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{United Teacher ce Volume XXXVIV, Number 8, April 17, 2009 State slashes adult education by 20% Ww STATE SLASHES ADULT EDUCATION By Mare Wutschike UTLA Director, Adult Education (omit rom page 8) LAUSD's adult education pro- Committe, proposed tthe District only a fraction of what UILA proposed School and communication coordinator spams facing more than $30 milion several costcutang meisures thet could be achieved though weal cuts to for UTLAs Adult and Occupational ineatsthanlstotheslatelegalature, would save millions of dollar the DACE bureaucracy. Education Committee. “They don’t whlch cu i foning by amet 2 witht impacing he caettom, To be generous, Is only a fist know where their paycheck will be Petco statewide in the Februnty Ed Mocs inferim DACE assisiant ep," Keyenring says of DACE's recent coming from. This happened all of Budge The leste ako paced superinendent. onthe other are, ntadven “tl the pci stl usern Sudden, and they couldnt save fort ult duction progsims on “Ther shite thebursen and impact ofthe 4 protect the DACE administrative Moreover, Carson explains, “Ihe teach- 3 prlocty,” which allows distsits cuts to the school sites, omiering that superstructure, The motivation is to ers are filled with anxiety from the lack ‘Bexibilty” to spend adult educe- principals implement te cuts. This Frovect administrative positions, not of conc jrmation and various on fide ny ay they want a2 manecingpogranslio.aid et matrealcis” sanoqoqto whom and Waa prog invitation o further decimate adult teacher hours rather than touching 1™P! wv ip Giant cena aaland bar Rae H _Kettescing points out the recent con- may’ be cut. There is a lack of direction oo Bloated cventy LAUSD sentante.’ Slidation of school administrators only fom Central Office, which is unable LAUSD Schoo! Boast “However, Marte” fas, since liminate postions of those who are to provide meaningfl information to embers have indicated that they sonouinced sore —ouratlass- "tiring anyway. UTLA's proposed site teachers.” do.not plan to divert any ofits adult room cuts that include eonsolidat- consolidations would have cut deeper Compounding teacher anxiety is that lucaton Tanding to balance the ing administration. at a few aduly in the burcascracy and saved an e- LALSD adult education teachers lack a Distict budge substan! cuts will eation school alles. Dorowing ated $10 milion phasis adminits- clea, rational and contcacruely gust have to be made fo LA, adult ed some ideas suggested by UTLA’ tive costs, money that could go for anteed seniority system. They get paid ‘which serve mone than Kettnng, Morris has recommend: instrction by the howe and how many hours a 2.00 stadents ‘putting alt ection admin Meanwhile, adult education teachess teacher works is dependent on pric IY UTLA mem: stators on B-basis rather than face the nsecrity oflosing theirjobs or pal whim for the most pat, Teachers ters are at odds with officials of Arba, ending a long tradition of substanial income, depending on how are understandably concerned that this the Distric’s Division of Adult and paying them woeks at a time when the ax falls. is how cuts to teacher hours may fall as ‘Career Education (DACE) sbout no school was in session. However, “Teachers aré freaking out.” says well leaving many with substantial pay how to implement the cuts Emest these proposals willsevethedivsion jie Carson, chapter chair at Kennedy~ decreases an lons of health benoit, or eae lentivestonpagere) 58" Fevoando Community Adult nojebatall,

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