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Volume worksheet #1 WIDTH HEIGHT LENGTH 1. The sides of this cube are 4 cm in length, 4 cm in height, and 4 cm wide.

What is the volume of this cube? A. 12 cm3 B. 16 cm3 C. 64cm3 A. none of these


2. 3 A. B. C. D.

The volume of this box is ___. m X 2 cm X 4 cm) 10 cm3 _ 15 cm3 24 cm3 20 cm3

3. Jose is building a composting box, as illustrated. What is the volume of his compost box?


4. Mr. Smith needs a storage room. This illustration shows the size he is planning to build this room. What is the volume of the room?

5. Mr. Lintz is building a childs swimming pool for his grandchildren. This pool will be four feet deep. It will be ten feet in length. And it is twelve feet wide. What is the Volume of this pool in cubic feet? _______

6. What is the volume of this rectangular prism? It is 6 feet wide, 10 feet long, and 4 feet high.

7. The walk-in cooler at the market is 8 feet high, 6 feet wide, and 10 feet long. What is the volume of this cooler?

8. A rectangular prism made of 1-centimeter cubes is shown below. What is the volume of this rectangular prism? A. 4 cm 3 B. 9 cm 3 C. 10 cm 3 D. 20 cm 3

9. What is the volume of this rectangular prism? A. 240 cubic units B. 110 cubic units C. 83 cubic units D. J 54 cubic units

10. What is the volume of this rectangular prism?(show your work)

11. What is the volume of this rectangular prism?(show your work)

12. What is the volume of this rectangular prism?(show your work)

13. What is the volume of this rectangular prism?(show your work)

14. Look at the figure below made up of 1-unit cubes.

What is the volume of the figure? A 16 cubic units B 40 cubic units C 80 cubic units D 160 cubic units 15. What is the volume of this solid?

A. 450 m3

B. 22 m3

C. 350 m3

D. 359 m2

16. What is the volume of this cube? It is 3 cm high.


17. What is the volume of this cube? It is 35cm wide. (Width)

18. What is the volume of this solid? It is 3.5 cm long. Length

A. 10.5 cm3

B. 12.15 cm3

C. 42.875 cm3

D. none of these.

19. What is the volume of this rectangular prism? It is 2 meters in height, 4 meters in width, and 16 meters long. (Show your work)

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