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Partnerships Planning Matrix

Billy has difficulty catching onto phonics and letter to sound comprehension Has a limited vocabulary and understanding words Unable to communicate meaning of texts

Restricted Interests Repetitive Behaviours

Billy seems to zone out or daydream He has difficulty maintaining attention, loses track of time and seems hyper Repeats words often when reading Tends to lose his place when reading

Sensory Processing

Information process & Learning styles

Billy has particular difficulty with unfamiliar types of language such as word associations, synonyms and antonyms He is unable to process the meaning of the text and fluently follow the story



Billy does not participate in reading activities Struggles to make sense of text Unable to identify the sounds that match each letter Unable to make sense of what he is reading


Practice learning the different sounds that common letters make Create a classroom sound wall for students to reference

Billys comprehension skills are limited He is unable to communicate the texts meaning or comprehend what he has read Seems to have difficulty with seeing the letters (though eye exams have not revealed a problem) Billy distracts other students Billy is unable to understand when he is unable to the written text and concentrate therefore cannot complete the relevant activities about The lesson then becomes the text more about disciplining Billy He becomes bored and and trying to help him concentrate than learning irritable due to not being involved and engaged in the Billy becomes the class task clown and reverts to making the class laugh to Billy distracts other students hide his insecurities as he becomes disengaged in the activity Is unable to meet learning outcomes required and there is a delay in showing indicators of learning Actively involve Billy in Create a structured reading literacy lessons eg: allow schedule which involves them to turn the pages of repetition and introduces big books, clicking next on new words slowly the interactive whiteboard Do not ask the student to Encourage accidental read aloud to the whole

Billy is unable to process the meaning and use of synonym and antonyms He is not understanding and processing the meanings and use of these words and able to connect them with the text.

Create word walls around the classroom that show two words that are different that have the same meaning for Billy to refer to during literacy lessons.

Teach Billy to use decoding strategies like: o Chunky Monkey: looking for chunks of words they already know. o Use the pictures: matching picture to help read text. o Skip the word: read the rest of the sentence, then come back and try again.

learning by ensuring Billy stays within the class room and engaged Create more opportunities for students to engage and use ICT programs in literacy groups Maintain a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students

class (if they must, allow the student to pre-read the text beforehand) Place student in mixed ability groups to allow them hear all students points of view Pre-record a text onto a C for Billy to read along with (also a homework task) with questions at end to encourage comprehension of the text

Help Billy develop his own personal vocabulary book which he can add new words he has found during his literacy groups and homework readings Work on helping Billy understand the meanings of words to build his knowledge.

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