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Weekly Twitter Chat Times - Weekly Twitter Chats


Compiled by @thomascmurray & @cevans5095 with continuous help from @cybraryman1
#sunchat #slpchat #gtie #bcedchat #artedri #1stchat #titletalk #21stedchat #caedchat #edchatri #wischat #iaedchat #oklaed #spedplc #wyoedchat #edchatma #blogchat #ccsschat #1:1chat #tck Sunday Ed Chat Speech and Language Pathologists Gifted & Talented Ireland British Columbia Ed Chat Art Ed Chat Rhode Island First Grade Teachers Chat Promote reading and literacy 21st Century Education Chat California Ed Chat Ed Chat Rhode Island Wisconsin Chat Iowa Ed Chat Oklahoma Ed Chat Special Education PLC Wyoming Ed Chat Ed Chat Massachusetts Best practices in Blogging Chat Common Core State Standards Chat 1:1 Chat The Coffee Klatch (for parents of special needs students) 8-9am CST 2-3pm EST 4-5pm EST 7-8 pm PDT 7-8pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm PST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm CST 8-9pm CST 8-9pm CST 8-9pm CST 8-9pm MT 8-9pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10 pm EST #21CL #arted #artsed #atpeeps #blogmust #comments4kids #digped #earlyed #edapp #edchat #edreform #edtech #educoach #elearn #FF #flipclass #fliplearning #gbl #grammar #kidlit #mlearn #ocw #openedu #pblchat #pd #pegeeks #pln #rwworksop #sigetc #SLPeeps #sm #speced #STEM #TT 21st Century learner Art Education Arts in Education Assistive Device in Ed supporters Recommended blogpost please comment on student blog posts Digital Pedagogy Early Childhood Education Educational Apps consistent hashtag around all issues education educational reform or change educational technology educational coaches/ instructional coaches learning through cyber or virtual means Follow Friday- Make recommendations of who or what to follow on twitter teachers using a flipped instruction approach content related to flipped teaching game based learning tweets related to grammar, spelling, punctuation literacy for children mobile learning (cell phones, tablets) open courseware open education no set time to meet, but resources around Project Based learning all the time professional development (also #profdev, #cpd, #td) Physical Education teachers personal/professional learning network Reading/Writing workshop Educational Technology Coaches Speech/Language Pathologists social media (twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc) special ed Science,Technology,Engineering, Math Teacher Tuesday, make recommendations of teachers to follow on twitter.

#mathchat #engchat #sschat #tprepchat #pechat #ksed #4thchat #flipclass #musedchat #edtechchat #cdnedchat #tlap #collabed #edleadchat #stuvoice #edchatsa #TCRWPCoaching #ellchat #ILEdchat #Aledchat #weteach #ohedchat #21stadmin #kinderchat #smartee Math Teachers Chat English Teachers Chat Social Studies Teachers Chat Teacher Prep Chat Physical Education Chat Kansas Education Chat Fourth Grade Teachers Chat Flipped Classroom Teachers Music Teachers Chat Educational Technology Chat Canada Educator's Chat Teaching Like a Pirate All things collaboration School Administrator and Leadership Chat Student Voice Ed Chat South Africa Teacher's College Reading Writing Project Coaching English Language Learners Chat Illinois Ed Chat Alabama Ed Chat Teacher Ed Chat Ohio Ed Chat 21st Century Administrator Chat Kindergarten and Early Childhood Chat SMART technology (board, software, etc.) Chat 3:30-5:00pm EST 7-8pm EST 7-8pm EST 7-8pm EST 7-8pm EST / PST 7:30-8:30pm CST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm CST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm PST 8:30-9:30pm EST 8:30-9:30 SA (South Africa Time) 8:30-9:30pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm CST 9-10pm CST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9:30-10:30 EST

#edsg #edleaders #NMCk12 #edchat #apushchat #wrldchat #pblchat #edteach #5thchat #profchat Education Matters in Singapore Ed Leader Chat Innovative things for teaching chat Education Chat AP US History Chat World History and Geography Curriculum Project Based Learning Chat Ed Teach Chat 5th grade Teachers Chat Professors Chat (Higher Ed) 8-9am EST 6-7pm EST 6:30-7:30pm EST 12-1pm EST and 7-8pm EST 7-8pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST

Weekly Twitter Chat Times - Weekly Twitter Chats

#hiphoped #mdedchat #nced #patue #txlchat #6thchat #spedchat #smartee #scichat #sigetc #STEMchat #tevalchat #gr8teacher #hsmath Focus on using Hip Hop in education Maryland Ed Chat North Carolina Educators (biweekly) Pedagogy and Technology Texas Librarian's Chat 6th Grade Chat Special Education Chat SMART (software, boards, etc.) Chat Science Teachers Chat Educational Technology Chat (follow @istesigetc for more) Science,Technology,Engineering and Math (STEM) Chat Teacher Evaluations and Modern Mandates Chat Great Teaching Chat High School Math Chat 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm CST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST Every other month 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9:30-10:30pm EST

Check out this video on "The Power of Twitter Chats": featuring @joe_mazza, @sirotiak02, @cybraryman1, @scottrrocco, @bcurrie5, @wkrakower and moderated by @thomascmurray.

Check out this video on "Growing Your PLN": featuring @thenerdyteacher, @patrickmlarkin, @l_Hilt, @teachingwthsoul and moderated by @thomascmurray.

#COLchat #iolchat #LDchat #ELTchat #ipadchat #specialedchat #web20tools #IntEdchat #ctchat #3rdchat #edmusic #3rdchat #TCRWP #coachchat #2ndchat #libchat #ntchat #atchat #nebedchat #miched #uted #histed #txed #geomchat #1to1techat #ndedchat #DTK12chat #enviroed #jedchat #psycchat #sbgchat #ptchat #teachchat #yalitchat #fycchat #ohedtech #educoach Culture of Learning Chat Inside Online Learning Conversation around Learning Disabilities English Language Teachers Ipads in education Chat Special Education Chat Web 2.0 Tools in teaching International Ed Chat Critical Thinking Chat 3rd Grade Chat Music Education Third Grade Teachers Chat Teachers College Reading Writing Project Chat Athletic coaches Chat Second Grade Teachers Chat Librarian's Chat New Teachers Chat Assistive Technologies Chat Nebraska Ed Chat Michigan Ed Chat Utah Ed Chat History Education Texas Ed Chat Geometry Chat - Transitioning to Common Core 1:1 Teacher Chat North Dakota Ed Chat Design Thinking Chat Environmental Ed Chat Jewish Ed Chat School Psychologist Chat Standards-based Grading (SBG) Chat Parent-Teacher Chat General Teaching Chat Young Adult Literature Chat First Year Composition Chat Ohio Educational technology Instructional Coaching Chat 9-10am EST 12-1pm EST 12-1pm EST 12-1 & 9-10pm GMT 1-2pm EST 4-5pm EST / 9-10pm GMT 6-7pm EST 6-7 Beijing Time 7-8pm EST 7-8pm EST 7-8pm EST 7-8pm EST 7:30-8:30pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9:30pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm CST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm MST 8:30-9:30pm EST 8:30-9:30pm CST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm CST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 10-11pm EST

Check out this video on being a Connected Educator: featuring @angelamaiers, @web20classroom, @tomwhitby, @rkiker, @shannonmmiller, @shellterrell and moderated by @thomascmurray

If you are aware of changes or additions, please let Tom Murray @thomascmurray and/or Chad Evans @cevans5095 know. Thank you!
@thomascmurray & @cevans5095

#mnchat #mathchat #artsed #edrounds #ecosys #udlchat #langchat Minnesota Ed Chat Math Teachers Chat Arts in Education Chat Instructional Rounds in Ed Group committed to helping support education in the US Universal Design for Learning Chat Foreign Language Chats 6-7pm CST 7-8pm EST 7:30-8:30 EST 7-8pm EST (1st Thurs/Month) 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST

Weekly Twitter Chat Times - Weekly Twitter Chats

#6thchat #psychat #tichat #INelearn #DENchat #mschat #arkedchat #escchat #kyedchat #etcchat #chemchat #lrnchat #diversedu #PLC101 #isedchat #alscchat #iechat #moedchat #atplc #byotchat #ozprimschchat 6th grade teachers Chat Psychology in Schools Chat Technology Integrators Indiana eLearning Chat Discovery Educator Network (DEN) Chat Middle School Chat Arkansas Education Chat Elementary Counselors Chat Kentucky Ed Chat Educational Technology Coach Chat Chemisty Teachers Chat Focus on how people learn Focus on diversity in education Professional Learning Community 101 Independent School Educators Chat Association for Library Service to Children Chat Inclusive Education Chat Missouri Ed Chat All Things PLC based Bring your own technology chat Primary School Chat around 21st Century Skills 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm CST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8-9pm EST 8:30-9:30pm EST 8:30-10:00pm EST 8:30-9:30pm EST 9-10pm CST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST (2nd Thurs / Month) 9-10pm EST 9-10pm CST 9-10pm EST 9-10pm EST 8:45 pm Australian EST

#EdBookTalk #connectedpd #gtchat Educational Book Chat Connected Professional Development Chat Gifted and Talented Chat 10-11am CST 12-1pm EST 12-1pm and 7-8pm EST

#satchat #catholicedchat #rechat Saturday Chat (General Ed Topics) Catholic Ed Chat Rethinking Education Chat 7:30-8:30am and 10:30-11:30am EST 9-10am EST 9-10am EST

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