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Listening Activity 2A: Skill Alertness, Perception Making and hearing sounds Objectives: Learn that objects and people make sound Learn that there are various types of sounds Encourage children to respond to verbal cues Learn that one hears sounds The teacher demonstrates the following activities and encourages the children as a group to model her actions. The teacher does not tell the children to clap their hands, snap their fingers, etc.; she merely encourages the children to do what she is doing. She may say something like this: We are going to play a (follow the leader) game. You must listen and watch me so that you can play the game too. I am going to make some sounds and I want you to make the same sounds that I make. Preface each new activity with listen. Do not be concerned if the children do not repeat the sound the exact number of times you do. The intention of this activity is to encourage the children to hear and reproduce sounds. Clap hands Tap finger on table Stamp on one foot Cough Listening Activity 2B: Skill Alertness, Discrimination, Perception Objects that make sounds have labels Objective: Learn labels for common objects and sounds they make Repeat activity in lesson # 1A, but instead of having students copy teacher, have them perform activity in response to verbal cues. To introduce the activity, the teacher claps her hands and says, How did I make that sound? The teacher/clinician encourages the children to use appropriate vocabulary. Review common actions, describing what was done to make the sounds, then repeat giving

verbal cues only and have the students respond. (This is a good activity for students who are second language learners). Sample sounds: Clap your hands Click tongue Stamp feet Pop lips Tap finger on table Whistle Snap fingers Sing Cough Hum Whisper

Listening Activity 2C: Skill - Alertness Making and hearing sounds Objectives: Learn that there are various types of sounds Encourage children to respond to verbal cues Learn that one hears sounds Have the children take turns being the leader. Each child has a turn to make a sound or say a word. Teacher and other children repeat what they heard. Variation: Divide the children into groups. Have each child in the group take turns being a leader while the others imitate. Rotate until everyone has a chance to be a leader.

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