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Test Preparation in general: *Website for the NCLEX is www.nclex.

com *Know your test domains age specifics, etc *Know concepts and apply know what and why you are doing something *Know how to prioritize ABC (airway, breathing circulation) , most appropriate or first *Look for modifiers always, absolute *Know what the question is asking for is it assess, plan, intervention, evaluation *Know drug classes: -pril = ACE -olol = beta blocker -floxacin = fluroquinolones -gestrol = progestins *Look at prefixes, suffixes of words you do not know *Therapeutic communication the nurse initial role is the that of acknowledgement and validation of the clients feelings. Do this before presenting information *Know format of a test question: Introduction, stem, answers *Know if the stem is asking for a positive response or a negative response (except, not, false) *Look for key words: best, first, initial, least, last, priority, most, immediate, primary *Know Maslows Hierchy of Needs *Remember when teaching, the client needs to be motivated to learn *Safety is the next priority after needs are met *Dont read any extra information into the scenario, go with your first thought out response *If stuck, ask, what is this question really asking *Cross off/eliminate any options that have information not contained in the test question or options that extend information from the question *If you are stuck, choose the most global answer rather than a specific answer *Look to see if three of the options sound similar, choose the fourth answer *Eliminate all or nothing responses always or never *If stuck choose the longest answer *Day of exam: sleep, eat light breakfast, light exercises, dont cram study a few notes night before, wear watch, wear layers, avoid stimulants. Pace yourself, positive talk to yourself *If all answers are correct, answer the one that is the most specific or essential to the question *Know math conversions kg to lbs * Do not panic when you have a question you do not know you will not know all of the right answers. Use good strategies to answer *Picture yourself doing well positive self talk

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