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Prof. B.S. Thandaveswara

3.1 Continuity equation

Continuity equation represents the law of conservation of mass. In general for unsteady flow the continuity equation is (Mass flow rate into the system) - (Mass flow rate out of the system) = Rate of change of storage. For steady state condition (Mass flow rate into the system) - (Mass flow rate out of the system) = 0. Example: Inflow: The flow that is coming into a system or an elemental volume such as rainfall in y direction, flow entering into the river or a channel. Outflow: The flow escaping from the system such as evaporation, seepage, water released from a system.
Inflow y



x Outflow Elemental volume

Generally, the mass balance is written in all the three directions namely x, y and z.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Prof. B.S. Thandaveswara

u v w + + =0 x x x in which u, v and w are the velocity components in x, y, z directions respectively,

is the mass density of the fluid. If the mass density is cons tan t the above
equation can be rewritten as u v w + + =0 x x x If v=0, w=0 i.e., for one dim ensional flow it reduces to u =0 x Mass density = Mass Volume

u *elemental area = constant x Integrating one gets UA = constant Volume rate could be exp ressed as m3 / s. This is generally known as flow rate or discharge ( Q ) and expressed as cubic meter / second and is abbreviated as cumec (m3 / s). Q = Area * Velocity = AV

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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