Their annual land report was due March 31, and was submitted late. It was submitted on April 23. Air Tank venting @ 2100 hrs on 26-Apr & from 0113 - 0200 hrs. Due to too much rundown to tank. Natural gas &


26 94

359485 359519

Syncrude Suncor

27-Apr-2010 28-Apr-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

94 94 26 149968 94 26 94

359532 359557 359602 359619 359647 359687 359756

Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL Suncor Syncrude Suncor

28-Apr-2010 28-Apr-2010 29-Apr-2010 29-Apr-2010 29-Apr-2010 30-Apr-2010 30-Apr-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Air Air Air Land Surface Water Air Air

hydrocarbon vapour. Not sour. R22 release from Building 1260, unit 25-1Re-42. Greater than 10 kg. Repairs underway. The exact volume will be included in the written report. Sewage spill -released from tank in wash car (trailer with bathroom facilities. Not sure why sewage tank overflowed. Spilled onto road beside the trailer. Contained on ground. CEDA called to clean it up. Call Reason Land S02 greater than 20 tonnes. Cause: SRU 3 & 4 off line. Occurred from Apr 27 to Apr 28 at 0800 hours. Vapor Recovery Unit stage 1 venting light end hydrocarbon and volatile organic compound, due to power trip. Call Reason Air Tank 8 venting. Nat gas and hydrocarbon vapour. ongoing. Release of diesel from bulk fuel truck; operator error and the automatic shut off switch failed. Tank was overflow during loading. All! contained and cleanup done. Call Reason Land Caller reporting TSS exceedance. Daily value -grab sample. Not sure of cause -windy in area? Tank venting. tank 33. Nat gas and sour hydrocarbons. Caller reporting a trip on SRU iS in upgrader i2. Upgrader 2 still faring as a result. Because of upset in upgrader 2-caused an upset in upgrader tl -flaring there as well -flaring of acid gas for lhrs. Could result in an S02 exceedance (per flaring event. Call Reason Air Stage 2 VRU is down. Refrigeration unit. Working on it now. Required to report after 5 hrs. CEMS data on SRU incinerator stacks less than 90% for April 2010

94 94 26 26 26 94 48263

359802 359848 359852 360025 360044 360058 360083

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Conoco Phillips Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

2-May-2010 3-May-2010 3-May-2010 4-May-2010 4-May-2010 4-May-2010 5-May-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air

Tank 33 is venting sour hydrocarbons from 0852 to 1105 hours. Cause: draining knockout drum in flares normally pump liquid to tank 33 - probably went too hard; light gas caused tank to overpressure. No Impact FTIR on FGD - availability for analyzer was less than 75% for March. Source had some issues with parts for the unit. Will include other details in letter. Air Release of R22 >10kg. Leak on third stage of compressor (Building 160, unit 41-23R55). Not yet repaired. System is isolated Air Opacity exceedance , taking boiler off line for maintenance; causing the exceedance. No Impact Notification to clarify approval requirement (Table 4.2-D-one continuous monitoring station on site 6 months prior to and after operations and 6 months thereafter annually. Will do three months per year at phase I and then six months per year at phase II as per decision with previous director. Call Reason No Impact Air Caller reporting venting from tank 20D-71. Cause unknown -overloaded VRU. Nitrogen, hydrocarbons and sulfur compounds. May 3-total time, 174 min. April 30-total time, 33min Call Reason Air Air VR unit stage 2 down temporary; cause will be put in 7 day letter. Call Reason Air. Air Tank 14 is venting naphtha/hydrocarbon vapours. Cause: warm rundown (too hot in the tank). Started at 0815 hours and is ongoing. No Impact Plant 26-1-FTIR - meter is below 75% availability. Meter not functioning properly - awaiting parts to repair. Meters ammonia. Air Venting tank 13 - sour naphtha hydrocarbon. Pour vapour recovery - compressor down for maintenance. Ongoing - intermittent. Air Caller reporting tank venting tank 8 - hydrocarbon/natural gas. Ongoing - intermittent. Pour vapour recovery. Air Caller reporting tank venting - tank 101. Natural gas and hydrocarbon vapours. Ongoing - intermittent. Compressor down for maintenance. Pour vapour recovery. Air Caller reporting tank venting - tank 100. Natural gas and hydrocarbon vapours. Ongoing - intermittent. Compressor down for maintenance. Pour vapour recovery. Air Caller reporting tank venting - Tank 33. Natural gas and sour hydrocarbon. Excess rundown to tank. Source has shut transfer down. Venting should be over by 1420hrs. Air Caller reporting tank venting (tank 51). Excess rundown to tank. Hydrocarbon and natural gas. Ongoing intermittently Air Tank venting sour hydrocarbon due to material too light to pump into the tank.

94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

360107 360149 360171 360221 360223 360225 360227 360229 360231 360241 360262

5-May-2010 6-May-2010 6-May-2010 6-May-2010 6-May-2010 6-May-2010 6-May-2010 6-May-2010 6-May-2010 6-May-2010 7-May-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Release


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 94 1604

360322 360328 360330 360332 360334 360354 360357 360361 360363 360369 360371 360384 360397 360399 360406 360412 360470 360518 360570

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

7-May-2010 7-May-2010 7-May-2010 7-May-2010 7-May-2010 7-May-2010 8-May-2010 8-May-2010 8-May-2010 8-May-2010 8-May-2010 8-May-2010 9-May-2010 9-May-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Release Release Impact Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

Caller reporting that they have opened their 81 diverter. Contaminated that usually go to boiler are now going to atmosphere. Will last for ~ 40hrs. Tank venting #14. Naphtha HC vapours. Poor vapour recovery - compressor down. Ongoing intermittently. Tank venting due to poor vapour recovery. Tank 101 ongoing. Tank venting due to poor vapour recovery. Tank 8 ongoing. tank venting unit #4. Spiking of tank pressure. Ongoing. Exceeded limit on BOD and TSS. Eq tank wasn't cleaned. Water isn't released so caller is unsure if it is a contravention. For the month of April. Tank 33 venting for 17 mins. Reporting tank venting on tank 8, dur to poor vapour recovery, compressor down. Tank venting on #4. Ongoing HC vapours and nitrogen. Tank 101 venting HC and natural gas. Ongoing intermittently. Poor vapour recovery. Tank 14 venting naphtha & HC vapours. Poor vapour recovery. Ongoing. Noticed a greenish yellow haze, with associated odour. Coming from stack at plant. Call Reason Air Source is burning sulphur for the last three days, boiler not burning clean, thick greenish yellow cloud coming off it. Going on for 2.5-3 days. Refrigerant release R-22. Over 10 kg. Unsure of cause. Leak occurred over winter. Discovered today during maintenance 17:40. Repairs in progress. Building 579, Unit 41-27V8A. Tank 33 is venting natural gas & hydrocarbon vapours Release from 81C-68 CO gas, Coke particle and steam. Unit is venting. Still venting. Caller reporting venting (Tank 20D-2-cause unknown -type of vapour unknown. 06:41-08:3lhrs. Stage 2 vapor recovery unit down due to Alaska get tripped. Back on again. Had a spill of Sodium bisulphate last Friday (May 7, 2010. -50-60 L from a site storage tank. The vent line and bleed line were mixed up by the operator and caused the product to spill. Contained on the ground. Cleaned up. No waterways. Late report because they were busy cleaning up. Call Reason Land R22 released from Building 115, unit 31R4056 A/C; isolated and repair pending. Tank 20D13 was venting hydrocarbons from 0025 to 0224 hours. Cause: a coker was slopping to tank, coker tank upset and resulted in high flow of material to tank which caused it to vent. Upstream sample taken bi - monthly. Collected sample, lab lost it. April sample. Will recollect. Sample taken from Muskeg River. Caller reporting a NOx exceedance. Lost steam into boiler.

Syncrude 9-May-2010 Syncrude 10-May-2010 Suncor 10-May-2010 Suncor 11-May-2010 Japan Canada 11-May-2010 OS Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor 11-May-2010 13-May-2010 13-May-2010 13-May-2010 13-May-2010 13-May-2010 15-May-2010 15-May-2010

26 26 26 149968 26 26 26 94

360586 360662 360672 360730 360746 360759 360849 360873

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Surface Water Air Air

26 94 26 94 94 149968

360887 360893 360897 361013 361018 361061

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL

15-May-2010 16-May-2010 16-May-2010 18-May-2010 18-May-2010 18-May-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention

Caller reporting venting 20D-14 - natural gas and hydrocarbon. Overpressuring in tank - vent system wasn't at maximum. 0950-1115hrs Air Two refrigerant releases - R22. From units 41-44 RV8 & 41-44 RV1 in bldg 100. In process of repairing. > 10 kg per unit. Air SO2 contravention, upset on vessel 12-3c-6, sulphur entrainment into tailgas header, took vessel off line and reduced coker feed rate. Surface Had a high oil & grease test result from Pond E. Test run @ 2200 hrs on May 14 and came back 34.6 mg/L. Water Limit: 5. Did retest at 2305 hrs and it came back 0.4 mg/L -which is the normal range. Also tested @ 1000 hrs (earlier that day and it < 1 mg/L. No idea why the one test came out high. No process streams containing hydrocarbons that go to that pond. Will be sampling again @ 1000 hrs this morning. Air Tank 7 & 8 are venting hydrocarbons (not sour) Air Stage 2 VRU tripped from 9:30-9:37 & 9:57-11:30. Alaskan skid went down. Has been repaired. Air Tank 33 venting sour hydrocarbons for 11 mins. No Impact Courtesy call: have gone into Upgrader 2 outage. Have given written notification in advance and received AENV approval Apr 19/2010. Air Wet Gas compressor tripped and they are flaring gas. intermittent flaring. Air Caller reporting a NOx exceedance -boiler 5001. Caller has 7 exceedances but no values.







Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Impact Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release

26 94 94 94 94 26 149968 94 26 94 153125 94 26 149968 26 94

361149 361171 361190 361229 361259 361272 361386 361390 361394 361406 361496 361650 361722 361728 361785 361787

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL Suncor Syncrude Suncor Shell Canada Jackpine Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Suncor

19-May-2010 19-May-2010 19-May-2010 20-May-2010 20-May-2010 20-May-2010 24-May-2010 24-May-2010 24-May-2010 24-May-2010 25-May-2010 27-May-2010 27-May-2010 27-May-2010 28-May-2010 28-May-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

No Impact Caller reporting contravention of approval -Section 4.5.8 Table B. For at the lease the last year, source has been documenting CBOD and not BOD values on influent. Source misread the approval -found during internal audit. Source has corrected the problem and they are now reporting BOD values. Air Caller reporting tank venting - Tank D14. Hydrocarbon vapours. Ambient temperatures and one of two compressor is offline for repairs. Ongoing and intermittent - making moves to address issue. Air Vapour excursion from flare liquids tank (mixture of oil, HC. Yesterday unsure of time, approx. 14:50. Light material got into tank -caused higher pressure. Call Reason Air No Impact VRU stage 2 is down and not online but everything is being done by VRU stage 1 Call Reason No Impact Air Caller reporting tank venting -Tank 20D3. Venting diluted bitumen vapours. Cause unknown. Total of 15 mins. From, 1618-1631hrs and from 1925-2002hrs. Call Reason Air Air Odour complaint -strong hydrocarbon smell -on a scale of 1-10, would be a 6 or 7. Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Tank venting on tank D33. Reason under investigation - hot/high vapour pressure possibly sent to tank. HC vapour. NOx exceedance. May 23, 20101658-1757 hrs. Stack top. Cause unk. Stage 2 of VRU is down again. Went down yesterday @ 1300 hrs for 24 min's and again today from 1155-1218 hrs. Due to maintenance. Stage 1 is still up so a bit of venting. Call Reason Air Tank venting. From 1345-1405 hrs. Had to increase capacity on vent gas removal. Seems to be fixed now. Natural gas and hydrocarbon vapour. Non sour. Fire at the Upgrader i2, cause is a leak. Fire is out at 19:10 hr; repair done. Call Reason Air Notification about water quality as they have found out that mineral oil had been mixed in with anti- scalant. Putting up do not drink water signs and flushing system. Flaring event over 20 t limit. Compressor tripped between 3:30 and 6:00. Call Reason Air Tank venting from 1012-1430 hrs. Due to over pressuring and a compressor is down for maintenance. Hydrocarbon vapours. 1 hr NOX exceedance -25 May 2010-26 May 2010 NOX exceedance will be in 7 day-letter. Start up problems on COGEN. Tank venting @ 0750-0806 hrs. Due to pumping out of knock out drum and main compressor for that area is down for maintenance. Natural gas & sour hydrocarbon vapours. Stack survey has exceedance 57-FlA and 57-F2A, they were >40g/gj of NOX, When discovered this exceedance they reviewed stack survey calculations for previous years and discovered other exceedances, will have details in 7-day letter. Caller reporting tank venting - tank 33. Venting nitrogen and sour hydrocarbon vapours. Excess run down to tanks. Lasted 5 min. Caller reporting venting from tank 14. Venting naphtha and natural gas. A recovered compressor is down for maintenance - poor vapour recovery as a result. Ongoing and intermittent. Stage 2 VRU was down for 30 min. Unsure of reason. HC emissions, trace sulfur emissions. Tank 14 venting (naphtha hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas). Started at 08:35 and is ongoing. Cause - one compressor went down on the VRU and is still down for maintenance. #26-1 Stack SO2 RATA failure. Unsure of reason why. Will do another test. Tank 7 venting (hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas). Due to poor vapour recovery with compressor down for maintenance. Started at 13:45 and ongoing. Opacity >40% on stack 31, for one 6-minute interval ending at 16:36. The reason was start up of boiler Ill. Tank #33 venting of N2 and sour hydrocarbon vapor for 10 min due to excess rundown to the tank. Tank 14 venting (naphtha hydrocarbon vapour and natural gas vapour) intermittently. Caused by poor vapour recovery - compressor still down for maintenance. Caller reporting tank venting - Tank 8. Venting hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas intermittently. Vapour recovery compressor down for maintenance. Flaring due to wet gas compressor trip. t52K401. Went from 9:45-12:00. S02 emissions, 36 t total.

26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94

361849 361851 361909 361927 361953 361976 361982 361990 361994 362035 362049

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

30-May-2010 30-May-2010 31-May-2010 31-May-2010 31-May-2010 31-May-2010 31-May-2010 1-Jun-2010 1-Jun-2010 1-Jun-2010 1-Jun-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air


94 26 94 26 94 26 26 94

362158 362240 362248 362289 362293 362307 362345 362357

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

2-Jun-2010 3-Jun-2010 3-Jun-2010 4-Jun-2010 4-Jun-2010 4-Jun-2010 5-Jun-2010 5-Jun-2010

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Land Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air

Release of gypsum water, teal 36000 gallons. Leak in lining. Contained on site, no off site impacts. Discharge to river is closed. Unsure of clean up details. Call Reason Land Odour complaint. Stronger ammonia smell than normal when driving by source. He also noticed a blue-grey smoke when driving by. Downtime of Stage 2 VRU. Non condensable in system caused a trip. Release of HC vapours. Contravention of CBOD and TSS for treated domestic waste water, cause still under investigation. Possible true vapour pressure exceedance for tank i20Dl4, due to hot temp in the line. It has been corrected. Caller reporting venting from Tank 20D-33. Nitrogen and sour hydrocarbon vapours released. Cause - tank contents were hot and overpressure. Opacity contravention on main stack. Due to faulty rectifier had to shut down the one working one to do work on the other. Venting from plant. Mostly hydrocarbons and some TRS compounds. Due to issues with incline plate settler coming back online. Started @ 1050 hrs. Still ongoing, intermittently. Not expecting any offsite impacts. Call Reason Air Station 11, TRS/H2S exceedance. Tank 20D33 venting Nitrogen and sour HC vapours, believe may be due to high tank temp, cooled tank off.

94 26 94 94 149968 26 94

362363 362376 362438 362450 362463 362519 362524

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL Syncrude Suncor

5-Jun-2010 6-Jun-2010 7-Jun-2010 8-Jun-2010 8-Jun-2010 8-Jun-2010 8-Jun-2010

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air






Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

26 94 94 149968

362650 362723 362762 362776

Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL

10-Jun-2010 11-Jun-2010 11-Jun-2010 12-Jun-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Caller reporting VRU downtime. Stage II was offline for 40min -intermittently. Some vapour released -not sure what type. Call Reason Air Air Caller reporting an odour -offensive strong gasoline odour. Happening right now as she is driving. She is not sure which company is the source because she is unsure which way the winds are blowing. Call Reason Air Groundwate Basal leak in one of their pipelines. This is a ground water leak. Cause unknown. 16 cubes water to ground. r Clean up done. "produced water" Call Reason Ground water No Impact Failed flow portion of the RATA on plant 73 furnace stack. They will consult with vendor to find cause of failure and do another test Surface Spill of diesel -75litres. Drainage pump tipped over beside onsite pond -surface runoff water pond. Product is Water currently contained in pond on site. Caller thinks that the 75 litres is the amount that went into the pond, a small amount was also spilled onto the soil beside the pond. Pond was immediately shut in and the contaminated water never left site. Vac trucks en route for clean up. Call Reason Surface Water Vegetation Their approval states that they cannot remove vegetation during the restricted time period of May 1 to Aug 15. Yesterday at 11:15 hours, they discovered that 1 hectare of vegetation on their site was disturbed. A piece of equipment was working and cleared the vegetation without approval. This is a contravention. Air There is a fire in the plant and there is a lot of black smoke coming out of it, not sure where it is and what is going on? Will investigate. AEP might get some calls from the public. No Impact Reporting stage two VRU down from 1030-1105. Stage one remained on line. Air Air H2S ambient air exceedance. VRU went down for starting at 1635hrs on Jun 11. As a results of a failure on a pump coupling. Venting of natural gas and sour gas. Pressure built up and product was released. Air monitor station nearby but it didn't pick anything up. Caller says that this is only a proactive notification and that he will not be sending in a letter. Call Reason Air H2S ambient air exceedance. High oil & Grease in pond E. 5.4 mg/L Limit: 5 mg/L Sample taken @ 2200 hrs. Lab results received @ 2345 hrs & release valve (to river shut off @ 2350 hrs. Cause is under investigation and they are retesting. Previous sample taken @ 1000 hrs on June 12 was 1.0 mg/L. There were no operational upsets or anything during the day that would cause they increase. The pond will remain blocked in. H2S ambient air exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 03:001356.0 Call Reason Air. Caller reporting tank venting - tank 14. Venting naphtha and natural gas. Pour vapour recovery. Ongoing and intermittent. VRU stage 2 downtime over 69 minutes. Unsure of cause, under investigation. 8 minutes this morning and over

94 94

362794 362796

Suncor Suncor

12-Jun-2010 13-Jun-2010

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Surface Water

94 26 94

362798 362804 362812

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

13-Jun-2010 13-Jun-2010 13-Jun-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged

Air Air Air


94 94

362864 362868

Suncor Suncor

14-Jun-2010 14-Jun-2010

Industry Industry

Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Surface Water








26 183875 94 26 26

362917 362925 362945 363080 363104



Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air

Devon ARL 15-Jun-2010 Corp. Suncor 15-Jun-2010 Syncrude Syncrude 16-Jun-2010 17-Jun-2010

26 48408

363124 363148



Industry Industry

Petro Canada 17-Jun-2010

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Release Release Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Impact

Air Land

an hour this afternoon. Caller reporting venting from Tank 20-D3 on June 12, 2010 from 17:58 to 18:54 and on June 13, 2010 from 10:53 to 10:59. Call Reason Air Caller reporting BOD results from lagoon. Monthly Average, two samples taken per week. Not yet an exceedance but caller's anticipates that it will be by the end of the month. Cause under investigation -could be a natural problem with lagoons during the spring. Caller will contact the CIC at the end of the month with the final results. Lagoons do discharge into the river. Tank 20D-33 venting (nitrogen and sour hydrocarbon vapours). Cause: the tank is warmer than normal. Vented from 1515-1553 hours, and 1726-ongoing. Intermittent venting will continue until tank cools down - flow into the tank is also being limited. Tank venting. Started @ 1925 hrs intermittently. Nothing for the last couple of hours. Temp still hot in the tank and trying to cool it down. Sour hydrocarbon vapours & Nitrogen. Air emission report; cannot collect all the data for the approval for the month of May; due to sample integrity compromised during transportation to the lab. Sample is a filed gas composition sample. Call Reason Air tank 20D3 vented from 05:44 to 10:07 this morning. Venting was continuous. Not sure of the substance being vented. Cause of venting is unknown. Call Reason Air Refrigerant R22 freon release from building 1014, Unit 271RV6. Expect it will be greater than 10 kg. Will be repairing and recharging. A more accurate volume will be included in the written report. Release of steam with some black discoloration so there is likely some coke particles included. The cause is: they had to drop the lube seal on CO boiler #1 because they are doing a repair. They had to establish a vacuum to do the repairs. He cannot estimate how many hours it will take to finish the repairs - they should be done today - if it goes beyond today, they will call in an update. Otherwise the end time will be in the written report. Release of R22 from a A/C unit in Building 177, Unit #18-1R10. Repair in progress. Caller is reporting a contravention to the approval. The condition 3.6.6-did not salvage topsoil separately. quantity of topsoil was less than 5 m3. June 9 was when the incident occurred. caller reported to ASRD and then found out he reported it to the wrong agency. Smell like Suncor in the Thickwood area. Noticed at 0800 hrs. Smell is lingering. Not really windy. Temp is 16 deg C. Compressor tripped yesterday. Wet gas compressor. Flaring occurred. Didn't exceed daily limits. From 16:0019:00. Gas venting of naphtha vapour due to process upset ; last for 3 min. Caller reporting limit exceedance -S02 over 20 tons. Flaring started on June 18 and went over the limit this morning at 0800hrs. Flaring from stack 52Cl02. Cause under investigation. Sewage spill from a trailer due to defected pump; spill on the ground. None in water ceruse; contained, cleanup done. Call Reason Land Emergency dump pond might have a small leak or seeping into a containment area and pump it back into the pond. Call Reason Land NOX exceedance due to steam injector valve faulty. Caller reporting a really bad smell. Caller had to close her window at 8:00AM this morning because the smell was so bad. Smells like petroleum. No visible of gases and just the smell. It smells inside the house. The caller cannot open her window. Wind coming from the north. Not a big wind. Call Reason Air Caller reporting a VRU stage 2 venting on June 17-18, intermittent. From 10:32 June 17-3:15 June 18. Unit wasn't working at 100%. Hydrocarbons were venting-not sour. Caller is reporting a VRU venting for 64minutes on June 20 from 13:29-15:09. Venting occurred during stage 2 and all the H2S had been scrubbed out in stage one. Hydrocarbons were venting, not sour. Call Reason Air Caller is reporting that the VRU tank was having issues with the tiller and this caused the unit to vent from 7:33-8:20 on June 18. This was during stage 2 and the H2S had been scrubbed out in stage 1. Hydrocarbons were vented. Call Reason Air Caller reporting refrigerant R22 release at building 9. More than 10 kg released from an H-Vac unit, unit number 5R204. It has not been repaired and recharged. Scheduled for repair. Unit has been isolated. Thermal oxidizing unit i8F5 is down due to flame scanner fault. Happened @ 1505 hrs. Working on fixing it

94 94 26 94 94 149968 149968 94

363209 363357 363377 363421 363423 363437 363441 363477

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL CNRL Suncor

18-Jun-2010 21-Jun-2010 21-Jun-2010 21-Jun-2010 21-Jun-2010 21-Jun-2010 21-Jun-2010 22-Jun-2010

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air Air Land Land Air Air

94 94 94

363525 363527 363529

Suncor Suncor Suncor

22-Jun-2010 22-Jun-2010 22-Jun-2010

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Air Air

26 94

363533 363563

Syncrude Suncor

22-Jun-2010 22-Jun-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air


94 26 94

363594 363604 363786

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

23-Jun-2010 23-Jun-2010 24-Jun-2010

Industry Public Complaint Industry

Notification Impact Release

Air Air

right now. Higher S02 emissions expected from the site. Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance-limit was 10 ppb, it reached 10. H2S was the parameter, station 2 , for the hour, wind speed is 7 km/hr and direction 152 Call Reason Air It stinks really bad. It smells like cat pee. It smells inside the house as well.













94 26 94 94 94 149968

363820 363932 363977 364027 364072 364144

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL

24-Jun-2010 25-Jun-2010 27-Jun-2010 28-Jun-2010 28-Jun-2010 28-Jun-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

No Impact Kerosene release. > 200 L. Due to a valve that was double blocked and blinded, that failed. Went into the operating area and onto the ground, still on site. Will be directed through treatment. No injuries. Happened @ 0730 hrs today. Call Reason No Impact Air Caller reporting a Stage 2 VRU outage -scheduled for maintenance. Will be down anytime from June 25-June 28. Will be down for less than 24hrs. There will be venting as a result. Probably naphtha vapours -shouldn't be sour. Call Reason Air No Impact Notification that WTP will be shutting down tonight @ 2300 hrs. Doing mechanical tie ins of new piping for camp expansion. Not expecting any impacts. Should be out for 3 hours. Will be sampling once it is back up. Operator of plant is Combo Energy Services. Call Reason No Impact Air Reporting flaring of sour gas. They are not sure of reason or cause -still investigating. Started at May 14 and ended May 24. She was just informed of the incident. Flaring from 52-C-102. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting on tank D33. 9:20 - intermittent. Trying to stop it. Most likely due to high temperatures in tank. Nitrogen vapours. Air H2S ambient air exceedance, Station 2. Air 1 hr H2S exceedance @ AMS 4 Air Air 104 min down time due to a trip to the system. Caller is reporting a LEL trip at Froth Treatment Plant. Caused by Electrical storm and High winds. No Env impact. Everybody was evacuated for safety purposes. They initially thought it was power failure. No releasevery minimal amount of hydrocarbon vapour. Not detectable by handheld monitor. Only detectable by monitor at site. Call Reason Air Blowdown pond double liner is leaking, catching it with the secondary containment. Nothing get into the environment. Call Reason Land Tank 33 venting nitrogen and sour hydrocarbon vapours. Started at 0340-0355 Caller reporting a flaring that resulted in more than 20 tons of S02 to be release. This was caused by a sulphur recovery unit trip. The flaring occurred from 23:25-00:27-it was continuous. Waste water treatment shut down due to treated effluent discharge has surface pooling. Will take a while to corrected. Will trucked out the untreated sewage for now. Call Reason Potable Water Caller is reporting a limit exceedance of TSS daily average because of high rainfall. Muskeg dewatering. The water ends up going to a creek which may be fish bearing. Station 11, H2S ambient air exceedance. Notify that they will be doing plant maintenance activity. Cleaning strainers for the gas line. Not have pilot lights for flares during the time that the strainers are being cleaned. This will be about 20 minutes per flare. The two flares are 19F2 and 19F3. The activity will start maybe sometime today or over the weekend, but caller does not know when exactly. If there are any issues or impacts, caller will call with an update. Caller is reporting the well water chlorine pump was shut off at 11:00 this morning because the chlorine level was at 2.10 mg/L total and typically operations should be at 1 mg/L. A new chlorine analyzer was installed yesterday and is causing the chlorine readings to be false and causing more chlorine to be added. A contractor is checking the chlorine levels every two hours. Hourly mass NOx exceedance at their CoGen plant. This was due to a loss of steam injection to the combustion turbine. Further information from their investigation will be in the written report. R-22 release, over 10 kg. Leak on unit. Isolated and scheduled for repairs today. Caller reporting Tank D8 venting hydrocarbon vapors and natural gas. Started at 12:30 and it is on going. Working on trying to get it to stop. 24hr TRS at Station 12

183875 26 94 48522 26 94 94

364160 364199 364267 364396 364514 364779 364814

Devon ARL 28-Jun-2010 Corp. Syncrude 29-Jun-2010 Suncor 29-Jun-2010 Encana Syncrude Suncor Suncor 29-Jun-2010 30-Jun-2010 1-Jul-2010 2-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

Land Air Air Potable Water Surface Water Air Air






Alleged Contravention

Potable Water

149968 26 26 94

364947 365621 365666 365796

CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

4-Jul-2010 7-Jul-2010 7-Jul-2010 8-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air Air Air




Syncrude 10-Jul-2010 Aurora Canada Ltd.


Alleged Contravention

Potable Water

94 94 26 26

365939 366028 366048 366510

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

8-Jul-2010 9-Jul-2010 9-Jul-2010 9-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release






Alleged Contravention Impact Notification

26 20809

366671 366688



Shell Canada 10-Jul-2010

Public Complaint Industry

Caller providing results from treated drinking water samples that were submitted as resamples. However, no reference number was provided and AENV has no record of a 243ailed initial sample. The approval is listed as the Mildred Lake site, but the approval number matches the Aurora site. Resample 1:Collected from the potable water tank July 8, received July 9. Total Coliforms -NIL, E.coli -NIL. Resample 2:Collected from the medical centre washroom July 8, received July 9. Total coliform -NIL, E.coli -NIL. Air Flaring event resulted in > 20t S02 emission. June 29-July 6. Unsure of cause, investigating. Call Reason Air Air Ambient air hourly exceedance. Surface BOD and TSS exceedance @ Sewage Treatment Plant. Effluent is collected and retreated. Ongoing issue. For Water the month of June. No Impact Release of sour water, from water #164-sour water treater. Rupture of 12-18 inches that released the sour water. Contained H2S and ammonia. Vessel was under low pressure, vessel is being depressured, release was contained and they are proceeding with isolating and steaming. There is secondary containment around the vessel, that the sour water got released into. Unknown volume. Unknown when will be repaired. Surface Notification. They have a potential COD exceedance on Pond C outfall. The comp sample results indicate that Water they exceed daily loading, but the grab samples have lower results. The comp sample may have been contaminated. As a precaution, the outfall has been closed. More samples have been taken. Air Sour gas odour. Potable Water Land Chlorine pump failed at water treatment plant ; alarm went off; 13 cu m of water with low chlorine went into the reservoir. They will put higher dosage of Chlorine into the reservoir, will advise worker at plant not to drink water and will bring in bottle water for them. Call Reason Potable Water Reporting a well blowout. Spill off lease of steam and bitumen. Difficult to estimate volumes. This began at 08:30 hours. It started as a small steam release from the wellhead. They shut the well in, but it has continued to get worse. They are more aggressively trying to depressure and will likely be trying to kill the well tonight. There is no sour gas currently, but there is potential for H2S since it is a SAGD site. No population in the area. They have Cordoned off access to the well. The ERCB is aware of the incident. Call Reason Land Station 2 H2S hourly exceedance. Time Wind Dir/Speed 06:001678.0 Call Reason Air. Hourly H2S Station 2. Sour water release to effluent pond, higher than allowable limit. Due to unit upset on plant 16-0. Flaring >20 tons. Due to hydro treater outage, planned maintenance. Flaring, S02. July 2 flaring starting, ongoing. Stack number 59Fl01-102. S02 flaring wasn't over 20 tons until Friday. Station 5 hourly H2S. Odour typical of what they get with a wind from the north.



Devon ARL 10-Jul-2010 Corp.



94 94 26 94 94 26 94 26

366762 366797 366808 366851 366917 366923 366931 366989

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

11-Jul-2010 12-Jul-2010 12-Jul-2010 12-Jul-2010 12-Jul-2010 12-Jul-2010 13-Jul-2010 13-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Notification Notification

Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air

94 26 94 26 94 94

367106 367184 367327 367350 367352 367770

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

14-Jul-2010 14-Jul-2010 15-Jul-2010 15-Jul-2010 15-Jul-2010 15-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint Industry

Notification Notification Notification Impact Notification Impact





Alleged Contravention

Station 5 H2S. Caller is reporting tank venting, nitrogen and possibly hydrocarbon vapour. There was high tank level and maybe ambient temperatures. The source is currently assessing their vapour recovery system. The duration can't be determined at this point but steps are being taken to stop it. Tank D2. Air Ambient air exceedance, H2S. Air Tank 101 venting. Started at 08:15 and stopped at 09:30. Cause: passing PVSV. It is isolated and it has stopped venting now. It's hydrocarbons and it's not sour. Air H2S exceedance. Ambient air. Air Odour complaint, smells like hydrocarbons. Caller just arrived in the community for work. Noticeable smell, not heavy or light. The odour is continuous. Raining in the area but not windy. Caller is close to industrial area. Air For July 15, 2010, H2S at 07:00, 1 hour exceedance, concentration is 11 ppb, limit is 10 ppb, wind speed is 10 km/h, wind direction is 161 degrees. Call Reason Air Air Caller is concerned about the strong hydrocarbon odour. This has been off and on all day, very strong this morning and lightened up a bit but in the last hour and a half it has gotten strong again. Wind direction is coming from the southwest. Call Reason Air No Impact Exceedance, TVP (total vapor pressure tank 20014. Recorded TVP 12psia, limit llpsia. Reason for exceedance is currently being looked into. Occurred between 15:00-18:00. Situation has been corrected, pressure is back down below llpsia.


26 94 94 26 94 26 26 26 94 149968 26 26

367887 368246 368248 368291 368303 368343 368485 368501 368732 368791 368803 368909

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor CNRL Syncrude Syncrude

15-Jul-2010 17-Jul-2010 17-Jul-2010 17-Jul-2010 18-Jul-2010 18-Jul-2010 19-Jul-2010 19-Jul-2010 20-Jul-2010 20-Jul-2010 21-Jul-2010 21-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air

Tank 50 vented (hydrocarbons) from 1620-1622 hrs Station 12 TRS exceedance. Station 11, H2S exceedance. Tank venting on #D2. Went from 15:30-16:00. Due to high tank levels. HC vapours and nitrogen vented. Station 12 TRS exceedance. Tank venting on Tank D4, HC vapours & nitrogen. Due to spiking of tank pressure from increased rundown into tank. From 9:30-10:00am today. Release of diesel from an internal underground pipeline. Estimated volume is over 200L - exact volume unknown. Product was contained on site. Hydrovac truck used - no need to excavate the soil. Caller reporting tank venting - tank D4. Venting hydrocarbon and nitrogen vapours. Cause of venting attributed to high tank levels and extraction to feed rate changes. intermittent during the duration - ended at 1400hrs. Caller reporting a TRS exceedance -1 hour Average. NOx exceedance. Shut down fuel gas compressor. Upon start up the injection tripped -resulted in exceedance. Flaring from 0343 hrs and still on going. Fuel gas flaring due to a compressor tripping Caller reporting tank venting - tank 50 and tank 100. Both tanks are venting natural gas. Ambient temperatures and run down temp issues are to blame. There may also be issues with vapour recovery system. intermittent and ongoing. AMS #2 one H2s ppb exceedance Caller reporting unit upsets last night. They were flaring off 8-3 (coker off-gas) from 0243 to 0431 hours. This is a notification in case they exceeded the 360 tonnes per day (from all sources). Their technical people are currently crunching the numbers. They've taken some measures to cut back. Reporting tank venting from tank D52 (Hydrocarbon vapours in a natural gas blanketed tank). This was due to issues with the VRU. Venting 02:40-04:55 hours. During Stage 2 of the VRU, unit was down for 30 minutes. Reason for unit being down is unknown but unit has been repaired. Reporting early on this parameter, not an approval requirement. 5 hours is the reporting requirement for callers approval. Unit was down from 10:47 to 11:32. Call Reason Air AMS 11 one hr H2S exceedance Venting on Tank 7 - venting Hydrocarbon an NG vapours Started at 2400 hrs and still ongoing Station 2 24 hrs H2S exceedance AMS #2-1 hr H2S exceedance Refrigerant release. R22. From a A/C unit. > 10 kg. In the process of repairing and recharging. Station 11 H2S. R22 release from Building 790, unit #23-1523 A/C unit. Repair in progress. Station 12 TRS Station 11 H2S Release of chlorine gas at the potable water treatment plant during connection of the regulator to the bottle; release for 2 seconds. No injury. Call Reason Air R22 release, >10lbs, leak on tubing on unit 23R580A. Hasn't been repaired on recharged, in the process of repairing. Station 12 2959.0 Call Reason Air Station 12 120 Caller reporting tank venting. Venting hydrocarbon vapours from Tank 2. No H2S. Cause - PSV lifted and wouldn't reset. Pressure increased due to liquid in the line - currently investigating. Venting started at 1130hrs and ended at 1405hrs. Station 2 exceedance 11 ppb of H2S from 08:00-09:00, wind speed 8, dir 156

94 26

368965 369104

Suncor Syncrude

22-Jul-2010 22-Jul-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

26 94

369106 369187

Syncrude Suncor

22-Jul-2010 22-Jul-2010

Industry Industry

Notification Notification

Air Air

94 26 94 94 26 94 26 94 94 20809 26 94 94 26

369325 369327 369329 369333 369489 369547 369573 369585 369596 369643 369713 369955 369969 370238

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

22-Jul-2010 23-Jul-2010 23-Jul-2010 23-Jul-2010 23-Jul-2010 24-Jul-2010 24-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Suncor 25-Jul-2010 Suncor 25-Jul-2010 Shell Canada 25-Jul-2010 Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude 26-Jul-2010 27-Jul-2010 27-Jul-2010 27-Jul-2010

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air









94 26 26 26 26 94 149968

370452 370581 370583 370587 370591 370663 370667

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor CNRL

29-Jul-2010 29-Jul-2010 29-Jul-2010 29-Jul-2010 29-Jul-2010 29-Jul-2010 29-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Station 2 ambient H2S exceedance. Caller reporting tank venting. Tank 2 - Hydrocarbon and nitrogen. 0820-1300hrs - intermittent. Spike in tank pressure and PSV wouldn't reset. Caller reporting tank venting - tank 14. Naphtha hydrocarbons and natural gas. Started at 0840hrs and is ongoing and intermittent. High run down to tanks. Release of R22, >10kg. Unknown cause - repairs are underway. Release of R22, >10kg. Cause unknown, repairs underway. AMS 11 1 hr exceedance H2S Notification of a small failure in a pipe and subsequent leak from the amine unit. A pinhole leak was noticed a few days ago (not exactly sure which day -yesterday or the day before. As a result a small amount of liquid amine and H2S were released. They assessed it and decided to put a sleeve on it as a temporary fix until they could shut down. However, the sleeve did not work. They will instead commence a staged (slow shutdown to fix the pipe. An hour ago, two workers who were working on the pipe had liquid splash on their hands. They were taken to the clinic for observation because there was H2S involved. There were no injuries. The pipe should be fixed by Monday. He will update if this does not occur. They will send a 7-day letter. Call Reason Air Station 12 exceedance of 17ppb of TRS. Wind dir 79, speed 5. 07:00-08:00 Call Reason Air Tank venting release - tank 14. Started at 9:10- ongoing intermittently. Trying to maximize vapour recovery to 100%. Resample. Approval I 94. El0W078118, treated public drinking water. Collection site Millennium Res. main line. Received July 30 @ 08:50. Total Coliforms NIL, E.coli NIL Acid gas leak from amine unit. Pin hole leak pipeline. Still leaking as of 25 July 2010 @ 07:00. Planning to put a wrap on pipe and a spare piece being made up. Minimum production in progress. Time Wind Dir/Speed 07:00 Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. Hourly Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 05:00 01-AUG-2010 06:001587.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air R22 release, ~10kg. Leak on the equipment. Hasn't been repaired or recharged, repairs in process. Ambient air exceedance. Hourly. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 02:00 02-AUG-2010 03:003384.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air Manhole , sewage overflow; not sure if there is a blockage; pump is working; will try to find the problem and repair. None in water course; it is stopped and contained. Call Reason Land Ambient air exceedance. Hourly & 24 hr. 3386.0 Call Reason Air Tank venting. Started @ 0310 hrs and still ongoing. Due to 13-2 unit upset & slopping. Sour naphtha hydrocarbon vapours & natural gas. R22 release from A/C unit, in Building #9. Repair done. Caller reporting an exceedance. Stack top temp for TOU fl (thermal oxidizing unit was below 400 deg, 1 hour Average. Fire on the tire of a haul truck. Not sure how this started. Still burning currently. There have not been any injuries reported. Fire Department crews (onsite Emergency Services are currently working on fighting it. The ERCB has been notified because there is an agreement to advise them when emergency services is activated. Not an activation of their emergency response plan. No evacuations. Notification to AENV because of the potential black smoke. No other information at this time. Call Reason Air Station 2, 1 hour average, 23:00-24:00, H2S, 11 ppb, limit 10 ppb, 5 km/h, wind speed 155 degrees. Call Reason Air Station 12, TRS, 24 hour average, 4 ppb, limit 3 ppb station 2, 24:00-00:00, H2S, 14 ppb, limit is 10 ppb, wind speed is 11 km/hr, wind direction is 170 degrees Call Reason Air Caller is complaining of rich oil or sulphur odour. Wind is coming from the south. It is a strong smell right

94 26 94 149968

370690 370820 370878 370899

Suncor Syncrude Suncor CNRL

30-Jul-2010 30-Jul-2010 31-Jul-2010 31-Jul-2010

Industry Industry Agency Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Potable Water Air

94 26 94 149968 94 26 26 94 94

370908 370929 370960 370983 371033 371037 371095 371292 371832

Suncor Syncrude Suncor CNRL Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

1-Aug-2010 1-Aug-2010 2-Aug-2010 2-Aug-2010 3-Aug-2010 3-Aug-2010 3-Aug-2010 3-Aug-2010 5-Aug-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air

94 94 94 94

371858 371860 371876 371937

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

6-Aug-2010 6-Aug-2010 6-Aug-2010 6-Aug-2010

Industry Industry Industry Public

Notification Notification Notification Impact

Air Air Air Air



94 149968

372137 372247

Suncor CNRL

6-Aug-2010 7-Aug-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water

94 26

372257 372512

Suncor Syncrude

8-Aug-2010 10-Aug-2010

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Impact

Air Surface Water Air Air

94 94

372516 372539

Suncor Suncor

10-Aug-2010 10-Aug-2010

Industry Public Complaint

94 26 94 94 94 149968 94 94 149968 94 48522

372541 372674 372712 372832 372896 372912 372914 372983 373047 373072 373102

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Encana

10-Aug-2010 10-Aug-2010 11-Aug-2010 11-Aug-2010 11-Aug-2010 11-Aug-2010 11-Aug-2010 12-Aug-2010 12-Aug-2010 13-Aug-2010 13-Aug-2010

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Notification Notification Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

now. Odour complaint. Smells like sulphur and oil. Smells really bad. Noticed at 0700 after opening windows to house. Slight wind blowing to the south. Public Complaint Impact Comments: Caller is reporting a oil/gassy smell. Wind is blowing south but very little wind. The smell is very strong right now. JC; On August 6, 2010 the Fort McMurray on call officer received 3 odour complaints from Fort McKay in a span of 30 minutes. The Industrial Odour Protocol was enacted. Syncrude, Suncor, CNRL, and Shell all called into the air info line with updates. Syncrude, Suncor, and Shell indicated there plants were on spec and CNRL was shut down. Based on wind direction and information received in this office, the probable source is Suncor. AENV and Suncor are meeting to discuss their message on the air information line on Thursday August 12, 2010. AENV continues to monitor odour events and will work with industry and public at such times. No further action taken by AENV at this time. On the TOU of Stack 1 were below temp fro two hours. from 1300-15006 Aug 2010. 1st hr 378 C 2nd hrs 358.3 C limit is 400 C. Cause was relayed to a furnace trip 8F10. Spill of tailings -amount unknown however it is over 100 m3, will confirm actual volume tomorrow or Monday when engineers do calculation. Spill got into a marsh area, offsite contamination. There are dykes on both sides but park of the dyke was broken and the spill leaked out and now has dead vegetation. The pipeline has been shut in. No emergency protocol has been enacted. The dyke has now been fixed. The spill is in a contained area offsite. JC 7-Day Letter confirmed 100m3, spread over 2000m2 area off-site (in isolated "fingers", clean-up and remediation plan provided: timeline Aug 08-30, 2010. NORM assessment samples collected w/report due Aug 30,2010.-DW Station 11-H2S exceedance -hourly Average. BOD limit 7mg/L, sample was 9.3mg/L. A recheck is being done on the sample because the oxygen values are okay so they are thinking it's a bad sample. Pumped for 7.5 hours. Water doesn't enter a creek directly, it goes into a ditch around the facility before entering creek. Resample results will be included in the 7 day letter. Station 12 H2S exceedance. Odor complaint -smells like hydrocarbon. Not sure when it started but caller went outside and it's very strong. JC; hydrocarbon odour from Fort McKay, odour protocol still in effect so industry was contacted to update messages. Based on wind direction probable source is Suncor Ponds. AENV continues to work with Industry and the public re: odour events. AENV met with Suncor to discuss odours from the plant site and Suncor acknowledged the need to change their communication message to address the tailings ponds issues. No further action taken by AENV in this incident. Odour complaint: strong hydrocarbon smell, scale of 10, it's an 8. Noticed just in the last ten minutes. Call Reason Air Plant 6-4 D-1 vessel, venting N2 and naphtha. Even pressure from high feed rates caused venting. 16:30- ongoing. Rates are being reduced on unit so venting should stop soon. Station 2, H2S exceedance. Caller reporting 33min of tank venting from tank 200-6. Tank vented hydrocarbon vapours, no-H2S (maybe trace amounts. Cause unknown -process upset. End time -021lhrs. Call Reason Air Odour complaint, hydrocarbons smell from industry. There is a little bit of a breeze and there is a thunderstorm on the way. Smell is a 5 or 6 on a scale of 10. Call Reason Air NOX exceedance, upgrading. Limit 90kg/hour, reading was 119kg/hr. 11:00-12:00. Loss of stream injection through the DCS. Repairs have been done and everything is operating normally Ambient air exceedance. Hourly. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 14:00 11-AUG-2010 15:0015815.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air Caller reporting venting from Tank 20D6. Vented hydrocarbons vapours. Venting ended at 04:25hrs -vented for 93min. Cause is under investigation -crews on site to repair problem. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Air NOx exceedance. Starting the plant up and waiting for fuel gas to pick up. Started @ 1430 hrs today and still ongoing. station#12 one TRS exceedance Caller reporting a spill of treated effluent out of holding tank. Product was released out of overflow pipe at the top of the tank. Spilled onto the ground around the waste water treatment plant -no off site impacts. Clean up has been completed -vac truck was on site. Call Reason Land Venting from 20D6 storage tank with petroleum products in it. Venting hydrocarbon vapour. Started venting at 1425 hrs -1706 hours. this was continuous for the time frame. Call Reason Air









94 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 94 26 183875 94 94 94

373268 373282 373344 373377 373391 373433 373452 373536 373616 373620 373678 374006 374012 374091

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Devon ARL Corp. Suncor Suncor Suncor

14-Aug-2010 14-Aug-2010 15-Aug-2010 16-Aug-2010 16-Aug-2010 16-Aug-2010 16-Aug-2010 16-Aug-2010 17-Aug-2010 17-Aug-2010 17-Aug-2010 18-Aug-2010 19-Aug-2010 19-Aug-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Release

Air Air Air Air Air

Station 12 one hr. TRS Low pressure flare pilot snuffed out by steam. Flame out on 19-F-1 low pressure flare due to steam snuffed out. station 4 H2S hourly VRU stage 2 down on August 14 down for 49 minutes. 14:45-15:11, 17:14-17:25, 17:56-18:05

Air Flare stack, always have a pilot, was out due to level in the knockout drum. It is back on now. No Impact TSS and CBOD exceedance for the month of July. Cause unknown Effluent from sewage treatment plant. Stored in a tank and sent to another plant for further treatment. Air Release of R22, >10kg. Source suspects leak on fitting. Repairs are underway. Will know the exact volume once they recharge the unit. Land Spill of hydraulic oil. From a shovel. 25-50 gal. Due to a hose break. Contained on site. Gravel impacted. No waterways. Cleaned up. Air R22 release, unsure of amount. Repairs in progress. Unsure of cause. Land Air Air Surface Water Air Air Air Waste water release due to lift pump from the lagoon became disconnected. Repair done. All collected at a ditch on site; none in water course. Call Reason Land H2S exceedance 21:00-22:0016ppb, 6km, 157degrees H2S exceedance. 05:00-06:00, 12ppb, 13km, 158degrees Untreated tails to pond 2/3. Pond is a designed tailings pond contained on site. Due to a pump issue on NRU unit and product bypassed. Vol unknown Happened @ 1115-1210 hrs. Stopped now. Call Reason Surface Water Caller reporting refrigerant leak, R-134A, 400 lbs, unit has been repaired and recharged. Cause: leaking suction valve. H2S exceedance 06:00-07:00, 11 ppb, 2km, 43 degrees Caller reporting venting -not planned -vapor contained is nitrogen hydrocarbons and sulphur compound. Occurred on August 19, 201023:35 to August 20, 201000:09. Cause: increasing level in tank which caused pressure relief valve to open. More detailed information in 7 day letter. Call Reason Air Caller reporting odour complaint. It the normal smell in that area but it is very strong this morning. Sweet hydrocarbon plant smell. It is not raining outside and didn't rain last night. Call Reason Air Caller reporting Station 2, hourly H2S exceedance. Caller reporting VRU venting, Stage II. Caller does not know what type of vapours they are. Total of 91 min. 1218-1334hrs and 1357-1410hrs. Call Reason Air Caller reporting hydrocarbon odour. Very strong between the tailings ponds (7 out of 10, now that caller is at work the odour is a 5 out of 10 but may get worse. Call Reason Air Odour, hydrocarbon. Caller noticed the odour this morning. Continuous strong hydrocarbon odour. Light breeze in the area. Call Reason Air Odour - ammonia smell. Just noticed odour. Station 11 exceedance of H2S

94 94 94

374336 374638 374717

Suncor Suncor Suncor

20-Aug-2010 23-Aug-2010 23-Aug-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 94 94

374758 374999 375001 375003 375020 375120 375160 375386 375403 375409 375464 375544

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

23-Aug-2010 24-Aug-2010 24-Aug-2010 24-Aug-2010 24-Aug-2010 24-Aug-2010 24-Aug-2010 25-Aug-2010 25-Aug-2010 25-Aug-2010 26-Aug-2010 26-Aug-2010

Public Complaint Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint

Impact Notification Notification Impact Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Impact

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Air Station 5, H2S exceedance. No Impact Camera on flares was down from 1425-1543 hrs today. Due to electrical power outage. Had field operator monitoring it while it was out. Air Ambient air exceedance. Hourly. Air Tank venting from tank i20D4, 15:05-18:26-total of 82 minutes. Tank f20D3518:08-18:18, 18:27-19:07-total of 30 minutes. Air Very strong odour in the area. Caller had to turn off AC because she's had a coughing fit and is concerned about co-workers working outside. Clear day and light wind .... caller believes the odour is coming from the


94 26 94

375581 375613 375645

Suncor Syncrude Suncor

26-Aug-2010 27-Aug-2010 27-Aug-2010

Industry Public Complaint Industry

Notification Impact Release

Air Air Land








26 26 94 149968 149968

375718 375735 375817 376061 376085

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor CNRL CNRL

27-Aug-2010 27-Aug-2010 28-Aug-2010 30-Aug-2010 30-Aug-2010

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Land

north. Call Reason Air Ambient air exceedance. Hourly Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 16:00 26-AUG-2010 17:009011.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air Odours on Hwy 63 - likely from source. Ammonia smell. Just north of the tailings ponds as the highway turns into a single lane heading north. It is a 4 on a scale of 1-10. She would like a call back from an EPO. (Level 3) Release of sewage. > 25 kg. Underneath a bldg, so hard to determine exact volume. Due to pipe break. Discovered because of an odour. Stopped. Starting cleanup now. Contained to immediate area around bldg. Call Reason Land Flaring event from the H2S flare. Started at 11:44 and is ongoing. The cause is plant 7-1 trip. The reason the plant tripped is unknown. Fuel gas is being flared. There is some black smoke associated with the flaring. They are trying to restart the plant in order to correct the situation. Odour at Hwy 63, north of Source. Mixture of hydrocarbon and gas. Strongest at 4-5 km north of where the Hwy turns into a single lane. (Level 3) Unplanned flaring - H2S - cause: faulty instrumentation. Occurred at 21:02. Stopped at 22:12. Station 12 TRS exceedance of NOX, reading is 118 kg/hr, limit is 90 kg/hr, hourly limit 07:00-08:00 Had a small amount of coke sluff off into a containment ditch. This caused plugging of the ditch and water was release outside the containment area. Approx 6 cubes of water into a low lying pre disturbed area. Clean up is under way. Call Reason Land VRU stage 2 down, for a total of 90 minutes. 07:44-07:59, 15:35-15:41, 15:58-17:04.

94 94 26

376156 376261 376430

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

30-Aug-2010 31-Aug-2010 1-Sep-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Release

Air Air Land

26 94 94

376436 376472 376577

Syncrude Suncor Suncor

1-Sep-2010 1-Sep-2010 1-Sep-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Release






Alleged Contravention

94 94 26 94 26 94 94 94 94

376854 376856 376870 376885 376938 376949 377070 377108 377211

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

3-Sep-2010 3-Sep-2010 3-Sep-2010 3-Sep-2010 3-Sep-2010 3-Sep-2010 5-Sep-2010 7-Sep-2010 7-Sep-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Station 5, H2S exceedance Bitumen spill. Tank 20D50 exceeded capacity and overflowed through vent piping drains, 10 m3 bitumen spilled so far. Contained within tank berm on site. Process units have been cut back, levels are subsiding. Waiting for light conditions to improve. Tank may be compromised. Vac-trucks will be used to clean up. Air Tank venting on Tank 50. Instrumentation not working properly. In relation to bitumen spill on site. Air Station 12, TRS hourly exceedance. Air Small problem with coker blowdown system head. They had a steam leak, so they are shutting down one of the cokers in upgrader i2. As a result, they will be flaring, with an expected volume of greater than 20 tonnes of S02. Call Reason Air No Impact Contraventions related to construction of a new building: MEM 6. Modifications to the design were made without AENV authorization. They installed an underground sewage storage tank without authorization. There was a modification to the potable water system without permission from AENV. Modification was made to the domestic wastewater system without AENV authorization. None of these three modified units are in service currently. He discovered the contraventions yesterday and got more information to report them today. They will be dealing with regulatory approvals people to deal with these contraventions. Call Reason No Impact Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Surface Caller reporting contravention of approval. High TSS for month of August 2010 @ sewage plant. Value was Water 26.8 mg/L and limit is 25 mg/L. Cause: still investigating. Air VRU Stage 2 is down for a total of 42 minutes on Sept 03, 2010. Cause: do not know yet but will include it in 7 day letter. Call Reason Air Air Release of R22, 10+KG. Leak in the system. Repaired and recharged. Air Air Air Air Station 11 H2S exceedance. Odour -oil sands and plant smell -noticed this morning when caller woke up and it is still lingering. Smell is worse then normal as it is raining and the smell is lingering. Call Reason Air station 4 H2S 1 hr. Caller reporting an opacity exceedance on Stack 31. Cause unknown.


94 94 94

377434 377438 377686

Suncor Suncor Suncor

8-Sep-2010 8-Sep-2010 9-Sep-2010

Industry Public Complaint Industry

Notification Impact Notification

Air Air

94 149968 26 26 26 26 26 94 149968 26 26

377779 377781 377786 378028 378060 378118 378120 378124 378213 378229 378234

Suncor CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor CNRL Syncrude Syncrude

9-Sep-2010 9-Sep-2010 10-Sep-2010 11-Sep-2010 12-Sep-2010 12-Sep-2010 12-Sep-2010 13-Sep-2010 13-Sep-2010 13-Sep-2010 13-Sep-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Station 5-hourly H2S exceedance. Strong odours of hydrocarbon and sulphur from Source. He is currently driving 2 km south of Source entrance. (Level 3Call Reason Air Air Two occurences of venting from plant 4. Hydrocarbons and sulphur vapours are the vented constituents from this tank. Occurred Sept 5, 2023-2110 hours, and Sept 62252-2346 hours. Both were caused by: a vent condenser was down for inspection. She is not sure why she just received the reports today. Call Reason Air Air Flaring > 20 tonnes of S02 emissions. Due to major power failure in upgrader. Unk when it started, she got the call @ 1805 hrs. Ongoing. Call Reason Air Air NOx exceedance. Hourly. Stack top. Due to injection steam loss to combustion turbine. Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air Air Tank #20D101 venting hydrocarbon and natural gas vapors intermittently. Relief valve is defective. Maintenance may need to be performed. Air Tank venting hydrocarbon vapor and natural gas due to over pressurized. Air Venting from tank #20D51. Hydrocarbons and natural gas vapour vented intermittently from 19:20-03:25. Recovery unit down for maintenance. Secondary unit couldn't keep up. Air Vessel 6-C22 NRU #2; Venting of naphtha vapor for 2 min. due to transferring from tank to tank. No Impact Dilute bitumen mix cause high tail gas oil, oil are directed to tailings ponds and from there they recycle to the plant; so no impact to environment. Air Hourly H2S exceedance. Air NOX hr exceedance. From Boiler 6001 Air Air Tank 10 and tank 8 venting. The cause was went to the tank too hard and compressor was down. The tanks were venting hydrocarbon vapour. 12:03-14:40. Caller reporting contravention of approval. Plant 26-1. Limit off the stack is 300 ppm ammonia, and the exceedance was over 300 ppm for over 1 hour and the caller knows he is over but he doesn't know if he is accurate - 304 ppm @ 13:00. It stopped at 14:00, so one hour exceedance. Station 12 TRS exceedance. Tank venting. Believe it was due to differentials, will confirm in letter. Started @ 0133 hrs -0439 hrs, two intermittent periods with 68 min's total venting. Tank contains diluted bitumen, so some sour gas released. Call Reason Air Refrigerant release R22 - greater than 10 kg. Cause: leak in the system. Being repaired as awaiting parts. March 19, 2010. Not submitted to AENV but caller does not know why it was not called in earlier. During quarterly audits, it was picked up that this was not submitted. Refrigerant R22 release greater than 10 kg. Cause: leak in the system. Has been repaired. Occurred June 29/10, repaired shortly after. Not submitted to AENV but caller doesnot know why it was not called in earlier. During a quarterly audit, it was found that this incident was not reported. NOx exceedance. Hydrogen plant tripped due to start up. Caller is reporting opacity exceedance from stack 31. Limit is 40%, it reached 50-60%. They are having an issue receiving the data. This was for 12 minutes. Venting from tank 20D7, minimal venting due to a pinhole leak from pipe going to tank. Bitumen vapours are "venting". Repairs are underway. Call Reason Air Venting from plant 4, caused by process upset. An increase in pressure has caused venting intermittently from 07:00-13:00. Issue has been resolved.Further details will be included in the 7 day letter. Call Reason Air Station 5 H2S exceedance Station 5 H2S exceedance. Reporting tank venting from tank 20D3 on Sept 20. The constituents of the tank are unknown currently, but this information will be included in the written report. Venting occurred Sept 20, 1734-1812 hours and again from 2210-2226 hours. The cause was that the flame arrester was plugged. This was resolved. Call Reason Air Station 2-H2S -exceedance for 05:00-06:00, exceedance value of 10 ppb, limit is 10 ppb. WS is 7 km/hr, WD is 179 degrees. Call Reason Air NOx exceedance at Co-gen for 1 hour. Due to plant trip.

94 94

378370 378489

Suncor Suncor

14-Sep-2010 14-Sep-2010

Industry Industry

Air Air















149968 94 94 94 94 94 94

379396 379422 379492 379494 379511 379513 379878

CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

17-Sep-2010 18-Sep-2010 19-Sep-2010 19-Sep-2010 20-Sep-2010 20-Sep-2010 21-Sep-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

94 149968

379895 380146

Suncor CNRL

22-Sep-2010 22-Sep-2010

Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention

Air Air


94 94 149968 94 94 94 94

380148 380174 380192 380247 380295 380597 380639

Suncor Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

22-Sep-2010 23-Sep-2010 23-Sep-2010 23-Sep-2010 24-Sep-2010 24-Sep-2010 25-Sep-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

Six minute opacity on Stack 31. Cause unknown Learned about it a few min's ago. Venting from vapor recovery unit, venting hydrocarbon gas, cause is unknown. Call Type Call Reason Release Air. Hourly exceedance of NOX 19:00-23:00. 57.05-67.71tons per hour. Limit 57tons per hour Result of start up. VRU is down for the stage 2 portion. Electrical problems. Vapors venting to atmosphere but caller isn't sure but she says they don't contain H2S Call Reason Air 24 hr H2S exceedance. 3 ppb. H2S ambient air exceedance. venting from tank 2003, they are doing some maintenance, the vessel is locked in, there was enough heat increase to cause the pressure release valve to lift on the tank. Started at 15:19, ongoing, should be finished maintenance shortly. Call Reason Air Reporting an exceedance of NOx emission. 103.44 kg/hour of NOx at 03:03 am (from 03:00-04:00. Limit: 90 kg/hour. Cause: due to loss of steam injection to turbine generator. Station 2 exceedance. Hourly. Time End Date Time Wind Dir/Speed 08:00 27-SEP-2010 09:001588.0 Call Type Call Reason Notification Air. Opacity exceedance for stack 31. 15:30-13:36, cause is unknown. 44.5%, limit is 40%.

149968 94 94 26

380753 380798 380904 381410

CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude

27-Sep-2010 27-Sep-2010 27-Sep-2010 29-Sep-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air

48263 94

381642 381761

Conoco Phillips Suncor

30-Sep-2010 1-Oct-2010

Industry Industry






Alleged Contravention

94 94 26 20809

381855 381863 381914 382074

Suncor Suncor

2-Oct-2010 2-Oct-2010

Syncrude 4-Oct-2010 Shell Canada 5-Oct-2010

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Impact Notification Alleged Contravention

149968 48408

382172 382231



Industry Industry

Petro Canada 5-Oct-2010

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification

No Impact Caller reporting and exceedance for fecal coliforms in waste water. Waste water plant isn't actually an active plant. Streams are treated at this plant but aren't actually discharged - they are trucked to another site and retreated before discharged at that site. Caller was conducting an audit and found the missed report. Air Caller reporting approval contravention. Only 3 of 4 passive air samples (H2S sample were taken in Aug. Heavy winds at site prevented sample from being taken. Air Tank venting from tank 2002. Constituents of that tank are diluted bitumen I hydrocarbon -not sure if there are any sour vapours, but this information will be put in the written report. The venting started at 0802 hours and ended at 0900 hours on Sept 30. Call Reason Air Potable Contravention of potable water section of their approval (4.6.27A3. A pH meter is supposed to record pH every Water 5 minutes in the distribution system. There was maintenance on the pH meter, and they forgot to turn it back on. The meter was down from 1600 hours Sept 30, and was back on 1100 hours Oct 1. If the meter is out for more than 4 hours, they are required to do grab samples -this was missed. Air H2S exceedance. Air Smelling THC in the air. They have just noticed it. Two kilometers from Fort McKay. On Hwy 63 north. Bad enough for her to call AEVN Air Sour water tank venting H2S gas tank 20D54. Started at 2100 hrs on 3 Oct 2010 and still venting intermittently Potable The distribution pump in the Muskeg river water treatment plant was turned off. Prior to all of these they posted Water signs that water would be shut down. The system was started without pressure. The repairs took longer than expected but were completed. They ran chlorine and turbidity tests. Samples were sent to the lab. Lost pressure, system was flushed, pressure was restored. the system was restarted without pressure at 21:45. Call Reason Potable Water Air NOX exceedance. Specialist brought in -helping fine tune system heat recovery generator. No Impact Did not submit an updated fugitive emissions leak detection and correction program. Was due Aug 31, 2009. Because expansion did not go through and they mistakenly assumed that 2004 program was still valid. Will be requesting an extension with approvals manager. Potable Caller is reporting an issue with potable water -required to report daily dosage of chlorine added to potable Water water, they didn't report it as daily rather they report this as monthly. They have a TH exceedance, there is a rolling average that is 115 and the limit is 100 mg/L. This is a quarterly sample. No Impact Caller is reporting that they were unable to sample their east mine seepage curtain. There was a bunch of trees that fell down so there were unsafe conditions to sample. They are currently cleaning the trees out. Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Air Hourly H2S exceedance Air Hourly H2S exceedance






26 94 94 94

382458 382486 382516 382520

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

6-Oct-2010 6-Oct-2010 6-Oct-2010 7-Oct-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry


26 149968

382672 382674

Syncrude CNRL

7-Oct-2010 7-Oct-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention






26 94

382854 382974

Syncrude Suncor

8-Oct-2010 9-Oct-2010

Public Complaint Industry

94 94 94 94 94 26 26 149968

382976 383005 383007 383059 383201 383524 383744 383804

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude CNRL

9-Oct-2010 9-Oct-2010 9-Oct-2010 10-Oct-2010 12-Oct-2010 14-Oct-2010 15-Oct-2010 15-Oct-2010

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Caller is reporting that they are over monthly average for sewage treatment plant for TSS and CBOD Water (biological oxygen demand). TSS -37 mg/L , limit is 25 mg/L. BoD 26 mg/L, limit is 25 mg/L. No Impact Caller is reporting an inspection of the plant today by DL. Sample of water was collected Jan 2010 had chlorine of 0.09 mg/1. The limit says has to be at least 0.1. Annual report for 2009, table for arithmetic mean, did not include chlorine and turbidity. Approval says that they must be included. Air Breakthrough in catalyst bed. The catalyst treats H2S in the vapour recovery unit, the catalyst did not treat the vapours before they were let go of. They took samples and they have been working to put in the new bed and should be done tonight around 18:00. Air received odour complaint from resident. There is a plume leaving source, leaving a foggy smoky haze - causing visibility issues on Hwy 63, stinks. Air Low stack temperature for thermal oxidation unit exhaust stack and there would be some sulphur issues as this is a sulphur dioxide gas stack. Cause: not sure yet but under investigation. This is a contravention of the approval. This is between 11:33 and 12:20 and after 12:20, the temperature is normal. The temperature was 550 degrees F and the limit s 750 degrees F (400 degrees C. Air Station 2-H2S exceedance -from 11:00 to 12:00-11 ppb, limit is 10 ppb, WD 153 degrees and ws is 8 km/hr Call Reason Air Air Smelling Total Hydrocarbons in Fort McKay. Air Air Air Air Air Land Station 11-exceedancen H2S hourly 165120 Station 2 H2S hourly exceedance Tank venting event from Oct. 8-10 intermittently for 131 minutes. Tank 20D2. Due to production imbalance. Not sure yet what was vented -hydrocarbons. Tank venting - 20D53 tank bitumen - venting HC vapours and nitrogen. Intermittent venting Unplanned flaring of H2S started at 05:18 and ended at 05:50. Cause: plants 12-3 and 12-0 units tripped. Everything is back to normal right now. Plumbing line broke on a y-intersection. An estimated 600 gallons of grey water has spilled to the ground. Repairs of the line are ongoing. The spill has remained within the trailer area -none offsite. A small volume trickled just outside of the trailer skirting. Spill area is 250 feet by 30 feet. Cleanup is ongoing. Vacuum trucks were turned off at 2100 hours last night to allow workers to sleep -cleanup activities resumed at 0700 hours this morning. Call Reason Land H2S exceedance at station 2.

94 94

384037 384078

Suncor Suncor

17-Oct-2010 17-Oct-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Potable Water

149968 94 94 26 94 26

384442 384462 384726 385042 385067 385112

CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

18-Oct-2010 19-Oct-2010 19-Oct-2010 21-Oct-2010 21-Oct-2010 21-Oct-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release

94 149968

385117 385128

Suncor CNRL

21-Oct-2010 21-Oct-2010

Industry Industry

Chlorine system failure in the east tank water treatment plant. Caller does not sure if it is potable water. Cause: pump failure. Occurred at 21:15 and it was only out for 5 minutes, but it is okay now. Call Reason Potable Water Air NOx exceedance. Hourly. Gas compressor of primary upgrading tripped. 1000-1100 hrs today. 109.52 kg/hr Limit:90 kg/hr. Air Station 2 H2S exceedance. Air Opacity exceedances on Stack 31 this morning. Started @ 0836 hrs and went until 0906 hrs. Total of 5 exceedances. Due to #2 precipitator being down for maintenance. Values are ok again now. Air Failed RATA test on plant 73 furnace. Test was on 28 Sept 2010, flow test was above 15% should be below 15% Air Venting from tank 20D2. Hydrocarbon, nitrogen and sulfur compounds. Managing diluent inventory -cause (no other information. No Impact Reporting a loss on an indication on their flare meter 19F-38. This is a contravention of their approval. The just recommissioned that entire flare circuit - when it went back online, this particular meter was not working. Process and maintenance are working on it - they are also monitoring it with a camera. No Impact 2 X 1 m3 bins were dumped into landfill on the property but did not meet flammable target Of 61 C by came in at 55 C results are closed cup. Area is flagged off and material will be moved today. Call Reason No Impact No Impact Spill of 20 L of inhibitor (not sure what type of inhibitor it is. The product was being unloaded and pressure caused a hose to burst, spilling product onto the ground. All cleaned up. There were no injuries as a result of the







Alleged Contravention

26 26 149968

385328 385330 385362

Syncrude Syncrude CNRL

22-Oct-2010 23-Oct-2010 23-Oct-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release






Alleged Contravention







26 94

385474 385485

Syncrude Suncor

25-Oct-2010 26-Oct-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

26 94 26 94 20809 94 94 94 26 26 26

385487 385618 385620 385693 385871 385895 385987 385989 386033 386172 386198

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

25-Oct-2010 26-Oct-2010 27-Oct-2010 27-Oct-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Release Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Shell Canada 27-Oct-2010 Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 28-Oct-2010 28-Oct-2010 28-Oct-2010 29-Oct-2010 29-Oct-2010 30-Oct-2010

spill. He needs to get more details regarding what product this is and will update tomorrow if he determines that the spill is not reportable -he may ask for a waiver of the written report if this is the case. The incident is not reportable to the Dangerous Goods branch because the transportation activity was completely contained to their industrial site. Call Reason No Impact No Impact Exceedance on the clean water discharge for the last 2 days. These exceedances were for total suspended solids. North Mine muskeg dewatering. On October 21st, 2010 at approximately 09:50 contractor sampled from North Sump discharge. Syncrude's maximum daily average for TSS is 50mg/l exceedance on the clean water discharge for the last 2 days with levels of 95 mg/l and 156 mg/l. These exceedances were for total suspended solids. North Mine muskeg dewatering. Alberta Environment was notified and a seven day letter received. file closed. Air Tank venting - 20D8 venting Nat gas and HC vapour, due to overpressure the vent gas system, due to bringing a unit back on line from shutdown. Air Tank venting 20D7, venting nat gas and HC vapour, Due to increase in flow to the tank, have cut it back Land Reporting a spill of amine, between 10-15 L. Happened on site. Not TDG. Did not enter any waterways or drains. Contained immediately and cleaned up as well. Happened around 14:30 on October 23, 2010. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Land Potable Caller is reporting that they used potable water to maintain water seal on hydrogen vent muffler. There was no Water actual spill. The actions taken to contain to control is that they discontinued the used of potable and are utilizing processed water. Operators will distribute global communications to downstream users not to use potable water. Lines will be flushed and tests will be conducted. It is unknown what time it started, but started correcting it around 21:00. Overall they were supposed to use process water and were using potable water. There is a check valve downstream, it is affecting just the plant. Land Spill. Valve was left open on a water disposal building. Saltwater, 28 m3. Shut everything in. Will have spill coordinators go out tomorrow to take a look. All on lease, remote area. ERCB notified. No drains or waterways, in a muskeg area. Call Reason Land No Impact Caller reporting a sample hold time >24hrs. Sample could not be processed. Potable water bacti sample. Other samples have been taken since and they are OK. Air From 07:00-08:00, hourly exceedance of S02 and the value is 1.3 tonnes/hr, limit is 1.2 tonnes/hour. Cause still under investigation -problem with SEM system blanking out calibration data as this is happening for 2 days now. It's suspicious. 00335711 241463 25-OCT-2010 20:26 Industry Comments: S02 exceedance from Upgrade one. reading Alleged Contravention Air This is an hourly No Impact 50-60 ducks have landed in there recycle water pond. Some has landed in their tailings pond. Just called 15 minutes ago to him. There is freezing rain in the area. Needs to talk to the on call. Air Compressor tripped and are now flaring S02 and will exceeded 20 t/day. 2100 hrs was the start. Call Reason Air Land Had a diesel spill 250-350 liters, from a tanker truck. Filling up a tanker truck. Truck was in the mine area. Spill cleaned up. Air Tank venting from Plant 4 (started @ 1250 hrs and ongoing and VRU stage 2 (from 1251-1359 hrs unit. Cause unk right now, will provide in letter. Both should be hydrocarbon vapours. Not sour. Call Reason Air Potable Planned work for potable water treatment plant on Saturday. This will be isolated to the truck shop only. Water Planning to flush the lines on Saturday, and send in bacti samples on Sunday. Call Reason Potable Water. Air s02 hourly exceedance on TOU 1 Air Air Air Air Air Flaring exceeding 20 tonnes S02. From Oct 1-27, 2010. Intermittent flaring from flash drum. Not sour. Flaring exceeding 20 tonnes S02. From Sep 1-30, 2010. Intermittent flaring from a flash drum. Wasn't sour. R22, >10kgs. Is being repaired, has not been recharged. Tank Venting, 20D7, venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapours. The cause of this was an increased flow to that tank. 09:15-13:55. 20D13 tank venting hydrocarbon, naphtha and natural gas vapors due to plant upset. Intermittently 02:1505:35


26 94 26 26 149968 26 26 26 149968 149968 149968 94 26 26 94

386314 386331 386350 386352 386422 386470 386500 386515 386622 386678 386681 386719 386786 386791 386807

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude CNRL CNRL CNRL Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

30-Oct-2010 31-Oct-2010 31-Oct-2010 31-Oct-2010 1-Nov-2010 1-Nov-2010 2-Nov-2010 2-Nov-2010 3-Nov-2010 3-Nov-2010 3-Nov-2010 3-Nov-2010 4-Nov-2010 4-Nov-2010 4-Nov-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air Air

3 tanks venting hydrocarbon vapor and natural gas, due to run down of the tank, level too high. 24 hour average station 24ppb H2S

Tank venting hydrocarbon due to shutting down too hard, only vent for 5 min. Tank 20D53 venting natural gas and hydrocarbon for 10 min, due to high flow. It has stop now. Caller is reporting hourly NOX exceedances. 09:00-10:00122.02 kg/hr. 11:00-12:00110.58 kg/hr. The limit is 90 kg/hr. The cause is lost injection to a burner, investigation in underway in why that happened. Air 20D51 tank is venting natural gas and hydrocarbon vapour - vented 10 mins. Air Tank #2 venting hydrocarbon vapors and natural gas @ 08:10 and finished at 08:50, for a total of 40 minutes. Cause: vapor recovery compressor tripped. No Impact Caller reporting contravention. FTIR meter wasn't available for 75% of month. Plant 26-1. Meter was down for repairs and they are awaiting parts. Air NOX exceedance due to hydrogen plant start up. Air Caller reporting stack top temp violation. Limit -538deg eel. Caller has 7 hourly violations. Source was starting up plant and there was alarm flooding in control room. Operators couldn't keep up. Air Caller reporting loss of pilot flare on flare stack. 0357-040lhrs. Call Reason Air Land Sewage spill. 20 L. High level on sewage tank was not working and tank overflowed one someone used the washroom. Went to grade. Cleaned up. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Land Air Tank venting - hydrocarbon vapors and natural gas. Started at 11:30 and ongoing intermittently this time. Cause: Fluctuation in vapor recovery system. Surface October 2010 monthly average exceeds the TSS and BOD. TSS and BOD limits are 25 mg/L. exceedances are: Water TSS is 40 mg/L and BOD is 34 mg/L. Cause: ongoing issue. trucking sewage to another facility. No Impact SEMS analyzer for month of October 2010 operating less than 90%. Operated at 83%. Process was down for most of the month. NOx analyzer was running fine. It went to calibrate but not successfully so replaced the analyzer. It took 3 hours to change the SEMS analyzer. Air NOx exceedance. Hourly. Hydrogen plant was shutting down. Air Air Station 2, 24 hr average exceedance H2s. Exceedance on Opacity, limit is 40%. 21:30-23:12, cause was rectifier tripped, dropped below 40 after that.

149968 94 26 48522

386849 386851 386853 386887

CNRL Suncor Syncrude Encana

4-Nov-2010 5-Nov-2010 5-Nov-2010 5-Nov-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 26 26 26

386900 386935 386943 387051

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

5-Nov-2010 5-Nov-2010 6-Nov-2010 8-Nov-2010

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

No Impact Caller reporting contravention. Source discovered daily that influent and effluent samples were not taken on Sunday Oct 31, 2010. Table 4.5 of approval. Raw water prior to treatment (BOD and TSS and treated waste water (TSS and CBOD. Caller thinks there may be a mix up with operator who was supposed to sample. Air Tank venting from D101 hydrocarbon vapors venting. Noticed at 13:45, intermittent venting-problem is being looked into. Air On stack 26-1, ammonia exceeded hourly average of 300 ppm. No exact value as of yet. Air Air Tank venting on D53. HC vapour. Issues with amount running to tank - troubleshooting now. intermittent. Caller worked for a company that released refrigeration gases out of their service trucks from the recovery bottles. They also do not log and report releases. This company has a contract for a major plant. He feels that our legislation is not tight enough on refrigerant releases - not so much as the rest of Canada. No Impact Caller reporting missed CBOD analysis (potable water treatment plant). Sample was taken but wasn't sent to lab. Sample is at the lab but will be analyzed after the 48hrs allowed time frame. Air Ammonia exceedance on unit 26-1 above 300 ppm. Due to raise in ammonia strength rate too fast. Cutting back now. Started @ 1139 hrs and still ongoing. Air Calling to report license violation. 26-1 Stack greater than 300 ppm ammonia. Between 19:35 and 22:15 on Nov 9, 2010. The value ranged just over 300 and peaked at 358 ppm ammonia. Cause: unit upset. There will be more details to follow in 7day letter. Air Main stack SO2 greater than 16.4 tonnes/hr for the hour between 01:00 and 02:00, November 10, 2010. The actual value was 22.34 tonnes/hr. The cause is unit upset. Air Venting from tank 20D53, which contains natural gas and hydrocarbon vapours. It vented from 1330-1345

153125 26 26

387105 387197 387240

Shell Canada 8-Nov-2010 Jackpine Syncrude 9-Nov-2010 Syncrude 10-Nov-2010

26 26

387242 387327

Syncrude Syncrude

10-Nov-2010 10-Nov-2010

Industry Industry








Potable Water Air Air Air Air Surface Water Air Air Land Air

149968 149968 26 26 153125 26 94 20809 94

387488 387495 387520 387693 387768 387887 388063 388099 388141

CNRL CNRL Syncrude

12-Nov-2010 13-Nov-2010 13-Nov-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Syncrude 16-Nov-2010 Shell Canada 16-Nov-2010 Jackpine Syncrude 17-Nov-2010 Suncor 19-Nov-2010

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Notification

hours. They had a heavy rundown, causing the venting. They cut back and venting stopped. Source's reservoir levels are lower than they should be. Source is required to have a certain level of water in the reservoir for fire protection and they are bordering that level. Source would like permission to truck in water from the City of Fort McMurray. Call Reason Potable Water. hourly NOX exceedances Gas turbine plant exceeded NOX of 90 kg/h. Plant tripped, looking into cause. Tank 53 venting of hydrocarbon vapour. 2 minutes 12:28-12:30. Tank venting hydrocarbon vapor and natural gas for 10 min due to faulty safety device; will further investigate. TTS daily exceedance on pond C2. 76mg/L and approval limit is 50mg/L. Windy that sample and sampler thinks wave action caused excess sediment on the sides of the pond. Venting of Tank 53 of hydrocarbon and natural gas, due to PVSV valve faulting - frozen. intermittently, still going. JBR bypass -routed to stack 31 as opposed to stack 37. Likely due to power failure. Increased emissions, S02. Looking into now. Call Reason Air Spill of hydraulic oil. 500 L spilled from heavy hauler. Line burst onto haul road, no natural areas impacted, no drains. Not off site, cleaned up with hydro vac. Call Reason Land. Caller reporting venting of hydrocarbon vapours with some sulfur component from plant 4. Related to issues with VRU start up -(related to Ref i 242238. 1545-1715hrs 00340587 242238 21-NOV-2010 17:23 Industry Notification Comments: New VRU is in start up process -just introduced vapour. In relation to a letter from Suncor on Sept. 21st, 2010. Call Reason Air No Impact Flare has gone out. Natural gas being released, shouldn't be sour. Cause of flare going out is unknown and having trouble with the ignitor while trying to relight. Went out @ 1025 hrs. Unk how long it will take to get it relit, but they are working on it. Tank C28, off NRU venting of naphtha vapours. Started at 13:20, stopped at 13:37. pasted from nnn: On November 23rd, 2010 Tank C28, Decanter began venting of naphtha vapours. The event started at 13:20, and stopped at 13:37. The quantity of vapour release is unknown. Syncrude plant operations responded immediately. The release did not result in any AAAQQO exceedances, and there were no odour complaints. The release did not pose a threat to the environment or human health. Alberta Environment was notified and a seven day letter received. File closed. Caller is reporting a possible waterworks contravention. 08:45 - building 160, received a report that water in building had a slight brown colour. Samples were taken. Turbidity 12.1 NTU, Chlorine 2.8 mg/L. Signs were put in place at all faucets. Flushing lines. Samples taken upstream and downstream were both normal and in range. at 09:50 resampled building turbidity 1.3 NTU, Chlorine 3.1 mg/L. Actions taken to control situation. Signs were put in place. Lines have been shut in in the building. Actions were taken to make sure it was only one location. The turbidity was over the limit. The limit is 5 NTU. Caller is reporting that pilot light is not on for plant 54 flare. flare stack is 545l03. Not on because a leaking union, which is preventing natural gas going to the pilot. There is a flame at the top of the flare. Leak in a naphtha line might potentially contain H2S, but it has not been detected. Still trying to repair it. Amount leak is still under investigation. Call Reason Air Potable waterline break at building 246. Isolated outside valve. No possibility of backflow. Will take line and flush it. Will test line for turbidity, Cl & bacti. Affecting people in building only (unknown #). Assuming repair will be done today. Reporting a potential exceedance of phenol from the wastewater pond on the outfall from pond C. The numbers are not known yet. They have a daily limit of 5 kg/day. They have a concentration reading, but they are not sure of the flow rate yet. The concentration is approx 0.7 ppm phenol. They still have to confirm the flow rate, which may not occur until Monday. They discovered this at 15:00 hours. The outfall to the Athabasca River has since been shut. Caller reporting venting from plant 4. The constituents would have been hydrocarbon vapour and TRS. This occurred from 0245-0340 hours. She believes this is related to the startup of the new VRU. Call Reason Air Tank venting. For -1 hr. From 0245-0330 hrs this morning. Due to issues with VRU. Tank contains diluent or

Shell Canada 20-Nov-2010 Suncor 22-Nov-2010



Japan Canada 23-Nov-2010 OS Syncrude 23-Nov-2010


Alleged Contravention Release











Alleged Contravention

Potable Water

94 149968 26

388434 388483 388523

Suncor CNRL Syncrude

24-Nov-2010 25-Nov-2010 25-Nov-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Notification

Air Air Potable Water Surface Water






Alleged Contravention

94 94

388589 388627

Suncor Suncor

26-Nov-2010 26-Nov-2010

Industry Industry

Notification Notification

Air Air









149968 94

388665 388687

CNRL Suncor

26-Nov-2010 27-Nov-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air

dilute bitumen, so vented hydrocarbon vapours with some TRS compounds. Call Reason Air Broken tailings pipeline within the plant site proper. Spill is contained in the dirty water ditching system. Some reclaimed areas were affected. Environmental personnel going to investigate the spill. This spill has been reported to media. Spill has not gone into a natural environmental area at this particular time. Tail Gas Incinerator Stack temp for 1200-1300 hrs hourly 536 deg C limit 538.

94 26 149968

388723 388727 389020

Suncor Syncrude CNRL

27-Nov-2010 27-Nov-2010 1-Dec-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release

Notification that they had an opacity exceedance this morning, for 6 minutes, starting at 1142 am. This is related to boiler i2 going out of service. Occurred at Stack 31. Reading was 41.71%, with a limit of 40%. This is just a notification under their approval, so she will not be submitting a 7-day report Call Reason Air No Impact see diary notes No Impact Spill of 50 baume (conc.) of NaOH. Spill was 60 gallons. Spill was from a small pinhole leak and product went into a oily drain which goes to a sump and then to process. Product was contained within system/site. No Impact Reporting a leak from their cooling tower basin. The leak is of water plus small amounts of chemicals -the water is used as cooling water. It was initially determined to be 1 m3 per hour. They have reduced the rate to 10 L I hour. A small dyke has been built to contain the spill. They will be sampling. They are working on reducing the pressure. Call Reason No Impact Surface Exceeded limits for sewage treatment at the Aurora site. This is an ongoing issue. Collect and ship to Mildred Water Lake for processing. Both TSS and BOD were above the limit. BOD was 26 mg/L - limit 25 mg/L and the TSS 42 mg/l - limit 25mg/L for monthly average for the month November. Air Tank venting from 20Dl. The reason or cause is unknown. The tank contents are unknown. Vented from 16591831 hours. Further details in the 7-day report once investigation is complete. Call Reason Air Air Caller reporting venting from tank 100 - hydrocarbon and natural gas. Cause - unit had upset, caused backpressure and tank couldn't handle it. 15min duration - source blocked in PVSV to have it reset. Air Caller is reporting that they had to divert one of their cokers, they tripped the CO boiler (1). The coker gas, SO2, particulates and some steam going to atmosphere. This is a contravention because it is going to atmosphere. They should have it back to normal procedures within the next couple of hours. Air Main stack opacity exceedance. Hourly. Due to CO boiler # 1 trip. Land Caller is reporting a glycol spill on Dec 2. 20 L were released to the ground. It was contained onsite. The cause was a glycol heat tracing leak. They cleaned up 30 L because of the snow. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Land Hourly NOx exceedances. Light gas compressor tripped due to cold weather. Back online now Did not get a required sample on time from domestic wastewater system. This is a weekly sample. Cause: the sample was taken but the courier was not able to deliver it on time. This is for the week of Dec 06- 10, 2010. Samples on Wednesday, Dec 08, 2010 and courier was supposed to have it delivered on Dec 09, 2010. Thousand litre of naphtha spilled 3 weeks ago from a line break, contaminated dirt and snow was put into the bins and still on the site. Some of the spill is still on the ground and was not cleanup properly. Call Reason Land Sewage spill from lift station due to faulty switch, all contained, none in any water course. Cleanup done. Call Reason Land Portable water distributor tripped and back up pump did not kick in, pressure down to zero for 5 min. Pump was turned back up manually and it is working now. The water is being test now. Extension request for utilities boiler CEMS initial certification. Call Reason Air Extension request for submitting Manual stack survey report.






Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

94 26 26

389274 389401 389551

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

4-Dec-2010 6-Dec-2010 8-Dec-2010

Industry Industry Industry

26 48408

389580 389689



Industry Industry

Petro Canada 9-Dec-2010

149968 26

389718 389756

CNRL Syncrude

10-Dec-2010 10-Dec-2010

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water Land





Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

94 26 20809 153125 26 20809

389869 389919 389964 389966 390082 390164

Suncor Syncrude

12-Dec-2010 13-Dec-2010

Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Land Potable Water Air Air

Shell Canada 13-Dec-2010 Shell Canada 13-Dec-2010 Jackpine Syncrude 14-Dec-2010 Shell Canada 14-Dec-2010

No Impact Water treatment plant is running without a qualified operator. They will have one on the 0730 hr shift Land Spill of dewatering water. Still working on a volume. Cause unknown Reported to them early this morning @ 0400 hrs. Water might contain higher salts and metals. Samples being collected. Did leave the site and into the bush, but does not appear that any waterways were impacted. No direct surface runoff into the River withe ssed. A ditch froze over and the berm breached resulting in a large one time loss of water (probably 1000's of L.









94 26 94 149968 94

390354 390558 390609 390733 390786

Suncor Syncrude Suncor CNRL Suncor

16-Dec-2010 20-Dec-2010 20-Dec-2010 21-Dec-2010 22-Dec-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Land

Berm repaired. Samples to be collected in the River downstream, bush and the ditch where the water came from. Caller 'notifying' a spill of coolant water, -1000 litres. Coolant water contaminated with corrosion inhibitor (20ppm, dispersant (70ppm, scale inhibitor (20ppm, chlorine (0.3ppm, sulfuric acid (20ppm, oil and grease (<2mg/L. Product spilled onto soil on plant site. Frozen up on ground and didn't go anywhere. Clean up completed. Build up of pressure in pipe caused release from vent line. Caller says that this is just a notification because it doesn't meet any of the criteria listed in their approval. Call Reason Land S02 hourly exceedance. Limit 1.2tons/hour, 1.27ton/hour for 09:00-10:00. Unsure of cause, there was a unit trip earlier in the day that may have caused increase Venting started at 09:40 and ended at 09:50, total of 10 minutes of venting. Venting of nitrogen and sour hydrocarbon vapors. Cause: hot transfers to tankage. Flaring stack at plant 53 source is 53C204-flaring sour gas -flared greater than 20 Tons S02 NOX exceedance on heat recovery generator.







149968 26 26 18942

391088 391227 391236 391243

CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Aurora Canada Ltd. Syncrude CNRL CNRL

26-Dec-2010 29-Dec-2010 29-Dec-2010 30-Dec-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

26 149968 149968

391245 391284 391340

30-Dec-2010 30-Dec-2010 30-Dec-2010

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Release






Alleged Contravention

26 149968

391390 391499

Syncrude CNRL

31-Dec-2010 3-Jan-2011

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Reporting a spill of bitumen froth. Volume is over 2000 L. They are not sure of exact amount -it may be more than 2000 L. An interstage tank overflowed. It went into some ditches and into some tailings ponds. Some of the spilled product is sitting on snow-cover currently. They are trying to clean with a vac truck and will shovel the rest. The cold should cause it to harden. Workers had discovered that tank had overflowed but not sure how long it had been overflowing -not sure of exact incident time -she just heard about this 5 minutes ago. Call Reason Land Air Fire last night@ 22:23 hrs. Oil pump was on fire in primary upgrading plant. Emergency services responded (fire department. By 22:51 hrs fire was out. F.D removed insulation and were there standing by to apply water if needed. No injuries. Cause unknown -will do internal investigation. Unsure of emissions released. Call Reason Air Air Hourly NOX exceedance. 13:00-14:00, flow rate was 113.58kg/hr, 14:00-15:00, flow rate was 95.09kg/hr. Flow rate is suppose to be 90kg/hour. Steam injection trip caused exceedance Air Tank venting naphtha vapor and natural gas due to too much feed flow to the tank and unit upset. It is occurring intermittently every 3-5 min, but when the compressor starts up soon, it will stop. Air Tank NRUC22 venting naphtha vapor due to start up for 3 min. Land Release of approx 200 barrels of a mixture of water sand bitumen, due to line rupture on PSV2 floatation displacement line at the Aurora site. All on site. Product spilled contained within dyked area, Front end loader and hydro vac to be used to clean up. Call Reason Land Air Tank 20-D-33 venting sour HC vapour and nitrogen due to excessive run down. Air Caller reporting hourly NOx exceedance. Loss of steam injection to combustion turbine. 16 hours that exceeded limit. Problem is under control now. Caller will included all 16 values in the 7-day letter. Land Reporting a spill of diesel which occurred when a haul truck was struck by a dozer. The truck's saddle tank was punctured. This occurred in the mine haul area. 2000 L spilled. None went offsite. The product was dyked and immediately removed, and has been all cleaned up. Call Reason Land Potable High turbidity on potable water at building 160. The sample was taken today at 15:00 hours. The reading 13 Water NTU, but she does not know the approval limit. A complaint was received about discoloured water in a toilet. Actions taken: sampled and flushed the lines. Signs were hung to notify users to not use water and to leave the taps on for flushing. No Impact Failed to complete required RATA's on Aurora OTHWG for 2010. Were supposed to do 2 but only one done. Air Fire on a mobile fueling truck that doesn't leave mine site. Lube oil/engine oil compartments burned (600 L1000 L engine oil diesel compartment did not burn. Cause is under investigation. Caller unsure about placards but there was 6000 L diesel on board. Fire was under control by 4:50am. Oil staining on ground. They are cooling the unit now. Offloading may take place. Call Reason Air No Impact Spill of 50% caustic soda to floor and contained within the building. Went to effluent pond which is recycled. Spill is 40 litres. Cause was a pin hole leak in line from tank to pump in the water treatment plant. No Impact Reporting spill of cooling water 20-30m3. Contained to site no water ways were effected, cleaned up -spilled material went to tailings. Call Reason No Impact

26 149968

391513 391515

Syncrude CNRL

3-Jan-2011 3-Jan-2011

Industry Industry

Release Release


94 48522 26 26 48522 149968 26 149968 94 26 26 151469 94

391519 391669 391759 391782 391824 391873 391897 391902 392137 392515 392553 392584 392598

Suncor Encana Syncrude Syncrude Encana CNRL Syncrude CNRL Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Fort Hills Energy Suncor

3-Jan-2011 5-Jan-2011 5-Jan-2011 6-Jan-2011 4-Jan-2011 6-Jan-2011 7-Jan-2011 7-Jan-2011 10-Jan-2011 13-Jan-2011 13-Jan-2011 14-Jan-2011 14-Jan-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Impact


Flaring greater than 20 tons/month-29.63 tons of S02 for month of December 2010

Potable Water treatment centre Bacterial sample four times per month for treated water. 3rd and 4th samples for month Water of Dec. to Northern Light region exceeded 24 h deadline. No Impact Caller reporting perform a annual compliance stack survey on boiler (31F46,31F47) - weren't able to do because equipment was out of service. Source will conduct two in 2011. Air exceedance of NH3 over 300 ppm for 1 h. due to unit upset at Stack unit 26-1. Potable Water Air Air Air Air had to SD water treatment plant temporarily for maintenance, contravention. Was shut down for 15min Coker fire. No details at the moment. Will update. Call Reason Air Plant 26-1 greater than 300 ppm NH3 an stack - 1 hour exceedance. Flaring is happening due to fire & explosion. There is a NOX exceedance. Amount unknown.

26 26 26

392648 392650 392733

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

15-Jan-2011 15-Jan-2011 16-Jan-2011

Industry Industry Public Complaint

183875 26 149968 149968 94 94 94 94 94 26

392755 392765 392771 392827 392859 393008 393053 393062 393067 393082

Devon ARL 16-Jan-2011 Corp. Syncrude 16-Jan-2011 CNRL CNRL Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude 17-Jan-2011 17-Jan-2011 17-Jan-2011 19-Jan-2011 19-Jan-2011 19-Jan-2011 19-Jan-2011 20-Jan-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Impact Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Impact Notification

Caller reporting that they had 15 min of down on new VRU. Resulted in some venting -hydrocarbon and some TRS. Cause unknown. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting of hydrocarbon vapour and N2 mixture due to excess rundown into the tank. Still ongoing at this time. No Impact Water contravention. Missing Bac-T samples for the week of Jan 10-18. They were frozen when received by the lab. Going to resample on Monday, Jan 17. Surface Caller reporting TSS exceedance. Daily Average. Settling pond for construction site -release to Athabasca Water River. (no active plant at site -it is currently is safe Air Caller reporting flaring resulting in >20 tons of S02. Cause unknown -under investigation. Unit was just commissioned in Dec. Flaring has been ongoing this month -caller not sure when it started. tons since Jan 1. Flaring is ongoing. Air Tank 33 vented sour HC vapour and nitrogen from 0240-0250 hours. Still investigating the cause and will put anything further in the 7-day report. Air Tank 10 vented hydrocarbon vapour (not sour) and natural gas from 0530-0540 hours. They were going to hard to the tank so they had to cut back. Air He just checked his phone messages and had received an odour complaint from 19:00 hours Jan 15. This was near source, on Hwy 63 northbound. The location is near Beaver Creek and on the east side of the plant site. The odour was not the usual odours they get -it is described as hydrocarbon / fuel odour. He would like a call back tomorrow after 8 am. (level 3). No Impact Spill of glycol. -3-5m3. Contained in secondary containment (rubber lined berm. Vac trucks cleaning up. Due to valve failure. Call Reason No Impact. Potable Had a frozen water line. After thawing the turbidity levels were up greater than 20 uhmo and chlorine levels Water good. Water signs posted "do not drink" lines were flushed and levels back to normal,. Air Hourly NOx exceedance at the CoGen plant. The preliminary report indicates they lost team injection but more details will be in the 7-day report. No Impact Caller reporting a 3800 litre spill of diesel. Heavy hauling operator reported leak from equipment fuel tank. Contained and cleaned up immediately. Product spilled into mine. Call Reason No Impact Air Odour complaint. Hydrocarbon smell, ongoing. Air Air Air Air Air Odour complaint smells like sulphur and hydrocarbon. More so sulphur. In timberly and dickensfield area. Score of 1-10 this is 5 or 6. This is a nuisance smell. Would like a call back. Call Reason Air Odour complaint, noticed odour at 16:15. Sulphur and ammonia odour. VRU tripped from 3:34-3:39 today. Still investigating cause. No venting, no odours. Odour complaint. Started at 4:00am. Terrible smell. Tank venting from two tanks. Due to faulty pressure sensor that froze. Nitrogen & hydrocarbon vapours vented,


94 149968 94

393160 393224 393307

Suncor CNRL Suncor

20-Jan-2011 21-Jan-2011 23-Jan-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land

not sour. From 0405-0420 hrs. Under control and working on the sensor now. Flaring event, began on December 28 weren't aware of it until recently. 2" by-pass valve is stuck open, unsure of cause. Have been flaring 10-15ton/day of sour gas. Still within daily S02 limits Call Reason Air Caller reporting a NOX exceedance. Hourly Average. Lost steam injection to combustion turbine generator. Spill on site. 1000 L of diluent (naphtha material used to make bitumen less viscous. Cause: due to the cold weather, valve froze and worked the bolt loose on the flange. Diluent spilled onto cement pad that goes into sewer (separator which goes back into internal contained system and not released into environment. It went to the recovery system and it is contained and it is all being cleaned up. By the time it was noticed, figured 10001 spilled and the pump was shut down and spill was contained and cleaned up. Call Reason Land Venting of hydrocarbon vapour for about 10 min, cause unknown, investigation underway. tank venting from PVSV slight over pressuring. not sure why. lasted for ~ 35 minute from 0405 to 0440. hydrocarbon vapors and natural gas. still troubleshooting the cause. right now it has stopped. no concern at this moment. Odour complaint. First noticed about 10 min's ago. Hydrocarbon odour. Unk where the winds are coming from. 04-FEB-2011,08:46 Odour of hydrocarbon very bad. 25-JAN-2011, 10:16 Industry Notification Comments: VRU is down and they are not producing any oil. Plant is in recirculation mode. Flaring is in progress, but minimal. VRU shut down to prevent contamination of the amine system. Reporting significant flaring due to 8-1 compressor trip. Flaring began at 1348 and it is ongoing. Not sure how long it will last. Currently responding to assess. Not sure if this will be a contravention. He will call back when they know the full extent. NOX exceedance hourly kg/hr

26 26

393327 393360

Syncrude Syncrude

23-Jan-2011 24-Jan-2011

Industry Industry

Release Notification

Air Air





Public Complaint










149968 26 26

393539 393556 393617

CNRL Syncrude Syncrude

25-Jan-2011 25-Jan-2011 26-Jan-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Impact Impact Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention


No Impact Loss of flare. Extinguished after a previous event (ref#243746). Out @ 1500 hrs and still out. Trying to relight. Land Failure to salvage subsoil. Investigating cause. Third party operating on the site wasted the material. They were clearing for the North mine relocation project. 120,000 m3 was mixed with normal burden waste material from below and sent it to the dump. Discovered on Tuesday, Jan 25, 2011. Air Flaring notification. Had a k2 gas compressor trip. Happened @ 1608 hrs and still ongoing. Hydrocarbons, potentially sour Air Seeing a dark dark grey plume from a stack and there are two flares very visible from Fort McKay. Concerned if there will be impact to Fort McKay as in odours. Would like to talk to an EPO. Air Looks like there was a fire at source. Huge cloud of smoke and a strong smell of burning rubber. Enormous flames shooting from the stack. No Impact Aurora OTHWG # B (heat waste generator) failed it's RATA test. Tested on Dec 8, 2010. Unk why it was not reported or why it failed. Will have to do another RATA test this year, but unk when. Air Trip an compressor, flaring of hydrocarbon gas with high sulphur content. expecting to be stopped in the next 15 min. Air updated Stephen T. at 0620, 28 Jan 2011: FD responded and determined it was the pressure relief valve releasing gas due to too much pressure. It eventually stopped. Air Flaring event for 50 minutes. Flaring of hydrocarbon gases. Started at 09:30 and ended at 10:20. Cause: 81K2 trip. Air Flaring event occurred at 02:40. Flared intermittently until 08:10. Low pressure and high pressure sour gas was flared. Trip of compressor caused event. No longer flaring as on 08:10. Air CO boiler unit down, back flow into atmosphere; CO, SO2 water vapor into the air. Air exceedance NOX emissions from generation plant. 90.79 kg/hr and limit is 90 kg/hr. This was for the hour of 10:00-11:00. Cause: lost injection to a CTG combustion turbine generator. No Impact Contravention. They have not uploaded their monthly CEMS data as per the approval requirement. This was due Jan 31. The reason: their internet connection is down. The data has been collected, they just cannot send it out on time. It will be sent as soon as the problem is fixed. Air Net heating value of the combined gas stream was less than 12 megajoules/m3 between Dec 01/10 and Feb 01/11. Cause: not sure yet and under investigation. Will provide the actual value in 7day letter.

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 26 149968 183875

393621 393624 393631 393750 393779 393781 393865 393924 393944 394046 394178

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude CNRL

26-Jan-2011 26-Jan-2011 26-Jan-2011 27-Jan-2011 28-Jan-2011 28-Jan-2011 28-Jan-2011 30-Jan-2011 31-Jan-2011 1-Feb-2011

Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Devon ARL 2-Feb-2011 Corp. Suncor 3-Feb-2011







Japan Canada 5-Feb-2011 OS Suncor Syncrude Syncrude 6-Feb-2011 7-Feb-2011 8-Feb-2011




94 26 26 183875 26 183875 26 48522 26 94 26 26 153125 94

394531 394551 394683 394726 394735 394779 394902 394976 395097 395189 395191 395204 395287 395361

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

Will be shutting down their VRU because they are going to install a heater. They had been dealing with lots of power failures recently, so this work will prevent freeze-ups. As a result, they will be flaring for 2-3 hours. The gas flared will be sour gas. Approximate start time 10:00-10:30. Call Reason Air 120 VRU was down for about 3 min's this am, starting @ 0930 hrs. Cause unk. Venting from tank 7. 04:05-04:20 hydrocarbon vapors and natural .

Devon ARL 8-Feb-2011 Corp. Syncrude 8-Feb-2011 Devon ARL 8-Feb-2011 Corp. Syncrude 9-Feb-2011 Encana 10-Feb-2011 Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude 11-Feb-2011 13-Feb-2011 13-Feb-2011 13-Feb-2011

Air Quality issues between Syncrude and Suncor 15 kms south of Forty Mckay heading north on Hwy 63. Very strong sulphur smell in the air. Land Release of produce/source water. Starting up a source water line, a flange wasn't tightened properly and a spill occurred. Spill was 1.5 cubes. Clean up in progress. Happened on 7 Feb 2011 @ 1630. Call Reason Land No Impact TSS and BOD exceedances for the month Jan, 2011. Ongoing issue with the sewage treatment plant. Trucking it from this site to another site for further treatment. Air NOX exceedances for 2 days but only 1 hour time frames -see diary notes Air 20D53 Tank was venting for one minute. NG and hydrocarbon vapours were vented. 1350-1351 hrs. No Impact Had an audit on continuous monitoring station for air. Possible failure because of this audit. No Impact Loss of calculated SO2 t/h on the main stack from Feb 1 @ 1200 hrs-Feb 4 @ 1700 hrs. Due to mechanical issue - one of the inputs were lost when a breaker tripped. Trying to recover the data. Air Intermittent venting from 12:18-13:05, from 4PC794, 4PC793. Issue with the upgrader caused a back up, venting to atmosphere of naphtha. Air Resolution closed 28 March 2011 on page 1029 of NNN; Freon release (unknown of specific freon)greater than 10kg. Unit is being repaired. Air Resolution pending 13 Feb 2011 on page 1030 of NNN; Minor venting from a seal drum. 1300-2100 hrs on Feb 12. Due to excessive H2O temp and volume. Hydrocarbon and H2O vapour. Land Release of refined product, valve gasket leak, none in water. Release on facility lease. Cleanup is in progress. Air Release of R22, total of 291lbs for the following dates: May 3, 2009; May 15, 2010; June 30, 2010; June 31, 2010. Just became aware of releases. Vendor didn't document releases. An audit was done and the releases were discovered. Repaired and recharged. 2 hourly S02 t/h exceedances from Thermal Oxidation Unit.

Shell Canada 14-Feb-2011 Jackpine Suncor 15-Feb-2011

94 48408 94

395416 395547 395602



Industry Industry Industry


Petro Canada 17-Feb-2011 Suncor 17-Feb-2011

26 94 26

395714 395801 395853

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

18-Feb-2011 19-Feb-2011 20-Feb-2011

Industry Agency Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention






No Impact Submitted an annual report (Industrial Wastewater Report, 2010) and secondary samples were not done by a 3rd party accredited lab for two instances: April 20-23 and May 26. Reason unknown at this time. Air Reporting S02 flaring over 20 tonnes. This is from the VRU stack. It is ongoing since the start of the month (and was reported for the month of January also. The new VRU requires routing of vapours to this flare stack or the fuel gas system. There are issues with the fuel gas system, so they had to route to flare. Full details in written report. The total flaring so far for February is 23 tonnes, and the month-end total will go in the monthly air report. Call Reason Air Air Tank venting from D2, hydrocarbon vapors and nitrogen. Started at 14:00-on going intermittently. Unsure of cause. Have reduced pressures to see if venting will stop. Potable see diary notes. Water No Impact Spill of diesel. ~ 3000 L. Due to broken drain plug on a 4 inch pipe transporting the fuel from plant 14 to a storage tank. Contained on site in a ditch. Vac trucks called to do clean up. In the process of repairing. Leak stopped @ 1005 hrs. Discovered @ 0944 hrs. Surface February 16th, TSS at the east mine seepage curtain outlet was 58 mg/L. Limit is 50 mg/L. Cause: still under Water investigation. Released to Creek. It is a routine discharge point. Just got the test results back. This is not a fish bearing creek. No Impact Contravention of Section 2.3 of their approval. Source required to take at least 4 bacti samples per month. In Dec of 2010, one of the samples was received >24hrs after sample time and two sample were frozen. Even though these samples were analyzed, they still had >4 samples but it is still a contravention.


94 183875 48522 94 94 26 26 26

396158 396170 396299 396384 396468 396705 396897 396914

Suncor 24-Feb-2011 Devon ARL 24-Feb-2011 Corp. Encana 25-Feb-2011 Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 27-Feb-2011 28-Feb-2011 2-Mar-2011 4-Mar-2011 4-Mar-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Release Release

Air Air

Flaring over 20 t. Currently investigating. Ongoing. Call Reason Air Air emissions violation. NOx. Unsure of cause. Data was just noticed.

149968 149968 48522 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 149968 26 94

396965 397007 397289 397297 397314 397520 397663 397665 397881 397939 398029 398142 398164 398298 398501 398718 398760

CNRL CNRL Encana Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor CNRL Syncrude Suncor

5-Mar-2011 5-Mar-2011 9-Mar-2011 9-Mar-2011 9-Mar-2011 12-Mar-2011 14-Mar-2011 14-Mar-2011 16-Mar-2011 16-Mar-2011 17-Mar-2011 19-Mar-2011 19-Mar-2011 21-Mar-2011 23-Mar-2011 25-Mar-2011 26-Mar-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release Release Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

No Impact Contravention. They had to shut down their wastewater treatment plant for 15 minutes yesterday, to do some routine maintenance on the 'strain Air Flaring notification greater than 20 tonnes of S02. 2035-0105 hrs. Call Reason Air Air Tank t20D5 venting of hydrocarbon vapor due to maintenance. Air Caller reporting tank venting from tank D2. Venting hydrocarbon and nitrogen vapours. Cause - high tank pressures. Ongoing Air Tank venting hydrocarbon and nitrogen vapors. Started venting at 13:40. Still ongoing intermittently. No Impact Spill of Naphtha and mixed chemicals. Spill is contained in the building but there are no drains so going to secondary containment. From secondary containment going to sewer system which goes to API separator. Spill is quite and amount unknown. This is a process spill not from a tank. Feed has been isolated and spill stopped. Land An alarm didn't go off when a leak occurred. As a result, 133 m3 of coolant was spilled last night between 2100-2200 hours. None went offsite. It is contained. They are working on cleaning it up. Call Reason Land Land Spill of waste water at the Fort McKay Camp. Spill is onsite. Vac truck on site. Volume unknown. Will be in 7 day letter Call Reason Land No Impact Possible failed audit of their AMS. AE was out and did a test on the NOX/N02 analyser Air Surface Water Air Air Air Land Air Land Land Air Air Air Air Air Release of methane, for 15 minutes. Pressure safety valve on line lifted, following hydrogen plant shut down. Methane was no longer needed so it was release. Call Reason Air Exceeded monthly TSS & BOD. Ongoing issue. Collecting sewage and bringing to Mildred Lake for further treatment. Tank 20B3 venting hydrocarbon, due to plant upset. Still on going intermittently. VRU flared >20 tons of S02. Cause unknown. Mar 1Caller reporting exceedance. flared rich fuel gas. Spill of diesel. ~ 75 L onto tailings reclaimed land. During the filling of a backhoe. Contained and in the process of cleaning up. Will spread out and let it remediate naturally. Happened @ 1002 hrs. Opacity exceedances. Unsure of reason. Times: 21:18 & 21:24. No values. Not a contravention, just an advisory. Call Reason Air Sewage spilled from a camp lift station, due to power fluctuation. None in water course, cleanup in progress. Call Reason Land. Release of molten sulphur in a pit of an upgrading unit, cause still under investigation, pump not working properly. Cleanup will be done. None in water course. Call Reason Land Release of R-22, greater than 10 kg, exact amount not known. Cause: found during service call. Being repaired and recharged as we speak. Station 12-TRS exceedance Well failure on dip hatch tank. Release of natural gas (no H2S. Started yesterday, insulation had to be taken out before they could determine the source. Will be sealing it today. 1 m3/h. Call Reason Air Diverting off boiling #1 starting at 20:20. Bringing boiler down for scheduled maintenance. Will take 48 hours. Reduced rates on coker while maintenance is being done. Had opacity on stack 31. Started @ 1345 hrs. Alleged Contravention @ 1347 hrs the opacity went > 47 %. Believed to be due to boiler f 1 trip (this might also be a bypass of the FGD (fuel gas desulphurizing. Hovered above 40% for about 30 min's, believe it is below now. Call Reason Air Tank D33 venting from 05:17-05:28. Continuous venting for the 11 minutes. Sour hydrocarbon and nitrogen vapors were vent. Cause excessive run down into tank. Hourly exceedance H2S

26 94 26 26

398786 398788 398831 398886

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

27-Mar-2011 27-Mar-2011 28-Mar-2011 28-Mar-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air

Main stack opacity was great than 40% for 05:00- 06:00. Related to closing diverter and getting boiler back on line. No Impact SEMS availability < 90% for the month of March on HRHWG # 1 (heat recovery hot water generator).


94 26 48522

398920 398922 398969

Suncor Syncrude Encana

28-Mar-2011 28-Mar-2011 29-Mar-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Pro-Active Notification Notification Release

Air No Impact No Impact

94 46586

399340 399460

Suncor 31-Mar-2011 Imperial Oil 1-Apr-2011

Industry Industry

Air Surface Water

26 149968

399464 399466

Syncrude CNRL

1-Apr-2011 2-Apr-2011

Industry Industry

Notification Release

Air No Impact




























No Impact

26 26 26 26

399812 399814 399905 399942

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

5-Apr-2011 5-Apr-2011 6-Apr-2011 6-Apr-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air

Actually a data collection issue. One of the inputs to the information was not available. Caller reporting a release of R134a, 141 lbs. Think there is a hole in the unit. Not yet repaired or recharged. Source was in the process of starting up unit for the summer. Caller reporting annual 2010 RATA for 83F2a was not completed. Source believes that they conducted the report on the wrong stack. Source will do a proper analysis sometime in the near future. Phoning to notify AENV that will be having a facility shut down starting April 12, 2011 in morning and will be back operating on April 18, 2011. Will be doing the shut down due to maintenance. Confirmed Source: 00224487 Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Opacity exceedance. 2139 hrs for 6 min's. Due to start up of boiler I 1. Not an approval contravention. Ditch to sedimentation pond overflowed because a culvert was full of ice. Happened at mine site that is under construction. Water flowing out is potentially going off lease without going through sedimentation pond. Going through about 500 m -1 km of muskeg, so no waterways expected to be impacted, but not sure. Have people working on it right now. Flow rate out of ditch .02 m3/sec. Nearest waterbody 1 km away (possibly fish bearing. The water does not appear to be dirty, but analysis not conducted. Caller informed by email @ 1730 hrs. Call Reason Surface Water Tank venting. 20 D 33. Sour hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. Lasted for 3 min's starting @ 1632 hrs. Cause unknown Tank out of service now. Emergency dump pond was overflowing into secondary containment ditches. They are currently pumping back to tailings to reduce the volume of the pond. Nothing off lease. Happening because the plant is completely down and they do not have anywhere else for it. Hot water to prevent freezing. Call Reason No Impact Leak of Ammonium Sulphate. Due to catastrophic failure on G1 pump for plant 26-1. Was leaking 37000 gal/min for ~ 15 min, starting @ 0006 hrs. Slow leak rate now. Slurry mix and no release to air. Contained on plant site and cleanup underway. Release of coker gas. Diverting of coker offgas from combustion boiler to atmosphere. Due to upset on Plant 26-1 which required removal of feed. Started @ 0139 hrs and still releasing. Unk how long it will last. Consists of Steam, coke particles, SO2, CO2 and CO. Don't expect any offsite impacts, but the plume is visible. Will call back when it stops. Caller reporting venting from Plant 6, Unit #2. Caller is not sure of cause - have some conditions on unit that are trying to be worked out, caller does not have all the details. Unit is venting hydrocarbon vapours, not sour. Source will cut rates if needed to get situation under control. Spill of 50% caustic soda. Spill is ongoing, so total volume unknown Est. ~ 1 gal/min being lost. Discovered just now. Going to concrete pad that leads to oily water sewer and they are diluting with water. Should be bringing it down by the end of the day, when they can afford to shut down the plant. Containment shouldn't be an issue. 261AI43A NH3 Analyzer less than 75% service due to failure in Apr.

149968 26

400051 400068

CNRL Syncrude

7-Apr-2011 7-Apr-2011

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

94 94

400239 400487

Suncor Suncor

9-Apr-2011 12-Apr-2011

Industry Industry

261 Stack have conc. of NH3 greater that 300 ppm between 1300 - 1500 hours due to NH3 analyzer not working properly. Air R22 release from building 1000, unit 41-44RV2. Estimate volume at greater than 10 kg. Still investigating exact cause of leak. Machine is down and work order has been put in for repairs. More info in written report. Surface At the Aurora North plant, the east mine seepage curtain diversion inlet TSS on March 29 exceeded the limit Water for the daily average. The result was 78 mg/L and the limit is 50 mg/L. This water is released to a standing muskeg area. He is not sure what caused this. The results were within limits the following day. May be due to warmer temperatures. This is a clean water diversion, so it is not process affected. Land Release of sewage water from temp waste tank, contained in the ditch. Level transmitter was not working. None in water course. Call Reason Land No Impact At the Aurora North Plant domestic wastewater system, TSS and BOD exceeded the monthly arithmetic mean (March 2011). TSS - 73, BOD 71 mg/L. Limit for both is 25 mg/L. Ongoing issue. All wastewater is treated, collected, taken to Mildred Lake and then retreated. None of this wastewater was released to the environment. Air Caller reporting flaring greater than 20 tons S02. Excess water coming in via front feed, results in increased flaring. Flaring stopped this morning -no S02 values available. Air TRS hourly average, 07:00-08:00, 12ppb, limit is 10 ppb, WS: 12 km/hr, WD: 360 degrees.


26 26 26

400560 400562 401012

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

12-Apr-2011 12-Apr-2011 17-Apr-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release


94 149968

401054 401129

Suncor CNRL

17-Apr-2011 18-Apr-2011

Public Complaint Industry

Impact Release

Release of R22, 41kg. August 3, 2010 was the date of the actual release. This wasn't reported because the volume was thought to be less than 10kg. Repaired and recharged on August 3, 2010. Air Unit 41-21V1 had a release of 218kg of R22 on July 7, 2010. It was not reported then because it was believed to have been a release of less than 10kg. No Impact 1918 hrs, had a ammonium sulphate spill in Plant 26- 1(Fuel Gas desulphurization Unit) This was a liquid spill. Spill was contained within the dyke of the unit. Spill was 37500 gallons was spill but contained. Cause was a catastrophic failure of the bellows on a pump. Air Odour complaint -gas/oil smell. Trace of S02. Wind coming from NW. Call Reason Air Land Reporting a spill of grey water, volume 5 m3. This was caused by a septic tank overfill. The spill went onto the ground -none went offsite. The contaminated soil has been recovered; lime was sprayed on the area. They are currently back-filling the area. Future preventative actions will be included in the 7-day letter. Call Reason Land Caller reporting a release of R 22, volume unknown. Not yet repaired and recharged - still trouble shooting. Caller reporting a high annual THM Average in water distribution system. Not sure what caused the exceedance. Tank venting from D13. 12:45-ongoing intermittently. Excess run down into tank. Sour naphtha HC vapours and natural gas. Spill of raw sewage due to tank over flowing. Spill was 400 liters. Spill is being cleaned up. Reporting tank D2 venting. This would involve hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. Caused by swings in the feed rates and tank run down. Venting started at 1230 hours and ended at 1330 hours. Report is late because a new employee did not realize it had to be reported. Release of R22, over 10 kg. Leak on a heat vent system. Is being repaired. Release of natural gas. Pressure safety valve lifted yesterday morning for 1 hr 22 minutes. Released natural gas. No odours reported. Issue with CEMS unit. In turn around. Started generator Thursday, noticed yesterday it wasn't reading correctly. Light was burnt out. It has been replaced. Improper readings for 4 days. Readings measure NOX emission flow rate, stack pressure, emission temp & effluent flow rate. Caller reporting a BOD exceedance. Sample point - EMSC Inlet. Lab suspects that it's a false reading, they are going to resample and reanalyze the samples. Caller reporting a spill of bitumen, -15 barrels. Cause still under investigation. Source is doing work in upgrader 2. Source was draining lines when the spill took place. No waterways impacted. Release has been isolated. Clean up completed -contained on site. Call Reason Land 23D tank vented from 1:54-4:40am today intermittently. Was in service for diluted bitumen. Still investigating reason. Call Reason Air R22 released from an A/C unit in Building #908, Unit # 2651RZ11, repair in progress. Going by north of Suncor gate there is a heavy sulphur odour. Extremely strong. Caller is going to Fort McKay. Caller requests a call back from an EPO. Odour complaint. Just noticed it while he was driving on the Hwy. Smells like sulphur and hydrocarbons. Call Reason Air Odour complaint. Definite, very pungent sulphur odour. On the hwy where it divides North and South, heading North. Just noticed 5 min's ago. Near the tailings ponds for both sites. Call Reason Air Venting Tank D2 - hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. Started at 1100 - 1530 hrs. (intermittently) Release of H2S -From a line the had some sour water in it. The alarm went off and workers evacuated the area immediately. Spill was in the Secondary Upgrading Call Reason Air Opacity exceedance. From 1330-1336 hrs today (May 4. Will confirm in follow up report. Cause unk. Main stack SO2 analyzer 80AI105 is out of service, working to repair it. Notification. Isolating a section of potable water line. Will be doing a tie in to a new structure. New building so no affects on water supple. Starting this afternoon and will be done tomorrow. Bacti sample will be taken. Call

26 94 26 149968 26

401140 401153 401260 401553 401658

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude

18-Apr-2011 18-Apr-2011 19-Apr-2011 22-Apr-2011 23-Apr-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification

Air Potable Water Air Land Air

26 94 48522

401766 401782 401968

Syncrude Suncor Encana

25-Apr-2011 25-Apr-2011 26-Apr-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

26 94

402073 402327

Syncrude Suncor

27-Apr-2011 28-Apr-2011

Industry Industry

Surface Water Land

94 26 94 94 94 26 149968 94 26 20809

402543 402717 402743 402779 402888 403178 403297 403305 403468 403526

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude CNRL Suncor Syncrude

26-Apr-2011 1-May-2011 2-May-2011 2-May-2011 3-May-2011 3-May-2011 4-May-2011 4-May-2011 5-May-2011

Industry Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Impact Impact Notification Release Notification Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water

Shell Canada 6-May-2011


26 48522

403580 403683

Syncrude Encana

6-May-2011 8-May-2011

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification

26 26 94 94

403708 403855 403918 403940

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor

8-May-2011 10-May-2011 10-May-2011 10-May-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

26 48522 48522 26 20809 26 26 48522 26 26 26 26 94 153125

403967 404082 404215 404291 404335 404386 404430 404434 404484 404492 404494 404500 404524 404739

Syncrude Encana Encana Syncrude

11-May-2011 11-May-2011 12-May-2011 13-May-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Shell Canada 13-May-2011 Syncrude Syncrude Encana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor 14-May-2011 14-May-2011 14-May-2011 15-May-2011 15-May-2011 15-May-2011 15-May-2011 16-May-2011

Reason Potable Water On-going issue. Domestic waste water, exceeded limits for TSS and BOD for the month of April. Water is being trucked down to Mildred lake for further treatment. TSS110mg/L, limit 25mg/L, BOD 168, limit 25 Water treatment plant will be shut down at 22:30 on May 8, 2011 for an hour in order to install new components for second water well. Camp has been notified. Water will be provided during this time. Bacti samples will also be taken when work is complete Call Reason Potable Water Air Venting from tank, hydrocarbon vapors and nitrogen. Venting started at 16:55 and ended at 17:05. Non- routine venting. No Impact Spill of demulsifier. Spill went to oily water sewer. 200 litres. were spill. Finally goes to effluent pond. A unit was unloading product and when blowing line to clean them overflowed the tank. Air They had an opacity exceedance on stack 31. The reading was 42%, and it happened May 9, at 1748 hours. Caused by the boiler i2 shutdown, but still investigating exact cause -full details in the 7-day report. Land Diesel spill, about 500 L. Cause: result of two gravel trucks having collided into one another. The diesel came from the fuel tanks of the gravel trucks. The spill did not impact any waterways. It just hit the roadway. The gravel trucks were contracted by the source. The spill is being cleaned up with absorbing material and being disposed in a hazardous waste yard. The spill happened on the source's road on site. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Land Air Venting from one of their extraction units, Unit 2. Venting nitrogen and hydrocarbon vapour (naphtha). Started venting at 0450 and still venting Land Spill at WWTP and it was treated effluent. Overflowed onto floor and went outside plant. -4 m3. Soaked into ground. No waterways impacted. Call Reason Land No Impact Notification of a maintenance shutdown at WWTP. Call Reason No Impact. Air Tank #13 venting sour naphtha vapour and natural gas intermittently due to startup of a unit. Not sure how long it will go, it is still ongoing.. Potable Water Sample # E11W044947, collected on 11 May 2011 at 1530 hr, at New Truck Shop. Total coliforms Water present, E.coli absent. Air Release of R22, over 10kg. Repairs are in progress Surface Water Potable Water Air Potable Water Air Air Air Air Air Potable Water Air Notification of visible emissions (black smoke) from a furnace stack. Happened @ 1000 hrs - 1145 hrs due to a furnace leak. Did not receive any complaints. Failure in chlorination system in the water treatment plant, auto -analyzer did not communicate with the dosing pump properly. It was dosing manually, so all are in range. Potential offsite odour due to unit upset. It is over now, but it might generate some odour complaints. Visible emissions from 37-1 F2 Furnace. Black smoke consisting of combusted hydrocarbons, steam and particulate. Due to tube leak. Taking to unit down to repair. Started @ 0730 hrs until 0910 hrs today. Release of R22. From bldg 32, unit RV-0001 (HV unit). Repair & recharging in progress. Discovered @ 1030 hrs today. R22 release from a bldg 177, unit 18-1R10B (H&V system). Repairs & recharge in progress. Discovered @ 1250 hrs today. Opacity exceedance at stack 31 from 02:09-02:34.Due to upset in Boiler #2. They had a power outage on the potable water system. The system lost pressure for 60 seconds at 2030 hours tonight. They are currently flushing. They don't anticipate any issues since chlorine levels are within limits. They will be taking bacteriological samples and sending them to the provincial lab. They are venting from plant 4 (extraction as of 0524 hours. It is ongoing. This will release hydrocarbons and TRS. She has no idea of the cause -operations people are currently trouble-shooting and more details will be put in the written report. Call Reason Air Called to report fire effecting lines to vapor recovery unit. Due to the effected lines they are venting vapors from the extracting plant and south tank farm. Hourly S02 violation on the CEMS for TOU (thermal oxidizer unitil. She is not sure of the cause and will put more information in the written report. Spill of molten sulphur at their loading rack. A steam pipe collapsed and failed. It is currently leaking 1 L/ 10 minutes. Estimate 50 gallons has been released so far. They are putting water on it to solidify it, which should

Shell Canada 16-May-2011 Jackpine Suncor 17-May-2011




94 94 26

404772 404902 405018

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

17-May-2011 18-May-2011 19-May-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land








26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 183875 94 26

405231 405235 405251 405313 405353 405379 405385 405387 405417 405536 405757

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

20-May-2011 20-May-2011 20-May-2011 21-May-2011 22-May-2011 22-May-2011 22-May-2011 22-May-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Notification

stop the release. The spilled product is remaining onsite, no waterways affected. Reporting a spill of 300-500 liters of jet fuel. At fuel station, one of the hoses was busted (coupling broke and by the time it was shut down, fuel spilled on ground. Used spill kit and in process of cleaning up. Did not enter any waterways. Not sure what kind of tank was being fueled and if it is DG. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Land Surface Samples from EMES taken on May 17, 2011. exceeded 50mg/L allowance. Results were just received on May Water 20, 2011. 73mg/L. Syncrude will follow up with more details in the 7 day letter. No Impact Unable to collect compliance water sample due to forest fires in the area. Land No Impact Opacity meter on main stack is reading 0. Believe it may be malfunctioning, so have a technician coming out to check it. Should be there within the hour. Got the call ~ 2230 hrs. Air Contained fire at voyager site. Unknown at this time. Building is for recycling -has cardboard paper. Some possible visibility. Working to put it out now-some smoldering. Call Reason Air. Air Trip of boiler t 2. Due to a loss of an induced draft fan. Resulted in bypass of jet bubble reactor & high opacity in stack 31. Happened@ 1232-0200 hrs today. Air Release of R22, 2 releases both over 10kg. Units are being repaired and will be recharged Air Air Release of R22, over 10kg. Repairing unit. Cause unknown.

Devon ARL 23-May-2011 Corp. Suncor 24-May-2011 Syncrude 24-May-2011

26 26 26 26

405931 405971 405973 405978

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

26-May-2011 26-May-2011 26-May-2011 26-May-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Alleged Contravention







26 94 94 94

406127 406260 406289 406370

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

27-May-2011 28-May-2011 28-May-2011 29-May-2011

Industry Agency Industry Industry

Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Hydrocarbon venting from tank D10,intermittenly since 16:00. On-going. A compressor is down for maintenance which may be causing the problem. Will update when venting has stopped. Land Release of caustic (NaOH from a storage tanker, overfilled when transferring from smaller storage tank. Contained in the building on concrete floor and cleanup done. None in drainage. Call Reason Land 120 Air Furnace iAF20 tripped and flaring of sour gas from 9:50 to 11:15 hours. It ahs stopped now. Air Tank D10 is venting natural gas and hydrocarbons. Venting started at 1000 hours, and is ongoing and intermittent. One of their VRU's is down for maintenance. Ambient air temperature may also be contributing to venting. Currently troubleshooting. Air Venting of hydrocarbon vapors and natural gas from two tanks. Venting started at 10:40 on May 25, 2011. Ended at 20:45 on May 25, 2011. Air Tank #7, 8, 10 venting hydrocarbon and natural gas due to vapour recovery unit failed. Still on going intermittently. Air Tank # D13 venting sour hydrocarbon and natural gas due to vapour recovery compressor down. Starting at 800 hr, still going intermittently. Surface May 26 discharge sample indicated a non-compliance. The treated wastewater is discharged to the Athabasca Water River. He did not get which criteria exceeded, but he will update once he finds out this information. CIC advised that the information will be forwarded to Environment Canada due to the impacts to a fish-bearing waterway. Groundwate Caller reporting that they found ground water well unlocked(#MD 91014FS. There is some damage to the well r and the cap had been removed. Source will conduct an investigation. Found today but may have occurred before May 15th. Call Reason Ground water. Air Tank venting. Started @ 0835 hrs and ongoing intermittently. Due to Vapour Recovery compressor being offline for maintenance and high ambient temp's. Sour hydrocarbon vapours and natural gas. Potable for results see diary notes Water Air R 22 release -Building 9 amount greater than 10 kgs. Potable Water Air Surface Water Caller reporting potable water. Source collected water samples -low chlorine residual in some samples. Source has posted warnings for staff and have tried to flush the lines. Caller is not sure when the exceedance took place and is not sure if the values are back to normal. Release of R22, greater than 10kg. Repaired and recharged TSS and BOD exceeded monthly arithmetic mean. TSS: 109 mg/L (limit is 25 mg/L). BOD: 360 mg/L (limit is 25 mg/L). No release. Ongoing issue: plant is under designed and there is too much sewage. All collected in

26 26

406741 406780

Syncrude Syncrude

31-May-2011 1-Jun-2011

Industry Industry







Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

94 26

407026 407175

Suncor Syncrude

3-Jun-2011 3-Jun-2011

Industry Industry

26 26 26 26 26 26

407218 407223 407627 408216 408237 408255

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

4-Jun-2011 4-Jun-2011 8-Jun-2011 14-Jun-2011 14-Jun-2011 15-Jun-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

storage tanks and trucked to another location which is domestic waste water system for further treatment. No Impact Non-compliance to EPEA agreement (part of approval). As part of agreement, source has to collect samples of water from clean water discharge inlet and outlet. This is from a drainage ditch. Not potable water. Samples were not collected due to forest fires creating unsafe worker conditions at site due to smoke. Surface High TSS from Creek. Believe it's a faulty sample, will be retesting. Read 198 mg/L. Limit l00mg/L Water Air had to open diverter valve on CO boiler #1 2043-2050 hrs - plant upset from an upstream unit. Valve opened 10% only. Tail gas would have been released (most likely sour tail gas plus coke particles.) to atmosphere. Amount unknown. No Impact Lost view to camera that monitors stack. No continuous visual monitoring. Expect to get camera back in service later today. Other variables are able to be monitored electronically. Air R22 release, over 10 kg. Unsure of cause. Repairing now. Unit #235-3RV2 Stage 2. Air R22 release, over 10 kg. Leak in line. Repairs in progress.

26 26 149968

408414 408529 408873

Syncrude Syncrude CNRL

15-Jun-2011 16-Jun-2011 20-Jun-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

No Impact Camera outages, 3 cameras that monitor flares stack went out at 08:51 due to power issues. Were turned back on at 13:50. This is a contravention of their approval Air Gas compressor tripped causing flaring for 20 mins. Started @ 1915 hrs on June 13. Late report b/c he forgot to call. Land Spill of slurry. 155 L. Operators were working on a superpot and thought they had an isolation, but didn't. Went onto ground, contained on site. Will be cleaned up in the morning. Happened yesterday, but they just found out about it. Air R22 release, over 10 kg. Unsure about specifics of cause. Not repaired yet (in progress). No Impact Power outage (electrical breaker malfunction) caused cameras that monitor flare stacks to go out at 14:30. Cameras are still out. Working on the problem. No Impact @ 1515 on the 19 June, caller was notified of an unknown substance that was located on a concrete pad. The material looked like mercury but could also be something else. The material was leaking from a flanged on an exchanger. The area has been flagged off. Waiting for a piece of equipment to analyzed this. The spilled amount is 1 cm3. Call Reason No Impact Potable Caller reporting a water line break -potable water. Line that supplied their HR building on site is compromised. Water Isolated the area -system will be shut down for repairs. Not sure how long will be down for. Call Reason Potable Water Air Stack top temp. violations. June 19 had 5 hourly exceedances. Due to sulphur train trip upon startup. Investigating why. Surface They have an outfall exceedance from Pond E. This prompted the taking of two additional samples which was Water below the exceedance limit. exceedance was for TSS. Pond was shut-in immediately. Air Opacity on main stack > 40% for one hour. 1800-1900 hrs. Due to issues with rectifiers and possibly upstream unit upsets. No Impact Spill of Steam Mate PAS 6066 for the boiler. This is an amine. The spill was 300 litres. Spill went to drain which goes to the oily water system. Everything is contained. Air R-22 release, >10kg. Cause: heat and vent system unit. Being repaired as we speak. No Impact They weren't able to give a two-week notice to a change of date on a stack survey. They were supposed to do it June 23, but then the unit went down. They are doing it on June 28 instead. This is a contravention if they don't provide 2 weeks notice. Surface High water levels in river, No Net Loss Lake (settling pond construction site has flooded. Happened 4 of last 5 Water years during spring break up. Usually increase monitoring of TSS to once a day. Due to forest fires, there is a relaxation on monitoring requirements. Waiting to get back in area. Won't return until SRD gives clearance. Air Contravention: main stack analyzers below 90% availability for month of June 2011. Air Flaring from the VRU. Not sure what constituents are being flared. She will have to put this information in the written report. Intermittent flaring for the entire month of June (since June 1. She is not sure of the cause. Still



Shell Canada 20-Jun-2011



94 94 26 26 26 26

408945 409004 409124 409378 409591 409816

Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

20-Jun-2011 21-Jun-2011 21-Jun-2011 23-Jun-2011 25-Jun-2011 27-Jun-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification



Fort Hills Energy Syncrude Suncor



26 94

410318 410320

30-Jun-2011 30-Jun-2011

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release


94 94

410427 410595

Suncor Suncor

1-Jul-2011 3-Jul-2011

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release






151469 26

410808 410911

Fort Hills Energy Syncrude

5-Jul-2011 5-Jul-2011

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification






26 48522

411573 411759

Syncrude Encana

12-Jul-2011 13-Jul-2011

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention

48522 26 153125

411768 411936 412461



Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Alleged Contravention

Syncrude 15-Jul-2011 Shell Canada 20-Jul-2011 Jackpine

26 26 26

412794 412844 413132

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

22-Jul-2011 23-Jul-2011 25-Jul-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release

investigating; more information will be in the 7-day report. Call Reason Air Daily TSS exceedance for pond E. 109mg/L, limit is 100mg/L. Outfall has been closed. Unsure of cause, will be in 7 day letter. Low chlorine levels in potable water system. Back up now. Was low @ 0930 hrs today and lasted for a couple of hours. System is for the site, not sure if it is the entire site. Unk if impacted water went through distribution. Cause unknown Samples collected from chlorinator. Land Spill of coke mixed with water. Unk volume at this time, but > 2m3. Cause unknown Soaking into soil below pipeline right now. Contained on site. No waterways nearby or impacted. Will be cleaning it up right away. Noticed today but could have happened last night. No Impact EPEA report was due April 20, 2011. Caller asked for extension but didn't get anything in writing. Alb Env wrote to stating it was late but granted extension until Dec 31, 2011. Calling in late report to be transparent. Air Stack top opacity exceedance. The main stack exceeded the limit of 40% (exact number not known). The time was from 2000-2100 hours. They were lining up coke fines from 81 ESP and splitting it between 81 and 82. This caused the exceedance. The fines were moved back to 81. Potable Temporary shut down of waste water treatment and water treatment plant. Putting polishing skid in on waste Water water treatment plant. Will be shut down from 13:30-15:30. Bacti samples will be taken when system is back up and running. Camp staff was notified and have been provided with potable water. Call Reason Potable Water Air Tank D-2 venting hydrocarbon and N2, cause not known. Intermittently for a while. Potable Caller reporting contravention of condition 4.62 of their approval. Approval stated that they are not to add Water chemicals to their waterworks system without approval from the director. Source installed a water softening unit that wasn't approved by AENV. System was installed in 2009. Since then, NaCl was being added to the system. Source is in the process of meeting with AENV approvals to review their new approval (current approval expires end of July 2011and that section is going to be taken out. Potable Water treatment plant area power outage for 5-10 min. All parameters are still in range. Call Reason Potable Water Water 120 Air Venting of HC vapours off Unit 2C16 to atmosphere. Unsure of cause. Surface For pond 2 for month of June, had three days where DO (dissolved oxygen) levels were below minimum daily Water limit of 5.0 mg/L: June 15 (4.36 mg/L), June 20 (4.66 mg/L), June 29 (4.01 mg/L). The weekly average from June 19-25 was below limit of 6.5 mg/L (average was 5.63 mg/L). Cause: flow from pond is down and water is stagnant before leaving. Air R22 release. Being repaired now and it will be recharged. Surface Water Potable Water No Impact Spill of diluent bitumen. A line being purge with N2 overflowed with the diluent which went into the oily water sewer. An overflow occurred and there was a spill of 600 liters. Clean up in progress. Land Steam mate spill of 800 L onto dirt ground. Occurred while loading onto a 31D2 tank stationary tank. Occurred when the drain of the tank was partially left open. Unsure what the steam mate was being offloaded from, caller will call back with this info to determine if this is also a DG incident. Once workers realized the spill, they stopped filling, closed the drain and started diluting with water into a proper spillage drain, and the remaining has been sucked up with a vac truck. Occurred at site outside building 10. Air CO diverter valve's 3 & 4 were tripped and release into atmosphere. The CO boilers tripped due to lightning strike. Caller had to leave in the middle of the call to deal with an emergency and will call back with more details. Surface High H2S in stripped water to the effluent pond off of 16-4 sour water stripper. Started at 1030 hrs this Water morning, still going on. 1384 ppm H2S in the stripped water. No Impact VRU tripped on 2316 hrs 30 Jul for 11 minutes. They are investigating why it went down. Land Air Air Damaged groundwater monitoring well. Unclear of reason -during winter hit by snow moving equipment. Will abandon it and redrill 3 m over. Odour complaint see diary notes






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention

26 94 151469 26 149968

413759 413880 414019 414068 414127

Syncrude Suncor Fort Hills Energy Syncrude CNRL

31-Jul-2011 2-Aug-2011 3-Aug-2011 3-Aug-2011 4-Aug-2011

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry


149968 94 149968 149968 26 26

414160 414197 414227 414298 414558 414904

CNRL Suncor CNRL CNRL Syncrude Syncrude

4-Aug-2011 4-Aug-2011 4-Aug-2011 5-Aug-2011 8-Aug-2011 11-Aug-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Land Potable Water Air Air Surface Water Potable Water Air

Spill of sewage/water, 50m3. Broken pee trap on a toilet caused release. Release underneath camp kitchen. Clean up was done with a vac truck. Call Reason Land Low chlorine in the distribution line. The chlorine pump vapour locked so therefore not feeding properly. Fixed problem. minimum is supposed to be 0.1 mg/L Cl but was at 0.04 mg/L. This lasted for 2 hours. 11 NOX exceedance at cogeneration plant. Lost fuel/steam injection. Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air Exceedances of NOX at the hydrogen plant, secondary upgrading stack: 46-F-50. 0800-1000 Aug 4, was at 58.8 kg/h and limit is 57kg/h. Don't know what occurred, will include in 7 day letter. Stripped water going from Plant 16-4 to effluent pond exceedance of 472 ppm H2S in the water. Cl residual level for potable water at plant was recorded at 4.3 mg/L. They were using a temporary pail trailer and a 45 gallon drum with hypo for disinfection. Reduced frequency of pump and the residual was reduced. At 4:00am it was down to 3.8 mg/L. Limit is 4. Caller reporting flaring event. Unit 81K2 tripped resulting in sour gas flaring for 17min. As a result of the high volume of gas, they blew the seal from the low pressure flare to the high pressure flare. They could not atomize the high pressure flare and it lead to incomplete combustion and black smoke in the flare. Caller is not sure when the incident took place but will find that information and update AENV. NOX exceedance. COGEN had a boiler trip. Pump stopped working last night due to a power surge. Loss of pressure in distribution system. Went for 20 minutes. Potable water for Elk Point Camp (unsure of how many people. Nobody affected by this. Lab samples sent for analysis. Everything came back fine. Will include in 7 day letter. Caller reporting venting from VRU due to compressor problems. Vented from 20:22-21:34hrs and the again at 21:42hrs (ongoing. Not sure what type of vapours the system are venting. The compressor issues also led to venting in Plant 4 from 20:25-21:35. Call Reason Air Spill of SO gal of hydrochloric acid 35%. Spilled while offloading from placarded vehicle into stationary tank on site. Spill went into berm, and is contained. Spilled from leak detection on isolation valve. Activated ERAP, guys went in full suited with air and isolated leak by closing the valve. In the process of clean-up by using sodium bicarbonate to neutralize and a load of sand is coming. Samples will be taken to make sure it's neutralized. Call Reason Land Flaring today from low pressure stack. Tripped an off gas compressor. Flaring stopped at 17:19. Hydrocarbon with high SO2 content. Caller reporting that their new VRU tripped and was down from 1631-1656hrs. Venting from south tank farm not sure what they were venting. Call Reason Air Tank D2 is venting intermittently. Hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen are venting. He is not sure of the cause. They are currently trying to improve their recovery system. Full details will be in the 7-day report. Spill of diesel 6-700 litres. Fueling a heavy hauler and the fuel system didn't turn off. Spill being cleaned up and will be reprocessed through the mine. Call Reason Land Release report for Plant 16-4 operational fluctuation resulting in 0300 hr sample greater than 472 ppm H2S.






149968 48522

415421 415425

CNRL Encana

15-Aug-2011 15-Aug-2011

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Potable Water Air








Fort Hills Energy





26 94 26 94 26 183875 26 149968

415555 415566 415652 415727 415731 415757 415788 415812

Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

16-Aug-2011 16-Aug-2011 17-Aug-2011 17-Aug-2011 18-Aug-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release

Air Air Air Land Air

Devon ARL 18-Aug-2011 Corp. Syncrude 18-Aug-2011 CNRL 18-Aug-2011

No Impact Contravention. They did not have the signs required by the approval at the soil stockpiling areas. Air Tank D-2 venting hydrocarbon vapors and nitrogen. Due to vapor recovery. Started at 1030hrs and unsure how long it'll go for. Land Caller reporting a spill of amine from sulfur recovery unit -heat exchanger blew. -100 litres were released. Product spilled to ground around equipment soil impacted. Source has cleaned up the contaminated soil and disposed of it accordingly. Call Reason Land Potable Initial potable water results. Specimen number 89630. Collected at Plant 31 WT lab, Aug 16, 1300 hours. Total Water coliforms present, E.coli present. Air Caller reporting hourly NOx exceedances. Source is having problems with heat recovery (CoGenunit -valve that controls steam injection to burner came apart). Source is in the process of trying to repair it but they may have multiple exceedances. Caller will update AENV with the exceedance values. No Impact Small spill of 50% caustic. A caustic pump discharge line corroded, causing the line to leak. This is in their

94 149968

415824 415845

Suncor CNRL

18-Aug-2011 18-Aug-2011

Agency Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release







26 94

415875 415972

Syncrude Suncor

19-Aug-2011 19-Aug-2011

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Potable Water

26 26 153125

416191 416228 416255

Syncrude Syncrude

22-Aug-2011 23-Aug-2011

Public Complaint Industry Industry

Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air Surface Water

Shell Canada 23-Aug-2011 Jackpine

26 26 149968

416265 416303 416367

Syncrude Syncrude CNRL

23-Aug-2011 23-Aug-2011 24-Aug-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land

acid caustic storage building. The release is contained within a building. Not sure how much has currently spilled, but is is leaking 5 gallons per minute when the pump is operational. The pump runs periodically through the 24 hour period. This started as a small leak that has gotten worse. They have parts on order estimated parts arrival is Aug 22. The caustic is currently running to the oily water sewer and is being diluted with water before it enters the sewer. Tank venting of hydrocarbon vapors and nitrogen from Tank D-1. Unsure how long it'll vent but venting because they are having issues with their vapor recovery system. Turbidity of .1 Ntu's not to be over for 15 mins. during the day. The units that were taking the reading are supposed to shutdown before the 15 min sessions but did not. There are 6 units within the system, two of the units have been taken out of service for repairs. Grab samples for turbidity showed less than .1 NTU's and particle counts were not over 20 and the membrane integrity tests were okay. They will recalibrate the two units in the morning. This is on the potable water system. Driving by source and there's a smell of ammonia. There's a coloured beige/grey plume coming from the smoke stack when it's usually white. R22 release, greater than 10 kg, does not know exact amount. Discovered this morning. In the process of being repaired. Caller reporting dissolved oxygen exceedance. Weekly DO Average was below 6.5 on 3 occasions in July. Sample taken from sedimentation pond. Pond is discharged into surface water (fish bearing). Cause - not a lot of water running into pond (not dewatering); pond has got really stagnant. On July 23, the source set up an aerator to increase oxygen levels. On Aug 2, the pond has stopped discharging - ran out of water. Caller reporting a release of R22, >10kg. Unit is being repaired as we speak. R22 release, >10 kg, in process of repair. Cause: doing maintenance and thus finding the releases. Spill of condensate contaminated with sour water, 3 m3. Cause: sour water system backing up to condensate system and the condensate overflowed. The spill went to a containment ditch onsite. No waterways nearby. Spill did not go offsite. Spill was cleaned up. Happened on August 23, 2011 at 18:00. Not called in at that time as the cause of the spill was being determined at that time. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Land Caller reporting accidental release of Catacarb -corrosion inhibitor. Caller is not sure how much was released. Release happened last night and again today. Source is having some problems with Plant 6 (no details available. Caller is not sure where the product was released from -maybe the tower. Could have been over pressured and a little mist was released. Product localized to immediate operating area. Product would have been released to cement and top of building. Call Reason Land Caller reporting a notification -source exceeded the allowable S02 emissions. Source was flaring due to temperature and pressures issues in the plant. Plant started up last week -could be a contributing factor. CSConversation with environmental staff stated that AENV in Edmonton (Approvals have asked CNRL to report every time they exceed the 20 tonne/day limit, as per their approval they are not required to report when they exceed 20 tonnes/day. From lAug to 25 Aug 2011 they have been flaring VRU for greater than 10 tonnes S02. This 10 tonnes is for the 25 days. Stopped flaring at present. Tank venting from D-1. The constituents would be hydrocarbon vapours and nitrogen. They have high back pressures in the vapour recovery system. Started at 0850 and is ongoing and intermittent. They are trying to optimize and balance that VRU. Leak of 98% Sulphuric Acid. Releasing about 1 gal per min, first observed at 0730hrs today and caller just notified at 0910hrs. Leaking from the water treatment plant (caller assuming its potable water), a blocked valve on the regen system. Spilling into the oily water sewer, where it's being diluted by water. Sewer goes back into process system. No way for spill to reach environment. To contain spill they will bring up back up system, and shut down current system. There has been a power outage and the PSV lifted on the exchangers. Released produced water. happened at Jackfish 1. There was 10 cubes released and all Vacced up Call Reason Land A potable water contravention allowed 4.0 mg/L Cl readings conducted at 1315 hrs showed 4.2 mg/L. End users are testing every 15 mins at this time. Flaring is part of their regular route of the system but it has now gone over their limit of 20 tons of S02. Not an exceedances, but they always report to Alb Env when over 20 tons, and write a 7 day letter. Call Reason Air















94 26

416539 416826

Suncor Syncrude

25-Aug-2011 29-Aug-2011

Industry Industry

Release Notification

Air Air








183875 26 94

417536 417580 417709

Devon ARL 3-Sep-2011 Corp. Syncrude 4-Sep-2011 Suncor 6-Sep-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release

Land Potable Water Air


26 183875 94

417949 417983 418097



Industry Industry Industry

Devon ARL 8-Sep-2011 Corp. Suncor 9-Sep-2011

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

2 separate releases of R22, greater then 10kg from units 131VR1 and 131VR2. Being repaired and recharged. Reporting exceedances in their H2S ambient air quality. Limit is 10 ppm. Sept 8, 0000-0100 was at 17.2ppm. Occurred due to tank venting. Opacity exceedance from the powerhouse (main stack 31. This was for 6 minutes. The max was 98%, but the average will be put in the letter once it is determined. They tripped out of their FGD, so they are not in the normal system. This is due to an upset. They are currently trying to fix it. Tank venting off D53. 10 minutes. K2 tripped. Sour HC vapours. Main stack hourly exceedance on opacity. This is from 20:00 - 21:00

26 26 26 26 149968 26 94

418103 418184 418206 418224 418230 418356 418410

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Suncor

9-Sep-2011 10-Sep-2011 11-Sep-2011 11-Sep-2011 11-Sep-2011 13-Sep-2011 13-Sep-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Air Air Air






149968 149968 26

418815 418888 418897

CNRL CNRL Syncrude

16-Sep-2011 17-Sep-2011 19-Sep-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification







149968 26 26 94

419427 419432 419559 419598

CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

22-Sep-2011 22-Sep-2011 24-Sep-2011 24-Sep-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

They exceeded 60 ton/day on SO2 on stack 26-1. This is a result of the 12-4 shutdown and a unit upset. This may result in a potential for odour complaints. Winds are from the NW. They are working to mitigate it now. No Impact H2S flare meter 19F-36 has failed. Monitoring with cameras right now, instrumentation crew working on fixing it. Land Spill of hydraulic fluid 60 gallons. Equipment failure. All on site, contained. No drains impacted. Call Reason Land Potable Operator was changing out a chlorine gas cylinder and the chlorine bleed into the system. Chlorine was at Water 4.2mg/L, this part of the system was isolated and chlorine levels dropped to 3.9mg/L. Air Release of over 20 tons of S02 to atmosphere. Released during a gas oil hydro-treated start up. This caused a process upset and the release. Not called in on the 10 th because they had to do some calculations to figure out how much was released. Land Spill of 205 L of liquid caustic (% unknown Due to open valve on a tank, in area lC. Still investigating. Contained and in process of cleaning up, crew used vac truck to clean up. No injured, and no waterways affected. Call Reason Land Air Caller reporting an hourly NOx exceedance. Source exceeded their 57kg/hr limits but is not sure what the values were. Due to a PSA trip which resulted in closing all the purge gas burners on the F-50 reformer. Air They have gone over 930 kg/hr S02 on the Sulphur. 16 Sep 20112022-2200 hrs. 17 Sep 20110700-1000 hrs. Investigating why this occurred. Have stabilized at present. Air 24-hour exceedance at station 2. Reading was 4 ppb for Sept 18. 00397419 251892 18-SEP-2011 11:10 Industry Notification Air Comments: H2S exceedance, hourly, 09:00-10:00, value was 28 ppb (limit is 10 ppb), WS: 8 km/hr, WD: 292 degrees. Air Release of propane. Propane bottle got knocked over and it is around 100 L. Does not have any details. It is around the tailings area (onsite. Does not know if it was in transport (if it is a DG incident. Will call back with more information. Call Reason Air Land Missed daily waste water sampling on September 15, 16, 17, 18,19. Unsure of why samples were not taken, currently under investigation. Air R22 release, under 10 kg. Leak on Hand V system (Building 177, Unit # 181R10A). Being repaired now. Air Air Failed SO2 Rata on plant 26-1. Accuracy was off so another reschedule will be done again. Failed on Sept 22, 2011. Opacity from stack 31 from 1415-1458 hours today. The cause will be confirmed in the letter, but they may have had coke boiler transfer out of the JBR. This is notification under their approval (not a contravention. Call Reason Air R22 release. From a HVAC unit. Unit is isolated and will be serviced later this week. Discovered Sep 9. Late report because he just found out about it. TSS exceedance. Maintenance being done to fish weir, exceeded for one hour. Release of more than 10 kg of R22 at building 1102, unit RV20 on Sept 21. Repaired and refilled. Release of greater than 10 kg, R22of Building 676m, Unit 15- 1 on Sept 19, repairs scheduled. Sept 9, Building 930, Unit 8RV-40, release of R22, greater than 10 kg, scheduled for repairs. March 17, building 1178, unit 41-24, Release of RF-2, greater than 10 kg, repaired and refilled. Caller is unsure why some of these are late reporting. S02 t/h exceedance out of TOU2 emissions stack. Still working on the cause. One hr Average.

26 149968 26

419745 419796 419813

Syncrude CNRL Syncrude

26-Sep-2011 27-Sep-2011 27-Sep-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Surface Water Air






Alleged Contravention



26 20809 26

420466 420552 420651



Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 3-Oct-2011 Syncrude 3-Oct-2011

Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Release

Surface Water Potable Water Air

26 183875 94 153125 26 26

420678 420751 420758 420995 421023 421039



Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

H2S going to effluent pond > than 472 ppm. Unit 16- 1 is off spec. Troubleshooting and optimizing. Pond water is contained on site. Value was 1945 ppm. Happened @ 1100 hrs. No adverse effects at this time. Planned tied-in of a new section of potable water line due to construction; no disruption to water service. All procedures including sampling were followed. Call Reason Potable Water R22 release due to unknown circumstances. It is from building 579, equipment 41-27V1. The report is a day late but he is not sure why he just received the report today. It has been repaired. It will eventually be recharged. No Impact not meeting 90% uptime for HRHWG #1- continuous emissions monitoring system for Sep 2011. Air Air Caller reporting hourly H2S exceedance. Cause unknown -still under investigation.

Devon ARL 4-Oct-2011 Corp. Suncor 4-Oct-2011 Shell Canada 6-Oct-2011 Jackpine Syncrude 7-Oct-2011 Syncrude 7-Oct-2011

26 26 153125

421213 421370 421837



Industry Industry Industry

Syncrude 10-Oct-2011 Shell Canada 13-Oct-2011 Jackpine

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Venting at Plant 4 on September 30th. Hydrocarbons. Under investigation as to why it occurred. Went for 38 minutes. Just noticed this today. Call Reason Air No Impact 3 samples required for sediment pond C2 for TSS. Bottle from Sept. 12 submitted to lab and lost. Only 2 weekly samples instead of 3. Both samples meet compliance. Air Emergency flaring from coker #1, coker off gas due to a compressor trip. Land Caller reporting a spill of 2250 gal of Naphtha (product is close to gasoline) to ground. Contained to compressed pipe rack area. Vac trucks are en route for clean up. Source's emergency response is on scene. No injuries, no evacuations. Occurred when the pressure release valve for the pump station failed. Still investigating why it failed. Leak was isolated at 0941 hrs. No waterways impacted. Air R22 released from an A/C unit at Building 579. Repair done. Air Surface Water Venting of natural gas and some hydrocarbon vapors from a tank. Already vented from 1355 to 1409. Have an exceedance from discharge of pond C2 (TSS), limit is 50 mg/L and the exceedance is for Sept 22, 2011 of 175 mg/L. Discharged (runoff from an overburdened disposal area) into a pond which goes into muskeg which goes into Muskeg River (fish-bearing body of water). Still investigating (does not know cause). Believe it is an error in sampling but not able to prove why. Plant upset in Plant 11-1. Caused acid gas flaring. Went until 16:33. Plant 81 tripped. Flared from 16:55 to 17:35. Oil levels in knock out drum. Coker off gas. Initial samples.

26 26 94 149968 26

421995 421997 422052 422076 422079

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor CNRL Syncrude

14-Oct-2011 14-Oct-2011 15-Oct-2011 16-Oct-2011 16-Oct-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Release Notification

Air Air Potable Water Land

183875 94 26 94

422214 422347 422368 422417

Devon ARL 17-Oct-2011 Corp. Suncor 18-Oct-2011 Syncrude Suncor 19-Oct-2011 19-Oct-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry












Alleged Contravention

Release of diethanol Amine acid, from a pump. Contained and cleanup in progress. Still under investigation of the cause Call Reason Land Potable Temporarily PVC raw water inlet line rupture causing over the 20 min allowance to have the potable water tank Water opened. It will affected the water supplies. It might effected free chlorine residue in water supplies, tests are being done now. Air Ambient Air trailer exceeded H2S. Limit: 10 ppb and they reached 10.6ppb. Cause unknown, still looking into it. Between 0600-0700 No Impact Opacity exceedances notification. Not an approval contravention. Limit is 40%, and may have gone up to 70%, details to follow in letter. Call Reason No Impact Air Tank venting sour hydrocarbon vapor and natural gas due to coker tripped; vented for 24 h and 36 min intermittently. Air Discover a 8 ft by 5 ft sink hole 2 m away from the Athabasca River on the bank at the plant site beside the fresh water pond, might be seepage from the fresh water pond into the sink hole. The pH value of the water in the sink hole is identical as the pH in the River. Air Flaring event on a site right. Pump got tripped on high vibration and caused upset of sulphur plant. Both sulphur trains tripped due to low acid gas flow. Flaring to restore the trains. Started flaring shortly after 20:00. Still flaring. Trying to find out what is going on. Will become clear in the morning. Will call with update. Will call back with approval number. Call Reason Air Air Out of compliance of flow and temp measurement at the relative accuracy test audit, cause is under investigation.







Alleged Contravention


149968 26 94 149968

422729 422799 422876 422878

CNRL Syncrude Suncor CNRL

21-Oct-2011 22-Oct-2011 24-Oct-2011 25-Oct-2011

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention

26 26 94 94 149968

422919 422925 423163 423177 423264

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor CNRL

24-Oct-2011 24-Oct-2011 27-Oct-2011 27-Oct-2011 28-Oct-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release

Earlier had reported a failed RATA in ref f 252949. They were doing some checks to determine why they failed the RATA. During these checks, they tripped out the furnace and had a low stack top temperature violation. They hit 508.6 deg C and the limit 624 deg C. It was corrected, but she is not sure if the next hour will also be impacted. She will update if there is an additional violation. Land Spill of SO% caustic soda. Spill is 10 liters. Filling temporary storage tank they believe it might be from a pinhole leak in tank. Cleanup is in progress. On the Horizon Site Sulphur Plant. Call Reason Land Air Resolution pending 22 Oct 2011 on page 990 of NNN; Flaring due to upset on 8-1 coker. Lasted 21:00- 21:30. Sour HC. Industrial Caller is concerned that the "bird scare" procedures for the tailings ponds are not adequate. There is currently a Heartland flock of living on the "Paw Pond". No Impact Caller reporting two failed cylinder gas audits. 00404003 253040 One was conducted on an Auxiliary Boiler 6001 and one on their Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HASG. Today the audit was conducted on each unit and both failed. Another audit will be completed -not sure when. 24-OCT-201113:29 Industry Alleged Contravention Air Comments: Conducted two CGA gas audits, one on gas turbine HRSG, other was on the utility boiler 6001. Both tests failed. Will retest tomorrow. Cause unknown. Limits and readings, unknown, but known it was just outside the acceptable limits. Caller will look into if this is a contravention and will follow up with a 7 day letter if needed. Air Venting from Tank 8 and Tank 10 intermittently (huff & puff) from 1105-1107 hrs venting NG vapour and light Hydrocarbons. Air Resolution pending 24 Oct 2011 on page 990 of NNN; Caller reporting a flaring event. Plant 11-1 amine unit got hit with oil and as a result started flaring acid gas. Flaring is currently ongoing. No Impact Missed water samples for pond A, weekly sample. Believe courier miss placed samples. Air Vented light hydrocarbons from tank 4 from 07:00-08:30,intermittenly for a total of 30minutes. Currently looking into reason for venting. No Impact Source will not meet the 90% system availability on sems units for Sept. on their Auxiliary Boiler 6001 and one on their Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HASG. Source had two failed audit on the two units that were previously reported and that is the cause of the downtime. Air Reporting refrigerant R22 release from building 1025, unit 8-3RV-12, discovered 1121 hours. Not sure of volume but expect it is greater than 10 kg. Air Reporting a refrigerant R22 release from building 9, unit 5-R27. Expect it is greater than 10 kg. It will be repaired and recharged. Air Report that 20D tank is venting. Sour Hydrocarbon Natural Gas Vapours. Land Spill of class 3 Bitumen. Spill was Plant 83 from G3 B pump. About 10 barrels were spilled. Spill was contained. Cleanup done. Land WWTP release. Semi processed sewage. Under 1m3. Plant was down 3 days prior and when started back up, new sewage reacted with stagnant, bubbled and foamed over tank outside. Free liquids sucked up. Call Reason Land Air NOX kg/h hourly exceedance Air Evacuation at the coke disposal area. There was a small fire in the waste coke pile, that caused H2S to be released. The structure units rated area at 23ppm. The upper threshold is 15ppm, so this caused hazmat to come out. Hazmat put water on fire area. Hazmat's readings could not match the 23ppm and their readings were much lower. Hazmat evacuated 15 people as a precaution. Hazmat gave the all clear at 2100 hrs. No injuries to report. Cause of fire unknown, fire was small. More info to come in the 7 day letter. Suspected high TSS in surface H20 released to River. Pumping accumulated surface H20 to River. Sample collected @ 0830 hrs and the results indicated TSS @ 157 mg/L. They have approval to discharge to the River as long as the TSS is lower than the River, but they have not determined the TSS in the River yet. Samples sent to the lab. Call Reason Surface Water Caller reporting an hourly S02 exceedance. Level transmitter cause inaccurate readings on sulfur train. Tripped out the scot unit and caused process to go to flare. R 22 release - discovered on a routine check on Building 151 greater than 10 Kg.

26 26 26 26 183875

423387 423389 423401 423465 423510

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

28-Oct-2011 28-Oct-2011 28-Oct-2011 29-Oct-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Devon ARL 30-Oct-2011 Corp. CNRL CNRL 31-Oct-2011 31-Oct-2011

149968 149968

423514 423632

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention







Surface Water

149968 26

424114 424178

CNRL Syncrude

4-Nov-2011 4-Nov-2011

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Air


26 48522 26

424439 424525 424545

Syncrude Encana Syncrude

7-Nov-2011 8-Nov-2011 8-Nov-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release


149968 26 94

424794 424955 424993

CNRL Syncrude Suncor

10-Nov-2011 13-Nov-2011 13-Nov-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Release of hydrocarbon vapors due to a broken hydro water seal on a drum. Release occurred from 13:2315:10, ~1.75hr. Seal has been fixed. No Impact Pad BO8 cleared 1.5 hectares more than the PDA specified. The MSL area matched what they cleared but the PDA area does not match. Air Venting of hydrocarbons and water. Venting intermittently throughout the day. Due to shift change over don't have the specific numbers and times but they will be followed up with tomorrow and be included in the 7 day letter. Air NOX exceedance, hourly, 19:03-20:40, value was 25 kg/hr. Limit is 18.5 kg/hr. Air Tank venting from slop tank. Hydrocarbon vapors and natural gas being vented. Venting just over 2 hours. Started at 02:25 this morning. Intermittent venting. Air They were trying to start up a sulphur train yesterday and tripped the thermal oxidizing unit (incinerator stack. They noticed through the trending that they went below the license limit for stack top temperature, but they are unsure of the exact hourly average. The limit is 624 deg C. She will confirm if there was a contravention and put the details in the 7-day report -they may have brought it back up quickly enough to avoid an hourly contravention. No Impact Spill of recycled water (water used within the base plant process). ~ 2000 gal. Due to breach of dyke on the East side. The water runs off into a seepage area which leads to a sump back into the recycle area. No potential for offsite impacts. Air Odor complaint there is a sulfur smell that's stronger than normal. Caller just drove by the plant and the flares are huge. Call Reason Air Air Flaring produced sweet gas due to power outage last night. Still on going, but the power is back so it will stop soon. Air Natural gas line found leaking at 1600 hrs Nov 17, and was leaking before this. Turned off at 2030hrs. Caused still being investigated. Call Reason Air Air Tripped the compressor on K2 causing them to flare sour hydrocarbons. Started at 1436 hrs today and still ongoing but with minimal flaring. Caused by high vibes, but the unit was in upset conditions. Land Found a sewer pipe that was broken a sewage leaking from the pipe. It is under the mobile trailer (used as office) and cannot access but think it is small quantity. Once cleaned up, will have idea of volume. Nobody is using toilet in trailer. Air Venting from Tank 2086, venting of hydrocarbon, due to valve control stuck, cannot close valve. Reduce pressure in the tank to reduce the venting, but is still going on. It has been venting for 4 hours. Call Reason Air Air Had an electrical fire in the pump house Nov 20 @ 1030 hrs. Three people were evacuated to safety and one first aid incident. Fire was contained and extinguished. Still investigating cause. Production is shut down now. ERCB already notified. Potable Domestic waste water sample for THM had the following monthly averages, limit is 100ug/L. March 2011Water 114ug/L, June 2011-109ug/L, Sept. 2011-110ug/L; sampled at Top Shop. Sept 2011-110ug/L; sampled at Borilas. Air Caller reporting flaring event. Earlier today, source lost SRU i3 which resulted in acid gas going to flare. Flaring lasted until after 6pm. >20 tons/S02 were released. Land 100 m3 of processed water went to ditch and froze. Caused by a pipe that over flowed. They have opened up another line to handle the flow because the other pipe froze, causing the spill. Caller believed they will clean up when thaws. Caller wasn't provided any info about the clean up. Spill remained onsite. Call Reason Land Land Release of 5L of grey water. Workers were asked to provide a heater to a system to assist another contractor with a wash car. And the workers placed the insulated tarp and heater around waste tank. When they returned they found a spill of 5 L of grey water on the ground. Clean up complete. Call Reason Land Air Caller reporting an hourly opacity exceedance. Cause - nutriator dip leg plugged on coker 81. Source is trying to dump coke from vessel - some light materials are being carried over to CO boiler. Air NOx exceedance. Hourly for one hour. Due to excessive boiler firing rates from high steam loads on steam header. Air Lose sulphur recovery unit, has plant upset, might have a possible exceedance of S02 at the oxidizers between 1300 to 1400 hours, cannot confirm the amount of exceedance yet till Monday. Air Low stack temp caused by sulphur plant upset, still investigating why there is an upset.







94 48408 94 26 94

425447 425457 425477 425537 425539



Petro Canada 18-Nov-2011 Suncor Syncrude Suncor 18-Nov-2011 18-Nov-2011 18-Nov-2011

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry

Impact Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

94 153125

425557 425722



Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Shell Canada 21-Nov-2011 Jackpine Suncor 21-Nov-2011




94 149968

425816 425870

Suncor CNRL

21-Nov-2011 22-Nov-2011

Industry Industry







26 149968 94 94

425920 426248 426272 426324

Syncrude CNRL Suncor Suncor

22-Nov-2011 26-Nov-2011 26-Nov-2011 27-Nov-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged


48408 26 149968 26 26 183875

426443 426448 426685 426859 426894 426997

Petro Canada 28-Nov-2011 Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Syncrude 28-Nov-2011 1-Dec-2011 1-Dec-2011 2-Dec-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

No Impact Contravention of an EPEA Approval. Didn't contact/ lack there of commencement date for construction Potable Water Air Line 32 drinking water has a 200 foot splint in it and leaking potable water. This supplies water to various plant units and 2 occupied buildings. Setting up a temporary feed and they are issuing a boil water advisory. Small fire at frac tower b/t 0200-0230 hrs. Under control and put out. He is investigating the cause the how long it lasted now. He is not aware of any injuries. He will provide more info once he has it. Call Reason Air No Impact Plant 261 FTIR meter below 75% for nov 2011. This is an opacity meter. No Impact Opacity meter (261AI5-A) is not going to make the limit of is 90% run time for December. The blower motor failed on Nov 30. A replacement motor has been ordered and should arrive early next week. Air Air emissions exceedance showed up in CEMS data. Nitrous oxide mass rate values exceeded operating approval threshold. Blower motor went down, collected near monitoring station. Caller has values and will include them in 7 day letter. Land Oil sheen on water sample taken this morning. Daily routine sample taken at groundwater discharge point at plant. Goes through pit floor sump near bottom of escarpment. Discharges to low wetland area and into Athabasca River. Immediately stopped discharge and dewatering group will not start up until cause has been determined. Air Venting of nitrogen, C02, and methane, with lighter VOC, H2S and water vapor. Started at 0720 hrs today and still venting causing plant to exceed their limit of 30 minutes. Caused by problems with vapor recovery system with upgrading, this caused the venting in plant 4. Air Wet gas compressor tripped at 4:22am. Potential for over 20 t S02. Won't know for sure until later. Air Air Air Air Air Land Caller reporting that their Scott Unit had to be shut down at noon. Caller is not sure why. This usually results in flaring at Plant 54. Notification only -not a contravention. Call Reason Air Notification-potentially went over 20 t S02. Odour complaint. "Hot transmission oil" smell. Call Reason Air R22 released from Unit 41-27BAA in Building 579, HVAC system. Isolated and stop leaking pending repair. R22 released from Unit 5R189A, Building 9, HVAC system, isolated and stop leak, repair in progress.

Devon ARL 4-Dec-2011 Corp. Syncrude 5-Dec-2011









Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

94 149968 94 94 26 26 26 26 26

427407 427509 427600 427986 427999 428001 428003 428194 428363

Suncor CNRL Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

8-Dec-2011 8-Dec-2011 9-Dec-2011 14-Dec-2011 14-Dec-2011 14-Dec-2011 14-Dec-2011 15-Dec-2011 18-Dec-2011

Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Fuel tank of a heavy hauler for carrying oil sand (non DG) was puncture, release 6800 L of diesel, on the ground at Area 2 Dump mine site, none in water course. Cleanup in progress. No Impact FT 36 flow meter for flares is down. Went down @ 2150 Land Spill of bitumen, ~50 barrels. Cause: had a problem with pump on one of the conveyer belts and diverted bitumen to emergency dump pond which was full already and the excess of bitumen went to side of roadway. Did not enter any waterways. Occurred on Dec 17, 2011 at 16:00. It soaked into roadway. Will dig up the dirt and dispose of it appropriately. Spill of glycol. Believe it is about 500 L. They are commissioning a new pipeline and there was fitting missing during heat tracing. Contained on ground and no waterways impacted. Cleanup underway. Spill of diesel. 200-300 L. Happened while filling a compressor. Contained into a hoarding area on the shoreline of their tailings pond. Crew heading out to clean it up now. Leak has been stopped. No potential for it to go offsite or impact any waterways. They had a NOx exceedance. Caused by a boiler trip. Corrected before the next hour so they only exceeded for 1 hour. Caller reporting a contravention. They had a frozen line on VRU causing flare stack to be "smoky". Incident lasted for 3 hrs. Caller not sure what was done to get situation under control. Caller is requesting an extension on the 7-day letter and would like a call back. Call Reason Air Caller reporting plant upset. Upset caused the incinerator to trip in upgrader # 1. This event will more than likely result in a low stack tip temp as well as a possible S02 exceedance. The caller will include the values in

48263 26

428432 428454

Conoco Phillips Syncrude

19-Dec-2011 19-Dec-2011

Industry Industry

Release Release

Land Land

149968 20809

428725 428847



Industry Industry

Shell Canada 21-Dec-2011

Alleged Contravention Notification

Air Air






Alleged Contravention



26 149968 149968 149968 153125

429204 429363 429365 429436 429631


28-Dec-2011 1-Jan-2012 1-Jan-2012 2-Jan-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency

Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Land

the 7-day letter. Caller reporting a release of R22, >10kg. Not yet repaired and recharged - underway.

Shell Canada 4-Jan-2012 Jackpine CNRL 4-Jan-2012




















94 149968 94

429958 429980 430057

Suncor CNRL Suncor

6-Jan-2012 7-Jan-2012 7-Jan-2012

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

Spill of 1000L of diesel. Went to ground. Occurred due to a faulty valve on a stationary tank. No waterways impacted, and remained onsite in the ore processing area. Clean up begun. Call Reason Land Land Spill of 20 L sewage went to a wash car. May be due to a burst pipe. Remained on site and no water ways impacted. Call Reason Land Land While doing repairs to a tailings line some of the tailings leaked into the pipe corridor. Amount spilled is unknown. Caller going to site. Spill is contained Call Reason Land Potable Shell Canada Energy - Jack Pine - resamples - Sample # W10 - Coll Site LR-S1 - Coll Date 2 Jan 2012 1300 Water recvd 3 Jan 2012 1023 - Coll by - Total Coil - nil E.coli - Nil - Sample # W11 - Coll Site ORE prep - Coll Date 2 Jan 2012 1300 recvd 3 Jan 2012 1023 - Coll by - Total Coil - nil E.coli - Nil No Impact They had scheduled two cylinder gas audits to be completed by Dec 31, 2011. They did not get completed by 2011. Utility boiler 6001 and the Heat Recovery Steam Generator were supposed to be tested. They are being completed this week. No Impact Clause 4.2.43 of approval states that voc and TRS must be monitored annually. This monitoring did not occur during 2011. This is due to the plant being shut down for 8 months. They have plans to conduct this monitoring in 2012. Air Exceedances of S02, limit is 930 kg/hour and at 0815 hrs on Jan 5, 12 the hourly rate was at 1550 kg/hour and the exceedance is still ongoing. Exceedance is caused by scheduled maintenance of their bravo amine exchangers 501E4. Caller was told it should be back up and running in the next 24 hours and they are working on bringing down the S02 to under the limit. The caller will update the CIC if the S02 levels drop to below the limits before the amine exchanger to come back online, or if they have to take a different course of action to bring the levels down, other than waiting for the amine exchanger to come back online. Call Reason Air Air Reporting flaring of s02, starting at 1357. This is ongoing. They tripped a wet gas compressor, which caused the flaring. Amount flared so far is 42 tonnes. Not sure how long this will last. Crews are currently working on correcting the issue. She will update when flaring is complete. Call Reason Air Land S02 hourly exceedance. Limit is 3ton/hr, value was 4.16ton/hr for 15:00-16:00. Plant upset. Air S02 exceedance. Due to amine exchangers being offline for cleaning at the sulphur. B/t 0650-1155 hrs on Jan 6. He does not have hourly exceedances. Air Notification only, exceeded hourly opacity for 6:12-6:47 was greater than 40%. Boiler #13 trip and restarted causing exceedance Notification only, exceeded hourly opacity for 6:12-6:47 was greater than 40%. Boiler #13 trip and restarted causing exceedance Update taken at 18:58 on Jan 7 by LM. Sylvie Harper called with an update. There was a second opacity exceedance due to issues with boiler 13 from 18:07-18:20, greater than 40%. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Air Land Release of bitumen due to a split line. -20 barrels. Contained on site and cleanup underway. Call Reason Land. No Impact Pump that circulates a scrubber went down due to a power outage @ 1440-1845 hrs on Jan 8 and down again now (0105 hrs on Jan 9, due to electrical troubleshooting. Don't expect it to be down for long. Air Hydrocarbon odour. Currently light rain and no wind. Air Reporting a flaring event from their environmental area. The 12-4 sulphur unit tripped to cause the flaring. They are flaring to the H2S flare. A mix of acid gas and natural gas is being flared. Flaring started at 1230 and is ongoing, although it is being reduced currently. They are in the process of restarting the sulphur unit. R-22 release over 10 kg. Leak on suction valve. Isolated and scheduled for repairs. Building 9, Unit #415R287A. Caller reporting that their FTIR on Plant 26-1 will have <75% availability for Jan. The analyzer is currently down and may not be repaired until next week. Caller reporting an S02 exceedance Caller reports that this is a self imposed limit. Cause is a plant upset upgrader 2. Caller will include all the details in the 7-day letter. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Air. Caller reporting an hourly opacity exceedance on their main stack. Caused by a delay in the repairs to a product coke line. Had a potable water system upset. Particle counts are not supposed to be outside of 20-200 ug/m3 for more than

94 94 94 26

430062 430064 430121 430256

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

9-Jan-2012 9-Jan-2012 9-Jan-2012 10-Jan-2012

Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Impact Release

26 26 94 26 94

430316 430351 430436 430461 430579

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

11-Jan-2012 11-Jan-2012 12-Jan-2012 12-Jan-2012 14-Jan-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged

Air Air Air Air Potable




48263 153125 153125

430662 430666 430708

Conoco 16-Jan-2012 Phillips Shell Canada 16-Jan-2012 Jackpine Shell Canada 16-Jan-2012 Jackpine Encana Suncor 16-Jan-2012 17-Jan-2012

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release Notification Release

Air Land

30 min's. When it does, the system is supposed to shut down. They had an event on Jan 12 and Jan 13, where the value did go outside that allowable range for >30 min's and the system did not shut down. They do not know why the system did not shut down. Not sure if this is a contravention. Values are ok again now. H2S hourly exceedance. 03:00-04:00, 11ppb. ws 17km/hr, WD8. 04:00-05:00, 12ppb. W514km/hr, WD11

48522 94 20809

430736 430794 430824

Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 17-Jan-2012

94 20809

430834 430945



Industry Industry

Shell Canada 17-Jan-2012

Alleged Contravention Release



Shell Canada 18-Jan-2012





Devon ARL 18-Jan-2012 Corp.















149968 149968

431142 431154


19-Jan-2012 19-Jan-2012

Industry Industry

Release Release












Alleged Contravention

Release of 1000gallons of grey water between block B and C due to a backed up sewer. No waterways impacted and spill has been cleaned up by vac trucks Potable Disruption in potable water system. There was a bump in the power pump which caused the potable water skid Water to go down. Had to reset and currently flushing. Will do a bac-T sample tomorrow. Power surge was @ 0957 hrs and pump was back on @ 1030 hrs. Land Caller reporting a release of untreated waste water. Lift station froze up and overflowed. litres. Contained on camp site, no waterways impacted. Steamers on site working on clean up. Call Reason Land Air Stack 31 on the main plant site had opacity exceedances. They were trying to start up boiler 13. This is just an advisory because it is not a contravention. Call Reason Air Land Caller reporting a release of process water, 10m3. Water that is used to clean out lines -no chemicals, no solvents. Failure of blind within line CT1 at 3-10 bench at MRM Mine. Product was released into containment ditch. No waterways impacted. Product flows from ditch into EDP pond. Call Reason Land No Impact VRU was down for 20 minutes on January 16, 2012 at 15:30. It is back up now. Still investigating to see what happened. Will provide the information in the 7 day letter. Land Have a leak on a hot water valve that is connected to the main 48 inch. 6 m3/hr is leaking from a weld break. Ongoing right now. Will be fixed in the morning. All material is going into a containment ditch and leads to the tailings pond. This is process water with nothing in it. The process water is warm. Call Reason Land No Impact Reporting a release of "slurry", which has a hydrocarbon content between 50-57% and a high bitumen content (not sour. This is from pump box #2 which failed due to wear and tear. This is ongoing since 0300 hours at a rate of 15 L/min. They will not be able to repair this for 10 days when that gear is taken down for maintenance. They expect the total volume that will spill is 216,000 L. The material is going into a building, into a floor sump, into a diversion ditch and then into the emergency dump pond (EDP Pond, so it is being contained where it should be). Land Reporting a release of 100 gallons of raw sewage at the wastewater plant. It was caused by a pipe that froze and cracked on a floor yesterday. The sewage flowed outside and froze. It all remained onsite. A vacuum and steamer were brought in to clean and cleanup is complete. It is a late report because he wasn't near a phone yesterday to call it in. The pipe has been repaired by onsite maintenance. Call Reason Land Land Reporting a spill of recycle water (tailings water without bitumen. A heat tray to a cyclone failed due to cold weather. An estimated 75-100 m3 spilled. It spilled to an onsite parking lot adjacent to the cyclone area. It has frozen and is all contained to the site. Crews are going to try to clean it up but the cold weather may cause delays. He does not believe this will cause any impacts to transportation within the site. There are no waterways impacted. He is not sure if the parking lot is paved. Call Reason Land Land At site, had a 50 gallon sewage spill from sewage treatment plant. Spill went to gravel next to the tanks and not impacting any waterways. Did not go off site. Contractor's vac truck will be cleaning up the spill and there will be lime spread over the area to disinfect it. Land Caller reporting a spill of sewage spills. The sewage line froze and the line broke. litres was released onto site (parking lot area. Clean up underway. Call Reason Land Land Had a spill from another frozen cyclone that spill process water to ground by the recycle pump house. Spill is about SO cubes. Clean up in progress. This all stayed on the property. This is recycle water from the tailings pond. Land Caller reporting a spill of diesel, 5000 litres. There was a crack on a weld on a drain line (line 21-P-400). Line transports diesel from on plant to another. Diesel leaked from line. Not sure when it started. Contained in natural ditch next to where the leak occurred. Ditch is on site. No waterways impacted. Line and feed have been isolated. Vac truck en route. Fluids stayed above soil on layer of ice; only fluid waste. Deposited in Mildred Lake Settling Basin. - DW. Potable Chlorine exceedance. Sample was taken at 00:30 from the Top Shop-result was 5mg/L. Line was flushed for Water 4hours and another sample was taken with a reading of 2.12mg/L. Flow problems due to weather conditions caused exceedances. Chlorine exceedance was isolated to Top Shop and no one was using it at the time of exceedance so no one was affected.


149968 149968 26 149968

431323 431335 431345 431486


21-Jan-2012 22-Jan-2012 21-Jan-2012 24-Jan-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification


















149968 94

431528 431668

CNRL Suncor

24-Jan-2012 26-Jan-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

No Impact Spill of 150-200L of seal oil from unit 39 due to a valve failure. Spill contained to a concrete pad and cleaned up Call Reason No Impact Air NOx exceedance for 7 hrs, 08:15-15:15. The peak value was 70kg/hr, limit is 56kg/hr. Starting up natural gas burner, caused exceedance. Surface Lost power on site to mine 2 hrs ago. Had to bypass naphtha recovery unit. 320 barrels bypassed to effluent Water pond. Power is still down. rate is at 160 barrels/hr. Air Reporting hourly NOx exceedances for 6 hours. This occurred at the hydrogen plant, when they were bringing up the plant. They did not recycle the purge gas. The average reading was above 68 kg/hour, from 1800-2300 hours, Jan 23, 2012. The limit is 57 kg/hour. Exact hourly readings will be in the 7-day report. Air Caller reporting that they had a coker fire this morning -Plant 33. One person has been talking to hospital (no details on the injury. Plant was not evacuated. No ERAP activated. Site FD attended. No impacts to the environment as a result of the fire. Fire is now out. Emergency services has given the "all clear" as of 1140hrs. Cause unknown. Call Reason Air No Impact Caller reporting a spill of caustic, 180 litre. SPP2 transfer line break in the ore prep plant. Product contained on lease. Line was isolated. Area was hosed with water and area cleaned up (caller not sure if the product was spilled to concrete or not. Call Reason No Impact Land Reporting a spill of caustic soda, volume 500 L. It leaked from the caustic soda line because the blind flange was not properly installed. It was all contained within their site. There were no injuries or other issues as a result of the spill. They will investigate and put all of the information in the written report. Call Reason Land Air NOx exceedance. 11:00-12:0018.62kg/hr. Limit 18.50kg/hr. Due to process upset that caused a coker fire. Potable Water Caller reporting a system depressure in their potable water line. A valve failed causing the system to depressure. The system was repressured yesterday afternoon and a voluntary "do not drink the water" notice was issued to the area. Source is working to flush the line and sample. Not sure when the valve failed or when the depressure went down. They have a release of sour water. It is a constant leak, volume currently unknown. They are diluting it with fresh water currently, using the fire suppression system. They are making moves to bring the units down in order to isolate it (it is located at a common header that involves more than one unit). The area has been cordoned off. A strong sour smell is recognizable nearby. Their onsite ERP has been activated. The immediate units have been evacuated except for essential personnel. There are no injuries or other issues as a result of the release. This is in a common area called "Houston Rack". The liquid portion of the spill is contained to the site with no potential to go offsite. He has no other information at this time but will update CIC when he gets the opportunity. They may have exceeded their 20 Tons of S02 flaring threshold per event. Leak from a pipe rack. Coke and water (unrefined product). ~ 2000 L. Contained on ground on lease. No waterways impacted. Cleanup underway and the leak is stopped. Spill of amine. 20-30 L. cause unknown Will investigate tomorrow and update. Contained in work area and cleaned up. Time Wind Dir/Speed 16:00 Call Reason Land Plant 26-1, stack exceedance for ammonia. Improving pump efficiencies now. High pressure mass flow meter is out of service. Repairs will be done today. They are unable to measure mass flow, are not currently flaring. Reporting a NOX hourly exceedance. At river water intake facility, just got lab sample results and found exceedance of total suspended soils (TSS. TSS limit is 50 mg/L. Value was 74 mg/L. Discharged to ditch then to a wet land. Eventually, it ends up in the Athabasca River. Believe that it is a lab sample error as sample was frozen when lab accepted it. In process of sending in a re-test. High trihalomethane and haloacetic acid in potable water system for quarterly average. Sample collected Dec 13, 2011. Suspect it's due to the river water quality. She is unsure what measures they are taking because they are still trying to find the root cause. Reporting an ammonia exceedance, limit is 300 ppm. Value was 314 ppm from 15:00 - 16:00. Unit overloaded and not working to it's full efficiency.








94 26 149968 26 26 149968 46586

431745 431762 431764 431821 431899 431964 431986

Suncor Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Syncrude CNRL

28-Jan-2012 28-Jan-2012 28-Jan-2012 30-Jan-2012 30-Jan-2012 31-Jan-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Air Land Land Air Air Air Surface Water

Imperial Oil 31-Jan-2012






Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Potable Water Air













Surface Water Air Land Air Land Air Land

26 48522 26 26 26 48522

432612 432643 432648 432935 432939 433125

Syncrude Encana Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Encana

6-Feb-2012 6-Feb-2012 6-Feb-2012 8-Feb-2012 9-Feb-2012 10-Feb-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Alleged Contravention Release Release Release



Fort Hills Energy





26 94

433129 433236

Syncrude Suncor

10-Feb-2012 12-Feb-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

Diversion of naphtha from NRU to tailings pond. 30 barrels. Pump was shut down and they were on back up pump when that pump failed. Had to fire up tailings pump that was originally shut down. Within 18 minutes 30 barrels of naphtha were diverted to tailings pond. Sulphur plant tripped @ 0723 hrs. Finished @ 1230 hrs. Due to upset in amine unit. There was flaring to H2S flare as a result. Release of 2 cu m treated effluent onto land, froze immediately, vac truck was called to cleanup. Spill from waste water treatment plant connected to the Christina Lake. Call Reason Land. 24hr rolling exceedance of S02 limit of 360 ton . Don't have any actual values at this time, will be included in the 7 day letter. Plant trip at 07:20 in 11-1C4 caused a flaring of acid gas causing the exceedance. 93% Sulfuric acid spill, 200-300L, due to a worn out flange on a site storage tank. Spill is contained within a cement berm. Will be neutralized and cleaned up with a vac truck. Venting from tank 13, release of hydrocarbons. Started at 17:00 and continued intermittently due to the loss of a compressor. Venting has now stopped. Release of treated effluent, -1 cube. Went onto ground outside the waste water treatment facility. It froze right away. Did not leave site and did not enter any waterways. Equipment on its way to clean up. Cause: malfunction in the membrane of the polishing skid. Still working on it. Time Wind Dir/Speed Call Reason Land Had a diesel spill, roughly between 200 and 500 liters but not sure yet. Cause: at this point, it appears that tank was left on and spilled to ground. It is from a stationary fuel tank. Pump was on ground releasing fuel. Found that the hand pump was on ground, releasing fuel. Actively cleaning it up. Will do an investigation. Not sure if it was act of vandalism. Did not enter any waterways and no waterways nearby. The spill is onsite. R 22 leak from a HVAC unit 41-1RV-16B, 4 kg was lost Reporting a spill of bitumen, volume estimated at greater than 1000 L. This was caused by a pump failure at Plant 82 (Extraction. The spilled material is going into a gravel area outside the building. It is all being contained on their site. No waterways impacted. The release has been stopped. Crews have commenced cleanup. There were no injuries or other issues as a result of the spill. Time Wind Dir/Speed 03:45 Call Reason Land Reporting a line leak resulting in a release of coke and water mixture. This is on the Houston pipe rack, west of plant 71, onsite. She estimates the volume is 75,000 gallons of coke/water mix. The coke pumps were shut down so the flow has now been stopped. The suspected cause is a frozen drain, but this is still under investigation. All of the released product is contained onsite, to a roadway. Cleanup is underway. The recovered product will be put back into the coke cell. There were no injuries or other issues as a result of the release. Just drove by source there is a strong cat pee odour and he is on his way to fort Mckay. Would like a call back. 00425418 255947 14-FEB-2012 08:12 Industry Notification Air Comments: Notification: Slight onsite odour. Potential for going offsite. Investigating now. Will update if anything changes. ~ 293 barrels of unrecovered Naphtha to tailings ponds (as opposed to NRU). Due to 48A pump trip. Happened on Feb 14 @ 2330-0100 hrs on Feb 15. On site natural gas (mercaptan) odour currently investigating odour. Will update with findings. On site natural gas(mercaptan) odour currently investigating odour. Will update with findings. On site natural gas (mercaptan) odour currently investigating odour. Will update with findings. Caller reporting a 7m3 spill of stripped water, water that has mad mud stripped out of it after it is used in drilling. pH is high Product was contained on site, no waterways impacted. Wrong valve opened on vac truck (caller not sure if the unit was placarded. Clean up completed. Call Reason Land Reporting an over-withdrawal on their temporary diversion licenses. They have two TDL's from the same source point. The two license numbers are 299384 and 303438. The cumulative limit on both licenses is 7240 m3 (6000 m3 and 1240 m3. They discovered today that they withdrew a cumulative total of 7287 m3 since Dec 16, 2011, which is an over-withdrawal of 47 m3. They discovered that the water truck drivers were not recording accurate volumes. They shut down the job Feb 6 for this reason. Reporting a basal water spill (contains salt. Volume estimated at 2 m3. This was due to a valve that froze partially open. The valve unfroze during the day today and caused a leak. None offsite. Cleanup has been












Public Complaint Industry Public Complaint Public Complaint Industry Industry



26 26 26 26 48522

433519 433622 433627 433632 433693

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Encana

15-Feb-2012 15-Feb-2012 15-Feb-2012 15-Feb-2012 16-Feb-2012

Release Impact Impact Notification Release

Surface Water Air Air Air Land



Japan Canada 17-Feb-2012 OS


Alleged Contravention

Surface Water









149968 26

433907 433921

CNRL Syncrude

19-Feb-2012 19-Feb-2012

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release






149968 149968

434000 434146


20-Feb-2012 22-Feb-2012

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Notification

149968 149968 94 46586 149968 26

434414 434557 434952 435148 435179 435184


24-Feb-2012 27-Feb-2012 1-Mar-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Imperial Oil 2-Mar-2012 CNRL Syncrude 2-Mar-2012 3-Mar-2012

26 26

435256 435318

Syncrude Syncrude

4-Mar-2012 5-Mar-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

completed, and the valve has been repaired. Call Reason Land Release of sewage by the work camp site due to a leaky pipe, contained, none in water course, cleanup done. Call Reason Land Air Reporting a refrigerant release from an HVAC system. They had a release of R438A, greater than 10 kg. The cause is unknown. It was discovered on a maintenance check this morning. The unit is 41-25-R002, in Bldg 326. It will be repaired and recharged. No Impact Failure of process at WWTP. A pump quit. They tried to bypass to the storage tank, but the line was frozen. Treated effluent (without tertiary treatment is being released to the pond. The pond will eventually drain into another pond, and then to a wetland. There should be no environmental impacts because it has been mostly treated. They are working on thawing the tank line and also on getting the pump back online. No estimates on flow or volume. Full details in letter. Land Had a release of battery acid from 7 batteries that were ran over by a haul truck. Clean up in progress. 21-28 litres spilled to ground. Call Reason Land No Impact Had a RATA test done on Sep 12 & 13, 2011 (unit 46-hydrogen plant. Discovered that one of the calibration gases used had expired. As a result the RATA could not be accepted by AENV, so they are missing one of the required two RATA reports for 2011. Land Release of 5L of grey water to ground (snow. Crew on way to clean up. Occurred due to a plugged line on intake caused an overflow. Potable Approval requires 4 grab samples every year for THM. The average of the 4 samples has a limit of O.lmg/L. Water They averaged 0.11 mg/L. Land Release of over 25 kg of sewage, exact amount still yet to be determined. Occurred when a pipe burst. Clean-up begun. No waterways impacted, remained onsite Land Release of glycol and water from a hydro testing fiberglass pipe. All contained on lease, none in water course, cleanup in progress. No Impact Failed cylinder gas audit. Done on Mar 1, 2012. Boiler 6001. Will perform another audit in the next two months. Air Coker fire at plant (bitumen fire). A1 coker caught fire at 21:36. 2 employees were injured. One was treated at the medical facility on site and released and the other was taken to hospital and has since been released. Fire has not been put out but is contained and under control. There is no visible plume at this time. There has been no evacuations. Emergency response is on scene. Valve leaking caused fire but details are not known at this time. Caller will update the CIC once fire is put out. Air 24 hour S02 exceedance. 64.37ton/day. There was an upset in the blower and had to reduce feed rates. Land Land Spill of naphtha, ~ 450 barrels. Cause: called it in to ERCB on March 03 but did not follow up and call AEW. The naphtha recovery system lost steam and had to send it to Mildred Lake settling basin. It went to a tailings pond. Will not be released into environment. So technically, it was not a spill but a release to the pond. It will be recovered through process. No Impact on March 03, 2012 at 19:00, noticed that did not have circulation throughout caustic scrubber and circulation was restored on March 04, 2012 at 20:00. Cause: had a frozen line. Line was thawed and circulation was restored. Air Caller reporting a release of naphtha, unknown volume released (product was released as a vapour). Plant 6C22 - naphtha recovery unit. There was a hole on a piece of equipment - no details available. There were evacuation but caller has no details. Caller not sure if people are back in the plant. Caller is not familiar with that particular plant and has little information. Air S02 flaring on Mar 3. Exact time unk, but there was 26 tonnes flared during the day. Had issues starting up the gas and oil hydro treaters. Calculations were only done today. Air Venting of natural gas vapors from tank. Venting started at 13:55. Finished at 15:45. The venting was continuous. Land Spill of hot processed water (with traces of different chemicals due to heating process so water is not clean. At least 5 cubes/hr. Found at 20:00 on March 06, 2012. Still ongoing. Looking at 75000 liter volume of spill. The spill is coming from dump line which has blown gasket on a valve. Has not entered any waterways. No waterways nearby. Has not gone off lease. The spill is being diverted to containment ditch, to a holding pond. There is pump running from pond which repumps back into facility. Call Reason Land






Alleged Contravention Release






94 26 149968

435353 435508 435577

Suncor Syncrude CNRL

5-Mar-2012 6-Mar-2012 7-Mar-2012

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release






Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release


94 94 26

435765 435841 435876

Suncor Suncor Syncrude

9-Mar-2012 10-Mar-2012 11-Mar-2012

94 94 94 26 26 149968 94

436004 436105 436151 436507 436818 436884 436922

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude CNRL Suncor

12-Mar-2012 13-Mar-2012 14-Mar-2012 17-Mar-2012 20-Mar-2012 21-Mar-2012 21-Mar-2012

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Source is removing overburden and placing it into their tailings pond. Materials are supposed to be stockpiled and saved for reclamation. Caller heard that this is occurring on the night shift and not during the day which leads her to believe that they are trying to hide it. Air PSV passing into flare system since Feb 27, discovered Mar 8. Don't know how much is passing, but believes may have exceeded the 20 ton of S02 limit since the start of the passing. Potable Initial sample results for sample collected on March 08, 2012 at 11:55. Sample received on March 09, 2012 at Water 12:39. Total coliforms present, E.coli absent. No Impact Leak of unrefined Naphtha on the North side of tank 20D5. ~ 300 L spilled from a 2 inch hole in a gate valve. Contained in a dyke & valve patched. Unk when it started but reported to caller @ 0030 hrs. Cleanup will occur in the am Potable Portable water system Particle count timer stopped counting exceeding the allowable 30 min per day; it has 36 Water min. It will be repaired. Air He is driving by source and is reporting a strong oily smell. It is worse than usual. There are no visible emissions; it may be caused by the tailings pond. He works for the Fort MacKay Metis Community. Air Low stack top temp violation for thermal oxidizer unit 2. Limit is 1155 degrees Fahrenheit for a one hour average and was below 1000 degrees for 1534-1629 hrs Mar 13. Caused by sulfur recover input issues. Air Tank 20D13 venting of hydrocarbon vapors and natural gas from 1500-2125hrs, intermittently, due to a valve being stuck. Valve has been repaired. No Impact Coker 83 is currently diverting because CO boilers #3 and #4 have been tripped. Air Caller reporting a NOx exceedance. Exceedance occurred during the start up of hydrogen plants. Air Caller reporting a ongoing flaring event. The source took upgrader two offline on March 13, 2012 and they've been flaring 2-4 tonnes/day of S02 since then. The upgrader may not be online for some time now. The caller will submit a 7day letter with the current details and will send in a second letter once the event has concluded and they have exact amounts. Air Reporting an exceedances of NOX. Limit is 57kg/h and for 0100-0200 hrs was at 68.85kg/h, 0200-0300 was at 69.74 kg/h, 0300-0400 was at 65.58 kg/h. Caused due to issue tripping and hydrogen was being brought back into plant and there was some extra burn off. Air Late report of an SO2 leak on Mar 21 and leak is still ongoing. Caused by a trip on the CO3 & CO4 boilers. In the process of being repaired. Volume released is unk, still calculating. Late reporting because they didn't this was an issue. Onsite monitoring is ongoing. No Impact Release of coker oil. Small leak was detected so the area was evacuated until emergency personnel cleared it safe. There was only a small amt released onto a pipe. Everything is ok and everyone is back in now. ERP was not activated. Call Reason No Impact No Impact <90% operational time on CEMS unit on boiler 6001 for the month of March 2012. Due to two cylinder gas audits being done this month. Land Reporting a spill of water/bitumen mix, approximately 1000 L. They were draining the PSC unit for maintenance. The substance overcame the trench and spilled over the side. None went offsite. It was all spilled on the ground around the PSC-1 unit. A contractor is onsite conducting cleanup into the trench. The impacted soil will be removed. Call Reason Land Surface Caller reporting a contravention. TSS exceedance from the EMSC Inlet - discharged to water. Cause of the Water exceedance is under investigation. Air Caller reporting a release of R22, >10 kg. Repaired and recharged. Source initially thought the release was less than 10kg. Land Sewage leak behind thickener in extraction area. Unsure of cause. Putting up a dyke around it now. Unknown volume. No drains nearby. Air High opacity this morning. 6 minute average. Started up boiler tl causing exceedance. No Impact Failed to submit the deemed netback by March 31, 2012. Due to misunderstanding of the current MFSP (mine financial securities) No Impact Failed to submit the deemed netback by March 31, 2012. Due to misunderstanding of the current MFSP. Air Sulphur recovery unit tripped causing S02 exceedance. AF5 unit also went below temp requirement because of






Alleged Contravention Release












149968 149968

437727 437894


29-Mar-2012 1-Apr-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

26 26 153125 94 20809 153125 94

438142 438216 438260 438264 438376 438378 438549

Syncrude Syncrude

2-Apr-2012 3-Apr-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Shell Canada 3-Apr-2012 Jackpine Suncor 3-Apr-2012 Shell Canada 5-Apr-2012 Shell Canada 5-Apr-2012 Jackpine Suncor 6-Apr-2012

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged


94 26 94 26

438641 438680 438781 438787

Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

9-Apr-2012 9-Apr-2012 10-Apr-2012 10-Apr-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Air Air Air Potable Water Air Air Air Surface Water

the same cause. 8 April 2012 had an upset in the sulphur plant. s02 t/h exceedance on TOU1 stack Release of R22 from a H & V unit. Isolated and repairs underway. Caller reporting a flare. >20 tons S02. There was a compressor down and they ended up routing to flare instead of the normal process. Caller will follow up and include details in letter. April 2 @ 1400-April 7 @ 1500hrs. Potable water contravention. Deviation from operating standard. At 21:25 had to open tie valve for 2 potable water plants. Shut down filtration system. At 22:25 valves were closed and 22:40 all equipment was back on. No questionable water produced - was a controlled shutdown. Reason was due to maintenance issues. Air quality concern while driving between Fort McMurray and Fort MacKay. He was driving with someone that use to work for Source, and they advised that the odour was coming from source's ponds. s02 exceeded 20 ton April 13th. Flared 37.2 t. Due to start up. Caller just made aware of this. Opacity exceedance on Stack 31. Cause is they switched stacks. 6 min. duration Reporting that they discovered 24 small dead fish in a stilling well at the Aurora site. The stilling system is part of the onsite clean water system (this is not part of a natural body of water). She is not sure how the fish got in there or what caused the fish kill. They were discovered this morning (exact time unknown, but it would be around 0500 hours). The stilling well is used for muskeg dewatering. The sump is partially frozen, so they may have been there all winter, and were just discovered today. The system is currently shut down. They don't know what type of fish they are yet (they are 2" long) but their onsite biologist will be examining them soon. Fish and Wildlife were advised but they suggested reporting it to DFO. CIC advised the information will be forwarded to Environment Canada and EC will forward the information to DFO. She will send a 7-day report, but they will likely not be able to determine how they got in there, or what killed them. Notification of flaring: Flared greater then 20 ton s of S02 form wet gas compressor. Still investigating cause. Occurred three times on April 18. Call Reason Air Spill of 40L of diluted amine. Spill went to concrete pad and was cleaned up. Contravention of their approval Call Reason Land Hourly TVP exceedance for tank 2Dl4. Limit is llpsia. 3 hour average for 22:00-01:00 was 11.25psia. Cause unknown at this time. R22 released from a HVAC unit, isolated awaiting to be repaired.

94 94 94 26

438968 439253 439354 439425

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude

12-Apr-2012 16-Apr-2012 18-Apr-2012 18-Apr-2012

Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry

94 149968 94 26 94 26 94

439483 439491 439548 439631 439752 440037 440205

Suncor CNRL Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

19-Apr-2012 19-Apr-2012 20-Apr-2012 20-Apr-2012 23-Apr-2012 26-Apr-2012 26-Apr-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention

Air Land Air Air Air

149968 26 46586

440207 440225 440533

CNRL Syncrude

26-Apr-2012 26-Apr-2012

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Notification Notification

Caller reporting and S02 flaring event. Source has flared 36 tons/S02 between Apr 15 and 17th and the flaring is ongoing. Caller is not sure when the flaring started on the 15th. Caller doesn't know the cause of the flaring. Land Release of slurry (sand, water and bitumen), valve of a pipe left opened by mistake, none in water course, contained into a natural ditch and small amount spilled onto a roadway, cleanup in progress. Potable haloacetic Acid (HAA exceedance: Limit is 80ug/L. Caller reporting though may not be a contravention Water because limit is based on 4 samples through out a year and approval amendment started July 2011 and only have 2 of the 4 samples. Still waiting to hear from Alb Water if this is a contravention. Sept 11, 11:Booster pumphouse 125ug/L. Sept 11, 11:Top Shop 100 ug/L. Dec 11, 11 Booster Pump house 125ug/L. Dec 11, 11 Top Shop 85 ug/L. No Impact Failure to submit the fish tainting report which was due April 15. Will be submitted later. No Impact Caller reporting that one of their flare meters is out of service. The meter failed this afternoon and source will do a break in to repair the meter ASAP. Flare 19-F-37. No Impact Courtesy call. Reporting a release of water from a polishing pond. They have a sedimentation pond -water is supposed to go through it prior to release from the site. There is a spillway when the pond gets too full. Water travelled over the spillway this morning, into a ditch where the water normally discharges. The water didn't release to the environment. They are trying to determine if this is a contravention. The TSS is 15 mg/L and there was no sheen. They will confirm if it is a contravention or not, and update the file if it is. CIC advised they could speak to their approval representative for an interpretation. Call Reason No Impact Land Spill of approx 1 million liters of slurry (water, sand bitumen). A pipe failed and holed out. Spill was contained to a roadway ditch and a gravel road. No waterways impacted. Cleanup has begun with flushing the pipe with

Imperial Oil 30-Apr-2012








94 26 48522

440641 440918 440993

Suncor Syncrude Encana

1-May-2012 2-May-2012 3-May-2012

Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land

26 94 94 26 26 149968 26 26 26 94 26 149968 94 26

441005 441131 441176 441456 441489 441559 441724 441726 441728 441736 441749 441868 441901 442019

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude CNRL Suncor Syncrude

3-May-2012 4-May-2012 5-May-2012 9-May-2012 9-May-2012 9-May-2012 10-May-2012 10-May-2012 10-May-2012 10-May-2012 11-May-2012 11-May-2012 12-May-2012 14-May-2012

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Impact Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Release

Air Surface Water Air Air Air Land Air Air Air Air Air Land Potable Water Land

water. Then source will bring in dozers and process the spill back into their system. Flared a total of 29.3ton of off gases from April 19-29 Call Reason Air R22 release - cause unknown. It was discovered during a service call so they have isolated. It will be repaired and recharged. More details will be in the 7-day report. 100 L of sodium hypochlorite was spilled during unloading of a truck. When they placed the tote onto the soil, they realized that the tote had been punctured by the forklift. The spill was contained to the site. They transferred the tote to another container before the rest of the product spilled out. He believes the tote's capacity is 1200 L. They are currently removing the impacted soil. There were no injuries or other issues as a result of the spill. Call Reason Land R22 release from HAV unit, Unit 41R-157, Building 241, isolated and in process of being repaired. Duck has flown into tailings pond and is covered in oil. Duck has made its way to the berm. Source was notified of this earlier today and nothing has been done. The duck is still sitting in the pond. Release of propane, 2200 gallons. Caller doesn't know any other information as to the cause or time of the event etc. She said there is limited staff on site so she won't be able to follow up until Monday. Release of R22 from an HVAC unit, isolated and repair is scheduled. Release of R22, volume unknown. Repaired and is being recharged. Spill of 100 L of caustic soda (unk concentration. Occurred when a valve released. Went to ground and no waterways impacted. Cleanup started. Leak discovered in unit, and it lost more than 10 kg of freon. R-22. Will include volume in 7 day letter. Leak discovered in unit and it lost more than 10 kg of R-22. Will include volume in 7 day letter. Leak discovered in unit and it lost more than 10 kg of R-22. Will include volume in 7 day letter. Lost one of boilers in power house and when switching stacks, had two back to back 6 min opacities. Call Type Call Reason Alleged Contravention Air The effluent pond is release hydrocarbons and benzene vapours to atmosphere. Cause unknown. This was odour complaints onsite. 2000 L diesel spill within a contained bermed area. They over filled the tank. High Cl2 on the potable system in a localized area of the distribution. The was due to some repair work being done. The system was flushed and levels were brought down. This happened about 1800 hrs. Spill of diesel. 5 barrels (795 L) detected on May 1, 2012. Suspected U/G leak. They are still trying to expose the pipe to determine if it still leaking. The impacted soil is being excavated and sent for disposal. All contained on site. Source is Plant 14 diesel facility. Happened near bldg 233. Will update once they know more. Was not reported right away due to lack of communication b/t depts. R22 release from an A/C unit #5R285B, Building #9. Repair in progress. Caller reporting a spill of a corrosion inhibitor, 86 liters. The spill came from a 1 inch hose that ran from an injection pump to the cooling tower forbay. The hose fell out of the pond and the product was released to soil. Clean up completed. The released occurred from May 7 - May 11. Caller reporting a release R22, <10kg. Unit is isolated and repairs have been scheduled. They lost power and the 5Kl and 5K5 (wet gas compressors on the U2 upgrader ripped and flared. Flaring went from 2200 hours to 0030 hours. Sour gas went to flare. They started up the compressors and have now stabilized the unit. Call Reason Air Opacity exceedances: Limit is 40% and at 30% not, but exceeded the 40% for 1200-1300 hrs. R22 release, over 10 kg. Leak in system. Isolated and repairs are scheduled. Caller reporting a release of gas oil (crude oil like substance) feed to unit 43. There was a failure on charge

26 26

442130 442467

Syncrude Syncrude

15-May-2012 18-May-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

26 94

442471 442503

Syncrude Suncor

18-May-2012 19-May-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air

26 26 149968

442511 442745 442782

Syncrude Syncrude CNRL

19-May-2012 21-May-2012 22-May-2012

Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Land


94 26 94 149968

442812 442817 442823 442855

Suncor Syncrude Suncor CNRL

22-May-2012 22-May-2012 22-May-2012 23-May-2012

Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry

Notification Impact Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air

pump for the oil pump. -2m3 of product were release. The product went into the drainage trench and plugged it up. -1m3 spilled out of trench and was released to ground. No waterways impacted. Clean up is complete. ERCB was notified last night. Fire hall did respond as a precaution. No evacs. Contained on site. Call Reason Land Fire in Front-52 upgrading area. The fire is out. Has been extinguished. Unknown cause, under investigation. Possibly from a valve. No injuries, may have released a product (kero. Call Reason Air Strong hydrocarbon smell. Sand blowing off tailings pond causing reduced visibility on HWY 63.

26 26 94

442926 442976 442987

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

23-May-2012 24-May-2012 24-May-2012

Industry Public Complaint Industry

Alleged Contravention Impact Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Release

Thermal oxidation unit exceedance (under 400 deg C. Just became aware of it this morning. Power loss caused a process upset. Land Caller reporting an incident. A disc ruptured in the source's tailings lines, 4-5 m3 release. The product spilled into a ditch/trench (designed for this purpose and flowed into Plant 24. The product then met a plugged screen and spilled out into a construction area. The source reported the spill to the ERCB. Contained on site. Clean up was underway last night and clean up is completed. Call Reason Land No Impact Camera monitoring flare stack is out of service on low pressure west flare. The camera went out of service at 15:00 today and it is still out of service. Technicians are working on repairing the camera. Air Caller is 10km south of source on HWY 63 and there is a foul oil smell in the air. Air Caller reporting a true vapour exceedance. The source has yet to identify a cause. Coker naphtha stream from NHTl. The incident took place last night but the caller is not sure what time. The exceedance is documented as a 3hrs Average. Reporting a S02 exceedance 19 May 2012-22 May 2012 the emission exceeded 20 tons/day. This is still ongoing due power failure. This is a 5Kl compressor. There is a seal issue on the compressor. Potable water contravention - online particle count analyzer has failed and it has been bypassed and a portable particle meter has been installed. Bench tests being performed every 15 minutes. Currently at 5 CMPL. Not sure if chlorine or turbidity affected but assuming they are not. Loss of primary containment. Trailer bathroom discharge pipe leaked and spilled water/urine -20 gallons. Flagged off area, will take pipe apart. Spill pads there for clean up. No drains impacted. Went to gravel. Elevated benzene levels at the mouth of the sewers due to naphtha loses. Don't expect any off site odours. West low pressure flare extinguished for an hour and a half from 08:30 to 10:00.

94 26

442999 443026

Suncor Syncrude

24-May-2012 24-May-2012

Industry Industry

Air Potable Water Land Air Air Potable Water

20809 26 26 26

443036 443044 443083 443299

Shell Canada 24-May-2012 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 24-May-2012 25-May-2012 27-May-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry

26 94

443418 443535

Syncrude Suncor

28-May-2012 29-May-2012

Industry Industry

26 26 26

443644 443648 443768

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

31-May-2012 31-May-2012 1-Jun-2012

Industry Industry Industry












Potable water: Lost their filtration units and they are down to 60% potable water. They are trucking it potable water from Ft Mac until they get their water filtration back up and running. Cause unknown Occurred at 1510hrs and they are just waiting for parts to fix the unit. No Impact Caller reporting a loss of their camera on their low pressure flare. There is a lost of power in that area and they are working to restore it. Air Caller reporting a TVP exceedance pm tank 14-3hrs Average. The exceedance took place between 15001800hrs. Values were between 12.2 and 15.2 PSI. Caller will have more details tomorrow and will include them in the 7-day letter. Air Lost flow indication on H2S flare. Instrument # 19- F-36. Still have visual contact. Failed instrument - techs working on it.2 Land Spill of bitumen, unknown amount. Leak at the plant, not sure of the cause. Stopped and controlled. Cleaning up with vac trucks and putting it back through process. All within plant. Onto hard concrete and asphalt pads. Land Release of stripe [stripped] sour water with H2S greater than 472 ppm off spec, from a plant to an effluent pond. Cause still under investigation. 170 Gallon per min and is still pumping. Will try to rectify the situation. No H2S alarm, since they are putting it into recycle. Air Had to dump loop seal on 82 diverter and valve is passing SO2 and CO (coke particulates). Potential odor issue. This started at 14:22 and it should be mitigated shortly. On CO boiler #2, dump loop seal was dumped as a precautionary measure incase of diversion and the valve was passing some coke particulates into atmosphere. Reestablishing the loop seal to eliminate passing of coke particulates into atmosphere. Land The caller was just notified of a forest fire on the NW limits of their site. That area is the far end of the tailings area -pretty far from the plant. Sources FD is en route. Caller is looking for updates from their mining group to see possible site impacts. SRD is aware and notified the source. The caller has no other details at this time but


26 149968

443901 443968

Syncrude CNRL

2-Jun-2012 3-Jun-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Release

Air Land

will keep AESRD up to date on any new details that become available. The fire was initially reported lhrs ago. Call Reason Land R22 release, over 10 kg. Leak in system. Isolated and scheduled for repairs.







26 26

444267 444276

Syncrude Syncrude

5-Jun-2012 5-Jun-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention



Petro Canada 6-Jun-2012


Alleged Contravention







26 26

444678 444696

Syncrude Syncrude

8-Jun-2012 8-Jun-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification

94 26

444742 444863

Suncor Syncrude

9-Jun-2012 11-Jun-2012

Agency Industry

26 94 94 26 94 151469

444865 444894 444933 444963 444971 445178

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Fort Hills Energy

11-Jun-2012 11-Jun-2012 11-Jun-2012 11-Jun-2012 12-Jun-2012 13-Jun-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contractors were working on site and found a pipe leaking under one of the buildings on site. It is a septic pipe carrying wastes from the kitchen etc. An unknown volume has been released. Contractors are working to repair it. Call Reason Land No Impact Reporting a spill of 1 m3 "Starteck 7-100 Compressor Oil". While they were attempting to start a lube oil pump on a compressor that was down for maintenance, a vent was left open, resulting in the spill. The compressor oil spilled onto a concrete pad and gravel. It was contained and are they currently using absorbent material. They will get a hydrovac to attend to finish cleanup. None went offsite or into any drains. Call Reason No Impact Air Reporting a release of R22 from and HVAC system. This was from building 158. The amount is greater than 25 kg. It was discovered on a maintenance turnaround. It will be repaired and recharged. Potable Potable water contravention. Crew put on two trident units not up to spec. Over day shift, tank level 32D200B Water went to below 8 ft to perform air score and back washes to trident units. Will need to open valves between 32D200A and 32D200B to ensure water for distribution system. Receiving potable tankers from town. The potable water goes to utilities and offsite. Surface Potential non-compliance. They have a temporary diversion license. They just recognized that their vacuum Water truck drivers were using water for dust suppression in an area where the license does not allow it. She needs to confirm if it is a non255compliance and will send a 7-day report if it is. A verbal update will be provided if it is not. Air Notification required by their approval. Their "Degasser" (pollution abatement equipment) has gone down. The overhead line has failed but there is no other details known right now. This happened approximately an hour ago. There was an H2S release linked to the degasser going down. There was no adverse effects. They are not sure of the exact duration. They do not believe they are required to submit a written report (in regards to the H2S release and would like a call back from an EPO to discuss whether this is a proper assessment. Call Reason Air No Impact Potable water contravention. 4 samples req'd throughout the month for Bac-T samples and the last one was not sent out in time. Only three submitted for the month of May. Potable Potable water contravention, water plant cannot process water due to filtration unit failed. Plant shut down, Water water was trucked in from Ft McMurray. The unit is being clean at this time, estimate time down expected to be 24 hours. Potable Sample f 58865, collecting site is water treatment lab, result is total coliform present and e coli absent. Water Potable The prefilters to the nano units of the potable water plant are required to be 5 microns. The manufacturer didn't Water have the correct filters in stalk, so 20 micron filters are being used as of 03:00. The manufacturer will be delivering the correct filter size sometime today. Chlorine and turbidity levels remain within acceptable levels. Air Resolution closed 12 July 2012 on page 962 of NNN; Flare camera loss. Unsure of cause, currently investigating. Air Low stack temp on TOU #2-one hour exceedance Air Air Air Surface Water Exceedances of tank vapor pressure (Limit 11.0 PSIA and was at 11.7 PSIA based on a three hour average. Caused by an upset during start up. Was just notified as the exceedances has to be calculated. Resolution closed 15 June 2012 on page 962 of NNN; R 22 Release - cause unit lost charge. Unit 32-RE- 24. They had an opacity exceedance on stack 31 for 24 minutes. Boiler 3 shut down at 1700 hours. Not sure of the cause, but the investigation details will be in the written report. Construction site has flooded due to Athabasca River which has risen. This was noticed today at approximately 14:00 hours. There is a settling pond at the site which is back flooded. The water is going into the Athabasca River. The discharge ditch is filling up with water as the settling pond is discharging. This has been happening every year since 2007. This is considered a courtesy call and a notification only. This is not considered a contravention of approval. Will update if there are any changes. They had a four minute opacity exceedance on stack 31. This was due to the boiler #3 startup.






Alleged Contravention








Alleged Contravention Release




Petro Canada 20-Jun-2012


94 26

445863 445905

Suncor Syncrude

20-Jun-2012 21-Jun-2012

Public Complaint Industry

Impact Release

26 153125

445974 445978



Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention

Shell Canada 21-Jun-2012 Jackpine

94 149968 149968 48522

446146 446212 446307 446383

Suncor CNRL CNRL Encana

23-Jun-2012 24-Jun-2012 25-Jun-2012 26-Jun-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention



Conoco Phillips CNRL



Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

149968 20809 26 26 26

446440 446530 446690 446847 446945


Industry Industry Industry Agency Industry

Shell Canada 27-Jun-2012 Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude 27-Jun-2012 28-Jun-2012 29-Jun-2012

26 26 149968 149968 26 26

447003 447007 447018 447117 447203 447209

Syncrude Syncrude CNRL CNRL Syncrude Syncrude

29-Jun-2012 29-Jun-2012 29-Jun-2012 1-Jul-2012 2-Jul-2012 2-Jul-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Release Alleged

[Resolution closed 26 June 2012 on page 961 of NNN;] Tank D13 venting off sour naphtha and hydrocarbon vapors. Started at 2200 hrs June 18 and ended at 0400 June 19. Caused by plant 13-2 start up having to slop to tank D13. Land Spill of 700L of Diesel. Mostly contained to the pad of a camp side. Some went off lease approx 2m into the tree line and was contained there. No waterways affected. Already cleaned up. Occurred when a technician did some improper maintenance and caused the tank on a generator to overflow. Call Reason Land Air Caller reporting a strong sulfur and hydrocarbon odour. Caller has noticed it all week but it is very, very bad right now. Land Resolution closed 2 August 2012 on page 961 of NNN; Reporting a spill of waste (used) motor oil, volume 1000 L. They were in the process of pumping waste motor oil from the heavy duty shop to the waste oil storage tank. The gauge flow malfunctioned and as a result, the tank was overfilled. There were no onsite drains affected. The product was contained to site so there was no waterways affected. Once the operator noticed the spill, they stopped pumping. Their contractor will hydro vac as much as possible. Sand will be used to recover the rest. They will recycle the product through their process. Air Venting of Sour Hydrocarbon , tank-20D13, for 20 min, due to testing the accuracy of the pressure release system. Potable Reporting a potable water incident. They had a power failure and the distribution pump was down for a few Water minutes. The pressure on the line was also low as a result. Now everything is back to normal. They took samples and they are within limits for chlorine and turbidity. They are flushing right now and will take bacti samples and send them before 1500 hours. Air From 1000-1130 hrs flue gas went to main stack and they had 9 opacity exceedances. Due to problems with inductive draft fan. Land Spill at bitumen production area. From hydro transport line 13. Size of quarter leak -leaking bitumen and water. 5 L spilled so far. Flushing line and will patch line. No waterbodies in the area. Call Reason Land No Impact Approval contravention: Caller told by EPO to call in failure to implement wildlife mitigation and monitoring plan. Plan currently under review. Land May have been a breach in liner of blow down pond that contains unrefined product, boiler water. Was reported to the ERCB. Boiler water is contained in secondary containment due to a monitor pipe that runs underneath of the pond, to alert the source to any leaks. They are currently investigating is there was a breach in the pond and are doing soil sampling to ensure that all the product was contained in secondary containment. Surface Caller reporting a contravention. One of their contractors removed water from a water body without the proper Water license. Water was removed from a wetland/marsh area. The water was used for road maintenance and service rig requirements. -23m3 were removed. Air Compressor seal worn out, have to isolate it and replace it, in the meantime, it flaring of fuel gas (no H2S. It may be flaring for the next 24 hours. Call Reason Air Surface BOD exceedance. Just found about it yesterday. Extremely low flow coming from a very weedy area -natural Water loading. No Impact Lost history collection data for flare flows from June 26 at 13:50-June 27th at 12:00. Were doing upgrades to system causing loss of data. Were visually monitoring the flares during this time. Potable Lab spec #: 67428, Total Coliforms: Present, E.coli: Absent Water Land Caller reporting a alpha pose (50% phosphoric acid), 200 liters. Source was doing a chemical wash on plate heaters and some of the product was spilled. Spill came from some process piping. Contained on sand, clean up underway. Hydrovac truck and absorbent used. Potable Contravention for potable water plant. Can't make enough so they will bring some in from town. Clarifier Water section is plugged off requiring repair and cleaning. Should be up and running Monday. Air Reporting an R22 release, greater than 10 kg. This was due to a cracked pipeline on a compressor, building 930 (82JEB10). It was discovered at 1330 hours and isolated at 1400 hours. It will be repaired and recharged. Air Had a tank vented , Plant 73 Tank 7 vented H2S. Air Plant 73 tank 7's relief valve opened due to pressure build up. and vent H2S, from 22:58 hrs on 30 Jun 2012. Short duration venting Call Reason Air Air D13 venting sour gas for 3 min, due to vent gas system too heavily tax. Air Release of R22 from an a/c unit # 22-1 RV4, repair in progress.


26 94 149968 48522

447233 447306 447815 447927

Syncrude Suncor CNRL Encana

2-Jul-2012 3-Jul-2012 6-Jul-2012 7-Jul-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release


149968 94

448041 448245

CNRL Suncor

9-Jul-2012 10-Jul-2012

Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

94 94 94 26 26

448404 448609 448618 448651 449032

Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

11-Jul-2012 12-Jul-2012 12-Jul-2012 12-Jul-2012 15-Jul-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Stack 1 emission exceedance for ammonia. 19:40- 20:40, 1200 ppm, limit is 300ppm. Starting up plant caused exceedance. Air Caller reporting a flaring notification -source flaring event produced >20 tons of S02. Flaring event began on June 23rd and ended on July 1st (unknown time). The cause is unknown -caller will included details in letter. No Impact 0930-1000 leak of bitumen from Plant 33 frac tower. Land They had a spill of demulsifier from a plastic tote. A forklift was moving the totes and he holed two totes. Spill was 1700 litres that went onto rig mats and then to ground. Cleanup being done. Spill did not go offsite as this is a barrel dock area. Time Wind Dir/Speed 08:45 Call Reason Land Air NOX exceedances: limit is 18.5kg/h and for 2200-2300hrs on July 8 was at 1665.56kg/h. They exchange a fan in the boiler and caused the temp to increase and NOX exceedances. Air Caller reporting a flaring event that resulted in > 20 tons S02 being released. The compressor, 2K402, tripped due to high temperature. This caused flaring from 52C309. Initial calculation yesterday put the value below 20 tons and recalculation today indicated that they were over. Air Venting coming from Plant 16. Venting from the NRU which is venting naphtha. Went for 2 hours yesterday. Start and finish times will be in seven day letter. Call Reason Air. Land Sewage release, l00L. Problem with lift station. Was contained and has been cleaned up. Air S02 exceedance due to flaring. Flaring started on July 7-on-going due to heat exchange problems. Exceeded 20 ton s at 08:00120 Air Resolution closed on page 958 of NNN, 1 Aug 2012; Release of R22, 136 lb. Repaired and recharged. Air Resolution closed on page 957 of NNN, 1 Aug 2012; Plant 26-1 stack emission exceedance. Ammonia is greater than the limit of 300 ppm. It spiked as high as 375 ppm. It started at 1615 hours and the issue is ongoing. It is improving but they are still above the limit. The cause is unit upset due to the feed coming into the unit. They are reducing the feed to try and correct it. Release of R407C from a faulty line in a building 532-EE404. 42 kgs released Caller reporting a >20 tons S02 flaring event. The event started on Saturday (the caller doesn't know what time and is ongoing. The source is commissioning a new plant and the flaring is related to that. 120 one hour NOX exceedance [Resolution pending on page 957 of NNN, 22 July 2012]; Caller reporting a release of R22, >10kg. The unit is isolated for repairs. Building 735, Unit # 41- 31-V5 [Resolution closed on page 956 of NNN;] Lost the west low pressure flare pilot light. Opacity exceedance on Stack 31. Boiler #3 start up caused exceedance. Reporting a spill of sulphuric acid. This was caused by a leaking pipe fitting on a stationary experimental water treatment site. The volume is estimated between 40-50 L. They discovered the leak at 0800 hours but it may have been leaking slowly for 3-4 hours prior to that. None went offsite. It was all contained on a gravel pad. They used absorbent pads and will have a waste contractor dispose of them. They will treat the area with soda ash. Call Reason Land Source is going to shut down Muskeg River Mine treatment plant. This is for repair of the distribution header. Loss of pressure in distribution system, testing will be done for the prov lab. Call Reason Potable Water Release of grey water contaminated with sewage, spill on a field, pump failed at a camp site. Process of cleaning up. Call Reason Land Resolution pending 29 July 2012 on page 955 of NNN; R22 releases discovered today @ 1400 hrs. Both systems are empty and there is a work order in for repairs. 45 kg from bldg 1035, unit 25-1 RV-1 & 22 kg from bldg 1035, unit 25-1 RV-3 Spill of tailings. 50 m3 during pipeline maintenance on tailings line. Generally the tailings are directed into a ditch that gets pumped back into the plant, but a culvert was plugged with debris and the tailings overflowed onto the pipeline road. No waterways impacted, contained on site. Contained and cleanup underway Call Reason Land

153125 94 149968 26 26 94 149968

449183 449191 449378 449779 449932 449951 450044

Shell Canada 16-Jul-2012 Jackpine Suncor 16-Jul-2012 CNRL Syncrude Syncrude Suncor CNRL 18-Jul-2012 22-Jul-2012 24-Jul-2012 24-Jul-2012 24-Jul-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Release

Air Air Air Air Air Air Land

20809 149968 26

450598 450821 450845

Shell Canada 26-Jul-2012 CNRL Syncrude 29-Jul-2012 29-Jul-2012

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Release Alleged Contravention Release

Potable Water Land Air













Alleged Contravention Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Potable Water Air Potable Water Potable Water

149968 94

451142 451660

CNRL Suncor

31-Jul-2012 3-Aug-2012

Industry Industry






26 149968

452195 452292

Syncrude CNRL

8-Aug-2012 9-Aug-2012

Public Complaint Industry

Impact Release

Air Land

Issue with potable water flow meter at the water source isn't reading accurately. This does not affect the potability of the water, just incorrectly measures the amount of water being taken in. Suspected yesterday and confirmed today. Caller reporting a spill of hydraulic oil, 360 liters. A fitting on a hydraulic line failed and the product was released to ground. Contained on site. No waterways impacted. A vac truck is on site for clean up. Manganese exceedance for potable water was noticed on August 2, 2012 and is on-going. l.lmg/L manganese for Aug. 2. 1.14mg/L manganese for Aug. 3. There was a plug in the line and it was discovered today and was removed, so they are expecting the manganese to come within compliance tonight. Resolution pending on page 945 of NNN, 7 Aug 2012; Caller reporting that there has been a sporadic starts and stops on their UV reactor in their potable water system. This has caused a disruptions on the potable production filters. No boil water advisories in place. The system has not yet been repaired. Caller not sure what day or what time it started. Odour complaint 25m3 release of either caustic or acidic water. from plant 77 (chemical addition building. Spill went0ground and has been cleaned up. Occurred at 2000 hrs Aug 8. Not reported then as they were still investigating today. Caused due to a erosion to the static mizer [meaning unclear]. Spill remained on site and no waterways were impacted. Call Reason Land Found some dead fish downstream of one of the polishing ponds. There are 5 stickleback fish. Cause unknown. Investigating the cause. Doesn't expect that anything released to environment to pond would have any adverse effects on the fish. Dead fish discovered at 10:30 today. 26-1 stack ammonia emission exceedance 305.49 ppm NH3 1000-1100 10 Aug 2012 R 22 release - leak in the system more than 10 kg.



Imperial Oil 10-Aug-2012


Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Notification Alleged Contravention Release

Surface Water Air Air Air

26 26 26 26 94 149968

452533 452535 452837 452867 453030 453221

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor CNRL

11-Aug-2012 11-Aug-2012 14-Aug-2012 15-Aug-2012 16-Aug-2012 18-Aug-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

149968 26

453290 453609

CNRL Syncrude

20-Aug-2012 22-Aug-2012

Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention







26 94 94 94 26 94

454323 Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed -

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

29-Aug-2012 22-Aug-1996 10-Jun-1997 15-Jul-1997 12-Aug-1997 19-Aug-1997

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Significant flaring event occurring at 1350 hrs today. Caused by sulphur unit 12-3 tripping. Flaring is still ongoing. Fuel gas recovery unit 26-1 has upset as well and there may be a potential for offsite odors. Air Discrepancy: in NNN section, page 953, resolution is pending, 15 Aug 2012; in YYN, resolution is closed, 7 Sept 2012; Plant upset, SO2 exceedance for 2 hours. Air Stack 31 opacity exceedances. Limit is 40% and was at 74% at 1048-1058 hrs today. Caused when they were starting up a boiler. Land Leak in a corrosion inhibitor which injected to 52-C-5. Transferring from one stationary tank to another and los [lost] 10 L of Nalco (corrosion inhibitor) spilled to secondary containment. No drain plug so it spilled to ground. Being cleaned up now with vac truck. Call Reason Land Land Spill of glycol. Came from a tote. Punctured with a skid steered. Spill was 1200 L. Moving in the mine maintenance yard. Contain in yard. Spill went to soil. Clean up in progress. Air [Discrepancy: in NNN section, page 953, resolution is pending, 22 Aug 2012; yet in YYN section, resolution is closed, 7 Sept 2012;] Major plant emergency. CO boiler 4 tripped and rerouting tail gas lineups and therefore plant 12 (sulphur plant) got blocked in and flaring acid gas. No evacuations. Started flaring at 13:42. To mitigate situation, cutting feed rates. Emergency plan has been initiated. Air Reporting flaring of H2S due to 12-3 sulphur plant trip. It started at 0638 hours and is ongoing. He expects this may lead to offsite odour complaints. 26-1 FGD is also upset as a result. They are reducing their plant 15 hydro-treaters to try and resolve it. Air Environmental unit tripped at 11:45. Flaring of SO2 from 11:45 to 12:20. Regulation/ Notification of stack survey on tail gas unit in upgrader on August 22, 1996. Reporting Regulation/ Incinerator stack survey schedule Reporting Regulation/ Incinerator Stack survey schedule Reporting Regulation/ Source emission survey report - Mildred Lake plant site. Reporting Regulation/ Stack survey notification - sulfur recovery plant stack


94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 94 26 94 26 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 94 94 94 26 26 26 26

Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

19-Aug-1997 26-Sep-1997 15-Oct-1997 24-Oct-1997 27-Apr-1998 8-Jun-1998 1-Sep-1998 1-Sep-1998 1-Oct-1998 1-Nov-1998 1-Dec-1998 1-Feb-1999 1-Mar-1999 25-May-1999 30-Jun-1999 1-Jul-1999 7-Jul-1999 1-Sep-1999 30-Sep-1999 15-Oct-1999 31-Oct-1999 1-Nov-1999 30-Nov-1999 30-Nov-1999 1-Jan-2000 10-Feb-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air

Incinerator stack survey schedule Stack survey notification - Flue gas desulfurization plant stack Rescheduling flue gas desulfurization plant stack Stack survey notification - flue gas desulfurization plant. Previous stack survey has not achieved closure.

Construction an incline plate separator without required authorization. Construction stopped. Speaking with AWAD. Odour potential when turning on pumps to pond 1. Upgrading sends sour water to pond. Turned out to be no hydrocarbon in the stream. Odour potential did not take place. Regulation/ REc' d fax re: Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for Sept 1998. No contraventions. Reporting Regulation/ Rec' d fax re: monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions for September 1998. Nothing to report. Reporting Regulation/ Rec' d fax re: Monthly Summary Report for October. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for Nov/98. Reporting Regulation/ Rec' d fax r e: monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions for Dec 98. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: monthly summary of possible approval contraventions report for Feb 1999. Reporting Regulation/ received monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions for March 1999, nothing to report. Reporting Regulation/ Notification that FGD went down yesterday. Will be down for one week. Reporting Regulation/ received Monthly Summary of possible Approval Contraventions Report for June/99. No possible approval Reporting contraventions recorded. Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: monthly summary of alleged approval contravention for July 1999. Nothing to report. Reporting Regulation/ Calling to close REF #89026, 21K2 is back on line as of 1845 hrs. Reporting Regulation/ Monthly Summary of Alleged Approval Contraventions received for September, nothing to report. Reporting Regulation/ Monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for Aug. 1999. None recorded for August. Reporting Regulation/ Notification of start up of two new 115 megawatt gas turbines in mid October. Reporting Regulation/ received monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions for October 1999.Nothing to report. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: Monthly summary of alleged approval contraventions. Reporting Regulation/ received fax of monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for November 1999. There were no Reporting possible approval contraventions in November. Regulation/ received monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for October 1999. Two incidents on report , Reporting both had ref #'s. Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: 1st Quarter CEMS Report 2000 Reporting Regulation/ Sent Spring 2000 shutdown schedule. Reporting


26 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 26 26 26 26 18942 18942 18942 26 26 94 26 26 26 26 94

Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed -

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

29-Feb-2000 29-Feb-2000 1-Mar-2000 25-Mar-2000 3-Apr-2000 9-Apr-2000 12-Apr-2000 24-Apr-2000 27-Apr-2000 27-Apr-2000 30-Apr-2000 10-May-2000 10-May-2000 29-May-2000 31-May-2000 30-Aug-2000 1-Sep-2000 1-Sep-2000 15-Sep-2000 18-Sep-2000 26-Sep-2000 6-Oct-2000 20-Oct-2000 3-Nov-2000 7-Nov-2000 8-Nov-2000 14-Nov-2000

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air

received fax of monthly summary of possible approval contraventions report for Feb/00. Nothing to report. Received fax re: monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for January, 2000. Rec'd letter re: Monthly air emission summary report: March 2000 Close out incident #95468 as of 0200hrs. No longer venting. Received fax re: Commissioning of TG3, the 60 MW steam turbine, in about 2 weeks time. Reporting NRU back up & operational at 11:00AM. Starting gas/oil unit, will have SO2 >1 T. Flaring incident finished at 0200hr on 13 Apr 2000. will be starting ER Training at the Mildred Lake Fire School on April 24/00. They will be doing live fire training several times a day, 15-30 min. sessions, until Oct.31/00. Rec' d fax re: Revisions to Flue Gas Desulfurization, Old Main Powerhouse & Stack Survey Schedule of the Bypass Stacks of the GTG's at CoGen Site. Rec'd letter re: Start-up of TG3, the 60MW Steam Turbine. Reporting 2 ODS releases: 1) R22 release from Bldg 181 This is a duplicate of REF 95548. Have to reschedule stack survey due to plant upset. Was scheduled for today. Rec'd fax re: 2000 Manual stack survey ' revised' schedule. Rec'd fax re: 2000 Manual Stack Survey 'Revised' Schedule. received fax of monthly summary of possible approval contraventions for April 2000, none to report. Company wanted to vent nitrogen to atmosphere. Recd fax re: monthly Aurora NOx CEMS report Rec'd fax re: Aurora Mine monthly wastewater report for Sept 2000 Received fax re: Aurora NOx CEMS Certification test during the Sept.15 - Oct. 16 time period. Notification they are shutting down a significant portion of their operations for maintenance. Operations and dates included. Notification of pigging line to storage tank recovery system with regards to REF # 9943S.Rec'd letter Oct 2/00. Taking flu gas de-sulfurization unit down tomorrow (0100-1800). They are fixing blocked spray nozzles. Rec'd letter re: Disclaimed notification of FGD outage. Notification of cancellation of stack survey scheduled for Nov 3/00 due to they blew up part of fractionator. Will notify when they can re-schedule survey. Rec' d fax re: Final two Manual stack surveys scheduled for Nov 3 & 28, 2000.

Rec'd fax re: RATA & CGA scheduled for Nov & Dec 2000. Asartori rec'd call Nov8/00: Cancel due to gas turbine has seized. Work on N-blanket on storage tanks finished, are going to be replacing controllers on dil-bit tank. Notification of max 12hrs down for controllers. Regulation/ Rec' d fax re: Revisions to the flue gas desulfurization plant stack (37F-1) & old main powerhouse stack (31F-


26 26 18942 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94

Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor

21-Nov-2000 28-Nov-2000 12-Dec-2000 19-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 18-Jan-2001 18-Jan-2001 18-Jan-2001 6-Feb-2001 27-Mar-2001 29-Mar-2001 16-Apr-2001 18-Apr-2001 22-Apr-2001 24-Apr-2001 7-Jun-2001 30-Jun-2001 2-Jul-2001 13-Jul-2001 13-Jul-2001 15-Jul-2001 1-Sep-2001 22-Sep-2001 23-Oct-2001 31-Oct-2001 14-Feb-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention

Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air

7) compliance surveys & RATAs. Rec' d fax r e: Manual stack survey scheduling for 2000 Rec'd fax re: Mildred Lake Site: plant 37stacksurvey schedule. received fax of revised schedule fro Aurora RATA and Stack Survey Schedule. Will be occurring Dec.12-1S, instead of Nov.29-Dec22. Odour potential for H2S, Operations will be conducting a catalyst change on the VRU. Duration is 24 hours. Rec' d CEMS 4th quarter 1999 report. Reporting they are activating Plant 15 -1 for 24 hour duration. received by fax notification of Scheduled Compliance surveys and RATA's for 2000 and 2001. Scheduled maintenance on the VRU, due to coker outage, will start today at 1800hrs.Odour Potential. Letter Rec'd Jan 23/01. received fax of Manual stack survey schedule for 2001. Reporting that their FGD will be going down for 12 days for maintenance. Letter received April 3/01. Caller was performing an emergency SIMULATION, of a diverting event. She needed the reference number for their emergency protocol. Stack survey scheduled for tomorrow cancelled due to plant upset. Perhaps Thursday or Friday. Rec'd fax re: Incinerator CEM tentative survey schedule for 2001 & sulfur Recovery plant Stack (8F5)stacksurvey notification. Have another 8-1 CO boiler tube leak. will need to divert - will call back when start. Notification of RATA and compliance surveys at the Aurora site April 24-26/01.

Notification that they will be conducting performance test on gas generator #6 and there may be high NOx emissions. If so, they will call in a violation at the time. Regulation/ Fax received regarding Manual stack survey (retest) for NOx emissions on plant 37-1. Reporting Air Reporting a refrigerant release on an air conditioner unit. Later informed that this was a duplicate report. Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air FCD plant is now down for repair. This is a planned maintenance event. Down for 36 hours. Outage of TransAlta/Suncor Energy, oil Sands FGD Unit. July 13-14, 2001. Unscheduled maintenance. Caller advised they will be starting up their amine plant and will be flaring for a sort duration. This is to take place soon. Notification only. late submission of source survey report for the GTG#6 STACK

Regulation/ Notification that the FGD unit will be down for maintenance for 6-8 days. Reporting Air Was informing AENV of start up plan. Regulation/ 21K-2 off - gas compressor - Shutdown for scheduled upgrade on Oct. 31st. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting a planned outage of the NRU. Expect to be down for 12 hours. Odour potential. Reporting


26 94 94 94 94 94 94 20809 20809 94

Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed -

Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

27-Mar-2002 2-Apr-2002 11-Apr-2002 19-May-2002 17-Jun-2002 19-Jun-2002 20-Jun-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 12-Aug-2002 Albian Sands 14-Aug-2002 Suncor 26-Aug-2002

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting

Notification only. 37-1 K3 is shut down for an oil change, which will increase flaring a bit. Received fax re: Notification of planned FGD outage April 2 - 7, 2002. Going to be taking down NRU tomorrow for about 12hrs to install condensers. Odour potential and untreated tailings going to pond. Start 0800. Notification that a fire in the area has closed hwy #63 south of Ft.Mac. sulfur transported off site has been suspended Sulphur is getting stored at site until road re-opens. Notification of unscheduled FGD Unit June 1 7-19/02. For maintenance. Changes to this schedule will be relayed through the ERC. Notification that the FGD will be taken down at 0200 . AENV has been notified in writing. The old power house will be used while the FGD is down. Update to 117941. FDG was supposed to be down for 72 hours. He wants to extend that time for another ~ 48 hours (until mid-Sunday) . They found more repairs than originally planned for. Recd fax regarding key events at the plant in August. Recd fax updating source activities.

20809 20809 94 20809 20809 20809 20809 20809 20809 20809

Albian Sands 23-Sep-2002 Albian Sands 1-Oct-2002 Suncor 21-Oct-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 31-Oct-2002 Albian Sands 4-Nov-2002 Albian Sands 4-Nov-2002 Albian Sands 6-Nov-2002 Albian Sands 29-Nov-2002 Albian Sands 30-Nov-2002 Albian Sands 21-Dec-2002

48522 20809 94 94 48522 94

En Cana


Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Fax notification that Suncor and TAU will be replacing the current opacity meter on the old main power house stack (plant 31) with a newer model during the week of Aug26-30. estimate downtime for 12hrs. A RATA will be conducted on the CEMS after installation is complete. Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: update on commissioning activities. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: update on commissioning activities Oct 1 to 4 Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: planned outage of FGD unit. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax notification of future commissioning activities. Reporting Regulation/ Recd fax re: recent commissioning activities. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax communicating recent commissioning activities. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: planned stack surveys. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax updating commissioning activities at Source. Reporting Regulation/ Rec'd fax re: current commissioning activities. Reporting Regulation/ Source has limit on water they can remove from Athabasca of 1.8% of total flow (about 8300-8400m3/hr). Reporting Right now at 6200m3/hr but ponds volume can't keep up with plant demand caller was asking about possibility of going over approval limit. Municipal Christina Lake camp room 807 W91102. Background growth. Further tests to follow. Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Municipal Rec'd fax updating current commissioning activities. Notification of 12 hour FGD outage. Jan 7/02 0400-1600 hrs, Inspection of the gas cooling section of unit. No violations expected. Notification - Samples Prov Lab frozen. Resampling.

Albian Sands 6-Jan-2003 Suncor Suncor En Cana Suncor 7-Jan-2003 23-Jan-2003 5-Mar-2003 10-Mar-2003

Regulation/ Camp water system being shut down for regular maintenance. Will be down for a few hours. Reporting Regulation/ Rec' d fax r e: revision of stack survey dates for March, 2003.


26 26 26 26 20809 94 94 26 48522 48522 26 48522 48522 26 94 26 94 94 48522 94 94 94

Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed -

Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

26-Mar-2003 27-Mar-2003 31-Mar-2003 1-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Albian Sands 18-Apr-2003 Suncor Suncor Syncrude En Cana En Cana Syncrude En Cana En Cana Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor En Cana Suncor Suncor Suncor 23-Apr-2003 1-May-2003 28-Jun-2003 1-Jul-2003 1-Jul-2003 4-Aug-2003 10-Aug-2003 13-Aug-2003 16-Aug-2003 29-Sep-2003 9-Oct-2003 20-Nov-2003 1-Dec-2003 4-Dec-2003 20-Jan-2004 22-Jan-2004 29-Jan-2004

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged

Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Air Regulation/ Reporting Regulation/ Reporting Land

While doing paperwork he noted an incorrect ref # from this morning. Correct # was 131028. Rec' d fax re: Syncrude maintenance plans - March / April 2003. Rec' d stacksurvey schedule for 2003 ...Source's ER team responded but couldn't find anything in the area. Reporting they will be shutting down flare blower to do repairs. This is a result of temporary fix they did on it a few days back. There may be some smoke but caller does not expect any significant amount. Fax notification of Revised incinerator stack survey schedule for 2003.

94 26 26 26

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude

18-Apr-2005 24-Apr-2006 16-Aug-2006 1-Dec-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry

McMurray is experiencing high winds that have ripped off metal cladding from coke drum 5C-4. Insulation is now blowing all over. Municipal Reporting a high chlorine reading in the holding tank at Beaver Creek Cutting back sodium hypochloride to bring reading down. Not a contravention of approval. only Canadian Drinking Water Standard. Regulation/ Power outage - WTP - still operating fine although it was out of power for 15 minutes Reporting Regulation/ Called to ask about letter because it says in approval to report power outages - said letter was not needed since Reporting the plant was operating normally. Regulation/ Camera outage on flare - lightning strike has caused power supply problems. Camera from plant 37 has been Reporting swung around to cover flare. Rec'd letter Aug 6. Regulation/ They had a power outage yesterday 0600-1030. Everything is ok. Reporting Regulation/ Aquila began a planned outage this morning that will last until 1700 this evening. Entire plant is down all day. Reporting Regulation/ Reporting they are resuming the de-gassing of tank 20-D-1. Delayed due to construction workers in the area. Reporting Regulation/ Notification only. Their planned FGD outage occurred at midnight as planned. It will be down 7-10 days for Reporting scheduled maintenance. Regulation/ Reporting nitrogen purging of tank 20-D-6 in prep for entry . Don't expect odorous vapour because tank has Reporting been cleared . Will report if issues arise. Letter rec'd Oct 15. Regulation/ plant NRU outage happening Nov. 20 at 0800-2000 for maintenance Reporting Regulation/ Notification that they are continuing with 48hr shutdown of VRU, as planned. Started at 000hrs Dec01. A Reporting previous notification letter had been sent and signed. Regulation/ Reporting they had a power outage for about 45min today. No contraventions. Reporting Air Caller advising they are taking down the FGD for PM. This has been cleared w/ approvals. SO2 emissions will be up considerably for the next 2-3 days. Regulation/ courtesy call that the FGD is back online. (Went down Jan 19, pm). Reporting Air odour potential due to offgas from NRU normally goes to VRU, but the line is currently frozen. Rerouted gas to stack 16-C-S. The iron sponge in this stack scrubs for H2S & light ends, but potentially light ends will get through creating odour potential. Potable High turbidity on potable H2O system Water Air Unit 26-1 SO2 analyser. False reading Saturday - Thought it was fixed but it isn't. Air Air refrigerant was released from a high vacuum system. The unit was repaired. Flaring - fuel system upset. Unit 8-3.


26 48408

Information Only Closed Syncrude 8-Jan-2007 Information Only Closed Petro-Canada 21-Mar-2007 Information Only Closed Suncor Information only 8-May-2007

Industry Industry

Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention




26 26

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only

2-Feb-2008 30-Mar-2000

Industry In-house (incorrectly coded as Industry) Public Complaint Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Impact

Flame out on low pressure smokeless flare . Called back again at 1206 hours - flare went out again from 1140 1150 hours. Believe they have fixed it this time. Letter received Jan 15/07. Vegetation Not sure if reportable but will report in case it is. Doing a predisturbance assessment and had to do additional clearing. However they cleared an additional 2.1 hectares over approved amount. Reported to SRD and regulatory approval Rep of ANEV No Impact Notice: took desulfurization unit down. Maintenance - down for 4 days as per letter sent. bs- The flaring event began April 31 from the U2 Flare Stack, 59F101. The on-going event has lasted over 400 hours (and on-going) with approx. 1 to 3 tonnes of sulfur a day. SO2 to date (May 17) is > 20 tonnes. follow-up letter requested. See Incident 184993. Air Potential SO2 exceedance due to unit upset. Occurred in Unit 16-4, sour water treating unit. upset has now been corrected. BL SO2 under the limit, no contravention. Air this is a test

26 94 94

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor

4-Aug-2006 12-Mar-1997 23-Jun-1998

Impact Notification Notification

Air Regulation/ Reporting NonCategorized /other NonCategorized /other NonCategorized /other NonCategorized /other Air

The caller complained that there is a strong odour of ammonia in the air. Wanted info about the stack sampling code with respect to Suncor. Advised to speak with the company or Dave Shannon. Fax sent RE: plant 25 flare gas recovery, completion date extended to mid October due to equipment delivery problems. Calling in to say that in the past, they have tested the Petroleum Coke and it is not classified as hazardous waste As of 1600 ref #82966 is now closed.













Left report with answering service, JS called back, Eugene not in.

26 94 26 26 26 94 94 94

3-Oct-2000 4-Jun-2001 29-Feb-2004 2-Mar-2004 8-Mar-2004 16-Mar-2004 26-Mar-2004 28-Mar-2004

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

Extending the cleaning of lines in the tank farm which was reported on call # 100262. They will be taking two extra days. Regulation/ The auto calibrator on the CEMS for the sulfur recovery system did not calibrate as required. Improperly called Reporting into AENV, not a reportable event. No Impact Reporting instrumentation problem with H2S flare alarm. Instrumentation is indicating H2S flare is out when in fact it is working. Working on instrumentation. (Rec'd letter Mar 1) No Impact Caller just wanted to make AENV aware they were taking down their FGD tonight. This is as per planned maintenance event. Air Tank 20-D-50 they found holes in Vapour recovery line. Had to block it in from main compressor (21-K-2). Potential for vapour release. Letter received Mar.14/04 - sent to FTMCM Office. Air Odour potential, there will be venting from plant #4 (4TC49) to do valve adjustments. Air Air Odour potential starting 1030 and ongoing for 2 weeks. They are sending make-up diluent to the tank farm and odour potential comes from the extra light-ends from E2 operation. (100 barrels/hr). Wanted to notify they started their planned flaring event last night, will continue for 14 days. They had previously written a letter and received authorization from AENV. Flaring from UT naphtha hydrotreater flaring butane. Notification that the roof aspirator opened on 20-D-28 (tank with floating roof). They are emptying product from tank, causing them to open. Since this is treated product, unlikely to cause odours. Not a contravention reporting as a courtesy because this is not a normal operation. (Letter rec' d April 6 - forwarded to Fort McM Inspector).


Closed Syncrude Information Only






26 94 94

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed En Cana Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

2-Apr-2004 13-Apr-2004 4-May-2004

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

No Impact 21-K-2 out of service since Wed evening. (Letter rec'd April 8). No Impact Notification Only: needed to send sulfur to emergency pad. Ran out of trucks to remove offsite. Air Notification that the FGD was taken down last night at midnight as planned. Planned maintenance . Approval person was notified prior to event in writing. Making AENV aware because the media would have reported this. also potential for higher SO2 emissions. No Impact Plant shutdown scheduled from May 11/04 to May 17/04. No Impact aspirators on tank 28 opened because tank had been empty. Started filling it to float roof and get aspirators to close. will call back if they have any issues. Air Plant U2 is down. The unit is not functioning. A vapour receiver new NRU was installed. The old NRU will be turned on and then the of system will slowly migrate to the new NRU. In case of failure of both systems the gas will be routed to the tailings stack. There might be odour complaints. This will happen over the next 24 hrs. Air Notification of odour potential. Makeup diluent from base plant E1 is being sent to South tank farm (normally does not go there). Caller instructed to call back if they receive complaints. No Impact The caller reported a ten-day shutdown of the FDG unit. Notification is a requirement of the approval. The shutdown is necessary for maintenance. No Impact The Caller reported that a compressor will be shut down for repairs. The shutdown will last 24-48 hours. No Impact TGTU went down for planned outage. (App. Eng. told to call) Air Commissioning a tank with light gas oil, displacing the air, possibility for a release of HC vapour, (Letter rec'd Jan 19/05.) No Impact The caller reported that the continuous emission monitoring system of a gas turbine generator is out of order. The source is allowed only 10% down i me per month. A line is frozen and this may results in a SIMS outage. No Impact Received ' d fax regarding: maintenance plan schedule for February / March 2005. No Impact Notification they are diverting steam from plant 8-2, due to part of shut down. (Letter rec'd Feb 18/05). No Impact Equipment shut down. "21K2" Tank farm compressor - regulates venting. Could result in tank venting. No impact at this point. (Letter rec'd March 22). No Impact 21K2 compressor is back online. No impact. Related call - 156704. No Impact The caller reported that snow and cold weather caused some sulfur to be diverted into a holding pad because the trucks hauling away the sulfur could not depart from the plant. No Impact The caller reported that therea sulfur release to a holding pad. The trucks taking the sulfur away from the plant were full and the weather delayed their leaving the plant. No Impact The caller reported a plant shutdown. The stack temperature went under the stack top temperature limit when the plant was shut down for maintenance. Air Has a sulfur plant trip - flared gases, large flare, added natural gas as they are supposed to, No contraventions. Will be done flaring in about 5min. Air Flaring due to coker problems. No Impact Had to send sulfur to the emergency pad - storage site was 97% capacity. Reason: ran out of trucks to transport off site. Air Internal odour report within thin the site. No public complaints received - currently seeking the Source. Hydrocarbon smell. No Impact Doing annual preventative maintenance on flare header flow meters. No flaring. No Impact Boilers are being taken out of reactor; bypassing flue gas desulfurization unit. Started at 2115 hrs. Notification only. No Impact Notification only. Trip on vapour treatment system on tank. May be odours associated with it. Expect it to be

48522 26 94

11-May-2004 25-May-2004 4-Jun-2004

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

94 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 26 94 94 94 26 94 94

15-Jul-2004 16-Aug-2004 30-Sep-2004 26-Nov-2004 12-Jan-2005 14-Jan-2005 12-Feb-2005 13-Feb-2005 15-Mar-2005 15-Mar-2005 19-Mar-2005 21-Mar-2005 25-Mar-2005 3-Apr-2005 3-Apr-2005 12-Apr-2005 4-May-2005 21-Jun-2005 21-Jun-2005 11-Jul-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification


94 94 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 26 26 26 94 94 26 26 94

Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only

Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

26-Jul-2005 13-Aug-2005 14-Aug-2005 10-Sep-2005 14-Sep-2005 21-Sep-2005 13-Oct-2005 18-Oct-2005 21-Oct-2005 3-Nov-2005 5-Nov-2005 13-Nov-2005 20-Nov-2005 20-Nov-2005 4-Dec-2005 16-Dec-2005 15-Jan-2006 9-Feb-2006 18-Feb-2006 26-Mar-2006 3-Apr-2006 7-Apr-2006 9-Apr-2006 11-Apr-2006 29-Apr-2006 11-May-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

back up at 2100 hrs. Have not received any odour complaints at site. No Impact Notification - FGD trip due to data communication error will be back up shortly. Air Flaring from 55C2I3. Exceeding SO2 if maximum flare. Won't know till analysis is done.

No Impact Outage - planned - notification given here. Boilers out at 2100 tonight for 3 days down. Letter already sent. No further letter will be issued. (Update rec' d Aug 17, 1620 - outage extended another 24 hours.) Air Opacity reading on stack 31 - power plant dry stack. Intermittent: over last hour. Slug of bad gas from upgrader. Not a contravention (only notification) unless its read bv a certified reader. Air Notification made in writing previously. Starting up upgrader #2, flaring commencing tonight. No Impact Notification that FGD is down for 4 days (fad sent letter previously) . No Impact SRU 3 tripped (sulfur Recovery Unit). 4 in a bank, #3 tripped, It is unlikely that hourly average exceeded limit. (Not letter expected) No Impact 12-0 Sulfurine unit will be going down. This is for repair work. No Impact FGD down for 4-5 days for planned maintenance. A letter was sent 2 weeks ago to AENV explaining this outage. No Impact The caller reported that flaring could occur because two units shut down. No Impact Surveillance system will be down for hooking up more cameras (3 more). will be down for 3 minutes. System oversees 50F101 - main flare. Just notification in case there are complications. No Impact The caller reported that the effluent pond alarm is ringing. A unit upset is in progress. At this point no release or contravention were detected. No Impact The caller reported that a hydrogen sulfide detector was triggered. The cause is under investigation. There is no contravention. (Letter rec'd 24-NOV-2005). No Impact Taking piece of equipment out of service - FGD - flu gas desulfurization. Courtesy call. will be down for 3-4 days. Regular maintenance. Letter has already been sent as notification. No Impact The caller reported that an H2S alarm went off at an effluent pond. The cause of the alarm is under investigation. There were no exceedances. No Impact Shutting down 21K2 (vent gas compressor) 36 hours for repairs. No Impact A sulfur pit was taken out of service. There could be odour problems because a degasser was shut down. No Impact They shut down a desulfurization plant for maintenance. the work will last for 3 days. Sulfur dioxide could be released. Air Notification only: Unit 8-1 in shutdown - opened diverter stack to atmosphere (to CO Boiler #1) steaming to atmosphere. Consists of steam and air. No contravention - part of normal shutdown. Air sulfurine unit taken down at 13:10 hrs for maintenance. Suspect down for 48 hours. May add 20 tons SO2 flaring to CSCM (main stack). Air Starting up coker #81, and plume of steam coming out of diverter stack; no hydrocarbons except perhaps at startup. Will probably continue throughout the day. No Contravention. Air Potential odour - piece of equipment (NRU) went down, may have odour - repairs underway. No Impact Equipment outage on sulfur degasser (submitted letter two weeks ago). Notification that outage has started and expected to last 10 days. Could be potential odour issues. Air Colorful plume (reactive). Spring conditions. Weather is a factor today also. Courtesy call only. No Impact A desulfurization unittripped and ammonia could be released due to a rise in pH in the stack. No Impact A driver of a car drove past the caller's plant. The driver of the Car complained that there was a mist outside the caller's plant. The mist left a sticky substance on the car. The caller will meet with the complainant to see if the


26 26 26

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Syncrude Suncor

29-May-2006 28-Jun-2006 9-Jul-2006

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

94 26 26 26 94

28-Jul-2006 29-Jul-2006 1-Aug-2006 16-Aug-2006 16-Aug-2006

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

substance came from the caller's plant. 8-3 Diverter stack, will be swinging to atmosphere . will be releasing steam only. Cause - downstream units will be shut down. will occur within the next hr. No Impact Lost flare header flow indicator. Reason: unknown but probably needs calibration. No contravention of approval. (Rec' d letter July 10/06) . No Impact Notification only: caller required to have continuous monitors on flares. The camera monitoring the north flare does not work; they have an alternate camera to monitor this flare. This is a notification only: there is no contravention. Air There was a potential flaring event. The caller will confirm in the morning whether flaring actually took place. Air No Impact A pressure regulator malfunctioned because a back flow valve broke down. The unit was repaired. No Impact Notification - regarding startup of 26-1 - lost continuous ammonia stack monitor. So had no indication of ammonia - not a contravention. No Impact The CEMS analyzer shutdown. The instrument malfunctioned. Update: Aug 17, 2006 04:51 - CEMS system is not back in service. Repairs are underway. No Impact Bypassing a piece of' pollution control equipment that removes SO2. Cause - low water flow - under investigation. Coke boiler #2 & 3 are affected. Monitoring downstream, no SO2 exceedance. will be back online shortly. No Impact Taking down plant for 24 hours due to a forced outage. No Impact Taking down FGD unit for 48 hrs. Letter was already written. Air Have taken vapour recovery unit offline for scheduled maintenance. Letter was sent to AENV already (Oct 27). Expected back online in 3-4 days. No Impact 8-2 diverter valve open to facilitate a piping repair. Expected to stay open for 12-24 hrs. Air Air Notification only. Vapour recovery unit off line - no complaints received.

48522 94 94 26 94 26 26

En Cana Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude

22-Aug-2006 24-Aug-2006 5-Nov-2006 19-Nov-2006 26-Nov-2006 22-Feb-2007 24-Feb-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

26 94 94

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only

1-Mar-2007 1-Apr-2007 17-Apr-2007

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

Flaring sour fuel, do not expect any contraventions, notification only. Update received Feb 22, 2007 16:54 Plant 26-1 main stack efficiency dropped below 80%. SO2 readings were 59 tonnes. Air Cameras to view stack flares are down. There was a power bump. Outage lasted about 40 minutes . The upgrading plant 1- control room lost view of the closed circuit monitoring system on four stacks currently in service (19F-1/2/4/S1. No Impact Vent gas recovery compressor on tanks tripped, no venting. No Impact VR unit to be shut down for 1 hr. to bring 2nd bed on line No Impact They are adding a dispersant to treated cooling water system. He blow down goes to the emergency ponds. May see some foaming in ponds. Will be monitoring outfall for oil and grease and COD and will close it if they find any. No Impact ##################################################################################### No Impact phones are out, emerg number, personal cell is given. No Impact Notification of plant start up - Jackfish I thermal heavy oil project No Impact Notification only - no contravention - 7 day letter already submitted. Boilers being removed. Air Air Notifying tank venting from tank 6 (diluted bitumen ) Odour potential. They are trying to balance system. Notification: will be taking VRU (vapour recovery unit) down for change of catalyst.

153125 26 183875 94 94 94

Shell Canada 6-Jun-2007 Syncrude 11-Jun-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

Devon ARL 17-Jul-2007 Corp. Suncor 13-Aug-2007 Suncor Suncor 14-Aug-2007 15-Sep-2007


94 48522 94 94 94 94

Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only

Suncor En Cana Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor

16-Sep-2007 19-Sep-2007 3-Oct-2007 13-Oct-2007 13-Oct-2007 10-Nov-2007

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

No Impact Modification of information provided in ref# 192166. It was reported that they were going to change catalyst beds today at 0800-0900 hrs. It will happen tomorrow instead, sometime after 0800 hrs. No Impact Notification of plant turnaround and start-up. No Impact Caustic scrubber being taken offline to replace caustic solution. Done for 4 hours. Air Diluted bitumen tank 20D1 venting HC vapours - vented for 10 minutes.

26 26 94

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only closed Suncor Information Only Closed Canadian Information Only Natural Resources Ltd. Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Suncor

11-Dec-2007 2-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

No Impact Vapour recovery unit has been taken out of service as of ~0400 hrs. will be down for 6 days. Call back at 1310 hours. VRU now back in service as of noon on Oct 18. No Impact Notification - will send U2 (upgrade) amine back flash to flare instead to thermal oxidizer. Could be increase in SO2 (unlikely). Trouble feeding thermal oxidizer to achieve internal SO2 target (right now 2 X internal limit which is 1/2 approval limit. No Impact Stack Survey from 2007 to 2008 No Impact phone not working. alternate number for rest of today. No Impact Scheduled maintenance has commenced. AENV was notified by letter unknown date. Outage will last five days. Start - up scheduled for Jan 20, 2008. FGD is the area affected. Letter received 17-2008. Company request to disclaim the incident on January 17th. Surface Notification only; not a contravention. Draining raw water river line into Tar River. Will drain approximately Water 3000 cubic metres of raw water (river water).





26 94 94 94 94 94

1-Apr-2008 24-Apr-2008 22-May-2008 23-Jun-2008 22-Jul-2008 20-May-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active


Investigating odour complaint. ...Does not think it is coming from their plant but they will look into it.

No Impact Notification of startup. AENV aware of flaring and approval was given for the startup. Plant 68 (sour water stripper and SRU) were started up at 1500 hrs. Surface Proceeding with planned release to the river for the purpose of hydrostatic testing. A letter had been previously Water sent to AENV on this. Starting now. Air Tank venting from diluted bitumen tank. No sour. Due to high inventory of bitumen going back to tank. Air This morning. Had some smoke coming from Stack 19 - 2. Brief upset. Corrected. This is a follow up to a public complaint. Only event that could have caused concern. NonNotification that Hwy 63 is closed, source is stockpiling sulfur. Pad is full, have started to put the sulfur in the Categorized limestone pit. /other Air Fax notifying plant shutdown/start up procedures from April to May. Air Air Source has a 7-day planned maintenance outage starting tonight. will be venting and have odour potential. Send notification on Aug 23/2004 that they will be doing work on the plant. Work has now commenced on scrubber system and will continue for 7-10 days. This is notification only - may be potential smells. but unlikely. Potential off site odours - investigating source right now. Have odours onsite - may migrate.

26 94 94

3-Apr-2003 21-Mar-2004 31-Mar-2005

Industry Industry Industry

94 20809 26 48522 48522


Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry


Albian Sands 18-Aug-2005 Syncrude En Cana En Cana 19-Aug-2005 12-Sep-2005 22-Feb-2006

No Impact Rec'd letter regarding: RATA notification - test will be held Aug 18, 19 2005 No Impact Rec'd fax notification: planned sulfur pit outage Aug 19-20/05. No Impact Report of turnaround, Sep 12-21 - courtesy call Air Planned plant shutdown Feb 22-24. Possible flaring.


94 26 26 94 26 94

Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only

Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor

20-Mar-2006 27-Mar-2006 8-May-2006 24-Sep-2007 2-Nov-2007 28-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification

No Impact Notification only; a letter had been sent on this previously . FGD offline due to scheduled maintenance planned outage for 25 days. Air Rec' d letter notification re: scheduled f ire school burning dates for the year 2006. No Impact Rec' d letter regarding: request for Authorization for an outage of the 21K-2 Natural gas vapour recovery system. A copy of this request was forwarded to the Approval officer. No Impact Second stage on vapour recovery unit tripped. Problem with cooling system. Proactive notification. No Impact Main stack plume is more visible than normal. Within all limits. May be due to meteorological conditions. Letter received 06-Nov-2007. No Impact Fax received 10-Jul-200B : Please be advised that the dates of the Relative' Accuracy Test Audits (RATA' s) on the Flue Gas Desulfurization Stack (37F-01) and the Old Powerhouse Stack (31F-7) have been changed from the week of July 21-25 to the week of July 28-August 1. RATA's on the Gas Turbine Generators GTG-5 and GTG-6 will take place the week of July 21-25 as originally scheduled Land 3 litres sodium hydroxide solution spilled at plant 9-1 during off-loading. Cleaned. Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Fire training schedule. Will be conducting from April 9, 1998 until second week of November 1998. Flaring due to startup/commissioning of plant 25. Flared less than 1 tonne, not reportable. Flaring, less than 1 tonne, not reportable. Flaring from 25 PIC 862.Thinks it was <1 tonne SO2; but as they are unsure, he is reporting. Turned out to be less than 1 tonne and not reportable. Flaring through SPIC17 coker gas due to problem with lube oil system. Informing AEP of an emergency outage to repair overhead line on the NRU. Bringing NRU down on Oct.4/98 for 5-7 days, odour potential during this period. Notification of flaring of acid gas due to malfunction on 11-1.LT31. Put on bypass and no longer flaring.

26 26 94 94 94 94 94 26 94 26 26 94 94 26 26 94 26

Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only

Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude

26-Nov-1996 9-Apr-1998 9-Jun-1998 9-Jun-1998 10-Jun-1998 2-Jul-1998 4-Oct-1998 5-Nov-1998 1-Mar-1999 19-Jun-1999 14-Mar-2000 26-Apr-2000 28-Apr-2000 13-Oct-2000 2-Nov-2000 11-Jan-2001 16-Feb-2001

Agency Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release

26 94

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor

1-Mar-2001 22-Mar-2001

Industry Industry

Release Release

Regulation/ Info call. Will be taking plant down early March 1, 1999 due to problems with unit. Likely some flaring. Reporting Air Notification of Prov Surface Mine Rescue Competition and burning a clean commercial 50/50 gasoline/diesel mix. Regulation/ Caller reporting that NRU will be shutdown at 0200hrs Mar. 14/00, for 17.5 days. Possible odour potential. Reporting Letter rec'd Apr10/00. REF# 96324-NRU back up & operational. Air odour potential due to refrigeration unit on VRU is partially down until Friday (50% of unit is down) due to series of leaks, contents are 134A. Air UPDATE on odour potential: Work on VRU will extend until end of Saturday and not Friday as originally reported. Air Notification of possible odour potential due to changing pressure controls on 20D-13 tank, a untreated sour naphtha tank. Rec'd letter. Air odour potential, sour water from plant 16-2 is about 50ppm H2S, this water is treated before going to ponds bur their internal spec's are 50ppm. Air Notification of odour potential due to taking vapour recovery unit down for maintenance for approx a 24hr period. Air Notification that they will be cleaning tanks on Feb 12 (tentatively), There may be possible odour complaints. It is not the sour tank that they are cleaning. Later updated that cleaning will now take place on the evening of Feb 16th, 2001. Regulation/ Received fax re: Burning at the Sync rude Mildred Lake Fire School. Will be doing fire training at the school Reporting commencing March 1st. Air Notification that they have a large, bright flare.


94 94

Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Syncrude Suncor Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

2-Apr-2001 26-Apr-2001

Industry Industry

Release Release

Air Air

26 94 94 26 94 94

14-Jun-2001 24-Aug-2001 9-Oct-2001 31-Jan-2002 8-May-2002 7-Nov-2002

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air

Notification that the plant has just started their 8 day shutdown (plantwide), for upgrades. Authorizations from Kim Seng have already been obtained. Flaring will occur - see letter. Notification that they are starting the #1 boiler. They are firing it up on hydrotreated gas oil so no sulfur dioxide is released. They will be switching to coke after this. Opacity meters are at 40-52%. Stacks are discolored due to the oil burning. but the color will go away once they're through the transition. Reporting a highly visible flare producing black smoke from plant 11-2 due to foaming in absorber. Notification only. Notification only. Odour potential due to them starting to pump sour water to tailings pond because of extraction plant shut in and no where for water to go. Happening now. Flaring butane while the naphtha charge pump is offline for service. Notification only. Received fax re: fire training which will result in black smoke. will run now until Dec. 31, 2002. Small odour potential - taking down VRU for some repairs.

94 94

Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Syncrude Suncor Suncor

24-Nov-2002 6-Dec-2002

Industry Industry

Release Release

Regulation/ Williams Energy normally takes Source coker gas, compresses it to liquid to send into pipeline. If Williams is Reporting down , coker gas goes to boiler 3. Possibility that Williams and Boiler 3 may both be down later in the week. They may have to flare - large bright flare may cause concern. Low sulfur: - approx 1/2 ton per hour. Land Notification that a coke truck rolled over on Hwy 63. Clean-up underway. No adverse impact. Air Odour potential for 24 hours due to an emergency outage to the second stage of the VRU. Odours should be scrubbed because 1 has scrubbers to handle odours. possibility for odour because of the long duration of the outage. Due to wind conditions & normal shut down, possible odour complaints. Heads up. winds >100 km/hr. Notification - there is fouling on the back end of the hydrotreater unit. They are planning a chemical injection cleaning for Wednesday. If unit goes down before that, they may have some faring of butane. Notification of flaring from bldg 5-C-15, at the base plant upgrader. Reason - naphtha system down for preventative maintenance. No violations. Started plants up over the weekend. Starting 15 minutes ago, air blower issues, and have some black smoke coming off the flare Reporting high potential for odours over the next 3 weeks during shutdown. Potential for odour increases when NRU is down and naphtha is sent to untreated tailings pond. Caller could not say odours were bad at time of call. C/N also advised air monitoring bus is down for repair - will be ready to go tomorrow. Reporting pumping sour water to tailings pond #1. Associated with base camp shutdown. Odour potential. Due to Williams shutdown, they will be flaring June 11-20. Williams Energy normally takes their rich gas (low sulfur). Bright flare - low SO2.Expect no adverse effects wants to waive 7-day letter. Also notifying of Source main startup June 15-17. Big flare. Air monitoring van will be touring site. Had an exchanger fail that is causing wet gas to be sent to flare. Has potential to knock out flare pilot. Will call back if it does. Reported that an engine malfunction on heavy hauler lost 175 litres of hydraulic oil. Have recovered with sand put contaminated sand back into process. Rec'd letter Oct 3. 16:02. Reporting that a D7 cat is on fire at plant site. Were burning brush at the time. This morning had to send diluent from upgrader #1 to south tank farm. Reason is frozen tank. Potential for odour because there are light ends in the diluent. Courtesy call. Flaring event from swag system 53C10 - SO2 hit is possible - sour water went into circulation and lost system 2150 - ongoing. Notification that VRU will be shutdown for ~8 hours creating odour potential. If issues/incidents arise she will update and provide letter. Flaring - ongoing - for a while yet. Planned flaring - but must inform AENV and get a reference number. (0350

26 94 94 20809 94

8-Jan-2003 2-Apr-2003 4-Apr-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release

Air Air Air Air Air

Albian Sands 7-Apr-2003 Suncor 20-May-2003

94 94

Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information only Closed Information Only Closed En Cana Syncrude

21-May-2003 11-Jun-2003

Industry Industry

Release Release

Air Air

48522 26 20809 94 94 94 26

16-Sep-2003 30-Sep-2003

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Agency

Release Release Release Release Release Release Release

Air Land Air Air Air Air Air

Albian Sands 10-Jan-2004 Suncor Suncor Suncor Syncrude 13-Jan-2004 31-Jan-2004 3-Feb-2004 16-Apr-2004



Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only




26 26

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only Closed Information only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Closed Information Only Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Suncor

11-Jun-2004 16-Jun-2004

Industry Industry

Release Release





26 94 26 94 94 48408 26 26 94 26 94 26 26 94 26

2-Jul-2004 6-Nov-2004 12-Nov-2004 6-Jan-2005 29-Jan-2005

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release

- Caller called back to say they finished flaring at 0315). (Letter rec'd April 21/04). Notification flaring from 53-PSV-1004. Started wed May 19 am - ongoing next few days. Caller said in a few days they may exceed 20T limit - if they did he would send a letter - Caller was advised that this is just a notification and if a limit is exceeded another call is required and a new ref# will be given. Caller was wondering if this call was even necessary then - said it likely was not. Air Notification of ongoing flaring due to piece of equipment (37-1-K3) is down. Having trouble getting the parts to repair it - down since June 7. Not a contravention. (Letter rec'd June 15). Air The Caller reported that their plant is undergoing visible flaring due to the sulfur plant being tripped out. The multiline monitoring equipment was undergoing repairs. The staff probably tripped out the plant by accident. The flaring is expected to last less than the approval 3 hour limit. Land Notification only. (not sure if reportable). Spill onsite of bitumen/water from hydro transport line. Line ruptured. All contained - slurry went into onsite ditch and then to containment pond. Currently draining the line. will be cleaned up. Land Spill of sewage - pipe leaking from wash car. Pipe and wash car isolated and shut down. Company will be in this morning to clean. (letter rec'd July 2, 2004). No Impact Notification of flaring from 52-PC-1682. which is their 52-K-100 compressor. Due to a compressor trip. Flaring since some time Yesterday. No contraventions. (Letter rec'd Nov 10). Air Venting on tank 20D16 (untreated). Compressor down for maintenance Air Land Air Hydraulic oil spill: all on site; all cleaned up.

Petro-Canada 10-Jun-2005 Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Suncor Syncrude Syncrude Suncor Syncrude 21-Aug-2005 23-Aug-2005 26-Aug-2005 17-Oct-2005 13-Jan-2006 19-Jan-2006 8-Feb-2006 20-Feb-2006 4-May-2006

Flaring taking place that may exceed allowable (20 tonnes SO2) - having problems with gas recovery unit - will result in 6 tonnes Should be less than 20 per day from now until Monday, Jan 31. tonnes - notification only. Land Spill of produced fluid - steam condensate. Fitting on wellhead was loose. Contained within berm - recovered for recycle. Repairing leak now - completed by tomorrow. EUB informed and consulted. Air Flaring-hydrogen and H2S-cause is unit startup in progress-flaring intermittent - should be complete in 2-3 hours-courtesy call. Air Flaring acid gas intermittently-attempting to bring a piece of equipment back online-courtesy call. (Letter rec' d Aug 26/05). Air Flaring this morning due to process upset in upgrading - unsure of amount of SO2 (will know Monday). Told to update if >20 T - if so a letter will be required. No Impact Complaints of bitumen smell in plant. Investigating and finding nothing. Air Land Wet gas compressor startup. may have flaring from stack. Some flaring for the last 30 minutes.

Spill - glycol - holding tank valve broke off - bermed and contained. Cleaning up now. Did not migrate - no water affected. Surface Strip sour water went into their effluent pond. This is a normal procedure. the alarms did not go off. There is a Water possibility that the alarms are not working. No Impact Spill of refined oil to ground for a compressor. All cleaned up. (Letter rec'd Feb 23). Air Tank venting NG and H2S vapour. No evacuations, have blocked off the area. Cause is filling tank too quickly. Have stopped filling. Tank pressure is now dropping, venting should stop soon. Not a contravention of approval. Tank venting (tank 13) - NG and sour HC vapours. Filling the tank too fast. Swung tanks, stopped venting at 09:55. Not a contravention of approval. There was a fire at a tailings pond collecting solvent, Black smoke was released into the atmosphere. The fire burned for 10 minutes. There were no injuries or evacuations. Stack plume from plant 26-1 is touching down in some area. Removing people from the affected buildings - the offsite satellite centre and the admin building. Unit is operating normal. This is just caused by current ambient conditions. Notification only. Notification only. SRU trip at 0630 hrs due to blower trip. Have an internal reporting procedure to call in flaring of SO2 in excess of 20 tonnes. Don't have exact number yet but suspects they extend as a result of the

26 20809 26

Closed Syncrude 5-May-2006 Information Only Closed Albian Sands 10-Jun-2006 Information Only Closed Syncrude 11-Sep-2006 Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only 13-Sep-2006

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release

Air Air Air






26 149968

153125 94 94

Closed Syncrude Information Only Closed Canadian Information Only Natural Resources Ltd. Closed Shell Canada Information Only closed Suncor Information Only Closed Suncor Information Only

11-Dec-2006 23-Jun-2007

Industry Industry

Release Release

Air Land

trip. Flaring stopped now. Flaring sour fuel gas from 83 - ongoing. (rec'd letter Dec 18/06) . #####################################################################################

5-Dec-2007 18-Jan-2008 12-May-2008

Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release


94 20809

Closed Suncor 11-Jul-2008 Information Only Closed Albian Sands 11-Jul-2008 Information Only Closed - Referred Suncor Closed - Referred Suncor Closed - Referred Suncor Closed - Referred Syncrude Closed - Referred Suncor Closed - Referred Syncrude Closed Syncrude Information Only missing incident Suncor missing incident CNRL missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor missing incident Encana missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor missing incident CNRL missing incident Suncor missing incident CNRL missing incident Suncor 25-Sep-1997 26-Sep-1997 24-May-1998 3-Mar-1999 3-Mar-1999 28-Jan-1998 28-Feb-2006 27-May-2009 4-Feb-2008 25-Jun-2008 22-Jul-2008 31-Jul-2008 10-Oct-2008 13-Nov-2008 15-Dec-2008 22-Dec-2008 11-Jan-2009 22-Jan-2009 25-Apr-2009

Industry Industry

Release Release

94 94 94 26 94 26 26 94 149968 94 94 48522 94 94 94 149968 94 149968 94

Agency Agency Industry Industry Industry Public Complaint Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Alleged Contravention Waste Release Alleged Contravention Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

6 L of engine oil spilled out of a D8 dozer. Cause - oil cap blew out. Cleaned up immediately. No drains or waterways affected. Air venting to atmosphere for 5 minutes. Plant 87 (extraction). Filling compartment (inclined plate separator). Potential offsite odour. Air Notification of potential flaring. Have some repair work on 19F3 flare line. As a result, all flaring will be routed to 19F1. This could result in sporadic, smoky flare potential. Potentially intermittent flaring from May 12-16. If a contravention occurs, they will call. Caller believes potential flaring would be SO2. No Impact Spill of less than 10 Litres of raw domestic sewage. Leaked onto soil in a bitumen tank containment storage area. Line was isolated and repairs are in progress. No waterways affected. No Impact Sewage spill (grey water) - maximum 5 litres. A pipe developed a crack and sewage dripped out of crack. When discovered, pipe was taken out of service. Sewage landed on developed gravel pad; was cleaned up with lime and gravel removed. Groundwate Contamination encountered when decommissioning tanks . Tanks not replaced. r Groundwate Contamination encountered when decommissioning UGSTs. Tank not replaced. r Waste Have an oily duck on the plant site. Need F&W phone number Regulation/ Request for temporary change in main stack CEMS. Reporting Regulation/ Requesting clarification of the CEMS performance specifications. Reporting Waste Caller has concerns about the amount of oil/hydrocarbon that company puts into tailings ponds. Air Swinging 16-0 overheads to flare due to process upset. (Should only last another ~ 15 min) .

No Impact RATA and Particulates testing will be performed the week of June 8 to 12. Surface Water Air Air No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact Land No Impact No Impact Notification only; not a contravention. Draining raw water river line into Tar River. Will drain approximately 3000 cubic metres of raw water (river water. Tank venting from diluted bitumen tank. No sour. Due to high inventory of bitumen going back to tank. This morning. Had some smoke coming from Stack 19-2. Brief upset. Corrected. This is a follow up to a public complaint. Only event that could have caused concern. Rec' d letter re: removal of water treatment plant at Source operation site. Page 129 of NNN, source is 224487 Cenovus FCCL Ltd. Had work going on and agreed with NRE Region that local area officer would be notified when peer tie-in was to occur. CIC will have Ft. McM on-call call him. Took flue gas desulphurization unit offline @ 2310, 12-Nov. Maintenance window 4-6 days. Rec' d fax notification regarding: PCB storage information sent in accordance with the EPEA, Waste Control Regulation. Received fax notification regarding commencement of operations at Horizon Oil Sands Project. Courtesy call. Sump overflow -slurry at fact plant 89. Raw oil sands and water (hot. No amounts. all contained in work area. No injuries. No water affected. Cleaning up and will reprocess. Notification of a release of untreated froth to tailings pond. ERCB aware Notification, a boiler had a tube leak -steam released and caused a temp problem on JBR which caused it to automatically remove a couple boilers as a protection measure -caller is looking into whether it is a


94 149968 149968

missing incident Suncor missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

27-Apr-2009 21-May-2009 27-May-2009

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

48522 94 94 94

missing incident missing incident missing incident missing incident

Encana Suncor Suncor Suncor

21-Aug-2009 11-Sep-2009 2-Feb-2010 30-Mar-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification

94 94

missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor

17-May-2010 17-Sep-2010

Industry Industry

Notification Notification

149968 149968

missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

26-Oct-2010 18-Dec-2010

Industry Industry

Notification Notification

94 94 151469

missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor missing incident Fort Hills Energy

19-Jan-2011 3-May-2011 9-May-2011

Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification

149968 149968

missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

18-May-2011 6-Jun-2011

Industry Industry

Notification Notification

149968 94 149968 149968

missing incident CNRL missing incident Suncor missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

4-Aug-2011 8-Aug-2011 17-Aug-2011 26-Aug-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification


missing incident CNRL




contravention or not. Letter received 14-May-2009 lncident Date Time: 25-APR-200909:38 No Impact Fire on a heavy hauler truck. Advised at 1000 hrs today even though happened at 1645 hrs. yesterday. Fuel line caught fire & all fuel consumed. Nothing to ground lncident Date Time: 26-APR-200916:45 Air Incineration of sour gas and S02 released will likely be greater than 20 tonnes/day. Cause -system isn't working properly. May 2111:00-ongoing. No Impact Notification: Plant is upset. May have to overflow sulphur pit with sulphur material. Will be contained on ground but it won't go anywhere. Called again at 1953 hours. Plant is in shutdown now. There is no risk of overflow at sulphur pit. Have contacted ERCB also. No Impact Received letter notifying AENV of plant turnaround Sept . 17/09 - OCT. 1/09 No Impact Received letter notifying of a bypass of Upgrader 2 Tail Gas Treatment Unit for approx 17 days. Air Starting up U2 upgrader so there will be flaring. Notifying as per letter from AE Air Courtesy call: starting up upgrader (fire in March -was down for repairs. Received authorization to emit 350 tonnes S02 over several days. Received AENV authorization on March 12, 2010 and were directed to notify ERC when upgrader was started. No Impact Unscheduled maintenance for a VRU Stage it2. Start will be 18 May 2010 @ 0900 hrs. downtime will be 24 hours for the VRU. Reason is there is a seal leak. No Impact Caller is reporting that they have started the FGD (Flu gas diesel) [flue gas desulphurization] outage. They sent in a notification (letter at the start of the month for this. This is a planned major outage. It just started shortly after the 20:00 hour. That is their big scrubber tour, it removes S02 from the boilers -technically a pollution abatement system. lncident Date/Time: 16-SEP-201022:30 No Impact Shutting down plant for the next 7 days, for scheduled maintenance. Courtesy call only. No adverse effects. No Impact Notification -plant has gone on recirculation. No adverse effect or contraventions expected. Due to yesterday aft diverting steam into blowdown header and field op noticed steam escaping from header at about 100ft off ground. removed steam from header, have been building scaffolding to access the header to determine site of the leak. 2-3L of coolant water leaked to ground (non-reportable release. So far no indication of H2S. Update taken at 1511hrs by KG. contacted the CIC with an update. and source has confirmed that leak was a result of weld failure on the line. Source is in the process of welding pipe and anticipates that they will be online tomorrow night. Air Flared for 15 minutes today. Coker gas. Unsure if it over allowable limit of 20 t. If it turns out that there was an exceedance then he will update. lncident Date Time: 19-JAN-201116:25 Air Notification that flue/process gases went through old VRU. Stage 2 venting may have been involved. Still investigating. Land Caller reporting flooding of site. Due to elevated levels in river, discharge ditch has swelled and a portion of site is flooded. Nothing on site that can be washed into river. Source will increase TSS monitoring to once daily (sedimentation pond upstream of discharge ditch Caller reports that they may have high TSS values but will phone those in separately if they occur. No Impact Notification that they are evacuating the Fort MacKay camp due to smoke from the wild fire. He is not sure how many people will be involved in this evacuation. No Impact Reporting a failure of the Zeeweed water filtration system. It failed the membrane integrity test. The system was taken offline immediately. The other train is still in operation. A representative has been called to assist with the overhaul of the unit. The failed results were received on May 22. He believes this is not a contravention because the approval requirement to do a weekly integrity test applies only if the system is running. He does not want to submit a 7-day report unless it is a contravention, so he will update if he finds out it is a contravention. CIC advised that he may have to submit a letter if requested by an EPO. Letter received: 13-Jun-2011 and June 11, 2011. Air Notification for flaring. For the next 10 days. Starting up plant. Sour. Just a courtesy call. Air Opacity exceedance from 0400-04:06. Opacity was greater than 40%, 43.1%. Electrical trip on stack 31 caused exceedance. This is only a notification requirement, not a contravention. No Impact Reporting over 20 tons, hit 65.95 tons of S02 over a days. Not over exceedance, just a notification. Air Caller reporting notification. Source reporting that they released a large than normal amount of S02 yesterday. Value obtained -65.68 tons/day, limit is 20 ton s/day. Source started up plant last week and believes that that is contributing to the plant issues. Air notification of S02 of 44.16 tonnes Plant total emissions. Still on startup status.


149968 149968 149968 149968 149968

missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

17-Sep-2011 8-Nov-2011 11-Nov-2011 12-Nov-2011 28-Dec-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

Air Air Air Air Air

149968 149968 149968 149968 149968 149968

missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

6-Jan-2012 7-Jan-2012 4-Feb-2012 15-Mar-2012 19-Mar-2012 6-Jun-2012

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification Notification

Air No Impact Air Air Air Air

149968 149968

missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

7-Jun-2012 7-Jun-2012

Industry Industry

Notification Notification

Air Air

149968 149968 149968 149968 94

missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL missing incident Suncor

7-Jul-2012 8-Jul-2012 18-Jul-2012 26-Jul-2012 10-Jul-2008

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Notification Notification Notification Notification Pro-Active Notification

Air Air Air Air No Impact

94 94 94 149968

missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor missing incident CNRL

14-Jul-2009 26-Aug-2009 15-Oct-2009 31-May-2010

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active

No Impact No Impact No Impact Potable Water No Impact


missing incident CNRL




missing incident Suncor



No Impact


missing incident Suncor



No Impact

Just a notification. Just went over 20 tonnes/day for S02. The daily value was 40.84 tonnes/day. Cause: hydrogen plant tripped and now it is back online. This is for September 16, 2011. S02 emissions exceeded 27.44 ton/day. Limit is 930 tons/day. But every time they reach 20 ton/day they notify as a courtesy. lncident Date/Time: 07-NOV-201123:59 S02 daily courtesy call because the plant exceeded 20 tonnes/day. The value is exactly at 20 tonnes/day. Unit is down and S02 exceeded 20 tonnes/day and giving courtesy call. Does not have to submit ?day letter according to approval since have not exceeded the limit. Sulphur train tripped out and scott unit also therefore products went to flare. Still flaring at present. Update taken at 1019hrs on Dec 28, 2011 by KG. Mr. Smith contacted the CIC with an update. The sulfur train and Scott units were back up @ 0945hrs. Source is no longer flaring. Plant S02 emissions was higher than 20 tons/day. When over 20 tons/day the give us a courtesy call. For 5 Jan 2012 Notification that their S02 emissions exceeded 20 tonnes on Jan 6. Not an exceedance, just a notification. lncident Date Time: 06-JAN-201223:59 Notification for planned flaring. intermittent from sour water flare. Plant shut down, need to maintain levels. Starting in the next 24 hrs. Notification: Over their 20 ton/day S02 limit, was at 175 ton/day. Due to just starting up from shut down. Caller stated this isn't a contravention and doesn't require a 7-day letter Notification: Over 20 ton/day of S02. secondary upgraders tripped due to power failure. Notification only for small unplanned flaring event of amine acid gas at 54-PC-3898. The unplanned flaring event took 10 minutes. This is not a contravention of approval. Flaring started at 13:25 and went to 13:35 for a straight 10 minutes. Unplanned flaring event. Flaring steam with a trace amount of acid gas. Off Plant 54, Scot regenerator. Related to degasser. Notification only. Notification of unplanned flaring of steam with some acid gas. Starting between 0750-0850 and unk how long will go for but approx 12-18h. An exchanger needs to have its plates chemically cleaned to needs to come off line. Notification: S02 emissions release from east flare stack. Not an exceedances but approval requires to report anything over 24 ton/s. At 91.29 tons. Notification only: east flare stack is emitting more than 20 tons/day of S02. Was at 74.93 for today. Notification of flaring that has stopped 36 t/d S02 flared notifies AE when over 20 t/d. This is for 17 Jul 12. lncident Date/Time: 17-JUL-201223:59 Notification for flaring. Exchanger leaking. Over 20t/d. Planned event, will begin in the next 24 hrs. Fax received 10-Jul-2008 : Please be advised that the dates of the Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA'son the Flue Gas Desulphurization Stack (37F-01and the Old Powerhouse Stack (31F-7have been changed from the week of July 21-25 to the week of July 28-August 1. RATA's on the Gas Turbine Generators GTG-5 and GTG6 will take place the week of July 21-25 as originally scheduled. Upgrader 1, sulfur recovery unit -down for maintenance. Will be down for Already sent in a notification letter to AENV. lncident Date Time: 14-JUL-200916:08 Plant 300 is scheduled to startup train 1 tomorrow morning at 08:00. Letter was sent in July 9, 2009. lncident Date Time: 26-AUG-200915:27 Rec' d letter regarding: planned downtime of equipment due to maintenance: vapour recovery unit (VRU Oct 26-November 5, 2009. Caller reporting a CL2 violation. CL 2 pump was not being monitored properly. Everything is back to normal. Caller reports that this is not an exceedance under their approval but rather an exceedance of internal limits that are set by the company. Caller reporting instrumentation problems -indication that valve is lifting once in a while. Could be an instrument problem and an actual release. Source will investigate. Caller says that this is only a proactive notification and that he will not be sending in a letter. lncident Date/Time: 12-JUN-201010:30 Caller reporting a notification of plant start up. Plant 57. Should be back in operation by June 30. Start up process will being June 26th. Update taken by JA on July 2, 2010@ 09:27. Caller notifying that plant will be starting up the afternoon of July 02, 2010. Starting up upgrader 2 today (Sept 07, 2010. It was down before because of turn-around. Will not be in full



missing incident CNRL



Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Pro-Active Notification Release

149968 94

missing incident CNRL missing incident Suncor

3-Nov-2010 25-Dec-2010

Industry Industry

94 149968

missing incident Suncor missing incident CNRL

7-Apr-2011 23-Apr-2011

Industry Industry

94 48522 94

missing incident Suncor missing incident Encana missing incident Suncor

13-Aug-2011 29-Aug-2011 17-Nov-2011

Industry Industry Industry


missing incident Suncor



149968 94

missing incident CNRL missing incident Suncor

13-Mar-2012 11-Jul-2008

Industry Industry

94 94 94 94

missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor missing incident Suncor

4-Oct-2008 22-Nov-2008 1-Dec-2008 10-Jan-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release


missing incident Suncor





missing incident Suncor





missing incident Suncor




149968 20809

missing incident CNRL


Industry Industry

Release Release

missing incident Shell Canada 30-Sep-2009

start until tomorrow (Sept 08, 2010. No Impact Just a notification that boiler tripped and caused other boiler to trip. Plant had to be shut down and started boiler right now and started plant again. This happened at 04:30 when boiler tripped and caused the plant to shut down. Boilers are coming back up again. Cause: Under investigation No Impact Caller reporting a hot water release that cause injury. An contractor was working on pipeline -unbolted the wrong pipe. Land Notification only .Berm was released to the south tailings pond area, . This was caused during the process of raising the walls in the pond and the wall failed. Originally occurred on Dec.24 at 04:00 and then again on Dec 25 at 11:00. Clean up is underway. This was reported to the ERCB. No Impact Rec'd letter regarding: the Flue Gas Desulphurization Plant (FGD will be down for planned maintenance from April 18-April 22. Air Gas flaring within mine pit -testing today. Notification at this point. No time associated with this notification. The plant is shut down and not producing. Not expecting exceedances. Will do testing today and the unit will be put into service on week of April 26, 2011. No Impact Source is starting up plant and as a result, there will be additional flaring. Caller confirms that there should not be any black smoke but will monitor the flare accordingly. lncident Date/Time: 13-AUG-201116:00 No Impact Notification of a planned turnaround Sept 24 to Oct 5. His approval requires that he provide a notification prior to a turnaround. No Impact Notification that they are starting up Upgrader #2 at the Fort McMurray operations site. Several days ago, they had notified their AENV Rep that they had to have an unplanned controlled shut down due to pump issues. This is the startup after correcting those pump issues. No contraventions or issues. Courtesy call. No Impact Notification only and no 7 day letter required. On Tuesday, will have to take down tail gas treatment unit (will be put into bypass for two days (Feb 28 to March 1. Have some fouling in exchangers and thus need to do bypass so that they can do chemical clean of exchangers. No Impact Email received advising that they have completed the necessary repairs in Primary Upgrading and plan to start feeding bitumen to the Coker by Wed March 14 with startup of the Secondary Upgrader March 14-15. No Impact Spill of less than 10 litres of raw domestic sewage. Leaked onto soil in a bitumen tank containment storage area. Line was isolated and repairs are in progress. No waterways affected. lncident Date Time: 11-JUL200816:00 Air Courtesy notification. 3rd party plant gone down. Having to flare rich fuel gas. Could be for a couple of days. Low emissions but high visibility. lncident Date Time: 04-ocT-200811:36 Land outside gate of plant there was a motor vehicle accident. 5 litres of antifreeze were spilled. We are cleaning it up now. No Impact 5m3 final tailings to a pump house & packing leaked. Packing leaked ERCB advised. 3-Dec-20087 day letter received. No Impact 2 spills. No amounts known. 1st spill at plant 89. Sump overflow. Sand hot water went to mine pit-working are. unknown amount. 2nd spill plant 86. pumped water to tailings pond -line plugged or frozen. lanced. Material went back to pond. non-routine maintenance. Land Courtesy call -reportable to the ERCB. Release from pipeline of process water; on line from plant 86 to pond 8B. Occurred at -2330 hrs. Volume not confirmed yet. Due to gasket failure on a pump. All contained within containment system. Pump has been shut-in. Requests waiver of written report since it is not AENV reportable. lncident Date/Time: 10-JAN-200923:30 No Impact Had a release from a froth transfer line at plant 4. In contained area. This is not an AENV reportable; just a heads up because it it ERCB reportable. Flow stopped -currently being cleaned by contractor. Unsure of cause. Contained area is designed to contain releases. lncident Date Time: 16-JAN-200909:45 No Impact Diesel release -300 L -caused by an overfill of a boiler. The spill went into a contained area and caused no environmental impacts. It has already been cleaned. Occurred near pond 6. No other impacts or issues -no written report required. The transfer of product occurred from a stationary tank (not a transport tanks not a TDG incident. lncident Date Time: 10-APR-200906:00 Air Notification (call only-not a contravention. Went over 20 tonnes per day sulphur dioxide. Had to do cleanup of sulphur recovery units and this caused some flaring. Will be included in monthly report. Land Generator leak -motor oil -12 L. Went to gravel. Cleaned up. No drains impacted. All on lease, next to tire shop.


149968 149968 20809 20809 149968

missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

17-Dec-2009 25-Dec-2009

Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release Release

missing incident Shell Canada 14-Mar-2010 missing incident Shell Canada 25-Mar-2010 missing incident CNRL 29-Aug-2010

20809 20809

missing incident Shell Canada 7-Oct-2010 missing incident Shell Canada 4-Dec-2010

Industry Industry

Release Release

149968 149968 46586 149968

missing incident CNRL missing incident CNRL

4-Apr-2011 28-Apr-2011

Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release

missing incident Imperial Oil 9-May-2011 missing incident CNRL 12-Nov-2011

94 20809 149968 20809

missing incident Suncor


Industry Industry Industry Industry

Release Release Release Release

missing incident Shell Canada 9-Feb-2012 missing incident CNRL 21-Feb-2012

missing incident Shell Canada 5-May-2012


missing incident CNRL





En Cana; 17-Mar-2003 Suncor; Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.; Syncrude; PetroCanada; Shell Canada


Alleged Contravention

No Impact Spill of naphtha from unit 43C8. Spilled onto pavement inside building. Cleaned up by vac truck. No Impact Notification only. Spill of 380 L of lube oil. Spilled within a building in secondary upgrader area. No impacts to environment. Not sure of cause. It has been cleaned up already. No adverse effects. No Impact Spill of used engine oil. Volume estimated at 20L. Cause -mechanical failure on truck. Spill occurred in mine area. Land Raw sewage spill. -4 L. From hose of a truck prior to removing sewage from Sewage Treatment Plant. No waterways. Cleaned up. Air Reporting a major flaring event. Sour gas flaring resulting in S02 emissions. Cause -wet gas compressor went down. Flaring began at 20:26 Aug 28, stopped at 15:30 Aug 29. No exceedances as a result of the flaring, just required to notify AENV. lncident Date Time: 28-AUG-201020:26 Land Spill of 200L of engine oil, heavy hauler lost it's motor. Spill was contained on site. No waterway or drains. Spill will be cleaned up today and soil with be disposed of. No Impact Their water plant overflowed because a valve cracked. The overflow went to the floor of the building -some got out of the building and into the ditch. It ended up in the recycle water pond. There are no environmental impacts. She is unable to estimate the volume, but the flow rate is 40 m3 per hour. The incident lasted approximately 2 hours. When the operator checked the flow, there was only some water on the floor and a very small volume outside of the building. Notification only. Air Notifying that they are bringing their west flare stack down for maintenance. Starting now. Not sure how long it will be down for. No Impact Reporting a 20 L spill of gray water (sewage spill. Septic tank spilled over. Spill went to ground around the tank and it was immediately cleaned up. Did not enter any waterways. No Impact Spill of hydraulic oil from a vibratory hammer, -15-100mL. Was cleaned up. Calling in because the release was close to the Athabasca river.---Letter received May 16, 2011 Air Reporting flaring from the sulphur plant. They are trying to restart the SCOT unit. They have been flaring intermittently since Nov 11, 1200 hours. It will likely continue intermittently until 1830 hours today. Courtesy call I notification only. He will update to this reference number if there are any exceedances as a result. No Impact Caller reporting a spill of lube oil, 210 litres. Truck was fueling up a lube island when the incident took place. No off site impacts. Clean up completed.-7 day letter received 2 Feb 2012 No Impact Spill of approx 70L of used oil. Occurred when an 0 ring blew on a crusher 1 accelerator. Spill has been cleaned up, and 0 ring being repaired. no waterways impacted No Impact Spill of grey water. Cause is being investigated. They assume it is a cracked drain. Spill is about 10-15 litres and spill has been stopped. The spill is frozen to the snow and ice. They will chip it out for disposal Land Spill of sewage, small volume. There was a leak in grey water tank and when the grey water was being cleaned up with a vac truck there was a loss of suction. The released from the vac truck showed the was sewage in the grey water. -1DL of sewage was released and cleaned up immediately. No Impact Courtesy call . Reporting a spill of process water. Volume estimated at 1 m3 . A gasket blew inside Building 24R4, on Pump 24G15. The release was all contained within secondary containment within the building. The process water is not sour but it may contain trace bitumen. There were no injuries or other issues as a result of the release. There is no cleanup necessary since it all went into the secondary containment trench. Regulation/ INFORMATION REMOVED - Public Complaint. Date and time are when complaint was registered, not Reporting necessarily when alleged contravention occurred.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on January 3rd 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - space for two entries removed, date and time from one entry only.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 7th and 11th of June 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 6th or 7th of June 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 4th and 12th of May 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 24th and 29th of April 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 14th and 19th of April 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 9th or 10th of April 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 6th and 9th of April 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 4th and 6th of April 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 28th and 30th of March 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 28th and 30th March 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 26th and 28th March 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 25th or 26th of March 2008.;


INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 18th and 21st of March 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 4th and 6th of June 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 2nd or 3rd of June 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 31st May and 2nd of June 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 30th of May 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 28th and 30th of May 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 25th and 28th of May 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 8th and 11th of May 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 6th of May 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 29th April to 1st May 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 13th and 18th April 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 12th of 13th April 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 27th and 25th March 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 15th and 18th March 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 12th of October 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 28th or 29th April 2006.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 24th or 25th April 2006.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 18th or 19th April 2006.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on the 18th April 2006.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 27th December 2005 and 4th January 2006.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 31st of August and 9th September; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on either the 22nd or 23rd of January 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported on either the 14th or 15th of January 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 11th and 14th of January 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 7th and 8th of January 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 28th September and 1st 0ctober 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - event would have been reported between the 1st and 7th of August; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 1st and 14th of November 2007.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 24th of March 2007 and the 4th of December 200 . Space for 4 entries removed.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 14th of May and the 2nd of June 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 24th of March and the 4th of May 2008 . Space for 4 entries removed.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 25th of May and the 11th of June 2008.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 30th of April and the 15th of May 2008 . Space for 6 entries removed.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 22nd of March and the 22nd of April 2008 . Space for 4 entries removed.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 28th and the 30th of April 2008 . Space for 2 entries removed.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 22th and the 28th of April 2008 . Space for 2 entries removed.; INFORMATION REMOVED - entry would have been made between the 13th and 24th of May 2008.


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