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June 19, 2013 - 18:15

Proposals for Article 0 (3)

Th e Member State/Co ntra cting Party may Ii . under this Article in cases w here the wo i be obtained commercia lly under reasonable receivin g country .

EU Agreed Statement: It is understood tha reaso a e -n T'," account the needs and incomes of benefic iary per 0 i whether the works, in the particular accessible 0 ca distribution channels custo mary to beneficiary perso s i Furthermore, it is understood that this Article does 0 i should impose] any duty on the exporting autho tzed e ". y the work in the particu lar accessible format can be 0 ta i ed er terms for beneficiary persons in the receiving count or a ac ion the distribution or mak ing ava ilab le of the accessible persons.
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US Agreed Statement: It is understood tha the c . e "a a matter for national determination consis en ... international obligations. Furthermore, . is requ ires nor implies [that national law should i Authorized Entity to investigate whe her the 0 i e format can be obtained commercially in t e recei - _ ........' ,U pursuant to this paragraph shou ld no preve effecti e 2 for beneficiary persons.

[Swiss proposed agreed statement replaced footnote 8 to Article C(4).] African Group - Paragraph under Art icle 0 : Contracting Party/Member State requests a op such request shall const itute sufficient e . e commercially available in the importing co

Informal Proposal:

The Member State/Contracting Party may limit distribution and mak i g a ailab under this Article in cases where the work, in the particular accessible forma ca be obta ined commercially under reasonable terms [incl uding interoperability, . ~ and othe r terms] for beneficiary persons in the rece iving cou ntry as determined the Authorized Entity of such rece iving co untry. VVhenever an Authorized En . y i a Contracting Party/Member State requests a copy of an accessible format co such request sha ll [be presumed to be sufficient evidence] [creates a pres u ptio of sufficient evide nce] constitute suffi cient evide nce that th e pa icular accessib e format of the work req uested is not commercially a ailab le in he impo -ng cou for beneficiary persons [ca nnot be obta ined [com ercia lly] [Is no co ercia l ava ilable] under reasonable erms Dn e impo ng co untry] for be e ciary perso s in the rece iving co untry].


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