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Global classification of component failures: i) ii) iii) Electrical stress failures due improper handing Intrinsic failures due

technology Extrinsic failures due process, packaging and radiation

58 % of the failures are from electrical stress. Terrestrial cosmic rays significance source of errors in SRAMS & DRAMS. Majority of failure mechanisms depends on Temperature, High temperature and temperature cycling leads increase the failure rate. Traditional stuck- at model largely ignores the underlying physical effects. Stuck - at faults are poor descriptor of actual defects, notably in CMOS, Bcoz many defects tend to cause open faults, but it increases the test complexity. So that stuck at fault model is still popular fault model. Most times tests generated for SAF cover other faults also.

Typical electrical fault manifestations:

Contact problems Open circuit, High resistance of contact/line, Unstable contact Isolation problem Short-circuit, Low-resistance path Parametric faults Increased leakage currents, Threshold shifts, Change in current gain ,Increased power dissipation Dynamic faults Speed decrease Storage faults Bit flips

A circuit is highly testable if high test quality can be reached with low cost.
Controllability indicates how easily the system state can be controlled by the primary inputs (pins) of a circuit. Observability indicates how easily the system state can be observed at the primary outputs (pins) of a circuit.

Test Applied during product life: Factory test Startup test Cold start--A cold start is performed when the system is put into operation after a shutdown and possibly some period of inactivity. Warm start --A warm start is performed to initialize the system or part of it. Initialization may be necessary to reintegrate a computing node that has been halted after error detection. On-line test Periodic test --Normal system operation is interrupted regularly for short periods during which a test is per-formed. Concurrent test --Concurrent testing is based on additional information on the system operation that is checked by additional hardware actually in parallel to normal system operation. Maintenance test and diagnosis

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